path: root/support/dktools/DkWxImgszFrame.wxc
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/dktools/DkWxImgszFrame.wxc
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/dktools/DkWxImgszFrame.wxc')
1 files changed, 960 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/dktools/DkWxImgszFrame.wxc b/support/dktools/DkWxImgszFrame.wxc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40be8be76c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/dktools/DkWxImgszFrame.wxc
@@ -0,0 +1,960 @@
+%% options
+copyright owner = Dirk Krause
+copyright year = 2012-xxxx
+license = bsd
+%% wx-gui
+type = frame
+icon = dkicon_bitmap
+menu bar = mbMain
+contents = mainSizer
+[wxMenuBar mbMain]
+contents = mFile
+contents = mExtras
+contents = mHelp
+[wxMenu mFile]
+contents = miOpen
+contents = miExit
+text = sTexts[1]
+[wxMenuItem miOpen]
+text = sTexts[49]
+id = DkWxImgsz_Open
+tip = sTexts[50]
+[wxMenuItem miExit]
+text = sTexts[2]
+id = DkWxImgsz_Quit
+tip = sTexts[19]
+[wxMenu mExtras]
+text = sTexts[38]
+contents = miOptions
+[wxMenuItem miOptions]
+text = sTexts[39]
+tip = sTexts[40]
+id = DkWxImgsz_Options
+[wxMenu mHelp]
+text = sTexts[27]
+contents = miHelpContents
+contents = miHelpAbout
+[wxMenuItem miHelpContents]
+text = sTexts[28]
+tip = sTexts[30]
+id = DkWxImgsz_Help
+[wxMenuItem miHelpAbout]
+text = sTexts[29]
+tip = sTexts[31]
+id = DkWxImgsz_About
+[wxBoxSizer mainSizer]
+direction = vertical
+contents = $space(10)
+contents = horizontalSizer
+contents = $space(10)
+contents = statusSizer
+contents = $space(10)
+[wxBoxSizer horizontalSizer]
+grow = yes
+proportion = 1
+contents = $space(10)
+contents = inputDataSizer left top
+contents = $space(10)
+contents = bCalculate centered-x centered-y
+contents = $space(10)
+contents = outputDataSizer left top
+contents = $space(10)
+[wxGridBagSizer inputDataSizer]
+grid = 5 5
+contents = lOriginalImage 0 0 1 2 left centered-y
+contents = lWidth +1 0 1 1 right centered-y
+contents = tWidth . +1 1 1 left centered-y
+contents = lHeight +1 0 1 1 right centered-y
+contents = tHeight . +1 1 1 left centered-y
+contents = $space(10) +1 0 1 1 left
+contents = lChangeType +1 0 1 2 left centered-y
+contents = lAction +1 0 1 1 right centered-y
+contents = cbAction . +1 1 1 left centered-y
+contents = lMinimum +1 0 1 1 right centered-y
+contents = tMinimum . +1 1 1 left centered-y
+contents = lMaximum +1 0 1 1 right centered-y
+contents = tMaximum . +1 1 1 left centered-y
+[wxStaticText lOriginalImage]
+text = sTexts[6]
+[wxStaticText lWidth]
+text = sTexts[8]
+[wxTextCtrl tWidth]
+tip = sTexts[20]
+text = sTexts[26]
+[wxStaticText lHeight]
+text = sTexts[9]
+[wxTextCtrl tHeight]
+tip = sTexts[21]
+text = sTexts[26]
+[wxStaticText lChangeType]
+text = sTexts[10]
+[wxStaticText lAction]
+text = sTexts[11]
+[wxChoice cbAction]
+choices = 3 saAction
+tip = sTexts[22]
+# grow = yes
+id = DkWxImgsz_Choice
+[wxStaticText lMinimum]
+text = sTexts[15]
+[wxTextCtrl tMinimum]
+tip = sTexts[23]
+text = sTexts[26]
+[wxStaticText lMaximum]
+text = sTexts[16]
+[wxTextCtrl tMaximum]
+tip = sTexts[24]
+text = sTexts[26]
+[wxBitmapButton bCalculate]
+# text = sTexts[17]
+bitmap = run2_bitmap
+tip = sTexts[25]
+id = DkWxImgsz_Run
+[wxGridBagSizer outputDataSizer]
+grid = 5 5
+grow = yes
+proportion = 1
+contents = lResults 0 0 1 2 left centered-y
+contents = dataGrid +1 0 2 2 left top
+growable row = 2
+growable column = 1
+[wxStaticText lResults]
+text = sTexts[7]
+[wxGrid dataGrid]
+text style = readonly
+column head = sTexts[3]
+column head = sTexts[4]
+column head = sTexts[5]
+column head = sTexts[18]
+rows = 16
+minimum size = 300 200
+grow = true
+proportion = 1
+[wxBoxSizer statusSizer]
+contents = $space(10)
+contents = lStatus
+contents = $space(10)
+[wxStaticText lStatus]
+text = sTexts[18]
+%% header start
+%% class start
+/** Main window class for the wximgsz program.
+class DkWxImgszFrame : public DkWxFrame
+ private:
+ /** Event table.
+ */
+ protected:
+ /** Localized message texts.
+ */
+ wxChar const * const *sTexts;
+ /** Red (used as background color).
+ */
+ wxColour cRed;
+ /** Red 127.
+ */
+ wxColour cNotSoDarkRed;
+ /** Green (used as background color).
+ */
+ wxColour cGreen;
+ /** Black (used as text color).
+ */
+ wxColour cBlack;
+ /** Dark red (used as text color).
+ */
+ wxColour cDarkRed;
+ /** Yellow (used as background color).
+ */
+ wxColour cYellow;
+ /** File dialog x position.
+ */
+ int fdx;
+ /** File dialog y position.
+ */
+ int fdy;
+ /** Options dialog x position.
+ */
+ int odx;
+ /** Options dialog y position.
+ */
+ int ody;
+ /** Flag: Use background colors to indicate scale factor quality.
+ */
+ bool bUseColour;
+ /** Current directory.
+ */
+ wxString sCurrentDir;
+%% class end
+ public:
+ /** Constructor.
+ */
+ DkWxImgszFrame(
+ wxChar const *applicationName,
+ wxChar const * const *localizedMessages,
+ DkWxAppHelper *applicationHelper,
+ DkWxHelpController *helpController,
+ int wxid,
+ int argc,
+ wxChar **argv
+ );
+ /** Destructor.
+ */
+ ~DkWxImgszFrame();
+ /** Check whether we can close the window.
+ @param isLast Flag: Last top level window.
+ */
+ bool
+ canClose(bool isLast);
+ /** Event handler to open a file.
+ @param event Event to process.
+ */
+ void
+ OnOpen(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event));
+ /** Event handler to quit application.
+ @param event Event to process.
+ */
+ void
+ OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event));
+ /** Event handler to show help contents.
+ @param event Event to process.
+ */
+ void
+ OnHelp(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event));
+ /** Event handler to show version number.
+ @param event Event to process.
+ */
+ void
+ OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event));
+ /** Event handler: Run calculation.
+ @param event Event to process.
+ */
+ void
+ OnRun(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event));
+ /** Event handler: Choice made.
+ @param event Event to process.
+ */
+ void
+ OnChoice(wxCommandEvent & event);
+ /** Event handler to set options.
+ @param event Event to process.
+ */
+ void
+ OnOptions(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event));
+ protected:
+ /** Save data entered into text fields.
+ */
+ void saveData();
+ /** Restore data entered in text fields.
+ */
+ void restoreData();
+ /** Enable/disable the lower text fields depending
+ on the current choice selection.
+ */
+ void
+ enableDisableMinimumMaximum();
+ /** Calculate largest common divisor.
+ @param aa One number.
+ @param bb Other number.
+ @return Largest common divisor of aa and bb.
+ */
+ long gcd(long aa, long bb);
+ /** Retrieve positive long number from text field.
+ @param tf Text field to process.
+ @param bShowErrors Flag: Show message boxes for errors.
+ @return Positive number on success, 0L on error.
+ */
+ long getTextCtrlContents(wxTextCtrl *tf, bool bShowErrors);
+ /** Run calculation.
+ */
+ void
+ run(bool bShowErrors);
+ /** Run for a set of numbers.
+ @param w Width (or height, if inverted).
+ @param h Height (or width, if inverted).
+ @param min Minimum value.
+ @param max maximum value.
+ @param inverted Flag: w contains the hight, h the width.
+ */
+ void
+ runForNumbers(long w, long h, long min, long max, int inverted);
+ /** Classify factor.
+ @param n New value.
+ @param o Old value.
+ @return 2 for powers of 2, 1 for integer factors, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+ int classifyFactor(long n, long o);
+ /** Count bit number in a long value.
+ @param v Value to check.
+ @return Number of bits set.
+ */
+ int countBits(long v);
+%% header end
+%% module start
+#include "wximgsz.h"
+#include "dkicon.xpm"
+#include "dk4verswx.h"
+#include "run2.xpm"
+/** Event table for the DkWxImgszFrame class.
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(DkWxImgszFrame, wxFrame)
+ EVT_MENU(DkWxImgsz_Quit, DkWxImgszFrame::OnQuit)
+ EVT_MENU(DkWxImgsz_Help, DkWxImgszFrame::OnHelp)
+ EVT_MENU(DkWxImgsz_About, DkWxImgszFrame::OnAbout)
+ EVT_MENU(DkWxImgsz_Options, DkWxImgszFrame::OnOptions)
+ EVT_MENU(DkWxImgsz_Open, DkWxImgszFrame::OnOpen)
+ EVT_BUTTON(DkWxImgsz_Run, DkWxImgszFrame::OnRun)
+ EVT_CHOICE(DkWxImgsz_Choice, DkWxImgszFrame::OnChoice)
+%% constructor start
+ wxChar const *applicationName,
+ wxChar const * const *localizedMessages,
+ DkWxAppHelper *applicationHelper,
+ DkWxHelpController *helpController,
+ int wxid,
+ int argc,
+ wxChar **argv
+) : DkWxFrame(applicationName, applicationHelper, helpController, wxid),
+ cRed(255, 91, 91),
+ cNotSoDarkRed(127, 0, 0),
+ cGreen(127, 255, 127),
+ cBlack(0, 0, 0),
+ cDarkRed(63, 0, 0),
+ cYellow(255, 255, 0),
+ sCurrentDir(wxT(""))
+ /*
+ Icon for main window.
+ */
+#if defined(__WXMSW__)
+ wxIcon dkicon_bitmap(wxT("aaaaa"));
+ wxIcon dkicon_bitmap(xpm_dkicon);
+ wxIcon run2_bitmap(xpm_run2);
+ fdx = -1; fdy = -1;
+ odx = -1; ody = -1;
+ sTexts = localizedMessages;
+ wxString saAction[] = {
+ wxString(localizedMessages[12]),
+ wxString(localizedMessages[13]),
+ wxString(localizedMessages[14])
+ };
+ bUseColour = true;
+%% constructor end
+ if (lOriginalImage) {
+ lOriginalImage->SetForegroundColour(cNotSoDarkRed);
+ }
+ if (lChangeType) {
+ lChangeType->SetForegroundColour(cNotSoDarkRed);
+ }
+ if (lResults) {
+ lResults->SetForegroundColour(cNotSoDarkRed);
+ }
+ SetTitle(localizedMessages[0]);
+#if 0
+ restorePosition();
+ restoreData();
+ enableDisableMinimumMaximum();
+%% module end
+DkWxImgszFrame::OnHelp(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ openHelp();
+static wxChar const wximgsz_version[] = {
+ wxT("wximgsz (part of dktools-")
+static wxChar const wximgsz_versnumber[] = {
+static wxChar const wximgsz_versend[] = {
+ wxT(")")
+DkWxImgszFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxString sVersion(wximgsz_version);
+ sVersion.Append(wximgsz_versnumber);
+ sVersion.Append(wximgsz_versend);
+ sVersion.Append(sTexts[53]);
+ sVersion.Append(wxT("Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Dirk Krause"));
+ sVersion.Append(sTexts[53]);
+ sVersion.Append(sTexts[53]);
+ sVersion.Append(sTexts[54]);
+ sVersion.Append(wxT("DK tools, wxWidgets, libpng, libjpeg, libtiff, zlib."));
+ sVersion.Append(sTexts[53]);
+ sVersion.Append(sTexts[53]);
+ sVersion.Append(sTexts[55]);
+ sVersion.Append(wxT("\n"));
+ sVersion.Append(wxT("\n"));
+ sVersion.Append(wxT("\n"));
+ sVersion.Append(wxT("\n"));
+ sVersion.Append(wxT("\n"));
+ sVersion.Append(wxT(""));
+ wxMessageBox(sVersion, sTexts[35]);
+DkWxImgszFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ $? "+ DkWxImgszFrame::OnQuit"
+ Show(false);
+ Close();
+ $? "- DkWxBmepsFrame::OnQuit"
+DkWxImgszFrame::OnOpen(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxString s(wxT(""));
+ $? "+ DkWxImgszFrame::OnOpen"
+ s.Append(wxT("BMP files (*.bmp)|*.bmp"));
+ s.Append(wxT("|PNG files (*.png)|*.png"));
+ s.Append(wxT("|JPEG files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|JPEG files (*.jpeg)|*.jpeg"));
+ s.Append(wxT("|TIFF files (*.tif)|*.tif|TIFF files (*.tiff)|*.tiff"));
+ s.Append(wxT("|XPM files (*.xpm)|*.xpm"));
+ s.Append(wxT("|All files (*.*)|*.*"));
+#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 9, 0)
+ wxFileDialog dlg(this, sTexts[48], sCurrentDir, wxT(""), s, wxFD_OPEN);
+ wxFileDialog dlg(this, sTexts[48], sCurrentDir, wxT(""), s, wxOPEN);
+ pHelper->setRelatedPosition(this, &dlg, &fdx, &fdy);
+ if(wxID_OK == dlg.ShowModal()) {
+ wxString path = dlg.GetPath();
+ wxImage img;
+ if(img.LoadFile(path)) {
+ int w = img.GetWidth();
+ int h = img.GetHeight();
+ if((w > 0) && (h > 0)) {
+ wxString sWidth;
+ wxString sHeight;
+ sWidth.Printf(wxT("%d"), w);
+ sHeight.Printf(wxT("%d"), h);
+ if((tWidth) && (tHeight)) {
+ tWidth->SetValue(sWidth);
+ tHeight->SetValue(sHeight);
+ Refresh();
+ Update();
+ run(false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* ERROR: Illegal image dimensions! */
+ wxMessageBox(sTexts[51], sTexts[52], (wxOK | wxICON_ERROR), this);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* ERROR: Failed to load file! */
+ wxMessageBox(sTexts[51], sTexts[52], (wxOK | wxICON_ERROR), this);
+ }
+ }
+ dlg.GetPosition(&fdx, &fdy);
+ $? "- DkWxBmepsFrame::OnOpen"
+DkWxImgszFrame::OnOptions(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ $? "+ DkWxImgszFrame::OnOptions"
+ DkWxImgszOptionsDialog dlg(this, sTexts[41], sTexts);
+ pHelper->setRelatedPosition(this, &dlg, &odx, &ody);
+ dlg.SetValue(bUseColour);
+ if(dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
+ bUseColour = dlg.GetValue();
+ }
+ dlg.GetPosition(&odx, &ody);
+ $? "- DkWxBmepsFrame::OnOptions"
+DkWxImgszFrame::run(bool bShowErrors)
+ long w = 0L;
+ long h = 0L;
+ long min = 0L;
+ long max = 0L;
+ int action = 0;
+ $? "+ DkWxImgszFrame::run"
+ w = getTextCtrlContents(tWidth, bShowErrors);
+ if(w > 0L) {
+ h = getTextCtrlContents(tHeight, bShowErrors);
+ if(h > 0L) {
+ switch((action = cbAction->GetCurrentSelection())) {
+ case 2: {
+ min = getTextCtrlContents(tMinimum, bShowErrors);
+ if(min > 0L) {
+ max = getTextCtrlContents(tMaximum, bShowErrors);
+ }
+ } break;
+ case 1: {
+ min = getTextCtrlContents(tMinimum, bShowErrors);
+ if(min > 0L) {
+ max = getTextCtrlContents(tMaximum, bShowErrors);
+ }
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ min = 1L; max = w; action = 1;
+ } break;
+ }
+ if((w > 0L) && (h > 0L) && (min > 0L) && (max > 0L)) {
+ switch(action) {
+ case 2: {
+ runForNumbers(h, w, min, max, 1);
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ runForNumbers(w, h, min, max, 0);
+ } break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $? "- DkWxImgszFrame::run"
+DkWxImgszFrame::OnRun(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ $? "+ DkWxImgszFrame::OnRun"
+ run(true);
+ $? "- DkWxImgszFrame::OnRun"
+DkWxImgszFrame::canClose(bool isLast)
+ $? "+ DkWxBmepsFrame::canClose %d", (isLast ? 1 : 0)
+ if(isLast) {
+ saveData();
+ } $? "- DkWxBmepsFrame::canClose 1"
+ return true;
+static wxChar const * const wximgsz_keys[] = {
+$!string-table macro=wxT
+ long i[] = {
+ 0L, // Width
+ 0L, // Height
+ 0L, // Selection
+ 0L, // Minimum
+ 0L, // Maximum
+ 0L // bUseColour
+ };
+ long l;
+ if((tWidth->GetValue()).ToLong(&l)) {
+ i[0] = l;
+ }
+ if((tHeight->GetValue()).ToLong(&l)) {
+ i[1] = l;
+ }
+ i[2] = (long)(cbAction->GetCurrentSelection());
+ if(i[2] < 0L) i[2] = 0L;
+ if((tMinimum->GetValue()).ToLong(&l)) {
+ i[3] = l;
+ }
+ if((tMaximum->GetValue()).ToLong(&l)) {
+ i[4] = l;
+ }
+ i[5] = ((bUseColour) ? 1L : 0L);
+ if(pHelper) {
+ pHelper->saveMultipleLongs(wximgsz_keys, i);
+ }
+ wxString sWidth;
+ wxString sHeight;
+ wxString sMinimum;
+ wxString sMaximum;
+ long i[] = {
+ 1024L, // Width
+ 768L, // Height
+ 0L, // Selection
+ 200L, // Minimum
+ 800L, // Maximum
+ 1L // bUseColour
+ };
+ if(pHelper) {
+ pHelper->retrieveMultipleLongs(wximgsz_keys, i);
+ sWidth.Printf(wxT("%ld"), i[0]);
+ sHeight.Printf(wxT("%ld"), i[1]);
+ sMinimum.Printf(wxT("%ld"), i[3]);
+ sMaximum.Printf(wxT("%ld"), i[4]);
+ tWidth->SetValue(sWidth);
+ tHeight->SetValue(sHeight);
+ tMinimum->SetValue(sMinimum);
+ tMaximum->SetValue(sMaximum);
+ cbAction->SetSelection((int)(i[2]));
+ bUseColour = ((i[5]) ? true : false);
+ }
+ if(0 == cbAction->GetCurrentSelection()) {
+ tMinimum->SetEditable(false);
+ tMaximum->SetEditable(false);
+ tMinimum->Enable(false);
+ tMaximum->Enable(false);
+ } else {
+ tMinimum->SetEditable(true);
+ tMaximum->SetEditable(true);
+ tMinimum->Enable(true);
+ tMaximum->Enable(true);
+ }
+DkWxImgszFrame::OnChoice(wxCommandEvent & event)
+ enableDisableMinimumMaximum();
+DkWxImgszFrame::gcd(long aa, long bb)
+ long back = 0L;
+ long h = 0L;
+ long a;
+ long b;
+ a = aa;
+ b = bb;
+ while(b > 0L) {
+ h = a % b;
+ a = b;
+ b = h;
+ }
+ back = a;
+ return back;
+DkWxImgszFrame::getTextCtrlContents(wxTextCtrl *tf, bool bShowErrors)
+ long back = 0L;
+ long l = 0L;
+ if((tf->GetValue()).ToLong(&l)) {
+ back = l;
+ }
+ if(0 >= back) {
+ if(bShowErrors) {
+ tf->SetFocus();
+ wxMessageBox(sTexts[33], sTexts[32], (wxOK | wxICON_ERROR), this);
+ }
+ }
+ return back;
+DkWxImgszFrame::runForNumbers(long w, long h, long min, long max, int inverted)
+ long gd;
+ long w0;
+ long h0;
+ long nw;
+ long nh;
+ long i;
+ long z;
+ long n;
+ long g2;
+ int lineno;
+ int cl;
+ int rows;
+ int found = 0;
+ gd = gcd(w, h);
+ if(gd > 0L) {
+ /*
+ Minimum rectangle.
+ */
+ w0 = w / gd;
+ h0 = h / gd;
+ /*
+ Remove all grid lines.
+ */
+ rows = dataGrid->GetNumberRows();
+ dataGrid->DeleteRows(0, rows);
+ /*
+ Build and fill new grid.
+ */
+ lineno = 0;
+ i = 1;
+ lStatus->SetForegroundColour(cBlack);
+ lStatus->SetLabel(sTexts[18]);
+ while((i * w0) <= max) {
+ if((i * w0) >= min) {
+ found = 1;
+ nw = i * w0;
+ nh = i * h0;
+ /* Classify factor. */
+ cl = classifyFactor(nw, w);
+ g2 = gcd(nw, w);
+ z = nw / g2; n = w / g2;
+ dataGrid->AppendRows(1);
+ dataGrid->SetCellTextColour(lineno, 0, cBlack);
+ dataGrid->SetCellTextColour(lineno, 1, cBlack);
+ dataGrid->SetCellTextColour(lineno, 2, cBlack);
+ switch(cl) {
+ case 2: {
+ if(bUseColour) {
+ dataGrid->SetCellBackgroundColour(lineno, 2, cGreen);
+ } else {
+ dataGrid->SetCellValue(lineno, 3, sTexts[36]);
+ }
+ } break;
+ case 1: {
+ if(bUseColour) {
+ dataGrid->SetCellBackgroundColour(lineno, 2, cYellow);
+ } else {
+ dataGrid->SetCellValue(lineno, 3, sTexts[37]);
+ }
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ if(bUseColour) {
+ dataGrid->SetCellBackgroundColour(lineno, 2, cRed);
+ } else {
+ dataGrid->SetCellValue(lineno, 3, wxT(""));
+ }
+ } break;
+ }
+ if(bUseColour) {
+ dataGrid->SetCellValue(lineno, 3, wxT(""));
+ }
+ {
+ wxString sRowHead;
+ wxString sFactor;
+ wxString sWidth;
+ wxString sHeight;
+ sRowHead.Printf(wxT("%d"), (lineno + 1));
+ if(n > 1L) {
+ sFactor.Printf(wxT("%ld / %ld"), z, n);
+ } else {
+ sFactor.Printf(wxT("%ld"), z);
+ }
+ if(inverted) {
+ sWidth.Printf(wxT("%ld"), nh);
+ sHeight.Printf(wxT("%ld"), nw);
+ } else {
+ sWidth.Printf(wxT("%ld"), nw);
+ sHeight.Printf(wxT("%ld"), nh);
+ }
+ dataGrid->SetRowLabelValue(lineno, sRowHead);
+ dataGrid->SetCellValue(lineno, 0, sWidth);
+ dataGrid->SetCellValue(lineno, 1, sHeight);
+ dataGrid->SetCellValue(lineno, 2, sFactor);
+ dataGrid->SetCellAlignment(lineno, 0, wxALIGN_CENTRE, wxALIGN_CENTRE);
+ dataGrid->SetCellAlignment(lineno, 1, wxALIGN_CENTRE, wxALIGN_CENTRE);
+ dataGrid->SetCellAlignment(lineno, 2, wxALIGN_CENTRE, wxALIGN_CENTRE);
+ dataGrid->SetCellAlignment(lineno, 3, wxALIGN_CENTRE, wxALIGN_CENTRE);
+ }
+ lineno++;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ dataGrid->AutoSizeColumns();
+ dataGrid->EnableDragColSize(true);
+ if(0 == found) {
+ lStatus->SetLabel(sTexts[34]);
+ lStatus->SetForegroundColour(cDarkRed);
+ }
+ Refresh();
+ Update();
+ }
+DkWxImgszFrame::classifyFactor(long n, long o)
+ long max;
+ long min;
+ int back = 0;
+ if(n > o) {
+ max = n; min = o;
+ } else {
+ max = o; min = n;
+ }
+ if(max % min) {
+ back = 0;
+ } else {
+ back = 1;
+ max = max / min;
+ if(countBits(max) == 1) {
+ back = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ return back;
+DkWxImgszFrame::countBits(long v)
+#if DK3_SIZEOF_LONG > 2
+#if DK3_SIZEOF_LONG > 4
+ long bitmask = 0x4000000000000000L;
+ int attempts = 63;
+ long bitmask = 0x40000000L;
+ int attempts = 31;
+ long bitmask = 0x4000L;
+ int attempts = 15;
+ int back = 0;
+ while(attempts--) {
+ if(v & bitmask) {
+ back++;
+ }
+ bitmask = bitmask >> 1;
+ }
+ return back;