path: root/support/acroweb/acroweb/
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /support/acroweb/acroweb/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'support/acroweb/acroweb/')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/acroweb/acroweb/ b/support/acroweb/acroweb/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23724d11c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/acroweb/acroweb/
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+package acroweb_eng;
+use Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(&genrandom &filtruj &permutemyfield);
+#### We read the rows of the file with all questions. Then name of the file
+#### is the first papameter. The number of incorrect answers for each question
+#### is in the second parameter.
+#### The last parameter is flag (see the genrandom function below).
+sub filtruj{
+ my ($jmenosouboru,$variantspatne,$flag)=@_;
+ open(HLAVA,$jmenosouboru);
+ my @predfiltrem=<HLAVA>;
+ push(@predfiltrem,"konec");
+ my @pofiltru=();
+ my @spatne=(); # tady jsou pro kazde zadani radky zacinajici minusem
+ my @nabidkaodpovedi=(); # spatne odpovedi vybrane do testu
+ my @nabidkaperm=();
+ # nasledujici promenne jsou pouzite pri zpracovavani zadani do
+ # formy citelne acrotexem
+ my $spravne="";
+ my $bylominus=0;
+ my $pocetspatne=0; # pocet spatnych variant pro kazdou otazku
+ my $radekvystup="";
+ foreach $radek (@predfiltrem)
+ {
+ chomp($radek);
+ # radek nezacina plusem ani minusem
+ if (not(substr($radek,0,1) eq "-") and not(substr($radek,0,1) eq "+"))
+ {
+ if ($bylominus==1)
+ {
+ @nabidkaodpovedi=();
+ if ($flag==2)
+ {
+ chomp($spravne);
+ chomp($spatne[0]);
+ $spravne=~ s/^\+//;
+ $spatne[0]=~ s/^-//;
+ $radekvystup=$radekvystup."\\interval{$spatne[0]}";
+ $radekvystup=$radekvystup."\\correctanswer{$spravne}";
+ # do pole @pofiltru ukladame zpracovana zadani
+ push (@pofiltru,$radekvystup."\n\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # nahodne vybereme spatne odpovedi
+ for ($cislo=($pocetspatne-1);$cislo>=($pocetspatne-$variantspatne);$cislo--)
+ {
+ $randcislo = int(rand($cislo+1));
+ push(@nabidkaodpovedi,$spatne[$randcislo]);
+ splice(@spatne,$randcislo,1);
+ }
+ # pridame spravnou odpoved
+ push(@nabidkaodpovedi,$spravne);
+ # promichame @nabidkaodpovedi a ulozime do @nabidkaperm
+ for ($cislo=$variantspatne;$cislo>=0;$cislo--)
+ {
+ $randcislo = int(rand($cislo+1));
+ push(@nabidkaperm,$nabidkaodpovedi[$randcislo]);
+ splice(@nabidkaodpovedi,$randcislo,1);
+ }
+ if ($flag==1)
+ {
+ # zmenime zneni posledni odpovedi, spravnost nechame
+ $plusminus=substr($nabidkaperm[$variantspatne],0,1);
+ $nabidkaperm[$variantspatne]=$plusminus."another answer";
+ }
+ $cislo=0;
+ # zmenime tak, aby to proslo v AcroTeXu
+ for ($cislo=0; $cislo<=($variantspatne); $cislo++)
+ {
+ $odpoved=$nabidkaperm[$cislo];
+ $odpoved=~ s/^\+/\\Ans1 /;
+ $odpoved=~ s/^-/\\Ans0 /;
+ if (not($cislo==$variantspatne))
+ {
+ # oddelovac variant odpovedi
+ chomp $odpoved;
+ $radekvystup=$radekvystup.$odpoved."\\\\[5pt]\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # konec nabizenych odpovedi
+ $radekvystup=$radekvystup.$odpoved;
+ }
+ }
+ # do pole @pofiltru ukladame zpracovana zadani
+ push (@pofiltru,"$radekvystup\\end{answers}\n\n\n");
+ }
+ # nova inicializace promennych pro cteni dalsiho zadani
+ $radekvystup="";
+ $pocetspatne=0;
+ $spravne="";
+ @spatne=();
+ @nabidkaperm=();
+ $bylominus=0;
+ }
+ if ($radek eq "")
+ {
+ $radekvystup=$radekvystup.$radek;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $radekvystup=$radekvystup."\\problem{".$radek."}\n";
+ if ($flag != 2)
+ {
+ $radekvystup=$radekvystup."\\begin{answers}{1}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (substr($radek,0,1) eq "-")
+ {
+ $bylominus=1;
+ $pocetspatne=$pocetspatne+1;
+ push(@spatne,$radek."\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $spravne=$radek."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub genrandom
+# Parameters:
+# ----------
+# 1. filename,
+# 2. the number of questions in the test
+# 3. the number of incorrect answers for each question
+# 4. flag: 0 = keep answers
+# 1 = replace the last answer with words "another question"
+# 2 = the questions are fill-in questions
+ my ($jmeno,$pocetzadani,$variantspatne,$flag)=@_;
+ my @hotovezadani;
+ my @ktisku;
+# We read all questions from the file, the answers are already randomized
+ @ktisku=filtruj($jmeno,$variantspatne,$flag);
+# We find the number of questions in the file (database)
+ my $celkemzadani=@ktisku;
+# We select random questions and put to the field @hotovezadani
+ for ($cislo=$celkemzadani;$cislo>($celkemzadani-$pocetzadani);$cislo--)
+ {
+ $randcislo = int(rand($cislo));
+ push(@hotovezadani, $ktisku[$randcislo]);
+ splice(@ktisku,$randcislo,1);
+ }
+# We return the result stored in @hotovezadani
+ return @hotovezadani;
+sub permutemyfield
+# reads a field and permutes this field randomly
+ my @initfield=@_;
+ my $NumberOfProblems=@initfield;
+ my @permutedfield=();
+ for ($cislo=$NumberOfProblems;$cislo>0;$cislo--)
+ {
+ $randcislo = int(rand($cislo));
+ push(@permutedfield, $initfield[$randcislo]);
+ splice(@initfield,$randcislo,1);
+ }
+ return @permutedfield;