path: root/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-appendices.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2022-01-22 03:01:16 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2022-01-22 03:01:16 +0000
commit26bfc07f2b7829213356de43cf5b81c3ba99e338 (patch)
treeefb3037df2c42c45c904ad131334e8fc626cea19 /support/latexindent/documentation/sec-appendices.tex
parent5d5f239204f5c0d1f7573c9ebc64b5ad1ae75b49 (diff)
CTAN sync 202201220301
Diffstat (limited to 'support/latexindent/documentation/sec-appendices.tex')
1 files changed, 549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-appendices.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-appendices.tex
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index 0000000000..b797f2ebcc
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+% arara: pdflatex: { files: [latexindent]}
+ \section{Required Perl modules}\label{sec:requiredmodules}
+ If you intend to use \texttt{} and \emph{not} one of the supplied
+ standalone executable files, then you will need a few standard Perl modules -- if you can
+ run the minimum code in \cref{lst:helloworld} (\texttt{perl}) then you will
+ be able to run \texttt{}, otherwise you may need to install the missing
+ modules -- see \cref{sec:module-installer,sec:manual-module-instal}.
+ \begin{cmhlistings}[style=tcblatex,language=Perl]{\texttt{}}{lst:helloworld}
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use utf8;
+use PerlIO::encoding;
+use Unicode::GCString;
+use open ':std', ':encoding(UTF-8)';
+use Text::Wrap;
+use Text::Tabs;
+use FindBin;
+use YAML::Tiny;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::HomeDir;
+use Encode;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use List::Util qw(max);
+print "hello world";
+ \subsection{Module installer script}\label{sec:module-installer}
+ \announce{2018-01-13}{perl module helper script} \texttt{} ships with a
+ helper script that will install any missing \texttt{perl} modules on your system; if you
+ run
+ \begin{commandshell}
+ or
+ \begin{dosprompt}
+ \end{dosprompt}
+ then, once you have answered \texttt{Y}, the appropriate modules will be installed onto
+ your distribution.
+ \subsection{Manually installing modules}\label{sec:manual-module-instal}
+ Manually installing the modules given in \cref{lst:helloworld} will vary depending on
+ your operating system and \texttt{Perl} distribution.
+ \subsubsection{Linux}
+ \paragraph{perlbrew}
+ Linux users may be interested in exploring Perlbrew \cite{perlbrew}; an example
+ installation would be:
+ \begin{commandshell}
+sudo apt-get install perlbrew
+perlbrew init
+perlbrew install perl-5.28.1
+perlbrew switch perl-5.28.1
+sudo apt-get install curl
+curl -L | perl - App::cpanminus
+cpanm YAML::Tiny
+cpanm File::HomeDir
+cpanm Unicode::GCString
+ \index{cpan}
+ \paragraph{Ubuntu/Debian}
+ For other distributions, the Ubuntu/Debian approach may work as follows
+ \begin{commandshell}
+sudo apt install perl
+sudo cpan -i App::cpanminus
+sudo cpanm YAML::Tiny
+sudo cpanm File::HomeDir
+sudo cpanm Unicode::GCString
+ or else by running, for example,
+ \begin{commandshell}
+sudo perl -MCPAN -e'install "File::HomeDir"'
+ \paragraph{Ubuntu: using the texlive from apt-get}
+ Ubuntu users that install texlive using \texttt{apt-get} as in the following
+ \begin{commandshell}
+sudo apt install texlive
+sudo apt install texlive-latex-recommended
+ may need the following additional command to work with \texttt{}
+ \begin{commandshell}
+sudo apt install texlive-extra-utils
+ \paragraph{Alpine}
+ If you are using Alpine, some \texttt{Perl} modules are not build-compatible with Alpine,
+ but replacements are available through \texttt{apk}. For example, you might use the
+ commands given in \cref{lst:alpine-install}; thanks to \cite{jun-sheaf} for providing
+ these details.
+ \begin{cmhlistings}[style=tcblatex,language=Bash]{\texttt{}}{lst:alpine-install}
+# Installing perl
+apk --no-cache add miniperl perl-utils
+# Installing incompatible latexindent perl dependencies via apk
+apk --no-cache add \
+ perl-log-dispatch \
+ perl-namespace-autoclean \
+ perl-specio \
+ perl-unicode-linebreak
+# Installing remaining latexindent perl dependencies via cpan
+apk --no-cache add curl wget make
+ls /usr/share/texmf-dist/scripts/latexindent
+cd /usr/local/bin && \
+ curl -L -o cpanm && \
+ chmod +x cpanm
+cpanm -n App::cpanminus
+cpanm -n File::HomeDir
+cpanm -n Params::ValidationCompiler
+cpanm -n YAML::Tiny
+cpanm -n Unicode::GCString
+ Users of NixOS might like to see
+ \href{}{}
+ for tips.
+ \subsubsection{Mac}
+ Users of the Macintosh operating system might like to explore the following commands, for
+ example:
+ \begin{commandshell}
+brew install perl
+brew install cpanm
+cpanm YAML::Tiny
+cpanm File::HomeDir
+cpanm Unicode::GCString
+ \subsubsection{Windows}
+ Strawberry Perl users on Windows might use \texttt{CPAN client}. All of the modules are
+ readily available on CPAN \cite{cpan}.
+ \texttt{indent.log} will contain details of the location
+ of the Perl modules on your system. \texttt{latexindent.exe} is a standalone executable
+ for Windows (and therefore does not require a Perl distribution) and caches copies of the
+ Perl modules onto your system; if you wish to see where they are cached, use the
+ \texttt{trace} option, e.g
+ \begin{dosprompt}
+latexindent.exe -t myfile.tex
+ \end{dosprompt}
+ \section{Updating the path variable}\label{sec:updating-path}
+ \texttt{} has a few scripts (available at \cite{latexindent-home}) that can
+ update the \texttt{path} variables. Thank you to \cite{jasjuang} for this feature. If
+ you're on a Linux or Mac machine, then you'll want \texttt{CMakeLists.txt} from
+ \cite{latexindent-home}.
+ \subsection{Add to path for Linux}
+ To add \texttt{} to the path for Linux, follow these steps:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item download \texttt{} and its associated modules,
+ \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml}, to your chosen directory from \cite{latexindent-home} ;
+ \item within your directory, create a directory called \texttt{path-helper-files} and download
+ \texttt{CMakeLists.txt} and \lstinline!! from
+ \cite{latexindent-home}/path-helper-files to this directory;
+ \item run
+ \begin{commandshell}
+ls /usr/local/bin
+ to see what is \emph{currently} in there;
+ \item run the following commands
+ \begin{commandshell}
+sudo apt-get install cmake
+sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install build-essential
+mkdir build && cd build
+cmake ../path-helper-files
+sudo make install
+ \item run
+ \begin{commandshell}
+ls /usr/local/bin
+ again to check that \texttt{}, its modules and
+ \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml} have been added.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ To \emph{remove} the files, run
+ \begin{commandshell}
+sudo make uninstall
+ \subsection{Add to path for Windows}
+ To add \texttt{latexindent.exe} to the path for Windows, follow these steps:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item download \texttt{latexindent.exe}, \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml},
+ \texttt{add-to-path.bat} from \cite{latexindent-home} to your chosen directory;
+ \item open a command prompt and run the following command to see what is \emph{currently} in
+ your \lstinline!%path%! variable;
+ \begin{dosprompt}
+echo %path%
+ \end{dosprompt}
+ \item right click on \texttt{add-to-path.bat} and \emph{Run as administrator};
+ \item log out, and log back in;
+ \item open a command prompt and run
+ \begin{dosprompt}
+echo %path%
+ \end{dosprompt}
+ to check that the appropriate directory has been added to your \lstinline!%path%!.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ To \emph{remove} the directory from your \lstinline!%path%!, run
+ \texttt{remove-from-path.bat} as administrator.
+ \section{latexindent-yaml-schema.json}
+ \texttt{}
+ \announce{2022-01-02}{latexindent-yaml-schema.json} ships with
+ \texttt{latexindent-yaml-schema.json}
+ which might help you when constructing your YAML files.
+ \index{json!schema for YAML files}
+ \subsection{VSCode demonstration}
+ To use \texttt{latexindent-yaml-schema.json} with \texttt{VSCode}, you can use the
+ following steps:
+ \index{VSCode}
+ \index{json!VSCode}
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item download \texttt{latexindent-yaml-schema.json} from the \texttt{documentation} folder of
+ \cite{latexindent-home}, save it in whichever directory you would like, noting it for
+ reference;
+ \item following the instructions from \cite{vscode-yaml-demo}, for example, you should install
+ the VSCode YAML extension \cite{vscode-yaml-extentions};
+ \item set up your \texttt{settings.json} file using the directory you saved the file by
+ adapting \cref{lst:settings.json}; on my Ubuntu laptop this file lives at
+ \texttt{/home/cmhughes/.config/Code/User/settings.json}.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/settings.json}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{settings.json}}{lst:settings.json}
+ \end{widepage}
+ Alternatively, if you would prefer not to download the json file, you might be able to
+ use an adapted version of \cref{lst:settings-alt.json}.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/settings-alt.json}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{settings-alt.json}}{lst:settings-alt.json}
+ \end{widepage}
+ Finally, if your TeX distribution is up to date, then
+ \texttt{latexindent-yaml-schema.json} \emph{should} be in the documentation folder of
+ your installation, so an adapted version of \cref{lst:settings-alt1.json} may work.
+ \begin{widepage}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/settings-alt1.json}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{settings-alt1.json}}{lst:settings-alt1.json}
+ \end{widepage}
+ If you have details of how to implement this schema in other editors, please feel
+ encouraged to contribute to this documentation.
+ \section{Using conda}\label{sec:app:conda}
+ If you use conda you'll only need
+ \begin{commandshell}
+conda install -c conda-forge
+ this will install the executable and all its dependencies (including perl) in the
+ activate environment. You don't even have to worry about \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml} as
+ it included too, you can thus skip \cref{sec:requiredmodules,sec:updating-path}.
+ \index{conda}
+ You can get a conda installation for example from \cite{conda} or from \cite{anacoda}.
+ \subsection{Sample conda installation on Ubuntu}
+ On Ubuntu I followed the 64-bit installation instructions at \cite{condainstallubuntu}
+ and then I ran the following commands:
+ \begin{commandshell}
+conda create -n
+conda activate
+conda install -c conda-forge
+conda info --envs
+conda list
+conda run -vv
+ I found the details given at \cite{condainstallhelp} to be helpful.
+ \section{pre-commit}
+ Users of \texttt{.git} may be interested
+ \announce*{2022-01-21}{pre-commit for} in
+ exploring the \texttt{pre-commit} tool \cite{pre-commithome}, which is supported by
+ \texttt{}. Thank you to \cite{tdegeusprecommit} for contributing this
+ feature.
+ To use the \texttt{pre-commit} tool, you will need to install \texttt{pre-commit}; sample
+ instructions for Ubuntu are given in \cref{sec:pre-commit-ubuntu}. Once installed, there
+ are two ways to use \texttt{pre-commit}: using \texttt{CPAN} or using \texttt{conda},
+ detailed in \cref{sec:pre-commit-cpan} and \cref{sec:pre-commit-conda} respectively.
+ \subsection{Sample pre-commit installation on Ubuntu}\label{sec:pre-commit-ubuntu}
+ On Ubuntu I ran the following command:
+ \begin{commandshell}
+python3 -m pip install pre-commit
+ I then updated my path via .bashrc so that it includes the line in
+ \cref{lst:bashrc-update}.
+ \begin{cmhlistings}*[style=tcblatex,language=Bash]{\texttt{.bashrc} update}{lst:bashrc-update}
+export PATH=$PATH:/home/cmhughes/.local/bin
+ \subsection{pre-commit using CPAN}\label{sec:pre-commit-cpan}
+ To use \texttt{} with \texttt{pre-commit}, create the file
+ \texttt{.pre-commit-config.yaml} given in \cref{lst:.pre-commit-config.yaml-cpan} in your
+ git-repository.
+ \index{cpan}
+ \index{git}
+ \index{pre-commit!cpan}
+ \begin{cmhlistings}*[style=tcblatex]{\texttt{.pre-commit-config.yaml} (cpan)}{lst:.pre-commit-config.yaml-cpan}
+- repo:
+ rev: V3.15
+ hooks:
+ - id: latexindent
+ args: [-s]
+ Once created, you should then be able to run the following command:
+ \begin{commandshell}
+pre-commit run --all-files
+ A few notes about \cref{lst:.pre-commit-config.yaml-cpan}:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item the settings given in \cref{lst:.pre-commit-config.yaml-cpan} instruct
+ \texttt{pre-commit} to use \texttt{CPAN} to get dependencies;
+ \item this requires \texttt{pre-commit} and \texttt{perl} to be installed on your system;
+ \item the \texttt{args} lists selected command-line options; the settings in
+ \cref{lst:.pre-commit-config.yaml-cpan} are equivalent to calling
+ \begin{commandshell} -s myfile.tex
+ for each \texttt{.tex} file in your repository;
+ \item to instruct \texttt{} to overwrite the files in your repository, then you
+ can update \cref{lst:.pre-commit-config.yaml-cpan} so that \texttt{args: [-s, -w]}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Naturally you can add options, or omit \texttt{-s} and \texttt{-w}, according to your
+ preference.
+ \subsection{pre-commit using conda}\label{sec:pre-commit-conda}
+ You can also rely on \texttt{conda} (detailed in \cref{sec:app:conda}) instead of
+ \texttt{CPAN} for all dependencies, including \texttt{} itself.
+ \index{conda}
+ \index{git}
+ \index{pre-commit!conda}
+ \begin{cmhlistings}*[style=tcblatex]{\texttt{.pre-commit-config.yaml} (conda)}{lst:.pre-commit-config.yaml-conda}
+- repo:
+ rev: V3.15
+ hooks:
+ - id: latexindent-conda
+ args: [-s]
+ Once created, you should then be able to run the following command:
+ \begin{commandshell}
+pre-commit run --all-files
+ A few notes about \cref{lst:.pre-commit-config.yaml-cpan}:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item the settings given in \cref{lst:.pre-commit-config.yaml-conda} instruct
+ \texttt{pre-commit} to use \texttt{conda} to get dependencies;
+ \item this requires \texttt{pre-commit} and \texttt{conda} to be installed on your system;
+ \item the \texttt{args} lists selected command-line options; the settings in
+ \cref{lst:.pre-commit-config.yaml-cpan} are equivalent to calling
+ \begin{commandshell}
+conda run -s myfile.tex
+ for each \texttt{.tex} file in your repository;
+ \item to instruct \texttt{} to overwrite the files in your repository, then you
+ can update \cref{lst:.pre-commit-config.yaml-cpan} so that \texttt{args: [-s, -w]}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \subsection{pre-commit example using -l, -m switches}
+ Let's consider a small example, with local \texttt{} settings in
+ \texttt{.latexindent.yaml}.
+ \begin{example}
+ We use the local settings given in \cref{lst:.latexindent.yaml}.
+ \begin{cmhlistings}*[style=tcblatex]{\texttt{.latexindent.yaml}}{lst:.latexindent.yaml}
+onlyOneBackUp: 1
+ oneSentencePerLine:
+ manipulateSentences: 1
+ and \texttt{.pre-commit-config.yaml} as in \cref{lst:.latexindent.yaml-switches}:
+ \begin{cmhlistings}*[style=tcblatex]{\texttt{.pre-commit-config.yaml}}{lst:.latexindent.yaml-switches}
+- repo:
+ rev: V3.15
+ hooks:
+ - id: latexindent
+ args: [-l, -m, -s, -w]
+ Now running
+ \begin{commandshell}
+pre-commit run --all-files
+ is equivalent to running
+ \begin{commandshell} -l -m -s -w myfile.tex
+ for each \texttt{.tex} file in your repository.
+ A few notes about \cref{lst:.latexindent.yaml-switches}:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item the \texttt{-l} option was added to use the local \texttt{.latexindent.yaml} (where it
+ was specified to only create one back-up file, as \texttt{git} typically takes care of
+ this when you use \texttt{pre-commit});
+ \item \texttt{-m} to modify line breaks; in addition to \texttt{-s} to suppress command-line
+ output,
+ and \texttt{-w} to format files in place.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{example}
+ \section{logFilePreferences}\label{app:logfile-demo}
+ \Vref{lst:logFilePreferences} describes the options for customising the information given
+ to the log file, and we provide a few demonstrations here. Let's say that we start with
+ the code given in \cref{lst:simple}, and the settings specified in
+ \cref{lst:logfile-prefs1-yaml}.
+ \begin{minipage}{.35\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/simple.tex}{\texttt{simple.tex}}{lst:simple}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.6\linewidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/logfile-prefs1.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{logfile-prefs1.yaml}}{lst:logfile-prefs1-yaml}
+ \end{minipage}
+ If we run the following command (noting that \texttt{-t} is active)
+ \begin{commandshell} -t -l=logfile-prefs1.yaml simple.tex
+ then on inspection of \texttt{indent.log} we will find the snippet given in
+ \cref{lst:indentlog}.
+ \begin{cmhlistings}[style=tcblatex,morekeywords={TRACE}]{\texttt{indent.log}}{lst:indentlog}
+ +++++
+TRACE: environment found: myenv
+ No ancestors found for myenv
+ Storing settings for myenvenvironments
+ indentRulesGlobal specified (0) for environments, ...
+ Using defaultIndent for myenv
+ Putting linebreak after replacementText for myenv
+ looking for COMMANDS and key = {value}
+TRACE: Searching for commands with optional and/or mandatory arguments AND key = {value}
+ looking for SPECIAL begin/end
+TRACE: Searching myenv for special begin/end (see specialBeginEnd)
+TRACE: Searching myenv for optional and mandatory arguments
+ ... no arguments found
+ -----
+ \end{cmhlistings}
+ Notice that the information given about \texttt{myenv} is `framed' using \texttt{+++++}
+ and \lstinline!-----! respectively.
+ \section{Encoding indentconfig.yaml}\label{app:encoding}
+ In relation to \vref{sec:indentconfig}, Windows users that encounter encoding issues with
+ \texttt{indentconfig.yaml}, may wish to run the following command in either
+ \texttt{cmd.exe} or \texttt{powershell.exe}:
+ \begin{dosprompt}
+ \end{dosprompt}
+ They may receive the following result
+ \begin{dosprompt}
+Active code page: 936
+ \end{dosprompt}
+ and can then use the settings given in \cref{lst:indentconfig-encoding1} within their
+ \texttt{indentconfig.yaml}, where 936 is the result of the \texttt{chcp} command.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/encoding1.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{encoding} demonstration for \texttt{indentconfig.yaml}}{lst:indentconfig-encoding1}
+ \section{dos2unix linebreak adjustment}
+ \yamltitle{dos2unixlinebreaks}*{integer}
+ If you use \texttt{} on a dos-based Windows file on Linux
+ \announce{2021-06-19}{dos2unix linebreaks} then you may find that trailing horizontal
+ space is not removed as you hope.
+ In such a case, you may wish to try setting \texttt{dos2unixlinebreaks} to 1 and
+ employing, for example, the following command.
+ \begin{commandshell} -y="dos2unixlinebreaks:1" myfile.tex
+ See \cite{bersbersbers} for further dertails.
+ \section{Differences from Version 2.2 to 3.0}\label{app:differences}
+ There are a few (small) changes to the interface when comparing Version 2.2 to Version
+ 3.0. Explicitly, in previous versions you might have run, for example,
+ \index{switches!-o demonstration}
+ \begin{commandshell} -o myfile.tex outputfile.tex
+ whereas in Version 3.0 you would run any of the following, for example,
+ \index{switches!-o demonstration}
+ \begin{commandshell} -o=outputfile.tex myfile.tex -o outputfile.tex myfile.tex myfile.tex -o outputfile.tex myfile.tex -o=outputfile.tex myfile.tex -outputfile=outputfile.tex myfile.tex -outputfile outputfile.tex
+ noting that the \emph{output} file is given \emph{next to} the \texttt{-o} switch.
+ The fields given in \cref{lst:obsoleteYaml} are \emph{obsolete} from Version 3.0 onwards.
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/obsolete.yaml}[yaml-obsolete]{Obsolete YAML fields from Version 3.0}{lst:obsoleteYaml}
+ There is a slight difference when specifying indentation after headings; specifically, we
+ now write \texttt{indentAfterThisHeading} instead of \texttt{indent}. See
+ \cref{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingOld,lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew}
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/indentAfterThisHeadingOld.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{indentAfterThisHeading} in Version 2.2}{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingOld}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/indentAfterThisHeadingNew.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{indentAfterThisHeading} in Version 3.0}{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ To specify \texttt{noAdditionalIndent} for display-math environments in Version 2.2, you
+ would write YAML as in \cref{lst:noAdditionalIndentOld}; as of Version 3.0, you would
+ write YAML as in \cref{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew1} or, if you're using \texttt{-m}
+ switch, \cref{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew2}.
+ \index{specialBeginEnd!update to displaymath V3.0}
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/noAddtionalIndentOld.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{noAdditionalIndent} in Version 2.2}{lst:noAdditionalIndentOld}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/noAddtionalIndentNew.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{noAdditionalIndent} for \texttt{displayMath} in Version 3.0}{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew1}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile{demonstrations/noAddtionalIndentNew1.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{noAdditionalIndent} for \texttt{displayMath} in Version 3.0}{lst:indentAfterThisHeadingNew2}
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \mbox{}\hfill
+ \begin{minipage}{.25\textwidth}
+ \hrule
+ \hfill\itshape End\\\mbox{}\hfill\mbox{}\rlap{\hfill\includegraphics{logo}}
+ \end{minipage}