path: root/support/highlight/langDefs/rexx.lang
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/highlight/langDefs/rexx.lang
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/highlight/langDefs/rexx.lang')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/highlight/langDefs/rexx.lang b/support/highlight/langDefs/rexx.lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9001d7701e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/highlight/langDefs/rexx.lang
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Rexx language definition file
+# Author: Andre Simon
+# Mail:
+# Date: 21.11.2002
+# 22.02.2010 added TSO/E Commands / DBCS Functions
+# ------------------------------------------
+# This file is a part of highlight, a free source code converter released under the GPL.
+# The file is used to describe keywords and special symbols of programming languages.
+# See README in the highlight directory for details.
+# New definition files for future releases of highlight are always appreciated ;)
+# ----------
+# http:/
+$KEYWORDS(kwa)=address additional any arg arguments array by call caseless
+continue class description digits do drop end engineering error exit expose
+else failure for forever form forward fuzz guard halt if interpret iterate
+leave lower lostdigits message name nop nomethod nostring notready novalue
+numeric on off otherwise parse procedure pull push propagate queue raise reply
+return ret rc result say scientific select sigl signal source syntax then to trace
+upper until use user version when while with
+# built in functions:
+$KEYWORDS(kwb)=abbrev abs append beep binary bitand bitor bitxor both b2x center centre
+changestr char charin charout chars compare condition copies countstr close c2d
+c2x datetime datatype date delstr delword directory d2c d2x errortext exists
+filespec flush format handle insert lastpos left length line linein lineout
+lines max min nobuffer open overlay pos position queued query random reclength
+read replace reverse right seek sign size shared shareread sharewrite
+sourceline space stream streamtype strip subword substr symbol sys time
+timestamp translate trunc var value verify word wordindex wordlength wordpos
+words write xrange x2b x2c x2d pid pprio ptime rxfuncadd rxfuncdrop rxfuncquery
+rxqueue rxmessagebox rxwinexec sysaddrexxmacro sysbootdrive
+sysclearrexxmacrospace syscloseeventsem sysclosemutexsem syscls
+syscreateeventsem syscreatemutexsem syscurpos syscurstate sysdriveinfo
+sysdrivemap sysdropfuncs sysdroprexxmacro sysdumpvariables sysfiledelete
+sysfilesearch sysfilesystemtype sysgetfiledatetime sysfiletree sysgetkey sysini
+sysloadfuncs sysloadrexxmacrospace sysmkdir sysopeneventsem sysopenmutexsem
+sysposteventsem syspulseeventsem sysqueryprocess sysqueryrexxmacro
+sysreleasemutexsem sysreorderrexxmacro sysrequestmutexsem sysreseteventsem
+sysrmdir syssaverexxmacrospace syssearchpath syssetfiledatetime syssetpriority
+syssleep sysstemcopy sysstemdelete syssteminsert sysstemsort sysswitchsession
+syssystemdirectory systempfilename systextscreenread systextscreensize
+sysutilversion sysvolumelabel syswaiteventsem syswaitnamedpipe sysversion
+# TSO/E Commands / DBCS Functions
+$KEYWORDS(kwc)=externals find getmsg index justify linesize listdsi msg mvsvar outtrap
+prompt setlang storage syscpus sysdsn sysvar userid dbadjust dbbracket
+dbcenter dbcjustify dbcs dbleft dbright dbrleft dbrright dbtodbcs
+dbtosbcs dbunbracket dbvalidate dbwidth delstack dropbuf execio executil
+he hi ht makebuf newstack qbuf qelem qstack rt subcom te ts
+$ML_COMMENT=/* */
+$SL_COMMENT=-- #!
+# avoid highlighting of "attribute numbers"
+$SYMBOLS= ( ) [ ] . , ; : & | < > ! = / * % + - \ No newline at end of file