path: root/support/chktex/
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authorNorbert Preining <>2022-10-19 03:01:25 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2022-10-19 03:01:25 +0000
commit7b6cdf4c23e6ed232601dabc70f5553a8dee9c9b (patch)
tree608a2d05e7d0ffa5cde10be67db643ae542dc280 /support/chktex/
parent0b311348359e1406b173d9c0de4974af3e90f836 (diff)
CTAN sync 202210190301
Diffstat (limited to 'support/chktex/')
1 files changed, 989 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/chktex/ b/support/chktex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..491a5792fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/chktex/
@@ -0,0 +1,989 @@
+#### -*- conf -*- ####
+##### TODO: Do I want a TOC? Index?...
+##### TODO: Use something besides errexam?
+##### TODO: Color/frame for default value
+#### This fiie is input to a simple "tangle" process. The extions of .in is
+#### a little misleading in that it's not managed by autotools or m4. Sorry.
+#### Two different files are created from this file by calling
+#### 1. chktexrc, a self-documenting chktecrc example
+#### a. Lines with 3 (or more) leading #'s are discarded
+#### b. Other lines are kept as is
+#### 2. ChkTeXRC.tex, LaTeX documentation for chktecrc.
+#### a. Lines with 4 (or more) leading #'s are discarded
+#### b. Lines with 0 or 2 (exactly) leading #'s are discarded
+#### c. Lines with 1 or 3 (exactly) leading #'s are turned in (LaTeX-only) lines
+#### In other words
+#### 1. Lines with 1 or 3 leading #'s are included in the LaTeX
+#### documentation with the #'s stripped off
+#### 2. Lines with 0, 1 or 2 are included as is in the example
+#### chktexrc file
+#### #
+## Example resource file for ChkTeX.
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+## For more information visit
+### \subsubsection{The \rsrc\ file format}
+## chktexrc file format
+# The chktecrc file is essentially a bunch of variable assignments.
+# There are two types of variables, those that take single items and
+# those that take lists.
+# In turn, there are two types of lists, case-sensitive and case-insentive.
+# Case-sensitive lists are delimited by @verb@{@endverb@ and @verb@}@endverb@
+# while case-insensitive are delimited by @verb@[@endverb@ and @verb@]@endverb@.
+# Only some variables support case insensitive lists, since in many
+# cases it doesn't make sense and would be unnecessarily slow. Those
+# variables that @emph@do@endemph@ support case-insensitive lists will be marked as
+# such throughout the file.
+# Variables can be set with or without an equals sign. If included, the
+# @verb@=@endverb@ causes the variable to be overwritten. This is the only thing
+# that makes sense for varibles taking a single item and so we always
+# include it in that case. For list variables, omitting the equals
+# sign will cause the items in the list to be appended instead of
+# overwriting the entire list.
+# Below are all the ways in which a variable can be set. Note that lists
+# can span lines, though this is not shown here for brevity.
+### \begin{verbatim}
+# VariableName = item
+# # Overwrites
+# VariableName = { Item1 Item2 ... }
+# VariableName = [ item1 item2 ... ]
+# VariableName = { Item1 Item2 ... } [ item item ... ]
+# VariableName = [ item1 item2 ... ] { Item Item ... }
+# # Appends
+# VariableName { Item3 Item4 ... }
+# VariableName [ item3 item4 ... ]
+# VariableName { Item3 Item4 ... } [ item item ... ]
+# VariableName [ item3 item4 ... ] { Item Item ... }
+### \end{verbatim}
+# Comments begin with @verb@#@endverb@, and continue for the end of the line.
+# Blank lines plus leading and trailing spaces are ignored.
+# Items are separated by spaces.
+# Newlines are considered spaces, but can't be escaped.
+# You can use double quotes @verb@"@endverb@ to surround an item with spaces, or you can
+# escape spaces as described later.
+# Detection of tokens like @verb@}@endverb@ are somewhat context sensitve---they
+# have to be preceded by a space (or newline). This allows them to be
+# part of an item without escaping. Since some variables require such
+# characters, this generally makes life easier.
+# To include characters that might otherwise interfere, escape
+# sequences are provided. They are similar to those in C, but use
+# @verb@!@endverb@ instead of @verb@\@endverb@ for obvious reasons.
+# The entire list is below.
+### \vspace{0.5\baselineskip}
+### \begin{tabular}{p{0.2\textwidth}p{0.7\textwidth}}
+# @bf Sequence @&@ @bf Resulting character @\\@
+# @verb@! @endverb@ @&@ Space @\\@
+# @verb@!"@endverb@ @&@ @verb@"@endverb@ @\\@
+# @verb@!#@endverb@ @&@ @verb@#@endverb@ @\\@
+# @verb@!!@endverb@ @&@ @verb@!@endverb@ @\\@
+# @verb@!{@endverb@ @&@ @verb@{@endverb@ @\\@
+# @verb@!}@endverb@ @&@ @verb@}@endverb@ @\\@
+# @verb@![@endverb@ @&@ @verb@[@endverb@ @\\@
+# @verb@!]@endverb@ @&@ @verb@]@endverb@ @\\@
+# @verb@!=@endverb@ @&@ @verb@=@endverb@ @\\@
+# @verb@!b@endverb@ @&@ Backspace @\\@
+# @verb@!n@endverb@ @&@ New line @\\@
+# @verb@!r@endverb@ @&@ Carriage return @\\@
+# @verb@!t@endverb@ @&@ Tab @\\@
+# @verb@!f@endverb@ @&@ Form feed @\\@
+# @verb@!xNN@endverb@ @&@ NN must be a hexadecimal number (00 - ff),
+# both characters must be included. @\\@
+# @verb@!dNNN@endverb@ @&@ NNN must be a decimal number (000 - 255), all
+# three characters must be included.
+# Unspecified results if NNN > 377. @\\@
+# @verb@!NNN@endverb@ @&@ NNN must be a octal number (000 - 377), all
+# three characters must be included.
+# Unspecified results if NNN > 377.
+### \end{tabular}
+### \subsubsection{Settings in the \rsrc\ file}
+## Available Settings
+# All avaiable settings follow.
+## QuoteStyle
+### \medskip
+### \begin{chktexrcsimplevar}{QuoteStyle}
+# The type of quote-style you are using. There are currently two
+# styles:
+# Traditional:
+### \begin{errexam}
+# "An example," he said, "would be great."
+### \end{errexam}
+# Logical:
+### \begin{errexam}
+# "An example", he said, "would be great".
+### \end{errexam}
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+QuoteStyle = Logical
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrcsimplevar}
+## TabSize
+### \begin{chktexrcsimplevar}{TabSize}
+# The width of a tab. This is used for formatting the error message.
+# Only positive integers are allowed.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+TabSize = 8
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrcsimplevar}
+## CmdSpaceStyle
+### \medskip
+### \begin{chktexrcsimplevar}{CmdSpaceStyle}
+# How to treat a command is followed by punction. In all cases the
+# warnings are also governed by the main warning settings, namely
+# warnings 12 and 13 about interword and intersentence spacings.
+### These can be found on page~\pageref{warn:interword}.
+# If set to Ignore, then it won't print any warnings when pucntuation
+# follows a command.
+# If CmdSpaceStyle is set to InterWord, then it will print warnings
+# when interword spacing should (potentially) be used. For example,
+# without a command the following will trigger warning 12
+### \begin{errexam}
+# @verb@I've seen a UFOs, etc. in my life.@endverb@
+### \end{errexam}
+# And if set to InterWord, so will
+### \begin{errexam}
+# @verb@I've seen a UFOs, \etc. in my life.@endverb@
+### \end{errexam}
+# If set to InterSentence, then it will print warnings when
+# intersentence spacing should (potentially) be used. For example,
+# without a command the following will trigger warning 13
+### \begin{errexam}
+# @verb@I've seen an UFO! Right over there!@endverb@
+### \end{errexam}
+# And if set to InterSentence, so will
+### \begin{errexam}
+# @verb@I've seen an \UFO! Right over there!@endverb@
+### \end{errexam}
+# Setting CmdSpaceStyle to Both will cause warnings to be printed in
+# both cases.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+CmdSpaceStyle = Ignore
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrcsimplevar}
+## CmdLine
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{CmdLine}
+# Default command-line options. For instance, you might like to put
+# @verb@-v2@endverb@ here.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## UserWarn
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar*}{UserWarn}
+# Arbitrary strings to warn about. You can put here to help you find
+# your own little foibles. See also@ref@UserWarnRegex@endref@.
+# These patterns will be searched for throughout the text; regardless
+# of whether they appear as normal text, commands, in math mode, etc.
+# They are @emph@not@endemph@ found in comments.
+# Suppose you define a special command like this:
+### \begin{verbatim}
+# \def\unknown{\large\bf??}
+### \end{verbatim}
+# which you use whenever you don't have some information at the time
+# of writing. Thus, it makes sense to warn on it, and this is a
+# convenient way to do so.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ \unknown
+ # One should write \chktex or Chk\TeX - never ChkTeX.
+ ChkTeX
+[ # You may put case-insensitive patterns here.
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar*}
+## UserWarnRegex
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{UserWarnRegex}
+# A more sophisticated version of@ref@UserWarn@endref@ using regular
+# expressions. Use of these will be automatically disabled if @ChkTeX@
+# was built without regular expression support. Because @ChkTeX@ can be
+# with support for either POSIX or PCRE flavors of regular expression,
+# some of the following will not apply in all cases. An expression
+# can be defined only when PCRE is enabled by prepending the
+# expression with @verb@PCRE:@endverb@ and similarly with @verb@POSIX:@endverb@.
+# These patterns will be searched for, no matter whether they appear
+# as normal text, commands, or arguments. However, they will @emph@not@endemph@
+# match in verbatim environments (see@ref@VerbEnvir@endref@).
+# Remember that you have to escape (with a @verb@!@endverb@) the characters
+# @verb@"#!=@endverb@, as well as spaces and @verb@{}[]@endverb@ if they are
+# proceeded by a space.
+# When using PCRE regular expressions, you can use @verb@(?i)@endverb@ to make
+# the expression case insensitive. See the man pages (man pcresyntax)
+# or the nicely formatted for
+# documentation on the regular expression syntax. Note, however, that
+# some the features of perl regular expression are not available such
+# as running code (callouts), and replacing.
+# An initial PCRE-style comment @verb@(?# ... )@endverb@ can be used
+# to change what is displayed, thereby reminding yourself how to fix
+# the problem. This works even for POSIX expressions.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ (?!#Always! use! \nmid)\\not! *(\||\\mid)
+ # Capitalize section when saying Section 6.
+ (?!#-1:Capitalize! before! references)PCRE:\b(chapter|(sub)?section|theorem|lemma|proposition|corollary|appendix)~\\ref
+ (?!#1:Capitalize! before! references)POSIX:([^[:alnum:]]|^)(chapter|(sub)?section|theorem|lemma|proposition|corollary|appendix)~\\ref
+ # Spell it introduction
+ # PCRE:(?i)\bintro\b(?!#Spell! it! out.! This! comment! is! not! used.)
+ # POSIX:([^[:alnum:]]|^)intro([^[:alnum:]]|$)
+ # Pretty tables--see
+ (?!#-2:Use! \toprule,! midrule,! or! \bottomrule! from! booktabs)\\hline
+ # This relies on it being on a single line, and not having anything
+ # else on that line. With PCRE we could match balanced [] and {},
+ # but I wonder if it's worth the complexity...
+ (?!#-2:Vertical! rules! in! tables! are! ugly)\\begin\{(array|tabularx?\*?)\}(\[.*\])?\{.*\|.*\}
+ (?!#-3:Optional! arguments! []! inside! optional! arguments! []! must! be! enclosed! in! {})\[(?!![^\]\[{}]*{(?!![^\]\[{}]*}))[^\]]*\[
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## TeXInputs
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{TeXInputs}
+# A list of paths where @ChkTeX@ should look for files it @verb@\input@endverb@s.
+# By default, the current directory is searched (not recursively, use
+# @verb@//@endverb@ for that, see below).
+# A @verb@//@endverb@ postfix is supported:
+# if you append a double path-separator we'll recursively search that
+# directory's directories. MS-DOS users must append @verb@\\@endverb@
+# instead, e.g. @verb@C:\EMTEX\\@endverb@. In order to search an
+# entire directory tree, you must use @emph@three@endemph@ slashes,
+# e.g. @verb@c:\\\@endverb@ or @verb@///@endverb@.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## OutFormat
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{OutFormat}
+# Output formats which can be selected from the command-line. The
+# @verb@-v@endverb@ option simply indexes into this list. By default, entry number
+# @emph@two@endemph@ in this list is chosen (counting from 0), and @verb@-v@endverb@
+# without any parameter selects entry number @emph@three@endemph@.
+# For explanation of the @verb@%@endverb@ format specifiers see the
+# documentation of the @verb@--format@endverb@ command-line argument
+### \begin{comment}
+# in the manual.
+### \end{comment}
+### on page~\pageref{clarg:format}.
+# Recall that to use @verb@!@endverb@ is the escape character, not @verb@\@endverb@.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ # -v0; silent mode
+ %f%b%l%b%c%b%n%b%m!n
+ # -v1; normal mode
+ "%k %n in %f line %l: %m!n%r%s%t!n%u!n"
+ # -v2; fancy mode
+ "%k %n in %f line %l: %m!n%r%i%s%I%t!n!n"
+ # -v3; lacheck mode
+ "!"%f!", line %l: %m!n"
+ # -v4; verbose lacheck mode
+ "!"%f!", line %l: %m!n%r%s%t!n%u!n"
+ # -v5; no line number, ease auto-test
+ "%k %n in %f: %m!n%r%s%t!n%u!n"
+ # -v6; emacs compilation mode
+ "!"%f!", line %l.%c:(#%n) %m!n"
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## Silent
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar*}{Silent}
+# Commands which should not trigger a warning if terminated by a space.
+# This warning will not trigger in math mode.
+# You can also specify regular expressions in the @verb@[]@endverb@
+# section in case you have many custom macros that can be safely
+# terminated with a space.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ \rm \em \bf \it \sl \sf \sc \tt \selectfont
+ \rmfamily \sffamily \ttfamily \mdseries \bfseries \itshape
+ \slshape \scshape \relax
+ \vskip \pagebreak \nopagebreak
+ \textrm \textem \textbf \textit \textsl \textsf \textsc \texttt
+ \clearpage \ddots \dotfill \flushbottom \fussy \indent \linebreak
+ \onecolumn \pagebreak \pushtabs \poptabs \scriptsize \sloppy
+ \twocolumn \vdots
+ \today \kill \newline \thicklines \thinlines
+ \columnsep \space \item \tiny \footnotesize \small \normalsize
+ \normal \large \Large \LARGE \huge \Huge \printindex
+ \newpage \listoffigures \listoftables \tableofcontents
+ \maketitle \makeindex
+ \hline \hrule \vrule
+ \centering
+ \noindent \expandafter
+ \makeatletter \makeatother
+ \columnseprule
+ \textwidth \textheight \hsize \vsize
+ \if \fi \else
+ \csname \endcsname
+ \z@ \p@ \@warning \typeout
+ \dots \ldots \input \endinput \nextline \leavevmode \cdots
+ \appendix \listfiles \and \quad \bigskip \medskip \smallskip
+ \hskip \vfill \vfil \hfill \hfil \topmargin \oddsidemargin
+ \frenchspacing \nonfrenchspacing
+ \begingroup \endgroup \par
+ \vrefwarning \upshape \headheight \headsep \hoffset \voffset
+ \cdot \qquad \left \right \qedhere \xspace
+ \addlinespace \cr \fill \frontmatter
+ \toprule \midrule \bottomrule
+ # Here you can put regular expressions to match Silent macros. It
+ # was designed for use with many custom macros sharing a common
+ # prefix, but can of course be used for other things.
+ # Support ConTeXt to at least some extent
+ \\start.* \\stop.*
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar*}
+## HyphDash
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{HyphDash}
+# The number of dashes allowed between two alphabetic characters.
+# Use 0 to always return an error. For example:
+### \begin{errexam}
+# foo-bar @\\@
+# Use of two--dashes is not usually allowed in English. @\\@
+# like this---see?
+### \end{errexam}
+# For English, this will often be a single dash (hyphen). If you like
+# m-dashes with no spaces between them and the surrounding words, then
+# it should include 3 as well. There @emph@are@endemph@ cases when an n-dash
+# is valid between two alphabetic characters. See@ref@DashExcpt@endref@.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+HyphDash { 1 3 }
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## NumDash
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{NumDash}
+# The number of dashes allowed between two numeric characters.
+# Use 0 to always return an error. This does @emph@not@endemph@ apply in
+# math mode. For example:
+### \begin{errexam}
+# 123--456 is a range @\\@
+# $12-4$ \% okay because it's in math mode
+### \end{errexam}
+# For English, this should be 2 because an n-dash is used to indicate
+# a range of numbers and subtraction should be in math mode where this
+# does not apply.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+NumDash { 2 }
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## WordDash
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{WordDash}
+# The number of dashes allowed between two space characters.
+# Use 0 to always return an error. For example:
+### \begin{errexam}
+# not like - this, @\\@
+# or like -- this. @\\@
+# like this --- see?
+### \end{errexam}
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+WordDash { 3 }
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## DashExcpt
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{DashExcpt}
+# Exceptions to the dash rules above. For example, an n-dash
+# @verb@--@endverb@ between words is usually wrong, but in some cases it is correct,
+# such as when naming a theorem. The Birch--Swinnerton-Dyer
+# conjecture is one example where the difference matters. You can
+# tell that Birch is one person and Swinnerton-Dyer is another based
+# on the dashes used.
+# Adding line suppressions for these is possible, but can quickly
+# become tedious if a certain theorem is referenced often. For this
+# reason exceptions can be specified here. They are case-sensitive.
+# Unfortunately, there are no warnings if the dashes are surrounded by differing
+# types of characters. For example:
+### \begin{errexam}
+# like this ---see? (space and alphabet) @\\@
+# a--123 (number and alphabet) @\\@
+# a.--b. (other character, namely @verb@.@endverb@)
+### \end{errexam}
+# Similarly, no warnings are issued if the hyphenation is correct,
+# according to the other rules, for example:
+### \begin{errexam}
+# Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer
+### \end{errexam}
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ Birch--Swinnerton-Dyer
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## WipeArg
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{WipeArg}
+# Commands whose arguments aren't @LaTeX@ code, and thus should be
+# ignored.
+# After the command, you may place arguments (separated from the
+# command with a colon) that should be wiped. Use @verb@[]@endverb@ for optional
+# arguments, @verb@{}@endverb@ for required ones, and @verb@*@endverb@ if the command supports a
+# star variant. Some commands (e.g.\@ @verb@\cmidrule@endverb@) use @verb@()@endverb@ to
+# delimit an optional argument and so this syntax is supported as well.
+# For instance, if you would like to wipe the @verb@\newcommand@endverb@ command,
+# you would declare it as @verb@\newcommand:*[][]{}@endverb@ since it has a
+# star variant, two optional arguments, and one required argument.
+# These commands may be ``evaluated'' before they're wiped, so you will
+# typically list filehandling commands and similar here.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ \label:{} \ref:{} \eqref:{} \vref:{} \pageref:{} \index:[]{}
+ \cite:[][]{} \nocite:{}
+ \input:{} \verbatiminput:[]{} \listinginput:[]{}{}
+ \graphicspath:{}
+ \verbatimtabinput:[]{} \include:{} \includeonly:{}
+ \bibitem:[]{}
+ \cline:{} \cmidrule:[](){}
+ \href:{}{}
+ # Cleveref -- there are many others that could be here as well...
+ \cref:*{} \cpageref:*{} \crefrange:*{}{} \cpagerefrange:*{}{}
+ \Cref:*{} \Cpageref:*{} \Crefrange:*{}{} \Cpagerefrange:*{}{}
+ # natbib
+ \citet:*[][]{} \citep:*[][]{} \citealt:*{} \citealp:*[]{} \citeauthor:*{}
+ \Citet:*[][]{} \Citep:*[][]{} \Citealt:*{} \Citealp:*[]{} \Citeauthor:{}
+ \citetext:{} \citeyear:*{} \citeyearpar:{}
+ # biblatex - not including special commands
+ \autocite:*[][]{} \autocites:*[][]{} \Autocite:*[][]{} \Autocites:*[][]{}
+ \parencite:*[][]{} \parencites:*[][]{} \Parencite:*[][]{} \Parencites:*[][]{}
+ \footcite:*{} \footcites:*[][]{} \Footcite:*[][]{} \Footcites:*[][]{}
+ \textcite:*{} \textcites:*[][]{} \Textcite:*[][]{} \Textcites:*[][]{}
+ \citeauthor:*{} \citeauthors:*[][]{} \Citeauthor:*[][]{} \Citeauthors:*[][]{}
+ \citeyear:*{} \citeyears:*[][]{} \Citeyear:*[][]{} \Citeyears:*[][]{}
+ \citetitle:*{} \citetitles:*[][]{} \Citetitle:*[][]{} \Citetitles:*[][]{}
+ # tipa which uses "
+ \textipa:{}
+ # LuaTeX
+ \directlua:{} \luaescapestring:{}
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## MathEnvir
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{MathEnvir}
+# Environments which typeset their contents as mathematics.
+# This turns on/off some warnings.
+# A @verb@*@endverb@ variant is automatically added for each keyword.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ displaymath math eqnarray array equation
+ align alignat gather flalign multline
+ dmath dgroup darray
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## TextEnvir
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{TextEnvir}
+# Environments which typeset their contents as text, for use inside
+# mathematics. This turns on/off some warnings.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ dsuspend
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## MathCmd
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{MathCmd}
+# Commands whose argument will be typeset as mathematics.
+# The commands are assumed to have one mandatory argument which is in
+# math mode. This turns on/off some warnings.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ \ensuremath
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## TextCmd
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{TextCmd}
+# Commands whose argument will @emph@not@endemph@ be typeset as
+# mathematics even if it would otherwise be in math mode.
+# The commands are assumed to have one mandatory argument which is in
+# text mode. This turns on/off some warnings.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ \text \intertext \shortintertext \mbox \condition
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## VerbEnvir
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{VerbEnvir}
+# Environments containing non-@LaTeX@ content of some kind, and
+# therefore should not trigger any warnings.
+# A @verb@*@endverb@ variant is automatically added for each keyword.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ verbatim comment listing verbatimtab rawhtml errexam picture texdraw
+ filecontents pgfpicture tikzpicture minted lstlisting IPA
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## Abbrev
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar*}{Abbrev}
+# Abbreviations not automatically handled by @ChkTeX@.
+# @ChkTeX@ automagically catches most abbreviations; the ones we need to
+# list here, are those which are most likely to be followed by a word
+# with an upper-case letter which is not the beginning of a new
+# sentence.
+# The case-insensitive abbreviations are not fully case-insensitive.
+# Rather, only the first character is case-insensitive, while the
+# remaining characters are case-sensitive.
+# To speed up the searching process somewhat, we require that these
+# end in a @verb@.@endverb@ which should not be a problem in practice.
+# Much of this work (both the abbreviations below, and the regular
+# expressions necessary to catch the remaining automatically) have
+# been provided by Russ Bubley, <>.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ # Ordinals
+ 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th.
+ # Titles
+ Mr. Mrs. Miss. Ms. Dr. Prof. St.
+ #
+ # Days
+ # Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun.
+ #
+ # Months
+ # Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
+ #
+ # Letters
+ # Kt. Jr.
+ #
+ # Corporate
+ # Co. Ltd.
+ #
+ # Addresses
+ # Rd. Dr. St. Ave. Cres. Gdns. Sq. Circ. Terr. Pl. Arc. La. Clo. Ho. Est. Gn.
+ #
+ # Misc.
+ # oe. pbab. ps. rsvp. Tx.
+ # The first letter is case-insensitive in the abbrevs in this
+ # list. Due to the nature of the checking algorithm used for
+ # this, entries consisting of only one character will be
+ # silently ignored.
+ #
+ # Latin
+ # cf. "et al." etc. qed. qv. viz.
+ #
+ # Corporate
+ # inc. plc.
+ #
+ # Misc
+ # fax. pcs. qty. tel. misc.
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar*}
+## IJAccent
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{IJAccent}
+# Commands which add accents above characters. This means that @verb@\i@endverb@ or @verb@\j@endverb@
+# (@verb@\imath@endverb@ and @verb@\jmath@endverb@ in mathmode) should be used instead of @verb@i@endverb@ and @verb@j@endverb@.
+# Other accent commands such as @verb@\c@endverb@, @verb@\d@endverb@, and @verb@\b@endverb@, put their accent under
+# the character, and thus should be used with normal @verb@i@endverb@s and @verb@j@endverb@s.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ \hat \check \breve \acute \grave \tilde \bar \vec \dot \ddot
+ \' \` \^ \" \~ \= \. \u \v \H \t
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## Italic
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{Italic}
+# Commands which need italic correction when the group is terminated.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ \it \em \sl \itshape \slshape
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## NonItalic
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{NonItalic}
+# Commands which makes the font non-italic.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ \bf \rm \sf \tt \sc
+ \upshape
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## ItalCmd
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{ItalCmd}
+# Commands which put their argument into italic (and thus possibly
+# needs italic correction in the end).
+# This is currently empty, since @verb@\textit@endverb@, @verb@\textsl@endverb@, and @verb@\emph@endverb@
+# automatically add italic corecction.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## PostLink
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{PostLink}
+# Commands in front of which a page break is highly undesirable.
+# Thus there should be no space in front of them.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ \index \label
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## NotPreSpaced
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{NotPreSpaced}
+# Commands that should not have a space in front of them for various
+# reasons. Much the same as@ref@PostLink@endref@, but produces a different warning.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ \footnote \footnotemark \/
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## Linker
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{Linker}
+# Commands that should be prepended with a @verb@~@endverb@. For example
+### \begin{errexam}
+# @verb@look in table~\ref{foo}@endverb@
+### \end{errexam}
+# to avoid the references being split across lines.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ \ref \vref \pageref \eqref \cite
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## CenterDots
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{CenterDots}
+# Commands or characters which should have @verb@\cdots@endverb@ in between.
+# For example, $1+2+3+\cdots+n$.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ = + - \cdot \div & \times \geq \leq < >
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## LowDots
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{LowDots}
+# Commands or characters which should have @verb@\ldots@endverb@ in between.
+# For example, $1,2,3,\ldots,n$.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ . , ;
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## MathRoman
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{MathRoman}
+# Words that should appear in roman (upright) in math mode. There are
+# certain aliases for mathematical operators (like sin or cos) that
+# appear in roman rather than the usual italic (slanted) font.
+# These entries do not need a leading slash since the mistake is often
+# to @emph@not@endemph@ include the leading slash.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ log lg ln lim limsup liminf sin arcsin sinh cos arccos cosh tan
+ arctan tanh cot coth sec csc max min sup inf arg ker dim hom det
+ exp Pr gcd deg bmod pmod mod
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## Primitives
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{Primitives}
+# Commands that are used in @TeX@ but have become unnecessary in
+# @LaTeX@, as there are @LaTeX@ commands which do the same. Purists
+# should thus avoid these in their code.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ \above \advance \catcode \chardef \closein \closeout \copy \count
+ \countdef \cr \crcr \csname \delcode \dimendef \dimen \divide
+ \expandafter \font \hskip \vskip \openout
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## NoCharNext
+### \begin{chktexrclistvar}{NoCharNext}
+# Commands and a set of characters that should @emph@not@endemph@ follow them. For
+# example, in math mode, @verb@\left@endverb@ should be followed by a delimiter
+# which is to change size. Therefore, it should not be followed by the
+# end of math mode @verb@$@endverb@ or a grouping character @verb@{@endverb@ or @verb@}@endverb@.
+# The format is @verb@\command:characters@endverb@.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+ \left:{}$ \right:{}$
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrclistvar}
+## VerbClear
+### \begin{chktexrcsimplevar}{VerbClear}
+# The character to replace verbatim text with.
+# The arguments of commands listed in@ref@WipeArg@endref@, as well as
+# @verb@\verb+...+@endverb@ commands, are replaced with an innocuous character
+# to prevent that data from inadvertantly producing a warning.
+# This should not contain an alphabetic character (in case the user
+# writes (@verb@\foo\verb+bar+@endverb@), neither should it contain be one of
+# @LaTeX@'s reserved characters (@verb@#$%&~_^\{}@endverb@), or any parenthesis
+# character (@verb@()[]{}@endverb@). If possible, don't use a punctuation
+# character or any spacing characters either. All of these characters
+# have warnings associated with them and thus could cause spurious
+# warnings to appear.
+# The asterisk is also unsuitable, as some commands behave in another
+# way if they are appended with an asterisk. Which more or less
+# leaves us with the pipe.
+# Please note that this may also be a @verb@string@endverb@, which will be
+# repeated until the proper length is reached.
+### \chktexrcdefault\begin{verbatim}
+VerbClear = "|"
+### \end{verbatim}
+### \end{chktexrcsimplevar}
+## That's all for now - Happy @LaTeX@ing!