path: root/support/proof/proof
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/proof/proof
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/proof/proof')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/proof/proof b/support/proof/proof
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..0af73fc017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/proof/proof
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+# $Id: proof,v 1.2 2002/09/30$
+# Proof - A simple but smart editor interface to common #
+# TeX/LaTeX and METAFONT/MetaPost processing tasks #
+# #
+# (Copyright (C) 2002 Klaus Bosau) #
+function info
+echo \
+"Usage: proof [-P] [-abfp123xyzs] [-u routine] file
+ or: proof -T file
+ or: proof [-hv]
+Process and view TeX, LaTeX, METAFONT and MetaPost sourcecode
+ -P enter preview mode
+ -T leave preview mode and exit
+ -a leave auxiliary files untouched
+ -b create back-up file
+ -f use formatfile 'mylatex'
+ -p use PostScript-Type-1 fonts
+ -n METAFONT proofing mode n, where n can be 1, 2 or 3
+ -x generate dvi-file
+ -y generate ps-file (default)
+ -z generate pdf-file
+ -u call userdefined conversion routine
+ -s don't call viewer
+ -h print this help message
+ -v print version information
+Options -abfp123xyzus may be handed over also in the sourcecode itself.
+(see Proof manual page on how to do this) However, if you'd like to make
+use of this feature, you should keep in mind that this would make both ad-
+ditional small letter commandline options (except -h and -v) and existing
+environmental settings ineffective.
+Please send bug reports or suggestions to"
+configfile=~/.proofrc # default configuration file
+function error
+ echo -e "--> ${0##*/}: $1"
+ [ "$2" ] && { [ "$action" = 'watch' ] && read; exit 1; }
+[ ! -e $configfile ] && error "Can't find configuration file!" halt
+# global initializations
+. $configfile
+optionlist=':PTfbap123xyzu:sv' # 'getopts' option list
+nfsscmd='\table' # 'nfssfont' test command
+FORMATFILEDIR=$(eval echo $FORMATFILEDIR) # assign absolute path
+# dvips
+if [ "${DVI2PS%% *}" = 'dvips' ]; then
+ PDF_OPT='-P pdf -G0' # enable distilling to PDF
+ PSFONTS_OPT='-P cmz -P amz' # use PostScript-Type-1 fonts
+# TeX
+init='tex --ini &latex mylatex.ltx'
+virt='virtex --fmt latex'
+myvirt='virtex --fmt mylatex'
+if [ "$USE_ETEX" = 'yes' ]; then
+ comp='etex'
+ init='etex --ini &elatex mylatex.ltx'
+ virt='evirtex --efmt elatex'
+ myvirt='evirtex --efmt mylatex'
+ formatfile='elatex.efmt'
+ myformatfile='mylatex.efmt'
+# pdfTeX
+pdfvirt='pdfvirtex --fmt pdflatex'
+if [ "$USE_ETEX" = 'yes' ]; then
+ pdfcomp='pdfetex'
+ pdfvirt='pdfevirtex --efmt pdfelatex'
+function option # checks if option is set
+ local opt
+ function opts
+ {
+ local line
+ if line=$(head -1 $_source$_ext | grep '(-'); then
+ echo $line | sed 's/^.*(\(-[^)]*\)).*/\1/' # document
+ elif [ "$OPTS" ]; then
+ echo $OPTS # commandline
+ else
+ echo $PROOFOPTS # environment
+ fi
+ }
+ [ ! -e $_source$_ext ] && return 1
+ if [ "$1" = 'y' ]; then
+ ! option x && ! option z && return 0 # enables default output filetype
+ else
+ while getopts $optionlist opt $(opts); do
+ [ $opt = $1 ] && return 0
+ done
+ fi
+ return 1
+function tex2dvi
+ local cmd=$comp fdir=${FORMATFILEDIR:-$PWD}
+ function _mv
+ {
+ [ $2 = $PWD ] && return 0
+ mv $1 $2
+ }
+ if grep '^\(\\documentclass\|\\documentstyle\)' >/dev/null; then
+ cmd=$virt # LaTeX source
+ if option f; then
+ if [ ! -e $fdir/$myformatfile ]; then
+ echo "${0##*/}: Building formatfile..."
+ [ ! -d $fdir ] && \
+ { error "Can't find directory $fdir!"; return 1; }
+ $init $_source && _mv $myformatfile $fdir || \
+ { error 'Unable to install formatfile!'; return 1; }
+ rm -f mylatex.log; new_ff=yes
+ fi
+ cmd=$myvirt # read formatfile
+ fi
+ fi
+ $cmd --interaction=$REPORTMODE $1
+} <$_source$_ext
+function tex2pdf
+ local cmd=$pdfcomp
+ grep '^\(\\documentclass\|\\documentstyle\)' >/dev/null && cmd=$pdfvirt
+ $cmd --interaction=$REPORTMODE $1
+} <$_source$_ext
+function pid # returns PID's matching given pattern
+ $PROCSTAT | grep -v 'grep' | grep "$*" | sed 's/^\ *\([0-9]*\)\ .*$/\1/'
+function view_file
+ local cmd
+ function tell # starts process only if not yet running (untested)
+ {
+ # force reread
+ [ -n "$(pid ghostview $2)" ] && return 0
+ kill -SIGUSR1 $(pid xdvi.bin $2) >/dev/null 2>&1 && return 0
+ kill -SIGHUP $(pid gv $2) >/dev/null 2>&1 && return 0
+ # start anew
+ $* &
+ }
+ case "${1##*.}" in
+ dvi) cmd=$DVI_VIEWER; last=x;;
+ ps ) cmd=$PS_VIEWER; last=y;;
+ pdf) cmd=$PDF_VIEWER; last=z;;
+ esac
+ option s || tell $cmd $1
+function view # conversion and viewing
+ local dvi2ps=$DVI2PS
+function mk_test
+$virt --interaction=$REPORTMODE $1 <<EOF
+ $(echo $2 | tr ':' '\012')
+if option x; then
+ view_file $1.dvi
+ $dvi2ps $1.dvi && \
+ view_file $
+ [ $TERM != 'xterm' ] && { error 'No graphical user interface!'; return 1; }
+ [ "$last" ] && { option $last || cleanup; }
+ option p && dvi2ps="$dvi2ps $PSFONTS_OPT"
+ if option u; then
+ if type $OPTARG &>/dev/null; then
+ $OPTARG $_source && view_file $_source.${ftypes##*->}
+ else
+ error "Can't find conversion routine $OPTARG!"
+ fi
+ return
+ fi
+ case $_ext in
+ .mf ) if option 2; then
+ mk_test nfssfont "${_source}:${nfsscmd}:\bye"
+ ftypes='*pk,tfm->'
+ elif option 3; then
+ mk_test fontsmpl "${_source}"
+ else
+ $MF --interaction=$REPORTMODE "\mode=proof; input $_source;" && \
+ gftodvi $_source.*gf && \
+ if option x; then
+ view_file $_source.dvi
+ ftypes='log,*gf,*pk,tfm,dvi->'
+ else
+ $dvi2ps $_source.dvi && \
+ view_file $
+ ftypes='log,*gf,*pk,tfm,dvi,ps->'
+ fi
+ fi;;
+ .mp ) $MP --interaction=$REPORTMODE $_source && \
+ tex2dvi "mproof $(ls $_source.[0-9]*)" && \
+ if option x; then
+ view_file mproof.dvi
+ else
+ $dvi2ps mproof.dvi && \
+ view_file
+ fi
+ ftypes='log,mpx->[0-9]';;
+ .tex) if option x; then
+ tex2dvi $_source.tex && \
+ view_file $_source.dvi
+ ftypes='log,aux->dvi'
+ elif option z; then
+ case "$TEXPDFMODE" in
+ 2) tex2dvi $_source.tex && \
+ $DVI2PDF $_source.dvi
+ ftypes='log,aux,dvi->pdf';;
+ 3) tex2dvi $_source.tex && \
+ $DVI2PS $PDF_OPT $_source.dvi && \
+ $PS2PDF $
+ ftypes='log,aux,dvi->pdf';;
+ *) tex2pdf $_source.tex
+ ftypes='log,aux->pdf';;
+ esac && view_file $_source.pdf
+ else
+ tex2dvi $_source.tex && \
+ $dvi2ps $_source.dvi && \
+ view_file $
+ ftypes='log,dvi,aux,idx->ps'
+ fi;;
+ .dvi) if option y; then
+ $dvi2ps $_source.dvi && \
+ view_file $
+ ftypes='->ps'
+ elif option z; then
+ case "$DVIPDFMODE" in
+ 2) $DVI2PS $PDF_OPT $_source.dvi && \
+ $PS2PDF $
+ ftypes='ps->pdf';;
+ *) $DVI2PDF $_source.dvi
+ ftypes='->pdf';;
+ esac && view_file $_source.pdf
+ else
+ view_file $_source.dvi
+ fi;;
+ .ps ) if option z; then
+ $PS2PDF $ && \
+ view_file $_source.pdf
+ ftypes='->pdf'
+ else
+ view_file $
+ fi;;
+ .pdf) view_file $_source.pdf;;
+ esac
+function cleanup
+ local aux all ign="\($_ext\|,v\|~\)$" files
+ # clean up!
+ aux=${ftypes%->*}
+ ! option a && [ "$aux" ] && eval rm -f "$_source.{$aux,zzz}"
+ rm -f {fontsmpl,nfssfont,mproof}.* tmp*
+ # list files!
+ all="\($(echo $ftypes | tr -d '*' | sed 's/->/,/g' | \
+ sed 's/\(^,\|,$\)//;s/,/\\\|/g')\)$"
+ if [ "$ftypes" ] && files=$(ls $_source.* | grep -v "$ign" | grep "$all"); then
+ echo "${0##*/}: $PWD <-- "$files
+ else
+ echo "${0##*/}: no output"
+ fi
+ [ "$new_ff" ] && echo "${0##*/}: ${FORMATFILEDIR:-$PWD} <-- $myformatfile"
+ # ftypes='aux,dvi->ps' -->
+ # --> delete {aux,dvi} if requested and show {aux,dvi,ps} if found
+function backup
+ function backup_file
+ {
+ declare -i n=$BACKUP_FILES
+ cp $1 $1.0~
+ until [ -e $1.$n~ ]; do
+ n=$((n-1))
+ done
+ n=$((n+1))
+ declare -i i=$n
+ while [ $i -gt 0 ]; do
+ mv $1.$((i-1))~ $1.$i~
+ i=$((i-1))
+ done
+ [ $n -gt $BACKUP_FILES ] && rm -f $1.$n~
+ }
+ if [ "$USE_RCS" = 'yes' ] && type 'ci' &>/dev/null; then
+ # call RCS
+ echo "${0##*/}: RCS:"; ci -l $_source$_ext
+ else
+ # default back-up method
+ [ "$USE_RCS" = 'yes' ] && \
+ error "Can't find RCS! Using default back-up procedure instead..."
+ backup_file $_source$_ext
+ echo "${0##*/}: $PWD <-- $_source$_ext.1~"
+ fi
+function terminate # log out procedure
+ cleanup
+ option b && backup
+ [ "$action" = 'watch' ] && read
+# process options!
+while getopts $optionlist opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ P ) action=watch;;
+ T ) action=quit;;
+ v ) echo 'proof v1.2'; exit 0;;
+ \? ) info; exit 1;;
+ esac
+ OPTS=$*
+OPTS="${OPTS% *}"
+shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
+# check syntax!
+[ -z "$1" ] && error 'Please specify your document!' halt
+! echo $1 | grep '\(.mf\|.mp\|.tex\|.dvi\|.ps\|.pdf\)$' >/dev/null && \
+ error "Unknown file type!" halt
+[ "$action" != 'quit' ] && [ ! -e "$1" ] && error "Can't find file $1!" halt
+# go!
+case "$action" in
+ quit ) kill -TERM $(pid "${0##*/}"'.*'-P'.*'"$1") >/dev/null 2>&1;;
+ * ) # set shell variables!
+ cd $(dirname $1) || exit 1
+ _ext=".${1##*.}"
+ _source=$(basename $1 $_ext)
+ current=/tmp/proof-$$ # preserves st_mtime
+ # set signal trap!
+ trap 'rm -f $current; terminate; exit 0' INT TERM
+ # wait until file exists!
+ [ ! -e "$1" ] && until [ -e $_source$_ext ]; do sleep 1; done
+ view
+ # view only?
+ [ -z "$action" ] && { terminate; exit 0; }
+ # watch!
+ echo >$current
+ while :; do
+ until [ $_source$_ext -nt $current ]; do
+ sleep 1
+ done
+ view; echo >$current
+ done;;