path: root/support/dktools/libdk4c.dox
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/dktools/libdk4c.dox
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/dktools/libdk4c.dox')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/dktools/libdk4c.dox b/support/dktools/libdk4c.dox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa1d9321f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/dktools/libdk4c.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+/** @page libdk4c libdk4c
+@section secdk4headers Pure Headers
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4vers.h | Version number as text.
+@section secdk4sortsto Sorted storage
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4sto.h | Sorted and unsorted storage using AVL trees or double-linked lists.
+@section secdk4cinfret Information retrieval
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4inst.h | Directory names configured during build process.
+dk4user.h | User login name and home directory.
+dk4isadm.h | Check whether current user is administrator or non-privileged user.
+dk4loc.h | Language, region and encoding.
+dk4hname8.h | Host name as char string.
+dk4hnamew.h | Host name as wchar_t string.
+dk4hnamed.h | Host name as dkChar string.
+dk4getpid.h | Process ID.
+dk4exep8.h | Path name of executed file as char string.
+dk4exepw.h | Path name of executed file as wchar_t string.
+dk4exepd.h | Path name of executed file as dkChar string.
+@section secdk4datetime Date and time
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4time.h | Timestamp operations.
+dk4timec.h | Constants to choose a time format.
+dk4ctime.h | Timestamp operations with clock times.
+dk4ftime.h | File timestamp operations, conversion to text.
+dk4time08.h | Convert timestamps to char text.
+dk4timewc.h | Convert timestamps to wchar_t text.
+dk4timedk.h | Convert timestamps to dkChar text.
+@section secdk4output Output to file
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4fput.h | Put characters and strings to file.
+dk4svbuf.h | Assign a specific memory range as file buffer, so the buffer can be sanitized after reading or writing security relevant things.
+@section secdk4file File and directory
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4getcwd8.h | Get current working directory as char string.
+dk4getcwdw.h | Get current working directory as wchar_t string.
+dk4getcwdd.h | Get current working directory as dkChar string.
+dk4path8.h | Path names in char texts.
+dk4pathw.h | Path names in wchar_t texts.
+dk4pathd.h | Path names in dkChar texts.
+dk4fopc8.h | Open file specified as char path name, additional security checks.
+dk4fopwc.h | Open file specified as wchar_t path name, additional security checks.
+dk4fopd.h | Open file specified as dkChar path name, additional security checks.
+dk4fd.h | File descriptors: Open and close files, read and write data.
+dk4ft.h | File type constants.
+dk4stat.h | Constants for file information.
+dk4statt.h | Type definitions used by the stat functions.
+dk4stat8.h | File information for a path specified as char text.
+dk4statw.h | File information for a path specified as wchar_t text.
+dk4statd.h | File information for a path specified as dkChar text.
+dk4ufit.h | Definitions for the 3 headers below.
+dk4ufi08.h | Create unique file identifier for char path name.
+dk4ufiwc.h | Create unique file identifier for wchar_t path name.
+dk4ufi.h | Create unique file identifier for dkChar path name.
+dk4fs.h | File search for configuration and resource files.
+dk4symlink.h | Find symbolic link destination.
+dk4fileit.h | Data types and constant values for file information.
+dk4file8.h | Check presence of file specified as char text.
+dk4filew.h | Check presence of file specified as wchar_t text.
+dk4filed.h | Check presence of file specified as dkChar text.
+dk4filei.h | Information about files using system-specific functions.
+dk4fileiu.h | Retrieve unique file identifier from file information.
+dk4filei8.h | Retrieve file information for a file specified as char string.
+dk4fileiw.h | Retrieve file information for a file specified as wchar_t string.
+dk4fileid.h | Retrieve file information for a file specified as dkChar string.
+dk4fileig8.h | Convert file related timestamp to char string.
+dk4mkdh8.h | Create directory hierarchy to store a file specified as char.
+dk4mkdhw.h | Create directory hierarchy to store a file specified as wchar_t.
+dk4mkdh.h | Create directory hierarchy to store a file specified as dkChar.
+dk4dir08.h | Open directory specified as char string.
+dk4dirwc.h | Open directory specified as wchar_t string.
+dk4dir.h | Open directory specified as dkChar string.
+dk4fne08.h | Windows: Expand file name specified as char string.
+dk4fnewc.h | Windows: Expand file name specified as wchar_t string.
+dk4fne.h | Windows: Expand file name specified as dkChar string.
+dk4delfile08.h | Delete file specified as char string.
+dk4delfilewc.h | Delete file specified as wchar_t string.
+dk4delfile.h | Delete file specified as dkChar string.
+dk4deldir08.h | Delete empty directory specified as char string.
+dk4deldirwc.h | Delete empty directory specified as wchar_t string.
+dk4deldir.h | Delete empty directory specified as dkChar string.
+dk4istty.h | Check whether FILE or file descriptor is connected to a terminal.
+@section secdk4rec Character and string recoding
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4enc.h | Find encoding type by name.
+dk4bom.h | Search for byte order mark at start of data stream.
+dk4ansi.h | Convert ANSI character text to 32 bit characters and vice versa.
+dk4utf8.h | Convert UTF-8 encoded text to 32 bit characters and vice versa.
+dk4utf16.h | Convert UTF-16 characters or bytes to 32 bit character and vice versa.
+dk4c32.h | Convert bytes to 32 bit character.
+dk4rec.h | String recoding between different character sizes and encodings, includes the dk4rec**.h files below.
+dk4rec01.h | String recoding ASCII to ANSI.
+dk4rec02.h | String recoding ANSI to ASCII.
+dk4rec03.h | String recoding ASCII to UTF-8.
+dk4rec04.h | String recoding UTF-8 to ASCII.
+dk4rec05.h | String recoding ANSI to UTF-8.
+dk4rec06.h | String recoding UTF-8 to ANSI.
+dk4rec07.h | String recoding ASCII to UTF-16.
+dk4rec08.h | String recoding UTF-16 to ASCII.
+dk4rec09.h | String recoding ANSI to UTF-16.
+dk4rec10.h | String recoding UTF-16 to ANSI.
+dk4rec11.h | String recoding UTF-8 to UTF-16.
+dk4rec12.h | String recoding UTF-16 to UTF-8.
+dk4rec13.h | String recoding ASCII to 32 bit.
+dk4rec14.h | String recoding 32 bit to ASCII.
+dk4rec15.h | String recoding ANSI to 32 bit.
+dk4rec16.h | String recoding 32 bit to ANSI.
+dk4rec17.h | String recoding UTF-8 to 32 bit.
+dk4rec18.h | String recoding 32 bit to UTF-8.
+dk4rec19.h | String recoding UTF-16 32 bit.
+dk4rec20.h | String recoding 32 bit to UTF-16.
+dk4rec21.h | String recoding ASCII to dkChar.
+dk4rec22.h | String recoding char to dkChar.
+dk4rec23.h | String recoding char to wchar_t.
+dk4rec24.h | String recoding wchar_t to char.
+dk4rec25.h | String recoding dkChar to any.
+@section secdk4textpro Text processing
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4edstm.h | Operation results for state machines operations in BOM detection.
+dk4tsp.h | Type definitions for headers below.
+dk4tsp08.h | Convert bytes to char or char lines, process text.
+dk4tsp16.h | Convert bytes to 16-bit characters or lines, process text.
+dk4tsp32.h | Convert bytes to 32-bit characters or lines, process text.
+dk4tspdk.h | Convert bytes to dkChar characters or lines, process text.
+@section secdk4numbenc Number encoding
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4numl.h | Find maximum string length for integer bit width.
+dk4dblc8.h | Convert double value to char string.
+dk4dblwc.h | Convert double value to wchar_t string.
+dk4dbldk.h | Convert double value to dkChar string.
+@section secdk4encdec Text data encoding and decoding
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4dec.h | Operation result when adding byte(s) to a decoder.
+dk4binenc.h | Encode binary data to text using ASCII-Hex or ASCII-85.
+dk4ahd.h | ASCII-Hex decoder
+dk4a85e.h | ASCII-85 encoder.
+dk4a85d.h | ASCII-85 decoder.
+dk4rle.h | Run-length encoder.
+dk4rld.h | Run-length decoder.
+@section secdk4stt String tables
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4stt.h | String tables.
+@section secdk4cmdlo Command line options
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4opt.h | Command line options.
+@section secdk4pref Preferences
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4pref.h | Preferences.
+@section secdk4stream Generic I/O using dk4_stream_t API
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4strm.h | Generic stream API.
+dk4strmr.h | Open stream to read a file (either plain or compressed).
+dk4strmw.h | Open stream to write a file (either plain or compressed).
+dk4mbstrm.h | Open stream to write to a memory buffer.
+dk4strmf.h | Implementation for plain files.
+dk4strmb.h | Implementation for bzip2 compressed files.
+dk4strmg.h | Implementation for gzip compressed files.
+dk4strmo08.h | Write char strings to stream, recode if necessary.
+dk4strmo16.h | Write 16-bit char strings to stream, recode if necessary.
+dk4strmo32.h | Write 32-bit char strings to stream, recode if necessary.
+dk4strmodk.h | Write dkChar strings to stream, recode if necessary.
+dk4strms.h | Serialize (write) data to stream.
+dk4strmu.h | Unserialize (read) data from stream.
+dk4c8dbl.h | Write double value to dk4_stream_t or FILE without scientific notation.
+dk4strmco.h | Build a compressing and encoding stream on top of an existring stream.
+@section secdk4membs Memory buffers
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4membuf.h | Write data to memory buffers for later use.
+dk4membf.h | Save buffer contents to file.
+dk4membs.h | Save buffer contents to stream.
+@section secdk4bits Bit handling
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4bf.h | Bit field and bit arrays.
+dk4bitsh.h | Bit shifter (generates bytes from a sequence of bits).
+@section secdk4math Mathematics
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4fpe.h | Access the FPU status.
+@section secdk4mdch Message digests and checksums
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4mdch.h | Choose a message or checksum type by name.
+@section secdk4winreg Windows registry access
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4wregk.h | Registry key names.
+dk4wregt.h | Registry data types.
+dk4wregc.h | Constants and data types used in the headers below.
+dk4wreg8.h | Access to Windows registry using char strings.
+dk4wregw.h | Access to Windows registry using wchar_t strings.
+dk4wregd.h | Access to Windows registry using dkChar strings.
+@section secdk4dmt Daemon tool functions
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk4dmt.h | Daemon tool functions.
+@section secdk4trace Tracing and debugging
+Header | Purpose
+:----: | :------
+dk3trace.h | Functions for code generated by dkct.