path: root/support/biblio/EXAMPLES/2sorts
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/biblio/EXAMPLES/2sorts
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/biblio/EXAMPLES/2sorts')
4 files changed, 1604 insertions, 0 deletions
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+\title{Comb copolymer brush with chemically different side chains}
+An investigation of side chain microphase separation
+within a single comb copolymer molecule containing chemically different
+$A$ and $B$ side chains has been carried out. Expressions for the
+transition point $\chi_{AB}^*$ in a
+good ($\chi_{AB}^* \sim N^{-3/8}$),
+marginal ($\chi_{AB}^* \sim N^{-1/2}$),
+$\theta$ ($\chi_{AB}^* \sim N^{-2/3}$),
+and poor ($\chi_{AB}^* \sim N^{-1}$)
+solvent are derived
+both by a mean field calculation and by scaling arguments.
+Properties of the system below and above the transition point are
+Some unusual ``bow-like'' conformations are predicted for a single
+molecule in the microphase separated state in a good solvent.
+The conformational characteristics of individual comb copolymers with a
+high grafting density of side chains in solution has been addressed in a
+series of theoretical papers
+to begin with the original work of
+Birshtein et al \cite{Birshtein}.
+Irrespective of the solvent quality, be it a good
+solvent or a $\theta$-solvent, all theories predict a cylindrical
+brush-like structure for sufficiently long side chains. The pertinent
+parameters are the side chain grafting density, the side chain length,
+the intrinsic stiffness of the backbone and the side chains (the
+respective Kuhn segments) and the solvent quality with respect to the
+side chains and the backbone. The conformation is characterized by a
+number of quantities, the persistence length of the comb copolymer brush
+being most important. For sufficiently long side chains the persistence
+length is predicted to exceed the backbone length, thus resulting in a
+characteristic cylindrical "bottle-brush" structure. Subsequent computer
+simulations using a freely jointed hard sphere model essentially
+confirmed this picture
+The experimental investigation of comb copolymers with a high grafting
+density has assumed large proportions after the successful
+polymerization of macromonomers, yielding degrees of polymerization
+significantly exceeding the length of the macromonomer itself, by
+Tsukahara and coworkers
+Besides polymerization of macromonomers
+alternative routes have been developed recently using grafting from a
+macroinitiator prepared by either atom-transfer radical polymerization
+or by living cationic polymerization
+Using atom transfer
+radical polymerization molecular brushes with block copolymer side
+chains have been prepared as well.
+The experimental characterization of the comb copolymer brush
+conformation in dilute solution is a highly nontrivial issue. It was
+achieved recently by Schmidt and co-workers
+using a combination
+of light scattering experiments and theoretical modeling. Since the high
+grafting density is supposed to lead to a stiff molecular structure, the
+modeling has been based on the Kratky-Porod worm-like chain model.
+For high molar mass polymacromonomers based on methacryloyl
+end-functionalized oligo methacrylates ($M_n = 2410~g/mole$) in the good
+solvent THF, the Kuhn statistical segment length, which is twice the
+persistence length, turned out to be $120~nm$. For polymacromonomers
+($M_n = 3624~g/mole$) consisting of polystyrene main and side chains this
+value was $190~nm$ in the good solvent toluene and $120~nm$ in the
+"$\theta$-solvent" cyclohexane.
+At the same time one of the most challenging problems in
+the polymer physics is a description of a microphase
+formation in copolymer systems.
+Theoretically, self-organization in block copolymer systems has
+a lot of attention during the last decades and a fairly complete picture
+has emerged for the
+relatively simple diblock copolymers.
+As a consequence, the interest gradually shifts towards more
+complicated architectures such as comb or graft copolymers
+The discussion of structure formation in comb copolymers using the weak
+segregation limit has been presented in some detail. Compared to diblock
+copolymers the description is only slightly complicated by the fact that
+the single chain correlation functions are more involved. Phase diagrams
+of various comb copolymer systems have been published. Although
+different in details, the general trends are the same as for diblock
+copolymers. Of course, rather than the overall chain length, it is the
+length of the "repeat unit" that determines the order-disorder
+transition temperature as well as the characteristic length scale of the
+ordered structures.
+The application of the weak segregation approach, however, requires a
+relatively low
+grafting density such that the distance between two
+consecutive grafting points along the backbone is at least of the order
+of the Flory radius of the side chains. If the grafting density of comb
+copolymers is very high, the structure in the melt will usually involve
+segregation between individual molecules. Even if the incompatibility
+between backbone and side chains is high, the high grafting density may
+well prevent segregation of several backbones. Furthermore, a high
+grafting density combined with long side chains implies the volume
+fraction of the backbone to be of the order of 0.1 or lower, not
+necessarily the most interesting part of the melt phase diagram.
+Still, microphase separation may occur provided chemically different
+side chains are used. In this case unfavorable interaction between the
+side chains may lead to a micro domain
+structure within a single molecule. The present paper is devoted to this
+The main objective is to identify conditions for "microphase separation"
+of side chains of two
+different types within a single comb copolymer molecule under different
+solvent conditions.
+The paper is organized as follows. The next section describes the
+self-consistent field approach to a molecule with a straight
+backbone and chemically different side chains. We show the possibility
+of side chain separation
+within the molecule and discuss the limits of the theory's
+The subsequent section is devoted to possible unusual behavior
+of comb copolymer molecules with a flexible backbone and
+microphase separated side chains. Then all results are summarized and
+discussed in the last section.
+\section{Useful literature (not from the article)}
+Very interesting and useful books on this subject (polymers) are
+\cite{bookdeGennesScalingConcepts,GrosKhokh,bookCloizeaux} or more specific
+books devoted to peculiarities if comb copolymers behavior
+Still unpublished works, like \cite{FischerSchmidt}, can be very helpful too.
+Thesis \cite{thesisHyvarinen} is a good reading too!
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+%% This is an example of a TeX file with formats
+%% included into the header of the document.
+%% To run it you have to do something like:
+%% -o 2sorts_formats.1.tex -d refers.db 2sorts_formats.tex
+%% or
+%% -o 2sorts_formats.1.tex -d refers.db --nobibitem --uselist 2sorts_formats.tex
+%% if you want a really well formatted citation list
+%% and then
+%% latex 2sorts_formats.1.tex
+%% to get 2sorts_formats.1.dvi
+%% this is copyed from the template for Macromolecules
+%% no ordering of the references is needed. Otherwise add line
+%% '%ordering= AUTHORL'
+%% normal article:
+% ARTICLE [$AUTHOR0P~L,~F~M; $ {\it $JOURNAL$} {\bf $YEAR$}, {\it $VOL$}, $PAGE$.]
+%% article which is submitted or accepted
+%% normal book
+% BOOK [$AUTHOR0P~L,~F~M; $ {\it $TITLE$}; $PUBL$: $PLACE$, $YEAR$.]
+%% article in a book AUTHORE, AUTHORG and AUTHORH - last, first
+%% and middle names of the editor
+% EDBOOK [$AUTHOR0P~L,~F~M; $ in {\it $BOOKTITLE$}, edited by $AUTHOR0I~E,~G~H;$; $PUBL$: $PLACE$, $YEAR$.]
+%% article in a book without editor
+% INBOOK [$AUTHOR0P~L,~F~M; $ in {\it $BOOKTITLE$}, p.$PAGE$ $PUBL$: $PLACE$, $YEAR$.]
+% EPRINT [$AUTHOR0P~L,~F~M; $ in {\it $BOOKTITLE$} $INFO$, $YEAR$.]
+%% Thesis
+% THESIS [$AUTHOR0P~L,~F~M; $ {\it $SORT$}; $UNIV$: $PLACE$, $YEAR$.]
+\title{Comb copolymer brush with chemically different side chains}
+An investigation of side chain microphase separation
+within a single comb copolymer molecule containing chemically different
+$A$ and $B$ side chains has been carried out. Expressions for the
+transition point $\chi_{AB}^*$ in a
+good ($\chi_{AB}^* \sim N^{-3/8}$),
+marginal ($\chi_{AB}^* \sim N^{-1/2}$),
+$\theta$ ($\chi_{AB}^* \sim N^{-2/3}$),
+and poor ($\chi_{AB}^* \sim N^{-1}$)
+solvent are derived
+both by a mean field calculation and by scaling arguments.
+Properties of the system below and above the transition point are
+Some unusual ``bow-like'' conformations are predicted for a single
+molecule in the microphase separated state in a good solvent.
+The conformational characteristics of individual comb copolymers with a
+high grafting density of side chains in solution has been addressed in a
+series of theoretical papers
+to begin with the original work of
+Birshtein et al \cite{Birshtein}.
+Irrespective of the solvent quality, be it a good
+solvent or a $\theta$-solvent, all theories predict a cylindrical
+brush-like structure for sufficiently long side chains. The pertinent
+parameters are the side chain grafting density, the side chain length,
+the intrinsic stiffness of the backbone and the side chains (the
+respective Kuhn segments) and the solvent quality with respect to the
+side chains and the backbone. The conformation is characterized by a
+number of quantities, the persistence length of the comb copolymer brush
+being most important. For sufficiently long side chains the persistence
+length is predicted to exceed the backbone length, thus resulting in a
+characteristic cylindrical "bottle-brush" structure. Subsequent computer
+simulations using a freely jointed hard sphere model essentially
+confirmed this picture
+The experimental investigation of comb copolymers with a high grafting
+density has assumed large proportions after the successful
+polymerization of macromonomers, yielding degrees of polymerization
+significantly exceeding the length of the macromonomer itself, by
+Tsukahara and coworkers
+Besides polymerization of macromonomers
+alternative routes have been developed recently using grafting from a
+macroinitiator prepared by either atom-transfer radical polymerization
+or by living cationic polymerization
+Using atom transfer
+radical polymerization molecular brushes with block copolymer side
+chains have been prepared as well.
+The experimental characterization of the comb copolymer brush
+conformation in dilute solution is a highly nontrivial issue. It was
+achieved recently by Schmidt and co-workers
+using a combination
+of light scattering experiments and theoretical modeling. Since the high
+grafting density is supposed to lead to a stiff molecular structure, the
+modeling has been based on the Kratky-Porod worm-like chain model.
+For high molar mass polymacromonomers based on methacryloyl
+end-functionalized oligo methacrylates ($M_n = 2410~g/mole$) in the good
+solvent THF, the Kuhn statistical segment length, which is twice the
+persistence length, turned out to be $120~nm$. For polymacromonomers
+($M_n = 3624~g/mole$) consisting of polystyrene main and side chains this
+value was $190~nm$ in the good solvent toluene and $120~nm$ in the
+"$\theta$-solvent" cyclohexane.
+At the same time one of the most challenging problems in
+the polymer physics is a description of a microphase
+formation in copolymer systems.
+Theoretically, self-organization in block copolymer systems has
+a lot of attention during the last decades and a fairly complete picture
+has emerged for the
+relatively simple diblock copolymers.
+As a consequence, the interest gradually shifts towards more
+complicated architectures such as comb or graft copolymers
+The discussion of structure formation in comb copolymers using the weak
+segregation limit has been presented in some detail. Compared to diblock
+copolymers the description is only slightly complicated by the fact that
+the single chain correlation functions are more involved. Phase diagrams
+of various comb copolymer systems have been published. Although
+different in details, the general trends are the same as for diblock
+copolymers. Of course, rather than the overall chain length, it is the
+length of the "repeat unit" that determines the order-disorder
+transition temperature as well as the characteristic length scale of the
+ordered structures.
+The application of the weak segregation approach, however, requires a
+relatively low
+grafting density such that the distance between two
+consecutive grafting points along the backbone is at least of the order
+of the Flory radius of the side chains. If the grafting density of comb
+copolymers is very high, the structure in the melt will usually involve
+segregation between individual molecules. Even if the incompatibility
+between backbone and side chains is high, the high grafting density may
+well prevent segregation of several backbones. Furthermore, a high
+grafting density combined with long side chains implies the volume
+fraction of the backbone to be of the order of 0.1 or lower, not
+necessarily the most interesting part of the melt phase diagram.
+Still, microphase separation may occur provided chemically different
+side chains are used. In this case unfavorable interaction between the
+side chains may lead to a micro domain
+structure within a single molecule. The present paper is devoted to this
+The main objective is to identify conditions for "microphase separation"
+of side chains of two
+different types within a single comb copolymer molecule under different
+solvent conditions.
+The paper is organized as follows. The next section describes the
+self-consistent field approach to a molecule with a straight
+backbone and chemically different side chains. We show the possibility
+of side chain separation
+within the molecule and discuss the limits of the theory's
+The subsequent section is devoted to possible unusual behavior
+of comb copolymer molecules with a flexible backbone and
+microphase separated side chains. Then all results are summarized and
+discussed in the last section.
+\section{Useful literature (not from the article)}
+Very interesting and useful books on this subject (polymers) are
+\cite{bookdeGennesScalingConcepts,GrosKhokh,bookCloizeaux} or more specific
+books devoted to peculiarities if comb copolymers behavior
+Still unpublished works, like \cite{FischerSchmidt}, can be very helpful too.
+Thesis \cite{thesisHyvarinen} is a good reading too!
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100755
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+VLEVEL="1" #verbosity level
+echo $OUTTEX
+if [ $JOURNAL = "physreve" ]
+ "$PREFIX" -v $VLEVEL -o $OUTTEX -d $REFS -f $FORMATS --nobibitem --uselist $TEXFILE
+latex $OUTTEX
+latex $OUTTEX
+#rm *.aux *.log *~ \ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/biblio/EXAMPLES/2sorts/refers.db
@@ -0,0 +1,1186 @@
+LABEL = thesisHyvarinen
+TYPE = thesis
+AUTHORL = Hyv\"arinen
+SORT = Licentiate Thesis
+UNIV = University of Helsinki
+PLACE = Helsinki
+YEAR = 1997
+URL =
+LABEL = Brinke4
+TYPE = edbook
+AUTHORP = |ten
+AUTHORL = Ikkala|Brinke
+BOOKTITLE= Handbook of Advanced Electronic and Photonic Materials and Devices, Part 8 Conducting Polymers
+AUTHORE = Nalwa
+AUTHORH = Singh
+PAGE = 185
+PUBL = Academic Press
+YEAR = 2000
+LABEL = bookMcArdle
+TYPE = edbook
+AUTHORL = Warner
+TITLE = The physical principles of side chain polymer liquid crystals
+BOOKTITLE= Side Chain Liquid Crystal Polymers
+AUTHORE = McArdle
+PUBL = Blackie
+PLACE = Glasgow and London
+YEAR = 1989
+PAGE = 7
+EPAGE = 29
+LABEL = bookdeGennesLiqCryst
+TYPE = book
+AUTHORL = Gennes
+TITLE = The Physics of Liquid Crystals
+PUBL = Clarendon Press
+PLACE = Oxford
+YEAR = 1974
+LABEL = bookdeGennesScalingConcepts
+TYPE = book
+AUTHORL = Gennes
+TITLE = Scaling Concepts in Polymer Physics
+PUBL = Cornell University Press
+PLACE = Ithaca
+YEAR = 1985
+PAGES = 325
+LABEL = bookPlate
+TYPE = book
+AUTHORL = Plate|Shibaev
+TITLE = Comb-Shaped Polymers and Liquid Crystals
+PUBL = Plenum Press
+PLACE = New York and London
+YEAR = 1987
+PAGES = 415
+LABEL = GrosKhokh
+TYPE = book
+AUTHORL = Grosberg|Khokhlov
+AUTHORM = Yu. |R.
+TITLE = Statistical Physics of Macromolecules
+PUBL = American Institute of Physics
+PLACE = New York
+YEAR = 1994
+LABEL = Landau
+TYPE = book
+AUTHORL = Landau|Lifshits
+TITLE = Statistical Physics
+PUBL = Pergamon
+PLACE = Oxford
+YEAR = 1980
+LABEL = bookLipatovNesterov
+TYPE = book
+AUTHORL = Lipatov|Nesterov
+TITLE = Thermodynamics of Polymer Blends
+PUBL = Technomic
+PLACE = Lancaster, Basel
+YEAR = 1997
+LABEL = bookCloizeaux
+TYPE = book
+AUTHORP = des
+AUTHORL = Cloizeaux|Jannink
+TITLE = Polymers in Solutions: Their modelling and Structure
+PUBL = Clarendon Press
+PLACE = Oxford
+YEAR = 1990
+PAGES = 896
+LABEL = LifshitzGrosbergKhokhlov1
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Lifshitz|Grosberg|Khokhlov
+AUTHORF = I. |A. |A.
+AUTHORM = M. |Yu. |R.
+JOURNAL = Rev. Mod. Phys.
+VOL = 50
+PAGE = 683
+EPAGE = 713
+YEAR = 1978
+TITLE = Some problems of the statistical physics of polymer chains with volume interaction
+URL = RevModPhys_LifshitsGrosbergKhokhlov1978.pdf
+LABEL = Vasilevskaya
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORP = | | | |ten
+AUTHORL = Vasilevskaya|Klochkov|Khalatur|Khokhlov|Brinke
+AUTHORF = V. |A. |P. |A. |G.
+AUTHORM = V. |A. |G. |R. |
+TITLE = Microphase separation within comb-like copolymer with attractive side-chains: computer simulations
+JOURNAL = Macromol. Theory and Simul.
+VOL = 10
+PAGE = 389
+EPAGE = 394
+YEAR = 2001
+URL = vasilevskaya_attractive.pdf
+LABEL = Helfand1
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Helfand|Wasserman
+JOURNAL = Macromolecules
+VOL = 9
+PAGE = 879
+YEAR = 1976
+LABEL = Tsukahara0
+TYPE = edbook
+AUTHORL = Tsukahara
+BOOKTITLE=Macromolecular Design: Concept and Practice
+AUTHORE = Mishra
+PAGE = 161
+EPAGE = 227
+PUBL = Polymer Frontiers International Inc.
+PLACE = New York
+YEAR = 1993
+LABEL = Schmidt
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Tsukahara|Tsutsumi|Yamashita|Shimada
+AUTHORF = Y. |K. |S. |S.
+JOURNAL = Macromolecules
+VOL = 23
+PAGE = 5201
+YEAR = 1990
+LABEL = Tsukahara2
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Tsukahara|Mizuno|Segawa|Yamashita
+AUTHORF = Y. |K. |A. |Y.
+JOURNAL = Macromolecules
+VOL = 22
+PAGE = 1546
+EPAGE = 1552
+YEAR = 1989
+LABEL = Tsukahara3
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Tsukahara|Tsutsumi|Yamashita
+AUTHORF = Y. |K. |Y.
+JOURNAL = Macromolecules
+VOL = 22
+PAGE = 2869
+EPAGE = 2871
+YEAR = 1989
+LABEL = Ballauff
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Ballauff
+JOURNAL = Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl.
+VOL = 28
+PAGE = 253
+YEAR = 1989
+LABEL = Antonietti
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Antonietti|Henke|Th\"unemann
+AUTHORF = M. |S. |A.
+AUTHORM = | |F.
+TITLE = Highly Ordered Materials with Ultra-Low Surface Energies. Polyelectrolyte-Surfactant Complexes with Fluorinated Surfactants
+JOURNAL = Adv. Mater.
+VOL = 8
+PAGE = 45
+YEAR = 1996
+LABEL = Thunemann
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Th\"unemann|Lochaas
+TITLE = PHYSISORPTION, INTERFACIAL FILMS, MEMBRANES - Self-Assembly of Perfluorodecanoic Acid with Cationic Copolymers: Ultra-Low Energy Surfaces and Mesomorphous Structures
+JOURNAL = Langmuir
+VOL = 14
+PAGE = 4898
+EPAGE = 4903
+YEAR = 1998
+LABEL = Semenov
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Semenov
+JOURNAL = Sov. Phys. JETP
+PAGE = 733
+YEAR = 1985
+VOL = 61
+LABEL = LikhtmanSemenov
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Likhtman|Semenov
+JOURNAL = Macromolecules
+PAGE = 7273
+EPAGE = 7278
+YEAR = 1997
+VOL = 30
+TITLE = Theory of Microphase Separation in Block Copolymer/Homopolymer Mixtures
+URL = ma9702713.pdf
+LABEL = RubinsteinSemenov
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Rubinstein|Semenov
+JOURNAL = Macromolecules
+PAGE = 1058
+EPAGE = 1068
+YEAR = 2001
+VOL = 34
+TITLE = Dynamics of Entangled Solutions of Associating Polymers
+URL = ma0013049.pdf
+LABEL = Floudas
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Floudas|Hadjichristidis|Stamm|Likhtman|Semenov
+AUTHORF = G. |N. |M. |A. |A.
+AUTHORM = | | |E. |N.
+JOURNAL = J. of Chem. Phys.
+PAGE = 3318
+EPAGE = 3328
+YEAR = 1997
+VOL = 106
+TITLE = Microphase separation in block copolymer-homopolymer blends: Theory and experiment
+URL = JCP03318.pdf
+LABEL = Leibler
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Leibler
+JOURNAL = Macromolecules
+PAGE = 1602
+YEAR = 1980
+VOL = 13
+LABEL = FredricksonHelfand
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Fredrickson|Helfand
+JOURNAL = Macromolecules
+PAGE = 697
+YEAR = 1987
+VOL = 87
+LABEL = Dobrynin1
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Dobrynin|Erukhimovich
+TITLE = Computer-aided comparative investigation of architecture influence of block copolymer phase diagrams
+JOURNAL = Macromolecules
+PAGE = 276
+EPAGE = 281
+YEAR = 1993
+VOL = 26
+LABEL = Cruz1
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Olvera de la Cruz|Sanchez
+JOURNAL = Macromolecules
+PAGE = 2501
+YEAR = 1986
+VOL = 19
+LABEL = Foster1
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Foster|Jasnow|Balazs
+AUTHORF = D. |D. |A.
+AUTHORM = P. | |C.
+JOURNAL = Macromolecules
+PAGE = 3450
+YEAR = 1995
+VOL = 28
+LABEL = WernerFredrickson
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Werner|Fredrickson
+TITLE = Architectural Effects on the Stability Limits of $ABS$ Block Copolymers
+JOURNAL = J. Polym. Sci. B: Polym. Phys.
+PAGE = 849
+EPAGE = 864
+YEAR = 1997
+VOL = 35
+URL = JPolimSciB_v35p849y1997.pdf
+LABEL = Nap1
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORP = | |ten
+AUTHORL = Nap|Kok|Brinke|Kuchanov
+AUTHORF = R. |C. |G. |S.
+AUTHORM = J. | | |I.
+TITLE = Microphase separation at two length scales
+JOURNAL = Eur. Phys. J. E
+PAGE = 515
+EPAGE = 519
+YEAR = 2001
+VOL = 4
+LABEL = Brinke1
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Ruokolainen|M\"akinen|Torkkeli|M\"akel\"a|Serimaa|Brinke|Ikkala
+AUTHORP = | | | | |ten |
+AUTHORF = J.|R.|M.|T.|R.|G.|O.
+TITLE = Switching supramolecular polymeric materials with multiple length scales
+JOURNAL = Science
+PAGE = 557
+EPAGE = 560
+YEAR = 1998
+VOL = 280
+URL = mika/Brinke1.pdf
+LABEL = Brinke2
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORP = |de |de | | |ten |
+AUTHORL = M\"akinen|Moel|Odorico|Ruokolainen|Stamm|Brinke|Ikkala
+AUTHORF = R.|K.|W.|J.|M.|G.|O.
+TITLE = Communications - "Hairy Tubes": Mesoporous Materials Containing Hollow Self-Organized Cylinders with Polymer Brushes at the Walls
+JOURNAL = Adv. Mater.
+PAGE = 117
+EPAGE = 121
+YEAR = 2001
+VOL = 13
+URL = mika/Brinke2.pdf
+LABEL = Brinke3
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Kosonen|Ruokolainen|Knaapila|Torkkeli|Jokela|Serimaa|Brinke|Bras|Monkman|Ikkala
+AUTHORP = | | | | | |ten
+AUTHORF = H.|J.|M.|M.|K.|R.|G.|W.|A.|O.
+TITLE = Nanoscale Conducting Cylinders Based on Self-Organization of Hydrogen-Bonded Polyaniline Supramolecules
+JOURNAL = Macromolecules
+PAGE = 8671
+EPAGE = 8675
+YEAR = 2000
+VOL = 33
+URL = mika/Brinke3.pdf
+LABEL = 3dFlex
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORP = | | |ten
+AUTHORL = Subbotin|Saariaho|Ikkala|Brinke
+AUTHORF = A. |M. |O. |G.
+TITLE = Elasticity of comb copolymer cylindrical brushes
+JOURNAL = Macromolecules
+PAGE = 3447
+EPAGE = 3452
+YEAR = 2000
+VOL = 33
+URL = mika/3dFlex.pdf
+LABEL = Birshtein
+TYPE = article
+AUTHORL = Birshtein|Borisov|Zhulina|Khokhlov|Yurasova
+AUTHORF = T.|O.|Y.|A.|T.
+AUTHORM = M.|V.|B.|R.|A.
+TITLE = Conformations of comb-like macromolecules
+JOURNAL = Polym. Sci. USSR
+PAGE = 1293
+EPAGE = 1300
+YEAR = 1987
+VOL = 29
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