path: root/support/relabel/relabelmac.pas
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/relabel/relabelmac.pas
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/relabel/relabelmac.pas')
1 files changed, 503 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/relabel/relabelmac.pas b/support/relabel/relabelmac.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5b671181e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/relabel/relabelmac.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+PROGRAM relabelmac; {For Turbo Pascal for Macintosh.}
+{Peter Ungar, 914 723 7187, June 7, 1994; Mar. 5th, Mar. 31th 1995}
+{Change of Mar. 5, 1995: In case of a reference to a nonexistent label,
+RELABEL is supposed to print out the nonexistent label. Before this
+correction this failed to work in most cases.
+Change of Mar. 31: The messages to input the numbers of the first
+chapter and the first section were changed. The old messages said -1 was
+allowed, but RELABEL is programmed to regard the symbol - as
+not part of a label.
+ Also, the error message for nonexistent labels was made clearer.}
+LABEL 1,3,8,9;
+TYPE stringarray=array[1..6] of string[12];
+ (* LaTeX calls the identifier "label" when it occurs next to
+ the item, and "reference" elsewhere. I apologize for not having
+ observed this distinction. I should have used "identifier" for
+ an occurrence of a string which could be a label or a reference,
+ but for the most part I called it a label. In text written
+ for RELABEL, as in typeset books, labels and references
+ are not marked as such by the author. RELABEL regards the first
+ occurrence of an identifier as the label, unless it is marked as a
+ forward reference.
+ The program makes two passes over the text. The first
+ involves reading only. The program takes down each label at its
+ first nonforward occurrence and assigns to it the next
+ available serial number. These pairs of old and new labels are
+ stored in the labelentry file. Next, the text is read again and
+ written out to a new file, with each label changed to its new
+ value.
+ Stringarrays will hold labels, including those parts of the label
+ which are implicit, i.e. if we omit the chapter label or the
+ chapter and section label or the chapter, section and subsection
+ label when those are the current ones.
+ The entries of the stringarray are:
+ a) If SectionReset=TRUE: chapterlabel, sectionlabel,
+ subsection label and the identifier of the object of the label.
+ If the item does not apply, e.g. if we are not in a subsection,
+ the corresponding entry is the empty string '';
+ b) If SectionReset=FALSE, i.e. sections are numbered
+ consecutively, then chapter numbers are not needed in labels and
+ the first entry of the string array is empty except in the
+ label of a chapter. *)
+ (* We use the following pointer construction to get around the fact
+ that Turbo Pascal allots a space of only 32K to
+ all regularly declared variables, but can utilize memory outside
+ that limited space for variables created by NEW statements. *)
+ labelentry=RECORD oldlabel:stringarray;
+ newlabel:array[1..4] of integer;
+ secondpassoccurred:boolean;
+ END;
+ labelentryp=^labelentry;
+ sublistp=array[-1..2000] of labelentryp;
+ mainlistp=^sublistp;
+ (* Oldlabel is a stringarray. The labels in the old text may
+ contain lowercase letters as well as digits.
+ Newlabel is represented by an array of integers, the
+ chapter number etc. This will be made into a string when there is
+ a reference to the label.*)
+ VAR i,j,k,n,implicit,ImplAdj,SerialNo,
+ FirstChapter,FirstSection,LabelKind:integer;
+ (* ImplAdj (ImplicitAdjustment) is 0 if section numbers are reset
+ at the beginning of each chapter and 1 if they are not, and
+ hence chapter numbers are not needed in labels other than chapter
+ labels.
+ SerialNo will hold the serial number of the first occurrence
+ of a label in the array holding all labels of its kind.
+ FirstChapter, FirstSection are the numbers to be assigned to the
+ first chapter and the first section of the file. RELABEL asks an
+ input of this when the program starts, in case you want 0, 1 or
+ larger numbers if the file is from the middle of a manuscript. *)
+ totalcount, currentcount:array[0..9] of integer;
+ (* countstarts gives where the numbering of chapters, sections
+ subsections and other labeled items begins; the program sets
+ the last two equal to 1. *)
+ s,filename,outputfilename, filenameend:string;
+ labelstring:string[51];
+ sta,empty,current:stringarray;
+ (* totalcount will say how many labels of the 10 kinds we have
+ so far. currentcount gives the counts of the 10 kinds since they
+ were last reset.
+ current contains the current chapterlabel, section
+ label and subsection label. *)
+ mainlist:array[0..9] of mainlistp;
+ SectionReset,ForwardRef, LabeltagsInOutput, omit,
+ PeriodFollows, FirstChapterLabel, FirstSectionLabel: boolean;
+(* Sectionreset: Each chapter starts with section 1.*)
+ incoming, outgoing:text;
+ c,ans:char;
+FUNCTION min(i,j:integer):integer;
+ IF i<j THEN min:=i ELSE min:=j
+FUNCTION max(i,j:integer):integer;
+ IF i<j THEN max:=j ELSE max:=i
+PROCEDURE IntToStr(a:integer; VAR s:string);
+ (*Writes a as a string s*)
+ LABEL 9;
+ VAR d:integer;
+ s:='';
+ IF a<0 THEN BEGIN s:='-'; a:=-a END;
+ IF a=0 THEN BEGIN s:='0'; GOTO 9 END;
+ d:=10000;
+ WHILE (a DIV d)=0 DO d:=d DIV 10;
+ WHILE d>0 DO BEGIN s:=s+chr(48+(a DIV d)); a:= a MOD d; d:=d DIV 10 END;
+ 9:END;
+ FUNCTION labelsymbol(c:char):boolean;
+(* TRUE if c is a symbol allowed in a label, i.e. a digit or
+ a lowercase letter. *)
+ VAR x:integer;
+ BEGIN x:=ord(c);
+ labelsymbol:=(((48<=x) AND (x<=57)) OR ((97<=x) AND (x<=122))
+ OR ((65<=x) AND (x<=90)))
+ END;
+ PROCEDURE ReadLabel(VAR star:stringarray; VAR c:char);
+ (* Reads the components of a label from the incoming stream and
+ puts its components into the stringarray star, including
+ the implicit items. If section numbers are not reset in each
+ chapter (2 levels of test units) then the empty string is put in
+ the chapter designator location star[1] except in the case of
+ chapter labels. *)
+ LABEL 2,5,9;
+ VAR i,implicit:integer; str:string[12];
+ k:=0; star:=empty; PeriodFollows:=FALSE;
+ (* k will count the number of parts separated by .'s in the label. *)
+ 2: str:='';
+ WHILE labelsymbol(c) DO BEGIN
+ str:=str+c;
+ read(incoming,c);
+ END;
+ k:=k+1; star[k+ImplAdj]:=str;
+ (* Another part of the label is coming, or there is a . after
+ the label. *)
+ read(incoming,c);
+ IF labelsymbol(c) THEN GOTO 2
+ ELSE PeriodFollows:=TRUE;
+ END;
+ (* Now we have all k items of the label in the stringarray star.
+ We want the program to work so that, if desired, the chapter, section
+ and subsection labels may be omitted and then they are understood to
+ refer to the current chapter, section or subsection.
+ We reconstruct the omitted parts of the label. We assemble it
+ in star and then if it is a new label we put it into the mainlist.
+ If the number of levels is 3, then the
+ components of star are: Chapter label, Section label, Subsection
+ label and item label. If any of these are missing or not applicable,
+ the corresponding label is ''. A subsection label is missing
+ if the section is not divided into subsections. A subsection
+ label is inapplicable if the label is a chapter or section label.
+ If the number of levels is 2, (ImplAdj=1) then a label of
+ anything except a chapter is complete without the chapter label,
+ and star[1]:='' for all such items. *)
+ IF (LabelKind > 1) AND ((k+ImplAdj) > min(LabelKind, 4)) THEN BEGIN
+ writeln('Found a label with too many parts. If you have 2 levels,');
+ writeln('only a chapter label should contain a chapter identifier.');
+ GOTO 5;
+ END;
+ IF ((LabelKind=0) AND (k>1)) THEN BEGIN
+ writeln(' An at-large item label with more than one part: ');
+5: write('LabelKind: ',Labelkind,' Label: ');
+ FOR i:=1+ImplAdj TO k+ImplAdj-1 DO write(sta[i],'.');
+ writeln(sta[k+ImplAdj]);
+ writeln('Continue? y or n '); readln(ans);
+ IF ans='n' THEN BEGIN close(incoming); halt END;
+ END; (* Of error handling. *)
+ IF LabelKind=0 THEN BEGIN
+ star[4]:=star[1+ImplAdj]; star[1+ImplAdj]:='';
+ END;
+ IF LabelKind=1 THEN BEGIN
+ star[1]:=star[1+ImplAdj]; star[2]:='';GOTO 9 END;
+ IF (2<=LabelKind) AND (LabelKind<=3) THEN BEGIN
+ implicit:=LabelKind-k-ImplAdj;
+ IF implicit>0 THEN BEGIN
+ FOR i:=LabelKind DOWNTO implicit+1 DO star[i]:=star[i-implicit];
+ FOR i:=1+ImplAdj TO implicit+ImplAdj DO star[i]:=current[i];
+ END;
+ END;
+ IF (labelkind >= 4) THEN BEGIN
+ IF k+ImplAdj<4 THEN BEGIN
+ star[4]:=star[k+ImplAdj]; star[k+ImplAdj]:='' END;
+ IF k=1 THEN FOR i:=1+ImplAdj to 3 DO star[i]:=current[i];
+ (*This must be a label of an item in the current text unit.*)
+ END;
+9:END; (* of procedure readlabel. Note that c is the first symbol after
+ the label at this stage, or the first symbol after the period
+ if there was a period immediately after the label. *)
+ FUNCTION InList(st:StringArray;VAR SerialNo:integer):boolean;
+ (* TRUE if the label st is already in the mainlist.
+ This function is also used to compute the index SerialNo of
+ the label in the array of that LabelKind*)
+ LABEL 9;
+ VAR i:integer; bool:boolean;
+ IF totalcount[LabelKind]=0 THEN InList:=FALSE
+ ELSE FOR i:=totalcount[LabelKind] DOWNTO 1 DO
+ bool:=TRUE;
+ WITH mainlist[LabelKind]^[i]^ DO
+ FOR j:=1 TO 4 DO bool:=bool AND (oldlabel[j]=st[j]);
+ InList:=TRUE;
+ SerialNo:=i;
+ (* mainlist[LabelKind]^[SerialNo] is the record where this
+ label and the new label which is to replace it can be found.*)
+ END;
+ InList:=FALSE; (* The label is not in mainlist. *)
+ PROCEDURE AddToList(sta:stringarray);
+(* We have a new label which is not a forward reference. Add it to mainlist*)
+ VAR i:integer;
+ totalcount[LabelKind]:=totalcount[LabelKind]+1;
+ currentcount[LabelKind]:=currentcount[LabelKind]+1;
+ (* If the new label is a chapter, section or subsection label then
+ the counts of subordinate items have to be reset.*)
+ IF (0<LabelKind) AND (LabelKind<=3) THEN BEGIN
+ current[labelkind]:=sta[labelkind];
+ FOR i:=max(labelkind+1,ImplAdj+2) TO 9 DO BEGIN
+ currentcount[i]:=0; current[i]:='';
+ END;
+ IF (FirstChapterLabel AND (labelkind=1)) THEN BEGIN
+ CurrentCount[1]:=FirstChapter; FirstChapterLabel:=False
+ END;
+ IF (FirstSectionLabel AND (labelkind=2)) THEN BEGIN
+ CurrentCount[2]:=FirstSection; FirstSectionLabel:=False
+ END;
+ END; (* of adjusting the label counts and the array of current chapter,
+ section and subsection to account for the new label.
+ Next add a new blank record where we will put the label we just found,
+ and the label which will replace it. *)
+ new(mainlist[LabelKind]^[totalcount[LabelKind]]);
+ WITH mainlist[LabelKind]^[totalcount[LabelKind]]^ DO BEGIN
+ oldlabel:=sta;
+ FOR i:=1 to 4 DO newlabel[i]:=0;
+ IF LabelKind=0 THEN newlabel[4]:= currentcount[0];
+ IF LabelKind=1 THEN newlabel[1]:=currentcount[1];
+ IF LabelKind>=2 THEN
+ FOR i:=1+ImplAdj TO min(3,LabelKind) DO newlabel[i]:=currentcount[i];
+ IF LabelKind>=4 THEN newlabel[4]:=currentcount[labelkind];
+ (* Newlabel[1] is 0 if sections are numbered
+ consecutively and chapter numbers occur only in chapter labels.*)
+ SecondPassOccurred:=FALSE;
+ END; (* of preparing new mainlist entry *)
+ END; (* of processing the new label *)
+ PROCEDURE MakeNewLabelstring(VAR newlabelstring:string;
+ labelkind,SerialNo:integer);
+ LABEL 9;
+ VAR j:integer;s:string;
+ InUnitRef:boolean;
+ WITH mainlist[LabelKind]^[SerialNo]^ DO
+ newlabelstring:='';
+ IF LabelKind=0 THEN
+ BEGIN IntToStr(newlabel[4],newlabelstring);
+ GOTO 9 END; (* Of LabelKind=0 (at large label) case *)
+ IF LabelKind=1 THEN
+ BEGIN IntToStr(newlabel[1],newlabelstring);
+ GOTO 9 END; (* Of LabelKind=1 (i.e. chapterlabel) case *)
+ IF omit AND (LabelKind>3) THEN BEGIN
+ (* Find whether the reference is to the current unit of the text.*)
+ InUnitRef:=TRUE;
+ FOR j:=1+ImplAdj TO 3 DO
+ InUnitRef:=InUnitRef AND (newlabel[j]=currentcount[j]);
+ IntToStr(newlabel[4],newlabelstring); GOTO 9 END;
+ END; (* Of making label without chapter,section and subsection
+ number. Note we exit to 9 only if such a label has been made. *)
+ FOR j:=1+ImplAdj TO min(LabelKind,4) DO
+ IF OldLabel[j] <> '' THEN BEGIN
+ IntToStr(newlabel[j],s);
+ IF newlabelstring='' THEN newlabelstring:=s
+ ELSE newlabelstring:=newlabelstring+'.'+s;
+ END;
+ END; (* of WITH statement *)
+ FUNCTION LabelTag(LabelKind:integer):char; (* For error message.*)
+ CASE LabelKind OF
+ 0: LabelTag:= ''; {Option a, At large item ASCII 140}
+ 1: LabelTag:= ''; {Option c, Chapter ASCII 141}
+ 2: LabelTag:= ''; {Option s, Section ASCII 167}
+ 3: LabelTag:= ''; {Option b, suBsection ASCII 186}
+ 4: LabelTag:= ''; {Option g, fiGure ASCII 169}
+ 5: LabelTag:= ''; {Option f, Formula ASCII 196}
+ 6: LabelTag:= ''; {Option p, Problem ASCII 185}
+ 7: LabelTag:= ''; {Option d, Definition ASCII 182}
+ 8: LabelTag:= ''; {Option t, Theorem ASCII 160}
+ 9: LabelTag:= ''; {Option l, Lemma ASCII 194}
+ (* In the IBM-compatible version of RELABEL different label tags are used.
+ Their ASCII numbers are 227, 228, 229, 221, 222,..., 226 *)
+ END;
+ END; (* Main program begins here.*)
+1: FOR i:=1 TO 4 DO empty[i]:=''; current:=empty;
+ writeln('File to be renumbered. If it is not in the same folder as RENUMBER');
+ writeln('then give path name, e.g. HardDisk:Calculus Book Folder:Ch3 ');
+ readln(filename);
+ writeln('Do you have a 2 level (Section, possibly subsection) or');
+ writeln('3 level (Chapter, section, subsection) hierarchy of text units?');
+ write('Input 2 or 3 ');
+ readln(i); SectionReset:= i=3; ImplAdj:=3-i;
+ (*ImplAdj (Implicit Adjustment) = 1 if chapter numbers are superfluous
+ in labels, 0 otherwise.*)
+ writeln('Do you want the chapter, section and subsection numbers');
+ writeln('in the new file if they are all the current ones (y or n) ');
+ writeln('(Chapter numbers are included only if you have 3 levels)');
+ readln(ans); omit:=ans='n';
+ writeln('Do you want the label tags to remain in the output? y or n: ');
+ readln(ans); LabeltagsInOutput:=ans='y';
+ IF labeltagsinoutput THEN filenameend:='R' ELSE filenameend:='T';
+ FOR i:=0 TO 9 DO currentcount[i]:=0;
+ TotalCount:=CurrentCount;
+ writeln('Input the number >= 0 you want for the first chapter');
+ readln(FirstChapter);
+ currentcount[1]:=FirstChapter-1; FirstChapterLabel:=TRUE;
+ writeln('Input the number >= 0 you want for the first section');
+ readln(FirstSection);
+ currentcount[2]:=FirstSection-1; FirstSectionLabel:=TRUE;
+ writeln('I will beep when ready');
+ (* Next create the arrays for storing the various types of labels. *)
+ FOR i:=0 TO 9 DO new(mainlist[i]);
+ Reset(incoming,filename{,50000}); (* Use large buffer to spare disk drive *)
+ read(incoming, c);
+ WHILE eof(incoming)=FALSE DO
+ IF ord(c) > 128 THEN BEGIN
+ '': LabelKind:=0;
+ '': LabelKind:=1;
+ '': LabelKind:=2;
+ '': LabelKind:=3;
+ '': LabelKind:=4;
+ '': LabelKind:=5;
+ '': LabelKind:=6;
+ '': LabelKind:=7;
+ '': LabelKind:=8;
+ '': LabelKind:=9;
+ OTHERWISE (* In case the file comes from MS-DOS user of RELABEL *)
+ IF ((227 <= ord(c)) AND (ord(c)<= 229))
+ THEN LabelKind:= ord(c)-226
+ ELSE IF ((221 <= ord(c)) AND (ord(c)<= 226))
+ THEN LabelKind:= ord(c)-217
+ ELSE IF ord(c)=220 THEN LabelKind:=0
+ END;
+ read(incoming, c);
+ IF (c<>'') THEN readlabel(sta,c) ELSE GOTO 8;
+ (* Do readlabel and the work below only if this is not
+ labeled to be a reference.
+ Next, we check if this is a repeat occurrence of a label.
+ If not, enter in the list of labels and increase the count
+ of labels of the kind we found.*)
+ IF NOT InList(sta,SerialNo) THEN AddToList(sta);
+ END; (* of processing a label *)
+ 8:read(incoming,c)
+ END; (* of loop which reads characters of the file *)
+ writeln('First pass completed. I am starting to write the new file.');
+ Reset(incoming);
+ outputfilename:=filename+filenameend;
+ (*If we choose to retain the tags of the labels in the renumbered
+ file then its name is original file name with R appended,
+ if the tags are stripped from the labels, S is appended.*)
+ TextCreator:='*TEX';
+ Rewrite(outgoing,outputfilename{,50000});
+ (* Use large buffers to avoid frequent disk operation *)
+ current:=empty;
+ FOR i:=0 TO 9 DO currentcount[i]:=0;
+ currentcount[1]:=FirstChapter-1;
+ currentcount[2]:=FirstSection-1;
+ (* We need to redo current to be able to restore the implicit
+ parts of the labels as we encounter them on the second pass. *)
+ WHILE eof(incoming)=FALSE DO
+ IF ord(c) >=128 THEN BEGIN (* A label may begin here. *)
+ (* Check for and convert MS-DOS label tags *)
+ IF ord(c)=220 THEN BEGIN LabelKind:=0; c:=labeltag(0) END;
+ IF ((227 <= ord(c)) AND (ord(c)<= 229)) THEN BEGIN
+ LabelKind:= ord(c)-226; c:=labeltag(labelkind) END;
+ IF ((221 <= ord(c)) AND (ord(c)<= 226)) THEN BEGIN
+ LabelKind:= ord(c)-217; c:=labeltag(labelkind) END; {Of DOS conv.}
+ ForwardRef:=FALSE;
+ '': LabelKind:=0;
+ '': LabelKind:=1;
+ '': LabelKind:=2;
+ '': LabelKind:=3;
+ '': LabelKind:=4;
+ '': LabelKind:=5;
+ '': LabelKind:=6;
+ '': LabelKind:=7;
+ '': LabelKind:=8;
+ '': LabelKind:=9
+ OTHERWISE BEGIN (*The symbol is not a labelkind indicator*)
+ write(outgoing,c); GOTO 3;
+ END;
+ END; (* of CASEs. We did not GOTO 3, c is a labeltag. *)
+ IF LabeltagsInOutput THEN write(outgoing,c);
+ read(incoming,c);
+ IF c=chr(222) THEN c:='';
+ ForwardRef:=TRUE;
+ IF LabeltagsInOutput THEN write(outgoing,c);
+ read(incoming,c)
+ END;
+ readlabel(sta,c);
+ IF NOT(InList(sta,SerialNo)) THEN BEGIN
+ write('LabelKind: ',Labelkind,' Label in full form: ');
+ FOR i:=1+ImplAdj TO min(LabelKind-1, 3) DO
+ IF sta[i] <> '' THEN write(sta[i],'.');
+ IF ((LabelKind = 0) OR (LabelKind > 3)) THEN writeln(sta[4])
+ ELSE writeln(sta[LabelKind]);
+ writeln('Continue (with ??? in this reference)? y or n ');
+ readln(ans);
+ IF ans='n' THEN BEGIN close(incoming); close(outgoing); halt END;
+ write(outgoing,'???'); GOTO 9;
+ END; (* Of message and output, we had a reference to unknown label.*)
+ WITH mainlist[labelkind]^[SerialNo]^ DO BEGIN
+ IF (NOT secondpassoccurred)THEN BEGIN
+ IF (0<LabelKind) AND (labelkind<4) THEN BEGIN
+ currentcount[labelkind]:=currentcount[labelkind]+1;
+ (* This is not a reference but the label of a new *)
+ (* subdivision. Adjust current subdiv.*)
+ current[labelkind]:=oldlabel[labelkind];
+ IF (currentcount[1]>FirstChapter)
+ OR (currentcount[2]>FirstSection) THEN BEGIN
+ FOR i:=max(labelkind+1,ImplAdj+2) TO 3 DO BEGIN
+ current[i]:=''; currentcount[i]:=0;
+ END;
+ END;
+ END; (* Of dealing with the label of a new heading. *)
+ secondpassoccurred:=TRUE;
+ ELSE IF LabeltagsInOutput THEN write(outgoing,'');
+ (* We have a reference.*)
+ END; (* Of WITH mainlist...*)
+ END; (* Of NOT ForwardRef *)
+ (* Now we are ready to get the new label and convert it to a
+ string. This can not be done once for all since the string
+ may be shorter in a reference to the item from within
+ the same subunit. Doing the job from scratch each time just
+ because we may need one or the other of two expressions
+ is admittedly inelegant but seldom are there many references
+ to one item. *)
+ MakeNewLabelstring(s,LabelKind, SerialNo);
+ write(outgoing,s);
+9: IF PeriodFollows THEN write(outgoing,'.');
+ END (* of assembling and writing the new label. *)
+ ELSE BEGIN (* ord(c)<128, certainly not a labelkind symbol*)
+ write(outgoing,c);
+ read(incoming,c);
+ END; (* of IF ord(c)>=128..ELSE statement. *)
+ END; (* Return to the beginning of the WHILE eof(incoming)=FALSE cycle *)
+ write(outgoing,c); (* write the last symbol of the file *)
+ close(outgoing);close(incoming);
+ writeln(chr(7),'"',outputfilename,'"', 'written on disk.');
+ FOR i:=0 TO 9 DO dispose(mainlist[i]);
+ write('Relabel another file? (y or n)');
+ readln(c); IF c='y' THEN GOTO 1;
+ END.