path: root/support/impose/bboxx
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/impose/bboxx
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/impose/bboxx')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/impose/bboxx b/support/impose/bboxx
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..4ff276a3ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/impose/bboxx
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+# This program uses ghostscript and its pbm driver to extract absolute
+# bounding box information for any postscript file.
+# The output of the program is the bounding box for every page in the
+# document.
+# This program could certainly be made faster if written in a compiled
+# language, but the time spent within it is probably neglible compared
+# to the time spent by ghostscript.
+# Bugs:
+# The program may be confused by files that directly set the page
+# size.
+# Copyright (C) 1999 Dov Grobgeld <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# For more details see the file COPYING.
+$GSPATH = "gs"; # Your path to gs
+while( $_ = $ARGV[0], /^-/) {
+ shift;
+ /-res/ && do { $baseres = shift; next };
+ /-letter/ && do { $pagesize = 'letter'; next };
+ /-a4/ && do { $pagesize = 'a4'; next; };
+ /-pages/ && do { $maxpages = shift; next; };
+ /-evenodd/ && do { $evenodd++; next; };
+ /-insert/ && do { $insert++; next; };
+ /-pad/ && do { $pad = shift; next; };
+ /-help/ && do { print <<EOHELP; exit; };
+$0 - Calculate the bounding boxes of all pages in a PostScript file
+ $0 [-res r] [-letter|-a4] filename
+ The program outputs the page number and the Bounding Box parameters
+ for every page in the file filename .
+ $0 accomplishes this by calling ghostscript, which must be in
+ the path, at the resolution given by res, with output device pbm .
+ The bounding box information is then extracted by scanning the pbm
+ file.
+ -res res Choose a resolution for ghostscript other than the default
+ 72 lpi.
+ -letter -a4 Choose paper size. Default is a4.
+ -evenodd Report separate document bounding boxes for odd and even pages
+ -pages n Set max number of pages to analyze to n.
+ -insert Edit the postscript file and change/insert a EPSF directive
+ and a BoundingBox statement.
+ -pad p Padd bounding box on all sides with p postscript points.
+ Ghostscript in path with pbmraw support compiled in.
+ Dov Grobgeld, Rehovot, Israel, 1997
+ die "Unknown option $_!\n";
+# defaults
+$pagesize = 'a4' unless $pagesize;
+$baseres = 72 unless $baseres;
+$maxpages = 1_000_000 unless $maxpages;
+# table of known paper sizes.
+# perl5
+# %papersizes = ( 'a4'=> [595,842], 'letter', [612,792]);
+# ($pw,$ph) = @{$papersize{$pagesize}};
+%paperwidth = ( 'a4', 595, 'letter', 612 );
+%paperheight = ( 'a4', 842, 'letter', 792 );
+$pw = $paperwidth{$pagesize}; $ph = $paperheight{$pagesize};
+# Calculate a resolution of about $baseres that gives the pixelwidth
+# divisible by 8.
+$w8 = int($pw / 72 * $baseres /8 + 0.5) * 8;
+$res = 72.0*$w8/$pw;
+# create an empty row for optimization
+$emptyrow = "\0" x ($w8/8);
+# document bounding box initialization
+$docllx=$pw; $doclly=$ph; $docurx=0; $docury=0;
+$odddocllx=$pw; $odddoclly=$ph; $odddocurx=0; $odddocury=0;
+$evendocllx=$pw; $evendoclly=$ph; $evendocurx=0; $evendocury=0;
+# get filename
+$fn = shift || die "Expected postscript file name!\n";
+-f $fn || die "No such file $fn!\n";
+# Print header
+print " Page: llx lly urx ury\n";
+$gsopt = "-q -dNOPAUSE -sPAPERSIZE=$pagesize -sDEVICE=pbmraw -sOutputFile=-";
+open(GS, "$GSPATH -r$res $gsopt -- $fn|");
+while(!eof(GS)) {
+ chop($_=<GS>);
+ die "Expected P4 but got '$_'. \nProbably a PostScript error...\n" unless /P4/;
+ while(<GS>) { last unless /^#/; }
+ ($w,$h)=split(" ", $_);
+ unless ($w8 == $w) {
+ warn "Warning! Expected bitmap width $w8 but got $w. Adjusting resolution...\n";
+ $res *= $w8 / $w;
+ close(GS);
+ open(GS, "$GSPATH -r$res $gsopt -- $fn|");
+ next;
+ }
+ $page++;
+ printf " %4d ", $page;
+ $topmarg = 0;
+ $botmarg = 0;
+ $leftmarg = $w;
+ $rightmarg = $w;
+ $top=1;
+ for $i (1..$h) {
+ read(GS, $_, $w/8 );
+ # Check for an empty row
+ #if ($_ eq $emptyrow)
+ if ($_=~ /^\00*$/) {
+ if ($top) { # Still scanning top margin?
+ $topmarg++;
+ }
+ else {
+ $botmarg = 0 unless $bot; # reset the bottom margin
+ $bot=1;
+ $botmarg++;
+ }
+ }
+ # Otherwise get the left and right margins of the row
+ else {
+ $bot=0; $top=0; # Not counting top and bottom margins anymore
+ # Get left margin of line
+ /^(\00*)([^\00])/;
+ $lmcand=length($1)*8;
+ if ($lmcand < $leftmarg) {
+ ($b=unpack('B*',$2))=~ /^0*/;
+ $lmcand+= length($&);
+ $leftmarg = $lmcand if $lmcand < $leftmarg;
+ }
+ # Get right margin of line
+ /([^\00])(\00*)$/;
+ $rmcand=length($2)*8;
+ if ($rmcand < $rightmarg) {
+ ($b = unpack('B*', $1))=~ /0*$/;
+ $rmcand+= length($&);
+ $rightmarg = $rmcand if ($rmcand < $rightmarg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # scale and translate to postscript points
+ $scale = 72/$res;
+ $ury= ($h-$topmarg)*$scale;
+ $lly= $botmarg*$scale;
+ $llx= $leftmarg*$scale;
+ $urx= ($w-$rightmarg)*$scale;
+ $lly= $h*$scale if $lly==$ury && $lly==0;
+ printf "%5.f %5.f %5.f %5.f\n", $llx, $lly, $urx, $ury;
+ if ($pad) {
+ $llx-=$pad;
+ $lly-=$pad;
+ $urx+=$pad;
+ $ury+=$pad;
+ }
+ if ($evenodd) {
+ if ($page % 2) { # odd
+ $odddocllx=$llx if $llx<$odddocllx;
+ $odddoclly=$lly if $lly<$odddoclly;
+ $odddocurx=$urx if $urx>$odddocurx;
+ $odddocury=$ury if $ury>$odddocury;
+ }
+ else {
+ $evendocllx=$llx if $llx<$evendocllx;
+ $evendoclly=$lly if $lly<$evendoclly;
+ $evendocurx=$urx if $urx>$evendocurx;
+ $evendocury=$ury if $ury>$evendocury;
+ }
+ }
+ $docllx=$llx if $llx<$docllx;
+ $doclly=$lly if $lly<$doclly;
+ $docurx=$urx if $urx>$docurx;
+ $docury=$ury if $ury>$docury;
+ if ($page >= $maxpages) {
+ print "skipping rest of file...\n";
+ last;
+ }
+print "Document: ";
+printf "%5.f %5.f %5.f %5.f\n", $docllx, $doclly, $docurx, $docury;
+if ($evenodd) {
+ print "Odd: ";
+ printf "%5.f %5.f %5.f %5.f\n", $odddocllx, $odddoclly, $odddocurx, $odddocury;
+ print "Even: ";
+ printf "%5.f %5.f %5.f %5.f\n", $evendocllx, $evendoclly, $evendocurx, $evendocury;
+if ($insert) {
+ rename($fn, "$fn~");
+ open(PSIN, "$fn~"); open(PSOUT, ">$fn");
+ print PSOUT "%!PS-Adobe-1.0 EPSF-1.0\n";
+ print PSOUT "%%BoundingBox: ";
+ printf PSOUT "%5.f %5.f %5.f %5.f\n", $docllx, $doclly, $docurx, $docury;
+ print PSOUT "%%Comment: Bounding box extracted by bboxx\n";
+ print PSOUT "%%+: A program by Dov Grobgeld 1994\n";
+ while(<PSIN>) {
+ next if $.==1 && /^%!/;
+ next if /^%%BoundingBox: /;
+ print PSOUT;
+ }