path: root/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-appendices.tex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2022-06-14 03:00:57 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2022-06-14 03:00:57 +0000
commit0123ca8e30234615dca0d8853dffec2fb93fe9a8 (patch)
tree2e6f55a6928daf3e96ceb73914e529368ed8f906 /support/latexindent/documentation/sec-appendices.tex
parentef6d63ded56fb892decaa8ab41d7deebbe670473 (diff)
CTAN sync 202206140300
Diffstat (limited to 'support/latexindent/documentation/sec-appendices.tex')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-appendices.tex b/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-appendices.tex
index 03a2961cc6..84dd9d56f7 100644
--- a/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-appendices.tex
+++ b/support/latexindent/documentation/sec-appendices.tex
@@ -107,7 +107,6 @@ sudo pacman -S perl cpanminus
these details.
# Installing perl
apk --no-cache add miniperl perl-utils
@@ -377,7 +376,7 @@ myfile*.tex --check
conda install -c conda-forge
- this will install the executable and all its dependencies (including perl) in the
+ This will install the executable and all its dependencies (including perl) in the
activate environment. You don't even have to worry about \texttt{defaultSettings.yaml} as
it included too, you can thus skip \cref{sec:requiredmodules,sec:updating-path}.
@@ -397,6 +396,39 @@ conda run -vv
I found the details given at \cite{condainstallhelp} to be helpful.
+ \section{Using docker}\label{sec:app:docker}
+ If you use docker you'll only need \announce*{2022-06-12}{docker support}
+ \begin{commandshell}
+docker pull
+ This will download the image packed \texttt{latexindent}'s executable and its all
+ dependencies. \index{docker} Thank you to \cite{eggplants} for contributing this feature;
+ see also \cite{cmhughesio}. For reference, \emph{ghcr} stands for \emph{GitHub Container
+ Repository}.
+ \subsection{Sample docker installation on Ubuntu}
+ To pull the image and show \texttt{latexindent}'s help on Ubuntu:
+ \begin{cmhlistings}*[style=tcblatex,language=Bash]{\texttt{}}{lst:docker-install}
+# setup docker if not already installed
+if ! command -v docker &> /dev/null; then
+ sudo apt install -y
+ sudo groupadd docker
+ sudo gpasswd -a "$USER" docker
+ sudo systemctl restart docker
+# download image and execute
+docker pull
+docker run -h
+ \subsection{How to format on Docker}
+ When you use \texttt{latexindent} with the docker image, you have to mount target \texttt{tex} file like this:
+ \begin{commandshell}
+docker run -v /path/to/local/myfile.tex:/myfile.tex -s -w myfile.tex
Users of \texttt{.git} may be interested \announce{2022-01-21}{pre-commit for
@@ -425,7 +457,7 @@ export PATH=$PATH:/home/cmhughes/.local/bin
The default values that are employed by \texttt{pre-commit} are shown in \cref{lst:.pre-commit-yaml-default}.
- \cmhlistingsfromfile{../.pre-commit-hooks.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{.pre-commit-hooks.yaml} (default)}{lst:.pre-commit-yaml-default}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{../.pre-commit-hooks.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{.pre-commit-hooks.yaml} (default)}{lst:.pre-commit-yaml-default}
In particular, the decision has deliberately been made (in collaboration with
\cite{holzhausprecommit}) to have the default to employ the following switches:
@@ -495,6 +527,32 @@ conda run -s myfile.tex
can update \cref{lst:.pre-commit-config.yaml-cpan} so that \texttt{args: [-s, -w]}.
+ \subsection{pre-commit using docker}\label{sec:pre-commit-docker}
+ You can also rely on \texttt{docker} (detailed in \cref{sec:app:docker}) instead of
+ \texttt{CPAN} for all dependencies, including \texttt{} itself.
+ \index{docker} \index{git} \index{pre-commit!docker}
+ \cmhlistingsfromfile*{demonstrations/pre-commit-config-docker.yaml}[yaml-TCB]{\texttt{.pre-commit-config.yaml} (docker)}{lst:.pre-commit-config.yaml-docker}
+ Once created, you should then be able to run the following command:
+ \begin{commandshell}
+pre-commit run --all-files
+ A few notes about \cref{lst:.pre-commit-config.yaml-cpan}:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item the settings given in \cref{lst:.pre-commit-config.yaml-docker} instruct
+ \texttt{pre-commit} to use \texttt{docker} to get dependencies;
+ \item this requires \texttt{pre-commit} and \texttt{docker} to be installed on your system;
+ \item the \texttt{args} lists selected command-line options; the settings in
+ \cref{lst:.pre-commit-config.yaml-cpan} are equivalent to calling
+ \begin{commandshell}
+docker run -v /path/to/myfile.tex:/myfile.tex -s myfile.tex
+ for each \texttt{.tex} file in your repository;
+ \item to instruct \texttt{} to overwrite the files in your repository, then you
+ can update \cref{lst:.pre-commit-config.yaml-cpan} so that \texttt{args: [-s, -w]}.
+ \end{itemize}
\subsection{pre-commit example using -l, -m switches}
Let's consider a small example, with local \texttt{} settings in