path: root/support/latexindent/documentation
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/latexindent/documentation
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/latexindent/documentation')
-rw-r--r--support/latexindent/documentation/latexindent.pdfbin0 -> 855773 bytes
28 files changed, 6189 insertions, 0 deletions
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+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+ \section{Required Perl modules}\label{sec:requiredmodules}
+ If you intend to use \texttt{} and \emph{not} one of the
+ supplied standalone executable files, then you will need a few standard Perl modules --
+ if you can run the minimum code in \cref{lst:helloworld} (\texttt{perl}) then you will be able to run
+ \texttt{}, otherwise you may need to install the missing modules -- see
+ \cref{sec:module-installer,sec:manual-module-instal}.
+ \begin{cmhlistings}[style=tcblatex,language=Perl]{\texttt{}}{lst:helloworld}
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use PerlIO::encoding;
+use Unicode::GCString;
+use open ':std', ':encoding(UTF-8)';
+use Text::Wrap;
+use Text::Tabs;
+use FindBin;
+use YAML::Tiny;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::HomeDir;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use List::Util qw(max);
+use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels);
+print "hello world";
+ \subsection{Module installer script}\label{sec:module-installer}
+ \announce{2018-01-13}{perl module helper script} \texttt{} ships with a helper script that will
+ install any missing \texttt{perl} modules on your system; if you run
+ \begin{commandshell}
+ or
+ \begin{dosprompt}
+ \end{dosprompt}
+ then, once you have answered \texttt{Y}, the appropriate modules will be
+ installed onto your distribution.
+ \subsection{Manually installed modules}\label{sec:manual-module-instal}
+ Manually installing the modules given in \cref{lst:helloworld} will vary depending on
+ your operating system and \texttt{Perl} distribution. For example, Ubuntu users
+ might visit the software center, or else run
+ \begin{commandshell}
+sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install "File::HomeDir"'
+ Linux users may be interested in exploring Perlbrew \cite{perlbrew}; possible
+ installation and setup options follow for Ubuntu (other distributions will need slightly
+ different commands).
+ \begin{commandshell}
+sudo apt-get install perlbrew
+perlbrew install perl-5.22.1
+perlbrew switch perl-5.22.1
+sudo apt-get install curl
+curl -L | perl - App::cpanminus
+cpanm YAML::Tiny
+cpanm File::HomeDir
+cpanm Unicode::GCString
+cpanm Log::Log4perl
+cpanm Log::Dispatch
+ Users of the Macintosh operating system might like to explore the following commands, for
+ example:
+ \begin{commandshell}
+brew install perl
+brew install cpanm
+cpanm YAML::Tiny
+cpanm File::HomeDir
+cpanm Unicode::GCString
+cpanm Log::Log4perl
+cpanm Log::Dispatch
+ Strawberry Perl users on Windows might use \texttt{CPAN client}. All of the modules are
+ readily available on CPAN \cite{cpan}.
+ \texttt{indent.log} will contain details of the location
+ of the Perl modules on your system. \texttt{latexindent.exe} is a standalone executable
+ for Windows (and therefore does not require a Perl distribution) and caches copies of the
+ Perl modules onto your system; if you wish to see where they are cached, use the
+ \texttt{trace} option, e.g
+ \begin{dosprompt}
+latexindent.exe -t myfile.tex
+ \end{dosprompt}
+ \section{Updating the path variable}\label{sec:updating-path}
+ \texttt{} has a few scripts (available at \cite{latexindent-home}) that can
+ update the \texttt{path} variables. Thank you to \cite{jasjuang} for this
+ feature. If you're on a Linux or Mac machine, then you'll want \texttt{CMakeLists.txt}
+ from \cite{latexindent-home}.
+ \subsection{Add to path for Linux}
+ To add \texttt{} to the path for Linux, follow these steps:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item download \texttt{} and its associated modules, \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml}, to
+ your chosen directory from \cite{latexindent-home} ;
+ \item within your directory, create a directory called \texttt{path-helper-files} and download
+ \texttt{CMakeLists.txt} and \lstinline!! from
+ \cite{latexindent-home}/path-helper-files to this directory;
+ \item run
+ \begin{commandshell}
+ls /usr/local/bin
+ to see what is \emph{currently} in there;
+ \item run the following commands
+ \begin{commandshell}
+sudo apt-get install cmake
+sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install build-essential
+mkdir build && cd build
+cmake ../path-helper-files
+sudo make install
+ \item run
+ \begin{commandshell}
+ls /usr/local/bin
+ again to check that \texttt{}, its modules and \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml} have
+ been added.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ To \emph{remove} the files, run
+ \begin{commandshell}
+sudo make uninstall
+ \subsection{Add to path for Windows}
+ To add \texttt{latexindent.exe} to the path for Windows, follow these steps:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item download \texttt{latexindent.exe}, \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml}, \texttt{add-to-path.bat} from
+ \cite{latexindent-home} to your chosen directory;
+ \item open a command prompt and run the following command to see what is \emph{currently}
+ in your \lstinline!%path%! variable;
+ \begin{dosprompt}
+echo %path%
+ \end{dosprompt}
+ \item right click on \texttt{add-to-path.bat} and \emph{Run as administrator};
+ \item log out, and log back in;
+ \item open a command prompt and run
+ \begin{dosprompt}
+echo %path%
+ \end{dosprompt}
+ to check that the appropriate directory has been added to your \lstinline!%path%!.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ To \emph{remove} the directory from your \lstinline!%path%!, run
+ \texttt{remove-from-path.bat} as administrator.
+ \section{logFilePreferences}\label{app:logfile-demo}
+ \Vref{lst:logFilePreferences} describes the options for customising the information given
+ to the log file, and we provide a few demonstrations here. Let's say that we start with
+ the code given in \cref{lst:simple}, and the settings specified in
+ \cref{lst:logfile-prefs1-yaml}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.35\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/simple.tex}{\texttt{simple.tex}}{lst:simple}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.6\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/logfile-prefs1.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{logfile-prefs1.yaml}}{lst:logfile-prefs1-yaml}
+ \end{minipage}
+ If we run the following command (noting that \texttt{-t} is active)
+ \begin{commandshell} -t -l=logfile-prefs1.yaml simple.tex
+ then on inspection of \texttt{indent.log} we will find the snippet given in
+ \cref{lst:indentlog}.
+ \begin{cmhlistings}[style=tcblatex,morekeywords={TRACE}]{\texttt{indent.log}}{lst:indentlog}
+ +++++
+TRACE: environment found: myenv
+ No ancestors found for myenv
+ Storing settings for myenvenvironments
+ indentRulesGlobal specified (0) for environments, ...
+ Using defaultIndent for myenv
+ Putting linebreak after replacementText for myenv
+ looking for COMMANDS and key = {value}
+TRACE: Searching for commands with optional and/or mandatory arguments AND key = {value}
+ looking for SPECIAL begin/end
+TRACE: Searching myenv for special begin/end (see specialBeginEnd)
+TRACE: Searching myenv for optional and mandatory arguments
+ ... no arguments found
+ -----
+ \end{cmhlistings}
+ Notice that the information given about \texttt{myenv} is `framed' using
+ \texttt{+++++} and \lstinline!-----! respectively.
+ \section{Differences from Version 2.2 to 3.0}\label{app:differences}
+ There are a few (small) changes to the interface when comparing Version 2.2 to Version
+ 3.0. Explicitly, in previous versions you might have run, for example,
+ \begin{commandshell} -o myfile.tex outputfile.tex
+ whereas in Version 3.0 you would run any of the following, for example,
+ \begin{commandshell} -o=outputfile.tex myfile.tex -o outputfile.tex myfile.tex myfile.tex -o outputfile.tex myfile.tex -o=outputfile.tex myfile.tex -outputfile=outputfile.tex myfile.tex -outputfile outputfile.tex
+ noting that the \emph{output} file is given \emph{next to} the
+ \texttt{-o} switch.
+ The fields given in \cref{lst:obsoleteYaml} are \emph{obsolete} from Version 3.0
+ onwards. \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/obsolete.yaml}[yaml-obsolete]{Obsolete YAML fields from Version 3.0}{lst:obsoleteYaml}
+ There is a slight difference when specifying indentation after headings; specifically, we
+ now write \texttt{indentAfterThisHeading} instead of \texttt{indent}. See
+ \cref{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingOld,lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew}
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/indentAfterThisHeadingOld.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{indentAfterThisHeading} in Version 2.2}{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingOld}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/indentAfterThisHeadingNew.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{indentAfterThisHeading} in Version 3.0}{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ To specify \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} for display-math environments in Version 2.2, you would
+ write YAML as in \cref{lst:noAdditionalIndentOld}; as of Version 3.0, you would write YAML as in
+ \cref{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew1} or, if you're using \texttt{-m} switch,
+ \cref{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew2}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/noAddtionalIndentOld.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{noAdditionalIndent} in Version 2.2}{lst:noAdditionalIndentOld}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/noAddtionalIndentNew.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{noAdditionalIndent} for \texttt{displayMath} in Version 3.0}{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/noAddtionalIndentNew1.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{noAdditionalIndent} for \texttt{displayMath} in Version 3.0}{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew2}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \mbox{}\hfill \begin{minipage}{.25\textwidth}
+ \hrule
+ \hfill\itshape End\\\mbox{}\hfill\mbox{}\rlap{\hfill\includegraphics{logo}}
+ \end{minipage}
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new file mode 100644
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+.. literalinclude:: #1^^J
+^^I:class: .#4^^J
+^^I:caption: #2^^J
+^^I:name: #3^^J
+.. literalinclude:: #3^^J
+^^I:class: .#6^^J
+^^I:caption: #4^^J
+^^I:name: #5^^J
+^^I:lines: #1-#2^^J
+^^I:lineno-start: #1^^J
+.. _#1:^^J
+.. warning::^^J
+.. endwarning::^^J
+.. proof:example::^^J
+.. endproof:example::^^J
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/figure-schematic.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/figure-schematic.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..911f85f6ad
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ needed/.style={very thick, draw=blue,fill=blue!20,
+ text centered, minimum height=2.5em,rounded corners=1ex},
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+ text centered, minimum height=2.5em,rounded corners=1ex},
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+ connections/.style={draw=black!30,dotted,line width=3pt,text=red},
+ ]
+ % Draw diagram elements
+ \node (latexindent) [needed,circle] {\texttt{}};
+ \node (default) [needed,above right=.5cm of latexindent] {\texttt{defaultSettings.yaml}};
+ \node (indentconfig) [optional,right=of latexindent] {\texttt{indentconfig.yaml}};
+ \node (any) [optional,optionalfill,above right=of indentconfig] {\texttt{any.yaml}};
+ \node (name) [optional,optionalfill,right=of indentconfig] {\texttt{name.yaml}};
+ \node (you) [optional,optionalfill,below right=of indentconfig] {\texttt{you.yaml}};
+ \node (want) [optional,optionalfill,below=of indentconfig] {\texttt{want.yaml}};
+ \node (local) [optional,below=of latexindent] {\texttt{localSettings.yaml}};
+ \node (yamlswitch) [optional,left=of latexindent] {\texttt{-y switch}};
+ % Draw arrows between elements
+ \draw[connections,solid] (latexindent) to[in=-90]node[pos=0.5,anchor=north]{1} (default.south) ;
+ \draw[connections,optional] (latexindent) -- node[pos=0.5,anchor=north]{2} (indentconfig) ;
+ \draw[connections,optional] (indentconfig) to[in=-90] (any.south) ;
+ \draw[connections,optional] (indentconfig) -- (name) ;
+ \draw[connections,optional] (indentconfig) to[out=-45,in=90] (you) ;
+ \draw[connections,optional] (indentconfig) -- (want) ;
+ \draw[connections,optional] (latexindent) -- node[pos=0.5,anchor=west]{3} (local) ;
+ \draw[connections,optional] (latexindent) -- node[pos=0.5,anchor=north]{4} (yamlswitch) ;
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Binary files differ
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+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% See <>.
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+\titleformat% Formatting the header
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+[block] % shape - Only managed to get it working with block
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+{0pt} % sep
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+% custom subsection
+% custom subsubsection
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+% list of listings
+ {\addvspace{0.25pc}}
+ {}
+ {\llap{\stardemo}\thecontentslabel}
+ {\titlerule*[0.5em]{$\cdot$}\contentspage}
+ []
+ {\addvspace{0.25pc}}
+ {\thecontentslabel}
+ {\thecontentslabel}
+ {\titlerule*[0.5em]{$\cdot$}\contentspage}
+ []
+% cleveref settings
+% headers and footers
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+ \tikz[remember picture,overlay] {
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+% renew plain style
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+% widepage environment
+% symbols for the m switch
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+% gitinfo2 settings
+% setting up gitinfo2:
+% copy the file post-xxx-sample.txt from
+% and put it in .git/hooks/post-checkout
+% then
+% cd .git/hooks
+% chmod g+x post-checkout
+% chmod +x post-checkout
+% cp post-checkout post-commit
+% cp post-checkout post-merge
+% cd ../..
+% git checkout master
+% git checkout develop
+% ls .git
+% and you should see gitHeadInfo.gin
+% Make sure that the 'V' is included in the below!
+% RELTAG=$(git describe --tags --long --always --dirty='-*' --match 'V[0-9]*.*' 2>/dev/null)
+% remove the definition of \textasteriskcentered for TS1 encoding
+% reinstate a default encoding
+% suitably define the command
+% new features list
+% toc settings
+\titlecontents{cmhtitle}% <paragaph>
+ [2cm]% <left>
+ {\small\itshape}% <above-code>
+ {}% <numbered-entry-format>; you could also use {\thecontentslabel. } to show the numbers
+ {}% <numberless-entry-format>
+ {\titlerule*[0.5em]{$\cdot$}\contentspage}
+% start sections on new page
+ \input{sec-introduction}
+ \input{sec-demonstration}
+ \input{sec-how-to-use}
+ \input{sec-indent-config-and-settings.tex}
+ \input{sec-default-user-local}
+ \input{subsec-noAdditionalIndent-indentRules}
+ \input{subsubsec-environments-and-their-arguments}
+ \input{subsubsec-environments-with-items}
+ \input{subsubsec-commands-with-arguments}
+ \input{subsubsec-ifelsefi}
+ \input{subsubsec-special}
+ \input{subsubsec-headings}
+ \input{subsubsec-no-add-remaining-code-blocks}
+ \stopcontents[noAdditionalIndent]
+ \input{subsec-commands-and-their-options}
+ \input{sec-the-m-switch}
+ \stopcontents[the-m-switch]
+ \input{subsec-partnering-poly-switches}
+ \input{subsec-conflicting-poly-switches}
+ \input{sec-replacements}
+ \input{sec-fine-tuning}
+ \input{sec-conclusions-know-limitations}
+ \input{references}
+ \input{appendices}
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/logo.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/logo.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bc31e0a4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/logo.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+% arara: pdflatex
+% to create the black and white logo:
+% convert -density 1000 -colorspace GRAY logo.pdf logo-bw.pdf
+\definecolor{harvestgold}{cmyk}{0.00, 0.05, 0.51, 0.07} %EDE275
+\definecolor{cmhgold}{cmyk}{0,0.178,0.909,0.008} %FDD017
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+\definecolor{bakeoffgreen}{cmyk}{0.30, 0.00, 0.20, 0.29} %80b692
+\definecolor{burntorange}{cmyk}{0.00, 0.41, 1.00, 0.04}
+ \matrix{
+ \node[logo,dash pattern=on .5pt off 1.0pt,thick,draw=purple!75!white]{}; & \node[logo,draw=burntorange]{}; \\
+ \node[logo,fill,draw=bakeoffgreen,fill=bakeoffblue]{}; & \node[logo,double,draw=cmhgold,fill=harvestgold]{};\\};
+% for reference, the following puts the GitHub logo in the background; also needs
+% \usetikzlibrary{backgrounds}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[logo/.style={draw=blue,circle,fill=none,fill opacity=0.75}]
+ \matrix{%
+ \node[logo,dash pattern=on .5pt off 1.0pt,thick,draw=purple!75!white]{}; & \node[logo,draw=burntorange]{}; \\
+ \node[logo,fill,draw=bakeoffgreen,fill=bakeoffblue]{}; & \node[logo,double,draw=cmhgold,fill=harvestgold]{};\\};
+ \begin{scope}[on background layer]
+ %\node [yshift=0.01em,xshift=0.07em] {\resizebox{1cm}{!}{\color{gray!50!white}\faGithub}};
+ \node {\resizebox{1cm}{!}{\color{gray!25!white}\faGithub}};
+ \end{scope}
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/references.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/references.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..548b394578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/references.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ \printbibliography[heading=subbibnumbered,title={External links},notkeyword=contributor]
+ \printbibliography[env=specialbib,heading=subbibnumbered,title={Contributors\label{sec:contributors}},keyword=contributor]
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-conclusions-know-limitations.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-conclusions-know-limitations.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e865c9c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-conclusions-know-limitations.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\section{Conclusions and known limitations}\label{sec:knownlimitations}
+ There are a number of known limitations of the script, and almost certainly quite a few
+ that are \emph{unknown}!
+ The main limitation is to do with the alignment routine discussed on
+ \cpageref{yaml:lookforaligndelims}; for example, consider the file given in \cref{lst:matrix2}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/matrix2.tex}{\texttt{matrix2.tex}}{lst:matrix2}
+ The default output is given in \cref{lst:matrix2-default}, and it is clear that the alignment
+ routine has not worked as hoped, but it is \emph{expected}. \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/matrix2-default.tex}{\texttt{matrix2.tex} default output}{lst:matrix2-default}
+ The reason for the problem is that when \texttt{} stores its code blocks
+ (see \vref{tab:code-blocks}) it uses replacement tokens. The alignment routine is using
+ the \emph{length of the replacement token} in its measuring -- I hope to be able to address this in the
+ future.
+ There are other limitations to do with the multicolumn alignment routine (see
+ \vref{lst:tabular2-mod2}); in particular, when working with code blocks in which
+ multicolumn commands overlap, the algorithm can fail.
+ Another limitation is to do with efficiency, particularly when the \texttt{-m}
+ switch is active, as this adds many checks and processes. The current implementation
+ relies upon finding and storing \emph{every} code block (see the discussion on
+ \cpageref{page:phases}); it is hoped that, in a future version, only
+ \emph{nested} code blocks will need to be stored in the `packing' phase, and
+ that this will improve the efficiency of the script.
+ You can run \texttt{latexindent} on any file;%
+ \announce*{2019-07-13}*{ability to call latexindent on any file} if you don't specify an extension, then the extensions that you
+ specify in \lstinline[breaklines=true]!fileExtensionPreference! (see \vref{lst:fileExtensionPreference}) will be consulted. If you
+ find a case in which the script struggles, please feel free to report it at
+ \cite{latexindent-home}, and in the meantime, consider using a \texttt{noIndentBlock} (see \cpageref{lst:noIndentBlockdemo}).
+ I hope that this script is useful to some; if you find an example where the script does
+ not behave as you think it should, the best way to contact me is to report an issue on
+ \cite{latexindent-home}; otherwise, feel free to find me on the \url{}.
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-default-user-local.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-default-user-local.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a657fae8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-default-user-local.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+ \texttt{} loads its settings from \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml}. The idea is to
+ separate the behaviour of the script from the internal working -- this is very similar to
+ the way that we separate content from form when writing our documents in \LaTeX.
+ If you look in \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml} you'll find the switches that govern the behaviour
+ of \texttt{}. If you're not sure where \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml} resides on
+ your computer, don't worry as \texttt{indent.log} will tell you where to find it.
+ \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml} is commented, but here is a description of what each switch is
+ designed to do. The default value is given in each case; whenever you see
+ \emph{integer} in \emph{this} section, assume that it must be
+ greater than or equal to \texttt{0} unless otherwise stated.
+ \texttt{} can be called to
+ act on a file without specifying the file extension. For example we can call
+ \begin{commandshell} myfile
+ \begin{wrapfigure}[8]{r}[0pt]{6cm}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=fileExtensionPreference]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{fileExtensionPreference}}{lst:fileExtensionPreference}
+ \end{wrapfigure}
+ in which case the script will look for \texttt{myfile} with the extensions
+ specified in \texttt{fileExtensionPreference} in their numeric order. If no match is found, the
+ script will exit. As with all of the fields, you should change and/or add to this as
+ necessary.
+ Calling \texttt{ myfile} with the (default) settings specified in
+ \cref{lst:fileExtensionPreference} means that the script will first look for
+ \texttt{myfile.tex}, then \texttt{myfile.sty}, \texttt{myfile.cls}, and
+ finally \texttt{myfile.bib} in order\footnote{Throughout this manual, listings shown with line numbers represent code
+ taken directly from \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml}.}.
+\yamltitle{backupExtension}*{extension name}
+ If you call \texttt{} with the \texttt{-w} switch (to overwrite
+ \texttt{myfile.tex}) then it will create a backup file before doing any indentation;
+ the default extension is \texttt{.bak}, so, for example,
+ \texttt{myfile.bak0} would be created when calling \texttt{ myfile.tex} for the
+ first time.
+ By default, every time you subsequently call \texttt{} with the
+ \texttt{-w} to act upon \texttt{myfile.tex}, it will create successive
+ back up files: \texttt{myfile.bak1}, \texttt{myfile.bak2}, etc.
+ \label{page:onlyonebackup}
+ If you don't want a backup for every time that you call \texttt{} (so
+ you don't want \texttt{myfile.bak1}, \texttt{myfile.bak2}, etc) and you
+ simply want \texttt{myfile.bak} (or whatever you chose \texttt{backupExtension} to be) then change \texttt{onlyOneBackUp} to
+ \texttt{1}; the default value of \texttt{onlyOneBackUp} is
+ \texttt{0}.
+ Some users may only want a finite number of backup files, say at most
+ $3$, in which case, they can change this switch. The smallest value of
+ \texttt{maxNumberOfBackUps} is $0$ which will \emph{not}
+ prevent backup files being made; in this case, the behaviour will be dictated entirely by
+ \texttt{onlyOneBackUp}. The default value of \texttt{maxNumberOfBackUps} is
+ \texttt{0}.
+ Some users may wish to cycle through backup files, by deleting the oldest backup file and
+ keeping only the most recent; for example, with \texttt{maxNumberOfBackUps: 4}, and
+ \texttt{cycleThroughBackUps} set to \texttt{1} then the \texttt{copy}
+ procedure given below would be obeyed.
+ \begin{commandshell}
+copy myfile.bak1 to myfile.bak0
+copy myfile.bak2 to myfile.bak1
+copy myfile.bak3 to myfile.bak2
+copy myfile.bak4 to myfile.bak3
+ The default value of \texttt{cycleThroughBackUps} is \texttt{0}.
+ \texttt{} writes information to \texttt{indent.log}, some
+ of which can be customized by changing \texttt{logFilePreferences}; see
+ \cref{lst:logFilePreferences}. If you load your own user settings (see \vref{sec:indentconfig})
+ then \texttt{} will detail them in \texttt{indent.log}; you can choose
+ not to have the details logged by switching \texttt{showEveryYamlRead} to
+ \texttt{0}. Once all of your settings have been loaded, you can see the
+ amalgamated settings in the log file by switching \texttt{showAmalgamatedSettings} to
+ \texttt{1}, if you wish.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=logFilePreferences,]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{logFilePreferences}}{lst:logFilePreferences}
+ When%
+ \announce{2018-01-13}{showDecorationStartCodeBlockTrace feature for log file} either of the
+ \texttt{trace} modes (see \cpageref{page:traceswitch}) are active, you will receive
+ detailed information in \texttt{indent.log}. You can specify character strings to
+ appear before and after the notification of a found code block using, respectively,
+ \texttt{showDecorationStartCodeBlockTrace} and \texttt{showDecorationFinishCodeBlockTrace}. A demonstration is given in
+ \vref{app:logfile-demo}.
+ The log file will end with the characters given in \texttt{endLogFileWith}, and will
+ report the \texttt{GitHub} address of \texttt{} to the log file if
+ \texttt{showGitHubInfoFooter} is set to \texttt{1}.
+ \texttt{}%
+ \announce{2018-01-13}{log file pattern layout for log file} uses the \texttt{log4perl} module \cite{log4perl}
+ to handle the creation of the logfile. You can specify the layout of the information
+ given in the logfile using any of the \texttt{Log Layouts} detailed at
+ \cite{log4perl}.
+ A field that contains a list of environments that you would like left completely alone --
+ no indentation will be performed on environments that you have specified in this field,
+ see \cref{lst:verbatimEnvironments}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=verbatimEnvironments]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{verbatimEnvironments}}{lst:verbatimEnvironments}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=verbatimCommands]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{verbatimCommands}}{lst:verbatimCommands}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Note that if you put an environment in \texttt{verbatimEnvironments} and in other fields such
+ as \texttt{lookForAlignDelims} or \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} then \texttt{} will
+ \emph{always} prioritize \texttt{verbatimEnvironments}.
+ A field that contains a list of commands that are verbatim commands, for example
+ \lstinline|\lstinline|; any commands populated in this field are protected from line
+ breaking routines (only relevant if the \texttt{-m} is active, see
+ \vref{sec:modifylinebreaks}).
+ \begin{wrapfigure}[8]{r}[0pt]{6cm}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=noIndentBlock]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{noIndentBlock}}{lst:noIndentBlock}
+ \end{wrapfigure}
+ If you have a block of code that you don't want \texttt{} to touch (even if
+ it is \emph{not} a verbatim-like environment) then you can wrap it in an
+ environment from \texttt{noIndentBlock}; you can use any name you like for this,
+ provided you populate it as demonstrate in \cref{lst:noIndentBlock}.
+ Of course, you don't want to have to specify these as null environments in your code, so
+ you use them with a comment symbol, \lstinline!%!, followed by as many spaces
+ (possibly none) as you like; see \cref{lst:noIndentBlockdemo} for example.
+ \begin{cmhlistings}[style=demo,escapeinside={(*@}{@*)}]{\texttt{noIndentBlock} demonstration}{lst:noIndentBlockdemo}
+%(*@@*) \begin{noindent}
+ this code
+ won't
+ be touched
+ by
+ \end{cmhlistings}
+ \begin{wrapfigure}[10]{r}[0pt]{7cm}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=removeTrailingWhitespace]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{removeTrailingWhitespace}{lst:removeTrailingWhitespace}
+ \vspace{.1cm}
+ \begin{yaml}[numbers=none]{removeTrailingWhitespace (alt)}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering]{lst:removeTrailingWhitespace-alt}
+removeTrailingWhitespace: 1
+ \end{wrapfigure}
+ Trailing white space can be removed both \emph{before} and
+ \emph{after} processing the document, as detailed in \cref{lst:removeTrailingWhitespace};
+ each of the fields can take the values \texttt{0} or
+ \texttt{1}. See \vref{lst:removeTWS-before,lst:env-mlb5-modAll,lst:env-mlb5-modAll-remove-WS} for before and after results. Thanks
+ to \cite{vosskuhle} for providing this feature.
+ You can specify \texttt{removeTrailingWhitespace} simply as \texttt{0} or
+ \texttt{1}, if you wish; in this case,%
+ \announce{2017-06-28}{removeTrailingWhitespace} \texttt{} will set both \texttt{beforeProcessing} and
+ \texttt{afterProcessing} to the value you specify; see \cref{lst:removeTrailingWhitespace-alt}.
+ \begin{wrapfigure}[6]{r}[0pt]{6cm}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=fileContentsEnvironments]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{fileContentsEnvironments}}{lst:fileContentsEnvironments}
+ \end{wrapfigure}
+ Before \texttt{} determines the difference between preamble (if any) and
+ the main document, it first searches for any of the environments specified in
+ \texttt{fileContentsEnvironments}, see \cref{lst:fileContentsEnvironments}. The behaviour of
+ \texttt{} on these environments is determined by their location (preamble
+ or not), and the value \texttt{indentPreamble}, discussed next.
+ The preamble of a document can sometimes contain some trickier code for
+ \texttt{} to operate upon. By default, \texttt{} won't try to
+ operate on the preamble (as \texttt{indentPreamble} is set to \texttt{0}, by
+ default), but if you'd like \texttt{} to try then change
+ \texttt{indentPreamble} to \texttt{1}.
+ \begin{wrapfigure}[8]{r}[0pt]{5cm}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=lookForPreamble]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{lookForPreamble}{lst:lookForPreamble}
+ \end{wrapfigure}
+ Not all files contain preamble; for example, \texttt{sty},
+ \texttt{cls} and \texttt{bib} files typically do
+ \emph{not}. Referencing \cref{lst:lookForPreamble}, if you set, for example,
+ \texttt{.tex} to \texttt{0}, then regardless of the setting of the
+ value of \texttt{indentPreamble}, preamble will not be assumed when operating upon
+ \texttt{.tex} files.
+ Assuming that \texttt{} is asked to operate upon the preamble of a
+ document, when this switch is set to \texttt{0} then environment code blocks
+ will be sought first, and then command code blocks. When this switch is set to
+ \texttt{1}, commands will be sought first. The example that first motivated
+ this switch contained the code given in \cref{lst:motivatepreambleCommandsBeforeEnvironments}.
+ \begin{cmhlistings}{Motivating \texttt{preambleCommandsBeforeEnvironments}}{lst:motivatepreambleCommandsBeforeEnvironments}
+\yamltitle{defaultIndent}*{horizontal space}
+ This is the default indentation (\lstinline!\t! means a tab, and is the default
+ value) used in the absence of other details for the command or environment we are working
+ with; see \texttt{indentRules} in \vref{sec:noadd-indent-rules} for more details.
+ If you're interested in experimenting with \texttt{} then you can
+ \emph{remove} all indentation by setting \texttt{defaultIndent: ""}.
+ \begin{wrapfigure}[12]{r}[0pt]{5cm}
+ \begin{yaml}[numbers=none]{\texttt{lookForAlignDelims} (basic)}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering]{lst:aligndelims:basic}
+ tabular: 1
+ tabularx: 1
+ longtable: 1
+ array: 1
+ matrix: 1
+ ...
+ \end{yaml}
+ \end{wrapfigure}
+ This contains a list of environments and/or commands that are operated upon in a special
+ way by \texttt{} (see \cref{lst:aligndelims:basic}). In fact, the fields in \texttt{lookForAlignDelims} can
+ actually take two different forms: the \emph{basic} version is shown in
+ \cref{lst:aligndelims:basic} and the \emph{advanced} version in
+ \cref{lst:aligndelims:advanced}; we will discuss each in turn.
+ The environments specified in this field will be operated on in a special way by
+ \texttt{}. In particular, it will try and align each column by its
+ alignment tabs. It does have some limitations (discussed further in
+ \cref{sec:knownlimitations}), but in many cases it will produce results such as those in
+ \cref{lst:tabularbefore:basic,lst:tabularafter:basic}.
+ If you find that \texttt{} does not perform satisfactorily on such
+ environments then you can set the relevant key to \texttt{0}, for example
+ \texttt{tabular: 0}; alternatively, if you just want to ignore
+ \emph{specific} instances of the environment, you could wrap them in something
+ from \texttt{noIndentBlock} (see \vref{lst:noIndentBlock}).
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/tabular1.tex}{\texttt{tabular1.tex}}{lst:tabularbefore:basic}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/tabular1-default.tex}{\texttt{tabular1.tex} default output}{lst:tabularafter:basic}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ If, for example, you wish to remove the alignment of the \lstinline!\\! within a
+ delimiter-aligned block, then the advanced form of \texttt{lookForAlignDelims} shown in
+ \cref{lst:aligndelims:advanced} is for you.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/tabular.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{tabular.yaml}}{lst:aligndelims:advanced}
+ Note that you can use a mixture of the basic and advanced form: in
+ \cref{lst:aligndelims:advanced} \texttt{tabular} and \texttt{tabularx} are advanced
+ and \texttt{longtable} is basic. When using the advanced form, each field should
+ receive at least 1 sub-field, and \emph{can}
+ (but does not have to) receive any of the following
+ fields:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \texttt{delims}: binary switch (0 or 1) equivalent to simply specifying, for
+ example, \texttt{tabular: 1} in the basic version shown in \cref{lst:aligndelims:basic}. If
+ \texttt{delims} is set to \texttt{0} then the align at ampersand
+ routine will not be called for this code block (default: 1);
+ \item \texttt{alignDoubleBackSlash}: binary switch (0 or 1) to determine if \lstinline!\\!
+ should be aligned (default: 1);
+ \item \texttt{spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash}: optionally,%
+ \announce{2018-01-13}*{update to spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash in ampersand alignment} specifies the number (integer $\geq$ 0) of spaces
+ to be inserted before \lstinline!\\! (default: 1). \footnote{Previously this only activated if \texttt{alignDoubleBackSlash} was set to \texttt{0}.}
+ \item \announce{2017-06-19}{multiColumnGrouping} \texttt{multiColumnGrouping}: binary switch (0 or 1) that details if
+ \texttt{} should group columns
+ above and below a \lstinline!\multicolumn! command (default: 0);
+ \item \announce{2017-06-19}{alignRowsWithoutMaxDelims} \texttt{alignRowsWithoutMaxDelims}: binary switch (0 or 1) that details if
+ rows that do not contain the maximum number of delimeters should be formatted so as to
+ have the ampersands aligned (default: 1);
+ \item \announce{2018-01-13}{spacesBeforeAmpersand in ampersand alignment}\texttt{spacesBeforeAmpersand}: optionally specifies the number (integer
+ $\geq$ 0) of
+ spaces to be placed \emph{before} ampersands (default: 1);
+ \item \announce{2018-01-13}{spacesAfterAmpersand in ampersand alignment}\texttt{spacesAfterAmpersand}: optionally specifies the number (integer
+ $\geq$ 0) of
+ spaces to be placed \emph{After} ampersands (default: 1);
+ \item \announce{2018-01-13}{justification of cells in ampersand alignment}\texttt{justification}: optionally specifies the justification of
+ each cell as either \emph{left} or \emph{right} (default: left).
+ \end{itemize}
+ We will explore each of these features using the file \texttt{tabular2.tex} in
+ \cref{lst:tabular2} (which contains a \lstinline!\multicolumn! command), and the YAML files in \crefrange{lst:tabular2YAML}{lst:tabular8YAML}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/tabular2.tex}{\texttt{tabular2.tex}}{lst:tabular2}
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/tabular2.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{tabular2.yaml}}{lst:tabular2YAML}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.48\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/tabular3.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{tabular3.yaml}}{lst:tabular3YAML}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/tabular4.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{tabular4.yaml}}{lst:tabular4YAML}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.48\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/tabular5.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{tabular5.yaml}}{lst:tabular5YAML}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/tabular6.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{tabular6.yaml}}{lst:tabular6YAML}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.48\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/tabular7.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{tabular7.yaml}}{lst:tabular7YAML}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \begin{minipage}{.48\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/tabular8.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{tabular8.yaml}}{lst:tabular8YAML}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ On running the commands
+ \begin{commandshell} tabular2.tex tabular2.tex -l tabular2.yaml tabular2.tex -l tabular3.yaml tabular2.tex -l tabular2.yaml,tabular4.yaml tabular2.tex -l tabular2.yaml,tabular5.yaml tabular2.tex -l tabular2.yaml,tabular6.yaml tabular2.tex -l tabular2.yaml,tabular7.yaml tabular2.tex -l tabular2.yaml,tabular8.yaml
+ we obtain the respective outputs given in \crefrange{lst:tabular2-default}{lst:tabular2-mod8}.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/tabular2-default.tex}{\texttt{tabular2.tex} default output}{lst:tabular2-default}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/tabular2-mod2.tex}{\texttt{tabular2.tex} using \cref{lst:tabular2YAML}}{lst:tabular2-mod2}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/tabular2-mod3.tex}{\texttt{tabular2.tex} using \cref{lst:tabular3YAML}}{lst:tabular2-mod3}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/tabular2-mod4.tex}{\texttt{tabular2.tex} using \cref{lst:tabular2YAML,lst:tabular4YAML}}{lst:tabular2-mod4}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/tabular2-mod5.tex}{\texttt{tabular2.tex} using \cref{lst:tabular2YAML,lst:tabular5YAML}}{lst:tabular2-mod5}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/tabular2-mod6.tex}{\texttt{tabular2.tex} using \cref{lst:tabular2YAML,lst:tabular6YAML}}{lst:tabular2-mod6}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/tabular2-mod7.tex}{\texttt{tabular2.tex} using \cref{lst:tabular2YAML,lst:tabular7YAML}}{lst:tabular2-mod7}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/tabular2-mod8.tex}{\texttt{tabular2.tex} using \cref{lst:tabular2YAML,lst:tabular8YAML}}{lst:tabular2-mod8}
+ \end{widepage}
+ Notice in particular:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item in both \cref{lst:tabular2-default,lst:tabular2-mod2} all rows have been aligned at the ampersand, even those
+ that do not contain the maximum number of ampersands (3 ampersands, in this case);
+ \item in \cref{lst:tabular2-default} the columns have been aligned at the ampersand;
+ \item in \cref{lst:tabular2-mod2} the \lstinline!\multicolumn! command has grouped the
+ $2$ columns beneath \emph{and} above it, because
+ \texttt{multiColumnGrouping} is set to $1$ in \cref{lst:tabular2YAML};
+ \item in \cref{lst:tabular2-mod3} rows~3 and~6 have \emph{not} been aligned at the
+ ampersand, because \texttt{alignRowsWithoutMaxDelims} has been to set to $0$ in
+ \cref{lst:tabular3YAML}; however, the \lstinline!\\! \emph{have} still
+ been aligned;
+ \item in \cref{lst:tabular2-mod4} the columns beneath and above the \lstinline!\multicolumn!
+ commands have been grouped (because \texttt{multiColumnGrouping} is set to
+ $1$), and there are at least $4$ spaces
+ \emph{before} each aligned ampersand because \texttt{spacesBeforeAmpersand} is set to
+ $4$;
+ \item in \cref{lst:tabular2-mod5} the columns beneath and above the \lstinline!\multicolumn!
+ commands have been grouped (because \texttt{multiColumnGrouping} is set to
+ $1$), and there are at least $4$ spaces
+ \emph{after} each aligned ampersand because \texttt{spacesAfterAmpersand} is set to
+ $4$;
+ \item in \cref{lst:tabular2-mod6} the \lstinline!\\! have \emph{not} been
+ aligned, because \texttt{alignDoubleBackSlash} is set to \texttt{0}, otherwise the
+ output is the same as \cref{lst:tabular2-mod2};
+ \item in \cref{lst:tabular2-mod7} the \lstinline!\\! \emph{have} been
+ aligned, and because \texttt{spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash} is set to \texttt{0}, there are
+ no spaces ahead of them; the output is otherwise the same as \cref{lst:tabular2-mod2}.
+ \item in \cref{lst:tabular2-mod8} the cells have been \emph{right}-justified; note
+ that cells above and below the \lstinline!\multicol! statements have still been group
+ correctly, because of the settings in \cref{lst:tabular2YAML}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ As of Version 3.0, the alignment routine works on mandatory and optional arguments within
+ commands, and also within `special' code blocks (see \texttt{specialBeginEnd} on
+ \cpageref{yaml:specialBeginEnd}); for example, assuming that you have a command called
+ \lstinline!\matrix! and that it is populated within \texttt{lookForAlignDelims} (which it is, by default), and that
+ you run the command
+ \begin{commandshell} matrix1.tex
+ then the before-and-after results shown in \cref{lst:matrixbefore,lst:matrixafter} are achievable by
+ default.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/matrix1.tex}{\texttt{matrix1.tex}}{lst:matrixbefore}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/matrix1-default.tex}{\texttt{matrix1.tex} default output}{lst:matrixafter}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ If you have blocks of code that you wish to align at the \& character that are
+ \emph{not} wrapped in, for example, \lstinline!\begin{tabular}! \ldots
+ \lstinline!\end{tabular}!, then you can use the mark up illustrated in
+ \cref{lst:alignmentmarkup}; the default output is shown in \cref{lst:alignmentmarkup-default}. Note
+ that the \lstinline!%*! must be next to each other, but that there can be any
+ number of spaces (possibly none) between the
+ \lstinline!*! and \lstinline!\begin{tabular}!; note also that you may use any
+ environment name that you have specified in \texttt{lookForAlignDelims}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/align-block.tex}{\texttt{align-block.tex}}{lst:alignmentmarkup}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/align-block-default.tex}{\texttt{align-block.tex} default output}{lst:alignmentmarkup-default}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ With reference to \vref{tab:code-blocks} and the, yet undiscussed, fields of
+ \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} and \texttt{indentRules}
+ (see \vref{sec:noadd-indent-rules}), these comment-marked blocks are
+ considered \texttt{environments}.
+ The environment names specified in \texttt{indentAfterItems} tell \texttt{}
+ to look for \lstinline!\item! commands; if these switches are set to
+ \texttt{1} then indentation will be performed so as indent the code after
+ each \texttt{item}. A demonstration is given in \cref{lst:itemsbefore,lst:itemsafter}
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster columns=3,
+ raster left skip=-3.5cm,
+ raster right skip=-2cm,
+ raster column skip=.03\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=indentAfterItems]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{indentAfterItems}}{lst:indentafteritems}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/items1.tex}{\texttt{items1.tex}}{lst:itemsbefore}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/items1-default.tex}{\texttt{items1.tex} default output}{lst:itemsafter}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ \begin{wrapfigure}[5]{r}[0pt]{5cm}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=itemNames]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{itemNames}}{lst:itemNames}
+ \end{wrapfigure}
+ If you have your own \texttt{item} commands (perhaps you prefer to use
+ \texttt{myitem}, for example) then you can put populate them in
+ \texttt{itemNames}. For example, users of the \texttt{exam} document class
+ might like to add \texttt{parts} to \texttt{indentAfterItems} and
+ \texttt{part} to \texttt{itemNames} to their user settings (see
+ \vref{sec:indentconfig} for details of how to configure user settings, and
+ \vref{lst:mysettings} \\ in particular \label{page:examsettings}.)
+ The fields specified%
+ \announce{2017-08-21}*{specialBeginEnd} in
+ \texttt{specialBeginEnd} are, in their default state, focused on math mode begin and end
+ statements, but there is no requirement for this to be the case; \cref{lst:specialBeginEnd}
+ shows the default settings of \texttt{specialBeginEnd}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=specialBeginEnd]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{specialBeginEnd}}{lst:specialBeginEnd}
+ The field \texttt{displayMath} represents \lstinline!\[...\]!,
+ \texttt{inlineMath} represents
+ \lstinline!$...$! and \texttt{displayMathTex} represents \lstinline!$$...$$!.
+ You can, of course, rename these in your own YAML files (see \vref{sec:localsettings});
+ indeed, you might like to set up your own special begin and end statements.
+ A demonstration of the before-and-after results are shown in \cref{lst:specialbefore,lst:specialafter}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/special1.tex}{\texttt{special1.tex} before}{lst:specialbefore}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/special1-default.tex}{\texttt{special1.tex} default output}{lst:specialafter}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ For each field, \texttt{lookForThis} is set to \texttt{1} by default,
+ which means that \texttt{} will look for this pattern; you can tell
+ \texttt{} not to look for the pattern, by setting \texttt{lookForThis}
+ to \texttt{0}.
+ There are%
+ \announce{2017-08-21}{specialBeforeCommand} examples in which it
+ is advantageous to search for \texttt{specialBeginEnd} fields \emph{before}
+ searching for commands, and the \texttt{specialBeforeCommand} switch controls this behaviour.
+ For example, consider the file shown in \cref{lst:specialLRbefore}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/specialLR.tex}{\texttt{specialLR.tex}}{lst:specialLRbefore}
+ Now consider the YAML files shown in \cref{lst:specialsLeftRight-yaml,lst:specialBeforeCommand-yaml}
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[]*{demonstrations/specialsLeftRight.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{specialsLeftRight.yaml}}{lst:specialsLeftRight-yaml}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[]*{demonstrations/specialBeforeCommand.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{specialBeforeCommand.yaml}}{lst:specialBeforeCommand-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Upon running the following commands
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{commandshell} specialLR.tex -l=specialsLeftRight.yaml specialLR.tex -l=specialsLeftRight.yaml,specialBeforeCommand.yaml
+ \end{widepage}
+ we receive the respective outputs in \cref{lst:specialLR-comm-first-tex,lst:specialLR-special-first-tex}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/specialLR-comm-first.tex}{\texttt{specialLR.tex} using \cref{lst:specialsLeftRight-yaml}}{lst:specialLR-comm-first-tex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/specialLR-special-first.tex}{\texttt{specialLR.tex} using \cref{lst:specialsLeftRight-yaml,lst:specialBeforeCommand-yaml}}{lst:specialLR-special-first-tex}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Notice that in:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \cref{lst:specialLR-comm-first-tex} the \lstinline!\left! has been treated as a
+ \emph{command}, with one optional argument;
+ \item \cref{lst:specialLR-special-first-tex} the \texttt{specialBeginEnd} pattern in \cref{lst:specialsLeftRight-yaml}
+ has been obeyed because \cref{lst:specialBeforeCommand-yaml} specifies that the
+ \texttt{specialBeginEnd} should be sought \emph{before} commands.
+ \end{itemize}
+ You can,optionally, specify%
+ \announce{2018-04-27}{update to specialBeginEnd} the
+ \texttt{middle} field for anything that you specify in \texttt{specialBeginEnd}.
+ For example, let's consider the \texttt{.tex} file in \cref{lst:special2}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/special2.tex}{\texttt{special2.tex}}{lst:special2}
+ Upon saving the YAML settings in \cref{lst:middle-yaml,lst:middle1-yaml} and running the commands
+ \begin{commandshell} special2.tex -l=middle special2.tex -l=middle1
+ then we obtain the output given in \cref{lst:special2-mod1,lst:special2-mod2}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/middle.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{middle.yaml}}{lst:middle-yaml}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/special2-mod1.tex}{\texttt{special2.tex} using \cref{lst:middle-yaml}}{lst:special2-mod1}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/middle1.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{middle1.yaml}}{lst:middle1-yaml}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/special2-mod2.tex}{\texttt{special2.tex} using \cref{lst:middle1-yaml}}{lst:special2-mod2}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ We note that:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item in \cref{lst:special2-mod1} the bodies of each of the \texttt{Elsif} statements
+ have been indented appropriately;
+ \item the \texttt{Else} statement has \emph{not} been indented
+ appropriately in \cref{lst:special2-mod1} -- read on!
+ \item we have specified multiple settings for the \texttt{middle} field using the
+ syntax demonstrated in \cref{lst:middle1-yaml} so that the body of the
+ \texttt{Else} statement has been indented appropriately in
+ \cref{lst:special2-mod2}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ You may%
+ \announce{2018-08-13}{specialBeginEnd verbatim} specify fields in
+ \texttt{specialBeginEnd} to be treated as verbatim code blocks by changing
+ \texttt{lookForThis} to be \texttt{verbatim}.
+ For example, beginning with the code in \cref{lst:special3-mod1} and the YAML in
+ \cref{lst:special-verb1-yaml}, and running
+ \begin{commandshell} special3.tex -l=special-verb1
+ then the output in \cref{lst:special3-mod1} is unchanged.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/special-verb1.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{special-verb1.yaml}}{lst:special-verb1-yaml}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/special3-mod1.tex}{\texttt{special3.tex} and output using \cref{lst:special-verb1-yaml}}{lst:special3-mod1}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ \begin{wrapfigure}[17]{r}[0pt]{8cm}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=indentAfterHeadings]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{indentAfterHeadings}}{lst:indentAfterHeadings}
+ \end{wrapfigure}
+ This field enables the user to specify indentation rules that take effect after heading
+ commands such as \lstinline!\part!, \lstinline!\chapter!,
+ \lstinline!\section!, \lstinline!\subsection*!, or indeed any user-specified command
+ written in this field.\footnote{There is a slight
+ difference in interface for this field when comparing Version 2.2 to Version 3.0; see \vref{app:differences} for details.}
+ The default settings do \emph{not} place indentation after a heading, but
+ you can easily switch them on by changing \\ \texttt{indentAfterThisHeading: 0} to \\
+ \texttt{indentAfterThisHeading: 1}. The \texttt{level} field tells \texttt{}
+ the hierarchy of the heading structure in your document. You might, for example, like to
+ have both \texttt{section} and \texttt{subsection} set with
+ \texttt{level: 3} because you do not want the indentation to go too deep.
+ You can add any of your own custom heading commands to this field, specifying the
+ \texttt{level} as appropriate. You can also specify your own indentation in
+ \texttt{indentRules} (see \vref{sec:noadd-indent-rules}); you will find the default \texttt{indentRules} contains
+ \lstinline!chapter: " "! which tells \texttt{} simply to use a space
+ character after \texttt{\chapter} headings (once \texttt{indent} is set to
+ \texttt{1} for \texttt{chapter}).
+ For example, assuming that you have the code in \cref{lst:headings1yaml} saved into
+ \texttt{headings1.yaml}, and that you have the text from \cref{lst:headings1} saved
+ into \texttt{headings1.tex}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/headings1.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{headings1.yaml}}{lst:headings1yaml}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/headings1.tex}{\texttt{headings1.tex}}{lst:headings1}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ If you run the command
+ \begin{commandshell} headings1.tex -l=headings1.yaml
+ then you should receive the output given in \cref{lst:headings1-mod1}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showtabs=true]{demonstrations/headings1-mod1.tex}{\texttt{headings1.tex} using \cref{lst:headings1yaml}}{lst:headings1-mod1}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showtabs=true]{demonstrations/headings1-mod2.tex}{\texttt{headings1.tex} second modification}{lst:headings1-mod2}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Now say that you modify the \texttt{YAML} from \cref{lst:headings1yaml} so that
+ the \texttt{paragraph} \texttt{level} is \texttt{1}; after
+ running
+ \begin{commandshell} headings1.tex -l=headings1.yaml
+ you should receive the code given in \cref{lst:headings1-mod2}; notice that the
+ \texttt{paragraph} and \texttt{subsection} are at the same indentation level.
+\yamltitle{maximumIndentation}*{horizontal space}
+ You can control the maximum indentation given to your file
+ by%
+ \announce{2017-08-21}{maximumIndentation} specifying the
+ \texttt{maximumIndentation} field as horizontal space (but \emph{not} including
+ tabs). This feature uses the \texttt{Text::Tabs} module \cite{texttabs}, and
+ is \emph{off} by default.
+ For example, consider the example shown in \cref{lst:mult-nested} together with the
+ default output shown in \cref{lst:mult-nested-default}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mult-nested.tex}{\texttt{mult-nested.tex}}{lst:mult-nested}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showtabs=true]{demonstrations/mult-nested-default.tex}{\texttt{mult-nested.tex} default output}{lst:mult-nested-default}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Now say that, for example, you have the \texttt{max-indentation1.yaml} from
+ \cref{lst:max-indentation1yaml} and that you run the following command:
+ \begin{commandshell} mult-nested.tex -l=max-indentation1
+ You should receive the output shown in \cref{lst:mult-nested-max-ind1}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/max-indentation1.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{max-indentation1.yaml}}{lst:max-indentation1yaml}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showspaces=true]{demonstrations/mult-nested-max-ind1.tex}{\texttt{mult-nested.tex} using \cref{lst:max-indentation1yaml}}{lst:mult-nested-max-ind1}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Comparing the output in \cref{lst:mult-nested-default,lst:mult-nested-max-ind1} we notice that the (default) tabs of
+ indentation have been replaced by a single space.
+ In general, when using the \texttt{maximumIndentation} feature, any leading tabs will be
+ replaced by equivalent spaces except, of course, those found in \texttt{verbatimEnvironments} (see \vref{lst:verbatimEnvironments})
+ or \texttt{noIndentBlock} (see \vref{lst:noIndentBlock}).
+\subsection{The code blocks known}\label{subsubsec:code-blocks}
+ As of Version 3.0, \texttt{} processes documents using code blocks; each of
+ these are shown in \cref{tab:code-blocks}.
+ \begin{table}[!htp]
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \centering
+ \caption{Code blocks known to \texttt{}}\label{tab:code-blocks}
+ \begin{tabular}{m{.3\linewidth}@{\hspace{.25cm}}m{.4\linewidth}@{\hspace{.25cm}}m{.2\linewidth}}
+ \toprule
+ Code block & characters allowed in name & example \\
+ \midrule
+ environments & \lstinline!a-zA-Z@\*0-9_\\! &
+ \begin{lstlisting}[,nolol=true,]
+body of myenv
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \\\cmidrule{2-3}
+ optionalArguments & \emph{inherits} name from parent (e.g environment name) &
+ \begin{lstlisting}[,nolol=true,]
+opt arg text
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \\\cmidrule{2-3}
+ mandatoryArguments & \emph{inherits} name from parent (e.g environment name) &
+ \begin{lstlisting}[,nolol=true,]
+mand arg text
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \\\cmidrule{2-3}
+ commands & \lstinline!+a-zA-Z@\*0-9_\:! & \lstinline!\mycommand!$\langle$\itshape{arguments}$\rangle$ \\\cmidrule{2-3}
+ keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets & \lstinline!a-zA-Z@\*0-9_\/.\h\{\}:\#-! & \lstinline!my key/.style=!$\langle$\itshape{arguments}$\rangle$ \\\cmidrule{2-3}
+ namedGroupingBracesBrackets & \lstinline!0-9\.a-zA-Z@\*><! & \lstinline!in!$\langle$\itshape{arguments}$\rangle$ \\\cmidrule{2-3}
+ UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets & \centering\emph{No name!} & \lstinline!{! or \lstinline![! or \lstinline!,! or \lstinline!&! or \lstinline!)! or \lstinline!(! or \lstinline!$! followed by $\langle$\itshape{arguments}$\rangle$ \\\cmidrule{2-3}
+ ifElseFi & \lstinline!@a-zA-Z! but must begin with either \newline \lstinline!\if! of \lstinline!\@if! &
+ \begin{lstlisting}[,nolol=true,]
+ \end{lstlisting} \\\cmidrule{2-3}
+ items & User specified, see \vref{lst:indentafteritems,lst:itemNames} &
+ \begin{lstlisting}[,nolol=true,]
+ \item ...
+ \end{lstlisting} \\\cmidrule{2-3}
+ specialBeginEnd & User specified, see \vref{lst:specialBeginEnd} &
+ \begin{lstlisting}[,nolol=true,]
+ ...
+ \end{lstlisting} \\\cmidrule{2-3}
+ afterHeading & User specified, see \vref{lst:indentAfterHeadings} &
+ \begin{lstlisting}[,morekeywords={chapter},nolol=true,]
+ ...
+ \end{lstlisting} \\\cmidrule{2-3}
+ filecontents & User specified, see \vref{lst:fileContentsEnvironments} &
+ \begin{lstlisting}[,nolol=true,]
+ \end{lstlisting} \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{widepage}
+ \end{table}
+ We will refer to these code blocks in what follows.%
+ \announce*{2019-07-13}{fine tuning of code blocks} Note that the fine tuning of the definition of the code blocks
+ detailed in \cref{tab:code-blocks} is discussed in \vref{sec:finetuning}.
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-demonstration.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\section{Demonstration: before and after}
+ Let's give a demonstration of some before and after code -- after all, you probably won't
+ want to try the script if you don't much like the results. You might also like to watch
+ the video demonstration I made on youtube \cite{cmh:videodemo}
+ As you look at \crefrange{lst:filecontentsbefore}{lst:pstricksafter}, remember that \texttt{} is just
+ following its rules, and there is nothing particular about these code snippets. All of
+ the rules can be modified so that you can personalise your indentation scheme.
+ In each of the samples given in \crefrange{lst:filecontentsbefore}{lst:pstricksafter} the `before' case is a `worst case
+ scenario' with no effort to make indentation. The `after' result would be the same,
+ regardless of the leading white space at the beginning of each line which is stripped by
+ \texttt{} (unless a \texttt{verbatim}-like
+ environment or \texttt{noIndentBlock} is specified -- more on this in \cref{sec:defuseloc}).
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \centering
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/filecontents1.tex}{\texttt{filecontents1.tex}}{lst:filecontentsbefore}
+ \end{minipage}\hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/filecontents1-default.tex}{\texttt{filecontents1.tex} default output}{lst:filecontentsafter}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/tikzset.tex}{\texttt{tikzset.tex}}{lst:tikzsetbefore}
+ \end{minipage}\hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/tikzset-default.tex}{\texttt{tikzset.tex} default output}{lst:tikzsetafter}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/pstricks.tex}{\texttt{pstricks.tex}}{lst:pstricksbefore}
+ \end{minipage}\hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/pstricks-default.tex}{\texttt{pstricks.tex} default output}{lst:pstricksafter}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \end{widepage}
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@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\section{Fine tuning}\label{sec:finetuning}
+ \texttt{} operates by looking for the code blocks detailed in
+ \vref{tab:code-blocks}.
+ \announce*{2019-07-13}{details of fine tuning of code blocks} The fine tuning of the details of such code blocks
+ is controlled by the \texttt{fineTuning} field, detailed in \cref{lst:fineTuning}.
+ This field is for those that would like to peek under the bonnet/hood and make some fine
+ tuning to \texttt{}'s operating.
+ \begin{warning}
+ Making changes to the fine tuning may have significant consequences for your indentation scheme,
+ proceed with caution!
+ \end{warning}
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=fineTuning]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=0.95\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{fineTuning}}{lst:fineTuning}
+ \end{widepage}
+ The fields given in \cref{lst:fineTuning} are all \emph{regular expressions}. This manual is
+ not intended to be a tutorial on regular expressions; you might like to read, for
+ example, \cite{masteringregexp} for a detailed covering of the topic.
+ We make the following comments with reference to \cref{lst:fineTuning}:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item the \texttt{environments:name} field details that the \emph{name} of an
+ environment can contain:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item \texttt{a-z} lower case letters
+ \item \texttt{A-Z} upper case letters
+ \item \texttt{@} the \texttt{@} 'letter'
+ \item \lstinline!\*! stars
+ \item \texttt{0-9} numbers
+ \item \lstinline!_! underscores
+ \item \lstinline!\! backslashes
+ \end{enumerate}
+ The \texttt{+} at the end means \emph{at least one} of the above
+ characters.
+ \item the \texttt{ifElseFi:name} field:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item \lstinline^@?^ means that it \emph{can possibly} begin with
+ \lstinline^@^
+ \item followed by \texttt{if}
+ \item followed by 0 or more characters from \texttt{a-z}, \texttt{A-Z} and
+ \texttt{@}
+ \item the \texttt{?} the end means \emph{non-greedy}, which means `stop the
+ match as soon as possible'
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \item the \texttt{keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets} contains some interesting syntax:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item \lstinline!|! means `or'
+ \item \lstinline^(?:(?<!\\)\{)^ the \lstinline^(?:...)^ uses a \emph{non-capturing} group --
+ you don't necessarily need to worry about what this means, but just know that for the
+ \texttt{fineTuning} feature you should only ever use \emph{non}-capturing
+ groups, and \emph{not} capturing groups, which are simply
+ \lstinline!(...)!
+ \item \lstinline^(?<!\\)\{)^ means a \lstinline^{^ but it can \emph{not}
+ be immediately preceded by a \lstinline!\!
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \item in the \texttt{arguments:before} field
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item \lstinline^\d\h*^ means a digit (i.e. a number), followed by 0 or more horizontal
+ spaces
+ \item \lstinline^;?,?^ means \emph{possibly} a semi-colon, and possibly a comma
+ \item \lstinline^\<.*?\>^ is designed for 'beamer'-type commands; the
+ \lstinline^.*?^ means anything in between \lstinline^<...>^
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \item the \texttt{modifyLineBreaks} field refers to fine tuning settings detailed in
+ \vref{sec:modifylinebreaks}. In particular:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item \texttt{betterFullStop} is in relation to the one sentence per line routine, detailed in
+ \vref{sec:onesentenceperline}
+ \item \texttt{doubleBackSlash} is in relation to the \texttt{DBSStartsOnOwnLine} and
+ \texttt{DBSFinishesWithLineBreak} polyswitches surrounding double back slashes, see
+ \vref{subsec:dbs}
+ \item \texttt{comma} is in relation to the \texttt{CommaStartsOnOwnLine} and
+ \texttt{CommaFinishesWithLineBreak} polyswitches surrounding commas in optional and mandatory
+ arguments; see \vref{tab:poly-switch-mapping}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ It is not obvious from \cref{lst:fineTuning}, but each of the \texttt{follow},
+ \texttt{before} and \texttt{between} fields allow trailing comments, line
+ breaks, and horizontal spaces between each character.
+ As a demonstration, consider the file given in \cref{lst:finetuning1}, together with its
+ default output using the command
+ \begin{commandshell} finetuning1.tex
+ is given in \cref{lst:finetuning1-default}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.01\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/finetuning1.tex}{\texttt{finetuning1.tex}}{lst:finetuning1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/finetuning1-default.tex}{\texttt{finetuning1.tex} default}{lst:finetuning1-default}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ It's clear from \cref{lst:finetuning1-default} that the indentation scheme has not worked as
+ expected. We can \emph{fine tune} the indentation scheme by employing the settings
+ given in \cref{lst:fine-tuning1} and running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} finetuning1.tex -l=fine-tuning1.yaml
+ and the associated (desired) output is given in \cref{lst:finetuning1-mod1}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.01\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/finetuning1-mod1.tex}{\texttt{finetuning1.tex} using \cref{lst:fine-tuning1}}{lst:finetuning1-mod1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/fine-tuning1.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{finetuning1.yaml}}{lst:fine-tuning1}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
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new file mode 100644
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+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\section{How to use the script}
+ \texttt{} ships as part of the \TeX Live distribution for
+ Linux and Mac users; \texttt{latexindent.exe} ships as part of the \TeX Live and
+ MiK\TeX{} distributions for Windows users. These files are also available
+ from github \cite{latexindent-home} should you wish to use them without a
+ \TeX{} distribution; in this case, you may like to read
+ \vref{sec:updating-path} which details how the \texttt{path} variable can be
+ updated.
+ In what follows, we will always refer to \texttt{}, but depending on your
+ operating system and preference, you might substitute \texttt{latexindent.exe} or simply
+ \texttt{latexindent}.
+ There are two ways to use \texttt{}: from the command line, and using
+ \texttt{arara}; we discuss these in \cref{sec:commandline} and
+ \cref{sec:arara} respectively. We will discuss how to change the settings and
+ behaviour of the script in \vref{sec:defuseloc}.
+ \texttt{} ships with \texttt{latexindent.exe} for Windows
+ users, so that you can use the script with or without a Perl distribution. If you plan to
+ use \texttt{} (i.e, the original Perl script) then you will need a few standard Perl modules -- see
+ \vref{sec:requiredmodules} for details;%
+ \announce{2018-01-13}{perl module installer helper script} in particular, note that a module installer helper script is
+ shipped with \texttt{}.
+\subsection{From the command line}\label{sec:commandline}
+ \texttt{} has a number of different switches/flags/options, which
+ can be combined in any way that you like, either in short or long form as detailed below.
+ \texttt{} produces a \texttt{.log} file, \texttt{indent.log},
+ every time it is run; the name of the log file can be customised, but we will refer to
+ the log file as \texttt{indent.log} throughout this document. There is a base of
+ information that is written to \texttt{indent.log}, but other additional information
+ will be written depending on which of the following options are used.
+\flagbox{-v, --version}
+ \announce{2017-06-25}{version}
+ \begin{commandshell} -v
+ This will output only the version number to the terminal.
+\flagbox{-h, --help}
+ \begin{commandshell} -h
+ As above this will output a welcome message to the terminal, including the version number
+ and available options.
+ \begin{commandshell} myfile.tex
+ This will operate on \texttt{myfile.tex}, but will simply output to your terminal;
+ \texttt{myfile.tex} will not be changed by \texttt{} in any way using
+ this command.
+\flagbox{-w, --overwrite}
+ \begin{commandshell} -w myfile.tex --overwrite myfile.tex myfile.tex --overwrite
+ This \emph{will} overwrite \texttt{myfile.tex}, but it will make a copy of
+ \texttt{myfile.tex} first. You can control the name of the extension (default is
+ \texttt{.bak}), and how many different backups are made -- more on this in
+ \cref{sec:defuseloc}, and in particular see \texttt{backupExtension} and
+ \texttt{onlyOneBackUp}.
+ Note that if \texttt{} can not create the backup, then it will exit without
+ touching your original file; an error message will be given asking you to check the
+ permissions of the backup file.
+ \begin{commandshell} -o=output.tex myfile.tex myfile.tex -o=output.tex --outputfile=output.tex myfile.tex --outputfile output.tex myfile.tex
+ This will indent \texttt{myfile.tex} and output it to \texttt{output.tex},
+ overwriting it (\texttt{output.tex}) if it already exists\footnote{Users of version 2.* should
+ note the subtle change in syntax}. Note
+ that if \texttt{} is called with both the \texttt{-w} and
+ \texttt{-o} switches, then \texttt{-w} will be ignored and
+ \texttt{-o} will take priority (this seems safer than the other way round).
+ Note that using \texttt{-o} as above is equivalent to using
+ \begin{commandshell} myfile.tex > output.tex
+ You can call the \texttt{-o} switch with the name of the output file
+ \emph{without} an extension; in%
+ \announce{2017-06-25}{upgrade to -o switch} this case, \texttt{} will use the extension from the
+ original file. For example, the following two calls to \texttt{} are
+ equivalent:
+ \begin{commandshell} myfile.tex -o=output myfile.tex -o=output.tex
+ You can call the \texttt{-o} switch using a \texttt{+} symbol at
+ the beginning; this will%
+ \announce{2017-06-25}{+ sign in o switch}
+ concatenate the name of the input file and the text given to the \texttt{-o}
+ switch. For example, the following two calls to \texttt{} are equivalent:
+ \begin{commandshell} myfile.tex -o=+new myfile.tex -o=myfilenew.tex
+ You can call the \texttt{-o} switch using a \texttt{++} symbol at
+ the end of the name%
+ \announce{2017-06-25}{++ in o switch} of your output
+ file; this tells \texttt{} to search successively for the name of your
+ output file concatenated with $0, 1, \ldots$ while the name of the output file
+ exists. For example,
+ \begin{commandshell} myfile.tex -o=output++
+ tells \texttt{} to output to \texttt{output0.tex}, but if it exists then
+ output to \texttt{output1.tex}, and so on.
+ Calling \texttt{} with simply
+ \begin{commandshell} myfile.tex -o=++
+ tells it to output to \texttt{myfile0.tex}, but if it exists then output to
+ \texttt{myfile1.tex} and so on.
+ The \texttt{+} and \texttt{++} feature of the
+ \texttt{-o} switch can be combined; for example, calling
+ \begin{commandshell} myfile.tex -o=+out++
+ tells \texttt{} to output to \texttt{myfileout0.tex}, but if it exists, then
+ try \texttt{myfileout1.tex}, and so on.
+ There is no need to specify a file extension when using the \texttt{++}
+ feature, but if you wish to, then you should include it \emph{after} the
+ \texttt{++} symbols, for example
+ \begin{commandshell} myfile.tex -o=+out++.tex
+ See \vref{app:differences} for details of how the interface has changed from Version 2.2
+ to Version 3.0 for this flag.
+\flagbox{-s, --silent}
+ \begin{commandshell} -s myfile.tex myfile.tex -s
+ Silent mode: no output will be given to the terminal.
+\flagbox{-t, --trace}
+ \begin{commandshell} -t myfile.tex myfile.tex -t
+ \label{page:traceswitch}
+ Tracing mode: verbose output will be given to \texttt{indent.log}. This is useful if
+ \texttt{} has made a mistake and you're trying to find out where and why.
+ You might also be interested in learning about \texttt{}'s thought process
+ -- if so, this switch is for you, although it should be noted that, especially for large
+ files, this does affect performance of the script.
+\flagbox{-tt, --ttrace}
+ \begin{commandshell} -tt myfile.tex myfile.tex -tt
+ \emph{More detailed} tracing mode: this option gives more details to
+ \texttt{indent.log}
+ than the standard \texttt{trace} option (note that, even more so than with
+ \texttt{-t}, especially for large files, performance of the script will be
+ affected).
+\flagbox{-l, --local[=myyaml.yaml,other.yaml,...]}
+ \begin{commandshell} -l myfile.tex -l=myyaml.yaml myfile.tex -l myyaml.yaml myfile.tex -l first.yaml,second.yaml,third.yaml myfile.tex -l=first.yaml,second.yaml,third.yaml myfile.tex myfile.tex -l=first.yaml,second.yaml,third.yaml
+ \label{page:localswitch}
+ \texttt{} will always load \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml} (rhymes with camel)
+ and if it is called with the \texttt{-l} switch and it finds
+ \texttt{localSettings.yaml} in the same directory as \texttt{myfile.tex} then these
+ settings will be added to the indentation scheme. Information will be given in
+ \texttt{indent.log} on the success or failure of loading \texttt{localSettings.yaml}.
+ The \texttt{-l} flag can take an \emph{optional} parameter which
+ details the name (or names separated by commas) of a YAML file(s) that resides in the
+ same directory as \texttt{myfile.tex}; you can use this option if you would like to
+ load a settings file in the current working directory that is \emph{not}
+ called \texttt{localSettings.yaml}.%
+ \announce{2017-08-21}*{-l switch absolute paths}
+ In fact, you can specify both \emph{relative} and \emph{absolute paths} for
+ your YAML files; for example
+ \begin{commandshell} -l=../../myyaml.yaml myfile.tex -l=/home/cmhughes/Desktop/myyaml.yaml myfile.tex -l=C:\Users\cmhughes\Desktop\myyaml.yaml myfile.tex
+ You will find a lot of other explicit demonstrations of how to use the
+ \texttt{-l} switch throughout this documentation,
+ You can call the \texttt{-l} switch with a `+' symbol either before or after
+ \announce{2017-06-25}{+ sign with -l switch} another YAML file; for example:
+ \begin{commandshell} -l=+myyaml.yaml myfile.tex -l "+ myyaml.yaml" myfile.tex -l=myyaml.yaml+ myfile.tex
+ which translate, respectively, to
+ \begin{commandshell} -l=localSettings.yaml,myyaml.yaml myfile.tex -l=localSettings.yaml,myyaml.yaml myfile.tex -l=myyaml.yaml,localSettings.yaml myfile.tex
+ Note that the following is \emph{not} allowed:
+ \begin{commandshell} -l+myyaml.yaml myfile.tex
+ and
+ \begin{commandshell} -l + myyaml.yaml myfile.tex
+ will \emph{only} load \texttt{localSettings.yaml}, and \texttt{myyaml.yaml}
+ will be ignored. If you wish to use spaces between any of the YAML settings, then you
+ must wrap the entire list of YAML files in quotes, as demonstrated above.
+ You may also choose to omit the \texttt{yaml} extension, such as
+ \announce{2017-06-25}{no extension for -l switch}
+ \begin{commandshell} -l=localSettings,myyaml myfile.tex
+\flagbox{-y, --yaml=yaml settings}
+ \begin{commandshell} myfile.tex -y="defaultIndent: ' '" myfile.tex -y="defaultIndent: ' ',maximumIndentation:' '" myfile.tex -y="indentRules: one: '\t\t\t\t'" myfile.tex -y='modifyLineBreaks:environments:EndStartsOnOwnLine:3' -m myfile.tex -y='modifyLineBreaks:environments:one:EndStartsOnOwnLine:3' -m
+ \label{page:yamlswitch}You%
+ \announce{2017-08-21}{the -y switch} can specify YAML settings from the command line using the
+ \texttt{-y} or \texttt{--yaml} switch;
+ sample demonstrations are given above. Note, in particular, that multiple settings can
+ be specified by separating them via commas. There is a further option to use a
+ \texttt{;} to separate fields, which is demonstrated in
+ \vref{sec:yamlswitch}.
+ Any settings specified via this switch will be loaded \emph{after} any
+ specified using the \texttt{-l} switch. This is discussed further in
+ \vref{sec:loadorder}.
+\flagbox{-d, --onlydefault}
+ \begin{commandshell} -d myfile.tex
+ Only \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml}: you might like to read \cref{sec:defuseloc} before using
+ this switch. By default, \texttt{} will always search for
+ \texttt{indentconfig.yaml} or \texttt{.indentconfig.yaml} in your home directory. If you would
+ prefer it not to do so then (instead of deleting or renaming \texttt{indentconfig.yaml} or
+ \texttt{.indentconfig.yaml}) you can simply call the script with the \texttt{-d}
+ switch; note that this will also tell the script to ignore \texttt{localSettings.yaml} even
+ if it has been called with the \texttt{-l} switch; \texttt{}%
+ \announce{2017-08-21}*{updated -d switch} will also ignore any settings specified from the
+ \texttt{-y} switch.
+\flagbox{-c, --cruft=<directory>}
+ \begin{commandshell} -c=/path/to/directory/ myfile.tex
+ If you wish to have backup files and \texttt{indent.log} written to a directory other
+ than the current working directory, then you can send these `cruft' files to another
+ directory. % this switch was made as a result of
+\flagbox{-g, --logfile=<name of log file>}
+ \begin{commandshell} -g=other.log myfile.tex -g other.log myfile.tex --logfile other.log myfile.tex myfile.tex -g other.log
+ By default, \texttt{} reports information to \texttt{indent.log}, but
+ if you wish to change the name of this file, simply call the script with your chosen name
+ after the \texttt{-g} switch as demonstrated above.
+\flagbox{-sl, --screenlog}
+ \begin{commandshell} -sl myfile.tex -screenlog myfile.tex
+ Using this%
+ \announce{2018-01-13}{screenlog switch created} option tells
+ \texttt{} to output the log file to the screen, as well as to your chosen
+ log file.
+\flagbox{-m, --modifylinebreaks}
+ \begin{commandshell} -m myfile.tex -modifylinebreaks myfile.tex
+ One of the most exciting developments in Version~3.0 is the ability to modify line
+ breaks; for full details see \vref{sec:modifylinebreaks}
+ \texttt{} can also be called on a file without the file extension, for
+ example
+ \begin{commandshell} myfile
+ and in which case, you can specify the order in which extensions are searched for; see
+ \vref{lst:fileExtensionPreference} for full details.
+ \begin{commandshell}
+cat myfile.tex |
+ \texttt{} will%
+ \announce{2018-01-13}{STDIN allowed} allow input from STDIN, which means that you can pipe output from
+ other commands directly into the script. For example assuming that you have content in
+ \texttt{myfile.tex}, then the above command will output the results of operating upon
+ \texttt{myfile.tex}
+ Similarly, if you%
+ \announce{2018-01-13}*{no options/filename updated} simply type
+ \texttt{} at the command line, then it will expect (STDIN) input from the
+ command line.
+ \begin{commandshell}
+ Once you have finished typing your input, you can press
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \texttt{CTRL+D} on Linux
+ \item \texttt{CTRL+Z} followed by \texttt{ENTER} on Windows
+ \end{itemize}
+ to signify that your input has finished. Thanks to \cite{xu-cheng} for an update
+ to this feature.
+\flagbox{-r, --replacement}
+ \begin{commandshell} -r myfile.tex -replacement myfile.tex
+ You can%
+ \announce*{2019-07-13}{replacement mode switch} call
+ \texttt{} with the \texttt{-r} switch to instruct it to perform
+ replacements/substitutions on your file; full details and examples are given in
+ \vref{sec:replacements}.
+\flagbox{-rv, --replacementrespectverb}
+ \begin{commandshell} -rv myfile.tex -replacementrespectverb myfile.tex
+ You can%
+ \announce*{2019-07-13}{replacement mode switch, respecting verbatim} instruct
+ \texttt{} to perform replacements/substitutions by using the
+ \texttt{-rv} switch, but will \emph{respect verbatim code blocks}; full details and
+ examples are given in \vref{sec:replacements}.
+\flagbox{-rr, --onlyreplacement}
+ \begin{commandshell} -rr myfile.tex -onlyreplacement myfile.tex
+ You can%
+ \announce*{2019-07-13}{replacement (only) mode switch} instruct
+ \texttt{} to skip all of its other indentation operations and
+ \emph{only} perform replacements/substitutions by using the
+ \texttt{-rr} switch; full details and examples are given in
+ \vref{sec:replacements}.
+\subsection{From arara}\label{sec:arara}
+ Using \texttt{} from the command line is fine for some folks, but others
+ may find it easier to use from \texttt{arara}; you can find the arara rule for
+ \texttt{} and its associated documentation at \cite{paulo}.
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-indent-config-and-settings.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-indent-config-and-settings.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb551194c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-indent-config-and-settings.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\section{indentconfig.yaml, local settings and the -y switch }\label{sec:indentconfig}
+ The behaviour of \texttt{} is controlled from the settings specified in any
+ of the YAML files that you tell it to load. By default, \texttt{} will only
+ load \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml}, but there are a few ways that you can tell it to load your
+ own settings files.
+\subsection{indentconfig.yaml and .indentconfig.yaml}
+ \texttt{} will always check your home directory for \texttt{indentconfig.yaml}
+ and \texttt{.indentconfig.yaml} (unless
+ it is called with the \texttt{-d} switch), which is a plain text file you can create that contains the
+ \emph{absolute} paths for any settings files that you wish \texttt{}
+ to load. There is no difference between \texttt{indentconfig.yaml} and
+ \texttt{.indentconfig.yaml}, other than the fact that \texttt{.indentconfig.yaml} is a `hidden'
+ file; thank you to \cite{jacobo-diaz-hidden-config} for providing this feature. In what follows, we
+ will use \texttt{indentconfig.yaml}, but it is understood that this could equally represent
+ \texttt{.indentconfig.yaml}. If you have both files in existence then \texttt{indentconfig.yaml}
+ takes priority.
+ For Mac and Linux users, their home directory is \texttt{~/username} while Windows
+ (Vista onwards) is \lstinline!C:\Users\username!\footnote{If you're not sure
+ where to put \texttt{indentconfig.yaml}, don't
+ worry \texttt{} will tell you in the log file exactly where to
+ put it assuming it doesn't exist already.} \Cref{lst:indentconfig}
+ shows a sample \texttt{indentconfig.yaml} file.
+ \begin{yaml}{\texttt{indentconfig.yaml} (sample)}{lst:indentconfig}
+# Paths to user settings for
+# Note that the settings will be read in the order you
+# specify here- each successive settings file will overwrite
+# the variables that you specify
+- /home/cmhughes/Documents/yamlfiles/mysettings.yaml
+- /home/cmhughes/folder/othersettings.yaml
+- /some/other/folder/anynameyouwant.yaml
+- C:\Users\chughes\Documents\mysettings.yaml
+- C:\Users\chughes\Desktop\test spaces\more spaces.yaml
+ Note that the \texttt{.yaml} files you specify in \texttt{indentconfig.yaml} will be
+ loaded in the order in which you write them. Each file doesn't have to have every switch
+ from \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml}; in fact, I recommend that you only keep the switches that
+ you want to \emph{change} in these settings files.
+ To get started with your own settings file, you might like to save a copy of
+ \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml} in another directory and call it, for example,
+ \texttt{mysettings.yaml}. Once you have added the path to \texttt{indentconfig.yaml} you can
+ change the switches and add more code-block names to it as you see fit -- have a look at
+ \cref{lst:mysettings} for an example that uses four tabs for the default indent, adds
+ the \texttt{tabbing} environment/command to the list of environments that contains
+ alignment delimiters; you might also like to refer to the many YAML files detailed
+ throughout the rest of this documentation.
+ \begin{yaml}{\texttt{mysettings.yaml} (example)}{lst:mysettings}
+# Default value of indentation
+defaultIndent: "\t\t\t\t"
+# environments that have tab delimiters, add more
+# as needed
+ tabbing: 1
+ You can make sure that your settings are loaded by checking \texttt{indent.log} for
+ details -- if you have specified a path that \texttt{} doesn't recognise
+ then you'll get a warning, otherwise you'll get confirmation that \texttt{}
+ has read your settings file \footnote{Windows users
+ may find that they have to end \texttt{.yaml} files with a blank line}.
+ \begin{warning}
+ When editing \texttt{.yaml} files it is \emph{extremely} important
+ to remember how sensitive they are to spaces. I highly recommend copying
+ and pasting from \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml} when you create your
+ first \texttt{whatevernameyoulike.yaml} file.
+ If \texttt{} can not read your \texttt{.yaml} file it
+ will tell you so in \texttt{indent.log}.
+ \end{warning}
+ The \texttt{-l} switch tells \texttt{} to look for
+ \texttt{localSettings.yaml} in the \emph{same directory} as \texttt{myfile.tex}. For
+ example, if you use the following command
+ \begin{commandshell} -l myfile.tex
+ then \texttt{} will (assuming it exists) load \texttt{localSettings.yaml} from
+ the same directory as \texttt{myfile.tex}.
+ If you'd prefer to name your \texttt{localSettings.yaml} file something different, (say,
+ \texttt{mysettings.yaml} as in \cref{lst:mysettings}) then you can call
+ \texttt{} using, for example,
+ \begin{commandshell} -l=mysettings.yaml myfile.tex
+ Any settings file(s) specified using the \texttt{-l} switch will be read
+ \emph{after} \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml} and, assuming they exist, any user setting
+ files specified in \texttt{indentconfig.yaml}.
+ Your settings file can contain any switches that you'd like to change; a sample is shown
+ in \cref{lst:localSettings}, and you'll find plenty of further examples throughout this
+ manual.
+ \begin{yaml}{\texttt{localSettings.yaml} (example)}{lst:localSettings}
+# verbatim environments - environments specified
+# here will not be changed at all!
+ cmhenvironment: 0
+ myenv: 1
+ You can make sure that your settings file has been loaded by checking
+ \texttt{indent.log} for details; if it can not be read then you receive a warning,
+ otherwise you'll get confirmation that \texttt{} has read your settings
+ file.
+\subsection{The -y|yaml switch}\label{sec:yamlswitch}
+ You%
+ \announce{2017-08-21}{demonstration of the -y switch} may use the
+ \texttt{-y} switch to load your settings; for example, if you wished to
+ specify the settings from \cref{lst:localSettings} using the \texttt{-y} switch,
+ then you could use the following command:
+ \begin{commandshell} -y="verbatimEnvironments:cmhenvironment:0;myenv:1" myfile.tex
+ Note the use of \texttt{;} to specify another field within
+ \texttt{verbatimEnvironments}. This is shorthand, and equivalent, to using the following
+ command:
+ \begin{commandshell} -y="verbatimEnvironments:cmhenvironment:0,verbatimEnvironments:myenv:1" myfile.tex
+ You may, of course, specify settings using the \texttt{-y} switch as well as,
+ for example, settings loaded using the \texttt{-l} switch; for example,
+ \begin{commandshell} -l=mysettings.yaml -y="verbatimEnvironments:cmhenvironment:0;myenv:1" myfile.tex
+ Any settings specified using the \texttt{-y} switch will be loaded
+ \emph{after} any specified using \texttt{indentconfig.yaml} and the
+ \texttt{-l} switch.
+ If you wish to specify any regex-based settings using the \texttt{-y} switch,
+ it is important not to use quotes surrounding the regex; for example, with reference to
+ the `one sentence per line' feature (\vref{sec:onesentenceperline}) and the listings within
+ \vref{lst:sentencesEndWith}, the following settings give the option to have sentences end
+ with a semicolon
+ \begin{commandshell} -m --yaml='modifyLineBreaks:oneSentencePerLine:sentencesEndWith:other:\;'
+\subsection{Settings load order}\label{sec:loadorder}
+ \texttt{} loads the settings files in the following order:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml} is always loaded, and can not be renamed;
+ \item \texttt{anyUserSettings.yaml} and any other arbitrarily-named files specified in
+ \texttt{indentconfig.yaml};
+ \item \texttt{localSettings.yaml} but only if found in the same directory as \texttt{myfile.tex}
+ and called with \texttt{-l} switch; this file can be renamed, provided that
+ the call to \texttt{} is adjusted accordingly (see \cref{sec:localsettings}).
+ You may specify both relative and absolute%
+ \announce{2017-08-21}*{-l absolute paths} paths to other YAML files using the \texttt{-l} switch,
+ separating multiple files using commas;
+ \item any settings%
+ \announce{2017-08-21}{-y switch load order} specified in the
+ \texttt{-y} switch.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ A visual representation of this is given in \cref{fig:loadorder}.
+ \begin{figure}[!htb]
+ \centering
+ \input{figure-schematic}
+ \caption{Schematic of the load order described in \cref{sec:loadorder}; solid lines represent
+ mandatory files, dotted lines represent optional files. \texttt{indentconfig.yaml} can
+ contain as many files as you like. The files will be loaded in order; if you specify
+ settings for the same field in more than one file, the most recent takes priority. }
+ \label{fig:loadorder}
+ \end{figure}
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-introduction.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-introduction.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6fafd9269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-introduction.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+ I first created \texttt{} to help me format chapter files in a big project.
+ After I blogged about it on the \TeX{} stack exchange
+ \cite{cmhblog} I received some positive feedback and follow-up feature requests.
+ A big thank you to Harish Kumar \cite{harish} who helped to develop and test the
+ initial versions of the script.
+ The \texttt{YAML}-based interface of \texttt{} was inspired by the
+ wonderful \texttt{arara} tool; any similarities are deliberate, and I hope that
+ it is perceived as the compliment that it is. Thank you to Paulo Cereda and the team for
+ releasing this awesome tool; I initially worried that I was going to have to make a GUI
+ for \texttt{}, but the release of \texttt{arara} has meant there is
+ no need.
+ There have been several contributors to the project so far (and hopefully more in the
+ future!); thank you very much to the people detailed in \vref{sec:contributors} for their
+ valued contributions, and thank you to those who report bugs and request features at
+ \cite{latexindent-home}.
+ \texttt{} is free and open source, and it always will be; it
+ is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
+ Before you start using it on any important files, bear in mind that
+ \texttt{} has the option to overwrite your \texttt{.tex} files. It
+ will always make at least one backup (you can choose how many it makes, see
+ \cpageref{page:onlyonebackup}) but you should still be careful when using it. The script has
+ been tested on many files, but there are some known limitations (see
+ \cref{sec:knownlimitations}). You, the user, are responsible for ensuring that you maintain
+ backups of your files before running \texttt{} on them. I think it is
+ important at this stage to restate an important part of the license here:
+ \begin{quote}\itshape
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ \end{quote}
+ There is certainly no malicious intent in releasing this script, and I do hope that it
+ works as you expect it to; if it does not, please first of all make sure that you have
+ the correct settings, and then feel free to let me know at \cite{latexindent-home} with a
+ complete minimum working example as I would like to improve the code as much as possible.
+ \begin{warning}
+ Before you try the script on anything important (like your thesis), test it
+ out on the sample files in the \texttt{test-case} directory \cite{latexindent-home}.
+ \end{warning}
+ \emph{If you have used any version 2.* of \texttt{}, there
+ are a few changes to the interface; see \vref{app:differences} and the comments
+ throughout this document for details}.
+\subsection{About this documentation}
+ As you read through this documentation, you will see many listings; in this version of
+ the documentation, there are a total of \totallstlistings. This may seem a lot, but I
+ deem it necessary in presenting the various different options of \texttt{}
+ and the associated output that they are capable of producing.
+ The different listings are presented using different styles:
+ \begin{minipage}{.4\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/demo-tex.tex}{\texttt{demo-tex.tex}}{lst:demo-tex}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.4\textwidth}
+ This type of listing is a \texttt{.tex} file.
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \begin{minipage}{.4\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=fileExtensionPreference]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{fileExtensionPreference}}{lst:fileExtensionPreference-demo}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.4\textwidth}
+ This type of listing is a \texttt{.yaml} file; when you see line numbers given (as here)
+ it means that the snippet is taken directly from \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml}, discussed in
+ detail in \vref{sec:defuseloc}.
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \begin{minipage}{.55\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=modifylinebreaks]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=.85\linewidth,before=\centering]{\texttt{modifyLineBreaks}}{lst:modifylinebreaks-demo}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.4\textwidth}
+ This type of listing is a \texttt{.yaml} file, but it will only
+ be relevant when the \texttt{-m} switch is active; see \vref{sec:modifylinebreaks}
+ for more details.
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \begin{minipage}{.55\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=replacements]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[replace-TCB,width=.85\linewidth,before=\centering]{\texttt{replacements}}{lst:replacements-demo}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.4\textwidth}
+ This type of listing is a \texttt{.yaml} file, but it will only
+ be relevant when the \texttt{-r} switch is active; see \vref{sec:replacements}
+ for more details.
+ \end{minipage}%
+ % \begin{latexonly}
+ You will occasionally see dates shown in the margin (for example, next to this
+ paragraph!)%
+ \announce{2017-06-25}{announce} which detail the date
+ of the version in which the feature was implemented; the `N' stands for `new as of the
+ date shown' and `U' stands for `updated as of the date shown'. If you see \stardemo, it
+ means that the feature is either new (N) or updated (U) as of the release of the current
+ version; if you see \stardemo\, attached to a listing, then it means that listing is new
+ (N) or updated (U) as of the current version. If you have not read this document before
+ (and even if you have!), then you can ignore every occurrence of the \stardemo; they are
+ simply there to highlight new and updated features. The new and updated features in this
+ documentation (\gitRel) are on the following pages: \listOfNewFeatures
+ % \end{latexonly}
+\subsection{Quick start}\label{sec:quickstart}
+ If you'd like to get started with \texttt{} then simply type
+ \begin{commandshell} myfile.tex
+ from the command line. If you receive an error message such as that given in
+ \cref{lst:poss-errors}, then you need to install the missing perl modules.
+ \begin{cmhlistings}[style=tcblatex,language=Perl]{Possible error messages}{lst:poss-errors}
+Can't locate File/ in @INC (@INC contains: /Library/Perl/5.12/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.12 /Network/Library/Perl/5.12/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Network/Library/Perl/5.12 /Library/Perl/Updates/5.12.4/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/Updates/5.12.4 /System/Library/Perl/5.12/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/5.12 /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.12/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.12 .) at line 10.
+BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 10.
+ \texttt{} ships with a script to help with this process; if you run the
+ following script, you should be prompted to install the appropriate modules.
+ \begin{commandshell}
+ You might also like to see \href{}{}, for example, as well as
+ \vref{sec:requiredmodules}.
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-replacements.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-replacements.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6bc7223d4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-replacements.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\section{The -r, -rv and -rr switches}\label{sec:replacements}
+ \fancyhead[R]{\bfseries\thepage%
+ \tikz[remember picture,overlay] {
+ \node at (1,0){\includegraphics{logo-bw}}; }
+ }
+ You can instruct \texttt{} to perform replacements/substitutions on your
+ \announce*{2019-07-13}{replacement mode switches}
+ file by using any of the \texttt{-r}, \texttt{-rv} or
+ \texttt{-rr} switches:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item the \texttt{-r} switch will perform indentation and replacements, not
+ respecting verbatim code blocks;
+ \item the \texttt{-rv} switch will perform indentation and replacements, and
+ \emph{will} respect verbatim code blocks;
+ \item the \texttt{-rr} switch will \emph{not} perform indentation, and
+ will perform replacements not respecting verbatim code blocks.
+ \end{itemize}
+ We will demonstrate each of the \texttt{-r}, \texttt{-rv} and
+ \texttt{-rr} switches, but a summary is given in \cref{tab:replacementswitches}.
+ \begin{table}[!htb]
+ \centering
+ \caption{The replacement mode switches}\label{tab:replacementswitches}
+ \begin{tabular}{rcc}
+ \toprule
+ switch & indentation? & respect verbatim? \\
+ \midrule
+ \texttt{-r} & \faCheck & \faClose \\
+ \texttt{-rv} & \faCheck & \faCheck \\
+ \texttt{-rr} & \faClose & \faClose \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{table}
+ The default value of the \texttt{replacements} field is shown in
+ \cref{lst:replacements}; as with all of the other fields, you are encouraged to customise
+ and change this as you see fit. The options in this field will \emph{only} be
+ considered if the \texttt{-r}, \texttt{-rv} or
+ \texttt{-rr} switches are active; when discussing YAML settings related to the
+ replacement-mode switches, we will use the style given in \cref{lst:replacements}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=replacements]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=0.95\linewidth,before=\centering,replace-TCB]{\texttt{replacements}}{lst:replacements}
+ The first entry within the \texttt{replacements} field is \texttt{amalgamate}, and
+ is \emph{optional}; by default it is set to 1, so that replacements will be
+ amalgamated from each settings file that you specify. As you'll see in the demonstrations
+ that follow, there is no need to specify this field.
+ You'll notice that, by default, there is only \emph{one} entry in the
+ \texttt{replacements} field, but it can take as many entries as you would like; each
+ one needs to begin with a \texttt{-} on its own line.
+\subsection{Introduction to replacements}
+ Let's explore the action of the default settings, and then we'll demonstrate the feature
+ with further examples. With reference to \cref{lst:replacements}, the default action will
+ replace every instance of the text \texttt{} with \texttt{pl.latexindent}.
+ Beginning with the code in \cref{lst:replace1} and running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -r replace1.tex
+ gives the output given in \cref{lst:replace1-r1}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.01\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/replace1.tex}{\texttt{replace1.tex}}{lst:replace1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/replace1-r1.tex}{\texttt{replace1.tex} default}{lst:replace1-r1}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ If we don't wish to perform this replacement, then we can tweak the default settings of
+ \vref{lst:replacements} by changing \texttt{lookForThis} to 0; we perform this action
+ in \cref{lst:replace1-yaml}, and run the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -r replace1.tex -l=replace1.yaml
+ which gives the output in \cref{lst:replace1-mod1}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.01\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/replace1-mod1.tex}{\texttt{replace1.tex} using \cref{lst:replace1-yaml}}{lst:replace1-mod1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/replace1.yaml}[replace-TCB]{\texttt{replace1.yaml}}{lst:replace1-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Note that in \cref{lst:replace1-yaml} we have specified \texttt{amalgamate} as 0 so
+ that the default replacements are overwritten.
+ We haven't yet discussed the \texttt{when} field; don't worry, we'll get to it
+ as part of the discussion in what follows.
+\subsection{The two types of replacements}
+ There are two types of replacements:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item \emph{string}-based replacements, which replace the string in
+ \emph{this} with the string in \emph{that}.
+ If you specify \texttt{this} and you do not specify \texttt{that}, then
+ the \texttt{that} field will be assumed to be empty.
+ \item \emph{regex}-based replacements, which use the \texttt{substitution} field.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ We will demonstrate both in the examples that follow.
+ \texttt{} chooses which type of replacement to make based on which fields
+ have been specified; if the \texttt{this} field is specified, then it will make
+ \emph{string}-based replacements, regardless of if \texttt{substitution} is
+ present or not.
+\subsection{Examples of replacements}
+ \begin{example}
+ We begin with code given in \cref{lst:colsep}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/colsep.tex}{\texttt{colsep.tex}}{lst:colsep}
+ Let's assume that our goal is to remove both of the \texttt{arraycolsep} statements; we can achieve this in
+ a few different ways.
+ Using the YAML in \cref{lst:colsep-yaml}, and running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -r colsep.tex -l=colsep.yaml
+ then we achieve the output in \cref{lst:colsep-mod0}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.01\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/colsep-mod0.tex}{\texttt{colsep.tex} using \cref{lst:colsep}}{lst:colsep-mod0}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/colsep.yaml}[replace-TCB]{\texttt{colsep.yaml}}{lst:colsep-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Note that in \cref{lst:colsep-yaml}, we have specified \emph{two} separate fields, each with their own `\emph{this}' field;
+ furthermore, for both of the separate fields, we have not specified `\texttt{that}', so the \texttt{that} field
+ is assumed to be blank by \texttt{};
+ We can make the YAML in \cref{lst:colsep-yaml} more concise by exploring the \texttt{substitution} field. Using
+ the settings in \cref{lst:colsep1} and running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -r colsep.tex -l=colsep1.yaml
+ then we achieve the output in \cref{lst:colsep-mod1}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.01\linewidth,
+ raster force size=false,
+ raster column 1/.style={add to width=-.1\textwidth}]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/colsep-mod1.tex}{\texttt{colsep.tex} using \cref{lst:colsep1}}{lst:colsep-mod1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/colsep1.yaml}[replace-TCB,width=0.6\textwidth]{\texttt{colsep1.yaml}}{lst:colsep1}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ The code given in \cref{lst:colsep1} is an example of a \emph{regular expression}, which we may abbreviate to \emph{regex}
+ in what follows. This manual is not intended to be
+ a tutorial on regular expressions; you might like to read, for example, \cite{masteringregexp} for a detailed
+ covering of the topic. With reference to \cref{lst:colsep1}, we do note the following:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item the general form of the \texttt{substitution} field is \lstinline!s/regex/replacement/modifiers!. You can
+ place any regular expression you like within this;
+ \item we have `escaped' the backslash by using \lstinline!\\!
+ \item we have used \lstinline!\d+! to represent \emph{at least} one digit
+ \item the \texttt{s} \emph{modifier} (in the \texttt{sg} at the end of the line) instructs \texttt{} to
+ treat your file as one single line;
+ \item the \texttt{g} \emph{modifier} (in the \texttt{sg} at the end of the line) instructs \texttt{} to
+ make the substitution \emph{globally} throughout your file; you might try removing
+ the \texttt{g} modifier from \cref{lst:colsep1} and observing the
+ difference in output.
+ \end{itemize}
+ You might like to see \href{}{\#Modifiers}
+ for details of modifiers; in general, I recommend starting with the \texttt{sg} modifiers for this feature.
+ \end{example}
+ \begin{example}
+ We'll keep working with the file in \vref{lst:colsep} for this example.
+ Using the YAML in \cref{lst:multi-line}, and running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -r colsep.tex -l=multi-line.yaml
+ then we achieve the output in \cref{lst:colsep-mod2}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.01\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/colsep-mod2.tex}{\texttt{colsep.tex} using \cref{lst:multi-line}}{lst:colsep-mod2}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/multi-line.yaml}[replace-TCB]{\texttt{multi-line.yaml}}{lst:multi-line}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ With reference to \cref{lst:multi-line}, we have specified a \emph{multi-line} version of \texttt{this} by employing the \emph{literal}
+ YAML style \lstinline!|-!. See, for example, \href{}{}
+ for further options, all of which can be used in your YAML file.
+ This is a natural point to explore the \texttt{when} field, specified in \vref{lst:replacements}. This field can take two values: \emph{before}
+ and \emph{after}, which respectively instruct \texttt{} to perform the replacements \emph{before} indentation or \emph{after} it.
+ The default value is \texttt{before}.
+ Using the YAML in \cref{lst:multi-line1}, and running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -r colsep.tex -l=multi-line1.yaml
+ then we achieve the output in \cref{lst:colsep-mod3}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.01\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/colsep-mod3.tex}{\texttt{colsep.tex} using \cref{lst:multi-line1}}{lst:colsep-mod3}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/multi-line1.yaml}[replace-TCB]{\texttt{multi-line1.yaml}}{lst:multi-line1}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ We note that, because we have specified \texttt{when: after}, that \texttt{} has not found the string specified
+ in \cref{lst:multi-line1} within the file in \vref{lst:colsep}. As it has looked for the string within \cref{lst:multi-line1} \emph{after} the indentation has been performed. After
+ indentation, the string as written in \cref{lst:multi-line1} is no longer part of the file, and has therefore not been replaced.
+ As a final note on this example, if you use the \texttt{-rr} switch, as follows,
+ \begin{commandshell} -rr colsep.tex -l=multi-line1.yaml
+ then the \texttt{when} field is ignored, no indentation is done, and the output is as in \cref{lst:colsep-mod2}.
+ \end{example}
+ \begin{example}
+ An important part of the substitution routine is in \emph{capture groups}.
+ Assuming that we start with
+ the code in \cref{lst:displaymath}, let's assume that our goal is to replace each occurrence of \lstinline!$$...$$!
+ with \lstinline!\begin{equation*}...\end{equation*}!. This example is partly motivated by \href{}{tex stackexchange question 242150}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/displaymath.tex}{\texttt{displaymath.tex}}{lst:displaymath}
+ We use the settings in \cref{lst:displaymath1} and run the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -r displaymath.tex -l=displaymath1.yaml
+ to receive the output given in \cref{lst:displaymath-mod1}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster left skip=-3.75cm,
+ raster right skip=-2cm,]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/displaymath-mod1.tex}{\texttt{displaymath.tex} using \cref{lst:displaymath1}}{lst:displaymath-mod1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/displaymath1.yaml}[replace-TCB]{\texttt{displaymath1.yaml}}{lst:displaymath1}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ A few notes about \cref{lst:displaymath1}:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item we have used the \texttt{x} modifier, which allows us to have white space
+ within the regex;
+ \item we have used a capture group, \lstinline!(.*?)! which captures the content between
+ the \lstinline!$$...$$! into the special variable, \lstinline!$1!;
+ \item we have used the content of the capture group, \lstinline!$1!, in the
+ replacement text.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ See \href{}{\#Capture-groups} for a discussion
+ of capture groups.
+ The features of the replacement switches can, of course, be combined with others from the toolkit of \texttt{}. For example,
+ we can combine the poly-switches of \vref{sec:poly-switches}, which we do in \cref{lst:equation}; upon running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -r -m displaymath.tex -l=displaymath1.yaml,equation.yaml
+ then we receive the output in \cref{lst:displaymath-mod2}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[
+ raster force size=false,
+ raster column 1/.style={add to width=-.1\textwidth},
+ raster column skip=.06\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/displaymath-mod2.tex}{\texttt{displaymath.tex} using \cref{lst:displaymath1,lst:equation}}{lst:displaymath-mod2}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/equation.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=0.55\textwidth]{\texttt{equation.yaml}}{lst:equation}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ \end{example}
+ \begin{example}
+ This example is motivated by \href{}{tex stackexchange question 490086}.
+ We begin with the code in \cref{lst:phrase}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/phrase.tex}{\texttt{phrase.tex}}{lst:phrase}
+ Our goal is to make the spacing uniform between the phrases. To achieve this, we employ the settings in \cref{lst:hspace},
+ and run the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -r phrase.tex -l=hspace.yaml
+ which gives the output in \cref{lst:phrase-mod1}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/phrase-mod1.tex}{\texttt{phrase.tex} using \cref{lst:hspace}}{lst:phrase-mod1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/hspace.yaml}[replace-TCB]{\texttt{hspace.yaml}}{lst:hspace}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ The \lstinline!\h+! setting in \cref{lst:hspace} say to replace \emph{at least one horizontal space} with a single space.
+ \end{example}
+ \begin{example}
+ We begin with the code in \cref{lst:references}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/references.tex}{\texttt{references.tex}}{lst:references}
+ Our goal is to change each reference so that both the text and the reference are contained within one hyperlink. We
+ achieve this by employing \cref{lst:reference} and running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -r references.tex -l=reference.yaml
+ which gives the output in \cref{lst:references-mod1}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/references-mod1.tex}{\texttt{references.tex} using \cref{lst:reference}}{lst:references-mod1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/reference.yaml}[replace-TCB]{\texttt{reference.yaml}}{lst:reference}
+ Referencing \cref{lst:reference}, the \lstinline!|! means \emph{or}, we have used \emph{capture groups}, together with an example
+ of an \emph{optional} pattern, \lstinline!(?:eq)?!.
+ \end{example}
+ \begin{example}
+ Let's explore the three replacement mode switches (see \vref{tab:replacementswitches}) in the context of
+ an example that contains a verbatim code block, \cref{lst:verb1}; we will use the settings in \cref{lst:verbatim1-yaml}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/verb1.tex}{\texttt{verb1.tex}}{lst:verb1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/verbatim1.yaml}[replace-TCB]{\texttt{verbatim1.yaml}}{lst:verbatim1-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Upon running the following commands,
+ \begin{commandshell} -r verb1.tex -l=verbatim1.yaml -o=+mod1 -rv verb1.tex -l=verbatim1.yaml -o=+-rv-mod1 -rr verb1.tex -l=verbatim1.yaml -o=+-rr-mod1
+ we receive the respective output in \crefrange{lst:verb1-mod1}{lst:verb1-rr-mod1}
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster columns=3,
+ raster left skip=-3.75cm,
+ raster right skip=-2cm,]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/verb1-mod1.tex}{\texttt{verb1-mod1.tex}}{lst:verb1-mod1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/verb1-rv-mod1.tex}{\texttt{verb1-rv-mod1.tex}}{lst:verb1-rv-mod1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/verb1-rr-mod1.tex}{\texttt{verb1-rr-mod1.tex}}{lst:verb1-rr-mod1}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ \end{example}
+ We note that:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item in \cref{lst:verb1-mod1} indentation has been performed, and that the replacements
+ specified in \cref{lst:verbatim1-yaml} have been performed, even within the verbatim code
+ block;
+ \item in \cref{lst:verb1-rv-mod1} indentation has been performed, but that the replacements have
+ \emph{not} been performed within the verbatim environment, because the
+ \texttt{rv} switch is active;
+ \item in \cref{lst:verb1-rr-mod1} indentation has \emph{not} been performed, but
+ that replacements have been performed, not respecting the verbatim code block.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ See the summary within \vref{tab:replacementswitches}.
+ \begin{example}
+ Let's explore the \texttt{amalgamate} field from \vref{lst:replacements} in the context of the file specified
+ in \cref{lst:amalg1}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/amalg1.tex}{\texttt{amalg1.tex}}{lst:amalg1}
+ Let's consider the YAML files given in \crefrange{lst:amalg1-yaml}{lst:amalg3-yaml}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster columns=3,
+ raster left skip=-3.75cm,
+ raster right skip=-2cm,]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]{demonstrations/amalg1-yaml.yaml}[replace-TCB]{\texttt{amalg1-yaml.yaml}}{lst:amalg1-yaml}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]{demonstrations/amalg2-yaml.yaml}[replace-TCB]{\texttt{amalg2-yaml.yaml}}{lst:amalg2-yaml}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]{demonstrations/amalg3-yaml.yaml}[replace-TCB]{\texttt{amalg3-yaml.yaml}}{lst:amalg3-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Upon running the following commands,
+ \begin{commandshell} -r amalg1.tex -l=amalg1-yaml -r amalg1.tex -l=amalg1-yaml,amalg2-yaml -r amalg1.tex -l=amalg1-yaml,amalg2-yaml,amalg3-yaml
+ we receive the respective output in \crefrange{lst:amalg1-mod1}{lst:amalg1-mod123}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster columns=3,
+ raster left skip=-3.75cm,
+ raster right skip=-2cm,]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/amalg1-mod1.tex}{\texttt{amalg1.tex} using \cref{lst:amalg1-yaml}}{lst:amalg1-mod1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/amalg1-mod12.tex}{\texttt{amalg1.tex} using \cref{lst:amalg1-yaml,lst:amalg2-yaml}}{lst:amalg1-mod12}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/amalg1-mod123.tex}{\texttt{amalg1.tex} using \cref{lst:amalg1-yaml,lst:amalg2-yaml,lst:amalg3-yaml}}{lst:amalg1-mod123}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ We note that:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item in \cref{lst:amalg1-mod1} the replacements from \cref{lst:amalg1-yaml} have been used;
+ \item in \cref{lst:amalg1-mod12} the replacements from \cref{lst:amalg1-yaml,lst:amalg2-yaml} have
+ \emph{both} been used, because the default value of \texttt{amalgamate}
+ is 1;
+ \item in \cref{lst:amalg1-mod123} \emph{only} the replacements from
+ \cref{lst:amalg3-yaml} have been used, because the value of \texttt{amalgamate} has
+ been set to 0.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \end{example}
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-the-m-switch.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-the-m-switch.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec3a86871d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-the-m-switch.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1746 @@
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\section{The -m (modifylinebreaks) switch}\label{sec:modifylinebreaks}
+ \fancyhead[R]{\bfseries\thepage%
+ \tikz[remember picture,overlay] {
+ \node at (1,0){\includegraphics{logo}};
+ }}
+ All features described in this section will only be relevant if the
+ \texttt{-m} switch is used.
+ \startcontents[the-m-switch]
+ \printcontents[the-m-switch]{}{0}{}
+ \begin{wrapfigure}[7]{r}[0pt]{8cm}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=modifylinebreaks]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=.85\linewidth,before=\centering]{\texttt{modifyLineBreaks}}{lst:modifylinebreaks}
+ \end{wrapfigure}
+ \makebox[0pt][r]{%
+ \raisebox{-\totalheight}[0pt][0pt]{%
+ \tikz\node[opacity=1] at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=4cm]{logo}};}}%
+ As of Version 3.0, \texttt{} has the \texttt{-m}
+ switch, which permits \texttt{} to modify line breaks, according to the
+ specifications in the \texttt{modifyLineBreaks} field. \emph{The settings
+ in this field will only be considered if the \texttt{-m} switch has been used}. A
+ snippet of the default settings of this field is shown in \cref{lst:modifylinebreaks}.
+ Having read the previous paragraph, it should sound reasonable that, if you call
+ \texttt{} using the \texttt{-m} switch, then you give
+ it permission to modify line breaks in your file, but let's be clear:
+ \begin{warning}
+ If you call \texttt{} with the \texttt{-m} switch, then you
+ are giving it permission to modify line breaks. By default, the only
+ thing that will happen is that multiple blank lines will be condensed into
+ one blank line; many other settings are possible, discussed next.
+ \end{warning}
+ This field is directly related to \emph{poly-switches}, discussed below. By
+ default, it is set to \texttt{1}, which means that blank lines will be
+ protected from removal; however, regardless of this setting, multiple blank lines can be
+ condensed if \texttt{condenseMultipleBlankLinesInto} is greater than \texttt{0},
+ discussed next.
+\yamltitle{condenseMultipleBlankLinesInto}*{positive integer}
+ Assuming that this switch takes an integer value greater than
+ \texttt{0}, \texttt{} will condense multiple blank
+ lines into the number of blank lines illustrated by this switch. As an example,
+ \cref{lst:mlb-bl} shows a sample file with blank lines; upon running
+ \begin{commandshell} myfile.tex -m
+ the output is shown in \cref{lst:mlb-bl-out}; note that the multiple blank lines
+ have been condensed into one blank line, and note also that we have used the
+ \texttt{-m} switch!
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mlb1.tex}{\texttt{mlb1.tex}}{lst:mlb-bl}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mlb1-out.tex}{\texttt{mlb1.tex} out output}{lst:mlb-bl-out}
+ \end{minipage}
+\subsection{textWrapOptions: modifying line breaks by text wrapping}\label{subsec:textwrapping}
+ When the \texttt{-m} switch is active \texttt{} has the
+ ability to wrap text using the options%
+ \announce{2017-05-27}{textWrapOptions} specified in the \texttt{textWrapOptions} field, see
+ \cref{lst:textWrapOptions}. The value of \texttt{columns} specifies the
+ column at which the text should be wrapped. By default, the value of
+ \texttt{columns} is \texttt{0}, so
+ \texttt{} will \emph{not} wrap text; if you change it
+ to a value of \texttt{2} or more, then text will be wrapped after the
+ character in the specified column.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=textWrapOptions]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=.85\linewidth,before=\centering]{\texttt{textWrapOptions}}{lst:textWrapOptions}
+ For example, consider the file give in \cref{lst:textwrap1}.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap1.tex}{\texttt{textwrap1.tex}}{lst:textwrap1}
+ \end{widepage}
+ Using the file \texttt{textwrap1.yaml} in \cref{lst:textwrap1-yaml}, and running
+ the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -m textwrap1.tex -o textwrap1-mod1.tex -l textwrap1.yaml
+ we obtain the output in \cref{lst:textwrap1-mod1}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap1-mod1.tex}{\texttt{textwrap1-mod1.tex}}{lst:textwrap1-mod1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap1.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{textwrap1.yaml}}{lst:textwrap1-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ The text wrapping routine is performed \emph{after} verbatim environments
+ have been stored, so verbatim environments and verbatim commands are exempt from the
+ routine. For example, using the file in \cref{lst:textwrap2},
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap2.tex}{\texttt{textwrap2.tex}}{lst:textwrap2}
+ \end{widepage}
+ and running the following command and continuing to use \texttt{textwrap1.yaml} from
+ \cref{lst:textwrap1-yaml},
+ \begin{commandshell} -m textwrap2.tex -o textwrap2-mod1.tex -l textwrap1.yaml
+ then the output is as in \cref{lst:textwrap2-mod1}.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap2-mod1.tex}{\texttt{textwrap2-mod1.tex}}{lst:textwrap2-mod1}
+ \end{widepage}
+ Furthermore, the text wrapping routine is performed after the trailing comments have been
+ stored, and they are also exempt from text wrapping. For example, using the file in
+ \cref{lst:textwrap3}
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap3.tex}{\texttt{textwrap3.tex}}{lst:textwrap3}
+ \end{widepage}
+ and running the following command and continuing to use \texttt{textwrap1.yaml} from
+ \cref{lst:textwrap1-yaml},
+ \begin{commandshell} -m textwrap3.tex -o textwrap3-mod1.tex -l textwrap1.yaml
+ then the output is as in \cref{lst:textwrap3-mod1}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap3-mod1.tex}{\texttt{textwrap3-mod1.tex}}{lst:textwrap3-mod1}
+ The text wrapping routine of \texttt{} is performed by the
+ \texttt{Text::Wrap} module, which provides a \texttt{separator} feature
+ to separate lines with characters other than a new line (see
+ \cite{textwrap}). By default, the separator is empty which means that a new
+ line token will be used, but you can change it as you see fit.
+ For example starting with the file in \cref{lst:textwrap4}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap4.tex}{\texttt{textwrap4.tex}}{lst:textwrap4}
+ and using \texttt{textwrap2.yaml} from \cref{lst:textwrap2-yaml} with the following
+ command
+ \begin{commandshell} -m textwrap4.tex -o textwrap4-mod2.tex -l textwrap2.yaml
+ then we obtain the output in \cref{lst:textwrap4-mod2}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap4-mod2.tex}{\texttt{textwrap4-mod2.tex}}{lst:textwrap4-mod2}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap2.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{textwrap2.yaml}}{lst:textwrap2-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+\subsubsection{text wrapping on a per-code-block basis}
+ By default, if the value of \texttt{columns} is greater than 0 and the
+ \texttt{-m} switch is active, then%
+ \announce{2018-08-13}*{updates to textWrapOptions} the text wrapping routine will operate before the code blocks
+ have been searched for. This behaviour is customisable; in particular, you can instead
+ instruct \texttt{} to apply \texttt{textWrap} on a
+ per-code-block basis. Thanks to \cite{zoehneto} for their help in testing and
+ shaping this feature.
+ The full details of \texttt{textWrapOptions} are shown in \cref{lst:textWrapOptionsAll}.
+ In particular, note the field \texttt{perCodeBlockBasis: 0}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=textWrapOptionsAll]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=.85\linewidth,before=\centering]{\texttt{textWrapOptions}}{lst:textWrapOptionsAll}
+ The code blocks detailed in \cref{lst:textWrapOptionsAll} are with direct reference to
+ those detailed in \vref{tab:code-blocks}. The only special case is the
+ \texttt{masterDocument} field; this is designed for `chapter'-type files that may
+ contain paragraphs that are not within any other code-blocks. The same notation is used
+ between this feature and the \texttt{removeParagraphLineBreaks} described in
+ \vref{lst:removeParagraphLineBreaks}; in fact, the two features can even be combined (this is
+ detailed in \vref{subsec:removeparagraphlinebreaks:and:textwrap}).
+ Let's explore these switches with reference to the code given in
+ \cref{lst:textwrap5}; the text outside of the environment is considered part of
+ the \texttt{masterDocument}.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap5.tex}{\texttt{textwrap5.tex}}{lst:textwrap5}
+ \end{widepage}
+ With reference to this code block, the settings given in \cref{lst:textwrap3-yaml,lst:textwrap4-yaml,lst:textwrap5-yaml} each
+ give the same output.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster columns=3,
+ raster left skip=-3.5cm,
+ raster right skip=-2cm,
+ raster column skip=.03\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap3.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{textwrap3.yaml}}{lst:textwrap3-yaml}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap4.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{textwrap4.yaml}}{lst:textwrap4-yaml}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap5.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{textwrap5.yaml}}{lst:textwrap5-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Let's explore the similarities and differences in the equivalent (with respect to
+ \cref{lst:textwrap5}) syntax specified in \cref{lst:textwrap3-yaml,lst:textwrap4-yaml,lst:textwrap5-yaml}:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item in each of \cref{lst:textwrap3-yaml,lst:textwrap4-yaml,lst:textwrap5-yaml} notice that \texttt{columns: 30};
+ \item in each of \cref{lst:textwrap3-yaml,lst:textwrap4-yaml,lst:textwrap5-yaml} notice that \texttt{perCodeBlockBasis: 1};
+ \item in \cref{lst:textwrap3-yaml} we have specified \texttt{all: 1} so that the
+ text wrapping will operate upon \emph{all} code blocks;
+ \item in \cref{lst:textwrap4-yaml} we have \emph{not} specified
+ \texttt{all}, and instead, have specified that text wrapping should be
+ applied to each of \texttt{environments} and \texttt{masterDocument};
+ \item in \cref{lst:textwrap5-yaml} we have specified text wrapping for
+ \texttt{masterDocument} and on a \emph{per-name} basis for
+ \texttt{environments} code blocks.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Upon running the following commands
+ \begin{commandshell} -s textwrap5.tex -l=textwrap3.yaml -m -s textwrap5.tex -l=textwrap4.yaml -m -s textwrap5.tex -l=textwrap5.yaml -m
+ we obtain the output shown in \cref{lst:textwrap5-mod3}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap5-mod3.tex}{\texttt{textwrap5-mod3.tex}}{lst:textwrap5-mod3}
+ We can explore the idea of per-name text wrapping given in \cref{lst:textwrap5-yaml} by
+ using \cref{lst:textwrap6}.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap6.tex}{\texttt{textwrap6.tex}}{lst:textwrap6}
+ \end{widepage}
+ In particular, upon running
+ \begin{commandshell} -s textwrap6.tex -l=textwrap5.yaml -m
+ we obtain the output given in \cref{lst:textwrap6-mod5}.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap6-mod5.tex}{\texttt{textwrap6.tex} using \cref{lst:textwrap5-yaml}}{lst:textwrap6-mod5}
+ \end{widepage}
+ Notice that, because \texttt{environments} has been specified only for
+ \texttt{myenv} (in \cref{lst:textwrap5-yaml}) that the environment named \texttt{another} has
+ \emph{not} had text wrapping applied to it.
+ The {all} field can be specified with exceptions which can either
+ be done on a per-code-block or per-name basis; we explore this in relation to
+ \cref{lst:textwrap6} in the settings given in \crefrange{lst:textwrap6-yaml}{lst:textwrap8-yaml}.
+ \begin{adjustwidth}{-3.5cm}{-2.5cm}
+ \begin{minipage}{.33\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap6.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{textwrap6.yaml}}{lst:textwrap6-yaml}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \begin{minipage}{.33\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap7.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{textwrap7.yaml}}{lst:textwrap7-yaml}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \begin{minipage}{.33\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap8.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{textwrap8.yaml}}{lst:textwrap8-yaml}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{adjustwidth}
+ Upon running the commands
+ \begin{commandshell} -s textwrap6.tex -l=textwrap6.yaml -m -s textwrap6.tex -l=textwrap7.yaml -m -s textwrap6.tex -l=textwrap8.yaml -m
+ we receive the respective output given in \crefrange{lst:textwrap6-mod6}{lst:textwrap6-mod8}.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap6-mod6.tex}{\texttt{textwrap6.tex} using \cref{lst:textwrap6-yaml}}{lst:textwrap6-mod6}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap6-mod7.tex}{\texttt{textwrap6.tex} using \cref{lst:textwrap7-yaml}}{lst:textwrap6-mod7}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap6-mod8.tex}{\texttt{textwrap6.tex} using \cref{lst:textwrap8-yaml}}{lst:textwrap6-mod8}
+ \end{widepage}
+ Notice that:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item in \cref{lst:textwrap6-mod6} the text wrapping routine has not been applied to any
+ \texttt{environments} because it has been switched off (per-code-block) in
+ \cref{lst:textwrap6-yaml};
+ \item in \cref{lst:textwrap6-mod7} the text wrapping routine has not been applied to
+ \texttt{myenv} because it has been switched off (per-name) in
+ \cref{lst:textwrap7-yaml};
+ \item in \cref{lst:textwrap6-mod8} the text wrapping routine has not been applied to
+ \texttt{masterDocument} because of the settings in \cref{lst:textwrap8-yaml}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ The \texttt{columns} field has a variety of different ways that it can be
+ specified; we've seen two basic ways already: the default (set to
+ \texttt{0}) and a positive integer (see \vref{lst:textwrap6}, for
+ example). We explore further options in \crefrange{lst:textwrap9-yaml}{lst:textwrap11-yaml}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster columns=3,
+ raster left skip=-3.5cm,
+ raster right skip=-2cm,
+ raster column skip=.03\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap9.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{textwrap9.yaml}}{lst:textwrap9-yaml}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap10.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{textwrap10.yaml}}{lst:textwrap10-yaml}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap11.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{textwrap11.yaml}}{lst:textwrap11-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ \Cref{lst:textwrap9-yaml} and \cref{lst:textwrap10-yaml} are equivalent. Upon running
+ the commands
+ \begin{commandshell} -s textwrap6.tex -l=textwrap9.yaml -m -s textwrap6.tex -l=textwrap11.yaml -m
+ we receive the respective output given in \cref{lst:textwrap6-mod9,lst:textwrap6-mod11}.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap6-mod9.tex}{\texttt{textwrap6.tex} using \cref{lst:textwrap9-yaml}}{lst:textwrap6-mod9}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap6-mod11.tex}{\texttt{textwrap6.tex} using \cref{lst:textwrap11-yaml}}{lst:textwrap6-mod11}
+ \end{widepage}
+ Notice that:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item in \cref{lst:textwrap6-mod9} the text for the \texttt{masterDocument} has been
+ wrapped using \texttt{30} columns, while \texttt{environments} has
+ been wrapped using \texttt{50} columns;
+ \item in \cref{lst:textwrap6-mod11} the text for \texttt{myenv} has been wrapped
+ using \texttt{50} columns, the text for \texttt{another} has
+ been wrapped using \texttt{15} columns, and \texttt{masterDocument}
+ has been wrapped using \texttt{30} columns.
+ \end{itemize}
+ If you don't specify a \texttt{default} value on per-code-block basis, then
+ the \texttt{default} value from \texttt{columns} will be inherited;
+ if you don't specify a default value for \texttt{columns} then
+ \texttt{80} will be used.
+ \texttt{alignAtAmpersandTakesPriority} is set to \texttt{1} by default; assuming
+ that text wrapping is occurring on a per-code-block basis, and the current
+ environment/code block is specified within \vref{lst:aligndelims:basic} then text wrapping
+ will be disabled for this code block.
+ If you wish to specify \texttt{afterHeading} commands (see
+ \vref{lst:indentAfterHeadings}) on a per-name basis, then you need to append the name with
+ \texttt{:heading}, for example, you might use \texttt{section:heading}.
+\subsubsection{Summary of text wrapping}
+ It is important to note the following:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Verbatim environments (\vref{lst:verbatimEnvironments}) and verbatim commands
+ (\vref{lst:verbatimCommands}) will \emph{not} be affected by the text
+ wrapping routine (see \vref{lst:textwrap2-mod1});
+ \item comments will \emph{not} be affected by the text wrapping routine (see
+ \vref{lst:textwrap3-mod1});
+ \item it is possible to wrap text on a per-code-block and a per-name basis;
+ \announce{2018-08-13}*{updates to textWrapOptions}
+ \item the text wrapping routine sets \texttt{preserveBlankLines} as
+ \texttt{1};
+ \item indentation is performed \emph{after} the text wrapping routine; as such,
+ indented code will likely exceed any maximum value set in the \texttt{columns}
+ field.
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsection{oneSentencePerLine: modifying line breaks for sentences}\label{sec:onesentenceperline}
+ You can instruct \texttt{} to
+ format%
+ \announce{2018-01-13}{one sentence per line} your file so that
+ it puts one sentence per line. Thank you to \cite{mlep} for helping to
+ shape and test this feature. The behaviour of this part of the script is controlled by
+ the switches detailed in \cref{lst:oneSentencePerLine}, all of which we discuss next.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=oneSentencePerLine]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=.85\linewidth,before=\centering]{\texttt{oneSentencePerLine}}{lst:oneSentencePerLine}
+ This is a binary switch that details if \texttt{} should perform the
+ sentence manipulation routine; it is \emph{off} (set to \texttt{0}) by default, and you will
+ need to turn it on (by setting it to \texttt{1}) if you want the script
+ to modify line breaks surrounding and within sentences.
+ When operating upon sentences \texttt{} will, by default, remove
+ internal line breaks as \texttt{removeSentenceLineBreaks} is set to
+ \texttt{1}. Setting this switch to \texttt{0} instructs
+ \texttt{} not to do so.
+ For example, consider \texttt{multiple-sentences.tex} shown in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences.tex}}{lst:multiple-sentences}
+ If we use the YAML files in \cref{lst:manipulate-sentences-yaml,lst:keep-sen-line-breaks-yaml}, and run the commands
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{commandshell} multiple-sentences -m -l=manipulate-sentences.yaml multiple-sentences -m -l=keep-sen-line-breaks.yaml
+ \end{widepage}
+ then we obtain the respective output given in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences-mod1,lst:multiple-sentences-mod2}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences-mod1.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences.tex} using \cref{lst:manipulate-sentences-yaml}}{lst:multiple-sentences-mod1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/manipulate-sentences.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{manipulate-sentences.yaml}}{lst:manipulate-sentences-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences-mod2.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences.tex} using \cref{lst:keep-sen-line-breaks-yaml}}{lst:multiple-sentences-mod2}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/keep-sen-line-breaks.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{keep-sen-line-breaks.yaml}}{lst:keep-sen-line-breaks-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Notice, in particular, that the `internal' sentence line breaks in
+ \cref{lst:multiple-sentences} have been removed in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences-mod1}, but have
+ not been removed in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences-mod2}.
+ The remainder of the settings displayed in \vref{lst:oneSentencePerLine} instruct
+ \texttt{} on how to define a sentence. From the perspective of
+ \texttt{} a sentence must:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \emph{follow} a certain character or set of characters (see
+ \cref{lst:sentencesFollow}); by default, this is either \lstinline!\par!, a
+ blank line, a full stop/period (.), exclamation mark (!), question mark (?) right brace
+ (\}) or a comment on the previous line;
+ \item \emph{begin} with a character type (see \cref{lst:sentencesBeginWith}); by
+ default, this is only capital letters;
+ \item \emph{end} with a character (see \cref{lst:sentencesEndWith}); by
+ default, these are full stop/period (.), exclamation mark (!) and question mark (?).
+ \end{itemize}
+ In each case, you can specify the \texttt{other} field to include any
+ pattern that you would like; you can specify anything in this field using the language of
+ regular expressions.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster columns=3,
+ raster left skip=-3.5cm,
+ raster right skip=-2cm,
+ raster column skip=.06\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=sentencesFollow]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering]{\texttt{sentencesFollow}}{lst:sentencesFollow}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=sentencesBeginWith]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering]{\texttt{sentencesBeginWith}}{lst:sentencesBeginWith}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=sentencesEndWith]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering]{\texttt{sentencesEndWith}}{lst:sentencesEndWith}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Let's explore a few of the switches in \texttt{sentencesFollow}; let's start with
+ \vref{lst:multiple-sentences}, and use the YAML settings given in
+ \cref{lst:sentences-follow1-yaml}. Using the command
+ \begin{commandshell} multiple-sentences -m -l=sentences-follow1.yaml
+ we obtain the output given in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences-mod3}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences-mod3.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences.tex} using \cref{lst:sentences-follow1-yaml}}{lst:multiple-sentences-mod3}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/sentences-follow1.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{sentences-follow1.yaml}}{lst:sentences-follow1-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Notice that, because \texttt{blankLine} is set to \texttt{0},
+ \texttt{} will not seek sentences following a blank line, and so the
+ fourth sentence has not been accounted for.
+ We can explore the \texttt{other} field in \cref{lst:sentencesFollow} with
+ the \texttt{.tex} file detailed in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences1}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences1.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences1.tex}}{lst:multiple-sentences1}
+ Upon running the following commands
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{commandshell} multiple-sentences1 -m -l=manipulate-sentences.yaml multiple-sentences1 -m -l=manipulate-sentences.yaml,sentences-follow2.yaml
+ \end{widepage}
+ then we obtain the respective output given in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences1-mod1,lst:multiple-sentences1-mod2}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences1-mod1.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences1.tex} using \vref{lst:manipulate-sentences-yaml}}{lst:multiple-sentences1-mod1}
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[
+ raster force size=false,
+ raster column 1/.style={add to width=1cm},
+ ]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences1-mod2.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences1.tex} using \cref{lst:sentences-follow2-yaml}}{lst:multiple-sentences1-mod2}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/sentences-follow2.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=.45\textwidth]{\texttt{sentences-follow2.yaml}}{lst:sentences-follow2-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Notice that in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences1-mod1} the first sentence after the
+ \texttt{)} has not been accounted for, but that following the inclusion
+ of \cref{lst:sentences-follow2-yaml}, the output given in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences1-mod2}
+ demonstrates that the sentence \emph{has} been accounted for correctly.
+ By default, \texttt{} will only assume that sentences begin with the
+ upper case letters \texttt{A-Z}; you can instruct the script to define
+ sentences to begin with lower case letters (see \cref{lst:sentencesBeginWith}), and we can
+ use the \texttt{other} field to define sentences to begin with other
+ characters.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences2.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences2.tex}}{lst:multiple-sentences2}
+ Upon running the following commands
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{commandshell} multiple-sentences2 -m -l=manipulate-sentences.yaml multiple-sentences2 -m -l=manipulate-sentences.yaml,sentences-begin1.yaml
+ \end{widepage}
+ then we obtain the respective output given in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences2-mod1,lst:multiple-sentences2-mod2}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences2-mod1.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences2.tex} using \vref{lst:manipulate-sentences-yaml}}{lst:multiple-sentences2-mod1}
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[
+ raster force size=false,
+ raster column 1/.style={add to width=1cm},
+ ]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences2-mod2.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences2.tex} using \cref{lst:sentences-begin1-yaml}}{lst:multiple-sentences2-mod2}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/sentences-begin1.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=.45\textwidth]{\texttt{sentences-begin1.yaml}}{lst:sentences-begin1-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Notice that in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences2-mod1}, the first sentence has been accounted for but
+ that the subsequent sentences have not. In \cref{lst:multiple-sentences2-mod2}, all of the
+ sentences have been accounted for, because the \texttt{other} field in
+ \cref{lst:sentences-begin1-yaml} has defined sentences to begin with either
+ \lstinline!$! or any numeric digit, \texttt{0} to
+ \texttt{9}.
+ Let's return to \vref{lst:multiple-sentences}; we have already seen the default way in
+ which \texttt{} will operate on the sentences in this file in
+ \vref{lst:multiple-sentences-mod1}. We can populate the \texttt{other} field with
+ any character that we wish; for example, using the YAML specified in
+ \cref{lst:sentences-end1-yaml} and the command
+ \begin{commandshell} multiple-sentences -m -l=sentences-end1.yaml multiple-sentences -m -l=sentences-end2.yaml
+ then we obtain the output in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences-mod4}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences-mod4.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences.tex} using \cref{lst:sentences-end1-yaml}}{lst:multiple-sentences-mod4}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/sentences-end1.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{sentences-end1.yaml}}{lst:sentences-end1-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences-mod5.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences.tex} using \cref{lst:sentences-end2-yaml}}{lst:multiple-sentences-mod5}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/sentences-end2.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{sentences-end2.yaml}}{lst:sentences-end2-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ There is a subtle difference between the output in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences-mod4,lst:multiple-sentences-mod5}; in
+ particular, in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences-mod4} the word \texttt{sentence} has not
+ been defined as a sentence, because we have not instructed \texttt{} to
+ begin sentences with lower case letters. We have changed this by using the settings in
+ \cref{lst:sentences-end2-yaml}, and the associated output in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences-mod5}
+ reflects this.
+ Referencing \vref{lst:sentencesEndWith}, you'll notice that there is a field called
+ \texttt{basicFullStop}, which is set to \texttt{0}, and that the
+ \texttt{betterFullStop} is set to \texttt{1} by default.
+ Let's consider the file shown in \cref{lst:url}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/url.tex}{\texttt{url.tex}}{lst:url}
+ Upon running the following commands
+ \begin{commandshell} url -m -l=manipulate-sentences.yaml
+ we obtain the output given in \cref{lst:url-mod1}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/url-mod1.tex}{\texttt{url.tex} using \vref{lst:manipulate-sentences-yaml}}{lst:url-mod1}
+ Notice that the full stop within the url has been interpreted correctly. This is because,
+ within the \texttt{betterFullStop}, full stops at the end of sentences have the
+ following properties:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item they are ignored within \texttt{e.g.} and \texttt{i.e.};
+ \item they can not be immediately followed by a lower case or upper case letter;
+ \item they can not be immediately followed by a hyphen, comma, or number.
+ \end{itemize}
+ If you find that the \texttt{betterFullStop} does not work for your purposes, then
+ you can switch it off by setting it to \texttt{0}, and you can
+ experiment with the \texttt{other}
+ field.%
+ \announce*{2019-07-13}{fine tuning the betterFullStop} You can also seek
+ to customise the \texttt{betterFullStop} routine by using the
+ \emph{fine tuning}, detailed in \vref{lst:fineTuning}.
+ The \texttt{basicFullStop} routine should probably be avoided in most situations, as
+ it does not accommodate the specifications above. For example, using the following
+ command
+ \begin{commandshell} url -m -l=alt-full-stop1.yaml
+ and the YAML in \cref{lst:alt-full-stop1-yaml} gives the output in
+ \cref{lst:url-mod2}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[ raster left skip=-3.5cm,
+ raster right skip=-2cm,
+ raster force size=false,
+ raster column 1/.style={add to width=.1\textwidth},
+ raster column skip=.06\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/url-mod2.tex}{\texttt{url.tex} using \cref{lst:alt-full-stop1-yaml}}{lst:url-mod2}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/alt-full-stop1.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=.5\textwidth]{\texttt{alt-full-stop1.yaml}}{lst:alt-full-stop1-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Notice that the full stop within the URL has not been accommodated correctly because of
+ the non-default settings in \cref{lst:alt-full-stop1-yaml}.
+\subsubsection{Features of the oneSentencePerLine routine}
+ The sentence manipulation routine takes place \emph{after} verbatim
+ environments, preamble and trailing comments have been accounted for; this means that any
+ characters within these types of code blocks will not be part of the sentence
+ manipulation routine.
+ For example, if we begin with the \texttt{.tex} file in
+ \cref{lst:multiple-sentences3}, and run the command
+ \begin{commandshell} multiple-sentences3 -m -l=manipulate-sentences.yaml
+ then we obtain the output in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences3-mod1}. \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences3.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences3.tex}}{lst:multiple-sentences3}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences3-mod1.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences3.tex} using \vref{lst:manipulate-sentences-yaml}}{lst:multiple-sentences3-mod1}
+ Furthermore, if sentences run across environments then, by default, the line breaks
+ internal to the sentence will be removed. For example, if we use the
+ \texttt{.tex} file in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences4} and run the commands
+ \begin{commandshell} multiple-sentences4 -m -l=manipulate-sentences.yaml multiple-sentences4 -m -l=keep-sen-line-breaks.yaml
+ then we obtain the output in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences4-mod1,lst:multiple-sentences4-mod2}. \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences4.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences4.tex}}{lst:multiple-sentences4}
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences4-mod1.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences4.tex} using \vref{lst:manipulate-sentences-yaml}}{lst:multiple-sentences4-mod1}
+ \end{widepage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences4-mod2.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences4.tex} using \vref{lst:keep-sen-line-breaks-yaml}}{lst:multiple-sentences4-mod2}
+ Once you've read \cref{sec:poly-switches}, you will know that you can accommodate the
+ removal of internal sentence line breaks by using the YAML in \cref{lst:item-rules2-yaml}
+ and the command
+ \begin{commandshell} multiple-sentences4 -m -l=item-rules2.yaml
+ the output of which is shown in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences4-mod3}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences4-mod3.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences4.tex} using \cref{lst:item-rules2-yaml}}{lst:multiple-sentences4-mod3}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/item-rules2.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{item-rules2.yaml}}{lst:item-rules2-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+\subsubsection{text wrapping and indenting sentences}
+ The \texttt{oneSentencePerLine}%
+ \announce{2018-08-13}{oneSentencePerline text wrap and indent} can be instructed to perform
+ text wrapping and indentation upon sentences.
+ Let's use the code in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences5}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences5.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences5.tex}}{lst:multiple-sentences5}
+ Referencing \cref{lst:sentence-wrap1-yaml}, and running the following command
+ \begin{commandshell} multiple-sentences5 -m -l=sentence-wrap1.yaml
+ we receive the output given in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences5-mod1}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[ raster left skip=-3.5cm,
+ raster right skip=-2cm,
+ raster force size=false,
+ raster column 1/.style={add to width=.1\textwidth},
+ raster column skip=.06\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences5-mod1.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences5.tex} using \cref{lst:sentence-wrap1-yaml}}{lst:multiple-sentences5-mod1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/sentence-wrap1.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=0.5\textwidth]{\texttt{sentence-wrap1.yaml}}{lst:sentence-wrap1-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ If you wish to specify the \texttt{columns} field on a per-code-block basis
+ for sentences, then you would use \texttt{sentence}; explicitly, starting with
+ \vref{lst:textwrap9-yaml}, for example, you would replace/append
+ \texttt{environments} with, for example, \texttt{sentence: 50}.
+ The indentation of sentences requires that sentences are stored as code blocks. This
+ means that you may need to tweak \vref{lst:sentencesEndWith}. Let's explore this in
+ relation to \cref{lst:multiple-sentences6}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences6.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences6.tex}}{lst:multiple-sentences6}
+ By default, \texttt{} will find the full-stop within the first
+ \texttt{item}, which means that, upon running the following commands
+ \begin{commandshell} multiple-sentences6 -m -l=sentence-wrap1.yaml multiple-sentences6 -m -l=sentence-wrap1.yaml -y="modifyLineBreaks:oneSentencePerLine:sentenceIndent:''"
+ we receive the respective output in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences6-mod1} and
+ \cref{lst:multiple-sentences6-mod2}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences6-mod1.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences6-mod1.tex} using \cref{lst:sentence-wrap1-yaml}}{lst:multiple-sentences6-mod1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences6-mod2.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences6-mod2.tex} using \cref{lst:sentence-wrap1-yaml} and no sentence indentation}{lst:multiple-sentences6-mod2}
+ We note that \cref{lst:multiple-sentences6-mod1} the \texttt{itemize} code block has
+ \emph{not} been indented appropriately. This is because the
+ oneSentencePerLine has been instructed to store sentences (because
+ \cref{lst:sentence-wrap1-yaml}); each sentence is then searched for code blocks.
+ We can tweak the settings in \vref{lst:sentencesEndWith} to ensure that full stops are
+ not followed by \texttt{item} commands, and that the end of sentences
+ contains \lstinline!\end{itemize}! as in \cref{lst:itemize-yaml} (if you intend to use this, ensure that you
+ remove the line breaks from the \texttt{other} field).
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/itemized.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{itemize.yaml}}{lst:itemize-yaml}
+ Upon running
+ \begin{commandshell} multiple-sentences6 -m -l=sentence-wrap1.yaml,itemize.yaml
+ we receive the output in \cref{lst:multiple-sentences6-mod3}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/multiple-sentences6-mod3.tex}{\texttt{multiple-sentences6-mod3.tex} using \cref{lst:sentence-wrap1-yaml} and \cref{lst:itemize-yaml}}{lst:multiple-sentences6-mod3}
+ Notice that the sentence has received indentation, and that the
+ \texttt{itemize} code block has been found and indented correctly.
+\subsection{removeParagraphLineBreaks: modifying line breaks for paragraphs}\label{subsec:removeparagraphlinebreaks}
+ When the \texttt{-m} switch is active \texttt{} has the
+ ability to remove line breaks%
+ \announce{2017-05-27}{removeParagraphLineBreaks} from within paragraphs; the behaviour is controlled by the
+ \texttt{removeParagraphLineBreaks} field, detailed in \cref{lst:removeParagraphLineBreaks}. Thank you to
+ \cite{jowens} for shaping and assisting with the testing of this feature.
+ This feature is considered complimentary to the \texttt{oneSentencePerLine} feature
+ described in \vref{sec:onesentenceperline}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=removeParagraphLineBreaks]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=.85\linewidth,before=\centering]{\texttt{removeParagraphLineBreaks}}{lst:removeParagraphLineBreaks}
+ This routine can be turned on \emph{globally} for \emph{every}
+ code block type known to \texttt{}
+ (see \vref{tab:code-blocks}) by using the
+ \texttt{all} switch; by default, this switch is
+ \emph{off}. Assuming that the \texttt{all} switch is off,
+ then the routine can be controlled on a per-code-block-type basis, and within that, on a
+ per-name basis. We will consider examples of each of these in turn, but before we do,
+ let's specify what \texttt{} considers as a paragraph:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item it must begin on its own line with either an alphabetic or numeric character, and not
+ with any of the code-block types detailed in \vref{tab:code-blocks};
+ \item it can include line breaks, but finishes when it meets either a blank line, a
+ \lstinline!\par! command, or any of the user-specified settings in the
+ \texttt{paragraphsStopAt} field, detailed in \vref{lst:paragraphsStopAt}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Let's start with the \texttt{.tex} file in \cref{lst:shortlines},
+ together with the YAML settings in \cref{lst:remove-para1-yaml}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showspaces=true]{demonstrations/shortlines.tex}{\texttt{shortlines.tex}}{lst:shortlines}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/remove-para1.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{remove-para1.yaml}}{lst:remove-para1-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Upon running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -m shortlines.tex -o shortlines1.tex -l remove-para1.yaml
+ then we obtain the output given in \cref{lst:shortlines1}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showspaces=true]{demonstrations/shortlines1.tex}{\texttt{shortlines1.tex}}{lst:shortlines1}
+ Keen readers may notice that some trailing white space must be present in the file in
+ \cref{lst:shortlines} which has crept in to the output in
+ \cref{lst:shortlines1}. This can be fixed using the YAML file in
+ \vref{lst:removeTWS-before} and running, for example,
+ \begin{commandshell} -m shortlines.tex -o shortlines1-tws.tex -l remove-para1.yaml,removeTWS-before.yaml
+ in which case the output is as in \cref{lst:shortlines1-tws}; notice that the double
+ spaces present in \cref{lst:shortlines1} have been addressed.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showspaces=true]{demonstrations/shortlines1-tws.tex}{\texttt{shortlines1-tws.tex}}{lst:shortlines1-tws}
+ Keeping with the settings in \cref{lst:remove-para1-yaml}, we note that the
+ \texttt{all} switch applies to \emph{all} code block
+ types. So, for example, let's consider the files in \cref{lst:shortlines-mand,lst:shortlines-opt}
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/shortlines-mand.tex}{\texttt{shortlines-mand.tex}}{lst:shortlines-mand}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/shortlines-opt.tex}{\texttt{shortlines-opt.tex}}{lst:shortlines-opt}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Upon running the commands
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{commandshell} -m shortlines-mand.tex -o shortlines-mand1.tex -l remove-para1.yaml -m shortlines-opt.tex -o shortlines-opt1.tex -l remove-para1.yaml
+ \end{widepage}
+ then we obtain the respective output given in \cref{lst:shortlines-mand1,lst:shortlines-opt1}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/shortlines-mand1.tex}{\texttt{shortlines-mand1.tex}}{lst:shortlines-mand1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/shortlines-opt1.tex}{\texttt{shortlines-opt1.tex}}{lst:shortlines-opt1}
+ Assuming that we turn \emph{off} the \texttt{all} switch
+ (by setting it to \texttt{0}), then we can control the behaviour of
+ \texttt{removeParagraphLineBreaks} either on a per-code-block-type basis, or on a per-name
+ basis.
+ For example, let's use the code in \cref{lst:shortlines-envs}, and consider the settings
+ in \cref{lst:remove-para2-yaml,lst:remove-para3-yaml}; note that in \cref{lst:remove-para2-yaml} we specify that
+ \emph{every} environment should receive treatment from the routine, while
+ in \cref{lst:remove-para3-yaml} we specify that \emph{only} the
+ \texttt{one} environment should receive the treatment.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/shortlines-envs.tex}{\texttt{shortlines-envs.tex}}{lst:shortlines-envs}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/remove-para2.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{remove-para2.yaml}}{lst:remove-para2-yaml}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/remove-para3.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{remove-para3.yaml}}{lst:remove-para3-yaml}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Upon running the commands
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{commandshell} -m shortlines-envs.tex -o shortlines-envs2.tex -l remove-para2.yaml -m shortlines-envs.tex -o shortlines-envs3.tex -l remove-para3.yaml
+ \end{widepage}
+ then we obtain the respective output given in \cref{lst:shortlines-envs2,lst:shortlines-envs3}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/shortlines-envs2.tex}{\texttt{shortlines-envs2.tex}}{lst:shortlines-envs2}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/shortlines-envs3.tex}{\texttt{shortlines-envs3.tex}}{lst:shortlines-envs3}
+ The remaining code-block types can be customised in analogous ways, although note that
+ \texttt{commands}, \texttt{keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets}, \texttt{namedGroupingBracesBrackets},
+ \texttt{UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets} are controlled by the \texttt{optionalArguments} and the
+ \texttt{mandatoryArguments}.
+ The only special case is the \texttt{masterDocument} field; this is designed for
+ `chapter'-type files that may contain paragraphs that are not within any other
+ code-blocks. For example, consider the file in \cref{lst:shortlines-md}, with the YAML
+ settings in \cref{lst:remove-para4-yaml}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/shortlines-md.tex}{\texttt{shortlines-md.tex}}{lst:shortlines-md}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/remove-para4.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{remove-para4.yaml}}{lst:remove-para4-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Upon running the following command
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{commandshell} -m shortlines-md.tex -o shortlines-md4.tex -l remove-para4.yaml
+ \end{widepage}
+ then we obtain the output in \cref{lst:shortlines-md4}. \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/shortlines-md4.tex}{\texttt{shortlines-md4.tex}}{lst:shortlines-md4}
+ Note%
+ \announce{2018-08-13}*{updates to all in removeParagraphLineBreaks} that the
+ \texttt{all} field can take the same exceptions detailed in
+ \cref{lst:textwrap6-yaml}{lst:textwrap8-yaml}.
+ The paragraph line break routine considers blank lines and the
+ \lstinline|\par| command to be the end of a paragraph;
+ \announce{2017-05-27}{paragraphsStopAt} you can fine tune the behaviour of the routine further by
+ using the \texttt{paragraphsStopAt} fields, shown in \cref{lst:paragraphsStopAt}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=paragraphsStopAt]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=.85\linewidth,before=\centering]{\texttt{paragraphsStopAt}}{lst:paragraphsStopAt}
+ The fields specified in \texttt{paragraphsStopAt} tell \texttt{} to
+ stop the current paragraph when it reaches a line that \emph{begins} with
+ any of the code-block types specified as \texttt{1} in
+ \cref{lst:paragraphsStopAt}. By default, you'll see that the paragraph line break routine
+ will stop when it reaches an environment or verbatim code block at the beginning of a
+ line. It is \emph{not} possible to specify these fields on a per-name
+ basis.
+ Let's use the \texttt{.tex} file in \cref{lst:sl-stop}; we will,
+ in turn, consider the settings in \cref{lst:stop-command-yaml,lst:stop-comment-yaml}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/sl-stop.tex}{\texttt{sl-stop.tex}}{lst:sl-stop}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/stop-command.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{stop-command.yaml}}{lst:stop-command-yaml}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/stop-comment.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{stop-comment.yaml}}{lst:stop-comment-yaml}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Upon using the settings from \vref{lst:remove-para4-yaml} and running the commands
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{commandshell} -m sl-stop.tex -o sl-stop4.tex -l remove-para4.yaml -m sl-stop.tex -o sl-stop4-command.tex -l=remove-para4.yaml,stop-command.yaml -m sl-stop.tex -o sl-stop4-comment.tex -l=remove-para4.yaml,stop-comment.yaml
+ \end{widepage}
+ we obtain the respective outputs in \crefrange{lst:sl-stop4}{lst:sl-stop4-comment}; notice in particular
+ that:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item in \cref{lst:sl-stop4} the paragraph line break routine has included commands and
+ comments;
+ \item in \cref{lst:sl-stop4-command} the paragraph line break routine has
+ \emph{stopped} at the \texttt{emph} command, because in
+ \cref{lst:stop-command-yaml} we have specified \texttt{commands} to be
+ \texttt{1}, and \texttt{emph} is at the beginning of a
+ line;
+ \item in \cref{lst:sl-stop4-comment} the paragraph line break routine has
+ \emph{stopped} at the comments, because in \cref{lst:stop-comment-yaml} we
+ have specified \texttt{comments} to be \texttt{1}, and the
+ comment is at the beginning of a line.
+ \end{itemize}
+ In all outputs in \crefrange{lst:sl-stop4}{lst:sl-stop4-comment} we notice that the paragraph line break
+ routine has stopped at \lstinline!\begin{myenv}! because, by default,
+ \texttt{environments} is set to \texttt{1} in
+ \vref{lst:paragraphsStopAt}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/sl-stop4.tex}{\texttt{sl-stop4.tex}}{lst:sl-stop4}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/sl-stop4-command.tex}{\texttt{sl-stop4-command.tex}}{lst:sl-stop4-command}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/sl-stop4-comment.tex}{\texttt{sl-stop4-comment.tex}}{lst:sl-stop4-comment}
+\subsection{Combining removeParagraphLineBreaks and textWrapOptions}\label{subsec:removeparagraphlinebreaks:and:textwrap}
+ The%
+ \announce{2018-08-13}{combine text wrap and remove paragraph line breaks} text wrapping
+ routine (\vref{subsec:textwrapping}) and remove paragraph line breaks routine
+ (\vref{subsec:removeparagraphlinebreaks}) can be combined.
+ We motivate this feature with the code given in \cref{lst:textwrap7}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap7.tex}{\texttt{textwrap7.tex}}{lst:textwrap7}
+ Applying the text wrap routine from \vref{subsec:textwrapping} with, for example,
+ \vref{lst:textwrap3-yaml} gives the output in \cref{lst:textwrap7-mod3}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap7-mod3.tex}{\texttt{textwrap7.tex} using \cref{lst:textwrap3-yaml}}{lst:textwrap7-mod3}
+ The text wrapping routine has behaved as expected, but it may be desired to remove
+ paragraph line breaks \emph{before} performing the text wrapping routine.
+ The desired behaviour can be achieved by employing the \texttt{beforeTextWrap}
+ switch.
+ Explicitly, using the settings in \cref{lst:textwrap12-yaml} and running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -m textwrap7.tex -l=textwrap12.yaml -o=+-mod12
+ we obtain the output in \cref{lst:textwrap7-mod12}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap7-mod12.tex}{\texttt{textwrap7-mod12.tex}}{lst:textwrap7-mod12}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/textwrap12.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{textwrap12.yaml}}{lst:textwrap12-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ In \cref{lst:textwrap7-mod12} the paragraph line breaks have first been removed from
+ \cref{lst:textwrap7}, and then the text wrapping routine has been applied. It is
+ envisaged that variants of \cref{lst:textwrap12-yaml} will be among the most useful
+ settings for these two features.
+ Every other field in the \texttt{modifyLineBreaks} field uses poly-switches, and can
+ take one of \emph{five}%
+ \announce{2017-08-21}*{blank line poly-switch} integer values:
+ \begin{itemize}[font=\bfseries]
+ \item[$-1$] \emph{remove mode}: line breaks before or after the
+ \emph{<part of thing>} can be removed (assuming that \texttt{preserveBlankLines} is
+ set to \texttt{0});
+ \item[0] \emph{off mode}: line breaks will not be modified for the
+ \emph{<part of thing>} under consideration;
+ \item[1] \emph{add mode}: a line break will be added before or after the
+ \emph{<part of thing>} under consideration, assuming that
+ there is not already a line break before or after the \emph{<part of thing>};
+ \item[2] \emph{comment then add mode}: a comment symbol will be added, followed by a line break
+ before or after the \emph{<part of thing>} under consideration, assuming that there
+ is not already a comment and line break before or after the \emph{<part of thing>};
+ \item[3] \emph{add then blank line mode}%
+ \announce{2017-08-21}{blank line poly-switch}: a line break will be added before or after the
+ \emph{<part of thing>} under consideration, assuming that
+ there is not already a line break before or after the \emph{<part of thing>},
+ followed by a blank line;
+ \item[4] \emph{add blank line mode}%
+ \announce*{2019-07-13}{blank line poly-switch}; a blank line will
+ be added before or after the \emph{<part of thing>} under consideration, even if the
+ \emph{<part of thing>} is already on its own line.
+ \end{itemize}
+ In the above, \emph{<part of thing>} refers to either the
+ \emph{begin statement}, \emph{body} or \emph{end statement}
+ of the code blocks detailed in \vref{tab:code-blocks}. All poly-switches are
+ \emph{off} by default; \texttt{} searches first of all
+ for per-name settings, and then followed by global per-thing settings.
+\subsection{modifyLineBreaks for environments}\label{sec:modifylinebreaks-environments}
+ We start by viewing a snippet of \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml} in
+ \cref{lst:environments-mlb}; note that it contains \emph{global} settings
+ (immediately after the \texttt{environments} field) and that
+ \emph{per-name} settings are also allowed -- in the case of
+ \cref{lst:environments-mlb}, settings for \texttt{equation*} have been specified
+ for demonstration. Note that all poly-switches are \emph{off} (set to 0) by
+ default.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=modifylinebreaksEnv]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,MLB-TCB]{\texttt{environments}}{lst:environments-mlb}
+ Let's begin with the simple example given in \cref{lst:env-mlb1-tex}; note that we
+ have annotated key parts of the file using $\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$,
+ $\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$, $\EndStartsOnOwnLine$ and $\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$,
+ these will be related to fields specified in \cref{lst:environments-mlb}.
+ \begin{cmhlistings}[style=tcblatex,escapeinside={(*@}{@*)}]{\texttt{env-mlb1.tex}}{lst:env-mlb1-tex}
+before words(*@$\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$@*) \begin{myenv}(*@$\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$@*)body of myenv(*@$\EndStartsOnOwnLine$@*)\end{myenv}(*@$\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$@*) after words
+\subsubsection{Adding line breaks: BeginStartsOnOwnLine and BodyStartsOnOwnLine}
+ Let's explore \texttt{BeginStartsOnOwnLine} and \texttt{BodyStartsOnOwnLine} in
+ \cref{lst:env-mlb1,lst:env-mlb2}, and in particular, let's allow each of them in turn to take
+ a value of $1$.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-mlb1.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-mlb1.yaml}}{lst:env-mlb1}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-mlb2.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-mlb2.yaml}}{lst:env-mlb2}
+ \end{minipage}
+ After running the following commands,
+ \begin{commandshell} -m env-mlb.tex -l env-mlb1.yaml -m env-mlb.tex -l env-mlb2.yaml
+ the output is as in \cref{lst:env-mlb-mod1,lst:env-mlb-mod2} respectively.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{minipage}{.56\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb-mod1.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb.tex} using \cref{lst:env-mlb1}}{lst:env-mlb-mod1}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.43\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb-mod2.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb.tex} using \cref{lst:env-mlb2}}{lst:env-mlb-mod2}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{widepage}
+ There are a couple of points to note:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item in \cref{lst:env-mlb-mod1} a line break has been added at the point denoted by
+ $\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ in \cref{lst:env-mlb1-tex}; no other line breaks have been
+ changed;
+ \item in \cref{lst:env-mlb-mod2} a line break has been added at the point denoted by
+ $\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ in \cref{lst:env-mlb1-tex}; furthermore, note that the
+ \emph{body} of \texttt{myenv} has received the appropriate
+ (default) indentation.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Let's now change each of the \texttt{1} values in
+ \cref{lst:env-mlb1,lst:env-mlb2} so that they are $2$ and save them
+ into \texttt{env-mlb3.yaml} and \texttt{env-mlb4.yaml} respectively (see
+ \cref{lst:env-mlb3,lst:env-mlb4}).
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-mlb3.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-mlb3.yaml}}{lst:env-mlb3}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-mlb4.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-mlb4.yaml}}{lst:env-mlb4}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Upon running commands analogous to the above, we obtain \cref{lst:env-mlb-mod3,lst:env-mlb-mod4}.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{minipage}{.56\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb-mod3.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb.tex} using \cref{lst:env-mlb3}}{lst:env-mlb-mod3}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.43\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb-mod4.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb.tex} using \cref{lst:env-mlb4}}{lst:env-mlb-mod4}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{widepage}
+ Note that line breaks have been added as in \cref{lst:env-mlb-mod1,lst:env-mlb-mod2}, but this time a
+ comment symbol has been added before adding the line break; in both cases, trailing
+ horizontal space has been stripped before doing so.
+ Let's%
+ \announce{2017-08-21}{demonstration of blank line poly-switch (3)} now change each of
+ the \texttt{1} values in \cref{lst:env-mlb1,lst:env-mlb2} so that they are
+ $3$ and save them into \texttt{env-mlb5.yaml} and
+ \texttt{env-mlb6.yaml} respectively (see \cref{lst:env-mlb5,lst:env-mlb6}).
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-mlb5.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-mlb5.yaml}}{lst:env-mlb5}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-mlb6.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-mlb6.yaml}}{lst:env-mlb6}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Upon running commands analogous to the above, we obtain \cref{lst:env-mlb-mod5,lst:env-mlb-mod6}.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{minipage}{.56\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb-mod5.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb.tex} using \cref{lst:env-mlb5}}{lst:env-mlb-mod5}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.43\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb-mod6.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb.tex} using \cref{lst:env-mlb6}}{lst:env-mlb-mod6}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{widepage}
+ Note that line breaks have been added as in \cref{lst:env-mlb-mod1,lst:env-mlb-mod2}, but this time a
+ \emph{blank line} has been added after adding the line break.
+ Let's now change%
+ \announce*{2019-07-13}{demonstration of new blank line poly-switch} each of
+ the \texttt{1} values in \cref{lst:env-mlb5,lst:env-mlb6} so that they are
+ $4$ and save them into \texttt{env-beg4.yaml} and
+ \texttt{env-body4.yaml} respectively (see \cref{lst:env-beg4,lst:env-body4}).
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-beg4.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-beg4.yaml}}{lst:env-beg4}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-body4.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-body4.yaml}}{lst:env-body4}
+ \end{minipage}
+ We will demonstrate this poly-switch value using the code in \cref{lst:env-mlb1-text}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/env-mlb1.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb1.tex}}{lst:env-mlb1-text}
+ Upon running the commands
+ \begin{commandshell} -m env-mlb1.tex -l env-beg4.yaml -m env-mlb.1tex -l env-body4.yaml
+ then we receive the respective outputs in \cref{lst:env-mlb1-beg4,lst:env-mlb1-body4}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/env-mlb1-beg4.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb1.tex} using \cref{lst:env-beg4}}{lst:env-mlb1-beg4}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/env-mlb1-body4.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb1.tex} using \cref{lst:env-body4}}{lst:env-mlb1-body4}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ We note in particular that, by design, for this value of the poly-switches:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item in \cref{lst:env-mlb1-beg4} a blank line has been inserted before the
+ \lstinline!\begin! statement, even though the \lstinline!\begin!
+ statement was already on its own line;
+ \item in \cref{lst:env-mlb1-body4} a blank line has been inserted before the beginning of the
+ \emph{body}, even though it already began on its own line.
+ \end{enumerate}
+\subsubsection{Adding line breaks using EndStartsOnOwnLine and EndFinishesWithLineBreak}
+ Let's explore \texttt{EndStartsOnOwnLine} and \texttt{EndFinishesWithLineBreak} in
+ \cref{lst:env-mlb7,lst:env-mlb8}, and in particular, let's allow each of them in turn to take
+ a value of $1$.
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-mlb7.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-mlb7.yaml}}{lst:env-mlb7}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-mlb8.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-mlb8.yaml}}{lst:env-mlb8}
+ \end{minipage}
+ After running the following commands,
+ \begin{commandshell} -m env-mlb.tex -l env-mlb7.yaml -m env-mlb.tex -l env-mlb8.yaml
+ the output is as in \cref{lst:env-mlb-mod7,lst:env-mlb-mod8}.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{minipage}{.42\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb-mod7.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb.tex} using \cref{lst:env-mlb7}}{lst:env-mlb-mod7}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.57\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb-mod8.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb.tex} using \cref{lst:env-mlb8}}{lst:env-mlb-mod8}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{widepage}
+ There are a couple of points to note:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item in \cref{lst:env-mlb-mod7} a line break has been added at the point denoted by
+ $\EndStartsOnOwnLine$ in \vref{lst:env-mlb1-tex}; no other line breaks have been
+ changed and the \lstinline!\end{myenv}! statement has \emph{not}
+ received indentation (as intended);
+ \item in \cref{lst:env-mlb-mod8} a line break has been added at the point denoted by
+ $\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$ in \vref{lst:env-mlb1-tex}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Let's now change each of the \texttt{1} values in
+ \cref{lst:env-mlb7,lst:env-mlb8} so that they are $2$ and save them
+ into \texttt{env-mlb9.yaml} and \texttt{env-mlb10.yaml} respectively (see
+ \cref{lst:env-mlb9,lst:env-mlb10}).
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-mlb9.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-mlb9.yaml}}{lst:env-mlb9}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-mlb10.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-mlb10.yaml}}{lst:env-mlb10}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Upon running commands analogous to the above, we obtain \cref{lst:env-mlb-mod9,lst:env-mlb-mod10}.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{minipage}{.43\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb-mod9.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb.tex} using \cref{lst:env-mlb9}}{lst:env-mlb-mod9}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.56\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb-mod10.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb.tex} using \cref{lst:env-mlb10}}{lst:env-mlb-mod10}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{widepage}
+ Note that line breaks have been added as in \cref{lst:env-mlb-mod7,lst:env-mlb-mod8}, but this time a
+ comment symbol has been added before adding the line break; in both cases, trailing
+ horizontal space has been stripped before doing so.
+ Let's%
+ \announce{2017-08-21}{demonstration of blank line poly-switch (3)} now change each of
+ the \texttt{1} values in \cref{lst:env-mlb7,lst:env-mlb8} so that they are
+ $3$ and save them into \texttt{env-mlb11.yaml} and
+ \texttt{env-mlb12.yaml} respectively (see \cref{lst:env-mlb11,lst:env-mlb12}).
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-mlb11.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-mlb11.yaml}}{lst:env-mlb11}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-mlb12.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-mlb12.yaml}}{lst:env-mlb12}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Upon running commands analogous to the above, we obtain \cref{lst:env-mlb-mod11,lst:env-mlb-mod12}.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{minipage}{.42\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb-mod11.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb.tex} using \cref{lst:env-mlb11}}{lst:env-mlb-mod11}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.57\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb-mod12.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb.tex} using \cref{lst:env-mlb12}}{lst:env-mlb-mod12}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{widepage}
+ Note that line breaks have been added as in \cref{lst:env-mlb-mod7,lst:env-mlb-mod8}, and that a
+ \emph{blank line} has been added after the line break.
+ Let's now change%
+ \announce*{2019-07-13}{demonstration of new blank line poly-switch} each of
+ the \texttt{1} values in \cref{lst:env-mlb11,lst:env-mlb12} so that they are
+ $4$ and save them into \texttt{env-end4.yaml} and
+ \texttt{env-end-f4.yaml} respectively (see \cref{lst:env-end4,lst:env-end-f4}).
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-end4.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-end4.yaml}}{lst:env-end4}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-end-f4.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-end-f4.yaml}}{lst:env-end-f4}
+ \end{minipage}
+ We will demonstrate this poly-switch value using the code from
+ \vref{lst:env-mlb1-text}.
+ Upon running the commands
+ \begin{commandshell} -m env-mlb1.tex -l env-end4.yaml -m env-mlb.1tex -l env-end-f4.yaml
+ then we receive the respective outputs in \cref{lst:env-mlb1-end4,lst:env-mlb1-end-f4}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/env-mlb1-end4.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb1.tex} using \cref{lst:env-end4}}{lst:env-mlb1-end4}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/env-mlb1-end-f4.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb1.tex} using \cref{lst:env-end-f4}}{lst:env-mlb1-end-f4}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ We note in particular that, by design, for this value of the poly-switches:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item in \cref{lst:env-mlb1-end4} a blank line has been inserted before the
+ \lstinline!\end! statement, even though the \lstinline!\end!
+ statement was already on its own line;
+ \item in \cref{lst:env-mlb1-end-f4} a blank line has been inserted after the
+ \lstinline!\end! statement, even though it already began on its own line.
+ \end{enumerate}
+\subsubsection{poly-switches 1, 2, and 3 only add line breaks when necessary}
+ If you ask \texttt{} to add a line break (possibly with a comment)
+ using a poly-switch value of $1$ (or $2$
+ or $3$), it will only do so if necessary. For example, if you
+ process the file in \vref{lst:mlb2} using poly-switch values of 1, 2, or 3,
+ it will be left unchanged.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb2.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb2.tex}}{lst:mlb2}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb3.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb3.tex}}{lst:mlb3}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Setting the poly-switches to a value of $4$ instructs
+ \texttt{} to add a line break even if the \emph{<part of thing>}
+ is already on its own line; see \cref{lst:env-mlb1-beg4,lst:env-mlb1-body4} and
+ \cref{lst:env-mlb1-end4,lst:env-mlb1-end-f4}.
+ In contrast, the output from processing the file in \cref{lst:mlb3} will
+ vary depending on the poly-switches used; in \cref{lst:env-mlb3-mod2} you'll see that
+ the comment symbol after the \lstinline!\begin{myenv}! has been moved to the next line,
+ as \texttt{BodyStartsOnOwnLine} is set to \texttt{1}. In
+ \cref{lst:env-mlb3-mod4} you'll see that the comment has been accounted for correctly
+ because \texttt{BodyStartsOnOwnLine} has been set to \texttt{2}, and
+ the comment symbol has \emph{not} been moved to its own line. You're
+ encouraged to experiment with \cref{lst:mlb3} and by setting the other
+ poly-switches considered so far to \texttt{2} in turn.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb3-mod2.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb3.tex} using \vref{lst:env-mlb2}}{lst:env-mlb3-mod2}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb3-mod4.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb3.tex} using \vref{lst:env-mlb4}}{lst:env-mlb3-mod4}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ The details of the discussion in this section have concerned \emph{global}
+ poly-switches in the \texttt{environments} field; each switch can also be
+ specified on a \emph{per-name} basis, which would take priority over the
+ global values; with reference to \vref{lst:environments-mlb}, an example is shown for
+ the \texttt{equation*} environment.
+\subsubsection{Removing line breaks (poly-switches set to $-1$)}
+ Setting poly-switches to $-1$ tells \texttt{}
+ to remove line breaks of the \emph{<part of the thing>}, if necessary. We will consider
+ the example code given in \cref{lst:mlb4}, noting in particular the
+ positions of the line break highlighters, $\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$,
+ $\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$, $\EndStartsOnOwnLine$ and $\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$,
+ together with the associated YAML files in \crefrange{lst:env-mlb13}{lst:env-mlb16}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\linewidth}
+ \begin{cmhlistings}[style=tcblatex,escapeinside={(*@}{@*)}]{\texttt{env-mlb4.tex}}{lst:mlb4}
+before words(*@$\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$@*)
+body of myenv(*@$\EndStartsOnOwnLine$@*)
+after words
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.51\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-mlb13.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-mlb13.yaml}}{lst:env-mlb13}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-mlb14.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-mlb14.yaml}}{lst:env-mlb14}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-mlb15.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-mlb15.yaml}}{lst:env-mlb15}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/env-mlb16.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{env-mlb16.yaml}}{lst:env-mlb16}
+ \end{minipage}
+ After running the commands
+ \begin{commandshell} -m env-mlb4.tex -l env-mlb13.yaml -m env-mlb4.tex -l env-mlb14.yaml -m env-mlb4.tex -l env-mlb15.yaml -m env-mlb4.tex -l env-mlb16.yaml
+ we obtain the respective output in \crefrange{lst:env-mlb4-mod13}{lst:env-mlb4-mod16}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb4-mod13.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb4.tex} using \cref{lst:env-mlb13}}{lst:env-mlb4-mod13}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb4-mod14.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb4.tex} using \cref{lst:env-mlb14}}{lst:env-mlb4-mod14}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb4-mod15.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb4.tex} using \cref{lst:env-mlb15}}{lst:env-mlb4-mod15}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb4-mod16.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb4.tex} using \cref{lst:env-mlb16}}{lst:env-mlb4-mod16}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Notice that in:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \cref{lst:env-mlb4-mod13} the line break denoted by $\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ in
+ \cref{lst:mlb4} has been removed;
+ \item \cref{lst:env-mlb4-mod14} the line break denoted by $\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ in
+ \cref{lst:mlb4} has been removed;
+ \item \cref{lst:env-mlb4-mod15} the line break denoted by $\EndStartsOnOwnLine$ in
+ \cref{lst:mlb4} has been removed;
+ \item \cref{lst:env-mlb4-mod16} the line break denoted by $\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$ in
+ \cref{lst:mlb4} has been removed.
+ \end{itemize}
+ We examined each of these cases separately for clarity of explanation, but you can
+ combine all of the YAML settings in \crefrange{lst:env-mlb13}{lst:env-mlb16} into one file;
+ alternatively, you could tell \texttt{} to load them all by using the
+ following command, for example
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{commandshell} -m env-mlb4.tex -l env-mlb13.yaml,env-mlb14.yaml,env-mlb15.yaml,env-mlb16.yaml
+ \end{widepage}
+ which gives the output in \vref{lst:env-mlb1-tex}.
+\subsubsection{About trailing horizontal space}
+ Recall that on \cpageref{yaml:removeTrailingWhitespace} we discussed the YAML field
+ \texttt{removeTrailingWhitespace}, and that it has two (binary) switches to determine if
+ horizontal space should be removed \texttt{beforeProcessing} and
+ \texttt{afterProcessing}. The \texttt{beforeProcessing} is particularly relevant
+ when considering the \texttt{-m} switch; let's consider the file shown
+ in \cref{lst:mlb5}, which highlights trailing spaces.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \begin{cmhlistings}[style=tcblatex,showspaces=true,escapeinside={(*@}{@*)}]{\texttt{env-mlb5.tex}}{lst:mlb5}
+before words (*@$\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$@*)
+\begin{myenv} (*@$\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$@*)
+body of myenv (*@$\EndStartsOnOwnLine$@*)
+\end{myenv} (*@$\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$@*)
+after words
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/removeTWS-before.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{removeTWS-before.yaml}}{lst:removeTWS-before}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ The output from the following commands
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{commandshell} -m env-mlb5.tex -l env-mlb13.yaml,env-mlb14.yaml,env-mlb15.yaml,env-mlb16.yaml -m env-mlb5.tex -l env-mlb13.yaml,env-mlb14.yaml,env-mlb15.yaml,env-mlb16.yaml,removeTWS-before.yaml
+ \end{widepage}
+ is shown, respectively, in \cref{lst:env-mlb5-modAll,lst:env-mlb5-modAll-remove-WS}; note that the trailing
+ horizontal white space has been preserved (by default) in \cref{lst:env-mlb5-modAll},
+ while in \cref{lst:env-mlb5-modAll-remove-WS}, it has been removed using the switch specified in
+ \cref{lst:removeTWS-before}.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showspaces=true]{demonstrations/env-mlb5-modAll.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb5.tex} using \crefrange{lst:env-mlb4-mod13}{lst:env-mlb4-mod16}}{lst:env-mlb5-modAll}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showspaces=true]{demonstrations/env-mlb5-modAll-remove-WS.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb5.tex} using \crefrange{lst:env-mlb4-mod13}{lst:env-mlb4-mod16} \emph{and} \cref{lst:removeTWS-before}}{lst:env-mlb5-modAll-remove-WS}
+ \end{widepage}
+\subsubsection{poly-switch line break removal and blank lines}
+ Now let's consider the file in \cref{lst:mlb6}, which contains blank lines.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \begin{cmhlistings}[style=tcblatex,escapeinside={(*@}{@*)}]{\texttt{env-mlb6.tex}}{lst:mlb6}
+before words(*@$\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$@*)
+body of myenv(*@$\EndStartsOnOwnLine$@*)
+after words
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/UnpreserveBlankLines.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{UnpreserveBlankLines.yaml}}{lst:UnpreserveBlankLines}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Upon running the following commands
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{commandshell} -m env-mlb6.tex -l env-mlb13.yaml,env-mlb14.yaml,env-mlb15.yaml,env-mlb16.yaml -m env-mlb6.tex -l env-mlb13.yaml,env-mlb14.yaml,env-mlb15.yaml,env-mlb16.yaml,UnpreserveBlankLines.yaml
+ \end{widepage}
+ we receive the respective outputs in \cref{lst:env-mlb6-modAll,lst:env-mlb6-modAll-un-Preserve-Blank-Lines}. In
+ \cref{lst:env-mlb6-modAll} we see that the multiple blank lines have each been
+ condensed into one blank line, but that blank lines have \emph{not}
+ been removed by the poly-switches -- this is because, by default,
+ \texttt{preserveBlankLines} is set to \texttt{1}. By contrast, in
+ \cref{lst:env-mlb6-modAll-un-Preserve-Blank-Lines}, we have allowed the poly-switches to remove blank lines
+ because, in \cref{lst:UnpreserveBlankLines}, we have set \texttt{preserveBlankLines} to
+ \texttt{0}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[ raster left skip=-3.5cm,
+ raster right skip=-2cm,
+ raster force size=false,
+ raster column 1/.style={add to width=-.2\textwidth},
+ raster column 2/.style={add to width=.2\textwidth},
+ raster column skip=.06\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb6-modAll.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb6.tex} using \crefrange{lst:env-mlb4-mod13}{lst:env-mlb4-mod16}}{lst:env-mlb6-modAll}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb6-modAll-un-Preserve-Blank-Lines.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb6.tex} using \crefrange{lst:env-mlb4-mod13}{lst:env-mlb4-mod16} \emph{and} \cref{lst:UnpreserveBlankLines}}{lst:env-mlb6-modAll-un-Preserve-Blank-Lines}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ We can explore this further using the blank-line poly-switch value of
+ $3$; let's use the file given in \cref{lst:env-mlb7-tex}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb7.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb7.tex}}{lst:env-mlb7-tex}
+ Upon running the following commands
+ \begin{commandshell} -m env-mlb7.tex -l env-mlb12.yaml,env-mlb13.yaml -m env-mlb7.tex -l env-mlb13.yaml,env-mlb14.yaml,UnpreserveBlankLines.yaml
+ we receive the outputs given in \cref{lst:env-mlb7-preserve,lst:env-mlb7-no-preserve}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb7-preserve.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb7-preserve.tex}}{lst:env-mlb7-preserve}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/env-mlb7-no-preserve.tex}{\texttt{env-mlb7-no-preserve.tex}}{lst:env-mlb7-no-preserve}
+ Notice that in:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \cref{lst:env-mlb7-preserve} that \lstinline!\end{one}! has added a blank line,
+ because of the value of \texttt{EndFinishesWithLineBreak} in \vref{lst:env-mlb12}, and
+ even though the line break ahead of \lstinline!\begin{two}! should have been removed
+ (because of \texttt{BeginStartsOnOwnLine} in \vref{lst:env-mlb13}), the blank line
+ has been preserved by default;
+ \item \cref{lst:env-mlb7-no-preserve}, by contrast, has had the additional line-break removed,
+ because of the settings in \cref{lst:UnpreserveBlankLines}.
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsection{Poly-switches for double back slash}\label{subsec:dbs}
+ With reference to \texttt{lookForAlignDelims} (see \vref{lst:aligndelims:basic})%
+ \announce*{2019-07-13}{poly-switch for double back slash} you can
+ specify poly-switches to dictate the line-break behaviour of double back slashes in
+ environments (\vref{lst:tabularafter:basic}), commands (\vref{lst:matrixafter}), or
+ special code blocks (\vref{lst:specialafter}). Note that for these poly-switches to
+ take effect, the name of the code block must necessarily be specified within
+ \texttt{lookForAlignDelims} (\vref{lst:aligndelims:basic}); we will demonstrate this in what follows.
+ Consider the code given in \cref{lst:dbs-demo}.
+ \begin{cmhlistings}*[style=tcblatex,escapeinside={(*@}{@*)}]{\texttt{tabular3.tex}}{lst:dbs-demo}
+ 1 & 2 (*@$\ElseStartsOnOwnLine$@*)\\(*@$\ElseFinishesWithLineBreak$@*) 3 & 4 (*@$\ElseStartsOnOwnLine$@*)\\(*@$\ElseFinishesWithLineBreak$@*)
+ Referencing \cref{lst:dbs-demo}:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \texttt{DBS} stands for \emph{double back slash};
+ \item line breaks ahead of the double back slash are annotated by $\ElseStartsOnOwnLine$,
+ and are controlled by \texttt{DBSStartsOnOwnLine};
+ \item line breaks after the double back slash are annotated by $\ElseFinishesWithLineBreak$, and
+ are controlled by \texttt{DBSFinishesWithLineBreak}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Let's explore each of these in turn.
+\subsubsection{Double back slash starts on own line}
+ We explore \texttt{DBSStartsOnOwnLine} ($\ElseStartsOnOwnLine$ in \cref{lst:dbs-demo}); starting with the code in
+ \cref{lst:dbs-demo}, together with the YAML files given in
+ \cref{lst:DBS1} and \cref{lst:DBS2} and running the following
+ commands
+ \begin{commandshell} -m tabular3.tex -l DBS1.yaml -m tabular3.tex -l DBS2.yaml
+ then we receive the respective output given in \cref{lst:tabular3-DBS1} and
+ \cref{lst:tabular3-DBS2}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.01\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/tabular3-mod1.tex}{\texttt{tabular3.tex} using \cref{lst:DBS1}}{lst:tabular3-DBS1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/DBS1.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{DBS1.yaml}}{lst:DBS1}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.01\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/tabular3-mod2.tex}{\texttt{tabular3.tex} using \cref{lst:DBS2}}{lst:tabular3-DBS2}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/DBS2.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{DBS2.yaml}}{lst:DBS2}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ We note that
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \cref{lst:DBS1} specifies \texttt{DBSStartsOnOwnLine} for
+ \emph{every} environment (that is within \texttt{lookForAlignDelims},
+ \vref{yaml:lookforaligndelims});
+ the double back slashes from \cref{lst:dbs-demo} have been moved to their own
+ line in \cref{lst:tabular3-DBS1};
+ \item \cref{lst:DBS2} specifies \texttt{DBSStartsOnOwnLine} on a
+ \emph{per-name} basis for \texttt{tabular} (that is within \texttt{lookForAlignDelims}, \vref{yaml:lookforaligndelims});
+ the double back slashes from \cref{lst:dbs-demo} have been moved to their own
+ line in \cref{lst:tabular3-DBS2}, having added comment symbols before moving them.
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsubsection{Double back slash finishes with line break}
+ Let's now explore \texttt{DBSFinishesWithLineBreak} ($\ElseFinishesWithLineBreak$ in \cref{lst:dbs-demo}); starting with the code in
+ \cref{lst:dbs-demo}, together with the YAML files given in
+ \cref{lst:DBS3} and \cref{lst:DBS4} and running the following
+ commands
+ \begin{commandshell} -m tabular3.tex -l DBS3.yaml -m tabular3.tex -l DBS4.yaml
+ then we receive the respective output given in \cref{lst:tabular3-DBS3} and
+ \cref{lst:tabular3-DBS4}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.01\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/tabular3-mod3.tex}{\texttt{tabular3.tex} using \cref{lst:DBS3}}{lst:tabular3-DBS3}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/DBS3.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{DBS3.yaml}}{lst:DBS3}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.01\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/tabular3-mod4.tex}{\texttt{tabular3.tex} using \cref{lst:DBS4}}{lst:tabular3-DBS4}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/DBS4.yaml}[MLB-TCB]{\texttt{DBS4.yaml}}{lst:DBS4}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ We note that
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \cref{lst:DBS3} specifies \texttt{DBSFinishesWithLineBreak} for
+ \emph{every} environment (that is within \texttt{lookForAlignDelims},
+ \vref{yaml:lookforaligndelims});
+ the code following the double back slashes from \cref{lst:dbs-demo} has been
+ moved to their own line in \cref{lst:tabular3-DBS3};
+ \item \cref{lst:DBS4} specifies \texttt{DBSFinishesWithLineBreak} on a
+ \emph{per-name} basis for \texttt{tabular} (that is within \texttt{lookForAlignDelims}, \vref{yaml:lookforaligndelims});
+ the first double back slashes from \cref{lst:dbs-demo} have moved code following
+ them to their own line in \cref{lst:tabular3-DBS4}, having added comment symbols
+ before moving them; the final double back slashes have \emph{not} added
+ a line break as they are at the end of the body within the code block.
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsubsection{Double back slash poly switches for specialBeginEnd}
+ Let's explore the double back slash poly-switches for code blocks within
+ \texttt{specialBeginEnd} code blocks (\vref{lst:specialBeginEnd}); we begin with
+ the code within \cref{lst:special4}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/special4.tex}{\texttt{special4.tex}}{lst:special4}
+ Upon using the YAML settings in \cref{lst:DBS5}, and running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -m special4.tex -l DBS5.yaml
+ then we receive the output given in \cref{lst:special4-DBS5}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[
+ raster force size=false,
+ raster column 1/.style={add to width=-.1\textwidth},
+ raster column skip=.06\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/special4-mod5.tex}{\texttt{special4.tex} using \cref{lst:DBS5}}{lst:special4-DBS5}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/DBS5.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=0.6\textwidth]{\texttt{DBS5.yaml}}{lst:DBS5}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ There are a few things to note:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item in \cref{lst:DBS5} we have specified \texttt{cmhMath} within
+ \texttt{lookForAlignDelims}; without this, the double back slash poly-switches would be
+ ignored for this code block;
+ \item the \texttt{DBSFinishesWithLineBreak} poly-switch has controlled the line breaks following the
+ double back slashes;
+ \item the \texttt{SpecialEndStartsOnOwnLine} poly-switch has controlled the addition of a comment
+ symbol, followed by a line break, as it is set to a value of 2.
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsubsection{Double back slash poly switches for optional and mandatory arguments}
+ For clarity, we provide a demonstration of controlling the double back slash
+ poly-switches for optional and mandatory arguments. We begin with the code in
+ \cref{lst:mycommand2}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/mycommand2.tex}{\texttt{mycommand2.tex}}{lst:mycommand2}
+ Upon using the YAML settings in \cref{lst:DBS6,lst:DBS7}, and running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -m mycommand2.tex -l DBS6.yaml -m mycommand2.tex -l DBS7.yaml
+ then we receive the output given in \cref{lst:mycommand2-DBS6,lst:mycommand2-DBS7}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[
+ raster force size=false,
+ raster column 1/.style={add to width=-.1\textwidth},
+ raster column skip=.03\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/mycommand2-mod6.tex}{\texttt{mycommand2.tex} using \cref{lst:DBS6}}{lst:mycommand2-DBS6}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/DBS6.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=0.6\textwidth]{\texttt{DBS6.yaml}}{lst:DBS6}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[
+ raster force size=false,
+ raster column 1/.style={add to width=-.1\textwidth},
+ raster column skip=.03\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/mycommand2-mod7.tex}{\texttt{mycommand2.tex} using \cref{lst:DBS7}}{lst:mycommand2-DBS7}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/DBS7.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=0.6\textwidth]{\texttt{DBS7.yaml}}{lst:DBS7}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+\subsubsection{Double back slash optional square brackets}
+ The pattern matching for the double back slash will also, optionally, allow trailing
+ square brackets that contain a measurement of vertical spacing, for example
+ \lstinline!\\[3pt]!.
+ For example, beginning with the code in \cref{lst:pmatrix3}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/pmatrix3.tex}{\texttt{pmatrix3.tex}}{lst:pmatrix3}
+ and running the following command, using \cref{lst:DBS3},
+ \begin{commandshell} -m pmatrix3.tex -l DBS3.yaml
+ then we receive the output given in \cref{lst:pmatrix3-DBS3}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/pmatrix3-mod3.tex}{\texttt{pmatrix3.tex} using \cref{lst:DBS3}}{lst:pmatrix3-DBS3}
+ You can customise the pattern for the double back slash by exploring the
+ \emph{fine tuning} field detailed in \vref{lst:fineTuning}.
+\subsection{Poly-switches for other code blocks}
+ Rather than repeat the examples shown for the environment code blocks (in
+ \vref{sec:modifylinebreaks-environments}), we choose to detail the poly-switches for all other code
+ blocks in \cref{tab:poly-switch-mapping}; note that each and every one of these
+ poly-switches is \emph{off by default}, i.e, set to \texttt{0}.
+ Note also that, by design, line breaks involving, \texttt{filecontents} and
+ `comment-marked' code blocks (\vref{lst:alignmentmarkup}) can
+ \emph{not} be modified using
+ \texttt{}.%
+ \announce{2019-05-05}*{verbatim poly-switch} However, there are two poly-switches available for
+ \texttt{verbatim} code blocks: environments (\vref{lst:verbatimEnvironments}),
+ commands (\vref{lst:verbatimCommands}) and \texttt{specialBeginEnd} (\vref{lst:special-verb1-yaml}).
+ \clearpage
+ \begin{longtable}{llll}
+ \caption{Poly-switch mappings for all code-block types}\label{tab:poly-switch-mapping} \\
+ \toprule
+ Code block & Sample & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Poly-switch mapping} \\
+ \midrule
+ environment & \verb!before words!$\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & BeginStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & \verb!\begin{myenv}!$\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & BodyStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & \verb!body of myenv!$\EndStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\EndStartsOnOwnLine$ & EndStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & \verb!\end{myenv}!$\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$ & $\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$ & EndFinishesWithLineBreak \\
+ & \verb!after words! & & \\
+ \cmidrule{2-4}
+ ifelsefi & \verb!before words!$\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & IfStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & \verb!\if...!$\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & BodyStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & \verb!body of if/or statement!$\OrStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\OrStartsOnOwnLine$ & OrStartsOnOwnLine %
+ \announce{2018-04-27}{new ifElseFi code block poly-switches} \\
+ & \verb!\or!$\OrFinishesWithLineBreak$ & $\OrFinishesWithLineBreak$ & OrFinishesWithLineBreak \\
+ & \verb!body of if/or statement!$\ElseStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\ElseStartsOnOwnLine$ & ElseStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & \verb!\else!$\ElseFinishesWithLineBreak$ & $\ElseFinishesWithLineBreak$ & ElseFinishesWithLineBreak \\
+ & \verb!body of else statement!$\EndStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\EndStartsOnOwnLine$ & FiStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & \verb!\fi!$\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$ & $\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$ & FiFinishesWithLineBreak \\
+ & \verb!after words! & & \\
+ \cmidrule{2-4}
+ optionalArguments & \verb!...!$\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & LSqBStartsOnOwnLine\footnote{LSqB stands for Left Square Bracket} \\
+ & \verb![!$\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & OptArgBodyStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ \announce*{2019-07-13}{new comma-related poly-switches} & \verb!value before comma!$\ElseStartsOnOwnLine$, & $\ElseStartsOnOwnLine$ & CommaStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & $\ElseFinishesWithLineBreak$ & $\ElseFinishesWithLineBreak$ & CommaFinishesWithLineBreak \\
+ & \verb!end of body of opt arg!$\EndStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\EndStartsOnOwnLine$ & RSqBStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & \verb!]!$\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$ & $\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$ & RSqBFinishesWithLineBreak \\
+ & \verb!...! & & \\
+ \cmidrule{2-4}
+ mandatoryArguments & \verb!...!$\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & LCuBStartsOnOwnLine\footnote{LCuB stands for Left Curly Brace} \\
+ & \verb!{!$\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & MandArgBodyStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ \announce*{2019-07-13}{new comma-related poly-switches} & \verb!value before comma!$\ElseStartsOnOwnLine$, & $\ElseStartsOnOwnLine$ & CommaStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & $\ElseFinishesWithLineBreak$ & $\ElseFinishesWithLineBreak$ & CommaFinishesWithLineBreak \\
+ & \verb!end of body of mand arg!$\EndStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\EndStartsOnOwnLine$ & RCuBStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & \verb!}!$\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$ & $\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$ & RCuBFinishesWithLineBreak \\
+ & \verb!...! & & \\
+ \cmidrule{2-4}
+ commands & \verb!before words!$\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & CommandStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & \verb!\mycommand!$\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & CommandNameFinishesWithLineBreak \\
+ & $\langle$\itshape{arguments}$\rangle$ & & \\
+ \cmidrule{2-4}
+ namedGroupingBraces Brackets & before words$\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & NameStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & myname$\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & NameFinishesWithLineBreak \\
+ & $\langle$\itshape{braces/brackets}$\rangle$ & & \\
+ \cmidrule{2-4}
+ keyEqualsValuesBraces\newline Brackets & before words$\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & KeyStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & key$\EqualsStartsOnOwnLine$=$\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\EqualsStartsOnOwnLine$ & EqualsStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & $\langle$\itshape{braces/brackets}$\rangle$ & $\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & EqualsFinishesWithLineBreak \\
+ \cmidrule{2-4}
+ items & before words$\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & ItemStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & \verb!\item!$\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & ItemFinishesWithLineBreak \\
+ & \verb!...! & & \\
+ \cmidrule{2-4}
+ specialBeginEnd & before words$\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & SpecialBeginStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & \verb!\[!$\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\BodyStartsOnOwnLine$ & SpecialBodyStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & \verb!body of special/middle!$\ElseStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\ElseStartsOnOwnLine$ & SpecialMiddleStartsOnOwnLine %
+ \announce{2018-04-27}{new special code block poly-switches} \\
+ & \verb!\middle!$\ElseFinishesWithLineBreak$ & $\ElseFinishesWithLineBreak$ & SpecialMiddleFinishesWithLineBreak \\
+ & body of special/middle $\EndStartsOnOwnLine$ & $\EndStartsOnOwnLine$ & SpecialEndStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ & \verb!\]!$\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$ & $\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$ & SpecialEndFinishesWithLineBreak \\
+ & after words & & \\
+ \cmidrule{2-4}
+ verbatim & before words$\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$\verb!\begin{verbatim}! & $\BeginStartsOnOwnLine$ & VerbatimBeginStartsOnOwnLine \\
+ \announce{2019-05-05}{verbatim poly-switches} & body of verbatim \verb!\end{verbatim}!$\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$ & $\EndFinishesWithLineBreak$ & VerbatimEndFinishesWithLineBreak \\
+ & after words & & \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{longtable}
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/subsec-commands-and-their-options.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsec-commands-and-their-options.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1184bf3a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsec-commands-and-their-options.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\subsection{Commands and the strings between their arguments}\label{subsec:commands-string-between}
+ The \texttt{command} code blocks will always look for optional (square bracketed)
+ and mandatory (curly braced) arguments which can contain comments, line breaks and
+ `beamer' commands \lstinline!<.*?>! between them. There are switches that can allow
+ them to contain other strings, which we discuss next.
+ The \texttt{commandCodeBlocks} field%
+ \announce{2018-04-27}*{commandCodeBlocks}
+ contains a few switches detailed in \cref{lst:commandCodeBlocks}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=commandCodeBlocks]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{commandCodeBlocks}}{lst:commandCodeBlocks}
+ The need for this field was mostly motivated by commands found in code used to generate
+ images in \texttt{PSTricks} and \texttt{tikz}; for example, let's consider
+ the code given in \cref{lst:pstricks1}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/pstricks1.tex}{\texttt{pstricks1.tex}}{lst:pstricks1}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/pstricks1-default.tex}{\texttt{pstricks1} default output}{lst:pstricks1-default}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Notice that the \lstinline!\defFunction! command has an optional argument, followed by a
+ mandatory argument, followed by a round-parenthesis argument, $(u,v)$.
+ By default, because \texttt{roundParenthesesAllowed} is set to $1$ in
+ \cref{lst:commandCodeBlocks}, then \texttt{} will allow round parenthesis between
+ optional and mandatory arguments. In the case of the code in \cref{lst:pstricks1},
+ \texttt{} finds \emph{all} the arguments of
+ \lstinline!defFunction!, both before and after \lstinline!(u,v)!.
+ The default output from running \texttt{} on \cref{lst:pstricks1} actually
+ leaves it unchanged (see \cref{lst:pstricks1-default}); note in particular, this is because of
+ \texttt{noAdditionalIndentGlobal} as discussed on \cpageref{page:command:noAddGlobal}.
+ Upon using the YAML settings in \cref{lst:noRoundParentheses}, and running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} pstricks1.tex -l noRoundParentheses.yaml
+ we obtain the output given in \cref{lst:pstricks1-nrp}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/pstricks1-nrp.tex}{\texttt{pstricks1.tex} using \cref{lst:noRoundParentheses}}{lst:pstricks1-nrp}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/noRoundParentheses.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{noRoundParentheses.yaml}}{lst:noRoundParentheses}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Notice the difference between \cref{lst:pstricks1-default} and \cref{lst:pstricks1-nrp}; in
+ particular, in \cref{lst:pstricks1-nrp}, because round parentheses are
+ \emph{not} allowed, \texttt{} finds that the
+ \lstinline!\defFunction! command finishes at the first opening round parenthesis. As such,
+ the remaining braced, mandatory, arguments are found to be \texttt{UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets} (see \vref{tab:code-blocks}) which,
+ by default, assume indentation for their body, and hence the tabbed indentation in
+ \cref{lst:pstricks1-nrp}.
+ Let's explore this using the YAML given in \cref{lst:defFunction} and run the command
+ \begin{commandshell} pstricks1.tex -l defFunction.yaml
+ then the output is as in \cref{lst:pstricks1-indent-rules}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showspaces=true]{demonstrations/pstricks1-indent-rules.tex}{\texttt{pstricks1.tex} using \cref{lst:defFunction}}{lst:pstricks1-indent-rules}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/defFunction.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{defFunction.yaml}}{lst:defFunction}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Notice in \cref{lst:pstricks1-indent-rules} that the \emph{body} of the
+ \lstinline!defFunction! command i.e, the subsequent lines containing arguments after the
+ command name, have received the single space of indentation specified by
+ \cref{lst:defFunction}.
+ \texttt{tikz} users may well specify code such as that given in
+ \cref{lst:tikz-node1}; processing this code using
+ \texttt{} gives the default output in \cref{lst:tikz-node1-default}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[columns=fixed]*{demonstrations/tikz-node1.tex}{\texttt{tikz-node1.tex}}{lst:tikz-node1}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[columns=fixed]*{demonstrations/tikz-node1-default.tex}{\texttt{tikz-node1} default output}{lst:tikz-node1-default}
+ \end{minipage}
+ With reference to \vref{lst:commandCodeBlocks}, we see that the strings
+ \begin{quote}
+ to, node, ++
+ \end{quote}
+ are all allowed to appear between arguments; importantly, you are encouraged to add
+ further names to this field as necessary. This means that when \texttt{}
+ processes \cref{lst:tikz-node1}, it consumes:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item the optional argument \lstinline![thin]!
+ \item the round-bracketed argument \lstinline!(c)! because \texttt{roundParenthesesAllowed} is
+ $1$ by default
+ \item the string \lstinline!to! (specified in \texttt{stringsAllowedBetweenArguments})
+ \item the optional argument \lstinline![in=110,out=-90]!
+ \item the string \lstinline!++! (specified in \texttt{stringsAllowedBetweenArguments})
+ \item the round-bracketed argument \lstinline!(0,-0.5cm)! because \texttt{roundParenthesesAllowed} is
+ $1$ by default
+ \item the string \lstinline!node! (specified in \texttt{stringsAllowedBetweenArguments})
+ \item the optional argument \lstinline![below,align=left,scale=0.5]!
+ \end{itemize}
+ We can explore this further, for example using \cref{lst:draw} and running the
+ command
+ \begin{commandshell} tikz-node1.tex -l draw.yaml
+ we receive the output given in \cref{lst:tikz-node1-draw}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showspaces=true]{demonstrations/tikz-node1-draw.tex}{\texttt{tikz-node1.tex} using \cref{lst:draw}}{lst:tikz-node1-draw}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/draw.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{draw.yaml}}{lst:draw}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Notice that each line after the \lstinline!\draw! command (its `body') in
+ \cref{lst:tikz-node1-draw} has been given the appropriate two-spaces worth of indentation
+ specified in \cref{lst:draw}.
+ Let's compare this with the output from using the YAML settings in
+ \cref{lst:no-strings}, and running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} tikz-node1.tex -l no-strings.yaml
+ given in \cref{lst:tikz-node1-no-strings}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/tikz-node1-no-strings.tex}{\texttt{tikz-node1.tex} using \cref{lst:no-strings}}{lst:tikz-node1-no-strings}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/no-strings.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{no-strings.yaml}}{lst:no-strings}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ In this case, \texttt{} sees that:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item the \lstinline!\draw! command finishes after the \lstinline!(c)!, as
+ \texttt{stringsAllowedBetweenArguments} has been set to $0$ so there are no strings
+ allowed between arguments;
+ \item it finds a \texttt{namedGroupingBracesBrackets} called \texttt{to} (see \vref{tab:code-blocks}) \emph{with}
+ argument \lstinline![in=110,out=-90]!
+ \item it finds another \texttt{namedGroupingBracesBrackets} but this time called \texttt{node} with
+ argument \lstinline![below,align=left,scale=0.5]!
+ \end{itemize}
+ Referencing \vref{lst:commandCodeBlocks},%
+ \announce{2018-04-27}*{amalgamate feature in commandCodeBlocks}, we see that the first field in the \texttt{stringsAllowedBetweenArguments} is
+ \texttt{amalgamate} and is set to \texttt{1} by default. This is for
+ users who wish to specify their settings in multiple YAML files. For example, by using
+ the settings in either \cref{lst:amalgamate-demo} or\cref{lst:amalgamate-demo1} is equivalent to
+ using the settings in \cref{lst:amalgamate-demo2}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster columns=3,
+ raster left skip=-3.5cm,
+ raster right skip=-2cm,
+ raster column skip=.03\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/amalgamate-demo.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{amalgamate-demo.yaml}}{lst:amalgamate-demo}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/amalgamate-demo1.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{amalgamate-demo1.yaml}}{lst:amalgamate-demo1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/amalgamate-demo2.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{amalgamate-demo2.yaml}}{lst:amalgamate-demo2}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ We specify \texttt{amalgamate} to be set to \texttt{0} and in which case
+ any settings loaded prior to those specified, including the default, will be overwritten.
+ For example, using the settings in \cref{lst:amalgamate-demo3} means that only the strings
+ specified in that field will be used.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/amalgamate-demo3.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{amalgamate-demo3.yaml}}{lst:amalgamate-demo3}
+ It is important to note that the \texttt{amalgamate} field, if used, must be in the
+ first field, and specified using the syntax given in \cref{lst:amalgamate-demo1,lst:amalgamate-demo2,lst:amalgamate-demo3}.
+ We may explore this feature further with the code in \cref{lst:for-each}, whose
+ default output is given in \cref{lst:for-each-default}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/for-each.tex}{\texttt{for-each.tex}}{lst:for-each}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/for-each-default.tex}{\texttt{for-each} default output}{lst:for-each-default}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Let's compare this with the output from using the YAML settings in
+ \cref{lst:foreach}, and running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} for-each.tex -l foreach.yaml
+ given in \cref{lst:for-each-mod1}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/for-each-mod1.tex}{\texttt{for-each.tex} using \cref{lst:foreach}}{lst:for-each-mod1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/foreach.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{foreach.yaml}}{lst:foreach}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ You might like to compare the output given in \cref{lst:for-each-default} and
+ \cref{lst:for-each-mod1}. Note,in particular, in \cref{lst:for-each-default} that the
+ \texttt{foreach} command has not included any of the subsequent strings, and that
+ the braces have been treated as a \texttt{namedGroupingBracesBrackets}. In \cref{lst:for-each-mod1} the
+ \texttt{foreach} command has been allowed to have \lstinline!\x/\y! and
+ \texttt{in} between arguments because of the settings given in
+ \cref{lst:foreach}.
+ There are some special command names%
+ \announce{2018-04-27}*{commandNameSpecial} that do not fit within the names recognised by
+ \texttt{}, the first one of which is \lstinline!\@ifnextchar[!. From the
+ perspective of \texttt{}, the whole of the text \lstinline!\@ifnextchar[! is
+ a command, because it is immediately followed by sets of mandatory arguments. However,
+ without the \texttt{commandNameSpecial} field, \texttt{} would not be able to
+ label it as such, because the \lstinline![! is, necessarily, not matched by a
+ closing \lstinline!]!.
+ For example, consider the sample file in \cref{lst:ifnextchar}, which has default
+ output in \cref{lst:ifnextchar-default}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/ifnextchar.tex}{\texttt{ifnextchar.tex}}{lst:ifnextchar}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/ifnextchar-default.tex}{\texttt{ifnextchar.tex} default output}{lst:ifnextchar-default}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Notice that in \cref{lst:ifnextchar-default} the \texttt{parbox} command has been able
+ to indent its body, because \texttt{} has successfully found the command
+ \lstinline!\@ifnextchar! first; the pattern-matching of \texttt{} starts
+ from \emph{the inner most <thing> and works outwards}, discussed in more detail on \cpageref{page:phases}.
+ For demonstration, we can compare this output with that given in \cref{lst:ifnextchar-off}
+ in which the settings from \cref{lst:no-ifnextchar} have dictated that no special command
+ names, including the \lstinline!\@ifnextchar[! command, should not be searched for
+ specially; as such, the \texttt{parbox} command has been \emph{unable}
+ to indent its body successfully, because the \lstinline!\@ifnextchar[! command has not been
+ found.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/ifnextchar-off.tex}{\texttt{ifnextchar.tex} using \cref{lst:no-ifnextchar}}{lst:ifnextchar-off}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/no-ifnextchar.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{no-ifnextchar.yaml}}{lst:no-ifnextchar}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ The \texttt{amalgamate} field can be used for \texttt{commandNameSpecial}, just as for
+ \texttt{stringsAllowedBetweenArguments}. The same condition holds as stated previously, which we state
+ again here:
+ \begin{warning}
+ It is important to note that the \texttt{amalgamate} field, if used, in either \texttt{commandNameSpecial} or \texttt{stringsAllowedBetweenArguments} must be in the first field,
+ and specified using the syntax given in \cref{lst:amalgamate-demo1,lst:amalgamate-demo2,lst:amalgamate-demo3}.
+ \end{warning}
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/subsec-conflicting-poly-switches.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsec-conflicting-poly-switches.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25ebe3efaa
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+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsec-conflicting-poly-switches.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\subsection{Conflicting poly-switches: sequential code blocks}
+ It is very easy to have conflicting poly-switches; if we use the example from
+ \vref{lst:mycommand1}, and consider the YAML settings given in \cref{lst:mycom-mlb4}.
+ The output from running
+ \begin{commandshell} -m -l=mycom-mlb4.yaml mycommand1.tex
+ is given in \cref{lst:mycom-mlb4}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mycommand1-mlb4.tex}{\texttt{mycommand1.tex} using \cref{lst:mycom-mlb4}}{lst:mycommand1-mlb4}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/mycom-mlb4.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=\linewidth]{\texttt{mycom-mlb4.yaml}}{lst:mycom-mlb4}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Studying \cref{lst:mycom-mlb4}, we see that the two poly-switches are at opposition with
+ one another:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item on the one hand, \texttt{LCuBStartsOnOwnLine} should \emph{not} start on its own line
+ (as poly-switch is set to $-1$);
+ \item on the other hand, \texttt{RCuBFinishesWithLineBreak} \emph{should} finish with a line break.
+ \end{itemize}
+ So, which should win the conflict? As demonstrated in \cref{lst:mycommand1-mlb4}, it is clear
+ that \texttt{LCuBStartsOnOwnLine} won this conflict, and the reason is that
+ \emph{the second argument was processed after the first} -- in general, the most recently-processed code block and
+ associated poly-switch takes priority.
+ We can explore this further by considering the YAML settings in \cref{lst:mycom-mlb5};
+ upon running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -m -l=mycom-mlb5.yaml mycommand1.tex
+ we obtain the output given in \cref{lst:mycommand1-mlb5}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mycommand1-mlb5.tex}{\texttt{mycommand1.tex} using \cref{lst:mycom-mlb5}}{lst:mycommand1-mlb5}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/mycom-mlb5.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=\linewidth]{\texttt{mycom-mlb5.yaml}}{lst:mycom-mlb5}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ As previously, the most-recently-processed code block takes priority -- as before, the
+ second (i.e, \emph{last}) argument. Exploring this further, we consider the
+ YAML settings in \cref{lst:mycom-mlb6}, which give associated output in
+ \cref{lst:mycommand1-mlb6}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mycommand1-mlb6.tex}{\texttt{mycommand1.tex} using \cref{lst:mycom-mlb6}}{lst:mycommand1-mlb6}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/mycom-mlb6.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=\linewidth]{\texttt{mycom-mlb6.yaml}}{lst:mycom-mlb6}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Note that a \lstinline!%! \emph{has} been added to the trailing
+ first \lstinline!}!; this is because:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item while processing the \emph{first} argument, the trailing line break has been
+ removed (\texttt{RCuBFinishesWithLineBreak} set to $-1$);
+ \item while processing the \emph{second} argument, \texttt{} finds that
+ it does \emph{not} begin on its own line, and so because
+ \texttt{LCuBStartsOnOwnLine} is set to $2$, it adds a comment, followed by a
+ line break.
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsection{Conflicting poly-switches: nested code blocks}
+ Now let's consider an example when nested code blocks have conflicting poly-switches;
+ we'll use the code in \cref{lst:nested-env}, noting that it contains nested
+ environments.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/nested-env.tex}{\texttt{nested-env.tex}}{lst:nested-env}
+ Let's use the YAML settings given in \cref{lst:nested-env-mlb1-yaml}, which upon running the
+ command
+ \begin{commandshell} -m -l=nested-env-mlb1.yaml nested-env.tex
+ gives the output in \cref{lst:nested-env-mlb1}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.05\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/nested-env-mlb1.tex}{\texttt{nested-env.tex} using \cref{lst:nested-env-mlb1-yaml}}{lst:nested-env-mlb1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/nested-env-mlb1.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=\linewidth]{\texttt{nested-env-mlb1.yaml}}{lst:nested-env-mlb1-yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ In \cref{lst:nested-env-mlb1}, let's first of all note that both environments have received
+ the appropriate (default) indentation; secondly, note that the poly-switch
+ \texttt{EndStartsOnOwnLine} appears to have won the conflict, as \lstinline!\end{one}! has
+ had its leading line break removed.
+ To understand it, let's talk about the three basic phases \label{page:phases}of
+ \texttt{}:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Phase 1: packing, in which code blocks are replaced with unique ids, working from
+ \emph{the inside to the outside}, and then sequentially -- for example, in \cref{lst:nested-env},
+ the \texttt{two} environment is found \emph{before} the
+ \texttt{one} environment; if the -m switch is active, then during this phase:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item line breaks at the beginning of the \texttt{body} can be added (if
+ \texttt{BodyStartsOnOwnLine} is $1$ or $2$) or removed (if
+ \texttt{BodyStartsOnOwnLine} is $-1$);
+ \item line breaks at the end of the body can be added (if \texttt{EndStartsOnOwnLine} is
+ $1$ or $2$) or removed (if \texttt{EndStartsOnOwnLine} is
+ $-1$);
+ \item line breaks after the end statement can be added (if \texttt{EndFinishesWithLineBreak} is
+ $1$ or $2$).
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item Phase 2: indentation, in which white space is added to the begin, body, and end
+ statements;
+ \item Phase 3: unpacking, in which unique ids are replaced by their \emph{indented} code
+ blocks; if the -m switch is active, then during this phase,
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item line breaks before \texttt{begin} statements can be added or removed (depending
+ upon \texttt{BeginStartsOnOwnLine});
+ \item line breaks after \emph{end} statements can be removed but
+ \emph{NOT} added (see \texttt{EndFinishesWithLineBreak}).
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ With reference to \cref{lst:nested-env-mlb1}, this means that during Phase 1:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item the \texttt{two} environment is found first, and the line break ahead of the
+ \lstinline!\end{two}! statement is removed because \texttt{EndStartsOnOwnLine} is set to
+ $-1$. Importantly, because, \emph{at this stage},
+ \lstinline!\end{two}! \emph{does} finish with a line break,
+ \texttt{EndFinishesWithLineBreak} causes no action.
+ \item next, the \texttt{one} environment is found; the line break ahead of
+ \lstinline!\end{one}! is removed because \texttt{EndStartsOnOwnLine} is set to
+ $-1$.
+ \end{itemize}
+ The indentation is done in Phase 2; in Phase 3 \emph{there is no option to add a line break after the \lstinline!end! statements}. We can justify
+ this by remembering that during Phase 3, the \texttt{one} environment will be
+ found and processed first, followed by the \texttt{two} environment. If the
+ \texttt{two} environment were to add a line break after the
+ \lstinline!\end{two}! statement, then \texttt{} would have no way of
+ knowing how much indentation to add to the subsequent text (in this case,
+ \lstinline!\end{one}!).
+ We can explore this further using the poly-switches in \cref{lst:nested-env-mlb2}; upon
+ running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -m -l=nested-env-mlb2.yaml nested-env.tex
+ we obtain the output given in \cref{lst:nested-env-mlb2-output}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/nested-env-mlb2.tex}{\texttt{nested-env.tex} using \cref{lst:nested-env-mlb2}}{lst:nested-env-mlb2-output}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/nested-env-mlb2.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=\linewidth]{\texttt{nested-env-mlb2.yaml}}{lst:nested-env-mlb2}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ During Phase 1:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item the \texttt{two} environment is found first, and the line break ahead of the
+ \lstinline!\end{two}! statement is not changed because \texttt{EndStartsOnOwnLine} is set to
+ $1$. Importantly, because, \emph{at this stage},
+ \lstinline!\end{two}! \emph{does} finish with a line break,
+ \texttt{EndFinishesWithLineBreak} causes no action.
+ \item next, the \texttt{one} environment is found; the line break ahead of
+ \lstinline!\end{one}! is already present, and no action is needed.
+ \end{itemize}
+ The indentation is done in Phase 2, and then in Phase 3, the \texttt{one}
+ environment is found and processed first, followed by the \texttt{two}
+ environment. \emph{At this stage}, the \texttt{two} environment finds
+ \texttt{EndFinishesWithLineBreak} is $-1$, so it removes the trailing line break;
+ remember, at this point, \texttt{} has completely finished with the
+ \texttt{one} environment.
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/subsec-noAdditionalIndent-indentRules.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsec-noAdditionalIndent-indentRules.tex
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+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsec-noAdditionalIndent-indentRules.tex
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+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\subsection{noAdditionalIndent and indentRules}\label{sec:noadd-indent-rules}
+ \texttt{} operates on files by looking for code blocks, as detailed in
+ \vref{subsubsec:code-blocks};
+ for each type of code block in \vref{tab:code-blocks} (which we will call a \emph{$\langle$thing$\rangle$} in what follows) it searches YAML fields for
+ information in the following order:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} for the \emph{name} of the current \emph{$\langle$thing$\rangle$};
+ \item \texttt{indentRules} for the \emph{name} of the current \emph{$\langle$thing$\rangle$};
+ \item \texttt{noAdditionalIndentGlobal} for the \emph{type} of the current \emph{$\langle$thing$\rangle$};
+ \item \texttt{indentRulesGlobal} for the \emph{type} of the current
+ \emph{$\langle$thing$\rangle$}.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ Using the above list, the first piece of information to be found will be used; failing
+ that, the value of \texttt{defaultIndent} is used. If information is found in multiple
+ fields, the first one according to the list above will be used; for example, if
+ information is present in both \texttt{indentRules} and in \texttt{noAdditionalIndentGlobal}, then
+ the information from \texttt{indentRules} takes priority.
+ We now present details for the different type of code blocks known to
+ \texttt{}, as detailed in \vref{tab:code-blocks}; for reference, there
+ follows a list of the code blocks covered.
+ \startcontents[noAdditionalIndent]
+ \printcontents[noAdditionalIndent]{}{0}{}
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/subsec-partnering-poly-switches.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsec-partnering-poly-switches.tex
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+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\subsection{Partnering BodyStartsOnOwnLine with argument-based poly-switches}
+ Some poly-switches need to be partnered together; in particular, when line breaks
+ involving the \emph{first} argument of a code block need to be accounted for
+ using both \texttt{BodyStartsOnOwnLine} (or its equivalent, see \vref{tab:poly-switch-mapping}) and \texttt{LCuBStartsOnOwnLine} for mandatory arguments, and
+ \texttt{LSqBStartsOnOwnLine} for optional arguments.
+ Let's begin with the code in \cref{lst:mycommand1} and the YAML settings in
+ \cref{lst:mycom-mlb1}; with reference to \vref{tab:poly-switch-mapping}, the key
+ \texttt{CommandNameFinishesWithLineBreak} is an alias for \texttt{BodyStartsOnOwnLine}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mycommand1.tex}{\texttt{mycommand1.tex}}{lst:mycommand1}
+ Upon running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} -m -l=mycom-mlb1.yaml mycommand1.tex
+ we obtain \cref{lst:mycommand1-mlb1}; note that the \emph{second} mandatory argument
+ beginning brace \lstinline!{! has had its leading line break removed, but that
+ the \emph{first} brace has not.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[
+ raster force size=false,
+ raster column 1/.style={add to width=-1cm},
+ ]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mycommand1-mlb1.tex}{\texttt{mycommand1.tex} using \cref{lst:mycom-mlb1}}{lst:mycommand1-mlb1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/mycom-mlb1.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=.6\textwidth]{\texttt{mycom-mlb1.yaml}}{lst:mycom-mlb1}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Now let's change the YAML file so that it is as in \cref{lst:mycom-mlb2}; upon running
+ the analogous command to that given above, we obtain \cref{lst:mycommand1-mlb2}; both
+ beginning braces \lstinline!{! have had their leading line breaks removed.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[
+ raster force size=false,
+ raster column 1/.style={add to width=-1cm},
+ ]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mycommand1-mlb2.tex}{\texttt{mycommand1.tex} using \cref{lst:mycom-mlb2}}{lst:mycommand1-mlb2}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/mycom-mlb2.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=.6\textwidth]{\texttt{mycom-mlb2.yaml}}{lst:mycom-mlb2}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Now let's change the YAML file so that it is as in \cref{lst:mycom-mlb3}; upon running
+ the analogous command to that given above, we obtain \cref{lst:mycommand1-mlb3}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[
+ raster force size=false,
+ raster column 1/.style={add to width=-1cm},
+ ]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mycommand1-mlb3.tex}{\texttt{mycommand1.tex} using \cref{lst:mycom-mlb3}}{lst:mycommand1-mlb3}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/mycom-mlb3.yaml}[MLB-TCB,width=.6\textwidth]{\texttt{mycom-mlb3.yaml}}{lst:mycom-mlb3}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-commands-with-arguments.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-commands-with-arguments.tex
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\subsubsection{Commands with arguments}\label{subsubsec:commands-arguments}
+ Let's begin with the simple example in \cref{lst:mycommand}; when
+ \texttt{} operates on this file, the default output is shown in
+ \cref{lst:mycommand-default}. \footnote{The command code blocks
+ have quite a few subtleties, described in \vref{subsec:commands-string-between}.}
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mycommand.tex}{\texttt{mycommand.tex}}{lst:mycommand}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mycommand-default.tex}{\texttt{mycommand.tex} default output}{lst:mycommand-default}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ As in the environment-based case (see \vref{lst:myenv-noAdd1,lst:myenv-noAdd2}) we may specify
+ \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} either in `scalar' form, or in `field' form, as shown in
+ \cref{lst:mycommand-noAdd1,lst:mycommand-noAdd2}
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd1.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{mycommand-noAdd1.yaml}}{lst:mycommand-noAdd1}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd2.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{mycommand-noAdd2.yaml}}{lst:mycommand-noAdd2}
+ \end{minipage}
+ After running the following commands,
+ \begin{commandshell} mycommand.tex -l mycommand-noAdd1.yaml mycommand.tex -l mycommand-noAdd2.yaml
+ we receive the respective output given in \cref{lst:mycommand-output-noAdd1,lst:mycommand-output-noAdd2}
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd1.tex}{\texttt{mycommand.tex} using \cref{lst:mycommand-noAdd1}}{lst:mycommand-output-noAdd1}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd2.tex}{\texttt{mycommand.tex} using \cref{lst:mycommand-noAdd2}}{lst:mycommand-output-noAdd2}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Note that in \cref{lst:mycommand-output-noAdd1} that the `body', optional argument
+ \emph{and} mandatory argument have \emph{all} received no
+ additional indentation, while in \cref{lst:mycommand-output-noAdd2}, only the `body' has not received
+ any additional indentation. We define the `body' of a command as any lines following the
+ command name that include its optional or mandatory arguments.
+ We may further customise \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} for \texttt{mycommand} as we did in
+ \vref{lst:myenv-noAdd5,lst:myenv-noAdd6}; explicit examples are given in \cref{lst:mycommand-noAdd3,lst:mycommand-noAdd4}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd3.yaml}[width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{mycommand-noAdd3.yaml}}{lst:mycommand-noAdd3}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd4.yaml}[width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{mycommand-noAdd4.yaml}}{lst:mycommand-noAdd4}
+ \end{minipage}
+ After running the following commands,
+ \begin{commandshell} mycommand.tex -l mycommand-noAdd3.yaml mycommand.tex -l mycommand-noAdd4.yaml
+ we receive the respective output given in \cref{lst:mycommand-output-noAdd3,lst:mycommand-output-noAdd4}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd3.tex}{\texttt{mycommand.tex} using \cref{lst:mycommand-noAdd3}}{lst:mycommand-output-noAdd3}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd4.tex}{\texttt{mycommand.tex} using \cref{lst:mycommand-noAdd4}}{lst:mycommand-output-noAdd4}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Attentive readers will note that the body of \texttt{mycommand} in both
+ \cref{lst:mycommand-output-noAdd3,lst:mycommand-output-noAdd4} has received no additional indent, even though
+ \texttt{body} is explicitly set to \texttt{0} in both
+ \cref{lst:mycommand-noAdd3,lst:mycommand-noAdd4}. This is because, by default, \texttt{noAdditionalIndentGlobal} for
+ \texttt{commands} is set to \texttt{1} by default; this can be easily
+ fixed as in \cref{lst:mycommand-noAdd5,lst:mycommand-noAdd6}.\label{page:command:noAddGlobal}
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd5.yaml}[width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{mycommand-noAdd5.yaml}}{lst:mycommand-noAdd5}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd6.yaml}[width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{mycommand-noAdd6.yaml}}{lst:mycommand-noAdd6}
+ \end{minipage}
+ After running the following commands,
+ \begin{commandshell} mycommand.tex -l mycommand-noAdd5.yaml mycommand.tex -l mycommand-noAdd6.yaml
+ we receive the respective output given in \cref{lst:mycommand-output-noAdd5,lst:mycommand-output-noAdd6}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd5.tex}{\texttt{mycommand.tex} using \cref{lst:mycommand-noAdd5}}{lst:mycommand-output-noAdd5}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd6.tex}{\texttt{mycommand.tex} using \cref{lst:mycommand-noAdd6}}{lst:mycommand-output-noAdd6}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Both \texttt{indentRules} and \texttt{indentRulesGlobal} can be adjusted as they were for
+ \emph{environment} code blocks, as in \vref{lst:myenv-rules3,lst:myenv-rules4} and
+ \vref{lst:indentRulesGlobal:environments,lst:opt-args-indent-rules-glob,lst:mand-args-indent-rules-glob}.
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-environments-and-their-arguments.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-environments-and-their-arguments.tex
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@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\subsubsection{Environments and their arguments}\label{subsubsec:env-and-their-args}
+ There are a few different YAML switches governing the indentation of environments; let's
+ start with the code shown in \cref{lst:myenvtex}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/myenvironment-simple.tex}{\texttt{myenv.tex}}{lst:myenvtex}
+ If we do not wish \texttt{myenv} to receive any additional indentation, we have a
+ few choices available to us, as demonstrated in \cref{lst:myenv-noAdd1,lst:myenv-noAdd2}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/myenv-noAdd1.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{myenv-noAdd1.yaml}}{lst:myenv-noAdd1}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/myenv-noAdd2.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{myenv-noAdd2.yaml}}{lst:myenv-noAdd2}
+ \end{minipage}
+ On applying either of the following commands,
+ \begin{commandshell} myenv.tex -l myenv-noAdd1.yaml myenv.tex -l myenv-noAdd2.yaml
+ we obtain the output given in \cref{lst:myenv-output}; note in particular that the
+ environment \texttt{myenv} has not received any \emph{additional}
+ indentation, but that the \texttt{outer} environment \emph{has} still
+ received indentation.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/myenvironment-simple-noAdd-body1.tex}{\texttt{myenv.tex} output (using either \cref{lst:myenv-noAdd1} or \cref{lst:myenv-noAdd2})}{lst:myenv-output}
+ Upon changing the YAML files to those shown in \cref{lst:myenv-noAdd3,lst:myenv-noAdd4}, and running either
+ \begin{commandshell} myenv.tex -l myenv-noAdd3.yaml myenv.tex -l myenv-noAdd4.yaml
+ we obtain the output given in \cref{lst:myenv-output-4}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/myenv-noAdd3.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{myenv-noAdd3.yaml}}{lst:myenv-noAdd3}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/myenv-noAdd4.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{myenv-noAdd4.yaml}}{lst:myenv-noAdd4}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/myenvironment-simple-noAdd-body4.tex}{\texttt{myenv.tex output} (using either \cref{lst:myenv-noAdd3} or \cref{lst:myenv-noAdd4})}{lst:myenv-output-4}
+ Let's now allow \texttt{myenv} to have some optional and mandatory arguments, as
+ in \cref{lst:myenv-args}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/myenvironment-args.tex}{\texttt{myenv-args.tex}}{lst:myenv-args}
+ Upon running
+ \begin{commandshell} -l=myenv-noAdd1.yaml myenv-args.tex
+ we obtain the output shown in \cref{lst:myenv-args-noAdd1}; note that the optional argument,
+ mandatory argument and body \emph{all} have received no additional indent.
+ This is because, when \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} is specified in `scalar' form (as in
+ \cref{lst:myenv-noAdd1}), then \emph{all} parts of the environment (body,
+ optional and mandatory arguments) are assumed to want no additional indent.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/myenvironment-args-noAdd-body1.tex}{\texttt{myenv-args.tex} using \cref{lst:myenv-noAdd1}}{lst:myenv-args-noAdd1}
+ We may customise \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} for optional and mandatory arguments of the
+ \texttt{myenv} environment, as shown in, for example, \cref{lst:myenv-noAdd5,lst:myenv-noAdd6}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/myenv-noAdd5.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{myenv-noAdd5.yaml}}{lst:myenv-noAdd5}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/myenv-noAdd6.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{myenv-noAdd6.yaml}}{lst:myenv-noAdd6}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Upon running
+ \begin{commandshell} myenv.tex -l myenv-noAdd5.yaml myenv.tex -l myenv-noAdd6.yaml
+ we obtain the respective outputs given in \cref{lst:myenv-args-noAdd5,lst:myenv-args-noAdd6}. Note that in
+ \cref{lst:myenv-args-noAdd5} the text for the \emph{optional} argument has not
+ received any additional indentation, and that in \cref{lst:myenv-args-noAdd6} the
+ \emph{mandatory} argument has not received any additional indentation; in both
+ cases, the \emph{body} has not received any additional indentation.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/myenvironment-args-noAdd5.tex}{\texttt{myenv-args.tex} using \cref{lst:myenv-noAdd5}}{lst:myenv-args-noAdd5}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/myenvironment-args-noAdd6.tex}{\texttt{myenv-args.tex} using \cref{lst:myenv-noAdd6}}{lst:myenv-args-noAdd6}
+ \end{minipage}
+ We may also specify indentation rules for environment code blocks using the
+ \texttt{indentRules} field; see, for example, \cref{lst:myenv-rules1,lst:myenv-rules2}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/myenv-rules1.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{myenv-rules1.yaml}}{lst:myenv-rules1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/myenv-rules2.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{myenv-rules2.yaml}}{lst:myenv-rules2}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ On applying either of the following commands,
+ \begin{commandshell} myenv.tex -l myenv-rules1.yaml myenv.tex -l myenv-rules2.yaml
+ we obtain the output given in \cref{lst:myenv-rules-output}; note in particular that the
+ environment \texttt{myenv} has received one tab (from the
+ \texttt{outer} environment) plus three spaces from \cref{lst:myenv-rules1} or
+ \ref{lst:myenv-rules2}.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showtabs=true,showspaces=true]{demonstrations/myenv-rules1.tex}{\texttt{myenv.tex} output (using either \cref{lst:myenv-rules1} or \cref{lst:myenv-rules2})}{lst:myenv-rules-output}
+ If you specify a field in \texttt{indentRules} using anything other than horizontal
+ space, it will be ignored.
+ Returning to the example in \cref{lst:myenv-args} that contains optional and mandatory
+ arguments. Upon using \cref{lst:myenv-rules1} as in
+ \begin{commandshell} myenv-args.tex -l=myenv-rules1.yaml
+ we obtain the output in \cref{lst:myenv-args-rules1}; note that the body, optional argument
+ and mandatory argument of \texttt{myenv} have \emph{all} received
+ the same customised indentation. \cmhlistingsfromfile[showtabs=true,showspaces=true]{demonstrations/myenvironment-args-rules1.tex}{\texttt{myenv-args.tex} using \cref{lst:myenv-rules1}}{lst:myenv-args-rules1}
+ You can specify different indentation rules for the different features using, for
+ example, \cref{lst:myenv-rules3,lst:myenv-rules4}
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/myenv-rules3.yaml}[width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{myenv-rules3.yaml}}{lst:myenv-rules3}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/myenv-rules4.yaml}[width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{myenv-rules4.yaml}}{lst:myenv-rules4}
+ \end{minipage}
+ After running
+ \begin{commandshell} myenv-args.tex -l myenv-rules3.yaml myenv-args.tex -l myenv-rules4.yaml
+ then we obtain the respective outputs given in \cref{lst:myenv-args-rules3,lst:myenv-args-rules4}.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showtabs=true,showspaces=true]{demonstrations/myenvironment-args-rules3.tex}{\texttt{myenv-args.tex} using \cref{lst:myenv-rules3}}{lst:myenv-args-rules3}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showtabs=true,showspaces=true]{demonstrations/myenvironment-args-rules4.tex}{\texttt{myenv-args.tex} using \cref{lst:myenv-rules4}}{lst:myenv-args-rules4}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{widepage}
+ Note that in \cref{lst:myenv-args-rules3}, the optional argument has only received a single
+ space of indentation, while the mandatory argument has received the default (tab)
+ indentation; the environment body has received three spaces of indentation.
+ In \cref{lst:myenv-args-rules4}, the optional argument has received the default (tab)
+ indentation, the mandatory argument has received two tabs of indentation, and the body
+ has received three spaces of indentation.
+ \begin{wrapfigure}[6]{r}[0pt]{7cm}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=noAdditionalIndentGlobalEnv]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{noAdditionalIndentGlobal}}{lst:noAdditionalIndentGlobal:environments}
+ \end{wrapfigure}
+ Assuming that your environment name is not found within neither \texttt{noAdditionalIndent}
+ nor \texttt{indentRules}, the next place that \texttt{} will look is
+ \texttt{noAdditionalIndentGlobal}, and in particular \emph{for the environments} key (see
+ \cref{lst:noAdditionalIndentGlobal:environments}). Let's say that you change the value of \texttt{environments}
+ to \texttt{1} in \cref{lst:noAdditionalIndentGlobal:environments}, and that you run
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{commandshell} myenv-args.tex -l env-noAdditionalGlobal.yaml myenv-args.tex -l myenv-rules1.yaml,env-noAdditionalGlobal.yaml
+ \end{widepage}
+ The respective output from these two commands are in \cref{lst:myenv-args-no-add-global1,lst:myenv-args-no-add-global2}; in
+ \cref{lst:myenv-args-no-add-global1} notice that \emph{both} environments receive no
+ additional indentation but that the arguments of \texttt{myenv} still
+ \emph{do} receive indentation. In \cref{lst:myenv-args-no-add-global2} notice that the
+ \emph{outer} environment does not receive additional indentation, but because
+ of the settings from \texttt{myenv-rules1.yaml} (in \vref{lst:myenv-rules1}), the \texttt{myenv} environment
+ still \emph{does} receive indentation.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/myenvironment-args-rules1-noAddGlobal1.tex}{\texttt{myenv-args.tex} using \cref{lst:noAdditionalIndentGlobal:environments}}{lst:myenv-args-no-add-global1}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/myenvironment-args-rules1-noAddGlobal2.tex}{\texttt{myenv-args.tex} using \cref{lst:noAdditionalIndentGlobal:environments,lst:myenv-rules1}}{lst:myenv-args-no-add-global2}
+ \end{minipage}
+ In fact, \texttt{noAdditionalIndentGlobal} also contains keys that control the indentation of
+ optional and mandatory arguments; on referencing \cref{lst:opt-args-no-add-glob,lst:mand-args-no-add-glob}
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/opt-args-no-add-glob.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{opt-args-no-add-glob.yaml}}{lst:opt-args-no-add-glob}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/mand-args-no-add-glob.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{mand-args-no-add-glob.yaml}}{lst:mand-args-no-add-glob}
+ \end{minipage}
+ we may run the commands
+ \begin{commandshell} myenv-args.tex -local opt-args-no-add-glob.yaml myenv-args.tex -local mand-args-no-add-glob.yaml
+ which produces the respective outputs given in \cref{lst:myenv-args-no-add-opt,lst:myenv-args-no-add-mand}. Notice that in
+ \cref{lst:myenv-args-no-add-opt} the \emph{optional} argument has not received any
+ additional indentation, and in \cref{lst:myenv-args-no-add-mand} the \emph{mandatory}
+ argument has not received any additional indentation.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/myenvironment-args-rules1-noAddGlobal3.tex}{\texttt{myenv-args.tex} using \cref{lst:opt-args-no-add-glob}}{lst:myenv-args-no-add-opt}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/myenvironment-args-rules1-noAddGlobal4.tex}{\texttt{myenv-args.tex} using \cref{lst:mand-args-no-add-glob}}{lst:myenv-args-no-add-mand}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{wrapfigure}[4]{r}[0pt]{7cm}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=indentRulesGlobalEnv]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{indentRulesGlobal}}{lst:indentRulesGlobal:environments}
+ \end{wrapfigure}
+ The final check that \texttt{} will make is to look for
+ \texttt{indentRulesGlobal} as detailed in \cref{lst:indentRulesGlobal:environments}; if you change the
+ \texttt{environments} field to anything involving horizontal space, say
+ \lstinline!" "!, and then run the following commands
+ \begin{commandshell} myenv-args.tex -l env-indentRules.yaml myenv-args.tex -l myenv-rules1.yaml,env-indentRules.yaml
+ then the respective output is shown in \cref{lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global1,lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global2}. Note that in
+ \cref{lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global1}, both the environment blocks have received a single-space
+ indentation, whereas in \cref{lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global2} the \texttt{outer} environment
+ has received single-space indentation (specified by \texttt{indentRulesGlobal}), but
+ \texttt{myenv} has received \lstinline!" "!, as specified by the
+ particular \texttt{indentRules} for \texttt{myenv} \vref{lst:myenv-rules1}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showspaces=true]{demonstrations/myenvironment-args-global-rules1.tex}{\texttt{myenv-args.tex} using \cref{lst:indentRulesGlobal:environments}}{lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global1}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showspaces=true]{demonstrations/myenvironment-args-global-rules2.tex}{\texttt{myenv-args.tex} using \cref{lst:myenv-rules1,lst:indentRulesGlobal:environments}}{lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global2}
+ \end{minipage}
+ You can specify \texttt{indentRulesGlobal} for both optional and mandatory arguments, as
+ detailed in \cref{lst:opt-args-indent-rules-glob,lst:mand-args-indent-rules-glob}
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/opt-args-indent-rules-glob.yaml}[width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{opt-args-indent-rules-glob.yaml}}{lst:opt-args-indent-rules-glob}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/mand-args-indent-rules-glob.yaml}[width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{mand-args-indent-rules-glob.yaml}}{lst:mand-args-indent-rules-glob}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Upon running the following commands
+ \begin{commandshell} myenv-args.tex -local opt-args-indent-rules-glob.yaml myenv-args.tex -local mand-args-indent-rules-glob.yaml
+ we obtain the respective outputs in \cref{lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global3,lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global4}. Note that the
+ \emph{optional} argument in \cref{lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global3} has received two tabs worth
+ of indentation, while the \emph{mandatory} argument has done so in
+ \cref{lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global4}.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{minipage}{.55\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showtabs=true]{demonstrations/myenvironment-args-global-rules3.tex}{\texttt{myenv-args.tex} using \cref{lst:opt-args-indent-rules-glob}}{lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global3}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.55\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showtabs=true]{demonstrations/myenvironment-args-global-rules4.tex}{\texttt{myenv-args.tex} using \cref{lst:mand-args-indent-rules-glob}}{lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global4}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{widepage}
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-environments-with-items.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-environments-with-items.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cc53e654f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-environments-with-items.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\subsubsection{Environments with items}
+ With reference to \vref{lst:indentafteritems,lst:itemNames}, some commands may contain
+ \texttt{item} commands; for the purposes of this discussion, we will use the
+ code from \vref{lst:itemsbefore}.
+ Assuming that you've populated \texttt{itemNames} with the name of your
+ \texttt{item}, you can put the item name into \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} as in
+ \cref{lst:item-noAdd1}, although a more efficient approach may be to change the relevant
+ field in \texttt{itemNames} to \texttt{0}. Similarly, you can customise
+ the indentation that your \texttt{item} receives using \texttt{indentRules},
+ as in \cref{lst:item-rules1}
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/item-noAdd1.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{item-noAdd1.yaml}}{lst:item-noAdd1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/item-rules1.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{item-rules1.yaml}}{lst:item-rules1}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Upon running the following commands
+ \begin{commandshell} items1.tex -local item-noAdd1.yaml items1.tex -local item-rules1.yaml
+ the respective outputs are given in \cref{lst:items1-noAdd1,lst:items1-rules1}; note that in
+ \cref{lst:items1-noAdd1} that the text after each \texttt{item} has not received
+ any additional indentation, and in \cref{lst:items1-rules1}, the text after each
+ \texttt{item} has received a single space of indentation, specified by
+ \cref{lst:item-rules1}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/items1-noAdd1.tex}{\texttt{items1.tex} using \cref{lst:item-noAdd1}}{lst:items1-noAdd1}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showtabs=true,showspaces=true]{demonstrations/items1-rules1.tex}{\texttt{items1.tex} using \cref{lst:item-rules1}}{lst:items1-rules1}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Alternatively, you might like to populate \texttt{noAdditionalIndentGlobal} or
+ \texttt{indentRulesGlobal} using the \texttt{items} key, as demonstrated in
+ \cref{lst:items-noAdditionalGlobal,lst:items-indentRulesGlobal}. Note that there is a need to `reset/remove' the
+ \texttt{item} field from \texttt{indentRules} in both cases (see the hierarchy
+ description given on \cpageref{sec:noadd-indent-rules}) as the \texttt{item} command is a
+ member of \texttt{indentRules} by default.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/items-noAdditionalGlobal.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{items-noAdditionalGlobal.yaml}}{lst:items-noAdditionalGlobal}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/items-indentRulesGlobal.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{items-indentRulesGlobal.yaml}}{lst:items-indentRulesGlobal}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Upon running the following commands,
+ \begin{commandshell} items1.tex -local items-noAdditionalGlobal.yaml items1.tex -local items-indentRulesGlobal.yaml
+ the respective outputs from \cref{lst:items1-noAdd1,lst:items1-rules1} are obtained; note, however, that
+ \emph{all} such \texttt{item} commands without their own individual
+ \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} or \texttt{indentRules} settings would behave as in these
+ listings.
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-headings.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-headings.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..088ece973d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-headings.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\subsubsection{afterHeading code blocks}\label{subsubsec-headings-no-add-indent-rules}
+ Let's use the example \cref{lst:headings2} for demonstration throughout this
+ \namecref{subsubsec-headings-no-add-indent-rules}. As discussed on \cpageref{lst:headings1}, by default
+ \texttt{} will not add indentation after headings.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/headings2.tex}{\texttt{headings2.tex}}{lst:headings2}
+ On using the YAML file in \cref{lst:headings3yaml} by running the command
+ \begin{commandshell} headings2.tex -l headings3.yaml
+ we obtain the output in \cref{lst:headings2-mod3}. Note that the argument of
+ \texttt{paragraph} has received (default) indentation, and that the body after the
+ heading statement has received (default) indentation.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/headings2-mod3.tex}{\texttt{headings2.tex} using \cref{lst:headings3yaml}}{lst:headings2-mod3}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/headings3.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{headings3.yaml}}{lst:headings3yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ If we specify \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} as in \cref{lst:headings4yaml} and run the command
+ \begin{commandshell} headings2.tex -l headings4.yaml
+ then we receive the output in \cref{lst:headings2-mod4}. Note that the arguments
+ \emph{and} the body after the heading of \texttt{paragraph} has received
+ no additional indentation, because we have specified \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} in scalar
+ form.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/headings2-mod4.tex}{\texttt{headings2.tex} using \cref{lst:headings4yaml}}{lst:headings2-mod4}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/headings4.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{headings4.yaml}}{lst:headings4yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Similarly, if we specify \texttt{indentRules} as in \cref{lst:headings5yaml} and run
+ analogous commands to those above, we receive the output in \cref{lst:headings2-mod5}; note
+ that the \emph{body}, \emph{mandatory argument} and content
+ \emph{after the heading} of \texttt{paragraph} have \emph{all} received
+ three tabs worth of indentation.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster force size=false,
+ raster column 1/.style={add to width=1cm},
+ raster column 2/.style={add to width=-1cm},
+ ]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showtabs=true]{demonstrations/headings2-mod5.tex}{\texttt{headings2.tex} using \cref{lst:headings5yaml}}{lst:headings2-mod5}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/headings5.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{headings5.yaml}}{lst:headings5yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ We may, instead, specify \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} in `field' form, as in
+ \cref{lst:headings6yaml} which gives the output in \cref{lst:headings2-mod6}.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/headings2-mod6.tex}{\texttt{headings2.tex} using \cref{lst:headings6yaml}}{lst:headings2-mod6}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/headings6.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{headings6.yaml}}{lst:headings6yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Analogously, we may specify \texttt{indentRules} as in \cref{lst:headings7yaml} which
+ gives the output in \cref{lst:headings2-mod7}; note that mandatory argument text has only
+ received a single space of indentation, while the body after the heading has received
+ three tabs worth of indentation.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showtabs=true]{demonstrations/headings2-mod7.tex}{\texttt{headings2.tex} using \cref{lst:headings7yaml}}{lst:headings2-mod7}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/headings7.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{headings7.yaml}}{lst:headings7yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ Finally, let's consider \texttt{noAdditionalIndentGlobal} and \texttt{indentRulesGlobal} shown in
+ \cref{lst:headings8yaml,lst:headings9yaml} respectively, with respective output in \cref{lst:headings2-mod8,lst:headings2-mod9}.
+ Note that in \cref{lst:headings8yaml} the \emph{mandatory argument} of \texttt{paragraph}
+ has received a (default) tab's worth of indentation, while the body after the heading has
+ received \emph{no additional indentation}. Similarly, in \cref{lst:headings2-mod9}, the
+ \emph{argument} has received both a (default) tab plus two spaces of indentation
+ (from the global rule specified in \cref{lst:headings9yaml}), and the remaining body after
+ \texttt{paragraph} has received just two spaces of indentation.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/headings2-mod8.tex}{\texttt{headings2.tex} using \cref{lst:headings8yaml}}{lst:headings2-mod8}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/headings8.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{headings8.yaml}}{lst:headings8yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showspaces=true,showtabs=true]{demonstrations/headings2-mod9.tex}{\texttt{headings2.tex} using \cref{lst:headings9yaml}}{lst:headings2-mod9}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/headings9.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{headings9.yaml}}{lst:headings9yaml}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-ifelsefi.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-ifelsefi.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7171bc752
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-ifelsefi.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\subsubsection{ifelsefi code blocks}
+ Let's use the simple example shown in \cref{lst:ifelsefi1}; when \texttt{}
+ operates on this file, the output as in \cref{lst:ifelsefi1-default}; note that the body of
+ each of the \lstinline!\if! statements have been indented, and that the
+ \lstinline!\else! statement has been accounted for correctly.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/ifelsefi1.tex}{\texttt{ifelsefi1.tex}}{lst:ifelsefi1}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.54\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/ifelsefi1-default.tex}{\texttt{ifelsefi1.tex} default output}{lst:ifelsefi1-default}
+ \end{minipage}
+ It is recommended to specify \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} and \texttt{indentRules} in the
+ `scalar' form only for these type of code blocks, although the `field' form would work,
+ assuming that \texttt{body} was specified. Examples are shown in
+ \cref{lst:ifnum-noAdd,lst:ifnum-indent-rules}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/ifnum-noAdd.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{ifnum-noAdd.yaml}}{lst:ifnum-noAdd}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/ifnum-indent-rules.yaml}[width=.8\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{ifnum-indent-rules.yaml}}{lst:ifnum-indent-rules}
+ \end{minipage}
+ After running the following commands,
+ \begin{commandshell} ifelsefi1.tex -local ifnum-noAdd.yaml ifelsefi1.tex -l ifnum-indent-rules.yaml
+ we receive the respective output given in \cref{lst:ifelsefi1-output-noAdd,lst:ifelsefi1-output-indent-rules}; note that in
+ \cref{lst:ifelsefi1-output-noAdd}, the \texttt{ifnum} code block has \emph{not}
+ received any additional indentation, while in \cref{lst:ifelsefi1-output-indent-rules}, the
+ \texttt{ifnum} code block has received one tab and two spaces of indentation.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/ifelsefi1-noAdd.tex}{\texttt{ifelsefi1.tex} using \cref{lst:ifnum-noAdd}}{lst:ifelsefi1-output-noAdd}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showspaces=true,showtabs=true]{demonstrations/ifelsefi1-indent-rules.tex}{\texttt{ifelsefi1.tex} using \cref{lst:ifnum-indent-rules}}{lst:ifelsefi1-output-indent-rules}
+ \end{minipage}
+ We may specify \texttt{noAdditionalIndentGlobal} and \texttt{indentRulesGlobal} as in
+ \cref{lst:ifelsefi-noAdd-glob,lst:ifelsefi-indent-rules-global}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/ifelsefi-noAdd-glob.yaml}[width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{ifelsefi-noAdd-glob.yaml}}{lst:ifelsefi-noAdd-glob}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/ifelsefi-indent-rules-global.yaml}[width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{ifelsefi-indent-rules-global.yaml}}{lst:ifelsefi-indent-rules-global}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Upon running the following commands
+ \begin{commandshell} ifelsefi1.tex -local ifelsefi-noAdd-glob.yaml ifelsefi1.tex -l ifelsefi-indent-rules-global.yaml
+ we receive the outputs in \cref{lst:ifelsefi1-output-noAdd-glob,lst:ifelsefi1-output-indent-rules-global}; notice that in \cref{lst:ifelsefi1-output-noAdd-glob}
+ neither of the \texttt{ifelsefi} code blocks have received indentation, while in
+ \cref{lst:ifelsefi1-output-indent-rules-global} both code blocks have received a single space of indentation.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/ifelsefi1-noAdd-glob.tex}{\texttt{ifelsefi1.tex} using \cref{lst:ifelsefi-noAdd-glob}}{lst:ifelsefi1-output-noAdd-glob}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showspaces=true]{demonstrations/ifelsefi1-indent-rules-global.tex}{\texttt{ifelsefi1.tex} using \cref{lst:ifelsefi-indent-rules-global}}{lst:ifelsefi1-output-indent-rules-global}
+ \end{minipage}
+ We can further explore the treatment of \texttt{ifElseFi} code
+ blocks%
+ \announce{2018-04-27}*{updates to ifElseFi code blocks} in \cref{lst:ifelsefi2},
+ and the associated default output given in \cref{lst:ifelsefi2-default}; note, in particular,
+ that the bodies of each of the `or statements' have been indented.
+ \begin{cmhtcbraster}[raster column skip=.1\linewidth]
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/ifelsefi2.tex}{\texttt{ifelsefi2.tex}}{lst:ifelsefi2}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/ifelsefi2-default.tex}{\texttt{ifelsefi2.tex} default output}{lst:ifelsefi2-default}
+ \end{cmhtcbraster}
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-no-add-remaining-code-blocks.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-no-add-remaining-code-blocks.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a91b4b0c98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-no-add-remaining-code-blocks.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\subsubsection{The remaining code blocks}
+ Referencing the different types of code blocks in \vref{tab:code-blocks}, we have a few
+ code blocks yet to cover; these are very similar to the \texttt{commands} code block
+ type covered comprehensively in \vref{subsubsec:commands-arguments}, but a small discussion defining
+ these remaining code blocks is necessary.
+ \paragraph{keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets}
+ \texttt{} defines this type of code block by the following criteria:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item it must immediately follow either \lstinline!{! OR \lstinline![! OR
+ \lstinline!,! with comments and blank lines allowed.
+ \item then it has a name made up of the characters detailed in \vref{tab:code-blocks};
+ \item then an $=$ symbol;
+ \item then at least one set of curly braces or square brackets (comments and line breaks
+ allowed throughout).
+ \end{itemize}
+ See the \texttt{keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets: follow} and \texttt{keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets: name} fields of the fine tuning
+ section in \vref{lst:fineTuning}%
+ \announce*{2019-07-13}{fine tuning: keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets}
+ An example is shown in \cref{lst:pgfkeysbefore}, with the default output given in
+ \cref{lst:pgfkeys1:default}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/pgfkeys1.tex}{\texttt{pgfkeys1.tex}}{lst:pgfkeysbefore}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showtabs=true]{demonstrations/pgfkeys1-default.tex}{\texttt{pgfkeys1.tex} default output}{lst:pgfkeys1:default}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ In \cref{lst:pgfkeys1:default}, note that the maximum indentation is three tabs, and these
+ come from:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item the \lstinline!\pgfkeys! command's mandatory argument;
+ \item the \lstinline!start coordinate/.initial! key's mandatory argument;
+ \item the \lstinline!start coordinate/.initial! key's body, which is defined as any lines following the name
+ of the key that include its arguments. This is the part controlled by the
+ \emph{body} field for \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} and friends from
+ \cpageref{sec:noadd-indent-rules}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \paragraph{namedGroupingBracesBrackets}
+ This type of code block is mostly motivated by tikz-based code; we define this code block
+ as follows:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item it must immediately follow either \emph{horizontal space} OR \emph{one or more line breaks} OR
+ \lstinline!{! OR \lstinline![! OR \lstinline!$! OR
+ \lstinline!)! OR \lstinline!(!
+ \item the name may contain the characters detailed in \vref{tab:code-blocks};
+ \item then at least one set of curly braces or square brackets (comments and line breaks
+ allowed throughout).
+ \end{itemize}
+ See the \texttt{NamedGroupingBracesBrackets: follow} and \texttt{NamedGroupingBracesBrackets: name} fields of the fine tuning
+ section in \vref{lst:fineTuning}%
+ \announce*{2019-07-13}{fine tuning: namedGroupingBracesBrackets}
+ A simple example is given in \cref{lst:child1}, with default output in
+ \cref{lst:child1:default}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/child1.tex}{\texttt{child1.tex}}{lst:child1}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showtabs=true]{demonstrations/child1-default.tex}{\texttt{child1.tex} default output}{lst:child1:default}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ In particular, \texttt{} considers \texttt{child},
+ \texttt{parent} and \texttt{node} all to be
+ \texttt{namedGroupingBracesBrackets}\footnote{
+ You may like to verify this by using the \texttt{-tt} option and checking \texttt{indent.log}! }. Referencing \cref{lst:child1:default}, note
+ that the maximum indentation is two tabs, and these come from:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item the \lstinline!child!'s mandatory argument;
+ \item the \lstinline!child!'s body, which is defined as any lines following the name of
+ the \texttt{namedGroupingBracesBrackets} that include its arguments. This is the part controlled by the
+ \emph{body} field for \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} and friends from
+ \cpageref{sec:noadd-indent-rules}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \paragraph{UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets} occur in a variety of situations; specifically, we define
+ this type of code block as satisfying the following criteria:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item it must immediately follow either \lstinline!{! OR \lstinline![! OR
+ \lstinline!,! OR \lstinline!&! OR \lstinline!)! OR
+ \lstinline!(! OR \lstinline!$!;
+ \item then at least one set of curly braces or square brackets (comments and line breaks
+ allowed throughout).
+ \end{itemize}
+ See the \texttt{UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets: follow} field of the fine tuning section in \vref{lst:fineTuning}%
+ \announce*{2019-07-13}{fine tuning: namedGroupingBracesBrackets}
+ An example is shown in \cref{lst:psforeach1} with default output give in
+ \cref{lst:psforeach:default}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/psforeach1.tex}{\texttt{psforeach1.tex}}{lst:psforeach1}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showtabs=true]{demonstrations/psforeach1-default.tex}{\texttt{psforeach1.tex} default output}{lst:psforeach:default}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ Referencing \cref{lst:psforeach:default}, there are \emph{three} sets of unnamed
+ braces. Note also that the maximum value of indentation is three tabs, and these come
+ from:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item the \lstinline!\psforeach! command's mandatory argument;
+ \item the \emph{first} un-named braces mandatory argument;
+ \item the \emph{first} un-named braces \emph{body}, which we define as any
+ lines following the first opening \lstinline!{! or \lstinline![! that
+ defined the code block. This is the part controlled by the \emph{body} field
+ for \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} and friends from \cpageref{sec:noadd-indent-rules}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Users wishing to customise the mandatory and/or optional arguments on a
+ \emph{per-name} basis for the \texttt{UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets} should use
+ \texttt{always-un-named}.
+ \paragraph{filecontents} code blocks behave just as \texttt{environments}, except that
+ neither arguments nor items are sought.
+ Having considered all of the different types of code blocks, the functions of the fields
+ given in \cref{lst:noAdditionalIndentGlobal,lst:indentRulesGlobal} should now make sense.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \begin{minipage}{.47\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=noAdditionalIndentGlobal]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{noAdditionalIndentGlobal}}{lst:noAdditionalIndentGlobal}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.47\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=indentRulesGlobal]*{../defaultSettings.yaml}[before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{indentRulesGlobal}}{lst:indentRulesGlobal}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \end{widepage}
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-special.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-special.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..378c4d1413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/subsubsec-special.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, files: [latexindent]}
+\subsubsection{specialBeginEnd code blocks}
+ Let's use the example from \vref{lst:specialbefore} which has default output shown in
+ \vref{lst:specialafter}.
+ It is recommended to specify \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} and \texttt{indentRules} in the
+ `scalar' form for these type of code blocks, although the `field' form would work,
+ assuming that \texttt{body} was specified. Examples are shown in
+ \cref{lst:displayMath-noAdd,lst:displayMath-indent-rules}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/displayMath-noAdd.yaml}[width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{displayMath-noAdd.yaml}}{lst:displayMath-noAdd}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/displayMath-indent-rules.yaml}[width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{displayMath-indent-rules.yaml}}{lst:displayMath-indent-rules}
+ \end{minipage}
+ After running the following commands,
+ \begin{commandshell} special1.tex -local displayMath-noAdd.yaml special1.tex -l displayMath-indent-rules.yaml
+ we receive the respective output given in \cref{lst:special1-output-noAdd,lst:special1-output-indent-rules}; note that in
+ \cref{lst:special1-output-noAdd}, the \texttt{displayMath} code block has \emph{not}
+ received any additional indentation, while in \cref{lst:special1-output-indent-rules}, the
+ \texttt{displayMath} code block has received three tabs worth of indentation.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/special1-noAdd.tex}{\texttt{special1.tex} using \cref{lst:displayMath-noAdd}}{lst:special1-output-noAdd}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showtabs=true]{demonstrations/special1-indent-rules.tex}{\texttt{special1.tex} using \cref{lst:displayMath-indent-rules}}{lst:special1-output-indent-rules}
+ \end{minipage}
+ We may specify \texttt{noAdditionalIndentGlobal} and \texttt{indentRulesGlobal} as in
+ \cref{lst:special-noAdd-glob,lst:special-indent-rules-global}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/special-noAdd-glob.yaml}[width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{special-noAdd-glob.yaml}}{lst:special-noAdd-glob}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.49\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[style=yaml-LST]*{demonstrations/special-indent-rules-global.yaml}[width=.9\linewidth,before=\centering,yaml-TCB]{\texttt{special-indent-rules-global.yaml}}{lst:special-indent-rules-global}
+ \end{minipage}
+ Upon running the following commands
+ \begin{commandshell} special1.tex -local special-noAdd-glob.yaml special1.tex -l special-indent-rules-global.yaml
+ we receive the outputs in \cref{lst:special1-output-noAdd-glob,lst:special1-output-indent-rules-global}; notice that in \cref{lst:special1-output-noAdd-glob}
+ neither of the \texttt{special} code blocks have received indentation, while in
+ \cref{lst:special1-output-indent-rules-global} both code blocks have received a single space of indentation.
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/special1-noAdd-glob.tex}{\texttt{special1.tex} using \cref{lst:special-noAdd-glob}}{lst:special1-output-noAdd-glob}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile[showspaces=true]{demonstrations/special1-indent-rules-global.tex}{\texttt{special1.tex} using \cref{lst:special-indent-rules-global}}{lst:special1-output-indent-rules-global}
+ \end{minipage}
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/title.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/title.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e0ae04a2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/title.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[
+ width=5.2cm,
+ boxrule=0pt,
+ colframe=white!40!black,
+ colback=white,
+ rightrule=2pt,
+ sharp corners,
+ enhanced,
+ overlay={\node[anchor=north east,outer sep=2pt] at ([xshift=3cm,yshift=4mm]frame.north east) {\includegraphics[width=3cm]{logo}}; }]
+ \centering\ttfamily\bfseries\\[1cm] Version 3.7
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+\author{Chris Hughes \thanks{and contributors!
+ See \vref{sec:contributors}.
+ For
+ all communication, please visit \cite{latexindent-home}.}}
+ \small
+ \texttt{} is a \texttt{Perl} script that indents \texttt{.tex} (and other) files according to an indentation scheme that the user can modify to suit their taste.
+ Environments, including those with alignment delimiters (such as \texttt{tabular}), and commands, including those that can split braces and brackets across lines, are \emph{usually} handled correctly by the script.
+ Options for \texttt{verbatim}-like environments and commands, together with indentation after headings (such as \lstinline!chapter!, \lstinline!section!, etc) are also available.
+ The script also has the ability to modify line breaks, and to add comment symbols and blank lines; furthermore, it permits string or
+ regex-based substitutions.
+ All user options are customisable via the switches and the YAML interface; you can find a quick start guide in \vref{sec:quickstart}.