path: root/support/pstools/cep/uncep.awk
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/pstools/cep/uncep.awk
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/pstools/cep/uncep.awk')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/pstools/cep/uncep.awk b/support/pstools/cep/uncep.awk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9f79995ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/pstools/cep/uncep.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# This file belongs to the CEP package | Ten plik nale/zy do pakietu CEP
+# This package is public domain | Pakiet stanowi dobro powszechne
+# For more info see `0CEP_LIC.ENG' | Wi/ecej informacji w ,,0CEP_LIC.POL''
+# ===========================================================================
+# E: "CEP filtered EPS" --> "EPS" converter
+# input - input file name
+# OUTF - output file name
+# TMPSX - temporary PostScript file name
+# P: Konwerter "CEP filtered EPS" --> "EPS"
+# wej/scie - nazwa pliku konwertowanego
+# OUTF - nazwa pliku wyj/sciowego
+# TMPSX - nazwa tymczasowego pliku PostScriptowego
+BEGIN {# preparing temporary files | przygotowywanie plik/ow tymczasowych
+ ver_no=1.03
+ gs_abort="2 2 .quit"
+ chop_EOD=1
+ if (TMPSX=="") TMPSX="tmp.psx"
+ flag="begin"
+ # check carefully whether the file to be processed was created by CEP
+ # sprawd/xmy staranne czy mamy do czynienia z plikiem stworzonym przez CEP-a
+{l=$0 "\n"} # l is a candidate for a prolog line
+flag~"begin" && /^%%Creator: CEP/ {flag="cep"; l=""} # ignore CEP comment
+flag~"cep" && /^%UNCEPInfo:/ && NF==5 {
+ # store CEP data, ignore CEP comment
+ pre_lines=0+$2; buff_num=0+$3; buff_len=0+$4; pos_lines=0+$5
+ flag="uncep"; l=""
+flag~"uncep" && /^\/_fltrd_file currentfile .+ \/_read_string .+ def$/ {
+ # store CEP decoding scheme, ignore CEP line
+ decodeline=$0; flag="good"; l=""
+{prolog=prolog l} # lengthen prolog
+flag!~"uncep|good" && /^[^%]/ {exit} # emergency exit (CEP comment not found
+ # in DSC comment block)
+flag~"uncep|good" && NR==pre_lines {exit} # exit after prolog
+END {
+ # error handling | obs/luga b/l/ed/ow
+ if (flag!~"good") errmessage("not a CEP file",1)
+ if (!is_A85() && !is_HEX())
+ errmessage("CEP file was modified (strange coding), can't uncompress",4)
+ printf "UNCEP ver. " ver_no ", decoding:"
+ if (is_A85()) printf " A85"
+ if (is_HEX()) printf " Hex"
+ if (is_LZW()) printf ", LZW"
+ if (is_RLE()) printf ", RLE"
+ if (is_ZIP()) printf ", Flate"
+ print ""
+ # restore preamble of EPS file
+ # odtworzenie preambu/ly pliku EPS
+ if (gsub(/_fltrd_file/,"currentfile",prolog)==0)
+ errmessage("CEP file was modified, can't uncompress",4)
+ if (gsub(/_read_string/,"readhexstring",prolog)==0)
+ errmessage("CEP file was modified, can't uncompress",4)
+ gsub(/%/,"%%",prolog) # neutralizing printf | podmiana dla printf
+ out_ps("(" ps_fname(OUTF) ") (w) file /w_file exch def")
+ out_ps("(" ps_fname(FILENAME) ") (r) file /r_file exch def")
+ out_ps("/l_string 255 string def")
+ out_ps("/p_string 4096 string def")
+ out_ps("/b_string " buff_len " string def")
+ out_ps("/flushclose {dup flushfile closefile} def")
+ # copy preamble | przepisywanie preambu/ly
+ out_ps(pre_lines " {r_file l_string readline pop pop} repeat")
+ out_ps(pre_lines-3 " {currentfile l_string readline pop")
+ out_ps("w_file exch writestring w_file (\\n) writestring} repeat")
+ out_ps_block(prolog)
+ out_ps("%--- PROLOG END | KONIEC PROLOGU")
+ # prepare decoding | przygotowywanie filtr/ow dekoduj/acych
+ if (is_A85()) out_ps("r_file /ASCII85Decode filter")
+ if (is_HEX()) out_ps("r_file /ASCIIHexDecode filter")
+ if (is_LZW()) out_ps("dup /LZWDecode filter")
+ if (is_RLE()) out_ps("dup /RunLengthDecode filter")
+ if (is_ZIP()) out_ps("dup /FlateDecode filter")
+ out_ps("/d_file exch def")
+ if (chop_EOD) {# remove EOD mark
+ out_ps("{not {dup length 1 sub 0 exch getinterval} if")
+ out_ps(" w_file exch writestring p_string}")
+ } else out_ps("w_file")
+ out_ps("/ASCIIHexEncode filter")
+ # loop decoding the EPS file | p/etla dekoduj/aca plik EPS
+ out_ps(buff_num " {dup d_file b_string")
+ out_ps(" readstring pop writestring} repeat")
+ out_ps("flushclose d_file closefile")
+ if (is_LZW() || is_RLE() || is_ZIP()) out_ps("closefile")
+ # copy postamble | przepisanie postambu/ly
+ out_ps(pos_lines+1 " {r_file l_string readline pop")
+ out_ps("w_file exch writestring w_file (\\n) writestring} repeat")
+ out_ps("w_file flushclose r_file closefile quit")
+ printf "."
+function ps_fname(s) {gsub(/\\/,"/",s); return(s)}
+function out_ps(s) {print s > TMPSX}
+function out_ps_block(block) {printf block > TMPSX}
+function out_ps_errorhandler() {
+ out_ps("/errq {" gs_abort "} def")
+ out_ps("errordict begin ")
+ out_ps("/ioerror {(\\010!Input/Output error occurred. (Disk full?)\\n\\007)")
+ out_ps(" print errq} def")
+ out_ps("/handleerror {$error begin (Something went wrong) print")
+ out_ps(" (\\n Error: ) print errorname 255 string cvs print")
+ out_ps(" (\\n\\007) print end errq} def")
+ out_ps("end")
+ #
+ out_ps("systemdict /resourcestatus known not")
+ out_ps("{(\\010!This version of Ghostscript doesn't support required Level 2 features\\n\\007)")
+ out_ps(" print quit} if")
+ if (is_A85()) check_filter("ASCII85Decode", "ASCII85Decode filter")
+ if (is_HEX()) check_filter("ASCIIHexDecode", "ASCIIHexDecode filter")
+ if (is_LZW()) check_filter("LZWDecode", "LZWDecode filter")
+ if (is_RLE()) check_filter("RunLengthDecode", "RunLengthDecode filter")
+ if (is_ZIP()) check_filter("FlateDecode", "FlateDecode filter")
+ function check_filter(name, expl) {
+ out_ps("/" name " /Filter resourcestatus {pop pop}")
+ out_ps("{(\\010!This version of Ghostscript doesn't support " expl "\\n\\007)")
+ out_ps(" print errq} ifelse")
+ }
+function errmessage(errname, errnum) {
+ print "UNCEP ERROR:", errname "\007"; exit(errnum)
+ # determine file decoding method | ustalanie sposobu dekodowania pliku
+function is_A85() {return (decodeline~/\/ASCII85Decode/)}
+function is_HEX() {return (decodeline~/\/ASCIIHexDecode/)}
+function is_LZW() {return (decodeline~/\/LZWDecode/)}
+function is_RLE() {return (decodeline~/\/RunLengthDecode/)}
+function is_ZIP() {return (decodeline~/\/FlateDecode/)}