path: root/support/latexindent/LatexIndent/
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/latexindent/LatexIndent/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/latexindent/LatexIndent/')
1 files changed, 929 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/latexindent/LatexIndent/ b/support/latexindent/LatexIndent/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3029043f23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/latexindent/LatexIndent/
@@ -0,0 +1,929 @@
+package LatexIndent::GetYamlSettings;
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# See
+# Chris Hughes, 2017
+# For all communication, please visit:
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use LatexIndent::Switches qw/%switches $is_m_switch_active $is_t_switch_active $is_tt_switch_active/;
+use YAML::Tiny; # interpret defaultSettings.yaml and other potential settings files
+use File::Basename; # to get the filename and directory path
+use File::HomeDir;
+use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels);
+use Exporter qw/import/;
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw/yaml_read_settings yaml_modify_line_breaks_settings yaml_get_indentation_settings_for_this_object yaml_poly_switch_get_every_or_custom_value yaml_get_indentation_information yaml_get_object_attribute_for_indentation_settings yaml_alignment_at_ampersand_settings yaml_get_textwrap_removeparagraphline_breaks %masterSettings yaml_get_columns/;
+# Read in defaultSettings.YAML file
+our $defaultSettings;
+# master yaml settings is a hash, global to this module
+our %masterSettings;
+# previously found settings is a hash, global to this module
+our %previouslyFoundSettings;
+# default values for align at ampersand routine
+our @alignAtAmpersandInformation = ( {name=>"lookForAlignDelims",yamlname=>"delims",default=>1},
+ {name=>"alignDoubleBackSlash",default=>1},
+ {name=>"spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash",default=>1},
+ {name=>"multiColumnGrouping",default=>0},
+ {name=>"alignRowsWithoutMaxDelims",default=>1},
+ {name=>"spacesBeforeAmpersand",default=>1},
+ {name=>"spacesAfterAmpersand",default=>1},
+ {name=>"justification",default=>"left"},
+ );
+sub yaml_read_settings{
+ my $self = shift;
+ # read the default settings
+ $defaultSettings = YAML::Tiny->read( "$FindBin::RealBin/defaultSettings.yaml" ) if ( -e "$FindBin::RealBin/defaultSettings.yaml" );
+ # grab the logger object
+ my $logger = get_logger("Document");
+ $logger->info("*YAML settings read: defaultSettings.yaml\nReading defaultSettings.yaml from $FindBin::RealBin/defaultSettings.yaml");
+ # if latexindent.exe is invoked from TeXLive, then defaultSettings.yaml won't be in
+ # the same directory as it; we need to navigate to it
+ if(!$defaultSettings) {
+ $defaultSettings = YAML::Tiny->read( "$FindBin::RealBin/../../texmf-dist/scripts/latexindent/defaultSettings.yaml");
+ $logger->info("Reading defaultSettings.yaml (2nd attempt, TeXLive, Windows) from $FindBin::RealBin/../../texmf-dist/scripts/latexindent/defaultSettings.yaml");
+ }
+ # need to exit if we can't get defaultSettings.yaml
+ die "Could not open defaultSettings.yaml" if(!$defaultSettings);
+ # master yaml settings is a hash, global to this module
+ our %masterSettings = %{$defaultSettings->[0]};
+ # scalar to read user settings
+ my $userSettings;
+ # array to store the paths to user settings
+ my @absPaths;
+ # we'll need the home directory a lot in what follows
+ my $homeDir = File::HomeDir->my_home;
+ $logger->info("*YAML settings read: indentconfig.yaml or .indentconfig.yaml") unless $switches{onlyDefault};
+ # get information about user settings- first check if indentconfig.yaml exists
+ my $indentconfig = "$homeDir/indentconfig.yaml";
+ # if indentconfig.yaml doesn't exist, check for the hidden file, .indentconfig.yaml
+ $indentconfig = "$homeDir/.indentconfig.yaml" if(! -e $indentconfig);
+ # messages for indentconfig.yaml and/or .indentconfig.yaml
+ if ( -e $indentconfig and !$switches{onlyDefault}) {
+ # read the absolute paths from indentconfig.yaml
+ $userSettings = YAML::Tiny->read( "$indentconfig" );
+ # update the absolute paths
+ if($userSettings and (ref($userSettings->[0]) eq 'HASH') and $userSettings->[0]->{paths}){
+ $logger->info("Reading path information from $indentconfig");
+ # if both indentconfig.yaml and .indentconfig.yaml exist
+ if ( -e File::HomeDir->my_home . "/indentconfig.yaml" and -e File::HomeDir->my_home . "/.indentconfig.yaml") {
+ $logger->info("$homeDir/.indentconfig.yaml has been found, but $indentconfig takes priority");
+ } elsif ( -e File::HomeDir->my_home . "/indentconfig.yaml" ) {
+ $logger->info("(Alternatively $homeDir/.indentconfig.yaml can be used)");
+ } elsif ( -e File::HomeDir->my_home . "/.indentconfig.yaml" ) {
+ $logger->info("(Alternatively $homeDir/indentconfig.yaml can be used)");
+ }
+ # output the contents of indentconfig to the log file
+ $logger->info(Dump \%{$userSettings->[0]});
+ @absPaths = @{$userSettings->[0]->{paths}};
+ } else {
+ $logger->warn("*The paths field cannot be read from $indentconfig; this means it is either empty or contains invalid YAML");
+ $logger->warn("See for an example");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if($switches{onlyDefault}) {
+ $logger->info("*-d switch active: only default settings requested");
+ $logger->info("not reading USER settings from $indentconfig") if (-e $indentconfig);
+ $logger->info("Ignoring the -l switch: $switches{readLocalSettings} (you used the -d switch)") if($switches{readLocalSettings});
+ $logger->info("Ignoring the -y switch: $switches{yaml} (you used the -d switch)") if($switches{yaml});
+ $switches{readLocalSettings}=0;
+ $switches{yaml}=0;
+ } else {
+ # give the user instructions on where to put indentconfig.yaml or .indentconfig.yaml
+ $logger->info("Home directory is $homeDir (didn't find either indentconfig.yaml or .indentconfig.yaml)\nTo specify user settings you would put indentconfig.yaml here: $homeDir/indentconfig.yaml\nAlternatively, you can use the hidden file .indentconfig.yaml as: $homeDir/.indentconfig.yaml");
+ }
+ }
+ # local settings can be called with a + symbol, for example
+ # -l=+myfile.yaml
+ # -l "+ myfile.yaml"
+ # -l=myfile.yaml+
+ # which translates to, respectively
+ # -l=localSettings.yaml,myfile.yaml
+ # -l=myfile.yaml,localSettings.yaml
+ # Note: the following is *not allowed*:
+ # -l+myfile.yaml
+ # and
+ # -l + myfile.yaml
+ # will *only* load localSettings.yaml, and myfile.yaml will be ignored
+ my @localSettings;
+ $logger->info("*YAML settings read: -l switch") if $switches{readLocalSettings};
+ # remove leading, trailing, and intermediate space
+ $switches{readLocalSettings} =~ s/^\h*//g;
+ $switches{readLocalSettings} =~ s/\h*$//g;
+ $switches{readLocalSettings} =~ s/\h*,\h*/,/g;
+ if($switches{readLocalSettings} =~ m/\+/){
+ $logger->info("+ found in call for -l switch: will add localSettings.yaml");
+ # + can be either at the beginning or the end, which determines if where the comma should go
+ my $commaAtBeginning = ($switches{readLocalSettings} =~ m/^\h*\+/ ? q() : ",");
+ my $commaAtEnd = ($switches{readLocalSettings} =~ m/^\h*\+/ ? "," : q());
+ $switches{readLocalSettings} =~ s/\h*\+\h*/$commaAtBeginning."localSettings.yaml".$commaAtEnd/e;
+ $logger->info("New value of -l switch: $switches{readLocalSettings}");
+ }
+ # local settings can be separated by ,
+ # e.g
+ # -l = myyaml1.yaml,myyaml2.yaml
+ # and in which case, we need to read them all
+ if($switches{readLocalSettings} =~ m/,/){
+ $logger->info("Multiple localSettings found, separated by commas:");
+ @localSettings = split(/,/,$switches{readLocalSettings});
+ $logger->info(join(', ',@localSettings));
+ } else {
+ push(@localSettings,$switches{readLocalSettings}) if($switches{readLocalSettings});
+ }
+ # add local settings to the paths, if appropriate
+ foreach (@localSettings) {
+ # check for an extension (.yaml)
+ my ($name, $dir , $ext) = fileparse($_, "yaml");
+ # if no extension is found, append the current localSetting with .yaml
+ $_ = $_.($_=~m/\.\z/ ? q() : ".")."yaml" if(!$ext);
+ # if the -l switch is called on its own, or else with +
+ # and is called from a different directory, then
+ # we need to account for this
+ if($_ eq "localSettings.yaml"){
+ $_ = dirname (${$self}{fileName})."/".$_;
+ }
+ # check for existence and non-emptiness
+ if ( (-e $_) and !(-z $_)) {
+ $logger->info("Adding $_ to YAML read paths");
+ push(@absPaths,"$_");
+ } elsif ( !(-e $_) ) {
+ $logger->warn("*yaml file not found: $_ not found. Proceeding without it.");
+ }
+ }
+ # heading for the log file
+ $logger->info("*YAML settings, reading from the following files:") if @absPaths;
+ # read in the settings from each file
+ foreach my $settings (@absPaths) {
+ # check that the settings file exists and that it isn't empty
+ if (-e $settings and !(-z $settings)) {
+ $logger->info("Reading USER settings from $settings");
+ $userSettings = YAML::Tiny->read( "$settings" );
+ # if we can read userSettings
+ if($userSettings) {
+ # update the MASTER setttings to include updates from the userSettings
+ while(my($firstLevelKey, $firstLevelValue) = each %{$userSettings->[0]}) {
+ # the update approach is slightly different for hashes vs scalars/arrays
+ if (ref($firstLevelValue) eq "HASH") {
+ while(my ($secondLevelKey,$secondLevelValue) = each %{$userSettings->[0]{$firstLevelKey}}) {
+ if (ref $secondLevelValue eq "HASH"){
+ # if masterSettings already contains a *scalar* value in secondLevelKey
+ # then we need to delete it (test-cases/headings-first.tex with indentRules1.yaml first demonstrated this)
+ if(ref $masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}{$secondLevelKey} ne "HASH"){
+ $logger->trace("*masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}{$secondLevelKey} currently contains a *scalar* value, but it needs to be updated with a hash (see $settings); deleting the scalar") if($is_t_switch_active);
+ delete $masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}{$secondLevelKey} ;
+ }
+ while(my ($thirdLevelKey,$thirdLevelValue) = each %{$secondLevelValue}) {
+ if (ref $thirdLevelValue eq "HASH"){
+ # similarly for third level
+ if (ref $masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}{$secondLevelKey}{$thirdLevelKey} ne "HASH"){
+ $logger->trace("*masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}{$secondLevelKey}{$thirdLevelKey} currently contains a *scalar* value, but it needs to be updated with a hash (see $settings); deleting the scalar") if($is_t_switch_active);
+ delete $masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}{$secondLevelKey}{$thirdLevelKey} ;
+ }
+ while(my ($fourthLevelKey,$fourthLevelValue) = each %{$thirdLevelValue}) {
+ $masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}{$secondLevelKey}{$thirdLevelKey}{$fourthLevelKey} = $fourthLevelValue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}{$secondLevelKey}{$thirdLevelKey} = $thirdLevelValue;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # settings such as commandCodeBlocks can have arrays, which may wish
+ # to be amalgamated, rather than overwritten
+ if(ref($secondLevelValue) eq "ARRAY"
+ and
+ ${${$masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}{$secondLevelKey}}[0]}{amalgamate}
+ and
+ !(ref(${$secondLevelValue}[0]) eq "HASH" and defined ${$secondLevelValue}[0]{amalgamate} and !${$secondLevelValue}[0]{amalgamate})
+ ){
+ $logger->trace("*$firstLevelKey -> $secondLevelKey, amalgamate: 1") if($is_t_switch_active);
+ foreach (@{$secondLevelValue}){
+ $logger->trace("$_") if($is_t_switch_active);
+ push (@{$masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}{$secondLevelKey}},$_) unless(ref($_) eq "HASH");
+ }
+ # remove duplicated entries,
+ my %seen = ();
+ my @unique = grep { ! $seen{ $_ }++ } @{$masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}{$secondLevelKey}};
+ @{$masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}{$secondLevelKey}} = @unique;
+ $logger->trace("*master settings for $firstLevelKey -> $secondLevelKey now look like:") if $is_t_switch_active;
+ foreach (@{$masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}{$secondLevelKey}}){
+ $logger->trace("$_") if($is_t_switch_active);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}{$secondLevelKey} = $secondLevelValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (ref($firstLevelValue) eq "ARRAY") {
+ # update amalgamate in master settings
+ if(ref(${$firstLevelValue}[0]) eq "HASH" and defined ${$firstLevelValue}[0]{amalgamate}){
+ ${$masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}[0]}{amalgamate} = ${$firstLevelValue}[0]{amalgamate};
+ shift @{$firstLevelValue} if ${$masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}[0]}{amalgamate};
+ }
+ # if amalgamate is set to 1, then append
+ if(${$masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}[0]}{amalgamate}){
+ # loop through the other settings
+ foreach (@{$firstLevelValue}){
+ push (@{$masterSettings{$firstLevelKey}},$_);
+ }
+ } else {
+ # otherwise overwrite
+ $masterSettings{$firstLevelKey} = $firstLevelValue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $masterSettings{$firstLevelKey} = $firstLevelValue;
+ }
+ }
+ # output settings to $logfile
+ if($masterSettings{logFilePreferences}{showEveryYamlRead}){
+ $logger->info(Dump \%{$userSettings->[0]});
+ } else {
+ $logger->info("Not showing settings in the log file (see showEveryYamlRead and showAmalgamatedSettings).");
+ }
+ } else {
+ # otherwise print a warning that we can not read userSettings.yaml
+ $logger->warn("*$settings contains invalid yaml format- not reading from it");
+ }
+ } else {
+ # otherwise keep going, but put a warning in the log file
+ $logger->warn("*$homeDir/indentconfig.yaml");
+ if (-z $settings) {
+ $logger->info("specifies $settings but this file is EMPTY -- not reading from it");
+ } else {
+ $logger->info("specifies $settings but this file does not exist - unable to read settings from this file");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # read settings from -y|--yaml switch
+ if($switches{yaml}){
+ # report to log file
+ $logger->info("*YAML settings read: -y switch");
+ # remove any horizontal space before or after , OR : OR ; or at the beginning or end of the switch value
+ $switches{yaml} =~ s/\h*(,|(?<!\\):|;)\h*/$1/g;
+ $switches{yaml} =~ s/^\h*//g;
+ # store settings, possibly multiple ones split by commas
+ my @yamlSettings;
+ if($switches{yaml} =~ m/(?<!\\),/){
+ @yamlSettings = split(/(?<!\\),/,$switches{yaml});
+ } else {
+ push(@yamlSettings,$switches{yaml});
+ }
+ # it is possible to specify, for example,
+ #
+ # -y=indentAfterHeadings:paragraph:indentAfterThisHeading:1;level:1
+ # -y=specialBeginEnd:displayMath:begin:'\\\[';end: '\\\]';lookForThis: 1
+ #
+ # which should be translated into
+ #
+ # indentAfterHeadings:
+ # paragraph:
+ # indentAfterThisHeading:1
+ # level:1
+ #
+ # so we need to loop through the comma separated list and search
+ # for semi-colons
+ my $settingsCounter=0;
+ my @originalYamlSettings = @yamlSettings;
+ foreach(@originalYamlSettings){
+ # increment the counter
+ $settingsCounter++;
+ # check for a match of the ;
+ if($_ =~ m/(?<!\\);/){
+ my (@subfield) = split(/(?<!\\);/,$_);
+ # the content up to the first ; is called the 'root'
+ my $root = shift @subfield;
+ # split the root at :
+ my (@keysValues) = split(/:/,$root);
+ # get rid of the last *two* elements, which will be
+ # key: value
+ # for example, in
+ # -y=indentAfterHeadings:paragraph:indentAfterThisHeading:1;level:1
+ # then @keysValues holds
+ # indentAfterHeadings:paragraph:indentAfterThisHeading:1
+ # so we need to get rid of both
+ # 1
+ # indentAfterThisHeading
+ # so that we are in a position to concatenate
+ # indentAfterHeadings:paragraph
+ # with
+ # level:1
+ # to form
+ # indentAfterHeadings:paragraph:level:1
+ pop(@keysValues);
+ pop(@keysValues);
+ # update the appropriate piece of the -y switch, for example:
+ # -y=indentAfterHeadings:paragraph:indentAfterThisHeading:1;level:1
+ # needs to be changed to
+ # -y=indentAfterHeadings:paragraph:indentAfterThisHeading:1
+ # the
+ # indentAfterHeadings:paragraph:level:1
+ # will be added in the next part
+ $yamlSettings[$settingsCounter-1] = $root;
+ # reform the root
+ $root = join(":",@keysValues);
+ $logger->trace("*Sub-field detected (; present) and the root is: $root") if $is_t_switch_active;
+ # now we need to attach the $root back together with any subfields
+ foreach(@subfield){
+ # splice the new field into @yamlSettings (reference:
+ splice @yamlSettings,$settingsCounter,0,$root.":".$_;
+ # increment the counter
+ $settingsCounter++;
+ }
+ $logger->info("-y switch value interpreted as: ".join(',',@yamlSettings));
+ }
+ }
+ # loop through each of the settings specified in the -y switch
+ foreach(@yamlSettings){
+ # split each value at semi-colon
+ my (@keysValues) = split(/(?<!(?:\\|\[)):(?!\])/,$_);
+ # $value will always be the last element
+ my $value = $keysValues[-1];
+ # it's possible that the 'value' will contain an escaped
+ # semi-colon, so we replace it with just a semi-colon
+ $value =~ s/\\:/:/;
+ # horizontal space needs special treatment
+ if($value =~ m/^(?:"|')(\h*)(?:"|')$/){
+ # pure horizontal space
+ $value = $1;
+ } elsif($value =~ m/^(?:"|')((?:\\t)*)(?:"|')$/){
+ # tabs
+ $value =~ s/^(?:"|')//;
+ $value =~ s/(?:"|')$//;
+ $value =~ s/\\t/\t/g;
+ }
+ if(scalar(@keysValues) == 2){
+ # for example, -y="defaultIndent: ' '"
+ my $key = $keysValues[0];
+ $logger->info("Updating masterSettings with $key: $value");
+ $masterSettings{$key} = $value;
+ } elsif(scalar(@keysValues) == 3){
+ # for example, -y="indentRules: one: '\t\t\t\t'"
+ my $parent = $keysValues[0];
+ my $child = $keysValues[1];
+ $logger->info("Updating masterSettings with $parent: $child: $value");
+ $masterSettings{$parent}{$child} = $value;
+ } elsif(scalar(@keysValues) == 4){
+ # for example, -y='modifyLineBreaks : environments: EndStartsOnOwnLine:3' -m
+ my $parent = $keysValues[0];
+ my $child = $keysValues[1];
+ my $grandchild = $keysValues[2];
+ $logger->info("Updating masterSettings with $parent: $child: $grandchild: $value");
+ $masterSettings{$parent}{$child}{$grandchild} = $value;
+ } elsif(scalar(@keysValues) == 5){
+ # for example, -y='modifyLineBreaks : environments: one: EndStartsOnOwnLine:3' -m
+ my $parent = $keysValues[0];
+ my $child = $keysValues[1];
+ my $grandchild = $keysValues[2];
+ my $greatgrandchild = $keysValues[3];
+ $logger->info("Updating masterSettings with $parent: $child: $grandchild: $greatgrandchild: $value");
+ $masterSettings{$parent}{$child}{$grandchild}{$greatgrandchild} = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # some users may wish to see showAmalgamatedSettings
+ # which details the overall state of the settings modified
+ # from the default in various user files
+ if($masterSettings{logFilePreferences}{showAmalgamatedSettings}){
+ $logger->info("Amalgamated/overall settings to be used:");
+ $logger->info(Dump \%masterSettings);
+ }
+ return;
+sub yaml_get_indentation_settings_for_this_object{
+ my $self = shift;
+ # create a name for previously found settings
+ my $storageName = ${$self}{name}.${$self}{modifyLineBreaksYamlName}.(defined ${$self}{storageNameAppend}?${$self}{storageNameAppend}:q());
+ # grab the logging object
+ my $logger = get_logger("Document");
+ # check for storage of repeated objects
+ if ($previouslyFoundSettings{$storageName}){
+ $logger->trace("*Using stored settings for $storageName") if($is_t_switch_active);
+ } else {
+ my $name = ${$self}{name};
+ $logger->trace("Storing settings for $storageName") if($is_t_switch_active);
+ # check for noAdditionalIndent and indentRules
+ # otherwise use defaultIndent
+ my $indentation = $self->yaml_get_indentation_information;
+ # check for alignment at ampersand settings
+ $self->yaml_alignment_at_ampersand_settings;
+ # check for line break settings
+ $self->yaml_modify_line_breaks_settings if $is_m_switch_active;
+ # store the settings
+ %{${previouslyFoundSettings}{$storageName}} = (
+ indentation=>$indentation,
+ BeginStartsOnOwnLine=>${$self}{BeginStartsOnOwnLine},
+ BodyStartsOnOwnLine=>${$self}{BodyStartsOnOwnLine},
+ EndStartsOnOwnLine=>${$self}{EndStartsOnOwnLine},
+ EndFinishesWithLineBreak=>${$self}{EndFinishesWithLineBreak},
+ removeParagraphLineBreaks=>${$self}{removeParagraphLineBreaks},
+ textWrapOptions=>${$self}{textWrapOptions},
+ columns=>${$self}{columns},
+ );
+ # don't forget alignment settings!
+ foreach (@alignAtAmpersandInformation){
+ ${${previouslyFoundSettings}{$storageName}}{${$_}{name}} = ${$self}{${$_}{name}} if(defined ${$self}{${$_}{name}});
+ }
+ # some objects, e.g ifElseFi, can have extra assignments, e.g ElseStartsOnOwnLine
+ # these need to be stored as well!
+ foreach (@{${$self}{additionalAssignments}}){
+ ${${previouslyFoundSettings}{$storageName}}{$_} = ${$self}{$_};
+ }
+ # log file information
+ $logger->trace("Settings for $name (stored for future use):") if $is_tt_switch_active;
+ $logger->trace(Dump \%{${previouslyFoundSettings}{$storageName}}) if $is_tt_switch_active;
+ }
+ # append indentation settings to the current object
+ while( my ($key,$value)= each %{${previouslyFoundSettings}{$storageName}}){
+ ${$self}{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ return;
+sub yaml_alignment_at_ampersand_settings{
+ my $self = shift;
+ # if the YamlName is, for example, optionalArguments, mandatoryArguments, heading, then we'll be looking for information about the *parent*
+ my $name = (defined ${$self}{nameForIndentationSettings}) ? ${$self}{nameForIndentationSettings} : ${$self}{name};
+ # check, for example,
+ # lookForAlignDelims:
+ # tabular: 1
+ # or
+ #
+ # lookForAlignDelims:
+ # tabular:
+ # delims: 1
+ # alignDoubleBackSlash: 1
+ # spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash: 2
+ return unless ${$masterSettings{lookForAlignDelims}}{$name};
+ if(ref ${$masterSettings{lookForAlignDelims}}{$name} eq "HASH"){
+ # specified as a hash, e.g
+ #
+ # lookForAlignDelims:
+ # tabular:
+ # delims: 1
+ # alignDoubleBackSlash: 1
+ # spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash: 2
+ foreach (@alignAtAmpersandInformation){
+ my $yamlname = (defined ${$_}{yamlname} ? ${$_}{yamlname}: ${$_}{name});
+ ${$self}{${$_}{name}} = (defined ${${$masterSettings{lookForAlignDelims}}{$name}}{$yamlname} ) ? ${${$masterSettings{lookForAlignDelims}}{$name}}{$yamlname} : ${$_}{default};
+ }
+ } else {
+ # specified as a scalar, e.g
+ #
+ # lookForAlignDelims:
+ # tabular: 1
+ foreach (@alignAtAmpersandInformation){
+ ${$self}{${$_}{name}} = ${$_}{default};
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub yaml_modify_line_breaks_settings{
+ my $self = shift;
+ # grab the logging object
+ my $logger = get_logger("Document");
+ # details to the log file
+ $logger->trace("*-m modifylinebreaks switch active") if $is_t_switch_active;
+ $logger->trace("looking for polyswitch, textWrapOptions, removeParagraphLineBreaks, oneSentencePerLine settings for ${$self}{name} ") if $is_t_switch_active;
+ # some objects, e.g ifElseFi, can have extra assignments, e.g ElseStartsOnOwnLine
+ my @toBeAssignedTo = ${$self}{additionalAssignments} ? @{${$self}{additionalAssignments}} : ();
+ # the following will *definitley* be in the array, so let's add them
+ push(@toBeAssignedTo,("BeginStartsOnOwnLine","BodyStartsOnOwnLine","EndStartsOnOwnLine","EndFinishesWithLineBreak"));
+ # we can efficiently loop through the following
+ foreach (@toBeAssignedTo){
+ $self->yaml_poly_switch_get_every_or_custom_value(
+ toBeAssignedTo=>$_,
+ toBeAssignedToAlias=> ${$self}{aliases}{$_} ? ${$self}{aliases}{$_} : $_,
+ );
+ };
+ $self->yaml_get_textwrap_removeparagraphline_breaks;
+ return;
+sub yaml_get_textwrap_removeparagraphline_breaks{
+ my $self = shift;
+ # grab the logging object
+ my $logger = get_logger("Document");
+ # textWrap and removeParagraphLineBreaks settings
+ foreach ("textWrapOptions","removeParagraphLineBreaks"){
+ # first check for either
+ #
+ # textWrapOptions:
+ # all: 0
+ #
+ # or
+ #
+ # removeParagraphLineBreaks:
+ # all: 0
+ #
+ # even if all is set to 1, then it can still be disabled on either a
+ #
+ # per-object:
+ #
+ # for example
+ #
+ # textWrapOptions:
+ # all:
+ # except:
+ # - environments
+ #
+ # will disable textWrapOptions for *all* environments
+ #
+ # per-name
+ #
+ # for example
+ #
+ # textWrapOptions:
+ # all:
+ # except:
+ # - itemize
+ #
+ # will disable textWrapOptions for itemize
+ # if 'all' is set as a hash, then the default value is 1, to be turned off (possibly) later
+ ${$self}{$_} = ( ref ${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{$_}}{all} eq "HASH" ? 1 : ${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{$_}}{all});
+ # get the columns
+ if($_ eq "textWrapOptions" and ${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions}}{perCodeBlockBasis}){
+ $self->yaml_get_columns;
+ }
+ # name of the object in the modifyLineBreaks yaml (e.g environments, ifElseFi, etc)
+ my $YamlName = ${$self}{modifyLineBreaksYamlName};
+ # if the YamlName is either optionalArguments or mandatoryArguments, then we'll be looking for information about the *parent*
+ my $name = ($YamlName =~ m/Arguments/) ? ${$self}{parent} : ${$self}{name};
+ # move to the next <thing> if
+ #
+ # textWrapOptions/removeParagraphLineBreaks::
+ # all: 1
+ #
+ if(${$self}{$_}
+ and
+ ref ${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{$_}}{all} ne "HASH"
+ and
+ ${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{$_}}{all}){
+ $logger->trace("$_ for $name is ${$self}{$_}") if $is_t_switch_active;
+ next;
+ };
+ # otherwise, look for exceptions, either through
+ #
+ # textWrapOptions/removeParagraphLineBreaks:
+ # all:
+ # except:
+ # - <*type* of thing or *name* of thing>
+ #
+ # so, for example, the following (per code-block) is acceptable
+ # which makes an exception for all *environments*
+ #
+ # all:
+ # except:
+ # - 'environments'
+ #
+ # the following (per-name) is acceptable
+ # which only makes an exception for things called itemize
+ #
+ # all:
+ # except:
+ # - 'itemize'
+ #
+ if(${$self}{$_}
+ and
+ defined ${${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{$_}}{all}}{except}
+ and
+ ref ${${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{$_}}{all}}{except} eq "ARRAY"
+ ){
+ my %except = map { $_ => 1 } @{${${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}}{$_}}{all}{except}};
+ if( $except{$name} or $except{$YamlName}){
+ ${$self}{$_} = 0;
+ my $detail = ($except{$name} ? "per-name" : "per-code-block-type");
+ $logger->trace("$_ for $name is ${$self}{$_} (found as exception $detail, see $_:all:except)") if $is_t_switch_active;
+ next;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # or otherwise through, for example
+ #
+ # all: 0
+ # ifElseFi: 1
+ #
+ # the textWrapOptions/removeParagraphLineBreaks can contain fields that are hashes or scalar
+ #
+ if(ref ${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{$_}}{$YamlName} eq "HASH"){
+ # textWrapOptions/removeParagraphLineBreaks:
+ # all: 0
+ # environments:
+ # quotation: 0
+ $logger->trace("*$YamlName specified with fields in $_, looking for $name") if $is_t_switch_active;
+ ${$self}{$_} = ${${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{$_}}{$YamlName}}{$name} if (defined ${${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{$_}}{$YamlName}}{$name});
+ } elsif(defined ${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{$_}}{$YamlName}){
+ # textWrapOptions/removeParagraphLineBreaks:
+ # all: 0
+ # environments: 0
+ $logger->trace("*$YamlName specified with just a number in $_ ${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{$_}}{$YamlName}") if $is_t_switch_active;
+ ${$self}{$_} = ${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{$_}}{$YamlName} if (defined ${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{$_}}{$YamlName});
+ }
+ }
+ # summary to log file
+ $logger->trace("$_ for $name is ${$self}{$_}") if $is_t_switch_active;
+ }
+ return;
+sub yaml_get_columns{
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $YamlName = ${$self}{modifyLineBreaksYamlName};
+ # the columns settings can have a variety of different ways of being specified
+ if(ref ${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions}}{columns} eq "HASH"){
+ # assign default value of $columns
+ my $columns;
+ if(defined ${${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions}}{columns}}{default}){
+ $columns = ${${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions}}{columns}}{default};
+ } else {
+ $columns = 80;
+ }
+ # possibly specify object wrapping on a per-name basis
+ if(ref ${${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions}}{columns}}{$YamlName} eq "HASH"){
+ # for example:
+ # modifyLineBreaks:
+ # textWrapOptions:
+ # columns:
+ # default: 80
+ # environments:
+ # default: 80
+ # something: 10
+ # another: 20
+ if(defined ${${${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions}}{columns}}{$YamlName}}{${$self}{name}}){
+ $columns = ${${${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions}}{columns}}{$YamlName}}{${$self}{name}};
+ } elsif (${${${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions}}{columns}}{$YamlName}}{default}){
+ $columns = ${${${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions}}{columns}}{$YamlName}}{default};
+ }
+ } else {
+ # for example:
+ # modifyLineBreaks:
+ # textWrapOptions:
+ # columns:
+ # default: 80
+ # environments: 10
+ $columns = ${${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions}}{columns}}{$YamlName};
+ }
+ ${$self}{columns} = $columns;
+ } else {
+ ${$self}{columns} = ${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}{textWrapOptions}}{columns};
+ }
+ return;
+sub yaml_poly_switch_get_every_or_custom_value{
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %input = @_;
+ my $toBeAssignedTo = $input{toBeAssignedTo};
+ my $toBeAssignedToAlias = $input{toBeAssignedToAlias};
+ # grab the logging object
+ my $logger = get_logger("Document");
+ # alias
+ if(${$self}{aliases}{$toBeAssignedTo}){
+ $logger->trace("aliased $toBeAssignedTo using ${$self}{aliases}{$toBeAssignedTo}") if($is_t_switch_active);
+ }
+ # name of the object in the modifyLineBreaks yaml (e.g environments, ifElseFi, etc)
+ my $YamlName = ${$self}{modifyLineBreaksYamlName};
+ # if the YamlName is either optionalArguments or mandatoryArguments, then we'll be looking for information about the *parent*
+ my $name = ($YamlName =~ m/Arguments/) ? ${$self}{parent} : ${$self}{name};
+ # these variables just ease the notation what follows
+ my $everyValue = ${${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}}{$YamlName}}{$toBeAssignedToAlias};
+ my $customValue = ${${${$masterSettings{modifyLineBreaks}}{$YamlName}}{$name}}{$toBeAssignedToAlias};
+ # check for the *custom* value
+ if (defined $customValue){
+ $logger->trace("$name: $toBeAssignedToAlias=$customValue, (*per-name* value) adjusting $toBeAssignedTo") if($is_t_switch_active);
+ ${$self}{$toBeAssignedTo} = $customValue !=0 ? $customValue : undef;
+ } else {
+ # check for the *every* value
+ if (defined $everyValue and $everyValue != 0){
+ $logger->trace("$name: $toBeAssignedToAlias=$everyValue, (*global* value) adjusting $toBeAssignedTo") if($is_t_switch_active);
+ ${$self}{$toBeAssignedTo} = $everyValue;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub yaml_get_indentation_information{
+ my $self = shift;
+ #**************************************
+ # noAdditionalIndent *per-name* basis
+ # indentRules *per-name* basis
+ # noAdditionalIndentGlobal
+ # indentRulesGlobal
+ #**************************************
+ # noAdditionalIndent can be a scalar or a hash, e.g
+ #
+ # noAdditionalIndent:
+ # myexample: 1
+ #
+ # OR
+ #
+ # noAdditionalIndent:
+ # myexample:
+ # body: 1
+ # optionalArguments: 1
+ # mandatoryArguments: 1
+ #
+ # specifying as a scalar with no field (e.g myexample: 1)
+ # will be interpreted as noAdditionalIndent for *every*
+ # field, so the body, optional arguments and mandatory arguments
+ # will *all* receive noAdditionalIndent
+ #
+ # indentRules can also be a scalar or a hash, e.g
+ # indentRules:
+ # myexample: "\t"
+ #
+ # OR
+ #
+ # indentRules:
+ # myexample:
+ # body: " "
+ # optionalArguments: "\t \t"
+ # mandatoryArguments: ""
+ #
+ # specifying as a scalar with no field will
+ # mean that *every* field will receive the same treatment
+ # if the YamlName is, for example, optionalArguments, mandatoryArguments, heading, then we'll be looking for information about the *parent*
+ my $name = (defined ${$self}{nameForIndentationSettings}) ? ${$self}{nameForIndentationSettings} : ${$self}{name};
+ # if the YamlName is not optionalArguments, mandatoryArguments, heading (possibly others) then assume we're looking for 'body'
+ my $YamlName = $self->yaml_get_object_attribute_for_indentation_settings;
+ # grab the logging object
+ my $logger = get_logger("Document");
+ my $indentationInformation;
+ foreach my $indentationAbout ("noAdditionalIndent","indentRules"){
+ # check that the 'thing' is defined
+ if(defined ${$masterSettings{$indentationAbout}}{$name}){
+ if(ref ${$masterSettings{$indentationAbout}}{$name} eq "HASH"){
+ $logger->trace("$indentationAbout indentation specified with multiple fields for $name, searching for $name: $YamlName (see $indentationAbout)") if $is_t_switch_active ;
+ $indentationInformation = ${${$masterSettings{$indentationAbout}}{$name}}{$YamlName};
+ } else {
+ $indentationInformation = ${$masterSettings{$indentationAbout}}{$name};
+ $logger->trace("$indentationAbout indentation specified for $name (for *all* fields, body, optionalArguments, mandatoryArguments, afterHeading), using '$indentationInformation' (see $indentationAbout)") if $is_t_switch_active ;
+ }
+ # return, after performing an integrity check
+ if(defined $indentationInformation){
+ if($indentationAbout eq "noAdditionalIndent" and $indentationInformation == 1){
+ $logger->trace("Found! Using '' (see $indentationAbout)") if $is_t_switch_active;
+ return q();
+ } elsif($indentationAbout eq "indentRules" and $indentationInformation=~m/^\h*$/){
+ $logger->trace("Found! Using '$indentationInformation' (see $indentationAbout)") if $is_t_switch_active;
+ return $indentationInformation ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # gather information
+ $YamlName = ${$self}{modifyLineBreaksYamlName};
+ foreach my $indentationAbout ("noAdditionalIndent","indentRules"){
+ # global assignments in noAdditionalIndentGlobal and/or indentRulesGlobal
+ my $globalInformation = $indentationAbout."Global";
+ next if(!(defined ${$masterSettings{$globalInformation}}{$YamlName}));
+ if( ($globalInformation eq "noAdditionalIndentGlobal") and ${$masterSettings{$globalInformation}}{$YamlName}==1){
+ $logger->trace("$globalInformation specified for $YamlName (see $globalInformation)") if $is_t_switch_active;
+ return q();
+ } elsif($globalInformation eq "indentRulesGlobal") {
+ if(${$masterSettings{$globalInformation}}{$YamlName}=~m/^\h*$/){
+ $logger->trace("$globalInformation specified for $YamlName (see $globalInformation)") if $is_t_switch_active;
+ return ${$masterSettings{$globalInformation}}{$YamlName};
+ } else {
+ $logger->trace("$globalInformation specified (${$masterSettings{$globalInformation}}{$YamlName}) for $YamlName, but it needs to only contain horizontal space -- I'm ignoring this one") if $is_t_switch_active;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # return defaultIndent, by default
+ $logger->trace("Using defaultIndent for $name") if $is_t_switch_active;
+ return $masterSettings{defaultIndent};
+sub yaml_get_object_attribute_for_indentation_settings{
+ # when looking for noAdditionalIndent or indentRules, we may need to determine
+ # which thing we're looking for, e.g
+ #
+ # chapter:
+ # body: 0
+ # optionalArguments: 1
+ # mandatoryArguments: 1
+ # afterHeading: 0
+ #
+ # this method returns 'body' by default, but the other objects (optionalArgument, mandatoryArgument, afterHeading)
+ # return their appropriate identifier.
+ return "body";