path: root/support/mewltx/interfac.rtf
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/mewltx/interfac.rtf
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/mewltx/interfac.rtf')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/mewltx/interfac.rtf b/support/mewltx/interfac.rtf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2f14739ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/mewltx/interfac.rtf
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+{\rtf1\ansi \deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\froman Tms Rmn;}{\f1\froman Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss Helv;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;
+\red255\green255\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;}{\stylesheet{\s244 \f2\fs16\up6 \sbasedon0\snext0 footnote reference;}{\s245 \f2\fs20 \sbasedon0\snext245 footnote text;}{\f2\fs20 \snext0 Normal;}}{\info{\author Reid}{\operator Reid}
+{\creatim\yr1992\mo12\dy21\hr18\min22}{\revtim\yr1993\mo1\dy2\hr19\min33}{\version2}{\edmins113}{\nofpages1}{\nofwords65536}{\nofchars65536}{\vern8351}}\margr3600\widowctrl\ftnbj \sectd \linex0\endnhere \pard\plain \f2\fs20 {\fs16\up6 #{\footnote
+\pard\plain \s245 \f2\fs20 {\fs16\up6 #} main}} {\fs16\up6 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f2\fs20 {\fs16\up6 +} topic:00}} {\fs32 MicroEMACS LaTeX Interface.}
+\par MEWLaTeX Version 1.0, January 10,1993.
+\par Michael F. Reid <>
+\par From April 1993: <>
+\par \pard \tx5850 This is an attempt at a MicroEMACS interface for preparing LaTeX documents under MicroSoft Windows (mewin). It consists of a LATEX.CMD file and a number of auxiliary files.
+\par \pard
+\par Please tell me about any inaccuracies in the macros or the documents. The details of the implementation can be easily adjusted if you have some good suggestions.
+\par 0. {\uldb TeX-helpful modifications to mewin.}{\v tex_helpful_modifications}
+\par There are five major headings under the TeX menu item.:
+\par 1. {\uldb LaTeX Input.}{\v latex_input} \tab \tab to assist in preparation of LaTeX files
+\par 2. {\uldb BibTeX Input.}{\v bibtex_input \tab \tab \tab \tab }\tab \tab to assist in preparation of BibTeX files
+\par 3. {\uldb Execute.}{\v execute} \tab \tab to run LaTeX processes
+\par 4. {\uldb Debug.}{\v debug} \tab \tab to locate errors automatically
+\par 5. {\uldb Help.}{\v help} \tab \tab help on LaTeX, this interface, and installation
+\par \page {\fs16\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f2\fs20 {\fs16\up6 #} tex_helpful_modifications}} {\fs16\up6 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f2\fs20 {\fs16\up6 +} topic:10}} {\fs32 0. TeX-helpful modifications.}
+\par Some additions and modifications have been made. Some are personal preferences, some are to mewin work reasonably nicely with TeX files, and some are to make mewin behave a little more similarly to gnu emacs.
+\par Wrap mode and "C Indentation" are automatically used on .tex and .bib files.
+\par The "mark" (see mewin help) can be set using the gnu keystroke Control-@, which of course, requires you to press both Control and Shift keys at the same time!
+\par The point is left in place after a file insert. This is more like gnu emacs.
+\par The Insert key toggles over-write mode.
+\par Control-Delete deletes blanks up to the next non-blank or end-of-line.
+\par Read about the mouse interface in the mewin help. You can cut and paste with just mouse strokes.
+\par The characters "\\" and "%" are considered to start a paragraph, so that you don't get your equations reformatted (Esc-Q or "Edit>Paragraph>Fill").
+\par A backup-save option on the file menu (M-S keystroke) creates a backup file. If your original file was x.y the backup is x.~y. This is clumsy, as it has to run a DOS batch file to do it (del x.~y, rename x.y x.~y).
+\par An "Edit>Date" item is added, which puts the current time and date into your file at the current point.
+\par An "Edit>Region>To Clipboard" item is added, which copies the "region" to the Windows clipboard.
+\par A "Spell>Buffer" menu item is added, to run a spell-checker on your file. If you want to read in the corrections, you have to wait for the DOS program to finish, then press enter. If you type "n" then enter, the modifications will not be read.
+\par Note the goto-matching-fence (Esc-Control-F or under the "Search>Goto" menu), which matches brackets (but not $ signs).
+\par \page {\fs16\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f2\fs20 {\fs16\up6 #} latex_input}} {\fs16\up6 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f2\fs20 {\fs16\up6 +} topic:11}} {\fs32 1. LaTeX Input.}
+\par In some cases the menu items give you an explicit input, such as a pair of brackets, but in other cases the options are displayed on the screen, and you have to move the cursor to the option you want (by mouse or position keys), and then press enter. Or y
+ou can type the option. Pressing enter without moving the cursor, or pressing Control-G, aborts the process. The layout of the math symbols is similar to the Character Set Help.
+\par Some of the bracketing commands are more likely to be accessed by keystroke. The key bindings appear on the menus automatically. Since you may want to change these, I will not spell them out here. {\b
+\par Templates.} Here you use mouse or arrow keys to point the cursor at the item you want (document, letter, REVTeX template, etc) and the appropriate file is included in your file. . Adding extra items would be easy.
+\par {\b Headings.} Similar to templates. Creates \\section\{\}, etc.
+\par {\b Environments.} Allows you to pick an environment. The \\begin\{env\} \\end\{env\} pair is created, and you are positioned in between. If the environment is known to have more arguments, space is created for those, e.g. \\begin\{tabular\}\{lcr\} \\end
+\par {\b Math Environments}. Brackets around math mode.
+\par {\b Brackets.} Creates a pair of brackets, e.g. \{\}, with the point positioned between.
+\par {\b Text.}
+\par \tab Accents
+\par \tab Special Symbols
+\par \tab Foreign Symbols
+\par {\b Math.
+\par }\tab Super/Subscripts
+\par \tab Variable Brackets
+\par \tab Accents
+\par \tab Greek
+\par \tab Binary Operators
+\par \tab Relation Symbols
+\par \tab Arrow Symbols
+\par \tab Miscellaneous
+\par \tab Log Like
+\par \tab Delimiters
+\par \tab Variable Symbols (\\sum, \\int, etc)
+\par \tab Over and Underline
+\par {\b Miscellaneous.} Pick an item and it will be copied into your file.
+\par \page {\fs16\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f2\fs20 {\fs16\up6 #} bibtex_input}} {\fs16\up6 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f2\fs20 {\fs16\up6 +} topic:12}} {\fs32 2. BibTeX Input.}
+\par {\b Templates.} Pulls in a file with the necessary entries for each type of citation. i.e.
+\par \tab @BOOK\{,
+\par \tab author="",
+\par \tab ...
+\par \tab \}
+\par Note that I include an "annote" field. The bibliographystyle annotation.bst (available at TeX archives) will print out this field, so that is a handy place to put comments.
+\par {\b Clean BibItem.} Takes out all the blank items, i.e. lines with a pair of double quotes (""). This is quite crude, and relies on the template format.
+\par {\b Clean BibFile.} Cleans the whole file.
+\par {\b Sort BibFile.} Sorts the entries by citation key, which is crude. Better sorting.programs are available. The sorting is rather slow for a la
+rge file, but it seems to work. Note that there seems to be no way of interrupting this, but you can close down the mewin process!
+\par \page {\fs16\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f2\fs20 {\fs16\up6 #} execute}} {\fs16\up6 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f2\fs20 {\fs16\up6 +} topic:13}} {\fs32 3. Execute.}
+\par The items under this menu (which you may want to rearrange to suit you local setup) allow you to run TeX, LaTeX, previewer, printer driver, PostScript previewer, BibTeX, and MakeIndex. In my setup all, apart from dvimswin, run in DOS boxes. The principle
+is the same for each executable. You are prompted with a default file name, which stays in force until you clear it using the last sub-menu item (Clear Filename). This allows you to edit several "\\
+include" files and continue to process the "master" file. However, please note that when you invoke these programs, they run in the directory of the file in the current edit window!
+\par \page {\fs16\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f2\fs20 {\fs16\up6 #} debug}} {\fs16\up6 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f2\fs20 {\fs16\up6 +} topic:14}} {\fs32 4. Debug.}
+\par {\b Read Logfile.} Reads in the relevant logfile to allow you to examine the errors.
+\par {\b Find Next Error}
+. Searches for the next LaTeX error, and tries to put you in the erroneous file at the right place. Of course, this makes no sense unless it is a LaTeX log file! This is rather slow. Note that you should kill off any automatically generated files (like .a
+ux, .bbl) after this process. Also, if you didn't save all the files first, you may not be looking at the correct place.
+\par \page {\fs16\up6 #{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f2\fs20 {\fs16\up6 #} help}} {\fs16\up6 +{\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \f2\fs20 {\fs16\up6 +} topic:15}} {\fs32 5. Help.}
+\par {\b LaTeX Commands.
+\par Search LaTeX Commands. }
+\par These run a help file that was ported from VMS to W
+indows, so some aspects are a little clumsy. For many topics the same information appears in two places, once under the general headings such as Environments, and again under an alphabetical listing. Each topic is numbered to help you keep track. However,
+ it is a real WinHelp file. Note that you can search for any \\command with or without the \\.
+\par {\b Character Set.} Runs the dvi-viewer on a file containing standard math
+\par characters.
+\par \pard \tx5760
+\par {\b TeX Information.} The idea of this is to allow easy loading of TeX FAQ documents or other useful information. This will require modification for your local setup.
+\par \pard
+\par {\b MicroEMACS Interface.} Gives you this help file.
+\par {\b MicroEMACS Installation. }Displays the mewlatex.txt installation guide.
+\par } \ No newline at end of file