path: root/support/ltoh/readme.txt
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/ltoh/readme.txt
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/ltoh/readme.txt')
1 files changed, 634 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/ltoh/readme.txt b/support/ltoh/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ddf740d32
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+++ b/support/ltoh/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+ Ltoh: a customizable LaTeX to HTML converter
+ Version 97e, 31 Mar 1997
+ Russell W. Quong
+ (
+Ltoh is a customizable LaTeX to HTML converter. It handles text, tables, and
+hypertext links. ltoh is a large Perl script, and hence is (almost
+completely) platform independent. ltoh is customizable in that you can
+specify how to translate a given LaTeX2e macro into HTML, including your own
+personal macros. In fact, you must manually specify how to handle your own
+macros, otherwise ltoh will give a friendly warning.
+See the ltoh web page for documentation, the latest release, and how to
+contact the author (see the bottom of the web page). Naturally, the HTML
+version of document was generated using ltoh, and in my opinion looks better
+than the LaTeX2e dvi/PS output, mostly due to the extra colors. The first
+public release was version 97e on 3/31/97.
+Ltoh has two main restrictions. First, ltoh does not handle math equations,
+which in general are difficult to display in HTML. [Some have resorted to
+converting the latex equations into Postscript (PS), converting the PS to a
+bitmapped figure, and the displaying the figure in HTML. This is all too
+difficult for me.] Second, ltoh requires La/Tex macro parameters to be
+delimited by braces; in practice, ltoh might be unsuitable for most existing
+TeX code.
+Surprisingly, I often preview my LaTeX2e documents via ltoh instead of
+running latex, dvips, and ghostview.
+The distribution
+Ltoh is distributed as either a zip file or a gzipped tar file (about 75K).
+Both distributions contain the following files.
+ The perl script that does everything
+ ltoh.specs The default specifications.
+ readme.html Generated by ltoh
+ readme.dvi LaTeX2e output
+ Uses Times Roman
+ readme.txt Text version (generated from netscape)
+ rq-ltoh.specs An example of my specifications
+ rq209.sty Allow use of new LaTeX2e font commands in old LaTeX2e.
+System Software Requirements
+Ltoh version 97e requires the following system software.
+ 1. A unix operating system. I have tested ltoh only under Linux, although
+ there is nothing Linux specific in the code. A handful of lines are
+ Unix dependent mostly in due to filename conventions. Because ltoh is
+ written in Perl, almost all the code is platform-independent.
+ 2. Perl version 5.00x, preferably 5.002 or higher. Run
+ perl -v
+ to see the version of Perl you have.
+ 3. LaTeX2e macro parameters (or arguments) must be brace delimited
+ (surrounded by braces), because ltoh relies on the braces.
+ 4. The new latex (LaTeX2e) is strongly recommended over the old latex
+ (LaTeX 2.09),
+ Additionally, the default ltoh specifications is based on standard new
+ latex macros. Finally, to make full use of HTML tables, future versions
+ of ltoh are likely to support multiple rows in the table packages only
+ found in the new latex.
+If you must use LaTeX 2.09 instead of LaTeX2e
+ltoh relies on unique matching braces to delimit arguments to the latex
+macros. In particular, the font family and size commands in old latex do not
+use braces to delimit arguments. Thus, ltoh\ does not (and probably never
+will) handle old latex 2.09 font specifications. Instead, you must use the
+LaTeX2e convention, which delimits the text to be affected by a font change
+via braces as shown in the following comparison.
+(Old latex) Normal but switch \bf to {bold \it then italics, back to}
+bold \normalfont then normal.
+(New latex) Normal but switch \textbf{to bold \textit{then italics, back
+to} bold} then normal.
+ Normal but switch to bold then italics, back to bold then normal.
+Using the old latex syntax, ltoh cannot determine when the bold and italic
+fonts stop being active.
+If you have the new latex on your system, use it. If you must use an old
+latex file, convert it to look like new latex as much as possible.
+ 1. Convert all font change macros to use the new latex syntax. Namely,
+ convert {\XYZ ... } and \XYZ ... \normalfont to \ textXYZ....
+ 2. Use the style file rq209.sty (which should be) included with the ltoh
+ distribution, which defines the \textXYZ macros for use in the old
+ latex.
+ To use this file, put
+ \input{rq209.sty}
+ in your latex files. The file rq209.sty additionally defines the font
+ size macros \fsizeTiny/.../\fsize Huge which take a single
+ brace-delimited argument. For exapmle, use \fsizesmall{some text}
+ instead of { \small some text }. (This author wrote rq209.sty back in
+ 1994 because the office computer ran the old latex but the home Linux
+ machine ran the new latex.)
+ Alternatively, write and use your own definitions of the \ textXYZ font
+ change macros.
+(One final note.) The old latex convention is simply a poor technical
+chioce. The current philosophy for document specifications (and even
+programming languages) is that parameters/arguments/blocks are clearly
+delimited syntactically. The use of matching braces by latex2e conforms to
+the the SGML syntax, as does HTML which ubiquitously uses matching begin and
+end tags.
+Running ltoh
+To generate the HTML file xyz.html from the latex file xyz.tex, assuming
+ltoh is in your path, run:
+ prompt> ltoh xyz.tex
+ prompt> perl xyz.tex
+(I have not tested ltoh on a Win32 machine, yet...) On a Win32 machine,
+which cannot automatically start Perl to execute the ltoh, you would
+probably run
+ prompt> perl xyz.tex
+There are five types of ltoh specifications. Please note the names.
+ 1. [Begin/end pair (b/e)] Specifies how to translate a latex \begin{XYZ}
+ and matching \end{XYZ} command.
+ 2. [Command (comm)] Specifies how to translate a latex command that does
+ not take any parameters, such as \par, \item or \hrule.
+ 3. [Simple-macro ({})] Specifies a translation for a latex macro that
+ takes a single brace-delimited argument arg-1, where the corresponding
+ HTML consists simply of surrounding the argument with a preamble and
+ postamble. The translation is simple as the argument stays put; ltoh
+ merely puts stuff before and after it. That is, we expect
+ \simplemacro{...} ===> HTML-preable ... HTML-postable
+ For example, use a simple-macro specification to translate the latex
+ macro \textbf{ ... } (switch to bold face) into the HTML <strong> ...
+ </strong>.
+ 4. [Arg-macro ({N})] Specifies a translation for a latex macro that takes
+ $N$ brace-delimited arguments; the corresponding HTML can make
+ arbitrary use of the arguments. For example, my latex macro
+ \swallow{arg-1} discards its single (possibly long) argument. In the
+ corresponding HTML, we also ``use'' the argument, by discarding it.
+ 5. [Assignment (:=)] An assignment sets a ltoh variable which is then used
+ later. As of version 97e, only a small number of built-in variables are
+ supported. I hope to support setting and getting user-defined variables
+ in the future.
+The first four specications are known as translations specifications.
+Translation specifications
+The four types of translation specifications have the same form. Do not use
+leading whitespace. Here is the general form and an example of each type.
+:type :latex-macro-name:HTML-start-code:HTML-end-code:reserved/not-used
+:b/e :\begin{itemize}:<UL>:</>:
+:comm :\hrule:<hr>::
++comm +\homepage+
+:{} :\textbf:<STRONG>:</>:
+:{2} :\rqhttp#1#2:<a href="#2"> #1 </a>::
+Each specification contains six parts.
+ 1. The first character on the line is the separator char, which delimits
+ the remaining parts of the specification. The separator char can be any
+ character. I have used a colon (:) and a plus sign (+) in the above
+ examples. Note that the \homepage macro expands to HTML containing a
+ colon, so a colon cannot be the delimiter and I have used a plus. I do
+ not recommend using a space/tab as the delimiter, as multiple
+ spaces/tabs are easy to overlook.
+ 2. The type. If the type is arg-macro, the number of parameters is
+ specified in the braces. Arbitrary space may follow the type.
+ 3. The latex macro name specifies the latex macro to be translated. A
+ latex macro must start with a backslash (if you have redefined the
+ LaTeX2e catcodes, sorry). An optional Perl regular expression can
+ following the macro name, to account for parameters for the macro.
+ Usually the latex parameters are just discarded in the resulting HTML.
+ As an example of an optional regular expression, the LaTeX2e horizontal
+ space command \hspace takes an optional * argument, and then a required
+ horizontal length argument. In the generated HTML, we want to ignore
+ the entire \hspace macro, and so I use the following ltoh spec.
+ :comm :\hspace[*]?\{[^\}]+\}:::
+ 4. The HTML start code is the HTML code to insert when the macro is first
+ seen.
+ 1. [begin/end pair] The \beginXXX expands to HTML start code.
+ 2. [command] The LaTeX2e macro expands to HTML start code.
+ 3. [Simple-macro] The opening brace expands to HTML start code; the
+ closing brace expands to HTML end code.
+ 4. [arg-macro] The command and all its arguments expands to HTML
+ start code.
+ In an arg-macro specification, using the LaTeX2e convention, the first
+ argument is represented by #1, the second argument by #2, and so on in
+ the HTML start code. (To actually generate a \#1, use braces as in
+ #{1}.) Thus, a macro that swaps the order of its parameters would be
+ written as
+ :{2} :\swap_two:#2#1::
+ As another example, the LaTeX2e \makebox command takes an optional
+ alignment parameter (one of [l], [c] or [r]) followed by text to be put
+ into the box. I use the following ltoh spec to ignore the alignment
+ parameter and to print the text out unadorned.
+ :{1} :\makebox[^{]*#1:#1::
+ 5. The HTML end code specifier is the HTML code to insert at $(i)$ the end
+ of a begin-end pair or $(ii)$ the closing brace of a simple-macro. Note
+ that the HTML end code specifier does not make sense for a command or
+ arg-macro specification and is ignored.
+ As a convenience, using </> in the HTML end code expands to the end
+ tag(s) in reverse order of the corresponding HTML begin code. For
+ example, I want a LaTeX2e \section to show up as a green <H2> header in
+ HTML, so I specify
+ :{} :\section:<hr><H2><FONT color=green>:</>:
+ which is equivalent to
+ :{} :\section:<hr><H2><FONT color=green>:</FONT></H2></HR>:
+The following table summarizes the effects of the various specifications,
+and the parts of the spefications used.
+ Type macro name HTML HTML end input output
+ start
+ comm \abc XYZ not-used \abc XZY
+ b/e \begin{abc} XYZ ijk \begin{abc}...\end{abc} XZY ... ijk
+ {} \abc XYZ ijk \abc{...} XYZ... ijk
+ {2} \abc X#2Y#1Z not-used \abc{===}{+++} X+++Y===Z
+As a final example, here's how generate links in HTML. I define a latex
+macro \rqhttp and a corresponding ltoh specficiation. Because the tilde is
+accessible only in math mode, I have had to define a latex macro (\rqtilde)
+for it, too.
+(latex macro)
+\def\rqhttp#1#2{#1 (\texttt{#2})}
+(ltoh spec)
+:comm :\rqtilde:~::
+:2 :\rqhttp#1#2:<a href="#2"> #1 </a>::
+In LaTeX2e, I use the \rqhttp macro as follows.
+ See the \rqhttp{\ltoh
+ webpage}{\rqtilde{}quong/ltoh}.
+The resulting dvi output from latex and the HTML from ltoh look like
+ (Latex) See the ltoh web page (
+ (HTML) See the <A HREF=""> ltoh web page </A>
+Finally, good example of using ltoh specifiers is the default ltoh spec file
+ltoh.specs that comes with this release.
+[Aside: Technically, the simple-macro specifier is not needed, as its
+functionality can be duplicated with an arg-macro. Namely,
+:{} :\macro:HTML-begin:HTML-end::
+can be duplicated via
+:{1} :\macro:HTML-begin#1HTML-end:::.
+Nonetheless, use of a simple-macro { } specifiction is preferred, because
+its processing is much simpler. With a simple-macro, ltoh does not have to
+extract and pass the parameter, and hence it is less likely to break than an
+An assignment specification has two nearly identical forms. The double
+quotes are optional and can be used to imbed leading spaces into the
+string-value. The whitespace surrounding string-value is removed.
+ variable-name := string-value
+ variable-name := "string-value"
+ title := The readme for ltoh
+Here are the currently used built-in variables.
+ variable Default Description
+ Title of the resulting HTML file, via the
+ title none <TITLE> tag. You must define this variable. Set
+ title in the latex file itself. (It drives me
+ nuts when web pages don't have titles)
+ url none URL of the home page of the author.
+ author none Author of the document.
+ email none Email address to which comments should be sent
+ Name of HTML file generated. The ltoh variable
+ htmlfile_spec $BASE.html $BASE is the latex file name stripped of the
+ directory and suffix components.
+The url, author, and email variables are used to generate an address block
+at the bottom of the HTML page. (See the bottom of this document if you are
+reading it on the web).
+ltoh handles the LaTeX2e tabular and tabularx environments. Column
+alignments are read and passed onto the corresponding HTML. The known column
+alignments must be one of `` l c r p X''. If you define your own column
+alignment, it will not be understood.
+ltoh handles the LaTeX2e multicolumn macro reasonably well. The column
+alignment is read and passed onto the corresponding HTML.
+I plan to support the \multirow macro soon.
+ltoh ignores extraneous LaTeX2e specs in the column alignment
+specifications, such as \@, but there is a small chance a complicated
+multiple column alignment spec will break this code.
+The generated HTML table has a border if one or more dividing lines in the
+LaTeX2e table column alignment (namely if a $|$ specifier appears in the
+latex, the HTML table has a border). Nested tables are not supported, and I
+currently do not plan to support them, as this feature seems hard.
+Where are specifications found?
+As of version 97e, ltoh reads specifications from $(i)$ various
+specification-files and $(ii)$ from the LaTeX2e file itself as it is being
+processed, as follows.
+ 1. Reads the specification file ltoh.specs from the install-dir, which is
+ the directory where you have placed both and ltoh.specs. The
+ install-dir can be anywhere.
+ (In version 97e, you should do one of the following when running ltoh.
+ 1. Run ltoh via:
+ prompt> perl install-dir/ file.tex.
+ 2. Set up an alias as follows:
+ (csh) alias ltoh perl install-dir/ltoh
+ or
+ (bash) alias ltoh=perl install-dir/ltoh
+ 3. Put install-dir in your path, and run:
+ prompt> file.tex
+ 4. Set up a single symbolic link, say called ltoh, in your path which
+ points directly to install-dir/ You can then run
+ prompt> ltoh file.tex
+ This mess is relative symbolic links. Yes. Given an arbitrary
+ invocation of ltoh involving symbolic links, I cannot currently
+ determine where the script actually resides (the install-dir).
+ Once I implement this code, the setup won't be complicated.
+ 2. Reads the specification file .ltoh.specs in your home directory.
+ 3. Reads the specification file .ltoh.specs in the current directory,
+ where the command is being run.
+ 4. If any of these specification files exist, ltoh proceeds to the next
+ step reading the LaTeX2e input file
+ However, if none of the preceding spec files were, ltoh tries to read
+ /usr/local/bin/ltoh.specs and that fails, tries /usr/bin/ltoh.specs. If
+ both of these still fail, ltoh quits.
+ 5. Reads specifications from the latex file being processed, which appear
+ as latex comments of the form
+ %-ltoh- ltoh-specification
+ .
+ ltoh strips the leading %-ltoh- and processes the remainder of the
+ line.
+ If nothing else, set the title variable this way. For example, here's
+ how this LaTeX2e file starts.
+ \documentclass[]{article}
+ ... various latex commands like \usepackage
+ %-ltoh- title := Ltoh, a customizable LaTeX to HTML converter
+ %-ltoh- :comm:\ltoh:<font color=green><tt>ltoh</tt></font>::
+ ...
+ \begin{document}
+ ... the body of the document
+Limitations, bugs, missing features
+ 1. Specifications are applied only once to a latex macro. Namely if a
+ macro macroAA generates a macro macroBB in latex, and macroBB is
+ translated to htmlBB, then you must specify to ltoh that macroAA is
+ translated directly to htmlBB in your specification for macroAA.
+It is not difficult to break ltoh, though there are often easy fixes by
+restructuring your LaTeX2e.
+Missing features
+ 1. There are no command line flags. The following would be particularly
+ useful.
+ -o ofile generate HTML into file ofile
+ -I specfile read specifications from specfile
+ -w N set the warning level to N (for debugging)
+ 2. There no means to manipulate counters, which would be useful for
+ sectioning commands.
+ 3. There should be away to set and get a value as part of a specification.
+ 4. If the input uses LaTeX2e sectioning macros, optionally generate a
+ table of contents with links to anchors.
+ 5. Allow for an abitrary prologue and epilogue in the HTML file.
+ 6. In a table, we assume that the column alignment specs are on the same
+ line as the owning \begin{tabular} or the owning \multicolumn. This
+ assumption is very reasonable and circumventing this restriction is
+ difficult.
+Internal details
+Ltoh first reads the entire LaTeX2e file into memory, makes several passes
+over the data, and finally spits out the HTML file[Thus, it is conceivable
+that ltoh might run out of memory if processing a huge LaTeX2e file on a
+machine with limited memory.] The passes are roughly as follows.
+ 1. Read spec files.
+ 2. Handle comments and the verbatim environment.
+ 3. Escape/protect characters.
+ 4. Handle tables.
+ 5. Handle begin/end pairs.
+ 6. Handle LaTeX2e commands without parameters.
+ 7. Mark braces, linking braces to macros.
+ 8. Handle simple macros.
+ 9. Handle arg macros.
+ 10. Generate HTML.
+ June Version 96a. Preliminary fully hard-coded (not customizable)
+ 1996 version. Purely regular expression based. Unable to handle nested
+ braces. Ugly, but it worked. Sort of.
+ July Version 96b. First working version. Able to handle commands with
+ 1-15 multiple arguments and nested arguments. Took me a lot longer than
+ 1996 I had expected to get this working.
+ Jan Version 97a. Stops processing at \end{document}. Convert double
+ 27-29 back slashes \\to <br>, which should have done a long time ago.
+ 1997 Fixed bug involving macros with only one parameter.
+ Feb Version 97b. Added HTML <p> tags whenever two or more consecutive
+ 1997 blank lines are seen.
+ Version 97c. Much improved handling of special characters such as
+ {, }, <, > and @. In particular, bare braces which mean nothing in
+ Mar latex are stripped from the HTML. Improved paragraph detection
+ 11-15 handling. (OK, OK, "Improved ..." really means "fixed bugs in
+ 1997 ..."). No longer generates HTML comments for latex comments, by
+ default. Version 97c was meant to be first public release, but the
+ tables this readme.tex document broke ltoh badly.
+ Version 97d. Complete rewrite of the table handling code. Latex
+ column alignment specifications are understood and passed onto to
+ the HTML. Multiple columns specified via either \multicolumn or
+ Mar \mc (which is my personal abbreviation macro) are handled
+ 19-20 properly. We try to ignore extraneous LaTeX2e specs in the column
+ 1997 alignment specifications, such as @. , but there is there is a
+ small chance multiple columns
+ In particular, ltoh now handles this file (readme.tex) properly.
+ Mar Version 97e. Official release. Clean up source a bit for release.
+ 25-31 Minor improvements on tables (allow end of a row to be on a
+ 1997 separate line), paragraphs, specification files and handling
+ special characters (allow for multiple chars on one line).
+License for use
+You may use ltoh freely, under the following conditions, which are covered
+under a BSD-style license.
+ 1. You must keep the ltoh notice at the end of all generated HTML. This
+ notice indicates how the document was generated (namely, with ltoh) and
+ has a link to the ltoh web page. You may reduce the size of the notice
+ if you wish, but it must remain in your document and visible.
+ 2. Ltoh comes with neither a warranty nor a gaurantee about its
+ correctness, performance, or suitability for any task.
+ 3. If you modify or redistribute ltoh, you must keep the current
+ disclaimer and license with the ltoh source which must be visible upon
+ startup, unless you
+ 4. I, Russell Quong, retain the copyright for ltoh.
+Official software license
+Here's the official license as of 31 Mar 97.
+# Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Russell W Quong.
+# In the following, the "author" refers to "Russell Quong."
+# Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and
+# its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
+# that the following conditions are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
+# must display the following acknowledgement:
+# This product includes software developed by Russell Quong.
+# 3. All HTML generated by ltoh must retain a visible notice that it
+# was generated by ltoh and contain a link to the ltoh web page
+# Any or all of these provisions can be waived if you have specific,
+# prior permission from the author.
+(The motivation section belongs right after the introduction, but most
+people probably just want to get on with using ltoh. So this section has
+been relegated here. Ah well...)
+Although other LaTeX2e to HTML converters exist, I wrote my own because I
+wanted to generate HTML customized to my own liking. In particular, I use my
+own custom LaTeX2e definitions (who doesn't?) and wanted to generate HTML
+appropriately. Additionally, when using other converters, I was unable get
+them to run properly, or I did not like the way the generated HTML looked.
+Fundamentally, ltoh is a specialized macro processor that reads macro
+specifications and generates HTML accordingly. A specification indicates how
+to convert a specific LaTeX2e definition into HTML.
+My orginal goals in writing ltoh were
+ 1. To become more proficient in Perl.
+ 2. To write a converter that allowed customized HTML to be generated.
+ 3. To handle arbitrary LaTeX2e macros, including macros that take multiple
+ arguments, and arguments that contained nested macros.
+ 4. To generate HTML that resembled the original LaTeX2e, as if someone had
+ done the translation by hand. In particular, I wanted to avoid
+ generating very long lines of HTML source, which are difficult to read
+ when ``viewing the source'' in a browser.
+Thanks to VA Research for letting the author work on ltoh.
+[Converted LaTeX --> HTML by ltoh]
+Russell W. Quong ( Last modified: Apr 1 1997