path: root/obsolete/support/windex/windexdoc.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /obsolete/support/windex/windexdoc.tex
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1 files changed, 403 insertions, 0 deletions
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+\centerline{\Large \bf Windex: An index compilation program}
+\centerline{by Ronald L. Rivest}
+\centerline{MIT Laboratory for Computer Science}
+Windex is a system to assist in compiling an index for a Latex
+document. It consists of a modification to the Latex \verb+\index+ command
+and a C program for compiling the index.
+\section{Using windex --- basic case}
+To use windex in its simplest form, you need to obtain (or obtain
+access to) two files:
+ \item {\tt windex.tex}---a Latex macro package.
+ \item {\tt windex}---the compiled form of {\tt windex.c}.
+You should then do the following:
+ \item Include the lines
+ \verb+\makeindex+ \\
+ \verb+\include{windex}+ \\
+before the \verb+\begin{document}+ command in your latex file.
+ \item Include an index command of the form \verb+\index{term}+
+ at the position you wish to index \verb+term+ in your
+ document, for each such \verb+term+.
+ \item Compile your document with Latex. If your document is
+ called \verb+paper+, then Latex will create a file
+ called \verb+paper.idx+ containing the raw index information.
+ \item Issue the command \verb+windex paper+. The windex program
+ will read the file \verb+paper.idx+ and produce as output
+ a file called \verb+paper.index+ containing the actual
+ Latex commands necessary to produce the index.
+ \item Include the command \verb+\input{paper.index}+ at the place
+ you wish the index to appear in your paper.
+ \item Recompile \verb+paper+ with latex.
+ \item Review the index produced and modify your paper as necessary
+ until the index produced is satisfactory.
+The output index will be alphabetized, and page ranges will be
+automatically created when possible to conserve space. For example,
+the page numbers ``20, 21, 22, 23'' will be condensed to read
+``20--23''. This provides a very simple indexing capability.
+Windex also has a number of
+sophisticated features that you can use for more complicated indices.
+In particular, windex supports the following capabilities:
+ \item using multi-level entries (up to three levels),
+ \item using \verb+\index+ commands in the source document to
+ indicate where a range of relevant pages begins and where
+ it ends,
+ \item separately specifying the text to sort an entry by, and
+ the text to print,
+ \item formatting control for page numbers, such as allowing
+ italicized page numbers, or replacing the page number
+ with text of the form ``See fruit.'' for cross-references.
+The following sections give details on using the \verb+\index+ command
+to use these features and obtain satisfactory results.
+\section{Placing index commands in your document}
+In general, you should place the \verb+\index+ immediately {\em before}
+the term being indexed, with no intervening spaces, so that the page reference
+generated is to the beginning of the term. Once in a while Latex may
+split a term across pages, and you want the index command to refer to
+the first page the term is on. As an example,
+ \verb+falls in the area of \index{machine learning}machine learning, which+\ldots
+gives the desired behavior, even if a page break occurs between \verb+machine+
+and \verb+learning+.
+The text of the index entry may not contain the characters:
+\verb+{ } / < > [ ]+. These characters have special meaning to windex,
+as noted below. The text may contain blanks, hyphens, periods, or other
+special characters.
+Windex does not directly support non-arabic page numbers, such as you
+might have in a preface. If you place an \verb+\index+ command on a
+page with non-arabic page numbers, you'll get the arabic version of
+the page number in the index. By using the format control for page
+numbers, however, you can solve this problem
+(see Section~\ref{sec:page-format}).
+\section{Multi-level entries}
+You can use the ``{\tt /}'' character to separate levels in a multi-level
+index entry. For example, an entry of the form \verb+\index{fruit/apples}+
+on page 10 will produce in the index a two-level entry of the form
+ fruit\\
+ \hspace*{2em}apples, 10
+You can create an index with up to three levels. For example, an
+entry of the form \verb+\index{fruit/apples/Macintosh}+ would cause a
+three-level entry to be generated.
+Note that you don't need to specify the ``parent'' entries separately.
+For example, in the above example, the parent entry for ``fruit''
+(with no page reference) was automatically generated from the
+occurrence of \verb+\index{fruit/apples}+. You may have entries for
+the parent entry too, but a dummy one with no page reference is
+generated if you don't give one explicitly.
+Windex uses the following rules when alphabetizing the index.
+\item The entries are sorted according to their top-level entry, then
+ according to the second-level entry, and so on, in the
+ natural manner.
+\item Blanks and hyphens are ignored. Thus, we might have as output:
+ \begin{quote}
+ high bettor, 10\\
+ highest elevation, 12\\
+ high-point, 15
+ \end{quote}
+\item In the second and third levels, initial prepositions and articles
+ are also ignored. Thus, we might have as output:
+ \begin{quote}
+ fruit\\
+ \hspace*{2em}banana, 15\\
+ \hspace*{2em}in cakes, 20\\
+ \hspace*{2em}as a decoration, 30\\
+ \hspace*{2em}grapefruit, 19
+ \end{quote}
+\item Capitalization is ignored unless two entries agree
+in all but capitalization, in which case the capitalized entry goes second.
+For example, we might have as output:
+ \begin{quote}
+ apple, 15\\
+ Apple, 20
+ \end{quote}
+\section{Page ranges}
+You can place one \verb+\index+ command at the beginning of a range of
+pages for a given term, and another \verb+\index+ command at the end of the
+range of pages. The first \verb+\index+ command should contain the character
+``{\tt <}'', and the second command should contain the character ``{\tt >}''.
+For example, the entry
+\verb+\index{number-theory algorithms/gcd<}+ on page 300
+and the corresponding entry
+\verb+\index{number-theory algorithms/gcd>}+ on page 306
+generates as output
+ number-theory algorithms\\
+ \hspace*{2em}gcd, 300--306
+In addition to the ranges you create explicitly in this manner, windex
+may create ranges of its own by combining a sequence of consecutive
+pages references into a page range. Windex may also combine several
+page ranges into one, or combine extend a range to include additional
+pages in the obvious manner. In general, windex attempts to describe
+the pages covered in the most compact form possible.
+For example, the list of pages and ranges
+ 301,302,302--305,304,306--308,308,309--311,311--320,321
+combines to yield
+ 301--321
+If the range includes other
+individual pages in their interior, they will be eliminated from the
+listing (e.g., page 304 in the above example.)
+If the two index commands you give to specify happen to end up on the
+same page, then only a single reference, rather than a range, is printed.
+\section{Controlled printing of index keys}
+Windex allows you to print the text for a given entry in an arbitrary
+manner. For example, your index entry terms can be printed in italics
+or can contain mathematical symbols.
+The \verb+\index+ command allows you to specify
+how to print an index term
+{\em separately} from how to place it in the sorted order.
+To specify special printing for an index entry, merely include within
+the argument to the \verb+\index+ command the Latex commands for printing
+the entry, enclosed within braces. For example, the commands
+ \verb+\index{beta-decay{$\beta$-decay}}+ on page 12\\
+ \verb+\index{Lovasz, L.{Lov\'asz, L.}}+ on page 15\\
+ \verb+\index{fruit/apple{\bf apple}}+ on page 18
+might produce as output
+ $\beta$-decay, 12\\
+ fruit\\
+ \hspace*{2em}{\bf apple}, 18\\
+ Lov\'asz, L., 15
+Let us call the text within braces the {\em print value} for that
+index entry, and call the unenclosed text the {\em sort key} for that
+index entry. Ordinarily, only the sort key is given, and the print
+value is automatically determined by windex to be the same as the sort
+key. (Or, in the case of a multi-level entry, the print value is
+automatically taken to be the same as the last component of the
+multi-level entry.)
+Note that specifying the print value affects only how that entry is printed;
+the print value is not considered during the alphabetization of the entries.
+In particular, two entries are considered the same if and only if they have
+the same sort key. If two entries have the same sort key, but one of them
+specifies a print value and the other doesn't, then the entries will be
+considered the same, and printed with the given print value. For example,
+the commands
+ \verb+\index{fruit<}+ on page 101\\
+ \verb+\index{fruit{\bf fruit}>}+ on page 120\\
+ \verb+\index{fruit}+ on page 130
+will produce as output
+ {\bf fruit}, 101--120, 130
+Only one print value can be associated with a given sort key. If two different
+\verb+\index+ commands specify different print values for the same sort key
+an error is reported.
+\section{Controlled printing of page references}
+Windex also allows you to control how the page references are printed,
+including a {\em format} for the page reference in brackets within the
+argument to the \verb+\index+ command. The digit ``{\tt 0}'', if present
+within the format, will be replaced with the actual page reference.
+For example, the commands
+ \verb+\index{vegetable}+ on page 10 \\
+ \verb+\index{vegetable[\bf 0]}+ on page 15 \\
+ \verb+\index{vegetable[\it 0]}+ on page 20 \\
+ \verb+\index{vegetable[0 ff.]}+ on page 25 \\
+will produce as output:
+ vegetable, 10, {\bf 15}, {\it 20}, 25 ff.
+Note that the brackets delimit the scope of Latex commands. (That is,
+there is no need to surround the format with an outer set of braces;
+the format is automatically surrounded by braces when included in the
+Latex output.)
+You can also get roman numerals out in this manner for page references
+in prefaces, etc. For example, the command
+ \verb+\index{Knuth, Donald E.[\romanpage{0}]}+ on page {\em xv}
+where \verb+\romanpage+ has been defined
+ \verb+\newcounter{pgno}+\\
+ \verb+\newcommand{\romanpage}[1]{\setcounter{pgno}{#1}\roman{pgno}}+
+will produce as output
+ Knuth, Donald E., {\em xv}
+Note, however, that the roman format for the page reference doesn't affect
+where in the list of page references {\em xv} will appear; it will be sorted
+after page 13 and before page 17. (If this is a problem, you have to
+edit your {\tt .index} file by hand or modify the {\tt windex.c} program.)
+A special case occurs when the format does not include the digit ``{\tt 0}''
+at all. In this case the format actually specifies a {\em replacement}
+for the page reference. For example, the commands
+ \verb+\index{pomme}+ on page 10\\
+ \verb+\index{pomme[{\em See also} apple]}+ on page 20 \\
+ \verb+\index{gcd[{\em See} greatest common divisor]}+ on page 30
+will produce as output
+ gcd, {\em See} greatest common divisor\\
+ pomme, {\em See also} apple, 10
+Note that replacement texts are always placed at the beginning of a
+list of page references, independent of which page the \verb+\index+
+command specifying the replacement text occurred on.
+If no format is given, the default format of
+``{\tt [0]}'' is used, causing just the page number to be printed.
+However, parent entries that are created automatically
+have a default format of ``{\tt []}'', causing no page reference or
+replacement text at all to be printed. For example, the
+two-level command
+ \verb+\index{fruit/apples}+
+is entirely equivalent to the pair of commands
+ \verb+\index{fruit[]}+\\
+ \verb+\index{fruit/apples}+
+Specifying a format of ``{\tt []}'' can be useful when you wish to
+give a print value to an automatically created parent entry. For example,
+if we wish to put both ``fruit'' and ``apple'' in boldface in the above
+example, the commands
+ \verb+\index{fruit{\bf fruit}[]}+ on page 10\\
+ \verb+\index{fruit/apples{\bf apples}}+ on page 10
+produces as output
+ {\bf fruit}\\
+ \hspace*{2em}{\bf apples}, 10
+The specification of formats and replacement texts affects how windex
+combines page references into ranges. Specifically,
+pages are only combined into ranges if they have the same format.
+If they are combined, the range string ``{\tt nnn-mmm}''
+is placed at the position of the \verb+0+ in the format string.
+For example, the commands
+ \verb+\index{apple[\em 0]}+ on page 301\\
+ \verb+\index{apple[\em 0]}+ on page 302\\
+ \verb+\index{apple}+ on page 302\\
+ \verb+\index{apple}+ on page 303\\
+ \verb+\index{apple<}+ on page 400\\
+ \verb+\index{apple[\em 0]<}+ on page 401\\
+ \verb+\index{apple[\bf 0]}+ on page 403\\
+ \verb+\index{apple[\bf 0]}+ on page 404\\
+ \verb+\index{apple>}+ on page 405\\
+ \verb+\index{apple}+ on page 406\\
+ \verb+\index{apple[\em 0]>}+ on page 410
+produce as output
+ apple {\em 301--302}, 302--303, 400--406, {\em 401--410}, {\bf 403--404}
+In such an example, the ranges are sorted into order according to the
+first page number in each range.
+If you really want a ``0'' in your format or replacement string, use
+the Tex command ``\verb+\char48+''. For example, you might have on page 200
+ \verb+\index{zero-one programming[\char48-1 programming]}+
+which will produce
+ 0-1 programming, 200
+\section{Macros and interfacing with Latex}
+If all you do to create \verb+\index+ commands is to place them
+directly in your document, then you don't need to read this section.
+If, however, you wish to write Latex macros that generate
+\verb+\index+ macros automatically, then you will find this section
+If you use the \verb+\index+ command inside a macro, and there are
+Latex commands inside the argument to\verb+\index+, then you should precede
+them with \verb+\string+ to prevent their interpretation until the
+index is produced. For example, the following defines a variant of
+the \verb+\index+ command that automatically makes a boldface print value.
+ \verb+\newcommand{\bfindex}[1]{\index{#1{\string\bf{#1}}}}+
+Because of the special way that the \verb+\index+ command parses its
+argument, writing macros that generate \verb+\index+ commands is rather
+tricky, and is best avoided. The given macro \verb+\bfindex+, for example,
+does not work correctly if formats are given containing Latex commands.
+\section{Implementation notes}
+The ``{\tt .idx}'' file that is produced by the \verb+\index+ commands
+consists of one line for each \verb+\index+ command. Each such line has
+the form.
+ \verb+text:nn+
+where {\tt text} is the argument to the \verb+\index+ command and {\tt nn}
+is the page number on which that \verb+\index+ command was placed.
+The C program {\tt windex.c} is extensively commented, and easily modified,
+should you want slightly different behavior from {\tt windex}.