path: root/support/escapeTeXt
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/escapeTeXt
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/escapeTeXt')
3 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/escapeTeXt/README b/support/escapeTeXt/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b4fa277b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/escapeTeXt/README
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+README for:
+This Python program tries to turn plain text into something that can
+get through LaTeX. The motivating application is to put text gathered
+in a web application into a report generated in LaTeX.
+1) This program can be called from the command line. These commands
+run Project Gutenberg's version of Jack London's _Call Of the Wild_.
+ ./ -l -ocallw10.ltx < callw10.txt
+ pdflatex callw10.ltx
+ acroread callw10.pdf
+The result is not pretty; the program makes no attempt to recognize
+sections, etc. (For this, there are programs on the web specialized
+to do Gutenberg texts.) But the text makes it through.
+Here is the usage statement for the command line program:
+ Convert plain text so it may make it through LaTeX
+ [options]
+ where the options are
+ -f filename (default None) file to read from; if None then stdin is used
+ -o filename (default None) file to write to; if None then stdout is used
+ -c Turn off the attempt to balance open and closed quotes
+ -r Turn off the refinements (em dashes, en dashes ..)
+ -l Add simple LaTeX header and footer
+ -v (default True) sets verbose output
+ --help or -? Give this usage statement
+2) The routines can also be called from other Python programs. Thus, in
+a program the code
+ import escapeTeXt
+ :
+ s=getUserResponseFromDb()
+ result=escapeTeXt.escapetext(s).output()
+gets as "result" the text that will then be printed into the LaTeX file.
+Author: Jim Hefferon, based on txt2latex by Tristan Miller
+Date: 2006-Aug-27
diff --git a/support/escapeTeXt/ b/support/escapeTeXt/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f5a9e15c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/escapeTeXt/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Convert text to something LaTeX is less likely to choke on.
+# 2006-Aug-24 Jim Hefferon Written. Based on stuff from Tristan Miller and
+# Allin Cottrell
+# Like txt2latex but beyond being callable from the command line
+# ./ < file1.txt > file1.ltx
+# it is callable from a program as a function.
+# import escapeTeXt
+# result=escapeTeXt.escapetext(string).output()
+# * at sign?
+# * copyright, trademark?
+# * allow conversion of "_Great Gatsby_" to "\textit{Great Gatsby}"
+# * allow conversion of "I *really* do" to "I \emph{really} do"
+# * add refinement of recognizing fractions "2/3" ==> "$2/3$"?
+import sys, re
+from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
+DEBUG=False # currently unused
+class escapetextError(StandardError): # currently unused
+ pass
+class escapetext(object):
+ """Turn plain text into strings that have a chance of making it through
+ LaTeX.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,txt='',countQuotes=True,refinements=False):
+ """Initialize instance. Build up the text in parts (say, as lines
+ from the input source) with this initializing, and using the feed()
+ routine. Then we dump it with output().
+ txt='' Text to start with
+ countQuotes=True Should we try to match open with closed quotes?
+ refinements=False Should we try to get fancy? (Try to fix
+ en dashes, em dashes, the 'p. 2' construct.)
+ """
+ self.countQuotes=countQuotes
+ self.refinements=refinements
+ self.singleQuoteCount=0
+ self.doubleQuoteCount=0
+ self.strings=[txt] # array of strings that we have been fed
+ def feed(self,txt):
+ """Add more text to the pile.
+ txt Text to add
+ """
+ self.strings.append(txt)
+ pageNumberPattern="(\s)(p.)(\s)(\d)" # like 'p. 23'
+ pageNumberRE=re.compile(pageNumberPattern)
+ enDashPattern="(\d)-(\d)" # like '7-9'
+ enDashRE=re.compile(enDashPattern)
+ emDashPattern="((\D)-{1,2}(\D))" # like 'but-no'
+ emDashRE=re.compile(emDashPattern)
+ def texifyString(self,s):
+ """Convert a string to a form more acceptable to LaTeX.
+ s Plain text string.
+ """
+ # Do simple substitutions
+ for (old,new) in [(u"\\",u"{\\textbackslash}"), # backslashes
+ (u"{",u"\\{"), # open curly braces
+ (u"}",u"\\}"), # close curly braces
+ (u"\\{\\textbackslash\\}",u"{\\textbackslash}"), # have to fix up the effect of the prior two on the first line's result
+ (u"$",u"\\$"), # dollar signs
+ (u"%",u"\\%"), # percent signs
+ (u"_",u"\\_"), # underscores
+ (u"&",u"\\&"), # ampersands
+ (u"#",u"\\#"), # sharp signs
+ (u"<",u"{\\textless}"), # less than
+ (u">",u"{\\textgreater}"), # greater than
+ ]:
+ s=s.replace(old,new)
+ if self.countQuotes: # make even-numbered instances open, odd closed
+ tmpS=""
+ priorC=None
+ for c in s:
+ if c=="'":
+ if (self.singleQuoteCount % 2)==0:
+ if priorC=='"': # open double quote followed by open single quote
+ tmpS+=u"\," # add a thinspace
+ tmpS+=u"`" # open single quote
+ else:
+ tmpS+=u"'" # close single quote
+ self.singleQuoteCount+=1
+ elif c=='"':
+ if (self.doubleQuoteCount % 2)==0:
+ tmpS+=u"``" # open double quotes
+ else:
+ if priorC=="'": # single close quote followed by double close quote
+ tmpS+=u"\," # add a thinspace
+ tmpS+=u"''" # close double quotes
+ self.doubleQuoteCount+=1
+ else:
+ tmpS+=c
+ priorC=c
+ s=tmpS
+ else:
+ s=s.replace(u'`',u"\verb!'!") # maybe u"\textquotesingle" if you \usepackage{textcomp}?
+ s=s.replace(u'"',u'\verb!"!') # maybe u"$^\\textquotestraightdblbase$" if you \usepackage{textcomp}?
+ if self.refinements:
+ s=escapetext.pageNumberRE.sub(r'\1\2\,\4',s) # replace " p. 2" with " p.\,2"
+ s=escapetext.enDashRE.sub(r'\1--\2',s) # replace "2-3" with "2--3"
+ s=escapetext.emDashRE.sub(r'\2---\3',s) # replace "but -- no" with "but --- no"
+ return s
+ def output(self,restartCounts=False):
+ """Return a string that has the parts escaped. That clears the
+ internal buffer.
+ restartCounts=False Reset the counters for whether a single or
+ double quote is opening or closed
+ """
+ r=map(self.texifyString,self.strings)
+ self.strings=[]
+ if restartCounts:
+ self.singleQuoteCount=0
+ self.doubleQuoteCount=0
+ return "".join(r)
+#............... script main body
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ # parse args
+ inputFilename=None
+ outputFilename=None
+ countQuotes=True
+ refinements=True
+ latexWrap=False
+ verbose=False # currently unused
+ usage="""%s: Convert plain text so it may make it through LaTeX
+ %s [options]
+where the options are
+ -f filename (default %s) file to read from; if None then stdin is used
+ -o filename (default %s) file to write to; if None then stdout is used
+ -c Turn off the attempt to balance open and closed quotes
+ -r Turn off the refinements (em dashes, en dashes ..)
+ -l Add simple LaTeX header and footer
+ -v (default %s) sets verbose output
+ --help or -? Give this usage statement""" % (sys.argv[0],sys.argv[0],repr(inputFilename),repr(outputFilename),repr(verbose))
+ shortOptions='f:o:lcr?v'
+ longOptions=['help']
+ try:
+ (opts,args_proper)=getopt(sys.argv[1:],shortOptions,longOptions)
+ except GetoptError, err:
+ print "ERROR: Unable to parse the command line arguments: %s" % (err,)
+ print usage
+ sys.exit(1)
+ for (option,parameter) in opts:
+ if option=='-f':
+ inputFilename=parameter
+ elif option=='-o':
+ outputFilename=parameter
+ elif option=='-c':
+ countQuotes=False
+ elif option=='-r':
+ refinements=False
+ elif option=='-l':
+ latexWrap=True
+ elif option=='-v':
+ verbose=True
+ elif (option=='-?'
+ or option=='--help'):
+ print usage
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print "Unknown option: ",option
+ sys.exit(2)
+ # Done getting options; now the logic
+ if (inputFilename is None):
+ inFile=sys.stdin
+ else:
+ inFile=open(inputFilename,'r')
+ if (outputFilename is None):
+ outFile=sys.stdout
+ else:
+ outFile=open(outputFilename,'w')
+ et=escapetext(countQuotes=countQuotes,refinements=refinements)
+ line=inFile.readline()
+ if latexWrap:
+ outFile.write(latexHead)
+ while line:
+ et.feed(line)
+ outFile.write(et.output())
+ line=inFile.readline()
+ if latexWrap:
+ outFile.write(latexFoot)
+ inFile.close()
+ outFile.close()
+ if verbose:
+ print "#s: done" % (sys.argv[0],)
diff --git a/support/escapeTeXt/ b/support/escapeTeXt/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e60953385a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/escapeTeXt/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python2.3 -u
+# Do unit testing of the escapeTeXt routines
+# 2006-Aug-25 Jim Hefferon
+import re
+import unittest
+from escapeTeXt import *
+class escapetext_test(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test the escapetext class
+ """
+ def test_generic(self):
+ # sanity check
+ s="Hello, World!"
+ et=escapetext(s)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(s,
+ et.output())
+ # does it substitute at all?
+ s="abc $ def"
+ t="abc \\$ def"
+ self.failUnlessEqual(t,
+ escapetext(s).output())
+ # bunch of routine substitutions
+ expected=[("abc { def","abc \\{ def"),
+ ("abc } def","abc \\} def"),
+ ("abc % def","abc \\% def"),
+ ("abc _ def","abc \\_ def"),
+ ("abc & def","abc \\& def"),
+ ("abc # def","abc \\# def"),
+ ("abc < def","abc {\\textless} def"),
+ ("abc > def","abc {\\textgreater} def"),
+ ]
+ for (s,t) in expected:
+ self.failUnlessEqual(t,
+ escapetext(s).output())
+ # does it substitute twice on one row?
+ s="abc $ def % ghi"
+ t="abc \\$ def \\% ghi"
+ self.failUnlessEqual(t,
+ escapetext(s).output())
+ # backslash
+ s="abc \ def"
+ t="abc {\\textbackslash} def"
+ self.failUnlessEqual(t,
+ escapetext(s).output())
+ # single quotes
+ s="abc 'def' ghi"
+ t="abc `def' ghi"
+ self.failUnlessEqual(t,
+ escapetext(s).output())
+ # single quote next to double quote
+ s="\"'abc'\" def"
+ t="``\\,`abc'\\,'' def"
+ self.failUnlessEqual(t,
+ escapetext(s).output())
+ def test_refinements(self):
+ # single quote next to double quote
+ s="look on p. 23."
+ t="look on p.\\,23."
+ self.failUnlessEqual(t,
+ escapetext(s,refinements=True).output())
+ # en dash
+ s="pages 2-3"
+ t="pages 2--3"
+ self.failUnlessEqual(t,
+ escapetext(s,refinements=True).output())
+ # em dash
+ s="but-no"
+ t="but---no"
+ self.failUnlessEqual(t,
+ escapetext(s,refinements=True).output())
+ def test_feed(self):
+ # single quote next to double quote
+ s1="abc $ def"
+ s2="ghi % jkl"
+ t1="abc \\$ defghi \\% jkl"
+ et=escapetext(s1)
+ et.feed(s2)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(t1,
+ et.output())
+ s3='mno "yes" pqr'
+ t2="mno ``yes'' pqr"
+ et.feed(s3)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(t2,
+ et.output())
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ unittest.main()