path: root/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core')
7 files changed, 5484 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/ b/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9859ee8dec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/
@@ -0,0 +1,876 @@
+# autolatex -
+# Copyright (C) 1998-15 Stephane Galland <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+=head1 NAME
+ - Configuration Files
+Provides a set of utilities for manipulating cofiguration files.
+To use this library, type C<use AutoLaTeX::Core::Config;>.
+The provided functions are:
+=over 4
+package AutoLaTeX::Core::Config;
+$VERSION = '36.0';
+@ISA = ('Exporter');
+@EXPORT = qw( &getProjectConfigFilename &getUserConfigFilename &getSystemConfigFilename
+ &getSystemISTFilename &readConfiguration &readConfigFile &getUserConfigDirectory
+ &cfgBoolean &doConfigurationFileFixing &cfgToBoolean &writeConfigFile
+ &readOnlySystemConfiguration &readOnlyUserConfiguration &readOnlyProjectConfiguration
+ &setInclusionFlags &reinitInclusionFlags &cfgIsBoolean &rebuiltConfigValue ) ;
+@EXPORT_OK = qw();
+require 5.014;
+use strict;
+use utf8;
+use warnings;
+use File::Spec;
+use Config::Simple;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::OS;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::Util;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::IntUtils;
+# Constant that is representing an empty string in the INI file.
+# This constant is mandatory because Config::Simple does not
+# support the empty values, such as "KEY =". In place,
+# the INI file must contains something like "KEY = <<<<empty>>>>".
+use constant EMPTY_INI_VALUE => '<<<<empty>>>>';
+# Comments for the sections of the configuration file
+ 'viewer' => _T("Configuration of the viewing functions"),
+ 'generation' => _T("Configuration of the generation functions"),
+ 'clean' => _T("Configuration of the several cleaning functions"),
+ 'scm' => _T("Configuration of the SCM functions"),
+ 'gtk' => _T("GTK interface configuration"),
+ 'qt' => _T("Qt interface configuration"),
+ 'windows' => _T("Windows interface configuration"),
+ 'macos' => _T("MacOS interface configuration"),
+ 'wxwidget' => _T("wxWidgets interface configuration"),
+# Comments for the public configuration entries
+ 'clean.files to clean' => _T( "List of additional files to remove when cleaning (shell ".
+ "wild cards are allowed). This list is used when the ".
+ "target 'clean' is invoked."),
+ 'clean.files to desintegrate' => _T( "List of additional files to remove when all cleaning ".
+ "(shell wild cards are allowed). This list is used when ".
+ "the target 'cleanall' is invoked."),
+ 'generation.biblio' => _T( "Indicates if bibliography tool (bibtex,biber) should be run ('yes' or 'no')."),
+ 'generation.generate images' => _T( "Does the figures must be automatically generated ('yes' or 'no')?"),
+ 'generation.image directory' => _T( "Specify the directories inside which AutoLaTeX ".
+ "will find the pictures which must be processed ".
+ "by the translators. Each time this option is ".
+ "put on the command line, a directory is added ".
+ "inside the list of the directories to explore. ".
+ "The different paths are separated by the ".
+ "path-separator character (':' on Unix, ';' on ".
+ "Windows)"),
+ 'generation.main file' => _T( "Main filename (this option is only available in project's ".
+ "configuration files)."),
+ 'generation.generation type' => _T( "Type of generation.\n pdf : use pdflatex to create a ".
+ "PDF document."),
+ 'generation.makeglossaries' => _T( "Indicates if glossary tool (makeglossaries) should be run ('yes' or 'no')."),
+ 'generation.makeindex style' => _T( "Specify the style that must be used by makeindex.\n".
+ "Valid values are:\n <filename> if a filename ".
+ "was specified, AutoLaTeX assumes that it is the .ist ".
+ "file;\n \@system AutoLaTeX uses the system ".
+ "default .ist file (in AutoLaTeX distribution);\n".
+ " \@detect AutoLaTeX will tries to find a .ist ".
+ "file in the project's directory. If none was found, ".
+ "AutoLaTeX will not pass a style to makeindex;\n \@none".
+ " AutoLaTeX assumes that no .ist file must be ".
+ "passed to makeindex;\n <empty> AutoLaTeX assumes ".
+ "that no .ist file must be passed to makeindex."),
+ ' compilation runs' => _T( "Defines the minimal number of times the LaTeX compilation tools (usually ".
+ "pdflatex) is run during the last running stage of AutoLaTeX. The default value is 1."),
+ 'generation.translator include path' => _T( "Defines the paths from which the translators could be ".
+ "loaded. This is a list of paths separated by the path ".
+ "separator character used by your operating system: ':' ".
+ "on Unix platforms or ';' on Windows platforms for example."),
+ 'generation.synctex' => _T( "Indicates if the PDF document must be produced with the SyncTeX flag on or not. ".
+ "SyncTeX enables to link a PDF viewer (as evince) and a text editor (as Gedit). ".
+ "When you click inside one, the other is highlighting the line in its side."),
+ # SCM
+ 'scm.scm commit' => _T( "Tool to launch when a SCM commit action is requested. ".
+ "Basically the SCM tools are CVS, SVN, or GIT."),
+ 'scm.scm update' => _T( "Tool to launch when a SCM update action is requested. ".
+ "Basically the SCM tools are CVS, SVN, or GIT."),
+ 'viewer.view' => _T( "Indicates if a viewer should be launch after the compilation. ".
+ "Valid values are 'yes' and 'no'."),
+ 'viewer.viewer' => _T( "Specify, if not commented,the command line of the viewer."),
+ 'viewer.asynchronous run' => _T( "Indicates if the viewer is launched in background, or not."),
+# Comments for the private configuration entries
+# action.create config file
+# action.create ist file
+# action.fix config file
+# config.command line
+# input.project directory
+# input.latex file
+# file
+# output.latex basename
+=item B<getProjectConfigFilename(@)>
+Replies the name of a project's configuration file
+which is located inside the given directory.
+=over 8
+=item * the components of the paths, each parameter is a directory in the path.
+I<Returns:> the configuration filename according to the current operating system rules.
+sub getProjectConfigFilename(@) {
+ my $operatingsystem = getOperatingSystem();
+ if (("$operatingsystem" eq 'Unix')||(("$operatingsystem" eq 'Cygwin'))) {
+ return File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catfile(@_,".autolatex_project.cfg"));
+ }
+ else {
+ return File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catfile(@_,"autolatex_project.cfg"));
+ }
+=item B<getUserConfigFilename()>
+Replies the name of a user's configuration file.
+I<Returns:> the configuration filename according to the current operating system rules.
+sub getUserConfigFilename() {
+ my $confdir = getUserConfigDirectory();
+ if (-d "$confdir") {
+ return File::Spec->catfile("$confdir","autolatex.conf");
+ }
+ my $operatingsystem = getOperatingSystem();
+ if (("$operatingsystem" eq 'Unix')||(("$operatingsystem" eq 'Cygwin'))) {
+ return File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catfile($ENV{'HOME'},".autolatex"));
+ }
+ elsif ("$operatingsystem" eq 'Win32') {
+ return File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catfile("C:","Documents and Settings",$ENV{'USER'},"Local Settings","Application Data","autolatex.conf"));
+ }
+ else {
+ return File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catfile($ENV{'HOME'},"autolatex.conf"));
+ }
+=item B<getUserConfigDirectory()>
+Replies the name of a user's configuration directory.
+I<Returns:> the configuration directory according to the current operating system rules.
+sub getUserConfigDirectory() {
+ my $operatingsystem = getOperatingSystem();
+ if (("$operatingsystem" eq 'Unix')||(("$operatingsystem" eq 'Cygwin'))) {
+ return File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catfile($ENV{'HOME'},".autolatex"));
+ }
+ elsif ("$operatingsystem" eq 'Win32') {
+ return File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catfile("C:","Documents and Settings",$ENV{'USER'},"Local Settings","Application Data","autolatex"));
+ }
+ else {
+ return File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catfile($ENV{'HOME'},"autolatex"));
+ }
+=item B<getSystemConfigFilename()>
+Replies the name of the configuration file for all users.
+I<Returns:> the configuration filename according to the current operating system rules.
+sub getSystemConfigFilename() {
+ return File::Spec->catfile(getAutoLaTeXDir(),"default.cfg");
+=item B<getSystemISTFilename()>
+Replies the name of the MakeIndex style file for all users.
+I<Returns:> the filename according to the current operating system rules.
+sub getSystemISTFilename() {
+ return File::Spec->catfile(getAutoLaTeXDir(),"");
+=item B<cfgBoolean($;$)>
+Replies the Perl boolean value that corresponds to the specified
+string. If the first parameter is not a valid boolean string, the second
+parameter will be replied if it is specified; if not undef will be replied;
+The valid string are (case insensitive): S<true>, S<false>, S<yes>, S<no>.
+=over 8
+=item * the value to test.
+=item * the data structure to fill
+I<Returns:> nothing
+sub cfgBoolean($;$) {
+ if ($_[0]) {
+ my $v = lc($_[0]);
+ return 1 if (($v eq 'yes')||($v eq 'true'));
+ return 0 if (($v eq 'no')||($v eq 'false'));
+ }
+ return $_[1];
+=item B<cfgToBoolean($)>
+Replies the configuration's file boolean value that corresponds to the specified
+Perl boolean value.
+=over 8
+=item * the value to test.
+I<Returns:> nothing
+sub cfgToBoolean($) {
+ return ($_[0]) ? 'true' : 'false';
+=item B<cfgIsBoolean($)>
+Replies if the specified string is a valid boolean string.
+=over 8
+=item * the value to test.
+I<Returns:> nothing
+sub cfgIsBoolean($) {
+ if (defined($_[0])) {
+ my $v = lc($_[0]);
+ return 1
+ if (($v eq 'yes')||($v eq 'no')||($v eq 'true')||($v eq 'false'));
+ }
+ return 0;
+=item B<readConfiguration()>
+Replies the current configuration. The configuration
+is extracted from the system configuration file
+(from AutoLaTeX distribution) and from the user
+configuration file.
+I<Returns:> a hashtable containing (attribute name, attribute value) pairs.
+The attribute name could be S<section.attribute> to describe the attribute inside
+a section.
+sub readConfiguration() {
+ my %configuration = ();
+ my $systemFile = getSystemConfigFilename();
+ my $userFile = getUserConfigFilename();
+ readConfigFile("$systemFile",\%configuration);
+ readConfigFile("$userFile",\%configuration);
+ # Remove the main intput filename
+ if (exists $configuration{'generation.main file'}) {
+ delete $configuration{'generation.main file'};
+ }
+ return %configuration;
+=item B<readOnlySystemConfiguration()>
+Replies the current configuration. The configuration
+is extracted from the system configuration file
+(from AutoLaTeX distribution) only.
+I<Returns:> a hashtable containing (attribute name, attribute value) pairs.
+The attribute name could be S<section.attribute> to describe the attribute inside
+a section.
+sub readOnlySystemConfiguration(;$) {
+ my %configuration = ();
+ my $systemFile = getSystemConfigFilename();
+ readConfigFile("$systemFile",\%configuration,$_[0]);
+ # Remove the main intput filename
+ if (exists $configuration{'generation.main file'}) {
+ delete $configuration{'generation.main file'};
+ }
+ return %configuration;
+=item B<readOnlyUserConfiguration(;$)>
+Replies the current configuration. The configuration
+is extracted from the user configuration file
+($HOME/.autolatex or $HOME/.autolatex/autolatex.conf) only.
+I<Returns:> a hashtable containing (attribute name, attribute value) pairs.
+The attribute name could be S<section.attribute> to describe the attribute inside
+a section.
+sub readOnlyUserConfiguration(;$) {
+ my %configuration = ();
+ my $userFile = getUserConfigFilename();
+ readConfigFile("$userFile",\%configuration,$_[0]);
+ # Remove the main intput filename
+ if (exists $configuration{'generation.main file'}) {
+ delete $configuration{'generation.main file'};
+ }
+ return %configuration;
+=item B<readOnlyProjectConfiguration(@)>
+Replies the current configuration. The configuration
+is extracted from the project configuration file
+($PROJECT_PATH/.autolatex_project.cfg) only.
+I<Returns:> a hashtable containing (attribute name, attribute value) pairs.
+The attribute name could be S<section.attribute> to describe the attribute inside
+a section.
+sub readOnlyProjectConfiguration(@) {
+ my %configuration = ();
+ my $userFile = getProjectConfigFilename(@_);
+ if (-r "$userFile") {
+ readConfigFile("$userFile",\%configuration);
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.project directory'} = File::Spec->catfile(@_);
+ return \%configuration;
+ }
+ return undef;
+=item B<readConfigFile($\%;$)>
+Fill the configuration data structure from the specified file information.
+The structure of the filled hashtable is a set of (attribute name, attribute value) pairs.
+The attribute name could be S<section.attribute> to describe the attribute inside
+a section.
+=over 8
+=item * the name of the file to read
+=item * the data structure to fill
+=item * boolean value that indicates if a warning message should be ignored when an old fashion file was detected.
+I<Returns:> nothing
+sub readConfigFile($\%;$) {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ die('second parameter of readConfigFile() is not a hash') unless(isHash($_[0]));
+ printDbg(formatText(_T("Opening configuration file {}"),$filename));
+ if (-r "$filename") {
+ my $cfgReader = new Config::Simple("$filename");
+ if ($cfgReader) {
+ my %config = $cfgReader->vars();
+ my $warningDisplayed = $_[1];
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each (%config)) {
+ $k = lc("$k");
+ if ($k !~ /^__private__/) {
+ ($k,$v) = ensureAccendentCompatibility("$k",$v,"$filename",$warningDisplayed);
+ $v = rebuiltConfigValue("$k",$v);
+ if ($v) {
+ $_[0]->{"$k"} = $v;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ printDbg(_T("Succeed on reading"));
+ }
+ else {
+ printDbg(formatText(_T("Failed to read {}: {}"),$filename,$!));
+ }
+ 1;
+# Put formatted comments inside an array
+sub pushComment(\@$;$) {
+ my $limit = $_[2] || 60;
+ $limit = 1 unless ($limit>=1);
+ my @lines = split(/\n/, $_[1]);
+ foreach my $line (@lines) {
+ my @words = split(/\s+/, $line);
+ my $wline = '';
+ if ($line =~ /^(\s+)/) {
+ $wline .= $1;
+ }
+ foreach my $w (@words) {
+ if ((length($wline)+length($w)+1)>$limit) {
+ push @{$_[0]}, "#$wline\n";
+ if (length($w)>$limit) {
+ while (length($w)>$limit) {
+ push @{$_[0]}, "# ".substr($w,0,$limit)."\n";
+ $w = substr($w,$limit);
+ }
+ }
+ $wline = " $w";
+ }
+ else {
+ $wline .= " $w";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($wline) {
+ push @{$_[0]}, "#$wline\n";
+ }
+ }
+# Reformat the value to be written inside a configuration file.
+# $_[0]: value name,
+# $_[1]: value to validated.
+sub serializeConfigValue($$) {
+ my $v = $_[1];
+ if (isArray($v)) {
+ $v = '';
+ foreach my $ev (@{$_[1]}) {
+ if ($v) {
+ $v .= ', ';
+ }
+ $v .= &serializeConfigValue($_[0], $ev);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (isHash($v)) {
+ $v = '';
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each(%{$_[1]})) {
+ if ($v) {
+ $v .= ', ';
+ }
+ $v .= "$key:{";
+ $v .= &serializeConfigValue($_[0], $value);
+ $v .= "}";
+ }
+ }
+ return $v;
+=item B<writeConfigFile($\%;$)>
+Write the specified configuration into a file.
+=over 8
+=item * the name of the file to write
+=item * the configuration data structure to write
+=item * (optional) indicates if the comments must be written
+I<Returns:> nothing
+sub writeConfigFile($\%;$) {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ die('second parameter of writeConfigFile() is not a hash') unless(isHash($_[0]));
+ # Write the values
+ printDbg(formatText(_T("Writing configuration file {}"),$filename));
+ printDbgIndent();
+ my $cfgWriter = new Config::Simple(syntax=>'ini');
+ my $has = 0;
+ while (my ($attr,$value) = each (%{$_[0]})) {
+ if ($value && $attr ne '__private__') {
+ $value = serializeConfigValue($attr, $value);
+ if ($value) {
+ $cfgWriter->param("$attr",$value);
+ $has = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($has) {
+ $cfgWriter->write("$filename") or printErr($cfgWriter->error());
+ if ($_[1]) {
+ # Updating for comments
+ printDbg(_T("Adding configuration comments"));
+ local *CFGFILE;
+ open (*CFGFILE, "< $filename") or printErr("$filename:","$!");
+ my @lines = ();
+ my $lastsection = undef;
+ while (my $l = <CFGFILE>) {
+ if ($l =~ /^\s*\[\s*(.+?)\s*\]\s*$/) {
+ $lastsection = lc($1);
+ if ($SECTION_COMMENTS{"$lastsection"}) {
+ push @lines, "\n";
+ pushComment @lines, $SECTION_COMMENTS{"$lastsection"};
+ }
+ else {
+ push @lines, "\n";
+ pushComment @lines, _T("Configuration of the translator")." '$lastsection'";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (($l =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*=/)&&($lastsection)) {
+ my $attr = lc($1);
+ if ($CONFIGURATION_COMMENTS{"$lastsection.$attr"}) {
+ push @lines, "\n";
+ pushComment @lines, $CONFIGURATION_COMMENTS{"$lastsection.$attr"};
+ }
+ }
+ push @lines, $l;
+ }
+ close(*CFGFILE);
+ printDbg(_T("Saving configuration comments"));
+ local *CFGFILE;
+ open (*CFGFILE, "> $filename") or printErr("$filename:","$!");
+ print CFGFILE (@lines);
+ close(*CFGFILE);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # Create an empty file
+ open (*CFGFILE, "> $filename") or printErr("$filename:","$!");
+ close(*CFGFILE);
+ }
+ printDbgUnindent();
+ 1;
+=item B<doConfigurationFileFixing($)>
+Fix the specified configuration file.
+=over 8
+=item * the name of the file to fix
+I<Returns:> nothing
+sub doConfigurationFileFixing($) {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my %configuration = ();
+ readConfigFile("$filename",%configuration,1);
+ writeConfigFile("$filename",%configuration);
+ 1;
+# Try to detect an old fashioned configuration file
+# and fix the value
+sub ensureAccendentCompatibility($$$$) {
+ my $k = $_[0];
+ my $v = $_[1];
+ my $changed = 0;
+ $v = '' unless (defined($v));
+ if ($k eq 'generation.bibtex') {
+ $k = 'generation.biblio';
+ $changed = 1;
+ }
+ if (!isArray($v)) {
+ # Remove comments on the same line as values
+ if ($v =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*\#.*$/) {
+ $v = "$1" ;
+ $changed = 1;
+ }
+ if ($v eq '@detect@system') {
+ $v = ['detect','system'];
+ $changed = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (($changed)&&(!$_[3])) {
+ printWarn(formatText(_T("AutoLaTeX has detecting an old fashion syntax for the configuration file {}\nPlease regenerate this file with the command line option --fixconfig."), $_[2]));
+ $_[3] = 1;
+ }
+ return ($k,$v);
+# Reformat the value from a configuration file to apply several rules
+# which could not be directly applied by the configuration readed.
+# $_[0]: value name,
+# $_[1]: value to validated.
+sub rebuiltConfigValue($$) {
+ my $v = $_[1];
+ if (($_[0])&&($v)) {
+ my $v_str = trim($v);
+ # If the string "empty value" is detected, delete the value
+ if ($v_str eq EMPTY_INI_VALUE) {
+ $v = '';
+ }
+ # Split the include path of translators
+ elsif ($_[0] eq 'generation.translator include path') {
+ my $sep = getPathListSeparator();
+ if (isHash($v)) {
+ while (my ($key,$val) = each(%{$v})) {
+ my @tab = split(/\s*$sep\s*/,"$val");
+ if (@tab>1) {
+ $v->{"$key"} = @tab;
+ }
+ else {
+ $v->{"$key"} = pop @tab;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my @paths = ();
+ if (isArray($v)) {
+ foreach my $p (@{$v}) {
+ push @paths, split(/\s*$sep\s*/,"$p");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push @paths, split(/\s*$sep\s*/,"$v");
+ }
+ if (@paths>1) {
+ $v = \@paths;
+ }
+ else {
+ $v = pop @paths;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $v;
+=item B<setInclusionFlags(\%\%;\%\%)>
+Set the translator inclusion flags obtained from the configurations.
+This function assumed that the translator list is an hashtable of
+(translator_name => { 'included' => { level => boolean } }) pairs.
+=over 8
+=item * the translator list.
+=item * the system configuration.
+=item * the user configuration.
+=item * the project configuration.
+I<Returns:> nothing
+sub setInclusionFlags(\%\%;\%\%) {
+ die('first parameter of setInclusionFlags() is not a hash')
+ unless (isHash($_[0]));
+ die('second parameter of setInclusionFlags() is not a hash')
+ unless (isHash($_[1]));
+ foreach my $trans (keys %{$_[0]}) {
+ if (!$_[0]->{"$trans"}{'included'}) {
+ $_[0]->{"$trans"}{'included'} = {};
+ }
+ if ((exists $_[1]->{"$trans.include module"})&&(cfgIsBoolean($_[1]->{"$trans.include module"}))) {
+ $_[0]->{"$trans"}{'included'}{'system'} = cfgBoolean($_[1]->{"$trans.include module"});
+ }
+ else {
+ # On system level, a module which was not specified as not includable must
+ # be included even if it will cause conflicts
+ $_[0]->{"$trans"}{'included'}{'system'} = undef;
+ }
+ if (($_[2])&&
+ (exists $_[2]->{"$trans.include module"})&&
+ (cfgIsBoolean($_[2]->{"$trans.include module"}))) {
+ $_[0]->{"$trans"}{'included'}{'user'} = cfgBoolean($_[2]->{"$trans.include module"});
+ }
+ else {
+ $_[0]->{"$trans"}{'included'}{'user'} = undef;
+ }
+ if (($_[3])&&
+ (exists $_[3]->{"$trans.include module"})&&
+ (cfgIsBoolean($_[3]->{"$trans.include module"}))) {
+ $_[0]->{"$trans"}{'included'}{'project'} = cfgBoolean($_[3]->{"$trans.include module"});
+ }
+ else {
+ $_[0]->{"$trans"}{'included'}{'project'} = undef;
+ }
+ }
+=item B<reinitInclusionFlags(\%\%;\%\%)>
+Init the translator inclusion flags obtained from the configurations.
+This function assumed that the translator list is an hashtable of
+(translator_name => { 'included' => { level => undef } }) pairs.
+=over 8
+=item * the translator list.
+=item * the system configuration.
+=item * the user configuration.
+=item * the project configuration.
+I<Returns:> nothing
+sub reinitInclusionFlags(\%\%;\%\%) {
+ die('first parameter of setInclusionFlags() is not a hash')
+ unless (isHash($_[0]));
+ die('second parameter of setInclusionFlags() is not a hash')
+ unless (isHash($_[1]));
+ foreach my $trans (keys %{$_[0]}) {
+ if (!$_[0]->{"$trans"}{'included'}) {
+ $_[0]->{"$trans"}{'included'} = {};
+ }
+ $_[0]->{"$trans"}{'included'}{'system'} = undef;
+ if ($_[2]) {
+ $_[0]->{"$trans"}{'included'}{'user'} = undef;
+ }
+ if ($_[3]) {
+ $_[0]->{"$trans"}{'included'}{'project'} = undef;
+ }
+ }
+To report bugs, provide feedback, suggest new features, etc. (in prefered order): a) visit the developer site on GitHub <>, b) visit the AutoLaTeX main page <>, or c) send email to the main author at
+=head1 LICENSE
+S<GNU Public License (GPL)>
+S<Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Stéphane Galland E<lt>galland@arakhne.orgE<gt>>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/ b/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7012f26a31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# autolatex -
+# Copyright (C) 2007-14 Stephane Galland <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+=head1 NAME
+ - Internationalization Utilities
+Provides a set of utilities for internationalization.
+To use this library, type C<use AutoLaTeX::Core::IntUtils;>.
+The provided functions are:
+=over 4
+package AutoLaTeX::Core::IntUtils;
+our @ISA = qw( Exporter );
+our @EXPORT = qw( &_T &initTextDomain &getCurrentLocale &getCurrentLanguage &getCurrentCodeset &getActiveTextDomains );
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw();
+require 5.014;
+use strict;
+use utf8;
+use Exporter;
+use Carp;
+use Locale::gettext;
+our $VERSION = '1.1';
+=item B<_T($)>
+Marker for the internationalization.
+The parameter of this function is a string that
+may be localized.
+Replies the localized string that is corresponding
+to the given parameter.
+CAUTION: tries to find a translation in all the initialized
+text domain (see initTextDomain function).
+sub _T($) {
+ my $previous;
+ foreach my $domain (@ACTIVE_DOMAINS) {
+ #print "SEARCH FOR '".$_[0]."' in $domain\n";
+ my $p = textdomain($domain);
+ $previous = $p unless $previous;
+ my $translation = gettext($_[0]);
+ #print ">$translation<\n";
+ if ($translation && $translation ne $_[0]) {
+ return $translation;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($previous) {
+ textdomain($previous);
+ }
+ return $_[0];
+=item B<initTextDomain($$)>
+Initialize the internationalization domain.
+=over 4
+=item domain: is the name of the text domain to use for internationalization.
+=item directory: is the directory where '.mo' (compiled '.po') could be found for the domain.
+=item codeset: is the code set used to encode the po files.
+sub initTextDomain($$;$) {
+ my $domain = shift || confess("initTextDomain must takes a domain as first parameter");
+ my $directory = shift || confess("initTextDomain must takes a directory as second parameter");
+ my $codeset = shift;
+ bindtextdomain($domain, $directory);
+ if ($codeset) {
+ bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, $codeset);
+ }
+ textdomain($domain);
+ push @ACTIVE_DOMAINS, $domain;
+=item B<getActiveTextDomains()>
+Replies the active text domains.
+sub getActiveTextDomains() {
+ my @copy = @ACTIVE_DOMAINS;
+ return \@copy;
+=item B<getCurrentLocale()>
+Replies the current locale.
+sub getCurrentLocale() {
+ my $lang = $ENV{'LC_ALL'} || $ENV{'LANG'};
+ if ($lang =~ /^([a-zA-Z]+_[a-zA-Z]+)/) {
+ return "$1";
+ }
+ elsif ($lang =~ /^([a-zA-Z]+)/) {
+ return "$1";
+ }
+ return undef;
+=item B<getCurrentCodeset()>
+Replies the current codeset.
+sub getCurrentCodeset() {
+ my $lang = $ENV{'LC_ALL'} || $ENV{'LANG'};
+ if ($lang =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+_[a-zA-Z]+\.(.*)$/) {
+ return "$1";
+ }
+ elsif ($lang =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+\.(.*)$/) {
+ return "$1";
+ }
+ return undef;
+=item B<getCurrentLangage()>
+Replies the current language.
+sub getCurrentLanguage() {
+ my $lang = $ENV{'LC_ALL'} || $ENV{'LANG'};
+ if ($lang =~ /^([a-zA-Z]+)_[a-zA-Z]+/) {
+ return "$1";
+ }
+ elsif ($lang =~ /^([a-zA-Z]+)/) {
+ return "$1";
+ }
+ return undef;
+To report bugs, provide feedback, suggest new features, etc. visit the AutoLaTeX Project management page at <> or send email to the author at L<>.
+=head1 LICENSE
+S<GNU Public License (GPL)>
+S<Copyright (c) 2007-14 Stéphane Galland E<lt>galland@arakhne.orgE<gt>>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/ b/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f27e98e1ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+# autolatex -
+# Copyright (C) 1998-16 Stephane Galland <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+=head1 NAME
+ - Main program
+The provided functions are:
+=over 4
+package AutoLaTeX::Core::Main;
+$VERSION = '37.0';
+$COPYRIGHT_YEAR = '2016';
+@ISA = ('Exporter');
+@EXPORT = qw( &analyzeCommandLineOptions &mainProgram &detectMainTeXFile ) ;
+@EXPORT_OK = qw();
+require 5.014;
+use strict;
+use utf8;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::Util;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::Config;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::OS;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::IntUtils;
+use AutoLaTeX::TeX::DocumentDetector;
+# FUNCTION: analyze the command line options and update the configuration accordingly
+sub analyzeCommandLineOptions(\%) {
+ printDbg(_T("Reading command line options"));
+ my $realcfg = $_[0];
+ $_[0]->{'__private__'}{'CLI.warning level'} = 1;
+ $_[0]->{'__private__'}{'config.command line'} = {};
+ my $cfg = \%{$_[0]->{'__private__'}{'config.command line'}};
+ my $debugLevel = getDebugLevel();
+ Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
+ if (!GetOptions(
+ 'auto!' => sub { $cfg->{'generation.generate images'} = ($_[1] ? 'yes' : 'no'); },
+ 'asyncview!' => sub { $cfg->{'viewer.asynchronous run'} = ($_[1] ? 'yes' : 'no'); },
+ 'imgdirectory=s' => sub { $cfg->{'generation.image directory'} = $_[1]; },
+ 'continuous:i' => sub {
+ my $duration = int($_[1]);
+ $duration = 0 if ($duration<0);
+ $realcfg->{'__private__'}{'action.continuous mode'} = $duration;
+ $cfg->{'viewer.asynchronous run'} = 'true';
+ },
+ 'nocontinuous' => sub {
+ delete $realcfg->{'__private__'}{'action.continuous mode'};
+ },
+ 'createconfig:s' => \$realcfg->{'__private__'}{'action.create config file'},
+ 'createist' => \$realcfg->{'__private__'}{'action.create ist file'},
+ 'debug' => \$realcfg->{'__private__'}{'action.create ist file'},
+ 'defaultist' => sub {
+ $cfg->{'generation.makeindex style'} = '@system';
+ },
+ 'directory=s' => sub {
+ if (!$realcfg->{'__private__'}{'action.input directories'}) {
+ $realcfg->{'__private__'}{'action.input directories'} = [];
+ }
+ push @{$realcfg->{'__private__'}{'action.input directories'}}, $_[1];
+ },
+ 'dvi' => sub {
+ $cfg->{'generation.generation type'} = 'dvi';
+ },
+ 'biblio!' => sub {
+ $cfg->{'generation.biblio'} = ($_[1] ? 'yes' : 'no');
+ $realcfg->{'__private__'}{'CLI.biblio'} = ($_[1] ? 'yes' : 'no'); # For makeflat action
+ },
+ 'exclude=s' => sub {
+ foreach my $module (split /\s*,\s*/,$_[1]) {
+ $module =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_+-]+//g;
+ $cfg->{lc("$module").".include module"} = 'no';
+ }
+ },
+ 'f=s' => \$realcfg->{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'},
+ 'file=s' => \$realcfg->{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'},
+ 'file-line-warning' => \$realcfg->{'__private__'}{' extended tex warnings'},
+ 'fixconfig:s' => sub {
+ $realcfg->{'__private__'}{'action.fix config file'} = $_[1];
+ $realcfg->{'__private__'}{'action.fix config file'} = File::Spec->rel2abs($realcfg->{'__private__'}{'action.fix config file'}) if ($realcfg->{'__private__'}{'action.fix config file'});
+ },
+ 'gloss!' => sub { $cfg->{'generation.makeglossaries'} = ($_[1] ? 'yes' : 'no'); },
+ 'help|?' => sub { showManual(getAutoLaTeXDocDir(),"autolatex.pod"); },
+ 'I=s@' => sub {
+ if (!$cfg->{'generation.translator include path'}) {
+ $cfg->{'generation.translator include path'} = [];
+ }
+ push @{$cfg->{'generation.translator include path'}}, $_[1];
+ },
+ 'include=s' => sub {
+ my $sep = getPathListSeparator();
+ foreach my $module (split /\s*$sep\s*/,$_[1]) {
+ $module =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_+-]+//g;
+ $cfg->{lc("$module").".include module"} = 'yes';
+ }
+ },
+ 'index:s' => sub {
+ if ($_[1]) {
+ $cfg->{'generation.makeindex style'} = $_[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ $cfg->{'generation.makeindex style'} = ['@detect','@none'];
+ }
+ },
+ 'latex' => sub {
+ $cfg->{'generation.tex compiler'} = 'latex';
+ },
+ 'lualatex' => sub {
+ $cfg->{'generation.tex compiler'} = 'lualatex';
+ },
+ 'noindex' => sub {
+ delete $cfg->{'generation.makeindex style'};
+ },
+ 'noview' => sub { $cfg->{'viewer.view'} = 'no'; },
+ 'pdf' => sub { $cfg->{'generation.generation type'} = 'pdf'; },
+ 'pdflatex' => sub {
+ $cfg->{'generation.tex compiler'} = 'pdflatex';
+ },
+ 'postcompilationruns=i' => sub {
+ my $number = int($_[1]);
+ $number = 1 if ($number<1);
+ $cfg->{' compilation runs'} = $number;
+ },
+ 'progress:s' => sub {
+ if ($_[1] eq 'n') {
+ $realcfg->{'__private__'}{' progress'} = 'n';
+ }
+ else {
+ $realcfg->{'__private__'}{' progress'} = 'r';
+ }
+ },
+ 'ps' => sub {
+ $cfg->{'generation.generation type'} = 'ps';
+ },
+ 'quiet' => sub { $debugLevel = 0; },
+ 'search-project-from=s' => sub {
+ $realcfg->{'__private__'}{' project from'} = $_[1];
+ },
+ 'set=s%' => sub { $cfg->{'generation.set'}{$_[1]} = $_[2]; },
+ 'stdout' => sub { redirectToSTDOUT(); },
+ 'stderr' => sub { redirectToSTDERR(); },
+ 'synctex!' => sub { $cfg->{'generation.synctex'} = ($_[1] ? 'yes' : 'no'); },
+ 'xelatex' => sub {
+ $cfg->{'generation.tex compiler'} = 'xelatex';
+ },
+ 'v+' => \$debugLevel,
+ 'version' => sub { if (getAutoLaTeXLaunchingName() ne getAutoLaTeXName()) {
+ print formatText(_T("{} {} ({}) - {} platform\n(c) 1998-{} Stephane GALLAND <galland\> (under GPL)\n"),
+ getAutoLaTeXLaunchingName(),
+ getAutoLaTeXVersion(),
+ getAutoLaTeXName(),
+ getOperatingSystem(),
+ }
+ else {
+ print formatText(_T("{} {} - {} platform\n(c) 1998-{} Stephane GALLAND <galland\> (under GPL)\n"),
+ getAutoLaTeXLaunchingName(),
+ getAutoLaTeXVersion(),
+ getOperatingSystem(),
+ }
+ exit(0); },
+ 'view:s' => sub {
+ $cfg->{'viewer.view'} = 'yes';
+ if ($_[1]) {
+ $cfg->{'viewer.viewer'} = $_[1];
+ }
+ },
+ 'W' => sub {
+ $realcfg->{'__private__'}{'CLI.warning level'}++;
+ },
+ 'Wall' => sub {
+ $realcfg->{'__private__'}{'CLI.warning level'} = 2;
+ },
+ 'Wnone' => sub {
+ $realcfg->{'__private__'}{'CLI.warning level'} = 0;
+ },
+ )) {
+ exit(255);
+ }
+ setDebugLevel($debugLevel);
+# FUNCTION: Seach for a TeX main file in the current directory
+# Requires $_[0]->{__private__}{}
+# Set $_[0]->{__private__}{input.latex file}
+sub detectMainTeXFile(\%) {
+ my $configuration = shift;
+ local *DIR;
+ opendir(*DIR,$configuration->{'__private__'}{''}) or printErr($configuration->{'__private__'}{''}.":","$!");
+ my @texfiles = ();
+ while (my $subfile = readdir(*DIR)) {
+ if ((!isIgnorableDirectory($subfile)) && $subfile =~ /\.tex$/i && $subfile ne 'autolatex_autogenerated.tex') {
+ push @texfiles, "$subfile";
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(*DIR);
+ if (@texfiles==1) {
+ my $basename = pop @texfiles;
+ $configuration->{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'} =
+ File::Spec->catfile(
+ $configuration->{'__private__'}{''},
+ $basename);
+ printDbg(formatText(_T("Selecting TeX file '{}'"), $basename));
+ }
+ else {
+ printDbg(formatText(_T("Detecting several TeX files: {}"),join(' ',@texfiles)));
+ # Issue #9: try to detect the file with the \documentclass
+ my @documents = ();
+ foreach my $file (@texfiles) {
+ if (isLaTeXDocument($file)) {
+ push @documents, $file;
+ }
+ }
+ if (@documents==1) {
+ my $basename = pop @documents;
+ $configuration->{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'} =
+ File::Spec->catfile(
+ $configuration->{'__private__'}{''},
+ $basename);
+ printDbg(formatText(_T("Selecting TeX file '{}'"), $basename));
+ }
+ }
+# FUNCTION: Main program
+sub mainProgram(;$) {
+ my $exitOnError = shift;
+ $exitOnError = 1 if (!defined($exitOnError));
+ # Get system and user configurations
+ my %configuration = readConfiguration();
+ # Put the internationalization values in the configuration
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'internationalization'}{'locale'} = getCurrentLocale();
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'internationalization'}{'language'} = getCurrentLanguage();
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'internationalization'}{'codeset'} = getCurrentCodeset();
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'internationalization'}{'domains'} = getActiveTextDomains();
+ # Analyze and apply the command line
+ analyzeCommandLineOptions(%configuration);
+ # -- Bug fix: avoid the "No TeX file found" error message to be
+ # displayed when a non-generation action was requested
+ # on the command line
+ if (($exitOnError)&&
+ (($configuration{'__private__'}{'action.fix config file'})||
+ ($configuration{'__private__'}{'action.create config file'})||
+ ($configuration{'__private__'}{'action.create ist file'}))) {
+ $exitOnError = 0;
+ }
+ # Search for the root directory
+ if ($configuration{'__private__'}{' project from'}) {
+ my $file = $configuration{'__private__'}{' project from'};
+ if (-e "$file" && ! -d "$file") {
+ $file = dirname($file);
+ }
+ $file = File::Spec->rel2abs($file);
+ my $autolatex_dir = undef;
+ my $parent = dirname($file);
+ while (!$autolatex_dir && $parent && $file && $parent ne $file) {
+ my $cfgFile = getProjectConfigFilename($file);
+ if (-e "$cfgFile") {
+ $autolatex_dir = $file;
+ }
+ $file = $parent;
+ $parent = dirname($file);
+ }
+ if ($autolatex_dir && -d "$autolatex_dir") {
+ chdir($autolatex_dir) or printErr("$autolatex_dir: $!");
+ }
+ }
+ # detect main TeX file
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{''} = File::Spec->curdir();
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'output.latex basename'} = undef;
+ if (!$configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'}) {
+ detectMainTeXFile(%configuration);
+ }
+ # read project's configuration
+ {
+ my $projectConfigFilename = getProjectConfigFilename($configuration{'__private__'}{''});
+ if ( -f "$projectConfigFilename") {
+ readConfigFile("$projectConfigFilename",%configuration);
+ # Remove the main intput filename
+ if (exists $configuration{'generation.main file'}) {
+ if (!$configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'}) {
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'} = basename($configuration{'generation.main file'});
+ printDbg(formatText(_T("Detecting TeX file from project's configuration: '{}'"),$configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'}));
+ }
+ delete $configuration{'generation.main file'};
+ }
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.project directory'} = dirname("$projectConfigFilename");
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'}) {
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'} = 'Main.tex';
+ }
+ # final project main file management
+ if ($configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'}) {
+ # check its value
+ if (-f $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'}) {
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{''} = dirname($configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'});
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'output.latex basename'} = basename($configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'});
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'output.latex basename'} =~ s/\.tex$//i;
+ }
+ elsif (-f $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'}.".tex") {
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'} .= ".tex";
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{''} = dirname($configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'});
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'output.latex basename'} = basename($configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'});
+ }
+ }
+ if ($configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'}) {
+ printDbg(formatText(_T("Using TeX file '{}'"),$configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'}));
+ }
+ elsif ($exitOnError) {
+ printErr(formatText(_T("No LaTeX file found nor specified for the directory '{}'.\n You must specify one on the command line option -f, or set the the variable 'generation.main file' in your configuration file, rename one of your files 'Main.tex'."), $configuration{'__private__'}{''}));
+ }
+ # now apply the command line options into the configuration
+ {
+ printDbg(_T("Applying command line options"));
+ if ($configuration{'__private__'}{'config.command line'}) {
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each(%{$configuration{'__private__'}{'config.command line'}})) {
+ if (isArray($v)) {
+ if (!$configuration{"$k"}) {
+ $configuration{"$k"} = $v;
+ }
+ elsif (isHash($configuration{"$k"})) {
+ for(my $i=0; $i<$#{$v}; $i=$i+2) {
+ $configuration{"$k"}{$v->[$i]} = $v->[$i+1];
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (isArray($configuration{"$k"})) {
+ push @{$configuration{"$k"}}, @{$v};
+ }
+ else {
+ unshift @{$v}, $configuration{"$k"};
+ $configuration{"$k"} = $v;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (isHash($v)) {
+ if (!$configuration{"$k"}) {
+ $configuration{"$k"} = $v;
+ }
+ elsif (isArray($configuration{"$k"})) {
+ push @{$configuration{"$k"}}, @{$v};
+ }
+ elsif (isHash($configuration{"$k"})) {
+ while (my ($key,$val) = each(%{$v})) {
+ $configuration{"$k"}{$key} = $val;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $v->{$configuration{"$k"}} = undef;
+ $configuration{"$k"} = $v;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $configuration{"$k"} = $v;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($configuration{'generation.set'}) {
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each(%{$configuration{'generation.set'}})) {
+ $configuration{$k} = $v;
+ }
+ delete $configuration{'generation.set'}
+ }
+ delete $configuration{'__private__'}{'config.command line'};
+ }
+ }
+ # check MakeIndex parameters
+ if ($configuration{'generation.makeindex style'}) {
+ if (!isArray($configuration{'generation.makeindex style'})) {
+ $configuration{'generation.makeindex style'} = [$configuration{'generation.makeindex style'}];
+ }
+ foreach my $isttype (@{$configuration{'generation.makeindex style'}}) {
+ if ($isttype) {
+ if ($isttype eq '@detect') {
+ # Seach for a MakeIndex style file in the current directory
+ local *DIR;
+ opendir(*DIR,$configuration{'__private__'}{''}) or printErr($configuration{'__private__'}{''}.":","$!");
+ my @istfiles = ();
+ while (my $subfile = readdir(*DIR)) {
+ if (!isIgnorableDirectory($subfile) && $subfile =~ /\.ist$/i) {
+ push @istfiles, File::Spec->catfile(
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{''},
+ "$subfile");
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(*DIR);
+ if (@istfiles==1) {
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{' file'} = File::Spec->rel2abs(pop @istfiles);
+ printDbg(formatText(_T("Selecting project's style for MakeIndex: {}"), $configuration{'__private__'}{' file'}));
+ }
+ else {
+ delete $configuration{'__private__'}{' file'};
+ printDbg(formatText(_T("Unable to selected a project's style for MakeIndex: no file or too many .ist files in directory {}"), $configuration{'__private__'}{''}));
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($isttype eq '@system') {
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{' file'} = getSystemISTFilename();
+ printDbg(formatText(_T("Selecting the system default style for MakeIndex")));
+ }
+ elsif ($isttype eq '@none') {
+ delete $configuration{'__private__'}{' file'};
+ printDbg(formatText(_T("Unselecting any style for MakeIndex")));
+ }
+ if (($configuration{'__private__'}{' file'})&&
+ (-r $configuration{'__private__'}{' file'})) {
+ last;
+ }
+ else {
+ delete $configuration{'__private__'}{' file'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # set the project's directory if never set before
+ if (!$configuration{'__private__'}{'input.project directory'} &&
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'}) {
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.project directory'} = File::Spec->rel2abs(dirname($configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'}));
+ }
+ # Set the directory of the pictures to a default value if not defined in
+ # the configuration nor given on the CLI
+ if (! defined($configuration{'generation.image directory'})) {
+ $configuration{'generation.image directory'} = $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.project directory'};
+ }
+ return %configuration;
+To report bugs, provide feedback, suggest new features, etc. visit the AutoLaTeX Project management page at <> or send email to the author at L<>.
+=head1 LICENSE
+S<GNU Public License (GPL)>
+S<Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Stéphane Galland E<lt>galland@arakhne.orgE<gt>>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/ b/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f33dcf69ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/
@@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
+# autolatex -
+# Copyright (C) 1998-13 Stephane Galland <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+=head1 NAME
+ - Operating System
+Identify the current operating system.
+To use this library, type C<use AutoLaTeX::Core::OS;>.
+The provided functions are:
+=over 4
+package AutoLaTeX::Core::OS;
+$VERSION = '5.0';
+@ISA = ('Exporter');
+@EXPORT = qw( &getPathListSeparator &getOperatingSystem &getSupportedOperatingSystems &which
+ &touch &readlink_osindep &parseCLI &parseCLIWithExceptions &lastFileChange ) ;
+@EXPORT_OK = qw();
+require 5.014;
+use strict;
+use utf8;
+use Config; # Perl configuration
+use File::stat;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Path qw(make_path);
+my %operatingsystem =
+ (MacOS => 'Mac',
+ MSWin32 => 'Win32',
+ os2 => 'OS2',
+ VMS => 'VMS',
+ epoc => 'Epoc',
+ NetWare => 'Win32',
+ symbian => 'Win32',
+ dos => 'OS2',
+ cygwin => 'Cygwin');
+my $Is_VMS = ($^O eq 'VMS');
+my $Is_MacOS = ($^O eq 'MacOS');
+my $Is_DOSish = (($^O eq 'MSWin32') or
+ ($^O eq 'dos') or
+ ($^O eq 'os2'));
+# For Win32 systems, stores the extensions used for
+# executable files
+# For others, the empty string is used
+# because 'perl' . '' eq 'perl' => easier
+my @path_ext = ('');
+if ($Is_DOSish) {
+ if ($ENV{PATHEXT} and $Is_DOSish) { # WinNT. PATHEXT might be set on Cygwin, but not used.
+ push @path_ext, split ';', $ENV{PATHEXT};
+ }
+ else {
+ push @path_ext, qw(.com .exe .bat); # Win9X or other: doesn't have PATHEXT, so needs hardcoded.
+ }
+elsif ($Is_VMS) {
+ push @path_ext, qw(.exe .com);
+=item B<getPathListSeparator()>
+Replies the separator of paths inside a path list.
+I<Returns:> the separator.
+sub getPathListSeparator() {
+ return $Config{'path_sep'} || ':';
+=item B<getOperatingSystem()>
+Replies the name of the current operating system.
+I<Returns:> the name.
+sub getOperatingSystem() {
+ return $operatingsystem{$^O} || 'Unix';
+=item B<getSupportedOperatingSystems()>
+Replies all the names of the supported operating systems.
+I<Returns:> the list of operating system's names.
+sub getSupportedOperatingSystems() {
+ my %list = ();
+ foreach my $v (values %operatingsystem) {
+ $list{"$v"} = 1;
+ }
+ return keys %list;
+sub expandShellCharsOnUnix(@) {
+ my $t = shift;
+ if ($t) {
+ my @parts = File::Spec->splitdir("$t");
+ foreach my $e (@parts) {
+ if ($e eq '~') {
+ $e = $ENV{'HOME'};
+ }
+ elsif ($e =~ /^~([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)$/) {
+ my @p = File::Spec->split($ENV{'HOME'});
+ pop @p;
+ $e = File::Spec->catdir(@p);
+ }
+ }
+ $t = File::Spec->catfile(@parts);
+ $t =~ s/\$([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)/$ENV{$1}/g;
+ $t =~ s/\$\{([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\}/$ENV{$1}/g;
+ $t =~ s/\$\(([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\)/$ENV{$1}/g;
+ }
+ return $t;
+sub expandShellCharsOnWindows(@) {
+ my $t = shift;
+ if ($t) {
+ $t =~ s/\%{1,2}([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)/$ENV{$1}/g;
+ $t =~ s/\%{1,2}\{([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\}/$ENV{$1}/g;
+ $t =~ s/\%{1,2}\(([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\)/$ENV{$1}/g;
+ }
+ return $t;
+=item B<expandShellChars($)>
+Expand the specified value with the Shell metacommands.
+=over 8
+=item * the string to expand.
+I<Returns:> the result of the epxansion.
+sub expandShellChars($) {
+ my $operatingsystem = getOperatingSystem();
+ if (("$operatingsystem" eq 'Unix')||(("$operatingsystem" eq 'Cygwin'))) {
+ return expandShellCharsOnUnix(@_);
+ }
+ else {
+ return expandShellCharsOnWindows(@_);
+ }
+=item B<which(@)>
+Replies the paths to executable programs on systems under which the `which' program wasn't implemented in the shell.
+C<which()> searches the directories of the user's C<PATH> (as returned by
+C<File::Spec-E<gt>path()>), looking for executable files having the name specified
+as a parameter to C<which()>. Under Win32 systems, which do not have a notion of
+directly executable files, but uses special extensions such as C<.exe> and
+C<.bat> to identify them, C<which()> takes extra steps to assure that you
+will find the correct file (so for example, you might be searching for C<perl>,
+it'll try C<perl.exe>, C<perl.bat>, etc.)
+If it finds an executable with the name you specified, C<which()> will return
+the absolute path leading to this executable (for example, C</usr/bin/perl> or
+If it does I<not> find the executable, it returns C<undef>.
+If C<which()> is called in list context, it will return I<all> the
+=over 4
+=item C<short_exe_name> is the name used in the shell to call the program (for example, C<perl>).
+sub which(@) {
+ my ($exec) = @_;
+ return undef unless $exec;
+ my $all = wantarray;
+ my @results = ();
+ # check for aliases first
+ if ($Is_VMS) {
+ my $symbol = `SHOW SYMBOL $exec`;
+ chomp($symbol);
+ if (!$?) {
+ return $symbol unless $all;
+ push @results, $symbol;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Is_MacOS) {
+ my @aliases = split /\,/, $ENV{Aliases};
+ foreach my $alias (@aliases) {
+ # This has not been tested!!
+ # PPT which says MPW-Perl cannot resolve `Alias $alias`,
+ # let's just hope it's fixed
+ if (lc($alias) eq lc($exec)) {
+ chomp(my $file = `Alias $alias`);
+ last unless $file; # if it failed, just go on the normal way
+ return $file unless $all;
+ push @results, $file;
+ # we can stop this loop as if it finds more aliases matching,
+ # it'll just be the same result anyway
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @path = File::Spec->path();
+ unshift @path, File::Spec->curdir if $Is_DOSish or $Is_VMS or $Is_MacOS;
+ for my $base (map { File::Spec->catfile($_, $exec) } @path) {
+ for my $ext (@path_ext) {
+ my $file = $base.$ext;
+ # print STDERR "$file\n";
+ if ((-x $file or # executable, normal case
+ ($Is_MacOS || # MacOS doesn't mark as executable so we check -e
+ ($Is_DOSish and grep { $file =~ /$_$/i } @path_ext[1..$#path_ext])
+ # DOSish systems don't pass -x on non-exe/bat/com files.
+ # so we check -e. However, we don't want to pass -e on files
+ # that aren't in PATHEXT, like README.
+ and -e _)
+ ) and !-d _)
+ { # and finally, we don't want dirs to pass (as they are -x)
+ # print STDERR "-x: ", -x $file, " -e: ", -e _, " -d: ", -d _, "\n";
+ return $file unless $all;
+ push @results, $file; # Make list to return later
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($all) {
+ return @results;
+ }
+ else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+=item B<touch(@)>
+Change the time associated to the specified files.
+sub touch(@) {
+ #my ($atime, $mtime);
+ #$atime = $mtime = time;
+ foreach my $f (@_) {
+ make_path(dirname("$f"));
+ if (-e "$f") {
+ utime(undef, undef, "$f");
+ }
+ else {
+ local *FILE;
+ open(*FILE, "> $f") or die("$f: $!\n");
+ close(*FILE);
+ }
+ }
+=item B<readlink_osindep(@)>
+Try to dereference symbolic links.
+sub _readlink($) {
+ my $f = shift;
+ while ( $f && -l "$f" ) {
+ $f = readlink("$f");
+ }
+ return $f;
+sub readlink_osindep(@) {
+ if (wantarray) {
+ my @result = ();
+ foreach my $s (@_) {
+ push @result, _readlink($s);
+ }
+ return @result;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($_[0]) {
+ return _readlink($_[0]);
+ }
+ return undef;
+ }
+=item B<parseCLI(@)>
+Parse the given strings as command lines and extract each component.
+The components are separated by space characters. If you want a
+space character inside a component, you muse enclose the component
+with quotes. To have quotes in components, you must protect them
+with the backslash character.
+This function expand the environment variables.
+I<Note:> Every paramerter that is an associative array is assumed to be an
+environment of variables that should be used prior to C<@ENV> to expand the
+environment variables. The elements in the parameter are treated from the
+first to the last. Each time an environment was found, it is replacing any
+previous additional environment.
+=over 8
+=item * c<c> are the strings to parse.
+I<Returns:> the array of components if one string is given as parameter; or the array of arrays of components,
+each sub array corresponds to one of the given parameters.
+sub parseCLI(@) {
+ my %e = ();
+ my @r = ();
+ my $addenv = undef;
+ if (@_>1) {
+ foreach my $s (@_) {
+ if (_ishash($s)) {
+ $addenv = $s;
+ }
+ else {
+ my @rr = _parseCLI($s,\%e,$addenv);
+ push @r, \@rr;
+ }
+ }
+ if (@r==1) {
+ @r = @{$r[0]};
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (@_>0 && !_ishash($_[0])) {
+ @r = _parseCLI($_[0],\%e,$addenv);
+ }
+ return @r;
+=item B<parseCLI(@)>
+Parse the given strings as command lines and extract each component.
+The components are separated by space characters. If you want a
+space character inside a component, you muse enclose the component
+with quotes. To have quotes in components, you must protect them
+with the backslash character.
+This function expand the environment variables.
+I<Note:> Every paramerter that is an associative array is assumed to be an
+environment of variables that should be used prior to C<@ENV> to expand the
+environment variables. The elements in the parameter are treated from the
+first to the last. Each time an environment was found, it is replacing any
+previous additional environment.
+=over 8
+=item * c<exceptions> are the names of the environment variables to not expand.
+=item * c<c> are the strings to parse.
+I<Returns:> the array of components if one string is given as parameter; or the array of arrays of components,
+each sub array corresponds to one of the given parameters.
+sub parseCLIWithExceptions(\@@) {
+ my $e = shift;
+ my %ex = ();
+ my $addenv = undef;
+ foreach my $e (@{$e}) {
+ $ex{$e} = undef;
+ }
+ my @r = ();
+ if (@_>1) {
+ foreach my $s (@_) {
+ if (_ishash($s)) {
+ $addenv = $s;
+ }
+ else {
+ my @rr = _parseCLI($s,\%ex,$addenv);
+ push @r, \@rr;
+ }
+ }
+ if (@r==1) {
+ @r = @{$r[0]};
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (@_>0 && !_ishash($_[0])) {
+ @r = _parseCLI($_[0],\%ex,$addenv);
+ }
+ return @r;
+sub _parseCLI($$$) {
+ my $text = shift;
+ my $exceptions = shift;
+ my $addenv = shift;
+ my @r = ();
+ if ($text) {
+ $text =~ s/^\s+//gs;
+ $text =~ s/\s+$//gs;
+ if ($text) {
+ my $protect = '';
+ my $value = '';
+ while ($text && $text =~ /^(.*?)(["']|(?:\s+)|(?:\\.)|(?:\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)|(?:\$\{[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\}))(.*)$/s) {
+ (my $prefix, my $sep, $text) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ $value .= $prefix;
+ if ($sep =~ /^\\(.)$/) {
+ $value .= $1;
+ }
+ elsif ($sep =~ /^\$(?:([a-zA-Z0-9_]+))|(?:\{([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\})$/) {
+ my $varname = $1 || $2;
+ if ($protect eq '\'' || exists $exceptions->{"$varname"}) {
+ $value .= $sep;
+ }
+ elsif ($addenv && exists $addenv->{$varname}) {
+ $value .= ($addenv->{$varname} || '');
+ }
+ else {
+ $value .= ($ENV{$varname} || '');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($sep eq '"' || $sep eq '\'') {
+ if (!$protect) {
+ $protect = $sep;
+ }
+ elsif ($protect eq $sep) {
+ $protect = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ $value .= $sep;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($protect) {
+ $value .= $sep;
+ }
+ elsif ($value) {
+ push @r, $value;
+ $value = '';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($text) {
+ $value .= $text;
+ }
+ if ($value) {
+ push @r, $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return @r;
+sub _ishash($) {
+ return 0 unless defined($_[0]) ;
+ my $r = ref( $_[0] ) ;
+ return ( $r eq "HASH" ) ;
+=item B<lastFileChange($)>
+Replies the date of the last change for the specified file.
+If the file does not exist, C<undef> is replied.
+sub lastFileChange($) {
+ my $file = shift;
+ return undef unless ($file);
+ my $stats = stat("$file");
+ return undef unless ($stats);
+ return ($stats->mtime > $stats->ctime) ? $stats->mtime : $stats->ctime;
+To report bugs, provide feedback, suggest new features, etc. visit the AutoLaTeX Project management page at <> or send email to the author at L<>.
+=head1 LICENSE
+S<GNU Public License (GPL)>
+S<Copyright (c) 1998-13 Stéphane Galland E<lt>galland@arakhne.orgE<gt>>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/ b/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e7b27ed9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+# autolatex -
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Stephane Galland <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+=head1 NAME
+ - Implementation of a progress indicator
+Provides a tool to show the progress of the tasks.
+To use this library, type C<use AutoLaTeX::Core::Progress;>.
+=head2 Initialization
+To create a progress tool, say something like this:
+ use AutoLaTeX::Core::Progress;
+ my $max = 100;
+ my $progress = AutoLaTeX::Core::Progress->new($max) ;
+...or something similar.
+This section contains only the methods in itself.
+package AutoLaTeX::Core::Progress;
+our @ISA = qw( Exporter );
+our @EXPORT = qw( );
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw();
+require 5.014;
+use strict;
+use utf8;
+use Exporter;
+use Carp;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::IntUtils;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::Util qw($INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PREFIX);
+our $VERSION = '4.0';
+# Constructor
+sub new(;$) : method {
+ my $proto = shift;
+ my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
+ my $parent = ref($proto) && $proto ;
+ my $max = $_[0];
+ if (!defined($max) || $max<0) {
+ $max = 100;
+ }
+ my $self;
+ if ( $parent ) {
+ %{$self} = %{$parent} ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self = {
+ 'child' => undef,
+ 'max' => $max,
+ 'value' => 0,
+ 'parent' => undef,
+ 'bar-width' => 30,
+ 'comment' => '',
+ 'comment-to-display' => '',
+ 'previous-message-size' => 0,
+ 'carriage-return' => 1,
+ };
+ }
+ bless( $self, $class );
+ return $self;
+sub _newChild($$$) : method {
+ my $proto = shift;
+ my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
+ my $parent = shift;
+ my $min = shift;
+ my $max = shift;
+ my $self = {
+ 'child' => undef,
+ 'value' => 0,
+ 'parent' => $parent,
+ 'min-in-parent' => $min,
+ 'max-in-parent' => $max,
+ 'max' => 0,
+ 'comment' => '',
+ };
+ bless( $self, $class );
+ return $self;
+=item * setCarriageReturn($)
+Enable or disable the use of the carraige-return character
+C<\r> at the end of the lines. If the carriage-return
+character is not used, the new-line character C<\n> is
+=over 4
+=item B<use_carriage_return>
+sub setCarriageReturn($) : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'carriage-return'} = shift;
+=item * getCarriageReturn()
+Replies if the carriage-return character is used at the end
+of the output lines.
+sub getCarriageReturn() : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'carriage-return'};
+=item * setBarWidth($)
+Set the number of characters for rendering the progress bar.
+=over 4
+=item B<width> is the number of characters of the bar.
+sub setBarWidth($) : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $width = shift;
+ if ($self->{'parent'}) {
+ $self->{'parent'}->setBarWidth($width);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{'bar-width'} = $width;
+ }
+=item * getBarWidth()
+Replies the number of characters for rendering the progress bar.
+sub getBarWidth() : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($self->{'parent'}) {
+ return $self->{'parent'}->getBarWidth();
+ }
+ else {
+ return $self->{'bar-width'};
+ }
+=item * setComment($)
+Set the comment associated to the progress process.
+=over 4
+=item B<label> is the comment text.
+sub setComment($) : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $label = shift || '';
+ $self->{'comment'} = $label || '';
+ my $c = '';
+ my $p = $self;
+ while ($p->{'parent'}) {
+ if (!$c && $p->{'comment'}) {
+ $c = $p->{'comment'};
+ }
+ $p = $p->{'parent'};
+ }
+ if ($p && $p->{'comment-to-display'} ne $c) {
+ $p->{'comment-to-display'} = $c;
+ $p->_report();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+=item * getComment()
+Replies the comment in the progress bar.
+sub getComment() : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($self->{'parent'}) {
+ return $self->{'parent'}->getComment();
+ }
+ else {
+ return $self->{'comment-to-display'};
+ }
+=item * setMax()
+Set the maximal value. It must be greater than the previous
+value of max. This function does not output on the console.
+sub setMax($) : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $max = shift;
+ if ($max>$self->{'max'}) {
+ $self->{'max'} = $max;
+ }
+=item * getMax()
+Replies the maximal value.
+sub getMax() : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'max'};
+=item * getValue()
+Replies the current value.
+sub getValue() : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'value'};
+=item * setValue($)
+Change the progress value and display the progress message.
+=over 4
+=item B<value> is the current value of the progress indicator.
+Returns a boolean value that indicates if something was setValueed.
+sub setValue($;$) : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $value = shift;
+ my $comment = shift;
+ my $max = $self->getMax();
+ my $currentValue = $self->getValue();
+ my $reported = undef;
+ confess('undef $value') unless (defined($value));
+ if ($value>$currentValue) {
+ $self->_set_value($value);
+ $currentValue = $self->getValue();
+ # Close any child progress
+ if ($self->{'child'}) {
+ my $mip = $self->{'child'}{'max-in-parent'};
+ if ($currentValue>=$mip) {
+ $reported = $self->_disconnectChildProgress();
+ }
+ }
+ # Notify parent
+ if ($self->{'parent'}) {
+ my $range = $self->{'max-in-parent'} - $self->{'min-in-parent'};
+ my $parent_value = ($value * $range) / $max;
+ $parent_value += $self->{'min-in-parent'};
+ if (!defined($comment) && $self->{'comment'}) {
+ $comment = $self->{'comment'};
+ }
+ my $reported2 = $self->{'parent'}->setValue($parent_value, $comment);
+ $reported = $reported || $reported2;
+ }
+ # Change the comment to be displayed
+ elsif (defined($comment) && $comment ne $self->{'comment-to-display'}) {
+ $self->{'comment-to-display'} = $comment;
+ $reported = undef;
+ }
+ # Force reporting
+ if (!$reported) {
+ $reported = $self->_report();
+ }
+ }
+ return $reported ;
+sub _set_value($) : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $value = shift;
+ if ($value>=$self->{'max'}) {
+ $self->{'value'} = $self->{'max'};
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{'value'} = $value;
+ }
+sub _report() : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $value = $self->getValue();
+ my $max = $self->getMax();
+ if (!$self->{'parent'}) {
+ my $message = "[".$self->_formatPercent($value, $max)."] ".$self->_formatBar($value, $max);
+ if ($self->{'comment-to-display'}) {
+ $message .= ' '.$self->{'comment-to-display'};
+ }
+ my $l = length($message);
+ my $tmp_l = $l;
+ while ($tmp_l<$self->{'previous-message-size'}) {
+ $message .= ' ';
+ $tmp_l++;
+ }
+ $self->{'previous-message-size'} = $l;
+ if (!$self->{'carriage-return'} || ($value>=$max)) {
+ print STDOUT "$message\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print STDOUT "$message\r";
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub _formatPercent($$) : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $value = shift;
+ my $max = shift;
+ my $percent = int(($value * 100) / $max);
+ while (length($percent)<3) {
+ $percent = " $percent";
+ }
+ return "$percent\%";
+sub _formatBar($$) : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $value = shift;
+ my $max = shift;
+ my $bar_width = $self->getBarWidth();
+ my $nchars = int(($value * $bar_width) / $max);
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $bar = '';
+ while ($i<$nchars) {
+ $bar .= '#';
+ $i++;
+ }
+ while ($i<$bar_width) {
+ $bar .= '.';
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return $bar;
+sub _disconnectChildProgress() : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($self->{'child'}) {
+ my $max_in_parent = $self->{'child'}{'max-in-parent'};
+ $self->{'child'} = undef;
+ return $self->setValue($max_in_parent);
+ }
+ return undef;
+=item * subProgress($$)
+Create a subtask.
+=over 4
+=item B<size> (optional) is the size of the subtask in this progress. If not given, the rest of the parent task is covered by the sub task.
+Replies the subtask progress object.
+sub subProgress(;$) : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $size = shift;
+ my $parent_max = $self->getMax();
+ my $min_in_parent = $self->getValue();
+ if (!defined($size) || $size<0) {
+ $size = $parent_max - $min_in_parent;
+ }
+ my $max_in_parent = $min_in_parent + $size;
+ if ($max_in_parent>$parent_max) {
+ $max_in_parent = $parent_max;
+ }
+ $self->{'child'} = AutoLaTeX::Core::Progress->_newChild(
+ $self,
+ $min_in_parent,
+ $max_in_parent);
+ return $self->{'child'};
+=item * increment(;$)
+Increment the current value by the given amount, or by 1 if the amount is not given or invalid.
+sub increment(;$) : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $inc = shift;
+ if (!defined($inc) || $inc<=0) {
+ $inc = 1;
+ }
+ my $value = $self->getValue();
+ $self->setValue($value+$inc);
+=item * stop()
+Stop the progress.
+sub stop() : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $max = $self->getMax();
+ $self->setValue($max);
+=item * debug()
+Output the state of this progress.
+sub debug(;$) : method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $level = shift || 0;
+ printf STDERR ("%s[\%3d] value: 0<=\%f<=\%f\n", $INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PREFIX, $level, $self->{'value'}, $self->{'max'});
+ if ($self->{'parent'}) {
+ my $parent_value = $self->{'parent'}->getValue();
+ printf STDERR ("[\%3d] in-parent: \%f<=%f<=\%f\n", $level, $self->{'min-in-parent'}, $parent_value, $self->{'max-in-parent'});
+ }
+ else {
+ printf STDERR ("[\%3d] comment: \%s\n", $level, $self->{'comment'});
+ }
+ if ($self->{'child'}) {
+ $self->{'child'}->debug($level+1);
+ }
+To report bug, provide feedback, suggest new features, etc. visit the AutoLaTeX Project management page at <> or send email to the author at L<>.
+=head1 LICENSE
+S<GNU Public License (GPL)>
+S<Copyright (c) 2013 Stéphane Galland E<lt>galland@arakhne.orgE<gt>>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/ b/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2216cc905f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/
@@ -0,0 +1,1308 @@
+# autolatex -
+# Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Stephane Galland <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+=head1 NAME
+ - Translator Utilities
+Permits to get translators and to resolve conflicts on them.
+To use this library, type C<use AutoLaTeX::Core::Translator;>.
+The provided functions are:
+=over 4
+package AutoLaTeX::Core::Translator;
+$VERSION = '21.0';
+@ISA = ('Exporter');
+@EXPORT = qw( &getTranslatorFilesFrom &getLoadableTranslatorList &getTranslatorList
+ &detectConflicts @ALL_LEVELS
+ &makeTranslatorHumanReadable &extractTranslatorNameComponents
+ &readTranslatorFile &runRootTranslator &runTranslator &loadTranslator
+ &loadTranslatorsFromConfiguration &loadTranslatableImageList ) ;
+@EXPORT_OK = qw();
+require 5.014;
+use strict;
+use utf8;
+use Carp;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Path qw(make_path remove_tree);
+use File::Copy;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::Util;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::Config;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::IntUtils;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::OS;
+# Sorted list of the levels
+our @ALL_LEVELS = ('system', 'user', 'project');
+# Data for the translators
+=item * extractTranslatorNameComponents($)
+Parse a complete translator name to extract the components.
+The name must have the syntax:
+=over 8
+=item * C<"I<source>2I<target>">
+=item * C<"I<source>2I<target>+I<target2>">
+=item * C<"I<source>2I<target>_I<variante>">
+=item * C<"I<source>2I<target>+I<target2>_I<variante>">
+=over 8
+=item * The name to parse (string).
+I<Returns:> a hashtable containing the components of the name. The keys are:
+=over 8
+=item * C<name> is the name of the translator.
+=item * C<full-source> is the decoded of the source type.
+=item * C<source> is the source type given in the parameter of the function.
+=item * C<target> is the decoded target.
+=item * C<variante> is the decoded variante.
+=item * C<basename> is the basename of the translator.
+sub extractTranslatorNameComponents($) {
+ my $name = shift;
+ if ($name =~ /^([a-zA-Z+-]+)2([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)(?:\+([a-zA-Z0-9+-]+))?(?:_(.*))?$/) {
+ my $source = $1;
+ my $target = $2;
+ my $target2 = $3||'';
+ my $variante = $4||'';
+ my $osource = "$source";
+ my $basename = "${source}2${target}${target2}";
+ if ($target2) {
+ if ($target2 eq 'tex') {
+ $source = "ltx.$source";
+ }
+ elsif ($target2 eq 'layers') {
+ $source = "layers.$source";
+ }
+ elsif ($target2 eq 'layers+tex' || $target2 eq 'tex+layers') {
+ $source = "layers.ltx.$source";
+ }
+ else {
+ $target .= "+$target2";
+ }
+ }
+ return { 'name' => $name, 'full-source' => $source, 'source' => $osource, 'target' => $target, 'variante' => $variante, 'basename' => $basename };
+ }
+ return undef;
+=item * makeTranslatorHumanReadable($)
+Replies a human readable string that corresponds to the specified translator data.
+=over 8
+=item * C<description> is the description of the translator (hasharray). The value of the parameter may be obtained with C<extractTranslatorNameComponents()>.
+I<Returns:> the description of the translator.
+sub makeTranslatorHumanReadable($) {
+ my $data = shift;
+ if ($data->{'variante'}) {
+ return formatText(_T("Translate {} to {} with {} alternative"),
+ $data->{'full-source'},
+ $data->{'target'},
+ $data->{'variante'});
+ }
+ else {
+ return formatText(_T("Translate {} to {}"),
+ $data->{'full-source'},
+ $data->{'target'});
+ }
+=item * getTranslatorFilesFrom($)
+Replies the descriptions of the translator files installed on the system.
+=over 8
+=item * C<configuration> (hashtable) is the current configuration of AutoLaTeX.
+=item * C<directory> (string) is the path to the directory to explore.
+=item * C<fileSet> (hashtable) is the associative array in which the discovered translators will be put.
+=item * C<recursive> (boolean) indicates if the function must recurse in the directories.
+=item * C<warn> (boolean) indicates if the warning may be output or not.
+=item * C<onlyincluded> (boolean) indicates if only the included translated will be considered as discovered.
+=item * C<level> (string) is the level to consider (see C<@ALL_LEVELS>).
+I<Returns:> nothing.
+sub getTranslatorFilesFrom(\%$\%$$$;$) {
+ my $configuration = shift;
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $fileSet = shift;
+ my $recursive = shift;
+ my $warn = shift;
+ my $onlyincluded = shift;
+ my $level = shift || 'unknown';
+ my $ispdfmode = ($configuration->{'generation.generation type'} || 'pdf') eq 'pdf';
+ local *DIR;
+ if (-d "$filename") {
+ my @dirs = ( "$filename" );
+ while (@dirs) {
+ my $dirname = shift @dirs;
+ formatText(_T("Get translator list from {}"),$dirname);
+ if (opendir(*DIR,"$dirname")) {
+ while (my $file = readdir(*DIR)) {
+ if ( ! isIgnorableDirectory($file) ) {
+ my $fullname = File::Spec->catfile("$dirname","$file");
+ if (-d "$fullname") {
+ push @dirs, "$fullname" if ($recursive);
+ }
+ elsif ($file =~ /^([a-zA-Z+-]+2[a-zA-Z0-9+-]+(?:_[a-zA-Z0-9_+-]+)?).transdef$/i) {
+ my $scriptname = "$1";
+ if ($onlyincluded) {
+ $fileSet->{"$scriptname"} = extractTranslatorNameComponents($scriptname);
+ $fileSet->{"$scriptname"}{'human-readable'} = makeTranslatorHumanReadable($fileSet->{"$scriptname"});
+ $fileSet->{"$scriptname"}{'file'} = "$fullname";
+ $fileSet->{"$scriptname"}{'level'} = "$level";
+ $fileSet->{"$scriptname"}{'ispdfmode'} = $ispdfmode;
+ }
+ else {
+ $fileSet->{"$scriptname"} = "$fullname";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(*DIR);
+ }
+ else {
+ printWarn("$dirname:","$!");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($warn) {
+ printWarn("$filename:","$!");
+ }
+ 1;
+=item * resolveConflicts($)
+Resolve conflicts between translator inclusions.
+=over 8
+=item * C<includedTranslators> (hashtable) is the loaded translators. The keys are the names of the translators, and the values are the filenames of the translators.
+I<Returns:> nothing.
+sub resolveConflicts(\%) {
+ my $includedTranslators = shift;
+ my %bysources = ();
+ # The targets with "*+tex" are translated into sources "ltx.*"
+ # The targets with "*+layers" are translated into sources "layers.*"
+ while (my ($trans,$transfile) = each (%{$includedTranslators})) {
+ my $components = extractTranslatorNameComponents($trans);
+ if ($components) {
+ if (!$bysources{$components->{'full-source'}}) {
+ $bysources{$components->{'full-source'}} = [];
+ }
+ push @{$bysources{$components->{'full-source'}}}, {
+ 'source' => $components->{'source'},
+ 'target' => $components->{'target'},
+ 'variante' => $components->{'variante'},
+ 'filename' => "$transfile" };
+ }
+ }
+ while (my ($source,$trans) = each(%bysources)) {
+ if (@{$trans}>1) {
+ my $msg = '';
+ my ($excludemsg,$excludename);
+ foreach my $t (@{$trans}) {
+ $msg .= ",\n" if ($msg);
+ $msg .= makeTranslatorHumanReadable($t);
+ if (!$excludename) {
+ $excludename = $t->{'source'}."2".$t->{'target'};
+ $excludename .= "_".$t->{'variante'} if ($t->{'variante'});
+ }
+ if (!$excludemsg) {
+ $excludemsg = "[$excludename]\ninclude module = no\n";
+ }
+ }
+ printErr(formatText(_T("Several possibilities exist for generating a figure from a {} file:\n{}\n\nYou must specify which to include (resp. exclude) with --include (resp. --exclude).\n\nIt is recommended to update your {} file with the following configuration for each translator to exclude (example on the translator {}):\n\n{}\n"),
+ $source,
+ $msg,
+ getUserConfigFilename(),
+ $excludename,
+ $excludemsg));
+ }
+ }
+ 1;
+=item B<detectConflicts(\%)>
+Replies the list of the translators that are in conflict.
+=over 8
+=item * List of translator pairs (translator name => hashtable)
+I<Returns:> a hashtable containing (level => hash of translator descriptions) pairs.
+sub detectConflicts(\%) {
+ die('first parameter of detectConflicts() is not a hash')
+ unless (isHash($_[0]));
+ my %bysources = ();
+ # Build the list of included translators
+ while (my ($name,$data) = each(%{$_[0]})) {
+ # By default a module is included
+ for(my $i=0; $i<@ALL_LEVELS; $i++) {
+ my $level = $ALL_LEVELS[$i];
+ if ($data->{'included'}{$level}) {
+ $bysources{$level}{$data->{'full-source'}}{$data->{'name'}} = $data;
+ # Propagate the inclusion to the following levels
+ for(my $j=$i+1; $j<@ALL_LEVELS; $j++) {
+ my $flevel = $ALL_LEVELS[$j];
+ $bysources{$flevel}{$data->{'full-source'}}{$data->{'name'}} = $data;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (defined($data->{'included'}{$level})) {
+ # Propagate the non inclusion to the following levels
+ # This action cancels previous propagation of included translators
+ for(my $j=$i; $j<@ALL_LEVELS; $j++) {
+ my $flevel = $ALL_LEVELS[$j];
+ if ($bysources{$flevel}{$data->{'full-source'}}) {
+ delete $bysources{$flevel}{$data->{'full-source'}}{$data->{'name'}};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($i==0) {
+ # By default a module is included
+ # Propagate the inclusion to the following levels
+ $bysources{$level}{$data->{'full-source'}}{$data->{'name'}} = $data;
+ for(my $j=$i+1; $j<@ALL_LEVELS; $j++) {
+ my $flevel = $ALL_LEVELS[$j];
+ $bysources{$flevel}{$data->{'full-source'}}{$data->{'name'}} = $data;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Remove the translators that are not under conflict
+ foreach my $level (@ALL_LEVELS) {
+ foreach my $source (keys %{$bysources{$level}}) {
+ my @keys = keys %{$bysources{$level}{$source}};
+ if (@keys<=1) {
+ delete $bysources{$level}{$source};
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($bysources{$level}) {
+ delete $bysources{$level};
+ }
+ }
+ return %bysources;
+=item B<getLoadableTranslatorList(\%)>
+Replies the list of the translators that could be loaded.
+=over 8
+=item * hashtable that contains the current configuration, and that will
+be updating by this function.
+I<Returns:> a hashtable containing (translator name => translator file) pairs.
+sub getLoadableTranslatorList(\%) {
+ local *DIR;
+ my %includes = ();
+ # Load distribution modules
+ my $filename = File::Spec->catfile(getAutoLaTeXDir(),"translators");
+ printDbg(formatText(_T("Get loadable translators from {}"),$filename));
+ printDbgIndent();
+ opendir(*DIR,"$filename")
+ or printErr("$filename:","$!");
+ while (my $file = readdir(*DIR)) {
+ if ((!isIgnorableDirectory($file))&&
+ ($file =~ /^(.*)\.transdef$/i)) {
+ my $fullname = File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catfile("$filename","$file"));
+ my $scriptname = "$1";
+ if ((!exists $_[0]->{"$scriptname.include module"})||
+ (cfgBoolean($_[0]->{"$scriptname.include module"}))) {
+ $includes{"$scriptname"} = "$fullname";
+ }
+ else {
+ printDbg(formatText(_T("Translator {} is ignored"),$scriptname));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(*DIR);
+ printDbgUnindent();
+ # Load user modules recursively from ~/.autolatex/translators
+ getTranslatorFilesFrom(
+ %{$_[0]},
+ File::Spec->catfile(getUserConfigDirectory(),"translators"),
+ %includes,
+ 1, # recursion
+ 0, # no warning
+ 0, # only included translators
+ 'user' # configuration level
+ );
+ # Load user modules non-recursively the paths specified inside the configurations
+ if ($_[0]->{'generation.translator include path'}) {
+ my @paths = ();
+ if ((isArray($_[0]->{'generation.translator include path'}))||
+ (isHash($_[0]->{'generation.translator include path'}))) {
+ @paths = @{$_[0]->{'generation.translator include path'}};
+ }
+ else {
+ push @paths, $_[0]->{'generation.translator include path'};
+ }
+ foreach my $path (@paths) {
+ getTranslatorFilesFrom(
+ %{$_[0]},
+ "$path",
+ %includes,
+ 0, # no recursion
+ 1, # warning
+ 0, # only included translators
+ 'user' # configuration level
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ resolveConflicts(%includes);
+ return %includes;
+=item B<getTranslatorList(\%;$)>
+Replies the list of the translators and their status.
+=over 8
+=item * hashtable that contains the configuration.
+=item * recurse on user inclusion directories
+I<Returns:> a hashtable containing (translator name => { 'file' => translator file,
+'level' => installation level, 'ispdfmode' => boolean value indicating that
+the pdf mode is one } ) pairs.
+sub getTranslatorList(\%;$) {
+ local *DIR;
+ die('first parameter of getTranslatorList() is not a hash')
+ unless(isHash($_[0]));
+ my $recurse = $_[1];
+ $recurse = 1 unless (defined($recurse));
+ my $ispdfmode = ($_[0]->{'generation.generation type'} || 'pdf') eq 'pdf';
+ my %translators = ();
+ # Load distribution modules
+ my $filename = File::Spec->catfile(getAutoLaTeXDir(),"translators");
+ printDbg(formatText(_T("Get translators from {}"),$filename));
+ printDbgIndent();
+ opendir(*DIR,"$filename") or printErr("$filename:","$!");
+ while (my $file = readdir(*DIR)) {
+ if ((!isIgnorableDirectory($file))&&
+ ($file =~ /^(.*)\.transdef$/i)) {
+ my $fullname = File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catfile("$filename","$file"));
+ my $scriptname = "$1";
+ $translators{"$scriptname"} = extractTranslatorNameComponents($scriptname);
+ $translators{"$scriptname"}{'human-readable'} = makeTranslatorHumanReadable($translators{"$scriptname"});
+ $translators{"$scriptname"}{'file'} = "$fullname";
+ $translators{"$scriptname"}{'level'} = 'system';
+ $translators{"$scriptname"}{'ispdfmode'} = $ispdfmode;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(*DIR);
+ printDbgUnindent();
+ if ($recurse) {
+ # Load user modules recursively from ~/.autolatex/translators
+ getTranslatorFilesFrom(
+ %{$_[0]},
+ File::Spec->catfile(getUserConfigDirectory(),"translators"),
+ %translators,
+ 1, # recursion
+ 0, # no warning
+ 1, # all included and not-included translators
+ 'user' # configuration level
+ );
+ # Load user modules non-recursively the paths specified inside the configurations
+ if ($_[0]->{'generation.translator include path'}) {
+ my @paths = ();
+ if ((isArray($_[0]->{'generation.translator include path'}))||
+ (isHash($_[0]->{'generation.translator include path'}))) {
+ @paths = @{$_[0]->{'generation.translator include path'}};
+ }
+ else {
+ push @paths, $_[0]->{'generation.translator include path'};
+ }
+ foreach my $path (@paths) {
+ getTranslatorFilesFrom(
+ %{$_[0]},
+ "$path",
+ %translators,
+ 0, # no recursion
+ 1, # warning
+ 1, # all included and not-included translators
+ 'user' # configuration level
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ } # if ($recurse)
+ return %translators;
+=item B<readTranslatorFile($$)>
+Replies the content of a translator definition file.
+=over 8
+=item * C<file> is the name of the file to parse.
+=item * C<ispdfmode> indicates of AutoLaTeX is in pdf mode (true) or in eps mode (false).
+I<Returns:> a hashtable containing the entries of the definition.
+sub readTranslatorFile($$) {
+ my $file = shift || confess('you must pass a filename to readTranslatorFile($$)');
+ my $ispdfmode = shift;
+ my %content = ();
+ local *FILE;
+ open(*FILE, "< $file") or printErr("$file: $!");
+ my $curvar = '';
+ my $eol = undef;
+ my $lineno = 0;
+ while (my $line = <FILE>) {
+ $lineno++;
+ if ($eol) {
+ if ($line =~ /^\Q$eol\E\s*$/) {
+ $eol = undef;
+ $curvar = undef;
+ }
+ elsif ($curvar) {
+ $content{"$curvar"}{'value'} .= $line;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($line !~ /^\s*[#;]/) {
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*([azA-Z0-9_]+)(?:\s+with\s+(.*?))?(?:\s+for\s+((?:pdf)|(?:eps)))?\s*=\<\<([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*(.*?)\s*$/i) {
+ ($curvar, my $interpreter, my $mode, $eol, my $value) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
+ if (!$mode ||
+ ($ispdfmode && lc($mode) eq 'pdf') ||
+ (!$ispdfmode && lc($mode) eq 'eps')) {
+ $curvar = uc($curvar);
+ $content{"$curvar"} = {
+ 'lineno' => $lineno,
+ 'value' => $value,
+ 'interpreter' => ($interpreter ? lc($interpreter) : undef),
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ $curvar = '';
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^\s*([azA-Z0-9_]+)(?:\s+with\s+(.*?))?(?:\s+for\s+((?:pdf)|(?:eps)))?\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$/i) {
+ my ($var, $interpreter, $mode, $value) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+ if (!$mode ||
+ ($ispdfmode && lc($mode) eq 'pdf') ||
+ (!$ispdfmode && lc($mode) eq 'eps')) {
+ $curvar = undef;
+ $eol = undef;
+ $content{uc("$var")} = {
+ 'lineno' => $lineno,
+ 'value' => $value,
+ 'interpreter' => ($interpreter ? lc($interpreter) : undef),
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($line !~ /^\s*$/) {
+ printErr(formatText(_T("Line outside a definition ({}:{})."),$lineno, $file));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(*FILE);
+ if ($eol) {
+ printErr(formatText(_T("The block for the variable '{}' is not closed. Keyword '{}' was not found ({}:{})."),
+ $curvar, $eol, $file, $lineno));
+ }
+ # Translate the values into suitable Perl objects
+ if (exists $content{'INPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}) {
+ my @exts = split(/\s+/, ($content{'INPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'} || ''));
+ $content{'INPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'} = [];
+ foreach my $e (@exts) {
+ if ($e !~ /^\^s*$/) {
+ if ($e !~ /^[\.+]/) {
+ $e = ".$e";
+ }
+ push @{$content{'INPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}}, $e;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $content{'OUTPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}) {
+ my @exts = split(/\s+/, ($content{'OUTPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'} || ''));
+ $content{'OUTPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'} = [];
+ foreach my $e (@exts) {
+ if ($e !~ /^\^s*$/) {
+ if ($e !~ /^\./) {
+ $e = ".$e";
+ }
+ push @{$content{'OUTPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}}, $e;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $content{'TRANSLATOR_PERL_DEPENDENCIES'}{'value'}) {
+ my @exts = split(/\s+/, ($content{'TRANSLATOR_PERL_DEPENDENCIES'}{'value'} || ''));
+ $content{'TRANSLATOR_PERL_DEPENDENCIES'}{'value'} = [];
+ while (@exts) {
+ my $e = shift @exts;
+ if ($exts[0] &&
+ ( ($exts[0] =~ /^\Q'\E.*?\Q'\E$/) ||
+ ($exts[0] =~ /^\Qqw(\E.+?\Q)\E$/) ||
+ ($exts[0] =~ /^\Qqw{\E.+?\Q}\E$/))) {
+ my $p = shift @exts;
+ $e .= " $p";
+ }
+ push @{$content{'TRANSLATOR_PERL_DEPENDENCIES'}{'value'}}, $e;
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $content{'FILES_TO_CLEAN'}{'value'}) {
+ my @patterns = split(/\s+/, ($content{'FILES_TO_CLEAN'}{'value'} || ''));
+ $content{'FILES_TO_CLEAN'}{'value'} = [];
+ foreach my $p (@patterns) {
+ if ($p !~ /^\^s*$/) {
+ push @{$content{'FILES_TO_CLEAN'}{'value'}}, $p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return \%content;
+=item B<runRootTranslator(\%$$\%$;$)>
+Run the translator on a file as a root translator.
+=over 8
+=item * C<configuration> is AutoLaTeX configuration.
+=item * C<name> is name of the translator.
+=item * C<in> is the name of the input file.
+=item * C<translators> definition of all the translators.
+=item * C<force> indicates if the translation is always run (true) or only if the source file is more recent than the target file.
+I<Returns:> true if a file was created; otherwise false.
+sub runRootTranslator(\%$$\%$) {
+ my $configuration = shift || confess("configuration is mandatory");
+ my $transname = shift || confess("transname is mandatory");
+ my $in = shift || confess("input is mandatory");
+ my $translators = shift || confess("translators are mandatory");
+ my $force = shift;
+ my $out = undef;
+ my @transexts = sort {
+ my $la = length($a);
+ my $lb = length($b);
+ my $c = $lb <=> $la;
+ if ($c) {
+ ($c);
+ }
+ else {
+ ($a cmp $b);
+ }
+ }
+ @{$translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'INPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}};
+ my $i = 0;
+ while (($i<@transexts) && (!$out)) {
+ if ($in =~ /^(.+)\Q$transexts[$i]\E$/i) {
+ $out = "$1";
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $out = "$in" unless ($out);
+ $out .= $translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'OUTPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}[0] || '';
+ $ROOT_TRANSLATORS{'configuration'} = $configuration;
+ $ROOT_TRANSLATORS{'translators'} = $translators;
+ $ROOT_TRANSLATORS{'force'} = $force;
+ $ROOT_TRANSLATORS{'loglevel'} = 1;
+ $ROOT_TRANSLATORS{'fail-on-error'} = 1;
+ return _runTranslator(
+ $configuration,
+ $translators,
+ $transname,
+ $in,
+ $out,
+ $force,
+ 1,
+ 1);
+=item B<runTranslator($$$)>
+Run the translator on a file.
+=over 8
+=item * C<name> is name of the translator.
+=item * C<in> is the name of the input file.
+=item * C<out> is the name of the output file.
+=item * C<failOnError> (optional) indicates if the translator must fail on error or not.
+I<Returns:> true if a file was created; otherwise false.
+sub runTranslator($$$;$) {
+ my $transname = shift || confess("name is mandatory");
+ my $in = shift || confess("input is mandatory");
+ my $out = shift || confess("output is mandatory");
+ my $failOnError = shift;
+ if (!$ROOT_TRANSLATORS{'translators'}) {
+ printErr(_T("You cannot call runTranslator() outside the call stack of runRootTranslator()."));
+ }
+ if (!defined($failOnError)) {
+ $failOnError = $ROOT_TRANSLATORS{'fail-on-error'};
+ }
+ printDbgIndent();
+ my $savedFailure = $ROOT_TRANSLATORS{'fail-on-error'};
+ $ROOT_TRANSLATORS{'fail-on-error'} = $failOnError;
+ $ROOT_TRANSLATORS{'loglevel'}++;
+ my $r = _runTranslator(
+ $ROOT_TRANSLATORS{'configuration'},
+ $ROOT_TRANSLATORS{'translators'},
+ $transname,
+ $in,
+ $out,
+ $ROOT_TRANSLATORS{'loglevel'},
+ $failOnError);
+ $ROOT_TRANSLATORS{'loglevel'}--;
+ $ROOT_TRANSLATORS{'fail-on-error'} = $savedFailure;
+ printDbgUnindent();
+ return $r;
+# Private translator function
+sub _runTranslator($$$$$$$$) {
+ my $configuration = shift || confess("configuration is mandatory");
+ my $translators = shift || confess("translators are mandatory");
+ my $transname = shift || confess("transname is mandatory");
+ my $in = shift || confess("input is mandatory");
+ my $out = shift || confess("output is mandatory");
+ my $force = shift;
+ my $logLevel = shift;
+ my $failOnError = shift;
+ my $ispdfmode = (($configuration->{'generation.generation type'} || 'pdf') eq 'pdf');
+ my $isepsmode = !$ispdfmode;
+ $in = File::Spec->rel2abs("$in");
+ $out = File::Spec->rel2abs("$out");
+ if (! -r "$in") {
+ my $errmsg = formatText(_T("{}: file not found or not readable."), $in);
+ if ($failOnError) {
+ printErr($errmsg);
+ }
+ else {
+ print STDERR formatErr($errmsg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!exists $translators->{"$transname"} ||
+ !exists $translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'} ||
+ !$translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}) {
+ # The requested translator was not enabled by the user.
+ # We try to enable it on the fly.
+ loadTranslator($transname, $translators);
+ }
+ # Try to avoid the translation if the source file is no more recent than the target file.
+ if (!$force) {
+ my $inChange = lastFileChange("$in");
+ my $outChange = lastFileChange("$out");
+ if (!defined($outChange)) {
+ # No out file, try to detect other types of generated files
+ local *DIR;
+ my $dirname = dirname("$out");
+ if (opendir(*DIR, "$dirname")) {
+ my $fn;
+ my $ext = $translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'OUTPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}[0] || '';
+ my $bn = basename($out, $ext);
+ while (!defined($outChange) && ($fn = readdir(*DIR))) {
+ if (!isIgnorableDirectory($fn)
+ && $fn =~ /^(\Q${bn}_\E.*)\Q$ext\E$/s) {
+ my $ffn = File::Spec->catfile("$dirname", "$fn");
+ my $t = lastFileChange("$ffn");
+ if (defined($t) && (!defined($outChange) || $t<$outChange)) {
+ $outChange = $t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(*DIR);
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined($outChange) && $inChange<$outChange) {
+ # No need to translate again
+ printDbgFor(2, formatText(_T("{} is up-to-date."), basename($out)));
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ printDbgFor(3, formatText(_T("in={}; out={}."), $outChange, $inChange));
+ }
+ }
+ if ($logLevel) {
+ printDbgFor($logLevel, formatText(_T("{} -> {}"), basename($in), basename($out)));
+ }
+ if ($translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'COMMAND_LINE'}{'value'}) {
+ ################################
+ # Run an external command line #
+ ################################
+ my $cli = ($translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'COMMAND_LINE'}{'value'} || '');
+ # Create the environment of variables for the CLI
+ my %environment = (%{$translators->{"$transname"}{'environment_variables'}});
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each(%{$configuration})) {
+ if (!isArray($v) && !isHash($v)) {
+ $environment{$k} = $v;
+ }
+ }
+ $environment{'in'} = $in;
+ $environment{'out'} = $out;
+ my $inext;
+ while ((!$inext)&& ((undef,my $e) = each @{$translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'INPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}})) {
+ if ($in =~ /\Q$e\E$/i) {
+ $inext = $e;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$inext) {
+ $inext = $translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'INPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}[0];
+ }
+ $environment{'inext'} = $inext;
+ my $ext = $translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'OUTPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}[0] || '';
+ $environment{'outbasename'} = basename($out, $ext);
+ $environment{'outwoext'} = File::Spec->catfile(dirname($out), $environment{'outbasename'});
+ # Create the CLI to run
+ my @cli = parseCLI(\%environment, "$cli");
+ if (getDebugLevel>=4) {
+ $cli = '$';
+ foreach my $elt (@cli) {
+ $cli .= " ".addSlashes($elt);
+ }
+ printDbg("$cli");
+ }
+ runCommandOrFail(@cli);
+ }
+ elsif ($translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'TRANSLATOR_FUNCTION'}{'value'}) {
+ #########################
+ # Run the embedded code #
+ #########################
+ my $lineno = $translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'TRANSLATOR_FUNCTION'}{'lineno'} - 1;
+ my $interpreter = $translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'TRANSLATOR_FUNCTION'}{'interpreter'};
+ my @inexts = @{$translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'INPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}};
+ my $inext;
+ while ((!$inext)&& ((undef,my $e) = each @inexts)) {
+ if ($in =~ /\Q$e\E$/i) {
+ $inext = $e;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$inext) {
+ $inext = $inexts[0];
+ }
+ my $outext = $translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'OUTPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}[0];
+ my @outexts = @{$translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'OUTPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}};
+ my $ext = $translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'OUTPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}[0] || '';
+ my $outbasename = basename($out, $ext);
+ my $outwoext = File::Spec->catfile(dirname($out), $outbasename);
+ if (!$interpreter || $interpreter eq 'perl') {
+ #
+ #
+ my $code;
+ {
+ my $perlDeps = $translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'TRANSLATOR_PERL_DEPENDENCIES'}{'value'} || [];
+ $code = "{\n";
+ if ($perlDeps) {
+ foreach my $dep (@{$perlDeps}) {
+ $code .= "use ".$dep.";\n";
+ $lineno++;
+ }
+ }
+ $code .= $translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'TRANSLATOR_FUNCTION'}{'value'};
+ $code .= "}\n";
+ }
+ my $c = eval $code;
+ if (!defined($c) && $@) {
+ my $msg = "$@";
+ $msg =~ s/(\(eval\s+[0-9]+\)\s*line\s+)([0-9]+)/$1.($2 + $lineno)."($2)"/egsi;
+ $msg = formatText(_T("Error in the TRANSLATOR_FUNCTION of '{}':\n{}"), $transname, $msg);
+ if ($failOnError) {
+ printErr($msg);
+ }
+ else {
+ #print STDERR formatErr($msg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ # Return the last value of the translator's script
+ return $c;
+ }
+ else {
+ #
+ #
+ my $wrapper;
+ eval "use AutoLaTeX::Interpreter::$interpreter; \$wrapper = AutoLaTeX::Interpreter::$interpreter->new();";
+ if (!$wrapper) {
+ my $errmsg = formatText(_T("Cannot find an interpreter wrapper for {}: {}"), $interpreter, ($@||''));
+ if ($failOnError) {
+ printErr($errmsg);
+ }
+ else {
+ print STDERR formatErr($errmsg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $wrapper->define_global_variable('_in', $in);
+ $wrapper->define_global_variable('_out', $out);
+ $wrapper->define_global_variable('_inexts', \@inexts);
+ $wrapper->define_global_variable('_inext', $inext);
+ $wrapper->define_global_variable('_outext', $outext);
+ $wrapper->define_global_variable('_outexts', \@outexts);
+ $wrapper->define_global_variable('_ext', $ext);
+ $wrapper->define_global_variable('_outbasename', $outbasename);
+ $wrapper->define_global_variable('_outwoext', $outwoext);
+ my $code = $translators->{"$transname"}{'transdef'}{'TRANSLATOR_FUNCTION'}{'value'} || '';
+ $wrapper->run($code);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $errmsg = formatText(_T("Unable to find the method of translation for '{}'."), $transname);
+ if ($failOnError) {
+ printErr($errmsg);
+ }
+ else {
+ print STDERR formatErr($errmsg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+=item B<loadTranslator()>
+Load the all the data needed to run a translator.
+This function read the translator definition (transdef)
+file; it sets the 'environment_variables' entry; and
+it make symbolic link from the translator basename to
+the translator itself.
+=over 8
+=item * C<name> is the name of the translator to load.
+=item * C<translators> is the associative array that contains all the informations
+about all the translators.
+I<Returns:> true if a file was created; otherwise false.
+sub loadTranslator($\%) {
+ my $name = shift || confess('you must pass the name of the translator to load');
+ my $translators = shift || confess('you must pass the descriptions of the translators');
+ printDbgFor(4, formatText(_T("Searching translator '{}'."), $name));
+ # Check if the translator name corresponds to an existing translator.
+ # If not, try to find a variante.
+ if (!exists $translators->{$name} ||
+ !$translators->{$name} ||
+ !$translators->{$name}{'file'}) {
+ my $loadedlinkname = undef;
+ my $linkname = undef;
+ while ((!$loadedlinkname) && (my ($k,$v) = each (%{$translators}))) {
+ if (isHash($v) && $v->{'basename'} && $v->{'basename'} eq $name
+ && $v->{'file'}) {
+ if (exists $v->{'transdef'}) {
+ $loadedlinkname = $k;
+ }
+ else {
+ $linkname = $k;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$linkname && !$loadedlinkname) {
+ printErr(formatText(_T("The translator '{}' cannot be found."), $name));
+ }
+ elsif ($loadedlinkname) {
+ $linkname = $loadedlinkname;
+ }
+ printDbgFor(4, formatText(_T("Linking '{}' to '{}'."), $name, $linkname));
+ $translators->{"$name"} = $translators->{"$linkname"};
+ $name = $linkname;
+ }
+ # Load the translator if not already loaded
+ if (exists $translators->{$name}{'transdef'}) {
+ printDbgFor(4, formatText(_T("'{}' is already loaded."), $name));
+ }
+ else {
+ printDbgFor(4, formatText(_T("Loading translator '{}'."), $name));
+ # Read the translator definition
+ $translators->{$name}{'transdef'} = readTranslatorFile(
+ $translators->{$name}{'file'},
+ $translators->{$name}{'ispdfmode'});
+ # Add environment variables
+ while ( my ($k,$v) = each(%{$translators->{$name}{'transdef'}})) {
+ if ($v && $v->{'value'} && !isHash($v->{'value'}) && !isArray($v->{'value'})) {
+ $translators->{$name}{'environment_variables'}{"$k"} = $v->{'value'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+=item B<loadTranslatorsFromConfiguration(%%)>
+Run the algorithm that permits to load the translator
+according to a given configuration.
+This function is provided to be invoked by the main
+program of AutoLaTex, or any other program that is
+needing to load the list of translators according
+to a configuration.
+=over 8
+=item * C<configuration> is the associative array that contains the configuration.
+=item * C<data> is the associative array that IS FILLED with the data of the loaded translators.
+I<Returns:> Nothing
+sub loadTranslatorsFromConfiguration(\%\%) {
+ my $configuration = shift or confess("First parameter is mandatory: the associative array of the configuration");
+ my $data = shift or confess("Second parameter is mandatory: the associative array of loaded data");
+ if (!$data->{'translators'}) {
+ %{$data->{'translators'}} = getTranslatorList(%{$configuration});
+ }
+ if (!$data->{'loadableTranslators'}) {
+ %{$data->{'loadableTranslators'}} = getLoadableTranslatorList(%{$configuration});
+ foreach my $translator (keys %{$data->{'loadableTranslators'}}) {
+ # Load the translator
+ loadTranslator($translator, %{$data->{'translators'}});
+ # Extract image extensions
+ foreach my $input (@{$data->{'translators'}{$translator}{'transdef'}{'INPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}}) {
+ $data->{'imageDatabase'}{"$input"}{'translator'} = $translator;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+=item B<loadTranslatableImageList(%%)>
+Run the algorithm that permits to load the list
+of the images that should be processed by the translators.
+This function is provided to be invoked by the main
+program of AutoLaTex, or any other program that is
+needing this list.
+=over 8
+=item * C<configuration> is the associative array that contains the configuration.
+=item * C<data> is the associative array that IS FILLED with the data of the pictures.
+=item * C<skipManualAssignment> (optional) is a boolean flag that indicates if the manual
+assignments with C<"*.files to convert"> from the configuration must be skipped.
+I<Returns:> Nothing
+sub loadTranslatableImageList(\%\%;$) {
+ my $configuration = shift or confess("First parameter is mandatory: the associative array of the configuration");
+ my $data = shift or confess("Second parameter is mandatory: the associative array of loaded data");
+ my $skipManualAssignment = shift;
+ if (!$data->{'imageDatabaseReady'} && exists $configuration->{'generation.image directory'}) {
+ $data->{'numberOfImages'} = 0;
+ my $separator = getPathListSeparator();
+ # Prepare the configuration entries '*.files to convert'
+ if (!$skipManualAssignment) {
+ $configuration->{'__private__'}{'files to convert'} = {};
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each(%{$configuration})) {
+ if ($k =~ /^(.+)\.files\s+to\s+convert$/) {
+ my $trans = $1;
+ my @t = split(/\s*\Q$separator\E\s*/, $v);
+ foreach my $t (@t) {
+ $t = File::Spec->rel2abs($t, $configuration->{'__private__'}{'input.project directory'});
+ $configuration->{'__private__'}{'files to convert'}{$t} = $trans;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Detect the image from the file system
+ local* DIR;
+ printDbg(formatText(_T("Detecting images inside '{}'"), $configuration->{'generation.image directory'}));
+ my $rawdirs = $configuration->{'generation.image directory'};
+ $rawdirs =~ s/^\s+//s;
+ $rawdirs =~ s/\s+$//s;
+ if ($rawdirs) {
+ my $separators = getPathListSeparator() || '';
+ my @dirs = split( /[$separators]/is, $rawdirs);
+ my @imageExtensions = keys %{$data->{'imageDatabase'}};
+ @imageExtensions = sort {
+ my $la = length($a);
+ my $lb = length($b);
+ if ($la==$lb) {
+ ($a cmp $b);
+ }
+ else {
+ ($lb - $la);
+ }
+ } @imageExtensions;
+ while (@dirs) {
+ my $dir = shift @dirs;
+ $dir = File::Spec->rel2abs($dir, $configuration->{'__private__'}{'input.project directory'});
+ if (opendir(*DIR, "$dir")) {
+ while (my $fn = readdir(*DIR)) {
+ if (!isIgnorableDirectory($fn)) {
+ my $ffn = File::Spec->catfile("$dir", "$fn");
+ if (-d "$ffn") {
+ push @dirs, "$ffn";
+ }
+ else {
+ my $selectedExtension = undef;
+ if (!$skipManualAssignment &&
+ $configuration->{'__private__'}{'files to convert'}{$ffn}) {
+ my $trans = $configuration->{'__private__'}{'files to convert'}{$ffn};
+ $selectedExtension = "$separator$separator$trans$separator$separator";
+ $data->{'imageDatabase'}{"$selectedExtension"}{'translator'} = $trans;
+ loadTranslator($trans, %{$data->{'translators'}});
+ }
+ if (!$selectedExtension) {
+ for(my $i=0; !$selectedExtension && $i<@imageExtensions; ++$i) {
+ if ($fn =~ /\Q$imageExtensions[$i]\E$/i) {
+ $selectedExtension = $imageExtensions[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($selectedExtension) {
+ if (!$data->{'imageDatabase'}{"$selectedExtension"}{'files'}) {
+ $data->{'imageDatabase'}{"$selectedExtension"}{'files'} = [];
+ }
+ push @{$data->{'imageDatabase'}{"$selectedExtension"}{'files'}}, "$ffn";
+ $data->{'activatedImageExtensions'}{"$selectedExtension"} = 1;
+ $data->{'numberOfImages'}++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(*DIR);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($data->{'activatedImageExtensions'}) {
+ my @keys = keys %{$data->{'activatedImageExtensions'}};
+ $data->{'activatedImageExtensions'} = \@keys;
+ }
+ $data->{'imageDatabaseReady'} = 1;
+ }
+ return undef;
+To report bugs, provide feedback, suggest new features, etc. visit the AutoLaTeX Project management page at <> or send email to the author at L<>.
+=head1 LICENSE
+S<GNU Public License (GPL)>
+S<Copyright (c) 1998-14 Stéphane Galland E<lt>galland@arakhne.orgE<gt>>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/ b/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79b037da88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/autolatex/pm/AutoLaTeX/Core/
@@ -0,0 +1,1467 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1998-15 Stephane Galland <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+=head1 NAME
+ - Utilities
+Provides a set of general purpose utilities.
+To use this library, type C<use AutoLaTeX::Core::Util;>.
+The provided functions are:
+=over 4
+package AutoLaTeX::Core::Util;
+our $VERSION = '38.3';
+@ISA = ('Exporter');
+@EXPORT = qw( &isHash &isArray &removeFromArray &arrayContains &getAutoLaTeXDir
+ &getAutoLaTeXName &getAutoLaTeXDocDir &getAutoLaTeXLaunchingName &getAutoLaTeXVersion
+ &setAutoLaTeXInfo &showManual &printDbg &printErr &formatErr &printWarn &setDebugLevel
+ &getDebugLevel &printDbgFor &dumpDbgFor &arrayIndexOf &printDbgIndent
+ &printDbgUnindent &runCommandOrFail &runSystemCommand &runCommandOrFailFromInput
+ &notifySystemCommandListeners &exitDbg &addSlashes
+ &runCommandRedirectToInternalLogs &countLinesIn
+ &readFileLines &writeFileLines &runCommandOrFailRedirectTo
+ &runCommandSilently &removePathPrefix &trim &trim_ws &formatText
+ &makeMessage &makeMessageLong &secure_unlink &str2language
+ &killSubProcesses &toANSI &toUTF8 &redirectToSTDOUT &redirectToSTDERR
+ &isIgnorableDirectory ) ;
+require 5.014;
+use strict;
+use utf8;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
+use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
+use Carp;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::IntUtils;
+my $autolatexUseSTDERR = 1;
+my $autoLaTeXName = undef;
+my $autoLaTeXDirectory = undef;
+my $autoLaTeXLaunchingName = undef;
+my $autoLaTeXVersion = "$VERSION or higher";
+my $debugLevel = 0;
+my $dbgIndent = 0;
+my %runningChildren = ();
+my $lastListenerCheck = 0;
+# Array of launched subprocesses
+my %launchedSubProcesses = ();
+sub __print(@) {
+ if ($autolatexUseSTDERR) {
+ print STDOUT (@_);
+ }
+ else {
+ print STDERR (@_);
+ }
+=item B<redirectToSTDOUT()>
+Redirect the verbosing text on the STDOUT in place of STDERR.
+I<Returns:> None.
+sub redirectToSTDOUT() {
+ $autolatexUseSTDERR = 0;
+=item B<redirectToSTDERR()>
+Redirect the verbosing text on the STDERR in place of STDOUT.
+I<Returns:> None.
+sub redirectToSTDERR() {
+ $autolatexUseSTDERR = 1;
+=item B<toANSI(@)>
+Convert the given elements from UTF-8 to ANSI.
+I<Returns:> the array that contains the convertion result.
+sub toANSI(@) {
+ my @result = ();
+ foreach my $e (@_) {
+ if (utf8::is_utf8($e)) {
+ my $ne = "$e";
+ utf8::downgrade($ne);
+ push @result, $ne;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @result, $e;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return @result;
+ }
+ return \@result;
+=item B<toUTF8(@)>
+Convert the given elements from ANSI to UTF8.
+I<Returns:> the array that contains the convertion result.
+sub toUTF8(@) {
+ my @result = ();
+ foreach my $e (@_) {
+ if (utf8::is_utf8($e)) {
+ push @result, $e;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $ne = "$e";
+ utf8::upgrade($ne);
+ push @result, $ne;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return @result;
+ }
+ return \@result;
+=item B<getAutoLaTeXDir()>
+Replies the location of the main AutoLaTeX script.
+This value must be set with a call to setAutoLaTeXInfo().
+I<Returns:> the AutoLaTeX main directory.
+sub getAutoLaTeXDir() {
+ return $autoLaTeXDirectory;
+=item B<getAutoLaTeXDocDir()>
+Replies the location of the documentation of AutoLaTeX.
+I<Returns:> the AutoLaTeX documentation directory.
+sub getAutoLaTeXDocDir() {
+ return File::Spec->catfile(getAutoLaTeXDir(), "doc");
+=item B<getAutoLaTeXName()>
+Replies the base filename of the main AutoLaTeX script.
+This value must be set with a call to setAutoLaTeXInfo().
+I<Returns:> the AutoLaTeX main script filename.
+sub getAutoLaTeXName() {
+ return $autoLaTeXName;
+=item B<getAutoLaTeXLaunchingName()>
+Replies the base filename of the command which permits
+to launch AutoLaTeX. It could differ from the AutoLaTeX name
+due to several links.
+This value must be set with a call to setAutoLaTeXInfo().
+I<Returns:> the AutoLaTeX command name.
+sub getAutoLaTeXLaunchingName() {
+ return $autoLaTeXLaunchingName;
+=item B<getAutoLaTeXVersion()>
+Replies the current version of AutoLaTeX.
+This number is extracted from the VERSION filename if
+it exists.
+This value must be set with a call to setAutoLaTeXInfo().
+I<Returns:> the AutoLaTeX version number.
+sub getAutoLaTeXVersion() {
+ return $autoLaTeXVersion;
+=item B<setAutoLaTeXInfo($$$)>
+Set the information about the main AutoLaTeX script.
+This function should only be could by the AutoLaTeX main script.
+=over 8
+=item * the name of the command typed on the command line.
+=item * the name of the main script.
+=item * the path where the main script is located.
+sub setAutoLaTeXInfo($$$) {
+ $autoLaTeXLaunchingName = "$_[0]";
+ $autoLaTeXName = "$_[1]";
+ $autoLaTeXDirectory = File::Spec->rel2abs("$_[2]");
+ # Detect the version number
+ my $versionFile = File::Spec->catfile($autoLaTeXDirectory,'VERSION');
+ if (-f "$versionFile") {
+ if (-r "$versionFile") {
+ open(*VERSIONFILE, "< $versionFile") or die("$versionFile: $!\n");
+ while (my $line = <VERSIONFILE>) {
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*autolatex\s+(.*?)\s*$/i) {
+ $autoLaTeXVersion = "$1";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close(*VERSIONFILE);
+ }
+ else {
+ __print(formatText(_T("No read access to the VERSION file of AutoLaTeX. AutoLaTeX should not be properly installed. Assuming version: {}\n"),$autoLaTeXVersion));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ __print(formatText(_T("Unable to find the VERSION file of AutoLaTeX. AutoLaTeX should not be properly installed. Assuming version: {}\n"), $autoLaTeXVersion));
+ }
+=item B<showManual(@)>
+Display the manual page extracted from the specified POD file.
+=over 8
+=item * the components of the path to the POD file to use.
+I<Returns:> NEVER RETURN.
+sub showManual(@) {
+ my $pod;
+ # Try to localize
+ my $filename = pop @_;
+ my $ext = '';
+ if ($filename =~ /^(.*)(\.pod)$/i) {
+ $ext = "$2";
+ $filename = "$1";
+ }
+ my $currentLocale = getCurrentLocale();
+ my $currentLang = getCurrentLanguage();
+ {
+ my ($localePod,$localeLang);
+ local *DIR;
+ opendir(*DIR,File::Spec->catfile(@_))
+ or die(_T("no manual page found\n").File::Spec->catfile(@_).": $!\n");
+ while (my $file = readdir(*DIR)) {
+ if (!isIgnorableDirectory($file)) {
+ if ($file =~ /^\Q$filename\E[._\-]\Q$currentLocale$ext\E$/) {
+ $localePod = $file;
+ }
+ if ($file =~ /^\Q$filename\E[._\-]\Q$currentLang$ext\E$/) {
+ $localeLang = $file;
+ }
+ if ($file =~ /^\Q$filename$ext\E$/) {
+ $pod = $file;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(*DIR);
+ if ($localePod) {
+ $pod = $localePod;
+ }
+ elsif ($localeLang) {
+ $pod = $localeLang;
+ }
+ }
+ # Display the POD
+ if ($pod) {
+ my $pod = File::Spec->catfile(@_, $pod);
+ if ( -r "$pod" ) {
+ use Pod::Perldoc;
+ @ARGV = ( "$pod" );
+ Pod::Perldoc->run();
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ __print(_T("no manual page found\n"));
+ exit(255);
+=item B<isHash($)>
+Replies if the given value is a reference to a hashtable.
+=over 8
+=item * a variable of scalar type.
+I<Returns:> C<true> if the parameter is a reference to a hashtable, otherwhise C<false>.
+sub isHash($) {
+ return 0 unless defined($_[0]) ;
+ my $r = ref( $_[0] ) ;
+ return ( $r eq "HASH" ) ;
+=item B<isArray($)>
+Replies if the given value is a reference to an array.
+=over 8
+=item * a variable of scalar type.
+I<Returns:> C<true> if the parameter is a reference to an array, otherwhise C<false>.
+sub isArray($) {
+ return 0 unless defined($_[0]) ;
+ my $r = ref( $_[0] ) ;
+ return ( $r eq "ARRAY" ) ;
+=item B<arrayContains(\@$)>
+Replies if an element exists in an array.
+The equality test is based on the C<eq> operator.
+=over 8
+=item * the array in which the search must be done.
+=item * the element to search for.
+I<Returns:> C<true> if the element is inside the array, otherwhise C<false>
+sub arrayContains(\@$) {
+ foreach my $e (@{$_[0]}) {
+ if ($_[1] eq $e) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+=item B<arrayIndexOf(\@$)>
+Replies the index of an element in the array.
+The equality test is based on the C<eq> operator.
+=over 8
+=item * the array in which the search must be done.
+=item * the element to search for.
+I<Returns:> the index or C<-1> if the element was not found.
+sub arrayIndexOf(\@$) {
+ for(my $i=0; $i<@{$_[0]}; $i++) {
+ if ($_[1] eq $_[0]->[$i]) {
+ return $i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+=item B<removeFromArray(\@$)>
+Remove all the occurences of the specified element
+from an array.
+The equality test is based on the C<eq> operator.
+=over 8
+=item * the array.
+=item * the element to remove.
+I<Returns:> the array in which all the elements was removed.
+sub removeFromArray(\@@) {
+ my @tab2 = @_;
+ my $t = shift @tab2;
+ my @tab = ();
+ foreach my $e (@{$t}) {
+ if (!arrayContains(@tab2,$e)) {
+ push @tab, "$e";
+ }
+ }
+ @{$_[0]} = @tab;
+=item B<makeMessageLong(\%@)>
+Cut the given string at the given column.
+I<The supported keys of the first parameter are:>
+=over 8
+=item * limit: is the maximal number of characters per lines.
+=item * indent: is the number of white spaces to add at the beginning of each line.
+=item * prefix_nosplit: is the text to put at the beginning of a line, before any spliting.
+=item * prefix_split: is the text to put at the beginning of a line, after spliting.
+=item * postfix_split: is the text to put at the end of a line, when spliting.
+=item * indent_char: is the character to use as the indentation unit.
+I<Returns:> the given strings, restricted to the given limit for each line.
+sub makeMessageLong(\%@) {
+ my $params = shift;
+ my $limit = $params->{'limit'};
+ my $indent = $params->{'indent'};
+ my $prefix_nosplit = $params->{'prefix_nosplit'} || '';
+ my $prefix_split = $params->{'prefix_split'} || '';
+ my $postfix_split = $params->{'postfix_split'} || '';
+ my $indent_char = $params->{'indent_char'} || ' ';
+ $limit -= $indent;
+ my $indentstr = '';
+ while (length($indentstr)<$indent) {
+ $indentstr .= $indent_char;
+ }
+ my @text = ();
+ my @lines = split(/\n/, join(' ',@_));
+ foreach my $line (@lines) {
+ my @words = split(/\s+/, $line);
+ my $splitted = undef;
+ my $currentLine = '';
+ for(my $i=0; $i<@words; $i++) {
+ my $word = $words[$i];
+ if (!$currentLine) {
+ $currentLine = $prefix_nosplit.$indentstr.$word;
+ }
+ elsif ((length($currentLine)+length($word)+1)>$limit) {
+ $currentLine .= $postfix_split;
+ push @text, $currentLine;
+ $currentLine = $prefix_split.$indentstr.$word;
+ }
+ else {
+ $currentLine .= ' '.$word;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($currentLine) {
+ push @text, $currentLine;
+ }
+ @words = undef;
+ }
+ @lines = undef;
+ return @text;
+=item B<makeMessage($$@)>
+Cut the given string at the given column.
+=over 8
+=item * limit: is the maximal number of characters per lines.
+=item * indent: is the number of white spaces to add at the beginning of each line.
+=item * rest of the parameters: are the strings to output.
+I<Returns:> the given strings, restricted to the given limit for each line.
+sub makeMessage($$@) {
+ my $limit = shift;
+ my $indent = shift;
+ my %params = ( 'limit' => $limit,
+ 'indent' => $indent,
+ 'prefix_nosplit' => '',
+ 'prefix_split' => '...',
+ 'postfix_split' => '...',
+ 'indent_char' => ' ',
+ );
+ return makeMessageLong(%params, @_);
+=item B<setDebugLevel($)>
+Set the debug level. This level is used by L<printDbg>
+to know is a debug message could be displayed.
+sub setDebugLevel($) {
+ $debugLevel = "$_[0]";
+=item B<getDebugLevel()>
+Replies the debug level. This level is used by L<printDbg>
+to know is a debug message could be displayed.
+sub getDebugLevel() {
+ return "$debugLevel";
+=item B<printDbg(@)>
+display a DEBUG message. The parameters will be displayed separated by a space character.
+sub printDbg(@) {
+ printDbgFor(1,@_);
+=item B<printDbgIndent()>
+Indent future DEBUG messages.
+sub printDbgIndent() {
+ $dbgIndent += 4;
+ $dbgIndent = 50 if ($dbgIndent>50);
+=item B<printDbgUnindent()>
+Unindent future DEBUG messages.
+sub printDbgUnindent() {
+ $dbgIndent -= 4;
+ $dbgIndent = 0 if ($dbgIndent<0);
+=item B<printDbgFor($@)>
+display a DEBUG message. The parameters will be displayed separated by a space character.
+sub printDbgFor($@) {
+ my $requestedLevel = shift;
+ if ($debugLevel>=$requestedLevel) {
+ my @text = makeMessage(60,$dbgIndent,@_);
+ foreach my $p (@text) {
+ __print($INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PREFIX, _T("[AutoLaTeX]"), " $p", "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ 1;
+=item B<dumpDbgFor($@)>
+display the internal value of the specified variables.
+sub dumpDbgFor($@) {
+ my $requestedLevel = shift;
+ if ($debugLevel>=$requestedLevel) {
+ use Data::Dumper;
+ my @text = makeMessage(60,$dbgIndent,Dumper(@_));
+ foreach my $p (@text) {
+ __print($INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PREFIX, _T("[AutoLaTeX]"), " $p", "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ 1;
+=item B<formatErr(@)>
+format an error message. The parameters will be displayed separated by a space character.
+sub formatErr(@) {
+ my $errorMessage = '';
+ my @text = makeMessage(55,0,@_);
+ foreach my $p (@text) {
+ $errorMessage .= $INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PREFIX._T("[AutoLaTeX]").' '.formatText("Error: {}","$p")."\n";
+ }
+ return $errorMessage;
+=item B<printErr(@)>
+display an error message and exit. The parameters will be displayed separated by a space character.
+sub printErr(@) {
+ __print(formatErr(@_));
+ exit(255);
+ undef;
+=item B<printWarn(@)>
+display a warning message. The parameters will be displayed separated by a space character.
+sub printWarn(@) {
+ my @text = makeMessage(50,0,@_);
+ foreach my $p (@text) {
+ __print($INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PREFIX, _T("[AutoLaTeX]"), ' ', formatText(_T("Warning: {}"),"$p"), "\n");
+ }
+ 1;
+=item B<runCommandOrFailRedirectTo($@)>
+Run a system command, block and stop the program when the
+command has failed. The standartd output of the command
+is written (in binary mode when possible) into the file
+with the name given as first parameter.
+=over 4
+=item C<file> is the file in which the stdout must be written.
+=item is the command to run.
+I<Returns:> Always C<0>.
+sub runCommandOrFailRedirectTo($@) {
+ my $stdoutfile = shift;
+ printDbgFor(4, formatText(_T("Command line is:\n{}"), join(' ',@_)));
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ # Child process
+ open(STDOUT, '>', "$stdoutfile") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDOUT: {}"), $!));
+ open(STDERR, '>', "autolatex_exec_stderr.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDERR: {}"), $!));
+ select STDERR; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ select STDOUT; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ my @t = toANSI(@_);
+ exec(@t);
+ }
+ elsif (defined($pid)) {
+ # Parent process
+ $launchedSubProcesses{$pid} = $pid;
+ my $kpid = waitpid($pid, 0);
+ delete $launchedSubProcesses{$pid};
+ my $exitcode = $?;
+ my @stdout = ();
+ if ($kpid>0) {
+ local *LOGFILE;
+ if ($exitcode!=0) {
+ open(*LOGFILE, "< autolatex_exec_stderr.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("{}: {}"), "autolatex_exec_stderr.log", $!));
+ while (my $line = <LOGFILE>) {
+ __print($INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PREFIX.$line);
+ }
+ close(*LOGFILE);
+ }
+ }
+ unlink("autolatex_exec_stdout.log");
+ unlink("autolatex_exec_stderr.log");
+ }
+ else {
+ printErr(formatText(_T("Unable to fork for the system command: {}"),join(' ',@_)));
+ }
+ return 0;
+=item B<runCommandRedirectToInternalLogs(@)>
+Run a system command, block. The standard and error
+outputs of the command are written (in binary mode
+when possible) into the internal log files.
+=over 4
+=item is the command to run.
+I<Returns:> The exit code of the command.
+sub runCommandRedirectToInternalLogs(@) {
+ printDbgFor(4, formatText(_T("Command line is:\n{}"), join(' ',@_)));
+ my $pid = fork();
+ unlink("autolatex_exec_stdout.log");
+ unlink("autolatex_exec_stderr.log");
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ # Child process
+ open(STDOUT, '>', "autolatex_exec_stdout.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDOUT: {}"), $!));
+ open(STDERR, '>', "autolatex_exec_stderr.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDERR: {}"), $!));
+ select STDERR; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ select STDOUT; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ my @t = toANSI(@_);
+ exec(@t);
+ }
+ elsif (defined($pid)) {
+ # Parent process
+ $launchedSubProcesses{$pid} = $pid;
+ waitpid($pid, 0);
+ delete $launchedSubProcesses{$pid};
+ my $exitcode = $?;
+ return $exitcode;
+ }
+ else {
+ printErr(formatText(_T("Unable to fork for the system command: {}"),join(' ',@_)));
+ return 255;
+ }
+=item B<runCommandOrFail(@)>
+Run a system command, block and stop the program when the
+command has failed.
+=over 4
+=item is the command to run.
+I<Returns:> If this function is called in an array context, an array of all
+the lines from the stdout is replied.
+If this function is not called in an array context, the exit code 0 is always
+sub runCommandOrFail(@) {
+ printDbgFor(4, formatText(_T("Command line is:\n{}"), join(' ',@_)));
+ my $wantstdout = wantarray;
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ # Child process
+ open(STDOUT, '>', "autolatex_exec_stdout.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDOUT: {}"), $!));
+ open(STDERR, '>', "autolatex_exec_stderr.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDERR: {}"), $!));
+ select STDERR; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ select STDOUT; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ my @t = toANSI(@_);
+ exec(@t);
+ }
+ elsif (defined($pid)) {
+ # Parent process
+ $launchedSubProcesses{$pid} = $pid;
+ my $kpid = waitpid($pid, 0);
+ delete $launchedSubProcesses{$pid};
+ my $exitcode = $?;
+ my @stdout = ();
+ if ($kpid>0) {
+ local *LOGFILE;
+ if ($exitcode!=0) {
+ open(*LOGFILE, "< autolatex_exec_stdout.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("{}: {}"), "autolatex_exec_stdout.log", $!));
+ while (my $line = <LOGFILE>) {
+ }
+ close(*LOGFILE);
+ open(*LOGFILE, "< autolatex_exec_stderr.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("{}: {}"), "autolatex_exec_stderr.log", $!));
+ while (my $line = <LOGFILE>) {
+ __print($INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PREFIX.$line);
+ }
+ close(*LOGFILE);
+ @_ = map { '\''.addSlashes($_).'\''; } @_;
+ confess("\$ ", join(' ', @_));
+ }
+ elsif ($wantstdout) {
+ @stdout = readFileLines("autolatex_exec_stdout.log");
+ }
+ }
+ unlink("autolatex_exec_stdout.log");
+ unlink("autolatex_exec_stderr.log");
+ if ($wantstdout) {
+ return @stdout;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ printErr(formatText(_T("Unable to fork for the system command: {}"),join(' ',@_)));
+ }
+ return 0;
+=item B<runCommandOrFailFromInput(@)>
+Run a system command with the given text as the standard
+input, block and stop the program when the
+command has failed.
+=over 4
+=item the text to send to the standard input of the command.
+=item is the command to run.
+I<Returns:> If this function is called in an array context, an array of all
+the lines from the stdout is replied.
+If this function is not called in an array context, the exit code 0 is always
+sub runCommandOrFailFromInput($@) {
+ my $input = shift || '';
+ printDbgFor(4, formatText(_T("Command line is:\n{}"), join(' ',@_)));
+ local *INFILE;
+ open(*INFILE, '>') or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't write {}: {}"), '', $!));
+ print INFILE $input;
+ close(*INFILE);
+ my $wantstdout = wantarray;
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ # Child process
+ open(STDIN, '<', "") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDIN: {}"), $!));
+ open(STDOUT, '>', "autolatex_exec_stdout.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDOUT: {}"), $!));
+ open(STDERR, '>', "autolatex_exec_stderr.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDERR: {}"), $!));
+ select STDERR; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ select STDOUT; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ my @t = toANSI(@_);
+ exec(@t);
+ }
+ elsif (defined($pid)) {
+ # Parent process
+ $launchedSubProcesses{$pid} = $pid;
+ my $kpid = waitpid($pid, 0);
+ delete $launchedSubProcesses{$pid};
+ my $exitcode = $?;
+ my @stdout = ();
+ if ($kpid>0) {
+ local *LOGFILE;
+ if ($exitcode!=0) {
+ open(*LOGFILE, "< autolatex_exec_stdout.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("{}: {}"), "autolatex_exec_stdout.log", $!));
+ while (my $line = <LOGFILE>) {
+ }
+ close(*LOGFILE);
+ open(*LOGFILE, "< autolatex_exec_stderr.log") or printErr(formatText(_T("{}: {}"), "autolatex_exec_stderr.log", $!));
+ while (my $line = <LOGFILE>) {
+ __print($INTERNAL_MESSAGE_PREFIX.$line);
+ }
+ close(*LOGFILE);
+ @_ = map { '\''.addSlashes($_).'\''; } @_;
+ confess("\$ ", join(' ', @_));
+ }
+ elsif ($wantstdout) {
+ @stdout = readFileLines("autolatex_exec_stdout.log");
+ }
+ }
+ unlink("autolatex_exec_stdout.log");
+ unlink("autolatex_exec_stderr.log");
+ unlink("");
+ if ($wantstdout) {
+ return @stdout;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ printErr(formatText(_T("Unable to fork for the system command: {}"),join(' ',@_)));
+ }
+ return 0;
+=item B<runCommandSilently(@)>
+Run a system command, block and return the exit code.
+The standard outputs are catched and trashed.
+Parameters are
+=over 4
+=item [options] (optional hash ref), if the first parameter is an hash table, it is assumed to be
+additional options to pass to this function.
+=over 4
+=item C<wait> is a boolean flag that is indicating if the caller must wait for the termination of the sub-process.
+=item rest of the parameters are constituting the command to run.
+I<Returns:> If this function is called in an array context, an array of all
+the lines from the stdout is replied.
+If this function is not called in an array context, the exit code 0 is always
+sub runCommandSilently(@) {
+ my $opts = {};
+ if ($_[0] && isHash($_[0])) {
+ $opts = shift;
+ }
+ printDbgFor(4, formatText(_T("Command line is:\n{}"), join(' ',@_)));
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ # Child process
+ if ($opts->{'stdin'}) {
+ open(STDIN, '<', $opts->{'stdin'}) or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDIN: {}"), $!));
+ select STDIN; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ }
+ open(STDOUT, '>', File::Spec->devnull()) or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDOUT: {}"), $!));
+ open(STDERR, '>', File::Spec->devnull()) or printErr(formatText(_T("Can't redirect STDERR: {}"), $!));
+ select STDERR; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ select STDOUT; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
+ my @t = toANSI(@_);
+ exec(@t);
+ }
+ elsif (defined($pid)) {
+ # Parent process
+ $launchedSubProcesses{$pid} = $pid;
+ if (!defined($opts->{'wait'}) || $opts->{'wait'}) {
+ waitpid($pid, 0);
+ delete $launchedSubProcesses{$pid};
+ return $?;
+ }
+ else {
+ # Do not wait for the child.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ printErr(formatText(_T("Unable to fork for the system command: {}"),join(' ',@_)));
+ return 1;
+ }
+=item B<runSystemCommand($@)>
+Run a system command and notify a listener about the terminaison.
+This subroutine does not block the caller.
+=over 4
+=item is the listener which will be notified with a call to C<$self-E<gt>onSystemCommandTerminaison(\@$)>
+sub runSystemCommand($@) {
+ printDbgFor(4, formatText(_T("Command line is:\n{}"), join(' ',@_)));
+ my $listener = shift;
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ # Child process
+ my @t = toANSI(@_);
+ exec(@t);
+ }
+ elsif (defined($pid)) {
+ # Parent process
+ $launchedSubProcesses{$pid} = $pid;
+ $runningChildren{"$pid"} = { 'listener' => $listener,
+ 'command' => \@_,
+ };
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ printErr(formatText(_T("Unable to fork for the system command: {}"),join(' ',@_)));
+ return 1;
+ }
+=item B<notifySystemCommandListeners()>
+Notifies the listeners on system commands.
+sub notifySystemCommandListeners() {
+ if (%runningChildren) {
+ my $currenttime = time;
+ if ($currenttime>=$lastListenerCheck+1) {
+ $lastListenerCheck = $currenttime;
+ while (my ($pid,$data) = each(%runningChildren)) {
+ my $kid = waitpid($pid, WNOHANG);
+ if ($kid>0) {
+ delete $runningChildren{"$pid"};
+ if (($data->{'listener'})&&($data->{'listener'}->can('onSystemCommandTerminaison'))) {
+ $data->{'listener'}->onSystemCommandTerminaison($data->{'commmand'},$kid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+=item B<waitForSystemCommandTerminaison()>
+Wait for the termination of asynchronous commands.
+sub waitForSystemCommandTerminaison() {
+ if (%runningChildren) {
+ printDbg(_T("Waiting for system command sub-processes"));
+ printDbgIndent();
+ while (my ($pid,$data) = each(%runningChildren)) {
+ if ($runningChildren{"$pid"}{'command'}) {
+ printDbg(@{$runningChildren{"$pid"}{'command'}});
+ }
+ my $kid = waitpid($pid, 0);
+ delete $runningChildren{"$pid"};
+ delete $launchedSubProcesses{$pid};
+ }
+ printDbgUnindent();
+ }
+ 1;
+=item B<exitDbg(@)>
+Print the content of the parameters and exit.
+sub exitDbg(@) {
+ confess(Dumper(@_));
+=item B<addSlashes($)>
+Protect the special characters \\, ' and " with backslashes.
+sub addSlashes($) {
+ my $text = shift;
+ my $term = "$text";
+ $term =~ s/([\\\'\"])/\\$1/gi;
+ return $term;
+=item B<str2language($)>
+Protect the characters with backslashes in the string to obtain a string that may be put in a source code.
+sub str2language($) {
+ my $text = shift;
+ my $term = "$text";
+ $term =~ s/([\\\'\"\0-\31])/\\$1/gi;
+ return $term;
+=item B<readFileLines($)>
+Read a file and replies the array of the lines (if called in array context),
+or all the lines inside a single string (if called in scalar context).
+sub readFileLines($) {
+ local *FILE;
+ if (wantarray) {
+ my @lines = ();
+ open(*FILE, "<".$_[0]) or printErr("$_[0]: $!");
+ while (my $line = <FILE>) {
+ push @lines, $line;
+ }
+ close(*FILE);
+ return @lines;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $lines = '';
+ open(*FILE, "<".$_[0]) or printErr("$_[0]: $!");
+ while (my $line = <FILE>) {
+ $lines .= $line;
+ }
+ close(*FILE);
+ return $lines;
+ }
+=item B<writeFileLines($@)>
+Write the lines in the array inside the specified file.
+=over 4
+=item I<file> is the name of the file to write.
+=item the rest of the parameters are the lines to write.
+sub writeFileLines($@) {
+ my $file = shift;
+ local *FILE;
+ open(*FILE, ">$file") or printErr("$file: $!");
+ foreach my $l (@_) {
+ confess('undefined value') unless (defined($l));
+ print FILE $l;
+ }
+ close(*FILE);
+=item B<removePathPrefix($$)>
+Remove the given prefix from a path.
+=over 4
+=item I<prefix> is the path to remove.
+=item I<path> is the path from which the prefix should be removed.
+sub removePathPrefix($$) {
+ my $prefix = shift;
+ my $path = shift;
+ my @dir1 = File::Spec->splitdir($prefix);
+ my @dir2 = File::Spec->splitdir($path);
+ while (@dir1 && @dir2 && $dir1[0] eq $dir2[0]) {
+ shift @dir1;
+ shift @dir2;
+ }
+ return File::Spec->catdir(@dir2);
+=item B<trim($)>
+Remove the trailing spaces (including white spaces, tabulations, carriage-returns, new-lines...).
+=over 4
+=item I<str> the string to parse.
+sub trim($) {
+ my $str = $_[0] || '';
+ my $s = "$str";
+ $s =~ s/^\s+//s;
+ $s =~ s/\s+$//s;
+ return $s;
+=item B<trim_ws($)>
+Remove the trailing white spaces (and only the white spaces).
+=over 4
+=item I<str> the string to parse.
+sub trim_ws($) {
+ my $str = $_[0] || '';
+ my $s = "$str";
+ $s =~ s/^ //s;
+ $s =~ s/ $//s;
+ return $s;
+=item B<formatText($@)>
+Replies the string after substitutions.
+The substrings C<$0>, C<$1>, C<$2>... will be substituted by
+the corresponding values passed in parameters after the message id.
+The substrings C<${0}>, C<${1}>, C<${2}>... will be substituted by
+the corresponding values passed in parameters after the message id.
+The substrings C<#0>, C<#1>, C<#2>... will be substituted by
+the corresponding values passed in parameters after the message id.
+The substrings C<#{0}>, C<#{1}>, C<#{2}>... will be substituted by
+the corresponding values passed in parameters after the message id.
+The substrings C<{}> will be replaced by the value passed in parameters
+that corresponds to the C<{}>, e.g. the first C<{}> will be replaced by the
+first value, the second C<{}> by the second value...
+=over 4
+=item the id of the string
+=item the list of substitution values.
+I<Returns:> the localized string.
+sub formatText($@) {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ if (@_) {
+ for(my $i=0; $i<@_; $i++) {
+ $msg =~ s/[\$\#]\Q{$i}\E/$_[$i]/g;
+ $msg =~ s/[\$\#]\Q$i\E/$_[$i]/g;
+ }
+ my $i=0;
+ $msg =~ s/\Q{}\E/my $v;if ($i<@_) {$v=$_[$i]||'';$i++;} else {$v="{}";}"$v";/eg;
+ }
+ return $msg;
+=item B<secure_unlink(@)>
+Remove the specifiec files or the directories.
+This function invokes remove_tree or unlink according
+to the type of the file to remove.
+sub secure_unlink(@) {
+ foreach my $file (@_) {
+ if (-d "$file") {
+ remove_tree("$file");
+ }
+ else {
+ unlink("$file");
+ }
+ }
+=item B<countLinesIn($)>
+Count the lines in the given text.
+sub countLinesIn($) {
+ my $c = 1;
+ if ($_[0]) {
+ while ($_[0] =~ /[\n\r]/sg) {
+ $c++;
+ }
+ }
+ return $c;
+=item B<killSubProcesses()>
+Kill all the subprocesses launched by one of the running functions above.
+sub killSubProcesses() {
+ my @pids = keys %launchedSubProcesses;
+ %launchedSubProcesses = ();
+ kill 9, @pids;
+=item B<isIgnorableDirectory($)>
+Replies if the given directory name is for directories to ignore.
+sub isIgnorableDirectory($) {
+ my $file = shift || return 1;
+ return $file eq File::Spec->curdir() || $file eq File::Spec->updir()
+ || $file eq ".git" || $file eq ".svn" || $file eq ".cvs";
+END {
+ waitForSystemCommandTerminaison();
+To report bugs, provide feedback, suggest new features, etc. visit the AutoLaTeX Project management page at <> or send email to the author at L<>.
+=head1 LICENSE
+S<GNU Public License (GPL)>
+S<Copyright (c) 1998-15 Stéphane Galland E<lt>galland@arakhne.orgE<gt>>
+=head1 SEE ALSO