path: root/support/autolatex/
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/autolatex/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/autolatex/')
1 files changed, 1026 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/autolatex/ b/support/autolatex/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b422386638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/autolatex/
@@ -0,0 +1,1026 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# autolatex -
+# Copyright (C) 1998-2016 Stephane Galland <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+require 5.014;
+use strict ;
+use File::Basename ;
+use File::Spec ;
+use File::Copy ;
+use File::Path qw(make_path);
+use Carp;
+$| = 1; # autoflush to get the progress indicator working
+# Initialization code
+ # Where is this script?
+ $LAUNCHINGNAME = basename("$0");
+ my $scriptdir = dirname( $PERLSCRIPTDIR );
+ while ( -e $PERLSCRIPTDIR && -l $PERLSCRIPTDIR ) {
+ if ( substr( $PERLSCRIPTDIR, 0, 1 ) eq '.' ) {
+ $PERLSCRIPTDIR = File::Spec->catfile( $scriptdir, "$PERLSCRIPTDIR" ) ;
+ }
+ $scriptdir = dirname( $PERLSCRIPTDIR );
+ }
+ $PERLSCRIPTDIR = File::Spec->rel2abs( "$PERLSCRIPTDIR" );
+ # Push the path where the script is to retreive the packages
+ push(@INC,File::Spec->catfile("$PERLSCRIPTDIR","pm"));
+ }
+ use AutoLaTeX::Core::Util;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::Main;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::Util;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::OS;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::Config;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::IntUtils;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::Progress;
+use AutoLaTeX::Core::Translator;
+use AutoLaTeX::Make::Make;
+use AutoLaTeX::TeX::Flattener;
+# Add the include path to the "user" interpreters #
+push @INC, File::Spec->catfile(getUserConfigDirectory(),"translators");
+# Catching signals #
+sub safe_exit {
+ killSubProcesses();
+ exit(255);
+@SIG{qw( INT TERM HUP )} = \&safe_exit;
+# Global variables #
+my %configuration;
+my %autolatexData = ();
+# List of the supported commands
+my @SUPPORTED_COMMANDS = ( 'all', 'view', 'clean', 'cleanall', 'gen_doc', 'bibtex', 'biblio', 'makeindex', 'makeglossaries', 'images', 'showimages', 'showimagemap', 'commit', 'update', 'showpath', 'makeflat');
+# script parameters
+# Helping function to init the progress bar #
+sub __initProgress($) {
+ my $max = shift;
+ my $show = $configuration{'__private__'}{' progress'};
+ if ($show) {
+ my $progress = AutoLaTeX::Core::Progress->new($max);
+ $progress->setCarriageReturn($show ne 'n');
+ return $progress;
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub __subProgress($;$) {
+ my $progress = shift;
+ my $inparent = shift;
+ if ($progress) {
+ if ($inparent) {
+ return $progress->subProgress($inparent);
+ }
+ else {
+ return $progress->subProgress();
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub __checkMainTeXfile() {
+ if (!$configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'}) {
+ printErr(formatText(_T("No LaTeX file found nor specified for the directory '{}'.\n You must specify one on the command line option -f, or set the the variable 'generation.main file' in your configuration file, rename one of your files 'Main.tex'."), $configuration{'__private__'}{''}));
+ }
+ else {
+ my $absfile = File::Spec->rel2abs(
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'},
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.project directory'});
+ if (! -f $absfile) {
+ printErr("$absfile:", "$!");
+ }
+ }
+sub al_generateimages($) {
+ my $progress = shift;
+ if (cfgBoolean($configuration{'generation.generate images'})) {
+ my $pv = 0;
+ my $imageCount = $autolatexData{'numberOfImages'};
+ $progress->setMax($imageCount) if ($progress);
+ foreach my $formatName (@{$autolatexData{'activatedImageExtensions'}}) {
+ my $entry = $autolatexData{'imageDatabase'}{"$formatName"};
+ my $trans = $entry->{'translator'};
+ my $fileCount = ($entry->{'files'}) ? @{$entry->{'files'}} : 0;
+ if ($fileCount>0) {
+ foreach my $file (@{$entry->{'files'}}) {
+ if ($progress) {
+ $progress->setComment(formatText(_T("Translating from {}"),basename($file)));
+ }
+ runRootTranslator(%configuration, $trans, $file, %{$autolatexData{'translators'}}, 0);
+ $progress->increment() if ($progress);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $progress->stop() if ($progress);
+ }
+sub al_run_images {
+ my $i_ref = shift;
+ __checkMainTeXfile();
+ # Force the generation of images
+ $configuration{'generation.generate images'} = 'yes';
+ my $progress = __initProgress(10000);
+ loadTranslatorsFromConfiguration(%configuration,%autolatexData);
+ $progress->setValue(100) if ($progress);
+ loadTranslatableImageList(%configuration,%autolatexData);
+ $progress->setValue(200) if ($progress);
+ al_generateimages(__subProgress($progress));
+ $progress->stop() if ($progress);
+sub al_run_showimages {
+ my $i_ref = shift;
+ __checkMainTeXfile();
+ loadTranslatorsFromConfiguration(%configuration,%autolatexData);
+ loadTranslatableImageList(%configuration,%autolatexData);
+ my @images = ();
+ foreach my $value (values %{$autolatexData{'imageDatabase'}}) {
+ if (exists $value->{'files'}) {
+ foreach my $f (@{$value->{'files'}}) {
+ $f = File::Spec->abs2rel($f, $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.project directory'});
+ push @images, $f;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @images = sort @images;
+ print STDOUT join("\n", @images)."\n";
+sub al_run_showimagemap {
+ my $i_ref = shift;
+ __checkMainTeXfile();
+ loadTranslatorsFromConfiguration(%configuration,%autolatexData);
+ loadTranslatableImageList(%configuration,%autolatexData);
+ my %images = ();
+ foreach my $value (values %{$autolatexData{'imageDatabase'}}) {
+ if (exists $value->{'files'}) {
+ foreach my $img (@{$value->{'files'}}) {
+ $img = File::Spec->abs2rel($img, $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.project directory'});
+ $images{$img} = $value->{'translator'};
+ die("no translator for: $img\n") unless $images{$img};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $k (sort keys %images) {
+ my $h = "$k";
+ if (length($h)>=50) {
+ $h .= "\n";
+ for(my $i=0; $i<50; ++$i) {
+ $h .= ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ while (length($h)<50) {
+ $h .= ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ print STDERR "$h => $images{$k}\n";
+ }
+sub al_run_commit {
+ my $i_ref = shift;
+ __checkMainTeXfile();
+ if ($$i_ref==0 || $ARGV[$$i_ref-1] ne 'cleanall') {
+ splice @ARGV, $$i_ref, 0, 'cleanall';
+ }
+ elsif ($configuration{'scm.scm commit'}) {
+ system($configuration{'scm.scm commit'});
+ }
+ else {
+ printWarn(formatText(_T('The configuration entry \'{}\' is not defined.'), 'scm.scm commit'));
+ }
+sub al_run_update {
+ my $i_ref = shift;
+ __checkMainTeXfile();
+ if ($$i_ref==0 || $ARGV[$$i_ref-1] ne 'cleanall') {
+ splice @ARGV, $$i_ref, 0, 'cleanall';
+ }
+ elsif ($configuration{'scm.scm update'}) {
+ system($configuration{'scm.scm update'});
+ }
+ else {
+ printWarn(formatText(_T('The configuration entry \'{}\' is not defined.'), 'scm.scm update'));
+ }
+sub al_view() {
+ my $pdfFile = File::Spec->catfile(
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{''},
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'output.latex basename'}.'.pdf');
+ my $isWaiting = !cfgBoolean($configuration{'viewer.asynchronous run'});
+ if ($configuration{'viewer.viewer'}) {
+ if ($isWaiting) {
+ printDbgFor(2, formatText(_T("Launching '{}'"), $configuration{'viewer.viewer'}));
+ }
+ else {
+ printDbgFor(2, formatText(_T("Launching '{}' in background"), $configuration{'viewer.viewer'}));
+ }
+ runCommandSilently(
+ { 'wait' => $isWaiting },
+ $configuration{'viewer.viewer'}, $pdfFile);
+ }
+ else {
+ my $v = 0;
+ foreach my $viewer ('acroread', 'evince', 'kpdf', 'xpdf', 'gv') {
+ if (!$v) {
+ my $bin = which($viewer);
+ if ($bin) {
+ $v = 1;
+ if ($isWaiting) {
+ printDbgFor(2, formatText(_T("Launching '{}'"), $bin));
+ }
+ else {
+ printDbgFor(2, formatText(_T("Launching '{}' in background"), $bin));
+ }
+ runCommandSilently(
+ { 'wait' => $isWaiting },
+ $bin, $pdfFile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$v) {
+ printErr(formatText(_T('Unable to find a viewer.')));
+ }
+ }
+sub al_make($) {
+ my $progress = shift;
+ my $make = AutoLaTeX::Make::Make->new(\%configuration);
+ $make->enableBiblio(cfgBoolean($configuration{'generation.biblio'}));
+ $make->enableMakeGlossaries(cfgBoolean($configuration{'generation.makeglossaries'}));
+ $make->generationType($configuration{'generation.generation type'});
+ $make->addTeXFile( $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'} );
+ $make->build($progress);
+sub al_run_make {
+ my $i_ref = shift;
+ __checkMainTeXfile();
+ my $progress = __initProgress(10000);
+ loadTranslatorsFromConfiguration(%configuration,%autolatexData);
+ $progress->setValue(100) if ($progress);
+ loadTranslatableImageList(%configuration,%autolatexData);
+ $progress->setValue(200) if ($progress);
+ al_generateimages(__subProgress($progress, 2500));
+ al_make(__subProgress($progress));
+ $progress->stop() if ($progress);
+sub al_run_makeandview {
+ my $i_ref = shift;
+ __checkMainTeXfile();
+ my $force = shift;
+ my $progress = __initProgress(10000);
+ loadTranslatorsFromConfiguration(%configuration,%autolatexData);
+ $progress->setValue(100) if ($progress);
+ loadTranslatableImageList(%configuration,%autolatexData);
+ $progress->setValue(200) if ($progress);
+ al_generateimages(__subProgress($progress, 2500));
+ al_make(__subProgress($progress, 7000));
+ if ($force || cfgBoolean($configuration{'viewer.view'})) {
+ al_view();
+ }
+ $progress->stop() if ($progress);
+sub al_run_biblio {
+ my $i_ref = shift;
+ __checkMainTeXfile();
+ my $progress = __initProgress(10000);
+ my $make = AutoLaTeX::Make::Make->new(\%configuration);
+ $make->enableBiblio(1);
+ $make->addTeXFile( $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'} );
+ $progress->setValue(1000) if ($progress);
+ $make->buildBiblio(__subProgress($progress));
+ $progress->stop() if ($progress);
+sub al_run_makeindex {
+ my $i_ref = shift;
+ __checkMainTeXfile();
+ my $progress = __initProgress(10000);
+ my $make = AutoLaTeX::Make::Make->new(\%configuration);
+ $make->enableMakeIndex(1);
+ $make->addTeXFile( $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'} );
+ $progress->setValue(1000) if ($progress);
+ $make->buildMakeIndex(__subProgress($progress));
+ $progress->stop() if ($progress);
+sub al_run_makeglossaries {
+ my $i_ref = shift;
+ __checkMainTeXfile();
+ my $progress = __initProgress(10000);
+ my $make = AutoLaTeX::Make::Make->new(\%configuration);
+ $make->enableMakeGlossaries(1);
+ $make->addTeXFile( $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'} );
+ $progress->setValue(1000) if ($progress);
+ $make->buildMakeGlossaries(__subProgress($progress));
+ $progress->stop() if ($progress);
+sub al_shell2re($) {
+ return '' unless ($_[0]);
+ my $shell = "$_[0]";
+ my $re = "";
+ while ($shell && $shell =~ /^(.*?)([*?]|(?:\[([^\]]+)\]))(.*)$/) {
+ (my $prev, my $sep, $shell) = ($1,$2,$4);
+ $re .= "\Q$prev\E";
+ if ($sep eq '*') {
+ $re .= '.*';
+ }
+ elsif ($sep eq '?') {
+ $re .= '.';
+ }
+ else {
+ $re .= '['.$3.']';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($shell) {
+ $re .= "\Q$shell\E";
+ }
+ if ($re) {
+ $re = "(?:$re)";
+ }
+ return $re;
+sub al_applyCleanRecursively(\@\@) {
+ my $rootPatterns = shift;
+ my $dirPatterns = shift;
+ my %absFiles = ();
+ # Convert shell wildcards to Perl re
+ my $tpatterns = '';
+ if ($rootPatterns) {
+ foreach my $pattern (@{$rootPatterns}) {
+ if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($pattern)) {
+ $absFiles{$pattern} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($tpatterns) {
+ $tpatterns .= '|';
+ }
+ $tpatterns .= al_shell2re($pattern);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $dpatterns = '';
+ if ($dirPatterns) {
+ foreach my $pattern (@{$dirPatterns}) {
+ if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($pattern)) {
+ $absFiles{$pattern} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($dpatterns) {
+ $dpatterns .= '|';
+ }
+ $dpatterns .= al_shell2re($pattern);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Clean the files
+ my @dirs = ( $configuration{'__private__'}{''} );
+ my $rootdir = 1;
+ local *DIR;
+ while (@dirs) {
+ my $dir = shift @dirs;
+ opendir(*DIR, "$dir") or printErr("$dir: $!");
+ while (my $fn = readdir(*DIR)) {
+ if (!isIgnorableDirectory($fn)) {
+ my $ffn = File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catfile("$dir","$fn"));
+ if (-d "$ffn") {
+ push @dirs, "$ffn";
+ }
+ elsif ($absFiles{$ffn}) {
+ secure_unlink("$ffn");
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($rootdir && $tpatterns && $fn =~ /^$tpatterns$/s) {
+ secure_unlink("$ffn");
+ }
+ elsif ($dpatterns && $fn =~ /^$dpatterns$/s) {
+ secure_unlink("$ffn");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(*DIR);
+ $rootdir = 0;
+ }
+sub al_getcleanfiles() {
+ my $outputFile = File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catfile(
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{''},
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'output.latex basename'}));
+ my @filestoclean = (
+ '.autolatex_stamp', 'autolatex_stamp',
+ 'autolatex_exec_stderr.log', 'autolatex_exec_stdout.log', 'autolatex_exec_stdin.log',
+ 'autolatex_autogenerated.tex',
+ "$outputFile.pdf", "$outputFile.dvi", "$outputFile.xdvi", "$outputFile.xdv", "$", "$outputFile.synctex.gz", "$outputFile.synctex",
+ );
+ my @filestocleanrec = (
+ '*.aux', '*.log', '*.bbl', '*.blg',
+ '*.cb', '*.toc', '*.out', '*.lof',
+ '*.lot', '*.los', '*.maf', '*.snm',
+ '*.nav', '*.lom', '*.tmp', '*.loa',
+ '*.idx', '*.ilg', '*.ind', '*.mtc',
+ '*.loe', '*.fls',
+ '*.mtc[0-9]', '*.mtc[0-9][0-9]',
+ '*.mtc[0-9][0-9][0-9]', '*.mtf',
+ '*.mtf[0-9]', '*.mtf[0-9][0-9]',
+ '*.mtf[0-9][0-9][0-9]', '*.mtl',
+ '*.mtl[0-9]', '*.mtl[0-9][0-9]',
+ '*.mtl[0-9][0-9][0-9]', '*.bmt',
+ '*.thlodef', '*.lbl', '*.brf',
+ '*.vrb', '*.spl',
+ #Make glossaries
+ '*.gls', '*.xdy', '*.glo', '*.glg',
+ # GS viewer
+ '.goutputstream-*',
+ # Biber
+ '*.bcf', '*.run.xml',
+ );
+ if ($configuration{'clean.files to clean'}) {
+ if (!isArray($configuration{'clean.files to clean'})) {
+ push @filestoclean, split(/\s+/, $configuration{'clean.files to clean'});
+ }
+ else {
+ push @filestoclean, @{$configuration{'clean.files to clean'}};
+ }
+ }
+ return (\@filestoclean, \@filestocleanrec);
+sub al_getcleanmorefiles() {
+ my @filestoclean = ();
+ my @filestocleanrec = (
+ '*~', '*.bak', '*.backup',
+ );
+ if ($configuration{'clean.files to desintegrate'}) {
+ if (!isArray($configuration{'clean.files to desintegrate'})) {
+ push @filestoclean, split(/\s+/, $configuration{'clean.files to desintegrate'});
+ }
+ else {
+ push @filestoclean, @{$configuration{'clean.files to desintegrate'}};
+ }
+ }
+ return (\@filestoclean, \@filestocleanrec);
+sub al_run_clean {
+ my $i_ref = shift;
+ __checkMainTeXfile();
+ my ($a,$b) = al_getcleanfiles();
+ printDbg(_T("Removing all the temporary files"));
+ al_applyCleanRecursively(@$a, @$b);
+sub al_run_cleanall {
+ my $i_ref = shift;
+ __checkMainTeXfile();
+ printDbg(_T("Removing all the temporary and generated files"));
+ loadTranslatorsFromConfiguration(%configuration,%autolatexData);
+ loadTranslatableImageList(%configuration,%autolatexData);
+ my ($a,$b) = al_getcleanfiles();
+ my ($c, $d) = al_getcleanmorefiles();
+ my @e = (@$a, @$c);
+ my @f = (@$b, @$d);
+ al_applyCleanRecursively(@e,@f);
+ # Remove generated images
+ foreach my $entry (values %{$autolatexData{'imageDatabase'}}) {
+ my $trans = $entry->{'translator'};
+ foreach my $file (@{$entry->{'files'}}) {
+ my $cleanpattern = $autolatexData{'translators'}{"$trans"}{'cleanpattern'};
+ if (!$cleanpattern) {
+ $cleanpattern = '';
+ my $definition = $autolatexData{'translators'}{"$trans"}{'transdef'};
+ if ($definition) {
+ my $cleanPatterns = $definition->{'FILES_TO_CLEAN'}{'value'};
+ foreach my $p (@{$cleanPatterns}) {
+ if ($cleanpattern) {
+ $cleanpattern .= '|';
+ }
+ $cleanpattern .= al_shell2re($p);
+ }
+ $autolatexData{'translators'}{"$trans"}{'cleanpattern'} = $cleanpattern;
+ }
+ }
+ my @inputExtensions = @{$autolatexData{'translators'}{"$trans"}{'transdef'}{'INPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}};
+ my $outputExtension = $autolatexData{'translators'}{"$trans"}{'transdef'}{'OUTPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}[0] || '';
+ my $in = basename($file,@inputExtensions);
+ my $dir = dirname($file);
+ my $out = "$in";
+ my $localpattern = "$cleanpattern";
+ {
+ my $ain = File::Spec->rel2abs("$file");
+ my $aout = File::Spec->rel2abs(
+ File::Spec->catfile("$dir","$out$outputExtension"));
+ if ("$ain" ne "$aout") {
+ if ($localpattern) {
+ $localpattern .= '|';
+ }
+ $localpattern .= '$out'."\Q$outputExtension\E";
+ }
+ }
+ $localpattern =~ s/\\?\$in/\Q$in\E/g;
+ $localpattern =~ s/\\?\$out/\Q$out\E/g;
+ local *DIR;
+ if (opendir(*DIR, "$dir")) {
+ my @files_to_remove = ();
+ while (my $fn = readdir(*DIR)) {
+ if ((!isIgnorableDirectory($fn))
+ && $fn =~ /^(?:$localpattern)$/s) {
+ my $ffn = File::Spec->catfile("$dir","$fn");
+ push @files_to_remove, $ffn;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(*DIR);
+ foreach my $fn (@files_to_remove) {
+ secure_unlink("$fn");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub al_run_makeflat {
+ my $i_ref = shift;
+ __checkMainTeXfile();
+ my $progress = __initProgress(10000);
+ # Treat the command line option --biblio
+ my $biblio_option_on_cli = $configuration{'__private__'}{'CLI.biblio'};
+ $biblio_option_on_cli = 'no' unless (defined($biblio_option_on_cli));
+ $configuration{'generation.biblio'} = $biblio_option_on_cli;
+ loadTranslatorsFromConfiguration(%configuration,%autolatexData);
+ loadTranslatableImageList(%configuration,%autolatexData);
+ $progress->setValue(200) if ($progress);
+ al_generateimages(__subProgress($progress, 2500));
+ # Generate all the document, in particular the BBL file.
+ if (!cfgBoolean($biblio_option_on_cli)) {
+ al_make(__subProgress($progress, 4500));
+ }
+ $progress->setValue(7200) if ($progress);
+ my $output = $configuration{'makeflat.output'};
+ if (!$output) {
+ my $basename = $configuration{'makeflat.basename'};
+ if (!$basename) {
+ $basename = 'flat_version';
+ }
+ $output = File::Spec->catfile(
+ dirname($configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'}),
+ $basename);
+ }
+ # Build the list of images
+ my @images;
+ {
+ my %images = ();
+ my $sprogress = __subProgress($progress, 1800);
+ $sprogress->setMax($autolatexData{'numberOfImages'}) if ($sprogress);
+ foreach my $trans (values %{$autolatexData{'imageDatabase'}}) {
+ if ($trans->{'files'}) {
+ my $transname = $trans->{'translator'};
+ my $transdef = $autolatexData{'translators'}{$transname}{'transdef'};
+ foreach my $file (@{$trans->{'files'}}) {
+ my $template = File::Spec->catfile(
+ dirname($file),
+ basename($file, @{$transdef->{'INPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}}));
+ foreach my $ext (@{$transdef->{'OUTPUT_EXTENSIONS'}{'value'}}) {
+ $images{"$template$ext"} = 1;
+ }
+ $sprogress->increment() if ($sprogress);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @images = keys %images;
+ }
+ $progress->setValue(9000) if ($progress);
+ flattenTeX($configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'}, $output, @images, cfgBoolean($biblio_option_on_cli));
+ $progress->stop() if ($progress);
+sub al_run_init($) {
+ my $i_ref = shift;
+ my $progress = __initProgress(100);
+ my $imgDirectory = $configuration{'generation.image directory'};
+ if (!$imgDirectory || $imgDirectory eq File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->curdir())) {
+ $imgDirectory = File::Spec->catfile($configuration{'__private__'}{''}, 'images', 'auto');
+ }
+ if (! -d $imgDirectory) {
+ make_path($imgDirectory) or printErr("$imgDirectory: $!");
+ local *FIGURE;
+ my $figureFile = File::Spec->catfile($imgDirectory, "figuretest.svg");
+ open(*FIGURE, "> $figureFile") or printErr("$figureFile: $!\n");
+ my $content = <<"END_FIGURE";
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!-- Created with Inkscape ( -->
+ xmlns:dc=""
+ xmlns:cc=""
+ xmlns:rdf=""
+ xmlns:svg=""
+ xmlns=""
+ version="1.1"
+ width="291.42856"
+ height="248.57143"
+ id="svg2">
+ <defs
+ id="defs4" />
+ <metadata
+ id="metadata7">
+ <rdf:RDF>
+ <cc:Work
+ rdf:about="">
+ <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format>
+ <dc:type
+ rdf:resource="" />
+ <dc:title></dc:title>
+ </cc:Work>
+ </rdf:RDF>
+ </metadata>
+ <g
+ transform="translate(-231.42857,-329.50503)"
+ id="layer1">
+ <path
+ d="m 522.85713,453.79074 a 145.71428,124.28571 0 1 1 -291.42856,0 145.71428,124.28571 0 1 1 291.42856,0 z"
+ id="path2985"
+ style="fill:#000080" />
+ <text
+ x="373.80359"
+ y="469.50504"
+ id="text2987"
+ xml:space="preserve"
+ style="font-size:64px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;text-align:center;line-height:125%;letter-spacing:0px;word-spacing:0px;text-anchor:middle;fill:#ffffff;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;font-family:Sans"><tspan
+ x="373.80359"
+ y="469.50504"
+ id="tspan2989">Test</tspan></text>
+ </g>
+ print FIGURE $content;
+ close(*FIGURE);
+ }
+ my $relativeImgDirectory = File::Spec->abs2rel($imgDirectory,$configuration{'__private__'}{''});
+ $relativeImgDirectory = File::Spec->catfile($relativeImgDirectory, '');
+ $progress->setValue(33) if ($progress);
+ my $texFile = $configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'};
+ if (!$texFile) {
+ $texFile = 'document.tex';
+ }
+ if (! -f $texFile) {
+ local *FILE;
+ open(*FILE, "> $texFile") or printErr("$texFile: $!");
+ print FILE "% Generated with ".getAutoLaTeXLaunchingName()." ".getAutoLaTeXVersion()."\n";
+ print FILE "\\documentclass{article}\n";
+ print FILE "\\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}\n";
+ print FILE "\\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf,.png}\n";
+ print FILE "\\graphicspath{{$relativeImgDirectory}}\n";
+ print FILE "\\begin{document}\n";
+ print FILE "\\begin{figure}\n";
+ print FILE "\\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figuretest}\n";
+ print FILE "\\end{figure}\n";
+ print FILE "\\end{document}\n";
+ close(*FILE);
+ }
+ $progress->setValue(66) if ($progress);
+ my $configFile = getProjectConfigFilename($configuration{'__private__'}{''});
+ if ($configFile && (! -f $configFile)) {
+ local *FILE;
+ open(*FILE, "> $configFile") or printErr("$configFile: $!");
+ print FILE "; Generated with ".getAutoLaTeXLaunchingName()." ".getAutoLaTeXVersion()."\n";
+ print FILE "[generation]\n";
+ print FILE "main file = ".File::Spec->abs2rel($texFile,$configuration{'__private__'}{''})."\n";
+ print FILE "image directory = $relativeImgDirectory\n";
+ close(*FILE);
+ }
+ $progress->stop() if ($progress);
+sub _al_run_actions() {
+ # Loop on CLI actions
+ for(my $i=0; $i<@ARGV; $i++) {
+ if ($ARGV[$i] eq 'all' || $ARGV[$i] eq 'view') {
+ my $forceview = ($ARGV[$i] eq 'view');
+ al_run_makeandview(\$i,$forceview);
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq 'clean') {
+ al_run_clean(\$i);
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq 'cleanall') {
+ al_run_cleanall(\$i);
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq 'gen_doc') {
+ al_run_make(\$i);
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq 'bibtex') {
+ printWarn('The directive \'bibtex\' is deprecated from the command line interface.');
+ al_run_biblio(\$i);
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq 'biblio') {
+ al_run_biblio(\$i);
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq 'makeindex') {
+ al_run_makeindex(\$i);
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq 'makeglossaries') {
+ al_run_makeglossaries(\$i);
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq 'images') {
+ al_run_images(\$i);
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq 'showimages') {
+ al_run_showimages(\$i);
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq 'showimagemap') {
+ al_run_showimagemap(\$i);
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq 'commit') {
+ al_run_commit(\$i);
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq 'update') {
+ al_run_update(\$i);
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq 'showpath') {
+ print "PATH=".$ENV{'PATH'}."\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq 'makeflat') {
+ al_run_makeflat(\$i);
+ }
+ elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq 'init') {
+ al_run_init(\$i);
+ }
+ else {
+ printErr(formatText(_T('Command line action \'{}\' is not supported.'),$ARGV[$i]));
+ }
+ }
+sub __sharedMainProgram() {
+ if (getDebugLevel()>=6) {
+ exitDbg(\%configuration, \@ORIGINAL_ARGV);
+ }
+ elsif ($configuration{'__private__'}{'action.debug mode'}) {
+ setDebugLevel(5);
+ # Force to fail on Perl warnings
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { confess(@_); };
+ }
+ elsif (getDebugLevel()>=5) {
+ # Force to fail on Perl warnings
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { confess(@_); };
+ }
+ if ($configuration{'__private__'}{' progress'}) {
+ setDebugLevel(0); # Force to be not verbose when progress indicator is displayed
+ }
+ @ORIGINAL_ARGV = (); # Not more necessary
+ # Run the action of the configuration file generation
+ my $optionalAction = 0;
+ if (defined $configuration{'__private__'}{'action.create config file'}) {
+ my $filename;
+ if (($configuration{'__private__'}{'action.create config file'})&&
+ ($configuration{'__private__'}{'action.create config file'} eq 'project')) {
+ printDbg(_T("Creating default project configuration file...\n"));
+ $filename = getProjectConfigFilename($configuration{'__private__'}{''});
+ local *FILE;
+ open(*FILE, "> $filename") or printErr("$filename: $!");
+ print FILE "; Generated with ".getAutoLaTeXLaunchingName()." ".getAutoLaTeXVersion()."\n";
+ print FILE "[generation]\n";
+ print FILE "main file = ".File::Spec->abs2rel($configuration{'__private__'}{'input.latex file'},$configuration{'__private__'}{''})."\n";
+ print FILE ";image directory = \n";
+ close(*FILE);
+ }
+ else {
+ printDbg(_T("Creating default user configuration file...\n"));
+ $filename = getUserConfigFilename();
+ copy(getSystemConfigFilename(),"$filename") or printErr("$filename:", "$!");
+ }
+ $optionalAction = 1;
+ }
+ # Run the action of the IST file generation
+ if (defined($configuration{'__private__'}{'action.create ist file'})) {
+ printDbg(_T("Creating default makeindex style file...\n"));
+ my $filename = File::Spec->catfile($configuration{'__private__'}{''},"");
+ copy(getSystemISTFilename(),"$filename") or printErr("$filename:","$!");
+ $optionalAction = 1;
+ }
+ # Fix the configuration file
+ if (defined($configuration{'__private__'}{'action.fix config file'})) {
+ if (!$configuration{'__private__'}{'action.fix config file'}) {
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'action.fix config file'} = getProjectConfigFilename($configuration{'__private__'}{''});
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'action.fix config file'} = undef unless (-r $configuration{'__private__'}{'action.fix config file'});
+ }
+ if (!$configuration{'__private__'}{'action.fix config file'}) {
+ $configuration{'__private__'}{'action.fix config file'} = getUserConfigFile();
+ }
+ if (-r $configuration{'__private__'}{'action.fix config file'}) {
+ print "Fixing configuration file '".$configuration{'__private__'}{'action.fix config file'}."'\n";
+ doConfigurationFileFixing($configuration{'__private__'}{'action.fix config file'});
+ }
+ else {
+ printErr($configuration{'__private__'}{'action.fix config file'},':',"$!\n");
+ }
+ $optionalAction = 1;
+ }
+ # Apply the default CLI action
+ if (!@ARGV && !$optionalAction) {
+ push @ARGV, 'all' ;
+ }
+ if (defined($configuration{'__private__'}{'action.continuous mode'})) {
+ while (1) {
+ _al_run_actions();
+ if ($configuration{'__private__'}{'action.continuous mode'}>0) {
+ sleep($configuration{'__private__'}{'action.continuous mode'});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ _al_run_actions();
+ }
+# Try to launch an external program
+ my $i = 0;
+ for my $cliParam (@ORIGINAL_ARGV) {
+ if ($cliParam =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ && !arrayContains(@SUPPORTED_COMMANDS,$cliParam)) {
+ my $cmdname = 'autolatex-'.$cliParam;
+ my $cmd = which($cmdname);
+ if ($cmd) {
+ splice(@ORIGINAL_ARGV, $i, 1);
+ unshift @ORIGINAL_ARGV, $cmd;
+ exec $cmd (@ORIGINAL_ARGV) or printErr("Unable to run $cmdname: $!\n");
+ }
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+initTextDomain('autolatex', File::Spec->catfile(getAutoLaTeXDir(), 'po'), 'UTF-8');
+%configuration = mainProgram(); # Exit on error
+if ($configuration{'__private__'}{'action.input directories'}) {
+ # Reset debug level
+ setDebugLevel(0);
+ foreach my $inputdirectory (@{$configuration{'__private__'}{'action.input directories'}}) {
+ $inputdirectory = File::Spec->rel2abs($inputdirectory);
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ chdir($inputdirectory) or die("$inputdirectory: $!\n");
+ @ARGV = (@ORIGINAL_ARGV, '--noview');
+ %configuration = mainProgram(); # Exit on error
+ __sharedMainProgram();
+ } elsif ($pid) {
+ waitpid($pid, 0) or die("Unable to wait for child process: $!\n");
+ } else {
+ die("Unable to fork the process: $!\n");
+ }
+ }
+else {
+ __sharedMainProgram();