path: root/support/pcwritex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/pcwritex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/pcwritex')
-rw-r--r--support/pcwritex/pcwritex.zoobin0 -> 29626 bytes
10 files changed, 1265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/pcwritex/-README.1ST b/support/pcwritex/-README.1ST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ee569f73d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/pcwritex/-README.1ST
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+PC-WRITeX v2.2 January 1989
+This distribution contains the following files:
+Filename Length Method Size Ratio Date Time
+-------- ------ ------ ------ ----- ---- ----
+-README.1ST 1502 Crunched 851 44% 01-03-89 16:44:58
+ED.DOC 345 Crunched 262 25% 11-22-88 10:40:46
+EXTRA-ED.HLP 1130 Crunched 783 31% 07-25-88 13:07:58
+PCWRITEX.DOC 24648 Squashed 11800 53% 01-03-89 16:35:42
+PCWRITEX.UPD 13806 Crunched 7293 48% 01-03-89 16:51:08
+PCWSTY.TEX 6972 Crunched 3827 46% 01-03-89 16:37:28
+PR.DEF 7 Stored 7 0% 02-10-88 15:41:08
+PR.DOC 5842 Crunched 2823 52% 01-03-89 16:41:10
+PR.TXT 2832 Crunched 1105 61% 12-15-88 11:28:08
+---- ------ ------ -----
+0009 57084 28751 50%
+Put PCWSTY.TEX into subdirectory \pctex\texinput (or equivalent) before
+use. All other files should go in directory \pcwrite. Use PC-WRITE's PR
+program to print file PCWRITEX.DOC to disk file PCWRITEX.TEX, then run
+TeX on that file to generate documentation. Development history is in
+file PCWRITEX.UPD. If you do not have TeX, rename PCWRITEX.DOC to
+PCWRITEX.TXT and print it using the PR program to get plain ASCII.
diff --git a/support/pcwritex/ED.DOC b/support/pcwritex/ED.DOC
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7d5d88b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/pcwritex/ED.DOC
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+(The following are for PCWRITeX)
+570:176 (start footnote, Shf Ctl F1)
+571:177 (end footnote, Shf Ctl F2)
+580:178 (start verbatim mode, Shf Alt F1)
+581:219 (end verbatim mode, Shf Alt F2)
+344:222 (start right-aligned line, Shf F5)
+345:177 (end right-aligned line, Shf F6)
+35:35 (hash mark is hash mark)
+126:426 (tilde is "accent" key)
diff --git a/support/pcwritex/EXTRA-ED.HLP b/support/pcwritex/EXTRA-ED.HLP
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd08c59f55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/pcwritex/EXTRA-ED.HLP
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ P C W R I T e X PC-WRITE-to-TeX conversion
+ Print to disk from a .DOC file to a .TEX file in order to generate TeX code.
+ MAIN DIFFERENCES (others OK, box chars do tables, math and accents work fine)
+ Alt A  Inoperative  Alt O  Narrower  Alt V  Typewriter type
+ Alt F  Inoperative  Alt P  Small caps  Alt W  Underline 
+ Alt J  skip 1em vert  Alt Q  New page  Alt X Omit indent
+ Alt K  Starts a new line  Alt R  Math mode  Alt Y  Center line 
+ Alt M  skip 1em horiz  Alt T Undefined Alt Z  Literal TeX command 
+ Alt N  itemise para  Alt U  Slanted type  (255) Math "times" (x)
+ (245) Copyright sign
+ (169) RETURN symbol (221) vertical rule (223) horizontal rule
+ (176) start footnote (Shf Ctl F1) and (177) end footnote (Shf Ctl F2)
+ (178) start verbatim (Shf Alt F1) and (219) end verbatim (Shf Alt F2)
+ (222) start right-aligned line (Shf F5) (177) end right-align (Shf F6)
+ Dot Guide lines won't work except for .s: for setting line spacing.
diff --git a/support/pcwritex/PCWRITEX.DOC b/support/pcwritex/PCWRITEX.DOC
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a88d3171e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/pcwritex/PCWRITEX.DOC
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+ L---+---T1----+-T--2----T----3--T-+----4T---+---T5----+-T--6----T----R--T-+--r
+ PC-WriTeX
+ A conversion routine from PC-Write to TeX
+ v2.3, January 1989
+ .r:e
+ PC-Write is a wordprocessing and text editing system from QuickSoft
+(Seattle) for the IBM PC and compatible computers. TeX is a
+typesetting system originally written by Prof Don Knuth of Stanford
+University and available for many kinds of computer including the IBM
+PC and compatibles.
+This documentation describes a PC-Write--to--TeX conversion routine
+written as a print driver file pr.doc. It was devised to allow a
+user's PC-Write wordprocessing files to be printed to disk in a form
+which TeX can accept directly as input, retaining as many of the
+formatting attributes as possible of the original file. The .doc
+filetype was chosen because TeX is used for printing documents, but
+you can rename it and the relevant driver files to anything suitable
+to your needs. The definition files have been placed in the public
+domain. Only the controls described later in this document can be
+expected to work: no responsibility can be taken for what may happen
+if you use other PC-Write controls which are not documented here. In
+particular, you should not use any Dot Guide Lines apart from a ruler
+line, .S (line-spacing) and .R (typeface selection).
+A hard-disk PC is assumed, as TeX requires it for all normal usage.
+This documentation reflects v2.71 of PC-Write, v3.3 of DOS and v2.94
+of TeX.
+ .q:e
+ Before copying any of these files, rename your existing PC-Write
+printer driver file pr.def to something meaningful, according to your
+ordinary printer type, for example
+ rename \pcwrite\pr.def pr.eps (if you have an Epson printer)
+ rename \pcwrite\pr.def pr.tos (if you have an Toshiba printer)
+ rename \pcwrite\pr.def pr.hp2 (if you have a HP series II)
+ This is to make sure your existing files do not get overwritten.
+You can still print all your existing files exactly as before by
+making sure they have the relevant file-type, eg ".eps", ".tos",
+".hp2", etc. The new pr.def provided with PC-WriTeX contains only
+the command "!pr.*" and will thus look for a driver file with the
+same file-type as the file being printed.
+Copy all the files from floppy disk into the PC-Write subdirectory
+on your hard disk by typing the command
+ copy a:*.* \pcwrite
+ (substituting "b:" if you are using that floppy drive instead of
+"a:"). If you call your PC-Write subdirectory something other than
+"\pcwrite" then substitute that as well.
+Copy the TeX definitions file into your texinput subdirectory,
+whatever it is called for the version you have; for PC-TeX, for
+example, you type
+ copy \pcwrite\pcwsty.tex \pctex\texinput
+ This ensures that both PC-Write and TeX can find the files when they
+want them. It is assumed that you can use the file-type ".doc" for
+files you are going to convert with this routine. If this is not the
+case, you must choose another file-type and then type the command
+ rename \pcwrite\*.doc *.xxx
+ where xxx is the file-type you have chosen.
+ Run the PR program, either from DOS by typing PRfilename.DOC or by
+using the F1F7 keystroke sequence from within the PC-Write edit
+program (in which case, confirm the filename suggested by pressing
+[the Return or Enter key]).
+When the output selection menu appears, press F9 for "print to a file"
+and give the output file name as the name of your text file but with
+the file-type of .TeX (and press ).
+When the main print menu appears, press F10 for "print continuous".
+This will create an output file with the file type of .TeX which will
+contain all the TeX commands necessary to typeset your file.
+  It is assumed, of course, that you have TeX available to
+ process this file. Commercially, it costs somewhere between $75
+ and $500 (50--300) depending on the implementation you buy.
+ There are several versions for the IBM PC and compatibles
+ including some in the public domain: addresses are at the end of
+ this document. It is also available for most minis and
+ mainframes.
+ As far as possible, the basic mnemonic PC-Write controls have been
+followed, but one or two have changed, and several new ones have been
+added (notably the "colour code" Alt keys now perform different
+typesetting instructions). As many as possible (nearly all) of the IBM 
+PC math and accent characters have been kept, and the line and
+box-drawing characters can be used for simple tables.This is a change
+from v2.1, where line and box characters were undefined. The printer
+driver definition file pr.doc and the style-file pcwsty.TeX contain
+the TeX definitions needed to access these facilities.
+TeX works by taking a plain ASCII text file with embedded formatting
+commands (produced by this routine direct from your PC-Write file).
+TeX commands consist of plain alphabetic characters or punctuation,
+flagged by a preceding backslash. Thus for example, a change to
+italics (AltI in PC-Write) is translated to the TeX command "\it".
+Raw TeX is of course capable of vastly finer control over typefonts,
+spacing and layout than even a sophisticated wordprocessor such as
+PC-Write, so this conversion routine should only be taken as a guide
+or first stage. TeX creates a .DVI file (DeVice-Independent file)
+which contains all the binary stuff needed for a TeX print driver to
+typeset the output on your printer.
+Because of the fine-quality nature of typesetting, a few points need
+attention when you are creating or editing a document for typesetting:
+ a. TeX assumes that a blank line in your file means "start a new
+ paragraph". This doesn't necessarily mean you get a blank line as
+ such when it is typeset; instead, you get whatever
+ spacing/indentation combination you specify for a new paragraph
+ (PC-WriTeX assumes a flexible amount between and a
+ line-height, with about 1/3|| indentation --- in fact, a "blank
+ line" in typesetting output is a misleading concept, as
+ typesetting dimensions are almost infinitely variable). What it
+ does mean is that existing texts which use only indentation for a
+ new paragraph, with no blank line, must be edited so that they
+ have blank lines between paragraphs. Indentation can be turned
+ off for a paragraph by starting the paragraph with AltX (this is
+ automatic for the first paragraph after a major break, such as
+ a new section, new page or a table).
+ b. Disregard all apparent multiple linebreaks and multiple spaces in
+ the output file: TeX makes its own decisions about linebreaking,
+ and swallows all multiple spaces. In any case, TeX justifies a
+ whole paragraph at a time, instead of line by line. The only
+ thing to check for is places where PC-Write might have inserted
+ an extra blank line of its own in the middle of a paragraph
+ because it thinks a pagebreak is due. These will have to be
+ removed manually, otherwise TeX will start a new paragraph at
+ these points (it doesn't happen very often).
+ c. Distinguish carefully between the four following symbols, which
+ are often misused:
+  HYPHEN ("-"), used between two words, like "PC-Write": type a
+ single "-" to get this;
+  EN-RULE ("--"), used between two numbers, between a number and a
+ word, or where a hyphen may seem visually incorrect, such as
+ "37--55", "4--part" or "X--rated": type a double "--" to get one;
+  EM-RULE ("---"), used between phrases --- sometimes called a
+ dash: type a triple "---" for this;
+  MINUS-SIGN ("-"), used in math mode: type a single "-" within
+ AltRs.
+  They are all different, so take care! Most importantly, never let 
+ a line end with a hyphen character or dash in your source (.DOC) 
+ file. TeX treats a line-end as a space, so you would get a space
+ following your hyphen or dash when it is typeset (like "line-end"
+ above).
+ d. Use the grave accent character (`) for an opening single-quote,
+ and the apostrophe (') for a closing single-quote, so that they
+ look `like this'. Opening and closing double quotes are handled
+ "automatically", like that, provided you have paired them correctly.
+ A few extra TeX commands have been added which can be invoked within
+ e. wider makes the paragraph indentation 1 inch wide
+ f. normal sets it back to 20pt again
+ g. tighter halves the inter-paragraph space. Repeated usage halves
+ it again. looser doubles the space (again and again)
+ h. front makes the first page number zero, and omits the page number
+ from the bottom of the front page
+ i. some of the translations of the Alt-characters have been
+ tokenised into macros to make the TeX sourec more readable. This
+ should not affect processing in any way.
+ The following Alt keys have been implemented. The ones marked with an
+asterisk (*) are slightly different from plain PC-Write. Those marked
+with a dagger (dag) have changed since v1.2 of PC-WRITeX.
+ Alt A "align" --- not used. Simple tabulation can now be done using
+ the IBM PC box-drawing character set. See below for
+ detailsdag
+ Alt B "bold" --- prints bold type. Note that this is different from the
+ bold extended type invoked by AltS
+ Alt C "compressed" --- changes to 10pt type (8pt design size: normal 
+ type is 12pt of 10pt design size)
+*Alt D "double" --- changes to 20pt type (of 17pt design size)
+ Alt E "lite" --- prints in sans-serif type (this has a slightly 
+ narrower "set" than normal roman, hence its use for the 
+ lite style) 
+*Alt F "fast" --- has no effect and cannot be redefined because it
+ automatically gets inserted into the top of the output file by
+ PC-Write, where there would be no way of turning it off
+*Alt G "dot-line" --- only works for .R:x typeface changes and
+ line-spacing specifications such as .S:4 at the moment. It might
+ be possible to get it re-interpreted in a later version
+ Alt H "higher" --- prints real superscriptslikethis, but you need to
+ use CtlSpace between words within the superscript, if your
+ superscript itself has several words
+ Alt I "italic" --- prints in italic type. Note that this is different
+ from the slanted type invoked by AltU
+*Alt J "jump" --- causes a 1em vertical space (about 1 line space).
+ This should usually go on a line by itselfdag
+ Alt K "keep" --- forces end of line without a paragraph spacedag
+ Alt L "lower" --- prints real subscriptslikethis, but you need to use
+ CtlSpace between words within the subscript, if your subscript
+ itself has several words
+ Alt M "em" --- skips 1em space horizontally (about 2 characters worth
+ if this was fixed-width setting). Use CtlSpace if you want
+ to insert a single character's worth of fixed spacedag
+ Alt N "number" --- itemises paragraphs. The number or symbol must
+ follow the AltN with no space, but must have a space after
+ it, eg triangleleft3.char'040The symbol char'040 represents
+ a single space character will itemise paragraph 3.
+ If you have set the indentation amount wide enough (eg with
+ AltZ, starparindent=.5instar), you can also itemise
+ paragraphs with things in another font, like this paragraph
+ (triangleleft heartsuitAltNheartsuitchar'040).
+ To get an indented paragraph with no mark, use triangleleft
+ (AltNCtlSpace). The PC-Write usage of double and triple
+ AltNs is not implementeddag
+*Alt O "narrower" --- narrows the margins for the duration of the
+ paragraph it startsdag
+ Alt P "pica" --- prints in small capitals, conventionally used for
+ acronyms like IBM, DEC etc
+*Alt Q "quitpage" --- forces a new page (replaces the AltT of plain
+ PC-Write)dag
+*Alt R "realmath" --- encloses mathematics typesetting, such as
+ E=mc or 4r^3/3 You can now use TeX's curly braces within
+ linear math mode if you need to: the forward slash also
+ works as TeX's \over command (eg triangle4^3/3triangle),
+ so large linear fractions will need manual tweaking to stop
+ them being interpreted as \overs.dag
+ Alt S "shadow" --- prints in bold extended type as distinct from the 
+ slightly narrower plain bold of AltB
+ Alt T "top" --- PC-Write's hard page-break character cannot be
+ redefined, should not be used, and may have unpredictable
+ effects, like breaking your paragraphs where you don't want to.
+ Alt U "underline" --- prints in slanted type rather than underlining, 
+ because underlining is almost non-existant in typography 
+*Alt V "variable" --- prints in typewriter type. This is the opposite
+ of variable-width type, but AltF cannot be used, and even
+ QuickSoft themselves do this for some printer implementations.
+ If you need variable-width typewriter type (eg IBM Executive
+ typewriter style) modify PCWSTY.TeX to use font cmvtt10 instead
+ of cmtt10
+*Alt W "underscore" --- underscores the text if you really need to:
+ this can be handy in terminal session example documentation
+ for indicating what the user types, as opposed to what is
+ displayed or printed by the machine
+*Alt X "xindent" --- turns off indentation at the start of a paragraph
+ (this is conventional at the start of a document and after
+ itemised or narrowed paragraphsdag
+*Alt Y "centerline" --- centers a line (put it at start and end of
+ line: you can still use ShfF8 to center the line on the
+ screen because TeX doesn't care about extra spacesdag
+*Alt Z "literal" --- surrounds a literal TeX command to be passed
+ unchanged to the output file, eg, starTeXstar. Do not put
+ backslashes themselves in the command string. This is the
+ technique used to do the examples in the sections on AltN and
+ AltR abovedag
+ The following characters (decimal numbers) have special meanings:
+124 "vertical bar" --- works as a prime mark for feet (|) and
+ inches (||); use character 221 [6<accent>`] for a real
+ vertical bar ()
+126 "tilde" --- prints as a math "sim" sign (~) except in typewriter
+ type where you get an ordinary tilde (~)
+169 [[<accent>`] --- prints the "carriage-return" symbol ()
+176 [Shf Ctl F1] --- starts a footnoteAuto-numbered, as you may
+ have noticed.dag
+177 [Shf Ctl F2] --- ends the footnote text. Also terminates
+ right-flush lines (see character 222 below)dag
+178 [Shf Alt F1] --- starts verbatim mode (literal small-typewriter
+ type): useful for quoting screen displays, programs or terminal
+ sessions (end with character 219 below), egdag
+ if n < r then n := n + 1
+ else begin print_totals; n := 0;
+ end
+ while p > 0 do
+ begin q := link(p); free_node(p); p := q;
+ end;
+219 [Shf Alt F2] --- terminates verbatim mode. Both this and
+ character 178 should go on a line by themselvesdag
+221 [6<accent>`] --- prints a real vertical bar (, was 179)dag
+222 [Shf F5] --- flags a line to be printed flush right: terminate
+ the line with character 177 [ShfF6]. This is useful for
+ doing home addresses on letters:dag
+ PO Box 1000
+ Haga Alto, Ca 94321
+223 [8<accent>`] --- prints a horizontal rule across the page
+ (was 196)dag
+244 [(<accent>`] --- prints the whole sign
+245 [)<accent>`] --- prints the copyright sign ()
+248 [%<accent>`] --- prints a circle (). Use superscripting to
+ get the degrees sign.
+249 [.<accent>`] --- prints a centered dot ()dag
+254 [#<accent>`] --- prints a normal round bullet ()
+255 [@<accent>`] --- print a math "times" sign (). Be careful when
+ justifying text in PC-Write because this is treated as a
+ discretionary space.
+ Simple tabulation is now possible using the box-drawing character set.
+The single-line set (PC-Write's ShfAlt set) can be used to produce an
+unruled table like this:
+ Ŀ
+ TABULATION Now possible
+ Ĵ
+ in TeX via PC-Write
+and the double-line set (PC-Write's ShfCtl set) can be used to produce
+ruled tables:
+ ͻ
+ TABULATION Now possible
+ ͹
+ in TeX via PC-Write
+ ͼ
+The only restriction is that only completely ruled or completely
+unruled tables will work. Partially-ruled tables will not function.
+It has been necessary to make some small changes to three other 
+facilities which were in v2.1:
+  The character code 206 (double-line crossover (ShfCtlS), which
+ gave the TeX logotype, has been removed. To get "TeX" you now
+ need to use the AltZ literal (starTeXstar).
+  The character code 179 (ShfAltV), which gave a vertical rule,
+ is now needed for tables. A plain vertical rule is now got with
+ character 221 (6<accent>`).
+  The character code 196 (ShfAltG), which gave a horizontal
+ rule, is also needed for tables: use character 223 (8<accent>`)
+ for horizontal rules.
+The complete character set available by direct translation of PC-Write
+files using this routine is thus:
+ ͻ
+ @ ` ff
+ ͹
+ ! A a fi
+ ͹
+ " B b ffi
+ ͹
+ # C c fl
+ ͹
+ $ D d ffl
+ ͹
+ % E e
+ ͹
+ & F f
+ ͹
+ ' G g
+ ͹
+ ( H h
+ ͹
+ ) I i
+ ͹
+ * J j
+ ͹
+ + K k
+ ͹
+ , L l
+ ͹
+ - M m
+ ͹
+ . N n
+ ͹
+ / O o
+ ͹
+ 0 P p
+ ͹
+ 1 Q q
+ ͹
+ 2 R r
+ ͹
+ 3 S s
+ ͹
+ 4 T t
+ ͹
+ 5 U u
+ ͹
+ 6 V v
+ ͹
+ 7 W w
+ ͹
+ 8 X x
+ ͹
+ 9 Y y
+ ͹
+ : Z z
+ ͹
+ ; [ }
+ ͹
+ < \ |
+ ͹
+ = ] }
+ ͹
+ > ^ ~
+ ͹
+ ? _
+ ͼ
+ Note that the translation of ligatures ff, fi, ffi, fl and ffl is automatic.
+Peter Flynn University College, Cork, Ireland
+<cbts8001@iruccvax> [BITNET]
+<pflynn@bytecosy> [BIX]
+ A. PC-TeX is supplied by Personal TeX Inc, 12 Madrona Avenue, Mill
+ Valley, CA 94941, USA (+1 415 388 8853) and by UniTeX Systems,
+ 12 Dale View Road, Beauchief, Sheffield S8 0EJ, UK (+44 742
+ 351489)
+ B. Micro-TeX, originally supplied by Addison-Wesley, is now
+ defunct.
+ C. TeX is a new product from ArborText Inc, 535 West William
+ Street, Suite 300, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA (+1 313 996 3566).
+ D. DOS-TeX is a shareable implementation available for US$75 ($85
+ outside the US) from Gary Beihl, Electronetics Inc, 119
+ Jackrabbit Run, Round Rock, TX 78664, USA. Gary can be
+ contacted by electronic mail as <> on the
+ DARPA Internet.
+ E. SB-TeX is a public domain implementation by Wayne Sullivan
+ and Peter Breitenlohner, available from SIMTEL--20, Aston,
+ Washington, Heidelberg and other network file servers.
+ F. Turbo-TeX costs from $99 (PC) to $2000 (VAX) from the Kinch
+ Computer Company, Turbo-TeX Marketing, 501 South Meadow Street,
+ Ithaca, NY 14850, USA. They will also supply C source for the
+ PC for $650.
+ G. PC-Write is a ShareWare product of QuickSoft Inc, 219 First
+ Avenue North #224, Seattle, WA 98109, USA, cost $89.
diff --git a/support/pcwritex/PCWRITEX.UPD b/support/pcwritex/PCWRITEX.UPD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..51d280c92b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/pcwritex/PCWRITEX.UPD
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+PC-WRITeX update v2.3 (a few bug fixes) No 5: 03 Jan 89
+The main change has been adding "{}" after a lot of macro names. This avoids
+you having to use a hard space after control sequence names, and fixes the
+problem of such names gobbling spaces after them.
+The definition of "end-of-page" as far as PC-Write itself was concerned (the $J
+in PR.DOC), this has been changed from a 0 (zero: ASCII NUL) to a 32 (ASCII
+SPACE) because SBTeX chewed up over a NUL.
+A few new command names have been added to make life a little easier: details
+are in PCWRITEX.DOC (let me know if you invent more!)
+Peter Flynn
+PC-WRITeX update v2.2 with tables No 4: 27 Aug 88
+DEVELOPMENTS --- The major change in v2.2 is the addition of ruled and
+unruled tables. The IBM PC box-drawing character set can now be used
+to produce simple tabulations like
+ ͻ
+ ͹
+ dBASE II 49.95
+ ͹
+ *WARS 25.00
+ ͹
+ PACMAN 15.00
+ ͼ
+Using the double-line character set will produce a ruled table. Only
+the horizontal and vertical lines, corners, crossovers and T-characters
+can be used. The single-line character set will produce an unruled
+ Ŀ
+ Ĵ
+ dBASE II 49.95
+ Ĵ
+ *WARS 25.00
+ Ĵ
+ PACMAN 15.00
+This is nice, but the same restrictions apply: NO MIXING OF DOUBLE-
+tables may be possible at a later date.
+There is no (logical) limit on the number of rows or columns, but the
+inherent assumption is that all columns except the last will be left-
+aligned: the last will be right-aligned (because it is often used for
+money or other numbers). You can bodge your own copy of PR.DOC to
+change this if you want it different. Making character 203 equate to
+"\hfil#&#&" instead will make all columns except the first one right-
+aligned: this may be more useful for invoices, where column 1 is text
+and all remaining ones are numeric.
+Because of all this, a few things have had to change:
+ The character code 206 (double-line crossover (Shf Ctl S), which
+ gave the TeX logotype, has been removed. To get "TeX" you now
+ need to use the Alt Z literal.
+ The character code 179 (Shf Alt V), which gave a vertical rule,
+ is now needed for tables. A plain vertical rule is now got with
+ character 221 (6<accent>`).
+ The character code 196 (Shf Alt G), which gave a horizontal
+ rule, is also needed for tables: use character 223 (8<accent>`)
+ for horizontal rules.
+I hope this is all worth it. A couple of small bugs have been fixed,
+mainly concerning the caret mark in typewriter type.
+Peter Flynn
+PC-WRITeX update v2.1 now out No 3: 22 May 88
+DEVELOPMENTS --- Since the last copy of v1.1 went out the door (or
+rather, off onto the network), I have been busy converting quite a lot
+of my own documentation from an assortment of formats into PC-WRITeX
+format. With the use of a PR.TXT file as well as the PR.DOC, it has been
+possible to maintain a single source file in PC-WRITE which can be
+printed (a) on any of the printers supported by PC-WRITE; (b) as a plain
+text file with no attributes at all (ie plain unvarnished ASCII,
+suitable for network mailing); and (c) as a TeX document. This has
+proved very successful: the only caveat is not to get carried away, once
+you see the quality you get from TeX typesetting, into overusing the
+facilities so much that your documents become unuseable on ordinary
+A NEW VERSION --- is now available: converting all this documentation
+has made a lot of things clear both about PC-WRITE and about what is
+needed from a multi-output documentation system. The new version has
+some extra bells and whistles, and very few actual changes, but I'm
+afraid there are indeed some Alt keys which have had to change. ED.DOC
+defines a few extra keystrokes to operate new features.
+Reasons --- The major change was triggered by finally grasping that PC-
+WRITE does not turn font attributes off at the end of the line in the
+order that you turned them on, or in the order that you specified. In
+fact the rules are as follows (obtained by inspection of a print-to-disk
+of a line containing all possible font characters on and off in order):
+Details --- Fonts C and P cause a reversion to font F first before
+activating themselves (logical, I suppose). Fonts D, E, F, Q and V turn
+OFF the current font first before activation. This limits what you can
+do in certain styles: you can't get small caps (Alt P) within the
+compressed face (Alt C) for example. In general, fonts are turned OFF
+in the following order at the end of a line:
+ S B E V P C M J X Z D N W O K I Q U H L R Y
+and not in either alpha or user-implied order. The effect of this on
+PC-WRITeX was to utterly screw up some modes (center line, math mode)
+because the translation of the turn-off sequences into TeX were coming
+out in the "wrong" order (wrong for TeX, that is). The consequent
+changes to font characters are:
+ Was Now
+ O u/d footnote
+ n/a O narrower margins this paragraph
+ R X no indent this paragraph
+ M R math mode (linear, not display)
+ J M quad horizontal space
+ Y J blank line (quad vertical space)
+ Z Y center line
+ n/a Z TeX literal
+CHANGES --- The implementation of footnoting was unsuccessful for
+anything involving multi-line footnotes because when typing it in, the
+Alt Os wrapped with the text, causing chaos. Footnoting is now
+implemented by usurping characters 175 and 177 decimal (shaded boxes,
+unrepresentable in TeX) respectively. ED.DOC defines Shf Ctl F1 and Shf
+Ctl F2 as the turn on and turn off keystrokes
+Math mode was made Alt R and the short chain of consequent reassignments
+now means that TeX closing sequences are honored correctly. The math
+characters now work alone and in math mode transparently. In particular,
+super- and sub-scripting now produces roman (upright) type, not math
+A new facility has been introduced in Alt Z, which outputs a backslash,
+so TeX commands can be passed to the output file if you require special
+effects such as changing indentation amounts etc.
+Another extra is right-alignment, initiated by character 222 (defined in
+ED.DOC as Shf F5) and terminated by 177 (Shf F6). This causes a
+\line{\strut\hfil and a closing }
+One final new addition is a verbatim mode for quoting DP output in
+typewriter type (Tex's \tt face). This is implemented by usurping
+characters 178 and 219 (the other two shaded boxes) to turn this mode on
+and off. They both cause a paragraph skip, so put them on a line by
+themselves. They cause any intervening text to be printed in small size
+typewriter type, but it is not a true verbatim mode, because backslashes
+will not work. Most plain ASCII text will reproduce OK this way, though.
+ED.DOC defines Shf Alt F1 and Shf Alt F2 as the turn on and turn off
+The default TeX output is now \magstep1, not \magstep0. Most people seem
+to prefer documentation at the larger size, but you can change this
+locally in PCWSTY.TEX if you wish.
+DISTRIBUTION ---To ease the pain of this, I am now shipping a
+replacement help screen which you can put in ED.HLP wherever you like (I
+replaced the SHAREWARE panel in my personal copy, because QuickSoft,
+having pioneered the concept in the US, are refusing to honor it in
+Europe). I am also shipping a four-line ED.DOC which defines the
+characters 176, 177, 178 and 219 as Shf Ctl F1 and F2 and Shf Alt F1 and
+F2 for operating the new features mentioned above.
+Sorry to go making these changes if you've gotten yourselves
+established, but they were required to make the thing work
+satisfactorily. I am sending v2.1 out with this note to all those who
+requested the original (v1.2) and I would ask them please to circulate
+it to those to whom they gave the previous version. An announcement will
+also appear in the TeXHaX list to this effect. I have removed the .TEX,
+.DVI and .HP files from the .arc distribution because of size. A copy of
+the PR.TXT file is included, however.
+FUTURES --- The next phase of development will be creating TeX
+definitions for the box-drawing character set. This is a non-trivial
+task (help welcomed!) and no timescale exists yet for this phase.
+Peter Flynn
+PC-WRITeX update v1.2 changes No 2: 31 Mar 88
+Several people have asked for closer co-operation between PC-WRITE's way
+of using Alt characters and that used by PC-WRITeX. It is difficult to make
+them very much closer, but one change which seems desirable is to exchange
+the definitions of Alt-N and Alt-Y, so that itemising is done with Alt-N,
+as in PC-WRITE ("autonumber" facility), and \vskip space is done by Alt-Y
+(as in "y-axis") rather than vice-versa. The two lines in PR.DOC should
+therefore look like this:
+#N=17 +"\item{"-"} " (itemises para [only works with indent>0])
+#Y=31 +"\vskip"-"em " (leaves vertical space in ems eg, 12)
+Another problem is that of generating plain unvarnished ASCII files from
+PC-WRITeX documents. If you have nicely formatted files which print well
+in TeX but which you want to send across a network or give to someone
+who only has a mainframe lineprinter, you need to de-TeX (or at least
+de-PC-WRITE) the file. I have therefore put together a "dumb ASCII" driver
+which will reproduce only the text, with no formatting at all (you can
+put in a ruler line with a J for justification if you wish). This file
+PR.TXT is being sent out along with this update, and should be added to the
+distribution .ARC file if you are acting as a supplier. All users need do
+is put PR.TXT in their \pcwrite subdirectory, and copy or rename their
+text files to .TXT instead of .DOC Printing to disk in the normal way will
+then generate a plain ASCII file.
+One unfortunate by-product of doing this, though, is that the Alt commands
+which in .DOC file usage enclose a numeric argument (eg for setting para
+skip values) will reproduce just a number in the plain ASCII output, on its
+own. For the moment you'll just have to edit these out where they occur.
+One suggestion is that these value-setting Alt commands should be replaced
+by macros which increment or decrement the TeX values by a fixed amount,
+instead of allowing the user to specify how much to set them to. I am not
+entirely in favour of this, as it would lead to rather more restrictiveness
+than is desirable for typesetting, but it would get rid of lone digits in
+plain ASCII output because the definition of the Alt characters in PR.TXT
+would be null.
+Peter Flynn
+PC-WRITeX update No 1: 26 Feb 88
+Since the first distribution of PC-WRITeX, three points have been brought
+up which require correction. PLEASE ENSURE YOUR COPY IS UPDATED, AND TRY
+ 1. In PCWRITEX.DOC, the reference to the 1-line contents of file
+ PR.DEF should have the period removed from between the
+ exclamation mark and the pr.*: this file should thus contain
+ the line !pr.*
+ 2. In PCWRITEX.DOC, the reference at the very end to a public-domain
+ version of TeX called MS-TeX is incorrect and should be deleted.
+ My apologies to Mr McGuffey for any inconvenience I have caused.
+ There *is*, however, a limited MS-DOS implementation called DOSTeX
+ available for US$75 ($85 outside the US) from Electronetics Inc,
+ 119 Jackrabbit Run, Round Rock, Tx 78664. Contact Gary Beihl there,
+ or on the Internet as <>
+ 3. Some early versions of PCWSTY.TEX have an incomplete definition of
+ the font changes in the \sans and \bigger macros, which omitted
+ to reference an equivalence for the \bx (bold extended) type.
+ Please substitute the following macros in that file:
+ \let\bx=\bbf\rm}
+Peter Flynn
diff --git a/support/pcwritex/PCWSTY.TEX b/support/pcwritex/PCWSTY.TEX
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db2ee4c99c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/pcwritex/PCWSTY.TEX
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+% PCWSTY.TEX - This is the file of definitions to handle the PR.DOC output
+% which converts a file from PC-WRITE format to TeX format.
+%\hsize=6truein \hoffset=.5truein % use this line for theses to give 1" margin
+% sans-serif fonts invoked by Alt-E (elite typesize, originally 12cpi)
+% small cmr fonts invoked by Alt-C (originally compressed type)
+% use the narrower bold for default bold (Alt-B)
+% and bold extended for Alt-S (originally shadow-print)
+% 17pt fonts for the Alt-D (double-width type) command
+\font\bit=cmti10 scaled \magstep2
+\font\bsl=cmsl10 scaled \magstep2
+\font\bbf=cmbx10 scaled \magstep2
+\font\btt=cmtt10 scaled \magstep2
+\font\bsc=cmcsc10 scaled \magstep2
+% cmu gives us the upright pounds sterling sign
+% caps and small caps invoked by Alt-P
+% also grab bold italics
+%\font\ibf=cmbxti10 scaled \magstep1
+%\font\slbf=cmbxsl10 scaled \magstep1
+%\font\cu=cuplt60 at 60truept
+% define the three typestyle changes
+ \let\sc=\zsc\rm}
+ \let\sc=\ssc\let\tt=\stt\rm\baselineskip=9pt}
+ \let\sc=\bsc\let\bx=\bbf\let\stt=\tt\rm}
+% \let\sc=\ssl\let\bx=\ibf\rm}
+% redefine vertical bar character to active and equate it with a prime mark
+% for use as abbreviation for feet (or twice for inches)
+\def|{\ifmmode\vert\else\ifnum\uflag=1 \char'174 \else$'$\fi\fi}
+% redefine slash to active so it can be used in math mode for \over
+\def/{\ifmmode\over\else\char'057 \fi}
+% make backslash and otErs produce the right thing in typewriter type
+\newcount\fflag \fflag=0
+\def\\{\ifnum\fam=\ttfam\char'134 \else\ifnum\fflag=1 \char'134
+\def\lb{\ifnum\fam=\ttfam\char'173 \else\ifnum\uflag=1 \char'173
+\def\rb{\ifnum\fam=\ttfam\char'175 \else\ifnum\uflag=1 \char'175
+\def\lt{\ifnum\fam=\ttfam\char'074 \else\ifnum\uflag=1 \char'074
+\def\gt{\ifnum\fam=\ttfam\char'076 \else\ifnum\uflag=1 \char'076
+\def\tilde{\ifnum\fam=\ttfam\char'176 \else\ifnum\uflag=1 \char'176
+% similarly with caret, but take account of superscripting work
+\else\ifnum\uflag=1 \char'136%
+% get math characters to work right in and out of math mode
+% ditto sub- and super-scripts
+\def\sup#1{\ifmmode{^{\rm #1}}\else$\rm^{#1}$\fi}
+\def\sub#1{\ifmmode{_{\rm #1}}\else$\rm_{#1}$\fi}
+% define a verbatim mode
+\newcount\uflag \uflag=0
+\def\verbon{\medbreak\begingroup\stt\baselineskip=9pt\parskip=0pt plus.1pt
+\global\uflag=1 \global\fflag=1 \obeylines\obeyspaces}
+{\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }
+\def\verboff{\endgroup\global\uflag=0 }
+% define neater itemisation
+\def\element#1 {\item{#1}}
+% define pounds sterling sign, cents, yen
+% define double-quote char as active and make it toggle between left and right
+% (opening and closing quotes). Can't do this with single-quote because it
+% also gets used as an apostrophe which would upset the counter logic. Maybe
+% someone could work out a way of testing if the character preceding a single
+% quote was a space or line-end, then you could say if so, make it an opening
+% single quote. Check also made for if you are in typewriter type, if so, use
+% plain double-quote character and try to do the same in underlined mode,
+% which is a math box, family -1, which failed before.
+\catcode`\"=13 \newcount\quotes
+\def"{\ifnum\fam=\ttfam\char'042 \else
+ \ifnum\uflag=1 \char'042 \else
+% \ifnum\fam<0 \char'042 \else
+ \global\advance\quotes by1 \ifodd\quotes``\else''\fi\fi\fi}
+% tidy up footnoting, using the normal \footnote macro but doing automatic
+% numbering
+\setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height10pt depth4pt width0pt}% for tabulations
+\def\footstrut{\vbox to 9pt{}}
+\setbox\fstrutbox=\hbox{\vrule height1pt depth 1pt width0pt}
+\splittopskip\ht\strutbox%topbaseline for broken footnotes%
+\def\fn#1{\global\advance\footnum by1 \footnote{$^{\number\footnum}$}
+{\global\fflag=1 {\smaller #1}}\global\fflag=0 }
+% fudge \narrower to apply to one paragraph only
+% define fractions (TeXbook, p311)
+\def\frac#1/#2 {\leavevmode\kern.1em
+ \raise.6ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #1}\kern-.1em
+ /\kern-.2em\lower.2ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #2}}
+% define the fixed-space character
+% ensure baselines are 12pt apart to begin with
+\baselineskip=12pt \parskip=.5em plus.25em minus.25em
+% Fudge a \la for the beginning of \latex
+\def\La{{\rm L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\sc a}\kern-.15em}}
+\vbox to#2 {\special{hp: plotfile #1 }\vfil}}}
+\def\tighter{\global\divide\parskip by2}
+\def\looser{\global\multiply\parskip by2}
+\def\folio{\ifnum\pageno=0 \else\ifnum\pageno<0 \romannumeral-\pageno
+ \else\number\pageno\fi\fi}
+\message{PC-WRITeX v2.3}
diff --git a/support/pcwritex/PR.DEF b/support/pcwritex/PR.DEF
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5616ab7a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/pcwritex/PR.DEF
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/support/pcwritex/PR.DOC b/support/pcwritex/PR.DOC
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..422828f7f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/pcwritex/PR.DOC
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+ L----------------------------------------------------------------------R
+(PC-WRITeX v2.3 typesetting system converter: print your files to disk only)
+#A=14 (unused)
+#B=02 +"{\bf{}"-"}" (bold)
+#C=06 +"{\smaller{}"-"}" (8pt)
+#D=16 +"{\bigger{}"-"}" (17pt)
+#E=03 +"{\sans{}"-"}" (sans-serif)
+#F=28 (reserved, not redefinable)
+#H=24 +"\sup{"-"}" (superscript)
+#I=21 +"{\it{}"-"\/}" (italics)
+#J=08 +"\emgap "-" " (leaves 1 pica em vertical space)
+#K=20 +"\newline "-" " (forces a newline with no para space)
+#L=25 +"\sub{"-"}" (subscript)
+#M=07 +"\quad "-" " (inserts 1 em quad of horizontal space)
+#N=17 +"\element "-" " (itemises para [only works with indent>0])
+#O=19 +"\squeeze "-" " (sets next para narrower)
+#P=05 +"\csc{"-"}" (small capitals)
+#Q=22 +"\newpage "-" " (new page)
+#R=30 +"$"-"$" (non-display math mode)
+#S=01 +"{\bx{}"-"}" (bold extended)
+#T=12 (reserved, not redfinable)
+#U=23 +"{\sl{}"-"\/}" (slanted type, not italics)
+#V=04 +"{\tt{}"-"}" (typewriter type [fixed-width])
+#W=18 +"\uline{"-"}" (underline)
+#X=13 +"\newpara " (no indent this para, use after lists)
+#Y=31 +"\centerline{"-"}" (centers a line)
+#Z=15 +"\"-"{}" (enclose a TeX command without b'slash)
+$12="\vfill\eject " (new page)
+$14="&" (tabulation mark)
+$35="\#" (hash mark)
+$36="\$" (dollar sign)
+$37="\%" (percent sign)
+$38="\&" (ampersand)
+$60="{\lt}" (less than)
+$62="{\gt}" (greater than)
+$92="\\" (backslash)
+$94="\caret " (caret mark)
+$95="{\tt\_}" (underline character)
+$123="\lb "
+$125="\rb "
+$126="\tilde "
+$128="\c C" ()
+$129=92,34,117 (, definition contains a double-quote char)
+$130="\'e" ()
+$131="\^a" ()
+$132=92,34,97 ()
+$133="\`a" ()
+$134="\aa{}" ()
+$135="\c c" ()
+$136="\^e" ()
+$137=92,34,101 ()
+$138="\`e" ()
+$139=92,34,92,105,32 ()
+$140="\^\i{}" ()
+$141="\`\i{}" ()
+$142=92,34,65 ()
+$143="\AA{}" ()
+$144="\'E" ()
+$145="\ae{}" ()
+$146="\AE{}" ()
+$147="\^o" ()
+$148=92,34,111 ()
+$149="\`o" ()
+$150="\^u" ()
+$151="\`u" ()
+$152=92,34,121 ()
+$153=92,34,79 ()
+$154=92,34,85 ()
+$155="\cents{}" ()
+$156="\pounds{}" ()
+$157="\yen{}" ()
+$158="P\kern-2pt$_{\rm t}$" ()
+$159="$\wp$" ()
+$160="\'a" ()
+$161="\'\i{}" ()
+$162="\'o" ()
+$163="\'u" ()
+$164="\~n" ()
+$165="\~N" ()
+$166="$^{\underline{\upr a}}$" ()
+$167="$^{\underline{\upr o}}$" ()
+$168=">" ()
+$169="$\hookleftarrow${}" ()
+$170="$\neg$" ()
+$171="{\frac1/2 }" ()
+$172="{\frac1/4 }" ()
+$173="<" ()
+$176="\fn{" ( - footnote start)
+$177="}" ( - footnote end)
+$178="\verbon{}" (start verbatim mode)
+$219="\verboff " (end verbatim mode)
+$221=" \strut\vrule\ " ()
+$222="\line{\strut\hfil " (start right-aligned line}
+$223="\hrule " ()
+$224="\mt{\alpha}" ()
+$225="\mt{\beta}" ()
+$226="\mt{\Gamma}" ()
+$227="\mt{\pi}" ()
+$228="\mt{\sum}" (, not \Sigma, 'cos most people do math, not greek)
+$229="\mt{\sigma}" ()
+$230="\mt{\mu}" ()
+$231="\mt{\Upsilon}" ()
+$232="\mt{\Phi}" ()
+$233="\mt{\theta}" ()
+$234="\mt{\Omega}" ()
+$235="\mt{\delta}" ()
+$236="\mt{\infty}" ()
+$237="\mt{\phi}" ()
+$238="\mt{\in}" ()
+$239="\mt{\cap}" ()
+$240="\mt{\equiv}" ()
+$241="\mt{\pm}" ()
+$242="\mt{\geq}" ()
+$243="\mt{\leq}" ()
+$244="\mt{\int}" (, bottom half not needed)
+$245="\copyright{}" ()
+$246="\mt{\div}" ()
+$247="\mt{\approx}" ()
+$248="\mt{\circ}" ()
+$249="\mt{\cdot}" ()
+$250=126 (, forced fixed single space)
+$251="\mt{{\sqrt{\phantom{i}}}}" (, \phantom{i} because \sqrt expects an argument)
+$252="\mt{\eta}" ()
+$253="\sup{2}" ()
+$254="\mt{\bullet}" ()
+$255="\mt{\times}" ()
+$S02= "\baselineskip=36pt "
+$S03= "\baselineskip=24pt "
+$S04= "\baselineskip=18pt "
+$S05= "\baselineskip=14.4pt "
+$S06= "\baselineskip=12pt "
+$S07= "\baselineskip=10.3pt "
+$S08= "\baselineskip=9pt "
+$S09= "\baselineskip=8pt "
+$S10= "\baselineskip=7.2pt "
+$S11= "\baselineskip=6.56pt "
+$S12= "\baselineskip=6pt "
+$P="\input pcwsty.tex "
+$Z="\bye "
+ .XT:0
+ .XB:0
+ .X:0
diff --git a/support/pcwritex/PR.TXT b/support/pcwritex/PR.TXT
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41967ffe42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/pcwritex/PR.TXT
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ L----------------------------------------------------------------------R
+(Plain ASCII output for network/lineprinter: print your files to disk only)
+(This definition allows files created for the TeX emulator PR.DOC to be)
+(printed to disk with no controls at all [copy your file to *.TXT first])
+#A=14 (tab column separator, unused for now)
+#B=02 (bold)
+#C=06 (8pt)
+#D=16 (17pt)
+#E=03 (sans-serif)
+#F=28 (reserved, not redefinable)
+#H=24 +"("-")" (superscript)
+#I=21 (italics)
+#J=08 +13,10-13,10 (leave 1 line blank)
+#K=20 (start a new line)
+#L=25 +"("-")" (subscript)
+#M=07 +32-32 (skip 1 space)
+#N=17 (itemise a paragraph)
+#O=19 (start narrower paragraph)
+#P=05 (small capitals)
+#Q=22 (new page, TeX only)
+#R=30 (math mode)
+#S=01 (bold extended)
+#T=12 (reserved, not redfinable)
+#U=23 (slanted)
+#V=04 (typewriter type [fixed-width])
+#W=18 (underlined)
+#X=13 (omit indent)
+#Y=31 (center line)
+#Z=15 (TeX commands)
+$35="#" (hash mark)
+$36="$" (dollar sign)
+$37="%" (percent sign)
+$38="&" (ampersand)
+$94="^" (caret mark)
+$95="_" (underline character)
+$176="*[" (start footnote)
+$177="]" (end footnote)
+$178=13,10,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,13,10 (start verbatim)
+$207="+" (dummy filler)
+$219=13,10,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,45,13,10 (end verbatim)
+$221="|" (vertical rule)
+$222="[" (right align line)
+$254="o" (bullet)
+ .L:66
+ .X:1
+ .XT:1
+ .XB:1
diff --git a/support/pcwritex/pcwritex.zoo b/support/pcwritex/pcwritex.zoo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2364f8be29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/pcwritex/pcwritex.zoo
Binary files differ