path: root/support/graphbase/gb_econ.w
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/graphbase/gb_econ.w
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/graphbase/gb_econ.w')
1 files changed, 635 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/graphbase/gb_econ.w b/support/graphbase/gb_econ.w
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42317b2a78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/graphbase/gb_econ.w
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+% This file is part of the Stanford GraphBase (c) Stanford University 1992
+\def\title{GB\_\thinspace ECON}
+@i boilerplate.w %<< legal stuff: PLEASE READ IT BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES!
+\prerequisites{GB\_\thinspace GRAPH}{GB\_\thinspace IO}
+@* Introduction. This GraphBase module contains the |econ| subroutine,
+which creates a family of directed graphs related to the flow of money
+between industries. An example of the use of this procedure can be
+found in the demo program |econ_order|.
+extern Graph *econ();
+@ The subroutine call `|econ(n,omit,threshold,seed)|'
+constructs a directed graph based on the information in \.{econ.dat}.
+Each vertex of the graph corresponds to one of 81 sectors of the U.S.
+economy. The data comes from the year 1985; it was derived from
+tables published in {\sl Survey of Current Business\/ \bf70} (1990), 41--56.
+If |omit=threshold=0|, the directed graph is a ``circulation'';
+i.e., each arc has an associated |flow| value, and
+the sum of arc flows leaving each vertex is equal to the
+sum of arc flows entering. This sum is called the ``total commodity output''
+for the sector in question. The flow in an arc from sector $j$~to
+sector~$k$ is the amount of the commodity made by sector~$j$ that was
+used by sector~$k$, rounded to millions of dollars at producers' prices.
+For example, the total commodity output of the sector called \.{Apparel}
+is 54031, meaning that the total cost of making all kinds of apparel in
+1985 was about 54 billion dollars. There is an arc from \.{Apparel} to
+itself with a flow of 9259, meaning that 9.259 billion dollars' worth
+of apparel went from one group within the apparel industry to another;
+there is also an arc of flow~44 from \.{Apparel} to \.{Household}
+\.{furniture}, indicating that some 44 million dollars' worth of apparel
+went into the making of household furniture. By looking at all
+arcs leaving the \.{Apparel} vertex, you can see where all that
+new apparel went; by looking at all arcs that enter \.{Apparel}, you can
+see what ingredients the apparel industry needed to make~it.
+One vertex, called \.{Users}, represents people like you and me, the
+non-industrial end users of everything. The arc from \.{Apparel} to
+\.{Users} has flow 42172; this is the ``total final demand'' for
+apparel, the amount that didn't flow into other sectors of the economy
+before it reached people like us. The arc from \.{Users} to \.{Apparel}
+has flow 19409, which is called the ``value added'' by users; it
+represents wages and salaries paid to support the manufacturing
+process. The sum of total final demand over all sectors, which also
+equals the sum of value added over all sectors, is conventionally
+called the Gross National Product (GNP). In 1985 the GNP was 3999362,
+nearly 4 trillion dollars, according to \.{econ.dat}. (The sum of all
+arc flows coming out of all vertices was 7198680; this sum
+overestimates the total economic activity, because it counts some
+items more than once---statistics are recorded whenever an item
+passes a statistics gatherer. Economists try to adjust the data so that
+they avoid double-counting as much as possible.)
+Speaking of economists, there is another special vertex called
+\.{Adjustments}, included by economists so that GNP is measured
+more accurately. This vertex takes account of such things as changes in
+the value of inventories, and imported materials that cannot be obtained
+within the U.S., as well as work done for the government and for foreign
+concerns. In 1985, these adjustments accounted for about 11\% of the GNP.
+Incidentally, some of the ``total final demand'' arcs
+are negative. For example, the arc from \.{Petroleum} \.{and}
+\.{natural} \.{gas} \.{production} to \.{Users} has flow $-27032$.
+This may seem strange at first, but it makes sense, because crude oil
+and natural gas go more to other industries than to end users. Total
+final demand does not mean total user demand.
+@d flow a.i /* utility field |a| specifies the flow in an arc */
+@ If |omit=1|, the \.{Users} vertex is omitted from the digraph; in
+particular, this will eliminate all arcs of negative flow. If
+|omit=2|, the \.{Adjustments} vertex is also omitted, thereby leaving
+79~sectors with arcs showing inter-industry flow. (The graph is no
+longer a ``circulation,'' of course, when |omit>0|.) If \.{Users} and
+\.{Adjustments} are not omitted, \.{Users} is the last vertex of the
+graph, and \.{Adjustments} is next-to-last.
+If |threshold=0|, the digraph has an arc for every nonzero |flow|.
+But if |threshold>0|, the digraph becomes more sparse;
+there is then an arc from $j$ to~$k$ if and
+only if the amount of commodity $j$ used by sector~$k$ exceeds
+|threshold/65536| times the total input of sector~$k$. (The total
+input figure always includes value added, even if |omit>0|.)
+Thus, the arcs go to each sector from
+that sector's main suppliers. When |n=79|, |omit=2|, and
+|threshold=0|, the digraph has 4602 arcs out of a possible
+$79\times79=6241$; raising |threshold| to 1 decreases the number of
+arcs to 4473; raising it to 6000 leaves only~72 arcs.
+The |len| field in each arc is~1.
+The constructed graph will have $\min(n,81-|omit|)$ vertices. If |n| is less
+than |81-omit|, the |n| vertices will be selected by repeatedly combining
+related sectors. For example, two of the 81 original sectors are called
+`\.{Paper} \.{products,} \.{except} \.{containers}' and
+`\.{Paperboard} \.{containers} \.{and} \.{boxes}'; these might be combined
+into a sector called `\.{Paper} \.{products}'. There is a binary tree
+with 79 leaves, which describes a fixed hierarchical breakdown of the
+79 non-special sectors. This tree is
+pruned, if necessary, by replacing pairs of leaves by their parent node,
+which becomes a new leaf; pruning continues
+until just |n| leaves remain. Although pruning is a bottom-up process, its
+effect can also be obtained from the top down if we imagine ``growing''
+the tree, starting out with a whole economy as a single sector and
+repeatedly subdividing a sector into two parts. For example,
+if |omit=2| and |n=2|, the two sectors will
+be called \.{Goods} and \.{Services}. If |n=3|, \.{Goods} might be
+subdivided into \.{Natural} \.{Resources} and \.{Manufacturing}; or
+\.{Services} might be subdivided into \.{Indirect} \.{Services} and
+\.{Direct} \.{Services}.
+If |seed=0|, the binary tree is pruned in such a way that the |n|
+resulting sectors are as equal as possible with respect to total
+input and output, while respecting the tree structure. If |seed>0|,
+the pruning is carried out at random, in such a way that all |n|-leaf
+subtrees of the original tree are obtained with approximately equal
+probability (depending on |seed| in a machine-independent fashion).
+Any |seed| value from 1 to $2^{31}-1=2147483647$ is permissible.
+As usual in GraphBase routines, you can set |n=0| to get the default
+situation where |n| has its maximum value. For example, either
+|econ(0,0,0,0)| or |econ(81,0,0,0)| produces the full graph;
+|econ(0,2,0,0)| or |econ(79,2,0,0)| produces the full graph except
+for the two special vertices.
+@d MAX_N 81 /* maximum number of vertices in constructed graph */
+@d NORM_N MAX_N-2 /* the number of normal BEA sectors */
+@d ADJ_SEC MAX_N-1 /* code number for the \.{Adjustments} sector */
+@ The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) has assigned code numbers
+1--79 to the individual sectors for which statistics are given in
+\.{econ.dat}. If for some reason you wish to know the BEA codes for
+all sectors represented by vertex |v| of a graph generated by |econ|,
+you can access them via a list of |Arc| nodes starting at the utility
+field |v->BEA_codes|.
+This list is linked by |next| fields in the usual way, and each
+BEA code appears in the |len| field; the |tip| field is unused.
+The special vertex \.{Adjustments} is given code number~80; it is
+actually a composite of six different BEA categories, numbered 80--86 in their
+published tables.
+For example, if |n=80| and |omit=1|, each list will have length~1;
+hence |v->BEA_codes->next| will equal |NULL| for each~|v|, and
+|v->BEA_codes->len| will be |v|'s BEA code, a number between 1 and~80.
+The special vertex \.{Users} has no BEA code; it is the only vertex
+whose |BEA_codes| field will be null in the graph returned by |econ|.
+@d BEA_codes z.a /* utility field |z| leads to the BEA codes for a vertex */
+@ The total output of each sector, which also equals the total input of that
+sector, is placed in utility field |sector_total| of the corresponding vertex.
+@d sector_total y.i /* utility field |y| holds the total flow in and out */
+#define flow @t\quad@> a.i
+ /* definitions of utility fields in the header file */
+#define BEA_codes @t\quad@> z.a
+#define sector_total @t\quad@> y.i
+@ If the |econ| routine encounters a problem, it returns |NULL|
+(\.{NULL}), after putting a nonzero number into the external variable
+|panic_code|. This code number identifies the type of failure.
+Otherwise |econ| returns a pointer to the newly created graph, which
+will be represented with the data structures explained in |gb_graph|.
+(The external variable |@!panic_code| is itself defined in
+@d panic(c) @+{@+panic_code=c;@+gb_alloc_trouble=0;@+return NULL;@+}
+@f Graph int /* |gb_graph| defines the |Graph| type and a few others */
+@f Vertex int
+@f Arc int
+@f Area int
+@ The \Cee\ file \.{gb\_econ.c} has the following overall shape:
+#include "gb_io.h" /* we will use the |gb_io| routines for input */
+#include "gb_flip.h"
+ /* we will use the |gb_flip| routines for random numbers */
+#include "gb_graph.h"
+ /* and of course we'll use the |gb_graph| data structures */
+@<Type declarations@>@;
+@<Private variables@>@;
+Graph *econ(n,omit,threshold,seed)
+ unsigned n; /* number of vertices desired */
+ unsigned omit; /* number of special vertices to omit */
+ unsigned long threshold; /* minimum per-64K-age in arcs leading in */
+ long seed; /* random number seed */
+{@+@<Local variables@>@;
+ gb_init_rand(seed);
+ init_area(working_storage);
+ @<Check the parameters and adjust them for defaults@>;
+ @<Set up a graph with |n| vertices@>;
+ @<Read \.{econ.dat} and note the binary tree structure@>;
+ @<Determine the |n| sectors to use in the graph@>;
+ @<Put the appropriate arcs into the graph@>;
+ if (gb_close()!=0)
+ panic(late_data_fault);
+ /* something's wrong with |"econ.dat"|; see |io_errors| */
+ gb_free(working_storage);
+ if (gb_alloc_trouble) {
+ gb_recycle(new_graph);
+ panic(alloc_fault); /* oops, we ran out of memory somewhere back there */
+ }
+ return new_graph;
+@ @<Local var...@>=
+Graph *new_graph; /* the graph constructed by |econ| */
+register int j,k; /* all-purpose indices */
+Area working_storage; /* tables needed while |econ| does its thinking */
+@ @<Check the param...@>=
+if (omit>2) omit=2;
+if (n==0 || n>MAX_N-omit) n=MAX_N-omit;
+else if (n+omit<3) omit=3-n; /* we need at least one normal sector */
+if (threshold>65536) threshold=65536;
+@ @<Set up a graph with |n| vertices@>=
+if (new_graph==NULL)
+ panic(no_room); /* out of memory before we're even started */
+@* The economic tree.
+As we read in the data, we construct a sequential list of nodes,
+each of which represents either a micro-sector of the economy (one of
+the basic BEA sectors) or a macro-sector (which is the union of two subnodes).
+In more technical terms, the nodes form an extended binary tree,
+whose external nodes correspond to micro-sectors and whose internal nodes
+correspond to macro-sectors. The nodes of the tree appear in preorder.
+Subsequently we will do a variety of operations on this binary tree,
+proceeding either top-down (from the beginning of the list to the end)
+or bottom-up (from the end to the beginning).
+Each node is a rather large record, because we will store a complete
+vector of sector output data in each node.
+@<Type declarations@>=
+typedef struct node_struct { /* records for micro and macro-sectors */
+ struct node_struct *rchild; /* pointer to right child of macro-sector */
+ char title[44]; /* |"Sector name"| */
+ long table[MAX_N+1]; /* outputs from this sector */
+ unsigned long total; /* total input to this sector ($=$ total output) */
+ long thresh; /* |flow| must exceed |thresh| in arcs to this sector */
+ int BEA_code; /* BEA code number; initially zero in macro-sectors */
+ int tag; /* 1 if this node will be a vertex in the graph */
+ struct node_struct *link; /* next smallest unexplored sector */
+ Arc *BEA_list; /* first item on list of BEA codes */
+} node;
+@ When we read the given data in preorder, we'll need a stack to remember
+what nodes still need to have their |rchild| pointer filled in.
+(There is a no need for an |lchild| pointer, because the left child
+always follows its parent immediately in preorder.)
+@<Private v...@>=
+static node *stack[NORM_N+NORM_N];
+static node **stack_ptr; /* current position in |stack| */
+static node *node_block; /* array of nodes, specifies the tree in preorder */
+static node *node_index[MAX_N+1]; /* which node has a given BEA code */
+@ @<Local v...@>=
+register node *p,*pl,*pr; /* current node and its children */
+register node *q,*r; /* registers for list manipulation */
+@ @<Read \.{econ.dat} and note the binary tree structure@>=
+if (gb_alloc_trouble) panic(no_room+1); /* no room to copy the data */
+if (gb_open("econ.dat")!=0)
+ panic(early_data_fault);
+ /* couldn't open |"econ.dat"| using GraphBase conventions */
+@<Read and store the sector names and BEA numbers@>;
+for (k=1; k<=MAX_N; k++)
+ @<Read and store the output coefficients for sector |k|@>;
+@ The first part of \.{econ.dat} specifies the nodes of the binary
+tree in preorder. Each line contains a node name
+followed by a colon, and the colon is followed by the BEA number if
+that node is a leaf.
+The tree is uniquely specified in this way,
+because of the nature of preorder. (Think of Polish prefix notation,
+in which a formula like `${+}x{+}xx$' means `${+}(x,{+}(x,x))$'; the
+parentheses in Polish notation are redundant.)
+The two special sector names don't appear in the file; we manufacture
+them ourselves.
+The program here is careful not to clobber itself in the
+presence of arbitrarily garbled data.
+@<Read and store the sector names...@>=
+for (p=node_block; p<node_block+NORM_N+NORM_N-1; p++) {@+register int c;
+ gb_string(p->title,':');
+ if (strlen(p->title)>43) panic(syntax_error); /* sector name too long */
+ if (gb_char()!=':') panic(syntax_error+1); /* missing colon */
+ p->BEA_code=c=gb_number(10);
+ if (c==0) /* macro-sector */
+ *stack_ptr++=p; /* left child is |p+1|, we'll know |rchild| later */
+ else { /* micro-sector; |p+1| will be somebody's right child */
+ node_index[c]=p;
+ if (stack_ptr>stack) (*--stack_ptr)->rchild=p+1;
+ }
+ if (gb_char()!='\n') panic(syntax_error+2); /* garbage on the line */
+ gb_newline();
+if (stack_ptr!=stack) panic(syntax_error+3); /* tree malformed */
+for (k=NORM_N;k;k--) if (node_index[k]==0)
+ panic(syntax_error+4); /* BEA code not mentioned in the tree */
+@ The remaining part of \.{econ.dat} is an $81\times80$ matrix in which
+the $k$th row contains the outputs of sector~$k$ to all sectors except
+\.{Users}. Each row consists of
+a blank line followed by 8 lines of 10 numbers each, separated by commas;
+zero entries are represented by |""| instead of by |"0"|. For example,
+the line
+$$\hbox{\tt 8490,2182,42,467,,,,,,}$$
+follows the initial blank line; it means that sector~1 output 8490 million
+dollars to itself, \$2182M to sector~2, \dots, \$0M to sector~10.
+@<Read and store the output...@>=
+{@+register int s=0; /* row sum */
+ register int x; /* entry read from \.{econ.dat} */
+ if (gb_char()!='\n') panic(syntax_error+5);
+ /* blank line missing between rows */
+ gb_newline();
+ p=node_index[k];
+ for (j=1;j<MAX_N;j++) {
+ p->table[j]=x=gb_number(10);@+s+=x;
+ node_index[j]->total+=x;
+ if ((j%10)==0) {
+ if (gb_char()!='\n') panic(syntax_error+6);
+ /* out of synch in input file */
+ gb_newline();
+ } else if (gb_char()!=',') panic(syntax_error+7);
+ /* missing comma after entry */
+ }
+ p->table[MAX_N]=s; /* sum of |table[1]| through |table[80]| */
+@* Growing a subtree.
+Once all the data appears in |node_block|, we want to extract from it and
+combine~it as specified by parameters |n|, |omit|, and |seed|. This may mean
+pruning the tree; or, rather, growing a subtree of the full economic tree.
+@<Determine the |n| sectors to use in the graph@>=
+{@+int l=n+omit-2; /* the number of leaves in the desired subtree */
+ if (l==NORM_N) @<Choose all sectors@>@;
+ else if (seed) @<Grow a random subtree with |l| leaves@>@;
+ else @<Grow a subtree with |l| leaves by subdividing largest sectors first@>;
+@ The chosen leaves of our subtree will be identified by having their
+|tag| field set to~1.
+@<Choose all sectors@>=
+for (k=NORM_N;k;k--) node_index[k]->tag=1;
+@ To grow the |l|-leaf subtree when |seed=0|, we first pass over the
+tree bottom-up to compute the total input (and output) of each macro-sector;
+then we proceed from the top down to subdivide sectors in decreasing
+order of their total input. This provides a good introduction to the
+bottom-up and top-down tree methods we will be using in several other
+parts of the program.
+The |special| node is used here for two purposes: It is the head of a
+linked list of unexplored nodes, sorted by decreasing order of
+their |total| fields; and it appears at the end of that list, because
+@<Grow a subtree with |l| leaves by subdividing largest sectors first@>=
+{@+register node *special=node_index[MAX_N];
+ /* the \.{Users} node at the end of |node_block| */
+ for (p=node_index[ADJ_SEC]-1;p>=node_block;p--) /* bottom up */
+ if (p->rchild)
+ p->total=(p+1)->total+p->rchild->total;
+ special->link=node_block;@+node_block->link=special; /* start at the root */
+ k=1; /* |k| is the number of nodes we have tagged or put onto the list */
+ while (k<l) @<If the first node on the list is a leaf, delete it and tag it;
+ otherwise replace it by its two children@>;
+ for (p=special->link;p!=special;p=p->link)
+ p->tag=1; /* tag everything on the list */
+@ @<If the first node on the list is a leaf,...@>=
+ p=special->link; /* remove |p|, the node with greatest |total| */
+ special->link=p->link;
+ if (p->rchild==0) p->tag=1; /* |p| is a leaf */
+ else {
+ pl=p+1;@+pr=p->rchild;
+ for (q=special;q->link->total>pl->total;q=q->link) ;
+ pl->link=q->link;@+q->link=pl; /* insert left child in proper place */
+ for (q=special;q->link->total>pr->total;q=q->link) ;
+ pr->link=q->link;@+q->link=pr; /* insert right child in proper place */
+ k++;
+ }
+@ We can obtain a uniformly distributed |l|-leaf subtree of a given tree
+by choosing the root when |l=1| or by using the following idea when |l>1|:
+Suppose the given tree~$T$ has subtrees $T_0$ and $T_1$. Then it has
+$T(l)$ subtrees with |l|~leaves, where $T(l)=\sum_k T_0(k)T_1(l-k)$.
+We choose a random number $r$ between 0 and $T(l)-1$, and we find the
+smallest $m$ such that $\sum_{k\le m}T_0(k)T_1(l-k)>r$. Then we
+proceed recursively to
+compute a random $m$-leaf subtree of~$T_0$ and a random $(l-m)$-leaf
+subtree of~$T_1$.
+A difficulty arises when $T(l)$ is $2^{31}$ or more. But then we can replace
+$T_0(k)$ and $T_1(l-k)$ in the formulas above by $\lceil T_0(k)/d_0\rceil$
+and $\lceil T_1(k)/d_1\rceil$, respectively, where $d_0$ and $d_1$ are
+arbitrary constants; this yields smaller values
+$T(l)$ that define approximately the same distribution of~$k$.
+The program here computes the $T(l)$ values bottom-up, then grows a
+random tree top-down. If node~|p| is not a leaf, its |table[0]| field
+will be set to the number of leaves below it; and its |table[l]| field
+will be set to $T(l)$, for |1<=l<=table[0]|.
+The data in |econ.dat| is sufficiently simple that most of the $T(l)$
+values are less than $2^{31}$. We need to scale them
+down to avoid overflow only at the root node of the tree; this
+case is handled separately.
+We will set the |tag| field of a node equal to the number of leaves to be
+grown in the subtree rooted at that node. This convention is consistent
+with our previous stipulation that |tag=1| should characterize the
+nodes that are chosen to be vertices.
+@<Grow a random subtree with |l| leaves@>=
+ node_block->tag=l;
+ for (p=node_index[ADJ_SEC]-1;p>node_block;p--) /* bottom up, except root */
+ if (p->rchild) @<Compute the $T(l)$ values for subtree |p|@>;
+ for (p=node_block;p<node_index[ADJ_SEC];p++) /* top down, from root */
+ if (p->tag>1) {
+ l=p->tag;
+ pl=p+1;@+pr=p->rchild;
+ if (pl->rchild==NULL) {
+ pl->tag=1;@+pr->tag=l-1;
+ } else if (pr->rchild==NULL) {
+ pl->tag=l-1;@+pr->tag=1;
+ } else @<Stochastically determine the number of leaves to grow in
+ each of |p|'s children@>;
+ }
+@ Here we are essentially multiplying two generating functions.
+Suppose $f(z)=\sum_l T(l)z^l$; then we are computing $f_p(z)=
+@<Compute the $T(l)$ values for subtree |p|@>=
+ pl=p+1;@+pr=p->rchild;
+ p->table[1]=p->table[2]=1; /* $T(1)$ and $T(2)$ are always 1 */
+ if (pl->rchild==0) { /* left child is a leaf */
+ if (pr->rchild==0) p->table[0]=2; /* and so is the right child */
+ else { /* no, it isn't */
+ for (k=2;k<=pr->table[0];k++) p->table[1+k]=pr->table[k];
+ p->table[0]=pr->table[0]+1;
+ }
+ } else if (pr->rchild==0) { /* right child is a leaf */
+ for (k=2;k<=pl->table[0];k++) p->table[1+k]=pl->table[k];
+ p->table[0]=pl->table[0]+1;
+ } else { /* neither child is a leaf */
+ @<Set |p->table[2]|, |p->table[3]|, \dots\ to convolution of
+ |pl| and |pr| table entries@>;
+ p->table[0]=pl->table[0]+pr->table[0];
+ }
+@ @<Set |p->table[2]|, |p->table[3]|, \dots\ to convolution...@>=
+for (j=pl->table[0];j;j--) {@+register long t=pl->table[j];
+ for (k=pr->table[0];k;k--)
+ p->table[j+k]+=t*pr->table[k];
+@ @<Stochastically determine the number of leaves to grow...@>=
+{@+register long s,r;
+ j=0; /* we will set |j=1| if scaling is necessary at the root */
+ if (p==node_block) {
+ s=0;
+ if (l>29 && l<67) {
+ j=1; /* more than $2^{31}$ possibilities exist */
+ for (k=(l>pr->table[0]? l-pr->table[0]: 1);k<=pl->table[0] && k<l;k++)
+ s+=((pl->table[k]+0x3ff)>>10)*pr->table[l-k];
+ /* scale with $d_0=1024$, $d_1=1$ */
+ } else
+ for (k=(l>pr->table[0]? l-pr->table[0]: 1);k<=pl->table[0] && k<l;k++)
+ s+=pl->table[k]*pr->table[l-k];
+ } else s=p->table[l];
+ r=gb_unif_rand(s);
+ if (j)
+ for (s=0,k=(l>pr->table[0]? l-pr->table[0]: 1);s<=r;k++)
+ s+=((pl->table[k]+0x3ff)>>10)*pr->table[l-k];
+ else for (s=0,k=(l>pr->table[0]? l-pr->table[0]: 1);s<=r;k++)
+ s+=pl->table[k]*pr->table[l-k];
+ pl->tag=k-1;@+pr->tag=l-k+1;
+@* Arcs.
+In the general case, we have to combine some of the basic micro-sectors
+into macro-sectors by adding together the appropriate input/output
+coefficients. This is a bottom-up pruning process.
+Suppose |p| is being formed as the union of |pl| and~|pr|.
+Then the arcs leading out of |p| are obtaining by summing the numbers
+on arcs leading out of |pl| and~|pr|; the arcs leading into |p| are
+obtained by summing the numbers on arcs leading into |pl| and~|pr|;
+the arcs from |p| to itself are obtained by summing the four numbers
+on arcs leading from |pl| or~|pr| to |pl| or~|pr|.
+We maintain the |node_index| table so that its non-|NULL| entries
+contain all the currently active nodes. When |pl| and~|pr| are
+being pruned in favor of~|p|, node |p|~inherits |pl|'s place in
+|node_index|; |pr|'s former place becomes~|NULL|.
+@<Put the appropriate arcs into the graph@>=
+@<Prune the sectors that are used in macro-sectors, and form
+ the lists of BEA sector codes@>;
+@<Make the special nodes invisible if they are omitted, visible otherwise@>;
+@<Compute individual thresholds for each chosen sector@>;
+{@+register Vertex *v=new_graph->vertices+n;
+ for (k=MAX_N;k;k--)
+ if ((p=node_index[k])!=NULL) {
+ vert_index[k]=--v;
+ v->name=gb_save_string(p->title);
+ v->BEA_codes=p->BEA_list;
+ v->sector_total=p->total;
+ }
+ if (v!=new_graph->vertices)
+ panic(impossible); /* bug in algorithm; this can't happen */
+ for (j=MAX_N;j;j--)
+ if ((p=node_index[j])!=NULL) {@+register Vertex *u=vert_index[j];
+ for (k=MAX_N;k;k--)
+ if ((v=vert_index[k])!=NULL)
+ if (p->table[k]!=0 && p->table[k]>node_index[k]->thresh) {
+ gb_new_arc(u,v,1);
+ u->arcs->flow=p->table[k];
+ }
+ }
+@ @<Private v...@>=
+static Vertex *vert_index[MAX_N+1]; /* the vertex assigned to a BEA code */
+@ The theory underlying this step is the following, for integers
+$a,b,c,d$ with $b,d>0$:
+$$ {a\over b}>{c\over d} \qquad\iff\qquad
+ a>\biggl\lfloor{b\over d}\biggr\rfloor\,c +
+ \biggl\lfloor{(b\bmod d)c\over d}\biggr\rfloor\,.$$
+In our case, |b=p->total| and $c=threshold\le d=65536=2^{16}$, hence
+the multiplications cannot overflow. (But they can come awfully darn close.)
+@<Compute individual thresholds for each chosen sector@>=
+for (k=MAX_N;k;k--)
+ if ((p=node_index[k])!=NULL) {
+ if (threshold==0) p->thresh=-99999999;
+ else p->thresh=((p->total>>16)*threshold)+
+ (((p->total&0xffff)*threshold)>>16);
+ }
+@ @<Prune the sectors that are used in macro-sectors, and form
+ the lists of BEA sector codes@>=
+for (p=node_index[ADJ_SEC];p>=node_block;p--) { /* bottom up */
+ if (p->BEA_code) { /* original leaf */
+ p->BEA_list=gb_virgin_arc();
+ p->BEA_list->len=p->BEA_code;
+ } else {
+ pl=p+1;@+pr=p->rchild;
+ if (p->tag==0) p->tag=pl->tag+pr->tag;
+ if (p->tag<=1) @<Replace |pl| and |pr| by their union, |p|@>;
+ }
+@ @<Replace |pl| and |pr| by their union, |p|@>=
+{@+register Arc *a=pl->BEA_list;
+ register int jj=pl->BEA_code, kk=pr->BEA_code;
+ p->BEA_list=a;
+ while (a->next) a=a->next;
+ a->next=pr->BEA_list;
+ for (k=MAX_N;k;k--)
+ if ((q=node_index[k])!=NULL) {
+ if (q!=pl && q!=pr) q->table[jj]+=q->table[kk];
+ p->table[k]=pl->table[k]+pr->table[k];
+ }
+ p->total=pl->total+pr->total;
+ p->BEA_code=jj;
+ p->table[jj]+=p->table[kk];
+ node_index[jj]=p;
+ node_index[kk]=NULL;
+@ If the \.{Users} vertex is not omitted, we need to compute each
+sector's total final demand, which is calculated so that the row sums
+and column sums of the input/output coefficients come out equal. We've
+already computed the column sum, |p->total|; we've also computed
+|p->table[1]+@t\hbox{$\cdots$}@>+p->table[ADJ_SEC]|, and put it into
+|p->table[MAX_N]|. So now we want to replace |p->table[MAX_N]| by
+|p->total-p->table[MAX_N]|. As remarked earlier, this quantity might
+be negative.
+In the special node |p| for the \.{Users} vertex, the preliminary
+processing has made |p->total=0|; moreover, |p->table[MAX_N]| is the
+sum of value added, or GNP. We want to switch those fields.
+We don't have to set the |tag| fields to 1 in the special nodes, because
+the remaining parts of the arc-generation algorithm don't look at those fields.
+@<Make the special nodes invisible if they are omitted, visible otherwise@>=
+if (omit==2) node_index[ADJ_SEC]=node_index[MAX_N]=NULL;
+else if (omit==1) node_index[MAX_N]=NULL;
+else {
+ for (k=ADJ_SEC;k;k--)
+ if ((p=node_index[k])!=NULL) p->table[MAX_N]=p->total-p->table[MAX_N];
+ p=node_index[MAX_N]; /* the special node */
+ p->total=p->table[MAX_N];
+ p->table[MAX_N]=0;
+@* Index. As usual, we close with an index that
+shows where the identifiers of \\{gb\_econ} are defined and used.