path: root/support/artex/artex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/artex/artex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/artex/artex')
1 files changed, 538 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/artex/artex b/support/artex/artex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e44e7a681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/artex/artex
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+# artex - bundles a LaTeX2e document with non-standard external files.
+# Copyright (C) 1995 Nick Efford.
+# This script analyzes a LaTeX2e document to determine whether it loads
+# any non-standard files. Any such files are bundled with the document by
+# means of filecontents or filecontents* environments. The resulting
+# document should be portable to any system with a standard installation
+# of LaTeX.
+# Tested with:
+# Perl 4.036 and 5.000 under Irix 5.2
+# Perl 4.036 (bigperl) under MS-DOS 6.2
+# Direct bug reports, comments and suggestions to:
+($PROG = $0) =~ s!.*/!!;
+$VER = '1.00b';
+$DATE = '18/2/95';
+# Configuration - uncomment/edit to suit your OS.
+# UNIX:
+$copy_cmd = 'cp';
+$copy_out = "";
+$to_null = '1> /dev/null 2>&1';
+ || die "$PROG: TEXINPUTS variable not defined\n";
+@texinputs = split(/:/, $TEXINPUTS);
+@bibinputs = split(/:/, $BIBINPUTS);
+$config_file = "~/.$PROG" . "rc";
+# DOS (MS-DOS 6.2 and emTeX):
+#$copy_cmd = 'copy/y';
+#$copy_out = '> nul';
+#$to_null = '> nul';
+# || die "$PROG: TEXINPUT variable not defined\n";
+#@texinputs = split(/;/, $TEXINPUTS);
+#@bibinputs = split(/;/, $BIBINPUTS);
+#$config_file = $PROG . '.ini';
+$latex_cmd = 'latex';
+$bibtex_cmd = 'bibtex';
+# The assignments below specify standard bibliography styles
+# (styles which will never be bundled with the document).
+$stdbib{'plain'} = 1;
+$stdbib{'unsrt'} = 1;
+$stdbib{'abbrv'} = 1;
+$stdbib{'alpha'} = 1;
+# The assignments below determine whether a 'filecontents' or
+# 'filecontents*' environment is used for a particular filetype.
+# 0 or 1 can be used for files native to LaTeX; 1 should be
+# used for other files (e.g, PostScript).
+$star{'.tex'} = 0;
+$star{'.ltx'} = 0;
+$star{'.cls'} = 0;
+$star{'.dtx'} = 0;
+$star{'.sty'} = 0;
+$star{'.fd'} = 0;
+$star{'.bib'} = 0;
+$star{'.bbl'} = 0;
+$star{'.ind'} = 0;
+$star{'.eps'} = 1;
+$star{'.ps'} = 1;
+# Construct a UNIX & DOS-compatible basename for temporary files.
+$t = time;
+$tmpbase = 'ar' . substr($t, length($t)-6);
+# Define temporary filenames and extensions.
+$tmpdoc = $tmpbase . '.tex';
+$tmplog = $tmpbase . '.log';
+$tmpaux = $tmpbase . '.aux';
+$tmpbbl = $tmpbase . '.bbl';
+@tmpext = ('.tex', '.log', '.dvi', '.aux', '.lof', '.lot',
+ '.toc', '.bbl', '.blg', '.idx', '.ilg');
+############# you shouldn't need to change anything below here ##############
+# Parse command line arguments.
+while ($_ = $ARGV[0], /^-/) {
+ shift;
+ last if /^--$/;
+ /^-f/ && ($fast = 1);
+ /^-c/ && ($confirm = 1);
+ /^-b/ && ($bibfiles = 1);
+ /^-q/ && ($tex_out = $to_null);
+ /^-v/ && do { &Version; exit(0) };
+ /^-h/ && do { &Help; exit(0) };
+ if (/^-i/ && $ARGV[0] !~ /^-/) {
+ $include_list = $ARGV[0];
+ shift;
+ }
+ if (/^-e/ && $ARGV[0] !~ /^-/) {
+ $exclude_list = $ARGV[0];
+ shift;
+ }
+(@ARGV < 1) && die "usage: $PROG [options] input_file [output_file]\n";
+# Check input filename argument.
+# Valid filenames have a .tex or .ltx extension.
+if (index($ARGV[0], '.') == -1) {
+ $bbl = $ARGV[0] . '.bbl';
+ $ARGV[0] .= '.tex';
+else {
+ die "$PROG: invalid filename (not *.tex or *.ltx)\n"
+ unless ($ARGV[0] =~ /(\w+)\.(tex|ltx)$/);
+ $bbl = $1 . '.bbl';
+unless ($fast) {
+ # Read configuration file, if it exists.
+ if (open(CFG, $config_file)) {
+ @config = <CFG>; close(CFG);
+ eval(join(' ', @config));
+ if ($@) {
+ chop($@); die "$PROG: config file error - $@\n";
+ }
+ }
+# Override @include and @exclude definitions from configuration file,
+# if necessary, using what's been specified on the command line.
+if (length($include_list) > 0) {
+ @include = &StringToArray($include_list);
+if (length($exclude_list) > 0) {
+ @exclude = &StringToArray($exclude_list);
+# Test whether input file is a LaTeX2e document.
+# Test also for the presence of \nonstopmode or \listfiles
+# commands and any existing filecontents environments.
+open(DOC, $ARGV[0]) || die "$PROG: cannot open $ARGV[0]\n";
+while (<DOC>) {
+ /^\\nonstopmode\b/ && ($nonstop = 1);
+ /^\\listfiles\b/ && ($listfiles = 1);
+ /^\\documentclass(\[|\{)/ && ($latex2e = 1);
+ if (/\\begin\{filecontents.?\}\{(.*)\}/) {
+ $bundled{$1} = 1;
+ }
+die "$PROG: $ARGV[0] not a LaTeX 2e document\n" unless $latex2e;
+# Create a temporary copy of the document, adding \nonstopmode
+# and \listfiles commands if necessary.
+open(DOC, $ARGV[0]) || die "$PROG: cannot reopen $ARGV[0]\n";
+open(TMP, ">$tmpdoc") || die "$PROG: cannot open $tmpdoc for output\n";
+print TMP "\\nonstopmode\n" unless $nonstop;
+print TMP "\\listfiles\n" unless $listfiles;
+print TMP while <DOC>;
+close(TMP); close(DOC);
+# Run LaTeX on temporary copy and analyze logfile for dependencies.
+system "$latex_cmd $tmpdoc $tex_out";
+($error = $? >> 8) && die "$PROG: error running LaTeX, exit code $error\n";
+open(LOG, $tmplog) || die "$PROG: cannot open $tmplog for input\n";
+while (<LOG>) {
+ last if /^\s+\*File List\*/;
+while (<LOG>) {
+ last if /^\s+\*{11}/;
+ next if /\bStandard LaTeX\b/;
+ if (/^\s*(\w+\.\w+)/ && ($file = &Pathname($1, @texinputs)) ne "") {
+ $dependency{$1} = $file;
+ }
+# Bibliographies are detected by analyzing the .aux file.
+# If the '-b' option has been specified, the .bib and .bst files
+# become candidates for inclusion; otherwise, a .bbl file is
+# generated by running BibTeX and this becomes a candidate for
+# inclusion. The latter course is taken only if the .aux file
+# contains \citation commands.
+open(AUX, $tmpaux) || die "$PROG: cannot open $tmpaux\n";
+while (<AUX>) {
+ /\\citation/ && ($citations = 1);
+ /\\bibstyle\{(.*)\}/ && ($bibstyle = $1);
+ if (/\\bibdata\{(.*)\}/) {
+ $bibdata = 1;
+ @biblist = split(/,/, $1);
+ }
+if ($bibdata) {
+ if ($bibfiles) {
+ # Make .bib and .bst files candidates for inclusion.
+ foreach (@biblist) {
+ $_ .= '.bib';
+ if (($file = &Pathname($_, @bibinputs)) ne "") {
+ $dependency{$_} = $file;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! $stdbib{$bibstyle}) {
+ $bibstyle .= '.bst';
+ if (($file = &Pathname($bibstyle, @texinputs)) ne "") {
+ $dependency{$bibstyle} = $file;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # Generate a .bbl file and make it a candidate for inclusion.
+ if ($citations) {
+ system $bibtex_cmd, $tmpbase, $tex_out;
+ ($error = $? >> 8)
+ && die "$PROG: error running BibTeX, exit code $error\n";
+ $dependency{$bbl} = $tmpbbl;
+ }
+ }
+# Add or remove dependencies defined in @include and @exclude
+# arrays (derived from configuration file/command line).
+foreach (@include) {
+ if (($file = &Pathname($_, @texinputs)) ne "") {
+ $dependency{$_} = $file;
+ }
+foreach (@exclude) {
+ delete $dependency{$_};
+if (($n = scalar(keys %dependency)) == 1) {
+ print '1 dependency';
+else {
+ print "$n dependencies";
+# Determine whether further processing is necessary.
+if ($n == 0) {
+ if ($ARGV[1] ne "") {
+ print ": $ARGV[1] not created.\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print ": $ARGV[0] unchanged.\n";
+ }
+ &Housekeeping($tmpbase, @tmpext);
+ exit(0);
+else {
+ print ".\n";
+# Perform interactive editing of dependency list if required.
+if ($confirm) {
+ foreach $file (keys %dependency) {
+ &Confirm($file) || delete($dependency{$file});
+ }
+# Open a file for output.
+if ($ARGV[1] ne "") {
+ open(DOC, ">$ARGV[1]")
+ || die "$PROG: cannot open $ARGV[1] for output\n";
+else {
+ # Create a backup copy of the original document
+ # (extension .te~ or .lt~ for DOS & UNIX compatibility)
+ # then open original file for overwriting.
+ ($backup = $ARGV[0]) =~ s/.$/~/;
+ system("$copy_cmd $ARGV[0] $backup $copy_out");
+ ($error = $? >> 8)
+ && die "$PROG: failed to create backup file $backup\n";
+ open(DOC, ">$ARGV[0]")
+ || die "$PROG: cannot open $ARGV[0] for output\n";
+# Write a new version of the document containing filecontents
+# environments for all non-standard files that are loaded.
+@files = sort(keys %dependency);
+if (@files) {
+ print DOC &Header(@files);
+ foreach $file (@files) {
+ next if $bundled{$file};
+ $env = &EnvName(%star, $file);
+ print DOC "\n\\begin{$env}{$file}\n";
+ open(FILE, $dependency{$file})
+ || die "$PROG: cannot open $dependency{$file} for input\n";
+ print DOC while <FILE>;
+ close(FILE);
+ print DOC "\\end{$env}\n";
+ }
+ print DOC "\n";
+open(TMP, $tmpdoc) || die "$PROG: cannot open $tmpdoc for input\n";
+while (<TMP>) {
+ next if /^\\nonstopmode/;
+ next if /^\\listfiles/;
+ print DOC;
+&Housekeeping($tmpbase, @tmpext);
+# Version:
+# writes information on program version to stdout.
+sub Version
+ print "$PROG version $VER, last revised $DATE\n";
+# Help:
+# writes help on command line options to stdout.
+sub Help
+ print "\n";
+ &Version;
+ print <<"END";
+Analyzes a LaTeX2e document to determine whether it loads any non-standard
+files. Such files, if they exist, are then bundled with the document by
+means of filecontents or filecontents* environments. The resulting document
+should be portable to any system with a standard installation of LaTeX.
+Usage: $PROG [options] input_file [output_file]
+input_file must have the extension .tex or .ltx (the extension can be
+omitted from the command line if it is .tex). Output replaces the original
+file if output_file is not specified (backup of original created, extension
+.te~ or .lt~).
+Command line options:
+ -f fast startup (skip reading configuration file)
+ -c prompt for confirmation before including a file
+ -b include .bib files instead of creating a .bbl file
+ -q quiet mode (no screen output from LaTeX)
+ -v print program version and exit
+ -h display this information and exit
+ -i file1[,file2,...] files for which inclusion is guaranteed
+ -e file1[,file2,...] files guaranteed to be excluded
+# StringToArray:
+# Converts a string of comma-separated names into an array of names,
+# or an empty array if the string is "none".
+sub StringToArray
+ local($string) = @_;
+ local(@array);
+ if ($string =~ /^none$/i) {
+ @array = ();
+ }
+ else {
+ @array = split(/,/, $string);
+ }
+ @array;
+# Pathname:
+# searches for a filename in a list of directories, returning the full
+# pathname of the file if found, an empty string otherwise.
+sub Pathname
+ local($target, @dirlist) = @_;
+ local($file, $result);
+ $result = "";
+ foreach $dir (@dirlist) {
+ opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "$PROG: cannot access directory $dir\n";
+ while ($file = readdir(DIR)) {
+ if ($file eq $target) {
+ $result = $dir . '/' . $target;
+ last DIR_LOOP;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $result;
+# Header:
+# constructs header text for the output document.
+sub Header
+ local(@files) = @_;
+ local($n) = $#files + 1;
+ local($hdr) = "% Packaged by $PROG v$VER";
+ local(@mon) = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
+ 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
+ local(@h) = ('00' .. '23');
+ local(@ms) = ('00' .. '59');
+ local(@t) = localtime;
+ $hdr .= " at $h[$t[2]]:$ms[$t[1]]:$ms[$t[0]], $t[3] $mon[$t[4]] $t[5].\n";
+ if ($n == 1) {
+ $hdr .= '% A new file';
+ }
+ else {
+ $hdr .= "% Up to $n new files";
+ }
+ $hdr .= " may be created when you first process this document:\n";
+ foreach (@files) {
+ $hdr .= "% $_\n";
+ }
+ $hdr;
+# Confirm:
+# prompts for confirmation that a file is to be included in a
+# filecontents or filecontents* environment.
+sub Confirm
+ local($file) = @_;
+ local($yes);
+ print "Include $file? (y/n) [y]: ";
+ chop($_ = <STDIN>);
+ $yes = (length == 0 || /^y/i);
+# EnvName:
+# returns "filecontents*" if the specified file's extension has been
+# flagged as requiring a starred environment; otherwise returns
+# "filecontents".
+sub EnvName
+ local(%star, $file) = @_;
+ local($name) = 'filecontents';
+ local($i);
+ if (($i = index($file, '.')) != -1 && $star{substr($file, $i)}) {
+ $name .= '*';
+ }
+ $name;
+# Housekeeping:
+# removes a set of filenames given a basename and a list of extensions.
+sub Housekeeping
+ local($base, @ext) = @_;
+ local($file);
+ foreach (@ext) {
+ $file = $base . $_;
+ if (-e $file) {
+ unlink $file || die "$PROG: error removing $file\n";
+ }
+ }