path: root/support/graphbase/gb_books.w
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/graphbase/gb_books.w
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/graphbase/gb_books.w')
1 files changed, 542 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/graphbase/gb_books.w b/support/graphbase/gb_books.w
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..520bfb8685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/graphbase/gb_books.w
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+% This file is part of the Stanford GraphBase (c) Stanford University 1992
+\def\title{GB\_\thinspace BOOKS}
+@i boilerplate.w %<< legal stuff: PLEASE READ IT BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES!
+\prerequisites{GB\_\thinspace GRAPH}{GB\_\thinspace IO}
+@* Introduction. This GraphBase module contains the |book|
+subroutine, which creates a family of undirected graphs that are based on
+classic works of literature. It also contains the |bi_book|
+subroutine, which creates a related family of bipartite graphs.
+An example of the use of |book| can be found in the demonstration
+program |book_components|.
+extern Graph *book();
+extern Graph *bi_book();
+@ The subroutine call `|book(@t\<title>@>,n,x,first_chapter,last_chapter,
+constructs a graph based on the information in \<title>\.{.dat},
+where \<title> is either \.{"anna"} (for {\sl Anna Karenina\/}),
+\.{"david"} (for {\sl David Copperfield\/}),
+\.{"jean"} (for {\sl Les Mis\'erables\/}),
+\.{"huck"} (for {\sl Huckleberry Finn\/}), or
+\.{"homer"} (for {\sl The Iliad\/}).
+Each vertex of the graph corresponds to one of the characters in the
+selected book. Edges between vertices correspond to encounters between
+those characters. The length of each edge is~1.
+Subsets of the book can be selected by specifying that the edge data should be
+restricted to chapters between |first_chapter| and |last_chapter|,
+inclusive. If |first_chapter=0|, the result is the same as if
+|first_chapter=1|. If |last_chapter=0|, or if |last_chapter| exceeds
+the total number of chapters in the book, the result is the same as
+if |last_chapter| were the number of the book's final chapter.
+The constructed graph will have $\min(n,m)-x$ vertices, where |m| is the
+total number of characters in the selected book.
+However, if |n| is zero, |n| is automatically made equal to the maximum
+possible value,~|m|. If |n| is less than~|m|, the |n-x| characters will be
+selected by assigning a weight to each character and choosing the |n| with
+largest weight, then excluding the largest~|x| of these,
+using random numbers to break ties in case of equal weights.
+Weights are computed by the formula
+$$ |in_weight|\cdot\\{chapters\_in}+|out_weight|\cdot\\{chapters\_out}, $$
+where \\{chapters\_in} is the number of chapters between |first_chapter|
+and |last_chapter| in which a particular character appears, and
+\\{chapters\_out} is the number of other chapters in which that
+character appears. Both |in_weight| and |out_weight| must be at most
+1,000,000 in absolute value.
+Vertices of the graph will appear in order of decreasing weight.
+The |seed| parameter defines the pseudo-random numbers used wherever
+a ``random'' choice between equal-weight vertices needs to be made.
+As usual with GraphBase routines, different choices of |seed|
+will in general produce different selections,
+but in a system-independent manner; identical results will be obtained on
+all computers when identical parameters have been specified.
+Any |seed| value between 0 and $2^{31}-1$ is permissible.
+@ Examples: The call |book("anna",0,0,0,0,0,0,0)| will construct a
+graph on 138 vertices, representing all 138 characters of Tolstoy's
+{\sl Anna Karenina\/} that are recorded in \.{anna.dat}. Two vertices will
+be adjacent if the corresponding characters
+encounter each other anywhere in the book. The call
+|book("anna",50,0,0,0,1,1,0)| is similar, but it is restricted to
+the 50 characters that occur most frequently, i.e., in the most chapters.
+The call |book("anna",50,0,10,120,1,1,0)| has the same vertices, but it
+has edges only for encounters that take place between chapter~10
+and chapter~120, inclusive. The call |book("anna",50,0,10,120,1,0,0)| is
+similar, but its vertices are the 50 characters that occur most often in
+chapters 10 through~120, without regard to how often they occur in
+the rest of the book. The call |book("anna",50,0,10,120,0,0,0)| is
+also similar, but it chooses 50 characters completely at random
+(possibly from those that don't occur in the selected chapters at all).
+Parameter |x|, which causes the |x| vertices of highest weight to be
+excluded, is usually either 0 or~1. It is provided primarily so that
+users can set |x=1| with respect to {\sl David Copperfield\/} and {\sl
+Huckleberry Finn}; those novels are narrated by their principal
+character, so they have edges between the principal character and
+almost everybody else. (Characters cannot get into the action of a
+first-person account unless they encounter the narrator or unless the
+narrator is quoting some other person's story.) The corresponding
+graphs tend to have more interesting connectivity properties if we
+leave the narrator out by setting |x=1|. For example, there are 87
+characters in {\sl David Copperfield\/}; the call
+|book("david",0,1,0,0,1,1,0)| produces a graph with 86 vertices, one
+for every character except David Copperfield himself.
+@ The subroutine call |bi_book(@t\<title>@>,n,x,first_chapter,last_chapter,
+in_weight,out_weight,seed)| produces a bipartite graph in which the
+vertices of the first part are exactly the same as the vertices of the
+graph returned by |book|, while the vertices of the second part are
+the selected chapters. For example,
+$|bi_book|(|"anna"|,\allowbreak 50,0,10,120,1,1,0)$
+creates a bipartite graph with $50+111$ vertices. There is an edge between
+each character and the chapters in which that character appears.
+@ Chapter numbering needs further explanation. {\sl Anna Karenina\/}
+has 239 chapters, which are numbered 1.1 through 8.19 in the
+work itself but renumbered 1 through 239 as far as the |book| routine
+is concerned. Thus, setting |first_chapter=10| and |last_chapter=120|
+turns out to be equivalent to selecting chapters 1.10 through 4.19
+(more precisely, chapter~10 of book~1 through chapter~19 of book~4).
+{\sl Les Mis\'erables\/} has an even more involved scheme; its
+356 chapters range from 1.1.1 (part~1, book~1, chapter~1) to
+5.9.6 (part~5, book~9, chapter~6). After |book| or |bi_book| has created
+a graph, the external integer variable |chapters| will contain the total
+number of chapters, and |chap_name| will be an array of strings
+containing the structured chapter numbers. For example, after
+|book("jean",@t\dots@>)|, we will have |chapters=356|,
+|chap_name[1]="1.1.1"|, \dots, |chap_name[356]="5.9.6"|;
+|chap_name[0]| will be~|""|.
+@d MAX_CHAPS 360 /* no book will have this many chapters */
+@<External variables@>=
+int chapters; /* the total number of chapters in the selected book */
+char *chap_name[MAX_CHAPS]={""}; /* string names of those chapters */
+@ As usual, we put declarations of the external variables into the header file
+for user to {\bf include}.
+extern int chapters; /* the total number of chapters in the selected book */
+extern char *chap_name[]; /* string names of those chapters */
+@ If the |book| or |bi_book| routine encounters a problem, it
+returns |NULL| (\.{NULL}),
+after putting a code number into the external variable
+|panic_code|. This code number identifies the type of failure.
+Otherwise |book| returns a pointer to the newly created graph, which
+will be represented with the data structures explained in |gb_graph|.
+(The external variable |@!panic_code| is itself defined in |gb_graph|.)
+@d panic(c) @+{@+panic_code=c;@+gb_alloc_trouble=0;@+return NULL;@+}
+@f Graph int /* |gb_graph| defines the |Graph| type and a few others */
+@f Vertex int
+@f Arc int
+@f Area int
+@f node int /* the \&{node} type is defined below */
+@ The \Cee\ file \.{gb\_books.c} has the overall shape shown here.
+It makes use of an internal subroutine
+called |bgraph|, which combines the work of |book| and |bi_book|.
+#include "gb_io.h" /* we will use the |gb_io| routines for input */
+#include "gb_flip.h" /* we will use the |gb_flip| routines
+ for random numbers */
+#include "gb_graph.h" /* we will use the |gb_graph| data structures */
+#include "gb_sort.h" /* and the |gb_linksort| routine */
+@<Type declarations@>@;
+@<Private variables@>@;
+@<External variables@>@;
+static Graph *bgraph(bipartite,
+ title,n,x,first_chapter,last_chapter,in_weight,out_weight,seed)
+ int bipartite; /* should we make the graph bipartite? */
+ char *title; /* identification of the selected book */
+ unsigned n; /* number of vertices desired before exclusion */
+ unsigned x; /* number of vertices to exclude */
+ unsigned first_chapter, last_chapter;
+ /* interval of chapters leading to edges */
+ long in_weight; /* weight coefficient pertaining to chapters
+ in that interval */
+ long out_weight; /* weight coefficient pertaining to chapters
+ not in that interval */
+ long seed; /* random number seed */
+{@+@<Local variables@>@;
+ gb_init_rand(seed);
+ @<Check that the parameters are valid@>;
+ @<Skim the data file, recording the characters and computing their weights@>;
+ @<Choose the vertices and put them into an empty graph@>;
+ @<Read the data file more carefully and fill the graph as instructed@>;
+ if (gb_alloc_trouble) {
+ gb_recycle(new_graph);
+ panic(alloc_fault); /* (expletive deleted)
+ we ran out of memory somewhere back there */
+ }
+ return new_graph;
+Graph *book(title,n,x,first_chapter,last_chapter,in_weight,out_weight,seed)
+ char *title;
+ unsigned n, x, first_chapter, last_chapter;
+ long in_weight,out_weight,seed;
+{@+return bgraph(0,title,n,x,first_chapter,last_chapter,
+ in_weight,out_weight,seed);@+}
+Graph *bi_book(title,n,x,first_chapter,last_chapter,in_weight,out_weight,seed)
+ char *title;
+ unsigned n, x, first_chapter, last_chapter;
+ long in_weight,out_weight,seed;
+{@+return bgraph(1,title,n,x,first_chapter,last_chapter,
+ in_weight,out_weight,seed);@+}
+@ @<Local var...@>=
+Graph *new_graph; /* the graph constructed by |book| or |bi_book| */
+register int j,k; /* all-purpose indices */
+register node *p;
+int characters; /* the total number of characters in the selected book */
+@ @d MAX_CHARS 600 /* there won't be more characters than this */
+@<Check that the parameters are valid@>=
+if (n==0) n=MAX_CHARS;
+if (first_chapter==0) first_chapter=1;
+if (last_chapter==0) last_chapter=MAX_CHAPS;
+if (in_weight>1000000 || in_weight<-1000000 ||
+ out_weight>1000000 || out_weight<-1000000)
+ panic(bad_specs); /* the magnitude of at least one weight is too big */
+if (gb_open(file_name)!=0)
+ panic(early_data_fault); /* couldn't open the file; |io_errors| tells why */
+@ @<Priv...@>=
+static char file_name[]="xxxxxx.dat";
+static char null_string[1]; /* a null string constant */
+Each character in a book has been given a two-letter code name for
+internal use. The code names are explained at the beginning of each
+data file by a number of lines that look like this:
+$$\hbox{\tt XX \<name>,\<description>}$$
+For example, here's one of the lines near the beginning of |"anna.dat"|:
+$$\hbox{\tt AL Alexey Alexandrovitch Karenin, minister of state}$$
+The \<name> does not contain a comma; the \<description> might.
+A blank line follows the cast of characters.
+Internally, we will think of the two-letter code as a radix-36 integer.
+Thus, \.{AA} will be the number $10\times36+10$, and \.{ZZ} will be
+$35\times36+35$. The |gb_number| routine in |gb_io| is set up to
+input radix-36 integers just as it does hexadecimal ones.
+In {\sl The Iliad}, many of the minor characters have numeric digits
+in their code names, because the total number of characters is too
+large to permit mnemonic codes for everybody.
+@d MAX_CODE 1296 /* $36\times36$, the number of two-digit codes in radix 36 */
+@ In order to choose the vertices, we want to represent each character
+as a node whose key corresponds to its weight; then the |gb_linksort|
+routine of |gb_sort| will provide the desired rank-ordering. We will
+find it convenient to use these nodes for all the data processing that
+|bgraph| has to do.
+@<Type dec...@>=
+typedef struct node_struct { /* records to be sorted by |gb_linksort| */
+ long key; /* the nonnegative sort key (weight plus $2^{30}$) */
+ struct node_struct *link; /* pointer to next record */
+ int code; /* code number of this character */
+ int in; /* number of occurrences in selected chapters */
+ int out; /* number of occurrences in unselected chapters */
+ int chap; /* seen most recently in this chapter */
+ Vertex *v; /* vertex corresponding to this character */
+} node;
+@ Not only do nodes point to codes, we also want codes to point to nodes.
+static node node_block[MAX_CHARS]; /* array of nodes for working storage */
+static node *xnode[MAX_CODE]; /* the node, if any, having a given code */
+@ We will read the data file twice, once quickly (to collect statistics)
+and once more thoroughly (to record detailed information). Here is the
+quick version.
+@<Skim the data file, recording the characters and computing their weights@>=
+@<Read the character codes at the beginning of the data file, and
+ prepare a node for each one@>;
+@<Skim the chapter information, counting the number of chapters in
+ which each character appears@>;
+if (gb_close()!=0)
+ panic(late_data_fault);
+ /* check sum or other failure in data file; see |io_errors| */
+@ @<Read the character codes...@>=
+for (k=0;k<MAX_CODE;k++) xnode[k]=NULL;
+{@+register int c; /* current code entering the system */
+ p=node_block; /* current node entering the system */
+ while ((c=gb_number(36))!=0) { /* note that \.{00} is not a legal code */
+ if (c>=MAX_CODE || gb_char()!=' ') panic(syntax_error);
+ /* unreadable line in data file */
+ if (p>=&node_block[MAX_CHARS])
+ panic(syntax_error+1); /* data has too many characters */
+ p->link=(p==node_block?NULL:p-1);
+ p->code=c;
+ xnode[c]=p;
+ p->in=p->out=p->chap=0;
+ p->v=NULL;
+ p++;
+ gb_newline();
+ }
+ characters=p-node_block;
+ gb_newline(); /* bypass the blank line that terminates the character data */
+@ Later we will read through this part of the file again, extracting
+additional information if it turns out to be relevant. The
+\<description> string is provided to users in a |desc| field,
+in case anybody cares to look at it. The |in| and |out| statistics
+are also made available in utility fields called |in_count| and |out_count|.
+The code value is placed in the |short_code| field.
+@d desc z.s /* utility field |z| points to the \<description> string */
+@d in_count y.i /* utility field |y| counts appearances in selected chapters */
+@d out_count x.i /* utility field |x| counts appearances in other chapters */
+@d short_code u.i /* utility field |u| contains a radix-36 number */
+@<Read the data about characters again, noting vertex names and the
+ associated descriptions@>=
+{@+register int c; /* current code entering the system a second time */
+ while ((c=gb_number(36))!=0) {@+register Vertex *v=xnode[c]->v;
+ if (v) {
+ if (gb_char()!=' ') panic(impossible); /* can't happen */
+ gb_string(str_buf,','); /* scan the \<name> part */
+ v->name=gb_save_string(str_buf);
+ if (gb_char()!=',')
+ panic(syntax_error+2); /* missing comma after \<name> */
+ gb_string(str_buf,'\n'); /* scan the \<description> part */
+ v->desc=gb_save_string(str_buf);
+ v->in_count=xnode[c]->in;
+ v->out_count=xnode[c]->out;
+ v->short_code=c;
+ }
+ gb_newline();
+ }
+ gb_newline(); /* bypass the blank line that terminates the character data */
+@ @(gb_books.h@>=
+#define desc @t\quad@> z.s /* utility field definitions for the header file */
+#define in_count @t\quad@> y.i
+#define out_count @t\quad@> x.i
+#define short_code @t\quad@> u.i
+The second part of the data file has a line for each chapter, containing
+``cliques of encouters.'' For example, the line
+means that, in chapter 22 of book 3, there were encounters between the pairs
+$$\def\\{{\rm,} }
+\hbox{\tt AA-BB\\AA-CC\\AA-DD\\BB-CC\\BB-DD\\CC-DD\\CC-EE\\DD-EE\\{\rm and }%
+(The encounter \.{CC-DD} is specified twice, once in the clique
+\.{AA,BB,CC,DD} and once in \.{CC,DD,EE}; this does not imply anything about
+the actual number of encounters between \.{CC} and \.{DD} in the chapter.)
+A clique might involve one character only, when that character is featured
+in sort of a soliloquy.
+A chapter might contain no references to characters at all. In such a case
+the `\.:' following the chapter number is omitted.
+There may be more encounters than will fit on a single line. In such cases,
+continuation lines begin with `\.{\&:}'. This convention turns out to be
+needed only in \.{homer.dat}; chapters in {\sl The Iliad\/} are
+substantially more complex than the chapters in other GraphBase books.
+On our first pass over the data, we simply want to compute statistics about
+who appears in what chapters, so we ignore the distinction between
+commas and semicolons.
+@<Skim the chapter information, counting the number of chapters in
+ which each character appears@>=
+for (k=1; k<MAX_CHAPS && !gb_eof(); k++) {
+ gb_string(str_buf,':'); /* read past the chapter number */
+ if (str_buf[0]=='&') k--; /* continuation of previous chapter */
+ while (gb_char()!='\n') {@+register int c=gb_number(36);
+ register node *p;
+ if (c>=MAX_CODE)
+ panic(syntax_error+3); /* missing punctuation between characters */
+ p=xnode[c];
+ if (p==NULL) panic(syntax_error+4); /* unknown character */
+ if (p->chap!=k) {
+ p->chap=k;
+ if (k>=first_chapter && k<=last_chapter) p->in++;
+ else p->out++;
+ }
+ }
+ gb_newline();
+if (k==MAX_CHAPS) panic(syntax_error+5); /* too many chapters */
+@ Our second pass over the data is very similar to the first, if we
+are simply computing a bipartite graph. In that case we add an edge
+to the graph between each selected chapter and each selected character
+in that chapter. Local variable |chap_base| will point to a
+vertex such that |chap_base+k| is the vertex corresponding to chapter~|k|.
+The |in_count| of a chapter vertex is the degree of that vertex, i.e., the
+number of selected characters that appear in the corresponding chapter.
+The |out_count| is the number of characters that appear in the
+chapter but were omitted from the graph. Thus, the |in_count| and
+|out_count| for chapters are analogous to the |in_count| and |out_count|
+for characters.
+@<Read the chapter information a second time and create the
+ appropriate bipartite edges@>=
+ for (p=node_block;p<node_block+characters;p++) p->chap=0;
+ for (k=1; !gb_eof(); k++) {
+ gb_string(str_buf,':'); /* read the chapter number */
+ if (str_buf[0]=='&') k--;
+ else chap_name[k]=gb_save_string(str_buf);
+ if (k>=first_chapter && k<=last_chapter) {@+register Vertex *u=chap_base+k;
+ if (str_buf[0]!='&') {
+ u->name=chap_name[k];
+ u->desc=null_string;
+ u->in_count=u->out_count=0;
+ }
+ while (gb_char()!='\n') {@+register int c=gb_number(36);
+ p=xnode[c];
+ if (p->chap!=k) {@+register Vertex *v=p->v;
+ p->chap=k;
+ if (v) {
+ gb_new_edge(v,u,1);
+ u->in_count++;
+ } else u->out_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gb_newline();
+ }
+@ @<Local variables@>=
+Vertex *chap_base;
+ /* the bipartite vertex for chapter~|k| is |chap_base+k| */
+@ The second pass has to work a little harder when we are recording
+encounters from cliques, but the logic isn't difficult really.
+We insert a reference to the first chapter that generated each edge, in
+utility field |chap_no| of the corresponding |Arc| record.
+@d chap_no a.i /* utility field |a| holds a chapter number */
+@<Read the chapter information a second time and create the
+ appropriate edges for encounters@>=
+for (k=1; !gb_eof(); k++) {
+ gb_string(str_buf,':'); /* read the chapter number */
+ if (str_buf[0]=='&') k--;
+ else chap_name[k]=gb_save_string(str_buf);
+ if (k>=first_chapter && k<=last_chapter) {@+register int c=gb_char();
+ while (c!='\n') {@+register Vertex **pp=clique_table;
+ register Vertex **qq,**rr; /* pointers within the clique table */
+ do@+{
+ c=gb_number(36); /* set |c| to code for next character of clique */
+ if (xnode[c]->v) /* is that character a selected vertex? */
+ *pp++=xnode[c]->v; /* if so, that vertex joins the current clique */
+ c=gb_char();
+ }@+while (c==','); /* repeat until end of the clique */
+ for (qq=clique_table;qq+1<pp;qq++)
+ for (rr=qq+1;rr<pp;rr++)
+ @<Make the vertices |*qq| and |*rr| adjacent,
+ if they aren't already@>;
+ }
+ }
+ gb_newline();
+@ @(gb_books.h@>=
+#define chap_no @[a.i@] /* utility field definition in the header file */
+@ @<Priv...@>=
+static Vertex *clique_table[30];
+ /* pointers to vertices in the current clique */
+@ @<Make the vertices |*qq| and |*rr| adjacent...@>=
+{@+register Vertex *u=*qq, *v=*rr;
+ register Arc *a;
+ for (a=u->arcs; a; a=a->next)
+ if (a->tip==v) goto found;
+ gb_new_edge(u,v,1); /* not found, so they weren't already adjacent */
+ if (u<v) a=u->arcs;
+ else a=v->arcs; /* the new edge consists of arcs |a| and |a+1| */
+ a->chap_no=(a+1)->chap_no=k;
+The program is now complete except for a few missing organizational details.
+I will add these after lunch.
+@^out to lunch@>
+@ OK, I'm back; what needs to be done? The main thing is to create
+the graph itself.
+@<Choose the vertices and put them into an empty graph@>=
+if (n>characters) n=characters;
+if (x>n) x=n;
+if (last_chapter>chapters) last_chapter=chapters;
+if (first_chapter>last_chapter) first_chapter=last_chapter+1;
+if (new_graph==NULL) panic(no_room); /* out of memory already */
+ /* declare the types of utility fields */
+ bipartite?"bi_":"",title,n,x,first_chapter,last_chapter,
+ in_weight,out_weight,seed);
+if (bipartite) {
+ mark_bipartite(new_graph,n-x);
+ chap_base=new_graph->vertices+(new_graph->n_1-first_chapter);
+@<Compute the weights and assign vertices to chosen nodes@>;
+@ @<Compute the weights and assign vertices to chosen nodes@>=
+for (p=node_block; p<node_block+characters; p++)
+ p->key=in_weight*(p->in)+out_weight*(p->out)+0x40000000;
+k=n; /* we will look at this many nodes */
+{@+register Vertex *v=new_graph->vertices; /* the next vertex to define */
+ for (j=127; j>=0; j--)
+ for (p=(node*)gb_sorted[j]; p; p=p->link) {
+ if (x>0) x--; /* ignore this node */
+ else p->v=v++; /* choose this node */
+ if (--k==0) goto done;
+ }
+@ Once the graph is there, we're ready to fill it in.
+@<Read the data file more carefully and fill the graph as instructed@>=
+if (gb_open(file_name)!=0)
+ panic(impossible+1);
+ /* this can't happen, because we were successful before */
+@<Read the data about characters again, noting vertex names and the
+ associated descriptions@>;
+if (bipartite)
+ @<Read the chapter information a second time and create the
+ appropriate bipartite edges@>@;
+else @<Read the chapter information a second time and create the
+ appropriate edges for encounters@>;
+if (gb_close()!=0)
+ panic(impossible+2); /* again, can hardly happen the second time around */
+@* Index. As usual, we close with an index that
+shows where the identifiers of \\{gb\_books} are defined and used.