path: root/support/ltx2x/l2xisymt.c
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/ltx2x/l2xisymt.c
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/ltx2x/l2xisymt.c')
1 files changed, 416 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/ltx2x/l2xisymt.c b/support/ltx2x/l2xisymt.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c69f735fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/ltx2x/l2xisymt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+/* l2xisymt.c LTX2X interpreter symbol table code */
+/* BASED ON: symtab.c (common names altered) */
+/* added PRINT and PRINTLN to init_symtab */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "l2xicmon.h"
+#include "l2xierr.h"
+#include "l2xisymt.h"
+#include "l2xiidbg.h"
+#include "l2xiexec.h"
+extern int level;
+extern int DEBUG;
+/* GLOBALS */
+TYPE_STRUCT_PTR integer_typep, real_typep, /* predefined types */
+ boolean_typep;
+TYPE_STRUCT_PTR logical_typep, string_typep,
+ binary_typep, generic_typep,
+ any_typep;
+SYMTAB_NODE_PTR false_idp, true_idp, unknown_idp; /* logical constants */
+SYMTAB_NODE_PTR conste_idp, pi_idp; /* real constants */
+SYMTAB_NODE_PTR undef_idp; /* `?' constant */
+SYMTAB_NODE_PTR day_idp, month_idp, year_idp;
+SYMTAB_NODE_PTR string_idp;
+TYPE_STRUCT dummy_type = { /* for bad type defs */
+ NO_FORM, /* form */
+ 0, /* size */
+ NULL /* type id */
+ };
+/* search_symtab(name, np) Search for a name in the symbol table. */
+/* return pointer to entry if found, else NULL. */
+SYMTAB_NODE_PTR search_symtab(name, np)
+char *name; /* name to look for */
+SYMTAB_NODE_PTR np; /* pointer to symtab root */
+ int cmp;
+ entry_debug("search_symtab");
+ /* loop to check each node. If not found, continue down the left */
+ /* or right subtree. Return when a match */
+ while (np != NULL) {
+ cmp = strcmp(name, np->name);
+ if (cmp == 0) { /* got it */
+ exit_debug("search_symtab at found");
+ return(np);
+ }
+ np = cmp < 0 ? np->left : np->right; /* continue */
+ }
+ exit_debug("search_symtab at not found");
+ return(NULL); /* not found */
+} /* end search_symtab */
+/* search_symtab_display(name) Search all the symbol tables in the */
+/* symbol table display for a name. */
+/* return the pointer to the entry if found, else NULL */
+SYMTAB_NODE_PTR search_symtab_display(name)
+char *name;
+ short i;
+ SYMTAB_NODE_PTR np; /* pointer to symbol table node */
+ entry_debug("search_symtab_display");
+ for (i = level; i >= 0; --i) {
+ np =search_symtab(name, symtab_display[i]);
+ if (np != NULL) {
+ exit_debug("search_symtab_display at found");
+ return(np);
+ }
+ }
+ exit_debug("search_symtab_display at not found");
+ return(NULL);
+} /* end search_symtab_display */
+/* enter_symtab(name, npp) Enter a name into the symtab */
+/* return pointer to the entry */
+SYMTAB_NODE_PTR enter_symtab(name, npp)
+char *name; /* name to enter */
+SYMTAB_NODE_PTR *npp; /* ptr to ptr to symtab root */
+ int cmp; /* result of strcmp */
+ SYMTAB_NODE_PTR new_nodep; /* ptr to new entry */
+ SYMTAB_NODE_PTR np; /* ptr to node to test */
+ entry_debug("enter_symtab");
+ /* create the new node for name */
+ new_nodep = alloc_struct(SYMTAB_NODE);
+ new_nodep->name = alloc_bytes(strlen(name) + 1);
+ strcpy(new_nodep->name, name);
+ new_nodep->left = new_nodep->right = new_nodep->next = NULL;
+ new_nodep->info = NULL;
+ new_nodep->defn.key = UNDEFINED;
+ new_nodep->typep = NULL;
+ new_nodep->level = level;
+ new_nodep->label_index = 0;
+ /* loop to find the insertion point (binary tree) */
+ while ((np = *npp) != NULL) {
+ cmp = strcmp(name, np->name);
+ npp = cmp < 0 ? &(np->left) : &(np->right);
+ }
+ *npp = new_nodep; /* replace */
+ exit_debug("enter_symtab");
+ return(new_nodep);
+} /* end enter_symtab */
+/* init_symtab() Initialise the symtab with predefined identifiers, */
+/* types, and routines */
+init_symtab() /* ---------------------- in final */
+ SYMTAB_NODE_PTR integer_idp, real_idp, boolean_idp;
+ SYMTAB_NODE_PTR logical_idp, binary_idp,
+ generic_idp, anytype_idp;
+ int temp;
+ time_t tp1, tp2;
+ struct tm *ts;
+ /* temporarily switch off any debugging output */
+ temp = DEBUG;
+ DEBUG = 0;
+ /* initialise the level 0 (the global?) symbol table */
+ symtab_display[0] = NULL;
+ /* predefined Pascal types */
+ enter_name_local_symtab(integer_idp, "integer");
+ enter_name_local_symtab(real_idp, "real");
+ enter_name_local_symtab(boolean_idp, "boolean");
+ /* and extra EXPRESS types */
+ enter_name_local_symtab(logical_idp, "logical");
+ enter_name_local_symtab(string_idp, "string");
+ enter_name_local_symtab(binary_idp, "binary");
+ enter_name_local_symtab(generic_idp, "generic");
+ enter_name_local_symtab(anytype_idp, "???????");
+ integer_typep = alloc_struct(TYPE_STRUCT);
+ real_typep = alloc_struct(TYPE_STRUCT);
+ boolean_typep = alloc_struct(TYPE_STRUCT);
+ logical_typep = alloc_struct(TYPE_STRUCT);
+ string_typep = alloc_struct(TYPE_STRUCT);
+ binary_typep = alloc_struct(TYPE_STRUCT);
+ generic_typep = alloc_struct(TYPE_STRUCT);
+ any_typep = alloc_struct(TYPE_STRUCT);
+ integer_idp->defn.key = TYPE_DEFN;
+ integer_idp->typep = integer_typep;
+ integer_typep->form = SCALAR_FORM;
+ integer_typep->size = sizeof(STACK_ITEM);
+ integer_typep->type_idp = integer_idp;
+ real_idp->defn.key = TYPE_DEFN;
+ real_idp->typep = real_typep;
+ real_typep->form = SCALAR_FORM;
+ real_typep->size = sizeof(STACK_ITEM);
+ real_typep->type_idp = real_idp;
+ boolean_idp->defn.key = TYPE_DEFN;
+ boolean_idp->typep = boolean_typep;
+ boolean_typep->form = ENUM_FORM;
+ boolean_typep->size = sizeof(STACK_ITEM);
+ boolean_typep->type_idp = boolean_idp;
+ boolean_typep->info.enumeration.max = 1;
+ boolean_idp->typep->info.enumeration.const_idp = false_idp;
+ logical_idp->defn.key = TYPE_DEFN;
+ logical_idp->typep = boolean_typep;
+ logical_typep->form = ENUM_FORM;
+ logical_typep->size = sizeof(STACK_ITEM);
+ logical_typep->type_idp = logical_idp;
+ logical_typep->info.enumeration.max = 2;
+ logical_idp->typep->info.enumeration.const_idp = unknown_idp;
+ string_idp->defn.key = TYPE_DEFN;
+ string_idp->typep = string_typep;
+ string_typep->form = STRING_FORM;
+ string_typep->size = sizeof(STACK_ITEM);
+ string_typep->type_idp = string_idp;
+ string_typep->info.string.max_length = MAX_EXPRESS_STRING;
+ string_typep->info.string.length = 0;
+ binary_idp->defn.key = TYPE_DEFN;
+ binary_idp->typep = binary_typep;
+ binary_typep->form = SCALAR_FORM;
+ binary_typep->size = sizeof(STACK_ITEM);
+ binary_typep->type_idp = binary_idp;
+ generic_idp->defn.key = TYPE_DEFN;
+ generic_idp->typep = generic_typep;
+ generic_typep->form = SCALAR_FORM;
+ generic_typep->size = sizeof(STACK_ITEM);
+ generic_typep->type_idp = generic_idp;
+ anytype_idp->defn.key = TYPE_DEFN;
+ anytype_idp->typep = any_typep;
+ any_typep->form = SCALAR_FORM;
+ any_typep->size = sizeof(STACK_ITEM);
+ any_typep->type_idp = anytype_idp;
+ /* predefined constants */
+ enter_name_local_symtab(false_idp, "false");
+ enter_name_local_symtab(true_idp, "true");
+ enter_name_local_symtab(unknown_idp, "unknown");
+ enter_name_local_symtab(pi_idp, "pi");
+ enter_name_local_symtab(conste_idp, "const_e");
+ enter_name_local_symtab(undef_idp, "?");
+ enter_name_local_symtab(day_idp, "the_day");
+ enter_name_local_symtab(month_idp, "the_month");
+ enter_name_local_symtab(year_idp, "the_year");
+ false_idp->defn.key = CONST_DEFN;
+ false_idp-> = FALSE_REP;
+ false_idp->typep = logical_typep;
+ false_idp->next = unknown_idp;
+ unknown_idp->defn.key = CONST_DEFN;
+ unknown_idp-> = UNKNOWN_REP;
+ unknown_idp->typep = logical_typep;
+ unknown_idp->next = true_idp;
+ true_idp->defn.key = CONST_DEFN;
+ true_idp-> = TRUE_REP;
+ true_idp->typep = logical_typep;
+ pi_idp->defn.key = CONST_DEFN;
+ pi_idp->typep = real_typep;
+ pi_idp-> = 3.141592654;
+ conste_idp->defn.key = CONST_DEFN;
+ conste_idp->typep = real_typep;
+ conste_idp-> = 2.718281828;
+ undef_idp->defn.key = CONST_DEFN;
+ undef_idp->typep = any_typep;
+ undef_idp-> = '\?';
+ /* do the current date */
+ tp1 = time(&tp2);
+ ts = localtime(&tp1);
+ sprintf(dbuffer, "year = %d, month = %d, day = %d\n",
+ (ts->tm_year+1900), (ts->tm_mon+1), (ts->tm_mday));
+ debug_print(dbuffer);
+ day_idp->defn.key = CONST_DEFN;
+ day_idp->typep = integer_typep;
+ day_idp-> = ts->tm_mday;
+ month_idp->defn.key = CONST_DEFN;
+ month_idp->typep = integer_typep;
+ month_idp-> = ts->tm_mon + 1;
+ year_idp->defn.key = CONST_DEFN;
+ year_idp->typep = integer_typep;
+ year_idp-> = ts->tm_year + 1900;
+ /* standard routines */
+ enter_standard_routine("read", READ, PROC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("readln", READLN, PROC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("write", WRITE, PROC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("writeln", WRITELN, PROC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("abs", ABS, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("cos", COS, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("eof", EOFF, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("eoln", EOLN, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("exp", EXP, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("odd", ODD, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("round", ROUND, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("sin", SIN, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("sqrt", SQRT, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("trunc", TRUNC, FUNC_DEFN);
+ /* extra for ltx2x */
+ enter_standard_routine("print", L2XPRINT, PROC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("println", L2XPRINTLN, PROC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("system", L2XSYSTEM, PROC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("rexpr", L2XREXPR, FUNC_DEFN);
+ /* extra for EXPRESS */
+ enter_standard_routine("acos", XACOS, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("asin", XASIN, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("atan", XATAN, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("log", XLOG, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("log2", XLOG2, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("log10", XLOG10, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("tan", XTAN, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("blength", XBLENGTH, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("exists", XEXISTS, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("format", XFORMAT, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("hibound", XHIBOUND, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("hiindex", XHIINDEX, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("length", XLENGTH, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("lobound", XLOBOUND, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("loindex", XLOINDEX, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("nvl", XNVL, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("rolesof", XROLESOF, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("sizeof", XSIZEOF, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("typeof", XTYPEOF, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("usedin", XUSEDIN, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("value", XVALUE, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("value_in", XVALUE_IN, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("value_unique", XVALUE_UNIQUE, FUNC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("insert", XINSERT, PROC_DEFN);
+ enter_standard_routine("remove", XREMOVE, PROC_DEFN);
+ /* restore debugging */
+ DEBUG = temp;
+ return;
+} /* end init_symtab */
+/* enter_standard_routine(name, routine_key, defn_key) Enter a standard */
+/* procedure or function name into the symtab */
+enter_standard_routine(name, routine_key, defn_key)
+char *name; /* name string */
+ROUTINE_KEY routine_key;
+DEFN_KEY defn_key;
+ SYMTAB_NODE_PTR rtn_idp = enter_name_local_symtab(rtn_idp, name);
+ rtn_idp->defn.key = defn_key;
+ rtn_idp-> = routine_key;
+ rtn_idp-> = NULL;
+ rtn_idp-> = NULL;
+ rtn_idp->typep = NULL;
+} /* end enter_standard_routine */
+/* enter_scope(symtab_root) Enter a new nesting level by creating a new */
+/* scope. Push the given symbol table onto the display stack */
+SYMTAB_NODE_PTR symtab_root;
+ entry_debug("enter_scope");
+ if (++level >= MAX_NESTING_LEVEL) {
+ }
+ symtab_display[level] = symtab_root;
+ exit_debug("enter_scope");
+ return;
+} /* end enter_scope */
+/* exit_scope(symtab_root) Exit the current new nesting level by closing */
+/* the current scope. Pop the current symbol table off the */
+/* display stack, and return a pointer to it */
+SYMTAB_NODE_PTR exit_scope()
+ SYMTAB_NODE_PTR symtab_root = symtab_display[level--];
+ entry_debug("exit_scope");
+ exit_debug("exit_scope");
+ return(symtab_root);
+} /* end enter_scope */