path: root/support/go/go
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/go/go
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/go/go')
1 files changed, 683 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/go/go b/support/go/go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68d550f72f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/go/go
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+## go - D. Musliner - RCS $Revision: 3.6 $
+## - fully automated LaTeX document generation routine.
+## - checks to see if .bib or .tex source files (or included other files)
+## have been changed since last run (which made .aux).
+## - reads in user's default info from .gorc in local or home directory.
+## - see sub print_help for info.
+## - -i option is coolest: note it will turn on slide mode automatically if
+## detects a \blackandwhite{} or \colorslides{} command.
+## - also automatically puts root_filename into .gorc, so you can run
+## 'go -i root_filename' once and only type 'go' forevermore.
+## - NOTE portions of this code are designed to interface to the BiBDb
+## bibliographic database system, which has not yet been released
+## outside of UM.
+##Copyright 1992 by David J. Musliner and The University of Michigan.
+## All Rights Reserved
+##Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+##documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+##provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
+##all copies and modified versions.
+## The -pvc option is derived from ideas by
+## Bernd Nordhausen ( of National University of
+## Singapore and Alex Lopez-Ortiz of University of Waterloo
+ ## default document processing programs.
+$latex = 'latex';
+$bibtex = 'bibtex';
+$slitex = 'slitex';
+$dviselect = 'dviselect';
+$dvips = 'ndvips';
+$lpr = 'lpr';
+$ps_previewer = 'gs'; # gs or ghostview
+$dvi_previewer = 'xtex'; # xtex
+$makeindex = 'makeindex';
+ ## default flag settings.
+$bibtex_mode = 0; # is there a bibliography needing bibtexing?
+$index_mode = 0; # is there an index needing makeindex run?
+$bibdb_mode = 0; # is the bibliography created by bibdb database manager?
+$ran_bibextract = 0; # T if have run bibextract already.
+$root_filename = 'main'; # name of root LaTeX file
+$sleep_time = 2; # time to sleep b/w checks for file changes in -pvc mode
+ ## read in .gorc, either in current directory or user's home directory
+ ## - .gorc simply contains perl code, which can override defaults.
+$rcfile = '.gorc';
+if (!(-e $rcfile)) { $rcfile = "$ENV{HOME}/$rcfile"; }
+if (-e $rcfile)
+ {
+ open(rcfile) || die "Couldn't open rc file [$rcfile]\n";
+ while (<rcfile>) { eval; }
+ close(rcfile);
+ }
+while ($_ = shift) ## process command line args.
+ {
+ if (/^-c/) { $cleanup_mode = 1; }
+ elsif (/^-f/) { $force_mode = 1; }
+ elsif (/^-g/) { $go_mode = 1; }
+ elsif (/^-h/) { &print_help; }
+ elsif (/^-i/) { $auto_include_mode = 1; }
+ elsif (/^-ps/) { $postscript_mode = 1; }
+ elsif (/^-pvc/) { $preview_continuous_mode = 1; }
+ elsif (/^-pv/) { $preview_mode = 1; $postscript_mode = 1;}
+ elsif (/^-p/) { $print_mode = 1; $preview_mode = 0; }
+ elsif (/^-s/) { $slide_mode = 1; }
+ elsif (/^-/) { $lpr_options .= "$_ "; }
+ elsif (/^[\d:\.\*]/) { $page_options .= "$_ "; }
+ else { $root_filename = $_; }
+ }
+ ## remove .tex from filename if was given.
+if ($root_filename =~ /(\S+)\.tex$/) { $root_filename = $1; }
+if ($auto_include_mode)
+ {
+ # get search paths.
+ $psfigsearchpath = '.';
+ if (!$TEXINPUTS) { $TEXINPUTS = '.'; }
+ # reset all saved flags that old .gorc might have set
+ # and that we can automatically detect should/not be set.
+ # Note we dont reset bibdb_mode b/c have no way to detect if it
+ # is correct or not: preserve that over repeated -i invocations.
+ $slide_mode =0;
+ $postscript_mode =0;
+ $landscape_mode =0;
+ $bibtex_mode =0;
+ $index_mode =0;
+ $includes = '';
+ &scan_for_includes("$root_filename.tex");
+ &update_gorc;
+ }
+if ($cleanup_mode) { &cleanup; }
+if ($cleanup_mode || $auto_include_mode) { exit; }
+ ## put root tex file into list of includes.
+$includes .= " $root_filename.tex";
+warn "Go: Processing document in [$root_filename.tex]\n";
+ ## before munging, save existing .aux file.
+ ## - if latex bombs, kill .aux, restore this backup to get back most
+ ## useful bib/ref info.
+system("cp -p $root_filename.aux $root_filename.aux.bak > /dev/null 2>&1");
+# note for page options with slitex, we will create a duplicate root
+# file and insert the appropriate \onlyslides command, rather than
+# using dviselect to choose pages, since that way we will get headers
+# properly used even if dont print first slide.
+if ($slide_mode)
+ {
+ if ($page_options)
+ {
+ $page_options =~ tr/:/-/;
+ warn "Go: Selected pages will appear in $root_filename"."_partial.*\n";
+ @split_page_options = split(' ',$page_options);
+ @sorted_page_options = sort increasing @split_page_options;
+ $page_options = join(',',@sorted_page_options);
+ print "$page_options\n";
+ # now set root filename to new partial one and
+ # reset page options to null, so process it entirely.
+ $partial_rootname = "$root_filename"."_partial";
+ if (!open(rootfile,"$root_filename.tex"))
+ {
+ die "Go: could not open input file [$root_filename.tex]\n";
+ }
+ if (!open(partial_rootfile,">$partial_rootname.tex"))
+ {
+ die "Go: could not open output file [$partial_rootname.tex]\n";
+ }
+ while(<rootfile>)
+ {
+ if (/begin\{document\}/)
+ {
+ print partial_rootfile;
+ print partial_rootfile " \\onlyslides{$page_options}\n";
+ }
+ else { print partial_rootfile; }
+ }
+ close partial_rootfile;
+ close rootfile;
+ $root_filename = $partial_rootname;
+ $includes .= " $partial_rootname.tex";
+ $page_options = '';
+ }
+ &make_slitex_dvi;
+ &make_final_dvi;
+ &make_postscript;
+ if ($preview_mode) { &make_preview; }
+ if ($preview_continuous_mode) { &make_preview_continuous; }
+ &make_printout;
+ exit;
+ }
+ {
+ if ($page_options) # fix up page options, b/c dviselect uses : for
+ { # ranges, I always use - by mistake, so...
+ $page_options =~ tr/-/:/;
+ warn "Go: Selected pages will appear in $root_filename"."_partial.*\n";
+ }
+ &make_latex_dvi;
+ &make_final_dvi;
+ &make_postscript;
+ if ($preview_mode) { &make_preview; }
+ if ($preview_continuous_mode) { &make_preview_continuous; }
+ &make_printout;
+ exit;
+ }
+#### Subroutines
+sub make_latex_dvi
+ $changed_dvi = 0 ; # flag if anything changed.
+ ## get initial last modified times.
+ $tex_mtime = &get_latest_mtime($includes);
+ $aux_mtime = &get_mtime("$root_filename.aux");
+ $bbl_mtime = &get_mtime("$root_filename.bbl");
+ ## - if no dvi file, or .aux older than tex file or bib file, run latex.
+ if ( $go_mode || !(-e "$root_filename.dvi") || ($aux_mtime < $tex_mtime) ||
+ ($aux_mtime < $bbl_mtime) || !(-e "$root_filename.aux"))
+ {
+ warn "------------\nRunning first $latex\n------------\n";
+ $return = system("$latex $root_filename");
+ $changed_dvi = 1;
+ if (!$force_mode && $return)
+ { &exit_msg('Latex encountered an error',1); }
+ if ($index_mode)
+ {
+ warn "------------\nRunning $makeindex\n------------\n";
+ $return = system("$makeindex $root_filename");
+ if (!$force_mode && $return)
+ { &exit_msg('Makeindex encountered an error'); }
+ }
+ }
+ $bib_mtime = &get_latest_mtime($bib_files);
+ ## if no .bbl or .bib changed since last bibtex run, run bibtex.
+ if ($bibtex_mode && (&check_for_bad_citation || !(-e "$root_filename.bbl") ||
+ ($bbl_mtime < $bib_mtime)))
+ {
+ warn "------------\nRunning $bibtex\n------------\n";
+ $return = system("$bibtex $root_filename");
+ $bbl_mtime = &get_mtime("$root_filename.bbl");
+ }
+ if ($bibtex_mode && &check_for_bibtex_errors)
+ {
+ if ($bibdb_mode)
+ {
+ warn "------------\nRunning bibextract\n------------\n";
+ $return = system("bibextract $root_filename");
+ $bib_mtime = &get_latest_mtime($bib_files);
+ warn "------------\nRunning $bibtex\n------------\n";
+ $return = system("$bibtex $root_filename");
+ $bbl_mtime = &get_mtime("$root_filename.bbl");
+ $ran_bibextract = 1;
+ }
+ elsif (!$force_mode)
+ {
+ # touch a .bib file so that will rerun bibtex to fix errors.
+ @split_bib_files = split(' ',$bib_files);
+ system("touch $split_bib_files[0]");
+ &exit_msg('Bibtex reported an error');
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ran_bibextract && &check_for_bibtex_errors && !$force_mode)
+ {
+ # touch a .bib file so that will rerun bibtex to fix errors.
+ @split_bib_files = split(' ',$bib_files);
+ system("touch $split_bib_files[0]");
+ &exit_msg('Bibtex reported an error');
+ }
+ ## now, if need to, rerun latex up to twice to generate valid .dvi
+ ## w/ citations resolved.
+ $dvi_mtime = &get_mtime("$root_filename.dvi");
+ if ( ($dvi_mtime <= $bbl_mtime) || &check_for_reference_change )
+ {
+ warn "------------\nRunning second $latex\n------------\n";
+ $return = system("$latex $root_filename");
+ $changed_dvi = 1;
+ }
+ if (!$force_mode && $return)
+ { &exit_msg('Latex encountered an error',1); }
+ if (&check_for_reference_change)
+ {
+ warn "------------\nRunning third $latex\n------------\n";
+ $return = system("$latex $root_filename");
+ $changed_dvi = 1;
+ }
+ if (!$force_mode && &check_for_bad_citation)
+ { &exit_msg('Latex could not resolve all citations or labels'); }
+ return(1);
+sub make_slitex_dvi
+ $tex_mtime = &get_latest_mtime($includes);
+ $dvi_mtime = &get_mtime("$root_filename.dvi");
+ if ( $go_mode || !(-e "$root_filename.dvi") || ($dvi_mtime < $tex_mtime) )
+ {
+ warn "------------\nRunning $slitex\n------------\n";
+ $return = system("$slitex $root_filename");
+ }
+ if (!$force_mode && $return)
+ { &exit_msg('Slitex encountered an error'); }
+# arg1 = name
+sub find_process_id
+ @ps_output = `ps -x`;
+ shift(@ps_output); # discard the header line from ps.
+ foreach (@ps_output)
+ {
+ s/\s+/ /g; # compress multiple spaces.
+ ($pid,$tt,$stat,$time,@command) = split(' ',$_);
+ if ($command[0] eq $_[0])
+ {
+ warn "Go: Reattached to existing previewer, pid=$pid\n";
+ return($pid);
+ }
+ }
+ return(0);
+# run a one-shot postscript previewer.
+sub make_preview
+ if ($page_options)
+ { exec("$ps_previewer $root_filename".""); }
+ else
+ { exec("$ps_previewer $"); }
+# - launch a previewer, then run main guts of go (make_latex_dvi) every few
+# seconds and send SIGUSR1 to the previewer if a change is made to dvi.
+sub make_preview_continuous
+ # get the value of SIGUSR1, defaults to SPARC value.
+ if (!(do '')) { eval 'sub SIGUSR1 {30;}'; }
+ # note we only launch a previewer if one isnt already running...
+ # otherwise we'll send reopen signals to the existing previewer.
+ unless (($previewer_pid = &find_process_id($dvi_previewer)) ||
+ ($previewer_pid = fork))
+ { # in forked child, close off from parent so previewer runs
+ # on after parent 'go' dies.
+ setpgrp($$,0);
+ exec("$dvi_previewer $root_filename.dvi");
+ }
+ while (1) # loop forever, rebuilding .dvi as necessary.
+ {
+ sleep($sleep_time);
+ &make_latex_dvi;
+ if ($changed_dvi) { kill &SIGUSR1,$previewer_pid; }
+ }
+sub make_printout
+ return if (!$print_mode);
+ warn "------------\nPrinting with [$lpr]\n------------\n";
+ if ($page_options)
+ { system("$lpr $lpr_options $root_filename".""); }
+ else
+ { system("$lpr $lpr_options $"); }
+sub make_final_dvi
+ if (!$page_options)
+ {
+ warn "\n------------\n";
+ warn "[$root_filename.dvi] for [$root_filename.tex] is up to date\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ warn "------------\nRunning $dviselect\n------------\n";
+ system("$dviselect -i $root_filename.dvi -o $root_filename"."_partial.dvi $page_options");
+sub make_postscript
+ return if (!$postscript_mode && !$print_mode);
+ $ps_mtime = &get_mtime("$");
+ $dvi_mtime = &get_mtime("$root_filename.dvi");
+ if ( ($ps_mtime < $dvi_mtime) || $page_options )
+ {
+ warn "------------\nRunning $dvips\n------------\n";
+ if ($page_options)
+ { system("$dvips $root_filename"."_partial.dvi"); }
+ else { system("$dvips $root_filename"); }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ warn "\n------------\n";
+ warn "[$] for [$root_filename.tex] is up to date\n";
+ }
+sub get_mtime
+ local ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,
+ $ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($_[0]);
+ $mtime;
+sub check_for_reference_change
+ local($logfile) = "$root_filename.log";
+ open(logfile) || die "Could not open log file to check for reference check\n";
+ while(<logfile>)
+ {
+ if (/Rerun to get/) { return 1; }
+ }
+ 0;
+sub check_for_bad_reference
+ local($logfile) = "$root_filename.log";
+ open(logfile) || die "Could not open log file to check for bad reference\n";
+ while (<logfile>)
+ {
+ if (/LaTeX Warning: Reference[^\001]*undefined./) { return 1; }
+ }
+ 0;
+ # check for citation which latex couldnt resolve.
+sub check_for_bad_citation
+ local($logfile) = "$root_filename.log";
+ open(logfile) || die "Could not open log file to check for bad citation\n";
+ while (<logfile>)
+ {
+ if (/LaTeX Warning: Citation[^\001]*undefined./) { return 1; }
+ }
+ 0;
+ # check for citation which bibtex didnt find.
+sub check_for_bibtex_errors
+ local($logfile) = "$root_filename.blg";
+ open(logfile) || die "Could not open bibtex log file error check\n";
+ while (<logfile>)
+ {
+ if (/Warning--/) { return 1; }
+ if (/error message/) { return 1; }
+ }
+ 0;
+# cleanup
+# - erases all generated files, exits w/ no other processing.
+sub cleanup
+ unlink("$root_filename.aux");
+ unlink("$root_filename.aux.bak");
+ unlink("$root_filename.bbl");
+ unlink("$root_filename.blg");
+ unlink("$root_filename.log");
+ unlink("$root_filename.bbe"); ## bibdb imprecise citation translations.
+ unlink("$root_filename.dvi");
+ unlink("$");
+ unlink("$root_filename.ind");
+ unlink("$root_filename.idx");
+ unlink("$root_filename.ilg");
+ unlink("$root_filename.toc");
+ unlink("$root_filename"."_partial.dvi");
+ unlink("$root_filename"."");
+ # .aux files are also made for \include'd files
+ foreach $include (split(' ',$includes))
+ {
+ $include =~ s/\.[^\.]*$/.aux/;
+ unlink($include);
+ }
+sub print_help
+ warn "Go: Automatic LaTeX document generation routine\n\n";
+ warn "Usage: go [go_options] [lpr_options] [dviselect_options] [filename]\n\n";
+ warn " Go_options:\n";
+ warn " -c - clean up (remove) all nonessential files\n";
+ warn " -f - force continued processing past errors\n";
+ warn " -g - process regardless of file timestamps\n";
+ warn " -h - print help\n";
+ warn " -i - scan for includes & put defaults in .gorc\n";
+ warn " -p - print document after generating postscript\n";
+ warn " -ps - generate postscript\n";
+ warn " -pv - preview document\n";
+ warn " -pvc - preview document and continuously update\n\n";
+ warn " filename = the root filename of LaTeX document\n\n";
+ warn " Other options starting with - are passed to lpr (if using -p).\n";
+ warn " Space-separated page lists & colon-separated ranges are passed to dviselect.\n";
+ warn " Set default root filename in .gorc with \$root_filename=\'filename\'; or use -i.\n";
+ exit;
+# - stats all files listed in first arg, returns most recent modify time of all.
+sub get_latest_mtime
+ local($return_mtime) = 0;
+ foreach $include (split(' ',$_[0]))
+ {
+ $include_mtime = &get_mtime($include);
+ if ($include_mtime > $return_mtime) { $return_mtime = $include_mtime; }
+ }
+ $return_mtime;
+# - looks recursively for included & inputted and psfig'd files and puts
+# them into $includes.
+# - note only primitive comment removal: cannot deal with escaped %s, but then,
+# when would they occur in any line important to GO??
+sub scan_for_includes
+ local(*FILE);
+ if (!open(FILE,$_[0]))
+ { warn "Go: could not open input file [$_[0]]\n"; return; }
+ while(<FILE>)
+ {
+ ($_,$junk) = split('%',$_); # primitive comment removal.
+ if (/\\include[{\s]+([^\001}]*)[\s}]/)
+ {
+ $full_filename = $1;
+ if ($1 =~ m/\./)
+ { $full_filename = &find_file($full_filename,$TEXINPUTS); }
+ else
+ { $full_filename = &find_file("$full_filename.tex",$TEXINPUTS); }
+ $includes .= "$full_filename ";
+ warn " Found include for file [$full_filename]\n";
+ &scan_for_includes($full_filename);
+ }
+ elsif (/\\input[{\s]+([^\001}]*)[\s}]/)
+ {
+ $full_filename = $1;
+ if ($1 =~ m/\./)
+ { $full_filename = &find_file($full_filename,$TEXINPUTS); }
+ else
+ { $full_filename = &find_file("$full_filename.tex",$TEXINPUTS); }
+ $includes .= "$full_filename ";
+ warn " Found input for file [$full_filename]\n";
+ &scan_for_includes($full_filename);
+ }
+ elsif (/\\blackandwhite{([^\001}]*)}/ || /\\colorslides{([^\001}]*)}/)
+ {
+ $slide_mode = 1;
+ $postscript_mode = 1;
+ $full_filename = $1;
+ if ($1 =~ m/\./)
+ { $full_filename = &find_file($full_filename,$TEXINPUTS); }
+ else
+ { $full_filename = &find_file("$full_filename.tex",$TEXINPUTS); }
+ $includes .= "$full_filename ";
+ warn " Found slide input for file [$full_filename]\n";
+ &scan_for_includes($full_filename);
+ }
+ elsif (/\\psfig{file=([^,}]+)/ || /\\psfig{figure=([^,}]+)/)
+ {
+ $full_filename = &find_file($1,$psfigsearchpath);
+ $includes .= "$full_filename ";
+ warn " Found psfig for file [$full_filename]\n";
+ }
+ elsif ( /\\epsfbox{([^}]+)}/ || /\\epsfbox\[[^\]]*\]{([^}]+)}/ ||
+ /\\epsffile{([^}]+)}/ || /\\epsffile\[[^\]]*\]{([^}]+)}/ )
+ {
+ $full_filename = &find_file($1,$TEXINPUTS);
+ $includes .= "$full_filename ";
+ warn " Found epsf for file [$full_filename]\n";
+ }
+ elsif (/\\documentstyle[^\000]+landscape/)
+ {
+ $landscape_mode = 1;
+ warn " Detected landscape mode\n";
+ }
+ elsif (/\\bibliography{([^}]+)}/)
+ {
+ $bib_files = $1;
+ $bib_files =~ tr/,/ /;
+ $bib_files = &find_file_list($bib_files,'.bib',$BIBINPUTS);
+ warn " Found bibliography files [$bib_files]\n";
+ $bibtex_mode = 1;
+ }
+ elsif (/\\psfigsearchpath{([^}]+)}/)
+ { $psfigsearchpath = $1; }
+ elsif (/\\makeindex/)
+ {
+ $index_mode = 1;
+ warn " Detected index mode\n";
+ }
+ }
+# - puts root name and includes into local .gorc automatically
+sub update_gorc
+ $rcfile = '>.gorc';
+ open(rcfile) || die "Go: Unable to open .gorc for updating\n";
+ print rcfile '$root_filename = \'' . "$root_filename';\n";
+ print rcfile '$includes = \'' . "$includes';\n";
+ print rcfile '$bib_files = \'' . "$bib_files';\n";
+ if ($slide_mode) { print rcfile '$slide_mode = 1;' . "\n"; }
+ if ($postscript_mode) { print rcfile '$postscript_mode = 1;' . "\n"; }
+ if ($bibtex_mode) { print rcfile '$bibtex_mode = 1;' . "\n"; }
+ if ($bibdb_mode) { print rcfile '$bibdb_mode = 1;' . "\n"; }
+ if ($landscape_mode) { print rcfile '$landscape_mode = 1;' . "\n"; }
+ if ($preview_mode) { print rcfile '$preview_mode = 1;' . "\n"; }
+ if ($index_mode) { print rcfile '$index_mode = 1;' . "\n"; }
+ print rcfile "\$latex = \'$latex\';\n";
+ print rcfile "\$bibtex = \'$bibtex\';\n";
+ print rcfile "\$slitex = \'$slitex\';\n";
+ print rcfile "\$dviselect = \'$dviselect\';\n";
+ print rcfile "\$dvips = \'$dvips\';\n";
+ print rcfile "\$lpr = \'$lpr\';\n";
+ print rcfile "\$ps_previewer = \'$ps_previewer\';\n";
+ print rcfile "\$dvi_previewer = \'$dvi_previewer\';\n";
+ print rcfile "\$makeindex = \'$makeindex\';\n";
+ close rcfile;
+ warn " Updated .gorc\n";
+# given filename and path, return full name of file, or die if none found.
+sub find_file
+ foreach $dir (split(':',$_[1]))
+ { if (-e "$dir/$_[0]") { return("$dir/$_[0]"); } }
+ die "GO ERROR: Could not find file [$_[0]] in path [$_[1]]\n";
+# given space sep list of filenames, a file suffix, and a path, return list of
+# full names of files, or die w/ warning if not found.
+sub find_file_list
+ local($return_list) = '';
+ foreach $file (split(' ',$_[0]))
+ { $return_list .= &find_file("$file$_[1]",$_[2]) . " "; }
+ $return_list;
+sub increasing { $a - $b; }
+sub exit_msg
+ {
+ warn "\n------------\n";
+ warn "Go: $_[0].\n";
+ warn "-- Use the -f option to force complete processing.\n";
+ if ($_[1])
+ {
+ warn "Go: restoring last $root_filename.aux file\n";
+ system("cp -p $root_filename.aux.bak $root_filename.aux > /dev/null 2>&1");
+ }
+ exit;
+ }