path: root/support/pmx/tex/pmx.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/pmx/tex/pmx.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/pmx/tex/pmx.tex')
1 files changed, 879 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/pmx/tex/pmx.tex b/support/pmx/tex/pmx.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..36fd8d2387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/pmx/tex/pmx.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,879 @@
+%% %%
+%% pmx.tex %%
+%% %%
+\def\pmxversion{2.80}\def\pmxdate{15 Mar 17}
+% 2.80 add def'n of \slx, real stemlength
+% 2.73 4 Feb 16 Fix \pmxclefsym to include \smalltreblelowoct
+% 2.73 Added \pmxlyr command.
+% 2.619 At movement break, directly set \nbinstruments in \newmovement;
+% probably don't need \newnoi any more.
+% (2.619a) Added \resetlyrics in \newmovement.
+% 2.614 Comment out definitions of some dotted rests, since either in
+% musixtex.tex or not needed.
+% Modified for two figured bass lines 081115
+% 2.502 (Olivier Vogel) change all the commands of the form
+% \font\...=\fontid sy1000 to \font\...=cmsy10
+% 2.408 comment out extra definition of \mdot
+% tweak \hpausep, replace \liftPAuse, add \liftPAusep
+% 2.406 redefine \starteq to put down strut for first system inside \znotes
+% 2.354a add \zcharnote{##2}{~} to \tieforsl
+% 2.354
+% Macros \tieforisu, etc, to replace slurs with ties, for use with musixps
+% 2.353
+% Define \pmxversion
+% Insert Dirk's 2nd set of (LaTeX-aware) redefinitions for \centerline etc.
+% Add 5th option for \endset to \newmovement, for Rz.
+% 12/24/01 add \setzalaligne
+% 12/23/01 Remove \parskip re-definition.
+% 12/16/01 Define \psforts (postscript slur endings to replace \midslur)
+% 10/20/01 added defn's of \bigcna, etc
+% 10/20/01 define \resetsize, redefine \gaft, \grace, and \shlft so resizing
+% is conditional on current staff line spacing.
+% 11 September Redefine liftpausc to include ledger line.
+% 26 Aug 01 Add \pcaesura, \pbreath
+% 10/21/00 Added PMXbarnotrue/false and stopped PMX zapping writezbarno
+% 15 October added vertical equalization macros
+% 4 July added \PAusep, \brevep, dynamic mark placement \pmxdyn, \sfz
+% 1 July inserted stuff for hairpins
+% 31 May 99 Redefined \smno
+{PMX, a Preprocessor for MusiXTeX, Version\space\pmxversion b\space<\pmxdate>}%
+% Check for MusiXTeX version. TeX generates an error, not an ordinary
+% \end, because the \ifnum is not completed.
+\ifnum\mxvernumber<121\immediate\write16{ }
+\immediate\write16{! STOPPING TeX because MusiXTeX Version = \mxvernumber}
+\immediate\write16{ while PMX 2.71+ requires at least 121}
+\immediate\write16{ }\end{document}\fi
+% The next 4 lines are for Don's home use only
+{\specfnt\kern 1.5\internote\raise 0.3\internote\hbox to 0pt{/\hss}%
+\kern -0.7\internote\raise 1.0\internote\hbox to 0pt{/\hss}}}
+% Older fonts had clefs at different heights. If you have the older
+% version you should uncomment the following line
+% The next 3 lines should be in musixmad. They were omitted in
+% some early versions!
+% Stemlength macro shorthands for 2-note unbeamed tremolos
+% Special clef change stuff
+% Adjust height here for older clef default heights.
+% Grace note stuff, incl. macro to reset size after going tiny.
+% This may assume that \musicsize is 20pt but some staves may have
+% \setsize#1\smallvalue
+% The following keep octaviation out of brackets.
+% 10/20/01: Are these used anywhere???
+% Some ornaments...
+% Font for x-trill symbol. Could make this more general.
+% Plus-trill
+\razclef#2\internote\pcil#3\internote\kern-\h@lf\razclef\vrule height \h@lf\pcil
+depth \h@lf\pcil width \razclef\kern-\h@lf\razclef\kern-\h@lf\pcil\kern-.1pt
+\vrule height \h@lf\razclef depth \h@lf\razclef width \pcil}}%
+% Put in a number for an xtuplet.
+\def\xnum#1#2#3{\off{#1\elemskip}\zcharnote{#2}{\smalltype\it #3}%
+% accidental skips
+% Check for and read a .mod file; open the .ask file
+\def\readmod#1{\openin\pmxmod #1.mod\relax
+\ifeof\pmxmod\else\input #1.mod\fi\closein\pmxmod}
+% Macros for optional small notes, usually w/ down stems. Offset to center
+% them below a large note. I used these in Matteis.
+% Redefined, due to some mysterious problem with \roffset
+% Single-digit meter symbol
+\def\meterN#1{\setbox\workbox=\vbox{\hbox{\ \meterfont #1}}%
+\vbox to 8\internote{\offinterlineskip\vss\hbox to \wd\workbox{\hss
+\meterfont #1\hss}\vss }}%
+% Meter symbol '3' with vertical slash
+\def\meterIIIS{\kern\internote\raise\Interligne\hbox{\meterfont 3}%
+\kern -2.0\internote
+\vrule height 7\internote depth -\internote width0.3\internote
+\kern 1.7\internote}%
+% Fractional meter with a slash
+\kern\internote\raise2\Interligne\rlap{\meterfont #1}%\lower2\Interligne%
+\hbox{\meterfont #2}%
+\kern -1.85\internote
+\vrule height 8\internote width0.3\internote
+\kern 1.55\internote}%
+% *Symbols* for use in figures
+% Macros for editorial accidentals
+% Cautionary big accidentals
+\def\bigcna{\cna} \def\bigcfl{\cfl} \def\bigcsh{\csh}
+% Some fonts...for some reason my system can't do cmbx12 scaled \magstep4
+% 9/17/97 Must redo the following 3 lines to permit EC/DC fonts
+%\font\BIGfont=cmbx10 scaled\magstep4\font\Bigfont=cmbx10 scaled\magstep2
+%\font\tempo=\fontid bx12%
+%\font\dyn=\fontid bx10%
+\font\tempo=\fontid bx1200
+\font\dyn=\fontid bx1000
+\font\tempo=\fontid bx1200
+\font\dyn=\fontid bx1000
+%\font\BIGfont=cmbx10 scaled\magstep4
+%\font\Bigfont=cmbx10 scaled\magstep2
+% Definitions deleted per Bob Tennent's request 150726
+%\font\BIGfont=\fontid bx10 scaled\magstep4
+%\font\Bigfont=\fontid bx10 scaled\magstep2
+\font\tempo=\fontid bx12%
+\font\dyn=\fontid bx10%
+% Continuation figure
+\def\Cont#1#2{\advance\figdrop by #1\lower\figdrop\internote%
+\hbox to \z@{\kern -0.3\noteskip%
+\vbox{\hrule height 1.4\lthick width #2\noteskip}\hss}%
+\advance\figdrop by -#1}%
+\def\Cott#1#2{\advance\figdtwo by #1\lower\figdtwo\internote%
+\hbox to \z@{\kern -0.3\noteskip%
+\vbox{\hrule height 1.4\lthick width #2\noteskip}\hss}%
+\advance\figdtwo by -#1}%
+% Tiny C clef on line #1: Will need to mod with new fonts 11-4-96
+\newdimen\pcil %\ifnum\musicsize=20\pcil4pt\else\pcil3.25pt\fi%
+\hbox{\vbox{\hrule height \lthick width \symwid}%
+\kern-\symwid\raise\pcil\vbox{\hrule height \lthick width \symwid}%
+\kern-\symwid\raise2\pcil\vbox{\hrule height \lthick width \symwid}%
+\kern-\symwid\raise3\pcil\vbox{\hrule height \lthick width \symwid}%
+\kern-\symwid\raise4\pcil\vbox{\hrule height \lthick width \symwid}%
+\kern-\symwid\raise\razclef\hbox to \symwid{\hss\smallaltoclef\hss}%
+\def\namewpc#1#2#3#4#5{\raise#4pt\hbox to \parindent{\raise#5pt\hbox{#1}%
+% Stuff for figure placements
+% 9/17/97 redo font names
+\def\Figu#1#2{\off{.9pt}\advance\figdrop by #1\lower\figdrop\internote%
+\hbox to \z@{\figfont#2\hss}\off{-.9pt}\advance\figdrop by -#1}%
+% Special Figure macro for 2-bass parts
+\def\Figt#1#2{\off{.9pt}\advance\figdtwo by #1\lower\figdtwo\internote%
+\hbox to \z@{\figfont#2\hss}\off{-.9pt}\advance\figdtwo by -#1}%
+% Bar numbering
+% The following 2 macros are messy, but they retain \raisebarno as a macro and
+% retain original definition in musixtex for the end-of-line utility.
+% If here, baseline values will not change. On exit, \rbndim will
+% be the temporary value, \xrbn will be the increment (must save to check later;
+% if <>0 then baseline hasn't changed!), and \rbnbl is still the baseline value.
+ \global\xrbn#1\internote\global\advance\rbndim\xrbn%
+ \global\xsbn#2\internote\global\advance\sbndim\xsbn%
+ \ifnum\barno>1%
+ \boxit{\smalltype\bf\the\barno\barnoadd}%
+ \ifdim\raisebarno=\rbnbl%
+ \empty%
+ \else%
+ \ifdim\xrbn=0pt%
+ \global\rbnbl\raisebarno%
+ \global\def\raisebarno{\rbndim}%
+ \else%
+ \global\xrbn0pt%
+ \fi%
+ \global\rbndim\rbnbl%
+ \fi%
+ \ifdim\shiftbarno=\sbnbl%
+ \empty%
+ \else%
+ \ifdim\xsbn=0pt%
+ \global\sbnbl\shiftbarno%
+ \global\def\shiftbarno{\sbndim}%
+ \else%
+ \global\xsbn0pt%
+ \fi%
+ \global\sbndim\sbnbl%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+% Make small accidentals the default
+% Put in a new time signature. Modified 151226
+ \n@wbar\writ@newclefs\advance\barsinlin@\@ne%
+% Added 151216
+ \wbarno@x\Writ@newsigns%
+ \advance\n@skip0.3\afterruleskip\widthtyp@\@ne\t@rmskip%
+ \Writ@meters\lastbarpos\lin@pos\addspace\afterruleskip%
+ \alaligne
+ \wbarno@x%
+% Added 151226
+% -0.7 gave too much space before meter.
+% \advance\n@skip-0.7\afterruleskip\widthtyp@\@ne\t@rmskip%
+ \advance\n@skip-\afterruleskip\widthtyp@\@ne\t@rmskip%
+ \Writ@meters\addspace\afterruleskip%
+% changecontext with no line break
+ \wbarno@x\Writ@newsigns\Writ@meters\addspace\afterruleskip}%
+% changecontext with forced line break and no barline
+\def\zachangecontext{\advance\n@skip\beforeruleskip \widthtyp@\@ne \t@rmskip
+ \zn@wbar \writ@newclefs \advance\barsinlin@\@ne
+ \Writ@newsigns\z@suspend\contpiece }
+% Dotted rests.
+% Redefine headline to lower pagenumber. The original defn:
+% \def\makeheadline{\vbox to\z@{\vskip-22.5\p@
+% \line{\vbox to8.5\p@{}\the\headline}\vss}\nointerlineskip}
+\def\makeheadline{\vbox to\z@{\vskip-8\p@
+ \line{\vbox to8.5\p@{}\the\headline}\vss}\nointerlineskip}
+% Dot at arbitrary height above a top line of staff
+% Titles
+%\ifx\relax#2\relax\else\leftline{\Bigtype #2}\fi\vskip#3\Interligne%
+%\ifx\relax#4\relax\else\centerline{\BIGtype #4}\fi\vskip#5\Interligne%
+%\ifx\relax#6\relax\else\rightline{\Bigtype #6}\fi\vskip#7\Interligne}}%
+% New def'n per Dirk Laurie to allow multiple lines.
+ \line\bgroup\hss#1\hss\egroup}}
+ \line\bgroup#1\hss\egroup}}
+ \line\bgroup\hss#1\egroup}}
+% \line\bgroup\hss#1\hss\egroup}}
+% \line\bgroup#1\hss\egroup}}
+% \line\bgroup\hss#1\egroup}}
+% Next 3 lines replaced at Bob Tennent's request 150726
+% Slashes on stems
+% Set \pcil to (stem length)-9\Internote
+ \ifnum#1>10
+ \pcil-3.8\Internote
+ \else
+ \pcil#1\Internote
+ \ifnum#1>3
+ \pcil-.38\pcil\advance\pcil-.5\Internote
+ \ifnum#1>7
+ \advance\pcil.38\Internote
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum#1<-2
+ \pcil-\pcil\advance\pcil-5\Internote
+ \else
+ \pcil-2\Internote
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \advance\pcil#1\Internote
+ \raise\pcil\hbox{\loffset{.5}{\ibu009}\roffset{.5}{\tbu0}}}%
+\def\ls#1{\reflect-#1\advance\reflect8 %
+ \lower\pcil\hbox{\loffset{.5}{\ibl009}\roffset{.5}{\tbl0}}}%
+% Thinner slashes, better coding
+% #1 = note level relative to bottom line. #2 = 0/1 for down/up stem
+% #3 = 0/1 for down/up slash, For downstem, reflect, do as up, then unreflect.
+% \pmxtop now top of stem for upstem. Unreflect if downstem
+% Signature change at end of line
+% Macros for beams
+% Stuff for second voice per staff
+% Macros for moving slur starts and stops
+% Macro to replace old \tslur with special postscript slur endings
+% Macros to replace slurs with ties
+% Replacement trill macros, to avoid overfull boxes on 1st pass
+% Mordent as \rpar. If dotted, must move dot to right.
+\def\lpn#1{\loffset{.3}{\lpar{#1}}}% '('
+\def\rpn#1{\roffset{.3}{\rpar{#1}}}% Beam or not, no dot [ ')' only ]
+\def\clm#1#2{\mdot{#1}{#2}\cl{#2}}% Non-beam, dot [ '.' + ')' + note ]
+\def\qbm#1#2#3{\mdot{#2}{#3}\qb{#1}{#3}}% Beamed & dotted
+% For use with mid-bar signature changes, to permit using \ast machinery
+% For raising arpeggios by .5/internote
+ \raise.5\internote\hbox{%
+ \uplap{\leaders\hbox{\musixchar70}\vskip#2\Interligne}}}}
+% New Movement Macro
+ \or\def\endset{\empty}\fi%
+ \def\stoppiece{\endset%
+% \def\contpiece{
+ \def\contpiece{\def\nbinstruments{#3}% <-- assignment inserted here
+% Added 120904 per Rainer's suggestion to fix problem with M-Tx at m-break.
+% Redefinitions for moving dots vertically by x\interligne and
+% horizontally by y headwidths. Should work for all kinds of dotted notes.
+% Usage: \def\C@Point#1#2{\PMXpt{.0}{-.2}} (x and y hardwired by PMX)
+% Shifted, pointed chord notes (Missing in musixtex.tex ???)
+% Redefine to include \sk !!!
+% 1/19/03 Replaced old def'n; added \liftPAusep
+% Text up to bar line. Use before last note, assume 1 noteskip to bar.
+% Macro used before movement break to change # of instruments.
+% 120818 Set \nbinstruments in \newmovement; probably don't need this any more.
+% Set up top page numbers with optional centered heading
+% #2=0 if odds on rt, else 1. #1 = initial page no. #3=name
+% Temporary date and file name. To use it:
+% (1) Define a script to create a file tempdate.dat. The file will
+% contain a single line of text to be centered at the bottom of
+% each page. I use a 4DOS alias (makedate) that inserts current date
+% filename, and filedate as follows:
+% echo \smalltype\rm Printed %_date from file %1.pmx %@filedate[c:\pmx\%1.pmx],
+% %@filetime[c:\pmx\%1.pmx] >tempdate.dat
+% (2) Include a call to makedate in the batch file you use to run pmx+tex.
+% Be sure tempdate.dat is written to a directory accessible to TeX.
+% (3) Include in-line tex \\tempdate\ at the top of the pmx file.
+\footline{\hss\input tempdate.dat\hss}}
+% Hairpins and other dynamic stuff
+\global\csname hp\romannumeral#1\endcsname=\y@v}%
+\advance\y@v-\csname hp\romannumeral#1\endcsname%
+\def\sfz{{\ppff s\f@kern\f@kern f\f@kern z}}%
+% Dotted breve and rest
+ \y@v\wn@width \g@w}
+% Vertical equalization macros
+% Remove this from here in 2.352, since it caused some incompatibilities.
+% (Let PMX write it into *.tex when needed).
+%\parskip 0pt plus 12\Interligne minus 99\Interligne%
+% Let PMX write the def'n of \upstrut since I couldn't get the loop to work
+% Call the following inline type1 anywhere in first line of equalization.
+% And put this as type 1 in the next-to-last line of equalization!
+% The following avoid zapping \writezbarno in several special situations
+% Centered rests
+% CenterBar and mbrest modified 2/01 to account for simick mods in
+% musixtex 1.01
+\ifx\volta@startcor\undefined \else\advance\y@ii\cut@v\fi%
+% mbrest mods 151226. Changed # of args in mbrest from 3 to 1;
+% changed pmx271 accordingly
+% 160103 back to 3 args
+\ifcase #1%
+\or\cpause% 1
+\or\cPAuse% 2
+\or\cPAuse\mbgap\cpause% 3
+\or\cPAUSe% 4
+\or\cPAUSe\mbgap\cpause% 5
+\or\cPAUSe\mbgap\cPAuse% 6
+\or\cPAUSe\mbgap\cPAuse\mbgap\cpause% 7
+\or\cPAUSe\mbgap\cPAUSe% 8
+\or\cPAUSe\mbgap\cPAUSe\mbgap\cpause% 9
+\def\vertpart{\hbox{\vrule width.6pt height1.5\internote depth1.5\internote}}%
+\vrule width0.7\y@ii height.5\internote depth.5\internote%
+% 151226 Redefine \xchangecontext to add in \afterruleskip
+ \wbarno@x\Writ@newsigns\Writ@meters\lastbarpos\lin@pos\addspace\afterruleskip}%
+% 151227 Define \ccoda so it positions like any other ornament
+% Macro to set up for blank bar line
+% \def\alaligne{\zalaligne\let\alaligne\alat}}%
+ \def\stoppiece{\zstoppiece\let\stoppiece\zalat}}%
+% Slanted line arpeggio or coule ornament
+% \pmxlyr command, see Usage afer \endinput. Dirk Laurie 2016-01-24
+% The unrolled loops are necessary because \assignlyricshere must have
+% a raw string literal as argument.
+ \ifnum\noport@@=1%
+ \if@pmx@nextvoice\setlyrics{I1P1V2}{#1}\assignlyricshere{I1P1V2}%
+ \else\setlyrics{I1P1V1}{#1}\assignlyricshere{I1P1V1}\fi\fi%
+ \ifnum\noport@@=2%
+ \if@pmx@nextvoice\setlyrics{I1P2V2}{#1}\assignlyricshere{I1P2V2}%
+ \else\setlyrics{I1P2V1}{#1}\assignlyricshere{I1P2V1}\fi\fi\fi%
+ \ifnum\noport@@=1%
+ \if@pmx@nextvoice\setlyrics{I2P1V2}{#1}\assignlyricshere{I2P1V2}%
+ \else\setlyrics{I2P1V1}{#1}\assignlyricshere{I2P1V1}\fi\fi%
+ \ifnum\noport@@=2%
+ \if@pmx@nextvoice\setlyrics{I2P2V2}{#1}\assignlyricshere{I2P2V2}%
+ \else\setlyrics{I2P2V1}{#1}\assignlyricshere{I2P2V1}\fi\fi\fi%
+ \ifnum\noport@@=1%
+ \if@pmx@nextvoice\setlyrics{I3P1V2}{#1}\assignlyricshere{I3P1V2}%
+ \else\setlyrics{I3P1V1}{#1}\assignlyricshere{I3P1V1}\fi\fi%
+ \ifnum\noport@@=2%
+ \if@pmx@nextvoice\setlyrics{I3P2V2}{#1}\assignlyricshere{I3P2V2}%
+ \else\setlyrics{I3P2V1}{#1}\assignlyricshere{I3P2V1}\fi\fi\fi%
+ \ifnum\noport@@=1%
+ \if@pmx@nextvoice\setlyrics{I4P1V2}{#1}\assignlyricshere{I4P1V2}%
+ \else\setlyrics{I4P1V1}{#1}\assignlyricshere{I4P1V1}\fi\fi%
+ \ifnum\noport@@=2%
+ \if@pmx@nextvoice\setlyrics{I4P2V2}{#1}\assignlyricshere{I4P2V2}%
+ \else\setlyrics{I4P2V1}{#1}\assignlyricshere{I4P2V1}\fi\fi\fi%
+% Definition for \lyrlink&\at, used with pmxlyr strings with '~'and '@'
+ \pmxlyr{TEXT} (assigns TEXT as lyrics in the current context)
+In PMX, enter the command with a trailing backslash. Starting at PMX 2.73,
+"TEXT" on a music line is equivalent to \pmxlyr{TEXT}.
+Spaces and hyphens separate TEXT into syllables. An underscore between
+words combines syllables from different words into a single syllable.
+TEXT may contain any TeX macro, in particular:
+ \space Space character that does not separate syllables
+ \lyrhyphenchar Hyphen that does not separate syllables
+ {\empty} Invisible syllable (for notes that get no lyrics)
+\pmxlyr uses the unexpanded contents of TEXT when looking for the
+syllable splitters, e.g. \def\mylyrics{many words of poetry} followed
+by \pmxlyr{\mylyrics} will put all those words on one note.
+For more information on what is acceptable in TEXT, consult mxlyrdoc.pdf.
+Limits: Lyrics are recognized only on the first two staves of instruments
+1 to 4. Elsewhere they are ignored.