path: root/support/highlight/README_LANGLIST
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/highlight/README_LANGLIST
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/highlight/README_LANGLIST')
1 files changed, 172 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/highlight/README_LANGLIST b/support/highlight/README_LANGLIST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c68d072c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/highlight/README_LANGLIST
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+--- HIGHLIGHT LANGUAGE LIST --------------------------------- October 2009 ---
+All supported languages and the syntax definition file names are listed below.
+The parens contain filename extensions configured in filetypes.conf.
+By default, the *.lang files are located in /usr/share/highlight/langDefs/.
+Since release 2.12, it is possible to highlight source files with multiple
+languages (ie HTML+PHP), see the NESTED instruction in README.
+Installed language definitions (located in /usr/share/highlight/langDefs/):
+Informix : 4gl
+ASCEND : a4c
+ABAP/4 : abp
+ABNF : abnf
+ADA95 : ada ( a adb ads gnad )
+Agda : agda
+AutoHotKeys : ahk
+AMPL : ampl ( dat run )
+AMTrix : amtrix ( hnd s4 s4h s4t t4 )
+AppleScript : applescript
+Arc : arc
+ARM : arm
+Action Script : as
+Assembler : asm ( 29k 68s 68x a51 x68 )
+ASP : asp ( asa )
+Abstract : aspect ( was wud )
+Applied Type System : ats ( dats )
+AutoIt : au3
+Avenue : avenue
+(G)AWK : awk
+DOS Batch : bat ( cmd )
+Blitz Basic : bb
+BibTeX : bib
+BM Script : bms
+BNF : bnf
+Boo : boo
+C and C++ : c ( c++ cc cpp cxx h hh hpp hxx )
+ClearBasic : cb
+ColdFusion MX : cfc ( cfm )
+CHILL : chl
+Clipper : clipper
+Clojure : clojure
+Clips : clp
+COBOL : cob ( cbl )
+C# : cs
+CSS : css
+D : d
+Diff : diff ( patch )
+Graphviz : dot
+Dylan : dylan
+Eiffel : e ( se )
+EBNF : ebnf
+Erlang : erl ( hrl )
+Euphoria : euphoria ( eu ew ex exu exw )
+Express : exp
+Fortran 77 : f77 ( f for ftn )
+Fortran 90 : f90 ( f95 )
+Felix : flx
+Frink : frink
+F# : fs ( fsx )
+Go : go
+Haskell : haskell ( hs )
+Hecl : hcl
+HTML : html ( htm xhtml )
+Apache Config : httpd
+haXe : hx
+Clean : icl
+Icon : icn
+IDL : idl
+Interactive Data Language: idlang
+Lua (for LuaTeX) : inc_luatex
+INI : ini
+FAME : inp
+IO : io
+Inno Setup : iss
+Jasmin : j
+Java : java ( groovy grv )
+Javascript : js
+JSP : jsp
+Luban : lbn
+LDAP : ldif
+Logtalk : lgt
+Haskell LHS : lhs
+Lisp : lisp ( cl clisp el lsp sbcl )
+Lotos : lotos
+Lotus : ls
+Linden Script : lsl
+Lua : lua
+Lilypond : ly
+Matlab : m
+Make : make ( mak mk )
+Maya : mel
+Mercury : mercury
+SNMP : mib ( smi )
+Miranda : miranda
+Objective Caml : ml ( mli ocaml )
+Modelica : mo
+Modula2 : mod2 ( mod def )
+Modula3 : mod3 ( m3 i3 )
+Maple : mpl
+MaxScript : ms
+MSSQL : mssql
+Nemerle : n
+Nasal : nas
+NBC : nbc
+Nice : nice
+NetRexx : nrx
+NSIS : nsi
+Squirrel : nut
+NXC : nxc
+Oberon : oberon ( ooc )
+Objective C : objc
+Octave : octave
+Open Object Rexx : oorexx
+Object Script : os
+Oz : oz
+Pascal : pas
+PHP : php ( php3 php4 php5 php6 )
+Pike : pike ( pmod )
+Perl : pl ( cgi perl plex plx pm )
+PL/1 : pl1 ( bdy ff fp fpp rpp sf sp spb spe spp sps wf wp wpb wpp wps )
+POV-Ray : pov
+Prolog : pro
+Progress : progress ( i p w )
+PostScript : ps
+Pure : pure
+Microsoft PowerShell: ps1
+PATROL : psl
+Python : py
+Pyrex : pyx
+Qore : q
+QMake Project : qmake
+Qu : qu
+R : r
+Ruby : rb ( pp rjs ruby )
+Rebol : rebol
+Rexx : rexx ( rex rx the )
+Relax NG : rnc
+PowerPC Assembler : s
+SAS : sas
+Paradox : sc
+Scala : scala
+Scilab : scilab
+Bash : sh ( bash ebuild eclass )
+SMALL : sma
+Smalltalk : smalltalk ( gst sq st )
+Standard ML : sml
+SNOBOL : sno
+RPM Spec : spec
+SPIN SQL : spn
+PL/SQL : sql
+Sybase SQL : sybase
+Tcl/Tk : tcl ( itcl wish )
+TCSH : tcsh
+Regex tests : test_re
+TeX and LaTeX : tex ( cls sty )
+TTCN3 : ttcn3
+Plain text : txt
+Vala : vala
+Visual Basic : vb ( bas basic bi vbs )
+Verilog : verilog ( v )
+VHDL : vhd
+XML : xml ( dtd ecf ent hdr hub jnlp nrm sgm sgml svg tld vxml wml xsl )
+SuperX++ : xpp
+Bison : y
+Zonnon : znn
+Use the name of the desired language with the --syntax option.