path: root/support/graphbase/gb_graph.w
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/graphbase/gb_graph.w
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/graphbase/gb_graph.w')
1 files changed, 887 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/graphbase/gb_graph.w b/support/graphbase/gb_graph.w
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index 0000000000..1f047b1064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/graphbase/gb_graph.w
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+% This file is part of the St588anford GraphBase (c) Stanford University 1992
+\def\title{GB\_\thinspace GRAPH}
+@i boilerplate.w %<< legal stuff: PLEASE READ IT BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES!
+@* Introduction. This is |gb_graph|, the data-structure module used by all
+GraphBase routines to allocate memory. The basic data types for graph
+representation are also defined here.
+Many examples of how to use these conventions appear in other GraphBase
+modules. The best introduction to such examples can probably be found
+in |gb_basic|, which contains subroutines for generating and transforming
+various classical graphs.
+@ The code below is believed to be system-independent; it should
+produce equivalent results on all systems, assuming that the standard
+|calloc| and |cfree| functions of \Cee\ are available.
+However, a test program helps build confidence that everything does in fact
+work as it should. To make such a test, simply compile and run |test_graph|.
+This particular test is fairly rudimentary, but it should be passed before
+more elaborate routines are tested.
+#include "gb_graph.h" /* all users of |gb_graph| should do this */
+@<Declarations of test variables@>@;
+ @<Create a small graph@>;
+ @<Test some intentional errors@>;
+ @<Check that the small graph is still there@>;
+ printf("OK, the gb_graph routines seem to work!\n");
+@ The \Cee\ code for |gb_graph| doesn't have a main routine; it's just a
+bunch of subroutines to be incorporated into programs at a higher level,
+via the system loading routine. Here is the general outline of \.{gb\_graph.c}:
+#include <stdio.h>
+#ifdef SYSV
+#include <string.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+@<Type declarations@>@;
+@<Private declarations@>@;
+@<External declarations@>@;
+@<External functions@>
+@ The type declarations of |gb_graph| appear also in the header file
+\.{gb\_graph.h}. For convenience, that header file also incorporates the
+standard system headers for input/output and string manipulation.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#ifdef SYSV
+#include <string.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+@<Type declarations@>@;
+@ GraphBase programs often have a ``verbose'' option, which needs to
+be enabled by the setting of an external variable. They also tend to have
+a variable called |panic_code|, which helps identify unusual errors.
+We might as well declare those variables here.
+@<External d...@>=
+int verbose=0; /* nonzero if ``verbose'' output is desired */
+int panic_code=0; /* set nonzero if graph generator returns null pointer */
+@ Every external variable should be declared twice in this \.{CWEB} file;
+once for |gb_graph| itself (the ``real'' declaration for storage allocation
+purposes), and once in \.{gb\_graph.h} (for cross-references by
+|gb_graph| users).
+extern int verbose; /* nonzero if ``verbose'' output is desired */
+extern int panic_code; /* set nonzero if graph generator panics */
+@ When |panic_code| is assigned a nonzero value, one of the symbolic
+names defined here is used to help pinpoint the problem.
+Small values indicate memory limitations; values in the 10s and 20s
+indicate input/output anomalies; values in the 30s and 40s indicate
+errors in the parameters to a subroutine. Some panic codes
+stand for cases the author doesn't think will ever arise, although
+the program checks for them just to be extra safe. Multiple instances
+of the same type of error within a single subroutine are distinguished
+by adding an integer; for example, `|syntax_error+1|' and `|syntax_error+2|'
+identify two different kinds of syntax error, as an aid in trouble-shooting.
+The |early_data_fault| and |late_data_fault| codes are explained further
+by the value of |io_errors|.
+#define alloc_fault -1 /* a previous memory request failed */
+#define no_room 1 /* the current memory request failed */
+#define early_data_fault 10 /* error detected at beginning of \.{.dat} file */
+#define late_data_fault 11 /* error detected at end of \.{.dat} file */
+#define syntax_error 20 /* error detected while reading \.{.dat} file */
+#define bad_specs 30 /* parameter out of range or otherwise disallowed */
+#define very_bad_specs 40 /* parameter far out of range or otherwise stupid */
+#define missing_operand 50 /* graph parameter is |NULL| */
+#define invalid_operand 60 /* graph parameter doesn't obey assumptions */
+#define impossible 666 /* ``this can't happen'' */
+@* Representation of graphs. The GraphBase programs employ a simple and flexible
+set of data structures to represent and manipulate graphs in computer memory.
+Vertices appear in a sequential array of \&{Vertex} records, and the arcs
+emanating from each vertex appear in a linked list of \&{Arc} records. There
+is also a \&{Graph} record, to provide information about the graph as a whole.
+The structure layouts for \&{Vertex}, \&{Arc}, and \&{Graph} records
+include a number of utility fields that can be used for any purpose by
+algorithms that manipulate the graphs. Each utility field is a union
+type that can be either a pointer of various kinds or a (long) integer.
+Let's begin the formal definition of these data structures by declaring the
+union type \&{util}. The suffixes .|v|, .|a|, .|g|, and .|s| on the name
+of a utility variable will mean that it is a pointer to a vertex, arc,
+graph, or string, respectively; the suffix .|i| will mean that it is
+an integer. (We use one-character names because such names are easy to type
+when debugging.)
+@<Type dec...@>=
+typedef union {
+ struct vertex_struct *v; /* pointer to \&{Vertex} */
+ struct arc_struct *a; /* pointer to \&{Arc} */
+ struct graph_struct *g; /* pointer to \&{Graph} */
+ char *s; /* pointer to string */
+ long i; /* integer */
+} util;
+@ Each \&{Vertex} has two standard fields and six utility fields; hence it
+occupies 32 bytes on most systems, not counting the memory needed for
+supplementary string data. The standard fields are
+$$\vcenter{\halign{#,\ \ \hfil&#\hfil\cr
+|arcs|&a pointer to an \&{Arc};\cr
+|name|&a pointer to a string of characters.\cr}}$$
+If |v| points to a \&{Vertex} and |v->arcs| is |NULL|, there are no arcs
+emanating from~|v|. But if |v->arcs| is non-|NULL|, it points to an \&{Arc}
+record representing an arc from~|v|, and that record has a |next| field that
+points in the same way to the representations of all other arcs from~|v|.
+The utility fields are called |u|, |v|, |w|, |x|, |y|, |z|. Macros can
+be used to give them syntactic sugar in particular applications. They are
+typically used to record such things as the in-degree or out-degree, or
+whether a vertex is `marked'; or they link the vertex to other vertices in
+one or more lists.
+@<Type dec...@>=
+typedef struct vertex_struct {
+ struct arc_struct *arcs; /* linked list of arcs coming out of this vertex */
+ char *name; /* string identifying this vertex symbolically */
+ util u,v,w,x,y,z; /* multipurpose fields */
+} Vertex;
+@ Each \&{Arc} has three standard fields and two utility fields. Thus it
+occupies 20~bytes on most computer systems. The standard fields are
+$$\vcenter{\halign{#,\ \ \hfil&#\hfil\cr
+|tip|&a pointer to a |Vertex|;\cr
+|next|&a pointer to an \&{Arc};\cr
+|len|&a (long) integer.\cr}}$$
+If |a| points to an \&{Arc} in the list of arcs from vertex~|v|, it represents
+an arc of length |a->len| from |v| to |a->tip|, and the next arc from |v|
+in the list is represented by |a->next|.
+The utility fields are called |a| and |b|.
+@<Type dec...@>=
+typedef struct arc_struct {
+ struct vertex_struct *tip; /* the arc points to this vertex */
+ struct arc_struct *next; /* another arc pointing from the same vertex */
+ long len; /* length of this arc */
+ util a,b; /* multipurpose fields */
+} Arc;
+@* Storage allocation. Memory space must be set aside dynamically for
+vertices, arcs, and their attributes. The GraphBase routines provided by
+|gb_graph| accomplish this task with reasonable ease and efficiency
+by using the concept of memory ``areas.'' The user should first declare an
+\&{Area} variable by saying, for example,
+$$\hbox{\&{Area} |s|;}$$
+and if this variable isn't static or otherwise known to be zero, it must be
+cleared initially by saying `|init_area(s)|'. Then any number of subroutine
+calls of the form `|gb_alloc(n,s)|' can be given; |gb_alloc|
+will return a pointer to a block of |n| consecutive bytes, all cleared to zero.
+Finally, the user can issue the statement
+this will return all memory blocks currently allocated to area~|s|, making them
+available for future allocation.
+The number of bytes |n| specified to |gb_alloc| must be positive, and
+it should usually be 1000 or more, since this will reduce the number
+of system calls. Other routines are provided below to allocate smaller
+amounts of memory, such as the space needed for a single new \&{Arc}.
+If no memory of the requested size is presently available, |gb_alloc|
+returns the null pointer |NULL|. In such cases |gb_alloc| also sets
+the external variable |gb_alloc_trouble| to a nonzero value. The user
+can therefore discover whether any one of an arbitrarily long series
+of allocation requests has failed by making a single test, `|if
+(gb_alloc_trouble)|'. The value of |gb_alloc_trouble| should be cleared to zero
+by every graph generation subroutine; therefore it need not be
+initialized to zero.
+A special macro |gb_alloc_type(n,t,s)| makes it convenient to allocate
+the space for |n| items of type~|t| in area~|s|.
+@d gb_alloc_type(n,t,s) @[(t*)@]gb_alloc((n)*@[sizeof@](t),s)
+@ The implementation of this scheme is almost ridiculously easy. The
+value of~|n| is increased by twice the number of bytes in a pointer,
+and the resulting number is rounded upwards if necessary so that it's
+a multiple of 256. Then memory is allocated using |calloc|. The extra
+bytes will contain two pointers, one to the beginning of the block and
+one to the next block associated with the same area variable.
+The \&{Area} type is defined to be an array of length 1. This makes it possible
+for users to say just `|s|' instead of `|&s|' when using an area
+variable as a parameter.
+#define init_area(s) @t\quad@> @[*s=NULL@]
+struct area_pointers {
+ char *first; /* address of the beginning of this block */
+ struct area_pointers *next; /* address of area pointers in previously
+ allocated block */
+typedef struct area_pointers *Area[1];
+@ First we round |n| up, if necessary, so that it's a multiple of the
+size of a pointer variable. Then we know we can put |area_pointers| into
+memory at a position |n| after any address returned by |calloc|. (This
+logic should work whenever the number of bytes in a pointer variable
+is a divisor of~256.)
+The upper limit on |n| here is governed by old \Cee\ conventions in
+which the first parameter to |calloc| must be less than~$2^{16}$.
+Users who need graphs with more than half a million vertices might
+want to raise this limit on their systems, but they would probably
+be better off representing large graphs in a more compact way.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@<External fun...@>=
+char *gb_alloc(n,s)
+ long n; /* number of consecutive bytes desired */
+ Area s; /* storage area that will contain the new block */
+{@+int m=sizeof(char *); /* |m| is the size of a pointer variable */
+ Area t; /* a temporary pointer */
+ char *loc; /* the block address */
+ if (n<=0 || n>0xffff00 -2*m) {
+ gb_alloc_trouble|=2; /* illegal request */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ n=((n+m-1)/m)*m; /* round up to multiple of |m| */
+ loc=(char*)calloc((unsigned)((n+2*m+255)/256),256);
+ if (loc) {
+ *t=(struct area_pointers*)(loc+n);
+ (*t)->first=loc;
+ (*t)->next=*s;
+ *s=*t;
+ } else gb_alloc_trouble|=1;
+ return loc;
+@ @<External d...@>=
+int gb_alloc_trouble=0; /* did |gb_alloc| return |NULL|? */
+@ @(gb_graph.h@>=
+extern int gb_alloc_trouble; /* anomalies noted by |gb_alloc| */
+@ Notice that |gb_free(s)| can be called twice in a row, because the list
+of blocks is cleared out of the area variable~|s|.
+@<External fun...@>=
+void gb_free(s)
+ Area s;
+{@+Area t;
+ while (*s) {
+ *t=(*s)->next;
+ cfree((*s)->first);
+ *s=*t;
+ }
+@ The two external procedures we've defined above should be mentioned in
+the header file, so let's do that before we forget.
+extern char *gb_alloc(); /* allocate another block for an area */
+#define gb_alloc_type(n,t,s) @[@t\quad@>@[(t*)@]gb_alloc((n)*@[sizeof@](t),s)@]
+extern void gb_free(); /* deallocate all blocks for an area */
+@ Here we try to allocate 10 million bytes of memory. If we succeed,
+fine; if not, we verify that the error was properly reported.
+(An early draft of this program attempted to allocate memory until
+it was exhausted. That tactic provided a more thorough test, but it
+was a bad idea because it brought certain large systems to their
+knees; it was terribly unfriendly to other users who were innocently
+trying to do their own work on the same machine.)
+@<Test some intentional errors@>=
+if (gb_alloc(0,s)!=NULL || gb_alloc_trouble!=2) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Allocation error 2 wasn't reported properly!\n");
+ return -2;
+for (;g->v.i<100;g->v.i++) if (gb_alloc(100000,s)) g->u.i++;
+if (g->u.i<100 && gb_alloc_trouble!=3) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Allocation error 1 wasn't reported properly!\n");
+ return -1;
+gb_free(s); /* we've exhausted memory, let's put some back */
+printf("Hey, I allocated %d00000 bytes successfully. Terrific...\n",g->u.i);
+@ @<Decl...@>=
+Area s; /* temporary allocations in the test routine */
+@*Growing a graph. Now we're ready to look at the \&{Graph} type. This is
+a data structure that can be passed to an algorithm that operates on
+graphs---to find minimum spanning trees, or strong components, or whatever.
+A \&{Graph} record has seven standard fields and six utility fields. The
+standard fields are
+$$\vcenter{\halign{#,\ \ \hfil&#\hfil\cr
+|vertices|&a pointer to an array of |Vertex| records;\cr
+|n|&the total number of vertices;\cr
+|m|&the total number of arcs;\cr
+|id|&a symbolic identification giving parameters of the GraphBase procedure\cr
+\omit& that generated this graph;\cr
+|format|&a symbolic representation of the data types in utility fields;\cr
+|data|&an |Area| used for |Arc| storage and string storage;\cr
+|aux_data|&an |Area| used for auxiliary information that some users may\cr
+\omit &wish to discard.\cr}}$$
+The utility fields are called |u|, |v|, |w|, |x|, |y|, and |z|.
+As a consequence of these conventions, we can visit all arcs of a
+graph~|g| by using the following program:
+|Vertex *v;|\cr
+|Arc *a;|\cr
+|for (v=g->vertices; v<g->vertices+g->n; v++)|\cr
+\quad|for (a=v->arcs; a; a=a->next)|\cr
+#define ID_FIELD_SIZE 161
+typedef struct graph_struct {
+ Vertex *vertices; /* beginning of the vertex array */
+ long n; /* total number of vertices */
+ long m; /* total number of arcs */
+ char id[ID_FIELD_SIZE]; /* GraphBase identification */
+ char format[15]; /* usage of utility fields */
+ Area data; /* the main data blocks */
+ Area aux_data; /* subsidiary data blocks */
+ util u,v,w,x,y,z; /* multipurpose fields */
+} Graph;
+@ The |format| field should always hold a string of length 14, followed
+as usual by a null character to terminate that string. The first six
+characters of |format| specify the usage of utility fields |u|, |v|,
+|w|, |x|, |y|, and~|z| in |Vertex| records; the next two characters give the
+format of the utility fields in |Arc| records; the last six give the
+format of the utility fields in |Graph| records. Each character
+should be either \.I (denoting a |long| integer),
+\.S (denoting a pointer to a string),
+\.V (denoting a pointer to a |Vertex|), \.A (denoting a pointer to an
+|Arc|), \.G (denoting a pointer to a |Graph|), or \.Z (denoting an
+unused field that remains zero). The default |format| is
+|"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"|, when none of the utility fields is being used.
+For example, suppose that a bipartite graph |g| is using field |g->u.i|
+to specify the size of its first part; suppose further that it has a
+string in utility field |a| of each |Arc|, and that it uses
+utility field |w| of |Vertex| records to point to an |Arc|. If |g|
+leaves all other utility fields untouched, its |format| should be
+The |format| string is presently examined only by the |save_graph| and
+|restore_graph| routines, which convert GraphBase graphs from internal
+data structures to symbolic external files and vice versa. Therefore
+users need not update the |format| when they write algorithms to
+manipulate graphs, unless they are going to use |save_graph| to output
+a graph in symbolic form, or unless they are using some other
+GraphBase-related software that might rely on the |format|
+conventions. (Such software is not part of the ``official'' Stanford
+GraphBase, but it may conceivably exist some day.)
+@ Some applications of bipartite graphs require all vertices of the first
+part to appear at the beginning of the |vertices| array. In such cases,
+utility field |u.i| is traditionally given the symbolic name |n_1|, and
+it is set equal to the size of that first part. The size of the other
+part is then |g->n - g->n_1|.
+@^bipartite graph@>
+@d n_1 u.i /* utility field |u| may denote size of bipartite first part */
+#define n_1 @t\quad@> u.i
+#define mark_bipartite(g,n1) @[g->n_1=n1,g->format[8]='I'@]
+@ A new graph is created by calling |gb_new_graph(n)|, which returns a
+pointer to a |Graph| record for a graph with |n| vertices and no arcs.
+This function also initalizes several private variables that are used
+by the |gb_new_arc|, |gb_new_edge|, |gb_virgin_arc|, and |gb_save_string|
+procedures below.
+We actually reserve space for |n+extra_n| vertices, although claiming only~$n$,
+because several graph manipulation algorithms like to add a special vertex
+or two to the graphs they deal with.
+@<External f...@>=
+Graph *gb_new_graph(n)
+ long n; /* desired number of vertices */
+ cur_graph=(Graph*)calloc(1,sizeof(Graph));
+ if (cur_graph) {
+ cur_graph->vertices=gb_alloc_type(n+extra_n,@[Vertex@],cur_graph->data);
+ if (cur_graph->vertices) {Vertex *p;
+ cur_graph->n=n;
+ for (p=cur_graph->vertices+n+extra_n-1; p>=cur_graph->vertices; p--)
+ p->name=null_string;
+ sprintf(cur_graph->id,"gb_new_graph(%ld)",n);
+ strcpy(cur_graph->format,"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ");
+ } else {
+ cfree(cur_graph);
+ cur_graph=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ next_arc=bad_arc=NULL;
+ next_string=bad_string=NULL;
+ gb_alloc_trouble=0;
+ return cur_graph;
+@ The value of |extra_n| is ordinarily~4, and it should probably always be at
+@<External d...@>=
+int extra_n=4; /* the number of shadow vertices allocated by |gb_new_graph| */
+char null_string[1]; /* a null string constant */
+@ @(gb_graph.h@>=
+extern int extra_n;
+ /* the number of shadow vertices allocated by |gb_new_graph| */
+extern char null_string[]; /* a null string constant */
+extern make_compound_id(); /* routine to set one |id| field from another */
+extern make_double_compound_id(); /* ditto, but from two others */
+@ The |id| field of a graph is sometimes manufactured from the |id| field
+of another graph. The following routine does this without allowing the
+string to get too long after repeated copying.
+@ @<External f...@>=
+make_compound_id(g,s1,gg,s2) /* |sprintf(g->id,"%s%s%s",s1,gg->id,s2)| */
+ Graph *g; /* graph whose |id| is to be set */
+ char *s1; /* string for the beginning of the new |id| */
+ Graph *gg; /* graph whose |id| is to be copied */
+ char *s2; /* string for the end of the new |id| */
+{@+int avail=ID_FIELD_SIZE-strlen(s1)-strlen(s2);
+ char tmp[ID_FIELD_SIZE];
+ strcpy(tmp,gg->id);
+ if (strlen(tmp)<avail) sprintf(g->id,"%s%s%s",s1,tmp,s2);
+ else sprintf(g->id,"%s%.*s...)%s",s1,avail-5,tmp,s2);
+ /* |sprintf(g->id,"%s%s%s%s%s",s1,gg->id,s2,ggg->id,s3)| */
+ Graph *g; /* graph whose |id| is to be set */
+ char *s1; /* string for the beginning of the new |id| */
+ Graph *gg; /* first graph whose |id| is to be copied */
+ char *s2; /* string for the middle of the new |id| */
+ Graph *ggg; /* second graph whose |id| is to be copied */
+ char *s3; /* string for the end of the new |id| */
+{@+int avail=ID_FIELD_SIZE-strlen(s1)-strlen(s2)-strlen(s3);
+ if (strlen(gg->id)+strlen(ggg->id)<avail)
+ sprintf(g->id,"%s%s%s%s%s",s1,gg->id,s2,ggg->id,s3);
+ else sprintf(g->id,"%s%.*s...)%s%.*s...)%s",s1,avail/2-5,gg->id,
+ s2,(avail-9)/2,ggg->id,s3);
+@ But how do the arcs get there? That's where the private variables in
+|gb_new_graph| come in. If |next_arc| is unequal to |bad_arc|, it points to
+an unused |Arc| record in a previously allocated block of |Arc| records.
+Similarly, |next_string| and |bad_string| are addresses used to
+place strings into a block of memory allocated for that purpose.
+static Arc *next_arc; /* the next |Arc| available for allocation */
+static Arc *bad_arc; /* but if |next_arc=bad_arc|, that |Arc| isn't there */
+static char *next_string; /* the next byte available for storing a string */
+static char *bad_string; /* but if |next_string=bad_string|, don't byte */
+static Arc dummy_arc[2]; /* an |Arc| record to point to in an emergency */
+static Graph dummy_graph; /* a |Graph| record that's normally unused */
+static Graph *cur_graph=&dummy_graph; /* the |Graph| most recently created */
+@ All new |Arc| records that are created by the automatic |next_arc|/|bad_arc|
+scheme originate in a procedure called |gb_virgin_arc|, which returns the
+address of a new record having type |Arc|.
+When a new block of |Arc| records is needed, we create 102 of them at once;
+this strategy causes exactly 2048 bytes to be allocated on most
+computer systems---a nice round number. The routine will work, however,
+if 102 is replaced by any positive even number. The new block goes into
+the |data| area of |cur_graph|.
+Graph-building programs do not usually call |gb_virgin_arc| directly;
+they generally invoke one of the higher-level routines |gb_new_arc|
+or |gb_new_edge| described below.
+If memory space has been exhausted, |gb_virgin_arc| will return a
+pointer to |dummy_arc|, so that the calling procedure can safely
+refer to fields of the result even though |gb_alloc_trouble| is nonzero.
+@d arcs_per_block 102
+@<External f...@>=
+Arc *gb_virgin_arc()
+{@+register Arc *cur_arc=next_arc;
+ if (cur_arc==bad_arc) {
+ cur_arc=gb_alloc_type(arcs_per_block,@[Arc@],cur_graph->data);
+ if (cur_arc==NULL)
+ cur_arc=dummy_arc;
+ else {
+ next_arc = cur_arc+1;
+ bad_arc = cur_arc+arcs_per_block;
+ }
+ }
+ else next_arc++;
+ return cur_arc;
+@ The routine |gb_new_arc(u,v,len)| creates a new arc of length |len|
+from vertex~|u| to vertex~|v|. The arc becomes part of the graph that
+was most recently created by |gb_new_graph|, i.e., of the graph
+pointed to by the private variable |cur_graph|. This routine assumes
+that |u| and |v| are both vertices in that graph.
+The new arc will be pointed to by |u->arcs|, immediately after
+|gb_new_arc(u,v,len)| has acted. If there is no room for the new arc,
+|gb_alloc_trouble| is set nonzero, but |u->arcs| will point to the non-|NULL|
+record |dummy_arc|
+so that additional information can safely be stored in its utility fields
+without risking system crashes before |gb_alloc_trouble| is tested.
+However, the linking structure of arcs is apt to be fouled up in such
+cases; programs should make sure that |gb_alloc_trouble==0| before doing any
+extensive computation on a graph.
+@<External f...@>=
+void gb_new_arc(u,v,len)
+ Vertex *u, *v; /* a newly created arc will go from |u| to |v| */
+ long len; /* its length */
+{@+register Arc *cur_arc=gb_virgin_arc();
+ cur_arc->tip=v; @+cur_arc->next=u->arcs; @+cur_arc->len=len;
+ u->arcs=cur_arc;
+ cur_graph->m++;
+@ An undirected graph has ``edges'' instead of arcs. We represent an edge
+by two arcs, one going each way.
+@^undirected graph@>
+The fact that |arcs_per_block| is even means that the |gb_new_edge| routine
+needs to call |gb_virgin_arc| only once instead of twice.
+Caveats: This routine, like |gb_new_arc|, should be used only after
+|gb_new_graph| has caused the private variable |cur_graph| to point to
+the graph containing the new edge. The routine |gb_new_edge| must
+not be used together with |gb_new_arc| or |gb_virgin_arc| when
+building a graph, unless |gb_new_arc| and |gb_virgin_arc| have been
+called an even number of times before |gb_new_edge| is invoked.
+The new edge will be pointed to by |u->arcs| and by |v->arcs| immediately
+after |gb_new_edge| has created it, assuming that |u!=v|. The two arcs
+appear next to each other in memory; indeed, |gb_new_edge| rigs things so
+that |v->arcs| is |u->arcs+1| when |u<v|.
+On many computers it turns out that the first |Arc| record of every such
+pair of arcs will have an address that is a multiple of~8, and the
+second |Arc| record will have an address that is not a multiple of~8 (because
+the first |Arc| will be 20 bytes long, and because |calloc| always returns
+a multiple of~8). However, it is not safe to assume this when writing
+portable code. Algorithms for undirected graphs can still make good use of
+the fact that arcs for edges are paired, without needing any mod~8 assumptions,
+if all edges have been created and linked into the graph by |gb_new_edge|:
+The inverse of an arc~|a| from |u| to~|v| will be arc |a+1| if and only if
+|u<v| or |a->next=a+1|; it will be arc |a-1| if and only if |u>=v| and
+|a->next!=a+1|. The condition |a->next=a+1| can hold only if |u=v|.
+@<External f...@>=
+void gb_new_edge(u,v,len)
+ Vertex *u, *v; /* new arcs will go from |u| to |v| and from |v| to |u| */
+ long len; /* their length */
+{@+register Arc *cur_arc=gb_virgin_arc();
+ if (cur_arc!=dummy_arc) next_arc++;
+ if (u<v) {
+ cur_arc->tip=v; @+cur_arc->next=u->arcs;
+ (cur_arc+1)->tip=u; @+(cur_arc+1)->next=v->arcs;
+ u->arcs=cur_arc; v->arcs=cur_arc+1;
+ } else {
+ (cur_arc+1)->tip=v; @+(cur_arc+1)->next=u->arcs;
+ u->arcs=cur_arc+1; /* do this now in case |u==v| */
+ cur_arc->tip=u; @+cur_arc->next=v->arcs;
+ v->arcs=cur_arc;
+ }
+ cur_arc->len=(cur_arc+1)->len=len;
+ cur_graph->m+=2;
+@ Sometimes (let us hope rarely) we may need to use a dirty trick
+hinted at in the previous discussion. On most computers, the mate to
+arc~|a| will be |a-1| if and only if |edge_trick&(unsigned long)a|
+is nonzero.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@^pointer hacks@>
+@<External d...@>=
+unsigned long edge_trick=sizeof(Arc)-(sizeof(Arc)&(sizeof(Arc)-1));
+@ @(gb_graph.h@>=
+extern unsigned long edge_trick; /* least significant 1 bit in |sizeof(Arc)| */
+@ Vertices generally have a symbolic name, and we need a place to put
+such names. The |gb_save_string| function is a convenient utility
+for this purpose:
+Given a null-terminated string of any length, |gb_save_string| stashes
+it away in a safe place and returns a pointer to that place. Memory is
+conserved by combining strings from the current graph into largish blocks
+of a convenient size.
+Note that |gb_save_string| should be used only after |gb_new_graph| has provided
+suitable initialization, because the private variable |cur_graph| must
+point to the graph for which storage is currently being allocated, and
+the private variables |next_string| and |bad_string| must also have
+suitable values.
+@d string_block_size 1016 /* $1024-8$ is usually efficient */
+@<External f...@>=
+char *gb_save_string(s)
+ register char *s; /* the string to be copied */
+{@+register char *p=s;
+ register long len; /* length of the string and following null character */
+ while (*p++) ; /* advance to end of string */
+ len=p-s;
+ p=next_string;
+ if (p+len>bad_string) { /* not enough room in current block */
+ long size=string_block_size;
+ if (len>size)
+ size=len;
+ p=gb_alloc(size,cur_graph->data);
+ if (p==NULL)
+ return null_string; /* return a pointer to |""| if memory ran out */
+ bad_string=p+size;
+ }
+ while (*s) *p++=*s++; /* copy the non-null bytes of the string */
+ *p++='\0'; /* and append a null character */
+ next_string=p;
+ return p-len;
+@ The test routine illustrates some of these basic maneuvers.
+@<Create a small graph@>=
+if (g==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I couldn't even create a trivial graph!\n");
+ return -3;
+u=g->vertices;@+ v=u+1;
+u->name=gb_save_string("vertex 0");
+v->name=gb_save_string("vertex 1");
+@ @<Decl...@>=
+Graph *g;
+Vertex *u,*v;
+@ If the ``edge trick'' fails, the standard GraphBase routines are
+unaffected except for the demonstration program |miles_span|. (And
+that program uses |edge_trick| only when printing verbose comments.)
+@^edge trick failure@>
+@<Check that the small graph is still there@>=
+if (strncmp(u->name,v->name,7)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Something is fouled up in the string storage machinery!\n");
+ return -4;
+if ((edge_trick&(unsigned long)(u->arcs))||
+ (edge_trick&(unsigned long)(u->arcs->next->next))||
+ !(edge_trick&(unsigned long)(v->arcs->next)))
+ printf("Warning: The \"edge trick\" failed!\n");
+if (v->name[7]+g->n!=v->arcs->next->tip->name[7]+g->m-2) {
+ /* |'1'+2!='0'+5-2| */
+ fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, the graph data structures aren't working yet.\n");
+ return -5;
+@ Some applications may need to add arcs to several graphs at a time,
+violating the assumptions stated above about |cur_graph| and the other
+private variables. The |switch_to_graph| function gets around that
+restriction, by using the utility slots |w|, |x|, |y|, and
+|z| of |Graph| records to save and restore the private variables.
+Just say |switch_to_graph(g)| in order to make |cur_graph| be~|g| and
+to restore the other private variables that are needed by
+|gb_new_arc|, |gb_virgin_arc|, |gb_new_edge|, and |gb_save_string|.
+Restriction: The graph |g| being switched to must have previously been
+switched from; i.e., it must have been |cur_graph| when |switch_to_graph|
+was called previously. Otherwise its private allocation variables will
+not have been saved. To meet this restriction, you should say
+|switch_to_graph(NULL)| just before calling |gb_new_graph|, if you
+intend to switch back to the current graph later.
+(The swap-in-swap-out nature of these conventions may seem inelegant, but
+convenience and efficiency are more important than elegance when most
+applications do not need the ability to switch between graphs.)
+@<External f...@>=
+void switch_to_graph(g)
+ Graph *g;
+ cur_graph->w.a=next_arc; @+cur_graph->x.a=bad_arc;
+ cur_graph->y.s=next_string; @+cur_graph->z.s=bad_string;
+ cur_graph=(g? g: &dummy_graph);
+ next_arc=cur_graph->w.a; @+bad_arc=cur_graph->x.a;
+ next_string=cur_graph->y.s; @+bad_string=cur_graph->z.s;
+ cur_graph->w.a=NULL;
+ cur_graph->x.a=NULL;
+ cur_graph->y.s=NULL;
+ cur_graph->z.s=NULL;
+@ Finally,
+here's a routine that obliterates an entire graph when it is no longer needed:
+@<External fun...@>=
+void gb_recycle(g)
+ Graph *g;
+ if (g) {
+ gb_free(g->data);
+ gb_free(g->aux_data);
+ cfree(g); /* the user must not refer to |g| again */
+ }
+@ @(gb_graph.h@>=
+extern Graph*gb_new_graph(); /* create a new graph structure */
+extern void gb_new_arc(); /* append an arc to the current graph */
+extern Arc*gb_virgin_arc(); /* allocate a new |Arc| record */
+extern void gb_new_edge(); /* append an edge (two arcs) to the current graph */
+extern char*gb_save_string(); /* store a string in the current graph */
+extern void switch_to_graph(); /* save allocation variables, swap in others */
+extern void gb_recycle(); /* delete a graph structure */
+@* Searching for vertices. We sometimes want to be able to find a vertex, given
+its name, and it is nice to do this in a standard way. The following simple
+subroutines can be used:
+\smallskip|hash_in(v)| puts the name of vertex |v| into the hash table;
+\smallskip|hash_out(s)| finds a vertex named |s|, if present in the hash table;
+\smallskip|hash_setup(g)| prepares a hash table for all vertices of graph~|g|;
+\smallskip|hash_lookup(s,g)| looks up the name |s| in the hash table of |g|.
+\noindent Routines |hash_in| and |hash_out| apply to the current graph being
+created, while |hash_setup| and |hash_lookup| apply to arbitrary graphs.
+Important: Utility fields |u| and |v| of each vertex are reserved for use by
+the search routine when hashing is active. You can crash the system
+if you try to fool around with these values yourself, or if you use any
+subroutines that change those fields. The first two characters in the
+current graph's |format| field should be \.{VV} if the hash table information
+is to be saved by |gb_save|.
+Warning: Users of this hash scheme must preserve the number of
+vertices |g->n| in the current graph~|g|. If |g->n| is changed,
+the hash table will be worthless, unless |hash_setup| is used to
+rehash everything.
+extern void hash_in(); /* input a name to the hash table of current graph */
+extern Vertex* hash_out(); /* find a name in hash table of current graph */
+extern void hash_setup(); /* create a hash table for a given graph */
+extern Vertex* hash_lookup(); /* find a name in a given graph */
+@ The lookup scheme is quite simple: We compute a more-or-less random
+value |h| based on the vertex name, where |0<=h<n|, assuming that
+the graph has |n|~vertices. There is a list of all vertices whose hash
+address is~|h|, starting at |(g->vertices+h)->hash_head| and linked
+together in the |hash_link| fields, where |hash_head| and |hash_link| are
+utility fields |u.v| and |v.v|.
+@d hash_link u.v
+@d hash_head v.v
+@ @<External fun...@>=
+void hash_in(v)
+ Vertex *v;
+{@+ register char *t=v->name;
+ register Vertex *u;
+ @<Find vertex |u|, whose location is the hash code for string |t|@>;
+ v->hash_link=u->hash_head;
+ u->hash_head=v;
+@ The hash code for a string $c_1c_2\ldots c_l$ of length $l$ is
+a nonlinear function of the characters that appears to produce reasonably
+random results between 0 and the number of vertices in the current graph.
+Caution: This hash coding scheme is system-dependent, because it
+uses the system's character codes. If you create a graph on
+a machine with ASCII code and save it with |gb_save|, and if you ship the
+resulting text file to some friend whose machine does not use ASCII code,
+your friend will have to rebuild the hash structure with |hash_setup|
+before being able to use |hash_lookup| successfully.
+@^character-set dependencies@>
+@d HASH_MULT 314159 /* random multiplier */
+@d HASH_PRIME 516595003 /* the 27182818th prime; it's less than $2^{29}$ */
+@<Find vertex |u|...@>=
+{@+register int h;
+ for (h=0;*t;t++) {
+ h+=(h^(h>>1))+HASH_MULT*(unsigned char)*t;
+ while (h>=HASH_PRIME) h-=HASH_PRIME;
+ }
+ u=cur_graph->vertices+(h % cur_graph->n);
+@ If the hash function were truly random, the average number of
+string comparisons made would be less than $(e^2+7)/8\approx 1.80$ on
+a successful search, and less than $(e^2+1)/4\approx2.10$ on an
+unsuccessful search [{\sl Sorting and Searching}, Section 6.4,
+Eqs.~(15) and~(16)].
+@<External fun...@>=
+Vertex* hash_out(s)
+ char* s;
+{@+register char *t=s;
+ register Vertex *u;
+ @<Find vertex |u|...@>;
+ for (u=u->hash_head;u;u=u->hash_link)
+ if (strcmp(s,u->name)==0) return u;
+ return NULL; /* not found */
+@ @<External fun...@>=
+void hash_setup(g)
+ Graph *g;
+{@+Graph *save_cur_graph;
+ if (g && g->n>0) {@+register Vertex *v;
+ save_cur_graph=cur_graph;
+ cur_graph=g;
+ for (v=g->vertices;v<g->vertices+g->n;v++) v->hash_head=NULL;
+ for (v=g->vertices;v<g->vertices+g->n;v++) hash_in(v);
+ *(g->format)=*(g->format+1)='V';
+ /* indicate usage of |hash_head| and |hash_link| */
+ cur_graph=save_cur_graph;
+ }
+@ @<External fun...@>=
+Vertex* hash_lookup(s,g)
+ char *s;
+ Graph *g;
+{@+Graph *save_cur_graph;
+ if (g && g->n>0) {@+register Vertex *v;
+ save_cur_graph=cur_graph;
+ cur_graph=g;
+ v=hash_out(s);
+ cur_graph=save_cur_graph;
+ return v;
+ }
+ else return NULL;
+@* Index. Here is a list that shows where the identifiers of this program are
+defined and used.