path: root/support/html2latex/html2latex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/html2latex/html2latex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/html2latex/html2latex')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/html2latex/html2latex b/support/html2latex/html2latex
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..27e00c6270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/html2latex/html2latex
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# html2latex
+# Copyright (C) 2000 Peter Thatcher
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+###################### BEGIN SETUP #########################
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+my $usage = << 'STOP';
+Usage: html2latex [options] <filename>
+Optional Parameters:
+ --help -h ? print this help
+ --image_scale --image -i <float> set image scale
+ --font_size --font -f <integer> set font size. Must be 10-12
+ --debug -d print debugging info
+ --table_border --border sets table around borders
+ --document_class --document
+ --class=s <string> sets latex document class
+ --package <string> adds a latex package each time
+ --latex2pdf --pdf -p creates a pdf and latex file
+ --paragraph --par -P sets the style of the paragraph to
+ HTML style
+ --ban -b <string> ban (ignore) tag
+ --head <string> add option to documentclass defenition
+ --conf -C <string> use alternate configuration file
+ --log -l <string> use alternate log file
+################## BEGIN OPTION PARSING ####################
+my %options = ();
+my @packages = ();
+my @heads = ();
+my @banned = ();
+my $latex2pdf;
+my $conffile;
+my $logfile;
+ 'image_scale|image|i=f' => \$options{image},
+ 'font_size|font=i' => \$options{font_size},
+ 'debug|d+' => \$options{debug},
+ 'table_border|table|border!' => \$options{border},
+ 'document_class|document|class=s' => \$options{document_class},
+ 'help|?|h' => sub {print $usage and exit},
+ 'package=s' => \@packages,
+ 'head=s' => \@heads,
+ 'ban|b=s' => \@banned,
+ 'latex2pdf|pdf|p!' => \$latex2pdf,
+ 'mbox|m!' => \$options{mbox},
+ 'cache|local' => \$options{cache},
+ 'paragraph|par|P!' => \$options{paragraph},
+ 'conf|C=s' => \$conffile,
+ 'log|l=s' => \$logfile
+ );
+print $usage and exit unless @ARGV;
+chomp(my $START_DIR = `pwd`); #place we start out from
+################### END OPTION PARSING ####################
+###################### BEGIN MAIN #########################
+use HTML::Latex;
+my $parser = new HTML::Latex();
+$parser->set_log($logfile) if defined($logfile);
+foreach my $uri (@ARGV) {
+ #Option 1:
+ #my $in = IO::File->new("< $uri");
+ #my $out = IO::File->new("> $uri.tex");
+ #$parser->html2latex($in,$out);
+ #Option 2:
+ print "Processing $uri\n";
+ my ($htmlfile,$latexfile) = $parser->html2latex($uri);
+ latex2pdf($htmlfile,$latexfile) if $latex2pdf;
+#Option 3:
+#my $html_string = join("\n",<>);
+#my $html_string = join("",@ARGV);
+#my $tex_string = $parser->parse_string($html_string,1);
+#print $tex_string;
+####################### END MAIN ##########################
+####################### BEGIN SUBS ########################
+#Routine to print help
+# runs the system command "pdflatex" after checking for existing files
+# and backing them up.
+# <1> The base of the filename
+sub latex2pdf {
+ my ($htmlfile,$latexfile) = @_;
+ my ($base,$path,$extension) = fileparse($latexfile,'\.tex');
+ my $texrel = "$base$extension"; #relative name of the tex file
+ my $logfile = "$path$base.log";
+ my $pdffile = "$path$base.pdf";
+ print "PDF: Processing $latexfile from $htmlfile and $texrel\n";
+ chdir($path); #pdflatex, no matter what I do always insists on making the output
+ #files in the current directory. So here is my workaround.
+ my @errors = grep /^!/, `pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode $texrel`;
+ chdir($START_DIR);
+ if(@errors){
+ print "PDF: pdflatex reported " . scalar(@errors) . " errors while creating PDF.\n\tCheck $logfile for more information.\n";
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+html2latex - HTML to latex converter.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+html2latex [OPTION]... URLS...
+html2latex uses HTML::TreeBuilder to parse an HTML file and then it
+converts the HTML::Element into to a Latex file. Each URL will have a
+.*html extension stripped. If you use a URL, then the files taken
+from the Internet will be stored in your ~/.html2latex directory. If
+pictures are included, they are converted to .PNG, which can only be
+used with pdflatex. As an added bonus, there is an option to
+automatically create a PDF from the Latex file (using pdflatex).
+=head1 REQUIRES
+If your html2latex is not working correctly, this may be because you
+do not have many of the needed packages. html2latex requires
+HTML::TreeBuilder perhaps LWP::Simple and URI. If you do not have
+either of these, try typing B<perl -MCPAN -e shell> at the command
+line. This will bring up a shell for CPAN (The Comprehensive Perl
+Archive Network). Then, as root try typing B<install
+HTML::TreeBuilder>. Should work like magic.
+=head1 URLS
+In your list of URLs any filename given after a URL will continue to
+use the latest HOST given. Also, files default to index.html,
+regardless of what the server thinks. So, if you type:
+C<html2latex foo.html bar.html>
+html2latex will try to grab,
+,, and
+=head1 OPTIONS
+Options are secondary to document-specified options. So, if your HTML
+file has border=1, a border will be printed regardless of the
+B<--border> option. The do overide, however, options given in the
+configuration file. If you want to change things more permanently,
+try changing the config file, html2latex.xml. For information on it,
+try the HTML::Latex under section CONFIGURATION FILE.
+=over 4
+=item B<-h -? --help>
+Print the brief help and usage.
+=item B<--latex2pdf --pdf -p>
+Automatically create a PDF along with a latex file named FILE.pdf.
+This may fail and print a number of cryptic errors.
+=item B<-i --image --image_scale=SCALE>
+Set the scale for images in the latex file. This is usefull because
+some images in HTML or much to big to fit on a page. Default is 1.0.
+SCALE can be any non-zere positive floating point number, large
+numbers are not reccomended.
+=item B<-f --font --font_size=SIZE>
+Set the default font size. Can be 10-12. Do not try anything else.
+html2latex will not check it, but the latex file will not compile (at
+least I think not). Default is 12.
+=item B<-d --debug>
+Level of debugging info to print. The more times this option is used,
+the higher the level. Default is 0, and you cannot lower that. Right
+now, 0 prints nothing. 1 prints fun code-tracking info. 2 prints
+lots of data-structure information, so don't do it unless you're
+=item B<--border --table --table_border>
+Sets table around borders on. Default is off. Also, B<--noborder> or
+B<--notable> will explicity turn table borders off.
+=item B<--class --document --document_class=CLASS>
+Set the documentclass to use. Any valid latex document class is
+valid. Examples are B<report>, B<book>, and B<article>. B<article>
+is the default. If an invalid document class is used, the output
+latex file will not compile.
+=item B<--package=PACKAGE>
+html2latex will create a latex file using any packages that you
+specify. PACKAGE will be added to the list of class to put in the
+file. html2latex will not make sure the packages are valid, but if
+they aren't the latex file won't compile.
+=item B<--head=HEAD>
+Latex allows you to add options in the preamble of the form
+\documentclass[OPTIONS]{article}. Each HEAD you add gets added to the
+list included. For instance, you could use C<--head=twocolumn> to add
+the 'twocolumn' feature of Latex. Since font sizes are already added,
+don't add them yourself. See C<--font>
+=item B<--mbox -m>
+With any of these, html2latex will put a tex \mbox around all of the
+tables it creates. I do not know why, but with a lot of tables
+(especially nested ones), the tex and pdf output will work better.
+So, if you do not like your output with tables, try this.
+=item B<--paragraph --par -P>
+Uses HTML-style paragraphs. This is by default, so try --noparagrph
+or --nopar or -P! to turn it back to Latex-style paragraphs.
+=item B<--cache --local>
+=item B<--log -l LOGFILE>
+Print all messages to LOGFILE instead of STDERR.
+=item B<--conf -C CONFFILE>
+Change the configuration file to CONFFILE. For more information on
+this file, see the HTML::Latex manpage.
+=head1 Development
+Development is being carried out by Peter Thatcher
+( and Stan Seibert ( Homepage