path: root/support/emacs-modes/aux-renum.el
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/emacs-modes/aux-renum.el
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/emacs-modes/aux-renum.el')
1 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/emacs-modes/aux-renum.el b/support/emacs-modes/aux-renum.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c87dd2cedc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/emacs-modes/aux-renum.el
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+;;; aux-renum.el --- renumber labels in LaTeX documents
+;; Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Ulrik Vieth.
+;; Author: Ulrik Vieth <>
+;; Keywords: tex, maint
+;; Version: 0.5
+;;; This file is *not* part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Description:
+;; This package provides two functions `aux-renumber-single' and
+;; `aux-renumber-multi' to renumber equation labels and references
+;; in LaTeX documents so that they match their representation in
+;; the ".aux" file(s) and the formatted document.
+;; Why would you want to do that? Well, consider a manuscript of
+;; a book containing several hundreds of equations spread across
+;; a dozen or more files. Since it is impossible to give reasonable
+;; names to so many equations, they may have been given some ad-hoc
+;; labels when the manuscript was typed. After completing some
+;; intermediate or final version that will be printed and possibly
+;; distributed, it may be convenient to renumber the labels so that
+;; you can directly refer to the equation numbers in the printed
+;; version without having to figure out what cryptic label to type
+;; to produce the desired equation number in subsequent edits.
+;; Another appilcation might be a manuscript of a paper that will
+;; be submitted electronically to a journal. To avoid confusion
+;; in subsequent correspondence with the journal editor, it might
+;; be advantageous if the labels match their representation in the
+;; paper copy submitted to the publisher.
+;; Usage:
+;; 1. Load or autoload this file:
+;; (load-library "aux-renum")
+;; or
+;; (autoload 'aux-renumber-single "aux-renum"
+;; "Renumber labels in a single-file LaTeX document." t)
+;; (autoload 'aux-renumber-multi "aux-renum"
+;; "Renumber labels in a multi-file LaTeX document." t)
+;; 2. Run it interactively:
+;; M-x aux-renumber-single
+;; M-x aux-renumber-multi
+;; Known Problems:
+;; - Operation is restricted to files in the current directory.
+;; This isn't easy to fix because the list of include files is
+;; constructed from the information in the master ".aux" file
+;; which doesn't include any directory information.
+;; - There are no checks to ensure that the replacement strings
+;; are unique. This shouldn't be a problem if the ".aux" files
+;; are correct and up-to-date, but it could mess up your files
+;; if several (presumably incorrectly placed) labels have the
+;; same representation, e.g. if they refer to a section number
+;; instead of an equation number. Check your ".aux" files or
+;; take your chances!
+;; - It is silently assumed that the labels in your ".aux" file
+;; follow certain conventions. This means that every label is
+;; considered an equation label unless it starts with a known
+;; prefix. The list of prefixes of labels that should be left
+;; unchaged is specified by the regexp `aux-exclude-regexp'.
+;; - The replacement function in `aux-process-tex-file' uses the
+;; high-level functions `find-file-noselect' and `save-buffer'
+;; to load and save ".tex" files, which perform all sorts of
+;; checks. This might lead to some unexpected user interaction
+;; if some safety checks need to be answered. This might be
+;; somewhat irritating, but it's only to be on the safe side.
+;; History:
+;; v 0.0 -- 1995/12/31 created
+;; v 0.1 -- 1995/01/01 first preliminary version tested
+;; v 0.2 -- 1996/01/02 first complete version tested
+;; v 0.3 -- 1996/01/03 documentation added and clean up
+;; v 0.4 -- 1996/01/27 minor doucmentation touch-up
+;; v 0.5 -- 1196/01/28 improved search regexp for labels
+;;; Code:
+;; User-visible variables:
+(defvar aux-translation-alist nil
+ "Translation table used to renumber labels and references
+in LaTeX documents. Initialized in \\[aux-prepare-table].")
+(defvar aux-exclude-regexp "\\(chap\\|sec\\|fig\\|pic\\|note\\|page\\)"
+ "Regexp containing prefixes of labels to be left unchanged
+when preparing `aux-translation-alist' in \\[aux-prepare-table].")
+;; these variables could (or perhaps should) be local, but it's easier
+;; to check their values in case something goes wrong if they're global
+(defvar aux-match-string nil
+ "String containing the last match for a label or reference replaced
+in \\[aux-prepare-tex-file].")
+(defvar aux-replace-string nil
+ "String containing the last replacement text for a label or reference
+in \\[aux-prepare-tex-file].")
+;; User-visible functions:
+(defun aux-renumber-single (base-name)
+ "Renumber labels and references in a single-file LaTeX document
+so that they match their representation in the printed document.
+Expects a string argument BASE-NAME, which is used to construct
+the file names of the \".tex\" and \".aux\" file to operate on."
+ (interactive "sFile name (without extension): ")
+ (let* ((tex-file-name (concat base-name ".tex"))
+ (aux-file-name (concat base-name ".aux"))
+ (aux-file-list (list aux-file-name)))
+ ;; prepare translation table and process the ".tex" file
+ ;;
+ (aux-prepare-table aux-file-list)
+ (auto-save-mode -1) ; turn off auto-saving
+ (message "Processing file \"%s\"" tex-file-name)
+ (aux-process-tex-file tex-file-name)
+ (message "Done")
+ (auto-save-mode 1) ; turn on auto-saving
+ )
+ )
+(defun aux-renumber-multi (base-name)
+ "Renumber labels and references in a multi-file LaTeX document
+so that they match their representation in the printed document.
+Expects a string argument BASE-NAME, which is used to construct
+the file names of the main \".tex\" and \".aux\" file to operate on.
+The list of file names of the included \".tex\" and \".aux\" files
+is determined automatically."
+ (interactive "sMaster file name (without extension): ")
+ (let* (lab-buffer ; buffer to operate on
+ (tex-file-list '())
+ (aux-file-list '())
+ (main-aux-file-name (concat base-name ".aux")))
+ ;; get scratch buffer to operate on
+ ;;
+ (setq lab-buffer (get-buffer-create "*aux-scratch*"))
+ (set-buffer lab-buffer)
+ (erase-buffer) ; erase left-over from previous run
+ ;; insert contents of main ".aux" file
+ ;;
+ (if (file-readable-p main-aux-file-name)
+ (insert-file-contents-literally main-aux-file-name)
+ (error "I can't find file \"%s\"" main-aux-file-name))
+ ;; extract file names of included ".aux" and ".tex" files
+ ;;
+ (delete-non-matching-lines "\\\\@input")
+ (while (re-search-forward "\\\\@input{\\(.*\\)\\.aux}" nil t)
+ (let ((file-name (match-string 1)))
+ (setq aux-file-list
+ (cons (concat file-name ".aux") aux-file-list))
+ (setq tex-file-list
+ (cons (concat file-name ".tex") tex-file-list))))
+ (setq aux-file-list (reverse aux-file-list))
+ (setq tex-file-list (reverse tex-file-list))
+ ;; prepare translation table and process all ".tex" files
+ ;;
+ (aux-prepare-table aux-file-list)
+ (auto-save-mode -1) ; turn off auto-saving
+ (while tex-file-list
+ (let ((tex-file-name (car tex-file-list)))
+ (message "Processing file \"%s\"" tex-file-name)
+ (aux-process-tex-file tex-file-name))
+ (setq tex-file-list (cdr tex-file-list)))
+ (message "Done")
+ (auto-save-mode 1) ; turn on auto-saving
+ )
+ )
+(defun aux-prepare-table (aux-file-list)
+ "Prepare a translation table for renumbering LaTeX documents.
+Expects an argument AUX-FILE-LIST specifying the list of files
+to operate on. Operates by extracting the information from
+`\\newlabel' commands in the specified LaTeX \".aux\" file(s).
+Stores the extracted information in suitable form in a scratch
+buffer `*aux-scratch*' and evaluates the final buffer contents
+to initialize the translation table `aux-translation-alist'."
+ (let (lab-buffer) ; buffer to operate on
+ ;; get scratch buffer to operate on
+ ;;
+ (setq lab-buffer (get-buffer-create "*aux-scratch*"))
+ (set-buffer lab-buffer)
+ (erase-buffer) ; erase left-over from previous run
+ ;; insert contents of ".aux" file(s)
+ ;;
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while aux-file-list
+ (let ((file-name (car aux-file-list)))
+ (if (file-readable-p file-name)
+ (insert-file-contents-literally file-name)
+ (error "I can't find file \"%s\"" file-name)))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (setq aux-file-list (cdr aux-file-list)))
+ ;; extract all `\newlabel' commands from the ".aux" files
+ ;; and discard irrelevant lines for those kinds of labels
+ ;; that shouldn't be modified (e.g. sections, figures, notes)
+ ;;
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ ;; these functions don't move point
+ (delete-non-matching-lines "\\\\newlabel")
+ (delete-matching-lines aux-exclude-regexp)
+ ;; convert `\newlabel' commands into suitable table form
+ ;; that can be used to construct aux-translation-alist
+ ;;
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward
+ "\\\\newlabel{\\(.*\\)}{{\\(.*\\)}{\\(.*\\)}}" nil t)
+ (replace-match "(\"\\1\" . \"\\2\")" nil nil))
+ ;; add framework for a simple lisp function
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (insert "(setq aux-translation-alist '(\n")
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert "))\n")
+ ;; and evaluate the buffer contents in lisp
+ (eval-buffer)
+ )
+ )
+(defun aux-process-tex-file (tex-file-name)
+ "Substitute arguments of `\\label' and `\\ref' commands in
+a LaTeX file TEX-FILE-NAME according to the translation table
+`aux-translation-alist' initialized in \\[aux-prepare-table]."
+ (let (tex-buffer) ; buffer to operate on
+ (setq tex-buffer (find-file-noselect tex-file-name))
+ (set-buffer tex-buffer)
+ ;; replace all ocurrences of `\label' and `\ref' according
+ ;; to the translation table where applicable, or else leave
+ ;; them unchanged by re-inserting the original match-string
+ ;;
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward
+ "\\\\\\(label\\|ref\\)[ ]*{\\([^}]+\\)}" nil t)
+ (setq aux-match-string (match-string 2))
+ (setq aux-replace-string
+ (or (cdr (assoc aux-match-string aux-translation-alist))
+ aux-match-string))
+ (replace-match "\\\\\\1" nil nil)
+ (insert "{" aux-replace-string "}"))
+ (save-buffer)
+ )
+ )
+;;; aux-renum.el ends here