path: root/support/ltx2x/makefile
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/ltx2x/makefile
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/ltx2x/makefile')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/ltx2x/makefile b/support/ltx2x/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f606c3c08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/ltx2x/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+# makefile for program ltx2x --- LaTeX to X autotagger
+# November 1999
+##################### Change the following for your setup
+# The compiler
+CC = gcc
+# We use flex (or equivalent, but not lex) to generate the lexer
+LEX = flex
+# and the options
+# We use bison (or equivalent) to generate the parser
+YACC = bison
+# and the options
+YACCFLAGS = -y -d -v
+# Libraries to be used
+LIBS = -ly -ll -lm
+# The root directory for the installation (e.g., /usr/local )
+ROOTDIR = /opt/GNU/gnu
+# Where to place the running code (e.g. /usr/local/bin )
+# Where to place the manpage (e.g., /usr/local/man/man1 )
+# Just in case you want to change the name of the binary
+# (and then you should also change the man page and documentation).
+# So, do not change this.
+PROG = ltx2x
+# Where to place the user documentation (e.g., /usr/local/doc/ltx2x )
+# Where to place the example command tables (e.g., /usr/local/lib/config/ltx2x )
+CTDIR = ${ROOTDIR}/lib/config/${PROG}
+# The code checking program
+LINT = lint
+# Code checking program options
+LINTOPTS = -achqux
+# Assume getopt is present on the system
+# If you do not have getopt already on your system, uncomment the next three linws
+# GETOPTC = getopt.c
+# GETOPTO = getopt.o
+# GETOPTO = getopt.h
+# The file copy command (copy but do not delete original)
+COPY = cp
+# The file move command (move and delete original)
+MOVE = mv
+# The file delete command
+DELETE = rm
+# The make directory (hierarchy) command
+MAKEDIR = mkdirhier
+# The stream editor command
+SED = sed
+# Command to write to the terminal (stdout)
+ECHO = echo
+################### You should not have to change anything after this
+################### but read on just in case
+# The source modules
+L2XSRCS = l2xytab.c l2xlexyy.c l2xlib.c l2xacts.c l2xusrlb.c srchenv.c \
+INTSRCS = l2xirtne.c l2xistd.c l2xidecl.c l2xistmt.c l2xiexpr.c l2xiscan.c \
+ l2xisymt.c l2xierr.c l2xiidbg.c l2xistup.c l2xixutl.c l2xixstm.c \
+ l2xixxpr.c l2xixstd.c l2xidbug.c l2xisdcl.c l2xirexp.c listsetc.c
+# The object modules
+L2XOBJS = l2xytab.o l2xlexyy.o l2xlib.o l2xacts.o l2xusrlb.o srchenv.o \
+INTOBJS = l2xirtne.o l2xistd.o l2xidecl.o l2xistmt.o l2xiexpr.o l2xiscan.o \
+ l2xisymt.o l2xierr.o l2xiidbg.o l2xistup.o l2xixutl.o l2xixstm.o \
+ l2xixxpr.o l2xixstd.o l2xidbug.o l2xisdcl.o l2xirexp.o listsetc.o
+# Link object code together into PROG
+ltx2x : ${OBJS}
+ ${CC} -o ${PROG} ${OBJS} ${LIBS}
+# Compile C source code into object code
+getopt.o : getopt.c getopt.h
+ ${CC} -c getopt.c
+l2xytab.o : l2xytab.c l2xlib.h l2xusrlb.h l2xacts.h strtypes.h l2xcom.h
+ ${CC} -c l2xytab.c
+l2xlexyy.o : l2xlexyy.c l2xytab.h l2xlib.h l2xusrlb.h l2xcom.h
+ ${CC} -c l2xlexyy.c
+l2xlib.o : l2xlib.c l2xytab.h strtypes.h l2xcom.h ${GETOPTH}
+ ${CC} -c l2xlib.c
+l2xusrlb.o : l2xusrlb.c l2xlib.h l2xytab.h strtypes.h l2xcom.h
+ ${CC} -c l2xusrlb.c
+l2xacts.o : l2xacts.c l2xusrlb.h l2xlib.h l2xytab.h strtypes.h l2xcom.h
+ ${CC} -c l2xacts.c
+srchenv.o : srchenv.c srchenv.h
+ ${CC} -c srchenv.c
+# Generate C code for parsing
+l2xytab.c l2xytab.h: l2x.y
+ @ ${ECHO} "Expect 10 shift/reduce conflicts to be reported"
+ ${YACC} ${YACCFLAGS} l2x.y
+ ${MOVE} l2xytab.c
+ ${MOVE} l2xytab.h
+# Generate C code for lexing
+l2xlexyy.c : l2x.l
+ ${LEX} ${LEXFLAGS} l2x.l
+ ${MOVE} lex.yy.c l2xlexyy.c
+# stuff for interpreter modules
+# compiler flags for analyze and execute programs
+ANLFLAG = -Danalyze
+RUNFLAG = -Dtrace
+# interpreter commons
+SOMEH = l2xicmon.h l2xierr.h l2xiscan.h l2xisymt.h licomsym.h l2xiidbg.h
+MOSTH= ${SOMEH} l2xiprse.h
+ALLH = ${MOSTH} l2xicpr.h l2xiexec.h
+# interpreter setup
+l2xistup.o : l2xistup.c ${ALLH}
+ ${CC} -c ${ANLFLAG} ${RUNFLAG} l2xistup.c
+# The parser module
+l2xirtne.o : l2xirtne.c ${ALLH}
+ ${CC} -c ${ANLFLAG} l2xirtne.c
+l2xistd.o : l2xistd.c ${MOSTH}
+ ${CC} -c l2xistd.c
+l2xidecl.o : l2xidecl.c ${MOSTH} l2xicpr.h
+ ${CC} -c ${ANLFLAG} l2xidecl.c
+l2xistmt.o : l2xistmt.c ${ALLH}
+ ${CC} -c ${ANLFLAG} l2xistmt.c
+l2xiexpr.o : l2xiexpr.c ${MOSTH} l2xicpr.h
+ ${CC} -c ${ANLFLAG} l2xiexpr.c
+# scanner module
+l2xiscan.o : l2xiscan.c ${SOME} l2xicpr.h
+ ${CC} -c ${ANLFLAG} l2xiscan.c
+# symbol table module
+l2xisymt.o : l2xisymt.c l2xicmon.h l2xierr.h l2xisymt.h licomsym.h l2xiidbg.h
+ ${CC} -c l2xisymt.c
+# executor module
+l2xixutl.o : l2xixutl.c ${MOSTH} l2xiexec.h listsetc.h
+ ${CC} -c ${RUNFLAG} l2xixutl.c
+l2xixstm.o : l2xixstm.c ${MOSTH} l2xiexec.h listsetc.h
+ ${CC} -c ${RUNFLAG} l2xixstm.c
+l2xixxpr.o : l2xixxpr.c ${MOSTH} l2xiexec.h listsetc.h
+ ${CC} -c ${RUNFLAG} l2xixxpr.c
+l2xixstd.o : l2xixstd.c ${MOSTH} l2xiexec.h listsetc.h
+ ${CC} -c ${RUNFLAG} l2xixstd.c
+l2xidbug.o : l2xidbug.c ${SOMEH} l2xiexec.h listsetc.h
+ ${CC} -c ${RUNFLAG} l2xidbug.c
+# error and miscellaneous module
+l2xisdcl.o : l2xisdcl.c ${SOMEH}
+ ${CC} -c ${ANLFLAG} ${RUNFLAG} l2xisdcl.c
+l2xiidbg.o : l2xiidbg.c ${SOMEH} l2xiexec.h
+ ${CC} -c l2xiidbg.c
+l2xirexp.o : l2xirexp.c l2xirexp.h
+ ${CC} -c l2xirexp.c
+listsetc.o : listsetc.c listsetc.h
+ ${CC} -c listsetc.c
+# Checking the sources
+# Original ltx2x
+checkl2x :
+ ${LINT} ${LINTOPTS} -o l2x.lint ${L2XSRCS}
+# Interpreter
+checkinterp :
+ ${LINT} ${LINTOPTS} -o interp.lint ${INTSRCS}
+# The lot!
+checkall :
+ ${LINT} ${LINTOPTS} -o ltx2x.lint ${L2XSRCS} ${INTSRCS}
+# only call make install if BINDIR has been set
+install : ltx2x
+# Edit the file man to replace DOCUMENTDIR by the actual directory
+# where the user manual is to be placed, and CTDIR by the location
+# of the example command table files.
+# Then copy the manpage to the proper place
+manpage :
+ ${SED} 's!DOCUMENTDIR!${DOCDIR}!; s!CTDIR!${CTDIR}!' man > tman
+ ${COPY} tman ${MANDIR}/${PROG}.${MANEXT}
+# Copy the user manuals to the proper place
+doc :
+ ${COPY} ltx2x.tex ${DOCDIR}/${PROG}.tex
+ ${COPY} ${DOCDIR}/${PROG}.ps
+ ${COPY} ltx2x.txt ${DOCDIR}/${PROG}.txt
+ ${COPY} ltx2x.html ${DOCDIR}/${PROG}.html
+# Copy the example command tables to their final location
+ctables :
+ ${COPY} ltx2x.ct ${CTDIR}/ltx2x.ct
+ ${COPY} detex.ct ${CTDIR}/detex.ct
+ ${COPY} remcom.ct ${CTDIR}/remcom.ct
+ ${COPY} l2h.ct ${CTDIR}/l2h.ct
+ ${COPY} bye.ct ${CTDIR}/bye.ct
+# Do almost everything except clean up
+all : ltx2x install manpage doc ctables
+# call make clean to remove the compiled program, the object files,
+# info from YACC, and the edited version of the manpage
+clean :
+ - ${DELETE} ${PROG}
+ - ${DELETE} *.o
+ - ${DELETE} y.output
+ - ${DELETE} tman
+#### For the printct program (best to do this after the ltx2x program)
+# compile the printct program
+# printct : printct.o getopt.o srchenv.o
+# ${CC} -o printct printct.o getopt.o srchenv.o
+printct : printct.o srchenv.o ${GETOPTO}
+ ${CC} -o printct printct.o srchenv.o ${GETOPTO}
+printct.o : printct.c strtypes.h l2xcom.h ${GETOPTH}
+ ${CC} -c printct.c
+# call make installprintct to move the printct binary to its final location
+installprintct :
+ ${COPY} printct ${BINDIR}
+# call make cleanprintct to remove the compiled program and its object file
+cleanprintct :
+ - ${DELETE} printct
+ - ${DELETE} printct.o
+ - ${DELETE} srchenv.o
+ - ${DELETE} getopt.o
+testlist : testlist.o listsetc.o
+ ${CC} -o testlist testlist.o listsetc.o -lm
+testlist.o : testlist.c listsetc.h
+ ${CC} -c testlist.c