path: root/support/graphbase/miles_span.w
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/graphbase/miles_span.w
Initial commit
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1 files changed, 1659 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/graphbase/miles_span.w b/support/graphbase/miles_span.w
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index 0000000000..d743d3fd9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/graphbase/miles_span.w
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+% This file is part of the Stanford GraphBase (c) Stanford University 1992
+\def\title{MILES\_\thinspace SPAN}
+@i boilerplate.w %<< legal stuff: PLEASE READ IT BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES!
+\prerequisite{GB\_\thinspace MILES}
+@* Minimum spanning trees.
+A classic paper by R. L. Graham and Pavol Hell about the history of
+algorithms to find the minimum-length spanning tree of a graph
+[{\sl Annals of the History of Computing \bf7} (1985), 43--57]
+describes three main approaches to that problem. Algorithm~1,
+``two nearest fragments,'' repeatedly adds a shortest edge that joins
+two hitherto unconnected fragments of the graph; this algorithm was
+first published by J.~B. Kruskal in 1956. Algorithm~2, ``nearest
+neighbor,'' repeatedly adds a shortest edge that joins a particular
+fragment to a vertex not in that fragment; this algorithm was first
+published by V. Jarn\'{\i}k in 1930. Algorithm~3, ``all nearest
+fragments,'' repeatedly adds to each existing fragment the shortest
+edge that joins it to another fragment; this method, seemingly the
+most sophisticated in concept, also turns out to be the oldest,
+being first published by Otakar Bor{\accent23u}vka in 1926.
+The present program contains simple implementations of all three
+approaches, in an attempt to make practical comparisons of how
+they behave on ``realistic'' data. One of the main goals of this
+program is to demonstrate a simple way to make machine-independent
+comparisons of programs written in \Cee, by counting memory
+references or ``mems.'' In other words, this program is intended
+to be read, not just performed.
+The author believes that mem counting sheds considerable light on
+the problem of determining the relative efficiency of competing
+algorithms for practical problems. He hopes other researchers will
+enjoy rising to the challenge of devising algorithms that find minimum
+spanning trees in significantly fewer mem units than the algorithms
+presented here, on problems of the size considered here.
+Indeed, mem counting promises to be significant for combinatorial
+algorithms of all kinds. The standard graphs available in the
+Stanford GraphBase should make it possible to carry out a large
+number of machine-independent experiments concerning the practical
+efficiency of algorithms that have previously been studied
+only asymptotically.
+@ The graphs we will deal with are produced by the |miles| subroutine,
+found in the |gb_miles| module. As explained there,
+|miles(n,north_weight,west_weight,pop_weight,0,max_degree,seed)| produces a
+graph of |n<=128| vertices based on the driving distances between
+North American cities. By default we take |n=100|, |north_weight=west_weight
+=pop_weight=0|, and |max_degree=10|; this gives billions of different sparse
+graphs, when different |seed| values are specified, since a different
+random number seed generally results in the selection of another
+one of the $128\choose100$ possible subgraphs.
+The default parameters can be changed by specifying options on the
+command line, at least in a \UNIX\ implementation, thereby obtaining a
+variety of special effects. For example, the value of |n| can be
+raised or lowered and/or the graph can be made more or less sparse.
+The user can bias the selection by ranking cities according to their
+population and/or position, if nonzero values are given to any of the
+parameters |north_weight|, |west_weight|, or |pop_weight|.
+Command-line options \.{-n}\<number>, \.{-N}\<number>, \.{-W}\<number>,
+\.{-P}\<number>, \.{-d}\<number>, and \.{-s}\<number>
+are used to specify non-default values of the respective quantities |n|,
+|north_weight|, |west_weight|, |pop_weight|, |max_degree|, and |seed|.
+If the user specifies a \.{-r} option, e.g.~by saying `\.{miles\_span}
+\.{-r10}', this program will investigate the spanning trees of a
+series of e.g.~10 graphs having consecutive |seed| values. (This
+option makes sense only if |n<128| and |north_weight=west_weight=pop_weight=0|,
+because |miles| chooses the top |n| cities by weight; it rarely needs
+to use random numbers to break ties when the weights are nonzero,
+because cities rarely have exactly the same weight in that case.)
+@^UNIX dependencies@>
+Here is the overall layout of this \Cee\ program:
+#include "gb_graph.h" /* the GraphBase data structures */
+#include "gb_miles.h" /* the |miles| routine */
+@<Global variables@>@;
+@<Procedures to be declared early@>@;
+@<Priority queue subroutines@>@;
+ int argc; /* the number of command-line arguments */
+ char *argv[]; /* an array of strings containing those arguments */
+{@+unsigned n=100; /* the desired number of vertices */
+ unsigned n_weight=0; /* the |north_weight| parameter */
+ unsigned w_weight=0; /* the |west_weight| parameter */
+ unsigned p_weight=0; /* the |pop_weight| parameter */
+ unsigned d=10; /* the |max_degree| parameter */
+ long s=0; /* the random number seed */
+ unsigned r=1; /* the number of repetitions */
+ @<Scan the command line options@>;
+ if (n>1)
+ while (r--) {
+ g=miles(n,n_weight,w_weight,p_weight,0,d,s);
+ if (g==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, can't create the graph! (error code %d)\n",
+ panic_code);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ @<Report the number of mems needed to compute a minimum spanning tree
+ of |g| by various algorithms@>;
+ gb_recycle(g);
+ s++; /* increase the |seed| value */
+ }
+@ @<Global...@>=
+Graph *g; /* the graph we will work on */
+@ @<Scan the command line options@>=
+while (--argc) {
+@^UNIX dependencies@>
+ if (sscanf(argv[argc],"-n%u",&n)==1) ;
+ else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"-N%u",&n_weight)==1) ;
+ else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"-W%u",&w_weight)==1) ;
+ else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"-P%u",&p_weight)==1) ;
+ else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"-d%u",&d)==1) ;
+ else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"-r%u",&r)==1) ;
+ else if (sscanf(argv[argc],"-s%ld",&s)==1) ;
+ else if (strcmp(argv[argc],"-v")==0) verbose=1;
+ else {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [-nN][-dN][-rN][-sN][-NN][-WN][-PN][-v]\n",
+ argv[0]);
+ return -2;
+ }
+@ We will try out four basic algorithms that have received prominent
+attention in the literature. Graham and Hell's Algorithm~1 is represented
+by the |krusk| procedure, which uses Kruskal's algorithm after the
+edges have been sorted by length with a radix sort. Their Algorithm~2
+is represented by the |jar_pr| procedure, which incorporates a
+priority queue structure that we implement in two ways, either as
+a simple binary heap or as a Fibonacci heap. And their Algorithm~3
+is represented by the |cher_tar_kar| procedure, which implements a
+method similar to Bor{\accent23u}vka's that was independently
+discovered by Cheriton and Tarjan and later simplified by Karp and Tarjan.
+@d INFINITY (unsigned long)-1
+ /* value returned when there's no spanning tree */
+@<Report the number...@>=
+printf("The graph %s has %d edges,\n",g->id,g->m/2);
+if (sp_length==INFINITY) printf(" and it isn't connected.\n");
+else printf(" and its minimum spanning tree has length %d.\n",sp_length);
+printf(" The Kruskal/radix-sort algorithm takes %d mems;\n",mems);
+@<Execute |jar_pr(g)| with binary heaps as the priority queue algorithm@>;
+printf(" the Jarnik/Prim/binary-heap algorithm takes %d mems;\n",mems);
+@<Allocate additional space needed by the more complex algorithms;
+ or |goto done| if there isn't enough room@>;
+@<Execute |jar_pr(g)| with Fibonacci heaps as
+ the priority queue algorithm@>;
+printf(" the Jarnik/Prim/Fibonacci-heap algorithm takes %d mems;\n",mems);
+if (sp_length!=cher_tar_kar(g)) {
+ if (gb_alloc_trouble) printf(" ...oops, I've run out of memory!\n");
+ else printf(" ...oops, I've got a bug, please fix fix fix\n");
+ return -3;
+printf(" the Cheriton/Tarjan/Karp algorithm takes %d mems.\n\n",mems);
+@ @<Glob...@>=
+unsigned long sp_length; /* length of the minimum spanning tree */
+@ When the |verbose| switch is nonzero, edges found by the various
+algorithms will call the |report| subroutine.
+ Vertex *u,*v; /* adjacent vertices in the minimum spanning tree */
+ int l; /* the length of the edge between them */
+{ printf(" %d miles between %s and %s [%d mems]\n",
+ l,u->name,v->name,mems);
+@*Strategies and ground rules.
+Let us say that a {\it fragment\/} is any subtree of a minimum
+spanning tree. All three algorithms we implement make use of a basic
+principle first stated in full generality by R.~C. Prim in 1957:
+``If a fragment~$F$ does not include all the vertices, and if $e$~is
+a shortest edge joining $F$ to a vertex not in~$F$, then $F\cup e$
+is a fragment.'' To prove Prim's principle, let $T$ be a minimum
+spanning tree that contains $F$ but not~$e$. Adding $e$ to~$T$ creates
+a circuit containing some edge $e'\ne e$, where $e'$ runs from a vertex
+in~$F$ to a vertex not in~$F$. Deleting $e'$ from
+$T\cup e$ produces a spanning tree~$T'$ of total length no larger
+than the total length of~$T$. Hence $T'$ is a minimum spanning
+tree containing $F\cup e$, QED.
+@ The graphs produced by |miles| have special properties, and it is fair game
+to make use of those properties if we can.
+First, the length of each edge is a positive integer less than $2^{12}$.
+Second, the $k$th vertex $v_k$ of the graph is represented in \Cee\ by
+the pointer expression |g->vertices+k|. If weights have been assigned,
+these vertices will be in order by weight. For example, if |north_weight=1|
+but |west_weight=pop_weight=0|, vertex $v_0$ will be the most northerly city
+and vertex $v_{n-1}$ will be the most southerly.
+Third, the edges accessible from a vertex |v| appear in a linked list
+starting at |v->arcs|. An edge from |v| to $v_j$ will precede an
+edge from |v| to $v_k$ in this list if and only if $j>k$.
+Fourth, the vertices have coordinates |v->x_coord| and |v->y_coord|
+that are correlated with the length of edges between them: The
+Euclidean distance between the coordinates of two vertices tends to be small
+if and only if those vertices are connected by a relatively short edge.
+(This is only a tendency, not a certainty; for example, some cities
+around Chesapeake Bay are fairly close together as the crow flies, but not
+within easy driving range of each other.)
+Fifth, the edge lengths satisfy the triangle inequality: Whenever
+three edges form a cycle, the longest is no longer than the sum of
+the lengths of the two others. (It can be proved that
+the triangle inequality is of no use in finding minimum spanning
+trees; we mention it here only to exhibit yet another way in which
+the data produced by |miles| is known to be nonrandom.)
+Our implementation of Kruskal's algorithm will make use of the first
+property, and it also uses part of the third to avoid considering an
+edge more than once. We will not exploit the other properties, but a
+reader who wants to design algorithms that use fewer mems to find minimum
+spanning trees of these graphs is free to use any idea that helps.
+@f Vertex int /* |gb_graph| defines these data types */
+@f Arc int
+@f Graph int
+@f Area int
+@ Speaking of mems, here are the simple \Cee\ instrumentation macros that we use
+to count memory references. The macros are called |o|, |oo|, |ooo|,
+and |oooo|; hence Jon Bentley has called this a ``little oh analysis.''
+Implementors who want to count mems are supposed to say, e.g., `\\{oo},'
+just before an assignment statement or boolean expression that makes
+two references to memory. The \Cee\ preprocessor will convert this
+to a statement that increases |mems| by~2 as that statement or expression
+is evaluated.
+Notice that, for example, the semantics of \Cee\ tell us that
+the evaluation of an expression like `|a&&(o,a->len>10)|'
+will increment |mems| if and only if the pointer variable~|a|
+is non-null. Warning: The parentheses are very important in this example,
+because \Cee's operator |&&| (i.e., \.{\&\&}) has higher precedence than comma.
+Values of significant variables, like |a| in the previous example,
+can be assumed to be in ``registers,'' and no charge is made for
+arithmetic computations that involve only registers. But the total
+number of registers in an implementation must be finite and fixed,
+independent of the problem size.
+@^discussion of \\{mems}@>
+\Cee\ does not allow the |o| macros to appear in declarations, so we cannot
+take full advantage of \Cee's initialization mechanism when we are
+counting mems. But it's easy to initialize variables in separate
+statements after the declarations are done.
+@d o mems++
+@d oo mems+=2
+@d ooo mems+=3
+@d oooo mems+=4
+long mems; /* the number of memory references counted */
+@ Examples of these mem-counting conventions appear throughout the
+program that follows. Some people will undoubtedly ask why the insertion of
+macros by hand is being recommended here, when it would be possible to
+develop a fancy system that counts mems automatically. The author
+believes that it is best to rely on programmers to introduce |o| and
+|oo|, etc., by themselves, for several reasons. (1)~The macros can be
+inserted easily and quickly using a text editor. (2)~An implementation
+need not pay for mems that could be avoided by a suitable optimizing
+compiler or by making the \Cee\ program text slightly more complex;
+thus, authors can use their good judgment to keep programs more
+readable than if the code were overly hand-optimized. (3)~The
+programmer should be able to see exactly where mems are being charged,
+as an aid to bottleneck elimination. Occurrences of |o| and |oo| make
+this plain without messing up the program text. (4)~An implementation
+need not be charged for mems that merely provide diagnostic output, or
+mems that do redundant computations just to doublecheck the validity
+of ``proven'' assertions as a program is being tested.
+@^discussion of \\{mems}@>
+Computer architecture is converging rapidly these days to the
+design of machines in which the exact running time of a program
+depends on complicated interactions between pipelined circuitry and
+the dynamic properties of cache mapping in a memory hierarchy,
+not to mention the effects of compilers and operating systems.
+But a good approximation to running time is usually obtained if we
+assume that the amount of computation is proportional to the activity
+of the memory bus between registers and main memory. This
+approximation is likely to get even better in the future, as
+RISC computers get faster and faster in comparison to memory devices.
+Although the mem measure is far from perfect, it appears to be
+significantly less distorted than any other measurement that can
+be obtained without considerably more work. An implementation that
+is designed to use few mems will almost certainly be efficient
+on today's sequential computers, as well as on the sequential computers
+we can expect to be built in the foreseeable future. And the converse
+statement is even more true: An algorithm that runs fast will not
+consume many mems.
+Of course authors are expected to be reasonable and fair when they
+are competing for minimum-mem prizes. They must be ready to
+submit their programs to inspection by impartial judges. A good
+algorithm will not need to abuse the spirit of realistic mem-counting.
+Mems can be analyzed theoretically as well as empirically.
+This means we can attach constants to estimates of running time, instead of
+always resorting to $O$~notation.
+@*Kruskal's algorithm.
+The first algorithm we shall implement and instrument is the simplest:
+It considers the edges one by one in order of nondecreasing length,
+selecting each edge that does not form a cycle with previously
+selected edges.
+We know that the edge lengths are less than $2^{12}$, so we can sort them
+into order with two passes of a $2^6$-bucket radix sort.
+We will arrange to have them appear in the buckets as linked lists
+of |Arc| records; the two utility fields of an |Arc| will be called
+|from| and |klink|, respectively.
+@d from a.v /* an edge goes from vertex |a->from| to vertex |a->tip| */
+@d klink b.a /* the next longer edge after |a| will be |a->klink| */
+@<Put all the edges into |bucket[0]| through |bucket[63]|@>=
+for (l=0;l<64;l++) oo,aucket[l]=bucket[l]=NULL;
+for (o,v=g->vertices;v<g->vertices+n;v++)
+ for (o,a=v->arcs;a&&(o,a->tip>v);o,a=a->next) {
+ o,a->from=v;
+ o,l=a->len&0x3f; /* length mod 64 */
+ oo,a->klink=aucket[l];
+ o,aucket[l]=a;
+ }
+for (l=63;l>=0;l--)
+ for (o,a=aucket[l];a;) {@+register int ll;
+ register Arc *aa=a;
+ o,a=a->klink;
+ o,ll=aa->len>>6; /* length divided by 64 */
+ oo,aa->klink=bucket[ll];
+ o,bucket[ll]=aa;
+ }
+@ @<Glob...@>=
+Arc *aucket[64], *bucket[64]; /* heads of linked lists of arcs */
+@ Kruskal's algorithm now takes the following form.
+unsigned long krusk(g)
+ Graph *g;
+{@+@<Local variables for |krusk|@>;
+ mems=0;
+ @<Put all the edges...@>;
+ if (verbose) printf(" [%d mems to sort the edges into buckets]\n",mems);
+ @<Put all the vertices into components by themselves@>;
+ for (l=0;l<64;l++)
+ for (o,a=bucket[l];a;o,a=a->klink) {
+ o,u=a->from;
+ o,v=a->tip;
+ @<If |u| and |v| are already in the same component, |continue|@>;
+ if (verbose) report(a->from,a->tip,a->len);
+ o,tot_len+=a->len;
+ if (--components==1) return tot_len;
+ @<Merge the components containing |u| and |v|@>;
+ }
+ return INFINITY; /* the graph wasn't connected */
+@ Lest we forget, we'd better declare all the local variables we've
+been using.
+@<Local variables for |krusk|@>=
+register Arc *a,*aa; /* current edges of interest */
+register int l; /* current bucket of interest */
+register Vertex *u,*v,*w; /* current vertices of interest */
+unsigned long tot_len=0; /* total length of edges already chosen */
+int n; /* the number of vertices */
+int components;
+@ The remaining things that |krusk| needs to do are easily recognizable
+as an application of ``equivalence algorithms'' or ``union/find''
+data structures. We will use a simple approach whose average running
+time on random graphs was shown to be linear by Knuth and Sch\"onhage
+in {\sl Theoretical Computer Science\/ \bf 6} (1978), 281--315.
+The vertices of each component (i.e., of each connected fragment defined by
+the edges selected so far) will be linked circularly by |clink| pointers.
+Each vertex also has a |class| field that points to a unique vertex
+representing its component. Each component representative also has
+a |csize| field that tells how many vertices are in the component.
+@d clink z.v /* pointer to another vertex in the same component */
+@d class y.v /* pointer to component representative */
+@d csize x.i /* size of the component (maintained only for representatives) */
+@<If |u| and |v| are already in the same component, |continue|@>=
+if (oo,u->class==v->class) continue;
+@ We don't need to charge any mems for fetching |g->vertices|, because
+|krusk| has already referred to it.
+@^discussion of \\{mems}@>
+@<Put all the vertices...@>=
+for (v=g->vertices;v<g->vertices+n;v++) {
+ oo,v->clink=v->class=v;
+ o,v->csize=1;
+@ The operation of merging two components together requires us to
+change two |clink| pointers, one |csize| field, and the |class|
+fields in each vertex of the smaller component.
+Here we charge two mems for the first |if| test, since |u->csize| and
+|v->csize| are being fetched from memory. Then we charge only one mem
+when |u->csize| is being updated, since the values being added together
+have already been fetched. True, the compiler has to be smart to
+realize that it's safe to add the fetched values |u->csize+v->csize|
+even though |u| and |v| may have been swapped in the meantime;
+but we are assuming that the compiler is extremely clever. (Otherwise we
+would have to clutter up our program every time we don't trust the compiler.
+After all, programs that count mems are intended primarily to be read,
+they aren't intended for production jobs.) % Prim-arily?
+@^discussion of \\{mems}@>
+@<Merge the components containing |u| and |v|@>=
+u=u->class; /* |u->class| has already been fetched from memory */
+v=v->class; /* ditto for |v->class| */
+if (oo,u->csize<v->csize) {
+ w=u;@+u=v;@+v=w;
+} /* now |v|'s component is smaller than |u|'s (or equally small) */
+for (;;o,w=w->clink) {
+ o,w->class=u;
+ if (w==v) break;
+@* Jarn{\'\i}k and Prim's algorithm.
+A second approach to minimum spanning trees is also pretty simple,
+except for one technicality: We want to write it in a sufficiently
+general manner that different priority queue algorithms can be plugged in.
+The basic idea is to choose an arbitrary vertex $v_0$ and connect it to its
+nearest neighbor~$v_1$, then to connect that fragment to its nearest
+neighbor~$v_2$, and so on. A priority queue holds all vertices that
+are adjacent to but not already in the current fragment; the key value
+stored with each vertex is its distance to the current fragment.
+We want the priority queue data structure to support the four
+operations |init_queue(d)|, |enqueue(v,d)|, |requeue(v,d)|, and
+|delete_min()|, described in the |gb_dijk| module. Dijkstra's
+algorithm for shortest paths, described there, is remarkably similar
+to Jarn{\'\i}k and Prim's algorithm for minimum spanning trees; in
+fact, Dijkstra discovered the latter algorithm independently, at the
+same time as he came up with his procedure for shortest paths.
+As in |gb_dijk|, we define pointers to priority queue subroutines
+so that the queueing mechanism can be varied.
+@d dist z.i /* this is the key field for vertices in the priority queue */
+@d backlink y.v /* this vertex is the stated |dist| away */
+void (*init_queue)(); /* create an empty priority queue */
+void (*enqueue)(); /* insert a new element in the priority queue */
+void (*requeue)(); /* decrease the key of an element in the queue */
+Vertex *(*delete_min)(); /* remove an element with smallest key */
+@ The vertices in this algorithm are initially ``unseen''; they become
+``seen'' when they enter the priority queue, and finally ``known''
+when they leave it and enter the current fragment.
+We will put a special constant in the |backlink| field
+of known vertices. A vertex will be unseen iff its |backlink| is~|NULL|.
+@d KNOWN (Vertex*)1 /* special |backlink| to mark known vertices */
+unsigned long jar_pr(g)
+ Graph *g;
+{@+register Vertex *t; /* vertex that is just becoming known */
+ int fragment_size; /* number of vertices in the tree so far */
+ unsigned long tot_len=0; /* sum of edge lengths in the tree so far */
+ mems=0;
+ @<Make |t=g->vertices| the only vertex seen; also make it known@>;
+ while (fragment_size<g->n) {
+ @<Put all unseen vertices adjacent to |t| into the queue,
+ and update the distances of the other vertices adjacent to~|t|@>;
+ t=(*delete_min)();
+ if (t==NULL) return INFINITY; /* the graph is disconnected */
+ if (verbose) report(t->backlink,t,t->dist);
+ o,tot_len+=t->dist;
+ o,t->backlink=KNOWN;
+ fragment_size++;
+ }
+ return tot_len;
+@ Notice that we don't charge any mems for the subroutine call
+to |init_queue|, except for mems counted in the subroutine itself.
+What should we charge in general for subroutine linkage when we are
+counting mems? The parameters to subroutines generally go into
+registers, and registers are ``free''; also, a compiler can often
+choose to implement a procedure in line, thereby reducing the
+overhead to zero. Hence, the recommended method for charging mems
+with respect to subroutines is: Charge nothing if the subroutine
+is not recursive; otherwise charge twice the number of things that need
+to be saved on a runtime stack. (The return address is one of the
+things that needs to be saved.)
+@^discussion of \\{mems}@>
+@<Make |t=g->vertices| the only vertex seen; also make it known@>=
+for (oo,t=g->vertices+g->n-1;t>g->vertices;t--) o,t->backlink=NULL;
+(*init_queue)(0); /* make the priority queue empty */
+@ @<Put all unseen vertices adjacent to |t| into the queue,
+ and update the distances of the other vertices adjacent to~|t|@>=
+{@+register Arc *a; /* an arc leading from |t| */
+ for (o,a=t->arcs; a; o,a=a->next) {
+ register Vertex *v; /* a vertex adjacent to |t| */
+ o,v=a->tip;
+ if (o,v->backlink) { /* |v| has already been seen */
+ if (v->backlink>KNOWN) {
+ if (oo,a->len<v->dist) {
+ o,v->backlink=t;
+ (*requeue)(v,a->len); /* we found a better way to get there */
+ }
+ }
+ } else { /* |v| hasn't been seen before */
+ o,v->backlink=t;
+ o,(*enqueue)(v,a->len);
+ }
+ }
+@*Binary heaps.
+To complete the |jar_pr| routine, we need to fill in the four
+priority queue functions. Jarn{\'\i}k wrote his original paper before
+computers were known; Prim and Dijkstra wrote theirs before efficient priority
+queue algorithms were known. Their original algorithms therefore
+took $\Theta(n^2)$ steps.
+Kerschenbaum and Van Slyke pointed out in 1972 that binary heaps could
+do better. A simplified version of binary heaps (invented by Williams
+in 1964) is presented here.
+A binary heap is an array of |n| elements, and we need space for it.
+Fortunately the space is already there; we can use utility field
+|u| in each of the vertex records of the graph. Moreover, if
+|heap_elt(i)| points to vertex~|v|, we will arrange things so that
+@d heap_elt(i) (gv+i)->u.v /* the |i|th vertex of the heap; |gv=g->vertices| */
+@d heap_index v.i /* the |v| utility field says where a vertex is in the heap */
+Vertex *gv; /* |g->vertices|, the base of the heap array */
+int hsize; /* the number of elements currently in the heap */
+@ To initialize the heap, we need only initialize two ``registers'' to
+known values, so we don't have to charge any mems at all. (In a production
+implementation, this code would appear in-line as part of the
+spanning tree algorithm.)
+@^discussion of \\{mems}@>
+Important Note: This routine refers to the global variable |g|, which is
+set in |main| (not in |jar_pr|). Suitable changes need to be made
+if these binary heap routines are used in other programs.
+@<Priority queue subroutines@>=
+void init_heap(d) /* makes the heap empty */
+ long d;
+ gv=g->vertices;
+ hsize=0;
+@ The key invariant property that makes heaps work is
+$$\hbox{|heap_elt(k/2)->dist<=heap_elt(k)->dist|, \qquad for |1<k<=hsize|.}$$
+(A reader who has not seen heap ordering before should stop at this
+point and study the beautiful consequences of this innocuously simple
+set of inequalities.) The enqueuing operation turns out to be quite simple:
+@<Priority queue subroutines@>=
+void heap_enqueue(v,d)
+ Vertex *v; /* vertex that is entering the queue */
+ long d; /* its key (aka |dist|) */
+{@+register unsigned k; /* position of a ``hole'' in the heap */
+ register unsigned j; /* the parent of that position */
+ register Vertex *u; /* |heap_elt(j)| */
+ o,v->dist=d;
+ k=++hsize;
+ j=k>>1; /* |k/2| */
+ while (j>0 && (oo,(u=heap_elt(j))->dist>d)) {
+ o,heap_elt(k)=u; /* the hole moves to parent position */
+ o,u->heap_index=k;
+ k=j;
+ j=k>>1;
+ }
+ o,heap_elt(k)=v;
+ o,v->heap_index=k;
+@ And in fact, the general requeuing operation is almost identical to
+enqueueing. This operation is popularly called ``siftup,'' because
+the vertex whose key is being reduced may displace its ancestors
+higher in the heap. We could have implemented enqueuing by first
+placing the new element at the end of the heap, then requeuing it;
+that would have cost at most a couple mems more.
+@<Priority queue subroutines@>=
+void heap_requeue(v,d)
+ Vertex *v; /* vertex whose key is being reduced */
+ long d; /* its new |dist| */
+{@+register unsigned k; /* position of ``hole'' in the heap */
+ register unsigned j; /* the parent of that position */
+ register Vertex *u; /* |heap_elt(j)| */
+ o,v->dist=d;
+ o,k=v->heap_index; /* now |heap_elt(k)=v| */
+ j=k>>1; /* |k/2| */
+ if (j>0 && (oo,(u=heap_elt(j))->dist>d)) { /* change is needed */
+ do@+{
+ o,heap_elt(k)=u; /* the hole moves to parent position */
+ o,u->heap_index=k;
+ k=j;
+ j=k>>1; /* |k/2| */
+ }@+while (j>0 && (oo,(u=heap_elt(j))->dist>d));
+ o,heap_elt(k)=v;
+ o,v->heap_index=k;
+ }
+@ Finally, the procedure for removing the vertex with smallest key is only
+a bit more difficult. The vertex to be removed is always |heap_elt(1)|. After we
+delete it, we ``sift down'' |heap_elt(hsize)|, until the basic heap
+inequalities hold once again.
+At a crucial point below, we have |j->dist<u->dist|; we cannot then have
+|j=hsize+1|, because the previous steps have made |(hsize+1)->dist=u->dist=d|.
+Vertex *delete_from_heap()
+{@+Vertex *v; /* vertex to return */
+ register Vertex *u; /* vertex being sifted down */
+ register unsigned k; /* hole in the heap */
+ register unsigned j; /* child of that hole */
+ register long d; /* |u->dist|, the vertex of the vertex being sifted */
+ if (hsize==0) return NULL;
+ o,v=heap_elt(1);
+ o,u=heap_elt(hsize--);
+ o,d=u->dist;
+ k=1;
+ j=2;
+ while (j<=hsize) {
+ if (oooo,heap_elt(j)->dist>heap_elt(j+1)->dist) j++;
+ if (heap_elt(j)->dist>=d) break;
+ o,heap_elt(k)=heap_elt(j); /* NB: we cannot have |j>hsize|, see above */
+ o,heap_elt(k)->heap_index=k;
+ k=j; /* the hole moves to child position */
+ j=k<<1; /* |2k| */
+ }
+ o,heap_elt(k)=u;
+ o,u->heap_index=k;
+ return v;
+@ OK, here's the way we plug binary heaps into Jarn{\'\i}k/Prim.
+@<Execute |jar_pr(g)| with binary heaps as the priority queue algorithm@>=
+if (sp_length!=jar_pr(g)) {
+ printf(" ...oops, I've got a bug, please fix fix fix\n");
+ return -4;
+@*Fibonacci heaps.
+The running time of Jarn{\'\i}k/Prim with binary heaps, when the algorithm is
+applied to a connected graph with |n| vertices and |m| edges, is $O(m\log n)$,
+because the total number of operations is $O(m+n)=O(m)$ and each
+heap operation takes at most $O(\log n)$ time.
+Fibonacci heaps were invented by Fredman and Tarjan in 1984, in order
+to do better than this. The Jarn{\'\i}k/Prim algorithm does $O(n)$
+enqueuing operations, $O(n)$ delete-min operations, and $O(m)$
+requeueing operations; so Fredman and Tarjan designed a data structure
+that would support requeueing in ``constant amortized time.'' In other
+words, Fibonacci heaps allow us to do $m$ requeueing operations with a
+total cost of~$O(m)$, even though some of the individual requeuings
+might take longer. The resulting asymptotic running time is then
+$O(m+n\log n)$. (This turns out to be optimum within a constant
+factor, when the same technique is applied to Dijkstra's algorithm for
+shortest paths. But for minimum spanning trees the Fibonacci method is
+not always optimum; for example, if $m\approx n\sqrt{\,\mathstrut\log n}$, the
+algorithm of Cheriton and Tarjan has slightly better asymptotic
+behavior, $O(m\log\log n)$.)
+Fibonacci heaps are more complex than binary heaps, so we can expect
+that overhead costs will make them non-competitive unless $m$ and $n$ are
+quite large. Furthermore, it is not clear that the running time with simple
+binary heaps will behave as $m\log n$ on realistic data, because
+$O(m\log n)$ is a worst-case estimate based on rather pessimistic
+assumptions. (For example, requeueuing might rarely require many
+iterations of the siftup loop.) But anyway, it will be instructive to
+implement Fibonacci heaps as best we can, just to see how good they
+look in actual practice.
+Let us say that the {\it rank\/} of a node in a forest is the number
+of children it has. A Fibonacci heap is an unordered forest of trees
+in which the key of each node is less than or equal to the key of each
+child of that node, and in which the following further condition,
+called property~F, also holds: The ranks $\{r_1,r_2,\ldots,r_k\}$ of the
+children of every node of rank~$k$, when put into nondecreasing
+order $r_1\le r_2\le\cdots\le r_k$, satisfy $r_j\ge j-2$ for all~$j$.
+As a consequence of property F, we can prove by induction that every
+node of rank~$k$ has at least $F_{k+2}$ descendants (including itself).
+Therefore, for example, we cannot have a node of rank $\ge30$ unless
+the total size of the forest is at least $F_{32}=2{,}178{,}309$. We cannot
+have a node of rank $\ge46$ unless the total size of the forest
+@ We will represent a Fibonacci heap with a rather elaborate data structure,
+in order to guarantee the efficiency of all the necessary operations.
+Each node will have four pointers: |parent|, the node's parent (or
+|NULL| if the node is a root); |child|, one of the node's children
+(or undefined if the node has no children); |lsib| and |rsib|, the
+node's left and right siblings. The children of each node, and the
+roots of the forest, are doubly linked by |lsib| and |rsib| in
+circular lists; the nodes in these lists can appear in any convenient
+order, and the |child| pointer can point to any child.
+Besides the four pointers, there is a \\{rank} field, which tells how
+many children exist; and a \\{tag} field, which is either 0 or~1.
+Suppose a node has children of ranks $\{r_1,r_2,\ldots,r_k\}$, where
+$r_1\le r_2\le\cdots\le r_k$. We know that $r_j\ge j-2$ for all~$j$;
+we say that the node has $l$ {\it critical\/} children if there are
+$l$ cases of equality, where $r_j=j-2$. Our implementation will
+guarantee that any node with $l$ critical children will have at
+least $l$ tagged children of the corresponding ranks. For example,
+suppose a node has seven children, of respective ranks $\{1,1,1,2,4,4,6\}$.
+Then it has three critical children, because $r_3=1$, $r_4=2$, and
+$r_6=4$. In our implementation, at least one of the children of
+rank~1 will have $\\{tag}=1$, and so will the child of rank~2, and so will
+one of the children of rank~4.
+There is an external pointer called |F_heap|, which indicates a node
+whose key is smallest. (If the heap is empty, |F_heap| is~|NULL|.)
+void init_F_heap(d)
+ long d;
+@ @<Glob...@>=
+Vertex *F_heap; /* pointer to the ring of root nodes */
+@ We can save a bit of space and time by combining the \\{rank} and \\{tag}
+fields into a single |rank_tag| field, which contains $\\{rank}*2+\\{tag}$.
+Vertices in GraphBase graphs have six utility fields. That's just enough
+for |parent|, |child|, |lsib|, |rsib|, |rank_tag|, and the key field
+|dist|. But unfortunately we also need the |backlink| field, so
+we are over the limit. That's not really so bad, however; we
+can set up another array of $n$ records, and point to it. The
+extra running time needed for indirect pointing does not have to
+be charged to mems, because a production system involving Fibonacci
+heaps would simply redefine |Vertex| records to have seven utility
+fields instead of six. In this way we can simulate the behavior of larger
+records without changing the basic GraphBase conventions.
+@^discussion of \\{mems}@>
+We will want an |Arc| record for each vertex in our next algorithm,
+so we might as well allocate storage for it now even though Fibonacci
+heaps need only two of the five fields.
+@d newarc u.a /* |v->newarc| points to an |Arc| record associated with |v| */
+@d parent newarc->tip
+@d child newarc->a.v
+@d lsib v.v
+@d rsib w.v
+@d rank_tag x.i
+@<Allocate additional space needed by the more complex algorithms...@>=
+{@+register Arc *aa;
+ register Vertex *uu;
+ aa=gb_alloc_type(g->n,@[Arc@],g->aux_data);
+ if (aa==NULL) {
+ printf(" and there isn't enough space to try the other methods.\n\n");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ for (uu=g->vertices;uu<g->vertices+g->n;uu++,aa++)
+ uu->newarc=aa;
+@ The {\it potential energy\/} of a Fibonacci heap, as we are
+representing it, is defined to be the number of trees in the forest
+plus twice the total number of tagged children. When we operate on a
+heap, we will store potential energy to be used up later; then it will
+be possible to do the later operations with only a small incremental
+cost to the running time. (Potential energy is just a way to prove
+that the amortized cost is small; it does not appear explicitly in our
+implementation. It simply explains why the number of mems we compute
+will always be $O(m+n\log n)$.)
+Enqueueing is easy: We simply insert the new element as a new tree in
+the forest. This costs a constant amount of time, including the cost of
+one new unit of potential energy for the new tree.
+We can assume that |F_heap->dist| appears in a register, so we need not
+charge a mem to fetch it.
+void F_heap_enqueue(v,d)
+ Vertex *v; /* vertex that is entering the queue */
+ long d; /* its key (aka |dist|) */
+ o,v->dist=d;
+ o,v->parent=NULL;
+ o,v->rank_tag=0; /* |v->child| need not be set */
+ if (F_heap==NULL) {
+ oo,F_heap=v->lsib=v->rsib=v;
+ } else {@+register Vertex *u;
+ o,u=F_heap->lsib;
+ o,v->lsib=u;
+ o,v->rsib=F_heap;
+ oo,F_heap->lsib=u->rsib=v;
+ if (F_heap->dist>d) F_heap=v;
+ }
+@ Requeueing is of medium difficulty. If the key is being decreased in
+a root node, or if the decrease doesn't make the key less than the key
+of its parent, no links need to change (except possibly |F_heap|
+itself). Otherwise, we detach the node and its descendants from its
+present family and put this former subtree into the forest as a new
+tree. (One unit of potential energy must be stored with it.)
+The rank of the former parent, |p|, decreases by~1. If |p| is a root,
+we're done. Otherwise if |p| was not tagged, we tag it (and pay for
+two additional units of energy); property~F still holds, because an
+untagged node can always admit a decrease in rank. If |p| was tagged,
+however, we detach |p| and its remaining descendants, making it another
+new tree of the forest, with |p| no longer tagged. Removing the tag
+releases enough stored energy to pay for the extra work of moving~|p|.
+Then we must decrease the rank of |p|'s parent, and so on, until finally
+we get to a root or to an untagged node. The total net cost is at most
+three units of energy plus the cost of relinking the original node,
+so it is $O(1)$.
+We needn't clear the tag fields of root nodes, because we never
+look at them.
+void F_heap_requeue(v,d)
+ Vertex *v; /* vertex whose key is being reduced */
+ long d; /* its new |dist| */
+{@+register Vertex *p,*pp; /* parent and grandparent of |v| */
+ register Vertex *u,*w; /* other vertices being modified */
+ register int r; /* twice the rank plus the tag */
+ o,v->dist=d;
+ o,p=v->parent;
+ if (p==NULL) {
+ if (F_heap->dist>d) F_heap=v;
+ } else if (o,p->dist>d)
+ while(1) {
+ o,r=p->rank_tag;
+ if (r>=4) /* |v| is not an only child */
+ @<Remove |v| from its family@>;
+ @<Insert |v| into the forest@>;
+ o,pp=p->parent;
+ if (pp==NULL) { /* the parent of |v| is a root */
+ o,p->rank_tag=r-2;@+break;
+ }
+ if ((r&1)==0) { /* the parent of |v| is untagged */
+ o,p->rank_tag=r-1;@+break; /* now it's tagged */
+ } else o,p->rank_tag=r-2; /* tagged parent will become a root */
+ v=p;@+p=pp;
+ }
+@ @<Remove |v| from its family@>=
+ o,u=v->lsib;
+ o,w=v->rsib;
+ o,u->rsib=w;
+ o,w->lsib=u;
+ if (o,p->child==v) o,p->child=w;
+@ @<Insert |v| into the forest@>=
+if (F_heap->dist>d) F_heap=v; /* this can happen only with the original |v| */
+@ The |delete_min| operation is even more interesting; this, in fact,
+is where most of the action lies. We know that |F_heap| points to the
+vertex~|v| we will be deleting. That's nice, but we need to figure out
+the new value of |F_heap|. So we have to look at all the children of~|v|
+and at all the root nodes in the forest. We have stored up enough
+potential energy to do that, but we can reclaim the potential only if
+we rebuild the Fibonacci heap so that the rebuilt version contains
+relatively few trees.
+The solution is to make sure that the new heap has at most one root
+of each rank. Whenever we have two tree roots of equal rank, we can
+make one the child of the other, thus reducing the number of
+trees by~1. (The new child does not violate Property~F, nor is it
+critical, so we can mark it untagged.) The largest rank is always
+$O(\log n)$, if there are |n| nodes altogether, and we can afford to
+pay $\log n$ units of time for the work that isn't reclaimed from
+potential energy.
+An array of pointers to roots of known rank is used to help control
+this part of the process.
+Vertex *new_roots[46]; /* big enough for queues of size $2^{32}$ */
+@ @<Prio...@>=
+Vertex *delete_from_F_heap()
+{@+Vertex *final_v=F_heap; /* the node to return */
+ register Vertex *t,*u,*v,*w; /* registers for manipulation of links */
+ register int h=-1; /* the highest rank present in |new_roots| */
+ register int r; /* rank of current tree */
+ if (F_heap) {
+ if (o,F_heap->rank_tag<2) o,v=F_heap->rsib;
+ else {
+ o,w=F_heap->child;
+ o,v=w->rsib;
+ oo,w->rsib=F_heap->rsib; /* link children of deleted node into the list */
+ for (w=v;w!=F_heap->rsib;o,w=w->rsib)
+ o,w->parent=NULL;
+ }
+ while (v!=F_heap) {
+ o,w=v->rsib;
+ @<Put the tree rooted at |v| into the |new_roots| forest@>;
+ v=w;
+ }
+ @<Rebuild |F_heap| from |new_roots|@>;
+ }
+ return final_v;
+@ The work we do in this step is paid for by the unit of potential
+energy being freed as |v| leaves the old forest, except for the
+work of increasing~|h|; we charge the latter to the $O(\log n)$ cost of
+building |new_roots|.
+@<Put the tree rooted at |v| into the |new_roots| forest@>=
+while (1) {
+ if (h<r) {
+ do@+{
+ h++;
+ o,new_roots[h]=(h==r?v:NULL);
+ }@+while (h<r);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (o,new_roots[r]==NULL) {
+ o,new_roots[r]=v;
+ break;
+ }
+ u=new_roots[r];
+ o,new_roots[r]=NULL;
+ if (oo,u->dist<v->dist) {
+ o,v->rank_tag=r<<1; /* |v| is not critical and needn't be tagged */
+ t=u;@+u=v;@+v=t;
+ }
+ @<Make |u| a child of |v|@>;
+ r++;
+o,v->rank_tag=r<<1; /* every root in |new_roots| is untagged */
+@ When we get to this step, |u| and |v| both have rank |r|, and
+|u->dist>=v->dist|; |u| is untagged.
+@<Make |u| a child of |v|@>=
+if (r==0) {
+ o,v->child=u;
+ oo,u->lsib=u->rsib=u;
+} else {
+ o,t=v->child;
+ oo,u->rsib=t->rsib;
+ o,u->lsib=t;
+ oo,u->rsib->lsib=t->rsib=u;
+@ And now we can breathe easy, because the last step is trivial.
+@<Rebuild |F_heap| from |new_roots|@>=
+if (h<0) F_heap=NULL;
+else {@+int d; /* smallest key value seen so far */
+ o,u=v=new_roots[h];
+ /* |u| and |v| will point to beginning and end of list, respectively */
+ o,d=u->dist;
+ F_heap=u;
+ for (h--;h>=0;h--)
+ if (o,new_roots[h]) {
+ w=new_roots[h];
+ o,w->lsib=v;
+ o,v->rsib=w;
+ if (o,w->dist<d) {
+ F_heap=w;
+ d=w->dist;
+ }
+ v=w;
+ }
+ o,v->rsib=u;
+ o,u->lsib=v;
+@ @<Execute |jar_pr(g)| with Fibonacci heaps...@>=
+if (sp_length!=jar_pr(g)) {
+ printf(" ...oops, I've got a bug, please fix fix fix\n");
+ return -5;
+@*Binomial queues.
+Jean Vuillemin's ``binomial queue'' structures [{\sl CACM\/ \bf21} (1978),
+309--314] provide yet another appealing way to maintain priority queues.
+A binomial queue is a forest of trees with heap ordering between keys,
+satisfying two conditions that are considerably stronger than
+the Fibonacci heap property: Each node of rank~$k$ has children of
+respective ranks $\{0,1,\ldots,k-1\}$; and each root of the forest
+has a different rank. It follows that each node of rank~$k$ has exactly
+$2^k$ descendants (including itself), and that a binomial queue of
+$n$ elements has exactly as many trees as the number $n$ has 1's in
+binary notation.
+We could plug binomial queues into the Jarn{\'\i}k/Prim algorithm, but
+they don't offer advantages over the heap methods already considered
+because they don't support the requeueing operation as nicely.
+Binomial queues do, however, permit efficient merging---the operation
+of combining two priority queues into one---and they achieve this
+without as much space overhead as Fibonacci heaps. In fact, we can
+implement binomial queues with only two pointers per node, namely a
+pointer to the largest child and to the next sibling. This means we
+have just enough space in the utility fields of GraphBase |Arc| records
+to link the arcs that extend out of a spanning tree fragment. The
+algorithm of Cheriton, Tarjan, and Karp, to be considered in the next
+section, maintains priority queues of arcs, not vertices; and it
+requires the operation of merging, not requeueing. Therefore binomial
+queues are well suited to it, and we will prepare ourselves for that
+algorithm by implementing basic binomial queue procedures.
+Incidentally, if you wonder why Vuillemin called his structure a binomial
+queue, it's because the trees of $2^k$ elements have many pleasant combinatorial
+properties, among which is the fact that the number of elements on
+level~$l$ is the binomial coefficient~$k\choose l$. The backtrack tree
+for subsets of a $k$-set has the same structure. A picture of a
+binomial-queue tree with $k=5$, drawn by Jill~C. Knuth, appears
+as the frontispiece of {\sl The Art of Computer Programming},
+facing page~1 of Volume~1.
+@d qchild a.a /* pointer to the arc for largest child of an arc */
+@d qsib b.a /* pointer to next larger sibling, or from largest to smallest */
+@ A special header node is used at the head of a binomial queue, to represent
+the queue itself. The |qsib| field of this node points to the smallest
+root node in the forest. (``Smallest'' means smallest in rank, not in
+key value.) The header also contains a |qcount| field, which
+takes the place of |qchild|; the |qcount| is the total number of node,
+so its binary representation characterizes the sizes of the trees
+accessible from |qsib|.
+For example, suppose a queue with header node |h| contains five elements
+$\{a,b,c,d,e\}$ whose keys happen to be ordered alphabetically. The first
+tree might be the single node~$c$; the other tree might be rooted at~$a$,
+with children $e$ and~$b$. Then we have
+The other fields |c->qchild|, |a->qsib|, |e->qchild|, |d->qsib|, and
+|d->qchild| are undefined. We can save time by not loading or storing the
+undefined fields, which make up about 3/8 of the structure.
+An empty binomial queue would have |h->qcount=0| and |h->qsib| undefined.
+Like Fibonacci heaps, binomial queues store potential energy: The
+number of energy units present is simply the number of trees in the forest.
+@d qcount a.i /* this field takes the place of |qchild| in header nodes */
+@ Most of the operations we wish to do with binomial queues rely on
+the following basic subroutine, which merges a forest of |m| nodes
+starting at |q| with a forest of |mm| nodes starting at |qq|, putting
+a pointer to the resulting forest of |m+mm| nodes into |h->qsib|.
+The amortized running time is $O(\log m)$, independent of |mm|.
+The |len| field, not |dist|, is the key field for this queue, because our
+nodes in this case are arcs instead of vertices.
+ register long m,mm; /* number of nodes in the forests */
+ register Arc *q,*qq; /* binomial trees in the forests, linked by |qsib| */
+ Arc *h; /* |h->qsib| will get the result */
+{@+register Arc *p; /* tail of the list built so far */
+ register long k=1; /* size of trees currently being processed */
+ p=h;
+ while (m) {
+ if ((m&k)==0) {
+ if (mm&k) { /* |qq| goes into the merged list */
+ o,p->qsib=qq;@+p=qq;@+mm-=k;
+ if (mm) o,qq=qq->qsib;
+ }
+ } else if ((mm&k)==0) { /* |q| goes into the merged list */
+ o,p->qsib=q;@+p=q;@+m-=k;
+ if (m) o,q=q->qsib;
+ } else @<Combine |q| and |qq| into a ``carry'' tree, and continue
+ merging until the carry no longer propagates@>;
+ k<<=1;
+ }
+ if (mm) o,p->qsib=qq;
+@ As we have seen in Fibonacci heaps, two heap-ordered trees can be combined
+by simply attaching one as a new child of the other. This operation preserves
+binomial trees. (In fact, if we use Fibonacci heaps without ever doing
+a requeue operation, the forests that appear after every |delete_min|
+are binomial queues.) The number of trees decreases by~1, so we have a
+unit of potential energy to pay for this computation.
+@<Combine |q| and |qq| into a ``carry'' tree, and continue
+ merging until the carry no longer propagates@>=
+{@+register Arc *c; /* the ``carry,'' a tree of size |2k| */
+ register long key; /* |c->len| */
+ register Arc *r,*rr; /* remainders of the input lists */
+ m-=k;@+if (m) o,r=q->qsib;
+ mm-=k;@+if (mm) o,rr=qq->qsib;
+ @<Set |c| to the combination of |q| and |qq|@>;
+ k<<=1;@+q=r;@+qq=rr;
+ while ((m|mm)&k) {
+ if ((m&k)==0) @<Merge |qq| into |c| and advance |qq|@>@;
+ else {
+ @<Merge |q| into |c| and advance |q|@>;
+ if (mm&k) {
+ o,p->qsib=qq;@+p=qq;@+mm-=k;
+ if (mm) o,qq=qq->qsib;
+ }
+ }
+ k<<=1;
+ }
+ o,p->qsib=c;@+p=c;
+@ @<Set |c| to the combination of |q| and |qq|@>=
+if (oo,q->len<qq->len) {
+ c=q,key=q->len;
+ q=qq;
+} else c=qq,key=qq->len;
+if (k==1) o,c->qchild=q;
+else {
+ o,qq=c->qchild;
+ o,c->qchild=q;
+ if (k==2) o,q->qsib=qq;
+ else oo,q->qsib=qq->qsib;
+ o,qq->qsib=q;
+@ At this point, |k>1|.
+@<Merge |q| into |c| and advance |q|@>=
+ m-=k;@+if (m) o,r=q->qsib;
+ if (o,q->len<key) {
+ rr=c;@+c=q;@+key=q->len;@+q=rr;
+ }
+ o,rr=c->qchild;
+ o,c->qchild=q;
+ if (k==2) o,q->qsib=rr;
+ else oo,q->qsib=rr->qsib;
+ o,rr->qsib=q;
+ q=r;
+@ @<Merge |qq| into |c| and advance |qq|@>=
+{@+register Arc *t;
+ mm-=k;@+if (mm) o,rr=qq->qsib;
+ if (o,qq->len<key) {
+ r=c;@+c=qq;@+key=qq->len;@+qq=r;
+ }
+ o,r=c->qchild;
+ o,c->qchild=qq;
+ if (k==2) o,qq->qsib=r;
+ else oo,qq->qsib=r->qsib;
+ o,r->qsib=qq;
+ qq=rr;
+@ OK, now the hard work is done and we can reap the fruits of the
+basic |qunite| routine. One easy application enqueues a new arc
+in $O(1)$ amortized time.
+ Arc *h; /* header of a binomial queue */
+ Arc *a; /* new element for that queue */
+{@+long m;
+ o,m=h->qcount;
+ o,h->qcount=m+1;
+ if (m==0) o,h->qsib=a;
+ else o,qunite(1,a,m,h->qsib,h);
+@ Here, similarly, is a routine that merges one binomial queue into
+another. The amortized running time is proportional to the logarithm
+of the number of nodes in the smaller queue.
+ Arc *h; /* header of binomial queue that will receive the result */
+ Arc *hh; /* header of binomial queue that will be absorbed */
+{@+long m,mm;
+ o,mm=hh->qcount;
+ if (mm) {
+ o,m=h->qcount;
+ o,h->qcount=m+mm;
+ if (m>=mm) oo,qunite(mm,hh->qsib,m,h->qsib,h);
+ else if (m==0) oo,h->qsib=hh->qsib;
+ else oo,qunite(m,h->qsib,mm,hh->qsib,h);
+ }
+@ The other important operation is, of course, deletion of a node
+with the smallest key. The amortized running time is proportional to
+the logarithm of the queue size.
+Arc *qdelete_min(h)
+ Arc *h; /* header of binomial queue */
+{@+register Arc *p,*pp; /* current node and its predecessor */
+ register Arc *q,*qq; /* current minimum node and its predecessor */
+ register long key; /* |q->len|, the smallest key known so far */
+ long m; /* number of nodes in the queue */
+ long k; /* number of nodes in tree |q| */
+ register long mm; /* number of nodes not yet considered */
+ o,m=h->qcount;
+ if (m==0) return NULL;
+ o,h->qcount=m-1;
+ @<Find and remove a tree whose root |q| has the smallest key@>;
+ if (k>2) {
+ if (k+k<=m) oo,qunite(k-1,q->qchild->qsib,m-k,h->qsib,h);
+ else oo,qunite(m-k,h->qsib,k-1,q->qchild->qsib,h);
+ } else if (k==2) o,qunite(1,q->qchild,m-k,h->qsib,h);
+ return q;
+@ If the tree with smallest key is the largest in the forest,
+we don't have to change any links to remove it,
+because our binomial queue algorithms never look at the last |qsib| pointer.
+We use a well known binary number trick: |m&(m-1)| is the same as
+|m| except that the least significant 1~bit is deleted.
+@<Find and remove...@>=
+if (mm) { /* there's more than one tree */
+ p=q;@+qq=h;
+ o,key=q->len;
+ do@+{@+long t=mm&(mm-1);
+ pp=p;@+o,p=p->qsib;
+ if (o,p->len<=key) {
+ q=p;@+qq=pp;@+k=mm-t;@+key=p->len;
+ }
+ mm=t;
+ }@+while (mm);
+ if (k+k<=m) oo,qq->qsib=q->qsib; /* remove the tree rooted at |q| */
+@ To complete our implementation, here is an algorithm that traverses
+a binomial queue, ``visiting'' each node exactly once, destroying the
+queue as it goes. The total number of mems required is about |1.75m|.
+ Arc *h; /* head of binomial queue to be unraveled */
+ void (*visit)(); /* procedure to be invoked on each node */
+{@+register long m; /* the number of nodes remaining */
+ register Arc *p,*q,*r; /* current position and neighboring positions */
+ o,m=h->qcount;
+ p=h;
+ while (m) {
+ o,p=p->qsib;
+ (*visit)(p);
+ if (m&1) m--;
+ else {
+ o,q=p->qchild;
+ if (m&2) (*visit)(q);
+ else {
+ o,r=q->qsib;
+ if (m&(m-1)) oo,q->qsib=p->qsib;
+ (*visit)(r);
+ p=r;
+ }
+ m-=2;
+ }
+ }
+@* Cheriton, Tarjan, and Karp's algorithm.
+\def\lsqrtn{\hbox{$\lfloor\sqrt n\,\rfloor$}}%
+The final algorithm we shall consider takes yet another approach to
+spanning tree minimization. It operates in two distinct stages: Stage~1
+creates small fragments of the minimum tree, working locally with the
+edges that lead out of each fragment instead of dealing with the
+full set of edges at once as in Kruskal's method. As soon as the
+number of component fragments has been reduced from $n$ to \lsqrtn,
+stage~2 begins. Stage~2 runs through the remaining edges and builds a
+$\lsqrtn\times\lsqrtn$ matrix, which represents the problem of
+finding a minimum spanning tree on the remaining \lsqrtn\ components.
+A simple $O(\sqrt n\,)^2=O(n)$ algorithm then completes the job.
+The philosophy underlying stage~1 is that an edge leading out of a
+vertex in a small component is likely to lead to a vertex in another
+component, rather than in the same one. Thus each delete-min operation
+tends to be productive. Karp and Tarjan proved [{\sl Journal of Algorithms\/
+\bf1} (1980), 374--393] that the running time on a random graph with
+$n$ vertices and $m$ edges will be $O(m)$.
+The philosophy underlying stage~2 is that the problem
+on an initially sparse graph eventually reduces to a problem on a smaller
+but dense graph that is best solved by a different method.
+unsigned long cher_tar_kar(g)
+ Graph *g;
+{@+@<Local variables for |cher_tar_kar|@>;
+ mems=0;
+ @<Do stage 1 of |cher_tar_kar|@>;
+ if (verbose) printf(" [Stage 1 has used %d mems]\n",mems);
+ @<Do stage 2 of |cher_tar_kar|@>;
+ return tot_len;
+@ We say that a fragment is {\it large} if it contains \usqrtn\ or more
+vertices. As soon as a fragment becomes large, stage~1 stops trying
+to extend it. There cannot be more than \lsqrtn\ large fragments,
+because $(\lsqrtn+1)\usqrtn>n$. The other fragments are called {\it small}.
+Stage~1 keeps a list of all the small fragments; initially this list
+contains |n| fragments consisting of one vertex each. It
+repeatedly looks at the first fragment on its list, and finds the
+smallest edge leading to another fragment. These two fragments are
+removed from the list and combined; the resulting fragment is put at
+the end of the list if it is still small, or put onto another list if
+it is large.
+@<Local variables for |ch...@>=
+register Vertex *s,*t; /* beginning and end of the small list */
+Vertex *large_list; /* beginning of the list of large fragments */
+int frags; /* current number of fragments, large and small */
+unsigned long tot_len=0; /* total length of all edges in fragments */
+register Vertex *u,*v; /* registers for list manipulation */
+register Arc *a; /* and another */
+register int j,k; /* index registers for stage 2 */
+@ (We need to make |lo_sqrt| global so that the |note_edge| procedure
+below can access it.)
+int lo_sqrt,hi_sqrt; /* \lsqrtn\ and \usqrtn\ */
+@ There is a nonobvious way to compute \usqrtn\ and \lsqrtn. Since
+$\sqrt n$ is small and arithmetic is mem-free, the author
+couldn't resist writing the |for| loop shown here.
+Of course, different ground rules for counting mems would be
+appropriate if this sort of computing were a critical factor in
+the running time.
+@^discussion of \\{mems}@>
+@<Do stage 1 of |cher_tar_kar|@>=
+for (hi_sqrt=1;hi_sqrt*(hi_sqrt+1)<=frags;hi_sqrt++) ;
+if (hi_sqrt*hi_sqrt<=frags) lo_sqrt=hi_sqrt;
+else lo_sqrt=hi_sqrt-1;
+@<Create the small list@>;
+while (frags>lo_sqrt) {
+ @<Combine the first fragment on the small list with its nearest neighbor@>;
+ frags--;
+@ To represent fragments, we will use several utility fields already
+defined above. The |lsib| and |rsib| pointers are used between fragments
+in the small list, which is doubly linked; |s|~points to the first small
+fragment, |s->rsib| to the next, \dots, |t->lsib| to the second-from-last,
+and |t| to the last. The pointer fields |s->lsib| and |t->rsib| are
+undefined. The |large_list| is singly linked via |rsib| pointers,
+terminating with |NULL|.
+The |csize| field of each fragment tells how many vertices it contains.
+The |class| field of each vertex is |NULL| if this vertex represents a
+fragment (i.e., if this vertex is in the small list or |large_list|);
+otherwise it points to another vertex that is closer to the fragment
+Finally, the |pq| pointer of each fragment points to the header node of
+its priority queue, which is a binomial queue containing all
+unlooked-at arcs that originate from vertices in the fragment.
+This pointer is identical to the |newarc| pointer already set up;
+in a production implementation, we wouldn't need |pq| as a
+separate field, it would be part of a vertex record, so we do not
+pay any mems for referring to it.
+@d pq newarc
+@<Create the small...@>=
+for (v=s;v<s+frags;v++) {
+ if (v>s) {
+ o,v->lsib=v-1;@+o,(v-1)->rsib=v;
+ }
+ o,v->class=NULL;
+ o,v->csize=1;
+ o,v->pq->qcount=0; /* the binomial queue is initially empty */
+ for (o,a=v->arcs;a;o,a=a->next) qenque(v->pq,a);
+@ @<Combine the first fragment...@>=
+o,s=s->rsib; /* remove |v| from small list */
+ if (a==NULL) return INFINITY; /* the graph isn't connected */
+ o,u=a->tip;
+ while (o,u->class) u=u->class; /* find the fragment pointed to */
+}@+while (u==v); /* repeat until a new fragment is found */
+if (verbose) @<Report the new edge verbosely@>;
+@<Move |u| to the proper list position@>;
+@ @<Local variables for |cher...@>=
+int old_size,new_size; /* size of fragment |u|, before and after */
+@ Here is a fussy part of the program. We have just merged the small
+fragment |v| into another fragment~|u|. If |u| was already large,
+there's nothing to do (except to check if the small list has just
+become empty). Otherwise we need to move |u| to the end of the small
+list, or put it onto the large list. All these cases are special, if we
+want to avoid unnecessary memory references; so let's hope we get them right.
+@<Move |u|...@>=
+if (old_size>=hi_sqrt) { /* |u| was large */
+ if (t==v) s=NULL; /* small list just became empty */
+} else if (new_size<hi_sqrt) { /* |u| was and still is small */
+ if (u==t) goto fin; /* |u| is already where we want it */
+ if (u==s) o,s=u->rsib; /* remove |u| from front */
+ else {
+ ooo,u->rsib->lsib=u->lsib; /* detach |u| from middle */
+ o,u->lsib->rsib=u->rsib; /* do you follow the mem-counting here? */
+@^discussion of \\{mems}@>
+ }
+ o,t->rsib=u; /* insert |u| at the end */
+ o,u->lsib=t;
+ t=u;
+} else { /* |u| has just become large */
+ if (u==t) {
+ if (u==s) goto fin; /* well, keep it small, we're done anyway */
+ o,t=u->lsib; /* remove |u| from end */
+ } else if (u==s)
+ o,s=u->rsib; /* remove |u| from front */
+ else {
+ ooo,u->rsib->lsib=u->lsib; /* detach |u| from middle */
+ o,u->lsib->rsib=u->rsib;
+ }
+ o,u->rsib=large_list;@+large_list=u; /* make |u| large */
+@ We don't have room in our binomial queues to keep track of both
+endpoints of the arcs. But the arcs occur in pairs, and by looking
+at the address of |a| we can tell whether the matching arc is
+|a+1| or |a-1|. (See the explanation in |gb_graph|.)
+@<Report the new edge verbosely@>=
+report((edge_trick&(unsigned long)a? a-1: a+1)->tip,a->tip,a->len);
+@*Cheriton, Tarjan, and Karp's algorithm (continued).
+And now for the second part of the algorithm. Here we need to
+find room for a $\lsqrtn\times\lsqrtn$ matrix of edge lengths;
+we will use random access into the |z| utility fields of vertex records,
+since these haven't been used for anything yet by |cher_tar_kar|.
+We can also use the |v| utility fields to record the arcs that
+are the source of the best lengths, since this was the |lsib|
+field (no longer needed). This program doesn't count mems for
+updating that field, since it considers its goal to be simply
+the calculation of minimum spanning tree length; the actual
+edges of the minimum spanning tree are computed only for
+|verbose| mode. (We want to see how competitive |cher_tar_kar| is
+when we streamline it as much as possible.)
+In stage 2, the vertices will be assigned integer index numbers
+between 0 and $\lsqrtn-1$. We'll put this into the |csize| field,
+which is no longer needed, and call it |findex|.
+@d findex csize
+@d matx(j,k) (gv+((j)*lo_sqrt+(k)))->z.i
+ /* distance between fragments |j| and |k| */
+@d matx_arc(j,k) (gv+((j)*lo_sqrt+(k)))->v.a
+ /* arc corresponding to |matx(j,k)| */
+@d INF 30000 /* upper bound on all edge lengths */
+@<Do stage 2 of |cher_tar_kar|@>=
+gv=g->vertices; /* the global variable |gv| helps access auxiliary memory */
+@<Map all vertices to their index numbers@>;
+@<Create the reduced matrix by running through all remaining edges@>;
+@<Execute Prim's algorithm on the reduced matrix@>;
+@ The vertex-mapping algorithm is $O(n)$ because each nonnull |class| link
+is examined at most three times. We set the |class| field to null
+as an indication that |findex| has been set.
+@<Map all...@>=
+if (s==NULL) s=large_list;
+else t->rsib=large_list;
+for (k=0,v=s;v;o,v=v->rsib,k++) o,v->findex=k;
+for (v=g->vertices;v<g->vertices+g->n;v++)
+ if (o,v->class) {
+ for (t=v->class;o,t->class;t=t->class) ;
+ o,k=t->findex;
+ for (t=v;o,u=t->class;t=u) {
+ o,t->class=NULL;
+ o,t->findex=k;
+ }
+ }
+@ @<Create the reduced matrix by running through all remaining edges@>=
+for (j=0;j<lo_sqrt;j++) for (k=0;k<lo_sqrt;k++) o,matx(j,k)=INF;
+for (kk=0;s;o,s=s->rsib,kk++) qtraverse(s->pq,note_edge);
+@ The |note_edge| procedure ``visits'' every edge in the
+binomial queues traversed by |qtraverse| in the preceding code.
+Global variable |kk|, which would be a global register in a
+production version, is the index of the fragment from which
+this arc emanates.
+@<Procedures to be declared early@>=
+void note_edge(a)
+ Arc *a;
+{@+register int k;
+ o,k=a->tip->findex;
+ if (k==kk) return;
+ if (oo,a->len<matx(kk,k)) {
+ o,matx(kk,k)=a->len;
+ o,matx(k,kk)=a->len;
+ matx_arc(kk,k)=matx_arc(k,kk)=a;
+ }
+@ As we work on the final subproblem of size $\lsqrtn\times\lsqrtn$,
+we'll have a short vector that tells us the distance to each fragment that
+hasn't yet been joined up with fragment~0. The vector has |-1| in positions
+that already have been joined up. In a production version, we could
+keep this in row~0 of |matx|.
+int kk; /* current fragment */
+int distance[100]; /* distances to at most \lsqrtn\ unhit fragments */
+Arc *distance_arc[100]; /* the corresponding arcs, for |verbose| mode */
+@ The last step, as suggested by Prim, repeatedly updates
+the distance table against each row of the matrix as it is encountered.
+This is the algorithm of choice to find the minimum spanning tree of
+a complete graph.
+@<Execute Prim's algorithm on the reduced matrix@>=
+{@+int d; /* shortest entry seen so far in |distance| vector */
+ o,distance[0]=-1;
+ d=INF;
+ for (k=1;k<lo_sqrt;k++) {
+ o,distance[k]=matx(0,k);
+ distance_arc[k]=matx_arc(0,k);
+ if (distance[k]<d) d=distance[k],j=k;
+ }
+ while (frags>1)
+ @<Connect fragment 0 with fragment |j|, since |j| is the column
+ achieving the smallest distance, |d|; also compute |j| and |d|
+ for the next round@>;
+@ @<Connect fragment 0...@>=
+ if (d==INF) return INFINITY; /* the graph isn't connected */
+ o,distance[j]=-1; /* fragment |j| now will join up with fragment 0 */
+ tot_len+=d;
+ if (verbose) {
+ a=distance_arc[j];
+ @<Report the new edge verbosely@>;
+ }
+ frags--;
+ d=INF;
+ for (k=1;k<lo_sqrt;k++)
+ if (o,distance[k]>=0) {
+ if (o,matx(j,k)<distance[k]) {
+ o,distance[k]=matx(j,k);
+ distance_arc[k]=matx_arc(j,k);
+ }
+ if (distance[k]<d) d=distance[k],kk=k;
+ }
+ j=kk;
+@* Conclusions. The winning algorithm, of the four methods considered
+here, on problems of the size considered here, is
+clearly Jarn{\'\i}k/Prim with binary heaps. Second is Kruskal with
+radix sorting, on sparse graphs, but the Fibonacci heap method beats
+it on dense graphs. Procedure |cher_tar_kar| never comes close,
+although every step it takes seems to be reasonably sensible and
+efficient, and although the implementation above gives it the benefit
+of every doubt when counting its mems. The reason it loses may be
+that it more or less gives up a factor of~2 by treating each edge
+twice; the other methods put very little effort into discarding an arc
+whose mate has already been processed.
+Perhaps the |krusk| procedure would go a bit faster if it were
+given a streamlined union/find algorithm?
+@* Index. We close with a list that shows where the identifiers of this
+program are defined and used. A special index term, `discussion of \\{mems}',
+indicates sections where there are nontrivial comments about instrumenting
+a \Cee\ program in the manner being recommended here.