path: root/support/latex2man/latex2man.txt
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/latex2man/latex2man.txt
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/latex2man/latex2man.txt')
1 files changed, 813 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/latex2man/latex2man.txt b/support/latex2man/latex2man.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5018b8aab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/latex2man/latex2man.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,813 @@
+LATEX2MAN(1) Documentation Tools LATEX2MAN(1)
+ Latex2man is a tool to translate UNIX manual pages written with LaTeX-
+ into a format understood by the UNIX [4mman[24m(1)-command. Alternatively
+ HTML, TexInfo, or LaTeX code can be produced too. Output of parts of
+ the text may be suppressed using the conditional text feature (for
+ this, LaTeX generation may be used).
+ latex2man [[1m-t[4m[22mtransfile[24m] [[1m-c[4m[22mCSSfile[24m] [[1m-HMTL[22m] [[1m-h[22m] [[1m-V[22m] [[1m-C[4m[22mname[24m] [[1m-a[4m[22mchar[24m]
+ [4minfile[24m [4moutfile[0m
+ Latex2man reads the file [4minfile[24m and writes [4moutfile[24m. The input must be
+ a LaTeX document using the latex2man LaTeXpackage. Latex2man trans-
+ lates that document into the [4mtroff[24m(1) format using the [1m-man [22mmacro pack-
+ age.
+ Using the [1m-H [22moption, HTML code can be produced, instead of [4mtroff[24m(1).
+ With this option you can, optionally, specify a [4mCSSfile[24m as an argument.
+ CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) allows you to control the appearance of
+ the resulting HTML page. See below for the names of CSS classes that
+ are included in the HTML tags as attributes.
+ Using the [1m-T [22moption, TexInfo code can be produced, instead of [4mtroff[24m(1).
+ Using the [1m-M [22moption, [4mtroff[24m(1) input is produced.
+ Using the [1m-L [22moption, LaTeX ouput can be produced, instead of [4mtroff[24m(1).
+ [1m-t[4m[22mtransfile[0m
+ Translation for user defined LaTeX macros.
+ [1m-c[4m[22mCSSfile[0m
+ If you use the [1m-H [22myou can also specify a file that contains CSS
+ style sheets. The link to the CSS file is inserted into the gen-
+ eratedHTML output using the specified [4mCSSfile[24m filename.
+ [1m-M[0m
+ Produce output suitable for the [4mman[24m(1) command (default).
+ [1m-H[0m
+ Instead of producing output suitable for the [4mman[24m(1) command,
+ HTML code is produced (despite the name of the command).
+ [1m-T[0m
+ Instead of producing output suitable for the [4mman[24m(1) command,
+ TexInfo code is produced (despite the name of the command). The
+ generated .texi-file may be processed with [4mmakeinfo[24m(1) (to pro-
+ duce an .info-file) which in turn may be installed using
+ [4minstall-info[24m(1). The Info tags @dircategory and @direntry are
+ provided.
+ [1m-L[0m
+ The LaTeX source is written to the [4moutfile[24m. This is useful in
+ conjunction with the [1m-C[4m[22mname[24m option.
+ [1m-C[4m[22mname[0m
+ Output the conditional text for [4mname[24m. If more than one name
+ should be given use quotes: [1m-C[4m[22m'name1[24m [4mname2[24m [4m...'[0m
+ The following names are defined automatically:
+ [1m* -H [22mdefines HTML
+ [1m* -T [22mdefines TEXI
+ [1m* -M [22mdefines MAN
+ [1m* -L [22mdefines LATEX
+ [1m-a[4m[22mchar[0m
+ Is used only in conjunction with -T.
+ Background:
+ TexInfo ignores all blanks before the first word on a new line.
+ In order to produce some additional space before that word
+ (using \SP) some character has to be printed before the addi-
+ tional space. By default this is a . (dot). The [4mchar[24m specifies
+ an alternative for that first character. Giving a blank to [1m-a[0m
+ supresses the indentation of a line.
+ Note: only for the first \SP of a series that [4mchar[24m is printed.
+ [1m-h[0m
+ Show a help text.
+ [1m-V[0m
+ Show version information.
+ latex2man.tex
+ The LaTeX file containing this Man-page.
+ A file read with \input{..} .
+ latex2man.sty
+ The LaTeX package defining the environments and commands.
+ latex2man.cfg
+ The configuration file for Latex2man LaTeX-package.
+ latex2man.css
+ File containing example CSS definitions.
+ latex2man.trans
+ File containing example translations of user defined LaTeX
+ macros.
+ fancyheadings.sty
+ A LaTeX package used to typeset head- and foot lines.
+ fancyhdr.sty
+ A LaTeX package used to typeset head- and foot lines.
+ rcsinfo.sty
+ A LaTeX package used to extract and use RCS version control
+ information in LaTeX documents.
+ [1mlatex2man.pdf[0m
+ The PDF version of this document.
+[1mSEE ALSO[0m
+ LaTeX,TexInfo, [4mtroff[24m(1), [4mgroff[24m(1), [4mmakeinfo[24m(1).
+ The LaTeX package latex2man is used to write the Man-pages with
+ LaTeX.Since we translate into other text formats, not all LaTeX stuff
+ can be translated.
+ The latex2man package accepts the following options:
+ fancy use the LaTeX package fancyheadings.
+ fancyhdr
+ use the LaTeX package fancyhdr.
+ nofancy
+ neither the LaTeX package fancyheadings nor fancyhdr are used.
+ The default option may be specified in the file latex2man.cfg.
+ The following environments are provided by the package:
+ \begin{Name}{chapter}{name}{author}{info}{title}
+ The Name environment takes five arguments: 1. the Man-page
+ chapter, 2. the name of the Man-page, 3. the author, 4. some
+ short information about the tool printed in the footline of the
+ Man-page, and 5. a text which is used as title, for HTML and
+ LaTeX (it's ignored for output of the Man-page or TeXinfo. The
+ Name environment must be the first environment in the document.
+ Processing starts with this environment. Any text before this is
+ ignored (exception: the setVersion and setDate commands). (Note:
+ all arguments of \begin{Name} must be written on one line).
+ \begin{Table}[width]{columns}
+ The Table environment takes two arguments: the first optional
+ one specifies a width of the last column, the second one gives
+ the number of columns. For example:
+ \begin{Table}[2cm]{3}
+ Here & am & I \\\hline
+ A 1 & A 2 & A 3 1 2 3 4 5 A 3 1 2 3 4 5 \\
+ B 1 & B 2 & B 3 \\
+ \end{Table}
+ will be typeset as:
+ Here am I
+ ----------------------
+ A 1 A 2 A 3 1 2
+ 3 4 5 A
+ 3 1 2 3
+ 4 5
+ B 1 B 2 B 3
+ If no optional [4mwidth[24m argument is given, all entries are typeset left
+ justified. The [4mwidth[24m is a length measured absolutly in [4mcm[24m. Processing
+ with LaTeX a p{width} column is typeset as last column. The translation
+ to [4mtroff[24m(1) commands results in a lw(width) column specification.
+ Translating to HTML and TexInfo ignores the [4mwidth[24m parameter.
+ \hline may be used.
+ If the Man-page is formatted with [4mtroff[24m(1) and tables are used, the
+ [4mtbl[24m(1) preprocessor should be called, usually by giving a [1m-t [22mto the
+ call of [4mtroff[24m(1). When viewing the generated manula page using [4mman[24m(1),
+ [4mtbl[24m(1) is called automatically.
+ \begin{Description}
+ is the same as \begin{description}
+ \begin{Description}[label]
+ is similar to \begin{description}, but the item labels have at
+ minimum the size of the (optional) word [4mlabel[24m. The difference
+ is visible only in the DVI and PDF-output, not in the troff,
+ TexInfo or HTML output.
+ a |a \begin{description}
+ ab |ab
+ abc |abc
+ a |a \begin{Description}
+ ab |ab
+ abc |abc
+ a |a \begin{Description}[aa]
+ ab |ab
+ abc |abc
+ The following environments are accepted:
+ [1m* [22mdescription
+ [1m* [22menumerate
+ [1m* [22mitemize
+ [1m* [22mverbatim
+ [1m* [22mcenter
+ They may be nested:
+ [1m* [22mItemize and nested center:
+ A centered line.
+ Another centered line.
+ [1m* [22mAnother item an nested enumerate
+ 1. a
+ 2. b
+ The following commands are provided:
+ \Opt{option}
+ Option: \Opt{-o} will be typeset as [1m-o[22m.
+ \Arg{argument}
+ Argument: \Arg{filename} will be typeset as [4mfilename[24m.
+ \OptArg{option}{argument}
+ Option with Argument:
+ \OptArg{-o}{filename} will be typeset as [1m-o[4m[22mfilename[24m.
+ \OptoArg{option}{argument}
+ Option with optional Argument:
+ \OptoArg{-o}{filename} will be typeset as [1m-o[22m[[4mfilename[24m].
+ \oOpt{option}
+ Optional option, e.g. \oOpt{-o} will be typeset as [[1m-o[22m].
+ \oArg{argument}
+ Optional argument, e.g. \oArg{filename} will be typeset as
+ [[4mfilename[24m].
+ \oOptArg{option}{argument}
+ Optional option with argument, e.g.
+ \oOptArg{-o}{filename} will be typeset as [[1m-o[4m[22mfilename[24m].
+ \oOptoArg{option}{argument}
+ Optional option with optional argument, e.g.
+ \oOptoArg{-o}{filename} will be typeset as [[1m-o[22m[[4mfilename[24m]].
+ \File{filename}
+ used to typeset filenames, e.g. \File{filename} will be typeset
+ as filename.
+ \Prog{prog}
+ used to typeset program names, e.g. \Prog{latex2man} will be
+ typeset as latex2man.
+ \Cmd{command}{chapter}
+ used to typeset references to other commands, e.g.
+ \Cmd{latex2man}{1} will be typeset as [4mlatex2man[24m(1).
+ \Bar is typeset as |.
+ \Bs (BackSlash) is typeset as \.
+ \Tilde is typeset as a ~.
+ \Dots is typeset as ...
+ \Bullet
+ us typeset as *.
+ \setVersion{..}
+ set .. as version information.
+ \setVersionWord{..}
+ set .. for the word [4mVersion:[24m in the footline.
+ The default is \setVersionWord{Version:}.
+ \Version
+ returns the version information.
+ \setDate{..}
+ sets .. as date information.
+ \Date returns the date information.
+ \Email{..}
+ use to mark an Email address:
+ \Email{} is typeset as:
+ [[22m.
+ \URL{..}
+ use to mark an URL: \URL{\Tilde vollmer} is
+ typeset as
+ [1m[22m.
+ \LatexManEnd
+ the input file is read and processed until reading end-of-file
+ or
+ \LatexManEnd (at the beginning of a line). LaTeXignores this
+ command.
+ \Lbr, \Rbr
+ is typeset as [ and ] (these variants are needed only somtimes
+ like in
+ \item[FooBar\LBr xx \Lbr]. Usually [ ] will work.
+ \LBr, \RBr
+ is typeset as { and } (these variants are needed when using { or
+ } as arguments to macros.
+ \Circum
+ is typeset as ^.
+ \Percent
+ is typeset as %.
+ \TEXbr If processed with LaTeX causes a linebreak (i.e. is equivalent
+ to \\).In the output of latex2man this macro is ignored.
+ \TEXIbr
+ If TexInfo output is generated, causes a linebreak (i.e. is
+ equivalent to \\),otherwise ignored.
+ \MANbr If Man-Page output is generated, causes a linebreak (i.e. is
+ equivalent to \\),otherwise ignored.
+ \HTMLbr
+ If HTML output is generated, causes a linebreak (i.e. is equiv-
+ alent to \\),otherwise ignored.
+ \medskip
+ An empty line.
+ \SP Produces some extra space, works also at the beginning of lines.
+ The code of the second line looks like: \SP abc \SP\SP xx\\:
+ abc xx
+ abc xx
+ abc xx
+ Note: Due to some ``problems'' with TexInfo, the lines starting with
+ \SP have a leading . (dot) in the TexInfo output, see [1m-a[4m[22mchar[24m.
+ \rcsInfo $Id ...$
+ if the LaTeX package rcsinfo is used, this command is used to
+ extract the date of the Man-page.
+ \rcsInfoLongDate
+ if the LaTeX package rcsinfo is used, this command is used to
+ typeset the date coded in the $Id ..$ string.
+ The following standard LaTeX commands are accepted:
+ \section{..}
+ The section macro takes one argument: the name of the Man-page
+ section. Each Man-page consists of several sections. Usually
+ there are the following sections in a Man-page: [4mName[24m (special
+ handling as environment, c.f. above), [4mSynopsis[24m, [4mDescription[24m,
+ [4mOptions[24m, [4mFiles[24m, [4mSee[24m [4mAlso[24m, [4mDiagnostics[24m, [4mReturn[24m [4mValues[24m, [4mBugs[24m,
+ [4mAuthor[24m, [4mversion[24m, etc.
+ [4mSynopsis[24m must be the first section after the Name environment.
+ Note: Do not use LaTeX-macrosin section names.
+ \subsection{..}
+ works as well as
+ \subsubsection{..}
+ those.
+ \emph{..}
+ \emph{example} is typeset as [4mexample[24m.
+ \textbf{..}
+ \textbf{example} is typeset as [1mexample[22m.
+ \texttt{..}
+ \texttt{example} is typeset as example.
+ \underline{..}
+ \underline{example} is typeset as [4mexample[24m [4mof[24m [4munderline[24m .
+ \date{..}
+ uses .. as date.
+ \verb+..+
+ but only + is allowed as delimiter.
+ $<$ is typeset as <.
+ $>$ is typeset as >.
+ $<=$ is typeset as <=.
+ $>=$ is typeset as >=.
+ $=$ is typeset as =.
+ $<>$ is typeset as <>.
+ $\ge$ is typeset as $>=$.
+ $\le$ is typeset as $<=$.
+ $\leftarrow$
+ is typeset as $<--$.
+ $\Leftarrow$
+ is typeset as $<==$.
+ $\rightarrow$
+ is typeset as $-->$.
+ $\Rightarrow$
+ is typeset as $==>$.
+ \{ is typeset as {.
+ \} is typeset as }.
+ \$ is typeset as $.
+ \$ is typeset as $,should be used inside macro
+ arguments.
+ \_ is typeset as _.
+ \& is typeset as &.
+ \# is typeset as #.
+ \% is typeset as %.
+ \, is typeset as smaller blank - - (between the two -)
+ \- is used to mark hyphenation in a word.
+ \\ is typeset as a linebreak or marks the end of a column in the
+ Table environment.
+ \ (a \ followed by a blank) is typeset as a blank,
+ although it cannot be used at the beginning of a line to make
+ indentation (see the \SP command).
+ ~ is typeset as a blank.
+ \copyright
+ is typeset as (C).
+ \noindent
+ \hline inside a Table environment.
+ \item inside a itemize, enumerate, or description environment.
+ \today 25 November 2018(see also the rcsinfo LaTeXpackage).
+ \ss,\"a, ...
+ \ss = ß, \"a= ä, \"o= ö, \"u= ü, \"A= Ä, \"O= Ö, \"U= Ü. It is
+ allowed to surround these macros in { and } in all places, even
+ inside other macros, e.g.
+ \textbf{\"a\"o\"u\"A\"O\"U\ss}
+ \textbf{\"a}{\"o}{\"u}{\"A}{\"O}{\"U}{\ss}}
+ \textbf{äöüÄÖÜß}
+ [1mäöüÄÖÜß äöüÄÖÜß äöüÄÖÜß[0m
+ If these letters are used in their LATIN-1 8-bit coding, they are
+ translated into the equivalent letter of the desired output format.
+ E.g. Ä becomes &Auml; in HTML and @"A in texinfo.
+ \input{..}
+ Read and process the given filename.
+ Please note: the name of the LaTeX-macrosand its arguments must be con-
+ tained in one line.
+ latex2man preprocesses the LaTeX input to allow text to be used condi-
+ tionally. A special sort of LaTeX comment is used for that purpose.
+ [1m* [22m%@% IF [4mcondition[24m %@%
+ [1m* [22m%@% ELSE %@%
+ [1m* [22m%@% END-IF %@%
+ A line must contain only such a comment and nothing else. [4mcondition[24m is
+ a boolean expression containing ``names'' and operators. The names
+ given with the [1m-C[4m[22mname[24m option have the value ``true'', while all other
+ names occuring in the expression are assumed to be ``false''. If the
+ evaluation of the boolean expression results in the value ``true'', the
+ text in the ``then''-part is used and the text in the optional
+ ``else''-part is skipped (and vice versa). The IF/ELSE/END-IF may be
+ nested. As boolean operators the following are allowed:
+ ( and ) for grouping are allowed.
+ For example:
+ %@% IF abc %@%
+ abc set
+ %@% IF xyz %@%
+ xyz set
+ %@% ELSE %@%
+ xyz NOT set
+ %@% END-IF %@%
+ %@% ELSE %@%
+ abc NOT set
+ %@% IF xyz || !XYZ %@%
+ xyz OR !XYZ set
+ %@% ELSE %@%
+ xyz OR !XYZ NOT set
+ %@% END-IF %@%
+ %@% END-IF %@%
+ Run this manual page through latex2man with e.g. [1m-C[4m[22m'abc[24m [4mXYZ'[24m and have
+ a look to the generated output. (If simply running the LaTeX-document
+ through LaTeX,all lines are shown in the .dvi file).
+ abc NOT set
+ xyz OR !XYZ set
+ To check the conditional text feature, when latex2man is called with
+ [1m-C[4m[22mHTML[0m
+ the lines 1a, 2b, 3b, and 4b;
+ [1m-C[4m[22mTEXI[0m
+ the lines 1b, 2a, 3b, and 4b;
+ [1m-C[4m[22mMAN[0m
+ the lines 1b, 2b, 3a, and 4b;
+ [1m-C[4m[22mLATEX[0m
+ the lines 1b, 2b, 3b, and 4a;
+ calling LaTeX without preprocessing
+ all lines
+ should be shown:
+ 1b. The HTML conditional was not set.
+ 2b. The TEXI conditional was not set.
+ 3a. This text occurs only when viewing the MAN output
+ 4b. The LATEX conditional was not set.
+ The user macro translation file (given by the [[1m-t[4m[22mtransfile[24m]) contains
+ Perl commands specifying the translation of LaTeX macros defined by the
+ user. These macros may have none, one or two arguments. The following
+ code is expected:
+ [1m* [22mComments start with a # up to the end of the line.
+ [1m* [22mFor a macro \foo with no arguments, the following code must be
+ specified:
+ Translation to Man-Pages
+ $manMacro{'foo'} = '...';
+ Translation to HTML
+ $htmlMacro{'foo'} = '...';
+ Translation to TexInfo
+ $texiMacro{'foo'} = '...';
+ where ... is the translation.
+ [1m* [22mFor a macro \foo{..} with one argument, the following code must
+ be specified:
+ Translation to Man-Pages
+ $manMacro1a{'foo'} = '...';
+ $manMacro1b{'foo'} = '...';
+ Translation to HTML
+ $htmlMacro1a{'foo'} = '...';
+ $htmlMacro1b{'foo'} = '...';
+ Translation to TexInfo
+ $texiMacro1a{'foo'} = '...';
+ $texiMacro1b{'foo'} = '...';
+ where ... is the translation. The 1a code is used before the
+ argument, while 1b is typeset after the argument is set.
+ [1m* [22mFor a macro \foo{..}{..} with two arguments, the following code
+ must be specified:
+ Translation to Man-Pages
+ $manMacro2a{'foo'} = '...';
+ $manMacro2b{'foo'} = '...';
+ $manMacro2c{'foo'} = '...';
+ Translation to HTML
+ $htmlMacro2a{'foo'} = '...';
+ $htmlMacro2b{'foo'} = '...';
+ $htmlMacro2c{'foo'} = '...';
+ Translation to TexInfo
+ $texiMacro2a{'foo'} = '...';
+ $texiMacro2b{'foo'} = '...';
+ $texiMacro2c{'foo'} = '...';
+ where ... is the translation. The 2a code is used before the
+ first argument, 2b between the two arguments and 2c is typeset
+ after the second argument is set.
+ [1m* [22mThe file latex2man.trans contains some example code.
+ This
+ {is}
+ \texttt{a}
+ $test$
+ _of_
+ verbatim
+ <this is no HTML tag> and no @* TexInfo command
+ This is a \subsection.
+ [1mSubsubsection works[0m
+ This is a \subsubsection.
+ [1mSubsubsection still works[0m
+ This is another \subsubsection.
+ 1. Empty lines are typeset as paragraph separators.
+ 2. The arguments of the LaTeX commands must not be split over sev-
+ eral lines.
+ 3. Do not nest calls to macros.
+ 4. Except the mentioned environment and macros, the usage of other
+ LaTeX environments or macros are not translated. Their usage
+ will cause garbage in the output.
+ 5. latex2man requires Perl version >= 5.0004_03.
+ 6. If you want to install the system with the distributed Makefile,
+ you need GNU-make. If you don't have it, you should execute the
+ steps shown in the Makefile manually.
+ The table below shows the names of CSS classes that will be included in
+ the HTML tags as attributes. You can specify the CSS style properties
+ in the [4mCSSfile[24m for these classes:
+ [1mHTML tag Class Style applies to[0m
+ body the body of the HTML page
+ h1 titlehead the title at the top of the HTML
+ page specified as an argument to
+ the [4mName[24m environment
+ h4 authorhead the author at the top of the HTML
+ page specified as an argument to
+ the [4mName[24m environment
+ h4 datehead the date at the top of the HTML
+ page
+ h4 versionhead the man page version at the top
+ of the HTML page specified as an
+ argument to the [4msetVersion[24m macro
+ h2 sectionname a section title specified as an
+ argument to the [4msection[24m macro
+ h4 subsectionname a subsection title specified as
+ an argument to the [4msubsection[0m
+ macro
+ h5 subsubsectionname a subsubsection title specified
+ as an argument to the [4msubsubsec-[0m
+ [4mtion[24m macro
+ font progname a program name specified as an
+ argument to the [4mProg[24m macro
+ font filename a file name specified as an argu-
+ ment to the [4mFile[24m macro
+ font commandname a command name specified as an
+ argument to the [4mCmd[24m macro
+ font textstyle all text that is not an argument
+ to some LaTeX or latex2man macro
+ font optstyle a name of an option specified as
+ an argument to the [4mOpt[24m, [4moOpt[24m,
+ [4mOptArg[24m, [4moOptArg[24m or [4moOptoArg[0m
+ macros
+ font argstyle a name of an argument specified
+ as an argument to the [4mArg[24m, [4moArg[24m,
+ [4mOptArg[24m, [4moOptArg[24m or [4moOptoArg[0m
+ macros
+ a, font urlstyle a URL specified as an argument to
+ the [4mURL[24m macro
+ a, font subclass of urlstyle class
+ a, font urlstyle.visited subclass of urlstyle class
+ a, font urlstyle.hover subclass of urlstyle class
+ a, font emailstyle an email specified as an argument
+ to the [4mEmail[24m macro
+ a, font subclass of emailstyle class
+ a, font emailstyle.visited subclass of emailstyle class
+ a, font emailstyle.hover subclass of emailstyle class
+ table tablestyle a table specified as a [4mTable[0m
+ environment
+ tr rowstyle a row of a table specified as a
+ [4mTable[24m environment
+ td cellstyle a cell of a table specified as a
+ [4mTable[24m environment
+ Leading . and '
+ Now leading . and ' in generation troff output should work prop-
+ perly, since a \& is added. Therfore the \Dot macro has been
+ deleted.
+ Thanks to [1mFrank.Schilder@Mathematik.Tu-Ilmenau.De[22m.
+ Testcase 1:
+ '\n' ...
+ Testcase 2:
+ .foobar Testcase 3:
+ ...
+ abc ... abc . efg ' 123
+ %in verbatim
+ A % in a \verb and verbatim-environment was not emitted cor-
+ rectly. Thanks to Aleksey Nogin [ [22mfor the bug
+ report and bug fix.
+ % abc
+ % abc %
+ but ignore comments following this:
+ Perl latex2man requires Perl version >= 5.0004_03.
+ Make If you want to install the system with the distributed Makefile,
+ you need GNU-make. If you don't have it, you should execute the
+ steps shown in the Makefile manually.
+ LaTeX LaTeX2e is required.
+ Please check the file [1mlatex2man-CHANGES [22mfor the list of changes and
+ acknowledgment to people contributing bugfixes or enhancements.
+ Version: 1.29 of 2018/11/25.
+ Copyright
+ (C)1998, Dr. Jürgen Vollmer, Am Rennbuckel 21, D-76185 Karls-
+ ruhe, Germany,
+ [[0m
+ The most recent version of Latex2man may be found on my homepage
+ [1m[22m.
+ License
+ This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the
+ terms of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
+ archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version
+ 1 of the License, or any later version.
+ Misc If you find this software useful, please send me a postcard from
+ the place where you are living.
+ Dr. Jürgen Vollmer
+ Am Rennbuckel 21
+ D-76185 Karlsruhe
+ Email: [[0m
+ WWW: [1m[22m.
+Documentation Tools 2018/11/25 LATEX2MAN(1)