path: root/support/graphbase/girth.w
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/graphbase/girth.w
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/graphbase/girth.w')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/graphbase/girth.w b/support/graphbase/girth.w
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..606a354413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/graphbase/girth.w
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+% This file is part of the Stanford GraphBase (c) Stanford University 1992
+@i boilerplate.w %<< legal stuff: PLEASE READ IT BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES!
+\let\==\equiv % congruence sign
+\prerequisite{GB\_\thinspace RAMAN}
+@* Introduction. This demonstration program uses graphs
+constructed by the |raman| procedure in the |gb_raman| module to produce
+an interactive program called \.{girth}, which computes the girth and
+diameter of a class of Ramanujan graphs.
+The girth of a graph is the length of its shortest cycle; the diameter
+is the maximum length of a shortest path between two vertices.
+A Ramanujan graph is a connected, undirected graph in which every vertex
+has degree~|p+1|, with the property that every eigenvalue of its adjacency
+matrix is either $\pm(p+1)$ or has absolute value $\le2\sqrt{\mathstrut p}$.
+Exact values for the girth are of interest because the bipartite graphs
+produced by |raman| apparently have larger girth than any other known
+family of regular graphs, even if we consider graphs whose existence
+is known only by non-constructive methods, except for the cubic ``sextet''
+graphs of Biggs, Hoare, and Weiss [{\sl Combinatorica\/ \bf3} (1983),
+153--165; {\bf4} (1984), 241--245].
+Exact values for the diameter are of interest because the diameter of
+any Ramanujan graph is at most twice the minimum possible diameter
+of any regular graph.
+The program will prompt you for two numbers, |p| and |q|. These should
+be distinct prime numbers, not too large, with |q>2|. A graph is
+constructed in which each vertex has degree~|p+1|. The number of
+vertices is $(q^3-q)/2$, if |p| is a quadratic residue modulo~|q|, or
+$q^3-q$ if |p| is not a quadratic residue. In the latter case the
+graph is bipartite and it is known to have rather large girth.
+If |p=2|, the value of |q| is further restricted to be of the form
+$104k+(1,3,9,17,25,27,35,43,49,51,75,81)$. This means that the only
+feasible values of |q| to go with |p=2| are probably 3, 17, and 43;
+the next case, |q=107|, would generate a bipartite graph with
+1,224,936 vertices and 3,675,808 arcs, thus requiring approximately
+113 megabytes of memory (not to mention a nontrivial amount of
+computer time). If you want to compute the girth and diameter
+of Ramanujan graphs for large |p| and/or~|q|, much better methods are
+available based on number theory; the present program is merely a
+demonstration of how to interface with the output of |raman|.
+Incidentally, the graph for |p=2| and |q=43| turns
+out to have 79464 vertices, girth 20, and diameter~22.
+The program will examine the graph, compute its girth and its diameter,
+then it will prompt you for another choice of |p| and |q|.
+The graphs we work with have the data type \&{Graph}, defined in |gb_graph|.
+@f Graph int
+@f Arc int
+@f Vertex int
+@ Here is the general layout of this program, as seen by the \Cee\ compiler:
+#include <math.h> /* the system |sqrt| routine is needed */
+#include "gb_graph.h" /* the standard GraphBase data structures */
+#include "gb_raman.h" /* Ramanujan graph generator */
+@<Global variables@>@;
+ printf("This program explores the girth and diameter of Ramanujan graphs.\n");
+ printf("The bipartite graphs have q^3-q vertices, and the non-bipartite\n");
+ printf("graphs have half that number. Each vertex has degree p+1.\n");
+ printf("Both p and q should be odd prime numbers;\n");
+ printf(" or you can try p = 2 with q = 17 or 43.\n");
+ while (1) {
+ @<Prompt the user for |p| and |q|; |break| if unsuccessful@>;
+ g=raman(p,q,0,0);
+ if (g==NULL) @<Explain that the graph could not be constructed@>@;
+ else {
+ @<Print the theoretical bounds on girth and diameter of |g|@>;
+ @<Compute and print the true girth and diameter of |g|@>;
+ gb_recycle(g);
+ }
+ }
+@ @<Global...@>=
+Graph *g; /* the current Ramanujan graph */
+int p; /* the branching factor (degree minus one) */
+int q; /* cube root of the graph size */
+char buffer[16]; /* place to collect what the user types */
+@ @d prompt(s)
+ {@+printf(s);@+fflush(stdout); /* make sure the user sees the prompt */
+ if (fgets(buffer,15,stdin)==NULL) break;@+}
+prompt("\nChoose a branching factor, p: ");
+if (sscanf(buffer,"%d",&p)!=1) break;
+prompt("OK, now choose the cube root of graph size, q: ");
+if (sscanf(buffer,"%d",&q)!=1) break;
+@ @<Explain that the graph could not be constructed@>=
+printf(" Sorry, I couldn't make that graph (%s).\n",
+ panic_code==very_bad_specs? "q is out of range":
+ panic_code==very_bad_specs+1? "p is out of range":
+ panic_code==bad_specs+5? "q is too big":
+ panic_code==bad_specs+6? "p is too big":
+ panic_code==bad_specs+1? "q isn't prime":
+ panic_code==bad_specs+7? "p isn't prime":
+ panic_code==bad_specs+3? "p is a multiple of q":
+ panic_code==bad_specs+2? "q isn't compatible with p=2":
+ "not enough memory");
+@* Bounds. The theory of Ramanujan graphs allows us to predict the
+girth and diameter to within a factor of 2~or~so.
+In the first place, we can easily derive an upper bound on the girth
+and a lower bound on the diameter, valid for any regular graph of
+degree~|p+1|. Such a graph has at most $(p+1)p^{k-1}$ points at
+distance~$k$ from any given vertex; this implies a lower bound
+on the diameter~$d$:
+Similarly, if the girth $g$ is odd, say $g=2k+1$, the points at
+distance~$\le k$ from any vertex must be distinct, so we have
+and if $g=2k+2$, at least $p^k$ further points must exist at distance
+$k+1$, because the $(p+1)p^k$ paths of length $k+1$ can end at
+a particular vertex at most $p+1$ times. Thus
+when the girth is even.
+In the following code we let $|pp|=p^{dl}$ and
+@<Compute the ``trivial'' bounds |gu| and |dl| on girth and diameter@>=
+while (s<n) {
+ s+=pp;
+ if (s<=n) gu++;
+ dl++;
+ pp*=p;
+ s+=pp;
+ if (s<=n) gu++;
+@ When |p>2|, we can use the theory of integral quaternions to derive a lower
+bound on the girth of the graphs produced by |raman|. A path of length~$g$
+from a vertex to itself exists if and only if there is an integral
+quaternion $\alpha=a_0+a_1i+a_2j+a_3k$ of norm $p_g$ such that
+the $a$'s are not all multiples of~$p$, while
+$a_1$, $a_2$, and $a_3$ are multiples of~$q$ and $a_0\not\=a_1\=a_2\=a_3$
+(mod~2). This means we have integers $(a_0,a_1,a_2,a_3)$ with
+$$a_0^2+a_1^2+a_2^2+a_3^2=p^g,$$ satisfying the stated properties
+mod~$q$ and mod~2.
+If $a_1$, $a_2$, and $a_3$ are even, they cannot all be zero so
+we must have $p^g\ge1+4q^2$; if they are odd, we must have
+$p^g\ge4+3q^2$. (The latter is possible only when $g$ is odd and
+$p\bmod4=3$.) Since $n$ is roughly proportional to~$q^3$, this means
+$g$ must be at least about ${2\over3}\log_p n$. Thus, $g$
+isn't too much less than the maximum girth possible in any regular graph,
+which we have shown is at most about $2\log_p n$.
+When the graph is bipartite we can, in fact, prove that $g$ is
+approximately ${4\over3}\log_p n$. The bipartite case occurs if and
+only if $p$ is not a quadratic residue modulo~|q|; hence the
+number~$g$ in the previous paragraph must be even, say $g=2r$. Then
+$p^g\bmod4=1$, and $a_0$ must be odd. The congruence $a_0^2\=p^{2r}$
+(mod~$q^2$) implies that $a_0\=\pm p^r$, because all numbers
+relatively prime to $q^2$ are powers of a primitive root. We can
+assume without loss of generality that $a_0=p^r-2mq^2$, where
+$0<m<p^r/q^2$; it follows in particular that $p^r>q^2$. Conversely,
+if $p^r-q^2$ can be written as a sum of three squares
+$b_1^2+b_2^2+b_3^2$, then
+$p^{2r}=(p^r-2q^2)^2+(2b_1q)^2+(2b_2q)^2+(2b_3q)^2$ is a
+representation of the required type. If $p^r-q^2$ is a positive
+integer that cannot be represented as a sum of three squares, a
+well-known theorem of Legendre tells us that $p^r-q^2=4^ts$, where
+$s\=7$ (mod~8). Since $p$ and $q$ are odd, we have $t\ge1$; hence
+$p^r-2q^2$ is odd. If $p^r-2q^2$ is a positive odd integer, Legendre's
+theorem tells us that we can write $2p^r-4q^2=b_1^2+b_2^2+b_3^2$;
+hence $p^{2r}=(p^r-4q^2)^2+ (2b_1q)^2+(2b_2q)^2+(2b_3q)^2$. We
+conclude that the girth is either $2\lceil\log_pq^2\rceil$ or
+$2\lceil\log_p2q^2\rceil$. (This explicit calculation, which makes our
+program for calculating the girth unnecessary or at best redundant in
+the bipartite case, is due to G. A. Margulis and, independently, to
+Biggs and Boshier [{\sl Journal of Combinatorial Theory\/ \bf B49}
+(1990), 190--194].)
+A girth of 1 or 2 can occur, since these graphs might have self-loops
+or multiple edges if |p| is sufficiently large.
+@<Compute a lower bound |gl| on the girth@>=
+if (bipartite) {@+long b=q*q;
+ for (gl=1,pp=p;pp<=b;gl++,pp*=p) ; /* iterate until $p^g>q^2$ */
+ gl+=gl;
+} else {@+long b1=1+4*q*2, b2=4+3*q*q; /* bounds on $p^g$ */
+ for (gl=1,pp=p;pp<b1;gl++,pp*=p) {
+ if (pp>=b2 && (gl&1) && (p&2)) break;
+ }
+@ Upper bounds on the diameter of any Ramanujan graph can be derived
+as shown in the paper by Lubotzky, Phillips, and Sarnak in
+{\sl Combinatorica \bf8} (1988), page~275. (However, a slight correction
+to their proof is necessary---their parameter~$l$ should be~odd
+when $x$ and~$y$ lie in different parts of a bipartite graph.)
+Their argument demonstrates that $p^{(d-1)/2}<2n$ in the
+nonbipartite case and $p^{(d-2)/2}<n$ in the bipartite case; therefore
+we obtain the upper bound $d\le 2\log n+O(1)$, which is about twice the lower
+bound that holds in an arbitrary regular graph.
+@<Compute an upper bound |du| on the diameter@>=
+{@+long nn=(bipartite? n: 2*n);
+ double nnp=((double)nn)/sqrt((double)p);
+ long nnn=(long)nnp;
+ if ((double)nnn>nnp) nnn--; /* truncate, don't round */
+ for (du=0,pp=1;pp<=nnn;du+=2,pp*=p) ;
+ if (pp<nn) du++;
+ if (bipartite) du++;
+@ @<Print the theoretical bounds on girth and diameter of |g|@>=
+if (n==(q+1)*q*(q-1)) bipartite=1;
+else bipartite=0;
+printf("The graph has %d vertices, each of degree %d, and it is %sbipartite.\n",
+ n,p+1,bipartite? "": "not ");
+@<Compute the ``trivial'' bounds |gu| and |dl| on girth and diameter@>;
+printf("Any such graph must have diameter >= %d and girth <= %d;\n",
+ dl,gu);
+@<Compute an upper bound |du| on the diameter@>;
+printf("theoretical considerations tell us that this one's diameter is <= %d",
+ du);
+if (p==2) printf(".\n");
+else {
+ @<Compute a lower bound |gl| on the girth@>;
+ printf(",\nand its girth is >= %d.\n",gl);
+@ We had better declare all the variables we've been using so freely.
+int gl,gu,dl,du; /* theoretical bounds */
+long pp; /* power of $p$ */
+long s; /* accumulated sum */
+long n; /* number of vertices */
+char bipartite; /* is the graph bipartite? */
+@*Breadth-first search. The graphs produced by |raman| are symmetrical, in
+the sense that there is an automorphism taking any vertex into any
+other; each vertex $V$ and each edge $P$ corresponds to a $2\times2$
+matrix, and the path $P_1P_2\ldots P_k$ leading from vertex~$V$ to
+vertex $VP_1P_2\ldots P_k$ has the same properties as the path leading
+from vertex~$U$ to vertex $UP_1P_2\ldots P_k$. Therefore we can find
+the girth and the diameter by starting at any vertex $v_0$.
+We will compute the number of points at distance $k$ from $v_0$ for
+all $k$, by explicitly forming a linked list of all such points.
+Utility field |link| will be used for the links. The lists will
+terminate with a non-null |sentinel| value, so that we can also
+use the condition |link==NULL| to tell if a vertex has been
+encountered before. Another utility field, |dist|, will contain the
+distance from the starting point; and |back| will point to a
+vertex one step closer.
+@d link w.v /* the field where we store links, initially |NULL| */
+@d dist v.i /* the field where we store distances, initially 0 */
+@d back u.v /* the field where we store backpointers, initially |NULL| */
+@<Compute and print the true girth and diameter of |g|@>=
+printf("Starting at any given vertex, there are\n");
+{@+int k; /* current distance being generated */
+ int c; /* how many we've seen so far at this distance */
+ register Vertex *v; /* current vertex in list at distance $k-1$ */
+ register Vertex *u; /* head of list for distance $k$ */
+ Vertex *sentinel=g->vertices+n; /* nonzero link at end of lists */
+ int girth=999; /* length of smallest cycle found, initially infinite */
+ k=0;
+ u=g->vertices;
+ u->link=sentinel;
+ c=1;
+ while (c) {
+ for (v=u,u=sentinel,c=0,k++;v!=sentinel;v=v->link)
+ @<Place all vertices adjacent to |v| onto list |u|, unless they've
+ been encountered before, increasing |c| whenever the list grows@>;
+ printf("%8d vertices at distance %d%s\n", c, k, c>0? ",": ".");
+ }
+ printf("So the diameter is %d, and the girth is %d.\n",k-1,girth);
+@ @<Place all...@>=
+{@+register Arc *a;
+ for (a=v->arcs;a;a=a->next) {@+register Vertex *w;
+ /* vertex adjacent to |v| */
+ w=a->tip;
+ if (w->link==NULL) {
+ w->link=u;
+ w->dist=k;
+ w->back=v;
+ u=w;
+ c++;
+ } else if (w->dist+k<girth && w!=v->back)
+ girth=w->dist+k;
+ }
+@* Index. Finally, here's a list that shows where the identifiers of this
+program are defined and used.