path: root/obsolete/macros
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2024-01-31 03:01:01 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2024-01-31 03:01:01 +0000
commit79e1bbc1ad6b308aa2074540b2afd43b6a72ce03 (patch)
tree32074e03eec88cf72e5973ddff176a0534c77dff /obsolete/macros
parent084f5d8435744b7ea7ef487ec111a7bfd100ed62 (diff)
CTAN sync 202401310301
Diffstat (limited to 'obsolete/macros')
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/indsortbin0 -> 50884 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/scripttex/stdoc.pdfbin0 -> 167079 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/mainloop.dvibin0 -> 52456 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/running.dvibin0 -> 7400 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/wants.dvibin0 -> 6556 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/pdf/aminor.pdfbin0 -> 279113 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/pdf/dminor.pdfbin0 -> 235902 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/aminor.dvibin0 -> 4244 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/bbmajor.dvibin0 -> 4392 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/cmajor.dvibin0 -> 3792 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/cminor.dvibin0 -> 4412 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/dmajor.dvibin0 -> 4252 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/dminor.dvibin0 -> 3704 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ebmajor.dvibin0 -> 5236 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/fmajor.dvibin0 -> 4172 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/text1/docs/ -> 744715 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/dt.240pkbin0 -> 1536 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/dt.300pkbin0 -> 1536 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/dt.tfmbin0 -> 512 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/text1/macintosh/text1_index_sort.binbin0 -> 30976 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/text1/pc/fonts/dt.pkbin0 -> 1536 bytes
-rw-r--r--obsolete/macros/text1/vax_vms/sortcall.penbin0 -> 1536 bytes
824 files changed, 189109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/0areadme.txt b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/0areadme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a4ce03940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/0areadme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ ALaTeX Distribution Guide
+ 21 January 1996
+ Matt Swift <>
+This file is a brief guide to the ALaTeX document preparation system,
+which is a small but useful modification of the LaTeX document
+preparation system. You may produce a discussion of the goals of
+ALaTeX by processing the file `metaclas.tex' with LaTeX. The paper is
+based on parts of the article "Modularity in LaTeX" by Matt Swift in
+TUGboat vol. 16 no. 3.
+ALaTeX is NOT part of the LaTeX distribution. It is maintained
+exclusively by Matt Swift <>, NOT by the LaTeX
+The ALaTeX distribution will probably work with all LaTeX versions,
+but it has been tested starting with the December 1995 release. If a
+change in the LaTeX kernel requires a change in ALaTeX that makes it
+incompatible with earlier LaTeX kernels, I will increase the major
+version number. If I make an drop-in improvement to ALaTeX, I will
+update the minor version number.
+The ALaTeX version is displayed on the screen every time ALaTeX is
+invoked with a reminder that ALaTeX is not standard LaTeX.
+The file 00readme.txt in the LaTeX distribution contains information
+about the LaTeX distribution.
+Here is a brief description of some of the ALaTeX files:
+ - ainstall.txt describes how to install ALaTeX and its documentation.
+ - metaclas.cfg is the standard ALaTeX metaclass.
+ - alatex.tex documents ALaTeX and its standard metaclass.
+ - alatex.ltx is a patch to the LaTeX kernel.
+ - amanifst.txt lists all the files in the ALaTeX distribution with
+ one line of information about their contents.
+ - abugs.txt describes how to submit a bug report for ALaTeX.
+ - COPYING is a copy of the GNU General Public License.
+ - Makefile is a Unix makefile for building and installing ALaTeX on
+ Unix systems.
+The ALaTeX files in this distribution are copyright 1995 Matt Swift
+<>. All rights reserved.
+There is no warranty for ALaTeX. See the file COPYING for details.
+ALaTeX may be distributed under the conditions of the GNU General
+Public License, which is in the file COPYING.
+The ALaTeX format that the files in this distribution will generate
+represents a VERY small modification of the LaTeX format, whose source
+files are copyright 1993-1995 the LaTeX3 project and the individual
+ Leslie Lamport
+ Johannes Braams
+ David Carlisle
+ Alan Jeffrey
+ Frank Mittelbach
+ Chris Rowley
+ Rainer Schoepf
+The authors of the original LaTeX files deserve all of the credit for
+the functionality of ALaTeX. The author of ALaTeX added only the
+smallest of contributions, and thanks the original authors for writing
+the files and for distributing them under conditions which allowed him
+to legally make and distribute his addition.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/COPYING b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e77696ae8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/Makefile b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05d40b8549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# ALaTeX makefile for Unix
+# WARNING: some things in this makefile may be specific to the web2c TeX
+# distribution, specifically the setting of TEXINPUTS.
+# If you use A4 paper, setting ARTICLEOPTS to
+# a4paper
+# may save about 30 pages. The variable is an argument list that is
+# passed to the article class.
+# Where should metaclass.cfg go?
+CFGDIR = /usr/local/lib/texmf/tex/latex/config
+# Where should the ALaTeX format go?
+FMTDIR = /usr/local/lib/texmf/ini
+# Where should the DVI documentation for ALaTeX go?
+DOCDIR = /usr/local/lib/texmf/doc/alatex
+# Where should the ALaTeX executable (link) go?
+BINDIR = /usr/local/bin
+# Where are the LaTeX base distribution files?
+BASEDIR = /usr/local/src/texmf/macros/latex-95-12/base
+# What options should be passed to install for installing
+# everything except the executable?
+INSTALLOPTS = -c -m 644
+# END OF USER-CONFIGURABLE OPTIONS, except for experts of course.
+home = alatex
+version = 1.0
+versionfile = VERSION-$(version)
+archname = alatex-$(version)
+files = $(versionfile) COPYING \
+ Makefile aunpack.ins aunpcked.txt amanifst.txt \
+ 0areadme.txt README abugs.txt ainstall.txt \
+ alatex.dtx alatex.tex
+doc-files = alatex.dvi
+.PHONY: all install
+.PHONY: alatex doc install-alatex install-doc
+.PHONY: clean help default
+.PHONY: distribution
+default help:
+ @echo ; \
+ echo "Look over the variables at the top of the Makefile and adjust them if"; \
+ echo "you want. You probably want to try these targets in this order:"; \
+ echo ""; \
+ echo " all makes alatex.fmt and metaclas.cfg"; \
+ echo " install installs them and creates a link from alatex to virtex"; \
+ echo " check runs alatex ltxcheck.tex"; \
+ echo " clean removes auxiliary and rebuildable files"; \
+ echo ""; \
+ echo "Other targets you might want to use are:"; \
+ echo ""; \
+ echo " doc makes the ALaTeX documentation"; \
+ echo " install-doc installs it"; \
+ echo
+all: alatex
+alatex: alatex.fmt metaclas.cfg
+doc: alatex.dvi
+ touch $@
+ ln -s 0areadme.txt $@
+alatex.ltx metaclas.cfg: alatex.dtx aunpack.ins \
+ README $(versionfile)
+ tex aunpack.ins
+alatex.fmt: alatex.ltx
+ initex \&latex alatex.ltx
+alatex.dvi: %.dvi: %.tex %.dtx
+ echo "\PassOptionsToClass{$(ARTICLEOPTS)}{article}" > ltxdoc.cfg
+ latex $*.tex
+ makeindex -s $*.idx
+ latex $*.tex
+ latex $*.tex
+install: install-alatex
+install-alatex: alatex
+ mkdir -p $(BINDIR) $(FMTDIR) $(CFGDIR)
+ rm -f $(BINDIR)/alatex
+ ln -f -s `type virtex | cut -d' ' -f 3` $(BINDIR)/alatex
+ install $(INSTALLOPTS) alatex.fmt $(FMTDIR)
+ install $(INSTALLOPTS) metaclas.cfg $(CFGDIR)
+install-doc: doc
+ mkdir -p $(DOCDIR)
+ install $(INSTALLOPTS) $(doc-files) $(DOCDIR)
+check: install
+ $(BINDIR)/alatex ltxcheck.tex
+distribution: $(files)
+ rm -f $(archname).tar.gz
+ cd ..; \
+ ln -s $(home) $(archname); \
+ tar czf $(archname).tar.gz \
+ $(addprefix $(archname)/, $(files)); \
+ rm $(archname); \
+ mv $(archname).tar.gz $(home)
+ rm -f aunpack.log \
+ metaclas.cfg \
+ alatex.{log,ltx,ind,idx,ilg,log,aux,toc} \
+ ltxcheck.{log,aux} \
+ ltxdoc.cfg
+realclean veryclean: clean
+ rm -f $(doc-files) \
+ alatex.fmt \
+ README $(versionfile) \
+ $(archname).tar.gz
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/README b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/README
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..e68b8ce387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+0areadme.txt \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/VERSION-1.0 b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/VERSION-1.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/VERSION-1.0
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/abugs.txt b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/abugs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..139a0f918b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/abugs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ ALaTeX Error Reports
+ 21 January 1996
+ Matt Swift <>
+Before you report an error please check that The problem is with
+ALaTeX and not LaTeX. Try reproducing the problem with LaTeX. If you
+can, the problem is with LaTeX, so please see the file bugs.txt in the
+LaTeX distribution.
+If you think you have found a bug in ALaTeX, please send a full report
+including the relevant .tex and .log files by email to Matt Swift
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/ainstall.txt b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/ainstall.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e699bd9bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/ainstall.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ ALaTeX Installation Guide
+ 21 January 1996
+ Matt Swift <>
+This file contains the installation instructions for the ALaTeX
+document preparation system.
+In order to install ALaTeX, you must have a working installation of
+LaTeX2e. More information on LaTeX may be found at
+In summary, to install ALaTeX, you will:
+ * Generate the ALaTeX format and standard metaclass.
+ * Put the ALaTeX files where ALaTeX can read them.
+ * Check the installation.
+When one of these steps depends on your TeX distribution, you may find
+help on how to do it in a <system>.txt file in the LaTeX distribution.
+To create the ALaTeX format,
+ * Run TeX on the file `aunpack.ins'. This will create two new files
+ called `alatex.ltx' and `metaclas.cfg'.
+ * Invoke iniTeX with a first line of `&latex alatex.ltx'. This will
+ create a format file called `alatex.fmt'. Alternatively, you can
+ do this by typing `&latex' to iniTeX's `**' prompt, then typing
+ `\input alatex.ltx', and renaming the file `texput.fmt' to
+ `alatex.fmt'.
+ * Copy or move the format file `alatex.fmt' to the TeX formats
+ directory, and copy or move the standard metaclass `metaclas.cfg'
+ into a standard TeX input path.
+ * If you use the Unix web2c distribution of TeX, you may wish to
+ create a link from `alatex' to `virtex', and define
+ TEXINPUTS.alatex to have the same or similar value as
+ TEXINPUTS.latex2e in the file texmf.cnf. On other platforms, you
+ must do something else to use the ALaTeX format.
+To make sure that the installation has worked, you may run
+ALaTeX on the document `ltxcheck.tex' which came in the base directory
+of your LaTeX2e distribution.
+Notice that the dialog will refer to LaTeX2e, but the banner ought to
+announce that you have invoked ALaTeX.
+This will produce a number of messages, each of which should be `OK'.
+If any of them are `BAD', I suggest trying seeing whether the same
+error occurs when you run LaTeX on `ltxcheck.tex'. If so, see the
+PROBLEMS section of the install.txt file in the LaTeX distribution.
+If not, then please see the file abugs.txt in the ALaTeX distribution
+and submit a bug report.
+If all the messages are `OK' then you are finished!
+Process `alatex.tex' with LaTeX and (optionally) Makeindex to produce
+documentation of ALaTeX and its standard metaclass. If you generate
+the index, use the index style that came in the base
+directory of your LaTeX2e distribution (though it might have been
+moved elsewhere during installation).
+On a Unix system, it will be easiest to use the Makefile I have
+written. Look over the variables at the top of the Makefile and
+adjust them as necessary. Invoke "make" with no arguments to see a
+list of targets.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/alatex.dtx b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/alatex.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f7539b569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/alatex.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+%^^A* file information
+% \iffalse
+% alatex.dtx -- discussion and documentation of ALaTeX and its standard metaclass
+% Copyright 1995 Matt Swift <>. All rights reserved.
+% This file is part of the ALaTeX system.
+% Please see the file 0areadme.txt for further information.
+% All correspondence regarding ALaTeX should go to
+% Matt Swift <>, not the LaTeX maintainers.
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+% \fi
+%^^A* checks
+%^^A NOTE: The character table, with two %'s, will get written to all files.
+%% \CharacterTable
+%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+% \CheckSum{287}
+%^^A* abstract
+% \begin{abstract}
+% \ALaTeX{} is a document preparation system that provides the user with all
+% the functionality of \LaTeX{} and a general, legal way to override standard
+% \LaTeX{} behavior without altering source files. An important consequence is
+% that \ALaTeX{} can interpret official \LaTeX{} markup in an abstract way.
+% This discussion builds on the author's paper ``Modularity in \LaTeX''
+% in the forthcoming TUGboat \textbf{16} (3).
+% \end{abstract}
+% \tableofcontents
+% \clearpage
+% \StopEventually{}
+% \section{Introduction}
+% The purpose of writing \ALaTeX{} was to facilitate typesetting official
+% \LaTeX{} markup as \emph{abstract} markup, that is, markup that is not fixed
+% to a ``standard'' appearance on a typeset page. Official \LaTeX{} markup has
+% a standard appearance. Together with the broad portability of the \TeX{}
+% program, this standard is a highly valuable feature of \LaTeX. In achieving
+% this important goal, however, the \LaTeX{} developers compromised the
+% valuable ability of \LaTeX{} to interpret markup abstractly. \ALaTeX{}
+% attempts to provide users with the ability to process official \LaTeX{}
+% markup with the power of full abstraction, without compromising their ability
+% to process official \LaTeX{} markup in the standard way.
+% You are not allowed to modify the distributed \LaTeX{} files without changing
+% their names; yet filenames are how classes and packages are identified. In
+% many cases it is desirable to produce \emph{different} \ext{dvi} files from
+% the same source document. Suppose you make a small modification of the
+% standard \class{article} class. To use it to process a source which calls
+% for the \class{article} class, you must either break the law and call your
+% derivative class \file{article.cls}, or modify the source to call for a
+% different class. Both options are unacceptable, the first for obvious
+% reasons, the second because a document class---and indeed all the markup in a
+% source---ought to be abstractly descriptive without specifying the details of
+% presentation. Font specifications are absurd in a document to be read aloud;
+% volume specifications are absurd in a document to be printed; page
+% specifications are absurd in a document to be viewed on a screen.
+% Even were it agreed to privilege a single medium for presentation, sometimes
+% the source simply cannot be modified, and making a copy would cause version
+% control or storage difficulties, or itself be a violation of law.
+% It is unnecessary to dwell on the necessary failure of any markup scheme to
+% be suitably abstract for all interesting documents and presentation media.
+% Fortunately, we are aiming to advance computer-aided typesetting, not the
+% philosophy of essence and accident, syntax and semantics. What is true of
+% \ALaTeX{} and not of \LaTeX{} is that all directives with a \emph{necessary}
+% influence on typeset appearance appear outside the source document.
+% It is very difficult to have a working \ALaTeX{} without also having a
+% working \LaTeX. For this reason, \ALaTeX{} is unlikely to compromise the
+% availability and ubiquity of systems that conveniently produce standard
+% \LaTeX{} \ext{dvi} files from sources containing official \LaTeX{} markup.
+% To help insure this harmlessness (and for lack of a reasonable alternative),
+% \ALaTeX{} as distributed produces \ext{dvi} files identical to ones that
+% \LaTeX{} produces from the same source. Differences are conceivable only in
+% the perverse cases listed in Appendix \ref{perverse}.
+% Abstracting those cases, therefore, a user must actively alter \LaTeX{} or
+% \ALaTeX{} before she can produce a \ext{dvi} file that differs from the one
+% standard \LaTeX{} produces from the same source file. \ALaTeX, however, is
+% much easier to alter in useful ways than \LaTeX.
+% \begin{em}
+% When you compose a document, please preview it with (standard) \LaTeX.
+% There is absolutely no reason at all to use \ALaTeX{} during document
+% composition. Using \LaTeX{} will ensure that your document can be
+% consistently compiled and viewed at every \LaTeX{} site in the world. Use
+% \ALaTeX{} \emph{only} on existing sources when you can't or don't want to
+% modify them, and yet want to present them in a nonstandard way.
+% \end{em}
+% \section{How \ALaTeX{} works}
+% Most of the \ALaTeX{} distribution is designed to make a single small change
+% to the \LaTeX{} kernel easy and legal to use. The change causes the
+% |\documentclass| command to store its arguments in variables and load the
+% file \file{metaclas.cfg} called the \term{metaclass} before continuing.
+% That's it!
+% The significance of this change is in the variety and scope of what can be
+% accomplished by code in the metaclass. In the metaclass, the |@| character
+% is a letter, as in normal class files.
+% \DescribeMacro\mc@class@options
+% \DescribeMacro\mc@class@name
+% \DescribeMacro\mc@class@version
+% When the metaclass is executed, the \ALaTeX{} kernel is loaded, and the
+% source file has been processed from the beginning through the first
+% |\documentclass| command and all its arguments. The arguments have been
+% stored in macros as follows:
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\bslash mc@class@options] holds the first optional argument to
+% |\documentclass|.
+% \item[\bslash mc@class@name] holds the mandatory argument to
+% |\documentclass|.
+% \item[\bslash mc@class@version] holds the second optional
+% argument to |\documentclass|.
+% \end{description}
+% A metaclass can do anything at all with this information. The distributed
+% metaclass below emulates \LaTeX's behavior. Code in comments below provides
+% two convenient mechanisms to do something else, causing \ALaTeX's typeset
+% documents to differ from \LaTeX's. \ALaTeX{} is as flexible as possible, and
+% the number of other possibilities is countless.
+% \DescribeMacro\alt@cls@extension
+% \DescribeMacro\ds@foo
+% The nonstandard mechanisms are as follows. Let \meta{class} be the class
+% named by the |\documentclass| command, \meta{altX} be the value of
+% |\alt@cls@extension| defined in the metaclass, and \meta{normX} be the value
+% of |\@cls@extension| defined in the \ALaTeX{} (and \LaTeX) kernel.
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item When a file \file{\meta{class}.\meta{altX}} exists in the search path,
+% it will be loaded instead of the usual \file{\meta{class}.\meta{normX}}.
+% \item When a command |\ds@|\meta{class} is defined, it will be executed
+% instead of loading \file{\meta{class}.\meta{normX}}.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% Notice that there is no reason to use \ALaTeX{} unless you create a
+% nonstandard metaclass. The standard metaclass emulates standard \LaTeX{}
+% because the user should have to take active steps to get nonstandard output.
+% If you modify this file, please change the |\fileinfo| declaration near the
+% end.
+% \section{The game of the name}
+% You may understand the \word{A} in \ALaTeX{} to stand for \word{alternate} or
+% \word{abstract}, or to be the definite article, which emphasizes that fact
+% that when you process with \ALaTeX{}, you are seeing just one of an infinite
+% number of possibile presentations of your document's content.
+% You may pronounce \ALaTeX{} however you like, of course.
+% \section{A sampler of applications}
+% \ALaTeX{} is a powerful tool, but newly born. Sophisticated applications
+% have neither been conceived nor implemented. The author would appreciate
+% hearing from you.
+% \ALaTeX{} is potentially useful in situations where without \ALaTeX{} one
+% would need to alter the source in a way that affects its presentation but not
+% its content. For example, without \ALaTeX{} you must modify the source to
+% change the paper size or font characteristics of the typeset document.
+% \ALaTeX{} allows you to make this kind of change by altering the typesetting
+% procedure instead of the source itself.
+% You can use \ALaTeX{} to specify options to package and classes or even to
+% load packages. You can invoke debugging or profiling code.
+% Since the metaclass can control the style of a document, a system of files
+% could be arranged in which there exist companion files for sources, which
+% would function like style sheets. Common hierarchical path searching
+% mechanisms would permit cascading styles with a flexible inheritance scheme
+% at the levels of site, user, directory, and individual source.
+% \section{The future}
+% I envision removing most of the decisions embodied in the preamble and in
+% package and class options from the source file to the invocation of the
+% processing run. The decisions might be specified on the command line or in
+% files separate from the source that are managed by a convenient interface.
+% Is not an analogous development occurring as style sheets are brought to
+% HTML?
+% Since the choices a user would typically make via \ALaTeX{} are likely to be
+% few and from among a small number of known alternatives, it is easy to
+% imagine a convenient user interface for the common options. Such a front end
+% written \TeX{} would have the advantage of being \%100 portable. A graphical
+% interface could be integrated in an existing front end which manages a broad
+% array of \TeX-related tasks.
+% If metaclasses become tricky, a |\tracingmetaclasses| command might be
+% warranted.
+% \StopEventually{}
+% \section{Version control}
+% \begin{macro}{\fileinfo}
+% \begin{macro}{\fileversion}
+% \begin{macro}{\filedate}
+% \begin{macro}{\docdate}
+% \begin{macro}{\PPOptArg}
+% First we take care of the business of keeping track of the version of this
+% document.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\fileinfo{standard ALaTeX metaclass}
+\edef\PPOptArg{\filedate\space \fileversion\space \fileinfo}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \section{Emulate \LaTeX{} (the default)}
+% \begin{macro}{\documentclass}
+% \begin{macro}{\mc@load@class}
+% The following |\documentclass| command behaves exactly like \LaTeX's. It
+% looks a little different here because we've already read the three arguments.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\documentclass\@twoclasseserror
+ \if@compatibility\else\let\usepackage\RequirePackage\fi
+ \mc@load@class}
+ \edef\reserved@a{%
+ \noexpand\@fileswithoptions
+ \noexpand\@clsextension
+ [\mc@class@options]{\mc@class@name}[\mc@class@version]}%
+ \reserved@a}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \section{Privelege alternate extensions}
+% \begin{macro}{\alt@cls@extension}
+% \begin{macro}{\documentclass}
+% To enable divergences from standard \LaTeX{} of the first kind only,
+% uncomment the following four definitions in this section and ensure that the
+% definitions in following sections are commented out. Please also change the
+% definition of |\fileinfo| above.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \def\alt@cls@extension{acl}
+% \def\documentclass{%
+% \let\documentclass\@twoclasseserror
+% \if@compatibility\else\let\usepackage\RequirePackage\fi
+% \IfFileExists{\mc@class@name.\alt@cls@extension}
+% {\let\mc@extension\alt@cls@extension
+% \mc@load@class
+% \def\mc@extension{\@currext}}
+% {\mc@load@class}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\mc@extension}
+% \begin{macro}{\@onefilewithoptions}
+% A lot of code here for two tiny changes of |\@currext| to |\mc@extension|.
+% The file with the alternate extension masquerades as one with the normal
+% extension in every way except the actual filename.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \def\mc@extension{\@currext}
+% \def\@onefilewithoptions#1[#2][#3]#4{%
+% \@pushfilename
+% \xdef\@currname{#1}%
+% \global\let\@currext#4%
+% \expandafter\let\csname\@currname.\@currext-h@@k\endcsname\@empty
+% \let\CurrentOption\@empty
+% \@reset@ptions
+% \makeatletter
+% \def\reserved@a{%
+% \@ifl@aded\@currext{#1}%
+% {\@if@ptions\@currext{#1}{#2}{}%
+% {\@latex@error
+% {Option clash for \@cls@pkg\space #1}%
+% {The package #1 has already been loaded
+% with options:\MessageBreak
+% \space\space[\@ptionlist{#1.\@currext}]\MessageBreak
+% There has now been an attempt to load it
+% with options\MessageBreak
+% \space\space[#2]\MessageBreak
+% Adding the line:\MessageBreak
+% \space\space\string\usepackage
+% [\@ptionlist{#1.\@currext},#2]{#1}\MessageBreak
+% to your document may fix this.\MessageBreak
+% Try typing \space <return> \space to proceed.}}}%
+% {\@pass@ptions\@currext{#2}{#1}%
+% \global\expandafter
+% \let\csname ver@\@currname.\@currext\endcsname\@empty
+% \InputIfFileExists
+% {\@currname.\mc@extension}%
+% {}%
+% {\@missingfileerror\@currname\mc@extension}%
+% \let\@unprocessedoptions\@@unprocessedoptions
+% \csname\@currname.\@currext-h@@k\endcsname
+% \expandafter\let\csname\@currname.\@currext-h@@k\endcsname
+% \@undefined
+% \@unprocessedoptions}
+% \@ifl@ter\@currext{#1}{#3}{}%
+% {\@latex@warning@no@line
+% {You have requested,\on@line,
+% version\MessageBreak
+% `#3' of \@cls@pkg\space #1,\MessageBreak
+% but only version\MessageBreak
+% `\csname ver@#1.\@currext\endcsname'\MessageBreak
+% is available}}%
+% \ifx\@currext\@clsextension\let\LoadClass\@twoloadclasserror\fi
+% \@popfilename
+% \@reset@ptions}%
+% \reserved@a}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \section{Pass control to a macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\documentclass}
+% To enable divergences from standard \LaTeX{} of the second kind only,
+% uncomment the following definition and ensure that all definitions in the
+% next and previous sections are commented out. Please also change the
+% definition of |\fileinfo| above. You must define |\dc@|\meta{class} in your
+% \file{metaclass.cfg} or before the |\documentclass| command in your document,
+% if you want to define it at all.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \def\documentclass{%
+% \let\documentclass\@twoclasseserror
+% \if@compatibility\else\let\usepackage\RequirePackage\fi
+% \@ifundefined{dc@\mc@class@name}
+% {\mc@load@class}
+% {\@nameuse{dc@\mc@class@name}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \section{First extension then macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\documentclass}
+% To enable divergences from standard \LaTeX{} of both the first and second
+% kinds, uncomment the following definition as well as the definitions of
+% |\alt@cls@extension|, |\mc@extension|, and |\@onefilewithoptions| above.
+% Please also change the definition of |\fileinfo| above.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \def\documentclass{%
+% \let\documentclass\@twoclasseserror
+% \if@compatibility\else\let\usepackage\RequirePackage\fi
+% \IfFileExists{\mc@class@name.\alt@cls@extension}
+% {\let\mc@extension\alt@cls@extension
+% \mc@load@class
+% \def\mc@extension{\@currext}}
+% {\@ifundefined{dc@\mc@class@name}
+% {\mc@load@class}
+% {\@nameuse{dc@\mc@class@name}}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \section{Actually do something}
+% So far we've just defined a command called |\documentclass|. It's time to
+% use it. It's probably best if this remains at the end of the (extracted)
+% file.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \appendix
+% \section{Perverse cases}
+% \label{perverse}
+% \ALaTeX{} as distributed produces \ext{dvi} files identical to ones that
+% \LaTeX{} produces from the same source. Differences are conceivable
+% only in the following perverse cases.
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item The document contains \TeX{} code that depends upon the exact
+% definitions or undefined state of the macros
+% \begin{quote}\raggedright
+% |\ALaTeX|, |\documentclass|, |\mc@documentclass|,
+% |\mc@@documentclass|, |\mc@class@options|, |\mc@class@name|,
+% |\mc@class@version|, and |\mc@load@class|.
+% \end{quote}
+% \item Processing the document requires the (almost trivial) internal
+% resources consumed by defining the above macros and loading the metaclass
+% file.
+% \item There is unfriendly code in the source before the |\documentclass|
+% command. Normally only harmless comments and \env{filecontents}
+% environments will precede the |\documentclass| command, but other code is
+% possible, that would cause the \ALaTeX's output to differ from \LaTeX's.
+% \item The arguments to |\documentclass| are very unusual, for example, they
+% change catcodes or have complicated expansions. \ALaTeX{} scans the
+% arguments to |\documentclass| slightly differently than \LaTeX{} does.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% No one should have to worry about these cases, and if they come up the
+% problem should be obvious.
+% \section{Kernel Patch}
+% This is the code that patches the \LaTeX{} kernel.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\fileinfo{ALaTeX patch to LaTeX kernel}
+\edef\PPOptArg{\filedate\space \fileversion\space \fileinfo}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This is \ALaTeX, so make sure to announce it, and that it's nonstandard. We
+% don't want to change the |\fmtversion|. We want \ALaTeX{} to masquerade as
+% \LaTeX{} to the programs but not the users.
+% This startup banner may be further modified by the code in |ltfinal.dtx| if a
+% patch file is present.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\everyjob{\typeout{ALaTeX\space<\fmtversion\space R1> (NOT STANDARD LATEX)}}
+\immediate\write16{ALaTeX\space<\fmtversion\space R1> (NOT STANDARD LATEX)}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\ALaTeX}
+% Provide a logo.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {A\LaTeX}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\documentclass}
+% \begin{macro}{\mc@documentclass}
+% \begin{macro}{\mc@@documentclass}
+% \begin{macro}{\mc@class@options}
+% \begin{macro}{\mc@class@name}
+% \begin{macro}{\mc@class@version}
+% If the file |metaclas.cfg| exists in the search path, then the
+% |\documentclass| command reads its three arguments (two are optional) into
+% variables, and passes control to that file. If there is no such file, then
+% we proceed just as in \LaTeX. Since |\documentstyle| loads some code then
+% calls |\documentclass|, 2.09 documents also fall under the control of the
+% metaclass mechanism.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \IfFileExists{metaclas.cfg}
+ {\@ifnextchar[%]
+ {\mc@documentclass}
+ {\mc@documentclass[]}}
+ {\let\documentclass\@twoclasseserror
+ \if@compatibility\else\let\usepackage\RequirePackage\fi
+ \@fileswithoptions\@clsextension}}
+ \@ifnextchar[%]
+ {\mc@@documentclass{#1}{#2}}
+ {\mc@@documentclass{#1}{#2}[]}}
+ \def\mc@class@options{#1}%
+ \def\mc@class@name{#2}%
+ \def\mc@class@version{#3}%
+ \makeatletter
+ \input{metaclas.cfg}%
+ \makeatother}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% Dump the format.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \Finale
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/alatex.tex b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/alatex.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15eacf2664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/alatex.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+\DeclareTextFontCommand\word\em % refer to a word as a word
+\DeclareTextFontCommand\term\slshape % technical term
+\DeclareTextFontCommand\env\ttfamily % environment
+\DeclareTextFontCommand\package\slshape % name of LaTeX package
+\DeclareTextFontCommand\program\ttfamily % generic name of computer program
+\DeclareTextFontCommand\class\slshape % name of LaTeX class
+\DeclareTextFontCommand\file\ttfamily % name of disk file
+\DeclareTextFontCommand\ext\ttfamily % name of file extension
+\date{Version: 1.0 \\Documentation revision: 1996/01/21}
+\author{Matt Swift \texttt{<>}}
+\title{\ALaTeX{} and its Standard Metaclass}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/amanifst.txt b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/amanifst.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6279b81888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/amanifst.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% The following files form the ALaTeX 1.0 distribution.
+% ====================================
+% Documentation:
+% --------------
+% 0areadme.txt -- The distribution guide.
+% abugs.txt -- Where to submit a bug report for ALaTeX.
+% ainstall.txt -- How to install ALaTeX.
+% alatex.tex -- ALaTeX documentation.
+% amanifst.txt -- This file.
+% Kernel and Metaclass files:
+% ---------------------------
+% alatex.dtx -- Source for ALaTeX documentation, the standard metaclass,
+% and the patch to the LaTeX kernel.
+% Installation files:
+% -------------------
+% Makefile -- Unix Makefile for building and installing ALaTeX
+% and its documentation.
+% aunpack.ins -- Unpacks the ALaTeX distribution.
+% aunpcked.txt -- Lists files unpacked by aunpack.ins.
+% ======================================================================
+% The following file list is read in during the installation procedure
+% to check that all the files are present. The file names should be
+% separated by white space, and this file should end with |\endinput|.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/aunpack.ins b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/aunpack.ins
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8861282780
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/aunpack.ins
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+% aunpack.ins -- installation driver for the ALaTeX system
+% Copyright 1996 Matt Swift <>.
+% All rights reserved.
+% This file is part of the ALaTeX system. Please see the file
+% 0areadme.txt for further information.
+% All correspondence regarding ALaTeX should go to
+% Matt Swift <>, not the LaTeX maintainers.
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+\input ltdirchk.dtx
+\input testdist.dtx
+\input docstrip.dtx
+ \OriginalAsk{#1}{#2}%
+ \global\let\Ask\OriginalAsk
+ \Ask\noprompt{%
+ By default you will be asked this question for every file.^^J%
+ If you enter `y' now, I will asssume `y' for all future questions^^J%
+ without prompting.}%
+ \ifx\y\noprompt\gdef\Ask##1##2{\def##1{y}}\else
+ \ifx\yes\noprompt\gdef\Ask##1##2{\def##1{y}}\fi\fi}
+\testdistribution{amanifst.txt}{Missing distribution files.}{%
+ The above files are missing from your ALaTeX distribution.
+^^JYou should be able to get the files from the same source as
+^^Jthe rest of the distribution. If you can't, then complain!
+^^JThe full list of ALaTeX distributed files is in amanifst.txt.
+^^JMore information about the installation is in ainstall.txt.
+^^JPress <RETURN> to continue, or X<RETURN> to exit.
+\Msg{* Welcome to the Installation routine of}
+\Msg{* \space\space\space\space ALaTeX\space 1.0}
+Copyright 1995-1996 Matt Swift <>. All rights reserved.
+This file is part of the ALaTeX system. If you modify it, please
+change the definition of \string\fileinfo.
+All correspondence regarding ALaTeX should go to Matt Swift
+<>, not the LaTeX maintainers.
+This file has been generated from the sources listed above.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+\def\Lbatchinput#1{{\batchinput{#1}}} % to avoid changing preambles
+ % by included batchfiles we just enclose \batchinput
+ % in brackets since \preamble decls are local
+ \file{alatex.ltx}{\from{alatex.dtx}{alatex}}
+ \file{metaclas.cfg}{\from{alatex.dtx}{metaclass}}
+ }
+\testdistribution{aunpcked.txt}{Missing unpacked files.}{%
+ The above files should have been unpacked by this installation.
+^^JIf they are missing, then this means that something is wrong.
+^^JRead ainstall.txt to find out what to do now.
+^^JThe list of files which should have been unpacked is in aunpcked.txt.
+^^JPress <RETURN> to continue, or X<RETURN> to exit.
+\Msg{* The patch to the LaTeX kernel and the standard ALaTeX metaclass}
+\Msg{* have been created.}
+\Msg{* To create the ALaTeX format, you must}
+\Msg{* now run iniTeX on alatex.ltx to generate alatex.fmt.}
+\Msg{* To use the new format and the standard metaclass,}
+\Msg{* place them in a standard TeX path.}
+\Msg{* If you use the Unix web2c distribution of TeX, you may wish to}
+\Msg{* create a link from `alatex' to `virtex', and define}
+\Msg{* TEXINPUTS.alatex to have the same value as TEXINPUTS.latex in the}
+\Msg{* file texmf.cnf (both of these should have the same value as}
+\Msg{* TEXINPUTS.latex2e). On other platforms, you must do something else}
+\Msg{* to use the ALaTeX format.}
+\Msg{* Documentation may be produced by running}
+\Msg{* LaTeX on alatex.tex.}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/aunpcked.txt b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/aunpcked.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1413f8fba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/alatex/alatex-1.0/aunpcked.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+% The following files will be unpacked by running TeX on
+% aunpack.ins.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/blu/address.dat b/obsolete/macros/blu/address.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b052997064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/blu/address.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+%Address database,
+%Setup Januari 1995
+%Name of person or organization
+%\private{<privat address>}
+%The \email, \phone and \fax are extra,
+%when defined as gobble they won't hinder.
+\\Marcin M Adamski
+\\Centrum Banacha pok. 3
+\\Ul. Mokotowska 25
+\\00-950 Warszawa
+\\Julita Bolland
+\\Ul. Kaspyska 2m.2
+\\02-760 Warszawa
+\phone{0 48 (0)22 421767}
+\\W Bzyl
+\\Borowikowa 27m.4
+\\81080 Gdynia
+\phone{0 23 (0)85 84}
+\\L de Coninck
+\\De Kraal
+\\Zeedijk 101
+\\8400 Ostende
+\phone{059 506139}
+\\C Creider
+\\W Dol
+\\Coebergerstr. 12
+\\5624 AV Eindhoven
+\\The Netherlands
+\phone{040 467083}
+\\Erik Frambach
+\\Boelemaheerd 32
+\phone{050 633785 privat: 050-421826}
+\\Irina and Sergei Gorbunovi
+\\Dimitrovski Pr. {\oldstyle8}, KB {\oldstyle93}
+\\{\oldstyle125422} Moscow
+\phone{095 9768261}
+\\O.A Grineva
+\\Kosigina {\oldstyle11}-{\oldstyle2}, KB {\oldstyle322}
+\\{\oldstyle195426} St.\ Peterburg
+\\O.A Grineva
+\\OS-{\oldstyle426} Post Office Box {\oldstyle153}
+\\{\oldstyle195426} St. Peterburg
+\\A Hendrickson
+\\57 Longwood Avenue
+\\Brookline MA 02146
+\\International Science Foundation
+\fax{202 342 2765}
+\\M Janc
+\\Texhnical Typesetting Inc.
+\\1510 Caton Center Drive Suite E
+\\Baltimore MD 21227
+\phone{410 987 1822}
+\privat{613 Waterwheel Lane
+\\Apt 34 MIllersville
+\\MD 21108
+\\B Jascowski
+\\Ul. Tatrza\'nska 6/1
+\\80331 Gdansk
+\phone{0 48 (0)58 567877}
+\lst\knuthde{Prof.\ Knuth
+\\D.E Knuth
+\\Department of The Art of Computer Programming
+\\Stanford University
+\\Stanford CA 94305
+\\H Ko{\l}odziejskah
+\\Ul. Rembielinska 15m.131
+\\03-352 Warszawa
+\phone{614 08 11}
+\\C.G van der Laan
+\\Hunzeweg 57
+\\9893 PB Garnwerd
+\\Garnwerd (Gr)
+% \\The Netherlands
+\phone{31 (0)5941 1525}
+\\I Makhovaya
+\\MIR Publishers
+\\Pervy Rishsky Pr. 2
+\\129820 Moscow
+\phone{286 06 22}
+\\RNDr Karol Nemoga Csc
+\\Obchodno 4
+\phone{07 3309 224}
+\\G J H van Nes
+\\Dars 9
+\\1751 PD Schagerbrug
+%\\The Netherlands
+\phone{02247-1918} %ecn: \phone{02246-4185}, \fax{02246-1864}
+\\Nederlandstalige \TeX{} Gebruikersgroep
+\\Postbus 394
+\\1740 AJ Schagen
+%\\The Netherlands
+\\M Ry\'cko
+\\Ul. Anielewicza 23m.68
+\\01-026 Warszawa
+\phone{0 48 (0)22 386258}
+\\D Salomon
+\\11835 Sapota Dr.
+\\Lakeside CA 92040
+\phone{09 619 443 6528}
+\\N.M Temme
+\\P. van Wijngaardlaan 18
+\\1391 VD Abcoude
+\phone{02946 3345}
+\\Jos Winnink
+\\Centraal Plan Bureau
+\\Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Department
+\\van Stolkweg 14
+\\PO Box 80510
+\\2508GM Den Haag
+\phone{31) 70 338 3339 privat: 050-421826}
+\fax{(31) 70 338 3350}
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/blu/blue.tex b/obsolete/macros/blu/blue.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0aa5d33fb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/blu/blue.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,4225 @@
+%To prevent double loading
+\message{---not loaded---}\endinput\fi
+%The material is shareware and subject
+%to the separate note on copyright.
+%To print the format properly, copy
+%the following 11-lines job and
+%substitute the semicolon token
+%(=escape char) for `semi-col'. (2x)
+% ---Kees---
+%\input blue.tex
+%\title{File: blue.tex}
+%\issue{Version 1.0}
+% \catcode`\!=12
+% \catcode`\|=12
+% \input blue.tex}
+%Copyright Notice BLUe's Format system
+%The software
+% blue.tex
+% fmt.dat
+% tools.dat
+%is shareware available. It is not allowed
+%to make any profit on it. A happy user is
+%requested to send US$25 to the author, or
+%better still according to the Macindex the
+%equivalent of 20 breads in US dollars.
+%(twenty-five US dollar)
+% C.G van der Laan
+% Hunzeweg 57
+% 9893 PB Garnwerd
+% The Netherlands
+% (
+%The contributors will be added to my
+% register.blu database.
+%Russian users are relieved for the moment
+%from the shareware request, with respect
+%to personal use.
+%Auxiliary and personalized files are the
+% address.dat addresses
+% lit.dat references
+% pic.dat pictures.
+%The main reason to ask for shareware support
+%is to protect myself against too many request,
+%and to raise some funds to continue my \TeX{}
+%The user's guide `Publishing with \TeX,' and the
+%accompanying articles are free for personal use.
+% March, 1995
+% C.G van der Laan%;newcol
+%begin%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%general description%
+\message{ ---blue.tex 1.0, Jan 95, cgl--- }
+% ;nonum
+%This file blue.tex accompanies
+%Publishing with TeX by Kees van der Laan
+%Available from CTAN:
+%-pwt.scr (user's guide, which invokes
+% the chapters:, -.txt, -.mat
+%, -.grf, -.ref, -.ind, -.cus
+% -.aft, -.fmt, -.tls, -.tot, -.his,
+% next to the dynamical generated
+% answers, examples, contents and index.)
+%-blue.tex (macros)
+%-fmt.dat, tools.dat,
+%-lit.dat, pic.dat, address.dat.
+%Author: C.G. van der Laan
+% Hunzeweg 57
+% 9893 PB Garnwerd
+% The Netherlands
+% 31 (0)594 62 1525
+%Purpose: general independent format.
+%It is composed of
+%-- abbreviations, from tugboat.cmn
+%-- manmac.tex (+customization macros)
+%-- ppt.tex, my preprint proposal, from
+% TUGboat BLUes
+%-- miscellaneous additions
+%-- \eqalign family with multi-alignment
+% point, from Math into BLUes
+%-- icon macros via LaTeX's line fonts
+%-- btable.tex, my bordered table macros,
+% from Table Diversions
+%-- vrb.tex (my verbatim mode suite), from
+% BLUe's Verbatim
+%-- macros for cross-referencing, from
+% BLUe's Cross-Referencing
+%-- macros for bibliography handling, from
+% BLUe's Bibliography
+%-- gkppic.tex a subset of gkpmac.tex for
+% LaTeX's picture environment
+%-- turtle graphics
+%-- trs.tex for overhead transparencies
+%-- crs.tex for crosswords via plain
+%-- macros for creating an index
+% from BLUe's Index
+%The problem is to keep the constituent
+%collections unaltered.
+%For each set a table of contents has
+%been added to locate macros.
+%The reason for putting it all in one file
+%is to handle conflicting items and to
+%facilitate fast loading, read make it a
+%Note. In order to process this file
+%verbatim the semicolon has been reserved
+%as escape character.
+%The files have not been ordered alphabe-
+%tically, due to the hierarchy.
+%end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%general description%;newpage
+%Abbreviations borrowed from tugboat.cmn.
+\def\AMS{American Mathematical Society}
+\def\AmS{{\the\textfont2 A}\kern-.1667em%
+ \lower.5ex\hbox{\the\textfont2 M}%
+ \kern-.125em{\the\textfont2 S}}
+ \def\AmSLaTeX{\AmS-\LaTeX}%Addition
+ \hskip\z@skip Wesley}
+\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\smc i%
+ \kern-.025emb}\kern-.08em\TeX}}
+\def\CandT{{\sl Computers \&
+ Typesetting}}
+\def\DVItoVDU{DVIto\kern-.12em VDU}
+\def\ISBN{{\SMC ISBN} }
+% Japanese TeX
+ \hbox{J}\kern-.18em\TeX}}
+\def\JoT{{\sl The Joy of \TeX}}
+ -.3em\the\scriptfont2 A}\kern-.2em%
+ \lower.376ex\hbox{\the\textfont2 M}%
+ \kern-.125em{\the\textfont2 S}-\TeX}
+ \let\LAmsTeX=\LAMSTeX%addition
+\def\La{\TestCount=\the\fam \leavevmode
+ L\raise.42ex\hbox{$\fam\TestCount
+ \scriptstyle\kern-.3em A$}}
+% for Robert McGaffey
+ to\ht\TestBox{\hbox{c}\vfil}}
+% font used for the METAFONT logo, etc.
+\def\MF{{\manual META}\-{\manual FONT}}
+\def\MP{{\manual META}\-{\smc post}}
+\def\MFB{{\sl The \slMF book}}
+% multilingual (INRS) TeX
+ \hbox{\^E}\kern-.125emX}
+ {p\kern-.3ptc}MF}
+ {p\kern-.3ptc}\TeX}
+ \hbox{I}\kern-.075emC}
+\def\plain{{\tt plain}}
+\def\POBox{P.\thinspace O.\ Box }
+\def\POBoxTUG{\POBox\unskip\ 21041,
+ Santa Barbara, CA93121-1041, USA}
+\def\SC{Steering Committee}
+\def\SGML{{\SMC SGML}}
+\def\SliTeX{{\rm S\kern-.06em{\smc
+ l\kern-.035emi}\kern-.06em\TeX}}
+%Use \font\manualsl=logosl10 instead,
+%if it's available, for
+%\def\slMF{{\manualsl META}\-{\manualsl
+% FONT}}
+% Atari ST (Klaus Guntermann)
+\def\stTeX{{\smc st\rm\kern-0.13em\TeX}}
+\def\TANGLE{{\tt TANGLE}}
+\def\TB{{\sl The \TeX book}}
+\def\TP{{\sl \TeX\/}:
+ {\sl The Program\/}}
+ \lower.424ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}
+\def\TeXhax{\TeX hax}
+% Don Hosek
+\def\TeXMaG{\TeX M\kern-.1667em%
+ \lower.5ex\hbox{A}\kern-.2267emG}
+\def\TeXtures{{\it Textures}}
+ \lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.1667emT}
+\def\ttn{{\sl TTN}}
+\def\TTN{{\sl \TeX{} and TUG News}}
+\def\TUB{{\tubfont TUGboat\/}}
+\def\TUG{\TeX\ \UG}
+\def\UG{Users Group}
+\def\UNIX{{\SMC UNIX}}
+ A\kern-.1em X}}
+ \hbox{O\kern-1.4pt R}\kern-2.6pt\TeX}
+ \lower.424ex\hbox{E}\kern-.1667emT}}
+\def\WEB{{\tt WEB}}
+\def\WEAVE{{\tt WEAVE}}
+\def\maps#1#2{MAPS {\oldstyle#1}.%
+ {\oldstyle#2}}%;nonum
+%Although not necessary because of
+%alphabetical ordering, I supplied
+%Table of contents abbreviations TUG
+%\AmS, \AmSTeX...................14
+%\BibTeX.....................20, 21
+%\CandT......................23, 24
+%\JTeX.......................31, 32
+%\maps (added)
+%\MFB........................54, 55
+%\mtex.......................57, 58
+%\pcMF.......................60, 61
+%\pcTeX......................63, 64
+%\SliTeX.....................84, 85
+%\slMF......................%90, 91
+%\TeX......................102, 103
+%\TeXMaG...................108, 109
+%\TeXXeT...................114, 115
+%\VAX......................129, 130
+%\VorTeX...................132, 133
+%\XeT......................135, 136
+%Knuth's macros for formatting The TeXbook
+%and The METAfont book.
+\font\titlefont=cmssdc10 at 40pt
+\hyphenchar\tentt=-1 % inhibit hyphenation
+ % in typewriter type
+\font\tenu=cmu10 % unslanted text italic
+\font\magnifiedfiverm=cmr5 at 10pt
+%Next two not available on my system
+%\font\manual=manfnt % font used for the
+ % METAFONT logo, etc.
+%\font\cmman=cmman % font used for
+%miscellaneous Computer Modern variations
+ \textfont0=\tenrm\scriptfont0=\sevenrm
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
+ \textfont1=\teni \scriptfont1=\seveni
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \textfont2=\tensy\scriptfont2=\sevensy
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
+ \textfont3=\tenex\scriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\tenit}\def\oldstyle
+ {\fam1 \teni}\textfont\itfam=\tenit
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\tensl}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\tensl
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\tenbf}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\tenbf
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\tentt}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\tentt
+ \tt \ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em
+ \normalbaselineskip=12pt plus1pt minus1pt
+ \def\MF{{\manual META}\-{\manual FONT}}%
+ \let\sc=\eightrm
+ \let\big=\tenbig
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule
+ height8.5pt depth3.5pt width\z@}%
+ \normalbaselines\rm}
+ \textfont0=\ninerm\scriptfont0=\sixrm
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
+ \textfont1=\ninei\scriptfont1=\sixi
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \textfont2=\ninesy\scriptfont2=\sixsy
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
+ \textfont3=\tenex\scriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\nineit}\def\oldstyle
+ {\fam1 \ninei}\textfont\itfam=\nineit
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\ninesl}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\ninesl
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\ninebf}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\ninebf
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\sixbf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\ninett}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\ninett
+ \tt \ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em
+ \normalbaselineskip=11pt plus1pt minus1pt
+ \def\MF{{\manual hijk}\-{\manual lmnj}}%
+ \let\sc=\sevenrm
+ \let\big=\ninebig
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height8pt
+ depth3pt width\z@}%
+ \normalbaselines\rm}
+ \textfont0=\eightrm \scriptfont0=\sixrm
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
+ \textfont1=\eighti \scriptfont1=\sixi
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \textfont2=\eightsy \scriptfont2=\sixsy
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
+ \textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\eightit}\def\oldstyle
+ {\fam1 \eighti}\textfont\itfam=\eightit
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\eightsl}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\eightsl
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\eightbf}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\eightbf
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\sixbf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\eighttt}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\eighttt
+ \tt \ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em
+ \normalbaselineskip=10pt plus1pt minus1pt
+ \def\MF{{\manual opqr}\-{\manual stuq}}%
+ \let\sc=\sixrm
+ \let\big=\eightbig
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height7pt
+ depth2pt width\z@}%
+ \normalbaselines\rm}
+\def\tenmath{\tenpoint\fam-1 } % use after $
+ % in ninepoint sections
+\def\tenbig#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to8.5pt{}%
+ \right.\n@space$}}}
+ \textfont2=\tensy
+ \left#1\vbox to7.25pt{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+ \textfont2=\ninesy
+ \left#1\vbox to6.5pt{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+% Page layout
+\newdimen\pagewidth \newdimen\pageheight
+\manmacparindent=3pc \ruleht=.5pt
+\abovedisplayskip=6pt plus 3pt minus 1pt
+\belowdisplayskip=6pt plus 3pt minus 1pt
+\abovedisplayshortskip=0pt plus 3pt
+\belowdisplayshortskip=4pt plus 3pt
+ \the\spacefactor}#1\@sf
+ \insert\footins\bgroup\eightpoint
+ \interlinepenalty100 \let\par=\endgraf
+ \leftskip=\z@skip \rightskip=\z@skip
+ \splittopskip=10pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
+ \floatingpenalty=20000
+ \smallskip\item{#1}\bgroup\strut
+ \aftergroup\@foot\let\next}
+\skip\footins=12pt plus 2pt minus 4pt
+% space added when footnote is present
+% footnote magnification factor (1 to 1)
+% maximum footnotes per page
+\count\margin=0 \skip\margin=0pt
+% marginal inserts take up no space
+% for pages without headlines
+\def\rhead{} % contains the running headline
+\def\leftheadline{\hbox to \pagewidth{%
+ \vbox to 10pt{}% strut to position the
+ % baseline
+ \llap{\tenbf\folio\kern1pc}% folio to
+ % left of text
+ \tenit\rhead\hfil% running head flush left
+\def\rightheadline{\hbox to \pagewidth{%
+ \vbox to 10pt{}% strut to position the
+ % baseline
+ \hfil\tenit\rhead\/% running head flush
+ % right
+ \rlap{\kern1pc\tenbf\folio}% folio to
+ % right of text
+\def\onepageout#1{\shipout\vbox{ % here we
+ % define one page of output
+ \offinterlineskip % butt the boxes together
+ \vbox to 3pc{ % this part goes on top of
+ % the 44pc pages
+ \iftitle % the next is used for title pages
+ \global\titlefalse % reset the titlepage
+ % switch
+ \setcornerrules % for camera alignment
+ \else\ifodd\pageno \rightheadline\else
+ \leftheadline\fi\fi
+ \vfill} % this completes the \vbox to 3pc
+ \vbox to \pageheight{
+ \ifvoid\margin\else%marginal info is present
+ \rlap{\kern31pc\vbox to\z@{\kern4pt%
+ \box\margin \vss}}\fi
+ #1 % now insert the main information
+ \ifvoid\footins\else%footnote info is present
+ \vskip\skip\footins \kern-3pt
+ \hrule height\ruleht width\pagewidth
+ \kern-\ruleht \kern3pt
+ \unvbox\footins\fi
+ \boxmaxdepth=\maxdepth
+ } % this completes the \vbox to \pageheight
+\def\setcornerrules{\hbox to \pagewidth{%
+ \vrule width 1pc height\ruleht
+ \hfil \vrule width 1pc}
+ \hbox to \pagewidth{\llap{\sevenrm(page
+ \folio)\kern1pc}%
+ \vrule height1pc width\ruleht depth\z@
+ \hfil \vrule width\ruleht depth\z@}}
+ \unvbox255}}
+ \output={\global\setbox\partialpage=
+ \vbox{\unvbox255\bigskip}}\eject
+ \output={\doublecolumnout}%
+ \hsize=9cm \vsize=51cm}%cgl mods
+ {\balancecolumns}\eject \endgroup
+ \pagegoal=\vsize}
+ \splitmaxdepth=\maxdepth \dimen@=25cm
+ \advance\dimen@ by-\ht\partialpage
+ \setbox0=\vsplit255 to\dimen@
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+ \onepageout\pagesofar
+ \unvbox255 \penalty\outputpenalty}
+ \wd0=\hsize \wd2=\hsize \hbox to
+ \pagewidth{\box0\hfil\box2}}
+ \dimen@=\ht0
+ \advance\dimen@ by\topskip
+ \advance\dimen@ by-\baselineskip
+ \divide\dimen@ by2 \splittopskip=\topskip
+ {\vbadness=10000
+ \loop \global\setbox3=\copy0
+ \global\setbox1=\vsplit3 to\dimen@
+ \ifdim\ht3>\dimen@
+ \global\advance\dimen@ by1pt
+ \repeat}
+ \setbox0=\vbox to\dimen@{\unvbox1}
+ \setbox2=\vbox to\dimen@{\unvbox3}
+ \pagesofar}
+% To produce only a subset of pages,
+% put the page numbers on separate
+% lines in a file called pages.tex
+\newread\pages \newcount\nextpage
+ {\endlinechar=-1\read\pages to\next
+ \ifx\next\empty % in this case we should
+ % have eof now
+ \else\global\nextpage=\next\fi}\fi}
+\ifeof\pages\else\message{OK, I'll ship only
+ the requested pages}\getnextpage\fi
+ \let\next=\Shipout\else
+ \ifnum\pageno=\nextpage
+ \getnextpage\let\next=\Shipout
+ \else\let\next=\Tosspage\fi\fi \next}
+ \setbox\garbage=}
+% Chapter formatting
+% The preface and table of contents are
+% formatted in place, not here.
+\newcount\exno % for the number of exercises
+ % in the current chapter
+\newcount\subsecno % for the number of
+ % subsections in the current chapter
+\def\manmacbeginchapter#1 #2#3. #4\par{%
+ \ifodd\pageno
+ \errmessage{You had too much text on
+ that last page, I'm backing up}
+ \advance\pageno by-1
+ \fi \titlepage
+ \def\\{ } % \\'s in the title will be
+ % treated as spaces
+ \message{#1 #2#3:} % show the chapter
+ % title on the terminal
+ \def\MF{{\manual 89:%insert semi-col
+ <=>:}} % slant the logo
+ \xdef\rhead{#1 #2#3: #4\unskip}
+ {\def\TeX{T\kern-.2em\lower.5ex%
+ \hbox{E}\kern-.06em X}
+ \def\MF{{\vbox to30pt{}\manual ()*+,-.*}}
+ \def\\{#3}
+ \ifx\empty\\
+ \rightline{\inchhigh #2\kern-.04em}
+ \else\rightline{\inchhigh #2\kern-.06em%
+ #3\kern-.04em}%
+ \fi \vskip 1.75pc
+ \baselineskip 36pt \lineskiplimit
+ \titlelsl \lineskip 12pt
+ \let\\=\cr%now the \\'s are line dividers
+ \halign{\line{\titlefont\hfil##}\\#4%
+ \unskip\\}\vfill\eject} % output the
+ % chapter title page
+ \tenpoint\noindent\ignorespaces}% the first
+%paragraph of a chapter is not indented
+\newdimen\titlelsl \titlelsl=1pt
+ \else\vfill\eject\null\fi
+ \begingroup\bigskip\vfill % beginning of
+ % the quotes
+ \def\eject{\endgroup\eject}
+ \def\par{\ifhmode\/\endgraf\fi}\obeylines
+ \def\TeX{T\kern-.2em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}%
+ \kern-.000em X}
+ \def\MF{{\manual opqr}\-{\manual stuq}}
+ \eightpoint \let\tt=\ninett
+ \baselineskip 10pt
+ \parfillskip \z@
+ \interlinepenalty 10000
+ \leftskip \z@ plus 40pc minus \parindent
+ \let\rm=\eightss \let\sl=\eightssi
+ \everypar{\sl}}
+\noindent\rm--- #1\unskip\enspace(#2)}
+% dangerous bend sign
+ \clubpenalty=10000
+ \def\par{\endgraf\endgroup\medbreak}
+ \noindent\hang\hangafter=-2
+ \hbox to0pt{\hskip-\hangindent\dbend
+ \hfill}\ninepoint}
+ \clubpenalty=10000
+ \def\par{\endgraf\endgroup\medbreak}
+ \noindent\hang\hangafter=-2
+ \hbox to0pt{\hskip-\hangindent\dbend
+ \kern1pt\dbend\hfill}\ninepoint}
+\def\enddanger{\endgraf\endgroup} % omits
+ % the \medbreak
+\outer\def\subsection#1. {\medbreak
+ \advance\subsecno by 1
+ \noindent
+ {\it \the\subsecno.\enspace#1.\enspace}}
+ \hbox to\parindent{\bf\hss#1.#2.\enspace}
+ \ignorespaces}
+% Composition macros
+\hyphenation{man-u-script man-u-scripts
+ ap-pen-dix xscaled}
+%\def\AmSTeX{$\cal A\kern-.1667em\lower
+% .5ex\hbox{$\cal M$}\kern-.075em S$-\TeX}
+\def\bull{\vrule height .9ex width .8ex%
+ depth -.1ex } % square bullet
+\def\SS{{\it SS}} % scriptscript style
+ % vertical line
+ % downward arrow
+ % upward arrow
+\def\]{\leavevmode\hbox{\tt\char`\ }}
+ % visible space
+\def\pt{$\,${\rm pt}} % units of points,
+ % in math formulas
+\def\em{$\,${\rm em}} % units of ems,
+ % in math formulas
+ \/$\rangle$}} % syntactic quantity
+ #1\/\kern.05em}} % octal constant
+ % hexadecimal constant
+ \vrule\vtop{\vbox{\hrule\kern1pt\hbox{%
+ \vphantom{\tt/}\thinspace{\tt#1}%
+ \thinspace}}\kern1pt\hrule}\vrule}%
+ \thinspace} % control sequence token
+{\obeyspaces\gdef {\ }}
+\def\stretch{\nobreak\hskip0pt plus2pt\relax}
+% macros for non-centered displays
+ \startdisplay}
+ {\catcode`\^^M=5$$#1\halign\bgroup\indent
+ ##\hfil&&\qquad##\hfil\cr}}
+% (the following \begin...\end-type
+% macros do not appear in Appendix E)
+% macros for demonstrating math constructions
+ $$\advance\baselineskip by2pt
+ \halign\bgroup\indent\hbox to 160pt{##\hfil}&
+ $##$\hfil\cr\noalign{\vskip-2pt}
+ $$\advance\baselineskip by15pt
+ \halign\bgroup\indent\hbox to 160pt{##\hfil}&
+ $\displaystyle{##}$\hfil\cr
+ \noalign{\vskip-15pt}
+ $$\advance\baselineskip by2pt
+ \halign\bgroup\indent\hbox to 210pt{##\hfil}&
+ $##$\hfil\cr\noalign{\vskip-2pt}
+ $$\advance\baselineskip by15pt
+ \halign\bgroup\indent\hbox to 210pt{##\hfil}&
+ $\displaystyle{##}$\hfil\cr
+ \noalign{\vskip-15pt}
+% macros for font tables
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip}
+ \multispan{19}\hrulefill&
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\lower 2.3pt\hbox{%
+ \hex{#1x}}}\smash{\box0}\cr
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip}}
+\def\chartstrut{\lower4.5pt\vbox to14pt{}}
+ \global\count@=0 #1
+ \halign to\hsize\bgroup
+ \chartstrut##\tabskip0pt plus10pt&
+ &\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##\cr
+ \lower6.5pt\null
+ &&&\oct0&&\oct1&&\oct2&&\oct3&&\oct4&&
+ \oct5&&\oct6&&\oct7&\evenline}
+\def\endchart{\raise11.5pt\null&&&\hex 8&&
+ \hex 9&&\hex A&&\hex B&&\hex C&&\hex D&&
+ \hex E&&\hex F&\cr\egroup$$}
+ \ifdim\ht0>7.5pt\reposition
+ \else\ifdim\dp0>2.5pt\reposition\fi\fi
+ \box0\global\advance\count@ by1 }
+ {\kern2pt\box0\kern2pt}$}}
+ &\oct{00x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&
+ \:&&\oddline0
+ &\oct{01x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&
+ \:&\evenline
+ &\oct{02x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&
+ \:&&\oddline1
+ &\oct{03x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&
+ \:&\evenline
+ &\oct{04x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&
+ \:&&\oddline2
+ &\oct{05x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&
+ \:&\evenline
+ &\oct{06x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&
+ \:&&\oddline3
+ &\oct{07x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&
+ \:&\evenline
+ &\oct{10x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&
+ \:&&\oddline4
+ &\oct{11x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&
+ \:&\evenline
+ &\oct{12x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&
+ \:&&\oddline5
+ &\oct{13x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&
+ \:&\evenline
+ &\oct{14x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&
+ \:&&\oddline6
+ &\oct{15x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&
+ \:&\evenline
+ &\oct{16x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&
+ \:&&\oddline7
+ &\oct{17x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&
+ \:&\evenline}
+% (now Appendix E resumes again)
+% macros for verbatim scanning
+ \catcode`\\=\other
+ \catcode`\{=\other
+ \catcode`\}=\other
+ \catcode`\$=\other
+ \catcode`\&=\other
+ \catcode`\#=\other
+ \catcode`\%=\other
+ \catcode`\~=\other
+ \catcode`\_=\other
+ \catcode`\^=\other
+ \obeyspaces \obeylines \tt}
+ \ttverbatim \parskip=\z@
+ \catcode`\|=0 \rightskip-5pc \ttfinish}
+{\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=\other
+ % | is temporary escape character
+ |obeylines % end of line is active
+ |gdef|ttfinish#1^^M#2\endtt{#1|vbox{#2}%
+ |endgroup$$}}
+{\obeylines \gdef|{\ttverbatim
+ \spaceskip=\ttglue
+\let^^M=\ \let|=\endgroup}}
+% macros for syntax rules (again, not in
+% Appendix E)
+ {\tt#1}\thinspace} % keyword in syntax
+ \begingroup \catcode`<=13 \catcode`[=13
+ \let\par=\endsyntaxline \obeylines}
+ \syntaxswitch}
+ \syntaxrule\else
+ \ifx\next\endsyntax\let\next=\endgroup
+ \else\let\next=\continuerule
+ \fi\fi \next
+{\catcode`<=13 \catcode`[=13
+ \global\let<=\< \global\let[=\[
+ \gdef\syntaxrule<#1>{\endgraf\indent
+ \silentfalse%\xref%Mod cgl
+ \<#1>}} \def\alt{\ $\vert$ }
+\def\is{\ $\longrightarrow$ }
+% macros to demarcate lines quoted from
+% TeX source files
+ \medskip\parindent\z@ \obeylines
+ \hrule\kern1pt\nobreak \everypar{\strut}}
+ \medbreak\noindent}
+ \medskip\noindent}
+ \medbreak}
+ \global\advance\exno by 1
+ \noindent\llap{\manual\char'170
+ \rm\kern.15em}% triangle in margin
+ {\ninebf EXERCISE \bf\chapno.\the\exno}\par
+ \nobreak\noindent}
+\def\dexercise{\global\advance\exno by 1
+ \llap{\manual\char'170
+ \rm\kern.15em}% triangle in indented space
+ {\eightbf EXERCISE \bf\chapno.\the\exno}\hfil
+ \break}
+ % file for answers to exercises
+ \immediate\write\ans{}
+ \immediate\write\ans{\string\ansno
+ \chapno.\the\exno:}\copytoblankline}
+ \copyans}
+ \other}\dospecials
+ \catcode`\|=\other \obeylines}
+{\obeylines \gdef\copyans#1
+ {\def\next{#1}%
+ \ifx\next\empty\let\next=\endgroup
+ \else\immediate\write\ans{\next}%
+ \let\next=\copyans
+ \fi\next}}
+% Macros for drawing figures (not in
+% Appendix E)
+ height#1 depth#2 \kern-#2 }
+ \advance\dimen0 by#2\vrule width\dimen0}%
+ \kern-#2 }
+% \makeblankbox puts rules at the edges of
+% a blank box whose dimensions are those
+% of \box0 (assuming nonnegative wd,ht,dp)
+% #1 is rule thickness outside,
+% #2 is rule thickness inside
+ \vbox{\hidehrule{#1}{#2}%
+ \kern-#1% overlap the rules at the corners
+ \hbox to\wd0{\hidevrule{#1}{#2}%
+ \raise\ht0\vbox to #1{}% set the vrule height
+ \lower\dp0\vtop to #1{}% set the vrule depth
+ \hfil\hidevrule{#2}{#1}}%
+ \kern-#1\hidehrule{#2}{#1}}}}
+% \box\bigdot is a null box with a bullet
+% at its reference point
+\newbox\bigdot \newbox\smalldot
+% \ht0 is the axis height
+\setbox1=\hbox to\z@{$\hss\bullet\hss$}
+% bullet is centered on the axis
+\setbox\bigdot=\vbox to\z@{\kern-\ht1
+ \kern\ht0 \box1 \vss}
+\setbox1=\hbox to\z@{$\hss\cdot\hss$}
+% cdot is centered on the axis
+\setbox\smalldot=\vbox to\z@{\kern-\ht1
+ \kern\ht0 \box1 \vss}
+% \arrows makes things like <--- text --->
+\def\arrows#1#2{% #1=width, #2=text
+ -\mkern-2mu$}
+ \hbox to #1{\kern-.055556em$\leftarrow
+ \mkern-6mu$\cleaders\copy0\hfil
+ \kern.4em #2\kern.4em\cleaders\copy0\hfil
+ $\mkern-6mu\rightarrow$\kern-.055556em}}}
+% \samplebox makes the outline of a box,
+% with big dot at reference point
+\def\samplebox#1#2#3#4{% #1=ht, #2=dp, #3=wd,
+% #4=text
+ {\setbox0=\vtop{\vbox to #1{\hbox to #3{}
+ \vss}\nointerlineskip\vbox to #2{}}
+ % now \box0 has the desired ht, dp, and wd
+ \hbox{\copy\bigdot
+ \vrule height.2pt depth.2pt width#3%
+ \kern-#3\makelightbox\kern-#3%
+ \raise#1\vbox{\hbox to #3{\hss#4\hss}
+ \kern 3pt}}}}
+% \sampleglue makes glue between sample boxes
+\advance\varunit by-2\parindent
+\divide\varunit by 58 % illustrations in
+ % Chapter 12
+\def\sampleglue#1#2{% #1=width, #2=text
+ \vtop{\hbox to #1{\xleaders\hbox to
+ .5\varunit{\hss\copy\smalldot\hss}\hfil}
+ \kern3pt
+ \tabskip \z@ plus 1fil
+ \halign to #1{\hfil##\cr#2\cr}}}
+% Indexing macros
+\proofmodetrue % this should be false when
+ % making camera-ready copy
+\immediate\openout\inx=index % file for
+ % index reminders
+ \let\next=\beginxref\fi\next}
+ \beginxrefswitch}
+ \let\next=\silentxref\else
+ \silentfalse\let\next=\xref\fi \next}
+\catcode`\^=\active \let ^=\specialhat
+\def\marginstyle{\vrule height6pt depth2pt
+ width\z@ \sevenrm}
+ \ifx\next|\aftergroup\vxref
+ % case 1 or 2, |arg| or |\arg|
+ \else\ifx\next\<\aftergroup\anglexref
+ % case 3, "\<arg>" means angle brackets
+ \else\aftergroup\normalxref
+ \fi\fi\endgroup} % case 0, "{arg}"
+ \futurelet\next\vxrefswitch}
+ \ifx\next\empty\def\xreftype{2}%
+ \def\next{{\tt\bslash\text}}%type2
+ \else\def\xreftype{1}\def\next{%
+ {\tt\text}}\fi %type1
+ \edef\text{#1}\makexref}
+{\catcode`\|=0 \catcode`\\=\active |gdef\{}}
+ \def\text{#1}\def\next{\<\text>}\makexref}
+ \def\text{#1}\let\next=\text\makexref}
+ {\hbox{\marginstyle\text}}%
+% \ifindexfile %Mod cgl oct 94
+ \xdef\writeit{\write\inx{\text\space!%
+ \xreftype\space\noexpand\number\pageno.%
+ }}\writeit
+% \else\advance\inxcnt1
+% \ea\xdef\csname\the\inxcnt\endcsname
+% {\text\space!\xreftype\space}%
+% \mark{\the\inxcnt}\fi
+ \else\ifhmode\kern0pt\fi\fi
+ \ifsilent\ignorespaces\else\next\fi}
+% the \insert (which is done in proofmode
+% only) suppresses hyphenation, so the
+% \kern\z@ is put in to give the same effect
+% in non-proofmode.
+% Internal cross references that may change
+ % page number for Sesame Street quote
+ % exercise number for bold math italic
+ % exercise number for `punishment'
+ % exercise number for `\frac'
+ % error message from `\vship'
+ % listing of story.tex
+ % exercise number for T of METAFONT
+ % exercise number for x3:=whatever
+ % exercise number for whatever itself
+ \errmessage{Redefine \string#1 to be
+ \the#2}\fi}
+%Things for The METAFONTbook only
+%(omitted) ;nonum
+%Contents manmac.tex
+%Font definition ................7-58
+%Size switching macros ........60-154
+%Page layout (and OTR) .......156-282
+%-\margin (insert)............185-188
+%Subset of pages..............283-304
+%Chapter formatting ..........306-393
+%-\author....................365, 366
+%Composition macros...........395-431
+%-\AmSTeX....................399, 400
+%-\bull......................401, 402
+%-\dn........................406, 407
+%-\up........................408, 409
+%-\pt........................413, 414
+%-\em........................415, 416
+%-\<#1>......................417, 418
+%-\oct.......................419, 420
+%-\parbreak..................429, 430
+%Macros for non-centered
+% displays..................433-439
+%-\begindisplay..............434, 435
+%Macros for showing math
+% constructions.............441-466
+%Macros for font tables.......468-526
+%-\reposition................492, 493
+%Macros for verbatim scanning.529-555
+%Macros for syntax rules......557-579
+%-\[#1]......................559, 560
+%-\endsyntaxline.............564, 565
+%-<, [............................575
+%-\syntaxrule................576, 577
+%Macros to demarcate lines quoted
+% from \TeX{} source files..581-591
+%-\beginlines................583, 585
+%-\endlines..................586, 587
+%-\weakendlines..............588, 589
+%-\finalendlines.............590, 591
+%Macros to mark up exercises
+% and answers...............593-624
+%-\manmacexercise............593, 598
+%-\copytoblankline...........614, 615
+%Macros for drawing figures...626-696
+%-\hidehrule.................628, 629
+%-\bigdot....................656, 657
+%-\smalldot..................660, 661
+%Indexing macros..............698-752
+%-\ifproofmode, \ifsilent....698, 704
+%-\specialhat................706, 707
+%-\beginxref.................708, 709
+%-\marginstyle...............716, 717
+%-\vxref.....................728, 729
+%-\anglexref.................738, 739
+%-\normalxref................740, 741
+%Internal cross-references that
+% may change................760-782
+%\Large font for amongst others
+%chapterhead of report
+ scaled\magstep4
+ scaled\magstep4\relax
+ scaled\magstep4\relax
+ scaled\magstep5\relax
+ scaled\magstep5\relax
+ scaled\magstep5\relax
+ scaled\magstep4\relax
+ scaled\magstep4\relax
+\font\twelvesy=cmsy10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\twelveex=cmex10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\nineex=cmex10 scaled\magstephalf
+ \textfont0=\Largerm
+ \scriptfont0=\twelverm
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\ninerm
+ \textfont1=\Largei
+ \scriptfont1=\twelvemus
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\ninei
+ \textfont2=\Largesy
+ \scriptfont2=\twelvesy
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\ninesy
+ \textfont3=\Largeex
+ \scriptfont3=\twelveex
+ \scriptscriptfont3=\nineex
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam \Largeit}%
+ \textfont\itfam=\Largeit
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\Largesl}%
+ \def\oldstyle{\fam1 \Largei}
+ \textfont\slfam=\Largesl
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\Largebf}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\Largebf
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\tenbf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\Largett}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\Largett
+ \tt\ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em
+ \normalbaselineskip=21pt
+ \def\MF{{\manual META}\-{\manual FONT}}%
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule
+ height16pt depth5pt width\z@}%
+ \let\sc=\twelverm\let\big=\Largebig
+ \normalbaselines\rm}
+ to12pt{}\right.\n@space}}}
+%\large font for transparencies
+ scaled\magstep2
+ scaled\magstep2\relax
+ scaled\magstep2\relax
+ scaled\magstep2\relax
+ scaled\magstep3\relax
+ scaled\magstep3\relax
+ scaled\magstep2\relax
+ scaled\magstep2\relax
+ \textfont0=\largerm
+ \scriptfont0=\tenrm
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\sevenrm
+ \textfont1=\largei
+ \scriptfont1=\teni
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\seveni
+ \textfont2=\largesy
+ \scriptfont2=\tensy
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\sevensy
+ \textfont3=\largeex
+ \scriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam \largeit}%
+ \textfont\itfam=\largeit
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\largesl}%
+ \def\oldstyle{\fam1 \largei}
+ \textfont\slfam=\largesl
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\largebf}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\largebf
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\tenbf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\largett}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\largett
+ \tt\ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em
+ \normalbaselineskip=20pt
+ \def\MF{{\manual META}\-{\manual FONT}}%
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule
+ height15.5pt depth4.5pt width\z@}%
+ \let\sc=\tenrm \let\big=\largebig
+ \normalbaselines\rm}
+ to10pt{}\right.\n@space}}}
+%Customization of \beginchapter and
+%\endchapter from Manmac BLUes.
+\outer\def\beginchapter#1 #2#3. #4\par{%
+ \def\chapno{#2#3}\global\exno0 \subsecno0
+ \def\hl{\gdef\hl{\the\issue\hfil\it\rhead}}
+ \headline{\hl}
+ \def\\{ }\xdef\rhead{#4}
+ \centerline{\titlefont
+ #1 #2#3\quad #4}
+ \bigskip\tenpoint\noindent\ignorespaces}
+ --\folio--\hfil\llap{\copyright cgl}}
+\hsize18cm \pagewidth\hsize
+\vsize25cm \pageheight\vsize
+%\issue{MAPS 93.1}
+%History of changes
+%1994 Table of contents added and
+% names of footnote and output
+% provided with unique prefix manmac.
+% Customization \beginchapter added.
+%1993 Adapted for twocolumn layout.
+%Adapted TUGboat.sty, 2-column bias
+%\xcol is the column no within a page,
+%ranges from 1 to \maxcols (=1 or 2).
+% remove \outer
+ \newbox\csname#1\endcsname}
+ \the\headline\else\null\vskip\baselineskip
+ \fi\the\headlinesep
+ \vbox to\vsize{%
+ \hbox to\pagewd{#1}\vss}
+ \the\footlinesep
+ \ifnum\xcol=\maxcols
+ \the\footline\else\vskip4ex\fi}}
+\headline={\hbox to\pagewd{\sevenrm
+ \the\issue\hfill{\it\the\title}}}
+\footline={\hbox to\pagewd{\tiny
+\rlap{Draft \today}\hfill--\the\pagenumber
+ --\hfill\llap{\copyright cgl}}}
+\def\today{\ifcase\month\or Jan\or Feb\or
+ March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or
+ Aug\or Sept\or Oct\or Nov\or Dec\fi
+ { }{\ea\oldstyle\number\day},
+ {\ea\oldstyle\number\year}}
+ \ifnum\xcol>1
+ {\leavevmode\endgraf\vfill\eject}
+ \fi
+}%\xcol is reset in the OTR %\repeat}
+% horizontal offset of column
+% from left edge of page
+\newdimen\coloffset \coloffset=\z@
+ \global\advance\coloffset\colwd
+ \global\advance\coloffset\intercolwd}
+ \midpage{\kern\coloffset\pagebody\hfil}
+ \incrcoloffset
+ \ifnum\xcol=\maxcols
+ \shipout\hbox{%
+ \rlap{\boxcs{column1}}%
+ \rlap{\boxcs{column2}}%
+ \hbox to\pagewd{\hss}}%
+ \advancepageno
+ \global\coloffset\z@
+ \global\xcol=\@ne
+ \else
+ \global\advance\xcol\@ne
+ \fi}
+%Title, header and miscellaneous
+ \acknowledgementsbox
+ \else\the\preacknowledgements\unvbox
+ \acknowledgementsbox\fi
+ }%
+%pastupindex is much more complicated;vrblin100
+ \the\everyscript\begingroup
+ \the\thisscript
+ \hrule\kern2ex\noindent
+ {\titlefont\the\title\unskip}%
+ \if!\the\subtitle!\else{\subtitlefont
+ \Dash\the\subtitle\unskip}\fi
+ \medskip\the\author
+ \medskip\pasteupkeywords
+ \medskip\pasteupabstract
+ \medbreak\pasteupcontents\smallbreak}
+ \xcol=\maxcols
+ \vfil\eject\endgroup\tracingstats1
+ \stop\thisscript{}}
+\prehead{\vskip0pt plus9ex
+ \penalty-250\vskip0pt plus-9ex
+ \bgroup\catcode`\^=7 \the\everyhead
+ \the\thishead\bigskip\noindent}
+ \noindent\ignorewhitespace}
+ \headfont}
+\presubhead{\vskip0pt plus6ex
+ \penalty-100\vskip0pt plus-6ex
+ \medskip\vskip\parskip\noindent
+ \bgroup\catcode`\^7 \the\everysubhead
+ \the\thissubhead
+ \leavevmode\hbox to\subheadindent{}}
+ \bgroup\subheadfont}
+\presubsubhead{\vskip0pt plus3ex
+ \penalty-50\vskip0pt plus-3ex\bgroup
+ \catcode`\^=7
+ \the\everysubsubhead\the\thissubsubhead
+ \smallskip\vskip\parskip\noindent
+ \leavevmode\hbox to\subsubheadindent{}}
+ \bgroup\subsubheadfont}
+ \the\postsubsubhead}
+ \afterassignment\ignorespaces
+ \let\dummy=}
+ \endsubhead\afterassignment\ignorespaces
+ \let\dummy=}
+ \ag\endsubsubhead\let\dummy=}
+ \afterassignment\ignorespaces
+ \let\dummy=}
+ {\beginhead#1\unskip\endhead}
+ {\beginsubhead#1\endsubhead}
+ {\beginsubsubhead#1\endsubsubhead}
+ {\makelabels{#1}}
+ \else\let\next#1\sraperongi\fi\ignorepars}
+{\catcode`\^=7 \gdef\ignorewhitespace{\begingroup
+%Due to Phil Taylor EuroTeX 94
+\catcode`\ =9 %space
+\catcode`\^^I=9 %tab
+\catcode`\^^L=9 %f-feed
+\catcode`\^^M=9 %e-o-l
+ {\oldstyle#2}} \def\\{\hfil\break}
+ \rightline{\hbox to.4\hsize{\strut
+ \llap{\copyright\quad}\the\author\hss}}
+ \rightline{\vbox{\noindent
+ \hsize=.4\hsize
+ \the\address\hfill\break
+ \the\netaddress\\
+ \the\telephone}}}
+\def\oa#1 {{\oldstyle\fifoolda#1\ofifolda} }
+ \ifx\ofifolda#2 \ofifolda\fi
+ \fifoolda#2}
+% Defaults
+% %;vrblin250
+\def\A#1{\csname A#1\endcsname}
+\expandafter\def\csname A4\endcsname
+ {\ifonecol\hsize16cm\pagewd\hsize
+ \else\hsize9cm\intercolwd.5cm
+ \pagewd\hsize
+ \advance\pagewd\hsize
+ \advance\pagewd\intercolwd
+ \fi\colwd\hsize \vsize25cm}
+\def\onecol{\maxcols=1 \xcol=1
+ \onecoltrue\A4
+ \hyphenchar\tentt='055 %`-
+ \hyphenchar\ninett='055
+ \hyphenchar\eighttt='055
+ \tolerance500
+ \hbadness=499
+ \hfuzz=4pt
+\def\twocol{\maxcols=2 \xcol=1
+ \onecolfalse\A4
+ \hyphenchar\tentt='055
+ \hyphenchar\ninett='055
+ \hyphenchar\eighttt='055
+ \tolerance500
+ \hbadness=499
+ \hfuzz=5pt
+\author{Kees van der Laan}
+\address{Hunzeweg {\oldstyle57}\\
+ {\oldstyle9893} PB Garnwerd\\
+ The Netherlands}
+ 594\thinspace62\thinspace1525}}
+\businessaccount{Giro: C.G. van der Laan
+ no {\oldstyle1321224}}
+\def\logo{\copy\ntglogobox}%a \vbox
+%end Personalisation
+\hoffset-1cm \voffset-1cm
+%Contents ppt
+%- OTR
+% \boxcs........................14
+% \setboxcs.....................15
+% \newboxcs.....................16
+% \midpage...................21-28
+% \headline..................30-31
+% \footline..................34-36
+% \pagenumber...................33
+% \today.....................37-41
+% \newcol.......................42
+% \newpage...................44-49
+% \incrcoloffset.............53-55
+% \output....................57-72
+%- Markup structures
+% \title, \subtitle.............75
+% \author.......................76
+% \address, \netaddress.........77
+% \issue........................77
+% \thisscript, \everyscript.....78
+% \prehead, \posthead...........79
+% \presubhead...................80
+% \presubsubhead................81
+% \pasteupkeywords..............82
+% \pasteupabstract..............83
+% \pasteupcontents..............84
+% \beginscript.............101-110
+% \endscript...............111-114
+% \notlastscript...............115
+% \lastscript..................116
+% \prehead.................117-119
+% \posthead................120-121
+% \presubhead..............124-126
+% \beginhead...............122-123
+% \endhead.....................124
+% \beginsubhead............127-128
+% \endsubhead..................129
+% \beginsubsubhead.........133-134
+% \endsubsubhead...............135
+% \script..................159-161
+% \head....................151-153
+% \subhead.................154-156
+% \subsubhead..............157-158
+% \ignorepars..............159-160
+% \sraperongi..................161
+% \ignorewhitespace........162-169
+%- Miscellaneous
+% \tubissue....................201
+% \\...........................202
+% \makesignature...........203-209
+% \on......................
+% \ona.....................
+%- Defaults
+% \onecol..................251-263
+% \twocol..................265-277
+%- Initializations 278-289
+% \author......................278
+% \address.................279-280
+% \netaddress..............281-282
+% \headfont....................286
+% \subheadfont.................287
+% \subsubheadfont..............288
+% \parindent...................285
+% \hoffset, \voffset...........284
+%Split-off---inner level---are
+% - tugboat.cmn abbreviations
+% - size switching macros
+% - \beginquote...\endquote
+% - \bitem (essentially plain's \item)
+% - verbatim mode macros
+% - (bibliography macros,
+% \beginbtable...\endbtable,
+% ...)
+%Author: C.G van der Laan
+% Hunzeweg 57, 9893P
+% Garnwerd The Netherlands
+%, 0594621525
+%History of changes
+%March 1996 \on, \ona added
+%Dec 1994 \global\advance\count0\@ne
+% changed into plain's \advancepageno.
+% Phil Taylor's
+% \ignorewhitespace has been included.
+% Parameterization over
+% \headlinesep, \footlinesep.
+% \makesignature's \diamond
+% changed into \copyright.
+%July 1994 No parameter separators for
+% \head etc.
+% \beginscript, \endscript instead
+% of \article, \endarticle.
+% Token variables for \prehead
+% \posthead, \presubhead
+% \presubsubhead.
+%June 1994 Name changed into ppt.tex
+%May 94 \runhead and \runfoot changed
+% into \headline and \footline
+% compatible with plain.
+%March 94 Essential set up
+%Additions to ppt
+%Shortcuts ;numvrb
+ \the\acknowledgementsname}\nobreak
+ \medskip\noindent}
+ {E}\kern-.1em K} %;vrblin=50
+\def\tiny{\fiverm\baselineskip7pt minus1pt
+ \let\it\fivei\let\bf\fivebf\def\oldstyle
+ {\fam1 \fivei}} %;vrblin=200
+ \footnote{${}^{\oldstyle\the\fcnt}$}}
+ \bgroup\interlinepenalty
+ \interfootnotelinepenalty
+ \splittopskip\ht\strutbox
+ \splitmaxdepth\dp\strutbox
+ \floatingpenalty\@MM
+ \leftskip\z@skip
+ \rightskip\z@skip
+ \spaceskip\z@skip
+ \xspaceskip\z@skip
+%mods cgl
+ #1\enspace}%
+%end mods cgl
+ \footstrut\futurelet\next\fo@t
+%LaTeX things ;vrblin=250
+\def\cs#1{{\tt\char92 #1}}
+%Some layout macros ;vrblin=300
+ \vbox\bgroup\subhead{\sevenbf
+ \the\keywordsname: }\small}
+ \aftergroup\endkeywords
+ \afterassignment\ignorespaces
+ \let\dummy=}
+ \vbox\bgroup\centerline{\sevenbf
+ \the\abstractname}\beginquote\small}
+ \aftergroup\endabstract
+ \afterassignment\ignorespaces
+ \let\dummy=}
+ \vbox\bgroup\small\noindent
+ \the\contentsname\par\obeylines}
+ \aftergroup\endcontents
+ \afterassignment\ignorespaces
+ \let\dummy=}
+ \acknowledgementsbox=\vbox\bgroup}
+ \the\postacknowledgements}
+ \bgroup\aftergroup\endacknowledgements
+ \afterassignment\ignorespaces
+ \let\dummy=}
+ \smallbreak\noindent}
+ \noindent}
+ \aftergroup\endquote
+ \afterassignment\ignorespaces
+ \let\dummy=}
+ \narrower\sl}
+ \aftergroup\endsummary
+ \afterassignment\ignorespaces
+ \let\dummy=}
+\leftskip0pt plus1fill
+\rightskip0pt plus 1fill
+ \aftergroup\endcenter
+ \afterassignment\ignorespaces
+ \let\dummy=}
+ \let\par\cr\obeylines\startcenterblock}
+ {$$#1\vbox\bgroup\halign\bgroup%
+ &##\hfil\cr}}
+ \egroup}
+ $$\hbox\bgroup}
+ \begindisplaycenterline\bgroup
+ \aftergroup\enddisplaycenterline
+ \afterassignment\ignorespaces
+ \let\dummy=}
+ begindisplay\endcsname\vbox\bgroup}
+% %;vrblin=350
+ \def\nitem{\advance\itemno1
+ \item{\the\prenum{\oldstyle\the\itemno
+ }\the\postnum}}
+ \def\smallbreak{\endgraf\egroup
+ \smallbreak}
+ \let\smallskip\smallbreak\nitem}
+ \def\aitem{\advance\itemno1
+ \item{\char\itemno.}}
+ \def\smallbreak{\endgraf\egroup
+ \smallbreak}
+ \let\smallskip\smallbreak
+ \aitem}
+ \def\Aitem{\advance\itemno1
+ \item{\char\itemno.}}
+ \def\smallbreak{\endgraf\egroup
+ \smallbreak}
+ \let\smallskip\smallbreak
+ \Aitem}
+%On purpose no \smallskip or so.
+\preexample{\vskip0pt plus5ex
+ \penalty-100\vskip0pt plus-5ex
+ \medbreak\noindent}
+ \ignorewhitespace}
+ \the\examplename\kern1ex\sl
+ (\ignorewhitespace}
+ \aftergroup\endexample
+ \afterassignment\ignorewhitespace
+ \let\dummy=}
+%and the limited variants
+ \the\examplename\kern1ex{\sl(#1)}\nobreak
+ \par\noindent\ignorewhitespace}
+%with as tribute to manmac
+ {\limexample{#1\unskip}}
+ {\bf End intermezzo.}\medbreak}
+%For in \onecol
+ $\vcenter\bgroup\hsize.475\hsize
+ \beginverbatim}
+ \global\thisverbatim{}\egroup$
+ \kern\gutter
+ $\vcenter\bgroup\hsize.55\hsize}
+ {\oldstyle#1}}
+ $\;$#1$\,$}\leavevmode\rlap{\copy0}%
+ \makelightbox}
+%Knuth's frac Ex 11.6
+ \raise.5ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #1}%
+ \kern-.1em/\kern-.15em\lower.25ex
+ \hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #2}}
+% \itemcnt.................208
+% \itemtag.................209
+% \ea, \nx....................1
+% \ag.........................2
+% \dash, \Dash................3
+% \DeK.....................6, 7
+%Font switching
+% \tiny......................51
+% \small....................414
+% \cs.......................255
+%Footnote, paragraph
+% \ftncnt...................202
+% \ftn..................203-204
+% \\........................251
+% \cite.....................252
+% \verb.....................253
+% \em.......................254
+% \keywordsbox..............301
+% \abstractbox..............311
+% \contentsbox..............321
+% \beginkeywords........303-305
+% \endkeywords..............306
+% \keywordsname.............302
+% \keywords.............307-310
+% \beginabstract........313-315
+% \endabstract..............316
+% \abstractname.............312
+% \abstract.............317-320
+% \begincontents........323-325
+% \endcontents..............326
+% \contentsname.............322
+% \contents.............327-330
+% \beginsummary.........
+% \endsummary...............
+% \summary..............
+% \beginquote...........331-332
+% \endquote.............333-334
+% \quote................335-338
+%Centering texts
+% \begindisplaycenterline
+% \enddisplaycenterline
+% \displaycenterline
+% \begincenter
+% \endcenter
+% \center
+% \begincenterblock
+% \endcenterblock
+% \begincenter..........339-342
+% \endcenter................343
+% \center...............344-347
+% \bitem....................351
+% \itemno...................352
+% \nitem................353-359
+% \aitem................360-366
+% \Aitem................367-373
+% \endlist..................374
+% \example..............376-378
+% \endintermezzo........379-380
+% \begindemo............401-403
+% <escape char>yields...405-408
+% \enddemo..................410
+%Parameterization ToC setting
+% \pagenorepresentation.501-502
+%Built on manmac
+% \fbox.................504-505
+% \overfullrule=0pt.........507
+%History of changes
+%Jan 95 \xyz and \partlogo to tools.dat
+% \pagenorepresentation added
+%July 1994 Boxes for keywords, abstract,
+% and contents added.
+%March 1994 Set up
+%begin%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%math extras%
+%From Math into BLUes the mods
+%-- \centering into \centeringp
+% in order not to
+% conflict with LaTeX
+%-- \eqalign has gotten a repetitive
+% template to allow for more
+% than one alignment point.
+%-- arrows for commutative diagrams
+%-- Knuth's typographer's half
+%-- prime for accenting summation symbols
+%-- Poor man's symbols
+% blackboard, grtlss, ext tensor prod.
+\centeringp=0pt plus1000pt minus1000pt
+ \jot\m@th\ialign{\strut\hfil
+ $\displaystyle {##}$&&%mod cgl
+ $\displaystyle {{}##}$\hfil\crcr
+ #1\crcr }}\,}
+ \tabskip\centeringp
+ \halign to\displaywidth{\hfil
+ $\@lign\displaystyle{##}$\tabskip\z@skip
+ &$\@lign\displaystyle{{}##}$\hfil
+ \tabskip\centeringp &\llap{$\@lign##$}%
+ \tabskip\z@skip\crcr
+ #1\crcr}}
+ \tabskip\centeringp
+ \halign to\displaywidth {\hfil
+ $\@lign\displaystyle{##}$\tabskip\z@skip
+ &$\@lign\displaystyle{{}##}$\hfil
+ \tabskip\centeringp&\kern-\displaywidth
+ \rlap{$\@lign ##$}\tabskip\displaywidth
+ \crcr #1\crcr}}
+ \raise.50ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #1}
+ \kern-.1em/\kern-.15em\lower.25ex
+ \hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #2}}
+ \relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel%
+ \relbar\joinrel\rightarrow}
+ \relbar\joinrel\rightarrow}
+ \baselineskip20pt
+ \lineskip3pt
+ \lineskiplimit3pt}
+ \llongrightarrow}\limits^{#1}}}
+ \lllongrightarrow}\limits^{#1}}}
+ \rlap{$\vcenter{\hbox{$#1$}}$}}
+ \rlap{$\vcenter{\hbox{$#1$}}$}}
+ #1$}}}
+\def\cfsymbol{\vbox{\hbox to \wd0{\hss
+ \vrule height1.5\ht0}
+ \hrule
+ \hbox to \wd0{\vrule depth1.5\ht0
+ \hss}}}
+%Space saving variant continued fraction
+ \,#2$}\vcenter{\cfsymbol}\kern-\wd0
+ {#1\atop#2}}
+\def\IN{{\rm I\kern-.5ex N}}
+\def\Z{{\rm Z\kern-.9ex Z}}
+ height1.5ex depth-.1ex
+ width.4pt\kern-.7ex Q}}
+\def\R{{\rm I\kern-.5ex R}}
+ height1.5ex depth-.05ex
+ width.4pt\kern-.7ex C}}
+ \offinterlineskip\hbox{${>}$}%
+ \kern-.2ex\hbox{${<}$} } }}
+\def\boxit#1{\vbox{\hrule\hbox{% <--!!
+ \vrule#1\vrule}\hrule}}
+ {$\times$}}}
+%end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%math extras%;newpage
+%From icons via LaTeX's fonts.
+%Here use is made of gkpmac's picture
+\def\icmat#1#2{%ICon MATrix(rectangular)
+%#1 is ht of icon matrix, e.g. 4
+%#2 is wd of icon matrix, e.g. 2
+ \hbox to#2\unitlength{\vrule
+ height#1\unitlength\hfil\vrule}%
+ \hrule}%
+}%end icmat
+%#1 is ht of icon matrix, with UT
+%the upper triangular part, e.g. 4
+%#2 is wd of icon (upper triangular)
+%matrix, e.g. 2
+\vbox to #1\unitlength{\hrule
+ \hbox{\gkpbeginpicture(#2,#2)(0,0)%
+ \put(0,#2){\line(1,-1){#2}}%
+ \gkpendpicture\vrule}%
+ \vss}%
+}%end icurt
+%#1 is ht of icon matrix, with UT
+%the upper triangular part, e.g. 4
+%#2 is wd of icon (upper triangular)
+%matrix, e.g. 2
+%For small diaglines
+\csname newcount\endcsname\half
+\half#2 \divide\half 2
+\vbox to #1\unitlength{\hrule
+ \hbox{\gkpbeginpicture(#2,#2)(0,0)%
+ \put(0,0){\squine(0,\the\half,#2,#2,%
+ \the\half,0)}%
+ \gkpendpicture\vrule}%
+ \vss}%
+}%end icurt
+%#1 is ht of icon matrix, with LT
+%the lower triangular part, e.g. 4
+%#2 is wd of icon (lower triangular)
+%matrix, e.g. 2
+\vbox to #1\unitlength{\vss
+ \hbox{\vrule
+ \gkpbeginpicture(#2,#1)(0,0)%
+ \put(0,#2){\line(1,-1){#2}}%
+ \gkpendpicture}%
+ \hrule}%
+}%end icllt
+%#1 is size of icon matrix, with UH
+% the upper Hessenberg part, e.g. 4
+%#2 is wd of icon (upper Hesenberg)
+% matrix, e.g. 1
+%#3 is size Lower Left triangular part,
+% #1-#2 (for simplicity the latter is added,
+% could have been calculated, perhaps some
+% inconsistency test could be incorporated)
+ \hrule
+ \hbox to#1\unitlength{\vrule height%
+ #2\unitlength depth0pt\relax
+ \hfil\vrule}%
+ \hbox to#1\unitlength
+ {\gkpbeginpicture(#3,#3)(0,0)%
+ \put(0,#3){\line(1,-1){#3}}%
+ \gkpendpicture\hfil\vrule}%
+ \hbox to#1\unitlength{\hfil\vrule
+ width#2\unitlength height.2pt\relax}%
+ }%
+}%end icuh
+%Example of use
+%\input blue.tex
+% \icllt44\icuh413\qquad AL=LH$$
+% \icurt63\qquad A=QR$$
+%Table Diversions
+%EuroTeX '92 proceedings, MAPS92.2.
+%The article discusses typsetting tables
+%via plain, surveys related work,
+%introduces the file btable.tex, and
+%provides a discipline for typesetting
+%Cell vertical size,
+%row height and depth (separation implicit),
+\newdimen\tsht \newdimen\tsdp
+%Parameter setting macros: Rules
+ \def\colsep{}\def\rowsep{\hrule}
+ \let\rowstbsep=\colsep
+ \let\headersep=\rowsep}
+ \def\colsep{\vrule}\def\rowsep{}
+ \let\rowstbsep=\colsep
+ \let\headersep=\hrule}
+ \def\colsep{\vrule}\def\rowsep{\hrule}
+ \let\rowstbsep=\colsep
+ \let\headersep=\rowsep}
+ \def\colsep{}\def\rowsep{}
+ \def\rowstbsep{\vrule}
+ \def\headersep{\hrule}}
+ \def\rowsep{\hbox to\thsize{\dotfill}}
+ \def\colsep{\lower1.5\tsdp\vbox to
+ \cvsize{\leaders\hbox to0pt{\vrule
+ height2pt depth2pt width0pt\hss.\hss}
+ \vfil}}
+ \let\rowstbsep=\colsep
+ \let\headersep=\rowsep}
+%Parameter setting macros:
+% Controling positioning
+\def\fll{\def\lft{} \def\rgt{\hfil}}
+%Flushed left
+%Flushed right
+%Parameter setting macros: Framing
+\ifx\empty\rowstblst \let\rsl=\rowstblst
+\else\ea\def\ea\rsl\ea{\rowstblst{}}%Append with sentinel
+ \def\template{\colsepsurround
+ \lft####\rgt&&\lft####\rgt\cr}
+ \else\def\template{\colsepsurround
+ ####\hfil&&\lft####\rgt\cr}\fi
+\def\tstrut{\vrule height\tsht
+ depth\tsdp width0pt}
+%Logical mark up of column and
+%row separators, via use of
+ \colsepsurround&}
+ \ifx\empty\rowsep
+ \else\noalign{\rowsep}\fi
+ \ifx\empty\rsl
+ \else\ea\nxtrs\fi}
+ \colsepsurround&}
+ \ifx\empty\headersep
+ \else\noalign{\headersep}\fi
+ \ifx\empty\rsl\else\ea\nxtrs\fi}
+ \tabskip=0pt\relax\offinterlineskip
+ \halign\bgroup
+ \span\template\ifx\empty\first
+ \ifx\empty\rsl
+ \else\ifx\empty\header
+ \else\ea\rss\fi
+ \fi\else\first\ea\rss\fi
+ \ifx\empty\header
+ \ifx\empty\first
+ \ifx\empty\rsl\else
+ \ea\nxtrs\fi\else\ea\hs\fi
+ \else\header\tstrut\ea\hs\fi}%
+%end \beginbtable
+ \tstrut\crcr\egroup\egroup
+ %end setbox
+ \global\thsize=\wd\btablebox
+ \global\tvsize=\ht\btablebox
+ \global\advance\tvsize by\dp\btablebox
+ \the\prebtable
+ \ifx\btablecaption\empty
+ \else\hbox to\thsize{\strut\hfil
+ \btablecaption\hss}\captionsep\fi
+ \frameit{\copy\btablebox}
+ \ifx\footer\empty
+ \else\footersep\hbox to\thsize{\strut
+ \footer\hss}\fi
+ \egroup\the\postbtable
+ \thisbtable={}}%
+%end \endbtable
+%Defaults %;vrblin=300
+ \tsht=.775\cvsize\tsdp=.225\cvsize}
+%end Defaults
+%Auxiliaries %;vrblin=350
+ \vbox{#1}\vrule}\hrule}}
+ \hbox to\thsize{\dotfill}%
+ \hbox{\lower\dp\btablebox\vbox to\tvsize{%
+ \xleaders\hbox to0pt{\hss\vrule
+ height1.5pt depth1.5pt width0pt.\hss
+ }\vfil}%
+ \vbox{#1}\lower\dp\btablebox\vbox to\tvsize{%
+ \xleaders\hbox to0pt{\hss\vrule
+ height1.5pt depth1.5pt width0pt.\hss
+ }\vfil}}%
+ \hbox to\thsize{\dotfill}}}
+%And to account for logical columns with
+%\logms% logical multispan
+ \mscount by2 \advance\mscount by-1
+ \loop\ifnum\mscount>1
+ \spicspan\advance\mscount by-1
+ \repeat}
+%To process FIFO
+ \process{#1}\fifo}
+%To handle row stub list
+ \else\def\nxtel{\ea\nrs\rsl\srn}%
+ \ea\nxtel\fi}%next Row Stub
+%\endinput %btable
+%Contents btable.tex
+% \btablebox..................1
+% \thisbtable, \everybtable...2
+% \prebtable, \postbtable.....3
+%Parameter setting: rules
+% \hruled.................10-13
+% \vruled.................14-17
+% \ruled..................18-21
+% \nonruled...............22-25
+% \dotruled...............26-33
+%Parameter setting: positioning
+% \ctr.......................36
+% \fll.......................38
+% \flr.......................40
+%Parameter setting: framing
+% \framed....................43
+% \nonframed.................44
+% \dotframed.................45
+%User macro
+% \beginbtable..........101-148
+% \endbtable............201-217
+% \btable...................219
+% \cellsize.............301-303
+% \colsepsurround...........304
+% \btablecaption............305
+% \first....................306
+% \header...................307
+% \rowstblst................308
+% \footer...................309
+% \captionsep...............310
+% \headersep................312
+% \footersep................312
+% \rowstbsep................314
+% \template.................314
+% \ctr......................320
+% \nonruled.................321
+% \nonframed................322
+% \boxit................351-352
+% \dotboxit.............353-363
+% \spicspan.................366
+% \logms................367-371
+% \fifo.................373-374
+% \ofif.....................375
+% \nxtrs................377-379
+% \nrs......................380
+%History of changes
+%December 1994
+%\rowstblst (and \rsl):
+% no longer does last element of list
+% need extra braces.
+%\postbtable is token variable
+%to guide user positioning.
+%\data omitted in the macro.
+%Formatting of footer made symmetrical
+%with caption.
+%\dotboxit corrected such that
+%vertical dotted lines are symmetrical
+%July 1994
+% \cellsize is invoked in
+% \beginbtable.
+% Token vars for \prebtable
+% \postbtable.
+%June 1994
+% \beginbtable...\endbtable
+% two-part macro
+% \btable minimal variant
+% \preinsert, \postinsert changed
+% into \prebtable, \postbtable
+% toks vars: \everybtable,
+% \thisbtable
+%Version 1.1 \btablecaption as caption
+% (to prevent name clashes)
+% \def\cellsize{\cvsize=
+% et cetera} to be used
+% as default
+% and after font change.
+%Author: C.G. van der Laan
+% Hunzeweg 57, 9893PB
+% Garnwerd The Netherlands
+% 0594621525,
+%Purpose: Verbatim macros via plain,
+% to be used with AnyTeX.
+% ;numvrb
+%User toks variables
+%User customization
+% ;vrblin100
+%User `options': \numvrb
+ \everypar{\advance\vrblin1
+ \llap{\sevenrm\the\vrblin\quad}}}
+% : \emc, \unmc
+\def\makeescape#1{\catcode`#1=0 }
+\def\makeactive#1{\catcode`#1=13 }
+ \gdef\emc{\makeactive\<%
+ \def<##1>{$\langle##1\rangle$}}}
+\def\unmc{\catcode`\<=12 }%;vrblin200
+%User macro
+ \the\preverbatim\tt\setupverbatim
+ \the\everyverbatim\relax
+ \the\thisverbatim\relax
+ \verbatimgobble}
+ \endgroup\global\thisverbatim={}}
+ \let\!=!\makeescape\!%Knuth&Levy
+ \def\par{\leavevmode\endgraf}%TB381
+ \parskip0pt
+ \obeylines\uncatcodespecials
+ \obeyspaces}
+{\obeyspaces\global\let =\ \catcode`\^=7
+ \obeylines\gdef\verbatimgobble#1^^M{}%
+%\makeactive\` \gdef`{\relax\lq}%TB381
+ \catcode`##1=12 }\dospecials}
+ \catcode`\^=7\relax}
+ \aftergroup\endverbatim
+ \afterassignment\ignorespaces
+ \let\dummy=}
+% ;vrblin250
+%Minimal | tag for inline verbatim
+ \the\everyverbatim\relax
+ \the\thisverbatim\relax
+ \def|{\egroup\thisverbatim{}}}
+%centering verbatims
+% \processl{#1}\fifol}
+ \def\processl##1{\hbox{##1}}%
+ \def\lofif##1\fifol{\fi\egroup
+ \egroup$$\thisverbatim{}}
+ \let\endcenterverbatim\lofif
+ \bgroup\tt\setupcopy
+ \let\!=!\catcode`\!=0
+ \the\everyverbatim\the\thisverbatim
+ \vbox\bgroup\boxlines}
+ \thisverbatim{\input#1}\beginverbatim
+ \endverbatim
+ plus2ptminus1pt
+ \lineskip1ptplus1ptminus1pt}
+% ;nonum
+%Contents vrb.tex
+% \thisverbatim.................2
+% \everyverbatim................3
+% \preverbatim..................4
+% \postverbatim.................5
+% \preverbatim..................8
+% \postverbatim.................9
+% \numvrb.................103-105
+% \vrblin.....................104
+% \nonum......................106
+% \makeescape.................108
+% \makeactive.................109
+% \emc....................111-112
+% \unmc.......................113
+% <#1>........................112
+%User macro
+% \beginverbatim..........202-206
+% <esc char>endverbatim...208-209
+% \verbatim...............228-231
+% \setupverbatim..........211-215
+% \verbatimgobble.............218
+% `...........................219
+% \uncatcodespecials..........221
+% <escape char>math.......224-225
+% <escape char>endmath....... 226
+% \begincenterverbatim....305-313
+%Inline verbatim
+% \vrt........................252
+% vertical bar symbol...... ..253
+% \bluefileverbatim...........
+%History of changes
+%March 1996 \bluefileverbatim added
+%July 1994 Version 2
+% \pre- and \postverbatim
+% changed into token vars.
+% Added
+% \unmc, unable metacode
+% \verbatim minimal tag
+% <escape char>math
+% <escape char>endmath
+%Febr 1994 Release Version 1.0
+%From BLUe's Bibliography%;numvrb
+%\ls<name> template
+%\ls a la AMS
+ \let\lstnme\relax \let\lstyear\relax
+ %
+ \def\ls##1{\ea\bibitem##1}
+ %
+ \def\bibitem##1(##2){%
+ \def\authornme{##1}%
+ \def\authoryear{##2}%
+ \ifx\lstnme\authornme
+ \def\authornme{------}%
+ \ifx\lstyear\authoryear
+ \global\advance\suffixcnt1
+ \def\authoryear{--}%
+ \else\let\lstyear\authoryear\suffixcnt0
+ \fi
+ \else\let\lstnme\authornme
+ \let\lstyear\authoryear\suffixcnt0
+ \fi\nitem\authornme$\,$%
+ (\authoryear\suffix)}%end \bibitem
+\def\suffix{\ifcase\suffixcnt\or a\or b\or
+ c\or d\or e\or f\or g\or h\or i\or j\or
+ k\or l\or m\or n\or o\or p\or q\or r\or
+ s\or t\or u\or v\or w\or x\or y\or z\fi}
+} %;vrblin100
+%Load selected entries
+\def\loadselectivefrom#1{%#1 lit etc.
+ \def\lst##1{\ifx##1\undefined\ea\gobble
+ \else \ea\gdef\ea##1\fi}
+ \input #1.dat \relax%e.g. lit.dat
+ } %;vrblin200
+\newif\ifstore \storetrue
+ \endreferences}
+ {\beginreferences#1\endreferences}
+ {\the\referencesfile}}
+ \bgroup\def\process##1{\ifx\undefined##1
+ \global\let##1\referenceserror\else
+ \message{***\tt\string##1
+ already loaded.***}
+ \fi\namelst\ea{\the\namelst\lst##1}}%
+ \fifo#1\ofif
+ \if]#1]\else\ea\loadreferences\fi
+ %formatting
+ \ifstore\global\setbox\referencesbox=
+ \vbox\bgroup\fi\prenum{}\postnum{}
+ \lsams%Default ls
+ \the\thisreferences
+ \def\lst##1{\ls{##1}
+ \xdef##1{\the\itemno}}
+ \the\namelst\endreferences}
+\def\referenceserror{Reference not in
+ database (Sorry.)\loaderror{Reference}}
+ \ifstore\egroup\fi
+ \thisreferences{}}
+ \the\prereferences
+ \unvbox\referencesbox
+ \the\postreferences}
+ \referencesname}}
+%Double loading is not prevented
+%instead a message is provided.
+ \def\process##1{\ifx\undefined##1
+ \gdef##1{Picture {\tt\string##1} not
+ in database, Sorry.
+ \loaderror{Picture}}%
+ \else \message{***\string##1
+ already loaded.***}%
+ \fi}%
+ \fifo#1\ofif
+ \loadselectivefrom{\the\picturesfile}
+ \commonforpic}
+ \endpictures}
+ {\beginpictures#1\endpictures}
+ \picturesfile.dat\relax\commonforpic}
+\def\loaderror#1{\write16{#1 not in
+ database}}
+%\endinput %;nonum
+%Contents bibliography
+% \bcnt.........................2
+% \suffixcnt....................8
+% \ifstore....................201
+% \thisreferences.............202
+% \referencesname........203, 206
+% \prereferences.........204, 234
+% \postreferences.............205
+% \referencesbox..............206
+% \prereferences..........231-232
+% \postreferences.............233
+%\ls customization
+% \lsstraight.................3-6
+% \lsams.....................9-34
+% \suffix...................30-33
+% \gobble.....................102
+% \loadselectivefrom......104-109
+%User level
+% \references.............208-209
+% \beginreferences........210-225
+% \endreferences..........226-228
+% \pasteupreferences......230-233
+% \beginpictures..........251-259
+% \endpictures................260
+% \pictures...............261-262
+% \loadallpictures........263-265
+% \loaderror..............266-267
+%History of changes
+%July 1994 Information supplied before
+% \beginscript, past up later.
+% Separate loading of pictures.
+%June 1994 Simpler user interface
+% \beginreferences
+% \<name_1> ... \<name_n>
+% \endreferences
+%Created May 1994
+%From BLUe's Cross-Referencing %;numvrb
+\newif\ifadvance \advancetrue
+%Default prenum and postnum
+%Automatic numbering
+ \frmcnt1 \fi
+ \the\prenum\the\frmcnt\the\postnum}
+%Automatic numbering and attaching a name
+% \xdef#1{\the\frmcnt}\fi}
+%The version, which handles also displaylines
+ \ifx#1\hfil\hfil\else
+ \xdef#1{\the\prenum\the\frmcnt
+ \the\postnum}\fi\fi}
+\newif\ifproof \prooftrue
+ \leavevmode\vadjust{\kern-1ex
+ \rightline{\vbox to0pt{\vss
+ \rlap{FR: \tt\string#1}}}}\fi}
+ \else#1\fi}
+%Contents Cross-Referencing
+%Newifs, newcounts
+% \ifadvance, \ifproof..........1, 18
+% \frmcnt...........................2
+% \prenum, \postnum.................3
+% \prenum, \postnum.................4
+%Automatic numbering, referencing
+% \frmnum.........................7-9
+% \ref.............................11
+% \create.......................15-16
+%Cross referencing
+% \crsref.......................19-23
+%History of changes
+%Jan 95 \prenum and postnum values are
+% stored together with the number
+% by \create
+%June 94 Designed.
+%From gkpmac (line diagrams)
+% `Pictures (a subset of \LaTeX's
+% conventions)'
+%These macros have been used for typesetting
+%`Concrete Mathematics,' among others.
+% ;numvrb
+%\catcode`@=11 % borrow the private macros
+% % of PLAIN (with care)
+\hsssglue=0pt plus 1fill minus 1fill
+\newdimen\@picheight \newdimen\@xdim
+\newdimen\@ydim \newdimen\@len \newdimen\@save
+\newcount\@multicount \newcount\@xarg
+\newcount\@yarg\newbox\@picbox \newbox\@mpbox
+\font\tenln=line10 \font\tenlnw=linew10
+\font\smallln=linew10 scaled 483 % magstep-4
+ \let\circlefont=\tencirc
+ \linethickness=\fontdimen8\linefont}
+ \let\circlefont=\tencircw
+ \linethickness=\fontdimen8\linefont}
+\@picheight=#2\unitlength \let\line=\@line
+ \setbox\@picbox=\hbox to#1\unitlength
+ \bgroup\kern-#3\unitlength
+ \lower#4\unitlength\hbox\bgroup
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \ht\@picbox=\@picheight \dp\@picbox=\z@
+ \leavevmode\box\@picbox\endgroup}
+ \rlap{\kern#1\unitlength #3}\ignorespaces}
+ =#5\@xdim=#1\unitlength \@ydim=#2\unitlength
+ \loop\ifnum\@multicount>0
+ \raise\@ydim\rlap{\kern\@xdim
+ \unhcopy\@mpbox}%
+ \advance\@xdim#3\unitlength
+ \advance\@ydim#4\unitlength
+ \advance\@multicount\m@ne
+ \repeat\ignorespaces}
+%makebox is replaced because its reference
+%point does not coincide with LaTeX's
+% \hbox to#1\unitlength{\hss#3\hss}%
+% \advance\@ydim-\dp\@picbox
+% \ht\@picbox=#2\unitlength
+% \dp\@picbox=\z@
+% \leavevmode\lower.5\@ydim\box\@picbox}
+ \hbox to#1\unitlength{\hss
+ \vbox to#2\unitlength{\vss
+ \hbox{#3}\vss}\hss}}
+%LaTeX's framebox is added
+ \hbox to#1\unitlength{\hss
+ \vbox to#2\unitlength{\vss
+ \hbox{#3}\vss}\hss}%
+ \makelightbox\kern-\wd0\box0}
+\def\@line(#1,#2)#3{\@xarg=#1 \@yarg=#2
+ \@len=#3\unitlength \leavevmode
+ \ifnum\@xarg<0 \reverseline \else
+ \negfalse \@ydim=\z@\fi
+ \ifnum\@xarg=0 \@vline
+ \else\ifnum\@yarg=0 \@hline
+ \else\@sline\fi\fi
+\def\reverseline{\negtrue \kern-\@len
+ \@xarg=-\@xarg
+ \@ydim=\@len \multiply\@ydim\@yarg
+ \divide\@ydim\@xarg \@yarg=-\@yarg}
+\def\@hline{\vrule height.5\linethickness
+ depth.5\linethickness width\@len}
+ width\linethickness
+ \ifnum\@yarg<0 height\z@ depth\else
+ depth\z@ height\fi\@len
+ \kern-.5\linethickness}
+ \count@=\@xarg \multiply\count@ 8
+ \ifnum\@yarg>0 \advance\count@\@yarg
+ \advance\count@-9
+ \else \advance\count@-\@yarg
+ \advance\count@ 55 \fi
+ %\immediate\write0{count@=\the\count@}%
+ \char\count@}%
+ \ifnum\@yarg<0 \@picheight=-\ht\@picbox
+ \advance\@ydim\@picheight
+ \else \@picheight=\ht\@picbox \fi
+ \@xdim=\wd\@picbox \@save=\@ydim
+%\hbox to0pt{\hss$\bullet$\hss}%
+ \loop\ifdim\@xdim<\@len
+ \raise\@ydim\copy\@picbox
+ \advance\@xdim\wd\@picbox
+ \advance\@ydim\@picheight%\immediate
+ %\write0{x, y: \the\@xdim, \the\@ydim}%
+ \repeat
+ \advance\@xdim-\@len \kern-\@xdim
+ \multiply\@xdim\@yarg
+ \divide\@xdim\@xarg
+ \advance\@ydim-\@xdim
+%Mod cgl June 94
+ \ifdim\@len<\ht\@picbox
+ \kern\wd\@picbox\else
+ \raise\@ydim\box\@picbox\fi}
+ \ifnum\@xarg=0 \@vvector
+ \else\ifnum\@yarg=0 \@hvector
+ \else\@svector\fi\fi}
+ 27}\else\smash{\llap{\linefont\char45}}\fi
+ } % we have to smash because of font bug
+ \raise-\@len\rlap{\linefont\char63}%
+ \else\setbox\@picbox=\rlap{\linefont
+ \char54}\advance\@len-\ht\@picbox
+ \raise\@len\box\@picbox\fi}
+ to\z@{\linefont
+ \ifnum\@yarg<0 \count@=55 \@yarg=-\@yarg
+ \else\count@=-9 \fi
+ \ifneg\multiply\@xarg16 \multiply\@yarg2
+ \else\hss % \llap
+ \ifnum\@xarg>2 \multiply\@xarg9
+ \multiply\@yarg2
+ \advance\count@29
+ \else\ifnum\@yarg>2 \multiply\@xarg16
+ \multiply\@yarg9
+ \advance\count@-20
+ \else\multiply\@xarg24 \multiply\@yarg3
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \advance\count@\@xarg
+ \advance\count@\@yarg \char\count@
+ \ifneg\hss\fi}% \rlap
+ \raise\@save\box\@picbox}
+ \count@='160 \@diskcirc}
+ \count@='140 \@diskcirc}
+ \hbox{\circlefont\char\count@}%
+ \@xdim=\wd\@picbox \leavevmode
+ \ifdim\@len>15.499\@xdim \@bigdc
+ \else \@smalldc\fi}
+\def\@bigdc{\ifnum\count@<'160 \@bigcirc
+ \else \@len=15\@xdim \@diskcirc\fi}
+ \loop\ifdim\@xdim<\@len
+ \advance\count@\@ne
+ \advance\@xdim\wd\@picbox
+ \repeat
+ \hbox{\circlefont\char\count@}}}
+ \setbox\@picbox=\hbox{\char\count@
+ }\@xdim=\wd\@picbox
+ \ifdim\@len>2.5\@xdim \@len=2.5\@xdim\fi
+ \advance\@len-.125\wd\@picbox
+ \loop\ifdim\@xdim<\@len
+ \advance\count@4
+ \advance\@xdim.25\wd\@picbox
+ \repeat
+ \@ydim=.5\@xdim
+ \advance\@ydim.5\linethickness
+ \setbox\@picbox=\vbox{\hbox{\char
+ \count@\advance\count@-3\char\count@}%
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \hbox{\advance\count@\m@ne\char
+ \count@\advance\count@\m@ne
+ \char\count@}}%
+ \kern-\@ydim\lower\@ydim\box\@picbox}}
+\newif\ifovaltl \newif\ifovaltr
+\newif\ifovalbl \newif\ifovalbr
+\ovaltltrue \ovaltrtrue
+\ovalbltrue \ovalbrtrue
+ \@ydim=#2\unitlength
+ {\circlefont
+ \setbox\@picbox=\hbox{\char0}
+ \ifdim\@xdim<\wd\@picbox
+ \@xdim=\wd\@picbox\fi
+ \ifdim\@ydim<\wd\@picbox
+ \@ydim=\wd\@picbox\fi
+ \@save=\@xdim
+ \ifdim\@ydim<\@save \@save=\@ydim \fi
+ \count@=39
+ \loop \setbox\@picbox=\hbox{\char
+ \count@}\ifdim\@save<\wd\@picbox
+ \advance\count@-4
+ \repeat
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height\ht
+ \@picbox depth\dp\@picbox width\z@
+ \kern\wd\@picbox}%
+ \@save=.5\wd\@picbox
+ \advance\@save-.5\linethickness
+ \setbox0=\hbox to\@xdim{\ifovaltl
+ \char\count@\else\strut\fi
+ \kern-\@save\leaders\hrule height
+ \ifovaltl\linethickness\else\z@\fi
+ \hfil
+ \leaders\hrule height\ifovaltr
+ \linethickness\else\z@\fi
+ \hfil\kern\@save
+ \ifovaltr\advance\count@-3
+ \char\count@\else\strut\fi
+ \kern-\wd\@picbox}%
+ \advance\count@\m@ne
+ \setbox2=\hbox to\@xdim{\ifovalbl
+ \char\count@\else\strut\fi
+ \kern-\@save\leaders\hrule height
+ \ifovalbl\linethickness\else\z@\fi
+ \hfil
+ \leaders\hrule height
+ \ifovalbr\linethickness\else
+ \z@\fi\hfil\kern\@save
+ \ifovalbr\advance\count@\m@ne
+ \char\count@\else\strut\fi
+ \kern-\wd\@picbox}%
+ \@save=\@ydim
+ \advance\@save-\wd\@picbox
+ \divide\@save 2
+ \setbox\@picbox=\vbox{\box0
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \hbox to\@xdim{\vrule height\@save
+ width\ifovaltl\linethickness
+ \else\z@\fi
+ \hfil\ifovaltr\vrule
+ width\linethickness
+ \kern-\linethickness\fi}%
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \hbox to\@xdim{\vrule height\@save
+ width\ifovalbl\linethickness
+ \else\z@\fi
+ \hfil\ifovalbr\vrule
+ width\linethickness
+ \kern-\linethickness\fi}%
+ \nointerlineskip\box2}%
+ \@save=.5\@ydim
+ \advance\@save.5\linethickness
+ \leavevmode
+ \kern-.5\@xdim
+ \kern-.5\linethickness
+ \lower\@save\box\@picbox}}
+ {\beginpicture#1\endpicture}}}
+% Squines (quadratic splines)
+% example of use: to plot f(x) between
+% x0 and x1, you can say
+% \put(0,0){\squine(x0,xm,x1,y0,ym,y1)},
+% where y0=f(x0), y1=f(x1)
+% xm=(y0-y1+s1x1-s0x0)/(s1-s0),
+% ym=(s0(s1x1-y1)-s1(s0x0-y0))/(s1-s0),
+% s0=f'(x0), and s1=f'(x1).
+\newdimen\@xi \newdimen\@xii
+\newdimen\@xiii \newdimen\@xiv
+\newdimen\@xpt \newdimen\@xoldpt
+\newdimen\@yi \newdimen\@yii
+\newdimen\@yiii \newdimen\@yiv
+\newdimen\@ypt \newdimen\@yoldpt
+%\def\squineelem{\tencirc q}
+ \@picbox\hbox{\squineelem}%
+ \global\@xoldpt=#1\unitlength
+ \global\@yoldpt=#4\unitlength
+ \kern\@xoldpt
+ \@xi=\@xoldpt
+ \@xii=#2\unitlength
+ \@xiii=#3\unitlength
+ \@yi=\@yoldpt
+ \@yii=#5\unitlength
+ \@yiii=#6\unitlength
+ \squinerec
+ \@xpt=#3\unitlength
+ \@ypt=#6\unitlength
+ \@addpoint
+ \raise\@ypt\copy\@picbox}
+ \testnear\@xi\@xiii \testnear\@yi\@yiii
+ \iffar \decast \fi}
+ \@save-#2%
+ \ifdim\@save<\z@ \@save=-\@save\fi
+ \ifdim\@save>\p@ \fartrue \fi}
+ \advance\@xpt\@xii \divide\@xpt2
+ \advance\@xii\@xiii \divide\@xii2
+ \@xiv=\@xpt
+ \advance\@xiv\@xii
+ \divide\@xiv2
+ \@ypt=\@yi
+ \advance\@ypt\@yii
+ \divide\@ypt2
+ \advance\@yii\@yiii
+ \divide\@yii2
+ \@yiv=\@ypt
+ \advance\@yiv\@yii
+ \divide\@yiv2
+ \begingroup\@xii=\@xpt \@xiii=\@xiv
+ \@yii=\@ypt \@yiii=\@yiv
+ \squinerec\endgroup
+ \@xpt=\@xiv \@ypt=\@yiv \@addpoint
+ \@xi=\@xiv \@yi=\@yiv \squinerec}
+ %\message{(\the\@xpt,\the\@ypt)}%
+ \global\advance\@xoldpt-\@xpt
+ \wd\@picbox=-\@xoldpt
+ \raise\@yoldpt\copy\@picbox
+ \global\@xoldpt=\@xpt
+ \global\@yoldpt=\@ypt}
+\newtoks\xdim \newtoks\ydim
+\newtoks\xoffset \newtoks\yoffset
+ \the\everypicture\the\thispicture
+ \gkpbeginpicture(\the\xdim,\the\ydim)%
+ (\the\xoffset,\the\yoffset)}
+ \global\thispicture{}}
+%#1,#2 ratio of horizontal/vertical size, <=6
+%#3 the size in unitlengths (half of total width)
+%#4 text to be put in the middle.
+%The centre is the reference point,
+%like \oval.
+\hbox to0pt{\hss
+ \vbox to0pt{\offinterlineskip\vss
+ \copy0\copy1\vss}%
+ \vbox to0pt{\vss\copy1\copy0\vss}\hss}%
+ \vbox to0pt{\vss
+ \hbox to 0pt{\hss#4\hss}\vss}}
+%lu is pointing left up,
+%rl is pointing roght down
+\def\rdarrowhead{\hbox to 0pt{\hss
+ \vrule height.1ptdepth.1ptwidth.5ex
+ \vrule height.5ex\relax}}
+\def\luarrowhead{\hbox to 0pt{\vrule
+ depth.5ex\relax
+ \vrule height.1ptdepth.1ptwidth.5ex}}
+%\endinput %;nonum
+%Contents Picture environm. named
+% \unitlength......................7
+% \linethickness...................8
+% \@picheight......................9
+% \@xdim, \@ydim................9-10
+% \@xarg, \@yarg, \@len........10-12
+% \@save..........................10
+% \@picbox........................12
+% \@mpbox.........................12
+% \@xi, \@xii, \@xiii, \@xiv.270-271
+% \@xpt, \@xoldpt................272
+% \@yi, \@yii, \@yiii, \@yiv.273-274
+% \@ypt, \@yoldpt................275
+% \ifneg..........................70
+% \ifovaltl, \ifovaltr...........185
+% \ifovalbl, \ifovalbr...........186
+% \iffar.........................297
+% \tenln, \tenlnw.................14
+% \tencirc, \tencircw..........15-16
+% \smallln........................17
+%Size switching
+% \thinlines, \thicklines......19-25
+%Picture environment
+% \gkpbeginpicture
+% (and \line in there)......27-32
+% \gkpendpicture...............33-35
+% \begincpic, \endcpic.......258-259
+% \put.........................37-38
+% \multiput....................40-49
+%Picture elements
+% \makebox.....................59-62
+% \framebox....................64-68
+% \@line.......................71-78
+% \reverseline.................79-82
+% \@hline......................84-85
+% \@vline......................86-90
+% \@sline.....................92-115
+% \vector....................117-120
+% \@hvector..................121-123
+% \@vvector..................124-128
+% \@svector..................130-147
+% \disk......................149-150
+% \circle....................151-152
+% \@diskcirc.................153-157
+% \@bigdc....................158-159
+% \@smalldc..................160-165
+% \@bigcirc..................166-183
+% \oval......................189-256
+% \squineelem................276-277
+% \squine....................278-293
+% \squinerec.................295-297
+% \testnear..................298-301
+% \decast....................302-320
+% \@addpoint.................321-327
+%Additions, compatible blue.tex conventions
+% \xdim, \ydim,
+% \xoffset, \yoffset.........400-401
+%\everypicture, \thispicture..402-403
+%History of changes
+%Dec 94 \rhombus picture element added.
+% \luarrowhead, \rlarrowhead added.
+%Jun 94 Extensions added for compati-
+% bility with blue.tex.
+% \makebox adapted to LaTeX.
+% \framebox added.
+% \@sline adapted for case
+% \@len less then \ht\@picbox
+% (suppress line
+% element but kern conditionally.)
+% The `dot' element in \squine has
+% been parameterized and initialized
+% differently.
+%%%%%%%%% Amy's Diagonal line %%%%%%%%%%
+\def\diagline #1 #2 wd #3 ht{%
+%#1 dot, e.g. .
+%#2 width in units, eg 2ex
+%#3 height in units, eg 3ex
+%Amy Hendrickson, TB6#2, 1985
+%Comment cgl: Line thickness varies over
+%the direction, nearly verticals go wrong.
+ \hbox to0pt{\hss#1\hss}%
+ \global\minuswdtrue
+ \global\advance\wdofdiagline
+ by-2\wdofdiagline
+\fi% turn neg dim to positive
+ \global\advance\htofdiagline
+ by-2\htofdiagline\global\minushttrue
+ \global\divide\htofdiagline
+ by\the\wdofdiagline\relax}%
+\loop\ifdim\htofdiagline>.4pt%CGL mod
+\global\divide\htofdiagline by2%
+\global\divide\dotmove by2\repeat%
+ \else\dotmove\fi%
+ \htofdiagline\copy\dotbox%
+ by\savehtofdiagline%
+ by-\dotmove\repeat%
+}% end diagonal line
+%#1 is ht of icon matrix,
+%with UT the upper triangular part, e.g. 4ex
+%#2 is wd of icon (upper triangular)
+%matrix, e.g. 2ex
+\vbox to #1{\hrule
+ \hbox{\diagline . #2 wd -#2 ht\vrule}%
+ \vfil}%
+}%end amyicurt
+%endamy's diagline%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%;nonum;newcol
+%begin%%%%%%Generalized \samplebox
+\def\point#1 #2 #3{\kern#1\unitlength
+ \raise#2\unitlength\hbox to0pt{\the\prefil
+ \the\prepoint#3\the\postfil
+ }\kern-#1\unitlength}
+%#4=text. Assumed: the dimen vars
+%\xshift, \yshift have been initialized.
+%position of begin of text.
+{\setbox0=\vtop{\vbox to#1{%
+ \hbox to#3{}\vss}\nointerlineskip
+ \vbox to#2{}}%
+%now \box0 has the desired
+%ht, dp, and wd
+ \hbox{\makelightbox\kern-#3%
+ \raise\yshift\hbox to#3{\kern\xshift
+ #4\hss}%
+ }}}%;nonum;newpage
+%Turtle graphics macros added, July 1995, July 1995
+\unitlength3ex %deault
+\newdimen\x \newdimen\auxdim
+\newdimen\leftx \newdimen\rightx
+\newdimen\y \newdimen\yy
+\newdimen\lefty \newdimen\righty
+\newcount\k \newcount\kaux
+\newcount\loccnt \newcount\modsum
+\newcount\level \newcount\order
+\newcount\kk \newcount\ekk
+\newbox\nel \newbox\nwl
+%\newdimen\linethickness \linethickness.2pt
+ height\linethickness
+ width\linethickness}
+\def\xy#1{%Function: place #1 at x, y
+ \vbox to0pt{\kern-\y
+ \hbox to0pt{\kern\x#1\hss}\vss}}
+\def\xytxt#1{%Function: place text #1 at x, y
+ \xy{\vbox to0pt{\vss
+ \hbox to0pt{\strut#1\hss}\kern0pt}}}
+ \vbox to0pt{\vss
+ \hrule height#1\unitlength
+ width\linethickness}}%
+ {\N{#1}}}
+\def\E#1{\xy{\vbox to0pt{\vss
+ \hrule width#1\unitlength
+ height\linethickness
+ depth0pt\vss
+ {\E{#1}}}
+ \xy{\vbox to0pt{\vss\copy\hlfwndelm}}%
+ \advance\x\wd\hlfwndelm
+ \advance\y\ht\hlfwndelm
+ \advance\x-\wd\hlfwndelm
+ \xy{\vbox to0pt{\vss\copy\hlfwndelm}}%
+ \advance\y\ht\hlfwndelm
+ \advance\x-\wd\hlfwndelm
+ \advance\y-\ht\hlfwndelm
+ \xy{\vbox to0pt{\vss\copy\hlfwndelm}}%
+ \advance\y-\ht\hlfwndelm
+ \xy{\vbox to0pt{\vss\copy\hlfwndelm}}%
+ \advance\x\wd\hlfwndelm
+%Convenient aliases are
+%to supply text to the east (by preceding
+%it with \hss it is centered)
+\def\trttxt#1{\hbox to0pt{%
+ \kern\x\vbox to0pt{\vss
+ \hbox to0pt{\strut#1\hss
+ }\kern\y}\hss}}
+%white writing i.e. just move, don't draw
+\def\whiteE#1{\advance\x#1\unitlength }
+\def\whiteN#1{\advance\y#1\unitlength }
+\def\whiteW#1{\advance\x-#1\unitlength }
+\def\whiteS#1{\advance\y-#1\unitlength }
+%sometimes the following variants with
+%global changes are needed
+ \vbox to0pt{\vss
+ \hrule height#1\unitlength
+ width\linethickness}}%
+ \y-#1\unitlength{\N{#1}}}
+\def\globalE#1{\xy{\vbox to0pt{\vss
+ \hrule width#1\unitlength
+ height\linethickness
+ depth0pt\vss
+ \x-#1\unitlength{\E{#1}}}
+ width1.74\linethickness
+ height\linethickness\relax}
+%To account for element in 30 degrees direction
+\unitlengthy\ht\trielm %default.2pt
+\unitlengthx\wd\trielm %default.3482pt
+ \loop\advance\auxdim-\unitlengthy
+ \ifdim\auxdim>-.5\unitlengthy
+ \advance\x-\unitlengthx
+ \advance\y-\unitlengthy
+ \xy{\vbox to0pt{\vss\copy\trielm}}%
+ \repeat}
+ \loop\advance\auxdim-\unitlengthy
+ \ifdim\auxdim>-.5\unitlengthy
+ \advance\y-\unitlengthy
+ \xy{\vbox to0pt{\vss\copy\trielm}}%
+ \advance\x\unitlengthx
+ \repeat}
+ \divide\auxdim32\relax}
+%And the shortcut
+ {\the\kk}}
+%The useful \bintree for trees
+ \divide\kk2
+ {\W{\the\kk}\bintree}%
+ \E{\the\kk}\bintree\relax}
+ \whiteS1\xytxt{ \csname\the\k\endcsname}}
+%, July 1995
+%\newdimen\x \newdimen\y \newdimen\yy
+%\newcount\k \newcount\kmax
+\ea\newdimen\csname X1\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname X2\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname X3\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname X4\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname X12\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname X23\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname X34\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname X123\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname X234\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname X1234\endcsname
+\def\X#1{\csname X#1\endcsname}
+\ea\newdimen\csname Y1\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname Y2\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname Y3\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname Y4\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname Y12\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname Y23\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname Y34\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname Y123\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname Y234\endcsname
+\ea\newdimen\csname Y1234\endcsname
+\def\Y#1{\csname Y#1\endcsname}
+%Next the METAfont spline implementation
+\def\mfs{\ifnum\k=\kmax \sfm\fi
+ \Y2\Y{12}\Y3\Y{123}\Y4\Y{1234}\mfs}%
+ \Y1\Y{1234}\Y2\Y{234}\Y3\Y{34}\mfs}\relax}%end \mfs
+\def\midpoints{%z1,...,z4 -> z1, z12, z23,...,z1234
+\Y{1234}\Y{123}\advance\Y{1234}by\Y{234}\divide\Y{1234}by2 }
+%\putatxy already in blue.tex
+\def\putatxy{\hbox to0pt{\kern\x\kern-.15pt
+ \vbox to0pt{\vss\hrule width.3pt
+ height.3pt\relax
+ \kern\y}\hss}}
+%\def\S#1{...}%See earlier
+\def\initialize#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{%points: (#1,#2),...(#7,#8)
+ \csname X1\endcsname#1\unitlength
+ \csname X2\endcsname#3\unitlength
+ \csname X3\endcsname#5\unitlength
+ \csname X4\endcsname#7\unitlength
+ \csname Y1\endcsname#2\unitlength
+ \csname Y2\endcsname#4\unitlength
+ \csname Y3\endcsname#6\unitlength
+ \csname Y4\endcsname#8\unitlength}
+% \copy\smileybox\eyes\mouth\kern1000\unitlength} }
+% \copy\smileybox\winkeye\mouth\kern1000\unitlength} }
+% \copy\smileybox\squinteyes\sadmouth\kern1000\unitlength} }
+%Contents turtle tools
+%Storage allocations
+% \k, \loccnt, \modsum,
+% \level, \order, \kmax,
+% \kk, \ekk, \dir
+% \x, \leftx, \rightx,
+% \y, \yy, \lefty, \righty,
+% \hlfwndelm, \trielm
+% \N, \E, \S, \W
+% \NE, \SE, \SW, \NW
+% \WSW, \ESE
+% \whiteN, \whiteE, \whiteS, \whiteW
+% \globalN, \globalE, \globalS, \globalW
+% \correction
+% \draw
+% \bintree, \eertnib
+% \putarxy
+% \mfs, \sfm
+% \midpoints
+% \initialize
+%\0, \1, \3, \4
+%History of changes
+%July 1995 Setup turtle graphics
+%Undocumented features
+%\rnd from Reid, 1987
+%(Included in index macros of BLUe.)
+%\newcount\rndnum \newcount\rndtmp
+ \advance\rndnum1{}%
+ \ifnum\rndnum>99999
+ \rndtmp\rndnum \divide\rndtmp100000
+ \multiply\rndtmp100000
+ \advance\rndnum-\rndtmp
+ \fi\rndval\rndnum
+ \divide\rndval1000 }
+ \ifnum\rndval<34 0\else
+ \ifnum\rndval<67 1\else2
+ \fi\fi}
+ \ifnum\rndval<25 0\else
+ \ifnum\rndval<50 1\else
+ \ifnum\rndval<75 2\else3
+ \fi\fi\fi}
+ \ifnum\rndval<20 0\else
+ \ifnum\rndval<40 1\else
+ \ifnum\rndval<60 2\else
+ \ifnum\rndval<80 3\else4
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+\def\loadformat{\input fmt.dat\relax}
+ \let\concertfmt=x\fi
+ \loadformat
+ \let\concertfmt\undefined
+ \let\letterfmt=x\fi
+ \loadformat
+ \let\letterfmt\undefined
+%Prevent double loading.
+ \let\reportfmt=x\fi
+ \ifnum\reportloadcnt=0 \ea\loadformat\fi
+ \advance\reportloadcnt1
+ \let\reportfmt\undefined
+ \ifx\undefined\transparenciesfmt
+ \let\transparenciesfmt=x\fi
+ \ifnum\transparenciesloadcnt=0
+ \ea\loadformat\fi
+ \advance\transparenciesloadcnt1
+ \let\transparenciesfmt\undefined
+ \ifx\undefined\transparenciespptfmt
+ \let\transparenciespptfmt=x\fi
+ \ifnum\transparenciespptloadcnt=0
+ \ea\loadformat\fi
+ \advance\transparenciespptloadcnt1
+ \let\transparenciespptfmt\undefined
+%General macros.
+ \process{#1}\fifo}
+ {\ifx\lofif#1\lofif\fi%
+ \processl{#1}\fifol}}
+{\obeyspaces\gdef\fifow#1 {\ifx
+\wofif#1\wofif\fi\processw{#1}\ \fifow}}
+ \bgroup\unouterdefs
+ \ea\gobbletool\fi}
+ \baselineskip12ptplus2ptminus1pt
+ \lineskip1ptplus1ptminus1pt}%
+ \beginverbatim}
+\def\unouterdefs{%List of defs which
+ %have to be neglected
+ \ea\let\csname+\endcsname\relax
+ \catcode`\^12
+ %more to come
+ {\ifx\empty##2\empty\foundfalse
+ \else\foundtrue\fi}\ea\locate#2.#1\end}
+\def\contentsdatabase#1{%#1 pic lit address
+\ea\let\ea\name\csname toc#1\endcsname
+%Define list element tag `\lst'
+ \advance\k1
+ \immediate\write\name{##1}}
+\input #1.dat\relax
+\message{Database #1 contains
+ \the\k\space entries.
+ See the file contents#1 for
+ the list of the names of the entries.}}
+\def\contentstoolsorfmt#1{%#1 tools fmt
+\ea\let\ea\name\csname toc#1\endcsname
+ \immediate\write\name{\nx##1}}
+\input #1.dat\relax
+\message{Database #1 contains
+ \the\k\space entries.}%
+%Tags for the address database
+%Searching the database
+ \def\locate####1##1####2\end
+ {\ifx\empty####2\empty\foundfalse
+ \else\foundtrue\fi}\ea\locate##2.##1\end}
+ \def\lst##1##2{\loc{#1}{##2}\iffound
+ \immediate\write16{\nx##1}%log file
+ \namelst\ea{\the\namelst\lst##1}
+ \def##1{##2}%define found element
+ \fi}\input\the\searchfile.dat\relax}
+ {\beginchapterhead#1\unskip\endchapterhead}
+%Because of \par not in fmt.dat
+ {\example{#1\unskip}}
+ {\begindisplaycenterline
+ #1\enddisplaycenterline}%;nonum;newcol
+%Next sorted on <tag>tool
+\def\loadtool{\input tools.dat\relax}
+\newcount\ltree \newcount\m
+\newcount\lu \newcount\levelone
+\newdimen\tophns \newdimen\tophnshalf
+\newdimen\treewidth %\treewidth=
+%\prod_{i=1}^k{1+1/2i} * \tophns, for level k tree.
+ \let\bintreetool=x
+ \loadtool
+ \startbintree}
+ \let\bttool=x
+ \loadtool\bt}
+ \let\endbridge\endgroup
+ \let\bridgetool=x
+ \loadtool
+ \let\endcrosswords\endgroup
+ \let\crosswordstool=x
+ \loadtool
+ \let\endhanoi\endgroup
+ \let\hanoitool=x
+ \loadtool
+ \ifx\undefined\indextool
+ \let\indextool=x\fi
+ \ifnum\indexloadcnt=0
+ \ea\loadtool\fi
+ \advance\indexloadcnt1
+ \let\indextool\undefined}
+ \ifx\undefined\toctool
+ \let\toctool=x\fi
+ \ifnum\tocloadcnt=0
+ \ea\loadtool\fi
+ \advance\tocloadcnt1
+ \let\toctool\undefined}
+%Language tools
+ \loadtool
+ \let\englishtool\undefined
+ \loadtool
+ \let\russiantool\undefined
+\font\calx=cmsy10 scaled \magstep4
+ \loadtool
+ \let\ntglogotool\undefined
+ \loadtool
+ \let\ntginfotool\undefined
+ \hbox{\unitlength.01pt
+ \copy\smileybox
+ \eyes\mouth
+ \kern1000\unitlength} }
+ \hbox{\unitlength.01pt\copy\smileybox
+ \winkeye\mouth
+ \kern1000\unitlength} }
+ \hbox{\unitlength.01pt\copy\smileybox
+ \squinteyes\sadmouth
+ \kern1000\unitlength} }
+ \let\smileystool=x\fi
+ \ifnum\smileysloadcount=0 \ea\loadtool
+ \else\message{--- smileys already loaded---}\fi
+ \advance\smileysloadcount1
+ \let\smileystool\undefined}
+ \loadtool
+ \let\xyztool\undefined
+ \loadtool
+ \let\partlogotool\undefined
+%Reserved words need right catcodes
+ \let\pascaltool=x
+ \loadtool
+ \afterassignment\fifol\let\dummy=}%;nonum;newcol
+%***Storage allocation*** ;numvrb
+%\new...-s needed in the various tools
+%Space is once reserved.
+%From \contentsdatabase
+%From \letter
+\newskip\vaoffset%vert address offset
+\newskip\haoffset%hor address offset
+%From \transparencies
+%From \report
+\newdimen\gutter \gutter1em
+%From transparencies
+%From crosswords
+%From index
+\newif\ifcontinue%controls loops
+\newif\iffound%locating accent cs
+\newcount\kzero\kzero0 %Bias value
+\newcount\pkone%Used in sortcs
+\newcount\frst%First value of range
+\newcount\last %Last value of range
+\newcount\slast%Successor \last
+\newcount\dif %Difference \last-\frst
+\newcount\nw %Number of words
+\newcount\nc %Number of characters/comp
+\newcount\numex %Number of exchanges
+\newcount\rndval%Random number
+\newcount\rndnum%Seed random generator
+\newcount\rndtmp%Temporary value
+\newcount\status%Status comparison
+ %To parameterize the resulting index
+ %To parameterize the IRs
+%Contents Tools
+%- bridgetool
+%- crosswordstool
+%- hanoitool
+%- indextool
+%- langauages englishtool (default)
+%- ntglogotool
+%- ntginfotool
+%- russiantool
+%- smileys
+%- toctool
+%- xyztool
+%- pascaltool
+%History of changes Tools
+% Jan 1995 Created
+% Summer 1995 Smileys added
+% March 1996 Toc tool added
+%for Mac as pre format
+\global\advance\count0-1 \dump
+%%%end blue.tex, cgl%%% \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/blu/fmt.dat b/obsolete/macros/blu/fmt.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..684c4540f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/blu/fmt.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,1418 @@
+%The material is shareware and subject
+%to the separate notes on copyright.
+%File of formats to cooperate with blue.tex
+%To print the formats properly, copy
+%the following 11-lines job and
+%substitute the semicolon token
+%(=escape char) for `semi-col'. (2x)
+% ---Kees---
+%\input blue.tex
+%\title{File: fmt.dat}
+%\issue{Version 1.0}
+% \catcode`\!=12
+% \catcode`\|=12
+% \input fmt.dat}
+%\endscript %or use pgfile.tex
+%- concert
+%- letter
+%- report
+%- transparencies
+\message{fmt.dat browsed (Version March 1996)}
+%begin%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%concert% %;numvrb
+\message{ ---Concert format, Jan 95, cgl--- }
+%Concert format TeXbook 409, 412
+%\font\twelveit=cmti12 %all in blue.tex
+ \let\bf=\twelvebf\let\it=\twelveit
+ \let\sl=\twelvesl\let\mus=\twelvemus
+ \baselineskip=14pt minus 1pt \rm}
+ \let\bf=\tenbf\let\it=\tenit
+ \let\sl=\tensl\let\mus=\teni
+ \baselineskip=12pt minus 1pt \rm}
+ \let\bf=\eightbf\let\it=\eightit
+ \let\sl=\eightsl\let\mus=\eighti
+ \baselineskip=9.5pt minus .75pt \rm}
+% ;vrblin50
+ \quad##\hfil\cr\kern-1em#1\crcr}}
+% use \cr's if more than one line
+ &&\qquad\it##\hfil\cr#1\crcr}}
+ \vbox{\halign{##\hfil\cr#1\crcr}}}}
+% ;vrblin100
+ \line{\hrulefill}
+ \kern-.5\baselineskip
+ \line{\hrulefill\phantom
+{ THE ST.\,ANFORD ORCHESTRA }\hrulefill}
+ \kern-.5\baselineskip
+ \line{\hrulefill\hbox
+{ THE ST.\,ANFORD ORCHESTRA }\hrulefill}
+ \kern-.5\baselineskip
+ \line{\hrulefill\phantom
+{ R. J. Drofnats, Conductor }\hrulefill}
+ \kern-.5\baselineskip
+ \line{\hrulefill\hbox
+{ R. J. Drofnats, Conductor }\hrulefill}
+ }}
+\endinput %;nonum
+% \bigtype................10-13
+% \medtype................14-17
+% \smalltype..............18-21
+% \flat......................23
+% \sharp.....................24
+% \,.........................25
+% \(...).....................26
+% \composition............51-52
+% \composer..................54
+% \movement..................55
+% \soloists...............57-58
+% \tsalogo..............101-115
+% \onecol\hsize\bigtype.....117
+%History of changes.
+%Jan 95 Creation.
+%Inspired upon the TeXbook App E
+%\today already in blue.tex
+\message{ ---Letter format,
+ Jan 95, cgl--- }
+%Addresses assumed in address.dat
+%Toks vars: \letterfile\addressesfile
+%Address handling
+ \def\process##1{\ifx\undefined##1
+ \let##1\addresserror
+ \else \message{\Dash\string##1
+ already loaded.\Dash}%
+ \fi\namelst\ea{\the\namelst\lst##1}}
+ \fifo#1\ofif%end defining all names
+ \loadselectivefrom{\the\addressesfile}}
+%with on top the trivial variant
+\def\addresserror{Address not in database,
+ Sorry.\loaderror{Addresses}}
+ #1\endaddresses}
+ \splitaddress#1\egroup}%;nonum
+%with at the lower level
+ \unskip}\fullname{#2\unskip}\setbox
+ \affiliationbox\hbox\bgroup#2\\}%;nonum
+%To handle letters
+ \storedvsize\vsize
+ \storedheadline\headline
+ \storedfootline\footline
+ \beginaddresses#1\endaddresses
+ \let\lst\processletter
+ \the\namelst}}
+ \def\lst##1{\processletter}
+ \input\the\addressesfile.dat\relax}}%;nonum
+ \thisscript{\notlastscript}
+ \processletter}
+ \the\namelst}
+%with at the lower level
+\def\processletter#1{{%#1 name or address
+ \headline\storedheadline
+ \footline\storedfootline
+ \vsize\storedvsize
+ \addressee{#1}
+ \beginscript
+ \input\the\letterfile\relax
+ \endscript}}
+% ##1##2{\namelst\ea{\the\namelst##1}}
+% \input\the\addressesfile\relax}%;nonum
+%`Page makeup'
+\headline{\line{\vbox to3cm{%
+ \vbox{\hsize.33\hsize\small
+ \the\address\\\the\netaddress\\\the\telephone}
+%and for follow pages
+ to3cm{\vss%Implicit vspace
+ \line{\tenrm \To: \the\fullname
+ \hss\today/\the\subject/\the\crowner\
+ \oldstyle\the\ourreference}\kern2pt\hrule
+ \vss}}}%end follow \headline
+}%end \headline
+ \kern\baselineskip\hrule\kern.5ex
+ \hbox{\strut\the\businessaccount}}\hss}
+%and for follow pages
+ \global\vsize19cm
+ \global\footline{\line{\null
+ \hss--{\oldstyle\the\count0}--\hss
+ }}%end follow \footline
+}%end \footline
+\vbox to 4cm{%Window height Dutch
+ %envelopes
+\vskip\vaoffset %To shift address vert.
+\leftskip\haoffset%To shift address hor.
+\vss}\hss}%end line
+\line{\hbox to\longindentation
+ {\hbox to11ex{\Subject\hss:}
+ \the\subject\hss}\today\hss}
+\line{\hbox to11ex{\small \Ourref\hss:}
+ \the\crowner\
+ \oldstyle\the\ourreference\hss}
+\line{\hbox to11ex{\small \Yourref\hss:}
+ \the\yourreference\hss}
+%Processing labels
+ \headline{}\footline{}%
+ \beginaddresses#1\endaddresses
+ \let\lst\processlabel
+ \the\namelst}
+ \headline{}\footline{}
+ \def\lst##1{\processlabel}
+ \input\the\addressesfile.dat\relax
+ \headline{}\footline{}
+ \let\lst\processlabel
+ \the\namelst}%;nonum
+%with at the lower level
+ \boxit{\kern1cm\vbox to3.5cm
+ {\noindent\leftskip.33\hsize
+ \hsize.9\hsize
+ \unhbox\affiliationbox\vss}
+ {\smallskip\small
+ \leftskip\generalindent
+ \the\author\\
+ \the\address\bigskip}
+}\smallskip}%end \processlabel%;nonum
+%general things
+% ;numvrb;vrblin400
+ \lastscript\the\everyscript
+ \the\thisscript
+\begingroup\pageno1 \null
+}%end \beginscript
+ \vfil\eject\endgroup
+ \tracingstats1
+ \stop\thisscript{}}
+%To be replaced by your salutation
+ \parindent\longindentation
+ Sincerely,
+ \medskip
+ \the\author\vskip3\bigskipamount}}
+\def\dear{Dear \the\addresseename,\bigskip}
+ \centerline{\bf\the\appendixname\ #1}
+ \bigskip}%;nonum
+%Defaults, Initializations \letter
+% ;numvrb;vrblin900
+\onecol%Because in blue.tex
+ %\twocol default
+%Separation headline and rest
+\vsize13cm%First page
+ \def\To{To}
+ \def\Yourref{Your ref}
+ \def\Ourref{Our ref}
+ \def\Subject{Subject}}
+ \def\today{\ifcase \month \or Januari\or Februari\or
+ Maart\or April\or Mei\or
+ Juni\or Juli\or Augustus\or September\or October\or
+ November\or December\fi { }{\ea
+ \oldstyle \number \day }, {\ea \oldstyle \number \year }}
+ \def\To{Aan}
+ \def\dear{Beste}
+ \def\Yourref{Uw ref}
+ \def\Ourref{Onze ref}
+ \def\Subject{Subject}
+ \def\sincerely{{\bigskip
+ \parindent\longindentation
+ Hoogachtend,
+ \medskip
+ \the\author\vskip3\bigskipamount}}
+\endinput %;nonum
+% \beginaddresses...........9-19
+% \endaddresses...............21
+% \addresses...............23-24
+% \addressee...............26-27
+%lower level
+% \splitaddress............51-54
+% \letterto..............101-107
+% \lettertoall...........109-110
+% \makesearchletters.....112-115
+%lower level
+% \processletter.........151-158
+% \makelistaddresseetags.176-183
+%Header and footer
+% \headline..............201-214
+% \footline..............216-224
+%lower level
+% \addresseewindow.......251-266
+% \makelabels............301-304
+% \makealllabels.........306-309
+% \makesearchlabels......311-313
+%lower level
+% \processlabel..........351-360
+% \beginscript...........401-406
+% (\beginletter).............407
+% \endscript.............409-412
+% (\endletter)...............413
+% \sincerely.............502-506
+% \dear......................508
+% \ps........................510
+% \cc........................511
+% \appendix..............512-514
+% \enclosures
+% \nederlands
+% \english
+%History of changes.
+%May 96 \nederlands (\endlish) added
+%Aug 95 Extended by \makesearchletters
+%Jan 95 Creation.
+%Report format Jan 95 ;numvrb
+\message{ ---Report format,
+ Jan 95, cgl--- }
+\font\subtitlefont=cmr12 scaled\magstep2
+%Chapter title matters
+ \vskip4pc\bgroup\catcode`\^=7
+ \the\everychapterhead
+ \the\thischapterhead
+ \global\advance\chaptercnt1
+% \xdef\chapno{\the\chaptercnt}%
+ \headcnt0 \exercisecnt0 \examplecnt0
+ \immediate\write\toc{\nx\separator{\alfanum
+ \the\chaptercnt}{\the\chaptertitle}}
+ %suppress headline first page chapter
+ \global\headline{\global\headline
+ {\hbox to\pagewd
+ {\sl\the\chaptertitle\hfill
+ \the\title}}}%
+ \footline{\hbox to\pagewd{\small
+ \rlap{Draft \today}\hfill\dash
+ {\oldstyle\the\pagenumber}\dash
+ \hfill\llap{\copyright
+ \the\crowner}}}%
+%Example is redefined here such that on
+%first use if ever in the chapter, it
+%redefines itself as the regular macro,
+%while writing the chapter title to the
+%table-of-examples, ToE, file.
+%In this way titles of chapters without
+%examples are suppressed in the ToE.
+ \def\example{\immediate\write\toe{\nx
+ \separator{\alfanum
+ \the\chaptercnt}{\the\chaptertitle}}
+ \let\example\regularexample\example}
+%To get the title of ToC Appendix also in
+%the ToC the \immediate is needed
+ \thischapterhead{}\vskip3pc}
+ \storechaptertitle}
+ \global\chaptertitle{#1}\endchapterhead}
+ \the\chapternumbering\the\chaptertitle}
+ \the\postchapterhead\ignorewhitespace}
+ \def\storechaptertitle##1{\egroup
+ \global\chaptertitle{##1}%
+ \endchapterhead}
+ \beginchapterhead}
+ {\chaptercnt64 \gdef\alfanum{\char}%
+ \global\chapternumbering
+ {\alfanum\the\chaptercnt: }}}
+{\chapterhead{Answers to the Exercises}
+ \immediate\closeout\ans
+ {\ninepoint\parindent2pc
+ \input answers\relax}}
+ \chapterhead{List of Examples}
+\immediate\closeout\toe %Table Of Examples
+{\ninepoint\def\exampleno##1.##2: {\noindent
+ \hbox to\generalindent{{\oldstyle##1}.%
+ {\oldstyle##2}\hss}}%
+ \def\separator##1{\smallbreak\noindent
+ \hbox to\generalindent{{\oldstyle##1}\hss}}
+ \parindent0pt\obeylines\sl
+ \input examples\relax}}
+ \chapterhead{Table of \the\contentsname}
+\immediate\closeout\toc%Table Of Contents
+ {\noindent\hbox to\generalindent
+ {{\oldstyle##1}.{\oldstyle##2}\hss}}
+ \def\separator##1{\smallbreak\noindent
+ \hbox to\generalindent{{\oldstyle##1}\hss}}
+ \def\she{\noindent\hbox
+ to1.5\generalindent{\hss}}
+ \def\sshe{\noindent\hbox
+ to2\generalindent{\hss}}
+ \parindent0pc\obeylines\sl
+ \input contents\relax}}
+ \hbox to\generalindent{\hfil\oldstyle#1}}
+%Invariant for value \parindent
+ \parindent\generalindent
+ \narrower\smallbreak\noindent}
+%Header matters
+ \global\advance\headcnt1
+ \storeheadtitle}
+ \global\headtitle{#1}\endhead}
+ \the\headtitle}\the\posthead}
+ \def\storeheadtitle##1{\egroup
+ \global\headtitle{##1}\endhead}
+ \beginhead}
+ \write\toc{\contentsno
+ \nx\alfanum\the\chaptercnt.\the\headcnt:
+ \the\headtitle\nx\nx\nx
+ \pagenorepresentation{\nx\number
+ \pageno}}}\writetoc
+ \nobreak\medskip\noindent
+ \ignorewhitespace}
+ \the\thissubhead
+ \storesubheadtitle}
+ \global\subheadtitle{#1}\endsubhead}
+ \the\subheadtitle}\the\postsubhead}
+ \def\storesubheadtitle##1{\egroup
+ \global\subheadtitle{##1}\endsubhead}
+ \beginsubhead}
+ \write\toc{\nx\nx\nx\she
+ \the\subheadtitle\nx\nx\nx
+ \pagenorepresentation{\nx\number
+ \pageno}}}\writetoc
+ \ifrunin\ \else\quad\fi\ignorewhitespace}
+ \the\thissubsubhead
+ \storesubsubheadtitle}
+ \endsubsubhead{\global
+ \subsubheadtitle{#1}\endsubsubhead}
+ \the\subsubheadtitle}\the\postsubsubhead}
+ \def\storesubsubheadtitle##1{%
+ \egroup\global
+ \subsubheadtitle{##1}%
+ \endsubsubhead}
+ \beginsubsubhead}
+ \write\toc{\nx\nx\nx\sshe
+ \the\subsubheadtitle\nx\nx\nx
+ \pagenorepresentation{\nx\number
+ \pageno}}}\writetoc
+ \ifrunin\ \else\quad\fi\ignorewhitespace}
+%Inner markup;vrblin500
+\def\beginexample{\vskip0pt plus5ex
+ \penalty-100\vskip0pt plus-5ex
+ \medskip
+ \global\advance\examplecnt1
+ \bgroup\catcode`\^=7 \the\everyexample
+ \the\thisexample\storeexampletitle}
+ \global\exampletitle{#1}\endexample}
+ \xdef\writeexa{\write\toe{\exampleno
+ \alfanum\the\chaptercnt.\the\examplecnt:
+ \the\exampletitle
+ \nx\nx\nx\pagenorepresentation
+ {\the\count0}}}\writeexa
+ {\the\examplename} {\sl(\the\exampletitle)}
+ \egroup
+ \nobreak\endgraf\noindent\ignorewhitespace}
+ \def\storeexampletitle##1{\egroup
+ \global\exampletitle{##1}\endexample}
+ \beginexample}
+%Mod item macros, to prevent hanging out
+%with \parindent=0pt
+ \hskip\generalindent
+ \hangindent2\generalindent\textindent}
+ \hskip\generalindent
+ \llap{#1\enspace}\ignorespaces}
+ \global\advance\exercisecnt1
+ \hangindent\generalindent
+ \noindent\hbox to\generalindent{%
+ {\oldstyle\the\chaptercnt}.{\oldstyle
+ \the\exercisecnt}\hfil}}
+ \immediate\write\ans{}
+ \immediate\write\ans{\string\ansno
+ \the\chaptercnt.\the\exercisecnt:}%
+ \copytoblankline}
+ \hbox to\generalindent{{\oldstyle#1}%
+ .{\oldstyle#2}\hss}\hangindent
+ \generalindent\ignorespaces}
+%Preliminary pages matters
+%Markup preliminary pages via \beginscript
+\pageno-1 \headline{}\footline{}
+\ifproof\rightline{\rlap{\sl Cover}}\fi
+ \the\subtitle\Dash}\fi
+ Translated by \the\translator}
+ \newpage
+\ifproof\rightline{\rlap{\sl Inside
+ Cover}}\fi
+ \newpage
+\ifproof\rightline{\rlap{\sl Title
+ Page}}\fi
+ \the\subtitle\Dash}
+\else \newpage
+ \ifproof\rightline{\rlap
+ {\sl Foreword Translation}}\fi
+ \vfill
+ \unvbox\forewordtranslatorbox
+ \vfill
+ \rightline{\vtop{\hbox{Irina Gorbunova
+ %\the\translator
+ }\hbox{\the\author}}}\vfill
+\else \newpage
+ \ifproof\rightline{\rlap{\sl Preface
+ Page}}\fi
+ \vfill\pasteuppreface\vfill\vfill
+ \newpage
+\ifproof\rightline{\rlap{\sl Contents
+ Page}}\fi
+}%end \beginscript
+%Auxiliaries preliminary pages
+ \vbox\bgroup{\bf\the\keywordsname: }}
+ \the\acknowledgementsname}\medskip}
+ \acknowledgementsbox
+ \else\the\preacknowledgements\unvbox
+ \acknowledgementsbox\bigskip
+ \makesignature\fi}
+ \vbox\bgroup}
+ \aftergroup\endpreface
+ \afterassignment\ignorespaces
+ \let\dummy=}
+ \the\prefacename}\bigskip\unvbox\prefacebox}
+ \forewordtranslatorbox=
+ \vbox\bgroup\begincenter}
+ \bgroup
+ \aftergroup\endforewordtranslator
+ \let\dummy=}
+ \forewordtranslatorbox\relax}
+ \setbox\contentsbox\vbox\bgroup
+ \def\separator{\vbox to.5ex{}}
+ \def\newcol{\cr}
+ \ea\def\csname par\endcsname{&}\obeylines
+ \valign\bgroup&\noindent\strut
+ \hsize=7cm##\cr}
+ \vfill\eject\endgroup\backcover
+ \tracingstats=1 \stop\thisscript{}}
+\begingroup%inside back cover.
+\hsize=12cm \hoffset2cm
+\ifproof\hbox to13cm{\hss\rlap{\sl
+ Inside Back}}%14cm is regular page
+ %width of PWT
+\loadntginfo \ntginfo
+%Irina, you can include here another half
+%page about CyrTUG.
+%It should be possible to have both
+%info parts on one page.
+%Adapt eventually the \hsize.
+ \ifproof\rightline{\rlap{\sl Back
+ Cover}}\fi
+ \vskip.75\vsize
+ \pictures{\cglpic}
+ $$\cglpic\vbox{%
+ \hbox to12ex{\hss Thank You\hss}
+ \hbox to12ex{\hss\cs{bye}\hss}}$$
+}%end \pwtbackcover
+ \hsize=14cm%MOD
+ \pagewd=\hsize
+ \colwd=\hsize
+ \vsize=25cm
+ \xcol=1
+\everychapterhead={\catcode`\^=7 }
+\endinput %;nonum
+%Table of Contents report format
+%Token vars (declared in blue.tex)
+% \prefacename
+% \bibliographydata
+% \chaptertitle
+% \prechapterhead
+% \postchapterhead
+% \headtitle
+% \subheadtitle
+% \subsubheadtitle
+% \prepoint
+% \prefil
+% \postfil
+%Box vars (declared in blue.tex)
+% \prefacebox
+% \contentsbox
+%New dimens (declared in blue.tex)
+% \generalindent
+% \gutter
+% \xshift
+% \yshift
+% \subsubheadindent
+%New counts (declared in blue.tex)
+% \headcnt
+% \chaptercnt
+% \examplecnt
+% \exercisecnt
+%New writes (declared in blue.tex)
+% (opened in \beginscript)
+% \toc
+% \toe
+% \chapterfont\Large.........4
+% \subtitlefont..............5
+%Chapter title matters
+% \chapno (manmac)
+% \prechapterhead.......102-109
+% \postchapterhead......111-138
+% \beginchapterhead.....140-141
+% \storechaptertitle....143-144
+% \endchapterhead.......146-148
+% \chapterhead..........150-154
+% \setupappendices......156-159
+% \pasteupanswers.......161-165
+% \pasteuptoe...........167-176
+% \pasteuptoc...........178-191
+% \pagenorepresentation.193-194
+% \beginsummary (blue.tex)
+% \endsummary (blue.tex)
+% \summary (blue.tex)
+% \beginquote...........252-254
+% \endquote (blue.tex)
+%Header matters
+% \beginhead............302-304
+% \storeheadtitle.......306-307
+% \endhead..............309-310
+% \head.................312-315
+% \posthead.............317-324
+% \beginsubhead.........351-353
+% \storesubheadtitle....355-356
+% \endsubhead...........358-359
+% \subhead..............361-364
+% \postsubhead..........366-371
+% \beginsubsubhead......401-403
+% \storesubsubheadtitle.405-407
+% \endsubsubhead........409-410
+% \subsubhead...........412-417
+% \postsubsubhead.......419-424
+%Inner markup
+% \begindemo (blue.tex)
+% <escape char>yields(blue.tex)
+% \enddemo (blue.tex)
+% \beginexample.........526-531
+% \storeexampletitle....533-534
+% \endexample...........536-544
+% \example..............546-549
+% \hang.....................553
+% \itemitem.............555-557
+% \textindent...........559-561
+% \exercise.............576-581
+% \answer...............583-587
+% \ansno................589-592
+%Generalized \samplebox
+% \point (blue.tex)
+% \gbox (blue.tex)
+%Centering verbatims
+% \boxlines (blue.tex)
+% \begincenterverbatim(blue.tex)
+% \endcenterverbatim (blue.tex)
+%Preliminary pages matter
+% \def\beginscript......703-772
+%Closing pages matter
+% \endscript............901-903
+% \pwtbackcover.........905-929
+% \beginkeywords........802-803
+% \preacknowledgements..805-806
+% \pasteupacknowledgements808/812
+% \beginpreface.........814-815
+% \endpreface...............817
+% \preface..............819-822
+% \pasteuppreface.......824-825
+% \beginforewordtranslator827/9
+% \endforewordtranslator....831
+% \forewordtranslator...833-836
+% \pasteupforewordtranslator838/9
+% \begincontents........841-847
+% \endcontents..............849
+% \pasteupcontents..........851
+% NTG info (tools.dat)
+% (\she....................1037
+% \sshe...................1038)
+%end Table of Contents
+%History of changes
+%July 95 \immediate\openout\toc=contents
+% etc. included in \beginscript
+%Jan 95 Creation
+%trs.tex from BLUe's Transparencies
+%Purpose: Preparing transparencies from
+% TeX marked up copy.
+% ;numvrb
+\message{ ---Transparencies format, Jan 95,
+ revision March 1996, cgl--- }
+\font\titlefont =cmr12
+ scaled\magstep4\relax
+\font\subheadfont =cmr12
+ scaled\magstep3\relax
+% scaled\magstep2\relax
+\font\headlinefont =cmr12
+ scaled\magstep1\relax
+%Rest all in blue.tex
+% scaled\magstep2
+%Mark up title transparency;vrblin200
+ \contentsbox\vbox\bgroup
+ \leftskip1.5\leftskiptrs
+ \large\baselineskip3.5ex
+ \everypar{$\bullet$\enspace}
+ \obeylines}
+ \the\everyscript\the\thisscript
+ \pictures\cglpic
+ \begincenter
+ \footline={}\headline={}
+ {\titlefont\the\title}
+ \medskip
+ {\Dash\the\subtitle\Dash}
+ \bigskip
+ {\authorfont\the\author}
+ \medskip\hfil\the\address
+ \bigskip$$\box\contentsbox$$}
+ \hbox to12ex{\hss Thank You\hss}
+ \hbox to12ex{\hss\cs{bye}\hss}}
+%Mark up regular transparencies;vrblin300
+ \footline\regularfootline\pageno1
+ \prehead{\nxttrs}}
+ \headtitle{#1}\subheadtitle{}%
+ \subsubheadtitle{}{\headfont#1}%
+ \the\posthead}
+% ;vrblin350
+ \subheadtitle{#1}\subsubheadtitle{}%
+ \the\presubhead{\subheadfont#1}%
+ \the\postsubhead\thissubhead{}}
+% ;vrblin400
+ \subsubheadtitle{#1}
+ \the\presubsubhead{\subsubheadfont#1}
+ \the\postsubsubhead\thissubsubhead{}}
+%added March 1996
+ \beginsubsubhead#1\endsubsubhead}
+ {\head{#1}}%
+ {\subhead{#1}}%
+ {\subsubhead{#1}}}
+ \rightskip0pt plus1fil\relax}
+ \rightskip0pt plus1fil\relax
+ \def\bitem{\item{$\bullet$}\strut}
+ \def\smallbreak{\endgraf\egroup
+ \smallbreak}
+ \let\smallskip\smallbreak
+ \bitem}
+%enumerate item
+ \rightskip0pt plus1fil\relax
+ \def\eitem##1{\item{##1}\strut}
+ \def\smallbreak{\endgraf\egroup
+ \smallbreak}
+ \let\smallskip\smallbreak
+ \eitem}
+ \leftskip\leftskiptrs
+ \rightskip0pt plus 1fil\relax\bgnsyn}
+%Header and footer ;vrblin600
+\regularheadline={\line{\vbox to0pt{\vss
+ \centerline{\titlefont
+ \strut\the\title}
+ \vskip2ex
+ \line{\logo\hfill\vbox{%
+ \llap{\strut\the\headtitle}
+ \llap{\strut\the\subheadtitle}
+ \llap{\strut\the\subsubheadtitle}}}
+ \vskip1ex
+ \hrule width\hsize height1pt
+ }}%end hbox
+}%end headline
+% ;vrblin650
+\regularfootline={\vbox to 0pt{%
+ \hrule width\hsize height1pt
+ \vskip.5ex
+ \line{\small
+ \rlap{\the\identification}%
+ \hfil--{\oldstyle\the\pagenumber}--\hfil
+ \llap{\copyright\the\crowner}%
+ }\vss}%end vbox
+}%end footline
+%Auxiliaries ;vrblin700
+ \rightline{\dots continued}\eject}
+\def\begincenter{\leftskip0pt plus1fill
+\rightskip0pt plus 1fill\parfillskip0pt
+\obeylines} \def\endcenter{}
+\hsize=17.5cm \vsize=20cm
+\endinput %;nonum
+%Contents transparencies format
+% \titlefont...................5-6
+% \subheadfont.................7-8
+% \subsubheadfont.............9-10
+% \headlinefont..............11-12
+% \authorfont...................15
+% \largerm..............(blue.tex)
+% \largeit..............(blue.tex)
+% \largesl..............(blue.tex)
+% \largesy..............(blue.tex)
+% \largeex..............(blue.tex)
+% \largebf..............(blue.tex)
+% \largett..............(blue.tex)
+% \large................(blue.tex)
+% \largebig.............(blue.tex)
+% \small.......................124
+% \identification.......(blue.tex)
+% \crowner..............(blue.tex)
+% \headtitle............(blue.tex)
+% \subheadtitle.........(blue.tex)
+% \subsubheadtitle......(blue.tex)
+% \leftskiptrs, \rightskiptrs..908/9
+%Page size
+% \hsize, \vsize...............903
+% offsets......................904
+% \pagewd......................905
+%Markup title
+% \begincontents...........201-206
+% \endcontents.................208
+% \beginscript.............251-263
+% \endscript...................265
+%Markup regular transparencies
+% \prehead.................301-302
+% \beginhead\endhead.......306-309
+% \head........................311
+% \posthead....................304
+% \presubhead..................351
+% \beginsubhead\endsubhead.355-358
+% \subhead.....................360
+% \postsubhead.................353
+% \presubsubhead...............401
+% \beginsubsubhead
+% \endsubsubhead......405-408
+% \subsubhead..............410-411
+% \postsubsubhead..............403
+% \bluehead
+% \bluesubhead
+% \bluesubsubhead
+% \preverbatim.............451-452
+% \bitem...................501-507
+% \beginsyntax.............552-554
+% \endsyntax...................558
+%Header and footer
+% \headline................601-615
+% \footline................651-660
+% \identification..............901
+% \nxttrs......................701
+% \continue................702-703
+% \begincenter (blue.tex)
+% \endcenter...(blue.tex)
+% \center......(blue.tex)
+%Personalisation (blue.tex)
+% \logo........................913
+% \pagenumber..................906
+% \onecol......................907
+% \hsize,\vsize................903
+% \leftskiptrs.................908
+% \rightskiptrs................909
+% \large.......................911
+%History of changes
+%March 1996 \bluehad etc. added
+%Jan 1995 As format with blue.tex
+%Aug 1994 Centering markup automated
+%Jul 1994 \contentsbox is used
+% \pagenumber introduced
+%Jun 1994 More consistent with
+% blue.tex.
+% \small is \eightpoint.
+% \begincontents...\endcontents
+%Feb 1994 Release Version 1.0
+%Example of use
+%\bluetitle Manmac BLUes
+%\bluesubtitle how to typeset a book via \TeX
+%User's guide
+%\bluehead Why?
+%To return to the roots...
+%\bluehead User's Guide
+%Relative numbering
+%\nxttrs %Next transparency
+%\bluesubsubhead Markup paragraphs
+%\continue%Continuation on next slide
+%\bluehead Conclusions
+%\rightline{\vtop{\hbox{Thank you}
+% \hbox{\cs{bye}}}}
+%Preprint for BLUe's Transparencies
+%Purpose: Printing transparencies from
+% TeX marked up copy in A6,
+% 4 on each page.
+% ;numvrb
+\message{ ---Transparencies A6 proof format, May 95,
+ cgl--- }
+\hfuzz=25pt \vfuzz=25pt
+%Mark up title transparency;vrblin200
+ \contentsbox\vbox\bgroup
+ \baselineskip3ex\null\vfil
+ \everypar{$\bullet$\enspace}
+ \obeylines\parindent1em}
+ \the\everyscript\the\thisscript
+ \leavevmode\noindent
+ \setbox\trsppt=\vbox to.475\vsize
+ \bgroup\hsize.475\hsize\parindent2em
+ \null\vfil
+ \titlefont\the\title
+ \smallskip\subtitlefont
+ \Dash\the\subtitle\Dash
+ \medskip\let\\\par
+ \authorfont\the\author
+ \smallskip\the\address
+ \medskip$$\box\contentsbox$$}
+\ifnum\trsno>0 \line{\strut\hss
+ --\the\trsno--\hss}\fi
+ \hfil\break\vfil\noindent\fi
+\setbox\trsppt=\vbox to.475\vsize\bgroup
+%Mark up regular transparencies;vrblin300
+\prehead{\nxttrs\trsno1 \medskip\noindent\hfil
+ \global\prehead{\nxttrs\medskip\noindent\hfil}}
+ \headtitle{#1}\subheadtitle{}%
+ \subsubheadtitle{}{\headfont#1}%
+ \the\posthead}
+% ;vrblin350
+ \subheadtitle{#1}\subsubheadtitle{}%
+ \the\presubhead{\subheadfont#1}%
+ \the\postsubhead\thissubhead{}}
+% ;vrblin400
+ \subsubheadtitle{#1}
+ \the\presubsubhead{\subsubheadfont#1}
+ \the\postsubsubhead\thissubsubhead{}}
+ \beginsubsubhead#1\endsubsubhead}
+%Header and footer ;vrblin600
+\headline={\hbox to\pagewd{\titlefont
+ \hss\the\title\hss}
+}%end headline
+% ;vrblin650
+\footline={\hbox to\pagewd{%
+ \rlap{\fiverm\strut\the\identification}\hss
+ \llap{\fiverm\copyright\the\crowner}}%
+}%end footline
+%Auxiliaries ;vrblin700
+ \textfont0=\fiverm \scriptfont0=\fiverm
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
+ \textfont1=\fivei \scriptfont1=\fivei
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \textfont2=\fivesy \scriptfont2=\fivesy
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
+ \textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\fivei}\def\oldstyle
+ {\fam1 \fivei}\textfont\itfam=\fivei
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\fivei}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\fivei
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+ \textfont\bffam=\fivebf
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\fivebf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\fiverm}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\fiverm
+ \tt \ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em
+ \normalbaselineskip=7pt plus1pt minus1pt
+ \def\MF{{\manual opqr}\-{\manual stuq}}%
+ \let\sc=\fivexrm
+ \let\big=\fivebig
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height7pt
+ depth2pt width\z@}%
+ \normalbaselines\rm}
+ \def\fivebig#1{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to4.5pt{}\right.\n@space$}}
+ \rightline{\dots continued}\nxttrs}
+\hsize=18.5cm \vsize=25cm
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/blu/lit.dat b/obsolete/macros/blu/lit.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4381b28d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/blu/lit.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,2375 @@
+%Database of EP related literature, to be processed by blue.fmt.
+%Version Aug 1994
+%Files: lit.dat (data this file)
+%C.G. van der Laan, Hunzeweg 57, 9893PB, Garnwerd, The Netherlands
+% 05941-1525,
+%Note: Don't include blank lines! (TeX ends paragraphs then and will
+% disturb your typeset list of references.)
+% Don't use \verb|...| or so for verbatims (catcodes are fixed once read)
+%Auxiliary macros
+%\def\thepage{\folio} %Necessary when with tugboat.sty
+%\def\tubissue#1(#2){\TUB~#1, no.~#2}%To be independent from tugboat.sty c.q.
+ % ltugboat.sty.
+%Conventions entries
+%\def\<name> %Key for database, add a, b, ...
+% {<family name> <initials> (<year>): %All with minimal interpunction
+% <title> %No discrimination
+% <source> %ISBN for books in here, pages as range
+% \annotation{<Comments, annotations.>}% <numbers>\dash<numbers>
+%}%end entry
+ {Association of American Publishers (1989):
+ Markup of Tabular Material.
+ Version 2.0 AAP Inc.
+ {Association of American Publishers (1987):
+ Standard for electronic manuscript preparation and markup.
+ AAP inc.
+ \annotation{Association of American Publishers,
+ 2005 Massachusetts Avenue, NW. Washington, DC 20036,
+ Phone: (202) 232-3335.}
+ {Association of American Publishers (1989):
+ Author's guide to electronic manuscript preparation and
+ markup.
+ AAP inc. (2$^{nd}$ version.)
+ {Association of American Publishers (1989):
+ Reference manual on electronic manuscript preparation and markup.
+ AAP inc.
+ (2$^{nd}$ version.) ISBN 1-55653-084-6.
+ {Association of American Publishers (1989):
+ Markup of tabular material.
+ AAP Inc. ISBN 1-55653-085-4.
+ (2$^{nd}$ version.).
+ {Association of American Publishers (1989): Markup of
+ Mathematical Formulas.
+ (2$^{nd}$ version.)
+ {Abrahams P.W (1990): \TeX\ for the impatient.
+ Addison-Wesley.
+ {Adobe (1985):
+ PostScript Language Reference Manual.
+ Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-10174-2.
+ {Adobe Magazine (1995):
+ The Technology of type.
+ Adobe Magazine, 2, 16\dash19.
+ (A nice survey of the outline fonts in relation to truetype.)
+ {Aho A.V, R. Sethi (1988):
+ Maintaining Cross-references in Manuscripts.
+ Softw.Pract.exp., 18, 1, 1\dash14.
+ {Alexander J.C (1986):
+ Tib, a reference setting package.
+ \tubissue{ 7}(3), 138\dash139.
+ \annotation{An update note is in \tubissue{8}(2), 102.
+ A C program inspired upon troff's refer (and its successor bib).
+ It is a preprocessor tailored for use with (All)\TeX.
+ It allows for a few citation styles, and a publisher can extend these.
+ It provides also for a powerful word-definition citation search.
+ Flexible in general.
+ Tagging of the entries a la refer has to be obeyed.
+ From the UKTuG meeting of 1990 the following characteristics.
+ It consists of:
+ tibdex, a hashing program to speed up access to
+ large collections of citations, by creating an index to the bibliography;
+ tiblist, to format and print the database;
+ looktib, a program to query the database;
+ tib, main program goes through the source document and looks for
+ keywords between [ and ].
+ Advantages: 1-pass, pattern-matching citation no need to invent unique
+ key, compatible with UNIX refer databases,
+ good toolbox of style elements, single index
+ of bibliographies, formatting more-closely related to \TeX.
+ Disadvantages: pre-processor system, possible wrong matches, possible errors
+ in repeated citations, non-algorithmic style language, left up to Tib
+ to work out citation type, lack of extensibility in field,
+ not very robust (crashes).}
+%\lst\amsa {AMS (1989): AMS-\LaTeX. AMS.}
+ {AMS (1991):
+ A look inside the AMS.
+ \annotation{A nice brochure of what AMS is all about.}
+ {AMS (1991):
+ Think about publishing with the AMS.
+ \annotation{Another nice brochure about the merits of
+ publishing with AMS: effective marketing, extensive promotion, world-wide
+ distribution, better sales, longer life of book, royalties, support
+ worthwhile noncommercial activities for the benefit of the scientific
+ community at large, for example the \TeX\ project.}
+ {AMS (1993):
+ \AmSTeX\ User's Guide 2.1.
+ {AMS (1993):
+ \AmSTeX\ Installation Guide 2.1.
+ {AMS (1993):
+ \AmS-\LaTeX\ User's Guide 1.1.
+ {AMS (1993):
+ \AmS-\LaTeX\ Installation Guide 1.1.
+ {AMS (1993):
+ AMSfonts. User's Guide 2.1.
+ {AMS (1993):
+ AMSfonts. Installation Guide 2.1.
+ {AMS (1993):
+ Guidelines for preparing electronic manuscripts.
+ \AmSTeX\ (booklet, 52p), and the mirrored one
+ \AmS-\LaTeX\ (booklet, 58p).
+ \annotation{The first is very well-done.
+ I have not seen a guideline of similar quality of yet!
+ Simply the best available. Much experience is embodied to learn from.
+ The second is verbose, incomplete, and deals at length with issues
+ an author should not be bothered with.}
+ {Amstel J.J van, J Bomhoff, G.J Schoenmakers (1978):
+ Inleiding tot het programmeren 1.
+ Academic Service.
+ {Appelt W (1987):
+ Macros with keyword parameters.
+ \tubissue{8}(2), 284\dash287.
+ {Appelt W (1988):
+ Typesetting Chess.
+ \tubissue{9}(3), 284\dash287.
+ {Appelt W (1988):
+ \TeX\ f\"ur Fort\-geschrit\-tene\-\Dash
+ Pro\-gram\-mier\-tech\-ni\-ken und Makro\-pa\-kette.
+ Addison-Wesley.
+ {Appelt W (1988):
+ Introduction to \TeX. Addison-Wesley.
+ {APS (1992):
+ The REV\TeX{} input guide.
+ (From the file server.)
+ {Arsenau D (1992):
+ overcite.sty, drftcite.sty, citesty.
+ (From the file server.
+ No longer needed when BLUe's Bib, especially as part of blue.fmt,
+ is used.)
+ {Arsenau D (1993):
+ Typesetting paragraphs of a specified shape.
+ MAPS 93.2, 191\dash193.
+ {Asher (1992):
+ Inside Type \& Set.
+ \tubissue{13}(1), 13--22.
+ {Aurbach R.L (1987):
+ Automatic Index Generation for \LaTeX.
+ \tubissue{8}(2), 201\dash209.
+ \annotation{The IdxTeX program provides the external processing
+ and generates a file of \LaTeX{} source which may be included
+ in a document to produce the desired index.}
+ {Batagelj V (1994):
+ Combining \TeX{} and PostScript.
+ Proceedings Euro\TeX{} 94, 83\dash90.
+ {Barlett F.H (1991):
+ Contra-\LaTeX, or what really works in the publishing world.
+ TUG '91. \tubissue12(3), 367\dash371.
+ {Barron D (1989): Why use SGML?
+ Electronic publishing, 2,1, 3--24.
+ {Bechtolsheim S. von (1988):
+ Tutorial on \cs{futurelet}.
+ \tubissue{9}(3), 276\dash278.
+ {Bechtolsheim S von (1988):
+ Using the emacs editor to savely edit \TeX\ sources.
+ \TeX niques 7, 195\dash202.
+ {Bechtolsheim S von (1989):
+ \cs{csname} and \cs{string}.
+ \tubissue{10}(2), 203\dash206.
+ \annotation{Apart from the basics, SvB discusses the convenient
+ (read non-double) loading of macro files, and
+ the cross-referencing. Common to both applications is the use
+ of \cs{csname} and \cs{string}. No nesting of \cs{csname},
+ and no mentioning of associating \cs{csname} with arrays.}
+ {Bechtolsheim S von (1993):
+ \TeX\ in Practice.
+ 1.~Basics
+ 2.~Paragraphs, Math and Fonts
+ 3.~Tokens, Macros
+ 4.~Output Routines, Tables
+ Springer-Verlag.
+ {Beebe N.H.F (1988):
+ A \TeX\ driver family.
+ \TeX niques 5, 71\dash113.
+ {Beebe N.H.F (1989):
+ \TeX\ and graphics: The state of the problem.
+ Cahiers GUTenberg, 2, 13\dash53.
+ {Beebe N.H.F (1991):
+ The TUGlib server.
+ MAPS 91.2, 117\dash123.
+ (Also \TeX line 11.)
+ {Beebe N.H.F (1992):
+ \LaTeX\ Editing Support.
+ MAPS 92.1, 91\dash114.
+ {Beebe N.H.F (1993):
+ Bibliography prettyprinting and syntax checking.
+ \tubissue{14}(3/4), 222, respectively ?\dash?.
+ {Beeton B.N (editor, 1991):
+ TUG Resource Directory.
+ \annotation{It contains: TUG membership list,
+ \TeX\ User Associations,
+ Sources of \TeX\ software,
+ Output Device Drivers,
+ \TeX\ archives,
+ Electronic Discusion Lists,
+ \TeX\ bibliography.}
+ {Beeton B.N (1990):
+ \TUB{} production: \TeX, \LaTeX, and paste-up.
+ SGML-\TeX{} meeting, Groningen. \annotation{Unpublished}
+ {Bell System Technical Journal (1978):
+ UNIX Time Sharing System.
+ BTJ, Vol 57, 6, part 2.
+ {Bentley J.L (1986):
+ Programming Pearls.
+ ISBN 0-201-10331-1. Addison-Wesley.
+ {Bentley J.L (1988):
+ More programming Pearls---confessions of a coder.
+ ISBN 0-201-11889-0. Addison-Wesley.
+ {Berry K (199?):
+ Expanded plain \TeX.
+ From the file server.
+ \annotation{A toolbox to cooperate with Any\TeX. It contains
+ a fancy cross-referencing scheme, and left justification
+ of math displays, among others. An announcement of
+ the availability of the toolbox\Dash and its contents\Dash
+ has appeared in \tubissue{11}(4), 571\dash572.}
+ {Best R (1993):
+ \TeX\ zonder omhaal; voor ATARI PC en andere PCs.
+ MAPS 93.1\&2, 57\dash68, resp.~111\dash114.
+ MAPS 94.1\&2, 31\dash34, 35\dash36, resp.~43\dash44.
+ (Also ATARI-ST Journal.)
+ {Bienz T, R Cohn (1993):
+ Portable Document Format Reference Manual.
+ Adobe Systems Inc. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-62628-4.
+ {Bleeker J (1989): Electronische verzending,
+ bewerking en opslag van wetenschappelijke artikelen.
+ In: SGML de consequenties.
+ De eerste Nederlandse SGML conferentie.
+ SGML User's Group Holland. (Dutch)
+ {Bloemen P (1993):
+ 4all\TeX: NTG's \TeX{} for MS-DOS.
+ MAPS 93.2, 141\dash154.
+ \annotation{The announcement of this working environment. For simple users only
+ 1 HD flop, and in its full glory over 30 HD floppies. Available
+ from NTG's shop. Shareware.}
+ {Bloemen P (1993):
+ Shells for \TeX.
+ MAPS 93.2, 155\dash159.
+ (It discusses \TeX Shell and 4\TeX.)
+ {Bloemen P (1994):
+ \PS{} fonts in \TeX.
+ MAPS 94.2, 139\dash148.
+ {Bodenheimer B (?):
+ Frequently asked questions.
+ comp.text.tex newsgroup.
+ (Adapted by Van Oostrum in MAPS 91.1, 85\dash92.).
+ {Booth V (1975): Writing a scientific paper.
+ The Biochemical Society, London.
+ {Borceux F (1990): De la construction de diagrammes.
+ Cahiers GUTenberg, 5, 41\dash48.
+ {Botway L, C Biemesderfer (198?):
+ \LaTeX\ command summary.
+ \TeX niques 10.
+ {Braams J.L (1991):
+ Babel, a multilingual style-option system for use with \LaTeX's standard
+ document styles.
+ \tubissue{12}(2), 291\dash301.
+ (Pre-release MAPS 91.1;
+ updated \tubissue{14}(1), 60\dash61.)
+ {Braams J.L, V Eijkhout, N.A.F.M Poppelier (1990):
+ The development of national \LaTeX\ styles.
+ \tubissue{10}(3), 401--406.
+ {Braams J.L (1991):
+ Babel, a multilingual style-option system
+ for use with \LaTeX's standard document styles.
+ \tubissue{12}(2), 291--301.
+ (Early version in MAPS 91.1.)
+ {BRIDGE. Monthly of the NBB (Dutch Bridge Union).
+ {Br\"uggemann-Klein A, D Wood (1989):
+ Drawing trees nicely with \TeX.
+ EP-ODD, 2, 2, 101\dash115.
+ (Also in \TeX\ Applications, Uses and Methods, Malcom Clark, editor.)
+ {Bruin R de, C.G van der Laan, J.R Luyten, H.F Vogt (1988):
+ Publiceren met \LaTeX.
+ CWI Syllabus 19.
+ (See also Addendum `Publiceren met \LaTeX' in MAPS 92.1.)
+ {Bryan M (1988):
+ SGML, an Author's Guide to the Standard
+ Generalized Markup Language.
+ Addison-Wesley.
+ {Bryan M (1993):
+ A \TeX{} user's guide to ISO's Documentstyle Semantics and Specification
+ Language (DSSSL).
+ Proceedings TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), ?\dash?.
+ {B\"urger D (1990):
+ \LaTeX\ for scientists and engineers. MC Graw-Hill.
+ {Bzyl W, T Przechlewski (1993):
+ An application of literate programming: creating a format for the Bulletin
+ of the Polish TUG.
+ TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 296\dash299.
+ \annotation{Very promising this using of the experience embodied in {\tt tugboat.sty}
+ via transformation into Web and modify this with GUST's mods via
+ change files. As a bonus there is an index.
+ Handy to locate commands, but it won't help to locate
+ the various @begin$<foo>$ commands because these are invoked via
+ csnames.}
+ {Cameron P.J (1990):
+ Adventures of a new \TeX nician.
+ \TeX line 12, 2\dash3.
+ {Carlisle D (1992):
+ longtable.sty.
+ From the fileserver.
+ {Chem-\TeX (?):
+ From the file server.
+ {Chen P, M Harrison (1987):
+ Automatic index preparation.
+ CSB-TR 87/347. UCB.
+ \annotation{A nice survey of issues relevant to preparing indexes
+ automatically. Existing indexing tools in use in various systems
+ are discussed. The paper emerged from the experience gained in writing
+ the makeindex C program.}
+ {Cheswick B (1990):
+ A permuted index for \TeX\ and \LaTeX.
+ CSR 145. AT\&T.
+ (Also \TeX niques 14. Handy for looking up if a command is already in use.)
+ {Childs B (1989):
+ Teaching \TeX.
+ \tubissue{10}(2), 156\dash163.
+ {Childs, B (1989):
+ Answers to \TeX\ tests.
+ \tubissue{10}(3), 319\dash323.
+ {Clark A.F (1987):
+ Halftone output from \TeX.
+ \tubissue{8}(3), 270\dash274.
+ {Clark M (1987):
+ More symbols for \TeX.
+ \TeX line 5, 7\dash8.
+ {Clark M (1988):
+ A note comparing \TeX\ to SGML.
+ SGML User's Group Bulletin, 3, 2, 67\dash68.
+ {Clark M (1988):
+ A note comparing \TeX\ to SGML.
+ SGML User's Group Bulletin, 3, 2, 67\dash68.
+ {Clark M (1989):
+ \TeX\ and/or SGML.
+ Proceedings Euro\TeX89. Karls\-ruhe.
+ \annotation{Context sensitivity as a tool for checking
+ input correctness is stressed;
+ an example of how to do this within \TeX\
+ is given.}
+ {Clark M (editor, 1990):
+ \TeX\ applications, uses and methods.
+ Proceedings of Euro\TeX\ '88.
+ Ellis Horwood. ISBN 0-13-912296-6.
+ {Clark M (1992):
+ Portable Graphics in \TeX.
+ Proceedings TUG '92. \tubissue{13}(3), 253\dash260.
+ (Also as chapter 17 in his \TeX\ Primer.)
+ {Clark M (1992):
+ A plain \TeX\ primer.
+ Oxford University Press. 480p.
+ {The Chicago manual of style (1982).
+ University of Chicago Press.
+ {Coffin G.S (1954): Bridge Plays:
+ Four classics. Faber and Faber. London.
+ {Comm ACM (1988):
+ Special Issue: Hypertext.
+ Comm. ACM, 88, 31, 7.
+ \annotation{It contains:
+ An overview of hypertext, by J.B Smith, S.F Weiss;
+ KMS: A distributed hypermedia system for managing knowledge in
+ organizations, by R.M Akscyn, D.L McCracken, E.A Yoder;
+ Reflections on notecards: seven issues for the next generation of
+ hypermedia systems, by F.G Halasz;
+ HAM: A general purpose hypertext abstract machine, by B Campbell, J.M
+ Goodman;
+ Abstraction mechanisms in hypertext, by P.K Carg;
+ Hypertext and the new Oxford dictionary, by D.R Raymond, F.W Tompa;
+ Searching for information in a hypertext medical handbook, by
+ M.E Frisse;
+ Hypertext '87: Keynote address, by A van Dam.
+ There are conferences devoted to the subject at least each year.}
+ {Coombs J.H, A.H Renear, S.J DeRose (1987):
+ Markup systems and the future of scholarly text processing.
+ Comm. ACM, 30, 11, 933\dash947.
+ {Cowan R.F (1985):
+ Making tables with macros. tables.tex \& tabledoc.tex.
+ (Available from file servers.)
+ {Crowhurst E (1986):
+ ACOL in competition. Pelham. London.
+ {Damrau J, M Wester (1991): Form letters with 3-across
+ labels capability. TUG '91. \tubissue{12}(4), 510\dash516.
+ {Dobrowolski A, E (1992):
+ Typesetting SGML documents using \TeX.
+ Proceedings TUG '92. \tubissue{12}(4), 409\dash414.
+ {Dol W, E.H.M Frambach, M van der Vlerk (1993):
+ 4\TeX: a \TeX\ workbench for MS-DOS PCs.
+ MAPS 93.1, 53\dash56.
+ {Dol W (1993):
+ The ease of including graphics in \TeX{} documents using 4\TeX.
+ MAPS 93.2, 171\dash176.
+ {Dol W, E.H.M Frambach, S Kroonenberg, M van der Vlerk (1994):
+ \TeX{} \& 4\TeX{} Guide.
+ (Booklet to accompany NTG's 4All\TeX{} CD-ROM.)
+ {Doob M (1990):
+ A gentle introduction to \TeX.
+ \TeX niques 12.
+ (Also from the file server, as is my review.)
+ {Doob M, C Platt (1993):
+ Virtual fonts in a production environement.
+ TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 275\dash281.
+ {Doumont J.L (1994):
+ Pascal pretty-printing:
+ an example of `preprocessing within \TeX.'
+ Proceedings TUG '94. \tubissue{15}(3), 167\dash173.
+ {Downes M.J. (1991):
+ Dialogue with \TeX.
+ Proceedings TUG '91. \tubissue{12}(4), 502\dash509.
+ {DRILCON (1990): A program for conversion between \TeX\ and wordprocessors.
+ KUB. The Netherlands.
+ (It uses an intermediate language.)
+ {Duchier D (1990):
+ \TeX, ex\-ter\-nal tensor pro\-duct.
+ \TeX HaX 90.20.
+ {Dunnr A (1987):
+ Using \PS{} with \TeX.
+ \tubissue{8}(2), 171\dash173.
+ {Durst L.K (1989): Bibliographic citations, or variations
+ on the old shell game. \tubissue{10}(3), 390\dash394.
+ \annotation{It discusses how to cope with \TeX ing a bibliography. BLUe's Bib
+ has undoubtedly been influenced by this work, because I read it
+ at least a year before creating BLUe's Bib. Durst does not use the
+ list separator \TeX nique, and therefore the encoding is a little more
+ complex. Also the writing to a file and the external sorting makes it
+ more cumbersome. In the paper it is not worked out how to use it within
+ one of \TeX's flavours.
+ The basic approach is very similar to mine, however.}
+ {Durst L.K (1990):
+ Long-winded endnotes and exercises with hints or solutions.
+ \tubissue{11}(4), 580\dash588.
+ \annotation{A comment is given in Hefferon (1991): Getting {\tt\char92answers}
+ in \TeX.}
+ {Durst L.K (1991):
+ Some tools for making indexes: Part I.
+ \tubissue{12}(2), 248\dash258.
+ {Dyson M.C (1992):
+ The curriculum as a hypertext.
+ EP-ODD, 5, 2, 63\dash72.
+ {Dyson M.C (1993):
+ Teaching digital typography\Dash the Didot project.
+ TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 329\dash332.
+ (Also MAPS 93.2, 216\dash218.)
+ {Eijkhout V (1990):
+ Unusual paragraph shapes.
+ \tubissue{11}(1), 51\dash53.
+ {Eijkhout V (1990):
+ An indentation scheme.
+ \tubissue{11}(4), 613\dash616.
+ (Also MAPS 90.2.)
+ {Eijkhout V (1990):
+ A {\tt\char92parskip} scheme.
+ \tubissue{11}(1), 616\dash619.
+ (Also MAPS 90.2.)
+ {Eijkhout V (1992):
+ \TeX\ by Topic. Addison-Wesley.
+ {Eijkhout, V (1993):
+ The bag of tricks. \tubissue{13}(4), 494\dash495.
+ (It is about how to layout a macro. What I like most of it is the
+ summary of how to counteract unwanted spaces. At the end the important
+ difference between the \cs{ifUndefinedCS} and \cs{if}\cs{UndefinedCS}
+ has been treated.)
+ {Einarsson B, W.M Gentleman(1984):
+ Mixed Language programming.
+ Soft.Prac.Exp., 14, 4 383\dash396.
+ {Eppstein D (1985):
+ Trees in \TeX.
+ \tubissue{6}(1), 31\dash37.
+ {Ferguson M.J (1991):
+ INRS-\TeX\ (new version).
+ (See also his multilingual reports, \tubissue{11}(4), 514\dash515)
+ {Fine J (1992): Some basic control macros for \TeX.
+ \tubissue{13}(1), 75\dash83.
+ {Floyd R.W (1978): The paradigms of programming.
+ Comm ACM ?\dash?.
+ Also in ACM Turing Award Lectures. The first twenty years 1966\dash1985.
+ ACM Press. Addison-Wesley IBN 0-201-07794-9.
+ \annotation{}
+ {Furuta R, J Scofield, A Shaw (1982):
+ Document Formatting Systems: Survey, Concepts, and Issues.
+ Computing Surveys, 14, 3, 417\dash472.
+ {Genussa P.L (1987):
+ Document Preparation Method
+ of the United States Aire Force
+ Automated Technical Order System.
+ SGML Users' group. Bulletin 2, 1.
+ {Gibbons J (1993):
+ Footnotes with verbatim material.
+ TTN, 2, 4, p.9.
+ \annotation{\LaTeX's footnote implementation has been modified to allow also for
+ verbatims similar to plain's encoding. Basically it comes down to handling
+ the `argument.' Really nice.}
+ {Glendown G (1990): Round boxes for plain \TeX.
+ \tubissue{10}(3), 385--386.
+ {Goossens M (1993):
+ POSTSCRIPT en \LaTeX, de komplementariteit in de praktijk.
+ MAPS 93.1, 101\dash113.
+ {Goossens M, F Mittelbach, A Samarin (1993):
+ The \LaTeX-companion. Addison-Wesley.
+ {Goossens M, F Mittelbach, A Samarin (1993):
+ Customizing \LaTeX's lists.
+ MAPS 93.2, 177\dash183.
+ {Goossens M, S.P.Q Rahtz (1994):
+ Colour slides with \LaTeX{} and Seminar.
+ Baskerville, 4,1, 8\dash12.
+ {Goossens M, S.P.Q Rahtz (1994):
+ Simple colour design and colour in \LaTeX2$\epsilon$.
+ Euro\TeX, 196\dash205.
+ {Graham R.L, D.E Knuth, O Pastashnik (1989):
+ Concrete Mathematics. Addison-Wesley.
+ \annotation{The macros for formatting this book are available from the
+ CTAN and known as gkpmac.tex.}
+ {Green I (1992):
+ citesort.sty.
+ (From the file server.)
+ {Greene A.M (1989):
+ \TeX reation\Dash Playing Games with \TeX's mind.
+ \tubissue{10}(4), 691\dash705.
+ {Greenwade G.D (1993):
+ The Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network\Dash CTAN.
+ TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 342\dash351.
+ (Also MAPS 93.2, 133\dash140.)
+ {Gries D (1983 snd printing):
+ The science of programming.
+ Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-90641-x.
+ {Grootenhuis J (1990):
+ Typesetting SGML coded Mathematics.
+ Paper presented at Markup'90. Charleston.
+ {Guittet C (1986):
+ FORMEX: une mise en practique des normes internationales.
+ SGML user's group. Bulletin, 1, 2.
+ {Gurari E.M (1989):
+ An introduction to the theory of computation.
+ Computer Science Press.
+ {Gurari E.M (1994):
+ \TeX{} \& \LaTeX\Dash Drawing \& Literate Programming.
+ Mc Graw Hill. ISBN 0-07-025208-4.
+ {Gurari E.M (1994):
+ Writing with \TeX.
+ Mc Graw Hill. ISBN 0-07-025207-6.
+ {Hafner J (1992):
+ Foil\TeX, a \LaTeX-like system for typesetting foils.
+ \tubissue{13}(3), 347\dash356.
+ {Hagen J, A.F Otten (1994):
+ PPCH\TeX: Chemische structuur formules in \TeX.
+ MAPS 94.2, 167\dash177.
+ {Hagen J (1994):
+ Een meertalige interface naar \TeX.
+ MAPS 94.2, 178\dash182.
+ {Hagen J (1994):
+ Sub- en Superscripts in Chemische Formules.
+ MAPS 94.2, 183.
+ {Hamilton Kelly B (1989):
+ The autodoc-option.
+ \tubissue{10}(2), 274\dash284.
+ {Hamilton Kelly B (1990):
+ Some macros to draw crosswords.
+ \tubissue{11}(1), 103\dash119.
+ {Hamilton H (1989):
+ Mastering \TeX{} with templates.
+ TUG '89. \tubissue{10}(4), 541\dash548.
+ \annotation{It has all to do with learning by example.}
+ {Hamming R.W (1978): One man's view of computer science.
+ Comm ACM ?\dash?.
+ Also in ACM Turing Award Lectures. The first twenty years 1966\dash1985.
+ ACM Press. Addison-Wesley IBN 0-201-07794-9.
+ \annotation{}
+ {Haralambous Y (1992):
+ \TeX\ conventions concerning languages. TTN, 1, 4, 3\dash10.
+ {Heckel P (1982):
+ The elements of friendly software design.
+ Warner Books. ISBN 0-446-38040-7.
+ {Hemel J, C.G van der Laan, R.C.G.M Lauwerier (1989):
+ Het maken van transparanten voor overhead-projectie.
+ RC-Rapport 23.
+ \annotation{In this report a set of 4 characteristic transparencies---a drawing,
+ a bar-chart, a pie-chart,
+ a list of items with some formulas---is selected,
+ and the aspects which come along when making these by hand,
+ by Wordperfect, or by \LaTeX, are discussed. The results are shown and
+ the needed amount of work for each approach is summarized among others.}
+ {Henderson D (1989):
+ Outline fonts with METAfont.
+ \tubissue{10}(1), 36\dash38.
+ {Henderson D (1989):
+ Introduction to METAfont.
+ \tubissue{10}(4), 467\dash480.
+ {Hendrickson A (1985):
+ Some diagonal line hacks.
+ \tubissue{6}(2), 83\dash86.
+ \annotation{The macros go wrong for (nearly) vertical lines.}
+ {Hendrickson A (1989):
+ Macro\TeX.
+ {Hendrickson A (1990):
+ Getting \TeX nical: Insights into \TeX\ macro writing \TeX niques.
+ \tubissue{11}(3), 359\dash370.
+ {Hendrickson A (priv.\ comm.).
+ {Henrici, P (1977): Applied and computational complex analysis.
+ II. Special functions, integral transformations, asymptotics, continued
+ fractions. John-Wiley.
+ {Herwijnen E van (1988):
+ Electronic submission of Physics
+ articles to publishers. De $1^e$ Nederlandse
+ SGML conferentie. SGML: De Consequenties.
+ \annotation{Also published in: Computer Physics
+ Communications 57 (1989) 244\dash250:
+ The use of text interchange standards
+ for submitting physics articles to journals.
+ In the context of this paper the discussion of
+ SGML related to \TeX\ is relevant.}
+ {Herwijnen E van (1990):
+ Practical SGML. Kluwer.
+ {Herwijnen E van, N.A.F.M Poppelier, C.A Rowley (to appear):
+ Standard DTDs and scientific publishing.
+ MAPS 92.2, 69\dash80.
+ {Herwijnen E van (priv. comm.): Streamlining publishing
+ procedures.
+ {Herwijnen E van (1988):
+ TexT Processing at CERN I.
+ SGML Users' Group Bulletin, 3, 2, 39--54.
+ {Hoare C.A.R (1980): The emperor's old clothes.
+ Comm ACM ?\dash?.
+ Also in ACM Turing Award Lectures. The first twenty years 1966\dash1985.
+ ACM Press. Addison-Wesley IBN 0-201-07794-9.
+ \annotation{}
+ {Hobby J.D (1992):
+ A user's manual for METAPost.
+ CSTR 162. AT\&T Bell Laboratories.
+ (Since 1995 METAPost is in the public domain.)
+ {Hobby J.D (1992):
+ Introduction to METAPost.
+ Euro\TeX{} 92. 21\dash36.
+ {Hoenig A.J (1987):
+ \TeX{} does windows.
+ \tubissue{8}(2), 212\dash216.
+ {Hoenig A.J (1989):
+ Fractal images with \TeX.
+ Proceedings TUG '89. \tubissue{10}(4), 491\dash497.
+ {Hoenig A.J (1990):
+ Labelling figures in \TeX\ documents.
+ TUG '90. \tubissue{12}(1), 125\dash128.
+ {Hoenig A.J (1991):
+ When \TeX\ and METAfont talk:
+ Typesetting on curved paths and other special effects.
+ TUG91 proceedings. \tubissue{12}(3), 554\dash557.
+ {Hoenig A.J (1991):
+ Typesetting along arbitrary curves with \TeX\ and METAfont.
+ TUG91 proceedings.
+ {Hoenig A.J (1991):
+ \TeX\ for new users. MAPS 91.2, 91\dash96.
+ {Hoenig A.J (1992):
+ When \TeX\ and METAfont work together.
+ Euro\TeX\ '92 proceedings, 1\dash19.
+ (An updated version released in MAPS 93.1.)
+ {Hoenig A (1992): Q \& A. Partitioned Matrices.
+ \tubissue{13}(1), 60\dash62.
+ {Hoenig A (1994):
+ Less is more: Complex page layouts and shapes with \TeX.
+ TUG94 proceedings. \tubissue{15}(3), 232\dash243.
+ {Hoover A.Z (1989):
+ Using wordperfect 5.0 to create \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ documents.
+ \tubissue{10}(4), 549\dash559.
+ {Hoover A.Z (1991):
+ Getting Postscript into \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ documents.
+ TUG '91. MAPS 91.2.
+ {Hoover A.Z (1992):
+ The key to successful support: knowing your \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ users.
+ Euro\TeX{} '92 proceedings, 1\dash19.
+ (Also MAPS 92.2.)
+ {Horak K (priv. comm. 1992):
+ Examples of (scientific) METAfont use.
+ (Some have been encorporated in NTG's PR set.)
+ {Horak K (1994):
+ Fighting with big METAfont pictures
+ when printing them reversely or landscape.
+ Proceedings Euro\TeX{} 94, 105\dash107.
+ {Horn B.K.P (1993):
+ Where are the Math fonts?
+ TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 282\dash284.
+ {Horn B.K.P (1993):
+ New from Y\&Y: complete bitmap-free \TeX{} packages!
+ Flyer 8p.
+ \annotation{Reviewed in Notices of the AMS by J.L Casti.
+ Very good with respect to
+ encorporation of Postscript (product: DVIPSONE)
+ and the accompanying previewer (product: DVIWindo).
+ No virtual fonts are supported, and as
+ argued by the author there is no need for it to do so.}
+ {Horowitz E (1984):
+ Fundamentals of programming languages.
+ Computer Science Press. ISBN 0-88175-004-2.
+ {Hosek D (1991):
+ \TeX\ Output Devices.
+ TUG Resource Directory, 133\dash158.
+ {Hout J.F.M.J, M.J.A Mirande, E.B Smuling (1981):
+ Geven van hoorcolleges.
+ Aula 807.
+ \annotation{Apart from the useful survey aspects it supplies also references
+ to Gagn\'e's work.}
+ {ISO (8879): Information Processing\Dash Text and Office
+ Systems\Dash Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). 1986--10--15.
+ {ISO (TR9573): Information Processing\Dash SGML
+ Support Facilities\Dash Techniques for using SGML.
+ 1988--09--12.
+ {Iwakuma Tetsuo (1994):
+ A guide to use Macros and Style files in \LaTeX.
+ MAPS 94.2, 73\dash110.
+ {B Jascowski, M Ry\'cko (1994):
+ Labyrinth of METAfont paths in outline.
+ Proceedings Euro\TeX{} 94, 18\dash32.
+{J\"ansch C.R, U R\"ode, K Schnepper (1988):
+ Macro expansion, a tool for the systematic development of scientific software.
+ TUM-I8814.
+ {Jeffrey A (1990): Lists in \TeX's mouth.
+ \tubissue{11}(2), 237\dash244.
+ {Jeffrey A (1993):
+ A Postscript font installation package written in \TeX.
+ TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 285\dash292.
+ {Jeffrey A (editor, 1993):
+ Math font encodings: a workshop summary.
+ TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 293\dash295.
+ {Jensen K, N Wirth (1975): PASCAL user manual and report.
+ Springer-Verlag.
+ {Jones D.M (1992):
+ A catalogue of \TeX{} macros.
+ (From the file server.)
+ {Jurriens T.A (priv. comm.):
+ Supertabular.sty.
+ (From the file server.)
+ {Jurriens T.A (1992): \TeX\ for everybody?
+ Euro\TeX92.
+ \annotation{Experience \LaTeX\ teaching.}
+ {Jurriens, T.A (1991):
+ Ladies and \LaTeX I-II-III.
+ MAPS 91.2, 102\dash104, 92.1, 133\dash134, MAPS 92.2, 102\dash104.
+ {Jurriens T.A (1992): \TeX\ as database. MAPS92.2,
+ 100\dash101.
+ {Jurriens T.A (1992):
+ From observation to publication.
+ \tubissue{14}(2), 123\dash126.
+ {Kabelschacht A (1987):
+ \cs{expandafter} vs.\ \cs{let} and \cs{def}, and
+ a generalization of plain's loop.
+ \tubissue{8}(2), 184\dash185.
+ {Kappert R (1992): scite.sty. (A compilation
+ of the earlier versions of Arseneau and Green.
+ From the file server.)
+ {Kelder J, B van der Velde (1986):
+ Dwangposities tegen \'e\'en tegenstander. Becht. A'dam. (Dutch).
+ Translated from:
+ Kelsey H.W (1985, paperback):
+ Simple squeezes. Gollancz. London.
+ {Keller, A.M (1985):
+ From text to \TeX\Dash coursenotes for \TeX\ for beginners.
+ (TOPS 20 is outdated. emacs is still actual.)
+ {Khanh Ha (1990):
+ Easy Table. \tubissue{11}(2), 250\dash264.
+ {Knappen J (1992):
+ Changing the appearance of Math.
+ Euro\TeX'92.
+ {Kneser T (1990):
+ \LaTeX-paragraphs floating around figures.
+ \tubissue{12}(1), 28\dash30.
+ {Knuth D.E (1968):
+ The art of computer programming. Vol. I: Fundamental algorithms.
+ Addison-Wesley.ISBN 0-201-03809-9.
+ {Knuth D.E (1969):
+ The art of computer programming. Vol. II: Seminumerical algorithms.
+ Addison-Wesley.LLOCC 67-26020.
+ {Knuth D.E (1973):
+ The art of computer programming. Vol. III: Sorting and searching.
+ Addison-Wesley. LLOCC 67-26020.
+ {Knuth D.E (1974):
+ Computer programming as an art.
+ Comm ACM ?\dash?.
+ Also in ACM Turing Award Lectures. The first twenty years 1966\dash1985.
+ ACM Press. Addison-Wesley IBN 0-201-07794-9.
+ \annotation{}
+ {Knuth D.E (1979): Mathematical Typography.
+ Bulletin AMS, 1, 2, 345\dash372.
+ {Knuth D.E (1979):
+ \TeX\ and METAfont: New directions in typesetting.
+ Part 1 Mathematical Typography. 45p.
+ Part 2 \TeX\ a system for technical text. 201p.
+ Part 3 METAfont, a system for alphabet design. 105p.
+ AMS. Digital Press. ISBN 0-932376-02-9.
+ \annotation{A nice and handy book which explains the basic approaches in
+ not too much detail.}
+ {Knuth D.E (1984):
+ Literate Programming.
+ The Computer Journal, 27, 2, 97\dash111.
+ {Knuth D.E (1984):
+ Computers and Typesetting.
+ \TB. Addison-Wesley.
+ ISBN 0-201-13447-0 (hard cover)
+ ISBN 0-201-13448-9 (soft cover).
+ \annotation{For the correct printing look in the index
+ for \cs{language}.
+ \TeX, frozen in version $\pi$,
+ 3.1415\dots}
+ {Knuth D.E (1984):
+ A course on METAfont programming.
+ \tubissue{5}(2), 105\dash118.
+ {Knuth, D.E (1985): Recipes and fractions.
+ \tubissue{6}(1), 36\dash38.
+ {Knuth D.E (1986):
+ Computers and Typesetting.\TeX: the program.
+ Addison-Wesley.
+ \annotation{Reprint with corrections 1988,
+ a version dated after 1989 is needed.
+ Look again for \cs{language} in the index.}
+ ISBN 0-201-13437-3.
+ {Knuth D.E (1986):
+ Computers and Typesetting. The METAfont book.
+ Addison-Wesley.
+ ISBN 0-201-13445-4.
+ {Knuth D.E (198?):
+ Computers and Typesetting. METAfont: the program.
+ Addison-Wesley.
+ {Knuth D.E, P Mackay (1987):
+ Mixing right-to-left texts with left-to-right texts.
+ \tubissue{7}(1), 14--25.
+ {Knuth D.E (1987):
+ Saturday morning problem\Dash conclusion.
+ \tubissue{8}(2), 211.
+ \annotation{The principle of text flowing around a figure
+ via an OTR with a `mock'-\cs{everyline}. Hoenig in TUG 94
+ has elaborated the issue further.}
+ {Knuth D.E (1987):
+ Reply: Printing out selected pages.
+ \tubissue{8}(2), 217.
+ \annotation{Manmac's shipout for slected pages.}
+ {Knuth D.E (1987):
+ Fonts for digital halftones.
+ \tubissue{8}(2), 135\dash270.
+ \annotation{}
+ {Knuth D.E (1989):
+ The errors of \TeX.
+ Software Practice and Experience, 19, 7, 607\dash685.
+ (Also \tubissue{10}(4), 529\dash532.)
+ {Knuth D.E, T Larrabee, P.M Roberts (1989):
+ Mathematical writing.
+ MMA Notes, 14.
+\annotation{With contributions by Paul Halmos, Leslie Lamport, Mary-Claire van Leunen,
+Nils Nilsson, Rosalie Stemer, Jeff Ullman, and Herbert S. Wilf.}
+ {Knuth D.E (1990):
+ Virtual Fonts: More Fun for Grand Wizards.
+ \tubissue{11}(1), 13\dash23.
+{Knuth D.E, S Levy (1987):
+ The CWEB System of Structured Documentation.
+ (FTP:, in directory /pub/cweb)
+ {Kopka H, P.W Daly (1993):
+ A guide to \LaTeX\Dash Document preparation for beginners and advanced users.
+ Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-56889-6.
+ {Ko{\l}odziejska H (1991):
+ Go diagrams with \TeX.
+ MAPS 91.2, 63\dash68.
+ (From the file server.)
+ {Kopka H, P.W Daly (1993):
+ A guide to \LaTeX---Document preparation
+ for beginners and advanced users.
+ Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-56889-6.
+ {Krimpen H van (1986):
+ Boek over het maken van boeken.
+ Gaade Uitgevers. Veenendaal. ISBN 9-060-17521-2.
+ {Kuykens H.J P (1994):
+ MIDI2\TeX, een music\TeX{} tool.
+ MAPS 94.2, 184\dash188.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1984): (Graceful) Mixed Language
+ Programming. Argonne National Laboratory Workshop.
+ {Laan C.G van der, J.R Luyten (1988):
+ Evaluation of K-talk.
+ RC-RUG rapport 15.
+ \annotation{Contains test collection for evaluating converters.
+ The conclusion is that ordinary marked up text is no problem,
+ but tables, math and graphics go wrong.}
+ {Laan C.G van der (1989):
+ Teaching \TeX: critics and \LaTeX\ proposal.
+ Appendix V. Minutes $4^{th}$ NTG meeting.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1989):
+ Typesetting Bridge via \LaTeX.
+ \tubissue{10}(1), 113\dash116.
+ (Also MAPS 91.2.)
+ {Laan C.G van der (1990):
+ Typesetting Bridge via \TeX.
+ \tubissue{11}(2), 265\dash276.
+ (Pre-release GUTenberg Cahiers 5, and a copy in MAPS 91.2.)
+ {Laan C.G van der (1990):
+ SGML(, \TeX\ and \dots).
+ \tubissue{12}(1), 90\dash104.
+ (Pre-release MAPS 90.2 and GUTenberg
+ cahiers 5.
+ It contains also an extensive bibliography
+ about SGML-\TeX\ relation.)
+ {Laan C.G van der (1991):
+ Math into BLUes.
+ Part~I: Mourning. TUG '91. \tubissue{12}(3), 485\dash501.
+ Part~II: Sing your song. Euro\TeX\ '91.
+ GUTenberg Cahiers 10\&11, 147\dash170.
+ (Pre-release MAPS 91.1.)
+ {Laan C.G van der (1992):
+ Tower of Hanoi, revisited.
+ \tubissue{13}(1), 91\dash94.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1992):
+ Table Diversions.
+ MAPS 92.2, 115\dash129.
+ (An earlier version at Euro\TeX{} '92.)
+ {Laan C.G van der (1992):
+ Spivak's \OE uvre.
+ MAPS 92.1, 139\dash142.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1992):
+ FIFO and LIFO sing the BLUes.
+ \tubissue{14}(1), 54\dash59.
+ (An earlier version at Euro\TeX{} '92
+ and MAPS 92.2.)
+ {Laan C.G van der (1992):
+ Typesetting crosswords via \TeX, revisited.
+ MAPS 92.2, 145-146.
+ \annotation{Submitted TUGboat. An earlier version based upon \cs{halign} in
+ Proceedings Euro\TeX\ '92, 217\dash224, and MAPS 92.1, 128\dash132.}
+ {Laan C.G van der (1992):
+ Syntactic Sugar.
+ TUG '93.
+ \tubissue{14}(3), 310\Dash318.
+ (Earlier versions in MAPS 92.2, abridged in GUST bulletin 1.)
+ {Laan C.G van der (1993):
+ Manmac BLUes\Dash Or how to typeset a book via \TeX.
+ MAPS 93.1, 171\dash191.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1993):
+ AMS BLUes\Dash Professionals at work.
+ MAPS 93.1, 192\dash212.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1993):
+ Sorting in BLUe.
+ MAPS 93.1, 149\dash170.
+ (Abrid\-ged TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 319\dash328.)
+ {Laan C.G van der (1993):
+ Typesetting number sequences.
+ MAPS 93.1, 145\dash148.
+ \annotation{Submitted TUGboat. No longer relevant when BLUe's Bib is used.}
+ {Laan C.G van der (1993):
+ Matrix icons via \LaTeX.
+ MAPS 93.2, 211\dash212.
+ (Also note in TTN 3.3, 1994.)
+ {Laan C.G van der (1993):
+ BLUe's Bibliography\Dash A ge\-ne\-ric ap\-proach.
+ MAPS 93.2, 205\dash210.
+ \annotation{Selective loading has been added in MAPS 94.1.}
+ {Laan C.G van der (1993):
+ What is \TeX{} and \MF{} all about?
+ MAPS 93.2, 67\dash87.
+ (Also: proceedings `PD, Shareware, Freeware'
+ meeting NLUUG, November 1993. CTAN
+ and PTF CD in \dots/whatstex in
+ ctan/info/
+ {Laan C.G van der (1994):
+ TUGboat BLUes\Dash How \TeX ies do it.
+ MAPS 94.1, 119\dash150.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1994):
+ BLUe's Trans\-paren\-cies\Dash From report to transparency.
+ MAPS 94.1, 111\dash114.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1994):
+ BLUe's Verbatim\Dash The selection.
+ MAPS 94.1, 116\dash118.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1994):
+ BLUe's Format\Dash The best of both worlds.
+ MAPS 94.2, 189\dash199.
+ (Abridged. Euro\TeX\ '94, 33\dash44, also abridged.
+ Unabridged version from the CTAN.)
+ {Laan C.G van der (1994):
+ BLUe's Biblio\-gra\-phy\Dash Se\-lec\-tive loading.\\
+ MAPS~94.1, 115.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1994):
+ BLUe's Graphs\Dash Simplicity, aha!
+ MAPS 94.2, 200\dash206.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1994):
+ BLUe's Cross-Referen\-cing\Dash A one-pass approach.
+ MAPS 94.2, 207\dash209.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1995):
+ Publishing with \TeX\Dash BLUe's Selection.
+ MAPS Special. %CWI tract.
+ See CTAN /pub/archive/info/pwt.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1994):
+ Paradigms\Dash Headache?
+ MAPS 94.2, 212\dash214.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1994):
+ Paradigms\Dash Plain's items extended.
+ MAPS 94.2, 210\dash211.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1995):
+ BLUe's Typesetting of Pascal\Dash Lean and mean.
+ MAPS 95.1, 208\dash210.
+ \annotation{This early paper has been improved. The typesetting
+ of array brackets is possible now.}
+ {Laan C.G van der (1995):
+ BLUe's Index\Dash The principle and some more.
+ MAPS 95.1, 178\dash186.
+ \annotation{A more user oriented version has been appeared in a chapter of the
+ PWT guide and also in the proceedings of Euro\TeX~95.}
+ {Laan C.G van der (1995):
+ BLUe's Format Databases\Dash Stay organized.
+ MAPS 95.1, 170\dash177.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1995):
+ Paradigms\Dash Two-part macros.
+ MAPS 95.1, 200\dash204.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1995):
+ Paradigms\Dash Parameterization I \Dash\ Options.
+ MAPS 95.1, 205\dash207.
+ {Laan C.G van der (1995):
+ Use of \TeX{} as databases with any \TeX.
+ Proceedings Euro\TeX~95, 273\dash278.
+ {Lammarsch J (1993):
+ A new typesetting system: is it really necessary?
+ TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 167\dash170.
+ {Lamport L (1985?):
+ Bezier.sty.
+ \annotation{(For drawing arbitray lines within the picture environment.
+ From the file server. See however also gkpmac.}
+ {Lamport L (1985):
+ \LaTeX\ User's Guide \& Reference Manual.
+ Addison-Wesley. ISBN-0-201-15790-X.
+ \annotation{With respect to \BibTeX\ the following characteristics
+ from UKTUG meeting of 1990.
+ Advantages: clear layout of database, unique identifyer for elements,
+ compatibility with Scribe databases, explicit statement of citation type,
+ extensible style language, uses \LaTeX's cross-referencing, easy to
+ edit output, can be mixed with non-automatic generated bibliographies,
+ cross-referencing and abbreviations.
+ Disadvantages: multiple passes (\LaTeX, \BibTeX, \LaTeX, \LaTeX);
+ have to remember unique references, style language is opaque,
+ database is very wordy and boring to enter.}
+ {Lamport L (1987):
+ Makeindex: An index processor for \LaTeX.
+ (From the file server.)
+ {Langmyhr D (1994):
+ How to make your own documentstyle in \LaTeX2e.
+ Euro\TeX'94, 167\dash175.
+ (Also MAPS 94.2, 65\dash72.)
+ {Larson J.E (1989):
+ A chess font for \TeX.
+ \tubissue{10}(3), 351.
+ {Fractals\Dash meetkundige figuren in eindeloze herhaling.
+ Aramith. ISBN/NUGI-90-6834-031X/619.
+ \annotation{Some basic programs of the fractals are included.}
+ {Lavaud M (1991):
+ As\TeX, or developing a multi-windowing environment for research based on
+ \TeX.
+ Euro\TeX\ '90. Cahiers Gutenberg.
+ (Developments Euro\TeX\ '92, and TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 238\dash244.)
+ {Lavaud M (1993):
+ Disquettes PC-GUT: \TeX\ \& Co pour PC.
+ (With: manual d'installation, revised 25/6/93.)
+ {Lawrence M. (1988):
+ The complete book on hand evaluation. Max Hardy.
+ ISBN 0-939460-27-0.
+ {Leban B (1985):
+ A solution to the Tower of Hanoi problem using \TeX.
+ \tubissue 6(3), 151\dash154.
+\annotation{Review. Leban requires as input the number of disks and the first tower as
+a sequence of one-digit numbers.
+This means that creation of the initial tower is not part of the paper.
+Furthermore, Leban develops a set of Lisp like functions for \TeX.
+Apparently Knuth's List macros, \TeX book Appendix D.2, have been overlooked.
+Leban's small list processing system is an example of reinventing the wheel,
+with the concept of an active list separator absent. As a consequence
+the printing of the towers is done by recursion which is not necessary
+when using Knuth's list separator appropriately to `execute' the list.}
+ {Lesk M.E (1979):
+ Tbl\Dash a program to format tables.
+ UNIX manual,157--174.
+ {Louarn P (1991):
+ Instructions to Euro\TeX{} and GUTenberg '91 authors.
+ {Louarn P (1991): Manipulons une matrice.
+ Cahiers GUTenberg 8. 59\dash61.
+ \annotation{His step-by-step explanation is very clear. The example
+ does not contain braces connecting cells,
+ or sub parts.}
+ {Makeindex (1987):
+ Makeindex.
+ \annotation{From the file server. See also Chen and Harrison, Lamport (1987),
+ Salomon for a plain variant. Since 1995 there is BLUe's Index.}
+ {MARK-IT (1989): SGML Parser, version 2. Sobemap NV,
+ Place du Champ de Mars 5, Bte 40, 1050 Bruxelles.
+ {Martin C.R (1990):
+ \TeX\ for \TeX nical typists.
+ \tubissue{11}(3), 425\dash428.
+ {Mattes E (1990?):
+ em\TeX.
+ (PD version for MS-DOS PCs, in general use. From the archives.)
+ {Maus S (1991): An expansion power lemma.
+ \tubissue{12}(2), 277.
+ {McClure M (1989):
+ \TeX\ macros for COBOL syntax diagrams.
+ TUGboat, 10, 4, 743--750.
+ {Meulenbroek D (1989):
+ Nieuwsblad v/h Noorden. December.
+ (Dutch)
+ {Meyers E, F Paige (199?): \TeX sis.
+ \annotation{Provides \cs{ruledtable} and documentation in 100p.
+ \TeX{} file.
+ From, directory /texsis.}
+ {Minsky M (1969):
+ Form and content in computer science.
+ Comm ACM ?\dash?.
+ Also in ACM Turing Award Lectures. The first twenty years 1966\dash1985.
+ ACM Press. Addison-Wesley IBN 0-201-07794-9.
+ \annotation{}
+ {Mittelbach F (1989):
+ An environment for multi-column output.
+ \tubissue{10}(3), 407\dash415.
+ {Mittelbach F (1989):
+ The doc-option..
+ \tubissue{10}(2), 245\dash273.
+ {Mittelbach F (1989):
+ An extension for the \LaTeX\ theorem environment.
+ \tubissue{10}(3), 416\dash426.
+ {Mittelbach F (1991):
+ E-\TeX: Guidelines for future \TeX\ extensions.
+ \tubissue{11}(3), 337\dash345.
+ (Redistributed: MAPS 93.1)
+ {Mittelbach F, R Sch\"opf (1989):
+ The new font selection scheme.
+ For \TeX{} packages.
+ \tubissue{10}(2), 222\dash238.\\
+ User interface to standard \LaTeX.
+ Reprint: \tubissue{11}(2), 297\dash305.
+ (See also NFSS 2, in Goossens, Mittelbach Samarin.)
+ {Mittelbach F, R Sch\"opf (1990):
+ Towards \LaTeX~3.0.
+ \tubissue{12}(1), 74\dash79.
+ (Also MAPS 90.2.)
+ {Mittelbach F, R Sch\"opf (1992):
+ The Pursuit of quality.
+ Electronic Publishing '92. ISBN 0-521-43277-4.
+ (Redistributed MAPS 92.2.)
+ {Mittelbach F, C.A Rowley (1993):
+ The \LaTeX3 project.
+ MAPS 93.1, 95\dash99.
+ (Also in various early nineties proceedings.)
+ {Mittelbach F, C.A Rowley, M.J Downes (1993):
+ Volunteer work for \LaTeX3 project.
+ \tubissue{13}(4), 510\dash515.
+ {McClure M (1989):
+ \TeX\ macros for COBOL syntax diagrams.
+ \tubissue{10}(4), 743\dash750.
+ {Modest M.F (1989):
+ Using \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ with Wordperfect5.0.
+ \tubissue{10}(1), 67\dash72.
+ {Nagy Dezs\"o (1989):
+ A bar chart in \LaTeX.
+ \tubissue{10}(2), 239\dash240.
+ {Nearing J (1989): Extended equation numbering
+ in plain \TeX.
+ \tubissue{10}(1), 82\dash88.
+ {Oostrum P van (1989):
+ Fancyheadings.
+ From the fileserver.
+ {Oostrum P van (1991):
+ Program text generation with \TeX\slash\LaTeX.
+ MAPS 91.1, 99\dash105.
+ (A survey of the available tools.)
+ {Palais R (1992):
+ Moving a fixed-point. \tubissue{13}(4), 425\dash432.
+ {Papert S (1980):
+ Mindstorms---Children, computers, and powerful ideas.
+ Harvester studies in cognitive science; 14.
+ ISBN 0-85527-163-9.
+ {Paternotte R (1989): Dwangneurose.
+ De {\bf E}nige {\bf G}oede
+ {\bf B}ridge {\bf C}ourant.
+ December. (Dutch)
+ {Petrycki L.J (1991): Comparing \TeX\ and
+ traditional typesetting for the composition of a textbook.
+ \tubissue{12}(3), 359\dash366.
+ {Pittman J.E (1988):
+ Loopy.\TeX. \tubissue{9}(3), 289\dash291.
+ {Polya G (1957):
+ How to solve it. Anchor.
+ {Polya G (1954):
+ Mathematics and plausible reasoning.
+ I. Induction and analogy in Mathematics.
+ ISBN 0-691-08005-4. Princeton University Press.
+ {Polya G (1954):
+ Mathematics and plausible reasoning.
+ II. Patterns of plausible inference.
+ L.C. Card 68-56327. Princeton University Press.
+ {Poppelier N.A.F.M (1990):
+ SGML and \TeX\ in scientific publishing.
+ \tubissue{12}(1), 105\dash109. (Also MAPS 90.2)
+ {Quin L.R.E (1990):
+ Summary of METAfont fonts available.
+ \TeX MaG, 4, 6, 1990
+ (Also MAPS 91.1.)
+ {Rahtz S.P.Q (1987): Bibliographic tools.
+ Literary and linguistic computing, 2, 4, 231\dash241.
+ {Rahtz S.P.Q, M Burbank (1993):
+ Guidelines for Proceedings of the 1993 Annual Meeting of the \TeX{} Users
+ Group.
+ TUG Office.
+ {Rahtz S.P.Q (1993):
+ Essential NFSS2, version 2.
+ \tubissue{14}(2), 132\dash137.
+ (The abstract copied from the article:
+ This article offers a user's view of the New Font Selection Scheme, version 2.
+ It describes the reasons for using the NFSS;
+ the differences a user will encounter between NFSS and old \LaTeX;
+ what it will be like installing and using NFSS2;
+ some special situations in mathematics; and
+ an overview of the advanced NFSS2 commands for describing new fonts.)
+ {Rahtz S.P.Q (1994):
+ Implementing the extended \TeX{} layout
+ using \PS{} fonts.
+ \tubissue{14}(2), 107\dash117.
+ {Raichle B (1993):
+ In: V. Eijkhout. Oral \TeX; Erratum.
+ \tubissue{13}(1), 75.
+ {Raichle B (priv.\ comm.): Sorting in \TeX's mouth (revisited).
+ Proceedings Euro\TeX{} 94. 53\dash58. Reprinted in MAPS 95.1.
+ \annotation{Bernd Raichle reported at DANTE's 1994 Februari meeting about
+ sorting numbers in \TeX's mouth in the spirit of the work of
+ Jeffrey. Although his algorithms are of order $n^2$ the execution
+ time is good. The only drawback for practice is that it is restricted
+ to numbers so far. For Euro\TeX{} '94 he has extended his work
+ with quicksort in the mouth.}
+ {Raichle B (priv.\ comm.): Orale Spielereien.
+ \TeX nische Kom\"ode.
+ \annotation{Bernd Raichle started in 1994 a series of notes exploiting
+ the mouth processing of \TeX.\\
+ I. The n-asteriks is studied in depth. A completely expandable \LaTeX{}
+ \cs{Romannumeral} proposal is included.\\
+ II. Here the digestive processing of the \TeX{} engine is explained.
+ The explained n-asteriks solution is intriguing\Dash if not for the use
+ of \cs{uccode}\Dash and probably the fastest.
+ {Ramek M (1988):
+ Chemical structure formulae and X/Y diagrams with \TeX.
+ Proceedings Euro\TeX\ '88, 227\dash258.
+ {Read D (priv.comm.):
+ Some ideas to improve \LaTeX.
+ \annotation{Report with suggestions about
+ \LaTeX\ implementation, SGML-based.}
+ {Reid T.J (1987):
+ Floating figures at the right\Dash and\Dash Some random text for testing.
+ \tubissue{8}(3), 315\dash320.
+ {Rokicky T (199?):
+ }
+ {Rokicky T (1994):
+ Driver support for color in \TeX: Proposal and Implementation.
+ \tubissue{15}(3), 205\dash2126.
+ {Rogers D.F (1992): On contrarian views.
+ \TeX line 14. 2\dash3.
+ {Rubinstein Z (1989):
+ Chess printing via METAfont and \TeX.
+ \tubissue{10}(2), 170\dash172.
+ (With erratum in \tubissue{10}(3), 359.)
+ {Rubinstein Z (1989):
+ Printing annotated chess literature in natural notation.
+ \tubissue{10}(3), 387\dash390.
+ {Ry\'cko M, B Jackowski (1993):
+ \TeX{} from {\tt\char92indent} to {\tt\char92par}.
+ TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 171\dash176.
+ {Salomon D (1989):
+ Macros for indexing and table of contents preparation.
+ \tubissue{10}(3), 394\dash400.
+ \annotation{Comments by Breitenlohner (1990): \tubissue{11}(1)62,
+ with respect to writing long records to {\tt\char92write}
+ streams. In 1994 he made \cs{makeindex} available
+ for plain \TeX.}
+% {}
+ {Salomon D (1990):
+ Output Routines Examples \& Techniques.
+ Part~I: Introduction \& Examples. \tubissue{11}(1), 69\dash85.
+ Part~II: OTR Techniques. \tubissue{11}(2), 212\dash236.
+ Part~III: Insertions. \tubissue{11}(4), 588\dash
+ 605.
+ \annotation{Incorporated in his courseware: Insights and Hindsights.}
+ Part~IV: Horizontal Techniques. \tubissue{15}(1), 28\dash39.
+ {Salomon D (1992):
+ Arrows for technical drawings.
+ \tubissue{13}(2), 146\dash149.
+ {Salomon D (1992):
+ Creating shaded rectangles with POSTSCRIPT.
+ \tubissue{13}(3), 327\dash329. (Also MAPS 92.2.)
+ {Salomon D (1992):
+ DDA methods in \TeX.
+ \tubissue{10}(2), 207\dash216.
+ {Salomon D (1992):
+ NTG's Advanced \TeX\ course: Insights and Hindsights.
+ MAPS Special, $\approx500p.$
+ {Salomon D (1995):
+ The advanced \TeX book.
+ Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-94556-3.
+ {Salomon D (priv.\ comm.).
+ {Samuel A.L (1985):
+ First grade \TeX\Dash A beginners \TeX\ manual.
+ \TeX niques 11.
+ \annotation{Beautiful, obligatory reading! Even for \LaTeX\ devotees,
+ and for every novice. The layout is nice too. Only some 30p.}
+ {Sankar S (1989):
+ APE\Dash a set of \TeX\ macros to to format ADA programs.
+ \tubissue{10}(1), 89\dash97.
+ {Scheller A (1989):
+ Experience with SGML in the real world.
+ Advisory Group on Computer Graphics workshop, Rutherford.
+ \annotation{Work reported from DAPHNE-project: Document Application Processing in a
+ Heterogeneous Network Environment.}
+ {Sch\"opf R (1989):
+ Drawing histogram bars inside the \LaTeX\ picture-environment.
+ \tubissue{10}(1), 105\dash108.
+ {Sch\"opf R (1989):
+ A new implementation of the \LaTeX\ {\tt verbatim[*]} environments.
+ \tubissue{11}(2), 284\dash296.
+ {Schrod J (1992):
+ The DVI Standard, level 0. The TUG DVI Driver standards committee.
+ \tubissue{13}(1), 54\dash57.
+ {Schumacher E.F (1973):
+ Small is beautiful.
+ Blond \& Briggs, London.
+ {Schumacher E.F (1979):
+ Good Work.
+ Jonathan Cape Ltd, London.
+ {Schwarz N (1987):
+ {\em Einf\"uhrung in \TeX}. Addison-Wesley.
+ (Translated into English with co-author
+ J. Krieger (1990): Introduction to \TeX.
+ Addison-Wesley. Also into Dutch.)
+ {Schwarz H.R, H Rutishauser, E Stiefel (1972):
+ Numerik symmetrischer Matrizen.
+ Teubner. (German)
+ {Seroul R (1989):
+ Le petit livre de \TeX. Inter-\'Editions.
+ Paris.
+ {Sewell W (1989):
+ Weaving a program\Dash Literate programming in WEB.
+ Van Nostrand. ISBN 0-442-31946.
+ {Sewell W (1987):
+ Multiple changefiles: The adventure continues.
+ \tubissue{8}(2), 117\dash118.
+ {SGML User's Group (Newsletter): (Editorial
+ address: Pindar Infotek, 2 Grosvenor Road, Wallington,
+ Surrey SM6 0ER, UK.)
+ {Siebenmann L (1992):
+Elementary text processing and parsing in \TeX\Dash The appreciation of tokens.
+ \tubissue{13}(1), 62\dash73.
+ {Smedinga R (1991):
+ Hoe met \LaTeX\ een boek gemaakt kan worden.
+ MAPS 91.2, 97\dash101.
+ {Smith J.M (1987): The standard generalized markup language
+ (SGML): Guidelines for editors and publishers.
+ British National Bibliography Research Fund Report 26.
+ ISBN 0-7123-3111-5.
+ {Smith J.M (1987): The standard generalized markup language
+ (SGML): Guidelines for authors.
+ British National Bibliography Research Fund Report 27.
+ ISBN 0-7123-3112-3.
+ {Southall R (1984):
+ First principles of typographic design for document production.
+ \tubissue{5}(2), 79\dash90.
+ (Corrigenda (1985): \tubissue{6}(1), p.6.)
+ {Southall, R (1985):
+ Designing a new typeface via METAfont.
+ STAN-CS-85-1074.
+ {Sowa F (1991):
+ Graphics and halftones with BM2font.
+ TUG '91. \tubissue{12}(4), 534\dash538.
+ {Sowa F (1994):
+ Printing colour pictures.
+ Euro\TeX'94, 176\dash181.
+ TUG 94, \tubissue{15}(3), 223\dash227.
+ {Sperberg-McQueen C.M, L Bernard (1990):
+ ACH-ACL-ALLC. Guidelines for the encoding and
+ interchange of machine readable texts.
+ {Spivak M.D (1986):
+ The Joy of \TeX\Dash\AmSTeX.
+ AMS. ISBN 0-8218-2999-8.
+ (Updated 2$^{nd}$ printing 1990.)
+ {Spivak M.D (1989):
+ \LAMSTeX\Dash The Syn\-thesis.
+ \TeX\-plora\-tors Corporation.
+ {Spivak M.D (1991):
+ \LAMSTeX\Dash The wizards manual.
+ \TeX\-plora\-tors Corporation.
+ {Swanson E (1986):
+ Mathematics into Type.
+ AMS.
+ {Swonk G.L (1991):
+ \LaTeX\ tree drawer.
+ \tubissue{12}(2), 286\dash289.
+ {Taupin D (1990):
+ Musique en \TeX.
+ Cahiers GUTenberg, 5, 62\dash69.
+ (Updated English version MAPS 92.1.)
+ {Taylor P (1992):
+ The future of \TeX.
+ In: Proceedings Euro\TeX\ '92.
+ 235\dash254. (Reprinted in \tubissue{13}(4), 433\dash442.)
+ {Taylor P (1993):
+ NTS: The future of \TeX?
+ TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 177\dash182.
+ {Taylor P (1994):
+ $\epsilon$-\TeX{} and NTS: a status report
+ Euro\TeX'94, 182\dash187.
+ {Taylor P (1993):
+ A pragmatic approach to paragraphs.
+ \tubissue{14}(2), 138\dash140.
+ {Taylor P (1994):
+ Defensive programming in \TeX:
+ towards a better class of a \TeX{} macro.
+ Proceedings Euro\TeX{} 94, 69\dash82.
+ {Temme N.M (1990):
+ Speciale functies in de mathematische
+ fysica. Epsilon 15. ISBN 90-5041-019-7.
+ (Dutch)
+ {Thiele C (1993):
+ The future of \TeX{} and TUG.
+ TUG '93. \tubissue{14}(3), 162\dash166.
+ {Thiele C (1987):
+ What constitutes a well-documented macro?
+ \tubissue8(3), 307\dash308.
+ {Tobin G (198?):
+ METAfont for beginners.
+ (From the CTAN.)
+ {Tofsted D (1990):
+ An improved chess font.
+ \tubissue{11}(4), 542\dash544.
+ {Treebus K (1988):
+ Tekstwijzer, een gids voor het grafisch verwerken van tekst.
+ SDU. Den Haag.
+ {TUG (publications):
+ TUGboat, TTN, \TeX niques.
+\\ (TUGboat: Scholarly quarterly of TUG, with the proceedings of the annual
+ meeting as special issue, and the resource directory as
+ supplementary issue. From 1980 onward.
+ The style files involved are {\tt tugboat.cmn},
+ and the styles {\tt tug\-boat}, and
+ {\tt ltug\-boat} available from the (CTAN) archives.
+\\ \TeX niques: Special themed editions, with no 1 to 14 of 1993)
+ TTN: A portable quarterly newsletter of TUG. From 1990 onward.)
+ {Tutelaers P (1991):
+ A font and a style for typesetting chess using \LaTeX\ or \TeX.
+ MAPS 91.2, 41\dash45. (Also \tubissue{13}(1), 85\dash90.)
+ {Urban M (1986):
+ An introduction to \LaTeX.
+ TRW Software Productivity Project.
+ \TeX niques 9.
+ {Vens E.J (1992):
+ Incorporating POSTSCRIPT fonts in \TeX.
+ In: Proceedings Euro\TeX\ '92, 173\dash181.
+ (Also in MAPS 92.2.)
+ {Vignaud D (1989):
+ L'\'edition structr\'ee dans les documents,
+ SGML applications \`a l'\'edition fran\c caise.
+ \'Editions du Cercle de la Librairie. Paris.
+ {Vries H de (1990): Biedwedstrijd.
+ De {\bf E}nige {\bf G}oede
+ {\bf B}ridge {\bf C}ourant. Maart. (Dutch)
+ {Warmer J, S van Egmond (1989):
+ The implementation of the Amsterdam SGML Parser.
+ EP-ODD, 2, 2, 65\dash90.
+ {Whitney R.F, B.N Beeton (1989):
+ TUGboat authors' guide.
+ \tubissue{10}(3), 378\dash385.
+ (Updated versions via the file server.)
+ {Wichura M.J (199?):
+ The \PiCTeX\ manual.
+ \TeX niques, 6.
+ (${\approx}\$30,$\dash.)
+ {Wichura M.J (1990):
+ Showing-off math macros.
+ \tubissue{11}(1), 57\dash61.
+ {Wilkinson J.H (1965):
+ The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem.
+ Oxford University Press.
+ {Williams L, L Hall (1990):
+ Increased efficiency using advanced EDT editing features.
+ \tubissue{11}(3), 421\dash424.
+ {Williams T, C Kelley (199?):
+ GNUplot: an interactive plotting program.
+ Version 3.
+ {Wilson I.R, A.M Addyman (1983, second edition, reprint):
+ A practical introduction to PASCAL with BS 6192.
+ Macmillan Press Ltd. ISBN 0 333 3340 3.
+ {Winnink J.J (editor, 1993):
+ NTG's PR set.
+ MAPS '93 Special, $\approx25$p.
+ (Contains: Wat is \TeX?, Hoenig's \TeX\ for new users, 4\TeX/em\TeX\
+ information, and examples with respect to
+ math, tables, graphics, and the hobbies bridge, chess, and music.)
+ {Winograd T, B Paxton (1980):
+ An indexing facility for \TeX.
+ \tubissue{1}(x), A1\dash A12.
+ \annotation{The work uses \TeX\ version 1.x and a Lisp
+ program. It does not contain such a clear user guide as for makeindex.
+ It provides numbers in range notation and allows for
+ subentries, and cross-references like see \dots and see also \dots.
+ The program can merge files. The program has been converted into
+ Pascal some years later. The latter version is available on file servers.}
+ {Wirth N (1973):
+ Systematic Programming: An introduction.
+ Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-880369-2.
+ {Wirth N (1976):
+ Algorithms $+$ Data Structures $=$ Programs.
+ Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-022418-9.
+ {Wittbecker A (1988):
+ Making paragraphs.
+ \tubissue{9}(3), 272\dash276.
+ {Wittbecker A (1989):
+ \TeX\ enslaved. Proceedings TUG89. Stanford.
+ \annotation{Advantages and disadvantages of \TeX-formatter with SGML
+ ``front-end'' are discussed, related to DEC's VAX Document.}
+ {Wonneberger R (1987): Kompaktf\"uhrer \LaTeX.
+ Addison-Wesley.
+ {Ysuki Saito (1987):
+ Report on J\TeX: a Japanese \TeX.
+ \tubissue{8}(2), 103\dash116.
+ {Youngen R (1989):
+ Computers and Mathematics.
+ Notices AMS.
+ \annotation{Discusses \TeX, \LaTeX\
+ and \AmSTeX, summarizing also the relative advantages.
+ Since the publication of this note \AmS-\LaTeX\ has been released,
+ and Spivak has provided \LAMSTeX. Of course these are not dealt with.}
+ {Youngen R (1991):
+ Typesetting with \TeX\ at the AMS.
+ 4p.
+ \annotation{A nice survey of why-and-what AMS is using \TeX\ for.}
+ {Youngen R (1992):
+ \TeX-based production at AMS.
+ MAPS 92.2, 63\dash68.
+ {Zalmstra J, D.F. Rogers (1989):
+ A page make-up macro.
+ \tubissue{10}(1), 73--81.
+ {Zandt T van (1992):
+ PStricks. Princeton University.
+ {Zandt T van, D Girou (1994):
+ Inside PStricks.
+ \tubissue{15}(3), 239\dash246.
+ {Zbikowski R (1993):
+ Hacker's guide to AMSfonts and NFSS in the context of \LaTeX.
+ \tubissue{14}(1), 62\dash69.
+ {Zlatuska J (1991):
+ Virtual fonts with accented letters.
+ Cahiers GUTenberg 10\&11, 57\dash68.
+ {Zlatuska J (editor, 1992):
+ Proceedings Euro\TeX\ '92.
+ Masarykova universita, Brno. ISBN 80-210-0480-0.
+ {Zuse K (1976):
+ The Plankalk\"ul,
+ Gesellschaft f\"ur Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung,
+ Bonn. BMFT-GMD-106.
+%%end data
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/blu/pic.dat b/obsolete/macros/blu/pic.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a320cd5fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/blu/pic.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,1358 @@
+%Copyright: C.G. van der Laan,, (050)0594621525
+%File: pic.dat Set up of May, 1995
+\message{pic.dat browsed (Version: May 1996, cgl)}
+\def\commonforpic{\csname newif\endcsname
+ \ifmarkorigin
+ \csname newif\endcsname\iffull
+\def\markorigin{\hbox to0pt{\hss
+ \vrule width1exdepth.2ptheight.2pt
+ \vrule height1exdepth1ex
+ \vrule width1exdepth.2ptheight.2pt
+ \hss}%
+}%end markorigin
+\def\corners##1{%##1 size of corner bar
+ \put(.1,.1){\line(-1,0){##1}}%
+ \put(.1,.1){\line(0,-1){##1}}%
+ \put(.2,.2){\line(-1,0){##1}}%
+ \put(.2,.2){\line(0,-1){##1}}%
+}%end corners
+\def\card##1##2##3{%#1,#2 x,y coord.corner; #3 label
+ \put(##1,##2){\line(-1,0){1.25}}
+ \put(##1,##2){\line(0,-1){ .45}}
+ \put(##1,##2){\lower.45\unitlength
+ \hbox{\line(-1,0){ .25}}}
+ \put(##1,##2){\hbox to0pt{\kern-1.25\unitlength
+ \hbox{\line(0,-1){ .25}}\hss}}
+ \put(##1,##2){\lower.5\unitlength\hbox
+ {\hskip.05\unitlength{\tiny ##3}}}
+}%end card
+%45 degree rightupper diag dots at #1,#2
+ \hbox to0pt{\kern-1pt.\hss}\kern2pt^{.^.}$}}
+%\thinlines %(default in blue.tex)
+\def\fatlbrace{\delimiter"4000308 }
+}%end commonforpic
+\lst\bintreepic{%July 1995, cgl
+ \kk32 \xoffset{-32} \yoffset{-5}%
+ \xdim{66}\ydim{5}%
+ \def\eertnib##1\bintree{\fi}
+ \yoffset{-.75}
+ \xdim{13}\ydim{12}
+\put(9,0){\makebox(0,0){BLUe's format}}
+ formats}}
+%Horizontal connection lines
+%\multiput(4,5)(.2, 0){10}{\hbox to
+% .2\unitlength{-\hss-}}
+%\multiput(4,9)(.2, 0){10}{\hbox to
+% .2\unitlength{-\hss-}}
+%Vertical separation line
+ height.5\unitlength\relax}
+ \hbox{\tiny outer tags}
+ \kern1.25\unitlength
+ \hbox{blue.tex}
+ \kern1.25\unitlength
+ \hbox{\tiny inner tags}}}}
+% \hbox{\strut Inner}\hbox{Tags}}}}
+% \hbox{\strut Outer}\hbox{Tags}}}}
+ \hbox{\tiny\str ppt}\hbox{\tiny\str ref}%
+ }}
+ \hbox{\tiny\str man}%
+ \hbox{\tiny\str gkp}%
+ \hbox{\tiny\str\raise2ex\null crs}%
+ \hbox{\tiny\str vrb}%
+ \hbox{\tiny\str btb}\hbox{\tiny
+ \str abr}}}
+%Databases next
+%Outer database
+%\multiput(10,9)(.2, 0){5}{\hbox to
+% .2\unitlength{-\hss}}
+\put(11,7){\framebox(1.25, .5){}}
+\put(12.3, 7){{\tiny fmt.dat}}
+%Inner databases
+%\multiput(10,5)(.2, 0){5}{\hbox to
+% .2\unitlength{-\hss}}
+ \hbox{\strut Data}\hbox{Bases}}}}
+\card{12.5 }{3.5 }{obsolete.dat}
+\card{13 }{4 }{lit.dat}
+}%end bluemodelpic
+\lst\bluepagepic{\vbox{\arrows{2cm}{\small headline}
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+%Revision March 1996
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+ {\cf}\advance\x\the\k\unitlength
+ \advance\x\the\k\unitlength
+ \cf}%
+\k243 \unitlength1pt
+}%end \cgl
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+%Revision March 1996
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+ \divide\kk2 {\N{\the\kk}\bintree}%
+ \S{\the\kk}\bintree}%
+ \xytxt{ \csname\the\k\endcsname}\Eold}%
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+ \loop \draw
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+ \ifnum\k<\kmax
+ \repeat}
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+}%end \gpic
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+ \ifnum3<\dir \advance\dir-4 \fi}%mod 4
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+ \advance\level-1 \hf}%
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+ \advance\dir-4 \fi}%
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+ \advance\dir-4 \fi}%
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+ {\divide\kk4
+ \koch\left\koch\right\koch\right\koch\koch
+ \left\koch\left\koch\right\koch}\relax}
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+%hor lines
+%Considered as format issue
+%Second level
+%hor lines
+%vert lines
+%hor lines
+%Third level
+%hor lines
+%Vert lines
+%hor lines
+%fourth level
+%end lettertreepic
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+ \divide\k2 \ifnum\k>0
+ \repeat \global\dir\modsum
+ \divide\modsum4 \multiply\modsum4
+ \global\advance\dir-\modsum}}
+ \draw \advance\k1
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+ % 60 - 90
+%2nd quadrant
+%\bezier{60}(0, 2)(-.54, 2)(-1, 1.73)
+ % 90 - 120
+ %120 - 150
+ 1.46,1)}
+%\bezier{60}(-1.73, 1)(-2, .54)(-2, 0)
+ %150 - 180
+%3rd quadrant
+%\bezier{60}(-2, 0)(-2, -.54)(-1.73, -1)
+ %180 - 210
+ -1)}
+ %210 -240
+ -1.46,-1.73)}
+%\bezier{60}(-1, -1.73)(-.54, -2)(0, -2)
+ %240 - 270
+%4th quadrant
+%\bezier{60}(0, -2)(.54, -2)(1, -1.73)
+ %270 - 300
+ %300 - 330
+ -1.46,-1)}
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+ %-.81 = cos 144; .59 = sin 144
+ 1.18)}
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+ %-.59 = cos -126; -.81 = sin -126
+ -1.62)}
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+ % shift .5, .1
+ .99)}
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+ 1.61)}
+ 1.61)}
+ 1.46,1.6,1.76)}
+ 1.46,1.6,1.76)}
+ 1.6,1.76)}
+ 1.6,1.76)}
+ 1.75,1.91)}
+ 1.75,1.91)}
+ 1.91)}
+ 1.75,1.91)}
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+ Happy}}
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+0 &0 &0 &0 &&\times&
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+}%end vcenter
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+%Separation between last (border) row
+%and rest
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+ \icmat4{1.5}}}\enspace\hfil%
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+%Revision March 1996
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+ \left\draw \leftx\x \lefty\y
+ \left\draw
+ \left\draw
+ \left}%
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+ \drawsq\advance\level-1 \multiply\kk18\divide\kk25
+ {\turn7\x\leftx \y\lefty \let\drawsq\ldrawsq\pyth}%
+ \turn1\x\rightx \y\righty\let\drawsq\rdrawsq\pyth}
+\divide\rightx2 \x-\rightx%positioning
+\lst\pythtreepic{%July 1995, cgl
+%Revision March 1996
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+\let\4\S \let\5\SW \let\6\W \let\7\NW
+ \ifnum\dir>7 \advance\dir-8 \fi}%mod 8
+ \ifnum\dir>7 \advance\dir-8 \fi}%mod 8
+\def\pythtree{\ifnum\level=1 \eerthtyp\fi
+ \advance\level-1
+ \multiply\kk23\divide\kk32
+ {\leftbranch\draw\pythtree}%
+ \rightbranch\draw\pythtree}
+% \expandafter\dopyth\fi}
+% \multiply\kk23\divide\kk32
+% {\leftbranch\draw\pythtree}%
+% \rightbranch\draw\pythtree}
+ \unitlength.2pt
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+ width\the\linethickness
+ height\the\linethickness depth0pt}
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+ \centerline{\teni\char'136}
+ \vfil\hrule\vskip.5ex
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+ --number--\hfill
+ \llap{\x copyright}\w}
+ \vskip.5ex}
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+ Regular Transparency\hss}
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+ \def\1{x}\def\2{y}\def\3{a}\def\4{b}%
+ \def\5{piet}\def\6{hans}\def\7{etc.}\def\8{}%
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+ \hbox{$\Rightarrow$\
+ procedural}}$
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+%backarrow head
+\advance \leg by 1
+ Publication}}
+ Database}}
+\vtop to 0pt{\hbox{(Text-)}
+ \hbox{analysis}\vss}}}
+\advance \leg by 2
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+%back (up) arrow head
+ Complete, correct SGML doc.}}
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+%Revision March 1996
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+ {\triangle}%
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+\put(6,13){\makebox(0,0){{\rm Error?}}}
+ \framebox(8,2){\vbox{%
+ \hbox{\tiny Spelling checker}
+ \hbox{\tiny Style tools}}}}
+%\caption{Correction cyclus \label{correctie}}
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+ \let\s\sevenrm
+ \hsize=.4\hsize\def\w{\kern.5ex}
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+ \centerline{\s Title Transparencies
+ Set}
+ \centerline{\x subtitle}
+ \vskip2ex
+ \centerline{\s author name}
+ \centerline{\x address}
+ \vskip3ex
+ \centerline{\llap{\s\kern-10ex--
+ \quad\dots}}
+ \centerline{\llap{\s\kern-10ex--
+ \quad\dots}}
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+\thispicture{}}%end \trimodelpic
+\lst\tritreepic{%July 1995, cgl
+%Revision March 1996
+%Here we have to correct for the direction
+%and to adjust the drawing element atom
+%into a rectangular block,
+%default of size $.348{\times}.2$pt.\ftn{%
+% Vertically only half of the atoms have to be stacked.
+% Horizontally the right distance must be paced,
+% i.e.\ a factor $\sqrt3$ larger.
+% The rectangular block has sides in the proportion of $\sqrt3$.}
+\def\tritree{\ifnum\level=1 \eertirt\fi
+ \advance\level-1 \divide\kk2
+ {\N{\the\kk}\tritree}%
+ {\ESE{\the\kk}\tritree}%
+ \WSW{\the\kk}\tritree}%
+\level5 \kk128
+ width1.74\linethickness
+ height\linethickness}%
+%To account for element in 30 degrees direction
+\unitlengthy\ht\trielm %default.2pt
+\unitlengthx\wd\trielm %default.3482pt
+\thispicture{}}%end \tritreepic
+ \xdim{4}\ydim{5}\yoffset{-.25}
+%Second quadrant
+\endpicture\egroup%end vector
+} % bundlepic
+\put( 3, 4){\oval( 6, 2)}
+\put( 3, 4){\makebox( 0, 0){\tiny PC preview}}
+\put( 3, 7){\oval( 6, 2)}
+\put( 3, 7){\makebox( 0, 0){\tiny VDU preview}}
+\put(21, 1){\oval( 6, 2)}
+\put(21, 1){\makebox( 0, 0){\tiny Photo setter}}
+\put(21, 4){\oval( 6, 2)}
+\put(21, 4){\makebox( 0, 0){\tiny Laser printer}}
+\put(21, 7){\oval( 6, 2)}
+\put(21, 7){\makebox( 0, 0){\tiny Matrix printer}}
+\put(12,19.5){\oval( 6, 2)}
+\put(12,19.5){\makebox( 0, 0){CompuScript}}
+\put(9,15.5){\framebox(6, 2){\TeX}}
+\put(12,13.5){\oval( 6, 2)}
+\put(12,13.5){\makebox( 0, 0){dvi-file}}
+\put( 9, 9){%dashbox{.5}( 6, 2){PostScript}}
+ \framebox( 6, 2){PostScript}}
+\put(12, 1){\line( 0, 1){8}}
+\put(12,12.5){\vector( 0,-1){1.5}}%dvi-postscript
+\put(12,18.5){\vector(0,-1){1}} %ms-dos dvi
+\put(12,15.5){\vector(0,-1){1}} %ms-dos dvi
+\put(12, 7){\vector( 1, 0){6}}
+\put(12, 7){\vector(-1, 0){6}}
+\put(12, 4){\vector( 1, 0){6}}
+\put(12, 4){\vector(-1, 0){6}}
+\put(12, 1){\vector( 1, 0){6}}
+\put( 4,7){\line(-4,1)4}
+\lst\windpic{%July 1995, cgl
+\let\0\N \let\1\NE \let\2\E \let\3\SE
+\let\4\S \let\5\SW \let\6\W \let\7\NW
+ \xoffset{0}\yoffset{-1}%
+ \xdim{0}\ydim{2}%
+ width\the\linethickness
+ height\the\linethickness depth0pt}%
+\beginpicture \whiteN6\E4%
+ {\S4\whiteS2\xytxt{ Ref.\ point}}{\E{40}}%
+ \N{20}\whiteE{20}\S4\whiteS4\xytxt{ (x,y)}%
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/blu/readme.fst b/obsolete/macros/blu/readme.fst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f2a8cbbb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/blu/readme.fst
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+README first BLUe's format system June 1996
+Subject: Note which accompanies BLUe's format system and
+ provides a survey of the background articles.
+The BLUe's format system is for typesetting with plain TeX, and
+is shareware available.
+(A happy :-) user is requested to send the equivalent of ~20 breads
+ in US dollars to the author to support his work especially upgrading
+ my hardware. The pricing policy is according to the macindex and
+ appropriate for users in financial disadvantaged countries.
+ Don't send breads nor a check. Just the money in an envelope.)
+The user's guide `Publishing with TeX' and accompanying articles
+which explain details and show examples are free for personal use.
+No profit is allowed to make from it.
+When the results are used a proper credit
+---be it Knuth or the authors of gkpmac,
+ or me for the composition and the fill-ins---
+is the least a happy publishing user can do.
+Best wishes and good luck, ---Kees---
+How to process the PWT user's guide?
+Copy blue.tex, fmt.dat, tools.dat, pic.dat, next to the PWT files
+pwt.scr is the basic script which invokes all the other chapters:, pwt.txt, pwt.mat,, pwt.grf, pwt.ref, pwt.ind,
+pwt.cus, pwt.aft, pwt.fmt, pwt.tls, pwt.sur, pwt.his, pwt.tot, pwt.obs,
+into a directory where TeX can find them, and then run tex
+tex pwt.scr
+(Each chapter can be processed independently via tex for example).
+Contents BLUe's format system
+The files are: blue.tex (format)
+ fmt.dat (variant formats)
+ tools.dat (tools like indexing)
+ address.dat, lit.dat, pic.dat (databases)
+The user's guide is called Publishing with TeX.
+A handy auxiliary is pfile to print blue.tex with appropriate line numbers.
+A generalization is pgfile which prompts for the name of the file to be printed.
+The files which compose the user's guide Publishing with TeX have pwt as rootname
+and the chapter indicaton as extension.
+pwt.scr is the basic script which invokes all the other chapters:, pwt.txt, pwt.mat,, pwt.grf, pwt.ref, pwt.ind,
+pwt.cus, pwt.aft, pwt.fmt, pwt.tls, pwt.sur, pwt.his, pwt.tot, pwt.obs.
+In total 16 files. Answers to the exercises, list of examples, table of
+contents, and index---yes that is new---are all generated on the fly and
+included automatically as appendices.
+Special is plnindex.tpl, a template for indexing loosened from blue.tex.
+It can be used with AnyTeX, as an independent tool for making an index.
+Needed is tools.dat, especially the sorting and indexing macros.
+The latter are loaded selectively from the database tools.dat.
+Background articles (Have appeared in MAPS and are available on NTG's CD-ROM)
+BLUe's Format (The umbrella article about blue.tex.)
+BLUe's Graphs (The gkppic macros are explained.)
+BLUe's Cross-Refs (One-pass cross-referencing with math.)
+BLUe's Bibliography (One-pass bibliography handling.)
+BLUe's Verbatim (Handling verbatims in TeX.)
+BLUe's Transparencies (The making of transparencies.)
+BLUe's Index (The making of indexes in a one-pass job.)
+BLUe's Pascal (About typesetting Pascal programs/fragments.)
+BLUe's Reports (The making of reports.)
+BLUe's Letters (The making of letters.)
+BLUe's Databases (The approach to storing auxiliaries.)
+BLUe-2-LaTeX (Acceptance and conversion.)
+Related material (Have appeared in MAPS and are available on NTG's CD-ROM)
+Manmac BLUes (Is all about manmac, as-is etc.)
+AMS BLUes (Details with AMS practice, \lsams for
+ formatting references is inspired upon AMS.)
+TUGboat BLUes (TUGboat styles are discussed. ppt.tex emerged
+ from this which is at the heart of blue.tex)
+Math into BLUes (The typesetting of math via TeX is detailed with.)
+Icons via lfonts (Common matrix icons via LaTeX's fonts.)
+Table Diversions (The typesetting of tables via TeX is treated.)
+Auxiliary (Have appeared in MAPS and are available on NTG's CD-ROM)
+Sorting in BLUe (The basics needed for making a simple index.)
+FIFO and LIFO sing the BLUes (FIFO paradigm is treated, fundamental.)
+Syntactic Sugar (Discusses various approaches to macros.)
+An overview is supplied in What is TeX and METAfont all about? (NLUUG, 1993)
+The relation to SGML is treated in SGML(TeX,\dots ). (Cork 1990)
+Spivak's approach has been reviewed in Spivak's Oeuvre.
+For fun are added---and also show macro writing by example---
+Typesetting bridge via TeX
+Typesetting crosswords via TeX
+Tower of Hanoi, revisited.
+Paradigms (See elsewhere in the CTAN;
+--------- have appeared in MAPS and are available on NTG's CD-ROM)
+Plain's item extended
+Two-part macros
+Parameterization I Options
+Parameterization II Place within context
+Winds and halfwinds---Details matter
+It's all in the game
+Searching in BLUe
+Sorting in TeX
+Just a little bit of PostScript (with a few .eps files)
+Of course all the articles run with blue.tex in plain TeX.
+Earlier versions have appeared in NTG's MAPS casu quo in proceedings of TuG/LUG meetings.
+Kees van der Laan, Hunzeweg 57, 9893PB, Garnwerd, The Netherlands.
+Phone: (31) (0)594 62 1525, email: \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/blu/tools.dat b/obsolete/macros/blu/tools.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b50429d1fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/blu/tools.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,2082 @@
+%Tools database to cooperate with blue.tex
+%Januari 95,
+%To print the formats properly, copy
+%the following 11-lines job and
+%substitute the semicolon token
+%(=escape char) for `semi-col'. (2x)
+% ---Kees---
+%\input blue.tex
+%\title{File: tools.dat}
+%\issue{Version 1.0}
+% \catcode`\!=12
+% \catcode`\|=12
+% \input tools.dat}
+%Syntax included tools
+%...the file which otherwise would
+%...have been input
+%-No outer defs allowed.
+% (\newtoks\x via \csname x\endcsname)
+%-No \par-s, use \endgraf
+%- binarytreetool
+%- bridgetool
+%- crosswordstool
+%- hanoitool
+%- indextool
+% (Sorting in BLUe, quick.tex
+% heap.tex and BLUe's Index)
+%- language english, russian
+%- ntglogo
+%- smileys
+%- toc
+%- xyztool
+%- partlogotool
+%- pascaltool
+%Tools are sorted on name. %;newcol
+%Because redefined in manmac & BLUe's system.
+ \nodes}%neglect e-o-l
+ \levelone#1 \sedon\fi
+ \ea\def\csname#1\endcsname{#2}\nodes}
+ \setbintree\endgroup}
+%Connection lines ____|____
+% | |
+\hbox{\ea%empty branche?
+ \ifx\csname\the\ltree\the\m
+ \endcsname\relax
+ \vrule width\tophnshalf
+ height0pt depth0pt
+ \else%non-empty branche
+ \vrule height\vnodesep
+ \vbox to\vnodesep{\hrule
+ width\tophnshalf\vss}%
+ \kern-.2pt\vrule height
+ 2\vnodesep
+ depth-\vnodesep\relax
+ \fi\advance\m1 \ea%empty branche
+ \ifx\csname\the\ltree\the\m
+ \endcsname\relax
+ \vrule width\tophnshalf
+ height0pt depth0pt
+ \else%non-empty branch
+ \kern-.4pt\vrule height
+ 2\vnodesep
+ depth-\vnodesep\relax
+ \vbox to\vnodesep{\hrule
+ width\tophnshalf\vss}%
+ \vrule height\vnodesep\relax
+ \fi}\kern1ex%Separation below
+ %connection lines
+%The sibling nodes
+\hbox to\tophns
+ {\hbox to0pt{\strut\hss
+ \csname\the\ltree\the\m
+ \endcsname\hss}\hss
+ \global\advance\m1
+ \hbox to0pt{\strut\hss
+ \csname\the\ltree\the\m
+ \endcsname\hss}}}}
+\def\setbintree{%level >=1
+\ltree0 \m0
+%bounds for recursion
+\lu1 %dynamic for the rows
+\tophns30ex \vnodesep3ex
+%hook to override defaults if neede
+%dependent quantities
+\tophnshalf\tophns \divide\tophnshalf2
+%root, level 00
+ \hbox to0pt{\strut\hss
+ \csname\the\ltree\the\m
+ \endcsname\hss}}}%
+\loop\advance\ltree1 \multiply\lu2
+\levelline{\noindent\m1 \fork
+ \loop\ifnum\m<\lu
+ \kern\tophns \advance\m1 \fork
+ \repeat}\tophns\tophnshalf
+ \divide\tophnshalf2
+\repeat}\thisbintree{}}%end \bintree
+\def\levelline#1{\hbox to\treewidth{\hss#1\hss}}
+\message{ ---bttool, Aug 95, cgl--- }
+ \trttxt{\hss{\small\csname\node\endcsname}}%
+ \ea\ifx\csname\node0\endcsname\relax
+ \tbward\fi%Backtrack
+ \S{80}\advance\k-125
+ {\W{\the\k}\S{80}\edef\node{\node0}%
+ \drawbt}%
+ \E{\the\k}\S{80}\edef\node{\node1}%
+ \drawbt\relax}
+ \ea\ydim\ea{\the\count1}
+ \ea\yoffset\ea{\ea-\the\count1}}
+\def\bt#1 #2
+ {\ifx\endbt#2\count1=#1 \tbdne\fi%
+ \ea\def\csname#1\endcsname{#2}\bt}%
+ \the\prebt\the\everybt\the\thisbt%
+ \beginpicture\drawbt\endpicture%
+ \the\postbt\endgroup}%
+\message{ ---bridgetool, Jan 95, cgl--- }
+%Typesetting bridge publications
+%via (plain) TeX. Version May 92.
+%The macros can als be used within LaTeX.
+%Version: 1.1 March 1994 (basically
+%unmodified since publication in 1990)
+%Author: Kees van der Laan
+% Hunzeweg 57, 9893PB, Garnwerd (Gr)
+% The Netherlands. 05941-1525,
+%Examples of use have been published in
+%TUGboat, 11, 2, 265--276, and MAPS 91.2.
+%(A few are appended at the end.)
+%The macros consists of 3 indep. parts:
+%- dec.tex ((language) declarations,
+% used register and
+% control sequences)
+%- bid.tex (macros for bidding and
+% layout of games)
+%- play.tex (macros for discussing the
+% course of a play)
+% %;numvrb
+%Card definitions
+%(Toks register) control sequences
+%for hands used by play macros:
+%showgame, pc, strip
+\ea\let\ea\NT\csname newtoks\endcsname
+\NT\hnd%Dynamically one of:
+ \NT\Wd %Beware! Already
+%in TUGboat.sty in lower case
+%In central figure NESW
+%In heading bplay
+%Definition of hands
+%used by bbid
+}% end \bridgeenglish
+ \gdef\THP{S}\gdef\FOP{W}}
+ \gdef\THP{W}\gdef\FOP{N}}
+ \gdef\THP{N}\gdef\FOP{E}}
+ \gdef\THP{E}\gdef\FOP{S}}
+%Definition of counters
+%used by bplay
+\csname newcount\endcsname\trno
+%trick number
+%Definition of dimensions used in bbid
+\csname newdimen\endcsname\wr %width column
+\wr=7ex \relax
+%used in crdima
+\csname newbox\endcsname\NESW
+}%end \dutch
+}%end \french
+%end input dec.tex
+%Modified central figure
+%Example: \hand{AKJ765}{AK9}{--}{T983}
+\hbox{\strut\cl\enspace#4}}%end \vtop
+}%end \hand
+%purpose: layout bridge hand
+%#1 left upper text
+%#2 right upper text
+%#3, #4, #5, #6: N, E, S, W hands
+\vbox{\halign{ &##\quad\cr
+ #1& #3& #2\cr
+ $\vcenter{#6}$&$\vcenter{\copy\NESW}$&
+ $\vcenter{#4}$\cr
+ & #5& \cr
+ }%end \halign
+ }%end \vbox
+}%end \crdima
+##\hskip.5ex \tabskip0pt\cr
+ &\hbox to 2ex{\hss\N\hss}& \cr
+\kern.25ex\W& &\E\kern.25ex
+ &\hbox to 2ex{\hss\S\hss}& \cr
+ }%end \halign
+\kern.25ex\hrule}%end \vbox
+\vrule}%end \hbox
+}% end \NESWfig
+ bbid command is missing}}
+ \def\ebid{\egroup\egroup\egroup}
+ \def\alert{$^A$}
+ \def\think{$\ldots$\thinspace}
+ % etc.
+ \vtop\bgroup
+ \halign to\bidwidth\bgroup \tabskip2ex
+ plus 1ex minus 1ex& ##\hfil\cr
+ \FIH\hfil& \SEH\hfil&
+ \THH\hfil&\FOH\hfil\cr
+ \noalign{\vskip.5ex}
+}%end \bbid
+%end input bid.tex%
+%Modified 11/11/91 Central table
+%\bplay etc
+% bplay, showgame, pc, strip
+ bplay command is missing}}
+ \smallskip\noindent}
+\tabskip1ex plus 1fill
+\halign to\hsize\bgroup
+ \tabskip1ex plus 1ex minus 1ex
+ \global\advance\trno by 1 %
+ \hbox to.5\wr{\hss\the\trno\hss}%<=!
+ \hbox to\wr{\pc\FIP##\hss}\hfil&
+ \hbox to\wr{\pc\SEP##\hss}\hfil&
+ \hbox to\wr{\pc\THP##\hss}\hfil&
+ \hbox to\wr{\pc\FOP##\hss}\hfil
+ \tabskip4ex plus2ex minus1ex&
+ \hbox to.5\wr{\hss##\hss}
+ \tabskip1ex plus 1ex minus 1ex&
+ \hbox to.5\wr{\hss##\hss}
+ \tabskip1ex plus 1fill\cr
+ %End template line, next is headline
+ \omit\hbox to1\wr{\TRICK\hss}\hfil&
+ \omit\hfil&\omit\hfil&\omit\hfil&
+ %Note only 3 \omits
+ \NS&\EW\cr%Headline
+}% end \bplay
+\def\pc#1#2#3{% Version 3/3/90
+%Function: prints card #2#3 and
+% deletes it from player #1
+%#1 the hand N, E, S, W(uppercase)
+%#2 colour s, h, d, or c
+%#3 card value A K Q ... 2, or x
+%(or your (consistent/language) choice)
+%%%% 1. Update hand \#1#2; e.g. \Ns %%%
+\xdef\hnd{\csname #1#2\endcsname}
+%%%% 2. print card in table %%%
+\xdef\colour{\csname #2\if#2cl\else
+ \if#2sp\fi\fi\endcsname}
+\colour\thinspace #3%
+% %Needed for immediate postfix mark(s)
+}% end \pc
+\def\strip#1#2{% Version 3/3/90
+%Function: deletes card value #1
+% from #2, i.e., \Ns, or ...
+ \def\wis##1#1##2\wis{%
+ %Function: #1 is deleted from argument
+ % in \wis ... \wis and result
+ % is assigned to \hnd
+ % (last card is replaced by --)
+ \global\hnd={##1##2}
+ \xdef\pa{##1} \xdef\pb{##2}
+ \ifx\pa\empty {\ifx\pb\empty
+ \global\hnd={--}% void colour
+ \fi}\fi
+ }% end \wis
+ \expandafter\wis\the #2\wis
+}% end \strip
+%Purpose: Shows all cards still active
+% in the play, via \Ns, ..., \Wc,
+% (note use of upper case for players)
+%Used: \crdima, \hand, \LFTINF, \RGTINF
+% \Ns, ..., \Wc
+ {\hand{\the\Ns}{\the\Nh}{\the\Nd}%
+ {\the\Nc}}%
+ {\hand{\the\Es}{\the\Eh}{\the\Ed}%
+ {\the\Ec}}%
+ {\hand{\the\Ss}{\the\Sh}{\the\Sd}%
+ {\the\Sc}}%
+ {\hand{\the\Ws}{\the\Wh}{\the\Wd}%
+ {\the\Wc}}%
+$$}% end \showgame
+%end input play.tex %In total: 215 lines
+%Examples: diagram, bidding, course of play.
+%1. Diagram
+% \hbox{demo}}}%
+% {\hand{J74}{AJ}{QJT2}{Q874}}%N
+% {\hand{K86}{T9542}{874}{T3}}%E
+% {\hand{QT952}{Q83}{AK5}{A6}}%S
+% {\hand{A3}{K76}{963}{KJ952}}%W
+%2. Bidding
+%1\cl\alert& ? no& 1\sp&\think no\cr
+% 2\sp& no& 4\sp& a.p.\cr
+%\alert\ means Alert,
+% conventional bid\hidewidth\cr
+%? means explanation
+% asked\hidewidth\cr
+%\think means think
+%% pause\hidewidth\cr
+%\ebid $$
+%3. Course of play
+% \hbox{by East}}}
+%\Nh={J98} \Eh={A2}\Sh={QT74}\Wh={K653}
+%*Problem* How must NS defend in
+%order to guarantee 1 trick?
+%*Solution* Start with a \h\
+%lead in order to break communication.
+%N must discard \h s
+%and S must discard \sp s.
+%h4! & hK & h8 & h2 & -- & 1\LEADW\cr
+%cA & c5 & cx & c2 & -- & 2\cr
+%cQ & c6 & cx & s2 & -- & 3\cr
+%cT & h9 & cK & s4 & -- & 4\LEADE\cr
+%cJ & s5 & s3 & s6 & -- & 5\cr
+%c9 & s8 & h5 & s7 & -- & 6\cr
+%cx & d6 & sJ & d2 & -- & 7\cr
+%On lead of the next \cl\
+%neither South nor North can be
+%squeezed as can be seen from%
+%\def\RGTINF{\vtop{\hbox{NS squeezed on}
+% \hbox{\c\ continuation?}}}
+%with continuation
+%cx & h7 & h6 & hJ & -- & 8\cr
+%dT & d7 & dA & d4 & -- & 9\LEADW\cr
+%dK & d9 & d5 & d8 & -- & 10\cr
+%h3 & dJ & hA & hT & -- & 11\LEADE\cr
+%sT & hQ & sA & sQ & -- & 12\LEADW\cr
+%d3 & sK & s9 & dQ & 1 & 12\cr
+%\bye %;nonum
+% Newtoks, \NT alias.............10
+% \hnd, \Ns, \Es, \Ss, \Ws....12
+% \Nh, \Eh, \Sh, \Wh....13
+% \Nd, \Ed, \Sd, \Wd....14
+% \Nc, \Ec, \Sc, \Wc....17
+% \bridgeenglish..............19-30
+% \dutch......................51-58
+% \french.....................60-67
+% \N, \E, \S, \W..............21
+% \NS, \EW....................23
+% \TRICK......................24
+% \FIH, \SEH, \THH, \FOH...27-28
+% \sp, \h, \cl, \d..............3-6
+% Newcount
+% \trno.......................42
+% Newdimen
+% \wr.........................46
+% \bidwidth{4\wr}.............47
+% Newbox
+% \NESW...................49, 111
+% \hand........................72-78
+% \crdima......................80-92
+% \bbid, \ebid......116-127, 113-114
+% \alert.......................118
+% \think.......................119
+% \bplay, \eplay....138-162, 135-136
+% \bintermezzo, \eintermezzo 140-142
+% \pc........................164-179
+% \hnd.........................172
+% \colour......................175
+% \strip.....................181-196
+% \showgame..................198-213
+% Examples
+% diagram..................219-226
+% bidding..................227-238
+% course of play...........239-289
+%History of changes
+%July 1994 \c and \s changed into
+% \cl and \sp,
+% \colour adapted
+%March 1994 Prepared for NTG's CD-ROM
+% Examples of use added
+% NESW figure adapted
+%Jan 1994 Submitted to CTAN.
+\message{ ---crosswordstool,
+ Jan 95, cgl--- }
+%From Typesetting crosswords via TeX
+%EuroTeX 92, MAPS 92.1
+%NOTE In order to use natural input,
+%spaces except for the last one, and not
+%let this choice for ;] (space=\relax)
+%work through globally, start with
+%\bgroup\obeyspaces\let =\relax
+%<natural data>
+%$$\crw$$%(or \sol)
+% %;numvrb %;vrblin99
+%{\obeyspaces\global\let =\relax}
+% ;vrblin=199
+{\catcode`\^=7 \catcode`\^^M=13 %local scope
+\processl{#1}\fifol}}%end local scope%
+% %;vrblin=299
+\process#1\fifo} \def\ofif#1\fifo{\fi}
+\def\lowchar#1{\hbox to\csize{\vrule
+height.8\csize depth.2\csize\relax%
+\def\capchar#1{\hbox to\csize{\vrule
+height.8\csize depth.2\csize\relax%
+\def\cc{\vrule height.8\csize depth%
+.2\csize width\csize}
+\vbox to.8\csize{\rlap{\kern1pt%
+% %;vrblin=399
+\vbox{#1}\vrule}\hrule}}% cgl, oct92
+\endinput %;nonum
+% \ifpuzzle (blue.tex)
+% \cnt (blue.tex)
+% \csize (blue.tex)
+% \bdata........................100
+% \store........................102
+% \edata........................102
+% \usersize.....................104
+% \crw..........................201
+% \sol..........................203
+% \fifol........................205
+% \process, \processl......305, 301
+% \lofif........................300
+% \lowchar......................309
+% \capchar......................313
+% \cc...........................317
+% \num..........................320
+% \boxit........................400
+%History of changes
+%July 1994 In tools.dat to cooperate
+% with blue.tex
+% \global\let =\relax removed.
+%Jan 1994 Submitted CTAN
+%1992 Submitted to EuroTeX and MAPS
+\message{ ---hanoitool, Jan 95, cgl---}
+%Tower of Hanoi macros
+%hanoi.tex version 19 dec 91 %;numvrb
+%\hanoi changed into \sethanoi June 95
+%\n=number of disks \brd=breadth towers
+%\hgt=height tower \dskhgt=height disk
+\csname newcount\endcsname\n
+\csname newcount\endcsname\brd
+\csname newcount\endcsname\hgt
+\csname newcount\endcsname\dskhgt
+\def\preloop{%To create loopcnt, a
+ %local loopcounter
+ %(see also loopy.TeX).
+ \bgroup \advance\count10 by 1
+ \countdef\loopcnt=\count10
+ %Symbolic name
+ \loopcnt=1 %(default)
+ }%end \preloop
+\def\postloop{\loopcnt=0 %Restore
+ \egroup}%end \postloop
+%Hanoi macros, top level
+\def\sethanoi#1{%Argument can be digit(s)
+ %or a counter (numeric)
+ \n=#1 %Assign argument value to \n
+ \def\II{}\def\III{}%Empty towers
+ %Next is inspired by the TeXbook,
+ %p374, 378
+ %The initial tower for \I is created
+ %The initial tower for \I is created
+ % \def\I{\disksep\i\disksep\ii
+ % \disksep\iii...\disksep\`n'}
+ %next to the defs for \i,\ii,...\`n'.
+ \preloop\ag\def\ag\I\ag{%
+ \loop
+ \ea\xdef\csname\romannumeral\loopcnt
+ \endcsname{\the\loopcnt}
+ \ag\disksep%separator
+ \ea\ag\csname
+ \romannumeral\loopcnt\endcsname
+ \ifnum\loopcnt<\n
+ \advance\loopcnt by 1
+ \repeat \ag}
+ \postloop
+ %For printing, values are needed for
+ \brd=\n %Breadth of largest disk
+ \advance\brd by 3 %Little room extra
+ \dskhgt=1 %Height of disks
+ \hgt=\n\multiply\hgt by2 %\hgt is height
+ \advance\hgt by1 %of towers
+ \showtowers %Print initial state
+ \Hanoi\I\II\III\n
+ }%end \sethanoi
+\def\Hanoi#1#2#3#4{%Moves from #1 to #2,
+ %with aid of tower #3.
+ %The number of disks is #4, in a counter.
+ \ifnum#4=1 %For Tower of 1 disk,
+ %just move the disk
+ \movedisk\from#1\to#2%
+ \showtowers%Print towers after move
+ \else%Problem of #4 disks is solved by
+ %- problem of (#4-1) disks,
+ %- a move, and
+ %- a problem of (#4-1) disks.
+ {\advance#4 by-1 \Hanoi#1#3#2#4}%
+ \movedisk\from#1\to#2%
+ \showtowers%Print towers after move
+ {\advance#4 by-1 \Hanoi#3#2#1#4}%
+ \fi}%end \Hanoi
+%Moving of the disks, TeXbook, App. D.2
+%Slightly adapted versions of \lop (
+%called \movedisk with function that
+%first element of #1 is prefixed to #2)
+%and \lopoff modification
+\def\movedisk\from#1\to#2{%Move disk from
+ %tower #1 to tower #2
+ \ea\lopoffx#1\lopoffx#1#2}
+ \gdef\ea#4\ea{\ea\disksep\ea#1#4}
+ \gdef#3{#2}%restore stub}%end\lopoffx
+ }%end \movedisk
+%Printing tower status
+\def\showtowers{%Display pyramids
+ \endgraf\quad\hbox{\pt\I\ \pt\II\ \pt\III
+ }\endgraf
+ }%end \showtowers
+\def\gobble#1{}%To eat character
+\def\disksep#1{\hbox to\brd ex{\hss
+ \vrule width#1ex height\dskhgt ex
+ \hss}%
+ }%end \disksep
+\def\pt#1{%Print Tower.
+ %#1 is \I, \II, or \III
+ \vbox to\hgt ex{\baselineskip=.2ex\vss
+ #1%
+ %Format pointer underneath
+ \hbox to\brd ex{\hss
+ \ea\gobble\string#1\hss}%
+ }%end vbox
+ }%end \pt
+\endinput %;nonum
+%\Hanoi .........................51--66
+%\hanoi .........................19--49
+%\movedisk ......................73--79
+%\showtowers ....................82--85
+% \preloop .....................8--15
+% \postloop ...................16--17
+% \lopoffx ....................76--78
+% \gobble .........................88
+% \disksep.....................90--93
+% \pt ........................95--103
+%History of changes
+%Jan 95 \\ changed into \disksep
+%March 1994 Contents added
+% From tugboat.sty into tug.ppt
+% 1991 MAPS and TUGboat versions
+\message{ ---indextool, Jan 95, cgl--- }
+%Shorthands ;numvrb
+%Counters in blue.tex
+%\newcount\kzero\kzero0 %Bias value
+%\newcount\pkone%Used in sortcs
+%\newcount\frst%First value of range
+%\newcount\last %Last value of range
+%\newcount\slast%Successor \last
+%\newcount\dif %Difference \last-\frst
+%\newcount\nw %Number of words
+%\newcount\nc %Number of chars/comp
+%\newcount\numex %Number of exchanges
+%\newcount\rndval%Random number
+%\newcount\rndnum%Seed random generator
+%\newcount\rndtmp%Temporary value
+%\newcount\status%Status comparison
+%Storing: from copy
+\def\seq#1\qes{\k0 \fifow#1 \wofif{} }
+%Auxiliaries: FIFO
+\def\fifow#1 {\ifx\wofif#1\n\k\wofif\fi
+ \processw{#1}\fifow}
+\def\processw#1{\advance\k1 \ea
+ \gdef\csname\the\k\endcsname{#1}}
+%Storing: from file
+\def\storefrom#1{%#1 is file name
+ \immediate\openin\inx=#1 \k\kzero
+ \continuetrue
+ \loop\ifeof\inx\continuefalse\fi
+ \ifcontinue\advance\k1{}%
+ \read\inx t\ea o\csname\the\k\endcsname
+ \repeat\advance\k-1\n\k
+ \immediate\closein\inx}
+%Storing: random numbers
+\def\storerandomn#1{%#1 number of numbers
+ \n#1\k0
+ \loop\ifnum\k<\n\advance\k1 \rnd\ea
+ \xdef\csname\the\k\endcsname{\the\rndval}
+ \repeat}
+%With, due to Reid, 1987
+%Moved into kernel blue.tex
+% \global\advance\rndnum1{}%
+% \ifnum\rndnum>99999\relax
+% \rndtmp\rndnum \divide\rndtmp100000
+% \multiply\rndtmp100000
+% \global\advance\rndnum-\rndtmp
+% \fi\global\rndval\rndnum
+% \global\divide\rndval1000 }
+%Storing: random words
+\def\storerandomw#1{%#1 number of words
+ \n#1\nw\n\def\defarr{\ea\gdef
+ \csname\the\nw\endcsname}
+ {\loop\ifnum0<\nw{\ag\defarr\ag{%
+ \randomword}}\advance\nw-1
+ \repeat}}%end s-r-w.
+\def\randomword{\rnd \nc\rndval
+ \divide\nc15 \advance\nc2
+ \loop\ifnum0<\nc\randomchar
+ \advance\nc-1
+ \repeat}%end r-word
+%Random character is modified
+ \multiply\rndval29 \divide\rndval100
+ \ifnum26=\rndval\rndval0 \fi
+ \ifnum26<\rndval\rndval4 \fi
+%Mod cgl: I \ag-ed the letter
+ a\or b\or c\or d\or e\or f\or g\or h\or
+ i\or j\or k\or l\or m\or n\or o\or p\or
+ q\or r\or s\or t\or u\or v\or w\or x\or
+ y\or z\fi}%end r-char
+%Parameters: Separators
+\def\sepn{, }%Number separator
+\def\sepw{ } %Word separator
+%\csname newtoks\endcsname\indword
+ \ifnum\last=##1{}\else\ifnum\slast=##1{}%
+ \last\slast\advance\slast1{}\else
+ \prtfl\sepn\init{##1}\fi\fi}}
+ \advance\slast1{}}
+%Print range: \frst-\last (or \last).
+ \advance\frst1{}\ifnum\frst=\last\sepn
+ \else\nobreak--\nobreak\fi\the\last\fi}
+%Printing sequences
+\def\prts{{\k\kzero%print \1...\n
+ \def\sep{\let\sep=\sepw}%
+ \loop\ifnum\k<\n\advance\k1
+ \sep\csname\the\k\endcsname
+ \repeat}}%end \prts
+\def\prtn{{\k\kzero%Print number sequence
+ \loop\ifnum\k<\n\advance\k1
+ \ea\prc\csname\the\k\endcsname
+ \repeat\prtfl}}%end \prtn
+\def\typindentry#1{%#1 a def
+ \ea\splitintoks#1%
+ \ifcase\digit\the\indword\or
+ {\tt\the\indword}\or
+ {\tt\char92\the\indword}\or
+ $\langle\hbox{\the\indword}\rangle$\fi{}
+ {\oldstyle\pagenrs}.}
+\def\comma{{\rm, }}
+\def\splitintoks#1 !#2 #3.{\indword{#1}%
+ \chardef\digit=#2{}\def\pagenrs{#3}}
+ \def\sep{\let\sep\sepw}%
+ \loop\ifnum\k<\n\advance\k1
+ \sep\ea\typindentry\csname\the\k\endcsname%
+ \repeat}}
+%Sorting in O(nlog n)
+%Paramaters: ij and accent string
+ \def\'##1{##1a}\def\`##1{##1g}%
+ \def\"##1{##1t}\def\^##1{##1h}%
+ \def\c##1{##1c}}
+%Sorting parameters: exchange macro
+\def\xch#1#2{%#1, #2 counter variables
+ \ea\let\ea\auxone\csname\the#1\endcsname
+ \ea\let\ea\auxtwo\csname\the#2\endcsname
+ \ea\global\ea\let\csname\the#2\endcsname
+ \auxone
+ \ea\global\ea\let\csname\the#1\endcsname
+ \auxtwo}
+%Sorting parameters: number comparison
+\def\cmpn#1#2{%#1, #2 are def-s
+%Result: \status= 0, 1, 2, if
+% \val{#1} =, >, < \val{#2}
+ \ifnum#1=#2\global\status0 \else
+ \ifnum#1>#2\global\status1 \else
+ \global\status2 \fi\fi}
+%Parameters: comparison of words
+\def\cmpw#1#2{%#1, #2 are def-s
+%Result: \status= 0, 1, 2, if
+% \val{#1} =, >, < \val{#2}
+ \let\nxt\nxtw\cmpc#1#2}
+\def\cmpaw#1#2{%#1, #2 are defs with as
+%replacement text the words.
+%Result: \status= 0, 1, 2, if
+% \val{#1} =, >, < \val{#2}
+ \let\nxt\nxtaw\cmpc#1#2}
+\def\cmpc#1#2{%#1, #2 are def-s
+%Result: \status= 0, 1, 2, if
+% \val{#1} =, >, < \val{#2}
+ \let\aa#1\let\bb#2\fi
+ \global\status0 \continuetrue
+ {\loop\ifx\empty#1\continuefalse\fi
+ \ifx\empty#2\continuefalse\fi
+ \ifcontinue\nxt#1\nxtt\nxt#2\nxtu
+ \lge\nxtt\nxtu
+ \repeat}\ifnum0=\status
+ \ifx\empty#1\ifx\empty#2\else
+ \global\status2 \fi
+ \else\ifx\empty#2\global\status1 \fi
+ \fi\fi
+% \ifproof\immediate\write16{\aa
+% \ifnum0=\status=\else
+% \ifnum1=\status>\else
+% <\fi\fi\bb}
+% \fi%end ifproof
+\def\lge#1#2{%#1 and #2 letter values
+%Result: \status= 0, 1, 2, if
+% #1 =, >, < #2.
+%and \continuefalse if #1=/#2.
+ \ifnum#1=#2{}\else\continuefalse
+ \ifnum#1<#2\global\status2 \else
+ \global\status1 \fi
+ \fi}
+ \gdef#1{##2}\def\head{##1}}%head and tail
+ \ea\pop#1\pop%split in head and tail
+ \ea\loc\head\accstr%\head is an accent cs?
+ \if<\head\ea\pop#1\pop\fi
+ \iffound\let\acs\head
+ \ea\pop#1\pop%next head and tail
+ \ea\let\ea#2\csname ot\acs\head\endcsname
+ \else\ea\let\ea#2\csname ot\head\endcsname
+ \fi}
+ {\ifx\empty##2\empty\foundfalse
+ \else\foundtrue\fi}\ea\locate#2.#1\end}
+%Parameters: for ASCII words
+\def\nxtaw#1#2{%Result: value of first
+%letter of string supplied in #1 is delivered
+%in #2. (To be used as a number (\chardef)).
+%#1, #2 are control sequences.
+ \def\pop##1##2\pop{\gdef#1{##2}%
+ \chardef#2=`##1{}}\ea\pop#1\pop}
+\def\cmpir#1#2{%#1, #2 defs
+%Result: \status= 0, 1, 2 if
+% \val{#1} =, >, < \val{#2}
+%\immediate\write16{Compared are: #1 and #2}%
+\def\decom#1 !#2 #3.#4 !#5 #6.{%
+ \def\one{#1}\def\four{#4}\cmpw\one\four
+ \ifnum0=\status%Compare secondary keys
+ \ifnum#2<#5{}\global\status2{}\else
+ \ifnum#2>#5{}\global\status1{}\else
+ %Compare tertiary keys
+ \ifnum#3<#6{}\global\status2{}\else
+ \ifnum#3>#6{}\global\status1{}\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\red{%Reduction of \1,...,\n
+ \k0\kk0\let\refer\empty
+ \loop\ifnum\k<\n\advance\k1
+ \ea\let\ea\record\csname\the\k\endcsname
+ \ea\splitwn\record%
+ \ifx\refer\word%extend with number
+ \ea\xdef\csname\the\kk\endcsname{%
+ \csname\the\kk\endcsname, \num}%
+ \else%write record to \kk
+ \advance\kk1\let\refer\word\ea\global
+ \ea\let\csname\the\kk\endcsname\record
+ \fi
+ \repeat\n=\kk}
+\def\redrng{%Reduction of \1,...,\n, with
+%range representation of page numbers
+ {\k1\kk0 \ifnum\n>0
+ \ea\let\ea\record\csname\the\k\endcsname
+ \ea\splitwn\record\let\refer\word
+ \let\nrsrng\empty\prcrng\num\fi
+ \loop\ifnum\k<\n\advance\k1
+ \ea\let\ea\record\csname\the\k\endcsname
+ \ea\splitwn\record%
+ \ifx\refer\word%extend \nrsrng with number
+ \prcrng\num
+ \else%write record to \kk
+ \advance\kk1 \strnrs
+ \ea\xdef\csname\the\kk\endcsname{\refer{}
+ \nrsrng.}\let\nrsrng\empty\init\num
+ \prcrng\num\let\refer\word
+ \fi
+ \repeat\ifnum1<\n
+ \advance\kk1 \strnrs
+ \ea\xdef\csname\the\kk\endcsname{\word{}
+ \nrsrng.}
+ \global\n\kk\fi}}
+ \ifnum##1=\last\else\ifnum##1=\slast
+ \last\slast\advance\slast1 \else
+ \strnrs\init{##1}\fi\fi}}
+ \nrsrng\nx\nx\nx\sepn\fi\the\frst\ifnum0<\dif
+ \ifnum1=\dif\nx\nx\nx\sepn\the\last
+ \else\nx\nx\nx\hyphen\the\last
+ \fi
+ \fi}}
+\def\splitwn#1 !#2 #3.{\def\word{#1 !#2}%
+ \def\num{#3}}
+\def\getdig#1 !#2 #3.{\def\dig{#2}}
+%Invariant: 1:k non-cs
+% pk+1:n control seq-s
+ \ea\ea\ea\getdig\csname\the\k\endcsname.%
+ \if2\dig{\continuetrue
+ \loop
+ \ifnum\k=\pk\continuefalse
+ \else\ea\ea\ea\getdig\csname\the\pk
+ \endcsname.%
+ \if2\dig
+ \else\xch\k\pk\continuefalse
+ \fi
+ \fi\global\pkone\pk\global\advance\pk-1
+ \ifcontinue
+ \repeat}%
+ \fi
+\repeat}%Result\1:\pk non-cs, \pkone:\n cs
+%Parameters: Ordering table
+%suffix g stands for grave, `
+% a stands for aigue, '
+% h stands for hat, ^
+% t stands for trema, "
+% c stands for cedille.
+\ea\chardef\csname ot=\endcsname=12
+\ea\chardef\csname ot/\endcsname=11
+\ea\chardef\csname ot-\endcsname=13
+\ea\chardef\csname ot,\endcsname=14
+\ea\chardef\csname ot.\endcsname=15
+\ea\chardef\csname ot"\endcsname=9
+\ea\chardef\csname ot&\endcsname=5
+\ea\chardef\csname ot'\endcsname=7
+\ea\chardef\csname ot`\endcsname=8
+\ea\chardef\csname ot*\endcsname=10
+\ea\chardef\csname ot<\endcsname=28
+\ea\chardef\csname ot>\endcsname=29
+\ea\chardef\csname ot!\endcsname=30
+\ea\chardef\csname ot?\endcsname=31
+\ea\chardef\csname ot[\endcsname=13
+\ea\chardef\csname ot]\endcsname=14
+\ea\chardef\csname ot0\endcsname=16
+\ea\chardef\csname ot1\endcsname=17
+\ea\chardef\csname ot2\endcsname=18
+\ea\chardef\csname ot3\endcsname=19
+\ea\chardef\csname ot4\endcsname=20
+\ea\chardef\csname ot5\endcsname=21
+\ea\chardef\csname ot6\endcsname=22
+\ea\chardef\csname ot7\endcsname=23
+\ea\chardef\csname ot8\endcsname=24
+\ea\chardef\csname ot9\endcsname=25
+\chardef\ota=35 \chardef\otA=35
+ \chardef\otaa=35 \chardef\otag=35
+ \chardef\otat=35\chardef\otah=35
+\chardef\otb=40 \chardef\otB=40
+\chardef\otc=46 \chardef\otC=46
+ \chardef\otcc=46
+\chardef\otd=53 \chardef\otD=53
+\chardef\ote=60 \chardef\otE=60
+ \chardef\otea=60 \chardef\oteg=60
+ \chardef\otet=60 \chardef\oteh=60
+\chardef\otf=67 \chardef\otF=67
+\chardef\otg=74 \chardef\otG=74
+\chardef\oth=81 \chardef\otH=81
+\chardef\oti=88 \chardef\otI=88
+ \chardef\otit=88 \chardef\otih=88
+\chardef\otj=95 \chardef\otJ=95
+ \chardef\otjt=95
+\chardef\otk=102 \chardef\otK=102
+\chardef\otl=109 \chardef\otL=109
+\chardef\otm=116 \chardef\otM=116
+\chardef\otn=123 \chardef\otN=123
+\chardef\oto=130 \chardef\otO=130
+ \chardef\otoa=130 \chardef\otog=130
+ \chardef\otot=130 \chardef\otoh=130
+\chardef\otp=137 \chardef\otP=137
+\chardef\otq=143 \chardef\otQ=143
+\chardef\otr=150 \chardef\otR=150
+\chardef\ots=157 \chardef\otS=157
+\chardef\ott=164 \chardef\otT=164
+\chardef\otu=171 \chardef\otU=171
+ \chardef\otut=171 \chardef\otuh=171
+\chardef\otv=178 \chardef\otV=178
+\chardef\otw=185 \chardef\otW=185
+\chardef\otx=192 \chardef\otX=192
+\chardef\otij=199 \chardef\otIJ=199
+\chardef\oty=200 \chardef\otY=200
+\chardef\otz=206 \chardef\otZ=206
+%Contents sort.tex
+%Counters (blue.tex).............5--19
+%newifs ..(blue.tex)............20--23
+%from copy ...................101--108
+% \seq...\qes ...................102
+%from file ...................110--117
+% \storefrom ...............112--117
+%random generated items
+% \storerandomn ............124--125
+% \rnd .....................128--134
+% \storerandomw ............138--143
+% \randomword ..............145--149
+% \randomchar ..............152--161
+% parameters ................202-205
+% \prc .....................207--210
+% \init ....................212--213
+% \prtfl ...................216--218
+% \prts ....................221--225
+% \prtw .........................227
+% \prtn ....................229--232
+% \typeindentry.............234--240
+% \splitintoks..............244--245
+% \prtind ..................247--251
+% \sortn ........................302
+% \sortaw .......................304
+% \sortw ........................306
+% \sort .........................308
+% \accstr .......................311
+% \accdef ..................313--316
+% \ij ...........................318
+% \xch .....................321--327
+% \cmpn ....................330--335
+% \cmpw ....................338--341
+% \cmpaw ...................343--347
+% \cmpc ....................349--369
+% \lge .....................371--378
+% \nxtw ....................380--388
+% \loc .....................391--393
+% \nxtaw ...................396--401
+% \cmpir ...................403--407
+% \decom ...................409--420
+% \red .....................421--434
+% \redrng ..................436--457
+% \prcrng ..................459--462
+% \strnrs ..................465--471
+% \splitwn .................473--474
+% \getdig .......................476
+% \sortcs ..................478--497
+%Ordering table ..............501--569
+%History of changes
+%Oct 1994 OT modified with respect to
+% Index sorting.
+% Sorting macros adapted and
+% extended.
+%March 1994 Contents added to file sort.tex.
+%Jan 1994 Macros released for CTAN.
+%Spring 1993 Abridged version Sorting in BLUe
+% for TUG'93 (Aston) TB 14.3, 1993.
+%Fall 1992 Release for MAPS 93.1.
+%heapsort.tex Jan, 93
+%Non-descending sorting
+\def\heapsort{%data in \1 to \n
+ \advance\r-1{}\sift\ic\r
+\def\heap{%Transform \1..\n into heap
+ \lc=\n\divide\lc2{}\advance\lc1{}%
+ {\loop\ifnum\lc>1{}\advance\lc-1{}%
+ \sift\lc\n\repeat}}
+\def\sift#1#2{%#1, #2 counter variables
+ \jj=#1\uone=#2\advance\uone1{}\goontrue
+ {\loop\jc=\jj \advance\jj by\jj
+ \ifnum\jj<\uone
+ \jjone=\jj \advance\jjone1{}%
+ \ifnum\jj<#2{}\cmpval\jj\jjone
+ \ifnum2=\status\jj=\jjone\fi\fi
+ \cmpval\jc\jj\ifnum2>\status\goonfalse\fi
+ \else\goonfalse\fi
+\def\cmpval#1#2{%#1, #2 counter variables
+%Result: \status= 0, 1, 2 if
+% \val{#1} =, >, < \val{#2}
+ \ea\let\ea\aone\csname\the#1\endcsname
+ \ea\let\ea\atwo\csname\the#2\endcsname
+ \cmp\aone\atwo}
+%quick.tex Jan 93
+\def\quicksort{%Values given in
+%\low,...,\up are sorted, non-descending.
+%Parameters: \cmp, comparison.
+ \ifnum\low<\up\else\brk\fi
+%\refval, a reference value selected at random.
+ \m=\up\advance\m-\low%Size-1 of array part
+ \ifnum10<\m\rnd\multiply\m\rndval
+ \divide\m99{}\advance\m\low \xch\low\m
+ \fi
+ \ea\let\ea\refval\csname\the\low\endcsname
+ \m=\low\k=\low\let\refvalcop=\refval
+ {\loop\ifnum\k<\up\advance\k1{}%
+ \ea\let\ea\oneqs\csname\the\k\endcsname
+ \cmp\refval\oneqs\ifnum1=\status
+ \global\advance\m1{}\xch\m\k\fi
+ \let\refval=\refvalcop
+ \repeat}\xch\low\m
+ {\up=\m\advance\up-1{}\quicksort}%
+ {\low=\m\advance\low1{}\quicksort}\krb}
+%From BLUe's Index Oct 94%;numvrb
+%Some unused macros are left in.
+ %To parameterize the resulting index
+ %To parameterize the IRs
+ \LAMSTeX{lamstex}
+ \LaTeX{latex}
+ \PS{PostScript}
+ \TeX{tex}}
+%User level
+\def\sortindex{%Nov 1994, cgl
+%To sort IR file.
+%Input: default index is sorted
+% ( file specified in \irfile)
+%Output: file index.elm.
+ \newpage\immediate\closeout\inx
+ \filetoarray{\the\irfile}
+ \immediate\write16{Sorting n=\the\n.
+ Please wait, O(nlog n) process.}
+ \let\cmp\cmpir\let\nxtw\nxtwindex
+ \otindex\let\ \space
+ {%Make sortkey defs
+ \ea\sokdef\the\srtkeypairs\fedkos\relax
+ \sort
+ \let\spaceseparator\space
+ \setupnxtokens\def\ {\nx\ }%
+ \immediate\write16{Range reduction.}
+ \redrngtofile{}
+ \immediate\write16{After reduction and
+ writing to file; n=\the\n.}
+ \immediate\write16{Transform
+ \tawfiletofile{}{\the
+ \indexfile}}}
+%Set up set of \srtkeys
+ \sok\the\srtkeypairs\kos\relax}
+\def\pasteupindex{%May 1995, cgl
+%To set index in (balanced) doublecolumn.
+%The index is preceded by
+%and by the contents of
+%\preindex and followed by contents of
+%Input: default index.elm is set
+% (file specified in \indexfile).
+%Biased by manmac's \begindoublecolumns
+%\chapterhead{\the\indexname}%in preindex
+ \begingroup\def\space{{\tt\char32 }}%
+ \the\preindex\endgraf
+ \pageheight\vsize
+ \pagewd\hsize
+ \pagewidth\pagewd%anachronism
+ \parindent1em
+ \output={\global\setbox\partialpage=
+ \vbox{\unvbox255\bigskip}}%
+ \eject
+ \output={\bluedoublecolumnout}%
+% \hsize=8.5cm \vsize=51cm%blue.tex values
+ \divide\hsize2 \advance\hsize-1cm
+ \advance\vsize\vsize \advance\vsize1cm
+ \parskip0pt plus.8pt\relax
+ \obeylines\everypar{%
+ \hangindent2\parindent}%
+ \ea\let\csname par\endcsname\endgraf
+ \let\sub\endgraf
+ \input\the\indexfile\relax
+%endpasteupindex part biased by
+%manmac's \enddoublecolumns
+ \output={\balancecolumns}\eject
+ \endgroup
+ \pagegoal=\vsize\the\postindex}
+%Add an element #1 to toks var #2
+%Inner level
+%IR creation
+%Things are set up within \makexref to
+%allow dynamical use.
+\def\makexref{\ifproofmode%Mod cgl oct 94
+ \setupsrtkeys
+ \bgroup\def\ {\string\ }%
+ \def\process##1{\def##1{\string##1 }}%
+ \ea\ea\ea\fifo\ea\the\ea\conseqs
+ \the\srtkeys\ofif
+ \def\process##1{\def##1{\string##1}}%
+ \ea\fifo\the\consyms\ofif
+ \xdef\writeit{\write\inx{\text{}
+ !\xreftype\spaceseparator
+ \nx\number\pageno.}}\writeit
+ \egroup
+ \else\ifhmode\kern0pt\fi\fi
+ \ifsilent\ignorespaces\else{\next}\fi}
+\def\cmpir#1#2{%#1, #2 defs
+%Result: \status= 0, 1, 2 if
+% \val{#1} =, >, < \val{#2}
+%\immediate\write16{Compared are: *#1*
+% and *#2*}%
+%On input: #1 contains the `word'
+%As result: #2 contains the value
+% of the first non-ignored token as given
+% in the ordering table.
+%#1 contains the rest of the `word'
+ \def\pop##1##2\pop{%
+ \gdef#1{##2}\def\pophead{##1}}%head and tail
+ \ea\pop#1\pop%split in head and tail
+ \ignores\ea\ea\ea{\ea
+ \the\ea\conseqs\the\consyms}%
+ \ea\loc\pophead{\the\ignores}%
+ \iffound\ifx\empty#1 \chardef#2=0
+ \else\nxtwindex#1#2 \fi
+ \else
+ \ea\loc\pophead{\the\srtkeys}%
+ \iffound\xdef\pophead{\pophead}%
+ \ea\ea\ea\gdef\ea\ea\ea#1\ea\ea\ea
+ {\ea\pophead#1}%
+ \nxtwindex#1#2
+ \else
+ \ea\let\ea#2\csname ot\pophead\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\otindex{%Parameters: Ordering `table'
+%Special cases
+\ea\chardef\csname ot \endcsname=0
+\ea\chardef\csname ot\space\endcsname=0
+%{|}~(\char126) in ASCII after lowercase
+%^ active character
+%Bulk according to ACII
+ \csname ot##1\endcsname=`##1 }
+%lowercase letters
+\fifo abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\ofif
+\chardef\otij=`y \chardef\otIJ=`y
+%other characters
+\fifo !"##$&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@
+ []_`\ofif
+%uppercase letters equal lowercase
+ \csname ot##1\endcsname=\lccode`##1 }
+ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\ofif}
+%Range reduction
+\def\redrngtofile#1{%Reduction of \1,...,\n,
+%with range representation of page numbers
+ {\k1\kk0 \ifnum\n>0
+ \ea\ea\ea\splitwn\csname\the\k\endcsname
+ \let\refer\word
+ \let\nrsrng\empty\prcrng\num\fi
+ \loop\ifnum\k<\n\advance\k1
+ \ea\ea\ea\splitwn\csname\the\k\endcsname
+ \ifx\refer\word%extend \nrsrng with number
+ \prcrng\num
+ \else%write record to \kk
+ \advance\kk1 \strnrs
+ \immediate\write\inx{\refer\spaceseparator
+ \nrsrng.}%
+ \let\nrsrng\empty\init\num
+ \prcrng\num\let\refer\word
+ \fi
+ \repeat\ifnum1<\n
+ \advance\kk1 \strnrs
+ \immediate\write\inx{\refer\spaceseparator
+ \nrsrng.}%
+ \global\n\kk\fi
+ }\immediate\closeout\inx}
+\def\filetoarray#1{%#1 is file name
+ \immediate\openin\inxin=#1\relax
+ \ifeof\inxin\immediate\write16{File #1 empty
+ or non-existent.}%
+ \fi \n\kzero\continuetrue
+ \loop\ifeof\inxin\continuefalse\fi
+ \ifcontinue\advance\n1 \immediate
+ \read\inxin t\ea o\csname\the\n\endcsname
+%\immediate\write16{k: \number\n:
+% \csname\the\n\endcsname}%
+ \repeat\advance\n-1
+ \immediate\closein\inxin}
+ \immediate\openin\inxin=#1\relax
+ \immediate\openout\inx=#2\relax
+ \loop\read\inxin to\IR
+ \ifeof\inxin\continuefalse\fi
+ \ifcontinue\trfandwrite\IR
+ \repeat
+ \immediate\closein\inxin
+ \immediate\closeout\inx
+ \def\process##1{\def##1{\nx##1}}%
+ \ea\ea\ea\fifo\ea\the\ea\conseqs
+ \the\srtkeys\ofif
+ \def\process##1{\def##1{\string##1}}%
+ \ea\fifo\the\consyms\ofif
+ \immediate\write\inx{\nx\noindent
+ \ifcase\digit{\the\indword}\or
+ {\nx\tt\the\indword}\or
+ \nx\cs{\the\indword}\or
+ $\nx\langle\hbox{\the\indword}\nx\rangle
+ $\fi\spaceseparator{\nx
+ \oldstyle\pagenrs}}}%Period deleted
+\def\splitintoks#1 !#2 #3.{\indword{#1}%
+ \chardef\digit=#2\relax\def\pagenrs{#3}}
+%Biased by manmac's doublecolumnout
+ \splittopskip=\topskip
+ \splitmaxdepth=\maxdepth \dimen@\pageheight
+ \advance\dimen@ by-\ht\partialpage
+ \setbox0=\vsplit255 to\dimen@
+ \setbox2=\vsplit255 to\dimen@
+ \blueonepageout\pagesofar
+ \unvbox255 \penalty\outputpenalty}
+%Biased by manmac's \onepageout
+ \shipout\vbox{%
+ \vbox to\baselineskip{\null
+ \the\headline\vss}%
+ \kern2ex
+ \vbox to\pageheight{#1\vss}%
+ \kern1ex
+ \the\footline
+ }\advancepageno}
+%Build from \srtkeykpairs \srtkeys
+%via \ea\sok\srtkeypairs\kos\relax
+ \srtkeys\ea{\the\srtkeys#1}\sok}
+%Build from \srtkeypairs srtkey defs
+ \def#1{#2}\sokdef}
+%Table of contents: blue.ind
+% \indexname...........(blue.tex)
+% \preindex....................21
+% \postindex...................22
+% \indword.............(blue.tex)
+% \indexfile...........(blue.tex)
+% \irfile..............(blue.tex)
+% \conseqs.....................24
+% \consyms.....................25
+% \srtkeys.....................31
+% \srtkeypairs..............26-30
+% \ignores.............(blue.tex)
+%User level macros
+% \sortindex..............101-125
+% \pasteupindex...........151-187
+% \add#1to#2..................190
+%Lower level macros
+%IR Creation
+% \makexref...............203-216
+% \cmpir..................251-256
+% \nxtwindex..............258-282
+% \otindex................284-304
+%Range reduction
+% \redrngtofile...........401-424
+% \filetoarray............501-512
+% \tawfiletofile..........514-523
+% \trfandwrite............533-540
+% \setupnxtokens..........525-531
+% \splitintoks............542-543
+%OTR doublecolumns
+% \bluedoublecolumnout....601-609
+% \blueonepageout.........611-620
+% \sok....................702-707
+% \sokdef.................709-713
+%History of changes
+%Nov 1994 Set up.
+\tool\ntglogotool %;numvrb
+\message{ ---ntglogo, Jan 95, cgl--- }
+\font\calx=cmsy10 scaled \magstep4
+ \hbox{{\calx N}ederlandstalige}
+ \hbox{\hskip1em{\calx T}\kern-.2ex
+ \raise-.5ex\hbox{E}\kern.1exX}
+ \hbox{\hskip2em{\calx G}ebruikersgroep}}}
+\tool\ntginfotool %;numvrb
+\message{ ---ntginfo, Jan 95, cgl--- }
+ \hangindent5\generalindent\hangafter-5
+ \smash{\lower3.5\baselineskip
+ \hbox to0pt{\hskip-.9\hangindent
+ \copy\ntglogobox\hss}}}
+\dropntglogo is the Dutch-language-oriented
+ \TeX{} \UG, founded in
+ {\oldstyle1988}. The activities
+ comprise two meetings per year,
+ with the wealthy MAPS\Dash Minutes
+ and APpendiceS\Dash
+ sent out before each meeting.\\
+The activities are biased by sharing experience
+in using \AllTeX, \MF, literate programming,
+SGML, Adobe's \PS{} and PDF, next to
+multi-media, in short, sharing knowledge about
+Electronic Publishing, biased by \AllTeX.
+The intricacies of the World-Wide-Web in
+relation to using \AllTeX{} is also explored.
+Less than {\oldstyle5}\% of our energy was
+devoted to organizational matters in the past.
+Apart from the regular MAPS we enjoy MAPS specials.
+Up till {\oldstyle1994} NTG's PR set and David
+Salomon's courseware\Dash
+Advanced \TeX: Insights and Hindsights\Dash
+have appeared in this series.
+The {\oldstyle 1994} special has the title
+{\oldstyle 100} FAQ: Everything you will ever
+have to know about \AllTeX.\ftn{Courtesy Bobby Bodenheimer
+ and ukTUG,
+ Reprint Baskerville, {\oldstyle4}, {\oldstyle6}.}
+Important activities, listed in historical
+order, have been
+\item{\oldstyle1988\quad} NTG's discussion
+ list and fileserver on the air
+\item{\oldstyle1989\quad} NTG days, various
+ courses have been offered since
+\item{\oldstyle1990\quad} SGML-\TeX{} conference,
+ Babel emerges
+\item{\oldstyle1992\quad} Belgian commissioner
+ for Flemish \AllTeX ies
+\item{\oldstyle1993\quad} Goddijn's Bulletin Board
+\item{\oldstyle1994\quad} 4All\TeX{} CD-ROM
+ with turnkey-\TeX{} system
+\item{\oldstyle1995\quad} Euro\TeX,
+ BLUe's system emerges
+Close contacts have been maintained over the
+years with the TUG\Dash \TUG\Dash and the
+other LUGs\Dash Language-oriented \TUG s.
+One can subscribe for a joint membership of
+NTG and TUG.
+The regular subscription fee for an individual
+NTG membership is in the order of
+{\it f}~{\oldstyle90} per year.
+Students are granted a discount.
+An institutional membership is possible.
+Enquiries, casu quo a registration form,
+can be obtained from
+ NTG's secretary Postbus {\oldstyle394},
+ {\oldstyle1740} AJ Schagen,
+\tool\smileystool %;numvrb
+\message{ ---smileys, July 95, cgl--- }%
+%Assumed \mfs etc. available
+ \putatxy}%l-eye
+ {\x750\unitlength\y150\unitlength
+ \putatxy}%r-eye
+ \putatxy}%l-eye
+ {\x700\unitlength\y150\unitlength
+ \putatxy}%r-eye
+ \putatxy}%l-eye
+ {\x700\unitlength\y150\unitlength
+ \putatxy}%r-eye
+ {100}{150}{250}{75}{250}{75}{400}{150}%
+ {\k0\kmax2\x0pt\y0pt\mfs}%l-winkeye
+ {\x750\unitlength\y150\unitlength\putatxy}%r-eye
+ {250}{-250}{500}{-350}{500}{-350}{750}{-250}%
+ \k0\x0pt\y0pt\mfs}
+ {250}{-350}{500}{-250}{500}{-250}{750}{-350}%
+ \k0\x0pt\y0pt\mfs}
+\kmax5 %level
+ \initialize
+ 000{650}{1000}{650}{1000}0%
+ \k0\putatxy\mfs
+ \initialize
+ 000{-650}{1000}{-650}{1000}0%
+ \k0\mfs\y0pt\x\X4\putatxy
+ \kmax3
+ \initialize
+ {100}{200}{250}{250}{250}{250}{400}{200}%
+ \k0\x0pt\y0pt\mfs%l-brow
+ \initialize
+ {600}{200}{750}{250}{750}{250}{900}{200}%
+ \k0\x0pt\y0pt\mfs%r-brow
+ {\x500\unitlength\y150\unitlength\S{250}}%Nose
+\tool\toctool %;numvrb
+ Sept 95, March 96 cgl---}
+%March 96 writing to file is replaced by
+% maintaining \toksvar tocvar.
+\tocvar\ea{\the\tocvar\par\qquad ex: #1}}
+ \bluehead Contents\par
+ \the\tocvar
+ \let\makesignature\relax}
+\tool\englishtool %;numvrb
+\message{ ---English , Jan 95, cgl--- }
+\tool\russiantool %;numvrb
+\message{ ---Russian , %Jan 95,
+ not yet available, cgl--- }
+\endinput %!cgl;newcol
+\tool\xyztool %;numvrb
+\message{ ---xyz, jan 95, cgl--- }%
+ \setbox0\vbox{\hbox{/}\kern0pt}%
+ \lower2.65\ht0\hbox{\copy0%
+ \rlap{\qquad#1}}%
+ \kern-.185\ht0\lower1.8\ht0\copy0%
+ \kern-.185\ht0\lower0.95\ht0\copy0%
+ \kern-.11\ht0%
+ \vrule height9ex depth0pt\relax%
+ \raise7ex\rlap{\qquad#3}%
+ \vrule height.1pt depth.1pt width 8ex%
+ \qquad\lower.6ex\hbox{#2}}%
+\endinput %;nonum
+\tool\partlogotool %;numvrb
+%from TeX book
+ \bigskip\noindent
+ \vbox{\line{\hrulefill}%
+ \kern-.5\baselineskip
+\line{\hrulefill{ \phantom{\bf #1}} %
+ \hrulefill}%
+ \kern-.5\baselineskip
+ \line{\hrulefill{ \bf #1}
+ \hrulefill}%
+ \kern-.5\baselineskip
+ \line{\hrulefill}%
+\endinput %;nonum
+\message{ ---pascaltool, Jan, Aug 95, cgl--- }
+%C.G. van der Laan, Jan, Oct 95.%;numvrb
+%Processing (first set of macros)
+ \the\postpascal\endgroup}
+\def\lf{x}%toggle for last font to insert \/
+ \ifnum\commentstatus>0
+ \if p\lf\leavevmode\/\fi#1\def\lf{c}\else
+ \ifx\relax#1\relax{ }%space
+ \else\foundfalse
+ \loc{ #1 }{\the\reservedset}%
+ \iffound{\if p\lf\leavevmode\/\fi
+ \reservedwordsfont#1}\def\lf{r}%
+ \else\if=#1${}={}$\else
+ {\pascalprogramfont#1{}}\def\lf{p}\fi\fi
+ \fi\fi}%end processw;vrblin50
+%for the rest of listing use
+%another escape char;endinput
+%Typesetting : ;= ; . ^
+ {\rm\char`\:}#1\fi}
+ \def;{{\/\rm\char`\;}}
+\catcode`\.=\active \def.{{\pascalprogramfont
+ \char`\.}}
+\catcode`\^=\active \def^{\char'\active6}
+ %\def^{{\enspace$\uparrow$}}
+\catcode`\[=\active \catcode`\]=\active
+ \def[{{\rm \char`\[}}
+ \def]{{\rm\/\char`\]}}
+\catcode`\(=\active \catcode`\*=\active
+ \advance\commentstatus1
+ \pascalcommentfont
+ \else\leftbrace#1\fi}
+%Reserved words ;vrblin100
+\reservedset{ and array begin case const
+ div do downto else end. end; file for
+ function goto if in label mod nil not of
+ or otherwise packed procedure program record
+ repeat set step string then to type until
+ var while with}%
+%Handling of >= <= <> > < ;vrblin150
+ ${}\gt{}$#1\fi}
+ \if=#1${}\leq{}$\else
+ ${}\lt{}$#1\fi\fi}
+%Handling of + - * ;vrblin200
+\def\-{-}%Save for hyphen use
+\catcode`\+=\active \def+{${}\plus{}$}
+ \advance\commentstatus-1
+ \else${}\times{}$#1\fi}
+%{\catcode`\-=\active \gdef-{${}\minus{}$}}
+%Later catcode is set for minus
+%Last part of processing ;vrblin250
+\obeyspaces\let =\
+\def\fifow#1 {\ifx
+\wofif#1\wofif\fi\processw{#1}\ \fifow}%
+\def\processl#1{\fifow#1 \wofif
+ \endgraf}%First space is needed
+% ;vrblin300
+\let\zero0 \catcode`\0=\active\def0{{\rm\zero}}
+\let\one1 \catcode`\1=\active\def1{{\rm\one}}
+\let\two2 \catcode`\2=\active\def2{{\rm\two}}
+\let\four4 \catcode`\4=\active\def4{{\rm\four}}
+\let\five5 \catcode`\5=\active\def5{{\rm\five}}
+\let\six6 \catcode`\6=\active\def6{{\rm\six}}
+\let\nine9 \catcode`\9=\active\def9{{\rm\nine}}
+\catcode`\-=\active \def-{${}\minus{}$}%
+%Contents Pascal
+% \beginpascal
+% \lofif
+% \endpascal
+% \processw
+%Typesetting : := ;semicol . ^
+% \becomes
+% :
+% ;
+% .
+% ^
+%Reserved words
+%Handling of >= <= <> > <
+% \lt
+% \gt
+% >
+% <
+%Handling of + - *
+% -
+% \plus
+% \minus
+% \times
+% +
+% *
+% -
+%Last part of processing
+% \fifow#
+% \processl
+%Keeping track of comments, and
+%using comment fonts
+% {, }
+% [, ]
+% \commentstatus
+% \pascalcommentfont
+% \prepascal
+%Use of the above file via
+%\input pascal.tex
+%(*Print length of third side of
+% triangle given two sides and
+% enclosed angle*)
+%program EX4A(input, output);
+%var a, b, c angle : real;
+%begin read(a, b, angle);
+% c:=sqrt(sqr(a)+sqr(b)-
+% 2*a*b*cos(angle));
+% writeln(`The third side is', c)
+%(*heap creation*)
+%l := n div 2 + 1;
+%while l <> 1 do
+%begin l := l-1; sift(a, l, n) end;
+%r := n;
+%while r <> 1 do
+%begin swap(a[1], a[r]);
+% r := r-1; sift(a, 1, r)
+%(*sift arg1 through arg2*)
+%j:= arg1;
+%while 2j >= arg2 and
+% (a[j] < a[2j] or a[j] < a[2j+1])
+%do begin mi := 2j + if a[2j] > a[2j+1]
+% then 0
+% else 1;
+% exchange(a[j], a[mi]); j := mi
+%Together with blue.tex and tools.dat
+%\input pascal.tex
+%\input blue.tex
+%End pascal.tex
+%History of changes
+%Jan 95 Designed
+phoney tool, for test purpose
+\endinput%end \efg \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/fotex/fotex.ini b/obsolete/macros/fotex/fotex.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d220004bef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/fotex/fotex.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+\input fotex.ltx
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/fotex/fotex.ltx b/obsolete/macros/fotex/fotex.ltx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e07cc8ec43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/fotex/fotex.ltx
@@ -0,0 +1,986 @@
+%%RCS: $Id: fotex.ltx,v 1.9 1999/12/21 11:40:37 rahtz Exp rahtz $
+%% File: fotex.ltx Copyright 1999 Sebastian Rahtz
+%% This package may be distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public
+%% License, as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX distribution.
+%% Either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version.
+%% I am very grateful to David Carlisle for all the good ideas, code
+%% fragments and advice.
+ \XMLdefempty<#1/>{#2}%
+ \XMLdef</#1>{}%
+ \XMLdef<#1>{#2}%
+\input ucharacters.sty
+\newcommand\XURL{\begingroup \urlstyle{same}\Url}
+ pdfborder={0 0 0},
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+% linkbordercolor={0 0 0},
+% urlbordercolor={0 0 0},
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+% citebordercolor={0 0 0},
+ typexml]{hyperref}[1999/08/11]
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+ \let \protect \noexpand
+ \@resetactivechars
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+ \set@typeset@protect
+ \aftergroup \endgroup
+ \aftergroup \set@typeset@protect
+ % correct? or just restore by ending
+ % the group?
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+ \def\@thefoot{\csname left-xsl-after\endcsname}%
+ \let\@themargin\evensidemargin
+ \fi
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+% RCS: $Id: mathml.ltx,v 1.2 1999/08/12 11:59:08 rahtz Exp $
+%% File: fotex.ltx Copyright 1999 Sebastian Rahtz
+%% This package may be distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public
+%% License, as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX distribution.
+%% Either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version.
+% MathML formatting objects
+ \XMLattributes\XMLlabel{\XMLid}%
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf08172235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/genins.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% ========= Syntactic Compability Forms ============
+% Each of these has a token list that is inserted before each
+% particular insert ... and in a group.
+% in \begin... \end.. pairs
+\let\endtopinsert = \e@ndinsert
+\let\endmidinsert = \e@ndinsert
+\let\endpageinsert = \e@ndinsert
+% ============= Figure, Table, etc inserts ==========
+% Assumptions
+% The form is described by three letters, eg "fig" or "tbl"
+% If the list file exists, the page info is written.
+% \writelistfile must be defined
+% \autonumber, \autoreference, \ref, \quietref, \veryraggedright
+% If autonumbering is on, then
+% \silent, \autofignum ..
+% An "fig" form and "tbl" form are defined. These need
+% \figurelabel, and \tablelabel respectively. These are
+% usually defined in the \englishversion and \versionfrancaise
+% The insert forms use \beginmidinsert ... \endmidinsert.
+% Defaults --- to be set.
+% \captiontextfraction ... inrsdef.tex
+% \captionskip ... inrsdef.tex
+% \topcaptiontrue or \topcaptionfalse ... inrsdef.tex
+% \figurelabel or \figlabel ... english.tex or francais.tex
+% \tablelabel or \tbllabel ... english.tex or francais.tex
+% \captionnumfont ... inrsfont.tex
+% \captiontitlefont ... inrsfont.tex
+% \captionbodyfont ... inrsfont.tex
+% \captionbodyon <off> ... inrsdef.tex
+% This is a general form for an insert with a caption, under it
+% if \topcaptionfalse and over it if \topcaptiontrue
+% The particular form is identified with a (usually) three letter sequence
+% such as "fig" or "tbl". There can be an associated list file for
+% automatic generation of the page list for the items.
+% The basic form is a non-floating type, enclosed in $$ ... $$ to give
+% correct spacing. This can be put in an insert to make it float.
+% Full page forms require \vfill above and/or below for top, bottom, or center.
+% The caption box measures its size and centers the text if it is short
+% or puts it in a \vbox which is \captiontextfraction of the \hsize
+% if it is not.
+% The \captionskip is the spacing between the caption and the actual
+% item in the text. This may be a table or figure or ....
+% \let\captionnumfont = \bf
+% \let\captiontextfont = \relax % defaults to "outside font"
+% \def\captiontextfraction{0.8}
+\def\captionbox#1#2{\setbox0=\hbox{{\captionnumfont #1}\quad #2}
+ \ifdim 1\wd0 < \captiontextfraction\hsize
+ \centerline{\unhbox0}
+ \else
+ \centerline{\vbox{\hsize=\captiontextfraction\hsize
+ \veryraggedright
+ \setbox0=\hbox{{\captionnumfont #1}\quad}
+ \hangindent=1\wd0 \hangafter=1
+ \noindent\unhbox0
+ \captiontitlefont #2}}%
+ \fi}
+% A caption is assumed to have both a <title> that will appear in the
+% list, if any and a <caption body> that will appear only when the caption is
+% printed. The default is to have \captionbody ... "active" and to turn it
+% off when making lists.
+% This is done with two commands \captionbodyon and \captionbodyoff
+% associated with a <caption body> is a <caption body font>
+\def\captionbodyon{\def\captionbody##1{\captionbodyfont ##1}}
+% \rect <hor dimen> by <vert dimen>} A centered rectangular box to act
+% as a place holder if there is a figure to be pasted in later.
+ \hbox{\vrule height \the\dimen2
+ \hskip \dimen0
+ \vrule height \the\dimen2}
+ \hrule
+ }}}
+\def\rect #1by{\dimen0 #1\afterassignment\r@ect \dimen2}
+% ======= This is the general insert form =======
+% #1 is the name of the insert form, #2 is the tag or number, #3 is the title
+% #4 is the actual insert form value ... ie figure or table or ...
+% This is the glue specification between the caption and the body of the
+% insert
+\newskip\captionskip %\captionskip=2ex
+% This is a switch that controls whether the caption is above or below the
+% the body of the insert
+\newif\iftopcaption %\topcaptionfalse % defaulted
+% This is the general form of the insert --- it requires both \autonumber
+% and \autoreference to work. By selectively turning on/off these
+% switches, multipart figures are possible.
+\def\geninsertform #1#2#3#4{
+ \ifautonumber
+ \silent{\expandafter\csname auto#1num\endcsname{#2}}\relax
+ \edef\i@nsnum{\csname:@#2\endcsname}\else
+ \edef\i@nsnum{#2}\fi
+ {\def\captionbody##1{}\edef\t@out{\noexpand\writelistfile
+ {#1}{\csname #1tocout\endcsname}{\i@nsnum}{#3}}\t@out}\relax
+ $$\vbox{\normalbaselines
+ \iftopcaption
+ \captionbox{\csname #1label\endcsname\i@nsnum}{#3}
+ \vskip \captionskip
+ \centerline{\vbox{#4}}
+ \else
+ \centerline{\vbox{#4}}
+ \vskip \captionskip
+ \captionbox{\csname #1label\endcsname\i@nsnum}{#3}
+ \fi
+ \vss}$$}
+% ========== Special Cases ============
+% These define simple forms for standard midinserts. It uses
+% \beginmidinsert ... \endmidinsert for consistency
+% For Figures
+\def\figureform #1#2#3{\geninsertform {fig}{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+\def\figlabel{\figurelabel }
+\def\figureinsert #1#2#3{\beginmidinsert
+ \figureform{#1}{#2}{#3}
+ \endmidinsert }
+%\def\figtocout{\string\figtoc} % actually set in inrsdef.tex
+% For Tables
+\def\tableform #1#2#3{\geninsertform {tbl}{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+\def\tbllabel{\tablelabel }
+\def\tableinsert #1#2#3{\beginmidinsert
+ \tableform{#1}{#2}{#3}
+ \endmidinsert }
+%\def\tbltocout{\string\tbltoc} % actually set in inrsdef.tex
+% Comment ---- \endinsert in Plain has a pre and post \bigskip
+% This should probably be removed and the spacing always controlled by
+% the $$ ... $$. Instead, if the \everymidinsert form were used it
+% would be possible to remove it with \everymidinsert = {\let\bigskip=\relax \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/helphdr.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/helphdr.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52911e89a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/helphdr.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+% -*-tex-*-
+% tex 1.1
+% special definitions
+% subdocument macros fix
+\def\lb{ \li $\bullet$ }
+\def\subdocumentmacros#1{\ifs@ubdocument #1 \fi\s@ubdocumentfalse}
+%simple line skip
+\def\ls{\vskip \baselineskip \noindent}
+%vphantom "bug"
+\def\sphantom#1{\setbox0=\hbox{#1} \setbox2=\null \ht2=\ht0 \dp2=\dp0 \box2}
+%check form %will print in proof mode only
+\long\def\proofcheck#1{\ifproofmode \par Proofcheck: \par #1 \fi}
+\def\comhead#1{\penaltybreak{-1000}{2.8ex}\centerline{\sssheadfont #1}\smallskip\nobreak}
+\let\tex = \TeX % its easier to type
+\def\texbook{\tex book}
+\def\plain{{\it plain}}
+\def\vrt{\hbox{\tt\char`\|}} % vertical line
+\def\dnArrow{\hbox{\tt\char'14}} % downward arrow
+\def\upArrow{\hbox{\tt\char'13}} % upward arrow
+\def\]{\hbox{\tt\char`\ }} % visible space
+%special boxits
+\let \hh=\hhboxit \let \vh=\vhboxit \let \vv=\vvboxit \let \hv=\hvboxit
+%========== simple forms for prim,plain,ext ended commands =======
+\def\pri{\leavevmode\llap{$\bullet$\kern 5pt}\nobreak}
+\def\pla{\leavevmode\llap{$\diamond$\kern 5pt}\nobreak}
+\def\ext{\leavevmode\llap{$\star$\kern 5pt}\nobreak}
+%======== simple multicolumn for symbols and commands
+% must fit on single page and have no inserts
+% will be balanced
+\newdimen\simpfirstoffset \simpfirstoffset = 1em
+\newtoks\simpcolumnsep \simpcolumnsep = {\vrule\hskip 2em\vrule}
+ \dimen0= \simpnumcolumns\wd0 %\the\dimen0
+ \advance\dimen0 by -\wd0 %\the\dimen0
+ \advance\dimen0 by \simpfirstoffset
+ \dimen2 = \hcolumnsize %\the\dimen2
+ \advance\dimen2 by -\dimen0 %\the\dimen0
+ \divide\dimen2 by \simpnumcolumns
+ \global\simphcolumnsize = \dimen2
+ }
+ \setbox\simpgalleybox = \vbox\bgroup \hsize\simphcolumnsize}
+\def\endsimplemulticolumn{ \egroup \dimen0 = \ht\simpgalleybox
+ \advance\dimen0 by \dp\simpgalleybox
+ \divide\dimen0 by \simpnumcolumns
+ \advance\dimen0 by 0pt % size of split box
+ \count255=1
+ \splitmaxdepth=\maxdepth
+ \splittopskip=0pt
+ \setbox2 = \vsplit\simpgalleybox to \dimen0
+ \setbox0 = \hbox{\vbox to \dimen0{\unvbox2\vss}}
+ \loop \ifnum \count255 < \simpnumcolumns
+ \setbox2 = \vsplit\simpgalleybox to\dimen0
+ \setbox0 = \hbox{\unhbox0\the\simpcolumnsep
+ \vbox to \dimen0{\unvbox2\vss}}
+ \advance\count255 by 1
+ \repeat
+ \centerline{\box0}}
+%use default values
+\def\beginthreecolumn{\begincolumns 3}
+\def\begintwocolumn{\begincolumns 2}
+\def\begincolumns#1{\par\simpnumcolumns= #1
+ \simpfirstoffset = 10pt
+ \simpcolumnsep = {\hskip 2em}
+ \setsimphsize
+ \beginsimplemulticolumn \obeylines
+ \advance\parskip by 0pt plus 2pt minus 2pt
+ \parindent =0pt}
+\let\endtwocolumn = \endsimplemulticolumn
+%command followed by explanation or short example
+\newdimen\descrwd \descrwd = 2.5in
+\def\bshortcomlist{\begingroup$$\tabskip=1em plus 1fil
+ minus 1fil\halign\bgroup##\dotfill&\quad
+ \vtop{\hsize \descrwd \veryraggedright\noindent\strut ##\strut} \cr}
+\def\eshortcomlist{\crcr \egroup$$\endgroup}
+% macros for verbatim scanning
+{\obeyspaces %makes a space active for inside def
+\parindent0pt\parskip0pt plus1pt%
+\obeyspaces\let =\space
+{\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=\other% | is temporary escape character
+|obeylines% end of line is active
+{\catcode`\|=\active \gdef\g@et #1|{\gdef\text{#1}#1\endgroup
+ \ifindexit \makexref \fi \indexitfalse}}
+\catcode`\|=\active %defines | as an active character in the entire document
+{\obeylines \gdef|{\ttverbatim\spaceskip\ttglue\g@et}}
+% ========= \ in \beginttverbatim ========
+%More useful stuff from TeX manual Header
+\def\bull{\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex } % square bullet
+\def\SS{{\it SS}} % scriptscript style
+% \box\bigdot is a null box with a bullet at its reference point
+\newbox\bigdot \newbox\smalldot
+\setbox0=\hbox{$\vcenter{}$} % \ht0 is the axis height
+\setbox1=\hbox to 0pt{$\hss\bullet\hss$} % bullet is centered on the axis
+\setbox\bigdot=\vbox to 0pt{\kern-\ht1 \kern\ht0 \box1 \vss}
+\setbox1=\hbox to0pt{$\hss\cdot\hss$} % cdot is centered on the axis
+\setbox\smalldot=\vbox to0pt{\kern-\ht1 \kern\ht0 \box1 \vss}
+% \samplebox makes the outline of a box, with big dot at reference point
+\def\samplebox#1#2#3#4{% #1=ht, #2=dp, #3=wd, #4=text
+ {\setbox0=\vtop{\vbox to #1{\hbox to #3{}\vss}
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \vbox to #2{}}% now \box0 has the desired ht, dp, and wd
+ \hbox{\copy\bigdot
+ \vrule height.2pt depth.2pt width#3%
+ \kern-#3%
+ \makelightbox
+ \kern-#3%
+ \raise#1\vbox{\hbox to #3{\hss#4\hss}
+ \kern 3pt}}}}
+% \sampleglue makes glue between sample boxes
+\def\sampleglue#1#2{% #1=width, #2=text
+ \vtop{\hbox to #1{\xleaders\hbox to .5\varunit{\hss\copy\smalldot\hss}\hfil}
+ \kern3pt
+ \tabskip 0pt plus 1fil
+ \halign to #1{\hfil##\cr#2\cr}}}
+% indexing macros mods of texbook
+% there is an interaction between \beginttverbatim and indexing wrt ^
+% thus change of ^ active to \@ !!!!!
+\gdef\makexref{{\def\space{ }\def^^M{*/*}% spaces are important
+% Command description macro
+% Format will be
+% \bc
+% |<command>|\par-- for input
+% nobreak
+% Block based description
+% bigbreak
+\def\beginblockmode {\begingroup\parindent=0pt
+ \parskip= \smallskipamount
+ \def\nbr{\par\nobreak\smallskip}
+ \let\sbr=\smallbreak
+ \let\mbr=\bigbreak
+ \let\bbr=\bigbreak}
+%multipoint eqalign
+ \ialign{&\quad\strut\hfil$\displaystyle{##}$&$\displaystyle
+ {{}##}$\hfil\quad&##\crcr#1\crcr}}\,}
+%special changes for this book
+\newskip\qsk \qsk=3in plus 1fill
+\def\cquote#1#2{\par\vfill\leftskip=\qsk {\it #1}\par\bigskip{\bf #2}}
+\def\pslide #1//#2//{\vfill\hslide #1//#2//}
+\def\chapterstartform{\ifodd\pageno \relax\else
+ \line{}{\cqu\par\ejectpage}\fi
+ \gdef\cqu{}\titlepagestyle}
+% modification of header format
+\def\leftheadertext{\line{\llap{\ssheadfont\folio\qquad}\def\cr{ }CHAPTER
+ \chnumform: \the\chaptername \hss}}
+\let\bookstyle=\relax % removes the second try
+\input texgraph %POSTCRIPT
+\input inrssl%POSTCRIPT
+\def\wid{{\tt wd}}
+\def\hei{{\tt ht}}
+\def\dpt{{\tt dp}}
+\def\boxpoint{\setbox2=\hbox{\vrule width 8pt height 3pt depth 5pt} \wd2 =0pt
+ \ht2=0pt \dp2=0pt \hskip -8pt \box2}
+\def\vbrule{\vrule width 1pt}
+\def\hbrule{\hrule height 1pt}
+\setbox0=\hbox to 1.2in{\vbrule$\longleftarrow \hss \wid \hss\longrightarrow$\vbrule}
+\setbox8=\vbox to 2in{\offinterlineskip\hbox to \wd4{\hss$\uparrow$\hss}
+ \hbox to \wd4{\hss $\Bigg\vert$\hss}\vss
+ \hbox to \wd4{\hss \hei\hss}\vss
+ \hbox to \wd4{\hss $\Bigg\vert$\hss}
+ \hbox to \wd4{\hss$\downarrow$\hss}}
+\setbox6=\vbox{\hbox to \wd4{\hss$\uparrow$\hss}
+ \hbox to \wd4{\hss \dpt\hss}
+ \hbox to \wd4{\hss$\downarrow$\hss}}
+ \vtop{\copy0 \offinterlineskip
+ \smallskip
+ \hbrule
+ \hbox to \wd0{\vbrule height \ht8
+ \boxpoint \hss
+ \hskip 4pt\copy8 \hss
+ \vbrule height \ht8}
+ \hbrule
+ \hbox to \wd0{\vbrule height \ht6 \hss
+ \copy6 \hss
+ \vbrule height \ht6}
+ \hbrule
+ }
+ \vtop{\hrule height 0pt
+ \vskip 1in
+ \hbox{\qquad \vrule height 6pt width 8pt depth 2pt
+ \quad $\Leftarrow$ Reference Point}
+ \vskip 62pt
+ \hbox{$\Leftarrow$ Baseline}}
+ \hss}\medskip}
+\let\prule=\relax \let\ptrule=\relax
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b96c2b8f2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+%%BoundingBox: 215.040000 362.160000 396.720000 429.840000
+0.240000 0.240000 scale
+896 1509 translate
+768 282 scale
+768 282 true [768 0 0 -282 0 282] {<
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/index.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/index.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b705d616a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/index.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+\catcode`\|=\active %defines | as an active character in the entire document
+{\obeylines \gdef|{\ttverbatim\spaceskip\ttglue\let|=\endgroup}}
+% indexing macros mods of texbook
+% ^ in non math mode are eaten up
+\catcode`\^=\active \let ^=\specialhat
+\def\xrefswitch{\ifx\next|\let\next=\vxref % case 1 or 2, |arg| or |\arg|
+ \else\ifx\next\<\let\next=\anglexref % case 3, "\<arg>" means angle brackets
+ \else\let\next=\normalxref \fi\fi \next} % case 0, "{arg}"
+\def\vxref|{\catcode`\\=\active \futurelet\next\vxrefswitch}
+ \ifx\next\empty\def\xreftype{2}%
+ \def\next{{\tt\bslash\text}}% type 2, |\arg|
+ \else\def\xreftype{1}\def\next{{\tt\text}}\fi % type 1, |arg|
+ \edef\text{#1}\makexref}
+{\catcode`\|=0 \catcode`\\=\active |gdef\{@}}
+ \def\next{\<\text>}\makexref}
+\def\makexref{{\def\space{ }
+ \xdef\writeit{\write\ind@file{!\text!\space\string\indpg\xreftype\space
+ \noexpand\number\pageno.}}\writeit}
+ \ifsilent\ignorespaces\else\next\fi}
+\outer\def\indexingon{\openlistfile{ind}% file for index reminders
+ \def\xref{\futurelet\next\xrefswitch}}
+\def\indexingoff{\closelistfile{ind} \def\xref{\relax}}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/indsort b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/indsort
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b94e70aa97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/indsort
Binary files differ
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/indsort.c b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/indsort.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93b9f4dd24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/indsort.c
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+This reads a an unsorted index file *.ind and writes a sorted, and converted
+*.sor index file
+File Names are specialized to the INRSTeX reference book
+... DOS version uses strncmpi()
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <alloc.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#define NUL ((char)0)
+#define BSLASH ((char)0x5c)
+#define CR ((char)0x0d)
+#define LF ((char)0x0a)
+#define MAX 900
+#define CS 20
+#define SS 510
+#define PL 8
+/* type def */
+typedef struct {
+ char cmp_str[CS];
+ char *str;
+} ind;
+/* the variables */
+ FILE *outfile; /* out file. */
+ FILE *infile; /* input file */
+ char in_buf[512]; /* input buffer */
+ ind index[MAX];
+ char work[512];
+ int j, k, l, cp, in_len ; /* dummy vars */
+ int mem_over, op;
+/* Comparison Function */
+int sortfcn(const void *a, const void *b)
+ {
+ return (strcmpi(a,b));
+ }
+* The main function.
+input file name is masth.ind output is masth.sor ... for inrstex ref book
+void main()
+ {printf("\n INRSTeX index massage and sort. \n Input file is 'masth.ind'. \n Output file is 'masth.sor'.\n");
+ infile = fopen( "masth.ind", "r");
+ if (infile==0) printf("\n Sorry ... I can't find the index file \n `masth.ind` \n");
+ else {
+ outfile = fopen( "masth.sor", "w" );
+ j=0; while (j<MAX) {k=0; while (k<CS) {index[j].cmp_str[k]=' '; k++;}
+ j++; index[j].cmp_str[CS-1]=0;
+ }
+ mem_over=0;
+ cp=0;
+ while ((fgets(in_buf, 510, infile))&&(cp<MAX))
+ { in_len=strlen(in_buf);
+ index[cp].str=malloc(in_len);
+ if (index[cp].str==0) {mem_over=1;
+ printf("\n Memory Overflow");
+ break;
+ }
+ strncpy(index[cp].str, in_buf, SS-1);
+ j=0; k=0;
+ while ((j<CS-PL-1)&&(in_buf[k]!=LF))
+ { if (isalpha(in_buf[k])) {
+ index[cp].cmp_str[j]=in_buf[k];
+ j++;
+ }
+ k++;
+ }
+ if (j==5) {j=0; while (j<5) {index[cp].cmp_str[j]=' '; j++; } }
+ /* fix for single non-alphabetic commands */
+ cp++;
+ }
+ qsort((void *) index, cp, sizeof(ind), sortfcn);
+ printf("\n %d index records were read and sorted. \n", cp);
+ op=0;
+ while (op<cp)
+ {
+ strncpy(work, index[op].str, SS-1);
+ if (work[0]=='!')
+ {fputc(BSLASH,outfile);fputc('2',outfile);
+ k=1; while (work[k]!='!')
+ { if ((work[k]=='*')&&(work[k+1]=='/')&&(work[k+2]=='*'))
+ {fputc(LF,outfile); k++;k++;}
+ else
+ {fputc(work[k],outfile);
+ if (work[k]==BSLASH) fputc('1',outfile);
+ }
+ k++;
+ }
+ k++; while ((work[k]!=LF)&&(work[k]!=0))
+ {fputc(work[k],outfile); k++;}
+ fputc(LF,outfile);
+ }
+ op++;
+ }
+ fclose(infile); fclose(outfile);
+ }
+ }
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/inrslogo.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/inrslogo.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..993abebdf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/inrslogo.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+%======== macros for the INRS address logo/letterhead =====
+\def\ppa{\beginsegment \absoluteposition
+\lvec h:.4 v:0
+\lvec h:.2 v:.8
+\lvec h:-.2 v:.8
+\pfill p:0
+\def\ppb{\beginsegment \absoluteposition
+\lvec h:.4 v:0
+\lvec h:.1 v:1.2
+\lvec h:-.3 v:1.2
+\pfill p:0
+\def\inrslogo h:#1 v:#2 sc:#3 {\beginsegment
+\penwidth .005
+\move h:#1 v:#2
+\unitscale #3
+\move h:.48 v:0
+\move h:.48 v:0
+\font\inrsaddfont = cmcsc10
+\font\eightrm = cmr8
+\def\inrsadd{\vbox{\hsize 5in \baselineskip=9pt \parskip=0pt
+ \leftline{\eightrm Universit\'e du Qu\'ebec}
+ \vskip 3pt
+ \leftline{\inrsaddfont Institut national de la recherche
+ scientifique}
+ \vskip 6pt
+ {\eightrm \obeylines \parindent=0pt
+ 3, place du Commerce \par
+ Ile-des-Soeurs\par
+ Verdun, Qu\'ebec\par
+ Canada \qquad H3E 1H6\par
+ T\'el\'ephone: \tele \par}
+ \vskip 6pt
+ \leftline{\inrsaddfont INRS-T\'el\'ecommunications}
+ }}
+\def\inrslogoadd h:#1 v:#2 {\btg\inrslogo h:#1 v:#2 sc:.3
+ \beginsegment
+ \move h:0 v:0 \tbox {\inrsadd}
+ \endsegment\etg}
+ \inrslogoadd h:-.5 v:0 }
+\def\tele{(514) 765-7834}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/inrssl.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/inrssl.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d129346b86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/inrssl.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+% PostScript slide form
+% \genform Aug 1991
+% Toulson/Beebe PS driver
+% ====== simple viewgraph box =======
+ \unitscale {\f@ormscale}
+ \slidelogo
+ \topform
+ \botform
+ \move h:0 v:.4
+ \penwidth .05
+ \lvec h:8.9 v:.4
+ \lvec h:8.9 v:6.9
+ \move h:0 v:.4
+ \lvec h:0 v:6.9
+ \move h:.15 v:6.9
+ \larc r:.15 sd:90 ed:180
+ \move h:.15 v:7.05
+ \lvec h:8.75 v:7.05
+ \move h:8.75 v:6.9
+ \larc r:.15 sd:0 ed:90
+ \endsegment}
+% ======= Slide Utilities ======
+% Horizontal form
+\newdimen\slhsize \newdimen\slvsize
+\long\def\sltitle#1{\vglue .03\slvsize \global\slidetitle={#1}
+ \vbox to 0pt{\hsize=\slhsize \rightskip=.1\hsize plus 1fill
+ \def\cr{\endgraf}\leftskip= .1\hsize plus 1fill\gbfont\gbbaselines
+ \parskip=1ex \parindent=0pt#1\vss}}
+\long\def\slidebox #1#2{\vbox to \slvsize{\hsize \slhsize
+ \grfont\parindent=0pt
+ \grbaselines\parskip=2.8ex \advance\rightskip by 0pt plus 1fil
+ \sltitle{#1}\vfill\advance\rightskip by .05\hsize
+ \advance\leftskip by .05\hsize
+ #2\vfill}}
+\def\bl{\beginlist \samplemark{$\bullet$}} % modifies default
+\def\lb{\li {$\bullet$} }
+\def\lc{\li {$\circ$} }
+\def\last{\li {$\ast$} }
+\def\hd#1{\vskip 1ex\vbox{\veryraggedright\hangindent1em\hangafter1
+ \noindent\bigfont#1}\vskip 1ex }
+% ===== slide building macros =======
+% A slide lives in either a textform or fullsize form. The defaault is
+% Fullsize. Text form reduces the size and gives a chance to add background
+% Material with the slide.
+\gdef\inrsform{\message{<< INRSFORM >>}\input inrslogo\relax \gdef\slidelogo{\i@nrsform}
+ \gdef\topform{}\gdef\botform{}}
+\gdef\i@nrsform{\inrslogo h:.2 v:0 sc:.25
+ \move h:8.9 v:.1 \textref h:R v:C
+ \rstext d:0 sc:{\f@ormscale} t:{\bf INRS-T\'el\'ecommunications} }
+\gdef\genform{\message{<< General FORM >>}
+ \gdef\slidelogo{\topform}\gdef\topform{\move h:0 v:.15 \textref h:L v:C
+ \rstext d:0 sc:{\f@ormscale} t:{\borderfont\the\topdata} }
+ \gdef\botform{\move h:4.45 v:7.25
+ \textref h:C v:C
+\rstext d:0 sc:{\f@ormscale} t:{\borderfont \the\botdata\ -- \the\slidedate} }}
+\newcount\textfontscale % computed inside textform
+\gdef\textform{\message{<< Text Size >>}\long
+ \gdef\comment##1//{\rm ##1}\textformtrue\gdef\slidescale{.578}
+ \textfontscale=\the\fullfontscale \relax
+ \multiply\textfontscale by 1000
+ \divide\textfontscale by 1728
+ \fontset scaled {\the\textfontscale}
+ \textformfonts
+ \let\borderfont=\txborderfont
+ \textpagestyle
+ \slvsize = 9.84cm \slhsize = 12.5cm
+ \gdef\tfb{\bigskip\filbreak}}
+\newcount\fullfontscale % set in defaults
+\gdef\fullform{\message{<< Full Size >>}
+ \long\gdef\comment##1//{}\textformfalse\gdef\slidescale{1}
+ \fontset scaled {\the\fullfontscale}
+ \fullformfonts
+ \let\borderfont = \fxborderfont
+ \finalversion
+ \documentstyle{
+ \leftmargin=.6in
+ \nofooterstyle
+ \vfootersize=0pt }
+ \slvsize=17cm \slhsize=21.5cm
+ \let\tfb=\relax}
+ \segmentscale {\slidescale}
+ \move h:0.2 v:.4 \textref h:L v:T
+ \rstext d:0 sc:{\f@ormscale} t:{\slidebox{#1}{#2}}
+ \move h:0 v:0 \hviewbox
+ \etg}
+\gdef\formscale #1 {\gdef\f@ormscale{#1 }}
+\gdef\smalldot{\setbox0=\hbox{\hskip .4in\fiverm.}\wd0=0pt\ht0=0pt\dp0=0pt\box0}
+\long\gdef\hslide #1//#2//{\advance\slidenum by 1 \relax
+ \begingroup\tfb\documentstyle{\genpoint}\bf \let\hslide=\slideerr
+ \iftextform\centergraph{\hhslide{#1}{#2}}\bigskip \else
+ \btg
+ \move h:0 v:8.9
+ \vtext {\hhslide{#1}{#2}}
+ \move h:7 v:8.8
+ \etg
+ \smalldot\ejectpage\fi\endgroup}
+% ====== Error forms ========
+% This attempts to find a misplaced // gracefully
+\ifnum\language=0 \edef\s@lmiss{Probable Missing or Extra // in Slide Num. }
+ \else
+ \edef\s@lmiss{Probable Missing or Extra // in Slide Num. }
+ \fi
+% ====== TexGraph Defaults ========
+ \begingroup \catcode`\^=7 \input texgraph \endgroup \fi
+% ==== text form page style =====
+% ====== Font Defaults =========
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+ \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+!{\it\$}! \indpg 14.
+!{\it\&}! \indpg 14.
+!\i! \indpg 14.
+!\j! \indpg 14.
+!\l, \L! \indpg 14.
+!\o, \O! \indpg 14.
+!\oe, \OE! \indpg 14.
+!\P! \indpg 14.
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+!\ss! \indpg 14.
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+!-! \indpg 63.
+!=! \indpg 63.
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+!<! \indpg 63.
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+!\aleph! \indpg 63.
+!\amalg! \indpg 63.
+!\angle! \indpg 63.
+!\approx! \indpg 63.
+!\not\approx! \indpg 63.
+!\ast! \indpg 63.
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+!\doteq! \indpg 64.
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+!\downarrow! \indpg 64.
+!\ell! \indpg 64.
+!\emptyset! \indpg 64.
+!\equiv! \indpg 64.
+!\not\equiv! \indpg 64.
+!\exists! \indpg 64.
+!\flat! \indpg 64.
+!\forall! \indpg 64.
+!\frown! \indpg 64.
+!\ge! \indpg 64.
+!\geq! \indpg 64.
+!\not\geq! \indpg 64.
+!\gg! \indpg 64.
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+!\infty! \indpg 64.
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+!\in! \indpg 64.
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+!\jmath! \indpg 64.
+!\Leftarrow! \indpg 64.
+!\leftarrow! \indpg 64.
+!\leftharpoondown! \indpg 64.
+!\leftharpoonup! \indpg 64.
+!\Leftrightarrow! \indpg 64.
+!\leftrightarrow! \indpg 64.
+!\le! \indpg 64.
+!\leq! \indpg 64.
+!\not\leq! \indpg 64.
+!\ll! \indpg 64.
+!\not\ll! \indpg 64.
+!\Longleftarrow! \indpg 64.
+!\longleftarrow! \indpg 64.
+!\Longleftrightarrow! \indpg 64.
+!\longleftrightarrow! \indpg 64.
+!\longmapsto! \indpg 64.
+!\Longrightarrow! \indpg 64.
+!\longrightarrow! \indpg 64.
+!\mapsto! \indpg 64.
+!\mid! \indpg 64.
+!\models! \indpg 64.
+!\mp! \indpg 64.
+!\nabla! \indpg 64.
+!\natural! \indpg 64.
+!\nearrow! \indpg 65.
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+!\partial! \indpg 65.
+!\perp! \indpg 65.
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+!\not\prec! \indpg 65.
+!\prime! \indpg 65.
+!\prod! \indpg 65.
+!\propto! \indpg 65.
+!\Re! \indpg 65.
+!\Rightarrow! \indpg 65.
+!\rightarrow! \indpg 65.
+!\rightharpoondown! \indpg 65.
+!\rightharpoonup! \indpg 65.
+!\rightleftharpoons! \indpg 65.
+!\setminus! \indpg 65.
+!\sharp! \indpg 65.
+!\simeq! \indpg 65.
+!\not\simeq! \indpg 65.
+!\sim! \indpg 65.
+!\not\sim! \indpg 65.
+!\smile! \indpg 65.
+!\spadesuit! \indpg 65.
+!\sqcap! \indpg 65.
+!\sqcup! \indpg 65.
+!\sqsubseteq! \indpg 65.
+!\not\sqsubseteq! \indpg 65.
+!\sqsupseteq! \indpg 65.
+!\not\sqsupseteq! \indpg 65.
+!\star! \indpg 65.
+!\subseteq! \indpg 65.
+!\not\subseteq! \indpg 65.
+!\subset! \indpg 65.
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+!\succeq! \indpg 65.
+!\not\succeq! \indpg 65.
+!\succ! \indpg 65.
+!\not\succ! \indpg 65.
+!\sum! \indpg 65.
+!\supseteq! \indpg 65.
+!\not\supseteq! \indpg 65.
+!\supset! \indpg 65.
+!\not\supset! \indpg 65.
+!\surd! \indpg 65.
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+!\times! \indpg 65.
+!\top! \indpg 65.
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+!\Uparrow! \indpg 65.
+!\uparrow! \indpg 65.
+!\Updownarrow! \indpg 65.
+!\updownarrow! \indpg 65.
+!\Vert! \indpg 65.
+!\vert! \indpg 65.
+!\vdash! \indpg 65.
+!\lor! \indpg 65.
+!\vee! \indpg 65.
+!\land! \indpg 65.
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+!\rangle! \indpg 66.
+!\big\bracevert! \indpg 66.
+!\lbrace! \indpg 66.
+!\rbrace! \indpg 66.
+!\lbrack! \indpg 66.
+!\rbrack! \indpg 66.
+!\lceil! \indpg 66.
+!\rceil! \indpg 66.
+!\lfloor! \indpg 66.
+!\rfloor! \indpg 66.
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+!\biggr! \indpg 67.
+!\Biggr! \indpg 67.
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+!\arctan! \indpg 68.
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+!\coth! \indpg 68.
+!\cosh! \indpg 68.
+!\cos! \indpg 68.
+!\csc! \indpg 68.
+!\det! \indpg 68.
+!\deg! \indpg 68.
+!\dim! \indpg 68.
+!\exp! \indpg 68.
+!\gcd! \indpg 68.
+!\hom! \indpg 68.
+!\inf! \indpg 68.
+!\ker! \indpg 68.
+!\lg! \indpg 68.
+!\liminf! \indpg 68.
+!\limsup! \indpg 68.
+!\lim! \indpg 68.
+!\ln! \indpg 68.
+!\log! \indpg 68.
+!\max! \indpg 68.
+!\min! \indpg 68.
+!\Pr! \indpg 68.
+!\sec! \indpg 68.
+!\sin! \indpg 68.
+!\sinh! \indpg 68.
+!\sup! \indpg 68.
+!\tanh! \indpg 68.
+!\tan! \indpg 68.
+!\buildrel <superscript> \over <relation>! \indpg 68.
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+!~! \indpg 99.
+!\:! \indpg 99.
+!\-! \indpg 99.
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+\2\1sssheadfont \indpg 36.
+\2\1ssshead{<number or tag>}{<title>} \indpg 137.
+\2\1ssshtoc{<number>}{<title>}{<page number>} \indpg 159.
+\2\1ssshtocout \indpg 159.
+\2\1star \indpg 65.
+\2\1strut \indpg 85.
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+\2\1sublistindent [=] <dimen> \indpg 116.
+\2\1sublistitemskip [=] <glue> \indpg 116.
+\2\1subseteq \indpg 65.
+\2\1subset \indpg 65.
+\2\1subsublistitemskip [=] <glue> \indpg 116.
+\2\1subsublistindent [=] <dimen> \indpg 116.
+\2\1succeq \indpg 65.
+\2\1succ \indpg 65.
+\2\1sum \indpg 65.
+\2\1sup \indpg 68.
+\2\1supseteq \indpg 65.
+\2\1supset \indpg 65.
+\2\1surd \indpg 65.
+\2\1swarrow \indpg 65.
+\2\1tabalign ... \1cr \indpg 96.
+\2\1tableform{<tag or number>}{<title>}{<table>} \indpg 129.
+\2\1tableinsert{<tag or number>}{<title>}{<figure box>} \indpg 129.
+\2\1tablelabel \indpg 130.
+\2\1tablespread = {<halign specification>} \indpg 103.
+\2\1tanh \indpg 68.
+\2\1tan \indpg 68.
+\2\1tau {\1rm T} T \indpg 63.
+\2\1tbltoc<number>}{<title>}{<page number>} \indpg 159.
+\2\1tbltocout \indpg 159.
+\2\1tcs \indpg 103.
+\2\1tenpoint \indpg 35.
+\2\1textform \indpg 200.
+\2\1textref h:<L C R> v:<T C B> \indpg 190.
+\2\1+<text>&<text> ... &<text>\1cr \indpg 96.
+\2\1theta \1Theta {\1mit\1Theta} \indpg 62.
+\2\1thickmuskip \indpg 43.
+\2\1thinmuskip \indpg 43.
+\2\1thrule{<height>} \indpg 103.
+\2\1tightenlist \indpg 116.
+\2\1times \indpg 65.
+\2\1title{<first row>\1cr ... <last row>} \indpg 178.
+\2\1titlepagestyle \indpg 164.
+\2\1tocbox{<indent>}{<number>}{<title>}{<pagenumber>} \indpg 159.
+\2\1tocfill \indpg 160.
+\2\1tolerance [=] <integer> \indpg 51.
+\2\1topdata ={<text>} \indpg 201.
+\2\1top \indpg 65.
+\2\1topmarginsize \indpg 167.
+\2\1topmarginskip \indpg 167.
+\2\1triangle \indpg 65.
+\2\1triangleleft \indpg 65.
+\2\1triangleright \indpg 65.
+\2\1tr \indpg 103.
+\2\1tt \indpg 35.
+\2\1ttraggedright \indpg 51.
+\2\1tvrule{<width>} \indpg 104.
+\2\1twelvepoint \indpg 35.
+\2\1<type>numform \indpg 142.
+\2\1<type>num \indpg 142.
+\2\1<type>tagrefformat \indpg 142.
+\2\1<type>tagreplaceformat \indpg 142.
+\2\1unhbox{<named hbox>} \indpg 85.
+\2\1unhcopy{<named hbox>} \indpg 85.
+\2\1unitscale <scale> \indpg 187.
+\2\1unitscale <scale> \indpg 197.
+\2<units of measure>
+ cm em ex in
+ mu pt sp \indpg 37.
+\2\1unvbox{<named vbox>} \indpg 85.
+\2\1unvcopy{<named vbox>} \indpg 85.
+\2\1Uparrow \indpg 65.
+\2\1uparrow \indpg 65.
+\2\1updownarrow \indpg 65.
+\2\1Updownarrow \indpg 65.
+\2\1uplus \indpg 65.
+\2\1up{<math mode mark>} \indpg 118.
+\2\1uppercase\1folio \indpg 162.
+\2\1UpperRoman{<integer>} \indpg 138.
+\2\1upsilon \1Upsilon {\1mit\1Upsilon} \indpg 63.
+\2\1use{<number of data columns>} \indpg 104.
+\2\1valign{<preamble>\1cr <first column>\1cr ... <last column>\1cr} \indpg 98.
+\2\1varepsilon \indpg 62.
+\2\1varphi \indpg 63.
+\2\1varpi \indpg 63.
+\2\1vartheta \indpg 63.
+\2\1vbox <box spec>{<vertical list>} \indpg 83.
+\2\1vbox{\1hsize [=] <dimen> <text>} \indpg 84.
+\2\1vcenter{<vertical list>} \indpg 85.
+\2\1vcolumnsize \indpg 171.
+\2\1vdash \indpg 65.
+\2\1vee \indpg 65.
+\2\1versionfrancaise \1fhyph \indpg 24.
+\2\1Vert \indpg 65.
+\2\1vert \indpg 65.
+\2\1veryraggedright \indpg 51.
+\2\1vfilneg \indpg 43.
+\2\1vfil \1vfill \indpg 43.
+\2\1vfooterersize [=] <dimen> \indpg 165.
+\2\1vfootersize = <dimen> \indpg 163.
+\2\1vfuzz [=] <dimen> \indpg 32.
+\2\1vglue [=] [+ -] <dimen> [plus <dimen>] [minus <dimen>] \indpg 56.
+\2\1vgraphsize \indpg 202.
+\2\1vgraphskip \indpg 202.
+\2\1vheadersize [=] <dimen> \indpg 165.
+\2\1vheadersize = <dimen> \indpg 163.
+\2\1vinnerpagesize \indpg 171.
+\2\1vouterpagesize \indpg 167.
+\2\1vouterpagesize \indpg 169.
+\2\1vpapersize \indpg 169.
+\2\1vpapersize \indpg 167.
+\2\1vpix <number>/<unit> \indpg 202.
+\2\1vprintoffset = <dimen> \indpg 22.
+\2\1vrule [height <dimen>] [width <dimen>] [depth <dimen>] \indpg 84.
+\2\1vsize \indpg 169.
+\2\1vskip [=] [+ -] <dimen> [plus <dimen>] [minus <dimen>] \indpg 56.
+\2\1vsplit<named box> to <dimen> \indpg 85.
+\2\1vss \indpg 43.
+\2\1vtext {<text>} \indpg 189.
+\2\1wedge \indpg 65.
+\2\1wp \indpg 65.
+\2\1wr \indpg 65.
+\2\1writelistfile{<file extension}{\1string\1..toc}{<number>}{<arg>} \indpg 160.
+\2\1xi \1Xi {\1mit\1Xi} \indpg 63.
+ \1zb = \1zerocenteredbox \indpg 104.
+\2\1zeta {\1rm Z} Z \indpg 62. \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43da2a348f
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+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/masth.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+%texhelp upper level master
+\inputsubdocument{thcover} %coverpage
+\input helphdr %POSTSCRIPT
+\input status
+\inputsubdocument{thp2} % preface, toc, intro, descriptive conv **
+\inputsubdocument{thcont} % control characters 3 **
+\inputsubdocument{thstart} % starting stopping 4**
+\inputsubdocument{thbas} % basic ideas 5**
+\inputsubdocument{thover} % overfull boxes **
+\inputsubdocument{thfonts} % fonts 6**
+\inputsubdocument{thdimnum} % dimensions, numbers 7**
+\inputsubdocument{thglue} % glue 8**
+\inputsubdocument{thparcon} % paragraph control 8+
+\inputsubdocument{thspac} % spacing and skipping 9**
+\inputsubdocument{thbreak} % various breaks 10 **
+\inputsubdocument{thmatsym} % mathematics symbols12**
+\inputsubdocument{thmateq} % mathematic equation setup13**
+\inputsubdocument{thbasbox} % basic box commands14 **
+\inputsubdocument{thalign} % basic align 15 **
+\inputsubdocument{thdefs} % simple definitions 16 **
+\inputsubdocument{thlists} % list commands17**
+\inputsubdocument{thftnote} % footnotes ... **
+\inputsubdocument{thfigtbl} % figure table boxes 20 **
+\inputsubdocument{thmulcol} % multicolumn format 21 **
+\inputsubdocument{thshead} % section heads 18 **
+\inputsubdocument{thauto} % autonumbering 19 **
+\inputsubdocument{thcite} % citation lists **
+\inputsubdocument{thtoc} % toc, tof, .... **
+\inputsubdocument{thpagsty} % page, header, footer styles23 **
+\inputsubdocument{thpagsiz} % page sizes and magnification 22 **
+\inputsubdocument{thsubdoc} % texing parts of doc 24 **
+\inputsubdocument{thdocsty} % Document styles
+\inputsubdocument{thgraph} % TeXGraph
+\inputsubdocument{thindex} % Command index ... Appendix A
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d686c8dd1
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+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/masth_chap
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+tex thcover
+tex thp2
+tex thcont
+tex thstart
+tex thbas
+tex thover
+tex thfonts
+tex thdimnum
+tex thglue
+tex thparcon
+tex thspac
+tex thbreak
+tex thmatsym
+tex thmateq
+tex thbasbox
+tex thalign
+tex thdefs
+tex thlists
+tex thftnote
+tex thfigtbl
+tex thmulcol
+tex thshead
+tex thauto
+tex thcite
+tex thtoc
+tex thpagsty
+tex thpagsiz
+tex thsubdoc
+tex thdocsty
+tex thgraph
+tex thindex
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/mastoc.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/mastoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7e0738b94
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+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/mastoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ \input helphdr
+\romanpagenumber = 2
+\inputtocfiles = {\inputwithcheck{masth.toc}}
+\righttocindent = 5em
+\def\ftn{}%footnote problem
+\def\cr{ }%\cr print problem
+\let\twelvett=\tentt % ugh!
+\preludehead{Table of Contents}
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa660fdc61
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+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/mastps
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+dvips thcover
+dvips thp2
+dvips thcont
+dvips thstart
+dvips thbas
+dvips thover
+dvips thfonts
+dvips thdimnum
+dvips thglue
+dvips thparcon
+dvips thspac
+dvips thbreak
+dvips thmatsym
+dvips thmateq
+dvips thbasbox
+dvips thalign
+dvips thdefs
+dvips thlists
+dvips thftnote
+dvips thfigtbl
+dvips thmulcol
+dvips thshead
+dvips thauto
+dvips thcite
+dvips thtoc
+dvips thpagsty
+dvips thpagsiz
+dvips thsubdoc
+dvips thdocsty
+dvips thgraph
+dvips thindex
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d7cd9f578
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+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/mjf.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+\def\mjf { \par
+ {\it
+ \vskip .25in
+ \centerline {Michael J. Ferguson}
+ \vskip .15 in
+ \centerline {INRS-T\'el\'ecommunications}
+ \vskip .15in
+ \centerline {Montr\'eal}
+ \vskip 1 in }\par } % Author header for Michael J. Ferguson
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1aa440c5f
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+% diagram of a page
+\def\gbox h:#1 v:#2 pw:#3 {\beginsegment
+ \penwidth {#3}
+ \lvec h:{#1} v:0
+ \lvec h:{#1} v:{#2}
+ \lvec h:0 v:{#2}
+ \lvec h:0 v:0
+ \endsegment }
+\def\vlabel l:#1 t:#2 fr:#3 {\beginsegment
+ \realmult{#1}{#3}{\hvh}
+ \move h:0 v:{\hvh}
+ \textref h:C v:C \htext{$\bullet$}
+ \lvec h:.1 v:{\hvh} \textref h:L v:C
+ \htext{#2}
+ \move h:0 v:{\hvh}
+ \avec h:0 v:0
+ \move h:0 v:{\hvh}
+ \avec h:0 v:{#1}
+ \endsegment}
+\def\vllabel l:#1 t:#2 fr:#3 {\beginsegment
+ \realmult{#1}{#3}{\hvh}
+ \move h:0 v:{\hvh}
+ \textref h:C v:C \htext{$\bullet$}
+ \lvec h:-.1 v:{\hvh} \textref h:R v:C
+ \htext{ #2}
+ \move h:0 v:{\hvh}
+ \avec h:0 v:0
+ \move h:0 v:{\hvh}
+ \avec h:0 v:{#1}
+ \endsegment}
+\def\hlabel l:#1 t:#2 fr:#3 {\beginsegment
+ \realmult{#1}{#3}{\hvh}
+ \move h:{\hvh} v:0
+ \textref h:C v:C \htext{$\bullet$}
+ \lvec h:{\hvh} v:.1 \textref h:C v:T
+ \move h:{\hvh} v:.11 \htext{#2}
+ \move h:{\hvh} v:0
+ \avec h:0 v:0
+ \move h:{\hvh} v:0
+ \avec h:{#1} v:0
+ \endsegment}
+\def\hvlabel l:#1 t:#2 fr:#3 {\beginsegment
+ \realmult{#1}{#3}{\hvh}
+ \move h:{\hvh} v:0
+ \textref h:C v:C \htext{$\bullet$}
+ \lvec h:{\hvh} v:.1 \textref h:R v:C
+ \move h:{\hvh} v:.11 \vtext{#2}
+ \move h:{\hvh} v:0
+ \avec h:0 v:0
+ \move h:{\hvh} v:0
+ \avec h:{#1} v:0
+ \endsegment}
+\def\htrlabel l:#1 t:#2 {\beginsegment
+ \move h:-.2 v:0
+ \avec h:0 v:0
+ \move h:{#1} v:0 \relativeposition \move h:.12 v:0
+ \textref h:L v:C \htext{#2}
+ \absoluteposition
+ \avec h:{#1} v:0
+ \endsegment}
+\def\htllabel l:#1 t:#2 {\beginsegment
+ \move h:-.12 v:0
+ \textref h:R v:C \htext{#2}
+ \avec h:0 v:0
+ \move h:{#1} v:0 \relativeposition \move h:.2 v:0
+ \absoluteposition
+ \avec h:{#1} v:0
+ \endsegment}
+\def\pagdiag sc:#1 {\btg \segmentscale {#1} \eighttt
+ \arrowheadsize l:.08 w:.025
+ \gbox h:4.7 v:6 pw:.025 % paper
+ \move h:.6 v:.7
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+ \gbox h:3.5 v:.4 pw:.02 %header
+ \move h:.6 v:4.3
+ \gbox h:3.5 v:.4 pw:.02 %footer
+ \move h:.8 v:1.1
+ \gbox h:3.1 v:3.2 pw:.02 %inner
+ \move h:1.2 v:0 \vlabel l:.7 t:{\1topmarginsize} fr:.5
+ \move h:1 v:.7 \vlabel l:.4 t:{\1vheadersize} fr:.5
+ \move h:.6 v:1.3 \htrlabel l:.2 t:{\1firstcolumnoffset}
+ \move h:3.9 v:1.3 \htllabel l:.2 t:{\1firstcolumnoffset}
+ \move h:0 v:1.9 \hvlabel l:.6 t:{\1leftmarginsize } fr:.5
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+ \move h:.8 v:2.7 \hlabel l:3.1 t:{\vbox{
+ \hbox{\1hinnerpagesize}
+ \vskip 1pt
+ \hbox{ (computed)}}}
+ fr:.25
+ \move h:1 v:4.3 \vlabel l:.4 t:{\1vfootersize} fr:.5
+ \move h:2.32 v:.7 \vllabel l:4 t:{\1vouterpagesize} fr:.25
+ \move h:2.43 v:1.1 \vlabel l:3.2 t:{\vbox{
+ \hbox{\1vinnerpagesize}
+ \vskip 1pt
+ \hbox{ (computed)}}}
+ fr:.8
+ \move h:0 v:5.1 \hlabel l:4.7 t:{\1hpapersize} fr:.5
+ \move h:4.4 v:0 \vllabel l:6 t:{\1vpapersize } fr:.92
+ \etg}
+%\centergraph{\pagdiag sc:.8 }
+ \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6faf7313bb
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+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/psalm23.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+\beginnarrowtext 1in
+The lord is my shepherd, I shall not want;
+He makes me lie down in green pastures,
+He leads me beside still waters;
+He restores my soul.
+ \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da1558c568
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@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% ========== Section, Chapter Headings ===========
+% These macros have several parts,
+% -- The format of the heading.
+% -- The automatic numbering.
+% -- The writing of a list file for automatic table of contents.
+% -- The referencing in the text ... ie reference number styles.
+% ======== Counter allocation and Number styles =========
+%========= Autonumbering allocations and styles for sections ... ====
+% Allocate the counters for the chapters, sections, figures, etc.
+% These counters are updated globally.
+\newcount\chnum %\chnum=0 \def\chnumform{\the\chnum}
+\newcount\shnum %\shnum=0 \def\shnumform{\the\shnum}
+\newcount\sshnum %\sshnum=0 \def\sshnumform{\the\sshnum}
+\newcount\ssshnum %\ssshnum=0 \def\ssshnumform{\the\ssshnum}
+% ======== autonumbering options and styles ==========
+% The following stay unchanged for different numbering options
+\def\chtagreplaceformat{\Chapter \chtagrefformat}
+ \def\shtagreplaceformat{\shtagrefformat}
+ \def\sshtagreplaceformat{\sshtagrefformat}
+ \def\ssshtagreplaceformat{\ssshtagrefformat}
+ \def\shtagrefformat{\chnumform.\shnumform} %section
+ \def\sshtagrefformat{\chnumform.\shnumform.\sshnumform} %subsection
+ \def\ssshtagrefformat{\chnumform.\shnumform.\sshnumform %subsubsection
+ .\ssshnumform}
+ \def\Prerefform{\chnumform.}
+ \def\Postrefform{}}
+ \def\shtagreplaceformat{\shtagrefformat.}
+ \def\sshtagreplaceformat{\sshtagrefformat}
+ \def\ssshtagreplaceformat{\ssshtagrefformat}
+ \def\shtagrefformat{\shnumform} %section
+ \def\sshtagrefformat{\shnumform.\sshnumform} %subsection
+ \def\ssshtagrefformat{\shnumform.\sshnumform %subsubsection
+ .\ssshnumform}
+ \def\Prerefform{\shnumform.}
+ \def\Postrefform{}}
+ \def\Postrefform{}
+ \s@pecialnumberresetlevel=1}
+% This macro resets the counters for equations, figures, etc.
+% depending on the header level.
+% #1 - header level 1=chapter
+% 2=section
+% 3=subsection
+% 4=subsubsection
+% \a@utonumberresetlevel = 1 sequential numbering
+% 2 chapter numbering
+% 3 section numbering
+% 4 subsection numbering, etc.
+\newcount\s@pecialnumberresetlevel \s@pecialnumberresetlevel=1
+ \ifnum #1 < \s@pecialnumberresetlevel
+ \the\s@presetlist
+ \fi}
+% ============ Section head format styles and List generation =======
+% The calling format is
+% \s<ss>head{<number>}{<Title>}
+% Subsequent lines are indented one quad more than the size of the <number>
+% There is an autonumbering/autoreferencing feature in these macros.
+% If the autonumber switch
+% is true, then the first argument represents a tag instead of a number.
+% \nosheadbreak is used when multiple heads start a section
+\newif\ifs@headbreak \s@headbreaktrue
+% ========= Section heading command forms ========
+% #1 top skip
+% #2 bottom skip
+% #3 font
+% #4 <number>
+% #5 <text>
+% #6 table of contents command form
+% #7 <item>, placed between <number> and <text>
+\newskip\prsheadskip %\prsheadskip= 6ex plus 2ex minus 2ex
+\newskip\posheadskip %\posheadskip= 2ex
+\newskip\prssheadskip % \prssheadskip= 5ex plus 1.8ex minus 1.8ex
+\newskip\possheadskip %\possheadskip= 2ex
+\newskip\prsssheadskip %\prsssheadskip= 3ex plus 1ex minus 1ex
+\newskip\posssheadskip %\posssheadskip= 2ex
+\newskip\prdsssheadskip %\prdsssheadskip= 3ex plus 1ex minus 1ex
+\newskip\podsssheadskip %\podsssheadskip= 2ex
+%this is the format form for those that want to perform radical surgery
+%the parameters must be as shown and will have that meaning
+% #1 font (=#3); #2 number (=#4) ; #3 <text> (=#5); #4 number/text sep (=#7)
+% check on \t@agtext suppresses space when there is no number
+ \setbox0=\hbox{#1#2#4}\fi
+ \vbox{\veryraggedright \normalbaselines
+ \hangindent 1\wd0 \hangafter 1\noindent #1\unhbox0 #3}}
+\def\g@head#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{\ifs@headbreak \goodbreak \vskip #1\else
+ \removelastskip\fi
+ \s@headbreaktrue
+ \toks0={#5}%prevents expansion inside title
+ \writeterm{<#4}{ }{\the\toks0>}
+ \gensheadformat{#3}{#4}{#5}{#7}
+ \nobreak
+ \writelistfile{toc}{#6}{#4}{#5}
+ \vskip #2 \vskip -\parskip}
+\newtoks\sectionname \newtoks\sectionnumtag
+\def\sheadmark{\mark{\the\sectionname}} % defaults to title
+\def\innershead #1#2{\sectionnumtag = {#1} \sectionname = {#2}
+ \ifautonumber
+ \global\advance \shnum by 1
+ \global\sshnum=0
+ \global\ssshnum=0
+ \updatespecialnumbers{2}
+ \newtag{#1}{\shtagrefformat}
+ \edef\t@agtext{\shtagreplaceformat}
+ \else
+ \edef\t@agtext{#1}
+ \fi
+ \sheadmark %sections are marked for header titles
+ \g@head{\prsheadskip}{\posheadskip
+ }{\sheadfont}{\t@agtext}{#2}{\shtocout
+ }{\quad}}
+\def\innersshead #1#2{\ifautonumber
+ \global\advance \sshnum by 1
+ \global\ssshnum=0
+ \updatespecialnumbers{3}
+ \newtag{#1}{\sshtagrefformat}
+ \edef\t@agtext{\sshtagreplaceformat}
+ \else
+ \edef\t@agtext{#1}
+ \fi
+ \g@head{\prssheadskip}{\possheadskip
+ }{\ssheadfont}{\t@agtext}{#2}{\sshtocout
+ }{\quad}}
+\def\innerssshead #1#2{\ifautonumber
+ \global\advance \ssshnum by 1
+ \updatespecialnumbers{4}
+ \newtag{#1}{\ssshtagrefformat}
+ \edef\t@agtext{\ssshtagreplaceformat}
+ \else
+ \edef\t@agtext{#1}
+ \fi
+ \g@head{\prsssheadskip}{\posssheadskip
+ }{\sssheadfont}{\t@agtext}{#2}{\ssshtocout
+ }{\quad}}
+\def\innerdssshead #1{\g@head{\prdsssheadskip}{\podsssheadskip
+ }{\dsssheadfont}{}{#1}{\dssshtocout}{}}
+% ======== chead ==========
+% The chapter head has a different format entirely
+%this is the form of the present chapter head
+%parameters are #1 is the title text \cheadfont, \chtagreplaceformat
+%\def\Chapter{Chapter } see English/french titles
+% indicates if chapters exist ... default is that they do not
+% the first call to a \chead sets it true ... or it may be done in the style.
+\newif\ifnochapter %\nochaptertrue
+\def\cheadformat#1#2{\vglue 2.5cm
+ \line{$\vcenter{\hbox{\cheadfont
+ #1
+ \vrule height 3ex depth 1ex width 0pt
+ }}\hss
+ \vcenter{\halign{&\cheadfont\hss
+ ##\vrule height 3ex depth 1ex width 0pt\cr
+ #2\crcr}}$}
+ \vskip 2.5cm}
+ \ifautonumber
+ \global\advance\chnum by 1
+ \global\shnum=0
+ \global\sshnum=0
+ \global\ssshnum=0
+ \newtag{#1}{\chtagrefformat}
+ \updatespecialnumbers{1}
+ \edef\t@agtext{\chtagreplaceformat}
+ \else
+ \edef\t@agtext{#1}
+ \fi
+ \chaptername={#2} % for term write only ... includes \cr
+ \writeterm{<\t@agtext}{ }{\the\chaptername>}
+ \chaptername={\def\cr{ }#2}
+ \chapterstartform % here so both the number and title set
+ \titlepagestyle
+ \cheadformat{\t@agtext}{#2} % format of chead
+ \writelistfile{toc}{\chtocout}{\t@agtext}{#2}
+ }
+% ========== Toc Out Forms ===========
+% actually set in inrsdef.tex
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/status.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/status.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1037b44691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/status.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+% Status commands for each chapter.
+% these write out the chapter code, page number, and previous chapter number.
+ \docstatus{\string\chstatus//#1//\the\chnum//\the\pageno//}}
+ \pagenumber=#3}}
+\def\chcode#1{\subdocumentmacros{\input helphdr \bookstyle
+ \input masth.sta
+ \autonumberingon
+ \input masth.tag
+ \getstatus{#1}
+ \def\chcode##1{}
+ \def\writestatus##1{}
+ \indexingon
+ }
+ \writestatus{#1}}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thalign.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thalign.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..436874708d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thalign.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1002 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\chapterhead{align}{BASIC ALIGNMENT}
+Since letters in most fonts are variable width, the only sure way to ensure
+that words, numbers or vertical rules line up is to tell \tex\ to put them in
+the right place. Old ways of placing text on the editor's screen will not
+work. The basic way of doing this in \tex\ is through the alignment commands.
+The most common use of alignment commands is to make tables, but the uses go
+well beyond this. For instance, the |\eqalign| for display mathematics is
+built using the basic |\halign| command.
+{\it Plain} \tex\ provides two basic alignment formats. The first is the
+|tabbing| form that is very similar to tabs on a typewriter, and the second is
+the more basic |\halign| form. In fact the |tabbing| form is built from the
+basic |\halign|.
+\intex\ supplies a set of commands for building tables, especially those
+involving lines (commonly called vertical and horizontal rules).
+The intent of these commands is to produce tables that are
+easy to specify and that look, on the editing screen, somewhat like the final
+product. The commands are built from the |\halign| and preserve all
+the power of this basic command. They commands are discussed in
+Details on the basic uses of the |\halign|
+can be found in the chapter on alignment in the \texbook\ and
+examples of \intex\ tables and uses in the \tex\ Example Book \dots\ to be published.
+\shead{aligncomlist}{Command List}
+The command list in this section is organized into |tabbing|, |\halign|, and
+\intex\ |table| commands. The |\halign| commands are useful in the |table|
+\centerline{\sssheadfont Tabbing Commands}
+\pla|\+ ... \cr|
+\pla|\settabs <integer> \columns|
+\pla|\tabalign ...\cr|
+\centerline{\sssheadfont Plain \tex\ halign Commands}
+\centerline{\sssheadfont \intex\ Table Commands}
+\ext|\br \er|
+\ext|\modifystrut \mst|
+\ext|\zerocenteredbox \zb|
+\shead{tabbing}{Tabs for Alignment}
+\tex\ supplies a format that behaves similarly, but not identically, to {\it
+tabs} on an ordinary typewriter. The |\settabs <integer> \columns| sets tabs so
+that there are |<integer>| number of columns across the page. Once set, these
+{\it tabs} stay set until changed or leaving the group in which they were
+defined. \tex\ uses the command |\+| to indicate the beginning of a row, the
+|&| to indicate the {\bf next} column, and the |\cr| to indicate the end of
+the row. If the text for one column is too wide for that column it will spill
+over into the next. If it spills, and there is text in the next column, they
+will superimpose. An example is given below.
+\settabs 3 \columns
+\+This is text in the first Column &THIS IS TEXT IN THE
+ SECOND COLUMN & This is text in the third column \cr
+\+First Column &&Third Column\cr
+which gives
+\settabs 3 \columns
+\+This is text in the first Column &THIS IS TEXT IN THE
+ SECOND COLUMN & This is text in the third column \cr
+\+First Column &&Third Column\cr
+Note the mess in the first row. The second is better formed. For some simple
+tables, without rules or lines. This may be the simplest way.
+If a line starts with the form
+\settabs\+<sample first column>& ... &<sample last column>\cr
+\+<first real text row>\cr
+ ...
+then \tex\ will set the tabs as indicated by the sample row, and will not
+actually print it in the text. To use this, look ahead in the table and find
+the widest fields. These, and some extra space, can be used to set the tabs.
+The tabbing format is even more versatile than this. Suppose that there are 2
+tabs set. If the input row |\+ ... \cr| has a third or more |&|, then this
+new tab is added to the set of tabs. Furthermore, the command |\cleartabs|
+will remove all tabs to the right of the current one, in effect making it the
+last one in a row. The result is that it is possible to set tabs that change
+from row to row. For example
+This text &is to the &left and \cr
+\+ &this row lines up with the ``is'' \cr
+\+ & &but this one with the ``left'' \cr
+\+ &\cleartabs This &row sets new tabs \cr
+\+ & &so this lines up with ``row''\cr
+gives the following
+This text &is to the &left and \cr
+\+ &this row lines up with the ``is'' \cr
+\+ & &but this one with the ``left'' \cr
+\+ &\cleartabs This &row sets new tabs \cr
+\+ & &so this lines up with ``row''\cr
+Note the tab location change in the fourth row. Indentation of computer
+programs is relatively simple with these mechanisms.
+\shead{halignform}{The {\twelvett \string\halign } }
+The fundamental alignment command, which is in fact
+used to build the {\it tabbing} commands in the previous
+section and the \intex\ {\it table} commands in the next,
+is the |\halign| .
+While inside an |\halign|, \tex\ is in {\it
+internal horizontal mode}. This means that text may be centered or justified
+by the appropriate use of the infinite glues such as |\hss|. It also means
+that |$...$|, |\math|, or |\displaymath| are required
+to switch, perhaps back, into math mode.
+A |<preamble>\cr|, terminated by the first |\cr|, describes the pattern
+of the alignment. This pattern is used for every row of the alignment but
+there are a set of commands |\span|, |\multispan|, and |\omit| that
+allow for the skipping or merging of several adjacent columns. This makes it
+easy to have text that spans several columns. Finally, {\bf between}
+each column,
+there is the provision for placing |\tabskip| glue. This glue allows the
+entire set of columns to stretch or shrink to fill the page as desired. Some
+special variants of |\halign| such as |\ialign|, force the |\tabskip|
+glue to be zero.
+Detailed use of the |\halign| and its associated commands will be found in
+the \texbook\ with examples in the \tex\ Example Book. The command
+descriptions in Section~\ref{aligncomforms} give some insight into their use.
+\shead{intable}{\intex\ Table Commands}
+\intex\ supplies a set of commands designed to reduce the pain in making
+tables. The major intent of the commands is to make have the tables being
+designed appear on the editor screen in a reasonable manner. Although the
+commands appear to avoid the basic |\halign| commands and forms of |\cr|,
+|&|, and |#|, their insertion in the tables are not precluded by the
+structure. The loss by doing this will be some readability but the gain is
+The \intex\ table commands really use two different types of columns: {\it
+rule} columns for insertion (or omission) of vertical rules and {\it data}
+for the insertion of normal data entries. Generally it is assumed that every
+data column is separated by a {\it rule} column. In addition, \intex\
+requires that there be a rule column at the left and right hand sides.
+\intex\ makes the insertion or omission of a vertical rule or column as
+simple as placing a |"| or a \vrt\ in the text.
+A now classic table for demonstrating the table making skills of a set of
+macros is shown below. This is reported in the \texbook\ and originally was
+found in [\cite{[Lesk76]}]. The resulting table is {\bf not}
+identical to that in the \texbook. It is, however, very close.
+\center " \center " \center
+\br{} \sa{Dividend} "\sa{Dividend} "\sa{Dividend} \er{} %sample line
+\br{\:|} \use{3} AT\&T Common Stock \er{|}
+\br{\:|} Year | Price | Dividend \er{|}
+\br{\:|} 1971 | 41--54 | \$2.60 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~2 | 41--54 | ~2.70 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~3 | 46--55 | ~2.87 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~4 | 40--53 | ~3.24 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~5 | 45--52 | ~3.40 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~6 | 51--59 | ~~.95\rlap* \er{|}
+\br{\:}\use{3} \left{* (first quarter only)}
+This table is given by the following:
+\begingroup \eightpoint
+\center " \center " \center
+\br{} \sa{Dividend} "\sa{Dividend} "\sa{Dividend} \er{} %sample line
+\br{\:|} \use{3} AT\&T Common Stock \er{|}
+\br{\:|} Year | Price | Dividend \er{|}
+\br{\:|} 1971 | 41--54 | \$2.60 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~2 | 41--54 | ~2.70 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~3 | 46--55 | ~2.87 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~4 | 40--53 | ~3.24 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~5 | 45--52 | ~3.40 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~6 | 51--59 | ~~.95\rlap* \er{|}
+\br{\:}\use{3} \left{* (first quarter only)}
+The basic structure of the table is given by this example. A
+|\begintable... \endtable| pair delineates it, while the row format is
+defined inside the pair |\begintableformat... \endtableformat|.
+The entirely optional {\it sample row}, immediately after the
+|\endtableformat| forces all
+three columns the same width. This use the fact that
+|Dividends| was the largest word which was then put in a {\it
+sample} command |\sa{..}| in each of the three columns. This row, which is
+invisible in the final table effectively set the width of the columns. The
+|~| is a space that is exactly the width of a number. Thus the data is lined
+up in the desired way. The \vrt\ are separators that insert vertical rules or
+lines and also allow spaces to be ignored after the data in a column. This
+makes the columns look nicer and more readable. Other details about this
+table will be apparent later.
+The \intex\ table commands have been designed to be most useful when the following
+conventions are obeyed:
+\li {\bull} A rule column is defined in the table format
+using a |"|. Successive data columns are separated by a rule column.
+The actual rule is inserted in the text with a \vrt\ or omitted with a
+|"| rather than being put in the format.
+\li {\bull} A rule column is appended to each end of the table format
+statement. In general this means that there is a rule column on both sides of
+the table. The actual insertion or not of the rule is very easy.
+\li {\bull} Struts for maintaining row height are inserted in each row rather
+than in the table format.
+The commands make it very easy to include struts, and insert or omit rules as
+needed. In fact it is no more difficult than inserting a |&| in the
+appropriate place. The advantage of following this discipline is that partial
+horizontal lines (rules) are quite easy, as is the exact vertical placement
+of items in different data columns.
+The basic format for building a table is
+<special table forms>
+<table format>
+<first row>
+ ...
+<last row>
+Each row has the form
+\br{<..>} <item> | <item> " <item> ... | <item> \er{<..>}
+where the \vrt\ means to put in a vertical rule and the |"| means to leave it
+out of the corresponding rule column.
+The |\br{..}| and |\er{..}| signify the beginning and end of the row
+respectively. The |\br{..}| and |\er{..}| are intended for rules and/or
+struts if needed. For instance a |\br{\:|\vrt|}| indicates that this line has a
+standard strut |\:| and a standard vrule. The |\br{\: height 2pt}|
+indicates that this row has no strut but that the initial vrule has a height
+of 2pt. The strut could just as easily been put in the |\er{\:}| instead.
+The form |\br{}| or |\br{"}| indicates a row with no initial strut or vrule.
+\intex\ supplies a second flavour of vrule that is user definable. The
+command |\|\vrt\ may be used in exactly the same way as \vrt. The {\it
+insides} of the |\|\vrt\ are defined by redefining a command |\sprule|, a {\it
+special rule}.
+An \intex\ table format is a template for the table, and corresponds to the
+normal {\it preamble} in an |\halign|. In fact any valid |\halign| preamble
+may be used in the table format, as long as the |#| are replaced by |##|.
+However, \intex\ adds a rule column to the beginning and end of the {\bf format}
+list for
+beginning and terminating rules. Thus a repeating field specification, which
+is indicated by an (extra) |&| in the format should
+{\bf not} start at a vrule indicator or the result will be two adjacent rules.
+Simple column formats are indicated by the use of the commands |\left|,
+|\center|, |\right|, |\math|, and |\displaymath|. The two |\..math| forms are
+{\bf never} used alone but rather in conjunction with the first three.
+These forms are {\bf always} separated\footnote{\dagger}{In fact any field
+of the form |&<optional stuff>##<optional stuff>&| is acceptable.}
+ by |"|, which allows for, but does not put in, a
+vertical rule.
+The simplest table format, and probably the most useful is
+This is a repeating format, as indicated by the |&|, and thus allows for any
+number of columns. The data in each column is centered.
+Another simple table format example is
+\left " \right " \math\center
+This table would have three data columns; the first data column
+is ordinary text, left
+justified; the second data column is right justified text; and the last
+data column is centered mathematics. Each data column is separated by a rule
+column indicated by |"|. \intex\ will add rule columns to the left and right
+hand ends of the specification.
+The commands |\right|, |\left|, and |\center| insert the appropriate glues and
+spacing at the both sides of the column. The width of this spacing |\tcs|,
+the {\it table column separation}, is a |dimen|. This may be modified if
+desired for all tables by putting it in the |\everytable| token list or for a
+specific table by placing it in the
+|<special table forms>|.
+The following is a repeating column specification:
+\left " \right " &\math\center
+This is identical to the previous one except that the data column format
+and the implicit rule column added by \intex,
+|\math\center|~|"|, is repeated indefinitely.
+For almost all tables, the only |&| that
+should appear in the table format is that indicating the start of a repeating
+Horizontal rules are specified by |\-| for the standard |\tr| width rule. An
+hrule the full width of the table should appear all by itself on a line
+between an |\er| and the following |\br|, or immediately after the table
+format. Other |\noalign| commands may be inserted as desired.
+A partial horizontal rule is specified using an |\msp|, the special \intex\
+version of the multispan, and the |\-|.
+\intex\ does place some restrictions on the automatic insertion of tabskip glue.
+Hopefully these will be minor. \intex\ sets the initial and final tabskip
+glues to 0pt. This should create no problems. A parameter |\midtabglue| may
+be modified. This is set just after the first rule column and is turned off
+at the last rule column. Finally |\tablespread = {to <dimen>}| will force
+the table to be |<dimen>| wide, assuming there is
+enough tabskip glue
+The following set of commands produce the rather contrived table on the
+following page.
+ &\1center
+\1br{\1:|} \1use{6} XYZABC \1er{|\1mst{\1:}{3pt}{3pt}\1rlap{ \1it ** i}}
+\1br{\1:|} \1use{3} XYZ | \1use{3} ABC \1er{|\1mst{\1:}{2pt}{2pt}}
+\1br{\1:|} X | Y | Z | A | B | C \1er{|}
+\1br{\1:|} 372.466 | 493.7 " 45 | 124 \1| 489 | 280 \1er{|}
+\1br{\1:|} 372.40~ | 493.7 | 45 | 124 | 489 | 280 \1er{|}
+\1br{|} " " | \1use{3}\1- \1er{|}
+\1br{\1:|} 372.~~~ | 493.7 | 45 | 124 | 489 | 280 \1er{|\1rlap{ \1it ** ii}}
+\1br{\1:|} \1use{2} | 832 | abc | 774 |$\1int$\1er{|\1mst{$\1int$}{0pt}{3pt}}
+\1br{|} \1use{2}\1zb{XY/A} |\1use{4}\1- \1er{|}
+\1br{\1:|} \1use{2} | qrr | aaa | 799 | \1er{|\1rlap{ \1it ** iii}}
+The actual table is
+ &\center
+\br{\:|} \use{6} XYZABC \er{|\mst{\:}{3pt}{3pt}\rlap{ \it ** i}}
+\br{\:|} \use{3} XYZ | \use{3} ABC \er{|\mst{\:}{2pt}{2pt}}
+\br{\:|} X | Y | Z | A | B | C \er{|}
+\br{\:|} 372.466 | 493.7 " 45 | 124 \| 489 | 280 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} 372.40~ | 493.7 | 45 | 124 | 489 | 280 \er{|}
+\br{|} " " | \use{3}\- \er{|}
+\br{\:|} 372.~~~ | 493.7 | 45 | 124 | 489 | 280 \er{|\rlap{ \it ** ii}}
+\br{\:|} \use{2} | 832 | abc | 774 | $\int$\er{|\mst{$\int$}{0pt}{3pt}}
+\br{|} \use{2}\zb{XY/A} |\use{4}\- \er{|}
+\br{\:|} \use{2} | qrr | aaa | 799 | \er{|\rlap{ \it ** iii}}
+This example
+illustrates the power and flexibility of the commands.
+Row {\it i} shows the
+modification of the standard strut, which is 2.5ex high and .9ex deep, by
+changing the height and depth. The |\mst| is used again in row {\it iii}
+where some extra space is added at the bottom of the integral sign, but not
+at the top. The |\mst| takes three arguments or parameters. The first is the
+character from which the strut is derived, the second is the additional
+space on the top of the character and the third is on the bottom. The first two
+rows of this table had additional space at both the top and bottom while the
+``integral'' row had changes only at the bottom. This fine tuning of tables
+can improve their visual form immensely. Row {\it iii} demonstrates the use
+of a |\zb| or ``zero-centered box'' for putting items in the center of
+larger boxes. This row with the |\zb| has {\bf no} struts. In addition, the
+|\zb| boxes are centered and have zero height and depth. This means that they
+take up no vertical space so that a partial horizontal line or rule may be
+inserted. This is done with the |\use{4}\-| which tells \intex\ to use 4
+(data) columns for the horizontal rule.
+Many variations exist. The commands available in \intex\ for
+tables are described in the following section.
+\shead{aligncomforms}{Command Forms}
+The command forms in this section are organized under three different
+headings, tabbing, basic |\halign|, and \intex\ table commands.
+\dssshead{Tabbing Commands}
+\pla\@|\+<text>&<text> ... &<text>\cr|
+This is the command for entering a line of text in the {\it tab} format. The
+|<text>| in each column is optional and will spill over into the next column
+if there is no room. If there are $n$ tabs set, all |&| beyond the $n$ will
+set tabs at the location they appear in the text. The |\cr| terminates the
+line. See Section \ref{tabbing} for examples.
+This command clears tabs to the right of the current one, on all subsequent
+lines. See Section \ref{tabbing} for examples.
+\pla\@|\tabalign ... \cr|
+This is a non |\outer| form of |\+| and can be used in definitions.
+\dssshead{Basic {\tentt \string\halign } Command Forms}
+\pla\@|\halign{<preamble>\cr <first row>\cr ... <last row>\cr}|
+This is the basic alignment command. It is necessary to be in (internal)
+vertical or display math mode to use it.
+The |<preamble>| describes a template or
+form for interpreting the text fields in following rows. Each field in an
+|\halign| is like an individual |\hbox| whose size is calculated by \tex.
+Between each of these field boxes is |\tabskip| glue that is allowed to
+stretch or shrink in order to vary the overall size of the alignment. An
+example of a preamble that creates three columns, the first left justified,
+the second centered and the third right justified is
+<preamble> --> #\hss &\hss #\hss&\hss #
+The |#| shows where the text in that particular column should be placed, with
+respect to the glue, and the |&| indicates the end of the field.
+\halign{#\hss &\hss #\hss&\hss #\cr
+ This particular & example & will give the text \cr
+ shown &below in its& \TeX\ form.\cr
+ It &could &have had mathematics, $x^y$ too.\cr}
+will in fact produce, as promised,
+\halign{#\hss &\hss #\hss&\hss #\cr
+ This particular & example & will give the text \cr
+ shown &below in its& \TeX\ form.\cr
+ It &could &have had mathematics, $x^y$ too.\cr}
+The |$$...$$| is a convenient way of centering the |\halign|.
+If the preamble has an extra |&| in its definition, then \tex\ pretends
+that the pattern between
+the extra |&| and the |\cr| is repeated an infinite number of times. This
+means that it is quite easy to define a single |\halign| that can be used
+even when the number of columns is unknown. If the |<preamble>| above were
+replaced by |&<preamble>|, then the entire sequence of left, center, right
+justified columns would be repeated.
+This command is used to allow an entry in an alignment field to stick out the
+side of the field. If it is used on both sides, of an entry, the width of the
+column is unaffected by that field. This is used when column widths
+should be determined by the data entries and not the titles. It is probably
+not to useful in a pure \intex\ table format.
+\pla\@|\ialign{<preamble>\cr <first row>\cr ... <last row>\cr}|
+This is identical to an |\halign| except that the |\tabskip| glue has been
+preset to be zero.
+\pla\@|\multispan {<integer>}|
+This effectively combines the |<integer>| number of columns into one column
+and leaves the simple |#| template or pattern. Note that any implicit spacing
+at the edges of the column is lost.
+\pri\@|\noalign {<text>}|
+This will place the |<text>| between this and the following row of an
+alignment. It must be the first token after the |\cr|. It has many uses
+including placing horizontal separator lines in tables.
+\pla\@|\oalign{<first row>\cr ... &<last row>\cr}|
+This creates a vertical list of the elements in each of the rows. There is
+only {\bf one} element allowed in each row. For instance
+\oalign{this\cr is\cr a\cr vertical\cr list\cr}
+\oalign{this\cr is\cr a\cr vertical\cr list\cr}
+Note that there are no struts in the rows.
+If |\omit| is the first token after the |&|, or the replacing |\span|, then
+the template pattern for that field is replaced with the simple |#|. Any
+tabskip glue is left intact.
+This command in the text fields of an |\halign| can be used to replace the
+|&|. When this is done, the template or formats of the
+adjacent columns are butted against each other and results in both data
+fields placed in a box of the combined size of both columns, including any
+tabskip glue. This command in the preamble field of an |\halign| will cause
+the following command to be expanded. \intex\ uses this to transfer the
+information in format field to the actual |\halign| of the table.
+\pri\@|\valign{<preamble>\cr <first column>\cr ... <last column>\cr}|
+This is the vertical equivalent of the |\halign|.
+\dssshead{\intex\ Table Command Forms}
+This command will put a vertical rule of width |\tr| at the point indicated.
+It should be used only in the text rows and not in the format. The |"| should
+be used to represent a rule column in the format. This command removes spaces to its left or, equivalently to the
+right of the item in the previous data column.
+In text rows this is used to leave the vertical rule out of a rule column. In
+the format it is used to indicate the existence of a rule column. As a matter
+of style, \intex\ data columns should always be separated by a rule column.
+If there is no rule, this is indicated in the text rows by using |"| instead
+of \vrt. This command removes spaces to its left or, equivalently to the
+right of the item in the previous data column.
+This command is used in text rows to insert a rule that has been defined by
+the command name |\sprule|. The default for this rule is a thick vertical
+This is used to force a space exactly the width of the numerals ``0''.
+Since all numerals are the same width, this enables the lining up of
+numeric data. If it is used in text mode in a table, it will still {\it tie} but
+the space will be slightly larger than outside tables.
+This command puts a strut of height 2.5ex and depth .9ex. A strut is an
+invisible vrule of width 0pt. Thus the definition of |\:| is
+|\vrule height 2.5ex depth .9ex width 0pt|. A |\:| may be modified in place
+by putting a new height, depth or width {\bf immediately} after it.
+This command removes spaces to its left or, equivalently to the
+right of the item in the previous data column.
+This command draws a horizontal line across the table. If it is used between
+rows it draws a line the entire width of the table. If it used in a data
+column, it draws a line the width of the column.
+It is commonly used in conjunction with |\use|. The commands
+|\use{3}\-| will draw a horizontal line across 3 columns.
+\ext\@|\br{<rules..>} \er{<rules..>}|
+These two commands are used at the beginning and end of row respectively.
+Since \intex\ places a rule column at the beginning and end of each table the
+|<rules..>| are put into those columns. This information includes struts for
+spacing, such as |\:| or \vrt for the entry of a vertical rule.
+|\er| removes spaces to its left or, equivalently to the
+right of the item in the previous data column.
+\ext\@|\begintable ... \endtable|
+This is the command that is used to begin a table. It starts a group and
+must have a corresponding |\endtable|. There is a corresponding |\everytable|
+token list.
+\ext\@|\begintableformat ... \endtableformat|
+This command starts the format definition of the table. It must have an
+associated |\endtableformat|. \intex\ searches for this
+|\endtableformat| {\bf before}
+actually processing the format information. Disaster ensues if it is not
+there. {\bf \intex\ adds a rule column to the beginning and the end of all
+formats.} A valid format is given below
+\center " &\right " \hss A.B ## \hss " \center &X##X& \math\left
+Note that the |##| must always appear as a pair rather than as single |#| in
+the ordinary |\halign| preamble. The |"| indicates a rule column. The |&|
+before the |\right| indicates that the format from this point to the end,
+including the {\bf additional} rule column inserted by \intex\ will be
+infinitely repeated. The |&X##X&| indicates a column with an |X| on either
+side of the data position. If an |"| were put in this position in the row, a
+column of |XX| would result.
+The simplest format, and perhaps the most useful is
+which results in a potentially infinite number of centered data columns
+separated by rule columns. If any individual data item needs a different
+format, the use of a |\left{data}| or similar form may be used.
+\ext\@|\center \center{<argument>}|
+The first form of |\center| is used in a table format statement to create a
+centered data column. The second form is used in the data position of a data
+column to override the column format given in the format statement. Thus if
+the column format were |\center|, an entry of |\left{<text>}| would put the
+|<text>| at the left of the column. If the format entry were |\math\left|
+then a data column entry of |\center{<text>}| would center the |<text>| in
+the column but would still be in mathematics mode. An entry of
+|\omit\center{<text>}| would center the data, remove the mathematics mode,
+{\bf and} remove the spacing at both sides of the data entry. This latter
+aspect would not show up with |\center| but would with |\left| or |\right|.
+In the table format, this command must be used with one of |\center|, |\right|, or
+|\left|, or any other valid data column specification. For example,
+a data column where the input data needs to be
+in display mathematics format and then right justified is given by
+In the text rows, this command will take the |<argument>| and put it in
+display mathematics format. It will not affect the table format specification
+of |\right|, |\left| or |\center|.
+This is a token list of commands that should be executed for every table.
+For instance
+\everytable ={\ninepoint}
+will make very table with |\ninepoint| fonts.
+This draws a horizontal line across the width of the entire table of
+thickness |<dimen>|. |\tr| is used in vertical rules for widths and should be
+used here. For instance |\fulltablerule{2.5\tr}| will draw a horizontal line
+2.5 times the thickness of the vertical rule given by \vrt which has the
+width |\tr|.
+This command behaves identically to |\center| but {\bf left} justifies the data
+entry. See |\center| for more details.
+This command is similar to |\displaymath| except that it sets up a normal
+text mathematics mode. Thus |\math{\alpha}| is equivalent to |$\alpha$|. In a
+table format, it is used in conjunction with the |\center|, |\right|, and
+|\left|. Thus |\math\center| produces a data column in text mathematics mode.
+\ext\@|\midtabglue [=] <glue>|
+Changing the |<glue>| value of this parameter will insert tabskip glue into
+the internal columns in the table. The first and last column tabskip
+glues are set to 0pt plus 1fill. This is really only useful in conjunction with
+|\tablespread| when it is required that a table stretch to a bigger size.
+\ext\@|\modifystrut{<original>}{<add to height>}{<add to depth>}
+\mst = \modifystrut|
+|\modifystrut| and its abbreviation |\mst| will create and insert a strut
+that is |<add to height>| higher and |<add to depth>| lower. These latter are
+dimensions and may be negative. The |<original>| may be a strut or a complete
+expression. |<original>| could even be a duplication of the row,
+as long as the row contained no explicit |&| characters and excluding the
+|\br| and |\er|. However, the arguments of the |\br| and |\er| could be
+This command behaves identically to |\center| but {\bf right} justifies the data
+entry. See |\center| for more details.
+This command creates an empty box of zero height and depth with the width of
+the natural width of |<text>|. It is, in effect, a horizontal strut and is used to
+create columns that have the minimum width as others in the table, without
+measuring. It was used to make a sample line in the {\it AT\&T} table in
+This is the name of the command that is inserted in a rule column by the
+command |\|\vrt. It is usually a rule but in fact is unrestricted. It is
+initially definded as a vrule of width |2.5\tr|.
+\ext\@|\tablespread = {<halign specification>}|
+This is a token list that can include any specification that is valid for an
+|\halign|, or equivalently a box. See Chapter~\ref{basbox} for details. A
+simple example is when a table is supposed to be exactly 8cm --- assuming that
+its natural width is less. Then a |\tablespread = {to 8cm}|, added just
+after the |\begintable|, along with the
+default tabskip glue, will produce it. An example is the {\it AT\&T} table at
+the beginning of the section.
+\tablespread = {to 8cm}
+\center " \center " \center
+\br{} \sa{Dividend} "\sa{Dividend} "\sa{Dividend} \er{} %sample line
+\br{\:|} \use{3} AT\&T Common Stock \er{|}
+\br{\:|} Year | Price | Dividend \er{|}
+\br{\:|} 1971 | 41--54 | \$2.60 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~2 | 41--54 | ~2.70 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~3 | 46--55 | ~2.87 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~4 | 40--53 | ~3.24 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~5 | 45--52 | ~3.40 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~6 | 51--59 | ~~.95\rlap* \er{|}
+\br{\:}\use{3} \left{* (first quarter only)}
+This dimension is the spacing inserted to the left and right of every data
+column by \intex\ through the use of the |\left|, |\center| and |\right|
+commands. It may be modified by |\tcs = <new dimen>|.
+This command is used to insert a horizontal rule of thickness |<height>|
+across an entire data column. The command |\use{3}\thrule{2.5\tr}| will
+insert a horizontal line across three data columns, and omit the intervening
+vertical rules, if any.
+This dimension is the basic table line dimension, being the width of vertical
+lines and the height of horizontal lines (rules). It defaults to the
+natural width and height of \tex\ vrules and hrules, namely .4pt. It may be
+modified by |\tr = <new dimen>|.
+This is a vertical line or rule with width |<width>|. The default value of
+|<width>|, which is a dimen, is |\tr|.
+\ext\@|\use{<number of data columns>}|
+This command effectively merges the next
+|<number of data columns>| into one and uses the format or template of the
+{\bf last} one. Thus if the last template is |\center|, then
+|\use{4} Table| will put |Table| in the center of these four columns. If the
+last column had a |\left| format but it was still desired to center |Table|
+then |\use{4} \center{Table}| will do the job. This is \intex's version of
+|\multispan| especially tailored to the idea of rule and data columns.
+ \zb = \zerocenteredbox|
+|\zerocenteredbox| and its abbreviation |\zb| will take the |<text>| and put
+it in a box, centered, and of zero height and depth. It automatically checks
+modes so that it will work correctly even with display math templates. It is
+used to place rows of data so that they are visually between data entries in
+other columns. For instance, the following table had its last two rows done
+this way.
+ \left"&\center
+\br{\:\|} \| \use{5} SERVICE \er{\|}
+\br{\|} \| \use{5}\- \er{\|}
+\br{\:\|}CANONICAL\| Fully | Dynamic | Complete | Switched | Switched \er{\|}
+\br{\:\|}NETWORK \|Connected|Allocation|Broadcast | Complete |Broadcast \er{\|}
+\br{\:\|} \| | | | Broadcast| \er{\|}
+\br{\:\|} Fully \| | | | | \er{\|}
+\br{\|} \|\zb{$v$} |\zb{$v$} | \zb{$v$} |\zb{$(N-1)v$}|\zb{$(N-1)v$}\er{\|}
+\br{\:\|}Connected\| | | | | \er{\|}
+\- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\br{\:\|}Simplex Tree\| | | | | \er{\|}
+\br{\|} \|\zb{$v/(N-1)$}|\zb{$v$}|\zb{$v/(N-1)$}|\zb{$v$}|\zb{$v$}\er{\|}
+\br{\:\|}Collection\| | | | | \er{\|}
+\fulltablerule{2.5\tr} %------------------------------------------------------
+and is given by
+\begingroup \eightpoint
+ \1left"&\1center
+\1br{\1:\1|} \1| \1use{5} SERVICE \1er{\1|}
+\1br{\1|} \1| \1use{5}\1- \1er{\1|}
+\1br{\1:\1|}CANONICAL\1| Fully | Dynamic | Complete | Switched | Switched \1er{\1|}
+\1br{\1:\1|}NETWORK \1|Connected|Allocation|Broadcast | Complete |Broadcast \1er{\1|}
+\1br{\1:\1|} \1| | | | Broadcast| \1er{\1|}
+\1br{\1:\1|} Fully \1| | | | | \1er{\1|}
+\1br{\1|} \1|\1zb{$v$} |\1zb{$v$}|\1zb{$v$}|\1zb{$(N-1)v$}|\1zb{$(N-1)v$}\1er{\1|}
+\1br{\1:\1|}Connected\1| | | | | \1er{\1|}
+\1- %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\1br{\1:\1|}Simplex Tree\1| | | | | \1er{\1|}
+\1br{\1|} \1|\1zb{$v/(N-1)$}|\1zb{$v$}|\1zb{$v/(N-1)$}|\1zb{$v$}|\1zb{$v$}\1er{\1|}
+\1br{\1:\1|}Collection\1| | | | | \1er{\1|}
+\1fulltablerule{2.5\1tr} %------------------------------------------------------
+\done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thauto.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thauto.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f21b5973ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thauto.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\def\cqu{\cquote{Words are sensible signs necessary for
+understanding.}{Concerning Human Understanding, Book III, Chap. II,
+John~Locke (1632-1704)}}
+\chapterhead{auto}{AUTONUMBERING\cr REFERENCING\cr and TAGGING}
+\intex\ provides facilities for automatic numbering and referencing of
+chapters, sections, equations, figures, and tables.
+Both the number of a chapter, equation, \dots\ and its page may be
+In addition there are
+general features for defining your own special numbers and tags. For
+instance, it is possible to obtain a new number for, say problem exercises,
+by just calling |\newautonum{ex}|. This will create all the commands
+necessary for referencing, resetting, and autoincrementing these numbers.
+Chapters, sections, subsections, {\it etc}, are also autonumbered and can be
+referenced through tags. For instance this chapter has the tag |auto|. To
+insert the value of the tag in the text, it is only necessary to type
+|\ref{auto}|, which in this case gives \ref{auto} without any extra braces
+brackets or periods.
+Details of creating tags for chapters and sections are discussed in
+Chapter~\ref{shead} starting on page \pref{shead}.
+\intex\ also supplies facilities for automatically numbering and creating
+paper or journal citations (sometimes called confusingly, at least here, {\it
+references}). These are discussed in Chapter \ref{cite}, page \pref{cite}.
+The facilities for creating lists of tables or figures are found in Chapter
+\ref{toc} starting on page \pref{toc}\footnote{\dagger}{One must be careful
+not to overdo an easily used facility.}.
+\shead{autocomlist}{Command List}
+\ext|\pageref \pref|
+\ext|\pagequietref \pqref|
+\ext|\quietref \qref|
+\shead{tagcon}{Tagging Conventions}
+Such items as section heads, equations, figures, and tables may be given
+symbolic ``tags'' so that references to them will be correct even if there
+are deletions, insertions, or shufflings. ``Normal'' tags refer to the
+section, equation, or figure numbers while ``page'' tags refer to the page
+where the item occurred. Page tags are turned on with the \@|\pagetagson|
+command and turned off with \@|\pagetagsoff|. The default is |\pagetagsoff|.
+The tagging system within \intex\ is designed to work best when the
+autonumbering features are on.
+It is designed so that both forward and
+backward references are possible. This is done by saving the tags in a file
+while \tex\ is processing. The next time the document is processed, the use
+of the command |\autonumberingon| or
+|\autoreferencingon| will bring in the latest version of the tag
+file. As tags are generated, the new definitions and values replace the old
+ones. When there is a reference to a tag that has not
+yet been (newly) defined, the old value is used. To guarantee that the tag
+references are correct, the document should be processed twice. This, of
+course is only necessary on the ``final'' version.
+All tags, whether they are for chapters, sections, equations, citations,
+or specials
+{\bf must be unique within the entire document}. This allows for the value of
+a tag, which is usually a number, may be referred to by |\ref{<tag>}|
+or |\quietref{<tag>}| and the page number where it occurred by
+|\pref{<tag>}| or |\pqref{<tag>}|, no
+matter the type being tagged. The quiet forms of the refs do not create
+margin notes and do not check to see if a tag actually exists. Thus both
+|\qref{<tag>}| and |\pqref{<tag>}| will give an error
+if |<tag>| does not exist.
+The quiet forms {\bf must} be used inside section heads and are recommended
+whenever the ref is passed as a parameter to som other command.
+The tag value does not have
+any additional brackets or braces around it. For instance, if an equation was
+given a tag of |theq|, and that was eventually given the value of 2.11 where
+the first number is the section or chapter and the second is the equation
+number, then |\ref{theq}| would insert 2.11 into the text. To obtain ``Eq.
+(2.11)'' in the text it is necessary to type |``Eq. (\ref{theq})''|, the
+(\dots) being put in explicitly.
+In almost all instances, the actual tag is generated automatically by the
+autonumbering forms. However, the |\newtag{<tag>}{<tagvalue>}| command will
+create a tag with the name |<tag>| and the value |<tagvalue>| for |\ref| and
+the current page number for |\pref|.
+Sometimes it is necessary to create the tag
+{\it silently, ie} without any trace in the text. Although |\newtag| does not insert
+into the text, |\auto...num| does. The commands
+ \@|{\silenttrue \auto...num{<tag>}}| will cause the
+|\...num| to increment but nothing will be placed in the text. T
+his is preferred
+to |\silent{<text>}|.
+Note that |{\silenttrue <text>}| will normally put the |<text>| in the
+\shead{refformats}{Tag Insertion Formats}
+When a new tag and auto number is created, there are a number of reference
+forms for that tag that are also created. These are
+The first governs the format of the initial replacement of the |<tag>| when
+it created. The default in |\newautonum{<type>}| is to make it the same as
+|\<type>tagrefformat|. The second,|\<type>tagrefformat| is the format for inserting
+the tag value when it is actually referred to in the text.
+The third |\<type>numform| is set initially equal to
+|\the\<type>num|, the value of the counter corresponding to |<type>|. This
+may be modified if something other than simple arabic numerals are wanted.
+|\newautonum{<type>}| defines
+|\<type>tagrefformat| to be equivalent to
+``|\Prerefform \<type>numform \Postrefform|''.
+The commands |\Prerefform| and |\Postrefform|
+are defined by |\numberbysection|, |\numberbychapter| and modified when
+inside Appendices.
+\shead{validtag}{Valid Tag Forms}
+Any character except the following ``|\ $ % & _ ^ { } "| \vrt'' are
+valid as, and within tags.
+\shead{numcon}{Numbering Conventions}
+There are basically two types of autonumbers in \intex, those that deal with
+chapters, sections, subsections, subsubsections, and appendices, and the {\it
+special} ones defined for equations, tables, figures, or any created
+especially for that document.
+Associated with every autonumber is a {\it count} with the name |\<type>num|.
+For instance the count associated with equations is |\eqnum| and that with
+subsections is |\sshnum|. However, when the number is actually inserted
+into the text, it is not the raw number that is inserted, but rather some
+formatted version. The formatting appends to the basic count, either nothing,
+or the numbers corresponding the chapter or section where the number was
+first created. The actual formatting depends upon what type of numbering
+format is in force.
+For instance, for a document with chapters, the ordinary convention is to
+number the specials as
+``|<chapter number>.<special number>|''. If
+the document has sections but no chapters, and if |\numberbysection| has been
+called, the format is ``|<section number>.<special number>|''. The default in
+\intex\ is neither of these but is continuous numbering.
+This means that the
+specials have the form ``|<special number>|'' and are not reset, except in
+appendices, throughout the document. Continuous numbering of specials is
+forced by |\specialnumberscontinuous|.
+Appendices are treated specially. The specials are reset upon entering an
+appendix, and the reference formats always include the appendix number. The
+appendix number is usually an uppercase roman letter, although other formats
+are possible.
+\shead{autocomforms}{Command Forms}
+\ext\@|\aneq \aneqtag{<tag>}|
+These commands are specials for use in display math mode to create equation
+numbers. They increment the equation counter |\eqnum|, and insert either a
+left or right hand equation number as appropriate, with the equation number
+{\bf surrounded} by brackets like (|<num>|). This is provided to reduce the
+amount of typing required. The |\aneqtag{<tag>}| also creates a |<tag>|
+possible reference.
+This command turns automatic numbering on. It brings in the tag file with name
+|\jobname.tag|, if it exists, and opens a new version for writing the tags
+generated by that \tex\ processing run. The |\jobname| is the file name of
+the \tex\ file {\bf without} the normal |.tex| extension.
+No errors will result if this command is called several times.
+This command turns automatic numbering off and closes the tag file.
+\intex\ defaults to |\autonumberingoff|.
+This command turns automatic referencing on. It brings in the tag file with name
+|\jobname.tag|, if it exists. A |\ref{<tag>}| will result in the
+|<tagvalue>| being put in the text. A |\pref{<tag>}| will result in the page
+number where |<tag>| was last defined being put in the text.
+No errors will result if this command is called several times.
+\intex\ defaults to referencing being active but does not automatically bring
+in a |.tag| file.
+This command turns referencing off.
+Both |\ref{<tag>}| and |\pref{<tag>}| will result in the
+|<tag>| being put in the text.
+This is the basic command for incrementing the |<type>| number and creating a
+tag for that number with the tag name of |<tag>| and the tag value of the
+number in the correct format given the numbering form in force. \intex\
+defines three basic types, |eq| for equations, |fig|, for figures, and |tbl|
+for tables. The tag is written to the |.tag| file.
+\ext\@|\inputtagfiles [=] {<input command><file name> ...}|
+In some cases it may be useful to bring in a file or list of files
+of tags other than those in
+|\jobname.tag|. |\inputtagfiles| is a |<token list>| of commands of the type
+For instance the master file for this book was called |th.tex|
+while the file for this chapter was called |thauto.tex|. If
+|\autonumberingon| is called when \tex ing this chapter by itself, the tag
+file brought in will have the name |thauto.tag|. To use the |th.tag| file it
+is only necessary to put
+\inputtagfiles = {\inputwithcheck{th.tag} } in the chapter file.
+This command creates all the necessary commands for using and referring to
+the autonumber of |<type>|. The |<type>|s defined by \intex\ are |eq|, |fig|,
+and |tbl|, corresponding to equations, figures, and tables respectively. It
+is recommended, but not required that |<type>| be restricted to 3 or fewer
+characters. This allows for a consistent use of |<type>| as the extension of
+list file used for eventually creating a table of items for the table of
+contents part of a document.
+For instance, the equation numbering was created with |\newautonum{eq}|. This
+created the counter |\eqnum|, and the
+commands |\eqnumform|, |\eqtagreplaceformat|, and |\eqtagrefformat|. Any of
+these can be changes at will. However, care must be taken if consistent
+numbering formats is to be maintained.
+\ext\@|\newtag{<tag>}{<tag value>}|
+\ext\@|\newttag{<tag>}{<tag value>}|
+This creates a (normal) tag with reference name |<tag>| and value
+|<tag value>| and a page tag with the reference name|<tag>| and the current
+page value. These
+tags are written out to the |.tag| file if it is open. Page tags will get
+lost if they are produced inside a box that is never inserted in the text.
+This occurs for {\bf all} text inside a |\silent{<text>}|.
+|\newttag{<tag>}{<tag value>}| creates and writes a normal tag while
+|\newptag{<tag>}| creates and writes a page tag.
+This command will cause {\it specials} to be reset at the beginning of each
+new {\bf chapter}, and to append the {\bf chapter} number to any tag reference and to the
+original tag replacement.
+This command will cause {\it specials} to be reset at the beginning of each
+new {\bf section}, and to append the {\bf section} number to any tag reference and to the
+original tag replacement.
+\ext\@|\pagequietref{<tag>} \pqref{<tag>}|
+This is a putting the page number in the text that corresponds to any
+that has been previously
+defined. It does not attempt to create a margin note nor does it
+check to see if the |<tag>| is valid. This allows the
+reference to be used in such places as section heads, titles, captionboxes.
+In fact it {\bf must} be used in {\bf any} place where the surrounding text is
+written to a special file or the terminal.
+Page references {\bf are always from the previous version.}
+\ext\@|\pageref{<tag>} \pref{<tag>}|
+This is the basic command for inserting the
+page number corresponding to any |<tag>| that has been previously
+defined. Page references {\bf are always from the previous version.}
+\ext\@|\pagetagson \pagetagsoff|
+These commands turn page tags on and off respectively. The default is off.
+It is important to wait until the page containing the item is actually output
+before turning off page tags. The page tags are actually generated when the
+page is output \dots\ not before.
+\ext\@|\quietref{<tag>} \qref{<tag>}|
+This is a putting the |<tagvalue>| in the text that corresponds to any
+that has been previously
+defined. It does not attempt to create a margin note nor does it
+check to see if the |<tag>| is valid. This allows the
+reference to be used in such places as section heads, titles, captionboxes.
+In fact it {\bf must} be used in {\bf any} place where the surrounding text is
+written to a special file or the terminal.
+This is the basic command for inserting the
+|<tagvalue>| for any |<tag>| that has been previously
+This command expands the |<text>| inside a |vbox|, but without ever having it
+enter the document. This is a way to call out a |\figureinsert| in order to
+create the normal tags and list files without it actually appearing in the text.
+{\bf Page tags will not be created in this case.}
+Note that tags defined inside a |\silent| {\it may} not appear in the
+margin. The actual mechanism used is
+|\setbox0 = \vbox{<text>}|. See Chapter~\ref{basbox} for more details on
+|box| commands.
+This command will prevent the {\it special} numbers from being reset at any
+point in the document, except appendices. A reference to a {\it special} number
+tag will result in the value of the appropriate counter with no section or
+chapter numbers added. {\bf All special numbers are treated the same way.}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thbas.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thbas.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4dfc9e1afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thbas.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\def\cqu{\cquote{Once a ``question'' is perfectly understood, we
+must free it of every conception superfluous to its meaning \dots}{
+ Rules for the Direction of the Mind, Rule XIII,
+Ren\'e~Descartes (1596-1650)}}
+\chapterhead{bas}{BASIC IDEAS\cr and\cr TERMINOLOGY}
+This chapter introduces some more terminology used in \tex\ and \intex. These
+are {\it boxes, glue, dimensions, modes, penalties, groups, tokens, token lists,
+definitions, macros, assignments} and {\it parameters}.
+\tex\ can be imagined as assembling boxes, in various {\it modes},
+much in the same way that a child
+builds a castle.
+Pages are formatted by glueing together such boxes. This page has some of the
+component boxes outlined so you can see them. In fact this paragraph
+is surrounded by a box that is made up by \tex's page paragraph builder,
+when it pastes together a page. However this process starts from the bottom
+up. First \hh{l}\hh{e}\hh{t}\hh{t}\hh{e}\hh{r}\hh{s} are glued together
+horizontally to make the word \hh{letters}. Then all the words in a paragraph
+are glued together, with appropriate
+interword spacing, in a single long line. Finally this long line is broken
+into page-width lines in the nicest way.
+A {\it horizontal} box, one with a {\it horizontal list} such as the
+words in a paragraph, is an |\hbox|. A
+{\it vertical} box, for example the one that contains the
+vertical list of |\hbox|es for the lines,
+is called a |\vbox|.
+The most important |\vbox| for \tex\ is the one that is used to collect the
+lines that make up the page. This is box 255, and it is on this box that the
+page builder works. There are, in fact, 256 boxes available to use. Some of
+these have been already used by |plain| or an extension package.
+Boxes are not the whole story. Between boxes there is {\it glue}. This glue
+can stretch or shrink and is stretched or shrunk in order to make a list of
+boxes inside another, such as words on a line, evenly fill out the line. This
+is how words are right justified on a line. When there is not enough stretch
+or shrink available, \tex\ complains about an {\it underfull} or {\it
+overfull} box. Overfull boxes are indicated on the document with an ugly
+black vertical line at the end of the offending box. Underfull boxes cause
+error messages and the glue is stretched beyond its limits.
+When glue is inserted, it shows up as blanks or white space.
+More detail on glue will be found in Chapter~\ref{dimnum}.
+Boxes have dimensions that consist of a |<decimal number>| and a two letter
+unit of measurement such as |in| for inches or |cm| for cm. Thus ``2.54cm''
+is another way of saying ``1in''. When \tex\ is processing some text looking
+for a dimension, it reads the next two letters after a number and attempts to
+interpret this as a unit of measure, whether or not there is a space or non
+letter following. More details on dimensions will be found in
+When \TeX\ is
+putting together a horizontal list of boxes, such as characters in a line,
+it is said to be in the {\it horizontal} mode. The result of working on a
+{\it horizontal} list of boxes is a {\it horizontal} box.
+If \TeX\ is putting together
+boxes {\bf inside} another {\it horizontal} box, it is in the {\it internal} {\it horizontal} mode.
+Lines are assembled as a {\it vertical} list to create {\it vertical} boxes. When
+assembling {\it vertical} list of boxes to makeup a page, \TeX\ is said to be in
+{\it vertical} mode. When processing a {\it vertical} list of boxes to make up a
+{\it vertical} box it is in the {\it internal vertical} mode. \tex's page builder is in
+action when \tex\ is in {\it vertical} mode. When in {\it internal \it vertical} mode it is
+not. In fact this is about the {\bf only} difference between the two
+modes.\footnote{\ddagger}{This was not the case in \tex78.}
+\TeX\ has two other modes, {\it mathematics} mode, and {\it display mathematics}
+mode. It is in these modes that mathematical equations, subscripts, and
+superscripts are produced. You {\bf cannot} create subscripts and superscripts
+in non {\it mathematics} mode. {\it Mathematics} mode is used to imbed {\it mathematics}
+or mathematical symbols amongst normal text. {\it Display mathematics} will
+create a displayed equation.
+For the most part \tex\ will flip from one mode to another automatically when
+it meets a command that should occur in one of the specific
+\tex\ does its work by assigning {\it penalties} to various visually
+disturbing aspects of the page. It then tries to make the total of these
+penalties as low as possible, and when it happens, confidently declares that
+the best possible job has been done. Sometimes the results are not as nice as
+either you or \tex\ would like. \tex\ not liking it means that there was no
+feasible way to do things, such as build a paragraph, or break a page without
+violating the norms of good taste as embodied in such things as glue
+stretching badness on a line. The result is {\it underfull} or {\it overfull}
+boxes. In some cases, the result is just plain awful. \tex\ has about 40
+parameters, and the various extensions many more. Any of these may be changed
+to improve a given situation. In fact, since \tex\ actually assigns penalties
+based on the context or state of a page, the penalty approach will
+theoretically satisfy any objective. Difficulties arise in choosing the
+penalties to match your objectives and upon obtaining a consensus on
+objectives. The playing with penalties is an advanced occupation.
+One of the most important ideas in \tex, is that of a {\it group}.
+Commands in \intex\ of the form |\begin... \end...|,
+the inside of boxes and fields in an |\halign| always
+form a {\it group}. The |{...}| also form a group {\bf unless they are
+being used to determine the parameters for a definition}.
+A {\it group} allows for an action to be restricted to a small locality,
+and to easily revert to the previous form when going outside the group. For
+instance, this paragraph is set in roman type. The command |\bf| \bf causes
+everything after it to appear in bold face type until there is something like
+a |\rm| \rm to return it back to normal. However if the |\bf| were placed
+inside a group, the effect of the command will be undone when leaving the
+group {\bf without} you having to remember what to undo. To insert some
+{\bf bold face type} in the midst of roman type just enclose it in a group
+like |{\bf bold face type}| and the roman will magically reappear after the
+Both |{...}| and the |\begingroup...\endgroup| pairs define groups. The
+major difference is that the text inside |{...}| is absorbed by \tex\
+immediately as a single entity while the passing through a |\begingroup| just
+causes \tex\ to note that it has gone into another level of grouping.
+Braces |{...}| are most useful to define parameter groups for definitions
+For instance the command |\sqrt{<math expression>}| uses the |{...}| to
+determine exactly what should be under the square root sign. They are also
+useful for short groups within the body of the text.
+However, for major, long groups the |\begingroup...\endgroup| pair should
+be used.
+For instance, in \intex, |\beginappendices| begins a group which is
+ended when you say |\endappendices|. While inside that group special
+changes to the format of equation numbers and section references are
+occurring. When the group is left, these are undone. In fact, in \intex, any
+command that has the form |\begin...| will enter a group and have a
+corresponding |\end...| associated with it that must be used to properly
+leave the group.
+While \tex\ is still reading commands, before it has settled down to actually
+doing its work, braces and |\begingroup...\endgroup| pairs do not need to
+match. This is a perfectly valid grouping
+In fact |{ ...\endgroup| is not a valid grouping.
+When the information in the \tex\ commands get finally
+deep down inside \tex, all groups are the same and if a group is opened it
+must eventually be closed. This is possible because of the special way that
+\tex\ destroys braces while it is digesting commands. \tex\ never destroys
+|\begingroup...\endgroup| pairs.
+\shead{tokenlists}{Tokens and Token Lists}
+When \tex\ reads your file, it {\bf immediately} changes the input characters
+{\it tokens}. In this sense a command like |\begingroup| is a {\bf single}
+token. A {\it token list} is simply a list of tokens. One of the features of
+\tex\ that is used in \intex\ is the named {\it token list}. For instance,
+\intex\ defines the token list |\chaptername| to be the chapter name. This
+chapter has a name
+\chaptername = {Basic Ideas\cr and\cr Terminology}
+Note that there are |\cr| in this list that do not give any trouble. To
+insert the contents of a {\it token list} into the text, the command
+|\the\chaptername| is used. The following
+\chaptername = {Basic Ideas\cr and\cr Terminology}
+\centerline{\vbox{\halign{\strut\hss #\cr
+ \the\chaptername \cr}}}
+is obtained by
+\centerline{\vbox{\halign{\strut\hss #\cr
+ \the\chaptername \cr}}}
+\def\mjf{Michael J. Ferguson}
+\shead{defsintro}{Definitions or Macros}
+Both \tex\ and \intex\ let the user define their own commands. These are of
+the form |\<name>| and are single tokens. The terms {\it definitions} and
+{\it macros} are to be considered identical. If for some reason your name
+occurs frequently in your text, the following would make typing easier:
+\def\mjf{Michael J. Ferguson}
+would allow for ``\mjf, \mjf, \mjf'' to be inserted in the text by merely typing
+``|\mjf, \mjf, \mjf|''. More details on definitions will be found in
+Chapter~\ref{defs} and in the \texbook.
+All the internal \intex\ macro definitions have an {\tt @} as the second
+letter. Since an {\tt @} is not normally allowed in definition names there is
+no danger that you will inadvertently redefine a command that is used by
+\intex\ but is not found in the command index (following page \pref{index}).
+\shead{assignments}{Assignments and Parameters}
+{\it Parameters} in \tex\ and \intex\ are used to keep and allow modification
+of such things as page sizes, list spacing, or page margins. They are all
+modified by
+\<parameter name> [=] <new value>
+where the ``|=|'' is optional. For example
+\houterpagesize = 8in
+will change the width of the page to eight inches.
+\done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thbasbox.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thbasbox.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86f7b6d2e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thbasbox.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\chapterhead{basbox}{BASIC\cr BOX\cr COMMANDS}
+\TeX 's major preoccupation is to make
+boxes. This chapter discusses the basic commands that create and use boxes.
+Boxes can be acquired, measured, split, copied, and squashed. \tex\ allows
+almost anything that can be done on a page to be done inside a box.
+\shead{boxcom}{Command List}
+\shead{boxtype}{Vertical and Horizontal Boxes}
+There are two kinds of boxes, horizontal and vertical. This
+differentiation is only one of {\it use}, not of quality. All boxes have a
+height |\ht|, width |\wd|, and depth |\dp|, and reference point.
+The reference point is at the left hand end of the {\it baseline} of the box.
+Horizontal lists of boxes are lined up along their baselines. Vertical lists
+of boxes are lined up along their reference points.
+The major difference is that
+an |\hbox| contains a {\it horizontal} list of commands and boxes and
+assembles these on a horizontal line while a
+|\vbox| contains vertical list of commands and boxes and assembles them on
+top of each other in a vertical list.
+While inside a horizontal box, \tex\ is said to be in {\it internal}
+horizontal mode. This is the mode that is wanted when there is some centering
+or other coercive placement of text on a line required.
+The inside of a vertical box is known as {\it internal vertical mode}. Almost
+anything that can be done on a page can also be done inside a vertical box.
+The {\bf width} of a |\vbox| is determined in the following way: if the mode
+inside the box is never changed from
+vertical, the box width is the {\it natural} width of the material inside; if
+the mode in the box changes to either horizontal or mathematics, the width of
+the box is the current value of |\hsize|. If it has not been changed,
+|\hsize| will probably be the width of a page. The mode in the box will be
+changed to horizontal if there is either mathematics or ordinary text placed
+in the box without first being enclosed in an |\hbox| such as a
+One box is very special, namely box 255. This box is the page building box
+and only material in this box is acted upon by the page builder and breaker.
+When \tex\ is in this box, it is said to be in (non-internal) {\it vertical}
+Although only box 255 can be worked upon by the page builder, other boxes can
+be split, using rules similar to the page builder by the |\vsplit| command.
+It is possible then to accumulate text in a long vertical box for future
+splitting when the length of the box is known. A newbox is acquired by
+Text is placed in a box using
+the |\setbox| command and removed using any one of a number of |\box|,
+|\copy| or |\unvbox| commands, with various effects on the box contents.
+Boxes may be superimposed by forcing their height, depth, and width to be
+zero, making sure there is appropriate internal glue to allow the contents to
+spill out and prevent overfull boxes. The commands |\rlap| and |\llap| allow
+for horizontal superposition of |\hboxes|. As might be expected, the effects
+can be interesting.
+Box registers are numbered from 0 to 255.
+|\newbox\<box name>| allocates an unused box number
+and assigns it the symbolic name |\<box name>| which now
+can be used wherever there is a need for a box number.
+The following example does not result in an overfull
+box and illustrates a number of the commands in this section. The intent is
+to acquire a box, put a character into it, coerce its size down to a point,
+and then to move it around so that the result is an overlapping pattern of
+the character. The result is
+ \newbox\testbox
+ \setbox\testbox = \vbox{\hbox{$\bigodot$\hss}\vss}
+ \dp\testbox=0pt \ht\testbox=0pt \wd\testbox=0pt
+ \centerline{.\copy\testbox \lower1ex\copy\testbox
+ \hskip .5em \lower1ex\copy\testbox}
+\vskip .25in
+It is obtained, with accompanying explanation, by
+ \newbox\testbox %allocates a newbox called \testbox
+ \setbox\testbox = \vbox{\hbox{$\bigodot$\hss}\vss}
+ % sets the box \testbox to be a \vbox -- the \vss
+ % and \hss prevent the overfull box
+ \dp\testbox=0pt \ht\testbox=0pt \wd\testbox=0pt
+ % the size of \testbox is now 0 -- the \vss and
+ % \hss above leave the reference point in the upper
+ % lefthand corner
+ \centerline{.\copy\testbox \lower1ex\copy\testbox
+ \hskip .5em \lower1ex\copy\testbox}
+ % the . is for reference --- the centerline puts it
+ % in the middle of the page
+\shead{boxcomforms}{Command Forms}
+\pri\@|\box{<named box>}|
+This command takes the |<named box>|, whether a |\vbox| or
+|\hbox|, and places it at that point in the present list. The resulting
+|<named box>| is now empty.
+\ext\@|\boxit{<line thickness>}{<border separation>}{<box, vlist>}|
+|\boxit| takes the box, or vertical list and puts a box around it with a
+border separated from the |<box>| by |<border separation>| and a having a
+thickness of |<line thickness>|. For example
+is given by
+\pri\@|\boxmaxdepth [=] <dimen>|
+This sets the maximum box depth to |<dimen>|. If the natural depth of the box
+is greater than |<dimen>|, the box is raised (increasing its natural height)
+until the depth does equal |<dimen>|.
+\pri\@|\copy{<named box>}|
+This takes the |<named box>| and puts it in the present list. The box
+contents are {\bf not} destroyed.
+\pla\@|\line{<horizontal list>}|
+\pla\@|\centerline{<horizontal list>}|
+\pla\@|\leftline{<horizontal list>}|
+\pla\@|\rightline{<horizontal list>}|
+|\line| is an |\hbox| the same size as |\hsize|, the natural size of the
+enclosing box such as a page. |\leftline|, |\centerline|, |\rightline|
+respectively take the |<horizontal list>| and force it to the left, middle,
+and right parts of the box.
+|\line| is identical to |\hbox to \hsize{<horizontal list>}|. |\leftline| is
+|\line{<horizontal list>\hss}|, |\centerline| is |\line{\hss<horizontal
+list>\hss}|, and |\rightline| is |\line{\hss<horizontal list>}|.
+\pri\@|\box dimensions ... \dp \ht \wd|
+\pri\@|\dp<named box> [=] <dimen>
+ \ht<named box> [=] <dimen>
+ \wd<named box> [=] <dimen>|
+The commands |\dp \ht \wd| refer to the depth, height, and depth of the
+|<named box>|. The form above sets the |<named box>| to these dimensions.
+\pri\@|<scale factor>\dp<named box>
+ <scale factor>\ht<named box>
+ <scale factor>\wd<named box>|
+These forms are all valid |<dimen>| and can be used when ever a |<dimen>| is
+valid. For instance |\hsize = .378\wd\testbox| is a valid assignment for
+|\hsize| as long as |\testbox| is a valid box number. These forms are useful
+for some types of arithmetic.
+\pri\@|\everyhbox = {<token list>}|
+\pri\@|\everyvbox = {<token list>}|
+This command inserts the |<token list>| as the first set of commands whenever
+an |\hbox| or |\vbox|, respectively is entered by \tex.
+\pri\@|\hbox <box spec>{<horizontal list>}|
+\pri\@|\vbox <box spec>{<vertical list>}|
+These insert |\hbox| and |\vbox| respectively, according to the |<box spec>|
+and containing the |<... list>|. The |<box spec>| is a specification sequence
+for the box.
+\pri\@|<box spec>|
+The |<box spec>| is one of the following:
+\noalign{\vskip -\lastskip}
+| to <dimen>|&this sets a
+|\hbox| to width |<dimen>| or a |\vbox| to height |<dimen>| ; if |<dimen>| is
+|\hsize|, the box is the natural width of the surrounding box or page \cr
+|<nothing>|&this lets the box take on its natural width or height\cr
+\pri\@|\vbox{\hsize [=] <dimen> <text>}|
+This creates a |\vbox| with a specified horizontal dimension. {\bf This box
+will accept almost anything that can be put on a page including display
+mathematics, |\centerline|, and ordinary text.} It is the basic mechanism for
+creating boxes that look like pages for future pasting up into a
+page.\footnote{\dagger}{This replaces the |\hbox par <dimen>{<...>}| in
+\pri\@|\hrule [height <dimen>] [width <dimen>] [depth <dimen>]|
+\pri\@|\vrule [height <dimen>] [width <dimen>] [depth <dimen>]|
+These commands create lines of the specified height, width, and depth. Any or
+all of the parameters may be omitted. The |\vrule| is used in {\it horizontal}
+mode and the |\hrule| is used in {\it vertical} mode. If there is no
+dimension given the {\it rule} is the natural size of the enclosing box. For
+instance, on a page the enclosing box is the page itself. Thus
+a line across the entire page. Rules are used to make the lines in the
+|\boxit| macro earlier in this section.
+These commands allow |<text>| to be superimposed on the text around it.
+The |\rlap| creates a box of width 0pt and forces the |<text>| out to the
+right. |\llap| does the same thing but to the left. Thus |\rlap{A}$\odot$| and
+|A\llap{$\odot$}| give the same result namely \rlap{A}$\odot$, and
+A\llap{$\odot$} respectively. This is a way to put text into either margin.
+These commands work only in {\it (internal) horizontal} mode. They lower or
+raise the |<box>| by the |<dimen>|. An example of their use was illustrated
+in the previous section.
+\pri\@|\setbox<named box> [=] <box>{<list>}|
+This is the basic command for putting contents in a |<named box>|. The
+|<box>| is any valid |\hbox| or |\vbox| including a |<box spec>| if desired.
+The |<list>| is either vertical or horizontal depending upon the box type.
+|\strut| is a |\vrule| of zero width,
+with height and depth for normal baseline spacing in the current font point
+size family. It is useful
+in |\vbox{\hsize <dimen> \strut <text> \strut}|. The two |\strut|s will
+ensure correct spacing when boxes of this sort are stacked upon each other.
+\pri\@|\unhbox{<named hbox>}|
+\pri\@|\unhcopy{<named hbox>}|
+\pri\@|\unvbox{<named vbox>}|
+\pri\@|\unvcopy{<named vbox>}|
+These commands take the contents of the |<named box>|, remove the outer box,
+unset the internal glue, and put it in the list at this point. The ||
+forms destroy the contents of the box and leave it |void|, while the |..copy|
+forms do not.
+\pri\@|\vcenter{<vertical list>}|
+This command works in {\it math} or {\it display math} mode only. It creates
+a |vbox| out of the |<vertical list>| and sets the reference baseline in the
+center of the resultant box. It is used for centering expressions in display
+\pri\@|\vsplit<named box> to <dimen>|
+A new |vbox| with height |<dimen>| and maximum depth
+\@|\splitmaxdepth| is created from the contents of |<named box>|. Any remains are left in
+the |<named box>|. This is useful for some simple multicolumn forms.
+\pri|\vtop <box spec>{<vertical list>}|
+This command creates a |vbox| with the baseline reference of that box
+being the baseline of the {\bf first box} in the |<vertical list>|. This is
+useful in the following way. This quotation
+ \vtop{\hsize 1.8in The plans of the diligent lead
+ surely to abundance, but every
+ one that is hasty comes only to
+ want.}
+ \hss
+ \vtop{\hsize 1.8in This quotation comes from {\it Proverbs
+ 21, Verse 5}. It suggests care.}
+ }
+is given by
+ \vtop{\hsize 1.8in The plans of the diligent lead
+ surely to abundance, but every
+ one that is hasty comes only to
+ want.}
+ \hss
+ \vtop{\hsize 1.8in This quotation comes from {\it Proverbs
+ 21, Verse 5}. It suggests care.}
+ }
+Note that these are lined up on the first rows.
+\ext|\zerocenteredbox {<text>}|
+This creates an |hbox| of zero height and depth with the width of the
+|<text>|. Thus a
+|\zerocenteredbox{\bf point}| gives \zerocenteredbox{\bf point}\ with the
+placement as shown. The reference point of the box is at the center of the
+text which effectively lowers it to the baseline.
+This command is intended for use in making tables. See
+Chapter~{\ref{align}} for more details.
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thbreak.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thbreak.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..029a603627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thbreak.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\chapterhead{break}{BREAKS\cr and\cr NOBREAKS}
+\tex\ controls the breaking of lines and pages by the judicious insertion of
+penalties, both positive and negative. A negative penalty will encourage
+a break
+and a positive penalty will inhibit it. The commands in this chapter either
+inhibit or cause breaks. In addition, most of them have some form of vertical
+skip. All but |\linebreak| are intended to be used in vertical mode. In all
+cases, the use of a |\...break| in horizontal mode will first cause a change
+to (internal) vertical mode where the penalty will be applied. A penalty of
+$\pm$10000 is the same as $\pm$ infinity.
+\shead{breakcoms}{Command Forms}
+Since the commands generally do not take parameters, the command list is
+being dispensed with.
+\pla\@|\allowbreak|&no penalty for a break \dots\ |\penalty 0|\cr
+\pla\@|\break|&causes a break \dots\ |\penalty 10000|\cr
+\pla\@|\bigbreak|&encourages break and vskips the maximum of the
+|\bigskipamount| and the |\lastskip| \dots\ |\penalty -200| \dots\ skip is
+\quad\hbox to .25in{\vbox{\hrule width .25in\bigbreak\hrule}} \cr
+\pla\@|\bye|&terminates a document and vertical |fill|s the page\cr
+\pri|\discretionary|&a discretionary break or hyphen. The form is
+\@|\discretionary{<pre break text>}{<post break text>}{<text>}|. If
+there is a break, the |<pre break text>| goes on the first line and the
+|<post break text>| goes on the second line. If there is nobreak, the
+|<text>| is used.\cr
+\ext\@|\done|&terminates a document and vertical |fill|s the page and does
+some tests on groups used in \intex. \cr
+\ext\@|\end|&terminates a document without doing any fill on the last page\cr
+\pla\@|\filbreak|&encourages a break with |\penalty -200| and vertical |fils|
+the page. It is useful for address lists where it is desirable not to split
+an individual address at a page boundary\cr
+\pla\@|\eject|&causes a column or page break but does not vertical |fill| the
+page. Its use usually causes underfull boxes.\cr
+\ext\@|\ejectcolumn|&causes a column break (equivalent to a page break in single
+column) and vertical |fills| the page\cr
+\ext\@|\ejectpage|&causes a page break and vertical |fills| the page \dots\ in
+multicolumn this will cause a new page, not just a new column\cr
+\pla\@|\goodbreak|&encourages a break \dots\ |\penalty -200|\cr
+\ext\@|\linebreak|&forces a line break in horizontal mode {\bf and} |fils| the
+ line forcing the words to the left side of the line\cr
+\pla\@|\medbreak|&encourages break and vskips the maximum of the
+ |\medskipamount| and the |\lastskip| \dots\ |\penalty -100| \dots\ skip is
+ \hbox to .25in{\vbox{\hrule width.25in\medbreak\hrule}} \cr
+\pla\@|\nobreak|&does not allow a break \dots\ |\penalty 10000|\cr
+\ext|\penaltybreak|&form \@|\penaltybreak{<penalty>}{<skip size>}| \dots\
+ this is a generalization of |\medbreak| allowing arbitrary penalties and skip
+ sizes\cr
+\pla\@|\smallbreak|&encourages break and vskips the maximum of the
+|\smallskipamount| and the |\lastskip| \dots\ |\penalty -50| \dots\ skip is
+\hbox to .25in{\vbox{\hrule width .25in\smallbreak\hrule}} \cr
+\done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thcite.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thcite.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4196f2a4d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thcite.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\def\cqu{\cquote{Always verify your references.}{Martin~Joseph~Routh
+\chapterhead{cite}{CITATIONS\cr or REFERENCE\cr LISTS}
+\intex\ provides facilities for automatic numbering and creation of {\it
+citation } or {\it reference} lists. The listing format supported
+is that of the IEEE, which numbers citations sequentially in the
+order that they are called out in the document. For short lists (about 40-60
+citations), the actual citation forms may be in random order. For very long
+lists, the citation form file must be ordered in the same manner as the
+citations should appear in the document. Page referencing for citations is
+not supported.
+\shead{citcomlist}{Command List}
+\shead{makecite}{Making Citations}
+A citation is made in a document using a
+format such as |[\cite{<citation tag>}]| where the |<citation tag>| may be of
+any valid tag form (see Section~{\ref{validtag}}, page \pref{validtag}).
+If a |\cite| is used in internal vertical mode, for example in a section or
+chapter head title, then the margin notes will disappear. If it used in any
+field that may become a tag, then disaster will occur. This latter should
+never happen.
+When the first |\cite| is called, the citation tag file is opened
+automatically and tag generated for this citation, and the
+numerical value is placed in the text. Subsequently, a |\cite|
+define a new tag if it is the first time it has been called and place the
+numerical value in the text. The command |\citeref{<tag>}| will place the
+numerical value of the citation in the text but will neither open the
+citation tag file if it is closed nor define a new tag if it is undefined.
+If a citation is to be defined but the value should not be put in the text,
+|{\silenttrue \cite{<citation tag>}}| should be used.
+The actual citation forms are maintained in a separate file whose
+default name is |\jobname.cfm|. The command |\makecitationlist|
+does not require that the citation forms in the |.cfm| file be in the same
+order and may include citation forms that are not even used. However,
+because of limitations on \tex's internal memory, the maximum number of
+citations in a |.cfm| file used by |\makecitationlist|
+is limited to approximately 40 to 60. If \tex\ runs out of memory it is
+necessary to use |\makelongcitationlist| instead. When using this command,
+the |.cfm| file may be of any length but the citation forms must be in the
+correct order, and include only those actually cited in the document.
+This must be done by some program external to \intex.
+The citation form command in the |.cfm| file is
+|\citeform{<citation tag>}{<TeX citation form macro>}|. The
+|<TeX citation form macro>| is of any form but will usually be a special
+|\listitem|. The actual number of the particular citation being written is
+held in the command |\citetagvalue|. This command should be placed at that
+place in the |<TeX citation form macro>| where the citation number should
+The first call to the |\cite| command will open the |\jobname.ctg| file where
+the tags for the citations are stored.
+|\initcitetag{<integer>}| where |<integer>| is one less than the lowest
+number in the citation list is written. This number allows for several
+independent citation lists to exist in a single document, for instance at the
+end of each chapter. When the file is closed, either with a
+|\makecitationlist| or a |\closecitationtagfile|, an
+|\lastcitenum{<integer>}| is written. The |<integer>| is the current value of
+the |\citenum|.
+To make a citation list the following is required:
+\1beginlist % citations are usually listitems ... should be group
+\1frenchspacing % suppresses extra space after periods
+<initial macros \1ejectpage, make Reference header
+ and set up list>
+\1makecitationlist % or \1makelongcitationlist
+The actual list of macros is inserted, in order by |\makecitationlist| or
+by |\makelongcitationlist|. The latter must be used if there are too many
+citations for \tex's memory. In that case the |\jobname.cfm| file must be
+sorted and contain only those citations actually used.
+These commands automatically close the |\jobname.ctg| file, if it is open.
+\shead{prelcite}{Prelude Citations}
+Occasionally citations appear in the prelude of a document, sometimes
+through a
+section head and hence in the table of contents.
+Usually the citation numbers should be those that occur later in the text
+rather than the ones that would occur naturally.
+The |\cite| in the prelude causes the citation tag file to open prematurely
+and the |\citenum| to be incremented incorrectly. To get around this problem,
+use the following procedure:
+\begingroup % limits effect to initial section
+\inputwithcheck{<filename>.ctg} %inputs the .ctg file if it exists
+\let\cite=\citeref % cites only refer now
+<text with \cites>
+\endgroup % where you want citations to behave normally
+\shead{citecomforms}{Command Forms}
+|\citenum| is the counter that holds the current largest citation number
+used. This number is equal to or larger than that set by
+\ext\@|\cite{<citation tag>}|
+This command places the citation number, corresponding to the
+|<citation tag>| in the text, without any surrounding brackets or braces.
+If the |<citation tag>| has not been defined, or if it was defined for a
+previous citation list, the |\citenum| is increased by one, and a tag is
+created with that new value. Multiple citations may be called in a single
+place by |[\cite{<citetag1>}, \cite{<citetag2>}, ...]|. However, there is
+{\it no} sorting capability so that the numbers may appear out of sequential
+order. The first |\cite| opens the citation tag file.
+|{\silenttrue \cite{<citetag>}}| will define and increment the citation
+counter but will not insert the citation value in the text.
+\ext\@|\citeform{<citation tag>}{<TeX macro form>}|
+This is the form that must be used in the file |\jobname.cfm|
+file that actually contains the list of citations. The |<citation tag>| is
+the same on used in the text when the citation is called out. The
+|<TeX macro form>| is the \tex\ macro that will actually be inserted into the
+reference list. This must contain all the information needed to produce the
+final form of the citation. Since the actual citation number is being
+supplied by \intex, it is necessary to include the \tex\ command
+|\citetagvalue| in the place required in the text. For instance, if the
+|\listitem| command was being used as the basic form, and if the citation tag
+were |[Knut84]|, then an appropriate |\citeform| for the \texbook\ would be
+\citeform{[Knut84]}{\listitem \citetagvalue D.E. Knuth,
+ {\bf \TeX book}, {\it Addison Wesley Pub. Co.}, 1984}
+This command contains, at the time of a |\citeform| execution, the number of
+that particular citation.
+This closes the |\jobname.ctg| file, if it is open. Since the |.ctg|
+file is closed
+automatically whenever |\makecitationlist| is called, this command is seldom
+This command is written into the |.ctg| file when it is opened. It
+establishes the minimum value of |\citenum| for this list. The actual
+reference value is determined by subtracting this value from the
+ [=] { \inputwithcheck{<first form file>}
+ ...
+ \inputwithcheck{<last form file>} }|
+This is a token list of files, each prefaced by
+|\inputwithcheck|, that contain the citations for a particular citation
+list. The command |\inputwitcheck| determines whether the file exists
+before trying to open it. The default is |\inputwithcheck{\jobname.cfm}|.
+ [=] { \inputwithcheck{<first tag file>}
+ ...
+ \inputwithcheck{<last tag file>} }|
+This is a token list of files, each prefaced by
+|\inputwithcheck|, that contain the citation tags for a particular citation
+list. The command |\inputwitcheck| determines whether the file exists
+before trying to open it. The default is |\inputwithcheck{\jobname.ctg}|.
+The |\jobname.ctg| file contains the tags for the citation list.
+These tags are in order of call out and numbered
+sequentially. It also includes the |\initcitetag| command.
+This command is written into the |.ctg| file when it is
+closed either by a |\closecitationtagfile| or a
+|\makecitationlist|. It is used to reset |\citenum| when using successive
+citation lists.
+This command reads in the |\jobname.cfm| file. It then reads the
+|\jobname.ctg| file and converts the list of citation tags into
+a correctly ordered list of citations. The citation forms in the
+|\jobname.cfm| file may be in any order and may include ones that are not
+Any formatting control commands such as
+|\beginlist ... \endlist| must be placed around it.
+This command reads in the |\jobname.cfm| file and assigns citation numbers
+to the citation forms in the order that they appear. Errors from those
+indicated by the |\citetagvalue| are reported.
+ The citation forms in the
+|\jobname.cfm| file {\bf must be in the same order as called out in the
+document and include only those that are actually used.}
+Any formatting control commands such as
+|\beginlist ... \endlist| must be placed around it.
+\done \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5659f92ec1
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@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\def\cqu{\cquote{The life is so short, the craft so long to learn.}{Aphorisms,
+Hippocrates (460-400~BC)}
+\chapterhead{cont}{SPECIAL CHARACTERS\cr and\cr ACCENTS}
+This chapter discusses {\it special characters}, both those that are single
+keys (usually) on the terminal but are used for special purposes
+and those, non mathematics, that end up in the final text as
+single characters. An example of the first is the |{| used for grouping (see
+Chapter~\ref{bas} information on {\it grouping}) and an example of the latter is the copyright sign
+\copyright\ that is obtained by typing |\copyright|. For special mathematics
+symbols see Chapter~\ref{matsym}.
+Section~\ref{controluse} discusses the special characters that do not
+normally print and are used by \tex\ and \intex\ for control purposes.
+Section~\ref{controlprint} tells how to print them in the text.
+A second set of special use characters, usually single keys,
+are really single character commands to \tex\
+and \intex. Their behaviour varies depending on the circumstances. In most
+cases, they can be used with little or no thought. Occasionally errors in use
+might cause some confusion. For instance, in \intex\ the ``\vrt'' is
+interpreted as a vertical bar or rule in normal text and mathematics, but as a
+column separator with a vertical rule while building tables using \intex's
+|\begintable...\endtable| commands. The complete set of these commands for
+\intex\ is given in Section~\ref{activechar}.
+The rest of this chapter discusses the second class of special {\it text}
+characters, and the means of inserting them in the text.
+Section~\ref{specialtextsymbols} shows how to obtain such interesting
+characters as the British Pound ``{\it\$}'' paragraph symbol ``\P''.
+Quotes, both English ``\dots'' and French
+{\language = 1 \ldq\dots\rdq} are discussed in
+on ordinary text letters are in Section~\ref{ordaccent} and on mathematics in
+\shead{controluse}{Control Characters - Meaning}
+\tex\ and \intex\ have reserved the following control characters for the uses
+indicated. None of these characters will be actually printed in the text.
+|\|&escape character \dots starts
+ all control and command sequences \cr
+|{}|&grouping brackets \cr
+\% &indicates the end of a line in a \TeX\ file. Anything after the
+ \%\ will be ignored by \TeX\ while processing the file. This is used
+ for comments. \cr
+|\@|&superscript sign\cr
+|_|&subscript sign\cr
+|&|&alignment character used to align characters from line to line\cr
+|$|&\it mathematics mode indicator\cr
+|$<expression>$|&{\it mathematics} mode start and end \cr
+|$$<expression>$$|&{\it display mathematics} mode \dots start and end \cr
+|#|&parameter indicator for definitions and in alignment preambles\cr
+|~|&the {\it tie} character \dots\ really an unbreakable space between words.
+For instance, the space between the initials in D.E. Knuth allows the last
+name to be split from the initials at the end of the line. The sequence
+|D.E.~Knuth| will leave the space but not allow the break.\cr
+\shead{controlprint}{Control Characters - Printing}
+The control characters
+ { } # $ % & _ \ ~ ^
+are obtained by the control sequences
+ $\{$ $\}$ \# \$ \% \& \_
+ $\backslash$ \^{ } \~{ }
+except as accents. The last two are actually
+obtained by ``accenting'' a space.
+In mathematics the ``~\^{ }~'' and the ``~\~{ }~'' must be obtained using
+the mathematic accents (see Section~\ref{mathaccent})
+as |\hat{ }| or |\tilde{ }|.
+The net effect of this is that all characters are available in any mode.
+\shead{activechar}{\intex\ Special Characters}
+\intex\ special characters are all active --- meaning that they
+are single character control sequences. The complete list is
+given below. They are used for specifying column separators
+in tables.
+\vrt&this is a \vrt\ in normal text, a \vrt\ {\it Rel} in mathematics (see
+Chapter~\ref{matsym}). While making a table inside \intex\
+|\begintable ... \endtable|, the \vrt\ is a vertical rule or line column
+that is used to separate data columns and {\bf must
+not be used in mathematics inside tables -- use |\vrt|}
+ (see Chapter~\ref{align}).\cr
+|"|&the double quote should not be used in ordinary text. \intex\ will give
+you a gentle reminder to either |``| or |''|. It will then put the " in the
+text. The |"| is used while making tables for indicating a rule column where
+the rule is omitted.\cr
+\shead{specialtextsymbols}{Special Text Symbols}
+\tex\ supplies a number of special symbols that can be used in ordinary text,
+and some admonitions about those that should not. There are three kinds of
+dashes in normal typeset material and \tex\ supplies all three. They are
+- -- --- and are produced by |-| |--| and |---| respectively. They are known
+officially as the {\it dash, endash,} and {\it emdash}. They are used as
+hyphens, word separators, and idea separators, respectively.
+These are recognized by \tex\ as {\it ligatures}. Although the English
+ligatures such as ``ff'' and ``ffi'' are recognized by \tex, most in other
+languages are not.\footnote{\dagger}{However, it is easy to modify \tex\ so
+that it does recognize those ligatures. Meanwhile, it is necessary to live
+with the mechanism given.}
+These require
+special symbols. In addition there are special symbols such as
+\copyright\ and \dots\ that are also useful.
+Here is a list supplied by {\it plain}
+\@|\aa, \AA|& the \aa\ and \AA \cr
+\@|\ae, \AE|& the ligature \ae\ or \AE \cr
+\@|\copyright|&the copyright symbol \copyright \cr
+\@|\dag|& the dagger \dag. The math mode |$\dagger$| looks similar but
+ incorporates the spacing of a binary operator. \cr
+\@|\ddag|& the double dagger \ddag. The math mode
+ |$\ddagger$| looks similar but incorporates the
+ spacing of a binary operator. \cr
+ |\dots|&dots in text \dots\ like so \cr
+\@|{\it\$}|&the nonobvious British Pound {\it\$} \cr %indexing problem with $
+\@|{\it\&}|&the script ampersand {\it\&} \cr
+\@|\i|&the dotless \i\ for use in \^\i \cr
+\@|\j|&the dotless \j\ for use in \^\j \cr
+\@|\l, \L|&the \l\ and \L \cr
+\@|\o, \O|&the \o\ and \O \cr
+\@|\oe, \OE|&the ligature \oe\ or \OE \cr
+\@|\P|&the paragraph symbol \P \cr
+\@|\S|&the section symbol \S \cr
+\@|\ss|&the \ss \cr
+\shead{quotes}{Opening and Closing Quotes}
+The ``double quote'', |"| on the keyboard {\bf should not be used},
+except in its accent form |\"| to be described later in
+Section~{\ref{ordaccent}} on accents.
+For the |\englishversion| of \intex, opening {\bf double} quotes may be obtained either
+with the |``| in plain or using |\ldq|. The closing {\bf double}
+quotes may be obtained
+similarly using the |''| or the |\rdq|. When |\versionfrancaise| is in force,
+|\ldq| and |\rdq| when used like so |\ldq guillemets\rdq|\footnote{\ddagger}{This is the best we can
+do with the present fonts} will give {\language=1 \ldq guillemets\rdq}.
+Note that the |\rdq| is an ordinary command that will delete spaces following
+\shead{ordaccent}{Ordinary Accents}
+The ordinary accents supplied in {\it plain} are for the occasional insertion
+of a foreign language in English text. The mechanisms are complete, and the
+accents are quite well placed, but the method of obtaining them from
+keyboards with special characters is not built in. In \tex, the accent always
+precedes the letter accented. Thus |\'ecole| gives \'ecole, and |fran\c cais|
+gives fran\c cais. Note the annoying space after the |\c| in the word. This
+form of input reduces the readability of the text. Agreement is needed to
+obtain a consistent multi-language format.
+The following is a list of the ordinary accents in \tex\ specified by {\it
+|\`<char>|&accent grave as in \`a\cr
+|\'<char>|&accent acute as in \'e \cr
+|\^<char>|&circumflex or ``hat'' as in \^o \cr
+|\"<char>|&umlaut as in \"o \cr
+|\~<char>|&tilde as in \~n \cr
+|\=<char>|&long vowel as in \=o \cr
+|\.<char>|&dot accent as in \.a \cr
+|\b|\]|<char>|&accent bar-under as in \b d, note space \] \cr
+|\c|\]|<char>|&accent cedilla as in \c c, note space \] \cr
+|\d|\]|<char>|&accent dot-under as in \d o, note space \] \cr
+|\u|\]|<char>|&accent breve as in \u o, note space \] \cr
+|\v|\]|<char>|&``check'' as in \v o \cr
+|\H|\]|<char>|&long Hungarian umlaut as in \H o\cr
+|\t|\]|<char><char>|&tie-after accent as in \t ao\cr
+\shead{mathaccent}{Accents on Mathematical Symbols}
+Placing accents on mathematical symbols requires a certain amount of care.
+{\it Plain} \tex\ gives an extra set of commands that are to be used for characters in
+mathematics mode. All of the following should be used when in mathematics
+mode. Note the required space \], in almost all cases.
+\begingroup \descrwd=2in
+|<char>'|& the prime as in $x'$ \cr
+|<char>''|& the double prime as in $x''$ \cr
+|\acute|\]|<char>|&as in $\acute x$ \cr
+|\bar|\]|<char>|&as in $\bar x$ \cr
+|\breve|\]|<char>|&as in $\breve x$ \cr
+|\check|\]|<char>|&as in $\check x$ \cr
+|\dot|\]|<char>|&as in $\dot x$ \cr
+|\ddot|\]|<char>|&as in $\ddot x$ \cr
+|\grave|\]|<char>|&as in $\grave x$\cr
+|\hat|\]|<char>|&as in $\hat x$ \cr
+|\tilde|\]|<char>|&as in $\tilde x$ \cr
+|\vec|\]|<char>|&as in $\vec x$ \cr
+|\widehat|\]|<char>[<char>][<char>]|& as in $\widehat{x},\widehat{xy},
+ \widehat{xyz}$\cr
+|\widetilde|\]|<char>[<char>][<char>]|& as in $\widetilde{x},\widetilde{xy},
+ \widetilde{xyz}$\cr
+When using these in a technical paper or report, it is probably better to
+make a short definition for the accented character. This will reduce typing
+and facilitate the changing the style {\t consistently} throughout the paper.
+It is a very simple form of {generic typesetting}.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thcover.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thcover.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..241014d1c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thcover.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+\vglue 1in
+\centerline{\vbox{\hsize=8cm\biggfont \baselineskip=22pt\paragraphcenterline
+\vskip 1in
+\def\mjf { \par
+ {\it
+ \vskip .25in
+ \centerline {Michael J. Ferguson}
+ \vskip .15 in
+ \centerline {INRS-T\'el\'ecommunications}
+ \vskip .15in
+ \centerline {Montr\'eal}
+ \vskip 1 in }\par } % Author header for Michael J. Ferguson
+\centerline{Rapport technique de l'INRS-T\'el\'ecommunications no. 84-19
+(r\'evision, juillet 1991)}
+\vskip .5in
+Les Publications
+\vskip 1in
+\beginnarrowtext .5in
+\noindent \eightpoint
+This is a DRAFT version of an introduction to INRS\TeX\ and to \TeX\ in
+general. All suggestions for improvements will be greatly welcome.
+\beginnarrowtext .5in
+\veryraggedright \parindent=0pt
+Copyright \copyright\ Michael J. Ferguson,
+INRS-T\'el\'ecommunications, all rights reserved.
+\TeX\ is
+copyright by the American Mathematical Society. INRS\TeX\ is
+copyright by INRS\kern.1em--T\'el\'ecommunications and Michael~J.~Ferguson.
+\vglue 2in
+\beginnarrowtext 1in
+{\bf} This version of the INRS\TeX\ REFERENCE BOOK is
+produced using a PostScript Laser Printer using a modified version DVIALW
+developed by
+\done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thdefs.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thdefs.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1fb841aea4
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+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thdefs.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\def\cqu{\cquote{If names are not correct, language will not be in accordance
+with the truth of things.}{Confucius}}
+\chapterhead{defs}{SIMPLE\cr DEFINITIONS\cr or MACROS}
+\tex\ makes it easy to invent definitions to make your typing job easier.
+This chapter describes the simplest form of definitions. More complex
+definitions and some of the subtleties are found in the \texbook.
+This chapter also introduces the idea that definitions can be modified by
+such primitive commands as |\outer|, |\long|, and |\global|.
+Simple definitions consist of those that have zero or more arguments and that
+do not use advanced commands such as |\futurelet|, |\aftergroup|,
+ |\edef|, |\catcode|, |\bgroup|, |\egroup|, |\afterassignment|.
+commands and their use may be found in the \texbook\ and the definition
+package that actually is used to develop {\it plain} or \intex.
+If you wish to write complex definitions, please see the warning at the end
+of this chapter.
+\shead{defcomlist}{Command List}
+\shead{defcomforms}{Command Forms}
+\pri\@|\def\<def name> <parameter form>{<replacement text>}|
+This is the basic command for creating new definitions or, as they are
+sometimes called, {\it macros}. The |<def name>| is the name given to
+the definition and {\bf must} consist of letters, upper or lower case only.
+The |<parameter form>| is the form for which \tex\ is looking after it sees
+the |\<def name>| in the text. Parameters in the |<parameter form>| are
+indicated by |#<integer>| where |<integer>| is from 1 to 9, in {\bf order}.
+\tex\ then puts the parameter values that it found into the
+|<replacement text>| and then puts that text in the place of |\<def name>|
+and all of the parameters that it has eaten while filling in the
+|<parameter form>|. Some examples follow:
+\dssshead{Simple Replacements --- No Parameters}
+These are the simplest form of definitions. In this case there are no
+parameters and the |<replacement text>| directly replaces the
+|\<def name>|\]\dots\]. The \]\dots\] is there to emphasize that all the
+blanks after the |\<def name>| are eaten by \tex.
+Suppose that the sequence $\alpha\beta\gamma$ kept occurring in the text. Then
+|\abg\|\] defined by |\def\abg{$\alpha\beta\gamma$}|
+\def\abg{$\alpha\beta\gamma$} will produce \abg\ in its place.
+In this example the |<replacement text>| is
+|$\alpha\beta\gamma$|. A second example is the problem of putting {\it italic
+correction\/} in the text, keeping the italic inside the group defined by the
+|{...}|. The |<replacement text>| then should be |{\it italic correction\/}|
+including the braces. Thus the correct definition, if |\itc| is to be the
+|<def name>|, is
+|\def\itc{{\it italic correction\/}}|.
+\dssshead{Simple Replacements --- Simple Parameter List}
+These definitions have the |<parameter form>| of |#1|, |#1#2|, \dots,
+|#1#2...#9|. An example is |\def\up#1{$^{#1}$}|. When |\up| is used, the next
+{\it token}, either a character, command, or entire group inside a |{...}| is
+absorbed as |#1| and put into the position of |#1| in the replacement text.
+Thus |\up{**}| becomes |$^{**}$| which is then put in the text in
+place of the entire |\up{**}|.
+Note that |**| and not |{**}| is the parameter for |\up|.
+The |{...}| were used to delimit |**| so that \tex\
+knew that both of them together should be |#1|. ``Thus|\up{**}|''
+gives ``Thus\up{**}''.
+Note that a definition made inside a group only lasts as long as the group
+lasts. At that point the definition becomes what it was previous to the
+\pla\@|\gdef\<def name> <parameter form>{<replacement text>}|
+This is identical to |\global\def| and can be used in exactly the same way as
+|\def|. The major difference is that a |\<def name>| defined with a |\gdef|
+does {\bf not} disappear at the end of the group in which it is defined.
+The command |\global| will cause either the definition, assignment, or
+definition equivalence (|\let|) to be global, {\it ie} not disappear at the
+end of the group. This should be used with care and sparingly.
+\pri\@|\let\<def a> [=] \<def b>|
+This command makes the command |\<def a>| be equivalent to, both in
+|<parameter form>| and |<replacement text>|,
+as |\<def b>| at the time that the
+|\let| is called. This command is very useful for such things as
+|\let\sheadfont = \twelvess|. It should be used with care or a circle of
+definitions may be produced.
+A |\def| may be preceded by a |\long| to give a |\long\def|. When this is
+done the parameters |#1| \dots\ may contain either |\par| or, equivalently,
+blank lines. Without the |\long|, a |\par| in a |#1| will cause an error.
+This is a safety feature to allow \tex\ to isolate errors before the origin
+is completely lost. |\long| should be used with extreme care.
+A |\def| may be preceded by |\outer| to give an |\outer\def|. A definition
+so preceded may {\it not} be used in any other definition. Again this is a
+safety feature to catch errors before it is too late. For example, all of
+the section head definitions in \intex, |\shead| and its relatives, are
+declared |\outer|.
+It is possible to have a |\outer\long\global\def|.
+\shead{defwarning}{WARNING --- Clever Definitions}
+It is possible tell \tex\ very complex things. The danger and difficulty for
+debugging increases dramatically as you start to exercise fine control over
+how \tex\ processes the text.
+The simplest extension to the forms above is to use the fact that the
+|<parameter form>| can include tokens other than |#<integer>|. This
+additional freedom allows for the input of parameters without requiring that
+they be placed in |{...}|.
+The second level of extension is to use the various
+|\if... \else ... \fi| forms to control the actual text that will be placed
+in the text and even the placing of definitions inside definitions.
+The next level of complexity arises when the macro builder attempts to
+control when \tex\ expands the various definitions and macros that make up
+the |<parameter forms>| and the |<replacement text>|. For instance, this must
+be done when writing out both the page number and the section number while
+accumulating information for making a table of contents. This requires extreme
+The final level of complexity occurs when the macro writer attempts to
+control how, and when \tex\ tokenizes its input.
+Doing this correctly requires exquisite care. For instance, conditionally
+modifying the catcodes of input on the fly will prevent that input from
+being passed as a parameter to a macro. \tex\ tokenizes once and forever.
+Although making a character active for an entire document is
+relatively simple, flipping it back and forth is error prone.
+\done \ No newline at end of file
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+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\def\cqu{\cquote{Number the simplest and most universal idea}{
+Concerning Human Understanding, Book II, Chap. XVI,
+John~Locke (1632-1704)}}
+\chapterhead{dimnum}{DIMENSIONS\cr NUMBERS\cr and GLUE}
+\tex\ is very concerned with the sizes of boxes and letters and the amount of
+freedom to place letters, lines and boxes on a page. Along with the normal
+page numbers, \intex\ keeps track of, among others, chapters, sections,
+subsections and equation numbers. This means that \tex\ has {\it dimensions,
+numbers}, or {\it counters}, and {\it glue}. This chapter introduces the
+valid units of measure and the forms for glue.
+\shead{dimcomlist}{Command List}
+\pri\@|<units of measure>
+ cm em ex in
+ mu pt sp|
+A dimension, or |<dimen>|, consists of a
+|[+ -]<decimal number><unit of measure>|.
+The |<decimal number>| can be an integer, (called a {\it number}
+in the \texbook), or include a decimal point and a decimal
+fraction. The plus or minus signs are optional.
+{\TeX} recognizes English, Metric, Printers, and font relative
+|<units of measure>|.
+Some examples, but not all, are
+ |cm|&{centimeters \dots\ meters are unknown}\cr
+ |em|&{the width of an ``M'' in the current font}\cr
+ |ex|&{the height of an ``x'' in the current font}\cr
+ |in|&{inches \dots\ feet and yards are unknown}\cr
+ |mu|&{math units, there are 18 to an |em| \dots\ used only in math mode}\cr
+ |pt|&{72.2666 points to an inch}\cr
+ |sp|&scaled points \dots\ \tex's internal measure. There are 16384 |sp| to a |pt|\cr
+ |<scale factor>\dp<box number>|&the depth of box |<box number>| scaled by
+ |<scale factor>|\cr
+ |<scale factor>\ht<box number>|&the height of box |<box number>| scaled by
+ |<scale factor>|\cr
+ |<scale factor>\wd<box number>|&the width of box |<box number>| scaled by
+ |<scale factor>|\cr
+The last three are dimensions, which may be scaled, of boxes and the previous
+two, |em| and |ex| are relative to a font. This means that a change in the
+font will automatically cause these values to change. Most measurements,
+involving spacing should be font dependent. |sp|, scaled points are \tex's
+internal dimension measure. All \tex\ arithmetic involving dimensions is done
+with integers.
+\sshead{dimalloc}{Dimension Allocation}
+\tex\ has 256 registers available for storing dimensions. These are named
+internally using integers from 0 to 255. However, both {\it plain} and
+\intex\ use some of the 256. To obtain a new one, use
+\@|\newdimen\<dimen name>|. \tex\ will assign the next free dimension register
+to the name |\<dimen name>|. For instance \intex\ uses this mechanism to
+obtain a dimension for the horizontal and vertical dimensions
+of the outer page, namely |\houterpagesize| and |\vouterpagesize|
+respectively. If you only want to use a dimension register within a single
+macro definition, then |\dimen0| to |\dimen9| are available.
+\shead{numbers}{Numbers or Integers}
+\tex\ supplies 256 integer registers or counters. A number of these
+are already used. For instance |\count0|, the |0| counter is used for
+page numbering.
+To obtain a new count use \@|\newcount\<count name>|.
+\shead{glue}{Glue and Skips}
+Glue is the basis for spacing. It consists of three components, a nominal
+size, a stretch and a shrink. The general form of glue is |<nominal dimen>
+[plus <stretch dimen>] [minus <shrink dimen>]|. The |<nominal dimen>| is required
+in all glue assignments but the stretch and shrink are optional. If they are
+not specified, they are set to zero. The use of stretch and shrink glue
+is used for creating ragged right borders on a page.
+To obtain a new glue variable, use \@|\newskip\<skip or glue name>|. Specified
+glues are used for skips, and spacing. For instance, the skip at the end of a
+list in \intex\ is just one of many allocated for various spacings in \tex\
+\shead{assigndim}{Assignments: Giving dimensions, counts, and skips values}
+The general form of counter, dimension, and glue assignments are
+\@|\<count name> [=] <integer, dimen, glue>|
+The assignment result is always an |<integer>|.
+\@|\<dimen name> [=] < dimen, glue>|
+The assignment result is always a |<dimen>|.
+\@|\<skip or glue name> [=] <dimen>
+ [plus <dimen>] [minus<dimen>]|
+The assignment result is always a |<glue>|.
+The quantities in the |[...]| are optional. Neither the square |[ ]| nor angle
+brackets |< >| are typed. If a dimension variable is made equal to a glue
+variable, the stretch and shrink parts of the glue variable are lost. If a
+counter or integer is made equal to a dimension, the fractional part of the
+dimension is lost.
+\shead{arithmetic}{Arithmetic with Dimensions, Numbers and Glue}
+\tex\ supplies three commands for doing arithmetic with dimensions and such.
+Addition, and subtraction are handled by |\advance|, multiplication by an
+integer by |\multiply|, and division by an integer by |\divide|
+\@|\advance \<count, dimen, glue name> by [+ -]<count, dimen, glue>|
+The result is of the appropriate type, |<count>, <dimen>| or |<glue>| with
+extra parameters set to zero.
+\@|\multiply \<count, dimen, glue name> by [+ -]<integer>|
+All parts of the |<glue>| are multiplied by the integer.
+\@|\divide \<count, dimen, glue name> by [+ -]<integer>|
+All parts of the |<glue>| are divided by the integer.
+There is another way to effect arithmetic. This is to note that the
+|\wd|, |\ht|, and |\dp| can take scale factors. Thus multiplication of
+dimensions is possible if the required dimension is acquired by a box.
+\done \ No newline at end of file
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+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\chapterhead{docsty}{DOCUMENT\cr STYLES}
+\intex\ supplies a number of general and specialized document styles. It is
+also easy to create others within the basic structure given.
+The two basic styles supported by \intex\ is the (default) |\paperstyle| and
+the |\bookstyle| of which this is an example. Different styles are usually
+distinguished by different header/footer conventions, appendix placement and
+numbering, and perhaps default fonts.
+In addition to the page changes, a few special commands exist that are
+introduced in the various styles. Since the |\paperstyle| the \intex\
+default, all the |\title|, and abstract commands defined for that are
+available, and will work, for {\bf all} styles.
+|\paperstyle| is the default style for \intex\. There will be no messages
+indicating that you are using this style. This style is designed for 8.5in
+by 11in paper, |\tenpoint| fonts, no header, and a footer that consists of
+the page number centered at the bottom in this style ``- 6 -'', where 6 would
+have been the page number. In addition to the normal features mentioned
+previously, there is a |\title| command and a
+|\beginabstract...\endabstract| pair.
+The description of the commands are:
+This command should enclose the entire abstract. The abstract font is the
+|\smaller| font and both sides are indented. The text is automatically
+prefaced by ``Abstract:'' in English and ``Sommaire:'' in French.
+\ext\@|\title{<first row>\cr ... <last row>}|
+If the total length of the title is more than one line it is automatically
+broken into multiple lines with each line centered. However, if |\cr| are
+included as part of the title text, the lines will be broken there and
+centered. The title font, called |\titlefont| is |\bigfont|.
+\shead{inrsstyle}{INRS Report Style}
+This style is very similar to the basic |\paperstyle|. The only addition is a
+set of commands that create a cover. This style is called with either
+\@|\formatinrs| or \@|\inrsreportstyle|. The title, report date, author list,
+and report number are token lists. The actual cover is made with the command
+|\faitepagetitre|. An example of complete cover page is
+\titrederapport = {INRS\TeX REFERENCE BOOK}
+\numeroderapport = {84-19}
+\datederapport = {juin 1984}
+\auteursderapport = {Michael J. Ferguson}
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+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\def\cqu{\cquote{Example is always more efficacious than precept.}{Rasselas,
+Samuel~Johnson (1709-1784)}
+\chapterhead{figtbl}{FIGURE\cr and\cr TABLE INSERTS}
+\vskip 0pt plus 20pt
+\intex\ supplies two basic commands |\figureform| and |\tableform|
+that places figures in the current position, writes to the appropriate files
+for the generation of
+lists of figures and tables, and
+does automatic numbering if
+|\autonumberingon|. The commands |\figureinsert| and |\tableinsert|
+are identical except that the figure is put in place only if there is room on
+the current page. Otherwise, it is placed at the top of the following page.
+\intex\ also provides three commands for delayed insertion
+of text. These are |\begintopinsert|, |\beginmidinsert|, and |\beginpageinsert|, which will
+place the text at the top of the page, in place if there is room, or take the
+full next page, respectively. These commands are terminated, by an
+|\endtopinsert|, |\endmidinsert| and |\endpageinsert| respectively.
+Finally, |\ejectinserts| forces deferred figures or tables to be printed so
+that they do not spill over into following chapters. This may be necessary,
+for example, before a set of appendices.
+\begingroup \hfuzz=20pt
+\shead{figtblcomlist}{Command List}
+\shead{figures}{Possible Figures -- \tex Graph}
+\intex\ supplies a |\rect <hdim> by <vdim>| that will put an empty rectangle
+in the position of the actual figure. The addition of
+\tex Graph allows for the insertion of actual figures. A \tex Graph figure
+may be centered using |\centergraph{<figure>}|. An external plot file, may be
+placed in position by the use of |\centerplotfile{<filename>}|. Both these
+commands use information supplied by \tex Graph to determine the amount of
+space to leave. All files must be processed to be \tex Graph compatible. For
+details on \tex Graph, see ``An Introduction to \tex Graph''.
+\shead{caption}{Figure and Table Captions}
+\intex\ supplies a number of facilities for captions. A specific example is
+given as Figure~\ref{dummyfig}. The caption is broken down into four parts.
+The first is the {\bf Fig.} whose value is determined by |\figurelabel| that
+is language dependent. The second part is the number that may or may not be
+automatically generated. These font of these first two parts is determined by
+|\captionnumfont|. The second and third parts are the caption title and
+caption body respectively. The caption title will appear in the list of
+figures while the caption body will not. |\captiontitlefont| and
+|\captionbodyfont| determine the fonts of these latter two sections
+respectively. \intex\ defaults both these to |\rm| at the moment.
+|\captionbodyon|, which is the default, allows the |\captionbody| to be
+However the command |\captionbodyoff| will turn off the
+printing of everything inside a |\captionbody|. This is done when the list of
+figures or tables are made using a |\makefiglist| or |\maketbllist|
+although it is not really necessary as the |\captionbody| is not
+even written out to a list file. Finally
+if |\topcaptiontrue|, the caption is placed above the figure while if it is
+false, the default, it is placed below.
+\shead{deferredinserts}{Deferred Inserts}
+\intex\ supplies\footnote{\dagger}{The commands in this section are
+essentially {\it plain} commands. They have been renamed to maintain
+consistency with the |\begin...| and |\end...| conventions of \intex.}
+commands of the form |\begin<type>insert| and corresponding
+|\end<type>insert|. These commands form a group and take the |<text>| between
+the |\begin...| and |\end...| and insert it, or defer it as the spacing
+warrants. A |<type>| of |top| will put the |<text>| at the top of the current
+page, if there is room, or on the next page if there is not. |mid| will put
+it at the location it is called out, if there is room, or at the top of the
+next page if there is not. |page| will reserve the entire next page for the
+\shead{figtablex}{Deferred Figures or Table Inserts}
+The basic command |\figureform| takes three parameters, the figure number or tag,
+the figure caption, and the figure itself as described in
+Section~\ref{figures}. It places the figure in the text at the present
+position whether there is room or not. Usually the desirable effect is to
+defer the figure until the following page if there is not enough room on the
+present one. The command |\figureinsert| does just that.
+The following command will insert the figure as shown. Autonumbering is on.
+\let\captionnumfont = \twelvebfxsca
+\let\captiontitlefont = \twelvess
+\figureinsert{dummyfig}{This is not a very
+ Exciting Figure \captionbody{-- It does show though it is
+ entirely possible to use the font freedom to create a less
+ than pleasing final result. The group here prevents this
+ disaster from spreading.}}{\rect 4cm by 6cm}
+\1let\1captionnumfont = \1twelvebfxsca % scaled 10pt
+\1let\1captiontitlefont = \1twelvess
+\1figureinsert{dummyfig}{This is not a very
+ Exciting Figure \1captionbody{-- It does show though it is
+ entirely possible to use the font freedom to create a less
+ than pleasing final result. The group here prevents this
+ disaster from spreading.}}{\1rect 4cm by 6cm}
+The spacing between the figure and the caption is determined by the value of
+|\captionskip|. If new values are desired, these are produced by
+|\captionskip = <dimen>|.
+Figure~\ref{target} uses the facilities of \tex Graph and a deferred
+Assume that |\target| is the graphics description for the
+figure. The figure is called out here.
+ \begingroup \catcode`\^=12 \input texgraph \endgroup \fi
+\def\target{\btg \unitscale .5
+ \move h:2 v:2
+ \lcir r:1.5 \pfill p:.7
+ \lcir r:1 \pfill p:.5
+ \lcir r:.5 \pfill p:.3
+ \move h:4 v:4
+ \etg}
+\figureinsert{target}{This is a
+ Figure Insertion Involving Graphics}{\centergraph{\target}}
+The commands were
+\1def\1target{\1btg \1unitscale .5
+ \1move h:2 v:2
+ \1lcir r:1.5 \1pfill p:.7
+ \1lcir r:1 \1pfill p:.5
+ \1lcir r:.5 \1pfill p:.3
+ \1move h:4 v:4
+ \1etg}
+\1figureinsert{target}{This is a
+ Figure Insertion Involving Graphics}{\1centergraph{\1target}}
+\tex Graph commands are documented in ``texgraph.doc''.
+The format of the |\tableform| and |\tableinsert| commands
+ is the same with the last argument
+replaced by the table itself or an |\input{<filename>}| that would bring
+in the file. The ``Fig.'' in the caption is in the command |\figurelabel|.
+There is an equivalent |\tablelabel|.
+\shead{fullpagefig}{Full Page Figure/Table Inserts}
+Full page figure/table inserts are complicated by the need to position the
+caption differently if the figure/table exists or not. The following is used
+for a full page figure if there is no figure and the caption is required at
+the bottom of the page.
+\captionskip = 0pt plus 1 fill % pushes caption to bottom of page
+\figureform{<tag or number>}{<title>}{} % note empty last parameter
+If there is a figure, it will be placed at the top of the page and
+the caption, a |\captionskip| below it. The commands for this are
+\figureform{<tag or number>}{<title>}{<figure>}
+Tables are inserted similarly.
+To insert a table or figure vertically on a page, \tex Graph must be used.
+\shead{figcomp}{Complications and Unusual Cases}
+Insertions are not without there complications. The following problems can
+\li $\bullet$ Two or more figure insertions reverse their order: This will
+occur when there is room to insert the second figure called out but not the
+first. {\bf Solutions(?):} call them out in different order; use
+|\figureform| to force the insertion and accept the consequences; make the
+figures smaller.
+\li $\bullet$ A figure has one or two lines of text below it: This will
+happen if the inserted figure is almost a full page. It is even possible to
+have an almost blank page preceding it. {\bf Solution:} Change the
+|\figureinsert| to an full page insert as described in
+\li $\bullet$ Two full page figures in row are really parts 1 and 2 of the
+same figure: This is complication both with the automatic numbering of the
+figures and the list of figures. The solution is somewhat complicated.
+Only the numbering problem is considered here. See Chapter~\ref{auto}
+for the details on autonumbering. {\bf Solution:}
+\figureform{\ref{<figtag>}(a)}{<part (a) caption>}{<fig a>}
+\figureform{\ref{<figtag>}(b)}{<part (b) caption>}{<fig a>}
+\li $\bullet$ Figures from a previous chapter or section spill over into the
+next: {\bf Solution:} Follow the last figure with |\ejectinserts|. If a new
+page is required, follow this by |\ejectpage|.
+\shead{figtblcomforms}{Command Forms}
+These basic deferred text insertion commands start a group and define the
+beginning of |<text>| that will be inserted either in place or at the top of
+the next page if there is no room, on the entire next page, or at the top of
+the page respectively.
+\ext\@|\captionbox{<number text>}{<title>}|
+This command is used for captioning figures or tables. If the |<number text>|
+plus the |<title>| is shorter than
+|\captiontextfraction| of the size of the enclosing box or
+page, the two are centered. If the total is greater, the title is put in a box,
+in ragged format and will be automatically broken if it takes more than the
+one line. The spacing is always one. |\captiontextfraction| is defaulted to
+The captionbox is used in both |\figureform| and |\tableform| but is
+available for other captioning as necessary.
+This command is optionally placed in title field of a caption. it is used to
+write an essay about a figure or table that you do not want to turn up in the
+list of figures or tables. It is printed if |\captionbodyon| and is not
+printed if |\captionbodyoff|. |\captionbodyon| is the default. The
+|\captionbody| is {\bf not} written out to the |.fig| or |.tbl| file.
+\ext\@|\captionbodyon \captionbodyoff|
+|\captionbodyon| allows a |\captionbody| text to be output --
+|\captionbodyoff| prevents it. The default in normal text is |\captionbodyon|
+but in lists of figures or tables produced by |\makefiglist| or
+|\maketbllist| is |\captionbodyoff|.
+This command sets font of the body of the caption of a Figure or Table.
+The material affected by this font will not appear in a list of tables or
+The default is the same as current active font.
+This command sets font of the herald {\bf Fig.} and the number.
+It is set in a consistent way as part of the document font specification in a
+font family. The default is the same as the |\ssheadfont|.
+This command sets font of the title of a Figure or Table.
+The default is the same as current active font.
+\ext\@|\captionskip [=] <dimen>|
+This command sets the spacing between the figure/table and the following
+|\captionbox|. It is assigned |0pt plus 1fill| to force the caption box to the
+bottom of the page for a full page figure.
+This value controls the fraction of the width of the page that will be used
+to determine whether the caption text is set as a single line or as several
+lines. It is defined in {\tt inrsdef.tex} as |\def\captiontextfraction{0.8}|.
+This command forces out all of the inserts, be they footnotes or deferred
+figures and leaves the position at the end of the last insert. If a new page
+is desired, the |\ejectinserts| should be followed by an |\ejectpage|.
+These commands terminate their respective |\begin..insert| and close the
+\ext\@|\figureform{<tag or number>}{<title>}{<figure box>}|
+This is the basic command for inserting and captioning space for a figure in
+a document. If |autonumbering| is on, the |<tag or number>| becomes the tag
+for the figure for in text reference. The actual text inserted in the figure
+caption is |\figurelabel<figure number>| where the |<figure number>| is
+computed determined from the tag value. For instance ``|\ref{dummyfig}|'' gives
+``\ref{dummyfig}''. If autonumbering is off, the text of the
+|<tag or number>| is inserted. The |<figure box>| should take up the same
+amount of space as the actual figure, less captions. If the |.fig| file is
+open, the |\figtoc| command with its |<number>|, |<title>| and
+|<page number>| arguments are written to it.
+\ext\@|\figureinsert{<tag or number>}{<title>}{<figure box>}|
+This is equivalent to
+\figureform{<tag or number>}{<title>}{<figure box>}|
+The effect is to place the figure at the present location, if there is enough
+room on the page, or defer it to the top of the next page if there is not.
+See Section~\ref{figcomp} for complications.
+This command is defined to give the text that precedes the |<figure number>|
+in the caption. In \intex\ this is ``\figurelabel''. This is modified by
+redefining it with a |\def\figurelabel {<new label>}|.
+\ext\@|\rect <horizontal dimen> by <vertical dimen>|
+This creates a line boxed rectangle with the dimensions given and then places
+it in a |\centerline|.
+\ext\@|\tableform{<tag or number>}{<title>}{<table>}|
+This command is almost identical to |\figureform| except that the |listfile|
+is |.tbl|, the prenumber caption, which is ``\tablelabel'' is
+defined by the command |\tablelabel|,
+and the final argument will usually be the actual table.
+\ext\@|\tableinsert{<tag or number>}{<title>}{<figure box>}|
+This is equivalent to
+\tableform{<tag or number>}{<title>}{<figure box>}|
+The effect is to place the table at the present location, if there is enough
+room on the page, or defer it to the top of the next page if there is not.
+See Section~\ref{figcomp} for complications.
+This command is defined to be the prestring to the table number. It defaults
+to ``\tablelabel''. This is modified by
+redefining it with a |\def\tablelabel {<new label>}|.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thfonts.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thfonts.tex
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thfonts.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+%======== Special fonts for this chapter ========
+\intex\ has available to it a large number of fonts.\footnote{\dagger}{The
+ease of availability of different fonts is determined by the power of the
+local {\tt texprint} program. A ``font manager'' to find obscure fonts is a
+necessity if a wide range of fonts are needed \dots\ or desired.}
+Fonts are available as members of a ``family'' or individually.
+Font families consist of various styles (normal) Roman, Boldface,
+Italic, Slanted, and Mathematics symbols at the different point sizes.
+\shead{fontfamily}{Fonts in a Font Family}
+A font family consists of a number of fonts and mathematical symbols that
+have been chosen to satisfy the size requirements of sub and subsub scripts.
+The family sizes available are
+{\twelvepoint |\twelvepoint|}, {\tenpoint |\tenpoint|},
+{\ninepoint |\ninepoint|},
+{\eightpoint |\eightpoint|}.\footnote{\ddagger}{In \tex\ there are 72.26666 points to the inch (about 28.45 points to the
+To call a specific style of font in a font
+family it is necessary to use the simple abbreviation of |\rm| for roman,
+|\it| for text italic, |\sl| for slanted, |\bf| for bold, and |\tt| for a
+fixed spacing typewriter like font. |\tt| is in the tenpoint typewriter font.
+In addition, a font family has three {\it big} fonts called respectively,
+|\bigfont|, |\biggfont|, and |\bigggfont|. These are all roman fonts and are
+approximately 1.2, 1.44, and 1.78 times the basic family point size. There is
+also a {\smallerfont smallerfont} that is called through |\smallerfont|.
+These fonts are all changed when the point size family is changed.
+\shead{documentfonts}{Document Font}
+\intex\ has the important idea of a {\it document} and along with it a
+{\it document font family}.
+This is the
+default font for the document and the basis of the sizes of the fonts found
+in the headers, footers, section heads, or footnotes among others. For
+example the section head font is called |\sheadfont| and is only changed when
+the document font family is changed and not by merely calling a point size
+The change in the document font is made naming a particular {\tt <point size
+font family>} {\bf as an argument} of a |\documentstyle| command. For
+|\documentstyle{\twelvepoint}| would create a document with the
+text twelve point Roman.
+The fonts for
+chapter and section heads, footnotes, headers, and footers would
+also be appropriately modified. This
+feature means that you could run |\eightpoint| text through several sections
+without modifying the section head fonts. On the other hand, a change in
+document font will change the entire document and can be done at any time or
+even within a group.
+|\documentstyle{\tenpoint}| set the document font set of this book to tenpoint.
+\font\fivermsca=cmr5 scaled 2074
+\shead{specialfonts}{Additional Fonts}
+A new font, assuming that it exists, must first be defined and then called.
+For example, |\font\fivermsca = cmr5 scaled 2074| {\bf defines} a five point
+Roman font magnified by 2.074, or to about 10 points. The ``5 point'' is its
+design size. To call the font, use |\fivermsca|, usually inside a group to
+limit its effect. For instance ``{\fivermsca this was produced by}'' the
+following ``|{\fivermsca this was produced by}|''. Note that a scaled five
+point font is wider than a ten point form. The command is
+\ext\@|\font\<fontname> [scaled <number>]|
+This defines a new font with the name |\<fontname>|. The scaling is optional.
+The scale values are 4 digit integers, 1000 times greater than the nominal
+size. Thus |\font\fvx = ambx5 scaled 1000| is identical to
+|\font\fvx = ambx5|. To actually use the font, the command |\<fontname>| is
+Some examples are as follows:
+\ext\@|\fivei|&{\fivei Five point math italic}\cr
+\ext\@|\fiverm|&{\fiverm Five point Roman}\cr
+\ext\@|\fivebf|&{\fiverm Five point bold}\cr
+|\font\sixrm=cmr6|&{\sixrm Six point Roman}\cr
+|\font\sixbf=cmbx6|&{\sixbf Six point Bold}\cr
+|\font\eighteenrm=cmr17|&{\eighteenrm Eighteen (Seventeen?) point Roman}\cr
+|\font\tendu=cmdunh10|&{\tendu Ten point Dunhill}\cr
+|\font\twelvess=cmss12|&{\twelvess Twelve point special San Serif}\cr
+|\font\tenu=cmu10|&{\tenu Ten point unslanted italic}\cr
+Note that |\fivei| is a mathematics italic font. In this font the space has
+been defined to have zero width and the character set is different than that
+found in a typical Roman type font.
+\shead{fontcomlist}{Command Forms}
+The four complete point size families are
+\ext\@|\twelvepoint|&{\twelverm Calls the twelvepoint font family}\cr
+\ext\@|\tenpoint|&{\tenrm Calls the tenpoint font family}\cr
+\ext\@|\ninepoint|&{\ninerm Calls the ninepoint font family}\cr
+\ext\@|\eightpoint|&{\eightrm Calls the eightpoint font family}\cr
+\dssshead{Point Size Relative Fonts}
+\ext\@|\bf|&{\bf Bold in current font family (tenpoint)}\cr
+\ext\@|\it|&{\eightpoint \it Italic in current font family (eightpoint)}\cr
+\ext\@|\rm|&{\eightrm Roman in current font family (eightpoint)}\cr
+%\ext\@|\sl|&{\eightpoint \sl Slanted in current font family (eightpoint)}\cr
+\ext\@|\tt|&{\eightpoint\tt Typewriter in current font family (eightpoint)} \cr
+\ext\@|\bigggfont|&{\eightpoint \bigggfont Biggg font in current (eightpoint)}\cr
+\ext\@|\biggfont|&{\eightpoint \biggfont Bigg font in current (eightpoint)}\cr
+\ext\@|\bigfont|&{\eightpoint \bigfont Big font in current (eightpoint)}\cr
+\ext\@|\cheadfont|&{\cheadfont chapterhead in current (tenpoint)}\cr
+\ext\@|\documentstyle{<font family>}|& Sets document font family to {\tt <font family>}\cr
+\ext\@|\footerfont|&{footerfont of current document font}\cr
+\ext\@|\footnotefont|&{\footnotefont footnote font (family) of current document font} \cr
+\ext\@|\headerfont|&{header font of current document font}\cr
+\ext\@|\smallerfont|&{\smallerfont this is smaller relative to tenpoint}\cr
+\ext\@|\sheadfont|&{\sheadfont Section head font of current document font}\cr
+\ext\@|\ssheadfont|&{\ssheadfont Subsection head font of current document font}\cr
+\ext\@|\sssheadfont|&{\sssheadfont Subsubsection head font of current document font}\cr
+\ext\@|\dsssheadfont|&{\dsssheadfont Diminished section head font of current document font}\cr
+\ext\@|\captionnumfont|&{\captionnumfont Caption label and number font of
+ current document font}\cr
+\ext\@|\captiontitlefont|&{\captiontitlefont Caption title font of
+ current document font}\cr
+\ext\@|\captionbodyfont|&{\captionbodyfont Caption body font of
+ current document font}\cr
+\shead{newfontfam}{New Font Families}
+It is easy to produce a new font family that is compatible with \intex\---
+just modify the |\tenpoint| definition that is in the {\tt
+inrsfont.tex} file.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thftnote.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thftnote.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0bb431036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thftnote.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\global\def\ftn{$\sphantom{\cheadfont S}?\ddagger$}
+\sfootnote{\ddagger}{This really should not have been footnoted. However to
+ obtain the correct placement of the $\ddagger$,
+ |$\sphantom{\cheadfont S}^\ddagger$| was actually used. This footnote leads
+to a large number of problems. It will show up in the automatic listing of
+the table of contents and the header text. To prevent this, the
+|\let\ftn=\relax| is placed immediately after the |\chapterhead| and
+just before |\maketoclist| produces the table of contents.
+\intex\ supplies a simple but powerful
+footnote\footnote{\dagger}{For making footnotes like this, even with
+imbedded mathematics, {\it ie} $\int_0^{\infty} g(x)dx$, or {\bf font}
+capability. This replaces the |\footnote| command in {\it plain}. {\bf Do not
+use |\footnote| in |\title| or any of the section head commands.}
+The footnote will get lost. If you must footnote a title or section
+head, then use |\up{<mark>}| where you call out the footnote and |\sfootnote|
+with the same |<mark>| in the vertical list of the surrounding {\bf page}.
+For those of you who wish to change the default formats there is an
+|\everyfootnote={<token list>}| that will be inserted at the beginning of
+every footnote list.
+\shead{footnotcomlist}{Command List}
+\shead{footnotcomforms}{Command Forms}
+\ext\@|\everyfootnote = {<token list>}|
+The |<token list>| is inserted before every footnote list. It could be used,
+for instance, to change the spacing between lines or any other default
+feature that is found undesirable.
+\ext\@|\footnote{<math mode mark>}{<text>}|
+The |<math mode mark>| is the marker that is placed
+on the word that is being footnoted. Note that it is in {\bf math mode}. This
+command should be used only in (internal) horizontal mode.
+If the footnote gets lost for some reason, use the |\up{<math mode mark>}| at
+the appropriate place in the text and |\sfootnote| with the same
+|<math mode mark>|. The |\sfootnote| should be in the vertical list of the
+main page.
+The footnote font (really an entire family)
+\dots it is set when the document font
+is set or specifically.
+The footnote line at the bottom of a page. This is modified by redefining it
+through a |\def\footnoterule{<new definition>}|.
+\ext\@|\up{<math mode mark>}|
+This command superscripts the |<math mode mark>| to the preceding character.
+It assumes that the current font family is active. Since the
+|\cheadfont| in the title is much bigger than the default |\tenpoint| of this
+book, |{\cheadfont FOOTNOTES\up{\ddagger}}| would look like this
+{\cheadfont FOOTNOTES\up{\ddagger}}.
+\pla\@|\skip\footins [=] <dimen>|
+This sets the initial skip before the first
+footnote to |<dimen>|.
+\pla\@|\dimen\footins [=] <dimen>|
+This sets the maximum height allowed for
+footnotes to |<dimen>|. If this maximum height is exceeded, the footnotes spill over to the
+next page. It is set in \intex\ at 10in.
+\ext\@|\sfootnote{<math mode mark>}{<text>}|
+This should be used for footnotes that appear in the vertical mode. It is
+necessary if the original footnote to be called out is too deep inside
+vertical boxes. An example of this is the |\title|, the various section and
+chapter heads, and the |\captionbox| in a |\figureinsert| or |\tableinsert|.
+It should not be used in either horizontal or internal vertical mode.
+\done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thglue.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thglue.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f47503b8eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thglue.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\chapterhead{glue}{GLUE -- REVISITED}
+Glue is the binder that lets \tex\ do its job. This chapter discusses some
+preset forms of glue and their uses. Along with glue parameters there are a
+number of special commands for inserting glue. The most interesting have
+different degrees of infinity, namely |\hfil|, |\hfill|, |\hfilneg|, |\hss|,
+and their vertical counterparts.
+Because of the special spacing requirements of mathematics, \tex\ defines
+skips and spacing that are valid in mathematics mode only. Examples are the
+are the special preset |mu| glues of |\thickmuskip|,
+|\medmuskip|, |\thinmuskip|.
+The |\newskip| and |\newmuskip| commands allocate skip (or really glue)
+or muskip registers respectively for special uses. For example the specific
+glues surrounding section heads are held in glue registers.
+It should be noted that the various |\...muskip| do not cause horizontal
+spacing in math mode by themselves. They are used with |\mskip| to actually
+cause the insertion of the glue.
+\shead{gluecomlist}{Command List}
+\pla|\hfil \hfill|
+\pla|\vfil \vfill|
+\shead{gluecomform}{Command Forms}
+\pla\@|\hfil \hfill|
+%\tracingall \tracingonline=0
+These are all various forms of horizontal (or math) mode commands that insert
+infinite quantities of glue. |\hfil|, |\hfill|, |\hfilneg|, and |\hss| insert
+|plus 1fil|, |plus 1fill|, |minus 1fil|, and |plus 1fil minus 1fil|.
+The first two are {\it stretch} glues, the third is {\it shrink} glue and the
+last is both. It
+should be noted that when \tex\ tries to stretch or shrink glue values, they
+vary according to their value. If there exists both |fil| and finite value
+glue in a box or line, then all the stretch if it is |plus| glue
+or shrink if it is |minus| glue will be in
+the section with the |fil| glue. If there is |fill| glue and either |fil| or
+finite glue, then all the stretch or shrink will be in the |fill| sections.
+Similarly with |filll| glue, which is not supplied in as readily usable form.
+The difference in behaviour between |\hfil| and |\hss| is that |\hss| glue
+will allow the contents of a box to spill outside without resulting in an
+overfull box while |\hfil| will only fill or push contents to the edge of the
+box. The major use for these glues are to center or to force stuff to either
+edge of a box. For instance this
+\line{\vrule \hfil one \hfil two \hfil three
+ \hfill four \hfil five \hfil six
+ \hfill seven \hfil eight \hfil nine\vrule}
+\line{\vrule \hfil one \hfil two \hfil three
+ \hfill four \hfil five \hfil six
+ \hfill seven \hfil eight \hfil nine\vrule}
+This is a preset |mu| glue. |\medmuskip = 4mu plus 2mu minus 4mu| for use
+with |\mskip|. This is \hbox{\strut\vrule$\mskip\medmuskip$\vrule}.
+\pla\@|\newskip\<skip name>|
+This assigns a new skip or glue register to the name |\<skip name>|. Glue
+values may be assigned to it by |\<skip name> [=] <glue>|.
+\pla\@|\newmuskip\<muskip name>|
+This assigns a new muskip or muglue register to the name |\<muskip name>|. Glue
+values may be assigned to it by |\<muskip name> [=] <muglue>|.
+This is a preset |mu| glue. |\thickmuskip = 5mu plus 5mu| for use
+with |\mskip|. This is \hbox{\strut\vrule$\mskip\thickmuskip$\vrule}.
+This is a preset |mu| glue. |\thinmuskip = 3mu| for use
+with |\mskip|. This is \hbox{\strut\vrule$\mskip\thinmuskip$\vrule}
+\pla\@|\vfil \vfill|
+These are the vertical analogues to the infinite horizontal glues and act in
+much the same manner. See the section on |\hfil ...|.
+\done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thgraph.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thgraph.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6cb4f0cb67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thgraph.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1288 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\chapterhead{graph}{\TeX Graph}
+The graphics package that is a part of \intex\
+adds the following
+\li $\bullet$ The production of a complete paper/report requiring no
+additional insertions (except perhaps colour photographs if required).
+\li $\bullet$ The ability to insert a file, for example a plot or halftone,
+in Encapsulated PostScript Format (EPSF), and to automatically leave enough
+space in the text.
+\li $\bullet$ The mixing of a vector graphics and \TeX\
+text. In fact \TeX\ text may now be printed at any arbitrary angle.
+The package requires a sensible PostScript driver. The basic requirements
+for the driver are as follows:
+\lb The |\special| commands and the other information in the .dvi file are
+processed in the order they are found in the .dvi file. This is necessary
+in order to be able to rotate tables and arbitrary text \dots\ among other
+\lb The driver does not perform PostScript {\tt save} and {\tt restore}
+commands around |\special| commands.
+\lb The driver uses the code {\tt ps:} is used to signal a file name and
+the code {\tt ps::} to signal inline code.
+\lb The driver sets the {\tt currentpoint} before entering a |\special|.
+\shead{gcomlist}{Command List - \TeX Graph}
+\ext|\beginTeXgraph \btg|
+\ext|\endTeXgraph \etg|
+\shead{plotfile}{The Inclusion of Encapsulated PostScript}
+All the commands that are used to include encapsulated PostScript files
+read the {\tt Boundingbox} and leave enough space in the text for the
+graphics. The {\tt Boundingbox} may be at either the beginning or the end
+of the file. However, if the {\tt Boundingbox} is at the the end, it might
+take \TeX\ some time to read the entire file to find it.
+The simplest command for including a graphics file is
+|\centerplotfile{<file name>}|.
+For instance the (old) IEEE Communications Society
+logo was brought in simply by saying
+\beginttverbatim \ninepoint \tt
+right here.
+The |\hrule| commands were put in to show how much space was left by \TeX
+A slightly more complicated example illustrating both rotation and scaling
+is given below.
+\centergraph{ \btg
+ \incscfile f:{} sc:.3 d:45
+ \etg}
+The code for this is
+\1centergraph{ \1btg
+ \1incscfile f:{} sc:.3 d:45
+ \1etg}
+Notice that the computation of the space to leave was incorrect. This is
+due to the difficulty in performing the computations for obtaining the
+bounding box for an arbitrarily rotated and scaled figure.
+The most general
+inclusion command is |\incscmvfile| which allows for arbitrary scaling,
+rotation, and offset. Finally, the rotation, scaling, and placement may be
+applied around any of the nine text box reference points described in
+\shead{tforms}{\TeX Graph Basics}
+\TeX Graph has a number of capabilities that range from primitive to
+powerful. The following list of classes is for reference only. More detail
+will follow with examples in the various sections to follow. This section may
+be omitted on first reading.
+\dssshead{\TeX Graph Classes}
+\lb Drawing primitives consist of commands for circles,
+circular arcs, line vectors, vectors with arrowheads, spline curves, spline
+curves with arrowheads, line dotting commands, and various shades of gray
+for fills.
+\lb There are commands for changing whether the distances specified
+are to be interpreted absolutely, with respect to an origin or relatively
+with respect to the present position.
+\lb There is a command to change the (pen)width of the drawn lines
+and to change the interpreted scale of the units of distance.
+\lb There is a command to change the default units. However, since
+arbitrary scaling of units is allowed, this command is of limited use except
+for those that visualize distances in different dimensions. The dimensions
+available are those available in \intex.
+\lb There is a ``graphical segment'' which can be
+placed at any specific location. Distances inside a graphical segment are
+interpreted with respect to the segment origin. The distances inside a
+segment may be either relative or absolute with respect to the segment
+origin. There is a {\it segment scale} which allows for segments to be scaled
+relatively with respect to an overall graph.
+\lb Text, with all the capabilities of \intex\ may be written
+at any arbitrary angle.
+\lb \TeX Graph keeps track of the maximum extent of a graph. These
+are available after the graph is terminated in the variables |\hgraphsize|
+and |\vgraphsize|. |\hgraphskip| and |\vgraphskip| will cause a horizontal or
+vertical skip of the appropriate graphsize. {\bf Unfortunately, these values
+may be incorrect for a number of reasons. } These are
+\li $\circ$ Text may stick out the edge of the graph.
+\li $\circ$ A circle or arc center is outside the main graph area.
+\li $\circ$ The visible part of a circle or arc may be too far to the right.
+\li $\circ$ A vertical segment may have inadvertently reset the maximum
+In some cases it may be necessary to make a fake move to the lower right hand
+corner of a graph to tell \TeX Graph the correct size \dots\ after you have
+seen a preliminary version and know what it should be.
+\lb All of \TeX's definitional capabilities are available. These
+can be used to replace a complex structure by a single command or
+to change the surface syntax of \TeX Graph.
+\lb Explicit use of grouping in \TeX Graph, through $\{ \}$, or
+|\begingroup|, |\endgroup| pairs is not allowed. This will foul up the
+positional record keeping inside. Groups may be produced only through the
+use of segments, namely the |\beginsegment|, |\endsegment| pair.
+\shead{tgraph}{Simple \TeX Graphics}
+\TeX Graph will allow for rather sophisticated graphics. You can use the
+definition capabilities of \intex\ to create libraries of symbols
+for future use.
+Directions in \TeX Graph are described as horizontal, {\tt h:}, increasing
+from left to right across the page and vertical, {\tt v:}, increaseing from
+top to bottom {\bf down} the page. Thus the fundamental directions are
+ \move h:.3 v:.3
+ \avec h:3 v:.3
+ \move h:.3 v:.3
+ \avec h:.3 v:2
+ \textref h:C v:C
+ \move h:1.5 v:.15 \htext{Horizontal -- {\tt h:<number>}}
+ \move h:.15 v:1 \vtext{Vertical -- {\tt v:<number>}}
+ \etg}
+\TeX Graph capabilities will be introduced slowly.
+The following diamond box
+ \btg
+ \move h:0 v:.5 % moves penup to (0,.5)
+ \lvec h:.5 v:0 % draws a line to (.5,0)
+ \lvec h:1 v:.5
+ \lvec h:.5 v:1
+ \lvec h:0 v:.5
+ \textref h:C v:C % sets the reference point in center of text.
+ \move h:.5 v:.5
+ \htext {$\sum_{i=1}^n \rho_n$} % horizontal text box
+ \etg}
+was put in place with
+\beginttverbatim \ninepoint \tt
+$$ % a convenient way to use displaymath spacing
+ \1beginTeXgraphics % also known as \1btg
+ \1move h:0 v:.5 % moves penup to (0,.5)
+ \1lvec h:.5 v:0 % draws a line to (.5,0)
+ \1lvec h:1 v:.5
+ \1lvec h:.5 v:.1
+ \1lvec h:0 v:.5
+ \1textref h:C v:C % sets the reference point in the center.
+ \1move h:.5 v:.5
+ \1htext {$\1sum_{i=1}^n \1rho_n$} % horizontal text box
+ \1endTeXgraphics % also known as \1etg
+ }
+The command |\centergraph{<...>}| uses the information about plot size to
+center the graphics horizontally and to leave enough room vertically.
+Arguments for all \TeX Graph primitive commands are delimited by spaces.
+The units of the dimensions are implicit, but changable. The default is
+inches. Thus {\tt h:<number>} is the distance in the horizontal (to right)
+and {\tt v:<number>} is the distance in the vertical (down) direction. The
+locations are absolute distances with respect to an origin in the upper left
+hand corner.
+\shead{vecforms}{Simple Vector Forms}
+This introduces some baisc drawing commands. There {\bf must} be
+either a space or an
+end of line after each {\tt <coordinate>}\]. The dimensional units are
+implicit. We usually use {\tt <..>} instead of the less economical {\tt
+\ext\@|\move h:<..> v:<..>|
+This is a move from the current position to the coordinates given by
+{\tt h:<..> v:<..>}. The pen is up. It may be used to move the current
+reference point or to describe a boundary when creating a filled polygon.
+\mbr\ext\@|\lvec h:<..> v:<..>|
+This draws a line from the current position to {\tt h:<..> v:<..>}.
+\mbr\ext\@|\clvec h1:<..> v1:<..> h2:<..> v2:<..> h3:<..> v3:<..>|
+This draws a Bezier spline curve from the current point to {\tt h3:<..>
+v3:<..>} with respect to the control points {\tt h1:<..> v1:<..>} and
+{\tt h2:<..> v2:<..>}. These curves are very versatile and can create many
+effects, including loops, by varying the control points.
+\mbr\ext\@|\clv (<h1> <v1>) (<h2> <v2>) (<h3> <v3>)|
+This command is identical to |\clvec| but with a less verbose syntax.
+Lines may be either solid of various widths, or dotted with custom
+patterns. In addition the ends of the lines may be of different shapes and
+joined with different defaults. In most cases you will not have to change
+the defaults in \TeX Graph but the capability is there.
+\ext\@|\penwidth <size>|
+This sets the width of the pen or line in the current units. The default is
+is .015 (in).
+\mbr\ext\@|\linecap <integer>|
+This sets the end shapes of the lines using PostScript notation. The
+default is 1 or a round cap. A value of 0 is a butt cap with the line cut
+off square exactly to its length. A value of 2 is a square cap with the
+line extended by a square cap the thikness of half its width. For narrow
+lines the difference is negligible.
+\mbr\ext\@|\linejoin <integer>|
+This sets the form in which lines join (PostScript notation). The default
+is 1 which corresponds to a round line join. A value of 0 is a mitre or
+pointed join while a value of 2 is a beveled or flattened join. For thin
+lines the differences are negligible.
+\mbr\ext\@|\lpatt p:<pattern>|
+This sets the dotting pattern of the line in PostScript notation. The
+default is a solid line described by |{[]}|. The simplest form is |{[a]}|
+where the line is black for {\tt a} pixels and white for 1. |{[a b]}| would
+mean {\tt a} pixels black followed by {\tt b} pixels white. A specification
+of |[a1 b1 a2 b2]| would be a cyclic pattern with the line black for the
+{\tt a?} pixels and white for the corresponding {\tt b?}.
+\TeX Graph alos supplies lines with arrowheads. These may be combined
+dotting patterns given above but a decision will have to be made as to
+whether you want the arrowhead itself dotted.
+There are
+three styles of arrowheads
+ \btg \move h:0 v:-.05 \avec h:.3 v:-.05
+ \arrowheadtype t:O
+ \avec h:.6 v:-.05
+ \arrowheadtype t:F
+ \avec h:.9 v:-.05
+ \etg \hgraphskip\
+triangle {\tt T}, open {\tt O},
+and filled {\tt F}. The size may also be varied. There are no restriction on
+the direction of the arrows. The commands are
+\ext\@|\avec h:<..> v:<..>|
+This draws a vector with an arrow head from the current position to
+{\tt h:<..> v:<..>}.
+\mbr\ext\@|\cavec h1:<..> v1:<..> h2:<..> v2:<..> h3:<..> v3:<..>|
+\nbr\ext\@|\cav (<h1> <v1>) (<h2> <v2>) (<h3> <v3>) |
+These are the spline versions of the vectors with arrowheads.
+\mbr\ext\@|\arrowheadtype t:<type>|
+The {\tt <type>} is {\tt T O F} for triangle, open, or filled respectively.
+\mbr\ext\@|\arrowheadsize l:<length> w:<width>|
+The {\tt<length>} and {\tt<width>} are in the current units. The default
+is 0.16in by 0.04in. This size is {\tt independent} of the current scales.
+This prevents arrowheads from disappearing as a graph is scaled.
+This makes the arrowheadsize sensitive to the segment and unit scales in
+force when it is called. It is not global but is affected by the grouping
+imposed by |\beginsegment| and |\endsegment| pairs.
+For most applications, the |\arrowheadsize| and the |\arrowheadscale|
+will not be needed.
+The following example of a (partial) block diagram uses these commands.
+ \move h:0 v:.3
+ \avec h:.5 v:.3
+ \move h:.5 v:.6 % moves to lower lefthand corner of box
+ \lvec h:.5 v:0 % four sides
+ \lvec h:1.5 v:0
+ \lvec h:1.5 v:.6
+ \lvec h:.5 v:.6
+ \etg}
+This was produced by the following:
+\beginttverbatim \ninepoint \tt
+ \1move h:0 v:.3
+ \1avec h:.5 v:.3 % arrow vector leading into box
+ \1move h:.5 v:.6 % moves to lower lefthand corner of box
+ \1lvec h:.5 v:0 % four sides
+ \1lvec h:1.5 v:0
+ \1lvec h:1.5 v:.6
+ \1lvec h:.5 v:.6
+ \1etg}
+We can change the type of arrowhead on this and all subsequent arrow vectors
+by adding adding |\arrowheadtype t:O| before the |\avec ...| to give
+ \move h:0 v:.3
+ \arrowheadtype t:F % changes default filled
+ \avec h:.5 v:.3 % arrow vector leading into box
+ \move h:.5 v:.6 % moves to lower lefthand corner of box
+ \lvec h:.5 v:0 % four sides
+ \lvec h:1.5 v:0
+ \lvec h:1.5 v:.6
+ \lvec h:.5 v:.6
+ \etg}
+This was produced by
+\beginttverbatim \ninepoint \tt
+ \1move h:0 v:.3
+ \1arrowheadtype t:F % changes default filled
+ \1avec h:.5 v:.3 % arrow vector leading into box
+ \1move h:.5 v:.6 % moves to lower lefthand corner of box
+ \1lvec h:.5 v:0 % four sides
+ \1lvec h:1.5 v:0
+ \1lvec h:1.5 v:.6
+ \1lvec h:.5 v:.6
+ \1etg}
+\ext\@|\unitscale <scale>|
+This command causes all subsequent units in this or enclosed segments to be
+scaled by the {\tt <scale>}. Thus |\unitscale 2.54| would have the effect
+of changing a figure where the units were originally in inches to be in
+Thus the entire graph is reduced to half size by adding |\unitscale .5|\] at
+the very beginning.
+ \unitscale .5
+ \move h:0 v:.3
+ \arrowheadtype t:F % changes default filled
+ \avec h:.5 v:.3 % arrow vector leading into box
+ \move h:.5 v:.6 % moves to lower lefthand corner of box
+ \lvec h:.5 v:0 % four sides
+ \lvec h:1.5 v:0
+ \lvec h:1.5 v:.6
+ \lvec h:.5 v:.6
+ \etg}
+Note that the arrowhead has not changed in size. The commands to do this are
+\beginttverbatim \ninepoint \tt
+ \1unitscale .5 % causes all subsequent units to be multiplied
+ % by .5
+ \1move h:0 v:.3
+ \1arrowheadtype t:F % changes default filled
+ \1avec h:.5 v:.3 % arrow vector leading into box
+ \1move h:.5 v:.6 % moves to lower lefthand corner of box
+ \1lvec h:.5 v:0 % four sides
+ \1lvec h:1.5 v:0
+ \1lvec h:1.5 v:.6
+ \1lvec h:.5 v:.6
+ \1etg}
+If the arrowhead size needed to be reduced in the same scale it is necessary
+to add |\arrowheadscale| after the |\unitscale| and before the first
+arrowvector. Thus we get
+ \unitscale .5 % causes all subsequent units to be multiplied
+ % by .5
+ \move h:0 v:.3
+ \arrowheadscale % makes arrowhead size sensitive to scalings.
+ \arrowheadtype t:F % changes default filled
+ \avec h:.5 v:.3 % arrow vector leading into box
+ \move h:.5 v:.6 % moves to lower lefthand corner of box
+ \lvec h:.5 v:0 % four sides
+ \lvec h:1.5 v:0
+ \lvec h:1.5 v:.6
+ \lvec h:.5 v:.6
+ \etg}
+This is produced by
+\beginttverbatim \ninepoint \tt
+ \1unitscale .5 % causes all subsequent units to be multiplied
+ % by .5
+ \1move h:0 v:.3
+ \1arrowheadscale % makes arrowhead size sensitive to scalings.
+ \1arrowheadtype t:F % changes default filled
+ \1avec h:.5 v:.3 % arrow vector leading into box
+ \1move h:.5 v:.6 % moves to lower lefthand corner of box
+ \1lvec h:.5 v:0 % four sides
+ \1lvec h:1.5 v:0
+ \1lvec h:1.5 v:.6
+ \1lvec h:.5 v:.6
+ \1etg}
+Finally we have an example with dotted Bezier splines.
+\centergraph{ \btg \lpatt p:{[20 30 20]}
+ \lvec h:0 v:2
+ \move h:0 v:0
+ \lpatt p:{[20 20 10 10]}
+ \cav (1 1) (2 1) (3 0)
+ \lpatt p:{[20 20]}
+ \move h:4 v:1
+ \cav (0 2) (5 2) (1 1)
+ \etg
+ }
+which was given by
+\1centergraph{ \1btg \1lpatt p:{[20 30 20]}
+ \1lvec h:0 v:2
+ \1move h:0 v:0
+ \1lpatt p:{[20 20 10 10]}
+ \1cav (1 1) (2 1) (3 0)
+ \1lpatt p:{[20 20]}
+ \1move h:4 v:1
+ \1cav (0 2) (5 2) (1 1)
+ \1etg
+ }
+This is off center because the width computation includes the (5 2) control
+point of the Bezier curve.
+\sshead{text}{Text in Graphs}
+All text within \TeX Graph is actually typeset by \TeX. Since \TeX\ does
+this so beautifully, it seems counter productive to do it otherwise. The
+commands for including text at various angles are
+\ext\@|\htext {<text>}|
+This puts the text in a horizontal |\hbox| running from left to right.
+\mbr\ext\@|\vtext {<text>}|
+This puts the text in a vertical |\hbox| going upwards.
+\mbr\ext\@|\rtext d:<degrees> t:{<text>}|
+This puts text in an |\hbox| with an arbitrary rotation of {\tt <degrees>}.
+\mbr\ext\@|\rstext d:<degrees> sc:<scale> t:{<text>}|
+This puts text in an |\hbox| with an arbitrary rotation of {\tt <degrees>}
+and scale {\tt <scale>}.
+Text is placed in an |\hbox|. This box is located at the point in the graph
+where the |\?text| command is called.
+In order to make the exact placement of the
+box in a graph easier, the box is actually oriented at any one of nine
+reference points. The command is
+\ext\@|\textref h:<L C R> v:<T C B>|
+The choices of {\tt L C R} are Left, Center, and Right respectively in the
+horizontal and vertical positions.
+The nine
+choices are shown below:
+\def\bul{\htext {$\bullet$} }
+ \textref h:C v:C
+ \lvec h:1 v:0 \bul
+ \lvec h:2 v:0 \bul
+ \lvec h:2 v:.5 \bul
+ \lvec h:2 v:1 \bul
+ \lvec h:1 v:1 \bul
+ \lvec h:0 v:1 \bul
+ \lvec h:0 v:.5 \bul
+ \lvec h:0 v:0 \bul
+ \move h:1 v:.5 \bul
+ \endsegment}
+\def\tlabels{\textref h:R v:C %left hand labels
+ \htext{ h:L v:T } \lvec h:.2 v:0 \avec h:.6 v:.4
+ \move h:0 v:.9 \htext{ h:L v:C } \avec h:.6 v:.9
+ \move h:0 v:1.8 \htext{ h:L v:B } \lvec h:.2 v:1.8 \avec h:.6 v:1.4
+ \textref h:L v:C %right hand labels
+ \move h:3.2 v:0 \htext{ h:R v:T } \lvec h:3 v:0 \avec h:2.6 v:.4
+ \move h:3.2 v:.9 \htext{ h:R v:C } \avec h:2.6 v:.9
+ \move h:3.2 v:1.8 \htext{ h:R v:B } \lvec h:3 v:1.8 \avec h:2.6 v:1.4
+ \textref h:C v:B % Center Top
+ \move h:1.6 v:0 \htext{ h:C v:T } \move h:1.6 v:.05
+ \avec h:1.6 v:.4
+ \textref h:L v:C % Center Center
+ \move h:2.0 v:.7 \htext{ h:C v:C } \lvec h:1.85 v:.7
+ \avec h:1.6 v:.9
+ \textref h:C v:T % Center Bottom
+ \move h:1.6 v:1.8 \htext{ h:C v:B } \move h:1.6 v:1.75
+ \avec h:1.6 v:1.4
+ }
+\centergraph{\btg \unitscale .7
+ \arrowheadsize l:.08 w:.02 \arrowheadtype t:O
+ \tlabels
+ \move h:.6 v:.4 \tref
+ \etg}
+These reference points move with the box as it is rotated or scaled.
+As an example we add the following $\rho=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\rho_i$ to the
+center of the block diagram used previously to give
+ \move h:1.0 v:.3 % moves to center of box
+ \textref h:C v:C % sets text reference to dead center
+ \htext {$\rho=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\rho_i$} % puts in text
+ \move h:0 v:.3
+ \avec h:.5 v:.3 % arrow vector leading into box
+ \move h:.5 v:.6 % moves to lower lefthand corner of box
+ \lvec h:.5 v:0 % four sides
+ \lvec h:1.5 v:0
+ \lvec h:1.5 v:.6
+ \lvec h:.5 v:.6
+ \etg}
+The commands to do this are
+\beginttverbatim \ninepoint \tt
+ \1move h:1.0 v:.3 % moves to center of box
+ \1textref h:C v:C % sets text reference to dead center
+ \1htext {$\1rho=\1sum_{i=1}^{n}\1rho_i$} % puts in text
+ \1move h:0 v:.3
+ \1avec h:.5 v:.3 % arrow vector leading into box
+ \1move h:.5 v:.6 % moves to lower lefthand corner of box
+ \1lvec h:.5 v:0 % four sides
+ \1lvec h:1.5 v:0
+ \1lvec h:1.5 v:.6
+ \1lvec h:.5 v:.6
+ \1etg}
+Arbitrary rotation of text or graphics |\rtext|.
+This example uses |\rtext d:45 t:<text>| in place of the |\htext|.
+ \move h:1.0 v:.3 % moves to center of box
+ \textref h:C v:C % sets text reference to dead center
+ \rtext d:45 t:{$\rho=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\rho_i$} % puts in text
+ \move h:0 v:.3
+ \avec h:.5 v:.3 % arrow vector leading into box
+ \move h:.5 v:.6 % moves to lower lefthand corner of box
+ \lvec h:.5 v:0 % four sides
+ \lvec h:1.5 v:0
+ \lvec h:1.5 v:.6
+ \lvec h:.5 v:.6
+ \etg}
+Note that the text spills out over the edges of the box. There is no
+guarantee that the text will fit in the box.
+In fact if we take the
+horizontal example and add a |\unitscale .7 \arrowheadscale| the following
+ \unitscale .7
+ \arrowheadscale
+ \move h:1.0 v:.3 % moves to center of box
+ \textref h:C v:C % sets text reference to dead center
+ \htext {$\rho=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\rho_i$} % puts in text
+ \move h:0 v:.3
+ \avec h:.5 v:.3 % arrow vector leading into box
+ \move h:.5 v:.6 % moves to lower lefthand corner of box
+ \lvec h:.5 v:0 % four sides
+ \lvec h:1.5 v:0
+ \lvec h:1.5 v:.6
+ \lvec h:.5 v:.6
+ \etg}
+Note that the font is not scaled. If we use |\rstext d:0 sc:.8 t:<...>| we
+ \unitscale .7
+ \arrowheadscale
+ \move h:1.0 v:.3 % moves to center of box
+ \textref h:C v:C % sets text reference to dead center
+ \rstext d:0 sc:.8 t:{$\rho=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\rho_i$}
+ \move h:0 v:.3
+ \avec h:.5 v:.3 % arrow vector leading into box
+ \move h:.5 v:.6 % moves to lower lefthand corner of box
+ \lvec h:.5 v:0 % four sides
+ \lvec h:1.5 v:0
+ \lvec h:1.5 v:.6
+ \lvec h:.5 v:.6
+ \etg}
+\shead{vertgraph}{Rotated Graphics and Text}
+It is possible to place graphics or text at any arbitrary direction
+on a page. It is only
+necessary to include it in a |\vtext| for vertical or an |\rtext| for an
+arbitrary rotation. However, it should be remembered that
+the reference point is that position on the page where the |\?text| was
+entered {\bf and} that the text/graphics goes at the appropriate angle.
+The following shows a
+simple table angled on the page. To do this correctly, requires that you
+discover the size of the table.
+ \btg
+ \lvec h:1 v:0
+ \incscfile sc:.25 d:0
+ \lvec h:0 v:.5
+ \htext{\begintable
+ \begintableformat
+ &\center
+ \endtableformat
+ \-
+ \br{\:|}\use{3} PROJECT --- Squidget Forms \er{|}
+ \-
+ \br{\:|} Milestone | Due | Projected \er{|}
+ \-
+ \br{\:|} A | Aug. 94 | Jan. 95 \er{|}
+ \-
+ \br{\:|} B | Dec. 94 | Dec. 95 \er{|}
+ \-
+ \br{\:|} A | Jan. 95 | ? \er{|}
+ \-
+ \endtable}
+ \etg}
+ \btg
+ \lvec h:0 v:1 % sets origin
+ \rtext d:45 t:{\sample}
+ \lvec h:2 v:2 % sets size of graph ...
+ \etg}
+This was done with the following set of commands. Note that a |\def| was used
+to make the construction easier to follow. |\lvec| was used rather than
+|\move| in order to make the origin movements visible.
+\beginttverbatim \ninepoint \tt
+ \1btg
+ \1lvec h;1 v:0
+ \1incscfile sc:.25 d:0
+ \1lvec h:0 v:.5
+ \1htext{\1begintable
+ \1begintableformat
+ &\1center
+ \1endtableformat
+ \1-
+ \1br{\1:|}\1use{3} PROJECT --- Squidget Forms \1er{|}
+ \1-
+ \1br{\1:|} Milestone | Due | Projected \1er{|}
+ \1-
+ \1br{\1:|} A | Aug. 94 | Jan. 95 \1er{|}
+ \1-
+ \1br{\1:|} B | Dec. 94 | Dec. 95 \1er{|}
+ \1-
+ \1br{\1:|} A | Jan. 95 | ? \1er{|}
+ \1-
+ \1endtable}
+ \1etg}
+\beginttverbatim \ninepoint \tt
+ \1btg \1textref h:C v:C
+ \1lvec h:0 v:1 % sets origin
+ \1rtext d:45 t:{\1sample}
+ \1lvec h:2 v:2 % sets size of graph ...
+ \1etg}
+In fact, this example was first
+done as a separate file to learn the appropriate dimensions and then inputted
+in the appropriate place.
+\sshead{arcs}{Circles, Arcs and Fills}
+\TeX Graph uses the circle, arc, and fill commands of PostScript to
+produce curves. PostScript uses a polygonal fill on the {\bf inside} of the
+curve. This means that the direction of the arcs are important.
+The commands are
+\ext\@|\lcir r:<radius>|
+This is a circle with the center at the current loaction and a radius of
+size {\tt <radius>} in the current dimensions.
+\mbr\ext\@|\arcc r:<radius> sd:<degrees> ed:<degrees>|
+This is an ``unstroked''arc, ie equivalent to a |\move| in the counter
+clockwise direction from {\tt sd:<..>} to {\tt ed:<..>}. If this is used in
+a fill, the center of the circle is the beginning of the path.
+\mbr\ext\@|\arcn r:<radius> sd:<degrees> ed:<degrees>|
+This is the same as |\arcc| except that it is counter clockwise.
+\mbr\ext\@|\pfill p:<fraction>|
+This completes a path a fills the path with a shade of gray with {\tt p:0}
+being black and {\tt p:1} being white.
+The angles are in the directions shown here.
+ \btg \unitscale .7
+ \move h:1 v:2
+ \avec h:1 v:0
+ \move h:0 v:1
+ \avec h:2 v:1
+ \move h:1 v:2.05 \textref h:C v:T \htext{$90^\circ$}
+ \move h:0 v:1 \textref h:R v:C \htext{$180^\circ$ }
+ \move h:1 v:-.05 \textref h:C v:B \htext{$270^\circ$}
+ \move h:2 v:1 \textref h:L v:C \htext{ $0^\circ,\ 360^\circ$ }
+ \etg}
+\def\fillbox #1 {\move h:.4 v:0
+ \beginsegment
+ \absoluteposition
+ \lvec h:.5 v:0
+ \lvec h:.5 v:.5
+ \lvec h:0 v:.5
+ \pfill p:{#1}
+ \move h:.25 v:.55 \textref h:C v:T \htext{#1}
+ \endsegment
+ \move h:.4 v:0 % for symmetry
+ }
+Some shades of gray are as follows:
+\fillbox 0
+\fillbox .1
+\fillbox .2
+\fillbox .3
+\fillbox .4
+\move h:-4 v:.8
+\fillbox .5
+\fillbox .6
+\fillbox .7
+\fillbox .8
+\fillbox .9
+An example of a use of arcs and fill is given below.
+ \arcc r:2 sd:0 ed:45
+ \pfill p:.5
+ \arcc r:1 sd:0 ed:45
+ \pfill p:1 % fills the inside with white
+ \move h:2 v:1.5 % to leave enough space
+ \etg}
+This logo is given by
+\beginttverbatim \ninepoint \tt
+ \1arcc r:2 sd:0 ed:45
+ \1pfill p:.5
+ \1arcc r:1 sd:0 ed:45
+ \1pfill p:1 % fills the inside with white
+ \1move h:2 v:1.5 % to leave enough space
+ \1etg}
+This shows that a fill of ``white'' (1) is opaque and obliterates the black
+or gray underneath. Note the single line of dots from the origin. Apparently
+there is some roundoff. This strategy is necessary in PostScript filling.
+\shead{seg}{Advanced \TeX Graphics and Segments}
+The most important advanced feature of \TeX Graph is the graphical segment.
+These are delimited by |\beginsegment| |\endsegment| pairs. They are used to
+create graphical items that can be placed at any specific location in a
+graph. This capability, combined with \TeX's ability to create definitions
+allows for the creation of libraries of symbols. {\bf Segments are the only
+groups that should be used within a} |\btg| |\etg| {\bf
+pair.}\footnote{!}{This is almost true. Groups may be used freely within
+the argument of either an |\??text|.} A simple example of the use
+of this facility was the definition of a |\fillbox| to create the box with
+the fill pattern shown in Section~\ref{arcs}. The definition was
+\beginttverbatim \ninepoint \tt
+\1def\1fillbox #1 {\1move h:.4 v:0
+ \1beginsegment
+ \1absoluteposition
+ \1lvec h:.5 v:0
+ \1lvec h:.5 v:.5
+ \1lvec h:0 v:.5
+ \1pfill p:{#1}
+ \1move h:.25 v:.55 \1textref h:C v:T \1htext{#1}
+ \1endsegment
+ \1move h:.4 v:0 % for symmetry
+ }
+The relative position in outside the segment allows the boxes to be placed
+beside each other with even spacing and no additional instructions.
+Each segment has a {\it segment reference point}. This is the location in
+the enclosing segment or |\btg| |\etg|, which is really just a special
+segment. {\bf Absolute positions} within a segment are actually relative to
+the {\it segment reference point}. Relative positions are relative.
+The three
+boxes below
+ \centergraph{\btg \relativeposition
+ \fillbox .3
+ \fillbox .5
+ \fillbox .7
+ \etg}
+were produced by
+\beginttverbatim \ninepoint \tt
+ \1centergraph{\1btg \1relativeposition
+ \1fillbox .3
+ \1fillbox .5
+ \1fillbox .7
+ \1etg}
+Note that the space after the |#1| in the definition for |\fillbox| means
+that the numbers are delimited by implicit space at the end of the line. If
+this space had been left out, only the first digit in each of the pattern
+numbers would have been read and the other would have been printed at some
+odd place on the page.
+\sshead{segscale}{Segment Scaling}
+There are several scaling parameters that can be used with segments. In
+addition to the |\unitscale| there is a |\segmentscale|. Roughly speaking the
+|\segmentscale| is used to change the scale of the present and all enclosed
+segments while the |\unitscale| is used to set the nominal size of segment
+object. The major difference between the two is that segment scales
+accumulate while unitscales do not. An example is obtained using the
+|\fillbox| in a segment. The following three boxes illustrate the effect.
+\centergraph{\btg \unitscale .3 % changes units
+ \segmentscale 2 % doubles scale of all enclosed segments
+ % actual scale is .3*2=.6
+ \fillbox .5
+ \move h:.8 v:0 % moves to right beyond box
+ \beginsegment
+ \unitscale .5 % now unit scale is .5
+ \segmentscale .7 % reduces scale by .5 -- actual scale is
+ % .5*2*.7=.7
+ \fillbox .7
+ \move h:.8 v:0
+ \beginsegment
+ \unitscale 1
+ \segmentscale .8 % actual scale is 1*2*.7*.8=1.12
+ \fillbox .9
+ \endsegment
+ \endsegment
+ \etg}
+This example should be studied carefully. The actual commands that produced
+it are
+\beginttverbatim \ninepoint \tt
+\1centergraph{\1btg \1unitscale .3 % changes units
+ \1segmentscale 2
+ % doubles scale of all enclosed segments
+ % actual scale is .3*2=.6
+ \1fillbox .5
+ \1move h:.8 v:0 % moves to right beyond box
+ \1beginsegment
+ \1unitscale .5 % now unit scale is .5
+ \1segmentscale .7
+ % reduces scale by .5 -- actual scale is
+ % .5*2*.7=.7
+ \1fillbox .7
+ \1move h:.8 v:0
+ \1beginsegment
+ \1unitscale 1
+ \1segmentscale .8 % actual scale is 1*2*.7*.8=1.12
+ \1fillbox .9
+ \1endsegment
+ % actual scale is back to .5*2*.7=.7
+ \1endsegment
+ % actual scale is back to .3*2=.6
+ \1etg}
+Note how the segment scale accumulates while the unitscale does not. Note
+also that the scale reverts to that of the enclosing segment after an
+It is possible to prevent a segment from being affected by the external
+segment scales by inserting the command |\absolutescale|. This is used for
+symbols that you wish to have the same size no matter the actual scale of the
+\sshead{segsum}{Segment Command Summaries}
+The following is a list of some of the important points concerning segments:
+This begins a graphical segment and a group. All locations within a segment
+are relative to the origin of the segment.
+This terminates a segment and the group. The current location upon leaving
+a segment is the segment origin.
+\mbr\ext\@|\unitscale <scale>|
+The {\tt <scale>} multiplies the present segment and all
+enclosed segments unless they have their own |\unitscale|. A |\unitscale| may
+be changed at any time within a segment.
+\mbr\ext\@|\segmentscale <scale>|
+The {\tt <scale>} affects the present segment and all
+enclosed segments unless that segment is protected by an |\absolutescale|.
+Unlike |\unitscale|, the |\segmentscale| accumulates by multiplying the
+current scale value.
+The actual scale used for interpreting position numbers is the
+product of all of the enclosing segmentscales times the presently active
+All coordinates are to be interpreted with respect to the current origin.
+This will either be the graph origin or the origin of the current segment.
+Coordinate positions are interpreted relative to the previous position. If
+the previous command was the drawing of an arc or circle,
+the previous position is
+the center of the circle.
+\shead{slides}{Slide Making}
+A specialized set of commands along with appropriate templates exist to
+create a transparency. All slides are ``horizontal''. |\fullform| slides
+take up an entire 8.5 by 11~in. page and are intended for display.
+|\textform| slides are reduced for text. A |\comment <text> //| command is
+given that is suppressed when the |\fullform| is used but is printed when
+|\textform| is used. The text in the slides uses a general scaled font
+family in the file |spfont.tex|. This family is basically a scaled set of
+|\tenpoint| fonts. An example is given below:
+There are two basic forms, the INRS form and a General form. An example of
+the |\inrsform| is given by
+\formscale .7
+\hslide HOW TO MAKE SLIDES WITH \intex//
+\lb Input the macro package with {\tt \1input inrssl.tex}.
+\lc Decide whether {\tt \1fullform} or {\tt \1textform}.
+\last Decide whether {\tt \1inrsform} or {\tt \1genform}.
+\hd{Making it.}
+\lb Use {\tt \1hslide <title>// <body> //}.
+\lb Use {``//''} as the delimiter.
+\1input inrssl % brings in the slide macros
+\1textform % sets textform and size
+\1formscale .7 % further reduces the size of slide by .7
+\1inrsform % sets the inrs form
+\1hslide HOW TO MAKE SLIDES WITH \1intex//
+\1lb Input the macro package with {\1tt \1 1input inrssl.tex}.
+\1lc Decide whether {\1tt \1 1fullform} or {\1tt \1 1textform}.
+\1last Decide whether {\1tt \1 1inrsform} or {\1tt \1 1genform}.
+\1hd{Making it.}
+\1lb Use {\1tt \1 1hslide <title>// <body> //}.
+\1lb Use {``//''} as the delimiter.
+\topdata = {General Engineering Inc.}
+\botdata = {An Important Presentation}
+\slidedate = {Jan. 1, 2000}
+\genform % this calls the general form that uses these token registers
+\hslide This is the title \cr Split here //
+\hd{This is an internal header}
+\lb A listitem starting with a bullet.
+\lc A listitem starting with a circle.
+\last A listitem starting with an asterisk.
+// % the // terminates a slide
+It is possible to add a comment to the bottom of the slide which
+only shows up when the slide is printed in textform. A comment is
+terminated with a {//} //
+This second slide was given by
+\1topdata = {General Engineering Inc.}
+\1botdata = {An Important Presentation}
+\1slidedate = {Jan. 1, 2000}
+\1genform % the general form that uses these token strings
+\1hslide This is the title \1cr Split here //
+\1hd{This is an internal header}
+\1lb A listitem starting with a bullet.
+\1lc A listitem starting with a circle.
+\1last A listitem starting with an asterisk.
+// % the // terminates a slide
+It is possible to add a comment to the bottom of the slide which
+only shows up when the slide is printed in textform. A comment is
+terminated with a {//} //
+Arbitrary graphics may be included in a slide using normal \TeX Graph
+commands. However, the included graphics may not scale correctly when
+moving from |\fullform| to |\textform|. Under these conditions is is
+necessary to include the test |\iftextform <....> \else <...> \fi| to
+switch between the modes.
+The basic commands in the slide package
+\ext\@|\input inrssl|
+This command will bring in the INRS\TeX\ slide macro package.
+This chooses the full size form intended for creating the transparency. Any
+|\comment| is suppressed.
+This chooses the text size of the slide and does not suppress the
+|\comment| text.
+\mbr\ext\@|\formscale <scale>|
+The entire slide, text, internal graphics, and border, is scaled
+by the {\tt <scale>} factor. This is done by directly by PostScript.
+\mbr\ext\@|\hslide <title> // <text> //|
+This is the basic command for making a slide. The title is terminated with
+a // and the slide body is also terminated with a //.
+\mbr\ext\@|\comment <text> //|
+This is a comment text which is printed in |\textform| but suppressed in
+This will give the standard \INRS\ format with its logo on the top and
+nothing on the bottom. Text on the bottom may be added using |\botdata| and
+This is a completely general form where only the border is set.
+\mbr\ext\@|\topdata ={<text>}|
+This is printed in the |\borderfont| which is the same as the current slide
+body font. It is printed on the top line above the border with a current
+position at the left hand corner.
+\mbr\ext\@|\botdata = {<b-text>}|
+\mbr\ext\@|\slidedate = {<s-date>}|
+These two token strings are printed on the bottom line centered and
+separated by a --, ie as |<b-text> - <s-date>|.
+\mbr\ext\@|\iftextform <...> \else <...> \fi|
+This is a switch that allows for different actions between fullform and
+textform. |\textform| is .578=1/1.728 the size of |\fullform|.
+\mbr\ext\@|\lb \lc \last|
+These are three short forms for use in listitems starting with $\bullet$,
+$\circ$, and {\tt *} respectively.
+This gives a ``header'' inside a slide. It is equivalent to a |\dssshead|
+in normal text.
+\shead{grcomform}{Some Additional Command Forms -- \TeX Graph}
+\ext\@|\begintexgraph \btg|
+This begins \TeX Graph. It will bring in the \TeX Graph macros the first
+time it is called. It starts a group and a |\vbox|.
+\mbr\ext\@|\endtexgraph \etg|
+Finishes \TeX Graph. It terminates the group started by |\btg|.
+\mbr\ext\@|\graphdim <units>|
+This sets the default units of \TeX Graph. Any valid \TeX\ |<unit>| is
+valid such as {\tt in, cm, pt,} or {\tt bp}. The current default is {\tt
+This maximum horizontal excursion of the graph as computed by \TeX Graph.
+It is a dimension.
+This actually |\hskip \hgraphsize|.
+\mbr\ext\@|\hpix <number>/<unit>|
+This is the horizontal resolution in pixels/unit. The default is
+{\tt 300/in}.
+This maximum vertical excursion of the graph as computed by \TeX Graph.
+It is a dimension.
+This actually |\vskip \vgraphsize|.
+\mbr\ext\@|\vpix <number>/<unit>|
+This is the vertical resolution in pixels/unit. The default is
+{\tt 300/in}.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thindex.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thindex.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56664fd4d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thindex.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\def\cqu{\cquote{LEXICOGRAPHER: A writer of dictionaries, a harmless
+drudge.}{Dictionary [1755], Samuel~Johnson (1709-1784)}
+\def\Chapter{APPENDIX }
+ APPENDIX A: \botmark\rlap{\ssheadfont\qquad\folio}}}
+ \qquad}APPENDIX A: \firstmark\hss}}
+\chead{index}{COMMAND INDEX}
+This Appendix contains an alphabetical list of the commands of \intex, with
+some information about their syntax and parameters, and the page in the book
+where they are more fully explained.
+\long\def\indpg #1.{\mark{{\tt \text}}\quad {\it #1}\par\filbreak}
+{\obeyspaces \long\global\def\2#1 {\xdef\text{#1}#1 }}
+\vskip 4.8ex
+\input masth.sor
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thlists.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+{\it Plain} \tex\ supplies two commands for lists, |\item|, and |\itemitem|,
+that create list items with indentations of one and two times the paragraph
+indentation respectively. \intex\ supplies a complete set of commands for
+three levels of lists. In addition, spacing of list items may be controlled
+by either tightening or loosening the list item spacing. The basic set of
+commands specify the beginning and end of a |list|, |sublist|, and
+|subsublist|. All items in a list are introduced by |\listitem| or its
+abbreviation |\li|.
+The commands for making lists are given first and the list of the various
+glues for spacing is given in Section \ref{listparms}.
+\shead{listcomlist}{Command List -- Making Lists}
+\ext|\beginlist \bl|
+\ext|\beginsublist \bsl|
+\ext|\beginsubsublist \bssl|
+\ext|\endlist \el|
+\ext|\endsublist \esl|
+\ext|\endsubsublist \essl|
+\ext|\listitem \li|
+\shead{maklist}{Making Lists}
+Lists and their associated items can appear in either vertical or internal
+vertical mode. They also work in multicolumn format and in conjunction with
+|\narrowtext|. In \intex\ the type of list is specified and not the actual
+list item. All list items, whether they appear in a list or a subsublist are
+called the same way. As elsewhere in \intex, every |\begin..list| must have
+an accompanying |\end..list|. Each |\begin..list ... \end..list| matching
+pair form a {\it group}; thus it is possible to change the fonts or any other
+parameter and that change affects only the present group and all of its
+internal groups. This is an important benefit of designating lists instead of
+list items. The main text of a list is indented a fixed amount and the list
+item herald, if it exists, is placed one quad to the left of the main text.
+\intex\ also supplies three token lists |\everylist|, |\everysublist|, and
+|\everysubsublist|. These are token lists the contents of which are emptied
+inside the list group every time the corresponding |\begin...list| is called.
+These may be used for changing the list indentations, fonts, or individual
+item skips. Anything done in an outer list is of course valid in the sub
+lists. For instance if the list indent was required to be one inch and the
+list spacing to be 1 then
+\everylist = {\listindentsize = 1in \spacing{1}}
+would do the job.
+The list commands can be used as the basis of specialized lists such as
+citation references.
+Things to note about lists are
+\li $\bullet$ There are three levels of lists, {\it lists},
+ {\it sublists}, and {\it subsublists}.
+\li $\circ$ A list, sublist, subsublist starts a group.
+ The group localizes the effect of changes.
+\li $\clubsuit$ List items are indicated in the same way at
+ all levels.
+\li $\diamond$ Display mathematics is acceptable within lists.
+ This is an example.
+ $$
+ \oint_{\vert z\vert < 1} {e^{-kz} \over (1-z)} dz
+ $$
+It can also have a second paragraph that is a part of this
+item. This paragraph could even have a narrowed portion
+\beginnarrowtext .5in
+\tenpoint \it \noindent
+Wise men lay up knowledge but the babbling
+of a fool brings ruin near.
+\bf Proverbs Ch.~10, Vs.~14
+\li $\bullet$ It is possible to tighten the list here
+ but it would not do much good as this is the last
+ subitem.
+\li NOTE: The {\it Note:} herald is so large that it sticks {\bf into}
+ the actual list item. This can be seen on this line.
+\li $\star$ This is a more normal size herald.
+The previous list is actually produced by
+\li $\bullet$ There are three levels of lists, {\it lists},
+ {\it sublists}, and {\it subsublists}.
+\li $\circ$ A list, sublist, subsublist starts a group.
+ The group localizes the effect of changes.
+\li $\clubsuit$ List items are indicated in the same way at
+ all levels.
+\li $\diamond$ Display mathematics is acceptable within lists.
+ This is an example.
+ $$
+ \oint_{\vert z\vert < 1} {e^{-kz} \over (1-z)} dz
+ $$
+It can also have a second paragraph that is a part of this
+item. This paragraph could even have a narrowed portion
+\beginnarrowtext .5in
+\tenpoint \it \noindent
+Wise men lay up knowledge but the babbling
+of a fool brings ruin near.
+\bf Proverbs Ch.~10, Vs.~14
+\li $\bullet$ It is possible to tighten the list here
+ but it would not do much good as this is the last
+ subitem.
+\li NOTE: The {\it Note:} herald is so large that it sticks
+ {\bf into} the actual list item. This can be seen
+ on this line.
+\li $\star$ This is a more normal size herald.
+The command |\samplemark{<list item mark>}| can be used to
+create a list where the |\listitemmarksize| is one |\enspace| larger than the
+sample mark and the |\listindent|, |\sublistindent|, and
+{\bf inside} the same group are modified accordingly.
+\shead{makcomforms}{Command Forms -- Making Lists}
+\ext\@|\beginlist \bl|
+This begins a list, starts a group,
+and should always have a matching |\endlist|.
+|\bl| is an approved abbreviation of |\beginlist|.
+\mbr\ext\@|\beginsublist \bsl|
+This begins a sublist, starts a group,
+and should always have a matching |\endsublist|.
+A sublist may exist without a surrounding list.
+|\bsl| is an approved abbreviation of |\beginsublist|.
+\mbr\ext\@|\beginsubsublist \bssl|
+This begins a subsublist, starts a group,
+and should always have a matching |\endsubsublist|.
+A subsublist may exist without a surrounding list or sublist.
+|\bssl| is an approved abbreviation of |\beginsubsublist|.
+\mbr\ext\@|\endlist \el|
+These commands terminate a list and its associated group.
+|\el| is an approved abbreviation for |\endlist|
+\mbr\ext\@|\endsublist \esl|
+These commands terminate a sublist and its associated group.
+|\esl| is an approved abbreviation for |\endsublist|
+\mbr\ext\@|\endsubsublist \essl|
+These commands terminate a subsublist and its associated group.
+|\essl| is an approved abbreviation for |\endsubsublist|
+\ext\@|\everylist [=] {<token list>}|
+The |<token list>| is inserted in the front of the list by the |\beginlist|.
+It is inserted soon enough to affect the list item parameters, and all
+parameters of the sublists and subsublists but too late to affect the prelist
+\ext\@|\everysublist [=] {<token list>}|
+The |<token list>| is inserted in the front of the sublist by the
+It is inserted soon enough to affect the list item parameters, and all
+parameters of the subsublists but too late to affect the presublist
+\ext\@|\everysubsublist [=] {<token list>}|
+The |<token list>| is inserted before the subsublist by the
+It is inserted soon enough to affect the list item parameters
+but too late to affect the presubsublist
+This is similar to |\listitem| but does not need to be surrounded by a list.
+It always indents by the |\parindent|.
+This is similar to |\listitem| but does not need to be surrounded by a list.
+It always indents by twice the |\parindent|.
+\mbr\ext\@|\listitem <listitem mark>|\]| \li|
+This is the normal way to designate a list item. The |<listitem mark>| is the first
+string of characters after the |\listitem| and is terminated by blank, \].
+The |<listitem mark>| is placed to the left of the first character in the
+list item with a total width of |\listitemmarksize|. At least one |\enspace|
+exists between the end of the |<listitem mark>| and the first character in
+the list item. If the |<listitem mark>| is larger than the space allotted, It
+will stick {\bf into} the list item.
+A list item continues until the list ends or a new list item begins.
+This command {\bf loosens} the spacing between list items in the present and
+all enclosed lists by a factor of 4 = 1/.25. It will undo a single
+|\tightenlist| at the same level.
+\ext\@|\samplemark{<listitem mark>}|
+This command is used to create lists with marks that may be of quite different
+size than that assumed by the defaults. All marks and indents contained in
+the same list and sublists will be changed. This command {\bf must} be used
+before the first list item to affect the present list.
+The |\listitemmarksize| is one |\enspace| larger than the
+sample mark and the |\listindent|, |\sublistindent|, and |\subsublistindent|
+{\bf inside} the same group are modified accordingly.
+This command {\bf tightens} the spacing between list items in the present and
+all enclosed lists by a factor of .25 = 1/4. It will undo a single
+|\loosenlist| at the same level.
+\shead{listparms}{Command Forms -- List Spacing Parameters}
+All of the parameters are set via assignments such as
+|\...skip [=] <glue, dimen>|.
+Their use should be obvious from their names. Note that |\pr...| is the skip
+that {\it precedes} and |\po...| is {\it post} the |list| in question.
+For example, |\prsublistskip| is the skip that occurs before the start of a
+|sublist| and |\posublistskip| that which follows. Where a |list|, |sublist|,
+and/or |subsublist| start or finish at the same place, the maximum skip is
+\ext\@|\listindent [=] <dimen>|
+\ext\@|\listitemmarksize [=] <dimen>|
+\ext\@|\listitemskip [=] <glue>|
+\ext\@|\polistskip [=] <glue>|
+\ext\@|\posublistskip [=] <glue>|
+\ext\@|\posubsublistskip [=] <glue>|
+\ext\@|\prlistskip [=] <glue>|
+\ext\@|\prsublistskip [=] <glue>|
+\ext\@|\prsubsublistskip [=] <glue>|
+\ext\@|\sublistindent [=] <dimen>|
+\ext\@|\subsublistindent [=] <dimen>|
+\ext\@|\sublistitemskip [=] <glue>|
+\ext\@|\subsublistitemskip [=] <glue>|
+\done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thmateq.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thmateq.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e894a666e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thmateq.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\def\cqu{\cquote{Having got our equations, we must proceed to
+carry out such operatins as we have neglected, taking care never to multiply
+when we can divide}{Rules for the Direction of the Mind, Rule XX,
+Ren\'e~Descartes (1596-1650)}}
+\chapterhead{mateq}{MATHEMATICS:\cr EQUATION\cr SETUP}
+\tex\ makes the typesetting of the most difficult expressions relatively
+easy. This chapter lists and shows examples of the special forms supplied by
+{\it plain}. For the finer points of mathematic equation setup, the reader is
+referred to the \texbook~[\cite{[Knut84]}]. For more advanced mathematics macro
+and accenting capabilities, the AMS\tex~[\cite{[Amst84]}] package is
+\intex\ supplies all that is in {\it plain} plus
+\li $\bullet$ an autonumbering feature, using |\aneq|, |\aneqtag|, or |\autoeqnum|
+for equations,
+\li $\bullet$ a |\math| and |\displaymath|
+for those who don't like |$|,
+\li $\bullet$ a
+|\leftequationnumbering| and |\rightequationnumbering| that will magically
+shift all the equation numbers from the side specified by the form,
+\li $\bullet$ and a |\mathopen| command that will cause aligned equations to increase
+their spacing.
+The two basic commands |\math| and |\displaymath| can be used to invoke either
+scriptstyle or displaystyle mathematics in running text. For instance
+|\math{\sum_0^n}| gives \math{\sum_0^n} while |\displaymath{\sum_0^n}| gives
+In addition there is a tagging mechanism that enables the
+symbolic referencing of equations, both forward and backward.
+\shead{eqcoms}{Command List}
+\hfuzz = 20pt %temporary
+\ext|\aneq \aneqtag|
+\shead{eqbasics}{Mathematic Equation Basics}
+To put some mathematics, either symbols or expressions, in running text you
+must surround them by a pair of single |$| like |$<expression>$|. An example
+is |$x^y$| gives $x^y$. Mathematics in running text will be broken at the end
+of line at spaces in the expression. To prevent a break but preserve a space
+insert the tie |~| into the expression. Thus |$x~=~y+1$|, giving $x~=~y+1$
+will prevent a break around the $=$ sign. To obtain display equations use
+<display mathematics forms>
+There should be {\bf no} blank lines or |\par| within
+|<display mathematics>|. Mysterious errors will result. To have a
+display expression end a sentence, the last character before the equation
+number should be a period.
+Superscripting and subscripting can occur only in mathematics mode. The |\@|
+is the superscript character and |_| is the subscript character. The braces
+|{<super,subscript characters>}| are necessary to tell \tex\ what material
+goes where. The example below shows the result of different use of braces.
+2^xyz_uvw : 2^{xyz}_{uvw} : 2^{xyz_uvw} : 2^{xyz_{uvw}}.
+is given by
+2^xyz_uvw : 2^{xyz}_{uvw} : 2^{xyz_uvw} : 2^{xyz_{uvw}}.
+Finally, in commands that produce alignments, the |&| is used to separate
+items and the |\cr| to end a line. Examples of their use will be found in
+such commands as |\matrix| and |\eqalign|. Equation numbers are put in using
+either the automatic numbering commands |\aneq|, |\aneqtag|, |\autoeqnum|, or
+the normal manual numbering forms |\eqno| for right hand numbers or |\leqno|
+for lefthand numbers.
+\shead{mateqcomforms}{Command Forms}
+This is a list of commands that are given in {\it plain}, along with some
+examples and the form of the parameters for their use.
+\pla\@|\above.. \atop.. \over.. functions
+ {<parm1> \atop <parm2>}
+ {<parm1> \choose <parm2>}
+ {<parm1> \over <parm2>}
+ {<parm1> \atopwithdelims<left delim><right delim> <parm2>}
+ {<parm1> \overwithdelims<left delim><right delim> <parm2>}
+ {<parm1> \abovewithdelims<left delim><right delim>
+ <bar thickness> <parm2>}|
+These forms are all used for putting |<parm1>| on top of |<parm2>| as might
+happen in a fraction. The difference between them is that |\atop| puts no
+line or bar between the |<parms>| while |\over| does, and |\choose| puts in
+no bar but does enclose the |<parms>| in large parens as is normally done in
+a binomial coefficient. The forms |\...delims| allow for the specifcation of
+delimiters around the |<parms>| that may be different than parens. Finally
+the |<bar thickness>| in the |\abovewithdelims| allows for the thickness of
+the line or bar between the |<parms>| to be a specified |<dimen>|. As an
+{37 \over 45} : {n \atop \alpha} : {10 \choose r}
+: {f(x) \overwithdelims\{\} g(y)}
+: {\alpha \atopwithdelims][ \beta}
+: {209 \abovewithdelims\langle\rangle 2pt h(y)}
+is given by
+{37 \over 45} : {n \atop \alpha} : {10 \choose r}
+: {f(x) \overwithdelims\{\} g(y)}
+: {\alpha \atopwithdelims][ \beta}
+: {209 \abovewithdelims\langle\rangle 2pt h(y)}
+\ext|\aneq \aneqtag{<tag>}|
+When |autonumbering| is on these commands will automatically number
+equations. |\aneq| and |\aneqtag{<tag>}| inserts a bracketed equation number
+in the correct place in the equation depending on whether it is an
+|\eqalign|, |\eqalignno|, or |\leqalignno|. The |\autonumeq{<tag>}| inserts a
+number without brackets. The |<tag>| allows for references to the equation.
+If |autonumbering| is off, the |\aneq| results in nothing and the two forms
+with |<tag>| insert the |<tag>| --- without the |< >| of course.
+For example, |autonumbering| is on,
+x \equiv y \aneq
+is given by
+x \equiv y \aneq
+\eqalignno{ f(x)&\approx K x^{-3/2} & (\autoeqnum{eqfx}.a) \cr
+ &\approx 0 \qquad x \gg 0 & (\ref{eqfx}.b) \cr}
+is given by
+\eqalignno{ f(x)&\approx K x^{-3/2} & (\autoeqnum{eqfx}.a) \cr
+ &\approx 0 \qquad x \gg 0 & (\ref{eqfx}.b) \cr}
+The |eqfx| is the equation tag. However, the
+tag for |eqfx| does not make it to the margin! A better way to do this, and
+one that guarantees that the tag for |eqfx| makes it to the margin is as
+{\silenttrue \autoeqnum{eqfx}}
+\eqalignno{ f(x)&\approx K x^{-3/2} & (\ref{eqfx}.a) \cr
+ &\approx 0 \qquad x \gg 0 & (\ref{eqfx}.b) \cr}
+The \@|\silenttrue| turns on a switch in |\autoeqnum{<...>}| that prevents it
+from writing out its value.
+In this case, the |\autoeqnum{<...>}| is in vertical mode
+so that the tag for |eqfx| will now make it to the margin.
+The command |\ref{eqfx}| will produce the
+(equation) number corresponding to |eqfx|. This construction allows
+both lines of the equation to have the same main equation number.
+\pla\@|\bordermatrix{<top 0>&<top 1>&<top 2>&...&<top n>\cr
+ <side 1>&<first row>\cr
+ ...
+ <side m>&<last row>\cr}|
+The |\bordermatrix| places parens around the |<rows>| in the same way as
+|\pmatrix| and then places the |<top i>| items above and the |<side i>| items
+to the left hand side outside the parens. Thus
+\bordermatrix{ R\backslash C& Col 1 & Col 2 & Col 3 \cr
+ Row 1 & a & b & c \cr
+ Row 2 &\sum_{\ell=1}^n & & \alpha \cr
+ Row 3 & v=0 &\gamma & 1000.0\cr}
+is given by
+\bordermatrix{ R\backslash C& Col 1 & Col 2 & Col 3 \cr
+ Row 1 & a & b & c \cr
+ Row 2 &\sum_{\ell=1}^n & & \alpha \cr
+ Row 3 & v=0 &\gamma & 1000.0\cr}
+\pla\@|\cases{<first math>&<first condition>\cr
+ ...
+ <last math>&<last condition>\cr}|
+This allows for a very simple way of stacking a set of possibilities in an
+equation and putting a large brace on the left hand side. The |<...math>| is
+the mathematics, and is in display math mode, and the |<...condition>|
+is the condition and is in internal horizontal mode \dots\ not
+math mode. Thus
+G(x) = \cases{\vert x\vert & for $x<0$ \cr
+ x^2 & for $x\ge 0$ \cr}
+is given by
+G(x) = \cases{\vert x\vert & for $x<0$ \cr
+ x^2 & for $x\ge 0$ \cr}
+\pla\@|\eqalign ...
+ \eqalign{ <left first row> &<right first row>\cr
+ ...
+ <left last row> &<right last row>\cr}
+ \eqalignno{<left first row> &<right first row>&<first>\cr
+ ...
+ <left last row> &<right last row>&<last>\cr}
+ \leqalignno{<left first row>&<right first row>&<first>\cr
+ ...
+ <left last row> &<right last row>&<last>\cr}|
+All three of these commands allow for a list of equations, or expressions to
+be aligned on a {\bf single} point within the expression. This is usually a
+relation such as $=$ or $\gg$ although any point is possible. The
+|\eqalignno| and |\leqalignno| have an extra field at the end of each row for
+an equation number, which will be printed on the right for the former and on
+the left for the latter. Note that in both cases the actual |<>| field
+appears on the right. Any of the |<left ...>| or |<right ...>| or
+|<...>| may be omitted.
+A major difference between |\eqalign| and |\eqalignno| is that the latter
+always is as wide as the page while the former is its natural width.
+|\openup<dimen>|, immediately after the opening |$$|,
+is used to increase the spacing between the lines of an
+|\eqalign| or its relatives by |<dimen>|. A font relative
+|<unit of measure>| such as |ex| is recommended with |1ex| to start.
+To obtain a lefthand equation number with
+|\eqalign|, or ordinary display mathematics, use |\leqno|.
+\intex\ supplies automatic equation numbering and ways of having a document
+change from left to right hand equation numbering or vice versa. See
+|\lefhandequationnumbering| and |\righthandequationnumbering|.
+For automatic equation numbering use |\autoeqnum{tag}|, |\aneq| and
+An example of an |\eqalign| is
+\eqalign{F(x) &=\int_{-\infty}^x H(y)dy \cr
+ &=x^{3/2} \cr
+ G(z) &\ll 1 \cr}
+ \eqno (12)
+which is given by
+\eqalign{F(x) &=\int_{-\infty}^x H(y)dy \cr
+ &=x^{3/2} \cr
+ G(z) &\ll 1 \cr}
+ \eqno (12)
+Notice the equation number is centered on the right hand side. An example
+for |\eqalignno| is
+\openup 1ex
+\eqalignno{F(x) &=\int_{-\infty}^x H(y)dy \cr
+ &=x^{3/2} &(2.i)\cr
+ G(z) &\ll 1 &(2.ii)\cr}
+is given by
+\openup 1ex
+\eqalignno{F(x) &=\int_{-\infty}^x H(y)dy \cr
+ &=x^{3/2} &(2.i)\cr
+ G(z) &\ll 1 &(2.ii)\cr}
+The use of |\noalign {<text>}| places the |and| at the margin and maintains
+the alignment of the $=$ and $\ll$. This technique will not work with
+|\eqalign| because it does not necessarily take up the full width of the page.
+Note again the placement of the equation numbers.
+\pri\@|\eqno <reference> \leqno <reference>|
+|\eqno| and |\leqno| are used to put an equation |<reference>|, usually a
+number, at the right or left hand side, respectively, of an equation. It can
+be used with any display mathematics except |\[l]eqalignno|.
+\ext\@|\leftequationnumbering \rightequationnumbering|
+These commands when used with the auto equation numbering commands |\aneq|,
+|\aneqtag{<tag>}| or |\autoeqnum{<tag>}| will result in completely left or
+right hand equation numbers whether |\eqalignno| or
+|\leqalignno| is used. However |\eqno| and |\leqno| still result in right and
+left hand equation numbers respectively.\footnote{\dagger}{These defaults are
+subject to negotiation and change. It is quite easy to make the equation
+sides independent of |\eqno| and |\leqno|.}
+\pri\@|\noalign {<text>}|
+This is used in mathematics to insert text that you want at the left hand
+margin between lines in an |\eqalignno| or |\leqalignno|. See the
+|\eqalignno| example.
+\pla\@|\openup <dimen>|
+This is used in display mathematics |$$\openup ... $$| to increase spacing
+between lines in an |\eqalign|, |\eqalignno|, or |\leqalignno|. The dimension
+should be |<decimal number>ex| for font size independence. It does not work
+with |\cases| or |\matrix|.
+\pri\@|\over ... \under ...
+ \overline{<math>} \underline{<math>}
+ \overbrace{<math>} \underbrace{<math>}|
+These commands put lines and braces on top or under the |<math>| expressions.
+\overline{\alpha\beta\gamma} : \underline{2^x_y} :
+is given by
+\overline{\alpha\beta\gamma} : \underline{2^x_y} :
+\pla\@|\dots ... \cdot \cdots \ldots \ddots|
+These produce dots of various flavours. Thus
+[\cdot] : [\cdots] : [\ldots] : [\ddots]
+are given by
+[\cdot] : [\cdots] : [\ldots] : [\ddots]
+\ext\@|\mathopen{<dimen or glue>}|
+This will cause all of the horizontal alignments, such as |\eqalign|,
+|\eqalignno|, |\halign|, |\cases|, |\matrix|, |\bordermatrix|, |\pmatrix|,
+and the table macros within the {\bf group} to be spread apart by
+|<dimen or glue>|. Its effect on tables with rules or lines is probably
+undesirable. {\bf It should be used only within a group such as that implied
+by |$$ ... $$|.}
+\pla\@|\matrix{<entry 11>&<entry 12>&...&<entry 1n>\cr
+ <second row>\cr
+ ...
+ <last row> \cr}
+ \pmatrix{<several rows>\cr}|
+The |\matrix| entry allows for the production of matrices or arrays with an
+arbitrary number of rows and columns. Thus
+ \matrix{ a & b & c \cr
+ \sum_{\ell=1}^n & & \alpha \cr
+ v=0 &\gamma & 1000.0\cr}
+is given by
+ \matrix{ a & b & c \cr
+ \sum_{\ell=1}^n & & \alpha \cr
+ v=0 &\gamma & 1000.0\cr}
+Note that the braces |{..}| were in addition to the rows generated by
+|\matrix|. |\pmatrix| is identical to |\left( \matrix{<rows>\cr} \right)|.
+This just saves the placement of the braces.
+\pla\@|\phantom{<math>} \vphantom{<math>} \sphantom{<hlist>}|
+|\phantom| builds a box the same size as |<math>| but prints a blank.
+|\vphantom| is a box of the same height and depth as |<math>| but of zero
+width \dots\ a custom made strut. |\sphantom| is used when
+strange expansions such as messages create errors using a |\vphantom|.
+All three are used for controlling spacing.
+This puts a square root sign around a |<math>| expression. Thus |$\sqrt{2}$|
+gives $\sqrt{2}$.
+This leaves the |<math>| expression in a box of height and depth zero. It is
+useful for certain kinds of superposition.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thmatsym.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thmatsym.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2e575d2c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thmatsym.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+{\endgraf}Yet what are all such gaieties to me\\Whose thoughts are full of
+indices and surds?\\$x^2+7x+53$\\ $\displaystyle={11\over3}$.\\ }}{
+Four~Riddles, Lewis~Carroll (1832-1898)}}
+\chapterhead{matsym}{MATHEMATICS:\cr SYMBOLS\cr FONTS}
+\tex\ supplies a vast array of mathematical symbols, both in fixed and
+extensible forms. For the most part, the symbols mentioned are available only
+in mathematics mode. Other symbols that are useful in
+regular text mode have been listed in Section \ref{specialtextsymbols}
+This chapter describes the symbols available. These
+symbols can be used in any font size that is on the system. Although it is
+possible to build your own symbols from simpler ones, it takes a little care
+to make sure that they are the correct size for all possible uses.
+\shead{mathfonts}{Ordinary Fonts in Mathematics}
+The mathematics symbol font contains characters that are very similar to
+to text italic font. The major difference is the spacing. {\it For instance} is
+in ordinary italic but $For\ instance$, is in math italic and was invoked with
+|$For\|\]|instance$|, where |\|\] forces the space.
+However, it is an easy matter to put
+roman or {\bf bold} letters in mathematics by just using
+|$x={\bf the\ spot}$| to obtain $x={\bf the\ spot}$. The real fun
+comes with something like the following:
+\def\xbf{{\vec{\bf x}}}
+$$ \xbf = 2^{\xbf^\xbf} $$
+which is given by
+\def\xbf{{\vec{\bf x}}}
+\xbf = 2^{\xbf^\xbf}
+Note that the bold face is scaled correctly up into the superscripts. The
+extra $\{\ldots\}$ are necessary so that the third |\xbf| will look like a
+single token to the second |\@|.
+\shead{mathtypes}{Mathematical Symbol Types}
+Some symbols, even though they may look the same are given different command
+sequences in \tex. The reason for this is that their use demands different
+spacing and line breaking when in mathematics mode.
+For this reason there are four mathematics symbols for a vertical
+bar $\mid$, namely |\mid|, |\left\vert|, |\right\vert|, and |\vert|. The
+first is a {\it relation} -- called {\it Rel} -- like the $=$; the second
+and third are opening and
+closing brackets like ( and ) --- \tex\ calls these {\it openings} and {\it
+closings}; and the last is an {\it ordinary} --- called {\it Ord} --- symbol
+like $\infty$. Two other types are {\it large operators} --- called {\it Op}
+--- like $\sum$ and {\it binary operators} --- called {\it Bin} --- like $+$.
+Finally there is the {\it punctuation} --- called {\it Punct} --- like the
+\shead{greekletters}{Greek Letters}
+All the Greek letters are of type {\it Ord}. They are all assumed to be in
+mathematics mode.
+\@|\alpha {\rm A} A|&$\alpha$ A $A$ \cr
+\@|\beta {\rm B} B|&$\beta$ B $B$\cr
+\@|\gamma \Gamma {\mit\Gamma}|&$\gamma$ $\Gamma$ ${\mit\Gamma}$ \cr
+\@|\delta \Delta {\mit\Delta} |&$\delta$ $\Delta$ ${\mit\Delta}$ \cr
+\@|\epsilon {\rm E} E|&$\epsilon$ E $E$ \cr
+\@|\zeta {\rm Z} Z|&$\zeta$ Z $Z$ \cr
+\@|\eta {\rm H} H|&$\eta$ H $H$ \cr
+\@|\theta \Theta {\mit\Theta} |&$\theta$ $\Theta$ $\mit\Theta$ \cr
+\@|\vartheta|&$\vartheta$ \cr
+\@|\iota {\rm I} I|&$\iota$ I $I$ \cr
+\@|\kappa {\rm K} K |&$\kappa$ K $K$ \cr
+\@|\lambda \Lambda {\mit\Lambda} |&$\lambda$ $\Lambda$ $\mit\Lambda$ \cr
+\@|\mu {\rm M} M |&$\mu$ M $M$ \cr
+\@|\nu {\rm N} N|&$\nu$ N $N$ \cr
+\@|\xi \Xi {\mit\Xi} |&$\xi$ $\Xi$ $\mit\Xi$ \cr
+ |o {\rm O} O|&$o$ O $O$ \cr
+\@|\pi \Pi {\mit\Pi}|&$\pi$ $\Pi$ $\mit\Pi$ \cr
+\@|\rho {\rm R} R|&$\rho$ R $R$\cr
+\@|\sigma \Sigma {\mit\Sigma}|&$\sigma$ $\Sigma$ $\mit\Sigma$ \cr
+\@|\tau {\rm T} T|&$\tau$ T $T$ \cr
+\@|\upsilon \Upsilon {\mit\Upsilon}|&$\upsilon$ $\Upsilon$ $\mit\Upsilon$ \cr
+\@|\phi \Phi {\mit\Phi}|&$\phi$ $\Phi$ $\mit\Phi$ \cr
+\@|\varphi|&$\varphi$ \cr
+\@|\chi {\rm X} X|&$\chi$ X $X$ \cr
+\@|\psi \Psi {\mit\Psi}|&$\psi$ $\Psi$ $\mit\Psi$\cr
+\@|\omega \Omega {\mit\Omega}|&$\omega$ $\Omega$ $\mit\Omega$\cr
+\shead{caligraphic}{Calligraphic Capitals}
+These look like ${\cal A} \ldots{\cal Z}$ and are obtained in math mode by
+the construction |{\cal <capital letter>}| while in math
+\shead{opsrels}{Ords, Operators, and Relations}
+The following is a composite list of the symbols of
+type ordinary, relation and operator supplied by
+{\it plain}. The type is specified along with the symbol. The meaning of the
+type abbreviations has been given in Section \ref{mathtypes}.
+\def\bin{\leavevmode\hbox to 30pt{\it Bin\hss}}
+\def\ord{\leavevmode\hbox to 30pt{\it Ord\hss}}
+\def\rel{\leavevmode\hbox to 30pt{\it Rel\hss}}
+\def\op{\leavevmode\hbox to 30pt{\it Op\hss}}
+\intercolumnsep = {\hskip 3em}
+\numberofcolumns = 2
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$+$\quad\hss}\@|+|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$-$\quad\hss}\@|-|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$=$\quad\hss}\@|=|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not=$\quad\hss}\@|\not=| |\ne| |\neq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$<$\quad\hss}\@|<|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not<$\quad\hss}\@|\not<|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$>$\quad\hss}\@|>|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not>$\quad\hss}\@|\not>|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\aleph$\quad\hss}\@|\aleph|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\amalg$\quad\hss}\@|\amalg|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\angle$\quad\hss}\@|\angle|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\approx$\quad\hss}\@|\approx|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\approx$\quad\hss}\@|\not\approx|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\ast$\quad\hss}\@|\ast| or *
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\asymp$\quad\hss}\@|\asymp|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\backslash$\quad\hss}\@|\backslash|
+\op\hbox to 20pt{$\bigcap$\quad\hss}\@|\bigcap|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\bigcirc$\quad\hss}\@|\bigcirc|
+\op\hbox to 20pt{$\bigcup$\quad\hss}\@|\bigcup|
+\op\hbox to 20pt{$\bigodot$\quad\hss}\@|\bigodot|
+\op\hbox to 20pt{$\bigoplus$\quad\hss}\@|\bigoplus|
+\op\hbox to 20pt{$\bigotimes$\quad\hss}\@|\bigotimes|
+\op\hbox to 20pt{$\bigsqcup$\quad\hss}\@|\bigsqcup|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\bigtriangledown$\quad\hss}\@|\bigtriangledown|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\bigtriangleup$\quad\hss}\@|\bigtriangleup|
+\op\hbox to 20pt{$\biguplus$\quad\hss}\@|\biguplus|
+\op\hbox to 20pt{$\bigvee$\quad\hss}\@|\bigvee|
+\op\hbox to 20pt{$\bigwedge$\quad\hss}\@|\bigwedge|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\bot$\quad\hss}\@|\bot|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\bowtie$\quad\hss}\@|\bowtie|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\bullet$\quad\hss}\@|\bullet|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\cap$\quad\hss}\@|\cap|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\cdot$\quad\hss}\@|\cdot|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\circ$\quad\hss}\@|\circ|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\clubsuit$\quad\hss}\@|\clubsuit|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\cong$\quad\hss}\@|\cong|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\cong$\quad\hss}\@|\not\cong|
+\op\hbox to 20pt{$\coprod$\quad\hss}\@|\coprod|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\cup$\quad\hss}\@|\cup|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\dagger$\quad\hss}\@|\dagger|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\dashv$\quad\hss}\@|\dashv|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\ddagger$\quad\hss}\@|\ddagger|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\diamondsuit$\quad\hss}\@|\diamondsuit|
+\balancecolumnsize = 470pt
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\diamond$\quad\hss}\@|\diamond|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\div$\quad\hss}\@|\div|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\doteq$\quad\hss}\@|\doteq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\Downarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\Downarrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\downarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\downarrow|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\ell$\quad\hss}\@|\ell|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\emptyset$\quad\hss}\@|\emptyset|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\equiv$\quad\hss}\@|\equiv|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\equiv$\quad\hss}\@|\not\equiv|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\exists$\quad\hss}\@|\exists|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\flat$\quad\hss}\@|\flat|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\forall$\quad\hss}\@|\forall|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\frown$\quad\hss}\@|\frown|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\geq$\quad\hss}\@|\ge| \@|\geq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\geq$\quad\hss}\@|\not\geq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\gg$\quad\hss}\@|\gg|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\gg$\quad\hss}\@|\not\gg|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\hbar$\quad\hss}\@|\hbar|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\heartsuit$\quad\hss}\@|\heartsuit|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\hookleftarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\hookleftarrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\hookrightarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\hookrightarrow|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\Im$\quad\hss}\@|\Im|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\imath$\quad\hss}\@|\imath|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\infty$\quad\hss}\@|\infty|
+\op\hbox to 20pt{$\int$\quad\hss}\@|\int|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\in$\quad\hss}\@|\in|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\in$\quad\hss}\@|\not\in|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\jmath$\quad\hss}\@|\jmath|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\Leftarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\Leftarrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\leftarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\leftarrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\leftharpoondown$\quad\hss}\@|\leftharpoondown|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\leftharpoonup$\quad\hss}\@|\leftharpoonup|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\Leftrightarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\Leftrightarrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\leftrightarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\leftrightarrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\leq$\quad\hss}\@|\le| \@|\leq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\leq$\quad\hss}\@|\not\leq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\ll$\quad\hss}\@|\ll|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\ll$\quad\hss}\@|\not\ll|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\Longleftarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\Longleftarrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\longleftarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\longleftarrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\Longleftrightarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\Longleftrightarrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\longleftrightarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\longleftrightarrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\longmapsto$\quad\hss}\@|\longmapsto|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\Longrightarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\Longrightarrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\longrightarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\longrightarrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\mapsto$\quad\hss}\@|\mapsto|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\mid$\quad\hss}\@|\mid|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\models$\quad\hss}\@|\models|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\mp$\quad\hss}\@|\mp|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\nabla$\quad\hss}\@|\nabla|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\natural$\quad\hss}\@|\natural|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\nearrow$\quad\hss}\@|\nearrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\nwarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\nwarrow|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\neg$\quad\hss}\@|\neg| \@|\lnot|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\ni$\quad\hss}\@|\ni| \@|\owns|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\odot$\quad\hss}\@|\odot|
+\op\hbox to 20pt{$\oint$\quad\hss}\@|\oint|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\ominus$\quad\hss}\@|\ominus|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\oplus$\quad\hss}\@|\oplus|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\oslash$\quad\hss}\@|\oslash|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\otimes$\quad\hss}\@|\otimes|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\parallel$\quad\hss}\@|\parallel|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\partial$\quad\hss}\@|\partial|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\perp$\quad\hss}\@|\perp|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\pm$\quad\hss}\@|\pm|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\preceq$\quad\hss}\@|\preceq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\preceq$\quad\hss}\@|\not\preceq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\prec$\quad\hss}\@|\prec|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\prec$\quad\hss}\@|\not\prec|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\prime$\quad\hss}\@|\prime|
+\op\hbox to 20pt{$\prod$\quad\hss}\@|\prod|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\propto$\quad\hss}\@|\propto|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\Re$\quad\hss}\@|\Re|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\Rightarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\Rightarrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\rightarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\rightarrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\rightharpoondown$\quad\hss}\@|\rightharpoondown|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\rightharpoonup$\quad\hss}\@|\rightharpoonup|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\rightleftharpoons$\quad\hss}\@|\rightleftharpoons|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\setminus$\quad\hss}\@|\setminus|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\sharp$\quad\hss}\@|\sharp|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\simeq$\quad\hss}\@|\simeq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\simeq$\quad\hss}\@|\not\simeq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\sim$\quad\hss}\@|\sim|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\sim$\quad\hss}\@|\not\sim|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\smile$\quad\hss}\@|\smile|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\spadesuit$\quad\hss}\@|\spadesuit|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\sqcap$\quad\hss}\@|\sqcap|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\sqcup$\quad\hss}\@|\sqcup|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\sqsubseteq$\quad\hss}\@|\sqsubseteq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\sqsubseteq$\quad\hss}\@|\not\sqsubseteq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\sqsupseteq$\quad\hss}\@|\sqsupseteq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\sqsupseteq$\quad\hss}\@|\not\sqsupseteq|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\star$\quad\hss}\@|\star|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\subseteq$\quad\hss}\@|\subseteq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\subseteq$\quad\hss}\@|\not\subseteq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\subset$\quad\hss}\@|\subset|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\subset$\quad\hss}\@|\not\subset|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\succeq$\quad\hss}\@|\succeq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\succeq$\quad\hss}\@|\not\succeq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\succ$\quad\hss}\@|\succ|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\succ$\quad\hss}\@|\not\succ|
+\op\hbox to 20pt{$\sum$\quad\hss}\@|\sum|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\supseteq$\quad\hss}\@|\supseteq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\supseteq$\quad\hss}\@|\not\supseteq|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\supset$\quad\hss}\@|\supset|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\not\supset$\quad\hss}\@|\not\supset|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\surd$\quad\hss}\@|\surd|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\searrow$\quad\hss}\@|\searrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\swarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\swarrow|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\times$\quad\hss}\@|\times|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\top$\quad\hss}\@|\top|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\triangleleft$\quad\hss}\@|\triangleleft|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\triangleright$\quad\hss}\@|\triangleright|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\triangle$\quad\hss}\@|\triangle|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\uplus$\quad\hss}\@|\uplus|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\Uparrow$\quad\hss}\@|\Uparrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\uparrow$\quad\hss}\@|\uparrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\Updownarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\Updownarrow|
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\updownarrow$\quad\hss}\@|\updownarrow|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\Vert$\quad\hss}\@|\Vert| or |\|\vrt
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\vert$\quad\hss}\@|\vert| or \vrt
+\rel\hbox to 20pt{$\vdash$\quad\hss}\@|\vdash|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\vee$\quad\hss}\@|\lor| \@|\vee|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\wedge$\quad\hss}\@|\land| \@|\wedge|
+\ord\hbox to 20pt{$\wp$\quad\hss}\@|\wp|
+\bin\hbox to 20pt{$\wr$\quad\hss}\@|\wr|
+\shead{delims}{Brackets or Delimiters}
+\tex\ supplies a large variety of delimiters or brackets, some of different
+sizes and others that grow to be the correct size. Here is a list of the
+delimiters supplied by {\it plain}.
+\@|\big\Arrowvert|&center part of double up arrow -- $\big\Arrowvert$\cr
+\@|\big\arrowvert|&center part of up arrow -- $\big\arrowvert$\cr
+\@|\langle|&left angle bracket -- $\langle$\cr
+\@|\rangle|&right angle bracket -- $\rangle$\cr
+\@|\big\bracevert|&center part of large braces -- $\big\bracevert$ \cr
+|\{| or \@|\lbrace|&left brace -- $\{$\cr
+|\}| or \@|\rbrace|&right brace -- $\}$\cr
+|[| or \@|\lbrack|&left square bracket -- $[$\cr
+|]| or \@|\rbrack|&right square bracket -- $]$\cr
+\@|\lceil|&left ceiling -- $\lceil$\cr
+\@|\rceil|&right ceiling -- $\rceil$\cr
+\@|\lfloor|&left floor -- $\lfloor$\cr
+\@|\rfloor|&right floor -- $\rfloor$\cr
+\@|\big\lgroup|&large left paren without middle -- $\big\lgroup$\cr
+\@|\big\rgroup|&large right paren without middle -- $\big\rgroup$\cr
+\@|\big\lmoustache|& -- $\big\lmoustache$\cr
+\@|\big\rmoustache|& -- $\big\rmoustache$\cr
+|/|&slash -- $/$\cr
+\@|\backslash|&reverse slash -- $\backslash$\cr
+\vrt\ or |\vert|&vertical bar -- $\vert$\cr
+|\|\vrt\ or |\Vert|&double vertical bar -- $\Vert$\cr
+|\downarrow|&down arrow -- $\downarrow$\cr
+|\Downarrow|&double down arrow -- $\Downarrow$\cr
+|\uparrow|&up arrow -- $\uparrow$\cr
+|\Uparrow|&double up arrow -- $\Uparrow$\cr
+|\updownarrow|&up-and-down arrow -- $\updownarrow$\cr
+|\Updownarrow|&double up-and-down arrow -- $\Updownarrow$\cr
+|(|&left paren -- $($\cr
+|)|&right paren -- $)$\cr
+Two very powerful operators exist for the delimiters, namely |\left| and
+|\right|. They must be used in pairs as
+\hbox to \hsize{\hss\@|$\left<delimiter> ...\right<delimiter>$|,\hss}
+where the |<delimiter>| is one of the above. The result
+of these operators is a pair of braces that grow the correct size for the
+particular formula in which they are used. This saves you from the problem of
+measuring. A |\right.| implies there is nothing at the place of the right
+delimiter and |\left.| similarly on the left. This allows a delimiter on only
+one side of a formula but to still have the operators match in pairs.
+Finally there is a second set of four pairs of operators, \@|\bigl|, |\Bigl|,
+\@|\biggl|, \@|\Biggl| and the corresponding right hand ones \@|\bigr|, \@|\Bigr|,
+\@|\biggr|, and \@|\Biggr|. These produce big, but fixed size delimiters for instance we have
+ \bigl\{\quad
+ \bigl\{\quad
+\shead{sincos}{Common Mathematical Functions}
+Certain functions such as |sin|, |cos|, and |limsup| for example are shown in
+mathematics text in Roman font. In addition some like |lim| sometimes take
+limits that should be placed in the same way as the limits on the large
+operators ({\it Op}). For example
+\limsup_{t \leftrightarrow \infty}
+\limsup_{t \leftrightarrow \infty}
+There are 32 of these already defined in {\it plain}. They are
+\shead{buildown}{Build Your Own Symbols}
+There are several advanced facilities in \tex\ for building your own symbols.
+However, there is one rather simple form using
+\@|\buildrel <superscript> \over <relation>|. For example
+|\buildrel \triangle \over =| gives $\buildrel \triangle \over =$.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thmulcol.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thmulcol.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47e7462e82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thmulcol.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\chapterhead{mulcol}{MULTICOLUMN\cr FORMAT}
+\intex\ supplies a reasonably versatile multicolumn format mechanism.
+The rest of this chapter is set in the multicolumn format with two columns it
+was called using
+\tolerance = 1000
+\intercolumnsep = {\quad \vrule\quad}
+\numberofcolumns = 2
+\tolerance = 1000
+\intercolumnsep = {\quad \vrule\quad}
+\numberofcolumns = 2
+\shead{mulcolcomlist}{Command List}
+\shead{mulcolform}{Multicolumn Usage}
+Multicolumn format is begun using
+and is terminated with an
+Narrow columns in multicolumn format can make it difficult to produce nice
+looking lines. This is why the |\tolerance| was increased above while in this
+two column mode.
+When the number of columns is specified,
+above it was 2, the {\bf current} space taken by the intercolumn separator and the
+first column offset is used to compute the size of the columns. This
+hopefully will not be of negative width. From this point all input will be
+put in multicolumn format. Footnotes, inserts, and the like that occur
+while multicolumn format is in force will migrate to the appropriate places
+in the column.\footnote{\dagger}{This footnote migrated down to the bottom of
+this page} Figures, tables will all behave as if the column were a page.
+Footnotes and inserts that occur before or after multicolumn format will be
+placed in the appropriate place but with respect to the entire page rather
+than the individual column. A column is completed using an |\ejectcolumn|
+while an |\ejectpage| will complete all the columns on the page.
+\intex\ does not produce balanced columns automatically.
+However, there is a way of hand
+balancing. When the multicolumn format is ended, \intex\ computes
+an estimate of the column length that is needed to produce balanced
+columns on the last page. If this amount is entered by using
+|\balancecolumnsize [=] <dimen>| command somewhere on the page {\bf
+preceding} the last page, the next time the file is processed, \intex\ will
+use |<dimen>| as the vertical size of the columns on the last
+page. It may take a few trials to determine the correct value for the
+|<dimen>|. In this instance
+was inserted here.
+\shead{mulcolcomform}{Command Forms}
+ [=] <column length> |
+This command, when inserted somewhere on the second to last page or before
+multicolumnformat starts if it takes less than a page, will produce columns
+with vertical size |<column length>|.
+This begins multicolumn format and a group.
+This ends multicolumn format and terminates the group.
+This ends and vertical fills a {\bf column}. When not in multicolumn format,
+it will act as an |\ejectpage|.
+This command ends and fills the current column. It then terminates the
+entire page, leaving blank columns as necessary.
+ [=] <dimen>|
+This command reduces the horizontal size by
+amount of 2|<dimen>|. The reduction will show up
+evenly on both side of the page. The \intex\ default is 0pt.
+ [=] {<token list>}|
+The |<token list>| is inserted between every
+column. The vertical lines in this chapter are a result of the
+|\vrule| when the multicolumn format was first called. \intex\ defaults to a
+pure spacing of 2em.
+ [=] <integer>|
+This sets the number of columns and computes the horizontal size of the
+column. The various offsets should be set before this is called. This command
+should be called before any |<text>| is submitted to the multicolumn page.
+\done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thover.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thover.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70362ec6d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thover.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\def\cqu{\cquote{There is no one on earth who does what is right
+all the time and never makes a mistake.}{Ecclesiastes Chap. 7, Verse 20}}
+\chapterhead{over}{OVERFULL BOXES\cr and\cr OTHER DISASTERS}
+Sometimes \tex\ and \intex\ have trouble making a {\it best} decision that is
+good enough. The result of this is a message that there is an {\it overfull}
+or {\it underfull} box. Chapter \ref{parcont} suggests increasing the
+value of |\tolerance| and |\pretolerance| so that \tex\ will accept worse
+looking lines. This is fine except that the result is less than beautiful.
+\tex\ indicates an overfull box by putting a big ugly black line at the end.
+This book has a few overfull boxes to demonstrate how they look. This chapter
+suggests ways of both avoiding and hiding overfull boxes.
+\shead{overcomform}{Command Forms}
+\pri\@|\hfuzz [=] <dimen>|&\tex\ tells of overfull horizontal boxes only if
+they are overfull by more than |<dimen>|. {\it Plain} default is 0.1pt. \cr
+\pri\@|\overfullrule [=] <dimen>|&\tex\ places a rule or line of width
+|<dimen>| at the end of an overfull box and of the same height as the box.\cr
+\pri\@|\vfuzz [=] <dimen>|&\tex\ tells of overfull vertical boxes only if
+they are overfull by more than |<dimen>|. {\it Plain} default is 0.1pt. \cr
+\shead{action}{Overfull Boxes --- Action}
+The recommended way to handle an overfull box is to rewrite the passage that
+is causing the offence. This will generally work quite well if the box is an
+isolated event. It has the feature of not destroying the beauty of the
+However, if you want to hear about overfull boxes but don't want the black
+marks let |\overfullrule = 0pt|. If you don't want to hear about them,
+increase the size of |\hfuzz| and |\vfuzz|.
+|\finalversion| increases |\hfuzz| and obliterates the black marks.
+Overfull |vboxes| are quite rare, as are underfull |hboxes|. If there is an
+underfull |hbox|, check it very carefully. The most likely error is not
+putting in glue to fill in the box. An example would be using |\line|
+instead of |\centerline|.
+Underfull |vboxes| are not as rare. They result when the |vboxes|
+on the page are quite large and the glue between them is not very stretchy.
+Pages with figures, tables or multicolumn format are the most likely
+candidates. The only solution may be a rearrangement of material in the
+document, forced filling of the bottom of the page. \tex\ provides a
+\@|\raggedbottom| command that puts glue at the bottom of a short page to
+prevent it from being stretched out. Whether this is an adequate solution to
+the problem is a matter of aesthetic debate.
+In general, information about over and under full boxes is desirable.
+\begingroup \bf
+When \tex\ indicates that there is an underfull box, it stretches, unless
+|\raggedbottom| is active, all stretchable glue. This may result in pages
+that look strange. Only glue between paragraphs, before and after display
+mathematics, between all list items, and before section \dots\ heads is
+stretchable. Interline glue is not stretchable either in {\it Plain\/} or
+\intex. In extreme cases (badness greater 10000) the page will have very
+disturbing spacing indeed.
+\done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thp2.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thp2.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..850fd38aae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thp2.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+%\inputtocfiles = {\checklistopen{toc}\inputwithcheck{masth.toc}}
+%\catcode`\@=11 \s@ubdocumentfalse \catcode`\@=12
+\romanpagenumber = 1
+\preludehead{Preface} \specialpagestyle
+This volume is a reference manual for \intex\ and \TeX82. It should not be considered a
+substitute for the \texbook. Indeed, when there is a conflict between the two
+it should be assumed that the \texbook\ is correct. This author expresses an
+immense debt of gratitude to
+Donald Knuth, the Grand \TeX Wizard, originator of \TeX, and the
+author of the \texbook[\cite{[Knut84]}]. Indeed many of the macros that have been used for
+this book have been borrowed from those used for the production of the
+Any deficiencies in the aesthetics of the layout of this book lie with the
+author and not the \TeX\ that was used to produce it. \TeX\ is an exceedingly
+powerful system. Full exploitation of its capabilities will probably be
+limited to a few persons. However, it is possible, and will indeed happen,
+that there will be a number of systems based on \TeX\ that will be simple to
+use and aesthetically pleasing \dots\ at least in your local environment.
+\intex\ is one of these.
+This book is organized so that the information may be accessed in two ways.
+The main objective is to introduce the names and syntax of commands used
+in \TeX. \TeX\ is an {\it extensible language}. By this it is meant that it is
+possible, and indeed quite easy, to add commands of your own to the set
+supplied. The \texbook[\cite{[Knut84]}] discusses in
+detail those that are primitives in the
+language and those that have been added in the basic package known as
+\plain. There are about 300 primitive and 600 more in \plain. This book
+introduces enhancements under the name of \intex. These constitute a document
+preparation package that make both an author's and secretary's life
+considerably easier. Several hundred more commands are added in \intex.
+However, these large numbers should not be considered too frightening. A very
+large number of the commands are for special symbols. In fact for most users,
+the most useful commands are the ones added
+to make the production of documents reasonably simple and automatic. However,
+{\it automatic} has its limitations. On the one hand there is the very real
+difference between people on what constitutes a beautiful layout, and on the
+other there is the problem of describing linguistically an algorithm or
+recipe for that individual beauty.
+In fact beauty is usually compromised by expediency. The additional commands
+described for the various styles, books, reports, and letters attempt to
+balance the two. As much as possible is done automatically. There will be
+compromises that are not always appropriate. However, there is always a way,
+usually simple, to specifically modify a single item. Actions of this sort
+are only taken as a last resort. The problem is that subsequent changes in
+other parts may make the specific local change all wrong. It is probably a
+truism that there is never a {\bf final} version of a document.
+\cquote{The best time for planning a book is while you are doing the
+dishes.}{Agatha Christie}
+\cquote{No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for
+money.}{Boswell's ``Life~of~Johnson (1709-1784)'' [April~5,~1776]}
+\def\ftn{}%footnote problem
+\def\cr{ }%\cr print problem
+\let\twelvett=\tentt % ugh!
+\preludehead{Table of Contents} \specialpagestyle
+\inputtocfiles = { \inputwithcheck{masth.toc} }
+\ifodd\pageno \vglue 0ptplus1fill
+ \pslide \intex// \centergraph{\refoffset h:.75 v:.75
+ \btg \inrslogo h:0 v:0 sc:2
+ \etg}// \fi
+\cquote{Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them.}{Essays
+on Tragedy, David~Hume (1711-1776)}
+\chapterhead{Intro}{\tex\cr and\cr \intex}
+\tex\ is a typesetting
+system\footnote{\dagger}{In fact \tex\ is a very versatile system providing
+a powerful language facility that can be used to create author aids
+for the production of documents. \intex\ is an example of an integrated
+version of such aids.}
+developed by Prof. Donald Knuth of Stanford
+University for the production of beautiful books. The intent was to
+automatically duplicate the format of the second edition of a
+text whose first edition was typeset, for the most part, manually. It has
+grown, and is becoming the basis of some very powerful document production
+\tex\ is many things. It is first and foremost a language in which to tell a
+computer how to {\bf beautifully} typeset text --- all sorts of text. It allows for the use of
+symbols such as $\star$, that are not found on your normal typewriter to be
+produced by typing |\star| using letters that usually are. It goes beyond the
+simple single character and makes it possible to display a mathematics
+equation such as
+\sum_{n=1}^k n^2 = {n(n+1)\over 2}
+in the middle of the page by just typing
+\sum_{n=1}^k n^2 = {n(n+1)\over 2}
+It produces better looking words by moving the ``a'' closer to the ``T'' in
+such words as ``Tag'' to compensate for the visual effect of the overhang of
+the top of the ``T''. It produces better looking paragraphs by absorbing the
+whole paragraph before attempting to break lines. This means that decisions
+near the top will not lead to disasters later on. It produces better looking
+pages by considering what is on the following page before attempting to break
+the present one. This prevents such visual disruptions as those
+caused by single line paragraphs at the top or bottom of pages.
+\tex\ is rapidly becoming the basis of document preparation systems,
+including \intex\ described in this book.
+Documents are made up of parts that are not usually
+thought of in terms of how they look. Parts such as sections, paragraphs,
+lists, footnotes, chapters, introductions or prefaces. \tex\ has very
+powerful facilities for creating systems for dealing with these parts and
+making decisions on how they should be displayed. These facilities really
+make up a language whose {\it primitive} parts are used to make more powerful
+\shead{TeXlevels}{The \tex\ language --- primitive, plain, and extended}
+As with most systems, the
+more complex parts are built from more primitive parts. {\it Primitives} in
+\tex\ supply the fundamental facilities for both typesetting and language
+extension. The first set of extensions are those in the {\it plain} package
+supplied with a {\it raw} \tex\ system. The definitive description of
+the \tex\ {\it primitives}, and the associated extension {\it plain}, is in
+the \texbook\ of Donald Knuth. The \texbook\ shows how to use these commands
+and explores some of the implications.
+The \texbook\ is aimed at all users of
+\tex\ --- the system builder and the end user. This book is aimed primarily
+at the end user and more especially the user of \intex.
+It briefly discusses the basic text and page building
+philosophy on which \tex\ is based.
+It gathers together most, but not all of the commands in the
+\texbook\ and displays their required syntax, and gives some uses. It does
+not explore them too deeply. Further examples will be found in the
+{\bf \tex\ Example Book} that will be published as soon as it is compiled.
+In addition it describes \intex, a document preparation system that has been built on
+top of {\it plain}. At present, this includes styles for papers, reports, and
+books. In addition it aids in the preparation of documents by automatically
+generating, tables of contents, simple indexes, and numbering such
+as chapters, sections, equations, tables. Finally it allows for symbolic
+referencing of any of these parts.
+\shead{editors}{\tex\ editors}
+Any text editor can be used to create a \tex\ document. Only those characters
+normally found on a keyboard are used and there are facilities in \tex\ to
+allow for those special keyboards and screen systems that can display
+different characters. For instance it might be that a French keyboard has the
+letter \'e on it and the screen can display it in that form. This can be
+encoded as single key and translated by \tex. Less capable keyboards would
+actually type a |\'e| to obtain the \'e.
+Another feature that makes life easier for producing a document on a text
+editor is the ability to match a left |{| with a right |}|.
+\tex\ uses these extensively to {\it group} things together and sometimes can
+get upset in quite mysterious ways when they do not.
+It is also quite useful to be able to edit several parts of the
+document at the same time. Newer editors allow this.
+A \tex\ editor does not really exist \dots\ for a number of reasons.
+A major objective of such an editor would be
+as a means of catching (\tex) errors on
+input and to facilitate modifications of the file for better layout. An
+editor of that sort must know an awful lot, not only about \tex, but also
+your extended version. Another objective would be to allow coordinated views
+of the input file and the \tex printed output,
+so that the effect of both major and
+minor changes would be evident. This is conceivable, but still for the
+It is possible to argue that an editor that ``showed you what you get'' is
+ideal for a document preparation and typesetting system. The difficulty with
+this argument is that there is no language that adequately encompasses the
+graphics on the screen with the place of, say a summation sign, $\sum$ in a
+mathematical equation. In some cases the semantics of the resulting document
+is varied by a change in the display format and in other cases it is not.
+In some cases different semantic objects, such as an {\it IF} in a computer
+program and the {\it if } in a sentence are distinguished by font style, and
+sometimes not. At the document level, it is the semantics of the entity that
+is important. It may or may not show up in a format change.
+\shead{gentyp}{Generic Typesetting}
+The opposite extreme to the ``see what you get'' school is the giving of
+semantic tags to each entity in the document and deciding later how they will
+be displayed. This means that it is possible to change your mind about the
+way a, say {\it keyword}, will be displayed and change it consistently
+throughout the document. This approach appears to be possible in a
+constrained environment and has been successfully applied by
+DIGITAL[\cite{[Digi83]}] to the production of their manuals for the VAX11/780.
+\tex\ can be the basis of such a system too.
+\intex\ is
+a system to aid in the preparation of documents in several languages using
+ordinary fonts. The system, excluding its graphics component, is usable
+with any \TeX\ system but is most useful, when using ordinary {\tt cm}
+fonts with an ML\TeX\ system. The graphics component will work with any
+reasonable PostScript printer and driver. The version at INRS/BNR uses a
+modified version of Nelson~Beebe's DVIALW on the VAX/VMS and the IBM~PC and
+uses Tom~Rokiki's DVIPS on the UNIX workstations.
+The two languages actually used are French and English. The
+pieces, all relatively independent, are as follows:
+\li $\bullet$ the \intex\ macro package kernel. This includes all the
+facilities needed for
+\li $\circ$ section and chapter heads,
+\li $\circ$ lists,
+\li $\circ$ {\bf easy} tables,
+\li $\circ$ {\it floating} figure and table insertions,
+\li $\circ$ footnotes,
+\li $\circ$ automatic generation of table of contents, list of figures, and
+list of tables,
+\li $\circ$ automatic numbering of equations, section heads, etc.,
+\li $\circ$ symbolic referencing of equations, sections, etc.,
+\li $\circ$ optional margin notes to aid in keeping track of symbolic
+\li $\circ$ automatic generation of citation lists (IEEE style only)
+\li $\circ$ a {\it subdocument} feature for building large documents in
+\li $\bullet$ additional packages for special forms. The modular form of the
+kernel allows for modifications of what is inside and out. At the present
+these include
+\li $\circ$ a verbatim style using {\tt typewriter} fonts for such things as
+program listings,
+\li $\circ$ a several document styles including a |<<PAPER STYLE>>|,
+|<<BOOK STYLE>>|, |<<REPORT STYLE>>|. Some of these are rather specialized.
+\li $\circ$ \TeX graph, a graphics system for drawing figures and inserting
+external figures. This uses the graphics primitives of a PostScript
+printer. It is {\it inside} rather than outside the \TeX\ system.
+\li $\circ$ memo macros {\bf including} graphics for letterhead,
+\li $\circ$ slide making {\bf including} graphics for letterhead,
+\li $\bullet$ templates for various styles. This makes their use as easy as
+filling in blanks.
+\li $\bullet$ {\bf MLTeX} is an {\bf extension} to \TeX\ 3.+ that
+allows hyphenation of words with explicitly accented letters
+words while using ordinary {\tt cm} fonts.
+\li $\bullet$ {\bf DVIALW}, a PostScript driver, written by Nelson~Beebe
+has been modified by INRS to allow inline PostScript for \TeX Graph.
+There is also a version of \TeX Graph that will work with
+Tom~Rokiki's {\bf DVIPS}.
+\intex\ may be viewed from several perspectives.
+\li $\bullet$ At the user level, it is a
+set of procedures that augment the {\it plain} macros supplied with \TeX.
+These aid the author in building a document by making shuffling of such
+things as sections, equations, figures, and tables sufficiently painless that
+they will be done. It helps the secretary/typist by making it easier to
+respond to changes. To work most effectively, the author, at the
+{\it pencil} input level, should be aware of the power of the system.
+\li $\bullet$ At the document formatting level, parameters and features are
+available to modify various spacings, headers, footers, etc.
+\li $\bullet$ At the document design level, the various internal formatting
+forms are available, {\bf independently} of the housekeeping functions for the
+automatic generation of section, equation, and figure numbers, or such things
+as the table of contents.
+\shead{language}{English and French --- Together}
+\intex\ supports both English and French document preparation,
+and is easily extendable to other languages . It does this through
+the generation of messages and various forms from within the \intex\ kernel
+and through the \mtex\ extension that allows for language dependent hyphenation
+of words with and without accents. An example of a kernel form variation is the
+change from ``Chapter'' to ``Chapitre'' when a |\chapterhead| is called in
+French rather than in English. |\englishversion| calls the English forms and
+|\versionfrancaise| the French forms.
+\shead{scope}{Scope of Book}
+This book will introduce the first version of the document preparation
+system, to be called \intex, that is used at INRS/BNR.
+It will describe virtually all of the symbols and
+commands that have been introduced in the \texbook\ with the exception of
+those used for symbol definitions and output routines. All of the accessible
+and changeable parameters will be listed and grouped according to function.
+Most chapters will begin with a list of commands that will be discussed in that
+chapter. Some discussion of where and how these will be used and what will be
+accomplished using them follows. Then there will be a list of the individual
+commands with their normal usage syntax. An index of these commands will be
+found at the end of the book.
+\def\cqu{\cquote{We ought to give the whole of our attention to
+the most insignificant and most easily mastered facts, and remain a long time
+in contemplation of them until we are accustomed to behold the truth clearly
+and distinctly}{Rules for the Direction of the Mind, Rule IX,
+Ren\'e~Descartes (1596-1650)}}
+\chapterhead{descom}{\tex\ COMMANDS:\cr DESCRIPTION\cr FORM}
+In this book commands, command parameters, and characters that you might be
+expected to type in at a terminal are shown in {\tt typewriter} font. Thus a
+file that would typeset the 23$^{rd}$ psalm below
+\beginnarrowtext 1in
+The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want;
+He maketh me to lie down in green pastures,
+He leadth me beside the still waters;
+He restoreth my soul.
+is given by
+\beginnarrowtext 1in
+The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want;
+He maketh me to lie down in green pastures,
+He leadth me beside the still waters;
+He restoreth my soul.
+The actual commands and their meaning will be described in later chapters.
+However, it should be possible to guess what they do from their common sense
+meaning (noting, of course that a |\| starts a command).
+When a listing is shown in this manner, it is assumed that each line
+is terminated by a |<return>|. The |<return>|, abbreviated by |<cr>| will
+only be explicitly shown when there might be some confusion.
+\shead{telltex}{Commands TO \tex\ and \intex }
+A command is the way to tell \tex\ to do something. \tex\ responds to both
+{\it verbose}, single character commands, and {\it one} implicit command.
+Verbose commands always start with an {\it escape character} which for most \tex\
+systems, and in this book, is the backslash |\|. The command name is
+a string of {\it letters} and the end of the command is shown by a
+non-letter, usually a blank, although a number such as 1, or a special
+character such as |{| or |,| will do.
+A typical
+verbose command
+might be the |\beginnarrowtext| used above. It takes a parameter which is a
+{\it dimension} and is delimited by a final space. The form of the command
+description would be |\beginnarrowtext <indent dimen>|\].
+{\bf Note that the brackets |<| and |>| should not be typed.}
+If a parameter or entity in the command is optional it is enclosed in
+square brackets |[...]|.
+For example, the $=$
+when setting the {\it outer page size} as in
+|\houterpagesize [=] <page size dimen>| is optional. Readability suggests
+that they should be included.
+{\it Verbose} commands ignore spaces between the command and the following
+Single character commands are not preceded by a |\|, obviously, and exist
+primarily to improve readability and ease of typing. An example is |^| for
+superscripting or |~| to {\it tie} two words together. The major difference
+between these and the verbose commands is that spaces or blanks after them
+are {\bf not} ignored.
+Finally, \tex\ has one implicit command, namely a blank line, which signifies
+the end of a paragraph and hence is equivalent to |\par|. Several blank lines
+are equivalent to only one. In addition, a line that has only a \tex\
+comment, for example
+%This line is a TeX comment because it starts with a %
+is a blank line. |\par| and blank lines are {\bf not} allowed in |\halign| or in
+display mathematics mode.
+\shead{comdesc}{\tex\ Command Description}
+The general form used to describe \tex\ commands is
+\<command> <parameters>
+If blank space is shown in the description, that space is optional and there
+be several of them. In fact the command can be split at that point and placed
+on the next line with no ensuing problems. On the other hand a \] implies that
+the blank space {\bf must} be there.
+Finally the commands are shown preceded by one of $\bullet$, $\diamond$, or
+$\star$, and are {\it primitive}, {\it plain}, or \intex\ respectively.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thpagsiz.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thpagsiz.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..460fee3027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thpagsiz.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\def\cqu{\cquote{It is when I am struggling to be brief that
+I become unintelligible.}{Ars Poetica, Horace (65-8~BC)}
+\chapterhead{pagsiz}{PAGES:\cr SIZES\cr MAGNIFICATION}
+\intex\ has a number of page size parameters that are set to make the output
+possible on different devices, and to facilitate special formats.
+All page size
+parameter changes are made in assignment fashion with an optional |[=]| sign.
+All page size changes must be made inside a
+\@|\documentstyle| list in order to insure that they take effect.
+Figure~\ref{pagdiag} diagrams the various dimensions.
+\input pagdiag
+\figureform{pagdiag}{Diagram of the various page dimensions.\captionbody{
+ The actual printing area is determined by the computed dimensions
+{\tt \1hinnerpagesize} and {\tt \1vinnerpagesize}. The {\tt outer} dimensions
+are normally specified. The {\tt \1firstcolumnoffset} is normally
+0pt.}}{\centergraph{ \pagdiag sc:.8 }}
+\shead{pagecomlist}{Command List}
+\shead{pagesandmargins}{Page Size Setting and Margins}
+These commands define and set the various page sizes. Only the |outer| and
+|header|, and |paper| commands should be changed.
+\intex\ also has some |inner| and |column| sizes. These are computed and
+should not be modified -- although they are accessible. See
+Section~{\ref{inner}}, page \pref{inner} for details.
+{\bf All dimension changes must be made inside a |\documentstyle| command or
+they will not necessarily take effect.}
+This section details the various parameters used to
+name and describe the parts of the printed page that can be varied.
+The general convention is that |\h<name>| names a horizontal dimension
+and |\v<name>| names the corresponding vertical dimension. The various
+|<name>|s are
+|outerpagesize|&{this is the extent of the area allowed
+ for printing. It includes all headers,
+ footers, footnotes \dots\
+ \@|\vouterpagesize| and \@|\houterpagesize|
+ are the vertical and horizontal
+ forms}\cr
+|papersize|&{this is the ``physical'' size of the paper and includes all
+ the |outerpagesizes| plus
+ margins. The actual
+ vertical extent of the paper
+ is \@|\vpapersize| and
+ the actual width of the
+ paper is is the size of \@|\hpapersize|.
+The default values are correct for
+11in by 8.5in paper but must be increased for
+14in by 8.5in (Legal size) paper.}\cr
+\@|\vsize|&the actual verticalsize of the present page. This is set at the time when the
+first material is submitted for putting on the page. In \intex\ it is usually
+the |\vcolumnsize|. It should be changed only with knowledge.\cr
+\@|\hsize|&the actual horizontal size of the present {\bf box} in which \tex\ is
+working. This may be a page or some box that is to be eventually placed on
+the page.
+This is set at the time when
+first material is submitted for putting on the page. In \intex\ |\hsize| is
+the |\hcolumnsize|. \cr
+Assignments are made in the normal way. The general form is
+\@|\<dimen name> [=] <dimen>|
+where |<dimen>| is a dimension. Thus the papersize, margins,
+and outer page sizes are set in \intex\ by
+\documentstyle{\vpapersize = 11in
+ \hpapersize = 8.5in
+ \vouterpagesize=9in
+ \houterpagesize=6.5in
+ \leftmarginsize=1.25in
+ \topmarginsize=1in}
+These values are actually set for the paper style in {\tt papersty.tex}.
+\tex\ is able to magnify an entire document through its
+|\magnification| parameter. The form is
+\pri\@|\mag [=] <1000 times scale factor>|
+The document is magnified by the |<scale factor>|, times any |texprint|
+magnification. It can appear only once and should appear at the beginning of
+the document. {\bf It should be used with extreme caution. The results may
+be too big for the output device.} The {\it plain} form |\magnification| has
+been defined to be the same as |\mag|. The reason is that |\magnification| in
+{\it plain} also sets page sizes which is inappropriate here. \TeX Graph will
+scale correctly when using |\mag|.
+This is a valid magnification scaling for the |\magnification| command. The
+actual magnification is $1.2^{\langle{\rm integer}\rangle}$.
+Thus |<integer>=3| implies a
+magnification of 1.728.
+In fact there are two points at which
+magnification can occur. The first is in the \tex\ document and the second is
+when it is printed. All that is important is the final magnification. A
+magnified document may be printed only if all the fonts are available at the
+magnifications requested. In general, magnification should be controlled by
+\intex\ so that \TeX Graph will operate correctly.
+\shead{inner}{Internal and Computed Sizes}
+\intex\ is actually in multicolumn mode at all times. The default though is
+just one column. In order to live in this world \intex\ understands |inner|
+and |column| sizes. The |column| sizes are the actual sizes that are used to
+for the text. The |inner| horizontal size is the sum of the column widths and
+the intercolumn spacing. To this is added a \@|\leftcolumnoffset| (twice) to
+obtain the |\houterpagesize|. Normally the |\leftcolumnoffset| is zero. The
+effect of a left column offset is to inset the pages with respect to the
+header/footer boxes whose width is the |\houterpagesize|. Thus
+|columnsize|&this is the actual size of the column
+ where the text is printed. Footnotes
+ are inside the column. In single
+ column format columnsize and innerpagesize
+ are the same
+ (\@|\vcolumnsize|, \@|\hcolumnsize|) \cr
+|innerpagesize|&this is the size of the page left after
+ the headers and footers have been removed
+ (\@|\vinnerpagesize|, \@|\hinnerpagesize|) \cr
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thpagsty.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thpagsty.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c1e097679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thpagsty.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\def\cqu{\cquote{Insanity is often the logic of an accurate mind overtaxed.}{The
+Autocrat at the Breakfast Table, Oliver~Wendell~Holmes (1809-1894)}
+\chapterhead{pagsty}{HEADERS\cr FOOTERS\cr and PAGE NUMBERS}
+\vskip 0pt plus 30pt
+\intex\ supplies a large number of facilities for controlling the style of
+such things as headers, footers, and page numbering. This chapter discusses
+those facilities. Multicolumn formatting is discussed separately (see
+Chapter~\ref{mulcol}). Of special importance is the command
+|\documentstyle{<page styles>}|. This command sets the default values for the
+entire document. Thus
+ \normalheaderstyle
+ \normalfooterstyle
+ \vheadersize=1.5cm
+ \vfootersize=2cm}
+would set the entire document in |\twelvepoint| fonts, set the default
+header and footer styles to ``normal'', and set the header and footer
+vertical sizes. |\documentstyle| does a |\setpagesizes| to ensure that the
+page sizes have been computed.
+\shead{pagstycomlist}{COMMAND LIST}
+\shead{pagenumbers}{Page Numbers}
+Page numbers are assigned by |\pagenumber [=] <new page number>| where
+|<new page number>| is an integer. Similarly roman numerals are assigned
+by |\romanpagenumber [=] <new page number>| again where |<new page number>|
+is an integer. To print the current page number use |\folio|. This will
+give a lowercase roman or an ordinary integer. To obtain uppercase roman use
+|\uppercase{\folio}| where the number is expected to be roman. Roman
+numbers are actually held inside \tex\ as negative numbers and print out
+negative as well when the file is being processed.
+Normally the page number advances at the end of each page. However, it is
+possible to prevent it from advancing for one page only, at a time, by
+inserting |\nopagenumberadvance| into the file.
+This prints out the current page number in either arabic or lower case roman
+as the case may be. \@|\uppercase\folio| produces an uppercase roman page
+number, or an integer, if the page number is not roman.
+This command in the file means that the page number will not advance for this
+page. It lasts for only {\bf one} page.
+\ext\@|\pagenumber [=] <new page number>|
+This assigns the pagenumber to be the integer value of |<new page number>|.
+\ext\@|\romanpagenumber [=] <new page number>|
+This sets the pagenumber to be roman style with
+the integer value of |<new page number>|.
+\shead{headfoot}{Header and Footer Styles}
+Headers and footers appear at the top and bottom of a page respectively. In
+general they carry information such as page number, section number, or even
+report and paper type. In this book the footer does not exist and the header
+carries the chapter name and page number on even pages and the current
+section and page on odd pages. Three styles of header and footer are
+supported, blank, normal or special (with text), and none.
+Headers and footers are boxes
+with width |\houterpagesize| and height determined by the setting of
+\@|\vheadersize = <dimen>| and \@|\vfootersize = <dimen>| respectively.
+Blank headers/footers exist
+but have nothing printed in them. Normal (special)
+headers/footers have the normal (special)
+header/footer text printed, and no headers/footers have the space that is
+normally taken up by the header/footer box returned to the main page. The
+three headers styles are called by |\blankheaderstyle|, |\normalheaderstyle|,
+and |\noheaderstyle|. Similarly for footers. However, all of these styles
+last for {\bf one} page only {\bf unless included as an argument to}
+\@|\documentstyle| whereupon they become the default values of the document.
+Finally several
+styles have been gathered together. |\titlepagestyle| h blanks out
+the header and footer, while |\fullpagestyle| which deletes both headers and
+footers. |\normalpagestyle| prints the text defined by |\headertext| and
+|\footertext| while |\specialpagestyle| prints out the text defined by
+|\specialheadertext| and |\specialfootertext|. All of these styles last for
+{\bf one} page only, whereupon the system reverts to the document style.
+\ext\@|\blankheaderstyle \blankfooterstyle|
+Does not allow the header/footer text to be printed and lasts for one
+page only.
+\ext\@|\documentstyle{<list of style types>}|
+Sets the default or document style types to those in
+|<list of style types>|. The default style types may be changed as often as
+desired in any given document.
+This is equivalent to both |\noheaderstyle| and |\nofooterstyle|. It lasts
+one page only.
+\ext\@|\noheaderstyle \nofooterstyle|
+This effectively returns the space occupied by the header/footer to the inner
+page. Either one lasts for one page only.
+\ext\@|\normalheaderstyle \normalfooterstyle|
+The normal header/footer text prints in the box assigned to it.
+This is equivalent to both |\normalheaderstyle| and |\normalfooterstyle|. It
+lasts for one page only.
+\ext\@|\specialheaderstyle \specialfooterstyle|
+The special header/footer text prints in the header/footer box on
+that particular page only.
+This is equivalent to both |\specialheaderstyle| and |\specialfooterstyle|. It
+lasts for one page only.
+This is equivalent to |\blankheaderstyle| and |\blankfooterstyle|. It last
+only one page.
+\shead{headfoottext}{Header and Footer Text/Sizes}
+The header and footer text should be thought of a token string that is being
+put into a box of the appropriate size and shape. Any logic to test pages for
+placing information in different ways on, say even or odd pages should be
+included in this text.
+\ext\@|\headertext [=] {<token list>}|
+\ext\@|\footertext [=] {<token list>}|
+\ext\@|\specialheadertext [=] {<token list>}|
+\ext\@|\specialfootertext [=] {<token list>}|
+This is the text that creates the formats for the headers and footers in the
+various styles. The \tex\ commands that do the formatting are
+the |<token list>|. The defaults are no header and a footer with a centered
+page number for the |<<PAPER STYLE>>|, the ones in this book for the
+|<<BOOK STYLE>>|. Others will be indicated when those styles are discussed.
+The |\special...text| forms are used whenever a |\| is in
+\ext\@|\vheadersize [=] <dimen>|
+\ext\@|\vfooterersize [=] <dimen>|
+These commands set the size of the headers and footers respectively.
+In order to ensure that the correct innerpagesize results after a header or
+footer size change, they should be followed with a |\setpagesizes|.
+should be made large enough to include all the |\headertext| or
+|\footertext|, and some additional white space.
+\done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thparcon.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thparcon.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3759f2cd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thparcon.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\def\cqu{\cquote{The Beautiful arises from the perceived harmony of an object, whether
+sight or sound, with inborn and constitutive rules of judgment and
+imagination: and it is always intuitive.}{On the Principles of General
+Criticism, Samuel~Taylor~Coleridge (1772-1834)}
+\chapterhead{parcont}{PARAGRAPH\cr CONTROL}
+Contrary to intuition, \TeX\ indicates where paragraphs end rather than
+where they begin. This chapter discusses some of the parameters used in
+controlling the justification, spacing, hyphenation,and indentation in
+paragraphs. A
+paragraph can be built in either vertical or internal vertical mode, the
+latter is the same as being inside a vertical box.
+When parameters are set inside a vertical box, they are undone when leaving
+the box.
+When building a paragraph,
+\tex\ is in horizontal mode. All parameters are local to a box or group unless
+explicitly made |\global|. The parameters discussed here control interword
+spacing in a paragraph, with and without hyphenation, the indentation,
+interparagraph vertical skips, and the justification of the lines. Some
+advanced features can force a paragraph to be either a line shorter or longer
+than its best length. Some of these features are for fine tuning and will
+probably not
+be used except on the |final| pass of a book. Others, such as those
+involving paragraph indentation, justification of lines, or certain special
+effects will see more use.
+\def\paragraphcenterline{\advance\rightskip by 0pt plus 1fill
+ \advance\leftskip by
+ 0pt plus 1fill \def\cr{\par}\parindent = 0pt}
+\beginnarrowtext 1.5in
+For instance, this paragraph has had its margins pushed in by 1.5 inch on
+either side by the use of |\beginnarrowtext 1.5in| and has had each of the
+resulting lines centered on the page with the |\paragraphcenterline| command.
+This latter command is in fact used by \intex\ to center, and prevent
+hyphenation in titles.
+A second example is illustrated in this paragraph with the |\veryraggedright|
+command. This prevents hyphenation and causes the paragraphs to have no
+right justification. Although it is probably not useful for ordinary text, it
+is used in section headings, table of contents, and figure captions, to
+automatically display verbose text. \par
+Another useful command, |\obeylines|, is especially for such things as
+It changes the carriage return |<cr>| from a space to real line
+terminator. For instance the address
+H.J. Common
+3479 Dreary Lane
+was produced by
+H.J. Common
+3479 Dreary Lane
+Note that the |\obeylines| is inside a group to limit its effect to just the
+one paragraph. This is really the only way to undo the effect of some
+commands and has the advantage of returning to the state before entry into
+the group. {\bf Note also that the address is indented.}
+The indentation is the
+value of the current |\parindent|.
+Finally there are two other parameters of general interest. These are
+|\rightskip| and |\leftskip|. Whenever \tex\ finds the {\bf end} of a
+paragraph, it checks the current values of |\rightskip| and
+|\leftskip| and appends this amount of glue on the end of each line while it
+is making the paragraph. This paragraph was set with |\rightskip = 1cm|
+right here
+\rightskip = 1cm
+and |\leftskip = 3cm| right here.
+\leftskip = 3cm
+Note that it affected the entire paragraph. The entire paragraph is inside a
+group. In fact a |\par \endgroup| was put at the end to make sure that
+\tex\ knew that the paragraph ended {\bf before} leaving the group.
+\shead{parcontlist}{Command List}
+\hfuzz = 20pt
+\shead{parcontcoms}{Command Forms}
+\ext|\beginnarrowtext <dimen>|\]
+This narrows the size of the margins on both the left and right hand side by
+|<dimen>|. It starts a group and is terminated by an |\endnarrowtext|. The
+raggedness of the outer level is preserved inside the narrowtext group.
+\pri\@|\discretionary{<prebreak text>}{<postbreak text>}{<nobreak text>}|
+This command allows a discretionary break, like a word hyphenation, but
+will produce different text if the break occurs than when it does not. One use
+is for hyphenating German. If
+there is a break, the |<prebreak text>| goes on the first line and the
+|<postbreak text>| goes on the second line. If there is nobreak, the
+|<nobreak text>| is used.
+This terminates the group started by the |\beginnarrowtext|
+and reverts back to the pre narrow text format.
+\pri\@|\everyparagraph [=] {<token string>}|
+This command allows for the insertion of the |<token string>| at the beginning
+of every paragraph, just after the paragraph indentation on the first line
+and just before any text.
+\pri\@|\hangafter [+ -] <integer>|
+This command controls the application of indentation to the next
+paragraph. If the sign is positive or does not exist, the indentation applies
+to all lines in the paragraph {\bf after} the first |<integer>| lines. If the
+sign is negative, it applies to the lines up to and including the |<integer>|
+line. This command lasts for only the present paragraph.
+\pri\@|\hangindent [=] [+ -] <dimen>|
+\hangindent = 2cm \hangafter = 3
+This command is used in conjunction with |\hangafter| and determines the
+amount and position of the indentation. If the sign is positive or does not
+exist the indentation will be at the left margin. If the sign is negative,
+the indentation is at the right margin. Indentation means that the width of
+the paragraph is reduced by the value of |<dimen>|. This command lasts
+for only the present paragraph. For instance this
+paragraph was set with |\hangindent = 2cm \hangafter = 3|.
+\ext\@|\hyphenatecapitals [=] <integer>|
+When the integer is {\bf not} equal to 0, \tex\ will attempt
+to hyphenate words with uppercase letters.
+Changes to horizontal mode and causes the paragraph to be indented by the
+|\parindent|. If used in the middle of a paragraph, there will be a space
+inserted the size of the |\parindent|.
+\pri\@|\leftskip [=] <dimen> [plus <dimen>] [minus <dimen>]|
+\pri\@|\rightskip [=] <dimen> [plus <dimen>] [minus <dimen>]|
+\leftskip 0pt plus 1fil \rightskip 0pt plus 1fil
+These commands move the edge of the column or page to the center by
+|<dimen>| to the center. The |\leftskip| works on the left hand edge and the
+|\rightskip| on the right hand edge.
+They work on the page and also inside boxes. The
+optional glue specifications
+determine the raggedness of the placement of the paragraph line on the
+page. For instance this paragraph was set with |\leftskip 0pt plus 1fil|.
+and |\rightskip 0pt plus 1fil|. The |1fil| glue will
+produce a very ragged column. The effect is to allow for any badness and to
+suppress all hyphenation. Note the odd spacing in the last line. It is due to
+the |1fil| added to the last line of every paragraph.
+\leftskip=0pt \rightskip=0pt
+\pri\@|\looseness [=] [+ -] <integer>|
+This command will cause \tex\ to try and make the {\it current} paragraph
+an |<integer>| number of lines shorter if the sign is $-$ and longer if it is +
+or does not exist than the natural best number of lines. It is the way of
+fine tuning the size of a paragraph.
+This command changes to horizontal mode and prevents the next paragraph from
+being indented. If it used in the middle of a paragraph, it produces a space
+equal to the current |\parindent|.
+This causes \tex\ to end lines at the same place as they are ended in the
+input text. This command changes a line into a very short paragraph
+so that each line is indented by the |\parindent|.
+This makes a space active and causes \tex\ to obey them, {\bf except at the
+start of a new line}. It can be used in conjunction with |\obeylines| to
+obtain a very rough positioning of text on a page. Except with the
+|typewriter| fonts, where all characters have the same width, the two
+together will {\bf not} produce text that is positioned as it is seen on the
+screen editor. Precise placement of text and columns should always be done
+using the alignment capabilities of \tex, namely |\halign| and its relatives.
+{\obeylines \obeyspaces \parskip = 0pt
+This paragraph
+has been produced with |\obeylines|
+and |\obeyspaces| inside a group. The
+group is there to keep their effect local to this
+only. Note that all the lines
+start at the left hand margin.}
+This was produced by
+{\obeylines \obeyspaces \parskip = 0pt
+This paragraph
+ has been produced with |\obeylines|
+ and |\obeyspaces| inside a group. The
+group is there to keep their effect local to this
+only. Note that all the lines
+start at the left hand margin.}
+This command indicates the end of the current paragraph. A completely blank
+line is equivalent to a |\par|.
+\begingroup \paragraphcenterline
+This command takes a line in a paragraph and centers it. It also prevents
+hyphenation. A forced break occurs if the command |\cr| \cr is placed
+|\cr| \cr as shown at the end of the line. This means that if you do not like
+the way \intex\ does the line splitting, you can do it yourself \dots\ or at
+least command it.
+\pri\@|\parindent [=] <dimen>|
+This sets the indentation at the beginning of each paragraph to
+\pri\@|\parshape <number of lines> <indent 1> <line length 1>
+ ... <indent n> <line length n>|
+This command is flexible way of controlling the shape of the current
+paragraph. The |<number of lines>| is the number of lines for which
+parameters are being given. In this case assumed to be |n|. The
+|<indent i>| is the indentation of line |i| and |<line length i>| is the
+specified length of that line. All lines from and including |n| will have
+the same indentation and length as line |n|. A |\parshape| lasts for only one
+paragraph. If there is a |\hangindent \hangafter| pair also in force for the
+current paragraph, the |\parshape| takes precedence. \tex\ does not get upset
+if the number of actual lines in the paragraph is less than |n|.
+\pri\@|\parskip [=] <dimen>|
+This sets the size of the vertical skip that is automatically inserted
+between paragraphs.
+\pri\@|\pretolerance [=] <integer>|
+\pri\@|\tolerance [=] <integer>|
+These two parameters set the amount of badness that \tex\ is willing to
+tolerate in a line before succumbing to an overfull box. If |<integer>| is
+10000 or more, horrendously bad lines will be allowed and there never will be any
+overfull boxes. \tex\ makes two passes through a paragraph. The first time it
+allows words to be hyphenated but tries to keep each line badness below the
+|<integer>| value of |\pretolerance|. The second time it tries the same
+thing, without hyphenation, but keeping the badness below the |<integer>|
+value of |\tolerance|. The optimal choice of these parameters depends on your
+aversion to hyphenation, and your acceptance of less than beautiful
+paragraphs without rewriting.
+\begingroup \raggedright \overfullrule=5pt
+This command allows the right hand margin to have a ragged edge. It is
+done by judiciously choosing the glue parameters for a |\rightskip|. The
+balancing allows for hyphenation, and does not produce lines that are too
+short. This paragraph was set with the present parameters for |\raggedright|.
+Note that it is possible to have overfull boxes.
+This is similar to |\raggedright| but for use when using |\tt| font.
+This is similar to |\raggedright| but for use primarily in titles and
+captions where raggedness and {\bf no} hyphenation is wanted.
+\done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thshead.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thshead.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02878e65a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thshead.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\def\cqu{\cquote{The chief virtue that language can have is clearness, and
+nothing detracts from it so much as the use of unfamiliar
+words.}{On the Natural Faculties, Galen }
+\chapterhead{shead}{CHAPTER\cr and SECTION\cr HEADS}
+\intex\ supplies commands for creating chapter and section heads. The default
+style of the heads are those given in this book. They form the basis
+of the style that naturally results from the use of \intex. Some changes in
+style such as the fonts used are quite easy; others require more care.
+This chapter introduces the commands for creating section heads, whether they
+occur during the initial part of the document or within appendices. All of
+the commands have the same format with or without autonumbering or automatic
+generation of table of contents in force.
+\intex\ considers that a document consists of a {\it prelude} part that will
+include the preface, table of contents, and other special summaries, an {\it
+consisting of chapters and sections, appendices, which may appear at the
+end of a document or at the end of a chapter, and a {\it postlude} which
+would include, perhaps, an index, references, and even appendices. The {\it
+prelude}, appendices, and {\it postlude} are
+enclosed by a |\begin...\end...| pair that form a
+group and set up the styles appropriate for that section.
+The forms that introduce sections, tables of contents, or chapters all have
+commands of the form |\...head|, such as |\shead|,
+where the |head| is supposed invoke images
+of starting a unit. In \intex, all commands that have a |\begin...| have an
+accompanying |\end...| and all create a group. The |\...head| commands are
+key elements in controlling the setting and incrementing of the various
+numbers used in the document. In addition, they have a relatively complex,
+but accessible format part that can be modified if required.
+The section head commands |\chead|,
+|\shead|, |\sshead|, |\ssshead|, and
+|\dssshead| stand for chapterhead,
+sectionhead, subsectionhead, subsubsectionhead,
+and diminished subsubsectionhead. This is the only example of commands in
+\intex\ for which the abbreviations exist without the full forms. This is
+primarily for typing and visual convenience in the original file. The fonts
+used have the same abbreviated form.
+If an |\shead| is immediately followed by an |\sshead| or any other
+sectionhead form, there is a chance that they may be split apart if they
+occur at the bottom of the page. {\bf To prevent this, and to
+make the spacing reasonable, the command
+|\nosheadbreak| must be placed in between the two commands.}
+The general spacing parameters are given in Section \ref{sheadspac}.
+If the |.toc| file is open for making a table of contents list, each section
+head form writes information to this file. The actual form sent is determined
+by the definition of a |\...tocout| form. For instance the |\shtocout| is
+defined as |\def\shtocout{\string\shtoc}|. The |\shtoc| is an \intex\ form
+that produces a section head line in the table of contents.
+\shead{sheadcomlist}{Command List}
+\shead{sheadcomforms}{Command Forms --- Making Head Forms}
+The commands in this section are very similar in form and will be described
+in together. There are six predefined |<head types>|: |prelude|, |c|
+|s|, |ss|, |sss|, and |dsss|. All but |prelude| and |dsss| take two arguments
+in their |\<head type>head| form.
+Number format and font commands are discussed in Section \ref{numforms}.
+\ext\@|\chead{<number or tag>}{<title>}|
+\ext\@|\shead{<number or tag>}{<title>}|
+\ext\@|\sshead{<number or tag>}{<title>}|
+\ext\@|\ssshead{<number or tag>}{<title>}|
+All of these commands create the various forms of section or chapter heads
+indicated by the command name. The |<number or tag>| field is interpreted as a
+tag if |autonumbering| is on or inserted as is into the appropriate place if
+is not. The lack of this field in |\dssshead| and |\preludehead| implies that
+it is impossible to tag or refer to these document parts except through
+their, presumably known, titles. The tag replacement format and associated
+|\<head type>hnumform| are
+discussed separately in
+Section \ref{numforms}.
+There are some restrictions in the use of the |<title>| field. This should
+{\bf not} include |\footnote|, |\cite|, or |\ref| commands. If it is
+absolutely necessary to use these, see Chapter~{\ref{footnot}} to see how to
+get around the |\footnote| restriction, and use |\quietref{<tag>}|
+for the other
+two. {\it Quiet} is not quite {\it silent}.
+This command defines the actual form that will be seen in an |\shead| used for
+appendices. It is defined as ``Appendix'' in |\englishversion| and
+``Appendice'' in |\versionfrancaise|.
+\ext\@|\beginappendices \endappendices|
+These commands are intended to enclose the appendices that occur at the end
+of a chapter or book. They reset the {\it special} auto numbers, and change
+the format of the numbers when an |\shead| or its relatives are called.
+|\chead| should not be called in an appendix.
+Since the |\begin...\end...| pair form a group,
+changes that only affect the appendices are
+easily made.
+\ext\@|\beginprelude \endprelude|
+These commands are intended to enclose the prelude that occurs at the
+the start of a document. Preludes usually include such entities as prefaces,
+tables of contents, figures, and tables, acknowledgments, distribution lists
+or perhaps executive summaries.
+Since the |\begin...\end...| pair form a group, changes that only affect the
+prelude parts are
+easily made.
+This command defines the actual form used in a |\chead|.
+It is defined as ``Chapter'' in |\englishversion| and
+``Chapitre'' in |\versionfrancaise|.
+\ext\@|\chapterstartform = {<special pre chapter tests>}|
+The token list for this command is executed inside |\chead| before the
+first page of the chapter is produced. For this book it was used to check
+whether the chapter starting page was odd. If it was not, a ``quote'' page
+was produced.
+\shead{numforms}{Command Forms --- Number Formats}
+The number formats when autonumbering is in force are defined using a few
+commands. First the fonts in the various head forms are called
+\@|\<head type>headfont|. These are defined when a document font size (see
+Chapter \ref{fonts}) is defined. For example
+|\documentfont{\tenpoint}| determined the document font family for this book.
+The individual fonts may be changed, although it is not recommended, by
+changing the |\<head type>headfont|. For example,
+|\let\sheadfont = \twelvedu| will change the section head font for the rest
+of the document, or until the end of the group if it is called within a
+group. A change of this sort will not modify the other fonts.
+The number formats are modified by changing the |\<head type>hnumform| such as
+|\chnumform|, |\shnumform|, |\sshnumform|, |\ssshnumform|,
+respectively for the chapter and the various section heads.
+\@|\Alphabetic{<integer>}|, \@|\alphabetic{<integer>}|, and
+\@|\UpperRoman{<integer>}| are used to change the format of an integer
+(counter) to either the equivalent uppercase letter, lowercase letter
+or uppercase roman numeral.
+The \intex\ forms for |\<head type>hnumform| are
+\def\<head type>hnumform{\the\<head type>hnum}
+for all |<head type>| except that in appendices |\shnumform| is defined to be
+This effectively changes the appendix numbering to be roman capitals.
+The command \@|\chtagreplaceformat| is the actual command that is used to
+place the ``Chapter \ref{shead}'' at the beginning of this chapter. The
+two definitions involved in this replacement are
+\def\chtagreplaceformat {Chapter \chtagrefformat}
+\def\chtagrefformat {\chnumform}
+The \@|\shtagreplaceformat| is
+defined similarly and is used in |\sheads|.
+A change in the form of the command written to the table of contents file may
+be obtained simply by redefining the appropriate |\...tocout|.
+\shead{sheadspac}{Command Forms --- Section Head Spacing}
+The spacing both before and after the various |\...head|s are determined by
+the following parameters. Stretch and shrink glue should be specified to give
+\tex\ some freedom to break pages.
+\ext\@|\prsheadskip [=] <glue>|& pre shead skip \cr
+\ext\@|\posheadskip [=] <glue>|& post shead skip \cr
+\ext\@|\prssheadskip [=] <glue>|& pre sshead skip \cr
+\ext\@|\possheadskip [=] <glue>|& post sshead skip \cr
+\ext\@|\prsssheadskip [=] <glue>|& pre ssshead skip \cr
+\ext\@|\posssheadskip [=] <glue>|& post ssshead skip \cr
+\ext\@|\prdsssheadskip [=] <glue>|& pre dssshead skip \cr
+\ext\@|\podsssheadskip [=] <glue>|& post dssshead skip \cr
+\shead{genform}{Major Modifications of the Section Head Formats}
+\intex\ has separate |\cheadformat|, \@|\preludeheadformat|, and a very
+general section head format. These are easily modifiable without upsetting
+any of the houskeeping. Any format that satisfies the input parameter
+constraints will work.
+The |<chapter>| is the chapter identifier. In this chapter it was
+{\bf Chapter~\ref{shead}}. The |<text>| is title of the chapter. The
+particular form was built using |\vcenter| and |\halign|.
+This command uses four parameters. The first is the font, the second the
+number, the third is the title of the section and the fourth is the separator
+between the number and the text. The form that is used checks the number to
+see if it is empty. If it is, the |<text>| is placed flush left. The |<text>|
+is actually placed in a |\vbox| with |\veryraggedright| spacing so that there
+will be no hyphenation and long titles will automatically split. Details are
+in {\tt secthead.tex}.
+This command is defined with one parameter that is assumed to be the title of
+the particular section. Since this one is quite simple the default definition
+is given as
+\def\preludeheadformat#1{\centerline{\sheadfont #1}\vskip 1cm}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thspac.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thspac.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47e524eab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thspac.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\def\cqu{\cquote{It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless
+information.}{Oscar~Wilde (1854-1900)}}
+This chapter discusses the various mechanisms in \tex\ for creating and
+controlling spaces in a document. All spacing involves the insertion of glue
+that may or may not have stretch or shrink. This chapter also includes a
+description of |\beginttverbatim...\endttverbatim| that allows text to be
+inserted in a typewriter font with the original spacing. It is useful for
+such things as computer listings.
+{\bf You should never need to use |\vskip| or |\hskip| or its relatives
+while using \intex\ \dots\ except perhaps when trying to place boxes on a
+page.} \intex\ has easily modified parameters for all spacing. If you don't
+like the spacing before or after an |\shead|, check first that there is no
+underfull box and then modify |\prsheadskipsize| and |\posheadskipsize| as
+\shead{spacomlist}{Command List}
+\shead{basicspac}{Basic Spacing Mechanisms}
+The basic spacing commands in \tex\ are |\hskip|, |\vskip|, and |\mskip| that
+are used in horizontal, vertical and mathematics mode respectively. All of
+these take |<glue>| in the standard form of
+|[+ -] <dimen> [plus <dimen>] [minus <dimen>]| except |\mskip| which
+must have |<mudimen>| or units of |mu|. The stretch and shrink
+parameters are optional but the first |<dimen>| is not. In general \tex\ allows
+for line or page breaks to occur after glue in a list. If spacing is desired
+without the possibility of breaks or glue disposal, then the commands
+|\kern| and |\mkern| are
+used. These are the ones used for placing accents.
+When \tex\ breaks a page or a line, the glue at the beginning of the line or
+page is discarded, unless it is put there via a |\kern|. This means that a
+special command is needed to force glue at the top of a page. This command is
+|\vglue|. It is like |\vskip| but works at the top of the page.
+Special preset skips in vertical mode are |\smallskip|, |\medskip|,
+|\bigskip| and for horizontal mode |\quad|, |\qquad|, and |\enspace|. The
+latter three are font size dependent and also will work in math mode.
+Finally |\spacing| is an \intex\ command that allows for a changing of the
+spacing between the lines of a document. For instance |\spacing{1.5}| will
+produce 1.5 line spacing. |\spacing| modifies the vertical skip that \tex\
+puts between adjacent lines. {\bf However, lists,
+the various types of section heads, figure and table captions, and footnotes
+are all forced to be single spacing.} All those forms that have an
+|\every...| may be modified. For example
+|\everylist = {\spacing{1.5}}|
+will force every list to have 1.5 spacing. If |\everysublist| and
+|\everysubsublist| have not been modified, sublists and subsublists will also
+be spacing 1.5.
+\shead{verbatim}{Verbatim or ``No Fill'' Forms}
+\intex\ supplies, as an external command list, a method of producing a
+listing with the same spacing that exists in the original form. This is only
+supplied for typewriter |\tt| fonts as these are the only monospaced fonts
+available. For a monospaced font, all characters are the same width so that
+it is possible to ensure that spacing will be identical to that seen on a
+normal typewriter or terminal screen. All characters except the backslash
+``~|\|~'' are allowed.
+For example
+\begingroup \catcode`\^=7
+This is
+ an example
+ where the
+ first word of each
+ line starts below the
+ second one of
+ the previous line.
+\catcode`\^^M=13 \global\let^^M=\par\endgroup
+It was given by the following code
+This is
+ an example
+ where the
+ first word of each
+ line starts below the
+ second one of
+ the previous line.
+\shead{spaccomforms}{Command Forms}
+Begins a section of ``verbatim'' or ``no fill'' mode in typewriter font. All
+characters except the backslash ``~|\|~'' are allowed. This form must
+terminate with an |\endttverbatim|. At the cost of a one character offset,
+the |\def\@{\char'134}| will drop a |\| in using |\@|.
+Vertical skip of size \quad\vbox{\hrule width .25in\bigskip\hrule}.
+Ends a section of ``verbatim'' or ``no fill'' mode in typewriter font. All
+characters except the backslash ``~|\|~'' are allowed. This form must
+begin with a |\beginttverbatim|.
+Horizontal skip of \hbox{\strut\vrule\enspace\vrule} -- one |\enspace| or
+\pri\@|\hskip [+ -] <dimen> [plus <dimen>] [minus <dimen>]|
+This is the basic positive and negative skip in horizontal mode.
+\pri\@|\kern [+ -] <dimen>|
+This produces an unbreakable space vertically, in vertical mode, and
+horizontally, in horizontal mode.
+\pri\@|\mkern [+ -] <decimal number>mu|
+This is the basic unbreakable space in math mode. It is always in |mu| units.
+Note that there are 18 |mu| to an |em|. For instance |$]\mkern -1mu[$| gives
+$]\mkern -1mu[$.
+\pri\@|\mskip [+ -] <mudimen> [plus <mudimen>] [minus <mudimen>]|
+A |<mudimen>| is |<decimal number>mu|. This is the basic horizontal
+math |mu| skip with glue. It is valid only in math mode.
+This is a vertical skip of the size \quad\vbox{\hrule width .25in\medskip\hrule}.
+\pla\@|\quad \qquad|
+These are horizontal skips of 1em and 2em respectively. They correspond in
+this font to \hbox{\strut\vrule\quad\vrule} and
+\hbox{\strut\vrule\qquad\vrule} respectively.
+This is a vertical skip of the size \quad \vbox{\hrule width .25in\smallskip\hrule}.
+\ext\@|\spacing {<decimal number>}|
+The spacing becomes |<decimal number>| times the normal spacing. The normal
+spacing is usually referred to as {\it single} spacing.
+\pri\@|\vglue [=] [+ -] <dimen> [plus <dimen>] [minus <dimen>]|
+This puts nondiscardable glue into a vertical list. It is usually used to
+put a vertical skip at the top of a page.
+\pri\@|\vskip [=] [+ -] <dimen> [plus <dimen>] [minus <dimen>]|
+This is the standard vertical skip command. If used in horizontal mode, it
+automatically causes a switch to vertical mode.
+\done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thstart.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thstart.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9260e99338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thstart.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\chapterhead{start}{STARTING\cr STOPPING\cr and FINISHING}
+This chapter discusses the commands that are required to actually process
+a \tex\ or \intex\ document, and to answer the ``|?|'' when \tex\ runs into an
+Section~{\ref{printing}} gives the most important options available in \tex print,
+the program that actually prints the \intex\ file.
+Since the initial production of a document is almost always in the ``draft''
+mode, the
+ \intex\ default is |\draftversion|. This mode includes the ``{\eightrm Draft
+Version :} {\eightit Date}'' at the bottom of the page and margin notes that
+include {\it tags} and their values. This version of the book was a produced
+with |\draftversion| but with |\marginnotesfalse| for all but this chapter
+and the one on auto numbering and tagging (\ref{auto}). The really {\bf final} version of
+this book will probably be produced with
+Section~\ref{finalversion} discusses the changes to make when
+processing the ``final'' version of a document.
+\intex, especially in conjunction with Multilingual \mtex, supports both
+English and French \dots\ in the same document on a paragraph by
+paragraph basis. English,
+both for \intex\ messages and hyphenation is the default and is called by
+|\englishversion|. |\versionfrancaise| invokes
+French messages, hyphenation, and spacing.
+To change only the hyphenation and spacing, |\ehyph| is used for
+English and |\fhyph| is used for French.
+\shead{startcom}{Command List}
+The commands in this list are organized in three sections,
+Creation, Termination and Language,
+\tex print, and ``?'' answer and interrupt.
+The Language commands include those related to choosing the
+particular language (French or English) and efficient commands for just changing
+spacing and hyphenation rules and not the messages.
+\comhead{Creation, Termination and Language Commands}
+\shead{Doc}{Document Creation}
+To create a document, you first need something to write. Enter
+the text into a file on whatever system you are using. In this book it is
+assumed that the system you are using is a VAX11/780 running the VMS operating system with
+the appropriate file names or system conventions.
+There are basically three steps to producing a document. The first is to enter
+the information, with all of the appropriate \tex\ conventions into a file.
+The second is for \tex\ to process it, and the third is for \tex print,
+\tex's printing system to print it out. Any output device that supports
+typesetting can be used if it has been properly configured for \tex.
+This could be a dot matrix printer (heaven forbid), a phototypesetter
+such as the Alphatype, or PostScript laser printer.
+\shead{docprep}{Preparing the File}
+All that is required to prepare the file is to create the file using your
+favourite editor. You might try the example given in Chapter \ref{descom}.
+A file of \tex\ commands is normally given the name |<your file name>.tex|
+and it can be referred to by only |<your file name>| with \tex\ automatically
+extending it. To tell \intex\ that the your file has is completed, the
+command |\done| should be the last command in the file. \tex\ will ignore
+everything after a |\done|. |\done| not only terminates the file, it also
+{\it fills} the last page so that the spacing is correct. The primitive
+command for \tex\ to terminate processing is |\end|. This is {\bf not}
+recommended while using \intex\ because the last page is not reasonably
+processed and it will terminate processing while inside a subdocument,
+something not ordinarily desired (see Chapter~\ref{subdoc} for discussion on
+the details of subdocuments).
+{\it Plain} \tex\ supplies the command |\bye| which has an
+|\end| imbedded in it and also cleans up the last page. |\done| is
+similar but has a few additional features including a compatibility
+with the |\subdocumentmacros| commands. |\done| is recommended
+for use in \intex.
+\shead{subfile}{\tex ing a File}
+After the file has been completed, you leave the editor and return to the
+operating system where you will be greeted by the prompt of a \$\ sign.
+For example if the 23$^{rd}$ psalm file is called |psalm23.tex| then
+$inrstex psalm23
+This will submit the job.
+If you forget to put in your file name, \tex\ will return with its
+interactive prompt, the |*|, and ask you for a file name.
+At this point you will see the following on your
+\begingroup \eightpoint
+This is MLTeX, Version 3.1+
+(psalm23.tex [1] )
+Output written on psalm23.dvi (1 page, 540 bytes).
+Do not be deceived. \intex\ was indeed loaded \dots\ the evidence will be in
+the |psalm23.lis| file. The directories containing the files are completely
+given, and will be yours instead of that shown. The |psalm23.log| shows that
+\intex\ was indeed preloaded. This file contains
+This is MLTeX, Version 3.1+ (format=inrs3_mlb 91.8.22) 2 SEP 1991 02:59
+**&/usr/users/u1/mike/inrstex/inrs3_mlb psalm23
+(psalm23.tex [1] )
+Output written on psalm23.dvi (1 page, 540 bytes).
+The version numbers, for both \tex\ and \intex\ will vary with time and
+If you are not using ML\TeX\ the two ``version'' lines will be more
+This is TeX, Version 3.14
+This is TeX, Version 3.14 (format=inrs3_mlb 91.8.22) 2 SEP 1991 02:59
+for the terminal and list file respectively.
+The default form of the interaction of \tex\ with you is to stop on an error.
+At an error, the display will halt and \tex\ gives you a ``~{\tt ?}~'' as a prompt. At
+this point if you reply with an |x| or an |e|, the job will terminate cleanly
+and you can print what you have to that point. An |s| will cause \tex\ to
+continue, but not to pause for further errors; a |<cr>| will continue to the
+next error; an |r| is like |s| but will not stop even if it cannot find a
+file; a |q| is a nonstop mode that also suppresses all output to your
+Sometimes \tex\ seems to be in deep trouble and cannot extricate itself. At
+this point |^C| or |<control> C| will send \tex\ a message that it should
+stop. It will after the end of its present command, and return to you the
+``~{\tt ?}~''. At that point an |x| will terminate the job, {\bf and} give you output
+that you can print. If all else fails, a |^Y| will terminate the job,
+uncleanly, and there will be no help to fix it.
+Sometimes \tex\ stops with an |*|. When this happens \tex\ is looking for a
+command. Usually an |\end| or |\done| will satisfy it and terminate cleanly.
+Finally, \tex\ sometimes has trouble reading a file and asks for another name.
+The only way out of this, cleanly, is to give it a file name. You should have
+an empty or |null.tex| in your directory for such eventualities. This will
+allow \tex\ to continue whereupon a |^C| will interrupt.
+\shead{additionalfiles}{Additional Files}
+Whenever \tex\ processes a job (your file), it creates an internal name that
+is referred to in a \tex\ file as \@|\jobname|. This is the same as the file
+name submitted to \tex\ or \intex\ {\bf without} the |.tex| extension.
+Both \tex\ and \intex\ use this |\jobname| to create other files with
+different extensions. All \tex\ and \intex\ jobs create
+create a second file
+called |\jobname.lis|. In this file is a complete listing of the
+messages and prompts sent to your terminal along with information about
+problems that may have existed. It is useful for correcting errors.
+If there is any output that can be printed, this is placed in a file with the
+name |\jobname.dvi|. This is the file used by \tex print.
+In addition to these two files, \intex\ creates and uses files for special
+purposes such as building table of contents, lists of figures, or
+citation lists. These are only produced when some automatic feature of
+\intex\ is active. The complete list of these files is
+|\jobname.ctg|&created by the first |\cite| command used to accumulate the
+citation tags for a list of citations or references.\cr
+|\jobname.cfm|&{\bf NOT} created by \intex\ but by the user. This file holds
+the citation forms to be used when actually printing the citation in the list
+of citations. \cr
+|\jobname.dvi|&created by \tex\ for any (partly) successful \tex\ or \intex\
+job. This is used by \tex print.\cr
+|\jobname.fig|&created with a |\openlistfile{fig}| and used to accumulate
+the figure list.\cr
+|\jobname.lis|&created by \tex\ for all jobs. This contains the terminal
+messages and errors along with more detail on overfull boxes.\cr
+|\jobname.tag|&created by |\autonumberingon| and used to accumulate the tags
+and other special information necessary for symbolic references to sections,
+equations, etc in the text.\cr
+|\jobname.tbl|&created with a |\openlistfile{tbl}| and used to accumulate
+the table list.\cr
+|\jobname.toc|&created with a |\openlistfile{toc}| and used to accumulate
+the table of contents.\cr
+\shead{printing}{\tex print --- Printing your Document}
+After \tex\ has successfully produced your |.dvi| file it is submitted for
+printing, using the same example, by
+$dvialw psalm23 -b
+\intex\ makes the same irrational assumptions of drivers as other macro
+packages such as {\tt plain}, namely that the initial position
+on the page is at (1in, 1in). However these assumptions are not hard wired.
+\intex\ has two commands |\hprintoffset| and |\vprintoffset| which are
+given default values of 1in respectively. These may be changed at will.
+\ext\@|\hprintoffset = <dimen>|
+This offsets, horizontally,
+\intex's natural margins, which would be flush with the top of
+the page by {\tt <dimen>}. The default is |\hprintoffset = 1in|
+\mbr\ext\@|\vprintoffset = <dimen>|
+This offsets, vertically,
+\intex's natural margins, which would be flush with the top of
+the page by {\tt <dimen>}. The default is |\vprintoffset = 1in|
+The {\tt -b} option prints the pages {\tt backwards}, really normal,
+order from the lowest number to the highest. A simple batch file can hide
+this messiness\footnote{\dagger}{For the INRS/BNR VAX }
+use {\tt HELP DVIALW to find a list of all the command line options.}.
+The most important command line option that you can use gives
+the ability to print only
+a few pages of the file. {\tt DVIALW} reports output pages as $[p\{l\}]$
+where $p$ is the {\it physical} page number and $l$ is the {\it logical}
+page number.
+The first example will print from {\it physical} page 6 to the end of the
+document. The second example from page 6 to page 12, and the third example
+from page 6 to page 12 in steps of 2, {\it ie} pages 6, 8, 10, and 12.
+$dvialw psalm23 -b -o6
+$dvialw psalm23 -b -o6:12
+$dvialw psalm23 -b -o6:12:2
+\shead{finalversion}{The ``Final'' Version}
+\intex\ has number of features that are quite useful while putting together a
+document but which appear in the ``draft'' version but not in the ``final''
+The default for \intex\ is |\draftversion|. This puts all the tags in
+the margin and puts ``Draft Version:
+{\it date}''\footnote{\dagger}{version pr\'eliminaire: {\it date} en
+fran\c cais} at the bottom of the page. To create the final version the
+command |\finalversion| should be put at the very beginning of your document.
+\shead{stcomforms}{Command Forms}
+\dssshead{Creation and Termination Commands}
+Cleanly terminates a file. Actual meaning is
+``|\par \vfill \supereject \end|''. However, it will also {\bf terminate}
+\tex\ processing if found in a {\it subdocument.} See Chapter~\ref{subdoc}
+for details.
+This is the only way to terminate a document or subdocument in
+\intex\ without creating problems.
+Does everything |\bye| does along with checking whether certain groups are
+properly ended.
+This is the \intex\ default form. It prints margin notes when tags and
+autonumbering are used and puts a draft version note in the bottom margin. It
+is turned off using |\finalversion|.
+Terminates a \tex\ job, even if it is in a subdocument. See
+\ext\@|\englishversion \ehyph|
+This is the default for \intex. All the messages are in English, along with
+the various headings such as Chapter, and Appendix. Hyphenation is done by
+English rules, as is sentence and word spacing.
+\@|\ehyph| just invokes English hyphenation rules and does not affect messages.
+The other version that exists
+is |\versionfrancaise|
+This removes the marginal notes and the ``Draft Version'' note in the bottom
+margin. It should be used for the ``final'' copy.
+This command is used to correct hyphenation of a specific word when \tex\
+does it incorrectly. It is generally needed only for English. Without \mtex,
+the word is entered into the hyphenation exception table. With \mtex, it is
+entered into the hyphenation table corresponding to the language that is
+active at the time the command is executed. For example, if English
+(|\language=0|) is active, then |\hyphenation{man-u-script}| will enter the
+word ``manuscript'' into the hyphenation exception table with possible
+hyphens at those places where there is a ``~-~''.
+\ext\@|\language [=] <integer>|
+Normally this command will not need to be used. \intex\ has |\language=0| for
+English and |\language=1| for French. Additional languages may be added. If
+\intex\ is used in conjunction \mtex, then |\language| is an integer
+parameter; otherwise, it is a |\count|. For details on \mtex, see ``A
+Multilingual \mtex''.
+\ext|\marginnotestrue \marginnotesfalse|
+If \@|\marginnotestrue|, then the margin notes will be produced. They will
+not be produced when \@|\marginnotesfalse|. These can be used to override the
+defaults in |\draftversion| and |\finalversion|.
+\ext\@|\versionfrancaise \fhyph|
+This will produce French titles, messages, and spacing. When used with
+Multi-lingual \mtex, it also produces French hyphenation.
+\@|\fhyph| just invokes French hyphenation rules and does not affect messages.
+It should be placed at the beginning of the
+\dssshead{\tex print Commands}
+These commands are dependent upon the actual print driver that is being
+used. For DVIALW the following command line switches are used:
+\@|DVIALW Command line options|
+\li -b : Print the file in normal order. The default is to print the file
+ beginning with the last page.
+\li -c\# : Select the number of copies to print ... each page is printed
+ \# times. eg -c42 will print 42 copies of each page.
+\li -h : Select landscape printing.
+\li -i : Select Legal printing.
+\li -o : Select output page range ... all numbers are the "physical" page
+ numbers, not the logical pages. DVIALW reports page output in the
+ format of [p{l}] where where p is the "physical' page number and
+ l is the "logical' page number.
+ -o\# specifies start page
+ -o\#:\# specifies start page and end page
+ -o\#:\#:\# specifies start page, end page and step
+\li -r : Select manual feed. The laserwriter will wait for the insertion of
+ manual pages.
+\li -x\#{\tt <}dim{\tt >} : Set left margin. -x0in sets the left margin to 0in.
+\li -y\#{\tt <}dim{\tt >} : Set top margin. -y0in sets the top margin to 0in.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thsubdoc.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thsubdoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88c2933a46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thsubdoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\def\cqu{\cquote{Divide et Impera}{Ancient Roman political maxim}
+ \cquote{For example, when the author prepared this manual, he did
+ one chapter at a time,}{The \TeX book, Donald~E.~Knuth}
+\chapterhead{subdoc}{\tex ING\cr PARTS\cr of DOCUMENTS}
+\intex\ allows for parts of documents,\footnote{\dagger}{\intex\ calls these
+{\it subdocuments}.}
+either complete sections or chapters
+to be processed individually for initial checking before \tex ing the entier
+document. The individual files can be used {\bf without change} in the final
+processing. In fact it is possible to \tex\ sections, combine them into a
+chapter, and then combine the chapters into a final document. With care, even
+parts of separate documents could be combined.
+The system works best with the automatic numbering and creation features of
+\intex\ but these are not required. With care and a little luck, it is
+possible to re \tex\ a section of the ``final'' version without redoing the
+complete document.
+It is also possible to increase to automatically save the status of a
+subdocument. This feature is not an integral part of \intex\ but an example
+used for this book is given in Section~\ref{subauto}.
+\shead{subdoccomlist}{Command List}
+\shead{subdocformat}{Subdocument Forms}
+The form required for creating a subdocument and \tex ing it is quite simple.
+It should be of this form:
+\subdocumentmacros{<macro list>}
+The |<macro list>| contains the information needed to \tex\ this part of the
+document by itself. Only {\bf one} |\subdocumentmacros| command is allowed in
+a subdocument. This |<macro list>| is executed when the subdocument is
+processed by itself and {\bf completely} ignored when it is processed as part
+of a larger document. A typical |<macro list>| for a chapter of this book
+\input helphdr
+\following\chnum = 28
+\pagenumber = 88
+This list contained {\bf all} the special macros for the book in the file
+|helphdr.tex|. Since the \tex ing was being done on a chapter basis, the
+|\following\chnum| sets the next chapter
+number, and the |\pagenumber| set the
+pagenumber. If this were the third section in a chapter, then
+|\following\shnum = 3|, might be also included. If any special numbers ought to be
+set, they should be also inserted.
+It should be emphasized that these numbers affect the subdocument when it is
+being processed by itself only. The normal \intex\ autonumbering will override
+them when it is being inserted as a subdocument.
+To insert a subdocument in another, use
+The |\done| in the subdocument will {\bf not} terminate the
+processing. However, a |\bye| or |\end| will.
+\shead{subauto}{Automatic Saving of Status of a Subdocument}
+The commands given below were intended to save the status of each chapter. It
+was assumed that a chapter had a |<tag>| and that the status was saved in a
+command that had the same name as that tag. The commands are stored in a file
+called |status.tex|. At the top of each subdocument the following two
+commands are inserted:
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\chcode{subdoc} % subdoc is the <tag> for this chapter
+The first line essentially checks to see if the |status| definitions have
+been inputted. If they have not, they are brought in. The |status.tex|
+defines |\chcode{<tag>}| so it must be input before |\chcode| is called.
+The actual |status| definitions follow. They are probably only understandable
+to \tex\ writers and should be skipped by novices.
+% Status commands for each chapter.
+% these write out the chapter code, page number, and previous chapter number.
+\newwrite\docstatus % gets new output file
+ % this is called in the outer master program
+ \docstatus{\string\chstatus//#1//\the\chnum//\the\pageno//}}
+ % this writes out the actual string when the page is output
+ \pagenumber=#3}}
+ % this creates a command with the name #1 and sets values for
+ % the chapter number and page number ... the only status of
+ % interest here.
+ % executes the status with name #1
+\def\chcode#1{\subdocumentmacros{\input helphdr \bookstyle % macros/style
+ \input masth.sta % status file name
+ \autonumberingon % opens local tag file
+ \input masth.tag % master tag file
+ \getstatus{#1}
+ \def\writestatus##1{}%disables writestatus
+ }
+ \writestatus{#1}} % will write status unless disabled
+Note that this imbeds a |\subdocumentmacros| inside the |\chcode|. The status
+is written unless |\subdocumentmacros| is actually executed.
+\shead{subdocstyle}{Command Forms}
+\ext\@|\inputsubdocument{<file name>}|
+This command inserts the subdocument into the present part of the document.
+It encloses the subdocument in a group so that any changes to variables or
+commands made in that subdocument, unless they are specifically |\global|,
+will {\bf not} affect the rest of the document. It disables the effect of
+|\done|, but not |\bye| or |\end|. It ignores everything that is inside the
+|\subdocumentmacros| command.
+The |\chead| and various |\s..head| commands increment their respective
+number upon entering the command. The |\following| command automatically
+compensates for this. So |\following\chnum = 4| {\bf before} the
+|\chead|, means that the chapter beginning with the next |\chead| will
+be 4
+and not 5. The same command also works for |\shnum|, |\sshnum| and |\ssshnum|.
+\ext\@|\subdocumentmacros{<macros for subdocument>}|
+This is the means of introducing information to the subdocument that is
+needed to reasonably process the subdocument,
+but that might create disaster, or \tex\
+overload if read in more than once. A single subdocument may have only {\bf
+one} |\subdocumentmacros| command. Typical information included in this macro
+would be section numbers, chapter numbers, tag files, or citation files. No
+|\outer| command is allowed.
+\done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thtoc.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thtoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..301c5a4e04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thtoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
+\def\cqu{\line{}\vfill\vbox{\hsize 3.2in \rightskip=0pt \leftskip=0pt
+ \centerline{\sheadfont List of Figures}
+ \bigskip
+ \makefiglist\bigskip
+ This is given by \par
+ \def\2{\char'173}\def\3{\char'175} % lazy
+ \tt
+ \1centerline\2\1sheadfont List of Figures\3\par
+ \1bigskip\par
+ \1makefiglist\par
+ }
+\chapterhead{toc}{TABLES\cr of CONTENTS\cr and FIGURES}
+\vskip -2.8ex
+\intex\ is able to generate tables of contents, figures, and tables
+automatically. It also has general capabilities to create files that can be
+used to generate other lists that involve page numbers.
+\shead{toccomlist}{Command List}
+\shead{toclists}{Making Lists of Contents, Figures, Tables}
+The distinguishing feature of |list| files in \intex\ is that they contain
+a combination of commands, section or figure numbers, and page numbers.
+\intex\ creates these files by the command \@|\openlistfile{<file extension>}|
+and gives them the name |\jobname.<file extension>|.
+This command effectively initializes the building process for the particular
+|<file extension>| must
+be one to three characters. The file extensions for tables of contents,
+figures, and tables are |.toc|, |.fig|, and |.tbl|.
+The command |\writelistfile| is used to actually put information into the
+file and the |\make<file extension>list| is used to bring it back in.
+Currently |\maketoclist|, |\makefiglist|, and |\maketbllist| are defined.
+These files will contain a list of commands, in the correct order for
+eventually making the actual list. A typical command, in this case generated
+by the |\chead| at the beginning of the chapter would be
+|\chtoc{<chapter number>}{<chapter title>}{<page number>}|
+Actually the |\chead| command does this in two steps. The actual form
+executed inside the |\chead| is the command |\chtocout|. This is defaulted in
+{\tt inrsdef.tex} to be |\def\chtocout{\string\chtoc}|. A modification of the
+definition of |\chtocout| will change the initial command string that is
+written to the |.toc| file. Theoretically, a different string could be
+written for each chapter if required. This same facility exists for all the
+|.toc| output forms.
+\intex\ has already defined all of the |\<type>toc| commands listed in
+Section \ref{toccomlist}. However, all of these commands may be redefined for
+different formats. For instance \intex\ has defined |\dssstoc| and |\ssstoc|
+to be effectively null. This means that subsubsections and diminished
+subsections will not be automatically listed in the table of contents
+although the |\ssstoc| and |\dssstoc| commands are in the |.toc| file.
+If a |.toc| file is open, whether or not |autonumbering| is on, the |\chead|,
+|\shead|, |\sshead|, |\ssshead|, |\dssshead|, and |\preludehead| commands write to
+the |.toc| file. The |\figure| command writes a |\figtoc| command to the
+|.fig| file and the |\table| command writes a |\tbltoc| command to the |.tbl|
+Creating, writing, and inputting a new list file is not terribly difficult
+but uses moderately advanced macro techniques. Most of the recipe is given
+in the description of |\writelistfile| below. The rest can be determined by
+examination of |\makefiglist| and |\inputfigfiles|.
+\shead{toccomforms}{Command Forms}
+\ext\@|\chtoc{<number>}{<title>}{<page number>}|
+This creates a chapter entry in the table of contents as given in the table
+of contents for this book.
+Its default definition is
+|\def\chtocout{\string\chtoc}| and is
+the command executed in a |\chead| while producing a |.toc| entry.
+\ext\@|\dssshtoc{<number>}{<title>}{<page number>}|
+This would create table of contents entry for a diminished section heading.
+Although |\dssshtoc| commands are written to the |\jobname.toc| file, they
+are defined as null in \intex. If you want them to appear in a table of
+contents place the command |\let\dssshtoc = \intdssshtoc| in the file just
+before the |\maketoclist| is called. \@|\intdssshtoc| is |\dssshtoc| in
+Its default definition is
+|\def\dssshtocout{\string\dssshtoc}| and is
+the command executed in a |\dssshead| while producing a |.toc| entry.
+\ext\@|\figtoc{<number>}{<title>}{<page number>}|
+This would create table of figures entry for a figure.
+\intex\ makes it identical to |\shtoc|
+Its default definition is
+|\def\figtocout{\string\figtoc}| and is
+the command executed in a |\figureform| or
+|\figureinsert| while producing a |.toc| entry.
+This is a token list, including the |\inputwithcheck| of the files that are
+used to make the figure list. \intex\ default is
+|\inputwithcheck{\jobname.fig}|. |\the\inputfigfiles| will actually cause the
+token list to be executed, {\it ie} in the default case the |\jobname.fig|
+will be read in.
+This is a token list, including the |\inputwithcheck| of the files that are
+used to make the table list. \intex\ default is
+|\inputwithcheck{\jobname.tbl}|. |\the\inputtblfiles| will actually cause the
+token list to be executed, {\it ie} in the default case the |\jobname.tbl|
+will be read in.
+This is a token list, including the |\inputwithcheck| of the files that are
+used to make the figure list. \intex\ default is
+|\inputwithcheck{\newtocfile}|. If a |\jobname.toc| file is open,
+|\newtocfile| becomes the {\bf previous} version. If it is not, it is the
+most recent version.
+This executes |\the\inputfigfiles| which inserts
+the list of |\figtoc| commands into the text.
+All required |\beginlist ... \endlist| commands should
+be put around it.
+This executes |\the\inputtblfiles| which inserts
+the list of |\tbltoc| commands into the text.
+All required |\beginlist ... \endlist| commands should
+be put around it.
+This inserts the list of |\<type>toc| commands into the text by executing
+|\the\inputtocfiles|. All required |\beginlist ... \endlist| commands should
+be put around it.
+If a |\jobname.toc| file is open,
+|\newtocfile| becomes the {\bf previous} version. If it is not, it is the
+most recent version. This allows for the table of contents to contain a
+reference to itself.
+\ext\@|\prtoc{<title>}{<page number>}|
+This is the command form written into the |.toc| file by |\preludeheader|.
+The output format may be seen by looking at the {\it Preface} listing in the
+Table of Contents for this book.
+Its default definition is
+|\def\prtocout{\string\prtoc}| and is
+the command executed in a |\preludehead|
+while producing a |.toc| entry.
+\ext\@|\shtoc{<number>}{<title>}{<page number>}|
+\ext\@|\sshtoc{<number>}{<title>}{<page number>}|
+\ext\@|\ssshtoc{<number>}{<title>}{<page number>}|
+These three commands are written by the |\shead|, |\sshead| and |\ssshead| to
+the |\jobname.toc| file. Examples of the default \intex\ format
+for |\shtoc| may be seen in the Table of Contents.
+Although |\ssshtoc| commands are written to the |\jobname.toc| file, they
+are defined as null in \intex. If you want them to appear in a table of
+contents place the command |\let\ssshtoc = \intssshtoc| in the file just
+before the |\maketoclist| is called. \@|\intssshtoc| is |\ssshtoc| in
+These three commands are executed by the |\shead|, |\sshead| and |\ssshead|
+when writing to
+the |\jobname.toc| file. The defaults are defined in {\tt inrsdef.tex} as
+\ext\@|\tbltoc<number>}{<title>}{<page number>}|
+This would create table of figures entry for a figure.
+\intex\ makes it identical to |\shtoc|
+Its default definition is
+|\def\tbltocout{\string\tbltoc}| and is
+the command executed in a |\tableinsert| or |\tableform|
+while producing a |.toc| entry.
+This is the general form for producing an entry for a table of contents list.
+|<indent>| is a dimension and is the indentation from the left margin;
+|<number>| is the number form; |<title>| is the title of the
+item; and |<pagenumber>| is where it occurred. There is no interitem spacing
+as part of the definition. Thus
+\tocbox{4em}{3.7.9}{This is an incredibly long title to show you
+ what happens when there is more than one line}{375}
+was produced by
+\tocbox{4em}{3.7.9}{This is an incredibly long title to show you
+ what happens when there is more than one line}{375}
+This creates the dots across the page in the |\..toc| macros. It is useful
+for designing stylistically consistent new ones.
+\ext\@|\writelistfile{<file extension}{\string\..toc}{<number>}{<arg>}|
+This is the basic command for writing to a |list| file. The |\string|
+allows the |\..toc| to be written into the file without ever being executed.
+|{<number>}| is expanded before it is written out while |{<arg>}| is not.
+|\writelistfile| adds one more argument, namely
+|{<page number>}|, to this command before actually writing it to the file.
+The complete command written is
+\..toc{<number>}{<arg>}{<page number>}
+An example for the first chapter of this book is
+\chtoc {Chapter 1}{\tex \cr and\cr INRS\tex }{1}
+Note that |\tex| is not expanded.
+An examination of any of the |list| files created by \intex\ will show some
+more examples.
+This command should be used whenever a write to a |list| file is required. It
+is used by \intex\ in all of the section and chapter heads, along with
+|\figure| and |\table|.
+\done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/UQlogo.epsf b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/UQlogo.epsf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59f2cfdc5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/UQlogo.epsf
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
+%%Title: University of Quebec logo
+%%CreationDate: 1990/11/28
+%%For: P. Kabal
+%%Pages: 1
+%%BoundingBox: 144 120.96 174.24 144
+144 144 translate 0.24 -0.24 scale
+0 setlinewidth
+1 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin
+16 0 moveto 50 0 lineto 34 64 lineto 0 64 lineto 16 0 lineto
+0 setgray fill
+54 0 moveto 88 0 lineto 72 64 lineto 38 64 lineto 54 0 lineto
+0 setgray fill
+92 0 moveto 126 0 lineto 102 96 lineto 68 96 lineto 92 0 lineto
+0 setgray fill
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/bilingue.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/bilingue.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09049a1291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/bilingue.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+% Definitions des mois
+\def \janvier{janvier}
+\def \fevrier{f\'evrier}
+\def \mars{mars}
+\def \avril{avril}
+\def \mai{mai}
+\def \juin{juin}
+\def \juillet{juillet}
+\def \aout{ao\^ut}
+\def \septembre{septembre}
+\def \octobre{octobre}
+\def \novembre{novembre}
+\def \decembre{d\'ecembre}
+% Autres definitions
+\def \aparaitre{A para\^\i tre}
+\def \tableau{Tableau}
+\def \tabmat{Table des mati\`eres}
+\def \annexe{Annexe}
+% En anglais
+\def \janvier{January}
+\def \fevrier{February}
+\def \mars{March}
+\def \avril{April}
+\def \mai{May}
+\def \juin{June}
+\def \juillet{July}
+\def \aout{August}
+\def \septembre{September}
+\def \octobre{October}
+\def \novembre{November}
+\def \decembre{December}
+\def \aparaitre{To appear}
+\def \tableau{Table}
+\def \tabmat{Table of contents}
+\def \annexe{Appendix} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/booksty.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/booksty.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..419206c727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/booksty.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+%------------ BOOKSTYLE ---------------
+% see english.tex and francais.tex for messages
+% \def\bookstylemessage{ <<< BOOK STYLE >>> } see English/French titles
+\def\bookstyle{ \message {\bookstylemessage }
+ \documentstyle{\numberbychapter
+ \vheadersize = 1cm
+ \vfootersize = 2cm %this is set but not used can be
+ \vpapersize=23cm
+ \vouterpagesize=20cm
+ \hpapersize =8.5in
+ \houterpagesize=12cm
+ \leftmarginsize = 4.8cm
+ \topmarginsize = 3cm
+ \chaptername = {}
+ \def\chapterstartform{\ifodd\pageno\relax\else
+ \line{}\ejectpage\fi\titlepagestyle}
+ \let\headermark=\topmark
+ \def\headermark##1{\global\let\headermark = ##1}
+ \headertext{\ifodd\pageno\rightheadertext
+ \else\leftheadertext\fi}
+ \let\specialheadertext=\headertext
+ \def\rightheadertext{\line{\hss
+ \headermark\rlap{\ssheadfont\qquad\folio}}}
+ \def\leftheadertext{\line{\llap{\ssheadfont\folio
+ \qquad}\the\chaptername\hss}}
+ \footertext{} \specialfootertext={}
+ \normalheaderstyle
+ \blankfooterstyle
+ \everyprelude = {
+ \def\leftheadertext{\line{\llap{\folio\qquad}\firstmark}}
+ \def\rightheadertext{\line{\firstmark\rlap{\qquad\folio}}}
+ \specialheadertext{\ifodd\pageno
+ \line{\hss\rlap{\qquad\folio}}
+ \else\line{\llap{\folio\qquad}\hss}\fi}}
+ }}
+\bookstyle \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/centerh.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/centerh.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcff383128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/centerh.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+% ============ modified to center heads /subheads .... ======
+%the parameters must be as shown and will have that meaning
+% #1 font (=#3); #2 number (=#4) ; #3 <text> (=#5); #4 number/text sep (=#7)
+% check on \t@agtext suppresses space when there is no number
+ \setbox0=\hbox{#1#2#4}\fi
+ \vbox{\paragraphcenterline \normalbaselines
+ #1\box0 #3}}
+\catcode`\@=12 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/cm_11.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/cm_11.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0eb500afb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/cm_11.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+% ======= elevenpoint fonts not in plain.tex =======
+\font\eleventex=cmtex10 scaled 1095
+\font\elevenssb = cmssbx10 scaled 1095 % no ss bold
+\font\elevencsc = cmcsc10 scaled 1095 % caps and small caps
+\font\elevenbfx = cmbx10 scaled 1095 % bold wide
+\font\elevenbfy = cmbsy10 scaled 1095 %bold math symbols?
+% ===== elevenpoint fonts
+\font\elevenrm= cmr10 scaled 1095
+\font\elevenrmsca = cmr10 scaled 1095
+\font\elevenbf = cmb10 scaled 1095
+\font\elevenbfxsca = cmbx10 scaled 1095
+\font\elevenss = cmss10 scaled 1095
+\font\elevenit = cmti10 scaled 1095
+\font\eleveni = cmmi10 scaled 1095
+\font\elevensl = cmsl10 scaled 1095
+\font\elevensy = cmsy10 scaled 1095
+\font\eleventt = cmtt10 scaled 1095
+\font\elevensc = cmcsc10 scaled 1095
+\let\sanss = \elevenss
+ \def\rm{\fam0\elevenrm}%
+ \textfont0=\elevenrm \scriptfont0=\eightrm \scriptscriptfont0=\sixrm
+ \textfont1=\eleveni \scriptfont1=\eighti \scriptscriptfont1=\sixi
+ \textfont2=\elevensy \scriptfont2=\eightsy \scriptscriptfont2=\sixsy
+ \textfont3=\elevenex \scriptfont3=\elevenex \scriptscriptfont3=\elevenex
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\elevenit}%
+ \textfont\itfam=\elevenit
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\elevensl}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\elevensl
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\elevenbf}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\elevenbf \scriptfont\bffam=\eightbfx
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\sixbfx
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\eleventt}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\eleventt \scriptfont\ttfam=\tentt
+ \tt \ttglue=.5em plus .25em minus .15em
+ \normalbaselines\rm % now so resets are ok.
+ \setstrut
+ \ifd@ocsty \def\documentpointsize{eleven}%
+ \let\footerfont=\elevenit
+ \let\headerfont=\elevenit
+ \let\footnotefont = \ninepoint
+ \let\smallerfont = \ninepoint
+ \let\cheadfont = \eighteenrmsca
+ \let\sheadfont=\fourteenbfxsca
+ \let\ssheadfont=\elevenbfxsca
+ \let\sssheadfont=\elevenbfxsca
+ \let\dsssheadfont=\elevenbfxsca
+ \let\captionnumfont=\elevenbfxsca
+ \let\captiontitlefont=\relax
+ \let\captionbodyfont=\relax
+ \let\eqnumfont=\rm
+ \setspacings\fi
+ \let\bigfont = \twelvermsca
+ \let\biggfont = \fourteenrmsca
+ \let\bigggfont = \eighteenrmsca
+ \let\titlefont = \bigggfont
+ \let\sc=\ninerm
+ }
+\catcode`@=12 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5cab336e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+% removed mote test (mjf)
+% <BEEBE.TEX.DVI>DVIALW.PS.17, 18-Sep-87 17:48:04, Edit by BEEBE
+% Add test for note paper and if unknown, use letter paper instead.
+% Non-Apple PostScript implementations do not know about note paper
+% but its use on the Apple LaserWriter gains 92K of virtual memory
+% <BEEBE.TEX.DVI>DVIALW.PS.16, 18-Sep-87 15:50:52, Edit by BEEBE
+% Modify coordinate computations to remove round-off errors
+% in landscape mode, and correct landscape page origin
+% <BEEBE.TEX.DVI>DVIALW.PS.14, 22-Jun-87 09:55:05, Edit by BEEBE
+% Add missing "0 900 translate Mtrx currentmatrix pop" to /LEGAL
+% <BEEBE.TEX.DVI>DVIALW.PS.13, 7-Jan-87 17:38:51, Edit by BEEBE
+% Add translate command to BOP so that (0,0) really corresponds to
+% the top left physical page corner. The standard LaTeX file
+% TESTPAGE.TEX can be used for this calibration; it might be sensitive
+% to the particular printer used.
+% <BEEBE.TEX.DVI.NEW>DVIALW.PS.12, 10-Dec-86 17:24:50, Edit by BEEBE
+% Fix off-by-one error in definition of /B; to draw a box N pixels
+% wide, microscopic examination of output shows that the box width
+% must be N-1, not N, pixels; the boundary counts in the filling.
+% <BEEBE.TEX.DVI.NEW>DVIALW.PS.9, 28-Nov-86 19:00:52, Edit by BEEBE
+% Change definition of EOP to use #copies and showpage
+% instead of {copypage} repeat erasepage
+% <BEEBE.TEX.DVI.NEW>DVIALW.PS.7, 16-Oct-86 13:09:36, Edit by BEEBE
+% Following Macintosh LaserWriter md dictionary, change most
+% def's to bdf's (bind def); this is claimed to speed up
+% operator access
+% <BEEBE.TEX.DVI.NEW>DVIALW.PS.5, 16-Oct-86 12:01:12, Edit by BEEBE
+% Change CTL-L to caret-L in comment
+% <BEEBE.TEX.DVI.NEW>DVIALW.PS.3, 13-Jun-86 10:48:39, Edit by BEEBE
+% Fix definition of NOTE, make it default in BOJ macro to try to reduce
+% incidence of VM errors
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+% DVIALW PostScript macro definitions (keep in alphabetical order). For
+% readability, these are heavily commented, but we adhere to the
+% convention that percent is used ONLY to mark the beginning of a
+% comment (NEVER occurs inside a PostScript string), and lines are
+% limited to 80 characters. That way, DVIALW can read these definitions
+% from a file and discard comments and trailing white space before
+% transmission to the PostScript output file. In the interests of
+% compactness, macros which receive any significant degree of use are
+% given single letter names -- PostScript is already much too verbose.
+% Coordinates are assumed to be in pixels (Resolution per inch). The
+% page origin follows the PostScript convention of being in the lower
+% left corner, y positive upwards along the longer side of the page, x
+% positive to the right. Letter and legal sizes are therefore
+% equivalent as far as PostScript is concerned, but y coordinates can be
+% bigger in legal size. In landscape mode, the page is rotated to place
+% the origin in the upper left corner, x positive downward along the
+% longer side of the page, y positive to the right. That way, pages
+% eject from the printer upright when viewed from the front of the
+% printer.
+% Document format is something like this:
+% %!PS-Adobe-1.0
+% %%Dimensions: 0 0 612 792
+% %%Title: DVIALW -o1 -s300 foo12
+% %%CreationDate: Sat Mar 8 10:52:52 1986
+% %%Creator: BEEBE and [TeX82 DVI Translator Version 2.03b...]
+% %%Pages: (atend)
+% %%BugHistory: Incorporates save/restore and font reloading...
+% %%BugHistory: Incorporates Allan Hetzel's 31-Oct-85 DARPA...
+% %%EndComments
+% %%EndProlog
+% %%Page: 0 1
+% TeXdict begin
+% BOJ
+% BOP
+% ...
+% 1 EOP
+% ^LBOP
+% ...
+% 1 EOP
+% ^LBOP
+% ...
+% 1 EOP
+% ^LEOJ
+% %%Trailer
+% %%Pages: 7
+% %%PageTable: 0 1 3434
+% ^D
+% One formfeed is output for each printed page copy, in order to make
+% spooler page accounting simple. The additional comments wrapping the
+% BOJ .. EOJ sequence conform to Adobe PostScript file structuring
+% conventions, and the first line can be used by the spooler to identify
+% the file as containing PostScript.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+/TeXdict 200 dict def % dictionary for these definitions
+TeXdict begin
+% bdf -- bind def (for efficiency)
+% Usage -- just like def, but not on constant objects
+/bdf {bind def} def
+% B -- draw bar (TeX rule) of size w by h at currentpoint
+% Usage -- w h B
+ /h exch def
+ /w exch def
+ gsave
+ currentpoint
+ newpath
+ moveto
+ w 1 sub 0 rlineto
+ 0 h 1 sub rlineto
+ w 1 sub neg 0 rlineto
+ closepath fill
+ grestore
+} bdf
+% BOJ -- beginning of job (EOF ends it and closes TeXdict)
+% Usage -- BOJ
+ 72 Resolution div 72 Resolution div scale
+ userdict /note known
+ {LETTER} % MJF mod
+ {LETTER} % default page format for others
+ ifelse
+} bdf
+% BOP -- beginning of page
+% Usage -- BOP
+ clear
+ Mtrx setmatrix
+ 25 0 translate % Physical page origin is at (-25,0) from the top left corner
+} bdf
+% ch-fieldname -- extract field from ch-data array (order defined by positions
+% in first array argument to macro D)
+% Usage -- ch-fieldname
+/ch-image {ch-data 0 get} bdf % the bitmap hex string image
+/ch-xoff {ch-data 1 get} bdf % pixels from left edge of bitmap to char origin
+/ch-yoff {ch-data 2 get} bdf % pixels from top edge of bitmap to char origin
+/ch-width {ch-data 3 get} bdf % bitmap width in pixels
+/ch-height {ch-data 4 get} bdf % bitmap height in pixels
+/ch-tfmw {ch-data 5 get} bdf % pixels to next character (precise flt value)
+% CharBuilder -- image one character
+% Usage -- fontdict ch CharBuilder
+ /ch-code exch def % save the char code
+ /font-dict exch def % and the font dict.
+ /ch-data font-dict /BitMaps get
+ ch-code get def % get the bitmap descriptor for char
+ ch-data null eq not % show character if entry is not empty
+ {
+ ch-tfmw 0
+ ch-xoff neg ch-yoff ch-height sub
+ ch-width ch-xoff sub ch-yoff
+ setcachedevice
+ 0 0 SNAP translate
+ ch-width ch-height true [ 1 0 0 -1 ch-xoff ch-yoff ]
+ {ch-image} imagemask
+ } if
+} bdf
+% D -- define new character in current font
+% Usage -- [<bitmap> xoff yoff pixwid pixht tfmpixwid] charnum D
+ /ch-code exch def
+ /ch-data exch def
+ currentfont /BitMaps get ch-code ch-data put
+ currentfont /Encoding get ch-code dup 3 string cvs cvn put
+} bdf
+% EOJ -- end of job
+% Usage -- EOJ
+ end % matches begin issued before BOJ
+} bdf
+% EOP -- end of page
+% Usage -- ncopies EOP
+/#copies exch def
+} bdf
+% LANDSCAPE -- landscape format page (11inH x 8.5inV)
+% Usage -- LANDSCAPE
+ letter initmatrix
+ 72 Resolution div dup scale
+ 0 3300 translate
+ -90 rotate
+ 0 -750 translate
+ Mtrx currentmatrix pop
+} bdf
+% LANDSCAPE -- landscape format page (11inH x 8.5inV)
+% Usage -- LEGAL_LAND
+ legal initmatrix
+ 72 Resolution div dup scale
+ 0 4200 translate
+ -90 rotate
+ 0 -750 translate
+ Mtrx currentmatrix pop
+} bdf
+% LEGAL -- legal format page (8.5inH x 14inV)
+% Usage -- LEGAL
+ legal initmatrix
+ 72 Resolution div dup scale
+ 0 900 translate
+ Mtrx currentmatrix pop
+} bdf
+% LETTER -- letter format page
+% Usage -- LETTER
+ letter initmatrix
+ 72 Resolution div dup scale
+ Mtrx currentmatrix pop
+} bdf
+% M -- moveto
+% Usage -- x y M
+ moveto
+} bdf
+% Mtrx -- permanent storage for page transformation matrix
+% Usage -- Mtrx
+/Mtrx 6 array def
+% NF -- define new font
+% Usage -- /fontname NF
+ /newname exch def
+ newname 7 dict def
+ newname load
+ begin
+ /BitMaps 128 array def
+ /BuildChar { CharBuilder } def
+ /Encoding 128 array def
+ 0 1 127 { Encoding exch /.notdef put } for
+ /FontBBox [ 0 0 1 1 ] def
+ /FontMatrix [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 ] def
+ /FontType 3 def
+ end
+ newname newname load definefont pop
+} bdf() pop
+% NOTE -- note format page (increases available virtual memory from 240K
+% to 340K on Apple LaserWriter)
+% Usage -- NOTE
+ note initmatrix
+ 72 Resolution div dup scale % set scaling to 1.
+ Mtrx currentmatrix pop
+} bdf
+% P -- show string at current point, updating horizontal position to new endpt
+% Usage -- (string) P
+/P {show} bdf() pop
+% Q -- draw bar of last size set by B command at specified point
+% Usage -- x y Q
+/Q {moveto w h B} bdf() pop
+% R -- move relative right and show string, updating horizontal position to
+% new endpoint
+% Usage -- (string) xxx R
+/R {0 rmoveto show} bdf() pop
+% Resolution -- device resolution in dots/inch
+% Usage -- Resolution
+/Resolution 300 def
+% S -- move absolute and show string, updating horizontal position to new endpt
+% Usage -- (string) xxx yyy S
+/S {moveto show} bdf() pop
+% SF -- set new font at scale nnn (nnn = 1 normally; 2 gives double size chars)
+% Usage -- nnn /fontname SF
+/SF {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bdf() pop
+% SNAP -- convert coordinates to integer device coordinates and back again
+% Usage -- xxx yyy SNAP (leave xxx' yyy' on stack)
+/SNAP {transform 2 {floor 0.5 add exch} repeat itransform} bdf
+% T -- move absolute horizontally and show string, updating horizontal position
+% to new endpt
+% Usage -- (string) xxx T
+/T {currentpoint exch pop moveto show} bdf() pop
+end % TeXdict
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/enfrtwo.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/enfrtwo.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0d81a168b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/enfrtwo.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+% some macros for english/french side by side
+\def\coltol{\pretolerance=5000 \tolerance=5000 \hbadness=5000 }
+\newif\ifboxsplit % if either box is split
+\newif\ifcolsplit % if this col is being split
+\newdimen\colsize \colsize=2.8in
+\def\splitparms #1{\remsplit=\pagegoal \advance\remsplit by -\pagetotal \relax
+ \rempage=\remsplit
+ \ifdim\pageshrink<10pt \advance\remsplit by -10pt\fi
+ \advance\rempage by -\ht#1
+ \advance\rempage by -\dp#1 \colsplitfalse
+ \ifdim\rempage<0pt \ifdim\remsplit>0pt \colsplittrue \fi\fi
+ \dbmess{<<rs \the\remsplit* rp \the\rempage *ps \the\pageshrink>>}}
+% general column form #1 \right(left)box #2 \right(\left)rembox #3 type
+% #4 input
+\def\colform #1#2#3#4{\setbox#1=\vtop{\hsize \colsize \coltol #3#4}
+ \splitparms{#1}\ifcolsplit\dbmess{<<col split \the\ppnum>>}
+ \boxsplittrue\setbox\tempbox=\vsplit
+ #1 to \remsplit \fi
+ \ifvoid\tempbox \else
+ \setbox#2=\vtop{\unvbox#1}\relax
+ \setbox#1=\vtop{\unvbox\tempbox}\fi
+ \dbmess{** tbx r ** rrh \the\ht#1
+ * rh \the\ht#2
+ * drh \the\dp#1
+ * dh \the\dp#2 }}
+% right and left forms
+\long\def\rightform #1{\colform{\rightbox}{\rightrembox}{\fhyph}{#1\endgraf}}
+\long\def\leftform #1{\colform{\leftbox}{\leftrembox}{\ehyph}{#1\endgraf}}
+\long\def\pp #1@@#2!!{\advance\ppnum by 1 \dbmess{<< pp num \the\ppnum>>}
+ {\def\pp{\dbmess{<<Possible @@ or !! error>>}}\vskip \parskip
+ \boxsplitfalse\leftform{#1}\rightform{#2}\relax
+ \line{\box\leftbox\hss\box\rightbox}\relax
+ \ifboxsplit
+ \line{\box\leftrembox\hss\box\rightrembox}
+ \dbmess{<<End Splitbox \the\ppnum>>}\fi
+ }}
+ \innershead{\qref{#1}.}{#3}!!\nobreak\mark{#2/#3}\nobreak}
+ \innersshead{\qref{#1}}{#3}!!\nobreak\mark{#2/#3}\nobreak}
+ \innerssshead{\qref{#1}}{#3}!!\nobreak\mark{#2/#3}\nobreak}
+ \innerdssshead{#2}!!\nobreak\mark{#1/#2}\nobreak}
+% --- header stuff ----
+ \headertext{\ifodd\pageno\rightheadertext
+ \else\leftheadertext\fi}
+ \def\rightheadertext{\line{\hss
+ \firstmark\rlap{\ssheadfont\qquad\folio}}}
+ \def\leftheadertext{\line{\llap{\ssheadfont\folio
+ \qquad}\firstmark{ }\hss}}
+ \vheadersize=.35in
+ \normalfooterstyle
+ \vfootersize=.35in}
+% Autonumbering ... referencing sections paragraphs
+\def\pn{{\bf \autoartnum{}} }
+\def\rpn{{\bf \the\artnum } }
+% Toc forms change
+\def\shtoc #1#2#3 \shtoc #4#5#6{\pp \ishtoc{#1}{#2}{#3}@@\ishtoc{#4}{#5}{#6}!!}
+\def\sshtoc #1#2#3 \sshtoc #4#5#6{\pp \isshtoc{#1}{#2}{#3}@@\isshtoc{#4}{#5}{#6}!!}
+\def\ssshtoc #1#2#3 \ssshtoc #4#5#6{\pp \issshtoc{#1}{#2}{#3}@@\issshtoc{#4}{#5}{#6}!!}
+ % like section heads .. minor indent
+\def\dssshtoc #1#2#3 \dssshtoc #4#5#6{\pp \idssshtoc{#1}{#2}{#3}@@\idssshtoc{#4}{#5}{#6}!!}
+\parindent=0pt \parskip=2.8ex % block mode \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/english.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/english.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0690068dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/english.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+\nonfrenchspacing % .... needs to reverse accent forms ...
+\def\versionform{{\notefont Draft Version: \date}}%
+\def\Chapter{Chapter }%
+\def\Appendix{Appendix }%
+\def\ABSTRACT{{\ssheadfont Abstract}}%
+\def\figurelabel{Fig. }%
+\def\tablelabel{Table }%
+\def\bookstylemessage{ <<< BOOKSTYLE >>> }%
+\def\endlistmessage##1{ <<< endlist mismatch >>> }%
+\def\undeftagmessage##1{ <<<tag: ##1 = undefined>>> }%
+\def\citetagfileclosedmessage{ << CITATION TAG FILE CLOSED >> }%
+\def\nocitetagformmessage{ NO CITATION FOR THIS TAG }%
+\englishversion \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/francais.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/francais.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b5b07f561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/francais.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+\def\versionform{{\notefont version pr\'eliminaire:\date}}%
+\def\Chapter{Chapitre }%
+\def\Appendix{Appendice }%
+\def\ABSTRACT{{\ssheadfont Sommaire}}%
+\def\figurelabel{Fig. }%
+\def\tablelabel{Tableau }%
+\def\bookstylemessage{ <<< genre de livre >>> }%
+\def\endlistmessage##1{ <<< erreur : endlist >>> }%
+\def\undeftagmessage##1{ <<<tag:##1 = indefini>>> }%
+\def\citetagfileclosedmessage{ << FICHIER DE CITATION DES TAG FERME >> }%
+\def\nocitetagformmessage{ PAS DE CITATION POUR CET TAG }%
+\versionfrancaise \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/helphdr.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/helphdr.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..877c3e98c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/helphdr.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+% -*-tex-*-
+% tex 1.1
+% special definitions
+% subdocument macros fix
+\def\lb{ \li $\bullet$ }
+\def\subdocumentmacros#1{\ifs@ubdocument #1 \fi\s@ubdocumentfalse}
+%simple line skip
+\def\ls{\vskip \baselineskip \noindent}
+%vphantom "bug"
+\def\sphantom#1{\setbox0=\hbox{#1} \setbox2=\null \ht2=\ht0 \dp2=\dp0 \box2}
+%check form %will print in proof mode only
+\long\def\proofcheck#1{\ifproofmode \par Proofcheck: \par #1 \fi}
+\def\comhead#1{\penaltybreak{-1000}{2.8ex}\centerline{\sssheadfont #1}\smallskip\nobreak}
+\let\tex = \TeX % its easier to type
+\def\texbook{\tex book}
+\def\plain{{\it plain}}
+\def\vrt{\hbox{\tt\char`\|}} % vertical line
+\def\dnArrow{\hbox{\tt\char'14}} % downward arrow
+\def\upArrow{\hbox{\tt\char'13}} % upward arrow
+\def\]{\hbox{\tt\char`\ }} % visible space
+%special boxits
+\let \hh=\hhboxit \let \vh=\vhboxit \let \vv=\vvboxit \let \hv=\hvboxit
+%========== simple forms for prim,plain,ext ended commands =======
+\def\pri{\leavevmode\llap{$\bullet$\kern 5pt}\nobreak}
+\def\pla{\leavevmode\llap{$\diamond$\kern 5pt}\nobreak}
+\def\ext{\leavevmode\llap{$\star$\kern 5pt}\nobreak}
+%======== simple multicolumn for symbols and commands
+% must fit on single page and have no inserts
+% will be balanced
+\newdimen\simpfirstoffset \simpfirstoffset = 1em
+\newtoks\simpcolumnsep \simpcolumnsep = {\vrule\hskip 2em\vrule}
+ \dimen0= \simpnumcolumns\wd0 %\the\dimen0
+ \advance\dimen0 by -\wd0 %\the\dimen0
+ \advance\dimen0 by \simpfirstoffset
+ \dimen2 = \hcolumnsize %\the\dimen2
+ \advance\dimen2 by -\dimen0 %\the\dimen0
+ \divide\dimen2 by \simpnumcolumns
+ \global\simphcolumnsize = \dimen2
+ }
+ \setbox\simpgalleybox = \vbox\bgroup \hsize\simphcolumnsize}
+\def\endsimplemulticolumn{ \egroup \dimen0 = \ht\simpgalleybox
+ \advance\dimen0 by \dp\simpgalleybox
+ \divide\dimen0 by \simpnumcolumns
+ \advance\dimen0 by 0pt % size of split box
+ \count255=1
+ \splitmaxdepth=\maxdepth
+ \splittopskip=0pt
+ \setbox2 = \vsplit\simpgalleybox to \dimen0
+ \setbox0 = \hbox{\vbox to \dimen0{\unvbox2\vss}}
+ \loop \ifnum \count255 < \simpnumcolumns
+ \setbox2 = \vsplit\simpgalleybox to\dimen0
+ \setbox0 = \hbox{\unhbox0\the\simpcolumnsep
+ \vbox to \dimen0{\unvbox2\vss}}
+ \advance\count255 by 1
+ \repeat
+ \centerline{\box0}}
+%use default values
+\def\beginthreecolumn{\begincolumns 3}
+\def\begintwocolumn{\begincolumns 2}
+\def\begincolumns#1{\par\simpnumcolumns= #1
+ \simpfirstoffset = 10pt
+ \simpcolumnsep = {\hskip 2em}
+ \setsimphsize
+ \beginsimplemulticolumn \obeylines
+ \advance\parskip by 0pt plus 2pt minus 2pt
+ \parindent =0pt}
+\let\endtwocolumn = \endsimplemulticolumn
+%command followed by explanation or short example
+\newdimen\descrwd \descrwd = 2.5in
+\def\bshortcomlist{\begingroup$$\tabskip=1em plus 1fil
+ minus 1fil\halign\bgroup##\dotfill&\quad
+ \vtop{\hsize \descrwd \veryraggedright\noindent\strut ##\strut} \cr}
+\def\eshortcomlist{\crcr \egroup$$\endgroup}
+% macros for verbatim scanning
+{\obeyspaces %makes a space active for inside def
+\parindent0pt\parskip0pt plus1pt%
+\obeyspaces\let =\space
+{\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=\other% | is temporary escape character
+|obeylines% end of line is active
+{\catcode`\|=\active \gdef\g@et #1|{\gdef\text{#1}#1\endgroup
+ \ifindexit \makexref \fi \indexitfalse}}
+\catcode`\|=\active %defines | as an active character in the entire document
+{\obeylines \gdef|{\ttverbatim\spaceskip\ttglue\g@et}}
+% ========= \ in \beginttverbatim ========
+%More useful stuff from TeX manual Header
+\def\bull{\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex } % square bullet
+\def\SS{{\it SS}} % scriptscript style
+% \box\bigdot is a null box with a bullet at its reference point
+\newbox\bigdot \newbox\smalldot
+\setbox0=\hbox{$\vcenter{}$} % \ht0 is the axis height
+\setbox1=\hbox to 0pt{$\hss\bullet\hss$} % bullet is centered on the axis
+\setbox\bigdot=\vbox to 0pt{\kern-\ht1 \kern\ht0 \box1 \vss}
+\setbox1=\hbox to0pt{$\hss\cdot\hss$} % cdot is centered on the axis
+\setbox\smalldot=\vbox to0pt{\kern-\ht1 \kern\ht0 \box1 \vss}
+% \samplebox makes the outline of a box, with big dot at reference point
+\def\samplebox#1#2#3#4{% #1=ht, #2=dp, #3=wd, #4=text
+ {\setbox0=\vtop{\vbox to #1{\hbox to #3{}\vss}
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \vbox to #2{}}% now \box0 has the desired ht, dp, and wd
+ \hbox{\copy\bigdot
+ \vrule height.2pt depth.2pt width#3%
+ \kern-#3%
+ \makelightbox
+ \kern-#3%
+ \raise#1\vbox{\hbox to #3{\hss#4\hss}
+ \kern 3pt}}}}
+% \sampleglue makes glue between sample boxes
+\def\sampleglue#1#2{% #1=width, #2=text
+ \vtop{\hbox to #1{\xleaders\hbox to .5\varunit{\hss\copy\smalldot\hss}\hfil}
+ \kern3pt
+ \tabskip 0pt plus 1fil
+ \halign to #1{\hfil##\cr#2\cr}}}
+% indexing macros mods of texbook
+% there is an interaction between \beginttverbatim and indexing wrt ^
+% thus change of ^ active to \@ !!!!!
+\gdef\makexref{{\def\space{ }\def^^M{*/*}% spaces are important
+% Command description macro
+% Format will be
+% \bc
+% |<command>|\par-- for input
+% nobreak
+% Block based description
+% bigbreak
+\def\beginblockmode {\begingroup\parindent=0pt
+ \parskip= \smallskipamount
+ \def\nbr{\par\nobreak\smallskip}
+ \let\sbr=\smallbreak
+ \let\mbr=\bigbreak
+ \let\bbr=\bigbreak}
+%multipoint eqalign
+ \ialign{&\quad\strut\hfil$\displaystyle{##}$&$\displaystyle
+ {{}##}$\hfil\quad&##\crcr#1\crcr}}\,}
+%special changes for this book
+\newskip\qsk \qsk=3in plus 1fill
+\def\cquote#1#2{\par\vfill\leftskip=\qsk {\it #1}\par\bigskip{\bf #2}}
+\def\pslide #1//#2//{\vfill\hslide #1//#2//}
+\def\chapterstartform{\ifodd\pageno \relax\else
+ \line{}{\cqu\par\ejectpage}\fi
+ \gdef\cqu{}\titlepagestyle}
+% modification of header format
+\def\leftheadertext{\line{\llap{\ssheadfont\folio\qquad}\def\cr{ }CHAPTER
+ \chnumform: \the\chaptername \hss}}
+\let\bookstyle=\relax % removes the second try
+\input texgrct %POSTCRIPT
+\input inrssl%POSTCRIPT
+\def\wid{{\tt wd}}
+\def\hei{{\tt ht}}
+\def\dpt{{\tt dp}}
+\def\boxpoint{\setbox2=\hbox{\vrule width 8pt height 3pt depth 5pt} \wd2 =0pt
+ \ht2=0pt \dp2=0pt \hskip -8pt \box2}
+\def\vbrule{\vrule width 1pt}
+\def\hbrule{\hrule height 1pt}
+\setbox0=\hbox to 1.2in{\vbrule$\longleftarrow \hss \wid \hss\longrightarrow$\vbrule}
+\setbox8=\vbox to 2in{\offinterlineskip\hbox to \wd4{\hss$\uparrow$\hss}
+ \hbox to \wd4{\hss $\Bigg\vert$\hss}\vss
+ \hbox to \wd4{\hss \hei\hss}\vss
+ \hbox to \wd4{\hss $\Bigg\vert$\hss}
+ \hbox to \wd4{\hss$\downarrow$\hss}}
+\setbox6=\vbox{\hbox to \wd4{\hss$\uparrow$\hss}
+ \hbox to \wd4{\hss \dpt\hss}
+ \hbox to \wd4{\hss$\downarrow$\hss}}
+ \vtop{\copy0 \offinterlineskip
+ \smallskip
+ \hbrule
+ \hbox to \wd0{\vbrule height \ht8
+ \boxpoint \hss
+ \hskip 4pt\copy8 \hss
+ \vbrule height \ht8}
+ \hbrule
+ \hbox to \wd0{\vbrule height \ht6 \hss
+ \copy6 \hss
+ \vbrule height \ht6}
+ \hbrule
+ }
+ \vtop{\hrule height 0pt
+ \vskip 1in
+ \hbox{\qquad \vrule height 6pt width 8pt depth 2pt
+ \quad $\Leftarrow$ Reference Point}
+ \vskip 62pt
+ \hbox{$\Leftarrow$ Baseline}}
+ \hss}\medskip}
+\let\prule=\relax \let\ptrule=\relax
+\ejectpag \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b96c2b8f2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+%%BoundingBox: 215.040000 362.160000 396.720000 429.840000
+0.240000 0.240000 scale
+896 1509 translate
+768 282 scale
+768 282 true [768 0 0 -282 0 282] {<
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/inrslogo.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/inrslogo.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..483eb81ec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/inrslogo.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+%======== macros for the INRS address logo/letterhead =====
+\def\ppa{\beginsegment \absoluteposition
+\lvec h:.4 v:0
+\lvec h:.2 v:.8
+\lvec h:-.2 v:.8
+\pfill p:0
+\def\ppb{\beginsegment \absoluteposition
+\lvec h:.4 v:0
+\lvec h:.1 v:1.2
+\lvec h:-.3 v:1.2
+\pfill p:0
+\def\inrslogo h:#1 v:#2 sc:#3 {\beginsegment
+\penwidth .005
+\move h:#1 v:#2
+\unitscale #3
+\move h:.48 v:0
+\move h:.48 v:0
+\font\inrsaddfont = cmcsc10
+\font\eightrm = cmr8
+\def\inrsadd{\vbox{\hsize 5in \baselineskip=9pt \parskip=0pt
+ \leftline{\eightrm Universit\'e du Qu\'ebec}
+ \vskip 3pt
+ \leftline{\inrsaddfont Institut national de la recherche
+ scientifique}
+ \vskip 6pt
+ {\eightrm \obeylines \parindent=0pt
+ 3, place du Commerce \par
+ Ile-des-Soeurs\par
+ Verdun, Qu\'ebec\par
+ Canada \qquad H3E 1H6\par
+ T\'el\'ephone: \tele \par}
+ \vskip 6pt
+ \leftline{\inrsaddfont INRS-T\'el\'ecommunications}
+ }}
+\def\inrslogoadd h:#1 v:#2 {\btg\inrslogo h:#1 v:#2 sc:.3
+ \beginsegment
+ \move h:0 v:0 \tbox {\inrsadd}
+ \endsegment\etg}
+ \inrslogoadd h:-.5 v:0 }
+\def\tele{(514) 765-7834} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/inrssl.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/inrssl.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..925a824779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/inrssl.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+% PostScript slide form
+% \genform Aug 1991
+% Toulson/Beebe PS driver
+% ====== simple viewgraph box =======
+ \unitscale {\f@ormscale}
+ \slidelogo
+ \topform
+ \botform
+ \move h:0 v:.4
+ \penwidth .05
+ \lvec h:8.9 v:.4
+ \lvec h:8.9 v:6.9
+ \move h:0 v:.4
+ \lvec h:0 v:6.9
+ \move h:.15 v:6.9
+ \larc r:.15 sd:90 ed:180
+ \move h:.15 v:7.05
+ \lvec h:8.75 v:7.05
+ \move h:8.75 v:6.9
+ \larc r:.15 sd:0 ed:90
+ \endsegment}
+% ======= Slide Utilities ======
+% Horizontal form
+\newdimen\slhsize \newdimen\slvsize
+\long\def\sltitle#1{\vglue .03\slvsize \global\slidetitle={#1}
+ \vbox to 0pt{\hsize=\slhsize \rightskip=.1\hsize plus 1fill
+ \def\cr{\endgraf}\leftskip= .1\hsize plus 1fill\gbfont\gbbaselines
+ \parskip=1ex \parindent=0pt#1\vss}}
+\long\def\slidebox #1#2{\vbox to \slvsize{\hsize \slhsize
+ \grfont\parindent=0pt
+ \grbaselines\parskip=2.8ex \advance\rightskip by 0pt plus 1fil
+ \sltitle{#1}\vfill\advance\rightskip by .05\hsize
+ \advance\leftskip by .05\hsize
+ #2\vfill}}
+\def\bl{\beginlist \samplemark{$\bullet$}} % modifies default
+\def\lb{\li {$\bullet$} }
+\def\lc{\li {$\circ$} }
+\def\last{\li {$\ast$} }
+\def\hd#1{\vskip 1ex\vbox{\veryraggedright\hangindent1em\hangafter1
+ \noindent\bigfont#1}\vskip 1ex }
+% ===== slide building macros =======
+% A slide lives in either a textform or fullsize form. The defaault is
+% Fullsize. Text form reduces the size and gives a chance to add background
+% Material with the slide.
+\gdef\inrsform{\message{<< INRSFORM >>}\input inrslogo\relax \gdef\slidelogo{\i@nrsform}
+ \gdef\topform{}\gdef\botform{}}
+\gdef\i@nrsform{\inrslogo h:.2 v:0 sc:.25
+ \move h:8.9 v:.1 \textref h:R v:C
+ \rstext d:0 sc:{\f@ormscale} t:{\bf INRS-T\'el\'ecommunications} }
+\gdef\genform{\message{<< General FORM >>}
+ \gdef\slidelogo{\topform}\gdef\topform{\move h:0 v:.15 \textref h:L v:C
+ \rstext d:0 sc:{\f@ormscale} t:{\borderfont\the\topdata} }
+ \gdef\botform{\move h:4.45 v:7.25
+ \textref h:C v:C
+\rstext d:0 sc:{\f@ormscale} t:{\borderfont \the\botdata\ -- \the\slidedate} }}
+\newcount\textfontscale % computed inside textform
+\gdef\textform{\message{<< Text Size >>}\long
+ \gdef\comment##1//{\rm ##1}\textformtrue\gdef\slidescale{.578}
+ \textfontscale=\the\fullfontscale \relax
+ \multiply\textfontscale by 1000
+ \divide\textfontscale by 1728
+ \fontset scaled {\the\textfontscale}
+ \textformfonts
+ \let\borderfont=\txborderfont
+ \textpagestyle
+ \slvsize = 9.84cm \slhsize = 12.5cm
+ \gdef\tfb{\bigskip\filbreak}}
+\newcount\fullfontscale % set in defaults
+\gdef\fullform{\message{<< Full Size >>}
+ \long\gdef\comment##1//{}\textformfalse\gdef\slidescale{1}
+ \fontset scaled {\the\fullfontscale}
+ \fullformfonts
+ \let\borderfont = \fxborderfont
+ \finalversion
+ \documentstyle{
+ \leftmargin=.6in
+ \nofooterstyle
+ \vfootersize=0pt }
+ \slvsize=17cm \slhsize=21.5cm
+ \let\tfb=\relax}
+ \segmentscale {\slidescale}
+ \move h:0.2 v:.4 \textref h:L v:T
+ \rstext d:0 sc:{\f@ormscale} t:{\slidebox{#1}{#2}}
+ \move h:0 v:0 \hviewbox
+ \etg}
+\gdef\formscale #1 {\gdef\f@ormscale{#1 }}
+\gdef\smalldot{\setbox0=\hbox{\hskip .4in\fiverm.}\wd0=0pt\ht0=0pt\dp0=0pt\box0}
+\long\gdef\hslide #1//#2//{\advance\slidenum by 1 \relax
+ \begingroup\tfb\documentstyle{\genpoint}\bf \let\hslide=\slideerr
+ \iftextform\centergraph{\hhslide{#1}{#2}}\bigskip \else
+ \btg
+ \move h:0 v:8.9
+ \vtext {\hhslide{#1}{#2}}
+ \move h:7 v:8.8
+ \etg
+ \smalldot\ejectpage\fi\endgroup}
+% ====== Error forms ========
+% This attempts to find a misplaced // gracefully
+\ifnum\language=0 \edef\s@lmiss{Probable Missing or Extra // in Slide Num. }
+ \else
+ \edef\s@lmiss{Probable Missing or Extra // in Slide Num. }
+ \fi
+% ====== TexGraph Defaults ========
+ \begingroup \catcode`\^=7 \input texgraph \endgroup \fi
+% ==== text form page style =====
+% ====== Font Defaults =========
+\input spfont \relax
+\gdef\textformfonts{\font\gffont= cmcsc10 scaled 667 }
+\gdef\fullformfonts{\font\gffont = cmcsc10 scaled 1440 }
+\fullfontscale = 2074
+\font\fxborderfont = cmbx10 scaled 1728
+\let\txborderfont = \tenbfx
+% ==== slide default =====
+\gdef\gbbaselines{\baselineskip = 2.8ex\lineskip=1pt\lineskiplimit=0pt}
+\formscale 1
+%====== end defaults =====
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/inrssty.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/inrssty.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a68c0e36a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/inrssty.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+% this assumes the basic paperstyle of INRSTeX and only defines macros for
+% covers
+% INRS Report cover Macros
+\newtoks\titrederapport \titrederapport = {Titre de Rapport}
+\newtoks\numeroderapport \numeroderapport = {Numero de Rapport}
+\newtoks\datederapport \datederapport = {Date de Rapport}
+\newtoks\auteursderapport \auteursderapport = {Auteurs de Rapport}
+\newtoks\titrespecial \titrespecial = {}
+\def\faitepagetitre{\begingroup \leftmargin=1.75in
+ \fullpagestyle
+ \vglue 3.8cm
+ \line{\hss\vbox{\hsize=8cm\twelvebfxsca\lineskip=2pt
+ \paragraphcenterline \the\titrederapport
+ \medskip \it
+ \the\auteursderapport}\hskip 3.4cm}
+ \vfill
+ \centerline{\vbox{\hsize=10cm \it\paragraphcenterline
+ INRS-T\'el\'ecommunications \cr
+ 3 Place du Commerce \cr
+ Ile des Soeurs, Qu\'e. \cr
+ CANADA H3E 1H6 }}
+ \vskip 2.5cm
+ \centerline{\the\datederapport}
+ \vfill
+ \centerline{Rapport technique de
+ l'INRS-T\'el\'ecommunications no. \the\numeroderapport}
+ \medskip
+ \the\titrespecial
+ \ejectpage\endgroup}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/inrstemp.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/inrstemp.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe550dde86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/inrstemp.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+% this assumes the basic paperstyle of INRSTeX and only defines macros for
+% covers
+% INRS Report cover Macros
+\titrederapport = {Titre de Rapport}
+\numeroderapport = {Numero de Rapport}
+\datederapport = {Date de Rapport}
+\auteursderapport = {Auteurs de Rapport}
+\titrespecial = {}
+\faitepagetitre \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/oldspace.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/oldspace.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d00be1801f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/oldspace.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+\def\spacing#1{\setbox0=\vbox{\vskip 2.8ex} \baselineskip #1\ht0
+ \lineskip=1pt\lineskiplimit=0pt} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/papersty.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/papersty.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..417aafcdad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/papersty.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+% see english.tex and francais.tex for messages
+\def\paperstyle{\documentstyle{\vouterpagesize = 9.25in
+ \houterpagesize = 6.0in
+ \topmargin = 1in
+ \leftmargin = 1.25in
+ \vheadersize = 0pt
+ \vfootersize = .35in
+ \headertext{} \specialheadertext{}
+ \footertext{\centerline{- \folio\ -}}
+ \let\specialfootertext = \footertext
+ \leftskip=0pt
+ \rightskip=0pt
+ \tenpoint
+ \noheaderstyle
+ \normalfooterstyle
+ \numberbysection
+ \specialnumberscontinuous}}
+\paperstyle \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/spfont.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/spfont.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ecf578ed5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/spfont.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+% --------- This is the "cm" version --------
+% a family is produced by redefining the special font forms in
+% \genpoint ... the names reflect the base fonts
+\def\rescale #1#2{\count255=#1\multiply\count255 by #2\relax
+ \divide\count255 by 100
+ \advance\count 255 by 5 % rounding
+ \divide\count 255 by 10 }
+\def\fontset scaled #1 {
+\font\tensprm =cmr10 scaled #1
+\font\sevensprm = cmr7 scaled #1
+\font\fivesprm = cmr5 scaled #1
+\font\tenspi = cmmi10 scaled #1
+\font\sevenspi = cmmi7 scaled #1
+\font\fivespi = cmmi5 scaled #1
+\font\tenspsy = cmsy10 scaled #1
+\font\sevenspsy = cmsy7 scaled #1
+\font\fivespsy = cmsy5 scaled #1
+\font\tenspit = cmti10 scaled #1
+\font\tenspsl = cmsl10 scaled #1
+\font\tenspbfx = cmbx10 scaled #1
+\font\sevenspbfx = cmbx7 scaled #1
+\font\fivespbfx = cmbx5 scaled #1
+\font\tensptt = cmtt10 scaled #1
+\font\tenspex = cmex10 scaled #1
+\def\tenspscsm{\rescale {800}{#1}
+ \font\t@enspscsm = cmcc10 scaled \the\count255\relax
+ \let\tenspscsm=\t@enspscsm\tenspscsm}
+\def\tensprmbig{\rescale {1200}{#1}
+ \font\t@ensprmbig = cmr10 scaled \the\count255\relax
+ \let\tensprmbig=\t@ensprmbig\tensprmbig}
+\def\tenspbfxbig{\rescale {1200}{#1}
+ \font\t@enspbfxbig = cmbx10 scaled \the\count255\relax
+ \let\tenspbfxbig=\t@enspbfxbig\tenspbfxbig}
+\def\tenspbfxbigg{\rescale {1440}{#1}
+ \font\t@enspbfxbigg = cmbx10 scaled \the\count255\relax
+ \let\tenspbfxbigg=\t@enspbfxbigg\tenspbfxbigg}
+\def\tensprmbigg{\rescale {1440}{#1}
+ \font\t@ensprmbigg = cmr10 scaled \the\count255\relax
+ \let\tensprmbigg=\t@ensprmbigg\tensprmbigg}
+ \let\tensprmbiggg = \tensprmbigg }
+ \textfont0=\tensprm \scriptfont0=\sevensprm \scriptscriptfont0=\fivesprm
+ \textfont1=\tenspi \scriptfont1=\sevenspi \scriptscriptfont1=\fivespi
+ \textfont2=\tenspsy \scriptfont2=\sevenspsy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivespsy
+ \textfont3=\tenspex \scriptfont3=\tenspex \scriptscriptfont3=\tenspex
+ \textfont\bffam=\tenspbfx \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenspbfx
+\tt \ttglue=.5em plus .25em minus .15em
+\def\normalbaselines{\baselineskip 2.8ex \lineskip 1pt \lineskiplimit \z@}%
+\setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height 2.32ex depth .48ex width\z@}%
+ \ifd@ocsty \let\footerfont =\tenspit
+ \let\headerfont=\tenspit
+% \let\footnotefont = \smallpoint
+% \let\smallerfont = \smallpoint
+ \def\cheadfont{\tensprmbigg}\relax
+ \def\sheadfont{\tenspbfxbig}\relax
+ \def\ssheadfont{\tenspbfx}\relax
+ \def\sssheadfont{\tenspbfx}\relax
+ \def\dsssheadfont{\tenspbfx}\relax
+ \setspacings \fi
+\def\bigggfont{\tenspbfxbiggg}\let\titlefont = \biggfont
+ \let\sc=\tenspccsm }
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/texgraph.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/texgraph.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14c065d753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/texgraph.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,859 @@
+% DVIPS version
+% included are the changes required to make it work with DVIPS
+% It should be modifiable to any other decent driver too
+% This is the complete texgraph macros ... for use with the INRS/Beebe
+% Postscript driver
+% This is the INRSTEX version
+% Graphics macros for TeX using POSTCRIPT
+% ----- Needs mod to count characters in special ... some drivers have an
+% input limit of 500 characters in a \special
+% ===============================================================
+% THIS VERSION IS FOR USE with a PostScript Driver with
+% \p@sfile to signal a file name
+% \p@sinline to signal inline PostScript
+% processes \specials and dvi commands in order.
+% does not place a (save restore) pair about a \special.
+% \printhv defines scale/directions for inline Postscript
+% \filehv defines scale/directions for file Postscript
+% Both INRS's modification of Beebe's DVIALW and ArborText's PostScript
+% drivers satisfy these minimal requirements.
+% It assumes that the underlying units are 300 pix/in
+% Standard PostScript Conventions
+% This is easily changed by changing the \hpix or \vpix
+% It assumes that x,y are in the "normal" up/left direction.
+% File inclusions require the existence of a bounding box for the correct
+% spacing to be left.
+% ===============================
+% Most arguments, excepting file names, are delimited by spaces. Thus
+% braces { .... } will usually only occur around inserted text ... which
+% still must be followed by a space or end of line.
+% ======================
+% =============== Driver Signal Forms =======================
+%\xdef\p@sfile{ps: } % file signal INRS DVIALW
+ \xdef\p@sfile{ps: plotfile } % file signal DVIPS
+\xdef\p@sinline{ps:: } % inline signal DVIPS ... INRS DVIALW
+% This translates the direction of the page if the printer assumptions
+% are different than TeX. The values should be +-1.
+\gdef\printhv #1 #2 {\gdef\p@hv{ #1 #2 scale }}
+\gdef\filehv #1 #2 {\gdef\f@schv{ #1 #2 scale }}
+\gdef\rtdir #1 {\gdef\r@tdir{ #1 }} % neg or nothing PS has no pos
+% ============== LateX support =================
+% This is the only change between the LateX and INRSTeX versions
+% ======= Simple Plotfile support ===========
+% These are vanilla forms for inserting an encapsulated PostScript file
+% or creating a centered graphics environment.
+% \centergraph needs to be very \long
+\long\gdef\centergraph#1{\hbox to
+ \hsize{\hss\vbox{#1\vgraphskip}\hgraphskip\hss}}
+\gdef\centerplotfile#1{\centergraph{\btg\includefile {#1} \etg}}
+% if you use the Latex command to create the new texgraph environment,
+% then you will automatically be "inside" Texgraph. This
+% means that you should use such commands as
+% \includefile \incscmvfile \incscfile
+% ========= error messages =========
+% \language=0 -- English, 1 - French
+\ifnum \language=0 \message{<< WARNING -- TeXGraph needs DVIPS >>}
+ \xdef\bbmess{Searching for BoundingBox }
+ \xdef\incfile{Graphics file}
+ \xdef\badincfile{Size/Format Error in Graphics File}
+ \xdef\noincfile{Missing Graphics File}
+ \else
+ \message{<< AVERTISSMENT -- TeXGraph a besoin du DVIPS >>}
+ \xdef\bbmess{Searching for BoundingBox }
+ \xdef\incfile{Graphics file}
+ \xdef\badincfile{Size/Format Error in Graphics File}
+ \xdef\noincfile{Missing Graphics File}
+ \fi
+% ===== debugging code =====
+% will send out specials as messages
+\gdef\dmess #1{}
+\gdef\bmess #1{}
+% ======== \global\newif =======
+% Plain defines the \newif as a local variable. We need a global
+% version if TeXgraph is to be brought in while inside a group.
+% This is a simpler, but less elegant version of \newif
+%#1 is \if<..> #2 -...true #3 ...false
+\gdef\gnewif#1#2#3{\global\let#1=\iffalse \gdef#2{\let#1=\iftrue}\relax
+ \gdef#3{\let#1=\iffalse}}
+% ======== TeXGraph Macros ==========
+% Postcript allows for arbitrary translation, scaling, rotation and clipping.
+% This version saves the current segment scale(s), unit scale(s), rotation
+% and translation and painfully computes and retores the correct form after
+% a segment exit. The reason for this is that Postcript can stack only one
+% CTM, text needs to have correct rotation and translation but default
+% scaling ...
+% It would be preferable not to convert any of the units. However, it is
+% necessary to know the maximum excursions. Since the PS currentpoint is
+% not accessible to TeX, we must keep it ourselves.
+% Since negative numbers can be used both maximum and minimum excursions
+% are required.
+% ====== begin -- end graphics =======
+% The maximum and minimum extent in the h and v direction is recorded
+% and is accessible
+% at the end of a \btg \etg pair (in points). The same value, in pixels is accessible at
+% all times
+\gdef\beginTeXGraphics{\t@exgraphdef \i@ncgdepth
+ \vbox\bgroup\offinterlineskip
+ \h@pos=0
+ \global\maxhpospix=\h@pos
+ \global\minhpospix=\h@pos
+ \v@pos=0
+ \global\maxvpospix=\v@pos
+ \global\minvpospix=\v@pos
+ \h@segoff=\h@pos \v@segoff=\v@pos
+ \edef\o@form{}\ifnum\g@depth=1
+ \p@sinit \fi \p@sset % PS initialization
+ \s@save}
+% \s@save saves the initialization for the special output.
+% \g@save saves some local condition
+\gdef\endTeXGraphics{\g@raphout\egroup\maxhvpos\p@srestore \d@ecgdepth }
+% ========== TeXGraph Nesting Depth ==========
+\newcount\g@depth \global\g@depth=0 % initializes at zero
+\gdef\i@ncgdepth{\global\advance\g@depth by 1 }
+\gdef\d@ecgdepth{\global\advance\g@depth by -1 }
+% =========== Complete Graph Scaling ===============
+% There is a separate scaling for the horizontal, vertical, and text
+\gdef\grscale h:#1 v:#2 {\gdef\h@grsc{#1}\gdef\v@grsc{#1}\e@xtend
+ {\o@form}{#1 #2 scale }}
+\gdef\tgrscale #1 {\e@xtend{\o@form}{#1 #1 scale }}
+ % text scale h and v the same
+% ======== PostScript initialization =========
+\gdef\t@exgrdictdef{/td 50 dict def }
+\gdef\t@exgrdictinit{ td begin /mv {moveto} def
+ /lv {lineto} def
+ /st {stroke} def
+ /np {newpath} def
+ /sl {setlinewidth} def
+ /sd {setdash} def
+ /rt {rotate} def
+ /gs {gsave} def
+ /gr {grestore} def
+ /tr {translate} def
+ /cp {closepath} def
+ /sg {setgray} def
+ /chv {currentpoint} def
+ /cv {curveto} def
+ /slc {setlinecap} def
+ /slj {setlinejoin} def
+ /sc {scale} def
+ /at {neg atan rt} def
+ /mx {mv gs chv tr} def
+% \h@vinit
+ end }
+% ----- initial point move ... driver dependent -----
+\gdef\h@vinit{ chv /\Ypos exch
+ def /\Xpos exch def }
+\gdef\h@vset{\t@rhv \p@hv }
+\gdef\m@vhv{ \Xpos \Ypos mv } % INRS
+\gdef\t@rhv{ \Xpos \Ypos tr } % INRS
+\gdef\t@rneghv{ \Xpos neg \Ypos neg tr } % INRS
+ \t@exgrdictdef
+ \t@exgrdictinit}}
+\gdef\p@sset{\special{\p@sinline td begin \h@vinit gs \t@rhv
+ \p@hv end }}\e@form\dmess{\e@form}}
+% ======== PostScript termination =========
+\gdef\p@srestore{\edef\e@form{\special{\p@sinline grestore }}\e@form
+ \dmess{\e@form}}
+ % resets to entry into TeXgraph and recovers memory
+%========= macros for converting dimensions/units =========
+% --------- \box0 must not be void ----------
+%default values
+\gdef\graphdim#1 {\gdef\g@dim{#1\relax}}
+%pixels /dim unit
+\newcount\h@pix % sp/pixel
+\gdef\hpix#1/#2 {\wd0=1true#2\relax
+ \h@pix=\wd0 \divide\h@pix by #1 \relax}
+\newcount\v@pix % sp/pixel
+\gdef\vpix#1/#2 {\wd0=1true#2\relax
+ \v@pix=\wd0 \divide\v@pix by #1 \relax}
+% Assumes #1 is dimension #2 is count in pixels, #3 sp/pix, #4 scalefactor (real)
+% #2 is returned
+ \wd0=\dimen0 #2=\wd0 \divide #2 by #3\relax}
+% #1 is returned, #5 -\global or {}
+\gdef\genpixtopt#1#2#3#4#5{\multiply #2 by #3\relax\wd0=#2sp
+ #5#1=#4\wd0\relax}
+% ---------- Converts maxpix to maxdim removes offset -----
+\gdef\maxhvpos{\global\advance\maxhpospix by -\minhpospix\relax
+ \genpixtopt{\hgraphsize}{\maxhpospix}{\h@pix}{\h@grsc}{\global}\relax
+ \global\advance\maxvpospix by -\minvpospix\relax
+ \genpixtopt{\vgraphsize}{\maxvpospix}{\v@pix}{\v@grsc}{\global}}
+% ======== The vector offsets my be relative or absolute =====
+\gnewif{\ifr@elpos}{\r@elpostrue}{\r@elposfalse} %default is absolute
+\global\let\absolute=\absoluteposition % historical
+\global\let\relative=\relativeposition % historical
+% ====== update #1 by #2 r@elpos to #3, #4 is max #5 is min=======
+\gdef\u@pdate#1#2#3#4#5{\ifr@elpos \advance #1 by #2\else
+ \advance #2 by #3\relax
+ #1=#2\fi
+ \ifnum #1>#4\global #4=#1\fi
+ \ifnum #1<#5\global #5=#1\fi
+ }
+\gdef\h@update #1{\u@pdate{\h@pos}{#1}{\h@segoff}{\maxhpospix}{\minhpospix}}
+\gdef\v@update #1{\u@pdate{\v@pos}{#1}{\v@segoff}{\maxvpospix}{\minvpospix}}
+% === pixel position r@elpos to initial offset starting position
+\newcount\h@pos \h@pos=0
+\newcount\v@pos \v@pos=0
+\newcount\r@ang \r@ang=0 % 1000 times degrees ?
+% ===== Check for pen up moves only =====
+% penup/down are used to determine whether a line needs to be stroked
+% when a line pattern or penwidth is changed.
+ \gnewif{\ifp@down}{\p@downtrue}{\p@downfalse}
+% ===== present segment origin and rotation ==========
+\newcount\r@segoff % 1000 times degrees
+% segment initialization is a trifle messy
+\gdef\s@eginit{\h@segoff =\h@pos \v@segoff=\v@pos}
+% PS has the concept of a path that is either
+% completed with a "stroke" or "fill" ... stroking
+% at the end or beginning of a segment, the special is written out. This is
+% to ensure that the input order of the graphics reflects what entities are
+% on top of what others. Further it is assumed that the origin does not
+% change during an entire \btg ...\etg section. This means that every special
+% must first move to the point where the previous one left off. \s@save
+% defines \s@restore that restores, in case they had been modified, the line
+% width, pattern, hpos, vpos, ... and any future things that need restoration.
+% all graphic specials are ended with a stroke (st), whether it needs it not.
+% we need a special form to force a space after a \the\nnn form or \p@w
+\gdef\b@{ }
+ \edef\o@form{}\s@save}
+\gdef\s@pout #1#2{\edef\e@form{\special{#1\s@restore\o@form#2}}\dmess{\e@form}\e@form
+ \edef\o@form{}\s@save}
+%\h@vset if there is a move before each special
+\gdef\g@raphout{\ifx\empty\o@form \else \ifp@down
+ \s@pout{\p@sinline td begin }{ st end }\fi\fi\p@downfalse}
+% ====== Segment and units scaling ========
+% The units in any segment may be scaled arbitrarily. A unit scale is local
+% to a segment but affects enclosed segments unless specifically overidden
+% in that segment. In addition there is a graph or segment scale. This
+% scaling factor is accumulative and is applied on top of the unit scale.
+% These two scaling factors allow for a segment to be designed in nominal
+% units, scaled to a nominal size and then be affected by relative scaling
+% of an entire graph or segment. In addition there is a relative/absolute
+% scale switch that allows for any segment to be unaffected by a graphscale.
+% \u@nitsc -- present unit scale, \s@egsc -- present segment scale
+% \g@rsc -- present graphscale ... changes when ever either of the former do.
+% present implementation does not allow separate v h scaling
+% ------ Relative/Absolute Scale ------
+% ----- unit scale -----
+\gdef\unitscale#1 {\edef\u@nitsc{#1}\newgraphscale}
+\global\let\graphscale=\unitscale % Historical
+% ----- Segment Scale -----
+\gdef\segmentscale#1 {\ifr@elscale \realmult{#1}{\s@egsc}{\s@egsc}\else
+ \edef\s@egsc{#1}\fi
+ \newgraphscale}
+% ---- Graph Scale --------
+% This changes whenever either of the above change
+% ------ "Real" Multiplication --------
+% These functions use the fact that a box dimension may be scaled by
+% a real. The final step is to "clean" off the pt on the resulting dim
+% Cleans off the pt in a dimension ... pt has catcode 12
+{\catcode`\p=12 \catcode`\t=12
+% #1 and #2 are multiplicands #3 is a command to capture result
+ \edef\R@M{\the\dimen0}\expandafter\c@lean\R@M\edef#3{\cx}}
+ \edef\R@M{\the\dimen0}\expandafter\c@lean\R@M\edef#3{\cx}}
+% -------- Command to convert nominal values to pixels ------
+% #1 is a decimal number, #2 must be a count, #3 is sp/pix
+% This includes all scalings
+% ------- special forms to update positions ------
+%dummy variables
+% ====== end macros for converting dimensions
+% ======== Some more Utility Macros ========
+% ======== recursive macros ========
+\gdef\e@xtend #1#2{\let\d@x=#1\edef #1{\d@x #2}}
+\xdef\s@pin{ }
+\gdef\s@pexpand #1 #2!{\e@xtend{\s@pex}{#1\s@pin}\edef\t@x{#2}\ifx\t@x\empty\relax \else
+ \s@pexpand #2!\fi}
+% ========== A Do Loop Construction =========
+% \do <something> for <number of times>\od
+% This is a specialization of the \loop in Plain.
+\gdef\do #1 for #2\od{\d@count=#2\loop #1 \ifnum\d@count>1\advance
+ \d@count by -1\repeat}
+% ========= Graphics specials =======
+\gdef\penwidth #1 {\h@num{#1}{\d@umc}\edef\p@w{\the\d@umc}\ifp@down \g@save
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{st \g@restore }
+ \else \e@xtend{\o@form}{\p@w\b@ sl }\fi}
+\gdef\linecap #1 {\edef\s@lc{#1}\ifp@down \g@save
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{st \g@restore }
+ \else \e@xtend{\o@form}{\s@lc\b@ slc }\fi}
+\gdef\linejoin #1 {\edef\s@lj{#1}\ifp@down \g@save
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{st \g@restore }
+ \else \e@xtend{\o@form}{\s@lj\b@ slj }\fi}
+\gdef\lpatt p:#1 {\edef\v@p{#1 0}\ifp@down \g@save
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{st \g@restore }
+ \else \e@xtend{\o@form}{\v@p\b@ sd }\fi}
+% ==== parameters are in units of the nominal dimension \g@dim ======
+\gdef\p@move #1#2#3{\i@h{#1}\i@v{#2}\e@xtend{\o@form}{\the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ #3 }}
+\gdef\lvec h:#1 v:#2 {\p@move{#1}{#2}{lv}\p@downtrue} %draws a line
+\gdef\move h:#1 v:#2 {\p@move{#1}{#2}{mv}} %moves
+% ====== a general vector with dimensions in pixels ======
+% ========= General pixel dim vector ==========
+\gdef\lpix h:#1 v:#2 f:#3 {\e@xtend{\o@form}{ #1 #2 #3 }}
+%============== puts TeX text at this position
+% These are pure TeX macros that use \h@pos and \v@pos for orientation
+% Text may be put horizontally (left/right) or vertically (down/up)
+% ======== sp form of \h@pos and \v@pos respectively ========
+ \genpixtopt{\t@hpos}{\d@umc}{\h@pix}{}{}\relax
+ \d@umc=\v@pos
+ \genpixtopt{\t@vpos}{\d@umc}{\v@pix}{}{}\relax}
+% any one of nine reference point may be specified on the
+% TeX box. This is Vertical T,C,B and Horizontal L,C,R
+% The actual box is 0 height and width.
+% #1 LCR default/error L #2 TCB default/error T #3 text -- in hbox
+% Sets the box glues \lhglue \rhglue \tvglue \bvglue
+% #1 x/h ref, #2 v/y ref
+\gdef\textref h:#1 v:#2 {\ifx#1R\edef\lhglue{\hss}\edef\rhglue{}\else
+ \ifx#1C\edef\lhglue{\hss}\edef\rhglue{\hss}\else
+ \edef\lhglue{}\edef\rhglue{\hss}\fi\fi
+ \ifx#2B\edef\tvglue{\vss}\edef\bvglue{}\else
+ \ifx#2C\edef\tvglue{\vss}\edef\bvglue{\vss}\else
+ \edef\tvglue{}\edef\bvglue{\vss}\fi\fi}
+\newcount\h@oldmaxpos \newcount\v@oldmaxpos
+ %needed to save max pos when texgraph is inside an h/vtext
+% ========== assumes driver location at initial \btg entry ========
+% #1 text #2 - begin rotation form #3 - end rotation form
+ \v@oldmaxpos=\maxvpospix\relax
+ \edef\h@oldgrsc{\h@grsc}\edef\v@oldgrsc{\v@grsc}\s@ettpos
+ \setbox\t@box=\vbox{\normalbaselines
+ \vskip\t@vpos\hbox{\hskip\t@hpos
+ \t@init{#2}\relax
+ \vbox to 0pt{\normalbaselines
+ \tvglue\hbox to 0pt{\lhglue\hbox{#1}\rhglue
+ }\bvglue}}}\relax
+ \dp\t@box=0pt\ht\t@box=0pt\wd\t@box=0pt
+ \box\t@box
+ \t@fin{#3}
+ \global\maxhpospix=\h@oldmaxpos\relax
+ \global\maxvpospix=\v@oldmaxpos\relax
+ \xdef\h@grsc{\h@oldgrsc}\edef\v@grsc{\v@oldgrsc}}
+ % saves maxh(v)pospix on stack
+% ========== PS text initializations and terminations ===========
+\gdef\t@init#1{\special{\p@sinline td begin \h@vinit gr gs
+ \t@rhv #1 \t@rneghv end }}
+\gdef\t@fin#1{\special{\p@sinline td begin \h@vinit gr gs \m@vhv \t@rhv \p@hv end }}
+% .... special test
+% ... end special test
+\long\gdef\htext #1 {\m@text{#1}{}{}}
+\long\gdef\vtext #1 {\m@text{#1}{ 90 \r@tdir rt }{}}
+\long\gdef\rtext d:#1 t:#2 {\m@text{#2}{ #1 \r@tdir rt }{}}
+\long\gdef\rstext d:#1 sc:#2 t:#3 {\m@text{#3}{ #1 \r@tdir rt #2 #2 sc }{}}
+% ========= Various Restore forms ========
+\gdef\g@save{\edef\g@restore{\p@w\b@ sl \v@p\b@ sd \s@lc\b@ slc \s@lj\b@ slj
+ np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+\gdef\s@save{\edef\s@restore{\p@w\b@ sl \v@p\b@ sd \s@lc\b@ slc \s@lj\b@ slj
+ np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+% ======== circle, arcs =========
+% The PS arc will connect the center of the arc to the circumference
+% if the newpath includes the move to this point. Thus we define a
+% set of arc functions that include/exclude this feature. The default
+% does not include this form.
+\gdef\larc r:#1 sd:#2 ed:#3 {\h@num{#1}{\d@umc}\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{ st np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ \the\d@umc\b@ #2 #3 arc
+ st np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+\gdef\lcir r:#1 {\larc r:#1 sd:0 ed:360 }
+% ------ this is a raw arc ... can be used in fills --------
+\gdef\arcc r:#1 sd:#2 ed:#3 {\h@num{#1}{\d@umc}\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{\the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ \the\d@umc\b@ #2 #3 arc }}
+\gdef\arcn r:#1 sd:#2 ed:#3 {\h@num{#1}{\d@umc}\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{\the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@
+ \the\d@umc\b@ #2 #3 arcn }}
+% ======= fill command ==========
+% The fill command is essentially a polygonal fill ... not a point spreading
+% this means that it is possible to erase with white ... The form here
+% completes with a closepath applies the fill, starts a newpath and moves
+% to the current point. Pattern is a grey level.
+% 0 is black 1 is white
+\gdef\pfill p:#1 {\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{cp #1 sg fill np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+% this form both fills and strokes around the path
+\gdef\lpfill p:#1 {\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{cp gs #1 sg fill gr st np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+% ======== Postscript special forms ========
+% This allows "raw" postscript to be put in the graph.
+\gdef\pst #1{\e@xtend{\o@form}{#1 }}
+% These are some useful postscript compatible forms.
+\gdef\closepath{\e@xtend{\o@form}{cp }}
+\gdef\newpath{\e@xtend{\o@form}{np }}
+\gdef\stroke{\e@xtend{\o@form}{st }}
+% ========= including external files ==========
+% an external file is included at the present point on the graph area
+% moves are required to get there
+% The actual file is placed inside a \t@box and tex commands are used
+% to get to the place ... They probably can be nested
+% #1 is the filename
+% The file is opened, if possible, to read its size. If this exists, it
+% is used to update the maximum h/v position.
+% The BoundingBox is determined
+% #1 is the file name
+% #1 == %%BoundingBox, #2 llh #3 llv #4 urh #5 urv #6 rest of line
+\gdef\l@shift{\ifx\l@lh\empty \xdef\l@lh{\l@lv}\xdef\l@lv{\u@rh}\xdef
+ \u@rh{\u@rv}\xdef\u@rv{\e@xt}\fi}
+ \global\b@boxexiststrue\q@readfalse\bmess{<< At End Test >>}\fi}
+\long\gdef\q@inline #1:#2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7//{\xdef
+ \q@bbtest{#1}\xdef\l@lh{#2}\xdef
+ \l@lv{#3}\xdef\u@rh{#4}\xdef\u@rv{#5}\xdef
+ \e@xt{#6}\ifx\q@bbtest\B@Box
+ \a@tendtest\fi
+ \ifeof\q@file \q@readfalse \fi}
+ \message{<< \bbmess -- \f@ilename>>}\q@readtrue
+ \loop \relax \ifq@read\r@eadline\repeat}
+\gdef\r@eadline{ {\uncat \global\read\q@file to\q@parms }
+ \expandafter\q@inline\q@parms {}:{\relax} {\relax} {\relax} {\relax}
+{\relax} \relax//\bmess{<<\q@parms>>}}
+\gdef\g@etpsize #1{{\catcode`\%=12\openin\q@file = #1\relax
+ \edef\q@parms{}\global\q@filetrue\xdef\f@ilename{#1}
+ \ifeof\q@file \message{<<\noincfile: #1 >>}\relax
+ \global\q@filefalse\else
+ \s@bbox
+ \closein\q@file\fi}}
+} % end of % disable
+\newcount\h@px \newcount\v@px \newcount\h@mx \newcount\v@mx
+ \global\h@mx=\minhpospix\global\v@mx=\minvpospix}
+ \global\minhpospix=\h@mx\global\minvpospix\v@mx}
+\gdef\filerotate#1{\edef\f@rt{ XposR YposR tr #1 \r@tdir rt XposR neg
+ YposR neg tr }}
+\gdef\filescale #1{\edef\f@sc{#1 #1 sc \f@schv}}
+\gdef\p@fileinit{ td begin \h@vinit gr gs \f@rt \t@rhv \f@sc end
+ /texgraph save def /showpage {} def }
+\xdef\p@filefin{ texgraph restore }
+\gdef\includefile #1 {\incscfile f:{#1} sc:1 d:0 }
+\gdef\incscfile f:#1 sc:#2 d:#3 {\g@etpsize{#1}\ifb@boxexists
+ \message{<<\incfile: #1 >>}\realadd{\u@rh}{-\l@lh}{\p@lh}
+ \realadd{\u@rv}{-\l@lv}{\p@lv}
+ \realmult{\p@lh}{.5}{\p@lhh}
+ \realmult{\p@lv}{.5}{\p@lvh}
+ \beginsegment
+ \segmentscale #2
+ \global\let\g@dimo=\g@dim
+ \graphdim pt
+ \mvec h:{\p@lh} v:{\p@lv}
+ \mvec h:{\p@lhh} v:{\p@lvh}
+ \m@text{}{ /XposR \Xpos\b@ def
+ /YposR \Ypos\b@ def }{}
+ \endsegment
+ \s@avemaxpos
+ \beginsegment \segmentscale #2
+ \mvec h:{-\l@lh} v:{\u@rv}
+ \htext{\filescale{#2}\filerotate{#3}\relax
+ \special{\p@sinline\p@fileinit }
+ \special{\p@sfile #1 }
+ \special{\p@sinline\p@filefin }}
+ \endsegment
+ \r@estoremaxpos
+ \global\let\g@dim=\g@dimo
+ \else\message{<<\badincfile: #1 >>}\fi }
+\gdef\incscmvfile f:#1 sc:#2 d:#3 h:#4 v:#5 {\g@etpsize{#1}\ifb@boxexists
+ \message{<<\incfile: #1 >>}\realadd{\u@rh}{-\l@lh}{\p@lh}
+ \realadd{\u@rv}{-\l@lv}{\p@lv}
+ \realmult{\p@lh}{.5}{\p@lhh}
+ \realmult{\p@lv}{.5}{\p@lvh}
+ \ifx#4L \edef\f@h{0}\else \ifx#4C \edef\f@h{1} \else \edef\f@h{2}\fi\fi
+ \ifx#5T \edef\f@v{0}\else \ifx#5C \edef\f@v{1} \else\edef\f@v{2}\fi\fi
+ \realmult{\p@lhh}{\f@h}{\h@off}
+ \realmult{\p@lvh}{\f@v}{\v@off}
+ \beginsegment
+ \segmentscale #2
+ \global\let\g@dimo=\g@dim
+ \graphdim pt
+ \mvec h:{-\h@off} v:{-\v@off}
+ \beginsegment
+ \mvec h:{\p@lh} v:{\p@lv}
+ \mvec h:{\p@lhh} v:{\p@lvh}
+ \m@text{}{ /XposR \Xpos\b@ def
+ /YposR \Ypos\b@ def }{}
+ \endsegment
+ \endsegment
+ \s@avemaxpos
+ \beginsegment \segmentscale #2
+ \mvec h:{-\l@lh} v:{\u@rv}
+ \beginsegment
+ \mvec h:{-\h@off} v:{-\v@off}
+ \htext{\filescale{#2}\filerotate{#3}\relax
+ \special{\p@sinline\p@fileinit }
+ \special{\p@sfile #1 }
+ \special{\p@sinline\p@filefin }}
+ \endsegment
+ \endsegment
+ \r@estoremaxpos
+ \global\let\g@dim=\g@dimo
+ \else\message{<<\badincfile: #1 >>}\fi }
+% ============ Design Grid ==============
+% This will lay down a grid at the present location. The grid nominally
+% at unit dimension intervals. The scale factor sc modifies this. The
+% sc is local only to the grid
+\gdef\grid nh:#1 nv:#2 sc:#3 {\gcount= #1
+ \beginsegment
+ \relative
+ \penwidth .005
+ \graphscale #3
+ \beginsegment
+ \loop \lvec h:#2 v:0
+ \move h:-#2 v:1
+ \ifnum \gcount > 1
+ \advance\gcount by -1 \repeat
+ \endsegment
+ \gcount = #2
+ \beginsegment
+ \loop \lvec h:0 v:#1
+ \move h:1 v:-#1
+ \ifnum \gcount > 1
+ \advance\gcount by -1 \repeat
+ \endsegment
+ \endsegment}
+%========= end design grid ================
+% =========== Arrow Vectors ==============
+% There are three types of arrow heads, filled, open V and triangle
+% These are always placed on the end of a vector.
+% The basic design has the arrow head which is placed on the vector
+% It theoretically can be placed on any curve where the angle is known or
+% computable.
+% Parameter specification for arrowheads.
+% #1 -- length #2 -- width
+% The dimensions are interpreted at current graphscale in force and
+% are local to the segment group.
+\gdef\arrowheadscale{\arrowheadsize l:.16 w:.04 }
+\gdef\arrowheadsize l:#1 w:#2 {\grdimtopix{#1}{\a@len}{\h@pix
+ }\grdimtopix{#2}{\a@wid}{\h@pix
+ }}
+% postcript commands for inidividual arrow form
+\gdef\arrowheadtype t:#1 {\ifx#1T\edef\a@com{cp gs 1 sg fill gr st }\else
+ \ifx#1F\edef\a@com{cp 0 sg fill }\else
+ \edef\a@com{st }\fi\fi}
+% assumes that the dh and dv is in \h@lp \v@lp and present location is tip
+% of arrowhead
+\gdef\a@draw{st np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mx
+ \the\v@lp\b@ neg \the\h@lp\b@ at
+ -\the\a@len\b@ \the\a@wid\b@ mv 0 0 lv
+ -\the\a@len\b@ -\the\a@wid\b@ lv
+ \a@com gr }
+\gdef\avec h:#1 v:#2 {\h@lp=\h@pos\relax \v@lp=\v@pos\relax
+ \lvec h:#1 v:#2 \advance\h@lp by -\h@pos\relax
+ \advance\v@lp by -\v@pos\relax
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{\a@draw}}
+% ============= End Arrow Vectors =============
+% ========= Bezier Curve ==========
+% this is a cubic spline that is determined by four points. The initial
+% point is assumed to be the current point. An arrow is easily added.
+\gdef\clvec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6 {\i@h{#1}\d@uma=\h@pos
+ \i@v{#2}\d@umb=\v@pos\i@h{#3}\d@ume=\h@pos\i@v{#4}\d@umd=\v@pos
+ \i@h{#5}\i@v{#6}\e@xtend{\o@form}{\the\d@uma\b@ \the\d@umb\b@
+ \the\d@ume\b@ \the\d@umd\b@ \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@
+ cv }\p@downtrue}
+\gdef\clv (#1 #2) (#3 #4) (#5 #6){\clvec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6 }
+\gdef\cavec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6 {\clvec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6
+ \h@lp=\d@ume \relax \v@lp=\d@umd \relax
+ \advance\h@lp by -\h@pos\relax
+ \advance\v@lp by -\v@pos\relax
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{\a@draw}}
+\gdef\cav (#1 #2) (#3 #4) (#5 #6){\cavec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6 }
+% ======= default values =========
+% These are reset each time \btg is called
+\gdef\t@exgraphdef{\setbox0=\hbox{}\graphdim in
+\hpix 300/in % INRS Default
+\vpix 300/in % INRS Default
+\printhv 1 1 % DVIPS 300 dpi
+\filehv 4.17 -4.17 % DVIPS 300/72
+\rtdir neg % DVIPS
+\def\h@grsc{1}\def\v@grsc{1}%sets default hor/vert scales
+\unitscale 1
+\penwidth .015
+\lpatt p:{[]}
+\linecap 1
+\linejoin 1
+\arrowheadsize l:.16 w:.04
+\arrowheadtype t:T
+\textref h:L v:T }
+\xdef\s@egsc{1}% initial default
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/verbatim.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/verbatim.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1cb87e2ccf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrsinputs/verbatim.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+%========= Verbatim or NoFill Style ========
+% the actual macros for these are found in Tex$inputs:verbatim.tex
+% any character other than a \ is printed.
+% the format is \beginttverbatim <text> \endttverbatim
+% the default font is \tt
+% the \\ is defined as a \filbreak. It has the effect pushing blocks of
+% text between successive \\ onto the next page if it will not fit on the
+% remainder of the present page.
+\gdef\tabmessage{\ifnum\language=0 <tabs> are dangerous in tt verbatim
+ \else <tabs> sont dangereux dans tt verbatim \fi}%
+{\catcode`\^^M=\active % these lines must end with %
+\gdef\ttobeylines{\catcode`\^^M\active \let^^M\vpar}%
+\global\let^^M\vpar}% this is in case ^^M appears in a \write
+{\catcode`\ =\active
+\parindent0pt\parskip0pt plus1pt%
+\def {<tab>\message{<<\tabmessage>>}}%
+\catcode`\ =\active
+\beginttverbatim \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/abstract.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/abstract.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b20aa2a1f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/abstract.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+%========= ABSTRACT/TITLE FORMS =======
+% These generate a centered abstract in the \smallerfont of a family
+%\def\ABSTRACT{ABSTRACT} see English/French titles
+ \par
+ \leftskip= .1\hsize \rightskip=.1\hsize
+ \noindent
+ \ABSTRACT\par\noindent \smallerfont
+ \the\e@veryabstract
+ \the\everyabstract}
+\def\endabstract{\par\endgroup\vskip 2.8ex}
+%\def\titlemessage{Title} % see english/french titles
+%\def\titlefraction{0.9} % see inrsdef.tex
+%\def\titlespacing{1.5} % see inrsdef.tex
+\def\title #1{\titlepagestyle\toks0={#1}
+ \writeterm{<\titlemessage: \the\toks0>}{}{}
+ \centerline{\vbox{\hsize = \titlefraction\hsize
+ \titlefont\spacing{\titlespacing}
+ \paragraphcenterline #1}}}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/appendix.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/appendix.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b32d1d886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/appendix.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% =========== Appendices ==============
+% Appendices are defined by using \shead invocations.
+% Appendices are assumed to be associated with chapters, if
+% they exist hence the first appendix in Chapter 2 is Appendix A.
+% These macros modify the numberforms of \shead to produce Apendices.
+% Appendix numbering (A, B, C, ...) is incremented
+% at each appendix. The \beginappendices...\endappendices
+% macros should bracket all of the appendices.
+% Equations, figures and tables are numbered for each
+% appendix separately.
+% \def\Appendix{Appendix } see English/French titles
+\def\beginappendices{\begingroup \a@ppendixtrue
+ \numberbysection
+ \global\shnum=0
+ \global\sshnum=0
+ \global\ssshnum=0
+ \def\shnumform{\Alphabetic{\the\shnum}}
+ \the\s@presetlist %resets all the special numbers
+ \def\shtagreplaceformat{\Appendix \shtagrefformat.}
+ \the\e@veryappendices
+ \the\everyappendices}
+\def\endappendices{\endgroup} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/auto.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/auto.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..517b9db093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/auto.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+%========= Autonumbering, Tagging and Autoreferencing =========
+% These macros give the facility to symbolically refer to sections, equations,
+% tables, and references and to automatically number them.
+% Autonumber, automatically numbers sections, equations, ....
+% Autoreferencing, causes \ref{tag} to drop the tag-value in the text.
+% Although it is possible to have only autonumbering, referring to
+% sections or other parts is quite difficult without referencing
+% When autonumbering or autoreferencing is first turned on,
+% a tag file is brought in.
+% Tags are written to a new file as they are generated.
+\newtoks\inputtagfiles \inputtagfiles={\inputwithcheck {\jobname.tag} }
+%\newtoks\inputtagfiles \inputtagfiles={\inputwithcheck {@\jobname.tag} }
+% MSDOS version with renaming
+ \else
+ \the\inputtagfiles
+ \immediate\openout\t@agfile=\jobname.tag
+ \t@agfileintrue
+ \fi}
+%-------- general tag setups --- new autonumbers
+%#1 tagtype #2 pre
+%tagrefformat will be called by \...tagrefformat and will be initially
+% defined as \...tagrefformat --> \Prerefform\...numform\Postrefform
+% and \...numform -->\the\...num
+\def\Prerefform{} \def\Postrefform{}
+%---- makes the tex commands for tag refformats -----
+ \noexpand\def\csname #1tagrefformat\endcsname{\noexpand\Prerefform #2\noexpand\Postrefform}}
+ \nnxt}
+% ----list of specials to be reset .... all are done together unless overidden
+% ------ newautonum -------
+% This is used to produce the commands necessary to have a tag that can be
+% associated with a counter and to have the format styles for printing the
+% numbers. They are used for such things a figures, tables, equations.
+% Three are actually defined.
+% #1 is the name of then new autonum --- 3 or less characters
+% since it might be the needed for list files
+% if #1=xy, makes an \xynum, \xynumform \xytagrefformat
+% sets \xynumform to \the\xynum
+ \expandafter\n@ewcount\csname #1num\endcsname %allocates counter
+ \edef\n@ext{{\global\expandafter\csname #1num\endcsname = 0}}
+ \expandafter\toks0\n@ext
+ \appendtoks{\s@presetlist}{\toks0}
+ \expandafter\let \csname #1tagrefformat\endcsname = \relax
+ %inhibits expansion later on
+ \edef\n@ext##1{\noexpand\def\csname auto#1num\endcsname
+ ##1{\noexpand\a@utotag{##1}{\csname #1num\endcsname
+ }{\csname #1tagrefformat\endcsname
+ }{\csname #1tagrefformat\endcsname}{##1}}}
+ \n@ext{##1} %makes \auto#1num
+ \m@aketagrefformat{#1}{\csname #1numform\endcsname}
+ \edef\n@ext{ %initializes \#1numform
+ \noexpand\def\csname #1numform\endcsname
+ {\noexpand\the\csname #1num\endcsname}}
+ \n@ext
+ }
+%===== Allocates the autonums to eq, fig and tbl =======
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/cite.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/cite.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1101ba3726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/cite.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% ===== Citation generation ==========
+% \cite is used with a journal/paper reference.
+% The forms allow both random input order of cite forms or
+% fixed order. At the moment it supports only IEEE form, ie
+% a list in the order of their occurrence in a paper.
+% A data base system using a mailbox would be much better.
+% Invocation of \cite{Ferg84} will define a \tag{Ferg84}{<number>},
+% where the reference number is sequentially determined. At the site
+% of the invocation <number> is dropped into the text (without [ or ]).
+% If the reference has been previously invoked, the number is that of
+% the first invocation.
+% the \citenum is relative to an \i@nitcitenum. This allows for multiple
+% reference lists in the same document. A new number is defined if the old
+% one is undefined or less than or equal to the initcitenum
+% In addition, when the citation tag file is written out, the last \citenum
+% is also written. This allows a citation tag file to be input for early
+% reference and then to be effectively discarded by resetting the
+% \i@nitcitenum
+ \write\ctg@file{\noexpand\initcitetag{\the\citenum}}}
+ \write\ctg@file{\noexpand\lastcitetag{\the\citenum}}\closelistfile{ctg}}
+%--- citenum allocation ------
+ \initcitetag{0} % initializes to 0
+ \lastcitetag{0} % initializes to 0}
+\newcount\citenum \citenum = 0
+ \lastcitetag{\the\citenum}\else
+ \global\citenum = \l@astcitenum \fi
+ \initcitetag{\l@astcitenum}}
+\def\w@ritecite#1{\ifctglist \immediate\write\ctg@file
+ {\string\tag{#1}{\the\citenum}}\fi}
+\def\m@akecitetag#1{\global\advance\citenum by 1 \relax
+ \tag{#1}{\the\citenum}\w@ritecite{#1}}
+\def\cite#1{\ifctglist \else \opencitationtagfile \fi
+ \edef\c@itearrow{<--}\relax
+ \ifundefined{:@#1}\m@akecitetag{#1}\edef\c@itearrow
+ {==>}\fi
+ \ifnum \i@nitcitenum < \csname :@#1\endcsname \else
+ \m@akecitetag{#1}\edef\c@itearrow
+ {==>}\fi
+ \count255= \csname :@#1\endcsname
+ \advance\count255 by -\i@nitcitenum \relax
+ \proofmargin{#1 \c@itearrow\ \the\count255}\the\count255}
+% This will produce the correct value of a citation without
+% causing it to be created if it does not exist
+ \count255=\csname :@#1\endcsname\fi
+ \advance\count255by-\i@nitcitenum\relax\the\count255}
+% Citation/Reference list generation. An example setup using the list
+% macros to generate a reference list is shown below.
+% \opencitationtagfile
+% <main text>
+% \beginlist
+% \makecitationlist %or \makelongcitationlist
+% \endlist
+% The reference list is generated from two files:
+% <jobname>.ctg contains citation tags of the form \tag{Ferg84}{4}
+% where the first argument is the tag, and the second
+% is the reference number associated with that tag.
+% <jobname>.cfm contains the text for the references. These can appear
+% in any order and contain text of the form
+% \citeform{<tag>}{\listitem{\citetagvalue} <reference text>}
+% This example shows a preamble to the text which invokes
+% a new list item with the appropriate reference number.
+% The reference text is the author, journal etc. for the
+% reference.
+% Each \citeform entry will generate a new macro definition of the form
+% \def\@Ferg84form{<reference text>}.
+% Each \tag entry will define \citetagvalue as the citation/reference number
+% and invoke \@Ferg84form
+%\makecitationlist does not require the .cfm file to have citations in the
+%same order as .ctg file. \makelongcitationlist enters the citations in the
+%in the document in the same order as in the file. It numbers with a counter
+%and indicates if there is a difference between citetag and counter.
+\newif\ifctglist % so dont have to check if undefined
+\newtoks\citetagfilename \citetagfilename = {\jobname.ctg} %compatible Ugh!
+ \inputciteformfiles = {\inputwithcheck{\jobname.cfm}}
+ \inputcitetagfiles = {\inputwithcheck{\the\citetagfilename}}
+%\def\citetagfileclosedmessage{ << CITATION TAG FILE CLOSED >> }
+%\def\nocitetagformmessage{ NO CITATION FORM FOR THIS TAG}
+% see english/french titles
+ \ifctglist
+ \immediate\write\ctg@file{\noexpand\lastcitetag{\the\citenum}}
+ \immediate\closeout\ctg@file
+ \global\ctglistfalse
+ \writeterm{\citetagfileclosedmessage}{}{}\relax
+ \fi}
+% outside so that the cfm list may be included in the document.
+ \def\csname @#1form\endcsname{#2}}
+%cfm entries may be in any order
+ \begingroup
+ \c@losectg
+ \def\citeform##1##2{\expandafter
+ \def\csname @##1form\endcsname{##2}}
+ \def\tag##1##2{\count255 = ##2\relax
+ \advance\count255 by -\i@nitcitenum
+ \edef\citetagvalue{\the\count255}\relax % locally redefine \tag
+ \ifundefined{@##1form}\relax
+ \writeterm{<<<\the\count255. \nocitetagformmessage: ##1}{}{}\relax
+ \vskip 2ex
+ \leftline{##2\ \nocitetagformmessage: ##1}
+ \vskip 2ex
+ \else
+ \csname @##1form\endcsname
+ \fi}
+ \the\inputciteformfiles
+ \the\inputcitetagfiles \par
+ \endgroup}
+%.cfm entries must be in the same order as the tags in the .ctg file
+\newcount\c@fmcount %counter for citations
+ \begingroup
+ \c@losectg
+ \c@fmcount=0 \relax
+ \def\citetagvalue{\the\c@fmcount}
+ \def\citeform##1##2{\advance\c@fmcount by 1
+ \ifundefined{:@##1}
+ \expandafter \xdef \csname :@##1\endcsname{-1} \fi
+ \count 255 = \csname :@##1\endcsname
+ \advance\count 255 by -\i@nitcitenum
+ \ifnum \the\count255 = \the\c@fmcount
+ \relax \else
+ \writeterm{<<< Cite tag error -- Tag ##1 -- Citation \the\c@fmcount >>>}{}{}
+ \fi
+ ##2}
+ \the\inputcitetagfiles
+ \the\inputciteformfiles\par
+ \endgroup
+ }
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/compat3.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/compat3.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e0d6ed8d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/compat3.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+% compatability macros for multilingual and extened TeX 2.992 plus
+% assumes the existence of \charsublist
+% #1 -- extended character to be exchanged
+% #2 -- accent macro invocation letter
+% #3 -- base character for this code
+\def\csubinverse #1#2#3{\expandafter\def\csname #2#3\endcsname{#1}}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/compatib.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/compatib.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c451240143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/compatib.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+% compatability macros for multilingual and extened TeX 2.992 plus
+% assumes the existence of \charsublist
+% #1 -- extended character to be exchanged
+% #2 -- accent macro invocation letter
+% #3 -- base character for this code
+\def\csubinverse #1#2#3{\expandafter\def\csname #2#3\endcsname{#1}}
+% ... test case
+\def\'#1{{\expandafter\ifx\csname @ac@#1\endcsname\relax
+ {\accent19 #1}\else\csname @ac@#1\endcsname\fi}}
+\def\`#1{{\expandafter\ifx\csname @gr@#1\endcsname\relax
+ {\accent18 #1}\else\csname @gr@#1\endcsname\fi}}
+\def\v#1{{\expandafter\ifx\csname @v@#1\endcsname\relax
+ {\accent20 #1}\else\csname @v@#1\endcsname\fi}}
+\def\u#1{{\expandafter\ifx\csname @u@#1\endcsname\relax
+ {\accent21 #1}\else\csname @u@#1\endcsname\fi}}
+\def\=#1{{\expandafter\ifx\csname @eq@#1\endcsname\relax
+ {\accent22 #1}\else\csname @eq@#1\endcsname\fi}}
+\def\^#1{{\expandafter\ifx\csname @hat@#1\endcsname\relax
+ {\accent94 #1}\else\csname @hat@#1\endcsname\fi}}
+\def\.#1{{\expandafter\ifx\csname @dot@#1\endcsname\relax
+ {\accent95 #1}\else\csname @dot@#1\endcsname\fi}}
+\def\H#1{{\expandafter\ifx\csname @H@#1\endcsname\relax
+ {\accent'175 #1}\else\csname @H@#1\endcsname\fi}}
+\def\~#1{{\expandafter\ifx\csname @til@#1\endcsname\relax
+ {\accent'176 #1}\else\csname @til@#1\endcsname\fi}}
+\def\"#1{{\expandafter\ifx\csname @um@#1\endcsname\relax
+ {\accent'177 #1}\else\csname @um@#1\endcsname\fi}}
+\def\c#1{{\expandafter\ifx\csname c@#1\endcsname\relax
+ \c@@\else\csname c@#1\endcsname\fi}}
+% test form for accents ...
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/english.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/english.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0690068dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/english.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+\nonfrenchspacing % .... needs to reverse accent forms ...
+\def\versionform{{\notefont Draft Version: \date}}%
+\def\Chapter{Chapter }%
+\def\Appendix{Appendix }%
+\def\ABSTRACT{{\ssheadfont Abstract}}%
+\def\figurelabel{Fig. }%
+\def\tablelabel{Table }%
+\def\bookstylemessage{ <<< BOOKSTYLE >>> }%
+\def\endlistmessage##1{ <<< endlist mismatch >>> }%
+\def\undeftagmessage##1{ <<<tag: ##1 = undefined>>> }%
+\def\citetagfileclosedmessage{ << CITATION TAG FILE CLOSED >> }%
+\def\nocitetagformmessage{ NO CITATION FOR THIS TAG }%
+\englishversion \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/enhyph.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/enhyph.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e40581f0d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/enhyph.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,4453 @@
+% ------- English hyphen patterns -----
+% defaults to language 1
+% The Plain TeX hyphenation tables [NOT TO BE CHANGED IN ANY WAY!]
+\patterns{ % just type <return> if you're not using INITEX
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/enhyphex.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/enhyphex.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f01330f1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/enhyphex.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+\hyphenation{ % Do NOT make any alterations to this list! --- DEK
+% additional exceptions (mjf)
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/eqtag.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/eqtag.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..022e5afeb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/eqtag.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% ========== Equation Tags ===========
+% Since equation numbering plays a big part in scientific documentation
+% a special set of tag generation forms were produced for this case.
+% Special versions of autoeqnum to insert automatically insert
+% parentheses around the equation number.
+% \aneq no argument, no tag generated. This version
+% does nothing if autonumbering is off.
+% \aneqtag{<tag>} tag generated. This version inserts the argument
+% inside parentheses if autoreferencing is off.
+% These special forms have a \eqnumfont ... as there is no other way
+% to get the information inside. These are defined in the documentfonts.
+%\let\eqnumfont=\tenrm ... for tenpoint family
+ }{\e@qno \eqnumfont (\eqtagrefformat)}{}}
+ }{\e@qno\eqnumfont (\eqtagrefformat)}{\e@qno\eqnumfont (#1)}}
+%===== for full left or right equation numbering and to allow ====
+% \aneq and \aneqtag to work
+\let\e@qql = \eqalignno
+\let\l@eqql= \leqalignno
+\def\e@qalignno{\let\e@qno=\relax \e@qql}
+\def\l@eqalignno{\let\e@qno=\relax \l@eqql}
+%redefines \eqalignno and \leqalignno --- normal unset mode
+\let\eqalignno = \e@qalignno
+\let\leqalignno = \l@eqalignno
+\let\e@qno = \eqno
+%---- left/right equation numbering ----
+\def\leftequationnumbering{\let\eqalignno = \l@eqalignno
+ \let\leqalignno = \l@eqalignno
+ \let\e@qno = \leqno}
+\def\rightequationnumbering{\let\leqalignno = \e@qalignno
+ \let\eqalignno = \e@qalignno
+ \let\e@qno = \eqno} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/extdef.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/extdef.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e77fc67007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/extdef.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+% extdef.tex (MAR 1991)
+% \uccodes added
+\input compatible
+% Michael J. Ferguson
+% The codes used here convert the TeX \' ... accent sequences
+% into the equivalent ISO - Latin 1 values and also provide
+% their inverses.
+% The ISO -Latin 1 code set is almost identical to the
+% Digital (DEC) Multinational Character set.
+\catcode`\^^f6=11 \lccode`\^^f6= `\^^f6 \charsubdef `\^^f6 = '177 `\o
+\csubinverse ^^f6{@um@}o \uccode`\^^f6= `\^^d6
+\catcode`\^^d6=11 \lccode`\^^d6= `\^^f6 \charsubdef `\^^d6 = '177 `\O
+\csubinverse ^^d6{@um@}O \uccode`\^^d6= `\^^d6
+\catcode`\^^e1=11 \lccode`\^^e1= `\^^e1 \charsubdef `\^^e1 = '023 `\a
+\csubinverse ^^e1{@ac@}a \uccode`\^^e1= `\^^c1
+\catcode`\^^c1=11 \lccode`\^^c1= `\^^e1 \charsubdef `\^^c1 = '023 `\A
+\csubinverse ^^c1{@ac@}A \uccode`\^^c1= `\^^c1
+\catcode`\^^e0=11 \lccode`\^^e0= `\^^e0 \charsubdef `\^^e0 = '022 `\a
+\csubinverse ^^e0{@gr@}a \uccode`\^^e0= `\^^c0
+\catcode`\^^c0=11 \lccode`\^^c0= `\^^e0 \charsubdef `\^^c0 = '022 `\A
+\csubinverse ^^c0{@gr@}A \uccode`\^^c0= `\^^c0
+\catcode`\^^e2=11 \lccode`\^^e2= `\^^e2 \charsubdef `\^^e2 = '136 `\a
+\csubinverse ^^e2{@hat@}a \uccode`\^^e2= `\^^c2
+\catcode`\^^c2=11 \lccode`\^^c2= `\^^e2 \charsubdef `\^^c2 = '136 `\A
+\csubinverse ^^c2{@hat@}A \uccode`\^^c2= `\^^c2
+\catcode`\^^e3=11 \lccode`\^^e3= `\^^e3 \charsubdef `\^^e3 = '176 `\a
+\csubinverse ^^e3{@til@}a \uccode`\^^e3= `\^^c3
+\catcode`\^^c3=11 \lccode`\^^c3= `\^^e3 \charsubdef `\^^c3 = '176 `\A
+\csubinverse ^^c3{@til@}A \uccode`\^^c3= `\^^c3
+\catcode`\^^e4=11 \lccode`\^^e4= `\^^e4 \charsubdef `\^^e4 = '177 `\a
+\csubinverse ^^e4{@um@}a \uccode`\^^e4= `\^^c4
+\catcode`\^^c4=11 \lccode`\^^c4= `\^^e4 \charsubdef `\^^c4 = '177 `\A
+\csubinverse ^^c4{@um@}A \uccode`\^^c4= `\^^c4
+\catcode`\^^e7=11 \lccode`\^^e7= `\^^e7 \charsubdef `\^^e7 = '030 `\c
+\csubinverse ^^e7{c@}c \uccode`\^^e7= `\^^c7
+\catcode`\^^c7=11 \lccode`\^^c7= `\^^e7 \charsubdef `\^^c7 = '030 `\C
+\csubinverse ^^c7{c@}C \uccode`\^^c7= `\^^c7
+\catcode`\^^e8=11 \lccode`\^^e8= `\^^e8 \charsubdef `\^^e8 = '022 `\e
+\csubinverse ^^e8{@gr@}e \uccode`\^^e8= `\^^c8
+\catcode`\^^c8=11 \lccode`\^^c8= `\^^e8 \charsubdef `\^^c8 = '022 `\E
+\csubinverse ^^c8{@gr@}E \uccode`\^^c8= `\^^c8
+\catcode`\^^e9=11 \lccode`\^^e9= `\^^e9 \charsubdef `\^^e9 = '023 `\e
+\csubinverse ^^e9{@ac@}e \uccode`\^^e9= `\^^c9
+\catcode`\^^c9=11 \lccode`\^^c9= `\^^e9 \charsubdef `\^^c9 = '023 `\E
+\csubinverse ^^c9{@ac@}E \uccode`\^^c9= `\^^c9
+\catcode`\^^ea=11 \lccode`\^^ea= `\^^ea \charsubdef `\^^ea = '136 `\e
+\csubinverse ^^ea{@hat@}e \uccode`\^^ea= `\^^ca
+\catcode`\^^ca=11 \lccode`\^^ca= `\^^ea \charsubdef `\^^ca = '136 `\E
+\csubinverse ^^ca{@hat@}E \uccode`\^^ca= `\^^ca
+\catcode`\^^eb=11 \lccode`\^^eb= `\^^eb \charsubdef `\^^eb = '177 `\e
+\csubinverse ^^eb{@um@}e \uccode`\^^eb= `\^^cb
+\catcode`\^^cb=11 \lccode`\^^cb= `\^^eb \charsubdef `\^^cb = '177 `\E
+\csubinverse ^^cb{@um@}E \uccode`\^^cb= `\^^cb
+\catcode`\^^ec=11 \lccode`\^^ec= `\^^ec \charsubdef `\^^ec = '022 '020
+\csubinverse ^^ec{@gr@}{^^P} \uccode`\^^ec= `\^^cc
+\catcode`\^^cc=11 \lccode`\^^cc= `\^^ec \charsubdef `\^^cc = '022 `\I
+\csubinverse ^^cc{@gr@}I \uccode`\^^cc= `\^^cc
+\catcode`\^^ed=11 \lccode`\^^ed= `\^^ed \charsubdef `\^^ed = '023 '020
+\csubinverse ^^ed{@ac@}{^^P} \uccode`\^^ed= `\^^cd
+\catcode`\^^cd=11 \lccode`\^^cd= `\^^ed \charsubdef `\^^cd = '023 `\I
+\csubinverse ^^cd{@ac@}I \uccode`\^^cd= `\^^cd
+\catcode`\^^ee=11 \lccode`\^^ee= `\^^ee \charsubdef `\^^ee = '136 '020
+\csubinverse ^^ee{@hat@}{^^P} \uccode`\^^ee= `\^^ce
+\catcode`\^^ce=11 \lccode`\^^ce= `\^^ee \charsubdef `\^^ce = '136 `\I
+\csubinverse ^^ce{@hat@}I \uccode`\^^ce= `\^^ce
+\catcode`\^^ef=11 \lccode`\^^ef= `\^^ef \charsubdef `\^^ef = '177 '020
+\csubinverse ^^ef{@um@}{^^P} \uccode`\^^ef= `\^^cf
+\catcode`\^^cf=11 \lccode`\^^cf= `\^^ef \charsubdef `\^^cf = '177 `\I
+\csubinverse ^^cf{@um@}I \uccode`\^^cf= `\^^cf
+\catcode`\^^f1=11 \lccode`\^^f1= `\^^f1 \charsubdef `\^^f1 = '176 `\n
+\csubinverse ^^f1{@til@}n \uccode`\^^f1= `\^^d1
+\catcode`\^^d1=11 \lccode`\^^d1= `\^^f1 \charsubdef `\^^d1 = '176 `\N
+\csubinverse ^^d1{@til@}N \uccode`\^^d1= `\^^d1
+\catcode`\^^f2=11 \lccode`\^^f2= `\^^f2 \charsubdef `\^^f2 = '022 `\o
+\csubinverse ^^f2{@gr@}o \uccode`\^^f2= `\^^d2
+\catcode`\^^d2=11 \lccode`\^^d2= `\^^f2 \charsubdef `\^^d2 = '022 `\O
+\csubinverse ^^d2{@gr@}O \uccode`\^^d2= `\^^d2
+\catcode`\^^f3=11 \lccode`\^^f3= `\^^f3 \charsubdef `\^^f3 = '023 `\o
+\csubinverse ^^f3{@ac@}o \uccode`\^^f3= `\^^d3
+\catcode`\^^d3=11 \lccode`\^^d3= `\^^f3 \charsubdef `\^^d3 = '023 `\O
+\csubinverse ^^d3{@ac@}O \uccode`\^^d3= `\^^d3
+\catcode`\^^f4=11 \lccode`\^^f4= `\^^f4 \charsubdef `\^^f4 = '136 `\o
+\csubinverse ^^f4{@hat@}o \uccode`\^^f4= `\^^d4
+\catcode`\^^d4=11 \lccode`\^^d4= `\^^f4 \charsubdef `\^^d4 = '136 `\O
+\csubinverse ^^d4{@hat@}O \uccode`\^^d4= `\^^d4
+\catcode`\^^f5=11 \lccode`\^^f5= `\^^f5 \charsubdef `\^^f5 = '176 `\o
+\csubinverse ^^f5{@til@}o \uccode`\^^f5= `\^^d5
+\catcode`\^^d5=11 \lccode`\^^d5= `\^^f5 \charsubdef `\^^d5 = '176 `\O
+\csubinverse ^^d5{@til@}O \uccode`\^^d5= `\^^d5
+\catcode`\^^f9=11 \lccode`\^^f9= `\^^f9 \charsubdef `\^^f9 = '022 `\u
+\csubinverse ^^f9{@gr@}u \uccode`\^^f9= `\^^d9
+\catcode`\^^d9=11 \lccode`\^^d9= `\^^d9 \charsubdef `\^^d9 = '022 `\U
+\csubinverse ^^d9{@gr@}U \uccode`\^^d9= `\^^d9
+\catcode`\^^fb=11 \lccode`\^^fb= `\^^fb \charsubdef `\^^fb = '136 `\u
+\csubinverse ^^fb{@hat@}u \uccode`\^^fb= `\^^db
+\catcode`\^^db=11 \lccode`\^^db= `\^^fb \charsubdef `\^^db = '136 `\U
+\csubinverse ^^db{@hat@}U \uccode`\^^db= `\^^db
+\catcode`\^^fc=11 \lccode`\^^fc= `\^^fc \charsubdef `\^^fc = '177 `\u
+\csubinverse ^^fc{@um@}u \uccode`\^^fc= `\^^dc
+\catcode`\^^dc=11 \lccode`\^^dc= `\^^fc \charsubdef `\^^dc = '177 `\U
+\csubinverse ^^dc{@um@}U \uccode`\^^dc= `\^^dc
+% iso latin 1 -- next two codes -- y acute accent
+\catcode`\^^fd=11 \lccode`\^^fd= `\^^fd \charsubdef `\^^fd = '023 `\y
+\csubinverse ^^fd{@ac@}y \uccode`\^^fd= `\^^dd
+\catcode`\^^dd=11 \lccode`\^^dd= `\^^fd \charsubdef `\^^dd = '023 `\Y
+\csubinverse ^^dd{@ac@}Y \uccode`\^^dd= `\^^dd
+ \def ^^e5{\aa }
+ \def ^^c5{\AA }
+ \def ^^e6{\ae }
+ \def ^^c6{\AE }
+ \def ^^f7{^^[ }
+ \def ^^d7{\OE }
+ \def ^^f8{\o }
+ \def ^^d8{\O }
+ \def ^^df{\ss }
+ \def ^^a7{\S }
+ \def ^^a9{\copyright }
+ \def ^^a3{\it\$}
+\def\oe{^^[ }
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/extdef3.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/extdef3.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..026ea8b57e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/extdef3.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+% extdef.tex (MAR 1991)
+% \uccodes added
+\input compat3 % defines csubinverse only
+% exlplicit accents should not be converted when using "cm" fonts.
+% ... without charsubdef definitions
+% Michael J. Ferguson
+% The codes used here convert the TeX \' ... accent sequences
+% into the equivalent ISO - Latin 1 values and also provide
+% their inverses.
+% The ISO -Latin 1 code set is almost identical to the
+% Digital (DEC) Multinational Character set.
+\catcode`\^^f6=11 \lccode`\^^f6= `\^^f6
+\csubinverse ^^f6{@um@}o \uccode`\^^f6= `\^^d6
+\catcode`\^^d6=11 \lccode`\^^d6= `\^^f6
+\csubinverse ^^d6{@um@}O \uccode`\^^d6= `\^^d6
+\catcode`\^^e1=11 \lccode`\^^e1= `\^^e1
+\csubinverse ^^e1{@ac@}a \uccode`\^^e1= `\^^c1
+\catcode`\^^c1=11 \lccode`\^^c1= `\^^e1
+\csubinverse ^^c1{@ac@}A \uccode`\^^c1= `\^^c1
+\catcode`\^^e0=11 \lccode`\^^e0= `\^^e0
+\csubinverse ^^e0{@gr@}a \uccode`\^^e0= `\^^c0
+\catcode`\^^c0=11 \lccode`\^^c0= `\^^e0
+\csubinverse ^^c0{@gr@}A \uccode`\^^c0= `\^^c0
+\catcode`\^^e2=11 \lccode`\^^e2= `\^^e2
+\csubinverse ^^e2{@hat@}a \uccode`\^^e2= `\^^c2
+\catcode`\^^c2=11 \lccode`\^^c2= `\^^e2
+\csubinverse ^^c2{@hat@}A \uccode`\^^c2= `\^^c2
+\catcode`\^^e3=11 \lccode`\^^e3= `\^^e3
+\csubinverse ^^e3{@til@}a \uccode`\^^e3= `\^^c3
+\catcode`\^^c3=11 \lccode`\^^c3= `\^^e3
+\csubinverse ^^c3{@til@}A \uccode`\^^c3= `\^^c3
+\catcode`\^^e4=11 \lccode`\^^e4= `\^^e4
+\csubinverse ^^e4{@um@}a \uccode`\^^e4= `\^^c4
+\catcode`\^^c4=11 \lccode`\^^c4= `\^^e4
+\csubinverse ^^c4{@um@}A \uccode`\^^c4= `\^^c4
+\catcode`\^^e7=11 \lccode`\^^e7= `\^^e7
+\csubinverse ^^e7{c@}c \uccode`\^^e7= `\^^c7
+\catcode`\^^c7=11 \lccode`\^^c7= `\^^e7
+\csubinverse ^^c7{c@}C \uccode`\^^c7= `\^^c7
+\catcode`\^^e8=11 \lccode`\^^e8= `\^^e8
+\csubinverse ^^e8{@gr@}e \uccode`\^^e8= `\^^c8
+\catcode`\^^c8=11 \lccode`\^^c8= `\^^e8
+\csubinverse ^^c8{@gr@}E \uccode`\^^c8= `\^^c8
+\catcode`\^^e9=11 \lccode`\^^e9= `\^^e9
+\csubinverse ^^e9{@ac@}e \uccode`\^^e9= `\^^c9
+\catcode`\^^c9=11 \lccode`\^^c9= `\^^e9
+\csubinverse ^^c9{@ac@}E \uccode`\^^c9= `\^^c9
+\catcode`\^^ea=11 \lccode`\^^ea= `\^^ea
+\csubinverse ^^ea{@hat@}e \uccode`\^^ea= `\^^ca
+\catcode`\^^ca=11 \lccode`\^^ca= `\^^ea
+\csubinverse ^^ca{@hat@}E \uccode`\^^ca= `\^^ca
+\catcode`\^^eb=11 \lccode`\^^eb= `\^^eb
+\csubinverse ^^eb{@um@}e \uccode`\^^eb= `\^^cb
+\catcode`\^^cb=11 \lccode`\^^cb= `\^^eb
+\csubinverse ^^cb{@um@}E \uccode`\^^cb= `\^^cb
+\catcode`\^^ec=11 \lccode`\^^ec= `\^^ec
+\csubinverse ^^ec{@gr@}{^^P} \uccode`\^^ec= `\^^cc
+\catcode`\^^cc=11 \lccode`\^^cc= `\^^ec
+\csubinverse ^^cc{@gr@}I \uccode`\^^cc= `\^^cc
+\catcode`\^^ed=11 \lccode`\^^ed= `\^^ed
+\csubinverse ^^ed{@ac@}{^^P} \uccode`\^^ed= `\^^cd
+\catcode`\^^cd=11 \lccode`\^^cd= `\^^ed
+\csubinverse ^^cd{@ac@}I \uccode`\^^cd= `\^^cd
+\catcode`\^^ee=11 \lccode`\^^ee= `\^^ee
+\csubinverse ^^ee{@hat@}{^^P} \uccode`\^^ee= `\^^ce
+\catcode`\^^ce=11 \lccode`\^^ce= `\^^ee
+\csubinverse ^^ce{@hat@}I \uccode`\^^ce= `\^^ce
+\catcode`\^^ef=11 \lccode`\^^ef= `\^^ef
+\csubinverse ^^ef{@um@}{^^P} \uccode`\^^ef= `\^^cf
+\catcode`\^^cf=11 \lccode`\^^cf= `\^^ef
+\csubinverse ^^cf{@um@}I \uccode`\^^cf= `\^^cf
+\catcode`\^^f1=11 \lccode`\^^f1= `\^^f1
+\csubinverse ^^f1{@til@}n \uccode`\^^f1= `\^^d1
+\catcode`\^^d1=11 \lccode`\^^d1= `\^^f1
+\csubinverse ^^d1{@til@}N \uccode`\^^d1= `\^^d1
+\catcode`\^^f2=11 \lccode`\^^f2= `\^^f2
+\csubinverse ^^f2{@gr@}o \uccode`\^^f2= `\^^d2
+\catcode`\^^d2=11 \lccode`\^^d2= `\^^f2
+\csubinverse ^^d2{@gr@}O \uccode`\^^d2= `\^^d2
+\catcode`\^^f3=11 \lccode`\^^f3= `\^^f3
+\csubinverse ^^f3{@ac@}o \uccode`\^^f3= `\^^d3
+\catcode`\^^d3=11 \lccode`\^^d3= `\^^f3
+\csubinverse ^^d3{@ac@}O \uccode`\^^d3= `\^^d3
+\catcode`\^^f4=11 \lccode`\^^f4= `\^^f4
+\csubinverse ^^f4{@hat@}o \uccode`\^^f4= `\^^d4
+\catcode`\^^d4=11 \lccode`\^^d4= `\^^f4
+\csubinverse ^^d4{@hat@}O \uccode`\^^d4= `\^^d4
+\catcode`\^^f5=11 \lccode`\^^f5= `\^^f5
+\csubinverse ^^f5{@til@}o \uccode`\^^f5= `\^^d5
+\catcode`\^^d5=11 \lccode`\^^d5= `\^^f5
+\csubinverse ^^d5{@til@}O \uccode`\^^d5= `\^^d5
+\catcode`\^^f9=11 \lccode`\^^f9= `\^^f9
+\csubinverse ^^f9{@gr@}u \uccode`\^^f9= `\^^d9
+\catcode`\^^d9=11 \lccode`\^^d9= `\^^d9
+\csubinverse ^^d9{@gr@}U \uccode`\^^d9= `\^^d9
+\catcode`\^^fb=11 \lccode`\^^fb= `\^^fb
+\csubinverse ^^fb{@hat@}u \uccode`\^^fb= `\^^db
+\catcode`\^^db=11 \lccode`\^^db= `\^^fb
+\csubinverse ^^db{@hat@}U \uccode`\^^db= `\^^db
+\catcode`\^^fc=11 \lccode`\^^fc= `\^^fc
+\csubinverse ^^fc{@um@}u \uccode`\^^fc= `\^^dc
+\catcode`\^^dc=11 \lccode`\^^dc= `\^^fc
+\csubinverse ^^dc{@um@}U \uccode`\^^dc= `\^^dc
+% iso latin 1 -- next two codes -- y acute accent
+\catcode`\^^fd=11 \lccode`\^^fd= `\^^fd
+\csubinverse ^^fd{@ac@}y \uccode`\^^fd= `\^^dd
+\catcode`\^^dd=11 \lccode`\^^dd= `\^^fd
+\csubinverse ^^dd{@ac@}Y \uccode`\^^dd= `\^^dd
+ \def ^^e5{\aa }
+ \def ^^c5{\AA }
+ \def ^^e6{\ae }
+ \def ^^c6{\AE }
+ \def ^^f7{^^[ }
+ \def ^^d7{\OE }
+ \def ^^f8{\o }
+ \def ^^d8{\O }
+ \def ^^df{\ss }
+ \def ^^a7{\S }
+ \def ^^a9{\copyright }
+ \def ^^a3{\it\$}
+\def\oe{^^[ }
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/footnote.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/footnote.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f5afd4538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/footnote.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+%=========== Footnotes ---- similar to that in the texbook ======
+\newtoks\everyfootnote % token list inserted before every footnote
+ % but after the parameters -- cannot affect \footins
+ \ifhmode\edef\@sf{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}\fi
+ \up{#1}\@sf\sfootnote{#1}}
+ \interlinepenalty100 \let\par=\endgraf
+ \leftskip=\z@skip \rightskip=\z@skip
+ \splittopskip=3ex plus 1pt minus 1pt \floatingpenalty=20000
+ \smallskip\the\everyfootnote\relax
+ \item{\up{#1}}\bgroup\strut\aftergroup\@foot\let\next}
+\skip\footins=3ex plus 2pt minus 4pt % space added when footnote is present
+%\count\footins=1000 % footnote magnification factor (1 to 1)
+\dimen\footins=10in % maximum footnotes per page
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/frhyph.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/frhyph.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1750388dc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/frhyph.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,823 @@
+% hyphenation patterns for french ... for use with fonts that do not
+% have the accented characters inside .... modifications
+% for other fonts are obvious
+% Mods to \i and \oe form ... TeX eats up spaces and loses patterns.
+% MJF 22 Jun 88
+% addition of .con2 to prevent embarrassment
+\accenthyphcodes\spechyphcodes % changes the \' ... etc
+\lccode'33='33 %\oe ... both needed in
+\lccode'20='20 % \i .. dotless i
+.con2 % mjf jun 88
+2'2 % mjf
+'a2 % mjf
+'\'e2 % mjf
+'e2 % mjf
+'o2 % mjf
+'\"o2 % mjf
+'u2 % mjf
+'i2 % mjf
+.\'e2 %mjf
+1b\^\i0 % mjf jun88
+1c\^\i0 % mjf jun88
+1c\oe0 % mjf jun88
+1\c c
+1d\^\i0 % mjf jun88
+1f\^\i0 % mjf jun88
+1g\^\i0 % mjf jun88
+1h\^\i0 % mjf jun88
+1k\^\i0 % mjf jun88
+1l\^\i0 % mjf jun88
+1m\^\i0 % mjf jun88
+1m\oe0 % mjf jun88
+1n\^\i0 % mjf jun88
+1n\oe0 %mjf jun88
+1p\^\i0 % mjf jun88
+1r\^\i0 % mjf jun88
+1s\^\i0 % mjf jun88
+1s\oe0 % mjf jun88
+1t\^\i0 % mjf jun88
+1v\^\i0 % mjf jun88
+.d\'e2s1\oe0 % mjf jun88
+\endgroup \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/genins.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/genins.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1584b764df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/genins.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% Fixed page insert forms to work with pageinsert. ... 22 Sept 87 MJF
+% ========= Syntactic Forms ============
+% Each of these has a token list that is inserted before each
+% particular insert ... and in a group.
+% in \begin... \end.. pairs
+\def\beginpageinsert{\begingroup\def\g@box{\vbox to
+ \vinnerpagesize}\def\g@ebox{\relax}\the
+ \everypageinsert\pageinsert}
+\let\endtopinsert = \e@ndinsert
+\let\endmidinsert = \e@ndinsert
+\let\endpageinsert = \e@ndinsert
+% ============= Figure, Table, etc inserts ==========
+% Assumptions
+% The form is described by three letters, eg "fig" or "tbl"
+% If the list file exists, the page info is written.
+% \writelistfile must be defined
+% \autonumber, \autoreference, \ref, \quietref, \veryraggedright
+% If autonumbering is on, then
+% \silenttrue, \autofignum ..
+% An "fig" form and "tbl" form are defined. These need
+% \figurelabel, and \tablelabel respectively. These are
+% usually defined in the \englishversion and \versionfrancaise
+% The insert forms use \beginmidinsert ... \endmidinsert.
+% Defaults --- to be set.
+% \captiontextfraction ... inrsdef.tex
+% \captionskip ... inrsdef.tex
+% \topcaptiontrue or \topcaptionfalse ... inrsdef.tex
+% \figurelabel or \figlabel ... english.tex or francais.tex
+% \tablelabel or \tbllabel ... english.tex or francais.tex
+% \captionnumfont ... inrsfont.tex
+% \captiontitlefont ... inrsfont.tex
+% \captionbodyfont ... inrsfont.tex
+% \captionbodyon <off> ... inrsdef.tex
+% This is a general form for an insert with a caption, under it
+% if \topcaptionfalse and over it if \topcaptiontrue
+% The particular form is identified with a (usually) three letter sequence
+% such as "fig" or "tbl". There can be an associated list file for
+% automatic generation of the page list for the items.
+% The basic form is a non-floating type, enclosed in $$ ... $$ to give
+% correct spacing. This can be put in an insert to make it float.
+% Full page forms require \vfill above and/or below for top, bottom, or center.
+% The caption box measures its size and centers the text if it is short
+% or puts it in a \vbox which is \captiontextfraction of the \hsize
+% if it is not.
+% The \captionskip is the spacing between the caption and the actual
+% item in the text. This may be a table or figure or ....
+% \let\captionnumfont = \bf
+% \let\captiontextfont = \relax % defaults to "outside font"
+% \def\captiontextfraction{0.8}
+\def\captionbox#1#2{\setbox0=\hbox{{\captionnumfont #1}\quad
+ \captiontitlefont #2}
+ \ifdim 1\wd0 < \captiontextfraction\hsize
+ \centerline{\unhbox0}
+ \else
+ \centerline{\vtop{\hsize=\captiontextfraction\hsize
+ \veryraggedright
+ \setbox0=\hbox{{\captionnumfont #1}\quad}
+ \hangindent=1\wd0 \hangafter=1
+ \noindent\unhbox0
+ \captiontitlefont #2}}%
+ \fi}
+% A caption is assumed to have both a <title> that will appear in the
+% list, if any and a <caption body> that will appear only when the caption is
+% printed. The default is to have \captionbody ... "active" and to turn it
+% off when making lists.
+% This is done with two commands \captionbodyon and \captionbodyoff
+% associated with a <caption body> is a <caption body font>
+\def\captionbodyon{\def\captionbody##1{{\captionbodyfont ##1}}}
+% \rect <hor dimen> by <vert dimen>} A centered rectangular box to act
+% as a place holder if there is a figure to be pasted in later.
+ \hbox{\vrule height \the\dimen2
+ \hskip \dimen0
+ \vrule height \the\dimen2}
+ \hrule
+ }}}
+\def\rect #1by{\dimen0 #1\afterassignment\r@ect \dimen2}
+% ======= This is the general insert form =======
+% #1 is the name of the insert form, #2 is the tag or number, #3 is the title
+% #4 is the actual insert form value ... ie figure or table or ...
+% This is the glue specification between the caption and the body of the
+% insert
+\newskip\captionskip %\captionskip=2ex
+% This is a switch that controls whether the caption is above or below the
+% the body of the insert
+\newif\iftopcaption %\topcaptionfalse % defaulted
+% This is the general form of the insert --- it requires both \autonumber
+% and \autoreference to work. By selectively turning on/off these
+% switches, multipart figures are possible.
+% \ifsilentfigure ... turns off the figure inserts so that tagging can
+% occur with figures gracefully occuring at the end. This means that
+% figure list file will refer to pages where the figures are sort of
+% called out
+\def\multiinsert{\def\g@box{\vbox }\def\g@ebox{\relax}}
+\newif\ifsilentfigure % default is \silenfigurefalse
+\def\g@box{$$\vbox } \def\g@ebox{$$}
+\def\geninsertform #1#2#3#4{
+ \ifautonumber
+ {\silenttrue\expandafter\csname auto#1num\endcsname{#2}}\relax
+ \edef\i@nsnum{\csname:@#2\endcsname}\else
+ \edef\i@nsnum{#2}\fi
+ \writelistfile{#1}{\csname #1tocout\endcsname}{\i@nsnum}{#3}
+ \ifsilentfigure \relax \else
+ \g@box{\normalbaselines
+ \iftopcaption
+ \captionbox{\csname #1label\endcsname\i@nsnum}{#3}
+ \vskip \captionskip
+ \centerline{\vbox{#4}}
+ \else
+ \centerline{\vbox{#4}}
+ \vskip \captionskip
+ \captionbox{\csname #1label\endcsname\i@nsnum}{#3}
+ \fi
+ \vss}\g@ebox\fi}
+% ========== Special Cases ============
+% These define simple forms for standard midinserts. It uses
+% \beginmidinsert ... \endmidinsert for consistency
+% For Figures
+\def\figureform #1#2#3{\geninsertform {fig}{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+\def\figlabel{\figurelabel }
+\def\figureinsert #1#2#3{\beginmidinsert
+ \figureform{#1}{#2}{#3}
+ \endmidinsert }
+%\def\figtocout{\string\figtoc} % actually set in inrsdef.tex
+% For Tables
+\def\tableform #1#2#3{\geninsertform {tbl}{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+\def\tbllabel{\tablelabel }
+\def\tableinsert #1#2#3{\beginmidinsert
+ \tableform{#1}{#2}{#3}
+ \endmidinsert }
+%\def\tbltocout{\string\tbltoc} % actually set in inrsdef.tex
+% Comment ---- \endinsert in Plain has a pre and post \bigskip
+% This should probably be removed and the spacing always controlled by
+% the $$ ... $$. Instead, if the \everymidinsert form were used it
+% would be possible to remove it with \everymidinsert = {\let\bigskip=\relax} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/graph_ps.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/graph_ps.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..320fe7cc7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/graph_ps.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% ============ TeXGraphics Support =============
+% TeXGraphics uses \specials and needs a QMS (QUIC) Laser printer.
+% A Second version produces POSTSCRIPT and assumes TEXTSET'S DVILASER.
+% It should be easily modifiable to other POSTSCRIPT drivers.
+% both \beginTeXGraphics and \btg are redefined in texgraph.tex
+% TeXgraphics is not normally in the format file
+% These commands are necessary to support TeXGraph. They are
+% NOT the commands themselves but rather set up commands
+% to bring them in if needed.
+\def\beginTeXGraphics{\silent{\input texgraph\relax}\btg} %postscript form
+\def\begintexgraph{\silent{\input texgraph\relax}\btg} %postscript form
+% Since a \centergraph or \centerplotfile may be met before
+% TeXgraph is loaded, they must be in the format file.
+% \centergraph needs to be very \long
+\long\def\centergraph#1{\hbox to
+ \hsize{\hss\vbox{#1\vgraphskip}\hgraphskip\hss}}
+\def\centerplotfile#1{\centergraph{\btg\includefile {#1} \etg}}
+% ========= end TeXGraphics =========
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/hyphen.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/hyphen.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb23d89cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/hyphen.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,4466 @@
+% The Plain TeX hyphenation tables [NOT TO BE CHANGED IN ANY WAY!]
+\patterns{ % just type <return> if you're not using INITEX
+\hyphenation{ % Do NOT make any alterations to this list! --- DEK
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/inrs.scr b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/inrs.scr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c25ef7a79a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/inrs.scr
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+if [ $# = 1 ]; then
+ jobname=`/usr/bin/basename $1 .tex`
+ # rename auxiliary files -- see writunix.tex
+ /bin/mv $jobname.tag $jobname.tag~ 2>/dev/null
+ /bin/mv $jobname.toc $jobname.toc~ 2>/dev/null
+ /bin/mv $jobname.fig $jobname.fig~ 2>/dev/null
+ /bin/mv $jobname.tbl $jobname.tbl~ 2>/dev/null
+exec /usr/lib/tex/inrstex $*
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/inrsdef.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/inrsdef.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db1e81346d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/inrsdef.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% ======== Cautions =========
+% If some moduels of INRSTeX are not used, some of these defaults will
+% NOT be defined.
+% This file has most of the default values in plain.tex and inrstex.
+% The parameters that are not modified from plain are % -- out.
+% ======== Plain.tex parameters ... set in plain and initex ====
+% All of TeX's numeric parameters are listed here,
+% Most are untouched from plain.tex but some are indeed modified.
+% The order is not the same as in plain.tex
+% These parameters are actually changed.
+\widowpenalty = 400 % needs to be more than 100
+\clubpenalty = 800 % needs to be more than 100
+% None of the values below are actually changed. They are included for
+% information ... and possibly future modifcations.
+% --- Penalties ---
+% \displaywidowpenalty=50
+% \brokenpenalty=100
+% \predisplaypenalty=10000
+% \postdisplaypenalty=0
+% \interlinepenalty=0
+% \interdisplaylinepenalty=100
+% \interfootnotelinepenalty=100
+% \pretolerance=100
+% \tolerance=200 % INITEX sets this to 10000
+% \hbadness=1000
+% \vbadness=1000
+% \linepenalty=10
+% \hyphenpenalty=50
+% \exhyphenpenalty=50
+% \binoppenalty=700
+% \relpenalty=500
+% \floatingpenalty=0, set during \insert
+% \outputpenalty=0, set before TeX enters \output
+% \doublehyphendemerits=10000
+% \finalhyphendemerits=5000
+% \adjdemerits=10000
+% ---- paragraph control ----
+% \looseness=0, cleared by TeX after each paragraph
+% \uchyph=1
+% \parindent=20pt
+% \hangindent=0pt, zeroed by TeX after each paragraph
+% \baselineskip=0pt, changed by \normalbaselines
+% \lineskip=0pt, changed by \normalbaselines
+% \parskip=0pt plus 1pt
+% \parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil
+% \normalbaselineskip=12pt
+% \normallineskip=1pt
+% \normallineskiplimit=0pt
+% ----- Sizes/overfull boxes ----
+% \hfuzz=0.1pt % ... \finalversion mod
+% \vfuzz=0.1pt % ... \finalversion mod
+% \overfullrule=5pt % ... \finalversion mod
+% \hsize=6.5in % ... pagsty.tex and inrsdef.tex
+% \vsize=8.9in % ... pagsty.tex and inrsdef.tex
+% \maxdepth=4pt
+% \splitmaxdepth=\maxdimen
+% \boxmaxdepth=\maxdimen
+% \lineskiplimit=0pt, changed by \normalbaselines
+% \leftskip=0pt
+% \rightskip=0pt
+% \topskip=10pt
+% \splittopskip=10pt
+% ------- Internal Math parms -----
+% \delimitershortfall=5pt
+% \nulldelimiterspace=1.2pt
+% \scriptspace=0.5pt
+% \mathsurround=0pt
+% \thinmuskip=3mu
+% \medmuskip=4mu plus 2mu minus 4mu
+% \thickmuskip=5mu plus 5mu
+% \jot=3pt
+% ---- Display Math Spacing ----
+% \predisplaysize=0pt, set before TeX enters $$
+% \displaywidth=0pt, set before TeX enters $$
+% \displayindent=0pt, set before TeX enters $$
+% \abovedisplayskip=12pt plus 3pt minus 9pt
+% \abovedisplayshortskip=0pt plus 3pt
+% \belowdisplayskip=12pt plus 3pt minus 9pt
+% \belowdisplayshortskip=7pt plus 3pt minus 4pt
+% \hoffset=0pt % not used in INRSTeX
+% \voffset=0pt % not used in INRSTeX
+% \tabskip=0pt
+% \spaceskip=0pt
+% \xspaceskip=0pt
+% ------ Vertical Spacing -----
+% \smallskipamount=3pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
+% \medskipamount=6pt plus 2pt minus 2pt
+% \bigskipamount=12pt plus 4pt minus 4pt
+% ------ Debugging/Misc -----
+% \pausing=0
+% \tracingonline=0
+% \tracingmacros=0
+% \tracingstats=0
+% \tracingparagraphs=0
+% \tracingpages=0
+% \tracingoutput=0
+% \tracinglostchars=1
+% \tracingcommands=0
+% \tracingrestores=0
+% \globaldefs=0
+% \maxdeadcycles=25 % INITEX does this
+% \hangafter=1 % INITEX does this, also TeX after each paragraph
+% \fam=0
+% \mag=1000 % INITEX does this
+% \escapechar=`\\ % INITEX does this
+% \defaulthyphenchar=`\-
+% \defaultskewchar=-1
+% \endlinechar=`\^^M % INITEX does this
+% \newlinechar=-1
+% \delimiterfactor=901
+% \time=now % TeX does this at beginning of job
+% \day=now % TeX does this at beginning of job
+% \month=now % TeX does this at beginning of job
+% \year=now % TeX does this at beginning of job
+% \showboxbreadth=5
+% \showboxdepth=3
+% ========= Defaults specific to INRSTeX ==========
+% ====== Baselineskip spacings =========
+\def\normalbaselineskipsize{2.8ex \normalbaselineskipglue}
+\def\normalbaselineskipglue{plus .07ex minus .07ex}
+\def\normallineskipform{\lineskip 1pt \lineskiplimit 0pt}
+% ====== Turns off slicing rules for Versatec =======
+% ====== Paper Sizes and Margins ========
+\hpapersize= 8.5in
+\vpapersize= 11in
+\topmarginsize = 1in
+\leftmarginsize= 1.25in
+% ======== Chapter/Section default forms =====
+\nochaptertrue % defaults to not chapters
+\chnum=0 \def\chnumform{\the\chnum}
+\shnum=0 \def\shnumform{\the\shnum}
+\sshnum=0 \def\sshnumform{\the\sshnum}
+\ssshnum=0 \def\ssshnumform{\the\ssshnum}
+% the periods between the numbers and the orders are defined in
+% \numberbychapter and \numberbysection
+% ======== Single/Multicolumn ========
+\numcolumns =1
+\firstcolumnoffset= 0pt
+\intercolumnsep = {\hskip 2em} %intercolumn spacing default
+% ========= Set Default Spacings ==========
+% The spacings in INRSTeX are all relative to a font. This means that a
+% change in font family requires a change in these spacings.
+\newtoks\everysetspacings % this is a way to modify a few font dependent spacings
+\def\setspacings{% ==== section head spacing defaults =====
+ \prsheadskip= 6ex plus 2ex minus 2ex
+ \posheadskip= 2ex
+ \prssheadskip= 5ex plus 1.8ex minus 1.8ex
+ \possheadskip= 2ex
+ \prsssheadskip= 3ex plus 1ex minus 1ex
+ \posssheadskip= 2ex
+ \prdsssheadskip= 3ex plus 1ex minus 1ex
+ \podsssheadskip= 2ex
+ \relax % interitem spacing in table of contents, figure list ... are
+ \relax % directly in the macros ...
+ \righttocindent = 5em % righthand indent for number in tocbox
+ \relax % =========== list spacing parameters =====
+ \prlistskip= 2ex plus 3pt minus 2pt
+ \prsublistskip = 1ex plus 2pt minus 1pt
+ \prsubsublistskip = .5ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+ \polistskip= 2ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+ \posublistskip= 1ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+ \posubsublistskip= .5ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+ \listitemskip = 2ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+ \sublistitemskip =1ex plus .75pt minus .75pt
+ \subsublistitemskip = .5ex plus .5pt minus .5pt
+ \listindent = 3em
+ \sublistindent = 6em
+ \subsublistindent = 9em
+ \listitemmarksize = 1.5em
+ \relax %======= Caption box spacing =======
+ \captionskip = 2ex % spacing between a figure/table and caption
+ \the\everysetspacings
+ }
+% note \setspacings is called when the style default sets a document font
+% ========== Toc Out Forms ===========
+% These are the default forms for writing to a toc file.
+% ========== Auto referencing default =======
+\autoreferencetrue % autonumbering is not default true ... no \refs .. no
+ % effect
+% ============ Captionbox Defaults =========
+% ============ Title Spacing/Width ==========
+% ====== Plain \magnification change ======
+% ============ Tagging/Reference =======
+\pagetagsoff % default is the pagetags off -- more efficient.
+% =========== Allows Figures to be Silent ========
+\silentfigurefalse % defaults to non silent figures
+%======== style defaults
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/inrsfncm.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/inrsfncm.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec91701a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/inrsfncm.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% This file now uses cm fonts where available.
+% ======= INRS Fonts ========
+% This file adds the fonts used in INRSTeX. It also adds the spacing
+% related to these fonts. The important section is the definitions of
+% the font families. The intent is to produce a font family with all
+% related fonts. In the same manner as the TeXbook, \tenpoint indicates
+% the 10pt family and \rm would be a Roman font in that family. The
+% additions here are the special fonts for section heads, footnotes, ...
+% The section head fonts, for example \sheadfont is changed only if
+% the font family is called within the command \documentstyle. This
+% means that it is possible to change the font internal to a
+% document without disturbing the appearance of the section heads or
+% page numbering.
+% In addition to this file, there is an spfont.tex. This file allows for
+% the scaling of a font family. The basic family is \tenpoint. It can be
+% scaled to the extent that there exist scaled printable forms of the font.
+% ======= ADDITIONAL FONTS IN INRSTEX ==========
+% =====special fonts ========
+\font\tendu = cmdunh10
+%\font\twentyfourozub=ozub24 %OCR types
+%\font\twentyfourozuh=ozuh24 % ocr hollow
+%\font\twentynaro = cmnaro
+% ===== twenty one point =======
+\font\twentyonermsca = cmr10 scaled 2074
+% ===== eighteen point =======
+\font\eighteenrm= cmr17 % no eighteen point font in cm
+\font\eighteenrmsca = cmr10 scaled 1728
+%\font\eighteenark = ark18 % hands and pencils
+%\font\eighteenbbb = bbb18 % ??????
+%\font\eighteenpen = pen18 % pen script like font
+%\font\eighteenpeni = peni18 % pen script like font
+% ===== fourteenpoint fonts =====
+\font\fourteenrmsca = cmr10 scaled 1440
+\font\fourteenbfxsca = cmbx10 scaled 1440
+% ===== twelvepoint fonts
+\font\twelverm= cmr12
+\font\twelvermsca = cmr10 scaled 1200
+\font\twelvebfxsca = cmbx10 scaled 1200
+\font\twelvess = cmss12
+\font\twelvessb= cmssbx10 scaled 1200
+\font\twelveit = cmti12
+\font\twelvei = cmmi12
+\font\twelvesl = cmsl12
+\font\twelvesy = cmsy10 scaled 1200 % no 12point symbol
+\font\twelvett = cmtt12
+\font\twelvesc = cmcsc10 scaled 1200 % no 12point form
+\let\sanss = \twelvess
+\let\sanssb= \tenss
+% ======= tenpoint fonts not in plain.tex =======
+\font\tenss = cmss10
+\font\tenssb = cmssbx10 %
+\font\tencsc = cmcsc10 % caps and small caps
+\font\tenu=cmu10 % unslanted text italic
+\font\tenbfx = cmbx10
+\font\tenbfy = cmbsy10 %bold math symbols?
+% ======== smaller fonts not in plain.tex ========
+\skewchar\ninei='177 \skewchar\eighti='177 \skewchar\sixi='177
+\skewchar\ninesy='60 \skewchar\eightsy='60 \skewchar\sixsy='60
+\let\sevenbfx = \sevenbf % defined in plain as cmbx7
+\let\fivebfx = \fivebf % defined in plain as cmbx5
+\hyphenchar\tentt=-1 % inhibit hyphenation in typewriter type
+\font\sevenit= cmti7
+% =========== margin note/version font ===========
+\let\notefont = \eighttt
+% ============ THE FONT FAMILIES ===========
+% ============= <....>point families =============
+% \pointsize and \documentpointsize are the point sizes of the
+% present and document point sizes.
+% resets the default spacing
+ \def\rm{\fam0\twelverm}%
+ \textfont0=\twelverm \scriptfont0=\tenrm \scriptscriptfont0=\sevenrm
+ \textfont1=\twelvei \scriptfont1=\teni \scriptscriptfont1=\seveni
+ \textfont2=\twelvesy \scriptfont2=\tensy \scriptscriptfont2=\sevensy
+ \textfont3=\twelveex \scriptfont3=\twelveex \scriptscriptfont3=\twelveex
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\twelveit}%
+ \textfont\itfam=\twelveit
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\twelvesl}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\twelvesl
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\twelvebfxsca}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\twelvebfxsca \scriptfont\bffam=\tenbf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\sevenbfx
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\twelvett}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\twelvett \scriptfont\ttfam=\tentt
+ \tt \ttglue=.5em plus .25em minus .15em
+ \normalbaselines\rm % now so resets are ok.
+ \setstrut
+ \ifd@ocsty \def\documentpointsize{twelve}%
+ \let\footerfont =\twelveit
+ \let\headerfont=\twelveit
+ \let\footnotefont = \tenpoint
+ \let\smallerfont = \tenpoint
+ \let\cheadfont = \twentyonermsca
+ \let\sheadfont=\fourteenbfxsca
+ \let\ssheadfont=\twelvebfxsca
+ \let\sssheadfont=\twelvebfxsca
+ \let\dsssheadfont=\twelvebfxsca
+ \let\captionnumfont=\twelvebfxsca
+ \let\captiontitlefont=\relax
+ \let\captionbodyfont=\relax
+ \let\eqnumfont=\rm
+ \setspacings\fi
+ \let\bigfont = \fourteenrmsca
+ \let\biggfont = \eighteenrmsca
+ \let\bigggfont = \twentyonermsca
+ \let\titlefont = \bigggfont
+ \let\sc=\tenrm
+ }
+% ======= elevenpoint fonts not in plain.tex =======
+\font\elevenssb = cmssbx10 scaled 1095 % no ss bold
+\font\elevencsc = cmcsc10 scaled 1095 % caps and small caps
+\font\elevenbfx = cmbx10 scaled 1095 % bold wide
+\font\elevenbfy = cmbsy10 scaled 1095 %bold math symbols?
+% ===== elevenpoint fonts
+\font\elevenrm= cmr10 scaled 1095
+\font\elevenrmsca = cmr10 scaled 1095
+\font\elevenbf = cmb10 scaled 1095
+\font\elevenbfxsca = cmbx10 scaled 1095
+\font\elevenss = cmss10 scaled 1095
+\font\elevenit = cmti10 scaled 1095
+\font\eleveni = cmmi10 scaled 1095
+\font\elevensl = cmsl10 scaled 1095
+\font\elevensy = cmsy10 scaled 1095
+\font\eleventt = cmtt10 scaled 1095
+\font\elevensc = cmcsc10 scaled 1095
+\let\sanss = \elevenss
+ \def\rm{\fam0\elevenrm}%
+ \textfont0=\elevenrm \scriptfont0=\eightrm \scriptscriptfont0=\sixrm
+ \textfont1=\eleveni \scriptfont1=\eighti \scriptscriptfont1=\sixi
+ \textfont2=\elevensy \scriptfont2=\eightsy \scriptscriptfont2=\sixsy
+ \textfont3=\elevenex \scriptfont3=\elevenex \scriptscriptfont3=\elevenex
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\elevenit}%
+ \textfont\itfam=\elevenit
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\elevensl}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\elevensl
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\elevenbf}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\elevenbf \scriptfont\bffam=\eightbfx
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\sixbfx
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\eleventt}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\eleventt \scriptfont\ttfam=\tentt
+ \tt \ttglue=.5em plus .25em minus .15em
+ \normalbaselines\rm % now so resets are ok.
+ \setstrut
+ \ifd@ocsty \def\documentpointsize{eleven}%
+ \let\footerfont=\elevenit
+ \let\headerfont=\elevenit
+ \let\footnotefont = \ninepoint
+ \let\smallerfont = \ninepoint
+ \let\cheadfont = \eighteenrmsca
+ \let\sheadfont=\fourteenbfxsca
+ \let\ssheadfont=\elevenbfxsca
+ \let\sssheadfont=\elevenbfxsca
+ \let\dsssheadfont=\elevenbfxsca
+ \let\captionnumfont=\elevenbfxsca
+ \let\captiontitlefont=\relax
+ \let\captionbodyfont=\relax
+ \let\eqnumfont=\rm
+ \setspacings\fi
+ \let\bigfont = \twelvermsca
+ \let\biggfont = \fourteenrmsca
+ \let\bigggfont = \eighteenrmsca
+ \let\titlefont = \bigggfont
+ \let\sc=\ninerm
+ }
+ \textfont0=\tenrm \scriptfont0=\sevenrm \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
+ \textfont1=\teni \scriptfont1=\seveni \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \textfont2=\tensy \scriptfont2=\sevensy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
+ \textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\tenex \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\tenit}%
+ \textfont\itfam=\tenit
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\tensl}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\tensl
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\tenbfx}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\tenbfx \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbfx
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebfx
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\tentt}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\tentt
+ \tt \ttglue=.5em plus .25em minus .15em
+ \normalbaselines\rm
+ \setstrut
+ \ifd@ocsty \def\documentpointsize{ten}\let\footerfont =\tenit
+ \let\headerfont=\tenit
+ \let\footnotefont = \eightpoint
+ \let\smallerfont = \eightpoint
+ \let\cheadfont = \eighteenrm
+ \let\sheadfont=\twelvebfxsca
+ \let\ssheadfont=\tenbfx
+ \let\sssheadfont=\tenbfx
+ \let\dsssheadfont=\tenbfx
+ \let\captionnumfont=\tenbfx
+ \let\captiontitlefont=\relax
+ \let\captionbodyfont=\relax
+ \let\eqnumfont=\rm
+ \setspacings\fi
+ \let\bigfont = \twelvermsca
+ \let\biggfont = \fourteenrmsca
+ \let\bigggfont = \eighteenrmsca
+ \let\titlefont = \bigggfont
+ \let\sc=\eightrm }
+ \textfont0=\ninerm \scriptfont0=\sixrm \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
+ \textfont1=\ninei \scriptfont1=\sixi \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \textfont2=\ninesy \scriptfont2=\sixsy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
+ \textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\tenex \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\nineit}%
+ \textfont\itfam=\nineit
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\ninesl}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\ninesl
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\ninebfx}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\ninebfx \scriptfont\bffam=\sixbfx
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebfx
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\ninett}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\ninett
+ \tt \ttglue=.5em plus .25em minus .15em
+ \normalbaselines\rm
+ \setstrut
+ \ifd@ocsty \def\documentpointsize{nine}\let\footerfont =\nineit
+ \let\headerfont=\nineit
+ \let\footnotefont = \eightpoint
+ \let\smallerfont = \eightpoint
+ \let\cheadfont = \eighteenrm
+ \let\sheadfont=\tenbfx
+ \let\ssheadfont=\tenbfx
+ \let\sssheadfont=\tenbfx
+ \let\dsssheadfont=\tenbfx
+ \let\captionnumfont=\tenbfx
+ \let\captiontitlefont=\relax
+ \let\captionbodyfont=\relax
+ \let\eqnumfont=\rm
+ \setspacings\fi
+ \let\bigfont = \twelvermsca
+ \let\biggfont = \fourteenrmsca
+ \let\bigggfont = \eighteenrm
+ \let\titlefont = \bigggfont
+ \let\sc=\sevenrm }
+ \textfont0=\eightrm \scriptfont0=\fiverm \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
+ \textfont1=\eighti \scriptfont1=\fivei \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \textfont2=\eightsy \scriptfont2=\fivesy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
+ \textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\tenex \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\eightit}%
+ \textfont\itfam=\eightit
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\eightsl}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\eightsl
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\eightbfx}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\eightbfx \scriptfont\bffam=\fivebfx
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebfx
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\eighttt}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\eighttt
+ \tt \ttglue=.5em plus .25em minus .15em
+ \normalbaselines\rm
+ \setstrut
+ \ifd@ocsty \def\documentpointsize{eight}\let\footerfont =\eightit
+ \let\headerfont=\eightit
+ \let\footnotefont = \eightpoint
+ \let\smallerfont = \eightpoint
+ \let\cheadfont = \fourteenrmsca
+ \let\sheadfont=\eightbfx
+ \let\ssheadfont=\eightbfx
+ \let\sssheadfont=\eightbfx
+ \let\dsssheadfont=\eightbfx
+ \let\captionnumfont=\eightbfx
+ \let\captiontitlefont=\relax
+ \let\captionbodyfont=\relax
+ \let\eqnumfont=\rm
+ \setspacings\fi
+ \let\bigfont = \tenrm
+ \let\biggfont = \twelverm
+ \let\bigggfont = \fourteenrmsca
+ \let\titlefont = \bigggfont
+ \let\sc=\sevenrm }
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/inrstex.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/inrstex.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3e0c1c8cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/inrstex.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% Version Aug. 1991
+% ---- TeX 3 version ----
+% Those items that are modified for different styles are indicated in
+% each section.
+\input plain_nh
+% for TeX 3.+, hyphenation tables can be inserted in a format file only
+% once. This means that both plain.tex rather than an old plain.fmt file
+% must be used to create a new format file. plain_nh.tex is plain.tex with
+% No Hyphenation (NH).
+% This is a cm font version ... now.
+% COMMENT: INRSTeX has been designed to allow for considerable variation
+% in the style of a document. This ranges from default spacing, fonts,
+% formats of section heads, and headers and footers. The changes for
+% a style involves the changes of the defaults in "inrsdef.tex", document
+% "am" fonts in "inrsfont.tex" or "cm" fonts in inrsfncm.tex.
+% The definitions of header and footer text is
+% generally found in the various "xxsty.tex" files. These are incomplete
+% in the sense that only those changes to the defaults in "inrsdef.tex"
+% are actually done. Two examples are given, \paperstyle in "papersty.tex"
+% and \bookstyle in "booksty.tex".
+% Those items that are modified for different styles are indicated in
+% each section.
+\catcode`@= 11 % need to use some plain macros
+%======= Additional active Characters ===========
+% ======== THESE ARE USED IN THE TABLE MACROS =========
+\message{<< Additional Active Characters >>}
+\catcode`\|= \active
+\def|{\ifmmode \vert\else \char`\|\fi} % effectively undoes activeness
+\catcode`\"=\active \def"{\writeterm{<<< use `` or '' instead of \q@m >>>}{
+ }{}\char`\"}
+%=== these are redefined inside the table macros =====
+% ========= INRSTeX Utilities =========
+% These are generally needed for good health. They include
+% Houskeeping Macros
+% Single/Multicolumn Page Eject and Insert Control
+% Miscellaneous Paragraph Shape Macros
+% Year/Month/Day
+% New Boxit
+% Number Format Conversion Forms
+\input inrsutil.tex
+% ======== Extended Character Set(s) for Special Terminals =======
+% The proper catcodes for the extended characters need to go in before the
+% patterns are loaded.
+% *************************
+ \ifundefined{charsubdef}
+ \message{ << Loading Extended Character Set -- TeX 3.+ >>}
+ \input extdef3
+ \else
+ \message{ << Loading Extended Character Set -- MLTeX 3.+ >>}
+ \input extdef
+ \fi
+ \message { << Setting Parameters for TeX 3.+ >> }
+ \emergencystretch =10pt
+ \lefthyphenmin=2
+ \righthyphenmin=3
+ \newcount\dischyph % to effectively disable dischyph in mltex
+% *************************
+% ======= Input Hyphenation patterns =======
+% hyphenation for all languages are in the same file or accessed from it
+% TeX 3 will not allow \patterns to be reopened once it has been closed.
+ \input masthyph
+% ====== Multiple Language Support ========
+% This may be done without bilingual TeX but is better done with it.
+% These macros define an \englishversion and a \versionfrancaise.
+% INRSTeX messages come in either English or French depending
+% upon the value of \language. If \language is not yet defined, a
+% \newcount is used to define it.
+\input multlang.tex
+% ====== Basic Line Spacing =========
+% The basic line spacing in a font is assumed to be scaled according to the
+% ex height of the font. This is perhaps not the aesthetically best but
+% does allow consistent line spacing commands. The four basic commands are
+% \normalbaselines (redefined from plain),
+% \normalbaselineskipsize, \spacing, and \setstrut.
+% ------- Defaults ... inrsdef.tex -----
+% \def\normalbaselineskipsize{2.8ex \normalbaselineskipglue}
+% \def\normalbaselineskipglue{plus .07ex minus .07ex}
+% \def\normallineskipform{\lineskip 1pt \lineskiplimit 0pt}
+\input linespac.tex
+% ===== additional FONTS ==========
+% The new fonts and font families are read in from the file "inrsfont.tex"
+% These are read in by initex.
+% This font list should define the font families. At the very least it must
+% define fonts for the logical font names used in INRSTEX. These are
+ %\notefont {usually \eighttt} ... foor version and margin notes.
+ %\footerfont
+ %\headerfont
+ %\footnotefont {should be a font family}
+ %\smallerfont {should be a font family}
+ %\cheadfont
+ %\sheadfont
+ %\ssheadfont
+ %\sssheadfont
+ %\dsssheadfont
+ %\captionnumfont
+ %\captiontextfont
+ %\eqnumfont
+ %\bigfont
+ %\biggfont
+ %\bigggfont
+ %\titlefont
+% The various \..head.. fonts are used in the \shead etc
+% The \footnotefont is used in footnotes and is a family
+% \titlefont is used in \title
+% The other fonts are for convenience.
+% INRSTeX has the notion of a Document font. This allows for local changes in
+% the font without messing up the sizes of the sectionheads, headers, footers
+% etc. A font change inside a \documentstyle will cause the document font
+% to change.
+%\input inrsfont.tex %am fonts
+\input inrsfncm.tex % cm fonts
+% ====== Marginnotes, Final and Draft Version =======
+% INRSTeX's output routine supports two main versions of a document, a
+% "final version" and a "draft version". The "draft version" collects \refs
+% and \cites in a margin box at the right of a page. In addition it puts on
+% black marks for overfull lines and "Draft Version: <date> " at the
+% bottom of the page.
+% If plain.tex output is to be used, "margform.tex" by "margform.pla"
+% This will destroy all indications of \finalversion \draftversion
+\input margform.tex
+% =========== Document Styles, Page Numbering and Page Sizes ======
+% These are the macros for setting page sizes and the various flags
+% the header/footer styles. This is only used with "inrsout.tex"
+% ---- Defaults ... set in xxxsty.tex or inrsdef.tex -------
+% Examples from "booksty.tex"
+% \vheadersize
+% \vfootersize
+% \headertext
+% \specialheadertext
+% \footertext
+% \specialfootertext
+% \hpapersize
+% \vpapersize
+% \vouterpagesize
+% \houterpagesize
+% \topmargin
+% \leftmargin
+\input pagsty.tex
+%======== Multicolumn format ===========
+% These macros invoke multicolumnformat including balancing columns.
+% ---- Defaults ... set in inrsdef.tex
+% \numcolumns
+% \firstcolumnoffset
+% \intercolumnsep
+\input multicol.tex
+% ======== INRSTeX Single/Multi Column Output Routine ========
+% This is the entire output routine for INRSTeX. It does both single and
+% Multicolumn since there is a rather large repetition to do otherwise.
+\input out_ps.tex
+%========= Autonumbering, Tagging and Autoreferencing =========
+% These macros give the facility to symbolically refer to sections, equations,
+% tables, and references and to automatically number them.
+% Autonumber, automatically numbers sections, equations, ....
+% Autoreferencing, causes \ref{tag} to drop the tag-value in the text.
+% Autonumber and autoreference both true will cause tags to be generated.
+% Although it is possible to have only autonumbering, referring to
+% sections or other parts is quite difficult without referencing
+% ---- Defaults ... set in inrsdef.tex -----
+% \autoreferencetrue
+% \autonumberfalse ... default when created
+% \def\Prerefform{} \def\Postrefform ... in auto
+\input auto.tex
+% ============ Tag Generation ==========
+% These are the macros that generate the actual tags. They are used in
+% automatic equation numbering, section heads and any \auto...num{tag} form.
+% ------ Defaults .... set in inrsdef.tex or xxxsty.tex ---
+% \undeftagmessage ... set in "english.tex" or "francais.tex"
+\input tag.tex
+% ========== Equation Tags ===========
+% Since equation numbering plays a big part in scientific documentation
+% a special set of tag generation forms were produced for this case.
+% ------ Defaults .... set in inrsfont.tex -----
+% \eqnumfont
+\input eqtag.tex
+% ===== Citation generation ==========
+% \cite is used with a journal/paper reference.
+% The forms allow both random input order of cite forms or
+% fixed order. At the moment it supports only IEEE form, ie
+% a list in the order of therir occurrence in a paper.
+% A data base system using a mailbox would be much better.
+\input cite.tex
+% ========== Section, Chapter Headings ===========
+% These macros have several parts,
+% -- Counter allocation and numbering styles for autonumber
+% -- The format of the heading.
+% -- The writing of a list file for automatic table of contents.
+% -- The referencing in the text ... ie reference number styles.
+% -------- Defaults ... inrsdef.tex, inrsfont.tex, xxxsty.tex ----
+% \chnum=0 \def\chnumform{\the\chnum} ... inrsdef.tex
+% \shnum=0 \def\shnumform{\the\shnum} ... inrsdef.tex
+% \sshnum=0 \def\sshnumform{\the\sshnum} ... inrsdef.tex
+% \ssshnum=0 \def\ssshnumform{\the\ssshnum} ... inrsdef.tex
+% \def\chtagrefformat{\chnumform} ... secthead.tex
+% \def\chtagreplaceformat{\Chapter \chtagrefformat} .. secthead.tex
+% \prsheadskip= 6ex plus 2ex minus 2ex ... inrsdef.tex
+% \posheadskip= 2ex ... inrsdef.tex
+% \prssheadskip= 5ex plus 1.8ex minus 1.8ex ... inrsdef.tex
+% \possheadskip= 2ex ... inrsdef.tex
+% \prsssheadskip= 3ex plus 1ex minus 1ex ... inrsdef.tex
+% \posssheadskip= 2ex ... inrsdef.tex
+% \prdsssheadskip= 3ex plus 1ex minus 1ex ... inrsdef.tex
+% \podsssheadskip= 2ex ... inrsdef.tex
+% \gensheadformat#1#2#3#4 ... secthead.tex ... for major format
+% surgery.
+% \nochaptertrue ... inrsdef.tex
+% \def\Chapter ... english.tex or francais.tex
+% \cheadformat#1#2 ... secthead.tex
+% \def\chapterstartform{} ... secthead.tex and xxxsty.tex
+\input secthead.tex
+%============ Preface/Prelude macros ===========
+% this is the first of the environment macros. The problem, among others is
+% that the headers, footers, pagenumbering, etc are different in preface of
+% the document than elsewhere.
+% ---- Defaults ... prelhead.tex or xxxsty.tex
+% \preludeheadformat#1 ... prelhead.tex
+\input prelhead.tex
+% =========== Appendices ==============
+% Appendices are defined by using \shead invocations.
+% Appendices are assumed to be associated with chapters, if
+% they exist hence the first appendix in Chapter 2 is Appendix A.
+% These macros modify the numberforms of \shead to produce Apendices.
+% The "appendix head" is an \shead with a different numberform.
+% ------- Defaults ------
+% \def\Appendix ... english.tex or francais.tex
+\input appendix.tex
+% ========== List Files =========
+% General macros for making, open and closing "list' files. These are files
+% where the form output includes a page reference. They are named with a
+% three letter extension ... eg ".fig" ... to the \jobname form.
+\input writfile.tex
+% ======== Table of Contents, Figures, and Tables -- Examples ======
+% The "list" file is written using \writelistfile and the \shtoc ...
+% are used to create the actual table of contents, figures, tables.
+% Extensions to other forms should be obvious.
+% ----- Defaults ----
+% \righttocindent ... inrsdef.tex
+% \tocfill ... tocform.tex ... dot form for toc list.
+% tocfonts ... tocform.tex ... in actual \figtoc etc
+\input tocform.tex
+%======== List macros ==========
+% there is only one kind of list in this system, namely on that is
+% right justified in the particular box that the list appears
+% extensions may be made to include a center
+% ----- Defaults ... inrsdef.tex -----
+% \prlistskip= 2ex plus 3pt minus 2pt
+% \prsublistskip = 1ex plus 2pt minus 1pt
+% \prsubsublistskip = .5ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+% \polistskip= 2ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+% \posublistskip= 1ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+% \posubsublistskip= .5ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+% \listitemskip = 2ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+% \sublistitemskip =1ex plus .75pt minus .75pt
+% \subsublistitemskip = .5ex plus .5pt minus .5pt
+% \listindent = 3em
+% \sublistindent = 6em
+% \subsublistindent = 9em
+% \listitemmarksize = 1.5em
+\input lists.tex
+%=========== Footnotes ---- similar to that in the texbook ======
+% ------ Defaults --------
+% \footnotefont ... family in inrsfont.tex
+% \skip\footins ... footnote.tex
+% \count\footins ... plain.tex
+% \dimen\footins ... footnote.tex
+% \footnoterule ... inrsout.tex
+\input footnote.tex
+%========= ABSTRACT/TITLE =======
+% These generate a centered abstract in the \smallerfont of a family
+% and define the \title macro
+% ------ Defaults ------
+% \absindent ... inrsdef.tex abstract indentation
+% \ABSTRACT ... english.tex or francais.tex
+% \titlemessage ... english.tex of francais.tex
+% \titlefont ... inrsfont.tex
+% \titlefraction ... inrsdef.tex
+% \titlespacing ... inrsdef.tex
+\input abstract.tex
+% ========== Captioned Table/Figure Forms and Inserts =========
+% Insert Forms
+% ----- Defaults -----
+% \captiontextfraction ... inrsdef.tex
+% \captionskip ... inrsdef.tex
+% \topcaptiontrue or \topcaptionfalse ... inrsdef.tex
+% \figurelabel or \figlabel ... english.tex or francais.tex
+% \tablelabel or \tbllabel ... english.tex or francais.tex
+% \captionnumfont ... inrsfont.tex
+% \captiontitlefont ... inrsfont.tex
+% \captionbodyfont ... inrsfont.tex
+% \captionbodyon <off> ... inrsdef.tex
+% \silentfigurefalse
+\input genins.tex
+% ============ Table Making Forms ============
+\input tables.tex
+%========= Verbatim or NoFill Style ========
+% The verbatim form is not part of the INRSTeX format file.
+% The following brings in the verbatim macros and redefines \beginttverbatim
+\def\beginttverbatim{\input verbatim\relax}
+%========== Special styles ===============
+%----- Special Document Styles/Forms -------
+% INRSTeX learns of the existence of special document styles or forms
+% from specform.tex
+\input specform.tex
+%======== Multiple part documents -- subdocuments =======
+% documents may be broken down to the chapter or section level
+\input subdoc.tex
+% ============ TeXGraphics Support =============
+% TeXGraphics uses \specials, assumes POSTSCRIPT and assumes a driver
+% equivalent to the INRS modified version of Beebe's dvialw.
+\input graph_ps.tex
+% ======== Bugs/Modifications to Plain =====
+\input plainmod.tex
+% ====== INRSTeX defaults .... in addition to Plain ....
+\input inrsdef.tex
+% =========== modifications for MSDOS usage ============
+% for Unix systems replace the \input writdos by
+ \message{Input Unix write.file form}
+ \input writunix
+% invoke inrstex with the shell script
+% ... appropriately modified
+%\message{Input DOS write/file form}
+%\input writdos
+\catcode`@=12 % puts at back to a non letter
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd1f48d528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+if [ $# = 1 ]; then
+ jobname=`/usr/bin/basename $1 .tex`
+ # rename auxiliary files -- see writunix.tex
+ /bin/mv $jobname.tag $jobname.tag~ 2>/dev/null
+ /bin/mv $jobname.toc $jobname.toc~ 2>/dev/null
+ /bin/mv $jobname.fig $jobname.fig~ 2>/dev/null
+ /bin/mv $jobname.tbl $jobname.tbl~ 2>/dev/null
+exec /usr/users/u1/mike/inrstex/virtex_mlb '&/usr/users/u1/mike/inrstex/inrs3_mlb' $*
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/inrsutil.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/inrsutil.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d687ee7092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/inrsutil.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% ======== INRSTeX Utilities ======
+% ========= Houskeeping Utilities =========
+% These are houskeeping utilities and should be kept. They will most likely
+% not interfere with any other commands.
+\newif\ifsilent \silentfalse % defaults to not quiet ... used in \a@utonum
+\def\silent#1{\setbox0=\hbox{#1}} % causes #1 to be silently expanded
+% ----- #1 break penalty , #2 skip amount
+ \removelastskip\penalty #1\vskip #2 \fi}
+% ------ advances only the dimension part of a glue statement
+% must be of form \a@dvance #1 by #2 where #2 is a dimension
+ % coerces glue to be a dimen
+\def\a@dvance #1#2{\dimen0 = #1\relax
+ \advance #1 by -\dimen0\relax
+ \advance #1 by #2\relax}
+%------- appends a second token list onto a first one ----
+%#1 token list #2 token list #1 is resulting name
+% used in creating autonumbers
+\def\appendtoks#1#2{ \edef\next{\noexpand #1 = {\the#1 \the#2} }
+ \next}
+%---------- non outer allocations same as in plain ---------
+\let\n@ewtoks=\relax % we do this to allow inrs.tex to be read in twice
+\def\n@ewswitch#1{\expandafter\let\csname if#1\endcsname\relax
+ \toks@{\iftrue}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname#1true\endcsname
+ {\let\csname if#1\endcsname=\the\toks@}%
+ \toks@{\iffalse}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname#1false\endcsname
+ {\let\csname if#1\endcsname=\the\toks@}%
+ \csname#1false\endcsname} % the switch starts out false
+% --- undefined command check --- 7.7 from the texbook
+\def\ifundefined#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\relax} % needs \fi to end
+% ------ Input a file. If it does not exist, treat it as a null file.
+% #1 file name.
+ \ifeof1
+ \closein1
+ \else
+ \closein1
+ \input \i@wc \relax
+ \fi}
+% \writeterm
+% ----------- Write to the terminal --------
+% Format is similar to \writelistfile. Its main claim is that
+% it removes ugly \cr and ~ that might lead to problems.
+% #1#2#3 the three arguments are concatenated in the output text.
+\def\writeterm#1#2#3{{\def\cr{ }\def~{ }\immediate\write32{#1#2#3}}}
+% ======= Single/Multicolumn Page Eject and Insert Control ======
+% "\end..." is only used in conjunction with a matched "\begin...
+% However "\end" has not been redefined.
+\def\done{\superejectpage\end} % to be modified
+\def\ejectinsert{\ifnum\insertpenalties>0 \null\ejectcolumn\ejectinsert\fi}
+\let\ejectinserts=\ejectinsert % historical error
+% ========= Miscellaneous Paragraph Shape Macros =========
+% ---- a symmetric narrowing of the page ----
+\def\beginnarrowtext #1 {\par
+ \begingroup
+ \advance\leftskip by #1\relax
+ \advance\rightskip by #1\relax
+ \the\everynarrowtext}
+\def\endnarrowtext {\par \endgroup}
+% ----- centers lines in paragraph ---------
+% This is used in Titles ...
+\def\paragraphcenterline{\advance\rightskip by 0pt plus 1fill
+ \advance\leftskip by
+ 0pt plus 1fill \def\cr{\par}\parindent = 0pt}
+% --- a very ragged right ... will suppress all hyphenation for title/sections
+\def\veryraggedright{\advance\rightskip by 0pt plus 1fil\relax}
+%----- linebreak in horizontal mode
+% ========= Half quad ==========
+\def\hquad{\hskip .5em}
+% ========= Year/Month/Day =========
+% This is used in the Output Routine
+% --- form for version
+\def\version{Version: \date}
+% =========== New Boxit =============
+% --- puts rules around the outside of a box
+% #1 line thickness, #2 border separation #3 box
+\long\def\boxit#1#2#3{\vbox{\dimen0=#1 \dimen2=#2 \hrule height \dimen0
+ \hbox{\vrule width\dimen0 \hskip\dimen2\vbox{\vskip \dimen2
+ \vbox{#3}
+ \vskip \dimen2}\hskip
+ \dimen2 \vrule width\dimen0}
+ \hrule height \dimen0}}
+% ============== Number Format Conversion Forms =============
+% ------ This gives an uppercase alphabetic form for a number ----
+% There should be an easier way!
+\def\Alphabetic#1{\ifcase #1\or A\or B\or C\or D\or E\or
+ F\or G\or H\or I\or J\or
+ K\or L\or M\or N\or O\or
+ P\or Q\or R\or S\or T\or
+ U\or V\or W\or X\or Y\or
+ Z\else #1\fi}
+\def\alphabetic#1{\ifcase #1\or a\or b\or c\or d\or e\or
+ f\or g\or h\or i\or j\or
+ k\or l\or m\or n\or o\or
+ p\or q\or r\or s\or t\or
+ u\or v\or w\or x\or y\or
+ z\else #1\fi}
+% ------ This does the same for roman numerals --- from TeXbook
+\def\UpperRoman#1{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral #1}}
+% ========= These are dangerous macros that easily allow for loss of @
+% protection =========
+% ======= general protect/unprotect =======
+% ======= Activate/deactivate =========
+\def\activate{\catcode`\"=\active \catcode`\|=\active}
+\def\deactivate{\catcode`\"=12 \catcode`\|=12}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/linespac.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/linespac.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8486bc456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/linespac.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% ====== Basic Line Spacing =========
+% The basic line spacing in a font is assumed to be scaled according to the
+% ex height of the font. This is perhaps not the aesthetically best but
+% does allow consistent line spacing commands. The four basic commands are
+% \normalbaselines, \normalbaselineskipsize, \spacing, and \setstrut.
+\def\normalbaselines{\baselineskip \normalbaselineskipsize
+ \normallineskipform}
+% ----- sets interline spacing in terms of normalbaselines ------
+% does not change baseline glue.
+\def\spacing#1{\setbox0=\vbox{\vskip \normalbaselineskipsize}\baselineskip
+ #1\ht0 \normalbaselineskipglue
+ \normallineskipform}
+% ----- a single line spacing strut -------
+% Set at current baselineskip size
+ \hbox{\vrule height .72\ht0 depth .28\ht0 width\z@}}
+% --- The default forms must also be set -- They are shown below but
+% are actually set in inrsdef.tex
+% \def\normalbaselineskipsize{2.8ex \normalbaselineskipglue}
+% \def\normalbaselineskipglue{plus .07ex minus .07ex}
+% \def\normallineskipform{\lineskip 1pt \lineskiplimit 0pt}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/lists.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/lists.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..777d34793f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/lists.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+%======== List macros ==========
+% there is only one kind of list in this system, namely on that is
+% right justified in the particular box that the list appears
+% extensions may be made to include a center
+% These list macros work relative to \rightskip and \leftskip defined
+% outside the lists. In addition, they preserve the glue that already
+% exists in \rightskip and \leftskip
+% the actual skip values are set in inrsdef.tex
+\newskip\prlistskip %\prlistskip= 2ex plus 3pt minus 2pt
+\newskip\prsublistskip %\prsublistskip = 1ex plus 2pt minus 1pt
+\newskip\prsubsublistskip %\prsubsublistskip = .5ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+\newskip\polistskip %\polistskip= 2ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+\newskip\posublistskip %\posublistskip= 1ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+\newskip\posubsublistskip %\posubsublistskip= .5ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+\newskip\listitemskip %\listitemskip = 2ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+\newskip\sublistitemskip %\sublistitemskip =1ex plus .75pt minus .75pt
+\newskip\subsublistitemskip %\subsublistitemskip = .5ex plus .5pt minus .5pt
+\newdimen\listindent %\listindent = 3em
+\newdimen\sublistindent %\sublistindent = 6em
+\newdimen\subsublistindent %\subsublistindent = 9em
+\newdimen\listitemmarksize %\listitemmarksize = 1.5em
+\newif\iff@irstli % allows first li to set list parameters
+% t@ightenlist will cause the list item spacing to drop to #1 of its
+% original value
+%------ scales a skip .... makes plus glue .1 of skip, minus .1 ----
+% #1 is the skip, #2 is the scale
+ \dimen0=.1\wd0 \dimen2=.1\wd0
+ #1 = #2\wd0 plus #2\dimen0 minus #2\dimen2}
+ \s@caleskip{\sublistitemskip}{#1}
+ \s@caleskip{\subsublistitemskip}{#1}}
+%sample list mark .... used for creating lists where the listitem
+%mark size may be big or varied.
+% This is one of the most useful features of this list package.
+\def\samplemark#1{\setbox0 = \hbox{#1\enspace}
+ \advance \listindent by -\listitemmarksize
+ \advance \sublistindent by -\listitemmarksize
+ \advance \subsublistindent by -\listitemmarksize
+ \listitemmarksize=\wd0
+ \advance \listindent by \listitemmarksize
+ \advance \sublistindent by \listitemmarksize
+ \advance \subsublistindent by \listitemmarksize}
+%beginlist takes arbitrary parameters that affect the whole list such
+% as font changes ... they are local to the list and will be undone by
+% the endlist
+\newcount\l@iststate \l@iststate=0 % 0 -- outside lists , 1 in list, 2 sublist ...
+%#1 - liststate, #2 - break value, #3 - listskip
+\newif\ifo@utsidelist \o@utsidelisttrue
+\def\b@eginlist #1#2#3{\par\penaltybreak{#2}{#3}\begingroup\parskip=0pt
+ \normalbaselines
+ \f@irstlitrue
+ \ifo@utsidelist \rightlistoffset =\rightskip
+ \leftlistoffset=\leftskip \o@utsidelistfalse\fi
+ \the\b@@el\the\b@el\l@iststate=#1}
+%\def\endlistmessage#1{<< endlist mismatch --- expected \the\l@iststate :
+% actual #1 >> } see english/french titles ... #2 .. skip #3= penalty
+\def\e@ndlist #1#2#3{\par \removelastskip
+ \ifnum \l@iststate = #1 \else \message{\endlistmessage{#1}} \fi
+ \endgroup \penaltybreak{#3}{#2}}
+% The first list item actually sets the list parameters. This allows for
+% changes in at the beginning of a list in listitem indent and spacing.
+\def\s@etlistparms{\iff@irstli \n@ewlistparms
+ \advance\l@istindent by \leftlistoffset
+ \a@dvance{\leftskip}{\l@istindent}\f@irstlifalse
+ \fi}
+ \or \let\l@istindent =\listindent
+ \let\l@istitemskip = \listitemskip
+ \or \let\l@istindent =\sublistindent
+ \let\l@istitemskip = \sublistitemskip
+ \or \let\l@istindent =\subsublistindent
+ \let\l@istitemskip = \subsublistitemskip \fi}
+% #1 = itemskip #2 = leftindent #3= item flag
+\def\listitem#1 {\par
+ \penaltybreak{-50}{\l@istitemskip}\s@etlistparms
+ \setbox0=\hbox{#1\enspace\hss}
+ \ifdim\wd0 < \listitemmarksize \wd0= \listitemmarksize \fi
+ \noindent\hskip -\listitemmarksize
+ \box0\relax}
+\def\beginlist {\let\b@@el=\e@verylist\let\b@el=\everylist
+ \b@eginlist{1}{0}{\prlistskip}}
+\def\beginsublist {\let\b@@el=\e@verysublist\let\b@el=\everysublist
+ \b@eginlist{2}{100}{\prsublistskip}}
+\def\beginsubsublist {\let\b@@el=\e@verysubsublist\let\b@el=\everysubsublist
+ \b@eginlist{3}{200}{\prsubsublistskip}}
+\def\endlist {\e@ndlist{1}{\polistskip}{-200}}
+\def\endsublist {\e@ndlist{2}{\posublistskip}{-100}}
+\def\endsubsublist {\e@ndlist{3}{\posubsublistskip}{-50}}
+% ----- These are official short forms for the various items -----
+\let\li =\listitem
+\let\bl =\beginlist
+\let\esl = \endsublist
+\let\essl = \endsubsublist
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/margform.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/margform.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8205fd7597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/margform.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% ========= Margin Box =========
+% A margin insert (box) is used to collect reference/citation values
+% If a non INRSTeX output routine is used, it is necessary to remove
+% the \newinsert\m@arginbox, \dimen\m@arginbox and \count\m@arginbox.
+% In addition a \def\proofmargin#1{} should be inserted.
+% This information could be written out to a file rather than
+% printing it on the page.
+% ----- margin notes ------
+\dimen\m@arginbox = 8in
+\count\m@arginbox = 0
+\newdimen\h@marginboxsize \h@marginboxsize = 1.5in
+ 1ex\hbox{\notefont\quad#1}}}\ifinner
+ \aftergroup\m@ext \else \m@ext \fi}
+% --- margin notes will completely disappear if \marginnotesfalse,
+% \proofmargin is redefined or \finalversion is in force.
+%------ General Style switches --------
+\newif\ifproofmode \proofmodetrue % defaults to proofmode
+\def\draftversion{\proofmodetrue \marginnotestrue \overfullrule = 5pt}
+\def\finalversion{\proofmodefalse \marginnotesfalse \overfullrule = 0pt}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/masthyph.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/masthyph.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5139c037a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/masthyph.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% ======== Master Multilingual Pattern Inputs ======
+% This file defines the changes in the \lccodes needed for Multilingual TeX
+% and then inputs the patterns for English and French.
+% =========== Special lccodes and hyphenation for Bilingual Version ====
+\def\oe{^^[} % \oe
+\def\'##1{\csname @ac@##1\endcsname}
+\def\`##1{\csname @gr@##1\endcsname}
+\def\v##1{\csname @v@##1\endcsname}
+\def\u##1{\csname @u@##1\endcsname}
+\def\=##1{\csname @eq@##1\endcsname}
+\def\^##1{\csname @hat@##1\endcsname}
+\def\.##1{\csname @dot@##1\endcsname}
+\def\H##1{\csname @H@##1\endcsname}
+\def\~##1{\csname @til@##1\endcsname}
+\def\"##1{\csname @um@##1\endcsname}
+\def\c##1{\csname c@##1\endcsname}
+% ======== Pattern Input / English and French ======
+% english hyphenation patterns
+\input enhyph \relax
+% french hyphenation patterns
+\input frhyph \relax
+% english hyphenation exceptions
+\input enhyphex \relax
+% ======= definitions for fast eng/fr hyphenation =====
+\def\ehyph{\language=0 \lccode`\'=0 \nonfrenchspacing}
+\def\fhyph{\language=1 \lccode`\'=`\'\frenchspacing} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/multicol.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/multicol.tex
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/multicol.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+%======== Multicolumn format ===========
+% These macros invoke multicolumnformat including balancing columns.
+\newcount\numcolumns %\numcolumns =1
+\newdimen\firstcolumnoffset %\firstcolumnoffset= 0pt
+\newtoks\intercolumnsep %\intercolumnsep = {\hskip 2em}
+%--- check the remaining page height and set switch
+\newbox\m@ulticolumnbox % accumulates multicolumn pages
+\newbox\t@opmultibox \newbox\testtop
+\newbox\topmulticolumnbox % user available box --- spans entire page
+\newbox\botmulticolumnbox % user available box --- spans entire page
+\newbox\b@otmultibox \newbox\testbot
+\newdimen\multicolpageshortfall \multicolpageshortfall = 1cm
+\newcount\m@ultistate \m@ultistate = 0 % 1 is just into multicolumn
+ % 2 is just out of multicolumn
+\newcount\c@urrentcolumn \c@urrentcolumn = 1
+\def\currentcolumnnum{\the\c@urrentcolumn }
+\def\numberofcolumns{\c@urrentcolumn = 1 \afterassignment\c@omputehsize \numcolumns }
+\def\beginmulticolumnformat{\global\m@ultistate = 1
+ \hrule height 0pt depth0pt % to force eject
+ \eject \begingroup
+ \def\ejectpage{\ejectcolumn\null
+ \loop \relax
+ \ifnum \c@urrentcolumn < \numcolumns
+ \ejectcolumn\null
+ \advance\c@urrentcolumn by 1 \relax
+ \repeat }
+ \the\e@verymulticolumnformat
+ \the\everymulticolumnformat }
+\newdimen\b@alancevsize \b@alancevsize=\vinnerpagesize
+\def\balancecolumnsize {\global\b@alancetrue \global\b@alancevsize}
+\def\a@ddbalcomp{\dimen0=\pagetotal %natural residual
+ \count255=\c@urrentcolumn \advance\count255 by -1 \relax
+ \dimen2 = \vcolumnsize
+ \multiply\dimen2 by \count255
+ \advance\dimen0 by \dimen2
+ \divide\dimen0 by \numcolumns
+ \message{ <<Estimated Balanced Column Size : \the\dimen0 >> }
+ \advance\dimen0 by -\b@alancevsize
+ \message{ <<Estimated Addition: \the\dimen0 >> }
+ }
+\def\endmulticolumnformat{\global\m@ultistate =2 \relax
+ \a@ddbalcomp \ifb@alance\par\eject\else\ejectcolumn \fi
+ \endgroup \numberofcolumns =1
+ \ifdim\vsize<\vinnerpagesize\relax
+ \hrule height0ptdepth0pt\fi }
+ % checks to see if new page
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/multlang.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/multlang.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d392568de3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/multlang.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% ====== Multiple Language Support =========
+% This is done via an internal change to TeX itself or through the
+% introduction of a counter called \language. If Bilingual TeX exists,
+% then \language has been defined.
+\ifundefined{language} \n@ewcount\language \language=0 \fi
+\def\englishversion{\input english \relax}
+\def\versionfrancaise{\input francais \relax}
+%======= are some commands for << and >> in French ======
+% ======== can be made neater when we modify fonts
+% \newcount\language % ..... this is necessary if NOT running Multilingual TeX
+\language = 0 % 0-english 1-french ...
+\def\d@qf{\raise .5ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\langle\!\langle}$}\kern.25em}
+\def\g@qf{\kern.25em\raise .5ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\rangle\!\rangle}$}}
+ \lq\lq \else\d@qf\fi} %changes < into `` in english
+ \rq\rq\else\g@qf\fi} %changes > into '' in english \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/out_ps.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/out_ps.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7bb12e215d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/out_ps.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% Fix on \firstcolumnoffset 11 May 87 ... MJF
+% Compensate for 1 inch standard print offsets Sept. 1991 ... ugh!
+\newdimen \hprintoffset
+\newdimen \vprintoffset
+% Postscript version with arbitrary page scaling/rotation
+% ======== INRSTeX Single/Multi Column Output Routine ========
+% This is the entire output routine for INRSTeX. It does both single and
+% Multicolumn since there is a rather large repetition to do otherwise.
+%====== Debugging rules =======
+% These can be turned on to outline the page
+\let\testhrule = \relax
+\let\testvrule =\relax
+% ====== single/multicolumn output routine
+\def\m@ultipleoutput{\tmessage{Multiout - ms:\the\m@ultistate- cc:\the\c@urrentcolumn - nc:\the\numcolumns}
+ \ifcase\m@ultistate % 0 - only state where shipout allowed
+ \addcolumn{\pagecontents}\relax
+ \global\advance\c@urrentcolumn by 1 \relax
+ \ifnum\c@urrentcolumn > \numcolumns
+ \finaloutput % in normal state
+ \fi
+ \or \s@etuprempage % 1 - into - always go this way
+ \or
+ \addcolumn{\pagecontents}\relax
+ \s@etuprempage % 2 - outof - clean up the current col and store
+ \fi
+ }
+\def\s@etuprempage{ \global\setbox\t@opmultibox =
+ \vbox{\boxmaxdepth 0pt \offinterlineskip
+ \ifvoid\t@opmultibox \else \unvbox\t@opmultibox \fi
+ \ifvoid\topmulticolumnbox \else \unvbox\topmulticolumnbox\fi
+ \ifvoid\topins \else \unvbox\topins \fi
+ \ifcase\m@ultistate
+ \tmessage{TeX System Error - misplaced multistate -- \the\pageno}
+ \or \ifvoid255 \else \unvbox255 \fi % top of pag
+ \or \ifvoid\m@ulticolumnbox
+ \else \box\m@ulticolumnbox
+ \fi % multicol part page
+ \fi}
+ \global\setbox\b@otmultibox =
+ \vbox{ \boxmaxdepth \maxdepth \offinterlineskip
+ \ifvoid\footins
+ \else \vskip\skip\footins
+ \footnoterule
+ \unvbox\footins
+ \fi
+ \ifvoid\botmulticolumnbox
+ \else \unvbox\botmulticolumnbox
+ \fi}
+ \ifb@alance \advance\parskip by 0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt \fi
+ \ifnum\m@ultistate=2
+ \global\b@alancevsize=\vinnerpagesize
+ \global\numcolumns = 1
+ \global\b@alancefalse
+ \fi
+ \c@omputevsize
+ \tmessage{Rempage: ms:\the\m@ultistate- ip:\the\vinnerpagesize- hc:\the\vcolumnsize-
+ cc:\the\c@urrentcolumn- nc:\the\numcolumns}
+ \global\c@urrentcolumn= 1\global\m@ultistate=0
+ \ifnum\vcolumnsize<\multicolpageshortfall \finaloutput \fi
+ }
+ \special{ps:: /EOP {} bdf gsave 576 0 translate 90
+ rotate .7 .7 scale }\else
+ \special{ps:: /EOP {} bdf gsave 576 396 translate 90
+ rotate .7 .7 scale }\fi }
+ \special{ps:: grestore }\xdef\l@page{1}
+ \else
+ \special{ps:: grestore showpage }\xdef\l@page{0}\fi }
+\let\d@one=\done \def\done{\ejectpage\ifnum\l@page=1 \finalversion
+ \fullpagestyle \line{} \fi
+ \d@one}}
+\newif\ifpageps \pagepsfalse
+\def\topPS{\ifpageps \t@opsc \fi}
+\def\botPS{\ifpageps \b@otsc \fi}
+\def\showpage{showpage }
+\def\pagescale htr:#1 vtr:#2 d:#3 hsc:#4 vsc:#5 {
+ \xdef\t@opsc{\special{ps:: /EOP {} bdf
+ gsave #1 #2 translate #3 rotate #4 #5 scale }}
+ \xdef\b@otsc{\special{ps:: grestore \showpage }}\global\pagepstrue }
+ \hbox{\topPS\leftmarginskip \hskip -\hprintoffset
+ \vbox to \vpapersize{\offinterlineskip % but boxes together
+ \vskip -\vprintoffset
+ \topmarginskip\testhrule
+ \m@akeheadertext\testhrule
+ \hbox{\hskip \firstcolumnoffset \relax \pagebody}\testhrule
+ \m@akefootertext\testhrule
+ \vfill
+ \ifproofmode \vbox to 0pt{\boxmaxdepth 0pt \vss
+ \hbox{\qquad \versionform}} \fi
+ \vfill
+ \vss}\botPS}
+ \tmessage{Final Out: ms:\the\m@ultistate- cc:\the\c@urrentcolumn- nc:\the\numcolumns}
+ \ifp@agenoadv \advancepageno \fi
+ \global\p@agenoadvtrue
+ \global\h@eadertype=\d@ocumentheader % default header style
+ \global\f@ootertype=\d@ocumentfooter % default footer style
+ \c@omputevsize
+ \ifb@alance \advance\parskip by 0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt \fi
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-\@MM \else\dosupereject\fi
+ \global\c@urrentcolumn = 1 \global\m@ultistate=0}
+\def\addcolumn#1{\tmessage{addcol: ms:\the\m@ultistate- cc:\the\c@urrentcolumn-
+ nc:\the\numcolumns}
+ \global\setbox\m@ulticolumnbox =
+ \hbox{\ifvoid\m@ulticolumnbox
+ \else\unhbox\m@ulticolumnbox\the\intercolumnsep \fi
+ \testvrule\hbox to \hcolumnsize{\vbox to
+ \vcolumnsize{\boxmaxdepth\maxdepth #1}\hss}\testvrule}
+ }
+\def\pagebody{\setbox\i@nnerpagebox = \vbox to\vinnerpagesize{\boxmaxdepth\maxdepth\offinterlineskip
+ \ifvoid\t@opmultibox \else\unvbox\t@opmultibox \fi
+ \ifvoid\m@ulticolumnbox \else\box\m@ulticolumnbox \fi
+ \ifvoid\b@otmultibox\else\unvbox\b@otmultibox \fi}\relax
+ \setbox2= \vbox to
+ \vinnerpagesize{\hsize\h@marginboxsize
+ \vskip 1cm
+ \unvbox\m@arginbox
+ \vss}\relax
+ \hbox{\box\i@nnerpagebox\box2}}
+ \unvbox\@cclv % open up \box255
+ \ifvoid\footins\else % footnote info is present
+ \vfill
+ \vskip\skip\footins
+ \footnoterule
+ \unvbox\footins\fi
+ \ifr@ggedbottom\vfil\fi}
+ \hrule width .2\hcolumnsize \kern 2.6\p@} % the \hrule is .4pt high
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/pagsty.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/pagsty.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6eb11e719e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/pagsty.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% =========== Document Styles, Page Numbering and Page Sizes ======
+% These are the macros for setting page sizes nad the various flags
+% the header/footer styles
+% ============== Document Style =============
+% Such things as page sizes, header/footer fonts headers and footers should
+% be active for an entire document. \documentstyle is defined so that the
+% correct switches are in force to control the document. In addition
+% a \setpagesizes causes any page size changes to be made.
+\newif\ifd@ocsty % switch for document style
+ #1\setpagesizes\d@ocstyfalse}
+% this is not done inside a group because the various assignments cannot be
+% defined global
+% The switch \d@ocsty is used in to control the locality of the
+% various page styles.
+%====== page numbering ==========
+\newif\ifp@agenoadv % determines whether to advance the page number
+\def\nopagenumberadvance{\p@agenoadvfalse} % lasts for one page
+\p@agenoadvtrue % defaults to advanceing on first page
+\def\n@egpagno{\global\multiply\pageno by -1 \relax}
+\def\romanpagenumber{\afterassignment\n@egpagno \global\pageno }
+\def\pagenumber{\global\pageno }
+% ===== Macros for setting page sizes ======
+% Pages involve margins, headers, footers, and column sizes.
+% These set the styles and flags for single and multicolumn.
+% ======= dimensions for pages headers etc ======
+% the simple output fixes the header and footer size but allows
+% for the header and footer to be killed as required.
+\newdimen\hpapersize %\hpapersize= 8.5in
+\newdimen\vpapersize %\vpapersize= 11.5in
+% ===== Historical compatibilities =====
+% ===== Margin Macros ======
+\def\leftmarginskip{\hskip \leftmarginsize}
+\def\topmarginskip{\vskip \topmarginsize}
+%======= page style forms ======
+\newcount\p@agetype \p@agetype=2 %normal ... not used
+\newcount\h@eadertype \h@eadertype=2 %normal
+\newcount\f@ootertype \f@ootertype=2 %normal
+% ----- General forms for multicolumn -------
+\def\c@ompvinnersize{\dimen0 = \vouterpagesize
+ \ifcase\h@eadertype \relax % delete header
+ \else \advance \dimen0 by -\vheadersize \fi
+ \ifcase\f@ootertype \relax % delete footer
+ \else \advance\dimen0 by -\vfootersize \fi
+ \global\vinnerpagesize = \dimen0
+ \ifb@alance \global\vcolumnsize = \b@alancevsize
+ \else
+ \advance\dimen0 by -\ht\t@opmultibox
+ \advance\dimen0 by -\ht\b@otmultibox \relax
+\tmessage{Vcolsize - vc:\the\dimen0 - vt:\the\ht\t@opmultibox - vb:\the\ht\b@otmultibox - bs:\the\b@alancevsize - }
+ \global\vcolumnsize=\dimen0
+ \fi}
+% columnsize = (hinnerpagsize - (numcols-1)intercol)/numcol
+\def\c@omphinnersize{\dimen0 = \houterpagesize
+ \advance\dimen0 by -\firstcolumnoffset
+ \advance\dimen0 by -\firstcolumnoffset \relax
+ \global\hinnerpagesize = \dimen0}
+ \dimen0= \numcolumns\wd0 %\the\dimen0
+ \advance\dimen0 by -\wd0 %\the\dimen0
+ \dimen2 = \hinnerpagesize %\the\dimen2
+ \advance\dimen2 by -\dimen0 %\the\dimen0
+ \divide\dimen2 by \numcolumns \relax
+ \global\hcolumnsize = \dimen2
+ \global\hsize = \hcolumnsize}
+\def\setpagesizes{\c@omputevsize \c@omputehsize}
+% ==== headers, footers, pagestyles ========
+\newtoks\h@eaderline \newtoks\headertext \newtoks\specialheadertext
+\long\def\h@eaderform {\vbox to \vheadersize
+ {\hsize\houterpagesize \headerfont
+ \testhrule
+ \the\h@eaderline\par\vfil\testhrule}\relax}
+\newtoks\f@ooterline \newtoks\footertext \newtoks\specialfootertext
+\long\def\f@ooterform{ \vbox to \vfootersize
+ {\hsize\houterpagesize \footerfont
+ \testhrule
+ \vfil
+ \the\f@ooterline\par\testhrule}\relax}
+\def\m@akeheadertext{\ifcase\h@eadertype \relax % deleted
+ \or \vskip \vheadersize % blanked
+ \or \let\h@eaderline = \headertext \h@eaderform
+ \or \let\h@eaderline = \specialheadertext
+ \h@eaderform \fi
+ }
+\def\m@akefootertext{\ifcase\f@ootertype \relax % deleted
+ \or \vskip \vfootersize % blanked
+ \or \let\f@ooterline=\footertext \f@ooterform
+ \or \let\f@ooterline=\specialfootertext
+ \f@ooterform \fi
+ }
+%=== these last only for one page and are reset by output routine ====
+\def\blankheaderstyle{\global\h@eadertype = 1
+ \ifd@ocsty \global\d@ocumentheader = 1 \fi\c@omputevsize}
+\def\normalheaderstyle{\global\h@eadertype= 2
+ \ifd@ocsty \global\d@ocumentheader = 2 \fi\c@omputevsize}
+\def\noheaderstyle{\global\h@eadertype =0
+ \ifd@ocsty \global\d@ocumentheader = 0 \fi\c@omputevsize}
+\def\blankfooterstyle{\global\f@ootertype = 1
+ \ifd@ocsty \global\d@ocumentfooter = 1 \fi\c@omputevsize}
+\def\normalfooterstyle{\global\f@ootertype =2
+ \ifd@ocsty \global\d@ocumentfooter = 2 \fi\c@omputevsize}
+\def\nofooterstyle{\global\f@ootertype =0
+ \ifd@ocsty \global\d@ocumentfooter = 0 \fi\c@omputevsize}
+\let\specialheaderstyle=\normalheaderstyle % default
+\let\specialfooterstyle=\normalfooterstyle % default
+% ----- some convenient combinations -----
+\def\titlepagestyle{\global\p@agetype=1 \blankheaderstyle
+ \blankfooterstyle}
+\def\normalpagestyle{\global\p@agetype =2 \normalheaderstyle
+ \normalfooterstyle}
+\def\specialpagestyle{\global\p@agetype =2 \specialheaderstyle
+ \specialfooterstyle}
+\def\fullpagestyle{\global\p@agetype =0 \noheaderstyle
+ \nofooterstyle}
+% ======== #1 is one of \<...>style --- reset values for output routine
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/papersty.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/papersty.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..417aafcdad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/papersty.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+% see english.tex and francais.tex for messages
+\def\paperstyle{\documentstyle{\vouterpagesize = 9.25in
+ \houterpagesize = 6.0in
+ \topmargin = 1in
+ \leftmargin = 1.25in
+ \vheadersize = 0pt
+ \vfootersize = .35in
+ \headertext{} \specialheadertext{}
+ \footertext{\centerline{- \folio\ -}}
+ \let\specialfootertext = \footertext
+ \leftskip=0pt
+ \rightskip=0pt
+ \tenpoint
+ \noheaderstyle
+ \normalfooterstyle
+ \numberbysection
+ \specialnumberscontinuous}}
+\paperstyle \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/plain_nh.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/plain_nh.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c56ad4a3b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/plain_nh.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1220 @@
+% This is the plain TeX format that's described in The TeXbook.
+% N.B.: A version number is defined at the very end of this file;
+% please change that number whenever the file is modified!
+% And don't modify the file under any circumstances.
+\catcode`\{=1 % left brace is begin-group character
+\catcode`\}=2 % right brace is end-group character
+\catcode`\$=3 % dollar sign is math shift
+\catcode`\&=4 % ampersand is alignment tab
+\catcode`\#=6 % hash mark is macro parameter character
+\catcode`\^=7 \catcode`\^^K=7 % circumflex and uparrow are for superscripts
+\catcode`\_=8 \catcode`\^^A=8 % underline and downarrow are for subscripts
+\catcode`\^^I=10 % ascii tab is a blank space
+\chardef\active=13 \catcode`\~=\active % tilde is active
+\catcode`\^^L=\active \outer\def^^L{\par} % ascii form-feed is "\outer\par"
+\message{Preloading the plain format: codes,}
+% We had to define the \catcodes right away, before the message line,
+% since \message uses the { and } characters.
+% When INITEX (the TeX initializer) starts up,
+% it has defined the following \catcode values:
+% \catcode`\^^@=9 % ascii null is ignored
+% \catcode`\^^M=5 % ascii return is end-line
+% \catcode`\\=0 % backslash is TeX escape character
+% \catcode`\%=14 % percent sign is comment character
+% \catcode`\ =10 % ascii space is blank space
+% \catcode`\^^?=15 % ascii delete is invalid
+% \catcode`\A=11 ... \catcode`\Z=11 % uppercase letters
+% \catcode`\a=11 ... \catcode`\z=11 % lowercase letters
+% all others are type 12 (other)
+% Here is a list of the characters that have been specially catcoded:
+\def\dospecials{\do\ \do\\\do\{\do\}\do\$\do\&%
+ \do\#\do\^\do\^^K\do\_\do\^^A\do\%\do\~}
+% (not counting ascii null, tab, linefeed, formfeed, return, delete)
+% Each symbol in the list is preceded by \do, which can be defined
+% if you want to do something to every item in the list.
+% We make @ signs act like letters, temporarily, to avoid conflict
+% between user names and internal control sequences of plain format.
+% INITEX sets up \mathcode x=x, for x=0..127, except that
+% \mathcode x=x+"7100, for x = `A to `Z and `a to `z;
+% \mathcode x=x+"7000, for x = `0 to `9.
+% The following changes define internal codes as recommended
+% in Appendix C of The TeXbook:
+\mathcode`\^^@="2201 % \cdot
+\mathcode`\^^A="3223 % \downarrow
+\mathcode`\^^B="010B % \alpha
+\mathcode`\^^C="010C % \beta
+\mathcode`\^^D="225E % \land
+\mathcode`\^^E="023A % \lnot
+\mathcode`\^^F="3232 % \in
+\mathcode`\^^G="0119 % \pi
+\mathcode`\^^H="0115 % \lambda
+\mathcode`\^^I="010D % \gamma
+\mathcode`\^^J="010E % \delta
+\mathcode`\^^K="3222 % \uparrow
+\mathcode`\^^L="2206 % \pm
+\mathcode`\^^M="2208 % \oplus
+\mathcode`\^^N="0231 % \infty
+\mathcode`\^^O="0140 % \partial
+\mathcode`\^^P="321A % \subset
+\mathcode`\^^Q="321B % \supset
+\mathcode`\^^R="225C % \cap
+\mathcode`\^^S="225B % \cup
+\mathcode`\^^T="0238 % \forall
+\mathcode`\^^U="0239 % \exists
+\mathcode`\^^V="220A % \otimes
+\mathcode`\^^W="3224 % \leftrightarrow
+\mathcode`\^^X="3220 % \leftarrow
+\mathcode`\^^Y="3221 % \rightarrow
+\mathcode`\^^Z="8000 % \ne
+\mathcode`\^^[="2205 % \diamond
+\mathcode`\^^\="3214 % \le
+\mathcode`\^^]="3215 % \ge
+\mathcode`\^^^="3211 % \equiv
+\mathcode`\^^_="225F % \lor
+\mathcode`\ ="8000 % \space
+\mathcode`\'="8000 % ^\prime
+\mathcode`\*="2203 % \ast
+\mathcode`\\="026E % \backslash
+\mathcode`\_="8000 % \_
+\mathcode`\^^?="1273 % \smallint
+% INITEX sets \uccode`x=`X and \uccode `X=`X for all letters x,
+% and \lccode`x=`x, \lccode`X=`x; all other values are zero.
+% No changes to those tables are needed in plain TeX format.
+% INITEX sets \sfcode x=1000 for all x, except that \sfcode`X=999
+% for uppercase letters. The following changes are needed:
+\sfcode`\)=0 \sfcode`\'=0 \sfcode`\]=0
+% The \nonfrenchspacing macro will make further changes to \sfcode values.
+% Finally, INITEX sets all \delcode values to -1, except \delcode`.=0
+% N.B. { and } should NOT get delcodes; otherwise parameter grouping fails!
+% To make the plain macros more efficient in time and space,
+% several constant values are declared here as control sequences.
+% If they were changed, anything could happen; so they are private symbols.
+% Allocation of registers
+% Here are macros for the automatic allocation of \count, \box, \dimen,
+% \skip, \muskip, and \toks registers, as well as \read and \write
+% stream numbers, \fam codes, and \insert numbers.
+% When a register is used only temporarily, it need not be allocated;
+% grouping can be used, making the value previously in the register return
+% after the close of the group. The main use of these macros is for
+% registers that are defined by one macro and used by others, possibly at
+% different nesting levels. All such registers should be defined through
+% these macros; otherwise conflicts may occur, especially when two or more
+% more macro packages are being used at once.
+% The following counters are reserved:
+% 0 to 9 page numbering
+% 10 count allocation
+% 11 dimen allocation
+% 12 skip allocation
+% 13 muskip allocation
+% 14 box allocation
+% 15 toks allocation
+% 16 read file allocation
+% 17 write file allocation
+% 18 math family allocation
+% 19 insert allocation
+% 20 the most recently allocated number
+% 21 constant -1
+% New counters are allocated starting with 22, 23, etc. Other registers are
+% allocated starting with 10. This leaves 0 through 9 for the user to play
+% with safely, except that counts 0 to 9 are considered to be the page and
+% subpage numbers (since they are displayed during output). In this scheme,
+% \count 10 always contains the number of the highest-numbered counter that
+% has been allocated, \count 14 the highest-numbered box, etc.
+% Inserts are given numbers 254, 253, etc., since they require a \count,
+% \dimen, \skip, and \box all with the same number; \count 19 contains the
+% lowest-numbered insert that has been allocated. Of course, \box255 is
+% reserved for \output; \count255, \dimen255, and \skip255 can be used freely.
+% It is recommends that macro designers always use
+% \global assignments with respect to registers numbered 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and
+% always non-\global assignments with respect to registers 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 255.
+% This will prevent ``save stack buildup'' that might otherwise occur.
+\count10=21 % allocates \count registers 22, 23, ...
+\count11=9 % allocates \dimen registers 10, 11, ...
+\count12=9 % allocates \skip registers 10, 11, ...
+\count13=9 % allocates \muskip registers 10, 11, ...
+\count14=9 % allocates \box registers 10, 11, ...
+\count15=9 % allocates \toks registers 10, 11, ...
+\count16=-1 % allocates input streams 0, 1, ...
+\count17=-1 % allocates output streams 0, 1, ...
+\count18=3 % allocates math families 4, 5, ...
+\count19=255 % allocates insertions 254, 253, ...
+\countdef\insc@unt=19 % the insertion counter
+\countdef\allocationnumber=20 % the most recent allocation
+\countdef\m@ne=21 \m@ne=-1 % a handy constant
+\def\wlog{\immediate\write\m@ne} % write on log file (only)
+% Here are abbreviations for the names of scratch registers
+% that don't need to be allocated.
+\dimendef\dimen@i=1 % global only
+% Now, we define \newcount, \newbox, etc. so that you can say \newcount\foo
+% and \foo will be defined (with \countdef) to be the next counter.
+% To find out which counter \foo is, you can look at \allocationnumber.
+% Since there's no \boxdef command, \chardef is used to define a \newbox,
+% \newinsert, \newfam, and so on.
+\let\newtoks=\relax % we do this to allow plain.tex to be read in twice
+ \ch@ck#1#4#2% make sure there's still room
+ \allocationnumber=\count1#1%
+ \global#3#5=\allocationnumber
+ \wlog{\string#5=\string#2\the\allocationnumber}}
+\outer\def\newinsert#1{\global\advance\insc@unt by\m@ne
+ \ch@ck0\insc@unt\count
+ \ch@ck1\insc@unt\dimen
+ \ch@ck2\insc@unt\skip
+ \ch@ck4\insc@unt\box
+ \allocationnumber=\insc@unt
+ \global\chardef#1=\allocationnumber
+ \wlog{\string#1=\string\insert\the\allocationnumber}}
+ \else\errmessage{No room for a new #3}\fi}
+% Here are some examples of allocation.
+\newdimen\maxdimen \maxdimen=16383.99999pt % the largest legal <dimen>
+\newskip\hideskip \hideskip=-1000pt plus 1fill % negative but can grow
+\newskip\centering \centering=0pt plus 1000pt minus 1000pt
+\newdimen\p@ \p@=1pt % this saves macro space and time
+\newdimen\z@ \z@=0pt % can be used both for 0pt and 0
+\newskip\z@skip \z@skip=0pt plus0pt minus0pt
+\newbox\voidb@x % permanently void box register
+% And here's a different sort of allocation:
+% For example, \newif\iffoo creates \footrue, \foofalse to go with \iffoo.
+\outer\def\newif#1{\count@\escapechar \escapechar\m@ne
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
+ \edef\@if#1{true}{\let\noexpand#1=\noexpand\iftrue}%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
+ \edef\@if#1{false}{\let\noexpand#1=\noexpand\iffalse}%
+ \@if#1{false}\escapechar\count@} % the condition starts out false
+{\uccode`1=`i \uccode`2=`f \uppercase{\gdef\if@12{}}} % `if' is required
+% Assign initial values to TeX's parameters
+% All of TeX's numeric parameters are listed here,
+% but the code is commented out if no special value needs to be set.
+% INITEX makes all parameters zero except where noted.
+\tolerance=200 % INITEX sets this to 10000
+% \postdisplaypenalty=0
+% \interlinepenalty=0
+% \floatingpenalty=0, set during \insert
+% \outputpenalty=0, set before TeX enters \output
+% \looseness=0, cleared by TeX after each paragraph
+% \pausing=0
+% \tracingonline=0
+% \tracingmacros=0
+% \tracingstats=0
+% \tracingparagraphs=0
+% \tracingpages=0
+% \tracingoutput=0
+% \tracingcommands=0
+% \tracingrestores=0
+% \globaldefs=0
+% \maxdeadcycles=25 % INITEX does this
+% \hangafter=1 % INITEX does this, also TeX after each paragraph
+% \fam=0
+% \mag=1000 % INITEX does this
+% \escapechar=`\\ % INITEX does this
+% \endlinechar=`\^^M % INITEX does this
+% \time=now % TeX does this at beginning of job
+% \day=now % TeX does this at beginning of job
+% \month=now % TeX does this at beginning of job
+% \year=now % TeX does this at beginning of job
+% \lineskiplimit=0pt, changed by \normalbaselines
+% \mathsurround=0pt
+% \predisplaysize=0pt, set before TeX enters $$
+% \displaywidth=0pt, set before TeX enters $$
+% \displayindent=0pt, set before TeX enters $$
+% \hangindent=0pt, zeroed by TeX after each paragraph
+% \hoffset=0pt
+% \voffset=0pt
+% \baselineskip=0pt, changed by \normalbaselines
+% \lineskip=0pt, changed by \normalbaselines
+\parskip=0pt plus 1pt
+\abovedisplayskip=12pt plus 3pt minus 9pt
+\abovedisplayshortskip=0pt plus 3pt
+\belowdisplayskip=12pt plus 3pt minus 9pt
+\belowdisplayshortskip=7pt plus 3pt minus 4pt
+% \leftskip=0pt
+% \rightskip=0pt
+% \tabskip=0pt
+% \spaceskip=0pt
+% \xspaceskip=0pt
+\parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil
+\medmuskip=4mu plus 2mu minus 4mu
+\thickmuskip=5mu plus 5mu
+% We also define special registers that function like parameters:
+\newskip\smallskipamount \smallskipamount=3pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
+\newskip\medskipamount \medskipamount=6pt plus 2pt minus 2pt
+\newskip\bigskipamount \bigskipamount=12pt plus 4pt minus 4pt
+\newskip\normalbaselineskip \normalbaselineskip=12pt
+\newskip\normallineskip \normallineskip=1pt
+\newdimen\normallineskiplimit \normallineskiplimit=0pt
+\newdimen\jot \jot=3pt
+\newcount\interdisplaylinepenalty \interdisplaylinepenalty=100
+\newcount\interfootnotelinepenalty \interfootnotelinepenalty=100
+% Definitions for preloaded fonts
+\def\magstephalf{1095 }
+\def\magstep#1{\ifcase#1 \@m\or 1200\or 1440\or 1728\or 2074\or 2488\fi\relax}
+% Fonts assigned to \preloaded are not part of "plain TeX",
+% but they are preloaded so that other format packages can use them.
+% For example, if another set of macros says "\font\ninerm=cmr9",
+% TeX will not have to reload the font metric information for cmr9.
+\font\tenrm=cmr10 % roman text
+\font\teni=cmmi10 % math italic
+\font\tensy=cmsy10 % math symbols
+\font\tenex=cmex10 % math extension
+\font\preloaded=cmss10 % sans serif
+\font\preloaded=cmssi10 % sans serif italic
+\font\tenbf=cmbx10 % boldface extended
+\font\tentt=cmtt10 % typewriter
+\font\preloaded=cmsltt10 % slanted typewriter
+\font\tensl=cmsl10 % slanted roman
+\font\tenit=cmti10 % text italic
+\message{more fonts,}
+\font\preloaded=cmu10 % unslanted text italic
+\font\preloaded=cmmib10 % bold math italic
+\font\preloaded=cmbsy10 % bold math symbols
+\font\preloaded=cmcsc10 % caps and small caps
+\font\preloaded=cmssbx10 % sans serif bold extended
+\font\preloaded=cmdunh10 % Dunhill style
+\font\preloaded=cmr7 scaled \magstep4 % for titles
+\font\preloaded=cmtt10 scaled \magstep2
+\font\preloaded=cmssbx10 scaled \magstep2
+% \font\preloaded=manfnt % METAFONT logo and dragon curve and special symbols
+\font\preloaded=logo10 % METAFONT logo and dragon curve and special symbols ??
+% Additional \preloaded fonts can be specified here.
+% (And those that were \preloaded above can be eliminated.)
+\let\preloaded=\undefined % preloaded fonts must be declared anew later.
+\skewchar\teni='177 \skewchar\seveni='177 \skewchar\fivei='177
+\skewchar\tensy='60 \skewchar\sevensy='60 \skewchar\fivesy='60
+\textfont0=\tenrm \scriptfont0=\sevenrm \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
+\textfont1=\teni \scriptfont1=\seveni \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+\def\mit{\fam\@ne} \def\oldstyle{\fam\@ne\teni}
+\textfont2=\tensy \scriptfont2=\sevensy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
+\textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\tenex \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+\newfam\itfam \def\it{\fam\itfam\tenit} % \it is family 4
+\newfam\slfam \def\sl{\fam\slfam\tensl} % \sl is family 5
+\newfam\bffam \def\bf{\fam\bffam\tenbf} % \bf is family 6
+\textfont\bffam=\tenbf \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf
+\newfam\ttfam \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\tentt} % \tt is family 7
+% Macros for setting ordinary text
+\def\frenchspacing{\sfcode`\.\@m \sfcode`\?\@m \sfcode`\!\@m
+ \sfcode`\:\@m \sfcode`\;\@m \sfcode`\,\@m}
+ \sfcode`\:2000\sfcode`\;1500\sfcode`\,1250 }
+ \baselineskip\normalbaselineskip \lineskiplimit\normallineskiplimit}
+\def\^^M{\ } % control <return> = control <space>
+\def\^^I{\ } % same for <tab>
+\def\lq{`} \def\rq{'}
+\def\lbrack{[} \def\rbrack{]}
+\let\endgraf=\par \let\endline=\cr
+\def\space{ }
+\let\bgroup={ \let\egroup=}
+% In \obeylines, we say `\let^^M=\par' instead of `\def^^M{\par}'
+% since this allows, for example, `\let\par=\cr \obeylines \halign{...'
+{\catcode`\^^M=\active % these lines must end with %
+ \gdef\obeylines{\catcode`\^^M\active \let^^M\par}%
+ \global\let^^M\par} % this is in case ^^M appears in a \write
+\def\obeyspaces{\catcode`\ \active}
+{\obeyspaces\global\let =\space}
+\def\iterate{\body \let\next\iterate \else\let\next\relax\fi \next}
+\let\repeat=\fi % this makes \loop...\if...\repeat skippable
+\def\thinspace{\kern .16667em }
+\def\negthinspace{\kern-.16667em }
+\def\enspace{\kern.5em }
+ \lineskip\z@ \lineskiplimit\maxdimen}
+\def\vgl@{\par \dimen@\prevdepth \hrule height\z@
+ \nobreak\vskip\skip@ \prevdepth\dimen@}
+\def\hgl@{\leavevmode \count@\spacefactor \vrule width\z@
+ \nobreak\hskip\skip@ \spacefactor\count@}
+\def~{\penalty\@M \ } % tie
+\def\slash{/\penalty\exhyphenpenalty} % a `/' that acts like a `-'
+\def\nobreak{\penalty \@M}
+\def\allowbreak{\penalty \z@}
+\def\goodbreak{\par\penalty-500 }
+ \removelastskip\penalty-50\smallskip\fi}
+ \removelastskip\penalty-100\medskip\fi}
+ \removelastskip\penalty-200\bigskip\fi}
+\def\line{\hbox to\hsize}
+\def\rlap#1{\hbox to\z@{#1\hss}}
+\def\llap#1{\hbox to\z@{\hss#1}}
+ \m@th \underline{\box\z@}$}
+\setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height8.5pt depth3.5pt width\z@}
+\def\hidewidth{\hskip\hideskip} % for alignment entries that can stick out
+\def\ialign{\everycr{}\tabskip\z@skip\halign} % initialized \halign
+\def\multispan#1{\omit \mscount#1
+ \loop\ifnum\mscount>\@ne \sp@n\repeat}
+\newif\ifus@ \newif\if@cr
+\newbox\tabs \newbox\tabsyet \newbox\tabsdone
+\def\cleartabs{\global\setbox\tabsyet\null \setbox\tabs\null}
+\def\settabs{\setbox\tabs\null \futurelet\next\sett@b}
+\let\+=\relax % in case this file is being read in twice
+ \def\next{\afterassignment\s@tt@b\let\next}%
+ \else\let\next\s@tcols\fi\next}
+\def\tabalign{\us@true\m@ketabbox} % non-\outer version of \+
+\def\s@tcols#1\columns{\count@#1 \dimen@\hsize
+ \loop\ifnum\count@>\z@ \@nother \repeat}
+\def\@nother{\dimen@ii\dimen@ \divide\dimen@ii\count@
+ \setbox\tabs\hbox{\hbox to\dimen@ii{}\unhbox\tabs}%
+ \advance\dimen@-\dimen@ii \advance\count@\m@ne}
+ \global\setbox\tabsyet\copy\tabs
+ \global\setbox\tabsdone\null
+ \def\cr{\@crtrue\crcr\egroup\egroup
+ \ifus@\unvbox\z@\lastbox\fi\endgroup
+ \setbox\tabs\hbox{\unhbox\tabsyet\unhbox\tabsdone}}%
+ \setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup\@crfalse
+ \ialign\bgroup&\t@bbox##\t@bb@x\crcr}
+\def\t@bb@x{\if@cr\egroup % now \box\z@ holds the column
+ \else\hss\egroup \global\setbox\tabsyet\hbox{\unhbox\tabsyet
+ \global\setbox\@ne\lastbox}% now \box\@ne holds its size
+ \ifvoid\@ne\global\setbox\@ne\hbox to\wd\z@{}%
+ \else\setbox\z@\hbox to\wd\@ne{\unhbox\z@}\fi
+ \global\setbox\tabsdone\hbox{\box\@ne\unhbox\tabsdone}\fi
+ \box\z@}
+\def\itemitem{\par\indent \hangindent2\parindent \textindent}
+ \advance\rightskip\parindent}
+\outer\def\beginsection#1\par{\vskip\z@ plus.3\vsize\penalty-250
+ \vskip\z@ plus-.3\vsize\bigskip\vskip\parskip
+ \message{#1}\leftline{\bf#1}\nobreak\smallskip\noindent}
+\outer\def\proclaim #1. #2\par{\medbreak
+ \noindent{\bf#1.\enspace}{\sl#2}\par
+ \ifdim\lastskip<\medskipamount \removelastskip\penalty55\medskip\fi}
+\def\raggedright{\rightskip\z@ plus2em \spaceskip.3333em \xspaceskip.5em }
+\def\ttraggedright{\tt\rightskip\z@ plus2em } % for use with \tt only
+\chardef\i="10 \chardef\j="11 % dotless letters
+\def\L{\leavevmode\setbox0\hbox{L}\hbox to\wd0{\hss\char32L}}
+\def\leavevmode{\unhbox\voidb@x} % begins a paragraph, if necessary
+\def\_{\leavevmode \kern.06em \vbox{\hrule width.3em}}
+ \rlap{\raise.67\dimen@\hbox{\char'27}}A}
+ \hbox{$\m@th \mathchar"#1#2#3$}}
+\def\oalign#1{\leavevmode\vtop{\baselineskip\z@skip \lineskip.25ex%
+ \ialign{##\crcr#1\crcr}}} % put characters over each other
+\def\ooalign{\lineskiplimit-\maxdimen \oalign}
+ \vbox to.2ex{\hbox{\char22}\vss}\hidewidth}}
+\def\c#1{\setbox\z@\hbox{#1}\ifdim\ht\z@=1ex\accent24 #1%
+ \else{\ooalign{\hidewidth\char24\hidewidth\crcr\unhbox\z@}}\fi}
+\def\`#1{{\accent18 #1}}
+\def\'#1{{\accent19 #1}}
+\def\v#1{{\accent20 #1}} \let\^^_=\v
+\def\u#1{{\accent21 #1}} \let\^^S=\u
+\def\=#1{{\accent22 #1}}
+\def\^#1{{\accent94 #1}} \let\^^D=\^
+\def\.#1{{\accent95 #1}}
+\def\H#1{{\accent"7D #1}}
+\def\~#1{{\accent"7E #1}}
+\def\"#1{{\accent"7F #1}}
+\def\dotfill{\cleaders\hbox{$\m@th \mkern1.5mu.\mkern1.5mu$}\hfill}
+ \cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-2mu\mathord-\mkern-2mu$}\hfill
+ \mkern-6mu\mathord\rightarrow$}
+ \cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-2mu\mathord-\mkern-2mu$}\hfill
+ \mkern-6mu\mathord-$}
+\mathchardef\braceld="37A \mathchardef\bracerd="37B
+\mathchardef\bracelu="37C \mathchardef\braceru="37D
+ \bracelu\leaders\vrule\hfill\bracerd$}
+ \braceld\leaders\vrule\hfill\braceru$}
+% Macros for math setting
+\message{math definitions,}
+\let\sp=^ \let\sb=_
+{\catcode`\'=\active \gdef'{^\bgroup\prim@s}}
+\def\pr@m@s{\ifx'\next\let\next\pr@@@s \else\ifx^\next\let\next\pr@@@t
+ \else\let\next\egroup\fi\fi \next}
+\def\pr@@@s#1{\prim@s} \def\pr@@@t#1#2{#2\egroup}
+{\catcode`\^^Z=\active \gdef^^Z{\not=}} % ^^Z is like \ne in math
+{\catcode`\_=\active \let_=\_} % _ is like \_ if not used for subscripts
+ \not\mathrel{\mkern14mu}\crcr
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip}
+ \mkern2.5mu\leaders\hrule height.34pt\hfill\mkern2.5mu\crcr}}}}
+\mathchardef\neg="023A \let\lnot=\neg
+\mathchardef\intop="1352 \def\int{\intop\nolimits}
+\mathchardef\ointop="1348 \def\oint{\ointop\nolimits}
+\mathchardef\wedge="225E \let\land=\wedge
+\mathchardef\vee="225F \let\lor=\vee
+\mathchardef\setminus="226E % for set difference A\setminus B
+\def\neq{\not=} \let\ne=\neq
+\mathchardef\leq="3214 \let\le=\leq
+\mathchardef\geq="3215 \let\ge=\geq
+\mathchardef\ni="3233 \let\owns=\ni
+\mathchardef\leftarrow="3220 \let\gets=\leftarrow
+\mathchardef\rightarrow="3221 \let\to=\rightarrow
+\mathchardef\mapstochar="3237 \def\mapsto{\mapstochar\rightarrow}
+\def\relbar{\mathrel{\smash-}} % \smash, because - has the same height as +
+\mathchardef\lhook="312C \def\hookrightarrow{\lhook\joinrel\rightarrow}
+\mathchardef\rhook="312D \def\hookleftarrow{\leftarrow\joinrel\rhook}
+\mathchardef\ldotp="602E % ldot as a punctuation mark
+\mathchardef\cdotp="6201 % cdot as a punctuation mark
+\mathchardef\colon="603A % colon as a punctuation mark
+\def\vdots{\vbox{\baselineskip4\p@ \lineskiplimit\z@
+ \kern6\p@\hbox{.}\hbox{.}\hbox{.}}}
+ \raise4\p@\hbox{.}\mkern2mu\raise\p@\hbox{.}\mkern1mu}}
+\def\acute{\mathaccent"7013 }
+\def\grave{\mathaccent"7012 }
+\def\ddot{\mathaccent"707F }
+\def\tilde{\mathaccent"707E }
+\def\bar{\mathaccent"7016 }
+\def\breve{\mathaccent"7015 }
+\def\check{\mathaccent"7014 }
+\def\hat{\mathaccent"705E }
+\def\vec{\mathaccent"017E }
+\def\dot{\mathaccent"705F }
+\def\widetilde{\mathaccent"0365 }
+\def\widehat{\mathaccent"0362 }
+ \rightarrowfill\crcr\noalign{\kern-\p@\nointerlineskip}
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr}}}
+ \leftarrowfill\crcr\noalign{\kern-\p@\nointerlineskip}
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr}}}
+ \downbracefill\crcr\noalign{\kern3\p@\nointerlineskip}
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr}}}\limits}
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr\noalign{\kern3\p@\nointerlineskip}
+ \upbracefill\crcr\noalign{\kern3\p@}}}}\limits}
+\def\lmoustache{\delimiter"4000340 } % top from (, bottom from )
+\def\rmoustache{\delimiter"5000341 } % top from ), bottom from (
+\def\lgroup{\delimiter"400033A } % extensible ( with sharper tips
+\def\rgroup{\delimiter"500033B } % extensible ) with sharper tips
+\def\arrowvert{\delimiter"33C } % arrow without arrowheads
+\def\Arrowvert{\delimiter"33D } % double arrow without arrowheads
+\def\bracevert{\delimiter"33E } % the vertical bar that extends braces
+\def\Vert{\delimiter"26B30D } \let\|=\Vert
+\def\vert{\delimiter"26A30C }
+\def\uparrow{\delimiter"3222378 }
+\def\downarrow{\delimiter"3223379 }
+\def\updownarrow{\delimiter"326C33F }
+\def\Uparrow{\delimiter"322A37E }
+\def\Downarrow{\delimiter"322B37F }
+\def\Updownarrow{\delimiter"326D377 }
+\def\backslash{\delimiter"26E30F } % for double coset G\backslash H
+\def\rangle{\delimiter"526930B }
+\def\langle{\delimiter"426830A }
+\def\rbrace{\delimiter"5267309 } \let\}=\rbrace
+\def\lbrace{\delimiter"4266308 } \let\{=\lbrace
+\def\rceil{\delimiter"5265307 }
+\def\lceil{\delimiter"4264306 }
+\def\rfloor{\delimiter"5263305 }
+\def\lfloor{\delimiter"4262304 }
+\def\big#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to8.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+\def\Big#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to11.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+\def\bigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to14.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+\def\Bigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to17.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+\def\n@space{\nulldelimiterspace\z@ \m@th}
+\def\sqrt{\radical"270370 }
+ {#1\textstyle{#2}}{#1\scriptstyle{#2}}{#1\scriptscriptstyle{#2}}}
+ \mathpalette\r@@t}
+ \dimen@\ht\z@ \advance\dimen@-\dp\z@
+ \mkern5mu\raise.6\dimen@\copy\rootbox \mkern-10mu \box\z@}
+\newif\ifv@ \newif\ifh@
+ \else\let\next\makeph@nt\fi\next}
+ \ifv@ \ht\tw@\ht\z@ \dp\tw@\dp\z@\fi
+ \ifh@ \wd\tw@\wd\z@\fi \box\tw@}
+\def\smash{\relax % \relax, in case this comes first in \halign
+ \ifmmode\def\next{\mathpalette\mathsm@sh}\else\let\next\makesm@sh
+ \fi\next}
+\def\finsm@sh{\ht\z@\z@ \dp\z@\z@ \box\z@}
+\def\cong{\mathrel{\mathpalette\@vereq\sim}} % congruence sign
+ \ialign{$\m@th#1\hfil##\hfil$\crcr#2\crcr=\crcr}}}
+ \hbox{$#1\rightharpoonup$}\crcr
+ $#1\leftharpoondown$}}}}
+\def\log{\mathop{\rm log}\nolimits}
+\def\lg{\mathop{\rm lg}\nolimits}
+\def\ln{\mathop{\rm ln}\nolimits}
+\def\lim{\mathop{\rm lim}}
+\def\limsup{\mathop{\rm lim\,sup}}
+\def\liminf{\mathop{\rm lim\,inf}}
+\def\sin{\mathop{\rm sin}\nolimits}
+\def\arcsin{\mathop{\rm arcsin}\nolimits}
+\def\sinh{\mathop{\rm sinh}\nolimits}
+\def\cos{\mathop{\rm cos}\nolimits}
+\def\arccos{\mathop{\rm arccos}\nolimits}
+\def\cosh{\mathop{\rm cosh}\nolimits}
+\def\tan{\mathop{\rm tan}\nolimits}
+\def\arctan{\mathop{\rm arctan}\nolimits}
+\def\tanh{\mathop{\rm tanh}\nolimits}
+\def\cot{\mathop{\rm cot}\nolimits}
+\def\coth{\mathop{\rm coth}\nolimits}
+\def\sec{\mathop{\rm sec}\nolimits}
+\def\csc{\mathop{\rm csc}\nolimits}
+\def\max{\mathop{\rm max}}
+\def\min{\mathop{\rm min}}
+\def\sup{\mathop{\rm sup}}
+\def\inf{\mathop{\rm inf}}
+\def\arg{\mathop{\rm arg}\nolimits}
+\def\ker{\mathop{\rm ker}\nolimits}
+\def\dim{\mathop{\rm dim}\nolimits}
+\def\hom{\mathop{\rm hom}\nolimits}
+\def\det{\mathop{\rm det}}
+\def\exp{\mathop{\rm exp}\nolimits}
+\def\Pr{\mathop{\rm Pr}}
+\def\gcd{\mathop{\rm gcd}}
+\def\deg{\mathop{\rm deg}\nolimits}
+ \mathbin{\rm mod}\penalty900\mkern5mu\mskip-\medmuskip}
+\def\pmod#1{\allowbreak\mkern18mu({\rm mod}\,\,#1)}
+ \ialign{$##\hfil$&\quad##\hfil\crcr#1\crcr}}\right.}
+ \ialign{\hfil$##$\hfil&&\quad\hfil$##$\hfil\crcr
+ \mathstrut\crcr\noalign{\kern-\baselineskip}
+ #1\crcr\mathstrut\crcr\noalign{\kern-\baselineskip}}}\,}
+\setbox0=\hbox{\tenex B} \p@renwd=\wd0 % width of the big left (
+\def\bordermatrix#1{\begingroup \m@th
+ \setbox\z@\vbox{\def\cr{\crcr\noalign{\kern2\p@\global\let\cr\endline}}%
+ \ialign{$##$\hfil\kern2\p@\kern\p@renwd&\thinspace\hfil$##$\hfil
+ &&\quad\hfil$##$\hfil\crcr
+ \omit\strut\hfil\crcr\noalign{\kern-\baselineskip}%
+ #1\crcr\omit\strut\cr}}%
+ \setbox\tw@\vbox{\unvcopy\z@\global\setbox\@ne\lastbox}%
+ \setbox\tw@\hbox{\unhbox\@ne\unskip\global\setbox\@ne\lastbox}%
+ \setbox\tw@\hbox{$\kern\wd\@ne\kern-\p@renwd\left(\kern-\wd\@ne
+ \global\setbox\@ne\vbox{\box\@ne\kern2\p@}%
+ \vcenter{\kern-\ht\@ne\unvbox\z@\kern-\baselineskip}\,\right)$}%
+ \null\;\vbox{\kern\ht\@ne\box\tw@}\endgroup}
+ \advance\baselineskip\dimen@
+ \advance\lineskiplimit\dimen@}
+ \ialign{\strut\hfil$\displaystyle{##}$&$\displaystyle{{}##}$\hfil
+ \crcr#1\crcr}}\,}
+ \everycr{\noalign{\ifdt@p \global\dt@pfalse
+ \vskip-\lineskiplimit \vskip\normallineskiplimit
+ \else \penalty\interdisplaylinepenalty \fi}}}
+\def\@lign{\tabskip\z@skip\everycr{}} % restore inside \displ@y
+ \halign{\hbox to\displaywidth{$\@lign\hfil\displaystyle##\hfil$}\crcr
+ #1\crcr}}
+\def\eqalignno#1{\displ@y \tabskip\centering
+ \halign to\displaywidth{\hfil$\@lign\displaystyle{##}$\tabskip\z@skip
+ &$\@lign\displaystyle{{}##}$\hfil\tabskip\centering
+ &\llap{$\@lign##$}\tabskip\z@skip\crcr
+ #1\crcr}}
+\def\leqalignno#1{\displ@y \tabskip\centering
+ \halign to\displaywidth{\hfil$\@lign\displaystyle{##}$\tabskip\z@skip
+ &$\@lign\displaystyle{{}##}$\hfil\tabskip\centering
+ &\kern-\displaywidth\rlap{$\@lign##$}\tabskip\displaywidth\crcr
+ #1\crcr}}
+% Definitions related to output
+\message{output routines,}
+\countdef\pageno=0 \pageno=1 % first page is number 1
+\newtoks\headline \headline={\hfil} % headline is normally blank
+\newtoks\footline \footline={\hss\tenrm\folio\hss}
+ % footline is normally a centered page number in font \tenrm
+\def\raggedbottom{\topskip 10\p@ plus60\p@ \r@ggedbottomtrue}
+\def\normalbottom{\topskip 10\p@ \r@ggedbottomfalse} % undoes \raggedbottom
+\def\folio{\ifnum\pageno<\z@ \romannumeral-\pageno \else\number\pageno \fi}
+\def\nopagenumbers{\footline{\hfil}} % blank out the footline
+\def\advancepageno{\ifnum\pageno<\z@ \global\advance\pageno\m@ne
+ \else\global\advance\pageno\@ne \fi} % increase |pageno|
+\def\footnote#1{\let\@sf\empty % parameter #2 (the text) is read later
+ \ifhmode\edef\@sf{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}\/\fi
+ #1\@sf\vfootnote{#1}}
+ \interlinepenalty\interfootnotelinepenalty
+ \splittopskip\ht\strutbox % top baseline for broken footnotes
+ \splitmaxdepth\dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty\@MM
+ \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \spaceskip\z@skip \xspaceskip\z@skip
+ \textindent{#1}\footstrut\futurelet\next\fo@t}
+\def\fo@t{\ifcat\bgroup\noexpand\next \let\next\f@@t
+ \else\let\next\f@t\fi \next}
+\def\footstrut{\vbox to\splittopskip{}}
+\skip\footins=\bigskipamount % space added when footnote is present
+\count\footins=1000 % footnote magnification factor (1 to 1)
+\dimen\footins=8in % maximum footnotes per page
+\newif\ifp@ge \newif\if@mid
+\skip\topins=\z@skip % no space added when a topinsert is present
+\count\topins=1000 % magnification factor (1 to 1)
+\dimen\topins=\maxdimen % no limit per page
+\def\@ins{\par\begingroup\setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup} % start a \vbox
+\def\endinsert{\egroup % finish the \vbox
+ \if@mid \dimen@\ht\z@ \advance\dimen@\dp\z@
+ \advance\dimen@12\p@ \advance\dimen@\pagetotal
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\pagegoal\@midfalse\p@gefalse\fi\fi
+ \if@mid \bigskip\box\z@\bigbreak
+ \else\insert\topins{\penalty100 % floating insertion
+ \splittopskip\z@skip
+ \splitmaxdepth\maxdimen \floatingpenalty\z@
+ \ifp@ge \dimen@\dp\z@
+ \vbox to\vsize{\unvbox\z@\kern-\dimen@}% depth is zero
+ \else \box\z@\nobreak\bigskip\fi}\fi\endgroup}
+ \advancepageno
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-\@MM \else\dosupereject\fi}
+\def\pagebody{\vbox to\vsize{\boxmaxdepth\maxdepth \pagecontents}}
+\def\makeheadline{\vbox to\z@{\vskip-22.5\p@
+ \line{\vbox to8.5\p@{}\the\headline}\vss}\nointerlineskip}
+\def\dosupereject{\ifnum\insertpenalties>\z@ % something is being held over
+ \line{}\kern-\topskip\nobreak\vfill\supereject\fi}
+ \dimen@=\dp\@cclv \unvbox\@cclv % open up \box255
+ \ifvoid\footins\else % footnote info is present
+ \vskip\skip\footins
+ \footnoterule
+ \unvbox\footins\fi
+ \ifr@ggedbottom \kern-\dimen@ \vfil \fi}
+ \hrule width 2truein \kern 2.6\p@} % the \hrule is .4pt high
+% Hyphenation, miscellaneous macros, and initial values for standard layout
+%\input hyphen
+ \hsize6.5truein\vsize8.9truein\dimen\footins8truein}
+ \tracingpages\@ne\tracingoutput\@ne\tracinglostchars\@ne
+ \tracingmacros\tw@\tracingparagraphs\@ne\tracingrestores\@ne
+ \showboxbreadth\maxdimen\showboxdepth\maxdimen\errorstopmode}
+ \pretolerance\m@ne\tolerance\m@ne\hbadness0\showboxdepth0\ #1}}
+\normalbaselines\rm % select roman font
+\nonfrenchspacing % punctuation affects the spacing
+\catcode`@=12 % at signs are no longer letters
+\def\fmtname{plain}\def\fmtversion{1.5CM} % identifies the current format \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/plainmod.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/plainmod.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..feeb7cf682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/plainmod.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+%====== bugs in plain
+\catcode`\ =10 % version in plain does not stick
+%======= modifications to plain =======
+ % needs to be inner for assigning counts to such things as problems
+ % when part of subdocuments
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/plaipars.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/plaipars.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab0309716b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/plaipars.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+% ======== Plain.tex parameters ... set in plain and initex ====
+% All of TeX's numeric parameters are listed here,
+% Most are untouched from plain.tex but some are indeed modified.
+% The order is not the same as in plain.tex
+% These parameters are actually changed.
+\widowpenalty = 400 % needs to be more than 100
+\clubpenalty = 800 % needs to be more than 100
+% --- Penalties ---
+% \displaywidowpenalty=50
+% \brokenpenalty=100
+% \predisplaypenalty=10000
+% \postdisplaypenalty=0
+% \interlinepenalty=0
+% \interdisplaylinepenalty=100
+% \interfootnotelinepenalty=100
+% \pretolerance=100
+% \tolerance=200 % INITEX sets this to 10000
+% \hbadness=1000
+% \vbadness=1000
+% \linepenalty=10
+% \hyphenpenalty=50
+% \exhyphenpenalty=50
+% \binoppenalty=700
+% \relpenalty=500
+% \floatingpenalty=0, set during \insert
+% \outputpenalty=0, set before TeX enters \output
+% \doublehyphendemerits=10000
+% \finalhyphendemerits=5000
+% \adjdemerits=10000
+% ---- paragraph control ----
+% \looseness=0, cleared by TeX after each paragraph
+% \uchyph=1
+% \parindent=20pt
+% \hangindent=0pt, zeroed by TeX after each paragraph
+% \baselineskip=0pt, changed by \normalbaselines
+% \lineskip=0pt, changed by \normalbaselines
+% \parskip=0pt plus 1pt
+% \parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil
+% \normalbaselineskip=12pt
+% \normallineskip=1pt
+% \normallineskiplimit=0pt
+% ----- Sizes/overfull boxes ----
+% \hfuzz=0.1pt % ... \finalversion mod
+% \vfuzz=0.1pt % ... \finalversion mod
+% \overfullrule=5pt % ... \finalversion mod
+% \hsize=6.5in % ... pagsty.tex and inrsdef.tex
+% \vsize=8.9in % ... pagsty.tex and inrsdef.tex
+% \maxdepth=4pt
+% \splitmaxdepth=\maxdimen
+% \boxmaxdepth=\maxdimen
+% \lineskiplimit=0pt, changed by \normalbaselines
+% \leftskip=0pt
+% \rightskip=0pt
+% \topskip=10pt
+% \splittopskip=10pt
+% ------- Internal Math parms -----
+% \delimitershortfall=5pt
+% \nulldelimiterspace=1.2pt
+% \scriptspace=0.5pt
+% \mathsurround=0pt
+% \thinmuskip=3mu
+% \medmuskip=4mu plus 2mu minus 4mu
+% \thickmuskip=5mu plus 5mu
+% \jot=3pt
+% ---- Display Math Spacing ----
+% \predisplaysize=0pt, set before TeX enters $$
+% \displaywidth=0pt, set before TeX enters $$
+% \displayindent=0pt, set before TeX enters $$
+% \abovedisplayskip=12pt plus 3pt minus 9pt
+% \abovedisplayshortskip=0pt plus 3pt
+% \belowdisplayskip=12pt plus 3pt minus 9pt
+% \belowdisplayshortskip=7pt plus 3pt minus 4pt
+% \hoffset=0pt % modified by \leftmargin
+% \voffset=0pt % not used in INRSTeX
+% \tabskip=0pt
+% \spaceskip=0pt
+% \xspaceskip=0pt
+% ------ Vertical Spacing -----
+% \smallskipamount=3pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
+% \medskipamount=6pt plus 2pt minus 2pt
+% \bigskipamount=12pt plus 4pt minus 4pt
+% ------ Debugging/Misc -----
+% \pausing=0
+% \tracingonline=0
+% \tracingmacros=0
+% \tracingstats=0
+% \tracingparagraphs=0
+% \tracingpages=0
+% \tracingoutput=0
+% \tracinglostchars=1
+% \tracingcommands=0
+% \tracingrestores=0
+% \globaldefs=0
+% \maxdeadcycles=25 % INITEX does this
+% \hangafter=1 % INITEX does this, also TeX after each paragraph
+% \fam=0
+% \mag=1000 % INITEX does this
+% \escapechar=`\\ % INITEX does this
+% \defaulthyphenchar=`\-
+% \defaultskewchar=-1
+% \endlinechar=`\^^M % INITEX does this
+% \newlinechar=-1
+% \delimiterfactor=901
+% \time=now % TeX does this at beginning of job
+% \day=now % TeX does this at beginning of job
+% \month=now % TeX does this at beginning of job
+% \year=now % TeX does this at beginning of job
+% \showboxbreadth=5
+% \showboxdepth=3
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/prelhead.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/prelhead.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e14d1850f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/prelhead.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+%============ Preface/Prelude macros ===========
+% this is the first of the environment macros. The problem, among others is
+% that the headers, footers, pagenumbering, etc are different in preface of
+% the document than elsewhere.
+% These attempt to set this up in such a way
+% that they will work with books and reports .... it may not be possible and
+% perhaps they should be parchuted in as a complete package for reports
+% and books ... There will be more put in these as time goes on
+% these are the paperstyle/report style macros
+\def\preludeheadformat#1{\centerline{\sheadfont #1}\vskip 1cm}
+\def\preludeheadmark{\mark{\hfill \the\preludetitle\hfill}}
+\def\preludehead#1{ \preludetitle = {#1}
+ \writeterm{< }{\the\preludetitle}{ >}
+ \preludeheadformat{#1}
+ \preludeheadmark
+ \writelistfile{toc}{\prtocout}{}{#1}
+ }
+% \def\prtocout{\string\prtoc} % actually set in inrsdef.tex
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/secthead.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/secthead.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a8a7de40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/secthead.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% ========== Section, Chapter Headings ===========
+% These macros have several parts,
+% -- The format of the heading.
+% -- The automatic numbering.
+% -- The writing of a list file for automatic table of contents.
+% -- The referencing in the text ... ie reference number styles.
+% ======== Counter allocation and Number styles =========
+%========= Autonumbering allocations and styles for sections ... ====
+% Allocate the counters for the chapters, sections, figures, etc.
+% These counters are updated globally.
+\newcount\chnum %\chnum=0 \def\chnumform{\the\chnum}
+\newcount\shnum %\shnum=0 \def\shnumform{\the\shnum}
+\newcount\sshnum %\sshnum=0 \def\sshnumform{\the\sshnum}
+\newcount\ssshnum %\ssshnum=0 \def\ssshnumform{\the\ssshnum}
+% ======== autonumbering options and styles ==========
+% The following stay unchanged for different numbering options
+\def\chtagreplaceformat{\Chapter \chtagrefformat}
+ \def\shtagreplaceformat{\shtagrefformat}
+ \def\sshtagreplaceformat{\sshtagrefformat}
+ \def\ssshtagreplaceformat{\ssshtagrefformat}
+ \def\shtagrefformat{\chnumform.\shnumform} %section
+ \def\sshtagrefformat{\chnumform.\shnumform.\sshnumform} %subsection
+ \def\ssshtagrefformat{\chnumform.\shnumform.\sshnumform %subsubsection
+ .\ssshnumform}
+ \def\Prerefform{\chnumform.}
+ \def\Postrefform{}}
+ \def\shtagreplaceformat{\shtagrefformat.}
+ \def\sshtagreplaceformat{\sshtagrefformat}
+ \def\ssshtagreplaceformat{\ssshtagrefformat}
+ \def\shtagrefformat{\shnumform} %section
+ \def\sshtagrefformat{\shnumform.\sshnumform} %subsection
+ \def\ssshtagrefformat{\shnumform.\sshnumform %subsubsection
+ .\ssshnumform}
+ \def\Prerefform{\shnumform.}
+ \def\Postrefform{}}
+ \def\Postrefform{}
+ \s@pecialnumberresetlevel=1}
+% This macro resets the counters for equations, figures, etc.
+% depending on the header level.
+% #1 - header level 1=chapter
+% 2=section
+% 3=subsection
+% 4=subsubsection
+% \a@utonumberresetlevel = 1 sequential numbering
+% 2 chapter numbering
+% 3 section numbering
+% 4 subsection numbering, etc.
+\newcount\s@pecialnumberresetlevel \s@pecialnumberresetlevel=1
+ \ifnum #1 < \s@pecialnumberresetlevel
+ \the\s@presetlist
+ \fi}
+% ============ Section head format styles and List generation =======
+% The calling format is
+% \s<ss>head{<number>}{<Title>}
+% Subsequent lines are indented one quad more than the size of the <number>
+% There is an autonumbering/autoreferencing feature in these macros.
+% If the autonumber switch
+% is true, then the first argument represents a tag instead of a number.
+% \nosheadbreak is used when multiple heads start a section
+\newif\ifs@headbreak \s@headbreaktrue
+% ========= Section heading command forms ========
+% #1 top skip
+% #2 bottom skip
+% #3 font
+% #4 <number>
+% #5 <text>
+% #6 table of contents command form
+% #7 <item>, placed between <number> and <text>
+\newskip\prsheadskip %\prsheadskip= 6ex plus 2ex minus 2ex
+\newskip\posheadskip %\posheadskip= 2ex
+\newskip\prssheadskip % \prssheadskip= 5ex plus 1.8ex minus 1.8ex
+\newskip\possheadskip %\possheadskip= 2ex
+\newskip\prsssheadskip %\prsssheadskip= 3ex plus 1ex minus 1ex
+\newskip\posssheadskip %\posssheadskip= 2ex
+\newskip\prdsssheadskip %\prdsssheadskip= 3ex plus 1ex minus 1ex
+\newskip\podsssheadskip %\podsssheadskip= 2ex
+%this is the format form for those that want to perform radical surgery
+%the parameters must be as shown and will have that meaning
+% #1 font (=#3); #2 number (=#4) ; #3 <text> (=#5); #4 number/text sep (=#7)
+% check on \t@agtext suppresses space when there is no number
+ \setbox0=\hbox{#1#2#4}\fi
+ \vbox{\veryraggedright \normalbaselines
+ \hangindent 1\wd0 \hangafter 1\noindent #1\unhbox0 #3}}
+\def\g@head#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{\ifs@headbreak \goodbreak \vskip #1\else
+ \removelastskip\fi
+ \s@headbreaktrue
+ \toks0={#5}%prevents expansion inside title
+ \writeterm{<#4}{ }{\the\toks0>}
+ \gensheadformat{#3}{#4}{#5}{#7}
+ \nobreak
+ \w@ritetag\nobreak
+ \writelistfile{toc}{#6}{#4}{#5}
+ \vskip #2 \vskip -\parskip}
+\newtoks\sectionname \newtoks\sectionnumtag
+\def\sheadmark{\mark{\the\sectionname}} % defaults to title
+\def\innershead #1#2{\sectionnumtag = {#1} \sectionname = {#2}
+ \ifautonumber
+ \global\advance \shnum by 1
+ \global\sshnum=0
+ \global\ssshnum=0
+ \updatespecialnumbers{2}
+ \xdef\w@ritetag{\noexpand\newtag{#1}{\shtagrefformat}}
+ \edef\t@agtext{\shtagreplaceformat}
+ \else
+ \edef\t@agtext{#1}
+ \xdef\w@ritetag{\relax}
+ \fi
+ \sheadmark %sections are marked for header titles
+ \g@head{\prsheadskip}{\posheadskip
+ }{\sheadfont}{\t@agtext}{#2}{\shtocout
+ }{\quad}}
+\def\innersshead #1#2{\ifautonumber
+ \global\advance \sshnum by 1
+ \global\ssshnum=0
+ \updatespecialnumbers{3}
+ \xdef\w@ritetag{\noexpand\newtag{#1}{\sshtagrefformat}}
+ \edef\t@agtext{\sshtagreplaceformat}
+ \else
+ \edef\t@agtext{#1}
+ \xdef\w@ritetag{\relax}
+ \fi
+ \g@head{\prssheadskip}{\possheadskip
+ }{\ssheadfont}{\t@agtext}{#2}{\sshtocout
+ }{\quad}}
+\def\innerssshead #1#2{\ifautonumber
+ \global\advance \ssshnum by 1
+ \updatespecialnumbers{4}
+ \xdef\w@ritetag{\noexpand\newtag{#1}{\ssshtagrefformat}}
+ \edef\t@agtext{\ssshtagreplaceformat}
+ \else
+ \edef\t@agtext{#1}
+ \xdef\w@ritetag{\relax}
+ \fi
+ \g@head{\prsssheadskip}{\posssheadskip
+ }{\sssheadfont}{\t@agtext}{#2}{\ssshtocout
+ }{\quad}}
+\def\innerdssshead #1{\xdef\w@ritetag{\relax}\g@head{\prdsssheadskip}{\podsssheadskip
+ }{\dsssheadfont}{}{#1}{\dssshtocout}{}}
+% ======== chead ==========
+% The chapter head has a different format entirely
+%this is the form of the present chapter head
+%parameters are #1 is the title text \cheadfont, \chtagreplaceformat
+%\def\Chapter{Chapter } see English/french titles
+% indicates if chapters exist ... default is that they do not
+% the first call to a \chead sets it true ... or it may be done in the style.
+\newif\ifnochapter %\nochaptertrue
+\def\cheadformat#1#2{\vglue 2.5cm
+ \line{$\vcenter{\hbox{\cheadfont
+ #1
+ \vrule height 3ex depth 1ex width 0pt
+ }}\hss
+ \vcenter{\halign{&\cheadfont\hss
+ ##\vrule height 3ex depth 1ex width 0pt\cr
+ #2\crcr}}$}
+ \vskip 2.5cm}
+ \ifautonumber
+ \global\advance\chnum by 1
+ \global\shnum=0
+ \global\sshnum=0
+ \global\ssshnum=0
+ \xdef\w@ritetag{\noexpand\newtag{#1}{\chtagrefformat}}
+ \updatespecialnumbers{1}
+ \edef\t@agtext{\chtagreplaceformat}
+ \else
+ \edef\t@agtext{#1}
+ \xdef\w@ritetag{\relax}
+ \fi
+ \chaptername={#2} % for term write only ... includes \cr
+ \writeterm{<\t@agtext}{ }{\the\chaptername>}
+ \chaptername={\def\cr{ }#2}
+ \chapterstartform % here so both the number and title set
+ \cheadformat{\t@agtext}{#2} % format of chead
+ \w@ritetag
+ \writelistfile{toc}{\chtocout}{\t@agtext}{#2}
+ }
+% ========== Toc Out Forms ===========
+% actually set in inrsdef.tex
+%\def\chtocout{\string\chtoc} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/specform.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/specform.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c735d87d7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/specform.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% added PostScript forms of BNR Reports
+%========== Special styles ===============
+%----- Special Document Styles -------
+% INRSTeX learns of the existence of special document styles
+% from spformats.tex
+% and the actual code is in the particular name given
+% The general form of a call for a specific style is \<...>style
+% This call should translate into \input <filename> which should then
+% redefine \<...>style and finally call it.
+% Two special styles available through INRSTeX are a \bookstyle and a
+% \bnrreportstyle. The latter is an example of a rather complex report
+% style. Care should be taken that the appropriate messages are generated in
+% the two languages. This means that the messages must be put in the
+% english.tex and francais.tex files. These should be placed in inputs. They
+% are read when \englishversion or \versionfrancaise are executed.
+% This is list of the special formats in INRSTeX. It is assumed that
+% there is an actual format file for each of them. Paperstyle is the default
+% for INRSTeX and this is actually embedded in the inrs.fmt file
+% extra \relax forces the input before it expands the next token
+\def\paperstyle{\input papersty \relax}
+\def\bookstyle {\input booksty \relax}
+\def\bnrreportstyle{\input bnrsty \relax} % special local form
+\def\bnrreportstyleps{\input bnrsty_ps \relax} % special local form
+\def\inrsreportstyle{\input inrssty \relax}
+\let\formatbnr = \bnrreportstyle % special local form
+\let\formatbnrps = \bnrreportstyleps % special local form
+\let\formatinrs =\inrsreportstyle
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/subdoc.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/subdoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80ca49abf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/subdoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+%======== macros for handling multiple part documents =======
+% documents may be broken down to the chapter or section level
+% each part of the document will start with the command
+% \subdocument
+% it simply allows for the insertion of special macros or other stuff
+% that normally would be brought in only once. In addition, the page numbering
+% can be modified at this point to make sense at this point.
+% parameters should be entered to tell whether the sub document is just a
+% section, chapter, or a section in a chapter.
+% anything can be set inside the command
+% For a chapter (or series) \following\chnum = <chapter number>
+% \the\chaptername = {<Chapter name>}
+% \nochaptersfalse
+% \pagenumber [=] <pagenumber>
+%For a section in a document without chapters
+% \following\shnum = <section number>
+% \pagenumber [=] <pagenumber>
+% for a section in a document with chapters put both together
+% it is assumed that the subdocument will start with a section or
+% chead. The toplevel will set \subdocumentfalse immediately
+% this is here because it is most useful in sub document context
+% multiple documents basically, \following\chnum =2 will set \chnum =1
+\def\following#1{\def\a@df{\global\advance #1 by -1\relax}
+ \afterassignment \a@df \global#1 }
+\newif\ifs@ubdocument \s@ubdocumenttrue
+\def\subdocumentmacros#1{\ifs@ubdocument #1 \fi\s@ubdocumentfalse}
+\outer\def\inputsubdocument #1{\begingroup
+ \s@ubdocumentfalse
+ \let\done=\relax
+ \input #1 \relax
+ \endgroup}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/tables.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/tables.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..144169e9a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/tables.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% \left and \right redefined to remove primitive conflict MJF Oct 87
+%============= Table making macros ============
+% the basic format is
+% \begintable
+% <special definitions for this table>
+% \table format <format as in halign except it needs ## instead of #>
+% \br{<struts>} .... | .... | .... " ..... | .... \er{<stuff>}
+% \-
+% ....etc
+% these macros require that | and " be active during the entire
+% document to work correctly. ... although some definitions specifically
+% set them active
+\newcount\a@lignstate \a@lignstate=0 %0 -- between lines after \cr
+ %1 -- beginning of line in \bl
+ %2 -- midline
+ %3 -- endline in \el
+\def\hssf{\hskip 0pt plus 1fill minus 1fill\relax}
+\def\n@ewaligndefs{\def\center##1{\hssf ##1\hssf\null}
+ \def\left##1{\ifmmode\l@f##1\else##1\hssf\null\fi}
+ \def\right##1{\ifmmode\r@t##1\else\hssf ##1\null\fi}}
+\trulesize = .4pt
+\def\zerocenteredbox#1{\ifmmode \ifinner \setbox2 =\hbox{$#1$}\else
+ \setbox2 =\hbox{$\displaystyle#1$}\fi
+ \else \setbox2 =\hbox{#1}\fi
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\vcenter{\box2}$}}\ht0=0pt\dp0 =0pt\box0}
+%this macro creates a strut with the that is higher by #2 and deeper than #3
+% than the natural size of #1 ... the sizes may be negative
+ \advance \dimen0 by #2 \dimen2 = \dp4
+ \advance \dimen2 by #3
+ \vrule width 0pt height \dimen0 depth \dimen2}
+%general math form
+\def\math#1{\relax $\relax#1\relax$}
+\def\displaymath #1{\relax$\displaystyle #1\relax$}
+\newskip\midtabglue \midtabglue = 0pt plus 1fill
+\newtoks\everytable \everytable = {\relax}
+{\catcode`\|=\active \catcode`\" = \active
+ \gdef\begintable{\vbox\bgroup \s@avelr \tcs=.5em % uses font in force when entering
+ \catcode`\|=\active
+ \catcode`\"=\active
+ \def\:{\relax \vrule height 2.5ex depth .9ex width 0pt}
+ \def\-{\ifcase\a@lignstate \fulltablerule{\tr}
+ \else
+ \thrule{\tr}\fi}
+ \let\t@xx =\relax % for premature expansions
+ \everycr={\noalign{\global\a@lignstate=0}}
+ \def\fulltablerule##1{\noalign{\hrule height
+ ##1}}
+ \def\thrule##1{\omit\leaders\hrule height ##1\hfill}
+ \def\center{\hskip\tcs\hss ########\hss\hskip\tcs}
+ \def\left{\hskip\tcs ########\hss\hskip\tcs}
+ \def\right{\hskip\tcs\hss ########\hskip\tcs}
+ \def\sprule{\tvrule{2.5\tr}}
+ \def|{\ifcase\a@lignstate \def\t@xx{\tvrule{\tr}}\or
+ \def\t@xx{\tvrule{\tr}}\or
+ \def\t@xx{\unskip&\tvrule{\tr}&}\else
+ \def\t@xx{\tvrule{\tr}}\fi\t@xx}
+ \def\|{\ifcase\a@lignstate \def\t@xx{\sprule}\or
+ \def\t@xx{\sprule}\or
+ \def\t@xx{\unskip&\sprule&}\else
+ \def\t@xx{\sprule}\fi\t@xx}
+ \def"{&########&} % for table format
+ \def\br##1{\global\a@lignstate=1 ##1\unskip\global\a@lignstate=2&}
+ \def\er##1{\global\a@lignstate=3\unskip&##1\unskip
+ \global\a@lignstate=0\cr}
+ \def\tvrule##1{\hss\vrule width ##1\hss}
+ \def~{\penalty\@M \hphantom{0}} % changes ~ to be phantom of width .5em
+ \tablespread = {}
+ \the\everytable
+ }
+ \gdef\begintableformat #1\endtableformat{\offinterlineskip \tabskip = 0pt
+ \edef\t@blform{####\tabskip =\midtabglue &#1&####\tabskip=0pt\cr} %adds rules front and back
+ \n@ewaligndefs
+ \def"{\ifcase\a@lignstate \def\t@xx{\relax}\or
+ \def\t@xx{\relax}\or
+ \def\t@xx{\unskip&&}\else
+ \def\t@xx{\relax}\fi\t@xx}
+ \edef\h@align{\halign \the\tablespread}
+ \h@align\bgroup\span\t@blform}
+ }% " and | are always active in INRSTEX
+\def\use#1{\omit\mscount=#1 \advance\mscount by -1\multiply\mscount by2
+ \loop\ifnum\mscount>1 \sp@n\repeat
+ \ifnum\mscount>0 \span \else \relax \fi}
+\let\om = \omit
+\def\sa#1{\setbox0=\hbox{#1}\hbox to \wd0{}}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/tag.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/tag.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc16574388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/tag.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% ============ Tag Generation ==========
+% These are the macros that generate the actual tags. They are used in
+% automatic equation numbering, section heads and any \auto...num{tag} form.
+% ============== Symbol that is dropped in when a tag is undefined ======
+\def\undefsymbol{\hbox{\vrule width 1em height .7em}}
+% ========== Tag types ============
+% Two types of tags are now supported. They differ in that one form is
+% immediate, and hence can refer only to things that have been defined while
+% the other is delayed until the page is printed. These latter sometimes do
+% migrate all the way out of internal boxes.
+% \ptag is the delayed form and \tag is the immediate form
+% page tags may turn out to be rather expensive. They are turned on through
+% the following form
+\def\pagetagson{\p@tagtrue} % this may require more work later
+\def\pagetagsoff{\p@tagfalse} % this is the default
+% ============ Tag macros =========
+% #1 is tag string
+% #2 is tag value (defined as the macro ":@#1")
+\def\tag#1#2{\expandafter\xdef\csname :@#1\endcsname{#2}}
+% #1 is tag string
+% #2 is tag value (defined as the macro ";@#1")
+\def\ptag#1#2{\expandafter\xdef\csname ;@#1\endcsname{#2}}
+% \newttag makes an immediate \tag and writes it out immediately
+\def\newttag#1#2{\def\next{#1}\ifx \next\empty\tag{#1}{#2}\else
+ \tag{#1}{#2}\ift@agfilein \immediate\write\t@agfile
+ {\string\tag{#1}{#2}}\fi\proofmargin{#1 ==> #2}\fi}
+% \newptag makes a page tag by writing it out to a file .. it is
+% not made immediately
+\def\newptag#1{\def\next{#1}\ifx \next\empty\relax\else
+ \ift@agfilein
+ {\let\folio=\relax\xdef\next{\write\t@agfile
+ {\string\ptag{#1}{\folio}}}}\else\xdef\next{\relax}\fi
+ \fi\next}
+%undefined tag message
+%\def\undeftagmessage#1{ <<<tag:#1 = undefined>>> } see english/french titles
+% Tag reference macro
+% #1 is the string that was originally used in the tag
+ {tag: #1 <-- undefined}\undefsymbol\else
+ \proofmargin{ #1 <-- \csname #2#1\endcsname
+ }\csname #2#1\endcsname
+ \fi}\relax
+ \ifautoreference \doit \else#1\fi}
+\def\q@ref#1#2{\ifautoreference \csname #2#1\endcsname\else#1\fi}
+% ========= Normal Section Tag References ===========
+% ======== Page References ==========
+% General autotag generation, used for equation numbers, figure numbers etc.
+% #1 = tag
+% #2 = counter
+% #3 = tag format
+% #4 = auto text
+% #5 = noauto text
+% does not generate text if \silenttrue
+ \global\advance #2 by 1 \relax
+ \newtag{#1}{#3}\edef\t@ext{#4}\else \edef\t@ext{#5}\fi
+ \ifsilent\else\t@ext\fi}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/tocform.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/tocform.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86999ba0d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/tocform.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% ======== Table of Contents, Figures, and Tables -- Examples ======
+% The "list" file is written using \writelistfile and the \shtoc ...
+% are used to create the actual table of contents, figures, tables.
+% Extensions to other forms should be obvious.
+%====== general structure for making table of contents, tables, etc.
+% ------ table of contents is slightly different because it refers to itself
+% file names (defaults) \jobname.toc --- table of contents
+% \jobname.fig --- list of figures
+% \jobname.tbl --- list of tables
+% to initiate a build of any of these it is only necessary to
+% \openlistfile{<...>} --- This should be only done once
+% when this is done a <..>list flag or switch is also created
+% To print any of these lists it is only necessary to
+% use the following format
+% \begingroup
+% \def\sshtoc#1#2#3{} % omits or specially defines . and any other
+% \preludehead{<name list>} % .... or what you wish
+% \maketoclist % This is for toc files only ... self referential
+% \input \jobname.<extension>
+% \ejectpage % if desired
+% \endgroup
+% a few special macros are defined for toc/list file management (VAX/VMS)
+\newif\ifnotdefined % \ifundefined is sensitive if it fails
+ \fi}
+\def\c@k#1{\csname if#1list\endcsname \jobname.#1;-1 \else \jobname.#1 \fi}
+\def\newlistfilename#1{\ifnotdefined \jobname.#1 \else \c@k{#1} \fi}
+ % \c@k is necessary because of the way TeX expands
+\inputtocfiles = {\checklistopen{toc}\inputwithcheck{\newlistfilename{toc}}}
+\inputfigfiles = {\checklistopen{fig}\inputwithcheck{\newlistfilename{fig}}}
+\inputtblfiles = {\checklistopen{tbl}\inputwithcheck{\newlistfilename{tbl}}}
+% ======== macro forms for toc, fig, tbl =========
+% Some of these are defined as null to suppress printing of the
+% corresponding entries.
+% #1 Number
+% #2 Text
+% #3 Page number
+% ========== toc macro forms ==========
+% special forms that allow for multiple line titles ... auto line breaking
+% only
+%#1--indent #2 --section number #3--title
+% #4-- pagenumber
+\newdimen\righttocindent %\righttocindent = 5em
+\def\tocfill{\leaders\hbox to .5em{\hss.\hss}\hfill\hskip .5em}
+% default font is \rm ... may be changed in the actual \figtoc ...etc
+% macros as given below.
+\def\tocbox#1#2#3#4{\line{\rm \t@ocsize=\hsize
+ \setbox2=\hbox {\hskip#1\relax#2\quad}
+ \advance\t@ocsize by -\righttocindent
+ \vbox{\hsize \t@ocsize \normalbaselines
+ \setstrut
+ \hangindent 1\wd2
+ \hangafter 1 \def\cr{\linebreak}\frenchspacing
+ \veryraggedright \parindent=0pt\leavevmode
+ \box2\relax#3\strut\null\nobreak\rm\tocfill
+ #4\hskip -\righttocindent\strut}\hss}}
+% ---------- figure forms -------
+\def\figtoc#1#2#3{ \vskip 1ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+ \tocbox{2em}{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+% ---------- table forms -------
+\def\prtoc#1#2#3{ \vskip 1ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+ \tocbox{0em}{\it#1}{\it#2}{\it#3}}
+\def\chtoc#1#2#3{ \goodbreak\vskip 2ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+ \tocbox{0em}{\sheadfont#1}{\sheadfont\def\cr{ }#2}{#3}}
+\def\shtoc#1#2#3{ \vskip 1ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+ \tocbox{2em}{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+\def\sshtoc#1#2#3{ \vskip .5ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+ \tocbox{4em}{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+\def\intssshtoc#1#2#3{ \vskip .3ex plus 1pt minus 1pt
+ \tocbox{6em}{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+\def\intdssshtoc#1#2#3{ \vskip 1pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
+ \tocbox{8em}{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+% the upper two forms are defaulted to be omitted. They are easily included
+% with a \let\ssshtoc = \intssshtoc ... etc . \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/writdos.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/writdos.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..124ef3b99c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/writdos.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+% This is a file that modifies the file nameing conventions in INRSTeX
+% for IBM DOS 3.0 ... It works in conjunction with a command file that
+% renames old versions of files produced by INRSTeX. The convention is
+% to add "@" to the beginning of the filename. This has the advantage of
+% leaving the extensions intact but has the disadvantage of
+% truncating 8 letter filenames. The "@" is not sacrosanct.
+% if a job is aborted, the old files may be made current with
+% rename @<jobname>.* <jobname>.*
+% There are several places in INRSTeX that require changes.
+% ------ auto.tex -----
+% \inputtagfiles={\inputwithcheck {\jobname.tag}}
+\inputtagfiles={\inputwithcheck {@\jobname.tag}} % will have been renamed
+% -------- tocform.tex ------
+%\def\c@k#1{\csname if#1list\endcsname \jobname.#1;-1 \else \jobname.#1 \fi}
+%\def\newlistfilename#1{\ifnotdefined \jobname.#1 \else \c@k{#1} \fi}
+ % VAX/VMS \c@k is necessary because of the way TeX expands
+\def\c@k#1{\csname if#1list\endcsname @\jobname.#1 \else \jobname.#1 \fi}
+\def\newlistfilename#1{\ifnotdefined \jobname.#1 \else \c@k{#1} \fi}
+ % \c@k is necessary because of the way TeX expands
+% ----------- cite.tex ---------
+% This does not need changing as long as the citation list ALWAYS follows
+% the citations. If this is not the case, then an old version will have to
+% used. This might lead to other problems later.
+% \citetagfilename = {\jobname.ctg} %compatible Ugh!
+\catcode `\@=12
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/writfile.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/writfile.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91cfc9244f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/writfile.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications
+% All rights reserved.
+% ========== List Files =========
+% General macros for making, open and closing "list' files. These are files
+% where the form output includes a page reference. They are named with a
+% three letter extension ... eg ".fig" ... to the \jobname form.
+% \writelistfile
+% #1 file type to write
+% #2 command form (\string\cs)
+% #3 number ..... expanded
+% #4 text .... not expanded
+% Write to the appropriate list file if #1list is true and defined
+% This means that the arguments must be
+% expanded to reflect the state of affairs at the time of invocation.
+% However, the page number must not be expanded until the
+% output routine has had a chance to decide which page it will go on.
+% this uses the upper toks registers for scratch writing.
+% when the number of token registers used is within 10 of the
+% newtoks count, it is reset ... there is no checking ... however
+% there should be no problems ... except for token space (ugh!!!)
+% This is necessary (at least in TeX 1.1) in order to prevent spurious
+% expansion.
+\newcount\sptoks \sptoks=255 % start at top with this counter
+\xdef\maxlistmess{224} % 10 less than the min toks number allowed ... 20
+\def\nextsptoks{\advance\sptoks by -10 \relax \ifnum\sptoks < \count15
+ \global\sptoks=255 \else
+ {\ifnum\sptoks<\maxlistmess
+ \global\sptoks=255\else \global\advance\sptoks by 9\relax\fi}\fi}
+\def\settoks#1{\xdef\sptoksnum{\the\sptoks}\global\expandafter\toks\sptoksnum = {#1}}
+ \csname if#1list\endcsname
+ {\let\folio=\relax %do not expand \folio
+ \nextsptoks\settoks{#4}\edef\next{\write\csname #1@file\endcsname
+ {#2{#3}{\noexpand\the\noexpand\toks\sptoksnum}{\folio}}}\next}\fi\nobreak}
+%checks to see if open
+ \def\n@extwrite{\relax}\ifundefined{#1@file}\def\n@extwrite
+ {\expandafter\n@ewwrite\csname #1@file\endcsname}\fi
+ \csname if#1list\endcsname
+ \else
+ \n@extwrite
+ \edef\n@ext{\immediate\openout\csname #1@file\endcsname
+ = \jobname.#1}\n@ext
+ \expandafter\global\csname #1listtrue\endcsname
+ \fi } %opens the list file
+\def\closelistfile#1{\expandafter\global\csname #1listfalse\endcsname
+ \edef\n@ext{
+ \closeout\csname #1@file\endcsname}
+ \n@ext} %closes the list file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/writunix.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/writunix.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ada5c6a0b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/inrstex/writunix.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+% This is a file that modifies the file naming conventions in INRSTeX
+% for Berkeley Unix ... It works in conjunction with a command file that
+% renames old versions of files produced by INRSTeX. The convention is
+% to add "~" to the end of the filename. This is the same indication that
+% EMACS uses for old versions. Note that there is no concern with file
+% name length in Berkeley Unix. The "~" is not sacrosanct.
+% if a job is aborted, the old files may be made current (in csh) with
+% foreach i (<jobname>.*~)
+% mv $i `basename $i \~`
+% end
+% There are several places in INRSTeX that require changes.
+% ------ auto.tex -----
+% \inputtagfiles={\inputwithcheck {\jobname.tag}}
+\inputtagfiles={\inputwithcheck {\jobname.tag~}} % will have been renamed
+% -------- tocform.tex ------
+%\def\c@k#1{\csname if#1list\endcsname \jobname.#1;-1 \else \jobname.#1 \fi}
+%\def\newlistfilename#1{\ifnotdefined \jobname.#1 \else \c@k{#1} \fi}
+ % VAX/VMS \c@k is necessary because of the way TeX expands
+\def\c@k#1{\csname if#1list\endcsname \jobname.#1~ \else \jobname.#1 \fi}
+\def\newlistfilename#1{\ifnotdefined \jobname.#1 \else \c@k{#1} \fi}
+ % \c@k is necessary because of the way TeX expands
+% ----------- cite.tex ---------
+% This does not need changing as long as the citation list ALWAYS follows
+% the citations. If this is not the case, then an old version will have to
+% used. This might lead to other problems later.
+% \citetagfilename = {\jobname.ctg} %compatible Ugh!
+\catcode `\~=\active
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/pc/readme.txt b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/pc/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21db003ce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/pc/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+Michael Ferguson -- Aug. 1991
+INRSTeX is a complete document preparation package, including graphics for
+document preparation. It was designed from the beginning for use in a
+bilingual (French/English) environement.
+The system, excluding its graphics component, is usable
+with any TeX system but is most useful, when using ordinary "cm"
+fonts with an MLTeX system. TeXGraph will work with any reasonable
+PostScript driver ans has been specialized here to work with a modified
+modified version of Nelson~Beebe's DVIALW on the IBM~PC and
+uses Tom~Rokiki's DVIPS on the UNIX workstations. The PC Version of the
+package includes an MSDOS version of the modified DVIALW.
+The INRSTeX macro package kernel is built on top of PLAIN. All the
+facilties of plain are left intact and available. Additional facilities are
+included for
+* section and chapter heads,
+* lists,
+* easy tables,
+* floating figure and table insertions,
+* footnotes,
+* automatic generation of table of contents, list of figures, and
+ list of tables,
+* automatic numbering of equations, section heads, etc.,
+* symbolic referencing of equations, sections, etc.,
+* optional margin notes to aid in keeping track of symbolic
+ references,
+* automatic generation of citation lists (IEEE style only)
+* a subdocument feature for building large documents in pieces.
+* a verbatim style using {\tt typewriter} fonts for such things as
+ program listings,
+* a several document styles including a paperstyle and bookstyle.
+* TeXgraph, a graphics system for drawing figures and inserting
+ external figures. This uses the graphics primitives of PostScript.
+ It is inside rather than outside the TeX system.
+* slide making including graphics for letterhead,
+Installation Guide for INRSTeX with MLTeX 3.+ or TeX 3.+
+The system is supplied as compressed *.zip files that can be unpacked with
+PKUNZIP. The file list is as follows:
+README TXT 7032 8-22-91 7:53a --- This file
+DVIALW TXT 1251 8-23-91 10:43a --- List of command line options
+ for DVIALW
+INRSTEX ZIP 117630 8-04-91 7:47a --- INRSTeX sources ... These are
+ only needed for creating an INRSTeX format file.
+INRSINPU ZIP 36841 8-04-91 7:54a --- This is a complete set of
+ additional macros, including the graphics that may be called as
+ needed by INRSTeX. These should be put in your TEXINPUTS directory.
+TEXGRAPH ZIP 115632 8-04-91 7:59a --- These are the TeXgraph macros,
+ both for INRSTeX and LaTeX. It also the INRS modified includes
+DOC_TEX ZIP 201034 8-22-91 8:31p --- These are the TeX source files
+ for the INRSTeX Refernce book.
+DOC_DVI ZIP 256912 8-22-91 8:28p --- These are DVI files, for each
+ chapter of the Reference Book. The file THGRAPH.DVI is the
+ documentation for TeXGraph.
+PKZIP EXE 31408 10-01-89 1:02a
+PKUNZIP EXE 22022 10-01-89 1:02a
+BATCH ZIP 1532 8-04-91 8:05a --- These are some batch files,
+ including INRSTEX.BAT that should be used for invoking INRSTeX.
+INRSTeX is a multilingual document preparation system. It comes in many
+flavors, unfortunately, and is easily customized. The main documentation is
+the "INRSTeX Reference Manual". The graphics part of INRSTeX requires a
+driver that will interpret inline PostScript correctly and process the
+information in the *.dvi file in the order that it occurs. An INRS modified
+version of Nelson Beebe's DVIALW driver does this and is included with the
+TeXGraph files. The only documentation of TeXGraph at the moment is in the
+detailed comments in the texgraph.sty file. This requires that your print
+driver be able to interpret a few commands. Plot files are assumed to be
+Encapsulated PostScript with a correct bounding box. TeXGraph reads this
+box and leaves the appropriate space. It is also possible to rotate and/or
+scale a graph.
+INRSTeX as supplied gives messages in English and French. These messages
+should be changed for other languages. Most of the messages are found in
+Customizing INRSTeX
+Different flavors of INRSTeX are needed for different operating systems and
+versions of TeX. Changes are made by editing the file inrs.tex or one of the
+specialized files. These files are very heavily documented ... to make
+changes easier. The master file inrs.tex brings in the specialized files for
+various services. In some cases, this file must be editied to bring in the
+correct version of the file for a particular installation. A good example is
+given below for fonts.
+Customizing changes may be necessary in the following areas:
+1. Fonts
+TeX 3.0 uses Computer Modern (cm...) fonts. This version of INRSTeX does not
+require the new 256 character extended fonts. Modifications to include
+these fonts should be quite easy when they become available. The current
+INRSTeX book was made with (am...) fonts and includes many fonts that are
+not available on the current distribution. INRSTeX, in addition to defining
+point families, adds fonts necessary to complete font families at various
+point sizes. It may be necessary to add/delete fonts and font families for
+your specific installation.
+In addition there is a file spfont.tex that defines an arbitrarily scaled
+family of \tenpoint. It is used only in the slide package and is the
+(cm...) version only. Some TeX distribution tapes do not have diminished
+pixel versions of the fonts.
+2. File Naming:
+INRSTeX writes out a number of auxiliary files. They have the same name as
+the input file but with different extensions. These are used to create
+tables of contents, figures, tables, .... The design is such that the page
+numbers for the "table of contents", for example may be in the table of
+contents. If INRSTeX has already opened the "job.toc" file and then tries
+to bring in the "job.toc" file to write the table of contents, it will
+bring in the previous version. For systems without versions, such as MSDOS
+or Unix, this is done by inputting files with the name "@job.toc" or
+"job.toc~" respectively. This means that INRSTeX must be invoked using an
+INRSTEX.BAT file for MSDOS or a shell script like INRSTEX.SH for Unix.
+To build an INRSTeX format file for MSDOS, it is necessary to
+\input writdos
+This is included in the INRS3_PC.TEX master file.
+For Unix, the \input writdos should be replaced by
+\input writunix
+For systems with version numbers, and the concept of version "-1" such as
+VAX/VMS, neither of these are required.
+The auxiliary files normally written have the extensions:
+.toc -- table of contents
+.tbl -- list of tables
+.fig -- list of figures
+.ctg -- list of citations
+.tag -- list of internal references such as equations or sections
+In addition, for the INRSTeX reference manual a chapter status file and
+an index file
+are written.
+3. inrsdef.tex
+All of the default spacings, fonts, etc. for INRSTeX are given in this file.
+For information this file also includes any defaults set in PLAIN. Those
+defaults may be changed in this file. In fact, it was intended that all of
+the defaults would be found in this file.
+4. Graphics and INRSTeX
+This version of INRSTeX includes TeXGraph, a system for creating graphics
+and including EPSF (Encapsulated PostScript Format) files in a TeX
+document. In order to make the package self contained, we have included a
+modified version of Nelson Beebe's DVIALW (for MSDOS only).
+This, along with a PostScript printer will allow you to produce "complete"
+5. Installation:
+To create a format file for INRSTeX, with French and English hyphenation
+patterns, you should INITEX the inrs3_pc file. inrs3_pc brings in a version
+of plain.tex, called plain_nh.tex that does not call the hyphenation
+tables. The hyphenation tables are called later in masthyph.tex.
+The inrs3_pc.tex file has a switch that checks to see if \charsubdef is
+defined in the INITEX to distinguish between MLTeX 3.+ and TeX 3.+. It then
+brings in the appropriate files to access and define extended characters.
+If necessary, you might have to increase some of TeX's internal parameters
+such as font memory. For TeX 2.+, it was necessary to have \f 25000 when
+invoking PCTeX.
+6. Documentation
+The INRSTeX reference manual is included on these floppies. It is over 200
+pages longs so that printing it all at once might either break your printer
+and/or cause you to be accused of antisocial behaviour.
+The complete sources and a complete set of .DVI files are included in the
+\inrsdoc directory in .ZIP compressed form. Both PKZIP and PKUNZIP are
+included. They have been supplied as approximately one chapter per file. To
+obtain the .DVI files just type
+pkunzip doc_dvi
+The uncompressed .dvi files are approximately 1 megabyte. This set also
+includes IEEELOGO.PS which is needed to create the corresponding .PS files.
+To create the corresponding PostScript files just execute MASTPS.BAT
+The PostScript files take up about 3.5 meg while the uncompressed .DVI
+files take up about 1 meg.
+In addition, the complete sources for the Reference Book are included.
+These are uncompressed by
+pkunzip doc_tex
+To create a new set of .dvi files, if you should follow this path.
+a) Tex the master file masth.tex to create a complete set of index,
+status, and table of contents files by
+tex masth
+b) Massage and sort the index file MASTH.IND to create a MASTH.SOR by
+running the program
+The C sources for this program are included.
+c) Create .dvi files for each chapter by running the MASTH.BAT file.
+d) Create the PostScript files by running the MASTPS.BAT file.
+e) To print the all of the resulting files use the MASTPR.BAT file.
+This, after feeding paper to your printer will give you the complete book.
+Michael J. Ferguson
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0eeab6ec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+%%BoundingBox: 215.040000 362.160000 396.720000 429.840000
+0.240000 0.240000 scale
+896 1509 translate
+768 282 scale
+768 282 true [768 0 0 -282 0 282] {<
+showpage \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/inrslogo.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/inrslogo.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..483eb81ec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/inrslogo.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+%======== macros for the INRS address logo/letterhead =====
+\def\ppa{\beginsegment \absoluteposition
+\lvec h:.4 v:0
+\lvec h:.2 v:.8
+\lvec h:-.2 v:.8
+\pfill p:0
+\def\ppb{\beginsegment \absoluteposition
+\lvec h:.4 v:0
+\lvec h:.1 v:1.2
+\lvec h:-.3 v:1.2
+\pfill p:0
+\def\inrslogo h:#1 v:#2 sc:#3 {\beginsegment
+\penwidth .005
+\move h:#1 v:#2
+\unitscale #3
+\move h:.48 v:0
+\move h:.48 v:0
+\font\inrsaddfont = cmcsc10
+\font\eightrm = cmr8
+\def\inrsadd{\vbox{\hsize 5in \baselineskip=9pt \parskip=0pt
+ \leftline{\eightrm Universit\'e du Qu\'ebec}
+ \vskip 3pt
+ \leftline{\inrsaddfont Institut national de la recherche
+ scientifique}
+ \vskip 6pt
+ {\eightrm \obeylines \parindent=0pt
+ 3, place du Commerce \par
+ Ile-des-Soeurs\par
+ Verdun, Qu\'ebec\par
+ Canada \qquad H3E 1H6\par
+ T\'el\'ephone: \tele \par}
+ \vskip 6pt
+ \leftline{\inrsaddfont INRS-T\'el\'ecommunications}
+ }}
+\def\inrslogoadd h:#1 v:#2 {\btg\inrslogo h:#1 v:#2 sc:.3
+ \beginsegment
+ \move h:0 v:0 \tbox {\inrsadd}
+ \endsegment\etg}
+ \inrslogoadd h:-.5 v:0 }
+\def\tele{(514) 765-7834} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/inrssl.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/inrssl.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..925a824779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/inrssl.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+% PostScript slide form
+% \genform Aug 1991
+% Toulson/Beebe PS driver
+% ====== simple viewgraph box =======
+ \unitscale {\f@ormscale}
+ \slidelogo
+ \topform
+ \botform
+ \move h:0 v:.4
+ \penwidth .05
+ \lvec h:8.9 v:.4
+ \lvec h:8.9 v:6.9
+ \move h:0 v:.4
+ \lvec h:0 v:6.9
+ \move h:.15 v:6.9
+ \larc r:.15 sd:90 ed:180
+ \move h:.15 v:7.05
+ \lvec h:8.75 v:7.05
+ \move h:8.75 v:6.9
+ \larc r:.15 sd:0 ed:90
+ \endsegment}
+% ======= Slide Utilities ======
+% Horizontal form
+\newdimen\slhsize \newdimen\slvsize
+\long\def\sltitle#1{\vglue .03\slvsize \global\slidetitle={#1}
+ \vbox to 0pt{\hsize=\slhsize \rightskip=.1\hsize plus 1fill
+ \def\cr{\endgraf}\leftskip= .1\hsize plus 1fill\gbfont\gbbaselines
+ \parskip=1ex \parindent=0pt#1\vss}}
+\long\def\slidebox #1#2{\vbox to \slvsize{\hsize \slhsize
+ \grfont\parindent=0pt
+ \grbaselines\parskip=2.8ex \advance\rightskip by 0pt plus 1fil
+ \sltitle{#1}\vfill\advance\rightskip by .05\hsize
+ \advance\leftskip by .05\hsize
+ #2\vfill}}
+\def\bl{\beginlist \samplemark{$\bullet$}} % modifies default
+\def\lb{\li {$\bullet$} }
+\def\lc{\li {$\circ$} }
+\def\last{\li {$\ast$} }
+\def\hd#1{\vskip 1ex\vbox{\veryraggedright\hangindent1em\hangafter1
+ \noindent\bigfont#1}\vskip 1ex }
+% ===== slide building macros =======
+% A slide lives in either a textform or fullsize form. The defaault is
+% Fullsize. Text form reduces the size and gives a chance to add background
+% Material with the slide.
+\gdef\inrsform{\message{<< INRSFORM >>}\input inrslogo\relax \gdef\slidelogo{\i@nrsform}
+ \gdef\topform{}\gdef\botform{}}
+\gdef\i@nrsform{\inrslogo h:.2 v:0 sc:.25
+ \move h:8.9 v:.1 \textref h:R v:C
+ \rstext d:0 sc:{\f@ormscale} t:{\bf INRS-T\'el\'ecommunications} }
+\gdef\genform{\message{<< General FORM >>}
+ \gdef\slidelogo{\topform}\gdef\topform{\move h:0 v:.15 \textref h:L v:C
+ \rstext d:0 sc:{\f@ormscale} t:{\borderfont\the\topdata} }
+ \gdef\botform{\move h:4.45 v:7.25
+ \textref h:C v:C
+\rstext d:0 sc:{\f@ormscale} t:{\borderfont \the\botdata\ -- \the\slidedate} }}
+\newcount\textfontscale % computed inside textform
+\gdef\textform{\message{<< Text Size >>}\long
+ \gdef\comment##1//{\rm ##1}\textformtrue\gdef\slidescale{.578}
+ \textfontscale=\the\fullfontscale \relax
+ \multiply\textfontscale by 1000
+ \divide\textfontscale by 1728
+ \fontset scaled {\the\textfontscale}
+ \textformfonts
+ \let\borderfont=\txborderfont
+ \textpagestyle
+ \slvsize = 9.84cm \slhsize = 12.5cm
+ \gdef\tfb{\bigskip\filbreak}}
+\newcount\fullfontscale % set in defaults
+\gdef\fullform{\message{<< Full Size >>}
+ \long\gdef\comment##1//{}\textformfalse\gdef\slidescale{1}
+ \fontset scaled {\the\fullfontscale}
+ \fullformfonts
+ \let\borderfont = \fxborderfont
+ \finalversion
+ \documentstyle{
+ \leftmargin=.6in
+ \nofooterstyle
+ \vfootersize=0pt }
+ \slvsize=17cm \slhsize=21.5cm
+ \let\tfb=\relax}
+ \segmentscale {\slidescale}
+ \move h:0.2 v:.4 \textref h:L v:T
+ \rstext d:0 sc:{\f@ormscale} t:{\slidebox{#1}{#2}}
+ \move h:0 v:0 \hviewbox
+ \etg}
+\gdef\formscale #1 {\gdef\f@ormscale{#1 }}
+\gdef\smalldot{\setbox0=\hbox{\hskip .4in\fiverm.}\wd0=0pt\ht0=0pt\dp0=0pt\box0}
+\long\gdef\hslide #1//#2//{\advance\slidenum by 1 \relax
+ \begingroup\tfb\documentstyle{\genpoint}\bf \let\hslide=\slideerr
+ \iftextform\centergraph{\hhslide{#1}{#2}}\bigskip \else
+ \btg
+ \move h:0 v:8.9
+ \vtext {\hhslide{#1}{#2}}
+ \move h:7 v:8.8
+ \etg
+ \smalldot\ejectpage\fi\endgroup}
+% ====== Error forms ========
+% This attempts to find a misplaced // gracefully
+\ifnum\language=0 \edef\s@lmiss{Probable Missing or Extra // in Slide Num. }
+ \else
+ \edef\s@lmiss{Probable Missing or Extra // in Slide Num. }
+ \fi
+% ====== TexGraph Defaults ========
+ \begingroup \catcode`\^=7 \input texgraph \endgroup \fi
+% ==== text form page style =====
+% ====== Font Defaults =========
+\input spfont \relax
+\gdef\textformfonts{\font\gffont= cmcsc10 scaled 667 }
+\gdef\fullformfonts{\font\gffont = cmcsc10 scaled 1440 }
+\fullfontscale = 2074
+\font\fxborderfont = cmbx10 scaled 1728
+\let\txborderfont = \tenbfx
+% ==== slide default =====
+\gdef\gbbaselines{\baselineskip = 2.8ex\lineskip=1pt\lineskiplimit=0pt}
+\formscale 1
+%====== end defaults =====
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/readme b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/readme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de17f961fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/readme
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Michael J. Ferguson
+(514) 765-7834
+Montreal, July 30, 1991
+This directory contains
+The files are
+1. texgraph.sty --- a texgraph style file for LaTeX
+2. test_lat.tex --- This is a latex file that performs some simple graphics,
+ includes an EPS, encapsulated postscript file and plays
+ some scaling and rotating games, and also the code for
+ INRS letterhead.
+3. --- Scanned PostScript logo
+4. inrslogo.tex --- TeXgraph commands for the INRS letterhead.
+5. testinrs.tex --- A test file for INRSTeX but augmented by the slide macros.
+6. inrssl.tex --- The slide macros package ... for INRSTeX
+7. texgraph.tex --- the TeXGraph macros in a form compatible with INRSTeX and
+ --- the master format file inrs3_pc.tex
+8. --- A PostScript version of the TeXGraph Chapter in the
+ INRSTeX Reference Manual.
+9. spfont.tex --- A scaled font family used in the inrssl.tex
+10. readme --- This file.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/spfont.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/spfont.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ecf578ed5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/spfont.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+% --------- This is the "cm" version --------
+% a family is produced by redefining the special font forms in
+% \genpoint ... the names reflect the base fonts
+\def\rescale #1#2{\count255=#1\multiply\count255 by #2\relax
+ \divide\count255 by 100
+ \advance\count 255 by 5 % rounding
+ \divide\count 255 by 10 }
+\def\fontset scaled #1 {
+\font\tensprm =cmr10 scaled #1
+\font\sevensprm = cmr7 scaled #1
+\font\fivesprm = cmr5 scaled #1
+\font\tenspi = cmmi10 scaled #1
+\font\sevenspi = cmmi7 scaled #1
+\font\fivespi = cmmi5 scaled #1
+\font\tenspsy = cmsy10 scaled #1
+\font\sevenspsy = cmsy7 scaled #1
+\font\fivespsy = cmsy5 scaled #1
+\font\tenspit = cmti10 scaled #1
+\font\tenspsl = cmsl10 scaled #1
+\font\tenspbfx = cmbx10 scaled #1
+\font\sevenspbfx = cmbx7 scaled #1
+\font\fivespbfx = cmbx5 scaled #1
+\font\tensptt = cmtt10 scaled #1
+\font\tenspex = cmex10 scaled #1
+\def\tenspscsm{\rescale {800}{#1}
+ \font\t@enspscsm = cmcc10 scaled \the\count255\relax
+ \let\tenspscsm=\t@enspscsm\tenspscsm}
+\def\tensprmbig{\rescale {1200}{#1}
+ \font\t@ensprmbig = cmr10 scaled \the\count255\relax
+ \let\tensprmbig=\t@ensprmbig\tensprmbig}
+\def\tenspbfxbig{\rescale {1200}{#1}
+ \font\t@enspbfxbig = cmbx10 scaled \the\count255\relax
+ \let\tenspbfxbig=\t@enspbfxbig\tenspbfxbig}
+\def\tenspbfxbigg{\rescale {1440}{#1}
+ \font\t@enspbfxbigg = cmbx10 scaled \the\count255\relax
+ \let\tenspbfxbigg=\t@enspbfxbigg\tenspbfxbigg}
+\def\tensprmbigg{\rescale {1440}{#1}
+ \font\t@ensprmbigg = cmr10 scaled \the\count255\relax
+ \let\tensprmbigg=\t@ensprmbigg\tensprmbigg}
+ \let\tensprmbiggg = \tensprmbigg }
+ \textfont0=\tensprm \scriptfont0=\sevensprm \scriptscriptfont0=\fivesprm
+ \textfont1=\tenspi \scriptfont1=\sevenspi \scriptscriptfont1=\fivespi
+ \textfont2=\tenspsy \scriptfont2=\sevenspsy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivespsy
+ \textfont3=\tenspex \scriptfont3=\tenspex \scriptscriptfont3=\tenspex
+ \textfont\bffam=\tenspbfx \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenspbfx
+\tt \ttglue=.5em plus .25em minus .15em
+\def\normalbaselines{\baselineskip 2.8ex \lineskip 1pt \lineskiplimit \z@}%
+\setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height 2.32ex depth .48ex width\z@}%
+ \ifd@ocsty \let\footerfont =\tenspit
+ \let\headerfont=\tenspit
+% \let\footnotefont = \smallpoint
+% \let\smallerfont = \smallpoint
+ \def\cheadfont{\tensprmbigg}\relax
+ \def\sheadfont{\tenspbfxbig}\relax
+ \def\ssheadfont{\tenspbfx}\relax
+ \def\sssheadfont{\tenspbfx}\relax
+ \def\dsssheadfont{\tenspbfx}\relax
+ \setspacings \fi
+\def\bigggfont{\tenspbfxbiggg}\let\titlefont = \biggfont
+ \let\sc=\tenspccsm }
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/test_lat.aux b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/test_lat.aux
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f23e54680b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/test_lat.aux
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/test_lat.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/test_lat.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7be4ba281a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/test_lat.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+\centergraph{ \begin{TeXgraph}
+ \lvec h:2 v:2
+ \end{TeXgraph}
+ }
+Now for some text.
+\centergraph{ \begin{TeXgraph}
+ \incscfile f:{} sc:.3 d:45
+ \end{TeXgraph}}
+\vskip 1in
+Now for the INRS Logo to demonstrate some of the \TeX Graph language.
+\input inrslogo
+\font\eightrm = cmr8
+\inrslogoadd h:-.5 v:0
+\centergraph{ \begin{TeXgraph}
+ \move h:2 v:2
+ \rtext d:45 t:{--- --- Some text at 45 degrees}
+ \rtext d:90 t:{--- --- Some text at 90 degrees}
+ \rtext d:180 t:{--- --- Some text at 180 degrees}
+ \rtext d:270 t:{--- --- Some text at 270 degrees}
+ \vtext {\begin{TeXgraph}
+ \move h:-2 v:2
+ \rtext d:45 t:{*** *** Some text at 45 degrees +90}
+ \rtext d:90 t:{*** *** Some text at 90 degrees +90}
+ \rtext d:180 t:{*** *** Some text at 180 degrees +90}
+ \rtext d:270 t:{*** *** Some text at 270 degrees +90}
+ \end{TeXgraph}}
+ \move h:4 v:4
+ \end{TeXgraph}
+ }
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/testinrs.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/testinrs.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13e5ffa24c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/testinrs.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+\centergraph{ \btg
+ \lvec h:2 v:2
+ \etg
+ }
+Now for some text.
+\centergraph{ \btg
+ \incscfile f:{} sc:.3 d:45
+ \etg}
+\vskip 1in
+Now for the INRS Logo to demonstrate some of the \TeX Graph language.
+\input inrslogo
+\inrslogoadd h:-.5 v:0
+\input inrssl % namechange to avoid problems with Latex naming.
+\formscale .7
+\inrsform % creates inrs logo ... and text .... replace by something
+ % else appropriate.
+\fullform % this creates a full sized version of this slide
+\hslide This is the title \cr Split here //
+\hd{This is an internal header}
+\lb A listitem starting with a bullet.
+\lc A listitem starting with a circle.
+\last A listitem starting with an asterisk.
+// % the // terminates a slide and a comment
+It is possible to add a comment to the bottom of the slide which
+only shows up when the slide is printed in textform. A comment is
+terminated with a {//} //
+\textform % this creates a reduced version of the slide ... up to two per page
+% now we modify the logos and such
+\topdata = {General Engineering Inc.}
+\botdata = {An Important Presentation}
+\slidedate = {Jan. 1, 2000}
+\genform % this calls the general form that uses these token registers
+\hslide This is the title \cr Split here //
+\hd{This is an internal header}
+\lb A listitem starting with a bullet.
+\lc A listitem starting with a circle.
+\last A listitem starting with an asterisk.
+// % the // terminates a slide
+It is possible to add a comment to the bottom of the slide which
+only shows up when the slide is printed in textform. A comment is
+terminated with a {//} //
+\centergraph{ \btg
+ \move h:2 v:2
+ \rtext d:45 t:{--- --- Some text at 45 degrees}
+ \rtext d:90 t:{--- --- Some text at 90 degrees}
+ \rtext d:180 t:{--- --- Some text at 180 degrees}
+ \rtext d:270 t:{--- --- Some text at 270 degrees}
+ \vtext {\btg
+ \move h:-2 v:2
+ \rtext d:45 t:{*** *** Some text at 45 degrees +90}
+ \rtext d:90 t:{*** *** Some text at 90 degrees +90}
+ \rtext d:180 t:{*** *** Some text at 180 degrees +90}
+ \rtext d:270 t:{*** *** Some text at 270 degrees +90}
+ \etg}
+ \move h:4 v:4
+ \etg
+ }
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/texgraph.sty b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/texgraph.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..073efec127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/texgraph.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,858 @@
+% DVIPS version
+% included are the changes required to make it work with DVIPS
+% It should be modifiable to any other decent driver too
+% This is the complete texgraph macros ... for use with the INRS/Beebe
+% Postscript driver
+% LaTeX version
+% Graphics macros for TeX using POSTCRIPT
+% ----- Needs mod to count characters in special ... some drivers have an
+% input limit of 500 characters in a \special
+% ===============================================================
+% THIS VERSION IS FOR USE with a PostScript Driver with
+% \p@sfile to signal a file name
+% \p@sinline to signal inline PostScript
+% processes \specials and dvi commands in order.
+% does not place a (save restore) pair about a \special.
+% \printhv defines scale/directions for inline Postscript
+% \filehv defines scale/directions for file Postscript
+% Both INRS's modification of Beebe's DVIALW and ArborText's PostScript
+% drivers satisfy these minimal requirements.
+% It assumes that the underlying units are 300 pix/in
+% Standard PostScript Conventions
+% This is easily changed by changing the \hpix or \vpix
+% It assumes that x,y are in the "normal" up/left direction.
+% File inclusions require the existence of a bounding box for the correct
+% spacing to be left.
+% ===============================
+% Most arguments, excepting file names, are delimited by spaces. Thus
+% braces { .... } will usually only occur around inserted text ... which
+% still must be followed by a space or end of line.
+% ======================
+% =============== Driver Signal Forms =======================
+%\xdef\p@sfile{ps: } % file signal INRS DVIALW
+ \xdef\p@sfile{ps: plotfile } % file signal DVIPS
+\xdef\p@sinline{ps:: } % inline signal DVIPS ... INRS DVIALW
+% This translates the direction of the page if the printer assumptions
+% are different than TeX. The values should be +-1.
+\gdef\printhv #1 #2 {\gdef\p@hv{ #1 #2 scale }}
+\gdef\filehv #1 #2 {\gdef\f@schv{ #1 #2 scale }}
+\gdef\rtdir #1 {\gdef\r@tdir{ #1 }} % neg or nothing PS has no pos
+% ============== LateX support =================
+% This is the only change between the LateX and INRSTeX versions
+% ======= Simple Plotfile support ===========
+% These are vanilla forms for inserting an encapsulated PostScript file
+% or creating a centered graphics environment.
+% \centergraph needs to be very \long
+\long\gdef\centergraph#1{\hbox to
+ \hsize{\hss\vbox{#1\vgraphskip}\hgraphskip\hss}}
+\gdef\centerplotfile#1{\centergraph{\btg\includefile #1 \etg}}
+% if you use the Latex command to create the new texgraph environment,
+% then you will automatically be "inside" Texgraph. This
+% means that you should use such commands as
+% \includefile \incscmvfile \incscfile
+% ========= error messages =========
+% \language=0 -- English, 1 - French
+\ifnum \language=0 \message{<< WARNING -- TeXGraph needs DVIPS >>}
+ \xdef\bbmess{Searching for BoundingBox }
+ \xdef\incfile{Graphics file}
+ \xdef\badincfile{Size/Format Error in Graphics File}
+ \xdef\noincfile{Missing Graphics File}
+ \else
+ \message{<< AVERTISSMENT -- TeXGraph a besoin du DVIPS >>}
+ \xdef\bbmess{Searching for BoundingBox }
+ \xdef\incfile{Graphics file}
+ \xdef\badincfile{Size/Format Error in Graphics File}
+ \xdef\noincfile{Missing Graphics File}
+ \fi
+% ===== debugging code =====
+% will send out specials as messages
+\gdef\dmess #1{}
+\gdef\bmess #1{}
+% ======== \global\newif =======
+% Plain defines the \newif as a local variable. We need a global
+% version if TeXgraph is to be brought in while inside a group.
+% This is a simpler, but less elegant version of \newif
+%#1 is \if<..> #2 -...true #3 ...false
+\gdef\gnewif#1#2#3{\global\let#1=\iffalse \gdef#2{\let#1=\iftrue}\relax
+ \gdef#3{\let#1=\iffalse}}
+% ======== TeXGraph Macros ==========
+% Postcript allows for arbitrary translation, scaling, rotation and clipping.
+% This version saves the current segment scale(s), unit scale(s), rotation
+% and translation and painfully computes and retores the correct form after
+% a segment exit. The reason for this is that Postcript can stack only one
+% CTM, text needs to have correct rotation and translation but default
+% scaling ...
+% It would be preferable not to convert any of the units. However, it is
+% necessary to know the maximum excursions. Since the PS currentpoint is
+% not accessible to TeX, we must keep it ourselves.
+% Since negative numbers can be used both maximum and minimum excursions
+% are required.
+% ====== begin -- end graphics =======
+% The maximum and minimum extent in the h and v direction is recorded
+% and is accessible
+% at the end of a \btg \etg pair (in points). The same value, in pixels is accessible at
+% all times
+\gdef\beginTeXGraphics{\t@exgraphdef \i@ncgdepth
+ \vbox\bgroup\offinterlineskip
+ \h@pos=0
+ \global\maxhpospix=\h@pos
+ \global\minhpospix=\h@pos
+ \v@pos=0
+ \global\maxvpospix=\v@pos
+ \global\minvpospix=\v@pos
+ \h@segoff=\h@pos \v@segoff=\v@pos
+ \edef\o@form{}\ifnum\g@depth=1
+ \p@sinit \fi \p@sset % PS initialization
+ \s@save}
+% \s@save saves the initialization for the special output.
+% \g@save saves some local condition
+\gdef\endTeXGraphics{\g@raphout\egroup\maxhvpos\p@srestore \d@ecgdepth }
+% ========== TeXGraph Nesting Depth ==========
+\newcount\g@depth \global\g@depth=0 % initializes at zero
+\gdef\i@ncgdepth{\global\advance\g@depth by 1 }
+\gdef\d@ecgdepth{\global\advance\g@depth by -1 }
+% =========== Complete Graph Scaling ===============
+% There is a separate scaling for the horizontal, vertical, and text
+\gdef\grscale h:#1 v:#2 {\gdef\h@grsc{#1}\gdef\v@grsc{#1}\e@xtend
+ {\o@form}{#1 #2 scale }}
+\gdef\tgrscale #1 {\e@xtend{\o@form}{#1 #1 scale }}
+ % text scale h and v the same
+% ======== PostScript initialization =========
+\gdef\t@exgrdictdef{/td 50 dict def }
+\gdef\t@exgrdictinit{ td begin /mv {moveto} def
+ /lv {lineto} def
+ /st {stroke} def
+ /np {newpath} def
+ /sl {setlinewidth} def
+ /sd {setdash} def
+ /rt {rotate} def
+ /gs {gsave} def
+ /gr {grestore} def
+ /tr {translate} def
+ /cp {closepath} def
+ /sg {setgray} def
+ /chv {currentpoint} def
+ /cv {curveto} def
+ /slc {setlinecap} def
+ /slj {setlinejoin} def
+ /sc {scale} def
+ /at {neg atan rt} def
+ /mx {mv gs chv tr} def
+% \h@vinit
+ end }
+% ----- initial point move ... driver dependent -----
+\gdef\h@vinit{ chv /\Ypos exch
+ def /\Xpos exch def }
+\gdef\h@vset{\t@rhv \p@hv }
+\gdef\m@vhv{ \Xpos \Ypos mv } % INRS
+\gdef\t@rhv{ \Xpos \Ypos tr } % INRS
+\gdef\t@rneghv{ \Xpos neg \Ypos neg tr } % INRS
+ \t@exgrdictdef
+ \t@exgrdictinit}}
+\gdef\p@sset{\special{\p@sinline td begin \h@vinit gs \t@rhv
+ \p@hv end }}\e@form\dmess{\e@form}}
+% ======== PostScript termination =========
+\gdef\p@srestore{\edef\e@form{\special{\p@sinline grestore }}\e@form
+ \dmess{\e@form}}
+ % resets to entry into TeXgraph and recovers memory
+%========= macros for converting dimensions/units =========
+% --------- \box0 must not be void ----------
+%default values
+\gdef\graphdim#1 {\gdef\g@dim{#1\relax}}
+%pixels /dim unit
+\newcount\h@pix % sp/pixel
+\gdef\hpix#1/#2 {\wd0=1true#2\relax
+ \h@pix=\wd0 \divide\h@pix by #1 \relax}
+\newcount\v@pix % sp/pixel
+\gdef\vpix#1/#2 {\wd0=1true#2\relax
+ \v@pix=\wd0 \divide\v@pix by #1 \relax}
+% Assumes #1 is dimension #2 is count in pixels, #3 sp/pix, #4 scalefactor (real)
+% #2 is returned
+ \wd0=\dimen0 #2=\wd0 \divide #2 by #3\relax}
+% #1 is returned, #5 -\global or {}
+\gdef\genpixtopt#1#2#3#4#5{\multiply #2 by #3\relax\wd0=#2sp
+ #5#1=#4\wd0\relax}
+% ---------- Converts maxpix to maxdim removes offset -----
+\gdef\maxhvpos{\global\advance\maxhpospix by -\minhpospix\relax
+ \genpixtopt{\hgraphsize}{\maxhpospix}{\h@pix}{\h@grsc}{\global}\relax
+ \global\advance\maxvpospix by -\minvpospix\relax
+ \genpixtopt{\vgraphsize}{\maxvpospix}{\v@pix}{\v@grsc}{\global}}
+% ======== The vector offsets my be relative or absolute =====
+\gnewif{\ifr@elpos}{\r@elpostrue}{\r@elposfalse} %default is absolute
+\global\let\absolute=\absoluteposition % historical
+\global\let\relative=\relativeposition % historical
+% ====== update #1 by #2 r@elpos to #3, #4 is max #5 is min=======
+\gdef\u@pdate#1#2#3#4#5{\ifr@elpos \advance #1 by #2\else
+ \advance #2 by #3\relax
+ #1=#2\fi
+ \ifnum #1>#4\global #4=#1\fi
+ \ifnum #1<#5\global #5=#1\fi
+ }
+\gdef\h@update #1{\u@pdate{\h@pos}{#1}{\h@segoff}{\maxhpospix}{\minhpospix}}
+\gdef\v@update #1{\u@pdate{\v@pos}{#1}{\v@segoff}{\maxvpospix}{\minvpospix}}
+% === pixel position r@elpos to initial offset starting position
+\newcount\h@pos \h@pos=0
+\newcount\v@pos \v@pos=0
+\newcount\r@ang \r@ang=0 % 1000 times degrees ?
+% ===== Check for pen up moves only =====
+% penup/down are used to determine whether a line needs to be stroked
+% when a line pattern or penwidth is changed.
+ \gnewif{\ifp@down}{\p@downtrue}{\p@downfalse}
+% ===== present segment origin and rotation ==========
+\newcount\r@segoff % 1000 times degrees
+% segment initialization is a trifle messy
+\gdef\s@eginit{\h@segoff =\h@pos \v@segoff=\v@pos}
+% PS has the concept of a path that is either
+% completed with a "stroke" or "fill" ... stroking
+% at the end or beginning of a segment, the special is written out. This is
+% to ensure that the input order of the graphics reflects what entities are
+% on top of what others. Further it is assumed that the origin does not
+% change during an entire \btg ...\etg section. This means that every special
+% must first move to the point where the previous one left off. \s@save
+% defines \s@restore that restores, in case they had been modified, the line
+% width, pattern, hpos, vpos, ... and any future things that need restoration.
+% all graphic specials are ended with a stroke (st), whether it needs it not.
+% we need a special form to force a space after a \the\nnn form or \p@w
+\gdef\b@{ }
+ \edef\o@form{}\s@save}
+\gdef\s@pout #1#2{\edef\e@form{\special{#1\s@restore\o@form#2}}\dmess{\e@form}\e@form
+ \edef\o@form{}\s@save}
+%\h@vset if there is a move before each special
+\gdef\g@raphout{\ifx\empty\o@form \else \ifp@down
+ \s@pout{\p@sinline td begin }{ st end }\fi\fi\p@downfalse}
+% ====== Segment and units scaling ========
+% The units in any segment may be scaled arbitrarily. A unit scale is local
+% to a segment but affects enclosed segments unless specifically overidden
+% in that segment. In addition there is a graph or segment scale. This
+% scaling factor is accumulative and is applied on top of the unit scale.
+% These two scaling factors allow for a segment to be designed in nominal
+% units, scaled to a nominal size and then be affected by relative scaling
+% of an entire graph or segment. In addition there is a relative/absolute
+% scale switch that allows for any segment to be unaffected by a graphscale.
+% \u@nitsc -- present unit scale, \s@egsc -- present segment scale
+% \g@rsc -- present graphscale ... changes when ever either of the former do.
+% present implementation does not allow separate v h scaling
+% ------ Relative/Absolute Scale ------
+% ----- unit scale -----
+\gdef\unitscale#1 {\edef\u@nitsc{#1}\newgraphscale}
+\global\let\graphscale=\unitscale % Historical
+% ----- Segment Scale -----
+\gdef\segmentscale#1 {\ifr@elscale \realmult{#1}{\s@egsc}{\s@egsc}\else
+ \edef\s@egsc{#1}\fi
+ \newgraphscale}
+% ---- Graph Scale --------
+% This changes whenever either of the above change
+% ------ "Real" Multiplication --------
+% These functions use the fact that a box dimension may be scaled by
+% a real. The final step is to "clean" off the pt on the resulting dim
+% Cleans off the pt in a dimension ... pt has catcode 12
+{\catcode`\p=12 \catcode`\t=12
+% #1 and #2 are multiplicands #3 is a command to capture result
+ \edef\R@M{\the\dimen0}\expandafter\c@lean\R@M\edef#3{\cx}}
+ \edef\R@M{\the\dimen0}\expandafter\c@lean\R@M\edef#3{\cx}}
+% -------- Command to convert nominal values to pixels ------
+% #1 is a decimal number, #2 must be a count, #3 is sp/pix
+% This includes all scalings
+% ------- special forms to update positions ------
+%dummy variables
+% ====== end macros for converting dimensions
+% ======== Some more Utility Macros ========
+% ======== recursive macros ========
+\gdef\e@xtend #1#2{\let\d@x=#1\edef #1{\d@x #2}}
+\xdef\s@pin{ }
+\gdef\s@pexpand #1 #2!{\e@xtend{\s@pex}{#1\s@pin}\edef\t@x{#2}\ifx\t@x\empty\relax \else
+ \s@pexpand #2!\fi}
+% ========== A Do Loop Construction =========
+% \do <something> for <number of times>\od
+% This is a specialization of the \loop in Plain.
+\gdef\do #1 for #2\od{\d@count=#2\loop #1 \ifnum\d@count>1\advance
+ \d@count by -1\repeat}
+% ========= Graphics specials =======
+\gdef\penwidth #1 {\h@num{#1}{\d@umc}\edef\p@w{\the\d@umc}\ifp@down \g@save
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{st \g@restore }
+ \else \e@xtend{\o@form}{\p@w\b@ sl }\fi}
+\gdef\linecap #1 {\edef\s@lc{#1}\ifp@down \g@save
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{st \g@restore }
+ \else \e@xtend{\o@form}{\s@lc\b@ slc }\fi}
+\gdef\linejoin #1 {\edef\s@lj{#1}\ifp@down \g@save
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{st \g@restore }
+ \else \e@xtend{\o@form}{\s@lj\b@ slj }\fi}
+\gdef\lpatt p:#1 {\edef\v@p{#1 0}\ifp@down \g@save
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{st \g@restore }
+ \else \e@xtend{\o@form}{\v@p\b@ sd }\fi}
+% ==== parameters are in units of the nominal dimension \g@dim ======
+\gdef\p@move #1#2#3{\i@h{#1}\i@v{#2}\e@xtend{\o@form}{\the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ #3 }}
+\gdef\lvec h:#1 v:#2 {\p@move{#1}{#2}{lv}\p@downtrue} %draws a line
+\gdef\move h:#1 v:#2 {\p@move{#1}{#2}{mv}} %moves
+% ====== a general vector with dimensions in pixels ======
+% ========= General pixel dim vector ==========
+\gdef\lpix h:#1 v:#2 f:#3 {\e@xtend{\o@form}{ #1 #2 #3 }}
+%============== puts TeX text at this position
+% These are pure TeX macros that use \h@pos and \v@pos for orientation
+% Text may be put horizontally (left/right) or vertically (down/up)
+% ======== sp form of \h@pos and \v@pos respectively ========
+ \genpixtopt{\t@hpos}{\d@umc}{\h@pix}{}{}\relax
+ \d@umc=\v@pos
+ \genpixtopt{\t@vpos}{\d@umc}{\v@pix}{}{}\relax}
+% any one of nine reference point may be specified on the
+% TeX box. This is Vertical T,C,B and Horizontal L,C,R
+% The actual box is 0 height and width.
+% #1 LCR default/error L #2 TCB default/error T #3 text -- in hbox
+% Sets the box glues \lhglue \rhglue \tvglue \bvglue
+% #1 x/h ref, #2 v/y ref
+\gdef\textref h:#1 v:#2 {\ifx#1R\edef\lhglue{\hss}\edef\rhglue{}\else
+ \ifx#1C\edef\lhglue{\hss}\edef\rhglue{\hss}\else
+ \edef\lhglue{}\edef\rhglue{\hss}\fi\fi
+ \ifx#2B\edef\tvglue{\vss}\edef\bvglue{}\else
+ \ifx#2C\edef\tvglue{\vss}\edef\bvglue{\vss}\else
+ \edef\tvglue{}\edef\bvglue{\vss}\fi\fi}
+\newcount\h@oldmaxpos \newcount\v@oldmaxpos
+ %needed to save max pos when texgraph is inside an h/vtext
+% ========== assumes driver location at initial \btg entry ========
+% #1 text #2 - begin rotation form #3 - end rotation form
+ \v@oldmaxpos=\maxvpospix\relax
+ \edef\h@oldgrsc{\h@grsc}\edef\v@oldgrsc{\v@grsc}\s@ettpos
+ \setbox\t@box=\vbox{\normalbaselines
+ \vskip\t@vpos\hbox{\hskip\t@hpos
+ \t@init{#2}\relax
+ \vbox to 0pt{\normalbaselines
+ \tvglue\hbox to 0pt{\lhglue\hbox{#1}\rhglue
+ }\bvglue}}}\relax
+ \dp\t@box=0pt\ht\t@box=0pt\wd\t@box=0pt
+ \box\t@box
+ \t@fin{#3}
+ \global\maxhpospix=\h@oldmaxpos\relax
+ \global\maxvpospix=\v@oldmaxpos\relax
+ \xdef\h@grsc{\h@oldgrsc}\edef\v@grsc{\v@oldgrsc}}
+ % saves maxh(v)pospix on stack
+% ========== PS text initializations and terminations ===========
+\gdef\t@init#1{\special{\p@sinline td begin \h@vinit gr gs
+ \t@rhv #1 \t@rneghv end }}
+\gdef\t@fin#1{\special{\p@sinline td begin \h@vinit gr gs \m@vhv \t@rhv \p@hv end }}
+% .... special test
+% ... end special test
+\long\gdef\htext #1 {\m@text{#1}{}{}}
+\long\gdef\vtext #1 {\m@text{#1}{ 90 \r@tdir rt }{}}
+\long\gdef\rtext d:#1 t:#2 {\m@text{#2}{ #1 \r@tdir rt }{}}
+\long\gdef\rstext d:#1 sc:#2 t:#3 {\m@text{#3}{ #1 \r@tdir rt #2 #2 sc }{}}
+% ========= Various Restore forms ========
+\gdef\g@save{\edef\g@restore{\p@w\b@ sl \v@p\b@ sd \s@lc\b@ slc \s@lj\b@ slj
+ np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+\gdef\s@save{\edef\s@restore{\p@w\b@ sl \v@p\b@ sd \s@lc\b@ slc \s@lj\b@ slj
+ np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+% ======== circle, arcs =========
+% The PS arc will connect the center of the arc to the circumference
+% if the newpath includes the move to this point. Thus we define a
+% set of arc functions that include/exclude this feature. The default
+% does not include this form.
+\gdef\larc r:#1 sd:#2 ed:#3 {\h@num{#1}{\d@umc}\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{ st np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ \the\d@umc\b@ #2 #3 arc
+ st np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+\gdef\lcir r:#1 {\larc r:#1 sd:0 ed:360 }
+% ------ this is a raw arc ... can be used in fills --------
+\gdef\arcc r:#1 sd:#2 ed:#3 {\h@num{#1}{\d@umc}\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{\the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ \the\d@umc\b@ #2 #3 arc }}
+\gdef\arcn r:#1 sd:#2 ed:#3 {\h@num{#1}{\d@umc}\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{\the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@
+ \the\d@umc\b@ #2 #3 arcn }}
+% ======= fill command ==========
+% The fill command is essentially a polygonal fill ... not a point spreading
+% this means that it is possible to erase with white ... The form here
+% completes with a closepath applies the fill, starts a newpath and moves
+% to the current point. Pattern is a grey level.
+% 0 is black 1 is white
+\gdef\pfill p:#1 {\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{cp #1 sg fill np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+% this form both fills and strokes around the path
+\gdef\lpfill p:#1 {\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{cp gs #1 sg fill gr st np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+% ======== Postscript special forms ========
+% This allows "raw" postscript to be put in the graph.
+\gdef\pst #1{\e@xtend{\o@form}{#1 }}
+% These are some useful postscript compatible forms.
+\gdef\closepath{\e@xtend{\o@form}{cp }}
+\gdef\newpath{\e@xtend{\o@form}{np }}
+\gdef\stroke{\e@xtend{\o@form}{st }}
+% ========= including external files ==========
+% an external file is included at the present point on the graph area
+% moves are required to get there
+% The actual file is placed inside a \t@box and tex commands are used
+% to get to the place ... They probably can be nested
+% #1 is the filename
+% The file is opened, if possible, to read its size. If this exists, it
+% is used to update the maximum h/v position.
+% The BoundingBox is determined
+% #1 is the file name
+% #1 == %%BoundingBox, #2 llh #3 llv #4 urh #5 urv #6 rest of line
+\gdef\l@shift{\ifx\l@lh\empty \xdef\l@lh{\l@lv}\xdef\l@lv{\u@rh}\xdef
+ \u@rh{\u@rv}\xdef\u@rv{\e@xt}\fi}
+ \global\b@boxexiststrue\q@readfalse\bmess{<< At End Test >>}\fi}
+\long\gdef\q@inline #1:#2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7//{\xdef
+ \q@bbtest{#1}\xdef\l@lh{#2}\xdef
+ \l@lv{#3}\xdef\u@rh{#4}\xdef\u@rv{#5}\xdef
+ \e@xt{#6}\ifx\q@bbtest\B@Box
+ \a@tendtest\fi
+ \ifeof\q@file \q@readfalse \fi}
+ \message{<< \bbmess -- \f@ilename>>}\q@readtrue
+ \loop \relax \ifq@read\r@eadline\repeat}
+\gdef\r@eadline{ {\uncat \global\read\q@file to\q@parms }
+ \expandafter\q@inline\q@parms {}:{\relax} {\relax} {\relax} {\relax}
+{\relax} \relax//\bmess{<<\q@parms>>}}
+\gdef\g@etpsize #1{{\catcode`\%=12\openin\q@file = #1\relax
+ \edef\q@parms{}\global\q@filetrue\xdef\f@ilename{#1}
+ \ifeof\q@file \message{<<\noincfile: #1 >>}\relax
+ \global\q@filefalse\else
+ \s@bbox
+ \closein\q@file\fi}}
+} % end of % disable
+\newcount\h@px \newcount\v@px \newcount\h@mx \newcount\v@mx
+ \global\h@mx=\minhpospix\global\v@mx=\minvpospix}
+ \global\minhpospix=\h@mx\global\minvpospix\v@mx}
+\gdef\filerotate#1{\edef\f@rt{ XposR YposR tr #1 \r@tdir rt XposR neg
+ YposR neg tr }}
+\gdef\filescale #1{\edef\f@sc{#1 #1 sc \f@schv}}
+\gdef\p@fileinit{ td begin \h@vinit gr gs \f@rt \t@rhv \f@sc end
+ /texgraph save def /showpage {} def }
+\xdef\p@filefin{ texgraph restore }
+\gdef\includefile #1 {\incscfile f:#1 sc:1 d:0 }
+\gdef\incscfile f:#1 sc:#2 d:#3 {\g@etpsize{#1}\ifb@boxexists
+ \message{<<\incfile: #1 >>}\realadd{\u@rh}{-\l@lh}{\p@lh}
+ \realadd{\u@rv}{-\l@lv}{\p@lv}
+ \realmult{\p@lh}{.5}{\p@lhh}
+ \realmult{\p@lv}{.5}{\p@lvh}
+ \beginsegment
+ \segmentscale #2
+ \global\let\g@dimo=\g@dim
+ \graphdim pt
+ \mvec h:{\p@lh} v:{\p@lv}
+ \mvec h:{\p@lhh} v:{\p@lvh}
+ \m@text{}{ /XposR \Xpos\b@ def
+ /YposR \Ypos\b@ def }{}
+ \endsegment
+ \s@avemaxpos
+ \beginsegment \segmentscale #2
+ \mvec h:{-\l@lh} v:{\u@rv}
+ \htext{\filescale{#2}\filerotate{#3}\relax
+ \special{\p@sinline\p@fileinit }
+ \special{\p@sfile #1 }
+ \special{\p@sinline\p@filefin }}
+ \endsegment
+ \r@estoremaxpos
+ \global\let\g@dim=\g@dimo
+ \else\message{<<\badincfile: #1 >>}\fi }
+\gdef\incscmvfile f:#1 sc:#2 d:#3 h:#4 v:#5 {\g@etpsize{#1}\ifb@boxexists
+ \message{<<\incfile: #1 >>}\realadd{\u@rh}{-\l@lh}{\p@lh}
+ \realadd{\u@rv}{-\l@lv}{\p@lv}
+ \realmult{\p@lh}{.5}{\p@lhh}
+ \realmult{\p@lv}{.5}{\p@lvh}
+ \ifx#4L \edef\f@h{0}\else \ifx#4C \edef\f@h{1} \else \edef\f@h{2}\fi\fi
+ \ifx#5T \edef\f@v{0}\else \ifx#5C \edef\f@v{1} \else\edef\f@v{2}\fi\fi
+ \realmult{\p@lhh}{\f@h}{\h@off}
+ \realmult{\p@lvh}{\f@v}{\v@off}
+ \beginsegment
+ \segmentscale #2
+ \global\let\g@dimo=\g@dim
+ \graphdim pt
+ \mvec h:{-\h@off} v:{-\v@off}
+ \beginsegment
+ \mvec h:{\p@lh} v:{\p@lv}
+ \mvec h:{\p@lhh} v:{\p@lvh}
+ \m@text{}{ /XposR \Xpos\b@ def
+ /YposR \Ypos\b@ def }{}
+ \endsegment
+ \endsegment
+ \s@avemaxpos
+ \beginsegment \segmentscale #2
+ \mvec h:{-\l@lh} v:{\u@rv}
+ \beginsegment
+ \mvec h:{-\h@off} v:{-\v@off}
+ \htext{\filescale{#2}\filerotate{#3}\relax
+ \special{\p@sinline\p@fileinit }
+ \special{\p@sfile #1 }
+ \special{\p@sinline\p@filefin }}
+ \endsegment
+ \endsegment
+ \r@estoremaxpos
+ \global\let\g@dim=\g@dimo
+ \else\message{<<\badincfile: #1 >>}\fi }
+% ============ Design Grid ==============
+% This will lay down a grid at the present location. The grid nominally
+% at unit dimension intervals. The scale factor sc modifies this. The
+% sc is local only to the grid
+\gdef\grid nh:#1 nv:#2 sc:#3 {\gcount= #1
+ \beginsegment
+ \relative
+ \penwidth .005
+ \graphscale #3
+ \beginsegment
+ \loop \lvec h:#2 v:0
+ \move h:-#2 v:1
+ \ifnum \gcount > 1
+ \advance\gcount by -1 \repeat
+ \endsegment
+ \gcount = #2
+ \beginsegment
+ \loop \lvec h:0 v:#1
+ \move h:1 v:-#1
+ \ifnum \gcount > 1
+ \advance\gcount by -1 \repeat
+ \endsegment
+ \endsegment}
+%========= end design grid ================
+% =========== Arrow Vectors ==============
+% There are three types of arrow heads, filled, open V and triangle
+% These are always placed on the end of a vector.
+% The basic design has the arrow head which is placed on the vector
+% It theoretically can be placed on any curve where the angle is known or
+% computable.
+% Parameter specification for arrowheads.
+% #1 -- length #2 -- width
+% The dimensions are interpreted at current graphscale in force and
+% are local to the segment group.
+\gdef\arrowheadscale{\arrowheadsize l:.16 w:.04 }
+\gdef\arrowheadsize l:#1 w:#2 {\grdimtopix{#1}{\a@len}{\h@pix
+ }\grdimtopix{#2}{\a@wid}{\h@pix
+ }}
+% postcript commands for inidividual arrow form
+\gdef\arrowheadtype t:#1 {\ifx#1T\edef\a@com{cp gs 1 sg fill gr st }\else
+ \ifx#1F\edef\a@com{cp 0 sg fill }\else
+ \edef\a@com{st }\fi\fi}
+% assumes that the dh and dv is in \h@lp \v@lp and present location is tip
+% of arrowhead
+\gdef\a@draw{st np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mx
+ \the\v@lp\b@ neg \the\h@lp\b@ at
+ -\the\a@len\b@ \the\a@wid\b@ mv 0 0 lv
+ -\the\a@len\b@ -\the\a@wid\b@ lv
+ \a@com gr }
+\gdef\avec h:#1 v:#2 {\h@lp=\h@pos\relax \v@lp=\v@pos\relax
+ \lvec h:#1 v:#2 \advance\h@lp by -\h@pos\relax
+ \advance\v@lp by -\v@pos\relax
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{\a@draw}}
+% ============= End Arrow Vectors =============
+% ========= Bezier Curve ==========
+% this is a cubic spline that is determined by four points. The initial
+% point is assumed to be the current point. An arrow is easily added.
+\gdef\clvec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6 {\i@h{#1}\d@uma=\h@pos
+ \i@v{#2}\d@umb=\v@pos\i@h{#3}\d@ume=\h@pos\i@v{#4}\d@umd=\v@pos
+ \i@h{#5}\i@v{#6}\e@xtend{\o@form}{\the\d@uma\b@ \the\d@umb\b@
+ \the\d@ume\b@ \the\d@umd\b@ \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@
+ cv }\p@downtrue}
+\gdef\clv (#1 #2) (#3 #4) (#5 #6){\clvec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6 }
+\gdef\cavec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6 {\clvec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6
+ \h@lp=\d@ume \relax \v@lp=\d@umd \relax
+ \advance\h@lp by -\h@pos\relax
+ \advance\v@lp by -\v@pos\relax
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{\a@draw}}
+\gdef\cav (#1 #2) (#3 #4) (#5 #6){\cavec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6 }
+% ======= default values =========
+% These are reset each time \btg is called
+\gdef\t@exgraphdef{\setbox0=\hbox{}\graphdim in
+\hpix 300/in % INRS Default
+\vpix 300/in % INRS Default
+\printhv 1 1 % DVIPS 300 dpi
+\filehv 4.17 -4.17 % DVIPS 300/72
+\rtdir neg % DVIPS
+\def\h@grsc{1}\def\v@grsc{1}%sets default hor/vert scales
+\unitscale 1
+\penwidth .015
+\lpatt p:{[]}
+\linecap 1
+\linejoin 1
+\arrowheadsize l:.16 w:.04
+\arrowheadtype t:T
+\textref h:L v:T }
+\xdef\s@egsc{1}% initial default
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/texgraph.tex b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/texgraph.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14c065d753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/texgraph.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,859 @@
+% DVIPS version
+% included are the changes required to make it work with DVIPS
+% It should be modifiable to any other decent driver too
+% This is the complete texgraph macros ... for use with the INRS/Beebe
+% Postscript driver
+% This is the INRSTEX version
+% Graphics macros for TeX using POSTCRIPT
+% ----- Needs mod to count characters in special ... some drivers have an
+% input limit of 500 characters in a \special
+% ===============================================================
+% THIS VERSION IS FOR USE with a PostScript Driver with
+% \p@sfile to signal a file name
+% \p@sinline to signal inline PostScript
+% processes \specials and dvi commands in order.
+% does not place a (save restore) pair about a \special.
+% \printhv defines scale/directions for inline Postscript
+% \filehv defines scale/directions for file Postscript
+% Both INRS's modification of Beebe's DVIALW and ArborText's PostScript
+% drivers satisfy these minimal requirements.
+% It assumes that the underlying units are 300 pix/in
+% Standard PostScript Conventions
+% This is easily changed by changing the \hpix or \vpix
+% It assumes that x,y are in the "normal" up/left direction.
+% File inclusions require the existence of a bounding box for the correct
+% spacing to be left.
+% ===============================
+% Most arguments, excepting file names, are delimited by spaces. Thus
+% braces { .... } will usually only occur around inserted text ... which
+% still must be followed by a space or end of line.
+% ======================
+% =============== Driver Signal Forms =======================
+%\xdef\p@sfile{ps: } % file signal INRS DVIALW
+ \xdef\p@sfile{ps: plotfile } % file signal DVIPS
+\xdef\p@sinline{ps:: } % inline signal DVIPS ... INRS DVIALW
+% This translates the direction of the page if the printer assumptions
+% are different than TeX. The values should be +-1.
+\gdef\printhv #1 #2 {\gdef\p@hv{ #1 #2 scale }}
+\gdef\filehv #1 #2 {\gdef\f@schv{ #1 #2 scale }}
+\gdef\rtdir #1 {\gdef\r@tdir{ #1 }} % neg or nothing PS has no pos
+% ============== LateX support =================
+% This is the only change between the LateX and INRSTeX versions
+% ======= Simple Plotfile support ===========
+% These are vanilla forms for inserting an encapsulated PostScript file
+% or creating a centered graphics environment.
+% \centergraph needs to be very \long
+\long\gdef\centergraph#1{\hbox to
+ \hsize{\hss\vbox{#1\vgraphskip}\hgraphskip\hss}}
+\gdef\centerplotfile#1{\centergraph{\btg\includefile {#1} \etg}}
+% if you use the Latex command to create the new texgraph environment,
+% then you will automatically be "inside" Texgraph. This
+% means that you should use such commands as
+% \includefile \incscmvfile \incscfile
+% ========= error messages =========
+% \language=0 -- English, 1 - French
+\ifnum \language=0 \message{<< WARNING -- TeXGraph needs DVIPS >>}
+ \xdef\bbmess{Searching for BoundingBox }
+ \xdef\incfile{Graphics file}
+ \xdef\badincfile{Size/Format Error in Graphics File}
+ \xdef\noincfile{Missing Graphics File}
+ \else
+ \message{<< AVERTISSMENT -- TeXGraph a besoin du DVIPS >>}
+ \xdef\bbmess{Searching for BoundingBox }
+ \xdef\incfile{Graphics file}
+ \xdef\badincfile{Size/Format Error in Graphics File}
+ \xdef\noincfile{Missing Graphics File}
+ \fi
+% ===== debugging code =====
+% will send out specials as messages
+\gdef\dmess #1{}
+\gdef\bmess #1{}
+% ======== \global\newif =======
+% Plain defines the \newif as a local variable. We need a global
+% version if TeXgraph is to be brought in while inside a group.
+% This is a simpler, but less elegant version of \newif
+%#1 is \if<..> #2 -...true #3 ...false
+\gdef\gnewif#1#2#3{\global\let#1=\iffalse \gdef#2{\let#1=\iftrue}\relax
+ \gdef#3{\let#1=\iffalse}}
+% ======== TeXGraph Macros ==========
+% Postcript allows for arbitrary translation, scaling, rotation and clipping.
+% This version saves the current segment scale(s), unit scale(s), rotation
+% and translation and painfully computes and retores the correct form after
+% a segment exit. The reason for this is that Postcript can stack only one
+% CTM, text needs to have correct rotation and translation but default
+% scaling ...
+% It would be preferable not to convert any of the units. However, it is
+% necessary to know the maximum excursions. Since the PS currentpoint is
+% not accessible to TeX, we must keep it ourselves.
+% Since negative numbers can be used both maximum and minimum excursions
+% are required.
+% ====== begin -- end graphics =======
+% The maximum and minimum extent in the h and v direction is recorded
+% and is accessible
+% at the end of a \btg \etg pair (in points). The same value, in pixels is accessible at
+% all times
+\gdef\beginTeXGraphics{\t@exgraphdef \i@ncgdepth
+ \vbox\bgroup\offinterlineskip
+ \h@pos=0
+ \global\maxhpospix=\h@pos
+ \global\minhpospix=\h@pos
+ \v@pos=0
+ \global\maxvpospix=\v@pos
+ \global\minvpospix=\v@pos
+ \h@segoff=\h@pos \v@segoff=\v@pos
+ \edef\o@form{}\ifnum\g@depth=1
+ \p@sinit \fi \p@sset % PS initialization
+ \s@save}
+% \s@save saves the initialization for the special output.
+% \g@save saves some local condition
+\gdef\endTeXGraphics{\g@raphout\egroup\maxhvpos\p@srestore \d@ecgdepth }
+% ========== TeXGraph Nesting Depth ==========
+\newcount\g@depth \global\g@depth=0 % initializes at zero
+\gdef\i@ncgdepth{\global\advance\g@depth by 1 }
+\gdef\d@ecgdepth{\global\advance\g@depth by -1 }
+% =========== Complete Graph Scaling ===============
+% There is a separate scaling for the horizontal, vertical, and text
+\gdef\grscale h:#1 v:#2 {\gdef\h@grsc{#1}\gdef\v@grsc{#1}\e@xtend
+ {\o@form}{#1 #2 scale }}
+\gdef\tgrscale #1 {\e@xtend{\o@form}{#1 #1 scale }}
+ % text scale h and v the same
+% ======== PostScript initialization =========
+\gdef\t@exgrdictdef{/td 50 dict def }
+\gdef\t@exgrdictinit{ td begin /mv {moveto} def
+ /lv {lineto} def
+ /st {stroke} def
+ /np {newpath} def
+ /sl {setlinewidth} def
+ /sd {setdash} def
+ /rt {rotate} def
+ /gs {gsave} def
+ /gr {grestore} def
+ /tr {translate} def
+ /cp {closepath} def
+ /sg {setgray} def
+ /chv {currentpoint} def
+ /cv {curveto} def
+ /slc {setlinecap} def
+ /slj {setlinejoin} def
+ /sc {scale} def
+ /at {neg atan rt} def
+ /mx {mv gs chv tr} def
+% \h@vinit
+ end }
+% ----- initial point move ... driver dependent -----
+\gdef\h@vinit{ chv /\Ypos exch
+ def /\Xpos exch def }
+\gdef\h@vset{\t@rhv \p@hv }
+\gdef\m@vhv{ \Xpos \Ypos mv } % INRS
+\gdef\t@rhv{ \Xpos \Ypos tr } % INRS
+\gdef\t@rneghv{ \Xpos neg \Ypos neg tr } % INRS
+ \t@exgrdictdef
+ \t@exgrdictinit}}
+\gdef\p@sset{\special{\p@sinline td begin \h@vinit gs \t@rhv
+ \p@hv end }}\e@form\dmess{\e@form}}
+% ======== PostScript termination =========
+\gdef\p@srestore{\edef\e@form{\special{\p@sinline grestore }}\e@form
+ \dmess{\e@form}}
+ % resets to entry into TeXgraph and recovers memory
+%========= macros for converting dimensions/units =========
+% --------- \box0 must not be void ----------
+%default values
+\gdef\graphdim#1 {\gdef\g@dim{#1\relax}}
+%pixels /dim unit
+\newcount\h@pix % sp/pixel
+\gdef\hpix#1/#2 {\wd0=1true#2\relax
+ \h@pix=\wd0 \divide\h@pix by #1 \relax}
+\newcount\v@pix % sp/pixel
+\gdef\vpix#1/#2 {\wd0=1true#2\relax
+ \v@pix=\wd0 \divide\v@pix by #1 \relax}
+% Assumes #1 is dimension #2 is count in pixels, #3 sp/pix, #4 scalefactor (real)
+% #2 is returned
+ \wd0=\dimen0 #2=\wd0 \divide #2 by #3\relax}
+% #1 is returned, #5 -\global or {}
+\gdef\genpixtopt#1#2#3#4#5{\multiply #2 by #3\relax\wd0=#2sp
+ #5#1=#4\wd0\relax}
+% ---------- Converts maxpix to maxdim removes offset -----
+\gdef\maxhvpos{\global\advance\maxhpospix by -\minhpospix\relax
+ \genpixtopt{\hgraphsize}{\maxhpospix}{\h@pix}{\h@grsc}{\global}\relax
+ \global\advance\maxvpospix by -\minvpospix\relax
+ \genpixtopt{\vgraphsize}{\maxvpospix}{\v@pix}{\v@grsc}{\global}}
+% ======== The vector offsets my be relative or absolute =====
+\gnewif{\ifr@elpos}{\r@elpostrue}{\r@elposfalse} %default is absolute
+\global\let\absolute=\absoluteposition % historical
+\global\let\relative=\relativeposition % historical
+% ====== update #1 by #2 r@elpos to #3, #4 is max #5 is min=======
+\gdef\u@pdate#1#2#3#4#5{\ifr@elpos \advance #1 by #2\else
+ \advance #2 by #3\relax
+ #1=#2\fi
+ \ifnum #1>#4\global #4=#1\fi
+ \ifnum #1<#5\global #5=#1\fi
+ }
+\gdef\h@update #1{\u@pdate{\h@pos}{#1}{\h@segoff}{\maxhpospix}{\minhpospix}}
+\gdef\v@update #1{\u@pdate{\v@pos}{#1}{\v@segoff}{\maxvpospix}{\minvpospix}}
+% === pixel position r@elpos to initial offset starting position
+\newcount\h@pos \h@pos=0
+\newcount\v@pos \v@pos=0
+\newcount\r@ang \r@ang=0 % 1000 times degrees ?
+% ===== Check for pen up moves only =====
+% penup/down are used to determine whether a line needs to be stroked
+% when a line pattern or penwidth is changed.
+ \gnewif{\ifp@down}{\p@downtrue}{\p@downfalse}
+% ===== present segment origin and rotation ==========
+\newcount\r@segoff % 1000 times degrees
+% segment initialization is a trifle messy
+\gdef\s@eginit{\h@segoff =\h@pos \v@segoff=\v@pos}
+% PS has the concept of a path that is either
+% completed with a "stroke" or "fill" ... stroking
+% at the end or beginning of a segment, the special is written out. This is
+% to ensure that the input order of the graphics reflects what entities are
+% on top of what others. Further it is assumed that the origin does not
+% change during an entire \btg ...\etg section. This means that every special
+% must first move to the point where the previous one left off. \s@save
+% defines \s@restore that restores, in case they had been modified, the line
+% width, pattern, hpos, vpos, ... and any future things that need restoration.
+% all graphic specials are ended with a stroke (st), whether it needs it not.
+% we need a special form to force a space after a \the\nnn form or \p@w
+\gdef\b@{ }
+ \edef\o@form{}\s@save}
+\gdef\s@pout #1#2{\edef\e@form{\special{#1\s@restore\o@form#2}}\dmess{\e@form}\e@form
+ \edef\o@form{}\s@save}
+%\h@vset if there is a move before each special
+\gdef\g@raphout{\ifx\empty\o@form \else \ifp@down
+ \s@pout{\p@sinline td begin }{ st end }\fi\fi\p@downfalse}
+% ====== Segment and units scaling ========
+% The units in any segment may be scaled arbitrarily. A unit scale is local
+% to a segment but affects enclosed segments unless specifically overidden
+% in that segment. In addition there is a graph or segment scale. This
+% scaling factor is accumulative and is applied on top of the unit scale.
+% These two scaling factors allow for a segment to be designed in nominal
+% units, scaled to a nominal size and then be affected by relative scaling
+% of an entire graph or segment. In addition there is a relative/absolute
+% scale switch that allows for any segment to be unaffected by a graphscale.
+% \u@nitsc -- present unit scale, \s@egsc -- present segment scale
+% \g@rsc -- present graphscale ... changes when ever either of the former do.
+% present implementation does not allow separate v h scaling
+% ------ Relative/Absolute Scale ------
+% ----- unit scale -----
+\gdef\unitscale#1 {\edef\u@nitsc{#1}\newgraphscale}
+\global\let\graphscale=\unitscale % Historical
+% ----- Segment Scale -----
+\gdef\segmentscale#1 {\ifr@elscale \realmult{#1}{\s@egsc}{\s@egsc}\else
+ \edef\s@egsc{#1}\fi
+ \newgraphscale}
+% ---- Graph Scale --------
+% This changes whenever either of the above change
+% ------ "Real" Multiplication --------
+% These functions use the fact that a box dimension may be scaled by
+% a real. The final step is to "clean" off the pt on the resulting dim
+% Cleans off the pt in a dimension ... pt has catcode 12
+{\catcode`\p=12 \catcode`\t=12
+% #1 and #2 are multiplicands #3 is a command to capture result
+ \edef\R@M{\the\dimen0}\expandafter\c@lean\R@M\edef#3{\cx}}
+ \edef\R@M{\the\dimen0}\expandafter\c@lean\R@M\edef#3{\cx}}
+% -------- Command to convert nominal values to pixels ------
+% #1 is a decimal number, #2 must be a count, #3 is sp/pix
+% This includes all scalings
+% ------- special forms to update positions ------
+%dummy variables
+% ====== end macros for converting dimensions
+% ======== Some more Utility Macros ========
+% ======== recursive macros ========
+\gdef\e@xtend #1#2{\let\d@x=#1\edef #1{\d@x #2}}
+\xdef\s@pin{ }
+\gdef\s@pexpand #1 #2!{\e@xtend{\s@pex}{#1\s@pin}\edef\t@x{#2}\ifx\t@x\empty\relax \else
+ \s@pexpand #2!\fi}
+% ========== A Do Loop Construction =========
+% \do <something> for <number of times>\od
+% This is a specialization of the \loop in Plain.
+\gdef\do #1 for #2\od{\d@count=#2\loop #1 \ifnum\d@count>1\advance
+ \d@count by -1\repeat}
+% ========= Graphics specials =======
+\gdef\penwidth #1 {\h@num{#1}{\d@umc}\edef\p@w{\the\d@umc}\ifp@down \g@save
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{st \g@restore }
+ \else \e@xtend{\o@form}{\p@w\b@ sl }\fi}
+\gdef\linecap #1 {\edef\s@lc{#1}\ifp@down \g@save
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{st \g@restore }
+ \else \e@xtend{\o@form}{\s@lc\b@ slc }\fi}
+\gdef\linejoin #1 {\edef\s@lj{#1}\ifp@down \g@save
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{st \g@restore }
+ \else \e@xtend{\o@form}{\s@lj\b@ slj }\fi}
+\gdef\lpatt p:#1 {\edef\v@p{#1 0}\ifp@down \g@save
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{st \g@restore }
+ \else \e@xtend{\o@form}{\v@p\b@ sd }\fi}
+% ==== parameters are in units of the nominal dimension \g@dim ======
+\gdef\p@move #1#2#3{\i@h{#1}\i@v{#2}\e@xtend{\o@form}{\the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ #3 }}
+\gdef\lvec h:#1 v:#2 {\p@move{#1}{#2}{lv}\p@downtrue} %draws a line
+\gdef\move h:#1 v:#2 {\p@move{#1}{#2}{mv}} %moves
+% ====== a general vector with dimensions in pixels ======
+% ========= General pixel dim vector ==========
+\gdef\lpix h:#1 v:#2 f:#3 {\e@xtend{\o@form}{ #1 #2 #3 }}
+%============== puts TeX text at this position
+% These are pure TeX macros that use \h@pos and \v@pos for orientation
+% Text may be put horizontally (left/right) or vertically (down/up)
+% ======== sp form of \h@pos and \v@pos respectively ========
+ \genpixtopt{\t@hpos}{\d@umc}{\h@pix}{}{}\relax
+ \d@umc=\v@pos
+ \genpixtopt{\t@vpos}{\d@umc}{\v@pix}{}{}\relax}
+% any one of nine reference point may be specified on the
+% TeX box. This is Vertical T,C,B and Horizontal L,C,R
+% The actual box is 0 height and width.
+% #1 LCR default/error L #2 TCB default/error T #3 text -- in hbox
+% Sets the box glues \lhglue \rhglue \tvglue \bvglue
+% #1 x/h ref, #2 v/y ref
+\gdef\textref h:#1 v:#2 {\ifx#1R\edef\lhglue{\hss}\edef\rhglue{}\else
+ \ifx#1C\edef\lhglue{\hss}\edef\rhglue{\hss}\else
+ \edef\lhglue{}\edef\rhglue{\hss}\fi\fi
+ \ifx#2B\edef\tvglue{\vss}\edef\bvglue{}\else
+ \ifx#2C\edef\tvglue{\vss}\edef\bvglue{\vss}\else
+ \edef\tvglue{}\edef\bvglue{\vss}\fi\fi}
+\newcount\h@oldmaxpos \newcount\v@oldmaxpos
+ %needed to save max pos when texgraph is inside an h/vtext
+% ========== assumes driver location at initial \btg entry ========
+% #1 text #2 - begin rotation form #3 - end rotation form
+ \v@oldmaxpos=\maxvpospix\relax
+ \edef\h@oldgrsc{\h@grsc}\edef\v@oldgrsc{\v@grsc}\s@ettpos
+ \setbox\t@box=\vbox{\normalbaselines
+ \vskip\t@vpos\hbox{\hskip\t@hpos
+ \t@init{#2}\relax
+ \vbox to 0pt{\normalbaselines
+ \tvglue\hbox to 0pt{\lhglue\hbox{#1}\rhglue
+ }\bvglue}}}\relax
+ \dp\t@box=0pt\ht\t@box=0pt\wd\t@box=0pt
+ \box\t@box
+ \t@fin{#3}
+ \global\maxhpospix=\h@oldmaxpos\relax
+ \global\maxvpospix=\v@oldmaxpos\relax
+ \xdef\h@grsc{\h@oldgrsc}\edef\v@grsc{\v@oldgrsc}}
+ % saves maxh(v)pospix on stack
+% ========== PS text initializations and terminations ===========
+\gdef\t@init#1{\special{\p@sinline td begin \h@vinit gr gs
+ \t@rhv #1 \t@rneghv end }}
+\gdef\t@fin#1{\special{\p@sinline td begin \h@vinit gr gs \m@vhv \t@rhv \p@hv end }}
+% .... special test
+% ... end special test
+\long\gdef\htext #1 {\m@text{#1}{}{}}
+\long\gdef\vtext #1 {\m@text{#1}{ 90 \r@tdir rt }{}}
+\long\gdef\rtext d:#1 t:#2 {\m@text{#2}{ #1 \r@tdir rt }{}}
+\long\gdef\rstext d:#1 sc:#2 t:#3 {\m@text{#3}{ #1 \r@tdir rt #2 #2 sc }{}}
+% ========= Various Restore forms ========
+\gdef\g@save{\edef\g@restore{\p@w\b@ sl \v@p\b@ sd \s@lc\b@ slc \s@lj\b@ slj
+ np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+\gdef\s@save{\edef\s@restore{\p@w\b@ sl \v@p\b@ sd \s@lc\b@ slc \s@lj\b@ slj
+ np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+% ======== circle, arcs =========
+% The PS arc will connect the center of the arc to the circumference
+% if the newpath includes the move to this point. Thus we define a
+% set of arc functions that include/exclude this feature. The default
+% does not include this form.
+\gdef\larc r:#1 sd:#2 ed:#3 {\h@num{#1}{\d@umc}\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{ st np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ \the\d@umc\b@ #2 #3 arc
+ st np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+\gdef\lcir r:#1 {\larc r:#1 sd:0 ed:360 }
+% ------ this is a raw arc ... can be used in fills --------
+\gdef\arcc r:#1 sd:#2 ed:#3 {\h@num{#1}{\d@umc}\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{\the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ \the\d@umc\b@ #2 #3 arc }}
+\gdef\arcn r:#1 sd:#2 ed:#3 {\h@num{#1}{\d@umc}\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{\the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@
+ \the\d@umc\b@ #2 #3 arcn }}
+% ======= fill command ==========
+% The fill command is essentially a polygonal fill ... not a point spreading
+% this means that it is possible to erase with white ... The form here
+% completes with a closepath applies the fill, starts a newpath and moves
+% to the current point. Pattern is a grey level.
+% 0 is black 1 is white
+\gdef\pfill p:#1 {\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{cp #1 sg fill np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+% this form both fills and strokes around the path
+\gdef\lpfill p:#1 {\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{cp gs #1 sg fill gr st np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+% ======== Postscript special forms ========
+% This allows "raw" postscript to be put in the graph.
+\gdef\pst #1{\e@xtend{\o@form}{#1 }}
+% These are some useful postscript compatible forms.
+\gdef\closepath{\e@xtend{\o@form}{cp }}
+\gdef\newpath{\e@xtend{\o@form}{np }}
+\gdef\stroke{\e@xtend{\o@form}{st }}
+% ========= including external files ==========
+% an external file is included at the present point on the graph area
+% moves are required to get there
+% The actual file is placed inside a \t@box and tex commands are used
+% to get to the place ... They probably can be nested
+% #1 is the filename
+% The file is opened, if possible, to read its size. If this exists, it
+% is used to update the maximum h/v position.
+% The BoundingBox is determined
+% #1 is the file name
+% #1 == %%BoundingBox, #2 llh #3 llv #4 urh #5 urv #6 rest of line
+\gdef\l@shift{\ifx\l@lh\empty \xdef\l@lh{\l@lv}\xdef\l@lv{\u@rh}\xdef
+ \u@rh{\u@rv}\xdef\u@rv{\e@xt}\fi}
+ \global\b@boxexiststrue\q@readfalse\bmess{<< At End Test >>}\fi}
+\long\gdef\q@inline #1:#2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7//{\xdef
+ \q@bbtest{#1}\xdef\l@lh{#2}\xdef
+ \l@lv{#3}\xdef\u@rh{#4}\xdef\u@rv{#5}\xdef
+ \e@xt{#6}\ifx\q@bbtest\B@Box
+ \a@tendtest\fi
+ \ifeof\q@file \q@readfalse \fi}
+ \message{<< \bbmess -- \f@ilename>>}\q@readtrue
+ \loop \relax \ifq@read\r@eadline\repeat}
+\gdef\r@eadline{ {\uncat \global\read\q@file to\q@parms }
+ \expandafter\q@inline\q@parms {}:{\relax} {\relax} {\relax} {\relax}
+{\relax} \relax//\bmess{<<\q@parms>>}}
+\gdef\g@etpsize #1{{\catcode`\%=12\openin\q@file = #1\relax
+ \edef\q@parms{}\global\q@filetrue\xdef\f@ilename{#1}
+ \ifeof\q@file \message{<<\noincfile: #1 >>}\relax
+ \global\q@filefalse\else
+ \s@bbox
+ \closein\q@file\fi}}
+} % end of % disable
+\newcount\h@px \newcount\v@px \newcount\h@mx \newcount\v@mx
+ \global\h@mx=\minhpospix\global\v@mx=\minvpospix}
+ \global\minhpospix=\h@mx\global\minvpospix\v@mx}
+\gdef\filerotate#1{\edef\f@rt{ XposR YposR tr #1 \r@tdir rt XposR neg
+ YposR neg tr }}
+\gdef\filescale #1{\edef\f@sc{#1 #1 sc \f@schv}}
+\gdef\p@fileinit{ td begin \h@vinit gr gs \f@rt \t@rhv \f@sc end
+ /texgraph save def /showpage {} def }
+\xdef\p@filefin{ texgraph restore }
+\gdef\includefile #1 {\incscfile f:{#1} sc:1 d:0 }
+\gdef\incscfile f:#1 sc:#2 d:#3 {\g@etpsize{#1}\ifb@boxexists
+ \message{<<\incfile: #1 >>}\realadd{\u@rh}{-\l@lh}{\p@lh}
+ \realadd{\u@rv}{-\l@lv}{\p@lv}
+ \realmult{\p@lh}{.5}{\p@lhh}
+ \realmult{\p@lv}{.5}{\p@lvh}
+ \beginsegment
+ \segmentscale #2
+ \global\let\g@dimo=\g@dim
+ \graphdim pt
+ \mvec h:{\p@lh} v:{\p@lv}
+ \mvec h:{\p@lhh} v:{\p@lvh}
+ \m@text{}{ /XposR \Xpos\b@ def
+ /YposR \Ypos\b@ def }{}
+ \endsegment
+ \s@avemaxpos
+ \beginsegment \segmentscale #2
+ \mvec h:{-\l@lh} v:{\u@rv}
+ \htext{\filescale{#2}\filerotate{#3}\relax
+ \special{\p@sinline\p@fileinit }
+ \special{\p@sfile #1 }
+ \special{\p@sinline\p@filefin }}
+ \endsegment
+ \r@estoremaxpos
+ \global\let\g@dim=\g@dimo
+ \else\message{<<\badincfile: #1 >>}\fi }
+\gdef\incscmvfile f:#1 sc:#2 d:#3 h:#4 v:#5 {\g@etpsize{#1}\ifb@boxexists
+ \message{<<\incfile: #1 >>}\realadd{\u@rh}{-\l@lh}{\p@lh}
+ \realadd{\u@rv}{-\l@lv}{\p@lv}
+ \realmult{\p@lh}{.5}{\p@lhh}
+ \realmult{\p@lv}{.5}{\p@lvh}
+ \ifx#4L \edef\f@h{0}\else \ifx#4C \edef\f@h{1} \else \edef\f@h{2}\fi\fi
+ \ifx#5T \edef\f@v{0}\else \ifx#5C \edef\f@v{1} \else\edef\f@v{2}\fi\fi
+ \realmult{\p@lhh}{\f@h}{\h@off}
+ \realmult{\p@lvh}{\f@v}{\v@off}
+ \beginsegment
+ \segmentscale #2
+ \global\let\g@dimo=\g@dim
+ \graphdim pt
+ \mvec h:{-\h@off} v:{-\v@off}
+ \beginsegment
+ \mvec h:{\p@lh} v:{\p@lv}
+ \mvec h:{\p@lhh} v:{\p@lvh}
+ \m@text{}{ /XposR \Xpos\b@ def
+ /YposR \Ypos\b@ def }{}
+ \endsegment
+ \endsegment
+ \s@avemaxpos
+ \beginsegment \segmentscale #2
+ \mvec h:{-\l@lh} v:{\u@rv}
+ \beginsegment
+ \mvec h:{-\h@off} v:{-\v@off}
+ \htext{\filescale{#2}\filerotate{#3}\relax
+ \special{\p@sinline\p@fileinit }
+ \special{\p@sfile #1 }
+ \special{\p@sinline\p@filefin }}
+ \endsegment
+ \endsegment
+ \r@estoremaxpos
+ \global\let\g@dim=\g@dimo
+ \else\message{<<\badincfile: #1 >>}\fi }
+% ============ Design Grid ==============
+% This will lay down a grid at the present location. The grid nominally
+% at unit dimension intervals. The scale factor sc modifies this. The
+% sc is local only to the grid
+\gdef\grid nh:#1 nv:#2 sc:#3 {\gcount= #1
+ \beginsegment
+ \relative
+ \penwidth .005
+ \graphscale #3
+ \beginsegment
+ \loop \lvec h:#2 v:0
+ \move h:-#2 v:1
+ \ifnum \gcount > 1
+ \advance\gcount by -1 \repeat
+ \endsegment
+ \gcount = #2
+ \beginsegment
+ \loop \lvec h:0 v:#1
+ \move h:1 v:-#1
+ \ifnum \gcount > 1
+ \advance\gcount by -1 \repeat
+ \endsegment
+ \endsegment}
+%========= end design grid ================
+% =========== Arrow Vectors ==============
+% There are three types of arrow heads, filled, open V and triangle
+% These are always placed on the end of a vector.
+% The basic design has the arrow head which is placed on the vector
+% It theoretically can be placed on any curve where the angle is known or
+% computable.
+% Parameter specification for arrowheads.
+% #1 -- length #2 -- width
+% The dimensions are interpreted at current graphscale in force and
+% are local to the segment group.
+\gdef\arrowheadscale{\arrowheadsize l:.16 w:.04 }
+\gdef\arrowheadsize l:#1 w:#2 {\grdimtopix{#1}{\a@len}{\h@pix
+ }\grdimtopix{#2}{\a@wid}{\h@pix
+ }}
+% postcript commands for inidividual arrow form
+\gdef\arrowheadtype t:#1 {\ifx#1T\edef\a@com{cp gs 1 sg fill gr st }\else
+ \ifx#1F\edef\a@com{cp 0 sg fill }\else
+ \edef\a@com{st }\fi\fi}
+% assumes that the dh and dv is in \h@lp \v@lp and present location is tip
+% of arrowhead
+\gdef\a@draw{st np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mx
+ \the\v@lp\b@ neg \the\h@lp\b@ at
+ -\the\a@len\b@ \the\a@wid\b@ mv 0 0 lv
+ -\the\a@len\b@ -\the\a@wid\b@ lv
+ \a@com gr }
+\gdef\avec h:#1 v:#2 {\h@lp=\h@pos\relax \v@lp=\v@pos\relax
+ \lvec h:#1 v:#2 \advance\h@lp by -\h@pos\relax
+ \advance\v@lp by -\v@pos\relax
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{\a@draw}}
+% ============= End Arrow Vectors =============
+% ========= Bezier Curve ==========
+% this is a cubic spline that is determined by four points. The initial
+% point is assumed to be the current point. An arrow is easily added.
+\gdef\clvec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6 {\i@h{#1}\d@uma=\h@pos
+ \i@v{#2}\d@umb=\v@pos\i@h{#3}\d@ume=\h@pos\i@v{#4}\d@umd=\v@pos
+ \i@h{#5}\i@v{#6}\e@xtend{\o@form}{\the\d@uma\b@ \the\d@umb\b@
+ \the\d@ume\b@ \the\d@umd\b@ \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@
+ cv }\p@downtrue}
+\gdef\clv (#1 #2) (#3 #4) (#5 #6){\clvec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6 }
+\gdef\cavec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6 {\clvec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6
+ \h@lp=\d@ume \relax \v@lp=\d@umd \relax
+ \advance\h@lp by -\h@pos\relax
+ \advance\v@lp by -\v@pos\relax
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{\a@draw}}
+\gdef\cav (#1 #2) (#3 #4) (#5 #6){\cavec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6 }
+% ======= default values =========
+% These are reset each time \btg is called
+\gdef\t@exgraphdef{\setbox0=\hbox{}\graphdim in
+\hpix 300/in % INRS Default
+\vpix 300/in % INRS Default
+\printhv 1 1 % DVIPS 300 dpi
+\filehv 4.17 -4.17 % DVIPS 300/72
+\rtdir neg % DVIPS
+\def\h@grsc{1}\def\v@grsc{1}%sets default hor/vert scales
+\unitscale 1
+\penwidth .015
+\lpatt p:{[]}
+\linecap 1
+\linejoin 1
+\arrowheadsize l:.16 w:.04
+\arrowheadtype t:T
+\textref h:L v:T }
+\xdef\s@egsc{1}% initial default
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69809624c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/inrstex/texgraph/
@@ -0,0 +1,4832 @@
+%%Creator: dvips 5.47 Copyright 1986-91 Radical Eye Software
+%%Title: thgraph.dvi
+%%Pages: 24 1
+%%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792
+/TeXDict 200 dict def TeXDict begin /N /def load def /B{bind def}N /S /exch
+load def /X{S N}B /TR /translate load N /isls false N /vsize 10 N /@rigin{
+isls{[0 1 -1 0 0 0]concat}if 72 Resolution div 72 VResolution div neg scale
+Resolution VResolution vsize neg mul TR matrix currentmatrix dup dup 4 get
+round 4 exch put dup dup 5 get round 5 exch put setmatrix}N /@letter{/vsize 10
+N}B /@landscape{/isls true N /vsize -1 N}B /@a4{/vsize 10.6929133858 N}B /@a3{
+/vsize 15.5531 N}B /@ledger{/vsize 16 N}B /@legal{/vsize 13 N}B /@manualfeed{
+statusdict /manualfeed true put}B /@copies{/#copies X}B /FMat[1 0 0 -1 0 0]N
+/FBB[0 0 0 0]N /nn 0 N /IE 0 N /ctr 0 N /df-tail{/nn 8 dict N nn begin
+/FontType 3 N /FontMatrix fntrx N /FontBBox FBB N string /base X array
+/BitMaps X /BuildChar{CharBuilder}N /Encoding IE N end dup{/foo setfont}2
+array copy cvx N load 0 nn put /ctr 0 N[}B /df{/sf 1 N /fntrx FMat N df-tail}
+B /dfs{div /sf X /fntrx[sf 0 0 sf neg 0 0]N df-tail}B /E{pop nn dup definefont
+setfont}B /ch-width{ch-data dup length 5 sub get}B /ch-height{ch-data dup
+length 4 sub get}B /ch-xoff{128 ch-data dup length 3 sub get sub}B /ch-yoff{
+ch-data dup length 2 sub get 127 sub}B /ch-dx{ch-data dup length 1 sub get}B
+/ch-image{ch-data dup type /stringtype ne{ctr get /ctr ctr 1 add N}if}B /id 0
+N /rw 0 N /rc 0 N /gp 0 N /cp 0 N /G 0 N /sf 0 N /CharBuilder{save 3 1 roll S
+dup /base get 2 index get S /BitMaps get S get /ch-data X pop /ctr 0 N ch-dx 0
+ch-xoff ch-yoff ch-height sub ch-xoff ch-width add ch-yoff setcachedevice
+ch-width ch-height true[1 0 0 -1 -.1 ch-xoff sub ch-yoff .1 add]{ch-image}
+imagemask restore}B /D{/cc X dup type /stringtype ne{]}if nn /base get cc ctr
+put nn /BitMaps get S ctr S sf 1 ne{dup dup length 1 sub dup 2 index S get sf
+div put}if put /ctr ctr 1 add N}B /I{cc 1 add D}B /bop{userdict /bop-hook
+known{bop-hook}if /SI save N @rigin 0 0 moveto}N /eop{clear SI restore
+showpage userdict /eop-hook known{eop-hook}if}N /@start{userdict /start-hook
+known{start-hook}if /VResolution X /Resolution X 1000 div /DVImag X /IE 256
+array N 0 1 255{IE S 1 string dup 0 3 index put cvn put}for}N /p /show load N
+/RMat[1 0 0 -1 0 0]N /BDot 260 string N /rulex 0 N /ruley 0 N /v{/ruley X
+/rulex X V}B /V statusdict begin /product where{pop product dup length 7 ge{0
+7 getinterval(Display)eq}{pop false}ifelse}{false}ifelse end{{gsave TR -.1 -.1
+TR 1 1 scale rulex ruley false RMat{BDot}imagemask grestore}}{{gsave TR -.1
+-.1 TR rulex ruley scale 1 1 false RMat{BDot}imagemask grestore}}ifelse B /a{
+moveto}B /delta 0 N /tail{dup /delta X 0 rmoveto}B /M{S p delta add tail}B /b{
+S p tail}B /c{-4 M}B /d{-3 M}B /e{-2 M}B /f{-1 M}B /g{0 M}B /h{1 M}B /i{2 M}B
+/j{3 M}B /k{4 M}B /w{0 rmoveto}B /l{p -4 w}B /m{p -3 w}B /n{p -2 w}B /o{p -1 w
+}B /q{p 1 w}B /r{p 2 w}B /s{p 3 w}B /t{p 4 w}B /x{0 S rmoveto}B /y{3 2 roll p
+a}B /bos{/SS save N}B /eos{clear SS restore}B end
+TeXDict begin /SDict 200 dict N SDict begin /@SpecialDefaults{/hs 612 N /vs
+792 N /ho 0 N /vo 0 N /hsc 1 N /vsc 1 N /ang 0 N /CLIP false N /BBcalc false N
+/p 3 def}B /@scaleunit 100 N /@hscale{@scaleunit div /hsc X}B /@vscale{
+@scaleunit div /vsc X}B /@hsize{/hs X /CLIP true N}B /@vsize{/vs X /CLIP true
+N}B /@hoffset{/ho X}B /@voffset{/vo X}B /@angle{/ang X}B /@rwi{10 div /rwi X}
+B /@llx{/llx X}B /@lly{/lly X}B /@urx{/urx X}B /@ury{/ury X /BBcalc true N}B
+/magscale true def end /@MacSetUp{userdict /md known{userdict /md get type
+/dicttype eq{md begin /letter{}N /note{}N /legal{}N /od{txpose 1 0 mtx
+defaultmatrix dtransform S atan/pa X newpath clippath mark{transform{
+itransform moveto}}{transform{itransform lineto}}{6 -2 roll transform 6 -2
+roll transform 6 -2 roll transform{itransform 6 2 roll itransform 6 2 roll
+itransform 6 2 roll curveto}}{{closepath}}pathforall newpath counttomark array
+astore /gc xdf pop ct 39 0 put 10 fz 0 fs 2 F/|______Courier fnt invertflag{
+PaintBlack}if}N /txpose{pxs pys scale ppr aload pop por{noflips{pop S neg S TR
+pop 1 -1 scale}if xflip yflip and{pop S neg S TR 180 rotate 1 -1 scale ppr 3
+get ppr 1 get neg sub neg ppr 2 get ppr 0 get neg sub neg TR}if xflip yflip
+not and{pop S neg S TR pop 180 rotate ppr 3 get ppr 1 get neg sub neg 0 TR}if
+yflip xflip not and{ppr 1 get neg ppr 0 get neg TR}if}{noflips{TR pop pop 270
+rotate 1 -1 scale}if xflip yflip and{TR pop pop 90 rotate 1 -1 scale ppr 3 get
+ppr 1 get neg sub neg ppr 2 get ppr 0 get neg sub neg TR}if xflip yflip not
+and{TR pop pop 90 rotate ppr 3 get ppr 1 get neg sub neg 0 TR}if yflip xflip
+not and{TR pop pop 270 rotate ppr 2 get ppr 0 get neg sub neg 0 S TR}if}
+ifelse scaleby96{ppr aload pop 4 -1 roll add 2 div 3 1 roll add 2 div 2 copy
+TR .96 dup scale neg S neg S TR}if}N /cp{pop pop showpage pm restore}N end}if}
+if}N /normalscale{Resolution 72 div VResolution 72 div neg scale magscale{
+DVImag dup scale}if}N /psfts{S 65536 div N}N /startTexFig{/psf$SavedState save
+N userdict maxlength dict begin /magscale false def normalscale currentpoint
+TR /psf$ury psfts /psf$urx psfts /psf$lly psfts /psf$llx psfts /psf$y psfts
+/psf$x psfts currentpoint /psf$cy X /psf$cx X /psf$sx psf$x psf$urx psf$llx
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+976 581 a
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+599 441 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+-293 2225 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+-293 2225 a
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+768 282 scale
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+ texgraph restore
+599 441 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+599 441 a
+ grestore
+267 723 1418 2 v 350 780 a Fr(The)j Fp(\\hrule)e Fr(commands)f(w)o(ere)k(put)
+830 y(T)290 839 y(E)313 830 y(X)o(Graph.)i(A)10 b(sligh)o(tly)f(more)h
+880 y(scaling)k(is)h(giv)o(en)f(b)q(elo)o(w.)p 267 944 V 863
+944 a
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+863 944 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+976 986 a
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+863 944 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+596 1479 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+596 1479 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs XposR YposR tr 45 neg rt XposR neg YposR neg tr Xp1 Yp1 tr .3 .3 sc 4.17 -4.17 scale end /texgraph save def /showpage {} def
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+0.240000 0.240000 scale
+896 1509 translate
+768 282 scale
+768 282 true [768 0 0 -282 0 282] {<
+ 623 1479 a
+ texgraph restore
+863 944 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+863 944 a
+ grestore
+267 1030 1418 2 v 350 1114 a Fr(The)h(co)q(de)h(for)f(this)f(is)267
+1165 y Fp(\\hrule)267 1216 y(\\centergraph{)19 b(\\btg)572
+1268 y(\\incscfile)h(f:{})e(sc:.3)j(d:45)572 1319
+y(\\etg})267 1371 y(\\hrule)350 1473 y Fr(Notice)16 b(that)g(the)g
+b(This)15 b(is)267 1524 y(due)c(to)g(the)g(di\016cult)o(y)e(in)i(p)q
+1574 y(b)q(o)o(x)i(for)h(an)g(arbitrarily)f(rotated)h(and)g(scaled)g
+(\014gure.)350 1626 y(The)k(most)e(general)i(inclusion)f(command)e(is)i
+Fp(\\incscmvfile)e Fr(whic)o(h)i(allo)o(ws)g(for)267 1676 y(arbitrary)12
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+b(the)j(rotation,)f(scaling,)g(and)g(place-)267 1726 y(men)o(t)e(ma)o(y)e(b)q
+(reference)i(p)q(oin)o(ts)d(describ)q(ed)267 1777 y(in)j(Section)i(30.4.)267
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+b(Basics)350 2029 y Fr(T)373 2038 y(E)396 2029 y(X)o(Graph)12
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+(arious)e(sections)j(to)e(follo)o(w.)20 b(This)15 b(section)h(ma)o(y)e(b)q(e)
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+y(X)o(Graph)14 b(Classes)329 327 y Fq(\017)21 b Fr(Dra)o(wing)d(primitiv)o
+376 y(v)o(ectors,)13 b(v)o(ectors)g(with)e(arro)o(wheads,)h(spline)g(curv)o
+(es,)h(spline)f(curv)o(es)h(with)f(arro)o(w-)371 425 y(heads,)i(line)f
+(\014lls.)329 507 y Fq(\017)21 b Fr(There)f(are)g(commands)d(for)i(c)o
+556 y(to)14 b(b)q(e)i(in)o(terpreted)h(absolutely)m(,)c(with)i(resp)q(ect)i
+(to)e(an)g(origin)e(or)i(relativ)o(ely)g(with)371 604 y(resp)q(ect)h(to)e
+(the)g(presen)o(t)i(p)q(osition.)329 686 y Fq(\017)21 b Fr(There)14
+o(wn)f(lines)h(and)f(to)371 735 y(c)o(hange)h(the)g(in)o(terpreted)i(scale)e
+(of)g(the)g(units)g(of)f(distance.)329 816 y Fq(\017)21 b Fr(There)11
+b(Ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)11 b(since)g(arbitrary)371 865 y(scaling)f(of)h(units)g
+(for)d(those)371 914 y(that)h(visualize)g(distances)i(in)e(di\013eren)o(t)h
+(dimensions.)k(The)c(dimensions)e(a)o(v)n(ailable)371 963 y(are)k(those)h(a)o
+(v)n(ailable)c(in)j(INRST)895 961 y(^)891 972 y(E)914 963 y(X.)329
+1044 y Fq(\017)21 b Fr(There)14 b(is)g(a)f(\\graphical)f(segmen)o(t")h(whic)o
+1093 y(tion.)24 b(Distances)18 b(inside)e(a)g(graphical)f(segmen)o(t)h(are)h
+(in)o(terpreted)h(with)e(resp)q(ect)371 1142 y(to)d(the)h(segmen)o(t)f
+(either)g(rel-)371 1191 y(ativ)o(e)f(or)i(absolute)f(with)g(resp)q(ect)i(to)e
+(the)h(segmen)o(t)f(origin.)k(There)d(is)f(a)g Fm(se)n(gment)371
+1240 y(sc)n(ale)f Fr(whic)o(h)f(allo)o(ws)g(for)h(segmen)o(ts)g(to)g(b)q(e)h
+(scaled)f(relativ)o(ely)f(with)h(resp)q(ect)j(to)c(an)371 1289
+y(o)o(v)o(erall)g(graph.)329 1370 y Fq(\017)21 b Fr(T)m(ext,)15
+b(with)g(all)g(the)h(capabilities)e(of)h(INRST)1104 1369 y(^)1100
+1379 y(E)1123 1370 y(X)h(ma)o(y)d(b)q(e)j(written)g(at)g(an)o(y)f(arbi-)371
+1419 y(trary)f(angle.)329 1500 y Fq(\017)21 b Fr(T)394 1509
+y(E)417 1500 y(X)o(Graph)d(k)o(eeps)i(trac)o(k)e(of)g(the)h(maxim)o(um)14
+b(exten)o(t)19 b(of)f(a)g(graph.)32 b(These)20 b(are)371 1549
+y(a)o(v)n(ailable)10 b(after)j(the)h(graph)e(is)h(terminated)f(in)g(the)i(v)n
+(ariables)e Fp(\\hgraphsize)e Fr(and)371 1598 y Fp(\\vgraphsize)p
+Fr(.)32 b Fp(\\hgraphskip)18 b Fr(and)h Fp(\\vgraphskip)e Fr(will)h(cause)j
+(a)e(horizon)o(tal)371 1647 y(or)g(v)o(ertical)h(skip)f(of)g(the)h
+(appropriate)g(graphsize.)35 b Fn(Unfortunatel)o(y)l(,)22 b(these)371
+1696 y(v)m(alues)15 b(ma)o(y)h(b)q(e)f(incorrect)f(for)h(a)h(n)o(um)o(b)q(er)
+e(of)h(reasons.)39 b Fr(These)15 b(are)454 1777 y Fq(\016)20
+b Fr(T)m(ext)14 b(ma)o(y)e(stic)o(k)i(out)g(the)g(edge)h(of)e(the)i(graph.)
+454 1842 y Fq(\016)20 b Fr(A)14 b(circle)h(or)f(arc)g(cen)o(ter)h(is)f
+(outside)g(the)h(main)d(graph)h(area.)454 1906 y Fq(\016)20
+b Fr(The)15 b(visible)e(part)h(of)f(a)h(circle)g(or)g(arc)g(ma)o(y)e(b)q(e)j
+(to)q(o)e(far)h(to)g(the)g(righ)o(t.)454 1970 y Fq(\016)20
+b Fr(A)g(v)o(ertical)f(segmen)o(t)g(ma)o(y)f(ha)o(v)o(e)i(inadv)o(erten)o
+(tly)f(reset)i(the)f(maxim)o(um)495 2019 y(p)q(ositions.)454
+2082 y(In)13 b(some)g(cases)i(it)e(ma)o(y)e(b)q(e)j(necessary)i(to)d(mak)o(e)
+f(a)h(fak)o(e)g(mo)o(v)o(e)f(to)i(the)g(lo)o(w)o(er)371 2131
+2140 y(E)1078 2131 y(X)o(Graph)f(the)i(correct)g(size)g(.)7
+b(.)g(.)20 b(after)371 2180 y(y)o(ou)13 b(ha)o(v)o(e)h(seen)h(a)f
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+y(E)533 214 y(X's)g(de\014nitional)f(capabilities)h(are)g(a)o(v)n(ailable.)j
+(These)f(can)e(b)q(e)h(used)g(to)371 264 y(replace)d(a)e(complex)g(structure)
+315 y(syn)o(tax)j(of)f(T)574 324 y(E)597 315 y(X)o(Graph.)329
+402 y Fq(\017)21 b Fr(Explicit)g(use)h(of)f(grouping)g(in)g(T)929
+411 y(E)952 402 y(X)o(Graph,)i(through)f Fq(fg)p Fr(,)g(or)g
+Fp(\\begingroup)p Fr(,)371 452 y Fp(\\endgroup)14 b Fr(pairs)i(is)h(not)f
+(allo)o(w)o(ed.)24 b(This)16 b(will)f(foul)h(up)g(the)h(p)q(ositional)e
+(record)371 503 y(k)o(eeping)i(inside.)29 b(Groups)18 b(ma)o(y)e(b)q(e)i(pro)
+q(duced)h(only)e(through)g(the)h(use)h(of)e(seg-)371 553 y(men)o(ts,)c
+(namely)f(the)i Fp(\\beginsegment)p Fr(,)d Fp(\\endsegment)g
+Fr(pair.)267 757 y Fl(30.4)56 b(Simple)20 b(T)645 768 y(E)675
+757 y(X)n(Graphics)350 843 y Fr(T)373 852 y(E)396 843 y(X)o(Graph)c(will)g
+(allo)o(w)f(for)h(rather)i(sophisticated)f(graphics.)27 b(Y)m(ou)16
+b(can)h(use)h(the)267 893 y(de\014nition)12 b(capabilities)f(of)h(INRST)838
+892 y(^)834 902 y(E)857 893 y(X)g(to)h(create)g(libraries)f(of)g(sym)o(b)q
+(ols)f(for)h(future)h(use.)350 945 y(Directions)k(in)f(T)625
+954 y(E)648 945 y(X)o(Graph)g(are)h(describ)q(ed)h(as)e(horizon)o(tal,)g
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+526 1111 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+526 1111 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 90 90 mv 900 90 lv st np 900 90 mx 0 neg -810 at -48 11 mv 0 0 lv -48 -11 lv cp gs 1 sg fill gr st gr 90 90 mv 90 600 lv st np 90 600 mx -510 neg 0 at -48 11 mv 0 0 lv -48 -11 lv cp gs 1 sg fill gr st gr 450 44 mv st end
+976 1155 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+748 1169 a Fr(Horizon)o(tal)f({)g Fp(h:<number>)526 1111 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+570 1411 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 90 neg rt Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+366 1425 a Fr(V)m(ertical)h({)f Fp(v:<number>)526 1111 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+526 1111 a
+ grestore
+267 1814 a Fr(T)290 1823 y(E)313 1814 y(X)o(Graph)h(capabilities)f(will)f(b)q
+o(x)826 1880 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+826 1880 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+826 1880 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 0 150 mv 150 0 lv 300 150 lv 150 300 lv 0 150 lv 150 150 mv st end
+976 2030 a
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+900 2010 a Fi(P)944 2020 y Fh(n)944 2053 y(i)p Fg(=1)1007 2041
+y Fk(\032)1028 2047 y Fh(n)826 1880 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
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+(displayma)o(th)d(spacing)267 314 y(\\centergr)o(aph)o({)332
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+b(\045)21 b(sets)f(the)h(reference)d(point)i(in)h(the)g(center.)376
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+(\\rho_n$})f(\045)k(horizonta)o(l)d(text)h(box)354 817 y(\\endTeXgra)o(ph)o
+(ics)40 b(\045)21 b(also)g(known)e(as)i(\\etg)376 867 y(})267
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+Fr(uses)13 b(the)e(information)e(ab)q(out)i(plot)f(size)267
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+(delimited)f(b)o(y)h(spaces.)267 1186 y(The)i(units)h(of)e(the)i(dimensions)e
+(are)h(implicit,)d(but)j(c)o(hangable.)18 b(The)13 b(default)g(is)g(inc)o
+(hes.)267 1238 y(Th)o(us)i Fp(h:<number>)d Fr(is)j(the)g(distance)h(in)e(the)
+h(horizon)o(tal)f(\(to)g(righ)o(t\))h(and)f Fp(v:<number>)267
+1289 y Fr(is)19 b(the)g(distance)h(in)e(the)i(v)o(ertical)e(\(do)o(wn\))h
+(direction.)33 b(The)20 b(lo)q(cations)e(are)h(absolute)267
+1340 y(distances)c(with)f(resp)q(ect)i(to)d(an)h(origin)f(in)g(the)i(upp)q
+(er)g(left)e(hand)h(corner.)267 1534 y Fl(30.5)56 b(Simple)20
+b(V)-5 b(ector)19 b(F)-5 b(orms)350 1621 y Fr(This)15 b(in)o(tro)q(duces)i
+(some)e(baisc)g(dra)o(wing)g(commands.)20 b(There)d Fn(m)o(ust)d
+Fr(b)q(e)i(either)g(a)267 1672 y(space)g(or)f(an)g(end)g(of)g(line)f(after)h
+(eac)o(h)h Fp(<coordinate> )m Fr(.)22 b(The)15 b(dimensional)e(units)i(are)
+267 1724 y(implicit.)25 b(W)m(e)17 b(usually)f(use)i Fp(<..>)e
+Fr(instead)i(of)e(the)i(less)g(economical)d Fp(<coordinate>)p
+Fr(.)225 1775 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\move)g(h:<..>)f(v:<..>)267 1859
+y Fr(This)c(is)g(a)f(mo)o(v)o(e)g(from)f(the)i(curren)o(t)i(p)q(osition)d(to)
+h(the)h(co)q(ordinates)f(giv)o(en)g(b)o(y)f Fp(h:<..>)267 1911
+y(v:<..>)p Fr(.)i(The)c(p)q(en)i(is)e(up.)18 b(It)13 b(ma)o(y)f(b)q(e)i(used)
+1962 y(to)h(describ)q(e)h(a)f(b)q(oundary)g(when)g(creating)g(a)g(\014lled)f
+(p)q(olygon.)225 2096 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\lvec)g(h:<..>)f(v:<..>)267
+2180 y Fr(This)14 b(dra)o(ws)g(a)f(line)h(from)e(the)i(curren)o(t)i(p)q
+(osition)d(to)h Fp(h:<..>)20 b(v:<..>)p Fr(.)350 2422 y Fo(Draft)c(Version:)
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+g(v3:<..>)267 289 y Fr(This)15 b(dra)o(ws)g(a)g(Bezier)i(spline)e(curv)o(e)h
+(from)d(the)j(curren)o(t)h(p)q(oin)o(t)d(to)h Fp(h3:<..>)21
+b(v3:<..>)267 339 y Fr(with)d(resp)q(ect)i(to)e(the)h(con)o(trol)f(p)q(oin)o
+(ts)g Fp(h1:<..>)i(v1:<..>)d Fr(and)h Fp(h2:<..>)i(v2:<..>)p
+Fr(.)267 389 y(These)e(curv)o(es)g(are)f(v)o(ery)g(v)o(ersatile)g(and)f(can)h
+439 y(b)o(y)e(v)n(arying)e(the)j(con)o(trol)e(p)q(oin)o(ts.)225
+552 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\clv)43 b(\(<h1>)20 b(<v1>\))43 b(\(<h2>)21
+b(<v2>\))42 b(\(<h3>)21 b(<v3>\))267 627 y Fr(This)14 b(command)d(is)j(iden)o
+(tical)f(to)g Fp(\\clvec)g Fr(but)h(with)g(a)f(less)i(v)o(erb)q(ose)g(syn)o
+(tax.)350 677 y(Lines)10 b(ma)o(y)d(b)q(e)j(either)g(solid)f(of)g(v)n(arious)
+f(widths,)i(or)g(dotted)g(with)f(custom)f(patterns.)267 728
+y(In)17 b(addition)f(the)i(ends)g(of)f(the)g(lines)h(ma)o(y)d(b)q(e)j(of)e
+(di\013eren)o(t)i(shap)q(es)h(and)e(joined)g(with)267 778 y(di\013eren)o(t)h
+(defaults.)27 b(In)17 b(most)f(cases)j(y)o(ou)d(will)g(not)h(ha)o(v)o(e)g(to)
+g(c)o(hange)g(the)h(defaults)f(in)267 828 y(T)290 837 y(E)313
+828 y(X)o(Graph)d(but)g(the)g(capabilit)o(y)f(is)g(there.)225
+890 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\penwidth)f(<size>)267 965 y Fr(This)c(sets)i(the)f
+b(The)17 b(default)f(is)g(is)267 1016 y(.015)d(\(in\).)225
+1128 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\linecap)f(<integer>)267 1203 y Fr(This)14
+(notation.)i(The)d(default)f(is)267 1254 y(1)f(or)g(a)g(round)h(cap.)18
+b(A)12 b(v)n(alue)g(of)f(0)h(is)h(a)f(butt)g(cap)h(with)f(the)h(line)f(cut)h
+(o\013)f(square)h(exactly)267 1304 y(to)i(its)g(length.)20
+b(A)15 b(v)n(alue)g(of)f(2)g(is)h(a)g(square)g(cap)g(with)g(the)g(line)g
+(extended)h(b)o(y)f(a)f(square)267 1354 y(cap)g(the)g(thikness)h(of)e(half)g
+(its)g(width.)18 b(F)m(or)13 b(narro)o(w)h(lines)g(the)g(di\013erence)h(is)f
+(negligible.)225 1466 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\linejoin)f(<integer>)267
+1542 y Fr(This)15 b(sets)i(the)f(form)e(in)h(whic)o(h)g(lines)g(join)g(\(P)o
+(ostScript)h(notation\).)22 b(The)16 b(default)f(is)g(1)267
+1592 y(whic)o(h)f(corresp)q(onds)h(to)f(a)g(round)g(line)f(join.)k(A)d(v)n
+1642 y(while)h(a)f(v)n(alue)h(of)g(2)f(is)h(a)g(b)q(ev)o(eled)h(or)f
+(\015attened)i(join.)j(F)m(or)15 b(thin)g(lines)g(the)h(di\013erences)267
+1692 y(are)e(negligible.)225 1805 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\lpatt)f(p:<pattern>)267
+1880 y Fr(This)13 b(sets)i(the)f(dotting)f(pattern)h(of)f(the)h(line)e(in)h
+(P)o(ostScript)i(notation.)i(The)c(default)g(is)267 1930 y(a)j(solid)g(line)g
+(describ)q(ed)i(b)o(y)e Fp({[]})p Fr(.)25 b(The)17 b(simplest)e(form)g(is)h
+Fp({[a]})g Fr(where)h(the)g(line)f(is)267 1980 y(blac)o(k)c(for)g
+Fp(a)g Fr(pixels)g(and)h(white)f(for)g(1.)18 b Fp({[a)i(b]})11
+b Fr(w)o(ould)h(mean)f Fp(a)i Fr(pixels)f(blac)o(k)g(follo)o(w)o(ed)267
+2030 y(b)o(y)h Fp(b)g Fr(pixels)g(white.)18 b(A)c(sp)q(eci\014cation)g(of)e
+Fp([a1)21 b(b1)g(a2)g(b2])12 b Fr(w)o(ould)h(b)q(e)h(a)f(cyclic)g(pattern)267
+2080 y(with)g(the)i(line)e(blac)o(k)h(for)f(the)i Fp(a?)j Fr(pixels)c(and)f
+(white)h(for)g(the)g(corresp)q(onding)h Fp(b?)p Fr(.)350 2130
+y(T)373 2139 y(E)396 2130 y(X)o(Graph)h(alos)g(supplies)g(lines)g(with)g
+(arro)o(wheads.)26 b(These)17 b(ma)o(y)e(b)q(e)h(com)o(bined)267
+2180 y(dotting)11 b(patterns)j(giv)o(en)d(ab)q(o)o(v)o(e)h(but)g(a)g
+2422 y Fo(Draft)k(Version:)32 b(1991/8/24)p eop
+%%Page: 186 8
+bop 100 83 a Fn(186)95 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(30:)20 b(T)587 92
+y(E)609 83 y(X)o(Gr)n(aph)267 214 y Fr(y)o(ou)e(w)o(an)o(t)f(the)i(arro)o
+(whead)f(itself)g(dotted.)31 b(There)20 b(are)e(three)i(st)o(yles)e(of)g
+(arro)o(wheads)267 264 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+267 264 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+267 264 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 0 -15 mv 90 -15 lv st np 90 -15 mx 0 neg -90 at -48 11 mv 0 0 lv -48 -11 lv cp gs 1 sg fill gr st gr 180 -15 lv st np 180 -15 mx 0 neg -90 at -48 11 mv 0 0 lv -48 -11 lv st gr 270 -15 lv st np 270 -15 mx 0 neg -90 at -48 11 mv 0 0 lv -48 -11 lv cp 0 sg fill gr st end
+267 264 a
+ grestore
+554 264 a Fr(triangle)f Fp(T)p Fr(,)f(op)q(en)i Fp(O)p Fr(,)e(and)h(\014lled)
+g Fp(F)p Fr(.)f(The)i(size)g(ma)o(y)d(also)h(b)q(e)i(v)n(aried.)267
+314 y(There)d(are)f(no)g(restriction)h(on)e(the)i(direction)f(of)f(the)i
+(arro)o(ws.)j(The)c(commands)e(are)225 376 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\avec)g(h:<..>)f
+(v:<..>)267 449 y Fr(This)15 b(dra)o(ws)h(a)g(v)o(ector)g(with)f(an)h(arro)o
+(w)f(head)h(from)e(the)i(curren)o(t)h(p)q(osition)e(to)g Fp(h:<..>)267
+499 y(v:<..>)p Fr(.)225 609 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\cavec)f(h1:<..>)h(v1:<..>)f
+(h2:<..>)h(v2:<..>)f(h3:<..>)g(v3:<..>)225 682 y Fk(?)h Fp(\\cav)g(\(<h1>)g
+(<v1>\))f(\(<h2>)h(<v2>\))g(\(<h3>)g(<v3>\))267 756 y Fr(These)15
+(wheads.)225 866 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\arrowheadtype)e(t:<type>)267
+939 y Fr(The)14 b Fp(<type>)f Fr(is)h Fp(T)21 b(O)h(F)13 b
+1049 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\arrowheadsize)e(l:<length>)h(w:<width>)267
+1123 y Fr(The)15 b Fp(<length>)e Fr(and)h Fp(<width>)f Fr(are)i(in)f(the)i
+(curren)o(t)g(units.)k(The)15 b(default)f(is)h(0.16in)d(b)o(y)267
+1173 y(0.04in.)24 b(This)16 b(size)i(is)e Fp(independent)e
+Fr(of)i(the)h(curren)o(t)h(scales.)26 b(This)17 b(prev)o(en)o(ts)h(arro)o(w-)
+267 1222 y(heads)c(from)f(disapp)q(earing)g(as)h(a)g(graph)g(is)f(scaled.)225
+1332 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\arrowheadscale)11 b Fr(This)j(mak)o(es)f(the)i(arro)o
+1382 y(unit)k(scales)i(in)e(force)i(when)f(it)g(is)f(called.)30
+b(It)18 b(is)f(not)h(global)e(but)i(is)g(a\013ected)h(b)o(y)f(the)267
+1432 y(grouping)13 b(imp)q(osed)g(b)o(y)g Fp(\\beginsegment)f
+Fr(and)h Fp(\\endsegment)f Fr(pairs.)350 1482 y(F)m(or)d(most)g
+(applications,)g(the)h Fp(\\arrowheadsize)d Fr(and)j(the)g
+Fp(\\arrowheadscale)d Fr(will)267 1531 y(not)14 b(b)q(e)g(needed.)350
+1581 y(The)g(follo)o(wing)c(example)i(of)h(a)g(\(partial\))g(blo)q(c)o(k)g
+(diagram)e(uses)j(these)h(commands.)751 1641 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+751 1641 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+751 1641 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 0 90 mv 150 90 lv st np 150 90 mx 0 neg -150 at -48 11 mv 0 0 lv -48 -11 lv cp gs 1 sg fill gr st gr 150 180 mv 150 0 lv 450 0 lv 450 180 lv 150 180 lv st end
+751 1641 a
+ grestore
+267 1911 a Fr(This)f(w)o(as)g(pro)q(duced)h(b)o(y)e(the)i(follo)o(wing:)267
+1956 y Fj(\\centergr)o(aph)o({\\b)o(tg)441 2001 y(\\move)20
+b(h:0)h(v:.3)441 2046 y(\\avec)f(h:.5)g(v:.3)h(\045)g(arrow)f(vector)f
+(leading)g(into)i(box)441 2091 y(\\move)f(h:.5)g(v:.6)h(\045)g(moves)f(to)h
+(lower)f(lefthand)e(corner)i(of)h(box)441 2135 y(\\lvec)f(h:.5)g(v:0)43
+b(\045)21 b(four)f(sides)441 2180 y(\\lvec)g(h:1.5)g(v:0)350
+2417 y Fo(Draft)c(Version:)32 b(1991/8/24)p eop
+%%Page: 187 9
+bop 1290 83 a Fm(Simple)22 b(V)m(e)n(ctor)f(F)m(orms)95 b Fn(187)441
+214 y Fj(\\lvec)20 b(h:1.5)g(v:.6)441 259 y(\\lvec)g(h:.5)g(v:.6)485
+304 y(\\etg})350 404 y Fr(W)m(e)d(can)h(c)o(hange)f(the)i(t)o(yp)q(e)f(of)e
+454 y(v)o(ectors)c(b)o(y)f(adding)f(adding)g Fp(\\arrowheadtype)19
+b(t:O)13 b Fr(b)q(efore)h(the)h Fp(\\avec)21 b(...)d Fr(to)13
+b(giv)o(e)751 515 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+751 515 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+751 515 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 0 90 mv 150 90 lv st np 150 90 mx 0 neg -150 at -48 11 mv 0 0 lv -48 -11 lv cp 0 sg fill gr 150 180 mv 150 0 lv 450 0 lv 450 180 lv 150 180 lv st end
+751 515 a
+ grestore
+267 787 a Fr(This)h(w)o(as)g(pro)q(duced)h(b)o(y)267 832 y
+Fj(\\centergr)o(aph)o({\\b)o(tg)441 877 y(\\move)20 b(h:0)h(v:.3)441
+922 y(\\arrowhead)o(typ)o(e)e(t:F)h(\045)i(changes)d(default)g(filled)441
+967 y(\\avec)h(h:.5)g(v:.3)h(\045)g(arrow)f(vector)f(leading)g(into)i(box)441
+1012 y(\\move)f(h:.5)g(v:.6)h(\045)g(moves)f(to)h(lower)f(lefthand)e(corner)i
+(of)h(box)441 1057 y(\\lvec)f(h:.5)g(v:0)43 b(\045)21 b(four)f(sides)441
+1102 y(\\lvec)g(h:1.5)g(v:0)441 1147 y(\\lvec)g(h:1.5)g(v:.6)441
+1192 y(\\lvec)g(h:.5)g(v:.6)485 1237 y(\\etg})225 1349 y Fk(?)h
+Fp(\\unitscale)f(<scale>)267 1423 y Fr(This)g(command)e(causes)k(all)e
+1473 y(b)q(e)e(scaled)g(b)o(y)f(the)i Fp(<scale>)p Fr(.)27
+b(Th)o(us)18 b Fp(\\unitscale)k(2.54)16 b Fr(w)o(ould)h(ha)o(v)o(e)g(the)i
+(e\013ect)g(of)267 1523 y(c)o(hanging)11 b(a)g(\014gure)i(where)g(the)f
+(timetres.)350 1573 y(Th)o(us)16 b(the)g(en)o(tire)g(graph)f(is)g(reduced)i
+(to)e(half)g(size)h(b)o(y)f(adding)f Fp(\\unitscale)21 b(.5 )267
+1623 y Fr(at)14 b(the)g(v)o(ery)g(b)q(eginning.)863 1683 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+863 1683 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+863 1683 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 0 45 mv 75 45 lv st np 75 45 mx 0 neg -75 at -48 11 mv 0 0 lv -48 -11 lv cp 0 sg fill gr 75 90 mv 75 0 lv 225 0 lv 225 90 lv 75 90 lv st end
+863 1683 a
+ grestore
+267 1866 a Fr(Note)j(that)f(the)h(arro)o(whead)f(has)h(not)f(c)o(hanged)h(in)
+e(size.)26 b(The)17 b(commands)d(to)i(do)g(this)267 1910 y(are)267
+1955 y Fj(\\centergr)o(aph)o({\\b)o(tg)441 2000 y(\\unitscale)i(.5)43
+b(\045)21 b(causes)f(all)h(subseque)o(nt)d(units)i(to)h(be)g(multiplied)768
+2045 y(\045)h(by)f(.5)441 2090 y(\\move)f(h:0)h(v:.3)441 2135
+2180 y(\\avec)h(h:.5)g(v:.3)h(\045)g(arrow)f(vector)f(leading)g(into)i(box)
+345 2422 y Fo(Draft)f(Version:)f(1991/8/24)p eop
+%%Page: 188 10
+bop 100 83 a Fn(188)95 b Fm(CHAPTER)21 b(30:)h(T)596 92 y(E)619
+83 y(X)o(Gr)n(aph)441 214 y Fj(\\move)e(h:.5)g(v:.6)h(\045)g(moves)f(to)h
+(lower)f(lefthand)e(corner)i(of)h(box)441 259 y(\\lvec)f(h:.5)g(v:0)43
+b(\045)21 b(four)f(sides)441 304 y(\\lvec)g(h:1.5)g(v:0)441
+349 y(\\lvec)g(h:1.5)g(v:.6)441 394 y(\\lvec)g(h:.5)g(v:.6)485
+439 y(\\etg})267 489 y Fr(If)13 b(the)h(arro)o(whead)g(size)h(needed)g(to)e
+539 y(add)f Fp(\\arrowheadscale)e Fr(after)j(the)g Fp(\\unitscale)e
+589 y(Th)o(us)f(w)o(e)g(get)863 650 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+863 650 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+863 650 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 0 45 mv 75 45 lv st np 75 45 mx 0 neg -75 at -24 5 mv 0 0 lv -24 -5 lv cp 0 sg fill gr 75 90 mv 75 0 lv 225 0 lv 225 90 lv 75 90 lv st end
+863 650 a
+ grestore
+267 834 a Fr(This)g(is)f(pro)q(duced)j(b)o(y)267 879 y Fj(\\centergr)o(aph)o
+({\\b)o(tg)441 924 y(\\unitscale)i(.5)43 b(\045)21 b(causes)f(all)h(subseque)
+o(nt)d(units)i(to)h(be)g(multiplied)768 969 y(\045)h(by)f(.5)441
+1014 y(\\move)f(h:0)h(v:.3)441 1059 y(\\arrowhead)o(sca)o(le)d(\045)k(makes)e
+(arrowhea)o(d)f(size)h(sensitive)e(to)j(scalings.)441 1104
+1149 y(\\avec)h(h:.5)g(v:.3)h(\045)g(arrow)f(vector)f(leading)g(into)i(box)
+441 1194 y(\\move)f(h:.5)g(v:.6)h(\045)g(moves)f(to)h(lower)f(lefthand)e
+(corner)i(of)h(box)441 1239 y(\\lvec)f(h:.5)g(v:0)43 b(\045)21
+b(four)f(sides)441 1284 y(\\lvec)g(h:1.5)g(v:0)441 1329 y(\\lvec)g(h:1.5)g
+(v:.6)441 1374 y(\\lvec)g(h:.5)g(v:.6)485 1419 y(\\etg})350
+1519 y Fr(Finally)12 b(w)o(e)i(ha)o(v)o(e)g(an)g(example)e(with)i(dotted)g
+(Bezier)i(splines.)226 1580 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+226 1580 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+226 1580 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv [20 30 20] 0 sd 0 600 lv 0 0 mv st 4 sl [20 20 10 10] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 300 300 600 300 900 0 cv st np 900 0 mx 300 neg -300 at -48 11 mv 0 0 lv -48 -11 lv cp gs 1 sg fill gr st gr st 4 sl [20 20] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 900 0 mv 1200 300 mv 0 600 1500 600 300 300 cv st np 300 300 mx 300 neg 1200 at -48 11 mv 0 0 lv -48 -11 lv cp gs 1 sg fill gr st gr st end
+226 1580 a
+ grestore
+354 2414 a Fo(Draft)k(Version:)f(1991/8/24)p eop
+%%Page: 189 11
+bop 1304 83 a Fm(Simple)15 b(V)m(e)n(ctor)f(F)m(orms)95 b Fn(189)350
+214 y Fr(whic)o(h)14 b(w)o(as)g(giv)o(en)f(b)o(y)267 266 y
+Fp(\\centergraph{)19 b(\\btg)i(\\lpatt)g(p:{[20)f(30)h(20]})681
+319 y(\\lvec)g(h:0)g(v:2)681 371 y(\\move)g(h:0)g(v:0)681 423
+y(\\lpatt)g(p:{[20)f(20)h(10)h(10]})659 475 y(\\cav)f(\(1)h(1\))f(\(2)g(1\))h
+(\(3)f(0\))681 528 y(\\lpatt)g(p:{[20)f(20]})659 580 y(\\move)h(h:4)g(v:1)659
+632 y(\\cav)g(\(0)h(2\))f(\(5)g(2\))h(\(1)f(1\))594 685 y(\\etg)528
+737 y(})267 789 y Fr(This)d(is)h(o\013)f(cen)o(ter)i(b)q(ecause)g(the)g
+840 y(p)q(oin)o(t)13 b(of)h(the)g(Bezier)h(curv)o(e.)267 993
+y Fn(30.5.1)48 b(T)l(ext)15 b(in)g(Graphs)350 1080 y Fr(All)c(text)i(within)f
+(T)652 1088 y(E)675 1080 y(X)o(Graph)g(is)g(actually)f(t)o(yp)q(eset)j(b)o(y)
+e(T)1251 1088 y(E)1274 1080 y(X.)g(Since)h(T)1459 1088 y(E)1482
+1080 y(X)f(do)q(es)h(this)267 1130 y(so)h(b)q(eautifully)m(,)f(it)h(seems)g
+b(The)15 b(commands)267 1181 y(for)e(including)g(text)i(at)f(v)n(arious)f
+(angles)h(are)225 1245 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\htext)f({<text>})267
+1324 y Fr(This)14 b(puts)g(the)h(text)f(in)g(a)f(horizon)o(tal)g
+Fp(\\hbox)g Fr(running)h(from)e(left)h(to)h(righ)o(t.)225 1446
+y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\vtext)f({<text>})267 1525 y Fr(This)14 b(puts)g(the)h(text)f
+(in)g(a)f(v)o(ertical)h Fp(\\hbox)f Fr(going)f(up)o(w)o(ards.)225
+1646 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\rtext)f(d:<degrees>)g(t:{<text>})267
+1725 y Fr(This)14 b(puts)g(text)h(in)e(an)h Fp(\\hbox)f Fr(with)g(an)h
+(arbitrary)g(rotation)f(of)g Fp(<degrees>)p Fr(.)225 1847 y
+Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\rstext)f(d:<degrees>)g(sc:<scale>)g(t:{<text>})267
+1926 y Fr(This)14 b(puts)h(text)f(in)g(an)g Fp(\\hbox)f Fr(with)h(an)g
+(arbitrary)g(rotation)f(of)h Fp(<degrees>)e Fr(and)i(scale)267
+1976 y Fp(<scale>)p Fr(.)350 2029 y(T)m(ext)g(is)g(placed)h(in)f(an)g
+Fp(\\hbox)p Fr(.)k(This)c(b)q(o)o(x)g(is)g(lo)q(cated)h(at)f(the)h(p)q(oin)o
+(t)f(in)f(the)i(graph)267 2079 y(where)i(the)g Fp(\\?text)e
+Fr(command)e(is)k(called.)24 b(In)16 b(order)h(to)g(mak)o(e)d(the)j(exact)g
+(placemen)o(t)267 2130 y(of)f(the)i(b)q(o)o(x)f(in)f(a)h(graph)g(easier,)h
+(nine)267 2180 y(reference)g(p)q(oin)o(ts.)i(The)d(command)c(is)350
+2422 y Fo(Draft)16 b(Version:)32 b(1991/8/24)p eop
+%%Page: 190 12
+bop 100 83 a Fn(190)95 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(30:)20 b(T)587 92
+y(E)609 83 y(X)o(Gr)n(aph)225 214 y Fk(?)h Fp(\\textref)f(h:<L)h(C)h(R>)f
+(v:<T)g(C)h(B>)267 284 y Fr(The)13 b(c)o(hoices)g(of)f Fp(L)22
+b(C)g(R)12 b Fr(are)h(Left,)f(Cen)o(ter,)i(and)e(Righ)o(t)g(resp)q(ectiv)o
+(ely)i(in)e(the)h(horizon)o(tal)267 334 y(and)h(v)o(ertical)f(p)q(ositions.)
+350 383 y(The)h(nine)g(c)o(hoices)h(are)f(sho)o(wn)g(b)q(elo)o(w:)640
+429 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+640 429 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+488 443 a Fr(h:L)f(v:T)640 429 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 42 0 lv 126 84 lv st np 126 84 mx -84 neg -84 at -16 4 mv 0 0 lv -16 -4 lv st gr 0 189 mv st end
+640 618 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+488 632 a Fr(h:L)g(v:C)640 429 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 189 mv 126 189 lv st np 126 189 mx 0 neg -126 at -16 4 mv 0 0 lv -16 -4 lv st gr 0 378 mv st end
+640 807 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+489 821 a Fr(h:L)g(v:B)640 429 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 378 mv 42 378 lv 126 294 lv st np 126 294 mx 84 neg -84 at -16 4 mv 0 0 lv -16 -4 lv st gr 672 0 mv st end
+1312 429 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+1325 443 a Fr(h:R)g(v:T)640 429 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 672 0 mv 630 0 lv 546 84 lv st np 546 84 mx -84 neg 84 at -16 4 mv 0 0 lv -16 -4 lv st gr 672 189 mv st end
+1312 618 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+1325 632 a Fr(h:R)g(v:C)640 429 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 672 189 mv 546 189 lv st np 546 189 mx 0 neg 126 at -16 4 mv 0 0 lv -16 -4 lv st gr 672 378 mv st end
+1312 807 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+1325 821 a Fr(h:R)g(v:B)640 429 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 672 378 mv 630 378 lv 546 294 lv st np 546 294 mx 84 neg 84 at -16 4 mv 0 0 lv -16 -4 lv st gr 336 0 mv st end
+976 429 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+905 429 a Fr(h:C)g(v:T)-407 b
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 336 0 mv 336 10 mv 336 84 lv st np 336 84 mx -74 neg 0 at -16 4 mv 0 0 lv -16 -4 lv st gr 420 147 mv st end
+1060 576 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+1073 590 a Fr(h:C)14 b(v:C)640 429 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 420 147 mv 388 147 lv 336 189 lv st np 336 189 mx -42 neg 52 at -16 4 mv 0 0 lv -16 -4 lv st gr 336 378 mv st end
+976 807 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+905 836 a Fr(h:C)f(v:B)640 429 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 336 378 mv 336 367 mv 336 294 lv st np 336 294 mx 73 neg 0 at -16 4 mv 0 0 lv -16 -4 lv st gr 126 84 mv st end
+640 429 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 126 84 mv 336 84 lv st end
+976 513 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+966 522 a Fq(\017)640 429 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 336 84 mv 546 84 lv st end
+1186 513 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+1176 522 a Fq(\017)640 429 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 546 84 mv 546 189 lv st end
+1186 618 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+1176 627 a Fq(\017)640 429 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 546 189 mv 546 294 lv st end
+1186 723 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+1176 732 a Fq(\017)640 429 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 546 294 mv 336 294 lv st end
+976 723 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+966 732 a Fq(\017)640 429 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 336 294 mv 126 294 lv st end
+766 723 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+756 732 a Fq(\017)640 429 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 126 294 mv 126 189 lv st end
+766 618 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+756 627 a Fq(\017)640 429 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 126 189 mv 126 84 lv st end
+766 513 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+756 522 a Fq(\017)640 429 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+976 618 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+966 627 a Fq(\017)640 429 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+640 429 a
+ grestore
+350 877 a Fr(These)i(reference)h(p)q(oin)o(ts)e(mo)o(v)o(e)e(with)i(the)g(b)q
+(o)o(x)g(as)g(it)g(is)f(rotated)i(or)f(scaled.)350 926 y(As)e(an)g(example)e
+(w)o(e)i(add)f(the)i(follo)o(wing)c Fk(\032)j Fr(=)1082 895
+y Fi(P)1125 905 y Fh(n)1125 939 y(i)p Fg(=1)1188 926 y Fk(\032)1209
+932 y Fh(i)1235 926 y Fr(to)g(the)g(cen)o(ter)h(of)e(the)i(blo)q(c)o(k)267
+976 y(diagram)e(used)k(previously)f(to)g(giv)o(e)751 1019 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+751 1019 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+1051 1109 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+941 1120 a Fk(\032)e Fr(=)1018 1088 y Fi(P)1062 1099 y Fh(n)1062
+1132 y(i)p Fg(=1)1125 1120 y Fk(\032)1146 1126 y Fh(i)751 1019
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+751 1019 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 300 90 mv 0 90 mv 150 90 lv st np 150 90 mx 0 neg -150 at -48 11 mv 0 0 lv -48 -11 lv cp gs 1 sg fill gr st gr 150 180 mv 150 0 lv 450 0 lv 450 180 lv 150 180 lv st end
+751 1019 a
+ grestore
+267 1275 a Fr(The)i(commands)e(to)h(do)h(this)g(are)267 1319
+y Fj(\\centergr)o(aph)o({\\b)o(tg)441 1364 y(\\move)20 b(h:1.0)g(v:.3)g(\045)
+i(moves)e(to)h(center)e(of)i(box)441 1408 y(\\textref)e(h:C)i(v:C)f(\045)i
+(sets)e(text)g(reference)e(to)j(dead)g(center)441 1453 y(\\htext)f
+h(text)441 1497 y(\\move)f(h:0)h(v:.3)441 1542 y(\\avec)f(h:.5)g(v:.3)h(\045)
+g(arrow)f(vector)f(leading)g(into)i(box)441 1586 y(\\move)f(h:.5)g(v:.6)h
+1631 y(\\lvec)f(h:.5)g(v:0)43 b(\045)21 b(four)f(sides)441
+1675 y(\\lvec)g(h:1.5)g(v:0)441 1720 y(\\lvec)g(h:1.5)g(v:.6)441
+1764 y(\\lvec)g(h:.5)g(v:.6)485 1809 y(\\etg})350 1907 y Fr(Arbitrary)14
+b(rotation)g(of)f(text)i(or)f(graphics)g Fp(\\rtext)p Fr(.)j(This)d(example)f
+(uses)i Fp(\\rtext)267 1957 y(d:45)21 b(t:<text>)12 b Fr(in)i(place)g(of)f
+(the)h Fp(\\htext)p Fr(.)751 2000 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+751 2000 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+1051 2090 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 45 neg rt Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+941 2101 a Fk(\032)e Fr(=)1018 2070 y Fi(P)1062 2080 y Fh(n)1062
+2113 y(i)p Fg(=1)1125 2101 y Fk(\032)1146 2107 y Fh(i)751 2000
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+751 2000 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 300 90 mv 0 90 mv 150 90 lv st np 150 90 mx 0 neg -150 at -48 11 mv 0 0 lv -48 -11 lv cp gs 1 sg fill gr st gr 150 180 mv 150 0 lv 450 0 lv 450 180 lv 150 180 lv st end
+751 2000 a
+ grestore
+350 2414 a Fo(Draft)k(Version:)32 b(1991/8/24)p eop
+%%Page: 191 13
+bop 1290 83 a Fm(Simple)22 b(V)m(e)n(ctor)f(F)m(orms)95 b Fn(191)267
+214 y Fr(Note)15 b(that)f(the)h(text)g(spills)f(out)g(o)o(v)o(er)h(the)g
+(edges)g(of)f(the)h(b)q(o)o(x.)20 b(There)15 b(is)g(no)f(guaran)o(tee)267
+264 y(that)g(the)h(text)f(will)f(\014t)h(in)g(the)h(b)q(o)o(x.)j(In)c(fact)g
+315 y(add)i(a)f Fp(\\unitscale)20 b(.7)h(\\arrowheadscale)11
+b Fr(the)k(follo)o(wing)c(results:)818 381 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+818 381 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+1028 444 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+919 455 a Fk(\032)h Fr(=)996 424 y Fi(P)1039 434 y Fh(n)1039
+467 y(i)p Fg(=1)1102 455 y Fk(\032)1123 461 y Fh(i)818 381
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+818 381 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 210 63 mv 0 63 mv 105 63 lv st np 105 63 mx 0 neg -105 at -33 8 mv 0 0 lv -33 -8 lv cp gs 1 sg fill gr st gr 105 126 mv 105 0 lv 315 0 lv 315 126 lv 105 126 lv st end
+818 381 a
+ grestore
+350 613 a Fr(Note)j(that)g(the)h(fon)o(t)e(is)h(not)g(scaled.)21
+b(If)15 b(w)o(e)g(use)h Fp(\\rstext)21 b(d:0)g(sc:.8)h(t:<...>)267
+664 y Fr(w)o(e)14 b(get)818 730 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+818 730 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+1028 793 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 0 neg rt .8 .8 sc Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+919 804 a Fk(\032)e Fr(=)996 773 y Fi(P)1039 783 y Fh(n)1039
+816 y(i)p Fg(=1)1102 804 y Fk(\032)1123 810 y Fh(i)818 730
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+818 730 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 210 63 mv 0 63 mv 105 63 lv st np 105 63 mx 0 neg -105 at -33 8 mv 0 0 lv -33 -8 lv cp gs 1 sg fill gr st gr 105 126 mv 105 0 lv 315 0 lv 315 126 lv 105 126 lv st end
+818 730 a
+ grestore
+267 1081 a Fl(30.6)56 b(Rotated)19 b(Graphics)g(and)g(T)-5
+b(ext)350 1167 y Fr(It)20 b(is)f(p)q(ossible)h(to)g(place)g(graphics)g(or)f
+(text)i(at)e(an)o(y)g(arbitrary)h(direction)g(on)f(a)267 1218
+y(page.)k(It)16 b(is)f(only)g(necessary)j(to)d(include)h(it)f(in)g(a)h
+Fp(\\vtext)e Fr(for)h(v)o(ertical)h(or)f(an)g Fp(\\rtext)267
+1268 y Fr(for)c(an)h(arbitrary)f(rotation.)17 b(Ho)o(w)o(ev)o(er,)12
+1319 y(p)q(oin)o(t)18 b(is)h(that)g(p)q(osition)f(on)h(the)g(page)g(where)h
+(the)f Fp(\\?text)f Fr(w)o(as)h(en)o(tered)h Fn(and)e Fr(that)267
+1369 y(the)c(text/graphics)g(go)q(es)g(at)g(the)g(appropriate)f(angle.)18
+b(The)c(follo)o(wing)d(sho)o(ws)i(a)h(simple)267 1420 y(table)h(angled)g(on)g
+(the)g(page.)22 b(T)m(o)15 b(do)g(this)g(correctly)m(,)h(requires)g(that)f(y)
+o(ou)g(disco)o(v)o(er)h(the)267 1470 y(size)f(of)e(the)h(table.)676
+1580 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+676 1580 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+676 1580 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 0 300 lv st end
+676 1880 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 45 neg rt Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+689 1880 a
+ td begin chv /Yp2 exch def /Xp2 exch def gs Xp2 Yp2 tr 1 1 scale end
+689 1880 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 300 0 lv st end
+1083 1915 a
+ td begin chv /Yp2 exch def /Xp2 exch def gr gs Xp2 Yp2 tr /XposR Xp2 def /YposR Yp2 def Xp2 neg Yp2 neg tr end
+689 1880 a
+ td begin chv /Yp2 exch def /Xp2 exch def gr gs Xp2 Yp2 mv Xp2 Yp2 tr 1 1 scale end
+766 2326 a
+ td begin chv /Yp2 exch def /Xp2 exch def gr gs Xp2 Yp2 tr Xp2 neg Yp2 neg tr end
+766 2326 a
+ td begin chv /Yp2 exch def /Xp2 exch def gr gs XposR YposR tr 0 neg rt XposR neg YposR neg tr Xp2 Yp2 tr .25 .25 sc 4.17 -4.17 scale end /texgraph save def /showpage {} def
+780 2326 a
+0.240000 0.240000 scale
+896 1509 translate
+768 282 scale
+768 282 true [768 0 0 -282 0 282] {<
+ 794 2326 a
+ texgraph restore
+689 1880 a
+ td begin chv /Yp2 exch def /Xp2 exch def gr gs Xp2 Yp2 mv Xp2 Yp2 tr 1 1 scale end
+689 1880 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 300 0 mv 0 150 lv st end
+689 2030 a
+ td begin chv /Yp2 exch def /Xp2 exch def gr gs Xp2 Yp2 tr Xp2 neg Yp2 neg tr end
+689 2032 627 2 v 689 2093 2 61 v 727 2077 a Fr(PR)o(OJECT)g(|)f(Squidget)h(F)
+m(orms)p 1315 2093 V 689 2094 627 2 v 689 2155 2 61 v 712 2139
+a(Milestone)p 907 2155 V 80 w(Due)p 1097 2155 V 80 w(Pro)r(jected)p
+1315 2155 V 689 2157 627 2 v 689 2218 2 61 v 783 2202 a(A)p
+907 2218 V 115 w(Aug.)k(94)p 1097 2218 V 62 w(Jan.)g(95)p 1315
+2218 V 689 2219 627 2 v 689 2280 2 61 v 784 2264 a(B)p 907
+2280 V 120 w(Dec.)g(94)p 1097 2280 V 63 w(Dec.)h(95)p 1315
+2280 V 689 2282 627 2 v 689 2342 2 61 v 783 2326 a(A)p 907
+2342 V 120 w(Jan.)f(95)p 1097 2342 V 126 w(?)p 1315 2342 V
+689 2344 627 2 v 689 1880 a
+ td begin chv /Yp2 exch def /Xp2 exch def gr gs Xp2 Yp2 mv Xp2 Yp2 tr 1 1 scale end
+689 1880 a
+ grestore
+676 1580 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+676 1580 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 300 mv 600 600 lv st end
+676 1580 a
+ grestore
+345 2414 a Fo(Draft)i(Version:)f(1991/8/24)p eop
+%%Page: 192 14
+bop 100 83 a Fn(192)95 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(30:)20 b(T)587 92
+y(E)609 83 y(X)o(Gr)n(aph)350 214 y Fr(This)13 b(w)o(as)h(done)f(with)g(the)h
+(follo)o(wing)d(set)j(of)f(commands.)i(Note)f(that)g(a)f Fp(\\def)f
+Fr(w)o(as)267 259 y(used)18 b(to)f(mak)o(e)f(the)i(construction)g(easier)g
+(to)f(follo)o(w.)26 b Fp(\\lvec)16 b Fr(w)o(as)h(used)h(rather)g(than)267
+305 y Fp(\\move)13 b Fr(in)g(order)i(to)f(mak)o(e)e(the)i(origin)f(mo)o(v)o
+(emen)o(ts)f(visible.)267 351 y Fj(\\def\\samp)o(le{)332 397
+y(\\btg)332 443 y(\\lvec)20 b(h;1)h(v:0)332 490 y(\\incscalef)o(ile)d
+(f:ieeelogo)o(.p)o(s)h(sc:.25)41 b(d:0)332 536 y(\\lvec)20
+b(h:0)h(v:.5)332 582 y(\\htext{\\be)o(gin)o(tab)o(le)507 629
+y(\\begintab)o(le)o(for)o(ma)o(t)528 675 y(&\\center)507 721
+y(\\endtable)o(fo)o(rma)o(t)507 767 y(\\-)507 814 y(\\br{\\:|}\\)o(us)o(e{3)o
+(})e(PROJECT)g(---)h(Squidget)f(Forms)42 b(\\er{|})507 860
+y(\\-)507 906 y(\\br{\\:|})18 b(Milestone)h(|)i(Due)108 b(|)43
+b(Projected)84 b(\\er{|})507 953 y(\\-)507 999 y(\\br{\\:|})g(A)130
+b(|)22 b(Aug.)e(94)h(|)g(Jan.)f(95)152 b(\\er{|})507 1045 y(\\-)507
+1091 y(\\br{\\:|})84 b(B)130 b(|)22 b(Dec.)e(94)h(|)g(Dec.)f(95)152
+b(\\er{|})507 1138 y(\\-)507 1184 y(\\br{\\:|})84 b(A)130 b(|)22
+b(Jan.)e(95)h(|)g(?)283 b(\\er{|})507 1230 y(\\-)463 1277 y(\\endtable})398
+1323 y(\\etg})267 1421 y(\\medskip)267 1467 y(\\centergr)o(aph)o({)354
+1513 y(\\btg)20 b(\\textref)f(h:C)i(v:C)398 1559 y(\\lvec)f(h:0)g(v:1)h(\045)
+g(sets)f(origin)398 1606 y(\\rtext)f(d:45)h(t:{\\sample})398
+1652 y(\\lvec)g(h:2)g(v:2)h(\045)g(sets)f(size)h(of)g(graph)f(...)354
+1698 y(\\etg})267 1745 y(\\medskip)267 1796 y Fr(In)15 b(fact,)f(this)h
+h(the)g(appropriate)267 1846 y(dimensions)e(and)g(then)i(inputted)f(in)g(the)
+g(appropriate)g(place.)267 1994 y Fn(30.6.1)48 b(Circles,)14
+b(Arcs)i(and)f(Fills)350 2080 y Fr(T)373 2089 y(E)396 2080
+o(ostScript)h(to)g(pro)q(duce)267 2130 y(curv)o(es.)19 b(P)o(ostScript)13
+b(uses)h(a)e(p)q(olygonal)e(\014ll)i(on)g(the)h Fn(inside)d
+Fr(of)h(the)i(curv)o(e.)19 b(This)12 b(means)267 2180 y(that)i(the)g
+(direction)g(of)g(the)g(arcs)h(are)f(imp)q(ortan)o(t.)350 2422
+y Fo(Draft)i(Version:)32 b(1991/8/24)p eop
+%%Page: 193 15
+bop 1199 83 a Fm(R)n(otate)n(d)15 b(Gr)n(aphics)g(and)h(T)m(ext)95
+b Fn(193)350 214 y Fr(The)14 b(commands)e(are)-14 b Fk(?)21
+b Fp(\\lcir)g(r:<radius>)267 290 y Fr(This)e(is)f(a)h(circle)g(with)f(the)i
+267 340 y Fp(<radius>)12 b Fr(in)i(the)g(curren)o(t)h(dimensions.)225
+453 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\arcc)g(r:<radius>)e(sd:<degrees>)h(ed:<degrees>)267
+529 y Fr(This)d(is)g(an)f(\\unstrok)o(ed"arc,)i(ie)f(equiv)n(alen)o(t)g(to)f
+(a)h Fp(\\move)f Fr(in)g(the)i(coun)o(ter)g(clo)q(c)o(kwise)267
+579 y(direction)e(from)e Fp(sd:<..>)g Fr(to)i Fp(ed:<..>)p
+Fr(.)22 b(If)16 b(this)f(is)h(used)h(in)e(a)h(\014ll,)f(the)h(cen)o(ter)h(of)
+f(the)267 629 y(circle)e(is)g(the)h(b)q(eginning)e(of)g(the)i(path.)225
+743 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\arcn)g(r:<radius>)e(sd:<degrees>)h(ed:<degrees>)267
+819 y Fr(This)14 b(is)f(the)i(same)e(as)h Fp(\\arcc)f Fr(except)i(that)f(it)f
+(is)h(coun)o(ter)h(clo)q(c)o(kwise.)225 932 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\pfill)f
+(p:<fraction>)267 1008 y Fr(This)11 b(completes)g(a)g(path)g(a)g(\014lls)f
+(the)i(path)f(with)g(a)g(shade)g(of)g(gra)o(y)f(with)h Fp(p:0)g
+Fr(b)q(eing)g(blac)o(k)267 1058 y(and)j Fp(p:1)f Fr(b)q(eing)h(white.)350
+1109 y(The)g(angles)g(are)g(in)g(the)g(directions)h(sho)o(wn)f(here.)766
+1171 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+766 1171 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+766 1171 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 210 420 mv 210 0 lv st np 210 0 mx 420 neg 0 at -48 11 mv 0 0 lv -48 -11 lv cp gs 1 sg fill gr st gr 0 210 mv 420 210 lv st np 420 210 mx 0 neg -420 at -48 11 mv 0 0 lv -48 -11 lv cp gs 1 sg fill gr st gr 210 430 mv st end
+976 1601 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+946 1630 a Fr(90)988 1615 y Ff(\016)766 1171 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+766 1381 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+670 1396 a Fr(180)733 1381 y Ff(\016)766 1171 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+976 1161 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+935 1161 a Fr(270)998 1146 y Ff(\016)766 1171 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+1186 1381 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+1199 1392 a Fr(0)1220 1377 y Ff(\016)1239 1392 y Fk(;)21 b
+Fr(360)1335 1377 y Ff(\016)766 1171 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+766 1171 a
+ grestore
+350 1712 a Fr(Some)13 b(shades)i(of)e(gra)o(y)g(are)h(as)g(follo)o(ws:)361
+1775 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+361 1775 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+361 1775 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 120 0 mv 270 0 lv 270 150 lv 120 150 lv cp 0 sg fill np 120 150 mv 195 165 mv st end
+556 1940 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+546 1967 a Fr(0)361 1775 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+361 1775 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 120 0 mv 240 0 mv 360 0 mv 510 0 lv 510 150 lv 360 150 lv cp .1 sg fill np 360 150 mv 435 165 mv st end
+796 1940 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+780 1967 a Fr(.1)361 1775 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+361 1775 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 360 0 mv 480 0 mv 600 0 mv 750 0 lv 750 150 lv 600 150 lv cp .2 sg fill np 600 150 mv 675 165 mv st end
+1036 1940 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+1020 1967 a Fr(.2)361 1775 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+361 1775 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 600 0 mv 720 0 mv 840 0 mv 990 0 lv 990 150 lv 840 150 lv cp .3 sg fill np 840 150 mv 915 165 mv st end
+1276 1940 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+1260 1967 a Fr(.3)361 1775 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+361 1775 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 840 0 mv 960 0 mv 1080 0 mv 1230 0 lv 1230 150 lv 1080 150 lv cp .4 sg fill np 1080 150 mv 1155 165 mv st end
+1516 1940 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+1500 1967 a Fr(.4)361 1775 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+361 1775 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 1080 0 mv 1200 0 mv 0 240 mv 120 240 mv 270 240 lv 270 390 lv 120 390 lv cp .5 sg fill np 120 390 mv 195 405 mv st end
+556 2180 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+540 2207 a Fr(.5)361 1775 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+361 1775 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 120 240 mv 240 240 mv 360 240 mv 510 240 lv 510 390 lv 360 390 lv cp .6 sg fill np 360 390 mv 435 405 mv st end
+796 2180 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+780 2207 a Fr(.6)361 1775 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+361 1775 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 360 240 mv 480 240 mv 600 240 mv 750 240 lv 750 390 lv 600 390 lv cp .7 sg fill np 600 390 mv 675 405 mv st end
+1036 2180 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+1020 2207 a Fr(.7)361 1775 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+361 1775 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 600 240 mv 720 240 mv 840 240 mv 990 240 lv 990 390 lv 840 390 lv cp .8 sg fill np 840 390 mv 915 405 mv st end
+1276 2180 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+1260 2207 a Fr(.8)361 1775 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+361 1775 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 840 240 mv 960 240 mv 1080 240 mv 1230 240 lv 1230 390 lv 1080 390 lv cp .9 sg fill np 1080 390 mv 1155 405 mv st end
+1516 2180 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+1500 2207 a Fr(.9)361 1775 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+361 1775 a
+ grestore
+350 2414 a Fo(Draft)i(Version:)32 b(1991/8/24)p eop
+%%Page: 194 16
+bop 100 83 a Fn(194)95 b Fm(CHAPTER)21 b(30:)h(T)596 92 y(E)619
+83 y(X)o(Gr)n(aph)350 214 y Fr(An)14 b(example)f(of)g(a)g(use)i(of)e(arcs)i
+(and)f(\014ll)f(is)h(giv)o(en)f(b)q(elo)o(w.)676 273 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+676 273 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+676 273 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 0 0 600 0 45 arc cp .5 sg fill np 0 0 mv 0 0 300 0 45 arc cp 1 sg fill np 0 0 mv 600 450 mv st end
+676 273 a
+ grestore
+350 815 a Fr(This)h(logo)e(is)i(giv)o(en)g(b)o(y)267 860 y
+Fj(\\centergr)o(aph)o({\\b)o(tg)572 905 y(\\arcc)20 b(r:2)h(sd:0)f(ed:45)572
+950 y(\\pfill)g(p:.5)572 995 y(\\arcc)g(r:1)h(sd:0)f(ed:45)572
+1040 y(\\pfill)g(p:1)42 b(\045)21 b(fills)f(the)h(inside)e(with)i(white)572
+1085 y(\\move)f(h:2)h(v:1.5)e(\045)j(to)f(leave)f(enough)f(space)550
+1130 y(\\etg})267 1180 y Fr(This)12 b(sho)o(ws)g(that)h(a)e(\014ll)h(of)f
+(gra)o(y)267 1229 y(underneath.)19 b(This)14 b(strategy)h(is)e(necessary)j
+(in)e(P)o(ostScript)g(\014lling.)267 1384 y Fl(30.7)56 b(Adv)m(anced)20
+b(T)721 1395 y(E)751 1384 y(X)n(Graphics)g(and)f(Segmen)n(ts)350
+1470 y Fr(The)d(most)e(imp)q(ortan)o(t)g(adv)n(anced)h(feature)h(of)f(T)1133
+1479 y(E)1156 1470 y(X)o(Graph)g(is)g(the)h(graphical)f(seg-)267
+1520 y(men)o(t.)25 b(These)18 b(are)f(delimited)e(b)o(y)h Fp(\\beginsegment)e
+(\\endsegment)h Fr(pairs.)26 b(They)17 b(are)267 1569 y(used)e(to)f(create)i
+(eci\014c)j(lo)q(cation)e(in)f(a)267 1619 y(graph.)k(This)11
+b(capabilit)o(y)m(,)f(com)o(bined)g(with)h(T)988 1628 y(E)1011
+1619 y(X's)g(abilit)o(y)f(to)h(create)i(de\014nitions)e(allo)o(ws)267
+1669 y(for)g(the)h(creation)g(of)f(libraries)g(of)g(sym)o(b)q(ols.)16
+b Fn(Segmen)o(ts)11 b(are)i(the)f(only)g(groups)f(that)267
+1719 y(should)j(b)q(e)j(used)f(within)f(a)g Fp(\\btg)f(\\etg)g
+Fn(pair.)1086 1704 y Fg(!)1117 1719 y Fr(A)h(simple)f(example)f(of)i(the)g
+(use)h(of)267 1769 y(this)i(facilit)o(y)e(w)o(as)i(the)h(de\014nition)e(of)h
+(a)f Fp(\\fillbox)g Fr(to)g(create)j(the)e(b)q(o)o(x)g(with)g(the)g(\014ll)
+267 1819 y(pattern)d(sho)o(wn)f(in)f(Section)h(30.6.1.)i(The)f(de\014nition)e
+(w)o(as)267 1864 y Fj(\\def\\fill)o(box)18 b(#1)j({\\move)f(h:.4)g(v:0)659
+1909 y(\\beginsegm)o(ent)681 1954 y(\\absolutep)o(os)o(iti)o(on)681
+1999 y(\\lvec)g(h:.5)g(v:0)681 2044 y(\\lvec)g(h:.5)g(v:.5)p
+267 2089 284 2 v 322 2129 a Fe(!)350 2140 y Fd(This)d(is)g(almost)e(true.)30
+b(Groups)15 b(ma)o(y)h(b)q(e)h(used)e(freely)h(within)g(the)g(argumen)o(t)e
+(of)j(either)e(an)350 2180 y Fo(\\??text)p Fd(.)345 2425 y
+Fo(Draft)20 b(Version:)f(1991/8/24)p eop
+%%Page: 195 17
+bop 1003 83 a Fm(A)n(dvanc)n(e)n(d)16 b(T)1210 92 y(E)1232
+83 y(X)o(Gr)n(aphics)f(and)h(Se)n(gments)96 b Fn(195)681 214
+y Fj(\\lvec)20 b(h:0)g(v:.5)681 262 y(\\pfill)f(p:{#1})681
+309 y(\\move)h(h:.25)g(v:.55)g(\\textref)e(h:C)j(v:T)g(\\htext{#)o(1})637
+357 y(\\endsegment)637 404 y(\\move)f(h:.4)h(v:0)f(\045)i(for)e(symmetry)637
+452 y(})350 557 y Fr(The)13 b(relativ)o(e)g(p)q(osition)f(in)g(outside)i(the)
+608 y(b)q(eside)h(eac)o(h)f(other)h(with)e(ev)o(en)i(spacing)f(and)f(no)h
+(additional)e(instructions.)350 661 y(Eac)o(h)17 b(segmen)o(t)f(has)h(a)f
+Fm(se)n(gment)h(r)n(efer)n(enc)n(e)g(p)n(oint)p Fr(.)26 b(This)16
+b(is)h(the)g(lo)q(cation)f(in)g(the)267 711 y(enclosing)d(segmen)o(t)f(or)h
+Fp(\\btg)g(\\etg)p Fr(,)e(whic)o(h)i(is)g(really)g(just)g(a)f(sp)q(ecial)i
+(segmen)o(t.)j Fn(Abso-)267 762 y(lute)12 b(p)q(ositions)d
+Fm(se)n(gment)h(r)n(efer)n(enc)n(e)267 813 y(p)n(oint)p Fr(.)k(Relativ)o(e)13
+(w)601 881 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+601 881 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+601 881 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 120 0 mv 270 0 lv 270 150 lv 120 150 lv cp .3 sg fill np 120 150 mv 195 165 mv st end
+796 1046 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+780 1072 a Fr(.3)601 881 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+601 881 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 120 0 mv 240 0 mv 360 0 mv 510 0 lv 510 150 lv 360 150 lv cp .5 sg fill np 360 150 mv 435 165 mv st end
+1036 1046 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+1020 1072 a Fr(.5)601 881 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+601 881 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 360 0 mv 480 0 mv 600 0 mv 750 0 lv 750 150 lv 600 150 lv cp .7 sg fill np 600 150 mv 675 165 mv st end
+1276 1046 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+1260 1072 a Fr(.7)601 881 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+601 881 a
+ grestore
+267 1147 a Fr(w)o(ere)g(pro)q(duced)g(b)o(y)267 1195 y Fj(\\medskip)289
+1242 y(\\centergr)o(ap)o(h{\\)o(btg)j(\\relative)o(pos)o(iti)o(on)594
+1290 y(\\fillbox)h(.3)594 1338 y(\\fillbox)g(.5)594 1385 y(\\fillbox)g(.7)572
+1433 y(\\etg})267 1480 y(\\medskip)267 1533 y Fr(Note)13 b(that)g(the)h
+(space)g(after)f(the)h Fp(#1)e Fr(in)h(the)g(de\014nition)g(for)f
+Fp(\\fillbox)f Fr(means)i(that)g(the)267 1584 y(n)o(um)o(b)q(ers)j(are)h
+b(If)16 b(this)h(space)267 1634 y(had)g(b)q(een)i(left)e(out,)h(only)f(the)h
+(ould)267 1685 y(ha)o(v)o(e)e(b)q(een)i(read)f(and)g(the)g(other)g(w)o(ould)f
+1736 y(the)f(page.)267 1891 y Fn(30.7.1)48 b(Segmen)o(t)13
+b(Scaling)350 1978 y Fr(There)j(are)f(sev)o(eral)h(scaling)e(parameters)h
+(that)g(can)h(b)q(e)f(used)h(with)f(segmen)o(ts.)21 b(In)267
+2028 y(addition)13 b(to)i(the)g Fp(\\unitscale)e Fr(there)j(is)e(a)h
+Fp(\\segmentscale)p Fr(.)j(Roughly)13 b(sp)q(eaking)i(the)267
+2079 y Fp(\\segmentscale)i Fr(is)j(used)h(to)f(c)o(hange)g(the)h(scale)f(of)f
+(the)i(presen)o(t)h(and)d(all)g(enclosed)267 2130 y(segmen)o(ts)h(while)f
+(the)i Fp(\\unitscale)d Fr(is)i(used)h(to)f(set)h(the)f(nominal)d(size)k(of)f
+(segmen)o(t)267 2180 y(ob)r(ject.)e(The)10 b(ma)r(jor)e(di\013erence)k(b)q
+(ulate)350 2422 y Fo(Draft)16 b(Version:)32 b(1991/8/24)p eop
+%%Page: 196 18
+bop 100 83 a Fn(196)95 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(30:)20 b(T)587 92
+y(E)609 83 y(X)o(Gr)n(aph)267 214 y Fr(while)g(unitscales)h(do)f(not.)38
+b(An)20 b(example)f(is)i(obtained)f(using)g(the)h Fp(\\fillbox)e
+Fr(in)g(a)267 266 y(segmen)o(t.)f(The)c(follo)o(wing)d(three)k(b)q(o)o(xes)g
+(illustrate)e(the)i(e\013ect.)669 346 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+669 346 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+669 346 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 72 0 mv 162 0 lv 162 90 lv 72 90 lv cp .5 sg fill np 72 90 mv 117 99 mv st end
+786 445 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+770 472 a Fr(.5)669 346 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+669 346 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 72 0 mv 72 0 mv 144 0 mv 228 0 mv 333 0 lv 333 105 lv 228 105 lv cp .7 sg fill np 228 105 mv 280 115 mv st end
+949 461 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+933 488 a Fr(.7)669 346 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+669 346 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 228 0 mv 228 0 mv 312 0 mv 446 0 mv 614 0 lv 614 168 lv 446 168 lv cp .9 sg fill np 446 168 mv 530 184 mv st end
+1199 530 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+1183 557 a Fr(.9)669 346 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+669 346 a
+ grestore
+350 651 a Fr(This)20 b(example)f(should)h(b)q(e)h(studied)g(carefully)m(.)37
+b(The)20 b(actual)g(commands)e(that)267 697 y(pro)q(duced)d(it)f(are)267
+750 y Fj(\\centergr)o(aph)o({\\b)o(tg)k(\\unitscale)g(.3)j(\045)h(changes)d
+(units)594 803 y(\\segments)o(cal)o(e)g(2)855 855 y(\045)j(doubles)d(scale)h
+(of)h(all)f(enclosed)f(segments)855 908 y(\045)j(actual)d(scale)h(is)h
+(.3*2=.6)594 961 y(\\fillbox)e(.5)594 1014 y(\\move)h(h:.8)g(v:0)42
+b(\045)22 b(moves)e(to)h(right)f(beyond)f(box)594 1066 y(\\beginseg)o(men)o
+(t)616 1119 y(\\unitscal)o(e)g(.5)i(\045)g(now)g(unit)f(scale)g(is)h(.5)616
+1172 y(\\segments)o(ca)o(le)d(.7)855 1224 y(\045)k(reduces)d(scale)h(by)h(.5)
+g(--)g(actual)e(scale)h(is)855 1277 y(\045)i(.5*2*.7=.)o(7)616
+1330 y(\\fillbox)c(.7)616 1383 y(\\move)h(h:.8)i(v:0)616 1435
+y(\\beginseg)o(me)o(nt)637 1488 y(\\unitscale)d(1)637 1541
+y(\\segmentsca)o(le)g(.8)43 b(\045)21 b(actual)f(scale)g(is)h(1*2*.7*.8)o
+(=1.)o(12)637 1593 y(\\fillbox)e(.9)616 1646 y(\\endsegme)o(nt)659
+1699 y(\045)j(actual)d(scale)h(is)h(back)f(to)h(.5*2*.7=.7)572
+1752 y(\\endsegmen)o(t)659 1804 y(\045)h(actual)d(scale)h(is)h(back)f(to)h
+(.3*2=.6)550 1857 y(\\etg})267 1915 y Fr(Note)11 b(ho)o(w)e(the)i(segmen)o(t)
+b(Note)11 b(also)267 1967 y(that)j(the)g(scale)h(rev)o(erts)g(to)f(that)g(of)
+f(the)i(enclosing)f(segmen)o(t)f(after)h(an)g Fp(\\endsegment)p
+Fr(.)350 2025 y(It)19 b(is)f(p)q(ossible)h(to)g(prev)o(en)o(t)g(a)g(segmen)o
+2077 y(segmen)o(t)c(scales)i(b)o(y)f(inserting)g(the)g(command)d
+Fp(\\absolutescale)p Fr(.)24 b(This)17 b(is)g(used)h(for)267
+2128 y(sym)o(b)q(ols)12 b(that)i(y)o(ou)g(wish)g(to)g(ha)o(v)o(e)f(the)i
+2180 y(graph.)350 2422 y Fo(Draft)i(Version:)32 b(1991/8/24)p
+%%Page: 197 19
+bop 1003 83 a Fm(A)n(dvanc)n(e)n(d)16 b(T)1210 92 y(E)1232
+83 y(X)o(Gr)n(aphics)f(and)h(Se)n(gments)96 b Fn(197)267 214
+y(30.7.2)48 b(Segmen)o(t)13 b(Command)i(Summaries)350 302 y
+(t)f(p)q(oin)o(ts)h(concerning)h(segmen)o(ts:)225 353 y Fk(?)21
+b Fp(\\beginsegment)267 442 y Fr(This)15 b(b)q(egins)g(a)g(graphical)f
+(segmen)o(t)h(and)g(a)g(group.)22 b(All)14 b(lo)q(cations)g(within)h(a)g
+(segmen)o(t)267 494 y(are)f(relativ)o(e)g(to)g(the)g(origin)f(of)g(the)i
+(segmen)o(t.)225 639 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\endsegment)267 728 y
+Fr(This)15 b(terminates)g(a)g(segmen)o(t)f(and)h(the)h(group.)22
+b(The)15 b(curren)o(t)i(lo)q(cation)d(up)q(on)h(lea)o(ving)267
+780 y(a)f(segmen)o(t)f(is)h(the)g(segmen)o(t)g(origin.)225
+924 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\unitscale)f(<scale>)267 1013 y Fr(The)15
+b Fp(<scale>)f Fr(m)o(ultiplies)e(the)k(presen)o(t)g(segmen)o(t)f(and)g(all)e
+(enclosed)j(segmen)o(ts)f(unless)267 1065 y(they)f(ha)o(v)o(e)g(their)h(o)o
+(wn)e Fp(\\unitscale)p Fr(.)j(A)e Fp(\\unitscale)e Fr(ma)o(y)g(b)q(e)j(c)o
+(hanged)f(at)g(an)o(y)g(time)267 1117 y(within)f(a)h(segmen)o(t.)225
+1261 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\segmentscale)e(<scale>)267 1350 y Fr(The)j
+Fp(<scale>)d Fr(a\013ects)k(the)e(presen)o(t)i(segmen)o(t)e(and)g(all)f
+(enclosed)i(segmen)o(ts)f(unless)267 1402 y(that)e(segmen)o(t)g(is)g
+(protected)i(b)o(y)e(an)f Fp(\\absolutescale)p Fr(.)31 b(Unlik)o(e)19
+b Fp(\\unitscale)p Fr(,)f(the)267 1454 y Fp(\\segmentscale)c
+(alue.)25 b(The)17 b(ac-)267 1506 y(tual)g(scale)g(used)h(for)f(in)o
+(all)g(of)h(the)267 1558 y(enclosing)d(segmen)o(tscales)g(times)f(the)i
+(presen)o(tly)g(activ)o(e)e(unitscale.)225 1702 y Fk(?)21 b
+Fp(\\absoluteposition)267 1791 y Fr(All)14 b(co)q(ordinates)i(are)g(to)f(b)q
+(This)267 1843 y(will)12 b(either)j(b)q(e)g(the)f(graph)g(origin)f(or)g(the)i
+(origin)e(of)g(the)h(curren)o(t)i(segmen)o(t.)225 1988 y Fk(?)21
+b Fp(\\relativeposition)267 2077 y Fr(Co)q(ordinate)c(p)q(ositions)f(are)h
+b(If)17 b(the)267 2128 y(previous)c(command)d(w)o(as)j(the)g(dra)o(wing)f(of)
+2180 y(the)i(cen)o(ter)i(of)d(the)i(circle.)350 2414 y Fo(Draft)h(Version:)32
+b(1991/8/24)p eop
+%%Page: 198 20
+bop 100 83 a Fn(198)95 b Fm(CHAPTER)21 b(30:)h(T)596 92 y(E)619
+83 y(X)o(Gr)n(aph)267 214 y Fl(30.8)56 b(Slide)21 b(Making)350
+300 y Fr(A)15 b(sp)q(ecialized)h(set)g(of)e(commands)f(along)h(with)g
+(appropriate)h(templates)g(exist)g(to)267 350 y(create)j(a)f(transparency)m
+(.)28 b(All)16 b(slides)h(are)g(\\horizon)o(tal".)25 b Fp(\\fullform)15
+b Fr(slides)i(tak)o(e)g(up)267 400 y(an)c(en)o(tire)g(8.5)f(b)o(y)h(11)g(in.)
+k(page)c(and)g(are)g(in)o(tended)h(for)e(displa)o(y)m(.)k Fp(\\textform)c
+Fr(slides)h(are)267 451 y(reduced)h(for)e(text.)18 b(A)12 b
+Fp(\\comment)18 b(<text>)h(//)12 b Fr(command)d(is)j(giv)o(en)g(that)g(is)g
+(suppressed)267 501 y(when)i(the)h Fp(\\fullform)d Fr(is)h(used)i(but)f(is)g
+(prin)o(ted)g(when)h Fp(\\textform)d Fr(is)h(used.)19 b(The)c(text)267
+551 y(in)j(the)h(slides)g(uses)h(a)e(general)h(scaled)g(fon)o(t)f(family)e
+(in)i(the)h(\014le)f Fp(spfont.tex)p Fr(.)30 b(This)267 601
+y(family)10 b(is)i(basically)g(a)g(scaled)i(set)f(of)f Fp(\\tenpoint)f
+Fr(fon)o(ts.)18 b(An)13 b(example)e(is)i(giv)o(en)f(b)q(elo)o(w:)350
+652 y(There)f(are)f(t)o(w)o(o)g(basic)g(forms,)f(the)h(INRS)g(form)e(and)i(a)
+g(General)f(form.)15 b(An)c(example)267 702 y(of)i(the)i Fp(\\inrsform)d
+Fr(is)h(giv)o(en)h(b)o(y)436 817 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+436 817 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+470 886 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 0 neg rt .7 .7 sc Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+697 961 a Fc(HO)n(W)22 b(TO)g(MAKE)i(SLIDES)f(WITH)1061 1036
+y(INRST)1273 1035 y(^)1268 1049 y(E)1303 1036 y(X)563 1142
+y(Prelimi)o(narie)o(s)618 1247 y Fb(\017)29 b Fl(Input)18 b(the)i(macro)d
+(pac)n(k)m(age)j(with)g Fa(\\input)672 1309 y(inrssl.tex)p
+Fl(.)618 1414 y Fb(\016)29 b Fl(Decide)20 b(whether)g Fa(\\fullform)g
+Fl(or)f Fa(\\textform)p Fl(.)618 1518 y Fb(\003)29 b Fl(Decide)20
+b(whether)g Fa(\\inrsform)g Fl(or)f Fa(\\genform)p Fl(.)563
+1645 y Fc(Making)k(it.)618 1750 y Fb(\017)29 b Fl(Use)19 b
+Fa(\\hslide)27 b(<title>//)g(<body>)h(//)p Fl(.)618 1855 y
+Fb(\017)h Fl(Use)19 b(\\//")f(as)h(the)g(delimiter.)436 817
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+436 817 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 34 69 mv 0 0 mv 0 sl 24 0 mv 41 0 lv 32 34 lv 16 34 lv cp 0 sg fill np 16 34 mv st end
+436 817 a
+ td begin 0 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 24 0 mv 44 0 mv 61 0 lv 52 34 lv 36 34 lv cp 0 sg fill np 36 34 mv st end
+436 817 a
+ td begin 0 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 44 0 mv 64 0 mv 81 0 lv 68 52 lv 51 52 lv cp 0 sg fill np 51 52 mv st end
+1516 829 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 0 neg rt .7 .7 sc Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+845 846 a Fl(INRS-T)o(\023)-27 b(el)o(\023)g(ecomm)m(unications)436
+817 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+436 817 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 1080 12 mv 0 48 mv 6 sl 1080 48 lv 1080 837 lv 0 48 mv 0 837 lv 18 837 mv st np 18 837 18 90 180 arc st np 18 837 mv 18 855 mv 1062 855 lv 1062 837 mv st np 1062 837 18 0 90 arc st np 1062 837 mv st end
+436 817 a
+ grestore
+267 1824 a Fp(\\input)20 b(inrssl)h(\045)h(brings)e(in)i(the)f(slide)f
+(macros)267 1875 y(\\textform)g(\045)h(sets)g(textform)g(and)g(size)267
+1926 y(\\formscale)f(.7)h(\045)h(further)e(reduces)g(the)h(size)g(of)h(slide)
+f(by)g(.7)267 1977 y(\\beginmidinsert)267 2028 y(\\inrsform)f(\045)h(sets)g
+(the)h(inrs)f(form)267 2079 y(\\hslide)f(HOW)h(TO)h(MAKE)f(SLIDES)f(WITH)h
+(\\intex//)267 2129 y(\\hd{Preliminaries)o(})267 2180 y(\\bl)354
+2417 y Fo(Draft)f(Version:)f(1991/8/24)p eop
+%%Page: 199 21
+bop 1443 83 a Fm(Slide)22 b(Making)96 b Fn(199)267 214 y Fp(\\lb)21
+266 y(\\lc)h(Decide)g(whether)f({\\tt)h(\\1fullform})e(or)j({\\tt)f
+(\\1textform}.)267 317 y(\\last)g(Decide)f(whether)h({\\tt)g(\\1inrsform})e
+(or)i({\\tt)g(\\1genform}.)267 369 y(\\el)267 421 y(\\hd{Making)f(it.})267
+472 y(\\bl)267 524 y(\\lb)h(Use)g({\\tt)g(\\1hslide)f(<title>//)g(<body>)h
+(//}.)267 575 y(\\lb)g(Use)g({``//''})f(as)i(the)f(delimiter.)267
+627 y(\\el)267 679 y(//)267 730 y(\\endmidinsert)436 891 y
+ /td 50 dict def td begin /mv {moveto} def /lv {lineto} def /st {stroke} def /np {newpath} def /sl {setlinewidth} def /sd {setdash} def /rt {rotate} def /gs {gsave} def /gr {grestore} def /tr {translate} def /cp {closepath} def /sg {setgray} def /chv {currentpoint} def /cv {curveto} def /slc {setlinecap} def /slj {setlinejoin} def /sc {scale} def /at {neg atan rt} def /mx {mv gs chv tr} def end
+436 891 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+470 960 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 0 neg rt .7 .7 sc Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+974 1036 a Fc(This)i(is)f(the)g(title)1061 1137 y(Split)f(here)563
+1417 y(This)h(is)g(an)h(in)n(ternal)f(header)618 1522 y Fb(\017)29
+b Fl(A)19 b(listitem)i(starting)e(with)i(a)e(bullet.)618 1626
+y Fb(\016)29 b Fl(A)19 b(listitem)i(starting)e(with)i(a)e(circle.)618
+1731 y Fb(\003)29 b Fl(A)19 b(listitem)i(starting)e(with)i(an)d(asterisk.)436
+891 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+436 909 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 0 neg rt .7 .7 sc Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+436 919 a Fn(General)13 b(Engineering)g(Inc.)436 891 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+436 909 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 0 neg rt .7 .7 sc Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+436 919 a Fn(General)g(Engineering)g(Inc.)436 891 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+976 1771 a
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 tr 0 neg rt .7 .7 sc Xp1 neg Yp1 neg tr end
+532 1781 a Fn(An)j(Imp)q(ortan)o(t)e(Presen)o(tati)o(on)f({)i(Jan.)21
+b(1,)16 b(2000)436 891 y
+ td begin chv /Yp1 exch def /Xp1 exch def gr gs Xp1 Yp1 mv Xp1 Yp1 tr 1 1 scale end
+436 891 a
+ td begin 4 sl [] 0 sd 1 slc 1 slj np 0 0 mv 34 69 mv 0 0 mv 0 18 mv 0 18 mv 540 880 mv 0 48 mv 6 sl 1080 48 lv 1080 837 lv 0 48 mv 0 837 lv 18 837 mv st np 18 837 18 90 180 arc st np 18 837 mv 18 855 mv 1062 855 lv 1062 837 mv st np 1062 837 18 0 90 arc st np 1062 837 mv st end
+436 891 a
+ grestore
+350 1871 a Fr(It)j(is)f(p)q(ossible)h(to)g(add)g(a)f(commen)o(t)f(to)h(the)i
+(b)q(ottom)d(of)h(the)i(slide)e(whic)o(h)h(only)267 1921 y(sho)o(ws)13
+(t)d(is)j(terminated)f(with)267 1971 y(a)i(//)350 2077 y(This)g(second)h
+(slide)f(w)o(as)f(giv)o(en)h(b)o(y)267 2129 y Fp(\\topdata)20
+b(=)i({General)e(Engineering)f(Inc.})267 2180 y(\\botdata)h(=)i({An)f
+(Important)f(Presentation})354 2423 y Fo(Draft)g(Version:)f(1991/8/24)p
+%%Page: 200 22
+bop 100 83 a Fn(200)95 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(30:)20 b(T)587 92
+y(E)609 83 y(X)o(Gr)n(aph)267 214 y Fp(\\slidedate)g(=)h({Jan.)g(1,)g(2000})
+267 266 y(\\genform)f(\045)i(the)f(general)f(form)h(that)g(uses)g(these)g
+(token)g(strings)267 369 y(\\hslide)f(This)h(is)h(the)f(title)g(\\cr)g(Split)
+f(here)h(//)267 421 y(\\hd{This)f(is)h(an)h(internal)e(header})267
+472 y(\\bl)267 524 y(\\lb)h(A)h(listitem)42 b(starting)20 b(with)h(a)g
+(bullet.)267 576 y(\\lc)g(A)h(listitem)e(starting)g(with)h(a)h(circle.)267
+628 y(\\last)f(A)g(listitem)f(starting)h(with)g(an)g(asterisk.)267
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+(fullform)c(and)i(textform.)267 1698 y Fp(\\textform)h Fr(is)i(.578=1/1.728)d
+(the)j(size)h(of)e Fp(\\fullform)p Fr(.)225 1813 y Fk(?)21
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+(for)g(use)i(in)e(listitems)f(starting)i(with)f Fq(\017)p Fr(,)h
+Fq(\016)p Fr(,)g(and)f Fp(*)h Fr(re-)267 1939 y(sp)q(ectiv)o(ely)m(.)225
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+y(X)n(Graph)225 312 y Fk(?)i Fp(\\begintexgraph)e(\\btg)267
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+(and)f(a)h Fp(\\vbox)p Fr(.)225 549 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\endtexgraph)e(\\etg)267
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+Fr(is)h(v)n(alid)f(suc)o(h)267 862 y(as)h Fp(in,)21 b(cm,)g(pt,)13
+b Fr(or)h Fp(bp)p Fr(.)k(The)c(curren)o(t)i(default)d(is)h
+Fp(in)p Fr(.)225 974 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\hgraphsize)267 1049 y
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+1099 y(It)f(is)g(a)f(dimension.)225 1211 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\hgraphskip)267
+1286 y Fr(This)14 b(actually)f Fp(\\hskip)20 b(\\hgraphsize)p
+Fr(.)225 1399 y Fk(?)h Fp(\\hpix)g(<number>/<unit>)267 1474
+y Fr(This)14 b(is)f(the)i(horizon)o(tal)e(resolution)h(in)f(pixels/unit.)18
+b(The)c(default)f(is)h Fp(300/in)p Fr(.)225 1586 y Fk(?)21
+b Fp(\\vgraphsize)267 1661 y Fr(This)14 b(maxim)o(um)c(v)o(ertical)k
+1670 y(E)1476 1661 y(X)o(Graph.)19 b(It)267 1711 y(is)14 b(a)f(dimension.)225
+1823 y Fk(?)21 b Fp(\\vgraphskip)267 1898 y Fr(This)14 b(actually)f
+Fp(\\vskip)20 b(\\vgraphsize)p Fr(.)225 2010 y Fk(?)h Fp(\\vpix)g
+(<number>/<unit>)267 2085 y Fr(This)14 b(is)f(the)i(v)o(ertical)f(resolution)
+f(in)h(pixels/unit.)j(The)e(default)e(is)h Fp(300/in)p Fr(.)350
+2414 y Fo(Draft)i(Version:)32 b(1991/8/24)p eop
+userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/README b/obsolete/macros/mtex/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..391d1f0832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/README
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Dieser Zoo-File enthaelt die komplette Version der MTEX-Makros zum
+automatisierten Notensatz mit TeX, inkl. Dokumentation.
+Diese Makros bzw. Fonts sind im Rahmen der Diplomarbeiten von
+Frau Steinbach und Frau Schofer in Bonn entstanden. Die Dokumentation
+ist eine Kombination aus diesen beiden Arbeiten.
+Die Files im einzelnen:
+README diese Datei
+mdoc.tex Dokumentation zu MTEX, Plain TeX
+mdoc1.tex Teil der Dokumentation
+mdoc10.tex ""
+mdoc11.tex ""
+mdoc12.tex ""
+mdoc13.tex ""
+mdoc2.tex ""
+mdoc3.tex ""
+mdoc4.tex ""
+mdoc5.tex ""
+mdoc6.tex ""
+mdoc7.tex ""
+mdoc8.tex ""
+mdoc9.tex ""
+mdocabst.tex ""
+mdocams.tex ""
+mdocanha.tex ""
+mdocanhb.tex ""
+mdocanhc.tex ""
+mdocanhd.tex ""
+mdocdef.tex ""
+mdocdef2.tex ""
+mdoceinl.tex ""
+mdocinh.tex ""
+mdocpic1.tex "" (Bilder)
+mdocpic2.tex ""
+mdocpic3.tex ""
+mdocpic4.tex ""
+mdoctit.tex ""
+mdoctrns.tex ""
+mdocverb.tex ""
+mtex.tex Mtex-Makros
+mtexdemo.tex Demo zu Mtex (benoetigt ein 'grosses' TeX)
+mtexinfo.tex Kurz-Dokumentation zu den Makros
+webmac.tex Makros zu WEB (fuer Listing des Preprozessors) Metafont-Source der Notensymbole "" "" "" "" "" "" Metafont-Include-Datei "" "" "" "" ""
+Zum Uebersetzen der Dokumentation wird nur ein Plain TeX mit german.tex
+vorausgesetzt. Die Fonts muessen natuerlich vorher erstellt werden.
+ Dr. P. Janssen
+ Inst. f. angew. Mathematik
+ Universitaet Bonn
+ Wegelerstr. 6
+ 5300 Bonn 1
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc.tex b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c466500f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+%format plaing % PLAIN + GERMAN
+%%format mtexg % PLAIN + GERMAN + MTeX
+\input pictex % there are some figures (in MDOCPIC*.TEX)
+\input mtex % we dont use preloaded mtex
+\input mdocverb % verbatim mode
+\input mdocams % because we now use PLAIN, not OLDAMS base format.
+\input mdocdef % defdipl + dipldef
+\input german
+\input mdoctit
+{\advance \hsize -2cm
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+\input mdocinh
+\input mdoceinl
+\input mdocdef2 % hier NUR fuer MDOC1,2,3! deshalb Klammerung!
+\input mdoc1
+\input mdoc2
+\input mdoc3
+\input mdoc4
+\input mdoc5
+\input mdoc6
+\input mdoc7
+\input mdoc8
+\input mdoc9
+\input mdoc10
+\input mdoc11
+\input mdoc12
+\input mdoc13
+\input mdocanha
+\input mdocdef2 % hier NUR fuer MDOCANHB,C,D! deshalb Klammerung!
+\input mdocanhb % benoetigt noch WEBMAC.TEX
+\input mdocanhc
+\input mdocanhd
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc080b00cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc1.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,897 @@
+ im Zusammenhang mit dem automatisierten Notensatz}
+\centerline{\bigrm 1.\quad Noteneingabesprachen}\smallskip
+\centerline{\bigrm im Zusammenhang mit dem automatisierten Notensatz}
+Bevor auf die Automatisierung des Notensatzes eingegangen wird, soll
+zuerst die her\-k"ommliche Notationsweise von Musikst"ucken, die
+Notenschrift, erl"autert werden, denn aufgrund
+ihrer Gestalt ist
+die Automatisierung des Notensatzes relativ schwer.
+Das Ziel einer schriftlichen Aufzeichnung der Musik mu\3 es sein,
+den Klang graphisch darzustellen und den zeitlichen Ablauf der Musik
+Die heute gebr"auchliche abendl"andische Notenschrift ist seit dem
+11. Jahrhundert st"andig weiterentwickelt worden.
+Dabei hat sie einen hohen Grad der Vollkommenheit erreicht.
+In der Notenschrift werden
+die Tonh"ohe durch die Stellung der Noten im
+Liniensystem, die relative Dauer der Einzelt"one durch die Notengestalt,
+die rhythmische Gruppierung und die Akzentlage durch Taktvorzeichen
+und Taktstriche und das Tempo durch allgemeine Angaben
+oder Metronom--Zahlen
+wiedergegeben. Differenzierungen der Tonst"arke, Verzierungen,
+Artikulationen oder "ahnliche Zus"atze werden durch schriftliche
+Anweisungen oder besondere Zeichen ausgedr"uckt. Die Notenschrift bedient
+sich eines zweidimensionalen Systems, in dem die Noten vertikal
+und horizontal angeordnet werden. Die vertikale Richtung stellt die
+Tonh"ohe und die horizontale
+die zeitliche Aufeinanderfolge der T"one dar.
+Auf diese Art kann die musikalische Struktur einer Partitur bis in
+Einzelheiten visuell veranschaulicht werden.
+Im folgenden soll auf die Problematik des automatisierten Notensatzes
+und die Unterschiede zum automatisierten Schriftsatz deutlich gemacht
+werden. Zus"atzlich zu den Schwierigkeiten bei der
+Entwicklung einer Eingabesprache werden auch kurz die
+Probleme der Notenschriftausgabe angesprochen, weil manche dieser
+Probleme aus der Eingabe resultieren.
+\centerline{\bf 1.1 Problematik des automatisierten Notensatzes}
+Die "ubliche Aufzeichnung
+von Musikst"ucken ist die oben beschriebene
+Niederschrift in Noten. Ihr besonderes
+Merkmal ist die Anordnung sehr unterschiedlicher Zeichen in einem
+zweidimensionalen System, dem Notenliniensystem. Die Zeichen der
+Notenschrift, die in der Gr"o\3e stark variieren, treten nicht nur
+einzeln sondern auch miteinander kombiniert auf.
+Zeichen bzw. Zeichengruppen m"ussen in dem
+Notenliniensystem sehr genau plaziert werden.
+Es spielt also nicht nur die
+horizontale Ausrichtung und Anordnung eine wichtige Rolle, sondern auch
+die vertikale. Beide, horizontale wie vertikale Plazierung der Zeichen,
+sind f"ur das Verst"andnis eines Musikst"ucks gleichbedeutend und
+liefern entscheidende Informationen.\abs
+Die Aufgabe der Eingabesprache f"ur den Computer besteht nun
+einerseits darin, Ausk"unfte "uber die Plazierung der Zeichen
+im Notenliniensystem zu geben. Andererseits sollen
+zus"atzliche Informationen, die durch die
+zweidimensionale Schreibweise vermittelt werden, genau erfa\3t und
+wiedergegeben werden.
+Bei der Entwicklung einer Eingabesprache, die diese Aufgabe l"ost,
+ist die Umsetzung der zweidimensionalen Notenschrift in eine
+lineare Schreibweise die gr"o\3te Schwierigkeit. Diese
+"Ubertragung ist erforderlich, weil f"ur den Computer eine
+Noteneingabe vorliegen mu\3, bei der die Zeichen ausschlie\3lich
+aufeinanderfolgen. Das bedeutet aber auch, da\3 die Zeichen
+der Notenschrift durch ein Zeichensystem ersetzt werden m"ussen,
+das einem Standardzeichensatz f"ur den Computer angeh"ort.
+Bei diesem Umsetzungsschritt sollen die Informationen der Notenschrift
+erhalten bleiben, das hei\3t, die "Ubertragung sollte ohne Verf"alschung
+und ohne Verlust von Informationen stattfinden.
+Der andere Teil der Aufgabe einer Eingabesprache betrifft die
+"Ubermittlung von Informationen zur Plazierung der Zeichen bzw.
+Zeichengruppen. Ziel sollte es dabei sein, da\3 der Benutzer
+nicht die Position der Zeichen in dem zweidimensionalen System,
+sondern ihre Funktion und Bedeutung angeben mu\3. Es
+sollte bei der Dateneingabe auch nicht n"otig sein, das Ende
+einer Notenzeile bzw. einer Seite explizit anzugeben,
+da der Endpunkt einer
+Zeile bzw. Seite innerhalb eines Musikst"ucks ohne Bedeutung ist.
+Mit diesen Ausf"uhrungen ist ein
+wesentlicher Unterschied zum normalen
+Schriftsatz herausgestellt worden. Dort
+kommt es nur auf die horizontale Anordnung und Aufeinanderfolge der
+Schriftzeichen an, die Elemente eines Standardzeichensatzes
+f"ur den Computer sind. Damit entf"allt bei der
+Automatisierung des Schriftsatzes das Problem, die "ubliche
+Niederschrift des Textmaterials bzw. das Zeichensystem
+codieren zu m"ussen.
+Eine Ausnahme bildet \zB der Satz mathematischer
+oder chemischer
+Texte, denn f"ur die Notierung mathematischer bzw. chemischer Formeln
+wird ebenfalls eine zweidimensionale Schreibweise verwandt.
+Es werden dabei auch sehr unterschiedliche Zeichen horizontal wie
+vertikal angeordnet.
+F"ur diese Art von Texten mu\3 es demnach wie bei einer Noteneingabe
+eine Codierungsvorschrift geben, die die zweidimensionale
+Notationsform in eine lineare "ubertr"agt.
+Da die Eingabedaten Grundlagen f"ur einen Ausgabealgorithmus
+sind, wird dieser von der Art der Eingabe beeinflu\3t.
+In unserem Fall bedeutet das, da\3 die
+Positionsermittlung der Zeichen im Notenliniensystem
+Aufgabe des Ausgabeverfahrens ist.
+Au\3erdem mu\3 ein Algorithmus gefunden werden, der den
+Seiten-- bzw. Zeilenumbruch selbst"andig vornimmt,
+weil das Ende einer Zeile bzw. Seite nicht angegeben zu werden braucht.
+An diesen Algorithmus wird die Forderung gestellt,
+da\3 er die f"ur einen Umbruch g"unstigsten Stellen findet. G"unstige
+Umbruchpunkte sind dabei solche, die das Notenbild und die Bedeutung des
+Musikst"ucks nicht beeintr"achtigen.
+Ein Umbruchalgorithmus f"ur den Notensatz mu\3 auch vertikale
+Zusammengeh"origkeiten ber"ucksichtigen.
+Dies ist \zB bei Orchesterpartituren
+notwendig, bei denen die Takte der verschiedenen Stimmen exakt
+untereinander stehen m"ussen. Der Algorithmus sollte
+also f"ur jede Stimme
+g"unstige Umbruchpunkte suchen und dann einen f"ur das gesamte System
+bestimmen, der f"ur alle Stimmen m"oglichst gut ist.
+Solche Umbruchalgorithmen werden auch beim automatisierten
+Schriftsatz benutzt. Allerdings m"ussen dort in den meisten F"allen
+keine vertikalen Zusammengeh"origkeiten beachtet werden.
+Zus"atzlich zur Ein-- und Ausgabe mu\3 eine weitere Voraussetzung
+angesprochen werden, die notwendigen Zeichens"atze.
+F"ur den Notensatz werden eine Vielzahl von Schriftelementen
+ben"otigt, die sich oft nur geringf"ugig unterscheiden. Als Beispiel
+seien dabei die Balken erw"ahnt, die mehrere Noten miteinander
+verbinden. Sie unterscheiden sich haupts"achlich in ihrer L"ange bzw.
+Steigung. W"unschenswert ist daher
+ein zus"atzliches Programmpaket, das beliebige
+Zeichens"atze mit m"oglichst geringem manuellem Aufwand erstellt.
+Die angef"uhrten Themen werden in den n"achsten
+Kapiteln n"aher erl"autert und Probleml"osungen angegeben.
+Die Umsetzung der
+zweidimensionalen Notation in eine eindimensionale wird im
+zweiten Kapitel, die Zeichensatzerstellung in
+Anhang D behandelt.
+Algorithmen, die den \SZ\ optimieren bzw. die Zeichen im
+Notenliniensystem genau plazieren, werden in der Arbeit von
+A. Steinbach beschrieben.
+\centerline{\bf 1.2 Einsatz des Textsatzsystems \TeX\
+f"ur den Notensatz}
+In diesem Abschnitt soll gezeigt werden, aus welchen Gr"unden
+das schon mehrfach erw"ahnte \Tss\ \TeX\ f"ur den
+automatisierten Notensatz verwandt werden kann.
+Zuerst wird eine zusammenfassende Beschreibung der Arbeitsweise
+mit dem \Tss\ gegeben.
+Mit \TeX\ k"onnen alle Arten von Schrifttexten verarbeitet werden,
+auch mathematische und chemische Formeln.
+F"ur die Textverarbeitung mit \TeX\ wird eine gew"ohnliche
+sequentielle Eingeabedatei erstellt, die den zu setzenden Text enth"alt.
+Zusammen mit dem Text werden Steuerbefehle eingegeben, die angeben,
+auf welche Art der Text verarbeitet wird. Diese
+Steuerbefehle k"onnen Einflu\3 auf die Formatierung nehmen oder
+Sonderzeichen ansprechen, wie sie \zB
+f"ur mathematische Formeln ben"otigt
+Aus dieser Eingabedatei erzeugt \TeX\ eine Datei, die Angaben
+"uber die Art der Zeichen und ihre Position auf einer Manuskriptseite
+enth"alt. Diese Datei ist vom m"oglichen Ausgabeger"at v"ollig
+Mit einem ger"ateabh"angigen Programm wird nun aus dieser Datei
+das tats"achliche lesbare Dokument erstellt.
+Bemerkenswert ist dabei vor allem, da\3 keinerlei Informationen
+"uber Position der Schriftzeichen
+oder Umbruchpunkte in der Eingabe n"otig sind, um
+eine lesbare Ausgabe zu erhalten.
+Damit bietet \TeX\ auch dem Benutzer, der keine oder nur geringe
+Kenntnisse von Satzregeln besitzt, die M"oglichkeit, eine
+gut formatierte Ausgabe zu erzielen. Andererseits stellt \TeX\
+Mittel bereit, die es zulassen, da\3 der Benutzer den Text genau
+nach seinen Vorstellungen formatieren kann.
+Zu dem \Tss\ \TeX\ geh"ort das Programmpaket \mf\ \lit{\Knuthmf}, das
+f"ur den Textsatz notwendige Zeichens"atze generieren kann.
+Im folgenden werden die Gr"unde dargelegt, die
+f"ur eine Anwendung des \Tss s \TeX\
+beim automatisierten Notensatz sprechen.
+Einige Aspekte werden beim Vergleich der Anwendungsbereiche und
+der Arbeitsweise von \TeX\ mit den speziellen Fragestellungen des
+Notensatzes deutlich. Bei der Entwicklung der
+Ein-- bzw. Ausgabeverfahren f"ur dieses Textsatzsystem mu\3ten
+"ahnliche Probleme gel"ost werden. Die Gemeinsamkeiten dieser
+Probleme betreffen vor allem
+\item{---} die Umsetzung der zweidimensionalen in eine
+lineare Notation,
+\item{---} die Formatierung des Textes,
+\item{---} die M"oglichkeit, verschiedenartige Texte miteinander
+zu verarbeiten und
+\item{---} die Wahl der Ausgabeger"ate.
+Die aufgef"uhrten Punkte werden nun n"aher erl"autert und
+in Verbindung mit dem Notensatz gebracht.
+Einer der entscheidenden
+Gr"unde, die eine Anwendung des Textsatzsystems \TeX\ bei der
+Automatisierung des Notensatzes rechtfertigen,
+ist sicherlich,
+da\3 es alle M"oglichkeiten bietet, um auch
+mathematische Texte zu setzen.
+Bisher mu\3ten mathematische
+Manuskripte genau wie musikalische ausschlie\3lich von
+ausgebildeten Schriftsetzern gesetzt werden. Der Einsatz des Satzsystems
+\TeX\ macht es m"oglich, da\3 auch Laien mathematische Texte setzen
+F"ur den Notensatz ist das insofern von Bedeutung, weil
+der Satz mathematischer und \m er Manuskripte
+Gemeinsamkeiten aufweist, die sich vor allem darin begr"unden, da\3 in
+beiden F"allen die Zeichen innerhalb eines zweidimensionalen Systems
+angeordnet werden.
+F"ur die Eingabe mathematischer Texte mu\3 ebenfalls
+-- "ahnlich wie f"ur die Notenschrifteingabe --
+eine Methode gefunden werden,
+die die oft zweidimensionale Notationsweise f"ur mathematische Formeln
+in eine eindimensionale
+"ubertr"agt. Knuth ist dies mit seinem \Tss\ auf eine f"ur den Benutzer
+relativ leicht zu handhabende Weise gelungen, ohne da\3 das System die
+M"oglichkeiten des Benutzers einschr"ankt oder Strukturen
+der "ublichen Notation verf"alscht.
+Mathematische Texte weisen eine
+"ahnliche Blockstruktur wie Musikst"ucke auf. Mit \TeX\ werden die
+vorkommenden Bl"ocke in der Eingabe auch
+als solche kenntlich gemacht. Die Blockstruktur von Musikst"ucken
+zeigt sich in der Zusammenfassung von Notenschriftzeichen
+zu Gruppen wie Akkorde,
+Verbalkungen, Takte oder im
+Zusammenschlu\3 mehrerer Systeme zu einer Partitur.
+Mit dem Satzsystem von Knuth erfolgt auch dann eine gut formatierte
+wenn der Benutzer keine
+oder nur geringe Kenntnisse von Satzregeln besitzt.
+Gleichzeitig weist das System
+so viel Flexibilit"at auf, da\3
+es die Umsetzung fester Vorstellungen vom
+Layout des gesetzten Textes zul"a\3t. Beide M"oglichkeiten sollen auch
+f"ur den Notensatz verwirklicht werden. Das bedeutet, da\3
+mit Hilfe einer vorgegebenen Formatierung ein Benutzer, der mit den
+nicht vertraut ist, Partituren eingeben kann und
+eine publikationsf"ahige Notenausgabe
+erh"alt. Die W"unsche des Benutzers bez"uglich der Formatierung k"onnen
+aber mittels Steuerbefehlen ebenfalls ber"ucksichtigt werden.
+Des weiteren soll es auch f"ur eine vom Benutzer gew"ahlte
+Formatierung nicht n"otig sein,
+das Ende einer Zeile bzw. Seite einzugeben. Diese
+Endpunkte sollen mittels eines Umbruchalgorithmus gesucht werden.
+F"ur das \Tss\ \TeX\ wurde
+ein Algorithmus entwickelt, der den \SZ\ optimiert und auf
+diese Weise die Formatierung erleichtert.
+Mit Hilfe des Satzsystems von Knuth k"onnen Texte gemeinsam verarbeitet
+werden, obwohl sie sich in ihrer Struktur unterscheiden. Beispiele
+daf"ur sind mathematische bzw. chemische Formeln oder anderssprachige
+Manuskripte, die andere Schriftzeichen verwenden. Dadurch scheint die
+M"oglichkeit gegeben zu sein, auch musikalische St"ucke zusammen mit
+anderem Textmaterial verarbeiten zu k"onnen. Erleichtert wird das noch
+durch die Tatsache, da\3 die Verarbeitung mathematischer und
+musikalischer Manuskripte "ahnliche Fragen aufwirft und diese f"ur
+mathematische Texte gel"ost wurden.
+Die Kombination des Notensatzes mit
+einem \Tss\ macht es au\3erdem "uberfl"ussig, Zeichens"atze zu
+generieren, die die Schriftzeichen f"ur Texte, die innerhalb eines
+Musikst"ucks vorkommen, enthalten. Die Zeichs"atze f"ur die
+Notenschriftzeichen k"onnen mit dem Programmpaket \mf, das ebenfalls von
+Knuth entwik\-kelt wurde, erzeugt werden. Mit \mf\ werden Zeichens"atze
+verh"altnism"a\3ig schnell und ohne gro\3en Arbeitsaufwand des Benutzers
+Eine weitere Eigenschaft
+des \Tss\ \TeX\ besteht darin, da\3 es maschinen-- und
+ausgabeger"ateunabh"angig arbeitet.
+Eine Ausgabe wird nicht nur mit einem bestimmten
+Ausgabeger"at erreicht, sondern
+jede \TeX--Eingabedatei kann durch geeignete
+Programme so aufbereitet werden, da\3 die Ausgabe mit verschiedenen
+Ausgabeger"aten m"oglich ist.
+Dies ist in der heutigen Zeit nicht
+unwesentlich, da es eine Vielzahl verschiedener Ger"ate zur
+Datenverarbeitung gibt.
+Allerdings h"angt die Qualit"at der Ausgabe vom benutzten
+Ausgabeger"at ab.
+Aufgrund dieser Gesichtspunkte
+sollte im Zusammenhang mit der Automatisierung
+des Notensatzes versucht werden, eine Notenausgabe mit Hilfe des \Tss s
+\TeX\ zu
+erzielen. Dazu ist es notwendig, zus"atzlich zu der Noteneingabesprache
+ein "Ubersetzungsprogramm zu entwickeln, das die Eingabedatei
+in eine Form "ubertr"agt, auf die \TeX\
+angewandt werden kann. Dieses Programm wird in
+Anhang B beschrieben.
+Bevor eine Sprache zur Notenschrifteingabe entwickelt werden kann,
+m"ussen die Grunds"atze, auf denen ein
+solches Verfahren basieren soll, erarbeitet werden.
+Dabei mu\3 vor allem beachtet werden, da\3 eine Noteneingabesprache
+nicht speziell f"ur eine Anwendungsm"oglichkeit entwickelt werden soll,
+sondern es soll jede Weiterverarbeitung m"oglich werden.
+Nat"urlich ist
+es dann notwendig, spezielle Programme, die die Eingabe nach
+Wunsch aufbereiten, zu erstellen. "Anderungen am Eingabematerial sollten
+allerdings unn"otig sein, \dh die Erstellung einer einzigen
+Eingabedatei sollte ausreichen.
+Denkbare Anwendungsbereiche k"onnten neben der Automatisierung
+des Notensatzes die Analyse von Musikst"ucken, die Kopie einzelner
+Stimmen zur Katalogisierung oder Transponieren der Stimmen sein.
+Es werden nun
+zun"achst die
+Bedingungen gestellt, die eine Eingabemethode erf"ullen sollte.
+Dabei wird die allgemeine Anwendbarkeit der Sprache
+beachtet, obwohl haupts"achlich auf den Notensatz eingegangen wird.
+\centerline{\bf 1.3 Grundlegende Anforderungen an eine Sprache zur
+F"ur die \A\ des Notensatzes ist eine sinnvolle
+Methode zur Eingabe des musikalischen Materials von gro\3er Bedeutung,
+weil sie -- zusammen mit der maschineninternen
+Behandlung der eingegebenen Daten -- Auswirkungen auf die
+Notenschriftausgabe hat. Eine Eingabesprache, die das Klangbild
+musikalischer Werke nicht exakt erfassen kann,
+f"uhrt dazu, da\3
+unabh"angig von der
+Beschaffenheit des Ausgabeverfahrens
+verf"alscht oder fehlerhaft wiedergegeben werden.
+Aus diesem Grund resultieren einige der Bedingungen aus
+"Uberlegungen, die zur Ausgabe gemacht wurden. Die wichtigsten
+Forderungen beziehen sich auf die Darstellung der Eingabedaten
+und die
+Einsatzm"oglichkeiten f"ur den Benutzer.
+Es wurde schon zu Anfang dieses Kapitels erw"ahnt,
+da\3 mit der Notenschrift das
+Klangbild einer Partitur bis in Einzelheiten
+erfa\3t werden kann. Das liegt daran,
+da\3 zus"atzlich zu den Angaben zu jedem einzelnen Ton diese Darstellung
+auch den Bezug jedes Tons zur Gesamtstruktur des Musikst"ucks in seinem
+wie vertikalen Aufbau erkennen l"a\3t.
+Das Ziel bei der Entwicklung einer Eingabesprache
+mu\3 also sein, diese Informationsvielfalt der gebr"auchlichen
+Notation wiederzugeben.
+der Komplexit"at der Musik und ihrer
+Notationsform ist es nicht einfach, das mit einer linearen
+Eingabemethode zu verwirklichen.
+Zus"atzlich wird das noch durch die Tatsache erschwert,
+da\3 eine lineare Notation ein anderes Zeichensystem als
+Grundlage hat. Aus der Vielschichtigkeit der
+Notenschrift lassen sich Bedingungen f"ur die
+Eingabemethode in Textform ableiten.
+Die lineare Darstellung der Musik sollte die gleiche
+"Ubersichtlichkeit aufweisen wie die "ubliche Notation. Das bedeutet,
+da\3 die Art der Musik und
+das Klangbild der Partitur deutlich werden mu\3 und unmittelbar
+erkennbar sein sollte.
+Dies wird
+gew"ahrleistet, wenn die Eingabedatei haupts"achlich Daten zur
+Funktion und Bedeutung eines Zeichens innerhalb des \m en Werks
+Die Alternative w"are, die Position der Zeichen anzugeben.
+Dazu w"are es notwendig, das
+Notenliniensystem mit einer Skalierung zu versehen und dann als
+Koordinatensystem zu betrachten.
+w"urde dabei
+die geforderte "Uberschaubarkeit nicht vorhanden sein, weil
+jedes Zeichen f"ur sich ohne Ber"ucksichtigung seiner Umgebung
+eingegeben werden m"u\3te.
+Da die Funktion und nicht die Position der Zeichen f"ur die
+Eingabe relevant sein soll, kann die folgende Bedingung gestellt
+Die Eingabe soll nicht
+zeilenweise erfolgen. Das Ende einer Zeile bzw. Seite
+innerhalb eines
+Musikst"ucks braucht deshalb bei der linearen \Em\
+nicht gekennzeichnet werden. Der Grund daf"ur liegt darin, da\3
+im Fall einer zeilenweise Eingabe
+der Zusammenhang und die "Uber\-schau\-barkeit des Musikst"ucks
+verloren geht.
+Beispielsweise m"u\3ten bei
+dieser Art der Eingabe die verschiedenen Instrumentenstimmen einer
+Orchesterpartitur zerst"uckelt eingegeben werden.
+Die weiteren Anforderungen betreffen die Kenntnisse, die ein
+Benutzer haben sollte, der die Methode zur Noteneingabe benutzen
+Ein \Ev\ sollte
+schnell erlernbar und einfach zu handhaben sein. Diese
+Forderung kann erf"ullt werden, wenn die
+Angaben, die eingegeben werden m"ussen,
+dem \m en Sprachgebrauch angepa\3t
+sind. Das spricht wiederum daf"ur, auf Positionsangaben zu verzichten.
+Die Noteneingabesprache sollte so beschaffen
+sein, da\3 auch Laien sie benutzen k"onnen.
+Der Benutzer sollte weder
+Programmierkenntnisse ben"otigen
+noch Notensatzregeln beherrschen m"ussen.
+Fertigkeiten im Notenlesen sollten ausreichen, um eine Eingabe f"ur den
+Computer erstellen zu k"onnen.
+Anhand dieser Bedingungen soll im n"achsten Kapitel eine Eingabesprache
+entwickelt werden. Dabei wird aufgrund der Themenstellung dieser Arbeit
+vor allem die Automatisierung des Notensatzes ber"ucksichtigt.
+Zuvor werden einige andere Noteneingabeverfahren vorgestellt, die
+aus verschiedenen Motiven entwickelt wurden.
+\centerline{\bf 1.4 Er"orterung und Vergleich
+vorhandener Eingabeverfahren}
+Schon seit einiger Zeit werden
+einige Methoden zur Noteneingabe, die f"ur den Computer geeignet
+sind, ver"offentlicht. Der Nachteil der meisten dieser Eingabeverfahren
+besteht darin, da\3 sie nicht sehr flexibel und in ihrer Verwendbarkeit
+eingeschr"ankt sind. Die Mehrzahl erf"ullt nur einen
+Teil der oben genannten Bedingungen. Um einen ungef"ahren "Uberblick
+"uber die bereits ver"offentlichten Arbeiten zu diesem Thema zu
+erhalten, werden im folgenden einige davon beschrieben. Ein
+Gesichtspunkt der Untersuchung dieser Eingabemethoden wird dabei sein,
+ob die obigen Anforderungen erf"ullt werden. Daran kann erkannt werden,
+wie geeignet die Methode f"ur die verschiedenen Aufgaben ist. \abs
+Allerdings k"onnen an dieser Stelle nicht alle vorhandenen Methoden zur
+computergerechten Noteneingabe erfa\3t werden. Genauso wenig ist es
+m"oglich, die Eingabeverfahren vollst"andig zu beschreiben und auf jede
+Codierungsvorschrift einzugehen. Doch ein "Uberblick "uber die
+zug"anglichen Publikationen wird trotzdem vermittelt, und einige
+grundlegende Unterschiede der einzelnen Methoden werden ersichtlich.
+Die Eingabemethoden, die beschrieben werden, stehen
+jeweils stellvertretend f"ur eine Gruppe
+"ahnlicher Verfahren. Mit deren Hilfe werden typische Unterschiede
+zwischen den Methoden deutlich. Die Vorstellung der \Ev\ erfolgt
+anhand einer knappen Zusammenfassung der Regeln und einiger
+\subheading{1.4.1 Plaine and Easy Code \lit{\Brook}}
+Den Angaben der Autoren zufolge ist diese Methode
+nicht entwickelt worden, um vollst"andige Partituren einzugeben. Ihre
+Absicht bestand darin, eine M"oglichkeit zu schaffen, Ausz"uge aus
+Partituren -- vor allem den Anfang der Musikst"ucke -- speichern zu
+k"onnen. Dies wird ben"otigt f"ur Bibliothekskarteien zur
+Katologisierung und
+Identifizierung \m er Werke, f"ur Kataloge, f"ur Musikbeispiele in
+Artikeln und B"uchern, bei der Aufstellung von Karteien mit den
+wichtigsten Merkmalen eines Musikst"ucks.
+Um den Aufbau der Eingabesprache von Brook und Gould trotz einer
+knappen Beschreibung deutlich werden zu lassen, wird zun"achst ein
+Beispiel f"ur ihre Eingabe vorgestellt.
+$$\hbox{(All bBEAm 34) ,4G / C E G / 2C 4E / 2D ,4xF / 2.G
+ $\us$ / G /}$$
+%Beispiel Brook S.142 oben
+Da es vor allem darum
+geht, den Anfang eines Musikst"ucks f"ur eine Klassifizierung
+computergerecht aufzubereiten, haben Brook und Gould die \Em\ in zwei
+Teile aufgegliedert.
+Der erste Teil enth"alt die Angaben zu Tempo,
+Notenschl"ussel, Vorzeichnung und Taktart. Zus"atzlich k"onnen Aussagen
+"uber Instrumente bzw. Stimmen, Satznummern und "ahnliches notiert
+werden. Die Eingabe des Tempos und der Instrumente bzw. Stimmen erfolgt
+durch eine Abk"urzung ihres Namens; die Taktart wird mit Hilfe zweier
+Zahlen, die durch einen Schr"agstrich getrennt werden k"onnen,
+notiert; f"ur die
+Vorzeichnung wird die Art der Vorzeichen durch einen Buchstaben
+eingegeben, auf den die Notennamen der Noten folgen, vor denen das
+Vorzeichen steht; und der Notenschl"ussel wird durch ein Codewort
+Der zweite Teil der Eingabe enth"alt ein St"uck des Melodieverlaufs.
+Dabei werden die Notennamen durch Gro\3buchstaben angegeben. Vor den
+Notennamen m"ussen zus"atzliche Angaben wie Tondauer, Oktave,
+Versetzungszeichen und Punktierungen stehen. Diese werden gem"a\3 ihrem
+Sprachgebrauch codiert: die Tondauer als Ziffer, Versetzungszeichen als
+Buchstabe, Punktierungen durch die entsprechende Anzahl von Punkten und
+Oktaven durch eine Anzahl von Kommata, die der Oktavlage entspricht.
+Einzelne Noten werden durch Leerstellen voneinander getrennt, die
+Takte werden mit einem Schr"agstrich abgeschlossen.
+die Verbindung einzelner Noten mit einem Bogen
+wird von den Autoren unterschieden, ob zwei oder mehr
+Noten mit einem Bogen verbunden werden. F"ur mehrere Noten wird der
+Bogenanfang durch den Buchstaben `y', das Bogenende mit `z' markiert.
+Falls nur zwei Noten miteinander verbunden werden, so reicht es aus,
+dies mit einem Querstrich zwischen den beiden Noten zu kennzeichnen.
+$$\bunch\hbox{($\sharp$FC 44) `4.D 8D 4E - / 4.F 8F F y ,8B E G z /}\\
+\hbox{G$\us$4F 8E D E y 4F$\us$ / 8F 6E D z 4E 2F //}\endbunch$$
+%Smith S. 303, aber mit verbundenen Achtel-Noten
+Andere Arten von Notengruppen wie Triolen werden mit einer erkl"arenden,
+codierten Bemerkung in runde Klammer eingefa\3t.
+Auf Verbalkungen von Noten wird nicht n"aher eingegangen, da
+vorausgesetzt wird, da\3 Balken immer dort gezeichnet werden,
+wo zwei oder mehr aufeinanderfolgende Noten mindestens ein F"ahnchen
+Die Erfassung der Notenschrift durch
+diese Eingabemethode ist unkompliziert und leicht verst"andlich, schon
+allein dadurch, da\3 versucht wurde, die normalerweise gebr"auchliche
+\m e Ausdrucksweise zu simulieren.
+Weiterhin leistet dieses Verfahren
+genau das, wof"ur es von Brook und Gould
+entwickelt wurde:
+es erleichtert die Katalogisierung von Instrumentenstimmen, Themen,
+charakteristischen Tonfolgen und "ahnliche Ausz"uge mit deren Hilfe eine
+Partitur klassifiziert werden kann.
+Damit sind die Anwendungsm"oglichkeiten
+dieser Eingabesprache aber schon weitgehend ersch"opft.
+Es werden von den Autoren keine Mittel bereitgestellt, um Partituren
+oder andere mehrstimmige Musikst"ucke und Vokalmusik zu erfassen. Auch
+f"ur die Notation kompletter einstimmiger Systeme ist das Verfahren in
+der vorgestellten Form nicht geeignet, da f"ur viele in der Notenschrift
+benutzten Zeichen und Symbole keine Synonyme in der linearen
+Eingabemethode angegeben wurden, \zB f"ur Tonst"arkegrade wie crescendo,
+descrescendo, Artikulationen oder Wiederholungen.
+Es fehlen auch Angaben, ob
+mehrzeilige Eingaben m"oglich sind und ob diese zeilenweise oder an
+einem St"uck eingegeben werden m"ussen. Zumindest wurden dar"uber in den
+Ver"offentlichungen der beiden Autoren keine Angaben gefunden.
+Insgesamt l"a\3t der einfache Aufbau dieses Eingabeverfahrens aber
+Erweiterung zu, so da\3 es auch f"ur anderweitige Anwendungen benutzt
+werden kann.
+Eine ganz andere Vorgehensweise benutzt Leland Smith \lit{\Smith} bei
+dem von ihm entwickelten \Ev.
+\subheading{1.4.2 Verfahren zur Noteneingabe von L. Smith}
+Smith besch"aftigt sich in seiner Arbeit mit dem automatisierten
+Notensatz. Deshalb beschreibt er neben einer \Em\ auch die
+Weiterverarbeitung der eingegebenen Daten und wie eine Ausgabe
+angefertigt werden und aussehen kann.
+Um eine Vorstellung "uber die Art des \Ev s zu gewinnen, wird vor der
+Beschreibung wieder ein Beispiel, das aus der Computer--Eingabe und der
+entsprechenden Notation in Notenschrift besteht, angegeben.
+Die dargestellte Notenschrift entspricht allerdings nicht der Ausgabe
+von Smith, sondern wurde mit dem Verfahren von A. Steinbach \lit{\Steinb}
+\hbox{TR/K2S/4 4/D5//E/R/M/F///B4/E5/G/M/G/F/E/D/E/F/M/F/E/D/E/
+\hbox{4./8/4//4./8 x 6/4/8///4/8/16//4/2$*$}\\
+\hbox{7 9/ 16 18$*$}\\
+\hbox{7 9 2/ 10 11 1/ 15 16 1/ 15 18 2$*$}\endbunch$$
+%Smith S. 303
+An diesem Beispiel ist die Struktur der Eingabedatei erkennbar. Sie ist
+in verschiedene Abschnitte unterteilt, die jeweils andere Informationen
+zu den Zeichen der Notenschrift enthalten. Au\3erdem mu\3 die Eingabe
+zeilenweise erfolgen, \dh das Ende einer Notenzeile wird bei der Eingabe
+f"ur den Computer durch ein besonderes Zeichen, einen Stern,
+Einzelne Informationen zu einem Zeichen, die zu einer Datengruppe
+geh"oren, sind bei der
+Computer--Eingabe durch Schr"agstriche voneinander getrennt. Falls eine
+Angabe zu einem Zeichen mit der vorhergehenden
+identisch ist, so kann diese weggelassen werden, der trennende
+Schr"agstrich mu\3 aber auf jeden Fall geschrieben werden.
+Der erste Datenabschnitt enth"alt in codierter Form Angaben zum
+Notenschl"ussel, zur Ton-- und Taktart. Darauf folgen die zur Melodie
+geh"orenden Noten, angegeben durch ihren Namen (Buchstabe) und die
+Oktave (Zahl), die sich an der Klaviertastatur orientiert.
+Danach werden in einer neuen Zeile die Informationen "uber die zu den
+Noten geh"orenden Tondauern gegeben, indem die Dauer durch eine ganze
+Zahl und eventuell vorkommende Punktierungen durch Punkte dargestellt
+Im n"achsten Eingabeabschnitt werden die zu verbalkenden Noten
+angegeben. Dazu m"ussen die Noten einer Zeile durchnummeriert werden.
+Die Eingabe enth"alt dann f"ur jede Balkengruppe jeweils die Nummer der
+ersten und letzten Note, die zu der Gruppe geh"oren.
+Als n"achstes k"onnen Angaben zu Akzentuierungen gemacht werden. Im
+obigem Beispiel kommen allerdings keine vor, deshalb entf"allt dort
+diese Zeile. Sie mu\3 aber nicht durch eine Leerzeile ersetzt werden.
+Zuletzt werden genauso wie bei den Verbalkungen die Noten angegeben,
+die durch einen Bogen verbunden werden sollen. Jeder durch
+Schr"agstrich getrennte Informationsteil enth"alt au\3er der Nummer f"ur
+die erste und letzte Note noch eine Zahl, die die Kr"ummung des zu
+zeichnenden Bogens angibt.
+Mit diesem \Ev\ k"onnen ebenfalls Partituren und Vokalmusik eingegeben
+werden. Zus"atzlich zu der Noteneingabe wird f"ur Vokalmusik
+der Liedtext zusammen mit Angaben zur
+Positionierung der Silben notiert.
+$$\bunch \hbox{KY/-/RI/-/E,/KY/-/RI/-/E . . . }\\
+\hbox{1/1.6/2/2.6/3/4/4.7/5/ ....}\endbunch$$
+\_{KY - }{\v6\.1}\_{RI - }{\a6}\_{E,}{\v7}\pv\|%
+\_{KY - }{\v8\.1}\_{RI - }{\a8}\_{E}{\a8}%
+{\\{9}\\{8}}\uslur12\_n{ LE - }\hskip20pt{\gluebrule}\go\_{I-}{\a7}%
+\_c{SON,}{\a6}\_{E - }{\a7}%
+\uslur13\uslur15\_n{ LE\hskip10pt-\hskip10pt -}
+{\go}\_{I - }{\v7}\_c{SON.}{\h8}\doublebarline
+\vskip -0.4cm\abs
+%smith S.305
+Unter Verwendung der beschriebenen Eingabe wird nun die
+Position der Zeichen im Notenliniensystem festgelegt. Dazu wird das
+Liniensystem in horizontaler wie vertikaler Richtung mit einer Skala
+versehen. Die Positionsangaben m"ussen f"ur jedes Zeichen und Symbol,
+also f"ur Notenkopf, Notenhals, Punktierungen, Balken, Bogen,
+Akkorde, Liniensystem, Pausen usw., gesondert berechnet und
+gespeichert werden.
+Mit dieser Methode wird eine optisch ansprechende Ausgabe erreicht, die
+Druckqualit"at hat. St"orend erscheint dabei aber der benutzte
+Schrifttext, der im Gegensatz zur Notenschrift nicht gut aussieht.
+Das Verfahren von L. Smith kann zur Eingabe aller Musikst"ucke in
+traditioneller Notation benutzt werden: f"ur einstimmige und
+mehrstimmige Systeme, Partituren und Vokalmusik. Die Art der Eingabe
+ist schnell erlernt und einfach, wird aber durch die Verwendung
+verschiedener Informationszeilen
+sehr aufwendig und umst"andlich.
+Ebenfalls negativ erscheint die Tatsache, da\3 eine zeilenweise
+Eingabe notwendig ist.
+Zus"atzlich werden an einigen Stellen (\zB bei Liedern mit Text) au\3er
+Angaben zur Funktion der Zeichen noch Positionsangaben f"ur die
+Eingabedatei ben"otigt. Durch diese Notationsform geht die
+"Ubersicht "uber die Gesamtstruktur des Musikst"ucks, die die
+Notenschrift besitzt, und die Lesbarkeit verloren.
+Ein Verfahren, in dem verschiedene Eingabedateien zur Festlegung der
+musikalischen Daten benutzt werden, wird in der Arbeit von R. Werner
+\lit{\Werner} dargestellt.
+Allerdings kann die dort beschriebene Methode nur in sehr groben
+Z"ugen charakterisiert werden, weil sie sehr aufwendig und vielschichtig
+ist. Eine genaue Beschreibung w"are deshalb an dieser Stelle zu
+\subheading{1.4.3 EDM}
+(Eingabemethode f"ur Daten der Musik)
+Diese \Em\ wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt, eine umfangreiche und
+vollst"andige Musikanalyse aufgrund der Eingabedaten f"ur den Computer
+durchf"uhren zu k"onnen.
+Die vorgeschlagene Methode benutzt drei verschieden strukturierte
+Dateien, um die \m en Informationen abzuspeichern. Jede der drei Dateien
+entspricht einer Art, wie die notenbildliche Partitur gelesen werden
+Eine Datei gibt den horizontalen Verlauf der Musik wieder. Sie
+enth"alt Informationen zu allen Noten.
+In der n"achsten Datei werden die Daten der T"one, die zusammen
+erklingen, gespeichert, \dh sie repr"asentiert die vertikalen Ebene.
+Eine weitere Datei beinhaltet alle Strukturen des zeitlichen Ablaufs,
+die f"ur die beiden anderen Dateien ben"otigt werden.
+Mit diesen drei kurz beschriebenen Dateien wird eine Musikanalyse
+m"oglich, deren Vorgehensweise
+in der Arbeit von R. Werner beschrieben wird. Da eine n"ahere
+Erl"auterung den Rahmen einer Kurzbeschreibung sprengen w"urde, folgt
+nun eine Beispielcodierung. Daf"ur wird aus der Vielzahl der m"oglichen
+Dateien die ausgew"ahlt, die Informationen zu den Noten enth"alt.
+Zur Notation einer Partitur reicht dies aber nicht aus.
+$$\bunch\hbox{F4\T S\T F$*$B5$*<$4; $\sharp$F5\T A4\T\@ B5\T=;
+E6\T?1V2?A\T.; P\T A$*$H;}\endbunch$$
+\vskip -0.6cm\abs
+Die \Em\ bietet die M"oglichkeit, Partituren, die
+in hergebrachter Notation
+vorliegen, vollst"an\-dig zu codieren und damit eine Vielfalt von
+Anwendungsm"oglichkeiten. Obwohl
+bei der Entwicklung einer geeigneten Codierung
+versucht wurde, diese weitgehend an den musikalischen
+Sprachgebrauch anzupassen,
+wird durch die Vielzahl der einzugebenden Daten und
+Einzelinformationen zu einem Zeichen die Noteneingabe erschwert.
+Au\3erdem geht durch die Aufgliederung in drei Dateien mit
+verschiedenen Informationsstrukturen die "Ubersicht "uber das
+Musikst"uck verloren.
+Diese Aussage ist schon anhand obigen Beispiels deutlich geworden.
+Um den Gesamtbezug wiederzugewinnen, m"u\3ten
+die Dateien parallel gelesen werden.
+Eine letzte Eingabemethode ist
+erst in j"ungster Zeit von John Gourlay in der Zeitschrift
+``Communications of the ACM''
+ver"offentlicht worden \lit{\Gourlay}.
+\subheading{1.4.4 Sprache zur Noteneingabe von J. Gourlay}
+Gourlay beabsichtigte wie L. Smith mit der Entwicklung einer
+Noteneingabesprache f"ur den Computer, eine M"oglichkeit zur
+Automatisierung des Notensatzes zu schaffen.
+Bei der Verwirklichung dieser Absicht sind seiner Ansicht nach zwei
+Ziele im Auge zu behalten:
+das Computer--System soll Druckvorlagen in gleicher Qualit"at wie
+gestochene liefern, gleichzeitig auf jeden Computer "ubertragbar sein
+und nur ein Minimum an Hardware erfordern, um die Kosten
+gering zu halten
+und die Anwendungsm"oglichkeiten breit zu f"achern.
+Um dies zu erreichen, schl"agt Gourlay vor,
+die Eingabesprache mit Hilfe des von Knuth
+entwickelten \Tss s \TeX\
+und einiger zus"atzlicher
+Programmabschnitte zu verarbeiten.
+F"ur die Eingabesprache von Gourlay
+existiert bisher nur eine Beschreibung der Syntax in
+Backus--Naur--Form. An diesem Syntaxdiagramm l"a\3t sich erkennen, da\3
+die Eingabesprache f"ur die Anwendung von \TeX\ in Frage kommen k"onnte.
+"Ahnlich wie bei \TeX\ werden
+Kontrollw"orter bzw. Klammern benutzt,
+um anzugeben, was mit dem folgenden
+Text geschehen soll bzw. um zusammengeh"orenden Text zu kennzeichnen.
+{\tt title} ``Beispiel'' {\tt system} ({\tt staff} one)
+\abs{\tt block}
+(voice ({\tt measure} ({\tt clef trebleclef key} 2{\tt sharps meter}4/4
+(4.;D5) (8;D5) (4;E5) (4))\abs
+{\tt measure} ((4.;F5) (8;F5) (8;F5)
+{\tt beam slur} ((8;B4) (8;E5) (8;G5)))
+{\tt measure} ({\tt slur} ((8;G5) (4;F5)) (8;E5) (8;D5) (8;E5)\abs
+{\tt begin} name1 ({\tt slur}) {\tt begin} name2 ({\tt tie})
+{\tt measure} ({\tt beam} ((8;F5) {\tt end} name2 (16;E5) (16;D5)
+{\tt end} name1) (4;E5) (2;F5)\abs {\tt barline final})))
+%Smith S.303 mit verbundenen Achtel-Noten
+Falls dieses System zur Anwendung kommt, k"onnen mit seiner
+Hilfe alle Arten von Musik in traditioneller Notation verarbeitet
+werden. Die Notenschrift wird mit dieser Eingabesprache fast
+codiert, fehlende Vorschriften k"onnten erg"anzt werden. Dadurch
+wird auch eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen au\3er dem automatisierten
+Notensatz m"oglich gemacht.
+Der Aufbau der Sprache ist komplizierter als \zB bei Brook und
+Gould. Dies liegt
+daran, da\3 Brook und Gould nicht die gesamte
+Notenschrift in eine
+lineare Eingabe "ubertragen haben. Da die Eingabesprache von Gourlay dem
+Sprachgebrauch der Musiker angepa\3t wurde, ist sie nach kurzer Zeit
+trotzdem leicht zu handhaben und einpr"agsam. So deuten \zB die
+auftretenden Kontrollw"orter immer an, auf welche Art der folgende
+Text verarbeitet werden soll und welche Bedeutung dieser f"ur das
+Musikst"uck hat.
+Gourlay kommt in seiner Arbeit der Vorstellung einer optimalen \Em\
+schon sehr nahe, allerdings hat er nicht ausgef"uhrt, wie er sich eine
+Weiterverarbeitung mit \TeX\
+Seine Methode beschreibt die bisher vollst"andigste und gleichzeitig
+Codierung. Falls eine Implementierung gelingen sollte, bietet sie im
+Vergleich mit den anderen \Ev\ die vielf"altigsten
+Der "Uberblick "uber die \Ev\ verschiedener Autoren, die jeweils eine
+andere Methode zur Darstellung der Eingabe verwendeten, zeigt, da\3
+jedes dieser
+Verfahren, das von Gourlay ausgenommen,
+in mindestens einem Punkt den Anspr"uche an eine
+Eingabesprache (siehe 1.3) nicht gen"ugen.
+Im Prinzip h"atte diese Arbeit von der
+Eingabesprache von Gourlay ausgehen k"onnen.
+Dazu w"aren einige Erweiterungen bzw. Ab"anderungen notwendig
+gewesen. Allerdings
+erfolgte die Ver"offentlichung erst, als dieser
+Teil der Arbeit bereits ausgearbeitet und eine Implementierung
+der Noteneingabesprache erfolgt war.
+Da die anderen vorgestellten Eingabemethoden zu mangelhaft schienen,
+war es notwendig, ein neues Verfahren zu entwickeln, das diese
+Bedingungen erf"ullt und universell anwendbar ist. Dabei soll nat"urlich
+auch die Einbettung in das \Tss\ \TeX\ ber"ucksichtigt werden, denn das
+ist ein Teil der Aufgabenstellung der vorliegenden Arbeit.
+Die Aufgabe der anschlie\3enden Kapitel ist es, die entwickelte
+Eingabesprache exakt zu definieren. Dies geschieht in zwei Schritten:
+zuerst wird mit der Beschreibung der Syntax die "au\3ere Form
+pr"azisiert (Kapitel 2), danach wird auf die Semantik eingegangen und
+die Wirkungsweise und Bedeutung einzelner Kommandos n"aher
+erl"autert (Kapitel 3).
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new file mode 100644
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+\heading{Einf"ugen von Texten und Spielanweisungen}
+Neben den bisher behandelten Notenschriftelementen m"ussen Texte und
+einige andere Zeichen, wie Vortragsbezeichnungen,
+Artikulationsanweisungen und Dynamikangaben, in das Notenbild eingef"ugt
+Satztechnisch sind dabei zu unterscheiden:
+\item{1)}\disp{Artikulations}zeichen an Noten,
+\item{2)} Texte unterhalb des Liniensystems und
+\item{3)}Texte oberhalb des Liniensystems.
+Die Artikulationszeichen betreffen die musikalische Ausf"uhrung einer
+einzelnen Note. Sie werden also direkt an einer Note angebracht.
+Texte unterhalb des Systems k"onnen Angaben zur \disp{Dynamik} sein,
+d.h. Tonst"arkegrade (laut, leise) oder "Ubergangsbezeichnungen
+(Crescendo, Decrescendo), aber auch Gesangstexte. Texte oberhalb des
+Systems geben meistens Vortragsbezeichnungen (Allegro, Moderato),
+Orientierungsziffern sowie
+Verzierungen einer Note (verschiedene Triller-Zeichen) an. Bei
+Vokalmusik werden oft auch Begleitakkorde oberhalb des Systems notiert.
+\subheading{Regeln f"ur das Einf"ugen von Texten}
+\item{T1)}Mit Ausnahme der Gesangstexte werden alle Texte so plaziert,
+da\3 sie keinen zus"atzlichen horizontalen Raum ben"otigen. Die Texte
+oberhalb werden im Abstand von \verbatimon|\nhh| von der Notenlinie
+gesetzt, falls dadurch keine "Uberschneidung mit schon gesetzten Noten
+auftritt. In diesem Fall wird der Text vertikal in den freien Raum
+"uber das Hindernis gesetzt. Ebenso werden die Dynamikangaben
+in den freien Raum unterhalb des Systems unter das Hindernis plaziert.
+\item{T2)}Gesangstexte m"ussen auf einer horizontalen Linie unterhalb
+des Systems ausgeschlossen werden. Da keine M"oglichkeit besteht,
+vertikal in Freiraum auszuweichen, kann es vorkommen, da\3 diese Texte
+zus"atzlich horizontalen Raum erfordern. Sie m"ussen daher "ahnlich wie
+Hunks behandelt werden. Der Text mu\3 so unter der Note plaziert werden,
+da\3 ein Erweitern des Raumes zwischen den Noten vermieden wird.
+\item{T3)}Alle Artikulationszeichen m"ussen, falls keine mehrstimmige
+Notation in einem System vorliegt, am Notenkopf und zwar bei aufw"arts
+gestielten Noten direkt unterhalb, bei abw"arts gestielten Noten direkt
+oberhalb des Notenkopfes angebracht werden. Dabei m"ussen die Zeichen so
+plaziert werden, da\3 sie deutlich erkennbar sind. M"ussen sie innerhalb
+des Liniensystems positioniert werden, so kann dies also nur in einem
+benachbarten Zwischenraum geschehen. In jedem Fall werden sie horizontal
+bzgl. des Notenkopfes zentriert.
+\item{}Bei mehrstimmiger Notation in einem
+System m"ussen die Artikulationszeichen der Oberstimme wie auch die
+Bogen immer oberhalb, die Artikulationszeichen der Unterstimme
+unterhalb der Noten (d.h. eventuell auch "uber bzw. unter dem Endpunkt
+des Notenhalses) angebracht werden.
+F"ur die genaue Positionierung der Gesangstexte unter einer Note oder
+einer Notengruppe gibt es keine Regeln. Sie ist im wesentlichen davon
+abh"angig, ob der jeweilige Text ein Teil eines mehrsilbigen
+oder eines einsilbigen Wortes ist. Die mehrsilbigen W"orter werden in der
+Regel so plaziert, da\3 das Wort nicht zu sehr auseinandergerissen wird.
+Ziel ist es jedoch, da\3 der Text m"oglichst wenig das Notenbild st"ort.
+Das Erweitern des Raumes zwischen den Noten soll vermieden werden.
+Abh"angig vom zur Verf"ugung stehenden Raum kann der Text unter
+der Note (ohne Beachtung eventuell vorhandener Hunks) zentriert,
+linksb"undig oder auch rechtsb"undig unter der Note ausgeschlossen
+Dazu wurde ein Algorithmus entwickelt, der die Textverteilung automatisch
+vornimmt. F"ur den Benutzer ist es jedoch m"oglich im Einzelfall auf
+den Ausschlu\3 einzuwirken und im Fall eines nicht akzeptablen
+automatischen Ausschlusses
+selbst zu bestimmen, wie der Text gesetzt werden
+\def\wt{\ifmmode w_t\else$w_t$ \fi}
+\def\wn{\ifmmode w_n\else$w_n$ \fi}
+\def\wg{\ifmmode w_g\else$w_g$ \fi}
+Sei im folgenden \wt die Breite des zu unterlegenden Textes,
+\wn die Breite der Notenbox (ohne Glue und ohne Hunks)
+und \wg die nat"urliche
+Breite des zugeh"origen Glues.
+Dann gibt es folgende M"oglichkeiten:
+\def\vt#1{\vtop {\setbox0=\hbox{Parameter\quad}%
+ \advance\hsize-\wd0#1\par}}
+\strut Parameter\quad&Aktion\cr
+\strut n&\vt{\strut\wt wird nicht beachtet. Der
+Text wird linksb"undig unter der Note ausgeschlossen. Dies ist
+platzsparend. Es besteht jedoch die Gefahr der Text"uberlappung.}\cr
+\strut l&\vt{\wt bestimmt den Raum, den die
+Note(n) einnimmt (einnehmen).}\cr
+\strut c&\vt{der Text wird ohne Beachtung von \wt unter der Note
+\strut r&\vt{der Text wird auf $\wt + \wg $ rechtsb"undig,
+links"uberlappend gesetzt, wobei nicht ber"ucksichtigt wird, ob der Text
+mit vorherigem Text "uberlappt.}\cr}
+Bei der automatischen Textverteilung wird
+\item{n}verwendet, falls $\wt - \wn \leq 0$,
+\item{c}verwendet, falls $0< \wt-\wn \leq \wg$,
+\item{r}verwendet, falls $\wg<\wt-\wn\leq 2\wg$,
+\item{l} in allen anderen F"allen.
+F"ur Text oberhalb der Notenzeile gelten f"ur den automatischen Satz
+die gleichen Regeln.
+Vertikal wird der Text, falls die H"ohe der Notenbox
+nicht gr"o\3er ist, |\nhh| oberhalb der 5. Notenlinie gesetzt, sonst
+oberhalb der Note. Der Text wird also nicht notwendig auf einer Linie
+ausgeschlossen, sondern kann vertikal verschoben werden, falls dies
+erforderlich sein sollte.
+Diese Variabilit"at ist auch f"ur die Dynamikangaben unterhalb
+der Notenlinien erforderlich. Durch Angabe des Parameters
+v wird der Text nicht auf der Textlinie ausgeschlossen, sondern direkt
+unterhalb der Grundlinie der Notenzeile, falls keine "Uberlappung
+mit der zugeh"origen Note auftritt.
+Der Gesangstext wird, falls nicht anders angegeben, in
+8-Punkt Schriftgr"o\3e gesetzt, da dies platzsparender ist.
+Die Schriftlinie befindet sich eine Rastralh"ohe
+unterhalb der Grundlinie.
+Der Abstand der Schriftlinie von der Grundlinie
+ist im Parameter |\textline| gespeichert.
+Da die verschiedenen Textsilben jeder Note einzeln angeheftet sind, kann
+ eine eventuelle "Uberschneidung mit anderen Notenschriftelementen nicht
+vermieden werden. In einem solchen Fall mu\3 der Wert des Parameters
+|\textline| erh"oht werden.
+Als Beispiel sei die in der Arbeit zur Noteneingabe \lit\Schofer
+\ oft verwendete Notenzeile angegeben \lit\smith.
+\_{KY - }{\v6\.1}\_l{RI -}{\a4}\_{E,}{\v7}\pv\|%
+\_{KY - }{\v8\.1}\_l{RI -}{\a8}\_{E}{\a8}%
+{\\{9}\\{8}}\uslur12\_n{ LE - }{\gluebrule}\go\_l{I-}{\a7}%
+\_l{SON, }{\a6}\_{E - }{\a7}%
+\uslur13\uslur15\_n{ LE\quad-\quad -}{\gluebrule}%
+{\go}\_{I - }{\v7}\_c{SON.}{\h8}\doublebarline
+Beispiele f"ur die Textunterlage finden sich auch im Anhang A.
+\subheading{Positionierung der Artikulationszeichen}
+Neben Legatobogen unterscheidet man in der Artikulation \tex{tenuto}
+(gehalten), das durch einen langgezogenen Strich gekennzeichnet wird,
+von \tex{staccato} (getrennt), \tex{staccatissimo} (stark getrennt), das
+durch einen Punkt bzw. durch einen Keil gekennzeichnet wird, und
+\tex{portato} (getragen), das durch \tex{staccato} bzw.
+\tex{tenuto}-Zeichen zusammen mit Legatobogen dargestellt wird. Da die
+Artikulationsanweisung oft mehrere aufeinanderfolgende Noten betrifft,
+wurde f"ur die L"osung des Plazierungsproblems folgende Vorgehensweise
+gew"ahlt. Eine Box wird mit dem zu setzenden Zeichen belegt und, solange
+diese nicht durch eine leere Box ersetzt wird, den Notationsregeln
+entsprechend allen Noten angeheftet.
+Die Box wird nur durch eine leere Box ersetzt,
+dies ausdr"ucklich angegeben wird (durch Eingabe des Kommandos |\noaccent
+| oder wenn die Klammerebene, in der die
+Box belegt wurde, verlassen wird.
+\item{}Durch die Eingabe von
+oder durch
+erh"alt man jeweils das gleiche Ergebnis:
+\beginsong \vio \C {\stac\v5\v1}\v7\|\endsong}
+Das Kommando |\stac| gilt also, obwohl nur einmal angegeben, f"ur
+die ersten beiden Noten. Dabei wird der Punkt "uber dem Notenkopf der
+ersten Note und unter dem Notenkopf der zweiten Note, den Notationsregeln
+entsprechend, plaziert.
+Vor dem Setzen der dritten Note wurde die Box, die
+den Punkt enth"alt, durch eine leere Box ersetzt. Diese Note erh"alt also
+keinen Staccato-Punkt.
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new file mode 100644
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+\heading{Mehrstimmiger Notensatz}
+Abschlie\3end soll auf die Problematik mehrstimmiger Notation im
+automatischen Notensatz eingegangen werden.
+\subheading{Regeln f"ur die mehrstimmige Notation}
+Die Regeln hierzu sind im wesentlichen schon in den vorangegangenen
+Kapiteln aufgef"uhrt worden.
+Neben einigen Notationsvereinbarungen (siehe Kapitel \adchap{-3} N4d und
+N9b und Kapitel \adchap{-2} P2), gilt als grunds"atzliche Regel,
+da\3 alle T"one, die zur gleichen Zeit einsetzen, untereinander zu
+notieren sind. Einige Ausnahmen ergeben sich bei mehrstimmiger Notation
+in einem Zeilensystem. In diesem Fall kann es vorkommen, da\3 zur
+Verdeutlichung der Stimmf"uhrung einige Noten nach links oder rechts
+ausweichen m"ussen, wobei in einem solchen Fall der Ausschlu\3 vom
+vorgegebenen Schema abweicht.
+\group{\\{\a3}\\{\a5}}{\\{3}\\{5}}\lbeam12\go} {\rm oder}\two{\group{%
+Da die Noten, abgesehen von den obigen Ausnahmen, untereinander notiert
+werden m"ussen, mu\3 der gleiche zus"atzliche Raum, der in einer Stimme
+f"ur Hunks ben"otigt wird (z.B. Versetzungszeichen), in den anderen
+Stimmen gleicherma\3en ber"ucksichtigt werden.
+F"ur den korrekten Ausschlu\3 mehrstimmiger Notenliteratur reichen die
+in Kapitel~\adchap{-4} angegebenen Aus\-schlu\3schemata
+im allgemeinen nicht aus, da diese gerade so gew"ahlt sind, da\3 keine
+Linearit"at bzgl. der Tondauer besteht.
+\Beispiel Der Raum, den eine Viertel Note einnimmt, ist im allgemeinen
+kleiner als der Raum, den zwei Achtel Noten einnehmen. Sollen diese
+Noten rhythmisch korrekt untereinander notiert werden, so ist also der
+Viertel Note ein gr"o\3erer Raum zuzuordnen.
+{\hsize = 4cm
+\vskip -1cm
+\vskip -1cm
+\item{}Dies ergibt in zweistimmiger
+{\hsize = 5cm
+\vskip -1cm
+\item{}Es ist also in zweistimmigen Fall
+mehr horizontaler Raum erforderlich,
+ obwohl im normalen Satz der insgesamt
+ben"otigte Raum im Einzelfall gleich ist.
+\subheading{Vertikale Ausrichtung bei D.A. Gomberg}
+Als einziger gibt Gomberg (\lit{\gomb, S.70--78}) ein Verfahren
+f"ur eine rhythmische (d.h. vertikale) Ausrichtung der Noten an. Dabei
+werden sowohl unregelm"a\3ige Unterteilungen von Notenwerten (z.B.
+Triolen) als auch das Einf"ugen von Hunks ber"ucksichtigt. Dieses
+Verfahren ist kompliziert, jedoch anwendbar auf beliebig viele Stimmen
+in mehreren Systemen. Dabei wird eine weitere (imagin"are ) Stimme ---
+der sogenannte \disp{Spine} (R"uckgrat) --- konstruiert, die mit den
+einzuf"ugenden Hunks versehen ist, nach der alle "ubrigen Stimmen
+rhythmisch ausgerichtet werden k"onnen.
+\subsubheading{Konstruktion des Spine}
+F"ur Noten, die nicht unregelm"a\3ig unterteilt sind, wird der Spine wie
+folgt iterativ konstruiert.
+Zur Initialisierung wird eine Stimme als Spine ausgezeichnet. Dieser
+Spine wird nun jeweils mit einer weiteren Stimme verglichen und nach
+folgendem Verfahren ver"andert.
+Sei $m$ die Anzahl der Noten des Spine und \folgi {\bar q}im die
+Notenwerte dieser Noten, die im folgenden durch Br"uche
+dargestellt seien, d.h. $\folgi {\bar q}im \in \qz^+$.
+(Einer Viertel entspricht demnach der Wert $\frac14$,
+einer Viertel mit Wertpunkt $\frac38=\frac14+\frac18$.)
+Seien die Notenwerte der zu vergleichenden
+Stimme durch die Folge $\folgi qjn \in \qz^+$ gegeben.
+Dann lautet der Algorithmus:
+\item{I)}Initialisierung: $i:=1$, $j:=1$.
+\item{II)}Gilt $\bar q_i =q_j$, erh"ohe $i$ und $j$.
+\item{III)}Gilt $\bar q_i< q_j$, dann setze $q_j := q_j-\bar q_i$,
+iteriere $i$ und fahre mit V) fort.
+\item{IV)}Aufspaltung des Spine (\disp{splitting}): Gilt
+ $\bar q_i> q_j$, dann ersetze $\bar q_i $ durch die beiden
+Werte $Q_1=q_j$ und $Q_2=\bar q_i-q_j$,
+wobei der neue Spine nun $m+1$
+Elemente besitzt und das $i+1$-te Element gerade $Q_2$ ist.
+%Iteriere also $i$ und $j$.
+\item{V)} Gilt $j>n$ , dann HALT, sonst fahre mit II) fort.
+Es ergibt sich hierbei die Frage, ob garantiert ist, da\3 der oben
+beschriebene Proze\3 der Aufspaltung des Spine immer ``legale''
+Notenwerte ergibt, d.h. Notenwerte, die durch eine Note unter
+Zuhilfenahme von Wertpunkten dargestellt werden k"onnen.
+Diese Frage ist jedoch zu verneinen: ``legale'' Notenwerte sind
+nicht abgeschlossen unter Subtraktion.
+Gomberg f"uhrt dazu folgendes Beispiel an:
+\hbox to \hsize{%
+ \hfil
+ \vbox{%
+ \hbox{%
+ \hbox to 2cm{$\bar q:$\hfil}%
+ \vtop{\hsize=50mm%
+ \beginsong\vio\C
+ \hbox to 19mm{\s1\.2\hfil}%
+ \hbox to 4mm{\d1\hfil}%
+ \hbox to 15mm{\v1\.1\hfil}%
+ \endsong
+ }%
+ \hfil}%
+ \vskip-10mm%
+ \hbox{%
+ \hbox to 2cm{$ q:$\hfil}%
+ \vtop{\hsize=50mm%
+ \beginsong\vio\C
+ \hbox to 6mm{\z1\hfil}%
+ \hbox to 28mm{\a1\.2\hfil}%
+ \hbox to 4mm{\v1\hfil}%
+ \endsong
+ }%
+ \hfil}%
+ \vskip-10mm
+ \hbox{%
+ \hbox to 2cm{neues $\bar q:$\hfil}%
+ \vtop{\hsize=50mm%
+ \beginsong\vio\C
+ \hbox to 6mm{\z1\hfil}%
+ \hbox to 13mm{${\phantom{x}}^{\tenrm ?}$\hfil}%
+ \hbox to 4mm{\d1\hfil}%
+ \hbox to 11mm{\a1\hfil}%
+ \hbox to 4mm{\v1\hfil}%
+ \endsong
+ }%
+ \hfil}%
+ }%
+ \hfil
+\vskip -1cm
+Sei die erste Zeile als Spine ausgezeichnet, dann ist $\bar q =
+\frac7{64},\;\frac1{64},\;\frac{24}{64} $ und
+$q=\frac2{64},\;\frac{14}{64},\;\frac14$. F"ur den neuen Spine gilt
+nun nach dem Algorithmus: $\bar q_1 = \frac1{32} $,
+$\bar q_2=\frac{7}{64}-\frac2{64}=\frac5{64}$,
+$\bar q_3=\frac1{32}$, $ \bar q_4=\frac18$ und
+$\bar q_5=\frac14$.
+Dabei ist $\bar q_2$ kein legaler Notenwert, denn dieser Notenwert l"a\3t
+sich nur durch "Uberbindung einer Sechzehntel mit einer
+Vierundsechzigstel darstellen. In diesem Fall wird diese Note
+ausgeschlossen wie eine $\frac6{64}$, d.h. eine mit Wertpunkt versehene
+Anhand des Ausschlu\3schemas kann nun dem Spine der zugeh"orige
+Ausschlu\3 zugeordnet und die Noten darunter angeordnet werden.
+Zu bemerken ist, da\3 das oben geschilderte Verfahren
+nat"urlich unabh"angig von der Reihenfolge der anzugleichenden Stimmen
+\subsubheading{Unregelm"a\3ige Unterteilungen}
+Neben der zweiteiligen Untergliederung der Notenwerte
+\ ) gibt es
+auch mehrteilige Untergliederungen, z.B. dreiteilige
+({\staffheight 3\nhh\small\def\beamlist{\\{1-3,}}%
+\global\sk=0pt\ ). Der
+Notenwert einer solchen Triolen-Note entspricht also dem dritten Teil
+der Dauer einer Viertel Note: $\frac1{12}$. Gekennzeichnet werden
+unregelm"a\3ige Unterteilungen der Bezugsnote am Balken oder unter einer
+Klammer: {\small\setbox2=\hbox{\v0\v0\global\sk0pt}%
+\dimen1=\wd2\advance\dimen1 by-\nhh\setbox3\hbox to \dimen1{\vbox{\hrule
+\offinterlineskip\hbox to \dimen1{\vrule depth-2pt width0.5pt\hss
+\eightpoint 2\hss%
+\vrule depth-2pt width0.5pt}}}\vbox{\offinterlineskip
+}. (N"aheres dazu siehe \lit{\ziegen,{\bf 79}f{}f}.)
+Die Unregelm"a\3igkeit wird auch durch einen etwas engeren Ausschlu\3
+verdeutlicht. Der Raum, den eine Achtel Triole einnimmt, unterscheidet
+sich also vom Raum, den drei Achtel Noten einnehmen.
+Gomberg verwendet als Ausschlu\3 unregelm"a\3iger Unterteilungen das
+n"achst kleinere Ausschlu\3schema, beispielsweise wird
+ bei ``universellem'' Ausschlu\3 also
+``enger'' Ausschlu\3 verwendet
+(s. \adchap{-4}.1.1). M"ussen mehrere verschiedene
+unregelm"a\3ige Unterteilungen auf einem Notenwert des Spines
+ausgeschlossen werden, so wird innerhalb einer solchen ``Nachbarschaft''
+der kleinste Notenwert $\bar a$ ausgew"ahlt und diesem der zugeh"orige
+Ausschlu\3 $A$ zugeordnet. F"ur die anderen Notenwerte $\bar a_i$ ergibt
+sich dann der Raum, der diesem Notenwert zugeordnet wird, aus der Formel:
+$ \Frac A{\bar a}*\bar a_i$.
+\subheading{Ausf"uhrung des zweistimmigen Setzens}
+Die obige von
+ D. A. Gomberg vorgeschlagene Vorgehensweise
+ist naheliegend
+und scheint eine gute M"oglichkeit zu sein, beliebige mehrstimmige
+Partituren korrekt zu setzen. Abgesehen von dem Problem, zu den
+eingegebenen Noten den passenden Spine zu konstruieren, ergibt sich
+jedoch bei der Verwirklichung mit \TeX\ ein weiteres Problem, das die
+Anwendung des Algorithmus erschwert.
+Mit einem gegebenen Spine k"onnten die einzelnen Noten der Stimmen mit
+einigem Aufwand in einer Tabelle plaziert werden. Um den Zeilenumbruch
+zu erm"oglichen, m"u\3te also f"ur jedes Spinelement eine Tabelle
+angelegt werden, da innerhalb einer gro\3en umfassenden Tabelle kein
+Zeilenumbruch m"oglich ist. Dies w"urde zun"achst den variablen Glue
+\disp{fest}legen; ein korrekter Ausschlu\3 w"are damit nicht mehr
+gew"ahrleistet. Au\3erdem ist eine Verbalkung und eine Plazierung der
+Bogen nicht mehr m"oglich, da die Listenverarbeitung in der
+vorgestellten Art nicht mehr durchf"uhrbar ist.
+Aus diesen Gr"unden wurde zun"achst nur eine M"oglichkeit
+bereitgestellt, einfachere zweistimmige Notenkonstellationen in einem
+Zeilensystem, die ohne Spine auskommen, zu setzen. Beispiele sind schon
+an einigen Stellen dieser Arbeit demonstriert worden.
+Ein mehrstimmiges Setzen von ganzen Nachbarschaften, die nur mit Hilfe
+eines Spines gesetzt werden k"onnen, ist noch nicht gegeben. Ohne
+zus"atzliches manuelles Eingreifen, d.h. Einf"ugen von weiterem
+Ausschlu\3material, erscheinen z.B. die
+unten aufgef"uhrten Einzelstimmen
+zweistimmig inkorrekt gesetzt:
+\group{\\{\a3}\\{\a3}}{\\{3}\\{3}}\lbeam12\go} \hfill\endsong
+}\vskip -1cm
+Im Anhang A wurde ein Beispiel eingef"ugt, das zeigt, da\3 das
+angegebene Verfahren f"ur viele Musikst"ucke gut anwendbar ist.
+Das zweistimmige Setzen erfolgt nach folgendem Verfahren. Beide
+Stimmen werden einzeln wie im einstimmigen Satz unter Ber"ucksichtigung
+der Notationsregeln ausgeschlossen. Dann werden die Stimmen linksb"undig
+ineinander geschoben. Dabei wird als neuer \verbatimon |\spaceskip| der
+aktuelle |\spaceskip| der Stimme gew"ahlt, die mehr horizontalen Raum
+erfordert. Zu beachten ist, da\3 eventuelle Versetzungszeichen vor der
+Notengruppe wie Vorzeichenakkorde gesetzt werden.
+\vskip -1cm
+Unregelm"a\3ige Unterteilungen wurden bisher noch nicht ber"ucksichtigt,
+da zum korrekten Setzen ein weiterer Zeichensatz f"ur die Klammerung
+eingef"uhrt werden mu\3. Das Setzen von Notengruppen dieser Art ergibt
+im einstimmigen Satz jedoch keine weiteren satztechnischen Probleme.
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+Abschlie\3end sollen die Ergebnisse der beiden vorliegenden Arbeiten
+knapp zusammengefa\3t werden. \par
+Mit der in Teil 1
+beschriebenen Noteneingabesprache ist es gelungen, eine
+lineare Notation zu entwi\ck eln, mit der alle Arten konventioneller
+Musik dargestellt werden k"onnen.
+Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen wird der
+gesamte Umfang der Notenschrift erfa\3t.
+Die Eingabesprache k"onnte zum Beispiel noch um
+Befehle f"ur Vor-- und Nachschl"age, Oktavierungszeichen
+und verschiedene Triller erg"anzt werden.
+Gr"o\3ere Erweiterungen w"aren notwendig, um die Notation
+moderner Musik
+erfassen zu k"onnen, die sich in vielen F"allen
+von der herk"ommlichen Schreibweise
+Die vorgestellte Eingabesprache orientiert sich am musikalischen
+Sprachgebrauch. Dadurch bleiben der
+Aufbau eines Musikst"ucks erkennbar
+und die Codierungsvorschriften einpr"agsam.
+Die Entwicklung der
+Sprache geschah haupts"achlich im Hinblick auf die
+Anwendung bei der
+Automatisierung des Notensatzes. Sie bietet hier
+nicht nur die
+M"oglichkeit, Texte zur Beschriftung der Musikst"ucke einzusetzen,
+sondern die codierten Partituren k"onnen auch in "ubliche
+Schrifttexte eingebettet werden.
+Ebenso k"onnen beliebige Befehle zur Formatsteuerung
+innerhalb der Noteneingabe eingef"ugt werden, die an nachfolgende
+Programme weitergegeben werden.
+Zus"atzlich zur Anwendung beim automatisierten Notensatz sind
+andere Weiterverarbeitungsm"oglichkeiten, zum Beispiel Musikanalysen
+oder Katalogisierungen, f"ur die Eingabedaten denkbar und mittels
+geeigneter Programme durchf"uhrbar.
+Nachdem es sich herausgestellt hatte, da\3 das verwendete
+Textsatzsystem \TeX\ f"ur den Notensatz erweiterbar ist (Teil 2
+der Arbeit), mu\3te eine M"oglichkeit geschaffen werden, das mit Hilfe
+der Eingabesprache codierte Musikst"uck in eine f"ur die
+Weiterverarbeitung mit \TeX\ geeignete Form zu bringen. Das wird von
+dem in Anhang B beschriebenen "Ubersetzungsprogramm geleistet, das
+die Eingabedaten in der gew"unschten Form bearbeitet.
+Um in Teil 2 der vorliegenden Arbeit zu zeigen, da\3 das verwendete
+Textsatzsystem f"ur den Notensatz erweitert werden kann,
+wurden zun"achst die Satz- und Notationsregeln systematisiert und die
+zugeh"origen Verfahren f"ur den automatisierten Notensatz entwickelt.
+Als Anwendung ist ein Satzsystem erstellt worden,
+das den eingangs erw"ahnten Erfordernissen hinsichtlich
+Ausgabequalit"at und Unabh"angigkeit vom Ausgabeger"at gen"ugt.
+Die Frage zu Beginn war,
+inwieweit die Datenstrukturen und Satzalgorithmen dieses
+Textsatzsystems den Anforderungen des Notensatzes angemessen sind.
+Es zeigt sich, da\3 die an jedes Notensatzsystem gestellten Anforderungen,
+die den korrekten Ausschlu\3 betreffen, einfach zu erf"ullen sind.
+Das Box-Glue-Konzept erm"oglicht das Einf"ugen von Hunks. Der vorhandene
+Zeilen- und Seitenumbruchalgorithmus kann erfolgreich eingesetzt werden.
+Die Darstellung der einzelnen Notenschriftelemente wird ebenfalls durch
+das Box-Glue-Konzept unterst"utzt. Weiterhin ist dadurch auch das
+Zusammensetzen der variablen Notenschriftelemente (Noten, Balken, Bogen)
+erm"oglicht worden.
+Die Grenzen des Textsatzsystems zeigen sich dort, wo die Plazierung
+eines einzelnen Notenschriftelementes vom zweidimensionalen Umfeld
+abh"angig ist, da die Datenstrukturen des
+Textsatzsystems in diesem Fall den Problemen nicht angemessen sind.
+Als Folgerung daraus ergibt sich, da\3 der Satz in mehreren Systemen
+problematisch ist.
+Wie alle bisher erschienenen Notensatzsysteme kann auch dieses
+in der augenblicklichen Form
+ nur
+einen Teilbereich der konventionellen Notenschrift abdecken.
+Es besitzt jedoch den Vorteil,
+ da\3 hier die Notenschrift, wie in dieser
+Arbeit demonstriert,
+ in laufenden Text
+eingebettet werden kann.
+Die weitergehenden Anforderungen k"onnen z.B.
+ durch die Losl"osung vom Textsatzsystem erf"ullt
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+\by B.S. Brook, M. Gould \paper
+Notating Music with Ordinary Typewriter Characters\jour
+Fontes Artis Musicae \vol XI\pages 142--159 \yr1964\endref
+\ref \keyy{\lit{\byrd}}
+\by D. Byrd \paper A system for music printing by computer
+\jour Computers and the
+Humanities \vol 8 \pages161--172 \yr 1974
+\ref \keyy{\lit{\genzmeier}}
+\by F. Genzmer \book Das Buch des Setzers \publ Verlag Ullstein
+GmbH\publaddr Frankfurt/M.$\cdot$ Berlin \yr 1961
+\by D.A. Gomberg \paper A computer--oriented system for music printing
+\jour Computers and the Humanities \vol 11 \pages 63--80 \yr 1978
+\by J.S. Gourlay \paper A language for music printing
+\jour Communications
+of the ACM \vol 29 \yr 1986
+\by H. Grabner \book Allgemeine Musiklehre
+\publ B"arenreiter Kassel \publaddr Basel$\cdot$%
+Paris$\cdot$London \yr 1970
+\by K. Hader
+\book Aus der Werkstatt eines Notenstechers
+\publ Waldheim--Eberle Verlag \publaddr Wien \yr 1948
+\by D.E. Knuth, M.F. Plass
+\paper Breaking Paragraphs into Lines
+\jour Software,Practic \& Experience \vol11\yr1981 \pages1118--1184
+\by D.E. Knuth \book The \TeX book \publ Addison--Wesley
+Publ. Comp. \yr 1984
+\by D.E. Knuth \book The \mf book \publ Addison-Wesley Publ. Comp.
+\by Peters \paper Informatik I und II
+\publ (Vorlesungsausarbeitung, Univ. Bonn)
+\yr WS 1978/79 und SS 1979\endref
+\by A. Schofer \paper Automatisierter
+Notensatz mit \TeX\ -- Ein Verfahren zur Notenschrifteingabe
+\publ (Diplomarbeit, Univ. Bonn 1986)
+\by L.C. Smith \paper Editing and printing music by computer
+\jour J. Music Theory \vol 17
+\issue 2 \pages 292--309 \yr1973
+\by A. Steinbach \paper Automatisierter
+Notensatz mit \TeX\ -- Verfahren zur Notenschriftausgabe
+\publ (Diplomarbeit, Univ. Bonn 1986)
+\by R. Werner \paper EDM (EDV f"ur Musik) -- Modell
+ kommunikationstheoretisch begr"undeter Musikanalysen
+\publ (Dissertation,
+Univ. M"unster (Westf.) 1978)
+\by N. Wirth \book Compilerbau
+\publ Teubner Taschenbuch \publaddr Stuttgart \yr 1984\endref
+\by W. Ziegenr"ucker \book Allgemeine Musiklehre
+\publ Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag \publaddr
+Musikverlag, B. Schotts S"ohne \issue 6 \yr1983
+\by H. Zima \book Compilerbau 1
+\publ BI Wissenschaftsverlag \publaddr Mannheim, Wien, Z"urich
+\yr 1982\endref
+\by H. Zima \book Compilerbau 2
+\publ BI Wissenschaftsverlag \publaddr Mannheim, Wien, Z"urich
+\yr 1983
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+\heading{Formale Darstellung der Noteneingabesprache}
+Eingabeverfahren, die f"ur den Computer geeignet sein sollen,
+m"ussen eine
+streng formalisierte
+"au\3ere Form haben, um Mehrdeutigkeiten bez"uglich der Bedeutung zu
+Solche \Ev\ geh"oren zur Klasse der formalen Sprachen, deren Syntax in
+den meisten F"allen mit Hilfe sogenannter Regelgrammatiken definiert
+werden kann.
+Auch bei der hier entwickelten Noteneingabesprache kann die Theorie
+der formalen Sprachen zugrunde gelegt werden.
+Ihre Syntax wird durch die \BNF,
+mit der \kf e \G en beschrieben werden k"onnen, dargestellt. Doch
+bevor die Syntax der Eingabesprache definiert wird, sollen die
+theoretischen Grundlagen dieser Darstellungsweise geschaffen werden.
+Deshalb folgt eine kurze Einf"uhrung in formale Sprachen und \kf e \G
+en \lit{\Zima}, \lit{\Peters}.
+\centerline{\bf 2.1 Theoretische Grundlagen}
+\subheading{2.1.1 Formale Sprachen}
+Um den oben erw"ahnten Begriff der formalen Sprache zu
+er\-kl"a\-ren, sind
+zun"achst einige andere Definitionen n"otig.
+Eine nichtleere endliche Menge
+$\Sigma=\{a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_n\}$, $n\ge 1$, hei\3t (endliches)
+\de{Alphabet} und die $a_i$,
+$1\le i\le n$ sind die Zeichen oder Symbole des Alphabets $\Sigma$.
+Diese Zeichen lassen sich nach folgender Vorschrift zu W"ortern
+Sei $\Sigma=\{a_1,\ldots,a_n\}$, $n\ge 1$. Dann hei\3t die endliche
+$$x=a_{i_{\ssize 1}}\cdots a_{i_{\ssize r}}\;,
+\q r\ge 0\;,\q 1\le i_j\le n\;,
+\q j\in \lbrack 1,r\rbrack$$
+\de{Wort} "uber dem Alphabet $\Sigma$.
+Dabei ist $r$ die L"ange des Wortes und wird geschrieben als
+Falls $r=0$, so ist $x$ gleich dem leeren Wort $\epsilon$.
+Die Menge aller Worte "uber $\Sigma$ wird mit $\Sigma^*$ bezeichnet und
+$\Sigma^+=\Sigma^*\setminus \{\epsilon\}$
+ist die Menge aller Worte "uber dem Alphabet $\Sigma$ ohne das leere
+Auf der Menge aller W"orter ist eine Verkn"upfung, die
+Konkatenation, wie folgt definiert.
+$x=a_{i_{\ssize 1}}\cdots a_{i_{\ssize r}}$ und
+$y=a_{k_{\ssize 1}}\cdots a_{k_{\ssize s}}$
+zwei Worte "uber dem Alphabet $\Sigma$. Dann
+wird das Wort $z=a_{i_{\ssize 1}}\cdots a_{i_{\ssize r}}a_{k_{\ssize 1}}
+\cdots a_{k_{\ssize s}}$
+als \de{Konkatenation} oder \de{Produkt}
+von $x$ und $y$ bezeichnet und $z$
+wird geschrieben als $z=xy$.
+Mit den definierten Begriffen k"onnen nun formale Sprachen eingef"uhrt
+\de{(formale) Sprache} "uber dem Alphabet
+$\Sigma$ ist eine beliebige Menge
+$L\subseteq \Sigma^*$.
+Es stellt sich die Frage, wie die Sprache $L$
+spezifiziert werden kann und wie die Elemente dieser Menge
+beschrieben werden k"onnen. Die
+Beantwortung h"angt davon ab, ob die Sprache $L$ endlich oder
+nicht endlich ist.
+Handelt es sich bei $L$ um eine endliche Wortmenge, so k"onnen die
+Elemente aufgez"ahlt werden.
+Falls $L$ jedoch nicht endlich ist, mu\3 eine endliche Beschreibung der
+Sprache gefunden werden. Bei dieser Beschreibung soll auf nat"urliche
+Sprachen verzichtet und formale Methoden angewandt werden, um
+Mehrdeutigkeiten zu vermeiden. Es gibt verschiedene Hilfsmittel, um
+solch eine Beschreibung zu erhalten.
+Eine der gebr"auchlichsten Methoden zur Beschreibung formaler Sprachen
+sind die Regelgrammatiken, die je nach M"achtigkeit verschiedene Klassen
+formaler Sprachen definieren.
+Die geeignetste Regelgrammatik
+zur Darstellung von Eingabesprachen, wie sie bei der
+Aufgabenstellung dieser Arbeit vorkommen, sind die \kf en \G en. Sie
+erfassen weite Teile der Syntax dieser Eingabesprachen.
+\subheading{2.1.2 Kontext--freie Grammatiken}
+Es folgen nun einige Definitionen zu \kf en \G en und Sprachen.
+Eine \de{\kf e \G\ } ist ein Quadrupel
+$N$ die endliche Menge der \de{Nichtterminalsymbole} und
+$\Sigma$ die endliche Menge der \de{Terminalsymbole} ist. Es soll
+$N\cap\Sigma=\emptyset$ gelten.
+Die endliche Menge $\Gamma=N\cup \Sigma$ wird als \de{Gesamtalphabet}
+$P\subseteq N\times\Gamma^*$ ist die Menge der Regeln oder
+\de{Produktionen}. $P$ ist eine endliche Menge. $(A,v)\in P$
+hei\3t eine Regel
+f"ur $A$ und wird in der Form
+$A\longrightarrow v$ geschrieben.
+$S\in N$ hei\3t \de{Startsymbol}.
+Produktionsregeln aus $P$ lassen sich hintereinander ausf"uhren.
+Dies f"uhrt zu folgender Definition
+$G=(N,\Sigma,P,S)$ eine \kf e \G\ und
+$w,w_0\in \Gamma^*$. Dann hei\3t $w$ aus $w_0$
+\de{ableitbar} bez"uglich $P$, wenn es eine Folge
+$w_1,w_2,\ldots,w_m\in \Gamma^*$ gibt, mit
+$w_m=w$ und folgender Eigenschaft:\abs
+F"ur jedes $i=1,\ldots, m$ gibt es eine Regel
+$(A_i,v_i)\in P$ und W"orter
+$x_i, y_i\in\Gamma^*$, so da\3 gilt:
+$$w_{i-1}=x_iA_iy_i\qq\hbox{und}\qq w_i=x_iv_iy_i\;.$$
+Die Folge
+$w_i$, $i=0,\ldots, m$, hei\3t
+\de{Ableitung} der L"ange $m$ und wird in der Gestalt
+$$w_0\longrightarrow w_1\longrightarrow \ldots
+\longrightarrow w_m=w$$
+als solche angedeutet.
+Die Tatsache, da\3 es eine Ableitung von $w$ aus $w_0$ in $P$ gibt,
+wird durch $w_0\abl^P w$ notiert.
+Mit einer \kf en \G\ lassen sich W"orter erzeugen. Ausgehend vom
+Startsymbol $S$ k"onnen nach Belieben Produktionsregeln der
+Grammatik angewandt werden. Eine Produktion ersetzt jeweils ein
+Nichtterminalsymbol durch ein Element aus der Menge $N\cup\Sigma$.
+Terminalsymbole k"onnen nicht ersetzt werden.
+Der Ableitungsvorgang terminiert sp"atestens dann, wenn das Wort nur
+noch Symbole aus dem Terminalalphabet enth"alt. Er endet auch,
+wenn f"ur ein
+Nichtterminalzeichen keine Produktion existiert.
+Die bei einer Ableitung entstandenen W"orter, die nur
+Terminalsymbole enthalten,
+hei\3en \de{Terminalw"orter} oder S"atze. Sie geh"oren zur Menge
+$\Sigma^*$. Die Menge aller von einer \kf en \G\ erzeugten
+Terminalw"orter bilden die zu der \G\ geh"orende \kf e Sprache.
+Eine formale Sprache
+$L\subseteq \Sigma^*$ hei\3t \de{\kf} genau dann,
+wenn es eine \kf e \G\
+$G=(N,\Sigma,P,S)$ gibt, f"ur die
+$$L=L(G):=\{w\,\mid\,w\in\Sigma^*\hbox{ und }
+S\abl^P w\}$$
+Sei $G_1=(\{S,T\}, \{a,b\}, \{S\to aT|Ta|\epsilon, T\to Sb|bS\}, S)$
+eine kontext--freie Grammatik.
+Die verschiedenen Produktionen f"ur ein Nichtterminalsymbol
+werden "ublicherweise zu einer Regel zusammengefa\3t und durch
+einen senkrechten Strich getrennt. $T\to Sb|bS$ bedeutet also
+$T\to Sb$ oder $T\to bS$.
+Es gibt zum Beispiel folgende
+$$S\longrightarrow aT\longrightarrow aSb\longrightarrow ab$$
+$$S\longrightarrow Ta\longrightarrow Sba\longrightarrow aTba
+\longrightarrow aSbba\longrightarrow abba\;.$$
+Die W"orter $ab$ bzw. $abba$ sind Terminalworte.
+Sei im folgenden
+$G=(N,\Sigma,P,S)$ eine \kf e \G,
+$w\in\Sigma^*$ und $L(G)$ die von $G$ erzeugte \kf e Sprache.
+Im Zusammenhang mit \kf en \G en und Sprachen stellt sich
+die Frage, ob die Syntax der erzeugten Sprache korrekt ist.
+Deshalb sind drei Probleme, auf die im folgenden n"aher eingegangen
+von besonderem Interesse:
+\item{---} "Aquivalenz von Grammatiken,
+Entscheidbarkeit "uber die Zugeh"origkeit eines Wortes zu der von
+der Grammatik $G$ erzeugten Sprache $L(G)$,
+\item{---} Eindeutigkeit der Ableitung f"ur ein Wort
+$w\in L(G)$.
+Auf diese drei Punkte wird nun n"aher eingegangen.
+\subheading{2.1.3 "Aquivalenz \kf er \G en}
+Es kann sein, da\3 eine
+\kf e \G\ in ihren Alphabeten Zeichen enth"alt,
+f"ur die es keine Ableitungen gibt oder die in den Terminalw"ortern der
+Sprache nicht vorkommen. Auch die Menge der Produktionen kann nutzlose
+Regeln enthalten, die zur Erzeugung der Sprache, also der
+Terminalw"orter, nicht beitragen.
+Es w"are sicherlich w"unschenswert, wenn diese redundanten
+beziehungsweise nutzlosen Zeichen
+und Regeln aus der \kf en \G\ entfernt werden k"onnten, ohne da\3 sich
+die \G\ wesentlich "andert.
+Dies geht, indem folgende Einschr"ankungen gemacht werden:
+(1) das Startsymbol kommt nur auf der linken Seite einer Ableitung auf,
+(2) keine Regel f"uhrt nur zum leeren Wort, (3) kein Nichtterminalsymbol
+wird in ein Nichtterminalsymbol abgeleitet und (4) jede Ableitung f"uhrt
+zu einem Terminalwort.
+Auf welche Art ein Grammatik dahingehend abge"andert werden kann, da\3
+sie diese Bedingungen erf"ullt, wird im Anschlu\3 an die Definition
+der "Aquivalenz geschildert.
+Zwei \kf e \G en
+$G=(N,\Sigma,P,S)$ und
+$G'=(N',\Sigma',P',S')$ hei\3en
+\de{"aqui\-va\-lent} genau dann, wenn
+$L(G)=L(G')$; \dh, wenn die beiden \G en die gleiche Sprache
+Der folgende Algorithmus "uberf"uhrt die \kf e Grammatik $G$ in
+eine \kf e Grammatik $G'$, die
+die obigen Bedingungen erf"ullt und "aquivalent zu $G$ ist.
+Die Grammatik $G'$ wird \de{reduziert} genannt. F"ur eine
+Beschreibung des Algorithmus sei auf \lit{\Zima} oder \lit{\Peters}
+Eine \kf e \G\
+$G=(N,\Sigma,P,S)$ kann durch folgende Schritte reduziert werden:
+Das Startsymbol $S$ soll nicht auf der rechten Seite einer Ableitung
+vorkommen, \dh
+$A\longrightarrow v$, $A\in N$, $v\in\Gamma^*$, tritt $S$ nicht in $v$
+auf. Diese Bedingung kann erf"ullt werden durch Einf"uhrung eines neuen
+Startsymbols $S'$ und der Hinzunahme der Regel $S'\longrightarrow S$.
+$N'$ ist dann
+Die Produktionen sollen \de{$\epsilon$--frei} sein, \dh
+keine Regel soll die Form
+$C\longrightarrow \epsilon$, $C\in N$, haben.
+Sei $v\in\Gamma^*$ und das Nichtterminalsymbol $C$ kommt in $v$ vor.
+Dann kann zu jeder Regel
+$A\longrightarrow v$, $A\in N$,
+eine Produktion
+$A\longrightarrow w$, $w\in\Gamma^*$, hinzugef"ugt werden.
+Diese entsteht aus
+$A\longrightarrow v$, indem in $w$ alle $C$ durch
+$\epsilon$ ersetzt werden. Die Regel
+$C\longrightarrow \epsilon$ kann dann eliminiert werden.
+Die Menge der Produktionen enth"alt keine \de{single production},
+also keine Regel der Form
+$A\longrightarrow B$ mit $A,B\in N$. Dazu werden alle Produktionen
+$C\longrightarrow x$, $x\in\Sigma$ betrachtet. Nun wird
+f"ur alle $A$ mit
+$ A\longrightarrow B$ und alle
+$ C\longrightarrow x$ "uberpr"uft, ob eine Ableitung
+$A\abl^P C$ existiert. Falls es so eine Ableitung gibt, wird
+$A\longrightarrow x$ als neue Regel hinzugenommen und die Regel
+$A\longrightarrow B$ entfernt.
+Jede abgeschlossene Ableitung soll zu einem Terminalwort f"uhren.
+Das bedeutet, da\3 es
+immer eine Ableitung $S\abl^P vAw\abl^P vuw$ mit
+$v,w,u\in\Sigma^*$, $A\in N$, gibt. Dies kann erreicht werden, indem
+alle Nichtterminalzeichen aus dem Nichtterminalalphabet $N$ gestrichen
+werden, aus denen kein Terminalwort abgeleitet werden kann. Au\3erdem
+werden alle nichterreichbaren Symbole aus den Alphabeten gestrichen.
+Die durch obigen Proze\3 entstandene \kf e \G\
+$G'=(N',\Sigma',P',S')$ ist "aquivalent zu der \kf en \G\ $G$, \dh
+$L(G')=L(G)$ (Beweis siehe \lit{\Zima}, \lit{\Peters}).
+Mit der \G\ $G'$ kann die Sprache $L$ ohne unn"otige bzw.
+redundante Ableitungen erzeugt werden.
+Au\3erdem wird mit jeder vollst"andigen
+ein Terminalwort erreicht.
+Ein Ziel wird es demnach sein,
+zur Erzeugung einer Sprache eine reduzierte
+\kf e \G\ zu benutzen.
+Im folgenden sei die \kf e \G\
+$G=(N,\Sigma,P,S)$ laut obigen Vereinbarungen eine reduzierte Grammatik.
+\subheading{2.1.4 Entscheidbarkeit}
+Immer dann, wenn die Syntax einer Sprache "uberpr"uft werden soll,
+stellt sich
+die Frage nach der Zugeh"origkeit eines Wortes zu dieser
+Eine syntaktisch korrekte Sprache enth"alt nur
+W"orter, die durch die zugeh"orige Grammatik erzeugt
+wurden. Deshalb ist es f"ur die Syntaxanalyse wichtig, entscheiden zu
+k"onnen, ob ein Wort zu der von einer Grammatik erzeugten Sprache
+geh"ort oder nicht. Falls diese Frage f"ur ein Wort entschieden werden
+kann, so mu\3 als
+n"achster Schritt eine Ableitung f"ur dieses Wort gefunden werden --
+vorausgesetzt, das Wort geh"ort zu der Sprache.
+Anhand der gefundenen Ableitung f"ur ein Wort $x$ kann seine syntaktische
+Struktur erkannt werden.
+Eine Sprache
+$L\subseteq \Sigma^*$ mit der Eigenschaft, da\3 f"ur jedes Wort
+$v\in\Sigma^*$ entschieden werden kann, ob
+$v\in L$ oder $v\notin L$, hei\3t
+Jede \kf e Sprache ist entscheidbar (siehe
+\lit{\Peters} oder \lit{\Zima}).
+Das bedeutet, da\3 in jedem Fall festgestellt werden
+kann, ob ein Wort durch die Grammatik erzeugt wird und damit zu
+der Sprache geh"ort.
+Im Zusammenhang mit der
+Entscheidbarkeit \kf er Sprachen werden
+Verfahren angegeben, mit denen eine Ableitung f"ur
+ein Terminalwort gefunden werden kann.
+Verfahren zum systematischen Aufsuchen einer Ableitung zu einer
+gegebenen Grammatik $G$ und einem gegebenen Wort
+$w\in \Sigma^*$ werden
+\de{Syntax--Anlayse--Verfahren} genannt.
+Bei der Konstruktion einer zu $w$ geh"orenden Ableitung k"onnen zwei
+prinzipiell verschiedene Wege eingeschlagen werden:
+Einerseits kann von den Terminalzeichen, die das Wort $w$ bilden,
+ausgegangen und versucht werden, das Startsymbol $S$ zu erreichen
+(``bottom--up--Analyse''). Andererseits kann die Konstruktion einer
+Ableitung mit dem Startsymbol begonnen werden, um auf diesen Weg das
+Terminalwort $w$ zu erreichen (``top--down--Analyse'').
+W"ahrend einer Analyse mu\3 h"aufig zwischen mehreren Regeln gew"ahlt
+werden, weil es f"ur ein Nichtterminalsymbol verschiedene Produktionen
+geben kann und es oft nicht absehbar ist, ob die eine oder die
+andere Regel zum gew"unschten Ergebnis f"uhrt.
+Dies zeigt das folgende Beispiel.
+Sei $G$ eine \kf e \G\ mit $\Sigma=\{a,+,*,(,)\}$, $N=\{S\}$,
+$P=\{S\to S+S/S*S/(S)/a\}$ und dem Startsymbol $S$.
+Dann kann der Ausdruck $a+a*a$ mit verschiedenen Ableitungen
+erreicht werden:
+$$S\to S+S\to S+S*S\to a+S\to a+a*S\to a+a*a$$
+$$S\to S+S\to a+S\to a+S*S\to a+a*S\to a+a*a\,.$$
+Es kann auch sein, da\3 durch die Wahl einer ungeeigneten Regel
+die Anlayse vor Erreichen des Startsymbols $S$ bzw. des Terminalworts
+$w$ terminiert. Dann mu\3 die Ableitung bis zu der mehrdeutigen Stelle
+r"uckg"angig gemacht werden (``back--tracking'') und von dort aus wieder
+mit der Analyse begonnen werden. Allerdings werden die Bem"uhungen
+dahingehen, solche Sackgassen zu vermeiden und m"oglichst effiziente
+Analysealgorithmen zu verwenden.
+Verfahren, die solche Analysealgorithmen f"ur \kf e Sprachen automatisch
+generieren, sind die
+$LL(1)$-- und die
+$LALR(1)$--Analyse. Die Besprechung dieser Analyseverfahren w"urde
+hier zu weit f"uhren, deshalb sei an dieser Stelle wiederum auf
+\lit{\Zima} verwiesen.
+Es ist noch zu sagen, da\3 diese Analysestrategien ausschlie\3lich auf
+eindeutige \G en anwendbar sind. Darum schlie\3t an dieser Stelle
+eine kurze
+Zusammenfassung "uber den Eindeutigkeitsbegriff \kf er \G en an.
+\subheading{2.1.5 Eindeutigkeit}
+Bevor Aussagen zur Eindeutigkeit einer \kf en \G\ gemacht werden
+k"onnen, m"ussen einige Vereinbarungen "uber Ableitungen getroffen
+Um daf"ur einen anschaulichen Hintergrund zu haben, werden die
+Ableitungen durch sogenannte Ableitungsb"aume graphisch dargestellt.
+Sei $G$ eine \kf e \G\ und
+$w\in L(G)\subseteq\Sigma^*$. Ein
+\de{Ableitungsbaum von $w$ in $G$} ist ein Baum mit
+den Eigenschaften:
+Die Wurzel hat die Marke $S$.
+Alle mit Nichtterminalzeichen $A$ markierten Knoten haben
+Nachfolger; sind f"ur einen mit $A$ markierten Knoten die Nachfolger mit
+$v_1,\ldots, v_n\in\Gamma$ markiert, dann enth"alt $G$ die Regel
+$A\longrightarrow v_1\cdots v_n$.
+Die Marken der Bl"atter ergeben von links nach rechts gelesen das
+Wort $w$.
+Zu einer Ableitung
+$S\abl^P w$ mit
+$S\longrightarrow w_1\longrightarrow w_2\longrightarrow
+\cdots \longrightarrow w_m=w$,
+$w\in L(G)$, kann nach folgenden Regeln ein \de{Ableitungsbaum}
+zusammengef"ugt werden:
+Zu jeder Regel
+$A\longrightarrow v_1\cdots v_n\in P$ mit
+$v_i\in \Gamma$,
+$1\le i\le n$, wird der zugeh"orige \de{Regelbaum}
+\input mdocpic1
+\item{ } gebildet.
+Nun wird der Ableitungsbaum f"ur
+$S\abl^P w$ begonnen, indem der Regelbaum zur Regel
+$S\longrightarrow w_1$ erstellt wird.
+Sei $w_i=xAy$, $1\le i<m$, $x,y\in\Gamma^*$, $A\in N$ und
+$w_{i+1}=xvy$, $v\in \Gamma^*$. Der "Ubergang von $w_i$ nach
+$w_{i+1}$ wird durch die Anwendung der Regel
+$A\longrightarrow v$ bewirkt.
+Im Ableitungsbaum wird
+der Knoten $A\in N$ durch den Regelbaum f"ur die Regel
+$A\longrightarrow v$ ersetzt.
+Jeder Ableitungsschritt kann an den
+Bl"attern des Baumes von links nach rechts abgelesen werden.
+Auf diese Weise kann f"ur jedes Wort $w$ ein Ableitungsbaum konstruiert
+Der umgekehrte Vorgang ist ebenfalls m"oglich.
+Zu einem Ableitungsbaum eines Wortes $w$ k"onnen Ableitungen
+gefunden werden; dabei kann es sein, da\3 es zu einem Ableitungsbaum
+verschiedene Ableitungen gibt. Deswegen wird jedem Ableitungsbaum eine
+ausgezeichnete Ableitung zugeordnet.
+Eine Ableitung
+$S\longrightarrow w_1\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow w_m=w$ hei\3t
+\de{Linksableitung} genau dann, wenn bei jedem "Ubergang
+$w_{i}=xAy\longrightarrow xvy$ mit
+$A\in N$, stets $x\in\Sigma^*$ gilt.
+Analog dazu kann auch die \de{Rechtsableitung} definiert werden.
+Jeder Linksableitung von $w$ entspricht genau ein Ableitungsbaum und
+umgekehrt. Au\3erdem besitzt jedes Wort einer Sprache
+eine Linksableitung.
+Es ist m"oglich, da\3 es zu einem Wort mehrere
+Linksableitungen gibt, also auch mehrere Ableitungsb"aume. Aus
+diesem Grund ist es sinnvoll, folgende Vereinbarung zu treffen:
+Eine \kf e \G\ $G$ hei\3t \de{eindeutig} genau dann, wenn f"ur jedes
+$w\in L(G)$ nur eine Linksableitung existiert. Andernfalls hei\3t $G$
+Eine \kf e Sprache $L\subseteq \Sigma^*$ hei\3t \de{eindeutig} genau
+dann, wenn es eine eindeutige \kf e \G\
+f"ur $L$ gibt. Andernfalls hei\3t
+$L$ \de{mehrdeutig}.
+Es liegt auf der Hand, da\3 Eingabesprachen f"ur den Computer eindeutig
+sein sollten, schon allein aus dem Grund, da\3 die semantische
+Eindeutigkeit sonst nicht gew"ahrleistet werden kann.
+Zum Abschlu\3 dieses Abschnitts sei darauf hingewiesen, da\3
+sich die praktische Anwendung der \kf en \G en von der Theorie
+Mit \kf en \G en k"onnen weite Teile der Syntax von
+Eingabe-- oder Programmiersprachen erfa\3t werden. Allerdings
+m"ussen zus"atzlich zu den Regeln des Produk\-tionssystems $P$ noch
+weitere Vorschriften gemacht werden, bei denen es sich dann nicht
+mehr um \kf e Regeln handelt. Diese Zusatzregeln sind meist n"otig,
+um Eingaben zu vermeiden, die semantisch
+keinen Sinn ergeben, aber aus den
+Produktionsregeln der \G\ ableitbar sind.
+Trotzdem kann mit \kf en \G en zun"achst die "au\3ere
+Struktur der Sprachen, die beschrieben werden m"ussen,
+festgelegt werden.
+Auch der Aufbau der hier erarbeiteten
+Eingabesprache f"ur Musikst"ucke, die
+zur Automatisierung des Notensatzes benutzt werden soll,
+kann mit Hilfe obiger Theorie behandelt werden.
+\centerline{\bf 2.2 Die Syntax der Noteneingabesprache in \BNF}
+In diesem Abschnitt soll die Syntax der Noteneingabesprache,
+die f"ur eine Anwendung mit dem Computer entwickelt worden ist und
+und deshalb zur Klasse der formalen Sprache geh"ort, dargestellt
+Eine formale Sprache kann durch eine \kf e \G\ erzeugt werden, deren
+Produktionsregeln den syntaktischen Aufbau der Sprache
+beschreiben. Die entwickelte Noteneingabesprache kann ebenfalls
+durch eine \kf e \G\ generiert werden.
+Zur Beschreibung dieser \kf en \G\ wird aus mehreren Gr"unden
+die standardm"a\3ig benutzte
+\BNF\ gew"ahlt.
+Zum einen bietet die \BNF\ die M"oglichkeit,
+die Nichtterminalzeichen mnemotechnisch zu benennen, was die
+Erkennung ihrer Bedeutung innerhalb der Sprache und daher
+das Verst"andnis erleichtert. Au\3erdem k"onnen die Nichtterminal%-
+symbole in den Produktionsregeln von den Terminalsymbolen durch die
+die Art ihrer Darstellung unterschieden werden. Die Menge der
+Terminal-- bzw. Nichtterminalzeichen m"ussen demnach nicht gesondert
+aufgef"uhrt werden, was vor allem bei sehr umfangreichen \G en\
+von Vorteil ist.
+Bevor der syntaktische Aufbau der Eingabesprache mit Hilfe der
+\BNF\ dargestellt wird, soll diese anhand
+eines Beispiels
+erl"autert werden.
+\subheading{2.2.1 Die \BNF}
+Zur Backus--Naur--Form
+geh"ort ein Qua\-dru\-pel
+$(N,\Sigma,P,S)$. Die Nichtterminalsymbole
+werden mnemotechnisch benannt
+und in spitze Klammern eingeschlossen. Statt dem Ableitungspfeil wird
+das Zeichen
+$::=$ zum Anschreiben der Produktionen benutzt.
+Bei Auftreten des Zeichens wird
+das Nichtterminalsymbol auf der linken Seite durch die rechte
+Seite genauer erkl"art. Wie bei Produktionsregeln von \G en "ublich,
+werden bei der \BNF\ die verschiedenen M"oglichkeiten einer
+Ableitung f"ur ein Nichtterminalzeichen durch einen senkrechten Strich
+voneinander getrennt.
+Zum besseren Verst"andnis wird nun ein Beispiel f"ur eine
+\kf e \G\ in
+\BNF\ gegeben und nach ihren Regeln eine Ableitung konstruiert.
+$G=(N,\Sigma,P,S)$ eine \kf e \G\ mit\par
+$S=$\nl{name} und $P$ enth"alt die Produktionen
+\item{ }
+\item{ }
+\item{ }
+\nl{letter}::=B\T E\T I\T S\T P\T L,
+\item{ }
+W"orter der von $G$ erzeugten Sprache sind \zB BEISPIEL22, B11LE,
+1322 oder BSP1.
+Zur Veranschaulichung wird die Linksableitung, dargestellt als
+Ableitung und Ableitungsbaum, f"ur das Terminalwort BSP1 konstruiert.
+$$\align \nm{name}
+&={\bf B}\nm{name}\\
+&={\bf B}\nm{alphanum}\nm{name}\\
+&={\bf B}\nm{letter}\nm{name}\\
+&={\bf BS}\nm{name}\\
+&={\bf BS}\nm{alphanum}\nm{name}\\
+&={\bf BS}\nm{letter}\nm{name}\\
+&={\bf BSP}\nm{name}\\
+&={\bf BSP}\nm{alphanum}\\
+&={\bf BSP}\nm{numeral}\\
+&={\bf BSP1}\endalign$$
+Der Ableitungsbaum f"ur die Linksableitung hat folgende Gestalt:
+\def\HB#1{\hbox to 3cm{\hfil$#1$\hfil}}
+\def\Hb#1{\hbox to 1.5cm{\hfil$#1$\hfil}}
+\centerline{ \HB{\nm{name}} }
+\centerline{ \Hb{\swarrow} \Hb{\searrow} }
+\centerline{ \HB{\nm{alphanum}} \HB{\nm{name}} }
+\centerline{ \Hb{\swarrow} \Hb{} \Hb{\swarrow} \Hb{\searrow} }
+\centerline{ \HB{\nm{letter}} \HB{\nm{alphanum}} \HB{\nm{name}} }
+\centerline{ \Hb{\swarrow} \Hb{} \Hb{\swarrow} \Hb{}
+ \Hb{\swarrow} \Hb{\searrow} }
+\centerline{ \HB{\bf B} \HB{\nm{letter}} \HB{\nm{alphanum}} \HB{\nm{name}} }
+\centerline{ \Hb{} \Hb{\swarrow} \Hb{} \Hb{\swarrow} \Hb{} \Hb{\swarrow} }
+\centerline{ \HB{\bf S} \HB{\nm{letter}} \HB{\nm{alphanum}} }
+\centerline{ \Hb{} \Hb{\swarrow} \Hb{} \Hb{\swarrow} }
+\centerline{ \HB{\bf P} \HB{\nm{numeral}} }
+\centerline{ \Hb{} \Hb{\swarrow} }
+\centerline{ \HB{\bf 1} }
+Im Anschlu\3 daran kann nun
+mit Hilfe der \BNF\ die Syntax der Noteneingabesprache
+beschrieben werden. Diese wird
+zusammen mit
+Erl"auterungen zu den Pro\-duktions\-regeln und ihrer Bedeutung
+f"ur die Sprache
+im n"achsten Abschnitt geliefert.
+\subheading{2.2.2 Syntaxbeschreibung in \BNF}
+Die Grammatik, die die Syntax der Eingabesprache beschreibt, ist eine
+nach den Gesichtspunkten aus 2.1.3 reduzierte \G. Das bedeutet,
+da\3 sie $\epsilon$--frei ist, keine single production enth"alt und da\3
+Startsymbol nur einmal vorkommt, und zwar auf der linken Seite. Des
+weiteren gibt es f"ur jedes Nichtterminalsymbol eine Ableitung, die
+zu einem Terminalwort f"uhrt und es gibt keine nicht\-erreichbaren
+Nichtterminal-- bzw. Terminalzeichen. Die Elemente der erzeugten Sprache,
+also die Terminalw"orter, sind Eingaben f"ur den Computer und
+beschreiben ein Musikst"uck.
+Die Grammatik wird haupts"achlich durch ihre Produktionsregeln
+charakterisiert. Dabei wird die Vereinbarung getroffen, da\3 die
+Nichtterminal-- und Terminalzeichen durch die Art der Notation in den
+Ableitungsregeln kenntlich gemacht werden.
+Es soll gelten:
+$S=\nm{music input}$
+$N$ enth"alt alle metalinguistischen Variablen, das sind die
+in spitzen Klammern eingeschlossenen Zeichenfolgen.
+$\Sigma$ besteht aus allen fett gedruckten Symbolen. Das k"onnen
+auch Zeichenfolgen sein.\abs
+Die Menge $P$ der Produktionsregeln, die die Noteneingabesprache
+vollst"andig erzeugen, soll im folgenden erl"autert werden.
+Allerdings wird aus Gr"unden der besseren Lesbarkeit
+darauf verzichtet, die Vorschriften f"ur
+Linksableitungen genau zu befolgen.
+Bei aufeinanderfolgenden Regeln wird also nicht immer das am weitesten
+links stehende Nichtterminalsymbol der vorhergehenden Regel erkl"art.
+Stattdessen wird eine Vorgehensweise gew"ahlt, die den Kontext der
+einzelnen Produktionsregeln verdeutlichen soll. Dazu werden die Regeln
+zu verschiedenen Abschnitten zusammengefa\3t, wobei ein Abschnitt solche
+Produktionen f"ur Nichtterminalzeichen enth"alt, die sinngem"a\3
+zusammengeh"oren. Diese Methode f"uhrt zu einer Unterteilung in
+sechs Abschnitte, die in Anlehnung an die Notation von
+Musikst"ucken in Notenschrift entstanden sind.
+Bevor auf die Beschreibung der Produktionsregeln eingegangen wird,
+soll zun"achst zum Verst"andnis der gew"ahlten Unterteilung
+der Aufbau einer Partitur in groben Z"ugen dargestellt werden.
+Zu Anfang eines Musikst"ucks
+stehen "ublicherweise Angaben zum Komponisten
+und dem Titel, bei Vokalmusik werden diese erg"anzt durch Informationen
+"uber den Dichter. Danach wird, der Art des zu notierenden Musikwerks
+entsprechend, die Anzahl der erforderlichen Notenliniensysteme
+festgelegt, in die der Melodieverlauf der einzelnen Stimmen der
+Partitur in Notenschrift geschrieben wird.
+Ein Notenliniensystem besteht
+aus f"unf Linien, in die die Notenschriftzeichen eingeordnet werden.
+Zur Niederschrift mehrstimmiger Musikst"ucke werden mehrere
+Notenliniensysteme benutzt, die untereinander geschrieben
+und durch eine geschweifte Klammer auf der linken Seite zu sogenannten
+Akkoladen zusammengefa\3t werden (siehe \lit{\Ziegen}).
+Im folgenden wird statt Notenliniensystem
+auch der Begriff System benutzt.
+Ein einzelnes Notenliniensystem kann grob in zwei Teile gegliedert
+werden. Der erste Teil enth"alt die Angaben, die f"ur die gesamte
+Melodie des Systems G"ultigkeit haben und die zu Beginn jeder
+zu dem System geh"orenden Notenzeile stehen. Mit den einleitenden
+Angaben wird durch den Notenschl"ussel und die Tonart eine Aussage
+"uber die genaue Tonh"ohe der Melodie gemacht, der Rhythmus
+und eventuell Tempo und Tonst"arke festgelegt \lit{\Ziegen}.
+Der zweite Teil eines Systems beschreibt den Melodieverlauf, der
+haupts"achlich mit Hilfe von Noten, Versetzungszeichen, Pausen
+und Taktstrichen notiert wird. Zus"atzlich werden f"ur erl"auternde
+Angaben Sonderzeichen oder Text benutzt.
+In einem einzelnen System d"urfen entweder ein--
+oder zweistimmige St"ucke notiert werden, die
+f"ur Vokalmusik noch mit einem
+Liedtext versehen werden k"onnen.
+Bei der Notation des Melodieverlaufs bilden die ben"otigten
+Notenschriftzeichen in vielen F"allen wiederum Einheiten,
+die dadurch zustande kommen, da\3 die Notenschriftzeichen
+miteinander verbunden werden, wie \zB mit Balken oder B"ogen.
+Es kann also zwischen einzelnen und kombinierten Notenschriftzeichen
+unterschieden werden.
+Die Produktionsregeln der \G\ werden nun entsprechend
+der von ihnen erzeugten Sprachelemente aufgegliedert, wobei die oben
+beschriebene Strukturierung zugrunde gelegt wird.
+Je nachdem, zu welchem Abschnitt sie geh"oren,
+beschreiben sie dann folgende Teile einer Partitur:
+Eigenschaften, die eine Aussage "uber die Art
+des Musikwerks machen,
+Melodieverlauf eines Systems,
+einleitende Angaben, die f"ur ein
+System G"ultigkeit haben,
+elementare Notenschriftzeichen,
+Notengruppen, die von Notenschriftzeichen gebildet werden, und
+sonstige Zeichen und Zeichenketten, wie sie f"ur schriftliche
+Anmerkungen ben"otigt werden.
+Ausf"uhrliche Erkl"arungen zu den dort zusammengefa\3ten
+Produktionsregeln werden im folgenden gegeben.
+Doch zuvor noch eine allgemeine Erkl"arung. Manche Regeln der Eingabe%
+sprache legen die Reihenfolge, in der die Angaben gemacht werden
+m"ussen, nicht fest.
+Diese Daten k"onnen also beliebig aufeinanderfolgen,
+wie es zum Beispiel bei \nl{preliminary data} erlaubt ist
+(siehe 2.2.2, Abschnitt 1).
+In solchen F"allen wird das "Ubereinkommen getroffen, da\3 bei
+mehrfachen sich eventuell widersprechenden Angaben mit gleichem
+Informationsgehalt die zuletzt eingegeben gilt. F"ur Linksableitungen
+ist das die, die am weitesten rechts steht.
+\subheading{1) Beschreibung der Art der Partitur}\abs
+\def\T{\ |\ }
+Dieser Abschnitt enth"alt die Produktionsregeln,
+mit denen
+die Art des Musikst"ucks bestimmt werden kann und die die
+Notenliniensysteme erzeugen, in die anschlie\3end der Melodieverlauf
+eingetragen wird.
+Durch einige der hier aufgef"uhrten Regeln wird
+die Anzahl der zur Notation des Musikst"ucks ben"otigten Systeme
+und der Inhalt eines Systems
+festgelegt. Andere bieten die M"oglichkeit, die Angaben, die f"ur
+die Dauer eines Systems gelten und zu Beginn jeder Zeile des Systems
+notiert werden, zu erzeugen. Die Regeln, die zur Generierung der
+"Uberschriften einer Partitur ben"otigt werden, sind ebenfalls
+in diesem Abschnitt aufgef"uhrt.
+Anfang und Ende eines Musikst"ucks m"ussen besonders gekennzeichnet
+werden. Das ist vor allem deshalb n"otig, um
+eine Noteneingabe innerhalb einer normalen Texteingabe von dieser
+abzuheben. Damit k"onnen Partituren gemeinsam
+mit Texten eingegeben und verarbeitet werden.
+{\tabskip0pt plus1fill
+\halign to\hsize{\hfill$#{}$%
+\tabskip0pt&$#$\hfill\tabskip0pt plus 1fill\cr
+\nm{music input} ::=& \nm{begin} \nm{piece} \nm{end}\cr
+\nm{begin} ::=& {\hbox{\bf!!}} \T \bs{\bf beginsong}\cr
+\nm{piece} ::=& \nm{several system} \T \nm{system} \T \nm{heading}
+\nm{several system} ::=& \bs{\bf system}
+ \lk\nm{system}\rk \T\cr
+&\bs{\bf system}
+ \lk\nm{system}\rk
+\nm{several system}\cr
+\nm{system} ::=& \nm{block} \T \nm{preliminary data} \nm{block}\cr
+\nm{block} ::=& \nm{melody} \T \nm{two} \T \nm{vocal}\cr
+\nm{two} ::=& \bs{\bf two}\lk\nm{melody}\rk \lk%
+ \nm{melody}\rk\cr
+\nm{vocal} ::=& \bs{\bf vocal}\lk\nm{melody}\rk \lk%
+ \nm{songtext}\rk \T
+\bs{\bf vocal}\lk\nm{two}\rk \lk%
+ \nm{songtext}\rk\cr
+\nm{preliminary data} ::=& \nm{voice} \T \nm{clef} \T \nm{signature} \T
+\nm{metre} \T
+ \nm{explanation} \T \cr
+&\nm{preliminary data} \nm{preliminary data}\cr
+\nm{heading} ::=& \bs{\bf title}\lk\nm{text}\rk \T
+ \bs{\bf poet}\lk\nm{text}\rk \T
+ \bs{\bf composer}\lk\nm{text}\rk\cr
+\nm{end} ::=& {\hbox{\bf!!}} \T \bs{\bf endsong}\cr
+Die Eingabe eines Musikst"ucks beginnt und endet mit \nl{begin} bzw.
+\nl{end}, wobei entweder das Terminalzeichen {\bf!!} oder
+\bs{\bf beginsong} bzw. \bs{\bf endsong} benutzt werden kann.
+Mit \nl{piece} kann entschieden werden, ob ein System oder mehrere
+Systeme eingegeben werden sollen. Falls mehrere Systeme eingegeben
+werden, so werden diese hintereinander eingegeben. Dabei zeigt das
+Terminalwort \bs{\bf system} den Beginn eines weiteren Systems an.
+Zus"atzlich besteht mit \nl{heading} die M"oglichkeit, "Uberschriften
+In einem System \nl{system} k"onnen unterschiedliche St"ucke notiert
+werden. Diese Wahl findet mit \nl{block} statt.
+Einerseits kann es sich bei der Eingabe um eine einstimmige
+Melodie \nl{melody} handeln.
+Eine andere M"oglichkeit ist, da\3 zwei Stimmen in
+einem System dargestellt werden. Dazu wird \nl{two} benutzt. Die
+dritte M"oglichkeit, n"amlich die Eingabe eines Liedes, geschieht
+mit \nl{vocal}. \par
+Einem System k"onnen durch \nl{preliminary data} einleitende
+Angaben wie Instrumentenstimmen, Notenschl"ussel, Tonart, Taktart
+und Tempoangaben vorangestellt sein.
+\subheading{2) Beschreibung des Melodieverlaufs}
+Die folgenden Produktionsregeln erzeugen den
+Melodieverlauf jeweils einer Stimme und den eventuell vorhandenen
+Die Melodie wird charakterisiert durch einfache Notenschriftzeichen wie
+Noten, Pausen,
+Vorzeichen und Taktunterteilungen. Die Regeln f"ur diese einfachen
+Zeichen werden in 4) erl"autert.
+Diese Zeichen k"onnen je nach Anordnung
+in Gruppen zusammengefa\3t werden, wie es in Abschnitt 5) beschrieben
+wird. Zus"atzlich kann eine Melodie
+schriftliche Erl"auterungen in Form eines Textes enthalten.
+{\tabskip0pt plus1fill
+\halign to\hsize{\hfill$#{}$%
+\tabskip0pt&$#$\hfill\tabskip0pt plus 1fill\cr
+\nm{melody} ::=& \nm{primitives} \T \nm{group} \T \nm{change} \T
+ \nm{explanation}\cr
+\nm{primitives} ::=& \nm{note} \T \nm{rest} \T
+\nm{caesura} \T \nm{barline} \T\cr
+ & \nm{primitives} \nm{primitives}\cr
+\nm{group} ::=& \nm{simple nested group} \T
+ \nm{mismatched group} \T \cr
+ & \nm{articulation group} \T \nm{group} \nm{group}\cr
+\nm{change} ::=& \nm{clef} \T \nm{signature} \T \nm{metre} \T \nm{change}
+ \nm{change}\cr
+\nm{songtext} ::=& \nm{text} \T \nm{place}\nm{text} \T
+\nm{omission} \T
+\nm{songtext} \nm{songtext}\cr
+\nm{articulation group} ::=
+& \bs{\bf stac} \nm{melody} \bs{\bf noaccent} \T\cr
+& \bs{\bf staccatissimo} \nm{melody} \bs{\bf noaccent} \T\cr
+& \bs{\bf tenuto} \nm{melody} \bs{\bf noaccent}\cr
+Der Melodieverlauf wird in \nl{melody} beschrieben. Die Melodie ist eine
+Anordnung von \nl{primitives}, \nl{group},
+\nl{change} und \nl{explanation}.
+Dabei handelt es sich bei \nl{primitives} um die Grundbausteine wie
+Noten, Pausen, Atemzeichen und Taktstriche.
+In \nl{group} werden alle Notengruppen beschrieben. Das sind
+\nl{primitives}, die mit Balken, Bogen oder Notenh"alse zu einer
+Einheit zusammengefa\3t werden. Unterschieden wird zwischen
+\nl{simple nested group}, \nl{mismatched group} und
+\nl{articulation group}.
+\nl{simple nested group}
+ist eine Gruppe, in der die \nl{primi\-tives} entweder
+mit einem Balken oder einem Bogen oder einem Notenhals verbunden sind.
+Gleichzeitig ist die
+M"oglichkeit gegeben, solche Gruppen ineinanderzuschachteln.
+Bei einer Noteneingabe kommt es sehr oft vor, da\3 solche Gruppen nicht
+``korrekt'' ineinandergeschachtelt sind, \dh es k"onnen
+"Uberschneidungen vorkommen.
+Eine Gruppe kann innerhalb
+einer anderen aufh"oren, obwohl sie au\3erhalb dieser Gruppe
+begonnen wurde. Dieser Fall ist mit \nl{mismatched group} abgedeckt.
+Auf diese beiden
+Notengruppen wird weiter unten in 5) genauer eingegangen.
+Mit \nl{articulation group} k"onnen Noten mit Akzentuierungen
+versehen werden. Dabei zeigen die Terminalw"orter
+\bs{\bf stac}, \bs{\bf staccatissimo} und \bs{\bf tenuto} jeweils
+den Beginn, das Terminalwort \bs{\bf noaccent} das Ende der
+Gruppe an. F"ur jede Note, die innerhalb dieser Gruppe vorkommt, gilt
+dann die Akzentuierung.
+Weiterhin kann w"ahrend des Melodieverlaufs ein Wechsel von
+Takt-- bzw. Tonart oder ein "Ubergang zu einem anderen Notenschl"ussel
+erfolgen. Dies wird mit \nl{change} bewerkstelligt.\par
+\nl{songtext} tritt in der Ableitung nur auf,
+wenn mit \nl{vocal} Vokalmusik
+eingegeben werden soll. Solch eine Textunterlage besteht aus W"ortern und
+dem Auslassungszeichen \nl{omission}. Dieses Zeichen ist n"otig,
+weil jeder Note eine Textsilbe zugeordnet werden soll. Das Auslassungs%
+zeichen wird benutzt, wenn es zu einer Note keinen Text gibt.
+Die Silben werden durch Leerzeichen voneinander getrennt und
+k"onnen mit einer Positionsangabe versehen werden,
+die allerdings nur f"ur
+die folgende Silbe gilt.
+mehrere Noten f"ur eine Silbe ben"otigt werden, so m"ussen nach der
+Silbe entsprechend der Anzahl der Noten diese Auslassungszeichen
+eingef"ugt werden.\par
+\subheading{3) Beschreibung der einleitenden Angaben,
+zus"atzliche Anmerkungen}
+Dieser Teil der Menge der Produktionsregeln erzeugt die
+oben erw"ahnten einleitenden Angaben, die f"ur
+das gesamte System gelten und zu Beginn jeder Zeile eines Systems
+Dazu geh"oren Instrumentenstimme,
+Notenschl"ussel, Vorzeichnung, Taktart, Tempo und Tonst"arke.
+{\tabskip0pt plus1fill
+\halign to\hsize{\hfill$#{}$%
+\tabskip0pt&$#$\hfill\tabskip0pt plus 1fill\cr
+\nm{voice} ::=& \bs{\bf voice}\lk\nm{text}\rk\cr
+\nm{clef} ::=& \bs{\bf treble} \T \bs{\bf bass} \T \bs{\bf baritone} \T
+ \bs{\bf alto} \T \bs{\bf mezzo} \T \bs{\bf soprano} \T
+ \bs{\bf tenor} \cr
+\nm{signature} ::=& \bs{\bf signature}\lk\nm{several accid}\rk \T
+ \nm{sign}\cr
+\nm{several accid} ::=& \nm{accid} \T \nm{accid} \nm{several accid}\cr
+\nm{accid} ::=& \nm{accidental} \nm{simple note} \T
+\nm{octave} \nm{accidental}
+ \nm{simple note} \T \cr
+ &\nm{accidental} \nm{octave} \nm{simple note}\cr
+\nm{sign} ::=&
+\bs{\bf C} \T \bs{\bf G} \T \bs{\bf D} \T \bs{\bf A} \T \bs{\bf E}
+ \T \bs{\bf H} \T \bs{\bf Fis} \T
+ \bs{\bf Cis} \T \cr
+ &\bs{\bf a} \T \bs{\bf e} \T
+\bs{\bf h} \T \bs{\bf fis} \T
+\bs{\bf cis} \T \bs{\bf gis} \T \bs{\bf dis} \T
+\bs{\bf ais} \T \cr
+&\bs{\bf Ces} \T
+\bs{\bf Ges} \T \bs{\bf Des} \T \bs{\bf As} \T
+ \bs{\bf Es} \T \bs{\bf B} \T
+ \bs{\bf F} \T \cr
+ &\bs{\bf as} \T \bs{\bf es} \T
+ \bs{\bf b} \T \bs{\bf f} \T \bs{\bf c} \T \bs{\bf g} \T \bs{\bf d}\cr
+\nm{metre} ::=& \bs{\bf meter}\lk\nm{number}\slash\nm{number}\rk \T
+\bs{\bf allabreve}
+ \T \bs{\bf hC} \T \bs{\bf dC}\cr
+\nm{explanation} ::=& \bs{\bf text}\lk\nm{text}\rk \T
+ \bs{\bf text}\lk\nm{place} \nm{text}\rk \T\cr
+ &\nm{recital} \T
+ \lk\nm{place} \nm{recital}\rk \cr
+\nm{place} ::=& \bs{\bf\us} \T
+\bs{\bf\us l} \T \bs{\bf\us c} \T \bs{\bf\us r} \T
+\bs{\bf\us n} \T \bs{\bf\us v} \T \bs{\hbox{\bf\os\ }} \T
+ \bs{\hbox{\bf\os\ l}} \T
+ \bs{\hbox{\bf\os\ c}} \T
+\bs{\hbox{\bf\os\ r}} \T \bs{\hbox{\bf\os\ n}}\cr
+\nm{recital} ::=&
+\bs{\bf dacapo} \T \bs{\bf dalsegno} \T
+ \bs{\bf unisono} \T \bs{\bf cantusfirmus} \T
+ \bs{\bf crescendo} \T\cr
+& \bs{\bf decrescendo} \T \bs{\bf diminuendo} \T
+ \bs{\bf forte} \T \bs{\bf fortissimo} \T\cr
+& \bs{\bf fortissimoposs} \T \bs{\bf mezzoforte} \T
+ \bs{\bf mezzopiano} \T \bs{\bf piano} \T\cr
+& \bs{\bf pianissimo} \T
+ \bs{\bf pianissimoposs} \T
+ \bs{\bf fortepiano} \T \bs{\bf forzato} \T\cr
+& \bs{\bf rinforzando} \T \bs{\bf sforzato} \T
+ \bs{\bf sforz} \T \bs{\bf decr} \T \bs{\bf rallentando} \T\cr
+& \bs{\bf ritardando} \T \bs{\bf ritenuto} \T
+ \bs{\bf tr} \T \bs{\bf staccato} \T
+\bs{\bf fine} \T
+ \bs{\bf tacet}
+Einleitende Angaben, die zu einem System gemacht werden k"onnen,
+werden in \nl{preliminary data} beschrieben. Die Instrumentenstimme
+kann mit \nl{voice} durch das Terminalzeichen \bs{\bf voice} eingegeben
+werden, wobei auf das Schl"usselwort in Klammern der Name der
+Instrumentenstimme folgen mu\3. \par
+Eine andere m"ogliche Angabe betrifft den Notenschl"ussel. Dabei
+f"uhrt die Variable \nl{clef} zu einem Terminalzeichen, denn die
+Notenschl"ussel werden durch Schl"usselw"orter angegeben.\par
+In der Regel f"ur \nl{signature} wird erkl"art, wie die Tonart eingegeben
+werden kann. Daf"ur gibt es zwei M"oglichkeiten. Entweder
+wird die Tonart durch ein Schl"usselwort aus der Regel f"ur
+\nl{sign} beschrieben oder durch die expliziten Angaben der
+jeweiligen Vorzeichen. Dies geschieht durch die Eingabe der Tonh"ohe,
+auf die das Vorzeichen Einflu\3 nehmen soll, und dem gew"unschten
+Die Taktart \nl{metre} wird durch das Schl"usselwort \bs{\bf meter} und
+der Taktart eingegeben. Abk"urzende Notationen f"ur
+Taktarten aus der Mensuralnotation wie allabreve k"onnen durch
+die entsprechenden Schl"usselw"orter
+erreicht werden.\par
+Die letzte einleitende Angabe, die m"oglich ist, kann eine
+schriftliche Erkl"arung \zB zum Tempo oder der Tonst"arke
+des Musikst"ucks sein. Dazu wird in \nl{explanation} die
+erl"auternde Angabe in geschweifte Klammern geschrieben, der das
+Schl"usselwort \bs{\bf text} vorangeht. Mit \nl{place} kann
+bestimmt werden, wohin der Text geschrieben werden soll: ober-- oder
+unterhalb des Notenliniensystems (\bs{\bf\os\ }, \bs{\bf\us}),
+links-- oder rechtsb"undig ({\bf l, r}),
+zentriert ({\bf c})
+oder so, da\3 die Breite des darunterstehenden
+der Breite des schriftlichen Hinweises nicht angepa\3t wird ({\bf n}).
+Anmerkungen, die unterhalb der Notenzeile stehen, stehen eigentlich
+in der f"ur Liedtexte vorgesehenen Zeile. Mit {\bf v} k"onnen sie
+direkt unter die Notenzeile gesetzt werden.
+Der Gebrauch von \nl{recital} bietet die M"oglichkeit, oft vorkommende
+Vortragsbezeichnungen oder Angaben zum Tempo bzw. zur Betonung
+mit Hilfe einer Kontrollsequenz einzuf"ugen. Die genaue
+Erkl"arung, durch was diese Kontrollw"orter bei der Ausgabe
+ersetzt werden, kann in 3.4 gefunden werden.
+\subheading{4) Beschreibung der Grundbausteine f"ur einen Takt}\abs
+Mit den folgenden Produktionsregeln k"onnen die elementaren
+Zeichen der Notenschrift wie Noten, Pausen, Versetzungszeichen
+und Taktstriche generiert werden.
+{\tabskip0pt plus1fill
+\halign to\hsize{\hfill$#{}$%
+\tabskip0pt&$#$\hfill\tabskip0pt plus 1fill\cr
+\nm{note} ::=& \nm{simple note} \T
+\nm{note specification} \nm{simple note}\cr
+\nm{simple note} ::=& {\bf c} \T {\bf d} \T {\bf e} \T {\bf f}
+\T {\bf g} \T {\bf a} \T {\bf h} \cr
+\nm{note specification} ::=&
+\nm{octave} \T \nm{accidental} \T
+\nm{duration} \T\cr
+&\nm{punctuation} \T
+ \nm{note specification}
+ \nm{note specification}
+\nm{octave} ::=& {\hbox{\bf,}} \T {\hbox{\bf{,,}}} \T
+{\hbox{\bf{,,,}}} \T {\hbox{\bf `}}
+\T {\hbox{\bf{`}{`}}} \T
+{\hbox{\bf{{`}{`}{`}}}} \T
+{\hbox{\bf{{`}{`}{`}{`}}}} \cr
+\nm{accidental} ::=& {\bf x} \T {\bf{xx}} \T {\bf{b}} \T {\bf{bb}} \T
+\nm{duration} ::=& {\bf 1} \T
+{\bf 2} \T {\bf 4} \T {\bf 8} \T {\bf 6} \T {\bf 3} \T {\bf 5}
+\T {\bf 7} \cr
+\nm{punctuation} ::=& \nm{dot} \T
+\nm{dot} \nm{punctuation} \cr
+\nm{dot} ::=& {\hbox{\bf.}}\cr
+\nm{rest} ::=& \nm{rest specification} {\bf p} \T {\bf{p}} \cr
+\nm{rest specification} ::=& \nm{duration} \T
+\nm{punctuation} \T \cr
+&\nm{rest specification}
+ \nm{rest specification}\cr
+\nm{caesura} ::=& {\bf 0p}\cr
+\nm{barline} ::=& \strich\ \T\ \strich\strich\ \T
+\ \gleich\ \T\ \strich\strich\dpkt\ \T
+\ \dpkt\strich\strich\ \T\ \dpkt\strich\strich\dpkt
+Eine Note, dargestellt
+durch \nl{note}, besteht entweder aus \nl{simple note} oder
+\nl{simple note} versehen mit der \nl{note specification}. Dabei
+gibt \nl{simple note} den Notennamen an, \nl{note specification} n"ahere
+Angaben zur Oktavlage, Vorzeichen und Tondauer.
+Die Oktave kann mit einem der m"oglichen Terminalzeichen f"ur
+\nl{octave} eingegeben werden und das Vorzeichen wird durch die
+Anwendung der Regel f"ur
+\nl{accidental} beschrieben. Die Tondauer ist eine der m"oglichen
+Produktionen f"ur \nl{duration}, eventuell zusammen mit einer
+Punktierung, die mit \nl{punctuation} dargestellt wird.
+Pausen werden mit \nl{rest} analog zu \nl{note} abgeleitet. Das
+Atemzeichen \nl{caesura}
+gilt als Pause mit der Dauer 0, da es keinen Einflu\3 auf
+den Takt hat. \par
+Zur Einteilung eines Taktes werden noch die verschiedenen Taktstriche
+ben"otigt. Die Terminalzeichen daf"ur werden durch Anwendung der
+Regel f"ur \nl{barline} erreicht.
+\subheading{5) Beschreibung der Notengruppen}\abs
+Die hier beschriebenen Regeln generieren alle Arten von
+Notengruppierungen. Auf diese Weise werden die
+einfachen Notenschriftzeichen wie Noten, Pausen und Vorzeichen,
+die in Abschnitt 4) beschrieben werden,
+zu Einheiten zusammengefa\3t.
+Das ist \zB der Fall bei Verbalkungen und Ligaturen.
+{\tabskip0pt plus1fill
+\halign to\hsize{\hfill$#{}$%
+\tabskip0pt&$#$\hfill\tabskip0pt plus 1fill\cr
+\nm{simple nested group} ::=& \bs{\bf beam}\lk%
+\nm{nested group}\rk \T
+ \bs{\bf slur}\lk\nm{nested group}\rk \T\cr
+ &\bs{\bf cresc}\lk\nm{nested group}\rk \T
+ \bs{\bf descresc}\lk\nm{nested group}\rk\cr
+ &\bs{\bf chord}\lk\nm{several notes}\rk \cr
+\nm{nested group} ::=& \nm{primitives} \T \nm{explanation} \T
+\nm{change} \T \cr
+&\nm{simple nested group} \T \nm{articulation group} \T\cr
+&\nm{nested group} \nm{nested group}\cr
+\nm{mismatched group} ::=& \bs{\bf group}\lk\nm{primitives}\rk
+ \nm{special group} \T\cr
+ &\bs{\bf group}\lk\nm{chord}\rk \nm{special group}\cr
+\nm{special group} ::=& \bs{\bf gslur}\lk\nm{sign number}\rk \T
+ \bs{\bf gbeam}\lk\nm{sign number}\rk \cr
+ &\bs{\bf gcresc}\lk\nm{sign number}\rk \T
+ \bs{\bf gdecresc}\lk\nm{sign number}\rk \cr
+ &\nm{special group}\nm{special group}\cr
+\nm{chord} ::=& \bs{\bf chord}\lk%
+\nm{several notes}\rk \T \nm{chord} \nm{chord}\cr
+\nm{several notes} ::=& \nm{note} \T \nm{note} \nm{several notes}\cr
+\nm{sign number} ::=& \nm{number} {\hbox{\bf-}} \nm{number} \T
+\nm{sign number} {\bf,} \nm{number} {\hbox{\bf-}} \nm{number}
+Die Unterschiede der einzelnen Notengruppen wurden schon in 2)
+erl"autert. In \nl{simple nested group}
+gibt das jeweilige Schl"usselwort an, um
+welche Art von Gruppe es sich handelt. \bs{\bf beam} gibt Anweisung,
+die folgende \nl{nested group} zu verbalken, \bs{\bf slur} spannt einen
+Bogen "uber die Gruppe, \bs{\bf cresc} bzw. \bs{\bf decresc} steht
+f"ur crescendo bzw. decrescendo. Bis auf \nl{chord} k"onnen die
+Gruppen von \nl{primitives} gebildet werden. Mit \nl{chord}
+werden die in \nl{several notes} notierten Noten zu einem
+Akkord verbunden. Au\3er Noten d"urfen in \nl{several notes}
+keine anderen Zeichen vorkommen.
+Au\3erdem erlaubt es
+das Nichtterminalsymbol \nl{simple nested group}, die eben
+beschriebenen Gruppen ineinanderzuschachteln. Diese Regel ergibt aber
+nur ``korrekt'' geschachtelte Gruppen, also solche, die sich
+nicht gegenseitig "uberlappen.
+Ein Beispiel f"ur eine Eingabe mit \nl{simple nested group} w"are
+$$\hbox{\bf \ks{slur}\{\ks{beam} \{8`a bh n{`}{`}c\}\}}\;.$$
+Falls dies nicht der Fall ist,
+mu\3 die Gruppe mit Hilfe des Nichtterminalzeichens
+\nl{mismatched group} hergeleitet werden. Daf"ur stehen hinter dem
+Schl"usselwort \bs{\bf group} die \nl{primitives},
+die die Gruppe bilden.
+Diese Angaben werden gefolgt von der Variablen \nl{special group}.
+Sie gibt durch die Stellennummer der Notenschriftzeichen
+an, welche Zeichen wie
+verbunden werden:
+$$\hbox{\ks{group}{\bf \{b4.`a 8a g ba\} \ks{gslur}\{1-2\}
+\subheading{6) Zeichen und Zeichenketten}\abs
+Abschnitt 6) enth"alt die Produktionsregeln, die zur Erzeugung
+der schriftlichen Er\-l"au\-terungen notwendig sind. Schriftlich bedeutet
+hier, da\3 es sich um Angaben handelt, die mit Hilfe von
+normalen Text gemacht werden.
+{\tabskip0pt plus1fill
+\halign to\hsize{\hfill$#{}$%
+\tabskip0pt&$#$\hfill\tabskip0pt plus 1fill\cr
+\nm{word} ::=& \nm{letter} \T \nm{digit} \T \nm{letter} \nm{word} \T
+\nm{digit} \nm{word}\cr
+\nm{letter} ::=& {\bf a} \T
+{\bf b} \T {\bf c} \T {\bf d} \T {\bf e} \T {\bf f} \T {\bf g}
+\T {\bf h} \T {\bf i} \T {\bf j} \T {\bf k} \T {\bf l}
+\T {\bf m} \cr
+&\T {\bf n} \T {\bf o} \T {\bf p} \T {\bf q} \T {\bf r}
+\T {\bf s} \T {\bf t} \T {\bf u} \T {\bf v} \T {\bf w} \T {\bf x}
+\T {\bf y} \T {\bf z} \T\cr
+&{\bf A} \T {\bf B} \T {\bf C} \T {\bf D}
+\T {\bf E} \T {\bf F} \T {\bf G} \T {\bf H} \T {\bf I} \T {\bf J}
+\T {\bf K} \T {\bf L} \T {\bf M} \T\cr
+&{\bf N} \T {\bf O} \T {\bf P}
+\T {\bf Q} \T {\bf R} \T {\bf S} \T {\bf T} \T {\bf U} \T {\bf V}
+\T {\bf W} \T {\bf X} \T {\bf Y} \T {\bf Z}\cr
+\nm{digit} ::=& {\bf 0} \T {\bf 1} \T
+{\bf 2} \T {\bf 3} \T {\bf 4} \T {\bf 5} \T {\bf 6} \T {\bf 7}
+\T {\bf 8} \T {\bf 9}\cr
+\nm{number} ::=& \nm{digit} \T \nm{digit} \nm{number}\cr
+\nm{text} ::=& \nm{word} \T \nm{special character} \T
+ \nm{text} \nm{text}\cr
+\nm{special character} ::=&\ {\hbox{\bf,}}\ \T\ {\hbox{\bf;}}\ \T
+ \ {\hbox{\bf.}}\ \T\ {\hbox{\bf!}}\ \T
+ \ {\hbox{\bf?}}\ \T\ {\blank}\ \T
+ \ {\hbox{\bf*}}\ \T\ {\hbox{\bf+}}\ \T
+ \ {\hbox{\bf-}}\ \T\ {\hbox{\bf`}}\ \T
+ \ {\hbox{\bf'}}\ \T\ \bs\ \T\ {\hbox{\~\ }}\cr
+\nm{omission} ::=&\slash
+W"orter, die in der Syntax mit \nl{word} bezeichnet werden, sind
+eine Folge von Buchstaben und Zahlen. \nl{number} beschreibt eine
+beliebige positive Zahl.\par
+Aus \nl{word} und \nl{special character} wird eine beliebige
+Zeichenkette \nl{text} gebildet.\par
+Die Bedeutung von \nl{omission}, dem Auslassungszeichen, wurde
+in 2) schon erw"ahnt, als \nl{songtext} erkl"art wurde.
+andere gebr"auchliche Methode zur Darstellung von Produktionsregeln
+einer \kf en \G\ sind sogenannte Syntaxdiagramme. Aus diesem Grund
+wird in
+Anhang C
+das Regelsystem der \G\ f"ur die Noteneingabesprache
+der Vollst"andigkeit halber mit Hilfe der Syntaxdiagramme
+Nachdem in diesem Kapitel die Syntax der Noteneingabesprache mit Hilfe
+einer \kf en \G\ beschrieben wurde, wird nun ein Leitfaden f"ur die
+Anwendung der Eingabesprache gegeben.
+In dieser Anleitung wird die Bedeutung und Handhabung der
+Terminalsymbole erl"autert. Dabei wird es sich nicht vermeiden lassen,
+da\3 zu den \kf en Regeln der Syntaxbeschreibung einige Anweisungen
+hinzukommen, die nicht mehr \kf\ sind. Diese sind n"otig, um
+Mehrdeutigkeiten oder Fehler bei der "Ubersetzung auszuschlie\3en. Das
+Thema des n"achsten Kapitels ist also weniger die Syntax als die
+Semantik der Eingabesprache.
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new file mode 100644
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+\heading{Semantische Struktur der Noteneingabesprache}
+Die Bedeutung der Terminalsymbole wird ausgehend von der kleinsten
+Einheit, der Note, erkl"art. Es werden die Terminalzeichen in einem
+Abschnitt zusammengefa\3t, die ihrer Bedeutung nach zusammengeh"oren.
+Zuerst wird beschrieben, aus welchen Terminalsymbolen einzelne
+T"one und einfache Zeichen bestehen, danach folgt die Erl"auterung zur
+Eingabe von Zeichengruppen, von ein-- und mehrstimmigen Musikst"ucken in
+einem bzw. mehreren System und von Liedtexten.
+\centerline{\bf 3.1 Eingabe eines Tons}
+Ein Ton setzt sich aus zwei Komponenten zusammen, der Tonh"ohe und der
+Tondauer. Die Tonh"ohe wird bestimmt von dem Notennamen, der Oktavlage
+und etwaigen Versetzungszeichen. Die Tondauer berechnet sich aus dem
+Zeitwert der Note und eventuellen Punktierungen. Im folgenden wird
+beschrieben, wie diese Informationen in der Eingabesprache dargestellt
+werden m"ussen.
+Die Notennamen werden entsprechend dem Sprachgebrauch, der sich am
+jeweiligen Notenschl"ussel orientiert,
+durch die
+Buchstaben {\bf c}, {\bf d}, {\bf e}, {\bf f}, {\bf g},
+{\bf a}, {\bf h} benannt.
+Angaben zu der Oktavlage werden mit Hilfe von Kommata bzw. Hochkommata
+gemacht. Es gelten folgende Regeln:
+\hbox{\bf{`}{`}{`}{`}}\,&\q\hbox{viergestrichene Oktave}\\
+\hbox{\bf{`}{`}{`}}\,&\q\hbox{dreigestrichene Oktave}\\
+\hbox{\bf{`}{`}}\,&\q\hbox{zweigestrichene Oktave}\\
+\hbox{\bf`}\,&\q\hbox{eingestrichene Oktave}\\
+\hbox{\bf,}\,&\q\hbox{kleine Oktave}\\
+\hbox{\bf,,}\,&\q\hbox{gro\3e Oktave}\\
+\hbox{\bf ,,,}\,&\q\hbox{Kontra--Oktave}\endalign$$
+Bei den Versetzungszeichen wird unterschieden, ob der Ton mittels
+eines Kreuzes $\sharp$
+erh"oht oder mit Versetzungszeichen $\flat$ erniedrigt
+wird. Die dritte M"oglichkeit, das Aufl"osungszeichen $\natural$,
+hebt vorherige Versetzungszeichen auf.
+\hbox{\bf x}\q&\q\hbox{Kreuz}\q&\q{\music\msharp}\cr
+\hbox{\bf xx}\q&\q\hbox{Doppelkreuz}\q&\q{\music\mdoublesharp}\cr
+\hbox{\bf b}\q&\q\hbox{Be}\q&\q{\music\mflat}\cr
+\hbox{\bf bb}\q&\q\hbox{Doppel--Be}\q&\q{\music\mdoubleflat}\cr
+\hbox{\bf n}\q&\q\hbox{Aufl"osungszeichen}\q&\q{\music\mnatural}\cr}}$$
+Der Zeitwert einer Note wird durch eine positive, ganze Zahl beschrieben,
+wobei folgende Festlegungen getroffen werden:
+{\bf 1}\q&\hbox{ganze Note}\q&\q{\music\g1\global\sk=0pt}\cr
+{\bf 2}\q&\hbox{halbe Note}\q&\q{\music\h1\global\sk=0pt}\cr
+{\bf 4}\q&\hbox{viertel Note}\q&\q{\music\v1\global\sk=0pt}\cr
+{\bf 8}\q&\hbox{achtel Note}\q&\q{\music\a1\global\sk=0pt}\cr
+{\bf 6}\q&\hbox{sechzehntel Note}\q&\q{\music\s1\global\sk=0pt}\cr
+{\bf 3}\q&\hbox{zweiunddrei\3igstel Note}\q
+{\bf 5}\q&\hbox{vierundsechzigstel Note}\q&\q{\music\d1\global\sk=0pt}\cr
+{\bf 7}\q&\hbox{einhundertachtundzwanzigstel Note}
+Punktierungen verl"angern die Dauer eines Tones. In der
+herk"ommlichen Schreibweise wird die Punktierung durch Punkte notiert.
+Diese Notation wird f"ur die Eingabesprache "ubernommen.
+Punktierungen werden demnach als eine gewisse Anzahl von Punkten
+Die Informationen Notenname, Oktave, Versetzungszeichen und Tondauer
+machen zusammen den Ton aus.
+F"ur die
+Reihenfolge, in der diese Angaben erfolgen m"ussen, gibt es
+nur eine Regel:
+Der Notenname mu\3 nach allen anderen Informationen zu einem Ton
+stehen, er bildet demnach den Abschlu\3 einer Tonangabe.
+Alle anderen
+Angaben k"onnen in beliebiger Reihenfolge
+davor stehen, d"urfen aber nicht
+durch Leerzeichen voneinander getrennt werden, sondern
+m"ussen direkt aufeinanderfolgen.
+Ein Ton wird also durch eine Zeichenfolge, die aus Terminalsymbolen
+gebildet wird, beschrieben. Das Ende dieser Zeichenfolge ist der
+Notenname. Jede Angabe kann weggelassen werden, nur der Notenname
+mu\3 immer eingegeben werden. Falls Angaben fehlen, werden die Werte f"ur
+die Tondauer und f"ur die Oktave von der vorherigen Note "ubernommen,
+Punktierungen und Versetzungszeichen fallen weg. Gibt es keine vorherige
+Note, so werden f"ur die Tondauer der Wert {\bf 4}
+und f"ur die Oktave der
+Wert {\bf`} angenommen. Bei mehrfacher Setzung der gleichen Information
+zu einem Ton wird der Wert als g"ultig angesehen, der vor Erreichen
+des Notennamens zuletzt gelesen wurde.
+$$\hbox{\bf {`}{`}2d 3`e x4a c 2.h }$$
+Au\3er Noten gibt es noch andere Zeichen, die in das Notenliniensystem
+geschrieben werden k"onnen. Das sind Pausen, Atemzeichen, Taktstriche,
+Notenschl"ussel und Taktangaben.
+Die Eingabevorschrift f"ur Notenschl"ussel und f"ur die Taktart
+wird in Abschnitt 3.5 beschrieben. Die anderen Zeichen werden
+im n"achsten Abschnitt erkl"art.
+\centerline{\bf 3.2 Pausen, Atemzeichen und Taktstriche}
+Die Pausen werden "ahnlich wie die T"one durch einen Buchstaben
+zusammen mit einer Angabe zur Pausendauer eingegeben.
+Der Buchstabe, der daf"ur benutzt wird, ist das p. Die Dauer der Pause
+wird genauso wie die Tondauer angegeben und kann, im Gegensatz
+zum Pausennamen {\bf p},
+wegfallen. Das Atemzeichen ist eine spezielle Pause,
+sie hat die Dauer 0. F"ur eine Achtelpause w"urde dann also
+8p eingegeben werden, f"ur ein Atemzeichen 0p.
+Zur Taktunterteilung werden Taktstriche benutzt. Diese werden analog
+zur herk"ommlichen Notation eingegeben, \dh
+\strich\q&\q\hbox{einfacher Taktstrich}
+\strich\strich\dpkt\q&\q\hbox{Wiederholungszeichen, Beginn}
+\dpkt\strich\strich\q&\q\hbox{Wiederholungszeichen, Ende}
+\hbox{Wiederholungszeichen, Ende und Beginn}
+Damit k"onnten zwei Takte eines Musikst"ucks wie folgt aussehen:
+{\bf 4`e g f 8f 8h\strich 4g f e p=}.
+\centerline{\bf 3.3 Notengruppen}
+Au\3er einzelnen Noten gibt es noch Notengruppen, \dh
+Noten, die vertikal bzw. horizontal verbunden werden.
+In der
+herk"ommlichen Notation ist es
+erlaubt, Notengruppen beliebig ineinander%
+zuschachteln. Dadurch wird die "Ubertragung in eine lineare
+Notation erschwert.
+Es kann vorkommen, da\3 innerhalb einer
+Gruppe verbalkter Noten ein Bogen beginnt, der aber au\3erhalb
+dieser Gruppe endet.
+Diese Notengruppen sollten bei der Eingabe auch als
+solche erkennbar sein. Aus diesem Grund wurde eine Eingabe
+durch ein Makro, auf das in Klammern die zur Gruppe geh"orenden
+Noten und Zeichen folgen, gew"ahlt. Probleme bereitete dabei
+die Erkennung zusammengeh"orender Klammern. Deshalb werden zur
+Eingabe von Notengruppen zwei M"oglichkeiten bereitgestellt.
+Die erste M"oglichkeit behandelt den Fall, da\3 die Gruppen
+nur einfach ineinandergeschachtelt werden, die zweite deckt den
+Fall der einander "uberschneidenden oder ``inkorrekt geschachtelter''
+Gruppen ab.
+\subheading{Einfach geschachtelte Notengruppen}
+Die folgenden Makros werden immer in Verbindung mit
+einer Anzahl von Noten benutzt, die in Klammern nach dem
+Makro folgen.
+Die Noten werden dabei in der oben erkl"arten Weise eingegeben.
+Diese Noten werden in der Art verbunden, die
+durch das jeweilige Schl"usselwort beschrieben wird.\par
+Akkorde werden durch das Makro \bs{\bf chord} eingegeben.
+$$\hbox{\ks{chord}{\bf \{`4c e g\}}}$$
+Mit dem Schl"usselwort \bs{\bf beam} werden die Noten verbalkt.
+Die Tondauer der Noten gibt gleichzeitig
+die Anzahl der Balken an.
+$$\hbox{\ks{beam}{\bf \{8`a h {`}{`}c\}}}$$
+\ks{slur} wird ben"otigt, wenn "uber mehrere
+Noten ein Bogen gespannt werden soll.
+F"ur die "Ubergangsbe\-zeich\-nungen crescendo und decrescendo werden
+in der gleichen Weise \bs{\bf cresc} und \bs{\bf decresc} benutzt.
+$$\hbox{\ks{cresc}{\bf \{8`a h {`}{`}2c\}}}$$
+Diese Kontrollsequenzen k"onnen ineinandergeschachtelt werden.
+Das geht allerdings nur, wenn eine Notengruppe in der Gruppe aufh"ort, in
+der sie begonnen hat.
+$$\hbox{\bf \ks{slur}\{\ks{beam} \{8`a bh n{`}{`}c\}\}}\qquad\hbox{oder}
+\qquad\hbox{\bf \ks{slur}\{4{`}{`}f \ks{beam} \{8f e d\}\}}$$
+\subheading{"Uberlappende Notengruppen}
+F"ur nicht einfach geschachtelte Gruppen, also "Uber\-schneidungen
+der oben genannten Gruppen, mu\3 eine andere L"osung gefunden werden.
+Damit klar ist, worum es geht, werden zun"achst mehrere Beispiele
+f"ur solche Gruppen gezeigt:
+Die Eingabe erfolgt nun mit einem Makro \ks{group}, dem in Klammern
+alle Zeichen folgen, die zur Gruppe geh"oren. Das Ende der Gruppe ist
+erreicht, wenn alle darin enthaltenen Gruppen abgeschlossen sind.
+Nach der Kontrollsequenz \ks{group} m"ussen die Angaben dar"uber
+gemacht werden, was mit den zur Gruppe geh"orenden Zeichen
+geschehen soll.
+Dazu gibt es die Makros \ks{gbeam}, \ks{gslur},
+\ks{gcresc} und \ks{gdecresc}.
+Sie geben an, welche Noten miteinander auf welche Art verbunden werden.
+Daf"ur stehen in der Parameterliste die erste und letzte Note
+einer inneren Gruppe. Die Zeichen werden in diesen Listen durch
+ihre Stellennummer in der gesamten Gruppe angegeben.
+$$\hbox{\ks{group}{\bf \{{`}{`}2.e .e .4e\}}
+\ks{gslur}{\bf \{1-2,2-3\}}}$$
+$$\hbox{\ks{group}{\bf \{b4.`a 8a g ba\} \ks{gslur}\{1-2\}
+\vskip -0.4cm\par
+\vskip-1cm \abs
+Eine andere M"oglichkeit zur Eingabe "uberlappender Notengruppen w"are,
+den Anfang und das Ende der einfachen Gruppen, die innerhalb
+der "uberlappenden vorkommen, mit |\begin|-- und |\end|macros
+anzuzeigen. Dabei ist es ein Nachteil, da\3 die zusammengeh"orenden
+|\begin|-- bzw. |\end|macros aufgrund der "Uberschneidungen nicht erkannt
+werden k"onnen. Gourlay \lit{\Gourlay} hat dieses Problem
+gel"ost, indem den zusammengeh"orenden |\begin|-- und |\end|macros
+besondere Namen gegeben werden (siehe auch Beispiel in 1.4.4).
+Allerdings ist dieses Verfahren sehr aufwendig und verwirrend.
+Deshalb wurde f"ur die hier beschriebene Noteneingabesprache
+die oben dargestellte Form gew"ahlt, obwohl bei "Anderung
+eines Notenschriftzeichens innerhalb der Gruppe meist noch andere
+"Anderungen notwendig sind.
+\centerline{\bf 3.4 Anfang und Ende eines Musikst"ucks}
+Die Noteneingabesprache soll die M"oglichkeit bieten,
+Musikst"ucke in jegliche Art von Texten einzubetten. Deshalb wird der
+Beginn und das Ende einer Noteneingabe besonders gekennzeichnet.
+Eine Noteneingabe mu\3 mit den Zeichen {\bf !!} oder \ks{beginsong}
+begonnen und mit {\bf!!} oder \ks{endsong} beendet werden.
+Zu Beginn eines Musikst"ucks k"onnen auch Angaben zur Instrumentierung,
+zum Notenschl"ussel, zur Ton-- und Taktart
+und schriftliche Erl"auterungen stehen.
+Jede der beschriebenen Angaben ist eine zus"atzliche
+Angabe, das hei\3t, sie kann auch weggelassen werden.
+diese, so werden folgende Standardwerte
+angenommen. Der Notenschl"ussel ist der
+Violinschl"ussel, die Tonart ist C--Dur, \dh es gibt keine Vorzeichen,
+und der Takt des St"uckes ist der 4/4--Takt.
+Schriftliche erl"auternde Angaben gibt es nur, wenn
+sie explizit angegeben werden.
+Falls andere Werte gew"unscht
+werden, k"onnen diese wie in 3.5 beschrieben eingegeben werden.
+Angaben zur Instrumentierung sind ebenfalls standardm"a\3ig nicht
+vorgesehen. Sie m"ussen gesondert genannt werden.
+Etwaige Angaben zur Instrumentierung, die zu Beginn des Musikst"ucks
+stehen, werden mit \ks{voice}\{$\ldots$\}
+eingegeben. Danach folgt in geschweiften Klammern der Name
+der Stimme, die benannt werden soll, \zB
+\ks{voice}\{Violine 1\}.
+\centerline{\bf 3.5 Tonh"ohe, Rhythmus, Vortragsbezeichnungen}
+Zur Beschreibung einer Melodie fehlen nun noch genaue Angaben
+zur Ton-- und Taktart, zum Tempo, zu den Tonst"arkegrade und
+andere Erl"auterungen, die die Art des musikalischen Vortrags
+Notenschl"ussel werden durch die hier aufgelisteten Schl"usselw"orter
+Zur Eingabe der Tonart kann zwischen zwei M"oglichkeiten gew"ahlt
+werden. Einerseits k"onnen wiederum Schl"usselw"orter benutzt werden, die
+jeweils einer Tonart entsprechen.
+Die Wahl der Schl"ussel\-w"or\-ter ist dem gebr"auchlichen Sprachgebrauch
+ angepa\3t.\par
+\ks{C}, \ks{G}, \ks{D}, \ks{A}, \ks{E},
+\ks{H}, \ks{Fis}, \ks{Cis}, \ks{F}, \ks{B}, \ks{Es},
+\ks{As}, \ks{Des}, \ks{Ges}\par
+\ks{a}, \ks e, \ks h, \ks{fis}, \ks{cis}, \ks{gis}, \ks{dis}, \ks{ais},
+\ks d, \ks g, \ks c, \ks f, \ks b, \ks{es}, \ks{as}
+Die andere M"oglichkeit besteht darin, die Vorzeichen explizit
+anzugeben. Das geht mit Hilfe des Makros \ks{signature}\{$\ldots$\}.
+Auf das
+Schl"usselwort folgen in geschweiften Klammern die Vorzeichen.
+Sie werden eingegeben als Versetzungszeichen vor den entsprechenden
+Notennamen, eventuell mit der Oktavlage.
+So entspricht zum Beispiel \ks{signature}\{{`}{`}xf {`}{`}xc\}
+dem Makro \ks{D}, das ist
+die Tonart D--Dur.
+Die Eingabe der Taktart erfolgt mit dem
+Makro \ks{meter}, nach dem in Klammern
+die Taktart wie in der gebr"auchlichen
+Schreibweise als Bruch notiert wird.
+Z"ahler und Nenner werden dabei durch einen
+Schr"agstrich voneinander getrennt.
+Um den 2/4--Takt zu erhalten, mu\3 also eingegeben werden:
+Zus"atzlich gibt es noch die M"oglichkeit, die Taktart
+mit Symbolen aus der Mensuralnotation anzugeben.
+\subheading{Schriftliche Erl"auterungen}
+Zus"atzliche Angaben k"onnen mit dem Makro \ks{text}\{$\ldots$\}
+angegeben werden und m"ussen nach dem Notenschriftzeichen stehen,
+ab dem sie gelten sollen.
+Der einzugebende Text kann durch die Positionsangaben
+\ks{\us} bzw. \ks{\os{ }} erg"anzt werden.
+Die Positionsangaben besagen, da\3 der
+Text unter-- bzw. oberhalb des Notenliniensystems steht. Sie
+k"onnen durch einen Hinweis "uber den Anfangspunkt des Textes erg"anzt
+werden. Die schriftliche Anmerkung
+kann links-- bzw. rechtsb"undig oder
+zentriert "uber bzw. unter
+das Notenschriftzeichen, ab welchem er gelten soll,
+geschrieben werden. Dies geschieht durch die Eingabe der Buchstaben
+{\bf l, r} oder {\bf c}, die nur zusammen mit
+\ks{\us} bzw. \ks{\os{ }} benutzt werden k"onnen.
+Falls die Breite des Notenschriftzeichens dem
+Text nicht angepa\3t werden soll, mu\3 das mit {\bf n} vermerkt werden.
+Erl"auterungen, die direkt unter der Notenzeile
+stehen sollen, mu\3 die Angabe {\bf v} vorangestellt werden, da
+der Text ansonsten in die Zeile geschrieben werden, die f"ur
+Liedtexte vorgesehen ist.
+Insgesamt existieren also folgende
+M"oglichkeiten zur Positionsangabe:
+$$\hbox{\ks{\os{ }l}, \ks{\os{ }r}
+\ks{\os{ }c}, \ks{\os{ }n}, \ks{\us l}, \ks{\us r}, \ks{\us c},
+\ks{\us n}, \ks{\us v}}
+Eine Tempoangabe hat dann \zB die
+Gestalt \ks{text}\{\ks{\os{ }c} moderato\}
+(siehe Anhang A).
+Die Positionsangabe mu\3 nicht vorhanden sein. Falls sie fehlt,
+wird der Text horizontal positioniert, je nach vorhandenem Platz.
+Erl"auterungen, f"ur die es in der "ublichen Notation
+Abk"urzungen gibt, k"onnen Kontroll\-se\-quen\-zen benutzt werden.
+Sie betreffen vor allem Angaben zum musikalischen Vortrag,
+das Tempo oder die Betonung. Die Kontrollsequenzen werden im
+folgenden aufgelistet:
+$$\vbox{\halign{\hfil#\q&\q{\it #}\hfil\qquad
+\bs{\bf dacapo}&d.c.&
+\bs{\bf pianissimo}&pp\cr
+\bs{\bf dalsegno}&d.s.&
+\bs{\bf pianissimoposs}&ppp\cr
+\bs{\bf fine}&fine&
+\bs{\bf fortepiano}&fp\cr
+\bs{\bf tacet}&tacet&
+\bs{\bf forzato}&fz\cr
+\bs{\bf unisono}&unis.&
+\bs{\bf rinforzando}&rfz.\cr
+\bs{\bf cantusfirmus}&c.f.&
+\bs{\bf sforzato}&sfz.\cr
+\bs{\bf crescendo}&cresc.&
+\bs{\bf sforz}&sfz.\cr
+\bs{\bf decrescendo}&decresc.&
+\bs{\bf decr}&$>$\cr
+\bs{\bf diminuendo}&dim.&
+\bs{\bf rallentando}&rall.\cr
+\bs{\bf forte}&f&
+\bs{\bf ritardando}&rit.\cr
+\bs{\bf fortissimo}&ff&
+\bs{\bf ritenuto}&riten.\cr
+\bs{\bf fortissimoposs}&fff&
+\bs{\bf tr}&tr\cr
+\bs{\bf mezzoforte}&mf&
+\bs{\bf staccato}&stacc.\cr
+\bs{\bf mezzopiano}&mp&
+\bs{\bf piano}&p\cr}}$$
+Diese Hinweise f"ur den musikalischen Vortrag m"ussen ebenfalls auf das
+Notenschriftzeichen folgen, "uber dem sie beginnen sollen.
+Sie k"onnen wiederum
+mit obigen Positionsangaben versehen werden. In diesem Fall
+m"ussen sie dann
+zusammen mit den Positionsangaben in Klammern eingeschlossen werden.
+Die verschiedenen M"oglichkeiten, T"one miteinander zu verbinden bzw.
+abzuheben, werden mit dem Begriff Artikulation zusammengefa\3t.
+Die zu trennenden T"one k"onnen breit oder kurz musiziert werden,
+was mit den Begriffen \bs{\bf stac}, \bs{\bf staccatissimo} oder
+\bs{\bf tenuto} umschrieben wird. Sie entsprechen folgenden
+Artikulationszeichen, die stets am Notenkopf stehen, ausgenommen
+bei mehrstimmiger Notierung:
+\bs{\bf staccatissimo}\q&\q\ssize\prime\\
+\bs{\bf stac}\q&\q.\\
+\bs{\bf tenuto}\q&\q\hbox{\vrule width4pt height1pt}\endalign$$
+Sollen Noten mit Artikulationszeichen versehen werden, so wird der
+Beginn mit \bs{\bf stac}, \bs{\bf staccatissimo} oder
+\bs{\bf tenuto} angezeigt. Darauf folgen die Notenschriftzeichen,
+die die Melodie beschreiben. Jede auftretende Note erh"alt das
+angegebene Artikulationszeichen. Dieser Vorgang wird mit
+\bs{\bf noaccent} beendet.
+\centerline{\bf 3.6 Ein-- oder mehrstimmige St"ucke in einem System}
+Ein System beschreibt den gesamten Melodieverlauf eines
+St"uckes. Bevor die Melodie beschrieben wird, k"onnen
+"Uberschriften eingegeben werden, die den Titel, Komponisten und
+Verfasser des St"uckes nennen.
+Diese "Uberschriften werden mit den Makros \ks{title},
+\ks{composer} und \ks{poet} eingegeben,
+nach denen in Klammern der entsprechende
+Text steht. Ein Beispiel daf"ur steht in Anhang A.
+Bei einem St"uck, das in einem System notiert ist, kann es sich
+entweder um ein einstimmiges oder zweistimmiges Musikst"uck handeln,
+oder um ein Lied.
+F"ur einstimmige St"ucke mu\3 der Melodieverlauf eingegeben werden.
+Das geschieht, indem die bisher erkl"arten Zeichen und Kontrollsequenzen
+benutzt werden. Zus"atzlich k"onnen mit dem Makro \ks{text}
+noch schriftliche Anweisungen \zB zu Tonst"arke und Tempo
+gegeben werden. Die Anwendung dieses Makros wurde in 3.4 erl"autert.
+Handelt es sich bei dem einzugebenden St"uck um ein zweistimmiges,
+so mu\3 das Makro \ks{two} benutzt werden. Dieses Makro hat
+zwei Parameter, die jeweils den Melodieverlauf einer Stimme beschreiben.
+Jede dieser Melodien steht wiederum in Klammern.
+Da die Zeichen, die "ubereinander stehen, gekennzeichnet werden m"ussen,
+wurde das Auslassungszeichen \slash\
+eingef"uhrt. Dieses Zeichen erscheint
+immer dann, wenn ein Zeichen der einen Stimme kein dazugeh"origes in
+der anderen Stimme hat.
+4g p nf\strich 8xc \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ 4d\strich
+\ks{beam}\{8,g `g\} 4.,a 8p\strich\ks{chord}\{2.,d .a `.d\}
+\} }}\\
+\{\ks{slur}\{{`}{`}4d `a\} {`}{`}d\strich
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8`g f\} g e\} 4f\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ 4.e \ks{tr} 8d\strich \slash\
+\} } }\endbunch$$
+{\hsize14cm\parindent 2cm
+\|\lchord \h5\.1\h2\.1\h{-2}\.1\endchord
+\vskip-1cm \abs
+Die Eingabe von Vokalmusik geschieht mit dem Schl"usselwort \ks{vocal}.
+Dieses Makro hat ebenfalls zwei Parameter. Der erste Parameter
+enth"alt den Melodieverlauf, der zweistimmig sein kann,
+der zweite den Text des Liedes.
+Auch hierbei wird das Auslassungszeichen \slash\ dann benutzt,
+wenn einer Note der Melodie keine
+zugeh"orige Silbe im Text entspricht.
+Silben werden durch Leerzeichen voneinander getrennt und unter
+den zugeh"origen Noten zentriert.
+Diese Standardsetzung f"ur die Silben kann umgangen werden, indem
+eine Positionsangabe (siehe 3.5, schriftliche Erl"auterungen)
+vor die Silbe, die anders positioniert werden soll, geschrieben wird.
+{\bf\{4.''d 8d 4e 4p\strich 4.f 8f f \ks{slur}\{\ks{beam}
+\{8'h ''e g\}\}\strich}}\\
+\hbox{{\bf \ks{slur}\{8g f\} e d e \ks{group}\{
+4f\strich 8f 6e d\}}}\\
+\hbox{\bf{\ks{gslur}\{1-3,1-5\}\ks{gbeam}\{3-5,4-5\} 4e 2f
+\hbox{{\bf\{}KY- RI- E, \slash KY- RI- E }
+\hbox{E- \slash \slash LE- \slash I- SON,}
+\hbox{E- LE- \slash\slash\slash I- SON.{\bf\}}}\endbunch$$
+\_{KY - }{\v6\.1}\_{RI - }{\a6}\_{E,}{\v7}\pv\|%
+\_{KY - }{\v8\.1}\_{RI - }{\a8}\_{E}{\a8}%
+{\\{9}\\{8}}\uslur12\_n{ LE - }\hskip20pt{\gluebrule}\go\_{I-}{\a7}%
+\_c{SON,}{\a6}\_{E - }{\a7}%
+\uslur13\uslur15\_n{ LE\hskip10pt-\hskip10pt -}{\gluebrule}%
+{\go}\_{I - }{\v7}\_c{SON.}{\h8}\doublebarline
+\centerline{\bf 3.7 Mehrstimmige St"ucke in mehreren Systemen}
+Falls ein St"uck aus verschiedenen Stimmen besteht, die in
+mehreren Systemen notiert werden, so wird das mit der
+Kontrollsequenz \ks{system} angezeigt.
+Danach folgt in Klammern die Melodie der Stimme.
+Sie wird auf die in 3.5 beschriebene Art eingegeben.
+Dies mu\3 f"ur jede einzelne Stimme gemacht werden, wobei immer
+die Kontrollsequenz \ks{system} vorangestellt wird.
+Bei mehreren Systemen m"ussen die Zeichen erkenntlich sein,
+die gemeinsam erklingen sollen. Sie stehen in den Systemen untereinander.
+Deshalb mu\3 die Reihenfolge der Zeichen in den einzelnen Systemen
+korrekt angegeben werden. Falls ein Zeichen in einem System mehrerer
+Zeichen in einem anderen entsprechen, so mu\3 das Auslassungszeichen
+\slash\ eingesetzt werden. F"ur jede freie Stelle in einem System,
+an der
+in dem anderen ein Notenschriftzeichen
+steht, mu\3 also dieses Auslassungszeichen
+eingesetzt werden.
+\hbox{\ks{system}\{\ks{vio}\ks{metre}{\bf \{3\slash4\}}
+{\bf \{`8f g ba bh {`}{`}c `f\}\strich 4.g\} . . .\}}}\\
+\hbox{\ks{system}\{\ks{bass}\ks{metre}{\bf\{3/4\}}\ks{slur}{\bf \{
+{`}{`}.4d \slash \slash 8e \ks{beam}\{nf ng\}\strich 2.a\}. . .}}
+\centerline{\bf 3.8 Allgemeine Anweisungen}
+In diesem Abschnitt werden Anweisungen gegeben, wie die bisher
+beschriebenen Zeichen bzw. Zeichengruppen eingegeben werden k"onnen.\abs
+Ein Musikst"uck kann in Text eingebettet werden. Der Text
+mu\3 als eine g"ultige \TeX--Eingabedatei vorliegen.
+Die Noteneingabe erfolgt nicht
+zeilenweise, sie h"angt also nicht vom Zeilenumbruch der gebr"auchlichen
+Notation ab. Bei der linearen Schreibweise kann an jeder Stelle mit
+einer neuen
+Zeile begonnen werden.
+Leerzeilen innerhalb einer Noteneingabe haben keine Bedeutung und
+werden "uberlesen.
+In der Eingabedatei f"ur Musikst"ucke k"onnen auch Kommentare eingegeben
+werden. Dies geschieht wie in \TeX\ mit dem Zeichen {\bf\%},
+auf das der kommentierende Text folgt. F"ur eine
+Weiterverarbeitung ist der Kommentar unerheblich und wird deshalb
+Bei der Eingabe mehrerer Informationen, die die gleiche Angabe
+betreffen, wird die zuletzt gelesene als g"ultig angenommen.
+Mit den Regeln 3.1 bis 3.8 ist eine Eingabe von Partituren m"oglich.
+% Es folgt die "Anderung zur Version O.
+Beispiele zur Noteneingabe mit der hier entwickelten Eingabesprache
+werden in Anhang A gegeben. Dabei folgt bei den Beispielen 1, 3 und
+4 auf die Notation in Notenschrift, die mit dem Ausgabeverfahren von
+A.~Steinbach \lit{\Steinb} erstellt wurde, die Darstellung durch die
+In Abschnitt 3.9 werden Beispiel zur Noteneingabe
+mit der hier entwickelten Eingabesprache gegeben. Dabei folgt
+auf die Notation in Notenschrift,
+die mit dem Ausgabeverfahren von A.~Steinbach \lit{\Steinb} erstellt
+wurde, die Darstellung durch die Noteneingabesprache.
+\centerline{\bf 3.9 Beispiele zur Noteneingabe}
+\subheading{Beispiel 1}
+(aus: Johann Sebastian Bach, Sechs Suiten, f"ur Viola bearbeitet von
+Franz Schmidtner, Musikverlag Hans Sikorski, Hamburg)
+\input bach
+{\bf !!}\ks{title}\{6 Suiten f"ur Cello Solo \bs{atop}
+Suite II Menuet I\}\par
+\ks{composer}\{Johann Sebastian Bach\}\par
+\ks{poet}\{F"ur Viola "ubertragen \bs{atop} von Franz Schmidtner\}\par
+\ks{alto}\ks{F}\ks{meter}\{{\bf3}\slash {\bf4}\}\ks{two}
+\par {\bf
+\{\ \ \ \ks{chord}\{2`d f a\} 4h
+\ks{chord}\{`8c `e\}\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ 4a\strich
+\ks{chord}\{4,h `d\} g\ks{beam}\{8f e\}\strich
+,8a \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich\par
+\ks{chord}\{`2d f a\} 4h\strich \ks{chord}\{8c e\}
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+{`}{`}4c \strich\par
+\ks{chord}\{4`f a\}\ks{chord}\{,h `f {`}{`}d\}
+\ks{chord}\{,g `g {`}{`}e\}\strich
+\ks{chord}\{2.,a .`e .x{`}{`}c\}
+\par\ks{chord}\{2`a {`}{`}e\}\ks{slur}\{\ks{beam}\{8d 6e f\}\}\strich
+8`g\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
+\par2f \slash\ 4e\strich 8d
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+\ks{slur}\{4g f\}e\strich 8f
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+\ks{chord}4,h `e {`}{`}d\}\strich \par
+\ks{chord}\{4,a `f {`}{`}c\}
+\ks{beam}\{8`h a g a\}\strich \ks{beam}\{8f e f a g h\}\strich
+\par 2xf 4p \strich b8c
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+4f \ks{tr}\strich\par\ks{chord}\{4,h `g {`}{`}d\}
+\ks{chord}\{4`c g {`}{`}c\} `d\slash\ \strich
+\par\ks{beam}\{\ks{chord}\{,8g `d {`}{`}c\} 8`h a h g h\}\strich
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%TEIL 1%%%%%%%%%%%
+4g p nf\strich 8xc \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ 4d\strich
+\par\ks{beam}\{8,g `g\} 4.,a 8p\strich\ \slash\
+\dpkt\strich\strich\ \ \}\par
+\{\ \ \slash\ \slash\
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8{`}h a\} h g\}\slash\ \strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
+\par\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8f e d\}`xc ,nh a\}\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \strich\par\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8h a\}\ks{tenuto} h
+f \ks{noaccent} \slash\ \}\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
+\slash\ \dpkt\strich\strich\dpkt\par
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8{`}{`}e d xc e `a\}g\}\strich\par
+\ks{slur}\{`4a {`}{`}d\}xc\strich
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8{`}{`}g f e f d \}nc\}\strich\par
+`2h\slash\ {`}{`}4c\strich \ks{beam}\{8`a g a f\}\slash\ \strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\strich\par
+2`a \ks{tr} 4h\strich
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8g f\} g e\}\slash\strich\par
+\slash\ \slash\ \ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8h a\}\}\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich\par
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%TEIL 2%%%%%%%%%%%
+\ks{slur}\{{`}{`}4d `a\} {`}{`}d\strich
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8`g f\} g e\} 4f\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ 4.e \ks{tr} 8d\strich
+\ks{chord}\{2.,d .a `.d\}
+\ \ \}{\bf !!} }
+\subheading{Beispiel 2}
+(aus: D. Byrd ``A system for music printing by computer'',
+Computers and the Humanities 8, 161--172, 1974)
+\input byrd
+\ks{title}\{String Quartett\}
+\ks{composer}\{Donald Byrd, 1968\}\ks{voice}\{violin 1\}\par
+\ks{text}\{\ks{\os{ }l} moderato\}\par
+{\bf 1p\strich\ks{slur}\{4.`a\{\ks{\us v}\ks{mezzopiano}\}
+2.{`}{`}e\ks{text}\{\ks{\us v} cant\}\}}\strich \par
+{\ks{slur}}{\bf \{\ks{beam}\{8.{`}{`}f b.`h\} b4{`}{`}.d\}}
+\ks{slur}{\bf \{\ks{beam}\{8`a h {`}{`}c\}\}}\strich\par
+{\bf{\ks{slur}}\{4n.d x`.h\}\ks{slur}\{\ks{beam}\{8`a bh n{`}{`}c\}\}}
+{\bf{\ks{meter}}\{6\slash8\} 4.d
+\ks{slur}\{{`}{`}.a\strich \ks{meter}\{9/8\}
+{`}{`}.a\{\ks{\us v}\ks{crescendo}\}\}
+\ks{slur}\{.f {`}{`}{`}.d\}}\strich\par
+{\bf{\ks{slur}}\{\ks{beam}\{ b{`}{`}.h\}\}
+\ks{slur}\{4{`}{`}{`}.f 8f\}
+4ne 6g}\strich\par
+{\bf{\ks{slur}}\{b.e\{\ks{\us v}\ks{diminuendo}\}
+b.{`}{`}a .{`}{`}{`}c\}}\strich\par
+{\ks{tenuto}\bf.{`}{`}h \ks{noaccent} \ks{group}
+\{2.e \strich\ks{meter}\{6\slash 8\} .e\strich 4.e\}\par
+\ks{glsur}\{1-4,4-6\}\ks{slur}\{b.e\{\ks{\us v}\ks{piano}\}
+\strich\ks{meter}\{9\slash 8\} .a\}
+1p\strich \ks{meter}\{6\slash 8\}\ks{slur}
+\{\ks{beam}\{8f\{\ks{\us v}\ks{crescendo}\} .bh {`}{`}{`}d\}\}
+4x .c}\strich\par
+{\bf{\ks{slur}}\{\ks{beam}\{{`}{`}6a bh n{`}{`}{`}c d\}\}
+\ks{slur}\{\ks{beam}\{6xd e xf xg\}\}}\strich\par
+{\bf 8a\{\ks{\us v}\ks{forte}\} p p 4.p \gleich !!}\abs
+\subheading{Beispiel 3}
+(aus: R. Baum, ``Geselliges Chorbuch I'' B"arenreiter--Verlag,
+Kassel und Basel)
+\input distler
+{\bf !!}\ks{title}\{Lobe den Herren\}
+\ks{composer}\{Hugo Distler\}
+\ks{text}\{\ks{\os{ }r} Schnell\}
+\ks{meter}\{{\bf3}\slash {\bf4}\}\ks{vocal}
+\par {\bf\{\ \ \
+4g\ks{mezzoforte} g {`}{`}d\strich `h. 8a 4g\strich f e d \strich 2e
+\ks{slur}\{4f\strich\ks{meter}\{2\slash 4\} f\} 4g\strich
+\par\ks{meter}\{4\slash 4\} 2a 2g\dpkt\strich\strich
+\ks{meter}\{3\slash 4\} 4{`}{`}d d d \strich 2.e 0p\strich
+\par `4h 8{`}{`}c c
+\ks{group}\{4d\strich 8d e d `h 4{`}{`}d\strich 8d e 4.d 8e\strich 4.d\}
+\ks{gslur}\{1-3, 1-13\}\par
+\ks{gbeam}\{3-6, 9-10\} 8c 4`h\strich 2a
+\ks{piano} 0p\ks{beam}\{8h g\}\strich 2a\ks{decr} 0p\par
+\ks{beam}\{8h \ks{text}\{{\rm zart}\}g\}\strich
+{`}{`}2.d\ks{decr} 0p\strich
+\par `4d\ks{forte} .e 8f\strich \ks{meter}\{4\slash 4\} 2g 4a h\strich
+\ks{meter}\{7\slash 4\}\ks{slur}\{{`}{`}2c `4.h 8a 4g 2a\}\strich
+\ks{meter}\{3\slash 4\} 2.g =\ \ \ \} }
+\{\ \ \ \{Lo-\bs{atop} Mei-\} \{be\bs{atop} ne\} \{den\bs{atop} ge-\}
+\{Her-\bs{atop} lie-\} \{ren,\bs{atop} be-\}\par
+\{den \bs{atop} te\} \{m"ach-\bs{atop} See-\}
+\{ti-\bs{atop} le,\} \{gen\bs{atop} das\} \par
+\{K"o-\bs{atop} ist\}
+\{nig--\bs{atop} mein--\} \slash\
+\{der\bs{atop} Be-\} \{Eh-\bs{atop} geh-\}
+\{ren!\bs{atop} ren.\}
+\par Kom- met zu Hauf! Psal- ter und Har-
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+fe, \par
+wacht auf, wacht \slash\ auf, wacht \slash\ \slash\ auf, \par
+las- set
+den Lob- ge- sang h"o-
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+ren!\ \ \ \}{\bf !!}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc4.tex b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc4.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8613ab111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc4.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+\heading{Anforderungen an das Notensatzsystem}
+\subheading{Arbeitsschritte beim manuellen Notensatz}
+ Der Proze\3, eine handgeschriebene Komposition
+in eine druckreife Partitur umzuformen, ist eine zeitaufwendige und
+fehleranf"allige Arbeit, denn es ist im Laufe der Zeit
+ ein umfangreiches Notations- und Satzregelwerk
+Ein klares und gleichm"a\3iges Notenbild hilft schlie\3lich
+dem Musiker, die Notenschrift schnell zu erfassen.
+Die Aufgabe eines Systems zum automatisierten Notensatz sollte es
+deshalb sein, eine
+Ausgabequalit"at zu erreichen, die dem Handnotensatz nahe kommt. Dabei
+ist es nicht notwendig, die Arbeitsweise des Setzers nachzuahmen,
+sondern das Ergebnis ist entscheidend.
+Die wesentlichen Arbeitschritte sind gleich, jedoch die
+Reihenfolge kann ge"andert werden. Deshalb sei hier der
+ Arbeitsablauf skizziert.
+Der erste und wichtigste Schritt ist die grobe Aufteilung des
+Manuskripts in Seiten und Zeilen, das sogenannte \disp{Abstecken}. Dabei
+wird die vertikale Position der einzelnen
+Notenschriftzeilen festgelegt, abh"angig
+von der H"ohe oder Tiefe des Zeileninhaltes. Diese Einteilung geschieht
+oft unter "okonomischen Aspekten -- die Gesamtzahl der Seiten soll ein
+Vielfaches von acht oder sechzehn ergeben -- , aber auch aus
+auf{}f"uhrungstechnischen Gr"unden.
+Eine Pause auf der rechten Seite unten
+soll das Wenden der Seite erm"oglichen, ohne das Spiel zu verz"ogern.
+Als n"achstes erfolgt die
+\disp{genaue} vertikale Einteilung der einzelnen
+Zeilen, so da\3 sp"ater beim Ausf"ullen der Zeilen keine "Uberlappungen
+auftreten k"onnen. Diese Voreinteilung ist besonders sorgf"altig
+auszuf"uhren, da im Fehlerfall die ganze Seite erneut bearbeitet werden
+Nach dem Abstecken erfolgt das
+\disp{Punktieren}. Dies ist die pr"azise
+horizontale Einteilung der Noten und Takte in jeder Zeile.
+Dann erst werden die Balken und Notenh"alse angebracht.
+Im f"unften
+Schritt werden Akzente und sonstige Verzierungen eingeschlagen, die
+keinen zus"atz\-lichen horizontalen Raum ben"otigen.
+Zum Schlu\3 werden die
+Phrasierungs-, Ligatur- und Haltebogen, die restlichen Zeichen, die
+Information "uber Spielanweisungen enthalten, sowie Vortragsbezeichnungen
+\subheading{Anforderungen f"ur den automatisierten Notensatz}
+Die oben beschriebene Vorgehensweise
+ist direkt abh"angig von den mechanischen Mitteln,
+die dem Setzer zu Verf"ugung stehen, d.h. der Stichplatte, den Stempeln
+und "ahnlichen Instrumenten.
+Beim automatisierten Notensatz kann daher eine andere Vorgehensweise
+gew"ahlt werden.
+Da die einzelnen Elemente der Notenschrift nicht sofort auf einer Platte
+plaziert werden m"ussen, ist es m"oglich, sowohl
+die vertikale Verteilung als
+auch die Seiteneinteilung erst nach der Zeileneinteilung vorzunehmen.
+Man wird demnach erst global punktieren, danach in Abh"angigkeit vom zur
+Verf"ugung stehenden Platz eine Einteilung in die einzelnen Zeilen
+vornehmen, d.h. den Zeilenumbruch durchf"uhren. Gleichzeitig k"onnen die
+Zeichen lokal punktiert werden und diejenigen Zeichen hinzugef"ugt
+werden, die
+keinen zus"atzlichen horizontalen Raum ben"otigen, und
+die vertikale Einteilung der Seite ist erst am Schlu\3 erforderlich.
+Die wesentlichen von einem Notensatzsystem
+zu l"osenden Aufgaben sind also:
+\item{1)} das Abstecken und die Darstellung des Liniensystems,
+\item{2)} die Darstellung der Notenschriftelemente,
+\item{3)} die L"osung des Punktierungsproblems,
+\item{4)} die Darstellung und Positionierung der Balken und Bogen,
+\item{5)} das Einf"ugen von zus"atzlichen Texten und Spielanweisungen
+aller Art,
+\item{6)} die mehrstimmige Notation
+Ein Versuch der L"osung dieser Probleme mit dem Textsatzsystem \TeX\
+soll im folgenden dargelegt werden.
+Dabei wurde so vorgegangen, da\3 zu Beginn eines Kapitels zun"achst die
+Forderungen an das System, die durch die Notensatzregeln (soweit
+vorhanden) gegeben sind, beschrieben werden.
+Dazu werden L"osungs\-m"og\-lichkeiten f"ur den automatisierten Notensatz
+ angegeben, die teilweise allgemeiner Natur sind, teilweise jedoch nur
+speziell f"ur das Textsatzsystem \TeX\ G"ultigkeit besitzen.
+Zun"achst seien einige Voraussetzungen, die als Grundlage f"ur alle
+folgenden Kapitel gelten, angef"uhrt.
+Die Schwierigkeiten, die beim automatisierten Notensatz
+auftreten, sind anderer Natur als die der internen Darstellung von T"onen
+z.B. f"ur die Musikanalyse, denn es m"ussen
+gleichartige T"one in verschiedenen Umgebungen im
+Notenbild unterschiedlich dargestellt werden.
+Betrachte {\tt c'} als Achtelnote in verschiedenen Umgebungen:
+Die Gestalt einer Note h"angt nicht von ihrer absoluten Tonh"ohe ab,
+sondern von ihrer Position im Liniensystem sowie den Umgebungen, in
+denen sie auftritt.
+Es gibt im wesentlichen vier verschiedene Umgebungen:
+\item{a)} eine alleinstehende Note,
+\item{b)} eine Note als Teil eines Akkordes,
+\item{c)} eine Note als Teil einer Gruppe von Noten, die durch einen
+oder mehrere Balken verbunden sind,
+\item{d)} eine Note im zwei- (oder mehr-)stimmigen Satz in einem
+Nat"urlich kann die Note gleichzeitig mehreren Umgebungen zugeordnet
+Die Positionierung aller weiteren Informationen, die einer Note
+zugewiesen werden, z.B. Versetzungszeichen, Wertpunkte, Spielanweisungen
+oder Artikulationsbezeichnungen, ist abh"angig von der jeweiligen
+Umgebung sowie der Position der Note im Liniensystem.
+Positionierung von Wertpunkten:
+\vio\C \h4\.1\h5\.1\lchord\h1\.1\h3\.1\h5\.1\endchord
+ \lchord{\def\doteven{\dotdown}%
+ \h2\.1}\leftfalse\h3\.1\lefttrue\h5\.1\endchord
+ \rchord\h2\.1\lefttrue\h5\.1\leftfalse\h6\.1\endchord
+Positionierung von Versetzungszeichen:
+\vio\C \b4\h4\x5\x{-2}\lchord\h5\h{-2}\endchord
+ \x{-1}\x5\lchord\h5\h{-1}\endchord
+Positionierung von Artikulationszeichen.
+\subsubheading{Aufbau des Systems}
+Die bildliche Wiedergabe von T"onen und Kl"angen l"a\3t sich an einem
+ Koordinatensystem verdeutlichen, wobei die horizontale
+Achse den zeitlichen Ablauf des Musikst"uckes, den Rhythmus,
+wiedergibt und die vertikale
+die Tonh"ohe fixiert (\lit{\ziegen}).
+Da alle Noten die gleiche Breite besitzen, mu\3 der Raum,
+den sie einnehmen, zus"atzlich ihre zeitliche Dauer ausdr"ucken, d.h.
+der Notenwert mu\3 durch die "au\3ere Gestalt der Note \disp{und} den
+horizontalen Raum dargestellt werden.
+\advance\hsize 2\iindent
+\setbox240=\hbox to 0pt{\hbox{$\overrightarrow{\hbox to105pt{\hfil}}$%
+\setbox0\hbox{$\uparrow$}\setbox1=\hbox to \wd0{\hss
+\vrule height31pt width 0.5pt depth 3pt\hss}\box0\box1}}\hss}
+\vrule depth 6pt width 0pt Tonh"ohe}\null}}{\gluebrule}\hskip5pt
+\two{\v5\v6\hfil}{\rchord \h1\h3\endchord}%
+\two{\h5\hfil}{\rchord \h0\h2\endchord}
+Das hier erarbeitete Notensatzsystem ist daher
+so angelegt, da\3 die Einteilung in die Notenzeilen
+bzw. in die Seiten nach optimalen Gesichtspunkten vorgenommen wird.
+Dazu werden zun"achst die Notenschrift\-elemente des Musikst"uckes
+intern in \disp{einer} beliebig langen Zeile angeordnet,
+die dann gleichm"a\3ig so auf Zeilen einer bestimmten L"ange
+verteilt werden, da\3 die Einteilung des Raumes erhalten bleibt.
+Die Einteilung in die einzelnen Zeilen ist also
+nicht vom Benutzer vorgegeben.
+Dies ergibt die Schwierigkeit, da\3 das Notensatzsystem f"ur die Angabe
+des aktuellen Notenschl"ussels und der aktuellen
+Tonart am Anfang jeder Zeile zust"andig ist.
+Dieses Problem mu\3 von jedem Notensatzsystem
+individuell gel"ost werden. Deshalb soll in dieser Arbeit nur eine
+L"osungsm"oglichkeit f"ur \TeX\ angeben werden.
+Allen Berechnungen liegen einige wenige voneinander unabh"angige
+Ma\3einheiten zugrunde.
+Als Berechnungsgrundlage f"ur alle Abstandsberechnungen, die die
+vertikale Richtung betreffen, gilt die H"ohe des ausgef"ullten
+Notenkopfes (\disp{noteheadheight}) des verwendeten Zeichensatzes,
+im folgenden mit dem \TeX-Parameter |\nhh| bezeichnet.
+Dadurch wird vor allem der vertikale Abstand der Notenlinien
+Allen horizontalen Berechnungen liegt die Breite des ausgef"ullten
+Notenkopfes (\disp{noteheadwidth}) --- im folgenden |\nhw| genannt
+--- zugrunde.
+Die St"arke aller d"unnen Linien (Notenlinien, Hilfslinien und
+Notenh"alse) ist unabh"angig von den obengenannten Ma\3einheiten und
+somit unabh"angig vom ausgew"ahlten Zeichensatz (\disp{Font}), da sie
+das Notenlesen nur unterst"utzen und nicht dominieren sollen. Sie
+sollten so schmal sein, wie das Ausgabeger"at es zul"a\3t.
+F"ur den Drucker
+AGFA - P400 konnte eine St"arke von 0.15 \pt\ gew"ahlt werden.
+F"ur die Hilfslinien wurde jedoch
+die doppelte Linienst"arke verwendet. Dies wurde von
+K. Hader (\lit{\hader}) als "ubliche St"arke f"ur den Handnotensatz
+W"ahrend die St"arke der d"unnen Linien unabh"angig vom ausgew"ahlten
+Font ist, gilt dies nicht f"ur die dickeren Linien (Balken und
+K. Hader gibt als Schema f"ur die St"arke der Balken an:
+{\leftskip=30pt\rightskip=\leftskip\sl Sie ist dann richtig,
+wenn drei Balken mit ihren
+Spatien (Zwischenr"aumen) zusammen genau drei Zwischenr"aume der
+Notenzeile ausf"ullen.\par}
+W"ahlt man die Dicke der Spatien so gro\3 wie
+die Balkendicke, so ergibt sich $\frac35$ |\nhh|
+als Ma\3 f"ur die Balkendicke.
+Dieser Wert wurde auch f"ur alle Arten von Schlu\3strichen
+( \gleich ) "ubernommen.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc5.tex b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc5.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b64cd0ecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc5.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1123 @@
+\heading{\TeX\ - Konzepte}
+In diesem Kapitel sollen die Konzepte von \TeX\ erl"autert werden, die
+die Grundlage f"ur das entwickelte Notensatzsystem sind. Dies ist im
+wesentlichen das Box-Glue-Konzept f"ur den Seitenaufbau, das f"ur die
+Konstruktion der Notenschriftelemente verwendet wurde, und der
+Zeilen- und Seitenumbruchalgorithmus.
+Alle anderen Konzepte (z.B. Definitionen von Makros und
+die Definition und
+Behandlung der internen Parameter) will ich als bekannt voraussetzen und
+f"ur Informationen dazu auf das \TeX book \lit{\Texbook}
+verweisen. Daf"ur seien die
+obigen Konzepte ausf"uhrlicher dargestellt.
+Das vorliegende Kapitel ist im wesentlichen eine Zusammenfassung der
+Kapitel~14 und~15 des \TeX book unter Ber"ucksichtigung des Artikels
+``Breaking Paragraphs Into Lines'' von D. E. Knuth und M. Plass
+\lit\Knuth. Dabei wurden die verwendeten Begriffe: Box, Glue, Penalty,
+Kern, Rule, Badness, Interline Glue und Interword Glue
+als Fachbegriffe "ubernommen und nicht "ubersetzt.
+Eine \TeX-Seite wird im wesentlichen aus zwei verschiedenen
+Basiselementen aufgebaut:
+$$\align &\hbox{1. Box,}\cr&\hbox{2. Glue.}\endalign$$
+Boxes k"onnen nebeneinander oder untereinander geheftet werden, wobei
+sie durch Glue verbunden werden.
+Die verschiedenen Formen, in denen Boxes und Glue auftreten k"onnen, und
+die Verfahren, wie sie aneinandergeheftet werden, sollen
+ Gegenstand dieses Abschnitts sein.
+\subsubheading{Die Box}
+Eine \defi{Box}
+ist ein zweidimensionales Gebilde von rechteckiger Gestalt, die
+durch das Tripel $(w,h,d)\in\rz^3 $ vollst"andig
+beschrieben ist. Dabei gibt $w$ die Breite, $h$ die H"ohe und $d$ die
+Tiefe an. Durch $h$ und $d$ ist die Grundlinie (\tex{baseline}) oder auch
+Schriftlinie der Box definiert. Der linke Endpunkt der Grundlinie ist
+als Referenzpunkt (\tex{reference point}) ausgezeichnet.
+\setbox1=\hbox to \wd0{$\hss\mid\hss$} % with luck, they'll line up
+ \nointerlineskip \kern-.5pt \copy1
+ \nointerlineskip \kern-.5pt \copy1
+ \moveleft 1em\hbox{H"ohe}
+ \copy1 \nointerlineskip \kern-.5pt
+ \copy1 \nointerlineskip \kern-.5pt
+ \hbox{$\downarrow$}
+ \kern.2pt}
+ \moveleft 1em\hbox{Tiefe}
+ \hbox{$\downarrow$}
+ \kern0pt}
+\setbox4=\vtop{\kern-3pt % this cancels the null text above the samplebox
+ \hbox{\samplebox{\ht2}{\ht3}{6em}{}%
+ \kern-6em
+ \raise3pt\hbox to 6em{\hss Grundlinie\hss}}
+ \kern3pt
+ \arrows{6em}{Breite}}
+\setbox0=\hbox{$\vcenter{}$}% \ht0 is the axis height
+Die Box wird zur Beschreibung der Schriftelemente verwendet, z.B.
+Buchstaben eines Zeichensatzes (\tex{characters}), aber auch Elemente,
+die aus
+mehreren Zeichen zusammen gesetzt sind, z.B. \`a oder eine mathematische
+Formel $\root n \of {x^n+y^n}$. \item{}
+Ein Spezialfall ist ein ausgef"ulltes
+Rechteck, eine sogenannte \defi{Rule}.
+F"ur alle Berechnungen werden nur die Werte von $w$, $h$ und $d$
+verwendet, unabh"angig von Inhalt der Box. Viele Zeichen sind z.B. so
+konstruiert, da\3 sie entweder die Box nicht ganz ausf"ullen oder
+"uber den Rand hinaus ragen, wie z.B. bei \tex{kursiver} Schrift.
+Wie sich sp"ater zeigen wird, ist dies eine n"utzliche Eigenschaft. Man
+kann Boxes konstruieren, die nichts zur horizontalen Berechnung
+beitragen und somit andere Zeichen "uberlappen.
+Wie oben bemerkt, kann eine Box wiederum aus mehreren Elementen
+bestehen. Diese Elemente k"onnen wiederum Boxes, aber auch Glue sein.
+Man unterscheidet Boxes, deren Elemente horizontal aneinander gereiht
+werden, von solchen, deren Elemente vertikal untereinandergeheftet
+\subsubheading{Der Glue}
+beschreibt das Ausschlu\3material, das Hilfsmaterial zum F"ullen
+der Zeilen. Glue mu\3 also wie der Ausschlu\3 beim Handsatz sowohl
+erweiterbar als auch verringerbar sein, um gleiche Zeilenl"angen zu
+erhalten. (F"ur die satztechnische Definition der Begriffe: Ausschlu\3,
+Erweiterung und Verringerung, verweise ich auf das Buch von F. Genzmer,
+``Das Buch des Setzers'' \lit{\genzmer}.)
+Glue wird durch das Tripel $(w,y,z)\in\rz^3 $ vollst"andig
+beschrieben. Dabei gibt die Gr"o\3e
+$w$ den nat"urlichen Abstand (\tex{natural
+space}) an, $y$ den Wert, um den der Abstand erweitert werden kann,
+und $z$ den Wert, um den der Abstand verk"urzt werden
+kann. D. E. Knuth und M. Plass \lit\Knuth\ beschreiben
+die ``variablen'' Gr"o\3en $y$ und $z$ mit ``\tex{strechability}'' und
+F"ur das folgende Zeilenumbruchverfahren ist es wichtig, da\3
+die Gr"o\3en, die den Glue bestimmen, nach bestimmten Kriterien gew"ahlt
+werden. Da
+$w$ der Betrag ist, um den in horizontaler bzw. vertikaler Richtung
+vorger"uckt (falls $w>0$) bzw. zur"uckgesetzt wird (falls $w<0$),
+sollte dieser Wert
+so gew"ahlt werden, da\3 der Abstand zwischen den Boxes
+optisch gef"allig aussieht. Die ``variablen'' Gr"o\3en $y$ und $z$
+sollten so gew"ahlt werden, da\3
+beim Ausschlu\3 der Zeile der freie Raum $w+y$ bzw. $w+z$ noch akzeptabel
+ist. Es sei dabei betont, da\3
+$w$, $y$ und $z$ auch negative Werte annehmen k"onnen.
+Eine der leistungsf"ahigsten Eigenschaften des Glue-Konzeptes ist,
+Streck- und Stauchwerte verschiedener St"arke angeben zu
+k"onnen. Es gibt neben den gew"ohnlichen Dimensionsangaben, z.B. 10 \pt\
+(s.\lit{\Texbook, Kapitel 10}),
+ drei Ma\3einheiten, mit denen ``unbegrenzter'' Glue beschrieben werden
+kann. Diese werden in
+Einheiten von \fil, \fill\ und \filll\ angegeben.
+Im folgenden bezeichne \defi{Glue der Ordnung} $j\in\{0,\ldots,3\}
+Glue, dessen Streck- bzw. Stauchwerte in Einheiten von
+\pt, \fil, \fill, oder \filll\ angegeben wurden. Glue der
+Ordnung 0 ist also ``begrenzter Glue''.
+\item{}Im folgenden Ausschlu\3verfahren (\the\chap.2\XX)
+wird die Wirkung der verschiedenen M"oglichkeiten, Glue anzugeben,
+noch n"aher betrachtet.
+Ein Spezialfall von Glue ist \defi{Kern}. Darunter versteht man einen
+Freiraum, der nicht variabel ist. Er wird benutzt, um Zeichen zu einer
+Einheit zu verbinden, z.B. f"ur das \TeX-Logo, wobei die einzelnen
+Buchstaben T, E und X durch Kern ineinander geschoben sind.
+Die Einf"uhrung von Kern im Unterschied zu Glue ohne Streck- und
+Stauchwerte ist notwendig, um Glue, an dem eine
+Zeile oder Seite umgebrochen werden darf, von Freiraum zu unterscheiden,
+bei dem dies verboten ist. (Das \TeX-Logo kann nicht getrennt
+Ein weiterer Spezialfall f"ur Glue ist das Ausf"ullen von Leerraum mit
+Boxes \verbatimon(|\leaders|).
+Dabei wird die Box oder auch Rule so oft gesetzt, wie Glue
+daf"ur vorhanden ist. Dies wird z.B. beim Auf{}f"ullen einer Zeile mit
+Punkten benutzt \leaders\hbox to 5pt{\hss.\hss}\hfill.
+\subsubheading{Kontrollsequenzen im Zusammenhang mit Box und
+Im folgenden seien einige Kontrollsequenzen angegeben. (Die Angaben in
+eckigen Klammern ($\lit{ }$) bedeuten, da\3 diese Angabe optional ist.)
+$\left \{{\hbox{\vo|\vbox|\voff}\atop\hbox{\vo|\vtop|\voff}}\right\}
+\hbox{\vo| to |\voff}\text{\<Dimensionsangabe>}\{\text
+{\<Material f"ur eine vertikale Liste>}\}$\par
+\indent\hbox{\vo|\hbox to |\voff}\<Dimensionsangabe>$\{$\<%
+Material f"ur eine horizontale Liste>$\}$\par
+\indent\hbox{|\hrule |}$\lbrack$
+|width | \<Dimensionsangabe>$\rbrack$%
+$\lbrack$|height |\<Dimensionsangabe>$\rbrack$%
+$\lbrack$|depth |\<Dimensionsangabe>$\rbrack$%
+\indent\hbox{|\vrule |}$\lbrack$%
+|width |\<Dimensionsangabe>$\rbrack$%
+$\lbrack$|height |\<Dimensionsangabe>$\rbrack$%
+$\lbrack$|depth |\<Dimensionsangabe>$\rbrack$%
+\indent\hbox{|\vskip |}\<Dimensionsangabe>%
+$\lbrack$|plus |\<Dimensionsangabe>$\rbrack$%
+$\lbrack$|minus |\<Dimensionsangabe>$\rbrack$%
+\hbox{|\hskip |}\<Dimensionsangabe>%
+$\lbrack$|plus |\<Dimensionsangabe>$\rbrack$%
+$\lbrack$|minus |\<Dimensionsangabe>$\rbrack$
+\hbox{|\kern |}\<Dimensionsangabe>\par\indent
+\hbox{|\leaders |}\<Box oder Rule>\<Glueangabe>\par
+\subsubheading{Anwendung f"ur den Notensatz}
+Da eine Box einen rechtwinkligen Umri\3 besitzt, k"onnen Boxes nur
+horizontaler und vertikaler Richtung aneinandergeheftet werden.
+Es besteht daher zun"achst keine M"oglichkeit,
+Linien in beliebiger Richtung zu setzen. Dies ist jedoch f"ur den
+Notensatz zur korrekten Darstellung der Balken notwendig.
+ Dieses Problem tritt bei allen
+pixel-orientierten Graphiksystemen auf.
+Mit dem \TeX-Konzept kann es gel"ost werden durch eine
+geeignete Zerlegung der Linie in mehrere Rules, die passend
+aneinandergeheftet werden.
+Das folgende Beispiel zeigt einen Balken, der gegen die
+Horizontale um 45 Grad geneigt ist, wobei die verwendeten Rules jeweils
+1\pt\ breit sind. Mit
+|\def\vr{\vrule width 1pt height 4pt depth 0pt}|\cr
+|\def\diag#1#2{\length=#1 \gradient=#2pt \m=0|\cr
+| \hbox{\loop\advance\length by -1 $\raise\m\gradient\hbox{\vr}$|\cr
+| \advance\m by 1|\cr
+| \ifnum\length>0 \repeat}|\cr
+\def\vr{\vrule width 1pt height 4pt depth 0pt}
+\def\diag#1#2{\count1=0 \count2=#1 \dimen3=#2pt%
+ \hbox{\loop\advance\count2 by -1 $\raise\count1\dimen3\hbox{\vr}$%
+ \advance\count1 by 1
+ \ifnum\count2>0 \repeat}}
+ergibt |\diag{20}{1}| : \hskip20pt{\diag{20}{1}}
+Die Anwendung dieses Verfahrens f"ur den Notensatz
+ist jedoch
+sehr zeit- und speicherplatzintensiv, wenn eine hohe Aufl"osung erreicht
+werden soll, da auf einem Notenblatt eine gro\3e Anzahl solcher Balken
+zu setzen sind.
+Da \TeX\ selbst keine bessere L"osung dieses Problems bietet, wurden
+die notwendigen Balken``linien'' in einem Zeichensatz erzeugt (s. Kapitel
+{\advance\chap4 \the\chap}).
+\subheading{Verfahren zum Ausschlu\3 einer Box auf gew"unschte Breite
+bzw. H"ohe}
+\defi{Ausschlu\3} (\tex{setting the glue}) ist der Proze\3,
+Glue innerhalb
+einer Box so zu erweitern oder zu verringern, da\3 eine bestimmte
+Breite erreicht wird.
+Fa\3t man eine Zeile als horizontale Liste von Box- und
+Glue-Elementen auf, so bedeutet Zeilenausschlu\3 das Vergr"o\3ern oder
+Verkleinern der Glue-Elemente dieser Liste auf die gew"unschte
+Zeilenl"ange. Ebenso bedeutet Seitenausschlu\3 das Erweitern oder
+Verringern der Glue-Elemente einer Seite, die als vertikale Liste
+aufgefa\3t werden kann.
+\subsubheading{Ausschlu\3 einer horizontalen Box}
+Der Ausschlu\3 einer horizontalen Box
+erfolgt in drei Schritten:
+Bestimmung der nat"urlichen Breite $x\in\rz$ (\tex{natural width}) der
+Box und der zur Verf"ugung stehenden totalen Streck- und
+Stauchbarkeit $Y$ bzw. $Z$.
+\item{2)} Sei $\omega>0$ die gew"unschte Breite der Box. Dann wird der
+Proportionalit"atsfaktor $r$ (\tex{glue set}) bestimmt, der $x$ in
+"uberf"uhrt, abh"angig von der Ordnung des Ausschlu\3materials $i$
+(\tex{glue set order}).
+Bestimmung der H"ohe und Tiefe der neuen Box und Festlegung ihres
+Diese sollen im folgenden n"aher erl"autert werden.
+Seien $x_1,\ldots,x_m$ die Basiselemente der horizontalen Liste
+und $(w_1,y_1,z_1),\ldots ,(w_m,y_m,z_m)$ die zu\-ge\-h"o\-ri\-gen
+Tripel, wobei, falls ein $x_j, j\in \{1,\ldots,m\}$ eine Box oder Kern
+beschreibt, die Variablen $y_j$ und
+$z_j$ verschwinden. Dann erh"alt man die
+na\-t"ur\-liche Breite
+durch Aufsummieren aller na\-t"ur\-lichen Ab\-st"ande:
+$x=\sum_{j=1}^m w_j$.
+Die totale Streckbarkeit $Y$ bzw. Stauchbarkeit $Z$ ergibt sich
+ebenfalls durch Bilden von
+$Y=\sum_{j=1}^m y_j$ und $Z=\sum_{j=1}^m z_j$. Da die $y_i$ bzw $z_i$
+jeweils Werte verschiedener Ordnungen (im Sinne von \the\chap.1.2)
+k"onnen diese
+Summen nach den jeweiligen Einheiten aufgespalten werden, d.h. in
+wobei $Y_k$ bzw. $Z_k$, $k\in\{0,\ldots,3\}$ Anzahl der Einheiten von
+Glue der Ordnung $k$
+ angeben. Dabei bezeichnet $k=0$ ``begrenzten''
+Glue (in Einheiten von z.B. \pt).
+Die \defi{Ordnung des Ausschlu\3materials}
+$i$ wird definiert als:
+$$i:=\cases 0\;,&\text{falls f"ur alle }k\in\{0,\ldots,3\}\text{ gilt: }
+ Y_k=0\\\max_{k\in\{0,\ldots.3\}}\{k,Y_k\ne0\}\;,&
+ \text{sonst}\endcases$$bzw.
+$$i:=\cases 0\;,&\text{falls f"ur alle }k\in\{0,\ldots,3\}\text{ gilt: }
+ Z_k=0\\\max_{k\in\{0,\ldots.3\}}\{k,Z_k\ne0\}\;,&
+ \text{sonst}\;.\endcases$$
+Der Proportionalit"atsfaktor $r$ berechnet sich wie folgt:
+Sei $\omega>0$ die gew"unschte Breite der Box.
+F"ur $x= \omega$ gilt: $r=0$ und jeder Glue erh"alt seinen
+nat"urlichen Abstand.
+F"ur $x< \omega$ ist eine Erweiterung erforderlich und es gilt:
+$$r= \cases (\omega -x)/Y_i,&\text{falls $i\ne0$,}\\
+ (\omega -x)/Y_0,&\text{falls $i=0$ und $Y_0\ne0$,}\\
+ 0, &\text{falls $i=0$ und $Y_0=0$.}\endcases$$
+F"ur $x> \omega$ ist ein Verringern erforderlich und es gilt:
+ $$r= \cases (x -\omega )/Z_i,&\text{falls $i\ne0$,}\\
+ (x -\omega )/Z_0,&\text{falls $i=0$ und $((x-\omega)\le Z_0
+ $,}\\
+0,&\text{falls $i=0$ und $Z_0=0$,}\\
+1,&\text{falls $i=0$ und $(x-\omega)>Z_0$.}\endcases$$
+Damit ergibt sich f"ur jeden Glue $(w,y,z)$ der horizontalen Liste mit
+einem Streckwert $y$ von $j$-ter Ordnung und einem
+Stauchwert $z$ von $k$-ter Ordnung die neue Breite
+\item{a)}bei Erweiterung: $\; w_{{\rm neu}}=\cases w+r\cdot y\;,&
+\text{f"ur $j=i$,}\\
+\item{b)}bei Verringerung: $w_{{\rm neu}}=\cases w-r\cdot z\;,&
+\text{falls $k=i$,}\\
+\item{1)}Da die Glue-Elemente $w$, $y$, $z$ auch negative Werte annehmen
+k"onnen, ist es m"oglich, da\3 die Werte f"ur $Y$ und $Z$ auch negativ
+werden k"onnen. Dies soll jedoch ausgeschlossen sein, da $\omega$ nur
+positive Werte annimmt.
+\item{2)}Der Glue wird nur erweitert bzw. verringert, falls die
+zugeh"orige Ordnung des Glue der Ordnung des Ausschlu\3materials
+$i$ entspricht. Das Einf"ugen von Glue hoher Ordnung kann
+also eine Erweiterung oder Verringerung an anderen Stellen
+unterdr"ucken. Ebenso kann es vorkommen, da\3 Glue h"oherer Ordnung
+ausgel"oscht wird.
+Alle Boxelemente werden so aneinandergereiht, da\3 ihre
+Referenzpunkte auf einer Horizontalen liegen. Die Grundlinie der neuen
+Box ist demnach die gemeinsame Grundlinie der inneren Elemente. Die
+H"ohe bzw. Tiefe der neuen Box ergibt sich als der Maximum der Tiefen
+bzw. H"ohen der eingeschlossenen
+Boxes. Eine horizontale Box
+kann demnach keine negative H"ohe bzw. Tiefe besitzen jedoch eine
+negative Breite.
+Um bei der Eingabe von Texten nicht hinter jedem Wort eine
+einf"ugen zu m"ussen, die den Zwischenraum zum n"achsten Wort angibt,
+wird das erste Leerzeichen hinter einem Wort als
+Glue interpretiert.
+(Gleiches kann mit \hbox{{|\|\tt\char`\ }} erreicht werden.)
+Der Wert des Glue richtet sich nach dem
+dem aktuell g"ultigen Zeichensatz (\defi{Interword Glue}).
+Jedem Zeichensatz ist ein solcher Glue zugeordnet.
+In einem Zeichensatz, der f"ur Textsatz verwendet wird,
+entspricht der nat"urliche Abstand
+der gew"unschten Breite eines Leerzeichens.
+Da bei mathematischen
+Formeln ein anderer Ausschlu\3 verwendet wird und einige
+mathematische Zeichen (z.B. gro\3e Klammern) aus mehreren Elementen der
+mathematischen Zeichens"atze zusammengesetzt werden, ist der
+Glue} in diesem Fall mit |0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt| vorbelegt.
+Der {Interword Glue} kann
+durch "Andern des Wertes des Parameters |\spaceskip|
+ver"andert werden.
+Verschwindet dieser Wert nicht, so wird der Wert
+dieses Parameters an Stelle des Glue des aktuellen Fonts eingef"ugt.
+Da im Notensatz der Glue abh"angig vom Notenwert der vorangegangenen
+Note gesetzt werden mu\3, ist dies eine M"oglichkeit, den Glue zwischen
+den Noten zu variieren.
+\subsubheading{Beispiele und Anwendungen zum horizontalen Ausschlu\3}
+\item{1)}Im Notensatz ist es oft notwendig, die Breite eines
+oder mehrerer Zeichen zu ignorieren (z.B. f"ur die Oktavstellung von
+Versetzungszeichen (s. {\advance\chap3 \the\chap}.1),
+f"ur die Textunterlage ({\advance\chap5 \the\chap}.2) oder auch
+f"ur die Unterlage des Notenliniensystems).
+Dies ist eine einfache Anwendung des
+Ausschlu\3verfahrens. Man kann eine Box der Breite Null erzeugen, wobei
+der Boxinhalt links- oder rechts"uberlappend erscheint. Das Prinzip soll
+am mathematische Zeichen $\ne$ demonstriert werden. Es kann
+erzeugt werden durch die Eingabe
+|\hbox to 0pt{/\hskip0pt minus1fil}=|
+\item{}Durch den Glue der Ordnung 1 ist gen"ugend
+Stauchm"oglichkeit vorhanden. Das Zeichen |/| wird gesetzt, ohne jedoch
+in die horizontale Berechnung einzugehen. Es wird also rechts "uber den
+``Rand'' der Box hinausgeschoben. Anschlie\3end wird das
+Gleichheitszeichen gesetzt, und man erh"alt $\ne$.
+\item{}Umgekehrt kann das Ergebnis auch erreicht werden durch die Eingabe
+|/\hbox to 0pt{\hskip0pt minus1fil=}|
+In diesem Fall wird der Inhalt der Box "uber den linken ``Rand'' der
+Box hinausgeschoben.
+\item{2)} Die Zeichen |ab| k"onnen in einer Zeile zentriert werden durch
+die Eingabe
+|\hbox to\hsize{\hskip0pt plus1fil ab\hskip0pt plus1fil}|
+\item{}Man erh"alt
+\hbox to\hsize{\hskip\iindent\hskip0pt plus1fil \bf ab\hskip0pt plus1fil}
+Auf beiden Seiten der Zeichen befindet sich Glue der
+Ordnung 1. Die Box wird auf Zeilenbreite (|\hsize|)
+ausgeschlossen, indem der zur Verf"ugung stehende Raum zu gleichen
+Teilen vor |a| bzw. nach |b| aufgeteilt wird.
+Verwendet man
+|\hbox to\hsize{\hskip0pt plus2fil ab\hskip0pt plus1fil}|
+\item{}so erh"alt man\par\nobreak
+\hbox to\hsize{\hskip\iindent\hskip0pt plus2fil \bf ab\hskip0pt plus1fil}
+In diesem Fall wird der Glue im Verh"altnis 2:1 aufgeteilt. F"ugt man
+zwischen |a| und |b| Glue der Ordnung 2 ein durch die
+\hskip-20pt|\hbox to\hsize{\hskip0pt plus2fil a\hskip0pt plus1fill
+b\hskip0pt plus1fil}|
+\item{}so erh"alt man:\par
+\hbox to\hsize{\hskip\iindent\hskip0pt plus2fil \bf a\hskip0pt plus1fill
+b\hskip0pt plus1fil}
+\item{}In diesem Fall werden also die Streckwerte der
+Ordnung 1
+unterdr"uckt und die Zeichen jeweils an den linken bzw. rechten
+Zeilenrand geschoben.
+Die Ausl"oschung von Glue h"oherer Ordnung sei mit dem folgenden Beispiel
+demonstriert. Die Eingabe
+\hskip-20pt|\hbox to\hsize{\hskip0pt plus1fill a\hskip0pt plus1fil
+b\hskip0pt plus-1fill}|
+\hbox to\hsize{\hskip\iindent\hskip0pt plus1fill \bf a\hskip0pt plus1fil
+b\hskip0pt plus-1fill}
+\item{3)} Als weiteres Beispiel sei ein spezielles Notensatzproblem
+Unabh"angig von der Umgebung, in der eine Note auftritt, soll
+die Breite der Noten
+immer auf gleiche Art in
+die horizontale Rechnung eingehen, d.h. gleich auch f"ur Noten mit und
+ohne Hilfslinien (dies sind
+kurze Notenlinien, die die Bestimmung der Tonh"ohe
+einer Note erleichtert, die nicht au\3erhalb des
+Liniensystems plaziert wurde)
+denn die Breite solcher Hilfslinien soll nicht
+ber"ucksichtigt werden.
+\item{}Die Hilfslinien sind (horizontal) zentriert den Noten zu
+unterlegen. Dies geschieht am einfachsten, indem man Note und Hilfslinien
+in je einer Box der Breite Null zentriert und diese zusammen zu einer
+Box der Breite |\nhw| ausschlie\3t.
+|\hbox to\nhw{\hskip0pt plus1fil minus 1fil|\cr
+|\hbox to0pt{\hskip0pt minus1fil |\<Note>|\hskip0pt minus1fil}|\cr
+|\hbox to0pt{\hskip0pt minus1fil |\<Hilfslinien>|\hskip0pt minus1fil}|\cr
+|\hskip0pt minus1fil}|
+\item{}erh"alt man z.B. \quad \v{14}\global\sk=0pt
+\subsubheading{Ausschlu\3 einer vertikalen Box}
+Der Ausschlu\3 einer vertikalen Box
+(\hbox{\vo |\vbox| oder |\vtop|})
+verl"auft "ahnlich wie bei der
+horizontalen Box, jedoch erfolgt die Aneinanderheftung nach einem
+komplizierteren Schema.
+Ist kein Glue angegeben, wird der Zeilenzwischenraum nach folgendem
+Verfahren berechnet:
+Um einen gleichm"a\3igen Ausschlu\3 zu erhalten, sollte der Abstand
+zwischen den Grundlinien m"oglichst gleich bleiben.
+Sei der gew"unschte Abstand der Grundlinien
+benachbarter Zeilen durch Glue der Form $b$ |plus| $y$ |minus| $z$
+(s. \the\chap.3.2)
+gegeben. Sei $l$ Glue (|\lineskip|),
+der eingef"ugt werden soll, falls der
+berechnete Zwischenraum den Wert $\bar l$
+(\hbox{\vo|\lineskiplimit|\voff}) unterschreitet. Weiter sei
+$d$ die Tiefe der oberen Box und $h$ die H"ohe der unteren Box.
+Dann ergibt sich f"ur den Glue, der zwischen den Boxes eingef"ugt wird
+(\defi{Interline Glue}):
+\item{1)} Falls $d\le-1000\pt$, wird kein {Interline Glue}
+\item{2)} Falls $d>1000\pt$ und $(b-d-h)\ge \bar l$,
+wird ein {Interline Glue} von $(b-d-h)$ |plus| $y$ |minus| $z$
+vor der unteren Box eingef"ugt.
+\item{3)}Gilt weder 1) noch 2), wird $l$ als {Interline Glue}
+\setbox1=\hbox to \wd0{$\hss\mid\hss$} % with luck, they'll line up
+ \nointerlineskip \kern-.5pt \copy1
+ \moveleft0em\hbox{$h$}%
+ \copy1 \nointerlineskip \kern-.5pt
+ \hbox{$\downarrow$}%
+ \kern.2pt}
+ \moveleft 0em\hbox{$d$}%
+ \hbox{$\downarrow$}%
+ \kern0pt}
+ \moveleft 1em\hbox{$(b-d-h)$}%
+ \hbox{$\downarrow$}%
+ \kern0pt}
+\setbox5=\vbox to 0pt{\vss\copy0
+ \nointerlineskip \kern-.5pt \copy1
+ \nointerlineskip \kern-.5pt \copy1
+ \nointerlineskip \kern-.5pt \copy1
+ \nointerlineskip \kern-.5pt \copy1
+ \nointerlineskip \kern-.5pt \copy1
+ \moveleft0em\hbox{$b$}
+ \copy1 \nointerlineskip \kern-.5pt
+ \copy1 \nointerlineskip \kern-.5pt
+ \copy1 \nointerlineskip \kern-.5pt
+ \copy1 \nointerlineskip \kern-.5pt
+ \hbox to \wd0{$\hss\vrule height4pt\hss$}\nointerlineskip \kern-.5pt
+ \hbox{$\downarrow$}%
+ \kern.2pt}
+\setbox6=\vtop{\kern-3pt % this cancels the null text above the samplebox
+ \hbox{\samplebox{\ht2}{\ht3}{6em}{}%
+ \kern-6em
+ \lower\ht3\hbox to 6em{\hskip1em \vtop{\copy3\nointerlineskip
+ \copy4}\hss}}%
+ \kern-3.4pt
+ \hbox{\samplebox{\ht2}{\ht3}{6em}{}%
+ \kern-6em
+ \hbox to 6em{\hbox to 0pt{\hss\box5\hskip1em}\hskip1em \copy2\hss}}%
+ }
+\hbox to \hsize{\hfil\box6\hfil}
+\centerline{{\eightrm Skizze zum Verdeutlichen des Interline Glue
+(\the\chap.2.3) }}
+Vor oder hinter einer Rule wird dieser Algorithmus nicht angewendet.
+\item{2)}Dieses Verfahren wurde so konzipiert, da\3
+ zwischen den Zeilen
+immer ein Mindestabstand eingehalten wird,
+ falls der nat"urliche Abstand von $l$ gleich $\bar l$ ist.
+ Jedoch k"onnen durch
+Ver"andern der Parameter $b$, $l$, $\bar l$ auch andere Effekte erzielt
+werden, z.B. wird mit |\baselineskip -10000pt| |\lineskip 0pt| und
+|\lineskiplimit 0pt| kein {Interline Glue}
+zwischen den Zeilen eingef"ugt.
+%Dies wird durch die Kontrollsequenz |\offinterlineskip| erreicht.
+Die vertikale Box wird nach folgendem Verfahren
+ausgeschlossen:\item{1)}Bestimmung der ``nat"urlichen H"ohe'', der Tiefe
+und Breite sowie des Referenzpunktes,
+\item{2)}Bestimmung des Proportionalfaktors $r$.
+Dazu werden die
+Elemente einer vertikalen Liste werden unter
+Einbeziehung des {Interline Glue}
+so untereinander geheftet, da\3 ihre
+Referenzpunkte auf einer Vertikalen liegen.
+{}Der neue Referenzpunkt ist, falls
+|\vbox| verwendet wurde, der
+Referenzpunkt der untersten inneren Box, bei |\vtop| der der obersten.
+{}Das genaue Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Referenzpunktes, der
+nat"urlichen H"ohe $h$ und Tiefe $d$ bei |\vbox| lautet:
+\item{I)} Enth"alt die Liste keine Box, gilt $d=0\pt$.
+\item{} Ebenso, falls das letzte Element keine Box ist.
+Der neue
+Referenzpunkt ist also in diesem Fall die linke untere Ecke der
+umfassenden Box.
+Ist das letzte Element eine Box mit Tiefe $\bar d$, gilt $d=\bar d $.
+Ist $d>\hbox{\vo|\boxmaxdepth|\voff}$, wobei dies die Tiefe
+ ist, die eine Box h"ochstens annehmen kann, gilt
+ $d:=\hbox{\vo|\boxmaxdepth|\voff}$.
+Dieser Paramter wurde eingef"uhrt, damit die Box der letzten Zeile
+vollst"andig auf der Seite erscheint.
+\item{}Der "Uberschu\3 wird in diesem Fall
+ zur nat"urlichen H"ohe addiert, was eine Verschiebung des
+Referenzpunktes nach unten bewirkt.
+\item{III)}Die Breite der neuen Box ist das Maximum des Abstandes
+einer eingeschlossenen Box rechts vom Referenzpunkt der neuen Box.
+Die Breite einer vertikalen Box ist also immer nicht-negativ.
+ Der Proportionalfaktor $r$ wird wie bei einer horizontalen Box berechnet
+in Abh"angigkeit von der Differenz nat"urlicher
+H"ohe $h$, die sich aus dem Maximalabstand der inneren Boxes
+oberhalb der Grundlinie zur Grundlinie ergibt,
+und gew"unschter H"ohe $\omega$
+und den zur Verf"ugung stehenden Dehn- und Stauchm"oglichkeiten.
+Das genaue Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Referenzpunktes, der
+nat"urlichen H"ohe $h$ und Tiefe $d$ bei \hbox{\vo|\vtop|\voff} lautet:
+\item{i)}Die Konstruktion und der Ausschlu\3 erfolgt wie in den Regeln
+f"ur \hbox{\vo|\vbox|\voff}.
+Dabei wird die nat"urliche H"ohe $\bar d $ und Tiefe $\bar h$ bestimmt.
+\item{ii)}F"ur die endg"ultige H"ohe $h$ gilt:
+$$h=\cases 0\pt\;,&
+\text{falls das 1. Listenelement keine Box ist,}\\
+\text{die H"ohe der obersten Box, }&\text{sonst.}\endcases$$
+\item{iii)}Der Referenzpunkt wird so verschoben, da\3 gilt:
+$d:= \bar h+\bar d-h$.
+\subsubheading{Beispiele und Anwendungen zum vertikalen Ausschlu\3}
+Im folgenden sollen die Unterschiede von |\vtop| und
+|\vbox| bei verschiedenen Anwendungen verdeutlicht werden.
+\item{1)}Als einfache Anwendung ergibt sich zun"achst der Aufbau des
+Liniensystems. Da nach Rules kein Interline Glue eingef"ugt wird, ergibt
+sich das Liniensystem durch f"unfmaliges Auf{}f"uhren einer Rule der
+L"ange der Zeilenbreite, die durch Kern voneinander getrennt sind:
+Dies ergibt eine Box, deren Grundlinie die unterste Linie ist, ohne Tiefe
+und mit einer H"ohe vom F"unf{}fachen
+der Linienh"ohe und Vierfachen des Kern.
+W"urde man in diesem Beispiel |\vtop| verwenden, so erg"abe sich als
+Grundlinie die oberste Linie, wobei die H"ohe der Box die H"ohe der
+Linie betr"agt, und die Tiefe das Vierfache
+der Linienh"ohe und des Kerns. Dies wird zum Beispiel bei der
+Konstruktion der Hilfslinien unterhalb des Liniensystems ben"otigt.
+Das Ansetzen der F"ahnchen an den Notenhals:
+\item{}Da die Notenhalsl"angen variabel sind (s. Kapitel %\XX
+{\advance\chap3 \the\chap}), k"onnen
+die F"ahnchen nicht zusammen mit dem Notenhals als ein Zeichen in den
+Zeichensatz aufgenommen werden. Es gilt nun, eine Konstruktion zu finden,
+so da\3 die F"ahnchen am jeweiligen Notenhalsende positioniert werden.
+\item{}Dies kann f"ur den nach oben gestielten Hals durch eine
+|\vbox|-Konstruktion und f"ur den nach unten gestielten Hals durch eine
+|\vtop|-Konstruktion erreicht werden. Zu beachten ist, da\3 in beiden
+F"allen kein Interline Glue eingef"ugt werden darf.
+|\vbox to|\<Notenhalsl"ange>|{\hbox{}|\<F"ahnchen>%
+|\vskip0pt plus 1fil}|\cr
+|\vtop to|\<Notenhalsl"ange>|{\hbox{}\vskip0pt plus1fil|\<F"ahnchen>%
+\hbox to\hsize{\hfill
+\vrule height 16pt depth 0pt
+\vbox to16pt{\offinterlineskip\hbox{}\hbox{\music
+\leaders\hrule\hskip20pt\kern-3pt\vrule height 0pt
+depth16pt\vtop to 16pt{\offinterlineskip\hbox{}\vss\hbox{\music\char
+\leaders\hrule\hskip20pt \hfill}
+\item{}Nach den oben angegebenen Regeln f"ur den Ausschlu\3 der
+vertikalen Box ist also der Referenzpunkt die linke untere Ecke
+der umfassenden Box, die zu der H"ohe der aktuellen Notenhalsl"ange
+ausgeschlossen wurde, so da\3, unabh"angig von der H"ohe und Tiefe
+des F"ahnchens, der obere Rand des F"ahnchens mit dem oberen Rand der
+Box abschlie\3t. Umgekehrt ist dies im zweiten Fall. Diese Box erh"alt
+als Tiefe die Notenhalsl"ange, w"ahrend die H"ohe verschwindet. Der
+Referenzpunkt ist also die obere linke Ecke der Box.
+\item{3)}F"ur das genaue Ansetzen der Balken an den Notenhals ist es
+notwendig, die Box, in der der Balken zusammengesetzt wurde (s.
+\the\chap.1.4), so auszuschlie\3en, da\3 die H"ohe bzw. Tiefe des
+Balkens nicht in die
+vertikale Berechnung eingeht.
+Die Box, in der der Balken zusammengesetzt wurde, hat nach den obigen
+Regeln als Breite $w$ den (horizontalen) Abstand des ersten und letzten
+Notenhalses der zu verbalkenden Noten. Die H"ohe ergibt sich als Produkt
+der Steigung des Balkens mit $w$ zuz"uglich der
+Balkenst"arke. Die Tiefe betr"agt
+in diesem Fall gleich Null. F"ur die weitere Plazierung anderer
+Notenschriftelemente in der N"ahe
+einer solchen Box sind diese Ausma\3e hinderlich.
+Es reicht aus, den Balken so zu setzen, da\3 die H"ohe nicht in die
+Berechnungen eingeht. Dazu wird die Box noch einmal in einer vertikalen
+Box ausgeschlossen, so da\3 der Referenzpunkt der ``Balkenbox'' mit dem
+Ansatzpunkt des Balkens "ubereinstimmt und die Box keine H"ohe und keine
+Tiefe besitzt.
+Dies kann "ahnlich wie in den Beispielen
+zum horizontalen Ausschlu\3 durch Einf"ugen von Glue der
+Ordnung 1 erreicht werden.
+F"ur positive Steigungen wird dazu die
+|\vbox to0pt{\vskip0pt minus1fil\diag{20}{1}\hbox{}}|,
+w"ahrend f"ur negative Steigungen die
+|\vtop to0pt{\hbox{}\diag{20}{1}\vskip0pt minus1fil}|
+benutzt wird. Der so gewonnene Ansatzpunkt soll in der folgenden Skizze
+verdeutlicht werden.
+\hbox to\hsize{\hfill \leaders\hrule\hskip20pt
+\hbox to0pt{\vbox to0pt{\vskip0pt minus1fil\diag{20}{1}\hbox{}}\hss}%
+\hbox to0pt{\vtop to0pt{\hbox{}\diag{20}{-1}\vskip0pt minus1fil}\hss}%
+\item{}Weitere Beispiele im Zusammenhang findet man
+in den Notenbeispielen von Kapitel {\advance\chap4 \the\chap}
+und im Anhang A.
+\subheading{Der Zeilenumbruchalgorithmus}
+F"ur ein Textsatzsystem ist es notwendig, ein Verfahren bereitzustellen,
+das eine Folge von Schriftelemen\-ten, d.h. einen Absatz, in Zeilen
+einteilt, so da\3 ein gleich\-m"a\3iges Bild entsteht.
+Zu l"osen ist also das Optimierungsproblem:
+{\leftskip30pt \sl
+Finde eine Folge von Umbruchpunkten,
+so da\3 der gesamte Absatz ``m"oglichst gleichm"a\3ig'' umbrochen
+Ob ein Absatz (\tex{paragraph}) gut ausgeschlossen ist, wird nach drei
+Kriterien beurteilt:
+\item{$\bullet$}Ist ein Bruch der Zeile an \disp{dieser} Stelle geeignet?
+\item{}Dies ist ein lokales Kriterium. Es wird bewertet, ob zum Beispiel
+eine Formel ung"unstig getrennt wurde.
+\item{$\bullet$}Ist der Ausschlu\3 der Zeile angenehm?
+\item{}Dies ist ein globales Kriterum f"ur die Zeile. Bewertet wird, ob
+z.B. eine Zeile zu locker oder zu eng ausgeschlossen wurde.
+\item{$\bullet$}Gibt es gro\3e Unterschiede im Ausschlu\3 benachbarter
+\item{}Bewertet wird, ob z.B. eine Zeile eng ausgeschlossen wurde und
+die folgende sehr locker.
+Es ist also eine Bewertungsfunktion gesucht, die diese Kriterien
+ber"ucksichtigt, und das Optimierungsproblem wird durch Minimierung
+dieser Bewertungsfunktion gel"ost.
+\subsubheading{Die Penalty}
+D. E. Knuth f"uhrt ein weiteres Basiselement
+ein, das eine Bewertung nach dem ersten Kriterium er\-m"oglicht. Die
+\defi{Penalty} $p\in\rz$ beschreibt die ``"asthetischen Kosten'' f"ur
+einen Umbruch an einer Stelle. Kleine Penalty-Werte bedeuten dabei
+einen g"unstigen Umbruch, gro\3e einen ung"unstigen. \par
+$p\le-10\,000$ wird erzwungen, da\3 die Zeile an dieser Stelle
+gebrochen wird,
+w"ahrend $p\ge10\,000$ dies verhindert.
+Ein Spezialfall ist eine Penalty, der eine Breite $w$ zugeordnet ist.
+Diese wird im Falle eines Umbruchs ber"ucksichtigt. Mu\3 z.B. ein Wort
+getrennt werden, so ist $w$ die Breite des einzuf"ugenden
+Trennungsstriches `-'. Es ist also m"oglich, zwischen Text, der
+innerhalb einer Zeile gesetzt werden soll, und Text, der am Zeilenrand
+auftritt, zu unterscheiden und ihm eine andere Bewertung zuzuordnen.
+Das zugeh"orige Kommando lautet:
+\hbox{\vo|\discretionary{|\voff}\<pre-break text>|}|%
+|{|\<post-break text>|}{|\<no-break
+wobei die jeweiligen Textelemente vom Typ Box oder Kern sein m"ussen.
+Wird die Zeile and dieser Stelle gebrochen,
+wird der \tex{pre-break text} am Zeilenende und
+der \tex{post-break text} am neuen Zeilenanfang eingef"ugt. Ist dies
+nicht der Fall, so wird der \tex{no-break text} gesetzt. Der Wert der
+Penalty an einem \tex{discretionary}-Kommando ist der Wert des
+Parameters \hbox{\vo|\hyphenpenalty|\voff},
+falls ein \tex{pre-break text} angegeben wurde,
+ und der Wert des Parameters \hbox{\vo|\exhyphenpenalty|\voff}, falls der
+\tex{pre-break text} fehlt.
+Im folgenden beschreibe die Folge \folg xn einen Absatz, wobei die
+\folgi xjn Basis-Elemente sind. Die Folge \folgi tjn gebe den Typ des
+jeweiligen Basis-Elementes an, d.h.
+$t_j=\tbox$, falls $x_j$ eine Box\footnote{$^*$}{\noindent\verbatimon
+F"ur die folgenden
+"Uberlegungen bezeichne \tbox\ alle nicht entfernbaren Elemente. Dazu
+geh"oren: Box-Elemente, wie sie in \XX\the\chap.1.1 beschrieben wurden,
+sowie |\special|-,
+|\mark|-, |\vadjust|-
+die im \TeX-Book \lit{\Texbook} n"aher beschrieben
+ ist,
+$t_j=\tglue$, falls $x_j$ Glue ist,
+$t_j=\tkern$, falls $x_j$ Kern ist und
+$t_j=\tpenalty$, falls $x_j$ eine Penalty ist.
+\folg wn , \folg yn und \folg zn seien
+die jeweils zugeh"origen Attribute wie in \the\chap.1.2\XX, wobei
+$y_j=z_j=0$ f"ur $t_j=\tbox$ oder $t_j=\tkern$ oder $t_j=\tpenalty$.
+\subsubheading{Definition der Umbruchpunkte}
+Ein \defi{m"oglicher Umbruchpunkt} ist ein Index $e\in\{1,\ldots,n\}$,
+f"ur den eine der folgenden Bedingungen (I)--(IV) erf"ullt ist:
+\item{(I)} $t_e=\tglue$ und $t_{e-1}=\tbox$,
+\item{(II)} $t_e=\tkern$ und $t_{e+1}=\tglue$,
+\item{(III)} $t_e=\tpenalty$, wobei $w_e=0$,
+\item{(IV)} $x_e$ ist ein \tex{discretionary}-Kommando.
+Jedem Umbruchpunkt wird eine Penalty zugewiesen.
+Dabei ist f"ur die F"alle
+(I) und (II) $p_e=0$. F"ur (III) ist $p_e$ der Wert von $x_e$.
+Der Wert der Penalty von (IV) ist, wie oben erw"ahnt, der
+Wert von \hbox{\vo|\hypenpenalty|\voff}
+bzw. von \hbox{\vo|\exhyphenpenalty|\voff}.
+Nicht jeder Umbruchpunkt ist jedoch als Zeilenendpunkt geeignet,
+falls dadurch z.B. die
+Zeile zu locker oder zu eng ausgeschlossen werden m"u\3te. "Ubersteigt
+die Bewertung des Zeilenausschlusses (s. \the\chap.3.4\XX)
+eine bestimmte Toleranzgrenze (i.e. der
+Wert von \hbox{\vo|\tolerance|\voff}),
+so wird dieser Umbruchpunkt aus der Liste der
+m"oglichen Umbruchpunkte entfernt. Ein Punkt, dessen Bewertung kleiner
+als die Toleranzgrenze ausf"allt, hei\3t \defi{legaler Umbruchpunkt}.
+\subsubheading{Bewertung der G"ute des Zeilenausschlusses}
+Sei $r$ der zum Zeilenausschlu\3 geh"orige Proportionalfaktor
+(s. \the\chap.2.1\XX)
+mit der zugeh"origen Ordnung $i$ des Ausschlu\3materials
+der Zeile. Die G"ute des Zeilenausschlusses wird quantitativ durch die
+folgende Funktion ausgedr"uckt:
+$$\beta(r,i)=\cases 0,&i\ne0\,,\\\min(100\,r^3,10000),&i=0\,.\endcases$$
+D. E. Knuth bezeichnet den Wert $\bar\beta=\beta(r,i)$ als
+\defi{Badness} der Zeile.
+Diese Funktion ist heuristisch so festgelegt worden, da\3 sie f"ur
+kleine $r$ niedrige Werte liefert und f"ur gr"o\3ere $r$ schnell
+Mit dieser Funktion k"onnen nun die Zeilenausschl"usse klassifiziert
+{\advance\iindent by 40pt
+Dieser Wert kann nur durch eine Erweiterung der Zeile
+ erreicht werden. In diesem Fall gilt $r>1$. Dies bedeutet eine
+Streckung um "uber 100\% der totalen Streckbarkeit.
+Eine solche Zeile wird als \disp{sehr locker} (\tex{very loose})
+\item{$12.5<\bar\beta\le100$}In diesem Fall gilt $0.5\le r\le 1$.
+Es ist eine
+Streckung bzw. Stauchung um mindestes 50\% der totalen Steckbarkeit bzw.
+Stauchbarkeit notwendig.
+Die Zeile wird daher bei Erweiterung als \disp{locker}
+(\tex{loose}) und bei
+Verringerung als \disp{eng} (\tex{tight}) klassifiziert.
+\item{$0<\bar\beta\le12.5$} Es gilt $0\le r<0.5$ in beiden F"allen.
+Eine solche Zeile wird als \disp{%
+unauf\-f"allig} (\tex{decent}) klassifiziert.
+Man erh"alt also vier Klassen: {sehr locker, locker, unauff"allig
+} und
+Man definiert zwei aufeinanderfolgende Zeilen als
+\defi{optisch inkompatibel},
+wenn sie nicht in der gleichen und nicht in benachbarten Klassen liegen.
+Die Festlegung der Bewertungsfunktion $\beta(r,i)$ und damit die
+Klassifizierung beruht auf der Annahme, da\3 die einzelnen
+Gluekomponenten wie in \the\chap.1.2
+gew"ahlt wurden, so da\3 im Fall $r=1$ der
+dadurch entstehende Freiraum noch akzeptabel ist. Bei Zeilenerweiterung
+ist $r>1$ zul"assig, aber unerw"unscht, so da\3 die Funktion in diesem
+Fall schnell hohe Werte annimmt.
+\subsubheading{Bewertung der Zeilen}
+Eine Indexfolge
+ $b_1<\ldots<b_k$ legaler Umbruchpunkte eines Absatzes von
+$k$ Zeilen, so da\3
+%Folgenelement $b_j$ angenommen wird, da\3
+$x_{b_j}$ letztes Element
+der $j$-ten Zeile des Absatzes ist, hei\3t Zeilenendpunktfolge.
+Jeder erzwungene Umbruchpunkt mu\3 in jeder solchen Folge enthalten
+sein. Es gilt immer $b_k=n$, denn beim Abschlie\3en einer horizontalen
+Liste wird das letzte Element, falls es
+Glue ist, entfernt. Gleichzeitig werden als weitere
+\begindisplay \verbatimon
+eingef"ugt. $x_n$ ist also immer eine Penalty, die erzwingt, da\3 die
+Zeile an dieser Stelle gebrochen wird.
+Sei nun
+die Folge von Zeilenendpunkten. Dann ist
+dieser eine Indexfolge
+$a_1<\ldots<a_k$ f"ur Zeilenelemente $x_{a_j}$
+zugeordnet, die jeweils
+den Anfang der Zeile zu den jeweiligen Endpunkten markiert.
+Diese Punkte werden festgelegt, indem man die Zeile an den Umbruchpunkten
+$b_j$ teilt und zu Beginn jeder neuen Zeile alle Glue- und
+Penalty-Elemente entfernt. Der Zeilenanfangspunkt $a_{j+1}$ ist dann
+das erste Element f"ur das gilt $t_{a_{j+1}}=\tbox$.
+Genauer gilt: Sei $b_0=0 $. Ist
+$$I_j =\{b_{j-1}<i<b_j\mid t_i=\tbox \text{ oder }t_i=\tpenalty
+\text{ mit } p_i\ge-10000\}\;$$ aus allen Elementen der $j$-ten Zeile.
+Dann ist $$a_j= \cases b_j\;,&\text{falls }I_j =\emptyset\\
+ \min I_j\;,&\text{sonst.}\endcases$$
+Die $j$-te Zeile enth"alt dann also alle Elemente $x_i$ mit
+$a_j\le i \le b_j$ und $i=b_j$, falls $t_{b_j}=\tpenalty$.
+Die legalen Umbruchpunkte werden im Verfahren
+ so gew"ahlt, da\3 normalerweise kein
+Glue am Zeilenende und am Zeilenanfang
+steht, es sei denn durch ausdr"uckliches Kommando. Glue am Zeilenende
+ist im Notensatz
+jedoch erforderlich f"ur den Fall eines Zeilenumbruchs in der Taktmitte,
+d.h. nach einer Note innerhalb des Taktes.\item{}
+Glue am Zeilenende erh"alt man, indem man den {%
+Interword Glue} ersetzt
+durch eine Glue-Penalty-Folge der Art:
+wobei $w$ den zu setzenden Wert des Glue bezeichnet.
+Die Penalty 10000 unterdr"uckt, da\3 die Zeile an dieser Stelle gebrochen
+Der Glue
+wird nicht in die Liste der m"oglichen Umbruchpunkte aufgenommen, da die
+Bedingung (I) nicht erf"ullt ist. Als Ausgleich wird die Penalty 0 in
+die Liste aufgenommen. Wird die Zeile an dieser Stelle gebrochen, so
+erscheint also Glue am Zeilenende.
+Glue am Zeilenanfang erh"alt man, indem man dem normalen
+{Interword Glue}
+die Box-Glue-Penalty-Folge
+Innerhalb der Zeile heben sich die Glues auf. Der einzige m"ogliche
+Umbruchpunkt in dieser Folge ist die erste Penalty. Wird die Zeile an
+dieser Stelle gebrochen, so wird der Glue bis zur Box entfernt, und es
+erscheint Glue am Zeilenanfang. Ein Fehlen der leeren Box w"urde also
+auch die Entfernung des zweiten Glues im Falle eines Zeilenbruchs an der
+ersten Penalty bewirken.
+Mit diesen Voraussetzungen kann nun die Bewertung der einzelnen Zeilen
+Seien $\beta_j$ und $p_j$ die dem Zeilenendpunkt der $j$-ten Zeile
+zugeordnete Badness bzw. Penalty. Dann sind die sogenannten Kosten
+(\tex{demerits}) $d_j$ f"ur diese Zeile definiert durch:
+$$d_j=\cases (l_j+\beta_j)^2 + p_j^2\;,&\text{falls }0\le p_j<10000,\\
+ (l_j+\beta_j)^2 - p_j^2\;,&\text{falls }-10000< p_j<0,\\
+ (l_j+\beta_j)^2\;,\hfill &\text{falls }p_j\le-10000,\endcases$$
+wobei $l_j$ ein Parameter ist, der je nach Wert die Gesamtkosten
+erh"ohen oder senken kann. Dabei ist $l_j$ der aktuelle Wert von
+ \hbox{\vo|\linepenalty|\voff}.
+Die Unstetigkeitsstelle der Funktion f"ur $p_j\le-10000$ ist aus
+programmiertechnischen Gr"unden eingef"ugt worden. Da in diesem Fall
+$\beta_j$ in jeder Zeilenendpunktfolge enthalten ist, tr"agt es auch
+nicht zur Minimierung der Bewertungsfunktion des gesamten
+Absatzes bei (s. \the\chap.3.8\XX).
+Es wird in diesem Fall also nicht zus"atzlich
+noch ein gro\3er Wert abgezogen, um einem arithmetischen "Uberlauf
+Zus"atzlich werden zu $d_j$ noch Kosten in Abh"angigkeit von der
+Umgebung der Zeile addiert, und zwar:
+der Wert von \hbox{\vo|\adjdemerits|\voff}, falls die Zeilen
+ $j-1$ und $j$ inkompatibel sind,
+der Wert von {\vo|\doublehyphendemerits|\voff},
+falls sowohl $x_{b_{j-1}}$ als auch $x_{b_j}$ ein
+\tex{discretionary}-Kommando ist, und
+der Wert von {\vo|\finalhyphendemerits|\voff},
+falls $x_{b_{k-1}}$ ein \tex{discretionary}-Kommando ist.
+\subsubheading{Bewertung des Absatzes}
+Die Folge $b_1<\ldots<b_k$ von Umbruchpunkten, f"ur die
+$\sum_{j=1}^k d_j$ minimal ist (Minimum der Summe der Quadrate der
+Penalties und Badness jeder Zeile) wird als endg"ultige Folge
+ausgew"ahlt. Damit wird meistens auch
+$\max \beta_j$ minimiert,
+aber nicht notwendigerweise. Dies ist auch nicht
+erw"unscht, da mit der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate ein gleichm"a\3iger
+Ausschlu\3 des gesamten Absatzes erzielt werden soll.
+\subsubheading{Bemerkungen zum Zeilenumbruch
+ und zur Wahl von Parametern}
+\item{1)}Durch Ver"andern der Parameter k"onnen verschiedenen Effekte
+erzielt werden, z.B.:
+\itemitem{a)}F"ur normalen Textsatz wird man
+\hbox{\vo|\parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil|\voff} verwenden.
+Setzt man
+\hbox{\vo|\parfillskip 0pt|\voff}, so wird die letzte Zeile des
+Absatzes bis zum Ende ausgeschlossen, was f"ur den Notensatz
+erforderlich ist.
+Ist der Text nicht lang genug oder
+zu schmal, gibt es Schwierigkeiten, da zu wenig Streckm"oglichkeit
+vorhanden ist und nicht gen"ugend Umbruchpunkte zur Wahl stehen.
+Durch Erh"ohen von \hbox{\vo|\adjdemerits|\voff} kann man verhindern,
+da\3 die Zeilen zu unterschiedlich ausgeschlossen werden.
+\item{2)} Der \TeX-Zeilenumbruchalgorithmus ist so konzipiert,
+da\3 nicht sofort bei
+der ersten Gelegenheit, sondern abh"angig von
+den benachbarten Zeilen umgebrochen wird. Der
+Algorithmus ist also in gewisser Weise voraus- bzw.
+\subheading{Der Seitenumbruch}
+Ist die optimale Folge von Umbruchpunkten gefunden, werden die einzelnen
+Zeilen, verbunden durch {Interline Glue} (s. \the\chap.2.3\XX)
+an die aktuelle ``Seitenliste'' angef"ugt.
+Zus"atzlich wird vor jedem Glue eine Penalty
+eingef"ugt und danach vertikales Material,
+das aus
+der jeweiligen Zeile mit
+\hbox{\vo|\vadjust{|\voff}\<vertical list>|}| ausgelagert wurde
+in der Reihenfolge des Erscheinens (d.h. von links nach rechts).
+Dieses eingef"ugte vertikale Material beeinflu\3t also nicht den
+{Interline Glue}.
+\subsubheading{Die Seitenumbruchpunkte}
+Das Verfahren f"ur den Seitenumbruch ist dem
+Zeilenumbruchalgorithmus "ahnlich.
+Ein Seitenumbruch kann stattfinden
+\item{a)} vor Glue, dem unmittelbar eine Box
+der vertikalen Liste vorangeht,
+\item{b)} vor Kern, falls dieser unmittelbar von Glue gefolgt
+\item{c)}an einer Penalty.
+\subsubheading{Die Bewertung des Seitenumbruchs}
+Eine Penalty $p\le-10000$ erzwingt somit einen Seitenumbruch.
+Jede Seite wird einzeln bearbeitet, d.h. es wird nicht wie beim
+Zeilenumbruch voraus- oder zu\-r"uck\-schauend gearbeitet,
+da dies zu viel Speicherungsaufwand erfordern w"urde.
+Zu jedem in
+Erw"agung gezogenen Seitenumbruchpunkt werden mittels einer
+Bewertungsfunktion die ``Kosten'' $c$ berechnet:
+$$c=\cases \beta\;, &\text{falls }\beta<\infty\text{ und }
+ p\le-10000\;,\\
+ \beta+p\;, &\text{falls }\beta<10000 \text{ und }-10000<p<10000
+ \;,\\
+ 100000,&\text{falls }\beta\ge10000\text{ und }-10000<p<10000
+ \;,\endcases$$
+wobei $\beta$ die Badness und $p$ die
+zugeordnete Penalty bezeichnet.
+Die {Badness} einer vertikalen Liste
+wird im wesentlichen genauso berechnet wie die der horizontalen Liste.
+Die Kosten werden an jedem legalen Umbruchpunkt berechnet, solange bis
+ein Umbruchpunkt gefunden wird, an dem das neuberechnete
+$c$ gr"o\3er ist als das zuvorberechnete. Dann wird die Seite am
+vorletzten Seitenumbruchpunkt umbrochen.
+Nach dem Seitenumbruch werden alle folgenden
+Glue-, Kern- und Penalty-Elemente der horizontalen
+Liste solange entfernt, bis ein Box-Element erscheint.
+Es kann also durch
+\hbox{\vo|\penalty-10000\penalty-10000|\voff} in der vertikalen
+Liste keine Leerseite erzeugt werden.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc6.tex b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc6.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0296fcdc73
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+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc6.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+\heading {R"aumliche Einteilung des Notenblattes}
+Das Grundproblem, das von jedem automatisierten Noten\-%
+satzsystem gel"ost werden
+mu\3, ist die ``grobe'' r"aumliche Einteilung des Notenblattes, so da\3
+das Erscheinungsbild "ubersichtlich und die Struktur des Musikst"uckes
+erkennbar wird. Diese Einteilung sollte automatisch erfolgen und nicht
+vom Benutzer des Notensatzsystems ausgef"uhrt werden.
+Das Problem der Gestaltung
+der ``"au\3eren Form'' des Notenblattes
+gliedert sich in
+f"unf Teilprobleme:
+\item{0)}Die Gestaltung der "Uberschriften, wie Angaben zu Titel,
+Komponist und Textverfasser
+\item{1)}Die Konstruktion des Notenliniensystems
+\item{2)}Die gleichm"a\3ige vertikale Einteilung des Musikst"uckes, d.h.
+das Abstecken
+\item{3)}Das automatische Plazieren der jeweils g"ultigen
+Notenschl"ussel, Vorzeichnung und Taktart
+\item{4)}Die Strukturierung des Musikst"uckes durch Taktstriche
+Die L"osung dieser Teilprobleme ist abh"angig vom verwendeten
+Spezielle Verfahren habe ich in der mir bekannten Literatur nicht
+angetroffen. Im folgenden sollen die zugeh"origen Satz- und
+Notationsregeln beschrieben und die zugeh"origen
+Verfahren f"ur die Ausf"uhrung mit \TeX\
+angegeben werden.
+Da \TeX\ als Textsatzsystem zeilenweise arbeitet, konnte das
+Notensatzsystem bisher nur f"ur ein Zeilensystem verwirklicht werden.
+Da es zum Verst"andnis einiger Satzregeln jedoch notwendig ist, die
+Regeln f"ur mehrzeilige Systeme zu kennen, soll hier auf die Angabe
+dieser Regeln nicht verzichtet werden.
+Da \TeX\ ein Textsatzsystem ist, sind der Gestaltung der "Uberschriften
+keine Grenzen gesetzt. Sie soll deshalb kein Thema dieser Arbeit sein.
+Gourlay (\lit{\gourlay, S. 397}) schl"agt vor, den Titel zu
+zentrieren, w"ahrend der Textverfasser und Komponist links- bzw.
+rechtsb"undig darunter erscheinen sollen. Dieser Vorschlag wurde als
+M"oglichkeit in das Notensatzformat aufgenommen.
+\subheading{Satz- und Notationsregeln zur r"aumlichen Einteilung}
+\subsubheading{Das System}
+\item{S1)} Die Notenschriftelemente werden in ein Zeilensystem mit
+f"unf Notenlinien eingeordnet.
+Dabei werden sowohl die Linien als auch die Zwischenr"aume
+genutzt \lit{{\ziegen, \bf17}}.
+Ein solches Zeilensystem wird in der Musiktheorie als
+\defi{System} bezeichnet.
+\item{S2)} Zur Notation mehrstimmiger Musik k"onnen mehrere Systeme
+verwendet werden, die durch eine sogenannte \disp{Akkoladenklammer} zu
+einer Akkolade zusammengefa\3t werden. (Die Taktstriche werden in diesem
+Fall unter Ber"ucksichtigung der Instrumentengruppe in
+Partituren durchgezogen.)
+\item{S3)} Bei der Notation in \disp{einem}
+Zeilensystem steht am Zeilenanfang kein Taktstrich.
+\item{S4)} Die L"ange der Notenlinien einer Notenzeile
+entspricht der Breite des
+Notenblattes, jedoch ist es oft "ublich, die erste Zeile wie den Absatz
+im Textsatz um einen gewissen Betrag einzuziehen. Dieser gewonnene
+Trennraum wird oft zur Kennzeichnung des jeweiligen Instruments
+\item{S5)} Der Abstand der Notenlinien entspricht der H"ohe eines
+\subsubheading{Das Abstecken}
+Im Gegensatz zum Handnotensatz wird das genaue Plazieren der einzelnen
+Notenzeilen auf der Seite erst nach dem Zeilenumbruch vorgenommen, wenn
+sich gen"ugend Material f"ur eine Seite angesammelt hat. Jedoch ist es
+f"ur die gleichm"a\3ige vertikale Verteilung der einzelnen Notenzeilen
+angebracht einen Mindestabstand der Notenzeilen anzugeben, wobei es
+jedoch m"oglich sein mu\3, den Abstand zwischen den Zeilen zu erh"ohen,
+falls die Noten oder unterlegte Texte weit in diesen Zwischenraum
+Berechnungsgrundlage f"ur den Zwischenraum zwischen zwei Systemen ist das
+Zweifache der H"ohe des Systems (\disp{Rastralh"ohe}). Die
+Notenschriftelemente k"onnen also von oben und von unten bis zu einer
+Rastralh"ohe in diesen Zwischenraum hineinragen. Wird dieser Betrag
+"uberschritten, so mu\3 der Raum zwischen den Systemen
+ unbedingt vergr"o\3ert werden
+Der Abstand ist so gew"ahlt, da\3 die Zwischenr"aume nur dann
+vergr"o\3ert werden m"ussen, wenn Noten mit vier Hilfslinien dargestellt
+werden m"ussen.
+\subsubheading{Regeln zum Satz von Notenschl"usseln, Vorzeichnung und
+\item{V1)} Zu Beginn jeder Notenzeile mu\3 der aktuelle Notenschl"ussel
+zusammen mit der Vorzeichnung, d.h. der Tonartkennzeichnung, angegeben
+werden. Dabei mu\3 der Notenschl"ussel immer der Vorzeichnung
+vorangestellt sein. Dies entspricht der Regel 3) in der von K. Hader
+``musikalischen Orthographie''(\lit{\hader}):
+{\leftskip=30pt \rightskip=\leftskip \sl
+Musikbeschriebene Notensysteme
+ohne Schl"ussel und Tonart sind unbrauchbar.\par}
+\item{V2)}Die Vorgaben zu Beginn des Musikst"uckes gelten f"ur das
+gesamte Musikst"uck (\lit{\ziegen, S. 58}).
+\item{V3)} Die Taktart soll
+zu Beginn des Musikst"uckes angezeigt werden und
+zwar direkt nach Notenschl"ussel und Tonart.
+\item{V4)} Wechsel: Jeder Wechsel von Notenschl"ussel, Tonart oder
+Taktart mu\3 im Notenbild angezeigt werden.
+\item{a)}Ein Taktwechsel kann
+nur zu Beginn eines neuen Taktes erfolgen. Meist steht die ge"anderte
+Taktangabe nach dem Taktstrich vor der ersten Note. Beginnt eine neue
+Zeile mit Taktwechsel, so wird dies zus"atzlich am Ende der
+vorhergehenden Zeile vermerkt. Bei h"aufigem Taktwechsel kann die
+"Anderung, um Platz zu sparen, auch "uber dem System angegeben
+werden, wobei kein zus"atzlicher horizontaler Raum ben"otigt wird.
+Bei regelm"a\3ig wiederholtem Taktwechsel braucht das Kennzeichen nicht
+in jedem Takt erneut zu erfolgen. Die wechselnden Taktangaben k"onnen
+einmalig zu Beginn angegeben werden (\lit{\ziegen}).
+\vskip -1cm
+\item{b)} Ein Wechsel der Tonart kann nur am Anfang eines Taktes
+angegeben werden. Dabei mu\3 die vorher g"ultige Tonart zun"achst
+``aufgel"ost'' und die neue angegeben werden.
+\vskip -1cm
+Ein Tonartwechsel am Anfang einer neuen Zeile mu\3 zus"atzlich am Ende
+der vorangehenden Zeile notiert werden.
+\item{c)} F"ur den Wechsel des Notensch"ussels gelten die gleichen
+Regeln wie unter b), jedoch kann ein Wechsel auch innerhalb des Taktes
+vorkommen. In diesem Fall wird nur dann zus"atzlich horizontaler Raum
+bereitgestellt, wenn nicht gen"ugend Freiraum von der vorangehenden Note
+zur Verf"ugung steht. (\lit{\gomb})
+\item{d)} Beim Satz von Akkoladen gilt ein Wechsel von Taktart und
+global f"ur alle Systemzeilen, w"ahrend der Notensch"usselwechsel sich
+nur lokal auf eine Zeile bezieht.
+\item{e)} Die zur Kennzeichnung des Notenschl"usselwechsels
+Notensch"ussel innerhalb einer Zeile sind normalerweise etwas kleiner
+als am Zeilenanfang. Bei Wechsel des Notenschl"ussels "andert sich
+zugleich die Position der Versetzungszeichen in der Vorzeichnung.
+\vio\C \hskip20pt\|\v2 \ \setbox\hunkbox\hbox{\music\char\hex48}%
+\vskip -1cm
+\item{R1)} Taktstriche gliedern den musikalischen Ablauf im Notenbild.
+\item{R2)} Im einstimmigen Satz befindet sich am Zeilenanfang kein
+Taktstrich, im Satz von Akkoladen werden die einzelnen Systeme unter
+Ber"ucksichtigung der Instrumentengruppen in Partituren
+durchgezogen (\lit{\ziegen, \defi{44}f}).
+\item{R3)} Gr"o\3ere Abschnitte werden durch \disp{Doppelstriche}
+( \dbl\ ),
+z.B. bei Tonartwechsel, voneinander getrennt. Das Ende
+eines Musikst"uckes wird durch \disp{Schlu\3striche} ( \gleich\ )
+angezeigt (\lit{\ziegen, \defi{46}}).
+\item{R4)} Soll ein Abschnitt wiederholt werden, so wird dies durch
+Wiederholungszeichen angezeigt \hfill\break( \lrepeat \dots
+\lrrepeat\dots\rrepeat\ ). Weicht beim Wiederholen der Schlu\3
+ab, so wird dies durch \disp{K"asten} vermerkt
+( \vbox{{\offinterlineskip \dimen3=\ht\strutbox\advance\dimen3-0.2pt
+\hbox to 40pt{\strut \vrule depth-3pt\rlap{1.}%
+\leaders\hrule height \ht\strutbox depth-\dimen3\hfill\vrule depth-3pt}
+\hbox to 40pt{\strut \vrule \hfill \dots\hfill:\kern2pt\vrule}}}\kern2pt
+\vbox{{\offinterlineskip \dimen3=\ht\strutbox\advance\dimen3-0.2pt
+\hbox to 40pt{\strut \vrule depth-3pt\rlap{2.}%
+\leaders\hrule height \ht\strutbox depth-\dimen3\hfill}\kern-3pt
+\hbox to 40pt{\strut \vrule width 2pt\hfill \dots\hfill }}} )
+Eine weitere Strukturierung wird erreicht durch sogenannte
+\disp{Orientierungsziffern} oder \disp{Buchstaben} \boxed1,
+oder \boxed{\rm A}, die sich oberhalb eines Taktstriches befinden. Ebenso
+werden Takte gez"ahlt und die Taktzahl am Anfang der Zeile vermerkt.
+Eine Notenzeile kann nur nach einem Taktstrich umbrochen werden.
+Ausnahmen ergeben sich, falls die einzelnen Texte sehr gro\3en
+horizontalen Raum beanspruchen und daher kein gleichm"a\3iger
+Zei\-len\-umbruch erzielt werden kann. In einem solchen Fall darf in der
+Taktmitte umbrochen werden.
+\Bemerkung Da die Taktstriche im laufenden Text angegeben werden, wird
+ihre genaue Positionierung in Kapitel {\advance\chap1 \the\chap}
+beschrieben. \endBemerkung
+\subheading{Ausf"uhrung des Absteckens}
+\subsubheading{Einf"ugen von zus"atzlichem Notenschriftmaterial}
+Das erste zu l"osende Problem ist das Einf"ugen von zus"atzlichem
+Notenschriftmaterial in den fortlaufenden Text.
+\item{1)} Jede Zeile ist mit Notenlinien zu unterlegen.
+\item{2)} F"ur Notenschl"ussel und Vorzeichnung am Zeilenanfang ist
+horizontaler Raum bereitzuhalten.
+\item{3)} Der Wechsel von Notenschl"ussel, Vorzeichnung und Taktart am
+Zeilenanfang ist am Ende der vorherigen Zeile nochmals anzuzeigen.
+Der Zeilenumbruchalgorithmus (s. {\advance\chap-1 \the\chap.3}\XX)
+arbeitet so, da\3 mit dem Umbruch erst nach der Feststellung des
+Absatzendes begegonnen wird. Dann gibt es jedoch keine
+M"oglichkeit, anschlie\3end noch zus"atzlichen Text einzuf"ugen.
+\subsubsubheading{Verfahren 1}
+Das \TeX-Kommando |\vadjust{|\<text>|}| erm"oglicht es, Text aus einer
+horizontalen Liste {(s. \advance\chap-1 \the\chap.4\XX)}
+in die "au\3ere vertikale Liste zu "ubertragen.
+Der Text wird erst nach Abarbeitung des Zeilenumbruchalgorithmus
+hinter der Zeile eingef"ugt, in der er aufgetreten ist. Bei konstanter
+Zeilentiefe kann man durch negativen vertikalen Kern zur
+Zeilengrundlinie zur"uckkehren und den Text z.B. an den Zeilenanfang
+setzen. "Ubertr"agt man in jeder Zeile den aktuellen Notenschl"ussel und
+die aktuelle Vorzeichnung sowie das Liniensystem mit |\vadjust| in die
+vertikale Liste, so k"onnen diese Zeichen nachtr"aglich noch eingef"ugt
+Bei Verwirklichung dieses Verfahrens treten folgende Probleme
+\item{1)} Das Makro |\vadjust| mu\3 so eingesetzt werden, da\3 es in jeder
+Zeile mindestens einmal vorkommt, unabh"angig von der Zeilenl"ange.
+\item{2)} Taucht das Makro |\vadjust| mehrfach in einer Zeile auf, so
+wird nach obigem Schema die Vorzeichnung mehrfach "ubereinander\-gesetzt.
+Bei Notenschl"ussel- oder Tonartwechsel innerhalb der Zeile werden so
+verschiedene Zeichen "ubereinandergesetzt.
+\item{3)} F"ur Notenschl"ussel und Vorzeichnung mu\3 am Anfang jeder
+Zeile gen"ugend horizontaler Raum freigelassen werden.
+Die erste Forderung kann erf"ullt werden, indem man die
+"Ubertragung in Verbindung mit dem Setzen eines Taktstriches vornimmt.
+Da in konventioneller Musik in jeder Zeile mindestens ein Taktstrich
+vorkommt, ist die aufgestellte Forderung hier erf"ullt.
+Das mehrfache "Ubereinandersetzen
+ kann nur verhindert werden, indem man ein Verfahren
+sucht, das nur das erste der durch |\vadjust| in die vertikale Liste
+hinter der jeweiligen "ubertragen Elemente ausw"ahlt und setzt. Dieses
+Verfahren kann jedoch nicht mit \TeX\ allein realisiert werden, da es
+keine M"oglichkeit gibt, das erste Element nach der Box mit dem
+Zeileninhalt zu erkennen. Es gibt ein \TeX-Kommando (|\special|), das
+Informationen an das Treiber-Programm des jeweiligen Ausgabeger"ates
+"ubergibt, welches diese abh"angig von der Zeilen- und Spaltenposition
+auf dem Notenblatt auswerten und entscheiden kann, welche Zeichenfolge
+gesetzt werden soll. Dieses Verfahren ist jedoch kompliziert und macht
+das Notensatzsystem vom Ausgabeger"at abh"angig.
+Das Einf"ugen von freiem Raum am Zeilenanfang
+kann mittels des Zeilenumbruchalgorithmus einfach
+gel"ost werden. Der Glue, der hinter jeder Note gesetzt wird, mu\3 so
+gestaltet werden, da\3 bei Zeilen\-%
+umbruch jeweils die Breite des aktuellen
+Notenschl"ussels und der Vorzeichnung freigelassen wird. Eine
+M"oglichkeit, dies zu erreichen, wurde bereits in {\advance\chap-1
+\the\chap.3.6\XX} gezeigt.
+\Bemerkung \item{1)} Wie in Kapitel {\advance\chap-1 \the\chap}
+beschrieben, ist es m"oglich,
+hinter jedem Zeichen eine Penalty einzuf"ugen, um den Zeilenumbruch vor
+Notenschl"ussel und Vorzeichenwechsel zu unterbinden, aber den Umbruch
+danach zu f"ordern, d.h. einen Wechsel am Zeilenende zu bevorzugen.
+Man erh"alt so die neue Vorzeichnung oder den neuen Notenschl"ussel am
+Zeilenende und am Anfang der neuen Zeile. Die Verdopplung der Taktangabe
+bei Wechsel l"a\3t sich jedoch mit diesem Verfahren
+nicht erreichen, da die
+Taktangabe nicht an jedem Zeilenanfang angegeben werden mu\3.
+\item{2)} Die angegebene L"osung ist nicht befriedigend, da sie vom
+Ausgabeger"at abh"angig ist, au\3erdem die Tiefe der Zeilen konstant
+sein mu\3 und nicht alle oben genannten Forderungen erf"ullt werden.
+\subsubsubheading{Verfahren 2}
+Eine zweite M"oglichkeit, das Problem zu l"osen, ist durch das
+|\discretionary|-Komman\-do (s. {\advance\chap-1 \the\chap.3.1%
+}\XX) gegeben.
+Dieses Kommando bewirkt, da\3
+ im Fall des Zeilenumbruches am Zeilenende der \tex{pre-break text} und
+am Anfang der neuen Zeile der \tex{post-break text} eingef"ugt wird,
+andernfalls wird der \tex{no-break text} gesetzt. Jedoch d"urfen
+die Texte nur Elemente vom Typ Box, Kern oder Penalty enthalten. Ein
+Erweitern oder Verringern der Abst"ande in diesem Text ist also nicht
+ m"oglich. Dies ist auch zur L"osung des Problems nicht notwendig.
+Im normalen Textsatz ist die Kontrollsequenz
+|\-| gleichbedeutend mit
+ \hbox{|\discretionary{-}{}{}|}. Wird |\-| an den Trennstellen eines
+Wortes eingef"ugt, so wird also im Falle des Zeilenumbruches an einer
+dieser Stellen ein Trennstrich - eingef"ugt, andernfalls nichts.
+Um eine
+Trennung des Wortes \disp{backen} zu erm"oglichen, kann
+|ba\discretionary{k-}{k}{ck}en| notiert werden.
+Im Falle eines Zeilenumbruches wird
+|ck| zu |k-k|. Mit diesem Verfahren k"onnen alle Forderungen, die durch
+die Satz- und Notationsregeln zur Gestaltung der ``"au\3eren Form''
+ gegeben
+sind, erf"ullt werden. Dazu ist es jedoch notwendig, die den
+Zeilenumbruch bestimmenden Parameter so zu "andern,
+da\3 ein Zeilenumbruch
+nur an einem \tex{discretionary}-Kommando stattfinden kann. Dies kann
+erreicht werden, indem man sowohl |\hyphenpenalty| und
+|\exhyphenpenalty| als auch den zus"atzlichen Kosten
+|\finalhyphendemerits| und |\doublehyphendemerits|, die in
+Abh"angigkeit von der Umgebung der Zeile addiert werden, jeweils
+negative Werte zuweist, so da\3 ein Zeilenumbruch an einem
+\tex{discretionary}-Kommando eine niedrige Badness erzeugt.
+\item{1)} Auch in diesem Fall ist es nicht vorteilhaft, neben den
+Trennungsm"oglichkeiten an einem Taktstrich zus"atzliche
+Trennungsm"oglichkeiten innerhalb eines Taktes, z.B. nach einer
+Note, anzugeben, jedoch aus einem anderen Grund als bei der ersten
+L"osungsm"oglichkeit. \par
+\item{}Da der Wert von |\hyphenpenalty| sich nicht
+"andert, w"urden Umbruchpunkte innerhalb eines Taktes genauso
+bewertet wie Umbruchpunkte am Taktstrich.
+Es ist also keine Unterscheidung mehr m"oglich. Dies widerspricht jedoch
+der Forderung, da\3 ein
+Bruch der Zeile am Taktstrich in jedem Fall zu
+bevorzugen ist. Aus diesem Grund wurde das Notensatzsystem so
+konzipiert, da\3 kein Bruch innerhalb eines Taktes stattfinden kann.
+Ist dies dennoch erw"unscht, so k"onnen zus"atzlich
+Umbruchm"oglichkeiten durch Angabe von |\-| z.B. in der Taktmitte
+angegeben werden.
+\item{2)} Mit diesem Verfahren k"onnen die Linien erst in der zweiten
+Zeile unterlegt werden. Die erste Zeile mu\3 daher gesondert bearbeitet
+werden. Dies ist kein Nachteil, denn dieses Vorgehen erm"oglicht es,
+einen Einzug der ersten Zeile zu ber"ucksichtigen. Dies wird im
+n"achsten Abschnitt n"aher beschrieben.
+ Im folgenden werden die Konstruktionen f"ur das Liniensystem sowie den
+Takt-, Tonart- und Notenschl"usselwechsel beschrieben.
+\subsubsubheading{Konstruktion der Notenlinien}
+Eine Notenlinie wird durch eine schwarz ausgef"ullte Box,
+ in der \TeX-Terminologie
+mit \disp{Rule} bezeichnet, dargestellt.
+ Die H"ohe der Rule entspricht der St"arke einer d"unnen Linie
+ ({\advance\chap-2 \the\chap.3.3}\XX).
+Die Breite wird durch die aktuellen
+Seitenbreite (d.h. |\hsize|) gegeben, wobei die Breite in der ersten
+Zeile um den Betrag des Einzuges (|\parindent|) verk"urzt ist.
+F"unf dieser Linien werden in einem Abstand von einer Notenkopfh"ohe
+untereinander gesetzt, d.h. in einer vertikalen Liste verarbeitet.
+Da das Liniensystem nur unterlegt werden soll, darf es nicht in die
+horizontale Berechnung eingehen. Dies kann wie in
+{\advance\chap-1 \the\chap.2.2} \XX
+durch Erzeugen einer horizontalen Box der Breite 0\pt\ geschehen,
+wobei das Liniensystem "uber den rechten Rand hinausragt.
+Es ergibt sich so die folgende {Box-Glue-Kombination}:
+|\hbox to 0pt{\vbox{\hr\kern\nhh\hr\kern\nhh\hr\kern\nhh\hr|%
+ wobei |\hr| die Rule |\hrule height|\<Zeilenst"arke>| depth
+0pt width|\<Zeilenl"ange> bezeichnet.
+Das Liniensystem ist so angelegt, da\3 die unterste Linie mit
+der Grundlinie der ganzen Zeile "ubereinstimmt ({\advance\chap-1
+Dies erschien bei der Konzeption des Notensatzsystems unter Verwendung
+von \TeX\ g"unstiger. In anderen Notensatzsystemen, z.B. dem von Gourlay
+wird jedoch die Mittellinie (dritte Linie) als Grundlinie
+\subsubsubheading{Der Taktwechsel}
+Zu unterscheiden ist zwischen den beiden Taktartnotationen:
+\item{a)} Taktangabe innerhalb des Zeilensystems,
+\item{b)} Taktangabe oberhalb des Systems.
+Im Fall b) wird der Taktwechsel am Zeilenende nicht zus"atzlich
+angek"undigt. Er soll deshalb hier nicht betrachtet werden.
+Die Forderungen an die Taktangabe k"onnen leicht erf"ullt werden durch
+das Kommando
+wobei \<Taktangabe> die Box bezeichnet, die die aktuelle Taktangabe
+enth"alt. Entsprechendes gilt f"ur \<Zeilensystem> und \<Tonart>.
+\subsubsubheading{Der Tonartwechsel}
+Der Tonartwechsel kann auf "ahnliche Weise beschrieben werden. Jedoch
+ist zu beachten, da\3 die vorher g"ultige Tonart aufgel"ost werden mu\3.
+Dazu werden die Versetzungszeichen in zwei verschiedenen Token-Registern
+gespeichert (s.\lit{\TeXbook, S.121 ff (Kap. 15)}), wobei das eine die
+Versetzungszeichen der aktuellen Tonart und das
+andere die aktuelle Tonart mit den jeweiligen Aufl"osungszeichen
+Bei Tonartwechsel wird zun"achst nur das erste Register durch die neue
+Tonart ersetzt, und nachdem der Doppelstrich, die ``aufgel"oste'' vorige
+Tonart und die neue Tonart gesetzt wurden, das zweite Register durch die
+aktuelle ``aufgel"oste'' Tonart ersetzt. \par
+Die Forderungen, die an den
+Tonartwechsel gestellt sind, werden dann durch das Kommando
+|\discretionary{|\<Doppelstrich>\<aufgel"oste Tonart>\<neue Tonart>|}|
+|{|\<Doppelstrich>\<aufgel"oste Tonart>\<neue Tonart>|}|\par
+Gleichzeitig mu\3 die Definition der Kontrollsequenz |\-|,
+ die den Zeilenumbruch nach einem
+Taktstrich regelt, der neuen Tonart angepa\3t werden, und zwar in
+\<neue Tonart>|}{}|.
+\subsubsubheading{Der Notenschl"usselwechsel}
+Im Unterschied zu Taktart und Tonart besitzt der Notensch"ussel im
+Zeileninneren eine andere Gr"o\3e als am Zeilenrand, es mu\3 also ein
+anderes Zeichen verwendet werden. Au\3erdem mu\3 nicht unbedingt
+zus"atzlicher horizontaler Raum zur Verf"ugung gestellt werden. Aus
+diesem Grund wird der Notenschl"ussel im Zeileninneren behandelt wie die
+Versetzungszeichen vor einer Note im Taktinneren. Dies soll im n"achsten
+Kapitel n"aher erl"autert werden.
+Wie bei der Tonart wird auch der Notenschl"ussel in einem Token-Register
+gespeichert, das bei Schl"ussel\-wechsel ausgetauscht wird. Es ist zu
+beachten, da\3 ein Schl"usselwechsel eine Umpositionierung der
+Versetzungszeichen der Vorzeichnung notwendig macht.
+\vio\Es\hskip20pt \E\hskip20pt\bass\Es\ \hfill
+\item{1)} Da nur Taktart und Tonart einen \tex{pre-break text}
+kann eine verfeinerte Bewertung erfolgen, indem man |\exhyphenpenalty|
+und |\hyphenpenalty| verschiedene Werte zuweist, um einen Umbruch bei
+Takt- oder Tonartwechsel zu bevorzugen.
+\item{2)} Die genauen Definitionen sind im Format zu finden.
+Das Problem des gleichm"a\3igen Absteckens kann mit \TeX\ auf einfache
+Weise gel"ost werden, indem man nach dem in \XX
+{\advance\chap-1 \the\chap.2.4} angegebenen
+Verfahren den \tex{Interline Glue} festlegt.
+Nach \XX \the\chap.1.2
+betr"agt die Berechnungsgrundlage f"ur den Abstand
+zwischen zwei Liniensystemen zwei Rastralh"ohen. Dieser Wert wird nun
+f"ur den nat"urlichen Abstand des Parameters |\baselineskip| angesetzt.
+F"ur den Parameter |\lineskiplimit| ist eine halbe Rastralh"ohe
+vorgesehen. Dieser Wert wird auch f"ur den nat"urlichen Abstand von
+|\lineskip| festgelegt.
+W"ahlt man nun als Stauchm"oglichkeit f"ur |\baselineskip| und
+|\lineskip| den gleichen Wert, so ist gew"ahrleistet, da\3 die Zeilen
+sich bei maximaler Stauchung nicht "uberschneiden k"onnen. Die
+Abst"ande k"onnen bis zu einer Rastralh"ohe vergr"o\3ert werden.
+Gebe der Parameter |\staffheight|
+ die Rastralh"ohe an. Dann
+ergibt sich f"ur die {Interline-Glue}-Parameter:
+|\baselineskip = 3 \staffheight plus \staffheight minus 1/2 \staffheight|
+|\lineskiplimit = 1/2 \staffheight|
+|\lineskip = 1/2 \staffheight plus \staffheight minus 1/2 \staffheight|
+Dieser Interline Glue wurde auch f"ur die
+im Anhang D gesetzten Beispiele verwendet.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc7.tex b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc7.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..574eda9eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc7.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+\heading{Punktierung bei einstimmigem Notensatz}
+Im Noten\/\disp{satz}\/ bezeichnet \defi{Punktierung} die pr"azise
+Bestimmung der horizontalen Position
+aller Notenschriftelemente, die horizontal Raum erfordern \lit{\gomb}.
+Diese ``pr"azise Bestimmung'' erfolgt im wesentlichen nach
+Gesichtspunkten wie Gleichm"a\3igkeit und "Ubersichtlichkeit.
+K. Hader (\lit{\hader}) dr"uckt dies so aus:\par\medskip
+{\leftskip=30pt \rightskip=\leftskip\sl
+Aufliegende Seiten sollen als m"oglichst gleichm"a\3iges Bild
+erscheinen, nicht im Hinblick auf eine gleiche Taktanzahl (in den
+Notenzeilen), sondern im gleichwertigen Raumverh"altnis gleichwertiger
+In dieses gleichwertige Raumverh"altnis sind aber nicht nur die Noten,
+sondern auch die dazugeh"origen Versetzungszeichen, Wechselschl"ussel
+u."a. einzubeziehen. Ganz besonders zu ber"ucksichtigen sind die Silben
+der Gesangslinie bei Klavier- und Gesangssystemen.\par}
+D.A. Gomberg \lit{\gomb} teilt die Notenschriftelemente aus diesem Grund
+in drei Gruppen ein:
+\item{A)}Die Zeichen, die die horizontale Einteilung der Zeile, d.h. den
+zeitlichen Ablauf des Musikst"uckes, bestimmen.
+\item{}Dazu geh"oren: Noten (keine Vorschlagnoten), Pausen, Taktstriche,
+Taktangaben und Vorzeichnung sowie alle Wertpunkte.
+\item{B)}Die Zeichen, die ``in das gleichwertige Raumverh"altnis
+einzubeziehen'' sind. Gomberg nennt diese Zeichen
+\disp{Hunks}.\item{}Dazu geh"oren: Versetzungszeichen,
+Wechselschl"ussel, Z"asuren, Vorschlagnoten u."a., sowie die Silben der
+\item{C)}Die Zeichen, die keine horizontale Auswirkung haben. Dies sind
+z.B. alle Zeichen, die in den freien Raum ober- oder unterhalb der
+Noten, d.h. vertikal, ausweichen k"onnen.
+\item{}Dazu geh"oren: Akzente,
+Spielanweisungen, Bogen, Balken und Crescendo-Zeichen.
+Die Punktierung bezieht sich also auf die Positionierung der Elemente
+der Gruppen A und B nach den Gesichtspunkten, die Hader angibt.
+Auf die Positionierung der Elemente der Gruppe C soll in den folgenden
+Kapiteln {\advance\chap2 \the\chap}
+und~{\advance\chap3 \the\chap} n"aher eingegangen werden. \XX
+\subheading{Regeln zur Bestimmung des Ausschlusses}
+Das Punktierungsproblem
+l"a\3t sich zur"uckf"uhren auf die Bestimmung eines
+geeigneten Ausschlu\3\-schemas.
+Wie schon mehrfach erw"ahnt, l"auft die Notenschrift einer Komposition
+entlang einer gedachten horizontalen Zeitachse.
+Um die zeitliche Struktur der Komposition leichter erfassen zu k"onnen,
+wird jeder Note zus"atzlich zu ihrer \disp{Gestalt} ein vom Notenwert
+abh"angiger \disp{Raum} zugeordnet, in dem sie plaziert wird.
+Diese Abbildung ist aus satztechnischen Gr"unden nicht linear bzgl. der
+Tondauer und nicht eindeutig f"ur jede Art von Musikst"uck festgelegt.
+Meist bestimmt der Setzer selbst die Art des Ausschlusses.
+K. Hader \lit{\Hader} gibt f"ur den Handnotensatz
+als Richtschema f"ur den Ausschlu\3 einzelner
+Notenwerte innerhalb einer Notenzeile eines Systems folgende Faustregel
+Der horizontale Raum, den eine Viertelnote einnimmt, entspricht
+dem Raum, den $1\frac12$ Achtelnoten einnehmen w"urden.
+Der Raum, den eine Halbenote einnimmt, entspricht dem Raum von
+2 Achtelnoten, der Raum, den eine
+ Ganzenote einnimmt, dem von 3 Achtelnoten.
+Dabei wird der Raum, den eine Achtel einnimmt,
+nach dem Inhalt der jeweiligen Notenzeile bestimmt.
+D.~A.~Gomberg~\lit\gomb\ beschreibt ein anderes Vorgehen.
+Nach Gomberg bestimmt der Setzer zun"achst einen \disp{Grundnotenwert}.
+Dies ist
+der am h"aufigsten auf dem Notenblatt auftretende Notenwert.
+Der den Notenwerten zugeordnete Raum ist eine
+Funktion dieses Grundnotenwertes.
+Als horizontale Ma\3einheit w"ahlt
+Gomberg die Breite eines ausgef"ullten
+Notenkopfes. Ihr entspricht in unserem Notensatzsystem der Wert von
+|\nhw| (s. {\advance\chap-3 \the\chap}.3.3).
+Im Gegensatz zu Hader arbeitet
+Gomberg mit folgender Tabelle als Richtschema (in Einheiten von |\nhw|):
+\halign{\strut#\hfil&&\vrule\quad #\hfil\quad\cr
+Bezeichnung des Ausschlusses\quad
+&\hfil ``Sechzehntel''&\hfil ``Achtel''
+&\hfil ``Viertel''&\hfil ``Halbe''\cr
+``sehr locker''&3.5&4.5&6&7\cr}}\centerline{\box0}
+Die Werte in den Zeilen geben jeweils den Raum, den eine Note mit
+jeweiligem Notenwert ben"otigt, f"ur ein Ausschlu\3schema an.
+F"ur kleinere bzw. gr"o\3ere Notenwerte als die in der Tabelle
+vorhandenen werden die Werte der ersten
+bzw. letzten Spalte der Tabelle benutzt.
+Zur Anwendung bestimmt man
+den Grundnotenwert, z.B. ``Achtel'',
+und w"ahlt einen Ausschlu\3 der zugeh"origen Spalte,
+z.B. 3.5|\nhw|.
+Dann sind die zugeh"origen Ausschl"usse f"ur alle anderen
+Notenwerte in der gleichen Zeile der Tabelle zu finden, in der sich der
+Ausschlu\3 des Grundnotenwertes befindet (im Beispiel: ``weit'').
+Bei diesem Vorgehen werden die Abst"ande zu Beginn
+festgelegt und sind im
+wesentlichen nicht mehr ver"anderbar. Im Unterschied dazu wird bei Hader
+erst in jeder einzelnen Zeile der Raum, den eine Achtel einnimmt,
+bestimmt. Dieses Vorgehen ist aber beim automatisierten Notensatz nicht
+m"oglich, da der Inhalt der Zeilen erst nach Ablauf des Zeilenumbruch\-%
+algorithmus bekannt ist.
+\item{1)}Das obige Ausschlu\3schema gilt bei Noten ohne Wertpunkt
+(s. {\advance\chap-3 \the\chap}.3.1).
+Jedem Wertpunkt wird zus"atzlich ein horizontaler Raum
+von 0.5|\nhw| zugewiesen. Diese Erweiterung ist also
+nicht abh"angig vom Notenwert.
+\item{2)}Die Abstandsverh"altnisse aller
+F"alle, die Gomberg angibt, entsprechen nicht
+ Haders Richtschema.
+Nur der ``enge'' Ausschlu\3 kommt diesem nahe.
+Dieses Schema erscheint Gomberg demnach nur
+f"ur sehr engen Ausschlu\3 g"unstig,
+denn bei lockerem Satz ordnet er einer Halben weniger freien Raum zu.
+Unterschiedlich ist auch, da\3 Gomberg
+Halbe und Ganze in dieser Hinsicht gleichbehandelt, wohingegen
+ Hader keine Angaben zum Ausschlu\3
+von kleineren Notenwerten wie Sechzehntel usw. macht.
+Ein Vergleich verschiedener Notenbl"atter verschiedener Verlage
+da\3 sowohl
+Ganze und Halbe als auch Sechzehntel und kleinere
+Notenwerte unterschiedlich ausgeschlossen werden.
+\item{3)}Im Gegensatz zum manuellen Satz ist es beim
+automatisierten Layout-Proze\3 notwendig, die Abst"ande zu Beginn des
+Musikst"uckes zuzuweisen, um einen gleichm"a\3igen Ausschlu\3 zu
+Gomberg hat mit seinem
+ Verfahren in den meisten F"allen Ergebnisse,
+``die einem als angenehmste auffallen'', mit ``universellem'' Ausschlu\3
+erzielt. Dieser erlaubt
+das Einf"ugen von Versetzungszeichen und
+einigen anderen Verzierungen der Note ohne Vergr"o\3erung des
+Zwischenraumes zwischen den Noten. \item{}
+Das Einf"ugen von Versetzungszeichen
+u."a. ist ein Problem des automatisierten sowie des manuellen Notensatzes
+und wird daher sp"ater noch genauer behandelt (s. \the\chap.2.2\XX).
+Eine Note kann neben Notenwert und Tonh"ohe (siehe Kapitel
+{\advance\chap1 \the\chap}),
+die ihre Gestalt bestimmen,
+noch weitere Attribute besitzen, die meistens durch Voranstellen eines
+Zeichens ausgedr"uckt werden. Diese Elemente wurden in Gruppe B zusam\-%
+mengefa\3t. Sie ben"otigen
+horizontalen Raum und st"oren somit die Regel, da\3 die Horizontale den
+zeitlichen Ablauf darstellt.
+Gomberg verwendet daf"ur den Ausdruck ``Hunks'', was etwa
+bedeutet, da\3 beim Satz solcher Zeichen mit horizontalem Raum zu
+``geizen'' ist.
+\defi{Hunks} sind also
+Notenschriftelemente, die in vorhandenen horizontalen
+Freiraum einzuf"ugen sind. Nur bei drohender "Uberlappung mit anderen
+Notenschriftelementen ist dieser Raum zu erweitern.
+\subsubheading{Kriterien f"ur den Zeilenumbruch beim Notensatz}
+Die Kriterien, die den Zeilenumbruch eines Musikst"ucks bestimmen, sind
+andere als die f"ur den Textsatz. Die Kriterien, die \TeX\ f"ur den
+Textsatz verwendet und unterst"utzt, k"onnen also nicht unbedacht
+"ubernommen werden.
+Im Unterschied zum Notensatz wird das Einf"ugen eines Umbruchpunktes
+ direkt nach einem Wort unterst"utzt. Darauf wird
+nachfolgender Glue
+bis zum n"achsten Wort entfernt. Da
+die letzte Zeile nicht bis zum Ende aufgef"ullt sein mu\3,
+kann ein gleichm"a\3iger Umbruch erzielt werden.
+Dem gegen"uber mu\3 f"ur den Zeilenumbruch beim Notensatz zwischen
+einzelnen Notenschriftelementen unterschieden werden.
+Dies bedeutet:
+\item{1.} Umbruch direkt nach einer Note ist nicht erlaubt,
+\item{2.} Umbruch direkt vor
+einer Note ist nur ausnahmsweise in der Taktmitte erlaubt,
+\item{3.} Umbruch direkt vor einem Taktstrich ist nicht erlaubt,
+\item{4.} Umbruch direkt nach Taktstrich ist erw"unscht und g"unstig,
+\item{5.} Umbruch zwischen Hunks und Note oder Taktstrich ist
+nicht erlaubt.
+\item{6.} Am Zeilenanfang m"ussen Notenschl"ussel
+und Vorzeichnung eingef"ugt werden (s. Kapitel
+{\advance\chap-1 \the\chap}).
+\subheading{Ausf"uhrung des Punktierens}
+\subsubheading{Bestimmung der Zeilenauschlu\3parameter}
+Wie in {\advance\chap-2 \the\chap}.2.1\XX\
+bemerkt, steuert \TeX\ den Zeilenauschlu\3 im wesentlichen
+durch den Glue hinter jedem Wort abh"angig vom Wert des Glueparameters
+Der Notenfont kann nicht als normaler Textfont aufgefa\3t werden,
+sondern "ahnelt in seinem Aufbau einem mathematischen Zeichensatz,
+da eine Note erst aus mehreren Elementen
+des Zeichensatzes zusammengesetzt werden mu\3. Aus diesem Grund wurde
+der dem Notenfont zugeh"orige Glue
+(\tex{Interword Glue}) wie in einem mathematischen Zeichensatz
+mit 0\pt\ vorbelegt \lit\Texbook.
+Jedem Notenwert kann nun ein Glue zugewiesen werden, der
+ dem Glueparameter |\spaceskip| zugewiesen wird,
+ wenn eine Note
+dieses Notenwertes gesetzt werden soll.
+ Sollte es vorkommen, da\3 der
+|\spaceskip| verschwindet, so kann auch durch den Interword Glue kein
+Vorschub erfolgen.
+Abh"angig von der
+Breite der einzuf"ugenden
+Hunks wird dieser |\spaceskip| nochmals ver"andert (s. \the\chap.2.2).
+Dabei kann es vorkommen, da\3 im Laufe der Berechnungen sich
+|\spaceskip| = 0 pt ergibt. Nach der Regel w"urde in diesem Fall der
+{Interword Glue} des aktuellen Fonts eingef"ugt. Da dieser jedoch mit 0
+pt vorbelegt ist, kann kein Vorschub erfolgen.
+Es haben sich verschiedene Ausschlu\3schemata ergeben
+auf die durch Aufruf der
+Makros |\hsmall| (Hader), |\small|, |\universal|, |\wide|
+und |\loose| (Gomberg) zugegriffen werden kann.
+Dem Benutzer steht es frei, diese Makros zu "andern.
+Es ist so m"oglich, jeden beliebigen Ausschlu\3 zu verwenden.
+F"ur die vorgegebenen
+Ausschlu\3verfahren wurden die Verfahren von Gomberg und Hader
+Der Raum $w$, der einem Notenwert zugewiesen wird, richtet sich jeweils
+nach einem fest vorgegebenen Ausschlu\3schema in der von Gomberg
+angegebenen Art.
+Aus diesen Abst"anden
+erh"alt man als Richtschema die
+Raumverh"altnisse der einzelnen Notenwerte untereinander.
+Mit diesem Richtschema k"onnen nun die Gluekomponenten bestimmt werden
+unter Ber"ucksichtigung der folgenden "Uberlegungen:
+\item{1)}Der nat"urliche Abstand des zugeordneten
+ Glue entspricht immer $w-\hbox{|\nhw|}$.
+Die Streck- und Stauchkomponenten eines
+einzelnen Glue werden so gew"ahlt,
+da\3 sie das Raumverh"altnis der Notenwerte ausdr"ucken. Aus der
+Berechnung des Proportionalit"atsfaktors $r$ (s.
+{\advance\chap-2 \the\chap}.2.1\XX)
+folgt sofort, da\3
+die Raumverh"altnisse in jeder
+Zeile erhalten bleiben.
+W"ahlt man f"ur alle Streck- und Stauchkomponenten jeweils den gleichen
+Wert, so wird jedem Glue der gleiche konstante Wert
+angef"ugt bzw. entfernt.
+F"ur den Ausschlu\3 in
+komplizierteren Notengebilden, wie z.B. verbalkten Noten, l"a\3t sich
+dieses Verfahren jedoch nicht mehr gleichm"a\3ig durchf"uhren.
+\item{}Da Notengruppen dieser Art in einer Box
+zusammengefa\3t werden m"ussen (s. {\advance\chap2 \the\chap}.3\XX),
+verlieren die inneren Noten
+ alle Stauch- und
+Streckm"oglichkeit, da z.B. die L"angen der Balken nur f"ur die
+nat"urliche Breite berechnet werden k"onnen.
+In einem solchen Fall wird also bei Zeilenausschlu\3 nur der nat"urliche
+Glue eingef"ugt.
+Aus diesem Grund wurden die
+"ubrigen Streck- und Stauchm"oglichkeiten
+nicht zu gro\3 angesetzt, da sich dies sonst
+optisch ung"unstig auswirkt.
+Beispiele f"ur die verschiedenen Ausschlu\3schemata, die in das
+entwickelte Format aufgenommen wurden, sind im Anhang A
+zu finden.
+(|\hsmall| entspricht dem vom Hader vorgegebenen
+Ausschlu\3schema, wenn man als Einheit
+wiederum |\nhw| verwendet. Der Ausschlu\3 ``sehr locker'' wurde nicht
+\subsubheading{Einbeziehen der Zeichen der Gruppe B}\par
+F"ur den einfachen Notensatz ist es nur notwendig, zu wissen, ob vor der
+Note f"ur Hunks gen"ugend Platz vorhanden ist. Dies legt es nahe,
+den einer Note zugeordneten Glue
+ erst dann endg"ultig einzuf"ugen (durch |\|{\tt\char`\ }),
+wenn bekannt ist, ob f"ur Hunks Raum ben"otigt wird.
+Dazu werden Hunks, die zwischen zwei Noten oder
+zwischen Note und Taktstrich oder
+Taktstrich und Note auftreten,
+in einer Box akkumuliert. Abh"angig von der Breite dieser
+Box kann nun der erforderliche
+Glue zwischen den Noten festgelegt werden. Dann erst wird diese Box
+zusammen mit dem zugeh"origen Notenschriftelement plaziert.
+Ist die Breite der ``Hunkbox'' kleiner als der nat"urliche Abstand des
+aktuellen |\spaceskip|, so bleibt der |\spaceskip| unver"andert,
+andernfalls wird der nat"urliche Abstand des
+|\spaceskip| um die Differenz erh"oht.
+W"ahrend die Streckm"oglichkeit des aktuellen |\spaceskip|
+erhalten bleibt, wird die Stauchm"oglich\-keit entfernt.
+\subsubheading{Einf"ugen von Glue zwischen Elementen der Gruppe A}
+Im vorigen Abschnitt wurde das Ausschlu\3schema f"ur Noten bestimmt.
+Dieses kann auch f"ur den Ausschlu\3 der Pausen verwendet werden.
+F"ur den nat"urlichen Abstand nach Taktstrichen wurden in der Literatur
+keine Werte angegeben. Der Vergleich mehrerer Notenbl"atter ergab jedoch
+einen mittleren Abstand von |\nhw|. Dies ist auch der Abstand, der
+"ublicherweise nach Notenschl"ussel und Vorzeichnung am Zeilenanfang und
+nach Taktwechsel eingehalten wird.
+F"ur die restlichen Zeichen der Gruppe A wurde also nur ein einziger
+Glueparameter verwendet. Dies tr"agt dem Gesichtspunkt der
+Gleichm"a\3igkeit Rechnung.
+Da ein Zeilenumbruch nach einem Taktstrich vorzuziehen ist, gliedert
+sich das Bestimmungsproblem des geeigneten Glue zwischen zwei Elementen
+der Gruppe A auf in die Festlegung des Glue an Taktstrichen und der
+Festlegung des Glue vor den anderen Zeichen der Gruppe A. Dies soll im
+folgenden f"ur die Noten durchgef"uhrt werden.
+\subsubsubheading{Das Festlegen der Box-Glue-Penalty-Folge vor Noten}
+Das Festlegen des Glue vor Noten geschieht nach folgenden
+Es mu\3 eine M"oglichkeit vorhanden sein f"ur einen Zeilenumbruch
+zwischen zwei Noten. Dabei mu\3 ber"ucksichtigt werden, da\3 nicht direkt nach
+der vorangehenden Note umgebrochen wird,
+sondern der zugeh"orige |\spaceskip| am Zeilenende gesetzt wird.
+\item{2)}Es m"ussen eventuell auftretende Hunks vor der Note einbezogen
+und dabei ein Umbruch zwischen Hunks und Note verhindert
+Nach den Kriterien f"ur Umbruchpunkte
+(s. {\advance\chap-2 \the\chap}.3.3\XX) kann
+ein Umbruch nach einem Glue-Element erzielt werden mit
+|\penalty10000\|{\tt\char`\ }|\penalty| \hbox{$x$}\,.
+Dabei bedeutet
+|\|{\tt\char`\ }, da\3 Glue vom aktuellen Wert von |\spaceskip| gesetzt
+|\penalty10000| verhindert einen Umbruch vor dem Glue, wogegen die
+zweite Penalty einen m"oglichen Umbruchpunkt bildet, falls $x<10000$.
+Es mu\3 ber"ucksichtigt werden, da\3 Hunks vor Noten
+abh"angig sind vom |\spaceskip| der vorangegangenen Noten.
+Die Hunks werden in den vorhandenen Raum zwischen zwei Noten eingef"ugt.
+Es ergibt sich also eine Folge
+|\penalty10000\|\hbox{{\tt\char`\ }}|\penalty|\hbox{$x$}%
+wobei |\hunkskip| die Breite der ``Hunkbox'' angibt.
+Bei Umbruch an der Penalty $x$ erscheint
+der Glue der vorangehenden Note am Zeilenende und
+|\hunkskip| wird entfernt. Das erste Element der neuen Zeile wird
+der Inhalt der |\hunkbox|.
+F"ugt man an Stelle von |\penalty| $x$ das |\discretionary|-Kommando
+von {\advance\chap-2 \the\chap}.3.1\XX\ ein,
+so erh"alt man alle in \the\chap.1.3\XX\ geforderten Eigenschaften f"ur
+den Umbruch zwischen zwei Noten.
+Es ergibt sich so
+|\penalty10000\|\hbox{{\tt\char`\ }}|\-|%
+\subsubsubheading{Glue an Taktstrichen}
+Der Glue vor Taktstrichen entspricht dem Glue vor Noten, jedoch darf ein
+Umbruch an dieser Stelle nicht erlaubt werden. Aus diesem Grund wird
+|\-| nicht vorher eingef"ugt, sondern erst direkt nach dem Taktstrich.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc8.tex b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc8.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d766fa8211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoc8.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+\heading{Setzen der Notenschriftelemente}
+In diesem Kapitel sollen die wichtigsten Notenschriftelemente behandelt
+werden. Dabei wird jedoch das Setzen der ver"anderlichen Zeichen wie
+z.B. der
+Balken und Bogen sowie der Artikulationszeichen und anderer Zeichen,
+die keinen horizontalen Raum ben"otigen,
+in den folgenden Kapiteln~\adchap1
+und~\adchap2 behandelt.
+Die Umgebung des mehrstimmigen Notensetzens wird in
+Kapitel~\adchap3 beschrieben.
+\subheading{Regeln zur Notation der Notenschriftelemente}
+\item{N1)} Der Aufbau der Noten:
+Die Note besteht aus dem hohlen oder ausgef"ullten Kopf und dem Hals, der
+oft auch als Stiel bezeichnet wird und
+an dem ein oder mehrere F"ahnchen angebracht sein k"onnen.
+\item{N2)} Akkorde:
+Erklingen mehrere T"one gleichzeitig, so verbindet man sie
+mit einem \disp{gemeinsamen} Hals.
+\item{N3)} Balken:
+Mehrere aufeinanderfolgende kleine Notenwerte schreibt man in der
+\disp{Vokalmusik} mit F"ahnchen, wobei jeder Textsilbe ein eigenes, von
+den anderen getrenntes Notensymbol zugeordnet wird. In der
+\disp{Instrumentalmusik} findet ausschlie\3lich die Schreibweise mit
+Balken Anwendung. Die Anzahl der Balken entspricht der Anzahl der
+\item{N4)} Die Stellung der Halsrichtung:
+\itemitem{a)} Einzelne Noten auf oder "uber der Mittellinie erhalten bei
+einstimmiger Notation den Hals links vom Kopf nach unten angebracht.
+Noten unterhalb der Mittellinie sind rechts vom Kopf nach oben zu
+\itemitem{b)} Bei Akkorden richtet sich die Stellung und Richtung des
+Notenhalses nach der am weitesten von der Mittellinie entfernten Note
+(\disp{Bezugsnote}). Bei gleichem Abstand weist der Hals nach unten.
+\itemitem{c)} Bei zu verbalkenden Noten richtet sich die Lage des Balkens
+und damit die Richtung aller Notenh"alse dieser Notengruppe entweder wie
+bei Akkorden nach dem am weitesten von der Mittellinie entfernten
+Notenkopf (\lit{\ziegen}), oder er
+wird durch die Lage der Mehrzahl der Noten der Gruppe bestimmt.
+\itemitem{d)}Wird zweistimmig in {einem} System notiert, so gilt:
+ alle Noten der Oberstimme sind nach oben,
+die der Unterstimme nach unten zu stielen.
+Aus der Stimmf"uhrung kann sich ergeben, da\3 Zweistimmigkeit in
+Einstimmigkeit "uber geht. Dann erhalten diese Noten jeweils einen Hals
+nach oben und nach unten.
+Dabei sind die 7. und 8. Orthographische Regel von
+K. Hader (\lit{\hader}) zu beachten:
+Eine ``ausgef"ullte'' (schwarze) und eine ``hohle'' Note, ebenso eine
+mit Wertpunkt und eine Note ohne Wertpunkt k"onnen gleichzeitig niemals
+durch eine doppeltgestrichene ``hohle'' oder ``ausgef"ullte'' Note
+dargestellt werden. Eine doppeltgestrichene schwarze Note ohne Wertpunkt
+kann nach beiden Seiten einen verschiedenen Wert darstellen.
+\item{N5)}Die L"ange des Notenhalses:
+\item{} Die L"ange des Notenhalses ist
+nicht konstant f"ur alle Noten, sondern abh"angig von der Position im
+Liniensystem. Die L"ange des Notenhalses bei Akkorden richtet sich nach
+der am weitesten von der Bezugsnote entfernten Note. F"ur die L"ange des
+Notenhalses innerhalb einer Balkengruppe gelten gesonderte Regeln
+(s. {\advance\chap1 \the\chap.1.2}\XX).
+\item{N6)} F"ahnchen:
+F"ahnchen an einzelnen Noten werden immer rechts vom Notenhals notiert.
+Sie werden auch nicht in die horizontale Berechnung z.B. f"ur den
+Abstand zwischen zwei Noten einbezogen.
+\item{N7)} Hilfslinien:
+Noten, die au\3erhalb des Liniensystems positioniert werden m"ussen, sind
+mit Hilfslinien zu notieren.
+\item{N8)} Stellung der Notenk"opfe bei Akkorden\item{}
+Gibt es innerhalb eines Akkordes Sekundintervalle, so wechselt der
+Notenkopf der am weitesten von der Bezugsnote entfernten Note des
+Intervalls auf die andere Seite des Notenhalses.
+\lchord\v1\h3\leftfalse\h4\endchord \ \hbox{\rm aber:}
+\leftline{\indent\rm $\bullet $ = ``Bezugsnote''.}
+\item{N9)}Stellung der Wertpunkte (Verl"angerungspunkte):
+Die Wertpunkte erscheinen unabh"angig von Umgebung immer rechts vom
+Notenkopf (auch bei Akkorden).
+Dabei wird der
+Punkt bei Noten, die \disp{in} einem Zwischenraum liegen, rechts neben
+dem Notenkopf in der ``Mitte'' des Zwischenraums positioniert, bei
+Noten, die \disp{auf} einer Notenlinie liegen, rechts neben den
+Notenkopf in der Mitte des dar"uberliegenden Zwischenraumes.
+\itemitem{b)} Bei
+zweistimmiger Notation ist es jedoch auch "ublich, Wertpunkte bei Noten
+der Unterstimme (auf der Linie) in den darunter liegenden Zwischenraum
+zu positionieren. Alle Wertpunkte eines Akkordes werden zusammengefa\3t
+und in einer Vertikalen untereinander gesetzt.
+\vio\C \h4\.1\h5\.1\h3\.1 \rchord\h8\.1\h4\.1\lefttrue\h7\.1\endchord
+\item{N10)} Pausen:\item{}
+Zu jedem Notenwert gibt es ein Pausenzeichen.
+Die Gestalt der Pause ist abh"angig von ihrem ``Pausenwert''
+(\lit{{\ziegen, \bf60}}).
+\item{}Die Pause wird wie die Note
+ ihrem ``Pausenwert'' entsprechend
+in den horizontalen Ausschlu\3
+ einbezogen (\adchap{-1}.1\XX).
+Pausiert eine Stimme in einem Musikst"uck "uber mehrere Takte, so
+k"onnen diese \disp{Pausentakte} in der Einzelstimme
+zusammengefa\3t werden. Diese Pausenzeichen werden zwischen
+den Taktstrichen zentriert. Dies mu\3 beim Ausschlu\3 ber"ucksichtigt
+\vio\C \^{\rm1}{\pg}\|%
+Alle Pausenwertpunkte erscheinen bei einstimmiger Notation im dritten
+Zwischenraum des Liniensystems rechts von der Pause:
+\vio\C \pv\.1\ \pg\.1\ \pa\.1 \hfill
+\item{N11)} Versetzungszeichen:\item{}
+Die Versetzungszeichen werden links vom Notenkopf gesetzt.
+Vor Akkorden werden sie nacheinander notiert, um "Uberlappungen zu
+vermeiden und die "Uber\-sichtlichkeit zu wahren. Dabei gilt die
+``{\sl Vorzeichen in der Oktave sind untereinander zu stellen}''
+Die Reihenfolge der Vorzeichen ist keiner festen Regel
+unterworfen. Von innen nach au\3en werden die Vorzeichen mit der
+h"ochsten Tonh"ohe beginnend m"oglichst platzsparend notiert.
+\subheading{Das Setzen der Notenschriftelemente}
+\subsubheading{Interne Darstellung der Tonh"ohe}
+Unter Tonh"ohe versteht man im allgemeinen die absolute Tonh"ohe
+einer Note (siehe \lit\Schofer), wobei man sich auf eine Skalierung von
+Subkontra-A bis $c'''''$ geeinigt hat.
+In der Notenschrift werden die Tonh"ohen
+auf einer Vertikalen dargestellt.
+Um die vertikale Richtung ablesen zu k"onnen, bedient man sich des
+Alle h"orbaren absoluten Tonh"ohen k"onnten in einem 32-Liniensystem
+positioniert werden, und zwar auf Linien und in den Zwischenr"aumen.
+(N"aheres dazu siehe \lit\Werner.)
+Da der Tonumfang eines nat"urlichen Instruments
+(die Gesangsstimme eingeschlossen)
+jedoch nur Teilbereiche --- ca. drei Oktaven ---
+des gesamten h"orbaren Tonspektrums
+umfa\3t und die Darstellung in einem
+32-Liniensystem un"ubersichtlich ist,
+werden zur Notation nur
+Ausschnitte aus diesem Liniensystem verwendet, wobei
+T"one, die nicht in dieses System passen, unter Hinzunahme von
+oberhalb oder unterhalb des Systems gesetzt werden.
+F"ur das Setzen der Noten, Vorzeichen und Wertpunkte
+(d.h. f"ur das Notenbild) ist nur die Position der Note
+in diesem F"unf-Liniensystem wichtig (unabh"angig vom Notenschl"ussel).
+Wie in \adchap{-2}.2.2\XX\ bemerkt, ist die
+ \defi{Grundlinie} die unterste Notenlinie des
+Diese sei mit 0 bezeichnet und das
+von Linie zu Zwischenraum durchnumeriert, wobei die Hilfslinien
+mitgez"ahlt werden.
+Dann bezeichnet die \defi{interne Tonh"ohe} die der Note zugeordnete
+Nummer der Stellung
+im Liniensystem ohne Ber"ucksichtigung des Vorzeichens.
+Die T"one oberhalb der Grundlinie erhalten
+so eine positive Nummer, die T"one unterhalb eine negative.
+Weiter erhalten alle Noten auf einer Notenline eine gerade
+Nummer, die Noten in den Zwischenr"aumen eine ungerade.
+Man erh"alt folgendes System:
+\def\vb#1{\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{#1}\vss}}
+\hbox to \hsize
+$\vdots$&&\ \ \vrule height 0.4pt width 12pt\vb{ 2.Hilfslinie}\hfill\cr
+\vb{10}&&\ \ \vrule height 0.4pt width 12pt\vb{ 1.Hilfslinie}\hfill\cr
+\vb{8}&&\ \vrule height 0.4pt width 200pt\cr
+\vb{6}&&\ \vrule height 0.4pt width 200pt\cr
+\vb{4}&&\ \vrule height 0.4pt width 200pt&\vb{ Mittellinie }\cr
+\vb{2}&&\ \vrule height 0.4pt width 200pt\cr
+\vb{0}&&\ \vrule height 0.4pt width 200pt&\vb{ Grundlinie }\cr
+\vb{-2}&&\ \ \vrule height 0.4pt width 12pt\vb{ 1.Hilfslinie }\hfill\cr
+\noalign{\vskip4pt} \hbox to0pt{\hss interne Tonh"ohe\hss}\cr}}\hfill}
+Noten auf der Mittelline erhalten die interne Tonh"ohe 4,
+Noten im ersten Zwischenraum unter der Grundlinie die intere Tonh"ohe
+Im folgenden soll, falls nicht anders explizit angegeben, die
+interne Tonh"ohe nur noch kurz \disp{Tonh"ohe} genannt werden.
+\subsubheading{Aufbau der Noten}
+Aus den Regeln ergibt sich, da\3
+die Gestalt einer allein stehenden
+Note durch den Notenwert, die Tonh"ohe und
+die Richtung des angehefteten Notenhalses vollst"andig bestimmt ist.
+\item{1)}Der Notenwert bestimmt die Kopf{}form,
+die Gestalt des F"ahnchens wird durch Richtung des Notenhalses und den
+Notenwert bestimmt und
+die L"ange des Notenhalses ist abh"angig von Tonh"ohe, Richtung des
+Notenhalses und Notenwert.
+Im folgenden sollen formal die Regeln, die die Gestalt der Note
+bestimmen, beschrieben werden.
+Sei $N$ eine Note und $ p \in\rz $ ihre Tonh"ohe.
+Die Variable $ d\in\{-1,0,+1\} $ beschreibe die Richtung des Notenhalses.
+Es gelte $ d=+1 $,
+falls der Notenhals aufw"arts gestielt ist, $ d=-1 $, falls er abw"arts
+gestielt ist, und $ d=0 $, falls der Notenkopf keinen Hals besitzt.
+Die Variable $ v\in\{0,1,2,\ldots,7\}$ beschreibe den Notenwert.
+Die Zuordnung soll gem"a\3 folgender Tabelle erfolgen:
+\hbox to\hsize{\hfill\vbox{\offinterlineskip
+\omit\vrule width0pt height2pt&&\cr
+Halbe&1&{\music\char\hex22\vrule height12pt depth0pt}\cr
+\omit\vrule width0pt height2pt&&\cr
+Viertel&2&{\music\char\hex21\vrule height12pt depth0pt}\cr
+\omit\vrule width0pt height2pt&&\cr
+\omit\vrule width0pt height2pt&&\cr
+\omit\vrule width0pt height2pt&&\cr
+\omit\vrule width0pt height2pt&&\cr
+\omit\vrule width0pt height2pt&&\cr
+Der Fall $ v=0 $ impliziert also $ d=0 $.
+Der vertikale Versatz $ \bar p $ des Notenkopfes, d.h. der Betrag, um
+den die Note zur Positionierung von der Grundlinie aus vertikal
+verschoben werden mu\3, ist nun: $\bar p := p\cdot 0.5\hbox{|\nhh|}$.
+Ein Akkord $A$ ist dann eine Folge von Noten $A=\folgi Nin$ mit
+zugeh"origen Attributen $(v_i, p_i, d_i)\,,\; i=1,\ldots,n$.
+ In den meisten F"allen gilt f"ur alle $i,j=1,\ldots,n \,,\;i\ne j$:
+O.B.d.A. seien diese Noten im folgenden nach der internen Tonh"ohe
+aufsteigend geordnet, d.h. es gilt $p_i<p_{i+1}\,,i=1,\ldots,n$.
+\subsubsubheading{Der Notenkopf}
+Alle Notenkopf{}formen wurden so konstruiert (im Notenfont), da\3 der
+umschlie\3enden Box die Werte
+$(ht,dp,wd) = (0.5 \hbox{|\nhh|}, 0.5 \hbox
+{|\nhh|}, \hbox{|\nhw|})$ zugeordnet sind.
+Ohne vertikalen Versatz wird der Notenkopf also
+vertikal auf der Grundlinie
+\subsubsubheading{Der Notenhals}
+Sei im folgenden $ v=0 $ vorausgesetzt.
+Bei einstimmigem Notensatz gilt f"ur eine einzelne
+Note $N$ die Zuweisung $d=+1$,
+falls $p<4$, und $d=-1$, falls
+$p\ge4$. Dabei erscheint der Notenhals f"ur $d=+1$ rechts vom Kopf
+und f"ur $d=-1$ links vom Kopf. Angesetzt wird er jeweils an der
+Grundlinie des Notenkopfes.
+Sei $A=\folgi Nin$ ein Akkord. Dann gilt nach N4b) aus \the\chap.1
+$$d_A= \cases d_0\,,&\text{falls }4-p_0>p_n-4\,,\\
+ d_n\,,&\text{falls }4-p_0\le p_n-4\,.\endcases$$
+Die Stellung des Notenkopfes bzgl. des Notenhalses
+wird nach folgender Formel bestimmt: gilt f"ur mindestens ein $i$
+so wird der Notenkopf auf die
+andere Seite des Notenhalses verschoben, falls dies nicht schon f"ur die
+vorige Note geschehen ist.
+Rekursiv kann dieses Vorgehen wie folgt beschrieben werden:
+F"ur $d=+1$ und $i\in\{2,\ldots,n\}$
+gilt: $N_{i}$ erscheint genau dann
+\disp{rechts} vom Notenhals, wenn
+$p_{i-1}+1=p_{i}$ und $N_{i-1}$ links erscheint.
+F"ur $d=-1$ und $i\in\{1,\ldots,n-1\}$
+gilt: $N_{i}$ erscheint genau dann
+\disp{links} vom Notenhals, wenn
+$p_{i+1}=p_{i}+1$ und $N_{i+1}$ rechts erscheint.
+\subsubsubheading{Die Bestimmung der Notenhalsl"ange}
+Die L"ange des Notenhalses ist nicht konstant, sondern
+abh"angig von $p$ und $d$.
+Grunds"atzlich gibt es keine Regel, die die L"ange eindeutig festlegt,
+jedoch kann man eine Funktion finden, die bestimmte optische
+Gesichtspunkte ber"ucksichtigt und erf"ullt.
+\item{1)} Der Gesamteindruck soll ruhig sein, so da\3 die Noten, die
+keine Hilfslinien ben"otigen, eine einheitliche Notenhalsl"ange erhalten.
+Diese L"ange betr"agt vom Notenkopfmittelpunkt aus gemessen 3.5 |\nhh|.
+ Sie ergibt sich f"ur eine Viertel mit $p=1$ und
+$d=+1$ oder $p=7$ und $d=-1$. Dann betr"agt die
+Gesamth"ohe der Note 4 |\nhh|, d.h. sie f"ullt genau vier
+Zwischenr"aume aus.
+\item{2)} Der Endpunkt des Notenhalses sollte die zweiten
+Hilfslinien oberhalb bzw. unterhalb des Systems m"oglichst
+nicht "uberschreiten bzw. unterschreiten, da sonst zu viel vertikaler
+Platz verbraucht wird.
+Jedoch darf die L"ange eine gewisse Mindestl"ange, die
+abh"angig vom Notenwert ist, nicht unterschreiten.
+\item{3)}F"ur $d=-1$ bzw. $d=+1$ sollte der Endpunkt des
+Notenhalses die Mittellinie nicht unter- bzw. nicht "uberschreiten.
+Die Funktion zur Berechnung der Notenhalsl"ange, die im Notensatzsystem
+verwendet wird, lautet:
+\cases0\,,&\text{f"ur } v=0\\
+\max(\mins(v),s^d(p))\,, &\text{f"ur } v>0,\,0\le p\le7
+\cases2\hbox{|\nhh|}\,, &\text{f"ur }v=1 \text{ oder }v=2\\
+\Frac{v+3}2\hbox{|\nhh|}\,, &\text{f"ur }v>2
+\cases2\hbox{|\nhh|}\,, &\text{f"ur }p\ge8\,,\\
+ \Frac{12-p}2\hbox{|\nhh|}\,, &\text{f"ur }p=6 \text{ oder } p=7\,,\\
+\Frac72\hbox{|\nhh|}\,, &\text{f"ur }-3\le p\le5\,,\\
+\Frac{4-p}2\hbox{|\nhh|}\,, &\text{f"ur } p\le-4\,,
+\cases\Frac{p-4}2\hbox{|\nhh|}\,, &\text{f"ur }p\ge12\,,\\
+\Frac72\hbox{|\nhh|}\,, &\text{f"ur }3\le p\le11\,,\\
+\Frac{4+p}2\hbox{|\nhh|}\,, &\text{f"ur }p=1\text { oder } p=2\,,\\
+ 2\hbox{|\nhh|}\,, &\text{f"ur } p\le0\,.
+Noten, die au\3erhalb des Liniensystems liegen, werden also an die
+Mittellinie ``angeh"angt''.
+\Bemerkung Seien $ N_1 $ und $ N_2 $ zwei Noten mit $ p_1\ne p_2 $,
+$d_1=d_2$ und $v_1=v_2$, dann gilt mit $s_1=s^d(p_1)$ und
+$\verbatimoff s_2=s^d(p_2)\quad|s_1-s_2|\le|p_1-p_2| $.
+F"ur die Halsl"ange eines Akkordes $A=\folgi Nin$ gilt:
+\cases s(p_0,-1,v)\;,&\text{falls }d_A=-1\,,\\
+ s(p_n,+1,v)\;,&\text{falls }d_A=+1\,,\endcases\,,&
+ \text{falls }v>0\\
+0\,,& \text{falls }v=0\endcases\,,$$
+wobei der Notenhals in $N_0$ f"ur $d_A=+1$ und in $N_n$ f"ur
+$d_A=-1$ angesetzt wird.
+Sind mehrere Noten miteinander zu verbalken, so gelten die obigen
+L"angenangaben nicht mehr uneingeschr"ankt
+(s. Kapitel \adchap1\XX).
+\subsubsubheading{Die Konstruktion der Noten}
+Die einzelnen Teile der Note werden nacheinander zusammengef"ugt,
+an den Notenkopf wird der Notenhals
+(falls vorhanden) angesetzt. \par
+Der Hals wird durch eine Rule f"ur $d=+1$ mit
+ f"ur $d=-1$ mit
+F"ur \TeX\ hat es sich als g"unstig erwiesen, die F"ahnchen im
+Zeichensatz so
+zu konstruieren, da\3 nur der Wert der H"ohe positiv ist ($ht=\mins(v)$)
+und die "ubrigen Werte f"ur Tiefe und Breite verschwinden.
+Ist die Note so zusammengesetzt, wird sie um
+$\bar p $
+vertikal verschoben. Zus"atzlich m"ussen noch f"ur $p>9$ und $p<-1$
+Hilfslinien eingef"ugt werden.
+Die Anzahl $z$ der Linien ist abh"angig von der Tonh"ohe $p$:
+z(p):=\cases(p-8) \mod 2\;,&\text{f"ur } p>8\;,\\
+|p|\mod 2\;,&\text{f"ur }p<0\;.\endcases
+Die Hilfslinien
+besitzen eine L"ange von 2|\nhh| und m"ussen daher
+links und rechts von der Box, in der die Note zusammengesetzt wird,
+"uberstehen, damit die Gesamtbreite der Note |\nhw| bleibt. Dies ist
+wichtig f"ur einen gleichm"a\3igen Notensatz.
+\subsubsubheading{Die Konstruktion der Akkorde}
+F"ur die Zusammensetzung eines Akkordes $A$ werden zun"achst alle
+zugeh"origen Notenk"opfe, die links vom Notenhals erscheinen sollen, und
+alle Notenk"opfe, die rechts erscheinen sollen, in jeweils einer
+Notenbox und mit
+zugeh"origen Hilfslinien der Tonh"ohe entsprechend
+"ubereinander angeordnet.
+Diese werden dann zusammen mit einem Notenhals der L"ange $s_A$ und
+zugeh"origem F"ahnchen, falls kein Balken gesetzt werden soll,
+ zu der endg"ultigen
+Notenbox zusammengef"ugt.
+\item{1)}Da\3 die Breite der F"ahnchen
+nicht ber"ucksichtigt wird, hat den Grund, da\3 die Breite des
+F"ahn\-chens nicht den Glue zwischen zwei Noten beeinflussen darf.
+Dies birgt aber die Gefahr der "Uberlappung mit anderen Noten und
+mu\3 daher bei der Wahl des Glue ber"ucksichtigt werden (s.
+\item{2)}F"ur das Zusammensetzen der einzelnen Teile einer Note
+bzw. eines Akkordes wurden im wesentlichen die unter
+\adchap{-3}.2.2 und \adchap{-3}.2.4
+Verfahren f"ur den Ausschlu\3 innerhalb von horizontalen und
+vertikalen Boxen verwendet.
+\item{3)} Die Funktion zur Berechnung der Notenhalsl"ange
+ wurde so definiert,
+da\3 sie auch f"ur die
+zweistimmige Notation (s. N4d) und zu verbalkende Noten angewendet werden
+kann, da in diesen F"allen z.B. Noten oberhalb der Mittellinie mit $d=+1$
+m"oglich sind.
+Die Versetzungszeichen m"ussen auf zwei verschiedene Arten konstruiert
+werden, abh"angig von den verschiedenen Umgebungen, in denen sie
+\item{1)} Versetzungszeichen vor einer Note bzw. einem Akkord,
+\item{2)} Versetzungszeichen als Elemente der Vorzeichnung.
+Im ersten Fall mu\3
+zur richtigen Positionierung den Versetzungszeichen
+ebenso wie den Noten eine interne Tonh"ohe $p\in\gz$ zugeordnet sein, so
+da\3 der vertikale Versatz des Zeichens berechnet werden kann. \item{}
+Die Versetzungszeichen werden dann
+zun"achst in der Hunkbox gespeichert, so
+da\3 sie erst mit der n"achsten Note oder dem n"achsten Akkord gesetzt
+werden.\item{}Bei ``Versetzungszeichen-Akkorden'' ist die Oktavierung zu
+beachten. Gilt f"ur zwei aufeinanderfolgende Versetzungszeichen mit
+$p_1$ und $p_2$ der Abstand $|p_1-p_2|=7$, so darf die Zeichenbreite des
+zweiten Versetzungszeichens nicht ber"ucksichtigt werden (s. Regel N11
+Im zweiten Fall werden
+ die Versetzungszeichen der Vorzeichnung
+direkt plaziert und nicht in einer Box akkumuliert.
+Da sich die internen Tonh"ohen der Vorzeichnung bei
+Notenschl"usselwechsel "andern,
+die Vorzeichnung mit
+internen Tonh"ohen f"ur den Violinschl"ussel angegeben werden.
+Abh"angig vom aktuellen Notenschl"ussel wird zur internen Tonh"ohe eine
+Konstante addiert, die die Versetzungszeichen in die vertikalen
+Positionen bez"uglich des aktuellen Notenschl"ussels "uberf"uhrt.
+ Ein Beispiel dazu findet sich unter Regel V4e).
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0ed715c54
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,1135 @@
+\heading{Der Balken- und Bogensatz}
+Im Gegensatz zu den bisher behandelten Notenschriftzeichen sind die
+Balken und Bogen satztechnisch dadurch ausgezeichnet, da\3 sie in der
+L"ange und Gestalt variieren k"onnen, so da\3 es nicht ausreicht, nur
+ein Element in einem Font f"ur den Satz zur Verf"ugung zu stellen. Die
+Neigung der Balken bzw. die Kr"ummung der Bogen ist abh"angig von den zu
+verbindenden bzw. zu "uberspannenden Noten.
+Au\3er den Faustregeln,
+da\3 aus der Neigung des Balkens der Melodieverlauf
+erkenntlich sein soll, um ein schnelleres Notenlesen zu erm"oglichen, und
+da\3 der
+Bogen von Notenkopf zu Notenkopf verlaufen sollte, jedoch andere
+Zeichen nicht schneiden darf, gibt es keine
+expliziten Regeln f"ur den Satz dieser Notenschriftelemente.
+Alle anderen Satzregeln m"ussen daher aus der Notenliteratur abgeleitet
+werden. Es gilt also, Verfahren f"ur den automatischen Notensatz zu
+entwickeln, die den ansonsten nicht notwendig einheitlichen
+Handsatz so nachahmen, da\3 die Ergebnisse in den
+meisten F"allen mit dem Handgesetzten "ubereinstimmen.
+Die Verfahren f"ur den Balken- und Bogensatz gliedern sich in folgende
+\item{1)} Berechnung der Steigung des Balkens bzw. der Sekantensteigung
+des Bogens,
+\item{2)} Diskretisierung der Steigungen und Zusammenstellung der
+Balken bzw. Bogen aus den Zei\-chen\-s"at\-zen,
+\item{3)} Endg"ultige Positionierung des Balkens bzw. Bogens.
+\Bemerkung Die hier vorgestellte Vorgehensweise ist durch die Tatsache
+bedingt, da\3 ein Textsatzprogramm verwendet wird und nicht
+koordinaten-orientiert gearbeitet wird. Das Zeichnen der Balken w"are
+im anderen Fall direkt und ohne Diskretisierung
+ der berechneten Steigung
+\subheading{Entwicklung des Verfahrens zur Verbalkung}
+Gesucht ist ein Verfahren zur \defi{Verbalkung} von Noten,
+d.h. ein Verfahren,
+das jede beliebige Folge von Noten $(N_i)_{i=1,\ldots,n}$ durch einen
+(oder mehrere) Balken verbindet, so da\3 der Aufpunkt $P$ und die
+Neigung $S$ der Balken dem Handgesetzten nahe kommt.
+Ein solches Verfahren gliedert sich in drei Teilschritte:
+\item{1)} Bestimmung der Balkensteigung.
+\item{2)} Anpassung der Notenh"alse.
+\item{3)} Bestimmung des Aufpunktes aller Balkenst"ucke der Notengruppe.
+Die Anzahl der Balken an einer Note stimmt mit der Anzahl der dem
+Notenwert entsprechenden F"ahnchen (s. a. \the\chap.2.2) "uberein.
+Alle Balkensteigungen innerhalb einer Notengruppe stimmen mit
+der des "au\3ersten (d.h. des `Achtel'-Balkens) "uberein.
+\item{}Es gen"ugt also, nur eine Steigung f"ur die ganze Notengruppe zu
+\item{2)} Die Lage der Balken (oberhalb oder unterhalb der Notenk"opfe)
+ist durch Regel N4b in \adchap{-1}.1 \XX festgelegt.
+Die gemeinsame Richtung der
+Notenh"alse kann zu jeder Folge von Noten bestimmt werden und sei
+o.B.d.A. vorgegeben.
+\item{3)} Die Balkensteigung ist nicht abh"angig von der absoluten
+Tonh"ohe der Noten, sondern von der Position der Noten im Liniensystem.
+Es gen"ugt also,
+ die interne Tonh"ohe der betroffenen Noten zu betrachten.
+\subsubheading{Bestimmung der Balkensteigung}
+F"ur die folgenden "Uberlegungen beschreibe $d\in\{-1,+1\}$ wie in
+die nach Regel N4c) bestimmte gemeinsame Richtung der Notenh"alse der
+\subsubsubheading{Das Vorzeichen der Steigung}
+Betrachtet man zun"achst zwei Noten $N_1$ und $N_2$ mit zugeh"origen
+internen Tonh"ohen $p_1$ und $p_2$,
+dann gilt unabh"angig von der gemeinsamen Richtung der Notenh"alse
+$d$ f"ur das
+Vorzeichen der Steigung $S$:
+$$\align \text{F"ur }p_1<p_2& \text{ gilt }S>0\;,\\
+ \text{f"ur }p_1=p_2& \text{ gilt }S=0 \text { und }\\
+ \text{f"ur }p_1>p_2& \text{ gilt }S<0 \;.\endalign%\tag{S$_1$}
+ $$
+d.h. die Balkensteigung entspricht der Tendenz des Melodieverlaufs.
+Das Vorzeichen ist f"ur zwei beliebige Noten eindeutig festgelegt.
+Dies gilt jedoch nicht mehr unbedingt f"ur Notengruppen mit mehr
+Elementen. Man findet in der Literatur:
+Das Beispiel f"ur $p_1=p_n$ zeigt, da\3 hier die Steigung abh"angig von
+der Tonh"ohe der ersten
+und letzten Note bestimmt wurde.
+Untersucht man andere
+Notenkombinationen, so zeigt sich auch f"ur F"alle mit $p_1\ne p_n$,
+da\3 die Neigung nach der ersten
+und letzten Note bestimmt wurde.
+{\hsize 7cm
+Allgemein gilt f"ur $n>2$:
+$$\align \text{F"ur }p_1<p_n&\text{ gilt }S\ge0\;,\\
+ \text{f"ur }p_1=p_n&\text{ gilt }S=0 \text { und }\\
+ \text{f"ur }p_1>p_n&\text{ gilt }S\le0 \;.\endalign%\tag{S$_2$}
+ $$
+Dabei gilt $S=0$, falls f"ur ein $i\in\{2,\ldots,n-1\}$ gilt:
+$$\align &p_i\ge \max(p_1,p_n )\text{, falls }\quad d=1\;\\
+\text{oder }& p_i\le \min(p_1,p_n)\text{, falls }\quad
+Gibt es also innerhalb einer Notengruppe, deren Notenh"alse nach oben
+gestielt sind, Noten, deren Tonh"ohe gr"o\3er oder gleich der Tonh"ohe
+der h"ohergelegenen ``Randnote'' ist, so wird der Balken nicht
+geneigt. Weisen alle Notenh"alse nach unten,
+so wird die jeweils tiefergelegene ``Randnote'' betrachtet.
+\par\noindent\vbox{\hsize 6cm
+Das Vorzeichen der Steigung wird also
+nach der Konstellation der ersten und
+letzten Note der Balkengruppe bestimmt.
+\subsubsubheading{Der Betrag der Steigung}
+Sei im folgenden \folgi Nin eine Folge von Noten, f"ur die nach den
+obigen Bedingungen
+die Steigung $S$ nicht verschwindet.
+Um gr"o\3ere Steigungen zu vermeiden, wird der
+Betrag der Steigung nicht nach der
+Position der Notenk"opfe bestimmt wird, sondern bez"uglich der Endpunkte
+der Notenh"alse.
+Sei $E_i=(h_i,e_i)$ der Endpunkt des Notenhalses von $N_i$, wobei $h_i$
+den Abszissenwert des Notenhalses und $e_i:=\bar p_i+ d\cdot s^d(p_i)$
+vertikalen Abstand von der Grundlinie angibt ($\bar p_i = p_i\cdot 0.5
+Aus diesen Werten kann allgemein die Steigung $S^*$ einer Geraden durch
+die Punkte $E_1$ und $E_n$ berechnet werden durch Bildung des
+Diese errechnete Steigung kann jedoch erst nach einigen weiteren
+Korrekturen der Notenh"alse als endg"ulti\-ge Steigung f"ur den Balken
+"ubernommen werden.
+\subsubsubheading{Die Korrektur der Notenhalsl"angen}
+Es sind zun"achst zwei verschiedene Korrekturen der Notenhalsl"angen
+$$\verbatimoff |s^d(p_1)-s^d(p_n)|\le|\bar p_1-\bar p_n|$$
+gilt immer:
+\align &e_n-e_1\ge0 \text{ f"ur }p_1<p_n\;\\
+\text{und }& e_n-e_1\le0\text{ f"ur }p_1>p_n\;.\endalign$$
+In einigen F"allen wird
+jedoch die strikte Positivit"at bzw. Negativit"at
+von $S^*$ nicht mehr gew"ahrleis\-tet.
+{\hsize 4cm
+\ \v{-4}\v{-3}\v{11}\v{13}\hfill\null
+In diesen F"allen m"ussen also die Notenhalsl"angen so korrigiert werden,
+da\3 die Bedingung f"ur das Vorzeichen der Steigung
+ erf"ullt ist, und eine betragsm"a\3ig
+kleine Steigung
+die Tendenz der Notengruppe ausdr"uckt.
+weitere Korrektur ergibt sich aus der Tatsache,
+da\3 Balken mit einer Steigung von mehr als
+ $25^\circ $--$ 30^\circ$ geneigt sind, nicht
+verwendet werden, da sie das Gesamtbild optisch unruhig erscheinen
+Da die Steigung von der Differenz der Abszissenwerte der Notenh"alse
+abh"angig ist,
+tritt dies h"aufig auf bei Notenpaaren
+mit stark unterschiedlichen Tonh"ohen, z.B.
+{\hsize 4cm
+\hskip20pt\v{-3}\v{3} \hfill
+Die Korrektur sollte also dahin zielen, den Betrag der Balkensteigung so
+zu verkleinern, da\3 die h"ochstzul"assige Steigung angenommen wird.
+Dies kann auf zwei Arten geschehen:
+\itemitem{a)} Vergr"o\3ern des horizontalen Abstands, was aus den in
+Kapitel \adchap{-2}.1
+\XX angef"uhrten Gr"unden jedoch unzul"assig ist, und
+\itemitem{b)} Verkleinern des vertikalen Abstandes durch Ver"andern der
+\item{}Auch in diesem Fall ist also eine Korrektur der Notenhalsl"angen
+Aus den Beipielen in der Notenliteratur ergibt sich, da\3
+die Korrektur der Notenhalsl"angen stets durch Verl"angern der
+entsprechenden Notenh"alse erfolgt, nie durch Verk"urzen.
+Die Verl"angerung der Notenh"alse ist nicht unabh"angig von der
+gemeinsamen Notenhalsrichtung $d$. Es gilt
+f"ur die zu den Noten $N_1$ und $N_n$ zugeh"origen Halsl"angen $s_1$ und
+$s_n$ f"ur die zuerst vorgestellte Korrekturm"oglichkeit:
+$$\align \text{Ist }d\cdot(p_1-p_n)>0&\text{, so gilt }
+s_1 =s^d(p_1)+0.5\hbox{|\nhh| und } s_n=s^d(p_n)\,,\\
+ \text{und ist }d\cdot(p_1-p_n)<0&\text{, so gilt }
+s_n =s^d(p_n)+0.5\hbox{|\nhh| und } s_1=s^d(p_1)\;.\endalign$$
+Die zweite Korrektur wird wie folgt durchgef"uhrt:
+Sei $h:=h_n-h_1$ die Differenz der Abzissen der Notenh"alse
+und $\epsilon:=\sin\alpha$, wobei $\alpha$ den maximal zul"assigen
+Neigungswinkel angibt. Dann gilt
+$$\align \text{Ist }d\cdot(p_1-p_n)>0&\text{, so gilt }
+s_1 =s^d(p_1)+\verbatimoff (|e_n-e_1| -\epsilon \cdot h)
+\hbox{ und } s_n=s^d(p_n)\,,\\
+ \text{und ist }d\cdot(p_1-p_n)<0&\text{, so gilt }
+s_n =s^d(p_n)+\verbatimoff (|e_n-e_1| -\epsilon \cdot h)
+\hbox{ und } s_1=s^d(p_1)\;.\endalign$$
+Die der Notengruppe zugeh"orige Balkensteigung $S$ lautet nun:
+$$S:=\Frac{(\bar p_n - \bar p_1) + d(s_n-s_1)}{h_n-h_1} $$
+\input mdocpic2
+\subsubsubheading{Die Diskretisierung der Balkensteigung}
+Die Balkensteigung $S$ hat einen reellen Wertebereich, wenn man die oben
+angef"uhrte Definition anwendet
+Wie schon in
+\adchap{-4}.1.4 \XX angedeutet, bietet \TeX\ au\3er Rules keine
+M"oglichkeit, Linien zu setzen. Man w"urde also einen Balken beliebiger
+Steigung aus gen"ugend kleinen ausgef"ullten Rechtecken zusammensetzen
+m"ussen und dabei ein Optimierungsverfahren anwenden. Diese
+Vorgehensweise w"are sowohl im Satz als auch in der Ausgabe sehr
+zeitaufwendig und w"urde dennoch bei von Null verschiedenen Steigungen
+eine sichtbare Treppenstruktur ergeben.
+Es liegt daher nahe, die Balkensteigung zu diskretisieren und Balken
+dieser Steigungen in einem eigenen Zeichensatz zusammenzufassen.
+\item{1)}Das folgende Verfahren ist nicht spezifisch f"ur das
+Textsatzsystem \TeX, sondern k"onnte auch f"ur andere Satzsysteme
+verwendet werden.
+Diese Vorgehensweise der Diskretisierung
+findet man auch beim Typendruckverfahren,
+das im wesentlichen zwei verschiedene Neigungen verwendet:
+steile und flache (s. \lit{\genzmeier, S.119}).
+Es sollen hier jedoch feinere Unterschiede gemacht werden:
+\item{1)}Die Balkensteigung soll die errechnete m"oglichst realistisch
+\item{2)}Die gr"o\3te Steigung entspricht $\tan\alpha$, wobei
+$\alpha$ den maximal zul"assigen Neigungswinkel angibt. (Es gilt z.B.
+0.\overline{45}$, falls |\nhw|=1.1|\nhh|.)
+Gesucht ist eine Folge $0=m_0<m_1<\ldots<m_k\cong 0.45$, die die in
+der Notenliteratur erforderlichen Steigungen wiedergibt.
+(Als negative Steigungen ergeben sich dann $-m_i\;,\;i=0,\ldots,k$.)
+Als Schranke $\eta>0$ f"ur den absoluten Fehler wurde das Zweifache der
+Balkenst"arke gew"ahlt, so da\3 sich
+bei Rundung auf den n"achsten diskreten
+Steigungswert ein maximaler Fehler von $\eta/2$, d.h. der St"arke eines
+Balkens ($\approx$0.6|\nhh|), ergibt.
+Sei $\epsilon:=\max_{i=0,\ldots,k-1}\{m_{i+1}-m_i\}$, so gilt f"ur den
+absoluten Fehler:
+$$\verbatimoff |m_{i+1}-m_i|\cdot|h|<\eta\;.$$
+Die Wahl von $\epsilon$ ist also abh"angig von $|h|$.
+W"ahlt man acht verschiedene Steigungen, d.h. $k=8$, und als obere
+Schranke $m_8=0.45$, so erh"alt man f"ur
+$\epsilon=\Frac{0.45}8\cong0.056$ die gew"unschte Genauigkeit f"ur
+Diese Genauigkeit wird also bei einer Verbalkung von zehn Achtelnoten
+bei universellem Zeilenausschlu\3 (s. 5.1.1\XX) eingehalten. Dies ist
+ausreichend, da selten l"angere Balken ben"otigt werden. Bei einer
+Verbalkung von sechs Achtelnoten erreicht man eine Genauigkeit von
+Aus diesen Gr"unden wurde f"ur den Balkenzeichensatz der
+`Steigungssatz' $m_i=0.056\cdot i\,,$ $i=1,\ldots,8$ gew"ahlt.
+Die Anpassung der oben berechneten Steigung $S$ an die im Zeichensatz
+vorhandenen erfolgt f"ur
+\verbatimoff$|S|\ge m_1$ durch Runden auf den n"achsten diskreten
+Steigungswert $m_i$ mit $m_i\le |S|$ und
+ f"ur $0<|S|<m_1$ durch
+Aufrunden auf $m_1$, damit die obigen Bedingungen f"ur das Vorzeichen der
+Steigung auch bei diskretisierter Steigung erf"ullt bleiben.
+Stellt man den Zeichensatz so zusammen, da\3 zu jeder Steigung
+Balkenst"ucke der Zeichenbreite $w_i:=\frac12\cdot 2^i\pt=2^{i-1}\pt$,
+$i\in\{0,\ldots,7\}$ existieren, so k"onnen Balken beliebiger L"ange auf
+$0.5\pt$ genau zusammengef"ugt werden, wobei die auf den Drucker
+zu "ubertragende Anzahl der Zeichen minimiert ist
+Der dazu erstellte Zeichensatz ist im Anhang D zu finden.
+\subsubheading{Die Anpassung der Notenhalsl"angen}
+Da der Balkenverlauf nur nach der ersten und letzten Note bestimmt
+wurde, aber die dazwischen liegenden Noten $N_2,\ldots,N_{n-1}$ beliebig
+sind, ist es notwendig, zun"achst die "ubrigen Notenhalsl"angen
+anzugleichen, abh"angig von den internen Tonh"ohen der inneren Noten
+eine dritte Korrektur aller Notenh"alse durchzuf"uhren und abh"angig
+von der Anzahl der zu setzenden Balkenreihen eventuell die Notenh"alse
+durch eine vierte Korrektur erneut zu verl"angern.
+\subsubsubheading{Das Angleichen der Notenh"alse}
+Ausgehend vom
+(eventuell korrigierten) Notenhalsendpunkt $E_1$ ist die L"ange des
+Notenhalses $s_i$ von $N_i$ der vertikale Abstand des Notenkopfes vom
+Balken. Es gilt:
+$$s_i:= s_1+d(\bar p_1 -\bar p_i + S\cdot (h_i-h_1))\;,$$
+wobei $S$ die angepa\3te diskretisierte Steigung ist und $d$ wiederum
+die gemeinsame Notenhalsrichtung beschreibt.
+\subsubsubheading{Die erste Verl"angerung der Notenh"alse}
+Sei $\bar s$ die minimal zul"assige Halsl"ange innerhalb einer
+Notengruppe. Dann sind zun"achst alle Halsl"angen der Gruppe um
+$$s^*:=\max_{1\le i\le n}(0,\bar s-s_i)$$
+zu verl"angern. Die Verl"angerung $s^*$ ist also nur positiv, falls f"ur
+mindestens ein $i$ gilt $s_i<\bar s$, andernfalls ist keine Korrektur
+Die minimal zul"assige Halsl"ange ist wie folgt bestimmt:
+$$\bar s =\cases 2\hbox{|\nhh|}\,,&\text{falls
+}s^d(p_1)\le3\hbox{|\nhh|}\text{ oder }
+Es gilt also $\bar s=2\hbox{|\nhh|}$ f"ur $p\ge6$, falls $d=+1$ und f"ur
+$p\le1$, falls $d=-1$.
+Diese (willk"urlich festgelegten) Werte f"ur $\bar s$ haben sich in der
+Praxis bew"ahrt.
+\input mdocpic3
+\subsubsubheading{Die zweite Verl"angerung der Notenh"alse}
+Abh"angig von der Anzahl der Balkenreihen $r$ m"ussen die
+Notenhalsl"angen eventuell nochmals korrigiert werden um
+}r\le2\,,\\(r-2)\hbox{|\nhh|}\,,&\text{f"ur }r>2\,.\endcases$$
+Auch diese Werte sind heuristisch bestimmt.
+Bestimmung des Aufpunktes aller Balken der Notengruppe}
+Der Aufpunkt $P_{i,j}=(h_i,a_{i,j})\,,1\le i\le n$ und $1\le j\le r$,
+der einzelnen Balken der Notengruppe
+wird nun wie folgt bestimmt:
+$$a_{i,j} = \bar p_i + d\cdot s_i + d\cdot r\cdot\hbox{|\nhh|}\;.$$
+Dabei wird der Balken bis auf den Spezialfall eines ``Halbbalkens''
+immer rechts vom Notenhals positioniert. Gilt ein Balken nur f"ur
+eine Note, so wird er je nach Position der Note innerhalb der
+Notengruppe links oder rechts vom Notenhals plaziert, z.B immer links
+f"ur $N_n$ und immer rechts f"ur $N_1$. Innerhalb der Gruppe richtet
+sich die Position nach dem metrischen Gef"uge (s.\lit\ziegen). Ein
+solcher Balken hat immer als L"ange die H"ohe
+eines Notenkopfes.
+{\hsize 10cm
+\subsubheading{Abschlie\3ende Bemerkungen zur Verbalkung}
+Das obige
+Verfahren zur Verbalkung l"a\3t sich auch f"ur Akkorde durchf"uhren,
+wenn f"ur die interne Tonh"ohe die am weitesten von der jeweiligen
+Bezugsnote entfernte Note zur Berechnung verwendet wird.
+{\hsize 4cm
+\subheading{Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Phrasierung}
+Gesucht ist ein Verfahren zur \defi{Phrasierung}
+von Noten, d.h. ein Verfahren,
+das jede beliebige Folge von Noten \folgi Nin mit zugeh"origen
+Tonh"ohen \folgi pin, Notenhalsl"angen \folgi sin und
+Notenhalsrichtungen \folgi din mit einem Bogen "uberspannt.
+Wie bei der Verbalkung mu\3 zun"achst entschieden werden, ob der Bogen
+oberhalb oder unterhalb der Noten verl"auft. Verl"auft der Bogen
+oberhalb, so ist eine konkave Form zu w"ahlen, andernfalls
+eine konvexe Form.
+Als Grundregel gilt:
+\item{P1)}Bei einstimmiger Notation wird der Bogen von Notenkopf zu
+Notenkopf gef"uhrt, so da\3 die betroffenen Noten deutlich erkennbar
+sind, d.h. f"ur $d_1=d_n$ wird der Bogen
+unterhalb der Notenk"opfe gef"uhrt,
+falls $d_1=+1$, und oberhalb, falls $d_1=-1$.
+F"ur $d_1\ne d_n$ gibt es keine einheitliche Regelung, jedoch findet man
+meistens (vor allem in der Vokalmusik) die Regelung, da\3 der Bogen
+der Notenk"opfe gef"uhrt wird, um nicht in Konflikt mit unterlegtem Text
+zu geraten.
+\item{P2)} Bei zwei- (oder mehr-)stimmiger Notation gilt jedoch
+allgemeing"ultig die Regelung, da\3 f"ur die Phrasierung der Oberstimme
+konkave Bogen und f"ur die Phrasierung der Unterstimme konvexe Bogen
+vorgeschrieben sind.
+\hsize 10 cm
+Der Bogen wird im Gegensatz zum Balken
+nicht dazu verwendet, den Melodieverlauf auszudr"ucken,
+sondern wird abh"angig vom zur Verf"ugung stehenden Freiraum
+positioniert, d.h. er darf innere Noten der Notengruppe nicht
+Beim Handnotensatz unterscheidet der Notensetzer Legato- und Haltebogen
+von Phrasierungsbogen.
+Legato- und Haltebogen sind k"urzer und meist schon als Stempel
+vorhanden, w"ahrend Phrasierungsbogen freier gestochen
+werden und l"anger sind.
+Legatobogen haben also f"ur eine bestimmte L"ange eine feste Kr"ummung,
+w"ahrend Phrasierungsbogen in der Form variieren k"onnen.
+Da \TeX\ nicht die graphischen M"oglichkeiten besitzt, Bogen zu
+zeichnen, mu\3te eine Algorithmus gefunden werden, der Bogen mit einer
+festen Kr"ummung bei gleicher Breite setzt.
+Berechnet man also die Sekantensteigungen des Bogens, so ist der
+zugeh"orige zu w"ahlende Bogen eindeutig bestimmt und in einem
+Zeichensatz speicherbar.
+Daher ist es f"ur das Setzen eines Bogens
+ausreichend, nur seine Sekantensteigung zu berechnen und
+diese zu diskretisieren.
+\subsubheading{Bestimmung des Anfangs- und Endpunktes des Bogens}
+O.B.d.A. seien im folgenden Noten durch einen konkaven Bogen zu
+"uberspannen. F"ur den konvexen Bogen lassen sich die "Uberlegungen
+analog durchf"uhren.
+Sei \folgi Nin eine Notengruppe. Seien
+\folgi pin die zugeh"origen Tonh"ohen und
+$\bar p_i:=p_i\cdot0.5\hbox{|\nhh|} $ wie oben.
+Seien \folgi din die Richtungen der Notenh"alse,
+ \folgi sin die zugeh"origen Notenhalsl"angen und
+ \folgi hin die Abszissenwerte der Notenh"alse.
+\Bemerkung O.B.d.A. sei $h_1:=0$. Gilt
+$d_i=0$ f"ur ein $i$, so besitzt
+die Note keinen Notenhals. In diesem Fall sei $h_i$
+der Abszissenwert des Notenkopfmittelpunktes.
+Dann gilt f"ur den Anfangspunkt $A_i$ des Bogens f"ur Noten, die nicht
+mit aufw"arts gestielten Notenh"alsen verbalkt sind:
+\text{F"ur } &d_i=+1& \text{ gilt } A_i=(h_i+0.5\hbox{|\nhh|},
+\bar p_i+\hbox{|\nhh|})\,,\\
+ \text{f"ur } &d_i=0&\text{ gilt } A_i=(h_i,
+\bar p_i+\hbox{|\nhh|})\,,\\
+ \text{f"ur } &d_i=-1&\text{ gilt } A_i=(h_i+0.5\hbox{|\nhh|},
+\bar p_i+\hbox{|\nhh|})\,.\endmatrix$$
+Ist $N_i$ Element einer oberhalb der Notenk"opfe verbalkten Notengruppe,
+so ist eine weitere Fallunterscheidung notwendig. Falls $N_i$ nicht das
+\disp{letzte} Element der verbalkten Notengruppe ist, gilt:
+$A_i =(h_i,\bar p_i+s_i+0.5\hbox{|\nhh|})\;.$
+Dies gilt auch f"ur die letzte Note einer ``Balkengruppe'', falls die
+Note des Bogenendes auf die gleiche Weise verbalkt wurde, andernfalls
+gilt $A_i= (h_i+0.5\hbox{|\nhh|}, \bar p_i+\hbox{|\nhh|})$.
+F"ur den Endpunkt $E_i$ des Bogens f"ur Noten, die nicht
+mit aufw"arts gestielten Notenh"alsen verbalkt sind, gilt:
+\text{F"ur }& d_i=+1&\text{ gilt } E_i=(h_i-0.5\hbox{|\nhh|},
+\bar p_i+\hbox{|\nhh|})\,,\\
+ \text{f"ur }& d_i=0&\text{ gilt } E_i=(h_i,
+\bar p_i+\hbox{|\nhh|})\,,\\
+ \text{f"ur }&d_i=-1&\text{ gilt } E_i=(h_i+0.5\hbox{|\nhh|},
+\bar p_i+\hbox{|\nhh|})\,.\endmatrix$$
+Ist $N_i$ Element einer oberhalb der Notenk"opfe verbalkten Notengruppe,
+so ist wiederum
+eine Fallunterscheidung notwendig. Falls $N_i$ nicht das
+\disp{erste} Element der verbalkten Notengruppe ist, so ist
+$E_i =(h_i,\bar p_i+s_i+0.5\hbox{|\nhh|})\;.$
+Dies gilt auch f"ur die erste Note einer ``Balkengruppe'', falls die
+Note des Bogenendes auf die gleiche Weise verbalkt wurde, andernfalls
+ist $E_i= (h_i,\bar p_i+\hbox{|\nhh|})$.
+{\hsize 16 cm\universal
+\parindent = 0pt
+Wie bei der Verbalkung mu\3 in Extremf"allen die Sekantensteigung
+ korrigiert werden. Dies geschieht wiederum nur durch Verschieben der
+Anfangs- bzw. Endpunkte in vertikaler Richtung, d.h. durch Ver"andern der
+Im folgenden seien \folgi ain und \folgi ein die Ordinatenwerte der
+Punkte \folgi Ain{}bzw. \folgi Ein.
+Eine Korrektur wird (auch in der Notenliteratur) nur so durchgef"uhrt,
+da\3 die Sekantensteigung betragsm"a\3ig verkleinert wird, jedoch kein
+Vorzeichenwechsel auftritt.
+Da die
+Anfangs- und Endpunkte f"ur einen konkaven Bogen so gew"ahlt sind,
+da\3 der vertikale Abstand von der Grundlinie der minimal m"ogliche ist,
+kann die Korrektur nur durch Erh"ohen des Abstandes durchgef"uhrt werden.
+\item{1)}Zun"achst ist eine Korrektur notwendig,
+falls der Bogen, der die Noten zwischen $N_1$ und $N_n$ "uberspannen
+soll, die inneren Noten schneidet.
+Die Bogen der Notenliteratur "ahneln eher Parabelausschnitten als
+Kreisbogenausschnitten, wie man zun"achst vermuten w"urde. Um den
+Bogenverlauf m"oglichst genau nachzuahmen, wurde ein Parabelausschnitt
+gew"ahlt, der durch die beiden Endpunkte des Bogens und einen dritten
+Punkt eindeutig bestimmt ist. Dieser dritte Punkt ist durch einen
+Vektor, der senkrecht auf der Sekante steht, mit dem Sekantenmittelpunkt
+als Aufpunkt und einer L"ange, abh"angig von der Sekantenl"ange, gegeben.
+Als L"ange hat sich
+hierbei ein Sechstel der Sekantenl"ange bew"ahrt, soweit
+diese nicht den Betrag von |2\nhh| "uberschreitet.
+Da nur eine grobe Korrektur notwendig ist, gen"ugt es, den Bogen
+geeignet linear zu approximieren und zu "uberpr"ufen, ob die
+inneren Noten unterhalb einer solchen Geraden
+Die Gerade, die dies f"ur alle F"alle gew"ahrleistet, ist nat"urlich
+die Gerade durch die
+Sekante des Bogens. Dies f"uhrt jedoch f"ur die Noten,
+die sich unter der Sekantenmitte befinden, zu unbefriedigenden
+ Da
+sich jedoch in unmittelbarer N"ahe der Bogenendpunkte keine
+inneren Noten befinden, kann eine Gerade gew"ahlt werden, die
+zur Sekante parallel verl"auft.
+Der Abstand zur Sekante ist
+ abh"angig von der ``Auslenkung'' des
+Bogens und der Sekantensteigung.
+Sei $\epsilon$ der Abstand der beiden
+Geraden und
+$S$ die errechnete Sekantensteigung bzgl. $A_1$ und $E_n$.
+Dann ist
+$s^*=\max_{i=2,\ldots,n-1}\{0\,,\,(e_i-a_1+S\cdot h_i)-\epsilon\}$
+der Maximalwert, um den die Approximationsgerade "uberschritten wurde.
+Die Korrektur der Bogensteigung wird dann wie folgt durchgef"uhrt:
+gilt $a_1<e_n$, dann wird $a_1$ um $s^*$
+Falls $a_1+s^*>e_n$, wird so korrigiert, da\3 $S$ verschwindet, d.h.
+$e_n$ mu\3 um den Betrag $e_n-(a_1+s^*)$ vergr"o\3ert werden. F"ur
+$a_1>e_n$ wird zun"achst $e_n$ vergr"o\3ert. Falls dabei
+$S$ Null wird, ist zus"atzlich $a_1$ zu korrigieren.
+\input mdocpic4
+\centerline{{\eightrm Skizze zur Approximation des Bogens}}
+\item{2)}Eine weitere Korrektur mu\3 (nach der Diskretisierung
+(s. \the\chap.2.2\XX))
+durchgef"uhrt werden, falls die Steigung die f"ur die
+Zeichenbreite des Bogens zul"assige maximale Steigung "uberschreitet.
+Die Sekantensteigungen $S$ liegen im Intervall $(-1,1)\in\rz$, jedoch
+kommt es auch nur selten vor, da\3 \verbatimoff$S\cdot |h|>\verbatimon
+4\hbox{|\nhh|}$, d.h. die H"ohe des Zeilensystems "uberschreitet. Die
+maximal zul"assige Steigung ist also abh"angig von $h$ und kann
+beschrieben werden durch:
+$$\bar s(h)=\min(1,{4\hbox{|\nhh|}\over h})\;.$$
+Dann wird die Korrektur wiederum so durchgef"uhrt, da\3
+$a_1$ vergr"o\3ert wird, falls $a_1<e_n$,
+und $e_n$ vergr"o\3ert wird, falls $a_1>e_n$.
+ Es gilt:
+$$a_{1,{\rm neu}}:=e_n-\bar s(h)\cdot h \quad\text{ bzw. }\quad
+e_{1,{\rm neu}}:=a_n-\bar s(h)\cdot h \;.$$
+\subsubheading{Diskretisierung der Sekantensteigung}
+Aus den gleichen Gr"unden wie bei der Verbalkung ist eine
+Diskretisierung der Sekantensteigung notwendig. Da die St"arke des
+Bogens jeweils zum Bogenende abnimmt, w"are es sehr zeitaufwendig, den
+Bogen aus Einzelst"ucken zusammenzusetzen.
+Zu jeder Breite und jeder Steigung m"u\3te also ein vollst"andiger Bogen
+bereitgehalten werden.
+Ber"ucksichtigt man folgende Gesichtspunkte, kann jedoch eine
+repr"asentative Auswahl getroffen werden.
+\item{1)}Da der Bogen die
+Notengruppe nur "uberspannen und nicht exakt zwischen zwei Notenh"alsen
+eingepa\3t werden mu\3, gen"ugt es, Bogen der Zeichenbreite $w=k\cdot
+\hbox{|\nhw|} \text { mit } k\in\nz^+$ bereitzuhalten.
+\item{2)}Der vertikale Abstand der Bogenendpunkte betr"agt (meistens)
+$m$-faches von 0.5|\nhh|, wobei als obere Grenze 4|\nhh|
+angesehen werden kann, d.h. $m\le8$.
+\item{3)}Eine weitere Schranke ist $m\le2k$, da die Sekantensteigung
+kleiner als 1 sein sollte.
+\item{4)}Da jedoch nicht Bogen beliebiger
+L"ange bereitgehalten werden k"onnen, ist es entgegen obiger
+"Uberlegung doch notwendig, Bogen gr"o\3erer Breite aus Einzelst"ucken
+zusammenzusetzen. Dabei wird das Mittelst"uck durch eine Rule beliebiger
+L"ange ersetzt.
+Es ergeben sich aus den obigen Gesichtspunkten f"unf verschiedene
+\item{1)}konkave Bogen positiver Sekantensteigungen ($\frac{ht}w$) mit
+Breiten $w = i\cdot\hbox{|\nhw|}\,,i\in\{1,\ldots,17\}$ und H"ohen
+$ht = j\cdot0.5\hbox{|\nhh|}\,,j\in\{1,\ldots,\min({2i,8})\}$.
+\item{2)}konkave Bogen negativer Sekantensteigungen ($\frac{dp}w$) mit
+Breiten $w = i\cdot\hbox{|\nhw|}\,,i\in\{1,\ldots,17\}$ und Tiefen
+$dp =-j\cdot0.5\hbox{|\nhh|}\,,j\in\{1,\ldots,\min({2i,8})\}$.
+\item{3)}konvexe Bogen positiver Sekantensteigungen ($\frac{ht}w$) mit
+Breiten $w$ und H"ohen $ht$ wie oben.
+\item{4)}konvexe Bogen negativer Sekantensteigungen ($\frac{dp}w$) mit
+Breiten $w$ und Tiefen $dp$ wie oben.
+\item{5)}konkave und konvexe Haltebogen ($j=0$) verschiedener Breite
+$w$ wie oben
+und konkave und konvexe Bogenst"ucke
+positiver und negativer Sekantensteigung konstanter Breite (%
+\item{1)}Die Maximalbreite $w=17\hbox{|\nhw|}$ hat sich so ergeben, da\3
+die Zeichens"atze mit jeweils 124 Elementen belegt werden konnten.
+Vollst"andige Bogen einer gr"o\3eren Breite erschienen nicht sinnvoll,
+da sie selten vorkommen und viel Speicherplatz ben"otigen.
+Zur Wahl der Bogenst"ucke:
+\item{}Der Bogen wird aus drei Teilen zusammengesetzt und zwar werden je
+ein Bogenst"uck positiver Sekantensteigung und ein Bogenst"uck
+negativer Sekantensteigung, die jeweils konvex bzw. konkav sind, durch
+eine Rule beliebiger L"ange verbunden. Dabei k"onnen sich vier
+verschiedene Situationen ergeben:
+\def\rulet{\vrule height 0pt depth 1pt width36pt}
+\def\ruleb{\vrule height 1pt depth 0pt width36pt}
+a)&\hbox{\vt{28} \rulet\ \vt{30}}&b)&\hbox{\vt{20} \rulet\ \vt{38}}\cr
+c)&\hbox{\vb{40} \ruleb\ \vb{58}}&d)&\hbox{\vb{48} \ruleb\ \vb{50}}\cr}
+Die folgenden "Uberlegungen gelten f"ur die in Beispiel a)
+aufgef"uhrte Situation, k"onnen jedoch auch auf die anderen "ubertragen
+Sei $S=\Frac{e_n-a_1}h={\dsize j\cdot0.5\hbox{|\nhh|}\over \dsize
+h}$, wobei
+O.B.d.A. gilt $e_n>a_1$. Sei $S_1>0$ die Sekantensteigung des ersten
+Bogenst"ucks und $S_2<0$ die des zweiten. Dann gilt $S_1>S$.
+Die f"ur die Bogen gew"ahlten Steigungen reichen also in diesem Fall
+nicht aus. Je gr"o\3er \verbatimoff$|S_2|$ gew"ahlt wird, desto
+gr"o\3ere Werte m"ussen also f"ur $S_1$ bereitgehalten werden.
+Dann gilt:\verbatimon
+$$S_1={S\cdot h + 9\hbox{|\nhw|}\cdot
+Da die H"ohen in den "ubrigen Zeichens"atzen als Vielfaches von
+0.5|\nhh| gew"ahlt wurden, d.h.
+da\3 $S\cdot h = j\cdot 0.5\hbox{|\nhh|}$ f"ur ein
+$j\in\{1,\ldots,8\}$, gilt, falls eine solche Darstellung auch f"ur
+\verbatimoff $|S_2|\cdot 9\verbatimon
+\hbox{|\nhw|}=j^*\cdot0.5\hbox{|\nhh|}$ mit fest gew"ahltem
+angenommen wird,\verbatimon
+$$S_1={(j+j^*)\cdot 0.5\hbox{|\nhh|}\over 9\hbox{|\nhw|}}\,.$$
+Dies ergibt f"ur $S_1$ acht verschiedene Werte
+$j\in\{j^*+1,\ldots,j^*+8\}$. \verbatimoff
+Da der Wert f"ur $|S_2|$ noch mitgerechnet \verbatimon
+werden mu\3, sind neun verschiedene Bogenst"ucke f"ur jeden Fall
+notwendig (positiv, negativ, konvex, konkav).
+Die Auswahl der Steigungen ist also nur abh"angig von $j^*$ und nicht
+von $h$.
+Die vorliegenden Zeichens"atze wurden mit $j^*=2$ erzeugt.
+Der Fall $S=0$ mu\3 als Sonderfall betrachtet werden, da in diesem Fall
+$S_1=-S_2$ gelten mu\3. Die Wahl
+$j^*=2$ erweist sich in diesem Fall jedoch als
+zu flach. Aus diesem Grund werden f"ur $S=0$ Bogen mit $j=4$
+\subheading{Ausf"uhrung des Balken- und Bogensatzes}
+Das Setzen der Bogen und Balken ist in hohem Ma\3e abh"angig vom
+Kontext, z.B. Bestimmung der Anfangs- und Endpunkte der Bogen, die
+Richtung und L"ange der Notenh"alse.
+Im Unterschied zum Textsatz besteht hier die Notwendigkeit,
+Notenschriftelemente, die auf eine solche Weise in Verbindung stehen,
+d.h. nicht isoliert zu behandeln sind, gleichzeitig zu verarbeiten.
+Gomberg (\lit\gomb) hat f"ur Notenschriftelemente, die untereinander in
+Beziehung stehen, indem sie gleichen horizontalen Raum beanspruchen,
+den Begriff der \defi{Nachbarschaften} formuliert
+(s.a. Kapitel \adchap2\XX).
+Anlehnend an diesen Begriff m"ochte ich Notenschriftelemente, die in
+irgendeiner Weise (graphisch) miteinander verbunden sind, zu einer
+Nachbarschaft zusammenfassen. Dazu geh"oren Notengruppen, die verbalkt
+werden sollen, aber auch Notengruppen, die mit einem Bogen "uberspannt
+werden sollen. Da sich diese Gruppen "uberschneiden k"onnen, sind
+Nachbarschaften oft gr"o\3er als die einzelne Notengruppe.
+{\hsize 10 cm
+\vio\Es \hskip20pt\group{\\{\a8}\\{\s3}\\{\s4}\\{\a5}
+\Bemerkung Da es in einer Nachbarschaft nicht m"oglich ist, eine Note
+isoliert zu sehen, ist es auch nicht m"oglich, eine Nachbarschaft ohne
+"au\3eres Einwirken (durch den Benutzer) zu trennen.
+In \TeX\ wird eine solche Nachbarschaft als Box aufgefa\3t, deren Glue
+nicht mehr variabel ist. Enth"alt ein Musikst"uck gr"o\3ere
+Nachbarschaften, wird es problematisch, geeignete Umbruchpunkte f"ur den
+Zeilenumbruch zu finden.
+Das \TeX-Konzept f"ur Ausschlu\3 und Zeilenumbruch erweist sich also an
+dieser Stelle als hinderlich.
+\subsubheading{Verarbeitung der Nachbarschaften}Zur Verarbeitung der
+Nachbarschaften ist es notwendig, Informationen "uber die einzelnen
+Nachbarschaftselemente zu verwalten, z.B. die Tonh"ohen der Noten, die
+L"angen der Notenh"alse, den oberen und unteren Anfangs- und Endpunkt
+f"ur Bogen.
+Eine Speicherung beliebig vieler gleichartiger Elemente, z.B. in
+Vektoren, ist in \TeX\ nicht vorgesehen. Es ist jedoch m"oglich, mit
+Hilfe von Kontrollsequenzen Listen aufzubauen (\lit\Knuth, \Texbook,
+Anhang D.2).
+Eine Liste von $n$ Informationen kann in der Form
+|\\{|\<item$_1$>|}\\{|\<item$_2$>|}| $\ldots$ |\\{|\<item$_n$>|}|
+kodiert werden,
+wobei jedes \<item> eine wohlgeklammerte Tokenliste ist.
+Eine parameterlose Kontrollsequenz, z.B. |\liste|, deren Ersetzungstext
+obige Form besitzt, hei\3t \defi{Listenmacro} (\tex{list macro}).
+Das leere Listenmacro mit $n=0$ hei\3t |\empty|. Die einzelnen Elemente
+werden durch |\\| getrennt.
+Wird |\\| als Kontrollsequenz aufgefa\3t und als Makro
+mit einem Argument definiert, so k"onnen
+verschiedene Effekte erzielt werden, wenn es auf die
+Liste angewendet wird.
+Mit |\def\\#1{\hbox{#1}}|
+werden durch Aufruf von |\vbox{\liste}| alle Elemente von Liste
+untereinander gesetzt.
+Durch Umdefinieren von |\\| kann man auch auf die Elemente selber
+einwirken. Sie k"onnen ausgetauscht werden, neue Elemente an- und
+eingef"ugt oder alte gel"oscht werden.
+Solche Listen k"onnen also dazu benutzt werden, Informationen, die zur
+Bearbeitung der Nachbarschaften notwendig sind, zu speichern.
+Die Bearbeitung der Nachbarschaften erfolgt in drei Teilschritten:
+\item{1)}Die Initialisierung der ben"otigten Listen.
+\item{2)}Die Berechnung der ben"otigten Balken und Bogen nach den in
+\the\chap.1 und \the\chap.2
+beschriebenen Verfahren und das Einf"ugen der ent\-%
+sprechenden Zeichensatzelemente in die Nachbarschaft.
+\item{3)} Das endg"ultige Setzen der Nachbarschaft.
+\subsubsubheading{Die ben"otigten Listen}
+Im folgenden sollen die ben"otigten Listen beschrieben werden.
+\item{1)}Als Anfangsinformation m"ussen folgende Listen gegeben sein.
+Diese sind vom "Ubersetzungspro\-gramm
+(\lit\Schofer) bereitzustellen:
+\item{a)}Die Liste aller Elemente der Nachbarschaft (|\elementlist|).
+Normalerweise bestehen die Elemente aus jeweils einer Note mit, falls
+vorhanden, zugeh"origem Vorzeichen und eventuellen Wertpunkten.
+Des weiteren kann ein Element einen Akkord beinhalten oder
+andere Notenschriftelemente wie z.B. Taktstriche, zu unterlegende Texte
+oder Akzente.
+\item{b)}Die Liste der Tonh"ohen der Noten der
+Nachbarschaft (|\pitchlist|).\item{}
+Das $i$-te Element der
+|\pitchlist| enth"alt die jeweilige
+ Tonh"ohe des $i$-ten Elementes der |\elementlist|.
+ Bei Akkorden kann jedoch
+nur die Tonh"ohe des Notenkopfes, der f"ur die Verbalkung
+relevant ist, angegeben werden. Auch Taktstrichen kann eine Tonh"ohe
+zugewiesen werden. So kann man vor einem Zeilenumbruch einen
+Bogen "uber einem Taktstrich enden lassen.
+\item{c)} Die Liste, die Informationen "uber die durch Balken zu
+verbindenden Noten enth"alt (|\beamlist|).
+Die Zahl der Elemente gibt die Anzahl der Balkenreihen $r$ an und die
+jeweiligen Elemente,
+welche Noten in der Balkenreihe zu verbinden sind.
+Wie in \XX \the\chap.1
+erw"ahnt, ist nicht allein aus den Notenwerten erkennbar,
+welche Noten der Nachbarschaft miteinander verbunden werden m"ussen, da
+die Noten
+innerhalb der Balkengruppe noch weiter gruppiert werden m"ussen,
+um die Betonungsverh"altnisse im Takt zu verdeutlichen.
+Aus diesem Grund enthalten die Elemente der Balkenlisten eine weitere
+Liste, die angibt, welche Noten in der jeweiligen Balkenreihe
+miteinander verbunden werden.
+Sei $l$ die Anzahl der Elemente einer solchen ``Unterliste'' und
+seien die Elemente $n_1$ bis $n_2$ der Nachbarschaft zu verbalken.
+Das $i$-te Element des Listenelementes ist dabei
+von der Form:
+k_{i_1}-k_{i_2},& \text{ wobei }k_{i_{1,2}}\in\{n_1,\ldots,n_2\}
+\text{ und }k_{i_1}\leq k_{i_2}\,,\\
+\noalign{\text{ oder }}
+\hbox{B:}\qquad&-k_{i_2},&\text{ wobei }k_{i_2}
+\text{ wie oben und }k_{i_1} \text{ fehlt.}
+\item{}F"ur die Folge
+$(k_{i_1},k_{i_2}),i\in\{1,\ldots,l-1\}$ mu\3 gelten:
+$$k_{i_1}<k_{(i+1)_1}\text{ und }k_{i_2}\leq k_{(i+1)_1}\,,\text{ falls
+}k_{i_2}\text{ nicht fehlt.}$$
+\item{}Dabei bedeutet die Form:
+\itemitem{$k_{i_1}-k_{i_2}$:} Verbalke das $k_{i_1}$-te bis
+$k_{i_2}$-te Element der |\elementlist|, falls $k_{i_1}\ne k_{i_2}$,
+sonst verbalke Element $k_{i_1}$ nach rechts.
+\itemitem{$-k_{i_2}$:}Verbalke das $k_{i_2}$-te Element nach
+\item{}In beiden F"allen betr"agt die Breite des Balkens |\nhw|.
+\Beispiel(s. \the\chap.1.3)
+Es ist nach oben beschriebenem System nicht unbedingt notwendig, da\3
+die erste Balkenreihe durchgehend ist, d.h. von der Form $n_1-n_2$.
+ Dies ist kein
+Fehler, sondern es erm"oglicht, ein Bild folgender Art zu erhalten:
+\item{2)}Zur Verarbeitung werden folgende Listen ben"otigt:
+\item{}Da diese Listen Informationen "uber das jeweilige Element
+der |\elementlist| speichern, mu\3
+die Anzahl der Listenelemente (Kardinalit"at)
+mit der Anzahl der Elemente der |\elementlist| "ubereinstimmen.
+\item{a)}Die Liste, die Informationen "uber die horizontale
+Breite der Nachbarschaft und ihrer Elemente enth"alt (|\Hlist|).
+Das $i$-te Element enth"alt die Breite der Nachbarschaft
+vom 1. bis $i$-ten Element einschlie\3lich, ohne da\3 am Ende
+Glue angef"ugt wurde. Ist die $i$-te Note nicht punktiert, so schlie\3t
+diese Nachbarschaft f"ur $d_i=+1$ mit dem Notenhals, f"ur
+$d_i=-1$ mit dem Notenkopf ab. Der Abstand des Notenhalses zum
+Ende dieser Notengruppe betr"agt also |\nhw|.
+Ist die Note mit Wertpunkten versehen,
+so erh"oht sich der Abstand um die Breite, die
+die Punkte beanspruchen. Bei Akkorden mit aufsteigendem Notenhals
+kann es vorkommen, da\3 die Nachbarschaft nicht mit dem Notenhals ab\-%
+schlie\3t, falls ein Notenkopf auf der rechten Seite des Notenhalses
+erscheint. Der Abstand betr"agt dann, falls keine Wertpunkte vorhanden
+sind, |\nhw|.
+\item{b)} Die Liste, die Informationen "uber die Abszissenwerte der
+Notenh"alse liefert (|\Hcorlist|).
+Das $i$-te Element enth"alt als Korrektur den
+horizontalen Abstand des Notenhalses des $i$-ten Elements zum
+Ende einer Nachbarschaft, die mit diesem Element abschlie\3en w"urde.
+Mit dieser Liste k"onnen die Wertpunkte sowie Akkorde
+z.B. f"ur die Berechnung
+der L"ange des Balkens ber"ucksichtigt werden.
+Das $i$-te Element enth"alt als Korrektur den
+horizontalen Abstand des Notenhalses des $i$-ten Elements zum
+Ende einer Nachbarschaft, die mit diesem Element abschlie\3en w"urde.
+\item{c)} Die Liste, die Informationen "uber die Notenhalsl"angen der
+zu verbalkenden Noten enth"alt (|\stemlist|).
+\item{}Diese Liste wird zun"achst mit Null initialisiert und nur
+ver"andert, falls eine Note zu verbalken ist. Es ist also eine Unter\-%
+scheidung zwischen einzelstehenden Noten und Balkengruppen anhand dieser
+Liste m"oglich.
+\item{d)}Die Liste, die Informationen "uber die Richtung der
+Notenh"alse in der Notengruppe enth"alt (|\dirlist|).
+Bei Verbalkung wird die eventuelle "Anderung der Notenhalsrichtung der
+betroffenen Noten in dieser Liste vermerkt, soda\3 es m"oglich ist
+einen Bogen "uber oder unter diesen Noten korrekt zu plazieren.
+\item{e)}Die Listen, die die vertikalen Positionen der Bogenanfangs-
+und Endpunkte oberhalb bzw. unterhalb der Noten enthalten
+(|\uslurlist| und |\lslurlist|).
+\item{}Die Listen sind so angelegt, da\3 ein Element
+Informationstr"ager sowohl der Ordinaten des
+ Anfangs- als auch des Endpunktes
+ist. Stimmen die Werte nicht "uberein, so wird dies durch einen Wert,
+der betragsm"a\3ig gr"o\3er als 100\pt\ ist, angezeigt.
+Die Elemente erhalten nur von Null verschiedene Werte, falls der
+Anfangs- bzw. Endpunkt nicht direkt am Notenkopf liegt. Andernfalls
+werden sie abh"angig vom jeweiligen Wert der Tonh"ohenliste berechnet.
+Weitere Listen sind f"ur den einstimmigen Notensatz nicht erforderlich.
+\subsubsubheading{Die Initialisierung der Listen}
+Durch das Makro |\group| werden alle Listen, die nicht vorgegeben sind,
+Dies geschieht, indem die Nachbarschaftsliste (|\elementlist|) einmal
+abgearbeitet, jedoch noch nicht gesetzt, sondern zun"achst
+in einer Box akkumuliert wird.
+Weiterhin wird das Z"ahler-Register |\N| mit der Anzahl
+der Listenelemente der |\elementlist| belegt.
+\subsubsubheading{Das Setzen der Nachbarschaft}
+Nachdem die Nachbarschaftsliste durch die Informationen "uber die zu
+setzenden Balken und Bogen, Aufpunkt, L"ange und Steigung, erweitert
+wurde, mu\3 sie ein zweites Mal abgearbeitet werden.
+Dabei mu\3 ber"ucksichtigt werden, da\3
+der variable Glue der vorangegangenen Note vor der Nachbarschaft gesetzt
+wird, um einen besseren Zeilenausschlu\3 zu erm"oglichen. Der
+Glue innerhalb der Nachbarschaft mu\3 auf den nat"urlichen Abstand
+fixiert werden, da die L"angen der Balken und Bogen nicht mehr ver"andert
+werden k"onnen.
+F"ur die Notenhalsl"ange wird im Falle, da\3 die Note verbalkt wird,
+der Wert der |\stemlist| gew"ahlt; andernfalls wird sie anhand
+ der Funktion f"ur die Notenhalsl"ange neu berechnet.
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+Bis heute sind alle Versuche,
+Musiknotensatz maschinell auszuf"uhren,
+erfolglos geblieben.
+Die Notenbl"atter werden immer noch im Handsatz hergestellt.
+Ein neuer Zugang, den
+Notensatz zu automatisieren, er"offnete sich mit der Einf"uhrung
+leistungsf"ahiger Computer mit qualitativ hochwertigen Graphiksystemen.
+Die dazu entwickelten Notensatzprogramme orientierten sich an
+bestehenden Graphikprogrammen (s. L. Smith (1973)\lit\smith, D. Byrd
+(1974)\lit\byrd\ und D. Gomberg (1978)\lit\gomb).
+Die vorliegende
+Arbeit ist eine "uberarbeitete Zusammenfassung der beiden
+``Automatisierter Notensatz mit \TeX'' (\lit\Steinb, \lit\Schofer)
+Es wird gezeigt, wie
+das Textsatzsystem \TeX\ so erweitert werden kann, da\3
+eine automatisierte Ausgabe von Notenschrift m"oglich ist.
+Dazu wird im ersten Teil ``Ein Verfahren zur Notenschrifteingabe''
+eine an der konventionellen Notenschrift orientierte
+Eingabesprache entworfen
+und ein "Ubersetzungsprogramm entwickelt, das die mit ihrer Hilfe
+codierten Musikst"ucke
+in von \TeX\ verarbeitbare Kontrollsequenzen "ubertr"agt.
+Im zweiten Teil ``Verfahren zur Notenschriftausgabe''
+werden sowohl
+die umfangreichen, in der Literatur oft
+unvollst"andig angegebenen Notations- und Satzregeln
+vorgestellt als auch Verfahren zur Umsetzung dieser Regeln
+hergeleitet und entwickelt.
+Das Problem, einstimmigen Notensatz
+in einem (Zeilen-)System mit dem Textsatzsystem zu automatisieren, wurde
+benutzerfreundlich und vom Ausgabeger"at unabh"angig gel"ost.
+Die erforderlichen Makros und die Programme
+der entwickelten Zeichens"atze wurden nicht in diese
+Arbeit aufgenommen.
+Sie k"onnen auf diversen \TeX-Fileservern gefunden werden,
+Previous attempts at printing music mechanically
+have been unsuccessful.
+Even today, music is printed manually.
+A new approach to
+automating music printing was made possible
+with the introduction of powerful
+computers with high-quality graphic systems. The earliest programs
+for music printing oriented themselves towards existing graphics
+programs (see L. Smith (1973)
+\lit\smith, D. Byrd (1974) \lit\byrd, D. Gomberg (1978)\lit\gomb). The
+present paper is a revised version of the two theses
+``Automatisierter Notensatz mit \TeX''.
+It is shown that the typsetting
+system \TeX\ can be extended for automatic music printing. The first
+part ``Ein Verfahren f"ur Notenschrifteingabe''
+is the design of an input language which is based upon conventional
+musical notation, and the development of a translation program that
+transforms the coded pieces into control sequences which are
+understood by \TeX. In the second part ``Verfahren zur
+Notenschriftausgabe'' both extensive notation and setting rules and
+methods to realize these rules are developed.
+The task of automatting single-staff notation has been solved
+in a user friendly way and is device independent.
+Macro listings and program listings of the
+music fonts are not included in this paper.
+They can be found on several \TeX-fileservers,
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+ \def\cal{\fam 2}%
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+\def\ks#1{\noindent\hbox{{\tt \char\hex5C}\bf#1}}
+\def\bs{\noindent\hbox{{\tt \char\hex5C}}}%Backslash
+\def\lk{\hbox{{\tt\char\hex7B}}}%linke Klammer auf
+\def\strich{{\hbox{\tt \char\hex7C}}}
+\def\dpkt{{\hbox{\tt \char\hex3A}}}%Doppelpunkt
+\def\gleich{{\hbox{\tt \char\hex3D}}}%
+\def\slash{\noindent{\hbox{\tt \char\hex2F}}}
+\def\blank{{\hbox{\tt \char\hex20}}}
+\heading{Anhang A:\quad Beispiele}
+Abschlie\3end sollen vier Musikst"ucke angef"ugt werden,
+die mit dem entwickelten Format gesetzt wurden.
+Sie sollen zus"atzlich zu den im Text angegebenen Beispielen die
+vorgestellten Verfahren verdeutlichen.
+Zum Vergleich ist die Codierung des ersten, dritten und vierten Beispiels
+Das erste Beispiel wurde von D. Byrd \lit{\byrd} in der
+Beschreibung als Test
+seines Notensatzsystems verwendet.
+Mit dem ersten und zweiten Beispiel sollen die verschiedenen
+im Format zur Verf"ugung gestellten Auschlu\3schemata
+(|\hsmall|, |\small|, |\universal|, |\wide| und
+|\loose|) verdeutlicht
+Als drittes Beispiel wurde ein zweistimmiges St"uck ausgew"ahlt.
+Das vierte ist ein Beispiel f"ur ein Musikst"uck, das mit Text unterlegt
+Beim Satz der Beispiele
+zeigte sich, da\3 es notwendig ist, das Ausschlu\3schema abh"angig
+vom Charakter des Musikst"uckes und von der gew"unschten Zeilenl"ange
+Die schon in Kapitel 9 angedeutete Problematik, da\3
+innerhalb gr"o\3erer Nachbarschaften nicht umbrochen werden kann und
+der Ausschlu\3 an dieser Stelle nicht mehr variabel ist, wird am
+Beispiel von D. Byrd deutlich. Bei der gew"ahlten Zeilenl"ange
+und dem Ausschlu\3 |\small| steht f"ur die letzte Zeile nicht gen"ugend
+Satzmaterial zur Verf"ugung. Sie wird also nicht
+zufriedenstellend ausgeschlossen.
+W"ahlt man als Ausschlu\3 |\wide|, so wird das
+St"uck weiter ausgeschlossen und die dritte Zeile kann gef"ullt werden.
+Dabei wurde es jedoch notwendig, einen Takt in der Taktmitte zu teilen.
+Umgekehrt konnten f"ur das zweite Beispiel mit engem und
+universellem Ausschlu\3
+(|\hsmall| und |\universal|)
+gute Ergebnisse, jedoch beim lockeren Ausschlu\3
+(|\loose|) kein zufriedenstellendes Ergebnis erzielt werden.
+Dies ist u.a. auch darauf zur"uckzuf"uhren, da\3 beim lockeren Ausschlu\3
+die Takte sehr breit werden. Die Forderung, da\3 nur nach einem
+Taktstrich umbrochen werden darf, f"uhrt hier zus"atzlich noch
+zu einer "ubervollen Zeile.
+F"ur das dritte und vierte
+Beipiel wurde jeweils der universelle Ausschu\3 verwendet.
+%fuer die Beispiele \headings wieder zulassen!
+\def\headings{\par\hbox to \hsize{\hss\title@\hss}%
+ \hbox to \hsize {\poet@\hss\comp@}%
+ \def\comp@{\hbox{}}\def\poet@{\hbox{}}\def\title@{\hbox{}}}
+\catcode`@ = 12
+{\bf Beispiel 1 \rm (Ausschlu\3: Gomberg ``eng''(\verbatimon
+|\small|) und ``weit'' (|\wide|))\Parsep
+\let \baselines = \baselinesb
+\parindent 40pt
+\title{\bf String Quartett}%
+\composer{ Donald Byrd, 1968}%
+\voice{Violin 1}%
+\beginsong\vio\C\^n{moderato}{\vrule height 7\nhh width0pt \gluebrule}%
+\group{\\{\_v{\mezzopiano}{\v3\.1}}\\{\_v{{\it cant.}}{\h7\.1}}}
+\|\_v{{\it f}}{\a{17}}\pa\pa\pv\.1\=\endsong
+\parindent 0pt
+Die Eingabe zu diesem St"uck sieht wie folgt aus:
+%%% byrd%%%
+\ks{title}\{String Quartett\}
+\ks{composer}\{Donald Byrd, 1968\}\ks{voice}\{Violin 1\}\par
+{\ks{treble}}\ks{text}\{\ks{\os{ }c} moderato\}
+{\bf 1p\strich\ks{slur}\{4.`a\{\ks{\us v}\ks{mezzopiano}\}
+2.{`}{`}e\ks{text}\{\ks{\us v} cant\}\}}\strich \par
+{\ks{slur}}{\bf \{\ks{beam}\{8.{`}{`}f b.`h\} b4{`}{`}.d\}}
+\ks{slur}{\bf \{\ks{beam}\{8`a h {`}{`}c\}\}}\strich\par
+{\bf{\ks{slur}}\{4n.d x`.h\}\ks{slur}\{\ks{beam}\{8`a bh n{`}{`}c\}\}}
+{\bf{\ks{meter}}\{6\slash8\} 4.d
+\ks{slur}\{{`}{`}.a\strich \ks{meter}\{9/8\}
+{`}{`}.a\{\ks{\us v}\ks{crescendo}\}\}
+\ks{slur}\{.f {`}{`}{`}.d\}}\strich\par
+{\bf{\ks{slur}}\{\ks{beam}\{ b{`}{`}.h\}\}
+\ks{slur}\{4{`}{`}{`}.f 8f\}
+{\bf{\ks{slur}}\{b.e\{\ks{\us v}\ks{diminuendo}\}
+b.{`}{`}a .{`}{`}{`}c\}}\strich\par
+{\ks{tenuto}\bf.{`}{`}h \ks{noaccent} \ks{group}
+\{2.e \strich\ks{meter}\{6\slash 8\} .e\strich 4.e\}\par
+\ks{glsur}\{1-4,4-6\}\ks{slur}\{b.e\{\ks{\us v}\ks{piano}\}
+\strich\ks{meter}\{9\slash 8\} .a\}
+1p\strich \ks{meter}\{6\slash 8\}\ks{slur}
+\{\ks{beam}\{8f\{\ks{\us v}\ks{crescendo}\}bh {`}{`}{`}d\}\}
+4x .c}\strich\par
+{\bf{\ks{slur}}\{\ks{beam}\{{`}{`}6a bh n{`}{`}{`}c d\}\}
+\ks{slur}\{\ks{beam}\{6xd e xf xg\}\}}\strich\par
+{\bf 8a\{\ks{\us v}\ks{forte}\} p p 4.p \gleich !!}\Parsep\Parsep
+Verwendet man weiten Ausschlu\3 (|\wide|), so erh"alt man:
+\title{\bf String Quartett}%
+\composer{Donald Byrd, 1968}%
+\voice{Violin 1}%
+\beginsong\vio\C\^n{moderato}{\vrule height7\nhh width0pt\gluebrule}%
+\group{\\{\_v{\mezzopiano}{\v3\.1}}\\{\_v{{\it cant.}}{\h7\.1}}}
+\|\_v{{\it f}}{\a{17}}\pa\pa\pv\.1\=\endsong}
+\vfill \eject
+{\bf Beispiel 2 \rm (Ausschlu\3: Hader (\verbatimon
+|\hsmall|), Gomberg ``universell'' (|\universal|)) und
+ Gomberg ``locker'' (|\loose|)).}
+\hbox to \hsize{\hfill\bf Ausschlu\3: Hader (|\hsmall|)\hfill}
+\poet{\rm Allegro}\composer{Georg Friedrich H\"andel}
+\lbeam13\go\v5\.1\=% %
+Aus: Helmut M\"onkemeyer, Handleitung f"ur das Spiel der Blockfl\"ote,
+Teil I, Edition Moeck Nr. 2033, Moeck Verlag, Celle.
+\hbox to \hsize{\hfill\bf Ausschlu\3: Hader (|\universal|)\hfill}
+\poet{\rm Allegro}\composer{ Georg Friedrich H\"andel}%
+\lbeam13\go\v5\.1\=% %
+\advance \hsize+0.7cm
+\hbox to \hsize{\hfill\bf Ausschlu\3: Hader (|\loose|)\hfill}
+\poet{\rm Allegro}\composer{ Georg Friedrich H\"andel}%
+\lbeam13\go\v5\.1\=% %
+\advance \hsize-0.4cm
+{\bf Beispiel 3 \rm(zweistimmiger Satz in einem System)}
+\title{\vbox{\hbox to 0pt{\hss 6 Suiten f"ur Cello Solo\hss}
+ \hbox to 0pt{\hss Suite II Menuet I\hss}}}
+\poet{\vtop{\hbox to 0pt{F"ur Viola "ubertragen \hss}
+ \hbox to 0pt{von Franz Schmidtner\hss}}}
+\composer{Johann Sebastian Bach}
+\parindent 20pt
+\rchord \h5\h7\h9\endchord\v{10}\|%
+\ubeam14\uslur12\go}{\rchord \a4\a6\endchord}%
+{\a2}\|\rchord \h5\h7\h9\endchord\v{10}\|%
+Aus: Johann Sebastian Bach, Sechs Suiten, f"ur Viola bearbeitet von
+Franz Schmidtner, Musikverlag Hans Sikorski, Hamburg.
+F"ur dieses Musikst"uck lautet die Eingabe:
+%%%%% bach %%%%%%%
+{\bf !!}
+\ks{title}\{6 Suiten f"ur Cello Solo
+\bs{atop} Suite II Menuet I\}\par
+\ks{composer}\{Johann Sebastian Bach\}
+\ks{poet}\{F"ur Viola "ubertragen \bs{atop} von Franz Schmidtner\}\par
+\ks{alto}\ks{F}\ks{meter}\{{\bf3}\slash {\bf4}\}\ks{two}
+\par{\bf \{\ \ \ \ks{chord}\{2`d f a\} 4h\strich
+\ks{chord}\{'8c `e\}\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ 4a\strich
+\ks{chord}\{4,h `d\} g\ks{beam}\{8f e\}\strich
+,8a \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
+\ks{chord}\{`2d f a\} 4h\strich 8e
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+{`}{`}4c \strich\par
+\ks{chord}\{4`f a\}\ks{chord}\{,h `f {`}{`}d\}
+\ks{chord}\{,g `g {`}{`}e\}\strich
+\par\ks{chord}\{2.,a .`e .x{`}{`}c\}
+\par\ks{chord}\{2`a {`}{`}e\}\ks{slur}\{\ks{beam}\{8d 6e f\}\}\strich
+8`g\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
+2f \slash\ 4e\strich 8d \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\strich
+\ks{slur}\{4g f\}e\strich\par
+ 8f\slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+\ks{chord}\{4,h `e {`}{`}d\}\strich\ks{chord}\{4,a `f {`}{`}c\}
+\ks{beam}\{8`h a g a\}\strich\par \ks{beam}\{8f e f a g h\}\strich
+2xf 4p \strich b8e \slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+4xf \ks{tr}\strich\ks{chord}\{4,h `g {`}{`}d\}
+\ks{chord}\{4`c g {`}{`}c\} `d\slash\ \strich
+\par\ks{beam}\{\ks{chord}\{,8g `d {`}{`}c\} 8`h a h g h\}\strich
+4g p nf\strich 8xc \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ 4d\strich
+\par\ks{beam}\{8,g `g\} 4.,a 8p\strich \ \slash\
+\dpkt\strich\strich\ \ \}\par
+\{\ \ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8{`}h a\} h g\}\slash\ \strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{'8f e d\}xc ,nh a\}\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \strich\par\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8h a\}\ks{tenuto} h
+f \ks{noaccent}\ \slash\ \}\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
+\slash\ \dpkt\strich\strich\dpkt\par
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8{`}{`}e d xc e `a\}g\}\strich
+\ks{slur}\{`4a {`}{`}d\}xc\strich
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8{`}{`}g f e f d \}nc\}\strich\par
+`2h\slash\ {`}{`}4c\strich \ks{beam}\{8`a g a f\}\slash\ \strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\strich\par
+2`a \ks{tr} 4h\strich
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8g f\} g e\}\slash\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8h a\}\}\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich\par
+\ks{slur}\{{`}{`}4d `a\} {`}{`}d\strich
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8`g f\} g e\} 4f\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ 4.e \ks{tr} 8d\strich
+\ks{chord}\{2.,d .a `.d\}
+ \dpkt\strich\strich
+\ \ \} }{\bf!!}
+\advance \hsize-0.3cm
+{\bf Beispiel 4 \rm(Textunterlage)}
+\title{Lobe den Herren}
+\composer{Hugo Distler}
+\def\lv{{\leaders\hrule \hskip1cm plus 1fill}}
+\parindent 40pt
+\beginsong\vio\G\^r{{\rm Schnell}}{\vrule height 7\nhh width0pt%
+\_{\@{den}{ge - }}{\v6}\|%
+\_{\@{Her-}{lie - }}{\v4\.1}\_{\@{ren, }{be - }}{\a3}%
+\_l{\@{den}{te }}{\v2}\|%
+\_l{\@{m"ach - }{See - }}{\v1}\_{\@{ti - }{le, }}{\v0}%
+\_{\@{gen }{das }}{\v{-1}}\|%
+\_{\@{K"o - }{ist }}{\h0}%
+\group{\\{\_n{\@{nig \lv }{mein \lv }}{\v1}}\\{\|\meter2/4}\\{\v1}}
+{\\{1}\\{0}\\{1}}\lslur13\go\_{\@{der }{Be- }}{\v2}\|\meter4/4%
+\_{\@{Eh - }{geh - }}{\h3}\_{\@{ren!}{ren.}}{\h2}\rightrepeat\meter3/4%
+%Ende Wiederholung
+\_{Hauf!}{\h7\.1}\caesura\|\_l{Psal - }{\v4}\_{ter}{\a5}%
+\_l{und }{\a5}%
+\group{\\{\_n{Har\hskip40pt - \hskip40pt -\hskip 40pt - \hskip40pt
+\^{\piano}\_{auf, }{\h3}\group{\\{\_n{wacht}{\caesura\a4}}\\{\a2}}
+\meter4/4\_{Lob - }{\h2}\_{ge - }{\v3}\_{sang}{\v4}\|\meter7/4%
+\group{\\{\_n{h"o \hskip20pt - \hskip20pt - \hskip20pt
+- }{\h5}}\\{\v4\.1}\\{\a3}\\{\v2}\\{\h3}}
+\parindent=0pt \eightrm
+Aus: R. Baum,``Geselliges Chorbuch I'' B"arenreiter-Verlag, Kassel und
+\vskip1cm \rm Auch zu diesem St"uck sei die Eingabe aufgef"uhrt:
+%%%%%% distler%
+{\bf !!}\ks{title}\{Lobe den Herren\}
+\ks{composer}\{Hugo Distler\}
+\ks{text}\{\ks{\os{ }l} Schnell\}
+\ks{meter}\{{\bf3}\slash {\bf4}\}\ks{vocal}
+\par {\bf\{\ \ \
+4g\ks{mezzoforte} g {`}{`}d\strich `h. 8a 4g\strich f e d \strich 2e
+\ks{slur}\{4f\strich\ks{meter}\{2\slash 4\} f\} 4g\strich
+\par\ks{meter}\{4\slash 4\} 2a 2g\dpkt\strich\strich
+\ks{meter}\{3\slash 4\} 4{`}{`}d d d \strich 2.e 0p\strich
+\par `4h 8{`}{`}c c
+\ks{group}\{4d\strich 8d e d `h 4{`}{`}d\strich 8d e 4.d 8e\strich 4.d\}
+\ks{gslur}\{1-3, 1-13\}\par
+\ks{gbeam}\{3-6, 9-10\} 8c 4`h\strich 2a
+\ks{piano} 0p\ks{beam}\{8h g\}\strich\par 2a \ks{decr} 0p
+%ks{beam}\{8h g\}\strich\par 2a \ks{decr} 0p
+\ks{beam}\{8h \ks{text}\{{\rm zart}\}g\}\strich
+ {`}{`}2.d\ks{decr} 0p\strich
+\par `4d\ks{forte} .e 8f\strich \ks{meter}\{4\slash 4\} 2g 4a h\strich
+\ks{meter}\{7\slash 4\}\ks{slur}\{`{}`2c `4.h 8a 4g 2a\}\strich
+\ks{meter}\{3\slash 4\} 2.g \gleich\ \ \ \} }
+\{\ \ \ \{Lo-\bs{atop} Mei-\} \{be\bs{atop} ne\} \{den\bs{atop} ge-\}
+\{Her-\bs{atop} lie-\} \{ren,\bs{atop} be-\}\par
+ \{den \bs{atop} te\} \{m"ach-\bs{atop} See-\}
+ \{ti-\bs{atop} le,\} \{gen\bs{atop} das\} \par
+ \{K"o-\bs{atop} ist\}
+ \{nig--\bs{atop} mein--\} \slash\
+ \{der\bs{atop} Be-\} \{Eh-\bs{atop} geh-\}
+ \{ren!\bs{atop} ren.\}
+\par Kom- met zu Hauf! Psal- ter und Har-
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+fe, \par
+wacht auf, wacht \slash\ auf, wacht\ \slash\ auf, \par
+las- set
+den Lob- ge- sang h"o-
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+ren!\ \ \ \}{\bf!!}
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+\heading{Anhang B:\quad Das "Ubersetzungsprogramm}
+Die vorgestellte Noteneingabesprache wurde so angelegt, da\3 mit
+Hilfe eines "Uber\-setzungsprogramms die Daten, die
+f"ur die Erstellung der Ausgabe notwendig sind, erzeugt werden k"onnen.
+Um eine Vorstellung von der Form, in der diese Daten vorliegen m"ussen,
+zu vermitteln, wird hier ein kurzes Beispiel
+eingef"ugt. F"ur dieses Beispiel wird die Darstellung in
+der Noteneingabesprache und in Notenschrift ebenfalls angegeben.
+Zun"achst die Eingabe mit Hilfe der Noteneingabesprache:
+$$\hbox{\ks{group}{\bf \{b4.`a 8a g ba\} \ks{gslur}\{1-2\}
+Dies entspricht der anschlie\3enden Notation in Notenschrift:
+Um die obige Ausgabe zu erhalten, m"ussen die Daten folgende Form
+\vskip 3cm
+\noindent Die folgende (unvollst"andige) Programmliste gibt den Aufbau
+und die wesentlichen Einzelteile des "Ubersetzungsprogramms
+ \input mdoctrns.tex
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@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+\heading{Anhang C:\quad Darstellung der Syntax in \BNF}
+Anhang C enth"alt die vollst"andige Beschreibung der Syntax in
+\BNF. Die Nichtterminalzeichen sind alphabetisch aufgelistet,
+um das Aufsuchen bestimmter Nichtterminalsymbole zu erleichtern.
+Das Startsymbol $S$ der Grammatik ist \nl{music input}.
+\nm{accid} ::=& \nm{accidental} \nm{simple note} \T
+ \nm{octave} \nm{accidental}
+ \nm{simple note} \T\\
+ &\nm{accidental} \nm{octave} \nm{simple note}\\
+\nm{accidental} ::=& {\bf x} \T {\bf{xx}} \T {\bf{b}} \T {\bf{bb}} \T
+ {\bf{n}}\\
+\nm{articulation group} ::=&
+\bs{\bf stac} \nm{melody} \bs{\bf noaccent}\T
+\bs{\bf staccatissimo} \nm{melody} \bs{\bf noaccent}\T\\
+& \bs{\bf tenuto} \nm{melody} \bs{\bf noaccent}\\
+\nm{barline} ::=& \strich\ \T\ \strich\strich\ \T
+\ \gleich\ \T\ \strich\strich\dpkt\ \T
+ \ \dpkt\strich\strich\ \T
+ \ \dpkt\strich\strich\dpkt
+ \\
+\nm{begin} ::=& {\hbox{\bf!!}} \T \bs{\bf beginsong}\\
+\nm{block} ::=& \nm{melody} \T \nm{two} \T \nm{vocal}\\
+\nm{caesura} ::=& {\bf 0p}\\
+\nm{change} ::=& \nm{clef} \T \nm{signature} \T \nm{metre} \T \nm{change}
+ \nm{change}\\
+\nm{chord} ::=& \bs{\bf chord}\lk%
+ \nm{several notes}\rk \T \nm{chord} \nm{chord}\\
+\nm{clef} ::=& \bs{\bf treble} \T \bs{\bf bass} \T \bs{\bf baritone} \T
+ \bs{\bf alto} \T \bs{\bf mezzo} \T \bs{\bf soprano} \T
+ \bs{\bf tenor} \\
+\nm{digit} ::=& {\bf 0} \T {\bf 1} \T
+ {\bf 2} \T {\bf 3} \T {\bf 4} \T {\bf 5} \T {\bf 6} \T {\bf 7}
+ \T {\bf 8} \T {\bf 9}\\
+\nm{dot} ::=& {\hbox{\bf.}}\\
+\nm{duration} ::=& {\bf 1} \T
+ {\bf 2} \T {\bf 4} \T {\bf 8} \T {\bf 6} \T {\bf 3} \T {\bf 5}
+ \T {\bf 7} \\
+\nm{end} ::=& {\hbox{\bf!!}} \T \bs{\bf endsong}\\
+\nm{explanation} ::=& \bs{\bf text}\lk\nm{text}\rk \T
+ \bs{\bf text}\lk\nm{place} \nm{text}\rk \T\\
+ &\nm{recital} \T
+ \lk\nm{place} \nm{recital}\rk\\
+\nm{group} ::=& \nm{simple nested group} \T
+ \nm{mismatched group} \T\\
+ &\nm{articulation group} \T \nm{group} \nm{group}
+ \\
+\nm{heading} ::=& \bs{\bf title}\lk\nm{text}\rk \T
+ \bs{\bf poet}\lk\nm{text}\rk \T
+ \bs{\bf composer}\lk\nm{text}\rk\\
+\nm{letter} ::=& {\bf a} \T
+ {\bf b} \T {\bf c} \T {\bf d} \T {\bf e} \T {\bf f} \T {\bf g}
+ \T {\bf h} \T {\bf i} \T {\bf j} \T {\bf k} \T {\bf l}
+ \T {\bf m} \T {\bf n} \T {\bf o} \T {\bf p} \T {\bf q} \T {\bf r}
+ \T {\bf s} \T {\bf t} \T {\bf u} \T {\bf v} \T {\bf w} \T {\bf x}
+ \T {\bf y} \T {\bf z} \T \\
+ &{\bf A} \T {\bf B} \T {\bf C} \T {\bf D}
+ \T {\bf E} \T {\bf F} \T {\bf G} \T {\bf H} \T {\bf I} \T {\bf J}
+ \T {\bf K} \T {\bf L} \T {\bf M} \T {\bf N} \T {\bf O} \T {\bf P}
+ \T {\bf Q} \T {\bf R} \T {\bf S} \T {\bf T} \T {\bf U} \T {\bf V}
+ \T {\bf W} \T {\bf X} \T {\bf Y} \T {\bf Z}\\
+\nm{melody} ::=& \nm{primitives} \T \nm{group} \T \nm{change} \T
+ \nm{explanation}\\
+\nm{metre} ::=& \bs{\bf meter} \lk\nm{number} \slash \nm{number}\rk \T
+ \bs{\bf allabreve}
+ \T \bs{\bf hC} \T \bs{\bf dC}\\
+\nm{mismatched group} ::=& \bs{\bf group}\lk\nm{primitives}\rk
+ \nm{special group} \T\\
+ &\bs{\bf group}\lk%
+ \nm{chord}\rk \nm{special group}\\
+\nm{music input} ::=& \nm{begin} \nm{piece} \nm{end}
+\nm{nested group} ::=& \nm{primitives} \T \nm{explanation} \T
+\nm{change} \T\\
+&\nm{simple nested group} \T \nm{articulation group} \T\\
+ &\nm{nested group} \nm{nested group}
+\nm{note} ::=& \nm{simple note} \T
+ \nm{note specification} \nm{simple note}
+\nm{note specification} ::=& \nm{octave} \T \nm{accidental} \T
+ \nm{duration} \T \nm{punctuation} \T\\
+ &\nm{note specification} \nm{note specification}\\
+\nm{number} ::=& \nm{digit} \T \nm{digit} \nm{number}\\
+\nm{octave} ::=& {\hbox{\bf,}} \T {\hbox{\bf{,,}}} \T
+ {\hbox{\bf{,,,}}} \T {\hbox{\bf `}}
+ \T {\hbox{\bf{`}{`}}} \T
+ {\hbox{\bf{{`}{`}{`}}}} \T {\hbox{\bf{{`}{`}{`}{`}}}}\\
+\nm{omission} ::=& \slash\\
+\nm{piece} ::=& \nm{several system} \T
+ \nm{system} \T \nm{heading} \nm{piece}\\
+\nm{place} ::=& \bs{\bf\us}\T
+\bs{\bf\us l} \T \bs{\bf\us c} \T \bs{\bf\us r} \T
+\bs{\bf\us n} \T \bs{\bf\us v} \T \bs{\hbox{\bf\os\ }} \T
+\bs{\hbox{\bf\os\ l}} \T
+ \bs{\hbox{\bf\os\ c}} \T \bs{\hbox{\bf\os\ r}} \T
+ \bs{\hbox{\bf\os\ n}} \\
+\nm{preliminary data} ::=& \nm{voice} \T \nm{clef} \T \nm{signature} \T
+ \nm{metre} \T
+ \nm{explanation} \T\\
+ &\nm{preliminary data} \nm{preliminary data}\\
+\nm{primitives} ::=& \nm{note} \T
+ \nm{rest} \T \nm{caesura} \T \nm{barline}
+ \T \nm{primitives} \nm{primitives}\\
+\nm{punctuation} ::=& \nm{dot} \T \nm{dot} \nm{punctuation} \\
+\nm{recital} ::=&
+\bs{\bf dacapo} \T \bs{\bf dalsegno} \T
+ \bs{\bf unisono} \T \bs{\bf cantusfirmus} \T
+ \bs{\bf crescendo} \T\\
+& \bs{\bf decrescendo} \T \bs{\bf diminuendo} \T
+ \bs{\bf forte} \T
+ \bs{\bf fortissimo} \T\\
+& \bs{\bf fortissimoposs} \T \bs{\bf mezzoforte} \T
+ \bs{\bf mezzopiano} \T
+ \bs{\bf piano} \T\\
+& \bs{\bf pianissimo} \T
+ \bs{\bf pianissimoposs} \T
+ \bs{\bf fortepiano} \T
+ \bs{\bf forzato} \T\\
+& \bs{\bf rinforzando} \T \bs{\bf sforzato} \T
+ \bs{\bf sforz} \T
+ \bs{\bf decr} \T \bs{\bf rallentando} \T\\
+& \bs{\bf ritardando} \T \bs{\bf ritenuto} \T
+ \bs{\bf tr} \T \bs{\bf staccato} \T
+\bs{\bf fine} \T
+ \bs{\bf tacet} \\
+\nm{rest} ::=& \nm{rest specification} {\bf p} \T {\bf{p}} \\
+\nm{rest specification} ::=& \nm{duration} \T
+ \nm{punctuation} \T \nm{rest specification}
+ \nm{rest specification}\\
+\nm{several accid} ::=& \nm{accid} \T \nm{accid} \nm{several accid}\\
+\nm{several notes} ::=& \nm{note} \T \nm{note} \nm{several notes}\\
+\nm{several system} ::=& \bs{\bf system}
+ \lk\nm{system}\rk \T\\
+ &\bs{\bf system} \lk\nm{system}\rk
+ \nm{several system}
+\nm{sign} ::=&
+ \bs{\bf C} \T \bs{\bf G} \T \bs{\bf D} \T \bs{\bf A} \T \bs{\bf E}
+ \T \bs{\bf H} \T \bs{\bf Fis} \T
+ \bs{\bf Cis} \T\\
+ &\bs{\bf a} \T \bs{\bf e} \T
+ \bs{\bf h} \T \bs{\bf fis} \T
+ \bs{\bf cis} \T \bs{\bf gis} \T \bs{\bf dis} \T
+ \bs{\bf ais} \T\\
+ &\bs{\bf Ces} \T
+ \bs{\bf Ges} \T \bs{\bf Des} \T \bs{\bf As} \T
+ \bs{\bf Es} \T \bs{\bf B} \T
+ \bs{\bf F} \T\\
+ &\bs{\bf as} \T \bs{\bf es} \T
+ \bs{\bf b} \T \bs{\bf f} \T
+ \bs{\bf c} \T \bs{\bf g} \T \bs{\bf d}
+\nm{signature} ::=& \bs{\bf signature}\lk\nm{several accid}\rk \T
+ \nm{sign}\\
+\nm{sign number} ::=& \nm{number} {\hbox{\bf-}} \nm{number} \T
+ \nm{sign number} {\bf,} \nm{number} {\hbox{\bf-}} \nm{number}
+\nm{simple nested group} ::=& \bs{\bf beam}\lk%
+ \nm{nested group}\rk \T
+ \bs{\bf slur}\lk\nm{nested group}\rk \T\\
+ &\bs{\bf cresc}\lk\nm{nested group}\rk \T
+ \bs{\bf descresc}\lk\nm{nested group}\rk\\
+ &\bs{\bf chord}\lk\nm{several notes}\rk\\
+\nm{simple note} ::=& {\bf c} \T {\bf d} \T {\bf e} \T {\bf f}
+ \T {\bf g} \T {\bf a} \T {\bf h} \\
+\nm{songtext} ::=& \nm{text} \T
+ \nm{place}\nm{text} \T
+ \nm{omission} \T
+ \nm{songtext} \nm{songtext}\\
+\nm{special character} ::=&\ {\hbox{\bf,}}\ \T\ {\hbox{\bf;}}\ \T
+ \ {\hbox{\bf.}}\ \T \ {\hbox{\bf!}}\ \T \ \blank\ \T
+ \ {\hbox{\bf?}}\ \T\ {\hbox{\bf*}}\ \T\ {\hbox{\bf+}}\ \T
+ \ {\hbox{\bf-}}\ \T \ {\hbox{\bf`}}\ \T
+ \ {\hbox{\bf'}}\ \T\ \bs\ \T\ {\hbox{\bf\~\ }}\\
+\nm{special group} ::=& \bs{\bf gslur}\lk\nm{sign number}\rk \T
+ \bs{\bf gbeam}\lk\nm{sign number}\rk \T\\
+ &\bs{\bf gcresc}\lk\nm{sign number}\rk \T
+ \bs{\bf gdecresc}\lk\nm{sign number}\rk \T\\
+ &\nm{special group}\nm{special group}\\
+\nm{system} ::=& \nm{block} \T \nm{preliminary data} \nm{block}\\
+\nm{text} ::=& \nm{word} \T \nm{special character} \T
+ \nm{text} \nm{text}\\
+\nm{two} ::=& \bs{\bf two}\lk\nm{melody}\rk \lk%
+ \nm{melody}\rk\\
+\nm{vocal} ::=& \bs{\bf vocal}\lk\nm{melody}\rk \lk%
+ \nm{songtext}\rk \T
+\bs{\bf vocal}\lk\nm{two}\rk \lk%
+ \nm{songtext}\rk\\
+\nm{voice} ::=& \bs{\bf voice}\lk\nm{text}\rk\\
+\nm{word} ::=& \nm{letter} \T \nm{digit} \T \nm{letter} \nm{word} \T
+ \nm{digit} \nm{word}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdocanhd.tex b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdocanhd.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..982b15e07b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdocanhd.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+\def\akkzent#1{{\accent'175 #1}}
+\def\Oct#1{\hbox{\rm\'{}\kern-.2em\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % octal constant
+\def\Hex#1{\hbox{\rm\akkzent{}\tt#1}} % hexadecimal constant
+\def\absatz{\par\penalty-50\vskip7.5pt plus4.5pt minus6pt\noindent}
+\heading {Anhang D:\quad Zeichens"atze}
+Eine zus"atzliche
+Aufgabe, die sich bei der Automatisierung des Notensatzes
+ergibt, ist die Erstellung von besonderen
+Zeichens"atzen, denn in der Regel enthalten
+die vorhandenen Zeichens"atze keine Notenschriftzeichen.
+Obwohl sie nicht f"ur
+die Noteneingabe, sondern f"ur die Ausgabe von Musik von Bedeutung
+ist, soll hier kurz auf die erstellten Zeichens"atze eingegangen
+werden. Diese werden dann in der Arbeit von A. Steinbach
+\lit{\Steinb} benutzt.
+Wie in der Einleitung schon gesagt wurde, wird zur Erstellung der
+Zeichen das zu \TeX\ geh"orende Programm \mf\ verwandt.
+Dieses soll im folgenden kurz erl"autert werden.
+\subheading{Methode zur Erstellung von Zeichens"atzen}
+Die f"ur den Notensatz notwendigen Zeichens"atze werden mit dem
+von D. E. Knuth entwickelten Programm \mf\ erzeugt \lit{\Knuthmf}.
+Dieses Programm bietet sich an, weil zur Darstellung eines Zeichens
+im Gegensatz zu anderen Methoden relativ wenig Daten erforderlich sind.
+Au\3erdem ist es an das f"ur die Automatisierung des Notensatzes
+benutzte Textsatzsystem \TeX\ angepa\3t.
+\mf\ erh"alt als Eingabe eine mathematische Beschreibung der Zeichen.
+Diese besteht im wesentlichen aus der Angabe von Kontrollpunkten
+und Anweisungen, wie diese zu verbinden sind.
+Die Punkte werden durch ihre
+Koordinaten, die Verbindungsvorschriften durch Winkel und Steigungen
+beschrieben. \mf\ zieht daraufhin mit verschiedenen Stiften,
+deren Form ebenfalls gew"ahlt werden kann, laut Anweisung
+Kurven durch die Kontrollpunkte. Dazu werden Splines verwendet.
+Ein Vorteil, der bei der Erstellung der Zeichen f"ur den
+Notensatz oft ausgenutzt wird, ist, da\3 mehrmals auftretende Kurven
+definiert und mit Hilfe einer Kontrollsequenz
+an den entsprechenden Stellen
+eingesetzt werden k"onnen.
+\mf\ erzeugt die Zeichen in der vom Benutzer gew"unschten
+ger"atespezifischen Aufl"osung.
+Eine ausf"uhrliche Beschreibung von \mf\
+steht in dem Buch ``The \mf--book'' von D. E. Knuth \lit{\Knuthmf}.
+Nach dieser kurzen Erkl"arung der Arbeitsweise des Programms
+\mf\ sollen nun die f"ur den automatisierten Notensatz notwendigen
+Zeichens"atze vorgestellt werden.
+\subheading{Zeichens"atze f"ur den Notensatz}
+In den folgenden Tabellen 1 bis 7 werden die erzeugten Zeichens"atze
+(Fonts) gezeigt. Jedes Zeichen (Character) eines Fonts kann "uber
+seinen zugeordneten Charactercode angesprochen werden.
+Die Tabellen sind so aufgebaut, da\3 die
+Codes k"onnen am Tabellenrand sowohl in oktaler
+(\Oct{000} -- \Oct{177}) als auch in hexadezimaler
+(\Hex{00} -- \Hex{7F}) Notation abgelesen werden.
+So hat zum Beispiel das Aufl"osungszeichen
+(\font\music= music16 {\music \char'066\ }) den Oktalcode
+\Oct{066} und den Hexadezimalcode \Hex{36}, der kleine
+Violinschl"ussel dagegen den Code \Oct{118} bzw. \Hex{48}.
+Die bisher erstellten und verwendeten Zeichens"atze haben ein
+Schriftgr"o\3e von 16pt, dies entspricht der H"ohe eines
+Notenliniensystems (Rastralh"ohe). Sie sind also f"ur
+Noten, die eine Notenkopfh"ohe |\nhh| = 4pt besitzen, ausgelegt.
+Der Name
+links in der Tabelle bezeichnet den jeweiligen Zeichensatz.
+Die erste Tabelle enth"alt die Notenschriftelemente wie Notenk"opfe,
+F"ahnchen, Versetzungszeichen, Pausen, Notenschl"ussel und Sonderzeichen,
+zum Beispiel f"ur Taktangaben.
+Dieser Zeichensatz ist noch durch Hinzunahme weiterer Sonderzeichen
+Tabelle 2 zeigt den Zeichensatz, der f"ur den Satz der Balken
+notwendig ist. Die Balken unterscheiden
+sich in der L"ange und der Steigung
+voneinander. Allerdings k"onnen nicht alle Balken beliebiger L"ange
+in den Zeichens"atzen aufgef"uhrt werden, da diese sonst zu
+umfangreich werden w"urden. Aus diesem Grund werden die
+aus Teilst"ucken zusammengesetzt. F"ur die Steigungen sind
+charakteristische Balkensteigungen ausgew"ahlt worden (\lit{\Steinb},
+Kap.11). Eine Zeile der Tabelle enth"alt die zu einer festen
+Balkensteigung geh"orenden Teilst"ucke. Die L"ange
+dieser Teilst"ucke wird dabei von einer Spalte zur andern verdoppelt.
+In einer Spalte stehen die Teilst"ucke, deren Anfangs-- und
+Endpunkte jeweils die gleichen Abzissenwerte haben. Der Code eines
+Balkenst"ucks kann demnach mit einer einfachen Gleichung
+aus seiner L"ange und Steigung
+berechnet werden.
+Der dritte Zeichensatz (Tabelle 3) enth"alt die ungeteilten Haltebogen,
+die Crescendo-- und Decrescendozeichen und Bogenst"ucke, aus
+denen Bogen zusammengesetzt werden k"onnen. Die Bogenst"ucke
+sind zeilenweise mit wachsender Steigung angeordnet, w"ahrend die
+anderen Zeichen dieses Zeichensatzes der L"ange nach geordnet sind.
+Der Auswahl der L"angen und Steigungen liegen die Berechnungen
+aus \lit{\Steinb}, Kap.11 zugrunde. Dies gilt auch f"ur die
+n"achsten Zeichens"atze.
+Die restlichen vier Tabellen zeigen die Zeichens"atze f"ur
+Bogen. Tabelle 4 und 5 enthalten die konvexen Bogen, Tabelle 6 und
+7 die konkaven Bogen. Die konvexen Bogen werden oberhalb
+einer Notenzeile gezogen, w"ahrend die konkaven Bogen
+unterhalb einer Notenzeile gezeichnet werden.
+Die beiden Zeichens"atze, die zu einer Bogenart geh"oren, unterscheiden
+sich in der Sekantensteigung. In Tabelle 4 und 6 sind die Bogen
+mit positiver, in Tabelle 5 und 7 mit negativer Sekantensteigung
+Die Bogen innerhalb eines Zeichensatzes sind wiederum so angelegt, da\3
+der Charactercode eines Bogens wieder
+aus der
+L"ange und Steigung berechnet werden kann.
+Dabei wurden jedoch die Bogen spaltenweise mit wachsender Steigung
+angeordnet, wobei jede Spalte Bogen von zwei verschiedenen L"angen
+enth"alt. Eine Ausnahme bildet die erste Spalte. Dort wurden
+alle zum Satz erforderlichen Bogen der L"angen 1 |\nhw|, 2 |\nhw|
+und 3 |\nhw| angeordnet.
+Im Anschlu\3 an diese Beschreibung folgen die einzelnen
+Zeichens"atze (Tabellen 1 bis 7). Das \mf-Programm, mit dem
+die Zeichens"atze generiert werden k"onnen,
+ist in der vorliegenden Arbeit
+weggelassen worden und kann gesondert angefordert werden.
+% macros for font tables
+% aus dem \tex book von Donald E. Knuth
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip}
+ \multispan{19}\hrulefill&
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\lower 2.3pt\hbox{\Hex{#1x}}}\smash{\box0}\cr
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip}}
+\def\chartstrut{\lower4.5pt\vbox to14pt{}}
+\def\beginchart#1{$$\global\counter=0 #1
+ \halign to\hsize\bgroup
+ \chartstrut##\tabskip0pt plus10pt&
+ &\hfil##\hfil&\vrule##\cr
+ \lower6.5pt\null
+ &{\it\fontname\ }
+\def\endchart{\raise11.5pt\null&&&\Hex 8&&\Hex 9&&\Hex A&&\Hex B&
+ &\Hex C&&\Hex D&&\Hex E&&\Hex F&\cr\egroup$$}
+ \ifdim\ht0>7.5pt \dimen1=\ht0 \advance \dimen1 by 2pt \ht0=\dimen1 \fi
+ \ifdim\dp0>2.5pt \dimen1=\dp0 \advance \dimen1 by 2pt \dp0=\dimen1 \fi
+ \setbox0=\hbox{%
+ \vrule depth \dp0 width 0pt \box0}\box0\global\advance\counter by1 }
+ &\Oct{00x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\oddline0
+ &\Oct{01x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&\evenline
+ &\Oct{02x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\oddline1
+ &\Oct{03x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&\evenline
+ &\Oct{04x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\oddline2
+ &\Oct{05x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&\evenline
+ &\Oct{06x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\oddline3
+ &\Oct{07x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&\evenline
+ &\Oct{10x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\oddline4
+ &\Oct{11x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&\evenline
+ &\Oct{12x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\oddline5
+ &\Oct{13x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&\evenline
+ &\Oct{14x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\oddline6
+ &\Oct{15x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&\evenline
+ &\Oct{16x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\oddline7
+ &\Oct{17x}&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&&\:&\evenline}
+\def\table #1 {{\offinterlineskip
+\centerline{\bf Tabelle 1}
+\centerline{\bf Tabelle 2}
+\advance\hsize by 4cm\advance \hoffset by -2cm
+\centerline{\bf Tabelle 3}
+\centerline{\bf Tabelle 4}
+\centerline{\bf Tabelle 5}
+\centerline{\bf Tabelle 6}
+\centerline{\bf Tabelle 7}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdocdef.tex b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdocdef.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8d82101e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdocdef.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+% this is MDOCDEF.TEX
+\advance\hoffset by 0.5cm
+\parindent 0pt
+%\font\ninerm=cmr9 %not on Atari
+\font\eightrm=cmr7 %only on Atari
+\font\tensl=cmr10 %only on Atari
+%\font\hugem=cmbx10 scaled 2000 %not on Atari
+\font\hugem=cmbx10 scaled 1440
+\newskip \iindent \iindent=30pt
+\def\tex#1{{\it #1\/}}
+\def\disp#1{{\sl #1\/}}
+\def\defi#1{{\bf #1}}
+\def\definition{\Parsep\hang\hangafter 1
+\noindent{\bf Definition:}\hskip1em\relax}
+\def\Beispiel{\goodbreak\Parsep\hang\hangafter 1
+\noindent{\bf Beispiel:}\hskip1em\relax}
+\def\Bemerkung{\Parsep\hang\hangafter 1
+\noindent{\bf Bemerkung:}\hskip1em\relax}
+\def\pt{\ifmmode\,{\rm pt}\else pt\fi}%nur f"ur mathmode
+\def\<#1>{\leavevmode\hbox{$\langle$#1\/$\rangle$}} % syntactic quantity
+\def\fil{\ifmmode\,{\rm fil}\else fil\fi}%nur f"ur mathmode
+\def\fill{\ifmmode\,{\rm fill}\else fill\fi}%nur f"ur mathmode
+\def\filll{\ifmmode\,{\rm filll}\else filll\fi}%nur f"ur mathmode
+\def\tbox{{\hbox{\rm `box'}}}
+\def\tglue{{\hbox{\rm `glue'}}}
+\def\tkern{{\hbox{\rm `kern'}}}
+\def\tpenalty{{\hbox{\rm `penalty'}}}
+\def\folgi#1#2#3{\ifmmode ({#1}_{#2})_{{#2}=1,\ldots,{#3}}
+\else \hbox{$({#1}_{#2})_{{#2}=1,\ldots,{#3}}$}\fi}
+\def\bull{\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex } % square bullet
+% macros for non-centered displays
+\def\genzmeier{3}%lehrbuch f"ur textsatz
+\def\genzmer{3}%lehrbuch f"ur textsatz
+% \box\bigdot is a null box with a bullet at its reference point
+\newbox\bigdot \newbox\smalldot
+\setbox0=\hbox{$\vcenter{}$} % \ht0 is the axis height
+\setbox1=\hbox to0pt{$\hss\bullet\hss$} % bullet is centered on the axis
+\setbox\bigdot=\vbox to0pt{\kern-\ht1 \kern\ht0 \box1 \vss}
+\setbox1=\hbox to0pt{$\hss\cdot\hss$} % cdot is centered on the axis
+\setbox\smalldot=\vbox to0pt{\kern-\ht1 \kern\ht0 \box1 \vss}
+% \samplebox makes the outline of a box, with big dot at reference point
+\def\samplebox#1#2#3#4{% #1=ht, #2=dp, #3=wd, #4=text
+ {\setbox0=\vtop{\vbox to #1{\hbox to #3{}\vss}
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \vbox to #2{}}% now \box0 has the desired ht, dp, and wd
+ \hbox{\copy\bigdot
+ \vrule height.2pt depth.2pt width#3%
+ \kern-#3%
+ \makelightbox
+ \kern-#3%
+ \raise#1\vbox{\hbox to #3{\hss#4\hss}
+ \kern 3pt}}}}
+\def\heading#1{\advance\chap1 \sub=0\subsub=0\subsubsub=0
+\headline={\ifnum\count2=\pageno \hfill
+\else \ifodd\pageno\hss\eightrm\ifnum\chap<1\else\ifnum\chap<14
+\the\chap. \else\fi\fi#1\hss{\tenrm\folio}
+\the\chap. \else\fi\fi#1\hss
+\else \headline={\hfill}\fi
+\medskip{\bf #1.%\lineoutiv{#1}
+\def\mf{{\rm METAFONT}}
+\immediate\openout\refs = xrefs.tex
+\immediate\openout\inhalt = inhalt.tex
+\the\subsubsub : #1 = \the\pageno}}
+\ #1 }}
+&\noexpand\rm \noexpand#1 &\the\pageno\cr}}
+\the\chap &\noexpand\bf \noexpand#1 &\the\pageno\cr\cr}}
+\def\XX{\immediate\write\refs{\the\pageno : \the\chap.\the\sub.%
+% Macros for drawing figures
+\def\hidehrule#1#2{\kern-#1\hrule height#1 depth#2 \kern-#2 }
+ \advance\dimen0 by#2\vrule width\dimen0}\kern-#2 }
+% \makeblankbox puts rules at the edges of a blank box
+% whose dimensions are those of \box0 (assuming nonnegative wd,ht,dp)
+% #1 is rule thickness outside, #2 is rule thickness inside
+ \kern-#1% overlap the rules at the corners
+ \hbox to\wd0{\hidevrule{#1}{#2}%
+ \raise\ht0\vbox to #1{}% set the vrule height
+ \lower\dp0\vtop to #1{}% set the vrule depth
+ \hfil\hidevrule{#2}{#1}}%
+ \kern-#1\hidehrule{#2}{#1}}}}
+% \arrows makes things like <--- text --->
+\def\arrows#1#2{% #1=width, #2=text
+ {\setbox0=\hbox{$\mkern-2mu\mathord-\mkern-2mu$}
+ \hbox to #1{\kern-.055556em$\leftarrow\mkern-6mu$%
+ \cleaders\copy0\hfil
+ \kern.4em #2\kern.4em
+ \cleaders\copy0\hfil
+ $\mkern-6mu\rightarrow$\kern-.055556em}}}
+\def\gleich{\hbox{\strut\vrule\kern2pt\vrule width2pt} }
+\def\lrepeat{\hbox{\strut\vrule width2pt\kern2pt\vrule\kern2pt: }}
+\def\rrepeat{\hbox{\strut\ :\kern2pt\vrule \kern2pt\vrule width2pt }}
+\def\lrrepeat{\hbox{\strut\ :\kern2pt\vrule \kern2pt%
+ \vrule width2pt \kern2pt\vrule\kern2pt: }}
+\def\ball#1{\noindent\hbox to 15pt{\hss\hbox to 0pt{\hss$\bigcirc$\hss}%
+\hbox to0pt{\hss#1\hss}\hss}}
+\outer\def\Refs{\relaxnext@\def\refskip@{\hskip\@ne sp\hskip\m@ne sp}%
+ \def\next@{\ifx\next\nofrills\def\next@\nofrills{\nextii@}\else
+ \def\next@{\nextii@{}}\fi\next@}%
+ \def\nextii@##1{\bigbreak\hbox to\hsize{\hfil\tenpoint
+ \smc\ignorespaces##1\unskip\hfil}\nobreak
+ \bigskip\sfcode`.=\@m}%
+ \futurelet\next\next@\openup\jot}
+\newskip \iindent \iindent=30pt
+% Definitionen f"ur Literatur %%%%%
+%% Additional macros (SFB72)
+\def\rz{\ifmmode I\hskip-0.4em R\else$I\hskip-0.4em R$\fi}
+\def\nz{\ifmmode{I\hskip -3pt N}\else{\hbox{$I\hskip -3pt N$}}\fi}
+\def\gz{\ifmmode{Z\hskip -4.8pt Z}\else{\hbox{$Z\hskip -4.8pt Z$}}\fi}
+\def\qz{\ifmmode{Q\hskip-5.0pt\vrule height6.0pt depth 0pt\hskip6pt}
+ \else{\hbox{$Q\hskip-5.0pt\vrule height6.0pt depth 0pt\hskip6pt$}}\fi}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdocdef2.tex b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdocdef2.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1652bc6e8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdocdef2.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+% Definitionen nur fuer MDOC1,2,3 + ANHB !!!
+\def\SZ{Seiten-- und Zeilenumbruch}
+\def\abschnitt{\par\penalty-100\vskip15pt plus7.5pt minus10pt\noindent}
+\def\absatz{\par\penalty-50\vskip7.5pt plus4.5pt minus6pt\noindent}
+\def\zB{zum Beispiel }
+\def\dh{das hei\3t }
+\def\lit#1{\lbrack {#1}\rbrack}
+\def\de#1{{\sl #1}}
+\def\ks#1{\noindent\hbox{{\tt \char\hex5C}\bf#1}}
+%\def\ks#1{\bs{\bf#1}} %definition f"ur Kontrollsequenzen
+ {\Setminus}}}
+\def\bs{\noindent\hbox{{\tt \char\hex5C}}}%Backslash
+\def\nl#1{{$\langle${\rm #1}$\rangle$}} %Klammerung f"ur BNF im Text
+\def\nls#1{{$\langle${\eightrm #1}$\rangle$}}
+%Klammerung f"ur BNF im Text eightrm
+\def\nm#1{{\langle{\hbox{\rm#1}}\rangle}}% " " "in Math
+\def\T{{$|$}} %definiert den Trennungsstrich f"ur die BNF
+\def\lk{\hbox{{\tt\char\hex7B}}}%linke Klammer auf
+\def\rk{{\hbox{\tt \char\hex7D}}}%rechte
+\def\strich{{\hbox{\tt \char\hex7C}}}
+\def\dpkt{{\hbox{\tt \char\hex3A}}}%Doppelpunkt
+\def\gleich{{\hbox{\tt \char\hex3D}}}%
+\def\slash{\noindent{\hbox{\tt \char\hex2F}}}
+\def\blank{{\hbox{\tt \char\hex20}}}
+\def\bss{\hbox{{\eighttt \char\hex5C}}}%kleiner backslash
+\def\lks{\hbox{{\eighttt\char\hex7B}}}%kleine linke Klammer
+\def\rks{{\hbox{\eighttt \char\hex7D}}}%rechts
+\def\blanks{{\hbox{\eighttt \char\hex20}}}%kleines blank
+ #1\unskip.\enspace}\ignorespaces}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoceinl.tex b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoceinl.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f36cd336e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdoceinl.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+\defi{Notensatz} kann als Herstellungsproze\3 einer
+reproduktionsf"ahigen Vorlage zum Druck eines Notenblattes definiert
+Wurde urspr"unglich dieser Begriff nur f"ur das Herstellungsverfahren mit
+Metall-Lettern verwendet, so bezeichnet er heute allgemein das
+Positionieren der einzelnen Notenschriftzeichen unabh"angig vom dazu
+verwendeten Verfahren.
+Bis heute ist es noch "ublich, die Druckvorlagen f"ur den Notensatz
+manuell herzustellen. Es wurde bisher noch kein zufriedenstellendes
+Verfahren gefunden, das die langwierigen Techniken des Handnotensatzes
+durch Satzmaschinen abl"osen k"onnte.
+\subsubsubheading{Geschichtliche Entwicklung des Handnotensatzes im
+ Mit der Erfindung des Buchdruckes mit beweglichen Lettern
+ durch Johannes Gutenberg um das Jahr 1440
+begannen fast gleichzeitig die ersten Versuche,
+neben Texten auch Musiknoten zu setzen.
+Die Notenzeichen
+wurden in Holz geschnitten, sp"ater mit Holz- und Metall-Lettern
+Gleichzeitig entwickelte sich das konkurrierende Verfahren des
+Stichs in Kupfer-, Zinn- und Zinkplatten:
+in die hochgl"anzende Metallplatte erfolgt nach einer
+"Ubersichtseinteilung und Rastrieren der Notenlinien das Einschlagen
+der Typen (Notenk"opfe, Zeichen und Buchstaben) mit Hilfe von
+Stahlstempeln und anschlie\3end das eigentliche ``Stechen'' der
+Taktstriche, Stiele (Notenh"alse), Kopfstriche, Balken, Crescendozeichen
+und Bogen.
+Im Laufe der Jahrhunderte wurden viele Versuche unternommen, das
+aufwendige und komplizierte Verfahren zur Herstellung einer Druckvorlage
+zu vereinfachen.
+Im Jahr 1755 f"uhrte J. G. Immanuel Breitkopf den Typendruck zu einer
+praktikablen und technisch ausgereiften L"osung, die bis heute
+unver"andert angewandt wird. Dieses Verfahren eignet sich jedoch nur
+f"ur kleinere Notenbeispiele, die in laufenden Text eingegliedert werden
+(z.B. in Schulliederb"uchern), da die Zahl der Lettern selbst f"ur kurze
+einzeilige St"ucke sehr gro\3 ist.
+Als einziges Verfahren neben dem Plattenstich, das universell anwendbar
+ist, hat sich das Autographie-Lichtpause-Verfahren, die sogannte
+\disp{Autographie}, erwiesen. Dieses Verfahren kommt dem Versuch
+gleich, die Lettern des Buchdruckes \disp{handschriftlich} nachzuahmen,
+denn die Noten werden von Hand auf Pauspapier geschrieben und auf
+lichtempfindlich gemachte Offset-Druckplatten kopiert. Die Autographie
+ist weniger zeitaufwendig aber qualitativ minderwertiger als der
+\subsubsubheading{Entwicklung des automatisierten Notensatzes}
+Der Grund f"ur das Scheitern aller anderen Verfahren, z.B. die Benutzung
+ einer \disp{Noten-Schreibmaschine}, ist in erster Linie in der
+Vielfalt der Notenschriftelemente und der M"oglichkeiten ihrer
+Anordnung auf dem Blatt zu sehen, die f"ur
+ eine \disp{korrekte} Wiedergabe eines Musikst"uckes notwendig ist.
+Im Gegensatz zum Textsatz war es also kaum m"oglich, den Handnotenstich
+maschinell auszuf"uhren, da der Satzproze\3 komplizierter ist.
+Jedes Notenschriftelement enth"alt mehrere Informationen.
+Zum Beispiel dr"uckt die
+\disp{Gestalt} einer Note ihre zeitliche
+Dauer aus und die Position im Zeilensystem ihre Tonh"ohe.
+Die Menge an Informationen, die auf engsten Raum dem Musiker
+vermittelt werden mu\3, macht eine Vielzahl von Satz- und Notations\-%
+regeln erforderlich. Diese Konventionen sind historisch gewachsen und
+m"ussen genauestens beachtet werden.
+Da au\3erdem eine gro\3e Anzahl
+von (mitunter variablen) Schriftzeichen ben"otigt wird, war
+ jeder Versuch, mit beweglichen Lettern zu setzen,
+von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt.
+Bis heute ist kein Verfahren bekannt, das den Satzvorgang beschleunigt
+und gleichzeitig die Qualit"at des
+Metallplattenstichs zumindest erreicht.
+Als die ersten leistungsf"ahigen Rechner in den Universit"aten und
+anderen Forschungseinrichtungen zu Verf"ugung standen, wurden sie
+zun"achst f"ur die Musiktheorie interessant als Speicherm"oglichkeit
+f"ur Musikliteratur. Es wurden also zun"achst
+Eingabesprachen entwickelt, die eine interne Darstellung von Noten
+m"oglich machten. Arbeiten auf diesem Gebiet erschienen unter anderen
+von Brook und Gould \lit{\brook}. Diese Eingabesprachen wurden
+weiterentwickelt, so da\3 sie f"ur die Musikanalyse verwendet werden
+konnten (s. z.B. die Arbeit von R. Werner \lit\werner).
+Die Ergebnisse konnten auch genutzt werden, Programmsysteme,
+die den automatisierten Notensatz erm"oglichen, im folgenden kurz
+``Notensatzsysteme'' genannt, zu entwickeln.
+ Dieses Gebiet wurde zun"achst von
+ von D. Byrd (\lit\byrd), D. A. Gomberg (\lit\gomb) und
+L. Smith (\lit\smith) bearbeitet.
+Bei diesen sind verschiedene
+Entwicklungsziele zu beachten: die Spannbreite reicht von spezialisierten
+Zeichenprogrammen bis zum Versuch, den Noten\disp{satz} zu automatisieren.
+Allen bisher bekannt gewordenen Notensatzsystemen ist gemeinsam, da\3
+sie jeweils nur Teilbereiche der konventionellen Notenschrift abdecken.
+In letzter Zeit sind neue Versuche
+bekannt geworden, Notensatz zu automatisieren
+(s. z.B. \lit{\Gourlay}).
+Das liegt einerseits an der steigenden Ausgabequalit"at
+von graphischen Systemen und andererseits an den steigenden Kosten
+von neuen Editionen, die im manuellen Verfahren hergestellt werden.
+Um qualititativ hochwertige Ergebnisse zu erzielen,
+sind jedoch nur solche automatisierten
+Satzsysteme von Interesse, die weitgehend
+unabh"angig vom Ausgabeger"at und benutzerfreundlich arbeiten.
+Das hei\3t, da\3 Benutzer, die keine Satzregeln kennen,
+mit Hilfe eines Satzprogramms ein \disp{korrekt} gesetztes Notenblatt
+erstellen k"onnen.
+Der Vorteil des Computersatzes gegen"uber manuellen oder
+anderen maschinellen Satzverfahren
+liegt einerseits darin, da\3 die einzelnen Stimmen eines
+ Musikst"ucks im wesentlichen nur einmal
+eingegeben werden brauchen, aber auf verschiedene Weise verarbeitet
+werden k"onnen (z.B. sowohl f"ur die Partitur als auch f"ur die
+Orchesterstimmen, so da\3 die Fehleranf"alligkeit vermindert wird),
+andererseits in der M"oglichkeit der
+dynamischen Notenplazierung (z.B.
+der automatisierte Umbruch von Notenzeilen).
+\subsubsubheading{Verwendung eines Textsatzsystems f"ur den Notensatz}
+Aus der Benutzung des Programmsystems zum Satz mathematischer Texte von
+D. E. Knuth, genannt \TeX, am hiesigen Institut erwuchs das Interesse,
+dessen M"oglichkeiten f"ur den Notensatz zu verwenden.
+Dieses Textsatzsystem zeichnet sich aus durch einen
+qualitativ hochwertigen Algorithmus zum
+Umbruch von Zeilen und durch einen weitgehend zeilenungebundenen Satz
+von mathematischen Formeln.
+Eine von \TeX\ zu verarbeitende
+Eingabedatei besteht dabei aus Texten, die mit Hilfe von zus"atzlich
+einzugebenden sogenannten ``Kontrollsequenzen'' (dies sind in der
+Hauptsache Satzanweisungen) formatiert werden k"onnen.
+Der Benutzer kann dabei
+auch aus bereits bekannten Kontrollsequenzen eigene zusammenstellen und
+benennen. Dadurch entsteht eine neue Kontrollsequenz, das sogenannte
+``Makro''. Mehrere solcher Makros k"onnen zu einem sogenannten ``Format''
+zusammengefa\3t werden. Dies erm"oglicht es, Texte nach eigenen
+Vorstellungen zu gestalten.
+Die grundlegende Frage zu Beginn dieser Arbeit war es, ob es m"oglich
+ist, ein Textsatzsystem zur L"osung des Notensatzproblems
+ das unter anderem darin besteht,
+die umfangreichen Notations- und Satzregeln zu programmieren.
+Es wird gezeigt, da\3 eine Erweiterung zu einem Notensatzsystem
+m"oglich ist, ohne das zugrunde gelegte Programm zu "andern.
+Um das entwickelte System
+benutzbar zu machen, wurde eine eigene Eingabesprache entwickelt, denn
+die \TeX-Eingabe selbst ist sehr aufwendig,
+da man
+die Notenschrift nicht als fortlaufenden Text eingeben kann, sondern nur
+Kontrollsequenzen verwenden mu\3.
+Dazu wurde ein "Ubersetzungsprogramm angefertigt, das zus"atzlich zu der
+Transformation der Eingabesprache in \TeX\ auch noch einige
+Notensatzregeln umsetzt, zum Beispiel die Bestimmung der
+Notenhalsrichtung bei Akkorden und Balkengruppen.
+Die Eingabesprache wird im ersten Teil
+dieser Arbeit entwickelt --- die Beschreibung des
+dazugeh"origen "Ubersetzungsprogramms ist als Anhang B angef"ugt ---,
+ w"ahrend im zweiten Teil die Verfahren zur
+Ausf"uhrung der Satzregeln hergeleitet werden.
+In der Literatur nicht beschriebene Verfahren werden entwickelt.
+Ein erstes Ergebnis war der einstimmige Notensatz in
+\disp{einem} System (im Sinne der Musiktheorie, s.a. Kapitel 7),
+der noch am ehesten dem Textsatz "ahnelt. Das Hauptproblem
+bei der Notation und beim Satz
+mehrerer zusammengefa\3ter Systeme ist, da\3 die horizontale Plazierung
+eines Elementes der Notenschrift nicht mehr eindimensional entscheidbar,
+sondern abh"angig vom zweidimensionalen Umfeld ist. Ein Problem dieser
+Art ist im Textsatz unbekannt.
+Es kann jedoch eine mehrstimmige Notation in einem System erreicht
+Alle in dieser Arbeit aufgef"uhrten Notenbeispiele wurden
+durch das Satzsystem erzeugt und konnten in den laufenden
+Text eingegliedert werden
+(Ausnahme: Das in 11.2.1 angef"uhrte Beispiel wurde aus der Arbeit von
+D. A. Gomberg \lit{\gomb} entnommen.)
+Weitere (l"angere) Notenbeispiele
+finden sich in Anhang A.
+Das "Ubersetzungsprogramm wurde als Anhang B in die Arbeit
+aufgenommen, die Syntax der Eingabesprache als Anhang C und
+die verwendeten Zeichens"atze in Anhang D.
+Das entwickelte Format und die \mf-Programme der Zeichens"atze
+wurden aus Kostengr"unden nicht an
+diese Arbeit angef"ugt, k"onnen jedoch zusammen mit den Fonts auf
+Anfrage auf Diskette zugeschickt werden.
+Das entwickelte Notensatzsystem erreicht eine
+publikationsf"ahige Qualit"at und ist f"ur
+satzunkundige Benutzer wie f"ur Benutzer
+mit festen Vorstellungen vom Layout
+geeignet. Es bleibt im Hinblick auf
+zeitgen"ossische Musik erweiterbar und erm"oglicht die Einbettung von
+Musikst"ucken in Text.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdocinh.tex b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdocinh.tex
new file mode 100644
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+\message{Seitennummern muessen per Hand angepasst werden!}
+\message{(in Datei MDOCINH.TEX)}
+{\tabskip 0pt plus 1fil
+\halign to\hsize {\quad\bf#\hfil\quad&\hbox to 14cm{#\dotfill}%
+&\bf Einleitung &1\cr
+&\rm Geschichtliche Entwicklung des Handnotensatzes im "Uberblick &1\cr
+&\rm Entwicklung des automatisierten Notensatzes &1\cr
+&\rm Verwendung eines Textsatzsystems f"ur den Notensatz &2\cr
+\noalign{{\bf Teil 1: Ein Verfahren zur Notenschrifteingabe\par}}
+1&\bf Noteneingabesprachen im Zusammenhang mit dem automatisierten
+1.1&\rm Problematik des automatisierten Notensatzes &5\cr
+1.2&\rm Einsatz des Textsatzsystems \TeX\ f"ur den Notensatz &6\cr
+1.3&\rm Grundlegende Anforderungen an ein Verfahren zur Noteneingabe
+1.4&\rm Er"orterung und Vergleich vorhandener Eingabeverfahren
+2&\bf Formale Darstellung der Noteneingabesprache&17\cr
+2.1&\rm Theoretische Grundlagen &17\cr
+2.2&\rm Die Syntax der Noteneingabesprache in Backus--Naur--Form &22\cr
+3&\bf Semantische Struktur der Noteneingabesprache&31\cr
+3.1&\rm Eingabe eines Tons &31\cr
+3.2&\rm Pausen, Atemzeichen und Taktstriche &33\cr
+3.3&\rm Notengruppen &33\cr
+3.4&\rm Anfang und Ende eines Musikst"ucks &35\cr
+3.5&\rm Tonh"ohe, Rhythmus, Vortragsbezeichnungen &35\cr
+3.6&\rm Ein-- oder mehrstimmige St"ucke in einem System &37\cr
+3.7&\rm Mehrstimmige St"ucke in mehreren Systemen &38\cr
+3.8&\rm Allgemeine Anweisungen &39\cr
+\noalign{{\bf Teil 2: Verfahren zur Notenschriftausgabe\par}}
+4&\bf Anforderungen an das Notensatzsystem &41\cr
+4.1&\rm Arbeitsschritte beim manuellen Notensatz &41\cr
+4.2&\rm Anforderungen f"ur den automatisierten Notensatz &41\cr
+4.3&\rm Vor"uberlegungen &42\cr
+5&\bf \TeX \ - Konzepte &45\cr
+5.1&\rm Basiselemente &45\cr
+5.2&\rm Verfahren zum Ausschlu\3 einer Box auf gew"unschte Breite bzw. H"ohe
+5.3&\rm Der Zeilenumbruchalgorithmus &53\cr
+5.4&\rm Der Seitenumbruch &57\cr
+6&\bf R"aumliche Einteilung des Notenblattes &59\cr
+6.1&\rm Satz- und Notationsregeln zur r"aumlichen Einteilung &59\cr
+6.2&\rm Ausf"uhrung des Absteckens &61\cr
+7&\bf Punktierung bei einstimmigem Notensatz &67\cr
+7.1&\rm Regeln zur Bestimmung des Ausschlusses &67\cr
+7.2&\rm Ausf"uhrung des Punktierens &69\cr
+8&\bf Setzen der Notenschriftelemente &73\cr
+8.1&\rm Regeln zur Notation der Notenschriftelemente &73\cr
+8.2&\rm Das Setzen der Notenschriftelemente &75\cr
+9&\bf Der Balken- und Bogensatz &81\cr
+9.1&\rm Entwicklung des Verfahrens zur Verbalkung &81\cr
+9.2&\rm Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Phrasierung &87\cr
+9.3&\rm Ausf"uhrung des Balken- und Bogensatzes &91\cr
+10&\bf Einf"ugen von Texten und Spielanweisungen &95\cr
+10.1&\rm Regeln f"ur das Einf"ugen von Texten &95\cr
+10.2&\rm Textunterlage &96\cr
+10.3&\rm Positionierung der Artikulationszeichen &97\cr
+11&\bf Mehrstimmiger Notensatz &99\cr
+11.1&\rm Regeln f"ur die mehrstimmige Notation &99\cr
+11.2&\rm Vertikale Ausrichtung bei D.A. Gomberg &100\cr
+11.3&\rm Ausf"uhrung des zweistimmigen Setzens &101\cr
+12&\bf Zusammenfassung &103\cr
+13&\bf Literatur &105\cr
+ &\bf Anhang A: Beispiele &107\cr
+ &\bf Anhang B: Das "Ubersetzungsprogramm &115\cr
+ &\bf Anhang C: Darstellung der Syntax in Backus--Naur--Form &137\cr
+ &\bf Anhang D: Zeichens"atze &141\cr}}
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+ \put {$\bullet$} at 3.0 2.5
+ \put {$v_1$} [t] <0mm,-1.5mm> at 0.0 0.0
+ \put {$\bullet$} at 0.0 0.0
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+ \put {$v_2$} [t] <0mm,-1.5mm> at 1.0 0.0
+ \put {$\bullet$} at 1.0 0.0
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+ \put {$\bullet$} at 2.5 0.0
+ \plot 2.5 0.0 3.0 2.5 /
+ \put {$\bullet$} at 3.5 0.0
+ \plot 3.5 0.0 3.0 2.5 /
+ \put {$\bullet$} at 4.5 0.0
+ \plot 4.5 0.0 3.0 2.5 /
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+ \beginpicture
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+ \setsolid
+ \put {$\bigcirc$} [rt] at 25 8 %Notenkopf rechts
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+ \putrule from 9 -4 to 16 -4 %kurze Notenlinie
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+ \setdots <1mm>
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+ \setsolid
+ \putrule from 15 -12 to 25 -12 % Beschriftung unten
+ \putrule from 15 -11 to 15 -13
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+ \put {$h$} [t] at 20 -13
+ \putrule from -4 14 to -4 20 % Beschriftung links
+ \putrule from -3 14 to -5 14
+ \putrule from -3 20 to -5 20
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+ \setdashes
+ \putrule from -2 20 to 25 20 %hilfslinien
+ \putrule from -2 14 to 15 14
+ \setdots
+ \plot 10 2 30 26 / % Balken-Gerade gepunktet
+ \setdots <0.5mm>
+ \plot 15 14 25 20 / % Balken
+ \plot 15 13 25 19 /
+ \plot 15 12 25 18 /
+ \circulararc 30 degrees from 17 20 center at 25 20 % Winkel
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+ \put {$\bigcirc$} [rt] at 10 2 %Notenkopf 1
+ \putrule from 10 0 to 10 14 %Notenhals 1
+ \setdots <1mm>
+ \putrule from 10 14 to 10 23.5 %Notenhals Verlaengerung 1
+ \setsolid
+ \put {$\bigcirc$} [rt] at 20 12 %Notenkopf 2
+ \putrule from 20 10 to 20 22 %Notenhals 2
+ \setdots <1mm>
+ \putrule from 20 22 to 20 25 %Notenhals Verlaengerung 2
+ \setsolid
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+ \setdots <1mm>
+ \putrule from 30 16 to 30 26.5 %Notenhals Verlaengerung 3
+ \setsolid
+ \put {$\bigcirc$} [rt] at 40 20 %Notenkopf 4
+ \putrule from 40 18 to 40 28 %Notenhals 4
+ % hier keine Verlaengerung
+ \put {$\bigcirc$} [rt] at 50 8 %Notenkopf 5
+ \putrule from 50 6 to 50 20 %Notenhals 5
+ \setdots <1mm>
+ \putrule from 50 20 to 50 29.5 %Notenhals Verlaengerung 5
+ \setsolid
+ \setdots
+ \plot 0 12.5 60 21.5 / % Balken-Gerade gepunktet
+ \setdots <0.5mm>
+ \plot 10 23.5 50 29.5 / % Balken
+ \plot 10 22.5 50 28.5 /
+ \plot 10 21.5 50 27.5 /
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+ \put {$\bullet$} at 60 20
+ \put {$E_n$} [lt] at 61 20
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+ \setlinear
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+\hbox{ }
+\centerline{\hugem Automatisierter Notensatz mit \TeX}
+\centerline{Angelika Schofer und Andrea Steinbach}
+\centerline{Rheinische Friedrich--Wilhelms--Universit"at}
+\centerline{August 1987}
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,1201 @@
+%format plaine
+\input webmac
+\newdimen\pageheight \pageheight=25cm
+\newdimen\pagewidth \pagewidth=16cm
+\advance\topskip by 3mm
+\catcode`\"=\active %Umlaute
+\openup -3pt
+\N1. Anhang B: Definitionen.
+\M2. One of the extensions to standard \\{pascal} that we shall deal with
+is to use a default \&{case} as in \\{tangle}, \\{weave}, etc.
+\Y\P\D \37$\\{othercases}\S\\{otherwise}$\C{default for cases not listed
+\P\D \37$\\{endcases}\S$ \6
+\&{end} \C{follows the default case}\par
+\P\F \37$\\{othercases}\S\\{else}$\par
+\P\F \37$\\{endcases}\S\\{end}$\par
+\M3. Folgende Definitionen sind Abk"urzungen f"ur den Befehl, eine Meldung
+gleichzeitig auf den Bildschirm und in eine Datei zu schreiben.
+\Y\P\D \37$\\{writeln\_error}(\#)\S\\{writeln}(\\{err},\39\#)$;\5
+\P\D \37$\\{write\_error}(\#)\S\\{write}(\\{err},\39\#)$;\5
+\N4. Anhang B: Heading und Funktion getchar.
+\M5. Programmkopf und Variablendeklarationen\par
+Das Programm hat vier Textfiles als Parameter. \\{infile} enth"alt die
+Eingabedaten in der entwickelten Noten\-ein\-ga\-be\-sprache. Nach der
+Bearbeitung durch das vorliegende Programm werden die Daten in eine
+f"ur die Notenausgabe ben"otigte Datei \\{outfile} geschrieben.
+Syntax-Fehler in der Eingabedatei werden mit Hilfe von
+\\{outterm} auf dem Terminal angezeigt und gleichzeitig in die
+Datei \\{err} geschrieben. Mit \\{interm} sind
+Eingaben vom Terminal m"oglich.
+\Y\P\4\&{program}\1\ \37$\\{trans}(\\{infile},\39\\{outfile},\39\\{err},\39%
+\\{outterm},\39\\{interm})$; \6
+\4\&{label} \X18:Labels\X \6
+\4\&{type} \X44:New type\X \6
+\4\&{var} \37\X6:Files\X\X7:Globals\X\X8:Function getchar\X\X31:Procedure
+newline music\X\X62:Procedure error\X\X21:Function ausruf\X\X67:Procedure macro%
+\X\X65:Procedure backslash\X\X33:Procedure nonmusic\X\X35:Procedure music\X\par
+\M6. In diesem Teil sind die ben"otigten Textfiles deklariert.
+\4\\{infile}: \37\\{text};\6
+\4\\{outfile}: \37\\{text};\6
+\4\\{outterm}: \37\\{text};\6
+\4\\{interm}: \37\\{text};\6
+\4\\{err}: \37\\{text};\par
+\U section~5.\fi
+\M7. Es folgt nun die Einleseroutine \\{get\_char}
+und die Deklaration
+der daf"ur ben"otigten Variablen.
+\\{get\_char} ist eine function, die auf die folgenden Weise
+an das Programm das n"achste Zeichen - einen Character -
+Die Eingabedatei \\{infile} wird zeilenweise abgearbeitet. Jede neue
+Zeile wird auf den string \\{in\_line} eingelesen, der wiederum auf
+den array \\{buffer} kopiert wird. Dieses Feld enth"alt gleichzeitig
+drei Zeilen der Eingabedatei: die letzte abgearbeitete Zeile der
+L"ange \\{last\_line\_length}; die Zeile, die gerade bearbeitet wird
+- sie hat die L"ange \\{actual\_line\_length} - und die Zeile, die als
+n"achstes gelesen werden soll mit der L"ange \\{next\_line\_length}.
+Die Variable \\{line\_ptr} gibt dabei immer an, wie weit die
+\\{actual\_line} abgearbeitet ist. \par
+Falls das Ende dieser Zeile
+erreicht ist, werden die Zeilen im \\{buffer} nach links geschoben.
+Die \\{last\_line} wird durch die \\{actual\_line}, die \\{actual\_line} durch
+die \\{next\_line} und die \\{next\_line} durch eine neue \\{in\_line}
+Bei einem Zeilenwechsel wird die Variable \\{change} auf true
+gesetzt, ansonsten hat sie den Wert false.
+Mit Hilfe der character-Variablen \\{sign} wird jeweils das n"achste
+Zeichen einer Zeile an das Programm "ubergeben.
+Die gelesenen Zeilen werden mit \\{line\_num} gez"ahlt.
+Beim ersten Einlesen von der Datei \\{in\_file} kann das
+``Weiterschieben'' im \\{buffer} unterbleiben, deshalb gibt es
+daf"ur eine gesonderte Abfrage.
+Gesondert werden ebenfalls die F"alle $\\{inline\_length}=0$ und
+$\\{actual\_line\_length}=0$ behandelt. Im ersten Fall wird der Teil des
+\\{buffer}, der nicht belegt ist, mit blanks besetzt, um falsche
+Belegung von \\{sign} zu vermeiden, im zweiten Fall erh"alt
+\\{get\_char} den Wert \.{\'\ \'}.
+\noindent\\{eof\_infile} zeigt an, wenn die Eingabedatei einschlie\8lich
+der letzten Zeile abgearbeitet ist. Diese Variable ist
+notwendig, weil das Ende der Datei mit dem Lesen der letzten Zeile
+auf \\{in\_line} erreicht ist, diese dann aber noch abgearbeitet
+werden mu\8.
+\4\\{buffer}: \37\&{array} $[1\to240]$ \1\&{of}\5
+\4\\{in\_line}: \37$\\{string}(80)$;\6
+\4\\{sign}: \37\\{char};\6
+\4\\{last\_line\_length}: \37\\{integer};\6
+\4\\{actual\_line\_length}: \37\\{integer};\6
+\4\\{next\_line\_length}: \37\\{integer};\6
+\4\\{inline\_length}: \37\\{integer};\6
+\4\\{line\_ptr}: \37\\{integer};\6
+\4\\{line\_num}: \37\\{integer};\6
+\4\\{eof\_infile}: \37\\{boolean};\6
+\4\\{change}: \37\\{boolean};\par
+\A sections~17, 20, 36, 39, 41, 45, 50, 57, and~61.
+\U section~5.\fi
+\Y\P$\4\X8:Function getchar\X\S$\6
+\4\&{function}\1\ \37\\{get\_char}: \37\\{char};\6
+\4\&{var} \37\|j: \37\\{integer};\2\6
+\&{begin} \37\&{if} $\\{line\_num}=0$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37\&{if} $\R\\{eof}(\\{infile})$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37\X9:Lesen der n"achsten Zeile von infile\X;\6
+\X10:Einlesen der neuen Zeile in den buffer\X;\6
+\4\&{else} \&{goto} \3710;\2\6
+\&{if} $\\{line\_ptr}>\\{last\_line\_length}+\\{actual\_line\_length}$ \1%
+\&{begin} \37\X11:Neubelegung der \\{actual\_line} durch \\{next\_line},
+\&{if} $\R\\{eof}(\\{infile})$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37\X9:Lesen der n"achsten Zeile von infile\X;\6
+\&{if} $\\{inline\_length}=0$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37\X12:\\{in\_line} ist Leerzeile bzw. existiert nicht\X;\6
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37\X10:Einlesen der neuen Zeile in den buffer\X;\6
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37\X12:\\{in\_line} ist Leerzeile bzw. existiert nicht\X;%
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37\X13:Kein Zeilenwechsel\X;\6
+\&{if} $\\{actual\_line\_length}=0$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37\X14:\\{actual\_line} ist Leerzeile\X;\6
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37\X15:Zeichen lesen\X;\6
+\U section~5.\fi
+\M9. Es wird eine neue Zeile aus der Eingabedatei \\{infile} gelesen.
+"Uberfl"ussigen blanks werden entfernt.
+\Y\P$\4\X9:Lesen der n"achsten Zeile von infile\X\S$\6
+\U sections~8 and~8.\fi
+\M10. Die neue Zeile wird in den string \\{buffer} gelesen.
+\Y\P$\4\X10:Einlesen der neuen Zeile in den buffer\X\S$\6
+\&{for} $\|j\K1\mathrel{\&{to}}\\{inline\_length}$ \1\&{do}\5
+\U sections~8 and~8.\fi
+\M11. Die \\{actual\_line} im \\{buffer} wird mit einer neuen Zeile, n"amlich
+der \\{next\_line} belegt. Auf \\{last\_line} wird die vorherige \\{actual%
+geschrieben. \\{change} wird true, da ein Zeilenwechsel
+\Y\P$\4\X11:Neubelegung der \\{actual\_line} durch \\{next\_line},
+\&{for} $\|j\K1\mathrel{\&{to}}\\{actual\_line\_length}$ \1\&{do}\5
+\&{for} $\|j\K1\mathrel{\&{to}}\\{next\_line\_length}$ \1\&{do}\5
+\U section~8.\fi
+\M12. \\{in\_line} ist eine Leerzeile.
+\Y\P$\4\X12:\\{in\_line} ist Leerzeile bzw. existiert nicht\X\S$\6
+\&{for} $\|j\K\\{actual\_line\_length}+\\{next\_line\_length}+1\mathrel{%
+\&{to}}240$ \1\&{do}\5
+$\\{buffer}[\|j]\K\.{\'\ \'}$;\2\6
+\U sections~8 and~8.\fi
+\M13. Es findet kein Zeilenwechsel statt, da das Ende der \\{actual\_line} noch
+nicht erreicht ist: \\{change} ist false.
+\Y\P$\4\X13:Kein Zeilenwechsel\X\S$\6
+\U section~8.\fi
+\M14. Die \\{actual\_line} ist eine Leerzeile. Da ein Wert an das Programm
+zur"uckgegeben werden mu\8, erh"alt \\{get\_char} den Wert \.{\'\ \'}.
+\Y\P$\4\X14:\\{actual\_line} ist Leerzeile\X\S$\6
+$\\{get\_char}\K\.{\'\ \'}$;\par
+\U section~8.\fi
+\M15. Ist der \\{buffer} richtig belegt, so kann das n"achste Zeichen auf
+\\{get\_char} eingelesen werden.
+\Y\P$\4\X15:Zeichen lesen\X\S$\6
+\U section~8.\fi
+\N16. Anhang B: Hauptprogramm und Function ausruf.
+\M17. Hauptprogramm\par
+Im Hauptprogramm werden die oben definierten Textfiles zum Lesen bzw.
+Schreiben ge"offnet. Solange das Ende der Eingabedatei nicht
+erreicht ist, wird mit der Variablen \\{music\_num}
+unterschieden, ob gerade eine Noteneingabe ($\\{music\_num}=\\{true}$)
+oder eine
+Texteingabe ($\\{music\_num}=\\{false}$) bearbeitet wird.
+Je nachdem wird entweder die Routine \\{nonmusic} oder \\{music} aufgerufen.
+Texteingaben werden so wie sie in der Eingabedatei stehen in
+die Ausgabedatei \\{outfile} geschrieben, also Zeile f"ur Zeile.
+Noteneingaben werden in eine
+andere Form gebracht.
+Falls innerhalb einer Routine das Ende der Eingabedatei erreicht
+wird, soll das Programm beendet werden. An der entsprechenden Stelle
+in der Routine wird dann auf das Label 10 verwiesen.
+\4\\{music\_num}: \37\\{boolean};\par
+\M18. Labeldeklaration
+\U section~5.\fi
+\M19. Hauptprogramm.
+\Y\P\&{begin} \37$\\{termout}(\\{outterm})$;\5
+\X59:Setze die default-Werte\X;\6
+\&{while} $\R(\\{eof\_infile})$ \1\&{do}\6
+\&{begin} \37\&{case} $\\{music\_num}$ \1\&{of}\6
+\4\\{false}: \37\\{nonmusic};\6
+\4\\{true}: \37\\{music};\6
+\4\&{othercases} \37;\2\6
+\410: \37\&{end}.\par
+\M20. Routine, die den Wechsel zwischen Noteneingabe und Texteingabe
+Die Funktion berechnet als Wert, ob sich der mode ge"andert hat
+oder nicht.
+Ein Wechsel des Modes wird durch zwei aufeinanderfolgende
+Ausrufezeichen angezeigt. Die Routine wird also aufgerufen,
+sobald ein Ausrufezeichen gelesen wurde. Dann mu\8
+"uberpr"uft werden, ob ein zweites Ausrufezeichen folgt oder nicht.
+An die Routine wird der Wert von \\{change} "ubergeben, da es
+f"ur das Schreiben in \\{outfile} f"ur allem bei Texteingabe
+notwendig ist, "uber einen Zeilenwechsel Bescheid zu wissen.
+Falls es "uberhaupt kein n"achstes Zeichen gibt, also das
+Ende der Eingabedatei erreicht wurde, wird bei einer Texteingabe
+das gelesene Zeichen
+in die Ausgabedatei \\{outfile} geschrieben; bei einer Noteneingabe
+zeigt das Ausrufezeichen das Ende an.\par
+Falls das n"achste Zeichen kein Ausrufezeichen ist, werden im
+Fall $\\{music\_num}=\\{false}$ das Ausrufezeichen und das neu gelesene Zeichen
+in \\{outfile} geschrieben. F"ur $\\{music\_num}=\\{true}$ wird angenommen, da%
+das zweite Ausrufezeichen vergessen wurde, also ein Wechsel
+in den nonmusic-mode stattfindet. Das neu gelesene Zeichen wird
+dann - als erstes Zeichen der Texteingabe -
+in eine neue Zeile von \\{outfile} geschrieben.
+Der dritte Fall ist, da\8 es sich bei dem neuen Zeichen um ein
+Ausrufezeichen handelt. Dann findet ein mode-Wechsel statt.
+\\{w\_column} ist die Variable, die anzeigt, in welche Spalte von \\{outfile}
+geschrieben wird.
+\4\\{w\_column}: \37\\{integer};\par
+\Y\P$\4\X21:Function ausruf\X\S$\6
+\4\&{function}\1\ \37$\\{ausruf}(\\{help}:\\{boolean})$: \37\\{boolean};\2\6
+\&{begin} \37\&{if} $\R(\\{eof\_infile})$ \1\&{then}\5
+\X22:Lesen des n"achsten Zeichens\X\6
+\4\&{else} \X30:Ende der Eingabedatei erreicht\X;\2\6
+\U section~5.\fi
+\M22. Das n"achste Zeichen wird auf \\{sign} gelesen und "uberpr"uft, ob es
+ein Ausrufezeichen ist oder nicht.
+\Y\P$\4\X22:Lesen des n"achsten Zeichens\X\S$\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{sign}\K\\{get\_char}$;\6
+\&{if} $\\{sign}=\.{\'!\'}$ \1\&{then}\5
+\X23:Wechsel des modes\X\6
+\4\&{else} \X26:Kein Wechsel des modes\X\2\6
+\U section~21.\fi
+\Y\P$\4\X23:Wechsel des modes\X\S$\6
+\&{begin} \37\&{case} $\\{music\_num}$ \1\&{of}\6
+\4\\{false}: \37\X24:Wechsel in music mode\X;\6
+\4\\{true}: \37\X25:Wechsel in nonmusic mode\X;\6
+\4\&{othercases} \37;\2\6
+\U section~22.\fi
+\M24. Beim Wechsel in den musicmode bzw. nonmusicmode wird jeweils eine
+neue Zeile angefangen.
+\Y\P$\4\X24:Wechsel in music mode\X\S$\6
+\&{begin} \37\&{if} $\\{line\_num}>1$ \1\&{then}\5
+\U section~23.\fi
+\Y\P$\4\X25:Wechsel in nonmusic mode\X\S$\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{newline\_music}(9)$;\5
+\U section~23.\fi
+\Y\P$\4\X26:Kein Wechsel des modes\X\S$\6
+\&{begin} \37\&{case} $\\{music\_num}$ \1\&{of}\6
+\4\\{false}: \37\X27:Gelesene Zeichen schreiben\X;\6
+\4\\{true}: \37\&{begin} \37\X28:Ausrufezeichen fehlt\X;\6
+\X29:Ende musicmode, Zeichen schreiben\X;\6
+\4\&{othercases} \37;\2\6
+\U section~22.\fi
+\M27. Falls ein Zeilenwechsel beim Lesen des letzten Zeichens stattgefunden
+hat, wird das Ausrufezeichen in die letzte Zeile von \\{outfile}
+geschrieben, f"ur das neue Zeichen wird eine neue Zeile angefangen.
+Hat der Zeilenwechsel beim Lesen des Ausrufezeichens stattgefunden,
+werden beide Zeichen in eine neue Zeile geschrieben.
+\Y\P$\4\X27:Gelesene Zeichen schreiben\X\S$\6
+\&{begin} \37\&{if} $\\{change}=\\{true}$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{writeln}(\\{outfile},\39\.{\'!\'})$;\5
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37\&{if} $\\{help}=\\{true}$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{writeln}(\\{outfile})$;\5
+\4\&{else} $\\{write}(\\{outfile},\39\.{\'!\'},\39\\{sign})$;\2\6
+\U section~26.\fi
+\Y\P$\4\X28:Ausrufezeichen fehlt\X\S$\6
+\&{if} $\\{change}=\\{true}$ \1\&{then}\5
+$\\{error}(\.{\'Fehlendes\ Ausrufezeichen\ gesetzt\'},\39\\{line\_num}-1)$\6
+\4\&{else} $\\{error}(\.{\'Fehlendes\ Ausrufezeichen\ gesetzt\'},\39\\{line%
+\U section~26.\fi
+\Y\P$\4\X29:Ende musicmode, Zeichen schreiben\X\S$\6
+\&{if} $\\{eof}(\\{infile})$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37\&{if} $\\{actual\_line\_length}=0$ \1\&{then}\5
+\4\&{else} $\\{writeln}(\\{outfile},\39\.{\'\\endsong\'})$;\2\6
+\4\&{else} $\\{writeln}(\\{outfile},\39\.{\'\\endsong\'})$;\2\6
+\U section~26.\fi
+\Y\P$\4\X30:Ende der Eingabedatei erreicht\X\S$\6
+\&{begin} \37\&{if} $\\{music\_num}=\\{true}$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{newline\_music}(8)$;\5
+$\\{error}(\.{\'Fehlendes\ Ausrufezeichen\ am\ Ende\ gesetzt\'},\39\\{line%
+\4\&{else} $\\{write}(\\{outfile},\39\.{\'!\'})$;\2\6
+\&{goto} \3710;\6
+\U section~21.\fi
+\M31. F"ur das Schreiben in die Ausgabedatei wird f"ur den music-mode
+eine weitere Routine ben"otigt, die berechnet, ob
+eine neue Zeile in der Ausgabedatei begonnen werden mu\8.
+F"ur den nonmusic-mode ist das nicht n"otig, da die Zeilen
+so "ubernommen werden, wie sie in der Eingabedatei stehen.
+"Ubergeben wird zur Berechnung die L"ange des zu schreibenden Worts.
+\Y\P$\4\X31:Procedure newline music\X\S$\6
+\4\&{procedure}\1\ \37$\\{newline\_music}(\\{word\_length}:\\{integer})$;\2\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{w\_column}\K\\{w\_column}+\\{word\_length}$;\6
+\&{if} $\\{w\_column}\G70$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{write}(\\{outfile},\39\.{\'\%\'})$;\5
+\U section~5.\fi
+\N32. Anhang B: Prozedur nonmusic.
+\M33. Prozedur, die normalen Text ausgibt, solange \\{music\_num} false ist.
+Ein Zeilenwechsel im Ausgabefile findet statt, wenn die
+Zeile in der Eingabedatei ebenfalls gewechselt wird. Falls
+ein Ausrufezeichen eingelesen wird, mu\8 die Funktion \\{ausruf}
+aufgerufen werden.
+\Y\P$\4\X33:Procedure nonmusic\X\S$\6
+\4\&{procedure}\1\ \37\\{nonmusic};\2\6
+\&{begin} \37\&{while} $\\{music\_num}=\\{false}$ \1\&{do}\6
+\&{begin} \37\&{if} $\R(\\{eof\_infile})$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{sign}\K\\{get\_char}$;\6
+\&{if} $\\{sign}=\.{\'!\'}$ \1\&{then}\5
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37\&{if} $\\{line\_num}=1$ \1\&{then}\5
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37\&{if} $\\{change}=\\{false}$ \1\&{then}\5
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37\&{if} $\\{w\_column}=0$ \1\&{then}\5
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37$\\{writeln}(\\{outfile})$;\5
+\4\&{else} \&{goto} \3710;\2\6
+\U section~5.\fi
+\N34. Anhang B: Prozedur music.
+\M35. Prozedur, die Musikeingabe abarbeitet und abfragt,
+um welches Zeichen es sich gerade handelt.
+Dabei wird unterschieden,
+ob es sich um eine Tonh"ohe , um eine Pause oder
+Taktstrich, um erg"anzende Angaben zur
+Tonh"ohe (z. B. Dauer, Vorzeichen, Oktave, Punkte),
+um das Ende der Musikeingabe oder
+um den Beginn
+einer Kontrollsequenz (\\{backslash}) oder eines Kommentars handelt.
+\Y\P$\4\X35:Procedure music\X\S$\6
+\4\&{procedure}\1\ \37\\{music};\2\6
+\&{begin} \37\&{while} $\\{music\_num}=\\{true}$ \1\&{do}\6
+\&{begin} \37\&{if} $\R(\\{eof\_infile})$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{sign}\K\\{get\_char}$;\6
+\&{case} $\\{sign}$ \1\&{of}\6
+\X37:Zeichen ist Angabe zum Ton\X;\6
+\X38:Zeichen ist Tonh"ohe\X;\6
+\X51:Zeichen ist Pause oder Taktstrich\X;\6
+\X56:Zeichen bedeutet Ende der Musikeingabe\X;\6
+\X54:Zeichen ist Kommentar\X;\6
+\X55:Zeichen ist backslash\X;\6
+\4\&{othercases} \37;\2\6
+\4\&{else} \&{goto} \3710;\2\6
+\U section~5.\fi
+\M36. Es folgen die Variablen, die f"ur die Prozedur \\{music} ben"otigt
+werden. Die einzelnen Programmteile werden an den entsprechenden
+Stellen erl"autert.
+\4\\{octave\_num}: \37\\{integer};\6
+\4\\{dot\_num}: \37\\{integer};\6
+\4\\{nat\_num}: \37\\{integer};\6
+\4\\{b\_num}: \37\\{integer};\6
+\4\\{x\_num}: \37\\{integer};\6
+\4\\{duration}: \37\\{char};\par
+\M37. In diesem Teil werden die f"ur die Note notwendigen Variablen
+\\{octave\_num} z"ahlt die Hochkommata bzw. Kommata,
+die zur Angabe der Oktave
+eingegeben wurden.
+Die Tondauer mu\8 f"ur den Ausgabefile mit einer Zahl angegeben
+werden. Diese Belegung findet mit Hilfe von \\{duration} statt.
+\\{dot\_num} z"ahlt die eingegebenen Punkte.
+Etwaige Vorzeichen werden registriert. Da ein Doppelkreuz bzw. Doppel-be
+durch zwei x bzw. b eingegeben wird, werden diese mit \\{x\_num}
+bzw. \\{b\_num} gez"ahlt.
+\Y\P$\4\X37:Zeichen ist Angabe zum Ton\X\S$\6
+\4\.{\',\'}: \37$\\{octave\_num}\K\\{octave\_num}-1$;\6
+\4\.{\'\'}\.{\'\'}: \37$\\{octave\_num}\K\\{octave\_num}+1$;\6
+\4\.{\'1\'}: \37$\\{duration}\K\.{\'g\'}$;\6
+\4\.{\'2\'}: \37$\\{duration}\K\.{\'h\'}$;\6
+\4\.{\'4\'}: \37$\\{duration}\K\.{\'v\'}$;\6
+\4\.{\'8\'}: \37$\\{duration}\K\.{\'a\'}$;\6
+\4\.{\'6\'}: \37$\\{duration}\K\.{\'s\'}$;\6
+\4\.{\'5\'}: \37$\\{duration}\K\.{\'z\'}$;\6
+\4\.{\'.\'}: \37$\\{dot\_num}\K\\{dot\_num}+1$;\6
+\4\.{\'b\'}: \37$\\{b\_num}\K\\{b\_num}+1$;\6
+\4\.{\'x\'}: \37$\\{x\_num}\K\\{x\_num}+1$;\6
+\4\.{\'n\'}: \37$\\{nat\_num}\K5$;\par
+\U section~35.\fi
+\M38. Die oben
+beschriebene Belegung ist beendet, sobald ein Notenname eingelesen
+Dann wird die Oktave endg"ultig berechnet,
+der Tonh"ohe wird
+eine Zahl zugeordnet, die die Stellung der Note im Notenliniensystem
+angibt und die Vorzeichen angegeben. Anschlie\8end wird die
+Note in die Ausgabedatei \\{outfile} geschrieben.
+\Y\P$\4\X38:Zeichen ist Tonh"ohe\X\S$\6
+\39\.{\'h\'}$: \37\&{begin} \37\X42:Berechnung der richtigen Oktave\X;\6
+\X40:Umsetzung der Tonh"ohe in eine Zahl\X;\6
+\X46:Gibt es ein Vorzeichen\X;\6
+\X48:Schreibe die gelesene Note\X;\6
+\X49:Schreibe die Punkte\X;\6
+\U section~35.\fi
+\4\\{pitchnum}: \37\\{integer};\par
+\M40. Das Liniensystem wird mit einer Numerierung versehen. Jedem Notennamen
+wird dann mit der Variablen \\{pitchnum} die entsprechende Zahl zwischen
+-2 und 4 in Abh"angigkeit von der Lage
+im Notenliniensystem zugeordnet.
+\Y\P$\4\X40:Umsetzung der Tonh"ohe in eine Zahl\X\S$\6
+\&{case} $\\{sign}$ \1\&{of}\6
+\4\.{\'c\'}: \37$\\{pitchnum}\K-2$;\6
+\4\.{\'d\'}: \37$\\{pitchnum}\K-1$;\6
+\4\.{\'e\'}: \37$\\{pitchnum}\K0$;\6
+\4\.{\'f\'}: \37$\\{pitchnum}\K1$;\6
+\4\.{\'g\'}: \37$\\{pitchnum}\K2$;\6
+\4\.{\'a\'}: \37$\\{pitchnum}\K3$;\6
+\4\.{\'h\'}: \37$\\{pitchnum}\K4$;\6
+\4\&{othercases} \37;\2\6
+\A section~43.
+\U section~38.\fi
+\4\\{octave}: \37\\{integer};\par
+\M42. Nun wird die Oktave berechnet. Das ist wichtig f"ur
+die n-gestrichene Oktave (n$>$0), da die eingestrichene Oktave
+den Wert \\{octave}=0 erhalten soll, die zweigestrichene den Wert 1 usw.
+Weil aber zun"achst die Hochkommas gez"ahlt wurden, ist eine
+Zur"ucksetzung erforderlich.
+\Y\P$\4\X42:Berechnung der richtigen Oktave\X\S$\6
+\&{if} $\\{octave\_num}>0$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{octave}\K\\{octave\_num}-1$;\5
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37\&{if} $\\{octave\_num}<0$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{octave}\K\\{octave\_num}$;\5
+\U section~38.\fi
+\M43. Nun wird die Tonh"ohe unter Ber"ucksichtigung der
+eben gesetzten Zahl \\{pitchnum} und der Oktave \\{octave}
+endg"ultig berechnet.
+\Y\P$\4\X40:Umsetzung der Tonh"ohe in eine Zahl\X\mathrel{+}\S$\6
+\&{if} $(-3\L\\{octave})\W(\\{octave}\L3)$ \1\&{then}\5
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37$\\{error}(\.{\'Die\ Oktave\ wurde\ falsch\ eingegeben,%
+\ default\ gesetzt\'},\39\\{line\_num})$;\5
+\M44. Zur Berechnung der Vorzeichen mu\8.
+ein neuer Variablentyp definiert werden.
+\\{accidental} ist ein array, mit dem mit Hilfe der
+eingelesenen Anzahl der x bzw. b das Vorzeichen bestimmt werden kann.
+\Y\P$\4\X44:New type\X\S$\6
+\&{array} $[1\to5]$ \1\&{of}\5
+\U section~5.\fi
+\4\\{accid}: \37\\{accidental};\6
+\4\\{acc}: \37$\\{string}(2)$;\par
+\M46. Falls \\{x\_num} bzw. \\{b\_num} von 0 verschieden sind, gibt es ein
+Vorzeichen. Ob es sich um ein Kreuz oder ein b handelt,
+wird anhand der Variablen
+\\{x\_num} bzw. \\{b\_num} deutlich. Diese integer-Zahlen werden als
+Index von \\{accid} benutzt, dieser gibt dann das Vorzeichen an.
+Danach werden \\{x\_num}, \\{b\_num} und \\{nat\_num} auf die defaults
+\Y\P$\4\X46:Gibt es ein Vorzeichen\X\S$\6
+\&{if} $\\{x\_num}>0$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{acc}\K\\{accid}[\\{x\_num}]$;\5
+\X47:Schreibe das Vorzeichen\X;\6
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37\&{if} $\\{b\_num}>2$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{acc}\K\\{accid}[\\{b\_num}]$;\5
+\X47:Schreibe das Vorzeichen\X;\6
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37\&{if} $\\{nat\_num}=5$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{acc}\K\\{accid}[\\{nat\_num}]$;\5
+\X47:Schreibe das Vorzeichen\X;\6
+\U section~38.\fi
+\M47. Die Schreibbefehle f"ur Vorzeichen, Noten, Pausen, Punkte folgen.
+Das Vorzeichen wird geschrieben, falls vorhanden.
+Beim Schreiben m"ussen zwei F"alle unterschieden werden.
+Falls n"amlich \\{pitchnum} kleiner als 0 oder gr"o\8er als 9
+ist, mu\8 die Zahl in
+geschweifte Klammern geschrieben werden, sonst nicht.
+Die Zahl, die zu der Variablen
+\\{w\_column} (z"ahlt die Spalte in \\{outfile})
+addiert wird, ist die gr"o\8tm"ogliche.
+\Y\P$\4\X47:Schreibe das Vorzeichen\X\S$\6
+\&{if} $(\\{pitchnum}<0)\V(\\{pitchnum}>9)$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{newline\_music}(8)$;\5
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37$\\{newline\_music}(5)$;\5
+\U sections~46, 46, and~46.\fi
+\M48. Die Note wird - "ahnlich wie das Vorzeichen - geschrieben.
+\Y\P$\4\X48:Schreibe die gelesene Note\X\S$\6
+\&{if} $(\\{pitchnum}<0)\V(\\{pitchnum}>9)$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{newline\_music}(7)$;\5
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37$\\{newline\_music}(4)$;\5
+\U section~38.\fi
+\M49. Punkte werden geschrieben, falls vorhanden.
+Danach wird \\{dot\_num} auf 0 gesetzt.
+\Y\P$\4\X49:Schreibe die Punkte\X\S$\6
+\&{if} $\\{dot\_num}>0$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{newline\_music}(\\{dot\_num}+1)$;\5
+\U section~38.\fi
+\4\\{bar\_line}: \37\\{char};\6
+\4\\{rest}: \37\\{char};\par
+\M51. Pause und Taktstrich werden gesondert behandelt und sofort
+\Y\P$\4\X51:Zeichen ist Pause oder Taktstrich\X\S$\6
+\4$\.{\'|\'},\39\.{\'=\'}$: \37\&{begin} \37$\\{bar\_line}\K\\{sign}$;\5
+\X53:Schreibe Taktstrich\X;\6
+\4\.{\'p\'}: \37\&{begin} \37$\\{rest}\K\\{sign}$;\5
+\X52:Schreibe Pause\X;\6
+\U section~35.\fi
+\M52. Pause wird geschrieben.
+\Y\P$\4\X52:Schreibe Pause\X\S$\6
+\U section~51.\fi
+\M53. Taktstrich wird geschrieben.
+\Y\P$\4\X53:Schreibe Taktstrich\X\S$\6
+\U section~51.\fi
+\M54. Das Zeichen ist ein Kommentarzeichen. Der Rest der Zeile
+soll im Musikmode nicht mit"ubergeben werden. Deshalb setzen wir
+\\{line\_ptr} um eins zu hoch; daraufhin wird die n"achste Zeile
+\Y\P$\4\X54:Zeichen ist Kommentar\X\S$\6
+\4\.{\'\%\'}: \37$\\{line\_ptr}\K\\{last\_line\_length}+\\{actual\_line%
+\U sections~35 and~65.\fi
+\M55. Das Zeichen ist Beginn eines macros.
+\Y\P$\4\X55:Zeichen ist backslash\X\S$\6
+\4\.{\'\\\'}: \37\\{backslash};\par
+\U sections~35 and~65.\fi
+\M56. Es wird "uberpr"uft, ob man zum Ende der Musikeingabe gelangt ist.
+\Y\P$\4\X56:Zeichen bedeutet Ende der Musikeingabe\X\S$\6
+\4\.{\'!\'}: \37$\\{music\_num}\K\\{ausruf}(\\{change})$;\par
+\U section~35.\fi
+\4\|i: \37\\{integer};\par
+\N58. Anhang B: Default-Werte.
+\M59. Die am Anfang notwendigen Werte werden gesetzt.
+\Y\P$\4\X59:Setze die default-Werte\X\S$\6
+\U section~19.\fi
+\N60. Anhang B: Fehlermeldungen.
+\M61. Prozedur, die f"ur manche
+Syntaxfehler Meldungen auf den Bildschirm und in einen
+Fehler--file (\\{err}) schreibt.
+Dabei wird die Zeile, in der der Fehler vorkommt bis zur falschen
+Stelle ausgedruckt, der Rest der Zeile \\{actual\_line} wird in der
+n"achsten Zeile ausgedruckt. Au\8erdem wird mit der Fehlermeldung
+auch die Zeilennummer in der der Fehler steht, ausgedruckt.
+"Ubergeben wird der Text der Fehlermeldung, ein string
+der L"ange 80, und die Zeilennummer \\{line\_num} der Zeile, in der der
+Fehler auftritt.
+\4\\{error\_help}: \37$\\{string}(20)$;\6
+\4\\{input\_term}: \37$\\{string}(20)$;\6
+\4\\{input\_char}: \37\\{char};\par
+\Y\P$\4\X62:Procedure error\X\S$\6
+\4\&{procedure}\1\ \37$\\{error}(\\{error\_text}:\\{string}(80);\,\35\\{help}:%
+\4\&{var} \37\|i: \37\\{integer};\2\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{writeln\_error}(\.{\'\ \'})$;\5
+$\\{writeln\_error}(\.{\'Fehler\ in\ Zeile:\ \'},\39\\{help}:1)$;\6
+\&{if} $\\{line\_ptr}-11>0$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37\&{for} $\|i\K10\mathrel{\&{downto}}0$ \1\&{do}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{write\_error}(\\{buffer}[\\{line\_ptr}-1-\|i])$;\6
+$\\{writeln\_error}(\.{\'\ \'})$;\5
+$\\{write\_error}(\.{\'\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \'})$;\6
+\&{for} $\|i\K1\mathrel{\&{to}}11$ \1\&{do}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{write\_error}(\\{buffer}[\\{line\_ptr}-1+\|i])$;\6
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37\&{for} $\|i\K1\mathrel{\&{to}}(\\{line\_ptr}-1)$ \1%
+\&{begin} \37$\\{write\_error}(\\{buffer}[\|i])$;\6
+$\\{writeln\_error}(\.{\'\ \'})$;\6
+\&{for} $\|i\K1\mathrel{\&{to}}(\\{line\_ptr}-1)$ \1\&{do}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{write\_error}(\.{\'\ \'})$;\6
+\&{for} $\|i\K1\mathrel{\&{to}}11$ \1\&{do}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{write\_error}(\\{buffer}[\\{line\_ptr}-1+\|i])$;\6
+$\\{writeln\_error}(\.{\'\ \'})$;\5
+\X63:Eingabe vom Terminal\X;\6
+\U section~5.\fi
+\M63. Nach der Fehlermeldung kann eine Eingabe vom Terminal erfolgen.
+\Y\P$\4\X63:Eingabe vom Terminal\X\S$\6
+\&{case} $\\{input\_char}$ \1\&{of}\6
+\4\.{\'i\'}: \37\&{begin} \37$\\{writeln\_error}(\.{\'input>\'})$;\5
+\4\.{\'x\'}: \37\&{goto} \3710;\6
+\4\&{othercases} \37;\2\6
+\U section~62.\fi
+\N64. Anhang B: Prozedur backslash.
+\M65. Prozedur, die aufgerufen wird, wenn ein backslash eingelesen
+wurde. Sie erkennt, um welches Kontrollwort es sich handelt und
+ruft die entsprechenden Unterprogramme auf.
+Daf"ur wird zun"achst das macro auf den string \\{control} gelesen.
+Das Kontrollwort ist beendet, falls $\\{macroend}=\\{true}$, d.h.
+das eingelesen Zeichen ist ein \.{\'\ \'}, \.{\'\{\'}, \.{\'\%\'} oder \.{\'%
+\Y\P$\4\X65:Procedure backslash\X\S$\6
+\4\&{procedure}\1\ \37\\{backslash}; \6
+\4\&{var} \37\\{control}: \37$\\{string}(80)$;\5
+\\{macroend}: \37\\{boolean}; \X67:Procedure macro\X \6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{control}\K\\{str}(\.{\'\ \'})$;\6
+\1\&{repeat} \37\&{begin} \37\X66:Einlesen der Kontrollsequenz auf \\{control}%
+\&{if} $((\\{control}=\.{\'\\beam\'})\V(\\{control}=\.{\'\\slur\'})\V(%
+\'\\chord\'}))$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{macro}(\\{control})$\6
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37\&{if} $\\{control}=\.{\'\\group\'}$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{macro}(\\{control})$\6
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37\&{if} $\\{control}=\.{\'\\signature\'}$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{macro}(\\{control})$\6
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37\&{if} $((\\{control}=\.{\'\\text\'})\V(\\{control}=\.{%
+\'\\vocal\'})\V(\\{control}=\.{\'\\two\'}))$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{macro}(\\{control})$\6
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37$\\{newline\_music}(\\{length}(\\{control}))$;\5
+\&{case} $\\{sign}$ \1\&{of}\6
+\X54:Zeichen ist Kommentar\X;\6
+\X55:Zeichen ist backslash\X;\6
+\4\&{othercases} \37;\2\6
+\U section~5.\fi
+\M66. Dieser Teil wird von der Prozedur \\{backslash} ben"otigt und
+liest auf den String \\{control} die Kontrollsequenz ein, die durch
+backslash angezeigt wird.
+\Y\P$\4\X66:Einlesen der Kontrollsequenz auf \\{control}\X\S$\6
+\&{if} $\R(\\{eof\_infile})$ \1\&{then}\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{sign}\K\\{get\_char}$;\5
+\\\'})\V(\\{sign}=\.{\'\ \'}))$;\6
+\4\&{else} \&{begin} \37$\\{control}\K\\{trim}(\\{control})$;\5
+\&{goto} \3710;\6
+\U section~65.\fi
+\Y\P$\4\X67:Procedure macro\X\S$\6
+\4\&{procedure}\1\ \37$\\{macro}(\\{help}:\\{string}(80))$;\2\6
+\&{begin} \37$\\{help}\K\\{trim}(\\{help})$;\5
+\U sections~5 and~65.\fi
+\pageheight=23cm\vskip0.5cm \def\rhead{ANHANG B: INDEX}
+\:\\{acc}, 45, 46, 47.
+\:\\{accid}, 45, 46, 59.
+\:\\{accidental}, 44, 45.
+\:\\{actual\_line}, 7, 11, 13, 14, 61.
+\:\\{actual\_line\_length}, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 19, 29, 54, 59.
+\:\\{ausruf}, \[21], 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 33, 56.
+\:\\{b\_num}, 36, 37, 46, 59.
+\:\\{backslash}, 35, 55, \[65], 66.
+\:\\{bar\_line}, 50, 51, 53.
+\:\\{boolean}, 7, 17, 21, 65.
+\:\\{buffer}, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 62.
+\:\\{change}, 7, 11, 13, 20, 27, 28, 33, 56, 59.
+\:\\{char}, 7, 8, 36, 50, 61.
+\:\\{compress}, 9, 67.
+\:\\{control}, \[65], 66.
+\:\\{dot\_num}, 36, 37, 49, 59.
+\:\\{duration}, 36, 37, 48, 52, 59.
+\:\&{else}, 2.
+\:\&{end}, 2.
+\:\&{endcases}, \[2].
+\:\\{eof}, 8, 19, 29.
+\:\\{eof\_infile}, 7, 8, 19, 21, 33, 35, 66.
+\:\\{err}, 3, 5, 6, 19, 61, 63.
+\:\\{error}, 28, 30, 43, \[62].
+\:\\{error\_help}, 61, 63.
+\:\\{error\_text}, 62.
+\:\\{false}, 13, 17, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 33, 59.
+\:\\{get}, 8.
+\:\\{get\_char}, 7, \[8], 14, 15, 22, 33, 35, 66.
+\:\\{help}, 21, 27, 62, 67.
+\:\|{i}, \[62].
+\:\\{in\_file}, 7.
+\:\\{in\_line}, 7, 9, 10, 12.
+\:\\{infile}, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 29.
+\:\\{inline\_length}, 7, 8, 9, 10, 59.
+\:\\{input\_char}, 61, 63.
+\:\\{input\_term}, 61, 63.
+\:\\{integer}, 7, 8, 20, 31, 36, 39, 41, 57, 62.
+\:\\{interm}, 5, 6, 19, 63.
+\:\|{j}, \[8].
+\:\\{last\_line}, 7, 11.
+\:\\{last\_line\_length}, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 19, 54, 59.
+\:\\{length}, 9, 65, 66, 67.
+\:\\{line\_num}, 7, 8, 11, 24, 28, 30, 33, 43, 59, 61.
+\:\\{line\_ptr}, 7, 8, 15, 19, 33, 54, 59, 62, 67.
+\:\\{ltrim}, 9, 65, 67.
+\:\\{macro}, 65, \[67].
+\:\\{macroend}, 65, 66.
+\:\\{music}, 17, 19, \[35], 36.
+\:\\{music\_num}, 17, 19, 20, 23, 26, 30, 33, 35, 56, 59.
+\:\\{nat\_num}, 36, 37, 46, 59.
+\:\\{newline\_music}, 25, 29, 30, \[31], 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 65, 66, 67.
+\:\\{next\_line}, 7, 11.
+\:\\{next\_line\_length}, 7, 10, 11, 12, 59.
+\:\\{nonmusic}, 17, 19, \[33].
+\:\\{octave}, 41, 42, 43, 59.
+\:\\{octave\_num}, 36, 37, 42, 43, 59.
+\:\&{othercases}, \[2].
+\:\\{otherwise}, 2.
+\:\\{outfile}, 5, 6, 17, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 38, 47, 48, 49,
+52, 53, 65, 66, 67.
+\:\\{outterm}, 3, 5, 6, 19, 63.
+\:\\{pascal}, 2.
+\:\\{pitchnum}, 39, 40, 43, 47, 48.
+\:\\{read}, 9, 63.
+\:\\{reset}, 19.
+\:\\{rest}, 50, 51, 52.
+\:\\{rewrite}, 19.
+\:\\{sign}, 7, 22, 27, 29, 33, 35, 40, 51, 65, 66.
+\:\\{str}, 65, 66.
+\:\\{string}, 7, 44, 45, 61, 62, 65, 67.
+\:\\{tangle}, 2.
+\:\\{termin}, 19.
+\:\\{termout}, 19.
+\:\\{text}, 6.
+\:\\{trans}, \[5].
+\:\\{trim}, 9, 65, 66, 67.
+\:\\{true}, 11, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 35, 65.
+\:\\{w\_column}, 20, 24, 25, 29, 31, 33, 47, 59.
+\:\\{weave}, 2.
+\:\\{word\_length}, 31.
+\:\\{write}, 3, 24, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 65, 66, 67.
+\:\\{write\_error}, \[3], 62.
+\:\\{writeln}, 3, 24, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 63.
+\:\\{writeln\_error}, \[3], 62, 63.
+\:\\{x\_num}, 36, 37, 46, 59.
+\:\X28:Ausrufezeichen fehlt\X
+\U section~26.
+\:\X42:Berechnung der richtigen Oktave\X
+\U section~38.
+\:\X63:Eingabe vom Terminal\X
+\U section~62.
+\:\X66:Einlesen der Kontrollsequenz auf \\{control}\X
+\U section~65.
+\:\X10:Einlesen der neuen Zeile in den buffer\X
+\U sections~8 and~8.
+\:\X30:Ende der Eingabedatei erreicht\X
+\U section~21.
+\:\X29:Ende musicmode, Zeichen schreiben\X
+\U section~26.
+\U section~5.
+\:\X21:Function ausruf\X
+\U section~5.
+\:\X8:Function getchar\X
+\U section~5.
+\:\X27:Gelesene Zeichen schreiben\X
+\U section~26.
+\:\X46:Gibt es ein Vorzeichen\X
+\U section~38.
+\:\X7, 17, 20, 36, 39, 41, 45, 50, 57, 61:Globals\X
+\U section~5.
+\:\X26:Kein Wechsel des modes\X
+\U section~22.
+\:\X13:Kein Zeilenwechsel\X
+\U section~8.
+\U section~5.
+\:\X9:Lesen der n"achsten Zeile von infile\X
+\U sections~8 and~8.
+\:\X22:Lesen des n"achsten Zeichens\X
+\U section~21.
+\:\X11:Neubelegung der \\{actual\_line} durch \\{next\_line}, Zeilenwechsel\X
+\U section~8.
+\:\X44:New type\X
+\U section~5.
+\:\X65:Procedure backslash\X
+\U section~5.
+\:\X62:Procedure error\X
+\U section~5.
+\:\X67:Procedure macro\X
+\U sections~5 and~65.
+\:\X35:Procedure music\X
+\U section~5.
+\:\X31:Procedure newline music\X
+\U section~5.
+\:\X33:Procedure nonmusic\X
+\U section~5.
+\:\X52:Schreibe Pause\X
+\U section~51.
+\:\X53:Schreibe Taktstrich\X
+\U section~51.
+\:\X47:Schreibe das Vorzeichen\X
+\U sections~46, 46, and~46.
+\:\X49:Schreibe die Punkte\X
+\U section~38.
+\:\X48:Schreibe die gelesene Note\X
+\U section~38.
+\:\X59:Setze die default-Werte\X
+\U section~19.
+\:\X40, 43:Umsetzung der Tonh"ohe in eine Zahl\X
+\U section~38.
+\:\X23:Wechsel des modes\X
+\U section~22.
+\:\X24:Wechsel in music mode\X
+\U section~23.
+\:\X25:Wechsel in nonmusic mode\X
+\U section~23.
+\:\X56:Zeichen bedeutet Ende der Musikeingabe\X
+\U section~35.
+\:\X37:Zeichen ist Angabe zum Ton\X
+\U section~35.
+\:\X54:Zeichen ist Kommentar\X
+\U sections~35 and~65.
+\:\X51:Zeichen ist Pause oder Taktstrich\X
+\U section~35.
+\:\X38:Zeichen ist Tonh"ohe\X
+\U section~35.
+\:\X55:Zeichen ist backslash\X
+\U sections~35 and~65.
+\:\X15:Zeichen lesen\X
+\U section~8.
+\:\X14:\\{actual\_line} ist Leerzeile\X
+\U section~8.
+\:\X12:\\{in\_line} ist Leerzeile bzw. existiert nicht\X
+\U sections~8 and~8.
+\vfill\eject % finish the section names
+\rightskip 0pt \hyphenpenalty 50 \tolerance 200
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdocverb.tex b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdocverb.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ec5d53d0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/mdocverb.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+% macros for verbatim scanning
+% im wesentlichen dem file MANHDR TEX von DEK entnommen
+\newskip\ttglue \ttglue=.5em plus .25em minus .15em
+ \catcode`\\=\other
+ \catcode`\{=\other
+ \catcode`\}=\other
+ \catcode`\$=\other
+ \catcode`\&=\other
+ \catcode`\#=\other
+ \catcode`\%=\other
+ \catcode`\~=\other
+ \catcode`\_=\other
+ \catcode`\^=\other
+ \catcode`\"=\other
+ \parskip \z@
+ \obeyspaces \obeylines \tt}
+\def\begintt{$$\let\par=\endgraf \ttverbatim
+ \catcode`\|=0 \rightskip-5pc \ttfinish}
+{\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=\other % | is temporary escape character
+ |obeylines % end of line is active
+ |gdef|ttfinish#1^^M#2\endtt{|vbox{#2}|endgroup$$}}
+{\obeylines \gdef|{\ttverbatim \spaceskip\ttglue \let^^M=\ \let|=\endgroup}}
+\def\vrt{\hbox{\tt\char`\|}} % vertical line
+\def\dn{\hbox{\tt\char'14}} % downward arrow
+\def\up{\hbox{\tt\char'13}} % upward arrow
+\def\]{\hbox{\tt\char`\ }} % visible space
+\catcode`@=12 % at signs are no longer letters
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/webmac.tex b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/webmac.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..769fa8bf9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/documentation/webmac.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+% This is WEBMAC.TEX in text format, as of May 5, 1986.
+% standard macros for WEB listings (in addition to PLAIN.TEX)
+\parskip 0pt % no stretch between paragraphs
+\parindent 1em % for paragraphs and for the first line of Pascal text
+\let\sc=\eightrm \let\mainfont=\tenrm
+\font\titlefont=cmr7 scaled\magstep4 % title on the contents page
+\font\ttitlefont=cmtt10 scaled\magstep2 % typewriter type in title
+\font\tentex=cmtex10 % TeX extended character set (used in strings)
+\def\\#1{\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers
+\def\|#1{\hbox{$#1$}} % one-letter identifiers look a bit better this way
+\def\&#1{\hbox{\bf#1\/}} % boldface type for reserved words
+\def\.#1{\hbox{\tentex % typewriter type for strings
+ \let\\=\BS % backslash in a string
+ \let\'=\RQ % right quote in a string
+ \let\`=\LQ % left quote in a string
+ \let\{=\LB % left brace in a string
+ \let\}=\RB % right brace in a string
+ \let\~=\TL % tilde in a string
+ \let\ =\SP % space in a string
+ \let\_=\UL % underline in a string
+ \let\&=\AM % ampersand in a string
+ #1}}
+\def\#{\hbox{\tt\char`\#}} % parameter sign
+\def\${\hbox{\tt\char`\$}} % dollar sign
+\def\%{\hbox{\tt\char`\%}} % percent sign
+\def\^{\ifmmode\mathchar"222 \else\char`^ \fi} % pointer or hat
+% circumflex accents can be obtained from \^^D instead of \^
+\def\AT!{@} % at sign for control text
+\chardef\AM=`\& % ampersand character in a string
+\chardef\BS=`\\ % backslash in a string
+\chardef\LB=`\{ % left brace in a string
+\def\LQ{{\tt\char'22}} % left quote in a string
+\chardef\RB=`\} % right brace in a string
+\def\RQ{{\tt\char'23}} % right quote in a string
+\def\SP{{\tt\char`\ }} % (visible) space in a string
+\chardef\TL=`\~ % tilde in a string
+\chardef\UL=`\_ % underline character in a string
+\newbox\bak \setbox\bak=\hbox to -1em{} % backspace one em
+\newbox\bakk\setbox\bakk=\hbox to -2em{} % backspace two ems
+\newcount\ind % current indentation in ems
+\def\1{\global\advance\ind by1\hangindent\ind em} % indent one more notch
+\def\2{\global\advance\ind by-1} % indent one less notch
+\def\3#1{\hfil\penalty#10\hfilneg} % optional break within a statement
+\def\4{\copy\bak} % backspace one notch
+\def\5{\hfil\penalty-1\hfilneg\kern2.5em\copy\bakk\ignorespaces}% optional break
+\def\6{\ifmmode\else\par % forced break
+ \hangindent\ind em\noindent\kern\ind em\copy\bakk\ignorespaces\fi}
+\def\7{\Y\6} % forced break and a little extra space
+\def\to{\mathrel{.\,.}} % double dot, used only in math mode
+\def\note#1#2.{\Y\noindent{\hangindent2em\baselineskip10pt\eightrm#1 #2.\par}}
+\def\defin#1{\global\advance\ind by 2 \1\&{#1 }} % begin `define' or `format'
+\def\A{\note{See also}} % cross-reference for multiply defined section names
+\def\B{\mathopen{\.{@\{}}} % begin controlled comment
+\def\C#1{\ifmmode\gdef\XX{\null$\null}\else\gdef\XX{}\fi % Pascal comments
+ \XX\hfil\penalty-1\hfilneg\quad$\{\,$#1$\,\}$\XX}
+\def\D{\defin{define}} % macro definition
+\def\E{\cdot10^} % exponent in floating point constant
+\def\F{\defin{format}} % format definition
+\let\G=\ge % greater than or equal sign
+\def\H#1{\hbox{\rm\char"7D\tt#1}} % hexadecimal constant
+\let\I=\ne % unequal sign
+\def\J{\.{@\&}} % TANGLE's join operation
+\let\K=\gets % left arrow
+\let\L=\le % less than or equal sign
+\outer\def\M#1.{\MN#1.\ifon\vfil\penalty-100\vfilneg % beginning of section
+ \vskip12ptminus3pt\startsection\ignorespaces}
+\outer\def\N#1.#2.{\MN#1.\vfil\eject % beginning of starred section
+ \def\rhead{\uppercase{\ignorespaces#2}} % define running headline
+ \message{*\modno} % progress report
+ \edef\next{\write\cont{\Z{#2}{\modno}{\the\pageno}}}\next % to contents file
+ \ifon\startsection{\bf\ignorespaces#2.\quad}\ignorespaces}
+\def\MN#1.{\par % common code for \M, \N
+ {\xdef\modstar{#1}\let\*=\empty\xdef\modno{#1}}
+ \ifx\modno\modstar \onmaybe \else\ontrue \fi \mark{\modno}}
+\def\O#1{\hbox{\rm\char'23\kern-.2em\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % octal constant
+\def\P{\rightskip=0pt plus 100pt minus 10pt % go into Pascal mode
+ \sfcode`;=3000
+ \pretolerance 10000
+ \hyphenpenalty 10000 \exhyphenpenalty 10000
+ \global\ind=2 \1\ \unskip}
+\def\Q{\rightskip=0pt % get out of Pascal mode
+ \sfcode`;=1500 \pretolerance 200 \hyphenpenalty 50 \exhyphenpenalty 50 }
+\let\R=\lnot % logical not
+\let\S=\equiv % equivalence sign
+\def\T{\mathclose{\.{@\}}}} % terminate controlled comment
+\def\U{\note{This code is used in}} % cross-reference for uses of sections
+\let\V=\lor % logical or
+\let\W=\land % logical and
+\def\X#1:#2\X{\ifmmode\gdef\XX{\null$\null}\else\gdef\XX{}\fi % section name
+ \XX$\langle\,$#2{\eightrm\kern.5em#1}$\,\rangle$\XX}
+\let\Z=\let % now you can \send the control sequence \Z
+\def\){\hbox{\.{@\$}}} % sign for string pool check sum
+\def\]{\hbox{\.{@\\}}} % sign for forced line break
+ \hbox{\strut\kern2pt\.{#1}\kern2pt}}
+ \hrule}\vrule}\kern2pt} % verbatim string
+\def\onmaybe{\let\ifon=\maybe} \let\maybe=\iftrue
+\newif\ifon \newif\iftitle \newif\ifpagesaved
+ \tensy x\mainfont\topmark} % top line on left-hand pages
+\def\rheader{\tensy x\mainfont\topmark\eightrm\qquad\title\hfill\rhead
+ \qquad\mainfont\the\pageno} % top line on right-hand pages
+\def\page{\box255 }
+ \shipout\vbox{
+ \vbox to\fullpageheight{
+ \iftitle\global\titlefalse
+ \else\hbox to\pagewidth{\vbox to10pt{}\ifodd\pageno #3\else#2\fi}\fi
+ \vfill#1}} % parameter #1 is the page itself
+ \global\advance\pageno by1}
+\def\rhead{\.{WEB} OUTPUT} % this running head is reset by starred sections
+\def\title{} % an optional title can be set by the user
+ \vfill} % this material will start the table of contents page
+\def\botofcontents{\vfill} % this material will end the table of contents page
+\def\contentspagenumber{0} % default page number for table of contents
+\newdimen\pagewidth \pagewidth=6.5in % the width of each page
+\newdimen\pageheight \pageheight=8.7in % the height of each page
+\newdimen\fullpageheight \fullpageheight=9in % page height including headlines
+\newdimen\pageshift \pageshift=0in % shift righthand pages wrt lefthand ones
+ \fullpageheight=9truein\setpage}
+\def\setpage{\hsize\pagewidth\vsize\pageheight} % use after changing page size
+\def\contentsfile{CONTENTS} % file that gets table of contents info
+\def\readcontents{\input CONTENTS}
+\output{\setbox0=\page % the first page is garbage
+ \openout\cont=\contentsfile
+ \global\output{\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}}
+\vbox to \vsize{} % the first \topmark won't be null
+\def\ch{\note{The following sections were changed by the change file:}
+ \let\*=\relax}
+\newbox\sbox % saved box preceding the index
+\newbox\lbox % lefthand column in the index
+\def\inx{\par\vskip6pt plus 1fil % we are beginning the index
+ \write\cont{} % ensure that the contents file isn't empty
+ \closeout\cont % the contents information has been fully gathered
+ \output{\ifpagesaved\normaloutput{\box\sbox}\lheader\rheader\fi
+ \global\setbox\sbox=\page \global\pagesavedtrue}
+ \pagesavedfalse \eject % eject the page-so-far and predecessors
+ \setbox\sbox\vbox{\unvbox\sbox} % take it out of its box
+ \vsize=\pageheight \advance\vsize by -\ht\sbox % the remaining height
+ \hsize=.5\pagewidth \advance\hsize by -10pt
+ % column width for the index (20pt between cols)
+ \parfillskip 0pt plus .6\hsize % try to avoid almost empty lines
+ \def\lr{L} % this tells whether the left or right column is next
+ \output{\if L\lr\global\setbox\lbox=\page \gdef\lr{R}
+ \else\normaloutput{\vbox to\pageheight{\box\sbox\vss
+ \hbox to\pagewidth{\box\lbox\hfil\page}}}\lheader\rheader
+ \global\vsize\pageheight\gdef\lr{L}\global\pagesavedfalse\fi}
+ \message{Index:}
+ \parskip 0pt plus .5pt
+ \outer\def\:##1, {\par\hangindent2em\noindent##1:\kern1em} % index entry
+ \let\ttentry=\. \def\.##1{\ttentry{##1\kern.2em}} % give \tt a little room
+ \def\[##1]{$\underline{##1}$} % underlined index item
+ \rm \rightskip0pt plus 2.5em \tolerance 10000 \let\*=\lapstar
+ \hyphenpenalty 10000 \parindent0pt}
+\def\fin{\par\vfill\eject % this is done when we are ending the index
+ \ifpagesaved\null\vfill\eject\fi % output a null index column
+ \if L\lr\else\null\vfill\eject\fi % finish the current page
+ \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil
+ \message{Section names:}
+ \output{\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
+ \setpage
+ \def\note##1##2.{\hfil\penalty-1\hfilneg\quad{\eightrm##1 ##2.}}
+ \linepenalty=10 % try to conserve lines
+ \def\U{\note{Used in}} % cross-reference for uses of sections
+ \def\:{\par\hangindent 2em}\let\*=*\let\.=\ttentry}
+\def\con{\par\vfill\eject % finish the section names
+ \rightskip 0pt \hyphenpenalty 50 \tolerance 200
+ \setpage
+ \output{\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
+ \titletrue % prepare to output the table of contents
+ \pageno=\contentspagenumber \def\rhead{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
+ \message{Table of contents:}
+ \topofcontents
+ \line{\hfil Section\hbox to3em{\hss Page}}
+ \def\Z##1##2##3{\line{\ignorespaces##1
+ \leaders\hbox to .5em{.\hfil}\hfil\ ##2\hbox to3em{\hss##3}}}
+ \readcontents\relax % read the contents info
+ \botofcontents \end} % print the contents page(s) and terminate
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/macros/mtex.tex b/obsolete/macros/mtex/macros/mtex.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57c2acdb2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/macros/mtex.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1976 @@
+% %
+% Copyright (C) 1986,1987 by Andrea Steinbach and Angelika Schofer %
+% %
+% %
+% 10.11.87 \def\hunkglue ge"andert. (welche Auswirkungen hat das, %
+% ausser dass \two... einen Fehler weniger macht???) %
+% 16.11.87 \def\intslurwidth ge"andert (vor division += \seminhw %
+% 16.11.87 \def\gradientslur ge"andert (vor division += .5\seminhh %
+% %
+\immediate\write10{MTeX Version 0.92 - Release 16 November 1987}
+% %
+% %
+% Allgemeine Vereinbarungen ......................................... 2 %
+% Definitionen der neuen Zeichensaetze .............................. 2 %
+% Definitionen der neuen Character .................................. 2 %
+% Registerdefinitionen: Count,Box,Dimen usw ......................... 3 %
+% Registerinitialisierungen ......................................... 6 %
+% Punktierung ....................................................... 7 %
+% Hilfsfunktionen - Hilfsmacros ..................................... 8 %
+% Macros zur Listenerzeugung und Verarbeitung .......................10 %
+% Notenlinien und Hilfslinien .......................................11 %
+% Taktstriche u. ae. ................................................12 %
+% Das Setzen der Versetzungszeichen .................................13 %
+% Versetzungszeichen - Eingabemacros ................................14 %
+% Noten - Eingabemacros ................................14 %
+% Pausen - Eingabemacros ................................14 %
+% Wertpunkte ........................................................15 %
+% Akkorde - Eingabemacros ................................16 %
+% Konstruktion der Noten und Pausen .................................16 %
+% Berechnung der Notenhalslaengen ...................................17 %
+% Konstruktion der Notenhaelse ......................................18 %
+% Das Setzen der Noten ..............................................18 %
+% Tonarten und Aufloesung, Notenschluessel und Taktangabe ...........19 %
+% Die Verarbeitung der Nachbarschaften ..............................20 %
+% Die Initialisierung der Listen einer Notengruppe ..................20 %
+% Abarbeitung und Setzen einer Notengruppe ..........................21 %
+% Verbalkung - Eingabemacros ........................................21 %
+% Berechnungen der Halslaengen und Steigung .........................22 %
+% Plazierung und Zusammensetzung der Balken .........................24 %
+% Die Bogen .........................................................25 %
+% Akzente fuer Noten und Akkorde ....................................30 %
+% Textunterlage .....................................................31 %
+% Zweistimmige Notation in einem System .............................33 %
+% Beginn und Ende ...................................................33 %
+% Defaults ..........................................................34 %
+% %
+% %
+% (Seitennummern bei Druck des Makropakets mit 60 Zeilen je Seite) %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Allgemeine Vereinbarungen * %
+% ************************************************** %
+%\parindent 0pt
+% Parameter fuer Notensatz
+ \pretolerance=-1
+ \tolerance=200
+ \finalhyphendemerits=-1000
+ \hyphenpenalty=-1000
+ \exhyphenpenalty=-100
+ \doublehyphendemerits=-1000
+ \adjdemerits=1000
+ \adjdemerits=250
+ \interlinepenalty=-10 \inidefaults}%\inidefaults siehe DEFAULTS
+% Dimensionen die in PLAIN TEX eingefuehrt wurden
+%\newdimen\p@ \p@=1pt % this saves macro space and time
+%\newdimen\z@ \z@=0pt % can be used both for 0pt and 0
+%\newskip\z@skip \z@skip=0pt plus0pt minus0pt
+%\newbox\voidb@x % permanently void box register
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Definition der neuen Zeichensaetze * %
+% ************************************************** %
+\font\music=music16 %Noten
+\font\smallmusic=music16 %Noten(im Moment noch mit
+ %\music identisch
+\font\beamfont=beam16 %Balken
+\font\slurfont=slur16 %Bogen
+\font\slurfontuu=sluruu16 %Bogen
+\font\slurfontud=slurud16 %Bogen
+\font\slurfontdu=slurdu16 %Bogen
+\font\slurfontdd=slurdd16 %Bogen
+\font\eightrm =cmr8
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Definition der neuen Character * %
+% ************************************************** %
+\def\hex{"} % zum Eingeben von Zahlen in hex
+\catcode`\"=\active %Unlaute
+\chardef\quart=\hex21 %Notenkoepfe
+\chardef\eighthup=\hex28 %Faehnchen
+\chardef\wholerest=\hex3C %Pausen
+\chardef\doublerest=\hex3A %Taktpausen
+\chardef\fermateup=\hex50 %Fermaten
+\chardef\mflat=\hex32 %Versetzungszeichen
+\chardef\mviolin=\hex47 %Notenschluessel
+\chardef\mC=\hex53 %Taktangaben
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Registerdefinitionen * %
+% ************************************************** %
+\newbox\hb@i % Hilfsbox
+\newbox\hb@ii % Hilfsbox
+\newbox\hb@iii % Hilfsbox
+\newbox\hb@iv % Hilfsbox
+\newdimen\hd@i % Hilfsdimension
+\newdimen\hd@ii % Hilfsdimension
+\newdimen\hd@iii % Hilfsdimension
+\newcount\hc@i % Hilfscount
+\newcount\hc@ii % Hilfscount
+\newskip\hs@i % Hilfsskip
+\newskip\hs@ii % Hilfsskip
+\newskip\hs@iii % Hilfsskip
+\newskip\hs@iv % Hilfsskip
+\newskip\hs@v % Hilfsskip
+\newskip\hs@vi % Hilfsskip
+\newskip\hs@vii % Hilfsskip
+\newtoks\ht@i % Hilfstokenregister
+%2. Boxes fuer Notenkonstruktionen
+\newbox\notebox %zum Setzen der Noten
+\newbox\leftbox %Akkordnoten links vom Notenhals
+\newbox\rightbox %Akkordnoten rechts vom Notenhals
+\newbox\dotbox %Wertpunkte fuer Akkorde
+\newbox\akzentbox %Akzente
+\newbox\hunkbox %Hunks
+\newbox\h@nkbox %Hunks im zweidimensionalen Satz
+\newbox\legerbox %Hilfslinien
+\newbox\firstvoice %erste Stimme bei Zweistimmiger Notation
+\newbox\secondvoice %zweite Stimme bei Zweistimmiger Notation
+\newbox\placebox %zum Setzen der Taktangabe
+\newbox\neighborhood %Box zum Speichern der Nachbarschaft
+%3. Tokenregister
+\newtoks\notename %Noten- oder Pausenwertname
+\newtoks\direction %Richtung des Notenhalses up oder down
+\newtoks\d@rection %Richtung des Notenhalses (global)
+\newtoks\cleftoks %aktueller Notenschluessel
+\newtoks\signtoks %aktuelle Vorzeichnung
+\newtoks\canceltoks %aktuelle Aufloesung
+\newtoks\slurtoks %zur Bestimmung des Charactercodes fuer Bogen
+\newtoks\ta %fuer Listenverarbeitung ....
+\newtoks\tb % .... bei \rightappend
+\newif\iffirst %erste Zeile Zeilenanfang: Initialisierung von
+ %Notenschluessel, Tonart und Taktart
+\newif\ifbeam %Verbalkung
+\newif\ifchord %Akkord
+\newif\ifleft %Plazieren der Akkordnoten links vom Notenhals
+\newif\ifstemup %Notenhalsrichtung aufwaerts
+\newif\ifgroup %Initialisierung der Nachbarschaftslisten
+\newif\iftwo %zweistimmiger Notensatz
+% \dur@tion Notenwert
+% 0 1/1
+% 1 1/2
+% 2 1/4
+% 3 1/8
+% 4 1/16
+% 5 1/32
+% 6 1/64
+% 7 1/128
+\newcount\pitch % interne Tonhoehe
+\newcount\pit@ % interne Hilfstonhoehe
+\newcount\oldpitch % interne Tonhoehe
+\global\oldpitch=0 % Anfangsbelegung
+\newcount\maxpitch % maximale interne Tonhoehe bei Akkord
+\newcount\minpitch % minimale interne Tonhoehe bei Akkord
+\newcount\nn % Anzahl der Hilfslinien
+\newcount\clefcount % Parameter Verschieben der Vorzeichnung
+ % abhaengig von Notenschluessel
+\newcount\accpitch % Vozeichnungs Tonhoehe
+ %Nachbarschaften: Balken- und Bogengruppen
+\newcount\tieconst % Konstante fuer Hoehe des Bogenstuecks
+ % fuer Haltebogen
+\newcount\phraseconst % konstantes Bogenstueck bei Phrasierungs-
+ % bogen
+\newcount\n@a % Index 1.Element einer Gruppe
+\newcount\n@i % Laufindex in der Gruppe
+\newcount\n@e % Index letztes Element einer Gruppe
+\newcount\N % Kardinalitaet der Nachbarschaft
+\newcount\m@i % Listenindex
+\newcount\m@ii % Listenindex
+\newcount\L@ % Laenge des Balkens in 0.5pt
+\newcount\l@ % zur Zusammensetzung des Balkens
+\newcount\m@a\newcount\m@e % Anfangs- und Endindex der Elementliste
+ % die durch einen Balken verbunden werden
+ % sollen
+\newcount\P@i %lok. pitch, der in endpoint benutzt wird
+\newcount\P@a %Anfangspitch
+\newcount\P@e %Endpitch
+\newcount\beamrow %Korrektur von vpos bei mehrfachverb.
+\newcount\S % Steigung
+\newcount\S@ % Absolutbetrag der Steigung
+\newcount\slurwidth % Ganzzahlige Breite eines Bogens in
+ % Einheiten von \nhw
+\newcount\V@int % Ganzzahlige Hoehe eines Bogens in
+ % Einheiten von 1/2\nhh
+\newcount\CODE % Charcode Steigung von Balken
+\newcount\flaga % Werte 0,1,2 Bogenanfang
+\newcount\flagb % Werte 0,1,2 Bogenende
+\newcount\flagc % Balkensteigung = 0 ja/nein
+\newdimen\linethickness % Dicke einer Notenlinie
+\newdimen\nhh % Linienabstand, noteheadheight
+\newdimen\nhw % Notenkopfbreite, noteheadwidth
+\newdimen\seminhh % halber Linienabstand = 1/2\nhh
+\newdimen\seminhw % halbe Notenkopfbreite = 1/2\nhw
+\newdimen\twonhh % = 2\nhh
+\newdimen\I@@ % = 100pt
+\newdimen\stemwidth % = 2\linethickness
+\newdimen\beamthickness % = 0.6 \nhh
+\newdimen\staffheight % = 4\nhh + \linehight
+\newdimen\textline % = \staffheigth, Abstand Schriftlinie --
+ % Grundlinie bei Textunterlage
+\newdimen\linekern % \nhh - \linethickness,kern zw.den Zeilen
+\newdimen\Linekern % \nhh -2\linethickness,kern zw.den Zeilen
+ % bei Hilfslinien
+\newdimen\dotwd % Breite eines Verlaengerungspunktes
+\newdimen\smkern % kleiner Kern zur Korrektur vor und
+ % nach Notenkoepfen (Hilfslinien)
+\newdimen\yshift % dimen!, um die die Vorzeichen verschoben
+ % werden in Y-Richtung!
+\newdimen\nyshift % dimen!, um die die NOTENbox verschoben
+ % wird in Y-Richtung!
+\newdimen\lyshift % dimen!, um die die LEGERbox verschoben
+ % wird in Y-Richtung!
+\newdimen\akzent@pos %vertikale Positionierung eines
+ %Artikulationszeichens
+ %Nachbarschaften: Balken- und Bogengruppen
+\newdimen\s@a %Anfangstemlength
+\newdimen\s@e %Endstemlength
+\newdimen\minsl %untere Grenze f. Stemverkuerzung
+\newdimen\R@i % rel. Hoehe des Notenkopfes pitch*seminhh
+\newdimen\E@a % Endpunkt des Notenhalses Anfangsnote
+% pitch*seminhh +(-)stemlength
+\newdimen\R@a % rel. Hoehe des Notenkopfes pitch*seminhh
+\newdimen\E@e % Endpunkt des Notenhalses Endnote
+% pitch*seminhh +(-)stemlength
+\newdimen\R@e % relative Hoehe des Notenkopfes
+\newdimen\s@i %lok. stemlength, in endpoint
+\newdimen\Abs %Absoluter Abstand zwischen 2 Endpunkten
+\newdimen\corr %Korrekturwert fuer 2. Stem
+\newdimen\sl@c %4.Korrekturwert fuer Stemlaengen
+\newdimen\EP@ %Endpunkt des ersten Stems einer Notengr.
+\newdimen\EP@i %Endpunkt des Stems innerhalb einer Gruppe
+\newdimen\E@l % Unterer Startpunkt fuer Bogenansatz
+\newdimen\E@u % oberer Startpunkt fuer Bogenansatz
+\newdimen\H@e % horizontaler Abstand zwischen zwei Noten
+\newdimen\H@a % Korrekturwert zur Berechnung von H@e
+\newdimen\H@a@cor % Korrekturwert zur Berechnung der Laenge
+ % Balkens oder Bogens (bzgl. H@list)
+\newdimen\H@e@cor % Korrekturwert zur Berechnung der Laenge
+ % Balkens oder Bogens (bzgl. H@list)
+\newdimen\limit %\limit = 0.45\H@e=Grenzwert
+\newdimen\V@ %vertikaler Abstand zwischen zwei Noten
+\newdimen\gradfactor %= 0.005\S\p@
+\newdimen\slurcor % horizontal Kern fuer Bogenpositionierung
+\newdimen\H@m@a % Horizontaler Abschnitt von m@a
+\newdimen\L@a % Balkenlaenge
+\newdimen\V@a % vertikale Position des Balkens
+\newdimen\stemlength % Laenge des Notenhalses
+\newdimen\linelength % Laenge der Notenlinien
+\newdimen\overtext % fuer Textueberlage
+\newdimen\undertext % fuer Textunterlage
+%6. Skipregister
+% Ausschlussparamter
+\newskip \NOTEskip % Glue nach ganzer Note
+\newskip \Noteskip % Glue nach halber Note
+\newskip \noteskip % Glue nach 1/4 Note
+\newskip \notEskip % Glue nach 1/8 Note
+\newskip \noTEskip % Glue nach 1/16 Note
+\newskip \nOTEskip % Glue nach 1/32 Note
+\newskip \nOteskip % Glue nach 1/64 Note
+\newskip \nOtEskip % Glue nach 1/128 Note
+\newskip \ruleskip % Glue nach Rules
+\newdimen\hunkskip % Glue fuer Hunks
+\newskip\oldskip % aktueller \spaceskip vor Nachbarschaft
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Registerinitialisierungen * %
+% ************************************************** %
+\beamfont \beamthickness = 1ex
+\music \nhh = 1ex \nhw = 1em
+ \seminhh = 0.5\nhh \seminhw = 0.5\nhw
+ \twonhh = 2 \nhh
+\I@@ = 100 pt
+\linethickness = 0.15pt
+\stemwidth = 2\linethickness
+\staffheight = 4 \nhh \advance\staffheight by \linethickness
+\linekern = \nhh \advance\linekern by-\linethickness
+\Linekern = \nhh \advance\Linekern by-2\linethickness
+\overtext =\staffheight \advance\overtext by\nhh
+\textline =\staffheight
+\undertext =\textline
+\tieconst = 4 \phraseconst = 2
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Punktierung * %
+% ************************************************** %
+%\ruleskip = \seminhw plus \seminhw minus 0.5\seminhw
+\ruleskip = \nhw plus \seminhw minus \seminhw
+\smkern = 0.2\nhw \relax
+\Noteskip 3\nhw plus 2\seminhw minus 2\seminhw
+\NOTEskip = \Noteskip
+\noteskip 2\nhw plus 1.5\seminhw minus 1.5\seminhw
+\notEskip 1\nhw plus \seminhw minus \seminhw
+\noTEskip \z@ plus 0.5\seminhw minus \z@
+\nOTEskip=\noTEskip \nOteskip=\noTEskip \nOtEskip=\noTEskip
+\hunkskip \z@\relax}
+\Noteskip 3.5\nhw plus 1.8\seminhw minus 1.8\seminhw
+\NOTEskip = \Noteskip
+\noteskip 2.5\nhw plus 1.4\seminhw minus 1.4\seminhw
+\notEskip 1.5\nhw plus \seminhw minus \seminhw
+\noTEskip \seminhw plus 0.6\seminhw minus 0.6\seminhw
+\nOTEskip=\noTEskip \nOteskip=\noTEskip \nOtEskip=\noTEskip
+\hunkskip \z@ \relax}
+\Noteskip 4\nhw plus 1.6\nhw minus 1.6\nhw
+\NOTEskip = \Noteskip
+\noteskip 3\nhw plus 1.3\nhw minus 1.3\nhw
+\notEskip 2\nhw plus \nhw minus \nhw
+\noTEskip \nhw plus 0.6\nhw minus 0.6\nhw
+\nOTEskip=\noTEskip \nOteskip=\noTEskip \nOtEskip=\noTEskip
+\hunkskip \z@ \relax}
+\Noteskip 4\nhw plus 1.42\nhw minus 1.42\nhw
+\NOTEskip = \Noteskip
+\noteskip 3.5\nhw plus 1.28\nhw minus 1.28\nhw
+\notEskip 2.5\nhw plus \nhw minus \nhw
+\noTEskip 1.5\nhw plus 0.9\nhw minus 0.9\nhw
+\nOTEskip=\noTEskip \nOteskip=\noTEskip \nOtEskip=\noTEskip
+\hunkskip \z@ \relax}
+\Noteskip 5\nhw plus 1.5\nhw minus 1.5\nhw
+\NOTEskip = \Noteskip
+\noteskip 4\nhw plus 1.25\nhw minus 1.25\nhw
+\notEskip 3\nhw plus \nhw minus \nhw
+\noTEskip 2\nhw plus 0.75\nhw minus 0.75\nhw
+\nOTEskip=\noTEskip \nOteskip=\noTEskip \nOtEskip=\noTEskip
+\hunkskip \z@\relax}
+\def\hunkglue{\hunkskip=\sk\relax\advance \hunkskip by -\wd\hunkbox
+ \ifdim\hunkskip>\z@ \hunkskip=\wd\hunkbox\relax
+% \else \hunkskip=\sk \advance\hunkskip-\seminhw\relax \fi}%schm 10.11.87
+ \else \hunkskip=\sk \relax \fi}%schm 10.11.87
+%Glue vor einer Rule (Taktstrich etc.)
+\def\gluebrule{\hunkglue\nobreak\ \hskip-\hunkskip\box\hunkbox%
+ \u@text\l@text\nobreak}
+%Glue vor einer Taktangabe
+ \u@text\l@text\nobreak}
+%Glue nach einer Rule (Taktstrich etc.)
+%Glue vor einer Note
+\def\sethunkglue{\hunkglue\nobreak\ \hskip-\hunkskip}
+%Umbruchm"oglichkeit im Taktinnern
+\def\+{\ \-\global\sk=\z@skip}
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Hilfsfunktionen * %
+% ************************************************** %
+%entspricht dem von Knuth angegebenen Makro der \loop-Schleife, jedoch
+%wird die Schleife bei \else wiederholt.
+\def\iiterate{\boddy \let\nexxt\relax \else\let\nexxt\iiterate\fi \nexxt}
+\let\leave=\fi % this makes \looop...\if...\leave skippable
+% entspricht |#1 - #2|
+\def\distance#1#2{\relax\ifdim#1>#2\relax\Abs=#1\advance\Abs by-#2\relax
+ \else\Abs=#2\advance\Abs by-#1\relax\fi}
+%Notensetzen, z.B. Ineinanderschieben von Hilfslinienbox und Notenbox
+%Breite des Boxinhalts wird ignoriert
+\def\cbox#1{\hbox to \z@{\hss#1\hss}} % zentriert den Inhalt der Box
+\def\hboxnhw#1#2{\hbox to \nhw{\hss\cbox{#1}\cbox{#2}\hss}}
+ %Box der Breite eines Notenkopfes
+\def\ignore#1{\hbox to \z@{\hss#1}} % entspricht \llap in PLAIN
+ %z.B. fuer Oktavierung des Versetzungszeichen
+%Rules fuer Phrasierungen
+\def\r@lef@ill#1{\leaders\hrule height \z@ depth #1 \relax\hfill}
+\def\r@lef@ll#1{\leaders\hrule height #1 depth \z@ \relax\hfill}
+%zum Setzen der Phrasierungsboegen
+\def\vt@@#1{\vtop to\z@{\offinterlineskip\null\hbox{#1}\vss}}
+\def\vb@@#1{\vbox to\z@{\offinterlineskip\vss\hbox{#1}\null}}
+% Korrekturfunktionen fuer Berechnung der Halslaenge
+\def\corra#1{\relax \ifdim\Abs>\seminhh
+ \ifdim#1>\minsl \advance #1 by -\seminhh\fi
+ \fi}
+%1. Verkuerzung, des hoeherliegenden(stemup) bzw. tieferliegenden
+%(stemdown) Notenhalses um \seminhh falls moeglich(Abstand>\seminhh)
+\def\corrb#1{\advance #1 by \corr}
+%2. Verlaengerung des anderen Notenhalses um Hoechstabstand zu
+\def\corrc#1{\advance #1 by \seminhh}
+%3. p1^=p2 Abstand =0 : Verkuerzung des Notenhalses der tiefer (hoeher)
+%gelegenen Note um \seminhh
+%Funktionen die die vertikalen Abstaende
+%der Bogenendpunkte von der Grundlinie berechnen
+%dabei ist E@u der Ansatz des oberhalb verlaufenden Bogens
+%und E@l der Ansatz des unterhalb verlaufenden Bogens
+%Punkte fuer Akkorde (oberhalb/unterhalb)
+ \global\E@u\maxpitch\seminhh \global\advance\E@u\nhh
+ \ifdim\E@u<\z@ \global\advance \E@u-\I@@
+ \else \global\advance \E@u \I@@ \fi}
+ \global\E@l\minpitch\seminhh \global\advance\E@l-\nhh
+ \ifdim\E@l<\z@ \global\advance \E@l-\I@@
+ \else \global\advance \E@l \I@@ \fi}
+ \ifdim\E@a=\z@ \global\E@a = 1sp \fi
+ \ifstemup\relax
+ \expandafter\exchange\the\E@a\in\uslurlist\at \n@a
+ \else \relax
+ \expandafter\exchange\the\E@a\in\lslurlist\at \n@a
+ \fi
+ }
+%neue Ansatzwerte E@l E@u berechnen und an \n@i-te Stelle der
+% \lslurlist bzw. \uslurlist setzen (NACH Balkenberechnung)
+ \ifdim\EP@i=\z@ \global\EP@i = 1sp \fi
+ \ifstemup\relax
+ \expandafter\exchange\the\EP@i\in\uslurlist\at \n@i
+ \else \relax
+ \expandafter\exchange\the\EP@i\in\lslurlist\at \n@i
+ \fi
+ }
+% belegt #2 mit dem Endpunkt des Notenhalses des #1-ten Elementes der
+% Notengruppe
+ \lokalassign\hc@i\of\H@list\to\hd@i
+ \lokalassign\hc@i\of\H@corlist\to\hd@ii
+ \select\hc@i\of\dir@list\to\dir@i
+ \ifx\dir@i\down@ \advance\hd@ii\nhw \fi
+ \advance\hd@i by-\hd@ii
+ \advance\hd@i by-\H@a \multiply\hd@i by\S \hd@i=0.01 \hd@i
+ \advance\hd@i by\EP@ %EP@ = Endpunkt @ n@a
+ \global#2=\hd@i}
+% Weist \S die im Balken- / Bogenfont vorhandene Steigung zu
+\def\addC{\global\advance\CODE by }
+ \ifnum\S<0 \S@=-\S \else \S@=\S \fi
+ \ifnum\S@< 1 \S@=0 \else
+ \ifnum\S@< 8 \S@=5 \else
+ \ifnum\S@<12 \S@=10 \else
+ \ifnum\S@<17 \S@=15 \else
+ \ifnum\S@<22 \S@=20 \else
+ \ifnum\S@<27 \S@=25 \else
+ \ifnum\S@<32 \S@=30 \else
+ \ifnum\S@<40 \S@=35 \else \S@=45\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \ifnum\S<0\global\S=-\S@ \else\global\S=\S@\fi}
+% Berechnet den Code der Steigung im Bogenfont
+ \ifnum\S< 0 \global\CODE = 64 \S@ = -\S \else \S@ = \S
+ \global\CODE = 0 \fi
+ \ifnum\S@< 6 \addC 0 \else
+ \ifnum\S@<11 \addC 8 \else
+ \ifnum\S@<16 \addC16 \else
+ \ifnum\S@<21 \addC24 \else
+ \ifnum\S@<26 \addC32 \else
+ \ifnum\S@<31 \addC40 \else
+ \ifnum\S@<36 \addC48 \else
+ \ifnum\S@<46 \addC56 \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+%Im Moment benutzte Steigungen
+%5 10 15 20 25 30 35 45
+ \ifnum\V@int= 0 %\V@=\z@
+ \ifnum\hc@i>1 \advance\hc@i-2 \else \advance\hc@i-1 \fi
+ \edef\slurchar{\the\hc@i}%
+ \else
+ \ifnum\slurwidth<4 \multiply\hc@i\slurwidth
+ \advance\hc@i-\slurwidth\advance\hc@i\V@int\advance\hc@i-1
+ \multiply\hc@i8\edef\slurchar{\the\hc@i}%
+ \else\advance\hc@i-2 \hc@ii=\V@int\advance\hc@ii-1
+ \ifodd\hc@i\divide\hc@i2
+ \edef\slurchar{\noexpand'1\the\hc@ii\the\hc@i}%
+ \else \divide\hc@i 2 \edef\slurchar{\noexpand'\the\hc@ii\the\hc@i}\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi\slurtoks=\expandafter{\slurchar}}
+ \ifnum\V@int= 0 %\V=\z@
+ \ifnum\hc@i>1\advance\hc@i14 \else\advance\hc@i15 \fi
+ \edef\slurchar{\the\hc@i}%
+ \else
+ \ifnum\slurwidth<4 \multiply\hc@i by \slurwidth
+ \advance\hc@i-\slurwidth\advance\hc@i\V@int\advance\hc@i-1
+ \multiply\hc@i8\edef\slurchar{\noexpand\the\hc@i}%
+ \else\advance\hc@i-2\hc@ii=\V@int\advance\hc@ii-1
+ \ifodd\hc@i\divide\hc@i2
+ \edef\slurchar{\noexpand'1\the\hc@ii\the\hc@i}%
+ \else \divide\hc@i2 \edef\slurchar{\noexpand'\the\hc@ii\the\hc@i}\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi\slurtoks=\expandafter{\slurchar}}
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Macros zur Listenerzeugung und Verarbeitung * %
+% ************************************************** %
+%Haengt an Liste #2 ein neues Element mit Inhalt #1 an
+ \edef#2{\the\tb\the\ta}}
+%Weist dem Register (Counter oder Dimension oder Skip ) den Wert des
+%#1-ten Elementes der Liste #2 zu (lokal bzw. global)
+ \long\def\\##1{\advance\m@i-1\relax % globale Zuweisung
+ \ifnum\m@i=0\relax\global#3=##1\fi}#2\relax}
+\def\lokalassign#1\of#2\to#3{\m@i=#1\relax % lokale Zuweisung
+ \long\def\\##1{\advance\m@i-1\relax\ifnum\m@i=0\relax#3=##1\fi}#2\relax}
+%Definiert die Kontrollsequenz #3 als den Inhalt des
+%#1-ten Elementes der Liste #2 zu (lokal).
+\def\select#1\of#2\to#3{\m@i=#1\relax % lokale Zuweisung
+ \long\def\\##1{\advance\m@i-1\relax\ifnum\m@i=0\relax\def#3{##1}\relax
+ \fi}#2\relax}
+%setzt #1=Anzahl der Elemente einer Liste
+\def\cardinality#1\to#2{#2=0\long\def\\##1{\advance#2 by 1 }#1}
+%Tauscht in Liste #2 den Inhalt des #3-ten Elementes gegen #1 aus.
+ \ifnum\m@i=0 \rightappend{#1}\to\helplist
+ \else\rightappend##1\to\helplist\fi}#2%
+ \let\hhelplist=\helplist\global\let#2=\hhelplist\let\helplist=\empty
+ }
+%abhaengig von der Notenkonstellation Abfrage auf \S=0
+ \advance\m@i 1 \advance\m@ii -1
+ \long\def\\##1{\advance\m@i-1\advance\m@ii-1
+ \ifnum\m@i<1 \ifnum\m@ii>-1 \hc@i=##1\relax
+ \ifnum\hc@i#2#3 \relax \else
+ \global\flagc=0 \ifnum\hc@i#2 4 \relax \else \global\minsl=\twonhh\fi
+ \fi\fi\fi}#1}
+%addiert den Wert von \sl@c zum Wert in Liste #1 von Element #2 bis #3
+ \advance\m@ii-1
+ \ifnum\m@i<1 \ifnum\m@ii>-1 \hd@i=##1 \advance\hd@i\sl@c
+ \expandafter\rightappend\the\hd@i\to\helplist\else
+ \rightappend##1\to\helplist\fi\else\rightappend##1\to\helplist\fi}#1%
+ \let\hhelplist=\helplist\global\let#1=\hhelplist\let\helplist=\empty}
+%wechselt die Richtungen der Notenh"alse in der \dir@list vom
+%#2-ten bis zum #3-ten Element gegen #1 aus.
+ \advance\m@ii-1
+ \ifnum\m@i<1 \ifnum\m@ii>-1
+ \expandafter\rightappend#1\to\helplist\else
+ \rightappend##1\to\helplist\fi\else\rightappend##1\to\helplist\fi}%
+ \dir@list%
+ \let\hhelplist=\helplist\global\let\dir@list
+ =\hhelplist\let\helplist=\empty}
+%Ersetzt den Inhalt des #4-ten Elementes der Liste #3 durch
+%#1 Inhalt #2
+\def\additem#1#2\in#3\at#4{\m@i=#4\long\def\\##1{\advance\m@i-1 \relax
+ \ifnum\m@i=0\ht@i{##1}\edef\h@@@{#1\the\ht@i#2}\expandafter
+ \rightappend\h@@@\to\helplist\else\rightappend##1\to\helplist\fi}#3%
+ \let\hhelplist=\helplist\global\let#3=\hhelplist\let\helplist=\empty
+ }
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Notenlinien und Hilfslinien * %
+% ************************************************** %
+\def\nobaselines{\baselineskip=\z@ \lineskip=\z@ \lineskiplimit=\z@}
+%\baselinesa und \baselinesb = zwei Verschiedene M"oglichkeiten f"ur
+% die Interline Glue Wahl.
+ \baselineskip=2\staffheight plus \staffheight minus .5\staffheight
+ \lineskip=0.5\staffheight plus \staffheight minus .5\staffheight
+ \lineskiplimit=0.5\staffheight}
+ \baselineskip=3\staffheight plus \staffheight minus .5\staffheight
+ \lineskip=0.5\staffheight plus \staffheight minus .5\staffheight
+ \lineskiplimit=0.5\staffheight}
+\def\hr{\hrule height\linethickness depth \z@ width \linelength}
+%Notenlinie und Zwischenraum
+\def\HRULE{\hrule height\linethickness depth\linethickness width \twonhh}
+%Hilfslinie und Zwischenraum fuer Hilfslinien unterhalb des Systems
+%Hilfslinie und Zwischenraum fuer Hilfslinien oberhalb des Systems
+ \hbox to \z@{\vbox{\hrv\hrv\hrv\hrv\hr}\hss}}
+%Liniensystem fuer erste Zeile unter Ber"ucksichtigung des \parindent
+\def\firstlines{\hbox to \z@{\linelength=\hsize\advance\linelength by
+ -\parindent \vbox{\hrv\hrv\hrv\hrv\hr}\hss}}
+%macros, die die Hilfslinienbox herstellen zur zugeho"rigen Note
+%\nn = Anzahl der ben"otigten Hilfslinien
+%formel: \pitch<0 \nn=-\pitch/2, \pitch>8 \nn=(\pitch-8)/2, \nn=0 sonst
+\def\legerlines{\leger@cal\ifnum\nn=0 \global\setbox\legerbox\null%
+ \else\relax\ifnum\pitch<0 \global\setbox\legerbox=\vtop{\leger@line}%
+ \else\global\setbox\legerbox=\vbox{\leger@line}\fi\fi}
+\def\leger@line{\begingroup \loop \ifnum \nn>0 \aftergroup \HR
+ \advance\nn-1 \repeat \endgroup}
+\def\leger@cal{\ifnum\pitch<-1 \nn =-\pitch \lyshift =\z@ \let\HR=\KHR
+ \else\relax\ifnum\pitch<10 \nn = 0 \lyshift =\z@
+ \else\nn=\pitch\advance\nn-8 \lyshift=4\nhh%\staffheight-\linethickness
+ \let\HR=\HRK
+ \fi\fi \divide \nn by 2 }
+%Hilfslinien bei Akkorden
+ \ifleft
+ \global\setbox\leftbox=
+ \hboxnhw{$\raise\lyshift\box\legerbox$}{\box\leftbox}%
+ \else
+ \global\setbox\rightbox=
+ \hboxnhw{$\raise\lyshift\box\legerbox$}{\box\rightbox}%
+ \fi}
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Taktstriche u. a". * %
+% ************************************************** %
+\def\caesurasign{\vrule height4.5\nhh depth-3.5\nhh width3\linethickness}
+%schmaler Strich: Taktstrich
+\def\thinvrule{\vrule height\staffheight depth \z@ width2 \linethickness}
+%dicker Strich:
+\def\thickvrule{\vrule height\staffheight depth \z@ width 0.5\nhh}
+%Doppelpunkt fuer Wiederholungszeichen:
+ \hbox{\vrule height 2.6\nhh depth-2.4\nhh width 0.2\nhh\kern-0.2\nhh
+ \vrule height 1.6\nhh depth-1.4\nhh width 0.2\nhh}}
+%zu Taktstrichen zusammengesetzte Striche:
+%wiederholungszeichen mit Doppelpunkt links
+ \thinvrule\kern\seminhw\thickvrule}
+%wiederholungszeichen mit Doppelpunkt rechts
+ \doppelpunkt}
+%taktstriche mit Glue
+ \kern-\seminhw\revrepstrich\global\sk\ruleskip}
+% Makro fuer Orientierungszeichen
+ 3pt\hbox{\lower 1\dp0\hbox{\vbox{\hrule height .4pt \hbox{\vrule width
+ .4pt \hskip 3pt\vbox{\vskip 3pt\box0\vskip3pt}\hskip 3pt \vrule width
+ .4pt}\hrule height .4pt}}}}}}
+ \expandafter\evalfirst\f@rsttime!!!%
+ \ifx\interim\empty \nobreak\box@@@\else
+ \looop\expandafter\evalinterim\interim!!!%
+ \ifx\interim\empty\relax\nobreak\box@@@\leave\fi
+ \expandafter\evalsecond\s@condtime!!!%
+ \ifx\interim\empty \relax\else
+ \looop\expandafter\evalinterim\interim!!!%
+ \ifx\interim\empty\relax\leave\fi
+ \vbox{\halign{##\cr\repbox{1.}\r@lef@ll{\linethickness}\cr
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip}%
+ \repstrut\thinvrule\gluearule#1\cr}}%
+ \let\setlines=\s@tlines}
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip}\repstrut#1\cr}}%
+ \let\setlines=\s@tlines}
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip}%
+ \repstrut\setgluebrule\doppelpunkt\kern\seminhw\thinvrule\cr}}}
+ \halign{##\tabskip\z@\cr
+ \repbox{2.}\r@lef@ll{\linethickness}\cr
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip}%
+ \repstrut\thickvrule\setgluearule#1\cr}}%
+ \let\setlines=\s@tlines}
+\def\repbox#1{\vtop to\z@{\null\nointerlineskip
+ \hbox to \z@{\vrule height10pt depth -\nhh width\stemwidth{#1}\hss
+ }\vss}}
+\def\repstrut{\vrule width \z@ height 7\nhh depth\z@}
+\def\overstrut{\vrule width \z@ height 6\nhh depth\z@}
+% ************************************************** %
+% ************************************************** %
+%Setzen der Versetzungszeichen vor Noten:
+\def\setvorz#1{\relax\setbox \hunkbox=\hbox{\unhbox\hunkbox%
+ \global\advance\oldpitch-7 \yshift=\pitch\seminhh
+ \ifnum\oldpitch=\pitch$\raise\yshift\hbox to \z@{\hss\music#1}$\else
+ $\raise\yshift\hbox{\music#1}$\fi}\global\oldpitch=\pitch}
+%Setzen der Versetzungszeichen in der Vorzeichnung:
+\def\setsign#1#2{\hc@i=#1 \advance\hc@i by \clefcount
+ \ifnum\hc@i<-1 \advance\hc@i7 \else\ifnum\hc@i>9 \advance\hc@i-7 \fi\fi
+ $\raise\hc@i\seminhh\hbox{\music#2}$}
+ \kern\p@\caesurasign\kern\nhh}}
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Versetzungszeichen - Eingabemacros * %
+% ************************************************** %
+%\x=\sharp Kreuz
+%\xx= Doppel-Kreuz
+%\n=\natural Aufloesungszeichen
+%Versetzungszeichen in der Vorzeichnung
+% ************************************************** %
+% * NOTEN - Eingabemacros * %
+% ************************************************** %
+% ************************************************** %
+% * PAUSEN - Eingabemacros * %
+% ************************************************** %
+%Pausen erhalten \pitch = 5 zum Setzen der Wertpunkte im 3. Zwischenraum
+\def\pg{\ifdim\spaceskip=\ruleskip \global\sk=\NOTEskip\fi
+ \sethunks\PAUSE\global\pitch=5\global\nyshift=\pitch\seminhh
+ \nobreak\global\sk=\NOTEskip}
+%zwei Pausentakte
+\def\dpd{\ifdim\spaceskip=\ruleskip \global\sk=\NOTEskip\fi
+ \sethunks{\music
+ \doublerest}\global\pitch=5\global\nyshift=\pitch\seminhh
+ \nobreak\global\sk=\NOTEskip}
+%drei Pausentakte
+\def\dpg{\ifdim\spaceskip=\ruleskip \global\sk=\NOTEskip\fi
+ \sethunks{\music\doublerest}\hskip\nhh
+ \PAUSE\global\pitch=5\global\nyshift=\pitch\seminhh
+ \nobreak\global\sk=\NOTEskip}
+%vier Pausentakte
+\def\dpdd{\ifdim\spaceskip=\ruleskip \global\sk=\NOTEskip\fi
+ \sethunks{\music\ddoublerest}%
+ \global\pitch=5\global\nyshift=\pitch\seminhh
+ \nobreak\global\sk=\NOTEskip}
+ \nobreak\global\sk\Noteskip}
+ \nobreak\global\sk\noteskip}
+ \nobreak\global\sk\notEskip}
+ \nobreak\global\sk\noTEskip}
+ \nobreak\global\sk\nOTEskip}
+ \nobreak\global\sk\nOteskip}
+ \nobreak\global\sk\nOtEskip}
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Wertpunkte * %
+% ************************************************** %
+%\dotwd wird in einer Notengruppe benoetigt zur Berechnung der Laenge
+%des Balkens oder Bogens
+\setbox0=\hbox to\seminhw{\rm\kern\p@.\hss}\dotwd=\wd0
+%#1 gibt Anzahl der Punkte an.
+%- Eingabemacro
+ \ifchord\chordjoindots\else\relax\joindots%
+ \ifgroup\global\advance\H@a@cor by #1\dotwd \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\dotodd{\hbox to \seminhw{\rm\kern\p@.\hss}}%
+%Verschieben der Wertpunkte von Noten auf einer Notenlinie in
+%......den Zwischenraum oberhalb
+ \hbox to \seminhw{\rm\kern\p@.\hss}$}}
+%......den Zwischenraum unterhalb der Notenlinie
+ \hbox to \seminhw{\rm\kern\p@.\hss}$}}
+%Normalfall: Verschiebung in den oberen Zwischenraum
+%setzt #1 Punkte bei einzelnen Noten
+ $\raise\nyshift\hbox{%\kern\smkern
+ \begingroup \loop \ifnum \hc@i>0 \aftergroup \punkt
+ \advance\hc@i-1 \repeat \endgroup}$}
+%Wertpukte bei Akkorden
+ \setbox\dotbox\hboxnhw{\box\dotbox}{\joindots\unskip}}
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Akkorde - Eingabemacros * %
+% ************************************************** %
+ \global\maxpitch=-10000\global\minpitch=10000
+ \sethunkglue\begingroup\chordtrue\lefttrue\stemuptrue
+ \global\setbox\rightbox=\null\global\setbox\leftbox=\null%
+ \global\setbox\dotbox\null%
+ #1\endchord}
+ \global\maxpitch=-10000\global\minpitch=10000
+ \sethunkglue\begingroup\chordtrue\leftfalse\stemupfalse
+ \global\setbox\rightbox=\null%
+ \global\setbox\leftbox=\null\global\setbox\dotbox\null%
+ #1\endchord}
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Konstruktion der Noten und Pausen * %
+% ************************************************** %
+%Bestimmung der zu setzenden Noten und Bestimmung der Halsrichtung
+\def\tunedef{\ifchord \relax
+ \gdef\tune{\csname\the\notename\endcsname}%
+ \else\ifbeam \relax \else\stemdirectiondef\fi
+ \gdef\tune{\csname\the\notename\the\direction\endcsname}%
+ \ifgroup \global\d@rection\expandafter{\the\direction}\fi\fi}
+ \ifnum\pitch<4 \stemuptrue \direction={up}%
+ \else \stemupfalse \direction={down}\fi}
+\def\calstemlup#1{\global\dur@tion=#1\relax\stemupeval of \pitch}
+\def\calstemldown#1{\global\dur@tion=#1\relax\stemdowneval of \pitch}
+%ganze noten \NOTEup=\NOTEdown
+ \global\dur@tion = 0 \hbox{\music\whole}}
+\def\NOTE{\hbox{\music\whole}\global\dur@tion = 0}
+%Halbenoten, Hals aufwaerts , Hals abw"arts gestielt
+\def\Note{\hbox{\music\half}\global\dur@tion = 1}
+ \hbox{\music\half \stemup}}
+ \hbox{\music\stemdown \half}}
+%Viertelnoten, Hals aufwaerts , Hals abwaerts gestielt
+ \hbox{\music\quart\stemup}}
+ \hbox{\music\stemdown\quart}}
+\def\note{\hbox{\music\quart}\global\dur@tion= 2}
+%Achtelnoten, Hals aufwaerts , Hals abwaerts gestielt
+\def\notE{\hbox{\music\quart}\global\dur@tion= 3}
+ \hbox{\music\quart\flagup{\eighthup}}}
+ \hbox{\music\flagdown{\eighthdown}\quart}}
+%Sechzehntelnoten, Hals aufwaerts , Hals abwaerts gestielt
+\def\noTE{\hbox{\music\quart}\global\dur@tion= 4}
+ \hbox{\music\quart\flagup{\sixteenthup}}}
+ \hbox{\music\flagdown{\sixteenthdown}\quart}}
+%Zweiunddreissigstelnoten, Hals aufwaerts , Hals abwaerts gestielt
+\def\nOTE{\hbox{\music\quart}\global\dur@tion= 5}
+ \hbox{\music\quart\flagup{\thirtytwoup}}}
+ \hbox{\music\flagdown{\thirtytwodown}\quart}}
+%Vierundsechzigstelnoten, Hals aufwaerts , Hals abwaerts gestielt
+\def\nOte{\hbox{\music\quart}\global\dur@tion= 6}
+ \hbox{\music\quart\flagup{\sixtyfourup}}}
+ \hbox{\music\flagdown{\sixtyfourdown}\quart}}
+%Hundertachtundzwanzigstelnoten, Hals aufwaerts , Hals abwaerts gestielt
+\def\nOtE{\hbox{\music\quart}\global\dur@tion= 7}
+ \hbox{\music\quart\flagup{\hundredtwentyeightup}}}
+ \hbox{\music\flagdown{\hundredtwentyeightdown}\quart}}
+% P A U S E N
+\def\pauSE{{\music\sixteenthrest}} % bis auf weiteres, da diese im
+\def\paUSE{{\music\sixteenthrest}} %Zeichensatz noch nicht
+\def\pAuse{{\music\sixteenthrest}} %vorhanden sind.
+\def\pAusE{{\music\sixteenthrest}} %
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Berechnung der Notenhalslaengen * %
+% ************************************************** %
+ \hc@i= 3 \advance\hc@i by \dur@tion \hd@i= \hc@i\seminhh
+ \ifdim\hd@i>\stemlength \global\stemlength=\hd@i\fi \fi}
+%Hals nach oben
+\def\stemupeval of #1{\pit@=#1\relax
+ \ifnum\pit@<-3 \advance\pit@ by -4 \global\stemlength=-\pit@\seminhh
+ \else\eval@up\fi\ifgroup\relax\else\min@stemlength\fi}
+\def\eval@up{\ifnum \pit@<6 \global\stemlength=7\seminhh
+ \else
+ \ifnum\pit@<8 \advance\pit@ by-12 \global\stemlength=-\pit@\seminhh
+ \else \global\stemlength=\twonhh
+ \fi\fi}
+\def\stemdowneval of #1{\pit@=#1\relax
+ \ifnum\pit@>11 \advance\pit@ by -4 \global\stemlength=\pit@\seminhh
+ \else \eval@down\fi\ifgroup\relax\else\min@stemlength\fi}
+\def\eval@down{\ifnum \pit@ > 2 \global\stemlength=7\seminhh
+ \else\ifnum\pit@ > 0 \advance\pit@ 4 \global\stemlength=\pit@\seminhh
+ \else \global\stemlength=\twonhh
+ \fi\fi}
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Konstruktion der Notenhaelse * %
+% ************************************************** %
+%Hals nach oben
+\def\stemup{\vrule height \stemlength depth\z@ width\stemwidth}
+%Hals nach unten
+\def\stemdown{\vrule height\z@ depth\stemlength width\stemwidth
+ \hskip-2\stemwidth}
+%Hals nach unten mit Fahne
+ \vtop to\stemlength{\offinterlineskip\null\vss\hbox{\music#1}\null}\fi}
+%Hals nach oben mit Fahne
+ \vbox to\stemlength{\offinterlineskip\hbox{\music#1}\vss\null}\fi}
+%Bestimmung des Notenhalses im Akkord
+ \ifstemup\edef\stem{\hbox{\ifcase\dur@tion \noexpand\relax
+ \or\stemup \or\stemup \or\flagup{\eighthup}%
+ \or\flagup{\sixteenthup}\or\flagup{\thirtytwoup}%
+ \or\flagup{\sixtyfourup}\or\flagup{\hundredtwentyeightup}%
+ \else\noexpand\relax\fi}}%
+ \else\edef\stem{\hbox{\ifcase\dur@tion \noexpand\relax
+ \or\stemdown \or\stemdown \or\flagdown{\eighthdown}%
+ \or\flagdown{\thirtytwodown}\or\flagdown{\sixteenthdown}%
+ \or\flagdown{\sixtyfourdown}\or\flagdown{\hundredtwentyeightdown}%
+ \else\noexpand\relax \fi}}%
+ \fi}
+% Setzen des Notenhalses im Akkord
+ \ifstemup $\raise\minpitch\seminhh\stem $%
+ \else $\raise\maxpitch\seminhh\stem $\fi}
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Das Setzen der Noten * %
+% ************************************************** %
+ \legerlines\tunedef
+ \ifchord\setchord\else \sethunkglue \setnote \fi
+ }
+%einzelne Note
+ \hboxnhw{$\raise\lyshift\box\legerbox$}{$\raise\nyshift\hbox{\tune}$}%
+ \setakzent
+ \box\hunkbox\kern\smkern\u@text\l@text\box\notebox
+ \global\spaceskip=\csname\the\notename skip\endcsname\nobreak
+% \ifnum\dur@tion=0 \global\H@a@cor =\seminhw\fi
+ \ifgroup \global \H@a@cor = \z@ \fi
+%Zusammenfassung der einzelnen Noten in \leftbox bzw. \rightbox
+ \ifnum\maxpitch<\pitch \global\maxpitch = \pitch\fi
+ \ifnum\minpitch>\pitch \global\minpitch = \pitch\fi
+ \chordlegerlines
+ \ifleft
+ \global\setbox\leftbox=
+ \hboxnhw{\box\leftbox}{$\raise\nyshift\hbox{\tune}$}%
+ \else
+ \global\setbox\rightbox=
+ \hboxnhw{\box\rightbox}{$\raise\nyshift\hbox{\tune}$}\fi
+ }
+ \nobreak\global\sk=\csname\the\notename skip\endcsname
+ \ifbeam \relax \else\chordnobeam\fi
+ \hc@i=\maxpitch \advance\hc@i-\minpitch
+ \global\advance\stemlength by \hc@i\seminhh
+ \stemdef
+ \ifgroup \global\H@a@cor=\z@
+ \ifstemup
+ \ifdim\wd\rightbox>\z@ \global\advance\H@a@cor by \nhw \fi
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\H@a@cor by \wd\dotbox
+ \global\d@rection\expandafter{\the\direction}%
+ \fi
+ \global\setbox\notebox=
+ \hbox{\box\leftbox\setstem\box\rightbox\box\dotbox}%
+ \setchordakzent
+ \box\hunkbox\kern\smkern\u@text\l@text\box\notebox\chordfalse\endgroup}
+\def\chordnobeam{\relax\ifstemup \stemupeval of \maxpitch
+ \else \stemdowneval of \minpitch\fi
+ \ifgroup\ifstemup\chordlowerstartpoints
+ \else\chordupperstartpoints\fi
+ \fi}
+% *********************************************************** %
+% * Tonarten und Aufloesung, Notenschluessel und Taktangabe * %
+% *********************************************************** %
+ {\noexpand\hbox{\noexpand\lines}%
+ \noexpand\hbox{\the\cleftoks\the\signtoks}%
+ \noexpand\kern\noexpand\seminhw}%nach
+ {}}}%kein
+ \hbox{\doppelstrich\set@rulesk\the\canceltoks\the\signtoks\set@rulesk
+ }}{\hbox{\lines\the\cleftoks\the\signtoks}\kern\seminhw}{%
+ \hbox{\doppelstrich\set@rulesk\the\canceltoks\the\signtoks}}%
+ \set@rulesk}
+ \kern\p@{{\let\music=\smallmusic\the\cleftoks}}}}
+ \hbox{\place4{#1}\kern-\wd\placebox\place0{#2}}\kern\seminhw
+ }{\hbox{\lines\the\cleftoks\the\signtoks\set@rulesk
+ \hbox{\place4{#1}\kern-\wd\placebox\place0{#2}}}\kern0.25\seminhw}%
+ {\hbox{\place4{#1}\kern-\wd\placebox\place0{#2}%
+ \kern0.5\seminhw}}\set@rulesk}
+% \kern\seminhw}}\set@rulesk}
+ \placebox}$}
+ \iffirst\change\box\hunkbox\the\signtoks\set@rulesk
+ \else\signchange\fi\global\canceltoks={#2}}
+ \global\cleftoks={\setkey{#2}\kern\seminhw}%
+ \clefchange}
+%Abkuerzungen fuer Vorzeichnungen - gro\3e Buchstaben =Dur-Tonarten
+% kleine Buchstaben =Moll-Tonarten
+ {\n@4\n@7\n@3\n@5\n@2\n@5\n@1}}
+\let\mdis=\F \let\ma=\C
+\let\mgis=\H \let\md=\F
+\let\mcis=\E \let\mg=\B
+\let\mfis=\A \let\mc=\Es
+\let\mh=\D \let\mf=\As
+\let\me=\G \let\mb=\Des
+ \let\mes=\Ges
+\def\viooct{\clef{0}{\mviolinoct}}% noch nicht im Font
+\def\vioOct{\clef{0}{\mviolinOct}} % noch nicht im Font
+\def\bassoct{\clef{-2}{\mbassoct}} %noch nicht im Font
+\def\bassOct{\clef{-2}{\mbassOct}} %noch nicht im Font
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Die Verarbeitung der Nachbarschaften * %
+% ************************************************** %
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Initialisierung der Listen einer Notengruppe * %
+% ************************************************** %
+%Gruppe belegt die notwendigen Listen fuer die Notengruppe
+ \global\oldskip=\sk
+ \let\u@@text = \u@text
+ \let\l@@text = \l@text
+ \global\setbox\neighborhood=\null
+ \gdef\elementlist{#1}\gdef\pitchlist{#2}%
+ \gdef\H@list{}\gdef\stemlist{}%
+ \gdef\uslurlist{}\gdef\lslurlist{}%
+ \gdef\H@corlist{}%
+ \gdef\dir@list{}%
+ \global\sl@c=\z@
+ \global\S=0
+ \N=0
+ \long\def\\##1{%
+ \global\E@l=\z@\global\E@u=\z@%zuruecksetzen auf 0pt
+ \global\setbox\neighborhood=\hbox{\unhbox\neighborhood##1}%
+ \rightappend0pt\to\stemlist %initialisiert \stemlist
+ \expandafter\rightappend\the\wd\neighborhood\to\H@list%belegt \H@list
+ \expandafter\rightappend\the\E@u\to\uslurlist
+ %belegt obere startpunkte fuer slurs
+ \expandafter\rightappend\the\E@l\to\lslurlist
+ %belegt untere startpunkte fuer slurs
+ \expandafter\rightappend\the\H@a@cor\to\H@corlist
+ %initialisiert \H@corlist
+ \global\H@a@cor=\z@%zuruecksetzen auf 0pt
+ \expandafter\rightappend\the\d@rection\to\dir@list
+ %initialisiert \dir@list
+ \advance\N1 }\elementlist\groupfalse
+ }
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Abarbeitung & Setzen einer Notengruppe * %
+% ************************************************** %
+ \let\u@text=\u@@text
+ \let\l@text=\l@@text
+ \m@ii=0 \long\def\\##1{\advance\m@ii 1
+ {\assign\m@ii\of\stemlist\to\stemlength}%
+ \ifdim\stemlength=\z@\beamfalse\else\beamtrue\fi##1}%
+ \global\sk=\oldskip
+ \sethunkglue\hbox{\global\sk=\z@skip\elementlist}\nobreak
+ \beamfalse}
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Verbalkung - Eingabemacros * %
+% ************************************************** %
+% Eingabemacros - Balken oberhalb - Balken unterhalb der Notengruppe
+\def\ubeam#1#2{\stemuptrue \n@a=#1 \n@e=#2 \direction{up}%
+ \putdir{up}\from\n@a\to\n@e\b@@m}
+\def\lbeam#1#2{\stemupfalse \n@a=#1 \n@e=#2 \direction{down}%
+ \putdir{down}\from\n@a\to\n@e\b@@m}
+ %Initialisierung
+ \additem{\noexpand\direction{\the\direction}}{}\in\elementlist\at\n@a
+ \ifnum\n@e>\N \n@e=\N\fi
+ \global\minsl=2\nhh
+ \assign\n@a\of\pitchlist\to\P@a
+ \assign\n@e\of\pitchlist\to\P@e
+ \assign\n@e\of\H@list\to\H@e
+ \assign\n@a\of\H@list\to\H@a
+ \select\n@a\of\dir@list\to\dir@i
+ \lokalassign\n@a\of\H@corlist\to\hd@i % vorne verkuerzt
+ \ifx\dir@i\down@\advance\hd@i \nhw \fi
+ \global\advance\H@a by-\hd@i
+ \lokalassign\n@e\of\H@corlist\to\hd@i % und hinten verkuerzt
+ \select\n@e\of\dir@list\to\dir@i
+ \ifx\dir@i\down@\advance\hd@i \nhw \fi
+ \global\advance\H@e by-\hd@i
+ \global\advance\H@e by-\H@a
+ %Berechnung der Steigung
+ \csname gradient\the\direction\endcsname%
+ %Anpassung der Notenhaelse
+ \csname calstems\the\direction\endcsname%
+ %Positionierung des Balkens
+ \beaming
+ %Addieren der berechneten Halsl"angenkorrektur in der \stemlist
+ \addslc\in\stemlist\from\n@a\to\n@e
+ \global\advance\sl@c \seminhh
+ %Korrektur der Bogenangfangspunkte oberhalb bzw. unterhalb der Noten
+ \ifstemup\relax
+ \addslc\in\uslurlist\from\n@a\to\n@e
+ \else \relax\global\sl@c=-\sl@c
+ \addslc\in\lslurlist\from\n@a\to\n@e
+ \global\sl@c=-\sl@c
+ \fi
+ \global\sl@c=\z@
+ }
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Berechnungen der Halslaengen und Steigung * %
+% ************************************************** %
+ \R@a=\P@a\seminhh
+ \R@e=\P@e\seminhh
+%jetzt erst die Stemhoehe berechnen.
+ \ifstemup \stemupeval of \P@a \s@a=\stemlength
+ \stemupeval of \P@e \s@e=\stemlength
+ \else \stemdowneval of \P@a \s@a=\stemlength
+ \stemdowneval of \P@e \s@e=\stemlength
+ \fi
+ \global\E@a=\R@a \global\advance \E@a by#2\s@a
+ \global\E@e=\R@e \global\advance \E@e by#2\s@e
+ \ifnum\P@a=\P@e \global\S=0
+ \else\global\flagc=1
+ \ifnum\P@a#1\P@e \gradz@\in\pitchlist\with#1\the\P@e\from\n@a\to\n@e
+ \else \gradz@\in\pitchlist\with#1\the\P@a\from\n@a\to\n@e\fi
+ \ifnum\flagc=0 \global\S=0\else \global\S=1\fi
+ \fi
+ \relax
+ \ifnum\S = 0 \relax
+ \ifdim\E@a#1\E@e \global\E@a=\E@e \s@a=#2\E@a \advance\s@a-#2\R@a \fi
+ \else
+ \distance\E@a\E@e
+ \ifdim\Abs=\z@\relax
+ \ifnum\P@e#1\P@a \corrc\s@a
+ \global\E@a=\R@a\global\advance\E@a by#2\s@a\relax
+ \else \corrc\s@e
+ \global\E@e=\R@e\global\advance\E@e by#2\s@e\relax\fi
+ \fi
+ \distance\E@a\E@e
+ \limit=0.45 \H@e
+ \ifdim\limit>4\nhh \limit=4\nhh \fi
+ \hd@i=\Abs\advance\hd@i by -\limit \corr=\hd@i
+ \ifdim\corr>\z@\relax
+ \ifnum\P@a#1\P@e \corrb\s@a
+ \global\E@a=\R@a\global\advance\E@a by#2\s@a\relax
+ \else\corrb\s@e\global\E@e=\R@e\global\advance\E@e by#2\s@e\fi
+ \Abs=\corr
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\P@a>\P@e\global\S=-\Abs\else\global\S=\Abs\fi
+ \global\multiply\S by 100 \global\divide\S by \H@e
+ \fi %von P@a=Pb Abfrage
+%\s@a und \s@e zurueckpacken an \n@a-te bzw. \N-te Stelle der \stemlist
+ \expandafter\exchange\the\s@a\in\stemlist\at\n@a
+ \expandafter\exchange\the\s@e\in\stemlist\at\n@e
+ \whatisnewstartpoint
+ \assignS}
+ \n@i=\n@a
+ \global\sl@c=\z@
+ \EP@=\E@a
+ \loop\advance\n@i by 1
+ \assign\n@i\of\pitchlist\to\P@i
+ \R@i=\P@i\seminhh
+ \getendpoint\n@i\EP@i
+ \s@i=\EP@i
+ \advance\s@i by-\R@i %Laenge des stems
+ \s@i=#1\s@i
+ \expandafter\exchange\the\s@i\in\stemlist\at\n@i
+ \whatarenewstartpoints
+ \ifdim\s@i<\minsl\relax
+ \ifdim\s@i<\z@ \s@i=-\s@i\advance\s@i by \minsl
+ \else\s@i=\R@i\advance\s@i by #1\minsl\advance\s@i by-\EP@i\s@i=#1\s@i\fi
+ \ifdim\s@i>\sl@c\relax\global\sl@c=\s@i\fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\n@i<\n@e \repeat
+ }
+%Auswertung der \beamlist
+ \ifx\aa\empty\m@a=0\else\m@a=#1\fi
+ \ifx\bb\empty\m@e=\m@a\else\m@e=#2\fi\def\nxt{#3}%
+ \ifnum\m@a<0\m@a=0\fi %belegung von m@a und m@e, so dass in
+ \ifnum\m@a>\N\m@a=\N\fi %createbeam keine schwierigkeiten auftauchen
+ \ifnum\m@e<1\m@e=1\fi %koennen, z.B. bei \assign usw.
+ \ifnum\m@e>\N\m@e=\N\fi %0<=\m@a<=\N; 1<=\m@e<=\N
+ \ifnum\m@e<\m@a\hc@i=\m@a\m@a=\m@e\m@e=\hc@i\fi
+ \assign\m@a\of\H@list\to\H@m@a
+ \assign\m@a\of\H@corlist\to\H@a@cor
+ \select\m@a\of\dir@list\to\dir@i
+ \relax\ifx\dir@i\down@ \global\advance\H@a@cor \nhw \fi
+ \global\advance\H@m@a by -\H@a@cor
+ \V@a=\H@m@a
+ \advance\V@a-\H@a
+ \multiply\V@a by\S \V@a=0.01\V@a
+ \ifstemup \advance \V@a by \sl@c \relax
+ \else \advance \V@a by-\sl@c
+ \fi
+ \advance\V@a by \EP@
+ \ifstemup\ifnum\S<0 \relax
+ \else \advance \V@a-\beamthickness \fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum\S<0 \advance\V@a \beamthickness\fi
+ \fi
+ \ifstemup
+ \advance\V@a by-\beamrow\nhh%zur Platzierung der Balken
+ \else
+ \advance\V@a by \beamrow\nhh%zur Platzierung der Balken
+ \fi
+ }
+ \looop\expandafter\evalbeamlist\nxt{}%
+ \ifnum\m@a>0\beamposition
+ \ifnum\m@e=\m@a\relax
+%% \immediate\write0{rrule \the\S}%
+ \additem{}{\noexpand\beamr{\the\S}%
+ {\the\V@a}{\the\H@a@cor}}\in\elementlist\at\m@a
+ \else \lokalassign\m@e\of\H@list\to\hd@i
+ \lokalassign\m@e\of\H@corlist\to\hd@ii
+ \select\m@e\of\dir@list\to\dir@i
+ \relax\ifx\dir@i\down@ \advance\hd@ii\nhw \fi
+ \advance\hd@i by-\hd@ii
+ \advance\hd@i by-\H@m@a
+%% \immediate\write0{rule \the\hd@i}%
+ \additem{}{\noexpand\beam{\the\S}%
+ {\the\hd@i}{\the\V@a}{\the\H@a@cor}}\in\elementlist\at\m@a
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \m@a=\m@e\beamposition
+%% \immediate\write0{lrule \the\S}%
+ \additem{}{\noexpand\beaml{\the\S}%
+ {\the\V@a}{\the\H@a@cor}}\in\elementlist\at\m@a
+ \fi
+ \ifx\nxt\empty\relax\leave%
+ }
+ \ifnum\hc@i>2 \advance\hc@i-2 \global\advance\sl@c by\hc@i\seminhh\fi
+ \global\beamrow0
+ \def\\##1{{\def\nxt{##1}\relax\createbeam\global\advance\beamrow 1%
+ }}\beamlist}
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Plazierung und Zusammensetzung der Balken * %
+% ************************************************** %
+ $\raise#3\hbox to \z@{\kern-#4\drawbeam\hss}$}
+ $\raise#2\hbox to\z@{\kern-#3\drawbe@m\hss}$}
+\def\beaml#1#2#3{\global\S=#1$\raise#2\hbox to\z@{\hss
+ \drawb@@m\ifstemup\else\kern\nhw\fi}$}
+ \ifstemup
+ \ifnum\S>0 \vb@@{#1}\else \vt@@{#1}\fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum\S<0 \vt@@{#1}\else \vb@@{#1}\fi
+ \fi}
+ \ifstemup
+ \ifnum\S<0 \vt@@{#1}\else \vb@@{#1}\fi
+ \else
+ \ifnum\S<0 \vb@@{#1}\else\vt@@{#1}\fi
+ \fi}
+ \ifodd\L@
+ $\raise\SHIFT\hbox{\beamfont\char\the\CODE}$%
+ \advance\SHIFT by \l@\gradfactor
+ \fi
+ \divide\L@ 2 \addC1 \multiply\l@2
+ \ifnum\L@>0\repeat}
+ {\gradfactor=\S\p@ \gradfactor = 0.005 \gradfactor
+ \ifnum\S=0
+ \hbox{\vrule height \beamthickness depth\z@ width\L@a}%
+ \else\l@=1\assignCODE
+ \L@=\L@a
+ \advance \L@ by 32677%um Rundungsfehler zu vermeiden
+ \divide\L@ by 32678%Genauigkeit 0.5pt
+ \SHIFT=\z@
+ \putintovbox{\beamfont \ifnum \L@ >255 \setlongbeams\fi \makebeam}%
+ \fi}}
+\def\setlongbeams{\relax\hc@i=\CODE \advance\hc@i 7%
+ \loop$\raise\SHIFT\hbox{\char\the\hc@i}$%
+ \advance\SHIFT 128 \gradfactor \advance\L@-255
+ \ifnum \L@>255 \repeat}
+ \ifnum\S=0\hbox{\vrule height \beamthickness depth \z@ width\nhh}%
+ \else\assignCODE\addC3\putintovbox{\beamfont\char\the\CODE}\fi}
+ \ifnum\S=0\hbox{\vrule height \beamthickness depth \z@ width\nhh}%
+ \else\assignCODE\addC3\putintovb@x{\beamfont\char\the\CODE}\fi}
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Die Bogen * %
+% ************************************************** %
+%-Eingabemacros - Bogen oberhalb - Bogen unterhalb der Notengruppe
+ %Initialisierung
+ \inislur
+ \assign\n@a\of\uslurlist\to\E@a
+ \assign\n@e\of\uslurlist\to\E@e
+ \assignflags
+ %Berechnung der entgueltigen Bogenbreite
+ %Belegung des Anfangs- und Endpunktes des Bogens
+ %Berechnung des horizontalen Versatzes des Bogens
+ \ifdim\s@a=\z@ \ifdim\s@e=\z@ \u@nobeaming \else \u@rightbeaming \fi
+ \else \ifdim\s@e=\z@ \u@leftbeaming \else\u@leftrightbeaming\fi
+ \fi
+ %Berechnung der Laenge des Bogens
+ \intslurwidth
+ %Berechnung der Sekantensteigung
+ \gradientslur{<}{-}%
+ %Positionierung des Bogens
+ \ifnum\slurwidth > 17 \caluphrase
+ \else
+ \assignuslurchar
+ \ifnum\V@int=0\setslurs{2}{0}\else
+ \ifdim\V@<\z@\setslurs{0}{-1}\else\setslurs{0}{+1}\fi\fi
+ \fi
+ %Initialisierung
+ \inislur
+ \assign\n@a\of\lslurlist\to\E@a
+ \assign\n@e\of\lslurlist\to\E@e
+ \assignflags
+ %Berechnung der entgueltigen Bogenbreite
+ %Belegung des Anfangs- und Endpunktes des Bogens
+ %Berechnung des horizontalen Versatzes des Bogens
+ \ifdim\s@a=\z@ \ifdim\s@e=\z@ \l@nobeaming \else \l@rightbeaming \fi
+ \else \ifdim\s@e=\z@ \l@leftbeaming \else\l@leftrightbeaming\fi
+ \fi
+ %Berechnung der Laenge des Bogens
+ \intslurwidth
+ %Berechnung der Sekantensteigung
+ \gradientslur{>}{+}%
+ %Positionierung des Bogens
+ \ifnum\slurwidth > 17 \callphrase
+ \else
+ \assignlslurchar
+ \ifnum\V@int=0\setslurs{3}{0}\else
+ \ifdim\V@<\z@\setslurs{1}{-1}\else\setslurs{1}{+1}\fi\fi
+ \fi
+ %\slurwidth*\nhw <= \H@e < (\slurwidth+1)*\nhw
+ \slurwidth=\H@e
+ \advance\slurwidth \seminhw
+ \divide\slurwidth by \nhw
+ \ifnum\slurwidth< 1 \slurwidth= 1 \fi}
+ \ifcase#1 \global\advance\H@e #2\nhw
+ \or \global\advance\H@e #2\seminhw \fi}
+ \global\advance\H@a-\H@a@cor
+ \global\advance\H@e-\H@a\relax}
+\def\calslurcor#1{\slurcor=\H@a@cor \advance\slurcor #1\seminhw
+ \slurcor = -\slurcor}
+\def\newE@a#1{\ifnum\flaga=0 \global\E@a=\P@a\seminhh
+ \global\advance\E@a#1\nhh \fi}
+\def\newE@e#1{\ifnum\flagb=0 \global\E@e=\P@e\seminhh
+ \global\advance\E@e#1\nhh \fi}
+ \ifnum\n@e>\N \n@e=\N\fi
+ \ifnum\n@a<1 \n@a= 1\fi
+ \ifnum\n@a>\n@e\n@e=\hc@i \n@e=\n@a \n@a=\hc@i\fi
+ %
+ \assign\n@e\of\H@list\to\H@e
+ \lokalassign\n@e\of\H@corlist\to\H@e@cor
+ \assign\n@a\of\H@list\to\H@a
+ \assign\n@a\of\H@corlist\to\H@a@cor
+ \select\n@a\of\dir@list\to\dir@a
+ \select\n@e\of\dir@list\to\dir@e
+ \ifx\dir@a\down@ \global\advance\H@a@cor \nhw \fi
+ \ifx\dir@e\down@ \advance\H@e@cor \nhw \fi
+ %
+ \assign\n@e\of\pitchlist\to\P@e
+ \assign\n@a\of\pitchlist\to\P@a
+ \lokalassign\n@e\of\stemlist\to\s@e
+ \lokalassign\n@a\of\stemlist\to\s@a
+ \flaga=2 \ifdim \E@a=\z@ \flaga=0 \fi
+ \ifdim\E@a> \I@@ \flaga=1 \global\advance \E@a-\I@@\fi
+ \ifdim\E@a<-\I@@ \flaga=1 \global\advance \E@a-\I@@\fi
+ \flagb=2\ifdim \E@e =\z@ \flagb=0\fi
+ \ifdim\E@e> \I@@ \flagb=1 \global\advance \E@e-\I@@\fi
+ \ifdim\E@e<-\I@@ \flagb=1 \global\advance \E@e \I@@\fi
+ \relax}
+%ohne Verbalkung
+ \ifx\dir@e\up@ \relax\newslurwidth{0}{-}\fi %stemup
+ \calslurcor{-}\newE@a{+}\newE@e{+}}
+ \ifx\dir@a\down@ \newslurwidth{0}{-}\fi%stemdown
+ \ifx\dir@a\up@\calslurcor{+}\else \calslurcor{-}\fi
+ \newE@a{-}\newE@e{-}}
+% Verbalkung nur in \n@e
+\def\u@rightbeaming{\ifnum\flagb<2 \u@rightstemdown \else
+ \u@rightstemup \fi}
+ \calslurcor{-}\newE@a{+}\newE@e{+}}
+ \advance\n@e-1
+ \ifnum\n@e=\n@a \newslurwidth{0}{-}\calslurcor{-}\newE@a{+}\newE@e{+}%
+ \else\newslurwidth{1}{-}\calslurcor{-}\newE@a{+}%\E@e belegt
+ \fi\advance\n@e1}
+\def\l@rightbeaming{\ifnum\flagb<2 \l@rightstemup \else
+ \l@rightstemdown \fi}
+ \ifx\dir@a\down@ \newslurwidth{0}{-}\fi
+ \ifx\dir@a\up@\calslurcor{+}\else\calslurcor{-}\fi\newE@a{-}\newE@e{-}}
+ \advance\n@e-1
+ \ifnum\n@e=\n@a \ifx\dir@a\up@\newslurwidth{0}{-}\fi
+ \ifx\dir@a\up@\calslurcor{+}\else\calslurcor{-}\fi\newE@a{-}\newE@e{-}%
+ \else\ifx\dir@a\up@\newslurwidth{1}{+}\else\newslurwidth{1}{-}\fi
+ \ifx\dir@a\up@\calslurcor{+}\else\calslurcor{-}\fi\newE@a{-}%\E@e belegt
+ \fi\advance\n@e 1 }
+% Verbalkung nur in \n@a
+\def\u@leftbeaming{\ifnum\flaga<2 \u@leftstemdown \else
+ \u@leftstemup \fi}
+ \ifx\dir@e\up@\newslurwidth{0}{-}\fi
+ \calslurcor{-}\newE@a{+}\newE@e{+}}
+ \advance\n@e-1
+ \ifnum\n@e=\n@a \ifx\dir@e\up@\newslurwidth{0}{-}\fi
+ \calslurcor{-}\newE@a{+}\newE@e{+}%
+ \else\ifx\dir@e\up@\newslurwidth{1}{-}\else\newslurwidth{1}{+}\fi
+ \slurcor=-\H@a@cor \newE@e{+}%\E@a belegt
+ \fi\advance\n@e1}
+\def\l@leftbeaming{\ifnum\flaga<2 \l@leftstemup \else
+ \l@leftstemdown \fi}
+ \calslurcor{+}\newE@a{-}\newE@e{-}}
+ \advance\n@e-1
+ \ifnum\n@e=\n@a \newslurwidth{0}{-}\calslurcor{-}\newE@a{-}\newE@e{-}%
+ \else\newslurwidth{1}{-}\slurcor=-\H@a@cor\newE@e{-}%\E@a belegt
+ \fi\advance\n@e 1 }
+% Verbalkung in beiden Faellen
+\def\u@leftrightbeaming{\ifnum\flagb<2 \u@stemdown \else \u@stemup \fi}
+ \ifnum\flaga<2 \u@stemdownstemdown \else \u@stemupstemdown \fi}
+ \calslurcor{-}\newE@a{+}\newE@e{+}}
+ \advance\n@e-1
+ \ifnum\n@e=\n@a \calslurcor{-}\newE@a{+}\newE@e{+}%
+ \else\newslurwidth{1}{-}\slurcor=-\H@a@cor\newE@e{+}%\E@a belegt
+ \fi\advance\n@e 1 }
+ \ifnum\flaga<2 \u@stemdownstemup \else \u@stemupstemup \fi}
+ \advance\n@e-1
+ \ifnum\n@e=\n@a \newslurwidth{0}{-}\calslurcor{-}\newE@a{+}\newE@e{+}%
+ \else\newslurwidth{1}{-}\calslurcor{-}\newE@a{+}%\E@e belegt
+ \fi\advance\n@e 1 }
+ \slurcor=-\H@a@cor}%E@a,E@e belegt
+\def\l@leftrightbeaming{\ifnum\flaga<2 \l@stemup \else \l@stemdown \fi}
+ \ifnum\flagb<2 \l@stemupstemup \else \l@stemupstemdown \fi}
+ \calslurcor{+}\newE@a{-}\newE@e{-}}
+ \advance\n@e-1
+ \ifnum\n@e=\n@a \calslurcor{+}\newE@a{-}\newE@e{-}%
+ \else\newslurwidth{1}{+}\calslurcor{+}\newE@a{-}%\E@e belegt
+ \fi\advance\n@e 1 }
+ \ifnum\flagb<2 \l@stemdownstemup \else \l@stemdownstemdown \fi}
+ \advance\n@e-1
+ \ifnum\n@e=\n@a \newslurwidth{0}{-}\calslurcor{+}\newE@a{-}\newE@e{-}%
+ \else\newslurwidth{1}{-}\slurcor=-\H@a@cor\newE@e{-}%\E@a belegt
+ \fi\advance\n@e 1 }
+\def\l@stemdownstemdown{\calslurwidth\slurcor=-\H@a@cor}%E@a,E@e belegt
+ \ifdim\E@a=\E@e \V@int=0 \V@=\z@%auswaehlen von angemessenen Boegen
+ \else
+ \V@ = \E@e \advance \V@ by -\E@a
+ \ifdim\V@>\z@ \V@int=\V@ \else \V@int=-\V@ \fi
+ \advance\V@int \V@int \advance\V@int \seminhh \divide \V@int by 2
+ \divide \V@int by \seminhh
+ \ifnum\V@int>8 \V@int=8 \else \ifnum\slurwidth<4
+ \hc@i=\slurwidth \multiply \hc@i2
+ \ifnum\hc@i<\V@int \V@int=\hc@i
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \hd@i=\V@int\seminhh
+ \ifdim\E@a#1\E@e \global\E@a=\E@e\global\advance\E@a#2\hd@i
+ \else \global\E@e=\E@a\global\advance\E@e#2\hd@i\fi
+ \fi
+ }
+%Postitionierung und Bogensatz
+ \caltie{0}{3}{+}\else \calphrase{<}{+}{0}\fi}
+ \caltie{1}{3}{-}\else \calphrase{>}{-}{1}\fi}
+\def\caltie#1#2#3{\hd@i=\E@a \hd@ii=\tieconst\seminhh
+ \advance\hd@ii\nhh
+ \advance\hd@i #3\hd@ii
+ \additem{}{\noexpand\phrase{#1}{\the\H@e}%
+ {#2}{#2}{\the\hd@i}{\the\slurcor}}\in\elementlist\at\n@a}
+ \ifdim\V@#1 \z@
+ \hd@i=\phraseconst\seminhh \advance\hd@i\nhh
+ \global\advance\E@a#2\hd@i
+ \additem{}{\noexpand\phrase{#3}{\the\H@e}%
+ {0}{\the\V@int}{\the\E@a}{\the\slurcor}}\in\elementlist\at\n@a
+% 0 entspr. slur aus der ersten spalte im font Sconst
+ \else
+ \hd@i=\phraseconst\seminhh \advance\hd@i\seminhh
+ \global\advance\E@a by #2\hd@i\relax
+ \hd@i=\V@int\seminhh
+ \global\advance\E@a by #2\hd@i \relax
+ \additem{}{\noexpand\phrase{#3}{\the\H@e}%
+ {\the\V@int}{0}{\the\E@a}{\the\slurcor}}\in\elementlist\at\n@a
+% 0 entspr. slur aus der ersten spalte im font
+ \fi}
+ $\raise#5\hbox to \z@{{\kern#6%
+ \ifcase#1
+ \vt@@{\hbox to #2 {\slurfont
+ \vt@@{\char\hex2\the\hc@i}\r@lef@ill{\p@}\vt@@{\char\hex3\the\hc@ii}}}%
+ \or
+ \vb@@{\hbox to #2 {\slurfont
+ \vb@@{\char\hex4\the\hc@i}\r@lef@ll{\p@}\vb@@{\char\hex5\the\hc@ii}}}%
+ \fi
+ \hss}}$}
+ {\the\E@a}{\the\slurcor}{\the\slurtoks}}\in\elementlist\at\n@a}
+ $\raise#3\hbox to \z@{{\kern#4\relax
+ \ifnum\S@<0 \vt@@{\selectfont\char#5}\else
+ \vb@@{\selectfont\char#5}\fi
+ \hss}}$}
+ \ifcase\hc@i\ifnum\S@<0\slurfontdu\else\slurfontuu\fi%0
+ \or \ifnum\S@<0\slurfontdd\else\slurfontud\fi%1
+ \or \slurfont \or \slurfont \fi}
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Akzente fuer Noten und Akkorde * %
+% ************************************************** %
+\def\cantusfirmus{{\it c.f.}}
+\def\crescendo{{\it cresc.}}
+\def\dacapo{{\it d.c.}}
+\def\dalsegno{{\it d.s.}}
+\def\decrescendo{{\it decresc.}}
+\def\diminuendo{{\it dim.}}
+\def\fine{{\it fine}}
+\def\forte{{\it f}}
+\def\fortissimo{{\it ff}}
+\def\fortissimoposs{{\it fff}}
+\def\fortepiano{{\it fp}}
+\def\forzato{{\it fz}}
+\def\mezzoforte{{\it mf}}
+\def\mezzopiano{{\it mp}}
+\def\piano{{\it p}}
+\def\pianissimo{{\it pp}}
+\def\pianissimoposs{{\it ppp}}
+\def\rallentando{{\it rall.}}
+\def\rinforzando{{\it rfz.}}
+\def\ritardando{{\it rit.}}
+\def\ritenuto{{\it riten.}}
+\def\sforzato{{\it sfz}}
+\def\sforz{{\it sf}}
+\def\staccato{{\it stacc.}}
+\def\tacet{{\it tacet}}
+\def\unisono{{\it unis.}}
+%Plazierung der Spielanweisungen am Notenkopf
+ \hboxnhw{$\ssize\prime$}{\box\akzentbox}}
+\def\tr{\setbox\akzentbox\hboxnhw{{\rm{\it tr}}}{\box\akzentbox}}
+\def\trbrack{\setbox\akzentbox\hboxnhw{{\rm({\it tr})}}{\box\akzentbox}}
+\def\tenuto{\setbox\akzentbox\hboxnhw{{\vrule width \nhh height 1pt}}
+ \hboxnhw{$\scriptscriptstyle+$}{\box\akzentbox}}
+ \ifdim\wd\akzentbox=\z@\relax\else
+ \iftwo \akzent@position \else
+ \ifstemup \l@akzent@position \else \u@akzent@position\fi \fi
+ \ifstemup\global\setbox\notebox=\hbox{$
+ \raise \akzent@pos\hbox to \z@{\copy\akzentbox\hss}$\box\notebox}\else
+ \global\setbox\notebox=\hbox{\box\notebox$
+ \raise \akzent@pos\hbox to\z@{\hss\copy\akzentbox}$}\fi\fi}
+ \ifdim\wd\akzentbox=\z@\relax\else
+ \iftwo \akzent@position \else
+ \ifstemup \l@akzent@position \else \u@akzent@position\fi \fi
+ \global\setbox\notebox=\hboxnhw{\box\notebox}{$
+ \raise \akzent@pos\hbox{\copy\akzentbox}$}\fi}
+\def\u@akzent@position{\hc@i=\ht\notebox \divide\hc@i by \seminhh
+ \ifnum\hc@i>7 \advance\hc@i 1 \else
+ \ifodd\hc@i \advance \hc@i 2 \else \advance \hc@i 1\fi\fi
+ \akzent@pos = \hc@i\seminhh\relax
+ \ifgroup
+ \global\E@u=\akzent@pos \global\advance\E@u\ht\akzentbox
+ \global\advance\E@u\seminhh
+ \ifdim\E@u<\z@ \global\advance \E@u-\I@@
+ \else \global\advance \E@u \I@@ \fi\fi
+ }
+\def\l@akzent@position{\hc@i=\dp\notebox \divide\hc@i by \seminhh
+ \ifdim\dp\notebox>\z@ \advance\hc@i 1 \akzent@pos= -\hc@i\seminhh
+ \else
+ \ifnum\pitch>2 \akzent@pos=\seminhh \else \akzent@pos=-\seminhh\fi\fi
+ \advance\akzent@pos-\ht\akzentbox
+ \ifgroup
+ \global\E@l=\akzent@pos \global\advance\E@l-\seminhh
+ \ifdim\E@l<\z@ \global\advance \E@l-\I@@
+ \else \global\advance \E@l \I@@ \fi\fi}
+%varable (De-)Crescendo - Zeichen
+ \setbox\hb@i\hbox{#1}\hc@i=\wd\hb@i\divide\hc@i\nhw
+ \ifnum\hc@i < 1 \hc@i=1 \fi \ifnum\hc@i>16 \hc@i = 16\fi\advance\hc@i95
+ \setover{\slurfont\char\the\hc@i}{\overstrut\unhbox\hb@i}}
+ \setbox\hb@i\hbox{#1}\hc@i=\wd\hb@i\divide\hc@i\nhw
+ \ifnum\hc@i < 1 \hc@i=1 \fi \ifnum\hc@i>16 \hc@i=16 \fi\advance\hc@i111
+ \setover{\slurfont\char\the\hc@i}{\overstrut\unhbox\hb@i}}
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Textunterlage * %
+% ************************************************** %
+% Text oberhalb und unterhalb der Notenlinien
+%- Eingabemacros
+%#1 n : Der Text soll nicht in die Berechnung einbezogen werden,
+%#1 c : Der Text wird unterhalb der Notenbox zentriert und nicht in
+% die weitere Berechnung einbezogen
+%#1 l: (linksbuendig) aber neuer spaceskip festgesetzt, Box ist so breit
+%wie Text.
+%#1 r: (rechtsbuendig) Box ist so breit wie Notenbox + ihr spaceskip
+%der Rest wird links ueberstehen. sk veraendert.
+\def\set@above@parms#1{\def\aresp{#1}\ifx\aresp\empty \def\aresp{x}\fi
+ \overtext=\staffheight\advance\overtext by\nhh}
+\def\set@below@parms#1{\def\bresp{#1}\ifx\bresp\empty \def\bresp{x}\fi
+ \undertext=\textline}
+ \strut\eightrm#1}\get@below@box}
+ \ifx\@B@\b@tok\relax %\aftergroup#2
+ \else\aftergroup e\aftergroup{\aftergroup}\fi
+ \endgroup}
+ \global\sk=\hs@iv \setbox\hb@iii\hbox{#2}%
+ \hs@v=\sk \relax\hs@vi=\sk
+ \above{\aresp}\below{\bresp}\global\sk=\hs@iv\relax
+ \ifvoid\hb@iii \global\sk=\z@skip \hbox{\u@text\l@text}\else #2\fi
+ \ifdim\hs@vi>\hs@v\global\sk=\hs@vi\else\global\sk=\hs@v\fi
+ \def\l@text{\relax}\def\u@text{\relax}}
+ \strut\eightrm#1}\get@above@box}
+ \ifx\@A@\a@tok\relax%\aftergroup#2
+ \else\aftergroup e\aftergroup{\aftergroup}\fi\endgroup}
+ \global\sk=\hs@iv \setbox\hb@iii\hbox{#2}%
+ \hs@v=\sk \relax\hs@vi=\sk
+ \above{\aresp}\below{\bresp}\global\sk=\hs@iv\relax
+ \ifvoid\hb@iii\global\sk=\z@skip\hbox{\u@text\l@text}\else#2\fi
+ \ifdim\hs@vi>\hs@v\global\sk=\hs@vi\else\global\sk=\hs@v\fi
+ \def\l@text{\relax}\def\u@text{\relax}}
+\def\above#1{\ifdim\ht\hb@iii>\overtext \overtext = \ht\hb@iii
+ \advance \overtext \seminhh \fi
+ \if#1e\def\u@text{\relax}\else
+ \if#1n\anorespect\else
+ \if#1c\acrespect\else
+ \if#1r\arrespect\else
+ \if#1l\alrespect\else\aautoset\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\nobreak}
+ \if#1e\def\l@text{\relax}\else
+ \if#1n\bnorespect\else
+ \if#1c\bcrespect\else
+ \if#1r\brrespect\else
+ \if#1l\blrespect\else
+ \if#1v\bvrespect\else\bautoset\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\nobreak}
+ \def\u@text{$\raise\overtext\hbox to\z@{\box\hb@i\hss}$}}
+ \setbox\hb@i\hbox to\hd@i{\hss\box\hb@i\hss}%
+ \def\u@text{$\raise\overtext\hbox to \z@{\box\hb@i\hss}$}}
+ \advance\hd@i by \hs@v \advance\hd@i by-\hs@iv
+ \setbox\hb@i\hbox to \hd@i{\hss\box\hb@i}%
+ \def\u@text{$\raise\overtext\hbox to \z@{\box\hb@i\hss}$}%
+ \advance\hs@v by \nhh plus\nhh\relax}
+ \distance{\hd@i}{\wd\hb@i}\ifdim\hd@i>\wd\hb@i
+ \hs@v=\Abs plus\nhh \fi
+ \def\u@text{$\raise\overtext\hbox to \z@{\box\hb@i\hss}$}}
+ \def\l@text{$\lower\undertext\hbox to\z@{\box\hb@ii\hss}$}}
+ \ifdim\dp\hb@iii>\z@ \advance\undertext by\dp\hb@iii\fi\bnorespect}
+ \hd@i=\wd\hb@iii\advance\hd@i-\hs@iv\relax
+ \setbox\hb@ii\hbox to\hd@i{\hss\box\hb@ii\hss}%
+ \def\l@text{$\lower\undertext\hbox to \z@{\box\hb@ii\hss}$}}
+ \advance\hd@i by \hs@vi \advance\hd@i by-\hs@iv
+ \setbox\hb@ii\hbox to \hd@i{\hss\box\hb@ii}%
+ \def\l@text{$\lower\undertext\hbox to \z@{\box\hb@ii\hss}$}%
+ \advance\hs@vi by \nhh plus\nhh\relax}
+ \distance{\hd@i}{\wd\hb@ii}\ifdim\hd@i>\wd\hb@i
+ \hs@vi=\Abs plus\nhh\relax \fi
+ \def\l@text{$\lower\undertext\hbox to \z@{\box\hb@ii\hss}$}}
+\def\aautoset{\hd@i=\wd\hb@i \advance \hd@i-\wd\hb@iii
+ \advance\hd@i-\hs@iv
+ \ifdim\hd@i>\z@ \relax
+ \ifdim\hd@i>0.75\hs@v \advance\hd@i-\hs@v
+ \ifdim\hd@i<\hs@v \arrespect\else\alrespect\fi
+ \else\acrespect\fi
+ \else\anorespect\fi
+ }
+\def\bautoset{\hd@i=\wd\hb@ii \advance\hd@i-\wd\hb@iii
+ \advance\hd@i-\hs@vi
+ \ifdim\hd@i>\z@ \relax
+ \ifdim\hd@i>\sk \advance\hd@i-\sk
+ \ifdim\hd@i<\sk \brrespect\else\blrespect\fi
+ \else\bcrespect\fi
+ \else\bnorespect\fi
+ }
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Zweistimmige Notation in einem System * %
+% ************************************************** %
+ \setbox\h@nkbox=\hbox{\box\hunkbox}%
+ \hs@i=\sk \global\sk=\z@skip
+ \setbox\firstvoice\hbox{\stemuptrue
+ \let\akzent@position=\u@akzent@position\direction{up}#1}%
+ \hs@ii=\sk \global\sk=\z@skip
+ \setbox\secondvoice\hbox{%
+ \def\doteven{\dot@down}\let\akzent@position=\l@akzent@position
+ \stemupfalse\direction{down}#2}%
+ \hs@iii=\sk
+ \hbox{\global\sk=\hs@i\sethunkglue
+ \box\h@nkbox\ifdim\wd\firstvoice<\wd\secondvoice
+ \hd@i=\wd\firstvoice\global\sk=\z@skip\box\firstvoice\hskip-\hd@i
+ \global\sk=\z@skip\box\secondvoice\global\sk=\hs@iii\else
+ \hd@i=\wd\secondvoice\global\sk=\z@skip\box\secondvoice\hskip-\hd@i
+ \global\sk=\z@skip\box\firstvoice\global\sk=\hs@ii\fi}\twofalse}}
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Beginn und Ende * %
+% ************************************************** %
+%Material fuer die Ueberschrift eines Musikstueckes
+\def\comp@{\hbox{}} %Komponist
+\def\poet@{\hbox{}} % Texter
+\def\title@{\hbox{}}% Titel
+\def\voice@{\hbox{}}%Text zu Beginn der ersten Notenzeile
+\def\composer#1{\def\comp@{\hbox{\eightrm #1}}}
+\def\voice#1{\def\voice@{\hbox to \parindent{\offinterlineskip
+ \hss\vbox to \staffheight{\vfil\hbox{\rm#1}\vfil}\hss}}}
+%Zusammensetzen der Ueberschrift
+\def\headings{\par\hbox to \hsize{\hss\title@\hss}%
+ \hbox to \hsize {\poet@\hss\comp@}%
+ \def\comp@{\hbox{}}\def\poet@{\hbox{}}\def\title@{\hbox{}}}
+%Rahmen \beginsong ...... \endsong
+ \begingroup\inisong
+ \global\signtoks={}\global\cleftoks={}%
+ \noaccent
+ \baselines\parskip\staffheight plus 0.5\staffheight \relax
+ \firsttrue\indent\llap{\voice@}%
+ \firstlines#1#2\firstfalse\music}
+% ************************************************** %
+% * Defaults * %
+% ************************************************** %
+%Defaults zu Beginn des Musikstueckes
+ \def\helplist{}%
+ \global\minsl=3 \nhh
+ \let\na=\n@a \let\nee=\n@e
+ \def\beamlist{\\{\the\n@a-\the\n@e,}}%
+% Minimal moegliche Halslaenge bei Verbalkung - Anfangsbelegung
+ \n@a=1}
+%Diese k"onnen nicht in \beginsong .... \endsong eingebettet werden
+%da sonst keine Aenderung moeglich
+ \universal
+ \normalbaselines
+\catcode`@ = 12
+%\let\baselines = \baselinesa %fuer Einbettung einzeiliger Beispiele
+ %in Text
+\let\baselines = \baselinesb %fuer mehrzeilige Beispiele
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/macros/mtexdemo.tex b/obsolete/macros/mtex/macros/mtexdemo.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1c8402c6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/macros/mtexdemo.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+%format plain
+\input german.sty
+%\input verbatim
+% macros for verbatim scanning
+% im wesentlichen dem file MANHDR TEX von DEK entnommen
+\newskip\ttglue \ttglue=.5em plus .25em minus .15em
+ \catcode`\\=\other
+ \catcode`\{=\other
+ \catcode`\}=\other
+ \catcode`\$=\other
+ \catcode`\&=\other
+ \catcode`\#=\other
+ \catcode`\%=\other
+ \catcode`\~=\other
+ \catcode`\_=\other
+ \catcode`\^=\other
+ \catcode`\"=\other
+ \parskip \z@
+ \obeyspaces \obeylines \tt}
+\def\begintt{$$\let\par=\endgraf \ttverbatim
+ \catcode`\|=0 \rightskip-5pc \ttfinish}
+{\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=\other % | is temporary escape character
+ |obeylines % end of line is active
+ |gdef|ttfinish#1^^M#2\endtt{|vbox{#2}|endgroup$$}}
+{\obeylines \gdef|{\ttverbatim \spaceskip\ttglue \let^^M=\ \let|=\endgroup}}
+\def\vrt{\hbox{\tt\char`\|}} % vertical line
+\def\dn{\hbox{\tt\char'14}} % downward arrow
+\def\up{\hbox{\tt\char'13}} % upward arrow
+\def\]{\hbox{\tt\char`\ }} % visible space
+\catcode`@=12 % at signs are no longer letters
+%--------------------------------------------------- end of verbatim.tex
+\headline{\eightrm \hfill Beispiele f"ur den Notensatz mit \TeX
+\hfill\hbox to 0pt{\hss Schofer/Steinbach 1987}}
+\input mtex
+\def\ks#1{\noindent\hbox{{\tt \char\hex5C}\bf#1}}
+\def\bs{\noindent\hbox{{\tt \char\hex5C}}}%Backslash
+\def\lk{\hbox{{\tt\char\hex7B}}}%linke Klammer auf
+\def\strich{{\hbox{\tt \char\hex7C}}}
+\def\dpkt{{\hbox{\tt \char\hex3A}}}%Doppelpunkt
+\def\gleich{{\hbox{\tt \char\hex3D}}}%
+\def\slash{\noindent{\hbox{\tt \char\hex2F}}}
+\def\blank{{\hbox{\tt \char\hex20}}}
+%\universal %ist f"ur MTEX etwas zu breit
+\small %so gehts vielleicht besser
+\title{\vbox{\hbox to 0pt{\hss 6 Suiten f"ur Cello Solo\hss}
+ \hbox to 0pt{\hss Suite II Menuet I\hss}}}
+\poet{\vtop{\hbox to 0pt{F"ur Viola "ubertragen \hss}
+ \hbox to 0pt{von Franz Schmidtner\hss}}}
+\composer{Johann Sebastian Bach}
+\parindent 20pt
+\rchord \h5\h7\h9\endchord\v{10}\|%
+\ubeam14\uslur12\go}{\rchord \a4\a6\endchord}%
+{\a2}\|\rchord \h5\h7\h9\endchord\v{10}\|%
+Aus: Johann Sebastian Bach, Sechs Suiten, f"ur Viola bearbeitet von
+Franz Schmidtner, Musikverlag Hans Sikorski, Hamburg.
+F"ur dieses Musikst"uck lautet die Eingabe:
+%%%%% bach %%%%%%%
+{\bf !!}
+\ks{title}\{6 Suiten f"ur Cello Solo
+\bs{atop} Suite II Menuet I\}\par
+\ks{composer}\{Johann Sebastian Bach\}
+\ks{poet}\{F"ur Viola "ubertragen \bs{atop} von Franz Schmidtner\}\par
+\ks{alto}\ks{F}\ks{meter}\{{\bf3}\slash {\bf4}\}\ks{two}
+\par{\bf \{\ \ \ \ks{chord}\{2`d f a\} 4h\strich
+\ks{chord}\{'8c `e\}\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ 4a\strich
+\ks{chord}\{4,h `d\} g\ks{beam}\{8f e\}\strich
+,8a \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
+\ks{chord}\{`2d f a\} 4h\strich 8e
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+{`}{`}4c \strich\par
+\ks{chord}\{4`f a\}\ks{chord}\{,h `f {`}{`}d\}
+\ks{chord}\{,g `g {`}{`}e\}\strich
+\par\ks{chord}\{2.,a ,`e ,x{`}{`}c\}
+\par\ks{chord}\{2`a {`}{`}e\}\ks{slur}\{\ks{beam}\{8d 6e f\}\}\strich
+8`g\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
+2f \slash\ 4e\strich 8d \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\strich
+\ks{slur}\{4g f\}e\strich\par
+ 8f\slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+\ks{chord}\{4,h `e {`}{`}d\}\strich\ks{chord}\{4,a `f {`}{`}c\}
+\ks{beam}\{8`h a g a\}\strich\par \ks{beam}\{8f e f a g h\}\strich
+2xf 4p \strich b8e \slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+4xf \ks{tr}\strich\ks{chord}\{4,h `g {`}{`}d\}
+\ks{chord}\{4`c g {`}{`}c\} `d\slash\ \strich
+\par\ks{beam}\{\ks{chord}\{,8g `d {`}{`}c\} 8`h a h g h\}\strich
+4g p nf\strich 8xc \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ 4d\strich
+\par\ks{beam}\{8,g `g\} 4.,a 8p\strich \ \slash\
+\dpkt\strich\strich\ \ \}\par
+\{\ \ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8{`}h a\} h g\}\slash\ \strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{'8f e d\}xc ,nh a\}\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \strich\par\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8h a\}\ks{tenuto} h
+f \ks{noaccent}\ \slash\ \}\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
+\slash\ \dpkt\strich\strich\dpkt\par
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8{`}{`}e d xc e `a\}g\}\strich
+\ks{slur}\{`4a {`}{`}d\}xc\strich
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8{`}{`}g f e f d \}nc\}\strich\par
+`2h\slash\ {`}{`}4c\strich \ks{beam}\{8`a g a f\}\slash\ \strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\strich\par
+2`a \ks{tr} 4h\strich
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8g f\} g e\}\slash\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8h a\}\}\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \strich\par
+\ks{slur}\{{`}{`}4d `a\} {`}{`}d\strich
+\ks{beam}\{\ks{slur}\{8`g f\} g e\} 4f\strich
+\slash\ \slash\ 4.e \ks{tr} 8d\strich
+\ks{chord}\{2.,d .a `.d\}
+ \dpkt\strich\strich
+\ \ \} }{\bf!!}
+\title{Lobe den Herren}
+\composer{Hugo Distler}
+\def\lv{{\leaders\hrule \hskip1cm plus 1fill}}
+\parindent 40pt
+\beginsong\vio\G\^r{{\rm Schnell}}{\vrule height 7\nhh width0pt%
+\_{\@{den}{ge - }}{\v6}\|%
+\_{\@{Her-}{lie - }}{\v4\.1}\_{\@{ren, }{be - }}{\a3}%
+\_l{\@{den}{te }}{\v2}\|%
+\_l{\@{m"ach - }{See - }}{\v1}\_{\@{ti - }{le, }}{\v0}%
+\_{\@{gen }{das }}{\v{-1}}\|%
+\_{\@{K"o - }{ist }}{\h0}%
+\group{\\{\_n{\@{nig \lv }{mein \lv }}{\v1}}\\{\|\meter2/4}\\{\v1}}
+{\\{1}\\{0}\\{1}}\lslur13\go\_{\@{der }{Be- }}{\v2}\|\meter4/4%
+\_{\@{Eh - }{geh - }}{\h3}\_{\@{ren!}{ren.}}{\h2}\rightrepeat\meter3/4%
+%Ende Wiederholung
+\_{Hauf!}{\h7\.1}\caesura\|\_l{Psal - }{\v4}\_{ter}{\a5}%
+\_l{und }{\a5}%
+\group{\\{\_n{Har\hskip40pt - \hskip40pt -\hskip 40pt - \hskip40pt
+\^{\piano}\_{auf, }{\h3}\group{\\{\_n{wacht}{\caesura\a4}}\\{\a2}}
+\meter4/4\_{Lob - }{\h2}\_{ge - }{\v3}\_{sang}{\v4}\|\meter7/4%
+\group{\\{\_n{h"o \hskip20pt - \hskip20pt - \hskip20pt
+- }{\h5}}\\{\v4\.1}\\{\a3}\\{\v2}\\{\h3}}
+\parindent=0pt \eightrm
+Aus: R. Baum,``Geselliges Chorbuch I'' B"arenreiter-Verlag, Kassel und
+\vskip1cm \rm Auch zu diesem St"uck sei die Eingabe aufgef"uhrt:
+%%%%%% distler%
+{\bf !!}\ks{title}\{Lobe den Herren\}
+\ks{composer}\{Hugo Distler\}
+\ks{text}\{\ks{\os{ }l} Schnell\}
+\ks{meter}\{{\bf3}\slash {\bf4}\}\ks{vocal}
+\par {\bf\{\ \ \
+4g\ks{mezzoforte} g {`}{`}d\strich `h. 8a 4g\strich f e d \strich 2e
+\ks{slur}\{4f\strich\ks{meter}\{2\slash 4\} f\} 4g\strich
+\par\ks{meter}\{4\slash 4\} 2a 2g\dpkt\strich\strich
+\ks{meter}\{3\slash 4\} 4{`}{`}d d d \strich 2.e 0p\strich
+\par `4h 8{`}{`}c c
+\ks{group}\{4d\strich 8d e d `h 4{`}{`}d\strich 8d e 4.d 8e\strich 4.d\}
+\ks{gslur}\{1-3, 1-13\}\par
+\ks{gbeam}\{3-6, 9-10\} 8c 4`h\strich 2a
+\ks{piano} 0p\ks{beam}\{8h g\}\strich\par 2a \ks{decr} 0p
+%ks{beam}\{8h g\}\strich\par 2a \ks{decr} 0p
+\ks{beam}\{8h \ks{text}\{{\rm zart}\}g\}\strich
+ {`}{`}2.d\ks{decr} 0p\strich
+\par `4d\ks{forte} .e 8f\strich \ks{meter}\{4\slash 4\} 2g 4a h\strich
+\ks{meter}\{7\slash 4\}\ks{slur}\{`{}`2c `4.h 8a 4g 2a\}\strich
+\ks{meter}\{3\slash 4\} 2.g \gleich\ \ \ \} }
+\{\ \ \ \{Lo-\bs{atop} Mei-\} \{be\bs{atop} ne\} \{den\bs{atop} ge-\}
+\{Her-\bs{atop} lie-\} \{ren,\bs{atop} be-\}\par
+ \{den \bs{atop} te\} \{m"ach-\bs{atop} See-\}
+ \{ti-\bs{atop} le,\} \{gen\bs{atop} das\} \par
+ \{K"o-\bs{atop} ist\}
+ \{nig--\bs{atop} mein--\} \slash\
+ \{der\bs{atop} Be-\} \{Eh-\bs{atop} geh-\}
+ \{ren!\bs{atop} ren.\}
+\par Kom- met zu Hauf! Psal- ter und Har-
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+fe, \par
+wacht auf, wacht \slash\ auf, wacht\ \slash\ auf, \par
+las- set
+den Lob- ge- sang h"o-
+\slash\ \slash\ \slash\ \slash\
+ren!\ \ \ \}{\bf!!}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/macros/mtexinfo.tex b/obsolete/macros/mtex/macros/mtexinfo.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2236c5b919
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+%format plain
+%\input verbatim
+% macros for verbatim scanning
+% im wesentlichen dem file MANHDR TEX von DEK entnommen
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+ \catcode`\\=\other
+ \catcode`\{=\other
+ \catcode`\}=\other
+ \catcode`\$=\other
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+ \catcode`\%=\other
+ \catcode`\~=\other
+ \catcode`\_=\other
+ \catcode`\^=\other
+ \catcode`\"=\other
+ \parskip \z@
+ \obeyspaces \obeylines \tt}
+\def\begintt{$$\let\par=\endgraf \ttverbatim
+ \catcode`\|=0 \rightskip-5pc \ttfinish}
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+ |obeylines % end of line is active
+ |gdef|ttfinish#1^^M#2\endtt{|vbox{#2}|endgroup$$}}
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+\def\]{\hbox{\tt\char`\ }} % visible space
+\catcode`@=12 % at signs are no longer letters
+%---------------------------------------------- end of verbatim.tex
+\def\hex{"} % zum Eingeben von Zahlen in hex
+\catcode`\"=\active %Umlaute
+\newskip \iindent \iindent=30pt
+\headline={\hfill Benutzermacros der aktuellen Version MTEX TEX}
+% einige allgemeine Definitionen (nicht alle hier ben"otigt)
+\def\tex#1{{\it #1\/}}
+\def\disp#1{{\sl #1\/}}
+\def\defi#1{{\bf #1}}
+\def\pt{\,{\rm pt}}%nur f"ur mathmode
+\def\<#1>{\leavevmode\hbox{$\langle$#1\/$\rangle$}} % syntactic quantity
+\def\bull{\vrule height .9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex } % square bullet
+% macros for non-centered displays
+\def\mf{{\rm METAFONT}}
+Dies ist eine Auf{}listung der
+benutzbaren Kontrollsequenzen aus MTEX zum Notensatz.
+Jedes eingegebene Musikst"uck mu\3 in folgender Form aufgebaut sein:
+In der Kopfzeile k"onnen die Informationen "uber Titel, Komponist oder
+Textautor in beliebiger Reihenfolge angegeben werden mit:
+Mit |\voice{...}| kann der Name der Stimme angegeben werden. Dieser
+wird in der ersten Zeile vor das Liniensystem geschrieben.
+Als Notenschl"ussel sind verf"ugbar:
+|\vio| && Violinschl"ussel \cr
+%|\viooct| && oktavierter Violinschl"ussel (nach unten) \cr
+%|\vioOct| && oktavierter Violinschl"ussel (nach oben) \cr
+|\bass| && Ba\3schl"ussel \cr
+%|\bassoct| && oktavierter Ba\3schl"ussel (nach unten) \cr
+%|\bassOct| && oktavierter Ba\3schl"ussel (nach oben) \cr
+|\bariton| && Baritonschl"ussel \cr
+|\tenor| && Tenorschl"ussel \cr
+|\alto| && Altschl"ussel \cr
+|\mezzosopran| && Mezzosopransch"ussel \cr
+|\sopran| && Sopranschl"ussel \cr
+F"ur die Tonartangabe wurden folgende Kontrollsequenzen verwendet:
+|\F| && |\C| \cr
+|\B| && |\G| \cr
+|\Es| && |\D| \cr
+|\As| && |\A| \cr
+|\Des| && |\E| \cr
+|\Ges| && |\H| \cr
+|\Ces| && |\Fis| \cr
+|\mdis| && |\ma| \cr
+|\mgis| && |\md| \cr
+|\mcis| && |\mg| \cr
+|\mfis| && |\mc| \cr
+|\mh| && |\mf| \cr
+|\me| && |\mb| \cr
+ && |\mes| \cr
+Die Taktart wird angegeben durch
+|\meter{|\<Anzahl der Grundwerte pro Takt>|}/{|\<Takteinheit>|}|
+Die Symbole f"ur Taktangaben k"onnen auch mit |\meter|
+eingegeben werden, indem f"ur den ersten Parameter
+nichts eingegeben wird, z.B.: |\meter/{\mC}| f"ur {\music \char\hex53}.
+Die Musikfonts k"onnen "uber folgende Kontrollsequenzen angesprochen
+|\music| && Musikzeichen \cr
+|\beamfont| && Balkenfont \cr
+|\slurfontuu| && Bogenfont (konkav, steigend) \cr
+|\slurfontud| && Bogenfont (konkav, fallend) \cr
+|\slurfontdu| && Bogenfont (konvex, steigend) \cr
+|\slurfontdd| && Bogenfont (konvex, fallend) \cr
+zus"atzlich noch: \cr
+|\eightrm| && Acht-Punkt Roman Font f"ur die Textunterlage \cr
+Die Namen f"ur die \tex{character} im Font |\music| sind:
+|\quart| (|\hex21|) && ausgef"ullter Notenkopf\cr
+|\half| (|\hex22|) && unausgef"ullter Notenkopf\cr
+|\whole| (|\hex23|) && ganze Note \cr
+|\eighthup| (|\hex28|) && Achtel aufw"arts \cr
+|\eighthdown| (|\hex2D|) && Achtel abw"arts \cr
+|\sixteenthup| (|\hex29|) && Sechzehntel aufw"arts \cr
+|\sixteenthdown| (|\hex2E|) && Sechzehntel abw"arts \cr
+|\thirtytwoup| (|\hex2A|) && Zweiunddrei\3igstel aufw"arts \cr
+|\thirtytwodown| (|\hex2F|) && Zweiunddrei\3igstel abw"arts\cr
+|\sixtyfourup| (|\hex2B|) && Vierundsechzigstel aufw"arts \cr
+|\sixtyfourdown| (|\hex30|) && Vierundsechzigstel abw"arts\cr
+|\hundredtwentyeightup| (|\hex2C|)&& Hunderteinundzwanzigstel aufw"arts\cr
+|\hundredtwentyeightdown| (|\hex31|)&& Hunderteinundzwanzigstel abw"arts\cr
+Pausen: \cr
+|\wholerest| (|\hex3C|) && Ganze \cr
+|\halfrest| (|\hex3D|) && Halbe \cr
+|\quartrest| (|\hex3E|) && Viertel \cr
+|\eighthrest| (|\hex3F|) && Achtel \cr
+|\sixteenthrest| (|\hex40|) && Sechzehntel \cr
+Taktpausen: \cr
+|\doublerest| (|\hex3A|) && zwei Takte \cr
+|\ddoublerest| (|\hex3B|) && vier Takte \cr
+Fermaten: \cr
+|\fermateup| (|\hex50|) && Fermate oberhalb \cr
+|\fermatedown| (|\hex51|) && Fermate unterhalb \cr
+Versetzungszeichen: \cr
+|\mflat| (|\hex32|) && b \cr
+|\mdoubleflat| (|\hex33|) && Doppel-b \cr
+|\mquartflat| (|\hex37|) && Viertelton-b \cr
+|\mthreequartflat| (|\hex3A|) && Dreiviertelton-b \cr
+|\msharp| (|\hex34|) && Kreuz \cr
+|\mdoublesharp| (|\hex35|) && Doppel-Kreuz \cr
+|\mnatural| (|\hex36|) && Aufl"osungszeichen \cr
+Notenschl"ussel: \cr
+|\mviolin| (|\hex47|) && Violinschl"ussel \cr
+%|\mviolinoct| (|\hex47|) && \cr
+%|\mviolinOct| (|\hex47|) && \cr
+|\mbass| (|\hex49|) && Ba\3schl"ussel \cr
+%|\mbassoct| (|\hex49|) && \cr
+%|\mbassOct| (|\hex49|) && \cr
+|\mbariton| (|\hex4D|) && Baritonschl"ussel \cr
+|\mtenor| (|\hex4C|) && Tenorschl"ussel \cr
+|\malt| (|\hex4B|) && Altschl"ussel \cr
+|\mmezzosopran| (|\hex4E|) && Mezzosopranschl"ussel \cr
+|\msopran| (|\hex4E|) && Sopranschl"ussel \cr
+Taktangaben: \cr
+|\mC| (|\hex53|) \cr
+|\allabreve| (|\hex52|)\cr
+|\mCreverse| (|\hex54|)\cr
+"Anderbare Parameter sind:
+|\textline| && Abstand der Schriftlinie von der untersten Notenlinie\cr
+|\minsl| && minimale Notenhalsl"ange (bei Verbalkung) \cr
+|\overtext| && Schriftlinie oberhalb des Liniensystems \cr
+|\undertext| && Schriftline unterhalb des Liniensystems \cr
+Ausschlu\3parameter nach den Noten:
+|\NOTEskip| && Glue nach ganzer Note \cr
+|\Noteskip| && Glue nach halber Note \cr
+|\noteskip| && Glue nach 1/4 Note \cr
+|\notEskip| && Glue nach 1/8 Note \cr
+|\noTEskip| && Glue nach 1/16 Note \cr
+|\nOTEskip| && Glue nach 1/32 Note \cr
+|\nOteskip| && Glue nach 1/64 Note \cr
+|\nOtEskip| && Glue nach 1/128 Note \cr
+|\ruleskip| && Glue nach Rules \cr
+|\hunkskip| && Glue vor Noten und Rules \cr
+Nachfolgend sind die z.Zt. verf"ugbaren Ausschlu\3schemata angef"uhrt:
+|\ruleskip = \nhw plus \seminhw minus \seminhw| \cr
+|\def\hsmall{%hader| \cr
+|\Noteskip 3\nhw plus 2\seminhw minus 2\seminhw| \cr
+|\NOTEskip = \Noteskip| \cr
+|\noteskip 2\nhw plus 1.5\seminhw minus 1.5\seminhw| \cr
+|\notEskip 1\nhw plus \seminhw minus \seminhw| \cr
+|\noTEskip \z@ plus 0.5\seminhw minus \z@| \cr
+|\nOTEskip=\noTEskip \nOteskip=\noTEskip \nOtEskip=\noTEskip| \cr
+|\hunkskip \z@\relax}| \cr
+|\def\small{%| \cr
+|\Noteskip 3.5\nhw plus 1.8\seminhw minus 1.8\seminhw| \cr
+|\NOTEskip = \Noteskip| \cr
+|\noteskip 2.5\nhw plus 1.4\seminhw minus 1.4\seminhw| \cr
+|\notEskip 1.5\nhw plus \seminhw minus \seminhw| \cr
+|\noTEskip \seminhw plus 0.6\seminhw minus 0.6\seminhw| \cr
+|\nOTEskip=\noTEskip \nOteskip=\noTEskip \nOtEskip=\noTEskip| \cr
+|\hunkskip \z@ \relax}| \cr
+|\def\universal{%| \cr
+|\Noteskip 4\nhw plus 1.6\nhw minus 1.6\nhw| \cr
+|\NOTEskip = \Noteskip| \cr
+|\noteskip 3\nhw plus 1.3\nhw minus 1.3\nhw| \cr
+|\notEskip 2\nhw plus \nhw minus \nhw| \cr
+|\noTEskip \nhw plus 0.6\nhw minus 0.6\nhw| \cr
+|\nOTEskip=\noTEskip \nOteskip=\noTEskip \nOtEskip=\noTEskip| \cr
+|\hunkskip \z@ \relax}| \cr
+|\def\wide{%| \cr
+|\Noteskip 4\nhw plus 1.42\nhw minus 1.42\nhw| \cr
+|\NOTEskip = \Noteskip| \cr
+|\noteskip 3.5\nhw plus 1.28\nhw minus 1.28\nhw| \cr
+|\notEskip 2.5\nhw plus \nhw minus \nhw| \cr
+|\noTEskip 1.5\nhw plus 0.9\nhw minus 0.9\nhw| \cr
+|\nOTEskip=\noTEskip \nOteskip=\noTEskip \nOtEskip=\noTEskip| \cr
+|\hunkskip \z@ \relax}| \cr
+|\def\loose{%| \cr
+|\Noteskip 5\nhw plus 1.5\nhw minus 1.5\nhw| \cr
+|\NOTEskip = \Noteskip| \cr
+|\noteskip 4\nhw plus 1.25\nhw minus 1.25\nhw| \cr
+|\notEskip 3\nhw plus \nhw minus \nhw| \cr
+|\noTEskip 2\nhw plus 0.75\nhw minus 0.75\nhw| \cr
+|\nOTEskip=\noTEskip \nOteskip=\noTEskip \nOtEskip=\noTEskip| \cr
+|\hunkskip \z@\relax}| \cr
+|\baselinesa| && f"ur Einzeilige Notenbespiele \cr
+|\baselinesb| && f"ur Musikst"ucke \cr
+Default ist: |\let\baselines = \baselinesb|
+Makros f"ur die Noteneingabe:
+Zun"achst die Noten und Pausen und Versetzungszeichen:
+|\g{|\<interne Tonh"ohe>|}| && ganze Note \cr
+|\h{|\<interne Tonh"ohe>|}| && halbe Note \cr
+|\v{|\<interne Tonh"ohe>|}| && viertel Note \cr
+|\a{|\<interne Tonh"ohe>|}| && achtel Note \cr
+|\s{|\<interne Tonh"ohe>|}| && sechzehntel Note \cr
+|\z{|\<interne Tonh"ohe>|}| && zweiunddrei\3igstel Note \cr
+|\d{|\<interne Tonh"ohe>|}| && vierundsechzigstel Note \cr
+|\o{|\<interne Tonh"ohe>|}| && hundertachtundzwanzigstel Note \cr
+|\x{|\<interne Tonh"ohe>|}| && Kreuz \cr
+|\xx{|\<interne Tonh"ohe>|}| && Doppelkreuz \cr
+|\n{|\<interne Tonh"ohe>|}| && Aufl"osungszeichen \cr
+|\b{|\<interne Tonh"ohe>|}| && Be \cr
+|\bb{|\<interne Tonh"ohe>|}| && Doppel-Be \cr
+Versetzungszeichen in der Vorzeichnung:\cr
+|\b@{|\<interne Tonh"ohe>|}| && Be \cr
+|\x@{|\<interne Tonh"ohe>|}| && Kreuz \cr
+|\n@{|\<interne Tonh"ohe>|}| && Aufl"osungszeichen \cr
+Pausen erhalten als interne Tonh"ohe |\pitch=5|
+zum Setzen der Wertpunkte im 3. Zwischenraum:
+|\pg| && ganze Pause \cr
+|\dpd| && Zwei Pausentakte \cr
+|\dpg| && drei Pausentakte \cr
+|\dpdd| && vier Pausentakte \cr
+|\ph| && halbe Pause \cr
+|\pv| && viertel Pause \cr
+|\pa| && achtel Pause \cr
+|\ps| && sechzehntel Pause \cr
+|\pz| && zweiunddrei\3igstel Pause \cr
+|\pd| && vierundsechzigstel Pause \cr
+|\po| && hundertachtundzwanzigstel Pause \cr
+Wertpunkte: \cr
+|\.{|\<Anzahl der Punkte>|}| \cr
+|\|\vrt && normaler Taktstrich \cr
+|\=| && Schlu\3strich \cr
+|\doublebarline| && doppelter Taktstrich \cr
+|\rightrepeat| && Wiederholungszeichen rechts :\vrt\vrt \cr
+|\leftrepeat| && Wiederholungszeichen links \vrt\vrt: \cr
+|\leftrightrepeat| && doppeltes Wiederholungszeichen :\vrt\vrt: \cr
+Makro f"ur Orientierungszeichen:\cr
+|\boxed{|\<Nummer oder Buchstabe>|}| \cr
+K"asten: \cr
+|\1|\<erstes Mal>|\2|\<Wiederholung>|\*|\cr
+|\noaccent| && Akzente l"oschen \cr
+|\stac| && Stakkatozeichen \cr
+|\dec| && kleines $>$ am Notenkopf \cr
+|\staccatissimo| && Stakkatissimozeichen \cr
+|\tr| && Triller {\it tr} \cr
+|\trbrack| && Triller in Klammern ({\it tr}) \cr
+|\tenuto| && Tenutozeichen \cr
+|\plus| && Triller $+$ \cr
+|\cresc{|\<Noten>|}| && Crescendozeichen $<$ "uber Noten\cr
+|\decresc{|\<Noten>|}| && Decrescendozeichen $>$ "uber Noten\cr
+Abk"urzungen f"ur Akzente:\cr
+|\cantusfirmus| && {\it c.f.} \cr
+|\crescendo| && {\it cresc.} \cr
+|\dacapo| && {\it d.c.} \cr
+|\dalsegno| && {\it d.s.} \cr
+|\decrescendo| && {\it decresc.} \cr
+|\diminuendo| && {\it dim.} \cr
+|\fine| && {\it fine} \cr
+|\forte| && {\it f} \cr
+|\fortissimo| && {\it ff} \cr
+|\fortissimoposs| && {\it fff} \cr
+|\fortepiano| && {\it fp} \cr
+|\forzato| && {\it fz} \cr
+|\mezzoforte| && {\it mf} \cr
+|\mezzopiano| && {\it mp} \cr
+|\piano| && {\it p} \cr
+|\pianissimo| && {\it pp} \cr
+|\pianissimoposs| && {\it ppp} \cr
+|\rallentando| && {\it rall.} \cr
+|\rinforzando| && {\it rfz.} \cr
+|\ritardando| && {\it rit.} \cr
+|\ritenuto| && {\it riten.} \cr
+|\sforzato| && {\it sfz} \cr
+|\sforz| && {\it sf} \cr
+|\staccato| && {\it stacc.} \cr
+|\tacet| && {\it tacet} \cr
+|\unisono| && {\it unis.} \cr
+Balkengruppen und Bogen werden wie folgt eingegeben:
+Zun"achst mu\3 die Notengruppe eingegeben werden. Und zwar mit
+Dabei mu\3 die Elementliste so aussehen:\begindisplay
+Die Tonh"ohenliste sieht genauso aus. Nur muss anstatt der Note die dem
+$i$-ten Element der Notenliste zugeh"orige interne Tonh"ohe eingetragen
+Anschlie\3end kann die Verbalkung und die Angabe der Bogen geschehen:
+|\ubeam{|\<Balkenanfangsnr.>|}{|\<Balkenendenr.>|}| && Balken an
+aufw"arts gestielten Noten \cr
+|\lbeam{|\<Balkenanfangsnr.>|}{|\<Balkenendenr.>|}| && Balken an
+abw"arts gestielten Noten \cr
+|\ubeam{|\<Bogenanfangsnr.>|}{|\<Bogenendenr.>|}| && Bogen oberhalb der
+Notengruppe \cr
+|\lbeam{|\<Bogenanfangsnr.>|}{|\<Bogenendenr.>|}| && Bogen unterhalb der
+Notengruppe \cr
+Diese Makros k"onnen beliebig oft aufgerufen werden. Es mu\3 jedoch mit
+dem Makro |\go| abgeschlossen werden.
+Die Balken werden nach der jeweils aktuellen |\beamlist| gesetzt. Diese
+enth"alt Informationen "uber die zu setzenden Balken einer
+Der Aufbau der |\beamlist| ist etwas komlizierter, aber
+in der Diplomarbeit genau beschrieben.
+Default ist
+ |\def\beamlist{\\{\the\n@a-\the\n@e,}}|
+wobei |\n@a| das erste Element der Balkengruppe ist, und |\n@e| das
+letzte. Ein Element der |\beamlist| beschreibt eine Balkenreihe, das
+hei\3t, wird der Default verwendet k"onnen nur Achtel-Balken gesetzt
+Als weiteres ist noch zu erw"ahnen der zweistimmige Notensatz und die
+Mit |\two{|\<obere Note(n)>|}{|\<untere Noten(n)>|}| k"onnen Noten
+"ubereinander notiert werden.
+Text"uberlage bzw. Textunterlage erh"alt man mit:
+Als Positionierungskennzeichen kann |n| (Textbreite wird nicht
+ber"ucksichtigt), |c| (Text wird "uber der Note zentriert), |l| (Text
+wird linksb"undig "uber der Note unter Ber"ucksichtigung der Breite
+positioniert) oder |r| (Text wird rechtsb"undig "uber der Note
+positioniert) angegeben werden.
+Im Falle der Textunterlage gibt es ein weiteres
+Positionierungskennzeichen: |v|. In diesem Fall wird der Text variabel
+unter der Noten und nicht auf der Schriftlinie positioniert.
+Wird kein Positionierungskennzeichen angegeben, so wird das Zeichen
+automatisch positioniert.
+Bei der Eingabe von Akkorden mu\3 zun"achst entschieden werden, ob
+der Notenhals nach oben oder nach unten zeigen soll, d.h. rechts oder
+links der Notenk"opfe erscheinen soll.
+Die Eingabe erfolgt mit:
+Die Noten sollten in der Reihenfolge von oben nach unten eingegeben
+Allgemeine abschlie\3ende Bemerkungen:\hfill \break
+\hang Bei der Eingabe des Musikst"uckes ist zu beachten, da\3 keine
+unn"otigen Leerzeichen eingegeben werden (Regeln f"ur Kontrollsequenzen
+beachten!). Daher sollte jede Eingabezeile mit einem Kommentarzeichen
+(\%) enden.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..821f879e8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+% %
+% %
+%% "flat" %
+beginchar(50, nhw#, 2nhh#, 2nhh#);
+ clear;
+ penpos4(7/24nhh, 30);%/5,20 % 1
+ penpos3(nhh/5,-90);%/5,20 %
+ penpos2(nhh/5, 90);%/5,20 %
+ y1 = h; %4
+ x1 = x2 = x3 = s; x4 = w-s; % 2
+ y4 = s; %
+ y2l - y3r = 1/4h; y2l = 0; % 3
+ currentpen:= pencircle scaled 3thinwidth;
+ penstroke z2e...z4e...z3e{sw};%right ,sw
+ draw z1--z3;
+ draw z1--z3;
+%% "bb" %
+beginchar(51,2nhw#, 2nhh#, 2nhh#);
+ clear;
+ penpos4(nhh/4, 0);%/5,20
+ penpos3(nhh/4,-90);%/5,20
+ penpos2(nhh/4, 90);%/5,20
+ y1 = h; %4
+ x1 = x2 = x3 = s; x4 = w/2-s; % 2
+ y4 = s; %
+ y2l - y3r = 1/4h; y2l = 0; % 3
+ currentpen:= pencircle scaled 3thinwidth;
+ draw z1--z3;
+ draw z1--z3;
+ penstroke z2e..z4e...z3e{sw};
+ draw (z1--z3) shifted ((w/2 - 1.5s),0);
+ penstroke (z2e..z4e...z3e{sw})shifted ((w/2 -1.5s),0);
+%% "sharp" %
+beginchar(52, nhw#, 1.5nhh#, 1.5nhh#);
+ clear;
+ penpos3(nhh/2,90);
+ penpos4(nhh/2,90);
+ y1 = h - s; y1 - y2 = 2h - s;
+ x1 = x2 = s; z3 = (0,1/4nhh);
+ y4l = y3r; x4 = w;
+ currentpen:= pencircle scaled 3thinwidth;
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw (z1--z2) shifted (w-2s,s);
+ penstroke z3e--z4e;
+ penstroke (z3e--z4e) shifted (0, -nhh);
+%% "xx" %
+beginchar(53, nhw#, .5nhh#, .5nhh#);
+ clear;
+ z1 = (s, h-s); z2 = (w-s, h-s);
+ z3 = (s,-h+s); z4 = (w-s,-h+s);
+ currentpen:= pencircle scaled .2nhh;
+ draw z1--z4; draw z3--z2;
+ currentpen:= pencircle scaled .3nhh;
+ drawdot z1; drawdot z2; drawdot z3; drawdot z4;
+%% "natural" %
+beginchar(54, nhw#, 1.5nhh#, 1.5nhh#);
+ clear;
+ penpos3(nhh/2,90);
+ penpos4(nhh/2,90);
+ y1 = h; y2 = -h + nhh/2;
+ x1 = x2 = s; z3l = (s,0);
+ y4 = y3r; x4 = w-s;
+ currentpen:= pencircle scaled 3thinwidth;
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw (z1--z2) shifted (w-2s,-h+y4r);
+ penstroke z3e--z4e;
+ penstroke (z3e--z4e) shifted (0, -nhh);
+%% "1/4 flat" %
+beginchar(55, nhw#, 2nhh#, 2nhh#);
+ clear;
+ penpos4(7/24nhh, 30);%/5,20 % 1
+ penpos3(nhh/5,-90);%/5,20 %
+ penpos2(nhh/5, 90);%/5,20 %
+ y1 = h; % 4
+ x1 = x2 = x3 = w-s; x4 =2w-3s; % 2
+ y4 = s; %
+ y2l - y3r = 1/4h; y2l = 0; % 3
+ currentpen:= pencircle scaled 3thinwidth;
+ penstroke (counterclockwise
+ (z2e...z4e...z3e{sw}) reflectedabout(z1 ,z3));
+ draw z1--z3;
+ draw z1--z3;
+%% "3/4 flat" %
+beginchar(56, 2nhw#-2S, 2nhh#, 2nhh#);
+ clear;
+ penpos4(7/24nhh, 30);%/5,20 % 1
+ penpos3(nhh/5,-90);%/5,20 %
+ penpos2(nhh/5, 90);%/5,20 %
+ y1 = h; % 4
+ x1 = x2 = x3 = w/2; x4 =w-s; % 2
+ y4 = s; %
+ y2l - y3r = 1/4h; y2l = 0; % 3
+ currentpen:= pencircle scaled 3thinwidth;
+ penstroke z2e...z4e...z3e{sw};
+ penstroke (counterclockwise
+ (z2e...z4e...z3e{sw}) reflectedabout(z1 ,z3));
+ draw z1--z3;
+ draw z1--z3;
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03239d1784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+input musicdef
+% %
+% %
+font_x_height beamht#;
+def drawbeams (expr st, jj) =
+ save i, length, height;
+ numeric i, length, height;
+ length:= 0.5;
+ for i=0 upto 7:
+ height := length*st + beamht#;
+ beginchar(jj*8+i, length, height, 0);
+ clear;
+ % x2 = w; x1 = 0;
+ z2r = (w,h);
+ z1l = origin;
+ penpos1(beamht,90);
+ penpos2(beamht,90);
+ penstroke z1e---z2e;
+ endchar;
+ length := 2*length;
+ endfor;
+def drawbeamsneg (expr st, jj) =
+ save i, length, depth;
+ numeric i, length, depth;
+ length:= 0.5;
+ for i=0 upto 7:
+ depth := length*st - beamht#;
+ beginchar(jj*8+i, length, 0, depth);
+ clear;
+ z2l = (w,d);
+ z1r = origin;
+ penpos1(beamht,90);
+ penpos2(beamht,90);
+ penstroke z1e---z2e;
+ endchar;
+ length := 2*length;
+ endfor;
+numeric ss[];
+% Balken mit positiver Steigung %
+for j=0 upto 7 :
+% Balken mit negativer Steigung %
+for j=0 upto 7 :
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9565133273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+input musicdef
+font_x_height nhh#;
+font_quad nhw#;
+font_normal_space 0pt;
+font_normal_stretch 0pt;
+font_normal_shrink 0pt;
+input noten16
+input acc16
+input pause16
+input vio16
+input sonder16
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbbef58249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+% this is
+% hier evtl. mode fuer gewuenschten output setzen
+% AGFA P400 mode: for devices that print 406 pixels per inch
+% mode_def agfa =
+% proofing:=0;
+% fontmaking:=1;
+% tracingtitles:=0;
+% pixels_per_inch:=406;
+% blacker:=0.65;
+% fillin:=0;
+% o_correction:=1;
+% enddef;
+% localfont:=agfa;
+% mode:=agfa;
+% low resolution music fonts are not very nice - but you need something...
+ mode_def atari =
+ proofing:=0;
+ fontmaking:=1;
+ tracingtitles:=0;
+ pixels_per_inch:=96;
+ blacker:=1.0;
+ fillin:=0;
+ o_correction:=1;
+ enddef;
+ localfont:=atari;
+ mode:=atari;
+ mode_setup;
+%mode_def ibm = % ibm mode: for the IBM3820
+% proofing:=0; % no, we're not making proofs
+% fontmaking:=1; % yes, we are making a font
+% tracingtitles:=0; % no, don't show titles in the log
+% pixels_per_inch:=240;
+% blacker:=.78; % (this value is conjectural)
+% fillin:=0.25; % (ditto)
+% o_correction:=.5; % (ditto)
+% enddef;
+nhh#:=1/4designsize; %noteheadheight
+nhw#:=1.2nhh#; %noteheadwidth
+beamht#:=0.6nhh#; %Balkenst"arke
+nhh:=nhh#*pt; %noteheadheight *pt
+nhw:=nhw#*pt; %noteheadwidth *pt
+thinwidth := 0.1pt;
+beamht := beamht#*pt;
+s := 10thinwidth;
+S := 1/16designsize;
+%pair constants
+pair ne,se,sw,nw; %northeast,southeast,southwest,northwest
+ne = up+right; se = down+right; sw = down+left; nw = up+left;
+def clear =
+ numeric x[],y[],x[]l,y[]l,x[]r,y[]r,dx[],dy[];
+ pair sh[];
+pickup pencircle scaled (0.1pt);
+def penstrike text t =
+ forsuffixes e = l,r: path_.e:=t; endfor
+ if cycle path_.l: cyclestroke_
+ else: filldraw path_.l -- reverse path_.r -- cycle fi enddef;
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6aff8ab739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+% %
+% %
+%%notenkoepfe %
+def drawnoteb(expr noteheadwidth, theta_a, theta_b, theta_c,
+width_a, width_b) =
+ % .l
+ penpos1(width_a, theta_a); % .2
+ % .r
+ penpos3(width_a, 180+theta_a); %.l.1.r .r.3.l
+ % .r
+ penpos2(width_b, 180+theta_b); % .4
+ % .l
+ penpos4(width_b, theta_b); %
+ y1 = y3 = 0;
+ x2 = x4 = 1/2noteheadwidth;
+ x1l= 0; x3l = w; y2l = h; y4l = -h;
+ penstroke (z1e{up}..z2e{right}..z3e{down}..z4e{left}..cycle)
+ rotatedaround((origin +1/2w*right),theta_c);
+ enddef;
+%% flags %
+pickup pencircle scaled (0.1pt);
+def penstrike text t =
+ forsuffixes e = l,r: path_.e:=t; endfor
+ if cycle path_.l: cyclestroke_
+ else: filldraw path_.l -- reverse path_.r -- cycle fi enddef;
+def flagshape (suffix i) (expr width, height, thicka, thin, shift) =
+ pair intersectionp; %
+ thick := 1/3 height;
+ sh[-3] = origin;
+ sh[i] = shift; % .1
+ penpos[i](thick,90); %
+ penpos[i+1]( 3thin ,90); % .2
+ penpos[i+2](thin,0); %
+ penpos[i+3](thin,0); % .3
+ x[i] = -1/16mm; %
+ y[i]r = height; % .4
+ x[i+1] = 3/8width; %
+ y[i+1] = height - thick; %
+ y[i+3] = 0;
+ x[i+2]r = x[i+3]+2s= width;
+ y[i+2]r = height - 2thick;
+ if i>1: intersectionp = z[i-2];
+ else : intersectionp = z[i+3];
+ fi;
+ penstrike (z[i]e{dir(angle(z[i+1]e-z[i]e)-15)}
+ ..z[i+1]e{z[i+1]e-z[i]e}
+ ..z[i+2]e{down}..intersectionp shifted (sh[i-4]-sh[i]))
+ shifted sh[i];
+ for n=0 upto 3:
+ k:=i+n;
+ penlabels(k);endfor;
+ enddef;
+%def flagshaper (suffix i) (expr width, height, thicka, thin, shift) =
+% pair intersectionp; %
+% thick := 1/3 height;
+% sh[-3] := origin+shift;
+% sh[i] = shift; % .1
+% penpos[i](thick,90); %
+% penpos[i+1]( 3thin ,90); % .2
+% penpos[i+2](thin,0); %
+% penpos[i+3](thin,0); % .3
+% x[i] = 0; %
+% y[i]r = height; % .4
+% x[i+1] = 3/8width; %
+% y[i+1] = height - thick; %
+% y[i+3] = 0;
+% x[i+2]r = x[i+3]+2s= width;
+% y[i+2]r = height - 2thick;
+% if i>1: intersectionp = z[i-2];
+% else : intersectionp = z[i+3];
+% fi;
+% penstroke (counterclockwise
+% (z[i]e{dir(angle(z[i+1]e-z[i]e)-15)}
+% ..z[i+1]e{z[i+1]e-z[i]e}
+% ..z[i+2]e{down}..intersectionp shifted (-sh[i-4]+sh[i]))
+% reflectedabout (z1r scaled 0.5,
+% z1r scaled 0.5+right) )
+% shifted sh[i];
+% for n=0 upto 3:
+% k:=i+n;
+% penlabels(k);endfor;
+% enddef;
+def flagshaper (suffix i) (expr width, height, thicka, thin, shift) =
+ pair intersectionp; %
+ thick := 1/3 height;
+ sh[-3] := origin+shift;
+ sh[i] = shift; % .1
+ penpos[i](thick,90); %
+ penpos[i+1]( 3thin ,90); % .2
+ penpos[i+2](thin,0); %
+ penpos[i+3](thin,0); % .3
+ x[i] = 0; %
+ y[i]r = height; % .4
+ x[i+1] = 3/8width; %
+ y[i+1] = height - thick; %
+ y[i+3] = 0;
+ x[i+2]r = x[i+3]+2s= width;
+ y[i+2]r = height - 2thick;
+ if i>1: intersectionp = z[i-2];
+ else : intersectionp = z[i+3];
+ fi;
+ penstrike (counterclockwise
+ (z[i]e{dir(angle(z[i+1]e-z[i]e)-15)}
+ ..z[i+1]e{z[i+1]e-z[i]e}
+ ..z[i+2]e{down}..intersectionp shifted (-sh[i-4]+sh[i]))
+ reflectedabout (z1r scaled 0.5,
+ z1r scaled 0.5+right) )
+ shifted sh[i];
+ enddef;
+%% volle Note %
+beginchar(33, nhw#, .5nhh#, .5nhh#);
+ w:=w+2thinwidth;
+ drawnoteb(w, 0, 90, 20, w/2, nhh/2);
+%% halbe Note %
+beginchar(34, nhw#, .5nhh#, .5nhh#);
+ w:=w+2thinwidth;
+ drawnoteb(w, 0, 90, 20, 3*thinwidth, nhh/4);
+%% ganze Note %
+beginchar (35,1.5nhh#, .5nhh#, .5nhh#);
+ drawnoteb(w, 0, 85, 0, nhh/3, 3*thinwidth);
+%% "8flag nach unten" %
+beginchar(40, 0, 3nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ w:=nhw;
+ flagshape (1,w, h, nhh, 5thinwidth, origin);
+ w:=0;
+%% "16flag nach unten" %
+beginchar(41, 0, 3.25nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ w:=nhw;
+ flagshape (1, w, 2.5nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, origin);
+ flagshape (5,.95 w, 2.25 nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,nhh));
+ w:=0;
+%% "32flag nach unten" %
+beginchar(42, 0, 3.75 nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ w:=nhw;
+ flagshape (1, w, 2.5nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, origin);
+ flagshape (5, .95w, 2.25 nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,nhh));
+ flagshape (9, .9w, 2 nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,1.75nhh));
+ w:=0;
+%% "64flag nach unten" %
+beginchar(43, 0, 4.25nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ w:=nhw;
+ flagshape (1, w, 2.5nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, origin);
+ flagshape (5,.95 w, 2.25 nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,nhh));
+ flagshape (9,.9w, 2 nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,1.75nhh));
+ flagshape(13,0.85w, 2nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,2.25nhh));
+ w:=0;
+%% "128flag nach unten" %
+beginchar(44, 0, 4.5nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ w:=nhw;
+ flagshape (1, w, 2.5nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, origin);
+ flagshape (5, w, 2.25nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,nhh));
+ flagshape (9, w, 2 nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,1.75nhh));
+ flagshape(13,0.9 w, 2nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,2.25nhh));
+ flagshape(17,0.9 w, 1.5nhh, 1/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,3nhh));
+ w:=0;
+%% "8flag nach oben" %
+beginchar(45, 0, 3nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ w:=nhw;
+ flagshaper(1,w, h, nhh, 5thinwidth, origin);
+ penlabels(1,2,3,4);
+ w:=0;
+%% "16flag nach oben" %
+beginchar(46, 0, 3.25nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ w:=nhw;
+ flagshaper(1, w, 2.5nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,0.75nhh));
+ flagshaper(5, w, 2.25 nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth,(0,-0.25nhh));
+ penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8);
+ w:=0;
+%% "32flag nach oben" %
+beginchar(47, 0, 3.75 nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ w:=nhw;
+ flagshaper(1, w, 2.5nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,1.5nhh));
+ flagshaper(5, w, 2.5nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,0.75nhh));
+ flagshaper(9, .95w, 2.25 nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, origin);
+ penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12);
+ w := 0;
+%% "64flag nach oben" %
+beginchar(48, 0, 4.25nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ w:=nhw;
+ flagshaper(1, w, 2.5nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,1.75nhh));
+ flagshaper(5, w, 2.25 nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,1nhh));
+ flagshaper(9,w, 2 nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,0.34nhh));
+ flagshaper(13,0.9w, 2nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,-0.32nhh));
+ penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16);
+ w := 0;
+%% "128flag nach oben" %
+beginchar(49, 0, 4.5nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ w:=nhw;
+ flagshaper (1, w, 2.25nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,2.5nhh));
+ flagshaper (5, w, 2.25nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,1.75nhh));
+ flagshaper (9, w, 2 nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,1nhh));
+ flagshaper(13,0.9 w, 2nhh, 2/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,0.5nhh));
+ flagshaper(17,0.9 w, 2nhh, 1/3nhh, 5thinwidth, (0,0nhh));
+ w := 0;
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ebbf449f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+% %
+% %
+%% "dp" %
+beginchar(58,1/2nhw#, 3nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ penpos1(nhh,90);
+ penpos2(nhh,90);
+ y1r = y2r = h;
+ x1r = 0; x2r = w;
+ currentpen:= pencircle;
+ penstroke z1e--z2e;
+%% "ddp" %
+beginchar(59,1/2nhw#, 3nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ penpos1(2nhh,90);
+ penpos2(2nhh,90);
+ y1r = y2r = h;
+ x1r = 0; x2r = w;
+ currentpen:= pencircle;
+ penstroke z1e--z2e;
+%% "ganze Pause" %
+beginchar(60, nhw#, 3nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ penpos1(nhh/2,90);
+ penpos2(nhh/2,90);
+ y1r = y2r = h;
+ x1r = 0; x2r = w;
+ currentpen:= pencircle;
+ penstroke z1e--z2e;
+%charwd:=4.5; chardx:=charwd*pt; chardp:=0; charht:=4;
+%% "halbe Pause" %
+beginchar(61, nhw#, 2.5nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ penpos1(nhh/2,90);
+ penpos2(nhh/2,90);
+ y1r = y2r = h;
+ x1r = 0; x2r = w;
+ currentpen:= pencircle;
+ penstroke z1e--z2e;
+%% "viertel Pause" %
+beginchar(62, nhw#, 4nhh#, 0); % .1
+ clear; % .2
+ thin := 5 thinwidth; thick := 1/2 nhh; % 8..3
+ alpha_a = -50; alpha_b = -50; % .4
+ penpos1 ( thin, (alpha_a+90)); % .5
+ penpos5 ( thin, (alpha_b)); % .6
+ penpos2 ( thick, alpha_a ); %
+ penpos4 ( thick, alpha_b ); % .7
+ penpos3 ( thick, 1/2(alpha_a+alpha_b));
+ x3r:=9/10[x3,x3r];
+ penpos8 ( thick, 1/2(alpha_a+alpha_b));
+ x8l:=9/10[x8,x8l];
+ penpos6 ( 1/2thick, (alpha_b+10));
+ penpos7 ( 1/4thick,-20);
+ y1l = h - 2s;
+ x1l = 2s;
+ z2r = z1 +(nhh* right) rotated alpha_a;
+ z5 = z4l+(nhh* right) rotated alpha_b;
+ z3 = 1/3[z2,z4];
+ z8 = 2/3[z2,z4];
+% z3 = 1/2[z2r,z4];
+ z4 = (w,h) scaled .5;
+ y6r = 1.5nhh;
+ x6l = x4l;
+ x7 = w/2; y7r= nhh;
+ currentpen:= pencircle scaled thin;
+ draw z1--z2r; draw z5--z4l;
+ penstroke z2e..z3e..z8e..z4e;
+ penstroke z5e{nw}..z6e{z7-z6}..z7e;
+%%title "viertelpause"; %
+%beginchar(62, nhw#, 4nhh#, 0); % .1
+% clear; % .2
+% thin := 5 thinwidth; thick := 1/2 nhh; % 8..3
+% alpha_a = -50; alpha_b = -50; % .4
+%% penpos4(thick,-45);
+% z1 = (s,h-s);
+% z3 = (w,nhh);
+% z2-z3=(h/2-s)*up;
+% z1-z6=(h/2-2s)*up;
+% z4r = 1/3z1;
+% z4l = (w/2,nhh);% z2 = (w-s,h-nhh-s);
+% % 1[z2,z4r]=1/3(w,h);
+% z5 = 1/2(w,nhh);
+% currentpen:= pencircle scaled thin;%4
+% draw z1--z2; draw z6--z3;
+% filldraw z1--z2..control1/3[-z2,z4r]
+% %-(w/2,h/2))}
+% ..z3--z6..control1/4[-z6,z2]
+% %(w/2,h-nhh))}
+% ..z1--cycle;
+% filldraw z3...z4r...z5--z5..z4l..z3..cycle;
+%% "achtel Pause" %
+beginchar(63, 2nhh#, 3nhh#, 0)
+ %punkte f"ur achtelpause, 16. und 32. Pause
+ x1=y1= nhh; x2=x6=7/4nhh; y2=11/4nhh;
+ x3=x4=x5=1/2nhh; y3=10/4nhh;
+ y4=3nhh; y5=0; y6=15/4nhh;
+ currentpen := pencircle scaled 2thinwidth;
+ draw z1..z2;
+ currentpen := pensquare rotated45 scaled(sqrt2*thinwidth);
+ draw z2..z3{up+left};
+ fill z3..z4..z3..cycle;
+%% "sechzehntel Pause" %
+beginchar(64,2nhh#, 3nhh#, 0)
+ clear;
+ %punkte f"ur achtelpause, 16. und 32. Pause
+ x1=y1= nhh; x2=x6=7/4nhh; y2=11/4nhh;
+ x3=x4=x5=1/2nhh; y3=10/4nhh;
+ y4=3nhh; y5=0; y6=15/4nhh;
+ currentpen := pencircle scaled 2thinwidth;
+ draw z5..z2;
+ currentpen := pensquare rotated45 scaled(sqrt2*thinwidth);
+ draw z2..z3{up+left};
+ draw z2..z3{up+left} shifted(-1/2nhh,-nhh);
+ fill z3..z4..z3..cycle;
+ fill z3..z4..z3..cycle shifted (-1/2nhh,-nhh);
+%% "zweiunddreissigstel Pause" %
+beginchar(65,2nhh#, 4nhh#, 0)
+ clear;
+ %punkte f"ur achtelpause, 16. und 32. Pause
+ x1=y1= nhh; x2=x6=7/4nhh;
+ y2=11/4nhh; x3=x4=x5=1/2nhh; y3=10/4nhh;
+ y4=3nhh; y5=0; y6=15/4nhh;
+ currentpen := pencircle scaled 2thinwidth;
+ draw z5..z6;
+ currentpen := pensquare rotated45 scaled(sqrt2*thinwidth);
+ draw z2..z3{up+left} shifted( 0,nhh);
+ draw z2..z3{up+left} shifted(-1/4nhh, 0);
+ draw z2..z3{up+left} shifted(-2/3nhh,-nhh);
+ fill z3..z4..z3..cycle shifted ( 0, nhh);
+ fill z3..z4..z3..cycle shifted (-1/4nhh, 0);
+ fill z3..z4..z3..cycle shifted (-2/3nhh,-nhh);
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ce0c194ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+input musicdef
+% %
+% %
+% (Phrasierungsbogen und Bogen der Steigung 0) %
+% %
+def drawslurs (expr st) =
+ save i, factor, length, height;
+ numeric i, absp, length, height, factor;
+ factor:= 1/6;
+ for i= 0 upto 15:
+ length := (i+2)*nhw#;
+ height := 0 ;
+ beginchar(i, length, height, 0);
+ clear;
+ z2r = (w,h);
+ z1l = origin;
+ absp := abs((-h,w));
+ if (factor*absp)>2nhh : factor:= 2nhh/absp fi;
+ z3r = 1/2z2l+factor*(-h,w);
+ penpos1(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos2(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos3(5/12beamht,90);
+ % currentpen := pencircle xscaled thinwidth yscaled beamht ;
+ pickup pencircle scaled (1/16mm + blacker);
+ penstroke z1e..z3e..z2e; %statt dir 30
+ endchar;
+ endfor;
+def drawslursneg (expr st) =
+ save i, factor, length, depth;
+ numeric i, absp, length, depth, factor;
+ factor:= 1/6;
+ for i=0 upto 15:
+ length := (i+2)*nhw#;
+ depth := length*st ;
+ beginchar(16+i, length, 0, depth);
+ clear;
+ z2l = (w,-d);
+ z1r = origin;
+ absp := abs((d,w));
+ if (factor*absp)>2nhh : factor:= 2nhh/absp fi;
+ z3r = 1/2z2l+factor*(d,w);
+ penpos1(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos2(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos3(5/12beamht,90);
+% currentpen := pencircle xscaled thinwidth yscaled beamht ;
+ pickup pencircle scaled (1/16mm + blacker);
+ penstroke (z1e..z3e..z2e) rotatedaround(1/2z2r, 180);
+ endchar;
+ endfor;
+def drawleftslur =
+ save i, length, height;
+ numeric i, length, height;
+ length := 9*nhw#;
+ for i = 1 upto 9:
+ height := (i+2)*1/2nhh# ;
+ beginchar(i-1+32, length, height, 0);
+ clear;
+ z2r = (w+4thinwidth,h);
+ z1l = origin;
+ penpos1(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos2(5/12beamht,90);
+% currentpen := pencircle xscaled thinwidth yscaled beamht ;
+ pickup pencircle scaled (1/16mm + blacker);
+ penstroke z1e..z2e{(2w,0)}; %statt dir 30
+ endchar;
+ endfor;
+def drawrightslur =
+ save i, length, height;
+ numeric i, length, height;
+ length := 9*nhw#;
+ for i= 1 upto 9:
+ height := (i+2)*1/2nhh#;
+ beginchar(i-1+48, length, height, 0);
+ clear;
+ z1r = (0-4\thinwidth,h);
+ z2l = (w,0);
+ penpos2(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos1(5/12beamht,90);
+% currentpen := pencircle xscaled thinwidth yscaled beamht ;
+ pickup pencircle scaled (1/16mm + blacker);
+ penstroke z1e{right}..z2e; %statt dir 30
+ endchar;
+ endfor;
+def drawleftslurneg =
+ save i, length, depth;
+ numeric i, length, depth;
+ length := 9*nhw#;
+ for i= 1 upto 9:
+ depth := (i+2)*1/2nhh# ;
+ beginchar(i-1+64, length, 0, depth);
+ clear;
+ z2l = (w+4thinwidth,-d);
+ z1r = origin;
+ penpos1(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos2(5/12beamht,90);
+ pickup pencircle scaled (1/16mm + blacker);
+ % currentpen := pencircle xscaled thinwidth yscaled beamht ;
+ penstroke z1e..z2e{(2w,0)}; %statt dir 30
+ endchar;
+ endfor;
+def drawrightslurneg =
+ save i, length, depth;
+ numeric i, length, depth;
+ length := 9*nhw#;
+ for i= 1 upto 9:
+ depth := (i+2)*1/2nhh#;
+ beginchar(i-1+80, length, 0, depth);
+ clear;
+ z1l = (0-4\thinwidth,-d);
+ z2r = (w,0);
+ penpos2(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos1(5/12beamht,90);
+% currentpen := pencircle xscaled thinwidth yscaled beamht ;
+ pickup pencircle scaled (1/16mm + blacker);
+ penstroke z1e{right}..z2e; %statt dir 30
+ endchar;
+ endfor;
+%decrescendo und cresc.
+def drawcrescendo =
+ save i, height, length, depth;
+ numeric i, length, height, depth;
+ for i= 0 upto 15:
+ length := (i+1)*nhw#;
+ depth := 1/2nhh# ;
+ height := depth ;
+ beginchar(i+96, length, height, depth);
+ clear;
+ z1 = origin;
+ z2l = (w,h);
+ z3r = (w,-d);
+ penpos2(1/16mm,90);
+ penpos1(1/16mm,90);
+ penpos3(1/16mm,90);
+ pickup pencircle scaled (blacker);
+ penstrike z1e--z2e;
+ penstrike z1e--z3e;
+ endchar;
+ endfor;
+def drawdecrescendo =
+ save i, height, length, depth;
+ numeric i, length, height, depth;
+ for i= 0 upto 15:
+ length := (i+1)*nhw#;
+ depth := 1/2nhh# ;
+ height := depth ;
+ beginchar(i+112, length, height, depth);
+ clear;
+ z1l = (0,h);
+ z2 = (w,0);
+ z3r = (0,-d);
+ penpos2(1/16mm,90);
+ penpos1(1/16mm,90);
+ penpos3(1/16mm,90);
+ pickup pencircle scaled (blacker);
+ penstrike z3e---z2e;
+ penstrike z1e---z2e;
+ endchar;
+ endfor;
+% Bogen nach oben %
+% Bogen nach unten %
+% linge Halbboegen nach oben %
+% rechte Halbboegen nach oben %
+% linke Halbboegen nach unten %
+% rechte Halbboegen nach unten %
+% Crescendo und Decrescendo %
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd5712c57c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+input musicdef
+% %
+% %
+def drawslursneg (expr i, j) =
+ save jj, factor, length, depth;
+ numeric jj, absp, length, depth, factor;
+ factor:= 1/6;
+ length := j*nhw#;
+ depth := i*1/2nhh#;
+ if j<4 : jj := (j*(j-1)+(i-1))*8
+ else: jj := (i-1)*8+(j mod 2)*64+floor((j-2)/2);fi;
+ beginchar(jj, length, 0, depth);
+ clear;
+ z2r = (w,-d);
+ z1l = origin;
+ absp := abs((d,w));
+ if (factor*absp)>2nhh : factor:= 2nhh/absp fi;
+ z3r = 1/2z2r+factor*(d,w);
+ penpos1(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos2(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos3(5/12beamht,90);
+ currentpen := pencircle xscaled thinwidth yscaled beamht ;
+ penstroke (z1e..z3e..z2e) rotatedaround (1/2z2r,180);
+ endchar;
+% negative Steigungen %
+for j= 1 upto 17:
+for i= 1 upto min(2j,8):
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20282e2ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+input musicdef
+% %
+% %
+def drawslursneg (expr i,j) =
+ save jj, factor, length, depth;
+ numeric jj, absp, length, depth, factor;
+ factor:= 1/6;
+ length := j*nhw#;
+ depth := i*1/2nhh#;
+ if j<4 : jj := (j*(j-1)+(i-1))*8
+ else: jj := (i-1)*8+(j mod 2)*64+floor((j-2)/2);fi;
+ beginchar(jj, length, 0, depth);
+ clear;
+ % x2 = w; x1 = 0;
+ z2r = (w,-d);
+ z1l = origin;
+ absp := abs((d,w));
+ if (factor*absp)>2nhh : factor:= 2nhh/absp fi;
+ z3r = 1/2z2r+factor*(d,w);
+ penpos1(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos2(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos3(5/12beamht,90);
+ currentpen := pencircle xscaled thinwidth yscaled beamht ;
+ penstroke (z1e..z3e..z2e);
+ endchar;
+% negative Steigungen %
+for j= 1 upto 17:
+for i= 1 upto min(2j,8):
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4028a8e96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+input musicdef
+% %
+% %
+def drawslurs (expr i,j) =
+ save jj, factor, length, height;
+ numeric jj, absp, length, height, factor;
+ factor:= 1/6;
+ height := i*1/2nhh#;
+ length := j*nhw#;
+ if j<4 : jj := (j*(j-1)+(i-1))*8
+ else: jj := (i-1)*8+(j mod 2)*64+floor((j-2)/2);fi;
+ beginchar(jj, length, height, 0);
+ clear;
+ z2r = (w,h);
+ z1l = origin;
+ absp := abs((-h,w));
+ if (factor*absp)>2nhh : factor:= 2nhh/absp fi;
+ z3r = 1/2z2r+factor*(-h,w);
+ penpos1(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos2(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos3(5/12beamht,90);
+ currentpen := pencircle xscaled thinwidth yscaled beamht ;
+ penstroke (z1e..z3e..z2e) rotatedaround (1/2z2r,180);
+ endchar;
+% positive Steigungen %
+for j= 1 upto 17:
+for i= 1 upto min(2j,8):
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59fa5b22de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+input musicdef
+% %
+% %
+def drawslurs(expr i,j) =
+ save jj,factor, length, height;
+ numeric jj, absp, length, height, factor;
+ factor:= 1/6;
+ height = i*1/2nhh#;
+ length = j*nhw#;
+ if j<4 : jj := (j*(j-1)+(i-1))*8
+ else: jj := (i-1)*8+(j mod 2)*64+floor((j-2)/2);fi;
+ beginchar(jj, length, height, 0);
+ clear;
+ z2r = (w,h);
+ z1l = origin;
+ absp := abs((-h,w));
+ if (factor*absp)>2nhh : factor:= 2nhh/absp fi;
+ z3r = 1/2z2l+factor*(-h,w);
+ penpos1(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos2(thinwidth,90);
+ penpos3(5/12beamht,90);
+ currentpen := pencircle xscaled thinwidth yscaled beamht ;
+ penstroke z1e..z3e..z2e; %statt dir 30
+ endchar;
+% positive Steigungen %
+for j= 1 upto 17:
+for i= 1 upto min(2j,8):
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8421dee032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+% %
+% %
+def alla_breve (expr trans) =
+ thin := 5thinwidth; thick := 1/2 nhh;
+ penpos1(thin, 0);
+ penpos2(thin, -90);
+ penpos3(thick,180);
+ penpos4(2/3thin, 90);
+ penpos5(thin, 45);
+ penpos6(3/4thick,45);
+ 2x2r = 2x4r = x1 + 2s = w;
+ x3r = 0; 2y1 = 3y2 = y4r = h;
+ y3r = 2/3h;
+ x5 = w -2s;
+ y5 = h -2s;
+ z6r = z5r;
+ penstroke (z1e..z2e..z3e..z4e..z5e) transformed trans;
+ currentpen := pencircle scaled (2/3thick);
+ drawdot z6;
+% "allabreve" %%
+beginchar(82, 2nhh#, 3nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ alla_breve(identity);
+ z7 = z4 + 2/16 h *up;
+ z8 = z2 + 2/16 h *down;
+ currentpen := pencircle scaled (thin);
+ draw z7--z8;
+% "C" %%
+beginchar(83, 2nhh#, 3nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ alla_breve(identity);
+% "reverseC" %%
+beginchar(84, 2nhh#, 3nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ transform T;
+ xxpart T = -yypart T; xypart T = yxpart T; % T is a reflection
+ (w/2,0) transformed T = (w/2,0); (w/2,1) transformed T = (w/2,1);
+ thin := 5thinwidth; thick := 1/2 nhh;
+ penpos1(thin, 0);
+ penpos2(thin, -90);
+ penpos3(thick,180);
+ penpos4(2/3thin, 90);
+ penpos5(thin, 45);
+ penpos6(3/4thick,45);
+ 2x2r = 2x4r = x1 + 2s = w;
+ x3r = 0; 2y1 = 3y2 = y4r = h;
+ y3r = 2/3h;
+ x5 = w -2s;
+ y5 = h -2s;
+ z6r = z5r;
+ penstroke (counterclockwise
+ (z1e..z2e..z3e..z4e..z5e) transformed T);
+ currentpen := pencircle scaled (2/3thick);
+ drawdot (z6 transformed T);
+% "fermate1" %%
+beginchar(80, 2nhw#, 1.25nhh#, 0);
+ clear;
+ penpos2(nhh/4,90);
+ penpos4(nhh/4,90);
+ y2r = h;
+ z1 = origin; 2x2l = 2x4l = x3 = w; y4l = y3 = 0;
+ penstroke z1..z2e..z3;
+ currentpen:= pencircle scaled (nhh/4);
+ drawdot z4;
+% "fermate2" %%
+beginchar(81, 2nhw#, 0, 1.25nhh#);
+ clear;
+ penpos2(nhh/4,90);
+ penpos4(nhh/4,90);
+ y2l = -d;
+ z1 = origin; 2x2l = 2x4 = x3 = w;
+ y4r = y3 = 0;
+ penstroke (z1..z2e..z3);
+ currentpen := pencircle scaled (nhh/4);
+ drawdot z4;
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8626d6c180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/mtex/metafont/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+% %
+% %
+def violin(expr width, beginleft, begindown, thick, penthick) =
+x2=x4+31/45 width;
+x2-x12=4/15 width;
+pickup pencircle scaled 1s;
+penstroke z1e{2left}..z2e..z11e..z3e
+penstroke z6e{down+left}..{down}z7e--z8e;
+fill z8l{2down+right}..z12l..z9l
+pickup pencircle scaled 1s;
+fill z9l{3/2right+up}..{right+2down}z9r..cycle;
+beginchar(71,3.25nhw#, 6nhh#, 2nhh#);
+%%%%%%%%violin-schluessel verkleinert%%%%%%%%
+beginchar(72,3.25nhw#, 6nhh#, 2nhh#);
+def bass(expr width, beginleft, begindown, thick, dotthick)=
+pickup pencircle scaled dotthick;
+drawdot z4; drawdot z5;
+pickup pencircle scaled 1s;
+penstroke z3e{up+right}..z2e{up}..{down+left}z1e;
+fill z1l{down+left}..{right}z7l{right}..{left+up}z1r..cycle;
+beginchar(73,3nhw#, 4nhh#, 0nhh#);
+bass(9/4nhh, 49/40nhh, 58/16nhh, 1/2nhh, 2s);
+%%%%%%verkleinerter bass-schluessel%%%%%%%%%
+beginchar(74,3nhw#, 4nhh#, 0nhh#);
+bass(7/4nhh, 60/40nhh, 56/16nhh, 1/2nhh, 1.5s);
+def alt(expr height, beginleft, begindown, thick) =
+pickup pencircle scaled 1s;
+fill z7l--z1l--z1r--z7r--cycle;
+fill z8l--z2l--z2r--z8r--cycle;
+penstroke z5e..{left+2down}z6e;
+penstroke z5e{right+4down}..{up}z4e{up}..{left+down}z3e;
+pickup pencircle scaled 1.8s;
+drawdot z3;
+pickup pencircle scaled 1s;
+ (counterclockwise(z7e--z1e)reflectedabout(z7,z8));
+(counterclockwise (z5e{right+4down}..{up}z4e{up}..{left+down}z3e)
+pickup pencircle scaled 1.75s;
+drawdot z9;
+beginchar(75,3.5nhw#, 4nhh#, 0nhh#);
+beginchar(76,3.5nhw#, 4nhh#, 0nhh#);
+beginchar(77,3.5nhw#, 4nhh#, 0nhh#);
+beginchar(78,3.5nhw#, 4nhh#, 0nhh#);
+beginchar(79,3.5nhw#, 4nhh#, 0nhh#);
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/physe/physe.doc b/obsolete/macros/physe/physe.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4709e695c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/physe/physe.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,2582 @@
+%Changes by lde
+% changed .texindex extension to .index
+% set IBMfalse
+%FORMAT physe % use PHYSE format
+%*** this is file PMANUAL as of 07.03.86 ***
+% \input themac
+%*** this is file THEMAC as of 11.02.86 ***
+% \input mppmac % get MPP macros
+%*** this is file MPPMAC as of 17.03.86 ***
+\input physupdt % get updates and corrections to PHYS-TeX
+\def\wlog#1{} % suppress allocation messages
+%*** additional macros for MPP ***
+%*** (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik und Astrophysik) ***
+%*** (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut fuer Physik) ***
+\def\mppaddresstext{Postfach 40 12 12, D-8000 M\"unchen 40\else
+ P.O.Box 40 12 12, Munich (Fed.~Rep.~Germany)}
+ {Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Physik und Astrophysik%
+ \\-- Werner-Heisenberg-Institut f\"ur Physik --%
+ \\\case@language\mppaddresstext}}
+%*** mpp letterhead ***
+\font\fourtenbf=\font@sel ssbx10 scaled \magstep2 % for letterhead
+\font\sixtenbf=\font@sel ssbx10 at 16.587 pt % for letterhead
+ % (LasergrafiX)
+\font\seventenbf=\font@sel ssbx10 scaled \magstep3 % for letterhead
+ % (Canon)
+\def\letterC{\endpage \vglue-19mm\centerline{\seventenbf
+ \mppae@text}\l@tt@r} % for output on canon
+\def\letterL{\endpage \vglue-26mm\centerline{\sixtenbf
+ \mppae@text}\l@tt@r} % for output on lasergrafix
+\let\letter=\letterL % default is lasergrafix
+ \skippagenum T\skipheadline T\skipfootline T%
+ \centerline{\strut#1}\vskip.5cm%
+ \line{\vtop to5cm{\lftline{\strut}\vfil
+ \let\\\cr \halign{\strut##\hfil\cr#3\cr}\vfil}%
+ \hss\vtop to5cm{\def\lftline##1{\hbox to 5cm{##1\hfil}}%
+ \lftline{\strut}\eightrm \setbaselineskip=12pt \vfil
+ \lftline{F\"OHRINGER RING 6}\lftline{\tenrm D-8000 M\"UNCHEN 40}%
+ \lftline{\case@language{TELEFON\else PHONE}: (089) 31 893
+ \if!#2!\else - #2 \case@language{oder\else or} \fi-1}%
+ \lftline{TELEX: 52 15 61 9 mppa d}%
+ \lftline{POSTFACH 40 12 12}\vfil}}%
+ \vskip1cm\rtline{\thedate}\vskip 1cm plus 1cm minus.5cm}
+\def\wlog{\immediate\write\m@ne} % restore PLAIN's definition
+\catcode`\@=12 % @ signs are no longer letters
+%*** end of file MPPMAC ***
+\def\wlog#1{} % suppress allocation messages
+\outer\def\pthnum#1{\mppnum{PTh #1}}
+\def\wlog{\immediate\write\m@ne} % restore PLAIN's definition
+\catcode`\@=12 % @ signs are no longer letters
+%*** additional physics journals ***
+\def\AP{\journal{Ann.\ \Phys}}
+\def\CMP{\journal{Commun.\ \Math\Phys}}
+\def\JMP{\journal{J.\ \Math\Phys}}
+\def\PRep{\journal{\Phys Rep.\ }}
+\def\RMP{\journal{\Rev Mod.\ \Phys}}
+\def\TMF{\journal{Teor.\ Mat.\ Fiz.\ }}
+%*** end of file THEMAC ***
+% \input pmanmac
+%*** this is file PMANMAC as of 06.03.86 ***
+%\IBMtrue % print the character ^ as `neg' (as on IBM terminals)
+\IBMfalse % print the character ^ as `hat' (as in the TeXbook)
+\hyphenchar\twelvett=-1 \hyphenchar\tentt=-1
+\hyphenchar\eighttt=-1 % prevent hyphenation inside verbatim
+\dimen\margin=\maxdimen % no limit on the number of marginal notes
+\count\margin=0 \skip\margin=0pt % marginal notes take up no space
+\def\skip@userexit{\setbox\z@\box\@cclv \setbox\z@\box\margin}
+\def\ship@userexit{\ifvbox\margin \nointerlineskip
+ \rlap{\hskip\hsize \hskip6pt\vbox to\z@{\kern4\p@ \box\margin \vss
+ }}\fi \unvbox\@cclv}
+\newif\ifmultic@lumn \newcount\numc@lumn \newdimen\c@lumnwidth
+\newbox\partialp@ge \newdimen\p@gewidth \newdimen\p@geheight
+\outer\def\singlecolumn{\ifmultic@lumn \singlec@lumn \bigskip \fi}
+\outer\def\multicolumn{\ifmultic@lumn \singlec@lumn \fi \multic@lumn}
+ \endgroup \pagegoal\vsize}
+\def\multic@lumn{\begingroup \multic@lumntrue
+ \afterassignment\multic@l@mn \numc@lumn=}
+ \vbox{\unvbox\@cclv\bigskip}}\eject
+ \p@gewidth\hsize \p@geheight\vsize \advance\hsize12\p@
+ \divide\hsize\numc@lumn \advance\hsize-12\p@ \c@lumnwidth\hsize
+ \multiply\vsize\numc@lumn \advance\vsize12\p@
+ \let\skipuserexit\skipsofar \let\shipuserexit\shipsofar
+ \output{\multic@lumnout}}
+\def\multic@lumnout{\splittopskip\topskip \splitmaxdepth\maxdepth
+ \dimen@\p@geheight \advance\dimen@-\ht\partialp@ge
+ \setbox\tw@\hbox{\count@\@ne \loop \setbox\z@\vsplit\@cclv to\dimen@
+ \wd\z@\c@lumnwidth \box\z@ \hfil \advance\count@\@ne
+ \ifnum\count@<\numc@lumn \repeat}%
+ \setbox\f@ur\vsplit\@cclv to\dimen@
+ \bgroup \hsize\p@gewidth \vsize\p@geheight \physoutput \egroup
+ \unvbox\@cclv \penalty\outputpenalty}
+ \hbox to\p@gewidth{\unhbox\tw@ \wd\f@ur\c@lumnwidth \box\f@ur}}
+ \dimen@-\topskip \advance\dimen@\baselineskip
+ \advance\dimen@-\numc@lumn\dimen@
+ \advance\dimen@\ht\z@ \divide\dimen@\numc@lumn
+ {\vbadness\@M \loop \global\setbox\thr@@\copy\z@
+ \global\setbox\@ne\hbox{\count@\@ne \loop
+ \setbox\z@\vsplit\thr@@ to\dimen@
+ \setbox\z@\vbox to\dimen@{\unvbox\z@}\wd\z@\c@lumnwidth \box\z@
+ \hfil \advance\count@\@ne \ifnum\count@<\numc@lumn \repeat}%
+ \ifdim\ht\thr@@>\dimen@ \global\advance\dimen@\p@ \repeat}%
+ \setbox\tw@\box\@ne \setbox\f@ur\vbox to\dimen@{\unvbox\thr@@}%
+ \shipsofar}
+\def\AmSTeX{$\cal A\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\cal M$}\kern-.125em
+ S$-\TeX}
+\def\bull{\vrule height .9ex width.8ex depth -.1ex } % square bullet
+\def\dn{\leavevmode\hbox{\tt\char'14}} % downward arrow
+\def\up{\leavevmode\hbox{\tt\char'13}} % upward arrow
+\def\|{\leavevmode\hbox{\tt\char`\|}} % vertical line
+\def\vspace{\leavevmode\hbox{\tt\char`\ }} % visible space
+\def\pt{\,{\rm pt}} % units of points
+\def\<#1>{\leavevmode\hbox{$\langle$#1\/$\rangle$}} % syntactic quantity
+\def\oct#1{\hbox{\rm\'{}\kern-.2em\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % octal constant
+\def\hex#1{\hbox{\rm\H{}\tt#1}} % hexadecimal constant
+ \hbox{\vphantom{\tt/}\thinspace{\tt#1}\thinspace}}%
+ \kern1pt\hrule}\vrule}\thinspace} % control sequence token
+ {\catcode`\^^M=5$$#1\halign\bgroup\indent##\hfil&&\qquad##\hfil\cr}}
+ \gdef\ttverbatim{\begingroup \catcode`\\\@ther \catcode`\{\@ther
+ \catcode`\}\@ther \catcode`\$\@ther \catcode`\&\@ther
+ \catcode`\#\@ther \catcode`\%\@ther \catcode`\~\@ther
+ \catcode`\_\@ther \catcode`\`\active
+ \ifIBM \catcode`\^\active \let^\tt@neg \else \catcode`\^\@ther \fi
+ \obeyspaces \obeylines \tt}}
+{\catcode`\`=\active \gdef`{\relax\lq}}
+\def\tt@neg{\hbox to.5em{\hss\the\scriptfont2:\hss}}
+{\obeyspaces\gdef {\ }} % \obeyspaces now gives \ , not \space
+\outer\def\begintt{\strut \begingroup
+ \abovedisplayskip\parskip \abovedisplayshortskip\abovedisplayskip
+ \belowdisplayskip\parskip \belowdisplayshortskip\belowdisplayskip
+ $$\let\par=\endgraf \ttverbatim \parskip0pt
+ \catcode`\|=0 \rightskip=-5pc \tt@finish}
+ \let\par=\cr \ttverbatim \catcode`\|=0
+ \ifhmode \strut \expandafter\vadjust\fi \bgroup \ttlines@finish}
+{\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=\@ther % | is temporary escape character
+ |obeylines % end of line is active
+ |gdef|tt@finish#1^^M#2\endtt{#1|vbox{|strut#2}|endgroup %
+ $$|endgroup |ignorespaces} %
+ |gdef|ttlines@finish#1^^M#2\endttlines{#1|halign %
+ {|hbox{|strut|quad *|quad##|hfil}|crcr#2|crcr}|egroup %
+ |ifhmode |lb |fi |endgroup |endgroup |ignorespaces}}
+ \gdef|{\ttverbatim\ttglue\let^^M=\ \let|=\endgroup}
+ \gdef\utt|{\setbox\z@\hbox\bgroup|\aftergroup\utt@end}
+\def\ttglue{\spaceskip=.5em plus.25em minus.15em}
+ \parskip\z@ \hrule\kern1pt\nobreak \obeylines \everypar{\strut}}
+\immediate\openout\inx=\jobname.index % file for index remainders
+\def\marginstyle{\eightrm % marginal notes are in 8pt
+ \vrule height9pt depth3pt width0pt } % a strut for \insert\margin
+\def\specialhat{\ifmmode \expandafter^\else \expandafter\beginxref\fi}
+\def\beginxrefswitch{\ifx\n@xt\specialhat \expandafter\silentxref\else
+ \silentfalse \expandafter\xref\fi}
+\catcode`\^=\active \let ^=\specialhat
+\begingroup \lccode`\*=`\\ \lowercase{\gdef\bslash{*}} \endgroup
+\def\xref{\futurelet\n@xt\xrefswitch} % branch on the next character
+ \else \begingroup \ifx\n@xt\<\aftergroup\anglexref
+ \else\aftergroup\normalxref \fi\fi \endgroup}
+\def\vxref|{\ttverbatim \futurelet\n@xt\vxrefswitch}
+{\lccode`\~=`\` \lccode`\?=`\^ \lccode`\+=`\\ \lowercase{
+ \gdef\vxref@switch#1#2@#3\@{\if\bslash\noexpand\n@xt
+ \def\xreftype{2}\def\text{\bslash#2}% code 2, |\arg|
+ \else\def\xreftype{1}\def\text{#1#2}\fi % code 1, |arg|
+ \bgroup \def^{?}\def~{`}\let\bslash\empty % for write
+ \makexref}
+ \gdef\normalxref#1{\def\xreftype{0}\def\text{#1}%
+ \bgroup \def\tt{+tt}\def\^{+?}% for write
+ \makexref}
+\def\anglexref\<#1>{\def\xreftype{3}\def\text{\<#1>}% code 3, \<arg>
+ \bgroup \def\text{#1}% for write
+ \makexref}
+\proofmodefalse % for camera-ready copy
+%\proofmodetrue % this should be false when making camera-ready copy
+\def\makexref{\ifproofmode \insert\margin{\hbox{\marginstyle\text}}%
+ \xdef\writeit{\write\inx{\text\space!\xreftype\space
+ \noexpand\number\pageno.}}\writeit
+ \else\ifhmode\kern0pt \fi\fi
+ \ifsilent \egroup \endgroup \ignorespaces \else
+ \egroup \text \endgroup \fi}
+ \he@d{\strut\case@language\indextext}%
+ \toc{\case@language\indextext}{\unskip}}
+\def\indextext{Stichwortverzeichnis\else Index}
+ \ifeof\test@read \message{* file pmanual.index missing *}\else
+ \closein\test@read \expandafter\make@index\fi}
+\def\make@index{\beginindex \input pmanual.index \endindex }
+\let\endindex=\endgroup \let\sub=\indent
+\def\beginindex{\begingroup \maxdepth\maxdimen
+ \def\par{\endgraf \futurelet\n@xt\inxentry}\obeylines
+ \everypar{\hangindent\tw@\parindent}\exhyphenpenalty\@M
+ \parindent1em\raggedright}
+\def\inxentry{\ifx\n@xt\endindex \else \noindent \fi}
+\catcode`\@=12 % @ signs are no longer letters
+%*** end of file PMANMAC ***
+%\IBMtrue % print the character ^ as `neg' (as on IBM terminals)
+ \IBMfalse % print the character ^ as `hat' (as in the TeXbook)
+ \space\the\toks2}}
+\def\secsssuserexit{\expandafter\myuserexit\the\toks0 }
+\def\myuserexit#1.{\wlog{#1: \the\toks2}\toks0{#1}}
+%\pagesel{39}{99} % print selected pages only
+\chapters \chappage
+\pageall \toppagenum
+\lheadtext={The PHYS-{\TeX} Manual}
+\rheadtext={P. Breitenlohner, A. Kabelschacht and R.J. Drofnats}
+\lfoottext={\thetime} \rfoottext={\thedate}
+\equleft \equsect \equshort
+\footpar \footbot \let\footstyle=\tenpoint
+% \input pmantitp % title page
+%*** this is file PMANTITP as of 07.03.86 ***
+\submit{Journal ???}
+\mppnum{PTh xx/86}
+\topright{Version 1.0}
+\pubdate{March 1986}
+\title{The PHYS-{\TeX} Manual}
+\titcon{How to use the {\TeX} formats PHYSE and PHYS
+*{This output is produced from the file PMANUAL TEX.
+Here you could add things like the phrase: Talk given at {\dots} or
+\author{P. Breitenlohner\\A. Kabelschacht}
+\autcon{R.J. Drofnats}
+\address{Dept.~of Farm Ecology, The University of St.~Anford\\%
+P.O.Box 1009, Haga Alto, CA 94321 (USA)}
+\abstract{This manual describes how to use the {\TeX} formats PHYSE
+and PHYS to write physics papers.
+These formats contain MACROS which will automatically number
+chapters, sections, \dots, appendices, pages, footnotes, equations,
+figures, references and tables.
+In addition lists of all figure captions, table captions, references
+as well as a table of contents can be generated.}
+\centerline{\it This page intentionally left blank}
+%*** end of file PMANTITP ***
+\startpage1 % leave room for toc on pages iii and iv
+% \input pmanintr % introduction
+%*** this is file PMANINTR as of 08.03.86 ***
+The {\TeX} formats PHYSE and PHYS are extensions of the PLAIN format
+and should simplify the writing of physics papers.
+They differ from eachother by the use of english
+or german hyphenation patterns ^^{hyphenation, german and english}
+and by having ^|\english| or ^|\german| as default.
+Practically all features of PLAIN-{\TeX} as described in the
+\TeX book \RF{\texbook}{{\it The \TeX book}, Donald E.~Knuth,
+Addison-Wesley, 1984.}\quref{\texbook} can be used without any change.
+The only exception is that PLAIN's ^|\item| has been renamed
+to ^|\plainitem|.
+The PHYSE and PHYS formats have been developed at the
+Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Physik, M\"unchen, and are derived from
+the macros for physics papers used at SLAC\null.
+These formats exist as dump files which can be
+invoked in the same way as PLAINE or PLAIN\null.
+Your input should start with the command |\input|~^|physupdt|
+(compare appendix B for details).
+\ifIBM % print this paragraph if ^ is represented as `neg'
+The character for superscripts (^{{\tt\char`\^}} in the
+{\TeX}book) is printed as ^|^| in this manual, in the same way as it
+appears on IBM terminals.\fi
+%*** end of file PMANINTR ***
+% \input pmanfont % fonts, text sizes, styles and headings
+%*** this is file PMANFONT as of 06.03.86 ***
+\chap{Fonts, Text Sizes, Styles and Headings}
+\sect{Text Sizes and Spacing}
+You can produce text in various ^{sizes}.
+If you use the command ^|\twelvepoint| (which is the default) at the
+begin of your input file, everything will be \LARGE{\bf large}
+i.e.\ normal text and equations will be in 12\pt, subscripts
+and superscripts in 10{\pt} and sub-subscripts etc.\ in 8{\pt} size.
+If you use ^|\tenpoint| you get \MEDIUM{\bf medium} size
+(10\pt, 8{\pt} and 6\pt) and if you use ^|\eightpoint| you get
+\SMALL{\bf small} size (8\pt, 6{\pt} and 5\pt).
+Independently you can specify ^^{spacing} ^|\singlespace|,
+^|\doublespace| (the default) or ^|\triplespace| to obtain narrow,
+medium or wide space between consecutive lines of text
+(^|\baselineskip|); other spacing parameters are set accordingly.
+Each time you select a size or spacing the ^|\strut| is suitably
+The combination |\twelvepoint\triplespace| should about satisfy
+{\it Phys.~Rev.}'s requirements.
+You can use |\medium{text}| or |\MEDIUM{text}| to get `text' in
+{\bf medium} size.
+The difference is that ^|\medium| puts `text' into
+one or several separate paragraphs whereas ^|\MEDIUM| puts `text'
+into the middle of the current paragraph.
+The commands ^|\large|, ^|\LARGE|, ^|\small| and ^|\SMALL|
+can be used in exactly the same way.
+Finally we add a displayed equation:
+$$\smallint_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx = {\sqrt{\pi}\over 2}\qquad\qquad
+\smallprod_{i=1}^n e^{x_i}=e^{\smallsum_{i=1}^n x_i}\eqn$$
+to see the size of superscripts and super-superscripts.
+\medium{\singlespace This paragraph in {\bf medium} size starts with
+|\medium{\singlespace This|\dots\space
+and uses |\LARGE| and |\SMALL| to get a \LARGE{large} and a
+\SMALL{small} word in the middle.
+Now we add a very long sentence so that we can see the effect of
+the large word on the interline spacing (if any).
+Again we add a displayed equation:
+$$\smallint_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx = {\sqrt{\pi}\over 2}\qquad\qquad
+\smallprod_{i=1}^n e^{x_i}=e^{\smallsum_{i=1}^n x_i}\eqn$$
+to see the size of superscripts and super-superscripts.}
+\small{\singlespace This paragraph in {\bf small} size starts with
+|\small{\singlespace This|\dots\space
+and, after the first line which is entirely in small type,
+uses |\LARGE| and |\MEDIUM| to get a \LARGE{large} and a
+\MEDIUM{medium} word in the middle.
+Again we add a very long sentence in order to see the effect
+of the large and the medium word on the interline spacing.
+Again we add a displayed equation:
+$$\smallint_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx = {\sqrt{\pi}\over 2}\qquad\qquad
+\smallprod_{i=1}^n e^{x_i}=e^{\smallsum_{i=1}^n x_i}\eqn$$
+to see the size of superscripts and super-superscripts.}
+For each size there are several `^{fonts}' available, i.e.\ sets of
+characters of different shape.
+Normally text is typed in `roman' and equations are typed in
+`math italic'.
+You can choose among:\lb
+^|\rm| for {\rm roman}\lb
+|$|\dots|$| (or |\mit| inside equations) for $math\; italic$\lb
+^|\cal| for $\cal CALIGRAPHIC$ (inside equations and for capitals
+^|\it| for {\it text italic}\lb
+^|\sl| for {\sl slanted}\lb
+^|\bf| for {\bf bold}\lb
+^|\tt| for {\tt typewriter}\lb
+^|\caps| for {\caps Large and Small Capitals}\lb
+but not all fonts are available in all sizes.
+\sect{Styles} ^^{styles}
+There are macros which determine how various things are printed
+(e.g.\ page numbers, headings, titles and so on).
+The are listed below and can be changed as necessary.
+%*** the following lines are copied from PHYSTEXT ***
+\let\pagestyle=\twelverm % page numbers
+\let\titlestyle=\bf % title of paper, chapters, appendices
+\let\sectstyle=\caps % section titles
+\let\headstyle=\UPPERCASE % headlines for list of figure capts. etc
+\let\captionstyle=\it % figure and table captions
+\let\figstyle=\empty % list of figure captions
+\def\figbreak{\goodbreak \vskip\refbetweenskip}
+\let\tabstyle=\empty % list of table captions
+\let\refstyle=\empty % list of references
+\def\refbreak{\filbreak \vskip\refbetweenskip}
+\let\tocstyle=\empty % table of contents
+\let\footstyle=\empty % (list of) footnotes
+\let\stmttitlestyle=\bf % mathematical statements
+The command |\UPPERCASE| translates it's argument to uppercase
+(as does |\uppercase|) but all macros in the argument are
+expanded before the translation.
+The definition is
+^^{headings}The text of most headings is defined by macros which
+are listed below (\<german text>|\else|\<english text>),
+and which can be easily changed.
+%*** the following lines are copied from PHYSTEXT ***
+\def\submittextone{Zur Ver\"offentlichung in\else Submitted to}
+\def\submittexttwo{ eingereicht\else}
+\def\abstracthead{Zusammenfassung\else Abstract}
+\def\ackhead{Danksagung\else Acknowledgements}
+\def\appendixhead{Anhang\else Appendix}
+\def\eqabbr{Gl\else eq}
+\def\eqsabbr{Gln\else eqs}
+\def\figpref{Abb\else Fig}
+\def\fighead{Abbildungen\else Figure captions}
+\def\figabbr{Bild\nodot\else Fig}
+\def\tabpref{Tab\else Tab}
+\def\tabhead{Tabellen\else Table captions}
+\def\refpref{Lit\else Ref}
+\def\refhead{Literaturverzeichnis\else References}
+\def\refabbr{???\else Ref}
+\def\refsabbr{????\else Refs}
+\def\tocpref{Inh\else Toc}
+\def\tochead{Inhaltsverzeichnis\else Table of contents}
+\def\footpref{Anm\else Foot}
+\def\foothead{Anmerkungen\else Footnotes}
+\def\prfhead{Beweis\else Proof}
+%*** end of file PMANFONT ***
+% \input pmanpage % page numbers
+%*** this is file PMANPAGE as of 07.03.86 ***
+\chap{Page Numbers, Head- and Footlines}
+\sect{Page Numbers}
+^^{page numbers}
+If you use ^|\pageall| (default) the pages are numbered throughout
+the paper, starting with `1' for the ^{title page}.
+If you use ^|\pagechap| the title page is page~0 and the pages are
+numbered separately for each chapter, appendix, the figure captions,
+the table captions, the list of references, the table of contents
+and (if applicable) the footnotes, with the number of the chapter or
+similar as prefix.
+The page number of the title page will never be printed and with
+|\pagechap| the same is true for the first page of figure captions,
+table captions etc.
+You can use\lb
+^|\toppagenum| to get page numbers on top of each page,\lb
+^|\botpagenum| (default) to get page numbers at the bottom of each page
+^|\nopagenum| to supress the printing of page numbers.
+\sect{Head- and Footlines}
+Independently from the page numbers there may be running head- and
+You can specify specify a left head line text with
+^|\lheadtext||={|\dots|}| and similarly a right head line text
+(^|\rheadtext|) and a ^|\cheadtext| as well as foot line texts
+(^|\lfoottext|, ^|\rfoottext| and ^|\cfoottext|).
+All these texts are initially empty.
+If you choose the option ^|\centhead| (default) the headline
+will contain the |\lheadtext| in the left corner, the |\rheadtext|
+in the right corner and a page number or blank in the center.
+With the option ^|\righthead| the |\rheadtext| is centered,
+the ^|\cheadtext| in the left corner and a page number will be in
+the right corner; with the option ^|\lefthead| you get the same
+with left and right exchanged.
+With the option ^|\althead| you get alternatingly the result from
+|\righthead| on the odd numbered (right) pages and from |\lefthead|
+on the even numbered (left) pages.
+The options ^|\centfoot| (default), ^|\rightfoot|, ^|\leftfoot| and
+^|\altfoot| will do the same for the footlines.
+You can use the command ^|\skippagenum||=T| to suppress the printing
+of a page number on the current page.
+Similarly ^|\skipheadline||=T| and ^|\skipfootline||=T| will suppress
+the printing of the entire headline and footline.
+All three commands are used automatically on the title page and all
+three switches are automatically reset to `|F|' when a new page is
+You should, however, be careful where to put these commands because
+{\TeX} may have different ideas about what is the current page than
+you do (see chapter~15: How {\TeX} Makes Lines into Pages in the
+{\TeX}book for details).
+\sect{Portrait and Landscape Format}
+{\TeX} usually produces output in `portrait' format (|\vsize| is larger
+than |\hsize|).
+Some times you may want to use `landscape' format, i.e.\ for large
+You can use the commands ^|\portrait| (default) and ^|\landscape| to
+switch between portrait and landscape format.
+If such a switch occurs any partial page accumulated so far will be
+terminated and then the values for |\hsize| and |\vsize| will be
+interchanged and adjusted for the presence of head- and footlines.
+It is, therefore, \underbar{not} possible to use a |\pageinsert| in
+landscape format while processing a page in portrait format.
+\subsec{Warning:}Some output devices may not be able to handle
+landscape format properly or they may not be able to handle a
+mixture of both formats.
+%*** end of file PMANPAGE ***
+% \input pmantitl % the title page
+%*** this is file PMANTITL as of 07.03.86 ***
+\chap{The Title Page}
+There are several macros to facilitate the production of a ^{title
+These macros provide vertical spacing which should normally give a
+reasonable layout.
+You should use ^|\titlepage| (default) or ^|\notitlepage| if the title
+of the paper, the name(s) and address(es) of author(s) and possibly
+the abstract do or don't appear on a separate page which is
+terminated with |\endpage|.
+You can use ^|\topleft| and ^|\topright| as often as needed to
+collect information to appear on the top left and top right corners
+of the title page.
+This information is stored in boxes and is printed with the (first)
+use of ^|\title|.
+The command ^|\submit||{...}| uses topleft to produce the two
+lines `Submitted~to' and `\dots' in the top left corner,\lb
+^|\mppnum||{...}| is equivalent to |\topright{MPI--PAE/...}|,
+\lb and ^|\pubdate| is a synonym for |\topright|.
+You can use ^|\title||{...}| to print (the first line of) the title
+of the paper and ^|\titcon||{...}| for continuation lines.
+The command ^|\author||{...}| will print one or more lines with
+authors, ^|\\| indicates the start of a new line,
+^|\autcon||{...}| will print `and' or `und' and more authors.
+You can use the commands |\author|, |\autcon| and
+|\address| as often as required.
+Any of the above macros may use ^|\foot| or ^|\footnote|,
+but you should surround the footnote with
+|{|^|\rm|~|...}|, otherwise the footnote will be printed in the
+current font.
+The command ^|\address||{...}| prints the address of the
+institution with one or more lines which are again separated by ^|\\|.
+The command ^|\mppaddress| prints the address of the
+Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Physik.
+The command ^|\abstract||{...}| prints the english heading
+`^{Abstract}' or the german one `^{Zusammenfassung}' and the text of
+the abstract which may consist of several paragraphs.
+Finally we want to mention one command which does not belong to the
+title page: ^|\ack| prints the heading `^{Acknowledgements}' or
+The title page of this manual is produced by the following
+sequence of commands:
+%*** the following lines are copied from PMANTITP ***
+\submit{Journal ???}
+\mppnum{PTh xx/86}
+\topright{Version 1.0}
+\pubdate{March 1986}
+\title{The PHYS-{\TeX} Manual}
+\titcon{How to use the {\TeX} formats PHYSE and PHYS
+*{This output is produced from the file PMANUAL TEX.
+Here you could add things like the phrase: Talk given at {\dots} or
+\author{P. Breitenlohner\\A. Kabelschacht}
+\autcon{R.J. Drofnats}
+\address{Dept.~of Farm Ecology, The University of St.~Anford\\%
+P.O.Box 1009, Haga Alto, CA 94321 (USA)}
+\abstract{This manual describes ...
+.... can be generated.}
+%*** end of file PMANTITL ***
+% \input pmanchap % structuring the text
+%*** this is file PMANCHAP as of 10.03.86 ***
+\chap{Structuring the Text}
+\sect{Chapters and Sections}
+You can use ^|\chap| to start a new ^{chapter} and ^|\appendix|
+to start a new ^{appendix}.
+Chapters and appendices will be numbered automatically, starting with
+`1' resp.\ `A'\null.
+Chapters and appendices can appear in any order but this may be of
+little use unless you choose the option ^|\pagechap|.
+The text before the first chapter or appendix is treated as chapter~0.
+At the begin of your input you should use the command ^|\chapters|
+(default) or ^|\nochapters| if your paper does or does not contain
+If you choose |\chapters| the chapter number will appear as
+prefix in section numbers and possibly (depending on other options)
+in page numbers, equation numbers, etc.
+If you choose |\nochapters| this prefix will be omitted.
+In this case you can not use |\chap| to start a new chapter.
+You can use ^|\arabicchapnum| (default) or ^|\romanchapnum| to get
+arabic chapter numbers or (uppercase) roman numerals resp., both in
+the chapter titles and in the prefix of e.g.\ ^{equation numbers}.
+Whithin a chapter, but not within an appendix, you may use
+^|\sect| to start a ^{section}.
+They will again be numbered, starting with `1', and the text before
+the first section within a chapter will be treated as section~0.
+You can use ^|\chappage| or ^|\nochappage| (default) to indicate that
+each chapter and appendix should or should not start on a new page.
+{\TeX} will try not to begin a chapter or section to low at a page,
+it will rather leave blank space and start with the chapter or
+section title on a new page.
+This mechanism is governed by the parameters\lb
+^|\chapstretch| (default `2.5 cm'),\lb
+^|\chappenalty| (default `-800'),\lb
+^|\sectstretch| (default `2 cm') and\lb
+^|\sectpenalty| (default `-400')\lb
+and has the additional advantage that a minor change in the
+text will quite often lead to identical page breaks after a few
+pages which have changed.
+Depending on the choice of other options ^|\chap|, ^|\sect| and
+^|\appendix| may influence the numbering of pages, equations,
+figures and tables.
+Within a section or an appendix you can use ^|\secs| to start a
+numbered subsection and so on down to ^^|\secss| ^|\secsss| for
+All four commands used to generate numbered (sub-)sections will
+generate the (sub-)section numbers automatically.
+You can, however, specify your own numbers by using e.g.\lb
+In addition you can use ^|\subsec| to generate an unnumbered
+You can use |\subsec| everywhere in your text, in appendices as well
+as in chapters.
+\subsec{Examples:}The present chapter was started with the commands\lb
+|\chap{Structuring the Text}|\lb
+|\sect{Chapters and sections}|\lb
+If you need a continuation line for the chapter title use\lb
+|\titcon{continuation of the title}|\lb
+as often as needed.
+The titles for (sub-)sections will automatically occupy as many
+lines as needed.
+The unnumbered subsection with these examples starts with\lb
+|\subsec{Examples:}The|\dots\foot{The lack of space between `|}|'
+and `|The|' in this and similar constructions is significant!}\lb
+If you want to start an appendix
+you can either use |\appendix| for an appendix without a title
+or |\appendix{Title}| for an appendix with a title.
+In the former case the text of the appendix must not start with
+an explicit or implicit
+`|{|' (you could e.g.\ start the text of the appendix with |\relax|
+which instructs {\TeX} to `do nothing').
+You can use ^|\app||{|\dots|}| to start an unnumbered appendix.
+This command will just print the heading `Appendix \dots' (using
+^|\headstyle|) but will not influence the numbering of equations
+or similar.
+\sect{Items and Points} ^^{item}^^{point}
+There is another quite different way to structure the text.
+You may want to list several important points and either number them
+or mark them by a symbol.
+There are three levels to do that: ^|\item|s are indented 2.5 em,
+^|\sitem|s (subitems) are indented 4.5 em and
+^|\ssitems|s (sub-subitems) are indented 6.5 em (an `em' is the width
+of a `quad' in the current font).
+Each item, sitem or ssitem ends with the end of
+the paragraph (^|\par| or a ^{blank line}).
+\item{x}This item was started with |\item{x}This|\dots\lb
+You could also use\lb
+^|\bullitem|~|This|\dots or ^|\staritem|~|This|\dots or
+to get an item marked by `$\bullet$', `$\ast$' or `---' instead of the
+Similarly there are ^|\sbullitem|, ^|\sstaritem| and ^|\sdashitem| for
+sitems as well as ^|\ssbullitem|, ^|\ssstaritem| and ^|\ssdashitem|
+for ssitems.
+\sitem{y}This sitem was started with |\sitem{y}This|\dots\lb
+and this works just the same way for ssitems:
+\ssitem{z}This is a sub-subitem.
+\itemcon We now want to continue the item with a new paragraph and in
+order to do so we had to start the present paragraph with
+For sitem use the analogous command ^|\sitemcon| and for
+ssitem you can use ^|\ssitemcon|.
+A ^{point} is an item which is numbered automatically and similarly
+for an spoint and an sspoint.
+\pointbegin This is the first point of a list and was therefore
+started with\lb
+in order to initialize the numbering.
+\point This is the next point which was started with the command\lb
+You can add another paragraph to a point by using either
+^|\pointcon| or ^|\itemcon|.
+The commands ^|\spointbegin|, ^|\spoint| and ^|\spointcon|
+are used to generate spoint,
+the commands ^|\sspointbegin|, ^|\sspoint| and ^|\sspointcon|
+are used to generate sspoints,
+they work in exactly the same way but differ in the numbering
+and in the amount of indentation.
+\spointbegin The first spoint of a list
+\spoint The second spoint of the list
+\sspointbegin The first sspoint of a list
+\sspoint The second sspoint of the list
+\noindent An spoint may but need not appear within a point.
+In order to have no paragraph indentation, this paragraph was started
+with ^|\noindent| which is a good idea after a list of
+items or points.
+In fact ((sub-)sub)items, ((sub-)sub)points etc.\ are just special
+cases of a more general construction ^|\varitem| with the syntax\lb
+where the optional \<box~specification> can be either\lb
+^|to|~\<dimension> or ^|spread|~\<dimension>\lb
+ just as for any |\hbox|.
+The \<item~label> will be put into an |\hbox| using the
+\<box~specification> (if any) and the rest of
+the paragraph will be indented by the width of this |\hbox|.
+An |\item| (or |\point|) is a |\varitem| with the \<box~specification>
+|to|~|2.5em|, |\sitem| uses |to|~|4.5em| and |\ssitem| uses
+You can start a new paragraph but keep the indentation with
+either one of the commands ^|\hvskip|\<glue> or ^|\parvskip|\<glue>,
+e.g.\ with |\hvskip\parskip| if you want the normal spacing between
+These two commands are almost identical, the difference will
+matter to {\TeX}perts only.
+If you use the command ^|\bpargroup| inside a paragraph or item all
+subsequent local definitions (e.g.\ changes of fonts or spacing)
+will be effective only until the next ^|\par| or ^{blank line}.
+\sect{Code Names}
+Very often you will use numbers for equations, figures, tables,
+references, chapters, sections and so on which are generated
+automatically by {\TeX}.
+If you want to refer later on to these numbers you can choose a
+^{code name} for e.g.\ an equation number and refer to this code
+This has the advantage that the value assigned to such a code name
+changes automatically if the equation number changes due to some
+modifications of your manuscript.
+These code names are ordinary {\TeX} control sequence names and
+you should be careful not to use any code name which is the name
+of a {\TeX} command (either a primitive command such as |\input| or a
+command defined in the PLAIN format such as |\line| or a
+command defined in PHYS such as |\eqtag|).
+Contrary to the usual {\TeX} rules such code names may contain
+not only (upper and lower case) letters but digits and apostrophes
+as well.
+If you use this possibility such code names must not occur except
+as argument to an appropriate command (e.g.\ ^|\quote| or ^|\queq| or
+Most of the commands which define code names will be discussed in
+subsequent chapters of this manual.
+At this point we just want to mention two of them.
+The command ^|\label|\<code~name> will, in most cases, define the code
+name such that its value is the (full) number of the most recent
+chapter, appendix, (sub-)section or (sub-)point.
+If we use, at this point, the command |\label\here| \label\here
+then `|\quote{\here}|' will yield `\quote{\here}' because this is
+\def\next#1.#2.{section~#2 in chapter~#1}%
+\expandafter\next\here. and no subsection or (sub-)point was used
+in this section.
+The command ^|\pagelabel|\<code~name> will define the code name such
+that it yields the page number of the current page.
+This is, however, a somewhat delayed action.
+The code name will not be properly defined until after {\TeX} has
+decided where to finish the current page.
+Any use of the code name before that point must be considered as a
+^{forward reference}.
+%*** end of file PMANCHAP ***
+% \input pmanequ % equations
+%*** this is file PMANEQU as of 10.03.86 ***
+\sect{Equation Numbers}
+You should use ^|\eqtag| instead of PLAIN's ^|\eqno| or ^|\leqno| to
+generate ^{equation numbers}.
+Similarly you should use ^|\eqaligntag| instead of PLAIN's
+^|\eqalignno| or ^|\leqalignno|.
+The commands ^|\equleft| or ^|\equright| (default) will then
+automatically put all equation numbers to the left or right of the
+There is a third option ^|\equnone| which inhibits the printing of
+all equation numbers.
+This may be useful to prepare slides with equations.
+You may choose to have your equations numbered automatically
+by {\TeX}; to do so use the following equation number macros.
+You can use ^|\equall|, ^|\equchap| (default) or
+^|\equsect| to indicate that the equations should be
+numbered throughout the paper, separately for each
+chapter and appendix or separately for each section and appendix.
+In case you choose |\equchap| or |\equsect| the numbers
+will have an appropriate prefix.
+Whenever you want to generate an equation number you can use
+^|\eq|, e.g.\ in |\eqaligntag{|\dots|&\eq\cr|\dots|}| or
+Sometimes you may want to generate equation numbers e.g.\ \queq{5},
+\queq{5a}, \queq{5b}, \dots, \queq{6}.
+To do so you may use |\eq|, ^|\subeqbegin|, ^|\subeq|, \dots, |\eq|.
+If you want to generate instead the equation numbers \queq{5},
+\queq{6a}, \queq{6b}, \dots, \queq{7} you should use |\eq|, ^|\eqadv|
+(\underbar{adv}ance the \underbar{eq}uation number by 1),
+|\subeqbegin|, |\subeq|, \dots, |\eq|.
+If you want to refer to the number of an equation in the text
+you should use\lb
+^|\EQ|\<code~name> instead of |\eq|,\lb
+^|\EQADV|\<code~name> instead of |\eqadv|,\lb
+^|\SUBEQBEGIN|\<code~name> instead of |\subeqbegin| and\lb
+^|\SUBEQ|\<code~name> instead of |\subeq|.\lb
+The \<code~name> will then be defined to
+represent the equation number (|\EQ| and |\EQADV|)
+or the suffix, e.g.\ $a$ or $b$ (|\SUBEQBEGIN| and |\SUBEQ|).\lb
+Assuming you have chosen the option |\eqsect|, the $5^{\rm th}$
+equation of section~2 in chapter~3 will get the tag
+The \<code~name> will then evaluate to `5' in section~2
+of chapter~3, to `2.5' in all other sections of chapter~3,
+and to `3.2.5' outside of chapter~3.
+You may always enforce the short form `5' by using
+^|\shorttag|\<code~name> or the long form `3.2.5' by using
+You may refer to one or more equations by using ^|\queq|
+(\underbar{qu}ote \underbar{eq}uation), e.g.\lb
+|\queq{|\<code~name>|}| might evaluate to `\queq{3.2.5}',\lb
+|\queq{|\<code~name>|,\fulltag|\<code~name>|}| to
+`\queq{3.2.5,4.1.7}' and\lb
+|\queq{|\<code~name>|-\shorttag|\<code~name>|}| to `\queq{3.2.5-7}'.\lb
+The command |\queq| puts the equation numbers into an
+|\hbox|, therefore there will never be a line break between them.
+There are in fact two options available:
+If you specify |\equshort| (default) then |\queq{|\dots|}|
+will give you abbreviated equation numbers as described above and
+demonstrated in the examples below.
+If you specify |\equfull| then |\queq{|\dots|}| will give
+you the full equation numbers.
+In either case an explicit |\fulltag| or |\shorttag| in the
+argument of |\queq| takes precedence over these options.
+Sometimes you will want to not only quote the equation
+number(s) but to have `eq.\vspace' or `eqs.\vspace' or the
+german equivalent in front of the equation number(s).
+The commands ^|\qeq||{|\dots|}| and ^|\qeqs||{|\dots|}| will just do
+that for you.
+Assume you have used the command \dots|\EQ\eqname|\dots
+to generate the equation number `\queq{3.2.5}'.
+Somewhat later in the text you might want to use the number
+`\queq{3.2.5'}' for a modified version of that equation.
+For this purpose you can use the command |\eqapp\eqname '|
+(\underbar{app}end to \underbar{eq}uation number).
+You can use the abbreviations\lb
+^|\eqn| instead of |\eqtag\eq|,\lb
+^|\EQN| instead of |\eqtag\EQ|,\lb
+^|\subeqnbegin| instead of |\eqtag\subeqbegin|,\lb
+^|\SUBEQNBEGIN| instead of |\eqtag\SUBEQBEGIN|,\lb
+^|\subeqn| instead of |\eqtag\subeq|,\lb
+^|\SUBEQN| instead of|\eqtag\SUBEQ| and\lb
+^|\eqnapp| instead of |\eqtag\eqapp|.
+\subsec{Examples:}We will now use
+$$a=b+c-d\qquad\hbox{this is equation `Eq1'}\EQN\Eq1$$
+to produce:
+$$a=b+c-d\qquad\hbox{this is equation `Eq1'}\EQN\Eq1$$
+and use `|\qeq{\Eq1}|' to refer to equation `|\Eq1|' as
+\sect{More Examples:}
+Being in a new section we can again use `|\qeq{\Eq1}|' to refer
+to equation `|\Eq1|' as `\qeq{\Eq1}', but the result is
+The input
+\dots|$${\cal A}=7\EQN\eqa$$|
+\dots|$${\cal A}=-7\eqnapp\eqa '$$|\dots
+|\qeqs{\eqb\eqba,\eqa '}|\dots
+\dots$${\cal A}=7\EQN\eqa$$
+\dots$${\cal A}=-7\eqnapp\eqa '$$\dots
+Eqs.~\queq{\fulltag\eqa-\shorttag\eqb} \dots
+\qeqs{\eqb\eqba,\eqa '} \dots
+%*** end of file PMANEQU ***
+% \input pmanfgtb % figures and tables
+%*** this is file PMANFGTB as of 10.03.86 ***
+\chap{Figures and Tables}
+\sect{Storage Management} ^^{storage management}
+The text of ^{figure captions}, ^{table captions}, ^{references},
+the ^{table of contents} and (possibly) ^{footnotes} are collected
+during the execution and stored for later printing.
+If you specify the command ^|\storebox|, ^|\storelist| (default)
+or ^|\storefile| these texts will be stored in boxes,
+as lists of macro definitions or on external files (sysut1--sysut7).
+Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages.
+\pointbegin |\storebox|: This is the fastest method but it also uses
+the largest amount of storage because all macros are expanded before
+the text is stored.
+Moreover the command |\save| will not be able to write these texts
+to an external file for later |\restore|.
+\point |\storelist|: This method is slightly slower but needs less
+storage (macros are not expanded until the texts are finally printed).
+\point |\storefile|: This is the slowest method but it avoids all
+storage problem because the texts are stored on external files and are
+reread only when they are printed.
+\sect{Figure Captions}
+The following figure caption macros allow you to automatically
+number the figures, collect a list of ^{figure captions}
+and print this list.
+If you use ^|\figall| (default) the figures are numbered
+throughout the paper,
+if you use ^|\figchap| they are numbered separately for
+each chapter and appendix, with the number of the chapter or
+the letter of the appendix as prefix,
+if you use ^|\figsect| they are numbered separately for
+each section and appendix, with the the chapter and section number or
+the letter of the appendix as prefix.
+If you use ^|\figpage| (default) the list of figure captions
+(if any) will be printed on one or several separate pages.
+If you use ^|\nofigpage| the list will appear on separate
+pages only if you choose ^|\pagechap|.
+If you use ^|\fig||{|\<caption>|}| a number will be assigned to the
+figure and the \<caption> will be saved for the list of figure
+If you want to assign your own label to a figure, i.e.\ just
+want to save the figure caption for later printing, use
+The label must not contain any explicit braces (|{| or |}|).
+It must contain the entire number for the figure (including
+any chapter number as prefix) and could e.g.\ be a figure
+number defined previously (with |\FIG|) with a suffix (a, b, \dots).
+You can save a figure caption for the list of captions and at the
+same time generate the description of the figure in the text.
+Just use ^|\ffig| instead of |\fig|.
+If you want to refer to a figure in the text you should use\lb
+^|\FIG|\<code~name> instead of |\fig| or\lb
+^|\FFIG|\<code~name> instead of |\ffig|.\lb
+You can then refer to figures e.g.\ by
+or |\qufig{|\<code~name>|-|\<code~name>|}|\lb
+which might evaluate to
+\begingroup % for local def's
+ \def\name{5}
+ `\qufig{\name}',
+ \def\name{3.1} \def\namea{4.2} \german
+ `\qufig{\name,\namea}' or
+ \def\name{9} \def\namea{11} \english
+ `\qufig{\name-\namea}'.
+\endgroup % for local def's
+The command ^|\figadd||{...}| can be used to add an ordinary
+paragraph of text to the list of figure captions.
+Such paragraphs can occur before the first caption, between captions
+or after the last caption.
+You can use ^|\figout| to print a list of all
+figure captions collected so far (if any).
+This will at the same time empty the list.
+If you want a separate list of figure captions for each chapter
+just use the command |\figout| at the end of each chapter.
+The command ^|\figkill| discards all figure captions collected so far;
+this may be helpful to avoid storage problems.
+\sect{Figures and Plots} ^^{figures}
+The command ^|\frame||{|\<width>|}{|\<heigth>|}{|\<depth>|}| produces
+an |\hbox| containing a box of the given dimensions which is empty
+except for rules just inside the box boundaries.
+Both \<width> and \<height>+\<depth> must be positive but either
+or \<depth> could be negative.
+Note, however, that the surrounding box (as any |\hbox|) will have
+nonnegative height and depth!
+In the following we will illustrate how such a frame box or any other
+box (e.g.\ a |\table|), possibly together with a description, can be
+placed in the text or as an insertion.
+First we want to demonstrate how frame boxes will appear in
+the middle of a line:
+e.g.\ |\frame{1cm}{1cm}{-.5cm}| \frame{1cm}{1cm}{-.5cm} or
+|\frame{2cm}{-1mm}{6mm}| \frame{2cm}{-1mm}{6mm} or
+|\frame{1cm}{5mm}{5mm}| \frame{1cm}{5mm}{5mm} and so on.
+\def\marginbox#1{\par\begingroup \count255=#1\relax
+ \dimen0=\ht\count255 \advance\dimen0\dp\count255
+ \dimen2\dimen0 \advance\dimen2\parskip
+ \skip0=0pt plus\dimen2 \vskip\skip0 \penalty-110 \vskip-\skip0
+ \strut \vadjust{\kern-\dp\strutbox \vtop to\dp\strutbox
+ {\kern-\ht\strutbox \baselineskip\dp\strutbox
+ \rtline{\copy\count255}\vss\null}}%
+ \dimen2.5em\advance\dimen2\wd\count255
+ \count255=0 \loop \ifdim\dimen0>0pt\advance\count255-1
+ \advance\dimen0-\baselineskip \repeat
+ \edef\next{\endgroup \hangafter\the\count255
+ \hangindent-\the\dimen2}\next}
+\setbox0\frame{3cm}{3cm}{0cm} ^^|\marginbox|
+\marginbox{0}At the begin of a paragraph you can leave room
+for a box on the right side by using ^|\hangindent| and ^|\hangafter|.
+In the present example the values for these commands have been
+computed from the dimensions of the box.
+In addition we made sure that there will be no page break
+between the first lines of the paragraph with the hanging
+This paragraph was started with the commands
+\marginbox{0}At the begin ...
+and the macro definition
+\def\marginbox#1{\par\begingroup \count255=#1\relax
+ \dimen0=\ht\count255 \advance\dimen0\dp\count255
+ \dimen2\dimen0 \advance\dimen2\parskip
+ \skip0=0pt plus\dimen2 \vskip\skip0 \penalty-110 \vskip-\skip0
+ \strut \vadjust{\kern-\dp\strutbox \vtop to\dp\strutbox
+ {\kern-\ht\strutbox \baselineskip\dp\strutbox
+ \rtline{\copy\count255}\vss\null}}%
+ \dimen2.5em\advance\dimen2\wd\count255
+ \count255=0 \loop \ifdim\dimen0>0pt\advance\count255-1
+ \advance\dimen0-\baselineskip \repeat
+ \edef\next{\endgroup \hangafter\the\count255
+ \hangindent-\the\dimen2}\next}
+\noindent With slight modifications in the definition of
+|\marginbox| the paragraph could start without the usual paragraph
+indentation (|\noindent|) or the hanging indentation could be on the
+left side (|\hangindent>0|).
+ \dimen0\ht\count255 \advance\dimen0-\ht\strutbox
+ \lower\dimen0\copy\count255
+ \dimen0\ht\count255 \advance\dimen0\dp\count255
+ \advance\dimen0\lineskip
+ \vadjust{\nobreak \vskip-\dimen0}\allowbreak
+ \dimen0\hsize \advance\dimen0-\leftskip
+ \advance\dimen0-\rightskip \advance\dimen0-\wd\count255
+ \dimen4\ht\count255 \dimen6\dp\count255 \dimen8\wd\count255
+ \setbox0\null \ht0\dimen4 \dp0\dimen6 \wd0\dimen8
+ \advance\dimen6-\dp\strutbox
+ \count255=0 \dimen2=0pt \loop \advance\count255 1
+ \ifdim\dimen2<\dimen0
+ \advance\dimen2 .25em\repeat \divide\dimen0\count255
+ \loop\ifnum\count255>0 \advance\count255-1 \vadjust{}\kern\dimen0
+ \allowbreak \repeat
+ \raise\dimen6\box0 \endgroup}
+\setbox0\hbox{$\mat{a&b\cr c&d\cr}$}
+\setbox2\frame{2cm}{15mm}{0pt} ^^|\stepbox|
+Finally, as the most complicated example to place boxes in a paragraph,
+we have a matrix \stepbox{0} and a framebox \stepbox{2} placed such
+that their top matches the text to their left and their bottom
+matches the text to their right.
+\edef\next{\the\prevgraf}The method used to achieve this effect is
+somewhat devious and not entirely satisfactory, but it is the best we
+could think of.
+The previous paragraph actually consists of {\next} lines and there is
+a slight chance that there is an undesirable page break.
+We have used the commands
+\setbox0\hbox{$\mat{a&b\cr c&d\cr}$}
+.... matrix \stepbox{0} and a framebox \stepbox{2} placed ...
+together with the macro definition
+ \dimen0\ht\count255 \advance\dimen0-\ht\strutbox
+ \lower\dimen0\copy\count255
+ \dimen0\ht\count255 \advance\dimen0\dp\count255
+ \advance\dimen0\lineskip
+ \vadjust{\nobreak \vskip-\dimen0}\allowbreak
+ \dimen0\hsize \advance\dimen0-\leftskip
+ \advance\dimen0-\rightskip \advance\dimen0-\wd\count255
+ \dimen4\ht\count255 \dimen6\dp\count255 \dimen8\wd\count255
+ \setbox0\null \ht0\dimen4 \dp0\dimen6 \wd0\dimen8
+ \advance\dimen6-\dp\strutbox
+ \count255=0 \dimen2=0pt \loop \advance\count255 1
+ \ifdim\dimen2<\dimen0
+ \advance\dimen2 .25em\repeat \divide\dimen0\count255
+ \loop\ifnum\count255>0 \advance\count255-1 \vadjust{}\kern\dimen0
+ \allowbreak \repeat
+ \raise\dimen6\box0 \endgroup}
+On our installation there exists the possibility to combine {\TeX}
+with ^{plots}.
+If you specify the option ^|\graphics| the command\lb
+produces an invisible plot box and uses ^|\special| commands in order to
+transfer the \<plot specification> together with the coordinates to the
+Lateron when the DVI-file is prepared for printing on a suitable device
+a plot from a (GKS) plot metafile will be inserted.
+If you specify the option ^|\nographics| (default) the command
+will produce a frame box of exactly the same dimensions as the plot box
+and write a note to the LOG-file.
+\midinsert \advance\leftskip by 2.5 cm
+\advance\rightskip by 2.5 cm
+\FFIG\figr1{Demonstration of how to leave 5 cm of blank space for
+a figure and to generate a figure caption} \endinsert
+\subsec{Example:}Immediately before this unnumbered subsection
+we have used the commands
+\midinsert \advance\leftskip by 2.5 cm
+\advance\rightskip by 2.5 cm
+\FFIG\figr1{Demonstration of how to leave 5 cm of blank space for
+a figure and to generate a figure caption} \endinsert
+to leave blank space for a figure and generate the caption.
+We can now refer to this figure as `\qufig{\figr1}' by using
+the command `|\qufig{\figr1}|'.
+Another set of commands reserves blank space for pictures
+and allows for a more elaborate description below them, but
+will not produce entries for the list of figure captions.
+If you want such entries you have to combine these commands
+with |\fig| or |\FIG|.
+The command\lb
+|\pict{|\<dimension>|}| or ^|\pict|^\<label>|{|\<dimension>|}|\lb
+will reserve a blank space of vertical dimension
+\<dimension> for a picture, followed by a description
+(actually a ^|\varitem|).
+If the \<label> is omitted {\TeX} will assign a figure number,
+otherwise the \<label> will be used.
+You can use ^|\PICT|\<code~name> instead of |\pict| if you want
+to refer to the figure number lateron.
+The description may start with a part relevant for the whole
+This may be followed by one or several commands
+^|\spict||{|^\<slabel>|}| and the description of some part of
+the picture labelled \<slabel>.
+The entire description will terminate with the next ^|\par|
+or ^{blank line}.
+You may, however, use ^|\parvskip||\parskip| to divide the description
+itself into several paragraphs.
+\pageinsert\singlespace\centerline{An inserted page\strut}\hrule
+\strut First we give an example where |\PICT| is used without
+a \<label> (automatic numbering).
+The sequence of commands
+\PICT\figr2{1cm} First we have a description for the whole
+picture. The descriptions for its parts could, of course, be
+\spict{(a)} This is the description for part (a) if the picture.
+It is indented somewhat more to leave room for the sub-label.
+\spict{(b)} Here is the description for another part.
+\PICT\figr2{1cm} First we have a description for the whole
+picture. The descriptions for its parts could, of course, be
+\spict{(a)} This is the description for part (a) if the picture.
+It is indented somewhat more to leave room for the sub-label.
+\spict{(b)} Here is the description for another part.
+\noindent Note that we have not produced an entry in the list of
+figure captions for the \qufig{\figr2} above.
+In the next example we use |\FIG| to produce such an entry and then
+|\pict| with a \<label> to generate the description.
+Moreover we use |\parvskip\parskip| to start a new paragraph
+inside the description.
+\FIG\figr3{A picture with description for its two
+parts (a) and (b)}
+\pict\figr3{12mm}\spict{(a)} Here the description for the first
+part starts without any description common to all parts.
+\parvskip\parskip We can start a new paragraph without
+\parvskip\parskip\indent or with indentation.
+\spict{(b)} Description for the second part.\par
+\noindent We can now refer to the whole figure as \qufig{\figr3}
+or just to the second part as \qufig{\figr3}b and so on.
+\FIG\figr3{A picture with description for its two
+parts (a) and (b)}
+\pict\figr3{12mm}\spict{(a)} Here the description for the first
+part starts without any description common to all parts.
+\parvskip\parskip We can start a new paragraph without
+\parvskip\parskip\indent or with indentation.
+\spict{(b)} Description for the second part.\par
+\noindent We can now refer to the whole figure as \qufig{\figr3}
+or just to the second part as \qufig{\figr3}b and so on\strut.
+Here we have used the commands
+\pageinsert\singlespace\centerline{An inserted page\strut}\hrule
+\strut First we give ...
+.... and so on\strut.
+to demonstrate, on a separate page, how these commands work and how
+they can be combined with the other figure caption macros.
+\sect{Table Captions and Tables} ^^{table captions}
+The table options ^|\taball|, ^|\tabchap|, ^|\tabsect|,
+^|\tabpage|, ^|\notabpage| and the table caption macros
+^|\tab|, ^|\ttab|, ^|\TAB|, ^|\TTAB|,
+^|\qutab|, ^|\tabadd|, ^|\tabout| and ^|\tabkill|
+are the exact analogue of those for figures.
+The {\TeX}book \quref{\texbook} explains in detail the use of
+^|\halign| to align table entries.
+This is in fact rather simple as long as you do not want vertical
+For tables with vertical rules you may consult the examples on pages
+247 (Chapter 22: Alignment) and 392 (Appendix D: Dirty Tricks).
+Based on the example on page 247 there is a macro ^|\table|
+for ^{tables} with vertical rules.
+The syntax for |\table| is identical to that for |\halign|:\lb
+|\table|^\<box specification>|{|^\<alignment material>|}|.\lb
+There are, however, a few restrictions.
+\pointbegin The ^\<preamble> must terminate with ^|\cr|,
+not with ^|\crcr|.
+Immediately after the |{| which precedes the preamble, after an |&|
+which terminates a template in the preamble (but not after a second
+|&| which indicates that the remainder of the preamble shall be
+repeated if necessary) and immediately after the |\cr| which
+terminates the preamble you can specify ^|\vrule| to indicate a vertical
+rule at this point.
+\point Immediately after the preamble (after the |\cr| or |\vrule|)
+you may specify ^|\hrule| or ^|\noalign||{...}|.
+If you use |\noalign| the vertical rules will, in general, be
+\point The preamble may contain ^|\span| (expand) as usual but this
+macro expansion must not produce any |&|, |\vrule| or |\cr|.
+\point The rest of the ^\<alignment material> may contain
+^|\omit|, ^|\span| and ^|\multispan| as usual but all |&|'s
+and |\cr|'s must be explicit.
+\point |\table| uses the \<glue> parameter ^|\htabskip| and the
+\<dimension> parameter ^|\vtabskip| for extra space between the
+aligned material and the position where rules are or could be.
+The default values are `1em plus 2em minus .5 em' (for 12pt roman)
+and `2.5pt' respectively.
+\point Inside a table you can use
+|\ml{...\nl...}| to produce table entries which consist
+of several lines.
+The ^|\ml| (multi line mode) could be part of the preamble,
+each ^|\nl| (new line) starts a new line.
+\midinsert \hbox{\hskip1cm\vtop{\hrule height0pt\table to5.5cm{
+ \vrule\hfil#&\vrule#\hfil\cr \vrule \hrule
+ This is a&\ml{simple\nl table}\cr \hrule
+ A normal&row\cr \hrule \noalign{\vskip1pt}\hrule
+ \multispan2\hfil Three rows which span\hfil\cr
+ \multispan2\hfil two columns and are\hfil\cr
+ \multispan2\hfil centered\hfil\cr \hrule}}\hskip.5cm%
+ \vtop{\hsize7cm\hrule height0pt\raggedright
+ \TTAB\tabl1{Example of a rather simple table which
+ is extended to 5.5 cm. The description appears as
+ a 7 cm wide paragraph to the right of the table.}}}
+\midinsert \advance\leftskip by 2 cm
+\advance\rightskip by 2 cm
+\TTAB\tabl2\tabl1 a{E. Cartan's list of classical and
+exceptional simple Lie algebras.}
+\centerline{\table to 11cm{
+ $#$\hfil&\vrule&\hfil$#$\hfil&\vrule
+ \hfil$#$\hfil&\vrule$#$\hfil\cr\hrule
+ $Lie Algebra$&\rm Rank&\rm Dimension&%
+ \ml{corresponding\nl classical group
+ \nl(compact real form)}\cr\hrule
+ A_n\quad(n\ge1)&n&n(n+2)&SU(n+1)\cr
+ B_n\quad(n\ge2)&n&n(2n+1)&SO(2n+1)\cr
+ C_n\quad(n\ge3)&n&n(2n+1)&USp(2n)\cr
+ D_n\quad(n\ge4)&n&n(2n-1)&SO(2n)\cr \hrule
+ G_2&2&14\cr F_4&4&52\cr E_6&6&78\cr
+ E_7&7&133\cr E_8&8&248\cr }}\endinsert
+\subsec{Examples:}The two tables \qutab{\tabl1} and \qutab{\tabl2}
+are produced with the following sequence of commands:
+|\midinsert \hbox{\hskip1cm\vtop{\hrule height0pt\table to5.5cm{|
+| \vrule\hfil#&\vrule#\hfil\cr \vrule \hrule|
+| This is a&\ml{simple\nl table}\cr \hrule|
+| A normal&row\cr \hrule \noalign{\vskip1pt}\hrule|
+| \multispan2\hfil Three rows which span\hfil\cr|
+| \multispan2\hfil two columns and are\hfil\cr|
+| \multispan2\hfil centered\hfil\cr \hrule}}\hskip.5cm%|
+| \vtop{\hsize7cm\hrule height0pt\raggedright|
+| \TTAB\tabl1{Example of a rather simple table which|
+| is extended to 5.5 cm. The description appears as|
+| a 7 cm wide paragraph to the right of the table.}}}|
+|\midinsert \advance\leftskip by 2 cm|
+|\advance\rightskip by 2 cm|
+|\TTAB\tabl2\tabl1 a{E. Cartan's list of classical and|
+|exceptional simple Lie algebras.}|
+|\centerline{\table to 11cm{|
+| $#$\hfil&\vrule&\hfil$#$\hfil&\vrule|
+| \hfil$#$\hfil&\vrule$#$\hfil\cr\hrule|
+| $Lie Algebra$&\rm Rank&\rm Dimension&%|
+| \ml{corresponding\nl classical group|
+| \nl(compact real form)}\cr\hrule|
+| A_n\quad(n\ge1)&n&n(n+2)&SU(n+1)\cr|
+| B_n\quad(n\ge2)&n&n(2n+1)&SO(2n+1)\cr|
+| C_n\quad(n\ge3)&n&n(2n+1)&USp(2n)\cr|
+| D_n\quad(n\ge4)&n&n(2n-1)&SO(2n)\cr \hrule|
+| G_2&2&14\cr F_4&4&52\cr E_6&6&78\cr|
+| E_7&7&133\cr E_8&8&248\cr }}\endinsert|
+%*** end of file PMANFGTB ***
+% \input pmanref % references
+%*** this is file PMANREF as of 11.03.86 ***
+There are two basic way to quote ^{references} in an article or book.
+One possibility is to assign a number to each reference when it
+is used for the first time and to list them all, ordered by numbers,
+in the list of references.
+The other possibility is to quote references by the name of the
+author(s) and possibly a date and list them all in alphabetic order.
+Most of this chapter deals with the first of these
+possibilities (numeric references). ^^{references, numeric}
+Only one section later on will describe how to use references by name.
+^^{references, by name}
+The reference macros have to serve several purposes: they must
+\pointbegin save the reference text,
+\point assign numbers to the references,
+\point put quotations to references in the text and
+\point print a list of all references.
+\par\noindent There is a variety of reference macros which perform
+one or several of these tasks.
+\sect{Form of References}
+The command ^|\quref| is very similar to the command ^|\queq|
+for equations, it quotes all the references in its argument.
+You may specify ^|\refsup| (default) if quotations to references
+should normally appear as superscripts
+(\qurefsup like this \quref{\texbook})
+or ^|\refsqb| if they or should be enclosed in square brackets
+(\qurefsqb like this \quref{\texbook}).
+These options will also affect the form of the list of references
+and they cannot be changed once the first reference is used.
+You can however specify ^|\qurefsup| (default with |\refsup|),
+^|\qurefsqb| (default with |\refsqb|) or ^|\qurefnum|
+if at some place you want to deviate from your usual style of
+Unlike most other specifications described in this manual they are
+local to the group (e.g.\ |{...}|) within which they occur.
+The input:\lb
+|the conjecture by {\qurefsup M\"uller \quref{a}} and {\qurefsqb|\lb
+|Schulz \quref{b}} was proven in {\qurefnum Ref.~\quref{I}}.|\lb
+the conjecture by {\qurefsup M\"uller \quref{a}} and {\qurefsqb
+Schulz \quref{b}} was proven in {\qurefnum Ref.~\quref{I}}.
+The commands ^|\qref| and ^|\qrefs| are similar to ^|\qeq| and ^|\qeqs|,
+i.e. |\qref{...}| is a shorthand for\lb
+|{\qurefnum Ref.~\quref{...}}| (or its german equivalent).
+The commands ^|\refpage|, ^|\norefpage|, ^|\refadd|, ^|\refout| and
+^|\refkill| have exactly the same function
+as the corresponding ones for figures and tables.
+\sect{Predefined References} ^^{references, predefined}
+You may wish to define some or all references at the begin of your
+The command ^|\RF|\<code~name>|{|\<text>|}| will save \<text>
+but will not assign a number to the reference.
+A number will be assigned when the first quotation of this reference
+appears in the text.
+References defined with |\RF| can therefore appear in any order.
+Those never quoted will not appear in the list of references.
+If you use the commnand ^|\RFlist| (default) predefined references will
+be stored as macro definitions,
+if you use ^|\RFfile| they will be stored on an external file.
+You can use the command ^|\RFext|~\<filename>{\vspace} to indicate that
+all your |\RF|'s are contained in an external file.
+This method is somewhat more efficient than |\RFfile| because there
+is no need to copy all |\RF|'s to an auxiliary file.
+\subsec{Note:}Clearly |\RFlist| is faster than |\RFfile| and |\RFext|
+but also needs more storage to keep the text of all references.
+|\RFfile| or |\RFext| should only be used if necessary, because the
+method is not very efficient.
+It may happen that the (auxiliary or external) file containing the
+|\RF|'s has to be read several times in order to retrieve the text
+of all references.
+The maximal number of predefined references kept in storage is given
+by the counter ^|\RFmax| with the default value 50.
+If the reference texts are very long it may be necessary to reduce this
+value, if the texts are rather short and there are more than 50
+predefined references the value of |\RFmax| could be increased.
+\subsec{Warning:}Alternating definition and (first) use of predefined
+references should be avoided under all circumstances, if |\RFfile| has
+been specified.
+\subsec{Examples:}We may use the commands
+\lb|\RF\AUThor{A.U. Thor, \dots}|
+\lb|\RF\Drof{R.J. Drofnats, \dots;\lb|
+\lb| A. Kabelschacht, \dots}|\lb
+\RF\AUThor{A.U. Thor, \dots}
+\RF\Drof{R.J. Drofnats, \dots;\lb
+ A. Kabelschacht, \dots}
+to predefine two references, the second one with two articles.
+Lateron we use the input\lb
+|\dots\space this hypothesis \quref{\Drof} has recently been|\lb
+|proven \quref{\AUThor} \dots|\lb
+to obtain:\lb
+\dots\space this hypothesis \quref{\Drof} has recently been
+proven \quref{\AUThor} \dots
+A certain difficulty arises if all references are predefined and you
+want (e.g.\ in the introduction) to refer to several of them as
+e.g.\ `\quref{1-4}', because you have to use all of them in order to
+assign numbers but you do not want all these numbers in your output.
+The solution is\lb
+The command ^|\use| puts its argument into an hbox and throws this
+hbox away, which may be useful for other purposes as well.
+\subsec{Examples:}The input
+\RF\uuu{uuu} \RF\vvv{vvv}
+\RF\www{www} \RF\xxx{xxx}
+\dots\space \quref{\uuu\use{\vvv\www}-\xxx} \dots
+\RF\uuu{uuu} \RF\vvv{vvv}
+\RF\www{www} \RF\xxx{xxx}
+\dots\space \quref{\uuu\use{\vvv\www}-\xxx} \dots
+\sect{Single References}
+You can use ^|\ref||{|\<text>|}| to define a reference which is used
+just once.
+This command saves \<text>, assigns a number and quotes this reference.
+\lb You can use ^|\REF|\<code~name>|{|\<text>|}| to define a reference
+which is used several times.
+This command saves the \<text> and assigns a number.
+It will, however, generate no quotation to this reference.
+To obtain such a quotation use ^|\refend| (which always refers
+to the reference number which was assigned last) or
+\subsec{Examples:}The input\lb
+|\dots\space \ref{aaa} \dots\space \REF\bbb{bbb}\refend\space\dots|\lb
+yields:\foot{Observe the effects in the list of references}\lb
+\dots\space \ref{aaa} \dots\space \REF\bbb{bbb}\refend\space\dots
+\sect{Multiple References} ^^{references, multiple}
+In order to generate multiple references you can, of course, use
+|\quref| with sufficiently complicated arguments.
+If you want, however, to introduce a number of new references and
+refer to all of them you can use the sequence of commands:
+\lb^|\refs||{|\<text>|}| or ^|\REFS|\<code~name>|{|\<text>|}|
+\lb^|\refscon||{|\<text>|}| or ^|\REFSCON|\<code~name>|{|\<text>|}|
+\lb|\refscon{|\<text>|}| or |\REFSCON|\<code~name>|{|\<text>|}|
+\lb If you omit the |\refsend| the quotation
+to these references will be omitted.
+If you wish, you can in fact use |\refsend| several times.
+\subsec{Examples:}The input
+\dots\space \REFS\ccc{ccc} \refscon{This is a ... indented.}
+\REFSCON\eee{eee} \refsend\space\dots
+\dots\space \REFS\ccc{ccc} \refscon{This is a very long reference which
+will certainly need more than one line; the second line will be
+\REFSCON\eee{eee} \refsend\space\dots
+\sect{References by Name} ^^{references, by name}
+The command ^|\refnam| indicates that you want references by
+In this case all references must be predefined (|\RF|) and their order
+is important.
+All those used at least once will be printed in the list of references
+in exactly the same order.
+Because it is much harder to standardize quotations for references by
+name the command |\quref| will not produce any visible output.
+It will just remember which references have been used.
+The commands |\qref|, |\qrefs| and all commands for single or multiple
+references cannot be used together with |\refnam|.
+\sect{Multiple Lists of References}
+It is quite possible to have a separate list of references after
+each chapter.
+You just have to use |\refout| (probably with the option |\norefpage|)
+at the end of each chapter.
+The command ^|\refout| will not only print a list of references
+but will in addition reset the reference counter to zero and forget
+all code names used for single and multiple references.
+All the code names for predefined references will, however, still be
+defined and available for future use in a later chapter.
+\sect{Macros for Physics Journals}
+In order to facilitate the writing of references and to conserve
+storage there are macros for frequently used ^{physics journals}.
+You can choose between the options ^|\yearpage| (default) or
+^|\pageyear| if references generated by these macros should have
+the form `\yearpage \journal{journal}volume(year)page*'
+or `\pageyear \journal{journal}volume(year)page*'.\yearpage
+The printing of the journal name and volume is determined by
+^|\journalstyle| and ^|\volumestyle| with the default definitions
+\lb|\def\journalstyle{\sl}| (slanted) and
+\lb|\def\volumestyle{\bf}| (boldface);\lb
+ other useful possibilities are
+\lb|\def\volumestyle{\underbar}| (underlined) or
+\lb|\def\volumestyle{}| (roman).
+The basic macros are\lb
+^|\journal||{|\<journal name>|}|\<volume>|(|\<year>|)|\<page(s)>|*|\lb
+for journals with ordinary volume numbers,\lb
+^|\journalp||{|\<journal name>|}|\<letter>\<volume>|(|\<year>|)|%
+for journals where a letter precedes the volume numbers
+(e.g.\ \Nucl\Phys) and\lb
+^|\journalf||{|\<journal name>|}|\<letter>\<volume>|(|\<year>|)|%
+for journals where a letter follows the volume numbers
+(e.g.\ \Phys\Lett).
+The following macros for frequently used physics journals are defined
+in terms of these basic macros:
+%*** the following lines are copied from PHYSJRNL ***
+where macros for frequently used abbreviations
+(e.g.\ `|\Phys|' for `\Phys')
+are used in order to conserve storage space.
+\subsec{Examples:}The following list displays the use of some of these
+macros together with the resulting output.
+|\PRL(1984)*, to appear|&\PRL(1984)*, to appear\cr
+|\NPB()* (to appear)|&\NPB()* (to appear)\cr
+%*** end of file PMANREF ***
+% \input pmanfoot % footnotes and insertionss
+%*** this is file PMANFOOT as of 11.03.86 ***
+\chap{Footnotes and Insertions}
+\sect{Footnotes} ^^{footnotes}
+You can use the command ^|\footbot| (default) or ^|\footend|
+if `footnotes' should appear at the bottom of the page (as footnotes
+like this\foot{A footnote at the bottom of the page})
+or should be printed separately at the end in the same way as
+figure captions, table captions and references (as required
+by some journals) like this\footend\foot{A footnote at the end
+of the paper}\footbot.
+In the later case you can use the commands ^|\footpage|,
+^|\nofootpage|, ^|\footadd|, ^|\footout| and ^|\footkill|
+which have exactly the same function as the corresponding ones for
+figures, tables and references.
+To generate footnotes you can use either\lb
+^|\footnote||{|\<symbol>|}{|\<text>|}|\foot{The lack of space between
+`|}|' and `|{|' in this and similar constructions is significant!}
+or ^|\foot||{|\<text>|}|.\lb
+The difference is that with |\footnote| you choose your own
+symbol, whereas footnotes produced with |\foot| are automatically
+numbered and the (superscripted) number is used as symbol.
+You can choose between ^|\footsqb| (default) and ^|\footpar|
+to get these numbers enclosed in square brackets or followed by
+a parenthesis.
+The text of footnotes (only those at the bottom of the page) will
+start with the command ^|\footstyle| with the default definition\lb
+If you want your footnotes printed in 10pt you should replace this
+by e.g.\lb
+\subsec{Examples:}We will first use \foot{This is a short footnote}\lb
+|\foot{This is a short footnote}|\lb
+\footnote{*}{This is a footnote. In order to see the difference
+in spacing within and between footnotes we make it long}\lb
+\dots| long}|\lb
+and finally \foot{This is another short footnote}\lb
+|\foot{This is another short footnote}|\lb
+to generate three footnotes.
+With the option |\footbot| footnotes are insertions which should
+eventually migrate to \TeX's main vertical list (compare the
+\TeX book \quref{\texbook}).
+They will, however, not do so, i.e.\ are lost, if they are hidden
+inside nested boxes, e.g.\ in a table.
+In such a case you can split the function of\lb
+|\foot{|\<text>|}| resp.\ |\footnote{|\<symbol>|}{|\<text>|}| into\lb
+^|\hfoot| resp.\ ^|\hfootnote{|\<symbol>|}| which will produce the
+reference to the footnote as well as save the symbol in the (global)
+variable ^|\footid| and\lb
+^|\vfootnote||\footid{|\<text>|}| somewhat later on the same page which
+will produce the footnote insertion, such that the insertion can
+migrate to the main vertical list.
+\subsec{Examples:}The input ^^|\boxit|
+\boxit{A lost footnote\foot{A lost footnote}}\quad
+\boxit{Two footnotes\hfoot \glet\footxx=\footid \space inside
+ a box\hfootnote{$^*$}}
+\vfootnote\footxx{First footnote from inside a box}
+\vfootnote\footid{Second footnote from inside a box}
+\boxit{A lost footnote\foot{A lost footnote}}\quad
+\boxit{Two footnotes\hfoot \glet\footxx=\footid \space inside
+ a box\hfootnote{$^*$}}
+\vfootnote\footxx{First footnote from inside a box}
+\vfootnote\footid{Second footnote from inside a box}
+You can use PLAIN's commands ^|\midinsert|, ^|\topinsert| and
+^|\pageinsert| together with ^|\endinsert| to produce ^{insertions}
+(e.g.\ tables or blank space for figures).
+%*** end of file PMANFOOT ***
+% \input pmantoc % table of contents
+%*** this is file PMANTOC as of 06.03.86 ***
+\chap{Table of Contents}
+During the processing of your manuscript you {\TeX} can collect
+information for a ^{table of contents} which can be printed at the end.
+It is, however, no problem to manipulate page numbers in such a way
+that the table of contents appears e.g.\ on pages 1 and 2 and the
+text starts on page 3.
+The commands ^|\tocpage|,
+^|\notocpage|, ^|\tocadd|, ^|\tocout| and ^|\tockill|
+which have exactly the same function as the corresponding ones for
+figures, tables and references.
+You can specify an entry for the table of contents with the command\lb
+and the page number will be automatically appended to the \<text>.
+You can also use the possibility to generate entries automatically.
+\bullitem If you choose the option ^|\tocnone| (default) there will
+be no automatic entries for the table of contents.
+\bullitem With the option ^|\tocchap| one entry will be
+automatically generated for each chapter (with the chapter
+number as \<label> and the chapter title as \<text>) and for each
+\bullitem With the option ^|\tocsect| there will be in addition
+one entry for each section (as in this manual).
+\bullitem With the option ^|\tocsecs| there will be in addition
+one entry for each subsection.
+\bullitem With the option ^|\tocsecss| there will be in addition
+one entry for each sub-subsection.
+\bullitem With the option ^|\tocsecsss| there will be in addition
+one entry for each sub-sub-subsection.
+\noindent You can combine these automatic entries with additional ones
+specified by ^|\toc| and ^|\tocadd|.
+The input
+\tocadd{Note that most of this table of contents has been produced
+ automatically with the option `tocsect'.
+ Only this paragraph and the immediately following entry
+ have been produced explicitely.}
+\toc{Demonstration}{how to generate (explicitely) an entry for the
+ table of contents. Very long entries will be split into several
+ lines with apropriate indentation on both sides}
+\tocadd{Note that most of this table of contents has been produced
+ automatically with the option `tocsect'.
+ Only this paragraph and the immediately following entry
+ have been produced explicitely.}
+\toc{Demonstration}{how to generate (explicitely) an entry for the
+ table of contents. Very long entries will be split into several
+ lines with apropriate indentation on both sides}
+does not produce any visible output at this point.
+The effect can, however, been seen in the table of contents.
+%*** end of file PMANTOC ***
+% \input pmantext % some macros for text
+%*** this is file PMANTEXT as of 06.03.86 ***
+\chap{Some Macros for Text}
+The command ^|\thetime| yields the time in the form `hh:mm'
+(e.g.\ \thetime), ^|\themonth| yields the current month in words
+(e.g.\ \themonth\ or \german\themonth),
+^|\date| yields todays date in the form `' (e.g.\ \date) and
+^|\thedate| yields todays date in long form such as `\thedate' or
+You can use ^|\ctrline|, ^|\lftline| or ^|\rtline| to produce a
+centered, left-justified or right-justified line of text.
+These commands are almost identical to PLAIN's ^|\centerline|,
+^|\leftline| and ^|\rightline| but they use |\hfil| instead
+of |\hss|.
+The use of |\hfil| does not allow the line to stick out on one
+or both sides but it does allow to cancel the |\hfil| by an
+|\hfilneg| or to override it by an |\hfill|.
+The definition of ^|\loop| has been modified in order to allow
+the construction\lb
+|\loop ... \if... ... \else ... \repeat| in addition to\lb
+|\loop ... \if... ... \repeat|.
+PLAIN's commands `^|\{|', `^|\}|', `^|\,|', `^|\>| and `^|\;|'
+have been modified and can be used in horizontal mode
+as well as in math mode.
+Moreover you can use ^|\Mit||{...}| to produce `math italic' and
+^|\Cal||{...}| to produce `caligraphic' text.
+Both commands can be used inside and outside math mode and |\Cal|
+will automatically translate its argument to upper case.
+Any input between ^|\comment| end ^|\endcomment| will be ignored,
+i.e.\ treated as comment.
+Note, however, that |\endcomment| must appear as the first
+(nonblank) token of an input line.
+The command ^|\boxit||{...}| puts its argument into a box.
+The commands ^|\topsmash| and ^|\botsmash| are similar to ^|\smash|
+but only the part above or below the baseline is `smashed'.
+\subsec{Examples:}The input
+\line{\boxit{\boxit{\;$a\over b$\;}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\vphantom{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\hphantom{\;$a\over b$\;}}}}
+\line{\boxit{\boxit{\rlap{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\topsmash{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\phantom{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\botsmash{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\smash{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\llap{\;$a\over b$\;}}}}
+\line{\boxit{\boxit{\;$a\over b$\;}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\vphantom{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\hphantom{\;$a\over b$\;}}}}
+\line{\boxit{\boxit{\rlap{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\topsmash{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\phantom{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\botsmash{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\smash{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\llap{\;$a\over b$\;}}}}
+The command ^|\lb| is equivalent to |\hfil\break| and can be used to
+force a line break.\lb
+The command ^|\endpage| is equivalent to |\par\vfil\eject| and can be
+used to force a page break.\lb
+If you use ^|\superendpage| instead of |\endpage| all pending footnotes
+and insertions will be printed before the new page is started.
+The command ^|\use| has already been mentioned, it puts its argument
+into an |\hbox| (with macro expansion as usual) and discards this
+The command ^|\eat| equally discards its argument but without any macro
+The command ^|\glet| is an abbreviation for |\global\let| and is used
+primarily to conserve space used for macros.
+%*** end of file PMANTEXT ***
+% \input pmanmath % mathematical expressions
+%*** this is file PMANMATH as of 06.03.86 ***
+\chap{Mathematical Expressions}
+Let us once again use `|\qeq{\Eq1}|' to refer to equation
+`|\Eq1|' defined earlier:
+this time the result is `\qeq{\Eq1}'.
+PLAIN's macros ^|\matrix|, ^|\pmatrix| and ^|\bordermatrix|
+have been modified as follows:
+If you use the commands ^|\matc| (default), ^|\matl| or ^|\matr|
+matrix elements will be centered (as in PLAIN), left justified
+or right justified respectively.
+Moreover you can use ^|\mat| as an abbreviation for ^|\pmatrix|.
+\subsec{Examples:}The sequence of commands
+The macros ^|\smallsum| and ^|\smallprod| give small summation
+and product signs similar to PLAIN's ^|\smallint|.
+These symbols are reduced in size if they appear in sub- or
+There are additional `^{math accents}' and there are also the
+corresponding symbols which can be used as superscripts.
+The complete list is:\lb
+^|\dot| and ^|\dotsymbol| for one dot,\lb
+^|\dotii| (or ^|\ddot|) and ^|\dotiisymbol| for two dots,\lb
+^|\dotiii| and ^|\dotiiisymbol| for three dots,\lb
+^|\dotiv| and ^|\dotivsymbol| for four dots,\lb
+^|\vec| and ^|\vecsymbol| for an arrow,\lb
+^|\bar| and ^|\barsymbol| for a bar,\lb
+^|\tilde| and ^|\tildesymbol| for a tilde and\lb
+^|\hat| and ^|\hatsymbol| for a hat.
+\subsec{Examples:}The input:
+$\dot x=\dotii x=\dotiii x=\dotiv x=
+\vec x=\bar x=\tilde x=\hat x$ or
+ABC^\dotiiisymbol=ABC^\dotivsymbol$ or
+$\dot x=\dotii x=\dotiii x=\dotiv x=
+\vec x=\bar x=\tilde x=\hat x$ or
+ABC^\dotiiisymbol=ABC^\dotivsymbol$ or
+\sect{Mathematical Statements}
+You may want to use macros to typeset ^{mathematical statements}
+such as definitions, theorems, propositions, {\dots} and
+The problem is that different people have different ideas
+how to name these statements.
+Moreover one author prefers to number each class of
+statements independently whereas another one would like them
+all to share one sequence of numbers.
+Therefore you must use the command ^|\defstmt|
+(\underbar{def}ine \underbar{st}ate\underbar{m}en\underbar{t})
+to define macros for theorems etc.\ yourself according to
+your preferences.
+The syntax is\lb
+|\defstmt{|\<macro>|}{|\<name>|}{|\<numbering>|} |.\lb
+The command |\defstmt{Thm}{Theorem}{|\<numbering>|}| will
+define a macro ^|\Thm| which can be used to state `Theorem's.
+Any such `Theorem' starts with |\Thm|, followed by optional
+text and by `:\vspace', and extends until the next statement or
+^|\par| or ^{blank line} is encountered.
+You may, however, use ^|\endgraf| to start a new paragraph
+within a statement.
+While you are inside such a statement the command
+^|\label| will define a \<code~name> such that it represents
+the number assigned to the statement.
+The command ^|\Prf| can be used to generate a proof.
+The only difference is that proofs have no numbers and that
+they may appear in a different font.
+The last argument \<numbering> of |\defstmt| determines how
+this class of statements shall be numbered and must be one
+of the following:
+\bullitem `|aa|', `|ca|', `|cc|', `|sa|', `|sc|' or `|ss|'
+where the first letter indicates whether the statements
+shall be numbered throughout the whole paper (a),
+per chapter (c) or per section (s).
+The second letter indicates whether
+these numbers shall be unique throughout the whole paper
+(a), through each chapter, i.e.\ chapter numbers as prefix are
+omitted, (c) or through each section, i.e.\ chapter and
+section numbers are omitted, (s).
+That means that the numbering options `|aa|', `|cc|' and
+`|ss|' will yield numbers which look alike but which are
+reset differently.
+\bullitem `|=|' immediately followed by \<macro> of another
+class of statements with which the new class shall share the
+\par\noindent Since the names of these statements are
+supplied by the user there is no need to provide for
+automatic switching between english and german text.
+The following example demonstrates some of the possibilities.
+The input:
+|\Def: \label\Df1 This is definition~\quote{\Df1}.|
+|\Thm (very important)\label\Tm1 : Assume $X$ has the properties|
+| \spointbegin $X$ is {\dots} and|
+| \spoint $X$ is \dots|
+|\endgraf\noindent Then \dots|
+|\par Before we prove Theorem~\quote{\Tm1} we need|
+|\Lem: \label\Lm1 This is a Lemma.|
+|\Prf: According to Definition \quote{\Df1} all $X$ \dots|
+|\Prf \rm of Theorem~\quote{\Tm1}:|
+|Using Lemma~\quote{\Lm1} we can \dots|
+\Def: \label\Df1 This is definition~\quote{\Df1}.
+\Thm (very important)\label\Tm1 : Assume $X$ has the properties
+ \spointbegin $X$ is {\dots} and
+ \spoint $X$ is \dots
+\endgraf\noindent Then \dots
+\par Before we prove Theorem~\quote{\Tm1} we need
+\Lem: \label\Lm1 This is a Lemma.
+\Prf: According to Definition \quote{\Df1} all $X$ \dots
+\Prf \rm of Theorem~\quote{\Tm1}:
+Using Lemma~\quote{\Lm1} we can \dots
+%*** end of file PMANMATH ***
+% \input pmansel % selective printing and start macros
+%*** this is file PMANSEL as of 10.03.86 ***
+\chap{Selective Printing and Start Macros}
+\sect{Selective Printing}
+Sometimes you want to print just one or a few pages of a long paper,
+e.g.\ because there have been some minor changes.\lb
+The command ^|\pagesel||{|\<first>|}{|\<last>|}| will suppress the
+printing of all pages with page numbers not in the range `first--last'.
+You can use |\pagesel| more than once, but you should consider
+that \TeX's page breaking mechanism is somewhat delayed.
+Note, however, that |\pagesel| does not save any computing time.
+Paragraphs will be broken into lines and lines will be assembled into
+pages as usual.
+\sect{Start Macros}
+If you prepare a long paper you will usually want to process
+smaller parts of it, one at a time.
+This is always somewhat difficult but the following `start macros'
+should help you:\lb
+^|\startpage|\<number> for ^|\pageall| or\lb
+^|\startpage|\<prefix>|.|\<number> for ^|\pagechap| sets the number
+of the first page (as displayed on the LOG file),\lb
+^|\startchap|\<number> sets the number for the next chapter,\lb
+^|\startsect|\<number> sets the number for the next section,\lb
+^|\startappendix||`|\<character> sets the character for the
+next appendix,\lb
+^|\startequ|\<number> sets the number for the next equation,\lb
+^|\startfig|\<number> sets the number for the next figure,\lb
+^|\starttab|\<number> sets the number for the next table,\lb
+^|\startref|\<number> sets the number for the next reference and\lb
+^|\startfoot|\<number> sets the number for the next footnote.
+These start macros initialize various count registers, but you may
+still have to initialize other internal variables (e.g.\ the prefix
+for equation numbers) which is normally done by ^|\chap|, ^|\sect| or
+In order to do so use
+\pointbegin ^|\sectinit| if you want to \underbar{continue} a section
+within chapter~0,
+\point ^|\chapinit| if you want to \underbar{continue} any chapter
+except chapter~0, or
+\point ^|\appinit| if you want to \underbar{continue} an appendix.
+\sect{Save and Restore}
+If you want to process only one part of your manuscript but at the
+same time want to refer to equations, figures, tables and references
+defined in earlier parts you should use ^|\save|~\<filename>\vspace.
+{\TeX} maintains a list of all \<code~name>'s defined so far
+(except the names of references defined by ^|\RF| which have not yet
+been used).
+In order to save storage space you can use the commands\lb
+^|\kill|\<code~name> or |\kill{|\<code~name>|...|\<code~name>|}|\lb
+to delete \<code~name>'s which are no longer needed;
+they are removed from the list and the corresponding definitions
+are discarded.
+The command |\save| writes a sequence of commands to an external file
+(with file type ^{TEXSAVE}) which can be used to restore all
+First there is a sequence of commands specifying options,
+followed by start macros with appropriate arguments and macros which
+restore the definitions of all \<code~name>'s on the list.
+Note, however, that the counts for subequations,
+((sub-)sub-)subsections and ((sub-)sub)points will
+neither be saved nor restored.
+To set up a job which starts at the point of the ^|\save|
+command you should
+\pointbegin respecify all private macro definitions
+\point repeat all definitions of references by ^|\RF|
+\point use the command ^|\restore|~\<filename>\vspace
+\foot{Sometimes it will be necessary to increase the page numer by
+The command |\startpage| should be followed by the page number of
+that page on which the text immediately following the |\save|
+command appears.}
+\point start whith the input right after the |\save| command.
+\par\noindent Finally if the text immediately after the |\save|
+command (e.g.\ a new chapter) doesn't start on a new page
+\point either start with the command ^|\vglue| (not |\vskip|)
+followed by the right dimension (e.g.\ `5.3cm') or
+insert commands to enforce a line and page break at the desired
+^|\vadjust||{\endpage}\lb| for a page break in the middle of a paragraph
+^|\endpage| for a page break between paragraphs.
+\sect{Forward References}
+Usualy you can refer to a \<code~name> only after it has been defined
+and a value is assigned to it (^{backward reference}s).
+If you want to refer to something which is defined at a later point in
+the manuscript (^{forward reference}) you can use the command
+^|\crossrestore|~\<filename>{\vspace} (restore information for cross
+references) just before the begin of the actual text of the
+manuscript and the commands |\superendpage| and |\save| (with the
+same \<filename>)
+immediately before the command |\bye|.
+If you process your manuscript for the first time you will get
+an error message that the file for |\crossrestore| is missing and a
+%*** user exits *** % called before
+lot of \<code~name>'s will be undefined.
+The next time, when the file for |\crossrestore| is present, all these
+names will be defined in exactly the same way they were defined at
+the end of the previous run.
+There should be no more undefined \<code~name>'s unless they are
+misspelled or are defined nowhere in the manuscript.
+Clearly these definitions may not be accurate if you have meanwhile
+modified the manuscript; in this case forward references will not be
+accurate in the this run but backward references will allways be
+\sect{User Exits}
+There are a few ^{user exits} which can be used for special
+All user exits are named ^|\...userexit| and any argument(s) are
+contained in the token list register ^|\toks0|, ^|\toks2|, |...|~.
+The following list contains all user exits presently defined together
+with their default definition:
+%*** the following lines are copied from PHYSTEXT ***
+%*** user exits *** % called before
+\def\skipuserexit{\setbox0\box255 } % page is not printed
+\def\shipuserexit{\unvbox255 } % page is printed
+\def\chapuserexit{\sectuserexit} % chapter title
+\def\appuserexit{\chapuserexit} % appendix title
+\def\sectuserexit{\secsuserexit} % section title
+\def\secsuserexit{\secssuserexit} % subsection title
+\def\secssuserexit{\secsssuserexit} % subsubsection title
+\let\secsssuserexit=\relax % subsubsubsection title
+They are all called immediately before the title of the chapter,
+appendix, section, {\dots} is printed.
+At this point |\toks0| contains (macros which will expand to) the
+number and |\toks2| contains the actual title.
+For an appendix |\toks0| will in addition contain the word `Appendix'
+or `Anhang' and |\toks2| may contain just `|\unskip|' if the appendix
+has no title.
+The following two examples show some details.
+Assume you want to remove the final dot in the (sub-)section
+In order to do that you have to define |\secsssuserexit|
+which will automatically be used for all higher exits up to
+|\sectuserexit| and you must make sure that this macro is not used
+for chapters and sections:
+\def\secsssuserexit{\expandafter\myuserexit\the\toks0 }
+Let us now consider a more complicated example.
+Suppose you want to start each chapter and appendix on a new
+page with two title lines in a huge font with 5mm extra space
+between them and 20mm extra space below and above.
+The first line shall contain the chapter or appendix number
+and the second line the actual title.
+Moreover the titles shall appear in the headline and a horizontal rule
+should be placed below the headline.
+You could, of course, write your own chapter and appendix
+macros for this purpose, taking care of things like resetting
+section numbers, possibly equation numbers ond so on.
+This might, however, cause incompatibilities with future
+changes of the PHYS macro package.
+It is, therefore, strongly recommended to use the appropriate
+user exits |\chapuserexit| and |\appuserexit| for this
+Below we give a sequence of commands which does all the required
+In order to understand them you have to know that immediately after
+the user exits the title line is printed with the command\lb
+|\ctrline{\titlestyle{\the\toks0\ \the\toks2}}|.\lb
+The use of |\mark|'s is not quite necessary in a situation where
+each chapter and appendix starts on a new page.
+The code around the marks is, however, necessary if there are titles
+with footnotes.
+\font\huge=ambx10 scaled\magstep3 % a huge font
+\toppagenum\chappage\althead \chapstretch=5cm
+\let\physskipheadline=\skipheadline % preserve old definition
+\def\skipheadline#1{\glet\skipheadrule#1% skip head line rule
+ \physskipheadline#1} % if headline is skipped
+\lheadtext={\firstmark} \rheadtext={\botmark}
+\let\physmakeheadline=\makeheadline % preserve old definition
+\def\makeheadline{\physmakeheadline % define new headline
+ \if F\skipheadrule \vbox to0mm{\vskip-8 mm\hrule
+ width \hsize \vss}\fi \nointerlineskip}
+\skipheadline=F % initialize \skipheadrule
+\def\titlestyle{\vadjust{\nobreak \vskip 5mm}\huge}
+\def\chapuserexit{\vglue 20mm%
+ \expandafter\ifx\expandafter\unskip\the\toks2 \toks4=\toks0
+ \else
+ \toks4={\unskip\egroup\egroup\ctrline\bgroup\titlestyle\bgroup}%
+ \edef\next{\the\toks4 \the\toks2}\toks4=\toks2
+ \toks2=\expandafter{\next}\fi
+ \bgroup\def\footnote{\expandafter\eat\eat}%
+ \let\hfootnote=\footnote % allow footnotes
+ \let\foot=\eat \let\hfoot=\eat % in title
+ \mark\expandafter{\the\toks4}\egroup
+ \toks2=\expandafter{\the\toks2\vadjust{\vskip 15mm}}}
+\indent\bpargroup The two exits |\skipuserexit| and |\shipuserexit|
+are called by the output routine |\physoutput| when a page is skipped
+(due to |\pagesel|) or is prepared for printing.
+The index of this manual is printed in three columns by using these
+two exits without any change in |\physoutput|.
+%*** end of file PMANSEL ***
+% \input pmanack % acknowledgements
+%*** this is file PMANACK as of 06.03.86 ***
+The authors have profited from many discussion with E. Belau,
+G. Raffelt and W. Wiedenmann.
+The present |\table| macro was originally designed by R. Schilling
+and many improvements at various places are due to discussions with him.
+Many macros descibed in this paper originate from macros for physics
+papers written at SLAC\null,
+some of them have been inspired by \AmSTeX.
+%*** end of file PMANACK ***
+% \input pmanopts % list of all options
+%*** this is file PMANOPTS as of 06.03.86 ***
+\appendix{List of all Options} ^^{options, list of all}
+This appendix lists all the options you can use with the
+PHYSE or PHYS formats.
+The default option is underlined unless otherwise indicated.
+The commands |\english| (default for PHYSE) or |\german| (default
+for PHYS) indicate that certain headings should be in english or
+german language (e.g.\ `Abstract' or `Zusammenfassung').
+You should choose \utt|\titlepage| or |\notitlepage| if the title of
+the paper etc.\ do or don't appear on a separate page which is
+terminated with |\endpage|.
+You can choose \utt|\botpagenum|, |\toppagenum| or |\nopagenum|
+to get page numbers printed at the bottom of each page,
+at the top of each page or to get no page numbers.
+In any case there will be no page number on the title page.
+You can choose \utt|\pageall| or |\pagechap| to get
+pages numbered throughout the paper or numbered separately for each
+chapter and appendix.
+The commands \utt|\portrait| and |\landscape| will switch between
+portrait and landscape format.
+In the later case the page numbers will have
+the number of the chapter or the letter of the appendix as prefix.
+\utt|\figpage| and |\nofigpage| indicate that the
+figure captions (if any) should or should not appear on one or
+several separate pages.
+The use of |\pagechap| forces them on separate pages in any case.
+The analogous commands \utt|\tabpage|, |\notabpage|,
+\utt|\refpage|, |\norefpage| and \utt|\footpage|, |\nofootpage|
+do exactly the same for the table captions, the list of references
+and (if applicable) the list of footnotes.
+You should use \utt|\chapters| or |\nochapters| if your
+paper does or does not contain chapters.
+Depending on other options this may influence the numbering of pages,
+equations, \dots\ .
+You should use \utt|\arabicchapnum| or |\romanchapnum| if you want
+the chapter numbers printed as arabic numbers or as (uppercase)
+roman numerals.
+You should use |\chappage| or \utt|\nochappage| if each chapter
+and appendix should or should not start on a new page.
+You can choose among |\equall|, \utt|\equchap| and
+|\equsect| if the equations should be numbered throughout the
+paper, for each chapter and appendix or for each section and appendix.
+Use |\equleft|, \utt|\equright|, or |\equnone| if the equation numbers
+should appear on the left side of the page, on the right side of
+the page, or should not be printed at all.
+You can choose |\equfull| or \utt|\equshort|
+to indicate that |\queq| should
+quote equation numbers in full or in abbreviated form (unless there is
+an explicit |\fulltag| or |\shorttag|).
+Use |\storebox|, \utt|\storelist| or |\storefile| if the
+figure captions, table captions, references and (possibly) footnotes
+shall be stored in boxes, as lists of macro definitions or on
+external files.
+Use \utt|\figall|, |\figchap| or |\figsect| if the figures should
+be numbered throughout the paper, for each chapter and appendix or
+for each section and appendix.
+Use \utt|\taball|, |\tabchap| or |\tabsect| if the tables should
+be numbered throughout the paper, for each chapter and appendix or
+for each section and appendix.
+Use \utt|\refsup| or |\refsqb| if quotations to references
+should appear as superscripts or enclosed in square brackets.
+Use \utt|\yearpage| or |\pageyear| if references generated
+by the macros for physics journals should appear in the form
+`journal {\bf volume} (year) page' or
+`journal {\bf volume}, page (year)'.
+Use \utt|\footbot| or |\footend| if `footnotes' should appear at
+the bottom of the page or at the end of the paper.
+Use \utt|\footsqb| or |\footpar| if you want footnote
+numbers enclosed in square brackets or followed by a parenthesis.
+This applies only to footnote numbers generated by |\foot|,
+not to the symbols which are given to |\footnote| as argument.
+%*** end of file PMANOPTS ***
+% \input pmanupdt % updates and corrections ...
+%*** this is file PMANUPDT as of 06.03.86 ***
+\appendix{Updates and Corrections to PHYS/PHYSE}
+\titcon{and Macro Libraries}
+\secs{Updates and Corrections to PHYS/PHYSE}
+The file PHYSUPDT TEX will contain ^{updates and corrections} of
+errors which are not yet implemented in the PHYS/PHYSE format.
+Therefore your {\TeX} input should start with the command
+|\input physupdt| in order to get all known errors corrected.
+In most cases you will, however, use a macro library and
+it is most convenient to put this command into the macro library.
+\secs{Private and Public Macro Libraries}
+It is recommended to organize ^{macro libraries} in a hierarchical
+\dashitem one public macro library which contains macros useful for
+all users at a computer or an institute.
+This library should start with the command |\input|~^|physupdt|.
+\dashitem one semi-public macro library for each larger group
+of users which should start with a command that reads the
+public macro library.
+\dashitem one private macro library for one user (or for several
+users working closely together) which should start with an
+|\input| command for the appropriate semi-public library.
+\secs{Macro Libraries at MPP}
+At present we use the following public and semi-public macro
+\secss{The File MPPMAC} ^^|mppmac|
+This library starts with |\input|~|physupdt| and contains macros
+which should be useful for everybody at the Max-Plack-Institut f\"ur
+^|\mppnum| to generate an MPP preprint or report number and\lb
+^|\mppaddress| to generate the MPP address on the title page\lb
+are described elsewhere in this manual and are needed in order
+to produce a copy of this manual from the {\TeX} source.
+In addition there is a command\lb
+which will produce an MPP letter head with your \<name> and
+\<phone> and the \<address> of the recipient.
+As usual different lines in this address are separated by |\\|.
+There are actually two such commands, |\letterL| for output
+on a LasergrafiX and |\letterC| for output on a Canon laser printer,
+because none of the large fonts is available for both devices.
+|\letter| is just a synonym for |\letterL|.
+\secss{The File CELMAC} ^^|celmac|
+This library starts with |\input|~|mppmac| and contains additional
+macros useful for the CELLO group at MPP\null.
+If you use this library the following additional macros are defined:\lb
+^|\Znull|, ^|\Wplus|, ^|\Wminus|, ^|\Wpm|, etc..
+\secss{The File THEMAC} ^^|themac|
+This library starts with |\input|~|mppmac| and contains additional
+macros useful for the THEORY group at MPP\null.
+If you use this library the following additional macros are defined:\lb
+^|\pthnum||{|\dots|}| instead of |\mppnum{PTh |\dots|}| and\lb
+^|\pthdate| instead of and |\pubdate|.
+The following additional macros for physics journals are defined in
+this file:
+%*** the following lines are copied from THEMAC ***
+\def\AP{\journal{Ann.\ \Phys}}
+\def\CMP{\journal{Commun.\ \Math\Phys}}
+\def\JMP{\journal{J.\ \Math\Phys}}
+\def\PRep{\journal{\Phys Rep.\ }}
+\def\RMP{\journal{\Rev Mod.\ \Phys}}
+\def\TMF{\journal{Teor.\ Mat.\ Fiz.\ }}
+%*** end of file PMANUPDT ***
+% \input pmanmacs % macro expansions, arguments, ...
+%*** this is file PMANMAC as of 06.03.86 ***
+\appendix{Macro Expansions, Arguments and Category Codes}
+In this appendix we have to treat some sublteties which may become
+important to someone designing somewhat more complicated macros.
+Most users should skip this appendix, at least when reading this
+manual for the first time.
+It was said earlier that code names may consist of letters,
+digits and apostrophes whereas usually {\TeX}'s control word
+names consist of letters only.
+The way this can be done is by temporarily declaring the
+digits and the apostrophe to be letters while the code name
+is read.
+Since {\TeX} decides which characters are letters when they
+are first read from the input file it is important that
+e.g.\ the argument `|\Author81|' of |\quref{\Author81}| is
+read by the macro |\quref| which temporarily causes the
+digits |8| and |1| to behave as letters.
+Things will clearly go wrong if you use something like\lb
+because then `|\Author81|' is read as part of |\xxx|'s
+argument as control word `|\Author|' (probably undefined)
+followed by the digits `|81|'.
+(Compare Chapter~7: How {\TeX} Reads What You Type,
+Chapter~20: Definitions (also called Macros), and
+Appendix~D: Dirty Tricks of the {\TeX}book\quref{\texbook}
+for more details.)
+Consider the macro definition |\def\line{\hbox to\hsize}|.
+After expanding and processing the macro |\line|, which has
+no argument, {\TeX} continues to read input characters and
+expand macros and expects to find a left brace (either an
+explicit one (|{|) or an implicit one (|\bgroup|)) which
+starts a new level of grouping.
+{\TeX} continues to read and expand input until eventually a matching
+right brace is found at which point the horizontal list
+built so far is put into an |\hbox| of width |\hsize|.
+The input commands\lb
+|\line{abc}| or |\line\bgroup abc\egroup| or\lb
+|\def\xx{{abc}}\line\xx| or even things like\lb
+|\line{abc\egroup| or |\def\xxx{\bgroup abc}\line\xxx}|\lb
+would all give the same result.
+The commands\lb
+|\def\zzz{\egroup\line\bgroup}\line{abc\zzz def}|\lb
+would even produce two lines.
+The input\lb
+would, however, be wrong and would lead to an error message.
+Things are quite different with PLAIN's macro definition\lb
+because (with this definition) |\leftline| has one argument.
+After reading the macro |\leftline| {\TeX} reads its
+argument (without any macro expansion) and will subsequently
+substitute this argument whenever there is a |#1| in the
+replacement text.
+Braces around a complex argument must be explicit and do not
+provide a new level of grouping.
+The input commands\lb
+|\leftline{abc}| or |\def\yy{abc}\leftline\yy|\lb
+would, therefore, give the same result.
+The input\lb
+|\leftline\bgroup abc\egroup|\lb
+would, however, be wrong (the argument would be `|\bgroup|')
+and would produce a quite different result.
+We are here mostly concerned with code names.
+The construction\lb
+works fine because |\Author81| will be read after expanding
+the macro |\quref| as usual.
+The construction\lb
+(with PLAIN's definition of |\leftline|) would however fail,
+because |\Author81| is read ahead of time as part of the
+argument for |\leftline|.
+It is exactly for this reason that the macros ^|\leftline|,
+^|\rightline|, ^|\centerline|, ^|\rlap| and ^|\llap| have been
+redefined in PHYS such that the above construction does what
+it is assumed to do.
+The original definitions, which are slightly faster, are
+still available under the names ^|\plainleftline|,
+^|\plainrightline|, ^|\plaincenterline|, ^|\plainrlap| and
+%*** end of file PMANMAC ***
+% \input pmanold % compatibility with the older version (0.95) ...
+%*** this is file PMANOLD as of 06.03.86 ***
+\appendix{Compatibility with the older Version (0.95) of PHYS}
+The present version 1.0 of the PHYS/PHYSE format is not entirely
+compatible with the previous one (0.95).
+The main incompatibilities are:
+\pointbegin the option ^|\equold| is no longer supported
+\point the ^|\table| macro
+You can, however, still use the old (0.8) form of equation numbers
+if you use the command |\input|~^|equold| instead of the option
+The new |\table| macro is based on the example on page 247
+(Chapter~22: Alignment) of the {\TeX}book \quref{\texbook}
+whereas the old macro was based on the example on page 392
+(Appendix~D: Dirty Tricks).
+The new macro is more flexible but sometimes you may want
+to still use the old one.
+In order to do so you can use the command |\input|~^|oldtabl|
+to read the old macro definition.
+Once this is done you can use ^|\oldtable| (default after
+|\input|~|oldtabl|) or ^|\newtable| to indicate that |\table| shall
+be the old or the new table macro.
+The syntax of the old |\table| macro is\lb
+with the following restrictions:
+\pointbegin The alignment preamble must terminate with |\cr|,
+not with |\crcr|, and the table must contain at least one row
+of aligned items.
+\point The last row of the table must contain the maximal number of
+columns (you can add empty entries if necessary)
+\point Every row of the table should contain a |\strut|
+to ensure the correct vertical spacing.
+It is in fact advisable to have a strut in each table entry in order
+to avoid `underfull hbox'es.
+\point The alignment material should not contain |\noalign|.
+All horizontal rules should be produced with |\tabrule|
+right after the corresponding |\cr|.
+\point The vertical rules are put into the middle of the tabskip glue
+and the parts of the tabskip glue to the left of the leftmost rule
+and to the right of the rightmost rule are cut off.
+If the initial tabskip is zero (default) |\table| inserts its own
+value (24.4pt plus 24pt minus 12pt, .4pt are for the width of the
+You can modify the value of tabskip in the alignment preamble,
+but you should know exactly what you are doing.
+Irrespective of your modifications |\table| will use the same
+tabskip value after the last column as before the first column.
+\point If you want to omit a vertical rule use |\omitrule| in the
+alignment preamble, either immediately after the `|{|' or
+immediately before an `|&|' or the `|\cr|'.
+%*** end of file PMANOLD ***
+\nofigpage\figout % print figure captions on same page
+\notabpage\tabout % print table captions on same page
+\norefpage\refout % print references on same page
+\nofootpage\footout % print footnotes on same page (\footbot)
+\startindex %make the index
+\tocpage\tocout % print table of contents on new page
+\bye % end of the TEX job
+%*** end of file PMANUAL ***
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/physe/physe.tex b/obsolete/macros/physe/physe.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1aa5803d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/physe/physe.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,2024 @@
+%FORMAT plaine % use PLAINE format
+%*** this is file PHYSE as of 11.02.86 ***
+% \input physorg % macros for physics papers
+%*** this is file PHYSORG as of 14.03.86 ***
+%*** PHYSORG Version 1.00 ***
+\message{Preloading the phys format:}
+% I make @ signs act like letters, temporarily, to avoid conflict
+% with user-defined control sequences in certain cases.
+\toksdef\toks@i=1 % global only
+\newtoks\emptyt@ks % permanently empty token list register
+\def\@height{height} % save token space
+\def\@depth{depth} % (5 or 6 tokens at the cost
+\def\@width{width} % of one macro expansion)
+\def\@plus{plus} % save
+\def\@minus{minus} % token space
+\message{macros for text,}
+% \input physmain
+%*** this is file PHYSMAIN as of 07.03.86 ***
+%*** macros for text ***
+% allow the construction `\loop ... \if... ... \else ... \repeat'
+\def\loop#1\repeat{\def\iter@te{#1\expandafter\iter@te \fi}\iter@te
+ \let\iter@te\undefined}
+\def\par{\ifhmode \unpenalty\unskip \fi \endgraf}
+\def\endpage{\par \vfil \eject}
+\def\superendpage{\par \vfil \supereject}
+%*** allow change of \catcodes's inside \leftline, ...
+\let\plainleftline=\leftline % rename \leftline from PLAIN
+\let\plainrightline=\rightline % rename \rightline from PLAIN
+\let\plaincenterline=\centerline % rename \centerline from PLAIN
+\let\plainrlap=\rlap % rename \rlap from PLAIN
+\let\plainllap=\llap % rename \llap from PLAIN
+\def\@line#1#2#3{\hbox to#1\bgroup#2\let\n@xt#3%
+ \afterassignment\@@line \setbox\z@\hbox}
+\def\@@@line{\unhbox\z@ \n@xt\egroup}
+\def\after@@arg{\ifcat\bgroup\noexpand\n@xt\else \n@xt\egroup \fi}
+\def\@eat{\let\n@xt= } % eat one token
+\def\eat#1{} % eat one argument
+\def\@eat@#1{\@eat} % eat one argument and one token
+%*** phantom and smash ***
+\def\begin@{\ifmmode \expandafter\mathpalette\expandafter\math@ \else
+ \expandafter\make@ \fi}
+\def\ph@nt{\let\fin@\finph@nt \begin@}
+\newif\ift@ \newif\ifb@
+\def\sm@sh{\let\fin@\finsm@sh \begin@}
+\def\finsm@sh{\ift@\ht\z@\z@\fi \ifb@\dp\z@\z@\fi \box\z@}
+%*** boxit ***
+\newdimen\boxitsep \boxitsep=5pt
+\def\fboxit#1#2{\hbox{\vrule \@width#1\p@
+ \vtop{\vbox{\hrule \@height#1\p@ \vskip\boxitsep
+ \hbox{\hskip\boxitsep #2\hskip\boxitsep}}%
+ \vskip\boxitsep \hrule \@height#1\p@}\vrule \@width#1\p@}}
+%*** active characters `:,`; and `^^M ***
+ \catcode`\:=\active
+ \lccode`\*=`\\ \lowercase{\gdef:{*}} % `: -> `\
+ \catcode`\;=\active
+ \lccode`\* `\% \lowercase{\gdef;{*}} % `; -> `%
+ \catcode`\^^M=\active \glet^^M=\space % `^^M -> \space
+%*** comment ***
+ \catcode`\:=\active
+ \outer\gdef\comment{\begingroup
+ \catcode`\\\@ther \catcode`\%\@ther \catcode`\^^M\@ther
+ \catcode`\{\@ther \catcode`\}\@ther \catcode`\#\@ther
+ \wlog{* input between `:comment' and `:endcomment' ignored *}
+ \c@mment}
+{\lccode`\:=`\\ \lccode`\;=`\^^M
+ \lowercase{\gdef\c@mment#1;{\c@@mment:endcomment*}}}
+\def\c@@mment#1#2*#3{\if #1#3\ifx @#2@ \let\n@xt\endgroup \else
+ \def\n@xt{\c@@mment#2*}\fi \else \def\n@xt{\c@mment#3}\fi \n@xt}
+\let\endcomment=\relax % avoid errmessage for unmatched \endcomment
+\message{date and time,}
+%*** language ***
+\def\case@language#1{\ifcase\expandafter\langu@ge #1\fi}
+%*** date and time ***
+ {\ifcase\month \or Jannuar\or Februar\or M\noexpand\"arz\or April\or
+ Mai\or Juni\or Juli\or August\or September\or Oktober\or November\or
+ Dezember\fi
+ \noexpand\else
+ \ifcase\month \or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or
+ June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or
+ December\fi}}\themonth}
+\def\thedate{\case@language{\else\themonth\ }\number\day
+ \case@language{.\ \themonth \else ,} \number\year}
+%*** \thetime is defined twice, once if this file is read
+\count@\time \divide\count@60 \edef\thetime{\the\count@ :}
+\edef\thetime{\thetime \ifnum10>\count@ 0\fi \the\count@}
+% and once if a dump file is loaded ***
+ \count@\time \divide\count@60 \edef\thetime{\the\count@ :}%
+ \multiply\count@-60\advance\count@\time
+ \edef\thetime{\thetime \ifnum10>\count@ 0\fi \the\count@}%
+ \everyjob{}}
+%*** end of file PHYSMAIN ***
+\message{spacing, fonts and sizes,}
+% \input physfont
+%*** this is file PHYSFONT as of 14.03.86 ***
+%*** spacing parameters ***
+\newskip\refbetweenskip \newskip\chskiptamount
+\newskip\chskiplamount \newskip\secskipamount
+\newskip\footnotebaselineskip \newskip\interfootnoteskip
+\newdimen\chapstretch \chapstretch=2.5cm
+\newcount\chappenalty \chappenalty=-800
+\newdimen\sectstretch \sectstretch=2cm
+\newcount\sectpenalty \sectpenalty=-400
+\def\chskipt{\chapbreak \vskip\chskiptamount}
+\def\chskipl{\nobreak \vskip\chskiplamount}
+\def\secskipt{\sectbreak \vskip\secskipamount}
+\def\chapbreak{\vskip\z@\@plus\chapstretch \penalty\chappenalty
+ \vskip\z@\@plus-\chapstretch}
+\def\sectbreak{\vskip\z@\@plus\sectstretch \penalty\sectpenalty
+ \vskip\z@\@plus-\sectstretch}
+%*** fonts ***
+%*** load am... or cm... fonts according to PLAIN's selection ***
+\begingroup \lccode`\*=`\r
+ \lowercase{\def\n@xt#1*#2@{#1}
+ \xdef\font@sel{\expandafter\n@xt\fontname\tenrm*@}}\endgroup
+\message{loading \font@sel\space fonts,}
+\font\twelverm=\font@sel r10 scaled \magstep1 % roman text
+%\font\tenrm=\font@sel r10 % already defined in PLAIN
+\font\ninerm=\font@sel r9
+\font\eightrm=\font@sel r8
+%\font\sevenrm=\font@sel r7 % already defined in PLAIN
+\font\sixrm=\font@sel r6
+%\font\fiverm=\font@sel r5 % already defined in PLAIN
+\font\twelvei=\font@sel mi10 scaled\magstep1
+ \skewchar\twelvei='177 % math italic
+%\font\teni=\font@sel mi10 % already defined in PLAIN
+\font\ninei=\font@sel mi9 \skewchar\ninei='177
+\font\eighti=\font@sel mi8 \skewchar\eighti='177
+%\font\seveni=\font@sel mi7 % already defined in PLAIN
+\font\sixi=\font@sel mi6 \skewchar\sixi='177
+%\font\fivei=\font@sel mi5 % already defined in PLAIN
+\font\twelvesy=\font@sel sy10 scaled \magstep1
+ \skewchar\twelvesy='60 % math symbols
+%\font\tensy=\font@sel sy10 % already defined in PLAIN
+\font\ninesy=\font@sel sy9 \skewchar\ninesy='60
+\font\eightsy=\font@sel sy8 \skewchar\eightsy='60
+%\font\sevensy=\font@sel sy7 % already defined in PLAIN
+\font\sixsy=\font@sel sy6 \skewchar\sixsy='60
+%\font\fivesy=\font@sel sy5 % already defined in PLAIN
+%\font\tenex=\font@sel ex10 % math extension already defined in PLAIN
+%\font\preloaded=\font@sel ss10 % sans serif
+%\font\preloaded=\font@sel ssq8
+%\font\preloaded=\font@sel ssi10 % sans serif italic
+%\font\preloaded=\font@sel ssqi8
+\font\twelvebf=\font@sel bx10 scaled \magstep1 % boldface extended
+%\font\tenbf=\font@sel bx10 % already defined in PLAIN
+\font\ninebf=\font@sel bx9
+\font\eightbf=\font@sel bx8
+%\font\sevenbf=\font@sel bx7 % already defined in PLAIN
+\font\sixbf=\font@sel bx6
+%\font\fivebf=\font@sel bx5 % already defined in PLAIN
+\font\twelvett=\font@sel tt10 scaled \magstep1 % typewriter
+%\font\tentt=\font@sel tt10 % typewriter already defined in PLAIN
+%\font\preloaded=\font@sel tt9
+\font\eighttt=\font@sel tt8
+%\font\preloaded=\font@sel sltt10 % slanted typewriter
+\font\twelvesl=\font@sel sl10 scaled \magstep1 % slanted roman
+%\font\tensl=\font@sel sl10 % already defined in PLAIN
+\font\ninesl=\font@sel sl9
+\font\eightsl=\font@sel sl8
+\let\sixsl=\eightsl % there is no sl6 font
+\let\fivesl=\sixsl % there is no sl5 font
+\font\twelveit=\font@sel ti10 scaled \magstep1 % text italic
+%\font\tenit=\font@sel ti10 % already defined in PLAIN
+\font\nineit=\font@sel ti9
+\font\eightit=\font@sel ti8
+\font\sevenit=\font@sel ti7
+\let\sixit=\sevenit % there is no ti6 font
+\let\fiveit=\sixit % there is no ti5 font
+%\font\preloaded=\font@sel u10 % unslanted text italic
+%\font\preloaded=\font@sel bi10 % bold math italic
+%\font\preloaded=\font@sel bsy10 % bold math symbols
+\font\twelvecsc=\font@sel csc10 scaled \magstep1 % caps and small caps
+\font\tencsc=\font@sel csc10
+\let\eightcsc=\tencsc % there is no csc8 font
+%\font\preloaded=\font@sel ssbx10 % sans serif bold extended
+%\font\preloaded=\font@sel dunh10 % Dunhill style
+%\font\preloaded=\font@sel r7 scaled \magstep4 % for titles
+%\font\preloaded=\font@sel tt10 scaled \magstep2
+%\font\preloaded=\font@sel ssbx10 scaled \magstep2
+%\font\preloaded=manfnt % METAFONT logo and dragon curve
+ % and special symbols
+%*** sizes ***
+ \let\normal@spacing\twelve@spacing \set@spacing}
+ \let\normal@spacing\ten@spacing \set@spacing}
+ \let\normal@spacing\eight@spacing \set@spacing}
+\def\rm{\fam\z@ \@fam}
+\def\oldstyle{\mit \@fam}
+\def\it{\fam\itfam \@fam}
+\def\sl{\fam\slfam \@fam}
+\def\bf{\fam\bffam \@fam}
+\def\tt{\fam\ttfam \@fam}
+%*** fonts for sizes ***
+\def\twelve@point{\set@fonts twelve ten eight }
+\def\ten@point{\set@fonts ten eight six }
+\def\eight@point{\set@fonts eight six five }
+\def\set@fonts#1 #2 #3 {\textfont\ttfam\csname#1tt\endcsname
+ \edef\n@xt{\csname#1csc\endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\@caps\n@xt
+ \def\n@xt##1##2{\textfont##1\csname#1##2\endcsname
+ \scriptfont##1\csname#2##2\endcsname
+ \scriptscriptfont##1\csname#3##2\endcsname}%
+ \set@@fonts}
+ \textfont3\tenex \scriptfont3\tenex \scriptscriptfont3\tenex
+ \n@xt\itfam{it}\n@xt\slfam{sl}\n@xt\bffam{bf}\rm}
+%*** spacing for sizes ***
+\def\singlespace{\chardef\@spacing\z@ \set@spacing}
+\def\doublespace{\chardef\@spacing\@ne \set@spacing}
+\def\triplespace{\chardef\@spacing\tw@ \set@spacing}
+\chardef\@spacing=1 % \doublespace
+\def\set@spacing{\toks@\expandafter{\spacing@names @}%
+ \expandafter\set@@spacing\normal@spacing \normalbaselines}
+\def\set@@@spacing#1#2\@@{\ifx #1@\else\toks@{#2}%
+ \expandafter\set@@@@spacing\expandafter#1\fi}
+ \advance#1#2\set@@spacing}
+ \setbaselineskip\normalbaselineskip
+ \lineskiplimit\normallineskiplimit}
+\def\setbaselineskip{\afterassignment\set@strut \baselineskip}
+\def\spacer{\hbox\bgroup \afterassignment\x@spacer \dimen@}
+\def\x@spacer{\ifdim\dimen@=\z@\else \hskip\dimen@ \fi
+ \afterassignment\y@spacer \dimen@}
+ \vrule \@height\ht\z@ \@depth\dp\z@ \@width\z@ \egroup}
+\def\spacing@names{% list of all variable spacing parameters
+ \normalbaselineskip
+ \normallineskip
+ \normallineskiplimit
+ \footnotebaselineskip
+ \interfootnoteskip
+ \parskip
+ \refbetweenskip
+ \abovedisplayskip
+ \belowdisplayskip
+ \abovedisplayshortskip
+ \belowdisplayshortskip
+ \chskiptamount
+ \chskiplamount
+ \secskipamount
+ }
+\def\twelve@spacing{% parameters and increments for twelvepoint
+ 14\p@ +5\p@ *%\normalbaselineskip
+ \p@ +\z@ *%\normallineskip
+ \z@ +\z@ *%\normallineskiplimit
+ 14\p@ +\p@ *%\footnotebaselineskip
+ 20\p@ +\z@ *%\interfootnoteskip
+ 5\p@\@plus\p@ +-2\p@ *%\parskip
+ \z@ +6\p@ *%\refbetweenskip
+ 8\p@\@plus2\p@\@minus3\p@ +%
+ 4\p@\@plus3\p@\@minus5\p@ *%\abovedisplayskip
+ 8\p@\@plus2\p@\@minus3\p@ +%
+ 4\p@\@plus3\p@\@minus5\p@ *%\belowdisplayskip
+ \p@\@plus2\p@\@minus\p@ +%
+ 4\p@\@plus3\p@\@minus2\p@ *%\abovedisplayshortskip
+ 8\p@\@plus2\p@\@minus3\p@ +%
+ \p@\@plus2\p@\@minus2\p@ *%\belowdisplayshortskip
+ 20\p@\@plus5\p@ +\z@ *%\chskiptamount
+ 5.5\p@ +\z@ *%\chskiplamount
+ 6\p@\@plus2\p@ +\z@ *%\secskipamount
+ }
+\def\ten@spacing{% parameters and increments for tenpoint
+ 11\p@ +4.5\p@ *%\normalbaselineskip
+ \p@ +\z@ *%\normallineskip
+ \z@ +\z@ *%\normallineskiplimit
+ 12\p@ +\p@ *%\footnotebaselineskip
+ 16\p@ +\z@ *%\interfootnoteskip
+ 5\p@\@plus\p@ +-2\p@ *%\parskip
+ \z@ +5\p@ *%\refbetweenskip
+ 8\p@\@plus2\p@\@minus3\p@ +%
+ 4\p@\@plus3\p@\@minus5\p@ *%\abovedisplayskip
+ 8\p@\@plus2\p@\@minus3\p@ +%
+ 4\p@\@plus3\p@\@minus5\p@ *%\belowdisplayskip
+ \p@\@plus2\p@\@minus\p@ +%
+ 4\p@\@plus3\p@\@minus2\p@ *%\abovedisplayshortskip
+ 8\p@\@plus2\p@\@minus3\p@ +%
+ \p@\@plus2\p@\@minus2\p@ *%\belowdisplayshortskip
+ 20\p@\@plus5\p@ +\z@ *%\chskiptamount
+ 5.5\p@ +\z@ *%\chskiplamount
+ 6\p@\@plus2\p@ +\z@ *%\secskipamount
+ }
+\def\eight@spacing{% parameters and increments for eightpoint
+ 9\p@ +3.5\p@ *%\normalbaselineskip
+ \p@ +\z@ *%\normallineskip
+ \z@ +\z@ *%\normallineskiplimit
+ 10\p@ +\p@ *%\footnotebaselineskip
+ 14\p@ +\z@ *%\interfootnoteskip
+ 5\p@\@plus\p@ +-2\p@ *%\parskip
+ \z@ +5\p@ *%\refbetweenskip
+ 8\p@\@plus2\p@\@minus3\p@ +%
+ 4\p@\@plus3\p@\@minus5\p@ *%\abovedisplayskip
+ 8\p@\@plus2\p@\@minus3\p@ +%
+ 4\p@\@plus3\p@\@minus5\p@ *%\belowdisplayskip
+ \p@\@plus2\p@\@minus\p@ +%
+ 4\p@\@plus3\p@\@minus2\p@ *%\abovedisplayshortskip
+ 8\p@\@plus2\p@\@minus3\p@ +%
+ \p@\@plus2\p@\@minus2\p@ *%\belowdisplayshortskip
+ 20\p@\@plus5\p@ +\z@ *%\chskiptamount
+ 5.5\p@ +\z@ *%\chskiplamount
+ 6\p@\@plus2\p@ +\z@ *%\secskipamount
+ }
+%*** macros for sizes ***
+\def\large{\par \bgroup \twelvepoint \after@arg\@size}
+\def\medium{\par \bgroup \tenpoint \after@arg\@size}
+\def\small{\par \bgroup \eightpoint \after@arg\@size}
+\def\@size{\par \egroup}
+\def\LARGE#1{{\twelve@point #1}}
+\def\MEDIUM#1{{\ten@point #1}}
+\def\SMALL#1{{\eight@point #1}}
+%*** end of file PHYSFONT ***
+\message{texts, headings and styles,}
+% \input phystext
+%*** this is file PHYSTEXT as of 06.03.86 ***
+%*** texts and headings ***
+\def\submittextone{Zur Ver\"offentlichung in\else Submitted to}
+\def\submittexttwo{ eingereicht\else}
+\def\abstracthead{Zusammenfassung\else Abstract}
+\def\ackhead{Danksagung\else Acknowledgements}
+\def\appendixhead{Anhang\else Appendix}
+\def\eqabbr{Gl\else eq}
+\def\eqsabbr{Gln\else eqs}
+\def\figpref{Abb\else Fig}
+\def\fighead{Abbildungen\else Figure captions}
+\def\figabbr{Bild\nodot\else Fig}
+\def\tabpref{Tab\else Tab}
+\def\tabhead{Tabellen\else Table captions}
+\def\refpref{Lit\else Ref}
+\def\refhead{Literaturverzeichnis\else References}
+\def\refabbr{???\else Ref}
+\def\refsabbr{????\else Refs}
+\def\tocpref{Inh\else Toc}
+\def\tochead{Inhaltsverzeichnis\else Table of contents}
+\def\footpref{Anm\else Foot}
+\def\foothead{Anmerkungen\else Footnotes}
+\def\prfhead{Beweis\else Proof}
+%*** styles ***
+\let\pagestyle=\twelverm % page numbers
+\let\titlestyle=\bf % title of paper, chapters, appendices
+\let\sectstyle=\caps % section titles
+\let\headstyle=\UPPERCASE % headlines for list of figure capts. etc
+\let\captionstyle=\it % figure and table captions
+\let\figstyle=\empty % list of figure captions
+\def\figbreak{\goodbreak \vskip\refbetweenskip}
+\let\tabstyle=\empty % list of table captions
+\let\refstyle=\empty % list of references
+\def\refbreak{\filbreak \vskip\refbetweenskip}
+\let\tocstyle=\empty % table of contents
+\let\footstyle=\empty % (list of) footnotes
+\let\stmttitlestyle=\bf % mathematical statements
+%*** user exits *** % called before
+\def\skipuserexit{\setbox\z@\box\@cclv} % page is not printed
+\def\shipuserexit{\unvbox\@cclv} % page is printed
+\def\chapuserexit{\sectuserexit} % chapter title
+\def\appuserexit{\chapuserexit} % appendix title
+\def\sectuserexit{\secsuserexit} % section title
+\def\secsuserexit{\secssuserexit} % subsection title
+\def\secssuserexit{\secsssuserexit} % subsubsection title
+\let\secsssuserexit=\relax % subsubsubsection title
+%*** end of file PHYSTEXT ***
+\message{page numbers and output,}
+% \input physpage
+%*** this is file PHYSPAGE as of 13.03.86 ***
+%*** page numbers and pagesel ***
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+ \wlog{(* pages #1-#2 selected for printing,
+ others will be skipped *)}}
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+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-\@MM \else \dosupereject \fi}
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+ \vskip\skip\footins \footnoterule \unvbox\footins\fi
+ \ifr@ggedbottom \kern-\dimen@ \vfil \fi}
+\def\folio{\ifnum\pageno<\z@ \ifcase\langu@ge \MEDIUM{\uppercase
+ \expandafter{\romannumeral-\pageno}}\else \romannumeral-\pageno \fi
+ \else \number\pageno \fi}
+\def\makefootline{\nointerlineskip \line{\the\footline}}
+\skippagenum=F \skipheadline=F \skipfootline=F
+%*** end of file PHYSPAGE ***
+\message{title page macros,}
+% \input physchap
+%*** this is file PHYSCHAP as of 07.03.86 ***
+%*** title page macros ***
+\newbox\t@pleft \newbox\t@pright
+ \global\setbox\t@pleft\vbox{\hrule \@height\z@ \@width.26\hsize}%
+ \global\setbox\t@pright\copy\t@pleft}
+\def\t@p#1#2{\global\setbox#1\vtop{\unvbox#1\hbox{\strut #2}}}
+ \topleft{{#1}\case@language\submittexttwo}}
+\outer\def\title{\vbox{\line{\box\t@pleft \hss \box\t@pright}}%
+ \skippagenum T\skipheadline T\skipfootline T%
+ \t@pinit \titl@fill \vskip\chskiptamount \titl@}
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+\def\author#1{\titl@fill{\let\\\cr \tabskip\centering
+ \halign to\hsize{&\hfil\authorstyle{##}\hfil\crcr#1\crcr}}}
+\def\autcon{\and@con \author}
+\def\address#1{\titl@fill{\let\\\cr \tabskip\centering
+ \halign to\hsize{&\hfil\addressstyle{##}\hfil\crcr#1\crcr}}}
+\def\addcon{\and@con \address}
+\def\and@con{\titl@fill \ctrline{\case@language{und\else and}}}
+\def\abstract{\titl@fill \he@d{\case@language\abstracthead}%
+ \after@arg\titl@fill}
+\def\ack{\chskipt \he@d{\case@language\ackhead}}
+\message{chapters, sections and appendices,}
+%*** label ***
+\newtoks\l@names \l@names={\\\the@label}
+\def\@pagelabel#1{\def@name\l@names#1{??}\wlog{* \noexpand\pagelabel
+ is not yet implemented, \noexpand#1will be defined as #1 *}}
+%*** initialization ***
+\let\sect=\relax \let\s@ct=\relax % allow input to be read twice
+ \sectinit}
+ \glet\sect@dot@pref\empty \glet\ddot@pref\dot@pref
+ \glet\sect\undefined}
+ \xdef\ddot@pref{\dot@pref\sect@dot@pref}\glet\sect\s@ct}
+ \xdef\dash@pref{\the@label--}\glet\chap@@eq\@chap@eq}
+%*** chap ***
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+\outer\def\romanchapnum{\glet\chap@ar R%
+ \gdef\chap@pref{\uppercase{\romannumeral\chapn@m}}}
+\let\chap=\relax \let\ch@p=\relax % allow input to be read twice
+\outer\def\chapters{\glet\chap@yn Y\glet\chap\ch@p
+ \chap@init{0}\glet\sect@@eq\@chap@sect@eq \sectinit}
+\outer\def\nochapters{\glet\chap@yn N\glet\chap\undefined
+ \glet\dot@pref\empty \glet\dash@pref\empty
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+ \eq@reset \fig@reset \tab@reset
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+ \titl@{\the\toks@\ \the\toks@ii}%
+ \ifnum\auto@toc>\m@ne \toks@store{#1}\@toc\dot@pref \fi}
+%*** sect ***
+% use \read@store to read (sub-)section titles in case they are used
+% in table of contents
+\def\sec@title#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#{\ifx @#7@\g@ne#1\else\global#1#7\fi
+ #2\secskipt \xdef\the@label{#4\the#1}\xdef#5{\the@label.}%
+ \bpargroup #3\read@store{\sec@@title#5#6}}
+ #3\varitem{\the\toks@}\the\toks@store
+ \ifnum\auto@toc>#2\@toc{#1}\fi \par \nobreak}
+\newcount\sectn@m \sectn@m=0
+ {\secs@reset \sectinit \eq@@reset \fig@@reset \tab@@reset}%
+ \sectstyle\dot@pref\ddot@pref{\z@\sectuserexit}}
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+ \secsstyle\ddot@pref\secs@pref{\@ne\secsuserexit}}
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+ \secssstyle\secs@pref\secss@pref{\tw@\secssuserexit}}
+\newcount\secsssn@m \secsssn@m=0
+ \secsssstyle\secss@pref\secsss@pref{\thr@@\secsssuserexit}}
+\outer\def\subsec#1{\par \noindent \subsecstyle{#1}}
+%*** appendix ***
+\newcount\appn@m \appn@m=64
+\outer\def\appendix{\if T\chap@page \superendpage \else\chap@break \fi
+ \g@ne\appn@m \secs@reset \appinit \page@reset\appn@m
+ \eq@reset \fig@reset \tab@reset \futurelet\n@xt \app@ndix}
+\def\app@ndix{\ifcat\bgroup\noexpand\n@xt \expandafter\@ppendix \else
+ \expandafter\@ppendix\expandafter\unskip \fi}
+ \toks@ii{#1}\appuserexit
+ \titl@{\the\toks@\ \the\toks@ii}%
+ \ifnum\auto@toc>\m@ne \toks@store{#1}%
+ \@toc{\case@language\appendixhead\ \dot@pref}\fi}
+\def\app#1{\chskipt \he@d{\case@language\appendixhead\ #1}}
+%*** end of file PHYSCHAP ***
+% \input physequ
+%*** this is file PHYSEQU as of 20.02.86 ***
+%*** quotation of equations, figures, tables and references ***
+\def\num@lett{\cat@lett \num@@lett}
+\def\num@@lett#1#2{\egroup #1{#2}}
+\def\num@l@tt{\cat@lett \num@@l@tt}
+\def\num@@l@tt#1#{\egroup #1}
+ \catcode`\0\l@tter \catcode`\1\l@tter \catcode`\2\l@tter
+ \catcode`\3\l@tter \catcode`\4\l@tter \catcode`\5\l@tter
+ \catcode`\6\l@tter \catcode`\7\l@tter \catcode`\8\l@tter
+ \catcode`\9\l@tter \catcode`\'\l@tter}
+%*** equations ***
+\newtoks\e@names \e@names={}
+\newcount\eqn@m \eqn@m=0
+\outer\def\equall{\glet\eq@acs A\glet\eq@pref\empty
+ \glet\def@eq\@eq \glet\eq@reset\relax \glet\eq@@reset\relax}
+\outer\def\equchap{\glet\eq@acs C\gdef\eq@pref{\dot@pref}%
+ \gdef\def@eq{\chap@@eq}\glet\eq@reset\eqz@ \glet\eq@@reset\relax}
+\outer\def\equsect{\glet\eq@acs S\gdef\eq@pref{\ddot@pref}%
+ \gdef\def@eq{\sect@@eq}\glet\eq@reset\eqz@ \glet\eq@@reset\eqz@}
+\outer\def\equfull{\glet\eq@fs F\gdef\eq@@fs{\let\test@eq\full@eq}}
+\outer\def\equshort{\glet\eq@fs S\glet\eq@@fs\relax}
+\def\test@eq#1#2#3.{\def\n@xt{#3.}\ifx#2\n@xt \let\n@xt#1\fi \n@xt}
+\outer\def\equleft{\glet\eq@lrn L\glet\eqtag\leqno
+ \glet\eq@tag\leq@no}
+\outer\def\equright{\glet\eq@lrn R\glet\eqtag\eqno
+ \glet\eq@tag\eq@no}
+\outer\def\equnone{\glet\eq@lrn N\glet\eqtag\n@eqno
+ \glet\eq@tag\neq@no}
+ \catcode`\$=\active \catcode`\*=3 \lccode`\*=`\$
+ \lowercase{\gdef\n@eqno{\catcode`\$\active
+ \def$${\egroup **}\setbox\z@\hbox\bgroup}}
+\def\leq@no{\kern-\displaywidth \rlap{$##$}\tabskip\displaywidth}
+\def\eqalignno{\let\eq@@tag\eq@no \eqalign@tag}
+\def\leqalignno{\let\eq@@tag\leq@no \eqalign@tag}
+\def\eqaligntag{\let\eq@@tag\eq@tag \eqalign@tag}
+\def\eqalign@tag{\afterassignment\eqalign@@tag \@eat}
+ \tabskip\centering \halign to\displaywidth\n@xt
+ \hfil$\displaystyle{##}$\tabskip\z@skip
+ &$\displaystyle{{}##}$\hfil\tabskip\centering
+ &\span\eq@@tag\crcr}
+\def\eq{\g@ne\eqn@m \make@eq\empty}
+\def\make@eq#1{(\eq@pref\the\eqn@m #1)}
+\def\EQ{\eq \num@lett\eq@save}
+\def\EQADV{\eqadv \num@lett\eq@save}
+\newcount\seqn@m \seqn@m=96
+\def\subeqbegin{\global\seqn@m96 \subeq}
+\def\SUBEQBEGIN{\global\seqn@m96 \SUBEQ}
+\def\subeq{\g@ne\seqn@m \make@eq{\char\seqn@m}}
+\def\@SUBEQ#1{\subeq \def@name\e@names#1{\char\the\seqn@m}}
+%*** end of file PHYSEQU ***
+\message{storage management,}
+% \input physstor
+%*** this is file PHYSSTOR as of 28.02.86 ***
+%*** storage management for figures, tables, references, ***
+%*** table of contents and (possibly) footnotes ***
+% Note: The text for figure captions, table captions, references,
+% table of contents and (if applicable) footnotes must be read
+% from the input file, i.e. tokenized, via \read@store
+\newtoks\file@list \file@list={1234567}
+ \let\storebox=\relax \let\refnam=\relax % allow input to be
+ \let\RFfile=\relax \let\RFext=\relax % read twice
+ \newhelp\opt@help{The options \string\refnam, \string\RFfile\space
+ and \string\RFext\space are incompatible with \string\storebox.
+ Your request will be ignored.}
+ \global\opt@help=\opt@help % make this definition global
+ \gdef\opt@err{{\errhelp\opt@help \errmessage{Incompatible options}}}
+% Freeze option \storebox, \storelist or \storefile and eliminate
+% code not needed for that option
+ \let\storebox=\relax \let\storelist=\relax % allow input to be
+ \let\storefile=\relax \let\RFfile=\relax % read twice
+ \gdef\case@store{%
+ \glet\storebox\undefined
+ \if B\store@blf \glet\storebox\empty \glet\case@store\case@box
+ \else \glet\box@store\undefined
+ \glet\box@out\undefined \glet\box@print\undefined
+ \glet\box@save\undefined \glet\box@kill\undefined \fi
+ \glet\storelist\undefined
+ \if L\store@blf \glet\storelist\empty \glet\case@store\case@list
+ \else \glet\list@store\undefined
+ \glet\list@out\undefined \glet\list@print\undefined
+ \glet\list@save\undefined \glet\list@kill\undefined \fi
+ \glet\storefile\undefined
+ \if F\store@blf \glet\storefile\empty \glet\case@store\case@file
+ \else \store@setup
+ \glet\file@out\undefined \glet\file@print\undefined
+ \glet\file@save\undefined \glet\file@kill\undefined \fi
+ \glet\case@box\undefined \glet\case@list\undefined
+ \glet\case@file\undefined \glet\store@setup\undefined
+ \case@store}
+ \gdef\store@setup{\ifx \RFfile\undefined \glet\file@store\undefined
+ \glet\file@open\undefined \glet\file@close\undefined
+ \glet\file@wlog\undefined \glet\file@free\undefined
+ \glet\file@copy\undefined \glet\file@read\undefined \fi}
+\outer\def\storebox{\if L\RF@lfe \if N\ref@sbn \opt@err
+ \else \glet\store@blf B\fi \else \opt@err \fi}
+\outer\def\storelist{\glet\store@blf L}
+\outer\def\storefile{\glet\store@blf F}
+\def\read@store{\bgroup \@read@store}
+\def\read@@store{\bgroup \catcode`\@\l@tter \@read@store}
+\def\@read@store#1{\def\n@xt{\egroup \toks@store\toks@i
+ #1\ignorespaces}%
+ \catcode`\^^M\active \afterassignment\n@xt \global\toks@i}
+ \catcode`\:=\active
+ \gdef\write@save#1{\s@ve{:restore\@type{#1}{\the\toks@store}}}
+\def\f@rm@t#1#2{\bgroup \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \f@rmat
+ \ifx @#1@\noindent \strut \indent
+ \else \varitem\@indent{#1}\strut \fi #2\form@t \egroup}
+\def\form@t{\unskip \strut \par \@break}
+\def\@sstore#1#2#3{\par \noindent \bgroup \captionstyle
+ \case@abbr#2#3:\enskip \the\toks@store \egroup \par \@store#1{#3.}}
+ \if T#2\let\chap@break\superendpage \fi \chap@break
+ \chap@init{\case@language#3}%
+ \if C\page@ac \skippagenum T\fi
+ \page@reset6#1%
+ \@style \he@d{\strut\case@language#4}\@break \@print#1%
+ \ifx\chap@break\superendpage \superendpage \fi
+ \def\\##1{\glet##1\undefined}\the#5\global#5\emptyt@ks
+ \endgroup \fi}
+ \fig@box\tab@box\ref@box\toc@box\foot@box}
+ \fig@list\tab@list\ref@list\toc@list\foot@list}
+ \fig@file\tab@file\ref@file\toc@file\foot@file}
+ \toks@{\fig@type#1#2}\or
+ \toks@{\tab@type#1#3}\or
+ \toks@{\ref@type#1#4}\or
+ \toks@{\toc@type#1#5}\or
+ \toks@{\foot@type#1#6}\fi
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\@type\the\toks@}
+\def\@style{\csname\@type style\endcsname}
+\def\@indent{\csname\@type indent\endcsname}
+\def\@break{\csname\@type break\endcsname}
+ {\ifvbox#1\unvbox#1\fi \@style \f@rm@t{#2}{\the\toks@store}}}
+\def\box@print{\vskip\baselineskip \unvbox}
+ \catcode`\:=\active \catcode`\;=\active
+ \gdef\box@save#1{\wlog{; Unable to save text for
+ \@type's with option :storebox}}
+ \xdef#1{\the\toks@ {#2}{\the\toks@store}}}
+\def\list@out#1{\ifx #1\empty \else}
+\def\list@print#1{\let \\\f@rm@t #1\glet#1\empty}
+ \newlinechar`\^^M}
+ \catcode`\:=\active
+ \gdef\file@store#1#2#3#4{\if0#3\expandafter\file@open\the\file@list
+ \@@#1#2\fi
+ {\newlinechar`\^^M\immediate\write#2{::{#4}{\the\toks@store}}}}
+ \gdef#3{#3#4#1}\global\file@list{#2}\file@wlog{open}#1}
+\def\file@wlog#1#2{\wlog{#1 \jobname.sysut#2 for \@type's}}
+\def\file@print#1#2#3{\file@close#2#3\let\\\f@rm@t \file@copy#1#2#3}
+\def\file@save#1#2#3{\if0#3\else \file@close#2#3%
+ \def\\##1{\read@store{\expandafter\file@store#1{##1}%
+ \write@save{##1}}}%
+ \newlinechar`\^^M\file@copy#1#2#3\fi}
+\def\file@kill#1#2#3{\if0#3\else \file@close#2#3\file@free#1#2#3\fi}
+\def\file@read#1{\input \jobname.sysut#1 }
+ \global\file@list\expandafter{\the\file@list#3}}
+%*** end of file PHYSSTOR ***
+% \input physfig
+%*** this is file PHYSFIG as of 28.02.86 ***
+%*** figures and tables ***
+\def\bf@t#1{\bgroup \let\f@t#1\num@l@tt}
+\def\ef@t#1#2#3#4#{\ifx @#4@\g@ne#1\xdef\thef@tn@m{#2\the#1}\else
+ \gdef\thef@tn@m{#4}\fi #3\read@store{\f@t\egroup}}
+%*** figures ***
+\newtoks\f@names \f@names={}
+\newcount\fign@m \fign@m=0
+\newwrite\fig@write \def\fig@file{\fig@file\fig@write0}
+\outer\def\figall{\glet\fig@acs A\glet\fig@pref\empty
+ \glet\fig@reset\relax \glet\fig@@reset\relax}
+\outer\def\figchap{\glet\fig@acs C\gdef\fig@pref{\dot@pref}%
+ \glet\fig@reset\figz@ \glet\fig@@reset\relax}
+\outer\def\figsect{\glet\fig@acs S\gdef\fig@pref{\ddot@pref}%
+ \glet\fig@reset\figz@ \glet\fig@@reset\figz@}
+\outer\def\figpage{\glet\fig@page T}
+\outer\def\nofigpage{\glet\fig@page F}
+\def\fig@{\@store0{\thef@tn@m .}}
+%*** end of file PHYSFIG ***
+% \input physpict
+%*** this is file PHYSPICT as of 19.03.86 ***
+%*** picture macros ***
+\newdimen\spictskip \spictskip=2.5pt
+\def\pict@#1{\vskip\the\toks@store \egroup \bpargroup
+ \raggedright \captionstyle \varitem{\qufig{\thef@tn@m\,}:}%
+ \let\@spict\spict@ \spacefactor998\ignorespaces}
+\def\spict#1{\ifnum\spacefactor=998\else \parvskip\spictskip \fi
+ \@spict{#1\enskip}\ignorespaces}
+ \box\z@ \let\@spict\llap}
+%*** graphic macros ***
+\def\gr@phic#1#2#3#4{\hbox\bgroup \setbox\z@\hbox{\special{^X#1^A}}%
+ \lower#4\copy\z@ \hskip#2\raise#3\box\z@ \egroup}
+\def\nogr@phic#1#2#3#4{\hbox\bgroup \write\m@ne{Insert graphic #1}%
+ \frame{#2}{#3}{#4}\egroup}
+\def\frame#1#2#3{\hbox to#1\bgroup \dimen@#2\dimen@ii#3\vrule\fr@@me
+ \bgroup \dimen@ii-\dimen@ \fr@me\dimen@ii \hfilneg
+ \bgroup \dimen@-\dimen@ii \fr@me\dimen@ \vrule\fr@@me \egroup}
+\def\fr@me#1{\advance#1.4\p@ \leaders \hrule\fr@@me \hfil \egroup}
+\def\fr@@me{\@height\dimen@ \@depth\dimen@ii}
+%*** end of file PHYSPICT ***
+% \input phystab
+%*** this is file PHYSTAB as of 28.02.86 ***
+%*** tables ***
+\newtoks\t@names \t@names={}
+\newcount\tabn@m \tabn@m=0
+\newwrite\tab@write \def\tab@file{\tab@file\tab@write0}
+\outer\def\taball{\glet\tab@acs A\glet\tab@pref\empty
+ \glet\tab@reset\relax \glet\tab@@reset\relax}
+\outer\def\tabchap{\glet\tab@acs C\gdef\tab@pref{\dot@pref}%
+ \glet\tab@reset\tabz@ \glet\tab@@reset\relax}
+\outer\def\tabsect{\glet\tab@acs S\gdef\tab@pref{\ddot@pref}%
+ \glet\tab@reset\tabz@ \glet\tab@@reset\tabz@}
+\outer\def\tabpage{\glet\tab@page T}
+\outer\def\notabpage{\glet\tab@page F}
+\def\tab@{\@store1{\thef@tn@m .}}
+%*** end of file PHYSTAB ***
+% \input phystabl
+%*** this is file PHYSTABL as of 07.03.86 ***
+%*** table macro ***
+\newskip\htabskip \htabskip=1em plus 2em minus .5em
+\newdimen\vtabskip \vtabskip=2.5pt
+\newbox\tab@top \newbox\tab@bot
+\def\sp@n{\span\@omit\advance\mscount\m@ne} % for multispan
+ \toks@ii{#1\bgroup \unhcopy\tab@top \unhcopy\tab@bot
+ ##}\afterassignment\tab@preamble \@eat}
+%*** scan preamble of table
+ \let\tab@amp@\empty \let\tab@amp\empty \let\span@\@@span
+ \toks@{\tab@space#1&\cr}\the\toks@}
+\def\tab@space{\tab@test{ }{}\tab@vrule} % blank
+\def\tab@vrule{\tab@test\vrule{\tab@add\vrule}% % \vrule
+ \tab@@vrule}
+\def\tab@repeat{\tab@test&{\tab@add&% % & (repeat)
+ \let\tab@@vrule\tab@template \let\tab@amp@\tab@@amp
+ \let\tab@amp&\let\span@\@@@span}\tab@template}
+ \tabskip\htabskip&\tab@setup#1&\tabskip\z@skip##}% % <template>
+ \tab@test\cr{\let\tab@@vrule\tab@exec}\tab@space} % \cr
+\def\tab@test#1#2#3{\let\tab@comp= #1\toks@{#2}\let\tab@go#3%
+ \futurelet\n@xt \tab@@test}
+\def\tab@@test{\ifx \tab@comp\n@xt \the\toks@
+ \afterassignment\tab@go \expandafter\@eat \else
+ \expandafter\tab@go \fi}
+%*** execute preamble of table
+ \def\halign{\tab@reset \halign}\def\valign{\tab@reset \valign}%
+ \def\omit{\@omit \tab@setup}%
+ \def\n@xt##1{\hbox{\dimen@\ht\strutbox\dimen@ii\dp\strutbox
+ \advance##1\vtabskip \vrule \@height\dimen@ \@depth\dimen@ii
+ \@width\z@}}%
+ \setbox\tab@top\n@xt\dimen@ \setbox\tab@bot\n@xt\dimen@ii
+ \def\ml##1{\relax % multi
+ \ifmmode \let\@ml\empty \else \let\@ml$\fi % line
+ \@ml\vcenter{\hbox\bgroup\unhcopy\tab@top % mode
+ ##1\unhcopy\tab@bot\egroup}\@ml}%
+ \def\nl{\egroup\hbox\bgroup\strut}% % new line
+ \tabskip\z@skip\@halign\the\toks@ii\cr}
+\def\tab@reset{\let\cr\endline \everycr\emptyt@ks
+ \let\halign\@halign \let\valign\@valign
+ \let\span\@span \let\omit\@omit}
+\def\tab@setup{\relax \iffalse {\fi \let\span\span@ \iffalse }\fi}
+%*** scan and execute body of table
+\def\tab@body{\noalign\bgroup \tab@@body} % scan inside
+\def\tab@@body{\futurelet\n@xt \tab@end} % noalign
+ \expandafter\egroup \expandafter\egroup \else % }
+ \expandafter\tab@blank \fi}
+ \afterassignment\tab@@body \expandafter\@eat \else % blank
+ \expandafter\tab@hrule \fi}
+ \def\hrule{\@hrule\egroup \tab@body}\else % \hrule
+ \expandafter\tab@noalign \fi}
+ \aftergroup\tab@body \expandafter\@eat@ \else % \noalign
+ \expandafter\tab@row \fi}
+\def\tab@row#1\cr{\toks@ii{\toks@ii{\egroup}% % one row
+ \tab@item#1&\cr}\the\toks@ii}
+\def\tab@item#1&{\tab@add{\tab@amp&#1&}% % one item
+ \futurelet\n@xt \tab@cr}
+ \expandafter\the\expandafter\toks@ii \else % cr
+ \expandafter\tab@item \fi}
+%*** end of file PHYSTABL ***
+% \input physref
+%*** this is file PHYSREF as of 18.02.86 ***
+%*** references ***
+\newtoks\r@names \r@names={}
+\newcount\refn@m \refn@m=0
+\newwrite\ref@write \def\ref@file{\ref@file\ref@write0}
+\begingroup \let\refnam=\relax % allow input to be read twice
+ \newhelp\ref@help{The option \string\refnam\space allows predefined
+ references only and is incompatible with \string\qref(s).
+ Your request will be ignored.}
+ \global\ref@help=\ref@help % make this definition global
+ \gdef\ref@err{{\errhelp\ref@help \errmessage{Invalid request}}}
+% Freeze option \refsup, \refsqb or \refnam and eliminate
+% code not needed for that option
+ \let\refsup=\relax \let\refsqb=\relax % allow input to be
+ \let\refnam=\relax % read twice
+ \gdef\ref@setup{%
+ \glet\refsup\undefined
+ \if S\ref@sbn \glet\refsup\empty \glet\therefn@m\suprefn@m \fi
+ \glet\refsqb\undefined
+ \if B\ref@sbn \glet\refsqb\empty \glet\therefn@m\sqbrefn@m \fi
+ \glet\refnam\undefined
+ \if N\ref@sbn \glet\refnam\empty \glet\the@quref\nam@quref
+ \glet\@@ref\ref@err \gdef\qref{\ref@err \quref}\glet\qrefs\qref
+ \glet\RF@def@\RF@def@nam
+ \glet\RF@find\undefined \glet\RF@search\undefined
+ \glet\RF@locate\undefined \glet\@RFread\undefined
+ \glet\qurefsup\ref@err \glet\sup@quref\undefined
+ \glet\qurefsqb\ref@err \glet\sqb@quref\undefined
+ \glet\qurefnum\ref@err \glet\num@quref\undefined
+ \glet\ref@restore\ref@err
+ \else \gdef\@@ref{\@store2\therefn@m}%
+ \gdef\qref{\case@abbr\refabbr\num@lett\quote@all}%
+ \gdef\qrefs{\case@abbr\refsabbr\num@lett\quote@all}%
+ \glet\RF@def@\RF@def@num \glet\RF@print\undefined
+ \gdef\ref@restore{\all@restore\r@names}\fi
+ \glet\nam@quref\undefined
+ \gdef\quref{\ref@unskip \num@lett\the@quref}%
+ \glet\RF@def@num\undefined \glet\RF@def@nam\undefined
+ \gdef\RF@restore{\all@restore\R@names}%
+ \glet\ref@setup\undefined}
+\outer\def\refsup{\glet\ref@sbn S\global\qurefsup}
+\outer\def\refsqb{\glet\ref@sbn B\global\qurefsqb}
+\outer\def\refnam{\if B\store@blf \opt@err \else \glet\ref@sbn N\fi}
+\outer\def\refpage{\glet\ref@page T}
+\outer\def\norefpage{\glet\ref@page F}
+\def\ref{\ref@advance \refend \@ref}
+\def\refs{\ref@advance \ref@temp\refn@m \@ref}
+\def\@REFS#1{\ref@name#1\ref@temp\refn@m \@ref}
+\def\refscon{\ref@advance \@ref}
+\def\refsend{\quref{\the\ref@temp -\the\refn@m}}
+\def\ref@advance{\ref@unskip \g@ne\refn@m}
+\def\ref@@name#1#2{\ref@advance \def@name#1#2{\the\refn@m}}
+\def\ref@unskip{\ifhmode \unskip \fi}
+\def\suprefn@m{\the\refn@m .}
+\def\sqbrefn@m{$\lbrack \the\refn@m \rbrack$}
+\def\@@ref{\ref@setup \@@ref}
+\def\sup@quref#1{\leavevmode \nobreak \quote@all{^{#1}}}
+\def\sqb@quref#1{\ \quote@all{\lbrack #1\rbrack}}
+\def\num@quref{\ \quote@all}
+\def\quref{\ref@setup \quref}
+\def\qref{\ref@setup \qref}
+\def\qrefs{\ref@setup \qrefs}
+ \let\\\@RFdef \the\R@names \global\R@names\emptyt@ks
+ \if L\RF@lfe \else \glet\RF@list\empty \gz@\RF@high \fi
+ \gz@\refn@m}}
+\def\ref@restore{\ref@setup \ref@restore}
+\def\RF@restore{\ref@setup \RF@restore}
+%*** predefined references ***
+\newtoks\R@names \R@names={}
+\newcount\RFn@m \newcount\RF@high
+\newcount\RFmax \RFmax=50 % maximum number of RF's held in storage
+\newwrite\RF@write \def\RF@file{\RF@file\RF@write0}
+% Freeze option \RFlist, \RFfile or \RFext and eliminate
+% code not needed for that option
+\begingroup \let\storefile=\relax % allow input
+ \let\RFlist=\relax \let\RFfile=\relax % to be read
+ \let\RFext=\relax \let\RF=\relax % twice
+ \gdef\@RF{%
+ \glet\RFlist\undefined
+ \if L\RF@lfe \glet\RFlist\empty \glet\@RF\@RFlist
+ \gdef\RF@input{\RF@list}%
+ \else \glet\@RFlist\undefined \fi
+ \glet\RFfile\undefined
+ \if F\RF@lfe \glet\RFfile\empty \glet\@RF\@RFfile
+ \else \RF@setup
+ \glet\@RFfile\undefined \glet\@RFcopy\undefined
+ \glet\RF@store\undefined \glet\RF@copy\undefined
+ \glet\RF@@input\undefined \fi
+ \glet\RFext\undefined
+ \if E\RF@lfe \gdef\RFext##1 {}\glet\@RF\@RFext
+ \else \glet\@RFext\undefined \fi
+ \glet\RF@setup\undefined \@RF}
+ \gdef\RF@setup{\ifx \storefile\undefined \glet\file@store\undefined
+ \glet\file@open\undefined \glet\file@close\undefined
+ \glet\file@wlog\undefined \glet\file@free\undefined
+ \glet\file@copy\undefined \glet\file@read\undefined \fi}
+\outer\def\RFlist{\glet\RF@lfe L}
+\outer\def\RFfile{\if B\store@blf \opt@err \else \glet\RF@lfe F\fi}
+\outer\def\RFext#1 {\if B\store@blf \opt@err \else
+ \glet\RF@lfe E\gdef\RF@input{\input#1 }\RF@input \fi}
+ \xdef\RF@list{\the\toks@ {\the\toks@store}}}
+\def\RF@store{\let\@type\RF@type \if C\RF@noc \glet\RF@noc N%
+ \RF@copy \fi \glet\RF@noc O\expandafter\file@store\RF@file}
+\begingroup \let\RF=\relax % allow input to be read twice
+ \gdef\RF@copy{{\let\\\RF \let\@RF\@RFcopy
+ \expandafter\file@copy\RF@file}}
+ \gdef\RF@@input#1#2#3{\if O\RF@noc \let\@type\RF@type
+ \file@close#2#3\glet\RF@noc C\fi \let\\\RF \file@read#3}
+\def\RF@def#1{\ref@@name\R@names#1\RF@def@ #1}
+\def\RF@def@{\ref@setup \RF@def@}
+ \expandafter{\the\refn@m}}\@@ref}
+\def\RF@def@nam{\ifnum\refn@m=\@ne \refadd{\RF@print}\fi}
+\def\RF@print{\let\@RF\@RF@print \let\RF@def\RF@test
+ \let\RF@first T\RF@input}
+ \if\RF@first T\let\RF@first F\setbox\z@\lastbox
+ \else \form@t\f@rmat \noindent \strut \fi
+ \hangindent\namrefindent \the\toks@store \fi}
+\def\RF@find#1{\RFn@m#1\bgroup \let\RF@def\RF@test
+ \if L\RF@lfe \else \ifnum\RFn@m<\RF@high \else \RF@search \fi \fi
+ \let\RF@\RF@locate \RF@list \egroup}
+\def\RF@search{\global\RF@high\RFn@m \global\advance\RF@high\RFmax
+ \glet\RF@list\empty \let\@RF\@RFread \RF@input}
+\def\@RFread#1{\ifnum#1<\RFn@m \else \ifnum#1<\RF@high
+ \@RF@list#1\fi \fi}
+\def\RF@locate#1#2{\ifnum#1=\RFn@m #2\fi}
+\def\RF@#1{\ref@unskip \read@store{\@RF#1}}
+%*** end of file PHYSREF ***
+% \input physjrnl
+%*** this is file PHYSJRNL as of 11.02.86 ***
+%*** physics journals ***
+\outer\def\yearpage{\glet\yearpage@yp Y}
+\outer\def\pageyear{\glet\yearpage@yp P}
+ \ {\volumestyle{#1\ifx @#1@\else\ifx @#2@\else
+ \kern.2em\fi \fi#2}}\unskip
+ \ifx @#3@\else\ifx @#4@ (#3)\else\if Y\yearpage@yp\ (#3) #4\else
+ , #4 (#3)\fi \fi \fi}
+\def\Lett{Lett.\ }
+\def\Math{Math.\ }
+\def\Nucl{Nucl.\ }
+\def\Phys{Phys.\ }
+\def\Rev{Rev.\ }
+%*** end of file PHYSJRNL ***
+\message{table of contents,}
+% \input phystoc
+%*** this is file PHYSTOC as of 03.03.86 ***
+%*** table of contents ***
+\count\toc@ins=0 \dimen\toc@ins=\maxdimen \skip\toc@ins=0pt
+\newcount\auto@toc \auto@toc=-1
+\newwrite\toc@write \def\toc@file{\toc@file\toc@write0}
+\outer\def\tocpage{\glet\toc@page T}
+\outer\def\notocpage{\glet\toc@page F}
+ \toks@\expandafter{\toc@saved}%
+ \xdef\toc@saved{\the\toks@{#1}{\the\toks@store}}}
+ \loop \setbox\z@\lastbox \ifvbox\z@
+ \expandafter\make@@toc\toc@saved\@@ \repeat}}
+\def\make@@toc#1#2{\toks@store{#2}\def\n@xt{#1}\ifx\n@xt\empty \else
+ \edef\n@xt{\the\toks@store\noexpand\toc@fill\page@pref\folio}%
+ \toks@store\expandafter{\n@xt}\fi \@store3{#1}\make@@@toc}
+ \leaders\hbox to1em{\hss.\hss}\hfil}
+%*** end of file PHYSTOC ***
+% \input physfoot
+%*** this is file PHYSFOOT as of 17.03.86 ***
+%*** footnotes ***
+\newcount\footn@m \footn@m=0
+\newwrite\foot@write \def\foot@file{\foot@file\foot@write0}
+\outer\def\footsqb{\glet\foot@bp B\glet\thefootn@m\sqbfootn@m}
+\outer\def\footpar{\glet\foot@bp P\glet\thefootn@m\parfootn@m}
+\outer\def\footbot{\glet\foot@be B\glet\vfootnote\vfootn@te}
+\outer\def\footend{\glet\foot@be E\glet\vfootnote\foot@store}
+\outer\def\footpage{\glet\foot@page T}
+\outer\def\nofootpage{\glet\foot@page F}
+\def\sqbfootn@m{\lbrack \the\footn@m \rbrack}
+\def\parfootn@m{\the\footn@m )}
+\def\foot{\hfoot \vfootnote\footid}
+\def\hfoot{\g@ne\footn@m \edef\n@xt{{$^{\thefootn@m}$}}%
+ \expandafter\hfootnote\n@xt}
+ \ifhmode\unskip\edef\@sf{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}\/\fi
+ #1\@sf \gdef\footid{#1}}
+\def\vfootn@te#1{\insert\footins\bgroup \footstyle
+ \interlinepenalty\interfootnotelinepenalty
+ \baselineskip\footnotebaselineskip
+ \splittopskip\interfootnoteskip % top baseline for broken footnotes
+ \splitmaxdepth\dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty\@MM
+ \leftskip.05\hsize \rightskip\z@skip
+ \spaceskip\z@skip \xspaceskip\z@skip
+ \noindent \llap{#1}\footstrut \after@arg\@foot}
+%*** end of file PHYSFOOT ***
+\message{items and points,}
+% \input physitem
+%*** this is file PHYSITEM as of 21.02.86 ***
+%*** item ***
+\let\plainitem=\item % rename \item from PLAIN
+\def\varitem{\afterassignment\v@ritem \setbox\z@\hbox}
+\def\v@ritem{\hss \bgroup \aftergroup\v@@ritem}
+\def\v@@ritem{\enskip \egroup \endgraf \noindent
+ \hangindent\wd\z@ \box\z@ \ignorespaces}
+\def\bpargroup{\bgroup \def\par{\endgraf
+ \edef\n@xt{\egroup \prevdepth\the\prevdepth}\n@xt}}
+\def\hvskip{\afterassignment\h@vskip \skip@}
+\def\h@vskip{\unskip\nobreak \vadjust{\vskip\skip@}\lb \ignorespaces}
+\def\parvskip{\bgroup \afterassignment\par@vskip \parskip}
+\def\par@vskip{\parindent\hangindent \endgraf \indent \egroup
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\item{\varitem to2.5em}
+\def\sitem{\varitem to4.5em}
+\def\ssitem{\varitem to6.5em}
+%*** point ***
+\newcount\pointn@m \pointn@m=0
+\def\pointbegin{\gz@\pointn@m \point}
+ \xdef\the@label{\the\pointn@m}\item{\the@label.}}
+\newcount\spointn@m \spointn@m=96
+\def\spointbegin{\global\spointn@m96 \spoint}
+ \xdef\the@label{\char\the\spointn@m}\sitem{(\the@label)}}
+\newcount\sspointn@m \sspointn@m=0
+\def\sspointbegin{\gz@\sspointn@m \sspoint}
+ \xdef\the@label{\romannumeral\sspointn@m}\ssitem{\the@label)}}
+%*** bull-, star- and dashitem ***
+\def\bullitem{\item{$\bullet $}}
+\def\staritem{\item{$\ast $}}
+\def\sbullitem{\sitem{$\bullet $}}
+\def\sstaritem{\sitem{$\ast $ }}
+\def\ssbullitem{\ssitem{$\bullet $}}
+\def\ssstaritem{\ssitem{$\ast $ }}
+%*** end of file PHYSITEM ***
+\message{matrices and additional math symbols,}
+% \input physmath
+%*** this is file PHYSMATH as of 21.02.86 ***
+%*** matrices ***
+\def\matc{\let\mat@lfil\hfil \let\mat@rfil\hfil}
+\def\matl{\let\mat@lfil\relax \let\mat@rfil\hfil}
+\def\matr{\let\mat@lfil\hfil \let\mat@rfil\relax}
+ \ialign{$\mat@lfil##\mat@rfil$&&\quad$\mat@lfil##\mat@rfil$\crcr
+ \mathstrut\crcr\noalign{\kern-\baselineskip}%
+ #1\crcr\mathstrut\crcr\noalign{\kern-\baselineskip}}}\,}
+\def\bordermatrix#1{\begingroup \m@th
+ \setbox\z@\vbox{%
+ \def\cr{\crcr\noalign{\kern2\p@\glet\cr\endline}}%
+ \ialign{$##\hfil$\kern2\p@\kern\p@renwd&\thinspace$\mat@lfil##%
+ \mat@rfil$&&\quad$\mat@lfil##\mat@rfil$\crcr
+ \omit\strut\hfil\crcr\noalign{\kern-\baselineskip}%
+ #1\crcr\omit\strut\cr}}%
+ \setbox\tw@\vbox{\unvcopy\z@\global\setbox\@ne\lastbox}%
+ \setbox\tw@\hbox{\unhbox\@ne\unskip\global\setbox\@ne\lastbox}%
+ \setbox\tw@\hbox{$\kern\wd\@ne\kern-\p@renwd\left(\kern-\wd\@ne
+ \global\setbox\@ne\vbox{\box\@ne\kern2\p@}%
+ \vcenter{\kern-\ht\@ne\unvbox\z@\kern-\baselineskip}\,\right)$}%
+ \;\vbox{\kern\ht\@ne\box\tw@}\endgroup}
+%*** additional math symbols ***
+ \hbox\bgroup$\def\e@mmode{$\egroup}\fi}
+\def\{{\b@mmode \lbrace \e@mmode}
+\def\}{\b@mmode \rbrace \e@mmode}
+\def\,{\b@mmode \mskip\thinmuskip \e@mmode}
+\def\>{\b@mmode \mskip\medmuskip \e@mmode}
+\def\;{\b@mmode \mskip\thickmuskip \e@mmode}
+\def\Mit#1{\b@mmode \mit#1\e@mmode}
+\def\Cal#1{\b@mmode \cal\uppercase\expandafter{#1}\e@mmode}
+\def\dotii#1{{\mathop{#1}\limits^{\vbox to -1.4\p@{\kern-2\p@
+ \hbox{\tenrm..}\vss}}}}
+\def\dotiii#1{{\mathop{#1}\limits^{\vbox to -1.4\p@{\kern-2\p@
+ \hbox{\tenrm...}\vss}}}}
+\def\dotiv#1{{\mathop{#1}\limits^{\vbox to -1.4\p@{\kern-2\p@
+ \hbox{\tenrm....}\vss}}}}
+\let\barsymbol -
+\def\hatsymbol{{\mathchoice{\null}{\null}{\,\,\hbox{\lower 10\p@\hbox
+ {$\widehat{\null}$}}}{\,\hbox{\lower 20\p@\hbox
+ {$\hat{\null}$}}}}}
+%*** mathematical statements ***
+ \count@\ifx#2#3#1 \else\z@ \glet#2#3\fi \advance\count@\@ne
+ \xdef#1{\the\count@}\edef\the@label{#4#1}}
+\def\make@stmt{\ \the@label \make@@stmt}
+ \gdef\make@@stmt{\ \catcode`\:\active \let:\end@stmt}
+\def\end@stmt{\catcode`\:\@ther \unskip :\stmtstyle
+ \enskip \ignorespaces}
+ \the\toks@ \noexpand\make@stmt}%
+ \expandafter\glet\csname#1\endcsname\n@xt \def@stmt{#1@stmt@}#3@}}
+ \csname#3@stmt@adv\endcsname}\else
+ \toks@{\empty}\toks@ii\toks@ \if#2c\toks@{\dot@pref}\fi
+ \if#2s\toks@{\ddot@pref}\if#3c\toks@ii{\sect@dot@pref}\fi \fi
+ \if#3a\toks@ii\toks@ \fi
+ \edef\n@xt{\noexpand\adv@stmt \csname#1num\endcsname
+ \csname#1save\endcsname \the\toks@ \the\toks@ii}\fi
+ \expandafter\glet\csname#1adv\endcsname\n@xt}
+\def\Prf{\par\noindent\bpargroup\prftitlestyle \case@language\prfhead
+ \let\stmtstyle\prfstyle \make@@stmt}
+%*** end of file PHYSMATH ***
+\message{save, restore and start macros,}
+% \input physsave
+%*** this is file PHYSSAVE as of 05.03.86 ***
+%*** save and restore ***
+\def\save@type{.texsave } % file type for save and restore
+\begingroup \catcode`\:=\active \catcode`\;=\active
+ \outer\gdef\save#1 {{\let\,\space
+ \immediate\openout\save@write#1\save@type
+ \s@ve{;* definitions for :restore #1 \date\space- \thetime\space*}%
+ \s@ve{:comment}%
+ \s@ve{:\case@language{german\else english}}\save@page \save@chap
+ \save@equ \save@fig \save@tab \save@ref \save@toc \save@foot
+ \bgroup \def\n@xt##1.##2{\advance##2\@ne \s@ve{:start##1\the##2}}%
+ \n@xt chap.\chapn@m \n@xt sect.\sectn@m
+ \n@xt appendix.\appn@m \n@xt equ.\eqn@m
+ \n@xt fig.\fign@m \n@xt tab.\tabn@m
+ \n@xt ref.\refn@m \n@xt foot.\footn@m \egroup
+ \s@ve{:\ifx\chap@@eq\sect@@eq app\else
+ \ifnum\chapn@m=\z@ sect\else chap\fi \fi init}%
+ \@save0\@save1\@save2\@save3\@save4%
+ \save@restore ref \r@names \save@restore RF \R@names
+ \s@ve{:endcomment}%
+ \save@restore lbl \l@names \save@restore eq \e@names
+ \save@restore fig \f@names \save@restore tab \t@names
+ \s@ve{;* end of definitions *}\immediate\closeout\save@write
+ }\wlog{* file #1\save@type saved *}}
+ \gdef\save@restore#1 {\def\\{\s@ve{:#1restore}%
+ \let\\\save@@restore \\}\the}
+ \gdef\save@@restore#1{\toks@\expandafter{#1}%
+ \s@ve{:dorestore\string#1{\the\toks@}}}
+ \gdef\save@page{\s@ve{:\@opt\page@tbn Ttop Bbot Nno *pagenum%
+ :\@opt\head@lrac Llef Rrigh Aal Ccen *thead%
+ :\@opt\foot@lrac Llef Rrigh Aal Ccen *tfoot%
+ :page\@opt\page@ac Aall Cchap *%
+ :\@opt\ori@pl Pportrait Llandscape *}%
+ \s@ve{:startpage\@opt\page@ac C\the\pageno@pref. *\the\pageno}}
+ \gdef\save@chap{\s@ve{:\@opt\chap@page Fno *chappage%
+ :\@opt\chap@yn Nno *chapters%
+ :\@opt\chap@ar Aarabic Rroman *chapnum}}
+ \gdef\save@equ{\s@ve{:equ\@opt\eq@acs Aall Cchap Ssect *%
+ :equ\@opt\eq@lrn Lleft Rright Nnone *%
+ :equ\@opt\eq@fs Ffull Sshort *}}
+ \gdef\save@fig{\s@ve{:\@opt\fig@page Fno *figpage%
+ :fig\@opt\fig@acs Aall Cchap Ssect *}}
+ \gdef\save@tab{\s@ve{:\@opt\tab@page Fno *tabpage%
+ :tab\@opt\tab@acs Aall Cchap Ssect *}}
+ \gdef\save@ref{\s@ve{:\@opt\ref@page Fno *refpage%
+ :ref\@opt\ref@sbn Ssup Bsqb Nnam *%
+ :\@opt\yearpage@yp Yyearpage Ppageyear *}}
+ \gdef\save@toc{\s@ve{:\@opt\toc@page Fno *tocpage%
+ :toc\ifcase\auto@toc chap\or
+ sect\or secs\or secss\or secsss\else none\fi}}
+ \gdef\save@foot{\s@ve{:\@opt\foot@page Fno *footpage%
+ :foot\@opt\foot@be Bbot Eend *%
+ :foot\@opt\foot@bp Bsqb Ppar *}}
+\def\@opt#1#2#3 #4{\if #1#2#3\fi \if #4*\else
+ \expandafter\@opt\expandafter#1\expandafter#4\fi}
+\begingroup \let\comment=\relax
+ \outer\gdef\restore{\@kill0\@kill1\@kill2\@kill3\@kill4%
+ {\def\\##1{\glet##1\undefined}%
+ \def\n@xt##1{\the##1\global##1\emptyt@ks}%
+ \n@xt\l@names \n@xt\e@names \n@xt\f@names \n@xt\t@names
+ \n@xt\r@names \let\\\@RFdef \n@xt\R@names}
+ \bgroup \let\comment\relax \@restore}
+\def\crossrestore#1 {\bgroup \openin\test@read#1\save@type
+ \ifeof\test@read \let\n@xt\egroup
+ \message{* file #1\save@type missing *}\else
+ \def\n@xt{\@restore#1 }\closein\test@read \fi \n@xt}
+\def\@restore#1 {\input #1\save@type \egroup}
+\outer\def\dorestore{\bgroup \catcode`\@\l@tter \num@lett\d@restore}
+\def\d@restore#1#2{\egroup \toks@{#2}\def@name\name@list#1{\the\toks@}}
+ \def\n@xt##1\\#1##2\\#1##3\@@##4{\global##4{##1##2}}%
+ \def\del@@name##1{\expandafter\n@xt\the##1\\#1\\#1\@@##1}%
+ \del@@name\l@names \del@@name\e@names \del@@name\f@names
+ \del@@name\t@names \del@@name\r@names \del@@name\R@names \egroup}
+ {\global\name@list\expandafter{\the\name@list\\#1}}}
+\def\@k@ll#1{\def\k@ll##1{\ifx##1\k@ll \let\k@ll\relax \else
+ \del@name##1\glet##1\undefined \fi \k@ll}\k@ll#1\k@ll}
+%*** start macros ***
+\def\st@rt#1{\gm@ne#1 \global\advance#1}
+%*** end of file PHYSSAVE ***
+\message{installation dependent parameters,}
+% \input physinst
+%*** this is file PHYSINST as of 13.03.86 ***
+%*** installation dependent parameters ***
+%*** \hoffset@corr, \hoffset@corrm, \voffset@corr and \voffset@corrm
+% are corrections to \hoffset and \voffset chosen such that
+% the output pages are centered correctly on the paper.
+%*** the values used are:
+% \hoffset@corr@p etc. for the portrait format are
+% \hoffset@corr@l etc. for the landscape format are
+\hoffset@corr@p=86mm \voffset@corr@p=98mm % absolute
+\hoffset@corrm@p=-5mm \voffset@corrm@p=4mm % magnified
+\hoffset@corr@l=134mm \voffset@corr@l=70mm % absolute
+\hoffset@corrm@l=-5mm \voffset@corrm@l=-4mm % magnified
+%*** end of file PHYSINST ***
+\catcode`\@=12 % @ signs are no longer letters
+\message{and default options.}
+%*** default options ***
+%\twelvepoint % 12pt, 10pt and 8pt fonts
+%\doublespace % medium spacing between lines
+\hbadness=2000 % to avoid too many underfull hbox messages
+\english % headings in english language (default for PHYSE)
+\botpagenum % page numbers at bottom of page
+\centhead % headlines not alternating,
+ % page numbers (if any) centered
+\centfoot % footlines not alternating,
+ % page numbers (if any) centered
+\pageall % pages numbered thoughout the paper
+\portrait % portrait orientation ( vsize > hsize )
+\titlepage % title etc. on a separate page (e.g. preprint)
+\nochappage % chapters and appendices not on separate pages
+\arabicchapnum % arabic chapter numbers
+\chapters % paper has chapters
+\equchap % equations numbered per chapter and appendix
+\equshort % equation numbers quoted in abbreviated form
+\equright % equation numbers on right side
+\storelist % figure captions etc. stored in lists (macros)
+\figall % figures numbered throughout the paper
+\figpage % figure captions on a separate page
+\nographics % graphic yields an empty frame
+\taball % tables numbered throughout the paper
+\tabpage % table captions on a separate page
+\refsup % quotations of references as superscripts
+\refpage % references on a separate page
+\RFlist % predefined ref's stored in list (macros)
+\yearpage % journals quoted in the form `vol (year) page'
+\tocpage % table of contents on a separate page
+\tocnone % no automatic entries in toc
+\footsqb % footnote numbers in square brackets
+\footbot % footnotes at bottom of page (as footnotes)
+\footpage % footnotes on a separate page (for \footend only)
+\matc % matrix elements are centered
+\wlog{summary of allocations:}
+\wlog{last count=\number\count10 }
+\wlog{last dimen=\number\count11 }
+\wlog{last skip=\number\count12 }
+\wlog{last muskip=\number\count13 }
+\wlog{last box=\number\count14 }
+\wlog{last toks=\number\count15 }
+\wlog{last read=\number\count16 }
+\wlog{last write=\number\count17 }
+\wlog{last fam=\number\count18 }
+\wlog{last insert=\number\count19 }
+%*** make sure the file physupdt with corrections and updates
+% is read by the user
+\def\resetpar{\glet\par\physpar \glet\physpar\undefined
+ \glet\resetpar\undefined}
+ \errhelp{You should have used the command `\input physupdt' to read
+ the corrections and updates to the current version of PHYS(E)}%
+ \errmessage{file physupdt missing}\endgroup \resetpar \par}%
+%*** no more blank lines until physupdt is read !!
+\def\fmtversion{1.0} % identifies the current format
+%*** end of file PHYSORG ***
+\english % default language for headings etc. is english
+%*** end of file PHYSE ***
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/physe/physupdt.tex b/obsolete/macros/physe/physupdt.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f69f53326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/physe/physupdt.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+%*** this is file PHYSUPDT as of 1988.04.06 ***
+%*** modifications and updates to PHYS-TeX version 1.0 ***
+%*** make sure this file is read once and only once !!
+ \wlog{* don't read the file physupdt twice !! *}%
+ \expandafter\endinput\fi
+\resetpar % restore definition of \par
+\def\fmtupdt{1.3.0} % identifies the current update version
+\wlog{* modifications and updates as of 1988.04.11 *}
+\ifx\userid\undefined \def\userid{YOUR~USERID}\fi
+\def\wlog#1{} % suppress allocation messages
+%*** physorg ***
+%*** physmain ***
+%*** physfont ***
+%*** load am... or cm... fonts according to PLAIN's selection ***
+%\font\sevensl=\font@sel sl7 %not included in physe (check for TFM first)
+%*** sizes ***
+ \let\normal@spacing\twelve@spacing \set@spacing
+ \let\big=\modtwelvebig \let\Big=\modtwelveBig
+ \let\bigg=\modtwelvebigg \let\Bigg=\modtwelveBigg}
+\def\modtwelvebig#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to9.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+\def\modtwelveBig#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to12.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+\def\modtwelvebigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to15.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+\def\modtwelveBigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to18.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+%*** fonts for sizes ***
+\def\modtwelve@point{\set@fonts twelve nine eight } %let 8 ->7 if tfm's avail.
+%*** macros for sizes ***
+\def\modlarge{\par \bgroup \modtwelvepoint \after@arg\@size}
+\def\MODLARGE#1{{\modtwelve@point #1}}
+%*** phystext ***
+%*** physpage ***
+%*** physchap ***
+%*** physequ ***
+%*** physstor ***
+%*** physfig ***
+%*** physpict ***
+%*** ProPLOT macros ***
+\outer\def\ProPLOTfigs{\glet\ProPLOTpfig\pr@pfig \glet\ProPLOTlfig\pr@lfig}
+\outer\def\noProPLOTfigs{\glet\ProPLOTpfig\nopr@fig \glet\ProPLOTlfig\nopr@fig}
+\def\pr@pfig#1#2#3#4{\hbox\bgroup \setbox\z@\hbox{\special{ps: plotfile #1}}
+ \dimen\z@=#3 \advance\dimen\z@ by #4 \wd\z@=#2 \ht\z@=\dimen\z@ \dp\z@=\z@
+ \lower#4\box\z@ \egroup}
+\def\pr@lfig#1#2#3#4{\hbox\bgroup \setbox\z@\null
+ \dimen\z@=#3 \advance\dimen\z@ by #4 \wd\z@=#2 \ht\z@=#3 \dp\z@=#4 \box\z@
+ \wd\z@=\z@ \setbox\z@\hbox{\special{ps: plotfile #1}} \lower#4\box\z@ \egroup}
+%\def\pr@fig#1#2#3#4{\hbox\bgroup \setbox\z@\hbox{\special{ps: plotfile #1}}%
+% \lower#4\copy\z@ \hskip#2\raise#3\box\z@ \egroup}
+\def\nopr@fig#1#2#3#4{\hbox\bgroup \write\m@ne{Insert ProPLOT Output File: #1}%
+ \frame{#2}{#3}{#4}\egroup}
+\ProPLOTfigs %set the default
+%*** phystab ***
+%*** phystabl ***
+%*** physref ***
+%*** physjrnl ***
+%*** phystoc ***
+%*** physfoot ***
+%*** physitem ***
+%*** physmath ***
+%*** physsave ***
+\def\save@type{.sav } % file type for save and restore
+ % modified from .texsave to .sav for PC use
+%*** physinst ***
+%*** physorg (options which must be set after defining macros) ***
+\def\wlog{\immediate\write\m@ne} % restore PLAIN's definition
+\catcode`\@=12 % @ signs are no longer letters
+%*** end of file PHYSUPDT ***
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/myphyx.tex b/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/myphyx.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc03f94b58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/myphyx.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+% MYPHYX for TEX Version 2.9 -- created 12/15/88
+ \ialign{\eightrm ##\hfil\cr
+ \slacbin\cr
+ P.~O.~Box 4349\cr
+ Stanford, CA 94309\cropen{1\jot}
+ (415) 926--4423\cr
+ SHARON at SLACVM\cr}}%
+ \setbox2=\hbox{\caps Stanford Linear Accelerator Center}%
+ \hrule height 0pt \kern -0.5in
+ \vbox to 0pt{\vss\centerline{\seventeenrm STANFORD UNIVERSITY}}
+ \vbox{} \medskip
+ \line{\hbox to 0.7\hsize{\hss \lower 10pt \box2 \hfill }\hfil
+ \hbox to 0.25\hsize{\box0 \hfil }}\medskip }
+ \def\myletter{\let\letterhead=\MYHEAD \letter}
+ \def\binno{81}
+ \def\slacext{2266}
+ \def\half{\hbox{${1\over 2}\,$}}
+ \def\etal{{\it et al.}}
+ \def\bar#1{\overline{#1}}
+ \def\kbar{{\mathchar'26\mskip-9muk}}
+ \def\pbar{{\rlap/p}}
+ \def\ubar{\bar{u}}
+ \def\dbar{\bar{d}}
+ \def\str{\penalty-10000\hfilneg\ } % line break with right adjust
+ \def\Str{\penalty-10000\hfilneg\ } % line break with right adjust
+ \def\nostr{\hfill\penalty-10000\ } % line break with ragged right
+ \let\brk=\nextline
+ \def\|{\vrule height 16pt depth 6 pt}
+ \vbox{\hrule width 0.52em height 0.06em depth 0pt}
+ \kern-0.50em\raise0.7em
+ \vbox{\hrule width 0.52em height 0.06em depth 0pt}$}}
+ #1}\kern-.1em/\kern-.15em\lower.25ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #2}}
+% \frac3/4 gives you a very nice 3/4 - slanted.
+ \def\IR{{$\rm I\!R$}}
+ \def\lozenge{\boxit{\hbox to 1.5pt{
+ \vrule height 1pt width 0pt \hfill}}}
+ \def\Buildrel#1\under#2{\mathrel{\mathop{#2}\limits_{#1}}}
+ \def\simZ{{\Buildrel \sim \under Z}}
+% This macro inserts pictures (and, more generally, \vbox es) neatly
+% into the MIDDLE of a paragraph.
+% --- #1 should be a \vbox ---
+ \def\pix#1{\vadjust{\vbox{\kern 1.0cm #1 \kern 1.0cm}}}
+% These macros insert (\vbox es) using respectively \topinsert and
+% \pageinsert. Since these macros put you into vertical mode,
+% they should only be called BETWEEN paragraphs.
+ \def\tpix#1{\topinsert #1 \endinsert}
+ \def\ppix#1{\pageinsert #1 \endinsert}
+% To define a \vbox for an inserted figure, use the following command:
+% \Picture\CompEP\height=4.125in \width=\hsize\caption{\narrower
+% The caption goes here.}
+% \savepicture\FigureOne
+% (\Picture calls \FIG and assigns the figure the caption
+% indicated and the figure number \CompEP. It also
+% creates a \vbox of the right size for a picture
+% of the indicated height, and \savepicture assigns this
+% to the macro \FigureOne.)
+% TWO LINE MACRO (used in tables)
+\def\twoline#1:#2#3{\vtop{\hbox to #1{\hss \strut #2 \hss}
+ \hbox to #1{\hss \strut #3 \hss}}}
+% Three nice dots left to right moving upward.
+ \raise4pt\hbox{.}\mskip2mu\raise7pt\vbox{\kern7pt\hbox{.}}\mskip1mu}}
+% \clock returns time in hours:minutes on a 24 hour basis
+% check \fullclock too
+\newcount\hours \newcount\minutes \newcount\temp \newcount\pmhours
+\hours = \time
+\divide\hours by 60
+\temp = \hours
+\multiply\temp by 60
+\minutes = \time
+\advance\minutes by -\temp
+\def\minute{\ifnum\minutes<10 0\the\minutes
+ \else\the\minutes\fi}
+\ifnum\hours=0 12:\minute\ AM
+\else\ifnum\hours<12 \hour:\minute\ AM
+ \else\ifnum\hours=12 12:\minute\ PM
+ \else\ifnum\hours>12
+ \pmhours=\hours
+ \advance\pmhours by -12
+ \the\pmhours:\minute\ PM
+ \fi \fi \fi \fi }
+% \draft causes the symbolic names of equations to be printed
+% alongside the equation numbers
+% Letter with no letterhead
+% insert \blankheads after \letters
+ \lettertopskip=7pt plus 3pt}
+\def\blankletterhead{\hrule height 0pt \vskip 1.3in}
+% this gives you a boldface character in math mode.
+% $\bold\beta$
+ \kern-.025em\copy0\kern-\wd0
+ \kern.05em\copy0\kern-\wd0
+ \kern-.025em\raise.0433em\box0 }
+% Definition for a slash over a letter
+% from M. Peskin
+\def\dslash{\not{\hbox{\kern-2pt $\partial$}}}
+\def\Dslash{\not{\hbox{\kern-4pt $D$}}}
+\def\Qslash{\not{\hbox{\kern-4pt $Q$}}}
+\def\pslash{\not{\hbox{\kern-2.3pt $p$}}}
+\def\kslash{\not{\hbox{\kern-2.3pt $k$}}}
+\def\qslash{\not{\hbox{\kern-2.3pt $q$}}}
+ \newtoks\slashfraction
+ \slashfraction={.13}
+ \def\slash#1{\setbox0\hbox{$ #1 $}
+ \setbox0\hbox to \the\slashfraction\wd0{\hss \box0}/\box0 }
+% $\slash D$
+% {\slashfraction={.075} $\slash{\cal A}$}
+% $\slash B$
+% $\slash a$
+% {\slashfraction={.09} $\slash p$}
+% $\slash q$
+% this gives you \leftrightarrow over \slash\partial
+ \def\leftrightarrowfill{$\mathord-\mkern-6mu%
+ \cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-2mu\mathord-\mkern-2mu$}\hfill
+ \mkern-6mu\mathord\leftrightarrow$}
+ \def\overlrarrow#1{\vbox{\ialign{##\crcr
+ \leftrightarrowfill\crcr\noalign{\kern-1pt\nointerlineskip}
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr}}}
+% $$ \overlrarrow{\slash\partial} $$
+% This is a macro written by Marvin which makes Young tableaux:
+ \def\yboxit#1#2{\vbox{\hrule height #1 \hbox{\vrule width #1
+ \vbox{#2}\vrule width #1 }\hrule height #1 }}
+ \def\fillbox#1{\hbox to #1{\vbox to #1{\vfil}\hfil}}
+ \def\ybox{\yboxit{0.4pt}{\fillbox{8pt}}\hskip-0.4pt}
+ \def\nbox{\yboxit{0pt}{\fillbox{8pt}}}
+ \def\tableaux#1{\vcenter{\offinterlineskip
+ \halign{&\tabskip 0pt##\cr #1}}}
+ \def\cry{\cropen{-0.4pt}}
+% An example of the use of \tableaux is:
+% $$ X = \tableaux{\ybox & \ybox & \ybox \cry
+% \ybox & \ybox & \nbox \cry
+% \ybox & \nbox & \nbox \cry} $$
+% by M. Peskin
+% These macros make 4- and 5-pt skeleton diagrams
+% with labelled endpoints and internal lines.
+ \def\fourptfcn#1#2#3#4#5{ \matrix{#1\cr\cr#2\cr}
+ \hbox{$ \Bigg\rangle \kern -2.5pt
+ {\phantom{whichcan}\over {\textstyle \downabit #5} }
+ \kern-2.5pt \Bigg\langle$} \matrix{#3\cr\cr#4\cr} }
+ \def\fiveptfcn#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{ \matrix{#1\cr\cr#2\cr}
+ \hbox{$ \Bigg\rangle \kern -2.5pt
+ {{\pile} \lower 6pt\hbox{$\spire#5$} {\pile}\over
+ \phantom{can}{\textstyle \downabit#6}\phantom{which}
+ {\textstyle \downabit #7}\phantom{can}}
+ \kern-2.5pt \Bigg\langle$} \matrix{#3\cr\cr#4\cr} }
+ \def\spire#1{\matrix{#1\cr\Bigm|\cr}}
+ \def\pile{\phantom{\matrix{1\cr2\cr3\cr}}}
+ \def\downabit{\vphantom{\bigm|}}
+\def\unlock{\catcode`@=11} % This allows us to modify PLAIN macros.
+\def\lock{\catcode`@=12} % at signs are no longer letters
+% These changes give you references on the line in brackets [3]
+% and in the reference list. [1] A. Einstein ...
+%\def\step@ver#1{\rel@x \ifmmode #1\else \ifhmode
+% \roll@ver{$\ {} #1$ }\else {\setbox0=\hbox{${} #1$ }}\fi\fi }
+%\def\attach#1{\step@ver{\strut {\mkern 4mu #1} }}
+%\def\normalrefmark#1{\attach{ [ #1 ] }}
+%\def\NPrefmark#1{\step@ver{{\ [#1]}}}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/phyzdoc.tex b/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/phyzdoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..221fbb23b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/phyzdoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,3279 @@
+% Note: I have included the Phyzzx macros on the CMS distribution
+% tape for TeX at the request of several TeX users who have heard of it
+% or used it. Some of the information herein is specific to facilities
+% or practices at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.
+% -- Alan Spragens 17 July 1986
+\input phyzzx
+\def\leaderfill{\leaders\hbox to 1em{\hss.\hss}\hfill}
+\centerline{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
+\item{1.} INTRODUCTION\leaderfill 2
+\item{2.} BASICS\leaderfill 3
+\sitem{2.1} What is \TeX\ ?\leaderfill 3
+\sitem{2.2} What Is PHYZZX?\leaderfill 7
+\item{3.} STRUCTURING PREPRINTS\leaderfill 10
+\sitem{3.1} Chapters, Sections and Subsections\leaderfill 11
+\sitem{3.2} Other Subdivisions: Appendices
+and Acknowledgements\leaderfill 19
+\sitem{3.3} Controlling the Way Chapters
+are Numbered\leaderfill 21
+AND NAMING THEM\leaderfill 23
+\sitem{4.1} A Simple Solution to Numbering
+Equations\leaderfill 25
+\sitem{4.2} Naming Equations: A Powerful Tool\leaderfill 28
+\sitem{4.3} Other Macros For Naming Equations\leaderfill 30
+\sitem{5.1} References: Stuff Which Comes
+at the Back\leaderfill 33
+\sitem{5.2} Figures and Tables\leaderfill 45
+COME AT THE BOTTOM\leaderfill 47
+ITEMS AND OTHER STUFF\leaderfill 49
+\sitem{7.1} Fixed Format Lists:
+Points, Subpoints, Subsubpoints\leaderfill 50
+\sitem{7.2} For Less
+Structure Consider Items\leaderfill 53
+\sitem{7.3} Having Your
+Cake and Eating It Too! -- Making Your Own Points
+\leaderfill 54
+STUFF ABOUT PAPERS\leaderfill 56
+\sitem{8.1} Page Numbers\leaderfill 56
+\sitem{8.2} Spacing\leaderfill 57
+\sitem{8.3} Commands Which Break
+Lines and Pages\leaderfill 58
+\sitem{8.4} Some Remarks About Penalties\leaderfill 59
+\sitem{8.5} The Titlepage\leaderfill 59
+\item{9.} MEMOS\leaderfill 66
+\item{10.} TYPING LETTERS AUTOMATICALLY\leaderfill 71
+\sitem{10.1} Multiple Letters\leaderfill 74
+\item{12.} GOODBYE\leaderfill 78
+\sitem{12.1} Using Your MYPHYX File\leaderfill 78
+\Pubnum={$\caps SLAC - TN - 84 - \the\pubnum $}
+\date{October 1984}
+\pubtype={\ }
+\vskip .50in
+\author{M. Weinstein\doeack}
+\Pubnum={$\caps SLAC - PUB - \the\pubnum $}
+\def\hbreak{\hfil \break}
+\def\tc#1{\nextline \hskip 2.5\itemsize {\bf #1 }\nextline }
+\def\tcon#1{\hskip 2.5\itemsize {\bf #1 }\nextline }
+\newcount\tempchap \tempchap=0
+\newcount\tempsec \tempsec=0
+\def\recallchap{\chapternumber=\tempchap \advance\chapternumber by -1}
+\def\storesec{\tempsec=\sectionnumber }
+\def\recallsec{\sectionnumber=\tempsec }
+Hi \TeX\ fans, the time has come to document the new
+version of the macro package, PHYZZX.
+Vadim Kaplunovsky has updated it to
+run under \TeX 1.
+Since we envision this to be the penultimate version
+of PHYZZX, except for minor corrections to remove heretofore
+undiscovered bugs, it now pays to explain what PHYZZX is
+and how to use its various features in some detail.
+For those of you who are familiar with the old version of
+PHYZZX you can rest easy, this version has been designed to be
+as upward compatible as possible.
+Unfortunately, there are a few minor changes in the way some
+macros work simply because Knuth changed \TeX\ and made it
+impossible for us to keep some of the old commands.
+In general the changes make things easier to use and any file
+written for \TeX 97 will, with very few changes, run on \TeX 1.
+For this reason the adventurous user can begin by ignoring this
+writeup completely and try to run his old files.
+If luck is with you, you will not have to change anything;
+if luck deserts you, then either PHYZZX will help you along
+(only somewhat likely) or you will have to do a little reading.
+Our present incarnation of PHYZZX resides in two places.
+The FMT file (a term designed to strike terror into the hearts of
+those who have not been initiated into the high mysteries)
+is on the T--disk, and this is the version you really want to use.
+One uses the FMT file because it loads much faster and so you don't
+have the interminable wait for something to happen while the computer
+is reading all of the definitions contained in PHYZZX TEX.
+To use the FMT file all you have to do is make the first command
+to \TeX\ say {\tt\&phyzzx} instead of putting
+\tc{\\input phyzzx} in the file.
+For the curious we try to keep an updated version of the
+file PHYZZX TEX on the theory group disk.
+People interested in mucking around in the guts of this file
+in order to see how things were done and what goodies, not described
+in this writeup (and there are many), are available
+can access this disk by
+\tc{GIME PUB\$TH }
+If you wish to use this file to convince yourself how much better it
+is to use an FMT file, you can do this by accessing the PUB\$TH disk
+and starting your file with
+\tc{\\input phyzzx}
+{\it For cognoscenti\/}:
+as in earlier incarnations you can tailor much of PHYZZX to
+your liking by having a file MYPHYX TEX on your A disk.
+Each time you run PHYZZX it loads this file.
+Any definitions which are in this file then take precedence over
+those specified in PHYZZX.
+So much for generalities, now on to specifics.
+\section{What is \TeX\ ?}
+In order to make this as simple as possible for the first time
+user, we will say a few words about what \TeX\ is, before going on
+to talk about what PHYZZX does.
+\TeX\ is the baby of Donald~E.~Knuth of Stanford University and
+it is our choice for the best available text processor for
+use at SLAC.
+{\it Clear as mud!} you say. {\it What the hell is a
+text processor ?}, you say.
+{\it How is it different from Xedit and Wylbur ?}, you say.
+Tell you what I'm gonna do, I'm going to tell you the answers to
+these questions even if you weren't perceptive enough to ask.
+A text processor is to Xedit and Wylbur what a publishing company
+(as embodied by editors and printers) is to
+a technical typist; namely, it is a thingamajig which takes a
+crudely typed manuscript and turns it into a book.
+Physicists and engineers all know that the
+nicer your paper looks before it goes out, the more your
+colleagues believe what is in it.
+Therefore we all want to use \TeX\
+to prepare our papers for journals, summer schools
+and conference proceedings.
+Some of us (hopefully that means some of you reading this
+introduction) will use \TeX\ to type our own papers, and some
+of us will rely on others for this task.
+In any event somewhere in that chain someone has to know how to
+use the thingamajig or beautiful manuscripts just won't come out the
+other end.
+In that case our colleagues won't know all of the wonderful things
+we have to say.
+To facilitate this process to some degree we wrote the macro package
+PHYZZX. In order
+to make PHYZZX and \TeX\ more accessible to people at the
+lab, we have generated this writeup.
+As I said,
+to all intents and purposes you and Xedit (or you and Wylbur, if
+you insist on living in prehistoric times) make a typist.
+Actually, you make a pretty good typist for text, but you
+don't do too well as a technical typist because neither
+Xedit nor Wylbur does a very good job at typing equations.
+You plus Xedit plus \TeX\ make a stupendous technical typist
+and a remarkably good printing company.
+Pursuing this analogy the process for producing a beautiful
+book quality manuscript starts with somebody typing the
+first draft.
+This somebody is presumably you, the reader, and the
+tools you use are your trusty computer terminal and an editor like
+Obviously I have no intention of explaining how to use Xedit
+since this is probably unnecessary and anyhow, everything you
+have to know for the purpose of typing a text file
+can be easily learned by reading the {\bf IBM Virtual Machine/
+System product: CMS Primer}.
+Hence, this writeup assumes that you know how to log on to the
+computer and use the editor.
+To use the editor to start collecting a file which \TeX\ will
+turn into a beautiful paper, memo, or letter, you have to
+follow a simple procedure.
+First, in your incarnation as typist, you have log on
+and enter an editor (e.g., Xedit) by telling it you want to
+create a file whose name is {\bf CRAP} and whose filetype is {\bf TEX}.
+You accomplish this feat by typing something difficult like
+\tc{X {\rm (or XEDIT)} CRAP TEX A }
+whereupon the powers that be will throw you into the editor.
+At this point, since you are a person of discerning tastes,
+the very next line you enter is
+\tc{\\input phyzzx}.
+This command will make sure that when you tell the computer
+to print a version of the paper it will become an editor and instruct
+the typesetter to lay out the copy according to the criteria
+established by the macro package PHYZZX.
+The very next thing you do is skip a line (i.e., enter a blank line)
+in order to make your copy easy to read, and then
+start to enter your copy.
+So much for you as a typist.
+\subsection{You As An Editor: Correcting a Mistaken Impression}
+The preceding discussion indicates that you are to take your
+manuscript and type it into the editor in exactly the same way
+as you would at a typewriter.
+While this is a possible way of proceeding it is not really
+the best way to do things.
+In order to you to understand why this is true, you have to
+understand that once you have functioned as a typist, the
+next thing you have to be is an editor.
+An editor's job is to make sure the text looks good and that
+the printer knows how he is supposed to layout the copy which
+he receives.
+For example, he has to know:
+how much space to put between lines of text,
+what font to set chapter headings in, how much space to skip
+before and after a chapter heading, which math symbols are
+exponents, greek letters etc.
+Since you are the editor and \TeX\ is going to be the printer,
+you have to mark up the copy so that \TeX\ and/or PHYZZX knows
+what to do with it.
+This feat is accomplished by including editor's comments (or marks)
+in the text.
+These comments (or commands to \TeX ) have to have a special
+character in front of them so that \TeX\ will recognize them
+for what they are; this character is the $\backslash$, and the
+combination of a \\ followed by a string of characters
+is called a control sequence.
+One example of a control sequence is {\bf \\par} which tells
+\TeX\ to begin a new paragraph.
+Note that this is not a trivial thing since \TeX\ has to know
+to skip some extra space between the text in different paragraphs,
+indent the first line by some amount, etc.
+The basic version of \TeX\ has lots of control sequences
+which tell \TeX\ to do lots of wonderful things.
+To learn about these things (probably more than you initially
+want to know about how \TeX\ operates) you have to read
+{\it selectively} in the \TeX book written by Knuth.
+Since this discussion is between friends, let me warn you
+this book stinks as a reference manual and ain't so hot
+as an introduction to \TeX .
+Knuth has a philosophy of learning by ever increasing levels of
+mistakes which I (and many of my acquaintances) find
+at best distracting and at worst impenetrable.
+Unfortunately, this book is all that is
+available as an in depth introduction
+to the basic version of \TeX .
+If you want to know how to do sophisticated things which lie
+outside of the purview of PHYZZX you will have to read quite a
+lot of it.\foot{To get a feeling for \TeX\
+it is advisable to browse through the first three
+chapters and read about boxes and modes.
+If you just wish to type papers in the most straightforward way
+you can defer this reading until you are more experienced so long as
+you use PHYZZX.
+However, in any event, you must
+read the sections on typing math formulas,
+typing displayed equations and a little bit about making boxes
+since I have neither the time nor inclination to go into those things
+in this writeup, and you must have a basic idea of how this stuff
+works in order to proceed.
+After all, ostensibly this writeup is about how to use PHYZZX
+and is not a primer on \TeX .}
+A really good thing to read to get an idea of the basic
+things you can do with \TeX\ and to learn about the important control
+sequences is a primer entitled {\bf First Grade \TeX\ \bf A Beginner's
+\TeX\ Manual \rm by \it Arthur L. Samuel}.
+This is short, readable and contains everything you need to
+supplement this discussion of PHYZZX.
+You can request a copy of this manual from the SLAC Library \hbreak
+\vskip .10in
+\vbox{\kern 3\lineskip
+\centerline{ \bf First Grade Tex -- A Beginner's \TeX\ Manual}
+\centerline{\it Arthur L. Samuel}
+\centerline{ STAN--CS--83--985}}
+Since you are going to be both typist and editor it pays for
+you to combine these jobs and mark up the manuscript at the
+same time that you type it.
+To be precise, this means that you want to type in equations
+so that superscripts, \break \eject \noindent
+subscripts, etc., are clearly indicated.
+You also want to type chapter headings, subchapter headings, etc.,
+in such a way that the font to be used, the space to be skipped
+above and below the heading, etc. are all clearly indicated.
+In general you want to tell the printer how to lay out the
+resulting copy as you type it in.
+This of course requires that you make many formatting decisions
+and then use the basic \TeX\ control sequences in order to tell
+it what to do.
+It will come as no surprise to you that this can get very
+complicated very quickly.
+That's where PHYZZX comes in.
+\section{What Is PHYZZX?}
+PHYZZX is a {\it macropackage} which is designed to make typing papers
+destined for Physical Review or Nuclear Physics as simple as possible.
+In addition it allows you to type letters and produce memos without
+knowing much about the way \TeX\ works.
+The first question which arises at this point is {\it What is a
+macropackage ?}, or for that matter {\it What is a macro?}.
+Despite the name a {\it macro} is not something eaten on a
+macrobiotic diet.
+It is a name for a simple thing.
+Unfortunately, this name has
+been carefully designed by computerniks
+to strike terror into the heart of occasional users and keep them
+in their place. (There is nothing more annoying than an
+uppity occasional user.)
+Basically a macro is a way of defining an entry in a dictionary
+which is kept in the guts of the computer.
+The computer uses this dictionary to
+find the meaning of words which have been defined
+using the control sequence {\bf \\def}.
+A macropackage is, as the name implies, a package of macros (or
+definitions of commands) which we can use to give complicated
+formatting instructions to \TeX\ without having to go
+to the trouble of typing everything out each time we want to
+give the same instruction.
+It follows from this discussion that PHYZZX is just a collection
+of definitions which tell \TeX\ to do a well defined set of things
+to make the text which follows look just the way you want it to look.
+The best thing about a macropackage is that once it is written
+you only have to know what happens when you
+issue a given instruction;
+you don't have to know how it is made to happen.
+Although each of the commands which appear in the macropackage
+cause apparently simple things to happen, making them happen can
+get quite involved if you try to use the PLAIN version of \TeX .
+\subsection{Why Create A Macropackage like PHYZZX ?}
+Finally we get down to brass tacks.
+We already pointed out that you, the person preparing the
+manuscript, must to play the role of typist and editor.
+As editor you have the job of telling the printer how large to
+make chapter titles, what typeface to use for chapter titles,
+how much space to skip above and below a chapter title, etc.
+Having to give this set of instructions every time you want to
+type a chapter title can get to be a pain in the neck.
+Not only that, but imagine the problem of remembering exactly what
+format you want for chapter titles, section titles, subsection
+titles, etc., if -- as is the case with PHYZZX -- you use a different
+format for each one.
+Clearly, if one had to type all of this each time and keep all this
+information in one's head one would probably choose not to use
+\TeX\ at all.
+This discussion raises another point, namely that if one did
+not have a predefined set of macros to tell \TeX\ what to
+do at a certain point then you would have one more job dumped upon
+your shoulders.
+In addition to being typist and editor you would have to be a book
+That means that you would have to make all of the esthetic decisions
+about the most attractive print to use for a given paper, the spacing
+to use between lines, the best way to number equations and
+the rest of that crap.
+This can be an onerous task which the average user doesn't want to
+have to deal with.
+Moreover, everybody has his own esthetic criteria (even though some
+people have more taste than others), so without
+a macropackage, to
+set the formats into predefined molds, there would be little
+or no uniformity in the layout of papers coming out of SLAC.
+While this would be no great tragedy, it could get confusing.
+Okay, so PHYZZX is a macropackage which provides a dictionary
+of editor's commands which allow one to easily format a
+document for the printer.
+It makes a set of esthetic choices for how these documents should
+look and, in the interests of simplicity, doesn't make it trivial
+for the casual user to mess around with these choices.
+(Actually, this is not really true since there are many
+ways in which PHYZZX can be tailored to your personal preferences,
+but we will discuss that as we go along.)
+The obvious question which comes up at this point is {\it Who
+made all of these esthetic decisions?\/}.
+In the interests of preserving the lives of the parties involved,
+anonymity must be preserved.
+Rest assured, however, it was a consultative process
+and many people had an input into the final result.
+Despite the fact that PHYZZX is an animal put together
+by a committee, we think it does its job fairly well.
+\subsection{ So, what does it do?}
+The main job which PHYZZX is designed to do is to make
+it easy to format SLAC preprints destined for submission to
+Physical Review or Nuclear Physics.
+Since these journals require different ways of handling line spacing,
+footnotes, references, etc., PHYZZX you need to specify the journal
+to which the preprint is to be submitted.
+Actually, you only have to tell if the journal is going to be
+Physical Review, since the default format is that for
+Nuclear Physics.
+This is because we, with our usual impeccable good taste,
+decided that the Nuclear Physics format was a better
+general purpose format.
+If you don't like our decision write your own macropackage.
+All kidding aside,
+changing to Physical Review format is easy, all you have to
+do is start your typing with
+\tc{\\input phyzzx}
+Note, when you are typing a control sequence everything counts; i.e.,
+\TeX\ cares about capital letters, small letters, spaces, etc.
+Be careful to copy just what you see typed here or it won't work;
+worse yet, it might work in an unexpected way.
+In addition to formatting papers PHYZZX does a great job of
+producing letters and memos.
+In each of these cases it produces, by itself, the appropriate
+letterhead and formats the text in a way appropriate to the
+document at hand.
+Since, however, we consider the preprint formatting capabilities
+of PHYZZX to be of paramount importance, we will discuss them first
+and turn to letters and memos when we have finished.
+A preprint is a document which eventually
+will be submitted to a journal for publication.
+In setting up PHYZZX we assumed that format of a preprint
+is essentially fixed.
+The size type to be used in the body of
+the preprint is chosen so that when run off on the laser printer
+and reduced for distribution it will be easily readable.
+In addition, normally we skip
+one and a half lines between lines of text.
+We think this looks most attractive with the size type we are using
+and makes the preprints a little shorter, saving paper.
+To satisfy the requirements of journals like Phys.Rev. Letters
+which specify the number of lines per inch which a
+manuscript must have, you must use double spacing;
+the command {\bf \\PHYSREV} automatically
+takes care of this, as well as
+a number of other things.
+Concerning spacing and other parameters you may well ask
+{\it How fixed is fixed ?\/}.
+The answer varies.
+For example,
+since we realize that people like to play around with line spacing
+to some degree, we have provided commands which we hope will
+enable you to change the average interline spacing to
+something closer to your heart's desire.
+The commands which perform this wondrous feat are
+Obviously, {\bf \\doublespace} means twice {\bf \\singlespace};
+but {\it What is the meaning of \bf \\normalspace \it ?\/}.
+The answer to this question is that {\bf \\normalspace}
+corresponds to a spacing between single and doublespace.
+You might think, having read a little in the \TeX\ book,
+that you can achieve the same thing by changing {\bf \\baselineskip}
+and {\bf \\lineskip}.
+In a sense you would be correct.
+However, you should know that the commands {\bf \\doublespace}, etc.,
+do more; this is because
+they do different things depending upon the font and
+format you are using.
+If you want to do the same thing you will have to modify
+a lot of basic \TeX\ parameters or the esthetic impact of the
+document which emerges just won't be the same.
+All of this is by way of a parenthetical comment since it won't
+do you any good unless you know how to use the simplest version
+of PHYZZX first.
+\section{Chapters, Sections and Subsections}
+Most longer papers are divided into several parts in order
+to make them easier to read.
+These parts usually are preceded by headings or titles
+which indicate the subject to be covered in discussion which follows.
+Stylistically, several decisions have to be made about how
+these headings are to be set in type.
+You, as editor, have to tell the printer what to do.
+We will refer to the major divisions of a paper as chapters.
+In general each chapter has a heading.
+Our choice as book designers has been to set this heading in
+larger type and preface the text of the heading with a number.
+The number is automatically increased each time you declare a
+new chapter.
+In addition, some extra space is skipped both above and below
+each chapter heading.
+All of this magic is at your disposal if you simply use the
+{\bf \\chapter} command to indicate that the text you are
+about to type is the heading of a chapter.
+\storechap \storesec
+To be precise, the way you use this command is to type
+\tc{ \\chapter $\{$ {\it text} $\}$ }
+where $\{$ {\it text} $\}$ stands
+for the chapter name which you have to make
+up and insert.
+For example, the chapter title for this chapter was generated by
+\tc{\\chapter$\{$ {\it STRUCTURING PREPRINTS} $\}$}
+Note, I chose to type the heading in capitals.
+That's because I like the way it looks.
+You certainly don't have to do that.
+If you don't, but instead type
+\tc{\\chapter$\{$ {\it Structuring Preprints} $\}$}
+then you obtain \recallchap
+\chapter{Structuring Preprints}
+One thing to notice is the curly braces surrounding the text.
+These braces are absolutely necessary.
+They are grouping symbols which tell \TeX\ how much of the
+text to follow is to be considered part of the chapter heading
+and if they are omitted you will get a disastrous error message
+saying something like \TeX 's capacity is exhausted.
+Unfortunately, on the screen of a computer terminal,
+these symbols are easy to confuse with ( \
+and so you will have to be careful.
+If you are in {\bf XEDIT}
+you will be able to issue the command {\bf balance}.
+This is an {\bf XEDIT} command defined by an exec file on the U
+disk which counts matching pairs of curly braces.
+It is helpful in that it tells you there is a problem, but
+unfortunately it doesn't find the problem for you.
+In general you won't want to play around with the choice of font
+inside of a chapter heading and so, by default, you will
+get a roman font.
+However, you can play with it if you wish.
+We have provided a series of control sequences, or editors marks,
+which allow you to change between different fonts all of which
+have essentially the same size.
+Hence, if you type {\bf \\rm} you get the current roman font,
+if you type {\bf \\bf} you get the bold face version of the current font,
+if you type {\bf \\sl} you get a slanted version of the current font,
+if you type {\bf \\it} you get an italic font, and if
+you type {\bf \\tt} you usually get a typewriter font.
+I say that you usually get a typewriter font because we do not
+have typewriter available in all sizes of print.
+When we don't PHYZZX makes a substitution of the same font at a different
+Another font for which this happens is {\bf \\caps} which is
+a font \endpage \noindent which is made up of only capital letters.
+This font distinguishes between upper and lowercase letters only by size.
+As an example of switching fonts let us see what happens if we change
+font inside the command chapter.
+If you type \recallchap
+\tc{\\chapter$\{$\\bf{ \it Formatting Text}$\}$ }
+you get
+\chapter{\bf Formatting Text}
+If you type \recallchap
+\tc{\\chapter$\{$\\sl {\it Formatting Text}$\}$ }
+you get
+\chapter{\sl Formatting Text}
+If you type \recallchap
+\tc{\\chapter$\{$\\it {\it Formatting Text}$\}$ }
+you get
+\chapter{\it Formatting Text}
+If you type \recallchap
+\tc{\\chapter$\{$\\caps {\it Formatting Text}$\}$ }
+you get
+\chapter{\caps Formatting Text}
+Finally, if you type \recallchap
+\tc{\\chapter$\{$\\tt {\it Formatting Text} $\}$ }
+you get
+\chapter{\tt Formatting Text}
+While all of this is very nice you should note that the font
+used to set the chapter number does not change with the text.
+This illustrates something about \TeX 's grouping symbols.
+Since we put the control sequences for changing fonts inside the
+braces, only the text inside the braces is affected.
+That is, the change only occurs {\it locally}.
+In general any change you make inside a pair of curly braces only
+affects the material inside the braces, unless you force
+the effect to persist.
+(If you want to know how to do this look up the {\bf \\global}
+command in the \TeX\ book.)
+It follows, therefore, that if we want the number to change
+we have to change the font before we give the {\bf \\chapter}
+If you type \recallchap
+\tc{$\{$ \\bf \\chapter$\{$ {\it Formatting Text}$\} \}$}
+you get
+{\bf \chapter{Formatting Text}}
+If you type \recallchap
+\tc{$\{$ \\sl \\chapter$\{$ {\it Formatting Text} $\} \}$}
+you get
+{\sl \chapter{ Formatting Text}}
+If you type \recallchap
+\tc{$\{$ \\it \\chapter$\{$ {\it Formatting Text} $\} \}$ }
+you get
+{\it \chapter{ Formatting Text}}
+If you type \recallchap
+\tc{$\{$ \\caps \\chapter$\{$ {\it Formatting Text} $\} \}$ }
+you get
+{\caps \chapter{ Formatting Text}}
+Finally, if you type \recallchap
+\tc{$\{$ \\tt \\chapter$\{$ {\it Formatting Text} $\} \}$ }
+you get
+{\tt \chapter{ Formatting Text}}
+\noindent Much better, no?
+We have already mentioned that PHYZZX put extra space
+above and below a chapter heading.
+Since all of the chapter headings for this writeup
+were generated using
+the command {\bf \\chapter}, you only have to examine them
+to see how \TeX\ handles these extra spaces.
+Another remark worth making is that in the current incarnation
+of PHYZZX you do not have to worry about chapter titles which
+are too long.
+The chapter macro is set up to split your line when necessary
+and automatically center each line.
+To accomplish this feat PHYZZX makes use of a control sequence
+called {\bf \\titlestyle}.
+The command {\bf \\titlestyle} is worth knowing about because
+sometimes you want to be able to type in a longish amount of
+material and want the various lines to be centered, not left or
+right adjusted after each break.
+Typing {\bf \\titlestyle$\{$ {\it text} $\}$} will accomplish this feat.
+In addition,
+if you don't like the way PHYZZX chooses to break the lines
+you can force your desires upon the machine by inserting: the
+command {\bf \\break}.
+This command forces the line to break at the point where the command is
+The command {\bf \\nobreak} will stop the line from
+breaking at an undesirable place, and the symbol \~ \ will
+insert some unbreakable space between words.
+This stuff is covered in the basic books on \TeX\ and we refer you to
+there for details.
+Combining these control sequences with the control sequence
+{\bf \\titlestyle} allows you to {\it easily}
+achieve many interesting effects.
+For example, you can generate an invitation by typing \hbreak
+{\bf \\titlestyle $\{$ \\it \it You are cordially invited \bf \\break
+\it to the coming out party for \bf \\break \hbreak
+\it the new macro package \bf \\break \hbreak
+\\rm \it PHYZZX \bf \\break $\}$ } \hbreak
+and obtain
+\titlestyle {\it You are cordially invited \break
+to the coming out party for \break
+the new macro package \break
+\rm PHYZZX \break }
+If you are really sharp, and I assume that you are, you will
+have noticed that the type in which the invitation is set is larger
+than the normal type.
+Remember that I already told you that titles are set in larger
+type than the basic text.
+I also told you that the commands {\bf \\rm}, {\bf \\bf}, {\bf \\it},
+etc., change the style of the font but leave it the same size.
+What we have not discussed is how you change the size of the font
+the way {\bf \\titlestyle} does with impunity.
+Well, all things come to he who waits!
+Now's the time to discuss this point.
+Font sizes, as you learn from reading the \TeX book come in sizes
+measured in a mysterious printer's unit call {\it points}.
+You don't have to know what a point is, you only have to know that
+most of the text in this writeup is twelve point type, the titles
+are in fourteen point type and the footnotes are in ten point type.
+It is possible for you to force \TeX\ to use a particular size
+of type by saying {\bf \\tenpoint},{\bf \\twelvepoint} or
+{\bf \\fourteenpoint}; in which case the obvious thing happens.
+Thus, for example, if you change the typed instructions for generating
+the invitation to read \hbreak
+{\bf \\titlestyle $\{$ \\twelvepoint
+\\it \it You are cordially invited \bf \\break
+\it to the coming out party for \bf \\break \hbreak
+\it the new macro package \bf \\break \hbreak
+\\rm \it PHYZZX \bf \\break $\}$ } \hbreak
+you get
+\vskip -\parskip
+\titlestyle {\twelvepoint \it You are cordially invited \break
+to the coming out party for \break
+the new macro package \break
+\rm PHYZZX \break }
+\noindent and if you type \hbreak
+{\bf \\titlestyle $\{$ \\tenpoint
+\\it \it You are cordially invited \bf \\break
+\it to the coming out party for \bf \\break \hbreak
+\it the new macro package \bf \\break \hbreak
+\\rm \it PHYZZX \bf \\break $\}$ }\hbreak
+the result is
+\titlestyle {\tenpoint \it You are cordially invited \break
+to the coming out party for \break
+the new macro package \break
+\rm PHYZZX \break }
+Now that we know everything about generating chapters, we turn
+to the problem of generating smaller subdivisions; namely,
+sections and subsections.
+\recallchap \recallsec
+The numbering is done as $\{ chapter number\}.\{section number\}$ .
+Each time you start a new chapter, the section numbers restart from
+You have already seen many examples of the results produced by
+the section macro in this writeup.
+As in the case of the chapter macro all of the numbering is taken
+care of automatically.
+To accomplish the feat of generating a new section heading you type
+\tc{\\section $\{$ {\it section heading} $\}$ }
+For example, if you type
+\tc{ \\section $\{$ {\it New Section} $\}$ }
+you get
+\advance\sectionnumber by -1 \section{ New Section }
+As in the case of chapter headings you can play with the
+fonts if you insist; however, remember that the space above and
+below chapter and section headings have been carefully matched
+to our choices of fonts.
+If you play too much, the esthetic balance of the final copy
+won't be the same.
+The smallest subdivision for which we have a formal macro
+defined is a subsection.
+Our choice has been to make subsections unnumbered and underlined.
+When you type the command {\bf \\subsection
+$\{$ {\it subsec.heading} $\}$ }
+you get the sort of heading which introduces this paragraph.
+All of the control sequences, {\bf \\chapter}, {\bf \\section} and
+{\bf \\subsection} force the start of a new paragraph, so in principle
+you do not have to skip lines as you type in text.
+However, from the point of being able to proofread your
+typed copy in order to make corrections, not skipping lines
+can be a disaster.
+The underlining of the text in the section macro is accomplished using
+the control sequence
+\tc{\\undertext $\{$ {\it text} $\}$ }
+This is a command worth knowing about, but in general using italics
+is a better way to emphasize text.
+This completes our discussion of the macros which handle the
+generation of titles for the major subdivisions of the usual paper.
+\section{Other Subdivisions: Appendices and Acknowledgements}
+In addition to chapters, sections and subsections, papers tend
+to have auxiliary junk attached.
+This extra junk is usually called either
+acknowledgements or appendices.
+To save you the bother of figuring out which font sizes and spacing
+choices are necessary to make these appendages
+consistent with the rest of the paper we also have
+control sequences to generate headings for them.
+Typing the command
+\tc{ \\ack }
+generates the line
+Note the beauty of the typeface and the precisely chosen amounts of
+extra space which gracefully offset the title generated with this
+simple command.
+Once again, for the Philistines among you, you can play with
+the fonts using the commands {\bf \\bf}, {\bf \\sl}, etc.;
+however, let the esthetic violence you do to the manuscript
+be on your own head.
+Generating appendices presents us with a slightly more complex
+situation and so you get more choices as to how to proceed.
+The questions which arise at this juncture are
+{\it How many appendices will there be ?\/} and
+{\it How do you want them numbered ?\/}.
+Clearly, if there is to be only one appendix then the choice is
+In that event you generate a lovely heading by simply typing
+\tc{ \\appendix }
+which causes \TeX\ to generate the line
+If there are to be many appendices and you want to number them
+in any way which suits you, you only need type
+\tc{\\Appendix$\{$ {\it text} $\}$ }
+note the capital letter appearing as the first letter of this control
+Remember, \TeX\ cares about upper and lowercase, so this is a
+different command from { \bf \\appendix}.
+\tc{\\Appendix$\{$ {\it A} $\}$ }
+\noindent Typing
+\tc{ \\Appendix$\{$ {\it I} $\}$ }
+\noindent and typing
+\tc{ \\Appendix$\{$ {\it 1} $\}$ }
+\recallchap \recallsec \advance\chapternumber by 1
+\advance\sectionnumber by 1
+\def\sectionlabel{\number\sectionnumber \quad}
+This completes the discussion of the basic commands which generate
+division headings.
+Now we turn to a discussion of the special commands which
+PHYZZX has included to allow you to tailor the way in which
+these macros handle numbering conventions.
+\section{Controlling the Way Chapters are Numbered}
+The discussion to follow is really not necessary if what you want to
+learn is how to use PHYZZX to type a paper.
+This section is devoted to making PHYZZX do something out of
+the ordinary; i.e., something it ordinarily doesn't want to do.
+\subsection{Playing With Numbers}
+There will be times when you want to print out just a
+piece of a paper either because it is long, or because (as I
+understand is the case for that strange group of people called
+{\it experimental physicists}) many people are working on different
+chapters (perhaps even sections) of the same paper.
+In this event you probably want the chapter and section numbers to
+print correctly when you are proof reading so that you don't get
+Rest easy, this can be done.
+PHYZZX defines two quantities which it updates and refers to when
+it needs chapter and section numbers.
+These quantities are called {\bf \\chapternumber} and
+{\bf \\sectionnumber} (big surprise!).
+You, as the editor, can tell PHYZZX to set these numbers to a
+specific value, say 7, by typing
+Note that for the first time you have encountered an $=$
+sign occurring in a statement to \TeX .
+You will encounter this sort of syntax many times,
+in general when it occurs it will be because it is the natural
+way to write something.
+Once you get involved in fooling with chapter and section numbers
+there are a few things you have to know.
+Both the {\bf \\chapter} and {\bf \\section} macros increase
+the respective chapter or section number by 1 before they print
+Thus, if you want to get a chapternumber like 7 you set
+The same is true for setting the section number.
+If you are so perverse as to start in the middle of a chapter, then
+when you set the section number you must also set
+the chapter number, since it appears as part of the section
+Actually, the quantity which appears in the section heading is
+called {\\bf \\chapterlabel} and to set it you have to say
+\tc{\\let\\chapterlabel={\it 6}}
+or whatever label you want instead of 6.
+This extra step is required because we really don't think its
+such a great idea to start in the middle of a chapter and
+so didn't bother to make it too trivial to do so.
+If you are starting a chapter, then you don't have to worry
+about setting the section number since the command {\bf \\chapter}
+automatically resets the section number to 0.
+\subsection{Changing Styles}
+Another way you might want to modify the way PHYZZX handles divisions
+is to have it number chapters using letters, or roman numerals,
+instead of arabic numerals.
+Although this defeats the purpose of establishing some sort
+of uniformity of style for preprints, etc., it is possible to do.
+This feature was added to PHYZZX because we recognize that some
+folks, particularly experimentalists, just can't leave well
+enough alone.
+The mood of people like this begins to verge upon hysteria if
+they don't have knobs to twiddle and buttons to push.
+For this small number of benighted souls there exists the
+special command called {\bf \\chapterstyle}.
+You change the way in which PHYZZX numbers chapters by saying
+\settabs 2 \columns
+\+ {\bf \\chapterstyle$=$$\{$\\alphabetic$\}$}& to get
+the l.c. letters a,b,c,$\ldots$ \cr
+\+ {\bf \\chapterstyle$=$$\{$\\Alphabetic$\}$}& to get
+the u.c. letters A,B,C,$\ldots$ \cr
+\+ {\bf \\chapterstyle$=$$\{$\\roman$\}$} & to get
+the l.c. roman numerals i,ii,iii,$\ldots$ \cr
+\+ {\bf \\chapterstyle$=$$\{$\\Roman$\}$} & to get
+the u.c. roman numerals I,II,III,$\ldots$ \cr
+There is one more option open to you, that is to have all
+chapters, sections and subsections unnumbered.\foot{Note that
+this implies that all equations will automatically be sequentially
+To select this option you begin your file with the command
+This is not too difficult, but it is long to type.
+One final remark.
+We have not made it possible, other than shutting it off
+completely, for you to change the style used when numbering subsections.
+All you get is {$ chapterlabel.section number $} no matter what you
+Moreover, the section number is always an arabic numeral.
+If you don't like this, write your own section macro.
+(This isn't as bad as it sounds. We'll discuss doing this sort of
+thing at the end of this writeup.)
+We have now discussed the macros available for defining the basic
+parts of a paper and appropriately titling them.
+Now let us turn to the most important
+stuff -- other than text -- which appears in each section; namely
+If you've done your homework and read Knuth or {\bf First Grade
+\TeX\ } you know that equations are typed in {\it math mode}
+and that you let \TeX\ know that you are in math mode by
+typing either \$ or \$\$ .
+Enclosing an equation inside a pair of single \$ signs
+puts it in ordinary mode; enclosing the same equation between
+matching pairs of \$\$ signs puts it in display mode.
+Regular math mode is used for inserting equations into a line of
+Since you have done your homework we don't have to say
+anything about this, since PHYZZX doesn't play with ordinary math mode
+at all.
+Display mode is used for generating equations which are to stand out
+from the ordinary text.
+It allows you to type \hbreak
+{\bf \$\$} {\it (x+y)(x-y) = x\^\ 2 - y\^\ 2 }{\bf\$\$ } \hbreak
+in order to get
+$$ (x+y)(x-y) = x^2 -y^2 $$
+This is called a displayed equation.
+Displayed equations are used in all journals and are usually
+In PLAIN \TeX\ there is a built in
+capability for allowing you to generate
+equation numbers; it is the macro {\bf \\eqno}.
+If you type \hbreak
+{\bf \$\$ \it (x+y)(x-y) = x\^\ 2 - y\^\ 2 \bf \\eqno({\it 13}) \$\$ }
+you get
+$$ (x+y)(x-y) = x^2 -y^2 \eqno(13) $$
+This example shows what the command {\bf \\eqno} does. It makes
+the material appearing to the right of this command into
+a label for the displayed equation and sticks it in the right hand
+side of the line.
+There is also the PLAIN \TeX\ command {\bf \\leqno} which does the same
+thing but puts the equation number on the left.
+For example, typing \hbreak
+{\bf \$\$ \it 7x+12 = 24 \bf \\leqno ({\it 13}) \bf \$\$ } \hbreak
+$$ 7x + 12 = 24 \leqno(13) $$
+{\it So}, you ask, {\it what does PHYZZX have to do with this?}
+Well the answer to that question depends upon who you are.
+If you are typing someone else's handwritten manuscript which is
+in final proofread form, then these macros for putting in
+equation numbers are all you need.
+If, however, you are the author of the paper, typing it in yourself,
+either from a rough copy or composing it directly at the
+terminal, then these two commands leave a great deal to be desired.
+To begin with, if you are anything like me, when composing
+at the typewriter you usually forget the number of the last
+equation you have typed.
+Of course you can always go back and look it up, but this is time
+consuming and sometimes difficult to do.
+In addition if, as is usually the case, you expect the manuscript
+to be changed after it is typed, then it is highly likely
+that equations will be added, deleted and moved around.
+In that case, if you have used {\bf \\eqno} or {\bf \\leqno}
+you will have to go through the text and change all of the
+equation numbers and all references to those numbers each time
+there is a revision.
+Clearly this can get to be a big nuisance.
+Wouldn't it be nice if \TeX\ would just take care of numbering
+all of the equations properly each time it prints the manuscript
+taking into account all of the revisions automatically.\hbreak
+\centerline{{\it Joy of joys} it can be done!}
+\section{A Simple Solution to Numbering Equations}
+PHYZZX has a macro {\bf \\eq} which can take care of this chore for
+you automatically.
+All you have to do is type \hbreak
+\tc{ \$\$ \it x + y = {\bf $\{$} 2 {\bf \\over} (x - y) {\bf $\}$}
+\bf \\eqno\\eq \$\$}
+to get \hbreak
+$$ x + y = {2 \over (x-y)} \eqno\eq $$
+and you will have automatically generated an equation number.
+The question is, {\it What sort of equation
+number will you generate ?\/}.
+Once again, this is a question of style.
+If you are in the Phys.Rev. format, or in the default Nuclear Physics
+format then the equation label is of the form
+{ \it chapterlabel.equation number}.
+Equations are numbered sequentially within each chapter, but
+when you change chapters the chapter number is increased by
+1 and the equation number is reset to 1.
+If you have chosen the format with unnumbered chapters and sections,
+then {\\eq } will automatically generate sequential equation numbers.
+As far as we are concerned this is the most satisfactory way of
+numbering things.
+For short papers, i.e. those with only one chapter, choose the unnumbered
+chapter format and all of your equations will be numbered sequentially;
+for longer papers, i.e. those which call for dividing them into
+chapters, numbering the equations by their chapter and number within
+the chapter makes it easier to refer to them.
+Sometimes, however, either out of perversity or because a paper
+has many chapters but very few equations, an author wishes to
+choose the format with numbered chapters but sequential equation numbers.
+This will happen if, before entering the first equation in your paper
+you type the command {\bf \\sequentialequations}
+Hence, in the default mode, typing
+\tc{ \$\$ \it 7x + 11x\bf \^\ \it 2 = 50 \bf \\eqno\\eq \$\$ }
+\tcon{ \$\$ \it 3x + x\bf \^\ \it 3 = 85 \bf \\eqno\\eq \$\$ }
+\tcon{ \$\$ \it 4x + 8x\bf \^\ \it 7 = 12 \bf \\eqno\\eq \$\$ }
+\tcon{ \$\$ \it 7x + 4x\bf \^\ \it 2 = 0 \bf \\eqno\\eq \$\$ }
+\tcon{ \$\$ \it x + 21x\bf \^\ \it 5 = -5 \bf \\eqno\\eq \$\$ }
+$$ 7x + 11x^2 = 50 \eqno\eq $$
+$$ 3x + x^3 = 85 \eqno\eq $$
+$$ 4x + 8x^7 = 12 \eqno\eq $$
+$$ 7x + 4x^2 = 0 \eqno\eq $$
+$$ x + 21x^5 = -5 \eqno\eq $$
+If, however, you first type {\bf \\sequentialequations};
+then typing \hbreak
+\tc{ \$\$ \it 7x + 11x\bf \^\ \it 2 = 50 \bf \\eqno\\eq \$\$ }
+\tcon{ \$\$ \it 3x + x\bf \^\ \it 3 = 85 \bf \\eqno\\eq \$\$ }
+\tcon{ \$\$ \it 4x + 8x\bf \^\ \it 7 = 12 \bf \\eqno\\eq \$\$ }
+\tcon{ \$\$ \it 7x + 4x\bf \^\ \it 2 = 0 \bf \\eqno\\eq \$\$ }
+\tcon{ \$\$ \it x + 21x\bf \^\ \it 5 = -5 \bf \\eqno\\eq \$\$ }
+$$ 7x + 11x^2 = 50 \eqno\eq $$
+$$ 3x + x^3 = 85 \eqno\eq $$
+$$ 4x + 8x^7 = 12 \eqno\eq $$
+$$ 7x + 4x^2 = 0 \eqno\eq $$
+$$ x + 21x^5 = -5 \eqno\eq $$
+Since you are an astute reader you have no doubt noticed
+that what I have told you to this point only solves half of the
+While {\bf \\eq} automatically generates equation numbers
+which, each time you run the paper through \TeX\ ,
+are automatically updated to conform to the order in which
+they appear in the text, we have no a priori way of knowing what these
+numbers are.
+The question is, {\it How do we get hold of these numbers so that
+we can refer to them in the text?\/}
+Well, {\bf \\eq} provides a partial solution to this problem by
+definiing the control sequence {\bf \\?} a synonym for that
+number each time it is invoked.
+Hence, typing {\bf \\?} at any point in the text causes \TeX\ to
+print the number of the last equation in which you used the
+command {\bf \\eq}.
+For example by typing {\it equation \bf \\?} we cause \TeX\ to print
+equation \? , which is the number of the last equation
+appearing in our examples.
+The only thing wrong with this solution is that the meaning of
+the symbol {\bf \\?} changes each time you invoke {\bf \\eq},
+so what happens if you want to refer back to an equation
+at several different points in the text?
+\section{Naming Equations: A Powerful Tool}
+In order to make it possible to refer back to a specific equation
+without knowing its number, PHYZZX has a way of giving the equation
+a symbolic name, like {\bf \\?}, which will always stand for the
+number of that equation.
+The macro which accomplishes this feat does this at the same time
+it generates (and prints) the number associated with this
+Since this command does just one more thing than the command
+{\bf \\eq} does, we have given it a name which is just one
+letter longer; the name is {\bf \\eqn}.
+To use {\bf \\eqn} you type
+\tc{ \\eqn\\{\it equation\_name}}
+Note carefully the \\ appearing before the equation name inside the
+This backslash must always precede the name itself because you
+are using {\bf \\eqn} to define a new control sequence and, as
+we have already noted, control sequences always start with a \\ .
+Also note the grouping symbols.
+They tell \TeX\ to include everything in the braces as the
+equation name and they are necessary.
+To use this command you type something like \nextline
+{\bf {\it the value of} \$ \\pi \$ {\it is}} \nextline
+\tc{ \$\$ \\pi \\approx {\it 3.14159 } \\eqn\\{\it valueofpi} \$\$ }
+to obtain \nextline
+the value of $\pi$ is
+$$ \pi \approx 3.14159 \eqn\valueofpi $$
+If you now type \nextline
+{\it the circumference of a circle is given by} \nextline
+{\bf \$\$ {\it 2} \\pi {\it r}
+\^\ {\it 2} \\eqn\\{\it circumference} \$\$ }\nextline
+you define a new equation number and a new name.
+The result of this is \nextline
+\noindent the circumference of a circle is given by
+$$ 2\pi r^2 \eqn\circumference $$
+If we now type {\bf \\valueofpi} we get \valueofpi ,
+if we type {\bf \\circumference} we get \circumference .
+A little thought will convince you that this ability to name
+equations is a very powerful time saving tool.
+By giving names to equations you are able to refer to them
+at will without ever giving a thought to the number they
+will be assigned when the paper is printed.
+If you use the command {\bf \\eqn\\{\it name}} to
+deal with the numbering problem, then the number assigned to the
+equation and all references to the equation will always be correct.
+It won't matter if you delete equations, add equations, move
+equations around, or decide to switch from the normal conventions
+for numbering equations to sequential numbering, etc.
+\subsection{Restrictions on Equation Names}
+There are only a few simple rules you should observe when giving
+names to equations using the command {\bf \\eq}
+First, the name has to be proceeded by a \\ as we already noted
+Second, the rest of the name has to be all letters.
+{\it No numbers are allowed\/}.
+You may however use upper and lowercase letters, and names can
+be arbitrarily long.
+Everyone seems to have his own favorite way of naming equations
+in order to facilitate referring back to them later.
+I invite you to play around with this until you find a scheme
+which makes you comfortable.
+Third, try to remember to always use a different name for each
+Neither \TeX\ nor PHYZZX will warn you if you give two equations
+the same name.
+They will quite happily change the meaning of the
+previously defined name to mean the number of the last equation
+to which you have given that name.
+If you wish this to happen, o.k., however be sure that is what you
+want or you will be in for some surprises later.
+Finally, {\it never use the name of any macro for an equation name},
+this road surely leads to disaster.
+For example, if you accidentally type {\bf \\eqn\\bf}
+you not only change the previous meaning of {\bf \\bf} but you
+also mess up any macro which uses that control sequence.
+As an example of this I note that the names {\bf \\herman},
+{\bf \\Suzanne}, {\bf \\duMMy } are all good names; however,
+{\bf \\jerk3}, {\bf \\don't} and {\bf \\sl} are not.
+There is one exception to this rule, you can give the name {\bf \\?}
+to an equation, which is what the macro {\bf \\eq} does.
+This is useful only if you intend to use it as a temporary name
+for an equation that will be referred to once or twice before
+the name is redefined.
+If you really want to give use numbers for you equation names
+roman numerals are all right.
+You can name equations {\bf \\eqi},{\bf \\eqii},$\ldots$,
+{\bf \\eqix }, etc.
+\section{Other Macros For Naming Equations}
+We have already noted that \TeX\ allows you to put equations
+on the left hand side of a line using the macro {\bf \\leqno}.
+For this reason, we too need a version of the naming macros
+which do the same thing.
+The obvious name for such a macro would be {\bf \\leqn}
+and it is invoked by typing
+If you include this in an equation the number comes out on the left.
+In addition to this obvious addition to the macro set
+there are macros meant to be used for the automatic numbering of
+aligned equations.
+To learn about aligned equations you should read in the \TeX book
+or in {\bf First Grade \TeX }.
+Assuming that you have done so, let me remind you how about how
+aligned equations are generated, in order to set the stage for
+explaining how the macros {\bf \\eqinsert}, {\bf \\leqinsert},
+{\bf \\mideqn} and {\bf \\midleqn} work.
+Aligned equations are, as the name implies, a set of equations
+which appear one after the other.
+In order to make the spacing between these equations look nice
+and in order to make them line up so as not to look messy
+PLAIN \TeX\ introduces the macro {\bf \\eqalign}.
+This macro produces a list of equations which are aligned with
+respect to some common feature of each equation, for example
+an $=$ sign.
+As with single displayed equations \TeX\ allows you to number these
+sets of equations as if they are a single equation by using the
+commands {\bf \\eqno}, {\bf \\leqno}.
+PHYZZX, too, is kind and permits exactly the same thing; to do this you
+use the commands {\bf \\eqn} and {\bf \\leqn}.
+Since {\bf \\eqalign} is a macro whose argument is the text of the
+equations, the way to use {\bf \\eqn}, etc. is to type them
+{\it after} the right $\}$ which closes the {\bf \\eqalign} %{
+For example, typing \nextline
+{\bf \$\$ \\eqalign$\{$ \\cos $\{$ \\pi \\over {\it 6} $\}$\\ = \& \\
+\\sqrt$\{${\it 3/4}$\}$ \\cr \nextline
+\\cos$\{$\\pi\\over{\it 4}$\}$\\ =\&\\ \\sqrt$\{${\it 1/2}$\}$ \\cr
+\\cos$\{$\\pi\\over{\it 3}$\}$\\ =\&\\ \\sqrt$\{${\it 8}$\}$ \\cr $\}$
+\\eqn\\trig \$\$ }\nextline
+$$ \eqalign{\cos{\pi \over 6}\ = &\ \sqrt{3/4} \cr
+\cos{\pi\over 4}\ = &\ \sqrt{1/2} \cr
+\cos{\pi \over 3}\ =&\ \sqrt{8} \cr} \eqn\trig $$
+\subsection{Things to Remember About {\bf \\eqalign}}
+The entire argument of {\bf \\eqalign} must be enclosed in braces.
+Successive rows of the equation must be separated by the control
+symbol {\bf \\cr} to tell \TeX\ to make a carriage return.
+Every row contains two parts (or {\it templates}) separated
+by the special tabulation symbol \&.
+This symbol tells \TeX\ what character you want to line up in each
+line of the set of equations.
+If you want half of some of the lines to be empty that is all right,
+but the symbol \& must always appear.
+Left and right braces within a {\it template} must balance separately.
+PLAIN \TeX\ sometimes puts aligned equations too close together.
+If you want to force {\bf \\eqalign} to spread the lines apart
+somewhat there is a special control symbol for doing this.
+All you have to do is type {\bf \\cropen$\{${\it space}$\}$}
+instead of {\bf \\cr} at the end of each line.
+For example, {\bf \\cropen$\{${\it 12pt}$\}$ } will force
+the lines 12pt further apart.
+The control sequence {\bf \\crr} is an abbreviation for
+{\bf \\cropen$\{${\it 10pt}$\}$}.
+Although it is not obvious from the previous example, {\bf \\eqalign}
+won't always put the equation number where you would like it.
+For example, if one of the equation lines is very long and
+pushes into the right hand margin, then {\bf \\eqalign} will
+put the equation number on a separate line below the last equation
+in the set.
+If, as often happens, there is only one or two long lines and
+there is room on one of the other lines for an equation number
+you can force \TeX\ to put it there if you wish.
+The way to do this is to use the PLAIN \TeX\ control sequence
+{\bf \\eqinsert} immediately following the {\bf \\cr} or
+{\bf \\cropen} ending the line you wish to have the equation on.
+If you type \nextline
+{\bf \$\$} $\ldots$ {\bf =\&} $\ldots$ {\bf \\cr \\eqinsert$\{$
+{\it equation.number}$\}$ \$\$ } \nextline
+then you get the equation number you specify on the line
+The corresponding PHYZZX macros which allow you to do this
+while at the same time automatically generating a name and number
+for the aligned set of equations are
+\tc{\\mideqn\\{\it name}}
+If you don't want to name the equation at the same time that
+you automatically generate a number for it you can simply use
+\subsection{Numbering Aligned Equations Independently}
+Sometimes you will wish to generate a set of aligned equations
+but refer to each of them individually.
+In this case you will wish to be able to number them independently.
+PLAIN \TeX\ provides the control sequence {\bf \\eqaligno}
+to handle this eventuality.
+The command {\bf \\eqaligno} works like {\bf \\eqalign}
+except that each equation line consists of three
+parts (or {\it templates\/}) separated by the character \&.
+The third template is where you put the appropriate label for
+that line of the set of equations.
+If you wish to number each equation line sequentially without
+generating a name, then all you have to do is type \nextline
+{\bf \$\$ \\eqaligno $\{$ {\it junk} \& {\it more junk} \&
+\\eq \\cr $\}$ \$\$ }\nextline
+If, however, you wish to name each line separately
+you {\it may not} use the macro {\bf \\eqn}.
+It will not work and will give you a peculiar message of the form
+{\it you cannot use {\bf \\eqno} inside {\bf \\eqalign}}.
+To name individual lines of aligned equations the correct macro
+to use is {\bf \\eqnalign $\{$ \\{\it name} $\}$ } as the
+entry for the third template followed by the command {\bf \\cr}.
+The same command will work in {\bf \\leqaligno} which works
+in exactly the same way as {\bf \\eqalign} but puts the contents
+of the third template to the left of each equation instead of to
+the right.
+In general, {\bf \\leqaligno} causes more difficulties than
+{\bf \\eqaligno} and you should read about it in the \TeX book
+before using it.
+\section{References: Stuff Which Comes at the Back}
+To this point we have discussed the partitioning of a document
+into it's major parts, and the automatic numbering and naming
+of equations.
+We now come to the question of generating references.
+In general a reference is signaled by attaching a
+label or reference mark, i.e.
+either a superscripted number or a superscripted number
+enclosed in delimiters (e.g., braces, brackets or parentheses),
+to a specified word in the text.
+This number indicates that in the back of the document, on a page
+(or pages) labelled REFERENCES, one will find a corresponding
+chunk of text prefaced by the same number.
+This text will usually be
+a reference to work published in some journal
+or some comment which is only marginally relevant to the subject
+being discussed.
+Your problem as typist and editor is to generate the appropriate
+number, attach it to the desired word and then type the desired
+text into a separate file of text at the same time numbering it
+with the corresponding number.
+You therefore are faced with several formatting decisions;
+namely, how to attach the reference number to the word in
+the text, and how to format the references when they are typed
+in the back of the paper.
+Clearly, there is a real need for a macro
+to help you handle this dull and repetitive chore.
+\subsection{What features should such a macro possess ?}
+First it should handle the task of
+attaching the desired number to the designated word, and
+then it should file away the pertinent text in a form which will
+allow it to be printed at the end of the paper.
+In addition to the mechanical act of attaching the reference mark and
+sending the text to another page, we would also like it
+to automatically generate the number for us; so that we don't have to
+constantly refer back to the number of the last reference
+As in the case of equations, this would be nice, since then
+the numbering will automatically come out correct even if we
+add, delete or move references around.
+Finally, since one often cites the same reference
+in many places in the text, it would be nice for the macro to
+allow us to name a reference (in the same way we named equations)
+so that we can cite it without ever knowing exactly
+what number PHYZZX has assigned to it.\nextline
+\centerline{PHYZZX \it has the macro capability to do all of this
+and more.}
+Since, however,
+there are may different ways in which people like to
+generate and cite references we had to make the commands for
+carrying out these tasks more flexible than those which we
+have been discussing to now.
+For this reason there are more of them to learn about
+and their syntax is a little more complicated.
+We will take them one at a time in increasing order of
+\subsection{Single References}
+Let us deal with the simplest case first.
+Suppose you wish to generate a reference, mark the appropriate word
+and save the indicated text for printing in the back of the paper.
+The command used to accomplish this feat is
+{\bf \\ref}.
+The syntax of this command is
+\tc{ \\ref$\{$\it text$\}$}
+where the indicated text is the material which you wish to have
+appear in the back of the paper.
+For example if you type\ref{This is the place you want to put a
+reference}{\bf \\ref$\{$ \it This is the place you want to put a
+reference \bf $\}$}; then PHYZZX will, as you see, generate a
+reference number, attach it to the word immediately preceding
+the macro command and store the text in a file on your A disk.
+Each time you invoke the macro {\bf \\ref} it increases the
+reference number by 1 and adds the next reference to the file on
+your A disk.
+Anytime that you wish to print this file all you have to do is
+type the command {\bf \\refout}.
+Normally, you would wait to do this until the end of the document;
+however, to see what happens we will now type {\bf \\refout} to
+Note, that the simple command {\bf \\ref} is like the command {\bf \\eq}:
+it automatically numbers the reference and stores it away,
+however it does not allow you the freedom of naming it.
+It is like {\bf \\eq} in another way;
+like {\bf \\eq} it automatically
+gives the reference the name {\bf \\?}.
+This allows you to refer to the last reference until
+you do something to redefine {\bf \\?}.
+Clearly, this command has only
+limited flexibility and one needs a more sophisticated command
+to allow you to individually name each reference.
+The command which does this is {\bf \\Ref}; the syntax for this
+command is
+\tc{\\Ref\\{\it name}$\{${\it text of reference}$\}$}
+where {\it name} is the name you wish to assign to this
+reference and {\it text} is the material which you wish to have
+appear on the page of references at the back of the document.
+To use the command {\bf \\Ref} you simply begin typing the
+appropriate reference immediately following the word to which
+the reference number is to be attached.
+For example if you type \nextline
+$ \ldots $ {\it this is the result obtained by Banks and
+Kaplunovsky{\bf \\Ref\\}junkname{\bf $\{$}T.\~\ Banks
+and V.\~\ Kaplunovsky \bf $\}$}
+you get \nextline
+$\ldots$ this is the result
+obtained by Banks and Kaplnovsky\Ref{\junkname}{T.~Banks
+and V.~Kaplunovsky}\nextline
+Note that the word Kaplunovsky has a superscripted version of the
+current reference number attached to it and the text has disappeared.
+The text is stored away in a file called
+{\bf referenc.texauxil}.
+This file is automatically stored on your A disk
+when the \TeX\ file is processed.
+Once again, to print this stuff we type {\bf \\refout}
+\noindent If we wish to refer to this reference we need only type
+{\it Ref. {\bf \\junkname}} to obtain Ref.\junkname .
+Note that when you type {\bf \\junkname} you do not automatically
+get a space after the number generated, even if you typed one.
+This is because \TeX\ eats a space which appears after a control
+If you want a space to follow the number you should type
+{\bf \\junkname\\ \quad }; i.e., {\bf \\junkname} followed
+by a {\bf \\ \it (space)}, which is \TeX 's control sequence for an
+extra space.
+\subsection{Gaining Ultimate Control of Referencing}
+Recapping, we see that
+the command {\bf \\Ref} basically does for references what {\bf \\eqn}
+does for equations.
+Ordinarily, {\bf \\Ref} is the most convenient version of the
+reference command and will be the one you will use most
+There will be situations, however, where you wish to generate a named
+reference without generating its reference mark.
+For example, you may be typing a formula, or a footnote and wish
+to put the superscripted reference mark inside the footnote or formula
+(or for that matter, inside some {\bf \\hbox} which you are
+You must be careful because the command
+{\bf \\Ref} cannot be used in these situations.
+This has to do with the way in which it goes about doing its job.
+You really don't have to know the reasons why it won't work,
+you just have to know it won't.
+This problem is easily solved if you know how to use the most
+flexible form of the reference command; namely, the command
+\tc{\\REF\\{\it junkname}$\{$ {\it text }$\}$}
+As you see the syntax of this command is identical to {\bf \\Ref}
+and in fact, it does almost exactly the same thing.
+It generates a dummy name ({\bf \\junkname}) and writes the text
+material into the file {\bf referenc.texauxil}.
+The difference is that when {\bf \\REF} is finished it does not
+attach the reference mark to the preceding word.
+To attach the reference mark to a specific word you type the command
+{\bf \\refend} immediately following that word.
+Basically, what {\bf \\Ref} does is invoke the command {\bf \\REF}
+immediately followed by the command {\bf \\refend}.
+Dividing the reference generating command from the
+command which attaches the reference mark
+solves all of the aforementioned problems.
+If you wish to put a reference in a forbidden place, like a footnote,
+or hbox, or formula, all you have to do is use {\bf \\REF}
+somewhere before you enter the forbidden territory and then use
+{\bf \\refend} immediately following the place where you want the
+reference mark.
+\subsection{Generating Your Own Reference Marks}
+Since the referencing commands are the ones which are
+most often played with (because
+so many people have their own styles for referencing things) it
+is worth spending a few moments giving you a better understanding
+of the various subcommands which go into their construction.
+First, you should know that the current value of the number
+assigned to the last reference
+is filed away under the name
+{\bf \\referencecount}.
+To get hold of this number you type
+and then \TeX\ will type out the current value of this number.
+PHYZZX attaches this number to a word by invoking
+the command {\bf \\refmark}.
+The syntax of the control sequence {\bf \\refmark} is
+\tc{\\refmark$\{$ {\it number or name of reference}$\}$ }
+When this command is issued PHYZZX tells \TeX\ to generate a
+superscripted version of the material appearing inside the braces
+and attach it to the word immediately preceding the place where you
+typed this control sequence.
+It is not advisable to leave spaces between the word
+and the command {\bf \\refmark} (or for that matter {\bf \\ref, \\Ref}
+and {\bf \\refend}),
+because if space is left it might creep into the text.
+The command {\bf \\refmark} does one more thing, it changes the
+appearance of the reference mark depending upon whether the paper
+is in Nuclear Physics or Physical Review format.
+Since I have referred to {\bf \\refmark} as a subcommand
+it is only fair to give an example of how it is used.
+One place is in the definition of the command {\bf \\refend}.
+PHYZZX defines the command {\bf \\refend} to mean
+Using {\bf \\REF} to define a reference outside
+of a forbidden region and using {\bf \\refend} inside this region
+to generate the reference mark provides only a partial solution to the
+problem we have been discussing.
+This is because {\bf \\refend} causes the current value
+of {\bf \\referencecount} to be printed.
+If, for some reason you wish to delay the printing of
+several reference names; or, if you wish to mix and match various
+references and stick them in a single reference mark, you can
+do this by typing {\bf \\refmark$\{$ \\junkname} $\ldots$ {\bf $\}$}
+In this way you can gain all but stylistic control
+of your reference marks.
+It is still true that {\bf \\refmark} changes the form of the
+reference mark depending upon whether the paper is headed for
+Phys.Rev. or Nucl.Phys.
+To gain total control of your reference marks
+you need to use the command {\bf \\attach}.
+The syntax of this command is
+\tc{\\attach$\{$ \it stuff \bf $\}$}
+What {\bf \\attach} does is put {\it stuff} into math mode,
+make a superscript out of it and attach it to the word that
+comes before.
+It also spaces from that word so as to make the attached
+quantity look most natural.
+The {\bf \\attach} command does nothing at all to the reference
+mark and it is independent of the format of the paper.
+\subsection{Multiple References}
+You have now learned all you should know about generating
+single references and taking complete control of the way in which
+they generate reference marks.
+However, you still do not know everything about the
+way in which PHYZZX can handle references.
+This is because we have not yet discussed the question of
+multiple references.
+{\it What is a multiple reference?} and {\it Why should I care about
+multiple references?} you ask.
+Good question!
+In principle you don't need to care about them at all.
+You already have the basic tools for handling any referencing problem
+should the need arise, all you need to do is
+use the commands {\bf \\REF} and {\bf \\refmark}.
+Nevertheless, since multiple references occur frequently, especially
+in experimental papers, they merit a special
+construct to make them simpler to handle.
+The problem of generating multiple references comes up
+when you reach a point in the text where you wish to
+add a reference to several authors and at the same time
+you do not wish to have this saved as a single reference.
+This may happen for several reasons, the principal reason
+being that you may wish to refer to some of these references
+individually at a later point in the text.
+In this case there exists a set of commands which allow you
+to do this.
+These commands allow you to tell \TeX\ that the material to
+follow will define and name several references.
+They assign a number to each of these references,
+store them away individually and then attach the reference mark \nextline
+$\{$ {\it number of first ref. in set -- number of last ref. in set}$\}$
+The presence or absence of delimiters (in the form of brackets) depends
+upon whether or not you have typed {\bf \\PHYSREV}.
+The commands which perform this service are
+\tc{\\REFS\\{\it name}\bf$\{$ \it text \bf$\}$}
+\tcon{\\REFSCON\\{\it name}\bf $\{$ \it text \bf $\}$}
+\tc{\\refsend .}
+To use these commands to generate multiple references you invoke
+them sequentially.
+For example, suppose you wish the next three references to form
+a single multiple reference.
+Begin by selecting the word to which you wish to attach the
+reference mark.
+After the word to which you wish to attach the appropriate
+reference mark, you type in the first reference
+\REFS\first{This is the first reference of a series.}
+\REFSCON\second{The papers just mentioned are unimaginative,
+stupid, incorrect and besides I did it first.}
+\REFSCON\third{I am running out of references.}
+by typing \nextline
+{\bf \\REFS\\{\it first}\bf $\{$ \it
+This is the first reference of a series. \bf $\}$} \nextline
+You then type the next reference using the command {\bf \\REFSCON}
+as follows \nextline
+{\bf \\REFSCON\\{\it second}\bf $\}\{$ \it
+The papers just mentioned are unimaginative,
+stupid, incorrect and besides I did it first.\bf $\}$} \nextline
+In the same way you continue with {\bf \\REFSCON} to generate
+all succeeding references.
+Hence, to input the third reference you type \nextline
+{\bf \\REFSCON\\{\it third}\bf $\{$ \it
+I am running out of references. \bf $\}$ } \nextline
+You finally cause PHYZZX to generate the reference mark by
+after the closing brace of the last reference.
+As you see, this set of macros has kept track of the numbers
+of the references, filed the text for
+each reference away and finally combined the number of the first
+and last reference in the set into a single reference mark and
+attached it to the word {\it typing}.
+To see what has been filed away we type {\bf \\refout}
+and obtain
+If you wish to generate an automatically numbered multiple
+reference but have no need to name the individual references
+then we provide the commands {\bf \\refs} and {\bf \\refscon}.
+The syntax of these commands are
+\tc{\\refs$\{$ \it text \bf $\}$ }
+\tc{\\refscon$\{$ \it text \bf $\}$ }
+The command {\bf \\refs$\{$ \it text \bf $\}$} is equivalent
+to {\bf \\REFS\\?$\{$ \it text \bf $\}$ }
+and the command {\bf \\refscon$\{$ \it text \bf $\}$}
+is equivalent to {\bf \\REFSCON\\?$\{$ \it text \bf $\}$}.
+The fact that the name {\bf \\?} is assigned
+to each reference in turn makes it less useful than in the command
+{\bf \\ref} and so you would not tend to use this command unless
+you are typing an already finalized manuscript.
+\subsection{The Problem of Long References }
+First, you we should observe that there is no problem combining
+many citations in a single reference.
+Obviously, this can be done by typing them in as the argument
+of any one of the reference commands.
+If, however, you wish to have a series of citations all appear
+under the same number, but wish to have them appear on
+individual lines all you have to do is follow each one by the
+command {\bf \\nextline}.
+What {\bf \\nextline} does is generate a neat break and starts
+\TeX\ off printing the material which follows at the beginning of
+a new line.
+The important fact about {\bf \\nextline} is that it preserves
+the indentation of the text established by the reference macro.
+This brings us to the second point.
+{\it What happens if you wish to have a reference which consists
+of several paragraphs ?\/}
+Here you have to be careful, since if you use the command {\bf \\par}
+or leave a blank line (which amounts to the same thing)
+you will spoil the indentation of the text material.
+To avoid this a special macro exists called {\bf \\subpar}.
+To get vertical space between text in a single reference
+type the command {\bf \\subpar}
+whenever you would ordinarily insert
+the command {\bf \\par} or leave a blank line.
+It will accomplish the same feat as {\bf \\par \\noindent}
+but it will not mess up the formatting of the reference page.
+Having discussed the way to properly generate long references, we
+now come to the problems this will cause.
+The fact is, \TeX\ has trouble writing long lines to
+an external file.
+Since, as far as \TeX\ is concerned the argument of any one of
+the reference macros is just one long line, there will come the
+time when \TeX\ will complain in a mysterious way.
+If you are running interactively it will issue a horrible looking
+PASCAL error message (sending the unforwarned into a case of
+cardiac arrest) and then continue with its processing.
+Since \TeX\ will resume processing after this frightening hiatus
+you will promptly recover, shake your head and say {\it Ain't
+computers peculiar?\/}.
+You will also, in all probability, ignore the fact that it happened.
+This will be a mistake.
+If you look in {\bf referenc.texauxil} on your A disk, you will find
+that \TeX\ has found one of the references is too long
+and has chopped it off, replacing most of the text by
+{\bf \\ETC}.
+I presume that in general this will not be what you intended.
+\titlestyle{\twelvepoint \it Have no fear, PHYZZX is here !}\nextline
+There is a control sequence which solves this problem; unfortunately,
+it is not a really neat solution.
+The solution is to go back into the reference and type
+{\bf \\splitout} at various places in the text.
+This command tells \TeX\ to begin sending a new line to the
+As I said, this is a solution but not an elegant one.
+We are saddened that the elegant solution has escaped us and
+hope that a \TeX pert out there will tell us a better way to proceed.
+\subsection{Questions of Style}
+Sometimes you will wish to attach a reference mark to a word
+which is immediately followed by a comma.
+This presents you with two choices neither of which produce
+truly satisfactory text.
+If you type \nextline
+\ $\ldots $ {\it this is the place,}{\bf \\refend} \nextline
+you get \nextline
+$\ldots $ this is the place,\refend \nextline
+and if you type \nextline
+$\ldots $ {\it this is the place}{\bf \\refend}, \nextline
+you get
+$\ldots $ this is the place\refend , \nextline
+In the first case the reference mark is really attached to the
+comma, causing an unsightly extra amount of space;
+in the second case the reference mark separates the word from
+the comma, which is even worse.
+The way out of this predicament is to make use of Knuth's
+command {\bf \\rlap}
+If you type \nextline
+$\ldots $ {\it this is the place}{\bf \\rlap},{\bf \\refend} \nextline
+you get \nextline
+$\ldots $ this is the place\rlap,\refend \nextline
+which is much better.
+Obviously the same trick applies to the macros
+{\bf \\refsend}, {\bf \\refmark}, {\bf \\ref}, {\bf \\Ref} and
+{\bf \\attach}.
+Because of the way references work you always get a single
+space after an attached reference.
+Basically this means that if you attach the reference mark to
+the last word in a sentence, the next sentence will start too
+There is a way out of this dilemma.
+Type \nextline
+{\it the end of the world}{\bf \\rlap}.{\bf \\refend\\ \quad}
+The next\nextline
+which will produce \nextline
+the end of the world\rlap .\refend\ The next \nextline
+The {\bf \\ \quad} forces more space between the sentences.
+Finally, if you need a reference followed by a colon and want
+to get rid of the extra space that the reference macro puts in
+simply type {\bf \\refend\\unskip}.
+The command {\bf \\unskip} is a Knuth construct which eats
+the last extra space you entered.
+(Actually, it eats the last bit of glue that
+was inserted into the text, but that is a matter for \TeX perts.)
+\subsection{Typing Journal Entries: A Convenient Macro }
+Since many of the references which appear in a paper are
+citations of articles appearing in various physics journals
+we have a special macro to handle this problem.
+The reason one uses a macro to do this is that \TeX perts
+are expected to typeset such references with the journal name
+in as slanted ({\bf \\sl}) font, the volume number in boldface
+({\bf \\bf}) font and the remaining text in roman ({\bf \\rm}) font.
+You can either remember to do all of this or you can use the
+command {\bf \\journal}.
+The syntax of this command is
+\tc{\\journal{\it journal name}{\bf \&}{\it volume number}%
+{\bf (}{\it year}\bf )}
+This command is used inside any
+one of the reference commands as follows:
+if you want to obtain the same result as typing \nextline
+{\bf \\ref$\{$ \it T.\~\ Banks and V.\~\ Kaplunovsky \bf \\sl
+\it Nucl. Phys. \bf \~\
+\\bf \it B211 \bf \\rm \it (1983) 529 \bf $\}$} \nextline
+you need only type \nextline
+{\bf \\ref$\{$ \it T.\~\ Banks and V.\~\ Kaplunovsky \bf
+\\journal \it Nucl.Phys.\bf \& \it B211 (83) 529 $\}$}
+This will produce a reference entry of the form \nextline
+\refitem{1.} T.~Banks and V.~Kaplunovsky \journal Nucl.Phys. & B211 (83)
+Note, the blanks before {\bf \\journal}, before and after the
+character {\bf \&} and before and after the {\it (year)} are
+If everything is working as it should they will have no effect
+on the final result.
+On the other hand, be careful about blanks within the parentheses;
+if you put them in they will appear.
+Thus, typing ( 83 ) produces a different result from typing (83).
+The first will result in the journal year being typed as 19 83
+and not 1983 which is, presumably, the desired result.
+\section{Figures and Tables}
+There are two other things which tend to appear at the end
+of a paper and to which one refers in the text.
+These are Figure Captions and Table Captions.
+In general these things come up as you are typing
+in some text and decide {\it Aha! This is a good place for a figure
+(or table)}.
+As with equations and references, it is convenient to be able
+to generate a number for this figure(table), name it and file
+away the text of the figure caption (or something which will remind
+you what figure you wanted to put there) in a file called
+{\bf figures.texauxil} (or {\bf tables.texauxil}) to be printed
+at the end of the paper.
+The commands which accomplish this feat are
+\tc{\\FIG\\{\it name}\bf$\{$ \it text $\}$}
+\tc{\\TABLE\\{\it name}\bf $\{$ \it text \bf $\}$}
+As in all other variants of this naming convention,
+{\bf \\name} will be the name of the figure (or table)
+generated, and {\it text} is the material to be stored away
+in a file on your A disk.
+These commands work like the reference or equation commands
+in that the numbering is automatic and
+will always be correct no matter how you subsequently modify the
+The commands, analagous to {\bf \\refout}, which print the
+list of figure or table captions are
+which should come as no big surprise.
+There is a fundamental way in which the figure and table caption
+macros differ from the reference macros; namely, they do not
+automatically generate a reference mark.
+This is because you normally want to say something like \nextline
+$\ldots$ {\it as you can see from Fig. 7 } \nextline
+or something like that.
+The basic macros, i.e. {\bf \\FIG} or {\bf \\TABLE} permit
+you to type this in as you please.
+For example, one way to have \TeX\ generate the line above
+is to type \nextline \figurecount=7
+{$\ldots $ \it as you can see from \bf \\FIG\\?$\{$ \it text
+\bf $\}$} Fig.{\bf \~\ \\?} \nextline
+which will produce \nextline
+$\ldots $ as you can see in \FIG{\?}{this is the picture of the Mona
+Lisa generated as a fractile} Fig.~\? \nextline
+Obviously, using this form of the command (either for a figure or
+a table) you have total control of what follows.
+Moreover, for simplicity I chose to name the figure {\bf \\?}
+since I only intended to refer to it this one time.
+It is clear that I could have given it any name.
+For those of you who are happy to use the command exactly in this
+way, i.e. to name the figure {\bf \\?}, file away the caption
+and then type either {\it Fig.\~\ \\?} or {\it fig.\~\ \\?}
+there are two macros, named {\bf \\Fig} and {\bf \\fig}
+The syntax of these commands is somewhat simpler; namely,
+\tc{\\Fig$\{$ \it text \bf $\}$}
+\tc{\\fig$\{$ \it text \bf $\}$ }
+They are the analogues of the set of reference macros which
+automatically generate a reference mark whose name is {\bf \\?}
+after filing away the text of the figure caption.
+What they do is first execute the command \nextline
+\tc{\\FIG\\?$\{$ \it text \bf $\}$}
+and then follow this by either Fig.\~\ or fig.\~\ .
+The analagous macro for tables is
+\tc{\\Table$\{$ \it text \bf $\}$}
+which performs the same task as typing
+\tc{\\TABLE\\?$\{$ \it text \bf $\}$ \rm Table\bf \~\ \\?}
+This completes our discussion of macros associated with {\it things
+which come at the back}.
+Everybody knows what a footnote is and you have already seen an
+example of a footnote appearing on page~5.
+Basically what a footnote macro has to do is
+attach a footnote mark to a specified word and then
+file away material to be put at the bottom of the page
+(in ten point type).
+The macro has to decide what to do if the footnote is too long,
+or if many footnotes appear on the same page.
+In addition, it has to decide what footnote mark to generate.
+PHYZZX has two macros which carry out this feat.
+The first macro, {\bf \\foot}, has the syntax
+\tc{\\foot$\{$ \it text $\}$}
+where the text of the footnote is to be inserted between the
+When you invoke this command immediately following the word
+to which you want to attach a footnote mark it does several
+First it generates the footnote mark and attaches it to the
+preceding word.
+If you are in the Nucl.Phys. format, this symbol will automatically
+be chosen from the set of symbols $\star$, $\dagger$, $\ast$,
+$\ddagger$, $\natural$, $\diamond$, $\bullet$ and $\nabla$.
+The macro will continually cycle through this table, according
+to a specified algorithm, in such a way that the same symbol
+will not (except in truly extraordinary circumstances) appear twice
+on a single page.
+If you are in PHYSREV mode, then the footnote mark will be a
+superscripted $\sharp$ sign followed by the current value of
+{\bf \\number\\footsymbolcount}.
+This is a truly ugly convention, however it is included only
+to provide something for people who insist on numbering footnotes.
+Actually, Phys.Rev. does not like footnotes and preferes this
+material be included in with the references as endnotes.
+Note, that as with references, the text of a footnote is
+indented using the \TeX\ command {\bf \\hangindent},
+hence to insert multi-paragraph footnotes one cannot use the {\bf \\par}
+command but must use instead the {\bf \\subpar} command.
+If you don't do this, but use {\bf \\par} (or equivalently insert a
+blank line) then \TeX\ will, obligingly, turn off the {\bf \\hangindent}.
+This will, of course, mess up the footnote considerably.
+\subsection{Hints and Warnings}
+Since footnotes use \TeX 's basic {\bf \\insert} command,
+they are meant to be used in {\it unrestricted horizontal mode}.
+In other words, you use them inside paragraphs, but outside
+of {\bf \\hbox}, {\bf \\centerline} or similar commands.
+If you don't understand the meaning of the phrase {\it unrestricted
+horizontal mode} you should read about it in the \TeX book,
+or in {\bf First Grade \TeX }.
+This fact means that one has to be careful in attempting combine
+certain other control sequences with the {\bf \\foot} command.
+Do not define references, figure captions, table captions, etc.,
+inside the text of a footnote.
+If you must put a reference mark inside a footnote use the command
+{\bf \\REF} somewhere before you start the footnote and then
+use {\bf \\refend} inside the text of the footnote.
+If you choose to invoke a footnote when you are in vertical mode
+between paragraphs, then the footnote, complete with its footnote
+mark, will be generated; however, since there is nothing to
+attach this mark to, no superscripted footnote mark will appear.
+Since the command will generate a footnote mark, the counter
+{\bf \\footsymbolcount} will be advanced and so, insofar as PHYZZX
+is concerned, the symbol is waiting around to be used.
+Hence, if you wish to attach this symbol to a word at a later point
+this can be accomplished by use of the subcommand {\bf \\footattach}.
+All you have to do to use {\bf \\footattach} is type it immediately
+following the word to which you wish to attach the footnote mark.
+This command works just like {\bf \\attach} or {\bf \\refmark}
+except that it attaches the current footnote mark and knows whether
+to use Nucl.Phys. or Phys.Rev. format.
+We already noted that if you wish to attach a footnote
+inside of a box (either horizonatal or vertical)
+the way to do it is to use {\bf \\foot} after the previous paragraph
+has ended, but before you make the box in question.
+Then use the command {\bf \\footattach} inside the box.
+What happens if you need to attach the footnote mark
+to something inside a box which appears inside a paragraph?
+In this case you can use the PLAIN command {\bf \\vadjust}
+to accomplish this feat.
+Simply type
+\tc{\\vadjust$\{$ \it text \bf $\}$\\nobreak}
+immediately before the box and then use {\bf \\footattach} inside
+the box.
+\subsection{Controlling Your Footnote Marks}
+Once again, this section is for those who wish to go beyond
+the mundane and use unusual symbols for their footnotes.
+This can be done by using the PHYZZX command
+\tc{\\footnote$\{$ \it symbol \bf $\}\{$ \it text \bf $\}$ }
+which will generate a footnote using the {\it symbol} you have
+specified as the footnote mark.
+The symbol can be any math mode symbol, or any outr\'e thing
+that you can think up.
+The symbol does have to be in math mode, so if it is something
+you made up instead of a math mode control sequence, be sure to
+{\bf \\hbox} it and enclose it in \$ signs.
+You now have all of the necessary information to allow you
+to use PHYZZX to format a paper for the printer: you can
+tell him to set up chapter, section and subsection headings;
+number equations; format the reference, figure caption and
+table caption page; format footnotes, keep track of how
+many are on a page and carry them over to succeeding pages if
+it is necessary.
+From a stylistic point of view there is nothing more for you
+to learn about papers.
+Using the basic commands defined in PLAIN \TeX\ and those
+PHYZZX macros which we have already discussed, you are now
+capable of generating a paper of the correct style to be
+the body of a SLAC preprint.
+What we have not discussed to this point are things like macros for
+title pages and macros which make typing special constructions
+simpler than they would be in PLAIN.
+In this section we will discuss a set of
+macros which make the construction
+of {\it itemized lists} particularly easy to achieve.
+Itemized lists appear most often when one is outlining a paper
+and trying to arrange the material in some systematic fashion.
+This sort of outline shows up in memos and the introduction to a
+Itemized lists also appear in the body of the text when one wants
+to make a series of points and, at the same time, clearly separate them
+from the format of the general body of the text.
+Lists of this sort are conventionally set up as a series of indented
+paragraphs preceded by some sort of highlighting symbol.
+This symbol can be a number, letter, roman numberal or some math
+mode symbol such as a dot, star, diamond, etc.
+When used in writing outlines, etc., one indicates the major divisions of
+the outline by indenting the text associated with
+them some fixed amount and highlighting this text with a specific
+type of symbol.
+When itemizing the ideas which fall within each major division, one
+usually indents the text somewhat more than one did for the major
+divisions and highlights each of these sub-points with a symbol
+which differs in type from those used to highlight the major points.
+One then further subdivides each of these categories into smaller
+steps and indicates this fact by once again increasing the amount of
+indentation and once again changing the type of highlighting symbol used.
+So on ad-infinitum $\ldots$
+Obviously, at least for those of you who have read the \TeX book,
+all of this can be done using the commands {\bf \\hangindent}
+and {\bf \\hangafter}.
+However, if one is creating long lists of points, subpoints,
+subsubpoints, etc., then keeping track of the symbols and
+appropriate levels of indentation can get to be a problem.
+For this reason PHYZZX provides a series of macros to make this as simple
+as possible.
+As in the previous cases, we will begin by discussing the
+fixed format versions of the macros, which are the ones which are easiest
+to use, and go on to discuss the ones which allow you greater flexibility.
+\section{Fixed Format Lists: Points, Subpoints, Subsubpoints}
+The macros {\bf \\point},{\bf \\subpoint} and {\bf \\subsubpoint}
+exist to make it easy to deal with itemized
+lists having up to three levels
+of indentation.
+The first level of indentation is the smallest and is generated by
+typing the command {\bf \\point} followed by the text associated with that
+Note that unlike the reference or footnote macros,
+the text associated with
+a {\bf \\point} {\it does not} need to be enclosed in braces.
+Points, etc. are constructed using the {\bf \\hangindent} command
+and so \TeX\ accepts all of the text up to the next {\bf \\par} (or blank
+line) and formats it as you desire.
+For this reason, if a point is to consist of more than one paragraph
+{\it do not use the {\bf \\par} command to generate the second paragraph}
+but, instead, use the special command {\bf \\subpar}.
+In addition to indenting the material to follow, the command
+{\bf \\point} also generates a number for the point and attaches it
+to the left of the first line.
+You have seen examples of points in other parts of this writeup; go back
+and look at them if my sentences are confusing.
+Each time you type {\bf \\point}
+PHYZZX generates a new paragraph, increases
+the number of the last point by one and appends this to the left of the
+first line of the new point.
+Obviously, this works well until you finish with a given set of points
+and then decide you want to make a new list of points at a later point
+in the same paper.
+Except in unusual circumstances you would like the first item on this
+list to be labelled 1, and not start up from the number assigned to
+the last point in the previous list.
+To avoid this sort of calamity you use a special command to begin
+a new set of points namely, the command {\bf \\pointbegin}.
+(Clearly this choice of nomenclature is far
+from sprightly and imaginative,
+but it is easy to guess what the correct command is even if you
+have forgotten it.)
+As an example suppose you type \nextline
+{\bf \\pointbegin} \nextline
+This is the first point I wish to make. \nextline
+{\bf \\point} \nextline
+This is the second point. \nextline
+{\bf \\point} \nextline
+I am not very imaginative, so this is the third point. \nextline
+You then obtain
+This is the first point I wish to make.
+This is the second point.
+I am not very imaginative, so this is the third point.
+You then return to typing ordinary text by following the text of
+the last point in your list with a {\bf \\par} or blank line.
+\subsection{Subpoints and Subsubpoints}
+The format of a subpoint is that it is indented further and
+highlighted by lower case letters enclosed in parentheses.
+The command for generating a subpoint is {\bf \\subpoint}
+and, as with points, each time you type {\bf \\subpoint}
+you automatically generate the next letter in the alphabet
+as a highlight.
+As with points, in order to start the numbering over again
+you start each set of subpoints by typing
+{\bf \\subpointbegin} instead of {\bf \\subpoint}.
+For example, typing \nextline
+{\bf \\pointbegin} \nextline
+This is the first point I wish to make. \nextline
+{\bf \\subpointbegin} \nextline
+This is the first subpoint. \nextline
+{\bf \\subpoint} \nextline
+This is the second subpoint \nextline
+{\bf \\subpoint} \nextline
+Etc. \nextline
+{\bf \\point} \nextline
+This is the second point. \nextline
+will generate
+This is the first point I wish to make.
+This is the first subpoint.
+This is the second subpoint
+This is the second point.
+Subsubpoints are the last automatically provided subdivision
+and are generated using the commands {\bf \\subsubpointbegin}
+and {\bf \\subsubpoint}.
+They are indented still further and highlighted by lower case
+roman numerals enclosed in parentheses.
+I leave it to you to generate you own examples of subsubpoints,
+the syntax is completely similar to that of the previous examples.
+The command {\bf \\spoint} is acceptable as an abbreviation
+for {\bf \\subpoint}.
+Abbreviations for the other commands are similar; i.e.,
+\settabs 3 \columns
+\+ {\bf \\spointbegin} & for &{\bf \\subpointbegin} \cr
+\+ {\bf \\sspoint} & for & {\bf \\subsubpoint} \cr
+\+ {\bf \\sspointbegin} & for & {\bf \\subsubpointbegin} \cr
+\section{For Less Structure Consider Items}
+There will come the time, especially for those of you who learn
+to use \TeX\ to generate transparencies, when you want to be able
+generate itemized lists, but you don't want the highlighting
+to happen automatically.
+Instead you might like to generate stuff with a {\bf \\bullet}
+or an {\bf \\ast} as a highlight.
+For those among you who are left brain dominated and
+feel the need for a macro set which
+takes care of the boring details of indentation, but allows
+you to play fast and loose with the highlights,
+PHYZZX provides the macros
+\tc{\\item$\{$ \it symbol \bf $\}$}
+\tc{\\subitem$\{$ \it symbol \bf $\}$}
+\tc{\\subsubitem$\{$ \it symbol $\}$}
+(The last two commands can be abbreviated as {\bf \\sitem} and
+{\bf \\ssitem} respectively.)
+For example, this item was generated by typing {\bf \\item\\bullet}.
+Note that I did not put {\bf \\bullet} in braces since it
+is a single control sequence. If I had, however, it would have
+done no harm.
+Spaces and blank lines before {\bf \\item} are irrelevant,
+however, since {\bf \\bullet} is a control sequence and eats
+one space following it, you have to have at least one blank
+after {\it symbol}.
+Once again I caution you that if you put a blank line or {\bf \\par}
+after {\bf \\item} and before the text, or inside a multiparagraph
+{\bf \\item}, then you destroy the level of indentation.
+{\it Remember, indentation only holds for a single paragraph in \TeX .}
+As a second example consider this item which was generated by
+typing {\bf \\item\\ast}
+Or this, which was generated by typing {\bf \\item\\dash}.
+At this point I have inserted a blank line in my text and have
+caused the item to terminate and the text reverts to its ordinary
+This is item {\bf \\item\\clubsuit}
+And this is {\bf \\sitem\\diamondsuit}
+Finally, this is a subsubitem; \nextline
+it was generated by typing
+{\bf \\ssitem\\dash}.
+\section{Having Your Cake and Eating It Too!}
+Clearly, the {\bf \\item},{\bf \\sitem} and {\bf \\ssitem}
+macros provide you with the ultimate in flexibility
+in the choice of highlighting conventions.
+With them alone you can choose your own format for numbered lists
+and never have to accept the format imposed by {\bf \\point}, etc.
+However, the total lack of structure of {\bf \\item}, etc.
+has a drawback; namely, if you use it to define your points, subpoints
+etc., you are responsible for keeping track of all of the numbering.
+This is certainly not too
+formidable a task, but it can get tedious. \nextline
+\centerline{\it Fortunately, there is a middle ground.}
+\subsection{Levels of Indentation}
+If all that you want to do is change the levels of indentation
+of points, subpoints and subsubpoints you only have to modify
+the parameter {\bf \\itemsize}.
+This parameter is a dimension stored away in \TeX 's memory
+and items are indented {\bf 1.0\\itemsize}, subitems are indented
+{\bf 1.75\\itemsize} and subsubitems are indented {\bf 2.5\\itemsize}.
+The current value of {\bf \\itemsize} is 30pt (30 points);
+however, you can change this by simply typing
+\tc{\\itemsize = \it 40pt}
+or whatever else strikes your fancy.
+\subsection{Getting More Serious}
+Let us suppose, although I cannot imagine that this could possibly
+be the case, that you have more serious problems with points, subpoints
+and subsubpoints.
+Perhaps you would prefer to define your own listing macros
+so that {\bf \\mypoint} generates a point whose highlight
+is a capital letter followed by a period; {\bf \\myspoint}
+generates a subpoint highlighted by a number square brackets;
+and {\bf \\mysspoint} generates a subsubpoint highlighted
+by a lowercase letter in parentheses.
+You have two options, you can write your own macro set
+or you can use the PHYZZX command {\bf \\newlist}.
+The command {\bf \\newlist} allows you to define your own
+listing macros which format things in a manner which is closer
+to your heart's desire.
+All you have to decide is what sort of delimiters you want
+around the highlighting number and what you want the numbering
+convention for that level of point to be.
+Your available choices are the five defined when we discussed
+changing chapterstyle; namely, {\bf \\Number},
+{\bf Alphabetic}, {\bf \\alphabetic},
+{\bf \\Roman} or {\bf \\roman}.
+The syntax of the newlist command is as follows
+\tc{\\newlist\\{\it name}= \it [left delim.][style]\& [right delim.] \&
+[dimen]; }
+(Note that the =, \& , and ; all count.)
+As an example of its application note that the {\bf \\point}
+command is defined by saying
+This line tells PHYZZX to define a new command called
+{\bf \\point} and to have it generate a highlighting symbol
+which consists of no left delimiter, followed by a number,
+followed by a right delimiter which is a period and the indentation
+of a point is to be {\bf 1.0\\itemsize}.
+Similarly, subpoints are defined to be
+and subsubpoints are defined by saying
+The abbreviations for {\bf \\subpoint} and {\bf \\subsubpoint}
+are obtained by following their definition with the
+Note, if you have chosen to redefine {\bf \\subpoint}
+and {\bf \\subsubpoint} using newlist, the commands {\bf \\spoint}
+and {\bf \\sspoint} will {\it not} be redefined unless you follow
+your newlist instructions with the two lines printed above.
+To define the new set of listing macros mentioned earlier you would type
+\tcon{\\newlist\\myspoint=[\\number \& ]\& 1.75\\itemsize;}
+\tc{\\newlist\\mysspoint=(\\alphabetic\& )\& \\2.5\\itemsize;}
+Note, while there are only five styles available for numbering
+things, delimiters are limited only by your imagination.
+\section{Page Numbers}
+Page numbering is a totally automatic procedure
+and, in general, requires none of your attention.
+Normally, if you are not doing anything funny PHYZZX will
+produce a document whose pages are numbered consecutively
+starting from 1.
+In general the first page you get will be numbered, unless
+you have told PHYZZX not to do so.
+The macros {\bf \\FRONTPAGE}, {\bf \\MEMO}, {\bf \\letter}
+and {\bf \\titlepage} do issue such a command, and when
+invoked produce a document where all pages but the
+first page are numbered consecutively.
+If you type {\bf \\FRONTPAGE} then PHYZZX will complete the previous
+page (if there is any), set the current value of the page number to
+1 and then tells \TeX\ not to number this page.
+Visible numbers appear at the bottom of all the pages which follow
+and the first visible number is 2.
+The command {\bf \\Frontpage} is a synonym for {\bf \\FRONTPAGE}.
+The {\bf \\letter} and {\bf \\MEMO} macros, which
+will be discussed later,
+and the {\bf \\titlepage} macro, which is invoked when you are about
+to type the title page of your latest magnum opus, all suppress
+the printing of the pagenumber at the bottom of the first page.
+If you wish to start a document in the middle and set the pagenumber
+all you have to do is reset the counter called, of all things,
+{\bf \\pagenumber} by typing
+\tc{\\pagenumber= \it number}
+This will make the first page \TeX\ prints have this number.
+To make sure that the printing of this number is not suppressed
+you should also type {\bf \\frontpagefalse}.
+If you wish to have PHYZZX number the pages using roman numerals
+you can accomplish this by saying {\bf \\pagenumber=-1}
+(or {\bf \\pagenumber=-n} if you wish to start with the roman
+numeral equivalent to the number n).
+If you wish no pagenumbers type {\bf \\nopagenumbers}
+(be careful, its not easy to make them come back afterwards).
+If you want to suppress the page number on a particular page you
+can type {\bf \\frontpagetrue}, which will make PHYZZX
+think that this is the front page.
+You'll sometimes have to play to make this happen where you want.
+We have already talked about changing font sizes and selecting
+spacing, and have pointed out that three families of fonts are
+These are fonts which are fourteen points high, twelve points
+high and tenpoints high.
+The twelvepoint font is the font PHYZZX uses for normal text
+because it looks best when reduced.
+The fourteenpoint fonts are used for chapter titles, etc., and
+the tenpoint font sets, which are kind of small when reduced,
+are generally reserved for footnotes.
+To change font size at will you type either
+{\bf \\tenpoint}, or {\bf \\twelvepoint}, or
+{\bf \\fourteenpoint}.
+To change spacing conventions you use the commands
+{\bf \\singlespace}, or {\bf \\normalspace}
+or {\bf \\doublespace}.
+Note that all of these commands can be used inside the paper
+to temporarily change what is going on;
+however, you should only invoke the
+commands which change spacing when you are between paragraphs.
+If you violate this rule, eventually, you
+will be sorry.
+\section{Commands Which Break Lines and Pages}
+\TeX\ has its own way of breaking lines and pages and you can learn
+about them by reading the \TeX book.
+However, we have added three commands which are convenient.
+The first command {\bf \\nextline} allows you to generate and
+incomplete line.
+For example, typing {\it This is the way the world ends \bf \\nextline}
+produces \nextline
+This is the way the world ends \nextline
+Notice that \TeX\ has not tried to space the words out to fill
+the line the way it would have if you had typed {\bf \\break}.
+The command {\bf \\nextline} is essentially the same as typing
+{\bf \\hfil\\break}; it differs slightly in that it also
+does some things about glue, but you don't have to know about that.
+The command which forces \TeX\ to break the page at will
+is {\bf \\endpage}.
+Typing this command forces \TeX\ to start a new page
+and at the same time it insures that even if the previous page
+is not completely full of text the material will be spaced correctly.
+The command with which you finish a paper, memo, letter, etc.,
+is {\bf \\bye}.
+This command tells \TeX\ to complete the last page, print it and
+then turn itself off, returning you to CMS.
+\section{Some Remarks About Penalties}
+There are a few commands, which belong to PLAIN and not PHYZZX
+which you should know about.
+The basic command which allows you to tell \TeX\ that you
+would advise it that this is a good or bad place to break
+a page or line of text is {\bf \\penalty}.
+Penalties can be either positive or negative.
+If a penalty is positive it tells \TeX\ that this is not a good
+place to put in a break.
+The bigger the penalty is, the worse \TeX\ thinks it is to cause
+a break at this point.
+The biggest allowable penalty is {\bf \\penalty 10000}.
+If you type {\bf \\penalty 10000} at a specific point in the text
+than \TeX , as the printer, will assume that no matter what his
+judgement tells him, you insist that no break can occur at this
+\TeX\ defines a control sequence {\bf \\nobreak} which equivalent
+to typing {\bf \\penalty 10000}.
+If the penalty is negative, then \TeX\ is advised that you
+believe this point to be a good place to cause a break.
+The more negative the penalty, the better you think this place is.
+If the penalty is negative and greater than
+-10000, then \TeX\ will
+use its own judgement to balance off your suggestion against its
+own esthetic criteria.
+If the penalty is -10000 (or less), then you are telling \TeX\
+that your judgement must carry the day.
+The abbreviation of {\bf \\penalty -10000} is {\bf \\break}.
+Note that using the
+same commands inside paragraphs and between paragraphs
+tell \TeX\ to do different things.
+Inside of a paragraph {\bf \\break} tells \TeX\ to break the
+current line at this point, between paragraphs it tells \TeX\
+to break the page.
+If you wish to force \TeX\ to break the page inside a paragraph,
+without terminating the paragraph, you have to type
+\section{The Titlepage}
+We have now finished with our discussion of macros which PHYZZX
+defines for simplifying the formatting of the body of a paper.
+To complete our discussion of the paper generating capabilities
+of PHYZZX we now have to turn to the question of generating
+the title page.
+A SLAC title page has several parts.
+First, in the upper right hand corner of the title page
+one has the publication number, date of submission and
+a line telling whether this paper is to be distributed as
+T, E or T/E .
+This chunk of text has to be set up as a block with the
+appropriate typeface chosen for each line and then the
+entire block is right adjusted.
+This block is referred to as the pub-block
+Next comes the title of the paper, which is set in fourteen point
+type and this is followed by the list of authors and the
+institutions they come from.
+After the title and author list you have a choice.
+If you have a short abstract it is included at this point
+and printed on the title page.
+If, however, the abstract is too long, it will not fit
+on the title page.
+In this event you skip it and put it on the next page of the paper.
+After the abstract, or after the title and author list if the abstract
+is too long, we have a line which tells the journal to which the
+preprint has been submitted.
+The next line ends the main body of the title page.
+After this line the remaining material, which are contract
+acknowledgements, etc., are put at the bottom page in footnote format.
+As you can see from this discussion the problem of formatting
+the title page can get to be quite difficult if we don't have
+special macros to help out.
+For this reason a special set of macros for formatting title pages
+has been included in PHYZZX.
+\subsection{The Publication Block or Pub-block}
+The first commands which you use relate to setting up the
+block of type which gives the date, publication number, etc.
+If you do not want such a block, you type
+If, as will usually be the case you want a pub-block, then
+you have to specify what goes into it.
+To specify the publication number you type
+\tc{\\pubnum$\{$\it number \bf$\}$}
+This causes PHYZZX to put the quantity {\bf \\pubnum} into
+the publication number.
+When you start the quantity {\bf \\pubnum} is {\bf 0000}.
+The next item which appears in the macro is the date.
+If you do nothing, then each time you run \TeX\ to produce a new
+copy of the file it will put the current date in this place.
+If you wish to set the date to printed by yourself, then you type
+\tc{ \\date = $\{$ \it month day, year \bf $\}$ }
+Note the braces around the entry because they have to be there.
+Finally, the last thing that has to specified for the pub-block
+is the pubtype, which is either T, E, or T/E.
+To specify this quantity you type
+\tc{\\pubtype=$\{$ \it publication type \bf $\}$}
+\subsection{Specifying the Titlepage}
+The next macro which has to be invoked is
+This is a single control sequence which you type in just before the
+titlepage. This command must follow the setting of the
+{\bf \\pubnum}, {\bf \\date} and {\bf \\pubtype}
+or you will only get the default values for these quantities.
+What this macro does is tell \TeX\ that this is the titlepage of the
+document and it should not be numbered.
+\subsection{Typesetting the Title}
+The next item to be typed is the title of the paper.
+Since this is set in different size type and requires a certain
+amount of spacing above and below the text, you should use the
+macro {\bf \\title}.
+The syntax of this command is
+\tc{\\title$\{$ \it title \bf $\}$}
+You are now ready to type in the name and institution of the author (or
+authors) of the paper.
+\subsection{Getting the Author(s) Right}
+If there is a single author you type
+\tc{\\author$\{$ \it author's name \bf $\}$}
+This is, of course to be followed by his address.
+PHYZZX will set the name in upper and lower case capital letters
+and center it on the page.
+Then, if you use the macro {\bf \\address} PHYZZX will typeset the
+address in italics and center it
+directly below the author's name.
+The syntax of this macro is
+\tc{\\address$\{$ \it address \bf $\}$}
+In general PHYZZX will let \TeX\ decide how to break the address
+into several lines if it is too long.
+If you wish to force these breaks use the command {\bf \\break}.
+Note, this is a place where you do not want to use the command
+{\bf \\nextline} or you will force the address to come out
+without having been properly centered.
+For those lucky persons who live at SLAC, there is a special macro
+to save them typing.
+This macro has the name {\bf \\SLAC} and if you wish to tell PHYZZX
+that your address is SLAC all you have to type
+If the author of the paper is a visitor, or is here on detached service,
+then you might want to give two addresses.
+To have \TeX\ print the second address below the first with the
+word {\it and} in between, all you have to do is type
+\tc{\\andaddress$\{$ \it second address \bf $\}$}
+If the paper has more than one author you have two options.
+If the number of authors is small and they come from different
+institutions, then you use the macro {\bf \\andauthor}
+whose syntax is
+\tc{\\andauthor$\{$ \it author's name \bf $\}$}
+This does what the {\bf \\author} command does but it also
+precedes this name with a line which has the word {\it and}
+centered above the author's name.
+This command is then to be followed by {\bf \\address} in order to
+give the address of the second author.
+This can go on as long as you like.
+All of this works well for theorists, however it does not work
+well for experimental papers.
+Experimantal collaborations tend to involve many authors from
+several different institutions.
+All we can do in this situation is to type the command
+{\bf \\authors} and then follow this with a list of authors
+and institutions.
+All this command does for you is put the correct amount of
+space between the list of authors and the material preceding it.
+\subsection{Setting up the Abstract}
+At this point you have to decide whether or not you want to
+include the abstract on the titlepage.
+If you wish to do so this is the time to type
+{\bf \\abstract}.
+This will cause \TeX\ to typeset the word ABSTRACT in the center
+of the next line of text, skip the appropriate amount of space
+and set you up in a new paragraph.
+The next thing you do is type in the body of the abstract.
+If you don't put the abstract on the titlepage then you
+carry out this sequence of commands after you have finished the
+titlepage with the command {\bf \\endpage}.
+After you type in the abstract on the second page you should force
+\TeX\ to print this as a separate page by once again typing
+{\bf \\endpage}.
+This will produce an abstract on its own page with white space
+above and below the text.
+If you are in the situation of having an abstract which is too
+long for the title page but too short to fill the entire
+second page you will get ugly output if you type it in
+and follow it with the command {\bf \\endpage}.
+\TeX\ will simply shove everything to the top of the
+page because {\bf \\endpage} is the same as {\bf \\vfil\\break}.
+The way to force \TeX\ to center the title and material is to type
+\tcon{\it text of abstract}
+\subsection{Where's The Paper Going?}
+In order to specify the journal to which you have submitted the paper
+you type
+\tc{\\submit$\{$ \it journal \bf $\}$}
+For example, if it is going to Phys.Rev. D you would type
+\tc{\\submit$\{$ \it Physical Review \bf \\bf \it D \bf $\}$}
+which will produce the line \nextline
+\centerline{ Submitted to Physical Review \bf D}
+It is customary to acknowledge the support of various grants or
+contracts somewhere on the titlepage.
+Generally this is done in the form of a footnote.
+The easiest way to get \TeX\ to typeset such acknowledgements is to
+use the macro {\bf \\foot}.
+You insert this footnote just after the last word of the title
+or author's name, depending upon the situation, and then continue
+setting the title page.
+The {\bf \\title}, {\bf \\author} and {\bf \\address} macros
+have been written in such a way that the {\bf \\foot} command
+can be used with these macros without any trouble.
+If you fool around with the title page and put things inside boxes
+using the PLAIN \TeX\ commands {\bf \\line} or {\bf \\centerline}
+this is not true.
+In this case the text will be put inside a box in restricted
+horizontal mode and you must use the commands {\bf \\footnote}
+and {\bf \\footmark} as explained in our discussion of footnotes.
+For theory group users there is a special macro which generates
+the acknowledgement to the Department of Energy.
+the command is {\bf \\doeack}.
+To generate this acknowledgement you simply type
+{\bf \\doeack} immediately after the last word in the title.
+If other groups want to have their own {\bf \\doeack} macro
+they need generate a file called MYPHYX TEX
+and make sure it contains the lines \nextline
+{\bf \\def\\doeack$\{$\\foot$\{$ \rm Work supported by the Department of
+Energy, contract \bf \$\\caps \rm DE-$\ldots$ \bf \$ $\}\}$ }
+\subsection{Finishing the Title Page}
+Close the title page with command {\bf \\endpage}.
+If you don't do this \TeX\ will make some stupid decision about
+adding extra material to this page.
+You won't be happy with the results.
+\section{A Sample Titlepage}
+Let us conclude this section by including a sample title page.
+If you type \nextline
+\newcount\lastpage \lastpage=\pagenumber
+\newcount\lastchap \lastchap=\chapternumber
+\newcount\lastsection \lastsection=\sectionnumber
+\let\lastchapterlabel=\chapterlabel \lastsection=\sectionnumber
+\tc{\\pubnum=$\{$ \it 6666\bf $\}$}
+\tcon{\\date$\{$\it September 1984\bf $\}$}
+\tcon{\\titlepage }
+\bf \\doeack$\}$ }
+\tcon{\\author$\{$\it Marvin Weinstein
+\it another acknowledgement \bf $\}$
+\tcon{\\andauthor$\{$\it V.\~\ K.\~\ Kaplunovsky \bf $\}$ }
+\tcon{\\address$\{$ \it Princeton \bf $\}$ }
+\tcon{\\centerline$\{$ \it This paper is a crock. \bf $\}$}
+\tcon{\\submit$\{$ \it Physical Review D \bf $\}$ }
+then you get
+\date{September 1984}
+\author{Marvin Weinstein}
+\SLAC\footnote{\dag}{another acknowledgement}
+\centerline{This paper is a crock}
+\submit{Physical Review D}
+\advance\lastpage by 1 \pagenumber=\lastpage
+\let\chapterlabel=\lastchapterlabel \chapternumber=\lastchap
+We have now finished discussing all of the macros which have to
+do with the formatting of papers.
+Now as promised we will turn to a discussion of the two other
+formats which PHYZZX supports.
+The first format is that of a SLAC memorandum.
+The second format is that of a letter.
+A memorandum, as we have defined it, is a document meant for internal
+distribution, addressed to a specific group of people and
+designed to transmit information on a specific subject.
+This sort of document tends to have a heading which identifies it
+as a memorandum, gives the date, says to whom the memorandum is
+being sent, from whom the memorandum comes and briefly summarizes
+the topic being discussed.
+This heading is then separated from the body of the memorandum
+by some sort of ruled line and then one types in the text of
+the memorandum.
+To type a memorandum you begin by typing the formatting instruction
+which tells PHYZZX the document to follow is a memorandum.
+It also forces the document to be single spaced and generates
+the heading which identifies the document as a SLAC memo
+and gives the date at which the file was processed; \ie , the current
+If you wish to type a heading which has the date of your choice
+then use the command {\bf \\memodate} instead of {\bf \\MEMO}.
+The syntax of this command is
+\tc{\\memodate$\{$ \it date of your choice \bf $\}$}
+Now you have to generate the remainder of the heading; i.e.,
+the to, from and topic (or subject) entries.
+The macros which do this are
+\tc{\\to \rm , \bf \\from \rm , and \bf \\topic \rm or \bf \\subject }
+The commands {\bf \\to}, {\bf \\from} and {\bf \\topic} or
+{\bf \\subject} work like points or items.
+Hence, they do not need braces.
+Finally, after typing in these commands followed by the relevant
+text you need to generate a line to separate the heading from the
+body of the memorandum.
+This is done with the command {\bf \\rule}.
+Having done this you are now ready to type in the text of the memorandum.
+Note, all of the itemized list macros which we have discussed
+in earlier sections work in the MEMO format too.
+Hence, you can use them with impunity.
+The same is true for footnotes, etc.
+Finally, when you complete the memo, if you wish to indicate to whom
+copies are to be sent you type
+This command works like {\bf \\point} or {\bf \\item}
+and so you would type
+Mr. A. {\bf \\nextline} \nextline
+Mr. B. {\bf \\nextline} \nextline
+etc. \nextline
+in order to get what you want
+Don't be surprised when you generate multipage memoranda.
+The way pages are numbered is going to be different from the
+numbering of papers.
+For a memorandum all but the first page are numbered with the numbers
+appearing at the top of the page.
+A sample memorandum is generated as follows; \nextline
+Whom it may concern
+Marvin Weinstein
+Generating memos without tears.
+Look how easy it is to generate a sample memo.
+Even a baby can type something like this.
+If you use this macro to type your memos people will probably
+take what you have to say more seriously.
+(They shouldn't but they will!)
+You can even type points, for example: \nextline
+{\bf \\pointbegin} \nextline
+Any fool would recognize that if we proceed in this way we can only
+wind up with a disaster. \nextline
+{\bf \\point} \nextline
+Who cares if the DOE doesn't want us to use the construction funds
+to take a Hawaiian vacation. They're just a bunch of old stick in the
+muds. }
+{\it Burton Richter \bf \\nextline} \nextline
+{\it Richard Taylor }
+Which generates something which looks like this}
+\lastpage=\pagenumber \lastchap=\chapternumber
+\lastsection=\sectionnumber \let\lastchapterlabel=\chapterlabel
+Whom it may concern
+Marvin Weinstein
+Generating memos without tears.
+Look how easy it is to generate a sample memo.
+Even a baby can type something like this.
+If you use this macro to type your memos people will probably
+take what you have to say more seriously.
+(They shouldn't but they will!)
+You can even type points, for example:
+Any fool would recognize that if we proceed in this way we can only
+wind up with a disaster.
+Who cares if the DOE doesn't want us to use the construction funds
+to take a Hawaiian vacation. They're just a bunch of old stick in the
+Burton Richter \nextline
+Richard Taylor
+\papers \advance\lastpage by 1 \pagenumber=\lastpage
+\chapternumber=\lastchap \sectionnumber=\lastsection
+If we use the commands {\bf \\memodate} and
+we would obtain
+\vbox{\tc{\\memodate$\{$ \it the fifth of octember \bf $\}$}
+Whom it may concern
+Marvin Weinstein
+Generating memos without tears.
+\noindent {\it
+Look how easy it is to generate a sample memo.
+Even a baby can type something like this.
+If you use this macro to type your memos people will probably
+take what you have to say more seriously.
+(They shouldn't but they will!)
+You can even type points, for example: \nextline
+{\bf \\pointbegin} \nextline
+Any fool would recognize that if we proceed in this way we can only
+wind up with a disaster. \nextline
+{\bf \\point} \nextline
+Who cares if the DOE doesn't want us to use the construction funds
+to take a Hawaian vacation. They're just a bunch of old stick in the
+{\it Burton Richter \bf \\nextline} \nextline
+{\it Richard Taylor }
+\memodate{fifth of octember}
+Whom it may concern
+Marvin Weinstein
+Generating memos without tears.
+Look how easy it is to generate a sample memo.
+Even a baby can type something like this.
+If you use this macro to type your memos people will probably
+take what you have to say more seriously.
+(They shouldn't but they will!)
+You can even type points, for example:
+Any fool would recognize that if we proceed in this way we can only
+wind up with a disaster.
+Who cares if the DOE doesn't want us to use the construction funds
+to take a Hawaian vacation. They're just a bunch of old stick in the
+Burton Richter \nextline
+Richard Taylor
+\papers \advance\lastpage by 1 \pagenumber=\lastpage
+\chapternumber=\lastchap \sectionnumber=\lastsection
+In addition to typing papers and memos PHYZZX supports a format
+for typing letters.
+To choose this format all you need to type the command
+immediately following
+\tc{\\input phyzzx}
+This command will cause PHYZZX to switch over to a different page
+size, 8 inches long by 6.5 inches wide (this is a little
+wider than a preprint) and it automatically changes the linespacing
+to singlespace.
+In addition, the same command tells PHYZZX to put a SLAC letterhead
+at the top of the first page, and to change the way in which pages are
+are numbered.
+Having switched over to this mode the very next thing you need to do
+is type in the date, followed by the name and address
+of the person to whom the letter is being sent.
+Getting the alignment of these various elements just right
+takes some doing and so we have a macro to do the job.
+The name of this macro is
+Do not confuse this command with the initialization
+command {\bf \\letters}.
+Both statements must appear in your file and the command {\bf \\letters}
+must come first.
+I apologize for this construction but it is a leftover from
+previous incarnations of PHYZZX.
+Since we wanted this version of PHYZZX to be upward compatible we didn't
+change it.
+What the command {\bf \\letters} does is to tell PHYZZX that the
+text to follow is to be set in {\bf \\letterstyle} and then
+it makes PHYZZX print {\bf STANFORD UNIVERSITY} across the top of the
+first page.
+The command {\bf \\letter} tells PHYZZX that this is the first page
+of a letter, prints the rest of the SLAC letterhead,
+suppresses the printing of the pagenumber at the
+bottom of this page and then allows you to type in the
+name and address of the person to whom the letter is being sent.
+The syntax of this command is
+\tc{\\letter$\{$ \vtop{\hbox{\it Name \bf \\cr}
+ \hbox{\it first line of address \bf \\cr}
+ \hbox{$\ldots$ \\cr}
+ \hbox{\it last line of address \bf \\cr $\}$}}}
+Note that any of the {\bf \\cr}'s can be replaced by the command
+\tc{\\cropen$\{$ \it extra space \bf $\}$}
+which will cause PHYZZX to leave the extra amount of space requested
+between the lines; or you can replace the {\bf \\cr} by {\bf \\crr}
+if what you want is 10 points of extra space.
+The reason for typing the commands {\bf \\letters} and {\bf \\letter}
+separately is that {\bf \\letters} initializes the format for typing
+a letter and then {\bf \\letter} allows you to start several new letters
+in a single file.
+So long as you begin each letter with the {\bf \\letter} macro
+each letter will start on a new page, and the letters will not know
+about one another.
+As with the titlepage macro, PHYZZX assumes that the date which is
+to appear above the name and address is the current date.
+If, however, you wish to fix the date appearing on the letter you
+can do so by typing
+\tc{\\date$\{$ \it your date \bf $\}$}
+The {\bf \\date} macro will then make {\it your date} appear on all
+of the letters in this file.
+Once you have generated the letterhead, date and filled in the name
+and address of the person to whom the letter is being sent,
+you are ready to type in the body of the letter.
+This is to be done in the same manner as for a paper or memo,
+and all of the itemized list, etc., macros will work in this format
+\subsection{Typing the Salutation}
+Finally, having typed in the body of the letter we come to the
+problem of generating the signature.
+Once again, since placing this upon the space and leaving the
+correct space between the {\it Very truly yours,\/} and
+the typed version of your name can get to be hairy, we provide the
+macro {\bf \\signed}.
+The syntax of this command is
+\vtop{\hbox{ \it Very truly yours (or whatever) {\bf \\cr}}
+ \hbox{ \it Your name \bf \\cr $\}$ }}}
+If copies of the letter are to go to several people you type this
+at the bottom of the letter using the {\bf \\copies} command
+discussed in the section on memos.
+You finish a letter with the command {\bf \\endletter}.
+This command insures that if there are several letters in the same
+file each one will be processed independently.
+\lastpage=\pagenumber \lastchap=\chapternumber
+\lastsection=\sectionnumber \let\lastchapterlabel=\chapterlabel
+A sample letter is generated as follows
+\tcon{\\letter$\{$ \vtop{\hbox{\it Dr. Boris Kayser \bf \\cr }
+ \hbox{\it Program Director for Theoretical Physics \bf \\cr}
+ \hbox{\it National Science Foundation \bf \\cr}
+ \hbox{\it Washington, D. C. 20550 \bf \\cr $\}$ }}}
+\tcon{\it Dear Boris,}
+{\it Please send more money.}
+\tc{\\signed$\{$ \vtop{\hbox{\it Sincerely, \bf \\cr}
+ \hbox{\it Michael E. Peskin \bf \\cr $\}$ }}}
+which produces
+\lastpage=\pagenumber \lastchap=\chapternumber
+\lastsection=\sectionnumber \let\lastchapterlabel=\chapterlabel
+\letter{Dr. Boris Kayser \cr
+ Program Director for Theoretical Physics \cr
+ National Science Foundation \cr
+ Washington, D. C. 20550\cr}
+Dear Boris,
+ Please send more money.
+\signed{Sincerely, \cr
+ Michael E. Peskin \cr }
+\papers \advance\lastpage by 1 \pagenumber=\lastpage
+\chapternumber=\lastchap \sectionnumber=\lastsection
+\section{Multiple Letters}
+Very often you wish to send the same letter to many different
+people; hence, the text of each letter is the same but the
+salutations will be different.
+There are two ways to go about generating such a series of letters.
+The only difference between them is that the first is somewhat
+more conservative of computer time, but it can only be used for
+relatively short letters; the second is a bit more demanding of
+computer time, but it doen't care how long the letter is.
+By a short letter I mean one which is no more than
+one or two pages in length.
+\subsection{Short Letters}
+To type in short letters you begin by typing
+This command is to be followed by the text of your letter.
+What {\bf \\multiletter} does is tell PHYZZX to file away the
+material to follow in the depths of its memory, to be used later.
+You let PHYZZX know to stop stuffing stuff away by typing
+when you have finished.
+Having now saved the body of the letter for future use you
+generate your letters by typing
+\tc{\\letter$\{$ \it Addressee \bf $\}$}
+followed by
+\tc{\it Dear Mr. Soandso \bf \\par}
+followed by the commands
+As you will have guessed the command {\bf \\lettertext}
+is the name PHYZZX has assigned to the body of the
+\subsection{For Longer Letters}
+The second method for generating many letters is slightly more wasteful
+of computer time, but to my mind it is simpler to use.
+I reccommend it over the command {\bf \\multiletter} and
+have included a brief discussion of the previous case only
+to keep the macro set upward compatible.
+Do us both a favor and forget I mentioned it.
+This method takes a little longer because it requires \TeX\ to input the
+same file many times.
+It is simpler because it requires no change in syntax from
+the format used for a single letter.
+To use this method you create a file YOUR FILE A (the filetype
+doesn't have to be TEX here),
+which contains the body of your letter, including your signature.
+You then create a driver file (filename TEX A) of the form
+\tc{\\input phyzzx}
+\tcon{\it optional \quad \bf \\date$\{$ \it your date \bf $\}$}
+\tcon{\\letter$\{$ \it Addressee \bf $\}$}
+\tcon{\it Dear $\ldots$ \bf \\par}
+\tcon{\\input your.file}
+\tcon{\it $\ldots$}
+\tcon{\\letter$\{$ \it Addressee \bf $\}$}
+\tcon{\it Dear $\ldots$ \bf \\par}
+\tcon{\\input your.file}
+Note, the period between the filename and filetype is crucial.
+What is being done in this method is that we are using \TeX 's
+ability to input an external file as often as you wish.
+This technique has the added advantage that you can even have the
+letters vary somewhat.
+To perform this trick you use the {\bf \\def} command.
+To begin you use the names of some undefined control sequences in
+the file YOUR FILE A, and then redefine these sequences
+in the main driver file after each {\bf \\endletter} and before
+the start of the next letter.
+We have now finished our discussion of all of the macros which
+pertain to the formatting of special documents.
+This section simply lists some special macros which we have
+included in PHYZZX simply because they simplify the task of
+typing things which occur frequently.
+The commands will be listed giving the syntax of each command and
+an example of what it does.
+\tc{\\ie \quad \rm generates \ie}
+\tc{\\eg \quad \rm generates \eg}
+\tc{\\dash \quad \rm generates \dash}
+\tc{\\\\ \quad \rm generates \\}
+In math mode we have the following useful commands
+\tc{\\coeff$\{$ \it a \bf $\}\{$ \it b \bf $\}$ \quad \rm generates}
+$$ \coeff{a}{b} $$
+\tc{\\partder$\{$ \it f(x)
+\bf $\}\{$ \it x \bf $\}$ \quad \rm generates}
+$$ \partder{f(x)}{x} $$
+\tc{\\bra$\{$ \it \\Psi \bf $\}$ \quad \rm generates }
+$$ \bra{\Psi} $$
+\tc{\\ket$\{$ \it phi \bf $\}$ \quad \rm generates }
+$$ \ket{\phi} $$
+\tc{\\VEV$\{$ \it H \bf $\}$ \quad \rm generates }
+$$ \VEV{H} $$
+\tc{\\Tr$\{$ \it G \bf $\}$ \quad \rm generates }
+$$ \Tr{G} $$
+\tc{\\int \rm generates }
+$$ \int $$
+\tc{\\prop \rm generates $\prop $}
+\tc{\\lsim \rm generates $\lsim $}
+\tc{\\gsim \rm generates $\gsim $ }
+This completes the basic writeup of the capabilities of PHYZZX.
+As I indicated in the introduction, this is not the final version of
+the macro set, but is in fact the last but one version that I
+will have something to do with.
+The final version will appear one of these days and will include
+in the body of the FMT file several macros for creating wrap around
+figure inserts and simple tables.
+The macros already exist but
+have not yet been collected together and finalized in format.
+In addition, it will probably include a label making capability
+to generate mailing labels for letters.
+Don't hold your breath for this version, however, first I have
+to get over having typed this documentation.
+\section{Using Your MYPHYX File}
+I promised you a short discussion of tailoring PHYZZX
+into your own inimitable macro package.
+The simplest way to do this is to have a complicated
+file called MYPHYX TEX on your A disk.
+If there are a few features of PHYZZX which do almost what you
+want, but not quite, you can
+look at the file PHYZZX TEX.
+By reading Knuth and studying this file you will see how
+everything PHYZZX does is made to happen.
+The way to change something is to steal the relevant definition
+from this file and copy it to your MYPHYX file.
+Then, make the changes which you wish to make.
+Since PHYZZX inputs this file after it makes its own
+definitions, you desires will override the PHYZZX definitions.
+\titlestyle{ \bf GOOD LUCK !!!!!}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/phyzzx.fonts b/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/phyzzx.fonts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c644ae828a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/phyzzx.fonts
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+% PHYZZX fonts are kept in this separate file
+% in order to facilitate font substitution.
+% This file should be called PHYZZX.FONTS on sites using CM fonts
+% and PHYZZX.CMFONTS on other sites.
+\font\seventeenrm =cmr17
+\font\fourteenrm =cmr12 scaled\magstep1
+\font\twelverm =cmr12
+\font\ninerm =cmr9
+\font\sixrm =cmr6
+\font\seventeenbf =cmbx12 scaled\magstep2
+\font\fourteenbf =cmbx12 scaled\magstep1
+\font\twelvebf =cmbx12
+\font\ninebf =cmbx9
+\font\sixbf =cmbx6
+\font\seventeeni =cmmi12 scaled\magstep2 \skewchar\seventeeni='177
+\font\fourteeni =cmmi12 scaled\magstep1 \skewchar\fourteeni='177
+\font\twelvei =cmmi12 \skewchar\twelvei='177
+\font\ninei =cmmi9 \skewchar\ninei='177
+\font\sixi =cmmi6 \skewchar\sixi='177
+\font\seventeensy =cmsy10 scaled\magstep3 \skewchar\seventeensy='60
+\font\fourteensy =cmsy10 scaled\magstep2 \skewchar\fourteensy='60
+\font\twelvesy =cmsy10 scaled\magstep1 \skewchar\twelvesy='60
+\font\ninesy =cmsy9 \skewchar\ninesy='60
+\font\sixsy =cmsy6 \skewchar\sixsy='60
+\font\seventeenex =cmex10 scaled\magstep3
+\font\fourteenex =cmex10 scaled\magstep2
+\font\twelveex =cmex10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\seventeensl =cmsl12 scaled\magstep2
+\font\fourteensl =cmsl12 scaled\magstep1
+\font\twelvesl =cmsl12
+\font\ninesl =cmsl9
+\font\seventeenit =cmti12 scaled\magstep2
+\font\fourteenit =cmti12 scaled\magstep1
+\font\twelveit =cmti12
+\font\nineit =cmti9
+\font\fourteentt =cmtt12 scaled\magstep1
+\font\twelvett =cmtt12
+\font\fourteencp =cmcsc10 scaled\magstep2
+\font\twelvecp =cmcsc10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\tencp =cmcsc10
+ \textfont0=\fourteenrm \scriptfont0=\tenrm
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\sevenrm
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+ \scriptscriptfont1=\seveni
+ \textfont2=\fourteensy \scriptfont2=\tensy
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\sevensy
+ \textfont3=\fourteenex \scriptfont3=\twelveex
+ \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\itfam=\fourteenit \scriptfont\itfam=\tenit
+ \textfont\slfam=\fourteensl \scriptfont\slfam=\tensl
+ \textfont\bffam=\fourteenbf \scriptfont\bffam=\tenbf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf
+ \textfont\ttfam=\fourteentt
+ \textfont\cpfam=\fourteencp }
+ \textfont0=\twelverm \scriptfont0=\ninerm
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\sixrm
+ \textfont1=\twelvei \scriptfont1=\ninei
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\sixi
+ \textfont2=\twelvesy \scriptfont2=\ninesy
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\sixsy
+ \textfont3=\twelveex \scriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\itfam=\twelveit \scriptfont\itfam=\nineit
+ \textfont\slfam=\twelvesl \scriptfont\slfam=\ninesl
+ \textfont\bffam=\twelvebf \scriptfont\bffam=\ninebf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\sixbf
+ \textfont\ttfam=\twelvett
+ \textfont\cpfam=\twelvecp }
+ \textfont0=\tenrm \scriptfont0=\sevenrm
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
+ \textfont1=\teni \scriptfont1=\seveni
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \textfont2=\tensy \scriptfont2=\sevensy
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
+ \textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\itfam=\tenit \scriptfont\itfam=\seveni % no \sevenit
+ \textfont\slfam=\tensl \scriptfont\slfam=\sevenrm % no \sevensl
+ \textfont\bffam=\tenbf \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf
+ \textfont\ttfam=\tentt
+ \textfont\cpfam=\tencp }
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/phyzzx.local b/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/phyzzx.local
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..183d4b77da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/phyzzx.local
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+% This is the PHYZZX.LOCAL file.
+% It contains local, ie. site-dependent macros.
+% This version of the file is for use at SLAC only.
+% Do not use it as is at other sites -- it is distributed only
+% to provide an example of macros you may want to use at your site.
+\expandafter\ifx\csname eightrm\endcsname\relax
+ \let\eightrm=\ninerm \let\eightbf=\ninebf \fi
+\def\memohead{\hrule height\z@ \kern -0.5in
+ \line{\quad\fourteenrm SLAC MEMORANDUM\hfil \twelverm\the\date\quad}}
+\def\memorule{\par \medskip \hrule height 0.5pt \kern 1.5pt
+ \hrule height 0.5pt \medskip}
+ \ialign{\eightrm ##\hfil\cr
+ \slacbin\cr
+ P.~O.~Box 4349\cr
+ Stanford, CA 94309\cropen{1\jot}
+ \slacphone\cr }}%
+ \setbox2=\hbox{\caps Stanford Linear Accelerator Center}%
+ \hrule height \z@ \kern -0.5in
+ \vbox to 0pt{\vss\centerline{\seventeenrm STANFORD UNIVERSITY}}
+ \vbox{} \medskip
+ \line{\hbox to 0.7\hsize{\hss \lower 10pt \box2 \hfill }\hfil
+ \hbox to 0.25\hsize{\box0 \hfil }}\medskip }
+\FromAddress={\crcr \slacbin \cr
+ P.\ O.\ Box 4349\cr Stanford, California 94309\cr }
+\def\slacbin{SLAC\expandafter\ifx\csname binno\endcsname\relax
+ \else , Bin \binno \fi }
+\def\slacphone{(415) 926--\slacext}
+\def\doeack{\foot{Work supported by the Department of Energy,
+ contract DE--AC03--76SF00515.}}
+% Now comes the graphic package.
+% This version is rather primitive
+\def\picturedefault{\grayscalefalse \readyfilefalse
+ \gdef\ready{\readyfiletrue}\gdef\gray{\ready\grayscaletrue}}
+\def\parsefilename{\ifreadyfile \else
+ \iffigscaleopen \else \gl@bal\figscaleopentrue
+ \immediate\openout\figscalewrite=\jobname.scalecon \fi
+ \toks0={ }\immediate\write\figscalewrite{%
+ \the\p@cwd \the\toks0 \the\p@cht \the\toks0 \the\picfilename }%
+ \expandafter\p@rse \the\picfilename..\endp@rse \fi }
+ \if*#3*\dop@rse #1.1..\else \if.#3\dop@rse #1.1..\else
+ \dop@rse #1.#3\fi \fi
+ \expandafter\picfilename\expandafter{\n@xt}}
+\def\dop@rse#1.#2..{\count255=#2 \ifnum\count255<1 \count255=1 \fi
+ \ifnum\count255<10 \edef\n@xt{#1.PICT00\the\count255}\else
+ \ifnum\count255<100 \edef\n@xt{#1.PICT0\the\count255}\else
+ \edef\n@xt{#1.PICT\the\count255}\fi\fi }
+ \special{insert(\the\picfilename)}\else
+ \special{mergeug(\the\picfilename)}\fi }}
+% Few miscellaneous macros
+\def\pri{^{\, \prime }}
+\def\prii{^{\, \prime\, \prime }}
+\def\priii{^{\, \prime\, \prime\, \prime }}
+\def\rarrow{\rightarrow }
+\def\uarrow{\uparrow }
+\def\darrow{\downarrow }
+\def\dblarrow{\doublearrow }
+\def\longvec{\overrightarrow }
+\def\wtilde{\widetilde }
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/ b/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d32692ceed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/
@@ -0,0 +1,1066 @@
+%%%%%%%%%% This is PHYZZX.PLUS (cm version) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%% %%%%
+%% %%%
+%% Enhancements to PHYZZX.TEX which make it possible to %%%
+%% (1) produce documents in draftmode and in two-to-a-page %%%
+%% preprint style a la Harvmac %%%
+%% (\preprint and \draft) %%%
+%% (2) produce two column format similar to RevTex %%%
+%% (3) produce labels for 3 X 8 or 3 X 11 label sheets when %%%
+%% creating multiple letters using PHYZZX and a label %%%
+%% formatting routine LABELFORM.TEX (included at the end %%%
+%% of the file) (\labelformlabels) %%%
+%% (4) make boldface chapter headings without typing {\bf\chapter} %%%
+%% all the time (use \chapterheadstyle={\bf} in the %%%
+%% beginning of the TeX file.) %%%
+%% %%%
+%% Insert this file at the beginning of your phyzzx.local %%%
+%%% %%%%
+%%%%%%% Latest update/debug: November 15, 1993. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\message{ PHYZZX Plus }
+\catcode`@=11 % This allows us to modify PLAIN macros.
+\newfam\ssfam % Define a San Serif font family
+\font\seventeenss =cmss10 scaled\magstep4
+\font\fourteenss =cmss10 scaled\magstep2
+\font\twelvess =cmss10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\tenss =cmss10
+\font\niness =cmss9
+\font\eightss =cmss8
+\font\seventeenssbx =cmssbx10 scaled\magstep4
+\font\fourteenssbx =cmssbx10 scaled\magstep2
+\font\twelvessbx =cmssbx10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\tenssbx =cmssbx10
+ \textfont0=\seventeenrm \scriptfont0=\twelverm
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\ninerm
+ \textfont1=\seventeeni \scriptfont1=\twelvei
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\ninei
+ \textfont2=\seventeensy \scriptfont2=\twelvesy
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\ninesy
+ \textfont3=\seventeenex \scriptfont3=\twelveex
+ \scriptscriptfont3=\ninex
+ \textfont\itfam=\seventeenit %\scriptfont\itfam=\twelveit
+ \textfont\slfam=\seventeensl %\scriptfont\slfam=\twelvesl
+ \scriptscriptfont\slfam=\ninesl
+ \textfont\bffam=\seventeenbf \scriptfont\bffam=\twelvebf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\ninebf
+ \textfont\ttfam=\seventeentt
+ \textfont\cpfam=\seventeencp
+ \textfont\ssfam=\seventeenss \scriptfont\ssfam=\twelvess
+ \scriptscriptfont\ssfam=\niness
+ \samef@nt
+ \b@gheight=17pt
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height 0.85\b@gheight
+ depth 0.35\b@gheight width\z@ }}
+ \textfont0=\fourteenrm \scriptfont0=\tenrm
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\sevenrm
+ \textfont1=\fourteeni \scriptfont1=\teni
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\seveni
+ \textfont2=\fourteensy \scriptfont2=\tensy
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\sevensy
+ \textfont3=\fourteenex \scriptfont3=\twelveex
+ \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\itfam=\fourteenit \scriptfont\itfam=\tenit
+ \textfont\slfam=\fourteensl \scriptfont\slfam=\tensl
+ \textfont\bffam=\fourteenbf \scriptfont\bffam=\tenbf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf
+ \textfont\ttfam=\fourteentt
+ \textfont\cpfam=\fourteencp
+ \textfont\ssfam=\fourteenss \scriptfont\ssfam=\tenss
+ \scriptscriptfont\ssfam=\sevenrm }
+ \textfont0=\twelverm \scriptfont0=\ninerm
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\sixrm
+ \textfont1=\twelvei \scriptfont1=\ninei
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\sixi
+ \textfont2=\twelvesy \scriptfont2=\ninesy
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\sixsy
+ \textfont3=\twelveex \scriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\itfam=\twelveit \scriptfont\itfam=\nineit
+ \textfont\slfam=\twelvesl \scriptfont\slfam=\ninesl
+ \textfont\bffam=\twelvebf \scriptfont\bffam=\ninebf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\sixbf
+ \textfont\ttfam=\twelvett
+ \textfont\cpfam=\twelvecp \scriptfont\cpfam=\tencp
+ \textfont\ssfam=\twelvess \scriptfont\ssfam=\niness
+ \scriptscriptfont\ssfam=\sixrm }
+ \textfont0=\tenrm \scriptfont0=\sevenrm
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
+ \textfont1=\teni \scriptfont1=\seveni
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \textfont2=\tensy \scriptfont2=\sevensy
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
+ \textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\itfam=\tenit \scriptfont\itfam=\seveni % no \sevenit
+ \textfont\slfam=\tensl \scriptfont\slfam=\sevenrm % no \sevensl
+ \textfont\bffam=\tenbf \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf
+ \textfont\ttfam=\tentt
+ \textfont\cpfam=\tencp
+ \textfont\ssfam=\tenss \scriptfont\ssfam=\eightss
+ \scriptscriptfont\ssfam=\fiverm }
+% Later phyzzx mods from SLAC
+ \baselineskip = \normalbaselineskip
+ \multiply\baselineskip by #1 \divide\baselineskip by #2
+ \lineskip = \normallineskip
+ \multiply\lineskip by #1 \divide\lineskip by #2
+ \lineskiplimit = \normallineskiplimit
+ \multiply\lineskiplimit by #1 \divide\lineskiplimit by #2
+ \parskip = \normalparskip
+ \multiply\parskip by #1 \divide\parskip by #2
+ \abovedisplayskip = \normaldisplayskip
+ \multiply\abovedisplayskip by #1 \divide\abovedisplayskip by #2
+ \belowdisplayskip = \abovedisplayskip
+ \abovedisplayshortskip = \normaldispshortskip
+ \multiply\abovedisplayshortskip by #1
+ \divide\abovedisplayshortskip by #2
+ \belowdisplayshortskip = \abovedisplayshortskip
+ \advance\belowdisplayshortskip by \belowdisplayskip
+ \divide\belowdisplayshortskip by 2
+ \smallskipamount = \skipregister
+ \multiply\smallskipamount by #1 \divide\smallskipamount by #2
+ \medskipamount = \smallskipamount \multiply\medskipamount by 2
+ \bigskipamount = \smallskipamount \multiply\bigskipamount by 4 }
+\newif\ifcn@ \cn@true
+\newif\ifcn@@ \cn@@false
+\def\chapterreset{\gl@bal\advance\chapternumber by 1
+ \ifnum\equanumber<0 \else\gl@bal\equanumber=0\fi
+ \sectionnumber=0 \let\sectionlabel=\rel@x
+ \ifcn@ \gl@bal\cn@@true {\pr@tect
+ \xdef\chapterlabel{\the\chapterstyle{\the\chapternumber}}}%
+ \else \gl@bal\cn@@false \gdef\chapterlabel{\rel@x}\fi }
+\def\@alpha#1{\count255='140 \advance\count255 by #1\char\count255}
+ \def\alphabetic{\n@expand\@alpha}
+\def\@Alpha#1{\count255='100 \advance\count255 by #1\char\count255}
+ \def\Alphabetic{\n@expand\@Alpha}
+\def\@Roman#1{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral #1}}
+ \def\Roman{\n@expand\@Roman}
+\def\@roman#1{\romannumeral #1} \def\roman{\n@expand\@roman}
+\def\@number#1{\number #1} \def\Number{\n@expand\@number}
+\def\BLANK#1{\rel@x} \let\BLANC=\BLANK
+\def\section#1{\par \ifnum\lastpenalty=30000\else
+ \penalty-200\vskip\sectionskip \spacecheck\sectionminspace\fi
+ \gl@bal\advance\sectionnumber by 1
+ {\pr@tect
+ \xdef\sectionlabel{\ifcn@@ \chapterlabel.\fi
+ \the\sectionstyle{\the\sectionnumber}%
+ }%
+ \wlog{\string\section\space \sectionlabel}
+ }%
+ \noindent {\caps\enspace\sectionlabel.~~#1}\par
+ \nobreak\vskip\headskip \penalty 30000 }
+ \gl@bal\pagenumber=1 \gl@bal\chapternumber=0
+ \gl@bal\equanumber=0 \gl@bal\sectionnumber=0
+ \gl@bal\referencecount=0 \gl@bal\figurecount=0
+ \gl@bal\tablecount=0 \gl@bal\frontpagetrue
+ \gl@bal\lastf@@t=0 \gl@bal\footsymbolcount=0
+ \gl@bal\cn@@false }
+\def\makelabels{\afterassignment\Makelabels \sendername=} % extra s in ias
+% % version
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% modify phyzzx for UW label format %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% To produce labels, tex LABELFORM.TEX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% included at the end of the file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \catcode `\{ = 12 % Dirty trick to write out the character {
+ \catcode `\} = 12 % Dirty trick to write out the character }
+ \catcode `\[ = 1
+ \catcode `\] = 2
+ \gdef\rwl@begin##1\cr[\rw@toks=[##1]\rel@x
+ \immediate\write\labelswrite[\the\rw@toks]\futurelet\n@xt\rwl@next]
+ \gdef\writenextlabel##1[%
+ \immediate\write\labelswrite[ ]%
+ \immediate\write\labelswrite[{]%
+ \rwl@begin ##1%
+ \rwl@end%
+ \immediate\write\labelswrite[}]]%
+ \gdef\writelabel##1[%
+ \immediate\write\labelswrite[{]%
+ \rwl@begin ##1%
+ \rwl@end%
+ \immediate\write\labelswrite[}]%
+ \let\writelabel=\writenextlabel]%
+\newtoks\@ndtoks \@ndtoks={\vfill\eject}
+\newtoks\t@ptoks \t@ptoks={\voffset=3.0in %
+ \gdef\rwl@begin##1\cr{\rw@toks={##1}\rel@x
+ \immediate\write\labelswrite{\the\rw@toks}\futurelet\n@xt\rwl@next}
+ \gdef\writenextlabel##1{%
+ \rwl@begin ##1%
+ \rwl@end%
+ \immediate\write\labelswrite{\the\@ndtoks}}%
+ \gdef\writelabel##1{%
+ \immediate\write\labelswrite{\the\t@ptoks}%
+ \rwl@begin ##1%
+ \rwl@end%
+ \immediate\write\labelswrite{\the\@ndtoks}%
+ \let\writelabel=\writenextlabel}%
+% some phyzzx overrides
+% \line{\hskip 0.5\hsize minus 0.5\hsize \the\date\hfil} \bigskip
+% \vskip\lettertopfil
+% \ialign to\hsize{\strut ##\hfil\tabskip 0pt plus \hsize \cr #1\crcr}
+% \medskip\noindent\hskip\spskip}
+\def\ack{\ACK} % make new phyzzx compatible with old phyzzx
+\def\sequentialequations{\rel@x \ifnum\equanumber<0 \else
+ \gl@bal\equanumber=-\equanumber \gl@bal\advance\equanumber by -1 \fi }
+%% a Journal macro that handles NPB and PR format
+%\def\Journal#1&#2&#3(#4){\begingroup \let\Journal=\dummyj@urnal
+% \unskip,~#1\unskip~%
+% \ifPhysRev\bf\fi\ignorespaces #2\rm
+% \ifPhysRev\unskip,~\ignorespaces #3\fi
+% \unskip~(\afterassignment\j@ur \count255=#4)
+% \ifPhysRev\else\unskip,~\ignorespaces #3\fi
+% \endgroup\unskip\ignorespaces }
+%% Making double-column (these are modified from manmac.tex)
+%% with a full size columns as well.
+%% (This is still buggy--gives overfull boxes etc.)
+%% Report bugs to T.J. Allen (
+%% or
+%% This will NOT produce double columns in preprintmode since
+%% there are conflicting \output commands. The whole
+%% macro should be rewritten using a modified \output.
+%% Where you want
+%% the doublecolumn output to start, use \begindoublecolumns.
+%% Where you want to go back to single columns use
+%% \enddoublecolumns. This produces output much like that
+%% of RevTeX. If you wish to specify that there be a rule
+%% between the columns of output, then set \columnrulewidth
+%% = 0.4pt.
+\newdimen\pageheight \pageheight=\vsize
+\newdimen\pagewidth \pagewidth=6.6truein
+\newdimen\columnwidth \columnwidth=3.2truein
+\newdimen\columnrulewidth \columnrulewidth=0pt
+\newdimen\ruleht \ruleht=.5pt
+ \singlespace
+ \vsize=9truein
+ \pagetextwidth=\pagewidth
+ \hsize=\pagewidth
+ \titlepagewidth=\pagewidth
+ \hoffset=0truein
+ \voffset=0truein
+ \dimen\margin=\maxdimen
+ \count\margin=0 \skip\margin=0pt
+ \def\begindoublecolumns{
+ \ifpr@printstyle
+ \message{ I'm unable to print double columns in PREPRINTSTYLE }
+ \end\fi
+ \begingroup
+ \global\vsize=2\pageheight
+ \output={\global\setbox\partialpage=\vbox{\unvbox255\bigskip\bigskip}
+ \global\vsize=2\pageheight\global\advance\vsize by -2\ht\partialpage
+ \global\advance\vsize by 2\bigskipamount
+ \global\advance\vsize by 1 pc}\eject % a little extra room; 1pc
+ \output={\doublecolumnout\global\vsize=2\pageheight}
+ \global\pagetextwidth=\columnwidth \global\hsize=\columnwidth}
+% keeps footnotes on correct page
+ \def\enddoublecolumns{\output={\balancecolumns\global\hsize=\pagewidth
+ \global\pagetextwidth=\pagewidth
+ \global\vsize=\pageheight
+ \unvbox255 }\eject\endgroup}
+ \def\doublecolumnout{\splittopskip=\topskip \splitmaxdepth=\maxdepth
+ \dimen@=\pageheight\advance\dimen@ by -\ht\partialpage
+ \setbox0=\vsplit255 to\dimen@ \setbox2=\vsplit255 to \dimen@
+ \onepageout\pagesofar \unvbox255 \penalty\outputpenalty}
+ \def\pagesofar{\unvbox\partialpage
+ \wd0=\columnwidth \wd2=\columnwidth \hbox to \pagewidth{\box0\hfil
+ \columnrule \hfil \box2}}
+ \def\columnrule{\vrule width \columnrulewidth height \ht2}
+ \def\balancecolumns{\setbox0=\vbox{\unvbox255}\dimen@=\ht0
+ \advance\dimen@ by \topskip \advance\dimen@ by-\baselineskip
+ \advance\dimen@ by -2\ht\partialpage % what if we begin and end on the
+ \divide\dimen@ by2 % same page?!?
+ \splittopskip=\topskip
+ {\vbadness=10000 \loop \global\setbox3=\copy0
+ \global\setbox1=\vsplit3 to \dimen@
+ \ifdim\ht3>\dimen@ \global\advance\dimen@ by1pt \repeat}
+ \setbox0=\vbox to \dimen@{\unvbox1} \setbox2=\vbox to \dimen@{\dimen2=\dp3
+ \unvbox3 \kern-\dimen2 \vfil }
+ \pagesofar }
+ \def\onepageout##1{ \setbox0=\vbox{##1} \dimen@=\dp0
+ \shipout\vbox{ % here we define one page of output
+ \makeheadline
+ \vbox to \pageheight{
+ \boxmaxdepth=\maxdepth
+ \ifvoid\margin\else % marginal info is present
+ \rlap{\kern31pc\vbox to 0pt{\kern4pt\box\margin\vss}}\fi
+ \ifvoid\topins\else\unvbox\topins\vskip\skip\topins\fi
+ ##1 % now insert the main information
+ \vskip\pagebottomfiller
+ \ifvoid\footins\else\vskip\skip\footins\footrule\unvbox\footins\fi
+ \ifr@ggedbottom\kern-\dimen@ \vfil\fi} %need a replacement for here
+ \makefootline}
+ \advancepageno\frontpagefalse}
+ \def\makeheadline{\vbox to\z@{\vskip-22.5\p@
+ \hbox to \pagewidth{\vbox to8.5\p@{}\the\headline}\vss}\nointerlineskip}
+ \def\makefootline{\baselineskip = 1.5\normalbaselineskip
+ \hbox to \pagewidth{\the\footline}}
+ \def\footrule{\dimen@=\prevdepth\nointerlineskip
+ \vbox to 0pt{\vskip -0.25\baselineskip \hrule width 0.62\pagewidth \vss}
+ \prevdepth=\dimen@ }
+ \def\Vfootnote##1{\insert\footins\bgroup
+ \interlinepenalty=\interfootnotelinepenalty \floatingpenalty=20000
+ \singl@true\doubl@false\Tenpoint \hsize=\pagewidth
+ \splittopskip=\ht\strutbox \boxmaxdepth=\dp\strutbox
+ \leftskip=\footindent \rightskip=\z@skip
+ \parindent=0.5\footindent \parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil
+ \spaceskip=\z@skip \xspaceskip=\z@skip \footnotespecial
+ \Textindent{##1}\footstrut\futurelet\next\fo@t}
+% make the footnotes all have the correct size and the same footrule!
+%% Make column separators for large one-column equations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \def\sp@cecheck##1{\dimen@=\pagegoal\advance\dimen@ by -\pagetotal
+ \ifdim\dimen@<##1 \ifdim\dimen@>0pt \vfil\break \fi\fi}
+ \def\endleftcolumn{\dimen@=\pagegoal\advance\dimen@ by -\pagetotal
+ \ifdim\dimen@<\chapterminspace \ifdim\dimen@>0pt \vfil\break \fi
+ \hbox{\vbox{\hrule width \columnwidth}\hbox to 0.4pt
+ {\vrule height 10pt depth 0pt}\hfil}\fi}
+ \def\beginrightcolumn{\dimen@=\pagegoal\advance\dimen@ by -\pagetotal
+ \ifdim\dimen@<\chapterminspace \ifdim\dimen@>0pt \vfil\break \fi
+ \hbox to \hsize{\hss\hbox{\vrule height 0pt depth 10pt
+ \vbox{\hrule width \columnwidth}}}\fi}
+%% Now start the draftmode and preprintmode enhancement features
+%% (Homage to harvmac.tex)
+%% Report any bugs to T.J. Allen
+%% or
+%% Here is the draftmode feature
+%% Use the following on the preliminary draft,
+%% puts time/date on each page in writes labels in margins
+%% and puts reference labels on the reference page.
+%% Putting \draft in the beginning of the paper causes it
+%% to be printed in draftmode. use \nodraftlabels to get rid of
+%% eqn, ref, and fig labels in draft mode
+%% Timestamp routine bug fixed October 30, 1991 by T.J.A.
+ \pagetextwidth=6truein
+ \fullhsize=6truein
+ \titlepagewidth=6truein
+ \vsize=8.3truein
+ \normalspace
+ \hoffset=0.3truein
+ \voffset=0.2truein
+ \advance\hoffset by\HOFFSET
+ \advance\voffset by\VOFFSET
+ \hsize=\pagetextwidth
+ \tenpoint
+ \baselineskip=24pt plus 2pt minus 2pt
+ \dr@ftmodetrue
+ \message{ DRAFTMODE }
+ \writedraftlabels
+ \def\timestring{\begingroup
+ \count0 = \time \divide\count0 by 60
+ \count2 = \count0 % the hour
+ \count4 = \time \multiply\count0 by 60
+ \advance\count4 by -\count0 % the minute
+ \ifnum\count4<10 \toks1={0} % get a leading zero.
+ \else \toks1 = {}
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\count2<12 \toks0={a.m.} %
+ \ifnum\count2<1 \count2=12 \fi% Make midnight `12'
+ \else \toks0={p.m.} %
+ \ifnum\count2=12 % keep noon `12'
+ \else
+ \advance\count2 by -12 % keep afternoon times < 12
+ \fi
+ \fi
+%% \ifnum\count2=0 \count2 = 12\fi % make midnight `12'. % There seems to
+%% be a bug in TeX when checking a count which has the value 0.
+ \number\count2:\the\toks1 \number\count4\thinspace \the\toks0
+ \endgroup}%
+ \def\draftdate{{{\tt preliminary version:}\space{\rm
+ \timestring\quad\the\date}}}
+\def\R@FWRITE##1{\ifreferenceopen \else \gl@bal\referenceopentrue
+ \immediate\openout\referencewrite=\jobname.refs
+ \toks@={\begingroup \refoutspecials \catcode`\^^M=10 }%
+ \immediate\write\referencewrite{\the\toks@}\fi
+ \immediate\write\referencewrite%
+ {\noexpand\refitem{\the\r@flabeltoks[\the\referencecount]}}%
+ \p@rse@ndwrite \referencewrite ##1}
+\def\REF##1##2{\reflabel##1 \REFNUM ##1\REFWRITE{\ignorespaces ##2}}
+\def\Ref##1##2{\reflabel##1 \Refnum ##1\REFWRITE{ ##2}}
+\def\REFS##1##2{\reflabel##1 \REFNUM ##1%
+\gl@bal\lastrefsbegincount=\referencecount\REFWRITE{ ##2}}
+\let\refscon=\refc \let\REFSCON=\REF
+ \def\eqlabel##1{{\escapechar-1\rlap{\sevenrm\hskip.05in\string##1}}}%
+ \def\leqlabel##1{{\escapechar-1\llap{\sevenrm\string##1\hskip.05in}}}%
+ \def\reflabel##1{\r@flabeltoks={{\escapechar-1\sevenrm\string##1\hskip.06in%
+\nodraftlabels % Make the default mode no labels
+\dr@ftmodefalse % Turn off draftmode
+%% Here come macros for equation numbering.
+%% (Equation numbers are modified in draft mode)
+%% Sections are automatically numbered independently, unless
+%% one puts the command \sequentialequations
+\def\eqname#1{\rel@x {\pr@tect
+ \ifnum\equanumber<0 \xdef#1{{\rm(\number-\equanumber)}}%
+ \gl@bal\advance\equanumber by -1
+ \else \gl@bal\advance\equanumber by 1
+ \xdef#1{{\rm(\ifcn@@ \chapterlabel.\fi \number\equanumber)}}\fi
+ }#1}
+\def\leqn#1{\leqno\leqlabel#1\eqname{#1}} %MODIFICATION
+\def\eqinsert#1{\noalign{\dimen@=\prevdepth \nointerlineskip
+ \setbox0=\hbox to\displaywidth{\hfil #1}
+ \vbox to 0pt{\kern 0.5\baselineskip\hbox{$\!\box0\!$}\vss}
+ \prevdepth=\dimen@}} %MODIFICATION
+\def\mideqn#1{\eqinsert{\eqname{#1}}} %MODIFICATION
+\def\eqnalign#1{\eqname{#1}} %MODIFICATION
+%% Here come modified reference macros
+ \spacecheck\referenceminspace
+ \ifreferenceopen \Closeout\referencewrite \referenceopenfalse \fi
+ \line{\ifpr@printstyle\twelverm\else\fourteenrm\fi
+ \hfil REFERENCES\hfil}\vskip\headskip
+ \input \jobname.refs
+ }
+\def\ACK{\par\penalty-100\medskip \spacecheck\sectionminspace
+ \line{\ifpr@printstyle\twelverm\else\fourteenrm\fi
+ \hfil ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS\hfil}\nobreak\vskip\headskip }
+ \vskip\chapterskip\spacecheck\referenceminspace
+ \iftableopen \Closeout\tablewrite \tableopenfalse \fi
+ \line{\ifpr@printstyle\twelverm\else\fourteenrm\fi\hfil TABLE %
+ CAPTIONS\hfil}
+ \vskip\headskip
+ \input \jobname.tabs
+ }
+ \vskip\chapterskip\spacecheck\referenceminspace
+ \iffigureopen \Closeout\figurewrite \figureopenfalse \fi
+ \line{\ifpr@printstyle\twelverm\else\fourteenrm\fi\hfil FIGURE %
+ CAPTIONS\hfil}
+ \vskip\headskip
+ \input \jobname.figs
+ }
+ \global\pagenumber=1 \global\chapternumber=0
+ \global\equanumber=0 \global\sectionnumber=0
+ \global\referencecount=0 \global\figurecount=0 \global\tablecount=0
+ \endgroup}
+%% Here start the preprintmode enhancements
+%% To cause the paper to be printed in preprintmode, which
+%% emulates the l answer in harvmac, insert \preprint at the
+%% beginning of the file
+%% Next, I define output routines, footnotes & related stuff.
+%% (The headline has been modified for draftmode and preprints
+%% may be produced in landscape form, two columns sideways)
+\newif\ifpr@printstyle \pr@printstylefalse
+ \message{(This will be printed PREPRINTSTYLE)}
+ \let\lr=L
+ \frontpagetrue
+ \pr@printstyletrue
+ \vsize=7truein
+ \pagetextwidth=4.75truein
+ \fullhsize=10truein
+ \titlepagewidth=8truein
+ \normalspace
+ \Tenpoint
+ \voffset=-.31truein
+ \hoffset=-.46truein
+ \iffrontpage\hsize=\titlepagewidth\else\hsize=\pagetextwidth\fi
+ % Comment out the above line for SLAC style frontpage
+ % and uncomment the following line
+ %\hsize=\pagetextwidth
+ \output={%
+ \iffrontpage
+ \shipout\vbox{\special{\printertype}\makeheadline
+ \hbox to \fullhsize{\hfill\pagebody\hfill}}
+ \advancepageno
+ \else
+ \almostshipout{\leftline{\vbox{\pagebody\makefootline}}}\advancepageno
+ \fi}
+ \def\almostshipout##1{\if L\lr \count2=1
+ \message{[\the\count0.\the\count1.\the\count2]}
+ \global\setbox\leftpage=##1 \global\let\lr=R
+ \else \count2=2
+ \shipout\vbox{\special{\printertype}
+ \hbox to\fullhsize{\hfill\box\leftpage\hskip0.5truein##1\hfill}}
+ \global\let\lr=L \fi}
+ \multiply\chapterminspace by 7 \divide\chapterminspace by 9
+ \multiply\sectionminspace by 7 \divide\sectionminspace by 9
+ \multiply\referenceminspace by 7 \divide\referenceminspace by 9
+ \multiply\chapterskip by 7 \divide\chapterskip by 9
+ \multiply\sectionskip by 7 \divide\sectionskip by 9
+ \multiply\headskip by 7 \divide\headskip by 9
+ \multiply\baselineskip by 7 \divide\baselineskip by 9
+ \multiply\abovedisplayskip by 7 \divide\abovedisplayskip by 9
+ \belowdisplayskip = \abovedisplayskip
+\def\advancepageno{\if L\lr \gl@bal\advance\pagen@ by 1\fi
+ \ifnum\pagenumber<0 \gl@bal\advance\pagenumber by -1
+ \else\gl@bal\advance\pagenumber by 1 \fi
+ \gl@bal\frontpagefalse \swing@
+ \gl@bal\hsize=\pagetextwidth}
+} % end of preprintstyle specs
+%\def\printertype{ps: }
+% Default values for the fullsize document page
+ \ifdr@ftmode\relax\else
+ \pagetextwidth=6truein
+ \fullhsize=6truein
+ \titlepagewidth=6truein
+ \vsize=8.3truein
+ \hsize=\pagetextwidth
+ \Twelvepoint
+ \hoffset=0.3 truein
+ \voffset=0.2 truein
+ \advance\hoffset by\HOFFSET
+ \advance\voffset by\VOFFSET
+ \pagebottomfiller=0pc
+ \skip\footins=\bigskipamount
+ \normalspace\fi\fi}
+ \ifdr@ftmode\relax\else
+ \pagetextwidth=6.5truein
+ \fullhsize=6.5truein
+ \titlepagewidth=6.5truein
+ \hsize=\fullhsize
+ \vsize=9truein
+ \Twelvepoint
+ \hoffset=0.05 truein
+ \voffset=-0.1truein
+ \advance\hoffset by\HOFFSET
+ \advance\voffset by\VOFFSET
+ \pagebottomfiller=0pc
+ \skip\footins=\bigskipamount
+ \normalspace\fi\fi }
+\def\advancepageno{\gl@bal\advance\pagen@ by 1
+ \ifnum\pagenumber<0 \gl@bal\advance\pagenumber by -1
+ \else\gl@bal\advance\pagenumber by 1 \fi
+ \gl@bal\frontpagefalse \swing@
+ \gl@bal\hsize=\pagetextwidth} %MODIFICATION
+ \pagetextwidth=6.5in
+ \hsize=\fullhsize
+ \vsize=8.5in
+ \hoffset=0in
+ \voffset=0.5in
+ \advance\hoffset by\HOFFSET
+ \advance\voffset by\VOFFSET
+ \pagebottomfiller=\letterbottomskip
+ \skip\footins=\smallskipamount
+ \multiply\skip\footins by 3
+ \singlespace }
+%% Here come chapter, section, subsection & appendix macros.
+%% The following allows a shortcut for making titles bold etc.
+%% Just use \chapterheadstyle={\bf} in the beginning of the
+%% TeX file.
+\newtoks\chapterheadstyle \chapterheadstyle={\relax}
+\def\chapter#1{{\the\chapterheadstyle\par \penalty-300 \vskip\chapterskip
+ \spacecheck\chapterminspace
+ \chapterreset\titlestyle{\ifcn@@{\ifPhysRev\Roman{\the\chapternumber}.~
+ \else{\the\chapternumber}.~\fi}\fi #1}
+ \nobreak\vskip\headskip \penalty 30000
+ \message{(\the\chapternumber. #1)}
+ {\pr@tect\wlog{\string\chapter\space \chapterlabel}} }}
+ \spacecheck\chapterminspace \chapterreset \xdef\chapterlabel{#1}
+ \titlestyle{APPENDIX #2} \nobreak\vskip\headskip \penalty 30000
+ \wlog{\string\Appendix~\chapterlabel} }}
+\def\chapterreset{\gl@bal\advance\chapternumber by 1
+ \ifnum\equanumber<0 \else\gl@bal\equanumber=0\fi
+ \gl@bal\sectionnumber=0 \let\sectionlabel=\rel@x
+ \ifcn@ \gl@bal\cn@@true {\pr@tect
+ \xdef\chapterlabel{{\the\chapterstyle{\the\chapternumber}}}}%
+ \else \gl@bal\cn@@false \gdef\chapterlabel{\rel@x}\fi }%MODIFICATION
+%% Various little user definitions
+\def\etal{{\it et al.\ }}
+\def\via{{\hbox{\it via}}}
+\def\cf{{\hbox{\it cf.}}}
+\def\leaderfill{\leaders\hbox to 1em{\hss.\hss}\hfill}
+\def\dual{{\,^*\kern-.20em}} %%% produces a raised * in front of a form
+\def\inner{\,{\vcenter{ %%% symbol _| for vector, form inner product
+ \hbox{ \kern 4pt
+ \vrule width 0.5pt height 7pt}
+ \hrule height 0.5pt}}\,}
+\def\bx{{\vcenter{\hrule height 0.4pt
+ \hbox{\vrule width 0.4pt height 10pt \kern 10pt
+ \vrule width 0.4pt}
+ \hrule height 0.4pt}}}
+\def\sqr#1#2{{\vcenter{\hrule height.#2pt
+ \hbox{\vrule width.#2pt height#1pt \kern#1pt
+ \vrule width.#2pt}
+ \hrule height.#2pt}}}
+\def\rect#1#2#3#4{{\vcenter{\hrule height#3pt
+ \hbox{\vrule width#4pt height#1pt \kern#1pt
+ \vrule width#4pt}
+ \hrule height#3pt}}}
+\def\bx{{\vcenter{\hrule height 0.4pt
+ \hbox{\vrule width 0.4pt height 10pt \kern 10pt
+ \vrule width 0.4pt}
+ \hrule height 0.4pt}}}
+\def\up#1{\leavevmode \raise.16ex\hbox{#1}}
+\def\square{\kern1pt\vbox{\hrule height 1.2pt\hbox{\vrule width 1.2pt\hskip 3pt
+ \vbox{\vskip 6pt}\hskip 3pt\vrule width 0.6pt}\hrule height 0.6pt}\kern1pt}
+\def\pmb#1{\setbox0=\hbox{#1} % POOR MAN'S BOLD
+ \kern-.025em\copy0\kern-\wd0
+ \kern .05em\copy0\kern-\wd0
+ \kern-.025em\raise.0433em\box0 }
+\def\qed{\vrule height 1.2ex width 0.5em}
+\def\dalemb{{\cal t}} %%DALEMBERTIAN, USED TO BE \box
+\def\const{{\rm const}}
+\def\s{{\,\rm s}}
+\def\cm{{\,\rm cm}}
+\def\g{{\,\rm g}}
+\def\coeff#1#2{\textstyle{#1\over #2}}
+\def\partder#1#2{{{\partial #1}\over{\partial #2}}}
+\def\Tr{\mathop{\rm Tr}\nolimits}
+\def\gev{{\,\rm GeV}}
+\def\ev{{\,\rm eV}}
+\def\inv{^{\raise.15ex\hbox{${\scriptscriptstyle -}$}\kern-.05em 1}}
+\def\Dsl{\,\raise.15ex\hbox{/}\mkern-13.5mu D} %this one can be subscripted
+\def\tr{{\rm tr}}
+\font\bigit=cmti10 scaled \magstep1
+\def\biglie{\hbox{\bigit\$}} %pound sterling
+ \hbox{${\displaystyle #1}$}\kern3pt}\kern3pt\vrule}\hrule}}}
+\def\mbox#1#2{\vcenter{\hrule \hbox{\vrule height#2in
+ \kern#1in \vrule} \hrule}} %e.g. \mbox{.1}{.1}
+\hyphenation{anom-aly anom-alies coun-ter-term coun-ter-terms}
+%% matters of taste
+%\def\tilde{\widetilde} \def\bar{\overline} \def\hat{\widehat}
+\def\e#1{{\rm e}^{^{\textstyle#1}}}
+\def\darr#1{\raise1.5ex\hbox{$\leftrightarrow$}\mkern-16.5mu #1}
+\def\lie{\hbox{\it\$}} %pound sterling
+%% Miscellaneous macros
+%\def\letter{\FRONTPAGE \letterhead \addressee }
+% A copies-to macro for the end of letters
+\setbox0 = \vtop{\ialign to\hsize{\strut ##\hfil\tabskip 0pt plus \hsize %
+\crcr #1\crcr}}%
+\hbox{{cc:\ }\box0}%
+%%% undertildes
+\dimen@=\ht2 \advance \dimen@ by \dp2 \advance \dimen@ by 1.5pt
+\ht2=0pt \dp2=0pt
+\hbox to 0pt{$#1$\hss} \lower\dimen@\box2
+\dimen@=\the\ht2 \advance \dimen@ by \the\dp2 \advance \dimen@ by 1.5pt
+\ht2=0pt \dp2=0pt
+\hbox to 0pt{$#1$\hss} \lower\dimen@\box2
+\def\journal#1&#2(#3){\unskip, \sl #1~\bf #2 \rm (19#3) }
+ % Journal reference. Alignment
+ % tabs & set off name, vol, year, page
+\def\npjournal#1&#2&#3&#4&{\unskip, #1~\rm #2 \rm (#3) #4}
+\gdef\prjournal#1&#2&#3&#4&{\unskip, #1~\bf #2, \rm #4 (#3)}
+\def\coeff#1#2{\textstyle{#1\over #2}}
+\def\partder#1#2{{\partial #1\over\partial #2}}
+\def\bra#1{\left\langle #1\right|}
+\def\ket#1{\left| #1\right\rangle}
+\def\VEV#1{\left\langle #1\right\rangle}
+\def\Tr{\mathop{\rm Tr}\nolimits}
+\let\int=\intop \let\oint=\ointop
+\catcode`@=12 % at signs are no longer letters
+%%%%%%%%%%%% This is LABELFORM.TEX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% Macro to make mailing labels on Avery sheets from an address file.
+%% Address file should be formatted as:
+%% {
+%% <name>
+%% <multi(<=5)line address>
+%% }
+%% with a blank line between addresses and NO BLANK LINES at the
+%% BEGINNING or the END
+%% The enhanced automatically formats the input file for
+%% addresses correctly if the command \labelformlabels is inserted
+%% BEFORE the \multiletter command
+%% The present format has ELEVEN labels in each column, THREE columns/page
+%% and prints in a tenpoint san serif typeface
+%% (Appended to the end of this file is the format for EIGHT labels/column)
+%% No matter what the name of the address file input is, the output will
+%% be called LABELFORM.DVI
+\font\tenss = cmss10
+\baselineskip=9truept % use 10truept here for labels with only four lines
+\parindent 0pt
+\vsize=11 truein
+\hoffset=-0.65 truein
+\voffset=-0.795 truein
+\loop\immediate\write16{ }
+ \message{Address file name? }
+ \read-1 to \addrfile
+ \immediate\write16{ }
+ \openin\addrfileno=\addrfile
+ \ifeof\addrfileno \immediate\write16{File not found.}
+\setbox\wall=\hbox to 0pt{\null}
+\newcount\across \across=0
+\newcount\down \down=0
+ \endlinechar=`\^^M % normal expansion of <cr>
+ \begingroup\obeylines % to get address read in with \par's
+ \global\read\addrfileno to \addresslines %
+ \endgroup
+ \setbox\onelabel=\hbox to 2.8truein{\vbox to 0.99truein{\vskip 3truept
+ \hbox{\vbox{\hsize=2.8truein \addresslines}}
+ \vfil}} %
+ \setbox\wall=\hbox{\box\wall\box\onelabel}
+ \advance\across by 1
+ \ifnum\across=3 % if 3 labels in a row, add row
+ \box\wall
+ \vskip -1.0pt % correct downward creep
+ \setbox\wall=\hbox to 0pt{\null}
+ \advance\down by 1
+ \across=0
+ \ifnum\down=11 % if 11 rows on page, print page
+ \eject
+ \down=0
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \read\addrfileno to \emptyline % 1 blank line divides addresses
+ \ifeof\addrfileno\anymorefalse % last line in the file
+ \else\anymoretrue\fi % otherwise repeat the loop
+ \ifanymore
+\ifnum\across=0 % if addresses ended with a full row, no need to fill
+ \else % if addresses didn't end with a full row, fill it out
+ \setbox\wall=\hbox to\hsize{\box\wall\hfill}
+ \box\wall \vfill\eject
+%%%%%%%%%%%% This is LABELFORM.TEX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% Macro to make mailing labels on Avery sheets from an address file.
+%% Address file should be formatted as:
+%% {
+%% <name>
+%% <multi(<=6)line address>
+%% }
+%% with a blank line between addresses and NO BLANK LINES at the
+%% BEGINNING or the END
+%% The enhanced automatically formats the input file for
+%% addresses correctly if the command \labelformlabels is inserted BEFORE
+%% the \multiletter command
+%% The present format has EIGHT labels in each column, THREE columns/page
+%% and prints in a san serif typeface
+%% No matter what the name of the address file input is, the output will
+%% be called LABELFORM.DVI
+\font\tenss = cmss10
+\baselineskip=9 truept
+\parindent 0pt
+\loop\immediate\write16{ }
+ \message{Address file name? }
+ \read-1 to \addrfile
+ \immediate\write16{ }
+ \openin\addrfileno=\addrfile
+ \ifeof\addrfileno \immediate\write16{File not found.}
+\setbox\wall=\hbox to 0pt{\null}
+\newcount\across \across=0
+\newcount\down \down=0
+ \endlinechar=`\^^M % normal expansion of <cr>
+ \begingroup\obeylines % to get address read in with \par's
+ \global\read\addrfileno to \addresslines %
+ \endgroup
+ \setbox\onelabel=\hbox to 2.8truein{\vbox to 1.35truein{\vskip 3truept
+ \hbox{\vbox{\hsize=2.8 truein \addresslines}}
+ \vfil}} %
+ \setbox\wall=\hbox{\box\wall\box\onelabel}
+ \advance\across by 1
+ \ifnum\across=3 % if 3 labels in a row, add row
+ \box\wall
+ \vskip -1.0pt % correct downward creep
+ \setbox\wall=\hbox to 0pt{\null}
+ \advance\down by 1
+ \across=0
+ \ifnum\down=8 % if 8 rows on page, print page
+ \eject
+ \down=0
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \read\addrfileno to \emptyline % 1 blank line divides addresses
+ \ifeof\addrfileno\anymorefalse % last line in the file
+ \else\anymoretrue\fi % otherwise repeat the loop
+ \ifanymore
+\ifnum\across=0 % if addresses ended with a full row, no need to fill
+ \else % if addresses didn't end with a full row, fill it out
+ \setbox\wall=\hbox to\hsize{\box\wall\hfill}
+ \box\wall \vfill\eject
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/phyzzx.tex b/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/phyzzx.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad05eea87e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/phyzzx/phyzzx.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,931 @@
+% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
+%%% This is PHYZZX macro package. % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
+%% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
+%%% This version of PHYZZX should be used with Version >1.0 of TEX % %
+%% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
+%%% To preload both PLAIN and PHYZZX, begin your file with % % % %
+%%% a line "%macropackage=phyzzx" instead of "\input phyzzx". % % % %
+%% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
+%%%%%%% Created by Vadim Kaplunovsky in June 1984. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
+%%%%%%%%%%%% Latest update/debug: April 27, 1988 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\expandafter\ifx\csname phyzzx\endcsname\relax
+ \message{It is better to use PHYZZX format than to
+ \string\input\space PHYZZX}\else
+ \wlog{PHYZZX macros are already loaded and are not
+ \string\input\space again}%
+ \endinput \fi
+\catcode`\@=11 % This allows us to modify PLAIN macros.
+% First, I define fonts and basic spacing parameters
+\newdimen\b@gheight \b@gheight=12pt
+\newcount\f@ntkey \f@ntkey=0
+\def\samef@nt{\fam=\f@ntkey \the\textfont\f@ntkey\rel@x}
+\def\setstr@t{\setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height 0.85\b@gheight
+ depth 0.35\b@gheight width\z@ }}
+\input phyzzx.fonts
+% Actual font definitions are kept in a separate file
+% to facilitate font substitution.
+\def\rm{\n@expand\f@m0 }
+\def\mit{\n@expand\f@m1 } \let\oldstyle=\mit
+\def\cal{\n@expand\f@m2 }
+\def\caps{\n@expand\f@m\cpfam} \let\cp=\caps
+\def\em@{\rel@x\ifnum\f@ntkey=0 \it \else
+ \ifnum\f@ntkey=\bffam \it \else \rm \fi \fi }
+\def\fourteenpoint{\fourteenf@nts \samef@nt \b@gheight=14pt \setstr@t }
+\def\twelvepoint{\twelvef@nts \samef@nt \b@gheight=12pt \setstr@t }
+\def\tenpoint{\tenf@nts \samef@nt \b@gheight=10pt \setstr@t }
+\normalbaselineskip = 20pt plus 0.2pt minus 0.1pt
+\normallineskip = 1.5pt plus 0.1pt minus 0.1pt
+\normallineskiplimit = 1.5pt
+\normaldisplayskip = 20pt plus 5pt minus 10pt
+\normaldispshortskip = 6pt plus 5pt
+\normalparskip = 6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt
+\skipregister = 5pt plus 2pt minus 1.5pt
+\newif\iftwelv@ \twelv@true
+ \iftwelv@ \ifsingl@\subspaces@t3:4;\else\subspaces@t1:1;\fi
+ \else \ifsingl@\subspaces@t3:5;\else\subspaces@t4:5;\fi \fi
+ \ifdoubl@ \multiply\baselineskip by 5
+ \divide\baselineskip by 4 \fi }
+ \baselineskip = \normalbaselineskip
+ \multiply\baselineskip by #1 \divide\baselineskip by #2
+ \lineskip = \normallineskip
+ \multiply\lineskip by #1 \divide\lineskip by #2
+ \lineskiplimit = \normallineskiplimit
+ \multiply\lineskiplimit by #1 \divide\lineskiplimit by #2
+ \parskip = \normalparskip
+ \multiply\parskip by #1 \divide\parskip by #2
+ \abovedisplayskip = \normaldisplayskip
+ \multiply\abovedisplayskip by #1 \divide\abovedisplayskip by #2
+ \belowdisplayskip = \abovedisplayskip
+ \abovedisplayshortskip = \normaldispshortskip
+ \multiply\abovedisplayshortskip by #1
+ \divide\abovedisplayshortskip by #2
+ \belowdisplayshortskip = \abovedisplayshortskip
+ \advance\belowdisplayshortskip by \belowdisplayskip
+ \divide\belowdisplayshortskip by 2
+ \smallskipamount = \skipregister
+ \multiply\smallskipamount by #1 \divide\smallskipamount by #2
+ \medskipamount = \smallskipamount \multiply\medskipamount by 2
+ \bigskipamount = \smallskipamount \multiply\bigskipamount by 4 }
+\def\normalbaselines{ \baselineskip=\normalbaselineskip
+ \lineskip=\normallineskip \lineskiplimit=\normallineskip
+ \iftwelv@\else \multiply\baselineskip by 4 \divide\baselineskip by 5
+ \multiply\lineskiplimit by 4 \divide\lineskiplimit by 5
+ \multiply\lineskip by 4 \divide\lineskip by 5 \fi }
+\Twelvepoint % That's the default
+\newdimen\HOFFSET \HOFFSET=0pt
+\newdimen\VOFFSET \VOFFSET=0pt
+\newdimen\HSWING \HSWING=0pt
+% Next, I define output routines, footnotes & related stuff.
+\pagebottomfiller=\z@ plus \z@ minus \z@
+ \ifvoid\topins\else\unvbox\topins\vskip\skip\topins\fi
+ \dimen@ = \dp255 \unvbox255
+ \vskip\pagebottomfiller
+ \ifvoid\footins\else\vskip\skip\footins\footrule\unvbox\footins\fi
+ \ifr@ggedbottom \kern-\dimen@ \vfil \fi }
+\def\makeheadline{\vbox to 0pt{ \skip@=\topskip
+ \advance\skip@ by -12pt \advance\skip@ by -2\normalbaselineskip
+ \vskip\skip@ \line{\vbox to 12pt{}\the\headline} \vss
+ }\nointerlineskip}
+\def\makefootline{\baselineskip = 1.5\normalbaselineskip
+ \line{\the\footline}}
+\letterheadline{\iffrontpage \hfil \else
+ \rm \ifp@genum page~~\folio\fi \hfil\the\date \fi}
+\def\monthname{\rel@x\ifcase\month 0/\or January\or February\or
+ March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or
+ October\or November\or December\else\number\month/\fi}
+\def\today{\monthname~\number\day, \number\year}
+\headline=\paperheadline % The default is
+\footline=\paperfootline % \papers
+\countdef\pageno=1 \countdef\pagen@=0
+\countdef\pagenumber=1 \pagenumber=1
+\def\advancepageno{\gl@bal\advance\pagen@ by 1
+ \ifnum\pagenumber<0 \gl@bal\advance\pagenumber by -1
+ \else\gl@bal\advance\pagenumber by 1 \fi
+ \gl@bal\frontpagefalse \swing@ }
+\def\folio{\ifnum\pagenumber<0 \romannumeral-\pagenumber
+ \else \number\pagenumber \fi }
+\def\swing@{\ifodd\pagenumber \gl@bal\advance\hoffset by -\HSWING
+ \else \gl@bal\advance\hoffset by \HSWING \fi }
+ \vbox to 0pt{\vskip -0.25\baselineskip \hrule width 0.35\hsize \vss}
+ \prevdepth=\dimen@ }
+ \interlinepenalty=\interfootnotelinepenalty \floatingpenalty=20000
+ \singl@true\doubl@false\Tenpoint
+ \splittopskip=\ht\strutbox \boxmaxdepth=\dp\strutbox
+ \leftskip=\footindent \rightskip=\z@skip
+ \parindent=0.5\footindent \parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil
+ \spaceskip=\z@skip \xspaceskip=\z@skip \footnotespecial
+ \Textindent{#1}\footstrut\futurelet\next\fo@t}
+\newcount\lastf@@t \lastf@@t=-1
+\newcount\footsymbolcount \footsymbolcount=0
+\def\footsymbolgen{\bumpfootsymbolcount \generatefootsymbol \footsymbol }
+ \iffrontpage \bumpfootsymbolpos \else \advance\lastf@@t by 1
+ \ifPhysRev \bumpfootsymbolneg \else \bumpfootsymbolpos \fi \fi
+ \gl@bal\lastf@@t=\pagen@ }
+\def\bumpfootsymbolpos{\ifnum\footsymbolcount <0
+ \gl@bal\footsymbolcount =0 \fi
+ \ifnum\lastf@@t<\pagen@ \gl@bal\footsymbolcount=0
+ \else \gl@bal\advance\footsymbolcount by 1 \fi }
+\def\bumpfootsymbolneg{\ifnum\footsymbolcount >0
+ \gl@bal\footsymbolcount =0 \fi
+ \gl@bal\advance\footsymbolcount by -1 }
+\def\fd@f#1 {\xdef\footsymbol{\mathchar"#1 }}
+\def\generatefootsymbol{\ifcase\footsymbolcount \fd@f 13F \or \fd@f 279
+ \or \fd@f 27A \or \fd@f 278 \or \fd@f 27B \else
+ \ifnum\footsymbolcount <0 \fd@f{023 \number-\footsymbolcount }
+ \else \fd@f 203 {\loop \ifnum\footsymbolcount >5
+ \fd@f{203 \footsymbol } \advance\footsymbolcount by -1
+ \repeat }\fi \fi }
+\def\nonfrenchspacing{\sfcode`\.=3001 \sfcode`\!=3000 \sfcode`\?=3000
+ \sfcode`\:=2000 \sfcode`\;=1500 \sfcode`\,=1251 }
+{\setbox0=\hbox{s.} \gl@bal\d@twidth=\wd0 \setbox0=\hbox{s}
+ \gl@bal\advance\d@twidth by -\wd0 }
+\def\removehglue{\loop \unskip \ifdim\lastskip >\z@ \repeat }
+\def\roll@ver#1{\removehglue \nobreak \count255 =\spacefactor \dimen@=\z@
+ \ifnum\count255 =3001 \dimen@=\d@twidth \fi
+ \ifnum\count255 =1251 \dimen@=\d@twidth \fi
+ \iftwelv@ \kern-\dimen@ \else \kern-0.83\dimen@ \fi
+ #1\spacefactor=\count255 }
+\def\step@ver#1{\rel@x \ifmmode #1\else \ifhmode
+ \roll@ver{${}#1$}\else {\setbox0=\hbox{${}#1$}}\fi\fi }
+\def\attach#1{\step@ver{\strut^{\mkern 2mu #1} }}
+% Here come chapter, section, subsection & appendix macros.
+\newcount\chapternumber \chapternumber=0
+\newcount\sectionnumber \sectionnumber=0
+\newcount\equanumber \equanumber=0
+\newtoks\chapterstyle \chapterstyle={\Number}
+\newtoks\sectionstyle \sectionstyle={\Number}
+\newskip\chapterskip \chapterskip=\bigskipamount
+\newskip\sectionskip \sectionskip=\medskipamount
+\newskip\headskip \headskip=8pt plus 3pt minus 3pt
+\newdimen\chapterminspace \chapterminspace=15pc
+\newdimen\sectionminspace \sectionminspace=10pc
+\newdimen\referenceminspace \referenceminspace=20pc
+\newif\ifcn@ \cn@true
+\newif\ifcn@@ \cn@@false
+\def\chapterreset{\gl@bal\advance\chapternumber by 1
+ \ifnum\equanumber<0 \else\gl@bal\equanumber=0\fi
+ \sectionnumber=0 \let\sectionlabel=\rel@x
+ \ifcn@ \gl@bal\cn@@true {\pr@tect
+ \xdef\chapterlabel{\the\chapterstyle{\the\chapternumber}}}%
+ \else \gl@bal\cn@@false \gdef\chapterlabel{\rel@x}\fi }
+\def\@alpha#1{\count255='140 \advance\count255 by #1\char\count255}
+ \def\alphabetic{\n@expand\@alpha}
+\def\@Alpha#1{\count255='100 \advance\count255 by #1\char\count255}
+ \def\Alphabetic{\n@expand\@Alpha}
+\def\@Roman#1{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral #1}}
+ \def\Roman{\n@expand\@Roman}
+\def\@roman#1{\romannumeral #1} \def\roman{\n@expand\@roman}
+\def\@number#1{\number #1} \def\Number{\n@expand\@number}
+\def\BLANK#1{\rel@x} \let\BLANC=\BLANK
+ \leftskip=0.03\hsize plus 0.22\hsize minus 0.03\hsize
+ \rightskip=\leftskip \parfillskip=0pt
+ \hyphenpenalty=9000 \exhyphenpenalty=9000
+ \tolerance=9999 \pretolerance=9000
+ \spaceskip=0.333em \xspaceskip=0.5em }
+\def\titlestyle#1{\par\begingroup \titleparagraphs
+ \iftwelv@\fourteenpoint\else\twelvepoint\fi
+ \noindent #1\par\endgroup }
+\def\spacecheck#1{\dimen@=\pagegoal\advance\dimen@ by -\pagetotal
+ \ifdim\dimen@<#1 \ifdim\dimen@>0pt \vfil\break \fi\fi}
+\def\chapter#1{\par \penalty-300 \vskip\chapterskip
+ \spacecheck\chapterminspace
+ \chapterreset \titlestyle{\ifcn@@\chapterlabel.~\fi #1}
+ \nobreak\vskip\headskip \penalty 30000
+ {\pr@tect\wlog{\string\chapter\space \chapterlabel}} }
+\def\section#1{\par \ifnum\lastpenalty=30000\else
+ \penalty-200\vskip\sectionskip \spacecheck\sectionminspace\fi
+ \gl@bal\advance\sectionnumber by 1
+ {\pr@tect
+ \xdef\sectionlabel{\ifcn@@ \chapterlabel.\fi
+ \the\sectionstyle{\the\sectionnumber}}%
+ \wlog{\string\section\space \sectionlabel}}%
+ \noindent {\caps\enspace\sectionlabel.~~#1}\par
+ \nobreak\vskip\headskip \penalty 30000 }
+ \ifnum\the\lastpenalty=30000\else \penalty-100\smallskip \fi
+ \noindent\undertext{#1}\enspace \vadjust{\penalty5000}}
+\def\undertext#1{\vtop{\hbox{#1}\kern 1pt \hrule}}
+\def\ACK{\par\penalty-100\medskip \spacecheck\sectionminspace
+ \line{\fourteenrm\hfil ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS\hfil}\nobreak\vskip\headskip }
+ \spacecheck\chapterminspace \chapterreset \xdef\chapterlabel{#1}
+ \titlestyle{APPENDIX #2} \nobreak\vskip\headskip \penalty 30000
+ \wlog{\string\Appendix~\chapterlabel} }
+% Here come macros for equation numbering.
+\def\eqname#1{\rel@x {\pr@tect
+ \ifnum\equanumber<0 \xdef#1{{\rm(\number-\equanumber)}}%
+ \gl@bal\advance\equanumber by -1
+ \else \gl@bal\advance\equanumber by 1
+ \xdef#1{{\rm(\ifcn@@ \chapterlabel.\fi \number\equanumber)}}\fi
+ }#1}
+\def\eqinsert#1{\noalign{\dimen@=\prevdepth \nointerlineskip
+ \setbox0=\hbox to\displaywidth{\hfil #1}
+ \vbox to 0pt{\kern 0.5\baselineskip\hbox{$\!\box0\!$}\vss}
+ \prevdepth=\dimen@}}
+% Here come items and lists
+\def\GENITEM#1;#2{\par \hangafter=0 \hangindent=#1
+ \Textindent{$ #2 $}\ignorespaces}
+\outer\def\newitem#1=#2;{\gdef#1{\GENITEM #2;}}
+\newdimen\itemsize \itemsize=30pt
+\newitem\sitem=1.75\itemsize; \let\subitem=\sitem
+\newitem\ssitem=2.5\itemsize; \let\subsubitem\ssitem
+ \count255=\escapechar \escapechar=-1
+ \alloc@0\list\countdef\insc@unt\listcount \listcount=0
+ \edef#1{\par
+ \countdef\listcount=\the\allocationnumber
+ \advance\listcount by 1
+ \hangafter=0 \hangindent=#4
+ \Textindent{\the\toks0{\listcount}\the\toks1}}
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
+ \edef\c@t#1{begin}{\par
+ \countdef\listcount=\the\allocationnumber \listcount=1
+ \hangafter=0 \hangindent=#4
+ \Textindent{\the\toks0{\listcount}\the\toks1}}
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
+ \edef\c@t#1{con}{\par \hangafter=0 \hangindent=#4 \noindent}
+ \escapechar=\count255}
+\let\spoint=\subpoint \let\sspoint=\subsubpoint
+\let\spointbegin=\subpointbegin \let\sspointbegin=\subsubpointbegin
+\let\spointcon=\subpointcon \let\sspointcon=\subsubpointcon
+% Here come macros for references, figures & tables.
+% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
+%% First, references.
+\newcount\referencecount \referencecount=0
+\newcount\lastrefsbegincount \lastrefsbegincount=0
+\newif\ifreferenceopen \newwrite\referencewrite
+\newdimen\refindent \refindent=30pt
+\def\normalrefmark#1{\attach{\scriptscriptstyle [ #1 ] }}
+\def\refend{\refend@{}\space }
+ \advance\count255 by-\lastrefsbegincount
+ \ifcase\count255 \number\referencecount
+ \or \number\lastrefsbegincount,\number\referencecount
+ \else \number\lastrefsbegincount-\number\referencecount \fi}\space }
+\def\REFNUM#1{\rel@x \gl@bal\advance\referencecount by 1
+ \xdef#1{\the\referencecount }}
+\def\Refnum#1{\REFNUM #1\refend@ } \let\refnum=\Refnum
+\def\REF#1{\REFNUM #1\R@FWRITE\ignorespaces}
+\def\Ref#1{\Refnum #1\REFWRITE }
+\def\REFS#1{\REFNUM #1\gl@bal\lastrefsbegincount=\referencecount
+\let\refscon=\refc \let\REFSCON=\REF
+\def\r@fitem#1{\par \hangafter=0 \hangindent=\refindent \Textindent{#1}}
+\def\NPrefs{\let\refmark=\NPrefmark \let\refitem=NPrefitem}
+\def\REFWRITE{\R@FWRITE\rel@x }
+\def\R@FWRITE#1{\ifreferenceopen \else \gl@bal\referenceopentrue
+ \immediate\openout\referencewrite=\jobname.refs
+ \toks@={\begingroup \refoutspecials \catcode`\^^M=10 }%
+ \immediate\write\referencewrite{\the\toks@}\fi
+ \immediate\write\referencewrite{\noexpand\refitem %
+ {\the\referencecount}}%
+ \p@rse@ndwrite \referencewrite #1}
+ \catcode`\^^M=\active \let^^M=\relax %
+ \gdef\p@rse@ndwrite#1#2{\begingroup \catcode`\^^M=12 \newlinechar=`\^^M%
+ \chardef\rw@write=#1\sc@nlines#2}%
+ \gdef\sc@nlines#1#2{\sc@n@line \g@rbage #2^^M\endsc@n \endgroup #1}%
+ \gdef\sc@n@line#1^^M{\expandafter\toks@\expandafter{\deg@rbage #1}%
+ \immediate\write\rw@write{\the\toks@}%
+ \futurelet\n@xt \sc@ntest }%
+\def\sc@ntest{\ifx\n@xt\endsc@n \let\n@xt=\rel@x
+ \else \let\n@xt=\sc@n@notherline \fi \n@xt }
+\def\sc@n@notherline{\sc@n@line \g@rbage }
+\let\g@rbage=\relax \let\endsc@n=\relax
+ \spacecheck\referenceminspace
+ \ifreferenceopen \Closeout\referencewrite \referenceopenfalse \fi
+ \line{\fourteenrm\hfil REFERENCES\hfil}\vskip\headskip
+ \input \jobname.refs
+ }
+\def\refoutspecials{\sfcode`\.=1000 \interlinepenalty=1000
+ \rightskip=\z@ plus 1em minus \z@ }
+ \immediate\closeout#1}
+% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
+%% Next, figure captions and table captions.
+\newcount\figurecount \figurecount=0
+\newcount\tablecount \tablecount=0
+\newif\iffigureopen \newwrite\figurewrite
+\newif\iftableopen \newwrite\tablewrite
+\def\FIGNUM#1{\rel@x \gl@bal\advance\figurecount by 1
+ \xdef#1{\the\figurecount}}
+\def\FIGURE#1{\FIGNUM #1\F@GWRITE\ignorespaces }
+\def\Fig{\FIGNUM\?Figure~\?\FIGWRITE }
+\def\fig{\FIGNUM\?figure~\?\FIGWRITE }
+\def\FIGWRITE{\F@GWRITE\rel@x }
+\def\TABNUM#1{\rel@x \gl@bal\advance\tablecount by 1
+ \xdef#1{\the\tablecount}}
+\def\TABLE#1{\TABNUM #1\T@BWRITE\ignorespaces }
+\def\Table{\TABNUM\?Table~\?\TABWRITE }
+\def\TABWRITE{\T@BWRITE\rel@x }
+\def\F@GWRITE#1{\iffigureopen \else \gl@bal\figureopentrue
+ \immediate\openout\figurewrite=\jobname.figs
+ \toks@={\begingroup \catcode`\^^M=10 }%
+ \immediate\write\figurewrite{\the\toks@}\fi
+ \immediate\write\figurewrite{\noexpand\figitem %
+ {\the\figurecount}}%
+ \p@rse@ndwrite \figurewrite #1}
+\def\T@BWRITE#1{\iftableopen \else \gl@bal\tableopentrue
+ \immediate\openout\tablewrite=\jobname.tabs
+ \toks@={\begingroup \catcode`\^^M=10 }%
+ \immediate\write\tablewrite{\the\toks@}\fi
+ \immediate\write\tablewrite{\noexpand\tabitem %
+ {\the\tablecount}}%
+ \p@rse@ndwrite \tablewrite #1}
+ \vskip\chapterskip\spacecheck\referenceminspace
+ \iffigureopen \Closeout\figurewrite \figureopenfalse \fi
+ \line{\fourteenrm\hfil FIGURE CAPTIONS\hfil}\vskip\headskip
+ \input \jobname.figs
+ }
+ \vskip\chapterskip\spacecheck\referenceminspace
+ \iftableopen \Closeout\tablewrite \tableopenfalse \fi
+ \line{\fourteenrm\hfil TABLE CAPTIONS\hfil}\vskip\headskip
+ \input \jobname.tabs
+ }
+% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
+%% Finally, inserted figures.
+\def\p@cht{\ht\picturebox }
+\def\p@cwd{\wd\picturebox }
+\def\p@cdp{\dp\picturebox }
+\captionskip=15pt plus 5pt minus 3pt
+\def\fullwidth{\captionwidth=\hsize }
+\def\caption{\captionedtrue \Caption }
+\def\fil@#1 {\fileexiststrue \picfilename={#1}}
+\def\file#1{\if=#1\let\n@xt=\fil@ \else \def\n@xt{\fil@ #1}\fi \n@xt }
+\def\pl@t{\begingroup \pr@tect
+ \setbox\picturebox=\hbox{}\fileexistsfalse
+ \let\height=\p@cht \let\width=\p@cwd \let\depth=\p@cdp
+ \xshift=\z@ \yshift=\z@ \captionwidth=\z@
+ \Caption={}\captionedfalse
+ \linesabove =0 \picturedefault }
+\def\plot{\pl@t \selfcaptionedfalse }
+\def\Picture#1{\gl@bal\advance\figurecount by 1
+ \xdef#1{\the\figurecount}\pl@t \selfcaptionedtrue }
+\def\s@vepicture{\iffileexists \parsefilename \redopicturebox \fi
+ \ifdim\captionwidth>\z@ \else \captionwidth=\p@cwd \fi
+ \xdef\lastpicture{\iffileexists
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\raise\the\yshift \vbox{%
+ \moveright\the\xshift\hbox{\picturedefinition}}}%
+ \else \setbox0=\hbox{}\fi
+ \ht0=\the\p@cht \wd0=\the\p@cwd \dp0=\the\p@cdp
+ \vbox{\hsize=\the\captionwidth \line{\hss\box0 \hss }%
+ \ifcaptioned \vskip\the\captionskip \noexpand\Tenpoint
+ \ifselfcaptioned Figure~\the\figurecount.\enspace \fi
+ \the\Caption \fi }}%
+ \endgroup }
+\def\savepicture#1{\s@vepicture \global\let#1=\lastpicture }
+\def\displaypicture{\fullwidth \s@vepicture $$\lastpicture $${}}
+\def\toppicture{\fullwidth \s@vepicture \topinsert
+ \lastpicture \medskip \endinsert }
+\def\midpicture{\fullwidth \s@vepicture \midinsert
+ \lastpicture \endinsert }
+% Wraparound macros - a try.
+ \dimen@i=\hsize \advance\dimen@i by -\dimen@ii
+ \setbox\picturebox=\hbox to \hsize {\box0 \hss }%
+ \wr@paround }
+ \dimen@i=\z@
+ \setbox\picturebox=\hbox to \hsize {\hss \box0 }%
+ \wr@paround }
+ \s@vepicture \setbox\picturebox=\vbox{
+ \kern \linesabove\baselineskip \kern 0.3\baselineskip
+ \lastpicture \kern 0.3\baselineskip }%
+ \dimen@=\p@cht \dimen@i=\dimen@
+ \advance\dimen@i by \pagetotal
+ \par \ifdim\dimen@i>\pagegoal \vfil\break \fi
+ \dimen@ii=\hsize
+ \advance\dimen@ii by -\parindent \advance\dimen@ii by -\p@cwd
+ \setbox0=\vbox to\z@{\kern-\baselineskip \unvbox\picturebox \vss }}
+ \loop \ifnum \linesabove >0
+ \advance\linesabove by -1 \advance\count255 by 1
+ \advance\dimen@ by -\baselineskip
+ \expandafter\Caption \expandafter{\the\Caption \z@ \hsize }%
+ \repeat
+ \loop \ifdim \dimen@ >\z@
+ \advance\count255 by 1 \advance\dimen@ by -\baselineskip
+ \expandafter\Caption \expandafter{%
+ \the\Caption \dimen@i \dimen@ii }%
+ \repeat
+ \edef\n@xt{\parshape=\the\count255 \the\Caption \z@ \hsize }%
+ \par\noindent \n@xt \strut \vadjust{\box\picturebox }}
+ \errhelp=\disabledpictures
+ \errmessage{This version of TeX cannot handle pictures. Sorry.}}
+ {You will get a blank box in place of your picture.}
+% Above definitions of \parsefilename and \redopicturebox
+% are dumb defaults. Actual definition are system dependent;
+% you will probably find them in your PHYZZX.LOCAL file.
+% The example below is used at Princeton.
+%\def\parsefilename{\expandafter\p@rse\the\picfilename.\endp@rse }
+% \expandafter{\the\picfilename.fig}\fi }
+% \the\picfilename
+% \ifeof\pictureread \errhelp=\disabledpictures
+% \edef\n@xt{\errmessage={Cannot find file \the\picfilename}\n@xt
+% \let\pictureboxdefinition=\relax \else
+% \read\pictureread to\y@p \read\pictureread to\y@p
+% \read\pictureread to\x@p \read\pictureread to\y@m
+% \read\pictureread to\x@m \closein\pictureread
+% \p@cht=\y@p truein \advance\p@cht by -\y@m truein
+% \advance\yshift by \y@p truein
+% \p@cwd=\x@p truein \advance\p@cwd by -\x@m truein
+% \advance\xshift by \x@m truein
+% \edef\picturedefinition{\special{pos,inc=\the\picfilename}}%
+% \fi }
+% Here come macros for memos & letters.
+ \gl@bal\pagenumber=1 \gl@bal\chapternumber=0
+ \gl@bal\equanumber=0 \gl@bal\sectionnumber=0
+ \gl@bal\referencecount=0 \gl@bal\figurecount=0
+ \gl@bal\tablecount=0 \gl@bal\frontpagetrue
+ \gl@bal\lastf@@t=0 \gl@bal\footsymbolcount=0
+ \gl@bal\cn@@false }
+\def\papersize{\hsize=35pc \vsize=50pc \hoffset=0pc \voffset=1pc
+ \advance\hoffset by\HOFFSET \advance\voffset by\VOFFSET
+ \pagebottomfiller=0pc
+ \skip\footins=\bigskipamount \normalspace }
+\papers % This is the default
+% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
+\newskip\lettertopskip \lettertopskip=20pt plus 50pt
+\newskip\letterbottomskip \letterbottomskip=\z@ plus 100pt
+\newskip\signatureskip \signatureskip=40pt plus 3pt
+\def\lettersize{\hsize=6.5in \vsize=8.5in \hoffset=0in \voffset=0.5in
+ \advance\hoffset by\HOFFSET \advance\voffset by\VOFFSET
+ \pagebottomfiller=\letterbottomskip
+ \skip\footins=\smallskipamount \multiply\skip\footins by 3
+ \singlespace }
+\def\MEMO{\lettersize \headline=\letterheadline \footline={\hfil }%
+ \let\rule=\memorule \FRONTPAGE \memohead }
+\def\memodate{\afterassignment\MEMO \date }
+\def\memit@m#1{\smallskip \hangafter=0 \hangindent=1in
+ \Textindent{\caps #1}}
+\def\to{\rel@x \ifmmode \rightarrow \else \memit@m{To:}\fi }
+\def\memorule{\medskip\hrule height 1pt\bigskip} % default definitions
+\def\memohead{\centerline{\fourteenrm MEMORANDUM}}% see phyzzx.local
+ \headline=\letterheadline \footline=\letterfootline
+ \immediate\openout\labelswrite=\jobname.lab}
+\def\letter{\FRONTPAGE \letterhead \addressee }
+\def\addressee#1{\medskip\line{\hskip 0.75\hsize plus\z@ minus 0.25\hsize
+ \the\date \hfil }%
+ \vskip \lettertopskip
+ \ialign to\hsize{\strut ##\hfil\tabskip 0pt plus \hsize \crcr #1\crcr}
+ \writelabel{#1}\medskip \noindent\hskip -\spaceskip \ignorespaces }
+ \immediate\write\labelswrite{\the\rw@toks}\futurelet\n@xt\rwl@next}
+\def\rwl@next{\ifx\n@xt\rwl@end \let\n@xt=\rel@x
+ \else \let\n@xt=\rwl@begin \fi \n@xt}
+ \rwl@begin #1\cr\rwl@end
+ \immediate\write\labelswrite{\noexpand\labelend}}
+\newtoks\FromAddress \FromAddress={}
+\newtoks\sendername \sendername={}
+\newdimen\labelwidth \labelwidth=6in
+\def\makelabels{\afterassignment\Makelabels \sendername=}
+\def\Makelabels{\FRONTPAGE \letterinfo={\hfil } \MakeFromBox
+ \immediate\closeout\labelswrite \input \jobname.lab\vfil\eject}
+\def\labelbegin#1\labelend{\setbox0=\vbox{\ialign{##\hfil\cr #1\crcr}}
+ \MakeALabel }
+ \ialign{##\hfil\cr \the\sendername \the\FromAddress \crcr }}}
+\def\MakeALabel{\vskip 1pt \hbox{\vrule \vbox{
+ \hsize=\labelwidth \hrule\bigskip
+ \leftline{\hskip 1\parindent \copy\FromLabelBox}\bigskip
+ \centerline{\hfil \box0 } \bigskip \hrule
+ }\vrule } \vskip 1pt plus 1fil }
+\def\signed#1{\par \nobreak \bigskip \dt@pfalse \begingroup
+ \everycr={\noalign{\nobreak
+ \ifdt@p\vskip\signatureskip\gl@bal\dt@pfalse\fi }}%
+ \tabskip=0.5\hsize plus \z@ minus 0.5\hsize
+ \halign to\hsize {\strut ##\hfil\tabskip=\z@ plus 1fil minus \z@\crcr
+ \noalign{\gl@bal\dt@ptrue}#1\crcr }%
+ \endgroup \bigskip }
+\def\copies{\par\hang\textindent{\tenrm cc:}}
+\def\endletter{\par \iffrontpage \else \vfil \fi \supereject }
+\def\lettertext{\par \vskip\parskip \unvcopy\letterb@x \par }
+ \everypar{\vrule height 1\baselineskip depth 0pt width 0pt }
+ \singlespace \topskip=\baselineskip }
+% Here come macros for title pages.
+\newtoks\Pubnum \let\pubnum=\Pubnum
+\newtoks\Pubtype \let\pubtype=\Pubtype
+\newif\ifp@bblock \p@bblocktrue
+\def\PH@SR@V{\doubl@true \baselineskip=24.1pt plus 0.2pt minus 0.1pt
+ \parskip= 3pt plus 2pt minus 1pt }
+ \ifp@bblock\p@bblock \else\hrule height\z@ \rel@x \fi }
+\frontpageskip=12pt plus .5fil minus 2pt
+\def\p@bblock{\begingroup \tabskip=\hsize minus \hsize
+ \baselineskip=1.5\ht\strutbox \topspace-2\baselineskip
+ \halign to\hsize{\strut ##\hfil\tabskip=0pt\crcr
+ \the\Pubnum\crcr\the\date\crcr\the\pubtype\crcr}\endgroup}
+\def\title#1{\vskip\frontpageskip \titlestyle{#1} \vskip\headskip }
+\def\author#1{\vskip\frontpageskip\titlestyle{\twelvecp #1}\nobreak}
+\def\address#1{\par\kern 5pt\titlestyle{\twelvepoint\it #1}}
+\def\andaddress{\par\kern 5pt \centerline{\sl and} \address}
+\def\SLAC{\address{Stanford Linear Accelerator Center\break
+ Stanford University, Stanford, California~94309}}
+\def\JHL{\address{Joseph Henry Laboratories\break
+ Princeton University\break Princeton, New Jersey 08544}}
+\def\abstract{\par\dimen@=\prevdepth \hrule height\z@ \prevdepth=\dimen@
+ \vskip\frontpageskip\centerline{\fourteenrm ABSTRACT}\vskip\headskip }
+ \centerline{Submitted to \sl #1}}
+% Miscellaneous macros
+\def\ie{\hbox{\it i.e.}} \def\etc{\hbox{\it etc.}}
+\def\eg{\hbox{\it e.g.}} \def\cf{\hbox{\it cf.}}
+\def\etal{\hbox{\it et al.}} \def\dash{\hbox{---}}
+\def\\{\rel@x \ifmmode \backslash \else {\tt\char`\\}\fi }
+\def\sequentialequations{\rel@x \if\equanumber<0 \else
+ \gl@bal\equanumber=-\equanumber \gl@bal\advance\equanumber by -1 \fi }
+ \hskip\parfillskip\break}
+\def\journal#1&#2(#3){\begingroup \let\journal=\dummyj@urnal
+ \unskip, \sl #1\unskip~\bf\ignorespaces #2\rm
+ (\afterassignment\j@ur \count255=#3), \endgroup\ignorespaces }
+\def\j@ur{\ifnum\count255<100 \advance\count255 by 1900 \fi
+ \number\count255 }
+ \toks@={Reference foul up: nested \journal macros}%
+ \errhelp={Your forgot & or ( ) after the last \journal}%
+ \errmessage{\the\toks@ }}
+\def\cropen#1{\crcr\noalign{\vskip #1}}
+\def\crr{\cropen{3\jot }}
+\def\topspace{\hrule height 0pt depth 0pt \vskip}
+\def\coeff#1#2{{\textstyle{#1\over #2}}}
+\def\half{\coeff12 }
+\def\partder#1#2{{\partial #1\over\partial #2}}
+ {\becomes@\scriptstyle{#1}} {\becomes@\scriptscriptstyle{#1}}
+ {\becomes@\scriptscriptstyle{#1}}}
+\def\becomes@#1#2{\mathrel{\setbox0=\hbox{$\m@th #1{\,#2\,}$}%
+ \mathop{\hbox to \wd0 {\rightarrowfill}}\limits_{#2}}}
+\def\bra#1{\left\langle #1\right|}
+\def\ket#1{\left| #1\right\rangle}
+\def\braket#1#2{\VEV{#1 | #2}}
+\def\VEV#1{\left\langle #1\right\rangle}
+\def\Tr{\mathop{\rm Tr}\nolimits}
+\def\tr{\mathop{\rm tr}\nolimits}
+\let\int=\intop \let\oint=\ointop
+ \ialign{$\m@th#1\hfil##\hfil$\crcr#2\crcr\sim\crcr } }}
+\def\big#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 0.85\b@gheight{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+\def\Big#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 1.15\b@gheight{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+\def\bigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 1.45\b@gheight{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+\def\Bigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to 1.75\b@gheight{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+\def\){\mskip 2mu\nobreak }
+% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
+% Finally, some bug fixings.
+\def\obsolete#1{\message{Macro \string #1 is obsolete.}}
+\def\firstsec#1{\obsolete\firstsec \section{#1}}
+\def\firstsubsec#1{\obsolete\firstsubsec \subsection{#1}}
+\def\thispage#1{\obsolete\thispage \gl@bal\pagenumber=#1\frontpagefalse}
+\def\thischapter#1{\obsolete\thischapter \gl@bal\chapternumber=#1}
+\def\prop{\obsolete\prop \propto }
+\def\nextequation#1{\obsolete\nextequation \gl@bal\equanumber=#1
+ \ifnum\the\equanumber>0 \gl@bal\advance\equanumber by 1 \fi}
+\def\B@XITEM{\par\hangindent\wd0 \noindent\box0 }
+% That's about it
+\def\phyzzx{PHY\setbox0=\hbox{Z}\copy0 \kern-0.5\wd0 \box0 X}
+\def\fmtname{phyzzx} \def\fmtversion{0.94}
+\everyjob{\xdef\today{\monthname~\number\day, \number\year}
+ \input myphyx.tex }
+\message{ by V.K.}
+\input phyzzx.local
+\catcode`\@=12 % at signs are no longer letters
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/scripttex/scrnplay.tex b/obsolete/macros/scripttex/scrnplay.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9383f3910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/scripttex/scrnplay.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+% ScriptTeX screenplay macros -- typed manuscript version
+% Copyright 1991-2002 Adrian McCarthy. See documentation for re-distribution info.
+\def\banner{ScriptTeX 1.04, 10-MAR-2002, typed screenplay format}%version
+% These macros will produce a manuscript that looks as though it were typed.
+% With the fixed pitch font and narrow dialog paragraphs, I've set the
+% penalties and such to be extremely tolerant of TeX's concept of badness.
+% These are probably more extreme than they have to be, but they can be
+% tuned later.
+\font\mainfont=cmpica % Don Hosek's pica fonts. Use cmtt12 if not available.
+\font\emfont=cmpicati % Change to underlined \mainfont if not available.
+\pretolerance=500 % acceptable "badness" before trying to hyphenate
+\tolerance=10000 % acceptable "badness" of a line
+\linepenalty=0 % penalty for each line in a paragraph
+\adjdemerits=0 % demerits for adjacent tight and loose line juxtapositions
+\finalhyphendemerits=0 % demerits for hyphenating the penultimate line
+\doublehyphendemerits=0 % demerits for hyphenating consecutive lines
+\hbadness=10000 % avoid useless underfull hbox messages
+% General page layout:
+\newdimen\lineskip \lineskip=12bp % 6 lines per inch
+\newdimen\charwid {\setbox0=\hbox{\mainfont M} \global\charwid=\wd0}
+\baselineskip=\lineskip % 2\lineskip for sitcoms
+\spaceskip=\charwid % for true typewriter spacing (redundant in cmtt)
+\xspaceskip=2\charwid % for two spaces after a sentence (redundant in cmtt)
+\voffset=-4\lineskip % 1 blank line from top
+\hoffset=0.5truein % extra room for hole punch
+\parindent 0pt
+\def\hotzone{8\charwid} % right margin hotzone
+ \leftskip=#1
+ \rightmar=\hsize \advance\rightmar by -\leftskip \advance\rightmar by -#2
+ \rightskip=\rightmar plus \hotzone
+% My first output routine. Marks have six parts: act/scene header,
+% previous scene continued, dialog continued, \nukeline for (MORE),
+% continuing dialog (MORE), \nukeline for continuing scene, and
+% continuing scene. The seventh part is reserved for rev pages.
+% I realize that I use \splitbotmark before a \vsplit is ever done, but
+% this is correct. \topmark has the wrong value if I put back lines back
+% during the previous \output run.
+ \dimen0=\ht255
+ \ifx\LR\empty \else
+ \if L\LR \hoffset=0.0truein \global\def\LR{R}
+ \else \hoffset=0.5truein \global\def\LR{L}
+ \fi
+ \fi%x
+ \shipout\vbox to 62\lineskip{%
+ \boxmaxdepth=\maxdepth%
+ \makeheadline%
+ \pagebody%
+ \makefootline%
+ }
+ \unvbox255 \penalty\outputpenalty % put back unused text
+ \advancepageno
+\def\makeheadline{% Act/scene header and page number
+ \line{%
+ \mainfont%
+ \ifcase1\expandafter\relax\splitbotmark\fi%
+ \ifnum\pageno>0 \hss \folio\rlap{.}\fi}
+ \vskip\lineskip
+ \ifcase2\expandafter\relax\splitbotmark\fi % So-and-so (CONT'D) \nukeline
+ \ifcase3\expandafter\relax\botmark\fi % \nukeline for (MORE)
+ \ifcase5\expandafter\relax\botmark\fi % \nukelines for CONTINUED
+ {%
+ \vbadness=10000
+ \setbox0=\vsplit255 to \dimen0 % split to new height
+ \unvbox0 % put page into output
+ }%
+ \ifcase4\expandafter\relax\splitbotmark\fi % (MORE)
+ \ifcase6\expandafter\relax\splitbotmark\fi % CONTINUED
+ \kern-\dimen0 \vfil % kern keeps \vfil from being discarded
+ \vskip\lineskip
+ \line{\mainfont \footer}
+ \advance\dimen0 by -\lineskip
+ \header \noexpand\or %
+ \contprevscene \noexpand\or %
+ \contprevdialog \noexpand\or %
+ \contdialoga \noexpand\or %
+ \contdialogb \noexpand\or %
+ \contscenea \noexpand\or %
+ \contsceneb %\noexpand\or
+% \contrev
+% Revision information
+\def\address#1{\def\addresstext{\vtop{\settabs 1\columns \tabalign #1\cr}}}
+ \hbox{\number\day-\ifcase\month\or JAN\or FEB\or MAR\or APR\or MAY%
+ \or JUN\or JUL\or AUG\or SEP\or OCT\or NOV\or DEC\fi%
+ -\number\year}%
+\edef\datetext{\today} % \edef for efficiency; it won't change during job
+% We count acts and scenes for you.
+\newcount\actcnt \actcnt=0
+\newcount\scenecnt \scenecnt=0
+\def\stdhang{\leavevmode\llap{\number\scenecnt.\ }}
+\def\stdhead{\ifx\currentscene\empty \else \number\scenecnt.\fi}
+ \ifx\seriestext\empty \else
+ {\emfont \seriestext} \hss
+ \fi%
+ ``\titletext'' \hss \drafttext
+ \ifx\currentact\empty \else%
+ \currentact; %
+ \fi%
+ \ifx\currentscene\empty \else%
+ \currentscene%
+ \fi
+% Keep track of last speaker.
+% Variants
+ \hsize=65\charwid
+ \def\hotzone{3\charwid}
+ \hfuzz=5\charwid
+ \def\resetscenecnt{}
+ \def\actheadblock##1{}
+ \def\acttailblock{}
+ \def\actpgbreak{}
+ \def\stdxref{}
+ \def\header{}
+ \def\footer{}
+ \def\hangscene{}
+ \def\draftblock{}
+ \def\stdxref{}
+ \def\sound##1{##1}
+ \ifx\drafttext\empty \draft{Working Draft}\fi
+ \def\header{\stdhead}
+ \def\footer{\stdfoot}
+ \def\hangscene{\stdhang}
+ \def\sound##1{##1}
+ \ifx\drafttext\empty \draft{Shooting Script}\fi
+ \def\header{}
+ \def\footer{}
+ \def\hangscene{\stdhang}
+% Breakdowns (desupported)
+\def\makecastlist{\immediate\write16{Cast lists no longer supported.}}
+\def\collectcast{\immediate\write16{Cast lists no longer supported.}}
+\def\makescenelist{\immediate\write16{Scene lists no longer supported.}}
+\def\collectscenes{\immediate\write16{Scene lists no longer supported.}}
+% Make a title page
+ \ifx\LR\empty \else \def\LR{R} \fi
+ \hbox{}
+ \vskip 2in
+ \ifx\seriestext\empty \else
+ \centerline{{\emfont \uppercase{\seriestext}}}
+ \vskip 3\baselineskip
+ \fi
+ \centerline{``\uppercase{\titletext}''}
+ \vskip\baselineskip
+ \ifx\authortext\empty \else
+ \centerline{\authortext}
+ \fi
+ \vskip\baselineskip
+ \centerline{\basedontext}
+ \vskip 3.5in
+ \line{\copyrighttext\hfill\addresstext}
+ \vskip 3\baselineskip
+ \draftblock
+ \pageno=0
+ {
+ \def\header{}
+ \def\footer{}
+ \eject
+ }
+ \pageno=1
+ \ifx\drafttext\empty \else
+ \rightline{{\emfont \uppercase{\drafttext}}}
+ \fi
+ \rightline{\datetext}
+% Standard header for acts, tags, and teasers
+\def\actpgbreak{\vfill \penalty-10000}
+ \vskip 2\lineskip
+ \centerline{{\emfont \uppercase{#1}}}
+ \vskip 4\lineskip
+ \vskip 2\lineskip
+ {\edef\tempact{end of \currentact}
+ \centerline{{\emfont \uppercase\expandafter{\tempact}}}
+ }
+ \acttail
+ \advance\actcnt by 1
+ \resetscenecnt
+ \edef\currentact{#1}
+ \def\contprevscene{}
+ \def\contprevdialog{}
+ \def\contdialoga{}
+ \def\contdialogb{}
+ \def\contscenea{}
+ \def\contsceneb{}
+ \expandafter\mark\mymark
+ \actpgbreak
+ \parskip\baselineskip
+ \actheadblock{#1}
+ \immediate\write16{#1}
+% Standard tail for acts, tags, and teasers
+ \penalty1000
+ \ifx\currentact\empty \else
+ \acttailblock
+ \def\currentact{}
+ \fi
+% Regular script constructs:
+\def\act{\acthead{Act \ifcase\actcnt\or One\or Two\or Three\or Four\or
+ Five\or Six\or Seven\or Eight\or Nine\or Ten\or Eleven\or
+ Twelve\or Thirteen\or Fourteen\or Fifteen\or Sixteen\else\Roman\actcnt\fi}
+ \def\acttailblock{
+ \vskip 2\lineskip
+ \centerline{{\emfont THE END}}
+ }
+ \penalty10000
+ \def\contprevscene{}
+ \def\contprevdialog{}
+ \def\contdialoga{}
+ \def\contdialogb{}
+ \def\contscenea{}
+ \def\contsceneb{}
+ \expandafter\mark\mymark
+ \penalty-100
+ \advance\scenecnt by 1
+ \edef\currentscene{Scene \number\scenecnt}
+ \parskip\baselineskip
+ \margins{0in}{\hsize}
+ \leavevmode\hangscene\uppercase{#1}\par
+ \def\contprevscene{\hangscene CONTINUED}
+ \def\contscenea{\nukeline\nukeline}
+ \def\contsceneb{\vskip\lineskip \line{\hskip 40\charwid CONTINUED}}
+ \expandafter\mark\mymark
+ \global\def\lastspeaker{}
+ \penalty1000
+ \penalty10000
+ \def\contprevdialog{}
+ \def\contdialoga{}
+ \def\contdialogb{}
+ \expandafter\mark\mymark
+ \penalty-100
+ \margins{0in}{\hsize}
+ \parskip\baselineskip
+ \def\contprevdialog{}
+ \def\contdialoga{}
+ \def\contdialogb{}
+ \expandafter\mark\mymark
+ \parskip\baselineskip
+ \penalty100
+ {\margins{40\charwid}{20\charwid} \uppercase{#1} \par}
+ \penalty-100
+ \def\contprevscene{}
+ \def\contprevdialog{}
+ \def\contdialoga{}
+ \def\contdialogb{}
+ \def\contscenea{}
+ \def\contsceneb{}
+ \expandafter\mark\mymark
+ \parskip\baselineskip
+ {\margins{0in}{\hsize} \uppercase{#1} \par}
+ \penalty10000 % make sure we don't break until after the clear mark
+ \def\contprevdialog{}
+ \def\contdialoga{}
+ \def\contdialogb{}
+ \expandafter\mark\mymark
+ \penalty-100 % OK to break now
+ \parskip\lineskip
+ {\margins{24\charwid}{36\charwid} \uppercase{#1}%
+ \global\def\thisspeaker{#1}%
+ \ifx\thisspeaker\lastspeaker \ (CONT'D)\fi
+ \global\def\lastspeaker{#1}
+ \par}
+ \parskip 0pt
+ \def\contprevdialog{%
+ \nukeline%
+ \line{\hskip 24\charwid \uppercase{#1} (CONT'D)}%
+ }
+ \def\contdialoga{\nukeline}
+ \def\contdialogb{\line{\hskip 24\charwid (MORE)}}
+ \expandafter\mark\mymark
+ \margins{10\charwid}{35\charwid} % rightmar = \hsize-\leftskip-35\charwid
+ \penalty10000
+ #2\par
+ \stage
+ \par
+ \penalty10000
+ {%
+ \margins{17\charwid}{20\charwid} % rightmar = \hsize-\leftskip-20\charwid
+ (#1)%
+ \par%
+ }
+ \penalty10000
+ #2\par
+ \stage
+\def\leadin#1{#1~\ldots\par\penalty200} % These are more exciting in the
+\def\pickup{\ldots~} % stageplay format.
+\def\em#1{{\emfont #1}}
+\def\ldots{.~.~.} % Formal typing version. OK to use "..."
+ \par
+ \acttail
+ \def\contdialoga{}
+ \def\contdialogb{}
+ \def\contscenea{}
+ \def\contsceneb{}
+ \expandafter\mark\mymark
+ \vfill
+ \penalty-10000
+ \cleanup
+ \end
+% Shortcuts:
+\def\cut{\trans{cut to}}
+\def\dissolve{\trans{dissolve to}}
+\def\ext#1{\scene{ext.\ #1}}
+\def\fadein{\open{fade in}}
+\def\fadeout{\close{fade out}}
+\def\int#1{\scene{int.\ #1}}
+\def\os{\paren{off screen}}
+\def\vo{\paren{voice over}}
+% Defaults
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/scripttex/scrnwrit.bib b/obsolete/macros/scripttex/scrnwrit.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..966c9e3b2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/scripttex/scrnwrit.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ author = "James L. Brooks",
+ title = "Broadcast News",
+ publisher = {Vintage Books},
+ address = {New York},
+ year = 1988
+ author = "Syd Field",
+ title = "Screenplay: {T}he Foundations of Screenwriting",
+ publisher = {Dell},
+ address = {New York},
+ year = 1979
+ author = "William Goldman",
+ title = "Adventures in the Screen Trade",
+ publisher = {Warner Books},
+ address = {New York},
+ year = 1983
+ author = "Michael Hauge",
+ title = "Writing Screenplays that Sell",
+ publisher = {HarperCollins Publishers},
+ address = {New York},
+ year = 1991
+ author = "Constance Nash and Virginia Oakey",
+ title = "The Screenwriter's Handbook",
+ publisher = {Harper \& Row},
+ address = {New York},
+ year = 1978
+ author = "Richard Walter",
+ title = "Screenwriting: {T}he Art, Craft and Business of Film and Television
+ Writing",
+ publisher = {Plume},
+ address = {New York},
+ year = 1988
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/scripttex/stagplay.tex b/obsolete/macros/scripttex/stagplay.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be506418ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/scripttex/stagplay.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+% TeX stageplay macros -- typeset format
+% Copyright 1991-2002 Adrian McCarthy See documentation for re-distribution info.
+\def\banner{ScriptTeX 1.04, 10-MAR-2002, typeset stageplay format}%version
+% These macros will produce a typeset script in stageplay format.
+% General page layout:
+\font\sc=cmcsc10 % Caps and small caps
+\font\twbf=cmbx12 % Twelve point bold face
+\parindent 0pt
+% My first output routine. Marks have three parts: act/scene header,
+% dialog continuation text for top of page, and dialog continuation text
+% for the bottom of the page. No insertions are handled at this time.
+ \ifx\LR\empty \else
+ \if L\LR \hoffset=0.0truein \global\def\LR{R}
+ \else \hoffset=0.5truein \global\def\LR{L}
+ \fi
+ \fi%x
+ \shipout\vbox to 9.0truein{\makeheadline \pagebody \makefootline}
+ \advancepageno
+% No supereject nonsense since we aren't going to deal with insertions.
+\def\makeheadline{% Act/scene header and page number
+ \line{\tenrm \ifcase0\expandafter\relax\firstmark\fi%
+ \ifnum\pageno>0 \hss $\oldstyle\folio$. \fi}
+ \vskip\baselineskip
+ \line{\ifcase1\expandafter\relax\topmark\fi \hss}
+ \unvbox255
+ \line{\ifcase2\expandafter\relax\botmark\fi \hss}
+ \vfil
+ \line{\footer}
+% Revision information
+\def\seriestext{} % here for compatibility with screenplay format
+\def\address#1{\def\addresstext{\vtop{\settabs 1\columns \tabalign #1\cr}}}
+ \hbox{\number\day-\ifcase\month\or JAN\or FEB\or MAR\or APR\or MAY%
+ \or JUN\or JUL\or AUG\or SEP\or OCT\or NOV\or DEC\fi%
+ -\number\year}%
+% We count acts and scenes for you.
+\newcount\actcnt \actcnt=0
+\newcount\scenecnt \scenecnt=0
+ {\tenit \titletext\/}
+ {\tenrm \currentact\ifx\currentscene\empty \else,\currentscene\fi}
+\def\stdfoot{{\tenrm \drafttext} \hss {\tenrm \datetext}}
+ \ifx\currentact\emtpy \else%
+ \currentact, %
+ \fi%
+ \ifx\currentscene\empty \else%
+ \currentscene%
+ \fi
+% Variants
+\def\jlbrooks{} % for compatibility with screenplay format
+ \def\header{\stdhead}
+ \def\footer{}
+ \def\draftblock{}
+ \ifx\drafttext\empty \draft{Working Draft}\fi
+ \def\header{\stdhead}
+ \def\footer{\stdfoot}
+\def\shoot{ % here for compatibility with screenplay format
+ \manuscript
+% Breakdowns
+\def\makecastlist{\immediate\write16{Cast lists no longer supported.}}
+\def\collectcast{\immediate\write16{Cast lists no longer supported.}}
+\def\makescenelist{\immediate\write16{Scene lists no longer supported.}}
+\def\collectscenes{\immediate\write16{Scene lists no longer supported.}}
+% Make a titlepage
+ \ifx\LR\empty \else \def\LR{R} \fi
+ \hbox{}
+ \vskip 2in
+ \ifx\seriestext\empty \else
+ \centerline{\rm \seriestext}
+ \vskip 3\baselineskip
+ \fi
+ \centerline{\twbf \titletext}
+ \vskip\baselineskip
+ \ifx\authortext\empty \else
+ \centerline{\rm \authortext}
+ \fi
+ \vskip\baselineskip
+ \centerline{\basedontext}
+ \vskip 3.5in
+ \line{\copyrighttext\hfill\addresstext}
+ \vskip 3\baselineskip
+ \draftblock
+ \pageno=0
+ {
+ \def\header{}
+ \def\footer{}
+ \eject
+ }
+ \pageno=1
+ \vskip 2in
+ \ifx\drafttext\empty \else
+ \rightline{\rm \drafttext}
+ \fi
+ \rightline{\rm \datetext}
+% Standard header for acts, tags, and teasers
+ \acttail
+ \advance\actcnt by 1
+ \scenecnt=0
+ \edef\currentact{#1}
+ \mark{\header\noexpand\or\noexpand\or}
+ \vfill
+ \penalty-10000
+ \vskip\baselineskip
+ \centerline{\twbf ACT #1}
+ \vskip 2\baselineskip
+% Standard tail for acts, tags, and teasers
+ \penalty1000
+ \ifx\currentact\empty \else
+ \vskip 2\baselineskip
+ \centerline{\twbf END OF ACT \currentact}
+ \fi
+% Regular script constructs:
+\def\teaser{\prolog} % Here for compatibility with
+\def\tag{\epilog} % screenplay format.
+ \def\acttailblock{
+ \vskip 2\baselineskip
+ \centerline{\bf THE END}
+ }
+ \advance\scenecnt by 1
+ \edef\currentscene{\roman\scenecnt}
+ \mark{\header\noexpand\or\noexpand\or}
+ {\it Scene \roman\scenecnt: #1}\par
+ \penalty1000
+ \mark{\header\noexpand\or\noexpand\or}
+ \it
+ \mark{\header\noexpand\or\noexpand\or}
+ \penalty100
+ \rightline{\it #1}
+ \par
+ \penalty-100
+ \mark{\header\noexpand\or\noexpand\or}
+ \hangindent=5pc {\sc #1:} \rm
+ \mark{\header\noexpand\or {\sc #1:} {\it (cont'd)\/}%
+ \noexpand\or \rightline{\it (more)}}
+ #2\par
+\def\paren#1{{\sl (#1)\/}}
+ #1~\ldots
+ \par
+ \penalty200
+ \def\leadtext{#1}
+\def\em#1{{\it #1\/}}
+\def\sound#1{#1} % Here for compatibility with screenplay format.
+ \par
+ \acttail
+ \mark{\header\noexpand\or\noexpand\or}
+ \vfill
+ \penalty-10000
+ \cleanup
+ \end
+% Shortcuts:
+% (Most of these make more sense in the screenplay format.)
+\def\cut{\trans{cut to}}
+\def\dissolve{\trans{dissolve to}}
+\def\fadein{\open{Lights up}}
+\def\fadeout{\close{Lights down}}
+\def\os{\paren{off stage}}
+\def\shot#1\par{\par\stage #1}
+\def\vo{\paren{voice over}}
+% Defaults
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/scripttex/stdemo.tex b/obsolete/macros/scripttex/stdemo.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b313049e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/scripttex/stdemo.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+% Demo file for using ScriptTex 1.03%version
+% This isn't a particularly exciting script, but it is demonstrative of what
+% you can do with ScriptTex.
+\input screenplay.tex
+% optional \twoside
+% optional \jlbrooks
+\TV % or \movie (\TV is default)
+\proof % or \manuscript or \shoot (\proof is default)
+\series{} % Optional
+\title{Demonstration Title} % used on title page and in \proof footlines
+\author{Adrian C. McCarthy} % used on title page and in \proof footlines
+\basedon{Adapted from the novel \em{For Example}}
+\draft{First draft} % used only if \proof is in force
+\date{25-OCT-1991} % defaults to \today
+\address{1234 Main Street \\
+ Anytown, MO 54321 \\
+ (323) 555-1234}
+\maketitle % creates a title page
+%%%% Main script begins here.
+%%%% For the first part of this script, I won't take advantage of any synonyms
+%%%% or shortcuts.
+\teaser % begins a teaser act
+\open{fade in}
+\scene{ext.\ forest~--- morning}
+\stage The sun is just barely climbing over the tops of the pine trees.
+We hear the \sound{roar} of a chainsaw.
+\paren{off screen}
+\stage One of the tall pines begins to give, and then, with a loud
+\sound{crash}, it falls.
+\trans{cut to}
+\scene{ext.\ road nearby}
+\stage A stationwagon approaches, parks, and \introduce{Bob Bush} climbs out.
+He's wearing boots, a brown suit, and a hardhat. A \extra{Foreman} talks with
+him momentarily.
+\introduce{Sam Savvy} approaches, and the foreman walks away in disgust.
+\dialog{Sam} \paren{to Bob} What's his problem?
+\dialog{Bob} Don't pay any attention to him.
+%%%% A weak example of \leadin and \pickup:
+\dialog{Sam} \leadin{You're gonna have to cut back}
+\dialog{Bob} \pickup cut back on our quotas?
+\dialog{Sam} We're under a lot of pressure from the lobbyists.
+\dialog{Bob} You EPA guys have no backbone.
+%%%% Let's make this long enough to demonstrate the page break handling of
+%%%% ScriptTex.
+\dialog{Sam} No backbone? No backbone! \paren{fuming} Well you've got some
+nerve. Every year you cut down thousands of trees that take hundreds of years
+to grow. Sure, for each you kill, you plant a new one, but at the current
+rate, there will be a shortage of trees while we wait for these saplings to
+grow. On top of that, many of these great trees are wasted on low-grade pulp
+for cardboard and paper products. If you would supply all of the necessary
+pulp from the low quality trees, that would greatly reduce the problem. Now
+you say that we EPA-types have no backbone! We've got the coconuts to stand up
+and say, ``Wait a minute; we're destroying the planet. Let's stop and find a
+better way.'' You don't have the guts to try something new, something that may
+even make you more money in the long run than cowering away from your social
+\close{fade out}
+%%%% The next chunk will show off some of the synonyms and shortcuts.
+\act % ends the teaser and starts the first act.
+\scene{Bob's breakfast nook~--- Sunday morning}
+The sports page is open and on the card table; the rest of the paper is
+stacked off to the side, unread. Bob's in some grungy old sweats, playing
+solitaire as he reads.
+The phone \sound{rings}.
+Bob answers.
+\Bob Hello? \beat Yeah. OK, I'm on my way.
+He hangs up, and drops the rest of the cards onto the table. He slips off the
+sweats, and he's wearing his brown suit underneath. He checks his reflection
+in the side of the toaster, then heads out the door.
+\scene{Bob's car}
+Bob is driving way too fast. To keep from mumbling to himself, he
+turns on the radio.
+\dialog{Announcer} \vo There's a tie-up on the Logjam ramp near the interstate.
+\Bob Damn!
+%%%% Always end with \bye.
+\bye % cleans up and exits
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/scripttex/stdoc.pdf b/obsolete/macros/scripttex/stdoc.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97c9e2183f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/scripttex/stdoc.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/scripttex/stdoc.tex b/obsolete/macros/scripttex/stdoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8acfa5445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/scripttex/stdoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1191 @@
+% Special characters
+\renewcommand{\{}{{\tt\char`\{}} % a typewriter left brace
+\renewcommand{\}}{{\tt\char`\}}} % a typewriter right brace
+\newcommand{\tie}{{\tt\char`\~}} % a typewriter tilde
+\newcommand{\bs}{\char`\\} % a backslash
+\newcommand{\tm}{\mbox{$^{\rm TM}$}\null} % trademark
+% Indexing
+%\typein{Type `\protect\makeindex' to create a new \jobname.idx file.}
+% Products with special typesetting requirements
+\newcommand{\ST}{{\tt Script}\-\TeX\null} %version
+\newcommand{\vernum}{1.04} %version
+\newcommand{\version}{\ST~\vernum} %version
+\newcommand{\BibTeX}{{\sc Bib}\TeX\null}
+\newcommand{\INITEX}{{\tt INITEX\@}}
+% Mark-up commands
+% (Versions ending in x also create index entries.)
+\renewcommand{\P}[1]{{\em #1\/}}
+\newcommand{\book}[1]{{\sl #1\/}}
+\newcommand{\bookx}[1]{{\sl #1\/}\pindex{#1@{\sl #1}}}
+\newcommand{\csx}[1]{{\tt\bs#1}\pindex{#1@{\tt\protect\bs #1}}}
+\newcommand{\filename}[1]{{\tt #1}}
+\newcommand{\filenamex}[1]{{\tt #1}\pindex{#1@{\tt #1}}}
+\newcommand{\film}[1]{{\sl #1\/}}
+\newcommand{\filmx}[1]{{\sl #1\/}\pindex{#1@{\sl #1}}}
+\newcommand{\person}[2]{\mbox{#1} #2}
+\newcommand{\personx}[2]{\mbox{#1} #2\pindex{#2, #1}}
+\newenvironment{digression}{\begingroup \small}{\endgroup}
+% Things like file names and e-mail addresses tend to be too long for good
+% line breaks. We don't want to hyphenate them, so we use \. to allow
+% line breaks after the periods.
+% Title information
+\title{\ST: \\ A \TeX\ Macro Package for \\ Screenplays and Scripts}
+\date{\copyright\ 1992-2002}
+\sloppy % It's better than lines that are too long.
+The purpose of this document is to describe
+\version,\index{ScriptTeX@\ST}\index{ScriptTeX@\ST!version} a
+package of \TeX\index{TeX@\TeX} macros for formatting scripts and
+screenplays. The tone here is informal, but this is intended to be
+complete documentation. The first part of this document is aimed at
+those who wish to use the macros as they are, and the second is for
+those who wish to understand the details of how the macros operate.
+The purpose of this document is {\em not\/} to be an all-encompassing
+how-to-write-scripts tutorial; the bibliography at the end of this document
+should point you in the right direction if that's what you're looking for. On
+the other hand, this document does have some stylistic details presented as a
+justification of why \ST\ behaves certain ways when a ``better'' way may seem
+to exist.
+\index{document conventions|(}
+\filenamex{Typewriter text} is used to indicate file names, macro
+names, user-typed input, and computer output. \filmx{Slanted text} is
+used for the names of television series, movies, and books. In this
+document, punctuation is always placed outside quotation marks unless
+it is to be considered part of the ``\idx{quoted material}''. My bias
+for the modern spellings of {\em dialog,\/}\index{dialog vs
+dialogue@{\em dialog\/} vs.\ {\em dialogue}} {\em
+prolog,\/}\index{prolog vs prologue@{\em prolog\/} vs.\ {\em
+prologue}} and {\em epilog\/}\index{epilog vs epilogue@{\em epilog\/}
+vs.\ {\em epilogue}} are evident in this document, but the macros
+allow the traditional {\em -gue\/}~spellings\index{gue spellings@{\em
+-gue\/} spellings}, too.
+\index{document conventions|)}
+I would like to begin this overview by stating the motivation and goals of the
+package. If you find yourself thinking, ``Why in the world did he design
+\ST\ this way?'', please read this section again.
+In some regards, a script is a script is a script. All scripts have acts,
+scenes, stage directions, and dialog. It would be nice, therefore, to have a
+consistent set of \TeX\ macros for scripts. The format of a script, however,
+varies depending upon the target media~--- stage, screen, published. Yet, the
+basic elements do not change. The first release of \ST\ supported
+manuscript-style screenplays; this version has support for simple stageplay
+\index{ScriptTex@\ST!design goals|(}
+And therefore my design goals for \ST\ were:
+There should be a simple set of macros which can format to the strict
+manuscript requirements expected by agents and producers.
+The macros should be general enough to support other sorts script formats
+without changing the source file. Other script formats considered included:
+shooting scripts, stageplays, and published screenplays.
+In the same vain as \LaTeX, the macros should be geared toward describing the
+chunks of text rather than formatting them, so \ST\ macros like \cs{scene},
+\cs{dialog}, and \cs{stage} are roughly analogous to \LaTeX's
+\cs{chapter}, \cs{section}, and \cs{subsection} macros.
+Since I am also a programmer with an interest in tools to help writers, I added
+the requirement that the files should be easy to parse, so that other
+script-specific tools could be designed to read them.
+With these goals in mind, \ST\ began to take shape. Rather than starting from
+scratch, \ST\ relies on several facilities of plain \TeX\@. A later version
+may become a \TeX\ format in its own right.
+\index{ScriptTeX@\ST!design goals|)}
+\chapter{Writing a script with \ST}
+The macros for preparing a script with \TeX\ are now presented in what the
+author hopes is a logical order. To best understand these, it is recommended
+that you read along with a copy of the \filenamex{stdemo.tex} source and a
+formatted copy of the \idx{demo file}.
+First of all, you need the command to include the \ST\ macro definitions.
+Assuming you want the standard screenplay definitions, put ``\csx{input}
+\filenamex{scrnplay.tex}'' at the beginning of your file.\index{including
+macro definitions} Stageplays should begin with ``\csx{input}
+\filenamex{stagplay.tex}''. To format your file, refer to your local system
+guides for how to feed your file to \TeX\@. You may have to make a local copy
+of \filenamex{scrnplay.tex}.
+\section{The basic components}
+In accordance with the stated goals, there are only a few basic control
+sequences, and they are easy to master.
+To begin a new act, type~--- you guessed it~---``\csx{act}''. This control
+sequence does not require any parameters. The exact action of this macro will
+depend on the setting of the variations, but in general it finishes up the
+previous act, increments the act number, and begins the next act. Depending
+upon the combination of variants you may have selected, the scene counter may
+be reset to zero.
+After starting a new act, you usually have some opening
+transition\index{transitions!opening} like ``fade in''. To specify an
+opening transition, use the sequence:
+``\csx{open}\{\P{transition-type}\}'', where \P{transition-type} is a
+short phrase like ``{\tt fade in}''. Similarly, closing
+transitions\index{transitions!closing} are specified like
+``\csx{close}\{{\tt fade out}\}''. Normal transitions between
+scenes\index{transitions!between scenes} are indicated by
+``\csx{trans}\{\P{transition-type}\}''. Whether or not punctuation
+belongs at the end of the \P{transition-type} is open for
+debate.\index{transitions!punctuation} Many authors use ``Fade in:'',
+``Cut to:'', and ``Final fade out.'' while others omit the punctuation
+completely. Both forms are acceptable, but be consistent throughout
+the script.
+Following the transition is the new scene, headed up by the \idx{scene line}.
+An example should suffice: ``{\tt \csx{scene}\{int.\bs\ subway train --
+night\}}''. The \idx{backslash} after the abbreviation ``{\tt int.}''
+(\idx{interior}) lets \TeX\ know that the period shouldn't be followed by two
+spaces since it wasn't the end of a sentence. If you forget it, it isn't a big
+deal. If you remember it sometimes and not others, you may wish to use the
+\csx{int} and \csx{ext}\index{exterior} shortcut control sequences listed in
+Table~\ref{scstbl}. The \idx{scene number} will automatically be incremented.
+If you're still with me, we've made it to the heart of the matter: \idx{stage
+directions} and \idx{dialog}. Normal paragraphs (except those marked with the
+\csx{dialog} macro discussed below) are considered to be stage
+directions automatically. If you wish to explicitly
+indicate a paragraph as stage directions, you may type ``\csx{stage}''. (In a
+previous unreleased version, the \csx{stage} macro was required.)
+Dialog\index{dialog} begins with \csx{dialog}\{\P{character}\}, where
+\P{character} is the person speaking. Subsequent text is then treated as
+dialog until the next paragraph (indicated by a \csx{par}, \cs{stage}, another
+\cs{dialog}, or a blank line in the input file).
+With a few more minor macros, you should be off and running.
+Within stage directions, you should use: \csx{sound}\{\P{effect}\} to indicate
+sound effects; \csx{introduce}\{\P{character}\} to mark the first time a
+speaking character appears; and \csx{extra}\{\P{person}\} to mark the first
+appearance of a non-speaking character (i.e., an extra). Some combinations of
+script type and variation in use will cause these special pieces of text to be
+In dialog, you may occasionally need to use \idx{parenthetical directions},
+those little clues to the performers as to the emotion and gestures which
+should accompany their \idx{dialog}. The syntax is: \csx{paren}\{\P{clue}\}.
+Only use this macro in the main text of a dialog block; do not use it as part
+of the text of the \P{character} parameter to the \csx{dialog} macro or
+anywhere else.
+In dialog and stage directions, you may need to use \idx{emphasis}.
+The syntax is: \csx{em}\{\P{words}\}, and it may be used anywhere
+normal text is expected. Note that this is not identical to the
+\LaTeX\index{LaTeX@\LaTeX} syntax for emphasizing text. In the
+typewritten manuscript, emphasis is shown by underlining the text. In typeset
+documents, emphasis is indicated by a change in font.
+There is one more macro you'll need to know. Put ``\csx{bye}''
+at the \idx{end of the source file}. This will make sure the final page is
+\section{Slightly advanced components}
+There are a few peculiar situations, which, although they occur rarely,
+require special attention.
+For better or for worse, ellipses are used often in dialog. Experienced
+users of \TeX\index{TeX@\TeX} and \LaTeX\index{LaTeX@\LaTeX} know that ellipses
+require special spacing to look right. \ST\ provides \csx{ldots} as an
+abbreviation for a properly spaced three-dot ellipsis. Four dot ellipses don't
+seem to be used in screenplays, despite what your English teachers may say. In
+the typewriter style of a screenplay manuscript, you can get away with just
+typing ``{\tt ...}'', but it isn't recommended. If you ever do other sorts of
+scripts with \ST\ or other sorts of writing with \LaTeX, the \csx{ldots} habit
+is a good one to have.
+Ellipses present another minor problem: poor \idx{line breaks}. If a
+character's words trail off into an ellipsis, it's generally a good
+idea to use a tie\index{tie@tie (\protect\tie)} between his/her last utterance
+and the dots of doom. (For those of you new to this, a tie is treated
+just like a space, except \TeX\ won't break a line there. To type a
+tie, use the tilde\index{tilde@tilde (\protect\tie)|see{tie}} character like
+this: ``{\tt I'll be back\tie\csx{ldots}}''.) As with using
+\csx{ldots}, you can probably get away without following any of these
+ellipsis rules, especially in a typewriter-style manuscript, but it's
+a nice touch.
+In screenplays, when one character jumps in and finishes a line for
+another character (think of Dave and Maddie in \filmx{Moonlighting}),
+ellipses are used. You may have a strong temptation to use
+dashes,\index{dash!misuse of} but the authorities say that
+\idx{ellipses} are the appropriate tool. If you have such a
+situation, use ``\csx{leadin}\{\P{last-words}\}'' around the first
+character's last few words and \csx{pickup} before the second
+character's first words. See the example file.
+Admittedly, the \csx{leadin} and \csx{pickup} macros are pretty boring in
+screenplays. In a stageplay format, the effect is typographically more
+interesting (although it could still use work), thus this pair of macros is
+provided to help you when its time to adapt\index{adaptation} your Tony
+Award-winning stageplay to film.
+Within the general category of screenplays, there are a few variations which
+are appropriate to specific types of scripts.
+Teleplays generally show the act breaks and numbers since that's where they
+slip the \idx{commercials} in. Although motion picture scripts are built
+around acts too, the act breaks are not explicitly shown. \ST\ provides the
+variations \csx{TV}\index{variant!TV} and \csx{movie}\index{variant!movie}
+which can be placed at the top of the source file. Besides suppressing the act
+breaks, \csx{movie} also prevents the \idx{scene number} from
+being reset at the beginning of each act. In either case, it is recommended
+that you use the \csx{act} macro (and its cousins which are described later in
+this section).
+As previously stated, situation comedies\index{situation comedy} are
+double-spaced. If your script is a situation comedy put
+``\csx{sitcom}''\index{variant!situation comedy} near the top of your
+file. This macro also implies \csx{TV}.
+A script may also be printed various ways depending upon its progress
+through the life-cycle of a production. If you want to print a copy
+just for \idx{proof-reading}, use \csx{proof}.\index{variant!proof}
+This macro will put the \idx{date}, \idx{draft}, and \idx{title} on a
+\idx{footline} on each page. On the other hand, if this is the copy
+you plan to send out into the real world, use
+\csx{manuscript}\index{variant!manuscript} which turns off the
+footlines and \idx{scene number}s. If you're fortunate enough to have
+your screenplay produced {\em and\/} you get to maintain control of
+the \idx{shooting script}, use \csx{shoot}\index{variant!shooting
+script} which turns on the display of \idx{scene number}s.
+Manuscripts are generally typed only on one side of the page and are
+bound\index{binding manuscripts} with one or two brass brads through
+holes punched in the paper. \ST\ makes the left margin wider to
+accommodate the holes and brads. If, however, you are printing your
+draft copies on both sides of the paper, use
+\csx{twoside}\index{variant!two-sided}, and \ST\ will alternate which
+margin is widened.
+One final variant that effects the overall output is the previously mentioned
+\csx{jlbrooks}\index{variant!J.L. Brooks} macro which causes \ST\ to perform
+``creative margin release''. It is not recommended for use on submitted
+manuscripts, but if you want to save a few sheets when printing drafts, this
+might help.
+By the way, the default\index{defaults} for the variants\index{variant!default}
+above are \csx{TV} and \csx{proof}.
+\section{Mutant cousins}
+\index{mutant cousins|(}
+A few of the basic controls discussed in a previous section have mutant cousins
+with specific applications.
+Television shows often begin with a mini act called a \idx{teaser}, a three- or
+four-minute audience grabber shown before the first
+commercial.\index{commercials} Similarly, some shows have a couple pages after
+the last act called a \idx{tag} where everything is neatly wrapped up or the
+episode's running gag is finally put to death. These constructs are identical
+to acts except for the name. \ST\ provides \csx{teaser}\index{mutant
+cousins!teaser} and \csx{tag}\index{mutant cousins!tag} which can be
+used for these situations in place of \csx{act}.
+\ST\ also provides \csx{prolog}\index{mutant cousins!prolog} and
+\csx{epilog}\index{mutant cousins!epilog} which might be more
+appropriate for a miniseries. These two also make the transition between
+stageplays and screenplays require less thought.\index{adaptation}
+You might want to consider \csx{open}\index{mutant cousins!opening} and
+\csx{close}\index{mutant cousins!closing} to be mutant cousins of \csx{trans};
+you wouldn't be the only one.
+If you absolutely have to have your acts named\index{act names}
+differently than the automatic names like ``Act One'', ``Teaser'', and ``Tag'',
+then you can call \csx{acthead}\{\P{your-title}\}. Be aware that this routine
+will increment the internal \idx{act counter}.
+If after the last act, you would prefer to the line ``\idx{The End}'' to the
+standard ``End of Act \P{n}'', you can use \csx{theend}\index{mutant
+cousins!ending} before the \csx{bye}.
+\index{mutant cousins|)}
+\section{Shortcuts and synonyms}
+The macros presented to this point are general enough to handle almost any
+screenplay manuscript. As a result, certain sequences are so common that it
+would be convenient to have abbreviations. The source file may also be
+rendered more readable by the appropriate use of synonyms. These shortcuts and
+synonyms don't really require any sort of explanation, so I'll just list them
+in Table~\ref{scstbl}.
+\csx{beat} & \csx{paren}\{{\tt beat}\} \\
+\csx{cut} & \csx{trans}\{{\tt cut to}\} \\
+\csx{dialogue}\{\P{character}\} & \csx{dialog}\{\P{character}\} \\
+\csx{dissolve} & \csx{trans}\{{\tt dissolve to}\} \\
+\csx{epilogue} & \csx{epilog}$^*$ \\
+\csx{ext}\{\P{scene}\} & \csx{scene}\{{\tt ext.\bs\ }\P{scene}\} \\
+\csx{fadein} & \csx{open}\{{\tt fade in}\} \\
+\csx{fadeout} & \csx{open}\{{\tt fade out}\} \\
+\csx{int}\{\P{scene}\} & \csx{scene}\{{\tt int.\bs\ }\P{scene}\} \\
+\csx{os} & \csx{paren}\{off screen\}$^\dagger$ \\
+\csx{prologue} & \csx{prolog}$^*$ \\
+\csx{shot}\{\P{subject}\} & \csx{scene}\{\P{subject}\} \\
+\csx{tv} & \csx{TV} \\
+\csx{vo} & \csx{paren}\{{\tt voice over\}} \\
+\multicolumn{2}{l}{$^*$~These use the {\em -gue\/} spelling in the act name.
+ \pindex{gue spellings@{\em -gue\/} spellings}}\\
+\multicolumn{2}{l}{$^\dagger$~Actually becomes \csx{paren}\{{\tt off stage}\}
+in stageplay formats.}\\
+\caption{Predefined shortcuts and synonyms.}
+\section{Title pages\index{title page}}
+\ST\ can also produce pretty title pages, just tell \ST\ the basic information:
+your script's title and your name. Put ``\csx{title}\{\P{script-title}\}'' and
+``\csx{author}\{\P{author's-name}\}'' at the top of your source file. The
+macro \csx{maketitle} will then produce a title page.
+There is a little more to the title page story, however. If you are writing a
+spec script\index{spec(ulation) script} or an episode of a \idx{television
+series}, you should also indicate the name of the series with the
+\csx{series}\{\P{series-name}\} construct.
+To show a copyright notice on the titlepage, specify
+\csx{showcopyright}\{\P{year}\} before the \cs{maketitle} macro. To keep your
+old scripts looking up to date, you might want to use \cs{number}\cs{year} for
+the \P{year} parameter.
+Your address and/or phone number (or that of your agent) can be included by
+using \csx{address}\{\P{address}\}. Separate the lines of the \P{address}
+with double backslashes (\csx{\bs}).
+Despite what agents want to see, I like to have \idx{draft} numbers and
+\idx{date}s on my drafts. You can include this information by using
+``\csx{draft}\{\P{draft-number}\}'' and ``\csx{date}\{\P{draft-date}\}'' before
+the \csx{maketitle} command. If the selected variant is
+\csx{proof},\index{variant!proof} the draft and date information will be
+printed. If, however, the \csx{manuscript} variant\index{variant!manuscript}
+is in force, the draft and date information is ignored. If you don't supply
+the date, \ST\ will assume \csx{today} which expands to the date that you are
+running \TeX\@.
+The original release of \ST\ included the ability to produce cast lists and
+scene breakdowns. They looked terrible, weren't useful, and generally caused
+all sorts of problems. Therefore, the breakdown features have been removed from
+\ST\ and will probably not return.
+I apologize if you came to rely on the breakdown features. The user-level
+macros supporting the breakdowns will now cause a warning message to be
+displayed, but should not otherwise hinder the formatting of your scripts.
+If you are having problems with \ST, these \idx{hints} might be helpful.
+Many of \ST\ macros only work properly when used in the right context. Strange
+output is often due to using a macro in weird place. If you are familiar with
+\LaTeX, it may be sufficient to say that variants, revision information, and
+the \cs{make}\ldots macros are analogous to \LaTeX's preamble except that \ST\
+doesn't make the distinction between the preamble and the body explicit. Here
+are the rules of what can go where:
+\item You must use ``\csx{input} \filenamex{scrnplay.tex}''\index{including
+macro definitions} or ``\csx{input} \filenamex{stagplay.tex}''\index{including
+macro definitions} before any \ST\ macros.
+\item If \TeX\ complains that the font \idx{cmpica} or \idx{cmpicai} cannot be
+found, you will need to edit \filename{scrnplay.tex} to change the
+definitions of {\tt mainfont} and {\tt emfont} to {\tt cmtt}.\index{cmtt}
+\item Variants\index{variants!position of} (such as \csx{twoside}, \csx{proof},
+and \csx{TV}) should come next.
+\item Revision information\index{draft}\index{date}\index{title}\index{author}
+must come before \csx{maketitle}.
+\item Finally comes the main body of the script formed with the basic
+\item Use \csx{paren} {\em only\/} in dialog.
+\item The macro \csx{cleanup} should only come after all of the body of the
+script. \csx{cleanup} is optional since \csx{bye} will take care of it.
+\item Nothing should come after \csx{bye}.
+\chapter{How the macros work}
+At least some of the techniques used in \ST\ should be documented beyond the
+few cryptic sentences in the source. (In fact, once it is well-documented
+here, the source should probably be stripped of comments to speed up the
+\csx{input} process.) These sections assume a good familiarity with \TeX\@.
+\section{Emulating a typist}
+One of the trickiest things I've had to do with \TeX\ is make it emulate a
+typewriter. Here are the techniques used to do this in \ST.
+Previous versions of \ST\ used \idx{Computer Modern Typewriter Type}
+(\idx{cmtt})\index{typewriter text} by default for typed screenplay formats.
+This version, however, uses a pica font called \idx{cmpica} and an underlined
+cousin called \idx{cmpicati} created by \personx{Don}{Hosek}. The advantages
+these fonts is that they automatically transform \TeX\ typing conventions
+like ``{\tt ``---''}'' into ``{\tt "--"}'' and they provide better underlining.
+If you do not have these fonts available at your site, you can edit
+\filename{scrnplay.tex} to change the definition of {\tt mainfont} and {\tt
+emfont} to cmtt, but I encourage you to try to get Don Hosek's fonts. They
+are available from most \TeX\ distributions.
+The typewriter fonts are fixed pitch, and the inter-word spaces can't stretch
+or shrink. In case the user changes to a different font, \ST\ uses
+\csx{spaceskip} and \csx{xspaceskip} to make sure that the spaces are fixed
+width. Everything is scaled in terms of lines and columns by defining
+\csx{lineskip} and \csx{charwid} once the font is selected. \csx{lineskip} is
+set to 12 big points to make sure that there are 6 \idx{lines per inch}.
+The changing margins of screenplay format are achieved by adjusting
+\csx{leftskip} and \csx{rightskip} appropriately. \csx{rightskip} also takes
+into account the ragged right margin by having a stretchability of 8 character
+widths. (The ``hot zone'' on a typewriter is generally 8 characters wide, so
+lines are usually broken between the margin bell, which signifies the beginning
+of the hot zone, and the actual right margin.) To emulate a typist even more
+exactly, setting \csx{hfuzz} to some slightly positive multiple of character
+widths might be appropriate. To stretch things out when the \csx{jlbrooks}
+variant is in effect, \ST\ does increase \csx{hfuzz} (as well as stretch all of
+the line lengths).
+Hyphenation\index{hyphenation} is a fact of life in the realm of
+screenplay manuscripts, as are ``club\index{club line}'' and
+``widow\index{widow line}'' lines. Additionally, we want \TeX\ to
+just fill each line as much as possible without worrying too much
+about the aesthetic look of the entire paragraph. To achieve this,
+\ST\ sets \TeX's battery of penalty and demerit factors to zero and
+increases \csx{pretolerance} so that we're more likely to hyphenate
+than have a really short line.
+The result is pretty good (apologies to Knuth). Anyone but a typist who was
+looking for something wrong would not be able to detect weirdness, and the
+aforementioned typist would probably remark that the output is too consistent.
+\section{Mark madness}
+Marks are the biggest nightmare in \ST. Each mark has seven parts used
+and an eighth part which is reserved for a feature whose implementation is
+still being worked out. Each part of the mark is a token list of stuff that
+needs to be done in certain situations. The parts are separated by \csx{or}s so
+that the $n\/$th part can be selected with \csx{ifcase}$n$. The parts are:
+\item[0.] The text to generate the act/scene header. In the
+\filenamex{scrnplay.tex} format, it is the hanging \idx{scene number}
+followed by a period and a space. (Some variants don't use this part at all.)
+\item[1.] The text ``(CONTINUED)\index{continued@(CONTINUED)}'' if this scene
+is continued from the previous page.
+\item[2.] The text ``\P{character} (CONT'D)\index{contd@(CONT'D)}'' if the
+current dialog by \P{character} may be continued onto the next page.
+\item[3.] A call of \csx{nukeline} to make room for the
+``(MORE)\index{more@(MORE)}'' text which is used if dialog is split.
+\item[4.] The text ``(MORE)\index{more@(MORE)}'' if the current dialog
+continues onto the next page.
+\item[5.] A pair of \csx{nukeline}s to make room for the ``\idx{CONTINUED}''
+text at the bottom of the page if the current scene continues onto the next
+\item[6.] The ``\idx{CONTINUED}'' text for the bottom of the page if the
+current scene continues onto the next page.
+\item[7.] Reserved for the up-coming \idx{revision page} feature.
+\noindent It is easier to understand this list if you look at a formatted
+screenplay to see how the scene and dialog splits are handled from page to
+page. Putting the \csx{nukeline}s into separate parts of the mark is necessary
+because they must be done before the body of the page, but the text doesn't
+come until afterwards. In retrospect, it might be possible to combine items~1
+and~6, but that would come at the cost of generality and clarity.
+The \csx{output} routine\index{output routine} actually uses the \idx{marks}.
+At first blush this may not seem too tricky, but there is an important
+subtlety. The ``(MORE)\index{more@(MORE)}'' and ``\idx{CONTINUED}'' lines at
+the bottom of the page actually encroach into the space intended for the bottom
+of the page. The \csx{nukeline}s help keep track of how much extra space we
+need at the bottom. When the time comes, the box \TeX\ has handed the
+\csx{output} routine must be \csx{vsplit}, so that a few lines at the bottom are
+usually deferred to a later page. The local setting of \csx{vbadness} to
+``infinity'' suppresses the ``underfull vbox'' messages that come from the
+split. \csx{vbadness} is restored (implicitly by \TeX's grouping rules) before
+the \csx{shipout} occurs.
+The splitting of the box further complicates keeping track of the mark. No
+longer is \csx{topmark} valid, since it might have come from lines that were put
+back when the previous page was output. It is not a mistake that
+\csx{splitbotmark} is used when \csx{topmark} seems to be the logical intent.
+\TeX\ assures us the \csx{splitbotmark} is null if no \csx{vsplit} has yet
+occurred, so there is no special case for the first page.
+The macros for the basic components may seem to use penalties in odd ways.
+This is to assure that a split doesn't occur between a mark and the relevant
+block. In some cases, they may be redundant, but the intent was to guarantee
+proper operation in this early release and then to optimize later.
+The current value of each part of the last mark is carried around in a set of
+seven macros. This is necessary since certain basic components don't know how
+to set all of the components of the mark. Close inspection will probably
+reveal possible optimizations in this regard, but again the intent was to keep
+it general for the first release.
+\chapter{Distribution and local changes}
+This document, the \ST\ macro files, and the demonstration document are
+copyrighted by the author. You may make and distribute copies as well as
+prepare derivative works for non-commercial purposes. All other rights are
+reserved by the author.
+Feel free to re-distribute this document as well as the files described herein.
+I request, however, that you try to keep the files together (i.e., don't break
+up the package).
+If you make local hacks, please change the
+version\index{ScriptTeX@\ST!version} number by appending a
+letter to it, e.g., ``\vernum-A''. Be aware that ``\vernum-A'' at one site
+will quite possibly be different than ``\vernum-A'' at another. I would like,
+however, users to feel confident that ``\vernum'' is ``\vernum'' is ``\vernum''
+everywhere. I also prefer local hacks don't propagate too far. If you have a
+change that is generally useful, I would love to hear about it and integrate it
+into the ``official'' package.
+This document is written for \LaTeX\@. There is a companion example file
+called \filenamex{stdemo.tex} which demonstrates the use of this macro package.
+Table~\ref{filetbl} lists the files which constitute \ST.
+\filenamex{scrnplay.tex} & macro definitions for screenplay manuscripts \\
+\filenamex{scrnwrit.bib} & \BibTeX\index{BibTeX@\BibTeX} source for this
+ documentation \\
+\filenamex{stagplay.tex} & macro definitions for stageplays \\
+\filenamex{stdemo.tex} & \ST\ demonstration file \\
+\filenamex{stdoc.tex} & \LaTeX\ source for this documentation \\
+\caption{The components of~\version.}
+\chapter{\idx{Script formats}}
+This appendix describes the formats for the various types of scripts currently
+supported by \ST.
+\section{\idx{Screenplay manuscript format}}
+Screenplay manuscripts are typed, not typeset. With computers becoming even
+more ubiquitous, aspiring scriptwriters are more likely to be submitting
+nice-looking documents formatted with Macintoshes\tm\ and PC's and the like.
+For better or worse, agents take typewritten manuscripts more seriously,
+according to \personx{Richard}{Walter} in \book{Screenwriting: The Art, Craft
+and Business of Film and Television Writing}~\cite{rw:sacb}. Therefore, \ST's
+screenplay manuscript format looks typewritten.
+The layout of a typewritten manuscript has few variations. The \ST\ macros
+have been designed to emulate those conventions that seem to be most universal.
+Details like lines per page, \idx{page number}, \idx{scene number}s, and
+margins have all been based on half a dozen screenwriting books and a few
+actual screenplays. Whenever there was an inconsistency, I went with the
+The screenplay format is so evolved that~--- averaged out over a half-hour TV
+show, a two-hour movie, or a four-night miniseries~--- one page is one minute
+of screen time. This may sound absurdly arbitrary, but it seems to hold true.
+One page averages to one minute. Agents and producers realize that this is
+only a rule-of-thumb, but this rule does drive decisions. Production costs are
+often estimated from the page-count, so it is important that the conventions
+are followed.
+There is an exception to the page-a-minute rule: situation
+comedies\index{situation comedy}. Sitcoms are typed double-spaced, so
+one sitcom page is 30~seconds. In all other aspects, though, sitcoms
+are formatted just like other teleplays.
+As an amusing aside, \personx{James L.}{Brooks}, in his foreword
+to the published screenplay of \filmx{Broadcast News}~\cite{jlb:bn}, explains
+that he often bribed studio typists to shrink the margins to make his too-long
+scripts come closer to ``acceptable'' page-counts. This anecdote is the
+inspiration of the \csx{jlbrooks} macro in \ST.
+If you are serious about submitting your work to agents, you are
+better off knocking their socks off with a good story than your own
+interpretation of manuscript format.
+The basic layout is simple. A scene begins with a line,\index{scene line} in
+all caps, which indicates the location and usually the time of day. (In a
+\idx{shooting script}, each new camera angle is considered a scene, so the
+scene lines in the middle of a sequence often simply indicate the main subject
+of the shot, such as a particular character.) Stage directions\index{stage
+directions} and descriptions are typed like normal paragraphs without
+Dialog\index{dialog} begins with the character's name, all in caps, roughly
+centered on a line by itself (no colons or other punctuation). The character's
+words are set as narrow paragraphs, again without indentation. Parenthetical
+directions\index{parenthetical directions} which indicate the mood or
+mannerisms of the character as he/she speaks are set even narrower and inside
+Transitions\index{transitions} like ``dissolve to'' and ``cut to'' are done in
+caps near the right margin. Opening and closing transitions such as ``fade
+in'' and ``fade out'' are placed at the left margin.
+Note, overuse of \index{transitions} and \index{parenthetical directions} is
+usually considered bad form. A simple ``cut to'' is redundant, since that can
+be inferred from the beginning of the new scene. Occasionally, it is
+appropriate to use a ``dissolve to'' to signal a {\em long\/} passage of time
+or to introduce a flashback. Parenthetical directions alsost always amount to
+directing on paper, which is another no-no. When a character speaks to a
+specific person in a group, a parenthetical direction may be used to avoid
+ambiguity. If you want to sell your script, don't give into the temptation of
+padding your script with zillions of useless transitions and parenthetical
+Blank lines\index{blank lines} separate almost everything. Pages are
+numbered\index{page number}s in the upper-right corner of the page.
+If a scene crosses \idx{page break}, as they often do,
+``\idx{CONTINUED}'' should be placed at the bottom of the page, in the
+same style as a transition, and the page-number line of the following
+page should be marked ``CONTINUED'' at the left. If \idx{scene
+number}s are used (rare in manuscripts), then they are set hanging in
+the left margin next to the scene lines and the top ``CONTINUED''
+designations. If a character's dialog spans a page break, the first
+part is labeled ``(MORE)\index{more@(MORE)}'' in the same style of
+parenthetical directions, and the following page repeats the
+characters name with the designation
+Text marked with the \csx{sound}, \csx{introduce}, and \csx{extra} macros will
+be set in all-caps in shooting scripts. In all other formats, \csx{sound} is a
+This has been a loose description of the format, with which one should be able
+to read a screenplay. The actual placement of these blocks is strictly
+prescribed in terms of lines and columns. Some books even list different tab
+settings for pica and elite typewriters. Since the \idx{Computer Modern
+Typewriter Type}, ``\idx{cmtt}'', isn't really pica or elite, I have scaled
+things in terms of character widths, which will cause nearly identical line
+breaks as someone following the standard conventions with a standard size
+type.\index{typewriter text} Baselines\index{baselines} have been set to
+12~big points rather than 12~points in order to get a true 66~\idx{lines per
+page}. I shall put off other such details to the description of the workings
+of the macros.
+Another set of cold rules for screenplay manuscripts is those that apply to the
+title page. Most of these rules are of the ``do not'' variety. The ``do''
+rules are easier to enumerate: (1) put the name of the script in all caps
+centered on the page; (2) put the name of the author a few lines below the
+\idx{title}. The ``do not'' rules essentially say, ``Don't put anything on the
+title page other than the title and the author's name''. If you disagree with
+these rules, see the \personx{Richard}{Walter} book listed in the bibliography;
+he explains why you shouldn't have the date or draft information, the author's
+address and telephone number, or even the words ``written by'' before the
+author's name. Except for the draft and date fields, \ST\ will place the other
+pieces of information on your title page if you have defined them. Draft and
+date will also appear if the \csx{proof} variant is in force.
+\personx{Michael}{Hauge} recommends that you include a copyright notice on the
+title page, but always use the current year to keep your old scripts looking
+\section{Stageplay format}
+The layout of the stageplay format was fairly arbitrary. Published formats for
+stageplays seems to exhibit more flexibility than the screenplay manuscript
+Act and scene designations are always shown. Acts and scenes are counted in
+Roman numerals: uppercase for acts, lowercase for scenes. Acts always begin
+on a new page. The heading line on each page contains the title and the act
+and scene number.
+Scene lines and stage directions are typeset in an italic font. Dialog uses
+the same margins as the rest of the text. The speaking character is set in
+small caps with hanging indentation. The dialog itself in roman type, and
+parenthetical directions are italicized like stage directions.
+The transition macros \csx{open}, \csx{close}, and \csx{trans} should
+be used to indicate key curtain and lighting changes, such as
+``\csx{open}\{{\tt curtain up}\}'' and ``\csx{close}\{{\tt
+The \csx{leadin} and \csx{pickup} macros measure and stagger the text to
+emphasize the flow of the dialog from one character to the next.
+\chapter{Known problems and limitations}
+Most of these problems are minor annoyances.
+\item Using certain macros in the wrong context, such as a \csx{paren} in
+stage directions or a variation switch too far down from the top can cause all
+sorts of weird things to happen. (``Doctor, it hurts when I do this!''
+``Don't do that.'')
+\item If your script has an inordinate number of acts, the \idx{act number}
+will shift from being spelled out (``Act Nine'') to uppercase Roman numerals
+(``Act XXIV''). This threshold, however, should be high-enough to handle even
+week-long \idx{miniseries} without enter the Roman numeral phase.
+\item The \csx{leadin} and \csx{pickup} macros don't work quite right
+in stageplay format. A future release will provide better support.
+\item[``\idx{A-pages}''] Pages in a screenplay (usually a shooting script)
+which have been inserted during the course of a revision.\index{revision page}s
+To avoid renumbering the entire script, additional pages are numbered with the
+number of the previous page and a letter. For example, if page 92 has grown
+into three pages, the page sequence would be: \ldots\,,~91, 92, 92-A, 92-B,
+\item[\idx{club lines}] If a paragraph is split across pages between the first
+and second line, the first line is a club line.
+\item[\idx{dialog block}] A screenplay format construct consisting of the
+character's name and his/her words along with the associated parenthetical
+\item[\idx{extra}] A character in a script who has no dialog.
+\item[\idx{koala}] An Australian marsupial that eats bushes, shoots, and leaves.
+\item[\idx{manuscript}] [in the context of this document:] A typed script of
+the form submitted to an agent or producer.
+\item[\idx{master scene}] A scene in a script that is written in terms of all
+of the action that takes place in the given locale at a particular time rather
+than a shot-by-shot description of the same events. Manuscripts are generally
+written as master scenes which, if the script is produced, later broken down
+shot-by-shot into the \idx{shooting script}.
+\item[\idx{parenthetical direction}] Parenthesized items embedded into a
+character's dialog which indicate the mode, timing, and gestures for that
+\item[\idx{scene line}] The line in all caps at the beginning of a scene which
+identifies the location and time of the scene. In a \idx{shooting script}, the
+scene line often indicates the primary subject of the shot.
+\item[\idx{screenplay}] A script for a television show or motion picture
+\item[\idx{shooting script}] A script that has been prepared for production by
+breaking each sequence down shot-by-shot. A shooting script is generally
+prepared by the director (sometimes in association with the author) from the
+author's original manuscript.
+\item[\idx{spec(ulation) script}] A script written on speculation for an
+existing television series. Spec scripts are rarely sold, but they may lead to
+a regular staff-position for that series.
+\item[\idx{stage directions}] Blocks of text which describe scenes and
+characters and there actions. Stage directions also indicate sound\index{sound
+effect} and \idx{special effect}s.
+\item[\idx{stageplay}] A script for a theatrical production.
+\item[\idx{teleplay}] A script specifically for a television show or made-for-TV
+\item[\idx{widow line}] If a paragraph is split across pages between its
+penultimate and last lines, the last line is a widow line.
+\chapter{Macro summary}
+This summary lists the \ST\ macros which are intended for authors to use.
+\section{Basic components}
+\item[\csx{act}] Begins a new act.
+\item[\csx{bye}] Ejects the last page, closes the auxiliary files, and performs
+other housekeeping duties.
+\item[\csx{cleanup}] Ejects the last page and closes the auxiliary files. After
+\csx{cleanup} you may safely use the \csx{makecastlist} and \csx{makescenelist}
+\item[\csx{close}\{\P{transition-type}\}] Outputs a closing transition
+like ``FADE OUT'' for use at the end of an act.
+\item[\csx{cut}] Shortcut for ``\csx{trans}\{{\tt cut
+\item[\csx{dialog}\{\P{character}\} \P{speech}] Begins a new dialog
+block for the specified \P{character}. His/her words and parenthetical
+directions (\P{speech}) should follow. The dialog block ends at the next
+paragraph break.
+\item[\csx{dissolve}] Shortcut for ``\csx{trans}\{{\tt dissolve
+\item[\csx{em}\{\P{words}\}] Emphasizes the \P{words} (by underlining
+them in manuscript format).
+\item[\csx{extra}\{\P{person}\}] Used to indicate the first appearance of a
+particular non-speaking character.
+\item[\csx{introduce}\{\P{character}\}] Used to indicate the first appearance of
+a speaking character.
+\item[\csx{open}\{\P{transition-type}\}] Outputs an opening transition
+like ``FADE IN'' for use at the beginning of an act.
+\item[\csx{paren}\{\P{clue}\}] Places a parenthetical direction inside a
+dialog block. Never use this macro outside the context of the \P{speech}
+parameter in a dialog.
+\item[\csx{scene}\{\P{scene-line}\}] Begins a new scene.
+\item[\csx{sound}\{\P{effect}\}] Indicates that \P{effect} is a \idx{sound
+effect}. Never use this macro outside the context of stage directions.
+\item[\csx{stage}] (optional) Begins a block of \idx{stage directions}.
+\item[\csx{trans}\{\P{transition-type}\}] Indicates the type of
+transition between scenes.\index{transitions}
+\section{Slightly advanced components}
+\item[\csx{acthead}\{\P{act-name}\}] Begins a new act named \P{act-name}. This
+macro is used in the guts of \csx{act} and its mutant cousins. In general, using
+this routine directly is not recommended unless you know what you are doing.
+\item[\csx{ldots}] Expands to a three-dot ellipsis.\index{ellipses}
+\item[\csx{leadin}\{\P{last-words}\}] Prepares the dialog to be
+interrupted by the next character. See \csx{pickup}.
+\item[\csx{pickup}] Use at the beginning of a character's dialog when he/she
+is interrupting the previous character. See \csx{leadin}.
+\item[\csx{theend}] Causes the final ``End of Act $n$'' line to be replaced by
+``The End''. Use immediately before \csx{bye}.\index{mutant cousins!ending}
+\item[\csx{today}] Expands to the current \idx{date} in the form
+\item[\csx{jlbrooks}] Invokes the \personx{James L.}{Brooks} variant, causing
+\ST\ to squeeze a little more script onto every
+page.\index{variant!J.L. Brooks}
+\item[\csx{manuscript}] Invokes the manuscript
+variant\index{variant!manuscript} for ready-to-submit output.
+\item[\csx{movie}] Invokes the motion picture variant\index{variant!movie}.
+\item[\csx{proof}] Invokes the proof-reading variant. Use on preliminary
+drafts to include \idx{date} and \idx{draft} information on each page.
+\item[\csx{shoot}] Invokes the \idx{shooting script}
+variant.\index{variant!shooting script} Use if you're making a
+shot-by-shot breakdown.\index{scene breakdown}
+\item[\csx{sitcom}] Invokes the \idx{situation comedy}
+variant,\index{variant!situation comedy} i.e., it double-spaces the script and
+implies the \csx{TV} variant.\index{variant!TV}
+\item[\csx{TV}] Invokes the teleplay variant.\index{variant!TV}
+\item[\csx{twoside}] Variant which causes the left margin to shift on alternate
+pages, so drafts printed on both sides of a sheet will be easier to read when
+\section{Mutant cousins}
+\index{mutant cousins|(}
+\item[\csx{epilog}] Mutant cousin of \csx{act}\index{mutant cousins!epilog} for
+use at the end of a \idx{miniseries}.
+\item[\csx{prolog}] Mutant cousin of \csx{act} for use at the beginning of
+a miniseries.\index{mutant cousins!prolog}
+\item[\csx{tag}] Mutant cousin of \csx{act} for use at the end of a
+television show.\index{mutant cousins!tag}
+\item[\csx{teaser}] Mutant cousin of \csx{act} for use at the beginning of
+a television show.\index{mutant cousins!teaser}
+\index{mutant cousins|)}
+\section{Shortcuts and synonyms}
+\item[\csx{beat}] Shortcut for ``\csx{paren}\{{\tt beat}\}''.
+\item[\csx{dialogue}] Synonym for \csx{dialog}.\index{synonyms!dialog}
+\item[\csx{epilogue}] Synonym for \csx{epilog}, except that it causes the act
+name to be ``Epilogue''.\index{synonyms!epilogue}
+\item[\csx{ext}\{\P{scene}\}] Shortcut for ``\csx{scene}\{{\tt ext.\bs\
+\item[\csx{fadein}] Shortcut for ``\csx{open}\{{\tt fade
+in}\}''.\index{shortcuts!fade in}
+\item[\csx{fadeout}] Shortcut for ``\csx{open}\{{\tt fade
+out}\}''.\index{shortcuts!fade out}
+\item[\csx{int}\{\P{scene}\}] Shortcut for ``\csx{scene}\{{\tt int.\bs\
+\item[\csx{os}] Shortcut for ``\csx{paren}\{\tt off
+screen\}''.\index{shortcuts!off screen}
+\item[\csx{prologue}] Synonym of \csx{prolog}, except that it causes the act
+name to be ``Prologue''.\index{synonyms!prologue}
+\item[\csx{shot}\{\P{subject}\}] Shortcut for
+\item[\csx{tv}] Synonym for \csx{TV}.\index{synonyms!TV}
+\item[\csx{vo}] Shortcut for ``\csx{paren}\{{\tt voice
+over}\}''.\index{shortcuts!voice over}
+\section{Title page information}
+\item[\csx{address}\{\P{address}\}] Specifies the address and/or phone number
+of the author or agent which will then be printed on the title page.
+\item[\csx{author}\{\P{name}\}] Defines \P{name} for use as the author's name
+on the title page.
+\item[\csx{basedon}\{\P{string}\}] \P{string} will be printed below the
+author's name to allow for comments like ``Based on a novel by John Doe''.
+\item[\csx{date}\{\P{string}\}] Uses \P{string} wherever the draft \idx{date}
+should be printed (if appropriate to the selected variant).
+\item[\csx{draft}\{\P{draft-name}\}] Makes \P{draft-name} the text used on the
+title page and in the footline (if appropriate to the selected
+\item[\csx{maketitle}] Uses the information in specified in \csx{series},
+\csx{title}, \csx{author}, \csx{draft}, and \csx{date} commands to create a
+title page.
+\item[\csx{showcopyright}\{\P{year}\}] Specifies that a copyright symbol and
+the \P{year} should appear on the title page. It is sometime recommended to
+use \csx{number}\csx{year} to always keep your script looking up-to-date.
+\item[\csx{series}\{\P{series-name}\}] Indicates that \P{series-name} should be
+used as the name of the series on the title page and footlines.
+\item[\csx{title}\{\P{name}\}] Defines \P{name} to be used as the title of the
+script on the title page and footlines (if appropriate to the selected
+% Bibliography
+% Index
+\input stdoc.ind
+% Some random cross references
+\index{cmtt|see Computer Modern Typewriter Type}
+\index{sitcom|see{situation comedy}}
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/mainloop.dvi
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d292bff1a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/mainloop.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+\title{\protect\TeXmuse's Main Loop}
+\input texmuse.tex
+\author{Federico Garcia}
+This document accompanies the program \TeXmuse\ in its first submission to \textsc{CTAN}. The program is incomplete, but as it stands it can be called a `first stage'. But there is no \texttt{dtx} file as with a complete package, that self-extracts and documents at the same time.
+All the same, I wanted to provide something in the guise of a documentation. This text contains a description of \TeXmuse's \TeX\ part (there is an equally substantial \MF\ part), that makes clear at least the central ideas of a somewhat unfriendly code.
+If you are looking for a guide to the user, the best is to go to the end, where there is a sample with the user's input, as well as to the other samples (Bach's \emph{Inventions}) that are on-line with the package. There are also other documents (a guide to installation and running and a list of shortcomings and wants).
+\TeXmuse\ has been described in \TUB~\textbf{24}/2. A second article will appear in the next issue of \TUB, containing pretty much the present document. \TeXmuse's webpage is \url{}. This first stage was in part possible thanks to a grant from the \TeX~Development~Fund. Thanks!
+\noindent Let's begin with a simple case: \excerpt{shorter}\unskip. This is the result of the input string "5C4[EC]5GG". The numbers tell the rhythmic value (5 for the quarter-, 4 for the eighth-note), and the letters tell the pitch. `"["' and `"]"' create the beam of the second and third notes.
+Of course, there are several \textsc{c}'s---the reference to `\texttt{C}' as the first note would not be sufficient to fix it where it appears in the example. \TeXmuse\ was able to fix it as \textsc{c5} (\textsc{c4} is the so-called `middle-\textsc{c}', and this one is an octave higher than that) because, in truth, the input started with "\rangefrom{G4}". This set \textsc{g4, a4, b4, c5, d5, e5, }and \textsc{f5} as the default for each pitch. The code for this, not devoid of interest, is in lines 165--185, with an auxiliary function defined at 290.
+But that is not part of \TeXmuse's main loop. The latter is rather about what happens to the input at the different stages.
+\subsection*{Quantization and the `matrix'}
+The first time \TeXmuse\ collects rhythmic information: how long each note is. In our first example, the result is the following `matrix':
+\noindent This simple list registers the following facts: the first note is at position 0; since it is a quarter-note, it has a `quantum~value' of $64q$ (the `rhythmic~quantum' is defined as the 256\textsuperscript{th}-note, a note with 6 flags, that naturally gets $1q$). Consequently, the next note, whatever it is, will be at 64. In this case it is an eighth-note, with a value of $32q$. Therefore, the next note appears at 96. And so on.
+All lines, in addition to the quantum position, have a \texttt{1}. Each of them means that there is a note at the indicated position. The exception is of course the final \texttt{9999}, that has been added as a marker of the end.
+The translation of the input into such a quantized matrix is the first stage of \TeXmuse's main loop: the `quantization'. Its true significance is actually seen only when there is more than one staff. Look at this other example and its matrix:
+{\small\ttfamily\raisebox{-18pt}{\shortstack[r]{0:1,1.\\64:1,1.\\96:0,1.\\128:1,1.\\192:1,1.\\256:0,0.\\9999: 0.}}}
+Here there is an instances of a positions with `\texttt{0}' instead of `\texttt{1}'. The left hand (bottom staff, first item after~`\texttt{:}' in the matrix lines) does \emph{not} have a note at position~96. And, on the other hand, even thought the left hand has a quarter-note (actually a quarter-\emph{rest}, but for the purposes it's the same) at position~64, the character is not one of a quarter-note ($64q$), but of an eighth-note ($32q$).
+The presence of \texttt{256} in this matrix, if you are wondering, is due to the inclusion of the barline (as a result of `"|"' in the input).
+Note that "\rangefrom" has no meaning for the construction of the matrix. As far as the matrix is concerned, all notes, and even rests, are the same---there is no difference between \textsc{c} and \textsc{d}. Most other things, like accidentals (flats, sharps, naturals), ties, or any other such additions, also mean nothing for the matrix.
+In fact, in lines 280--7, where \TeXmuse\ is preparing things to `quantize' the input, it declares
+\noindent Quantization is one of the things that happen \emph{always}. \TeXmuse\ has a number (and will have more) ways of actually typesetting the musical text: "\music", for example, makes long musical text be breakable at the end of lines, and appends a final, double bar at the end. "\excerpt", on the contrary, typesets the music in a single line. (This latter is what I have been using for examples so far). Eventually, a "\musicbox" will allow setting the exact width of a box, and "\musicparbox" will be a combination of "\music" and "\musicbox".
+But, in any case, \emph{all} of these functions carry out the `quantization'. It is, in fact, the first part of \TeXmuse's main loop, and is done by the command "\@quantization" (defined by lines~411-36).
+\subsection*{The auxiliary files}
+The second stage is actually also carried out by "\@quantization", since this allows performing only one loop through the different staves' input. But it must be considered a separate stage. It consists in the writing of `auxiliary' files.
+One auxiliary file is created for each instrument (i.e., each staff). These, for example, are the files for "\shortl" and "\shortr", the two staves of the last example:
+ \next@note\q@n\@rest{0}\relax
+ \next@note\q@n\add@note{c3}\@stem
+ \next@note\q@n\@rest{0}\end@of@block
+ \next@note\open@beam\e@n\add@note{e5}\add@tobeam
+ \next@note\e@n\add@note{c5}\add@tobeam\close@beam
+ \next@note\q@n\add@note{g4}\@stem
+ \next@note\q@n\add@note{g4}\@stem\end@of@block
+\noindent Although it cannot be visually shown here, one of the most important conventions of \TeXmuse's is that each `block' is set to a single line in these files. Both of the files shown have actually only two lines (here set to the left margin of the listing), one starting with "\next@note"\dots, and the other containing `"\@bar@line{10}\relax"'.
+As you can see, each of the `blocks' (conceive of blocks as equivalent to measures, for the moment) is basically a list of notes, separated from each other by "\next@note", and closed by "\end@of@block". Each item in the list---i.e., each note---is composed of several elements:
+\small"\next@note"\quad`\textsf{value}'\quad`\textsf{additional~stuff}'\quad`\textsf{note}'\quad`\textsf{rhyhtmic notation}'
+\noindent The `\textsf{value}' is the \emph{rhythmic} value: eighth-note, sixteenth-note, quarter-note, etc. In the example we have instances of "\q@n" (quarter-note) and "\e@n" (eighth-note).
+The `\textsf{note}' is the note itself---or the rest. So this is always either "\add@note" or "\@rest" (with their arguments). When the ability for several note-heads per note is implemented, this will be repeatable.
+The `\textsf{rhythmic~notation}' refers to the graphical way a rhythmic value is actually represented. Quarter-notes, for example, are represented by a (bare) stem: "\@stem". Lonely eighth-notes (i.e., eighth-notes not beamed together) have both a stem and a flag, and their `\textsf{rhythmic~notation}' part would be "\@stem\@flag". Rests don't have this element.
+`\textsf{Additional stuff}' can be appended to a note's entry. In our very simple example there is only a few instances of this: "\open@beam", that opens the beam in the second note of the right hand, and "\close@beam", that closes it in the third. The corresponding "\add@tobeam" commands, that apply to all notes under the beam, is \emph{not} \textsf{additional stuff}, but rather the `\textsf{rhythmic~notation}' of those notes.
+So, to compare, let's tweak the example a little bit (with all due respect to Kuhnau, who I think composed the beautiful sonatina from which the example comes). The input for both staves (`"\shortrii"' and `"\shortlii"') appears at the right:
+\noindent The following are the five notes of the right hand. New are "\@flag" and "\@flat":
+"\next@note" & "\q@n" & & "\add@note{c5}" & "\@stem "\\
+"\next@note" & "\e@n" & "\@flat" &"\add@note{e5}" & "\@stem\@flag"\\
+"\next@note" & "\e@n" & & "\add@note{c5}" & "\@stem\@flag" \\
+"\next@note" & "\q@n" & & "\add@note{g4}" & "\@stem"\\
+"\next@note" & "\q@n" & & "\add@note{g4}" &"\@stem"\\\hline
+\noindent And the 4 notes of the left hand (new is the result of "\trebleclef", "\@clef"):
+"\next@note" &"\q@n" & & "\add@note{c3}" & "\@stem"\\
+"\next@note" & "\q@n" & & "\@rest{0}"\\
+"\next@note" & "\q@n" & "\@clef0" & "\add@note{c4}" & "\@stem"\\
+"\next@note" & "\q@n" & & "\@rest{0}"\\\hline
+\noindent (The clefs at the beginning, as well as the bracket, are drawn by \MF\ as part of the automatic beginning of the line. Neither is represented by the auxiliary files.)
+All the commands in the auxiliary files are private, and the user knows nothing about them (although, of course, the list can be seen and read by him, maybe a good thing for debugging his files). They are the commands that the third stage understands.
+\subsection*{The \MF\ files}
+Everything is ready now to write the \MF\ file that will draws the characters. (This is done by command "\mf@files", defined in lines 437--5.)
+The first line in the matrix, that corresponds to the first note, is "0: 1,1". The note is at position~0. Now, how long is it? (The answer will mean, typographically, how much space the note will receive when the line is stretched.) Since the next line in the matrix is at 64, the first note is $64-0=64q$ long. So, the character for the first note can be opened: to the \MF\ file is added the line
+\noindent Now, what does this note contain? Because of the first \texttt{1} in the character's matrix line, it is known that the first staff (the bottom one, in this case "shortlii") has a note in this character. So, a line is added that announces it:
+\noindent Next, the drawing of the "shortlii"'s note itself. The auxiliary file (remember there is one for each staff) tells the program that the first note is "\q@n\add@note{c3}\@stem". This string of commands, when executed by \TeXmuse, result in the following lines in the \MF\ file:
+\noindent The first staff is ready. Since there is also a `\texttt{1}' for the second staff ("shortrii"), it will be announced and its note, namely "\q@n\add@note{c4}\@stem", drawn:
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+\noindent With that the first character is finished. A final "end_of_char" closes it.
+One note from each auxiliary file has been `consumed'. It has in fact \emph{disappeared} from the list: \TeXmuse\ deleted it. Now the register that holds the list of notes (i.e, the one containing `"\next@note\q@n\add@note{c3}"\dots') starts from (what was) the \emph{second} item. The next time \TeXmuse\ finds a `\texttt{1}' in the matrix that corresponds to that staff, but not before, this (second, now first) note will be executed, and, it too---well, `executed'. (By this procedure, \TeXmuse\ does not have to `count' the items in the list or in the matrix.)
+\bigskip\noindent The second character, with a matrix line of "64: 1,1", lasts only $32q$, because the next matrix line begins with "96". But it too has notes for both staves (`"1,1"'), which are the simpler "\q@n\@rest{0}" and the more complex "\e@n\@flag\add@note{e5}\@stem\@flag". So the second character in the \MF\ file is written as follows:
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_flat(e5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+\bigskip\noindent The third character has a matrix line of "96: 0,1". It will only have a note for the second instrument. The list of notes of the \emph{first} instrument, then, will not be read. Its next item will then \emph{not} be deleted: whatever it is, it remains there until another matrix line actually invokes it. The third character is, then:
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+\noindent A quotation of the whole \MF\ file for this example is at the end of this document. The initial declarations and initializations to be found in it are written by "\mf@files", in a subroutine called "\mf@@headers" (not part, actually, of `the main loop').
+\subsection*{The printing of the music}
+The loop is completed when \TeX\ (trusting the \MF\ part of \TeXmuse\ to have correctly drawn the characters) types the characters. This happens at "\@compose" (lines~514--31), and has a very simple form: it's a loop that selects the new font ("\@musicfont") and types the characters one by one ("\char\the\char@no") up to the last one. I can repeat that right here, adding commas between characters:
+\section*{Detail: the input}
+The main loop can be fairly easily explained. Its actual code in \texttt{texmuse.tex}, however, is far more obscure. That's due to a number of complications that occur at every stage. One of them is the fact that the user's input can contain more items than simply notes and rests.
+In fact, each note can be subject to a series of modifiers. I'm not talking here about accidentals (flats, sharps, naturals), which are another subject. Apart from those, notes can be modified, for example, as it comes to `register'. As we saw, "\ragefrom" defines a `default' register for all notes---say, "\rangefrom{C4}" defines all "C"'s in the input to refer to the middle \textsc{c}. But there might be a need for a note in a \emph{different} register---say, \textsc{c5} instead of \textsc{c4}. This can be achieved, instead of issuing another "\rangefrom", by typing a "+" after the note, which to \TeXmuse\ means `set this note an octave higher than the current range'. A "-" means an octave lower, and it is also possible to apply \emph{many} of these modifiers to a single note.
+What happens to thus-modified notes in the first stage---the `quantizaton'? For this stage, all notes are the same: they simply produce an entry in the rhythmic `matrix' of the piece. You remember from above that in the first stage all notes are interpreted as "\quant@note". But in order to provide for modifiers, "\quant@note" is still not an `executive' function (one that, for example, adds the entry to the matrix), but merely a directive. This is its real definition:
+\noindent This reads the next token, and invokes "\@quant@note". This latter examines the next token:
+ \ifx\@let@token-\let\next\quant@note
+ \else\ifx\@let@token+\let\next\quant@note
+ \else\ifx\@let@token.\let\next\quant@dot
+ \else\ifx=\@let@token\let\next\@@quant@note
+ \else\def\next{\@@quant@note\@let@token}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\next}
+\noindent In the case of a `bare' note (no modifiers), none of the tests carried out by "\@quant@note" will succeed. The token next to the note (that was read by "\quant@note") has to be returned to the input string---which is done by the `default' "\let\next\@let@token".
+If the next token was actually one of our modifiers, "-" or "+", they should be gobbled (for, in this stage, they are ignored). Now, since there might be \emph{two} (or more) of those modifiers, the whole test has to begin again: "\let\next\quant@note". This is also the case with another modifier that doesn't affect quantization, namely "=" (that puts a `tie' to the note as in \excerpt{tie}).
+Thus the note is stripped of all modifiers (ignore the dot for the moment). And \emph{then} an executive function---one that \emph{does} something---is called, namely "\@@quant@note". (This happens also when the note had no modifiers in the first place.) What this executive function does is to add `"\@note"' to the token register in which the quantization tokens are stored:
+ \global\quant@toks\expandafter{\the\quant@toks\@note}}
+\noindent Later, when these quantization tokens are read, it is "\@note" that adds the relevant entry to the matrix.
+A modifier that does have an impact on the first stage, because unlike "+" and "-" it has a rhythmic consequence, is the dot. The dot makes a note `dotted': a quarter-note that has a dot after it becomes a `dotted-quarter-note'. In music, a dot means that the note lasts half as long again. The ultimate expansion of a dot at this stage is `"\quant@@dot\@note\quant@@undot"'. But not before a test to see if the note is, in addition, tied (or, possibly but still not completely implemented, double-dotted):
+ \ifx\@let@token.\let\next\@quant@dot % Not sure it works
+ \else\ifx=\@let@token\let\next\@@quant@dot
+ \else\def\next{\@@quant@dot\@let@token}%
+ \fi\fi\next}
+ \the\quant@toks\quant@@dot\@note\quant@@undot}}
+Something similar takes place at the second stage: conversion of the input into commands for the auxiliary files. The ultimate expansion of any note at this stage is an "\@add@note" command (which is the one that adds a note to the auxiliary files, as described above). But, again, this doesn't happen immediately.
+What a note (letters \texttt{A}, \texttt{B}, \dots, \texttt{G}) in the input does is to set "\@pitch" (to the corresponding letter, \texttt{a}, \texttt{b}, etc.) and "\@octave" (according to the range defined by "\rangefrom"). After that, it launches "\@@octave". This is the function where tests for modifiers happen:
+ \ifx#1-\advance\@octave-1\else\ifx#1+\advance\@octave1\relax
+ \else
+ \if@tempswa\else
+ \@add@note{\@pitch}{\the\@octave}\@tempswatrue\fi
+ \ifx=#1
+ \add@tie{\expandafter\@pitch\the\@octave}%
+ \let\next\relax
+ \else
+ \ifx#1.\add@dot{\@pitch}{\the\@octave}%
+ \else\let\next#1%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \next}
+\noindent So, if a note is bare, "\next" will be set to whatever the next token is. If the note, on the other hand, has "-" or "+", "\@octave" is changed and "\@@octave" tried again, to see if there's more modifiers. (It is because of this double try that "\@tempswa" is used.) For all other modifiers, `"."'\ and `"="', the note itself (its pitch and its octave) is set, and only additional commands ("\add@tie" or "\add@dot") are executed.
+So, every note, be it simple as `"C"' or compound as `"D++.="' (a \textsc{d} two octaves higher than set by "\rangefrom", dotted, and tied), gets translated into a series of commands, that always includes "\@add@note" and can in addition include "\add@tie" or "\add@dot". This commands are executive: they write in the auxiliary file of an instrument.
+\bigskip\noindent Rests, input by `"R"', are very similar, but they cannot be tied (no test for `"="') and their modifiers "+" and "-" do not mean change in octave, but vertical shifting. They use, then, functions "\@@rest" and "\@@@rest", to be finally converted into "\@note" in quantization and "\@rest" in auxiliary files.
+But beaming acts differently. "[" and "]" have no meaning in quantization (and in the first stage they are "\relax"), but the auxiliary files have to reflect them. They, however, cannot have modifiers, so their function is immediately executive. `"["' opens a beam by writing (in the auxiliary file) "\open@beam", and making all following notes part of that beam---which amounts to changing their \textsf{rhythmic~notation}. `"]"' closes the beam by adding "\close@beam" and setting the \textsf{rhythmic~notation} back to the note's natural way.
+What \emph{is}, though, this `natural' way? It depends on the (rhythmic) kind of note. It is set by the \emph{numbers} in the input. A `"4"', for example, means `eighth-note', and will set both duration (for quantization purposes) to be $32q$ and \textsf{rhythmic~notation} to be `a stem, and a flag, please' ("\@stem\@flag"). A `"5"' means quarter note, and makes the duration $64q$ and the \textsf{rhythmic~notation} only a "\@flag". These are `global~declarations', affecting anything that comes after them until another, overriding one is encountered.
+And numbers set also, of course, the \textsf{value} of a note.
+\noindent There is something else about the input. Any \emph{spaces} in the input will not be typed into the actual music: the music is typed mechanically by \TeX\ at "\@compose", and it does not include spaces. But the input---spaces and all---\emph{is} read, and twice, at "\@quantization" and "\mf@files". The spaces there \emph{will} create spaces that disturb the final layout (unless the music is the first thing that appears in the line, and then the spaces are ignored because \TeX\ is in vertical mode).
+So, the spaces have to be stripped off from the input. This is carried out just before starting the "\@quantization":
+ \@temptoks#1%
+ \@temptoks\expandafter{\the\@temptoks{\relax} }%
+ \quant@toks{}%
+ \@tempswatrue
+ \loop\if@tempswa
+ \expandafter\strip@@spaces\the\@temptoks{\relax} \@nil
+ \repeat
+ #1\quant@toks}
+\def\strip@@spaces#1 #2#3\@nil{\quant@toks\expandafter{%
+ \the\quant@toks#1}%
+ \ifx#2\relax\@tempswafalse\fi
+ \@temptoks{#2#3}}
+\noindent Command "\strip@spaces" is invoked by "\@quantization", and its argument is the token register where the input is stored. Two temporary token registers are used, "\@temptoks" and "\quant@toks", to get portions of the input stream separated by spaces. At the end, because of the way "\stripped@@spaces" is executed, it will find "#2" to be "\relax", and call the whole operation off. Then, whatever was left in "\quant@toks" will be put back into the original register. ("\quant@toks", on the other hand, is a register defined for other purposes---quantization---but it can be used here because what it had before, if anything, is of no interest anymore. Thus a token register is saved.)
+\section*{Measures, blocks, and automation}
+A piece of music is usually wider than a sheet of paper: it will have to be broken into lines (which, incidentally, are called `systems'). This cannot happen anywhere, but at special points: usually at the end of measures (or `bars'). Sometimes, however, for music with very long measures, a line-break can be made within a measure. And sometimes, in modern music, the piece simply has nothing like `measures' (because it's music without regular meter). So the default correspondence measure$\Leftrightarrow$line-breaks cannot be wired in \TeXmuse. Rather, \TeXmuse\ thinks in terms of `blocks'.
+Usually, however, there is a meter, and measures do coincide with blocks. This must definitely be the default. But, in addition, since the meter is regular (that's its essence) and automatic, the typist should not be forced to explicitly say where a measure ends. \TeXmuse\ has to be able to figure that out by itself.
+Other reason for this automation is that we must avoid the matrix to increase its quantum numbers indefinitely. If it goes by measure, it can healthily reset to 0 every once in a while. And likewise, the auxiliary files should not be overloaded with indefinitely long lines. For all that, some kind of `modularity' is good, and measures provide the best basis for it.
+This has a number of consequences on \TeXmuse's main loop. Going backwards, the last stage (composition) must typeset blocks separated with a discretionary break, so that when the end of the line is reached \TeX\ goes to the next line. Within blocks, however, the characters must be typed one after the other, as single words that won't be broken.
+For the penultimate stage (writing of \MF\ files) there is also a consequence of measures. In all probability, a piece will have more than 256 characters, so that more than one font will be needed. But \MF\ draws the characters line by line (because it needs to know the stretching of each character before actually shipping them out). So \TeX\ has to write the \MF\ files block by block, so that the end of each file always coincides with a possible line-break. (In fact, as the system stands today, the end of a \MF\ file \emph{is} a line-break. User's control on this is one of the things to improve.)
+The writing of the auxiliary files also goes block by block, because the auxiliary files have to contain special characters for the end of the measures---barlines---that will not be present in the user's input.
+And the compilation of the rhythmic matrix, of course, needs blocks to go back to $0q$.
+This `going by blocks' is actually responsible for most of the intricacy of \texttt{texmuse.tex}. To start develling it, let's discuss the workings of "\@add@note". This is the function into which notes in the input are translated by the second stage, and whose main action is to add notes to the auxiliary files of the instruments.
+But now we know that this will be done block by block. There is a control sequence, "\current@block", that holds the tokens that will be written to the auxiliary file when the block is done. Each note, translated as "\@add@note", appends notes to "\current@block", until the time comes to write it down to the auxiliary file.
+ \open@block
+ \ifnot@written
+ \edef\current@block{\current@block\space\string\next@note}%
+ \fi
+ \edef\current@block{\current@block
+ \@value
+ \the\this@note
+ \the\@atnote
+ \the\@@atnote
+ \string\add@note{#1#2}
+ \rhythm@not}%
+ \@atnote{}%
+ \@@atnote{}%
+ \this@note\@plainnote
+ \not@writtentrue
+ \advance\current@quantum\quantum@skip\relax
+ \block@donefalse}%
+Toward the middle of this function we see the addition of the note's elements: \textsf{value}, \textsf{additional~stuff}, \textsf{note}, and \textsf{rhythmic~notation}. The \textsf{additional~stuff} is actually made of several items: "\this@note", "\@atnote", and "\@@adnote". This is because some things apply to everything (to notes, to rests, and to barlines), some only to notes and rests, and some only to notes. This will be more clear when we discuss the functions for barlines and rests.
+Only at the end we see "\@add@note" dealing with blocks and quantization. After it has appended the note and prepared things for the next one, it adds the value of "\quantum@skip" to "\current@quantum". (The latter has been set by the kind of note this is: if it is a half~note, for example, "\quantum@skip" is 128, double a quarter-note that we already know is 64).
+So, imagine that we have a {\bfseries\footnotesize\shortstack[c]{3\\[-2pt]4}} piece (three quarter-notes per measure). Imagine it has the following rhythm: \excerpt{rhythm}. That is, whole-note, two sixteenths, and one eighth: $128q, 16q, 16q, 32q$.
+"\current@quantum" is initialized to 0. After the first note, it will be 128; after the second, 144; after the third, 160; and after the fourth, 192. That, \TeXmuse\ knows, is the end of the measure, because "\block@period" is 192 (this is calculated by \TeXmuse\ from the user's command "\meter34"). Let's see what happens at this point, when \TeXmuse\ is going to append yet another note.
+The first thing it does is "\open@block", which is defined as follows:
+ \ifnum\block@period>\current@quantum
+ \else\current@quantum0\relax
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\current@quantum=0\relax
+ \end@block
+ \fi}
+\noindent For the first time, it is \emph{not} true that "\block@period>\current@quantum". So, the actual contents of "\open@beam" will be executed (for the first time). It first resets "\current@quantum" to~0. And next, it will find---curiously enough---that "\current@quantum=0", and therefore will execute "\end@block". (This is not the same test because the user can \emph{force} the end of a measure---make "\current@quantum" 0---at any point, and this will have the effect of making true the second test even when the first one is not.)
+So, "\end@block":
+ \ifblock@done\else
+ \immediate\write\instrument@file{%
+ \current@block\string\end@of@block}%
+ \immediate\write\instrument@file\expandafter{%
+ \the\this@note\string\@bar@line{\@barline}}%
+ \def\current@block{\@gobble}%
+ \this@note\@plainnote
+ \let\@barline\barline@default
+ \fi
+ \block@donetrue}
+\noindent"\block@done" has been set to \textsc{false} by the last "\@add@note", so the contents of this function is actually executed. It is here that the whole line, with the elements of all the notes in the block, is written to the auxiliary file. Then, another line is written to the same file, with a barline, and any additional stuff that might apply to it: "\this@note". (Remember that "\this@note" would have also been added to a note. This is how a clef---but not other things that cannot apply to barlines, like a tie---is correctly added either to the next note or to the barline if it comes first.)
+So, when the first note of a new block is reached, the previous one is closed by "\end@block". But not only a note can open a new block: a rest can too, and, less obviously, anything that attaches to a coming note (i.e., that implies the existence of a note coming soon). A clef, for example, is \emph{not} such a thing, because it can be put behind a barline, not necessarily behind a note. But an accidental must necessarily refer to a note, as must the opening of a beam. So, "\open@block" (that calls for "\end@block" if necessary) is part of the definition of rests, beam-openings, and accidentals (as well as notes). "\@@@rest", in fact, behaves very similar to "\@add@note". As for accidentals, all they do is to execute "\open@block" and then add the respective items to \textsf{aditional~stuff}:
+ \this@note\expandafter{\the\this@note\string\@sharp}}%
+ \this@note\expandafter{\the\this@note\string\@flat}}%
+ \this@note\expandafter{\the\this@note\string\@natural}}%
+\noindent On the other hand, "\@open@beam" can actually be the function that adds the "\next@note" (instead of "\@add@note").\footnote{Maybe this is a remnant from another time. I can't see now why this function is not implemented as the accidentals, by simply adding \cs{@open@beam}to \texttt{additional~stuff}. I don't dare modifying it now, though. Tests will be run later.} The test "\written@false" helps avoiding the duplication of "\next@note"'s that would be implied in the succession of "\@open@beam" and "\@add@note". Apart from that, "\@open@beam" is straightforward:
+ \open@block
+ \edef\current@block{\current@block\space
+ \string\next@note\string\open@beam}%
+ \def\rhythm@not{\string\add@tobeam}%
+ \not@writtenfalse}%
+\noindent Going block by block has a consequence on the quantization too. The matrix needs to have entries for the ends of the blocks, so that the program later can know how long the last note of the block was. If the matrix were directly to 0, the last note would have a negative quantum value. (And it is not enough to assume "\block@period" as the end of the block, because the user can force an end-of-block at any point.) So, the quantization has to be able to insert this entry automatically.
+That is done with a function called "\no@note"---an equivalent of "\@note" (which is what adds the \texttt{1}'s to the matrix) but able to add \texttt{0}'s. "\no@note" is defined right next to "\@note", in lines 137--59. (Neither "\@note" nor "\no@note" are quoted here because most of them is a simple but bulky code for the actual manufacture of the matrix.)
+\bigskip\noindent Using the matrix that was built in the quantization, \TeXmuse\ counts the characters and blocks that make up the music. From that it then calculates how many fonts will be needed and how many characters (and blocks) go in each font. There is a variable "\FontSplit" that sets the maximum number of characters that can be put in the same \MF\ font. This is not quite 256, because the \MF\ part of \TeXmuse\ is very demanding and may exceed \MF's capacity.\footnote{I recently had to start thinking of a modification of the \MF\ program that will relief this problem considerably. But it is a major change, and will take some time. In part, that is why I am not documenting the \MF\ program: it will soon change in unpredictable ways.} So, based on this number (180 by default), \TeXmuse\ decides on where to `split' the music into fonts. This part of the code, fairly clear, is represented by commands "\count@chars", "\check@splits", and "\check@@splits", scattered about the different stages. They are easy to understand.
+\section*{A final sample}
+Below is the first part of Kuhnau's sonatina. And after that, the input that creates it.
+ 5C 4[EC] 5 GG
+ 5C 4[EC] 5 GG+
+ 4[FEDC] [BCBC]
+ [DCBA] 5 G R
+ 5C 4[EC] 5 GG
+ 5E 4[G+E] 5C 4[EC]
+ [DBCA] [BGA\#F-]
+ [GABC] [DE\#FG+]
+ 5AA+A+A+
+ 4[BCDE] [\#FG+A+B+]
+ 5CC+C+C+
+ 4[D\rangefrom{D5}GBD+] [CBAG]
+ [\#FEGF] [AGFE]
+ [EDC-B-] [DC-B-A-]
+ 5G-R6R|}
+ 5CR6R
+ 5CR6R
+ G-R 4[GFED]
+ 5C+RR\#F
+ G-R6R
+ 4[\#FD+AD+] [\#FD+AD+]
+ 4[AD+C+D+] [AD+C+D+]
+ 5BR6R
+ 5C+RCR
+ 4[G-B-DG] 5G-R|}
+\noindent\music{lefthand,righthand}\quad{\small (typeset by \TeXmuse)}
+ 5C 4[EC] 5 GG
+ 5C 4[EC] 5 GG+
+ 4[FEDC] [BCBC]
+ [DCBA] 5 G R
+ 5C 4[EC] 5 GG
+ 5E 4[G+E] 5C 4[EC]
+ [DBCA] [BGA\#F-]
+ [GABC] [DE\#FG+]
+ 5AA+A+A+
+ 4[BCDE] [\#FG+A+B+]
+ 5CC+C+C+
+ 4[D\rangefrom{D5}GBD+] [CBAG]
+ [\#FEGF] [AGFE]
+ [EDC-B-] [DC-B-A-]
+ 5G-R6R|}
+ 5CR6R
+ 5CR6R
+ G-R 4[GFED]
+ 5C+RR\#F
+ G-R6R
+ 4[\#FD+AD+] [\#FD+AD+]
+ 4[AD+C+D+] [AD+C+D+]
+ 5BR6R
+ 5C+RCR
+ 4[G-B-DG] 5G-R|}
+\noindent\music{righthand,lefthand}\quad(typeset by \TeXmuse)
+This explains the basic working of \TeXmuse. There is quite a bit more to it, but everything should be easily understood, by just looking at the code, after this summary explanation. I would like to claim that with this document and the actual examples of the various functions already coded, anything could be implemented by the industrious user. That is probably true of the \TeX\ part of \TeXmuse. To add another possibility to the users' input, you have to think in terms of the four stages: figure out what the addition means separately for quantization, auxiliary files, writing of \MF\ files, and composition of the text. In the current \texttt{texmuse.tex} there is precedents of virtually everything: things that attach to notes, things that group notes, things that apply to this note and the next, things that apply possibly to barlines, etc.
+But, of course, any new thing will have to be implemented in \MF\ too---and for that I have provided no guide. As I have mentioned, there is a major change to the \MF\ system coming soon, so a thorough explanation did not seem worthwhile. In any case, the log files of \TeXmuse's development, if anyone feels like reading such disorganized streams of consciousness, reveal what goes on in \TeXmuse's \MF\ program. In fact, my experience tells me, it is more important, and challenging, to know well enough \MF\ itself. If you master that, \TeXmuse's \emph{use} of \MF\ should be a piece of cake.
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := 0;
+desired_width := desired_width/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def shortlii =
+ curr_instr:="shortlii;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def shortrii =
+ curr_instr:="shortrii;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_flat(e5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ clef_(0);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ end_of_block; make_line(next_char);
+showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59ea2e36b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := 0;
+desired_width := desired_width/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 0;
+def shorter =
+ curr_instr:="shorter;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(2,1,1,e5,3,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ barline_(0);
+ end_of_block; make_line(next_char);
+showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac9d0e1808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := 0;
+desired_width := desired_width/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def shortl =
+ curr_instr:="shortl;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def shortr =
+ curr_instr:="shortr;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(2,1,1,e5,3,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ end_of_block; make_line(next_char);
+showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a332fc05a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := 0;
+desired_width := desired_width/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def shortlii =
+ curr_instr:="shortlii;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def shortrii =
+ curr_instr:="shortrii;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_flat(e5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ clef_(0);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ end_of_block; make_line(next_char);
+showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ac6db9eaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := 0;
+desired_width := desired_width/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 0;
+def tie =
+ curr_instr:="tie;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_tie(g5);
+ close_tie(g5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ regular_stem;
+ barline_(0);
+ end_of_block; make_line(next_char);
+showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54be752d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := 0;
+desired_width := desired_width/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def rhythm =
+ curr_instr:="rhythm;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_halfheads(b3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(2,2,1,b3,3,2,1,b3,4,1,1,b3);
+ barline_(0);
+ end_of_block; make_line(next_char);
+showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85fca60655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Doc/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := 0;
+desired_width := 390.0pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(2,1,1,e5,3,1,1,c5);
+ add_rest(-1,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(8,1,1,e5,9,1,1,c5);
+ add_rest(-1,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ regular_stem;
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(13,1,1,f5,14,1,1,e5,15,1,1,d5,16,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(17,1,1,b5,18,1,1,c5,19,1,1,b5,20,1,1,c5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(22,1,1,d5,23,1,1,c5,24,1,1,b5,25,1,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(26,1,1,g3,27,1,1,f3,28,1,1,e3,29,1,1,d3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(32,1,1,e5,33,1,1,c5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(38,1,1,g5,39,1,1,e5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(41,1,1,e5,42,1,1,c5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(44,1,1,d5,45,1,1,b5,46,1,1,c5,47,1,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d2);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ beam(48,1,1,b5,49,1,1,g4,50,1,1,a5,51,1,1,f4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(53,1,1,g4,54,1,1,a5,55,1,1,b5,56,1,1,c5);
+ add_rest(-1,0);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_sharp(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(57,1,1,d5,58,1,1,e5,59,1,1,f5,60,1,1,g5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(62,1,1,f3,63,1,1,d4,64,1,1,a4,65,1,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(66,1,1,f3,67,1,1,d4,68,1,1,a4,69,1,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(71,1,1,b5,72,1,1,c5,73,1,1,d5,74,1,1,e5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_sharp(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ beam(75,1,1,f5,76,1,1,g5,77,1,1,a6,78,1,1,b6);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(80,1,1,a4,81,1,1,d4,82,1,1,c4,83,1,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(84,1,1,a4,85,1,1,d4,86,1,1,c4,87,1,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(d6);
+ beam(89,1,1,d5,90,1,1,g5,91,1,1,b6,92,1,1,d6);
+ add_rest(-1,0);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(93,1,1,c6,94,1,1,b6,95,1,1,a6,96,1,1,g5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_sharp(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(98,1,1,f5,99,1,1,e5,100,1,1,g5,101,1,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(102,1,1,a6,103,1,1,g5,104,1,1,f5,105,1,1,e5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(107,1,1,e5,108,1,1,d5,109,1,1,c5,110,1,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(d2);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(111,1,1,d5,112,1,1,c5,113,1,1,b5,114,1,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(116,1,1,g2,117,1,1,b3,118,1,1,d3,119,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_rest(-1,0);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+numeric desired_width; end_of_block; make_line(next_char);
+showstats; end.
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+\newcommand\TeXmuse{\TeX\-{\itshape\kern-.1em\raisebox{.0ex}{m\kern-.05em use}}}
+\title{Running \protect\TeXmuse}
+Place the files |texmuse.tex|, ||, and || where \TeX\ and \MF\ can find them. (The document's own folder is such a place, if you don't know of a better option.)
+A run of \TeXmuse\ (with \LaTeX) will eventually typeset the musical material using a \emph{new} font. Previous to the (first) run, the font \emph{does not exist}. And this can mean some problems, because, in principle, \TeX\ won't find the \texttt{tfm} file(s) that it needs---and, later, the previewer won't find the \texttt{pk}'s. So, in principle, error messages stemming form that are normal, and do not mean the program is not running.
+\subsubsection*{Automatic font generation}
+In any case, with today's implementations of \TeX, error messages are unlikely to occur (unless of course there's a mistake in the input, or a genuine bug in the program). Most implementations (I'm basing this on my experience with Windows Mik\TeX) today will generate the fonts automatically. So, if everything goes well, the first run will be a success. (If you don't have an implementation that handles fonts automatically, see below.)
+But there is a problem later on. The first time the file was typeset, the fonts did not exist, and \emph{that's why} there was font generation in the first place. But the second time the font files (created in the first run) will be there, and the program will \emph{not} regenerate them. That means that any changes to the input file will not be reflected in the output. You need to \emph{delete} the automatically-generated files before the second run.
+Those files are usually put in the local branch of the \TeX\ Directory Structure: folder |\localtexmf|. Usually, in |\localtex\fonts|. But beyond that, the placement of the new files depends on circumstances. So, you have to search |\localtex\fonts| for the files and delete them. For a document called \texttt{foo.tex}, the files to find and delete will be \texttt{foo1.tfm} and \texttt{}, \texttt{foo2.tfm} and \texttt{}, etc.
+So, if there were changes to the music of \texttt{foo.tex}, you should find and delete all these files before typesetting. Since the files will usually be put in the same subdirectory every time, you can automate the procedure into a batch file that looks something like
+del c:\localtexmf\fonts\pk\ljfour\monotype\abadi\dpi600\%1*.pk
+del c:\localtexmf\fonts\tfm\monotype\abadi\%1*.tfm
+texify %1.tex
+yap -1 %1.dvi
+\noindent (where \texttt{texify} and \texttt{yap} are \LaTeX's and the previewers executables).
+It is the portion `|\monotype\abadi|' that changes from document to document, and it is the same for both \texttt{tfm} and \texttt{pk}'s (the latter, of course, adding `|\dpi600|' or equivalent). So it's a good idea to make a note of this portion in the input file. Thus, when you come back to it after worked on other \TeXmuse\ files, you can change the batch accordingly.
+\subsubsection*{Manual font generation}
+If your implementation does not generate the fonts by itself, you will have to do it manually. The first run will give an error message: \texttt{tfm} file not found. Just press enter, letting the run end. There will be \texttt{mf} files anyway. Run \MF\ on them:
+\noindent (and the same for the rest of the files). You might have to try things like
+|mf \mode:=cx; input|
+\noindent where |cx| can be changed into |ljfour|, for example. This depends on your local settings (and I assume if your implementation doesn't do this automatically, it's because you know all about this kind of procedures).
+That creates \texttt{gf} files. From them you have to create the \texttt{pk} files:
+|gftopk foo1.1200gf|,
+\noindent or whatever is appropriate.
+After getting the \texttt{tfm}'s and \texttt{pk}'s, you can run \LaTeX\ again, and it will produce the document.
+For any changes to the music to actually show up, you have to make sure that the \texttt{tfm}'s and \texttt{pk}'s were produced from \emph{the last} \texttt{mf}'s (those that were created in the last \LaTeX\ run).
+\subsection*{Some conventions}
+You use \TeXmuse\ in a \LaTeX\ document by saying
+|\input texmuse.tex|
+\noindent in the preamble. Follow the samples to learn the (pretty easy) syntax.
+Before declaring the existence of a bug in the program, please make sure your input follows all conventions. I know they are pretty uncomfortable right now---making recovery from errors a friendly activity with \TeXmuse\ is something to do yet.
+One thing you need to know is that \TeXmuse\ needs |\makeatletter| to be on at all times. Make sure to type |\makeatletter| \emph{after} |\begin{document}|.
+To recover from errors, the best thing to recommend is to try to isolate the errors. Comment-out some of the input (always making sure both staves, if there are two, have the same number of measures), or try only one of the instruments, and so on. You'll see that most of the time there was something wrong in the input, no matter how hard it was to believe.
+If the problem you are running into is \texttt{! METAFONT Capacity exceeded}, and you are sure there is no mistakes in the input, you will have to lower the value of |\FontSplit|. It's set by default to 180, and it means that each \MF\ file will have up to 180 characters. But maybe your file is too demanding, so \MF\ would do better with |\FontSplit=160|. Have in mind that there will be line-breaks where the fonts end; modifying |\FontSplit| has an impact on that. That will explain very long and stretched measures in the middle of a piece.
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+\newcommand\TeXmuse{\TeX\-{\itshape\kern-.1em\raisebox{.0ex}{m\kern-.05em use}}}
+\title{\protect\TeXmuse's shortcomings and wants}
+The `first stage of \TeXmuse' is over: a program that, by and large, can typeset Bach's \emph{Inventions}.
+But not everything was solved. In addition to the incompleteness inherent in a program that can \emph{only} typeset the \emph{Inventions} (so: no slurs, no many-note-head notes, no repetition signs, etc.), there are things that the program just doesn't do right yet. This document is a compilation of those things. It is intended as disclaimer, as warning, and as debate forum. If the solution to a problem hits you, please let me know!
+There are things that: $a)$~have been figured out but not implemented; $b)$~have not been figured out; $c)$~misbehave in particular circumstances that I had not foreseen when implemented them, and have not fixed yet.
+\subsection*{Figured out, not implemented}
+\item[Line breaking] is still limited. It was figured out along with pickup-bars: both things mean user's control over ends of measures and barlines. There is variables |\@bar@line| and |\@break|, which will set the different kinds of barline and break at the end of blocks. The latter can be 0 for no break, 1 for discretionary break, 2 for forced break, and 3 for forced break and font change. But only 1, and to an extent 2, are implemented.
+\item[Sharp key signatures.] Flats are nicer because they can be defined algorithmically for all clefs. But the behavior of sharps in key signatures in different clefs is not easily programmed. I am still looking for a way, but I will probably have to wire it in as a list. And then, I'm having trouble with \MF's capacity\dots
+\item[Rests] show up still a little off to the right, I think. Also, whole-rests are badly drawn.
+\item[Time signatures.] I haven't designed the numbers in \TeXmuse's font. What about using another font? Then this becomes one of the not-figured-out problems.
+\item[Closing ties] after a line-break. This ties into a problem with ties, one of the `not~fixed' kind.
+\subsection*{Not figured out}
+These are the most terrifying.
+\item[Adding stuff to the score,] for example measure numbers and possibly time signatures, was supposed to be very easy. \MF\ would tell \TeX\ where to put them. But: \MF\ cannot write files. I can't see a way of communicating \MF$\Rightarrow$\TeX\ that would be needed for this kind of thing to be done completely automatic. The user's help will have to be enlisted.
+\item[Different-width lines,] for example for indented music, I have not thought too much about, but if you ask me right now, I wouldn't know how to do it. Not so bad, though.
+\item[The final barline,] when there is more than one instrument, is a headache. \MF\ connects the intra-staff barlines with inter-staff barlines, but there is as yet no way for it to know what \emph{kind} of barline it was. That's why the intra-staff final barline is good, but the connection is not. This would happen with every non-normal barline in the piece, if they were implemented. But this is part of a bigger problem:
+\item[General characteristics] of the piece. The user's input goes essentially staff by staff. So, where are general changes (time- or key-signature changes, repetitions) going to be input? It wouldn't make sense to ask the user to input them in all staves---apart from being repetitive, it asks for fatal mistakes.
+\item[Whole-measure rests] go centered in the measure. They are not part of a character, but rather an addition to the line. And that has not been yet dealt with.
+\subsection*{Not fixed}
+\item[Ties] behave wrong when there are many on the same note in the same line. It's a pretty obvious and bad-looking problem. I'm sure it's very simple, but never got around to fixing it.
+\item[Opening-line clefs] and other material (key signatures) gets not aligned when the note in one of the staves has an extra element---an accidental, for example.
+\item[Beam heights,] unlike regular stems, have not been set to reach the middle line of the staff when they are far away from the staff. I didn't remember that when racking my brains with beaming.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Program/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Program/
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+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Program/
@@ -0,0 +1,990 @@
+% Look for "to make flexible" and "to change into" items, and "necessary?"
+numeric temp_a[], temp_b;
+numeric horizontal_span, vertical_span;
+numeric no_of_instr, char_no, index, instr_, last_note[];
+numeric vert_shift, instr_shift[];
+numeric quanta[], width[], stretched_width[], to_stretch, last_stretch;
+numeric note_axis[], ltx[], rtx[], rtx_[]; % rtx_ is the extreme of the current char.
+numeric correction[]; % x in the equations
+numeric note, a[], b[], c[], d[], e[], f[], g[];
+%numeric aggr_note[][]; % Highest (if #1 is 1) or lowest (#1=-1) note at instr_
+numeric aggr_note[][][];
+numeric instr_clef[], lowest_note[], highest_note[];
+numeric stem_dir[][], stem_coef[], stem_extreme;
+numeric i, j, s; % To change into i_, j_
+numeric stem_axis[][];
+numeric multi_beam_offset;
+pair stem_point[][];
+path temp_path;
+picture note_[][]; % Old char_; [index][instr_]
+picture pict_, _pict;
+numeric next_level, curr_level;
+string arg_text, temp_text;
+string to_do, doing_, horizontal_elements[];
+string curr_instr;
+string staff_[];
+numeric bar_type[]; % Three-digit number. :|: is 111. | is (0)10.
+numeric clef_sep, key_sep;
+numeric total_natural_length; % In pt
+numeric total_factors; % Total spacing factors (results of sf_, function of the quanta)
+numeric spacing_unit; % What the stretching function multiplies. Default: a sharp's width
+numeric least_spaced; % Quanta of the least-spaced rhythmic value. Usually 32 or 16
+numeric no_of_blocks; % Number of blocks so far included in the line.
+numeric index_offset; % To convert the first index of a line into 1
+numeric no_of_beams; % Number of beams in the current line.
+string beam_list[]; % The different beams to be traced at the end of the line.
+string tie_list[];
+numeric no_of_ties, tie_[], open_tie[], closed_tie[];
+string clef_changes;
+for octave=1 upto 8:
+ g[octave]=3.5*(octave-4);
+ a[octave]=g[octave]-3;
+ b[octave]=g[octave]-2.5;
+ c[octave]=g[octave]-2;
+ d[octave]=g[octave]-1.5;
+ e[octave]=g[octave]-1;
+ f[octave]=g[octave]-.5;
+width0 := 0;
+no_of_blocks := 0;
+total_factors := 0;
+no_of_beams := 0;
+index_offset := 0;
+% Level-1 elements.
+def add_halfheads(text nhs) =
+ for s=nhs:
+ note:=s+instr_clef[instr_];
+ lowest_note[instr_] := min(lowest_note[instr_],note);
+ highest_note[instr_] := max(highest_note[instr_],note);
+ half_note_head shifted(0,interline*note); % To change into notehead.
+% Ledger lines follow. To make flexible.
+ if (note>3.5) or (note<-1.5) :
+ pickup penrazor xscaled line_thick rotated 90;
+ for i:=(1+note/abs(note)*3) step (note/abs(note)) until note :
+ draw (-.5regular_width,i*interline)--(.5regular_width,i*interline);
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ stem_axis[index][instr_] := xpart(stem_point[index][instr_]);
+ find_extremes(nhs); % Vertical extremes
+ enddef;
+def add_noteheads(text nhs) =
+ for s=nhs:
+ note:=s+instr_clef[instr_];
+ lowest_note[instr_] := min(lowest_note[instr_],note);
+ highest_note[instr_] := max(highest_note[instr_],note);
+ regular_note_head shifted(0,interline*note); % To change into notehead.
+ note_axis[index] := 1/2regular_width;
+ width[index] := 1/2regular_width;
+% Ledger lines follow. To make flexible.
+ if (note>3.5) or (note<-1.5) :
+ pickup penrazor xscaled line_thick rotated 90;
+ for i:=(1+note/abs(note)*3) step (note/abs(note)) until note :
+ draw (-.5regular_width,i*interline)--(.5regular_width,i*interline);
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ stem_axis[index][instr_] := xpart(stem_point[index][instr_]);
+ find_extremes(nhs); % Vertical extremes
+ enddef;
+def add_rest(expr p, q) =
+ addto currentpicture also rest_[p] shifted (0, q*interline);
+ width[index] := rest_width[p];
+ enddef;
+def add_wholeheads(text nhs) =
+ for s=nhs:
+ note:=s+instr_clef[instr_];
+ lowest_note[instr_] := min(lowest_note[instr_],note);
+ highest_note[instr_] := max(highest_note[instr_],note);
+ whole_note shifted(0,interline*note); % To change into notehead.
+% Ledger lines follow. To make flexible.
+ if (note>3.5) or (note<-1.5) :
+ pickup penrazor xscaled line_thick rotated 90;
+ for i:=(1+note/abs(note)*3) step (note/abs(note)) until note :
+ draw (-.5regular_width,i*interline)--(.5regular_width,i*interline);
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ stem_axis[index][instr_] := xpart(stem_point[index][instr_]);
+ find_extremes(nhs); % Vertical extremes
+ enddef;
+def barline_(expr number) =
+ %The first digit indicates pre-barline stuff.
+ temp:=floor(number/100);
+ %The middle digit indicates the barline itself.
+ temp:=floor(number/10 - 10temp);
+ if temp = 1 :
+ pickup penrazor xscaled line_thick;
+ draw (0, min(scantokens staff_[instr_])*interline)--(0, max(scantokens staff_[instr_])*interline);
+% rtx_[instr_]:=-1/2regular_width;
+ stem_dir[index][instr_] := 0;
+ elseif temp=2 :
+ pickup penrazor xscaled line_thick;
+ draw (0, min(scantokens staff_[instr_])*interline)--
+ (0, max(scantokens staff_[instr_])*interline);
+ pickup penrazor xscaled 1/2interline;
+ draw (1/2interline+1/2line_thick, min(scantokens staff_[instr_])*interline)--
+ (1/2interline+1/2line_thick, max(scantokens staff_[instr_])*interline);
+% rtx_[instr_]:=-1/2regular_width;
+% ltx[instr_]:=interline-1/2regular_width;
+ width[index] := 3/4interline + 1/2line_thick;
+ stem_dir[index][instr_] := 0;
+ fi;
+ %The last digit indicates post-barline stuff.
+ enddef;
+% Level-2 elements.
+def add_dot (suffix nhs) =
+ temp_text:= str nhs;
+ if curr_level < 2 : % Deferring...
+ to_do := if next_level>0 : to_do & fi curr_instr & "add_dot(" & temp_text & ");";
+ curr_instr := "";
+ next_level:=2;
+ else: % Doing...
+ for i:=nhs :
+ note:=floor(i+instr_clef[instr_])+.5;
+ pickup pencircle scaled 1/3interline;
+ drawdot (1/2regular_width+framingspace, note*interline);
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ enddef;
+def add_flag (suffix number) =
+ temp_text := str number;
+ if curr_level < 2 : % Deferring...
+ to_do := if next_level>0 : to_do & fi curr_instr & "add_flag(" & temp_text & ");";
+ curr_instr := "";
+ next_level:=2;
+ else: % Doing...
+ temp_a := scantokens temp_text;
+ if number = 1 :
+ eighth_flag((0, interline*aggr_note[index][instr_][-stem_coef[instr_]]))
+ if stem_coef[instr_]=1 :
+ reflectedabout ((stem_axis[index][instr_],0),(stem_axis[index][instr_],1));
+ rtx_[instr_]:=max(rtx_[instr_],horizontal_axis);
+ else:
+ rotatedaround ((0, interline*aggr_note[index][instr_][-stem_coef[instr_]]),180)
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ enddef;
+def regular_stem =
+ if curr_level<2: % Deferring...
+ to_do := if next_level>0 : to_do & fi curr_instr & "regular_stem;";
+ curr_instr := "";
+ next_level:=2;
+ else: % Doing...
+ if unknown stem_dir[index][instr_] :
+ stem_dir[index][instr_] = stem_coef[instr_];
+ fi;
+ pickup penrazor xscaled line_thick;
+ draw (stem_axis[index][instr_],interline*aggr_note[index][instr_][stem_dir[index][instr_]])
+ --(stem_axis[index][instr_],
+ interline*(aggr_note[index][instr_][stem_dir[index][instr_]]+stem_dir[index][instr_]*stem_length));
+ fi;
+ enddef;
+% Level-3 elements.
+def add_flat(suffix notext) =
+ temp_text:=str notext;
+ if curr_level<3 :
+ to_do := if next_level>0 : to_do & fi curr_instr & "add_flat(" & temp_text & ");";
+ curr_instr := "";
+ next_level :=3;
+ else:
+ temp_a:= scantokens temp_text;
+ addto currentpicture also flat shifted (-1/2regular_width-ltx[instr_],interline*(_note(temp_a,instr_,index)));
+ ltx[instr_] := ltx[instr_]+horizontal_axis;
+ fi;
+ enddef;
+def add_natural(suffix notext) =
+ temp_text:=str notext;
+ if curr_level<3: % Deferring...
+ to_do := if next_level>0 : to_do & fi curr_instr & "add_natural(" & temp_text & ");";
+ curr_instr := "";
+ next_level:=3;
+ else: % Doing...
+ temp_a:= scantokens temp_text;
+ addto currentpicture also natural shifted (-1/2regular_width-ltx[instr_],interline*(_note(temp_a,instr_,index)));
+ ltx[instr_] := ltx[instr_]+horizontal_axis;
+ fi;
+ enddef;
+def add_sharp(suffix notext) =
+ temp_text:=str notext;
+ if curr_level<3: % Deferring...
+ to_do := if next_level>0 : to_do & fi curr_instr & "add_sharp(" & temp_text & ");";
+ curr_instr := "";
+ next_level:=3;
+ else: % Doing...
+ temp_a:= scantokens temp_text;
+ addto currentpicture also sharp shifted (-1/2regular_width-ltx[instr_],interline*(_note(temp_a,instr_,index)));
+ ltx[instr_] := ltx[instr_]+horizontal_axis-framingspace;
+ fi;
+ enddef;
+% Level-4 elements.
+% Level-5 elements.
+def beam(text t_) =
+ no_of_beams := no_of_beams + 1;
+ beam_list[no_of_beams] := decimal(instr_);
+ for i:= t_ :
+ beam_list[no_of_beams] := beam_list[no_of_beams] & "," & decimal(i);
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+def beams_ =
+ for k := 1 upto no_of_beams :
+ temp_text:="extract_beam_data(" & beam_list[k] & ");";
+ scantokens temp_text;
+ beam_list[k] := "";
+ prepare_beam;
+ currentpicture:=note_[closest_index][instr_];
+ draw_beam;
+ draw_stems;
+ note_[closest_index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+def add_tie (text nhs) =
+ forsuffixes s:=nhs :
+ tie_list[instr_] := if known tie_list[instr_] : tie_list[instr_] & "," & fi decimal index & "," & str s;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+def close_tie (text nhs) =
+ if index > 1 :
+ forsuffixes s:=nhs :
+ tie_list[instr_] := tie_list[instr_] & ",-" & decimal index & "," & str s;
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ enddef;
+def ties_ =
+ for i := 1 upto no_of_instr :
+ if known tie_list[i] :
+ k:=100;
+ for j:= scantokens tie_list[i] :
+ if k=100 : % j is an index
+ if j>0 : % this is an opening index
+ no_of_ties:=no_of_ties+1;
+ open_tie[no_of_ties]:=j;
+ k:=200;
+ else: % this is a closing index
+ k:=-j;
+ fi;
+ elseif k=200 : % j is an opening note
+ tie_[no_of_ties] := j;
+ k:=100;
+ else: % j is a closing note
+ for l:=1 upto no_of_ties :
+ if tie_[l] = j : % this is it
+ closed_tie[l] := k;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ k:=100;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ for j:=1 upto no_of_ties :
+ if known closed_tie[j] :
+ draw_tie(i, open_tie[j],closed_tie[j],_note(tie_[j],i,open_tie[j]));
+ else:
+ draw_open_tie(i, open_tie[j],_note(tie_[j],i,open_tie[j]));
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ numeric tie_[], open_tie[], closed_tie[];
+ no_of_ties:=0;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+def draw_tie(expr ins_, oi_, ci_, tn_) =
+ tie_coef := -stem_dir[oi_][ins_];
+ begingroup; save x, y;
+ path p;
+ clearit;
+ z0 = (0, interline*(tn_));
+ x2=total_width(oi_)
+ for m:=oi_+1 upto ci_-1 : + note_axis[m] + total_width(m) endfor
+ + note_axis[ci_];
+ y2=y0;
+ y1=y0+tie_coef*interline;
+ x1 = .5[x0,x2];
+ p = z0..{right}z1..z2;
+ z3 = p intersectionpoint
+ ((1/2horizontal_axis, interline*(tn_-1))--(1/2horizontal_axis, interline*(tn_+1)));
+ z4 = p intersectionpoint
+ ((x2-1/2horizontal_axis,interline*(tn_-1))--(x2-1/2horizontal_axis,interline*(tn_+1)));
+ penpos3(line_thick, 90+notehead_angle);
+ penpos1(2line_thick, 90);
+ penpos4(line_thick, 90-notehead_angle);
+ penstroke z3e..{right}z1e..z4e;
+ addto note_[oi_][ins_] also currentpicture
+ shifted (tie_coef*.5framingspace, tie_coef*2line_thick);%*(tn_-floor(tn_)));
+ clearit;
+ endgroup;
+ enddef;
+def draw_open_tie(expr ins_, oi_, tn_) =
+ tie_coef := -stem_dir[oi_][ins_];
+ begingroup; save x, y;
+ path p;
+ clearit;
+ z0 = (0, interline*(tn_));
+ x2=total_width(oi_)
+ for m:=oi_+1 upto index : + note_axis[m] + total_width(m) endfor
+ if (tn_ < max(scantokens staff_[instr_]) + 1) and
+ (tn_ > min(scantokens staff_[instr_]) - 1) :
+ + regular_width
+ fi;
+ y2=y0;
+ y1=y0+tie_coef*interline;
+ x1 = .5[x0,x2];
+ p = z0..{right}z1..z2;
+ z3 = p intersectionpoint
+ ((1/2horizontal_axis, interline*(tn_-1))--(1/2horizontal_axis, interline*(tn_+1)));
+ z4 = p intersectionpoint
+ ((x2-1/2horizontal_axis,interline*(tn_-1))--(x2-1/2horizontal_axis,interline*(tn_+1)));
+ penpos3(line_thick, 90+notehead_angle);
+ penpos1(2line_thick, 90);
+ penpos4(line_thick, 90-notehead_angle);
+ penstroke z3e..{right}z1e..z4e;
+ addto note_[oi_][ins_] also currentpicture
+ shifted (framingspace, tie_coef*2line_thick);%*(tn_-floor(tn_)));
+ clearit;
+ endgroup;
+ enddef;
+% Functions
+def clef_ (expr number) =
+ clef_changes := decimal(index) & "," & decimal(instr_) & "," & decimal(instr_clef[instr_])
+ if known clef_changes : & "," & clef_changes fi;
+ instr_clef[instr_]:=number;
+ small_clef(number);
+ enddef;
+def small_clef (expr number) =
+ if curr_level < 4 : % Deferring...
+ to_do := if next_level>0 : to_do & fi curr_instr & "small_clef(" & decimal(number) & ");";
+ curr_instr := "";
+ next_level:=4;
+ else: % Doing...
+ addto currentpicture also
+ if instr_clef[instr_] = 0 :
+ small_treble_clef shifted (-2.8interline-1/2regular_width-ltx[instr_],0);
+ ltx[instr_] := ltx[instr_] + 2.4interline+1/2regular_width + framingspace;
+ elseif instr_clef[instr_] = 6 :
+ small_bass_clef shifted (-2.75interline-1/2regular_width-ltx[instr_],0);
+ ltx[instr_] := ltx[instr_] + 2.4interline + 1/2regular_width + framingspace;
+% pickup pencircle scaled line_thick;
+% draw (-ltx[instr_],-interline)--(-ltx[instr_],3interline);
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ enddef;
+def draw_beam =
+ hor_start := stem_axis[index][instr_]+.5line_thick
+ for i:=closest_index upto (index-1): + note_axis[i+1] + total_width(i) endfor;
+ pickup penrazor xscaled .5interline rotated 90;
+ for i:=beam_elements downto 2 :
+ hor_end := hor_start
+ for j:=beam_index[i-1] upto (beam_index[i]-1) : - total_width(j) - note_axis[j+1] endfor
+ -stem_axis[index][instr_] + stem_axis[beam_index[i]][instr_] -line_thick;
+ for j := 1 upto beam_no[i] :
+ draw ((hor_start,interline*(beam_lift - beam_coef*(3j-2)/4))--
+ (hor_end,interline*(beam_lift - beam_coef*(3j-2)/4))) transformed yslanted;
+ endfor;
+% An extra parameter for each note of the stem will indicate whether it's + or - horizontal_axis
+ if beam_no[i] > beam_no[i+1] :
+ for j :=2 upto beam_no[i] :
+ draw ((hor_start,interline*(beam_lift - beam_coef*(3j-2)/4))--
+ (hor_start-horizontal_axis,interline*(beam_lift - beam_coef*(3j-2)/4))) transformed yslanted;
+ endfor
+ fi;
+ for j:= (beam_no[i-1]+1) upto beam_no[i] :
+ undraw ((hor_start-line_thick,interline*(beam_lift - beam_coef*(3j-2)/4))--
+ (hor_end+line_thick,interline*(beam_lift - beam_coef*(3j-2)/4))) transformed yslanted;
+ endfor;
+ highest_note[instr_]:=max(highest_note[instr_], ypart((
+ if beam_dir < 0 : hor_end else: hor_start fi
+ , beam_lift*interline) transformed yslanted)/interline);
+ lowest_note[instr_]:=min(lowest_note[instr_], ypart((
+ if beam_dir < 0 : hor_end else: hor_start fi
+ , beam_lift*interline) transformed yslanted)/interline);
+ hor_start := hor_end + line_thick;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+def draw_stems =
+ pickup penrazor xscaled line_thick;
+ hor_start := stem_axis[index][instr_]
+ for i:=closest_index upto (index-1): + note_axis[i+1] + total_width(i) endfor;
+ for i:=beam_elements downto 1 :
+ draw (xpart(stem_point[beam_index[i]][instr_])
+ for j:=closest_index upto (beam_index[i]-1): + note_axis[j+1] + total_width(j) endfor
+ for j:=beam_index[i] upto (closest_index-1): - note_axis[j+1] - total_width(j) endfor,
+ ypart(stem_point[beam_index[i]][instr_])
+ + interline * if beam_coef =1 : min else: max fi (beam_aggr[i]1,
+ for j:=1 upto beam_aggr[i]0 : , beam_aggr[i][j] endfor))
+ --((xpart(stem_point[beam_index[i]][instr_])
+ for j:=closest_index upto (beam_index[i]-1): + note_axis[j+1] + total_width(j) endfor
+ for j:=beam_index[i] upto (closest_index-1): - note_axis[j+1] - total_width(j) endfor,
+ interline*beam_lift) transformed yslanted);
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+def end_of_block =
+ temp:=quanta[index];
+ quanta[index]:=0;
+ if unknown desired_width : % A \musicbox
+ desired_width:=ideal_width;
+ else :
+ no_of_blocks := no_of_blocks + 1;
+ if abs(desired_width-ideal_width) > abs(desired_width - ideal_width*(no_of_blocks+1)/no_of_blocks) : % Don't make the line.
+ else :
+ make_line(next_char);
+ fi
+ fi;
+ quanta[index]:=temp;
+ enddef;
+def ideal_width =
+ (total_natural_length + (
+ for i := 1 upto index-1 :
+ max(sf_(quanta[i])*spacing_unit/pt-correction[i+1]/pt,0) +
+ endfor
+ sf_(quanta[index])*spacing_unit/pt))
+ enddef;
+def sf_(expr number) =
+% if number 1.618 ** (mlog(if number = 0 : 1 else : number/least_spaced fi)/mlog(2))
+ if number = 0 : 0
+ else :
+ 1.618 ** (mlog(abs(number)/least_spaced)/mlog(2))
+ fi
+ enddef;
+def stretch_chars =
+ for i := 1 upto index :
+ total_factors := total_factors + sf_(quanta[i]);
+ endfor;
+ forever:
+ temp := 0;
+ note_axis[index+1]:=0;
+ correction[index+1]:=0;
+ for i := 1 upto index :
+ stretched_width[i] :=
+ max(sf_(quanta[i])*(desired_width-total_natural_length)/total_factors
+ - correction[i+1]/pt,0);
+ stretched_width[i] := stretched_width[i]*pt;
+ temp := temp + (note_axis[i] + total_width(i))/pt;
+ endfor;
+ exitif (desired_width - temp >= 0) and (desired_width - temp <=0.005);
+ total_natural_length := total_natural_length - (desired_width - temp);
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+def end_of_char =
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ clearit;
+ ensure_info;
+ curr_level := next_level;
+ next_level := 0;
+ doing_ := to_do & "end_of_char;";
+ to_do := "";
+ instr_:=0;
+ if curr_level = 0 : % Which means last next_level=0
+ finalize_char;
+ else:
+ scantokens doing_;
+ fi;
+ enddef;
+def ensure_info =
+ if ((next_level=0) and (curr_level<6)) or (next_level=6) :
+ if index = 1 :
+ for i:= 1 upto no_of_instr :
+ note_axis1 := max(note_axis1, ltx[i]);
+ endfor;
+ else:
+ for i:=1 upto no_of_instr :
+ if totalweight note_[index][i]>0 :
+ avlbl_space := 0 for j:=last_note[i]+1 upto index-1 :
+ + note_axis[j] + width[j] endfor + note_axis[index];
+ if avlbl_space < (rtx[i] + ltx[i]) :
+ find_new_axis(i);
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ enddef;
+def extract_beam_data(text t) =
+ j:=0;
+ numeric beam_elements, beam_index[], beam_no[], beam_aggr[][];
+ beam_index0:=0;
+ beam_elements:=0;
+ instr_ := 0;
+ for i:=t :
+ if instr_ = 0 : instr_:=i;
+ else :
+ j:=j+1;
+ if j=1 : % New element, index
+ beam_elements:=beam_elements+1;
+ beam_index[beam_elements]:=i-index_offset;
+ elseif j=2 : % No. of beams
+ beam_no[beam_elements]:=i;
+ elseif j<1 : % One of the notes in the aggr. Position 0 in the array is no. of notes.
+ beam_aggr[beam_elements][1-j] := _note(i, instr_, beam_index[beam_elements]);
+ else : % Number of notes
+ beam_aggr[beam_elements][0]:=i;
+ j:=-i;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ beam_no[beam_elements+1]:=0;
+ enddef;
+def finalize_char =
+ for i:=1 upto no_of_instr :
+ if totalweight(note_[index][i])>0 : last_note[i]:=index; rtx[i]:=rtx_[i]; fi;
+% prev_staff(i);
+ endfor;
+ find_pos;
+ total_natural_length:=total_natural_length+(note_axis[index]+width[index])/pt;
+ curr_level:=0;
+ enddef;
+def find_extr(expr p_, coeff_) =
+ clearit;
+ tx:= coeff_ * horizontal_span;
+ fx:=0;
+ pickup pencircle scaled epsilon
+ forever: xtx:=.5[tx,fx]; exitif abs(tx-fx)<=.1;
+ currentpicture:=p_;
+ undraw(xtx,-vertical_span)--(xtx,vertical_span);
+ if totalweight(currentpicture)>=totalweight(p_) : tx else: fx fi
+ :=xtx;
+ endfor;
+ xtx[instr_]:= coeff_*xtx;
+ clearit;
+ enddef;
+def find_extremes(text notes_) = % Will be a text expresion, this macro decides everything
+ aggr_note[index][instr_][1]:=-100; % Top note
+ aggr_note[index][instr_][-1]:=100; % Bottom note
+ for i:=notes_ :
+ aggr_note[index][instr_][1]:=max(aggr_note[index][instr_][1],i+instr_clef[instr_]);
+ aggr_note[index][instr_][-1]:=min(aggr_note[index][instr_][-1],i+instr_clef[instr_]);
+ endfor;
+ stem_coef[instr_]:= if (aggr_note[index][instr_][1]+aggr_note[index][instr_][-1])>=2: - fi 1;
+ enddef;
+def find_inclination (text options) =
+ yslanted := identity;
+ beam_height := 0;
+ pair beam_pt[]; % The definition of beam_pt's has to happen even if there's no decision to be made,
+ % because find_position uses beam_pt1.
+ beam_pt[closest_no] := (0,0);
+ for i:=closest_no-1 downto 1:
+ xpart beam_pt[i] = xpart(beam_pt[i+1])-stem_axis[beam_index[i]][instr_]-note_axis[beam_index[i]]
+ for j:=beam_index[i] upto (beam_index[i+1]-1) :
+ - note_axis[j] - total_width(j) endfor
+ + note_axis[beam_index[i]] + stem_axis[beam_index[i]][instr_];
+ ypart beam_pt[i] = interline * (beam_aggr[i]1-closest_note);
+ endfor;
+ for i:=closest_no+1 upto beam_elements:
+ xpart beam_pt[i] = xpart(beam_pt[i-1]) - stem_axis[beam_index[i]][instr_] - note_axis[beam_index[i]]
+ for j:=beam_index[i-1] upto (beam_index[i]-1) :
+ + note_axis[j] + total_width(j) endfor
+ + note_axis[beam_index[i]] + stem_axis[beam_index[i]][instr_];
+ ypart beam_pt[i] = interline * (beam_aggr[i]1-closest_note);
+ endfor;
+ if beam_dir <> 0 :
+ transform yslanted[];
+ total_beam_width:=xpart(beam_pt[beam_elements])-xpart(beam_pt1);
+ temp_a := 0;
+ for i:= 1 upto beam_elements :
+ temp_a := temp_a - beam_coef*ypart(beam_pt[i]);
+ endfor;
+%if beam_index[1]=1 :
+% show beam_dir;
+% for l:=1 upto beam_elements:
+% show beam_pt[l];
+% endfor;
+ for i:= scantokens options :
+ temp_b := -i*xpart(beam_pt1)/4total_beam_width;
+ (0,1) transformed yslanted[i] = (0,1);
+ (xpart(beam_pt1),0) transformed yslanted[i] = (xpart(beam_pt1),interline*temp_b);
+ (xpart(beam_pt[beam_elements]),0) transformed yslanted[i] =
+ (xpart(beam_pt[beam_elements]),interline*(temp_b-i/4));
+ temp_a[i]:=0;
+ for j := 1 upto beam_elements :
+ if ypart (-beam_coef*(beam_pt[j] transformed yslanted[i])) >= -0.001 :
+ temp_a[i] := temp_a[i] - beam_coef*ypart(beam_pt[j] transformed yslanted[i]);
+ else:
+ temp_a[i] := 1000;
+ fi;
+ exitif temp_a[i] = 1000;
+ endfor;
+ if temp_a[i] - temp_a < .05 :
+ transform yslanted;
+ (0,1) transformed yslanted = (0,1);
+ (-1,0) transformed yslanted = (-1,0) transformed yslanted[i] reflectedabout((0,0),(1,0));
+ (1,0) transformed yslanted = (1,0) transformed yslanted[i] reflectedabout((0,0),(1,0));
+ temp_a := temp_a[i];
+ beam_height := -i/4;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ enddef;
+def find_ltx(expr p_) = find_extr(p_,-1); enddef;
+def find_new_axis (expr inst) =
+show index;
+ pict_:=note_[last_note[inst]][inst] shifted %
+ (width[last_note[inst]] for i:=(last_note[inst]+1) upto (index-1):
+ -note_axis[i]-width[i] endfor,0);
+ _pict:=note_[index][inst];
+ cull _pict keeping (1,infinity);
+ cull pict_ keeping (1,infinity);
+ tx:=rtx[inst]+ltx[inst]+note_axis[index];
+ fx:=ltx[inst];
+%fx will be customized so that the user can indicate what fraction of ltx[inst] has to be taken into account.
+%In any case, fx (the minimum new axis), being exactly ltx, makes room for the whole width of the previous note.
+%Which is what is needed, because the stems are not yet drawn.
+ nax:=tx;
+ forever:
+ clearit;
+ exitif abs(tx-fx)<=.01;
+ currentpicture := pict_;
+ addto currentpicture also _pict shifted (nax,0);
+ cullit;
+ if totalweight(currentpicture)<totalweight(pict_)+totalweight(_pict):
+ fx else: tx fi :=nax;
+ nax:=.5[tx,fx];
+ endfor;
+ correction[index] := max(note_axis[index],nax) - note_axis[index];
+ note_axis[index] := note_axis[index] + correction[index];
+ enddef;
+def find_pos =
+% last_stretch:=sfcode
+% *to_stretch*regular_width/total_space_factors;
+ stretched_width[index]:=0;
+ enddef;
+def find_position =
+ temp_a := closest_note + beam_coef*(stem_length-1/2);
+ (ypart(beam_pt[beam_elements] transformed yslanted)-ypart(beam_pt[beam_elements]))/interline + beam_lift =
+ round(temp_a+.01beam_coef) + beam_coef/4;
+ enddef;
+def instr_no(expr number) =
+ no_of_instr:=number;
+ for i:=1 step 1 until number:
+ highest_note[i]:=3;
+ lowest_note[i]:=-1;
+ last_note[i]:=0;
+ rtx[i]:=0;
+ note_0[i]:=nullpicture;
+ instr_clef[i]:=0;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+def key_sign = relax
+ if curr_level < 4 :
+ to_do := if next_level>0 : to_do & fi "key_sign;";
+ curr_instr := ""; % Maybe unnecessary
+ next_level := 4;
+ else:
+ % Key signatures
+ note_[index][instr_] := currentpicture;
+ temp_text := "7";
+ if key_/abs(key_+.1) = 1 : % Sharps
+ relax;
+ else : % Flats
+ j := 1;
+ for i := 1 upto -key_ :
+ temp_text := decimal j & "," & temp_text;
+ j := if odd(i): 1.5 else: -2 fi + j;
+ endfor;
+ for i := 1 upto no_of_instr :
+ ltx[i] := ltx[i] +key_sep;
+ for s:= scantokens(temp_text) :
+ exitif s = 7;
+ addto note_[index][i] also flat
+ shifted (-ltx[i]-horizontal_axis,
+ interline * (s if instr_clef[i]=6:-1fi));
+ ltx[i] := ltx[i] + horizontal_axis;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ enddef;
+def normal_clefs =
+ if curr_level < 4 : % Deferring...
+ to_do := if next_level>0 : to_do & fi "normal_clefs;";
+ curr_instr := ""; % Maybe unnecessary
+ next_level:=4;
+ else: % Doing...
+ %Clefs. To do: the font has to draw the clefs from 'trebleaxis' and 'bassaxis'
+ note_[index][instr_] := currentpicture;
+ for i := 1 upto no_of_instr :
+ addto note_[index][i] also
+ if instr_clef[i] = 0 :
+ treble_clef shifted (-3interline - clef_sep - ltx[i],0);
+% note_axis[index] := max(note_axis[index], 3interline + clef_sep);
+ ltx[i] := ltx[i] + 3interline + clef_sep;
+ elseif instr_clef[i] = 6 :
+ bass_clef shifted (-2.7interline - clef_sep - ltx[i],0);
+% note_axis[index] := max(note_axis[index], 2.7interline + clef_sep);
+ ltx[i] := ltx[i] + 2.7interline + clef_sep;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ enddef;
+def make_line(expr number) =
+ if index > 0:
+ quanta[index]:=0;
+ stretch_chars;
+ instr_shift1:=0;
+ begingroup; save index;
+ beams_;
+ ties_;
+ endgroup;
+ for i:=2 upto no_of_instr:
+ instr_shift[i]:=4+instr_shift[i-1]+highest_note[i-1]-lowest_note[i];
+ endfor;
+ line_height:=(instr_shift[no_of_instr]+highest_note[no_of_instr]+2)*interline#;
+ line_depth:=-(lowest_note1-1)*interline#;
+ for i:= 1 upto index:
+ for j:=1 upto no_of_instr :
+ clearit;
+ staff_lines(i,scantokens staff_[j]);
+ addto note_[i][j] also currentpicture;
+ endfor;
+ beginchar(number+i-1,(note_axis[i]+width[i]+stretched_width[i])*pt#/pt,line_height,line_depth);
+ clearit;
+ if no_of_instr > 1 :
+ if i=1 : % Bracket
+ pickup penrazor xscaled line_thick;
+ draw (-1/2line_thick,-interline)--(-1/2line_thick,interline*(instr_shift2+3));
+ pickup pencircle xscaled 1/2interline yscaled line_thick rotated (-90-notehead_angle);
+ top rt z0 = (-2framingspace, interline*(instr_shift2+3));
+ bot lft z1 = (-horizontal_axis, interline*(instr_shift2/2+1)-1/2line_thick);
+ z2 = .5[z0,z1];
+ draw z0{dir(-90-notehead_angle)}..z2..{dir(-135)}z1;
+ pickup pencircle xscaled 1/2interline yscaled line_thick rotated (90+notehead_angle);
+ draw (z0{dir(-90-notehead_angle)}..z2..{dir(-135)}z1)
+ reflectedabout ((0,interline*(instr_shift2/2+1)),(1,interline*(instr_shift2/2+1)));
+ fi;
+ if quanta[i]<=0 : % Inter-staff barline
+ pickup penrazor xscaled line_thick;
+ draw (note_axis[i],3interline)--(note_axis[i],interline*(instr_shift2-1));
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ for j:=1 upto no_of_instr:
+ addto currentpicture also
+ note_[i][j] shifted (note_axis[i],interline*instr_shift[j]-(-1**i)*0/2line_thick);
+ note_[i][j]:=nullpicture;
+ endfor;
+ endchar;
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ next_char:= index + number;
+ index_offset := index_offset+index;
+ index:=0;
+ total_natural_length:=0;
+ total_factors := 0;
+ no_of_blocks := 0;
+ no_of_beams := 0;
+ string beam_list[], tie_list[];
+ numeric stem_dir[][];
+ string clef_changes;
+ clearit;
+ enddef;
+def time_sign = relax enddef;
+def new_char(expr number) =
+ curr_level:=1;
+ next_level:=0;
+ if index = 0 :
+ to_do := to_do & "time_sign;" & "key_sign;" & "normal_clefs;";
+ next_level := 4;
+ fi;
+ index:=index+1;
+ quanta[index]:= if number = 0 : least_spaced else : number fi;
+% total_factors := total_factors + abs(sf_(number));
+ if (number < 17) and (number > 0) : least_spaced:=16 fi;
+ width[index]:=0;
+ note_axis[index]:= 0;
+ correction[index] := 0;
+ for i:=1 upto no_of_instr:
+ rtx_[i] := 0;
+ ltx[i]:=0;
+ note_[index][i]:=nullpicture;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+def _note(expr n_, i_, _ix) = % Note, instrument, index
+ hide (
+ _note_:=n_+instr_clef[i_];
+ if known clef_changes :
+ k:=0;
+ for temp:=scantokens clef_changes :
+ if k=0 : % An index
+ k:= if temp<=_ix : - fi 1;
+ elseif k=1 : % An instrument
+ if temp<i_ :
+ k:=2;
+ elseif temp=i_ :
+ k:=3;
+ else:
+ k:=4;
+ fi;
+ elseif k=2 : % Good index, but wrong instr
+ k:=0;
+ elseif k=3 : % This is it
+ _note_:=n_+temp;
+ k:=0;
+ else : % Good index, missed instr
+ k:=0;
+ fi;
+ exitif k=-1;
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ )
+ _note_
+ enddef;
+def prepare_beam =
+% Direction of stems
+ extr_beam_note1 := -100;
+ extr_beam_note[-1] := 100;
+ for i:=1 upto beam_elements :
+ for j:=1 upto beam_aggr[i][0] :
+ extr_beam_note1:=max(extr_beam_note1,beam_aggr[i][j]); % Top note
+ extr_beam_note[-1]:=min(extr_beam_note[-1],beam_aggr[i][j]); % Bottom note
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ beam_coef := if (extr_beam_note1-1) >= (1-extr_beam_note[-1]) : - fi 1; % Direction of stems
+ for i:=1 upto beam_elements :
+ if unknown stem_dir[beam_index[i]][instr_] :
+ stem_dir[beam_index[i]][instr_] = beam_coef;
+ fi;
+ index := beam_index[beam_elements];
+ endfor;
+% General direction (depending on the farthest-away note-heads in the first and last notes)
+ temp_a := beam_aggr[1][1];
+ temp_b := beam_aggr[beam_elements]1;
+ for i:=2 upto beam_aggr[1][0] :
+ temp_a := if beam_coef=1 : min else: max fi (temp_a,beam_aggr1[i]);
+ endfor;
+ for i:=2 upto beam_aggr[beam_elements]0 :
+ temp_b := if beam_coef=1 : min else: max fi (temp_b,beam_aggr1[i]);
+ endfor;
+ beam_dir := if temp_a = temp_b : 0* elseif temp_a > temp_b : - fi 1;
+% Reduction to relevant notes (irrelevant notes are put in positions 2 and up of beam_aggr).
+% and finding of the closest note, having any inner beams into account too.
+ closest_note:=-100beam_coef;
+ for i:=if (beam_coef*beam_dir) >= 0 : 1 upto beam_elements else: beam_elements downto 1 fi:
+ if beam_aggr[i]0 > 1 :
+ if (beam_coef*beam_aggr[i]1) < (beam_coef*beam_aggr[i]2) :
+ temp_a := beam_aggr[i]1;
+ beam_aggr[i]1 := beam_aggr[i]2;
+ beam_aggr[i]2 := temp_a;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ temp_b := if beam_coef = 1 : max else: min fi
+ (closest_note,beam_aggr[i]1+beam_coef*beam_no[i]/100);
+ if closest_note <> temp_b :
+ closest_index := beam_index[i]; closest_no:=i; fi;
+ closest_note := temp_b;
+ endfor;
+ closest_note:=round(10temp_b)/10;
+% "Mode" (careful or not)
+ numeric beam_lift;
+ temp_a := closest_note + beam_coef * (stem_length - 3*(beam_no[closest_no]-1)/4);
+ transform yslanted;
+ if (temp_a < max(scantokens staff_[instr_]) + 1) and (temp_a > min(scantokens staff_[instr_]) - 1) :
+ "careful beam";
+ find_inclination("beam_dir");
+ find_position;
+ else :
+ find_inclination("2beam_dir, beam_dir");
+ beam_lift := closest_note + beam_coef * (1/4 + stem_length);
+ fi;
+ enddef;
+def prev_staff (expr number) =
+ clearit;
+ staff_lines(index-1,scantokens staff_[number]);
+ addto note_[index-1][number] also currentpicture;
+ clearit;
+ enddef;
+def staff_lines(expr char_ind)(text t) =
+ pickup pencircle scaled line_thick;
+ for j=t:
+ draw ((0,j*interline)--(note_axis[char_ind]+width[char_ind]+stretched_width[char_ind],j*interline)) %
+ shifted (-note_axis[char_ind],0);
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+def this_staff =
+ for i:=1 upto no_of_instr:
+ clearit;
+ staff_lines(index,scantokens staff_[i]);
+ addto note_[index][i] also currentpicture;
+ clearit;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+def total_width(expr idx_) =
+ (width[idx_] + stretched_width[idx_])
+ enddef;
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Program/texmuse.tex b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Program/texmuse.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..740b75b12b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Program/texmuse.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
+\newcommand{\TeXmuse}{\TeX{\itshape\kern-.1em m\kern-.05em use}}
+\@tempswafalse % (tempswa = repeat@test)
+\newif\if@tempswb \@tempswbtrue % (tempswb = first@file)
+\newif\ifbeam@sw % Whether the note has to be added to a beam
+\newif\ifblock@done % Whether the last block is over (to catch pre-barline material)
+\newcount\@no@of@instr % No. of instruments included in the system
+\newcount\FontSplit % Number of characters per font
+\newcount\beam@no %Number of beam lines in the beam (modified by \e@n, etc.)
+ \catcode`\[=13 \catcode`\]=13
+ \catcode`\|=13
+ \catcode`A=13 \lccode`A=`A
+ \catcode`B=13 \lccode`B=`B
+ \catcode`C=13 \lccode`C=`C
+ \catcode`D=13 \lccode`D=`D
+ \catcode`E=13 \lccode`E=`E
+ \catcode`F=13 \lccode`F=`F
+ \catcode`G=13 \lccode`G=`G
+ \catcode`R=13 \lccode`R=`R
+ \catcode`\!=\@ther \lccode`\!=`\1 \catcode`1=\active
+ \catcode`\?=\@ther \lccode`\?=`\2 \catcode`2=\active
+ \catcode`\_=\@ther \lccode`\_=`\3 \catcode`3=\active
+ \catcode`\$=\@ther \lccode`\$=`\4 \catcode`4=\active
+ \catcode`\/=\@ther \lccode`\/=`\5 \catcode`5=\active
+ \catcode`\^=\@ther \lccode`\^=`\6 \catcode`6=\active
+ \catcode`\&=\@ther \lccode`\&=`\7 \catcode`7=\active
+ \catcode`\*=\@ther \lccode`\*=`\8 \catcode`8=\active
+ }{\egroup}
+ \expandafter\newtoks\csname #2@toks\endcsname%
+ \expandafter\def\csname #2\endcsname{\global\csname #2@toks\endcsname}%
+ \bgroup
+ \edef\trebleclef{\gdef\expandafter\noexpand\csname #2@clef\endcsname{0}}%
+ \edef\bassclef{\gdef\expandafter\noexpand\csname #2@clef\endcsname{6}}%
+ #1
+ \egroup}
+ %
+%Constant definitions
+ \ifx\@let@token-\let\next\quant@note
+ \else\ifx\@let@token+\let\next\quant@note
+ \else\ifx\@let@token.\let\next\quant@dot
+ \else\ifx=\@let@token\let\next\@@quant@note
+ \else\def\next{\@@quant@note\@let@token}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\next}
+ \ifx\@let@token.\let\next\@quant@dot % Not sure it works like this
+ \else\ifx=\@let@token\let\next\@@quant@dot
+ \else\def\next{\@@quant@dot\@let@token}%
+ \fi\fi\next}
+ \if@tempswa\else\read\read@tm@file to \matrix@line
+ \expandafter\extract@from@line\matrix@line
+ \fi
+ \@tempswafalse
+ \def\next{\global\advance\current@quantum\quantum@skip\relax}%
+ \ifnum\block@period>\current@quantum\relax
+ \ifnum\extracted@number=\current@quantum\relax
+ \edef\to@write{\the\extracted@number:\the\extracted@line,%
+ 1.}%
+ \else\ifnum\extracted@number>\current@quantum\relax
+ \@tempswatrue
+ \@tempcnta=\instrument@number\relax
+ \edef\to@write{\the\current@quantum:\noexpand\@gobble}%
+ \loop\ifnum\@tempcnta>1\relax\edef\to@write{\to@write,0}%
+ \advance\@tempcnta-1\relax\repeat
+ \edef\to@write{\to@write,1.}%
+ \else% (extracted@number<current@quantum)
+ \let\next\@note
+ \edef\to@write{\the\extracted@number:%
+ \the\extracted@line,0.}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{\to@write}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\@tempswatrue\no@note0\current@quantum0\relax\@note}%
+ \fi
+ \next}
+ \if@tempswa\else\read\read@tm@file to \matrix@line
+ \expandafter\extract@from@line\matrix@line
+ \fi
+ \@tempswafalse
+ \let\@next\relax
+ \ifnum\extracted@number=\current@quantum\relax
+ \edef\to@write{\the\extracted@number:\the\extracted@line,%
+ #1.}%
+ \else\ifnum\extracted@number>\current@quantum\relax
+ \@tempswatrue
+ \@tempcnta=\instrument@number\relax
+ \edef\to@write{\the\current@quantum:\noexpand\@gobble}%
+ \loop\ifnum\@tempcnta>1\relax\edef\to@write{\to@write,0}%
+ \advance\@tempcnta-1\relax\repeat
+ \edef\to@write{\to@write,#1.}%
+ \else% (extracted@number<current@quantum)
+ \def\@next{\no@note{#1}}%
+ \edef\to@write{\the\extracted@number:%
+ \the\extracted@line,0.}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{\to@write}%
+ \@next}
+\def\@stem{\immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space regular_stem;}}
+\def\@rest#1{\immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space add_rest(\the\beam@no,#1);}}
+%Octave handling
+ \global\def\rangefrom#!{\numbers@as@numbers\relax\@tempcnta=4\relax
+ \expandafter\@rangefrom\noexpand#!}%
+ \global\def\@rangefrom#!#?{%
+ \global\@tempcntb=#?\relax\global\@tempcnta=#?\relax\global\advance\@tempcnta1\relax\egroup
+ \expandafter\@@la\the\@tempcnta\relax
+ \ifx#!A\expandafter\@@la\the\@tempcntb\else
+ \ifx#!B\expandafter\@@ti\the\@tempcntb\else
+ \ifx#!C\expandafter\@@do\the\@tempcntb\else
+ \ifx#!D\expandafter\@@re\the\@tempcntb\else
+ \ifx#!E\expandafter\@@mi\the\@tempcntb\else
+ \ifx#!F\expandafter\@@fa\the\@tempcntb\else
+ \expandafter\@@sol\the\@tempcntb\relax
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ }
+ \global\def\@@sol#!{\global\defG{\@octave#!\def\@pitch{g}\@tempswafalse\@@octave}}%
+ \global\def\@@fa#!{\@@sol#!\global\defF{\@octave#!\def\@pitch{f}\@tempswafalse\@@octave}}%
+ \global\def\@@mi#!{\@@fa#!\global\defE{\@octave#!\def\@pitch{e}\@tempswafalse\@@octave}}%
+ \global\def\@@re#!{\@@mi#!\global\defD{\@octave#!\def\@pitch{d}\@tempswafalse\@@octave}}%
+ \global\def\@@do#!{\@@re#!\global\defC{\@octave#!\def\@pitch{c}\@tempswafalse\@@octave}}%
+ \global\def\@@ti#!{\@@do#!\global\defB{\@octave#!\def\@pitch{b}\@tempswafalse\@@octave}}%
+ \global\def\@@la#!{\@@ti#!\global\defA{\@octave#!\def\@pitch{a}\@tempswafalse\@@octave}}}
+\gdef\numbers@as@numbers{\bgroup% Esto también tiene que ser un loop
+ \def1{\@i}\def2{\@ii}\def3{\@iii}\def4{\@iv}\def5{\@v}\def6{\@vi}\def7{\@vii}\def8{\@viii}}
+%Beams and rhythmic notation
+ \gdef\rhythm@not{\stem@kind}%
+ \gdef[{\@open@beam}\gdef]{\@close@beam}%
+ \gdef\@open@beam{%
+ \open@block
+ \edef\current@block{\current@block\relax\string\next@note\string\open@beam}%
+ \def\rhythm@not{\string\add@tobeam}%
+ \not@writtenfalse}%
+ \gdef\@close@beam{\edef\current@block{\current@block\string\close@beam\relax}%
+ \def\rhythm@not{\stem@kind}}%
+ \gdef\@add@note#!#?{%
+ \open@block
+ \ifnot@written% When \@open@beam has been called, it already added \next@note
+ \edef\current@block{\current@block\relax\string\next@note}%
+ \fi
+ \edef\current@block{\current@block
+ \@value\the\this@note\the\@atnote\the\@@atnote\string\add@note{#!#?}\rhythm@not}%
+ \@atnote{}%
+ \@@atnote{}%
+ \this@note\@plainnote
+ \not@writtentrue
+ \advance\current@quantum\quantum@skip\relax
+ \block@donefalse}%
+ \global\defR{\@ifnextchar-{\advance\@restshift-!\relax\@firstoftwoR}\@@rest}%
+ \global\def\@@rest{\@ifnextchar+{\advance\@restshift!\relax\@firstoftwo\@@rest}\@@@rest}
+ \gdef|{\def\@barline{!0}\current@quantum0\relax}%
+ }%
+ \open@block
+ \def\rhythm@not{\string\@rest{\the\@restshift}}%
+ \ifnot@written%
+ \edef\current@block{\current@block\relax\string\next@note}%
+ \fi
+ \edef\current@block{\current@block%
+ \@value\the\this@note\the\@@atnote\rhythm@not}%
+ \this@note\@plainnote
+ \@@atnote{}%
+ \not@writtentrue
+ \@restshift0\relax
+ \def\rhythm@not{\stem@kind}%
+ \advance\current@quantum\quantum@skip\relax
+ \block@donefalse}%
+ \ifnum\block@period>\current@quantum\else\current@quantum0\relax\fi
+ \ifnum\current@quantum=0\relax
+ \end@block
+ \fi}
+ \ifblock@done\else
+ \immediate\write\instrument@file{%
+ \current@block\string\end@of@block}%
+ \immediate\write\instrument@file\expandafter{%
+ \the\this@note\string\@bar@line{\@barline}\string\relax}%
+ \def\current@block{\@gobble}%
+ \this@note\@plainnote
+ \let\@barline\barline@default
+ \fi
+ \block@donetrue}
+%rhythmic values
+ \global\def2{\quant@thirt\global\quant@toks\expandafter{\the\quant@toks\quant@thirt}%
+ \def\@value{\string\t@n}\def\stem@kind{\string\@stem\string\@flag}}%
+ \global\def3{\quant@sixt\global\quant@toks\expandafter{\the\quant@toks\quant@sixt}%
+ \def\@value{\string\s@n}\def\stem@kind{\string\@stem\string\@flag}}%
+ \global\def4{\quant@eighth\global\quant@toks\expandafter{\the\quant@toks\quant@eighth}%
+ \def\@value{\string\e@n}\def\stem@kind{\string\@stem\string\@flag}}%
+ \global\def5{\quant@quarter\global\quant@toks\expandafter{\the\quant@toks\quant@quarter}%
+ \def\@value{\string\q@n}\def\stem@kind{\string\@stem}}%
+ \global\def6{\quant@half\global\quant@toks\expandafter{\the\quant@toks\quant@half}%
+ \def\@value{\string\h@n}\def\stem@kind{\string\@stem}}%
+ \global\def7{\quant@whole\global\quant@toks\expandafter{\the\quant@toks\quant@whole}%
+ \def\@value{\string\w@n}\def\stem@kind{\string\relax}}%
+ \global\def8{\quant@double\global\quant@toks\expandafter{\the\quant@toks\quant@double}%
+ \def\@value{\string\d@n}\def\stem@kind{\string\relax}}%
+%The actual reading of the user's input for quantization (redefinition of musical commands)
+ \global\def\key#!{\numbers@as@numbers\global\@key=#!\relax\egroup}
+ \global\def\meter#!#?{\numbers@as@numbers\global\block@period?/^\relax
+ \global\divide\block@period by #?\relax %If any argument is a two-digit number, this does not yet work
+ \global\multiply\block@period by #!\relax\egroup}
+ \global\def\extr@quant@toks#!{%
+ \begin{texmuse}%Meaning of commands for quantization purposes.
+ \let[\relax\let]\relax
+ \let|\quant@barline
+ \letA\quant@note\letB\quant@note\letC\quant@note\letD\quant@note
+ \letE\quant@note\letF\quant@note\letG\quant@note\letR\quant@note
+ \let\rangefrom\@gobble
+ \let\#\relax\let\n\relax\let\b\relax
+ \expandafter\the#!%
+ \global\quant@toks\expandafter{\the\quant@toks\quant@instr@end\relax}%
+ \end{texmuse}}}%
+ \ifx#1-\advance\@octave-1\else\ifx#1+\advance\@octave1\relax
+ \else\if@tempswa\else\@add@note{\@pitch}{\the\@octave}\@tempswatrue\fi
+ \ifx=#1\add@tie{\expandafter\@pitch\the\@octave}\let\next\relax
+ \else\ifx#1.\add@dot{\@pitch}{\the\@octave}%
+ \else\let\next#1%
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi\fi\next}
+%Quantization functions
+ \if@tempswa\else\read\read@tm@file to \matrix@line
+ \expandafter\extract@from@line\matrix@line
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\extracted@number=9999\relax
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{\matrix@line}%
+ \immediate\closeout\written@tm@file\immediate\closein\read@tm@file\current@quantum0\relax
+ \let\next\relax
+ \else
+ \edef\to@write{\the\extracted@number:%
+ \the\extracted@line,0.}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{\to@write}%
+ \@tempswafalse
+ \fi\next}
+%Character construction functions
+ {\expandafter\read\csname\curr@instr @file\endcsname to \@tempcs
+ \csname\curr@instr @blocktoks\endcsname\expandafter{\@tempcs}%
+ \expandafter\extract@note\csname\curr@instr @blocktoks\endcsname}}
+\def\open@beam{\expandafter\let\csname\curr@instr @beam\endcsname\@gobble}
+ beam(\csname\curr@instr @beam\endcsname);}%
+ \beam@swfalse}
+\def\@flag{\immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space add_flag(\the\beam@no);}}
+\def\@sharp#1\add@note#2{#1\relax\add@note{#2}\immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space add_sharp(#2);}}
+\def\@flat#1\add@note#2{#1\relax\add@note{#2}\immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space add_flat(#2);}}
+\def\@natural#1\add@note#2{#1\relax\add@note{#2}\immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space add_natural(#2);}}
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space\notehead@kind(\@@note);}}
+ \global\advance\current@quantum\quantum@skip}%
+ \edef\current@block{\current@block
+ \the\this@note\string\@dot{#1#2}}%
+ \not@writtentrue}%
+ \edef\current@block{\current@block
+ \the\this@note\string\@tie{#1#2}}%
+ \not@writtentrue
+ {\@temptoks{\string\close@tie{#1#2}}\global\@@atnote\expandafter{\the\@temptoks}}%
+ }%
+\def\@tie#1{\immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space add_tie(#1);}}
+\def\close@tie#1{\immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space close_tie(#1);}}
+\def\@dot#1{\immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space add_dot(#1);}}
+\def\@clef#1{\expandafter\def\csname\curr@instr @clef\endcsname{#1}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space clef_(#1);}}
+\def\add@tobeam{\expandafter\edef\csname\curr@instr @beam\endcsname{%
+ \csname\curr@instr @beam\endcsname,\the\char@no,\the\beam@no,1,\@@note}} % 1 is for just one note-head
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{new_char(\the\s@factor);}}
+ #1\expandafter{\the\@temptoks}}
+%Auxiliary functions
+\def\get@instr#1,#2,. {\def\curr@instr{#1}\edef\temp@instr@list{#2\noexpand\@gobble}}
+ \immediate\openin\read@tm@file=\jobname.tm2\relax
+ \else\immediate\openout\written@tm@file=\jobname.tm2\relax
+ \immediate\openin\read@tm@file=\jobname.tm1\relax
+ \fi}
+\def\extract@from@line#1:#2. {\extracted@number=#1\relax\extracted@line{#2}}
+ \@temptoks#1%
+ \@temptoks\expandafter{\the\@temptoks{\relax} }%
+ \quant@toks{}%
+ \@tempswatrue
+ \loop\if@tempswa
+ \expandafter\strip@@spaces\the\@temptoks{\relax} \@nil
+ \repeat
+ #1\quant@toks}
+\def\strip@@spaces#1 #2#3\@nil{\quant@toks\expandafter{\the\quant@toks#1}%
+ \ifx#2\relax\@tempswafalse\fi
+ \@temptoks{#2#3}}
+%Music Boxes
+ \def\@desiredwidth{\the\textwidth}%
+ \def\@break{1}\@@break\@break
+ \def\@afterblock{\ }%
+ \def\@lastbreak{numeric desired_width}%
+ \def\last@barline{20}%
+ \def\instr@list{#1}%
+ \def\block@chars{\@gobble}%
+ \def\music@font@splits{\@gobble}%
+ \@no@of@instr0\relax
+ \instrument@number0\relax
+ \@quantization
+ \mf@files
+ \@compose
+ \global\@firstmf\file@no\global\advance\@firstmf1\relax}
+ \def\@desiredwidth{desired_width}%
+ \def\@break{0}\@@break\@break
+ \def\@afterblock{\relax}%
+ \def\@lastbreak{\@gobble}%
+ \def\last@barline{0}%
+ \def\instr@list{#1}%
+ \def\block@chars{\@gobble}%
+ \def\music@font@splits{\@gobble}%
+ \@no@of@instr0\relax
+ \instrument@number0\relax
+ \@quantization
+ \mf@files
+ \@compose
+ \global\@firstmf\file@no\global\advance\@firstmf1\relax}
+ %First the quantization
+ \init@quantization
+ \@for\curr@instr:=\instr@list\do
+ {\expandafter\strip@spaces\csname\curr@instr @toks\endcsname%
+ \advance\@no@of@instr1\relax
+ \quant@toks{}\current@quantum0\relax
+ \extr@quant@toks{\csname\curr@instr @toks\endcsname}%
+ \@tempswafalse
+ \advance\instrument@number1\relax
+ \if@tempswb\@tempswbfalse\else\@tempswbtrue\fi\open@tm@files
+ \the\quant@toks
+ %Then, the writing of the auxiliary files for each instrument
+ \this@note\@plainnote
+ \def\current@block{\@gobble}%
+ \current@quantum0\relax
+ \block@donetrue
+ \immediate\openout\instrument@file=\curr@instr.tms\relax
+ \expandafter\the\csname\curr@instr @toks\endcsname
+ \ifnum\current@quantum=0% Which means there was '|' at the end
+ \end@block
+ \else
+ \immediate\write\instrument@file{\current@block\string\end@of@block}%
+ \fi
+ \immediate\closeout\instrument@file}%
+ \count@chars}
+ \open@matrix
+ \open@tms
+ \char@no0
+ \block@no0
+ \newtoks\previous@line
+ \@tempswatrue
+ \file@no\@firstmf
+ \mf@@headers
+ \let\music@@font@splits\music@font@splits%
+ \extracted@number0\relax
+ \read\read@tm@file to \matrix@line
+ \expandafter\extract@from@line\matrix@line
+ \loop\ifnum\extracted@number<9999\relax
+ \expandafter\check@split\music@font@splits,1000\@nil
+ \read@blocks{\instr@list}%
+ \let\next\build@block
+ \build@block
+ \repeat}
+ \edef\temp@instr@list{\instr@list}%
+ \previous@line\expandafter{\the\extracted@line}%
+ \@tempcnta\extracted@number\relax
+ \read\read@tm@file to \matrix@line
+ \expandafter\extract@from@line\matrix@line
+ \ifnum\extracted@number=0\relax
+ \let\next\finish@block
+ \else
+ \advance\char@no1\relax
+ \ifnum\extracted@number=9999\relax
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta=\block@period
+ \def\next{\finish@block\finish@music}%
+ \else
+ \def\next{\last@block\finish@music}%
+ \fi
+ \extracted@number\block@period\relax
+ \fi
+ \find@sf
+ \init@char
+ \@for\matrix@number:=\the\previous@line\do
+ {\expandafter\get@instr\temp@instr@list,,.
+ \ifnum\matrix@number>0\relax
+ \global\block@donefalse
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{\curr@instr;}%
+ \expandafter\extract@note\csname\curr@instr @blocktoks\endcsname
+ \the\curr@note
+ \fi}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{end_of_char;}%
+ \fi
+ \next
+ }
+ \advance\char@no1\relax
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{new_char(-least_spaced);}%
+ \@for\curr@instr:=\instr@list\do
+ {\expandafter\read\csname\curr@instr @file\endcsname to \@tempcs
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{\curr@instr;}%
+ \@tempcs}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{end_of_char;}%
+ \ifcase\@@break %\@@break is set in the instruments' tokens
+ \or\immediate\write\written@tm@file{end_of_block;}% 1 default for \music: breakable block
+ \advance\block@no1\relax
+ \or\immediate\write\written@tm@file{make_line(next_char);}% 2 is forced break
+ \fi
+ \@@break\@break\relax}
+ \advance\char@no1\relax
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{new_char(-least_spaced);}%
+ \@for\curr@instr:=\instr@list\do
+ {\immediate\write\written@tm@file{\curr@instr;}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space barline_(\last@barline);}}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{end_of_char;}}
+ \extracted@number9999\relax
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{\@lastbreak; end_of_block; make_line(next_char);}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{showstats; end.}%
+ \immediate\closeout\written@tm@file}
+ \file@no\@firstmf
+ \block@no-1\relax
+ {%
+ \char@no0\relax
+ \@tempcnta0\relax
+ \font\@musicfont=\jobname\the\@firstmf\relax
+ \@for\@tempcsa:=\block@chars\do
+ {\advance\block@no1\relax
+ \@musicfont
+ \@whilenum\char@no<\@tempcsa\do
+ {\advance\char@no1\relax
+ \message{\the\char@no}\mbox{\char\the\char@no}%
+ }%
+ \message{|}\@afterblock %
+ \expandafter\check@@split\music@@font@splits,0\@nil
+ }%
+ }}
+\def\@bar@line#1{\immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space barline_(#1);}}
+ \bgroup
+ \advance\extracted@number-\@tempcnta
+ \global\s@factor\extracted@number
+ \egroup}
+ \open@matrix
+ \extracted@number0\relax
+ \char@no0\relax
+ \@tempcnta-1\relax % The number of blocks
+ \@tempcntb0\relax % The number of the last character in the last block
+ \loop\ifnum\extracted@number<9999\relax
+ \read\read@tm@file to \matrix@line
+ \expandafter\extract@from@line\matrix@line
+ \ifnum\char@no>\FontSplit\relax
+ \edef\music@font@splits{\music@font@splits,\the\@tempcnta}%
+ \advance\char@no-\@tempcntb\relax
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\extracted@number=0\relax % To fix all this with the new model.
+ \advance\@tempcnta1\relax
+ \@tempcntb\char@no\relax
+ \edef\block@chars{\block@chars,\the\char@no}%
+ \fi
+ \advance\char@no1\relax
+ \repeat
+ \edef\block@chars{\block@chars,\the\char@no}%
+ \edef\music@font@splits{\music@font@splits,1000}%
+ \immediate\closein\read@tm@file}
+ \ifnum\block@no=#1\relax %This block was the last to write into the current file
+ \char@no0\relax
+ \close@@line
+ \global\advance\file@no1\relax
+ \mf@@headers
+ \def\music@font@splits{#2}%
+ \fi}
+ \ifnum\block@no=#1%
+ \char@no0\relax
+ \global\advance\file@no1\relax
+ \font\@musicfont=\jobname\the\file@no
+ \def\music@@font@splits{#2}%
+ \@musicfont\newline
+ \fi}
+ \immediate\openout\written@tm@file=\jobname\the\
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{mode_setup;}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{input txmfont;}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{input texmuse;}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{instr_no(\the\@no@of@instr);}%
+ \@tempcnta0\relax
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{key_ := \the\@key;}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{desired_width := \@desiredwidth/pt;}%
+ \@tempcnta0\relax
+ \@for\curr@instr:=\instr@list\do
+ {\advance\@tempcnta1\relax
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{staff_\the\@tempcnta="-1,0,1,2,3";}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{bar_type\the\@tempcnta=\barline@default;}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{instr_clef\the\@tempcnta :=
+ \csname\curr@instr @clef\endcsname;}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{def \curr@instr\space =}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space curr_instr:="\curr@instr;";}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space instr_:=\the\@tempcnta;}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];}%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{\space\space\space enddef;}}%
+ \@tempswatrue}
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{make_line(next_char); showstats; end.}%
+ \immediate\closeout\written@tm@file}
+ \immediate\openout\written@tm@file=\jobname.tm1\relax%
+ \immediate\write\written@tm@file{9999: 0.}%
+ \immediate\closeout\written@tm@file\relax}%
+\def\open@matrix{\immediate\openin\read@tm@file=\\ifodd\instrument@number 2\else1\fi\relax}
+ \@for\curr@instr:=\instr@list\do
+ {\expandafter\newread\csname\curr@instr @file\endcsname
+ \immediate\openin\csname\curr@instr @file\endcsname=\curr@instr.tms%
+ \expandafter\newtoks\csname\curr@instr @blocktoks\endcsname}}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Program/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Program/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..653cb73c3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Program/
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+font_size 20pt#;
+bassdepth#:=140/108pt#; % depth of bass-clef below baseline = depth of comma in cmr
+interline#:=140/36pt#; % inter line space in staff = depth of descenders in cmr
+framingspace#:=9/32interline#; % calculated from the bass-clef
+long_axis#=1.5interline#-line_thick#; % long axis in note-heads ellipse.
+notehead_angle=26; % the angle of rotation of the notehead ellipse.
+curve_sidebar=round 10/36pt;
+special_space#=1/9interline#; % I used to use line_thick for some spaces, but it does not
+% work when line_thick is changed. So, special_space is
+% equal to the value of line_thick I used then.
+staff_h#=3interline#; % staff height
+museangle=75; % angle for musecircles
+% Font-dimens:
+% Width of different types of character
+numeric widths[];
+def musecircle(suffix i,j,k,l) = % center, edge, suffixes for new points. k=+, l=-
+ numeric museradius, anglefrom;
+ museradius=abs(length (z.i-z.j));
+ anglefrom=angle (z.j-z.i);
+ z.k-z.i=museradius*dir(anglefrom+museangle);
+ z.l-z.i=museradius*dir(anglefrom-museangle);
+ fill fullcircle scaled 2museradius shifted z.i
+ enddef;
+def note_head =
+ fullcircle xscaled long_axis yscaled short_axis rotated notehead_angle
+ enddef;
+def put_rest_unit(expr base, width) =
+ if known x.circlecenter:
+ else:
+ x.circlecenter=x.circlebottom=-small_rests_radius;
+ y.circlecenter=y.circlebottom+small_rests_radius=y.restpoint-line_thick=1.5interline;
+ x.restpoint-small_rests_radius=x.restbottom=0;
+ y.restbottom:=1/2line_thick;
+ numeric rests_angle;
+ rests_angle=angle(z.restpoint-z.restbottom);
+ penpos.restpoint(small_rests_radius,rests_angle);
+ z.circlebottom.l=z.circlebottom;
+ z.circlebottom.r=z.circlepoint;
+ z.restright.l=z.restpoint.l; z.restright.r=z.restpoint.r shifted(1/2line_thick,0);
+ penpos.restbottom(width,0);
+ fi
+ musecircle(circlecenter,circlebottom,circlepoint,secondcirclepoint) shifted base;
+ penstroke (z.circlebottom.e{right}..z.restpoint.e--z.restright.e--z.restbottom.e)%
+ shifted base;
+ enddef;
+def regular_note_head =
+ note_axis[index] := max(note_axis[index],1/2regular_width);
+ width[index] := max(width[index],1/2regular_width);
+ stem_point[index][instr_] := (stem_dir[index][instr_]*(xpart(directionpoint up of (note_head))-.5line_thick),
+ stem_dir[index][instr_]*ypart(directionpoint up of (note_head)));
+ fill note_head
+ enddef;
+picture half_notehead;
+begingroup; save x, y;
+ clearit;
+ path p[];
+ p1=fullcircle xscaled long_axis yscaled .7long_axis;
+ numeric t[];
+ forsuffixes s=1,2,3,4:
+ z.s=directionpoint dir(90+s*90) of p1;
+ endfor;
+ z5=z1+7/24short_axis*down; z6=z2+line_thick*right;
+ z7=z3+7/24short_axis*up; z8=z4+line_thick*left;
+ p2=(superellipse(z8,z5,z6,z7,.8)) rotated notehead_angle;
+ fill p1 rotated notehead_angle;
+ unfill p2;
+ cullit;
+half_notehead := currentpicture; clearit;
+def half_note_head =
+ note_axis[index] := max(note_axis[index],1/2regular_width);
+ width[index] := max(width[index],1/2regular_width);
+ stem_point[index][instr_] := (stem_dir[index][instr_]*(xpart(directionpoint up of (note_head))-.5line_thick),
+ stem_dir[index][instr_]*ypart(directionpoint up of (note_head)));
+ addto currentpicture also half_notehead
+ enddef;
+vardef whole_test(expr scale) =
+ ypart(directionpoint left of p)-%
+ ypart(directionpoint left of (p scaled scale rotated (90+notehead_angle)))%
+ <line_thick enddef;
+picture whole_notehead;
+ path p;
+ p=fullcircle xscaled (1.5interline+line_thick) yscaled (interline+1/2line_thick);
+ numeric true_scale;
+ true_scale=solve whole_test(1,0);
+ fill p; unfill p scaled true_scale rotated (90+notehead_angle);
+ whole_notehead=currentpicture; clearit;
+def whole_note =
+ note_axis[index] := max(note_axis[index],1.5interline+1/2line_thick);
+ width[index] := max(note_axis[index],1.5interline+1/2line_thick);
+ stem_point[index][instr_] := (stem_dir[index][instr_]*1.5interline,
+ stem_dir[index][instr_]*.5interline);
+ addto currentpicture also whole_notehead
+ enddef;
+picture rest_[];
+ pickup penrazor xscaled line_thick rotated 90;
+ draw (-1/regular_width, 2interline)--(1/2regular_width, 2interline);
+ pickup penrazor xscaled 1/2interline rotated 90;
+ draw (-1/horizontal_axis, 1.75interline)--(1/2horizontal_axis, 1.75interline);
+rest_[-2]:=currentpicture; clearit; rest_width[-2]:= 1/2regular_width + framingspace;
+ draw (-1/2horizontal_axis, 1.25interline)--(1/2horizontal_axis, 1.25interline);
+ pickup penrazor xscaled line_thick rotated 90;
+ draw (-1/2regular_width, interline)--(1/2regular_width, interline);
+rest_[-1]:=currentpicture; clearit; rest_width[-1]:= 1/2regular_width + framingspace;
+ z1=(.65short_axis,line_thick);
+ z2=(x1,2interline-.5line_thick);
+ z3=(0,interline-.5line_thick);
+ path p[];
+ p1=z2{z3-z2}..{down}z3..{z1-z3}z1;
+ z4=point .2 of p1;
+ y5=interline+.5line_thick;
+ vardef tooleft(expr x) =
+ length((x,y5)-z3)>.5interline enddef;
+ x5=solve tooleft(-short_axis,short_axis);
+ z6-z4=z5-z3;
+ x7r-x5=x5+.75short_axis;
+ z7r-z2=whatever*(z5-z1);
+ penpos7(line_thick,90+angle(z7r-z4));
+ penpos1(-1.5line_thick,90+angle(z1-z5));
+ fill z7l--z4{z3-z2}..{down}z3..{z1l-z3}z1l--z1r---z5{z6-z5}..{up}z6..{z7r-z6}z7r--cycle;
+ z8=(-line_thick/2,-.5interline);
+ penpos8(line_thick,90+angle(z1-z5));
+ z9l=(-.65short_axis,y1);
+ penpos9(-.4interline,angle(z5-z3));
+ penstroke z1e{z5-z1l}..z9e{down}..{z1l-z5}z8e;
+ cullit;
+rest_[0]:=currentpicture; clearit; rest_width[0] := 1/2regular_width + framingspace;
+begingroup; save x,y;
+ z0=(3/2small_rests_radius,0);
+ put_rest_unit(z0, line_thick);
+rest_[1] := currentpicture; clearit; rest_width[1] := 3/2small_rests_radius + framingspace;
+begingroup; save x,y;
+ x0-1/2(5small_rests_radius+framingspace)=1/2(5small_rests_radius+framingspace)-x1=%
+ 1/2cosd(rests_angle)/sind(rests_angle)*interline;
+ y0=0; y1=-interline;
+ put_rest_unit(z0, 1/3line_thick);
+ put_rest_unit(z1, line_thick);
+rest_[2] := currentpicture shifted(-2small_rests_radius,0);
+clearit; rest_width[2] := 2small_rests_radius + 2framingspace;
+%transform u;
+%xpart u=0;
+%xxpart u=1;
+%xypart u=0;
+%ypart u=0;
+%yxpart u=sind(17)/cosd(17);
+%yypart u=1;
+%vardef higher(expr y) =
+% ypart((bot (short_axis-line_thick,y)) transformed u)>interline enddef;
+picture sharp;
+ save x, y;
+ transform t;
+ (0, .5interline) transformed t = (0,.5interline);
+ (0, 1) transformed t = (0, 1);
+ (horizontal_axis, .5interline) transformed t = (horizontal_axis, .8interline);
+ pickup penrazor xscaled .3interline rotated 90;
+ z1 = (-1/2horizontal_axis, .5interline); z2 = (1/2horizontal_axis, .5interline);
+ draw (z1--z2) transformed t;
+ pickup penrazor xscaled line_thick;
+ ypart(z3 transformed t) = 1.5interline;
+ x3=x2-.35interline;
+ draw (z3--(x3, -y3)) transformed t;
+ addto currentpicture also currentpicture rotatedabout ((0,0),180);
+sharp := (currentpicture shifted (-1/2horizontal_axis,0));
+picture natural;
+ save x, y;
+ transform t;
+ (0, .5interline) transformed t = (0,.5interline);
+ (0, 1) transformed t = (0, 1);
+ (horizontal_axis, .5interline) transformed t = (horizontal_axis, .8interline);
+ z1 = (-1/2horizontal_axis, .5interline); z2 = (1/2horizontal_axis, .5interline);
+% draw (z1--z2) transformed t;
+ ypart(z3 transformed t) = 1.5interline;
+ x3 = x2-.35interline;
+ pickup penrazor xscaled .3interline rotated 90;
+ z4 = (z1--z2) intersectionpoint (z3--(x3,-y3));
+ draw ((-x4, y4)--(x4+1/2line_thick, y4)) transformed t;
+ pickup penrazor xscaled line_thick;
+ draw (z4--(x3, -y3)) transformed t;
+ addto currentpicture also currentpicture rotatedabout ((0,0),180);
+natural := (currentpicture shifted (.15interline-1/2horizontal_axis,0));
+picture flat;
+ save x, y;
+ numeric scratch_angle; scratch_angle=25;
+ penpos1(line_thick,-90);
+ x1=1/2framingspace+line_thick; y1=-1/2line_thick;
+ penpos2(6/14interline,1/2scratch_angle);
+ y2r-y1r=1/2interline+sind(scratch_angle)/cosd(scratch_angle)*(long_axis-line_thick-2framingspace);
+ x2r=long_axis-line_thick-1/2framingspace;
+ penpos3(line_thick,90+scratch_angle);
+ x3=1/2[x2l,x1]; y3=interline+1/2sind(scratch_angle)/cosd(scratch_angle)*(x3-x1);
+ penpos4(2/7interline,90);
+ x4=x1;
+ y4r=interline-1/2sind(scratch_angle)/cosd(scratch_angle)*(x3-x1);
+ penstroke z1e{dir scratch_angle}..z2e{up}..z3e{dir (180+scratch_angle)}..z4e;
+ pickup penrazor scaled line_thick;
+ draw (x1-1/2line_thick, y1r)--(x1-1/2line_thick,2interline+line_thick);
+flat := (currentpicture shifted (-horizontal_axis,-1/2interline));
+picture treble_clef;
+picture small_treble_clef;
+save x,y,u;
+ u:=1/10staff_h; % bottom circle radius
+ numeric edgeshift, scratchangle, scratchdistance;
+ edgeshift:=1/4interline;
+ path p[];
+ z10l=(framingspace,edgeshift);
+ penpos10(2line_thick,0);
+ y1=-2interline;
+ z2-z1=1.2u*dir-135;
+ trebleaxis = x1+u;
+ z3=(trebleaxis,-2.5interline); z4l=(x1+3u,y1);
+ z5l=(trebleaxis,2.5interline);
+ z17=(x10r+2u+interline,line_thick); % treble center
+ x17-x5l=x4l-x17;
+ z4r-z4l=whatever*(z17-z4l) rotated 90;
+ penpos4(line_thick,angle(z17-z4l)+90);
+ z5r-z5l=z4r-z4l;
+ penpos3(line_thick,90);
+ musecircle(1,2,15,16);
+ z2l=z2; z2r=z15;
+ penstroke z2e..{right}z3e..{up}z4e{z17-z4l}..z5e;
+ scratchangle=-45;
+ z8l=z5r; penpos8(1/2interline,scratchangle);
+ z9l=(1/2[x5r,x10],2interline); penpos9(1/2interline,scratchangle);
+ z11=(trebleaxis,-interline); penpos11(line_thick,90);
+ z13l=(x17,interline+line_thick); penpos13(1/2interline,-90);
+ penstroke z8e..{z9-z8}z9e..z10e..z11e{right};
+ p1=(x11,y11-1/2special_space){right}..{left}z13l; p2=fullcircle rotated -90 scaled 2interline shifted z17;
+ pickup pencircle scaled .1pt;
+ numeric t,v;
+ (t,v)=p1 intersectiontimes p2;
+ z12=p1 intersectionpoint p2; penpos12(line_thick,angle direction v of p2 + 90);
+ penstroke z11e{right}..z12e..{left}z13e;
+% point 14, the end of the central ball, is as far from 17 as it is from the curve downthere.
+% And that distance should be the one called scratchdistance.
+ z18=point 1/3 of (z9r{z9-z8}..{down}z10r); % to get the distance between the ball and the stem
+ scratchdistance=length(z18-z17)-interline;
+ p3=fullcircle scaled 4scratchdistance shifted z17;
+ p4=z10r{down}..z11r{right};
+ z19=p3 intersectionpoint p4; z14=1/2[z19,z17];
+ treblewidth = x14;
+ numeric t,v; (t,v)=p3 intersectiontimes p4;
+ penpos14(.5line_thick, angle direction v of p4+90);
+ penstroke z13e{left}..{direction v of p4}z14e;
+% crown
+ z6l=(xpart(p1 intersectionpoint (z4l--z5l)),4interline); penpos6(1/2interline,95);
+ pair interpoint;
+ interpoint=(whatever,3.1interline);
+ interpoint-z5r=whatever*(z5l-z4l);
+ fill z5l{z5l-z4l}..{right}z6l--z6r{z8l-z5l}..{down}interpoint..{z4l-z5l}z5r--cycle;
+ x7l-x17=x17-x5r; y7l=3.6interline; penpos7(2special_space,-30);
+ fill z6l{right}..{down}z7l..tension1.6..z8l--z8r..{up}z7r..{curl2}z6r--cycle;
+treble_clef:=currentpicture; clearit;
+save x,y,u;
+ u:=1/10staff_h; % bottom circle radius
+ numeric edgeshift, scratchangle, scratchdistance;
+ edgeshift:=0/4interline;
+ path p[];
+ z10l=(1framingspace,edgeshift);
+ penpos10(1.7line_thick,0);
+ y1=-1.5interline;
+ z2-z1=u*dir-155;
+ trebleaxis:=x1+.85u;
+ z3=(trebleaxis,-2interline); z4l=(x1+2.5u,y1);
+ z5l=(trebleaxis,2.2interline);
+ z17=(x10r+1.2u+interline,0); % treble center
+ x17-x5l=x4l-x17;
+ z4r-z4l=whatever*(z17-z4l) rotated 90;
+ penpos4(line_thick,angle(z17-z4l)+90);
+ z5r-z5l=z4r-z4l;
+ penpos3(line_thick,90);
+ musecircle(1,2,15,16);
+ z2l=z2; z2r=z15;
+ penstroke z2e..{right}z3e..{up}z4e{z17-z4l}..z5e;
+ scratchangle=-45;
+ z8l=z5r; penpos8(2/5interline,scratchangle);
+ z9l=(1/2[x5r,x10],1.7interline); penpos9(2/5interline,scratchangle);
+ z11=(trebleaxis,-.85interline); penpos11(line_thick,90);
+ z13l=(x17,.85interline); penpos13(2/5interline,-90);
+ penstroke z8e..{z9-z8}z9e..z10e..z11e{right};
+ p1=z11l{right}..{left}z13l; p2=fullcircle rotated -90 scaled 1.8interline shifted z17;
+ x12 = x17; y12=y11; penpos12(line_thick, 90);
+ penstroke z11e..z12e{right}..{left}z13e;
+ z18=point 1/3 of (z9r{z9-z8}..{down}z10r); % to get the distance between the ball and the stem
+ scratchdistance=length(z18-z17)-.8interline;
+ p3=fullcircle scaled 4scratchdistance shifted z17;
+ p4=z10r{down}..z11r{right};
+ z19=p3 intersectionpoint p4; z14=1/2[z19,z17];
+ numeric t,v; (t,v)=p3 intersectiontimes p4;
+ penpos14(.5line_thick, angle direction v of p4+90);
+ penstroke z13e{left}..{direction v of p4}z14e;
+ z6l=(xpart(p1 intersectionpoint (z4l--z5l)),3.5interline); penpos6(2/5interline,95);
+ pair interpoint;
+ interpoint=(whatever,2.8interline);
+ interpoint-z5r=whatever*(z5l-z4l);
+ fill z5l{z5l-z4l}..{right}z6l--z6r{z8l-z5l}..{down}interpoint..{z4l-z5l}z5r--cycle;
+ x7l-x17=x17-x5r; y7l=3.2interline; penpos7(1.7special_space,-30);
+ fill z6l{right}..{down}z7l..tension1.6..z8l--z8r..{up}z7r..{curl2}z6r--cycle;
+small_treble_clef:=currentpicture; clearit;
+picture bass_clef, small_bass_clef;
+save x, y, u;
+ u=1/16staff_h;
+ y1=y4r=2interline;
+ x1=3u; z2-z1=2u*dir190;
+ musecircle(1,2,7,6);
+ scratchradius=x1-x2;
+ bassaxis=scratchradius/2;
+ penpos3(line_thick,-100);
+ penpos4(1.4scratchradius,170);
+ x5=0; y5=-bassdepth;
+ x4r=x1+3.1scratchradius;
+ y3l=staff_h; x3r=1/2[x4r,x1];
+ basswidth = x4l - bassaxis;
+ pickup pencircle scaled .1pt;
+ fill z2{dir100}..{right}z3l..{down}z4l..{dir-170}z5%
+ --(x5,y5+1){dir10}..{up}z4r..{left}z3r..{down}z6..cycle;
+ fill fullcircle scaled scratchradius %
+ shifted (staff_h-framingspace-.5scratchradius, 2.5interline);
+ fill fullcircle scaled scratchradius %
+ shifted (staff_h-framingspace-.5scratchradius, 1.5interline);
+bass_clef:=currentpicture; clearit;
+save x, y, u;
+ u:=1/6interline;
+ y1=y4r=2interline;
+ x1=3u; z2-z1=2u*dir190;
+ musecircle(1,2,7,6);
+ scratchradius:=x1-x2;
+ penpos3(line_thick,-100);
+ penpos4(1.4scratchradius,170);
+ x5=0; y5=0;
+ x4r=x1+3.1scratchradius;
+ y3l=2.9interline; x3r=1/2[x4r,x1];
+ pickup pencircle scaled .1pt;
+ fill z2{dir100}..{right}z3l..{down}z4l..{dir-170}z5%
+ --(x5,y5+1){dir10}..{up}z4r..{left}z3r..{down}z6..cycle;
+ fill fullcircle scaled scratchradius %
+ shifted (2.75interline-framingspace-.5scratchradius, 2.5interline);
+ fill fullcircle scaled scratchradius %
+ shifted (2.75interline-framingspace-.5scratchradius, 1.5interline);
+small_bass_clef:=currentpicture; clearit;
+def universal_flag(expr flag_height,stemmed_length,extreme_shift_ratio,collision_angle) =
+ path q[];
+ q1=note_head;
+ numeric flag_time;
+ pair flag_top, flag_extreme, flag_bottom, flag_middle;
+ pair extremel, extremer;
+ flag_extreme=(extreme_shift_ratio*short_axis)*dir(notehead_angle+90);
+ flag_top=(xpart(directionpoint up of q1)-1/2line_thick,ypart(flag_extreme)+flag_height);
+ flag_extreme=1/2[extremel,extremer];
+ extremer=extremel+(.5special_space,0) rotated notehead_angle;
+ flag_top-flag_bottom=(0,stemmed_length-1/2line_thick);
+ q2=extremer{dir(90+notehead_angle)}..%
+ {dir(collision_angle)}flag_bottom-(1/2line_thick,0)--flag_bottom-(7/16line_thick,0);
+ flag_time=directiontime dir(90-notehead_angle) of q2;
+ flag_middle-directionpoint dir(90-notehead_angle) of q2= %
+ line_thick*dir(180-notehead_angle);
+ q3=extremel{dir(90+notehead_angle)}..{dir(90-notehead_angle)}flag_middle%
+ ..{dir(88)}flag_top-(1/2line_thick,0)--flag_top-(7/16line_thick,0);
+ fill (q2--reverse q3--cycle)
+def eighth_flag(expr notehead_center) =
+ universal_flag(3interline-line_thick,interline,1/2,10) shifted(notehead_center)
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/README b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3bf5cba28f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/README
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+TeXmuse at CTAN
+A professional music typesetting system with TeX and METAFONT
+First stage: able to typeset Bach's inventions
+August 31, 2005
+The submission includes the following files:
+ texmuse.tex
+SAMPLES: each of these means an input .tex file, and outputs in .dvi and .pdf files.
+ The latter are contained in folder PDF, the rest in TEX.
+ To view the .dvi's, though, you would need the corresponding .mf files.
+ And to typeset the .tex's, for some of them you will need cfart.cls
+ cmajor*
+ cminor*
+ dminor*
+ dmajor*
+ fmajor*
+ aminor*
+ bbmajor*
+DOCUMENTATION: similarly, there is input .tex's and outputs .dvi and .pdf. .mf files
+ are provided when needed for viewing .dvi's.
+ mainloop*
+ running*
+ wants*
+The file running.pdf (which is output for running.tex) has the starting instructions. The process is not complicated, but you need to know it well.
+The license is LPPL. Which mainly means: please, and above all about the program, do not make changes without
+changing the file names.
+And let me know of any changes you might do to them, if you deem them interesting.
+I think I haven't signed anywhere in the program, so I might as well do it here. All this is the work of Federico Garcia, for the last three years, mainly in Pittsburgh but with bits in Bogotá, Medellín, and Buenos Aires. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/README.txt b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/README.txt
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..100b93820a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+README \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/pdf/aminor.pdf b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/pdf/aminor.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1b44fcf5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/pdf/aminor.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/pdf/bbmajor.pdf b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/pdf/bbmajor.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..068b3570cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/pdf/bbmajor.pdf
@@ -0,0 +1,6199 @@
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+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
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+def righthand =
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+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
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+ regular_stem;
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+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
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+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(9,2,1,a4,10,2,1,e3,11,2,1,a4,12,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(13,1,1,g4,15,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(13,2,1,b4,14,2,1,e3,15,2,1,b4,16,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(18,1,1,c4,20,1,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(18,2,1,a5,19,2,1,e4,20,2,1,a5,21,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_sharp(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(22,1,1,g3,24,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(22,2,1,b5,23,2,1,e4,24,2,1,b5,25,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(26,1,1,c5,28,1,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(26,2,1,a4,27,2,1,e3,28,2,1,a4,29,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(30,2,1,b4,31,2,1,e3,32,2,1,b4,33,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(36,2,1,e5,37,2,1,c5,38,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(35,1,1,c4,37,1,1,a4,39,1,1,c4,41,1,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(39,2,1,a5,40,2,1,c5,41,2,1,e4,42,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(43,1,1,f4,45,1,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(43,2,1,d4,44,2,1,a4,45,2,1,f3,46,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_tie(f5);
+ beam(47,1,1,d5,49,1,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(47,2,1,d3,48,2,1,f3,49,2,1,a3,50,2,1,c3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ close_tie(f5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(52,1,1,b3,54,1,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(52,2,1,f5,53,2,1,d5,54,2,1,b5,55,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_tie(b4);
+ beam(56,1,1,g3,58,1,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(56,2,1,g4,57,2,1,b5,58,2,1,d4,59,2,1,f4);
+ close_tie(b4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(60,1,1,e4,62,1,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(60,2,1,b4,61,2,1,g3,62,2,1,e3,63,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_tie(e5);
+ beam(64,1,1,c5,66,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(64,2,1,c3,65,2,1,e3,66,2,1,g2,67,2,1,b3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ close_tie(e5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(69,1,1,a3,71,1,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(69,2,1,e5,70,2,1,c5,71,2,1,a5,72,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_tie(d5);
+ beam(73,1,1,f4,75,1,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(73,2,1,d3,74,2,1,f3,75,2,1,b3,76,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ close_tie(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(77,1,1,g2,79,1,1,b3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(77,2,1,d5,78,2,1,b5,79,2,1,g4,80,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_tie(c5);
+ beam(81,1,1,e4,83,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(81,2,1,c3,82,2,1,e3,83,2,1,a3,84,2,1,c3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ close_tie(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d2);
+ beam(86,1,1,f2,88,1,1,d2);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(86,2,1,c5,87,2,1,a5,88,2,1,f4,89,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(90,1,1,d4,92,1,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(90,2,1,g2,91,2,1,g3,92,2,1,f3,93,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(94,2,1,c3,95,2,1,g3,96,2,1,c4,97,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(98,2,1,d4,99,2,1,g3,100,2,1,d4,101,2,1,f4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(103,1,1,e4,105,1,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(104,2,1,g4,105,2,1,c5,106,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(107,1,1,b4,109,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(107,2,1,d5,108,2,1,g4,109,2,1,d5,110,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(111,1,1,e5,113,1,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(111,2,1,c4,112,2,1,g3,113,2,1,c4,114,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(115,1,1,b5,117,1,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(115,2,1,d4,116,2,1,g3,117,2,1,d4,118,2,1,f4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(120,1,1,e4,122,1,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(120,2,1,c5,121,2,1,g4,122,2,1,c5,123,2,1,e5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(124,2,1,d5,125,2,1,g4,126,2,1,d5,127,2,1,f5);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(128,1,1,e5,130,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(129,2,1,g4,130,2,1,e4,131,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(132,1,1,g5,134,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(132,2,1,c4,133,2,1,e4,134,2,1,g3,135,2,1,b4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(137,2,1,c6,138,2,1,a6,139,2,1,e5,140,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(137,1,1,a4,139,1,1,c4,141,1,1,e4,143,1,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(141,2,1,c5,142,2,1,e5,143,2,1,a5,144,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_sharp(f5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(145,2,1,f4,146,2,1,a5,147,2,1,d4,148,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ beam(145,1,1,d5,147,1,1,f5,149,1,1,a6,151,1,1,c6);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(149,2,1,a4,150,2,1,d4,151,2,1,f3,152,2,1,a4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(154,2,1,b6,155,2,1,g5,156,2,1,d5,157,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ beam(154,1,1,g3,156,1,1,b4,158,1,1,d4,160,1,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(158,2,1,b5,159,2,1,d5,160,2,1,g4,161,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(162,2,1,e4,163,2,1,g4,164,2,1,c4,165,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ beam(162,1,1,c5,164,1,1,e5,166,1,1,g5,168,1,1,b6);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(166,2,1,g3,167,2,1,c4,168,2,1,e3,169,2,1,g3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa358e2717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,1052 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := 0;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_sharp(f5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_sharp(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(1,2,1,a6,2,2,1,f5,3,2,1,d5,4,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_sharp(d4);
+ beam(1,1,1,f3,3,1,1,a4,5,1,1,b4,7,1,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(5,2,1,b5,6,2,1,d5,7,2,1,f4,8,2,1,a5);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_tie(g5);
+ beam(9,1,1,g4,11,1,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(10,2,1,e4,11,2,1,c4,12,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ close_tie(g5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(13,2,1,a4,14,2,1,c4,15,2,1,e4,16,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(13,2,1,g5,14,2,1,e5,15,2,1,c5,16,2,1,e5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_sharp(f5);
+ add_tie(f5);
+ beam(18,1,1,a5,20,1,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(18,2,1,f4,19,2,1,d4,20,2,1,b4,21,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ close_tie(f5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(22,2,1,g3,23,2,1,b4,24,2,1,d4,25,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(22,2,1,f5,23,2,1,d5,24,2,1,b5,25,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_tie(e5);
+ beam(26,1,1,g4,28,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(26,2,1,e4,27,2,1,c4,28,2,1,a4,29,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ close_tie(e5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_tie(c4);
+ beam(30,2,1,f3,31,2,1,a4,32,1,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(30,2,1,e5,31,2,1,c5,32,2,1,a5,33,2,1,c5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ close_tie(c4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_sharp(f5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(35,2,1,c4,36,2,1,b4,37,2,1,c4,38,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(35,2,1,f4,36,2,1,g5,37,2,1,f5,38,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_sharp(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(39,1,1,b4,41,1,1,b3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(39,2,1,d5,40,2,1,f5,41,2,1,b5,42,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(43,2,1,e3,44,2,1,e4,45,2,1,b4,46,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(47,2,1,e3,48,2,1,b3,49,2,1,g2,50,2,1,b3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e2);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(52,1,1,e2,54,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_flat(b6);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(53,2,1,g5,54,2,1,b6,55,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_flat(b4);
+ beam(56,1,1,g3,58,1,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_sharp(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(56,2,1,e5,57,2,1,g5,58,2,1,c5,59,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_sharp(c4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(60,2,1,g5,61,2,1,e5,62,2,1,c5,63,2,1,e5);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(2);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(65,2,1,g4,66,2,1,f4,67,2,1,e4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(70,2,1,f5,71,2,1,a6,72,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_flat(a4);
+ beam(69,1,1,d4,71,1,1,d3,73,1,1,f3,75,1,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(73,2,1,d5,74,2,1,f5,75,2,1,b5,76,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(77,2,1,f5,78,2,1,d5,79,2,1,b5,80,2,1,d5);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(2);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(82,2,1,f4,83,2,1,e4,84,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(87,2,1,e5,88,2,1,g5,89,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ beam(86,1,1,c4,88,1,1,c3,90,1,1,e3,92,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(90,2,1,c5,91,2,1,e5,92,2,1,a5,93,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_sharp(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(94,2,1,d5,95,2,1,c5,96,2,1,a5,97,2,1,c5);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(2);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_sharp(d4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_sharp(c4);
+ beam(99,2,1,e4,100,2,1,d4,101,2,1,c4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(104,2,1,d5,105,2,1,f5,106,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(103,1,1,b4,105,1,1,b3,107,1,1,d3,109,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(107,2,1,b5,108,2,1,d5,109,2,1,g4,110,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_sharp(g2);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(111,2,1,d5,112,2,1,b5,113,2,1,g4,114,2,1,b5);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(2);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(116,2,1,d4,117,2,1,c4,118,2,1,b4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(121,2,1,e4,122,2,1,a5,123,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_sharp(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(120,1,1,c4,122,1,1,a4,124,1,1,g3,126,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(124,2,1,b5,125,2,1,e4,126,2,1,b5,127,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(128,1,1,c5,130,1,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(128,2,1,a4,129,2,1,e3,130,2,1,a4,131,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(132,1,1,g4,134,1,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(132,2,1,b4,133,2,1,e3,134,2,1,b4,135,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(137,2,1,c4,138,2,1,e4,139,2,1,a5,140,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(137,2,1,a5,138,2,1,c5,139,2,1,e5,140,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(141,2,1,c4,142,2,1,e4,143,2,1,a4,144,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(141,2,1,a5,142,2,1,c5,143,2,1,f4,144,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(145,2,1,f3,146,2,1,a4,147,2,1,c4,148,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(145,2,1,c5,146,2,1,a5,147,2,1,f4,148,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_sharp(d4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_sharp(d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(149,2,1,f3,150,2,1,a4,151,2,1,d3,152,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(149,2,1,d4,150,2,1,c5,151,2,1,b5,152,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_sharp(g3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(154,2,1,g4,155,2,1,b5,156,2,1,d5,157,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(154,1,1,e3,156,1,1,g3,158,1,1,b4,160,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(158,2,1,g4,159,2,1,b5,160,2,1,d4,161,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(162,2,1,g4,163,2,1,f4,164,2,1,d4,165,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_sharp(g2);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e2);
+ beam(162,1,1,e3,164,1,1,b3,166,1,1,g2,168,1,1,e2);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(166,2,1,b4,167,2,1,f4,168,2,1,e4,169,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ccf6c6eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := 0;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(1,2,1,c4,2,2,1,e4,3,2,1,a5,4,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(1,1,1,a3,3,1,1,c3,5,1,1,e3,7,1,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(5,2,1,c4,6,2,1,e4,7,2,1,a4,8,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_sharp(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(9,1,1,a3,11,1,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(9,2,1,d4,10,2,1,c4,11,2,1,a4,12,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(d2);
+ add_sharp(d2);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(13,2,1,f3,14,2,1,c4,15,2,1,b4,16,2,1,a4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_sharp(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_sharp(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(18,1,1,g3,20,1,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(19,2,1,b4,20,2,1,g3,21,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(22,1,1,g4,24,1,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(22,2,1,d3,23,2,1,b4,24,2,1,g3,25,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(26,1,1,c3,28,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(27,2,1,e4,28,2,1,a5,29,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_sharp(g2);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(30,1,1,g2,32,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(30,2,1,b5,31,2,1,e4,32,2,1,b5,33,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ beam(35,1,1,a3,37,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(35,2,1,c5,36,2,1,a5,37,2,1,c5,38,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_sharp(g3);
+ beam(39,1,1,b3,41,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(39,2,1,d5,40,2,1,b5,41,2,1,d5,42,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(43,1,1,c3,45,1,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(43,2,1,e5,44,2,1,c5,45,2,1,e5,46,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_flat(b4);
+ beam(47,1,1,d3,49,1,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(47,2,1,f5,48,2,1,e5,49,2,1,d5,50,2,1,c5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_sharp(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(52,1,1,g3,54,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(52,2,1,b5,53,2,1,c5,54,2,1,d5,55,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(56,1,1,d3,58,1,1,b3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_sharp(g5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(56,2,1,f5,57,2,1,d5,58,2,1,g5,59,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_sharp(g2);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ beam(60,1,1,g2,62,1,1,a3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(60,2,1,b6,61,2,1,d5,62,2,1,c5,63,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(d2);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e2);
+ beam(64,1,1,d2,66,1,1,e2);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(64,2,1,f5,65,2,1,d5,66,2,1,b5,67,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d2);
+ add_sharp(d2);
+ beam(69,1,1,f2,71,1,1,d2);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(69,2,1,g4,70,2,1,b5,71,2,1,c5,72,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(e2);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(73,1,1,e2,75,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(73,2,1,e4,74,2,1,a5,75,2,1,b5,76,2,1,g4);
+ add_halfheads(a3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(77,2,1,a5,78,2,1,e4,79,2,1,c4,80,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ regular_stem;
+ barline_(20);
+ barline_(20);
+numeric desired_width; end_of_block; make_line(next_char);
+showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/bbmajor.dvi b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/bbmajor.dvi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f534902d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/bbmajor.dvi
Binary files differ
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/bbmajor.tex b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/bbmajor.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..826a262f61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/bbmajor.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+\input texmuse.tex
+\title{Invention in B$\flat$}
+\author{J. S. Bach}
+\flushright\small Typeset by \TeXmuse
+ 3R2[BCDC3B][FDB+F][D2FEDE3F][BCF-\bA-] \rangefrom{E4}[G2EFGF3E][BGE+B][G2B\bAGA3B][EGC-E]
+ \rangefrom{A4}[A2CDED3C][A+FC+A+]\rangefrom{F4}[E2FGAG3F][CAF+C] 4DR3R2[G+F+EF+3G+]4CR3R2[F+EDE3F+]
+ 4R[FBD]5F+R 4R[GBC]5\nER
+ 3R[2FGAG3F][CAF+C][A+2EDCD3E][AC\#FA] 4[BDBG][\bAF+AF]
+ \rangefrom{C4}3[G2CDED3C][GEC+G][D+2\bAGFG3A][DF\nB-G] 4ER3R[2CDED3C]4[C+.3B][A2FGAG3F]
+ \rangefrom{B4}4[F.3E][D2BCDC3B]4[B+.3\bA][G2B+AGA3B+] [E2GFEF3G][C2EDCD3E][A-2CDED3C][F2\bA-G-F-G-3A-]
+ \rangefrom{D4}3[G2BCD+C3B][E+2GFEF3G][F2ABCB3A][D+2FEDE3F] [E2GABA3G][C2EDC-D3E]5D3R2[BCD+C3B]
+ \rangefrom{B4}3[FDB+F][D2FEDE3F][BEBE]\rangefrom{E4}[G2EFGF3E] [BGE+B][G2B\bAGA3B]4[EE+=][3E+2E+DCD3E+]
+ 4[FE+=]3[E+2CDE+D3C][F+2DCBC3D][FBCA] 7B}
+ 4[B+BDF]5B+R 4R[BEG]5B+R
+ 4R[BCE]5AR \rangefrom{B4}3R2[BDED3B]4ER3R2[A-BCB3A-]4DR
+ \rangefrom{C3}3R2[GABA3G][C+2CDED3C]4[FF-]3R[C+AF] 3R2[FGAG3F][C+AF+C+][A2C+BAB3C+][FACE]
+ [D2B-CDC3B-][FDBF][D2FEDE3F][B-DG-B-] [\nE-2G-A-B-A-3G-][\nECGE][B2CDED3C][GEC+G]
+ 4[AC+AF][\#FAFD] [3G2G-A-BA-3G-][DBGD][B+2\bAGFG3A][DFBD]
+ 4[EGEC][\nBDBG-] \rangefrom{C2}3[C+2CDED3C]4[C+.3B][A2FGAG3F][4F+.3E+]
+ \rangefrom{B3}[D2BCDC3B]4[B+.3\bA][G2EFGF3E][4E+.3D+] \rangefrom{D3}[C2E+D+CD+3E+][A2CBAB3C][F2ABCB3A][D+2FEDE3F]
+ [E2GABA3G][C2EDCD3E][D2FGAG3F][B2DC-B-C-3D] [C-2EFGF3E][A2C-B-A-B-3C-][B-\rangefrom{B4}2BCDC3D]\trebleclef[FDB+F]
+ [D2FEDE3F]\bassclef[BDF-\bA-]\rangefrom{E3}[G2EFGF3E][BGE+B] [G2B\bAGA3B][EGB-D-]\rangefrom{F3}[C2FG\nAG3F][CAEC]
+ [A2CBAB3C][FAC-E-][D-2BCDC3B]4[F+F] 7B}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0ac467942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := -2;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(2,3,1,b5,3,3,1,c5,4,3,1,d5,5,3,1,c5,6,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(1,1,1,b4,4,1,1,b3,7,1,1,d3,9,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(7,2,1,f5,8,2,1,d5,9,2,1,b6,10,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(11,2,1,d5,12,3,1,f5,13,3,1,e5,14,3,1,d5,15,3,1,e5,16,2,1,f5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_flat(a5);
+ beam(17,2,1,b5,18,2,1,c5,19,2,1,f4,20,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(22,2,1,g4,23,3,1,e4,24,3,1,f4,25,3,1,g4,26,3,1,f4,27,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(25,1,1,b3,28,1,1,e3,30,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(28,2,1,b5,29,2,1,g4,30,2,1,e5,31,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_flat(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(32,2,1,g4,33,3,1,b5,34,3,1,a5,35,3,1,g4,36,3,1,a5,37,2,1,b5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(38,2,1,e4,39,2,1,g4,40,2,1,c4,41,2,1,e4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(43,2,1,a4,44,3,1,c4,45,3,1,d4,46,3,1,e4,47,3,1,d4,48,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(46,1,1,b3,49,1,1,c3,51,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(49,2,1,a5,50,2,1,f4,51,2,1,c5,52,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(53,2,1,e5,54,3,1,f4,55,3,1,g4,56,3,1,a5,57,3,1,g4,58,2,1,f4);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(59,2,1,c5,60,2,1,a5,61,2,1,f5,62,2,1,c5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(65,3,1,b4,66,3,1,d4,67,3,1,e4,68,3,1,d4,69,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(71,3,1,g5,72,3,1,f5,73,3,1,e5,74,3,1,f5,75,2,1,g5);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(77,3,1,a4,78,3,1,b4,79,3,1,c4,80,3,1,b4,81,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(83,3,1,f5,84,3,1,e5,85,3,1,d5,86,3,1,e5,87,2,1,f5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(90,3,1,g3,91,3,1,a4,92,3,1,b4,93,3,1,a4,94,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(95,2,1,c4,96,3,1,c3,97,3,1,d3,98,3,1,e3,99,3,1,d3,100,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(96,3,1,e5,97,3,1,d5,98,3,1,c5,99,3,1,d5,100,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ beam(101,1,1,f3,104,1,1,f2);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(101,2,1,a5,102,3,1,c5,103,3,1,b5,104,3,1,a5,105,3,1,b5,106,2,1,c5);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(108,2,1,c4,109,2,1,a4,110,2,1,f3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(113,3,1,f3,114,3,1,g3,115,3,1,a4,116,3,1,g3,117,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(112,1,1,f5,115,1,1,f4,118,1,1,a5,120,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(118,2,1,c4,119,2,1,a4,120,2,1,f4,121,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(122,2,1,a4,123,3,1,c4,124,3,1,b4,125,3,1,a4,126,3,1,b4,127,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(128,2,1,f3,129,2,1,a4,130,2,1,c3,131,2,1,e3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e0b15ce5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := -2;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(1,2,1,d3,2,3,1,b3,3,3,1,c3,4,3,1,d3,5,3,1,c3,6,2,1,b3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(4,1,1,f4,7,1,1,b5,9,1,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(7,2,1,f3,8,2,1,d3,9,2,1,b4,10,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(11,2,1,d3,12,3,1,f3,13,3,1,e3,14,3,1,d3,15,3,1,e3,16,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(17,2,1,b3,18,2,1,d3,19,2,1,g2,20,2,1,b3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e2);
+ add_natural(e2);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ beam(22,2,1,e2,23,3,1,g2,24,3,1,a3,25,3,1,b3,26,3,1,a3,27,2,1,g2);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_natural(e3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(25,1,1,g4,28,1,1,b5,30,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(28,2,1,e3,29,2,1,c3,30,2,1,g3,31,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_natural(e5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(32,2,1,b4,33,3,1,c3,34,3,1,d3,35,3,1,e3,36,3,1,d3,37,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(38,2,1,g3,39,2,1,e3,40,2,1,c4,41,2,1,g3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(44,3,1,f4,45,3,1,g4,46,3,1,a5,47,3,1,g4,48,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(43,1,1,a4,46,1,1,c4,49,1,1,a4,51,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(49,2,1,c5,50,2,1,a5,51,2,1,f5,52,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(53,2,1,a6,54,3,1,e5,55,3,1,d5,56,3,1,c5,57,3,1,d5,58,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(53,1,1,f3,56,1,1,a4,59,1,1,f3,61,1,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(59,2,1,a5,60,2,1,c5,61,2,1,f4,62,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ beam(64,2,1,g3,65,3,1,g2,66,3,1,a3,67,3,1,b4,68,3,1,a3,69,2,1,g2);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(64,1,1,b5,67,1,1,d5,70,1,1,b5,72,1,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(70,2,1,d3,71,2,1,b4,72,2,1,g3,73,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_flat(a5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_flat(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(74,2,1,b5,75,3,1,a4,76,3,1,g3,77,3,1,f3,78,3,1,g3,79,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(74,1,1,a5,77,1,1,f5,80,1,1,a5,82,1,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(80,2,1,d3,81,2,1,f3,82,2,1,b4,83,2,1,d3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(85,2,1,g4,86,3,1,c4,87,3,1,d4,88,3,1,e4,89,3,1,d4,90,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(85,1,1,e3,88,1,1,g3,91,1,1,e3,93,1,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(91,2,1,g4,92,2,1,e4,93,2,1,c5,94,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_natural(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_flat(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(95,2,1,d5,96,3,1,a5,97,3,1,g4,98,3,1,f4,99,3,1,g4,100,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ beam(95,1,1,b4,98,1,1,d3,101,1,1,b4,103,1,1,g2);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_natural(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(101,2,1,d4,102,2,1,f4,103,2,1,b4,104,2,1,g4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(c2);
+ add_noteheads(d2);
+ add_noteheads(e2);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(d2);
+ add_noteheads(c2);
+ beam(106,2,1,c3,107,3,1,c2,108,3,1,d2,109,3,1,e2,110,3,1,d2,111,2,1,c2);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_dot(c3);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(112,1,1,c3,117,2,1,b3);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(113,3,1,c4,114,3,1,d4,115,3,1,e4,116,3,1,d4,117,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_dot(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ beam(118,2,1,a3,119,3,1,f2,120,3,1,g2,121,3,1,a3,122,3,1,g2,123,2,1,f2);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(118,1,1,c5,123,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_dot(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(124,1,1,f3,129,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(124,2,1,a5,125,3,1,f4,126,3,1,g4,127,3,1,a5,128,3,1,g4,129,2,1,f4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98fe5c15d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := -2;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_dot(f4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(1,2,1,d3,2,3,1,b3,3,3,1,c3,4,3,1,d3,5,3,1,c3,6,2,1,b3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(1,1,1,f4,6,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_dot(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_flat(a4);
+ beam(7,1,1,b4,12,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(7,2,1,d4,8,3,1,b4,9,3,1,c4,10,3,1,d4,11,3,1,c4,12,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_dot(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(13,2,1,g3,14,3,1,e3,15,3,1,f3,16,3,1,g3,17,3,1,f3,18,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_flat(a5);
+ beam(13,1,1,b5,18,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_dot(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(19,1,1,e4,24,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(19,2,1,g4,20,3,1,b5,21,3,1,a5,22,3,1,g4,23,3,1,a5,24,2,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(26,2,1,c4,27,3,1,e4,28,3,1,d4,29,3,1,c4,30,3,1,d4,31,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(26,2,1,e4,27,3,1,g4,28,3,1,f4,29,3,1,e4,30,3,1,f4,31,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(32,2,1,a4,33,3,1,c4,34,3,1,b4,35,3,1,a4,36,3,1,b4,37,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(32,2,1,c4,33,3,1,e4,34,3,1,d4,35,3,1,c4,36,3,1,d4,37,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(38,2,1,f3,39,3,1,a4,40,3,1,b4,41,3,1,c4,42,3,1,b4,43,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(38,2,1,a4,39,3,1,c4,40,3,1,d4,41,3,1,e4,42,3,1,d4,43,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_flat(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(44,2,1,d4,45,3,1,f3,46,3,1,e3,47,3,1,d3,48,3,1,e3,49,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(44,2,1,f4,45,3,1,a4,46,3,1,g3,47,3,1,f3,48,3,1,g3,49,2,1,a4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(51,2,1,e3,52,3,1,g3,53,3,1,a4,54,3,1,b4,55,3,1,a4,56,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(51,2,1,g4,52,3,1,b5,53,3,1,c5,54,3,1,d5,55,3,1,c5,56,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(57,2,1,c4,58,3,1,e3,59,3,1,d3,60,3,1,c4,61,3,1,d3,62,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(57,2,1,e5,58,3,1,g4,59,3,1,f4,60,3,1,e4,61,3,1,f4,62,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(63,2,1,d3,64,3,1,f3,65,3,1,g3,66,3,1,a4,67,3,1,g3,68,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(63,2,1,f4,64,3,1,a5,65,3,1,b5,66,3,1,c5,67,3,1,b5,68,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(69,2,1,b4,70,3,1,d3,71,3,1,c3,72,3,1,b3,73,3,1,c3,74,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(69,2,1,d5,70,3,1,f4,71,3,1,e4,72,3,1,d4,73,3,1,e4,74,2,1,f4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(76,2,1,c3,77,3,1,e3,78,3,1,f3,79,3,1,g3,80,3,1,f3,81,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(76,2,1,e4,77,3,1,g4,78,3,1,a5,79,3,1,b5,80,3,1,a5,81,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(82,2,1,a4,83,3,1,c3,84,3,1,b3,85,3,1,a3,86,3,1,b3,87,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(82,2,1,c5,83,3,1,e4,84,3,1,d4,85,3,1,c4,86,3,1,d4,87,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(88,2,1,b3,89,3,1,b4,90,3,1,c4,91,3,1,d4,92,3,1,c4,93,2,1,d4);
+ clef_(0);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(94,2,1,f4,95,2,1,d4,97,2,1,b5,99,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(95,3,1,b5,96,3,1,c5,97,3,1,d5,98,3,1,c5,99,2,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(101,2,1,d4,102,3,1,f4,103,3,1,e4,104,3,1,d4,105,3,1,e4,106,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(101,2,1,f4,102,2,1,d4,104,2,1,b5,106,2,1,f4);
+ clef_(6);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_flat(a4);
+ beam(107,2,1,b4,108,2,1,d4,110,2,1,f3,112,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(107,2,1,d4,108,3,1,f4,109,3,1,e4,110,3,1,d4,111,3,1,e4,112,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(113,2,1,g3,114,3,1,e3,115,3,1,f3,116,3,1,g3,117,3,1,f3,118,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(113,2,1,b4,114,2,1,e4,116,2,1,b4,118,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(119,2,1,b4,120,2,1,g3,122,2,1,e4,124,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(119,2,1,g4,120,3,1,e4,121,3,1,f4,122,3,1,g4,123,3,1,f4,124,2,1,e4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4b18036b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := -2;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_flat(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(1,2,1,g3,2,3,1,b4,3,3,1,a4,4,3,1,g3,5,3,1,a4,6,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(1,2,1,b5,2,2,1,g4,4,2,1,e5,6,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_flat(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(7,2,1,e3,8,2,1,g3,10,2,1,b3,12,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(7,2,1,g4,8,3,1,b5,9,3,1,a5,10,3,1,g4,11,3,1,a5,12,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_natural(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_tie(e5);
+ beam(13,1,1,e4,16,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(13,2,1,c4,14,3,1,f3,15,3,1,g3,16,3,1,a4,17,3,1,g3,18,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ close_tie(e5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(19,2,1,c4,20,2,1,a4,22,2,1,e4,24,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(19,2,1,e5,20,3,1,e5,21,3,1,d5,22,3,1,c5,23,3,1,d5,24,2,1,e5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_tie(e5);
+ beam(26,1,1,f4,29,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(26,2,1,a4,27,3,1,c4,28,3,1,b4,29,3,1,a4,30,3,1,b4,31,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ close_tie(e5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(32,2,1,f3,33,2,1,a4,35,2,1,c3,37,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(32,2,1,e5,33,3,1,c5,34,3,1,d5,35,3,1,e5,36,3,1,d5,37,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(38,2,1,d3,39,3,1,b4,40,3,1,c4,41,3,1,d4,42,3,1,c4,43,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(38,2,1,f5,39,3,1,d5,40,3,1,c5,41,3,1,b5,42,3,1,c5,43,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(44,1,1,f4,46,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(44,2,1,f4,45,2,1,b5,46,2,1,c5,47,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_wholeheads(b4);
+ add_wholeheads(b5);
+ barline_(20);
+ barline_(20);
+numeric desired_width; end_of_block; make_line(next_char);
+showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/cmajor.dvi b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/cmajor.dvi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8b3e07d86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/cmajor.dvi
Binary files differ
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/cmajor.tex b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/cmajor.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a0e700247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/cmajor.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+\input texmuse.tex
+\title{Invention in C}
+\author{J. S. Bach}
+\flushright\small Typeset by \TeXmuse
+ 3R[CDE] [FDEC] 4 [GC+][BC+]
+ \rangefrom{G4} 3[DGAB] [CABG] 4[DG+FG+]
+ \rangefrom{C5} 3[EAGF] [EGFA] [GFED] [CEDF]
+ \rangefrom{F4}[EDCB][ACBD][CBAG][\#FAGB]
+ \rangefrom{F4}4[AD-][C.3D][BAG\#F] [E-GFA]
+ 4\#FR5R3R[ABC][DBCA]
+ 4CR5R3R[EDC][BD\#CE]
+ 4[D\#CDE][F+A][\nBC]
+ 4[D\#F][\#GA][BC]5D=
+ 3[DE-\#F\#G][AFGE-][EDCE][DCBD]
+ 3[CA+\#G+B+][A+EF+D][\#GF+ED]4[C3BA]
+ [A\rangefrom{C5}AGF][EGFA]6G
+ [FGAB][C+A\nBG]4[C+G][E3DC]
+ \rangefrom{D4}[C\bBAG][FAGB][A\nBCD][DCFB]
+ 7C
+ }
+ 6R 3R[C DE] [FDEC]
+ 4[GG-] 5R 3R[GAB] [C+ABG]
+ \rangefrom{G3}4[CBCD] [EG] [AB]
+ [CE-] [\#F-G] [AB] 5C
+ \rangefrom{D3}3[CDE\#F][GEFD]4[GB-][C-D]
+ 4[E\#F][GE][B-.3C-]4[DD-]
+ \rangefrom{G2}3R[GAB][CABG]4[DG+][\#FG+]
+ 3[A+DE\#F][G+EFD]\rangefrom{A4}4[ADCD]
+ 3[G-\trebleclef GFE][DFEG]4[FEFD]
+ 3[EA+GF][EGFA+]4[GFGE]
+ \rangefrom{D4}3[F\bBAG][FAGB][AGFE][DFEG]
+ \rangefrom{G3}[FEDC][BDCE][DCBA][\#GBAC]
+ 4[B\bassclef E-][D.3E][CBA\nG][\#F-A\#GB]
+ [AA-]5R3R[EDC][BD\#CE]
+ 4[ABAG][F-DCB]
+ [AFED]3[ED-E-F-][GE-F-D-]
+ \rangefrom{C3}4[ECDE][3FDEF]4[GG-]
+ 7C-
+ }
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3735cd37f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,961 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := 0;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_rest(-1,0);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(2,2,1,c4,3,2,1,d4,4,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(5,2,1,f4,6,2,1,d4,7,2,1,e4,8,2,1,c4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(9,1,1,g4,11,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(10,2,1,c3,11,2,1,d3,12,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(13,1,1,b5,15,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(13,2,1,f3,14,2,1,d3,15,2,1,e3,16,2,1,c3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ beam(18,1,1,g3,20,1,1,g2);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(18,2,1,d5,19,2,1,g4,20,2,1,a5,21,2,1,b5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(22,2,1,c5,23,2,1,a5,24,2,1,b5,25,2,1,g4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(27,2,1,g3,28,2,1,a4,29,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(26,1,1,d5,28,1,1,g5,30,1,1,f5,32,1,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(30,2,1,c4,31,2,1,a4,32,2,1,b4,33,2,1,g3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(35,2,1,e5,36,2,1,a6,37,2,1,g5,38,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(35,1,1,c4,37,1,1,b4,39,1,1,c4,41,1,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(39,2,1,e5,40,2,1,g5,41,2,1,f5,42,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(43,1,1,e4,45,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(43,2,1,g5,44,2,1,f5,45,2,1,e5,46,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(47,1,1,a4,49,1,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(47,2,1,c5,48,2,1,e5,49,2,1,d5,50,2,1,f5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(52,1,1,c4,54,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(52,2,1,e5,53,2,1,d5,54,2,1,c5,55,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(56,1,1,f3,58,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(56,2,1,a5,57,2,1,c5,58,2,1,b5,59,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(60,1,1,a4,62,1,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(60,2,1,c5,61,2,1,b5,62,2,1,a5,63,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(64,2,1,f4,65,2,1,a5,66,2,1,g4,67,2,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(69,1,1,a5,71,1,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ beam(69,2,1,c4,70,2,1,d3,71,2,1,e3,72,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_dot(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(73,2,1,g3,74,2,1,e3,75,2,1,f3,76,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(73,1,1,c5,76,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(77,1,1,g3,79,1,1,b3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ beam(77,2,1,b5,78,2,1,a5,79,2,1,g4,80,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(81,1,1,c3,83,1,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(81,2,1,e4,82,2,1,g4,83,2,1,f4,84,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ beam(86,1,1,e3,88,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(86,2,1,g4,87,2,1,b5,88,2,1,a5,89,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(90,1,1,g3,92,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(90,2,1,b5,91,2,1,d5,92,2,1,c5,93,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_dot(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(94,1,1,b3,98,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(94,2,1,d5,95,3,1,b5,96,3,1,c5,97,2,1,d5,98,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d2);
+ beam(99,1,1,d3,100,1,1,d2);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(99,1,1,b5,100,2,1,a5,101,2,1,g4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(104,2,1,g2,105,2,1,a3,106,2,1,b3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ beam(107,2,1,c3,108,2,1,a3,109,2,1,b3,110,2,1,g2);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(111,1,1,d3,113,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(112,2,1,g4,113,2,1,a5,114,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(115,1,1,f3,117,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(115,2,1,c5,116,2,1,a5,117,2,1,b5,118,2,1,g4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ beam(120,2,1,a4,121,2,1,d3,122,2,1,e3,123,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(124,2,1,g3,125,2,1,e3,126,2,1,f3,127,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(129,2,1,a5,130,2,1,b5,131,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(128,1,1,a4,130,1,1,d4,132,1,1,c4,134,1,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(132,2,1,d5,133,2,1,b5,134,2,1,c5,135,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ clef_(0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(137,2,1,g3,138,2,1,g4,139,2,1,f4,140,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(141,2,1,d4,142,2,1,f4,143,2,1,e4,144,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(146,2,1,d5,147,2,1,c5,148,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(145,1,1,f4,147,1,1,e4,149,1,1,f4,151,1,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(149,2,1,a5,150,2,1,c5,151,2,1,b5,152,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(154,2,1,e4,155,2,1,a5,156,2,1,g4,157,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(158,2,1,e4,159,2,1,g4,160,2,1,f4,161,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(163,2,1,e5,164,2,1,d5,165,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(162,1,1,g4,164,1,1,f4,166,1,1,g4,168,1,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_sharp(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(166,2,1,b5,167,2,1,d5,168,2,1,c5,169,2,1,e5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b96e0fcd04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,949 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := 0;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 0;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_flat(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_sharp(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(1,2,1,f4,2,2,1,b5,3,2,1,a5,4,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(1,1,1,d5,3,1,1,c5,5,1,1,d5,7,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(5,2,1,f4,6,2,1,a5,7,2,1,g4,8,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(9,1,1,f5,11,1,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(9,2,1,a5,10,2,1,g4,11,2,1,f4,12,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(13,1,1,b5,15,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(13,2,1,d4,14,2,1,f4,15,2,1,e4,16,2,1,g4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ beam(18,1,1,d5,20,1,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(18,2,1,f4,19,2,1,e4,20,2,1,d4,21,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(22,1,1,g4,24,1,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(22,2,1,b4,23,2,1,d4,24,2,1,c4,25,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(26,1,1,b5,28,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(26,2,1,d4,27,2,1,c4,28,2,1,b4,29,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_sharp(g3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_tie(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(30,2,1,g3,31,2,1,b4,32,2,1,a4,33,2,1,c4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ close_tie(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ clef_(6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(35,1,1,b4,37,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ beam(35,2,1,d5,36,2,1,e4,37,2,1,f4,38,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_dot(d4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(39,1,1,d4,42,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(39,2,1,a5,40,2,1,f4,41,2,1,g4,42,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_natural(g3);
+ beam(43,2,1,c4,44,2,1,b4,45,2,1,a4,46,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(43,2,1,e5,44,2,1,d5,45,2,1,c5,46,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_sharp(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(47,2,1,f3,48,2,1,a4,49,2,1,g3,50,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(47,2,1,d5,48,2,1,c5,49,2,1,b5,50,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_sharp(g5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(52,2,1,a4,53,2,1,c4,54,2,1,b4,55,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ beam(52,2,1,c5,53,2,1,a6,54,2,1,g5,55,2,1,b6);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(56,2,1,c4,57,2,1,e4,58,2,1,d4,59,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(56,2,1,a6,57,2,1,e5,58,2,1,f5,59,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(60,2,1,g4,61,2,1,f5,62,2,1,e5,63,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(60,1,1,e4,62,1,1,a4,64,1,1,e4,65,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(64,1,1,c5,65,2,1,b5,66,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ beam(68,1,1,a4,70,1,1,a3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(68,2,1,a5,69,2,1,a6,70,2,1,g5,71,2,1,f5);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(72,2,1,e5,73,2,1,g5,74,2,1,f5,75,2,1,a6);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_halfheads(g5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(77,2,1,e4,78,2,1,d4,79,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_sharp(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(80,2,1,b4,81,2,1,d4,82,2,1,c4,83,2,1,e4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_halfheads(d4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(85,2,1,g5,86,2,1,e5,87,2,1,f5,88,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(89,2,1,a6,90,2,1,f5,91,2,1,g5,92,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_halfheads(f5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(93,2,1,d4,94,2,1,a4,95,2,1,b4,96,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(97,2,1,d4,98,2,1,b4,99,2,1,c4,100,2,1,a4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_halfheads(b4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(102,2,1,f5,103,2,1,g5,104,2,1,f5,105,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(106,2,1,d5,107,2,1,f5,108,2,1,e5,109,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_halfheads(f5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(110,2,1,b4,111,2,1,d4,112,2,1,c4,113,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(114,2,1,a4,115,2,1,c4,116,2,1,b4,117,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_halfheads(c4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(119,2,1,f5,120,2,1,d5,121,2,1,e5,122,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(123,2,1,g5,124,2,1,e5,125,2,1,f5,126,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_halfheads(e5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(127,2,1,c4,128,2,1,g3,129,2,1,a4,130,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(131,2,1,c4,132,2,1,a4,133,2,1,b4,134,2,1,g3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(136,2,1,e5,137,2,1,c5,138,2,1,d5,139,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(136,1,1,a4,138,1,1,b4,140,1,1,a4,142,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(140,2,1,f5,141,2,1,d5,142,2,1,e5,143,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(144,2,1,d5,145,2,1,e5,146,2,1,f5,147,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(144,1,1,f3,146,1,1,d4,148,1,1,c4,150,1,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(148,2,1,a6,149,2,1,f5,150,2,1,g5,151,2,1,e5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ beam(153,2,1,f5,154,2,1,g5,155,2,1,a6,156,2,1,b6);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(153,1,1,a4,155,1,1,f4,157,1,1,e4,159,1,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_natural(b6);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(157,2,1,c6,158,2,1,a6,159,2,1,b6,160,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(161,1,1,c6,163,1,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(161,2,1,e4,162,2,1,d3,163,2,1,e3,164,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(165,2,1,g3,166,2,1,e3,167,2,1,f3,168,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(165,1,1,e5,167,2,1,d5,168,2,1,c5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f40a03de5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := 0;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_flat(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(1,2,1,c5,2,2,1,b5,3,2,1,a5,4,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(1,1,1,e3,3,1,1,c3,5,1,1,d3,7,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(5,2,1,f4,6,2,1,a5,7,2,1,g4,8,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(9,2,1,f3,10,2,1,d3,11,2,1,e3,12,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(9,2,1,a5,10,2,1,b5,11,2,1,c5,12,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ beam(13,1,1,g3,15,1,1,g2);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(13,2,1,d4,14,2,1,c5,15,2,1,f4,16,2,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_wholeheads(c2);
+ add_wholeheads(c5);
+ barline_(20);
+ barline_(20);
+numeric desired_width; end_of_block; make_line(next_char);
+showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/cminor.dvi b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/cminor.dvi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e51971c992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/cminor.dvi
Binary files differ
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/cminor.tex b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/cminor.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d495bded4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/cminor.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+\input texmuse.tex
+\title{Invention in c}
+\author{J. S. Bach}
+\flushright\small Typeset by \TeXmuse
+ 4R3[C\nB][CDEG-][A\bBAF-][FEDC]
+ [\nBA+GF][EDCB][CDCD][4D.2CD]
+ 4[FE]RD[EA=]3[AF-BF-]
+ 4[G-E=][3EDEB][CEA+G][FEDC]
+ [EBCB]5G=3[GBCB]5A+=
+ [3A+BED][GFA+G][C+B+A+G][FB+A+B+]
+ [EFGA+][B+A+C+B+][A+GFA+]5D=
+ [3DDGD][ECDB]5C=3[CG\#F\nA+]
+ [CB4C=][3C\#F\nED][4B+.3E]4[F.3G]
+ [4G3\rangefrom{E4}G\#F][G\nABD-][EFEC-][CBAG]
+ [\#FE+DC][B\nAGF][GAGA]4[A.2GA]
+ [3B\nAGA][BC4D][DC]CR
+ [CB]4R\nA[BE=]3[EC-\nFC-]
+ 4[D-B=][3B\nABF][GBE+D][CBAG]
+ [F\nACD][BAGA][EGCG][4A.3A]
+ [BFGF]5D=[3DFGF]5E=
+ [3EFB\nA][DCE+D][G+F+E+D][CF+E+F+]
+ [DCB\nA][DCE+D][CBAC]5F+=
+ [3F+GC\nB][E+DF+E+][A+G+F+E+][DG+F+G+]
+ [E+DC\nB][CDE+G][A\bBAF][F+E+DC]
+ [\nBA+G+F+][E+DCB][CDCD]4[D.2CD]
+ 3[E+DCD][E+F+4G+][G+F+]RF+
+ 4[F+E+]\rangefrom{C5}3[GFAG][4G.3A][4D.3C]
+ 7C
+ 7R
+ R
+ 4R\trebleclef 3[C\nB][CDEG-][A\bBAF-][FEDC]
+ [\nBA+GF][EDCB][CDCD][4D.2CD]
+ [FE]RD[EA=]3[AF-BF-]
+ 4[G-E=]3[EDEB][CEA+G][FEDC]
+ [EBCB]5G=3[GBCB]5A+=
+ [3A+BED][GFA+G][C+B+A+G][FB+A+B+]
+ [4G\bassclef3\rangefrom{E3}EF][G\nABD-][EFEC-][CBAG]
+ [\#FE+DC][B\nAGF][GAGA]4]A.2GA]
+ 3[B\nAGA][BC4D][DC]4CR
+ [CB]4R\nA[BE=]3[EC-\nFC-]
+ 4[D-B3][B\nABF][GBE+D][CBAG]
+ [F\nACD][BAGA][EGCG][4A.3A]
+ [BFGF]5D=]3[DFGF]5E+=
+ [3E+FB\nA][DCE+D][G+F+E+D][CF+E+F+]
+ [BCDE+][F+E+G+F+][E+DCE+]5\nA=
+ [3\nADG\#F][BACB][E+DCB][ADCD]
+ [\nBF+E+D][C\bB\bAG][FED-C-]4]GG-]
+ \rangefrom{A3}[4C.3D][EF4G][GF]RF
+ [4FE=][3EFED][C\bBAG-][F-E-F-G-]
+ 4[C-3C\nB][CDEG-][A\bBAF-][FEDC]
+ [\nBA+GF][EDCB][CG-AF-][4G-G-]
+ 7C-
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3a796caa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := -3;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_rest(-2,0);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ beam(2,2,1,c5,3,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(4,2,1,c5,5,2,1,d5,6,2,1,e5,7,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_flat(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(8,2,1,a5,9,2,1,b5,10,2,1,a5,11,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(12,2,1,f5,13,2,1,e5,14,2,1,d5,15,2,1,c5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(-2,0);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(17,2,1,b5,18,2,1,a6,19,2,1,g5,20,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(21,2,1,e5,22,2,1,d5,23,2,1,c5,24,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(25,2,1,c5,26,2,1,d5,27,2,1,c5,28,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_dot(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(29,1,1,d5,30,3,1,c5,31,3,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ clef_(0);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_natural(b4);
+ beam(35,2,1,c4,36,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(33,2,1,e5,34,2,1,d5,35,2,1,c5,36,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(37,2,1,e5,38,2,1,f5,39,1,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(37,2,1,c4,38,2,1,d4,39,2,1,e4,40,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_flat(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(41,1,1,g5,43,1,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(41,2,1,a4,42,2,1,b4,43,2,1,a4,44,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(45,2,1,f4,46,2,1,e4,47,2,1,d4,48,2,1,c4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_natural(b4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(50,1,1,f5,52,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(50,2,1,b4,51,2,1,a5,52,2,1,g4,53,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(54,2,1,e4,55,2,1,d4,56,2,1,c4,57,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_tie(a5);
+ beam(58,1,1,e5,60,1,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(58,2,1,c4,59,2,1,d4,60,2,1,c4,61,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_dot(d4);
+ close_tie(a5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(62,2,1,a5,63,2,1,f4,64,2,1,b5,65,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(62,1,1,d4,65,3,1,c4,66,3,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_tie(e5);
+ beam(68,1,1,g4,70,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(68,2,1,e4,69,2,1,d4,70,2,1,c4,71,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ close_tie(e5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(72,2,1,e4,73,2,1,f4,74,1,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(72,2,1,e5,73,2,1,d5,74,2,1,e5,75,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(76,1,1,g4,78,1,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(76,2,1,c5,77,2,1,e5,78,2,1,a6,79,2,1,g5);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(80,2,1,f5,81,2,1,e5,82,2,1,d5,83,2,1,c5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(85,1,1,f4,87,1,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(85,2,1,b5,86,2,1,d5,87,2,1,g5,88,2,1,f5);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(89,2,1,e5,90,2,1,d5,91,2,1,c5,92,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_tie(a4);
+ beam(93,1,1,e4,95,1,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(93,2,1,a5,94,2,1,c5,95,2,1,f5,96,2,1,c5);
+ close_tie(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_dot(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(97,2,1,a4,98,2,1,f3,99,2,1,b4,100,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(97,1,1,d5,100,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_tie(e4);
+ beam(102,1,1,g3,104,1,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(102,2,1,e5,103,2,1,b5,104,2,1,c5,105,2,1,b5);
+ close_tie(e4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_tie(g5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(106,2,1,e4,107,2,1,d4,108,2,1,e4,109,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ close_tie(g5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(110,2,1,c4,111,2,1,e4,112,2,1,a5,113,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(110,2,1,g5,111,2,1,b5,112,2,1,c5,113,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_tie(a6);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(114,2,1,f4,115,2,1,e4,116,2,1,d4,117,2,1,c4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ close_tie(a6);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(119,2,1,b4,120,2,1,d4,121,2,1,g4,122,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(119,2,1,a6,120,2,1,b5,121,2,1,e5,122,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(123,2,1,e4,124,2,1,d4,125,2,1,c4,126,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(123,2,1,g5,124,2,1,f5,125,2,1,a6,126,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(127,2,1,a4,128,2,1,c4,129,2,1,f4,130,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(127,2,1,c6,128,2,1,b6,129,2,1,a6,130,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_dot(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(131,1,1,d4,134,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ beam(131,2,1,f5,132,2,1,b6,133,2,1,a6,134,2,1,b6);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c36aab9d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,869 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := -3;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 0;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(1,2,1,e4,2,2,1,b4,3,2,1,c4,4,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ beam(1,2,1,g5,2,2,1,b6,3,2,1,a6,4,2,1,b6);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_tie(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(5,2,1,e5,6,2,1,g5,7,2,1,f5,8,2,1,g5);
+ close_tie(g4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(9,2,1,g4,10,2,1,b4,11,2,1,c4,12,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(9,2,1,c5,10,2,1,d5,11,2,1,e5,12,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_tie(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(13,2,1,d5,14,2,1,e5,15,2,1,f5,16,2,1,g5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ close_tie(a5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(18,2,1,a5,19,2,1,b4,20,2,1,e4,21,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(18,2,1,e5,19,2,1,f5,20,2,1,g5,21,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(22,2,1,g4,23,2,1,f4,24,2,1,a5,25,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ beam(22,2,1,b6,23,2,1,a6,24,2,1,c6,25,2,1,b6);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(26,2,1,c5,27,2,1,b5,28,2,1,a5,29,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(26,2,1,a6,27,2,1,g5,28,2,1,f5,29,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_tie(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(30,2,1,f4,31,2,1,b5,32,2,1,a5,33,2,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ close_tie(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ clef_(6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(35,1,1,g4,37,2,1,e3,38,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(35,2,1,d5,36,2,1,d5,37,2,1,g5,38,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_natural(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(39,2,1,g3,40,2,1,a4,41,2,1,b4,42,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(39,2,1,e5,40,2,1,c5,41,2,1,d5,42,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_tie(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(43,2,1,e3,44,2,1,f3,45,2,1,e3,46,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ close_tie(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_sharp(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(47,2,1,c4,48,2,1,b4,49,2,1,a4,50,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_natural(a6);
+ beam(47,2,1,c5,48,2,1,g5,49,2,1,f5,50,2,1,a6);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_tie(c5);
+ beam(52,2,1,c5,53,2,1,b5,54,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(52,2,1,f3,53,2,1,e4,54,2,1,d4,55,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ close_tie(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_natural(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_sharp(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_natural(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(56,2,1,b4,57,2,1,a4,58,2,1,g3,59,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(56,2,1,c5,57,2,1,f5,58,2,1,e5,59,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_dot(b6);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(60,2,1,g3,61,2,1,a4,62,2,1,g3,63,2,1,a4);
+ beam(60,2,1,g3,61,2,1,a4,62,2,1,g3,63,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(60,1,1,b6,63,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_dot(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_dot(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(64,1,1,f5,65,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(3);
+ beam(60,2,1,g3,61,2,1,a4,62,2,1,g3,63,2,1,a4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_natural(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(68,2,1,b4,69,2,1,a4,70,2,1,g3,71,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ beam(68,1,1,g5,70,2,1,g4,71,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_natural(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(72,2,1,b4,73,2,1,c4,74,1,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(72,2,1,g4,73,2,1,a5,74,2,1,b5,75,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(76,1,1,d4,78,1,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(76,2,1,e4,77,2,1,f4,78,2,1,e4,79,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(80,2,1,c5,81,2,1,b5,82,2,1,a5,83,2,1,g4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(85,1,1,c4,87,1,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(85,2,1,f4,86,2,1,e5,87,2,1,d5,88,2,1,c5);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_natural(a5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_natural(a4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(89,2,1,b5,90,2,1,a5,91,2,1,g4,92,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_tie(e3);
+ beam(93,1,1,b4,95,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(93,2,1,g4,94,2,1,a5,95,2,1,g4,96,2,1,a5);
+ close_tie(e3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_dot(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_natural(f3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(97,2,1,e3,98,2,1,c3,99,2,1,f3,100,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(97,1,1,a5,100,3,1,g4,101,3,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_natural(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(103,1,1,d3,105,1,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(103,2,1,b5,104,2,1,a5,105,2,1,g4,106,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_natural(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(107,2,1,b5,108,2,1,c5,109,1,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(107,2,1,b4,108,2,1,a4,109,2,1,b4,110,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(111,1,1,d5,113,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(111,2,1,g3,112,2,1,b4,113,2,1,e4,114,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(115,2,1,c4,116,2,1,b4,117,2,1,a4,118,2,1,g3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_natural(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(120,1,1,c5,122,1,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(120,2,1,f3,121,2,1,a4,122,2,1,c4,123,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_natural(a5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(124,2,1,b4,125,2,1,a4,126,2,1,g3,127,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_tie(e4);
+ beam(128,1,1,b5,130,1,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(128,2,1,e3,129,2,1,g3,130,2,1,c4,131,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_dot(a4);
+ close_tie(e4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_natural(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(132,1,1,a4,135,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(132,2,1,e4,133,2,1,c4,134,2,1,f4,135,2,1,c4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39bcf0382c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,890 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := -3;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_tie(b5);
+ beam(1,1,1,d4,3,1,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(1,2,1,b4,2,2,1,f3,3,2,1,g3,4,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_tie(d4);
+ beam(1,2,1,b4,2,2,1,f3,3,2,1,g3,4,2,1,f3);
+ close_tie(b5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_natural(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(5,2,1,b5,6,2,1,a5,7,2,1,b5,8,2,1,f4);
+ close_tie(d4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(9,2,1,d4,10,2,1,f3,11,2,1,g3,12,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(9,2,1,g4,10,2,1,b5,11,2,1,e5,12,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_tie(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(13,2,1,c5,14,2,1,b5,15,2,1,a5,16,2,1,g4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ close_tie(e4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_natural(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_natural(a4);
+ beam(18,2,1,e4,19,2,1,f3,20,2,1,b4,21,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(18,2,1,f4,19,2,1,a5,20,2,1,c5,21,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(22,2,1,d4,23,2,1,c4,24,2,1,e4,25,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(22,2,1,b5,23,2,1,a5,24,2,1,g4,25,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(26,2,1,g4,27,2,1,f4,28,2,1,e4,29,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(26,2,1,e4,27,2,1,g4,28,2,1,c5,29,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_dot(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(30,2,1,c4,31,2,1,f4,32,2,1,e4,33,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(30,1,1,a5,33,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(35,2,1,d4,36,2,1,f4,37,2,1,e4,38,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(35,2,1,b5,36,2,1,f4,37,2,1,g4,38,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_tie(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(39,2,1,b4,40,2,1,d4,41,2,1,c4,42,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ close_tie(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_natural(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(43,2,1,g3,44,2,1,a4,45,2,1,b4,46,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(43,2,1,d5,44,2,1,f4,45,2,1,g4,46,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_tie(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(47,2,1,a4,48,2,1,b4,49,2,1,c4,50,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ close_tie(e4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(52,2,1,b4,53,2,1,c4,54,2,1,d4,55,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_natural(a5);
+ beam(52,2,1,e4,53,2,1,f4,54,2,1,b5,55,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(56,2,1,f4,57,2,1,e4,58,2,1,g4,59,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(56,2,1,d5,57,2,1,c5,58,2,1,e5,59,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(60,2,1,e4,61,2,1,d4,62,2,1,c4,63,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(60,2,1,g5,61,2,1,f5,62,2,1,e5,63,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_natural(a4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_tie(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(64,2,1,c5,65,2,1,f5,66,2,1,e5,67,2,1,f5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ close_tie(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_natural(a4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ beam(69,2,1,a4,70,2,1,d4,71,2,1,g3,72,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_natural(a5);
+ beam(69,2,1,d5,70,2,1,c5,71,2,1,b5,72,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(73,2,1,b4,74,2,1,a4,75,2,1,c4,76,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(73,2,1,d5,74,2,1,c5,75,2,1,e5,76,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(77,2,1,e4,78,2,1,d4,79,2,1,c4,80,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(77,2,1,c5,78,2,1,b5,79,2,1,a5,80,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_tie(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(81,2,1,a4,82,2,1,d4,83,2,1,c4,84,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_natural(b4);
+ close_tie(f5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(86,2,1,b4,87,2,1,f4,88,2,1,e4,89,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ beam(86,2,1,f5,87,2,1,g4,88,2,1,c5,89,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_flat(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_flat(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(90,2,1,c4,91,2,1,b4,92,2,1,a4,93,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(90,2,1,e5,91,2,1,d5,92,2,1,f5,93,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(94,2,1,f3,95,2,1,e3,96,2,1,d3,97,2,1,c3);
+ beam(94,2,1,f3,95,2,1,e3,96,2,1,d3,97,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(94,2,1,a6,95,2,1,g5,96,2,1,f5,97,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ beam(94,2,1,f3,95,2,1,e3,96,2,1,d3,97,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(98,2,1,d5,99,2,1,g5,100,2,1,f5,101,2,1,g5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_dot(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(103,1,1,c3,106,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ beam(103,2,1,e5,104,2,1,d5,105,2,1,c5,106,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(107,2,1,e3,108,2,1,f3,109,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(107,2,1,c5,108,2,1,d5,109,2,1,e5,110,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_flat(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(111,1,1,g3,113,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(111,2,1,a5,112,2,1,b5,113,2,1,a5,114,2,1,f4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(115,2,1,f5,116,2,1,e5,117,2,1,d5,118,2,1,c5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_tie(e3);
+ beam(120,1,1,f3,122,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(120,2,1,b5,121,2,1,a6,122,2,1,g5,123,2,1,f5);
+ close_tie(e3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(124,2,1,e3,125,2,1,f3,126,2,1,e3,127,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(124,2,1,e5,125,2,1,d5,126,2,1,c5,127,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_flat(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ beam(128,2,1,c3,129,2,1,b3,130,2,1,a3,131,2,1,g2);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(128,2,1,c5,129,2,1,d5,130,2,1,c5,131,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_dot(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e2);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ beam(132,2,1,f2,133,2,1,e2,134,2,1,f2,135,2,1,g2);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(132,1,1,d5,135,3,1,c5,136,3,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f058fd6522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := -3;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(c2);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_natural(b3);
+ beam(1,1,1,c2,3,2,1,c3,4,2,1,b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(1,2,1,e5,2,2,1,d5,3,2,1,c5,4,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(5,2,1,e5,6,2,1,f5,7,1,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ beam(5,2,1,c3,6,2,1,d3,7,2,1,e3,8,2,1,g2);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_flat(b3);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(9,1,1,g5,11,1,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ beam(9,2,1,a3,10,2,1,b3,11,2,1,a3,12,2,1,f2);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(13,2,1,f3,14,2,1,e3,15,2,1,d3,16,2,1,c3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_natural(b3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(18,1,1,f5,20,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(18,2,1,b3,19,2,1,a4,20,2,1,g3,21,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(22,2,1,e3,23,2,1,d3,24,2,1,c3,25,2,1,b3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(22,2,1,g5,23,2,1,f5,24,2,1,a6,25,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_dot(g5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ beam(26,2,1,c3,27,2,1,g2,28,2,1,a3,29,2,1,f2);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(26,1,1,g5,29,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_dot(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ beam(30,1,1,g2,31,1,1,g2);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(30,1,1,d5,32,2,1,c5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_wholeheads(c2);
+ add_wholeheads(c5);
+ barline_(20);
+ barline_(20);
+numeric desired_width; end_of_block; make_line(next_char);
+showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/dmajor.dvi b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/dmajor.dvi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a7213d748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/dmajor.dvi
Binary files differ
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/dmajor.tex b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/dmajor.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a48a8b63c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/dmajor.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+\input texmuse.tex
+\title{Invention in D}
+\author{J. S. Bach}
+\flushright\small Typeset by \TeXmuse
+\righthand{\rangefrom{D4}3[DE]|[FEGFED] [AGFEFD] 4[AB3CD+] [4CA3CD+]
+ \rangefrom{G4}3[ECFDCB] [ECDBA\#G] [ECFDCB] [ECDBA\#G]
+ [CBDCBA] 4[F\#GA=] 3[AB]4[B.3A] 5A4R
+ 4R[EA+=] [3A+BC\#DEF] [G+FA+G+FE] 4[B+B]R
+ [DCEDCB] 4[C\#AB=] [3BC4C.3B] [BF-\#G\#ABC]
+ [DCEDCB] 5G+.= G+.= 3[G+E-F-\#GAB]
+ [CBDCBA] 5F.= F.= 3[FBEDCB]
+ [CBDCBA] 4[\#GE-3AB] [CBDCBA] [4F.3\#GAG]
+ [AD4B.3A] [4A.3CDE] 4[F-GA] [BCD=]
+ 4[AB3CD] 4[CAD] [DD-D] [DD-D]
+ [DD-D] [DD-3DE] [FEG+FED] [4B+CD=]
+ 3[DE4E.3D] 4[DD-G=] [3GA-B-C-D-E-] [F-E-GF-E-D-]
+ [4B.3C-D-C-] [D-G4E-.3D-] 5D-
+\lefthand{\rangefrom{D3}4R|5R4R RR3[DE] [FEGFED] [AGFEFD]
+ 4[AA-A] [AA-A] [AA-A] [AA-A]
+ [ABC] 3[D+CE+D+CB] [CD+]4[E+E] [3AEF\#GAB]
+ [CBD+CBA] 4[E+E]R R[BE+=] [3E+F\#G\#ABC]
+ \trebleclef\rangefrom{C4}3[DCEDCB-] 4[FF-F] [D3B\#A4B] [C3\#A\#G4A]
+ 3[B\nA\nGFED] [EDFEDC] \bassclef[DE4FF-] \rangefrom{B3}[B+FD]
+ 5B4R 3R[BC\#DEF] [GFAGFE] 5A.=
+ A.= [3AA-BCDE] [FEGFED] [4\#G.3EFG]
+ [FEGFED] 4[AA-]R 5R4R 4RR3[DE]
+ [FG4AA-] 3[BA-\nCBA-G-] 5D.= [3DCBA-G-F-]
+ [G-F-A-G-F-E-] [F-G-]5A- 5D-
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d264b71340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := 0;
+desired_width := 345.0pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(1,2,1,d4,2,2,1,e4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(4,2,1,f4,5,2,1,e4,6,2,1,g4,7,2,1,f4,8,2,1,e4,9,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(15,2,1,d3,16,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(11,2,1,a5,12,2,1,g4,13,2,1,f4,14,2,1,e4,15,2,1,f4,16,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(18,2,1,f3,19,2,1,e3,20,2,1,g3,21,2,1,f3,22,2,1,e3,23,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(18,1,1,a5,20,1,1,b5,22,2,1,c5,23,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(25,2,1,a4,26,2,1,g3,27,2,1,f3,28,2,1,e3,29,2,1,f3,30,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(25,1,1,c5,27,1,1,a5,29,2,1,c5,30,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(32,1,1,a4,34,1,1,a3,36,1,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(32,2,1,e5,33,2,1,c5,34,2,1,f5,35,2,1,d5,36,2,1,c5,37,2,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(39,1,1,a4,41,1,1,a3,43,1,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ beam(39,2,1,e5,40,2,1,c5,41,2,1,d5,42,2,1,b5,43,2,1,a5,44,2,1,g4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(46,1,1,a4,48,1,1,a3,50,1,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(46,2,1,e5,47,2,1,c5,48,2,1,f5,49,2,1,d5,50,2,1,c5,51,2,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(53,1,1,a4,55,1,1,a3,57,1,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ beam(53,2,1,e5,54,2,1,c5,55,2,1,d5,56,2,1,b5,57,2,1,a5,58,2,1,g4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(60,1,1,a4,62,1,1,b4,64,1,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(60,2,1,c5,61,2,1,b5,62,2,1,d5,63,2,1,c5,64,2,1,b5,65,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_tie(a5);
+ beam(67,1,1,f5,69,1,1,g4,71,1,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(67,2,1,d4,68,2,1,c4,69,2,1,e4,70,2,1,d4,71,2,1,c4,72,2,1,b4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ close_tie(a5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(74,2,1,c4,75,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(74,2,1,a5,75,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_dot(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(76,1,1,e4,77,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(76,1,1,b5,78,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_sharp(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(80,2,1,a4,81,2,1,e3,82,2,1,f3,83,2,1,g3,84,2,1,a4,85,2,1,b4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_tie(a6);
+ beam(89,1,1,e5,91,1,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(87,2,1,c4,88,2,1,b4,89,2,1,d4,90,2,1,c4,91,2,1,b4,92,2,1,a4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ close_tie(a6);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(94,1,1,e4,96,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_sharp(d5);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(94,2,1,a6,95,2,1,b5,96,2,1,c5,97,2,1,d5,98,2,1,e5,99,2,1,f5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_tie(e4);
+ beam(103,1,1,b4,105,1,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(101,2,1,g5,102,2,1,f5,103,2,1,a6,104,2,1,g5,105,2,1,f5,106,2,1,e5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ close_tie(e4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_sharp(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(108,1,1,b6,110,1,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_sharp(a4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(108,2,1,e4,109,2,1,f3,110,2,1,g3,111,2,1,a4,112,2,1,b4,113,2,1,c4);
+ clef_(0);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_tie(b5);
+ beam(117,1,1,f4,119,1,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(115,2,1,d4,116,2,1,c4,117,2,1,e4,118,2,1,d4,119,2,1,c4,120,2,1,b4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ close_tie(b5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_sharp(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(122,1,1,f4,124,1,1,f3,126,1,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(122,2,1,b5,123,2,1,a5,124,2,1,b5,125,2,1,c5,126,2,1,d5,127,2,1,e5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_sharp(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(129,1,1,d4,131,2,1,b5,132,2,1,a5,133,1,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(129,2,1,f5,130,2,1,e5,131,2,1,g5,132,2,1,f5,133,2,1,e5,134,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_sharp(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(136,1,1,c4,138,2,1,a5,139,2,1,g4,140,1,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(136,2,1,e5,137,2,1,d5,138,2,1,f5,139,2,1,e5,140,2,1,d5,141,2,1,c5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_natural(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_natural(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(143,2,1,b5,144,2,1,a5,145,2,1,g4,146,2,1,f4,147,2,1,e4,148,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(143,2,1,d5,144,2,1,c5,145,2,1,e5,146,2,1,d5,147,2,1,c5,148,2,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_sharp(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_tie(b5);
+ beam(150,1,1,c5,152,1,1,a5,154,1,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(150,2,1,e4,151,2,1,d4,152,2,1,f4,153,2,1,e4,154,2,1,d4,155,2,1,c4);
+ clef_(6);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ close_tie(b5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_dot(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(157,2,1,d4,158,2,1,e4,159,1,1,f4,160,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(157,2,1,b5,158,2,1,c5,159,1,1,c5,161,2,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_sharp(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(163,1,1,b4,165,1,1,f3,167,1,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(163,2,1,b5,164,2,1,f4,165,2,1,g4,166,2,1,a5,167,2,1,b5,168,2,1,c5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e595a0669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,983 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := 0;
+desired_width := 345.0pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(1,2,1,d5,2,2,1,c5,3,2,1,e5,4,2,1,d5,5,2,1,c5,6,2,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(g5);
+ add_tie(g5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_sharp(d3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(9,2,1,b3,10,2,1,c3,11,2,1,d3,12,2,1,e3,13,2,1,f3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ close_tie(g5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(g5);
+ add_tie(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(15,2,1,g3,16,2,1,f3,17,2,1,a4,18,2,1,g3,19,2,1,f3,20,2,1,e3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(a4);
+ add_tie(a4);
+ close_tie(g5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(22,2,1,g5,23,2,1,e4,24,2,1,f4,25,2,1,g4,26,2,1,a5,27,2,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ close_tie(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(a4);
+ add_tie(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(29,2,1,c5,30,2,1,b5,31,2,1,d5,32,2,1,c5,33,2,1,b5,34,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ close_tie(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(f5);
+ add_tie(f5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(36,2,1,a4,37,2,1,a3,38,2,1,b3,39,2,1,c3,40,2,1,d3,41,2,1,e3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ close_tie(f5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(f5);
+ add_tie(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(43,2,1,f3,44,2,1,e3,45,2,1,g3,46,2,1,f3,47,2,1,e3,48,2,1,d3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_sharp(g3);
+ add_dot(g3);
+ close_tie(f5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(50,1,1,g3,53,2,1,e3,54,2,1,f3,55,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(50,2,1,f5,51,2,1,b5,52,2,1,e5,53,2,1,d5,54,2,1,c5,55,2,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_sharp(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(57,2,1,a4,58,2,1,g3,59,2,1,f3,60,2,1,e3,61,2,1,d3,62,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(57,2,1,c5,58,2,1,b5,59,2,1,d5,60,2,1,c5,61,2,1,b5,62,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ beam(64,2,1,e3,65,2,1,d3,66,2,1,c3,67,2,1,b3,68,2,1,c3,69,2,1,g2);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(64,1,1,g4,66,1,1,e4,68,2,1,a5,69,2,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(71,1,1,a4,73,1,1,f3,75,1,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(71,2,1,c5,72,2,1,b5,73,2,1,d5,74,2,1,c5,75,2,1,b5,76,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_dot(f5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(78,2,1,d3,79,2,1,c3,80,2,1,e3,81,2,1,d3,82,2,1,c3,83,2,1,b3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(78,1,1,f5,81,2,1,g4,82,2,1,a5,83,2,1,g4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(85,2,1,c3,86,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_dot(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e2);
+ beam(87,1,1,e3,88,1,1,e2);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(85,2,1,a5,86,2,1,d5,87,1,1,b5,89,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_dot(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(91,2,1,a3,92,2,1,c3,93,2,1,d3,94,2,1,e3,95,2,1,f3,96,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(91,1,1,a5,94,2,1,c5,95,2,1,d5,96,2,1,e5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(98,1,1,f4,100,1,1,g4,102,1,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(98,2,1,a4,99,2,1,g3,100,2,1,b4,101,2,1,a4,102,2,1,g3,103,2,1,f3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_tie(d5);
+ beam(105,1,1,b5,107,1,1,c5,109,1,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(105,2,1,g3,106,2,1,f3,107,2,1,a4,108,2,1,g3,109,2,1,f3,110,2,1,e3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ close_tie(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(112,2,1,f3,113,2,1,e3,114,2,1,g3,115,2,1,f3,116,2,1,e3,117,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(112,2,1,d5,113,2,1,c5,114,2,1,e5,115,2,1,d5,116,2,1,c5,117,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ beam(119,1,1,a4,121,1,1,a3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(119,2,1,e5,120,2,1,d5,121,2,1,c5,122,2,1,b5,123,2,1,a5,124,2,1,g4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(126,2,1,f4,127,2,1,e4,128,2,1,g4,129,2,1,f4,130,2,1,e4,131,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(137,2,1,d3,138,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(133,2,1,a5,134,2,1,g4,135,2,1,f4,136,2,1,e4,137,2,1,f4,138,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(140,2,1,f3,141,2,1,e3,142,2,1,g3,143,2,1,f3,144,2,1,e3,145,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(140,1,1,a5,142,1,1,b5,144,2,1,c5,145,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(147,1,1,c5,149,1,1,a5,151,1,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(147,2,1,a4,148,2,1,g3,149,2,1,f3,150,2,1,e3,151,2,1,f3,152,2,1,d3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(154,1,1,d5,156,1,1,d4,158,1,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(154,2,1,a4,155,2,1,f3,156,2,1,b4,157,2,1,g3,158,2,1,f3,159,2,1,e3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(161,1,1,d5,163,1,1,d4,165,1,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(161,2,1,a4,162,2,1,f3,163,2,1,g3,164,2,1,e3,165,2,1,d3,166,2,1,c3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..779b41bdca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := 0;
+desired_width := 345.0pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(1,1,1,d5,3,1,1,d4,5,1,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(1,2,1,a4,2,2,1,f3,3,2,1,b4,4,2,1,g3,5,2,1,f3,6,2,1,e3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(8,2,1,a4,9,2,1,f3,10,2,1,g3,11,2,1,e3,12,2,1,d3,13,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(8,1,1,d5,10,1,1,d4,12,2,1,d5,13,2,1,e5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(15,1,1,d3,17,1,1,e3,19,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(15,2,1,f5,16,2,1,e5,17,2,1,g5,18,2,1,f5,19,2,1,e5,20,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_tie(d5);
+ beam(22,1,1,b6,24,1,1,c5,26,1,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(22,2,1,g3,23,2,1,f3,24,2,1,a4,25,2,1,g3,26,2,1,f3,27,2,1,e3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ close_tie(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_dot(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ beam(29,2,1,f3,30,2,1,g3,31,1,1,a4,32,1,1,a3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(29,2,1,d5,30,2,1,e5,31,1,1,e5,33,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_natural(c3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_tie(g4);
+ beam(35,1,1,d5,37,1,1,d4,39,1,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ beam(35,2,1,b3,36,2,1,a3,37,2,1,c3,38,2,1,b3,39,2,1,a3,40,2,1,g2);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(d3);
+ add_tie(d3);
+ close_tie(g4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(42,2,1,g4,43,2,1,a4,44,2,1,b4,45,2,1,c4,46,2,1,d4,47,2,1,e4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ close_tie(d3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ beam(49,2,1,d3,50,2,1,c3,51,2,1,b3,52,2,1,a3,53,2,1,g2,54,2,1,f2);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(49,2,1,f4,50,2,1,e4,51,2,1,g4,52,2,1,f4,53,2,1,e4,54,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_dot(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e2);
+ beam(56,2,1,g2,57,2,1,f2,58,2,1,a3,59,2,1,g2,60,2,1,f2,61,2,1,e2);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(56,1,1,b5,59,2,1,c4,60,2,1,d4,61,2,1,c4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ beam(63,2,1,f2,64,2,1,g2);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_dot(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(63,2,1,d4,64,2,1,g4,65,1,1,e4,66,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d2);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ regular_stem;
+ barline_(20);
+ barline_(20);
+numeric desired_width; end_of_block; make_line(next_char);
+showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ded238a548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := 0;
+desired_width := 345.0pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(f5);
+ add_tie(f5);
+ barline_(10);
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/dminor.dvi b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/dminor.dvi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e56ba7be3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/dminor.dvi
Binary files differ
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/dminor.tex b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/dminor.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0cc953edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/dminor.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+\input texmuse.tex
+\title{Invention in d}
+\author{J. S. Bach}
+\flushright\small Typeset by \TeXmuse
+ 3[DEFGAB] [\#CBAGFE] 4[FAD+] [G\#C+E+]
+ \rangefrom{C5}3[DEFGAB] [\#CBAGFE] [FDEFGA] [B-AGFED]
+ 3[CDECDE] \rangefrom{F4}4FRB= [BAG] 3[CBAGFE-]
+ [FG4G.3F] 4[FCC] 5C.= C.=
+ C.= 3[CBAGFE-] [CD-E-\#FGA] [BAG\nFE-D-]
+ [BC-D-E-FG] [A\nBCDEF+] [\#GF+EDC\nB] [C\nBDCBA]
+ [\#GAG\#FE-D-] [C-D-E-\#F\#GA] [D-C\nBA\#G\#F] [E-\#F\#GA\nBC]
+ [\#FEDC\nBA] [\#GA\nBCDE] [AF+EDC\nB] [A+\#G+\#F+E4A+=]
+ [3A+D4\nB.3A] [4A.3A\bBC] 4[D-\#FA] 3[BGABCD]
+ [E-DCBAG] 4[A3F+E4F+] [GE]R \rangefrom{C5}3[DEFGAB]
+ [\#CBAGFE] 4[FDG-=] [3G-D\#CEA-C] [D\nB-4\#C.3D]
+ \rangefrom{C4}[D+\nC+\bBAGF] [B\#CDEFG] [AD+4F3ED] 5D.
+ 5R4R 5R4R 3[DEFGAB] [\#CBAGFE]
+ 4[FAD+] [G\#C+E+] [DD+F] [GAB]
+ [C-CE] [FEG] 3[BGABC+D+] [ED+C+BAG]
+ [DB-4CC-] \rangefrom{F2}3[FGABCD] [E-DCBAG] [ABCDEF+]
+ 4E-RR [FF+D] [\nB\#GE-] [3A\#GA\nBCD]
+ 5E.= E.= E.= E.=
+ E.= 4\rangefrom{E3}[EE+D] [C\nBA] [DE+\nF+]
+ [DE+E] \rangefrom{A3}3[A+A\bBCD\bE] [\#F-\bEDCBA] [4G-.3G-AB]
+ 4[C-G-C] \rangefrom{E3}3[FGA\nB\#CD] [ED\#C\nBAG] 4[FAD]
+ [EG\#C] 3[D-EFGAB] [\#C-BAGFE] [FG4AA-]
+ [B-.3C-B-A-] [G-BAGFE] [FG4AA-] 5D-.
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60e5190a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,994 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := -1;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(1,2,1,d4,2,2,1,e4,3,2,1,f4,4,2,1,g4,5,2,1,a5,6,2,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_sharp(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(8,2,1,c4,9,2,1,b5,10,2,1,a5,11,2,1,g4,12,2,1,f4,13,2,1,e4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(15,1,1,f4,17,1,1,a5,19,1,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(15,2,1,d3,16,2,1,e3,17,2,1,f3,18,2,1,g3,19,2,1,a4,20,2,1,b4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_sharp(c3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_sharp(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(22,1,1,g4,24,1,1,c5,26,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(22,2,1,c3,23,2,1,b4,24,2,1,a4,25,2,1,g3,26,2,1,f3,27,2,1,e3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(29,1,1,f3,31,1,1,a4,33,1,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ beam(29,2,1,d5,30,2,1,e5,31,2,1,f5,32,2,1,g5,33,2,1,a6,34,2,1,b6);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_sharp(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_sharp(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(36,1,1,g3,38,1,1,c4,40,1,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(36,2,1,c5,37,2,1,b6,38,2,1,a6,39,2,1,g5,40,2,1,f5,41,2,1,e5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(43,1,1,d3,45,1,1,d4,47,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(43,2,1,f5,44,2,1,d5,45,2,1,e5,46,2,1,f5,47,2,1,g5,48,2,1,a6);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(50,1,1,g3,52,1,1,a4,54,1,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(50,2,1,b5,51,2,1,a6,52,2,1,g5,53,2,1,f5,54,2,1,e5,55,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c2);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(57,1,1,c2,59,1,1,c3,61,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(57,2,1,e5,58,2,1,c5,59,2,1,d5,60,2,1,e5,61,2,1,f5,62,2,1,g5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(64,1,1,f3,66,1,1,e3,68,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(64,2,1,a5,65,2,1,g5,66,2,1,f5,67,2,1,e5,68,2,1,d5,69,2,1,c5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(71,2,1,b4,72,2,1,g3,73,2,1,a4,74,2,1,b4,75,2,1,c4,76,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(71,2,1,d5,72,2,1,e5,73,2,1,f5,74,2,1,d5,75,2,1,e5,76,2,1,f5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(78,2,1,e3,79,2,1,d4,80,2,1,c4,81,2,1,b4,82,2,1,a4,83,2,1,g3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(85,2,1,a4,86,2,1,f3,87,2,1,g3,88,2,1,a4,89,2,1,b4,90,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(85,2,1,c5,86,2,1,d5,87,2,1,e5,88,2,1,c5,89,2,1,d5,90,2,1,e5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_tie(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(92,2,1,d3,93,2,1,c4,94,2,1,b4,95,2,1,a4,96,2,1,g3,97,2,1,f3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ close_tie(b5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(99,1,1,b5,101,1,1,a5,103,1,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(99,2,1,e3,100,2,1,c3,101,2,1,d3,102,2,1,e3,103,2,1,f3,104,2,1,g3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(106,2,1,a3,107,2,1,g3,108,2,1,f3,109,2,1,e3,110,2,1,d3,111,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(106,2,1,c5,107,2,1,b5,108,2,1,a5,109,2,1,g4,110,2,1,f4,111,2,1,e4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_dot(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c2);
+ beam(113,2,1,d3,114,2,1,b3,115,1,1,c3,116,1,1,c2);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(113,2,1,f4,114,2,1,g4,115,1,1,g4,117,2,1,f4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(119,1,1,f4,121,1,1,c5,123,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(119,2,1,f2,120,2,1,g2,121,2,1,a3,122,2,1,b3,123,2,1,c3,124,2,1,d3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e2);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(c5);
+ add_tie(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ beam(126,2,1,e2,127,2,1,d3,128,2,1,c3,129,2,1,b3,130,2,1,a3,131,2,1,g2);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ close_tie(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(c5);
+ add_tie(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(133,2,1,a3,134,2,1,b3,135,2,1,c3,136,2,1,d3,137,2,1,e3,138,2,1,f3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ close_tie(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(c5);
+ add_tie(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(140,2,1,g2,141,2,1,f2,142,2,1,e3,143,2,1,d3,144,2,1,c3,145,2,1,b3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ close_tie(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(147,2,1,a3,148,2,1,b3,149,2,1,c3,150,2,1,a3,151,2,1,b3,152,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(147,2,1,c5,148,2,1,b5,149,2,1,a5,150,2,1,g4,151,2,1,f4,152,2,1,e4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ add_sharp(f2);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(154,2,1,c5,155,2,1,d4,156,2,1,e4,157,2,1,f4,158,2,1,g4,159,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_natural(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(161,2,1,g2,162,2,1,a3,163,2,1,b3,164,2,1,g2,165,2,1,a3,166,2,1,b3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(161,2,1,b5,162,2,1,a5,163,2,1,g4,164,2,1,f4,165,2,1,e4,166,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9646c278b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,1013 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := -1;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(e2);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_flag(1);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(1,2,1,b5,2,2,1,c4,3,2,1,d4,4,2,1,e4,5,2,1,f4,6,2,1,g4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(8,1,1,f2,10,1,1,f3,12,1,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(8,2,1,a5,9,2,1,b5,10,2,1,c5,11,2,1,d5,12,2,1,e5,13,2,1,f5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_natural(b3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_sharp(g2);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e2);
+ beam(15,1,1,b3,17,1,1,g2,19,1,1,e2);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ beam(15,2,1,g4,16,2,1,f5,17,2,1,e5,18,2,1,d5,19,2,1,c5,20,2,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_sharp(g2);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_natural(b3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(22,2,1,a3,23,2,1,g2,24,2,1,a3,25,2,1,b3,26,2,1,c3,27,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(22,2,1,c5,23,2,1,b5,24,2,1,d5,25,2,1,c5,26,2,1,b5,27,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(e3);
+ add_tie(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(29,2,1,g4,30,2,1,a5,31,2,1,g4,32,2,1,f4,33,2,1,e4,34,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ close_tie(e3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(e3);
+ add_tie(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(36,2,1,c4,37,2,1,d4,38,2,1,e4,39,2,1,f4,40,2,1,g4,41,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ close_tie(e3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(e3);
+ add_tie(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ beam(43,2,1,d4,44,2,1,c5,45,2,1,b5,46,2,1,a5,47,2,1,g4,48,2,1,f4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ close_tie(e3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(e3);
+ add_tie(e3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(50,2,1,e4,51,2,1,f4,52,2,1,g4,53,2,1,a5,54,2,1,b5,55,2,1,c5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ close_tie(e3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(e3);
+ add_tie(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(57,2,1,f4,58,2,1,e5,59,2,1,d5,60,2,1,c5,61,2,1,b5,62,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ close_tie(e3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_sharp(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(64,1,1,e3,66,1,1,e4,68,1,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(64,2,1,g4,65,2,1,a5,66,2,1,b5,67,2,1,c5,68,2,1,d5,69,2,1,e5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_natural(b4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(71,1,1,c4,73,1,1,b4,75,1,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ beam(71,2,1,a5,72,2,1,f5,73,2,1,e5,74,2,1,d5,75,2,1,c5,76,2,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_sharp(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_sharp(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_natural(f4);
+ beam(78,1,1,d4,80,1,1,e4,82,1,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_tie(a6);
+ beam(78,2,1,a6,79,2,1,g5,80,2,1,f5,81,2,1,e5,82,1,1,a6);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ close_tie(a6);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ add_dot(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(84,1,1,d4,86,1,1,e4,87,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(84,2,1,a6,85,2,1,d5,86,1,1,b5,88,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_dot(a5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_flat(b3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_flat(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_flat(e3);
+ beam(90,2,1,a4,91,2,1,a3,92,2,1,b3,93,2,1,c3,94,2,1,d3,95,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(90,1,1,a5,93,2,1,a5,94,2,1,b5,95,2,1,c5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ add_sharp(f2);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_flat(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_sharp(f4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(97,1,1,d4,99,1,1,f4,101,1,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ beam(97,2,1,f2,98,2,1,e3,99,2,1,d3,100,2,1,c3,101,2,1,b3,102,2,1,a3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_dot(g2);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(104,1,1,g2,107,2,1,g2,108,2,1,a3,109,2,1,b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(104,2,1,b5,105,2,1,g4,106,2,1,a5,107,2,1,b5,108,2,1,c5,109,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c2);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(111,1,1,c2,113,1,1,g2,115,1,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(111,2,1,e4,112,2,1,d5,113,2,1,c5,114,2,1,b5,115,2,1,a5,116,2,1,g4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_natural(b4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_sharp(c4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(118,1,1,a5,120,2,1,f5,121,2,1,e5,122,1,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(118,2,1,f3,119,2,1,g3,120,2,1,a4,121,2,1,b4,122,2,1,c4,123,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_sharp(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(125,1,1,g4,127,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_natural(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(125,2,1,e3,126,2,1,d4,127,2,1,c4,128,2,1,b4,129,2,1,a4,130,2,1,g3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(132,1,1,f3,134,1,1,a4,136,1,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ beam(132,2,1,d5,133,2,1,e5,134,2,1,f5,135,2,1,g5,136,2,1,a6,137,2,1,b6);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_sharp(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_sharp(c4);
+ beam(139,1,1,e3,141,1,1,g3,143,1,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(139,2,1,c5,140,2,1,b6,141,2,1,a6,142,2,1,g5,143,2,1,f5,144,2,1,e5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_tie(g4);
+ beam(146,1,1,f5,148,1,1,d5,150,1,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(146,2,1,d3,147,2,1,e3,148,2,1,f3,149,2,1,g3,150,2,1,a4,151,2,1,b4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_sharp(c3);
+ close_tie(g4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_sharp(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(153,2,1,c3,154,2,1,b4,155,2,1,a4,156,2,1,g3,157,2,1,f3,158,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(153,2,1,g4,154,2,1,d5,155,2,1,c5,156,2,1,e5,157,2,1,a5,158,2,1,c5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_sharp(c5);
+ add_dot(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ beam(160,2,1,f3,161,2,1,g3,162,1,1,a4,163,1,1,a3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(160,2,1,d5,161,2,1,b5,162,1,1,c5,164,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6cff3b4ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+key_ := -1;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_dot(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_natural(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_flat(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ beam(1,1,1,b3,4,2,1,c3,5,2,1,b3,6,2,1,a3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(1,2,1,d5,2,2,1,c5,3,2,1,b5,4,2,1,a5,5,2,1,g4,6,2,1,f4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_sharp(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(8,2,1,g2,9,2,1,b4,10,2,1,a4,11,2,1,g3,12,2,1,f3,13,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(8,2,1,b5,9,2,1,c4,10,2,1,d4,11,2,1,e4,12,2,1,f4,13,2,1,g4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ beam(15,2,1,f3,16,2,1,g3,17,1,1,a4,18,1,1,a3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(15,2,1,a5,16,2,1,d5,17,1,1,f4,18,2,1,e4,19,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(d3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_dot(d4);
+ barline_(20);
+ barline_(20);
+numeric desired_width; end_of_block; make_line(next_char);
+showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ebmajor.dvi b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ebmajor.dvi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..997892960f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ebmajor.dvi
Binary files differ
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ebmajor.tex b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ebmajor.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..32decff526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ebmajor.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+\input texmuse.tex
+\title{Invention in E$\flat$}
+\author{J. S. Bach}
+\flushright\small Typeset by \TeXmuse
+ 4R3[ED-]4[EF]5GA 4R3[FE]4[FG]5AB
+ 4[GC][BA]3[GABA]4[GF] [EGBE+=]3[E+CDE+]4[F+E+] [3DE+DC][DE+CD]\rangefrom{C5}[B-B\nAB][GAFG]
+ 4[E3B-A-][4B-C]5\bDE 4R3[CB-]4[C\nD]5EF 4R3[DC]4[DE]5FG
+ 3[\nEAGF][EFDE][G-FED][EFDE] 4[F3F-\nE-][4F-G-]5A-B-] \rangefrom{G4}4R[3GF-]4[GA]5BC
+ [4A\bDCB]3[\nABCB]4[AG] [F-\nACE=][3EC\bDE]4[FE] [3\bDEDC][DECD][BA+G+F][G+A+FG+]
+ [A+\bDCB][CDBC][AG+F\nE][FG+EF] [G+CBA][BCAB][GF\nED][EFDE] 4[F3AG][4AB]5C\bD
+ 4R[3BA][4AC]5\bDE 3[CA+G+A+][FG+EF][\bDB+A+B+][CDBC] [ACBC][ABGA][F-EDC][DECD]
+ 4[E3E-D-][4E-F-]5GA 4R3[F-E-]4[F-G]5AB 4[GCBA]3[GABA]4[GF-]
+ [E-FE\bD]3[CDED]4[CB] [ACEA+=]3[A+FG+A+]4[B+A+] [4G+.3F]5F6E
+ }
+ [EE+DC][DE+CD][GE+DC][BCAB] [GCBA][GAFG][C-B\nAG][ABGA] 4[B3B-\nA-]4[B-C-]5D-E
+ \rangefrom{C3}4R3[CB-]4[CD]5EF 4[DGFE][3DEFE]4[DC] [B-DFA=][3AFGA][4BA]
+ 3[GAGF][FAFG][EE+\bD+E+][C+D+BC+] [ABAG][ABGA][FF+E+F+][D+E+C+D+] [BC+C\nA][BC+\nAB][GAFG][EFED]
+ 4[C3C\nB-]4[CD]5EF 4R[3DC]4[DE]5FG [4EAGF]3[\nEFGF]4[ED]
+ 4[C\nEGB=]3[BGAB][4C+B] [3ABAG][ABGA][FF+\bE+F+][\bD+E+C+E+] [B\bD+C+D+][BC+AB]\rangefrom{G3}[GF\nE\nD][EFDE]
+ [F-F\bE\bD][EFDE][CFED][CDBC] [\nA\bDCB][ABGA][C-BAG][AGGA] 4[B3B-\nA-][4B-C-]5\bD-E-
+ \rangefrom{F2}4R3[\bAG]4[AB]5C\bD 4R3[GF][4GA]5BC \rangefrom{C3}3[F-C+BC+][ABGA][FAGA][FGEF]
+ [\bDFEF][DECD][B-AGF][FGAG] 4[A3E\nD]4[EF]5GA 4R3[FE]4[FG]5AB
+ 3[GAGF][GAFG][EE+D+E+][C+D+BC+] [AC+BC+][ABGA][FE+D+C+][D+E+C+D+] [EE+D+C+][D+E+C+D+][BE+D+C+][BC+AB]
+ 3[GC+BA][GAFG][EAGF][EF\bDE] [CFE\bD][CDB-C][F-E\nDC][DECD] 4[EG-A-B-]6E-
+ }
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3c2bc7ce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,780 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+staff_1="-1,0,1,2,3"; staff_2="-1,0,1,2,3";
+bar_type1=10; bar_type2=10;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+key_ := -3;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(2,2,1,e4,3,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(e2);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(4,1,1,e4,5,1,1,f4);
+ add_rest(2,0);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(7,2,1,e4,8,2,1,d4,9,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(10,2,1,c4,11,2,1,d4,12,2,1,b4,13,2,1,c4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(15,2,1,a4,16,2,1,c4,17,2,1,b4,18,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(17,2,1,f4,18,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(19,1,1,f4,21,1,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(19,2,1,a4,20,2,1,b4,21,2,1,g3,22,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(23,2,1,f3,24,2,1,e4,25,2,1,d4,26,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(27,2,1,d4,28,2,1,e4,29,2,1,c4,30,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(32,1,1,g4,34,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(32,2,1,e3,33,2,1,e4,34,2,1,d4,35,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(36,1,1,b5,38,1,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(36,2,1,d4,37,2,1,e4,38,2,1,c4,39,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(40,2,1,g3,41,2,1,e4,42,2,1,d4,43,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(40,2,1,g4,41,2,1,a5,42,2,1,b5,43,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(44,1,1,g4,46,1,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(44,2,1,b4,45,2,1,c4,46,2,1,a4,47,2,1,b4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(49,2,1,g3,50,2,1,c4,51,2,1,b4,52,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_tie(e5);
+ beam(49,1,1,e4,51,1,1,g4,53,1,1,b5,55,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(53,2,1,g3,54,2,1,a4,55,2,1,f3,56,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ close_tie(e5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_natural(a4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(57,2,1,c3,58,2,1,b4,59,2,1,a4,60,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(57,2,1,e5,58,2,1,c5,59,2,1,d5,60,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(61,1,1,f5,63,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(61,2,1,a4,62,2,1,b4,63,2,1,g3,64,2,1,a4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_natural(a3);
+ beam(66,1,1,b4,68,2,1,b3,69,2,1,a3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(66,2,1,d5,67,2,1,e5,68,2,1,d5,69,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(70,1,1,b3,72,1,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(70,2,1,d5,71,2,1,e5,72,2,1,c5,73,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_natural(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ beam(74,2,1,b5,75,2,1,b6,76,2,1,a6,77,2,1,b6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(78,2,1,g5,79,2,1,a6,80,2,1,f5,81,2,1,g5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(85,2,1,c3,86,2,1,b3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(83,2,1,e5,84,2,1,g5,85,2,1,f5,86,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(87,1,1,c3,89,1,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(87,2,1,e5,88,2,1,f5,89,2,1,d5,90,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_natural(a6);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(91,2,1,c5,92,2,1,b6,93,2,1,a6,94,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(95,2,1,a6,96,2,1,b6,97,2,1,g5,98,2,1,a6);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_natural(a6);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(100,2,1,b5,101,2,1,b6,102,2,1,a6,103,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(100,1,1,d3,102,1,1,g3,104,1,1,f3,106,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(104,2,1,a6,105,2,1,b6,106,2,1,g5,107,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_flat(a6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(108,2,1,d3,109,2,1,e3,110,2,1,f3,111,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(108,2,1,f5,109,2,1,b6,110,2,1,a6,111,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(112,1,1,d3,114,1,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(112,2,1,f5,113,2,1,g5,114,2,1,e5,115,2,1,f5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(117,2,1,d5,118,2,1,g5,119,2,1,f5,120,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_tie(a4);
+ beam(117,1,1,b3,119,1,1,d3,121,1,1,f3,123,1,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(121,2,1,d5,122,2,1,e5,123,2,1,c5,124,2,1,d5);
+ close_tie(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(125,2,1,a4,126,2,1,f3,127,2,1,g3,128,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(125,2,1,f4,126,2,1,e5,127,2,1,d5,128,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(129,1,1,b4,131,1,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(129,2,1,d5,130,2,1,e5,131,2,1,c5,132,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a93ff2f888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,796 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+staff_1="-1,0,1,2,3"; staff_2="-1,0,1,2,3";
+bar_type1=10; bar_type2=10;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+key_ := -3;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(1,2,1,g3,2,2,1,a4,3,2,1,g3,4,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(1,1,1,e5,3,2,1,b5,4,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(5,1,1,b5,7,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(5,2,1,f3,6,2,1,a4,7,2,1,f3,8,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_flat(d5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_flat(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(9,2,1,e3,10,2,1,e4,11,2,1,d4,12,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(13,2,1,c4,14,2,1,d4,15,2,1,b4,16,2,1,c4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(18,2,1,a4,19,2,1,b4,20,2,1,a4,21,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(20,2,1,c5,21,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_natural(d5);
+ beam(22,1,1,c5,24,1,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(22,2,1,a4,23,2,1,b4,24,2,1,g3,25,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(26,2,1,f3,27,2,1,f4,28,2,1,e4,29,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(30,2,1,d4,31,2,1,e4,32,2,1,c4,33,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_natural(a4);
+ beam(35,2,1,b4,36,2,1,c4,37,2,1,c3,38,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(37,2,1,d5,38,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_natural(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(39,1,1,d5,41,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(39,2,1,b4,40,2,1,c4,41,2,1,a4,42,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(43,2,1,g3,44,2,1,a4,45,2,1,f3,46,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(47,2,1,e3,48,2,1,f3,49,2,1,e3,50,2,1,d3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_natural(b3);
+ beam(52,1,1,c3,54,2,1,c3,55,2,1,b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(52,2,1,e5,53,2,1,f5,54,2,1,e5,55,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(56,1,1,c3,58,1,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(56,2,1,e5,57,2,1,f5,58,2,1,d5,59,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ beam(60,2,1,c5,61,2,1,c6,62,2,1,b6,63,2,1,c6);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(64,2,1,a6,65,2,1,b6,66,2,1,g5,67,2,1,a6);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(71,2,1,d3,72,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(69,2,1,f5,70,2,1,a6,71,2,1,g5,72,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(73,1,1,d3,75,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(73,2,1,f5,74,2,1,g5,75,2,1,e5,76,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_natural(b6);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_natural(a6);
+ beam(77,2,1,d5,78,2,1,c6,79,2,1,b6,80,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ beam(81,2,1,b6,82,2,1,c6,83,2,1,a6,84,2,1,b6);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_flat(b6);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_flat(a6);
+ beam(86,2,1,e5,87,2,1,c6,88,2,1,b6,89,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(86,1,1,e3,88,1,1,a4,90,1,1,g3,92,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ beam(90,2,1,b6,91,2,1,c6,92,2,1,a6,93,2,1,b6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_natural(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(94,2,1,e3,95,2,1,f3,96,2,1,g3,97,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(94,2,1,g5,95,2,1,c6,96,2,1,b6,97,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(98,1,1,e3,100,1,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(98,2,1,g5,99,2,1,a6,100,2,1,f5,101,2,1,g5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_natural(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_natural(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(103,2,1,e5,104,2,1,a6,105,2,1,g5,106,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_tie(b4);
+ beam(103,1,1,c3,105,1,1,e3,107,1,1,g3,109,1,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(107,2,1,e5,108,2,1,f5,109,2,1,d5,110,2,1,e5);
+ close_tie(b4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(111,2,1,b4,112,2,1,g3,113,2,1,a4,114,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(111,2,1,g4,112,2,1,f5,113,2,1,e5,114,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(115,1,1,c4,117,1,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(115,2,1,e5,116,2,1,f5,117,2,1,d5,118,2,1,e5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(120,2,1,a4,121,2,1,b4,122,2,1,a4,123,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_natural(e4);
+ beam(120,1,1,f5,122,2,1,f4,123,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(124,1,1,f4,126,1,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(124,2,1,a4,125,2,1,b4,126,2,1,g3,127,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_flat(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(128,2,1,f3,129,2,1,f4,130,2,1,e4,131,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_flat(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ regular_stem;
+ beam(124,1,1,f4,126,1,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(132,2,1,d4,133,2,1,e4,134,2,1,c4,135,2,1,e4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95e9ec164b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,801 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+staff_1="-1,0,1,2,3"; staff_2="-1,0,1,2,3";
+bar_type1=10; bar_type2=10;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+key_ := -3;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_flat(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(1,2,1,b4,2,2,1,d4,3,2,1,c4,4,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(3,2,1,g4,4,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(5,1,1,g4,7,1,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(5,2,1,b4,6,2,1,c4,7,2,1,a4,8,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_natural(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_natural(d4);
+ beam(9,2,1,g3,10,2,1,f4,11,2,1,e4,12,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(13,2,1,e4,14,2,1,f4,15,2,1,d4,16,2,1,e4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_flat(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_flat(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_flat(d4);
+ beam(18,2,1,f3,19,2,1,f4,20,2,1,e4,21,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(18,1,1,a5,20,1,1,d5,22,1,1,c5,24,1,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(22,2,1,e4,23,2,1,f4,24,2,1,d4,25,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_natural(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(26,2,1,c4,27,2,1,f4,28,2,1,e4,29,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(26,2,1,a5,27,2,1,b5,28,2,1,c5,29,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(30,1,1,a5,32,1,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(30,2,1,c4,31,2,1,d4,32,2,1,b4,33,2,1,c4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_natural(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_flat(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_natural(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(35,2,1,a4,36,2,1,d4,37,2,1,c4,38,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_tie(e5);
+ beam(35,1,1,f4,37,1,1,a5,39,1,1,c5,41,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(39,2,1,a4,40,2,1,b4,41,2,1,g3,42,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ close_tie(e5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_flat(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(43,2,1,c3,44,2,1,b4,45,2,1,a4,46,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(43,2,1,e5,44,2,1,c5,45,2,1,d5,46,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(47,1,1,f5,49,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(47,2,1,a4,48,2,1,g3,49,2,1,g3,50,2,1,a4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_flat(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_natural(a3);
+ beam(52,1,1,b4,54,2,1,b3,55,2,1,a3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(52,2,1,d5,53,2,1,e5,54,2,1,d5,55,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(56,1,1,b3,58,1,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(56,2,1,d5,57,2,1,e5,58,2,1,c5,59,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_flat(d3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(60,2,1,b5,61,2,1,a6,62,2,1,g5,63,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(64,2,1,g5,65,2,1,a6,66,2,1,f5,67,2,1,g5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_flat(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_flat(a3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ beam(71,2,1,a3,72,2,1,g2);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(69,2,1,a6,70,2,1,d5,71,2,1,c5,72,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(73,1,1,a3,75,1,1,b3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(73,2,1,c5,74,2,1,d5,75,2,1,b5,76,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_natural(e5);
+ beam(77,2,1,a5,78,2,1,g5,79,2,1,f5,80,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_flat(d3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(81,2,1,f5,82,2,1,g5,83,2,1,e5,84,2,1,f5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ beam(88,2,1,g2,89,2,1,f2);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(86,2,1,g5,87,2,1,c5,88,2,1,b5,89,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ beam(90,1,1,g2,92,1,1,a3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(90,2,1,b5,91,2,1,c5,92,2,1,a5,93,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_natural(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(94,2,1,g4,95,2,1,f5,96,2,1,e5,97,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ beam(98,2,1,e5,99,2,1,f5,100,2,1,d5,101,2,1,e5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(103,2,1,f2,104,2,1,c4,105,2,1,b4,106,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(103,1,1,f5,105,2,1,a5,106,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(107,1,1,a5,109,1,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(107,2,1,a4,108,2,1,b4,109,2,1,g3,110,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(111,2,1,f3,112,2,1,a4,113,2,1,g3,114,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_flat(d5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(115,2,1,f3,116,2,1,g3,117,2,1,e3,118,2,1,f3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_flat(d3);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(120,2,1,d3,121,2,1,f3,122,2,1,e3,123,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(122,2,1,b5,123,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(124,1,1,a5,126,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(124,2,1,d3,125,2,1,e3,126,2,1,c3,127,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_flat(d5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(128,2,1,b3,129,2,1,a4,130,2,1,g3,131,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(132,2,1,f3,133,2,1,g3,134,2,1,a4,135,2,1,g3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..861ecf29b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+staff_1="-1,0,1,2,3"; staff_2="-1,0,1,2,3";
+bar_type1=10; bar_type2=10;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+key_ := -3;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_natural(d3);
+ beam(1,1,1,a4,3,2,1,e3,4,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(1,2,1,c5,2,2,1,a6,3,2,1,g5,4,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(5,1,1,e3,7,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(5,2,1,f5,6,2,1,g5,7,2,1,e5,8,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_flat(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ beam(9,2,1,d5,10,2,1,b6,11,2,1,a6,12,2,1,b6);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(13,2,1,c5,14,2,1,d5,15,2,1,b5,16,2,1,c5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(20,2,1,f3,21,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(18,2,1,a5,19,2,1,c5,20,2,1,b5,21,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(22,1,1,f3,24,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(22,2,1,a5,23,2,1,b5,24,2,1,g4,25,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(26,2,1,f4,27,2,1,e5,28,2,1,d5,29,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(30,2,1,d5,31,2,1,e5,32,2,1,c5,33,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(35,2,1,g3,36,2,1,a4,37,2,1,g3,38,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(35,1,1,e5,37,2,1,e4,38,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(39,1,1,e4,41,1,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(39,2,1,g3,40,2,1,a4,41,2,1,f3,42,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(43,2,1,e3,44,2,1,e4,45,2,1,d4,46,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(47,2,1,c4,48,2,1,d4,49,2,1,b4,50,2,1,c4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(52,2,1,a4,53,2,1,c4,54,2,1,b4,55,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(54,2,1,f4,55,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(56,1,1,f4,58,1,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(56,2,1,a4,57,2,1,b4,58,2,1,g3,59,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(60,2,1,f3,61,2,1,e4,62,2,1,d4,63,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(64,2,1,d4,65,2,1,e4,66,2,1,c4,67,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(69,2,1,e3,70,2,1,e4,71,2,1,d4,72,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(69,1,1,g4,71,1,1,c5,73,1,1,b5,75,1,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(73,2,1,d4,74,2,1,e4,75,2,1,c4,76,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(77,2,1,b4,78,2,1,e4,79,2,1,d4,80,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(77,2,1,g4,78,2,1,a5,79,2,1,b5,80,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(81,1,1,g4,83,1,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(81,2,1,b4,82,2,1,c4,83,2,1,a4,84,2,1,b4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(86,2,1,g3,87,2,1,c4,88,2,1,b4,89,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_flat(d5);
+ beam(86,1,1,e4,88,1,1,f5,90,1,1,e5,92,1,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(90,2,1,g3,91,2,1,a4,92,2,1,f3,93,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(94,2,1,e3,95,2,1,a4,96,2,1,g3,97,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(94,2,1,c5,95,2,1,d5,96,2,1,e5,97,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_flat(d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(98,1,1,c5,100,1,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(98,2,1,e3,99,2,1,f3,100,2,1,d3,101,2,1,e3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_flat(d3);
+ beam(103,2,1,c3,104,2,1,f3,105,2,1,e3,106,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_tie(a6);
+ beam(103,1,1,a5,105,1,1,c5,107,1,1,e5,109,1,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(107,2,1,c3,108,2,1,d3,109,2,1,b3,110,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ close_tie(a6);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_natural(d3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(111,2,1,f2,112,2,1,e3,113,2,1,d3,114,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(111,2,1,a6,112,2,1,f5,113,2,1,g5,114,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(115,1,1,b6,117,1,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(115,2,1,d3,116,2,1,e3,117,2,1,c3,118,2,1,d3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_dot(g5);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(120,1,1,g5,122,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(120,1,1,e3,121,1,1,g2,123,1,1,a3,124,1,1,b3);
+ add_halfheads(e2);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_halfheads(e5);
+ regular_stem;
+ barline_(20);
+ barline_(20);
+numeric desired_width; end_of_block; make_line(next_char);
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..faca38ee9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+staff_1="-1,0,1,2,3"; staff_2="-1,0,1,2,3";
+bar_type1=10; bar_type2=10;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+key_ := -3;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_flat(d5);
+ beam(1,1,1,e4,2,1,1,f5,3,1,1,e5,4,1,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(5,2,1,c5,6,2,1,d5,7,2,1,e5,8,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(9,1,1,c5,10,1,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_tie(a6);
+ beam(12,1,1,a5,13,1,1,c5,14,1,1,e5,15,1,1,a6);
+ close_tie(a6);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(16,2,1,a6,17,2,1,f5,18,2,1,g5,19,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(20,1,1,b6,21,1,1,a6);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_dot(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(23,1,1,g5,24,3,1,f5,25,3,1,e5,26,3,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_halfheads(e5);
+ regular_stem;
+ barline_(20);
+ barline_(20);
+numeric desired_width; end_of_block; make_line(next_char);
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/fmajor.dvi b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/fmajor.dvi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b131f261ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/fmajor.dvi
Binary files differ
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/fmajor.tex b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/fmajor.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55041ed31d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/fmajor.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+\input texmuse.tex
+\title{Invention in F}
+\author{J. S. Bach}
+\flushright\small Typeset by \TeXmuse
+ 4[FACAF+C] \rangefrom{D5}3[ACBC][ACBC][ACBC]
+ \rangefrom{A4}4[\nBG] [DB] [FD] 3[GA+GF] [EFED] [CDC\bB]
+ 4[A3DC] \rangefrom{D4}[\nBCBA] [GAGF] [EFED] [4C-3C\nB]
+ [4CE] [FC] [EC] [D\nB] 5CRR
+ \rangefrom{C5}4R[CECGC] [C+3\nBA] [GAGF] [EFED] [C\bB-CA][CAB-A][CAA-A]
+ 4\rangefrom{G4}[BGBGDG] [G+3F\bE][DEDC][BCBA] 4[GBDBG+D]
+ [B+\#C][B+C][B+C] [DAFDA+F] \rangefrom{C5}3[GFGB][CBDB][EBCB]
+ [FEFA][\nB-A\#CA][DAB-A] [EDEG][A-G\nB-G][\#CGA-G] 4[FD][\bB-D][G-F]
+ \rangefrom{E4}[GBAB][GBAB][GBAB] 4[EC-][GE][BG] 3[CDCB][ABAG][FGF\bE]
+ 4[D-3GF][\nEFED-]\rangefrom{G3}[CDCB] [ABAG][4F-3FE]4[FA] [BF][AF][GE]
+ 5FRR
+ }
+ 5RRR
+ 4[FACAF+C] \trebleclef\rangefrom{D4}3[ACBC][ACBC][ACBC]
+ \rangefrom{G3}4[\nBG] [CG] [EC] 3[FG+FE] [DEDC] [\nBCBA]
+ 4[G\bassclef3C\nB] [ABAG] \rangefrom{G2}[FG+FE] [DEDC] [G+FEF] 4[G+G] 4R[CECG+C]
+ \rangefrom{C3}[C+3\nBA] [GAGF] [EFED] 4[CEGEC+G] [\bE+\#F][E+F][E+F]
+ [G3\nF\bE][DEDC][B-CB-A-] 4[G-GBGD+G] [G+3F+\bE+][D+E+D+C+][BC+BA]
+ [GFG\nE+][GE+FE+][GE+EE+] [FEFD+][FD+ED+][FD+DD+] 4[BG][EG][CE]
+ [AF][DF][\nB-D] [GE][\#CE][A-C] \rangefrom{F2}3[D-D\nCD][GDAD][BDGD]
+ [C-CBC][FCGC][ACFC] 4[BDF+DB+F+] \rangefrom{G3}3[DF\bEF][DFEF][DFEF]
+ [BDCD][BDCD][BDCD] [GBAB][GBAB][GBAB] \rangefrom{C3}4[EC][FC][AF]
+ 3[BCBA][GAGF][EFED] 4[C3FE][DEDC][B-DB-A-] [G-A-G-F-][CB-A-B-]4[CC-]
+ 5F-RR
+ }
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae51a46309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,1068 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+staff_1="-1,0,1,2,3"; staff_2="-1,0,1,2,3";
+bar_type1=10; bar_type2=10;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+key_ := -1;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(2,1,1,f4,3,1,1,a5,4,1,1,f4,5,1,1,c5,6,1,1,f4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(8,1,1,f5,9,2,1,e5,10,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(11,2,1,c5,12,2,1,d5,13,2,1,c5,14,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(9,1,1,f3,11,1,1,a4,13,1,1,f3,15,1,1,c4,17,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(15,2,1,a5,16,2,1,b5,17,2,1,a5,18,2,1,g4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(20,1,1,f4,21,2,1,e4,22,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(23,2,1,c4,24,2,1,d4,25,2,1,c4,26,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(20,1,1,f4,21,1,1,a5,23,1,1,c5,25,1,1,a5,27,1,1,f5,29,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(27,2,1,a4,28,2,1,b4,29,2,1,a4,30,2,1,g3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ beam(32,2,1,a6,33,2,1,c6,34,2,1,b6,35,2,1,c6);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ beam(36,2,1,a6,37,2,1,c6,38,2,1,b6,39,2,1,c6);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(32,1,1,f3,34,1,1,a4,36,1,1,c4,38,1,1,a4,40,1,1,f4,42,1,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ beam(40,2,1,a6,41,2,1,c6,42,2,1,b6,43,2,1,c6);
+ clef_(0);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(45,2,1,a5,46,2,1,c5,47,2,1,b5,48,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(45,2,1,f5,46,2,1,a6,47,2,1,g5,48,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(49,2,1,a5,50,2,1,c5,51,2,1,b5,52,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(49,2,1,f5,50,2,1,a6,51,2,1,g5,52,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(53,2,1,a5,54,2,1,c5,55,2,1,b5,56,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(53,2,1,f5,54,2,1,a6,55,2,1,g5,56,2,1,a6);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(58,2,1,f4,59,2,1,a5,60,2,1,g4,61,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(58,2,1,d5,59,2,1,f5,60,2,1,e5,61,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(62,2,1,f4,63,2,1,a5,64,2,1,g4,65,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(62,2,1,d5,63,2,1,f5,64,2,1,e5,65,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(66,2,1,f4,67,2,1,a5,68,2,1,g4,69,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(66,2,1,d5,67,2,1,f5,68,2,1,e5,69,2,1,f5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_natural(b4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(71,1,1,b4,73,1,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(71,2,1,d4,72,2,1,f4,73,2,1,e4,74,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(75,1,1,d4,77,1,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(75,2,1,d4,76,2,1,f4,77,2,1,e4,78,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(79,1,1,f4,81,1,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(79,2,1,d4,80,2,1,f4,81,2,1,e4,82,2,1,f4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_natural(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(84,1,1,b4,86,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(84,2,1,g4,85,2,1,a5,86,2,1,g4,87,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(88,1,1,c4,90,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(88,2,1,e4,89,2,1,f4,90,2,1,e4,91,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(92,1,1,e4,94,1,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_flat(b4);
+ beam(92,2,1,c4,93,2,1,d4,94,2,1,c4,95,2,1,b4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(97,2,1,f4,98,2,1,g4,99,2,1,f4,100,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(97,1,1,a4,99,2,1,d4,100,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(101,2,1,d4,102,2,1,e4,103,2,1,d4,104,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(101,2,1,b5,102,2,1,c5,103,2,1,b5,104,2,1,a5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_natural(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(105,2,1,b4,106,2,1,c4,107,2,1,b4,108,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(105,2,1,g4,106,2,1,a5,107,2,1,g4,108,2,1,f4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ clef_(6);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_natural(b4);
+ beam(110,1,1,g3,112,2,1,c4,113,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(110,2,1,e4,111,2,1,f4,112,2,1,e4,113,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(114,2,1,a4,115,2,1,b4,116,2,1,a4,117,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ beam(114,1,1,c4,116,2,1,c5,117,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(118,1,1,c5,120,1,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(118,2,1,f3,119,2,1,g3,120,2,1,f3,121,2,1,e3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(123,1,1,f4,125,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(123,2,1,d3,124,2,1,e3,125,2,1,d3,126,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(127,1,1,e4,129,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(127,2,1,g3,128,2,1,f3,129,2,1,e3,130,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ beam(131,1,1,g3,132,1,1,g2);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ beam(131,1,1,d4,132,1,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(135,1,1,c3,136,1,1,e3,137,1,1,c3,138,1,1,g3,139,1,1,c3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_rest(1,0);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_natural(b4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(141,1,1,c4,142,2,1,b4,143,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(144,2,1,g3,145,2,1,a4,146,2,1,g3,147,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(142,1,1,c5,144,1,1,e5,146,1,1,c5,148,1,1,g5,150,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(148,2,1,e3,149,2,1,f3,150,2,1,e3,151,2,1,d3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(c6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_natural(b6);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(153,1,1,c6,154,2,1,b6,155,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(156,2,1,g5,157,2,1,a6,158,2,1,g5,159,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(153,1,1,c3,154,1,1,e3,156,1,1,g3,158,1,1,e3,160,1,1,c4,162,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(160,2,1,e5,161,2,1,f5,162,2,1,e5,163,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_flat(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_flat(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_sharp(f3);
+ beam(165,1,1,e4,167,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(165,2,1,c5,166,2,1,b5,167,2,1,c5,168,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(169,1,1,e4,171,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(169,2,1,c5,170,2,1,a6,171,2,1,b5,172,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(173,1,1,e4,175,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(173,2,1,c5,174,2,1,a6,175,2,1,a5,176,2,1,a6);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8e86c3bfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
@@ -0,0 +1,1062 @@
+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
+staff_1="-1,0,1,2,3"; staff_2="-1,0,1,2,3";
+bar_type1=10; bar_type2=10;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+key_ := -1;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_natural(f3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_flat(e3);
+ beam(1,1,1,g3,2,2,1,f3,3,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(4,2,1,d3,5,2,1,e3,6,2,1,d3,7,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(1,1,1,b5,2,1,1,g4,4,1,1,b5,6,1,1,g4,8,1,1,d5,10,1,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ beam(8,2,1,b3,9,2,1,c3,10,2,1,b3,11,2,1,a3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_flat(e5);
+ beam(13,1,1,g5,14,2,1,f5,15,2,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(16,2,1,d5,17,2,1,e5,18,2,1,d5,19,2,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(13,1,1,g2,14,1,1,g3,16,1,1,b4,18,1,1,g3,20,1,1,d4,22,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ beam(20,2,1,b5,21,2,1,c5,22,2,1,b5,23,2,1,a5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_flat(e4);
+ beam(25,1,1,g4,26,2,1,f4,27,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(28,2,1,d4,29,2,1,e4,30,2,1,d4,31,2,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(25,1,1,g4,26,1,1,b5,28,1,1,d5,30,1,1,b5,32,1,1,g5,34,1,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(32,2,1,b4,33,2,1,c4,34,2,1,b4,35,2,1,a4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_sharp(c5);
+ beam(37,1,1,b6,39,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_natural(e4);
+ beam(37,2,1,g3,38,2,1,f3,39,2,1,g3,40,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(41,1,1,b6,43,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(41,2,1,g3,42,2,1,e4,43,2,1,f3,44,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ beam(45,1,1,b6,47,1,1,c5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(45,2,1,g3,46,2,1,e4,47,2,1,e3,48,2,1,e4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(50,2,1,f3,51,2,1,e3,52,2,1,f3,53,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(54,2,1,f3,55,2,1,d4,56,2,1,e3,57,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(50,1,1,d5,52,1,1,a5,54,1,1,f5,56,1,1,d5,58,1,1,a6,60,1,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(58,2,1,f3,59,2,1,d4,60,2,1,d3,61,2,1,d4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(63,1,1,b4,65,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ beam(63,2,1,g5,64,2,1,f5,65,2,1,g5,66,2,1,b6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(67,1,1,e3,69,1,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ beam(67,2,1,c5,68,2,1,b6,69,2,1,d5,70,2,1,b6);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(71,1,1,c3,73,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b6);
+ beam(71,2,1,e5,72,2,1,b6,73,2,1,c5,74,2,1,b6);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(76,1,1,a4,78,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(76,2,1,f5,77,2,1,e5,78,2,1,f5,79,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(80,1,1,d3,82,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_sharp(c5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(80,2,1,b5,81,2,1,a6,82,2,1,c5,83,2,1,a6);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_natural(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(84,1,1,b3,86,1,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(a6);
+ beam(84,2,1,d5,85,2,1,a6,86,2,1,b5,87,2,1,a6);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(89,1,1,g3,91,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(89,2,1,e5,90,2,1,d5,91,2,1,e5,92,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_sharp(c3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(93,1,1,c3,95,1,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_natural(b5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(93,2,1,a5,94,2,1,g5,95,2,1,b5,96,2,1,g5);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_sharp(c5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(97,1,1,a3,99,1,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g5);
+ beam(97,2,1,c5,98,2,1,g5,99,2,1,a5,100,2,1,g5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d2);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_natural(c3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(102,1,1,f5,104,1,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(102,2,1,d2,103,2,1,d3,104,2,1,c3,105,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_flat(b5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(106,1,1,b5,108,1,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(106,2,1,g2,107,2,1,d3,108,2,1,a3,109,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(110,1,1,g4,112,1,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(110,2,1,b3,111,2,1,d3,112,2,1,g2,113,2,1,d3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c2);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(115,2,1,c2,116,2,1,c3,117,2,1,b3,118,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(119,2,1,f2,120,2,1,c3,121,2,1,g2,122,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_flat(e5);
+ beam(115,1,1,e5,117,1,1,c5,119,1,1,a5,121,1,1,c5,123,1,1,f4,125,1,1,e5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(123,2,1,a3,124,2,1,c3,125,2,1,f2,126,2,1,c3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_flat(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(128,2,1,d5,129,2,1,f5,130,2,1,e5,131,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(132,2,1,d5,133,2,1,f5,134,2,1,e5,135,2,1,f5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(128,1,1,b3,130,1,1,d3,132,1,1,f3,134,1,1,d3,136,1,1,b4,138,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(e5);
+ add_noteheads(f5);
+ beam(136,2,1,d5,137,2,1,f5,138,2,1,e5,139,2,1,f5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_flat(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(141,2,1,d4,142,2,1,f4,143,2,1,e4,144,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(141,2,1,b5,142,2,1,d5,143,2,1,c5,144,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(145,2,1,d4,146,2,1,f4,147,2,1,e4,148,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(145,2,1,b5,146,2,1,d5,147,2,1,c5,148,2,1,d5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(149,2,1,d4,150,2,1,f4,151,2,1,e4,152,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ beam(149,2,1,b5,150,2,1,d5,151,2,1,c5,152,2,1,d5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(154,2,1,b4,155,2,1,d4,156,2,1,c4,157,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(154,2,1,g4,155,2,1,b5,156,2,1,a5,157,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(158,2,1,b4,159,2,1,d4,160,2,1,c4,161,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(158,2,1,g4,159,2,1,b5,160,2,1,a5,161,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(162,2,1,b4,163,2,1,d4,164,2,1,c4,165,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(162,2,1,g4,163,2,1,b5,164,2,1,a5,165,2,1,b5);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ beam(167,1,1,e4,169,1,1,c4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(167,2,1,g3,168,2,1,b4,169,2,1,a4,170,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(171,1,1,g4,173,1,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(171,2,1,g3,172,2,1,b4,173,2,1,a4,174,2,1,b4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(175,1,1,b5,177,1,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(175,2,1,g3,176,2,1,b4,177,2,1,a4,178,2,1,b4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+make_line(next_char); showstats; end.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/ b/obsolete/macros/texmuse/Samples/tex/
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+input txmfont;
+input texmuse;
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+bar_type1=10; bar_type2=10;
+desired_width := 469.75499pt/pt;
+key_ := -1;
+instr_clef1:= 6;
+def lefthand =
+ curr_instr:="lefthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=1;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+instr_clef2:= 0;
+def righthand =
+ curr_instr:="righthand;";
+ note_[index][instr_]:=currentpicture;
+ instr_:=2;
+ currentpicture:=note_[index][instr_];
+ enddef;
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(d5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(1,1,1,e3,3,1,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(c5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ beam(1,2,1,c5,2,2,1,d5,3,2,1,c5,4,2,1,b5);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(b5);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(5,1,1,f3,7,1,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(a5);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ beam(5,2,1,a5,6,2,1,b5,7,2,1,a5,8,2,1,g4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(9,1,1,a4,11,1,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_flat(e4);
+ beam(9,2,1,f4,10,2,1,g4,11,2,1,f4,12,2,1,e4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(g4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(14,2,1,b4,15,2,1,c3,16,2,1,b4,17,2,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(14,1,1,d4,16,2,1,g4,17,2,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_natural(e4);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ beam(18,2,1,g3,19,2,1,a4,20,2,1,g3,21,2,1,f3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ beam(18,2,1,e4,19,2,1,f4,20,2,1,e4,21,2,1,d4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(d4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(c4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ beam(22,2,1,e3,23,2,1,f3,24,2,1,e3,25,2,1,d3);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ beam(22,2,1,c4,23,2,1,d4,24,2,1,c4,25,2,1,b4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ beam(27,1,1,c3,29,2,1,f3,30,2,1,e3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ beam(27,2,1,a4,28,2,1,b4,29,2,1,a4,30,2,1,g3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f3);
+ add_noteheads(e3);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ beam(31,2,1,d3,32,2,1,e3,33,2,1,d3,34,2,1,c3);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(31,1,1,f3,33,2,1,f4,34,2,1,e4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ add_noteheads(d3);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ beam(35,1,1,f4,37,1,1,a4);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ beam(35,2,1,b3,36,2,1,d3,37,2,1,b3,38,2,1,a3);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(b4);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(g2);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(40,1,1,b4,42,1,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ beam(40,2,1,g2,41,2,1,a3,42,2,1,g2,43,2,1,f2);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(a4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ add_noteheads(a3);
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ beam(44,1,1,a4,46,1,1,f4);
+ add_noteheads(b3);
+ beam(44,2,1,c3,45,2,1,b3,46,2,1,a3,47,2,1,b3);
+ add_noteheads(c3);
+ add_noteheads(g3);
+ add_noteheads(c2);
+ beam(48,1,1,c3,49,1,1,c2);
+ add_noteheads(e4);
+ beam(48,1,1,g3,49,1,1,e4);
+ barline_(10);
+ barline_(10);
+ add_noteheads(f2);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_noteheads(f4);
+ regular_stem;
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_rest(0,0);
+ add_rest(0,0);
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+ barline_(20);
+numeric desired_width; end_of_block; make_line(next_char);
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+% Default values for the \appendix markup
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+% Defaults when using the \tableofcontents markup
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+ \tabletoctitle{\newpage
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+}% end endnoteformat markup
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+% Defaults for \figure with \monospace
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+% Default values for the \monospace markup
+ % You may change the default monspace fonts by removing the % symbol
+ % from the \selectfontset and \defaultmono\rm markups below.
+% \selectfontset{monofont}{defaultmono}{default} %
+% \defaultmono\rm
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+ \style{indent}
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+% Defaults for the \label markup
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+ }
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+% Defaults for \listbegin, \listlevel, and \bullet
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+% Set format for mail labels with the MERGE LETTER MODEL
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new file mode 100644
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+ % page. Bottom lines will be even.
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+ % or off (\hyphenoff)
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/blocks/parp.texblock b/obsolete/macros/text1/blocks/parp.texblock
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+% Default paragraph specifications for proportional fonts
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+ % paragraphs. Plus and minus refer to space
+ % that may be added or subtracted from the
+ % initial setting (0pt) to make the lines
+ % even at the bottom of the page.
+\justify % all text will be justified
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+ % or off (\hyphenoff)
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+% Default values for the \part markup
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+% Default values for the \preface markup
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+ \setsubheadanumber{0}
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+% Default values for the running foot title
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+% Default values for the running head title
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+% Default values for the \subheada markup
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+ \setsubheadcnumber{0}
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diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/blocks/subheadb.texblock b/obsolete/macros/text1/blocks/subheadb.texblock
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+% Default values for the \subheadb markup
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+ \vs{1\bl}\nobreak
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+% Default values for the \subheadc markup
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+ \vs{1\bl}\nobreak
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+% Default values for the \subheadd markup
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+ {\twelvept\it \subheaddtitle.}
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+% Default \tabletitle when using \monospace
+ \cl{\bd Table \tablenumber}
+ \cl{\rm\tabletitle}
+ \vs{\bl}
+ }
+ \incontents{yes}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/blocks/tablep.texblock b/obsolete/macros/text1/blocks/tablep.texblock
new file mode 100644
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+% Default values for the \tabletitle markup
+ \titleformat{\vs{\bl}
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd Table \tablenumber}
+ \cl{\twelvept\tabletitle}
+ \vs{\bl}
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new file mode 100644
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+% Default values for the Talaris fonts
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new file mode 100644
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+% Default for the title (first) page
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+}% end titlepage markup
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.aug91 b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.aug91
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbdd14b91a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.aug91
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+This is a list of changes to the basic TeXT1 sources made in August 1991.
+There are 5 new files:
+ [.vax_vms]
+ [.vax_vms]sortcall.pen
+ [.vax_vms]
+ [.vax_vms]texix.exe
+ [.vax_vms]vmssort.pas
+0 files were removed:
+The following files have been changed:
+ [.vax_vms]texix.vmsinfo
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.aug92 b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.aug92
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..465a805866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.aug92
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+This is a list of changes to the basic TeXT1 sources made in August 1992.
+There is 1 new file:
+ [.macros]txt1v407.tex
+1 file was removed:
+ [.macros]txt1v406.tex
+0 files were changed:
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.aug93 b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.aug93
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44dfbab4e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.aug93
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+This is a list of changes to the basic TeXT1 sources made in August 1993.
+There were no new files:
+no files removed:
+4 files were changed:
+ [.vax_vms]
+ [.vax_vms]sortcall.pen
+ [.vax_vms]
+ [.vax_vms]texix.exe
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.dec93 b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.dec93
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e871c7cb91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.dec93
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+This is a list of changes to the basic TeXT1 sources made in December 1993.
+There is 1 new files in the WSUIPA directory:
+ [.wsuipa]compilefonts.
+0 files removed:
+2 files were changed:
+ [.wsuipa]lipaman.dvi
+ [.wsuipa]lipaman.tex
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.feb91 b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.feb91
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c3ec088ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.feb91
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+This is a list of changes to the basic TeXT1 sources made in February 1991.
+There are 0 new files:
+0 files were removed:
+The following files have been changed:
+ [.fonts]cm*.tfm % most were corrupted, so I copied them all again
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.jan92 b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.jan92
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64652b91a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.jan92
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+This is a list of changes to the basic TeXT1 sources made in January 1992.
+There is 1 new files:
+ [.macros]txt1v404.tex
+2 files were removed:
+ [.macros]txt1v403.tex
+ [.macros]txt1m403.tex ! this was merged into txt1v404
+1 file was changed:
+ [.macros]text1.tex
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.jun91 b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.jun91
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3cd18e4ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.jun91
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+This is a list of changes to the basic TeXT1 sources made in June 1991.
+There are 0 new files:
+0 files were removed:
+The following files have been changed:
+ [.wsuipa]ipaman.tex % minor correction
+ [.wsuipa]lipaman.tex % minor correction
+ [.models]thesis.texinput % conforms to new WSU standards
+ [.models]thesis.texmodel % conforms to new WSU standards
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.jun96 b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.jun96
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79cecb817c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.jun96
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+This is a list of changes to the basic TeXT1 sources made in June 1996.
+There are 2 new files in the TEXT1 directory:
+ [.macros]txt1v409.tex
+ [.docs]
+1 file removed:
+ [.macros]txt1v408.tex
+1 file was changed:
+ [.macros]text1.tex
+file []readme.tex was moved to [.docs]readme.tex
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.mar91 b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.mar91
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa9e21936d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.mar91
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+This is a list of changes to the basic TeXT1 sources made in March 1991.
+There is 1 new file:
+ [.wsuipa]lipaman.tex % LaTeX version of the manual
+0 files were removed:
+The following files have been changed:
+ [.fonts]cm*.300pk % most were corrupted, so I FTPd them all again
+ [.wsuipa]*.300pk % ditto
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.mar92 b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.mar92
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e00b9afcec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.mar92
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+This is a list of changes to the basic TeXT1 sources made in March 1992.
+There are 7 new files:
+ [.macros]txt1v405.tex
+ [.fonts]dt.300pk
+ [.fonts]
+ [.fonts]
+ [.fonts]dt.tfm
+ [.fonts]dt.readme
+ [.texix]texix.readme
+1 file was removed:
+ [.macros]txt1v404.tex
+1 file was changed:
+ [.macros]text1.tex
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.may92 b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.may92
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02ef23463c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.may92
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+This is a list of changes to the basic TeXT1 sources made in May 1992.
+There are 5 new files:
+ [.macros]txt1v406.tex
+ [.wsuipa]lipaman.dvi
+ [.wsuipa]readme.wsuipa
+ [.wsuipa]ipalman.tex
+ [.wsuipa]ipalmacs.sty
+1 file was removed:
+ [.macros]txt1v405.tex
+14 files were changed:
+ [.macros]text1.tex
+ [.wsuipa]
+ [.wsuipa]wslipa8.tfm
+ [.wsuipa]wslipa9.tfm
+ [.wsuipa]wslipa10.tfm
+ [.wsuipa]wslipa11.tfm
+ [.wsuipa]wslipa12.tfm
+ [.wsuipa]wslipa17.tfm
+ [.wsuipa]wslipa8.300pk
+ [.wsuipa]wslipa9.300pk
+ [.wsuipa]wslipa10.300pk
+ [.wsuipa]wslipa11.300pk
+ [.wsuipa]wslipa12.300pk
+ [.wsuipa]wslipa17.300pk
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.nov90 b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.nov90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc5a9bff2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.nov90
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+This is a list of changes to the basic TeXT1 sources made in November 1990.
+There are 2 new files:
+ [.macros]txt1v402.tex
+ [.macros]txt1m402.tex
+2 files were removed:
+ [.macros]txt1v401.tex
+ [.macros]txt1m401.tex
+The following files have been changed:
+ [.fonts]cmbxti14.300pk
+ [.fonts]
+ [.fonts]cmbxti14.tfm
+ [.wsuipa]ipaman.tex
+ [.macros]flexcol.tex
+ [.models]thesis.texinput
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.nov92 b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.nov92
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f5d905e0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.nov92
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+This is a list of changes to the basic TeXT1 sources made in November 1992.
+There are over 160 new files in a new PC directory:
+ [.pc]
+0 files removed:
+0 files were changed:
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.nov94 b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.nov94
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5bed494cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.nov94
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+This is a list of changes to the basic TeXT1 sources made in November 1994.
+There are 4 new files in the TEXT1 directory:
+ [.macintosh]TEXT1_INDEX_SORT.BIN
+ [.macintosh]texix_macintosh.readme
+ [.vax_vms]texix_vms.readme
+ [.macros]txt1v408.tex
+3 files removed:
+ [.macros]txt1v407.tex
+ [.macintosh]texix.macinfo
+ [.vax_vms]texix.vmsinfo
+1 file was changed:
+ [.macros]text1.tex
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.sep91 b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.sep91
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9376fb3fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/changes.sep91
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+This is a list of changes to the basic TeXT1 sources made in September 1991.
+There are 2 new files:
+ [.macros]txt1v403.tex
+ [.macros]txt1m403.tex
+2 files were removed:
+ [.macros]txt1v402.tex
+ [.macros]txt1m402.tex
+1 file was changed:
+ [.macros]text1.tex
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1--footn.help4--f b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1--footn.help4--f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc45137071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1--footn.help4--f
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+| TEXT1 \footnotestyle COMMAND |
+The \footnotestyle command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set the numbering style for the
+footnotes. The format for the \footnotestyle command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \footnotestyle{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is one of four possible values:
+ 1 which gives numbered footnotes 1, 2, 3, etc.
+ (1) which gives numbered footnotes included in parentheses (1), (2)
+ a which gives lettered footnotes a, b, c, etc.
+ (a) which gives lettered footnotes enclosed in parentheses (a), (b)
+The \footnotestyle default is \footnotestyle{(1)}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1--verti.helpvert b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1--verti.helpvert
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..872fadaa4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1--verti.helpvert
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+| TEXT1 \verticalspace (\vs) COMMAND |
+The \verticalspace (\vs) command will leave the specified amount of space or
+the specified number of blank lines in the text. This command will also force
+the following text into a new paragraph. The format for the \verticalspace
+(\vs) command is:
+ \verticalspace{x}
+Where "x" is the number of blank lines or space you wish to leave. For
+ \verticalspace{4\bl}
+will leave four blank lines, and
+ \verticalspace{2in}
+will leave two inches of blank space.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/10noter.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/10noter.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a67f3982ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/10noter.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+| TEXT1 \notereferencefont COMMAND |
+The \notereferencefont command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine the font in which the
+footnote reference numbers in the text of the notes are printed. The format
+for the \notereferencefont command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \notereferencefont{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is some font designations such as \bf, \it, \littlefont, etc.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/11noter.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/11noter.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b39bf09ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/11noter.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+| TEXT1 \notereferencestyle COMMAND |
+The \notereferencestyle command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine the style in which the
+footnote reference numbers within the notes are printed. There are six
+possible note numbering styles:
+ \notereferencestyle{1} for numbered footnotes "1, 2, 3, ..."
+ \notereferencestyle{1.} for numbered footnotes "1., 2., 3., ..."
+ \notereferencestyle{(1)} for numbered footnotes "(1), (2), (3), ..."
+ \notereferencestyle{a} for lettered footnotes "a, b, c, ..."
+ \notereferencestyle{a.} for lettered footnotes "a., b., c., ..."
+ \notereferencestyle{(a)} for lettered footnotes "(a), (b), (c), ..."
+The format for the \notereferencestyle command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \notereferencestyle{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is one of the six valid style designations given above. The default
+is \notereferencestyle{1}.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/12noter.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/12noter.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c74fb65186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/12noter.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+| TEXT1 \notereferencegutter COMMAND |
+The \notereferencegutter command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine the amount of space between
+the footnote reference number and the text of the footnotes. The format for
+the \notereferencegutter command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \notereferencegutter{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is any number and valid TeX measurement (in, pc, pts, etc.).
+\notereferencegutter{1em} is the default and will give one emspace between the
+footnote reference numbers and the text of the notes.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1block.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1block.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0c19a24b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1block.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+| TEXT1 \blockquotebegin (\bqb) COMMAND |
+The \blockquotebegin (\bqb) command will begin a new paragraph and indent the
+following text the amount of the current paragraph indentation on both the left
+and right margins. If the current paragraph indentation value is zero, the
+indentation for the block quote will be one-half inch. The format for the
+\blockquotebegin (\bqb) command is:
+ \blockquotebegin
+ tttttt
+ tttttt
+ tttttt
+ \blockquoteend
+Where the "tttttt" designates the text included as the block quote. The
+\blockquotebegin (\bqb) command is always used in conjunction with the
+\blockquoteend (\bqe) command.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1every.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1every.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af55b6bbd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1every.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+| TEXT1 \everyfootnote COMMAND |
+The \everyfootnote command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set options for the paragraph format
+within the footnote. The format for the \fortmatfootnote command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \everyfootnote{options
+ }}
+Where "options" is one or more of the following.
+ \paragraphindent \paragraphskip \leftindent
+ \rightindent \rightragged \interlineskip
+ \singlespace \doublespace font changes
+ \justify
+For more information on any of these options see the help screen under the
+markup menu for that particular command.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1everye.helpendn b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1everye.helpendn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de87d7cf5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1everye.helpendn
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+| TEXT1 \everyendnote COMMAND |
+The \everyendnote command is always used in conjunction with the \endnoteformat
+(\enf) command, and will set options for the paragraph format within the
+endnote. The format for the \everyendnote command is:
+ \endnoteformat{
+ \everyendnote{options
+ }}
+Where "options" is one or more of the following.
+ \paragraphindent \paragraphskip \leftindent
+ \rightindent \rightragged \interlineskip
+ \singlespace \doublespace font changes
+ \justify
+For more information on any of these options see the help screen under the
+markup menu for that particular command.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1everyf.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1everyf.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ecd02acc90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1everyf.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+| TEXT1 \everyfootnote COMMAND |
+The \everyfootnote command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set options for the paragraph format
+within the footnote. The format for the \everyfootnote command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \everyfootnote{options
+ }}
+Where "options" is one or more of the following.
+ \paragraphindent \paragraphskip \leftindent
+ \rightindent \rightragged \interlineskip
+ \singlespace \doublespace font changes
+ \justify
+For more information on any of these options see the help screen under the
+markup menu for that particular command.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1numbe.helpsubh b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1numbe.helpsubh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ba197b3e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1numbe.helpsubh
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+| TEXT1 \numberingstyle COMMAND |
+The \numberingstyle command is always used in conjunction with the
+\subheadbformat command and will set the style of numbering for the subheadb
+titles. The format for the \numberingstyle command is:
+ \subheadbformat{\numberingstyle{xxx}
+ }
+where "xxx" is A, 1, or I. The default \numberingstyle for subheadb is
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1number.helpsubh b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1number.helpsubh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f2fe89806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1number.helpsubh
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+| TEXT1 \numberingstyle COMMAND |
+The \numberingstyle command is always used in conjunction with the
+\subheadaformat command and will set the style of numbering for the subheada
+titles. The format for the \numberingstyle command is:
+ \subheadaformat{\numberingstyle{xxx}
+ }
+where "xxx" is A, 1, or I. The default \numberingstyle for subheada is
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2--footn.help4--f b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2--footn.help4--f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24d6dbb6ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2--footn.help4--f
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+| TEXT1 \footnotereferencefont COMMAND |
+The \footnotereferencefont command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnotereferenceformat command, and establishes what font will be used to set
+the footnote reference numbers. The format for the \footnotereferencefont
+command is:
+ \footnotereferenceformat{
+ \footnotereferencefont{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is a valid font style (\sf, \bf, \it, etc.). The default footnote
+reference font is the standardface font.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2--verti.helpvert b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2--verti.helpvert
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b10e91285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2--verti.helpvert
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+| TEXT1 \verticalspacekeep (\vsk) COMMAND |
+The \verticalspacekeep (\vsk) command will leave vertical space at the
+beginning of a page or for a figure, plate, table, or any other reason when you
+need to have the entire space specified kept intact. If the specified space
+will not fit on the current page, it will be printed at the top of the
+following page and the remaining current page will remain blank, causing you to
+receive an underfull vbox warning. The \verticalspacekeep (\vsk) format is:
+ \verticalspacekeep{xx}
+Where "xx" is the amount of vertical space expressed in any valid TeX
+measurement (pt, pc, in, etc.) or in number of lines to be left for the figure.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2block.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2block.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e72dd23cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2block.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+| TEXT1 \blockquoteend (\bqe) COMMAND |
+The \blockquoteend (\bqe) command ends a block quote and starts a new
+paragraph. The format for the \blockquoteend (\bqe) command is:
+ \blockquotebegin
+ tttttt
+ tttttt
+ tttttt
+ \blockquoteend
+Where the "tttttt" designates the text included as the block quote. The
+\blockquoteend (\bqe) command is always used in conjunction with the
+\blockquotebegin (\bqb) command.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2footn.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2footn.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f20d126e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2footn.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+| TEXT1 \footnotedivider COMMAND |
+The \footnotedivider command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set the length for the line that
+divides the page text from the beginning of the footnote text. The format for
+the \footnotedivider command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \footnotedivider{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is any valid TeX measurement (pt, pc, in, etc.). For example,
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \footnotedivider{1.5in}
+ }
+would make the horizontal rule before the footnote text to be one and one-half
+inches long.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2footno.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2footno.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f20d126e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2footno.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+| TEXT1 \footnotedivider COMMAND |
+The \footnotedivider command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set the length for the line that
+divides the page text from the beginning of the footnote text. The format for
+the \footnotedivider command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \footnotedivider{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is any valid TeX measurement (pt, pc, in, etc.). For example,
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \footnotedivider{1.5in}
+ }
+would make the horizontal rule before the footnote text to be one and one-half
+inches long.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2skipbe.helpendn b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2skipbe.helpendn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f7d5f5372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2skipbe.helpendn
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+| TEXT1 \skipbefore COMMAND |
+The \skipbefore command is always used in conjunction with the \endnoteformat
+(\enf) command, and will set the amount of vertical space before the endnotes
+are printed. The format for the \skipbefore command is:
+ \endnoteformat{
+ \skipbefore{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is expressed in \baselines or any valid TeX measurement (pt, pc, in,
+etc.). For example,
+ \endnoteformat{
+ \skipbefore{1.5in}
+ }
+would put one and one-half inches of vertical space before the beginning of the
+endnote text.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2title.helpsubh b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2title.helpsubh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98cab4d1b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2title.helpsubh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+| TEXT1 \titleformat COMMAND |
+The \titleformat command is always used in conjunction with the \subheadbformat
+command and will set options for the subheadb titles. The format for the
+\titleformat command is:
+ \subheadbformat{\titleformat{
+ \vsk{24pt}
+ {\it \subheadbtitle}
+ \vs{12pt}}
+ }
+This is the default for \titleformat. Each \subheadb command will space down 24
+points, print the \subheadbtitle in italics and space down 12 points to resume
+with the text.
+For more information on the \subheadbtitle command, see the help screen under
+the markup menu for that particular command.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3befor.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3befor.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98eb00954f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3befor.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+| TEXT1 \beforefootnoteskip COMMAND |
+The \beforefootnoteskip command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set the amount of vertical space
+between the page text and the footnote divider. The format for the
+\beforefootnoteskip command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \beforefootnoteskip{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is any valid TeX measurement (pt, pc, in, etc.). For example,
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \beforefootnoteskip{1.5in}
+ }
+would put one and one-half inches of vertical space between the page text and
+the footnote dividing rule.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3block.helpmenu b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3block.helpmenu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8517f05b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3block.helpmenu
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+A file may be selected for viewing by placing the cursor under any character
+of the file wanted and pressing the PF 1 key. A MENU file is indicated when
+a name is preceded by an asterisk (*). If you are using a terminal that
+doesn't have a CURSOR or PF KEYS then you MUST TYPE in the COMPLETE HELP
+COMMAND with operands and options. For a description of the operands and
+options type HELP HELP.
+skipafter (space after block quotes)
+skipbefore (space before block quotes)
+blockquoteparagraphformat (establishing paragraph options
+ within block quotes)
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3every.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3every.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a2445ec78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3every.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+| TEXT1 \everyblockquote COMMAND |
+The \everyblockquote command is always used in conjunction with the
+\blockquoteformat (\bqf) command, and will set options for the paragraph format
+within the blockquote. The format for the \everyblockquote command is:
+ \blockquoteformat{
+ \everyblockquote{options
+ }}
+Where "options" is one or more of the following.
+ \paragraphindent \paragraphskip \interlineskip
+ \justify \rightragged font changes
+ \singlespace \doublespace \leftindent
+ \rightindent
+For more information on any of these options see the help screen under the
+markup menu for that particular command.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3incon.helpsubh b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3incon.helpsubh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e58c80f034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3incon.helpsubh
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+| TEXT1 \incontents COMMAND |
+The \incontents command is always used in conjunction with the \subheadbformat
+command and will determine whether subheadb titles are included in the Table of
+Contents. The format for the \incontents command is:
+ \subheadbformat{
+ \incontents{yes}
+ }
+By default, the subheadb titles will not be included in the Table of Contents.
+If you want the subheadb titles included in the Table of Contents, enter
+\incontents{yes} within the \subheadbformat command.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3incont.helpsubh b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3incont.helpsubh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5f4b3d717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3incont.helpsubh
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+| TEXT1 \incontents COMMAND |
+The \incontents command is always used in conjunction with the \subheadaformat
+command and will determine whether subheada titles are included in the Table of
+Contents. The format for the \incontents command is:
+ \subheadaformat{
+ \incontents{yes}
+ }
+By default, the subheada titles will be included in the Table of Contents. If
+you do not want the subheada titles included in the Table of Contents, enter
+\incontents{no} within the \subheadaformat command.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3skipb.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3skipb.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc6ebaf65d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3skipb.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+| TEXT1 \skipbeforedivider COMMAND |
+The \skipbeforedivider command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set the amount of vertical space
+between the page text and the footnote divider. The format for the
+\skipbeforedivider command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \skipbeforedivider{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is expressed in \baselines or any valid TeX measurement (pt, pc, in,
+etc.). For example,
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \skipbeforedivider{1.5in}
+ }
+would put one and one-half inches of vertical space between the page text and
+the footnote dividing rule.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3skipbe.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3skipbe.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc6ebaf65d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3skipbe.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+| TEXT1 \skipbeforedivider COMMAND |
+The \skipbeforedivider command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set the amount of vertical space
+between the page text and the footnote divider. The format for the
+\skipbeforedivider command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \skipbeforedivider{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is expressed in \baselines or any valid TeX measurement (pt, pc, in,
+etc.). For example,
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \skipbeforedivider{1.5in}
+ }
+would put one and one-half inches of vertical space between the page text and
+the footnote dividing rule.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3textre.helpendn b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3textre.helpendn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2649fb0153
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3textre.helpendn
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+| TEXT1 \textreferenceposition COMMAND |
+The \textreferenceposition command is always used in conjunction with the
+\endnoteformat (\enf) command, and will determine whether the endnote reference
+number within the text is a superscript number or not. The format for the
+\textreferenceposition command is:
+ \endnoteformat{
+ \textreferenceposition{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is either "up" or "down". \textreferenceposition{up} will give
+superscript numbers for the endnote reference numbers within the text.
+\textreferenceposition{down} will give print the endnote reference numbers
+within the text on the baseline.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4footn.helpmenu b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4footn.helpmenu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0ab64ea02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4footn.helpmenu
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+A file may be selected for viewing by placing the cursor under any character
+of the file wanted and pressing the PF 1 key. A MENU file is indicated when
+a name is preceded by an asterisk (*). If you are using a terminal that
+doesn't have a CURSOR or PF KEYS then you MUST TYPE in the COMPLETE HELP
+COMMAND with operands and options. For a description of the operands and
+options type HELP HELP.
+1--footnotestyle (the numbering style of the footnotes)
+2--footnotereferencefont (the font used to set footnote
+ reference numbers)
+3--precede (positioning of the footnote reference number before word)
+4--follow (positioning the footnote reference number after the word)
+5--superscript (superscript footnote reference numbers)
+6--notsuperscript (footnote reference numbers not superscript)
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4refer.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4refer.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08e7cd3e11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4refer.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+| TEXT1 \referenceposition COMMAND |
+The \referenceposition command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine whether the footnote
+reference number is a superscript number or not. The format for the
+\referenceposition command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \referenceposition{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is either "up" or "down". \referenceposition{up} will give
+superscript numbers for the footnote reference numbers.
+\referenceposition{down} will give regular-sized footnote reference numbers.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4skipaf.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4skipaf.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba168c90f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4skipaf.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+| TEXT1 \skipafterdivider COMMAND |
+The \skipafterdivider command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set the amount of vertical space
+between the footnote divider and the beginning of the text of the first
+footnote. The format for the \skipafterdivider command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \skipafterdivider{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is expressed in \baselines or any valid TeX measurement (pt, pc, in,
+etc.). For example,
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \skipafterdivider{5pt}
+ }
+would put five points of vertical space between the the footnote dividing rule
+and the text of the first footnote.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4skipb.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4skipb.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1430e9b33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4skipb.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+| TEXT1 \skipbefore COMMAND |
+The \skipbefore command is always used in conjunction with the
+\blockquoteformat (\bqf) command, and will set the amount of vertical space
+that is to be skipped before the blockquote begins. The format for the
+\skipbefore command is:
+ \blockquoteformat{
+ \skipbefore{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is the amount of space desired, expressed in number of lines or any
+legal TeX measurement (pt, pc, in, etc.). The amount of space indicated in the
+\skipbefore command will be added to the current paragraph skip before
+beginning the first paragraph of the blockquote.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4textre.helpendn b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4textre.helpendn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f80277833c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4textre.helpendn
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+| TEXT1 \textreferencefont COMMAND |
+The \textreferencefont command is always used in conjunction with the
+\endnoteformat (\enf) command, and will determine the font in which the endnote
+reference numbers in the text are printed. The format for the
+\textreferencefont command is:
+ \endnoteformat{
+ \textreferencefont{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is some font designations such as \bf, \it, \littlefont, etc.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5refer.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5refer.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f70c16e4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5refer.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+| TEXT1 \referenceplacement COMMAND |
+The \referenceplacement command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine whether the footnote
+reference number is placed before or after the footnote reference word. The
+format for the \referenceplacement command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \referenceplacement{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is either "before" or "after". \referenceplacement{after} will
+place the footnote reference number after the word. \referenceplacement{before}
+will place the footnote reference number before the word referenced.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5skipa.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5skipa.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a4794e3a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5skipa.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+| TEXT1 \skipafter COMMAND |
+The \skipafter command is always used in conjunction with the \blockquoteformat
+(\bqf) command, and will set the amount of vertical space that is to be skipped
+after the last paragraph of the blockquote ends. The format for the \skipafter
+command is:
+ \blockquoteformat{
+ \skipafter{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is the amount of space desired, expressed in number of lines or any
+legal TeX measurement (pt, pc, in, etc.). The amount of space indicated in the
+\skipafter command will be added to the current paragraph skip after ending the
+last paragraph of the blockquote and before beginning the next paragraph of the
+regular text.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5textre.helpendn b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5textre.helpendn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96e3aab143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5textre.helpendn
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+| TEXT1 \textreferencestyle COMMAND |
+The \textreferencestyle command is always used in conjunction with the
+\endnoteformat (\enf) command, and will determine the style in which the
+endnote reference numbers within the text are printed. There are six possible
+text numbering styles:
+ \textreferencestyle{1} for numbered endnotes "1, 2, 3, ..."
+ \textreferencestyle{[1]} for numbered endnotes "[1], [2], ..."
+ \textreferencestyle{(1)} for numbered endnotes "(1), (2), (3), ..."
+ \textreferencestyle{a} for lettered endnotes "a, b, c, ..."
+ \textreferencestyle{[a]} for lettered endnotes "[a], [b] ..."
+ \textreferencestyle{(a)} for lettered endnotes "(a), (b), (c), ..."
+The format for the \textreferencestyle command is:
+ \endnoteformat{
+ \textreferencestyle{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is one of the six valid style designations given above. The default
+is \textreferencestyle{[1]}.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5textre.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5textre.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..518c8f518d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5textre.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+| TEXT1 \textreferenceposition COMMAND |
+The \textreferenceposition command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine whether the footnote
+reference number within the text is a superscript number or not. The format
+for the \textreferenceposition command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \textreferenceposition{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is either "up" or "down". \textreferenceposition{up} will give
+superscript numbers for the footnote reference numbers within the text.
+\textreferenceposition{down} will give print the footnote reference numbers
+within the text on the baseline.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6notere.helpendn b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6notere.helpendn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c6002625d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6notere.helpendn
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+| TEXT1 \notereferenceposition COMMAND |
+The \notereferenceposition command is always used in conjunction with the
+\endnoteformat (\enf) command, and will determine whether the endnote reference
+number within the text of the endnotes is a superscript number or not. The
+format for the \notereferenceposition command is:
+ \endnoteformat{
+ \notereferenceposition{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is either "up" or "down". \notereferenceposition{up} will give
+superscript numbers for the endnote reference numbers in the notes.
+\notereferenceposition{down} will give print the endnote reference numbers in
+the notes on the baseline.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6refer.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6refer.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55dda0ef13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6refer.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+| TEXT1 \referencefont COMMAND |
+The \referencefont command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine the font in which the
+footnote reference numbers are printed. The format for the \referencefont
+command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \referencefont{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is some font designations such as \bf, \it, \littlefont, etc.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6textre.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6textre.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79eb463bae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6textre.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+| TEXT1 \textreferenceplacement COMMAND |
+The \textreferenceplacement command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine whether the footnote
+reference number within the text is placed before or after the footnote
+reference word. The format for the \textreferenceplacement command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \textreferenceplacement{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is either "before" or "after". \textreferenceplacement{after} will
+place the footnote reference number after the word in the text.
+\textreferenceplacement{before} will place the footnote reference number before
+the referenced word in the text.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7notere.helpendn b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7notere.helpendn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b29d46327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7notere.helpendn
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+| TEXT1 \notereferencefont COMMAND |
+The \notereferencefont command is always used in conjunction with the
+\endnoteformat (\enf) command, and will determine the font in which the endnote
+reference numbers in the text of the notes are printed. The format for the
+\notereferencefont command is:
+ \endnoteformat{
+ \notereferencefont{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is some font designations such as \bf, \it, \littlefont, etc.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7refer.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7refer.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3d8622991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7refer.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+| TEXT1 \referencestyle COMMAND |
+The \referencestyle command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine the style in which the
+footnote reference numbers are printed. There are four possible numbering
+ \referencestyle{1} for numbered footnotes "1, 2, 3, ..."
+ \referencestyle{(1)} for numbered footnotes "(1), (2), (3), ..."
+ \referencestyle{a} for lettered footnotes "a, b, c, ..."
+ \referencestyle{(a)} for lettered footnotes "(a), (b), (c), ..."
+The format for the \referencestyle command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \referencestyle{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is one of the four valid style designations given above. The
+default is \referencestyle{(1)}.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7textre.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7textre.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b827caaa77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7textre.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+| TEXT1 \textreferencefont COMMAND |
+The \textreferencefont command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine the font in which the
+footnote reference numbers in the text are printed. The format for the
+\textreferencefont command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \textreferencefont{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is some font designations such as \bf, \it, \littlefont, etc.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/8notere.helpendn b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/8notere.helpendn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0728adcc36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/8notere.helpendn
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+| TEXT1 \notereferencestyle COMMAND |
+The \notereferencestyle command is always used in conjunction with the
+\endnoteformat (\enf) command, and will determine the style in which the
+endnote reference numbers within the notes are printed. There are six possible
+note numbering styles:
+ \notereferencestyle{1} for numbered endnotes "1, 2, 3, ..."
+ \notereferencestyle{[1]} for numbered endnotes "[1], [2] ..."
+ \notereferencestyle{(1)} for numbered endnotes "(1), (2), (3), ..."
+ \notereferencestyle{a} for lettered endnotes "a, b, c, ..."
+ \notereferencestyle{[a]} for lettered endnotes "[a], [b] ..."
+ \notereferencestyle{(a)} for lettered endnotes "(a), (b), (c), ..."
+The format for the \notereferencestyle command is:
+ \endnoteformat{
+ \notereferencestyle{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is one of the six valid style designations given above. The default
+is \notereferencestyle{1}.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/8textre.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/8textre.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5cef5c7d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/8textre.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+| TEXT1 \textreferencestyle COMMAND |
+The \textreferencestyle command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine the style in which the
+footnote reference numbers within the text are printed. There are six possible
+text numbering styles:
+ \textreferencestyle{1} for numbered footnotes "1, 2, 3, ..."
+ \textreferencestyle{1.} for numbered footnotes "1., 2., 3., ..."
+ \textreferencestyle{(1)} for numbered footnotes "(1), (2), (3), ..."
+ \textreferencestyle{a} for lettered footnotes "a, b, c, ..."
+ \textreferencestyle{a.} for lettered footnotes "a., b., c., ..."
+ \textreferencestyle{(a)} for lettered footnotes "(a), (b), (c), ..."
+The format for the \textreferencestyle command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \textreferencestyle{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is one of the six valid style designations given above. The default
+is \textreferencestyle{1}.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/9notere.helpendn b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/9notere.helpendn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c9007ef54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/9notere.helpendn
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+| TEXT1 \notereferencegutter COMMAND |
+The \notereferencegutter command is always used in conjunction with the
+\endnoteformat (\enf) command, and will determine the amount of space between
+the endnote reference number and the text of the endnotes. The format for the
+\notereferencegutter command is:
+ \endnoteformat{
+ \notereferencegutter{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is any number and valid TeX measurement (in, pc, pts, etc.).
+\notereferencegutter{1em} is the default and will give one emspace between the
+endnote reference numbers and the text of the notes.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/9notere.helpfoot b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/9notere.helpfoot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..beddf74b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/9notere.helpfoot
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+| TEXT1 \notereferenceposition COMMAND |
+The \notereferenceposition command is always used in conjunction with the
+\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine whether the footnote
+reference number within the text of the footnotes is a superscript number or
+not. The format for the \notereferenceposition command is:
+ \footnoteformat{
+ \notereferenceposition{xx}
+ }
+Where "xx" is either "up" or "down". \notereferenceposition{up} will give
+superscript numbers for the footnote reference numbers in the notes.
+\notereferenceposition{down} will give print the footnote reference numbers in
+the notes on the baseline.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aen.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aen.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00b597ddac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aen.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+| autoendnote |
+Abbreviation: ã|\aenã%
+Parameters: ã|textã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \autoendnote markup adds notes to the end of a document or the end
+of a chapter. It has one parameter, the text of the endnote, which it
+places in working storage to be printed when called by \printendnotes. An
+endnote reference number is placed in the text where the markup occurred.
+By default this reference number is surrounded by square brackets. The
+endnote number will be automatically incremented by one for each use of
+ ã|Example:ã%
+There is a well-marked division of
+labor.\autoendnote{Such as it is. Things could be
+different in the geological world, but they are not.}
+Details of organization have evolved by an
+optimization . . .
+| |
+| There is a well-marked division of labor.[1] Details of organization |
+| have evolved by an optimization . . . |
+| |
+The endnote printed following the next \printendnotes markup would look
+| |
+| 1. Such as it is. Things could be different in the geological world, but |
+| they are not. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+You cannot use \autoendnote within \settabs, \vbox, \hbox, \asisbegin,
+\drawbox, \paragraphbox, \label, \part, \chapter, \centerline, \halign,
+\rightlinesbegin, or \centerlinesbegin.
+ The endnote number is reset to 1 at the beginning of each part. To
+reset the endnote number outside of a \part, use the \setendnotenumber
+ Use the \endnoteformat markup to change the \autoendnote style.
+ There are occasions when you need to include a very long endnote. If
+the endnote exceeds 2,048 characters in length, you will need to split the
+note into two parts as follows. First, at the beginning of your document
+you will need to include a special definition for a new markup. You may
+give it any name you choose. For this example, we'll define a markup called
+\continue. Enter these three lines at the top of the document:
+Next, break the endnote into paragraphs of not more than 2,048 characters
+each. In the source below, the sentence beginning "First paragraph" is
+the first paragraph with not more than 2,048 characters, and the second
+paragraph beginning "Second paragraph" is the last paragraph of the endnote.
+line containt the note.\autoendnote{First paragraph
+of a very long endnote . . . }
+\continue{Second paragraph of the long endnote,
+which will print in the \printendnotes after
+the first paragraph}
+Sentence following the word "note."
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/afn.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/afn.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e764aa0b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/afn.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+| autofootnote |
+Abbreviation: ã|\afnã%
+Parameters: ã|textã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \autofootnote markup adds footnotes to a page. The footnote can be
+placed anywhere within text, without interrupting formatting. When the
+document is formatted, the place of the footnote is marked with a number.
+The text of the note is put at the bottom of the page. The footnote number
+will be automatically incremented by one for each use of \autofootnote.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+communicate most important things --- hunger, alarm,
+rank, and sexual desire --- among themselves by
+means of nonsyntactical signals.\autofootnote{such
+as crashing together} Individuals are aware of
+members and nonmembers of their group.
+| |
+| communicate most important things --- hunger, alarm, rank, and sexual |
+| desire --- among themselves by means of nonsyntactical signals.(1) |
+| Individuals are aware of members and nonmembers of their group. |
+| |
+The footnote would print as follows at the bottom of the page:
+| 1. such as crashing together |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The text of the note must be enclosed with curly braces, otherwise following
+text will be taken as footnote text, until all available space for footnotes
+is exhausted.
+ You cannot use \autofootnote within \settabs, \vbox, \hbox,
+\drawbox, \paragraphbox, \label, \part, \chapter, \centerline, \halign,
+\rightlinesbegin, or \centerlinesbegin.
+ The footnote number is reset to 1 at the beginning of each part. To
+reset the footnote number outside of a \part, use the \setfootnotenumber
+ To change the footnote style, use the \footnoteformat markup.
+ When using \monospace, the footnote in the text of the document is
+surrounded by parenthesis, instead of superscripted. The previous \auto-
+footnote sample output would print as:
+| |
+| communicate most important things --- hunger, alarm, rank, and sexual |
+| desire --- among themselves by means of nonsyntactical signals.(1) |
+| Individuals are aware of members and nonmembers of their group. |
+| |
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aib.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aib.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc70ed9c37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aib.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+| asisbegin |
+Abbreviation: ã|\aibã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \asisbegin markup forces the following text into an unformatted block.
+Each line is printed as it was entered. Line breaks and interword spacing
+are honored. TEXT1 markup within an "as is" sequence is limited to
+\verticalspace, \verticalspacekeep, \autofootnote, and font changes.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\centerline{Elements of the Spheres}
+Element Anthrosphere Lithosphere
+Oxygen 62.10 60.60
+Hydrogen 01.10 00.10
+Sodium 00.001 00.400
+| |
+| Elements of the Spheres |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| Element Anthrosphere Lithosphere |
+| Oxygen 62.10 60.60 |
+| Hydrogen 01.10 00.10 |
+| Sodium 00.001 00.400 |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The columns will only line up if you are using \monospace or \typewriter.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you use accents while in \asisbegin, you must surround the accented
+letter with curly braces.
+lowest common denominator.
+\centerline{\bd Outline}
+The Morality of Rock in the Fossil Record
+ Elementary Concepts: Toasting the \c{C}rust
+ Principles of Population Geology
+| lowest common denominator. |
+| |
+| |
+| Outline |
+| |
+| The Morality of Rock in the Fossil Record |
+| Elementary Concepts: Toasting the Crust |
+| Principles of Population Geology |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+With the monospaced font you can use the "as is" sequence to have TEXT1
+obey precisely your text placement, including space between words. With
+proportionally spaced fonts only the lead blanks would line up; blanks
+"inside" the text would be different widths (depending on the width of
+previous characters).
+ Font changes within an \asisbegin may change the horizontal spacing.
+ Every \asisbegin must have a matching \asisend.
+ You cannot use \asisbegin within any of the following markup: \appen-
+dix, \autofootnote, \bibliography, \centerline, \chapter, \drawbox, \figure,
+\footnote, \item, \label, \marginnote, \paragraphbox, \part, \preface,
+\rightline, \runningheadformat, \runningfootformat, \subheada, \subheadb,
+\subheadc, \subheadd, or \tabletitle.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aie.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aie.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fd9d98509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aie.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+| asisend |
+Abbreviation: ã|\aieã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \asisend markup ends an "as is" series.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+ This fortress built by Nature for herself
+ Against infection and the hand of war,
+ (Richard II)
+| |
+| This fortress built by Nature for herself |
+| Against infection and the hand of war, |
+| (Richard II) |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Each \asisend must have a matching \asisbegin. Omitting the ending \asisend
+will produce the following error message:
+(\end occurred inside a group at level 2)
+Output written on TEXT1$$.dvi (1 page, 436 bytes).
+Transcript written on TEXT1$$.texlog.
+See \asisformat to modify the defaults for \asisbegin and
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aif.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aif.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17657f596f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aif.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+| asisformat |
+Abbreviation: ã|\aifã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\skipbefore, \everyasis, \skipafterã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \asisformat markup allows you to modify the "as is" block. The "as is"
+markup skips 1 blank line (a baseline) before and after the series. There
+is no indentation from the left.
+\skipbefore indicates how much space is to be skipped before printing a
+block. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips. The default skip
+is 6pt. If you are using \monospace, the default skip is 1\bl.
+\everyasis{Nested Markup} determines how the 'as is' text is printed. This
+submarkup is only valid within the asisformat markup. Spacing and font
+changes are allowed, but not justification, right indentation, or other
+paragraph information.
+\skipafter indicates how much space is to be skipped after printing a
+block. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips. The default skip
+is 6pt. If you are using \monospace, the default skip is 1\bl.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+In this example, the "as is" text is to be indented 7 picas from the left
+margin, the text is to be printed in ten point typewriter, and 4 points
+skipped before and after.
+ \everyasis{\leftindent{7pc}\tenpt\tt}
+ \skipafter{4pt}}
+Consider my favorite breakfast recipe:
+\cl{\bd Muckles}
+3 eggs beaten
+1 cp cream
+1 cp flour
+1/4t baking powder
+1 T sugar
+pinch of salt
+bacon (optional)
+Heat butter or bacon in frying pan.
+Pour all of
+the batter into the pan. Cook approximately
+10 minutes at 375 degrees. Cut into pieces
+and serve hot with plenty of syrup.
+| |
+| Consider my favorite breakfast recipe: |
+| Muckles |
+| |
+| 3 eggs beaten |
+| 1 cp cream |
+| 1 cp flour |
+| 1/4t baking powder |
+| 1 T sugar |
+| pinch of salt |
+| bacon (optional) |
+| |
+| Heat butter or bacon in frying pan. Pour all of the batter into the |
+| pan. Cook approximately 10 minutes at 375 degrees. Cut into pieces and |
+| serve hot with plenty of syrup. |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \asisformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both are
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/anumbe.helpsubh b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/anumbe.helpsubh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7acf33349e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/anumbe.helpsubh
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+| TEXT1 \numberingstyle COMMAND |
+The \numberingstyle command is always used in conjunction with the
+\subheadcformat command and will set the style of numbering for the subheadc
+titles. The format for the \numberingstyle command is:
+ \subheadcformat{\numberingstyle{xxx}
+ }
+where "xxx" is A, 1, or I. The default \numberingstyle for subheadc is
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/anumber.helpsubh b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/anumber.helpsubh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1e541a8c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/anumber.helpsubh
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+| TEXT1 \numberingstyle COMMAND |
+The \numberingstyle command is always used in conjunction with the
+\subheaddformat command and will set the style of numbering for the subheadd
+titles. The format for the \numberingstyle command is:
+ \subheaddformat{\numberingstyle{xxx}
+ }
+where "xxx" is A, 1, or I. The default \numberingstyle for subheadd is
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/apf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/apf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cad86ce1cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/apf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+| appendixformat |
+Abbreviation: ã|\apfã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontentsã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \appendixformat markup allows you to modify the default markup that
+controls the appearance of the appendix title. The submarkup is described.
+\numberingstyle allows you to change the style from capital letters, the
+default, to Arabic numerals (1) or roman numerals (I).
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If this were the fourth appendix, it would print as:
+| |
+| Appendix IV |
+| Glossary |
+| |
+\titleformat{Nested Markup} controls the appearance of the appendix title
+banner. You may use markup such as \newpage, \verticalspace, and \center-
+line within \titleformat as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within
+or outside of \appendixformat:
+ * \appendixnumberprints the most recent appendix number.
+ * \appendixtitleprints the most recent appendix title.
+\incontents determines whether the appendix title is to be included in the
+contents. The default can be changed to no to inhibit the appendix title
+from being included in the contents. See the second example below.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+In this example, the appendix starts a new page, the number and title are
+centered in bold, and one line is skipped afterwards.
+ \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
+ \cl{\bd \appendixnumber. \appendixtitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}
+ }
+ \incontents{yes}
+ }
+This would print the fourth appendix as:
+| |
+| 4. Glossary |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+In this example, the appendix starts a new page (instead of using
+\dumpinsertseject, skips down the page 2 inches, centers the title in
+italics, and skips one line. The title is not put in contents.
+ \titleformat{\newpage
+ \vsk{2in}
+ \cl{\it \appendixtitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}}
+ \incontents{no} }
+This would print the fourth appendix as:
+| |
+| Glossary |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \appendixformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both
+are used.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/app.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/app.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a190f27416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/app.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+| appendix |
+Abbreviation: ã|\appã%
+Parameters: ã|titleã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \appendix markup starts a new page, centers the title in bold and
+adds the title text to the table of contents. Appendices are lettered
+consecutively. This markup can be used as often as necessary.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Instead, let humanity strive to make good places,
+"eutopias," on earth, peacefully and in good spirit.
+\appendix{Calculations from "Nuclear Winter"}
+| |
+| Appendix A |
+| Calculations from "Nuclear Winter" |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Refer to the \appendixformat markup if you need to change the appendix
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/appendix.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/appendix.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a72ac7f09e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/appendix.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|APPENDIXã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/appendix.helpmenu b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/appendix.helpmenu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e5ea240db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/appendix.helpmenu
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+| appendixformat |
+ \titleformatÅ\dumpinsertseject
+ \centerlineÅ\twelvept\bold
+ Appendix \appendixnumberÌ
+ \centerlineÅ\twelvept\bold\appendixtitleÌ
+ \vsÅ 1\blÌ
+ \setchapternumberÅ 0Ì
+ \setsubheadanumberÅ 0Ì
+ \setsubheadbnumberÅ 0Ì
+ \setsubheadcnumberÅ 0Ì
+ \setsubheaddnumberÅ 0Ì
+ \setfigurenumberÅ 0Ì
+ \settablenumberÅ 0Ì
+ Ì
+ \incontentsÅ yesÌ
+Abbreviation: ã|\apfã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontentsã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \appendixformat markup allows you to modify the default markup that
+controls the appearance of the appendix title. The submarkup is described.
+\numberingstyle allows you to change the style from capital letters, the
+default, to Arabic numerals (1) or roman numerals (I).
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\appendixformatÅ \numberingstyleÅ IÌÌ
+\appendixÅ GlossaryÌ
+If this were the fourth appendix, it would print as:
+| |
+| Appendix IV |
+| Glossary |
+| |
+\titleformatÅNested MarkupÌ controls the appearance of the appendix title
+banner. You may use markup such as \newpage, \verticalspace, and \center-
+line within \titleformat as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within
+or outside of \appendixformat:
+ * \appendixnumberprints the most recent appendix number.
+ * \appendixtitleprints the most recent appendix title.
+\incontents determines whether the appendix title is to be included in the
+contents. The default can be changed to no to inhibit the appendix title
+from being included in the contents. See the second example below.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+In this example, the appendix starts a new page, the number and title are
+centered in bold, and one line is skipped afterwards.
+\appendixformatÅ \numberingstyleÅ 1Ì
+ \titleformatÅ \dumpinsertseject
+ \clÅ \bd \appendixnumber. \appendixtitleÌ
+ \vsÅ 1\blÌ
+ Ì
+ \incontentsÅ yesÌ
+ Ì
+\appÅ GlossaryÌ
+This would print the fourth appendix as:
+| |
+| 4. Glossary |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+In this example, the appendix starts a new page (instead of using
+\dumpinsertseject, skips down the page 2 inches, centers the title in
+italics, and skips one line. The title is not put in contents.
+ \titleformatÅ \newpage
+ \vskÅ 2inÌ
+ \clÅ \it \appendixtitleÌ
+ \vsÅ 1\blÌÌ
+ \incontentsÅ noÌ Ì
+\appÅ GlossaryÌ
+This would print the fourth appendix as:
+| |
+| Glossary |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \appendixformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both
+are used.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/asism.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/asism.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf6437cf5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/asism.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|ASIS-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the \asisformat
+and if you are using \monospace.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/asisp.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/asisp.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c3aeeea9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/asisp.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|ASIS-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the \asisformat
+and if you areã|notã%using \monospace.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bd.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bd.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2522f00c01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bd.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+| bold |
+Abbreviation: ã|\bdã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \bold markup sets the typeface to wide strokes, giving a heavy
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example changes "Parallels" bold. It is changed back with the \roman
+lowest common denominator.
+\bold\nin Parallels. \roman Consider for a
+moment rocks and deer . . .
+| |
+| lowest common denominator. |
+| Parallels. Consider for a moment rocks and deer . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The effects of the \bold markup can also be limited by curly braces.
+lowest common denominator.
+\nin{\bd Parallels}. Consider for a
+moment rocks and deer . . .
+| |
+| lowest common denominator. |
+| Parallels. Consider for a moment rocks and deer . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Note in the last example the period follows the right curly brace (}.).
+This is necessary to enable the extra spacing which normally follows
+ Bold is often used for display titles or special emphasis.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bi.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bi.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..277feefcba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bi.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+| bolditalic |
+Abbreviation: ã|\biã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \bolditalic markup sets the typeface to wide strokes and an italic
+slant, giving a heavy impression.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example changes "Parallels" to bold italic. It is changed back with
+the \roman markup.
+lowest common denominator.
+\bolditalic\nin Parallels. \roman Consider for a
+moment rocks and deer . . .
+| |
+| lowest common denominator. |
+| Parallels. Consider for a moment rocks and deer . . . |
+| --------- |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+All font sets have \bolditalic defined as a valid type face. Not all font
+sets, however, have bolditalic available. Those font sets that do not
+have bolditalic will give the following warning message when you try to use
+\bolditalic or \bi:
+<TEXT1> Warning. No bold italic font in CM12. Will print italic font .)
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bib.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bib.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c827c2717e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bib.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+| bibliography |
+Abbreviation: ã|\bibã%
+Parameters: ã|titleã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \bibliography markup starts the bibliography on a new page, centers and
+prints the title in bold face, and enters the title in contents.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. {\it Mechanical Processes
+in the Human Geomechanism}. Winston: Geomedical
+Publications, International.
+Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's
+Stone." {\it Mining Truth}. 11:455--601.
+| |
+| References |
+| |
+| Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human Geomechanism. |
+| Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
+| |
+| Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's Stone." Mining Truth. |
+| 11:455--601. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+If you need to print your bibliography with a format different than the
+one illustrated above, refer to the discussion of the \bibliographyformat
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibentry.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibentry.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7106a2db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibentry.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+| TEXT1 \bibentry Markup |
+Description: The \bibentry markup is used to separate each entry in a
+bibliography with a vertical skip; an entry is in the form of a hanging
+ \bibliography{Bibliography}
+ ã|\bibentryã%
+ Illite, Ivan. 1911. ''Pickingthe Philosopher's
+ Stone.'' {\it Mining Truth}.11:455--601.
+ ã|\bibentryã%
+ \sameauthor
+ 1978. ''Pet rocks astherapy tools.''
+ {\it Geopsychology Today}. 10:71--78.
+ ã|\bibentryã%
+ Salt, Jean-Paul. 1958. {\itGravel and Nothingness:
+ An Existential Theory}. Dayton:Gabbro Press.
+ \par
+| |
+| Bibliography |
+| |
+| Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's Stone." Mining |
+| Truth. 11:455--601. |
+| 1978. "Pet rocks as therapy tools." Geopsychology Today. |
+| 10:71--78. |
+| |
+| Salt, Jean-Paul. 1958. Gravel and Nothingness: An Existential |
+| Theory. Dayton: Gabbro Press. |
+| |
+ã|Notes:ã%The series is ended with a \par markup. Without the \par an
+ error results.
+ You may use the \sameauthor markup to indicate that the author of one
+ quotation is the same as the previous author.
+ To disable the double spacing which normally follows punctuation, use
+ the \frenchspacing markup. The example illustrated for the
+ \bibliography markup was done using \frenchspacing.
+ If you need to print yourbibliography with a format different than
+ the one illustrated above, refer to the discussion of the
+ \bibliographyformat markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibliog.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibliog.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8d0303319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibliog.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|BIBLIOGã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibliogr.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibliogr.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40eff62e82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibliogr.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+| \bibliography{title} |
+Description: The \bibliography markup starts the bibliography on a new
+page, centers and prints the title in bold face, and enters the title
+in the table of contents.
+ Example:
+ ã|\bibliography{ã%Referencesã|}ã%
+ \frenchspacing
+ \bibentry
+ Grabens, Gruss M. 1970.{\it Mechanical Processes
+ in the Human Geomechanism}.Winston: Geomedical
+ Publications, International.
+ \bibentry
+ Illite, Ivan. 1911. ''Pickingthe Philosopher's
+ Stone.'' {\it Mining Truth}.11:455--601.
+ \par
+| References |
+| |
+| Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human |
+| Geomechanism. Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
+| |
+| Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's Stone." Mining |
+ã|Notes:ã%If you need to print your bibliography with a format different than
+ the one illustrated above, refer to the discussion of the
+ \bibliographyformat markup.
+| |
+| \bibliographyformat{\incontents{yes} |
+| \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject |
+| \cl{\twelvept\bd \bibtitle} |
+| \vs{\bl}} |
+| \everybibentry{\vs \bl}\goodbreak\hp\nin} |
+| \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex |
+| depth-.5ex}} |
+Parameters: submarkup
+Submarkup: \incontents, \titleformat, \everybibentry, \sameauthorrulesize
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bie.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bie.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cda2435221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bie.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+| bibentry |
+Abbreviation: ã|\bieã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \bibentry markup is used to separate each entry in a bibliography with a
+vertical skip; an entry is in the form of a hanging paragraph.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's
+Stone." {\it Mining Truth}. 11:455--601.
+1978. "Pet rocks as therapy tools."
+{\it Geopsychology Today}. 10:71--78.
+Salt, Jean-Paul. 1958. {\it Gravel and Nothingness:
+An Existential Theory}. Dayton: Gabbro Press.
+| |
+| Bibliography |
+| |
+| Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's Stone." Mining Truth. |
+| 11:455--601. |
+| |
+| ....1978. "Pet rocks as therapy tools." Geopsychology Today. 10:71--78. |
+| |
+| Salt, Jean-Paul. 1958. Gravel and Nothingness: An Existential Theory. |
+| Dayton: Gabbro Press. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The series is ended with a \par markup. Without the \par an error results.
+ You may use the \sameauthor markup to indicate that the author of one
+citation is the same as the previous author.
+ To disable the double spacing which normally follows punctuation, use
+the \frenchspacing markup. The example illustrated for the \bibliography
+markup was done using \frenchspacing.
+ If you need to print your bibliography with a format different than the
+one illustrated above, refer to the discussion of the \bibliographyformat
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bif.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bif.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2cbb983d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bif.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+| bibliographyformat |
+Abbreviation: ã|\bifã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\incontents, \titleformat, \everybibentry,
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \bibliographyformat markup controls the style of the entire
+bibliography. The following submarkup is only valid within \bif.
+\incontents by default adds the title text to the contents. The default is
+yes; to keep the title from appearing enter "no":
+\titleformat{Nested Markup} controls the format of the bibliography title.
+The default skips to a new page, centers the title in bold, and skips one
+line. You may use markup such as \newpage, \verticalspace, and \centerline
+within \titleformat as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within or
+outside of \bibliographyformat:
+ * \bibtitleprints the title entered with the \bibliography markup.
+\everybibentry{Nested Markup} controls the format of each bibliographic
+entry. The default permits breaking between entries and creates a hanging
+paragraph for the entry. You may use markup such as \verticalspace,
+\hangingparagraph, \item, \goodbreak, \noindent, \label, \leftindent within
+\everybibentry as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within or outside
+of \bibliographyformat:
+ * \bibnumberprints the current \bibentry number.
+\sameauthorrulesize sets the height, width, and depth of a horizontal line
+used to indicate a repeat of an author's name.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The following markup produces entries similar to the default but numbered.
+A period and a tie (tilde, for a connecting space) join the number to the
+ \titleformat{\np
+ \cl{\bd \bibtitle}
+ \vs{\bl}
+ }
+ \everybibentry{\goodbreak\hp\nin\bibnumber.~}
+ \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex depth-.5ex}
+Then when you use \bibentry, you would get:
+| |
+| 1. Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human |
+| Geomechanism. Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
+| 2. Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's Stone." Mining Truth. |
+| 11:455--601. |
+| 3. Moraine, Esker. 1978. "Pet rocks as therapy tools." Geopsychology |
+| Today. 10:71--78. |
+| 4. Salt, Jean-Paul. 1958. Gravel and Nothingness: An Existential |
+| Theory. Dayton: Gabbro Press. |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example also numbers entries, but it uses labels instead of hanging
+paragraphs. The \labelformat is changed under \titleformat to accommodate
+numbers. This layout is useful for bibliographies that use identifiers in
+place of numbers.
+ \titleformat{\np\vsk{1in}
+ \cl{\bd \bibtitle}
+ \vs{\bl}
+ \labelformat{\labelwidth{22pt}}}
+ \everybibentry{\goodbreak\label{\bibnumber}}
+ \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex depth-.5ex}}
+Then when you use \bibliography, you would get:
+| |
+| References |
+| |
+| 1. Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human |
+| Geomechanism. Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
+| |
+| 2. Salt, Jean-Paul. 1958. Gravel and Nothingness: An Existential |
+| Theory. Dayton: Gabbro Press. |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+You can specify in the \everybibentry markup that the bibentry number is to
+be surrounded by parenthesis or square brackets.
+ \everybibentry{\goodbreak\label{(\bibnumber)}}
+| |
+| References |
+| |
+| (1) Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human |
+| Geomechanism. Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
+| |
+| (2) Salt, Jean-Paul. 1958. Gravel and Nothingness: An Existential |
+| Theory. Dayton: Gabbro Press. |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+You could also use \label to indicate citations that carry an alphanumeric
+label by omitting the parameter to \label in the \everybibentry markup.
+\bibliographyformat{\titleformat{\np\cl{\bd \bibtitle}
+ \vs{\bl}
+ \labelformat{\labelwidth{50pt}}}
+ \everybibentry{\goodbreak\label}
+ \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex depth-.5ex}}
+Then use the \bibentry markup as though it had a parameter:
+\bibentry {Grabe70}
+Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. {\it Mechanical Processes
+in the Human Geomechanism}. Winston: Geomedical
+Publications, International.
+Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's
+Stone." {\it Mining Truth}. 11:455--601.
+Moraine, Esker. 1978. "Pet rocks as therapy tools."
+{\it Geopsychology Today}. 10:71--78.
+and the citations will look like:
+| |
+| Citations |
+| |
+| Grabe70 Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human |
+| Geomechanism. Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
+| |
+| Illit11 Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's Stone." Mining |
+| Truth. 11:455--601. |
+| |
+| Morai78 Moraine, Esker. 1978. "Pet rocks as therapy tools." |
+| Geopsychology Today. 10:71--78. |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Another popular style groups all of an author's citations together. This
+can be accomplished in a similar manner as previously defined. The
+difference being that the \rt markup is used.
+ \cl{\bd \bibtitle}
+ \vs{\bl}
+ \labelformat{\labelwidth{50pt}}}
+ \everybibentry{\goodbreak\label}
+ \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex depth-.5ex}}
+\nin OSBORNE, J.S.
+{\it Introduction to Aesthetic Anthropology}. Boston, Ma:
+Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.
+A survey of tribal masks used by Brazilian tribes.
+Pages 160--169 in {\it Cultural Anthropology}.
+M. Zateh and F. Grange, eds. New York: Harper and Row.
+\nin OTTEN, C.M.
+{\it Anthropology and Art: Readings in Cross Cultural
+Aesthetics}. Garden City, N.Y.:
+The Natural History Press.
+and the citations will look like:
+| |
+| Citations |
+| |
+| OSBORNE, J.S. |
+| |
+| 1971. Introduction to Aesthetic Anthropology. Boston, Ma: Addison-Wesley |
+| Pub. Co. |
+| |
+| 1978. A survey of tribal masks used by Brazilian tribes. Pages 160--169 |
+| in Cultural Anthropology. M. Zateh and F. Grange, eds. New York: |
+| Harper and Row. |
+| OTTEN, C.M. |
+| |
+| 1971. Anthropology and Art: Readings in Cross Cultural Aesthetics. |
+| Garden City, N.Y.: The Natural History Press. |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This final style makes use of an \everybibentry similar to the default. In
+this example, the paragraph and hanging indents are set to different values
+(by default they are equal). The other difference is that \noindent is
+\bibliographyformat{\titleformat{\np\cl{\bd \bibtitle}
+ \vs{\bl}
+ \psk{\bl}\pin{10pt}\hin{20pt}}
+ \everybibentry{\par\goodbreak\hp\indent}
+ \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex depth-.5ex}}
+\vs{\bl} \nin Asher67
+Asherson, G. L., and S. H. Stone. 1967.\linebreak
+Dessensitization {\it in vitro}. {\it Immunology}.
+13:469. {\it Cultural Anthropology}. M. Zateh and
+F. Grange, eds. New York: Harper and Row.
+\nin Cinad68
+Cinader, B., editor. 1968.\lbr
+Regulation of the Antibody Response. Charles C. Thomas,
+Publisher, Springfield, Ill.
+and the citations will look like:
+| |
+| Bibliography |
+| |
+| Asher67 |
+| Asherson, G. L., and S. H. Stone. 1967. |
+| Dessensitization in vitro. Immunology. 13:469. Cultural Anthropology. |
+| M. Zateh and F. Grange, eds. New York: Harper and Row. |
+| |
+| Cinad68 |
+| Cinader, B., editor. 1968. |
+| Regulation of the Antibody Response. Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, |
+| Springfield, Ill. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \bibliographyformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if
+both are used.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bothpage.helpmenu b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bothpage.helpmenu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d635af3511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bothpage.helpmenu
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ Menu for BOTHPAGES Commands -- TEXT1
+A file may be selected for viewing by placing the cursor under any character
+of the file wanted and pressing the PF 1 key. A MENU file is indicated when
+a name is preceded by an asterisk (*). If you are using a terminal that
+doesn't have a CURSOR or PF KEYS then you MUST TYPE in the COMPLETE HELP
+COMMAND with operands and options. For a description of the operands and
+options type HELP HELP.
+runningheadformat (running top title options)
+runningfootformat (running bottom title options)
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomma.helppage b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomma.helppage
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9ee022c0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomma.helppage
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+| TEXT1 \bottommargin (\bma) COMMAND |
+The \bottommargin (\bma) command will set the distance from the bottom of the
+page to the last line of the text. This command has the format:
+ \bottommargin{uu}
+where "uu" is any unit of TeX measurement (pt, pc, in, etc.) or number of
+lines. The default bottom margin is one inch, or \bottommargin{1IN}. This
+command may only appear at the beginning of the TeX input file before any
+actual text is entered.
+In order to change the bottom margin from the default of one inch to one-half
+inch, you would enter:
+ \bma{.5in}
+Which would give you one-half inch between the last line of text on the page
+and the bottom of the page.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpboth b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpboth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae217363f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpboth
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+| TEXT1 \bottomtitle COMMAND |
+The \bottomtitle command sets what will appear at the bottom of each page after
+the title page. The \bottomtitle command is always used in conjunction with the
+\runningtitleformat and \bothpages (\bp), \evenpages (\ep), or \oddpages (\op)
+commands. This command has the format:
+ \bothpages{
+ \bottomtitle{\line{\lft{llll}\ctr{cccc}\rt{rrrr}}
+ }}
+where "llll" is the information to be printed to the far left of the
+bottomtitle line; "cccc" is the information to be printed in the center; and
+"rrrr" is the information to be printed to the far right of the bottomtitle
+line. For example:
+ \runningtitleformat{\bothpages{
+ \bottomtitle\line{\lft{Joe Smith}\ctr{June 3, 1984}\rt{\pagenumber}}
+ }}
+will space down to leave the amount specified on the \bottommargin command and
+put "Joe Smith" at the bottom far left, with "June 3, 1984" centered and the
+current page number on the bottom far right of the first line of the
+bottomtitle. The running bottomtitle of page 5 would look like this:
+Joe Smith June 3, 1984 5
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpeven b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpeven
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8c4432f10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpeven
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+| TEXT1 \bottomtitle COMMAND |
+The \bottomtitle command sets what will appear at the bottom of each page after
+the title page. The \bottomtitle command is always used in conjunction with the
+\runningtitleformat and \bothpages (\bp), \evenpages (\ep), or \oddpages (\op)
+commands. This command has the format:
+ \evenpages{
+ \bottomtitle{\line{\lft{llll}\ctr{cccc}\rt{rrrr}}
+ }}
+where "llll" is the information to be printed to the far left of the
+bottomtitle line; "cccc" is the information to be printed in the center; and
+"rrrr" is the information to be printed to the far right of the bottomtitle
+line on all even pages. For example:
+ \runningtitleformat{\evenpages{
+ \bottomtitle\line{\lft{Joe Smith}\ctr{June 3, 1984}\rt{\pagenumber}}
+ }}
+will space down to leave the amount specified on the \bottommargin command and
+put "Joe Smith" at the bottom far left, with "June 3, 1984" centered and the
+current page number on the bottom far right of the first line of the
+bottomtitle. The running bottomtitle of page 4 would look like this:
+Joe Smith June 3, 1984 4
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpoddp b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpoddp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..949dd41432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpoddp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+| TEXT1 \bottomtitle COMMAND |
+The \bottomtitle command sets what will appear at the bottom of each page after
+the title page. The \bottomtitle command is always used in conjunction with the
+\runningtitleformat and \bothpages (\bp), \evenpages (\ep), or \oddpages (\op)
+commands. This command has the format:
+ \oddpages{
+ \bottomtitle{\line{\lft{llll}\ctr{cccc}\rt{rrrr}}
+ }}
+where "llll" is the information to be printed to the far left of the
+bottomtitle line; "cccc" is the information to be printed in the center; and
+"rrrr" is the information to be printed to the far right of the bottomtitle
+line on all odd pages. For example:
+ \runningtitleformat{\oddpages{
+ \bottomtitle\line{\lft{Joe Smith}\ctr{June 3, 1984}\rt{\pagenumber}}
+ }}
+will space down to leave the amount specified on the \bottommargin command and
+put "Joe Smith" at the bottom far left, with "June 3, 1984" centered and the
+current page number on the bottom far right of the first line of the
+bottomtitle. The running bottomtitle of page 5 would look like this:
+Joe Smith June 3, 1984 5
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqb.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqb.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afd01a8162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqb.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+| blockquotebegin |
+Abbreviation: ã|\bqbã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \blockquotebegin markup ends a paragraph and forces the following text
+into a quote format, indicated by a change in the size of type to 10pt, 6
+points of spacing before and after the quote, and margin indentations of 24
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Salt (1958) names the process:
+This loss of fluids and cooling is known as aging.
+Most metamorphosis occurs in ocean trenches, but it
+can also occur in forms in trenchcoats.
+The lithosphere---dermosphere in humans---wrinkles
+over time.
+The process is one-way, as rehydration will not
+unwrinkle the surface.
+As far as general surface alteration, only the
+time scale differs between the human . . .
+| |
+| Salt (1958) names the process: |
+| |
+| This loss of fluids and cooling is known as aging. Most |
+| metamorphosis occurs in ocean trenches, but it can also occur in |
+| forms in trenchcoats. |
+| The lithosphere---dermosphere in humans---wrinkles over |
+| time. The process is one-way, as rehydration will not unwrinkle |
+| the surface. |
+| |
+| As far as general surface alteration, only the time scale differs |
+| between the human . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Every \blockquotebegin must have a matching \blockquoteend. If the quote is
+not ended with \blockquoteend, all following text is formatted as a block
+quote, and a warning message appears at the end of formatting which says:
+(\end occurred inside a group at level 1)
+Output written on TEXT1$$.dvi (1 page, 436 bytes).
+Transcript written on TEXT1$$.texlog.
+ The defaults for \blockquotebegin differ when you are using \monospace.
+With \monospace, there is no font change, one line is skipped before and
+after the block quote, and the left and right indentations are both 1 2
+ Refer to the \blockquoteformat for instructions on how to change the
+block quote style.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqe.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqe.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c10fddc23b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqe.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+| blockquoteend |
+Abbreviation: ã|\bqeã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \blockquoteend markup ends the quote and returns text to the normal
+margins and sizes. Text following is formatted as a new paragraph.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Salt (1958) names the process:
+This loss of fluids and cooling is known as aging.
+Most metamorphosis occurs in ocean trenches, but it
+can also occur in forms in trenchcoats.
+The lithosphere --- dermosphere in humans ---
+wrinkles over time.
+The process is one-way, as rehydration will not
+unwrinkle the surface.
+As far as general surface alteration, only the
+time scale differs between the human . . .
+| |
+| Salt (1958) names the process: |
+| |
+| This loss of fluids and cooling is known as aging. Most |
+| metamorphosis occurs in ocean trenches, but it can also occur in |
+| forms in trenchcoats. |
+| The lithosphere --- dermosphere in humans --- wrinkles over |
+| time. The process is one-way, as rehydration will not unwrinkle |
+| the surface. |
+| |
+| As far as general surface alteration, only the time scale differs |
+| between the human . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdae8155cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+| blockquoteformat |
+Abbreviation: ã|\bqfã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\skipbefore, \everyblockquote, \skipafterã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \blockquoteformat markup controls the formatting of block quotes. The
+following submarkup are effective only within block quotes.
+\skipbefore indicates how much space is to be skipped before printing a
+block. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips.
+\everyblockquote{Nested Markup} determines how the text of the quote is
+formatted. You can specify justification or raggedness, single or double
+spacing, left or right indentation, paragraph spacing and indentation, and
+any font change needed within block quotes. You may use any markup such as
+\tenpt, \interlineskip, \leftindent or \rightindent within \everyblockquote.
+\skipafter indicates how much space is to be skipped after printing a
+block. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The indentation has been changed in this sample. The text for the block
+quote is to be printed right ragged in 9 point Computer Modern. Paragraphs
+within the block quote, and only within, have a 1 pica paragraph indent and
+zero paragraph skip. The skips before and after the quotation have been set
+to zero.
+ \everyblockquote{\pin{1pc}\psk{0pt}\ninepoint
+ \leftindent{1pc}\rightindent{1pc}\rr}
+ \skipafter{0pt}}
+The example illustrated for \blockquotebegin would then begin:
+| |
+| Salt (1958) names the process: |
+| |
+| This loss of fluids and cooling is known as aging. Most metamorphosis |
+| occurs in ocean trenches, but it can also occur in forms in |
+| trenchcoats. |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This sample is printed with a small interlineskip, normal paragraph values
+and zero indentation. The text is in 9 point italics with an interlineskip
+of 9.5 points.
+ \everyblockquote{\ssp\ninept\it\isk{9.5pt}
+ \leftindent{0pt}\rightindent{0pt}}
+ \skipafter{0pt}}
+| |
+| Salt (1958) names the process: |
+| |
+| This loss of fluids and cooling is known as aging. Most metamorphosis |
+| occurs in ocean trenches, but it can also occur in forms in trenchcoats. |
+| |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \blockquoteformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both
+are used.
+ The defaults for \blockquoteformat when using \monospace are different.
+The space before and after is one blank line (1\bl), the left and right
+indents are 36 points ( 1 2 inch), and the text is in the roman font since
+you cannot print \tenpt with \monospace.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bquotem.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bquotem.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..605bacc116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bquotem.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|BQUOTE-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
+\blockquoteformat and if you are using \monospace.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bquotep.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bquotep.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..879bbe76b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bquotep.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|BQUOTE-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
+\blockquoteformat and if you areã|notã%using \monospace.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/break.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/break.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96925e779d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/break.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+| break |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+If you want to force TEXT1 to break between lines at a certain point in the
+middle of a paragraph use the markup \break.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To everything there is a season, and a time
+to every purpose under the
+heaven: A time to be born, and a time to
+pluck up {\it that which is}\break
+planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal;
+a time to break down, and
+a time to build up; A time to weep,
+and a time to laugh;
+| |
+| To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under |
+| the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to pluck up that which is |
+| planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a |
+| time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+To avoid having the white space between the words as is illustrated in the
+third line in the above example, use the \linebreak markup.
+ For more on the \break markup, refer to The TEXbook.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/btitle.helpsubh b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/btitle.helpsubh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4b0c741fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/btitle.helpsubh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+| TEXT1 \titleformat COMMAND |
+The \titleformat command is always used in conjunction with the \subheadcformat
+command and will set options for the subheadc titles. The format for the
+\titleformat command is:
+ \subheadcformat{\titleformat{
+ \vsk{24pt}
+ {\subheadctitle}
+ \vs{12pt}}
+ }
+This is the default for \titleformat. Each \subheadc command will space down 24
+points, print the \subheadctitle and space down 12 points to resume with the
+For more information on the \subheadctitle command, see the help screen under
+the markup menu for that particular command.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/btitlef.helpsubh b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/btitlef.helpsubh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f51b183132
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/btitlef.helpsubh
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+| TEXT1 \titleformat COMMAND |
+The \titleformat command is always used in conjunction with the \subheaddformat
+command and will set options for the subheadd titles. The format for the
+\titleformat command is:
+ \subheaddformat{\titleformat{
+ {\it \subheaddtitle:}
+ }
+This is the default for \titleformat. Each \subheadd command will start a new
+paragraph, print the \subheaddtitle in italics followed by a colon and then
+resume with the text.
+For more information on the \subheaddtitle command, see the help screen under
+the markup menu for that particular command.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bul.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bul.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03d57913d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bul.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+| bullet |
+Abbreviation: ã|\bulã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \bullet markup produces a raised centered dot as an identifier for an
+item in a list.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+the following necessary trace elements:
+\bul Copper
+\bul Manganese
+\bul Selenium
+\bul Zinc
+\nin The mineral content of the body . . .
+| |
+| the following necessary trace elements: |
+| * Copper |
+| * Manganese |
+| * Selenium |
+| * Zinc |
+| The mineral content of the body . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+A list of bullets must be placed within the \listbegin and \listend markup.
+The bullets are indented 5 characters, like the first level of an ordered
+list. Bullets may also be used in outline lists where they are indented
+5 characters from the previous level by default. Refer to the \listformat
+markup to change the amount of indentation.
+ When in math mode, the \bullet markup is used in the same fashion as
+described in The TEXbook.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cc.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cc.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29255b1074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cc.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+| caps |
+Abbreviation: ã|\ccã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \caps markup sets the typeface to "caps/small caps".
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example changes "Parallels" to caps/small caps. It is changed back
+with the \roman markup.
+lowest common denominator.
+\nin\caps Parallels. \roman Consider for a
+moment rocks and deer . . .
+| |
+| lowest common denominator. |
+| Parallels. Consider for a moment rocks and deer . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Caps/small caps are often used for display titles or special emphasis. It
+should not be used for the body of text. Not all font sets have small
+caps available. Those font sets that do not have small caps will give the
+following warning message when you try to use \caps or \cc:
+<TEXT1> Warning. No small caps font in CMSAN8. Will print roman font .)
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cents.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cents.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac5118d383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cents.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+| cents |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+This markup is used to print a cent sign.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This machine takes 35\cents\ instead of 25\cents.
+| |
+| This machine takes 35c instead of 25c. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \cents markup must be followed either by a backslash-space, or by a
+tilde (~).
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chap.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chap.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..51aba6b4c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chap.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+| chapter |
+Abbreviation: ã|\chapã%
+Parameters: ã|titleã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \chapter markup starts a new page, centers the title in bold face,
+and enters it in the table of contents. The text of a title is the only
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Anything less is more realistic.
+Nationalism is directly related to war.
+Lord Acton observed that nationalism aims solely . . .
+| |
+| Chapter 1 |
+| Nationalism |
+| Nationalism is directly related to war. Lord Acton observed that |
+| nationalism aims solely . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you want to force TEXT1 to split a long chapter title at a place of your
+choosing, use \linebreak.
+\chapter{Subject Index\linebreak
+| |
+| Chapter 1 |
+| Subject Index |
+| and |
+| Concordance |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Refer to \chapterformat on the next page to change the chapter style.
+ Each time you use \chapter it resets the subhead numbers to zero.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chapter.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chapter.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e801d05132
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chapter.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|CHAPTERã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c20cd7f815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+| chapterformat |
+ \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber}
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd \chaptertitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}
+ \setsubheadanumber{0}
+ \setsubheadbnumber{0}
+ \setsubheadcnumber{0}
+ \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
+ \incontents{yes}}
+Abbreviation: ã|\chfã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontentsã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \chapterformat markup allows you to modify the defaults that controls
+the appearance of the chapter title. The submarkup is described.
+\numberingstyle allows you to change the style from Arabic numerals, the
+default, to letters {A} or roman numerals {I}.
+\titleformat{Nested Markup} controls the appearance of the chapter title
+banner. You may use markup such as \newpage, \verticalspace, and \center-
+line within \titleformat as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within
+or outside of \chapterformat:
+ * \chapternumberprints the most recent chapter number.
+ * \chaptertitleprints the most recent chapter title.
+\incontents places the chapter title in contents (if one is printed).
+Printing can be suppressed by changing to "no."
+ ã|Example:ã%
+When you enter,
+you get the default chapter style which looks like:
+| |
+| Chapter 1 |
+| Introduction |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+In the following example this default style has been modified such that each
+chapter starts on a new page, the title is centered in bold (no chapter
+number printed), and one line is skipped after the chapter title.
+ \titleformat{\newpage
+ \cl{\bd \chaptertitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}}
+ \incontents{yes}}
+Then each time you specify \chapter you will get:
+| |
+| Introduction |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+In this sample, each chapter title is prefaced by the chapter number. As
+before, the title is centered in bold, and one line is skipped before text.
+ \titleformat{\newpage
+ \cl{\bd\chapternumber.~\chaptertitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}}
+ \incontents{yes}}
+| |
+| 1. Introduction |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \chapterformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both are
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chrono.changes b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chrono.changes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55451d7c10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chrono.changes
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+1) removed filemana.helpmark
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cincon.helpsubh b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cincon.helpsubh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f487912fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cincon.helpsubh
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+| TEXT1 \incontents COMMAND |
+The \incontents command is always used in conjunction with the \subheadcformat
+command and will determine whether subheadc titles are included in the Table of
+Contents. The format for the \incontents command is:
+ \subheadcformat{
+ \incontents{yes}
+ }
+By default, the subheadc titles will not be included in the Table of Contents.
+If you want the subheadc titles included in the Table of Contents, enter
+\incontents{yes} within the \subheadcformat command.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cincont.helpsubh b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cincont.helpsubh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6061267cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cincont.helpsubh
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+| TEXT1 \incontents COMMAND |
+The \incontents command is always used in conjunction with the \subheaddformat
+command and will determine whether subheadd titles are included in the Table of
+Contents. The format for the \incontents command is:
+ \subheaddformat{
+ \incontents{no}
+ }
+By default, the subheadd titles will not be included in the Table of Contents.
+If you want the subheadd titles included in the Table of Contents, enter
+\incontents{yes} within the \subheaddformat command.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cl.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cl.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67836f2dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cl.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+| centerline |
+Abbreviation: ã|\clã%
+Parameters: ã|textã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \centerline markup ends the previous paragraph and places equal blank
+spaces on both sides of a word or phrase on a single line. This markup is
+useful for titles and emphasis. The only parameter for this markup is the
+text to be centered.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Minerals and Human Behavior}
+\centerline{by Achilles Chert}
+"Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert . . .
+| |
+| Minerals and Human Behavior |
+| |
+| by Achilles Chert |
+| |
+| |
+| "Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+You may use \linebreak within \centerline.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/clb.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/clb.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4216ca42c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/clb.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+| centerlinesbegin |
+Abbreviation: ã|\clbã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \centerlinesbegin markup ends the previous paragraph and starts a series
+of centered lines. This markup is useful for titles and emphasis. There
+are no parameters.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Minerals and Human Behavior
+Achilles Chert
+"Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert . . .
+| |
+| Minerals and Human Behavior |
+| |
+| |
+| Achilles Chert |
+| |
+| |
+| "Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Each \centerlinesbegin must be followed by a matching \centerlinesend.
+ You can also use \centerlinesbegin before a \drawbox or \paragraphbox,
+but not within either markup.
+ You cannot use \centerlinesbegin within any of the following markup:
+\appendix, \autofootnote, \bibliography, \centerline, \chapter, \drawbox,
+\figure, \footnote, \item, \label, \marginnote, \paragraphbox, \part,
+\preface, \rightline, \runningheadformat, \runningfootformat, \subheada,
+\subheadb, \subheadc, \subheadd, or \tabletitle.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\paragraphbox{John H. Whalley
+{\it publishing vice president}
+John B. Dykeman
+{\it associate publisher}}
+| |
+| John H. Whalley |
+| publishing vice president |
+| |
+| John B. Dykeman |
+| associate publisher |
+| |
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cle.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cle.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd7f8b0633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cle.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+| centerlinesend |
+Abbreviation: ã|\cleã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \centerlinesend markup ends a series of centered lines and returns to a
+paragraph mode. There are no parameters.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The prerequisites to operate this hardware are:
+6085 Professional Computer System
+ViewPoint Software
+VP Document Editor Software
+Signed Software License Agreement
+| |
+| The prerequisites to operate this hardware are: |
+| |
+| |
+| 6085 Professional Computer System |
+| ViewPoint Software |
+| VP Document Editor Software |
+| Signed Software License Agreement |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/contents.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/contents.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c9c11c617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/contents.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|CONTENTSã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/coul.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/coul.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0dc940202f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/coul.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+| countinglines |
+Abbreviation: ã|\coulã%
+Parameters: ã|statusã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+This markup is used to start counting lines for line numbering in the margin
+of a document. Status is true or false.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To start line numbering you enter
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Line numbering is only available on the phototypesetter. This markup is
+ignored for all other printers.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/db.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/db.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3cd7e700ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/db.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+| drawbox |
+Abbreviation: ã|\dbã%
+Parameters: ã|textã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+A box is a grouping of rules into a square or rectangle. You can draw a box
+with the \drawbox markup. The parameter for this markup is the material to
+be put inside the box. Any grouping less than a paragraph can be boxed,
+including letters, sentences, figures, or tables.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To draw a box around an "a", you would enter:
+Draw a box around \drawbox{a}
+| |
+| ..... |
+| Draw a box around . . |
+| ..... |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you want to draw an empty 1 inch square (plus the box "rule size" and
+"mat size") you could enter,
+\db{\vrule width 0pt height 1in
+\vrule width 1in height 0pt depth 0pt}
+ ..............
+ . .
+ . .
+ . .
+ . .
+ . .
+ . .
+which prints: ..............
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Do not use this markup with \monospace or around \settabs or \halign.
+ Paragraphs cannot be boxed with \drawbox unless each one is put in a
+vertical box (see \vbox). Use the \paragraphbox markup instead.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dbm.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dbm.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46df8d2cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dbm.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+| drawboxmat |
+Abbreviation: ã|\dbmã%
+Parameters: ã|unit of measureã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \drawboxmat markup determines the amount of space between the rule and
+the text. This is the area that has been shaded in the illustration at the
+bottom of the page. This space is used with the \drawbox and \paragraphbox
+markup. The default is 3 points.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Draw a box around \drawbox{a}
+| |
+| ......... |
+| . . |
+| . a . |
+| . . |
+| Draw a box around ......... |
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dbrs.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dbrs.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88a1713cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dbrs.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+| drawboxrulesize |
+Abbreviation: ã|\dbrsã%
+Parameters: ã|unit of measureã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \drawboxrulesize markup determines the thickness of the rule that makes
+up the box itself. The default is .4 point. This rule thickness is used by
+both \drawbox and \paragraphbox.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Draw a box around \drawbox{a}
+| |
+| ..... |
+| . a . |
+| Draw a box around ..... |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/die.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/die.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9278cca2bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/die.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+| dumpinsertseject |
+Abbreviation: ã|\dieã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+This markup is used to dump (print) all accumulated figures and tables
+(inserts) entered with \figure, \topinsert or \midinsert. After printing
+the figures and other inserts, a new page is started. If no inserts had
+been accumulated, a new page is still started. This markup appears in many
+of the format markup, such as \chapterformat.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+ \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber}
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd \chaptertitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}
+ \setsubheadanumber{0}
+ \setsubheadbnumber{0}
+ \setsubheadcnumber{0}
+ \setsubheaddnumber{0}
+ }
+ \incontents{yes}
+ }
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \topinsert and \midinsert markup are discussed in The TEXbook.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dsp.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dsp.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9f2cbc586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dsp.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+| doublespace |
+Abbreviation: ã|\dspã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The doublespace markup leaves alternate line spaces blank. This markup
+causes a break in text. There are no parameters. Double spacing will be in
+effect until changed with a \singlespace markup.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+All things considered, Camus has derived
+a solid conglomerate of grail theories
+for us.
+Let me close with another penetrating insight from
+Camus: The rock should be left at the bottom,
+because of the inevitability of entropic direction.
+| |
+| |
+| All things considered, Camus has derived a solid conglomerate of grail |
+| theories for us. |
+| |
+| Let me close with another penetrating insight from Camus: The rock |
+| |
+| should be left at the bottom, because of the inevitability of entropic |
+| |
+| direction. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/el.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/el.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..349690ca9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/el.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+| ellipsis |
+Abbreviation: ã|\elã%
+Parameters: ã|nã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+Ellipsis points indicate any omission of a word, line, or paragraph from
+a quoted passage. Three points are used when the omission occurs with a
+sentence or fragment. Four points are used when the omission is a whole
+sentence or more, including whole paragraphs.
+ In using the \ellipsis markup, n may be "3" or "4". The \ellipsis3
+markup inserts three points, surrounded by appropriate spacing. ( . . .
+) The \ellipsis4 markup inserts four points, immediately after a sentence,
+with space after the last point. ( . . . . )
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The following quote has been shortened with ellipses.
+names the process:
+This loss of fluids is known as aging\ellipsis4
+The lithosphere\ellipsis3 wrinkles over time.
+The process is one-way, as rehydration will not
+unwrinkle the surface.
+As far as general surface alteration, only the . . .
+| |
+| names the process: |
+| |
+| This loss of fluids is known as aging . . . . The |
+| lithosphere . . . wrinkles over time. The process is |
+| one-way, as rehydration will not unwrinkle the surface. |
+| |
+| As far as general surface alteration, only the . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+No additional space is required around the ellipsis markup, since space is
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4faefbc558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+| endnoteformat |
+ \textreferenceposition{down}
+ \textreferencefont{\rm}
+ \textreferencestyle{[1]}
+ \notereferenceposition{down}
+ \notereferencefont{\tenpt}
+ \notereferencestyle{1.}
+ \notereferencegutter{1em}
+ \everyendnote{\tenpt\pin{0pt}\lin{1.2em}}}
+Abbreviation: ã|\enfã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\skipbefore, \textreferenceposition,
+\textreferencefont, \textreferencestyle, \notereferenceposition, \noterefer-
+encefont, \notereferencestyle, \notereferencegutter, \everyendnoteã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \endnoteformat markup allows you to modify the shape and presentation of
+endnotes generated with \autoendnote.
+\skipbefore indicates how much space is to be skipped before printing a
+block. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips.
+\textreferenceposition determines if the endnote reference number is
+superscripted or not. By default, the reference is not superscripted. If
+you want the endnote reference number to be superscripted, then change the
+parameter to "up".
+\textreferencefont lets you change the face or size. By default the
+endnote reference number is always printed in the standard font.
+\textreferencestyle determines the numbering style at the end of a chapter
+or the end of the document (wherever the \printendnotes appears). There are
+five possible values:
+ 1. "1" for numbered endnotes
+ 2. "(1)" for numbered endnotes with parentheses
+ 3. "[1]" for numbered endnotes with square brackets
+ 4. "a" for lettered endnotes
+ 5. "(a)" for lettered endnotes with parentheses
+The default is Arabic numerals in square brackets.
+\notereferenceposition determines if the endnote reference number is
+superscripted or not when it is printed at the end of a chapter or the end
+of a document. By default, the reference is not superscripted. If you want
+the endnote reference number to be superscripted, then change the parameter
+to "up".
+\notereferencefont lets you change the face or size. By default the
+endnote reference number printed at the end of a chapter (or end of a
+document, wherever \printendnotes occurs) is always printed in the standard
+\notereferencestyle determines the numbering style. There are five
+possible values:
+ 1. "1." for numbered endnotes
+ 2. "(1)" for numbered endnotes with parentheses
+ 3. "[1]" for numbered endnotes with square brackets
+ 4. "a" for lettered endnotes
+ 5. "(a)" for lettered endnotes with parentheses
+The default is numbered endnotes.
+\notereferencegutter specifies the amount of space between the endnote
+number and the endnote text. The gutter is illustrated here as the shaded
+portion between "1." and "The first step":
+| |
+| ... |
+| 1....The first step . . . |
+| |
+\everyendnote lets you modify the shape of the notes. You can change the
+type face, the paragraph parameters, and the right and left indentation.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example shows an endnote style with a superscripted endnote number; the
+body of the endnote in a 9 point Computer Modern set; the endnote at the end
+of the document (or chapter) indented half an inch from the left and half an
+inch from the right of the rest of the body of the text; the endnote body
+right ragged; and the text of the document right justified and in 10 point
+Computer Modern. The endnote "text" reference at the end of the chapter
+will retain the default style ("1." not superscripted).
+ Note that 9 point was specified within both the "notereferencefont" and
+"everyendnote" markups. The "notereferencefont" determines the font that
+the endnote reference number is to be printed in. The "everyendnote" markup
+determines the font that the endnote text is to print in at the end of the
+document or end of chapter, wherever the next \printendnotes markup appears.
+ \textreferenceposition{up}
+ \textreferencefont{\ninepoint\rm}
+ \textreferencestyle{1}
+ \notereferenceposition{down}
+ \notereferencefont{\ninepoint\rm}
+ \notereferencestyle{1.}
+ \everyendnote{\rightragged
+ \pin{0pt}\psk{12pt}\ninepoint
+ \leftindent{.5in}\rightindent{.5in}}
+ }
+| . . automatically sets an interline skip 2 points greater |
+than the font size.\autoendnote{This extra space is
+referred to as leading.} The default font size is . . .
+The endnote in the document would look like:
+| |
+| . . . automatically sets an interline skip 2 points greater than the |
+| font size. The default font size is . . . |
+| |
+The endnote printed after the \printendnotes markup would look like:
+| |
+| 1. This extra space is referred to as leading. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \endnoteformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both are
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enotem.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enotem.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8afb34d2bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enotem.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|ENOTE-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
+\endnoteformat and if you are using \monospace.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enotep.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enotep.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c37af8a98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enotep.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|ENOTE-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
+\endnoteformat and if you areã|noteã%using \monospace.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ep.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ep.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4dae99a110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ep.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+| emptypage |
+Abbreviation: ã|\epã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \emptypage markup advances the page count, leaving an "empty" page,
+which can be placed with custom figures or diagrams. There is no break in
+text. There are no parameters for this markup.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To float an empty page, enter the sequence:
+same proportions (Figure 2, on the following page).
+This suggests parallels in evolution.
+Generally speaking, there are three
+possible solutions . . .
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To have an empty page print immediately between the sentence ending "page)."
+and the one beginning "This suggests . . . " you would enter follow the
+\emptypage with a \newpage:
+same proportions (Figure 2, on the following page).
+This suggests parallels in evolution.
+Generally speaking, there are three
+possible solutions . . .
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Unlike \newpage, if you enter two \emptypage markup in a row, you will get
+two empty pages when the page is ejected.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/epm.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/epm.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e9165e6a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/epm.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+| evenpagemargin |
+Abbreviation: ã|\epmã%
+Parameters: ã|measurementã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+This markup is used to indicate where a document's line numbering is to be
+printed on even pages. The default is 50.8 points from the left edge on
+even pages.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To indicate that you want line numbering to start at 1 inch from the left
+edge you would enter at the beginning of your document:
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Line numbering is only available on the phototypesetter. This markup is
+ignored for all other printers.
+ Valid values for \evenpagemargin are 0 to 2 to the 32d power points,
+practical values are 5-860 points.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ex.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ex.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e56dd2f3e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ex.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+| extension |
+Abbreviation: ã|\exã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \extension markup sets the face to the Computer Modern Math Extension
+face. Refer to The TEXbook, Appendix F, for a complete list of the
+characters available in the Extension face.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example uses \extension to print an "O dot":
+Put a {\extension\char'113} next to . . .
+| |
+| Put a K next to . . . |
+| |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+For more on the use of the \char markup, refer to The TEXbook.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fif.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fif.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..049452e975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fif.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+| figureformat |
+ \position{\float}
+ \titleformat{\bqb\hp\tenpt
+ \bd Figure \figurenumber.
+ \rm\figuretitle \bqe}
+ \incontents{yes}
+ \skipafter{1\bl}
+ }
+Abbreviation: ã|\fifã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\skipbefore, \position, \titleformat,
+\incontents, \skipafterã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \figureformat markup allows you to modify the defaults that control the
+appearance of the figure. The submarkup is described.
+ã|\skipbeforeã% indicates how much space is to be skipped before printing a
+figure block. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips.
+ã|\positionã% By default, text is floated around a figure and the figure
+printed at the top of the next page if not enough room remains on the
+current page to print the figure. If you do not want text to float around
+the figure, and you want the figure to print exactly where you place it, use
+ã|\titleformat{Nested Markup}ã% controls the appearance of the figure title.
+You may use markup such as \blockquotebegin, \hangingparagraph, \vertical-
+space, and \centerline within \titleformat as Nested Markup. Other markup
+you may use within or outside of \figureformat:
+ * \figurenumberprints the most recent figure number.
+ * \figuretitleprints the most recent figure title.
+ã|\skipafterã% indicates how much space is to be skipped after printing the
+figure title. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips.
+ã|\incontentsã% places the figure title in contents (if one is printed).
+Printing can be suppressed by changing to "no."
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The amount of space skipped before and after has been reduced to 6 points
+(half a line with 12 point interline space), the figure number is placed in
+\label and the figure title is printed in italics.
+ \titleformat{\label{\bd Figure \figurenumber.}
+ \it\figuretitle}
+ \skipafter{6pt}
+ \incontents{yes}
+ }
+July 23&July 27&July 31&August 5&August 9\cr
+32&67&44&47&18\cr}{Size data of a Yellow
+Transparent fruit during the period of July 23 to August 9,
+1977. (fruit No. IV@_b@)}
+| |
+| |
+| July 23 July 27 July 31 August 5 August 9 |
+| 32 67 44 47 18 |
+| |
+| Figure 1. Size data of a Yellow Transparent fruit during the period of |
+| July 23 to August 9, 1977. (fruit No. IV[b]) |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \figureformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both are
+used. If you are using \monospace, the only difference in defaults is
+that the figure title is printed in the roman \monospace font instead of
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fig.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fig.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be6fe909ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fig.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+| figure |
+Abbreviation: ã|\figã%
+Parameters: ã|first parameter = markup
+ second parameter = the figure titleã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+A figure is a representation or illustration. The \figure markup can leave
+space for a figure, number it, print the figure title, and ensure that the
+title gets placed in the contents. The figure markup has two parameters:
+markup and the title of the figure.
+ The "markup" can be a \verticalspace markup, \fullpage, \halfpage, or
+text such as a table, etc. The "title" is the title of the figure which
+will print at the bottom of the figure and in the table of contents.
+ If you want a figure on an entire page, enter \fullpage as the first
+parameter. If you want a figure to fill half of the page, enter \halfpage
+as the first parameter.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you want to use \asisbegin, it must go outside of the figure and the
+title cannot be more than one line long.
+ clay
+ Human
+ pressure
+ parent rock
+ temperature
+}{Origin of the Stone Species}
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| clay |
+| Human |
+| pressure |
+| parent rock |
+| temperature |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| Figure 1. Origin of the Stone Species |
+| |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This figure leaves half an inch of space above the title, "Size data of a
+| . . ". |
+the same proportions.
+\db{\figure{\vs{.5in}}{Size data of a Yellow
+Transparent fruit during the period of July 23 to August 9,
+1977. (fruit No. IV@_b@)}
+This suggests parallels . . . }
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| Figure 2. Size data of a Yellow Transparent fruit during the |
+| period of July 23 to August 9, 1977. (fruit No. IV[b]) |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This figure leaves an entire empty page for the figure. The title would
+print at the bottom of the figure.
+the same proportions.
+\figure{\fullpage}{Origins of the Human Species}
+This suggests parallels . . .
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This figure leaves a half page empth for the figure. The title would print
+at the bottom of the figure.
+the same proportions.
+\figure{\halfpage}{Origins of the Human Species}
+This suggests parallels . . .
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+By default, text "floated" is text that is moved in front of a figure. The
+figure is moved to the top of the current page if there is room left. If
+not enough room remains, then the figure is printed at the top of the next
+page. To disable this floating process, refer to the \figureformat markup.
+ For both \halfpage and \fullpage, the figure title is included in
+determining how much space to leave.
+ By default, each new \part will start numbering figures over again at 1.
+Use \setfigurenumber to reset the figurenumber outside of parts.
+ When figures are using the default "float" method of placing figures,
+you cannot use \twocolumns or \threecolumns in parameter 1. If you
+are using the \nofloat option specified in \figureformat you may use the
+multiple column specifications.
+ Use the \figureformat markup to modify the figure style.
+ You can not use \settabs within \figure.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/figurem.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/figurem.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9c8c14c17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/figurem.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|FIGURE-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
+\figureformat and if you are using \monospace.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/figurep.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/figurep.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8785b18b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/figurep.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|FIGURE-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
+\figureformat and if you areã|notã%using \monospace.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fixf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fixf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15063d06b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fixf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+| fixedformat |
+Abbreviation: ã|\fixfã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+TEXT1 offers two multiple column formats that have different text handling
+capabilities. The normal (default) style is called "flexibleformat". This
+is described with \twocolumns and \threecolumns markup. There is an
+optional style you can use called "fixedformat." The flexible format can be
+changed to the fixed format by inserting the markup \fixedformat before the
+first two or three column markup appears.
+ The Fixed format makes each column act as if it were a single page.
+Inserts and footnotes will appear in each column just as they would in the
+single column format. Only the running head and running foot will print
+across the full width of the page.
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Since each column is handled like a normal single column page, the columns
+may not be balanced. A short right hand column will remain short when
+formatting is completed.
+ The Fixed format cannot be used to format combinations of single,
+double, and triple columns on the same page. The two column and three
+column markup can be used in conjunction with one another, but not on the
+same page. If both format markup appear on the same page, TEXT1 will fill
+the bottom of the current column on the current page with white space and
+change to the new format on the following page.
+ Once the fixed format has been specified, it will remain in force for
+the remainder of the document. The Fixed format cannot be changed to the
+Flexible format again within the same document.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1d3bd0491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+| footnoteformat |
+ \skipafterdivider{2.6pt}
+ \footnotedivider{144pt}
+ \textreferenceposition{up}
+ \textreferenceplacement{after}
+ \textreferencefont{\tenpt}
+ \textreferencestyle{1}
+ \notereferenceposition{down}
+ \notereferencefont{\tenpt}
+ \notereferencestyle{1.}
+ \notereferencegutter{1em}
+ \everyfootnote{\tenpt\pin{20pt}
+ \lin{0pt}}
+ }
+Abbreviation: ã|\fnfã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\skipbeforedivider, \skipafterdivider,
+\footnotedivider, \textreferenceposition,
+\textreferenceplacement, \textreferencefont,
+\textreferencestyle, \textreferencegutter,
+\everyfootnote, \notereferenceposition,
+\notereferencefont, \notereferencestyle,
+ ã|Description:ã%
+To change the footnote style and any of the other footnote formatting
+options of the \autofootnote markup, use the \footnoteformat markup. The
+default footnote format is:
+ã|\skipbeforedividerã% determines the distance between the last line of text
+on a page and the footnote divider rule which is printed just before the
+footnotes. The default for this markup is 12 points.
+ã|\skipafterdividerã% determines the distance between the footnote divider rule
+and the first footnote. The default for this markup is 2.5 points.
+ã|\footnotedividerã% determines the length of a short rule that separates the
+footnotes from text. The default value is 144 points (2 inches).
+ã|\textreferencepositionã% determines if the footnote reference number is a
+superscript or not. By default, the reference is superscripted (up). If
+you want the footnote reference number to be on the baseline, change the
+parameter to "down". The default for \monospace is "down". Do not change
+it to "up" for \monospace.
+\textreferenceplacement determines if the footnote reference number
+precedes or follows the word being noted. By default, the reference
+will follow the noted word. If you want the footnote reference number to be
+placed before the word being noted, then change the parameter to "before".
+ã|\textreferencefontã% lets you determine how to print the footnote number.
+The default is the roman face at 10 point. For \monospace, the default is
+the roman typewriter printer face.
+ã|\textreferencestyleã% determines the numbering style. There are four
+possible values:
+ 1. "1" for numbered superscripted footnotes
+ 2. "(1)" for numbered footnotes surrounded with parentheses
+ 3. "a" for lettered footnotes
+ 4. "(a)" for lettered footnotes surrounded with parentheses
+The default is \textreferencestyle{1} for composing printers. Typewriter
+printers using \monospace have a default of \textreferencestyle{(1)}.
+ã|\notereferencepositionã% determines whether the footnote reference number in
+the note is a superscript or not. By default, the reference is on the
+baseline. If you want the footnote reference number to be superscripted,
+change the parameter to "up". Do note specify "up" for typewriter printers
+using \monospace.
+ã|\notereferencefontã% lets you determine what font to print the footnote
+number in. The default is standard face at 10 point. For \monospace, the
+default is the roman typewriter printer face.
+ã|\notereferencestyleã% determines the numbering style for the notes. There
+are four possible values:
+ 1. "1" for numbered superscripted footnotes
+ 2. "(1)" for numbered footnotes surrounded with parentheses
+ 3. "a" for lettered footnotes
+ 4. "(a)" for lettered footnotes surrounded with parentheses
+The default is \textreferencestyle{1.}.
+\notereferencegutter sets the distance between the footnote number and the
+first word of text of the note. The gutter is illustrated here as the
+shaded portion between "1." and "The first step":
+| |
+| .... |
+| 1....The first step . . . |
+| .... |
+| |
+The default is one em space, \notereferencegutter{1em}.
+\everyfootnote{Nested Markup} sets the style for everyfootnote. You can
+change the type face, the paragraph parameters, and the right and left
+indentation. The default text size is 10 point; each note is in paragraph
+format, with an indent of 20 points. Typewriter printers which must use
+\monospace may not change to another font set.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The following example uses a footnote style that prints a superscripted
+footnote number in the text and the note, the body of the footnote in
+nine-point Computer Modern set, the footnote at the bottom of the page
+indented 36 points from the left and 36 points from the right of the rest of
+the body of the text of the document, the footnote body right ragged, and
+the text of the document right justified and in 10 point Computer Modern.
+The \footnoteformat block is modified thus:
+ \footnotedivider{144pt}
+ \textreferencefont{\ninepoint\rm}
+ \notereferenceposition{up}
+ \notereferencefont{\ninepoint\rm}
+ \everyfootnote{\rightragged\pin{0pt}
+ \psk{12pt}\ninepoint
+ \leftindent{36pt}\rightindent{36pt}}}
+Note that \ninepoint was specified within both the \textreferencefont and
+\everyfootnote markups. The \textreferencefont determines the font that the
+footnote reference number is to be printed in. The \everyfootnote markup
+determines the font that the footnote text is to print in at the bottom
+of the page. Most often the fonts specified in \textreferencefont and
+\everyfootnote are the same font.
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+This markup modifies the style of the \autofootnote markup, not the
+\footnote markup.
+ The \footnoteformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if
+both are used.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnotem.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnotem.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..caeff296f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnotem.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|FNOTE-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
+\footnoteformat and if you are using \monospace. This affects
+how \autofootnote prints, not how \footnote prints.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnotep.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnotep.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0997c3c8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnotep.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|FNOTE-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
+\footnoteformat and if you areã|notã%using \monospace. This affects
+how \autofootnote prints, not how \footnote prints.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/font.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/font.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d6b584379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/font.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+| font |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|user markup name and font nameã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \font markup can be used to allow you to make use of a specific font
+available on your printer. You should always consult the font catalog for
+the fonts available on your printer. The name given in the font catalog
+goes where font name is with the \font markup. The user markup name you
+must provide. It should be a unique name.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To use the fourteen point Sonoran Roman, you can assign it to the markup
+name \bigfont by entering,
+\font \bigfont = sonr14
+\bigfont Palouse Region:
+and you will get:
+| |
+| Palouse Region: |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To use the ten point Computer Modern Sanserif Demibold Condensed you can
+assign it to a markup name \demifont by entering,
+\font \demifont = cmssdc10
+\demifont Palouse Region:
+you will get:
+| |
+| Palouse Region: |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \font markup does not change the interline skip. A font established
+with \selectspecificfont does.
+ This markup is described further in The TEXbook.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fontm.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fontm.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16ef399cb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fontm.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|FONT-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to change the default
+\monospace font. You usually shoudn't have to do this.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fontp.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fontp.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c39de10783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fontp.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|FONT-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to change the default
+proportional space font. You might want to do this if you want to have
+a FONT-P TEXBLOCK on your own disk to be included for each job.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/footnote.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/footnote.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9135f7c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/footnote.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+| footnote |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|first parameter = reference mark
+ second parameter = footnote textã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \footnote markup can be used to create marked footnotes. There are two
+parameters; the first is the reference mark, and the second is the text of
+the note itself. Each parameter is surrounded with curly braces ({}). If
+more than one reference mark is used on the same page, they should appear in
+the prescribed order:
+ * asterisk (*)
+ * dagger (\dagger)
+ * double dagger (\ddagger)
+ * section sign (\S)
+Refer to the example in the TEXT1 Users' Guide or Reference Manual for
+real sample output. These characters are not available at your terminal.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Using the above prescribed order, the second footnote on a page would be
+entered with \footnote as:
+by Achilles Chert\footnote{\dagger}{pH.d., Litmus Sci.
+The author is with the School of Pyroclastic
+Philosophy at the University of Piedmont.}.
+\nin "Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert
+Camus, a novelist who lionized the labors of
+Sisyphus in moving the igneous concretion up the
+declivitous landmass.
+In the document, the text would print as:
+| |
+| by Achilles Chert . |
+| "Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert Camus, a novelist who |
+| lionized the labors of Sisyphus in moving the igneous concretion up the |
+| declivitous landmass. |
+| |
+At the bottom of the page the footnote would print as:
+| |
+| pH.d., Litmus Sci. The author is with the School of Pyroclastic |
+| Philosophy at the University of Piedmont. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \footnoteformat has no effect on \footnote. \footnoteformat is used to
+change the style of the \autofootnote markup.
+ You cannot use \footnote within \settabs, \vbox, \hbox,
+\drawbox, \paragraphbox, \label, \part, \chapter, \centerline, \halign,
+\rightlinesbegin, or \centerlinesbegin.
+ Refer to the The TEXbook for more on the \footnote markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/frac.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/frac.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e46eaba641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/frac.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+| fraction |
+Abbreviation: ã|\fracã%
+Parameters: ã|numerator/denominatorã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \fraction markup is another method of specifying a fraction. If you
+enter "@1\over2@" you get " 1 2 ". Entering "1/2" will give you "1/2". To
+get "1/" you specify "\fraction1/2 ~".
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Consider my favorite breakfast recipe:
+\tabskip 3em plus 2em minus 2em
+\multispan2\ctr{\bd Muckles}\cr
+3 eggs&beaten\cr
+1 cp&cream\cr
+1 cp&flour\cr
+\fraction1/4 t&baking powder\cr
+1 T&sugar\cr
+\multispan2\lft{pinch of salt}\cr
+\multispan2\lft{bacon (optional)}\cr}
+Heat butter or bacon in frying pan.
+Pour all of
+the batter into the pan. Cook @ approximately @
+10 minutes at 375@^\circ@. Cut into pieces
+and serve hot with plenty of syrup.
+| |
+| Muckles |
+| 3 eggs beaten |
+| 1 cp cream |
+| 1 cp flour |
+| 14 t baking powder |
+| 1 T sugar |
+| pinch of salt |
+| bacon (optional) |
+| Heat butter or bacon in frying pan. Pour all of the batter into the |
+| pan. Cook approximately 10 minutes at 375 degrees. Cut into pieces and |
+| serve hot with plenty of syrup. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+There must be a space following the fraction as you enter it. In the above
+example there had to be a space before the "t&baking powder\cr".
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/frenchsp.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/frenchsp.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe55209b7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/frenchsp.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+| frenchspacing |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+By default, TEXT1 will double space after hard punctuation, unless the
+letter prior to the punctuation is a capital letter. To make all
+interword spacing the same, regardless of punctuation, you can enter
+the \frenchspacing markup. This will turn off the extra spacing
+following punctuation for the rest of a document or until TEXT1 sees a
+\nonfrenchspacing markup.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Consider this bibliographic entry:
+Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. {\it Mechanical Processes
+in the Human Geomechanism}. Winston: Geomedical
+Publications, International.
+Without \frenchspacing it might print as:
+| |
+| Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human Geomechanism. |
+| Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
+| |
+If you had specified \frenchspacing,
+Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. {\it Mechanical Processes
+in the Human Geomechanism}. Winston: Geomedical
+Publications, International.
+it would print as:
+| |
+| Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human Geomechanism. |
+| Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/goodbrea.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/goodbrea.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5c020dfa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/goodbrea.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+| goodbreak |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \goodbreak markup indicates a good place for page or line breaks. TEXT1
+will then break there only if necessary. This markup must be preceded by a
+\par or vertical skip for a page break.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example will break the page before the last paragraph beginning "The
+comparison may seem", if it comes close to the bottom of the page.
+\nin{\bd Parallels.}
+Consider for a moment rocks and deer.
+Both form cooperative groups that furnish the
+landscape . . .
+The fruits of cooperation depend on conditions of
+the environment.
+The comparison may seem facile, but from deliberate
+oversimplification . . .
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/halign.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/halign.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3f45f42ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/halign.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+| halign |
+\halign{ preamble\cr
+ tabular text\cr}
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|preamble, tabular text, submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\lft, \ctr, \rt, \cr, \noalign, \tabskip,
+\omit, \multispan, \phantom, && (column repeat)ã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \halign markup is a way of making tables without tabbing. A preamble,
+or sample line, is included immediately after \halign to act as a template
+for the text in each column. Each successive column in a row begins with an
+ampersand (&). Column descriptions may contain horizontal spaces, indents,
+quads, and horizontal fills. Each column description must have a pound
+sign (hash mark, #) which acts as a reference variable, so that text can be
+ The halign is read in its entirety. Every column is treated as a box
+whose width is equal to the largest entry.
+ Besides horizontal mode markup such as \indent, you can use the
+following submarkup in the \halign.
+\lft in the preamble will left justify each entry in a column.
+\ctr in the preamble will center each entry in a column.
+\rt in the preamble will right justify each entry in a column.
+\cr marks the end of the preamble, and the end of each row.
+\noalign is used outside of the preamble. It allows you to enter vertical
+mode text into a table. You must not end a \noalign with a \cr. For
+example, if you wanted to skip a blank line between two row entries, you
+would use \noalign{\vs{\bl}}:
+\tabskip puts an equal amount of space (glue) between columns. A
+specification of
+\tabskip 20pt plus 15pt minus 10pt
+indicates that the each column is set 20 points apart. If after the initial
+try it is determined that the table is still narrower than the width of the
+page, up to an additional 15 points of space is put between columns to try
+and get the table to spread across the entire page. If after the initial
+try of 20 points between each column it is determined that the table is
+too wide to fit on the page, up to 10 points is subtracted from the space
+between each column to try and get the table to fit on the page.
+\omit can be used to disable to preamble specification for that column
+and row. \omit only works for one column of one row. For example, if a
+was specified, then to center a header over a column, you could enter
+\omit\ctr{Header 1}&\omit\ctr{Header 2}\cr
+\multispan is used to permit spanning of several columns. For example, if
+you had a preamble of
+and you wanted to center a title over the second and third columns, you
+would enter:
+first column&\multispan2\ctr{Spanned title}\cr
+\phantom is used in decimal alignment. For example,
+would print the partial table:
+| |
+| 00.1234 12.231 |
+| 72.8 1.2 |
+| |
+&& is used to indicate that the following column preamble is to be repeated
+for each of the remaining of columns. For example, if you wanted the first
+column centered, the second column left justified, and the next five columns
+right justified, you could enter
+ \rt{#}&\rt{#}&\rt{#}\cr
+Using the column repeat indicator (&&) you can simplify this to
+This specification then says that columns 3, 4, etc. all use the same
+preamble, "\rt{#}".
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example illustrates \omit, \qquad and \tabskip.
+\tabskip .5in plus .4in minus .3in
+5000 MT&500\cr
+10000 MT&845--1050\cr }
+| |
+| |
+| ..........5000.MT.......500............ |
+| 10000 MT 845--1050 |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example makes use of \multispan, \indent,
+\horizontalspace, \noalign and column repeat (&&).
+\tabletitle{Surface Land Temperature (degrees C)\lbr
+Changes after Exchanges}
+ &&\hs{1em}\rt{#}\cr
+Case&\multispan4\ctr{Post Detonations (Days)}\cr
+| |
+| Table 1 |
+| Surface Land Temperature (degrees C) |
+| Changes after Exchanges |
+| |
+| |
+| Case Post Detonations (Days) |
+| Megatonnage 20 100 200 300 |
+| |
+| 1000 -22 8 7 13 |
+| 3000 9 6 8 10 |
+| 5000 -7 -26 -20 -11 |
+| 10000 -24 -45 -26 -9 |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+\halign takes less computer time than \settabs because it is a basic
+TEX command. The advantages to \halign over \settabs are:
+ * maximum column widths are calculated automatically; you must measure
+ the longest entry with \settabs.
+ * templates are more versatile than \settabs; repeatable information can
+ be included in the preamble.
+ * greater flexibility.
+ Refer to The TEXbook for more about \halign, \cr, \noalign, \tabskip,
+\phantom, \omit, \multispan, or && (column repeat).
+ You can use \autofootnote, \autoendnote, and \footnote inside of an
+\halign, so long as they are not also inside an \hbox or \vbox.
+ Refer to the description of \leader for an example of using \halign with
+dot leadering.
+ See \strut for row alignment.
+ Do not put a \cr on the same line as \noalign.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hbox.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hbox.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..552ad9c2b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hbox.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+| hbox |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|horizontal mode textã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \hbox is a TEX markup which, among several uses, can be used to keep a
+word together, preventing hyphenations. For example,
+would prohibit hyphenation of "low-cut". It can also be used in math mode
+to switch to the roman font. For example,
+@x^{34}+\hbox{lower order terms}@
+prints as:
+| |
+| x[34]+lower order terms |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+You cannot use \autoendnote, \autofootnote, or \footnote within an \hbox.
+ You can also specify an \hbox to take up a certain size. For example,
+\hbox to 1in{}
+would create a box one inch wide. Refer to the discussion of \leader for
+more on this option of \hbox.
+ For more on this markup refer to The TEXbook.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hin.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hin.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..227b7b8040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hin.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+| hangingindent |
+Abbreviation: ã|\hinã%
+Parameters: ã|units of measureã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \hangingindent markup sets the amount of space each line in a hanging
+paragraph is indented after the first. The parameter must be a numerical
+value with valid units of measure.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The first and second hanging paragraph use a hanging indent of 18 points.
+The third paragraph uses a hanging indent of 38 points.
+BASE. Can mean 'bedrock' in geological terms;
+or 'gross' as a description of human behavior.
+CLEAVAGE. Refers to the tendency to split along faults;
+or to the position of the female bosom in a low-cut
+DOMEHEAD. Is material pushing through a formation;
+or an informal epithet for hairless academics.
+| |
+| BASE. Can mean 'bedrock' in geological terms; or 'gross' as a description |
+| of human behavior. |
+| |
+| CLEAVAGE. Refers to the tendency to split along faults; or to the position |
+| of the female bosom in a low-cut dress. |
+| |
+| DOMEHEAD. Is material pushing through a formation; or an informal epithet |
+| for hairless academics. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The hanging indent will remain in effect until changed with another
+\hangingindent markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hof.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hof.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54d1467d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hof.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+| hyphenoff |
+Abbreviation: ã|\hofã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+By default, TEXT1 will do hyphenation if necessary to achieve nice line
+breaks. The \hyphenoff markup can be used to disable hyphenation. It will
+remain this way until a \hyphenon is encountered.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+By default, hyphenation begins this example,
+Direct Access Storage Device (DASD) is a term for long
+term file and program storage devices. A more common
+term for the same thing is {\it disk}, since the
+actual storage components look like platters or disks.
+The CP Directory entry for each user indicates what
+virtual disks his machine will include. Each disk
+is known by its {\it virtual address}. In general,
+users will have one 191 virtual disk.
+will print as:
+| |
+| Direct Access Storage De- |
+| vice (DASD) is a term for long |
+| term file and program storage |
+| devices. A more common term |
+| for the same thing is disk, |
+| since the actual storage com- |
+| ponents look like platters or |
+| disks. |
+| The CP Directory entry |
+| for each user indicates what |
+| virtual disks his machine will |
+| include. Each disk is known |
+| by its virtual address. In |
+| general, users will have one |
+| 191 virtual disk. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Compare this output to that of the \hyphenon markup on the next page.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hon.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hon.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2513733f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hon.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+| hyphenon |
+Abbreviation: ã|\honã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+By default, TEXT1 will do hyphenation if necessary to achieve nice line
+breaks. The \hyphenoff markup can be used to disable hyphenation. It will
+remain this way until a \hyphenon is encountered.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+First print a paragraph without hyphenation and then turn hyphenation on.
+Direct Access Storage Device (DASD) is a term for long
+term file and program storage devices. A more common
+term for the same thing is {\it disk}, since the
+actual storage components look like platters or disks.
+The CP Directory entry for each user indicates what
+virtual disks his machine will include. Each disk
+is known by its {\it virtual address}. In general,
+users will have one 191 virtual disk.
+will print as:
+| |
+| Direct Access Storage |
+| Device (DASD) is a term for |
+| long term file and program |
+| storage devices. A more |
+| common term for the same thing |
+| is disk, since the actual |
+| storage components look like |
+| platters or disks. |
+| The CP Directory entry for |
+| each user indicates what vir- |
+| tual disks his machine will |
+| include. Each disk is known |
+| by its virtual address. In |
+| general, users will have one |
+| 191 virtual disk. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Compare this output with the example for \hyphenoff on the previous page.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hp.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hp.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4137ea344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hp.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+| hangingparagraph |
+Abbreviation: ã|\hpã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \hangingparagraph markup creates hanging paragraphs, which are the
+reverse of normal paragraphs. In a normal paragraph, the first line is
+indented but following lines are full measure wide; in a hanging paragraph
+the first line is a full measure and the runover lines are indented.
+Hanging paragraphs are used for lists, glossaries, and bibliographies. The
+\hangingparagraph markup is placed before each item in the text; a \par
+finishes the series.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+BASE. Can mean 'bedrock' in geological terms;
+or 'gross' as a description of human behavior.
+CLEAVAGE. Refers to the tendency to split along faults;
+or to the position of the female bosom in a low-cut
+DOMEHEAD. Is material pushing through a formation;
+or an informal epithet for hairless academics.
+| |
+| BASE. Can mean 'bedrock' in geological terms; or 'gross' as a description |
+| of human behavior. |
+| CLEAVAGE. Refers to the tendency to split along faults; or to the position |
+| of the female bosom in a low-cut dress. |
+| |
+| DOMEHEAD. Is material pushing through a formation; or an informal epithet |
+| for hairless academics. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The default indentation for \hangingparagraph is 24 points. Use the
+\hangingindent markup to change this indentation.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hrule.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hrule.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ba7e489ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hrule.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+| hrule |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|dimensionã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \hrule markup draws a horizontal rule across the width of the page. It
+is a native TEX markup, and the usage is different in that the parameter is
+not surrounded with curly braces. If you do not supply a dimension, TEXT1
+will print the rule across the entire width of the text. By default, the
+rule drawn has a thickness (height) of .4pt.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted to draw a three inch rule across the page, followed later with
+a rule across the entire width of the page and ending with a thicker rule
+across the width of the page you could specify:
+\nin Basic Techniques
+\hrule width 3in
+Editing a File
+The Column Pointer
+\hrule height 2pt
+You would get:
+| |
+| |
+| ........................................................................... |
+| ........................................................................... |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Refer to The TEXbook for more on \hrule and how to use the "depth" parameter
+with the "height" and "width" parameters.
+ Use \rule instead of \hrule if you are using \monospace.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hs.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hs.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e75ab6b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hs.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+| horizontalspace |
+Abbreviation: ã|\hsã%
+Parameters: ã|units of measureã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The amount of blank space in a line can be varied by the \horizontalspace
+markup. This markup works only within the current line; no space will be
+carried over if too little remains at the end of the line.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Our barbecues are brick. Our poetry is concrete:
+\horizontalspace{84pt}pillow tectonics
+\hs{48pt}during sleep
+\hs{18pt}pillows come together
+\hs{24pt}and move apart
+\hs{18pt}like continental plates
+\hs{36pt}mountain ranges
+\hs{18pt}rise and fall
+\hs{18pt}rise and fall
+\nin Like Gypsum Lee Ooze, art mimics geology.
+| |
+| Our barbecues are brick. Our poetry is concrete: |
+| |
+| pillow tectonics during sleep pillows come |
+| together and move apart like continental plates |
+| mountain ranges rise and fall oceans rise and fall |
+| |
+| Like Gypsum Lee Ooze, art mimics geology. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+\horizontalspace can be used in \settabs and \halign.
+ If you are using \monospace, then the units of measure should be
+specified in tenths of an inch or in em's.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hsize.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hsize.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9eaca127ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hsize.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+| hsize |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|dimensionã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \hsize markup is a native TEX markup that can be used to change the
+width of the text on the printed page. This markup does not use delimeters.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you were entering text in a \vbox and you wanted it printed in a 3 inch
+column instead of the default column width you could specify "\hsize=3in".
+For example,
+Forms for reader's comments are provided at the back
+of this publication. You can help us continue to improve
+the quality of our documentation, and we welcome all
+comments and suggestions.
+Forms for reader's comments are provided at the back
+of this publication. You can help us continue to improve
+the quality of our documentation, and we welcome all
+comments and suggestions.}
+will print as:
+| |
+| Forms for reader's comments are provided at the back of this |
+| publication. You can help us continue to improve the quality of |
+| our documentation, and we welcome all comments and suggestions. |
+| |
+| Forms for reader's |
+| comments are provided at the |
+| back of this publication. |
+| You can help us continue to |
+| improve the quality of our |
+| documentation, and we welcome |
+| all comments and suggestions. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/incl.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/incl.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b2f58acbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/incl.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+| include |
+Abbreviation: ã|\inclã%
+Parameters: ã|page segment nameã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \include markup will include external page segment files, into a TEXT1
+document. Page segments come from graphics generating programs such as
+those produced by GDDM, SAS and MEGACALC. Refer to the GDDM Page Segment
+Generation for the IBM 3820 User Note, U-419, for details on how to create a
+page segment.
+ The format for the \include markup is:
+ Where fn is the filename of the file to be included into the text
+document. It must have a filetype of "PSEG3820". You must leave space
+after the page segment to prevent the image from overprinting the following
+text of the document.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+A file called "GRAPH1 PSEG3820 A" contains a SAS/GRAPH image. It is 2 1 2
+inches high, so you would enter:
+. . . in the graph illustrated below:
+Notice the values on the Y axis, they . . .
+In the document you would get:
+| |
+| . . . in the graph illustrated below: |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| Notice the values on the Y axis, they . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Sometimes you may want to center the graph on the page. To do this you
+would subtract the width of the graph from the galleywidth(1) and divide the
+difference by 2; then you would do a horizontal skip of that amount (after
+entering \null. For the above graph, the galleywidth is 25 picas, the width
+of the "graph1" is 19 picas, so the indent is to be 3 picas ( 25pc-19pc
+2=3pc ):
+| . . in the graph illustrated below: |
+Notice the values on the Y axis, they . . .
+ 1. galleywidth=page width - left margin - right margin
+In the document you would get the same graph as above, centered on the page.
+Refer to the example below:
+| |
+| . . . in the graph illustrated below: |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| Notice the values on the Y axis, they . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/indent.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/indent.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42c0fbb071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/indent.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+| indent |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \indent markup creates an empty box of horizontal space whose width is
+the current value of \paragraphindent. This markup is useful in tabular
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\tabletitle{Flea Deaths (in millions)}
+5000 MT&500\cr
+10000 MT&845--1050\cr }
+These statistics are fairly conclusive. Note,
+however, that inconsistencies occurred at . . .
+| |
+| Table 1 |
+| Flea Deaths (in millions) |
+| |
+| Case Blast |
+| 5000 MT 500 |
+| 10000 MT 845--1050 |
+| ........................................................................... |
+| These statistics are fairly conclusive. Note, however, that |
+| inconsistencies occurred at . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/index.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/index.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d262cedb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/index.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|INDEXã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/input.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/input.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ab3365aa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/input.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+| input |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|filenameã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \input markup indicates a file to be included in the source. The
+parameter, a CMS file name with a filetype of TEX, follows \input and a
+separator space; no curly braces are used.
+ Usually the \input markup is used in a "driver" file, which calls parts,
+chapters, etc. to create (or drive) the entire document, such as a thesis.
+At the top of such a driver file is where you would put modifications to
+default format blocks, additional font specifications, and your own markup
+ ã|Example:ã%
+In this example, the file is to have a filename of "DRIVER". It calls all of
+the various parts of a 2 chapter document. When formatting, specify DRIVER
+as the filename.
+ \titleformat{\newpage
+ \cl{\bd \chaptertitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}}
+ \incontents{yes}}
+\input preface
+\input abstract
+\input chapter1
+\input chapter2
+\input bibliog
+\input append-a
+\input append-b
+\input index
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+If you want to input a file with a filetype other than TEX, you can do so by
+adding the filetype after the filename and placing a period between the two.
+For example, to input a filename of DATA and a filetype of LISTING, enter
+\input data.listing
+ Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/isk.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/isk.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56ed4190d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/isk.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+| interlineskip |
+Abbreviation: ã|\iskã%
+Parameters: ã|unit of measureã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The spacing between lines (from one baseline to the next, not "single" or
+"double spacing") can be changed using the \interlineskip markup. TEXT1
+automatically sets an interline skip usually 2 points greater than the font
+size when you use \selectfontset.(1) The default font size is 12 points and
+the default interline skip is 14 points. This may be particularly helpful
+when using some of the smaller fonts. In general, the shorter the line or
+smaller the type, less interline skip is needed.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+ 1. Extra space is referred to as leading, pronounced leding (from the
+days when lead was used).
+The definition of Sociogeology is the study of the
+geological basis of all social behavior.
+It explains human behavior by empirical description
+of the attributes of mineral composition.
+It is most successful when it provides detailed
+description of particulate phenomena and first-order
+correlations with features . . .
+| |
+| The definition of Sociogeology is the study of the geological basis of |
+| all social behavior. It explains human behavior by empirical description |
+| of the attributes of mineral composition. |
+| It is most successful when it provides detailed description of |
+| particulate phenomena and first-order correlations with features . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+\singlespace and \doublespace are dependent on the current setting of
+\interlineskip. For example, the \doublespace leading when \interline-
+skip{12pt} is 24pt.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/it.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/it.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4055cb1bbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/it.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+| italic |
+Abbreviation: ã|\itã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \italic markup sets an Italianate typeface, used for showing emphasis,
+conveying a message, attracting attention, or even creating a mood. Italic
+type is also good for contrast, and it is also hard to read over large
+areas. For printers that do not have italics, underscoring will be used
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\italic Japan \roman in Southeast Asia (previously in
+China, now in the Philippines,
+| |
+| earlier; Japan in Southeast Asia (previously in China, now in the |
+| ----- |
+| Philippines, |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+members communicate important things---{\it
+hunger, alarm, rank, and sexual desire}---among
+themselves by means of nonsyntactical signals.
+| |
+| members communicate important things---hunger, alarm, rank, and sexual |
+| ------ ----- ---- --- ------ |
+| desire---among themselves by means of nonsyntactical signals. |
+| ------ |
+| |
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/italicfa.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/italicfa.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c0ecd3117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/italicfa.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+| TEXT1 \italicface (\it) MARKUP |
+The \italicface (\it) markup will switch to the italic face text font and print
+the text following the markup in italics. If the printer does not have an
+italic font, a warning will issued and an underscore font will be substituted.
+The format for the \italicface markup is:
+ \italicface ttttt
+Everything from the \italicface markup to the next font change will be printed
+in italics. If only a word or two are to be printed in italics enclose the
+italic face markup and the text that is to be printed in italics within a set
+of braces.
+ {\italicface ttttt}
+After printing the specified text in italics, TEXT1 will automatically switch
+back to the standard face, or Roman font.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/item.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/item.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..abd96b000b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/item.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+| item |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|identifierã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \item markup creates unique indented items. The parameters for this
+markup is an identifier, such as an Arabic number or letter, supplied by
+you. This offers more flexibility.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+militarily for thousands of years.
+Reasons for this continued behavior include:
+\item{*} the rapaciousness of society
+(as shown by the accumulation of wealth and the
+indifference to the poor and nonaggressive)
+\item{**} the acceptance of war
+\item{***} the economic advantages of large-scale
+operations (as shown in industrial applications)
+The cultures of industrial nations are based on
+unethical . . .
+| |
+| militarily for thousands of years. Reasons for this continued behavior |
+| include: |
+| * the rapaciousness of society (as shown by the accumulation of wealth |
+| and the indifference to the poor and nonaggressive) |
+| ** the acceptance of war |
+| *** the economic advantages of large-scale operations (as shown in |
+| industrial applications) |
+| The cultures of industrial nations are based on unethical . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The indentation for \item is determined by the current setting of paragraph
+indent. Each \item forms a hanging paragraph after the identifier. There
+is no extra space between items.
+ Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ix.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ix.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb92f5efea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ix.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+| index |
+Abbreviation: ã|\ixã%
+Parameters: ã|title textã%
+Submarkup: ã|\subentry, \blindentry, \uspn, \bdpn, \itpnã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \index markup builds index entries which can be sorted and printed at
+the end of a document. The \index markup has the format
+where "n" is the index number (1, 2, or 3), and "entry" is the index
+entry. The page number you are on when the \index markup is inserted will
+be printed with the "entry". You must use the \printindex markup to sort
+and print the index. It comes at the end of the document. Refer to the
+documentation of \printindex for details on this markup.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Consider this index example:
+The files you create and change have a filemode of A.
+This means that they are all kept in a collection of
+files called your A-disk. The FILELIST command
+displays a list of all
+the files on your A-disk.
+In the document, the following would print where the index markup occurred,
+| |
+| The files you create and change have a filemode of A. This means |
+| that they are all kept in a collection of files called your A-disk. The |
+| FILELIST command displays a list of all the files on your A-disk. |
+If this occurred on page 32, the entry in the index printed with
+\printindex1 would print as illustrated on the next page.
+| A-disk, 32 |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+You cannot use \index within a \settabs or \halign.
+ã|Lower Level or Sub entriesã%
+ If you want to record a subentry to a main index entry you use the
+\subentry markup within the \index markup.
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \subentry markup is only valid when used within \index.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you had a main entry called "reader list" and you wanted sub entries for
+"receiving a file" and "replacing a file" you could enter the \index markup
+as illustrated here:
+\sha{Receiving a File}
+To receive a file, move the cursor to the line that
+describes the file you want to receive.
+\index1{reader list \subentry1{receiving a file}}
+Then press PF9. A notice will appear on that line
+telling you that the file has been received, . . .
+\sha{Replacing or Renaming a File}
+What happens if the file in your reader has the same file
+label as one you already have on your disk?
+There are two ways to handle this.
+If you want the file in your reader to replace the file
+\index1{reader list \subentry1{replacing a file}}
+on your disk, type the command "receive / (replace".
+If you want to keep the file on your disk, then rename
+the file in your reader with the command "receive / newname
+\index1{reader list\subentry1{renaming a file}}
+newtype" where "newname" is the new file name and
+"newtype" is the new filetype.
+This would produce the following paragraph in a document:
+| |
+| Receiving a File |
+| To receive a file, move the cursor to the line that describes the file |
+| you want to receive. Then press PF9. A notice will appear on that line |
+| telling you that the file has been received, ... |
+| |
+| Replacing or Renaming a File |
+| What happens if the file in your reader has the same file label as one |
+| you already have on your disk? There are two ways to handle this. |
+| 1. If you want the file in your reader to replace the file on your disk, |
+| type the command "receive / (replace". |
+| 2. If you want to keep the file on your disk, then rename the file |
+| in your reader with the command "receive / newname newtype" where |
+| "newname" is the new file name and "newtype" is the new filetype. |
+| |
+If list level #2 printed at the top of page 33, the index entries would look
+| |
+| reader list |
+| receiving a file, 32 |
+| renaming a file, 33 |
+| replacing a file, 32 |
+| |
+ã|Excluding Text from the Sortã%
+ There are occasions when you will want text to print in an indexed item,
+but you do not want that text to be a part of the sorting process. For
+example, you may want to index the title "Consumer Guides" including the
+quotes, but you want it sorted with the C's and not sorted with the double
+quote marks. Also, you probably would want to sort \par with the p's, and
+not with the backslashes. Both can be accomplished using the \sortasmarkup
+which can only be used within the \index markup.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Using the input,
+Please get a copy of the article "Consumer Guides" and
+\index1{"Consumer Guides"\sortas{Consumer Guides}}
+refer to the illustration on page 5.
+Be sure to index the paragraph command "\\par"
+somewhere in the document.
+you would get the following two paragraphs in your document.
+| |
+| Please get a copy of the article "Consumer Guide References" and refer |
+| to the illustration on page 5. |
+| |
+| Be sure to index the paragraph command "\par" somewhere in the |
+| document. |
+| |
+The index entries would print like:
+| |
+| "Consumer Guides", 45 |
+| contour Maps, 23 |
+| |
+| \par, 45 |
+| Paragraphs, long, 16 |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Prepositions in a subentry may not be part of the sort, but are to be
+printed in the index. For example, to get the index to look like,
+| |
+| vacations |
+| on boats, 32 |
+| at the Olympian, 21 |
+| |
+you would use the \index, \subentry, and \sortas commands illustrated on the
+next page.
+Some people spend their vacations at older
+hotels like the Olympian.
+\index1{vacations \subentry1{at the
+Another popular vacation is travelling the
+Pacific in a boat.
+ boats\sortas{boats}}}
+ ã|Example:ã%
+As another example, "10 Downing Street" is typically sorted with the T's
+and not prior to the 2's. This can also be accomplished using the \sortas
+markup. For example, the Prime Minister's address mentioned earlier would
+be entered as:
+Taxi, please take me to 10 Downing Street.
+\index1{10 Downing Street\sortas{ten Downing Street}}
+ã|Highlighted Page Numbersã%
+ For those applications which require some of the page numbers to be
+printed in bold, some in italics, and others underscored, there are three
+markup available to do this. They are \boldpagenumber, \italicpagenumber,
+and \underscorepagenumber. They are all used within the \index markup, and
+indicate to TEXT1 that a page number other than the standard page number is
+to be used.
+ We recommend that important references be noted in bold (\boldpage-
+number). Fleeting references be printed with italics (\italicpagenumber).
+And primary references be indicated by being underscored (\underscorepage-
+number). Of course, you are free to use these three markup as you see
+ The bold page number will always come prior to a standard face reference
+to the same page.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you had an \boldpagenumber on page 43 and \index's on pages 42--44 for
+\index1{peace} % Located on page 42
+\index1{peace} % Located on page 43
+\index1{peace\bdpn} % Located on page 43
+\index1{peace} % Located on page 44
+the index printed with \printindex would look like:
+| peace 43, 42--44 |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you have an underscored page number and it falls in the same range as a
+standard face entry, the underscored entry would follow the standard face
+entry. For example, if you had a \underscorepagenumber on page 66 and
+\index's on pages 66--72 for "nationalism",
+\index1{nationalism\uspn} % On page 66
+\index1{nationalism} % On page 66
+\index1{nationalism} % On page 67
+\index1{nationalism} % On page 72
+the index sequence would print like:
+| Quick Programming Language 66--72, 66 |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you have an index reference in italics and it falls in the same range as
+a standard face entry, the italics entry will not be printed. For example,
+if you had an italics entry using \italicpagenumber on pages 45 and 56, and
+you had standard face entries on pages 54--60 for "In Search of Excellence",
+the printed index would look like:
+| |
+| In Search of Excellence 45, 54--60 |
+| |
+ã|Cross Referencesã%
+ Often it is desirable to have a cross reference to another index entry.
+You can do this using the \blindentry markup within the \index markup. You
+cannot use both \blindentry and \subentry within the same \index markup.
+The \blindentry markup has the format,
+\blindentry{blind entry}
+where "blind entry" is the text you want associated with that index entry.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+For example, to get an index entry to print like
+| |
+| |
+| Flow of control, see Control Structures |
+you would enter
+\index1{Flow of control\blindentry{see Control
+ ã|Example:ã%
+It is also possible to have a blind entry printed with an index entry, and
+still have it indexed with page numbers. For example, if you were to enter
+\index1{Label\blindentry{({\it see also} Case Label)}}
+on page 78 you would get an index entry printed as:
+| Label, 78, (see also Case Label) |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+If you have page numbers and a blind entry, then the blind entry will follow
+the last page number as illustrated here.
+ã|Multiple Indexesã%
+ You can have multiple indexes by changing the "1" in \index1 to "2" or
+"3". For example,
+\index1{entry in first index}
+\index2{entry in second index}
+\index3{entry in third index}
+will generate one entry in each of three indexes. See \printindex for
+instructions on how to print out each of the three indexes.
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index 0000000000..a57b8f352b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ixf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+| indexformat |
+Abbreviation: ã|\ixfã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\respectcase, \style, \leadering, \everyhang,
+\everyletterbreak, \indentsubentry, \everyindexã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The defaults listed above for each markup applies initially to each of
+the three indexes. One or more indexes' defaults can all be changed
+by modifying the \indexformat markup. The complete description of the
+\indexformat markup and its related submarkup is:
+where n is the index (1, 2, or 3) and format is the submarkup.
+ã|respectcaseã% ignores the case of an index entry. This markup can only be
+used within the \indexformat markup. If you wanted case respected and have
+the lower case letters sorted before the upper case entries (i.e., "boat"
+sorted before "Bed") then enter
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Respecting case applies to all letters. If \respectcase{yes} has been
+specified, then "boat" and "cat" will both be sorted before "Bed". The
+default value is \respectcase{no} for each of the 3 indexes.
+ã|styleã% regulates the general index format. \style{indent}, the default,
+indents each index entry. This style looks like:
+| |
+| Constantinople, 12, See also Istanbul |
+| alien rule of, 20 |
+| Arab invasion of, 19, 31 |
+| Crusades and, 22, 57 |
+| Ottoman conquest of, 29--31 |
+| |
+ There are two other styles to choose from: "paragraph" and "dash". The
+style "paragraph" is a run-on hanging paragraph. You get it by specifying:
+With this style, the above index would look like:
+| |
+| Constantinople, 12, alien rule |
+| of, 20, Arab invasion of, 19, |
+| 31, Crusades and, 22, 57, |
+| Ottoman conquest of, 29--31, See |
+| also Istanbul |
+| |
+Note that with this style, the blind entry from the \blindentry submarkup
+comes after the subentry, instead of after the main entry as was done for
+the "indent" style.
+ The third style is "dash", an em-dash style. You get it by specifying
+It is very similar to the default "indent" style, except subentries are
+prefaced with an em dash following the initial indent of space.
+| |
+| Constantinople, 12, See also Istanbul |
+| ---alien rule of, 20 |
+| ---Arab invasion of, 19, 31 |
+| ---Crusades and, 22, 57 |
+| ---Ottoman conquest of, 29--31 |
+| |
+ã|leaderingã% turns on/off dot leadering. The default is "off". You
+can change this default only within the \indexformat markup. To have dot
+leadering, enter:
+If you are using \style{indent} and \leadering{yes} you get:
+| |
+| Constantinople, See also |
+| Istanbul ... . ... ... . ....12 |
+| alien rule of ... . ... 20 |
+| Arab invasion of . . .19, 31 |
+| Crusades and .... . .22, 57 |
+| Ottoman conquest of .29--31 |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Do not use dot leadering with \style{paragraph}.
+ã|everyletterbreakã% is what will be printed between each letter break,
+(i.e. between "A" and "B"). By default, one blank line is skipped when
+starting a new letter (at each letter break). The \everyletterbreak markup
+can only appear within the \indexformat markup.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+You could modify the default to place a rule and skip between breaks:
+ \hrule width 2in
+ \vs{\bl}}}
+ This would look something like:
+| |
+| ..................... |
+| alpha, 62 |
+| America, 38 |
+| Austria, 55 |
+| ..................... |
+| |
+| Bach, 98 |
+| Bethlehem, 87 |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Something else you can do with indexes is to make use of the "\nextletter"
+submarkup, which gives you the next uppercase character about to be listed
+in the sorted index list. For example, between "apple" and "boat" the
+value of "\nextletter" would be "B". One application would be to print the
+"\nextletter" in a large type. This could be accomplished by changing the
+default for "\everyletterbreak" to:
+ \noindent{\twelvepoint\bd\nextletter}\par}}
+The resulting index would look like:
+| |
+| |
+| A |
+| alpha, 62 |
+| America, 38 |
+| Austria, 55 |
+| |
+| B |
+| Bach, 98 |
+| Bethlehem, 87 |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Another variation of the above would be to draw a box around the next
+letter. You could do this by adding \drawbox to \everyletterbreak:
+ \drawbox{\bd\nextletter}\par}}
+and you will get an index that prints as illustrated on the next page.
+| |
+| ..... |
+| ..... |
+| alpha, 62 |
+| America, 38 |
+| Austria, 55 |
+| |
+| ..... |
+| ..... |
+| Bach, 98 |
+| Bethlehem, 87 |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The "\nextletter" is always an uppercase letter.
+ Only letters, not numbers or special characters such as the backslash
+(\) are used as \nextletter.
+ã|indentsubentryã% There are two levels of subentries available. The amount
+of distance they are indented when you are using the "indent" or "dash"
+styles is controlled by the \indentsubentry submarkup. If you are using
+the "paragraph" style for the index, the \indentsubentry is ignored. The
+definition of this markup is,
+where n is the subentry level, 1 or 2, and amt is the amount to be indented.
+The default indent for these two subentry levels is:
+ \indentsubentry2{2em}}
+ If, for example, you were using the "indented" style and wanted each
+subentry level indented two em's from the previous level, you would enter,
+ \indentsubentry2{4em}}
+which would print the index illustrated earlier as:
+| |
+| Constantinople, 12, See also Istanbul |
+| alien rule of, 20 |
+| Arab invasion of, 19, 31 |
+| Crusades and, 22, 57 |
+| Ottoman conquest of, 29--31 |
+| |
+ã|everyhangã% controls the hanging indent for the primary index level and
+each of the two subentry levels. If you had an index entry with many page
+| |
+| Write state- |
+| ment, 26, |
+| 34--38, 70, |
+| 86, |
+| 103, 191, |
+| 202, 203-- |
+| 204, 281 |
+| |
+The hangingindent would be 1.5em by default.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted to increase that value to 3em, you would enter,
+and you would get:
+| |
+| Write state- |
+| ment, 26, |
+| 34--38, |
+| 70, 86, |
+| 103, 191, |
+| 202, 203-- |
+| 204, 281 |
+| |
+ã|everyindexã% is a list of one or more commands to be executed before
+printing the sorted index. By default, \tenpt is the value of \everyindex.
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The default type style used with \monospace is \roman instead of \tenpt.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ju.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ju.helpmark
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index 0000000000..48b4541b3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ju.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+| justify |
+Abbreviation: ã|\juã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \justify markup makes each line exactly the same length and aligns
+both left and right margins vertically. TEXT1 automatically sets pages
+with full justification by default. The \justify markup is used to reset
+justification after using \rightragged or \leftragged.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Setting: Continuation of the narrative of Nehemiah
+(c. 420 {\caps b.c.}).
+Supplies information on an important epoch in ancient
+Jewish history---the return to Judea after seventy
+years of captivity in Babylon.
+Consists of two parts separated by several years:
+Chapters 1 to 6, the return of the first caravan under
+leadership of Zerubbabel; chapters 7 to 10, an
+expedition, sixty years later, conducted by Ezra.
+| |
+| Setting: Continuation of the narrative of Nehemiah (c. 420 b.c.). |
+| Supplies information on an important epoch in ancient Jewish history---the |
+| return to Judea after seventy years of captivity in Babylon. |
+| Consists of two parts separated by several years: Chapters 1 to 6, |
+| the return of the first caravan under leadership of Zerubbabel; chapters 7 |
+| to 10, an expedition, sixty years later, conducted by Ezra. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+When you specify \justify, text will be justified until TEXT1 sees a
+\rightragged or \leftragged.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/la.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/la.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fce94d1349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/la.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+| label |
+Abbreviation: ã|\laã%
+Parameters: ã|textã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \label markup creates labelled paragraphs. Labels will appear to the
+left of the paragraph described, in a 72 point (one inch) zone. A label is
+similar to a hanging paragraph, except that the first line is aligned with
+the indented portion and the label is separated by a gutter of 1 em space.
+The skip between labels is one blank line. To begin a new paragraph at the
+same indentation as the previous label, enter "\label{}" with no entry in
+the parameter field of the \label.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+origin of rock provides clues.
+\label{Sedimentary} rock is recemented from
+particles of older rock that has been broken down
+by physical and chemical weathering.
+rock is igneous or sedimentary that has been
+altered by temperature and pressure.
+Human cells act in a manner like sedimentary rock.
+| |
+| origin of rock provides clues. |
+| Sedimentaryrock is recemented from particles of older rock that has been |
+| broken down by physical and chemical weathering. |
+| |
+| Metamorphicrock is igneous or sedimentary that has been altered by |
+| temperature and pressure. |
+| Human cells act in a manner like sedimentary rock. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The label indent and the gutter width can be modified with the \labelformat
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/label.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/label.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..362b463298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/label.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|LABELã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
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index 0000000000..748b10c7c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/laf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+| labelformat |
+ \labelwidth{72pt}
+ \gutter{1em}
+ \everylabel{\rm}
+ }
+Abbreviation: ã|\lafã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\skipbefore, \labelwidth, \gutter,
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \labelformat markup controls the appearance of labelled paragraphs.
+\skipbefore indicates how much space is to be skipped before printing a
+block. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips.
+\labelwidth sets the amount of space to contain the label to the left of
+the paragraph. The shaded portion illustrated here is the "label width"
+| |
+| SCALE, |
+| nmin, nmax fornhalfwordxdata.)nteSince pixeledifferences5can(rangeabetween |
+| -255 and +255 (-511 and . . . |
+| |
+The default label width is 72 points (one inch). To change to a label width
+of 1 2 inch you would enter,
+\gutter keeps a small amount of space between the label and the paragraph.
+The shaded portion illustrated on the next page is the "label gutter" area.
+| |
+| SCALE, |
+| nmin, nmax fornhalfwordxdata.)nteSince pixeledifferences5can(rangeabetween |
+| -255 and +255 (-511 and . . . |
+| |
+The default amount is 1 em space. To change to a label gutter of 5 points
+you would enter,
+\everylabel determines the type face and size of the label itself. The
+default is roman face and right ragged.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The sample markup reduces the skipbefore amount, increases the labelwidth
+(to suit a larger format), and changes the font for labels to 9 point bold.
+Note the use of displayed math mode.
+ \labelwidth{108pt}
+ \gutter{1em}
+ \everylabel{\ninepoint\bd}}
+specifies that both input datasets are halfword
+(maximum 511 DN) (default is byte data).
+\la{ADD} specifies that the sum of the two input
+datasets is to be computed (default is the
+computation of the difference image).
+\la{SCALE, nmin, nmax}
+nmin and nmax are integers between -255 and 510
+(-511 and 1022 for halfword data.) Since . . .
+If N(I,J) is less than nmin, the OUTPUT=0.\lbr
+If N(I,J) is greater than nmax, the OUTPUT=K.\lbr
+If N(I,J) is between or equal to nmin and nmax then
+@@OUTPUT = K*{N(I,J)-nmin\over nmax-nmin}@@
+where N(I,J) = IN1(I,J) - IN2(I,J) or if "ADD" has
+been specified, N(I,J) = IN1(I,J) + IN2(I,J)
+and K = 255 (511 for halfword data).
+\la{TRANS\lbr sl1, ss1, sl2, ss2}sl1 and ss1 are
+line and sample
+coordinates for a point in IN1, and sl2 and ss2 are the
+corresponding coordinates for the point in IN2. If HALF
+has been specified, ss1 and ss2 refer to {\it bytes}
+(not sample) in IN1 and In2, respectively.
+| |
+| HALF specifies that both input datasets are halfword (maximum |
+| 511 DN) (default is byte data). |
+| ADD specifies that the sum of the two input datasets is to |
+| be computed (default is the computation of the difference |
+| image). |
+| |
+| SCALE, nmin, |
+| nmax 1022 for halfword data.)rsSincewe.n.-.55 and 510 (-511 and |
+| If N(I,J) is less than nmin, the OUTPUT=0. |
+| If N(I,J) is greater than nmax, the OUTPUT=K. |
+| If N(I,J) is between or equal to nmin and nmax then |
+| OUTPUT = K*N(I,J)-nmin nmax-nmin where N(I,J) = IN1(I,J) - |
+| IN2(I,J) or if "ADD" has been specified, N(I,J) = IN1(I,J) |
+| + IN2(I,J) and K = 255 (511 for halfword data). |
+| |
+| TRANS |
+| sl1, ss1, sl2,IN1, and sl2 and ss2 are the corresponding coordinates for |
+| ss2 the pointsinaIN2.inIfaHALFahasebeenrspecified,rss1pandtss2 |
+| refer to bytes (not sample) in IN1 and In2, respectively. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4982e67f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lbr.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+| linebreak |
+Abbreviation: ã|\lbrã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \linebreak markup causes a line to finish without interrupting a
+paragraph. Occasionally it is necessary to break a line in a precise place
+within a paragraph, as opposed to letting TEXT1 decide where to break the
+line. This markup does not end a paragraph, it simply starts the following
+text of the paragraph on a new line instead of concatenating it to the end
+of the previous line.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This article is an outline of the codification of
+Sociogeology into a branch of evolutionary geology.
+The subject has an aggregate of self-sufficient
+concepts that with such disciplines as cosmetology
+and astrology. Figure 1 shows a
+schema borrowed from my previous book,\linebreak
+{\it The Intact Societies: Vestals and Volcanoes},\lbr
+which suggests how the amalgam can be achieved.
+Geologists have always been intrigued by comparisons
+between societies of rocks and those of vertebrates,
+between two kingdoms.
+| |
+| This article is an outline of the codification of Sociogeology into |
+| a branch of evolutionary geology. The subject has an aggregate of |
+| self-sufficient concepts that with such disciplines as cosmetology and |
+| astrology. Figure 1 shows a schema borrowed from my previous book, |
+| The Intact Societies: Vestals and Volcanoes, |
+| which suggests how the amalgam can be achieved. Geologists have always |
+| been intrigued by comparisons between societies of rocks and those of |
+| vertebrates, between two kingdoms. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+See \break for the difference between these two markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/leader.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/leader.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e34179520b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/leader.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+| leader |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \leader markup is most often used in the \tableofcontentsformat in
+conjunction with a page number. It produces dot leadering. You can also
+use \leader in an \halign.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example using leaders also illustrates the use of \indent in \halign.
+The average annual costs of owning buildings in terms of
+{\it taxes, insurance, maintenance,} and
+{\it depreciation} are:
+\halign{\indent\indent\hbox to 13pc {#\leader}&
+ \rt{#}\ \%\cr
+Maintenance repairs&2.00\cr
+\indent\bd Total&8.00\cr}
+Will print:
+| |
+| The average annual costs of owning buildings in terms of taxes, |
+| insurance, maintenance, and depreciation are: |
+| Taxes . .... .. .....1.00 % |
+| Insurance ... . ... ..75 % |
+| Maintenance repairs . 2.00 % |
+| Depreciation. . . ... 4.00 % |
+| Miscellaneous. . .... .25 % |
+| Total ... . ... 8.00 % |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Notice in the last line the the ampersand (&) acted as a font delimiter for
+the \bd which printed "Total".
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/letter.helpmode b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/letter.helpmode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..754e174b0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/letter.helpmode
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Models |
+Theã|LETTERã%model is a general letter model. It is a template. You may modify
+it, but it is recommended you check with the Information Center first.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lib.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lib.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..251f2203c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lib.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+| listbegin |
+Abbreviation: ã|\libã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \listbegin markup starts a series of items set off with numbers,
+letters, or bullets (raised dots). The \listbegin markup ends the previous
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Some nations have historically dominated others.
+\bul United States in Latin America (and the Pacific)
+\bul Europe in Africa (especially England, France,
+Germany, the Netherlands---perhaps Portugal and Spain)
+\bul Japan in Southeast Asia (earlier in China, now
+in the Philippines, Borneo, and others)
+\bul Russia in Eastern Europe (and attempts in South
+America and the Caribbean)
+\bul China in Tibet (and most lately in Southeast
+Asia---Campuchea, and Vietnam)
+Countries have tried to dominate each other . . .
+| |
+| Some nations have historically dominated others. |
+| * United States in Latin America (and the Pacific) |
+| * Europe in Africa (especially England, France, Germany, the |
+| Netherlands---perhaps Portugal and Spain) |
+| * Japan in Southeast Asia (earlier in China, now in the Philippines, |
+| Borneo, and others) |
+| * Russia in Eastern Europe (and attempts in South America and the |
+| Caribbean) |
+| * China in Tibet (and most lately in Southeast Asia---Campuchea, and |
+| Vietnam) |
+| Countries have tried to dominate each other . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lie.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lie.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3bc295573f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lie.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+| listend |
+Abbreviation: ã|\lieã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \listend markup finishes a series of items set off with numbers,
+letters, or bullets (raised dots). The \listend returns text to paragraph
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Reasons for this continued behavior include:
+\lil1 armaments (in the form of tanks, bombers, weapons
+and troop carriers, and personnel vehicles)
+\lil1 military forces (the troops and support personnel
+necessary to impose policy by force)
+The cultures of industrial nations are based on . . .
+| |
+| Reasons for this continued behavior include: |
+| 1. armaments (in the form of tanks, bombers, weapons and troop carriers, |
+| and personnel vehicles) |
+| 2. military forces (the troops and support personnel necessary to impose |
+| policy by force) |
+| The cultures of industrial nations are based on . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lif.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lif.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed5b99e21a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lif.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+| listformat |
+ \liststyle{1.,a.,i.,1),a),i),(1)}
+ \everylistlevel1{\rm\lin{36pt}\gutter{1em}}
+ \everylistlevel2{\rm\lin{58pt}\gutter{1em}}
+ \everylistlevel3{\rm\lin{79pt}\gutter{1em}}
+ \everylistlevel4{\rm\lin{101pt}\gutter{1em}}
+ \everylistlevel5{\rm\lin{122pt}\gutter{1em}}
+ \everylistlevel6{\rm\lin{144pt}\gutter{1em}}
+ \everylistlevel7{\rm\lin{166pt}\gutter{1em}}
+ \everybullet{\rm\lin{+36pt}\gutter{1em}}
+ \skipafter{0\bl}}
+Abbreviation: ã|\lifã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\skipbefore, \everylistleveln, \everybullet,
+\skipafter, \liststyleã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \listformat markup permits changes to the TEXT1 ordered list style, list
+indentation, or other formatting of an outline list.
+ã|\skipbeforeã% indicates how much space is to be skipped before printing a
+list. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips.
+ã|\liststyleã% sets the order of identifiers for the seven levels of a list.
+Up to seven list styles may be entered in the \liststyle markup, each
+separated by commas. The complete collection of possible list level styles
+ "1.", "a.", "A.", "i.", "I.", "1)", "a)", "A)", "i)", "I)",
+ "(1)", "(a)", "(A)", "(i)", "(I)", "1]", "a]", "A]", "i]", "I]",
+ "[1]", "[a]", "[A]", "[i]", "[I]"
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Note that every listlevel does not have to be changed or entered.
+ \liststyle{1.,a),(1)}}
+If your terminal does not have square brackets, you can use the \leftsquare-
+bracket and \rightsquarebracket markup within the \liststyle markup. For
+ \liststyle{\lsb1.\rsb, a.}
+ã|\everylistleveln{Nested Markup}ã% The "n" indicates the list level number,
+from 1 to 7. Each of the seven list levels has its own \everylistlevel
+markup. The default indentation increases for each level down. You may use
+Nested Markup such as font changes, \leftindent, \rightindent, and \gutter.
+ * \leftindent is the distance from the left margin to the start of the
+text of the item. The left indent is the shaded portion illustrated below:
+| |
+| a. The "computer on a chip" has made it possible to extend automation |
+| to the office place. |
+| |
+ * \gutter is the distance between the list level indicator and the text of
+the item. The gutter is the shaded portion illustrated below:
+| |
+| a. The "computer on a chip" has made it possible to extend automation |
+| to the office place. |
+| |
+ã|\everybullet{Nested Markup}ã% Bullets can be used by themselves in a list
+or after any level. If you wanted to change this default to have a right
+ragged bullet with 36-point left and right indents, you would specify:
+ \everybullet{\rightragged\lin{36pt}\rin{36pt}}
+ \skipafter{0pt}}
+ã|\skipafterã% indicates how much space is to be skipped after printing a list.
+This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Assuming you wanted the text to be right justified and double spaced in a 10
+point Computer Modern font and the list levels to be right ragged and single
+spaced in a 9 point Computer Modern font, the \listformat could be entered
+as illustrated on the next page.
+ \liststyle{1.,a.,i.,1),a),i),(1)}
+ \everylistlevel1{\rr\ninept\pin{.5in}\lin{24pt}}
+ \everylistlevel2{\rr\ninept\pin{.5in}\lin{.8in}}
+ \everylistlevel3{\rr\ninept\pin{.5in}\lin{1.1in}}
+ \everylistlevel4{\rr\ninept\pin{.5in}\lin{1.4in}}
+ \everylistlevel5{\rr\ninept\pin{.5in}\lin{1.7in}}
+ \everylistlevel6{\rr\ninept\pin{.5in}\lin{2.0in}}
+ \everylistlevel7{\rr\ninept\pin{.5in}\lin{2.3in}}
+ \skipafter{0pt}}
+. . . bridge specifications: |
+\lib\lil1 Falsework under all spans shall be completely
+released before forms are constructed and concrete is
+placed in rail bases and traffic and pedestrian barriers.
+\lil1 In order to determine the condition of column concrete,
+forms shall always be removed from columns before releasing
+supports from beneath beams and girders.
+| |
+| . . . bridge specifications: |
+| 1. Falsework under all spans shall be completely released before forms |
+| are constructed and concrete is placed in rail bases and traffic and |
+| pedestrian barriers. |
+| 2. In order to determine the condition of column concrete, forms shall |
+| always be removed from columns before releasing supports from beneath |
+| beams and girders. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lil.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lil.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..101297f484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lil.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+| listlevel |
+Abbreviation: ã|\lilnã%
+Parameters: ã|n, 1 to 7ã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+TEXT1 provides seven levels of list enumeration. The levels in a list are
+each designated with a \listlevel markup; each level is differentiated with
+a list level number n, 1 to 7. To specify an outline list, start with the
+\listbegin markup followed by \listlevel, and ending with a \listend. Each
+\listlevel will indent an absolute amount from the left margin. The default
+indentation for level 1 is 36 points ( 1/2 inch); level 2 is 58 points; and
+each level increases.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\lil1 Humans vs. rocks.
+\lil2 Rocks are food source for humans.
+\lil3 Igneous
+\lil3 Metamorphic
+\lil2 Humans are food source for rocks.
+\lil1 Rocks vs. humans.
+\nin Only more research can dig up facts for solving . . .
+| |
+| 1. Humans vs. rocks. |
+| a. Rocks are food source for humans. |
+| i. Igneous |
+| ii. Metamorphic |
+| b. Humans are food source for rocks. |
+| 2. Rocks vs. humans. |
+| Only more research can dig up facts for solving . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Each \listlevel must have a beginning \listbegin and an ending \listend.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lin.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lin.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df27e80960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lin.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+| leftindent |
+Abbreviation: ã|\linã%
+Parameters: ã|unit of measureã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \lin markup indents text from the left margin. The value may be
+relative, e.g., {+.5in}, which adds (or subtracts) the amount from the
+current left margin or current indent (if one is in effect). The default
+for left indent is zero. The indentation remains until another \leftindent
+overrides it. This markup causes a break in text.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+from Camus: The rock should be left at the bottom,
+because of the inevitability of entropic direction.
+What I have read doesn't make any sense. How can
+minerals influence human social behavior, any more
+than gravity? This theory is 'on the rocks.'
+\rightline{Clay Gneiss}
+| |
+| |
+| from Camus: The rock should be left at the bottom, because of the |
+| inevitability of entropic direction. |
+| What I have read doesn't make any sense. How can minerals |
+| influence human social behavior, any more than gravity? This |
+| theory is 'on the rocks.' |
+| Clay Gneiss |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+You can also use grouping to limit the effects of the \leftindent. If you
+do, be sure that the last paragraph to be indented is followed by a \par.
+The above illustration could also have been accomplished with grouping as
+illustrated on the next page.
+from Camus: The rock should be left at the bottom,
+because of the inevitability of entropic direction.
+What I have read doesn't make any sense. How can
+minerals influence human social behavior, any more
+than gravity? This theory is 'on the rocks.'
+\rightline{Clay Gneiss}
+| |
+| from Camus: The rock should be left at the bottom, because of the |
+| inevitability of entropic direction. |
+| |
+| What I have read doesn't make any sense. How can minerals |
+| influence human social behavior, any more than gravity? This |
+| theory is 'on the rocks.' |
+| Clay Gneiss |
+| |
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/line.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/line.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e10d568d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/line.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+| line |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \line markup is used most often in the \runningheadformat and \running-
+footformat running title markup.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted to left justify "Chapter 1" and right justify "page 2" (where
+"2" is actually the page number, \pagenumber), enter:
+ \line{\lft{Chapter 1}\rt{page \pagenumber}}}}
+| |
+| Chapter 1 page 1 |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+A construct such as,
+ \line{\lft{page \pn}\ctr{\today}
+ \rt{PNW Waterfalls}}}}
+will not print the date centered on the page:
+| |
+| page 2 January 13, 1987 PNW Waterfalls |
+| |
+To accomplish this, you should print the left and right justified text with
+\line, then space backwards one line (\verticalspace{-\bl}), then center the
+\rhf{\bothpages{\line{\lft{page \pn}
+ \rt{PNW Waterfalls}}}
+ \vs{-\bl}
+ \line{\ctr{\today}}
+| |
+| page 3 January 13, 1987 PNW Waterfalls |
+| |
+ Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lint.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lint.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1394439251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lint.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+| lineinterval |
+Abbreviation: ã|\lintã%
+Parameters: ã|intervalã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+When \printingnumbers{yes} and \countinglines{yes} have both been specified,
+this markup is used to specify when a line number is to be printed for line
+numbering in the margin of a document. It need only be specified once at
+the top of a document. The default is every fifth line counted will be
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted every tenth line counted to be numbered, you would specify:
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Line numbering is only available on the phototypesetter. This markup is
+ignored for all other printers.
+ You may specify an interval from 0-255. Practically speaking, you
+should specify an interval from 1-150.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lir.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lir.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a872714bb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lir.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+| listresume |
+Abbreviation: ã|\lirã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+\listresume is used to end a lower listlevel and return to the next higher
+listlevel without starting a new point.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\lil1 All fixed time controllers shall be equipped with
+indicating switches and wiring to provide local control
+of the following functions:
+\lil2 Transfer from automatic to manual operation,
+\lil2 Transfer from normal operation to flashing,
+Combined master and intersection controllers shall have
+indicating switches for functions (b) and (c), above,
+for interconnected system.
+Combined master and intersection controllers shall also
+have provisions for time switch control.
+\lil1 All fixed-time controllers shall be . . .
+| |
+| 1. All fixed time controllers shall be equipped with indicating switches |
+| and wiring to provide local control of the following functions: |
+| a. Transfer from automatic to manual operation, |
+| b. Transfer from normal operation to flashing, |
+| Combined master and intersection controllers shall have indicating |
+| switches for functions (b) and (c), above, for interconnected system. |
+| Combined master and intersection controllers shall also have |
+| provisions for time switch control. |
+| 2. All fixed-time controllers shall be . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lists.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lists.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c6016c1d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lists.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|LISTSã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lnf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lnf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26007a09dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lnf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+| linenumberfont |
+Abbreviation: ã|\lnfã%
+Parameters: ã|fontã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+When \printingnumbers{yes} and \countinglines{yes} have both been specified,
+this markup is used to specify what font the line number is to be printed in
+the margin of a document. It need only be specified once at the top of a
+document. The default is font "etsc 8", which is English Times Small Caps
+at 8 point.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted to use Plantin Roman, you would specify:
+\linenumberfont{plr 10}
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Line numbering is only available on the phototypesetter. This markup is
+ignored for all other printers.
+ See the Font Catalog to determine what fonts to use.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lr.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lr.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bab03a2243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lr.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+| leftragged |
+Abbreviation: ã|\lrã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \leftragged markup leaves the left margin uneven after formatting. This
+markup is used only with unusual text, for instance, introductory quotes for
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The comparison may seem facile, but from deliberate
+oversimplification comes complex obfuscation and general
+Behavioral research will lead in this direction, as the
+general theory of Sociogeology predicts the features of
+social organization from knowledge of population
+parameters and behavioral constraints imposed by
+the mineral constitution of the species.
+Humans exhibit metamorphic behavior over time or at high
+temperatures, fever, for instance.
+Metamorphic crystallization involves low temperatures;
+| |
+| Thecomparison mayseemfacile, butfrom deliberateoversimplificationcomes |
+| complex obfuscationandgeneral theoretification.Behavioral researchwilllead |
+| inthis direction,asthe generaltheoryof Sociogeologypredicts thefeaturesof |
+| social organizationfromknowledge ofpopulation parametersandbehavioral |
+| constraints imposedbythe mineralconstitution ofthespecies. |
+| Humansexhibit metamorphicbehaviorover timeor athightemperatures, |
+| fever,forinstance. Metamorphiccrystallization involveslowtemperatures; |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Use \justify to turn the justification back on again.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/markup.helpmenu b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/markup.helpmenu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29c37a2849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/markup.helpmenu
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+| Summary of TEXT1 Markup |
+ Help may be selected for the following markup by placing the cursor
+under any of the first eight characters of the desired markup abbreviation
+followed bypressing the PF1 key.
+Abbreviation Markup Name Function
+app \appendix{} designate appendix
+apf \appendixformat{} modify appendix style
+aib \asisbegin start 'as is' text
+aie \asisend end 'as is' text
+aif \asisformat{} modify 'as is' style
+aen \autoendnote{} save endnote
+afn \autofootnote{} add footnote
+bie \bibentry start entry
+bib \bibliography{} designate bibliography
+bif \bibliographyformat{} modify bibliography style
+bqb \blockquotebegin start block quote
+bqe \blockquoteend end block quote
+bqf \blockquoteformat{} modify block quote style
+bd \bold call bold font
+bi \bolditalic call bolditalic font
+break \break force line and page breaks
+bul \bullet start bullet
+cc \caps call caps/small caps font
+cl \centerline{} center one line
+clb \centerlinesbegin begin centering, 'as is'
+cle \centerlinesend end centering
+cents \cents cent sign
+chap \chapter{} designate chapter
+chf \chapterformat{} modify chapter style
+coul \countinglines{} start counting lines
+dsp \doublespace start alternate blank lines
+db \drawbox{} draw a box around text
+dbrs \drawboxrulesize{} thickness of a box's rule
+dbm \drawboxmat{} white space around a box
+die \dumpinsertseject dump and print inserts
+el \ellipsis{} 3 or 4 dot ellipsis
+ep \emptypage print an empty page
+enf \endnoteformat{} modify endnote style
+epm \evenpagemargin used in line numbering
+ex \extension call the extension font
+fig \figure{}{} create a figure
+fif \figureformat{} modify figures
+fixf \fixedformat multiple column format style
+font \font font definition
+footnote \footnote{}{} add footnote
+fnf \footnoteformat{} modify footnote style
+frac \fraction print a fraction
+frenchspacing \frenchspacing spacing for bibliographies
+goodbreak \goodbreak indicate likely page break
+halign \halign table building
+hin \hangingindent set hanging paragraph indent
+hp \hangingparagraph start hanging paragraph
+hbox \hbox TEX horizontal box
+hs \horizontalspace{} add horizontal space
+hrule \hrule draw a horizontal rule
+hsize \hsize set the galleywidth
+hof \hyphenoff turn off hyphenation
+hon \hyphenon turn on hyphenation
+incl \include add an external graphic
+indent \indent add horizontal space
+ix \index add item to index
+ixf \indexformat specify the index format
+input \input input another file
+isk \interlineskip{} set interline skip
+it \italic specify italic font
+item \item unordered lists
+ju \justify align margins
+la \label start a label
+laf \labelformat modify label style
+leader \leader dot leadering
+lin \leftindent{} indent left margin
+lr \leftragged unaligned left margin
+line \line left justify a line
+lbr \linebreak cause unfilled line break
+lint \lineinterval line numbering
+lnf \linenumberfont line numbering
+lib \listbegin start list
+lie \listend end list
+lif \listformat{} modify list style
+lil \listlevel{} start new list level (1-7)
+lir \listresume resume at previous list level
+mn \marginnote print a note in the margin
+mnf \marginnoteformat modify margin note style
+mathdefault \mathdefault establish math fonts
+mi \mathitalic call math italic font
+msp \monospace typewriter printer setup
+mcf \multicolumnformat modify multiple column defaults
+nc \newcolumn start a new column
+np \newpage start a new page
+nobreak \nobreak discourage page break
+nin \noindent suppress paragraph indent
+nonfrenchspacing \nonfrenchspacing turn off french spacing
+ntp \notitlepage suppress title page
+numl \numberinglines line numbering
+opm \oddpagemargin line numbering
+oc \onecolumn one column formatting
+pf \pageformat page size and margins
+pn \pagenumber print page number
+par \paragraph end paragraph
+pb \paragraphbox box a paragraph
+pin \paragraphindent{} set paragraph indentation
+printind \printindex print the document index
+psk \paragraphskip{} set space between paragraphs
+part \part{} designate major heading
+paf \partformat{} modify part style
+plaintexmathon \plaintexmathon use PLAIN.TEX's $
+ppl \poplevel line numbering
+pre \preface{} designate preliminary pages
+prf \prefaceformat{} modify preface style
+pen \printendnotes print accumulated endnotes
+prin \printingnumbers{} line numbering
+pic \putincontents1{} add to the table of contents
+quad \quad add an 'em' of space
+qquad \qquad add two 'em's of space
+raggedbottom \raggedbottom don't align page bottoms
+rin \rightindent{} indent right margin
+rl \rightline{} right justify line
+rlb \rightlinesbegin begin right alignment, 'as is'
+rle \rightlinesend end right alignment, 'as is'
+rr \rightragged unaligned right margin
+rm \roman specify roman font
+rule \rule create horizontal line
+rff \runningfootformat{} specify running foot format
+rhf \runningheadformat{} specify running head format
+sau \sameauthor previous author, bibliography
+sfs \selectfontset{}{}{} specify font set
+sms \selectmathset{}{} specify math set
+ssf \selectspecificfont{}{}{} specify specific font
+san \setappendixnumber{} reset appendix number
+scn \setchapternumber{} reset chapter number
+senn \setendnotenumber{} reset endnote number
+sfn \setfigurenumber{} reset figure number
+sffn \setfootnotenumber{} reset footnote number
+spn \setpagenumber{} reset page number
+sptn \setpartnumber{} reset part number
+ssan \setsubheadanumber{} reset subheada number
+ssbn \setsubheadbnumber{} reset subheadb number
+sscn \setsubheadcnumber{} reset subheadc number
+ssdn \setsubheaddnumber{} reset subheadd number
+stn \settablenumber{} reset table number
+settabs \settabs tables
+ssp \singlespace start single spacing
+strut \strut tables
+sha \subheada{} designate first subheading
+shaf \subheadaformat{} modify first subheading style
+shb \subheadb{} designate second subheading
+shbf \subheadbformat{} modify second subheading style
+shc \subheadc{} designate third subheading
+shcf \subheadcformat{} modify third subheading style
+shd \subheadd{} designate fourth subheading
+shdf \subheaddformat{} modify fourth subheading style
+sy \symbol call the symbol font
+taf \tableformat{} modify table title style
+toc \tableofcontents{} print table of contents
+tocf \tableofcontentsformat{} modify table of contents style
+tat \tabletitle{} print a table title
+tenpt \tenpt call 10pt font set
+text1 \text1 print "TEXT1"
+thc \threecolumns print text in 3 columns
+tp \titlepage designate title page
+tpf \titlepageformat{} modify title page style
+toclbr \toclinebreak cause a line break in the contents
+today \today print current date
+twelvept \twelvept call 12pt font set
+twc \twocolumns print text in 2 columns
+tt \typewriter call typewriter font
+us \underscore{} underline word(s)
+vbox \vbox TEX vertical box
+vs \verticalspace{} leave vertical space
+vsk \verticalspacekeep{} leave vertical space
+vrule \vrule draw a vertical rule
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/marnote.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/marnote.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13e28e3ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/marnote.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|MARNOTEã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mathdefa.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mathdefa.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9fe869f6a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mathdefa.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+| mathdefault |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+By default, TEXT1 establishes a 9 point font for math mode superscripts,
+and a 7 point font for math mode supersuperscripts. This is the value of
+\mathdefault. You can establish other math mode font combinations than 9/7
+by using the \selectmathset markup.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+You can establish a larger math set called \bigmath which can be used for
+display math and you can switch back to \mathdefault for the text math.
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mcf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mcf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f24f22ac48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mcf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+| multicolumnformat |
+ \twocolumnwidth{.48\galleywidth}
+ \threecolumnwidth{.31\galleywidth}
+ \twocolumngutter{.04\galleywidth}
+ \threecolumngutter{.035\galleywidth}
+ \columnrulewidth{0.0pt}
+ \skipbefore{6pt plus3pt minus2pt}
+ \skipafter{6pt plus3pt minus2pt}
+ }
+Abbreviation: ã|\mcfã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\twocolumnwidth, \threecolumnwidth,
+\twocolumngutter, \threecolumngutter, \columnrulewidth,
+\skipbefore, \skipafterã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The column and gutter widths can be changed by modifying the
+\multicolumnformat markup. Column widths are specified in a percentage
+of the \galleywidth, the width of the text area on the page as specified
+in the \pageformat markup. If the default "flexibleformat" is being used
+a skip before and a skip after the multiple column format may also be
+specified. These skips are ignored if you are using \fixedformat.
+ã|\twocolumnwidthã% is the width of each column when you specify \twocolumns.
+Each column will be exactly the same width. This width is the shaded area
+illustrated below:
+| |
+| Greek man- from the fourth |
+| uscripts of the to the ninth |
+| Bible fall into centuries, be- |
+| 3 groups (1) Pa- ginning with the |
+| pyri, covering Codex Vaticanus |
+| the period from and the Codex |
+| the third cen- Sinaiticus; (3) |
+| tury b.c. to Vellum minis- |
+| the fourth cen- cules, from the |
+| tury a.d. (2) ninth century |
+| Vellum uncials-- to the inven- |
+| -a form of ma- tion of print- |
+| juscule (large ing, there are |
+| letter)--- well over 4,000 |
+| of various dates manuscripts. |
+| |
+ã|\threecolumnwidthã% is the width of each column when you specify
+\threecolumns. Each column will be exactly the same width. This
+width is the shaded area illustrated below:
+| |
+| Greek manu- (2) Vellum icanus and |
+| scripts of uncials- the Codex |
+| the Bible --a form Sinaiticus; |
+| fall into of majus- (3) Vel- |
+| 3 groups: cule (large lum minis- |
+| (1) Papyri, letter)-- cules, from |
+| covering -of various the ninth |
+| the period dates from century to |
+| from the the fourth the inven- |
+| third cen- to the tion |
+| tury b.c. ninth cen- of print- |
+| to the turies, be- ing, there |
+| fourth cen- ginning are over |
+| tury a.d. with the 4,000 manu- |
+| Codex Vat- scripts. |
+| |
+ã|\twocolumngutterã% is the distance between each column when you specify
+\twocolumns. The gutter is the shaded area illustrated below:
+| |
+| Greek man- from the fourth |
+| uscripts of the to the ninth |
+| Bible fall into centuries, be- |
+| 3 groups (1) Pa- ginning with the |
+| pyri, covering Codex Vaticanus |
+| the period from and the Codex |
+| the third cen- Sinaiticus; (3) |
+| tury b.c. to Vellum minis- |
+| the fourth cen- cules, from the |
+| tury a.d. (2) ninth century |
+| Vellum uncials-- to the inven- |
+| -a form of ma- tion of print- |
+| juscule (large ing, there are |
+| letter)--- well over 4,000 |
+| of various dates manuscripts. |
+| |
+ã|\threecolumngutterã% is the distance between each column when you specify
+\threecolumns. Each gutter will be exactly the same width. The gutter is
+the shaded area illustrated on the next page:
+| |
+| Greek manu- (2) Vellum icanus and |
+| scripts of uncials- the Codex |
+| the Bible --a form Sinaiticus; |
+| fall into of majus- (3) Vel- |
+| 3 groups: cule (large lum minis- |
+| (1) Papyri, letter)-- cules, from |
+| covering -of various the ninth |
+| the period dates from century to |
+| from the the fourth the inven- |
+| third cen- to the tion |
+| tury b.c. ninth cen- of print- |
+| to the turies, be- ing, there |
+| fourth cen- ginning are over |
+| tury a.d. with the 4,000 manu- |
+| Codex Vat- scripts. |
+| |
+ã|\columnrulewidthã% when set to a non zero value will print a rule between
+each column.
+ã|\skipbeforeã% is the distance between the one column text and the multiple
+column text when you are using the flexible method of setting multiple
+columns. The skip is ignored if you are using \fixedformat.
+ã|\skipafterã% is the distance between the multiple column text and the one
+column text when you are using the flexible method of setting multiple
+columns. The skip is ignored if you are using \fixedformat.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+You can also specify the column widths in units of measure, instead of a
+percentage of the \galleywidth.
+ \multicolumnformat{
+ \twocolumnwidth{10pc}
+ \twocolumngutter{3pc}
+ \columnrulewidth{.25pt}
+ \skipbefore{6pt plus3pt minus2pt}
+ \skipafter{6pt plus3pt minus2pt}}
+ \twocolumns
+ Greek manuscripts of the Bible fall into 3 groups
+ (1) {\it Papyri}, covering the period from the third century
+ {\caps b.c} to the fourth century {\caps a.d}.
+ (2) {\it Vellum uncials}---a form of majuscule (large
+ letter)---of various dates from the fourth to the ninth
+ centuries, beginning with the {\it Codex Vaticanus} and
+ the {\it Codex Sinaiticus};
+ (3) {\it Vellum miniscules}, from the ninth century to
+ the invention of printing, there are well over
+ 4,000 manuscripts.
+ \onecolumn
+| |
+| Greek manu- . from the fourth |
+| scripts of the . to the ninth |
+| Bible fall into . centuries, be- |
+| 3 groups (1) Pa- . ginning with the |
+| pyri, covering . Codex Vaticanus |
+| the period from . and the Codex |
+| the third cen- . Sinaiticus; (3) |
+| tury b.c. to . Vellum minis- |
+| the fourth cen- . cules, from the |
+| tury a.d. (2) . ninth century |
+| Vellum uncials-- . to the inven- |
+| -a form of ma- . tion of print- |
+| juscule (large . ing, there are |
+| letter)--- . well over 4,000 |
+| of various dates . manuscripts. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The rule between the columns will not print as long as the column rule width
+is zero.
+ The skip before and skip after are ignored in the optional fixed column
+method. The fixed column format (\fixedformat) always fills the remainder
+of the current page with white space and changes to the new format on the
+following page. Columns may not be balanced in \fixedformat.
+ The \newcolumn markup while in the flexible format estimates the
+remaining space on the page at the time it is entered. If a footnote
+or other insert is placed on the same page after the newcolumn markup the
+length of the blank column cannot be estimated properly. In this case,
+TEXT1 will issue a warning,
+overfull \vbox 12pt while \output active
+You can compensate for the footnote or insert by subtracting twice the
+amount of the overfull box in two columns or three times this amount in
+triple columns immediately before the newcolumn markup. For example, if the
+box is overfull by 12 points and you are in two columns, enter,
+\advance\vsize by-24pt
+or in three columns before a \newcolumn enter,
+\advance\vsize by-36pt
+This reduces the height of the current page enough to allow space for the
+insert. The height of each column must be reduced by the amount of the
+overfull box warning, or twice the amount for two columns and three times
+the amount for three columns. See The TEXbook for more on \advance.
+ If the newcolumn markup appears on the final page of the document it
+may cause the balance columns routine to fail because one column is the
+full height of the page. Do not change to \fixedformat after entering
+ Certain line breaking penalties have been altered in the multiple column
+formats. These penalties, in combination or separately, may cause a short
+column if there are not a sufficient number of places specified to add extra
+space, "glue."
+ Single Column Penalties
+\brokenpenalty=100 \clubpenalty=150
+\exhyphenpenalty=50 \hyphenpenalty=50
+\widowpenalty=150 \hbadness=1000
+ Two Columns Penalties
+\brokenpenalty=0 \clubpenalty=0
+\exhyphenpenalty=0 \hyphenpenalty=0
+\widowpenalty=0 \hbadness=6400
+ Three Columns Penalties
+\brokenpenalty=0 \clubpenalty=0
+\exhyphenpenalty=0 \hyphenpenalty=0
+\widowpenalty=0 \hbadness=9600
+The penalties may be reinstated in the multiple column formats by entering
+each markup with a new value in the text stream immediately after the first
+call for the double or triple column markup. Refer to The TEXbook for a
+discussion of the above penalties.
+ When formatting multiple column text and other large formatting tasks,
+the user may run into trouble by calling for so many format changes that
+the available memory space is overrun. If this happens reduce the number
+of markup used on the page that fails to format. The numbers enclosed in
+angle brackets < 1 > < 2 > < 3 > show how many pages have been completed and
+are printed on the terminal screen as each page is completed. If the macro
+memory was exceeded when < 3 > was the last number in the sequence you would
+know that the memory was exceeded while formatting page four. Your file
+will not print with this error condition.
+ To find the point in your document that exceeded the memory use the
+markup \bye at different places in your file. This markup stops text
+processing. At the point \bye doesn't prevent the error condition you know
+that you have passed page 4 where the error occurred. You may then examine
+the markup before the \bye for possible elimination or find other markup
+that will format properly without overrunning the memory. See The TEXbook
+for more on \bye.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/memo.helpmode b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/memo.helpmode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6362b8139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/memo.helpmode
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Models |
+Theã|MEMOã%model is a general memo model. It is a template. You may modify it,
+but it is recommended you check with the Information Center first.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mi.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mi.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e38e59993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mi.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+| mathitalic |
+Abbreviation: ã|\miã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \mathitalic markup is a font change much the same as \roman or
+\italic. The behavior of the math italic font is quite different from the
+italic. For example, the sequence "This lengthy succession" will print
+as "This lengthy succession" with \italic and "This lengthy succession with
+\mathitalic. This markup is usually used in math mode.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Control sequences with {\it several
+arguments} require even more {\mi precautions
+than control sequences with one argument.}
+| |
+| Control sequences with several arguments require even more precautions |
+| than control sequences with one argument. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+\mathitalic does not honor interword spacing (the space between words) in a
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mn.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mn.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..238c713a5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mn.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+| marginnote |
+Abbreviation: ã|\mnã%
+Parameters: ã|note textã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+Margin notes can be added to either the left or right side of a page with
+the \marginnote markup. As the name indicates, margin notes are outside the
+defined margin. They are produced, by default, right ragged in a 10 point
+Computer Modern font in the left margin with a width of 60 points and a
+gutter of 12 points.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+. . . a General Systems Theory of geological change. |
+No theory, however, has unified diverse sciences of . . .
+| |
+| . . . a General Systems Theory of geological change. No theory, |
+| however, has unified diverse sciences of . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Avoid using \marginnote with \monospace.
+ Refer to the description of the \marginnoteformat markup to find out how
+to change the \marginnote defaults.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mnf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mnf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6bc4061c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mnf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+| marginnoteformat |
+ \notewidth{54pt}}
+ \notegutter{6pt}
+ \everymarginnote{\tenpt\rr}}
+Abbreviation: ã|\mnfã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\position, \notewidth, \notegutter,
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The defaults for the \marginnote markup can be modified with
+ã|\positionã% by default places the margin note in the margin. You can have it
+placed in the right margin by specifying:
+ã|\notewidthã% is the width of the area in the margin used for printing the
+margin note.
+ã|\notegutterã% is the width of the area between the margin note and the left
+margin of the text.
+ã|\everymarginnote{Nested Markup}ã% can be vertical mode markup such as \right-
+ragged, \leftragged, \justify, and font changes.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Change the margin notes so they print in the right margin in a 7 point font
+with a margin note width of 46 points.
+ \notewidth{46pt}}
+ \notegutter{1em}
+ \everymarginnote{\sevenpt\rm} }
+This chapter explains the fundamental steps in preparing
+a file containing ordinary English text. Numerous
+exercises have been interspersed throughout the
+\marginnote{Well, there {\it will} be lots of exercises
+eventually.} text, to clarify certain points,
+or just to provide practice.
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/msp.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/msp.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..854d444579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/msp.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+| monospace |
+Abbreviation: ã|\mspã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+Typestyles may be monospaced, where all letters are the same width, or
+proportionally spaced, where letters are different widths. Typewriter
+printers have only monospaced typestyles; Composing printers have both
+styles available. The default typestyle for TEXT1 is Computer Modern, a
+proportionally spaced typestyle for composing printers. It is not available
+on typewriter printers.
+ The \monospace markup calls the monospaced font and adjusts many TEXT1
+block defaults to fit within the limitations of monospace. For example,
+the amount of space before and after a block quote is increased to whole
+baseline skips, instead of half (monospace only deals with whole lines).
+References for footnotes are placed on the baseline instead of superscripted
+(which is not available in monospace).
+ If you specify \italic and you are using \monospace, you will get
+underscores instead of italics, since most typewriter printers do not have
+ ã|Example:ã%
+As long as human institutions were large and brittle,
+war was an effective way of disassembling them.
+The intellectual rationalization for the continual
+preparation for war is the old Roman adage:
+{\it If you want peace, prepare for war.}
+| |
+| As long as human institutions were large and brittle, war was an |
+| effective way of disassembling them. The intellectual rationalization for |
+| the continual preparation for war is the old Roman adage: If you want |
+| peace, prepare for war. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Specify the \monospace markup only once. It should be the first markup in
+your file.
+ The markup the \monospace modifies, and their new defaults are as
+ * The font for the table of contents will print with \roman.
+ * \raggedbottom is "on" instead of \normalbottom.
+ * \paragraphskip is set to "0pt".
+ * \paragraphindent is set to "36pt".
+ * The \skipbefore and \skipafter for \asisformat is set to "1\bl" instead
+ of 6 points.
+ * The \skipbefore and \skipafter for \blockquoteformat is set to "1\bl"
+ instead of 6 points; the text is indented 36 points instead of 24
+ points; the text is printed in monospace roman instead of 10 point
+ Computer Modern roman.
+ * Figure titles are printed monospace bold instead of 10 point Computer
+ Modern bold.
+ * Table titles are printed in monospace bold instead of Computer Modern
+ 12 point bold.
+ * Endnotes are printed with no extra space, except paragraph skip,
+ between notes instead of 4 points as is the non \monospace default; The
+ note is printed in monospace roman instead of Computer Modern 10 point;
+ The text of the note is not indented, instead of the default 1.2em
+ indentation.
+ * Autofootnotes are printed down instead of superscripted; Their style is
+ "(1)" instead of "1" in monospace roman instead of Computer Modern 10
+ point; At the bottom of the page the note carries a paragraph indent of
+ 20 points instead of .5in.
+ * Heading markup, such as \part, \chapter, \subheada, etc. are printed
+ in monospace instead of Computer Modern 12 point.
+ * The running head is defined to use monospace instead of Computer Modern
+ 12 point.
+If you want to change any of the defaults for the above mentioned markup,
+they must come after the \monospace markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/multicol.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/multicol.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88473bcd09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/multicol.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|MULTICOLã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
+\multicolumnformat for 2 or 3 columns.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nc.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nc.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c8463b8ade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nc.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+| newcolumn |
+Abbreviation: ã|\ncã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+When using \twocolumns or \threecolumns, there may be times when an author
+wants to force TEXT1 to break a column at a point other than at the bottom
+of a page. This can be done by entering the \newcolumn markup. Any
+column in the double or triple column formats can be broken by inserting the
+\newcolumn (\nc) markup.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This was accomplished by entering the \newcolumn markup between the desired
+list entries while in \twocolumns
+Ehrlich, P. et al. 1984. {\it Cold and the Dark}.
+New York: W.~Norton.
+Osborn, E. 1962. (personal message).
+Roszak, T. 1972. {\it Where the Wasteland Ends}.
+New York: Harper & Row.
+| |
+| Ehrlich, P. et Roszak, T. 1972. |
+| al. 1984. Where |
+| Cold and the the Wasteland |
+| Dark. New Ends. New |
+| York: York: Harper |
+| W. Norton. & Row. |
+| Osborn, E. 1962. |
+| (personal |
+| message). |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+This markup has the same effect as \newpage if you are in a printing in one
+column instead of multiple columns.
+ If you are in multiple columns and you want to go to the next page, use
+\newpage instead of \newcolumn.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nin.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nin.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52e0ac3f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nin.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+| noindent |
+Abbreviation: ã|\ninã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+Paragraph indentation can be suspended for the following paragraph by
+placing a \noindent markup at the beginning of the first line. A paragraph
+following a block quote or following a title is often not indented.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\lil1 the economic advantages of large-scale operations
+(as shown in industrial applications)
+\listlevel2 armaments (in the form of tanks, bombers,
+weapons and troop carriers, and personnel vehicles)
+\listlevel2 military forces (the troops and support
+personnel necessary to impose policy by force)
+The cultures of industrial nations are based on
+accumulations of materials.
+Questions about defining . . .
+| |
+| 1. the economic advantages of large-scale operations (as shown in |
+| industrial applications) |
+| a. armaments (in the form of tanks, bombers, weapons and troop |
+| carriers, and personnel vehicles) |
+| b. military forces (the troops and support personnel necessary to |
+| impose policy by force) |
+| The cultures of industrial nations are based on accumulations of |
+| materials. |
+| Questions about defining . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nobreak.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nobreak.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..078a6418fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nobreak.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+| nobreak |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+You can discourage TEXT1 from breaking a page at a certain point by using
+\nobreak. It should be preceded either by a \verticalspace or a \paragraph.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example tells TEXT1 to keep the title "Leached Samples" on the same
+page as "Table 6 gives . . . ".
+\cl{\bd Leached Samples}
+Table 6 gives the compositions of the leached
+samples as reported by x-ray fluorescence analysis
+(XRF). Using silica content as an internal standard,
+the relative amounts of each element removed can be
+calculated. These too are shown in Table 6.
+| |
+| Leached Sample |
+| |
+| Table 6 gives the compositions of the leached samples as reported by |
+| x-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF). Using silica content as an internal |
+| standard, the relative amounts of each element removed can be calculated. |
+| These too are shown in Table 6. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nonfrenc.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nonfrenc.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73157c7f9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nonfrenc.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+| nonfrenchspacing |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+By default, TEXT1 will double space after punctuation, unless the letter
+prior to the punctuation is a capital letter. To make all interword spacing
+the same, regardless of punctuation, you can enter the \frenchspacing
+markup. This will turn off the extra spacing following punctuation for the
+rest of a document or until TEXT1 sees a \nonfrenchspacing markup.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you had specified \nonfrenchspacing to turn off french spacing,
+Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. {\it Mechanical Processes
+in the Human Geomechanism}. Winston: Geomedical
+Publications, International.
+it might print as:
+| |
+| Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human Geomechanism. |
+| Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
+| |
+Compare this to the same bibliography entry printed with \frenchspacing:
+| |
+| Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human Geomechanism. |
+| Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/np.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/np.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee4040fd74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/np.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+| newpage |
+Abbreviation: ã|\npã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \newpage markup stops formatting the current page, leaving the remainder
+blank (footnotes or bottom titles will print as expected), and starts a new
+page with the text following the markup.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The following example would print "Bibliography" at the top of the next
+The rock should be left at the bottom, because of
+the inevitability of entropic direction.
+\centerline{\bd Bibliography}
+Grabens, G. 1970. {\it Mechanical Processes in
+the Human Geomechanism}. Winston: Geomedical
+Publications International.
+Illite, I. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's
+Stone." {\it Mining Truth}. 11:455--601.
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+If you are in \twocolumns and you specify \newpage while in the first
+column, the second column will be left blank. If you are in \threecolumns
+and you specify \newpage while in the first column, the second and third
+columns will be left blank.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ntp.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ntp.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a6c62959f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ntp.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+| notitlepage |
+Abbreviation: ã|\ntpã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+By default, you always get a title page as the first page of your document.
+If you want running titles on the first page, put the \notitlepage markup at
+the top of the source. Then the first line of the \runningheadformat will
+be the first line to appear at the top of the first and subsequent pages.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+J.R. Bays
+P.O. Box 2021 CS
+Pullman, WA 99163
+\centerline{\bd Nuclear Utopia}
+Nuclear war is unthinkable.
+Limited disarmament is unworkable.
+Environmental degradation is unconscionable.
+| |
+| January 13, 1987 |
+| |
+| J.R. Bays |
+| P.O. Box 2021 CS |
+| Pullman, WA 99163 |
+| |
+| |
+| Nuclear Utopia |
+| |
+| |
+| Nuclear war is unthinkable. Limited disarmament is unworkable. |
+| Environmental degradation is unconscionable. |
+| |
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/numl.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/numl.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a71e31704a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/numl.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+| numberinglines |
+Abbreviation: ã|\numlã%
+Parameters: ã|statusã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+This markup is used to start numbering lines for line numbering in the
+margin of a document. Status is true or false.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To start line numbering you enter
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Line numbering is only available on the phototypesetter. This markup is
+ignored for all other printers.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/oc.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/oc.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b3e8cdf0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/oc.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+| onecolumn |
+Abbreviation: ã|\ocã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+If you have specified \twocolumns or \threecolumns, single column text can
+be formatted again by entering the \onecolumn markup. For example, if an
+author wants to change from a single column to two columns he enters the
+\twocolumns markup where the two column text begins and \onecolumn or \oc
+markup where the single column text begins again.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The \twocolumns markup places the bullets in two columns. And \onecolumn
+returns text to a single column.
+\bul {\it Russia} in Eastern Europe (and in
+South America and the Caribbean)
+\bul {\it China} in Tibet (and most lately in Southeast
+Asia---Campuchea, and Vietnam)
+Countries have tried to dominate each other
+economically and militarily for thousands of years.
+Reasons for this continued behavior include . . .
+| |
+| * Russia in * China in Ti- |
+| Eastern Eu- bet (and |
+| rope (and in most lately |
+| South Amer- in South- |
+| ica and the east Asia--- |
+| Caribbean) Campuchea, |
+| and Vietnam) |
+| |
+| Countries have tried to dominate each other economically and militarily |
+| for thousands of years. Reasons for this continued behavior include |
+| . . . |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+\onecolumn has no effect if you are already in one column.
+ If you are in \fixedformat, \onecolumn will do a \newpage before
+starting one column formatting.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/opm.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/opm.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..657fa0e915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/opm.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+| oddpagemargin |
+Abbreviation: ã|\opmã%
+Parameters: ã|measurementã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+This markup is used to indicate where a document's line numbering is to be
+printed on odd numbered pages. The default is 407.7 points from the left
+edge of the paper on odd pages.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To indicate that you want line numbering to start at 1 inch from the left
+edge, you would enter at the beginning of your document:
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Line numbering is only available on the phototypesetter. This markup is
+ignored for all other printers.
+ Valid values for \oddpagemargin are 0 to 2 to the power of 32 points,
+practical values are 5 to 860 points.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/paf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/paf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..851a5e290e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/paf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+| partformat |
+ \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject\titlepage
+ \hrule height 0pt depth 0pt
+ \vfil
+ \centerline{\twelvept\bd
+ Part \partnumber}
+ \centerline{\twelvept\bd \parttitle}
+ \setchapternumber{0}
+ \setsubheadanumber{0}
+ \setsubheadbnumber{0}
+ \setsubheadcnumber{0}
+ \setsubheaddnumber{0}
+ \setfootnotenumber{0}
+ \setendnotenumber{0}
+ \setfigurenumber{0}
+ \settablenumber{0}
+ }
+ \incontents{yes}
+ }
+Abbreviation: ã|\pafã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontentsã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \partformat markup allows you to modify the defaults that control the
+appearance of the part title. Following are the submarkup descriptions.
+ã|numberingstyleã% allows you to change the style from Arabic numerals, the
+default (1), to capital letters (A) or roman numerals (I). If you wanted
+your parts in roman numerals, you would specify:
+ã|titleformatã% controls the appearance of the part title banner. You may
+use markup such as \newpage, \dumpinsertseject \verticalspace, and \center-
+line within \titleformat as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within
+or outside of \partformat:
+ ã|partnumber.ã% prints the most recent part number.
+ ã|parttitle.ã% prints the most recent part title.
+ ã|hrule height 0pt depth 0pt.ã% is used to create a half title page
+along with \vfil.
+ã|incontentsã% places the part title in contents (if one is printed).
+Printing can be suppressed by changing to "no."
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example does not create a half title page. Instead the part starts a
+new page, centers the title bold, and one line is skipped afterwards before
+printing the text of the part.
+ \cl{\bd \parttitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}
+ }}
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \partformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both are
+used. See The TEXbook for more on \vfil.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pagem.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pagem.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e08994304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pagem.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|PAGE-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
+\pageformat, page dimensions and margins for this \monospace job.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pagep.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pagep.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b17e6276d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pagep.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|PAGE-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
+\pageformat, page dimensions and margins for thisã|nonã%\monospace job.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/paper.helpmode b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/paper.helpmode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..51c7b221ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/paper.helpmode
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Models |
+Theã|PAPERã%model is a general paper model. It is a template. You may modify
+it, but it is recommended you check with the Information Center first.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/par.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/par.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a4a9c500f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/par.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+| paragraph |
+Abbreviation: ã|\parã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+A paragraph is a composition consisting of a group of sentences dealing with
+a single topic. A paragraph is commonly indicated by beginning on a new
+line and indenting the first line.
+ The TEXT1 program is paragraph-oriented, that is, it reads an entire
+paragraph before breaking it into lines. Because TEXT1 reads by paragraphs,
+the \paragraph markup comes at the end of a paragraph, instead of the
+beginning. Thus, to end a paragraph, enter the \paragraph markup (or a
+blank line) on the last line of text or on a line by itself, which makes it
+easier to spot paragraphs in the source.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This sample shows the relation of text to markup.
+I raised it in order to characterize the
+essence of Sociogeology. Will Durant recognized that
+civilization existed by consent of geology---subject
+to change without notice.
+The definition of Sociogeology is the study of the
+geological basis of all social behavior.
+It explains human behavior by empirical description
+of the attributes of mineral composition.
+It is most successful when it provides detailed
+description of particulate phenomena and first-order
+correlations with features of the physical
+One of its primary functions is to reformulate the
+shaky foundations of social sciences in a way that
+draws them into a modern synthesis with the hard
+This article is an outline of the codification of
+Sociogeology into a branch of evolutionary geology.
+The subject has an aggregate of self-sufficient . . .
+| |
+| I raised it in order to characterize the essence of Sociogeology. Will |
+| Durant recognized that civilization existed by consent of geology--- |
+| subject to change without notice. |
+| The definition of Sociogeology is the study of the geological basis of |
+| all social behavior. It explains human behavior by empirical description |
+| of the attributes of mineral composition. It is most successful when |
+| it provides detailed description of particulate phenomena and first-order |
+| correlations with features of the physical environment. |
+| |
+| One of its primary functions is to reformulate the shaky foundations of |
+| social sciences in a way that draws them into a modern synthesis with the |
+| hard sciences. |
+| This article is an outline of the codification of Sociogeology into |
+| a branch of evolutionary geology. The subject has an aggregate of |
+| self-sufficient . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+A blank line also ends a paragraph. For this reason, blank lines may be
+used in place of \paragraph markup.
+ Paragraphs are not permitted in math mode; they cause errors. Blank
+lines will also cause errors in math mode.
+ The distance between paragraphs is determined by the \par-
+agraphskip markup. The default value for \paragraphskip is
+"0 points plus 3 points minus 0 points". The "plus/minus" specification
+allows up to 3 additional points to be added between paragraphs to get the
+bottom of each page to line up properly is you are using \normalbottom.
+ The indent at the beginning of each paragraph is determined by the
+\paragraphindent markup. The default value for indentation is 24 points.
+ For a complete discussion of how paragraphs are read in and formatted,
+refer to The TEXbook.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/parm.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/parm.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4164a4a16a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/parm.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|PAR-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to modify
+\paragraphindent, \paragraphskip, \justify, or \hypenon.
+The defaults given are for \monospace jobs.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/parp.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/parp.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3d2f1de79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/parp.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|PAR-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to modify
+\paragraphindent, \paragraphskip, \justify, or \hypenon.
+The defaults given areã|notã%for \monospace jobs.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/part.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/part.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..771ae0c672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/part.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|PARTã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/part.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/part.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eee751234e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/part.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+| part |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|titleã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \part markup starts a new page, centers the title in 12 point Computer
+Modern bold, and enters the title in the table of contents. Furthermore,
+the \part markup places the part title in the center of a blank page (called
+a half-title page). Parts are numbered. Each heading markup can be used as
+often as necessary.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example would print the title "Human Sciences" on a half title page,
+then skip to a new page where it begins the paragraph "Humanity is still
+ . . ."
+in order.
+\part{Human Sciences}
+Humanity is still the measure of . . .
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+To change how a part looks, use the \partformat markup.
+ If you are using \monospace, the part title is printed in monospace bold
+instead of Computer Modern 12 point bold.
+ Each time you enter \part, the chapter number and subhead numbers are
+reset to zero.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pb.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pb.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..629dae4e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pb.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+| paragraphbox |
+Abbreviation: ã|\pbã%
+Parameters: ã|textã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+Whole paragraphs can be put into a \drawbox if you use \vbox with the
+\drawbox. The resulting box will extend into the left and right margins by
+the sum of the \drawboxmat and \drawboxrulesize. If you use \paragraphbox{
+| . . } instead of \drawbox{\vbox{ . . . }}, the paragraph size is reduced |
+such that the box will fit within the current margins.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This illustrates the difference between a paragraph boxed with \paragraphbox
+and \drawbox.
+ \paragraphbox{{\it The Journal of Nonrepeating
+ Results} is published by the Center for Unpleasant
+ Phenomena, at Palouse, Washington. The copyrights for
+ articles are assigned to and held by the authors.}
+ \drawbox{\vbox{The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena
+ is the research arm of Giga Geologicals, Inc. No apologies
+ are tendered for the nonverifiability of experiments.
+ The opinions of the authors do not reflect company policy.}}
+| |.
+| ........................................................................... |.
+| . The Journal of Nonrepeating Results is published by the Center |.
+| . for Unpleasant Phenomena, at Palouse, Washington. The copyrights for |.
+| . articles are assigned to and held by the authors. |.
+| ........................................................................... |.
+| . The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena is the research arm of Gig |.
+| . Geologicals, Inc. No apologies are tendered for the nonverifiability o |.
+| . experiments. The opinions of the authors do not reflect company policy. |.
+| ........................................................................... |.
+| |.
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Do not use this markup if you are using \monospace.
+ Do not use \paragraphbox around more than one page of formatted
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pen.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pen.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c2523f3cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pen.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+| printendnotes |
+Abbreviation: ã|\penã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+To print the endnotes accumulated with the \autoendnote markup, use the
+\printendnotes markup.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To start a new page, center a title (such as "Notes"), and dump the
+endnotes, enter:
+There is a well-marked division of
+labor.\autoendnote{Such as it is. Things could be
+different in the geological world, but they are not.}
+Details of organization have evolved by an
+optimization process. . . .
+\cl{\bd Notes}
+| |
+| Notes |
+| |
+| 1. Such as it is. Things could be different in the geological world, but |
+| they are not. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \printendnotes markup does not print the title "Note". It may be used
+more than once in a paper; for example, you may want to print all endnotes
+within a chapter at the end of the chapter rather than at the end of the
+entire paper. The \printendnotes markup prints all endnotes accumulated up
+to that point.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a49a225f25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+| pageformat |
+ \pagewidth{8.5in}
+ \topmargin{1in}
+ \bottommargin{1in}
+ \leftmargin{1.2in}
+ \rightmargin{1in}
+ \bindingadjust{0pt}
+ }
+Abbreviation: ã|\pfã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\pagelength, \pagewidth, \topmargin,
+\bottommargin, \leftmargin, \rightmargin, \bindingadjust,
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \pageformat markup specifies the page size and margins. The dimensions
+and margins for the pages of a document are set with page formatting markup.
+These submarkup are valid only within the \pageformat markup. Its seven
+submarkup are described below.
+ã|pagelengthã% specifies the length of the page to be used. The default
+page length, 11 inches is maximum for most printers.
+ã|pagewidthã% specifies the width of the page to be used. The default
+page width, 8.5 inches, is maximum for most printers. The \pagewidth
+and \rightmargin submarkup may optionally be replaced with the \galleywidth
+ã|topmarginã% sets the distance from the top of the paper to the first line
+of text, excluding the top title(s). The default value is 1 inch.
+ã|bottommarginã% sets the distance from the bottom of the paper to the last
+line of the text, excluding the bottom title(s). The default value is 1
+ã|leftmarginã% sets the distance from the left edge of the page to the left
+edge of the text. The default value is 1.2 inches.
+ã|rightmarginã% sets the distance from the right edge of the page to the
+right edge of the text. The default value is 1 inch. The \pagewidth
+and \rightmargin submarkup may optionally be replaced with the \galleywidth
+ã|bindingadjustã% is used to offset left and right margins, which is useful
+for duplex printing (on both sides). The value given the \bindingadjust
+submarkup will increase the left margin on odd pages and decrease the left
+margin on even pages. The page text width is not shortened, only the
+margin. The default value is {0pt}.
+ã|galleywidthã% may be substituted for \pagewidth and \rightmargin to
+determine the width of the text. The \galleywidth has the same dimension
+as \hsize. You cannot use \galleywidth in the same fashion, however, as
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This custom source has 90 point (1 1/4inch) left and right margins.
+ \rightmargin{90pt}}
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This custom source sets up a 9 inch by 6 inch page size. The margins have
+been decreased accordingly. A binding adjust value has been added.
+ \topmargin{.5in}
+ \bottommargin{.5in}
+ \leftmargin{.6in}
+ \galleywidth{4.9in}
+ \bindingadjust{.2in}
+ }
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Do note include \pagewidth and \rightmargin in the \pageformat markup if you
+use the \galleywidth submarkup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pic.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pic.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c387a6fc35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pic.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+| putincontents |
+Abbreviation: ã|\picnã%
+Parameters: ã|text and markupã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+Major headings and the first two levels of subheadings are automatically
+placed in a table of contents (if one is called). Any heading, text, or
+markup can be put in the table of contents using the \putincontents markup
+(abbreviated \pic).
+ This markup has one parameter, but that parameter can be either markup
+to manipulate the table of contents itself or the text, usually a heading,
+to be put in the contents. Note that in the example the page number and dot
+leadering to separate it from the text were both included.
+ There are three levels of contents: the first (\pic1) puts text and/or
+markup into the primary table of contents; \pic2 puts text and/or markup
+into the list of figures; \pic3 puts text and/or markup into the list of
+ Refer to the example on the next page.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To create an Abstract that conforms to the Washington State University
+graduate school's thesis requirements and print the abstract title in the
+table of contents, enter:
+\rm by Ray Elmer Brown, Ph.D.
+Washington State University, 1979
+\nin Chairman: Lloyd B. Johnson
+The text of the abstract follows at this point . . .
+\pic2{LIST OF FIGURES\leader vi}
+\pic3{LIST OF TABLES\leader viii}
+(Note, single spacing will return to double spacing after the
+\centerlinesend markup, since it acts as a delimiter with
+The abstract would print as:
+| |
+| iv |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| by Ray Elmer Brown, Ph.D. |
+| Washington State University, 1979 |
+| |
+| Chairman: Lloyd B. Johnson |
+| |
+| The text of the abstract follows at this point . . . |
+| |
+The table of contents generated would contain:
+| |
+| ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS... . ... ... . ...... . ... ... . ...... . ... iii |
+| ABSTRACT. . . .... . . ...... . . .... . . ...... . . .... . . .....iv |
+| List of Figures ... . ... ... . ...... . ... ... . ...... . ... .vi |
+| List of Tables .... . .. .. .. . ...... . .. .. .. . ...... . .. . viii |
+| Introduction .. ... . ...... . ... ... . ...... . ... ... . ..... 1 |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Notice in the sample source file illustrated on the previous page that the
+List of Figure's and List of Table's page numbers were manually put into the
+\putincontents markup. This is the only way to have these placed into the
+table of contents.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pin.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pin.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb2aca4f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pin.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+| paragraphindent |
+Abbreviation: ã|\pinã%
+Parameters: ã|indentã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+Throughout an entire document, paragraphs have 24 points indentation on the
+first line of each paragraph. This value may be changed by modifying the
+default with \paragraphindent. All following paragraphs will then exhibit
+the new indent.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The first paragraph indent has been set to 14 points for comparison with the
+second paragraph which has a \paragraphindent of 24 points.
+{\it The Journal of Nonrepeating
+Results} is published by the Center for Unpleasant
+Phenomena, at Palouse, Washington. The copyrights for
+articles are assigned to and held by the authors.
+The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena is the research arm
+of Giga Geologicals, Inc.
+No apologies are tendered for the nonverifiability of
+experiments. The opinions of the authors do not reflect
+company policy.
+| |
+| The Journal of Nonrepeating Results is published by the Center for |
+| Unpleasant Phenomena, at Palouse, Washington. The copyrights for articles |
+| are assigned to and held by the authors. |
+| The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena is the research arm of Giga |
+| Geologicals, Inc. No apologies are tendered for the nonverifiability of |
+| experiments. The opinions of the authors do not reflect company policy. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+If you are using \monospace, it is best to define the indent in tenths of an
+inch or in em's.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/plaintex.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/plaintex.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9115410ad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/plaintex.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+| plaintexmathon |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+This markup can be used to make the dollar sign ($) the valid math mode
+indicator as is used in PLAIN TEX instead of the TEXT1 math mode indicator,
+the at sign (@).
+ ã|Example:ã%
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Do not use this markup with \monospace.
+ If used, it should be specified at the top of your document. You will
+need to use the TEX \catcode markup to change back to using the at sign as
+the math mode indicator:
+For more on the \catcode markup, refer to The TEXbook.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pn.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pn.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cba3d9d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pn.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+| pagenumber |
+Abbreviation: ã|\pnã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \pagenumber markup merely places the current page number wherever the
+markup appears.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+In running heads, \pagenumber numbers the pages.
+ \lft{Southern Bays}\rt{page \pagenumber}}
+ \vs{2pt}
+ \hrule
+ \vs{1\bl}
+ }
+ }
+The running head would look like:
+| |
+| Southern Bays 1 |
+| ........................................................................... |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you want no page numbers, then enter the following:
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ppl.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ppl.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8260c9d69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ppl.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+| poplevel |
+Abbreviation: ã|\pplã%
+Parameters: ã|levelã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+This markup is used in counting lines for line numbering in the margin of a
+document. The level number is TEX's stacking level number. The default is
+pop level 7.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you must change to a different pop level, 9 for example, enter:
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Line numbering is only available on the phototypesetter. This markup is
+ignored for all other printers.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pre.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pre.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e44bb2dbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pre.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+| preface |
+Abbreviation: ã|\preã%
+Parameters: ã|titleã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+Each preface starts a new page, centers the title in bold, and enters it in
+the table of contents (if one is printed). The preface is not numbered.
+Each heading markup can be used as often as necessary.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+I am grateful for the assistance and financial support
+of the Grand Foundation for . . .
+| |
+| Acknowledgments |
+| |
+| I am grateful for the assistance and financial support of the Grand |
+| Foundation for . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+You can modify the default style for a preface with the \prefaceformat
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/preface.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/preface.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fd4f9faf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/preface.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|PREFACEã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/prf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/prf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0f4cde759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/prf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+| prefaceformat |
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd \prefacetitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}}
+ \incontents{yes}
+ }
+Abbreviation: ã|\prfã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\titleformat, \incontentsã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \prefaceformat markup allows you to modify the defaults that control the
+appearance of the preface title. There are two submarkup:
+ã|titleformatã% controls the appearance of the part title banner. You
+may use markup such as \newpage, \verticalspace, and \centerline within
+\titleformat as Nested Markup. You may also use:
+ ã|prefacetitle.ã% prints the most recent preface title.
+ã|incontentsã% places the preface title in contents (if one is printed).
+Printing can be suppressed by changing to "no."
+ ã|Example:ã%
+In this example, the preface starts a new page, the title is centered in
+bold, and one line is skipped afterwards. No preface is put in contents.
+ \cl{\bd \prefacetitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}
+ }
+ \incontents{no}
+ }
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \prefaceformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both are
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/prin.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/prin.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50b159f13f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/prin.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+| printingnumbers |
+Abbreviation: ã|\prinã%
+Parameters: ã|statusã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+This markup is used to start the printing of line numbering in the margin of
+a document. Status is true or false.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To enable line numbers to be printed, enter:
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Line numbering is only available on the phototypesetter. This markup is
+ignored for all other printers.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/printend.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/printend.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f149a6007e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/printend.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+| TEXT1 \printendnotes (\pen) COMMAND |
+The \printendnotes (\pen) command will space down the amount specified in the
+\endnoteformat{\skipbefore}} and print all accumulated endnotes. The
+\printendnotes (\pen) format is:
+ \printendnotes
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/printind.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/printind.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f796827af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/printind.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+| printindex |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|index numberã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \printindex markup sorts and prints the index entries generated with the
+\index markup. The \printindex markup would usually come at the end of a
+document before the table of contents. This markup has the format
+where N is the index number: 1, 2 or 3. By default, the index is
+printed using the indent style of index in ten point Computer Modern. It
+is recommended that you print the index in two columns (\twocolumns). For
+a complete list of the defaults and how to modify them, refer to the
+\indexformat markup.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The following illustrates how to place an index at the end of a document,
+after the last appendix, and before the table of contents. Assume the table
+of contents is to begin on page "iv".
+\appendix{Sample Data}
+Using the \preface markup will start a new page with the title
+"Index" at the top of the page. Then \twocolumns will begin two column
+formatting (typical for indexes). Next \printindex1 will sort index "1" and
+print the sorted index according to the defaults set by the \indexformat
+markup. After printing the last of the index, \onecolumn will switch back
+to single column mode before printing the table of contents.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Sometimes multiple indexes are required. If you had used \index1 and
+\index2, then you would use \printindex1 and \printindex2 to print them out:
+\index1item in first index
+\index2item in second index
+\preface{Index One}
+\preface{Index Two}
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/psk.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/psk.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a665edd5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/psk.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+| paragraphskip |
+Abbreviation: ã|\pskã%
+Parameters: ã|units of measureã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+This markup causes all following paragraphs to be separated by the new
+distance. The \paragraphskip is expressed using valid units of measurement
+in TEXT1. The default value is 0 points.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The first two paragraphs used a paragraph skip of 10 points. The third one
+used a skip of 20 points.
+{\it The Journal of Nonrepeating
+Results} is published by the Center for Unpleasant
+Phenomena, at Palouse, Washington. The copyrights for
+articles are assigned to and held by the authors.
+The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena is the research arm
+of Giga Geologicals, Inc.
+No apologies are tendered for the nonverifiability of
+experiments. The opinions of the authors do not reflect
+company policy.
+| |
+| The Journal of Nonrepeating Results is published by the Center for |
+| Unpleasant Phenomena, at Palouse, Washington. The copyrights for articles |
+| are assigned to and held by the authors. |
+| |
+| The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena is the research arm of Giga |
+| Geologicals, Inc. |
+| |
+| |
+| No apologies are tendered for the nonverifiability of experiments. |
+| The opinions of the authors do not reflect company policy. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The "plus3pt" after the setting of "0pt" means that up to 3 points
+additional space may be added before each paragraph, if this space is needed
+to fill out a page when using \normalbottom. If the \paragraphskip is set
+to "minus1pt", it implies that up to 1 point may be subtracted before each
+paragraphs if needed to fill out a page when using \normalbottom. Since the
+leading is usually only 2 points more than the size of the type, the "minus"
+value should not be more than 1 point.
+ If you are using \monospace, it is best to specify the units in blank
+lines. For example,
+There are 6 \bl in an inch with \monospace.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/qquad.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/qquad.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31d6772c21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/qquad.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+| qquad |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \qquad markup leaves two quads of space. It is two em spaces in the
+current type size. It can be used in text, "as is," or math mode.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\tat{Surface Land Temperature (degrees C)\lbr
+Changes after Nuclear Exchanges}
+| |
+| Table 1 |
+| Surface Land Temperature (degrees C) |
+| Changes after Nuclear Exchanges |
+| |
+| |
+| 1000 -22 8 7 13 |
+| 3000 9 6 8 10 |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+\qquad=\horizontalspace{2em}=\quad\quad. In \twelvept, \qquad approximately
+24 points; in \tenpt, \qquad approximately 20 points.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/quad.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/quad.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffd0b320b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/quad.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+| quad |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+A printer's quad of space used to be a blank square of type, 1 em high and
+1 em wide, equivalent in size to a capital "M." A TEXT1 quad is a unit of
+horizontal space. It is one em space in the current type size. The \quad
+markup can be used in text, "as is," and math mode.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Consider the input for this table:
+\tat{Surface Land Temperature (degrees C)\lbr
+Changes after Nuclear Exchanges}
+| |
+| Table 1 |
+| Surface Land Temperature (degrees C) |
+| Changes after Nuclear Exchanges |
+| |
+| 1000 -22 8 7 13 |
+| 3000 9 6 8 10 |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+\quad=\horizontalspace{1em}. In \twelvept, \quad approximately 12 points;
+in \tenpt, \quad approximately 10 points.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/raggedbo.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/raggedbo.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab947ecb1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/raggedbo.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+| raggedbottom |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+By default, TEXT1 tries to make the top and bottom of each page of text line
+up. If you are not concerned with having the bottom of each page line up,
+you can enter \raggedbottom. If you have specified \raggedbottom and you
+want to go back to the default, enter \normalbottom.
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/resume.helpmode b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/resume.helpmode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ffcb945d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/resume.helpmode
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Models |
+Theã|RESUMEã%model is a general resume model. It is a template. You may modify
+it, but it is recommended you check with the Information Center first.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rff.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rff.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22999b573a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rff.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+| runningheadformat |
+ \bothpages{\vs{1\bl}
+ \line{\twelvept\rm\lft{}
+ \ctr{}\rt{}}}
+ }
+Abbreviation: ã|\rffã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\bothpages, \evenpages, \oddpagesã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \runningfootformat markup provides running titles at the bottom of all
+pages except the title page. The default running bottom title for TEXT1 is
+\bothpages is used to place the same running foot at the bottom of both the
+even and odd pages. The \line markup defines a single title line. Within
+it, you may center, left align, or right align text, using the submarkup
+\ctr, \lft, or \rt. Besides \line, you may also use markup such as \hrule
+and \verticalspace.
+\evenpages is used to place the same running foot at the bottom of each
+even page. The \line markup defines a single title line. Within it,
+you may center, left align, or right align text, using the submarkup \ctr,
+\lft, or \rt. Besides \line, you may also use markup such as \hrule and
+\oddpages is used to place the same running foot at the bottom of each
+odd page. The \line markup defines a single title line. Within it, you
+may center, left align, or right align text, using the submarkup \ctr,
+\lft, or \rt. Besides \line, you may also use markup such as \hrule and
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example prints the date and author's initials at the bottom of each
+ \bothpages{\vs{18pt}
+ \line{\rm\lft{\today}\ctr{}\rt{JNP}}
+ }
+ }
+which produces a running foot as illustrated on the next page.
+| |
+| January 13, 1987 JNP |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example illustrates the use of odd and even page layout with two lines.
+The page number alternates sides so that it appears on the outside of the
+page. The title appears above the subtitle on even pages. The author's
+name appears above the journal name on odd pages.
+ \evenpages{\line{\lft{\pagenumber}
+ \rt{Sociogeology}}
+ \vs{2pt}}
+ \line{\rt{A New Science}}
+ \vs{\bl}}
+ \oddpages{\line{\lft{A. Chert}
+ \rt{\pagenumber}}
+ \vs{2pt}}
+ \line{\lft{SPP---UP}}
+ \vs{\bl}}
+ }
+which produces on even page numbers a running foot that looks like:
+| |
+| 22 Sociogeology |
+| A New Science |
+| |
+and produces on odd page numbers a running foot that looks like:
+| |
+| A. Chert 11 |
+| SPP---UP |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+An empty \lft, \ctr, or \rt may be omitted as was done in the above example.
+ A construct such as,
+ \line{\lft{page \pn}\ctr{\today}
+ \rt{PNW Waterfalls}}}}
+will not print the date centered on the page:
+| |
+| page 7 January 13, 1987 PNW Waterfalls |
+| |
+To accomplish this, you should print the left and right justified text with
+\line, then space backwards one line (\verticalspace{-\bl}), then center the
+\rff{\bothpages{\line{\lft{page \pn}
+ \rt{PNW Waterfalls}}}
+ \vs{-\bl}
+ \line{\ctr{\today}}}
+| |
+| page 8 January 13, 1987 PNW Waterfalls |
+| |
+ The \runningfootformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if
+both are used.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rhf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rhf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28f4ce697f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rhf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+| runningheadformat |
+Abbreviation: ã|\rhfã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\bothpages, \evenpages, \oddpagesã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \runningheadformat markup provides running titles at the top of all
+pages except the title page. The default running top title for TEXT1 is a
+right justified page number.
+ã|bothpagesã% is used to place the same running head at the top of both the
+even and odd pages. The \line markup defines a single title line. Within
+it, you may center, left align, or right align text, using the submarkup
+\ctr, \lft, or \rt. Besides \line, you may also use markup such as \hrule
+and \verticalspace.
+ã|evenpagesã% is used to place the same running head at the top of each
+even page. The \line markup defines a single title line. Within it,
+you may center, left align, or right align text, using the submarkup \ctr,
+\lft, or \rt. Besides \line, you may also use markup such as \hrule and
+ã|oddpagesã% is used to place the same running head at the top of each
+odd page. The \line markup defines a single title line. Within it, you
+may center, left align, or right align text, using the submarkup \ctr,
+\lft, or \rt. Besides \line, you may also use markup such as \hrule and
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To customize running titles, you modify the \runningheadformat for the top
+titles and the \runningfootformat for bottom titles. In this example,
+"Sociogeology" and a page number are placed at the top of every page.
+ \line{\lft{Sociogeology}\ctr{}\rt{\pn}}
+ \vs{2pt}
+ \hrule
+ \verticalspace{18pt}
+ }
+| |
+| Sociogeology 1 |
+| ........................................................................... |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example alternates the author's name and page number at the top of even
+and odd pages. It complements the last example on the previous page.
+ \line{\lft{Chert}}}
+ \oddpages{\vs{\bl}
+ \line{\rt{\pagenumber}}}
+ }
+Even pages will look like:
+| |
+| Chert |
+| |
+Odd pages will look like:
+| |
+| 4 |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+An empty \lft, \ctr, or \rt may be omitted as was done in the above example.
+ A construct such as,
+ \line{\lft{page \pn}\ctr{\today}
+ \rt{PNW Waterfalls}}}}
+will not print the date centered on the page:
+| |
+| page 6 February 5, 1987 PNW Waterfalls |
+| |
+To accomplish this, you should print the left and right justified text with
+\line, then space backwards one line (\verticalspace{-\bl}), then center the
+\rhf{\bothpages{\line{\lft{page \pn}
+ \rt{PNW Waterfalls}}}
+ \vs{-\bl}
+ \line{\ctr{\today}}}
+| |
+| page 7 February 5, 1987 PNW Waterfalls |
+| |
+ The \runningheadformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if
+both are used.
+ If you want no page numbers, then enter the following:
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rin.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rin.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bed41f21f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rin.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+| rightindent |
+Abbreviation: ã|\rinã%
+Parameters: ã|units of measurementã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \rightindent markup adds (or subtracts) the amount from the current
+right margin (default is zero). The indentation remains until another
+\rightindent overrides it. This markup causes a break in text.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Humans also require trace amounts of manganese,
+zinc, selenium, and copper, appearing in suitable
+{\bd Figure 2}.
+Physiognomic similarities between the earth and
+human beings.
+Most elemental abundances are the same in the
+lithosphere and the anthrosphere.
+| |
+| Humans also require trace amounts of manganese, zinc, selenium, and |
+| copper, appearing in suitable proportions. |
+| |
+| Figure 2. Physiognomic similarities between |
+| the earth and human beings. |
+| |
+| Most elemental abundances are the same in the lithosphere and the |
+| anthrosphere. |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The previous example could have used grouping as illustrated below and the
+same output would have been generated. If you do grouping, be sure there is
+a \paragraph markup before the closing right curly brace of the group.
+Humans also require trace amounts of manganese,
+zinc, selenium, and copper, appearing in suitable
+{\bd Figure 2}.
+Physiognomic similarities between the earth and
+human beings.
+Most elemental abundances are the same in the
+lithosphere and the anthrosphere.
+| |
+| Humans also require trace amounts of manganese, zinc, selenium, and |
+| copper, appearing in suitable proportions. |
+| |
+| Figure 2. Physiognomic similarities between |
+| the earth and human beings. |
+| |
+| Most elemental abundances are the same in the lithosphere and the |
+| anthrosphere. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rl.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rl.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92e51079b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rl.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+| rightline |
+Abbreviation: ã|\rlã%
+Parameters: ã|text to be right justifiedã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \rightline markup right justifies individual lines. This markup ends
+the previous paragraph. The only parameter for this markup is text.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+yet some of the reviews of "Sociogeology" have
+been mixed, especially from academics.
+\rightline{This theory is 'on the rocks.'}
+\rl{\it Clay Gneiss}
+| |
+| yet some of the reviews of "Sociogeology" have been mixed, especially from |
+| academics. |
+| This theory is 'on the rocks.' |
+| Clay Gneiss |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rlb.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rlb.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d714ff65a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rlb.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+| rightlinesbegin |
+Abbreviation: ã|\rlbã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \rightlinesbegin markup begins right justifying all following lines.
+Vertical spacing and font changes are the only markup permitted after it.
+There are no parameters or markup options. End a \rightlinesbegin with a
+matching \rightlinesend.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This theory is 'on the rocks.'
+{\it Clay Gneiss}
+| |
+| This theory is 'on the rocks.' |
+| Clay Gneiss |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Each \rightlinesbegin must be followed by a matching \rightlinesend.
+ You cannot use \rightlinesbegin within any of the following markup:
+\appendim, \autofootnote, \bibliography, \centerline, \chapter, \drawbox,
+\figure, \footnote, \item, \label, \marginnote, \paragraphbox, \part,
+\preface, \rightline, \runningheadformat, \runningfootformat, \subheada,
+\subheadb, \subheadc, \subheadd, or \tabletitle.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rle.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rle.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c4ec76858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rle.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+| rightlinesend |
+Abbreviation: ã|\rleã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \rightlinesend markup ends lines that are being right justified with
+\rightlinesbegin. This markup causes a paragraph break.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This theory is 'on the rocks.'
+{\it Clay Gneiss}
+| |
+| This theory is 'on the rocks.' |
+| Clay Gneiss |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Each \rightlinesbegin must be followed by a matching \rightlinesend.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rm.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rm.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de8ed390f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rm.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+| roman |
+Abbreviation: ã|\rmã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+Roman is a medium-weight type good for reading. It is the default face for
+TEXT1. It is usually specified as the default font at the beginning of a
+paper, so that it will be in effect for most of the paper. Roman can also
+be used to terminate the use of a special typeface, such as italic or bold.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\italic now! \roman It is important to realize
+\it the facts!
+| |
+| now! It is important to realize the facts! |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example is the same as the one above, except that grouping was used to
+change from the roman font back to italics.
+\italic now! {\roman It is important to realize}
+the facts!
+| |
+| now! It is important to realize the facts! |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rr.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rr.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af80dc37cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rr.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+| rightragged |
+Abbreviation: ã|\rrã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \rightragged markup turns off right justification. If you only want
+to right justify a certain section of the document, then you would use a
+combination of the \justify and \rightragged markup.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The comparison may seem facile, but from deliberate
+oversimplification comes complex obfuscation and
+general theoretification.
+Behavioral research will lead in this direction, as
+the general theory of Sociogeology predicts the . . .
+Humans exhibit metamorphic behavior over time or at high
+temperatures, fever, for instance.
+Metamorphic crystallization involves low . . .
+| |
+| The comparison may seem facile, but from deliberate oversimplification |
+| comes complex obfuscation and general theoretification. Behavioral |
+| research will lead in this direction, as the general theory of |
+| Sociogeology predicts the . . . |
+| Humans exhibit metamorphic behavior over time or at high temperatures, |
+| fever, for instance. Metamorphic crystallization involves low . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The default values for space skips is listed below. When you are using
+\monospace you get the values in the right column.
+ Composing Printers Typewriter Printers
+ \rightskip plus 1fil plus 10em
+ \spaceskip .35em 1em
+ \xspaceskip .55em 1em
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rule.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rule.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..71a72ad0a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rule.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+| rule |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \rule markup skips a blank line and draws a horizontal line (rule).
+Rules are used to separate material, such as tables or sections. No extra
+vertical space is skipped after the rule, so you may need to add some with
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\tabletitle{Elements of the Spheres}
+\tabskip 3em plus 3em minus 1em
+\nin Most elemental abundances are the same in the . . .
+| |
+| |
+| Table 1 |
+| Elements of the Spheres |
+| |
+| ........................................................................... |
+| |
+| Element Anthrosphere Lithosphere |
+| Oxygen 62.1 60.6 |
+| Hydrogen 1.1 0.1 |
+| Aluminum 0.22 11.54 |
+| ........................................................................... |
+| Most elemental abundances are the same in the . . . |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+If you want a rule of a different height, depth, or width than illustrated
+with \rule and if you are not using \monospace, then use \hrule.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/runfoot.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/runfoot.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..259d368dcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/runfoot.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|RUNFOOTã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
+\runningfootformat which is carried at the bottom of every page
+except the title page.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/runhead.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/runhead.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0dd2248ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/runhead.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|RUNHEADã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
+\runningheadformat which is carried at the top of every page
+except the title page.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/san.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/san.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05b9299a2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/san.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+| setappendixnumber |
+Abbreviation: ã|\sanã%
+Parameters: ã|previous appendix numberã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The appendix number will be automatically incremented by one for each
+use of \appendix. The appendix number can be reset by inserting the
+\setappendixnumber markup before the next occurrence of \appendix.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+By default, the first appendix is number 1. If you want to start with
+appendix 5, you would enter:
+\appendix{Title of the fifth appendix}
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The number specified in the \setappendixnumber parameter is the previous
+appendix number, not the next appendix number.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sau.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sau.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24ce71ea8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sau.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+| sameauthor |
+Abbreviation: ã|\sauã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \sameauthor markup allows you to substitute a standard rule for an
+author's name for multiple references in a bibliography. The default rule
+is 3 em spaces wide; the default width may be changed in \bibliographyformat
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\bibliography{References Cited}
+Roszak, T. 1972. {\it Where the Wasteland Ends}.
+New York: Harper \& Row.
+Weldon, S. 1971. {\it Waging Peace}.
+Wilmington: M. \&\ R. Wolfe, Limited.
+\sameauthor 1983. {\it The Metaindustry: War and
+Economic Development}.
+Los Angeles: Thompson Books.
+| |
+| References Cited |
+| |
+| Roszak, T. 1972. Where the Wasteland Ends. New York: Harper & Row. |
+| |
+| Weldon, S. 1971. Waging Peace. Wilmington: M. & R. Wolfe, Limited. |
+| |
+| ....1983. The Metaindustry: War and Economic Development. Los Angeles: |
+| Thompson Books. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/scn.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/scn.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08b572cb2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/scn.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+| setchapternumber |
+Abbreviation: ã|\scnã%
+Parameters: ã|previous chapter numberã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The chapter number will be automatically incremented by one for each use of
+\chapter. The chapter number can be reset by inserting the \setchapternum-
+ber markup before the next occurrence of \chapter.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+By default, the first chapter is number 1. If you want to start with
+chapter 5, you would enter:
+\chapter{Title of the fifth chapter}
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The number specified in the \setchapternumber parameter is the previous
+chapter number, not the next chapter number.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/senn.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/senn.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b032b8a8d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/senn.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+| setendnotenumber |
+Abbreviation: ã|\sennã%
+Parameters: ã|previous endnote numberã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The endnote number will be automatically incremented by one for each
+use of \autoendnote. The endnote number can be reset by adding the
+\setendnotenumber markup before the next occurrence of an \autoendnote.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+By default, endnote numbers are reset in parts. If you also want them reset
+in chapters, you could modify the \chapterformat by adding \setendnotenumber
+to the \titleformat:
+ \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber}
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd \chaptertitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}
+ \setendnotenumber{0}
+ \setsubheadanumber{0}
+ \setsubheadbnumber{0}
+ \setsubheadcnumber{0}
+ \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
+ \incontents{yes}}
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The number specified in the \setendnotenumber parameter is the previous
+endnote number, not the next endnote number. If you want the next
+\autoendnote to be endnote 90, then specify
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/settabs.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/settabs.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53b535a5e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/settabs.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+| settabs |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|number of columnsã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The body of the table is created with the \settabs n \columns markup, which
+establishes a number (n) of equal-size tabular columns (\columns).
+ Each new column after the first is indicated with the TEXT1 tab
+character (&). Each row is started with the \+ markup and ended with the
+\cr markup (which is an abbreviation for carriage return on typewriters).
+ The ampersand (&) is like the TAB key on many typewriters; it tells
+TEXT1 to advance to the next tab position, where there is a tab at the right
+edge of each column. But & is not exactly like a mechanical typewriter
+TAB, because it first backs up to the beginning of the current column
+before advancing to the next. In this way you can always tell what column
+you are tabbing to, by counting the number of &s; that is handy, because
+variable-width type otherwise makes it difficult to know whether you have
+passed a tab position.
+ The ampersands are different from tabs in another way, too: TEXT1
+ignores spaces after &, hence you can conveniently finish a column by typing
+& at the end of a line in your input file, without worrying that an extra
+blank space will be introduced there. Incidentally, TEXT1 also ignores
+spaces after \+, so that the first column is treated like the others.
+ You can say \cr before you have specified a complete set of columns, if
+the remaining columns are blank. The last \cr ends the settabs. No other
+ending is necessary; normal text may follow.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+can be seen, the pool of common words is prodigious.
+\tabletitle{Etymological Clues}
+\settabs 3 \columns
+\+\it Term&\it Geological&\it Social Reference\cr
+\+boss&small rock&supervisor\cr
+\+domehead&pushing through&intellectual\cr
+\+fossil&turned to stone&age\cr
+\+creep&move slowly&person\cr
+\+streak&move quickly&naked\cr
+\+ejecta&very quickly&mating\cr
+\+sublimate&change to gas&dream\cr
+| |
+| can be seen, the pool of common words is prodigious. |
+| |
+| Table 1 |
+| Etymological Clues |
+| |
+| Term Geological Social Reference |
+| boss small rock supervisor |
+| domehead pushing through intellectual |
+| fossil turned to stone age |
+| creep move slowly person |
+| streak move quickly naked |
+| ejecta very quickly mating |
+| sublimate change to gas dream |
+| trench sediments mouth |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+You may not want all of the columns to be the same size, so there is another
+way to set them, by typing "\+sample line\cr" immediately after \settabs.
+In this case tabs are placed at the positions of the &s in the sample line,
+but the sample line itself does not appear in the output. Look through
+the table and determine the biggest entry in each column; the sample line
+is then constructed by typing the widest entry in the first column, then
+the widest in each subsequent column, omitting the last column. Be sure to
+include some extra space (\horizontalspace{}) between columns in the sample
+line, so that the columns won't touch each other.
+can be seen, the pool of common words is prodigious.
+\tabletitle{Etymological Clues}
+ &material pushing through
+ \hs{10pt}&Intellectual\cr
+\+&\it Term&\it Geological&\it Social Reference\cr
+\+&trench&subducted sediments&mouth\cr
+\+&dike&material holding back&female\cr
+\+&domehead&material pushing through&intellectual\cr
+\+&fossil&life turned to stone&age\cr
+\+&cleavage&the tendency to split&bosom\cr
+| |
+| can be seen, the pool of common words is prodigious. |
+| |
+| Table 2 |
+| Etymological Clues |
+| |
+| Term Geological Social Reference |
+| trench subducted sediments mouth |
+| dike material holding back female |
+| domehead material pushing through intellectual |
+| fossil life turned to stone age |
+| cleavage the tendency to split bosom |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you want to put something right justified (flush right) in its column,
+just type \rt{text} where text is the text to be right justified; Be sure
+to type & after it, so that TEX will be sure to move the information all
+the way until it touches the next tab. Similarly, if you want to center
+something in its column, type \ctr{text} where text is the text to be
+centered. Notice also the use of \phantom in decimal alignment.
+ \centerline{\bd Table 1}
+ \centerline{Etymological Clues}
+ \settabs \+\hs{20pts}&Aluminum\quad&Anthrosphere&
+ \hs{20pt}&Lithosphere\quad\cr
+ \+&\lft{Element}&\rt{Anthrosphere}&
+ &\rt{Lithosphere}&\cr
+ \+&Sodium&\rt{0.001\phantom{0}}&&\rt{0.4\phantom{000}}\cr
+ \+&Silicon&\rt{.0001}&&\rt{20.2\phantom{000}}\cr
+ \+&Aluminum&\rt{0.22\phantom{00}}&&
+ \rt{11.54\phantom{00}}\cr
+ \+&Carbon&\rt{19.1001}&&\rt{0.0202}\cr
+ \+&Nitrogen&\rt{3.2205}&&\rt{.0208}\cr
+| |
+| Table 1 |
+| Etymological Clues |
+| Element Anthrosphere Lithosphere |
+| Sodium 0.001 0.4 |
+| Silicon .0001 20.2 |
+| Aluminum 0.22 11.54 |
+| Carbon 19.1001 0.0202 |
+| Nitrogen 3.2205 .0208 |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Tab positions are remembered, until they are reset with another \settabs,
+regardless of text and other markup following.
+ The operation of tabs addresses one line at a time; this allows multiple
+page tables.
+ You cannot use \figure, \drawbox or \paragraphbox around a \settabs.
+ Refer to The TEXbook for more on \phantom.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfn.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfn.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c3ef81afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfn.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+| setfigurenumber |
+Abbreviation: ã|\sfnã%
+Parameters: ã|previous figure numberã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The figure number will be automatically incremented by one for each use of
+\figure. The figure number can be reset by adding the \setfigurenumber
+markup before the next occurrence of \figure.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+By default, figure numbers are reset in parts. If you also want them reset
+in chapters, you could modify the \chapterformat by adding \setfigurenumber
+to the \titleformat:
+ \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber}
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd \chaptertitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}
+ \setfigurenumber{0}
+ \setsubheadanumber{0}
+ \setsubheadbnumber{0}
+ \setsubheadcnumber{0}
+ \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
+ \incontents{yes}}
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The number specified in the \setfigurenumber parameter is the previous
+figure number, not the next figure number. If you want the next \figure to
+be Figure 90, then specify
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfnn.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfnn.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..369f764e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfnn.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+| setfootnotenumber |
+Abbreviation: ã|\sfnnã%
+Parameters: ã|previous footnote numberã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The footnote number will be automatically incremented by one for each
+use of \autofootnote. The footnote number can be reset by adding the
+\setfootnotenumber markup before the next occurrence of an autofootnote.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+By default, footnote numbers are reset in parts. If you also want
+them reset in chapters, you could modify the \chapterformat by adding
+\setfootnotenumber to the \titleformat:
+ \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber}
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd \chaptertitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}
+ \setfootnotenumber{0}
+ \setsubheadanumber{0}
+ \setsubheadbnumber{0}
+ \setsubheadcnumber{0}
+ \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
+ \incontents{yes}}
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The number specified in the \setfootnotenumber parameter is the previous
+footnote number, not the next footnote number. If you want the next
+\autofootnote to be footnote 90, then specify
+ The \setfootnotenumber markup has no effect on the \footnote markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfs.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfs.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..241c41268b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfs.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+| selectfontset |
+Abbreviation: ã|\sfsã%
+Parameters: ã|catalog name, user's reference, leadingã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+For a typical document, you will need both a font set and a math set.
+The default font set selections consist of two sets for composing printers:
+\twelvept for the 12 point size Computer Modern serif typestyle; and \tenpt
+for the 10 point Computer Modern serif typestyle. Typically, the \select-
+fontset markup is placed in the front of your document. The format of this
+markup is
+\selectfontset{catalog name}{user's reference name}{leading between lines}
+where catalog name is the system name for that font set. (Complete lists
+of the catalog names can be found by going to the TEXT1 help menu, or by
+looking in the Font Catalogs.) The user's reference is a name of your own
+devising. This name, when prefaced with a backslash will give you access to
+that font set. The leading is the interlineskip specification.
+ Users of typewriter printers use different \selectfontset markup, which
+offers "standard", "underscore" (for italic), and "bold" monospaced faces.
+These are the only fonts available to such printers.
+ Each font set includes the following nine faces, each of which is called
+by adding a backslash in front of the name, or using the abbreviation:
+\roman (\rm), \bold (\bd), \italic (\it), \typewriter (\tt), \caps (\cc),
+\mathitalic (\mi), \symbol (\sy), \extension (\ex), and \bolditalic (\bi).
+Not all font sets have all nine faces available. If a particular face is
+not available, a warning message will be printed.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+After entering the \selectfontset,
+each time \eleven is specified, you would be using the Computer Modern font
+set at a 11 point size (cm11). The third parameter ("default") indicates
+that TEXT1 will use the default value for \interlineskip, in this case 13
+points. Then, whenever you switch to bold (\bd) you would get Computer
+Modern bold at a 11 point size. If you were to specify \it you would get
+Computer Modern italic at 11 points.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Consider this example for switching from 9 point to a 8 point size.
+The \eightpoint is set with \interlineskip{9pt} instead of the default
+\interlineskip{10pt}, leaving less space between lines.
+\centerline{\ninepoint\bd Sociogeology}
+\centerline{\it by Achilles Chert}
+"Does the absurd dictate death?" asks Albert Camus,
+| |
+| Sociogeology |
+| |
+| by Achilles Chert |
+| |
+| "Does the absurd dictate death?" asks Albert Camus, |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Again, not all font sets have all nine faces available. If a particular
+face is not available, a warning message will be printed.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sha.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sha.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c5bb98f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sha.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+| subheada |
+Abbreviation: ã|\shaã%
+Parameters: ã|titleã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \subheada markup creates a first level subheading, which skips two
+baselines, prints the title in bold type, then skips one more baseline. It
+does not begin a new page. Its title is placed in the table of contents
+ ã|Example:ã%
+more realistic.
+\subheada{Nationalism and War}
+Nationalism is directly related to war.
+Lord Acton observed that . . .
+which prints:
+| |
+| |
+| more realistic. |
+| |
+| |
+| Nationalism and War |
+| |
+| Nationalism is directly related to war. Lord Acton observed that |
+| . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Use \subheadaformat to change any of the above mentioned defaults.
+ TEXT1 will encourage page breaking before a \subheada. It discourages
+page breaking between the \subheada and the first line of the following
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shaf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shaf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3cf2d51cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shaf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+| subheadaformat |
+ \titleformat{\removelastskip
+ \goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
+ \twelvept
+ \bd\nin\subheadatitle
+ \par\nobreak
+ \vs{1\bl}\nobreak
+ \setsubheadbnumber{0}
+ \setsubheadcnumber{0}
+ \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
+ \incontents{yes}
+ }
+Abbreviation: ã|\shafã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontentsã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \subheadaformat markup lets you change the appearance of the subheading
+title. There are three submarkup that control how the \subheada is to
+ã|\numberingstyleã% by default is 1 which will print the subhead number in
+Arabic numbers. Other possibilities are "A" and "I". By default, subhead
+numbers are not printed, even though the \subheadanumber is incremented.
+ã|\titleformat{Nested Markup}ã% is used to describe how the subhead title is
+to be printed. You may use markup such as \newpage, \removelastskip,
+\goodbreak, \nobreak, \verticalspace, and \centerline within \titleformat
+as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within or outside of
+ * \subheadanumberprints the most recent subheada number.
+ * \subheadatitleprints the most recent subheada title.
+ã|\incontentsã% places the subheada title by default in the contents (if one is
+printed). Printing in the table of contents can be suppressed by changing
+to "no":
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Some applications require the subheads to be numbered. For \subheada to
+include a number like "" where "pp" is the part number, "cc" is
+the chapter number, and "aa" is the subheada number, you would modify the
+ \titleformat{\removelastskip\goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
+ \bd\partnumber.\chapternumber-\subheadanumber
+ \quad\subheadatitle\par
+ \nobreak\vs{1\bl}\nobreak}
+ \incontents{yes}
+more realistic.
+\subheada{Nationalism and War}
+Nationalism is directly related to war.
+Lord Acton observed that . . .
+The second subheada in the third chapter of the first part would print as:
+| |
+| more realistic. |
+| |
+| |
+| 1.3-2 Nationalism and War |
+| |
+| Nationalism is directly related to war. Lord Acton observed that |
+| . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \subheadaformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both
+are used.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shb.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shb.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c4e302561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shb.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+| subheadb |
+Abbreviation: ã|\shbã%
+Parameters: ã|titleã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \subheadb markup creates a second level subheading, which skips two
+baselines, prints the title in italics, then skips one more baseline. It
+does not begin a new page. Its title is placed in the table of contents
+ ã|Example:ã%
+more realistic.
+\subheadb{Nationalism and War}
+Nationalism is directly related to war.
+Lord Acton observed that . . .
+which prints:
+| |
+| more realistic. |
+| |
+| |
+| Nationalism and War |
+| |
+| Nationalism is directly related to war. Lord Acton observed that |
+| . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Use \subheadbformat to change any of the above mentioned defaults.
+ TEXT1 will encourage page breaking before a \subheadb. It discourages
+page breaking between the \subheadb and the first line of the following
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shbf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shbf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c0e27505b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shbf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+| subheadbformat |
+ \titleformat{\removelastskip
+ \goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
+ \twelvept
+ \it\nin\subheadbtitle
+ \par\nobreak
+ \vs{1\bl}\nobreak
+ \setsubheadcnumber{0}
+ \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
+ \incontents{yes}
+ }
+Abbreviation: ã|\shbfã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontentsã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \subheadbformat markup lets you change the appearance of the subheading
+title. There are three submarkup that control how the \subheadb is to
+ã|\numberingstyleã% by default is 1 which will print the subhead number in
+Arabic numbers. Other possibilities are "A" and "I". By default, subhead
+numbers are not printed, even though the \subheadbnumber is incremented.
+ã|\titleformat{Nested Markup}ã is used to describe how the subhead title is
+to be printed. You may use markup such as \newpage, \removelastskip,
+\goodbreak, \nobreak, \verticalspace, and \centerline within \titleformat
+as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within or outside of
+ * \subheadbnumberprints the most recent subheadb number.
+ * \subheadbtitleprints the most recent subheadb title.
+ã|\incontentsã% places the subheadb title by default in the contents (if one is
+printed). Printing in the table of contents can be suppressed by changing
+to "no":
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Some applications require the subheads to be numbered. If you wanted
+\subheadb to include a number like "" where "pp" is the part
+number, "cc" is the chapter number, "aa" is the subheada number, and "bb" is
+the subheadb number, you would modify the \subheadbformat:
+ \subheadbformat{\numberingstyle{1}
+ \titleformat{\removelastskip\goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
+ \italic
+ \partnumber.\chapternumber.\subheadanumber.\subheadbnumber
+ \quad\subheadbtitle\par
+ \nobreak\vs{1\bl}\nobreak}
+ \incontents{yes}
+ }
+ more realistic.
+ \subheadb{Nationalism and War}
+ Nationalism is directly related to war.
+ Lord Acton observed that . . .
+The first subheadb in the second subheada of the third chapter of the first
+part would print as:
+| |
+| more realistic. |
+| |
+| |
+| Nationalism and War |
+| |
+| Nationalism is directly related to war. Lord Acton observed that |
+| . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \subheadbformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both
+are used.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shc.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shc.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19133b8456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shc.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+| subheadc |
+Abbreviation: ã|\shcã%
+Parameters: ã|titleã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \subheadc markup creates a third level subheading, which skips two
+baselines, prints the title in roman type, then skips one more baseline. It
+does not begin a new page. Its title is not placed in the table of contents
+ ã|Example:ã%
+more realistic.
+\subheadc{Nationalism and War}
+Nationalism is directly related to war.
+Lord Acton observed that . . .
+which prints:
+| |
+| more realistic. |
+| |
+| |
+| Nationalism and War |
+| |
+| Nationalism is directly related to war. Lord Acton observed that |
+| . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Use \subheadcformat to change any of the above mentioned defaults.
+ TEXT1 will encourage page breaking before a \subheadc. It discourages
+page breaking between the \subheadc and the first line of the following
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shcf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shcf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb7cbe0822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shcf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+| subheadcformat |
+ \titleformat{\removelastskip
+ \goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
+ \twelvept
+ \rm\nin\subheadctitle
+ \par\nobreak
+ \vs{1\bl}\nobreak
+ \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
+ \incontents{no}
+ }
+Abbreviation: ã|\shcfã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontentsã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \subheadcformat markup lets you change the appearance of the subheading
+title. There are three submarkup that control how the \subheadc is to
+ã|\numberingstyleã% by default is 1 which will print the subhead number in
+Arabic numbers. Other possibilities are "A" and "I". By default, subhead
+numbers are not printed, even though the \subheadcnumber is incremented.
+ã|\titleformat{Nested Markup}ã% is used to describe how the \subheadc title
+is to be printed. You may use markup such as \newpage, \removelastskip,
+\goodbreak, \nobreak, \verticalspace, and \centerline within \titleformat
+as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within or outside of
+ * \subheadcnumberprints the most recent subheadc number.
+ * \subheadctitleprints the most recent subheadc title.
+ã|\incontentsã% places the subheadc title in the contents (if one is printed).
+By default, the title is not placed in the contents. Printing in the table
+of contents can be included by changing to "yes":
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Some applications require the subheads to be numbered. If you wanted
+\subheadc to include a number like "Section cc:" where "cc" is a bold
+subheadc number, you could modify the \subheadcformat:
+ \titleformat{\removelastskip\goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
+ \nin\bd Section \subheadcnumber:
+ \quad\subheadctitle\par
+ \nobreak\vs{1\bl}\nobreak}
+ \incontents{no}
+more realistic.
+\subheadc{Nationalism and War}
+Nationalism is directly related to war.
+Lord Acton observed that . . .
+The third subheadc would print as:
+| |
+| more realistic. |
+| |
+| |
+| Section 3: Nationalism and War |
+| |
+| Nationalism is directly related to war. Lord Acton observed that |
+| . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \subheadcformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both
+are used.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shd.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shd.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa6cb2feaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shd.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+| subheadd |
+Abbreviation: ã|\shdã%
+Parameters: ã|titleã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \subheadd markup creates a fourth level subheading, which skips to a new
+paragraph, prints the title in italics followed by a period, then continues
+the paragraph. It does not begin a new page. Its title is not placed in
+the table of contents automatically.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+more realistic.
+\subheadd{Nationalism and War}
+Nationalism is directly related to war.
+Lord Acton observed that . . .
+which prints:
+| |
+| more realistic. |
+| Nationalism and War. Nationalism is directly related to war. Lord |
+| Acton observed that . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Use \subheaddformat to change any of the above mentioned defaults.
+ TEXT1 will encourage page breaking before a \subheadd.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shdf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shdf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39b552a430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shdf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+| subheaddformat |
+ \titleformat{\goodbreak
+ {\twelvept
+ \it\subheaddtitle.}
+ \incontents{no}
+ }
+Abbreviation: ã|\shdfã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontentsã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \subheaddformat markup lets you change the appearance of the subheading
+title. There are three submarkup that control how the \subheadd is to
+ã|\numberingstyleã% by default is 1 which will print the subhead number in
+Arabic numbers. Other possibilities are "A" and "I". By default, subhead
+numbers are not printed, even though the \subheaddnumber is incremented.
+ã|\titleformat{Nested Markup}ã% is used to describe how the subhead title is
+to be printed. You may use markup such as \newpage, \removelastskip,
+\goodbreak, \nobreak, \verticalspace, and \centerline within \titleformat
+as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within or outside of
+ * \subheaddnumberprints the most recent subheadd number.
+ * \subheaddtitleprints the most recent subheadd title.
+ã|\incontentsã% places the subheadd title in the contents (if one is printed).
+By default, the title is not placed in the contents. Printing in the table
+of contents can be included by changing to "yes":
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted a subhead to place the title in a lable, you would modify the
+ \titleformat{\removelastskip\goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
+ \label{\subheaddtitle}
+ }
+ \incontents{no}
+more realistic.
+\subheadd{Nationalism and War}
+Nationalism is directly related to war.
+Lord Acton observed that the increase in nationalism
+significantly increases a country's ability to
+protect itself . . .
+The fourth subheadd would print as:
+| |
+| more realistic. |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| Nationalism |
+| and War thatonthesmincreaseeinlynationalism significantlyctincreasesea |
+| country's ability to protect itself . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \subheaddformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both
+are used.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sms.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sms.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63213a1656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sms.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+| selectmathset |
+Abbreviation: ã|\smsã%
+Parameters: ã|catalog name, user's referenceã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \selectmathset markup loads type for use by math mode. Superscripted
+footnotes, and mathematical equations, require the TEXT1 math mode. For
+composing printers, the default for the primary (script) math set that is
+used to set super or subscripts is a 9 point Computer Modern, the secondary
+(script-script) math set which is used to set super-super or sub-subscripts
+is 7 point Computer Modern. TEXT1 typewriter printers do not support math
+mode. The format of this markup is
+\selectmathset{catalog name}{user's reference name}
+where catalog name is the system name for that math set. (Complete lists
+of the catalog names can be found by going to the TEXT1 help menu, or by
+looking in the Font Catalogs.) The design of this name is such that the
+first digit(s) is the primary (script) size, the second digit(s) is the
+secondary (script-script) size. The user's reference is a name of your own
+devising. This name, when prefaced with a backslash will give you access to
+that math set.
+ Typically, the \selectmathset markup is placed in the front of your
+document with your \selectfontset markup.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This math mode example uses a primary 14 point math font, instead of the
+default, and a secondary math font of 12 point.
+Human intelligence became possible when
+@@C_{14}\to C_{1.4 \bullet 10^6}@@
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Typically, the \selectmathset markup is placed in the front of your document
+with your \selectfontset markup.
+ TEXT1 typewriter printers do not support math mode.
+ Only the super and subscripts are affected by the math mode fonts
+selected with the \selectmathset markup.
+ See The TEXbook for more on math mode.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/special.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/special.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48597c9326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/special.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+| TEXT1 Special Characters |
+In TeX there are 10 keyboard characters which have special meaning. They are:
+ \ (backslash) } (right curly brace) { (left curly brace)
+ @ (at sign) # (pound sign) _ (underscore)
+ & (ampersand) % (percent sign) ~ (tilde) | (vertical bar)
+If you need any of these characters as part of your text you must precede all
+but the tilde and vertical bar with a \ (backslash) or TeX will interpret them
+as a TeX command. To print a tilde you must enter \tilde and for a vertical bar
+enter \vbar.
+For example, the following input:
+ Mom sent Tommy to the store and told him to buy 5\# potatoes, a
+ half gallon of 2\% milk and two packages of M\&Ms.
+would result in:
+Mom sent Tommy to the store and told him to buy 5# potatoes, a half gallon of
+2% milk and two packages of M&Ms.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/spn.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/spn.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8377cd9a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/spn.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+| setpagenumber |
+Abbreviation: ã|\spnã%
+Parameters: ã|previous page numberã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \setpagenumber markup resets the page number of a paper. The first page
+of a document, commonly referred to as the title page, is treated as page
+number "1". You can begin the document with a page number other than 1, or
+renumber sections of the document.
+ The \setpagenumber markup can be specified anywhere in your document.
+It changes the number of the current page. This can be particularly useful
+if you are printing your document one part or chapter at a time.
+ To get pages in lower case roman numerals, for lead pages, enter a
+negative number, for instance \setpagenumber{-1}.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To set the page number so that the sentence beginning "Furthermore . . . "
+is on page 11, enter
+as shown in this series of figures.
+% insert four full-page figures
+Furthermore, there are too many physical
+similarities between human forms and earth forms
+to dismiss. Indeed, they are made of the same . . .
+ You could also have placed the \setpagenumber markup after the \newpage
+and changed the number from 10 to 11:
+as shown in this series of figures.
+% insert four full-page figures
+Furthermore, there are too many physical
+similarities between human forms and earth forms
+to dismiss. Indeed, they are made of the same . . .
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+To get pages in lower case roman numerals, for lead pages, enter a negative
+number, for instance \setpagenumber{-1}.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sptn.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sptn.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb40c3ae20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sptn.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+| setpartnumber |
+Abbreviation: ã|\sptnã%
+Parameters: ã|previous part numberã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The part number will be automatically incremented by one for each use of
+\part. The part number can be reset by inserting the \setpartnumber markup
+before the next occurrence of \part.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+By default, the first part is number 1. If you want to start with part 5,
+you would enter:
+\part{Title of the fifth part}
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The number specified in the \setpartnumber parameter is the previous part
+number, not the next part number.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssan.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssan.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b4085cc82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssan.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+| setsubheadanumber |
+Abbreviation: ã|\ssanã%
+Parameters: ã|previous subheada numberã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The subheada number will be automatically incremented by one for each
+use of \subheada. The subheada number can be reset by inserting the
+\setsubheadanumber markup before the next occurrence of \subheada.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+By default, the first subheada is number 1. If you want to start with
+number 5, you would enter:
+\subheada{Title of the fifth subheada}
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The number specified in the \setsubheadanumber parameter is the previous
+subheada number, not the next subheada number.
+ The subheada number is reset to zero when you enter \part, \chapter or
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssbn.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssbn.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df728a0689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssbn.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+| setsubheadbnumber |
+Abbreviation: ã|\ssbnã%
+Parameters: ã|previous subheadb numberã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The subheadb number will be automatically incremented by one for each
+use of \subheadb. The subheadb number can be reset by inserting the
+\setsubheadbnumber markup before the next occurrence of \subheadb.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+By default, the first subheadb is number 1. If you want to start with
+number 5, you would enter:
+\subheadb{Title of the fifth subheadb}
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The number specified in the \setsubheadbnumber parameter is the previous
+subheadb number, not the next subheadb number.
+ The subheadb number is reset to zero when you enter \part, \chapter,
+\subheada, or \appendix.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sscn.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sscn.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6db33d4e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sscn.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+| setsubheadcnumber |
+Abbreviation: ã|\sscnã%
+Parameters: ã|previous subheadc numberã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The subheadc number will be automatically incremented by one for each
+use of \subheadc. The subheadc number can be reset by inserting the
+\setsubheadcnumber markup before the next occurrence of \subheadc.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+By default, the first subheadc is number 1. If you want to start with
+number 5, you would enter:
+\subheadc{Title of the fifth subheadc}
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The number specified in the \setsubheadcnumber parameter is the previous
+subheadc number, not the next subheadc number.
+ The subheadc number is reset to zero when you enter \part, \chapter,
+\subheada, \subheadb, or \appendix.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssdn.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssdn.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b93175860c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssdn.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+| setsubheaddnumber |
+Abbreviation: ã|\ssdnã%
+Parameters: ã|previous subheadd numberã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The subheadd number will be automatically incremented by one for each
+use of \subheadd. The subheadd number can be reset by inserting the
+\setsubheaddnumber markup before the next occurrence of \subheadd.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+By default, the first subheadd is number 1. If you want to start with
+number 5, you would enter:
+\subheadd{Title of the fifth subheadd}
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The number specified in the \setsubheaddnumber parameter is the previous
+subheadd number, not the next subheadd number.
+ The subheadd number is reset to zero when you enter \part, \chapter,
+\subheada, \subheadb, \subheadc, or \appendix.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d7173e845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+| selectspecificfont |
+Abbreviation: ã|\ssfã%
+Parameters: ã|catalog name, font size, leadingã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \selectspecificfont markup permits you to include fonts that are not
+members of sets or families, and have an \interlineskip associated with it.
+The format of this markup is,
+\selectspecificfont{catalog name}{font size}{leading}
+where catalog name is the system name for that font without the font size
+specification. (Complete lists of the catalog names can be found by going
+to the TEXT1 help menu, or by looking in the Font Catalogs.) The font
+size is the size in points of that face. The leading is the interlineskip
+specification. You cannot use "default" for the leading as you can with
+ To access a specific font made available with \selectspecificfont, you
+enter a backslash, followed by the catalog name, followed by the font size,
+and ending with a semicolon.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example makes the Computer Modern Slanted font at 12 points available
+for use. After specifying,
+you would then enter "\cmsl12;" to use this font. For example,
+\cl{\cmsl12; Nuclear Utopia}
+Nuclear war is unthinkable.
+| |
+| Nuclear Utopia |
+| Nuclear war is unthinkable. |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Each font specified with \selectspecificfont must be followed by a
+ You cannot use "default" for the leading as you can with \selectfontset.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssp.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssp.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb69c58d75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssp.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+| singlespace |
+Abbreviation: ã|\sspã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+Single spacing is the default for TEXT1. The \singlespace markup can
+be used to return to single spacing if the spacing has been changed
+double spacing with \doublespace. The markup \singlespace markup has no
+parameters, and causes an end-of-paragraph, forcing the following text into
+a new paragraph.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+The cultures of industrial nations are based on
+unethical accumulations of materials.
+This inequality is maintained by power, not
+Power politics makes problems that cannot be solved
+except by war.
+Questions about defining the best nation or the best
+religion lead to organized . . .
+| |
+| The cultures of industrial nations are based on unethical |
+| |
+| accumulations of materials. This inequality is maintained by power, |
+| |
+| not persuasion. |
+| Power politics makes problems that cannot be solved except by war. |
+| Questions about defining the best nation or the best religion lead to |
+| organized . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The interline skip value used with \singlespace and \doublespace is set with
+the \interlineskip markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/stn.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/stn.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94fe79e895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/stn.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+| settablenumber |
+Abbreviation: ã|\stnã%
+Parameters: ã|previous table numberã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The table number will be automatically incremented by one for each use of
+\tabletitle. The table number can be reset by adding the \settablenumber
+markup before the next occurrence of \tabletitle.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+By default, table numbers are reset in parts. If you also want them reset
+in chapters, you could modify the \chapterformat by adding \settablenumber
+to the \titleformat:
+ \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber}
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd \chaptertitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}
+ \settablenumber{0}
+ \setsubheadanumber{0}
+ \setsubheadbnumber{0}
+ \setsubheadcnumber{0}
+ \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
+ \incontents{yes} }
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The number specified in the \settablenumber parameter is the previous table
+number, not the next table number. If you want the next \tabletitle to be
+Table 90, then specify
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/strut.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/strut.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..582344ae8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/strut.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+| strut |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+There are times when it is necessary to have the baselineskip between two
+lines be the same, especially if you are building a table that uses rules
+between columns. The \strut markup can be used in an \halign to maintain
+consistent distance between lines of a table. The \strut markup has no
+parameters. Its height is 1.8 times the height of an "x" in the current
+point size. Its depth is .6 times the height of an "x" in the current point
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Consider this table created without the use of \strut,
+\tabletitle{Comparison of the composition of goat's
+milk and that of two common breeds of dairy cows}
+ \hs{3pt}\ctr{#}\hs{3pt}\vrule\cr
+&&\bd Total&&&\cr
+\bd Source of milk&\bd Water&\bd Solids&
+ \bd Fat&\bd Protein&\bd Lactose\cr
+\noalign{\hrule height 1pt}
+which prints as:
+| |
+| Table 1 |
+| Comparison of the composition of goat's milk and that of two common breeds |
+| of dairy cows |
+| ...................................................... |
+| ....................................................... |
+| ....................................................... |
+| .Jersey...........85.31%..14.69%5.18%..3.86%...4.94%... |
+| ...................................................... |
+Now add \strut to the \halign preamble,
+ \hs{3pt}\ctr{#}\hs{3pt}\vrule\cr
+and notice the uniform distance between lines:
+| |
+| Table 2 |
+| Comparison of the composition of goat's milk and that of two common breeds |
+| of dairy cows |
+| ...................................................... |
+| . . Total . . . . |
+| ....................................................... |
+| Goats 82.02%11.98% 3.50% 3.13% 4.55% |
+| ..Holstein-Friesia87.50%..12.50%3.55%..3.42%...4.86%.. |
+| ....................................................... |
+| ....................................................... |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The size of the strut changes as the interline skip changes. \twelvept will
+have a longer \strut than will \tenpt.
+ See The TEXbook for more on \offinterlineskip.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheada.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheada.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7e95f9a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheada.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|SUBHEADAã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadb.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadb.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9504d6e77b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadb.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|SUBHEADBã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadc.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadc.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d092ec196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadc.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|SUBHEADCã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadd.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadd.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92786990ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadd.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|SUBHEADDã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sy.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sy.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1cd81220f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sy.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+| symbol |
+Abbreviation: ã|\syã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \symbol markup sets the face to the Computer Modern Math Symbol face.
+Refer to The TEXbook, Appendix F, for a complete list of the characters
+available in the Symbol face.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+This example uses \symbol to print a diagonal arrow:
+Put a {\symbol\char'45} next to . . .
+| |
+| Put a \ next to . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+For more on the use of the \char markup, refer to The TEXbook.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tablem.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tablem.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81d335148d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tablem.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|TABLE-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
+\tableformat. This is to be used when you are using \monospace.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tablep.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tablep.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..292d726559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tablep.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|TABLE-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
+\tableformat. This is to be used when you areã|notã%using \monospace.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/taf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/taf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afa15b556b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/taf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+| tableformat |
+Abbreviation: ã|\tafã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\titleformat, \incontentsã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \tableformat markup allows you to modify the defaults that control the
+appearance of the table title.
+ã|titleformat{Nested Markup}ã% controls the appearance of the table title.
+You may use markup such as \blockquotebegin, \hangingparagraph, \vertical-
+space, and \centerline within \titleformat as Nested Markup. Other markup
+you may use within or outside of \tableformat:
+ ã|tablenumber.ã% prints the most recent table number.
+ ã|tabletitle.ã% prints the most recent table title.
+ã|incontentsã% places the table title in contents (if one is printed).
+Printing can be suppressed by changing to "no."
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted a table title to print in a hanging paragraph style, and you
+didn't want the table title put in the table of contents, enter:
+ \titleformat{\bqb\hp\bd Table \tablenumber.
+ \rm\tabletitle\bqe}
+ \incontents{yes}
+ }
+\tabletitle{Size data of a Yellow
+Transparent fruit during the period of July 23 to August 9,
+1977. (fruit No. IV@_b@)}
+July 23&July 27&July 31&August 5&August 9\cr
+| |
+| |
+| Table 1. Size data of a Yellow Transparent fruit during the |
+| period of July 23 to August 9, 1977. (fruit No. IV[b]) |
+| |
+| July 23 July 27 July 31 August 5 August 9 |
+| 32 67 44 47 18 |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \tableformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both are
+used. If you are using \monospace, the only difference in defaults is that
+the table title is printed in the \monospace font instead of \twelvept.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/talaris.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/talaris.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6d310e084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/talaris.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|TALARISã%block is to be selected if you want to change the default
+proportional space fonts and you are using a Talaris.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tat.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tat.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5f13ab97a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tat.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+| tabletitle |
+Abbreviation: ã|\tatã%
+Parameters: ã|title textã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+A table is a presentation of information in columns. The \tabletitle markup
+centers the title and puts that title in the table of contents. The
+\tabletitle markup does not print the actual table, you must use \halign or
+\settabs to accomplish that.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\tabletitle{Monthly Salaries in Public Libraries\lbr
+for 1981}
+&&\ctr{\bd Library Aide}&\ctr{\bd Page}\cr
+\omit\ctr{\bd City/Town}&\ctr{\bd Librarian}&
+ \ctr{\bd and Clerical}&\ctr{\bd and}\cr
+\omit\ctr{\bd Libraries}&\ctr{\bd (a)(b)}&
+ \ctr{\bd Assistant}&\ctr{\bd Bookbinder}\cr
+Burlington&1158&5.89 hr&3.35/3.50 hr\cr
+Castle Rock&300&3.35 hr&---\cr
+Cle Elum&3.50 hr&---&---\cr
+Colville&5.68 hr&5.00 hr&---\cr
+which prints the table illustrated on the following page.
+| |
+| Table 1 |
+| Monthly Salaries in Public Libraries |
+| for 1981 |
+| Library Aide Page |
+| City/Town Librarian and Clerical and |
+| Libraries (a)(b) Assistant Bookbinder |
+| Brewster 190 --- --- |
+| Burlington 1158 5.89 hr 3.35/3.50 hr |
+| Castle Rock 300 3.35 hr --- |
+| Cathlamet 225 --- --- |
+| Chewelah 290 --- --- |
+| Cle Elum 3.50 hr --- --- |
+| Colville 5.68 hr 5.00 hr --- |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+\tabletitle only prints the table title in the text and places the title
+in the table of contents. Use \halign or \settabs to construct the table
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tenpt.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tenpt.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ee2d7e6b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tenpt.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+| tenpt |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+There are two default \selectfontsets established when you format a TEXT1
+file: \twelvept for the 12 point size Computer Modern serif typestyle; and
+\tenpt for the 10 point Computer Modern serif typestyle.
+ The font set includes the following nine faces, each of which is called
+by adding a backslash in front of the name, or using the abbreviation:
+\roman (\rm), \bold (\bd), \italic (\it), \typewriter (\tt), \caps (\cc),
+\mathitalic (\mi), \symbol (\sy), \extension (\ex), and \bolditalic (\bi).
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Consider this example for switching from 12 point to a 10 point size.
+\centerline{\twelvept\bd Sociogeology}
+\centerline{\it by Achilles Chert}
+"Does the absurd dictate death?" asks Albert Camus,
+| |
+| Sociogeology |
+| by Achilles Chert |
+| "Does the absurd dictate death?" asks Albert Camus, |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+There are some markup, such as \figure, \blockquotebegin, \autoendnote, and
+\autofootnote which use \tenpt in formatting. If you decide you want to use
+another 10 point font set (like Plantin) instead of Computer Modern as the
+default, you must give that set the same name, "tenpt":
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/text1.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/text1.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cfb0983202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/text1.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+| text1 |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+You can print the name of the TEXT1 system by entering the markup \text1.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\appendix{\text1\ Markup}
+Following is the list of markup for \text1.
+will print an appendix that looks like:
+| |
+| 2 |
+| |
+| Appendix A |
+| TEXT1 Markup |
+| Following is the list of markup for TEXT1. |
+| |
+| appendix |
+| asisbegin |
+| asisend |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+You must follow \text1 with a required space (either a tilde ~ or with
+a backslash-space, if you want a space following \text1 as indicated in
+the example above in the \appendix markup. If you do not need a space
+following, such as at the end of the sentence illustrated in the second line
+of the example above beginning "Following is . . . ", then omit the space.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/thc.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/thc.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc34bb186e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/thc.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+| threecolumns |
+Abbreviation: ã|\thcã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \threecolumns markup formats text in three identical width columns.
+Column widths, gutters and margins are calculated automatically. The
+default column width is 31% of the galleywidth (hsize). The default gutter
+between each column is 3.5% of the galleywidth.
+ The Flexible format (the default) allows the user to use single column,
+two column, and three column text interchangeably on the current page by
+entering one of the markup choices at the desired point in the text. The
+flexible format will balance the text columns whenever the number of columns
+ For example, if the author changes the multiple column format by
+typing a different markup TEXT1 will automatically balance the columns it
+is currently processing and change to a new number of columns. These
+instructions can be inserted at any point on the page.
+ The author may want to handle tables and other large blocks of text by
+returning to a single column for the table by typing \onecolumn immediately
+before the table and returning to two or three column formatting immediately
+after the table.
+ All running head, running foot, and inserts are printed across the
+full single column width that prints across the top of the current page.
+Footnotes will be printed across the full width at the bottom of the page.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\nin Hebrew is called a Semitic language because it has
+its roots in Shem, one of the sons of Noah.
+Viewing Jerusalem as its center, it is related to the
+northern, rougher Aramaic, and to the southern, more
+polished Arabic. It has a freshness, simplicity and
+power that few modern languages possess. Bounds of the
+ancient Semitic tongue were approximately the
+Mediterranean Sea on the west, the Euphrates and Tigris
+Rivers on the easy, the mountains
+of Armenia on the north,
+and the coast of Arabia on the south. Consider the first
+character, N . . .
+| |
+| Hebrew is rougher approximately. |
+| called Aramaic, the Mediter- |
+| a Semitic and to the ranean Sea |
+| language southern, on the west, |
+| because more pol- the Euphrates. |
+| it has its ished Ara- and Tigris |
+| roots in bic. It Rivers on |
+| Shem, one has a the easy, |
+| of the sons freshness, sim- the mountains. |
+| of Noah. plicity and of Armenia |
+| Viewing power that on the north,. |
+| Jerusalem few modern and the coast. |
+| as its cen- languages pos Arabia on |
+| ter, it is sess. Bounds the south. |
+| related to of the an- Consider the |
+| the north- cient Semitic first char- |
+| ern, tongue were acter, N |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+To change the column width or the gutter width, use the \multicolumnformat
+ You cannot specify \threecolumns inside of \vbox, \drawbox,
+\paragraphbox, or a floating \figure (non floating figures, \nofloat,
+are ok).
+ If you want footnotes and figures to print in one column instead of
+across both columns, use the \fixedformat markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/thesis.helpmode b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/thesis.helpmode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d43b13234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/thesis.helpmode
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Models |
+Theã|THESISã%model is a thesis model set up to abide by all of the WSU
+graduate school's rules. It is a template. You may modify it, but
+it is recommended you check with the Information Center first.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/titlepg.helpbloc b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/titlepg.helpbloc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd15e332b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/titlepg.helpbloc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
+Theã|TITLEPGã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
+\titlepageformat for changing the way a title page is printed.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/toc.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/toc.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd9d895ec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/toc.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+| tableofcontents |
+Abbreviation: ã|\tocã%
+Parameters: ã|page numberã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \tableofcontents markup prints the table of contents, beginning with
+the designated page. A roman numeral page number is specified by entering
+a negative page number. This markup must always appear at the end of a
+ By default, parts, chapters, appendices and subheading levels "A" and
+"B" are included in the table of contents. The order of printing in the
+table of contents is always
+ 1. table of contents
+ 2. list of figures
+ 3. list of tables
+ The list of figures will print only if a \figure markup was used. The
+list of tables will print only if a \tabletitle markup was used.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To print the table of contents beginning on page 32 enter:
+of utmost importance.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted the table of contents to begin on roman numeral page three
+("iii"), you would enter a minus three.
+New York: Halstead Press.
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+This markup must always appear at the end of a document.
+ Multiple line titles may be broken in the table of contents by using
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tocf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tocf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f178e50e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tocf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+| tableofcontentsformat |
+Abbreviation: ã|\tocfã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã| \toctitle, \prefacetocformat, \parttocformat,
+\continuechapter, \chaptertocformat,
+\hangingchapterindent, \appendixtocformat,
+\hangingappendixindent, \subheadatocformat,
+\subheadbtocformat, \subheadctocformat,
+\subheaddtocformat, \bibliographytocformat,
+\figuretoctitle, \figuretocformat,
+\hangingfigureindent, \tabletoctitle,
+\tabletocformat, \hangingtableindentã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The table of contents prints with the titles "Table of Contents", "List of
+Figures", and "List of Tables" centered in bold letters and each beginning
+on a new page. If you want to change these defaults you use the \table-
+ofcontentsformat markup. This markup also changes the way part, chapter,
+subhead, appendix, bibliography, preface, figure and table titles print in
+table of contents.
+ã|toctitleã% regulates how the table of contents title is to be printed. By
+default it is a centered bold title "Table of Contents". Use \toctitle to
+change this default.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted the title of the table of contents to print "Contents" you
+would enter:
+ \toctitle{\cl{\it Contents}}}
+ã|prefacetocformatã% determines how titles entered on the \preface markup
+are to print in the table of contents. By default, they are simply printed
+with a \noindent.
+| |
+| Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted the preface title to print in italics as illustrated on the
+next page, you would enter:
+ \prefacetitle\leader\pn}}
+| |
+| Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 |
+| |
+ã|parttocformatã% determines how titles entered on the \part markup are to
+print in the table of contents. By default, part titles skip one line,
+center the part number, center the part title, skip another line, then print
+"Part" followed by the part number again, followed by leader and the page
+| |
+| Part 1 |
+| Mechanics |
+| |
+| Part 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted parts to print in a hanging paragraph style, enter:
+| |
+| Videodiscs in today's modern office --- Timely |
+| TV Tutors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 |
+ã|continuechapterã% if specified as "yes" will print "Chapter" at the top of
+each page under the header. The default is "no".
+ã|chaptertocformat{Nested Markup}ã% determines how a chapter title is to be
+printed in the table of contents. By default, the chapter number and title
+are printed in a hanging number style. For example, if you entered,
+\chapter{The Nineteenth Century and after\lbr
+best-sellers\toclbr and steady-sellers}
+you would get in the table of contents:
+| |
+| 1. The Nineteenth Century and after best-sellers |
+| and steady-sellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 |
+Note that the line break from \lbr only occurs in the text, not in the
+table of contents. Use \toclbr to create a line break which is to occur
+in the table of contents. To change the amount of indent, use the
+\hangingchapterindent. You may use markup such as \newpage, \chaptertitle,
+\chapternumber, \verticalspace, and \centerline within \chaptertocformat as
+Nested Markup. You may also use \hangingchapternumber, which prints the
+chapter number in a similar fashion as \item.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted chapter titles to print in a hanging paragraph style, without
+an associated chapter number, you would enter:
+| |
+| The Nineteenth Century and after best-sellers |
+| and steady-sellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you want the title "Chapter" to appear left justified in the table of
+contents above the first chapter number, prior to the first chapter you
+would enter the following \putincontents markup:
+\putincontents1{\nin Chapter}
+\chapter{First Chapter}
+Text of the first chapter . . .
+which prints in the table of contents as:
+| |
+| Chapter |
+| 1. First Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 |
+ã|hangingchapterindentã% controls the amount of indent before printing the
+chapter title when you print using \hangingchapternumber.
+ã|appendixtocformat{Nested Markup}ã% determines how an appendix title is to
+be printed in the table of contents. By default, the appendix number and
+title are printed in a hanging number style. For example, if you entered,
+\appendix{The Nineteenth Century and after\lbr
+best-sellers\toclbr and steady-sellers}
+you would get in the table of contents:
+| |
+| A. The Nineteenth Century and after best-sellers |
+| and steady-sellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 |
+Note that the line break from \lbr only occurs in the text, not in
+the table of contents. Use \toclbr to create a line break which
+is to occur in the table of contents. To change the amount of
+indent, use the \hangingappendixindent. You may use markup such as
+\newpage, \appendixtitle, \appendixnumber, \verticalspace, and \center-
+line within \appendixtocformat as Nested Markup. You may also use
+\hangingappendixnumber, which prints the chapter number in a similar fashion
+as \item.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted appendix titles to print in a hanging paragraph style, without
+an associated appendix number, you would enter:
+| |
+| The Nineteenth Century and after best-sellers |
+| and steady-sellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you want the title "Appendix" to appear left justified in the table of
+contents above the first appendix number, prior to the first appendix you
+would enter the following \putincontents markup:
+\putincontents1{\nin Appendix}
+\appendix{First Appendix}
+Text of the first appendix . . .
+| |
+| Appendix |
+| A. First Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 |
+ã|hangingappendixindentã% controls the amount of indent before printing the
+appendix title when you print using \hangingappendixnumber.
+ã|subheadatocformatã% by default prints all titles entered with \subheada to
+be block indented 1/2 inch from the left margin. Use \subheadatocformat to
+change this default.
+| |
+| Chapter |
+| 1. Document Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 |
+| Micro-to-Mainframe Links: They don't quite |
+| make it yet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To have subheada titles indented 1/4inch and printed with a hangingindent,
+ \hp\subheadatitle \leader \pagenumber}}
+| |
+| Chapter |
+| 1. Document Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 |
+| Micro-to-Mainframe Links: They don't quite make |
+| it yet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 |
+| |
+ã|subheadbtocformatã% by default prints all titles entered with \subheadb to
+be block indented 1 inch from the left margin. Use \subheadbtocformat to
+change the default illustrated here:
+| |
+| Chapter |
+| 1. Document Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 |
+| Micro-to-Mainframe Links: They don't |
+| quite make it yet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To have subheadb titles indented /4 inch and printed with a hangingindent
+prefaced with "" where cc is the chapter number, aa is the subheada
+number and bb is the subheadb number, enter:
+ \tocf{\subheadbtocformat{\leftindent{.25in}
+ \hp\chapternumber.\subheadanumber.\subheadbnumber
+ \quad\subheadbtitle \leader \pagenumber}}
+ The first \subheadb in the second \subheada of the first chapter would
+print in the table of contents as:
+| |
+| Chapter |
+| 1. Document Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 |
+| 1.2.1 Micro-to-Mainframe Links: They |
+| don't quite make it yet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 |
+ã|subheadctocformatã% by default prints all titles entered with \subheadc to
+be block indented 11/2inch from the left margin. Use \subheadctocformat to
+change this default.
+| |
+| |
+| Chapter |
+| 1. Document Exchange .. . ...... . .. .. .. . ...... . .. .. .. . .....15 |
+| Micro-to-Mainframe Links: They |
+| don't quite make it yet .... . . ..... . . ..... . . ....15 |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To have subheadc titles indented 3/4inch and printed in italics, enter:
+ \nin\italic
+ \subheadctitle \leader \pagenumber}}
+| |
+| Chapter |
+| 1. Document Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 |
+| Micro-to-Mainframe Links: They don't |
+| quite make it yet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 |
+ã|subheaddtocformatã% by default prints all titles entered with \subheadd to
+be block indented 2 inches from the left margin. Use \subheaddtocformat to
+change this default.
+| |
+| Chapter |
+| 1. Document Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 |
+| Micro-to-Mainframe Links: |
+| They don't quite make |
+| it yet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+To have subheadd titles indented 2 inches, printed with a hangingindent in a
+10 point Computer Modern italic font, and no page number, enter:
+ \hp\tenpt\italic
+ \subheaddtitle}}
+| |
+| Chapter |
+| 1. Document Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 |
+| Micro-to-Mainframe Links: |
+| They don't quite make it yet |
+ã|bibliographytocformatã% determines how titles entered on the \bibliography
+markup are to print in the table of contents. By default, they are simply
+printed with a \noindent like prefaces. Use \bibliographytocformat to
+change this default.
+| |
+| Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted the preface title to print in bold, you would enter:
+ \bibtitle\leader\pn}}
+| |
+| ã|Bibliographyã%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 |
+| |
+ã|figuretoctitleã% determines how the list of figures is to print. By
+default, it will start a new page, center the title "List of Figures", and
+then print a header above the first figure, which in the example below had
+the title "Hot times . . . " and printed on page 43:
+| |
+| 21 |
+| List of Figures |
+| Figure Page |
+| 1. Hot times in the land of the midnight sun . . . . . . . . . . . 43 |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted the list of figures to print the title "Illustrations" instead
+of "List of Figures" after skipping to a new page, enter
+ \cl{\bd Illustrations}
+ \line{Figure\rt{Page}}}}
+| |
+| Illustrations |
+| Figure Page |
+| 1. Hot times in the land of the midnight sun ... . ... ... . .....43 |
+ã|figuretocformat{Nested Markup}ã% determines how a figure title is to be
+printed in the table of contents. By default, the figure number and title
+are printed in a hanging number style. For example, if you entered:
+\figure{\halfpage}{The Nineteenth Century
+and after best-sellers\toclbr and steady-sellers}
+the figure title would print in the contents as:
+| |
+| 1. The Nineteenth Century and after best-sellers |
+| and steady-sellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 |
+| |
+ To change the amount of indent, use the \hangingfigureindent. You may
+use markup such as \figuretitle and \figurenumber, within \figuretocformat
+as Nested Markup. You may also use \hangingnumber{\figurenumber} which
+prints the figure number in a similar fashion as \item.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted figure titles to print in a hanging paragraph style prefaced
+with the figure number, you would enter:
+ \figurenumber\quad\figuretitle\leader\pn}}
+| |
+| 1 The Nineteenth Century and after best-sellers |
+| and steady-sellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 |
+ã|hangingfigureindentã% controls the amount of indent before printing the
+figure title when you print using:
+ã|tabletoctitleã% determines how the list of tables is to print. By
+default, it will start a new page, center the title "List of Tables ", and
+then print a header above the first table, which in the example below had
+the title "Hot times . . . " and printed on page 55:
+| |
+| List of Tables |
+| Table Page |
+| 1. Hot times in the land of the midnight sun . . . . . . . . . . . 55 |
+| |
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted the list of tables to print the title "Tables" after skipping
+to a new page, enter
+ \cl{\bd Tables}
+ \line{Table\rt{Page}}}}
+| |
+| Tables |
+| Table Page |
+| 1. Hot times in the land of the midnight sun . . . . . . . . . . . 55 |
+| |
+ã|tabletocformat{Nested Markup}ã% determines how a table title is to be
+printed in the table of contents. By default, the table number and title
+are printed in a hanging number style. For example, if you entered:
+\tabletitle{The Nineteenth Century
+and after best-sellers\toclbr and steady-sellers}
+the table title would print as:
+| |
+| 1. The Nineteenth Century and after best-sellers |
+| and steady-sellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 |
+| |
+ To change the amount of indent, use the \hangingtableindent. You may
+use markup such as \tabletitle and \tablenumber, within \tabletocformat as
+Nested Markup. You may also use \hangingnumber{\tablenumber}, which prints
+the table number in a similar fashion as \item.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you wanted table titles to print in a hanging paragraph style prefaced
+with "" where cc is the chapter number and tt is the table number, you
+would enter,
+ \quad\tabletitle\leader\pn}}
+and the first table of the second chapter would print in the contents as:
+| |
+| 2.1 The Nineteenth Century and after best-sellers |
+| and steady-sellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 |
+ã|hangingtableindentã% controls the amount of indent before printing the
+table title when you print using:
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+The \tableofcontentsformat markup should always appear at the top of a
+document, but after \monospace, if both are used.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/toclbr.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/toclbr.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7503bd102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/toclbr.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+| toclinebreak |
+Abbreviation: ã|\toclbrã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \toclinebreak markup causes a line to finish without interrupting a
+paragraph in the table of contents. Occasionally it is necessary to break
+a line in a precise place within a paragraph, as opposed to letting TEXT1
+decide where to break the line. This markup does not end a paragraph, it
+simply starts the following text of the paragraph on a new line in the table
+of contents instead of concatenating it to the end of the previous line.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\chapter{More facts about Datapoint
+information\toclbr processing\linebreak
+ and office
+automation products,\lbr\toclbr
+systems, and software}
+will print the chapter title on three lines in the text of the document:
+| |
+| More facts about Datapoint information processing |
+| and office automation products, |
+| systems, and software |
+and on three lines in the table of contents:
+| |
+| 1. More facts about Datapoint information |
+| processing and office automation products, |
+| systems, and software . . . .... . . ...... . . .... . . ...... . . 32 |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/today.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/today.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d9a1bd87c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/today.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+| today |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \today markup prints the current date in a standard format, "month day,
+ ã|Example:ã%
+John R. Bays
+Philosophy 484
+| |
+| John R. Bays |
+| Philosophy 484 |
+| January 15, 1987 |
+| |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topline1.helpeven b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topline1.helpeven
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a839ce01d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topline1.helpeven
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+| TEXT1 \topline1-5 COMMANDS |
+The \topline1-5 commands set what will appear at the top of each page after the
+title page. The \topline1-5 command is always used in conjunction with the
+\bothpages (\bp), \evenpages (\ep), or \oddpages (\op) command. This command
+has the format:
+ \evenpages{
+ \toplineX{llll}{cccc}{rrrr}
+ }
+where "X" may be 1-5 and refers to the toptitle line number; "llll" is the
+information to be printed left justified; "cccc" is the information to be
+printed centered; and "rrrr" is the information to be printed right justified.
+For example:
+ \evenpages{
+ \topline1{Joe Smith}{June 3, 1984}{\pagenumber}
+ \topline2{\rule}{}{}
+ }
+will space down the amount specified on the \topmargin command and put "Joe
+Smith" at the top far left, with "June 3, 1984" centered and the current page
+number on the top far right of the first line of each even page. On the second
+line of each even page will be a horizontal line across the width of the text.
+The running toptitle of page 4 would look like this:
+Joe Smith June 3, 1984 4
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topline1.helpoddp b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topline1.helpoddp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..592dd44217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topline1.helpoddp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+| TEXT1 \topline1-5 COMMANDS |
+The \topline1-5 commands set what will appear at the top of each page after the
+title page. The \topline1-5 command is always used in conjunction with the
+\bothpages (\bp), \evenpages (\ep), or \oddpages (\op) command. This command
+has the format:
+ \oddpages{
+ \toplineX{llll}{cccc}{rrrr}
+ }
+where "X" may be 1-5 and refers to the toptitle line number; "llll" is the
+information to be printed left justified; "cccc" is the information to be
+printed centered; and "rrrr" is the information to be printed right justified.
+For example:
+ \oddpages{
+ \topline1{Joe Smith}{June 3, 1984}{\pagenumber}
+ \topline2{\rule}{}{}
+ }
+will space down the amount specified on the \topmargin command and put "Joe
+Smith" at the top far left, with "June 3, 1984" centered and the current page
+number on the top far right of the first line of each odd page. On the second
+line of each odd page will be a horizontal line across the width of the text.
+The running toptitle of page 5 would look like this:
+Joe Smith June 3, 1984 5
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topmargi.helppage b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topmargi.helppage
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..407c650c62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topmargi.helppage
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+| TEXT1 \topmargin (\tma) COMMAND |
+The \topmargin (\tma) command will set the distance from the top of the page to
+the top of the running top title text. This command has the format:
+ \topmargin{uu}
+where "uu" is the unit of measurement in number of lines or in any valid TeX
+measurement (pt, pc, in, etc.). The default top margin is one inch, or
+\topmargin{1IN}. This command may only appear at the beginning of the TeX input
+file before any actual text is entered.
+In order to change the top margin from the default of one inch to one-half
+inch, you would enter:
+ \tma{.5in}
+Which would give you one-half inch between the top of the page to the top of
+the running top title.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tp.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tp.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0e3f5dc3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tp.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+| titlepage |
+Abbreviation: ã|\tpã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+By convention, a title page is a display page, differing from body pages.
+It usually has sinkage (extra vertical space before the title), a centered
+title (in bold or larger type), and a blind folio (where the page is
+numbered but the number is not printed). It may also have special text in
+the footing.
+ By default, the first page of any paper is a title page in TEXT1,
+although it can be suppressed by \notitlepage. Furthermore, title pages can
+be added anywhere in a paper using \titlepage. Since the title page usually
+receives different treatment from body pages, there is separate markup for
+it. By default, the title page adds 1 inch to the top margin and does not
+print a running foot line at the bottom of the page.
+ The next page after a title page in TEXT1 is always assumed to be a
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Some applications have more than one page in the document which are not
+to carry a running top title. For example, if you want a chapter to
+always print without a running top title, you could add \titlepage to the
+\chapterformat markup:
+ \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
+ \titlepage
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber}
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd \chaptertitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}
+ \setsubheadanumber{0}
+ \setsubheadbnumber{0}
+ \setsubheadcnumber{0}
+ \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
+ \incontents{yes}}
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Use the \titlepageformat to change the defaults on the title page.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tpf.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tpf.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61299a89b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tpf.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+| titlepageformat |
+ \titlefootline{}
+ }
+Abbreviation: ã|\tpfã%
+Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
+Submarkup: ã|\titleleadskip, \titlefootlineã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+By convention, a title page is a display page, differing from body pages.
+It usually has sinkage (extra vertical space before the title), a centered
+title (in bold or larger type), and a blind folio (where the page is
+numbered but the number is not printed). It may also have special text in
+the footing. The \titlepageformat markup changes the heading and footing of
+a titlepage.
+ã|titleleadskipã% is the amount of space to be left at the top of title
+pages, in addition to the top margin. By default, there is a 1 inch lead
+skip and a 1 inch top margin, making for a 2 inch white space at the top of
+each title page.
+ã|titlefootlineã% is the footing at the bottom of a title page. Similar
+in function to the running foot, its difference is that you do not specify
+\bothpage, \evenpage, or \oddpage with \titlefootline.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+If you want to add 3 inches to the top margin, and print "Bays" at the
+bottom of the page with the page number, enter:
+ \titlefootline{\line{\lft{Bays}\rt{\pn}}}
+ }
+which prints a footing at the bottom of the page like:
+| |
+| Bays 3 |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tt.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tt.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25af085df6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tt.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+| typewriter |
+Abbreviation: ã|\ttã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+Typewriter is a medium-weight uniformly spaced type face. You get this face
+when you enter \typewriter. Each character has the same width. It is handy
+in \asisbegin blocks.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Using the typewriter font,
+And yet not cloy thy lips 1
+ with loath'd satiety, 2
+But rather famish them 3
+ amid their plenty, 4
+you get the line number on the right to line up:
+| |
+| And yet not cloy thy lips 1 |
+| with loath'd satiety, 2 |
+| But rather famish them 3 |
+| amid their plenty, 4 |
+| |
+Without \typewriter you get:
+| |
+| And yet not cloy thy lips 1 |
+| with loath'd satiety, 2 |
+| But rather famish them 3 |
+| amid their plenty, 4 |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/twc.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/twc.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eac46c836c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/twc.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+| twocolumns |
+Abbreviation: ã|\twcã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \twocolumns markup formats text in two columns with identical width.
+The column widths and gutter are calculated automatically within the
+specified margins. The default width of both columns is 48% of the
+galleywidth. The default gutter width is 4% of the galleywidth.
+ The Flexible format allows the user to use single column, two column,
+and three column text interchangeably on the current page by entering one of
+the markup choices at the desired point in the text. The flexible format
+will balance the text columns whenever the number of columns changes.
+ For example, if the author changes the multiple column format by
+typing a different markup TEXT1 will automatically balance the columns it
+is currently processing and change to a new number of columns. These
+instructions can be inserted at any point on the page.
+ The author may want to handle tables and other large blocks of text by
+returning to a single column for the table by typing \onecolumn immediately
+before the table and returning to two or three column formatting immediately
+after the table.
+ All running head, running foot, and inserts are printed across the
+full single column width that prints across the top of the current page.
+Footnotes will be printed across the full width at the bottom of the page.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\nin Hebrew is called a Semitic language because it has
+its roots in Shem, one of the sons of Noah.
+Viewing Jerusalem as its center, it is related to the
+northern, rougher Aramaic, and to the southern, more
+polished Arabic. It has a freshness, simplicity and
+power that few modern languages possess. Bounds of the
+ancient Semitic tongue were approximately the
+Mediterranean Sea on the west, the Euphrates and Tigris
+Rivers on the easy,
+the mountains of Armenia on the north,
+and the coast of Arabia on the south. Consider the first
+character, N . . .
+| |
+| Hebrew is called languages pos- |
+| a Semitic lan- sess. Bounds |
+| guage because it of the ancient |
+| has its roots Semitic tongue |
+| in Shem, one were approxi- |
+| of the sons of mately the Medi- |
+| Noah. View- terranean Sea on |
+| ing Jerusalem as the west, the |
+| its center, it Euphrates and |
+| is related to Tigris Rivers on |
+| the northern, the easy, the |
+| rougher Aramaic, mountains of Ar- |
+| and to the menia on the |
+| southern, more north, and the |
+| polished Arabic. coast of Ara- |
+| It has a fresh- bia on the |
+| ness, simplic- south. Consider |
+| ity and power the first char- |
+| that few modern acter, N . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+To change the column width or the gutter width, use the \multicolumnformat
+ You cannot specify \twocolumns inside of \vbox, \drawbox, \paragraphbox,
+or a floating \figure (non floating figures, \nofloat, are ok).
+ If you want footnotes and figures to print in one column instead of
+across both columns, use the \fixedformat markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/twelvept.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/twelvept.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a4cfcfd53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/twelvept.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+| twelvept |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|noneã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+There are two default \selectfontsets established when you format a TEXT1
+file: \twelvept for the 12 point size Computer Modern serif typestyle; and
+\tenpt for the 10 point Computer Modern serif typestyle.
+ The font set includes the following nine faces, each of which is called
+by adding a backslash in front of the name, or using the abbreviation:
+\roman (\rm), \bold (\bd), \italic (\it), \typewriter (\tt), \caps (\cc),
+\mathitalic (\mi), \symbol (\sy), \extension (\ex), and \bolditalic (\bi).
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Consider this example for switching from 12 point to a 10 point size.
+\centerline{\twelvept\bd Sociogeology}
+\centerline{\it by Achilles Chert}
+"Does the absurd dictate death?" asks Albert Camus,
+| |
+| Sociogeology |
+| by Achilles Chert |
+| "Does the absurd dictate death?" asks Albert Camus, |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+There are some markup, such as \tableformat, \runningheadformat, \run-
+ningfootformat, \chapterformat, \partformat and the other heading markup.
+If you want to use another 12 point font set (like Plantin) as the
+default instead of Computer Modern, you must give that set the same name,
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/us.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/us.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29e63f08f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/us.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+| underscore |
+Abbreviation: ã|\usã%
+Parameters: ã|textã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+Underscoring, drawing a line under words or sentences, is also used for
+emphasis and to indicate book titles.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+Figure 1 shows a schema borrowed from my previous
+book, \us{The} \us{Intact} \us{Societies:}
+\us{Vestals} \us{and} \us{Volcanos}
+\us{in} \us{the} \us{South Pacific}, which suggests . . .
+| |
+| Figure 1 shows a schema borrowed from my previous book, The Intact |
+| Societies: Vestals and Volcanos in the South Pacific, which suggests |
+| . . . |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+In proportional spacing, the \underscore markup has the occasional
+disadvantage of preventing hyphenation and line breaking, which can result
+in awkward or impossible interword spacing and line breaks. To remedy this,
+put each word to be underscored inside of its own \underscore markup as
+illustrated above.
+ Do not use \underscore in math mode; use \underline instead.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vbox.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vbox.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..981ddf97ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vbox.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+| vbox |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|box materialã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \vbox markup has many uses. One use is to be able to put multiple lines
+into a \drawbox markup.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+\drawbox{\vbox{The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena
+is the research arm of Giga Geologicals,
+Inc. No apologies
+are tendered for the nonverifiability of experiments.
+The opinions of the authors do not reflect
+company policy.}}
+| |
+| ........................................................................... |
+| . The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena is the research arm of Gig . |
+| . Geologicals, Inc. No apologies are tendered for the nonverifiability of . |
+| . experiments. The opinions of the authors do not reflect company policy. . |
+| ........................................................................... |
+| |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vertical.helpvert b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vertical.helpvert
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..872fadaa4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vertical.helpvert
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+| TEXT1 \verticalspace (\vs) COMMAND |
+The \verticalspace (\vs) command will leave the specified amount of space or
+the specified number of blank lines in the text. This command will also force
+the following text into a new paragraph. The format for the \verticalspace
+(\vs) command is:
+ \verticalspace{x}
+Where "x" is the number of blank lines or space you wish to leave. For
+ \verticalspace{4\bl}
+will leave four blank lines, and
+ \verticalspace{2in}
+will leave two inches of blank space.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vrule.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vrule.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60e469f102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vrule.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+| vrule |
+Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
+Parameters: ã|dimensionã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \vrule markup draws a vertical rule. It is a native TEX markup, and
+the usage is different in that the parameter is not surrounded with curly
+braces. If you do not supply a dimension, TEXT1 will print the rule with
+a height of the highest character in that line and the depth of the deepest
+character in that line. By default, the rule drawn has a thickness (width)
+of .4pt.
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+Refer to The TEXbook for more on \vrule and how to use the "depth" parameter
+with the "height" and "width" parameters.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vs.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vs.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb1a1cc8f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vs.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+| verticalspace |
+Abbreviation: ã|\vsã%
+Parameters: ã|units of measureã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \verticalspace markup creates blank lines (or space) on a page. This
+markup causes a break in text and leaves a specified amount of space within
+a page. Any following text starts a new paragraph. The total amount of
+white space left is the units of measure (dimension) in the \verticalspace,
+plus the current paragraph skip value. This markup is followed by a
+parameter, which can be entered in whole blank lines, inches, points, or
+other valid units of measure.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+{\bd Minerals and Human Behavior}
+"Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert
+Camus, a novelist who lionized the labors of . . .
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| Minerals and Human Behavior |
+| |
+| "Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert Camus, a novelist who |
+| lionized the labors of . . . |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+You can tell TEXT1 you want a variable amount of white space between lines
+by entering something line:
+\verticalspace{10pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}
+which tells TEXT1 you want 10 points of white space in addition to the
+paragraph skip. If TEXT1 cannot balance text to the bottom of the page
+when \normalbottom is in effect (which is the default), then the above
+specification allows TEXT1 to add up to 2 points of white space or subtract
+up to 1 point of white space from the 10 points of white space.
+ If you enter a \verticalspace markup at the top of a page it will be
+ignored. Putting a \verticalspace at the bottom of a page is risky, also,
+if the amount of space left on the page is less than the amount asked for.
+The difference will not be carried over to the following page; it will be
+lost. Both difficulties can be resolved by using a required space markup,
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vsk.helpmark b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vsk.helpmark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12befa9880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vsk.helpmark
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+| verticalspacekeep |
+Abbreviation: ã|\vskã%
+Parameters: ã|units of measureã%
+ ã|Description:ã%
+The \verticalspacekeep markup leaves a required amount of space, for a
+figure, plate, or table. The space will always be kept together on
+the current page or printed at the top of the next page if not enough
+space remains on the current page. Text that follows a \verticalspacekeep
+will not be used to fill in the current page if the required space is
+moved to the following page. The amount of white space left is the
+\verticalspacekeep dimension plus the current paragraph skip value.
+ ã|Example:ã%
+{\bd Sociogeology}
+{\it Minerals and Human Behavior}
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| |
+| Sociogeology Minerals and Human Behavior |
+ ã|Notes:ã%
+\verticalspacekeep is the best way to have white space left at the top of a
+page. \verticalspace will not leave white space at the top of a page.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/width.helppage b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/width.helppage
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec89a93efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/cms_help_files/width.helppage
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+| TEXT1 \width COMMAND |
+The \width command specifies the width of the page that will be used for
+printing the file. The format is:
+ \width{uu}
+where "uu" is the unit of measurement in any valid TeX measurement (pt, pc, in,
+etc.) or number of 10-pitch characters. The default page width is 8.5 inches,
+or \width{8.5IN}. This command may only appear at the beginning of the TeX
+input file before any actual text is entered.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et10.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et10.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b2e237237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et10.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\font\cgetXrm=etr at 10pt\font\cgetXit=eti at 10pt
+\font\cgetXbd=etb at 10pt \font\cgetXmi=mthit at 10pt
+\font\cgetXsy=symbola at 10pt \font\cgetXex=ext at 10pt
+\font\cgetXbi=etbi at 10pt \font\cgetXtt=elite at 10pt
+\font\cgetXcc=etsc at 10pt\font\cgetXmrm=mthrm at 10pt
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxet\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxet\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxet\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxet\endcsname=12pt\fi%
+ \def\noexpand\rm{\fam0\cgetXrm}%
+ \def\noexpand\mi{\fam1\cgetXmi}%
+ \def\noexpand\sy{\fam2\cgetXsy}%
+ \def\noexpand\ex{\fam3\cgetXex}%
+ \textfont0=\cgetXmrm \textfont1=\cgetXmi
+ \textfont2=\cgetXsy \textfont3=\cgetXex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cgetXit\textfont\bifam=\cgetXbi
+ \textfont\ttfam=\cgetXtt \textfont\bffam=\cgetXbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cgetXcc
+ \def\noexpand\bd{\fam\bffam\cgetXbd}%
+ \def\noexpand\it{\fam\itfam\cgetXit}%
+ \def\noexpand\bi{\fam\bifam\cgetXbi}%
+ \def\noexpand\tt{\fam\ttfam\cgetXtt}%
+ \def\noexpand\cc{\fam\ccfam\cgetXcc}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxet\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et11.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et11.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2cc84b4c7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et11.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\font\cgetXIrm=etr at 11pt\font\cgetXIit=eti at 11pt
+\font\cgetXIbd=etb at 11pt \font\cgetXImi=mthit at 11pt
+\font\cgetXIsy=symbola at 11pt \font\cgetXIex=ext at 11pt
+\font\cgetXIbi=etbi at 11pt \font\cgetXItt=elite at 11pt
+\font\cgetXIcc=etsc at 11pt\font\cgetXImrm=mthrm at 11pt
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiet\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiet\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiet\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiet\endcsname=13pt\fi%
+ \def\noexpand\rm{\fam0\cgetXIrm}%
+ \def\noexpand\mi{\fam1\cgetXImi}%
+ \def\noexpand\sy{\fam2\cgetXIsy}%
+ \def\noexpand\ex{\fam3\cgetXIex}%
+ \textfont0=\cgetXImrm \textfont1=\cgetXImi
+ \textfont2=\cgetXIsy \textfont3=\cgetXIex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cgetXIit\textfont\bifam=\cgetXIbi
+ \textfont\ttfam=\cgetXItt \textfont\bffam=\cgetXIbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cgetXIcc
+ \def\noexpand\bd{\fam\bffam\cgetXIbd}%
+ \def\noexpand\it{\fam\itfam\cgetXIit}%
+ \def\noexpand\bi{\fam\bifam\cgetXIbi}%
+ \def\noexpand\tt{\fam\ttfam\cgetXItt}%
+ \def\noexpand\cc{\fam\ccfam\cgetXIcc}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiet\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et12.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et12.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85c9acc6f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et12.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\font\cgetXIIrm=etr at 12pt\font\cgetXIIit=eti at 12pt
+\font\cgetXIIbd=etb at 12pt \font\cgetXIImi=mthit at 12pt
+\font\cgetXIIsy=symbola at 12pt \font\cgetXIIex=ext at 12pt
+\font\cgetXIIbi=etbi at 12pt \font\cgetXIItt=elite at 12pt
+\font\cgetXIIcc=etsc at 12pt\font\cgetXIImrm=mthrm at 12pt
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiiet\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiiet\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiiet\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiiet\endcsname=14pt\fi%
+ \def\noexpand\rm{\fam0\cgetXIIrm}%
+ \def\noexpand\mi{\fam1\cgetXIImi}%
+ \def\noexpand\sy{\fam2\cgetXIIsy}%
+ \def\noexpand\ex{\fam3\cgetXIIex}%
+ \textfont0=\cgetXIImrm \textfont1=\cgetXIImi
+ \textfont2=\cgetXIIsy \textfont3=\cgetXIIex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cgetXIIit\textfont\bifam=\cgetXIIbi
+ \textfont\ttfam=\cgetXIItt \textfont\bffam=\cgetXIIbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cgetXIIcc
+ \def\noexpand\bd{\fam\bffam\cgetXIIbd}%
+ \def\noexpand\it{\fam\itfam\cgetXIIit}%
+ \def\noexpand\bi{\fam\bifam\cgetXIIbi}%
+ \def\noexpand\tt{\fam\ttfam\cgetXIItt}%
+ \def\noexpand\cc{\fam\ccfam\cgetXIIcc}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiiet\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et14.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et14.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01a5295803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et14.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\font\cgetXIVrm=etr at 14pt\font\cgetXIVit=eti at 14pt
+\font\cgetXIVbd=etb at 14pt \font\cgetXIVmi=mthit at 14pt
+\font\cgetXIVsy=symbola at 14pt \font\cgetXIVex=ext at 14pt
+\font\cgetXIVbi=etbi at 14pt \font\cgetXIVtt=elite at 14pt
+\font\cgetXIVcc=etsc at 14pt\font\cgetXIVmrm=mthrm at 14pt
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxivet\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxivet\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxivet\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxivet\endcsname=16pt\fi%
+ \def\noexpand\rm{\fam0\cgetXIVrm}%
+ \def\noexpand\mi{\fam1\cgetXIVmi}%
+ \def\noexpand\sy{\fam2\cgetXIVsy}%
+ \def\noexpand\ex{\fam3\cgetXIVex}%
+ \textfont0=\cgetXIVmrm \textfont1=\cgetXIVmi
+ \textfont2=\cgetXIVsy \textfont3=\cgetXIVex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cgetXIVit\textfont\bifam=\cgetXIVbi
+ \textfont\ttfam=\cgetXIVtt \textfont\bffam=\cgetXIVbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cgetXIVcc
+ \def\noexpand\bd{\fam\bffam\cgetXIVbd}%
+ \def\noexpand\it{\fam\itfam\cgetXIVit}%
+ \def\noexpand\bi{\fam\bifam\cgetXIVbi}%
+ \def\noexpand\tt{\fam\ttfam\cgetXIVtt}%
+ \def\noexpand\cc{\fam\ccfam\cgetXIVcc}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxivet\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et18.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et18.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e59a1bc47e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et18.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\font\cgetXVIIIrm=etr at 18pt\font\cgetXVIIIit=eti at 18pt
+\font\cgetXVIIIbd=etb at 18pt \font\cgetXVIIImi=mthit at 18pt
+\font\cgetXVIIIsy=symbola at 18pt \font\cgetXVIIIex=ext at 18pt
+\font\cgetXVIIIbi=etbi at 18pt \font\cgetXVIIItt=elite at 18pt
+\font\cgetXVIIIcc=etsc at 18pt\font\cgetXVIIImrm=mthrm at 18pt
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviiiet\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviiiet\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviiiet\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviiiet\endcsname=20pt\fi%
+ \def\noexpand\rm{\fam0\cgetXVIIIrm}%
+ \def\noexpand\mi{\fam1\cgetXVIIImi}%
+ \def\noexpand\sy{\fam2\cgetXVIIIsy}%
+ \def\noexpand\ex{\fam3\cgetXVIIIex}%
+ \textfont0=\cgetXVIIImrm \textfont1=\cgetXVIIImi
+ \textfont2=\cgetXVIIIsy \textfont3=\cgetXVIIIex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cgetXVIIIit\textfont\bifam=\cgetXVIIIbi
+ \textfont\ttfam=\cgetXVIIItt \textfont\bffam=\cgetXVIIIbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cgetXVIIIcc
+ \def\noexpand\bd{\fam\bffam\cgetXVIIIbd}%
+ \def\noexpand\it{\fam\itfam\cgetXVIIIit}%
+ \def\noexpand\bi{\fam\bifam\cgetXVIIIbi}%
+ \def\noexpand\tt{\fam\ttfam\cgetXVIIItt}%
+ \def\noexpand\cc{\fam\ccfam\cgetXVIIIcc}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviiiet\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et8.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et8.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad30284fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et8.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\font\cgetVIIIrm=etr at 8pt\font\cgetVIIIit=eti at 8pt
+\font\cgetVIIIbd=etb at 8pt \font\cgetVIIImi=mthit at 8pt
+\font\cgetVIIIsy=symbola at 8pt \font\cgetVIIIex=ext at 8pt
+\font\cgetVIIIbi=etbi at 8pt \font\cgetVIIItt=elite at 8pt
+\font\cgetVIIIcc=etsc at 8pt\font\cgetVIIImrm=mthrm at 8pt
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviiiet\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviiiet\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviiiet\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviiiet\endcsname=10pt\fi%
+ \def\noexpand\rm{\fam0\cgetVIIIrm}%
+ \def\noexpand\mi{\fam1\cgetVIIImi}%
+ \def\noexpand\sy{\fam2\cgetVIIIsy}%
+ \def\noexpand\ex{\fam3\cgetVIIIex}%
+ \textfont0=\cgetVIIImrm \textfont1=\cgetVIIImi
+ \textfont2=\cgetVIIIsy \textfont3=\cgetVIIIex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cgetVIIIit\textfont\bifam=\cgetVIIIbi
+ \textfont\ttfam=\cgetVIIItt \textfont\bffam=\cgetVIIIbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cgetVIIIcc
+ \def\noexpand\bd{\fam\bffam\cgetVIIIbd}%
+ \def\noexpand\it{\fam\itfam\cgetVIIIit}%
+ \def\noexpand\bi{\fam\bifam\cgetVIIIbi}%
+ \def\noexpand\tt{\fam\ttfam\cgetVIIItt}%
+ \def\noexpand\cc{\fam\ccfam\cgetVIIIcc}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviiiet\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et9.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/et9.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed560d4d5b
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
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+ \def\noexpand\cc{\fam\ccfam\cgetIXcc}%
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index 0000000000..3a9571f163
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+* TEX font info -- commerical font format -- English Times Bold 4/25/85
+* CG 5039 Layout, and 1614 Complement, typeface 707
+HUNITS 1/54
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+* WIDTH HEIGHT DEPTH 8600 Decimal
+1/2 54 45 0 au,97
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+acute 13 45 0 au,81
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+macron 14 45 0 f195,au,90
+circleaccent 14 45 0 f195,42
+cedila 13 5 10 au,93
+germanSS 30 45 0 au,30
+ae 42 35 0 f35,au,111
+oe 45 35 0 f35,11
+scano 30 35 5 f30,06
+AE 54 45 0 f35,64
+OE 54 45 0 f35,09
+ScanO 42 45 5 f30,au,07
+PolishSl 18 35 0 vmf3,45,vmr3
+! 21 45 0 40
+right" LIGATURE '+' 20 45 0 39,hml2,39
+# 27 45 0 au,114
+dollar 27 45 5 au,35
+% 54 45 0 au,49
+& 39 45 0 91
+' 12 45 0 39
+( 18 45 5 58
+) 18 45 5 59
+* 27 45 0 92
++ 36 45 0 F186,Au,46
+, 18 10 10 44
+hyphen 18 20 0 45
+. 18 10 0 46
+/ 27 45 0 au,33
+0 27 45 0 48
+1 27 45 0 49
+2 27 45 0 50
+3 27 45 0 51
+4 27 45 0 52
+5 27 45 0 53
+6 27 45 0 54
+7 27 45 0 55
+8 27 45 0 56
+9 27 45 0 57
+: 18 35 0 35
+; 18 35 10 32
+invert! 21 45 5 41
+= 36 45 0 F186,Au,43
+invert? 24 45 5 37
+? 27 45 0 36
+@ 54 45 0 f38,93
+A 42 45 0 65
+B 36 45 0 66
+C 39 45 0 67
+D 42 45 0 68
+E 36 45 0 69
+F 33 45 0 70
+G 42 45 0 71
+H 45 45 0 72
+I 21 45 0 73
+J 27 45 0 74
+K 39 45 0 75
+L 36 45 0 76
+M 51 45 0 77
+N 42 45 0 78
+O 42 45 0 79
+P 36 45 0 80
+Q 42 45 15 81
+R 39 45 0 82
+S 30 45 0 83
+T 36 45 0 84
+U 42 45 0 85
+V 39 45 0 86
+W 54 45 0 87
+X 42 45 0 88
+Y 39 45 0 89
+Z 36 45 0 90
+[ 18 45 10 94
+left" LIGATURE l×+l× 20 45 0 38,hml2,38
+] 18 45 10 95
+circumflex 13 45 0 au,83
+raiseddot 14 45 0 f195,41
+l× 12 45 0 38
+a 27 35 0 97
+b 30 45 0 98
+c 24 35 0 99
+d 30 45 0 100
+e 24 35 0 101
+f 21 45 0 102
+g 27 35 10 103
+h 30 45 0 104
+i 15 45 0 105
+j 18 45 10 106
+k 30 45 0 107
+l 15 45 0 108
+m 45 35 0 109
+n 30 35 0 110
+o 30 35 0 111
+p 30 35 10 112
+q 30 35 10 113
+r 21 35 0 114
+s 21 35 0 115
+t 18 45 0 116
+u 30 35 0 117
+v 27 35 0 118
+w 39 35 0 119
+x 27 35 0 120
+y 27 35 10 121
+z 24 35 0 122
+endash LIGATURE hyphen+hyphen 31 25 0 45,hml5,45,hmr5
+emdash LIGATURE endash+hyphen 54 25 0 47
+Hungarian 15 50 0 f189,au,116
+tilde 13 45 0 au,86
+umlaut 13 45 0 au,84
+kern a+v -54/36
+kern a+w -54/36
+kern a+y -54/36
+kern h+t -54/36
+kern h+u -54/36
+kern h+y -54/36
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+kern m+b -54/36
+kern m+u -54/36
+kern m+y -54/36
+kern n+t -54/36
+kern n+u -54/36
+kern n+v -54/36
+kern n+w -54/36
+kern n+y -54/36
+kern o+o 54/51
+kern o+v -54/36
+kern o+w -54/36
+kern o+x -54/36
+kern o+y -54/36
+kern t+w -54/36
+kern t+y -54/36
+kern v+e -54/36
+kern v+o -54/36
+kern w+a -54/36
+kern w+e -54/36
+kern w+o -54/36
+kern y+a -54/36
+kern y+e -54/36
+kern y+o -54/36
+kern A+T -54/14
+kern A+Y -54/10
+kern A+V -54/6
+kern A+v -54/28
+kern D+A -54/14
+kern D+V -54/14
+kern D+W -54/14
+kern D+Y -54/12
+kern F+a -54/18
+kern F+e -54/32
+kern F+o -54/18
+kern F+r -54/22
+kern F+u -54/18
+kern F+A -54/14
+kern F+O -54/18
+kern K+O -54/14
+kern L+O -54/14
+kern L+U -54/17
+kern L+Y -54/12
+kern O+A -54/14
+kern O+V -54/12
+kern O+W -54/14
+kern O+X -54/12
+kern O+Y -54/12
+kern P+A -54/16
+kern P+r -54/34
+kern R+O -54/14
+kern R+T -54/16
+kern R+U -54/18
+kern R+V -54/16
+kern R+Y -54/14
+kern T+a -54/14
+kern T+e -54/16
+kern T+o -54/14
+kern T+r -54/14
+kern T+u -54/14
+kern T+w -54/16
+kern T+A -54/16
+kern T+O -54/22
+kern V+a -54/16
+kern V+e -54/16
+kern V+o -54/16
+kern V+r -54/16
+kern V+u -54/16
+kern V+A -54/6
+kern V+O -54/18
+kern W+a -54/14
+kern W+e -54/14
+kern W+o -54/14
+kern W+r -54/15
+kern W+u -54/15
+kern W+A -54/10
+kern W+O -54/14
+kern X+O -54/12
+kern Y+a -54/12
+kern Y+e -54/12
+kern Y+o -54/12
+kern Y+r -54/14
+kern Y+u -54/12
+kern Y+A -54/14
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/etbi.fontinfo b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/etbi.fontinfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2b7ae9d4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/etbi.fontinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+* TEX font info--commerical font format--English Times Bold Italic 4/25/85
+HUNITS 1/54
+VUNITS 1/64
+SPACE 22/54
+XHEIGHT 30/64
+fontname ETBI
+* WIDTH HEIGHT DEPTH 8600 Decimal
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+enbul 27 30 0 au,110
+dagger 27 45 5 au,31
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+section 27 45 5 60
+ff LIGATURE f+f 33 45 15 au,120
+fi LIGATURE f+i 30 45 15 au,118
+fl LIGATURE f+l 30 45 15 au,119
+ffi LIGATURE ff+i 45 45 15 au,121
+ffl LIGATURE ff+l 45 45 15 au,122
+iota 15 35 0 f193,105
+undef 0 0 0 30
+grave 15 45 0 au,82
+acute 15 45 0 au,81
+invertcircum 15 45 0 f195,37
+breve 15 45 0 f195,26
+macron 15 45 0 f195,au,90
+circleaccent 15 45 0 f195,42
+cedila 15 10 15 au,93
+Germanss 30 45 10 au,30
+ae 50 35 0 97,hml10,101,hmr10
+oe 52 35 0 111,hml11,101,hmr11
+pound 27 45 0 96
+AE 72 45 0 65,hml17,69,hmr17
+OE 75 45 0 79,hml16,69,hmr16
+SCANO 42 45 5 f30,au,07
+PolishSl 18 20 0 vmr2,hml1,45,hmr1,vmf1
+! 21 45 0 40
+right" LIGATURE '+' 24 45 0 39,hml2,39,hmr2
+litre 27 45 0 F188,au,111
+dollar 27 45 5 au,35
+% 54 45 0 au,49
+& 39 45 0 91
+' 12 45 0 39
+( 18 45 10 58
+) 18 45 10 59
+* 27 45 0 92
+plus 54 35 0 au,46
+, 18 10 10 44
+hyphen 18 15 15 45
+. 18 10 0 46
+/ 27 45 0 au,33
+0 27 45 0 48
+1 27 45 0 49
+2 27 45 0 50
+3 27 45 0 51
+4 27 45 0 52
+5 27 45 0 53
+6 27 45 0 54
+7 27 45 0 55
+8 27 45 0 56
+9 27 45 0 57
+: 18 30 0 35
+; 18 30 10 32
+invert! 21 35 15 41
+= 54 25 0 Au,43
+invert? 27 35 15 37
+? 27 45 0 36
+undef 27 0 0 30
+A 42 45 0 65
+B 36 45 0 66
+C 39 45 5 67
+D 42 45 0 68
+E 36 45 0 69
+F 33 45 0 70
+G 42 45 0 71
+H 45 45 0 72
+I 21 45 0 73
+J 27 45 0 74
+K 39 45 0 75
+L 36 45 0 76
+M 51 45 0 77
+N 42 45 0 78
+O 42 45 0 79
+P 36 45 0 80
+Q 42 45 15 81
+R 39 45 0 82
+S 30 45 0 83
+T 36 45 0 84
+U 42 45 0 85
+V 39 45 20 86
+W 54 45 0 87
+X 42 45 0 88
+Y 39 45 0 89
+Z 36 45 0 90
+[ 18 45 10 94
+left" LIGATURE l×+l× 21 45 0 38,hml2,38,hmr2
+] 18 45 10 95
+circumflex 15 45 0 au,83
+raiseddot 15 45 0 f195,41
+l× 12 45 0 38
+a 27 30 0 97
+b 30 45 0 98
+c 24 30 0 99
+d 30 45 0 100
+e 24 30 0 101
+f 21 45 15 102
+g 27 30 10 103
+h 30 45 0 104
+i 15 45 0 105
+j 18 45 15 106
+k 30 45 0 107
+l 15 45 0 108
+m 45 30 0 109
+n 30 30 0 110
+o 30 30 0 111
+p 30 30 15 112
+q 30 30 15 113
+r 21 30 0 114
+s 21 30 0 115
+t 18 40 0 116
+u 30 30 0 117
+v 27 30 0 118
+w 39 30 0 119
+x 27 30 0 120
+y 27 30 10 121
+z 24 30 5 122
+endash LIGATURE hyphen+hyphen 27 20 0 Au,106
+emdash LIGATURE endash+hyphen 54 20 0 47
+Hungarian 18 50 0 f189,au,116
+tilde 15 45 0 au,86
+umlaut 15 45 0 au,84
+kern a+v -54/36
+kern a+v -54/36
+kern a+w -54/36
+kern a+y -54/36
+kern h+t -54/36
+kern h+u -54/36
+kern h+y -54/36
+kern k+e -54/36
+kern m+b -54/36
+kern m+u -54/36
+kern m+y -54/36
+kern n+t -54/36
+kern n+u -54/36
+kern n+v -54/36
+kern n+w -54/36
+kern n+y -54/36
+kern o+o 54/60
+kern o+v -54/36
+kern o+w -54/36
+kern o+x -54/36
+kern o+y -54/36
+kern t+w -54/36
+kern t+y -54/36
+kern v+e -54/36
+kern v+o -54/36
+kern w+a -54/36
+kern w+e -54/36
+kern w+o -54/36
+kern y+a -54/36
+kern y+e -54/36
+kern y+o -54/36
+kern A+T -54/16
+kern A+U -54/18
+kern A+Y -54/16
+kern A+V -54/12
+kern D+A -54/16
+kern D+V -54/14
+kern D+W -54/16
+kern D+Y -54/16
+kern F+a -54/20
+kern F+e -54/24
+kern F+o -54/18
+kern F+r -54/22
+kern F+u -54/20
+kern F+A -54/18
+kern F+O -54/18
+kern K+O -54/14
+kern L+O -54/18
+kern L+U -54/18
+kern L+Y -54/16
+kern O+A -54/18
+kern O+V -54/16
+kern O+W -54/16
+kern O+X -54/16
+kern O+Y -54/14
+kern P+A -54/18
+kern R+O -54/16
+kern R+T -54/18
+kern R+U -54/18
+kern R+V -54/16
+kern R+Y -54/16
+kern T+a -54/22
+kern T+e -54/22
+kern T+o -54/20
+kern T+r -54/18
+kern T+u -54/22
+kern T+A -54/16
+kern T+O -54/28
+kern V+a -54/18
+kern V+e -54/18
+kern V+o -54/18
+kern V+r -54/22
+kern V+u -54/20
+kern V+A -54/12
+kern V+O -54/16
+kern W+a -54/16
+kern W+e -54/18
+kern W+o -54/18
+kern W+r -54/20
+kern W+u -54/20
+kern W+A -54/10
+kern W+O -54/14
+kern X+O -54/14
+kern Y+a -54/18
+kern Y+e -54/18
+kern Y+o -54/18
+kern Y+r -54/22
+kern Y+u -54/20
+kern Y+A -54/14
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/eti.fontinfo b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/eti.fontinfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5085be50d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/eti.fontinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+* TEX font info -- commerical font format -- English Times Italic 4/25/84
+HUNITS 1/54
+VUNITS 1/64
+SLANT 1/4
+SPACE 22/54
+XHEIGHT 30/64
+fontname ETI
+* WIDTH HEIGHT DEPTH 8600 Decimal
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+enbul 27 30 0 au,110
+dagger 27 45 5 au,31
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+section 27 45 5 60
+ff LIGATURE f+f 33 45 15 au,120
+fi LIGATURE f+i 30 45 15 au,118
+fl LIGATURE f+l 30 45 15 au,119
+ffi LIGATURE ff+i 45 45 15 au,121
+ffl LIGATURE ff+l 45 45 15 au,122
+iota 15 35 0 f193,105
+undef 27 0 0 30
+grave 16 45 0 au,82
+acute 17 45 0 au,81
+invertcircum 13 45 0 f195,37
+breve 13 45 0 f195,26
+macron 13 45 0 f195,au,90
+circleaccent 15 45 0 f195,42
+cedila 14 10 15 au,93
+Germanss 30 45 10 au,30
+ae 42 35 0 f35,au,113
+oe 45 35 0 f35,10
+pound 27 45 0 96
+AE 54 45 0 f35,au,79
+OE 54 45 0 f35,08
+SCANO 42 45 5 f30,au,07
+PolishSl 15 20 0 vmr2,hml1,45,hmr1,vmf1
+! 21 45 0 40
+right" LIGATURE '+' 24 45 0 39,hml2,39,hmr2
+litre 27 45 0 F188,au,111
+dollar 27 45 5 au,35
+% 54 45 0 au,49
+& 39 45 0 91
+' 12 45 0 39
+( 18 45 10 58
+) 18 45 10 59
+* 27 45 0 92
+plus 54 35 0 au,46
+, 18 10 10 44
+hyphen 18 15 15 45
+. 18 10 0 46
+/ 27 45 0 au,33
+0 27 45 0 48
+1 27 45 0 49
+2 27 45 0 50
+3 27 45 0 51
+4 27 45 0 52
+5 27 45 0 53
+6 27 45 0 54
+7 27 45 0 55
+8 27 45 0 56
+9 27 45 0 57
+: 18 30 0 35
+; 18 30 10 32
+invert! 21 35 15 41
+= 54 25 0 Au,43
+invert? 27 35 15 37
+? 27 45 0 36
+undef 27 0 0 30
+A 42 45 0 65
+B 36 45 0 66
+C 39 45 5 67
+D 42 45 0 68
+E 36 45 0 69
+F 33 45 0 70
+G 42 45 0 71
+H 45 45 0 72
+I 21 45 0 73
+J 27 45 0 74
+K 39 45 0 75
+L 36 45 0 76
+M 51 45 0 77
+N 42 45 0 78
+O 42 45 0 79
+P 36 45 0 80
+Q 42 45 15 81
+R 39 45 0 82
+S 30 45 0 83
+T 36 45 0 84
+U 42 45 0 85
+V 39 45 20 86
+W 54 45 0 87
+X 42 45 0 88
+Y 39 45 0 89
+Z 36 45 0 90
+[ 18 45 10 94
+left" LIGATURE l×+l× 21 45 0 38,hml2,38,hmr2
+] 18 45 10 95
+circumflex 17 45 0 au,83
+raiseddot 13 45 0 f195,41
+l× 12 45 0 38
+a 27 30 0 97
+b 30 45 0 98
+c 24 30 0 99
+d 30 45 0 100
+e 24 30 0 101
+f 21 45 15 102
+g 27 30 10 103
+h 30 45 0 104
+i 15 45 0 105
+j 18 45 15 106
+k 30 45 0 107
+l 15 45 0 108
+m 45 30 0 109
+n 30 30 0 110
+o 30 30 0 111
+p 30 30 15 112
+q 30 30 15 113
+r 21 30 0 114
+s 21 30 0 115
+t 18 40 0 116
+u 30 30 0 117
+v 27 30 0 118
+w 39 30 0 119
+x 27 30 0 120
+y 27 30 10 121
+z 24 30 5 122
+endash LIGATURE hyphen+hyphen 27 20 0 Au,106
+emdash LIGATURE endash+hyphen 54 20 0 47
+Hungarian 14 50 0 f189,au,116
+tilde 17 45 0 au,86
+umlaut 17 45 0 au,84
+kern a+v -54/36
+kern a+v -54/36
+kern a+w -54/36
+kern a+y -54/36
+kern h+t -54/36
+kern h+u -54/36
+kern h+y -54/36
+kern k+e -54/36
+kern m+b -54/36
+kern m+u -54/36
+kern m+y -54/36
+kern n+t -54/36
+kern n+u -54/36
+kern n+v -54/36
+kern n+w -54/36
+kern n+y -54/36
+kern o+o 54/60
+kern o+v -54/36
+kern o+w -54/36
+kern o+x -54/36
+kern o+y -54/36
+kern t+w -54/36
+kern t+y -54/36
+kern v+e -54/36
+kern v+o -54/36
+kern w+a -54/36
+kern w+e -54/36
+kern w+o -54/36
+kern y+a -54/36
+kern y+e -54/36
+kern y+o -54/36
+kern A+T -54/16
+kern A+U -54/18
+kern A+Y -54/16
+kern A+V -54/12
+kern D+A -54/16
+kern D+V -54/14
+kern D+W -54/16
+kern D+Y -54/16
+kern F+a -54/20
+kern F+e -54/24
+kern F+o -54/18
+kern F+r -54/22
+kern F+u -54/20
+kern F+A -54/18
+kern F+O -54/18
+kern K+O -54/14
+kern L+O -54/18
+kern L+U -54/18
+kern L+Y -54/16
+kern O+A -54/18
+kern O+V -54/16
+kern O+W -54/16
+kern O+X -54/16
+kern O+Y -54/14
+kern P+A -54/18
+kern R+O -54/16
+kern R+T -54/18
+kern R+U -54/18
+kern R+V -54/16
+kern R+Y -54/16
+kern T+a -54/22
+kern T+e -54/22
+kern T+o -54/20
+kern T+r -54/18
+kern T+u -54/22
+kern T+A -54/16
+kern T+O -54/28
+kern V+a -54/18
+kern V+e -54/18
+kern V+o -54/18
+kern V+r -54/22
+kern V+u -54/20
+kern V+A -54/12
+kern V+O -54/16
+kern W+a -54/16
+kern W+e -54/18
+kern W+o -54/18
+kern W+r -54/20
+kern W+u -54/20
+kern W+A -54/10
+kern W+O -54/14
+kern X+O -54/14
+kern Y+a -54/18
+kern Y+e -54/18
+kern Y+o -54/18
+kern Y+r -54/22
+kern Y+u -54/20
+kern Y+A -54/14
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/etr.fontinfo b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/etr.fontinfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e926b6626a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/etr.fontinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+* TEX font info -- commerical font format -- English Times Roman 4/25/85
+* CG 5039 Layout, and 1614 Compliment, typeface 705
+HUNITS 1/54
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+* WIDTH HEIGHT DEPTH 8600 Decimal
+1/2 54 45 0 au,97
+1/4 54 45 0 au,98
+3/4 54 45 0 au,99
+1/3 54 45 3 au,104
+2/3 54 45 0 au,105
+enbul 27 40 0 au,40
+cent 27 40 0 au,36
+openbox 54 45 0 au,37
+1/8 54 45 0 au,100
+3/8 54 45 0 au,101
+5/8 54 45 0 au,102
+ff LIGATURE f+f 33 45 0 au,120
+fi LIGATURE f+i 30 45 0 au,118
+fl LIGATURE f+l 30 45 0 au,119
+ffi LIGATURE ff+i 45 45 0 au,121
+ffl LIGATURE ff+l 45 45 0 au,122
+dotless-i 15 35 0 au,127
+undef 27 0 0 30
+grave 13 45 0 au,82
+acute 13 45 0 au,81
+invertcircum 13 45 0 f195,37
+breve 13 45 0 f195,26
+macron 13 45 0 f195,au,90
+circleaccent 13 45 0 f195,42
+cedila 13 5 10 au,93
+germanSS 30 45 0 au,30
+ae 42 35 0 f35,au,107
+oe 45 35 0 f35,au,116
+scano 30 35 5 06
+AE 54 45 0 f35,63
+OE 54 45 0 f35,au,80
+ScanO 42 45 5 au,07
+PolishSl 15 35 0 vmf3,hml8,45,hmr8,vmr3
+! 21 45 0 40
+right" LIGATURE '+' 20 45 0 39,hml2,39
+# 27 45 0 au,114
+dollar 27 45 5 au,35
+% 54 45 0 au,49
+& 39 45 0 91
+' 12 45 0 39
+( 18 45 5 58
+) 18 45 5 59
+* 27 45 0 92
++ 36 45 0 F186,Au,46
+, 18 10 10 44
+hyphen 18 20 0 45
+. 18 10 0 46
+/ 27 45 0 au,33
+0 27 45 0 48
+1 27 45 0 49
+2 27 45 0 50
+3 27 45 0 51
+4 27 45 0 52
+5 27 45 0 53
+6 27 45 0 54
+7 27 45 0 55
+8 27 45 0 56
+9 27 45 0 57
+: 18 35 0 35
+; 18 35 10 32
+invert! 24 45 5 41
+= 36 45 0 F186,Au,43
+invert? 24 45 5 37
+? 27 45 0 36
+@ 54 45 0 f38,93
+A 42 45 0 65
+B 36 45 0 66
+C 39 45 0 67
+D 42 45 0 68
+E 36 45 0 69
+F 33 45 0 70
+G 42 45 0 71
+H 45 45 0 72
+I 21 45 0 73
+J 27 45 0 74
+K 39 45 0 75
+L 36 45 0 76
+M 51 45 0 77
+N 42 45 0 78
+O 42 45 0 79
+P 36 45 0 80
+Q 42 45 15 81
+R 39 45 0 82
+S 30 45 0 83
+T 36 45 0 84
+U 42 45 0 85
+V 39 45 0 86
+W 54 45 0 87
+X 42 45 0 88
+Y 39 45 0 89
+Z 36 45 0 90
+[ 18 45 10 94
+left" LIGATURE l×+l× 20 45 0 38,hml2,38
+] 18 45 10 95
+circumflex 13 45 0 au,83
+raiseddot 15 45 0 f195,41
+l× 12 45 0 38
+a 27 35 0 97
+b 30 45 0 98
+c 24 35 0 99
+d 30 45 0 100
+e 24 35 0 101
+f 21 45 0 102
+g 27 35 10 103
+h 30 45 0 104
+i 15 45 0 105
+j 18 45 10 106
+k 30 45 0 107
+l 15 45 0 108
+m 45 35 0 109
+n 30 35 0 110
+o 30 35 0 111
+p 30 35 10 112
+q 30 35 10 113
+r 21 35 0 114
+s 21 35 0 115
+t 18 45 0 116
+u 30 35 0 117
+v 27 35 0 118
+w 39 35 0 119
+x 27 35 0 120
+y 27 35 10 121
+z 24 35 0 122
+endash LIGATURE hyphen+hyphen 31 25 0 45,hml5,45,hmr5
+emdash LIGATURE endash+hyphen 54 25 0 47
+Hungarian 15 50 0 f189,au,116
+tilde 13 45 0 au,86
+umlaut 13 45 0 au,84
+kern a+v -54/36
+kern a+w -54/36
+kern a+y -54/36
+kern h+t -54/36
+kern h+u -54/36
+kern h+y -54/36
+kern k+e -54/36
+kern m+b -54/36
+kern m+u -54/36
+kern m+y -54/36
+kern n+t -54/36
+kern n+u -54/36
+kern n+v -54/36
+kern n+w -54/36
+kern n+y -54/36
+kern o+o 54/51
+kern o+v -54/36
+kern o+w -54/36
+kern o+x -54/36
+kern o+y -54/36
+kern t+w -54/36
+kern t+y -54/36
+kern v+e -54/36
+kern v+o -54/36
+kern w+a -54/36
+kern w+e -54/36
+kern w+o -54/36
+kern y+a -54/36
+kern y+e -54/36
+kern y+o -54/36
+kern A+T -54/14
+kern A+Y -54/10
+kern A+V -54/6
+kern A+v -54/28
+kern D+A -54/14
+kern D+V -54/14
+kern D+W -54/14
+kern D+Y -54/12
+kern F+a -54/18
+kern F+e -54/32
+kern F+o -54/18
+kern F+r -54/22
+kern F+u -54/18
+kern F+A -54/14
+kern F+O -54/18
+kern K+O -54/14
+kern L+O -54/14
+kern L+U -54/17
+kern L+Y -54/12
+kern O+A -54/14
+kern O+V -54/12
+kern O+W -54/14
+kern O+X -54/12
+kern O+Y -54/12
+kern P+A -54/16
+kern P+r -54/34
+kern R+O -54/14
+kern R+T -54/16
+kern R+U -54/18
+kern R+V -54/16
+kern R+Y -54/14
+kern T+a -54/14
+kern T+e -54/16
+kern T+o -54/14
+kern T+r -54/14
+kern T+u -54/14
+kern T+w -54/16
+kern T+A -54/16
+kern T+O -54/22
+kern V+a -54/16
+kern V+e -54/16
+kern V+o -54/16
+kern V+r -54/16
+kern V+u -54/16
+kern V+A -54/6
+kern V+O -54/18
+kern W+a -54/14
+kern W+e -54/14
+kern W+o -54/14
+kern W+r -54/15
+kern W+u -54/15
+kern W+A -54/10
+kern W+O -54/14
+kern X+O -54/12
+kern Y+a -54/12
+kern Y+e -54/12
+kern Y+o -54/12
+kern Y+r -54/14
+kern Y+u -54/12
+kern Y+A -54/14
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/etsc.fontinfo b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/etsc.fontinfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3c70a1297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/etsc.fontinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+* TEX font info--commerical font format--English Times Small Caps 4/25/85
+* CG 5003 Compliment, typeface 705
+HUNITS 1/54
+VUNITS 1/64
+SPACE 22/54
+XHEIGHT 30/64
+* WIDTH HEIGHT DEPTH 8600 Decimal
+1/2 54 45 0 au,97
+1/4 54 45 0 au,98
+3/4 54 45 0 au,99
+1/3 54 45 3 au,104
+2/3 54 45 0 au,105
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+dbldagger 27 45 0 au,32
+1/8 54 45 0 au,100
+3/8 54 45 0 au,101
+5/8 54 45 0 au,102
+7/8 54 45 0 au,103
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+para 27 50 10 au,113
+trademark 33 50 0 au,54
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+! 21 45 0 40
+right" LIGATURE '+' 20 40 0 39,hml2,39,hmr2
+undef 27 0 0 30
+dollar 27 35 5 au,35
+undef 27 00 0 30
+& 30 30 0 91
+' 12 45 0 39
+( 18 45 15 58
+) 18 45 15 59
+* 27 45 0 92
+plus/minus 54 40 10 au,48
+, 18 10 10 44
+hyphen 18 20 0 45
+. 18 10 0 46
+fracbar/ 06 45 5 au,42
+0 27 30 0 48
+1 27 30 0 49
+2 27 30 0 50
+3 27 30 15 51
+4 27 30 15 52
+5 27 40 15 53
+6 27 45 0 54
+7 27 30 15 55
+8 27 45 0 56
+9 27 30 15 57
+: 18 30 0 35
+; 18 30 10 32
+undef 27 0 0 f195,30
+undef 27 0 0 f195,30
+undef 27 0 0 f195,30
+? 27 45 0 36
+atsign 54 45 5 93
+A 42 45 0 65
+B 36 45 0 66
+C 39 45 0 67
+D 42 45 0 68
+E 36 45 0 69
+F 33 45 0 70
+G 42 45 0 71
+H 45 45 0 72
+I 21 45 0 73
+J 27 45 0 74
+K 39 45 0 75
+L 36 45 0 76
+M 51 45 0 77
+N 42 45 0 78
+O 42 45 0 79
+P 36 45 0 80
+Q 42 45 15 81
+R 39 45 0 82
+S 30 45 0 83
+T 36 45 0 84
+U 42 45 0 85
+V 39 45 0 86
+W 54 45 0 87
+X 42 45 0 88
+Y 39 45 0 89
+Z 36 45 0 90
+undef 27 0 0 30
+left" LIGATURE ×+× 20 40 0 38,hml2,38,hmr2
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+× 12 45 0 38
+a 30 35 0 97
+b 27 35 0 98
+c 30 35 0 99
+d 33 35 0 100
+e 27 35 0 101
+f 24 35 0 102
+g 30 35 3 103
+h 33 35 0 104
+i 15 35 0 105
+j 18 35 0 106
+k 33 35 0 107
+l 24 35 0 108
+m 36 35 0 109
+n 33 35 0 110
+o 30 35 0 111
+p 27 35 0 112
+q 30 35 10 113
+r 30 45 0 114
+s 21 35 0 115
+t 27 35 0 116
+u 33 35 0 117
+v 30 35 0 118
+w 45 35 0 119
+x 30 35 0 120
+y 30 35 0 121
+z 27 35 0 122
+endash LIGATURE hyphen+hyphen 33 20 0 45,hml5,45,hmr5
+emdash LIGATURE endash+hyphen 54 20 0 47
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+undef 27 0 0 30
+kern a+v -54/16
+kern a+t -54/28
+kern a+w -54/12
+kern a+y -54/12
+kern c+a -54/28
+kern h+b -54/24
+kern k+a -54/44
+kern k+c -54/24
+kern k+o -54/34
+kern m+b -54/48
+kern m+t -54/44
+kern m+v -54/26
+kern m+w -54/26
+kern m+y -54/36
+kern n+b -54/38
+kern o+o 54/44
+kern o+v -54/26
+kern o+w -54/26
+kern o+x -54/26
+kern o+y -54/22
+kern t+a -54/28
+kern t+w -54/36
+kern t+y -54/32
+kern v+c -54/36
+kern v+o -54/26
+kern w+a -54/8
+kern w+c -54/36
+kern y+a -54/16
+kern y+c -54/26
+kern y+e -54/44
+kern y+o -54/26
+kern A+U -54/18
+kern A+T -54/22
+kern A+V -54/8
+kern A+Y -54/10
+kern D+A -54/28
+kern D+V -54/28
+kern D+W -54/28
+kern D+X -54/28
+kern D+Y -54/28
+kern F+a -54/28
+kern F+r -54/28
+kern F+A -54/28
+kern F+C -54/28
+kern F+G -54/28
+kern F+O -54/28
+kern F+Q -54/28
+kern K+C -54/28
+kern K+G -54/28
+kern K+O -54/28
+kern K+Q -54/28
+kern L+C -54/28
+kern L+G -54/28
+kern L+O -54/28
+kern L+Q -54/28
+kern L+T -54/28
+kern L+U -54/28
+kern L+V -54/28
+kern L+W -54/28
+kern L+Y -54/18
+kern O+A -54/28
+kern O+F -54/32
+kern O+U -54/32
+kern O+V -54/28
+kern O+W -54/28
+kern O+X -54/28
+kern O+Y -54/28
+kern P+A -54/28
+kern R+C -54/28
+kern R+G -54/28
+kern R+O -54/28
+kern R+Q -54/28
+kern R+T -54/28
+kern R+U -54/28
+kern R+V -54/28
+kern R+W -54/28
+kern R+Y -54/28
+kern T+a -54/28
+kern T+o -54/28
+kern T+r -54/28
+kern T+u -54/28
+kern T+A -54/14
+kern T+O -54/28
+kern V+a -54/16
+kern V+e -54/28
+kern V+o -54/20
+kern V+A -54/14
+kern V+C -54/28
+kern V+G -54/28
+kern V+O -54/28
+kern V+Q -54/28
+kern W+a -54/8
+kern W+e -54/28
+kern W+o -54/28
+kern W+u -54/28
+kern W+A -54/8
+kern W+C -54/28
+kern W+G -54/28
+kern W+O -54/28
+kern W+Q -54/28
+kern X+C -54/28
+kern X+G -54/28
+kern X+O -54/28
+kern X+Q -54/28
+kern Y+a -54/16
+kern Y+e -54/28
+kern Y+o -54/28
+kern Y+A -54/20
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/fonttex.cmschan b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/fonttex.cmschan
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d863ceb0fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/fonttex.cmschan
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+%test version
+%test version 1
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/fonttex.exec b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/fonttex.exec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bc405cefa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/fonttex.exec
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ Note: This REXX exec is used to run the FontTeX driver program.
+ This exec will prompt the user for a filename if none was entered with
+ the call to the exec.
+Address 'COMMAND';
+Trace value 'n'
+Parse Upper Arg inFn;
+if inFn=' '
+then do
+ say 'Please enter filename of fontinfo file.'
+ pull inFn .
+state inFn 'FONTINFO *'
+ if RC<>0 then do
+ say inFn 'FONTINFO file not found.'
+ exit
+ end
+'REBLOCK' inFn 'TFM';
+'ERASE' inFn 'PRTFM';
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/fonttex.outchan b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/fonttex.outchan
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8098645143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/fonttex.outchan
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+%test version
+%out version 1
+ @<Global Variables@>@/
+ @^system dependencies@>
+ com_table :packed array[0..18] of string(7);@/
+ com_table[0] := 'HDR'; {Header Record}@/
+ com_table[1] := 'CHWIDTH';{Character Width}@/
+ com_table[2] := 'RT'; {Reverse Type}@/
+ com_table[3] := 'PS'; {Point Size}@/
+ com_table[4] := 'SS'; {Set Size}@/
+ com_table[5] := 'VMF'; {Vertical Move Forward}@/
+ com_table[6] := 'VMR'; {Vertical Move Reverse}@/
+ com_table[7] := 'RW'; {Rule Width}@/
+ com_table[8] := 'RD'; {Rule Depth}@/
+ com_table[9] := 'IR'; {Insert Rule}@/
+ com_table[10] := 'SL'; {Slant Mode}@/
+ com_table[11] := 'RTWT'; {Reverse Type Window Top}@/
+ com_table[12] := 'RTWB'; {Reverse Type Window Bottom}@/
+ com_table[13] := 'AU'; {Auxiliary Character Set}@/
+ com_table[14] := 'F'; {Change Fonts}@/
+ com_table[15] := 'HMR'; {Horizontal Move Right}@/
+ com_table[16] := 'HML'; {Horizontal Move Left}@/
+ com_table[17] := 'TTS'; {8600 character, in decimal}@/
+ com_table[18] := 'MAXCMD';@/
+%include pasclib(asciicvt)@/
+@<Global Variables@>@/
+@!com_table :packed array[0..18] of string(7);@/
+@!ordx : packed array['00'xc..'FF'xc] of '00'x..'7f'x;@/
+@!chrx : packed array['00'x..'7F'x] of '00'xc..'FF'xc;@/
+ com_table[0] := 'HDR'; {Header Record}@/
+ com_table[1] := 'CHWIDTH';{Character Width}@/
+ com_table[2] := 'RT'; {Reverse Type}@/
+ com_table[3] := 'PS'; {Point Size}@/
+ com_table[4] := 'SS'; {Set Size}@/
+ com_table[5] := 'VMF'; {Vertical Move Forward}@/
+ com_table[6] := 'VMR'; {Vertical Move Reverse}@/
+ com_table[7] := 'RW'; {Rule Width}@/
+ com_table[8] := 'RD'; {Rule Depth}@/
+ com_table[9] := 'IR'; {Insert Rule}@/
+ com_table[10] := 'SL'; {Slant Mode}@/
+ com_table[11] := 'RTWT'; {Reverse Type Window Top}@/
+ com_table[12] := 'RTWB'; {Reverse Type Window Bottom}@/
+ com_table[13] := 'AU'; {Auxiliary Character Set}@/
+ com_table[14] := 'F'; {Change Fonts}@/
+ com_table[15] := 'HMR'; {Horizontal Move Right}@/
+ com_table[16] := 'HML'; {Horizontal Move Left}@/
+ com_table[17] := 'TTS'; {8600 character, in decimal}@/
+ com_table[18] := 'MAXCMD';@/
+{ EBCDIC char to ASCII integer } { ASCII INTEGER to EBCDIC char }
+ordx['00'xc]:='00'x; { NUL NUL } chrx['00'x]:='00'xc; { NUL NUL }
+ordx['01'xc]:='01'x; { SOH SOH } chrx['01'x]:='01'xc; { SOH SOH }
+ordx['02'xc]:='02'x; { STX STX } chrx['02'x]:='02'xc; { STX STX }
+ordx['03'xc]:='03'x; { ETX ETX } chrx['03'x]:='03'xc; { ETX ETX }
+ordx['04'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['04'x]:='37'xc; { EOT EOT }
+ordx['05'xc]:='09'x; { HT HT } chrx['05'x]:='2D'xc; { ENQ ENQ }
+ordx['06'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['06'x]:='2E'xc; { ACK ACK }
+ordx['07'xc]:='7F'x; { DEL DEL } chrx['07'x]:='2F'xc; { BEL BEL }
+ordx['08'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['08'x]:='16'xc; { BS BS }
+ordx['09'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['09'x]:='05'xc; { HT HT }
+ordx['0A'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['0A'x]:='25'xc; { LF LF }
+ordx['0B'xc]:='0B'x; { VT VT } chrx['0B'x]:='0B'xc; { VT VT }
+ordx['0C'xc]:='0C'x; { FF FF } chrx['0C'x]:='0C'xc; { FF FF }
+ordx['0D'xc]:='0D'x; { CR CR } chrx['0D'x]:='0D'xc; { CR CR }
+ordx['0E'xc]:='0E'x; { SO SO } chrx['0E'x]:='0E'xc; { SO SO }
+ordx['0F'xc]:='0F'x; { SI SI } chrx['0F'x]:='0F'xc; { SI SI }
+ordx['10'xc]:='10'x; { DLE DLE } chrx['10'x]:='10'xc; { DLE DLE }
+ordx['11'xc]:='11'x; { DC1 DC1 } chrx['11'x]:='11'xc; { DC1 DC1 }
+ordx['12'xc]:='12'x; { DC2 DC2 } chrx['12'x]:='12'xc; { DC2 DC2 }
+ordx['13'xc]:='13'x; { TM DC3 } chrx['13'x]:='13'xc; { DC3 TM }
+ordx['14'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['14'x]:='3C'xc; { DC4 DC4 }
+ordx['15'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['15'x]:='3D'xc; { NAK NAK }
+ordx['16'xc]:='08'x; { BS BS } chrx['16'x]:='32'xc; { SYN SYN }
+ordx['17'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['17'x]:='26'xc; { ETB ETB }
+ordx['18'xc]:='18'x; { CAN CAN } chrx['18'x]:='18'xc; { CAN CAN }
+ordx['19'xc]:='19'x; { EM EM } chrx['19'x]:='19'xc; { EM EM }
+ordx['1A'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['1A'x]:='3F'xc; { SUB SUB }
+ordx['1B'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['1B'x]:='27'xc; { ESC ESC }
+ordx['1C'xc]:='1C'x; { IFS FS } chrx['1C'x]:='1C'xc; { FS IFS }
+ordx['1D'xc]:='1D'x; { IGS GS } chrx['1D'x]:='1D'xc; { GS IGS }
+ordx['1E'xc]:='1E'x; { IRS RS } chrx['1E'x]:='1E'xc; { RS IRS }
+ordx['1F'xc]:='1F'x; { IUS US } chrx['1F'x]:='1F'xc; { US IUS }
+ordx['20'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['20'x]:='40'xc; { SP SP }
+ordx['21'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['21'x]:='5A'xc; { ! ! }
+ordx['22'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['22'x]:='7F'xc; { " " }
+ordx['23'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['23'x]:='7B'xc; { # # }
+ordx['24'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['24'x]:='5B'xc; { $ $ }
+ordx['25'xc]:='0A'x; { LF LF } chrx['25'x]:='6C'xc; { % % }
+ordx['26'xc]:='17'x; { ETB ETB } chrx['26'x]:='50'xc; { & & }
+ordx['27'xc]:='1B'x; { ESC ESC } chrx['27'x]:='7D'xc; { ' ' }
+ordx['28'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['28'x]:='4D'xc; { ( ( }
+ordx['29'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['29'x]:='5D'xc; { ) ) }
+ordx['2A'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['2A'x]:='5C'xc; { * * }
+ordx['2B'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['2B'x]:='4E'xc; { + + }
+ordx['2C'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['2C'x]:='6B'xc; { , , }
+ordx['2D'xc]:='05'x; { ENQ ENQ } chrx['2D'x]:='60'xc; { - - }
+ordx['2E'xc]:='06'x; { ACK ACK } chrx['2E'x]:='4B'xc; { . . }
+ordx['2F'xc]:='07'x; { BEL BEL } chrx['2F'x]:='61'xc; { / / }
+ordx['30'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['30'x]:='F0'xc; { 0 0 }
+ordx['31'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['31'x]:='F1'xc; { 1 1 }
+ordx['32'xc]:='16'x; { SYN SYN } chrx['32'x]:='F2'xc; { 2 2 }
+ordx['33'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['33'x]:='F3'xc; { 3 3 }
+ordx['34'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['34'x]:='F4'xc; { 4 4 }
+ordx['35'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['35'x]:='F5'xc; { 5 5 }
+ordx['36'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['36'x]:='F6'xc; { 6 6 }
+ordx['37'xc]:='04'x; { EOT EOT } chrx['37'x]:='F7'xc; { 7 7 }
+ordx['38'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['38'x]:='F8'xc; { 8 8 }
+ordx['39'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['39'x]:='F9'xc; { 9 9 }
+ordx['3A'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['3A'x]:='7A'xc; { : : }
+ordx['3B'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['3B'x]:='5E'xc; { ; ; }
+ordx['3C'xc]:='14'x; { DC4 DC4 } chrx['3C'x]:='4C'xc; { < < }
+ordx['3D'xc]:='15'x; { NAK NAK } chrx['3D'x]:='7E'xc; { = = }
+ordx['3E'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['3E'x]:='6E'xc; { > > }
+ordx['3F'xc]:='1A'x; { SUB SUB } chrx['3F'x]:='6F'xc; { ? ? }
+ordx['40'xc]:='20'x; { SP SP } chrx['40'x]:='7C'xc; { @@ @@ }
+ordx['41'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['41'x]:='C1'xc; { A A }
+ordx['42'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['42'x]:='C2'xc; { B B }
+ordx['43'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['43'x]:='C3'xc; { C C }
+ordx['44'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['44'x]:='C4'xc; { D D }
+ordx['45'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['45'x]:='C5'xc; { E E }
+ordx['46'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['46'x]:='C6'xc; { F F }
+ordx['47'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['47'x]:='C7'xc; { G G }
+ordx['48'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['48'x]:='C8'xc; { H H }
+ordx['49'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['49'x]:='C9'xc; { I I }
+ordx['4A'xc]:='5E'x; { ã ã } chrx['4A'x]:='D1'xc; { J J }
+ordx['4B'xc]:='2E'x; { . . } chrx['4B'x]:='D2'xc; { K K }
+ordx['4C'xc]:='3C'x; { < < } chrx['4C'x]:='D3'xc; { L L }
+ordx['4D'xc]:='28'x; { ( ( } chrx['4D'x]:='D4'xc; { M M }
+ordx['4E'xc]:='2B'x; { + + } chrx['4E'x]:='D5'xc; { N N }
+ordx['4F'xc]:='7C'x; { | | } chrx['4F'x]:='D6'xc; { O O }
+ordx['50'xc]:='26'x; { & & } chrx['50'x]:='D7'xc; { P P }
+ordx['51'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['51'x]:='D8'xc; { Q Q }
+ordx['52'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['52'x]:='D9'xc; { R R }
+ordx['53'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['53'x]:='E2'xc; { S S }
+ordx['54'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['54'x]:='E3'xc; { T T }
+ordx['55'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['55'x]:='E4'xc; { U U }
+ordx['56'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['56'x]:='E5'xc; { V V }
+ordx['57'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['57'x]:='E6'xc; { W W }
+ordx['58'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['58'x]:='E7'xc; { X X }
+ordx['59'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['59'x]:='E8'xc; { Y Y }
+ordx['5A'xc]:='21'x; { ! ! } chrx['5A'x]:='E9'xc; { Z Z }
+ordx['5B'xc]:='24'x; { $ $ } chrx['5B'x]:='AD'xc; { [ [ }
+ordx['5C'xc]:='2A'x; { * * } chrx['5C'x]:='E0'xc; { \ \ }
+ordx['5D'xc]:='29'x; { ) ) } chrx['5D'x]:='BD'xc; { ] ] }
+ordx['5E'xc]:='3B'x; { ; ; } chrx['5E'x]:='4A'xc; { ã ã }
+ordx['5F'xc]:='7E'x; { ^ ^ } chrx['5F'x]:='6D'xc; { _ _ }
+ordx['60'xc]:='2D'x; { - - } chrx['60'x]:='79'xc; { ` ` }
+ordx['61'xc]:='2F'x; { / / } chrx['61'x]:='81'xc; { a a }
+ordx['62'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['62'x]:='82'xc; { b b }
+ordx['63'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['63'x]:='83'xc; { c c }
+ordx['64'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['64'x]:='84'xc; { d d }
+ordx['65'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['65'x]:='85'xc; { e e }
+ordx['66'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['66'x]:='86'xc; { f f }
+ordx['67'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['67'x]:='87'xc; { g g }
+ordx['68'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['68'x]:='88'xc; { h h }
+ordx['69'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['69'x]:='89'xc; { i i }
+ordx['6A'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['6A'x]:='91'xc; { j j }
+ordx['6B'xc]:='2C'x; { , , } chrx['6B'x]:='92'xc; { k k }
+ordx['6C'xc]:='25'x; { % % } chrx['6C'x]:='93'xc; { l l }
+ordx['6D'xc]:='5F'x; { _ _ } chrx['6D'x]:='94'xc; { m m }
+ordx['6E'xc]:='3E'x; { > > } chrx['6E'x]:='95'xc; { n n }
+ordx['6F'xc]:='3F'x; { ? ? } chrx['6F'x]:='96'xc; { o o }
+ordx['70'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['70'x]:='97'xc; { p p }
+ordx['71'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['71'x]:='98'xc; { q q }
+ordx['72'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['72'x]:='99'xc; { r r }
+ordx['73'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['73'x]:='A2'xc; { s s }
+ordx['74'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['74'x]:='A3'xc; { t t }
+ordx['75'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['75'x]:='A4'xc; { u u }
+ordx['76'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['76'x]:='A5'xc; { v v }
+ordx['77'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['77'x]:='A6'xc; { w w }
+ordx['78'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['78'x]:='A7'xc; { x x }
+ordx['79'xc]:='60'x; { ` ` } chrx['79'x]:='A8'xc; { y y }
+ordx['7A'xc]:='3A'x; { : : } chrx['7A'x]:='A9'xc; { z z }
+ordx['7B'xc]:='23'x; { # # } chrx['7B'x]:='C0'xc; { lcurly }
+ordx['7C'xc]:='40'x; { @@ @@ } chrx['7C'x]:='4F'xc; { | | }
+ordx['7D'xc]:='27'x; { ' ' } chrx['7D'x]:='D0'xc; { rcurly }
+ordx['7E'xc]:='3D'x; { = = } chrx['7E'x]:='9C'xc; { tilde }
+ordx['7F'xc]:='22'x; { " " } chrx['7F'x]:='07'xc; { DEL DEL }
+ordx['80'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['81'xc]:='61'x; { a a }
+ordx['82'xc]:='62'x; { b b }
+ordx['83'xc]:='63'x; { c c }
+ordx['84'xc]:='64'x; { d d }
+ordx['85'xc]:='65'x; { e e }
+ordx['86'xc]:='66'x; { f f }
+ordx['87'xc]:='67'x; { g g }
+ordx['88'xc]:='68'x; { h h }
+ordx['89'xc]:='69'x; { i i }
+ordx['8A'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['8B'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['8C'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['8D'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['8E'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['8F'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['90'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['91'xc]:='6A'x; { j j }
+ordx['92'xc]:='6B'x; { k k }
+ordx['93'xc]:='6C'x; { l l }
+ordx['94'xc]:='6D'x; { m m }
+ordx['95'xc]:='6E'x; { n n }
+ordx['96'xc]:='6F'x; { o o }
+ordx['97'xc]:='70'x; { p p }
+ordx['98'xc]:='71'x; { q q }
+ordx['99'xc]:='72'x; { r r }
+ordx['9A'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['9B'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['9C'xc]:='7E'x; { tilde }
+ordx['9D'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['9E'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['9F'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['A0'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['A1'xc]:='1A'x; { ... SUB }
+ordx['A2'xc]:='73'x; { s s }
+ordx['A3'xc]:='74'x; { t t }
+ordx['A4'xc]:='75'x; { u u }
+ordx['A5'xc]:='76'x; { v v }
+ordx['A6'xc]:='77'x; { w w }
+ordx['A7'xc]:='78'x; { x x }
+ordx['A8'xc]:='79'x; { y y }
+ordx['A9'xc]:='7A'x; { z z }
+ordx['AA'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['AB'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['AC'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['AD'xc]:='5B'x; { [ [ }
+ordx['AE'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['AF'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B0'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B1'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B2'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B3'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B4'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B5'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B6'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B7'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B8'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B9'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['BA'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['BB'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['BC'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['BD'xc]:='5D'x; { ] ] }
+ordx['BE'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['BF'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['C0'xc]:='7B'x; { lcurly }
+ordx['C1'xc]:='41'x; { A A }
+ordx['C2'xc]:='42'x; { B B }
+ordx['C3'xc]:='43'x; { C C }
+ordx['C4'xc]:='44'x; { D D }
+ordx['C5'xc]:='45'x; { E E }
+ordx['C6'xc]:='46'x; { F F }
+ordx['C7'xc]:='47'x; { G G }
+ordx['C8'xc]:='48'x; { H H }
+ordx['C9'xc]:='49'x; { I I }
+ordx['CA'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['CB'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['CC'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['CD'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['CE'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['CF'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['D0'xc]:='7D'x; { rcurly }
+ordx['D1'xc]:='4A'x; { J J }
+ordx['D2'xc]:='4B'x; { K K }
+ordx['D3'xc]:='4C'x; { L L }
+ordx['D4'xc]:='4D'x; { M M }
+ordx['D5'xc]:='4E'x; { N N }
+ordx['D6'xc]:='4F'x; { O O }
+ordx['D7'xc]:='50'x; { P P }
+ordx['D8'xc]:='51'x; { Q Q }
+ordx['D9'xc]:='52'x; { R R }
+ordx['DA'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['DB'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['DC'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['DD'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['DE'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['DF'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['E0'xc]:='5C'x; { \ \ }
+ordx['E1'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['E2'xc]:='53'x; { S S }
+ordx['E3'xc]:='54'x; { T T }
+ordx['E4'xc]:='55'x; { U U }
+ordx['E5'xc]:='56'x; { V V }
+ordx['E6'xc]:='57'x; { W W }
+ordx['E7'xc]:='58'x; { X X }
+ordx['E8'xc]:='59'x; { Y Y }
+ordx['E9'xc]:='5A'x; { Z Z }
+ordx['EA'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['EB'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['EC'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['ED'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['EE'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['EF'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['F0'xc]:='30'x; { 0 0 }
+ordx['F1'xc]:='31'x; { 1 1 }
+ordx['F2'xc]:='32'x; { 2 2 }
+ordx['F3'xc]:='33'x; { 3 3 }
+ordx['F4'xc]:='34'x; { 4 4 }
+ordx['F5'xc]:='35'x; { 5 5 }
+ordx['F6'xc]:='36'x; { 6 6 }
+ordx['F7'xc]:='37'x; { 7 7 }
+ordx['F8'xc]:='38'x; { 8 8 }
+ordx['F9'xc]:='39'x; { 9 9 }
+ordx['FA'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['FB'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['FC'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['FD'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['FE'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['FF'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/fonttex.web b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/fonttex.web
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f2ce2858e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/fonttex.web
@@ -0,0 +1,1936 @@
+%test version
+ \def\titlepage{T}
+ \centerline{{\twelvept The FONTTEX Program}}
+ \vskip15pt
+ \centerline{Version 2, July 1986}
+ \hbox{\vbox{\hsize\the\hsize This work is
+ protected as an unpublished work under U.S. copyright laws.
+ Copyright $\copyright$ 1986 by WSUCSC. All rights Reserved.}}
+ \vskip18pt
+ \hbox{\vbox{\hsize\the\hsize This software is furnished under a
+ license for
+ use only on a single computer system and may be copied only
+ with the inclusion of the above copyright notice.
+ This software, or any other copies
+ thereof, may not be provided or otherwise made available to any
+ other person except for use on such system and to one who agrees to
+ these license terms. Title to and ownership of the software shall
+ at all times remain in WSUCSC.}}
+ \vfill}
+@* Introduction.
+ This version of fonttex writes font and driver information
+ into elements. Infile, a data file, must be assigned prior
+ the font data.
+ Fonttex reads a font description source element, and creates
+ a \TeX\ font file (TFM) and an 8600 driver element.
+ The font description source is divided into three sections.
+ The first section includes comments and parameters for the
+ entire font, the second describes the individual characters,
+ and the third provides information about ligatures, kerns,
+ linked math characters, and limit conventions on math
+ operators. Numeric information is given as integers,
+ or fractions depending on the context in which it
+ occurs. All sizes given will be scaled by the point size by
+ \TeX\ and so should reflect the sizes for 1-point
+ type.
+ The first section can include comments, which begin with a
+ "*" in column one of the line. It also includes definitions
+ of numeric parameters for the \TeX\ and driver font files.
+ The parameter definitions consist of an alphabetic name
+ beginning in column 1 and ending with one or more blanks;
+ and a numeric value. Comments and parameters can be
+ interspersed. This section is ended by a line containing a
+ dollar sign in column 1. Although the order the parameters
+ are given in is not significant, we will discuss them in a
+ conventional order. The first two parameters are the
+ scaling factors for the heights, widths, and depths of the
+ characters given in section 2. These scaling factors are
+ called |HUNITS| and |VUNITS|. Both have real values. All
+ character widths are implicitly multiplied by |HUNITS|, and
+ all heights and depths by |VUNITS|. For the Compugraphic 8600
+ we use |HUNITS|=1/54 and |VUNITS|=1/64, because of the internal
+ units used on the machine. The next several parameters give
+ information about the font needed by the 8600 driver.
+ |DEFFONT| specifies a font number on the typesetter. Unless
+ otherwise defined, all characters in this file come from
+ this font. |DEFWIDTH| gives the width multiplier. All
+ character widths are also multiplied by |DEFWIDTH|. Typically
+ |DEFWIDTH| is 1, but it could be less for condensed type and
+ more for expanded type. The remaining parameters are for
+ the \TeX\ font file. They all take real values.
+ There should be 128 character entries in section two.
+ Information about character is given in free format columns,
+ which are separated by one or more blanks. Beginning in
+ column 1 is the character mnemonic. Most fonts use standard
+ ascii codes, so that character 65 is A, etc. For this
+ reason, any single character name will be checked to see
+ that it corresponds to the appropriate ascii value. If not a
+ warning is issued.
+ Following this may be the keyword
+ LIGATURE or BUILD describing ligatures and built-up math
+ delimiters. This is omitted for ordinary characters. The
+ ligature keyword indicates that this character should be
+ substituted for a combination of two other characters.
+ Following the keyword should be the names of the two
+ characters separated by a plus sign. For example, fi
+ LIGATURE f+i and: ff LIGATURE f+f ffl LIGATURE ff+l.
+ For the
+ BUILD keyword, the character will be made from pieces.
+ There can be a top, bottom, middle, and extension character.
+ All are optional except the extension character. This is
+ specified as BUILD keyword=charname,keyword=charname,...
+ For instance, bigparen BUILD
+ TOP=parentop,MID=parenmid,BOT=parenmid.
+ The third field of
+ information is the character width, the fourth the height,
+ and the fifth the depth. Widths are given relative to the
+ point size and are implicitly multiplied by the |HUNITS|
+ parameter. Likewise height and depth are relative and are
+ multiplied by |VUNITS|. For example, the typical value of
+ |HUNITS| is 1/54. Then a character width given as 27 means
+ that the character is 0.5 times the point size in width. The
+ point size will be determined when the file is referred to
+ in \TeX , and the character sizes will be multiplied by it as
+ the file is read into \TeX . The sixth column gives 8600
+ commands and character codes. The commands have integer or
+ real parameters. Most characters will have a single character
+ code, and will be selected from the default font. An
+ alternate font can be specified by the F command. 8600 code
+ can also include point size commands, psuedo-italic
+ commands, etc. Refer to the module discussing ``Reading the
+ 8600 Codes.''
+ The final section specifies kerns, linked math characters,
+ and math operator conventions. A kern is an amount of
+ horizontal space to be subtracted between two characters.
+ It is specified as KERN A+W 5/100 for instance, to shave
+ 5/100 of the point size between occurences of A and W.
+ Linking occurs in math extension fonts where various sizes
+ of parentheses, brackets, and so forth occur. To link one
+ character to the next larger size of the same symbol,
+ specify LINK charname1 charname2 Finally, a character is
+ specified to be a mathop by the MATHOP keyword. (Common
+ mathops are sum and integral signs.) Following the keyword
+ is the character name and a real number. If the real number
+ is zero, limits for the operator will be centered above and
+ below it in display style. If non-zero, limits are set to
+ the right of the symbol, and the lower limit is moved left
+ by this amount.
+ Some further detail on the methods and data structures used
+ by Fonttex. Widths, heights, depths, and italic corrections
+ are stored in arrays of reals (type realarray). Entry -1
+ gives the highest numbered entry used so far. When a height,
+ depth, etc is read from the input file, procedure |AddToList|
+ is called to add the value to the array and return the index
+ of the entry in the array. If two or more characters have
+ the same dimension, the value is stored only once and the
+ characters have identical indices pointing to it. In the TFM
+ format font files, each character has an index into the
+ width, height, depth, italic correction arrays, and the
+ arrays of values are given separately. (See TUGboat volume
+ 2, no 1; or the comments in Sysdep at |ReadFontInfo| for more
+ details on the font file format.)
+ Ligatures are specified by giving the name of the two
+ "component" characters of the ligature. These are saved in
+ an array of records, "lig" until the entire pre-file has
+ been read. Then a pass is made through these records to look
+ up all the names of the component characters, and a another
+ pass is made through the lig records to group them by the
+ first character of the ligature and add a pointer in the
+ outstuff array for that character pointing to the
+ ligature/kern program. The same is done with kern
+ specifications and the final pass over both is done
+ simultaneously.
+ Extendible characters made from top, bottom, middle, and
+ extension pieces are marked at the character entry, and the
+ names of the pieces are saved in array ext until the file
+ has been read. The tag value and pointer into the ext array
+ are set in outstuff when the line is read in |ReadBuildStuff|,
+ but the character numbers for the ext array itself are not
+ found until after the entire file has been read.
+ When records are written to the driver and font files they
+ can be displayed by compiling Fonttex with "drvdump" and
+ "dump" respectively set to true.
+@ Following are a few macros and definitions used throughout program:
+@d incr(#) == # := # + 1
+@d decr(#) == # := # - 1
+@d do_nothing == begin; end
+@d ccat==@=||@>
+@f static == var
+@f value == var
+@ The beginning of the program.
+@p program fonttex(terminal,sysprint,fontpkt,drvpkt,infile);
+ @<Global Constants@>@/
+ @<Global Types@>@/
+ @<Global Variables@>@/
+ @^system dependencies@>
+ com_table :packed array[0..18] of string(7);@/
+ com_table[0] := 'HDR'; {Header Record}@/
+ com_table[1] := 'CHWIDTH';{Character Width}@/
+ com_table[2] := 'RT'; {Reverse Type}@/
+ com_table[3] := 'PS'; {Point Size}@/
+ com_table[4] := 'SS'; {Set Size}@/
+ com_table[5] := 'VMF'; {Vertical Move Forward}@/
+ com_table[6] := 'VMR'; {Vertical Move Reverse}@/
+ com_table[7] := 'RW'; {Rule Width}@/
+ com_table[8] := 'RD'; {Rule Depth}@/
+ com_table[9] := 'IR'; {Insert Rule}@/
+ com_table[10] := 'SL'; {Slant Mode}@/
+ com_table[11] := 'RTWT'; {Reverse Type Window Top}@/
+ com_table[12] := 'RTWB'; {Reverse Type Window Bottom}@/
+ com_table[13] := 'AU'; {Auxiliary Character Set}@/
+ com_table[14] := 'F'; {Change Fonts}@/
+ com_table[15] := 'HMR'; {Horizontal Move Right}@/
+ com_table[16] := 'HML'; {Horizontal Move Left}@/
+ com_table[17] := 'TTS'; {8600 character, in decimal}@/
+ com_table[18] := 'MAXCMD';@/
+%include pasclib(asciicvt)@/
+@* Beginning section.
+This section includes some basic functions for reading the DVI file
+as well as a couple of procedures, like error and allcaps. Nothing
+tricky or noteworthy in these.
+@<Global Constants@>=
+ maxkerns = 255;
+ num_entries = 128; {maximum number of characters entered}
+@<Global Types@>=
+ oneoftwo = packed 1..2;
+ oneoffour = packed 1..4;
+ bytes4 = packed record
+ byte0 :packed 0..255;
+ byte1 :packed 0..255;
+ case oneoftwo of
+ 1 :(rhword :packed 0..65535);
+ 2 :(byte2 :packed 0..255;
+ byte3 :packed 0..255)
+ end;
+ charindex = 0..127;@\
+ driverrec = record
+ cmd :integer;
+ case oneoftwo of
+ 1 :(param :shortreal);
+ 2 :(code :integer);
+ end;
+ extrec = record
+ sourceline:integer;
+ topname,botname,extname,midname :string(40);
+ top,bot,mid,ext :charindex;
+ end;
+ fonttypes = (standard,mathex,mathsy);
+ halves2 = packed record
+ lhword :packed 0..65535;
+ case oneoftwo of
+ 1 :(rhword :packed 0..65535);
+ 2 :(byte2 :packed 0..255;
+ byte3 :packed 0..255)
+ end;
+ kernrec = record
+ frstchar :charindex;
+ scndchar :charindex;
+ kernslot :integer;
+ end;
+ ligrec = record
+ sourceline :integer;
+ firstname :string(40);
+ scndname :string(40);
+ frstchar :charindex;
+ scndchar :charindex;
+ ligcode :charindex;
+ end;
+ memoryword = packed record case oneoffour of
+ 1 :(pts :shortreal);
+ 2 :(int :integer);
+ 3 :(twohalves :halves2);
+ 4 :(fourbytes :bytes4)
+ end;
+ outarray = array[charindex] of memoryword;
+ parameter = (slant,spacee,spstretch,spshrink,
+ xheight,quad,extraspace,
+ raisen1,raisen2,raisen3,
+ denom1,denom2,sup1,sup2,
+ sup3,sub1,sub2,supdrop,subdrop,
+ dlims1,dlims2,axisheight,
+ defthickness,bgopsp1,
+ bgopsp2,bgopsp3,
+ bgopsp4,bgopsp5);
+ realarray = array[-1..num_entries] of real;
+@ This function will convert whatever is passed to it into
+all capital letters. It translates lower case letters into upper case
+letters. All other characters outside of the range
+a$<$=character$<$=z are returned as their original value.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@p function allcaps(instring :string(40)) :string(40);
+ i :integer;
+ character :char;
+ buildit :string(40);
+ chtable :packed array['81'xc..'e9'xc] of char;
+ chtable['81'xc] := 'A';
+ chtable['82'xc] := 'B';
+ chtable['83'xc] := 'C';
+ chtable['84'xc] := 'D';
+ chtable['85'xc] := 'E';
+ chtable['86'xc] := 'F';
+ chtable['87'xc] := 'G';
+ chtable['88'xc] := 'H';
+ chtable['89'xc] := 'I';
+ chtable['91'xc] := 'J';
+ chtable['92'xc] := 'K';
+ chtable['93'xc] := 'L';
+ chtable['94'xc] := 'M';
+ chtable['95'xc] := 'N';
+ chtable['96'xc] := 'O';
+ chtable['97'xc] := 'P';
+ chtable['98'xc] := 'Q';
+ chtable['99'xc] := 'R';
+ chtable['a2'xc] := 'S';
+ chtable['a3'xc] := 'T';
+ chtable['a4'xc] := 'U';
+ chtable['a5'xc] := 'V';
+ chtable['a6'xc] := 'W';
+ chtable['a7'xc] := 'X';
+ chtable['a8'xc] := 'Y';
+ chtable['a9'xc] := 'Z';
+ buildit := '';
+ for i := 1 to length(instring) do begin
+ readstr(substr(instring,i,1),character);
+ if character in ['a'..'z']
+ then buildit := buildit || str(chtable[character])
+ else buildit := buildit || str(character);
+ end;
+ allcaps := buildit;
+ end;
+@ This function receives an integer value and converts it to its
+hex value and returns that value as a string.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@p function hex(int :integer) :string(8);
+ i :integer;
+ j :integer;
+ k16 :integer;
+ stri :string(8);
+ hexarray :array[0..15] of string(1);
+ hexarray[0] := '0';
+ hexarray[1] := '1';
+ hexarray[2] := '2';
+ hexarray[3] := '3';
+ hexarray[4] := '4';
+ hexarray[5] := '5';
+ hexarray[6] := '6';
+ hexarray[7] := '7';
+ hexarray[8] := '8';
+ hexarray[9] := '9';
+ hexarray[10] := 'A';
+ hexarray[11] := 'B';
+ hexarray[12] := 'C';
+ hexarray[13] := 'D';
+ hexarray[14] := 'E';
+ hexarray[15] := 'F';
+ stri := '';
+ i := int;
+ if i < 0 then begin
+ stri := 'FF';
+ i := 'FFFFFF'x + i + 1;
+ end;
+ k16 := 1048576;
+ repeat
+ if i >= k16
+ then begin
+ j := i div k16;
+ stri := stri || hexarray[j];
+ i := i - (j * k16);
+ end
+ else if length(stri) > 0
+ then stri := stri || '0';
+ k16 := k16 div 16;
+ until k16 = 1;
+ stri := stri || hexarray[i];
+ i := length(stri);
+ if (i = 1) or (i = 3) or (i = 5)
+ then stri := '0' || stri;
+ hex := stri;
+ end;
+@<Global Types@>=
+ oneofsix = 1..6;
+@<Global Variables@>=
+ dump :boolean;
+ fontpkt :file of memoryword;
+ inx :integer;
+ name :array[0..127] of string(40);
+ outcount :integer;
+ outrec :memoryword;
+@p procedure writeout(outrec :memoryword;
+ outtype :oneofsix);
+ length :integer;
+ if dump then begin
+ write(outcount:6,': ');
+ case outtype of
+ 1 :writeln('Pts=',outrec.pts);
+ 2 :begin
+ writeln('Fix=',;
+ end;
+ 3 :with outrec.twohalves do
+ writeln('lhword=',lhword,',rhword=',rhword);
+ 4 :with outrec.fourbytes do
+ writeln(' Byte0=',byte0:3,'=>"',hex(byte0),'"',
+ ',Byte1=',byte1:3,'=>"',hex(byte1),'"',
+ ',Byte2=',byte2:3,'=>"',hex(byte2),'"',
+ ',Byte3=',byte3:3,'=>"',hex(byte3),'"');
+ 5 :with outrec.fourbytes do
+ writeln(' Width inx =',byte0:3,
+ ',Height inx= ',byte1 div 16:2,
+ ',Depth inx =',byte1 mod 16:2,
+ ',ItCor inx= ',byte2 div 4:2,
+ ',Tag =',byte2 mod 4:1,
+ ',Rem =',byte3:2,
+ ',chr="',name[inx],'"');
+ 6 :writeln(;
+ end;{case}
+ end;{if}
+ outcount := outcount + 1; {count it}
+ fontpkt@@ := outrec;
+ put(fontpkt);
+ end; {writeout}
+@<Global Types@>=
+@!error_severity = (fatal,notreallyfatal,overlookable);
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!currchar :charindex;
+@!errlin :integer;
+@!errlstr :string(10);
+@!errmax :integer;
+@!errmin :integer;
+@!errnum :integer;
+@!errstr :string(133);
+@!infile :text;
+@!lenfile :integer;
+@!lineno :integer;
+@!sysprint :text;
+@ The error procedure. When a byte is read that does not jive with
+what the program was expecting, it goes to this procedure with a
+return code of some kind and an appropriate message is printed to user.
+@p procedure error(err :integer;
+ howbad :error_severity);
+ if errlin = 0 then errlin := lineno;
+ {The caller can override the current line by setting errlin}
+ case err of
+ 0 :writeln('Empty input file');
+ 1 :writeln('Unrecognized keyword :',errstr);
+ 2 :begin
+ write('Number of entries must be specified');
+ writeln(' before the entries appear');
+ end;
+ 4 :begin
+ write('Integer expected but not found: next char=');
+ if eoln(infile)
+ then writeln('end of line')
+ else writeln(infile@@);
+ end;
+ 5 :writeln('Too many unique widths, depths, or heights');
+ 6 :begin
+ writeln('Entries in font file are out of sequence:');
+ writeln('The entry labelled ',errstr[1],
+ ' has a sequence ', 'of ',currchar:3,
+ ', not its Ascii value ',ordx[errstr[1]]:3);
+ end;
+ 7 :writeln('Ran out of entries in font file prematurely');
+ 8 :writeln('Real value given for parameter ',errstr,
+ ', but integer required');
+ 9 :writeln('The character names in a ligature or kern ',
+ 'have to be separated by a "+"');
+ 10 :writeln('Knave! No space should follow thine plus sign');
+ 11 :writeln('We expected to see a keyword here, not ',
+ errstr,'. Perhaps you have too many ',
+ 'character entries, or (gasp!) a typo');
+ 12 :writeln('You never specified "',errstr,
+ '" as a character name');
+ 13 :writeln('Keyword should be TOP,BOT,MID,EXT, not "',
+ errstr:3,'"');
+ 14 :writeln('You''ve specified parameters for both ',
+ 'mathex and mathsy fonts');
+ 15 :writeln('Expected to write ',lenfile:3,' records, ',
+ 'but actually wrote ',outcount:3);
+ 16 :writeln('After character name should be BUILD, ',
+ 'LIGATURE, or integer, not ',errstr);
+ 17 :writeln('Invalid value for parameter ',errlstr,', ',
+ errnum,' is <',errmin,' or >',errmax);
+ 18 :writeln('TTS codes must be within 0 to 127');
+ 19 :writeln(errlstr,' is not a valid 8600 command');
+ 20 :writeln('There is no 8600 code given for character ',
+ errstr:1);
+ 21 :writeln('Bad character for 8600 code :',infile@@);
+ 24 :writeln('Major font number should be between 1 and ',
+ maxfont:3);
+ 27 :writeln('Fontname too long, truncated to 8 characters');
+ 28 :writeln('Invalid input values for tracing, ',
+ 'record "',errlstr,'" skipped');
+ otherwise writeln('Unspecified error number ',err:3);
+ end; {case}
+ if howbad = fatal
+ then begin
+ writeln('Fatal error ends program at input line',
+ errlin:4);
+ trace(sysprint);
+ halt;
+ end
+ else writeln('Error at input line',errlin:4);
+ if (not eof(infile)) and (howbad = overlookable)
+ then begin
+ readln(infile);
+ writeln('rest of this string has been overlooked');
+ end;
+ errlin := 0; {reset default line to lineno}
+ end; {Error}
+@p procedure skipblanks;
+ while (infile@@=' ') and not eoln(infile) do
+ get(infile); {advance one character}
+ end;
+@<Global Types@>=
+@!chrset = set of char;
+@ This procedure reads a string from infile to be delimited by
+a character in the set delimiters.
+@p procedure readmnemonic(var mn :string(40);
+ delimiters :chrset);
+ str :string(1);
+ mn := '';
+ while (length(mn) <= 40) and not (infile@@ in delimiters) do begin
+ read(infile,str);
+ mn := mn || str;
+ end;
+ errstr := mn; {save globally for error messages}
+ end; {readmnemonic}
+@<Global Constants@>=
+ exspacekey = 'EXTRASPACE';
+ quadkey = 'QUAD';
+ slantkey = 'SLANT';
+ spaceekey = 'SPACE';
+ spshrkey = 'SPSHRINK';
+ spstrkey = 'SPSTRETCH';
+ xhtkey = 'XHEIGHT';
+@p procedure printparam(p :parameter);
+ case p of
+ slant :write(slantkey:5);
+ spacee :write(spaceekey:6);
+ spstretch :write(spstrkey:9);
+ spshrink :write(spshrkey:8);
+ xheight :write(xhtkey:7);
+ quad :write(quadkey:4);
+ extraspace:write(exspacekey:10);
+ otherwise write(' next math parm');
+ end; {case}
+ end; {printparam}
+@ This converts the byte to an integer, for further evaluation by
+the program.
+@p procedure readinteger(var int :integer);
+ minusint :integer;
+ skipblanks;
+ if not (infile@@ in ['0'..'9','-']) then error(4,fatal);
+ if infile@@ = '-'
+ then begin
+ get(infile);
+ readinteger(minusint);
+ int := 0 - minusint;
+ end
+ else read(infile,int);
+ end; {readinteger}
+@ Reads series of integers separated by * and /. Returns
+ value in fractional form: multiplier/divisor is the real value
+@p procedure readexpr(var multiplier :integer;
+ var divisor :integer);
+ op :char;
+ int :integer;
+ skipblanks;
+ if infile@@ = ' ' then error(4,fatal);
+ op := '*';
+ multiplier := 1;
+ divisor := 1;
+ while not (infile@@ in [' ',',']) do begin
+ readinteger(int);
+ if op = '*'
+ then multiplier := multiplier * int
+ else divisor := divisor * int;
+ if (infile@@ = '*') or (infile@@ = '/')
+ then read(infile,op);
+ end; {while}
+ end; {readexpr}
+@p procedure readreal(var r :real);
+ mult :integer;
+ divs :integer;
+ readexpr(mult,divs);
+ r := (1.0 * mult)/(1.0 * divs);
+ end;
+@<Global Constants@>=@/
+ axishtkey = 'AXISHEIGHT';
+ bosp1key = 'BIGOPSPACE1';
+ bosp2key = 'BIGOPSPACE2';
+ bosp3key = 'BIGOPSPACE3';
+ bosp4key = 'BIGOPSPACE4';
+ bosp5key = 'BIGOPSPACE5';
+ codingschemekey = 'CODINGSCHEME';
+ deffontkey = 'DEFFONT';
+ dethicknesskey = 'DEFTHICKNESS';
+ dewidthkey = 'DEFWIDTH';
+ dlims1key = 'DELIMSIZE1';
+ dlims2key = 'DELIMSIZE2';
+ denom1key = 'DENOMLOWER1';
+ denom2key = 'DENOMLOWER2';
+ fntnamekey = 'FONTNAME';
+ hunitskey = 'HUNITS';
+ raizen1key = 'NUMRAISE1';
+ raizen2key = 'NUMRAISE2';
+ raizen3key = 'NUMRAISE3';
+ ptsizekey = 'POINTSIZE';
+ subdrpkey = 'SUBDROP';
+ sub1key = 'SUB1';
+ sub2key = 'SUB2';
+ supdrpkey = 'SUPDROP';
+ sup1key = 'SUP1';
+ sup2key = 'SUP2';
+ sup3key = 'SUP3';
+ vunitskey = 'VUNITS';
+ maxfont = 255;
+ uninitialized = -5000.0;
+@<Global Variables@>=
+ codescheme :string(40);
+ def_ft_stuff :driverrec;
+ def_width_stuff :driverrec;
+ fontname :string(40);
+ fontype :fonttypes;
+ hunits :real;
+ params :array[parameter] of real;
+ paramset :array[fonttypes] of set of parameter;
+ pointsize :integer;
+ uniquecode :integer;
+ vunits :real;
+@p procedure read_the_parameters;
+label 0;
+ mn :string(40);
+ int :integer;
+ realval :real;
+ mult :integer;
+ divs :integer;
+ isint :boolean;
+ pp :parameter;
+ parmerror :boolean;
+ while infile@@ in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','*'] do
+ if (infile@@ = '*')
+ then begin
+ readln(infile);
+ errlin := errlin + 1;
+ end
+ else begin
+ @<read vunits or hunits or parameter@>
+ {You can end the parameters with a '\$' line -- check it}
+ if infile@@ = '$'
+ then begin
+ readln(infile); {Skip end params marker}
+ errlin := errlin + 1;
+ end;
+ {now check that all parameters are given}
+0: parmerror := false;
+ for pp := slant to bgopsp5 do
+ if (params[pp] = uninitialized) and
+ (pp in paramset[fontype]+paramset[standard])
+ then begin
+ write('Parameter ');
+ printparam(pp);
+ writeln(' was not specified');
+ parmerror := true;
+ end;
+ if parmerror then error(7,fatal);
+ end; {|read_the_parameters|}
+@<read vunits or hunits or parameter@>=
+ readmnemonic(mn,[' ']);
+ if dump then write('Parameter ',mn);
+ mn := allcaps(mn);
+ if mn = 'ENDPARAMS'
+ @<endparams@>
+ if (mn <> fntnamekey) and (mn <> codingschemekey)
+ then readexpr(mult,divs);
+ if divs = 0
+ then realval := 1.0 * mult
+ else realval := (1.0 * mult)/(1.0 * divs);
+ int := mult;
+ if divs = 1
+ then isint := true
+ else isint := false; {only reals have divisor}
+ if mn = hunitskey
+ @<hunits@>
+ else if mn = vunitskey
+ @<vunits@>
+ else if mn = fntnamekey
+ @<fontname@>
+ else if mn = codingschemekey
+ @<codingscheme@>
+ else if mn = deffontkey
+ @<deffont@>
+ else if mn = dewidthkey
+ @<defwidth@>
+ else if mn = ptsizekey
+ @<pointsize@>
+ else begin
+ @<TEX standard parameter@>
+ readln(infile);
+ errlin := errlin + 1;
+ end; {else..begin}
+ @<endparams@>=
+ then begin
+ readln(infile);
+ errlin := errlin + 1;
+ goto 0; {marks end of parameters}
+ end;
+ @<hunits@>=
+ then begin
+ hunits := realval;
+ if dump then writeln(' = ',realval);
+ end
+ @<vunits@>=
+ then begin
+ vunits := realval;
+ if dump then writeln(' = ',realval);
+ end
+ @<fontname@>=
+ then begin
+ skipblanks;
+ readmnemonic(fontname,[' ','.']);
+ fontname := allcaps(fontname);
+ if dump then writeln(' = ',fontname);
+ end
+ @<codingscheme@>=
+ then begin
+ skipblanks;
+ readmnemonic(codescheme,[' ','.']);
+ codescheme := allcaps(codescheme);
+ if dump then writeln(' = ',codescheme);
+ end
+ @<deffont@>=
+ then {set up |def_ft_stuff| record}
+ with def_ft_stuff do begin
+ cmd := ord(F); {8600 font command}
+ if int > maxfont
+ then error(24,notreallyfatal);
+ code := int * 10;
+ uniquecode := int;
+ if dump then writeln(' = ',int);
+ end
+ @<defwidth@>=
+ then {set up |def_width_stuff| record}
+ with def_width_stuff do begin
+ {ratio of set width to point size}
+ cmd := ord(CHWIDTH);
+ param := realval;
+ if dump then writeln(' = ',realval);
+ end
+ @<pointsize@>=
+ then begin
+ pointsize := int;
+ if dump then writeln(' = ',int);
+ end
+ @<TEX standard parameter@>=
+ if mn = slantkey
+ then pp := slant
+ else if mn = spaceekey
+ then pp := spacee
+ else if mn = spstrkey
+ then pp := spstretch
+ else if mn = spshrkey
+ then pp := spshrink
+ else if mn = xhtkey
+ then pp := xheight
+ else if mn = quadkey
+ then pp := quad
+ else if mn = exspacekey
+ then pp := extraspace
+ @<TEX mathsy parameter@>
+ @<TEX mathex parameter@>
+ else error(1,fatal);
+ params[pp] := realval; {save value of it}
+ if dump then writeln(' = ',realval);
+ if pp in paramset[mathex]
+ then begin
+ if fontype = standard
+ then fontype := mathex
+ else if fontype <> mathex
+ then error(14,fatal);
+ end
+ else if pp in paramset[mathsy]
+ then begin
+ if fontype = standard
+ {change assumption}
+ then fontype := mathsy
+ else if fontype <> mathsy
+ then error(14,fatal);
+ end; {then..begin}
+ end; {else..begin TEX}
+ @<TEX mathsy parameter@>=
+ else if mn = raizen1key
+ then pp := raisen1
+ else if mn = raizen2key
+ then pp := raisen2
+ else if mn = raizen3key
+ then pp := raisen3
+ else if mn = denom1key
+ then pp := denom1
+ else if mn = denom2key
+ then pp := denom2
+ else if mn = sup1key
+ then pp := sup1
+ else if mn = sup2key
+ then pp := sup2
+ else if mn = sup3key
+ then pp := sup3
+ else if mn = sub1key
+ then pp := sub1
+ else if mn = sub2key
+ then pp := sub2
+ else if mn = supdrpkey
+ then pp := supdrop
+ else if mn = subdrpkey
+ then pp := subdrop
+ else if mn = dlims1key
+ then pp := dlims1
+ else if mn = dlims2key
+ then pp := dlims2
+ else if mn = axishtkey
+ then pp := axisheight
+ @<TEX mathex parameter@>=
+ else if mn = dethicknesskey
+ then pp := defthickness
+ else if mn = bosp1key
+ then pp := bgopsp1
+ else if mn = bosp2key
+ then pp := bgopsp2
+ else if mn = bosp3key
+ then pp := bgopsp3
+ else if mn = bosp4key
+ then pp := bgopsp4
+ else if mn = bosp5key
+ then pp := bgopsp5
+@ finds entry in array list if present and returns its index
+ as slot. otherwise it adds it at the end of list (specified
+ by list[-1]) and returns that index as slot.
+@p procedure add_to_list(var list :realarray;
+ entry :real;
+ lmax :integer;
+ var slot :integer);
+ linx :integer;
+ if entry = 0 then begin
+ slot := 0;
+ return;
+ end;
+ for linx := 1 to trunc(list[-1]) do
+ if entry = list[linx]
+ then begin
+ slot := linx;
+ return;
+ end;
+ {not found}
+ if trunc(list[-1]) = lmax then error(5,fatal);
+ list[-1] := list[-1] + 1.0;
+ list[trunc(list[-1])] := entry;
+ slot := trunc(list[-1]);
+ end; {|add_to_list|}
+@<Global Variables@>=
+ max :array[comm] of integer;
+ min :array[comm] of integer;
+@ Sets up info needed to read driver file info from the input
+ file, and write it in proper format into the driver output file
+@p procedure init8600commands;
+ cmd :comm;
+ for cmd := HDR to MAXCMD do begin {initialize 8600 commands}
+ if cmd in [PS,SS] then begin
+ min[cmd] := 0;
+ max[cmd] := 1275;
+ end
+ else if cmd in [VMF, VMR, RD] then begin
+ min[cmd] := 1;
+ max[cmd] := 1736;
+ end
+ else if cmd in [RW, HML, HMR] then begin
+ min[cmd] := 1;
+ max[cmd] := 14688;
+ end
+ else if cmd in [SL] then begin
+ min[cmd] := 0;
+ max[cmd] := 48;
+ end
+ else if cmd in [RTWT, RTWB] then begin
+ min[cmd] := 0;
+ max[cmd] := 1440;
+ end
+ else if cmd in [F] then begin
+ min[cmd] := 1;
+ max[cmd] := 255;
+ end
+ else begin {catch any others}
+ min[cmd] := 0;
+ max[cmd] := 65535; {largest 2 byte integer}
+ end;
+ end; {FOR..begin}
+ end; {init8600commands}
+@<Global Variables@>=
+ depth :realarray;
+ drvdump :boolean;
+ drvpkt :file of driverrec;
+ drvoutcount :integer;
+ dumpval :boolean;
+ height :realarray;
+ inrec :string(30);
+ itcorr :realarray;
+ kernout :realarray;
+ numext :integer;
+ numkerns :integer;
+ numligs :integer;
+ numparams :array[fonttypes] of integer;
+ outstuff :outarray;
+ str1 :string(30);
+ str2 :string(30);
+ terminal :text;
+ width :realarray;
+@p procedure initialize;
+ pp :parameter;
+ outinx :integer;
+ fontname := trim(parms);
+ termout(terminal);
+ termout(output);
+ rewrite(fontpkt,'NAME='||fontname||'.PRTFM.A');
+ rewrite(drvpkt,'NAME='||fontname||'.CGINFO.A');
+ reset(infile,'NAME='||fontname||'.FONTINFO.*');
+ dump := false;
+ drvdump := false;
+ while not eof(terminal) do begin
+ readln(terminal,inrec);
+ inx := index(inrec,'=');
+ if inx < 1
+ then begin
+ errstr := inrec;
+ error(28,notreallyfatal);
+ end
+ else begin
+ str1 := substr(inrec,1,inx-1);
+ str2 := substr(inrec,inx+1,length(inrec)-inx);
+ str1 := allcaps(ltrim(trim(str1)));
+ str2 := allcaps(ltrim(trim(str2)));
+ if str2 = 'false'
+ then dumpval := false
+ else if str2 = 'true'
+ then dumpval := true;
+ if ((str2 <> 'false') and (str2 <> 'true')) or
+ ((str1 <> 'DUMP') and (str1 <> 'DRVDUMP'))
+ then begin
+ errstr := inrec;
+ error(28,notreallyfatal);
+ end
+ else if str1 = 'DUMP'
+ then dump := dumpval
+ else drvdump := dumpval;
+ end;
+ end;
+ hunits := 1.0 / 54.0;
+ vunits := 1.0 / 8.0;
+ lineno := 1;
+ width[-1] := 0;
+ width[0] := 0.0; {for non-existent chars}
+ height[-1] := 0;
+ height[0] := 0.0; {for non-existent chars}
+ depth[-1] := 0;
+ depth[0] := 0.0; {for non-existent chars}
+ itcorr[-1] := 0;
+ itcorr[0] := 0.0; {for non-existent chars}
+ kernout[-1] := 0.0;
+ kernout[0] := 0.0;
+ {Set all tag values to 0 = vanilla}
+ for outinx := 0 to 127 do outstuff[outinx].fourbytes.byte2 := 0;
+ numkerns := -1;
+ numligs := -1;
+ numext := -1;
+ fontname := ' ';
+ codescheme := 'PARC TEXT';
+ fontype := standard;
+ paramset[standard] := [slant..quad,extraspace];
+ paramset[mathsy] := [raisen1..axisheight];
+ paramset[mathex] := [defthickness..bgopsp5];
+ pointsize := 1;
+ numparams[standard] := 7;
+ numparams[mathex] := 13;
+ numparams[mathsy] := 22;
+ for pp := slant to extraspace do params[pp] := uninitialized;
+ drvoutcount := 0; {no records to driver file yet}
+ init8600commands;
+ with def_ft_stuff do begin
+ cmd := ord(F);
+ code := 10; {font 1, fontlet 0 = def}
+ end;
+ with def_width_stuff do begin
+ cmd := ord(CHWIDTH);
+ param := 1.0; {normal width type is def}
+ end;
+ end;{initialize}
+@p procedure readentry(var list :realarray;
+ lmax :integer;
+ var slot :integer;
+ units :real);
+ entry :real;
+ multiplier :integer;
+ divisor :integer; {save value in expression}
+ readexpr(multiplier,divisor);
+ entry := (1.0 * multiplier) / (1.0 * divisor) * units;
+ if dump then writeln('entry read is ',multiplier:4,'/',
+ divisor:4,' * ',units:4:2, '=',entry);
+ add_to_list(list,entry,lmax,slot);
+ end; {readentry}
+@<Global Variables@>=
+ lig :array[0..255] of ligrec;
+@ The keyword LIGATURE has just been scanned in the input for one of
+characters 0 to 127. Now we expect to find blank separators followed
+by the names of the two characters the ligature replaces. These will
+be separated by a '+' sign. Since the characters in question may
+not have been specified yet, the names will be saved for now, and
+looked up after all 128 character entries have been read.
+@p procedure read_ligature_stuff;
+ skipblanks;
+ numligs := numligs+1;
+ with lig[numligs] do begin
+ sourceline := lineno; {save line for later error messages}
+ readmnemonic(firstname,[' ','+']);
+ if dump then writeln('first char of ligature is ',firstname);
+ if infile@@ <> '+'
+ then error(9,notreallyfatal)
+ else begin
+ get(infile); {skip plus sign}
+ if infile@@ = ' ' then error(10,overlookable);
+ skipblanks; {overlook}
+ readmnemonic(scndname,[' ']); {read second name}
+ if dump then writeln('second character of ligature',
+ ' is ',scndname);
+ end; {else..begin}
+ ligcode := currchar;
+ end; {with..begin}
+ end; {|read_ligature_stuff|}
+ @<Global Variables@>=@/
+ charno :charindex;
+@ look up this name in the name array and tell where and if it was
+@p procedure lookup(lookee :string(40);
+ var charno :charindex; {where if found}
+ var found :boolean); {was it found}
+ inx :integer;
+ found := false;
+ inx := 0;
+ while not found and (inx<128) do
+ if name[inx] = lookee
+ then found := true {found}
+ else inx := inx + 1; {check next}
+ if found
+ then charno := inx
+ else charno := 127; {not found, avoid out of range err}
+ if not found
+ then begin
+ errstr := lookee; {string for message}
+ error(12,notreallyfatal);
+ end; {then..begin}
+ end; {lookup}
+@ Set Tag value in lower 2 bits of byte 2 of outstuff record
+@p procedure set_tag_val(chinx :charindex;
+ tagval :integer);
+ with outstuff[chinx].fourbytes do begin
+ if (byte2 mod 4) <> 0
+ then writeln('Tag for char ',chinx:1,
+ ' already set to ',byte2 mod 4);
+ if tagval > 3 then error(25,fatal);
+ byte2 := (byte2 div 4 * 4) + tagval;
+ end; {with..begin}
+ end; {|set_tag_val|}
+@ Convert a real to a "FIX" which is a 32-bit number stored in the
+leftmost 32 bits of a word. The first 12 bits are the integer part, and
+the last 20 are the fraction. The left most bit is the sign
+@p function scaleout(r :real) :integer;
+ stri :string(8);
+ int :integer;
+ int := round(r*'100000'x);
+ if dump then begin
+ stri := hex(int);
+ if length(stri) < 8
+ then stri := substr('00000000',1,8-length(stri)) || stri;
+ writeln('FIX of ',r,' is ',int,', hex value="',stri,'"');
+ end;
+ scaleout := int;
+ end; {scaleout}
+@<Global Variables@>=
+ found :boolean;
+ kern :array[0..maxkerns] of kernrec;
+ mnem :string(40);
+@ The keyword KERN has been read: process the rest of the line
+@p procedure read_kern_stuff;
+ numkerns := numkerns + 1;
+ skipblanks;
+ with kern[numkerns] do begin
+ readmnemonic(mnem,[' ','+']);
+ lookup(mnem,charno,found);
+ if found
+ then frstchar := charno
+ else begin
+ frstchar := 127;
+ error(12,notreallyfatal);
+ end; {else..begin}
+ if infile@@ = ' '
+ then begin
+ error(9,notreallyfatal);
+ scndchar := 127; {put any old value there}
+ end
+ else begin
+ get(infile); {skip plus sign}
+ if infile@@ = ' '
+ then error(10,overlookable);
+ skipblanks;{overlook it!}
+ readmnemonic(mnem,[' ','-']);
+ lookup(mnem,charno,found);
+ if found
+ then scndchar := charno
+ else scndchar := 127;
+ end; {else..begin}
+ readentry(kernout,maxkerns,kernslot,hunits);
+ end; {with}
+ readln(infile);
+ errlin := errlin + 1;
+ end; {|read_kern_stuff|}
+@<Global Constants@>=
+ linktag = 2;
+@p procedure read_link_stuff;
+ mn1 :string(40);
+ mn2 :string(40);
+ char1 :charindex;
+ char2 :charindex;
+ found :boolean;
+ skipblanks;
+ readmnemonic(mn1,[' ']);
+ lookup(mn1,char1,found);
+ skipblanks;
+ readmnemonic(mn2,[' ']);
+ lookup(mn2,char2,found);
+ set_tag_val(char1,linktag); {set tag type for special info}
+ outstuff[char1].fourbytes.byte3 := char2; {next bigger char}
+ readln(infile);
+ errlin := errlin + 1;
+ end;
+@<Global Constants@>=
+ maxitcorr = 63;
+@p procedure read_mathop_stuff;
+ mn :string(40);
+ charno :charindex;
+ realval :real;
+ found :boolean;
+ slot :integer; {index into itcorr array for kerns}
+ tag :integer; {saves "tag" value from outstuff array}
+ skipblanks;
+ readmnemonic(mn,[' ']);
+ lookup(mn,charno,found);
+ readreal(realval);
+ add_to_list(itcorr,realval,maxitcorr,slot); {add value to list}
+ with outstuff[charno].fourbytes do begin
+ tag := byte2 mod 4; {tag is lower 2 bits}
+ byte2 := slot * 4 + tag; {and ic index is upper 6 bits}
+ end;{with..begin}
+ readln(infile);
+ errlin := errlin + 1;
+ end; {|read_mathop_stuff|}
+@<Global Constants@>=
+ botkey = 'BOT';
+ extkey = 'EXT';
+ midkey = 'MID';
+ topkey = 'TOP';
+ exttag = 3;
+@<Global Variables@>=
+ ext :array[0..127] of extrec;
+@ Name and keyword BUILD already read. Now expect keyword=value,
+keyword=value, ... Keywords are TOP, MID, BOT, EXT, and values are
+char names. Add a miscellaneous entry and point to it from this
+character record. initialize the four names in the ext record
+and set the four character values to zero. Later we will look up the
+names to determine the actual character numbers of the components.
+@p procedure read_build_stuff;
+ key :string(40);
+ charname :string(40);
+ numext := numext + 1;
+ with ext[numext] do begin
+ sourceline := lineno; {save line for later error messages}
+ top := 0;
+ mid := 0;
+ bot := 0;
+ ext := 0;
+ topname := '';
+ midname := '';
+ botname := '';
+ extname := '';
+ end;
+ set_tag_val(currchar,exttag);
+ outstuff[currchar].fourbytes.byte3 := numext; {ptr into EXT array}
+ skipblanks;
+ repeat
+ if infile@@ = ',' then get(infile); {skip separator}
+ readmnemonic(key,['=']);
+ key := allcaps(key);
+ get(infile); {skip equal sign delimiter}
+ readmnemonic(charname,[',',' ']);
+ if key = topkey then ext[numext].topname := charname
+ else if key = midkey then ext[numext].midname := charname
+ else if key = botkey then ext[numext].botname := charname
+ else if key = extkey then ext[numext].extname := charname
+ else error(13,fatal);
+ until infile@@ <> ',';
+ end; {|read_build_stuff|}
+@<Global Variables@>=
+ drvrec :driverrec;
+@ Print out the record about to be written to the driver file. This can
+ be turned on or off by setting constant 'drvdump' to true or false.
+@p procedure dump_driver_rec(cmdord :integer);
+ with drvrec do begin
+ if drvoutcount = 0
+ then writeln('*** Driver File Output ***');
+ write(drvoutcount:3,': ');
+ drvoutcount := drvoutcount + 1;
+ write('Command=',com_table[cmdord],', Parameter=');
+ if (cmdord = ord(CHWIDTH)) or
+ ((cmdord >= ord(VMF)) and (cmdord <= ord(IR))) or
+ (cmdord = ord(RTWT)) or
+ (cmdord = ord(RTWB)) or
+ (cmdord = ord(HMR)) or
+ (cmdord = ord(HML))
+ then writeln(param)
+ else writeln(code);
+ end; {with..begin}
+ end; {|dump_driver_rec|}
+@<Global Variables@>=
+ stk :array [0..20] of driverrec;
+@ Push a record with an integer character code
+@p procedure pushcode(var stktop :integer);
+ icode :integer;
+ readinteger(icode);
+ if icode > 127 then error(18,notreallyfatal);
+ stktop := stktop + 1;
+ with stk[stktop] do begin
+ cmd := ord(TTS);
+ code := icode;
+ end; {with..begin}
+ end; {pushcode}
+@ Reads a command or letter from the input file -- i.e., reads the
+ 1 to 4 char mnemonic and looks it up in array cmdname to find
+ the enumeration value of type "command" corresponding to it.
+ A letter is distinguished from a command because a letter has no
+ parameter whereas all one-character commands do.
+@p procedure readcmd(var cmd :comm);
+label 99;
+ name :string(9);
+ ch :string(1);
+ cmdind :comm;
+ name := '';
+ while infile@@ in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z'] do begin
+ read(infile,ch);
+ name := name || ch;
+ end;
+ name := allcaps(name);
+ errlstr := name; {save name for error message (if needed)}
+ {cmd will be the command or MAXCMD if not found}
+ for cmdind := HDR to MAXCMD do
+ if name = com_table[ord(cmdind)] then goto 99;
+99: cmd := cmdind;
+ if cmdind = MAXCMD then error(19,notreallyfatal); {bad command}
+ end; {readcmd}
+@ Read the command "cmnd" -- see if it has any parameters, and
+if so read them. Push a record on the local stack for this command
+@p procedure readparams(var stktop :integer);
+ cmnd :comm;
+ readcmd(cmnd);
+ stktop := stktop + 1; {push}
+ with stk[stktop] do begin
+ cmd := ord(cmnd);
+ if cmnd in [AU] {this one has no parameters}
+ then code := 0
+ else begin {read integer parm, stuff it into record}
+ then begin
+ readreal(param);
+ if (round(param) < min[cmnd]) or
+ (round(param) > max[cmnd]) then begin
+ errlstr := com_table[ord(cmnd)];
+ errnum := round(param);
+ errmax := max[cmnd];
+ errmin := min[cmnd];
+ error(17,notreallyfatal);
+ param := min[cmnd];
+ end; {then..begin}
+ if cmnd in [VMF,VMR,RD]
+ then param := param * vunits
+ else param := param * hunits;
+ end {then..end}
+ else begin
+ readinteger(code);
+ if (code < min[cmnd]) or
+ (code > max[cmnd]) then begin
+ errlstr := com_table[ord(cmnd)];
+ errnum := code;
+ errmax := max[cmnd];
+ errmin := min[cmnd];
+ error(17,notreallyfatal);
+ code := min[cmnd];
+ end; {then..begin}
+ end; {else..begin}
+ end; {else..begin}
+ end; {with..begin}
+ end; {readparams}
+@* Read 8600 Codes.
+The 8600 code info corresponding to this character will consist of 1
+or more entries separated by commas and containing no blanks. An entry
+can be a decimal character code or an 8600 command in which case it
+begins with a letter. The command name will be up to 4 letters long and
+may be followed by a parameter. Some commands take integer parameters
+and others take reals which will be given in the same format as widths,
+etc: i.e., as products and quotients of integer values.
+Following are listed the possible codes.
+\settabs\+\indent&RTWB = &Reverse Type Window Bottom\quad&value=0--1440
+in 10ths of a point\cr
+\+&PS\hfill =&Point Size\hfill&value=0--1275 in 10ths of a point.\cr
+\+&SS\hfill =&Set Size\hfill&value=0--1275 in 10ths of a point.\cr
+\+&VMF\hfill =&Vertical Move Forward\hfill&value=1--1736 in 8ths of a
+\+&VMR\hfill =&Vertical Move Reverse\hfill&value=1--1736 in 8ths of a
+\+&RD\hfill =&Rule Depth\hfill&value=1--1736 in 8ths of a point\cr
+\+&RW\hfill =&Rule Width\hfill&value=1--1736 in 8ths of a point\cr
+\+&HML\hfill =&Horizontal Move Left\hfill&value=1--14688 in 18ths of a
+\+&HMR\hfill =&Horizontal Move Right\hfill&value=1--14688 in 18ths of a
+\+&SL\hfill =&Slant\hfill&value=0 or 48\cr
+\+&IR\hfill =&Insert Rule\cr
+\+&AU\hfill =&Auxiliary Font\cr
+\+&F\hfill =&Font\hfill&value=1--255\cr
+\+&RTWT\hfill =&Reverse Type Window Top\hfill&value=0--1440 in 16ths of
+a point\cr
+\+&RTWB =&Reverse Type Window Bottom&value=0--1440 in 16ths of a point\cr
+@p procedure read8600codes;
+ more_to_come :boolean;
+ stktop :integer; {gives index of last used (initially 0)}
+ inx :integer;
+ skipblanks;
+ stktop := -1; {no code yet}
+ if eoln(infile)
+ then error(20,notreallyfatal) {no code given}
+ else begin
+ {Repeat until next is no longer a comma, in which case it
+ had better be a blank!}
+ repeat
+ if infile@@ in ['0'..'9']
+ then pushcode(stktop) {decimal character code}
+ else if infile@@ in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z']
+ {read command and optional parms}
+ then readparams(stktop)
+ else error(21,notreallyfatal);
+ if infile@@ = ','
+ then begin
+ more_to_come := true;
+ get(infile);
+ end {then..begin}
+ else more_to_come := false;
+ until not more_to_come;
+ end; {else..begin}
+ {put header record out}
+ drvrec.cmd := ord(HDR);
+ drvrec.code := stktop; {how many codes for this character}
+ if drvdump then dump_driver_rec(drvrec.cmd);
+ drvpkt@@ := drvrec;
+ put(drvpkt);
+ {write out character width record}
+ drvrec.cmd := ord(CHWIDTH);
+ drvrec.param := width[outstuff[currchar].fourbytes.byte0];
+ {nw for the current character indexes its width in points}
+ if drvdump then dump_driver_rec(drvrec.cmd);
+ drvpkt@@ := drvrec;
+ put(drvpkt);
+ {Put out rec for each code or command}
+ for inx := 0 to stktop do begin
+ drvrec := stk[inx];
+ if drvdump then dump_driver_rec(drvrec.cmd);
+ drvpkt@@ := drvrec;
+ put(drvpkt);
+ end; {FOR..begin}
+ end; {read8600codes}
+@<Global Constants@>=
+ buildkey = 'BUILD';
+ kernkey = 'KERN';
+ ligaturekey = 'LIGATURE';
+ linkkey = 'LINK';
+ mathopkey = 'MATHOP';
+ maxdp = 15;
+ maxht = 15;
+ maxwd = 255;
+ ligkerntag = 1;
+@<Global Variables@>=
+ chnum :0..127;
+ chrt :char;
+ first :boolean;
+ heightslot :integer;
+ iny :integer;
+ itc :real;
+ ligcnt :integer;
+ ligout :array[0..255] of memoryword;
+ pp :parameter;
+ slot :integer;
+ tag :integer;
+@p begin
+ {--------------- initialize -----------------------}
+ initialize;
+ {---------------- read input -------------------------}
+ read_the_parameters;
+ {Write first three entries to driver file}
+ drvrec.cmd := ord(HDR);
+ drvrec.code := ord(MAXCMD);
+ if drvdump then dump_driver_rec(drvrec.cmd);
+ drvpkt@@ := drvrec;
+ put(drvpkt);
+ drvrec := def_ft_stuff;
+ if drvdump then dump_driver_rec(drvrec.cmd);
+ drvpkt@@ := drvrec;
+ put(drvpkt);
+ drvrec := def_width_stuff;
+ if drvdump then dump_driver_rec(drvrec.cmd);
+ drvpkt@@ := drvrec;
+ put(drvpkt);
+ drvrec.cmd := ord(SL);
+ if params[slant] = uninitialized
+ then drvrec.code := 0
+ else drvrec.code := trunc(params[slant]);
+ if drvdump then dump_driver_rec(drvrec.cmd);
+ drvpkt@@ := drvrec;
+ put(drvpkt);
+ {Now read entries...}
+ for currchar := 0 to num_entries-1 do begin
+ if eof(infile) then error(7,fatal);
+ with outstuff[currchar].fourbytes do
+ byte3 := 0; {set remainder to 0}
+ readmnemonic(mnem,[' ']); {if any}
+ if dump then writeln('** Processing font info for "',mnem,'"');
+ name[currchar] := mnem; {save for later use!}
+ {one non-blank character -- check sequencing}
+ readstr(mnem,chrt);
+ if (length(mnem) = 1) and (ordx[chrt] <> currchar)
+ then error(6,notreallyfatal);
+ skipblanks; {look at next non-blank}
+ if infile@@ in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z']
+ then begin
+ readmnemonic(mnem,[' ']);
+ mnem := allcaps(mnem);
+ if mnem = ligaturekey
+ then read_ligature_stuff
+ else if mnem = buildkey
+ then read_build_stuff
+ else error(16,fatal);
+ end; {then..begin}
+ readentry(width,maxwd,slot,hunits); {read width}
+ outstuff[currchar].fourbytes.byte0 := slot; {save wid index}
+ readentry(height,maxht,slot,vunits); {read height}
+ heightslot := slot; {remember ht slot until depth read}
+ itc := height[slot] * params[slant]; {it corr = ht * slant}
+ add_to_list(itcorr,itc,maxitcorr,slot);
+ with outstuff[currchar].fourbytes do begin
+ tag := byte2 mod 4; {save tag value}
+ byte2 := slot * 4 + tag; {put itcorr in 6 bits, tag in 2}
+ end;
+ readentry(depth,maxdp,slot,vunits); {read depth}
+ outstuff[currchar].fourbytes.byte1 := heightslot * 16 + slot;
+ {now read 8600 information...}
+ read8600codes;
+ if not eoln(infile)
+ then begin
+ readln(infile);
+ errlin := errlin + 1;
+ end;
+ end; {FOR..begin}
+ {character entries have all been read...remaining entries
+ must begin with a keyword: KERN, Link, MATHOP These supply
+ additional information about certain characters}
+ while not eof(infile) do begin
+ readmnemonic(mnem,[' ']);
+ mnem := allcaps(mnem);
+ if mnem = kernkey
+ then read_kern_stuff
+ else if mnem = linkkey
+ then read_link_stuff
+ else if mnem = mathopkey
+ then read_mathop_stuff
+ else error(11,fatal);
+ end; {while..begin}
+@<look up lignames@>@/
+@<set up ligature info@>@/
+@<write font file@>@/
+@<look up lignames@>=
+ for inx:= 0 to numligs do
+ with lig[inx] do begin
+ errlin := sourceline;
+ lookup(firstname,frstchar,found);
+ if not found
+ then begin
+ errlin := sourceline;
+ error(12,notreallyfatal);
+ frstchar := 127;
+ end; {then..begin}
+ lookup(scndname,scndchar,found);
+ if not found
+ then begin
+ errlin := sourceline;
+ error(12,notreallyfatal);
+ scndchar := 127;
+ end; {then..begin}
+ end; {with..begin}
+ for inx := 0 to numext do
+ with ext[inx] do begin
+ errlin := sourceline;
+ if topname <> '' then lookup(topname,top,found);
+ if midname <> '' then lookup(midname,mid,found);
+ if botname <> '' then lookup(botname,bot,found);
+ if extname <> '' then lookup(extname,ext,found);
+ end; {with..begin}
+@<set up ligature info@>=
+ ligcnt := 0;
+ for chnum := 0 to 127 do begin
+ first := true;
+ for inx := 0 to numligs do
+ if lig[inx].frstchar = chnum
+ then begin
+ if first then begin
+ {ptr to first ligature}
+ outstuff[chnum].fourbytes.byte3 := ligcnt;
+ set_tag_val(chnum,ligkerntag);
+ first := false;
+ end; {then..begin}
+ with ligout[ligcnt].fourbytes, lig[inx] do
+ begin {transfer info into output records}
+ {byte0=1 if last ligature
+ byte1=next chararacter of ligature
+ byte2=0 for a ligature
+ byte3=code of ligature character}
+ byte0 := '00000000'B;
+ byte1 := scndchar;
+ byte2 := '00000000'B;
+ byte3 := ligcode;
+ end; {with..begin}
+ ligcnt := ligcnt+1; {ready for next one}
+ end; {then..begin}
+ {Now do same with kerns}
+ for inx := 0 to numkerns do
+ if kern[inx].frstchar = chnum
+ then begin
+ if first then begin
+ {link to ligature record}
+ outstuff[chnum].fourbytes.byte3 := ligcnt;
+ set_tag_val(chnum,ligkerntag);
+ first := false; {not anymore}
+ end; {then..begin}
+ with ligout[ligcnt].fourbytes, kern[inx] do
+ begin {transfer info into output records}
+ {byte0=1 if last kern
+ byte1=next chararacter of kern
+ byte2=1 for a kern
+ byte3=index of kern character}
+ byte0 := '00000000'B;
+ byte1 := scndchar;
+ byte2 := '10000000'B;
+ byte3 := kernslot;
+ end; {with..begin}
+ ligcnt := ligcnt + 1;
+ end; {FOR,then..begin}
+ if not first
+ then ligout[ligcnt-1].fourbytes.byte0 := '10000000'B;
+ {there was at least one record, so flag the last of 'em}
+ end; {FOR..begin} {that's all the characters}
+@ Now write out in TEX format. TUGboat vol 2, no 1 article
+ TEX FONT METRIC fileS says the first 12 half-words of the
+ file are lengths, and obey the following equation:
+ lenfile=6 + lh + (ec-be+1) + nw + nh + nd + ni + nk + nl + ne + np
+ lh=length of header=18 words ec=end character=127,
+ bc=beginning char=0, hence:
+ lenfile = 6 + 18 + 128 + nw + nh + nd + ni + nk + nl + ne + np
+ Calculate its value:
+@<write font file@>=
+ if not eof(infile) then error(7,fatal);
+ lenfile := 6 + 18 + 128 + trunc(width[-1]) + trunc(height[-1])@/
+ + trunc(depth[-1]) + trunc(itcorr[-1])@/
+ + numkerns + numligs + numext + trunc(kernout[-1])@/
+ + numparams[fontype] {num parameters}@/
+ + 8; {off by one on nw,nh,nd,ni,nk,nl,ne and kernout}@/
+ if dump then writeln('Writing info to TEX-readable file');
+ outcount := 0; {start counting}
+ writeln('Number of records is ',lenfile:4);
+ if dump then write('* lf, lh:');
+ outrec.twohalves.lhword := lenfile; {len of file}
+ outrec.fourbytes.rhword := 18; {len of header}
+ writeout(outrec,3);
+ if dump then write('* bc, ec:');
+ outrec.twohalves.lhword := 0; {first char code}
+ outrec.twohalves.rhword := 127; {last char code}
+ writeout(outrec,3);
+ if dump then write('* nw, nh:');
+ outrec.twohalves.lhword := trunc(width[-1]+1);
+ outrec.twohalves.rhword := trunc(height[-1]+1);
+ writeout(outrec,3);
+ if dump then write('* nd, ni:');
+ outrec.twohalves.lhword := trunc(depth[-1]+1);
+ outrec.twohalves.rhword := trunc(itcorr[-1]+1);
+ writeout(outrec,3);
+ if dump then write('* nl, nk:');
+ outrec.twohalves.lhword := numligs + numkerns + 2;
+ outrec.twohalves.rhword := trunc(kernout[-1]+1);
+ writeout(outrec,3);
+ if dump then write('* ne, np:');
+ outrec.twohalves.lhword := numext+1;
+ outrec.twohalves.rhword := numparams[fontype];
+ writeout(outrec,3);
+ if dump then writeln('*** Header info');
+ := uniquecode;
+ writeout(outrec,6);
+ := scaleout(float(pointsize)); {def = 1 point}
+ writeout(outrec,2);
+ writeln('*** Coding Scheme = ',codescheme);
+ outrec.fourbytes.byte0 := length(codescheme);
+ for inx := 2 to 40 do begin
+ iny := inx mod 4;
+ if iny = 0 then iny := 4;
+ iny := iny - 1;
+ if inx-1 <= length(codescheme)
+ then readstr(substr(codescheme,inx-1,1),chrt)
+ else chrt := chrx['00'X];
+ with outrec.fourbytes do case iny of
+ 0 :byte0 := ordx[chrt];
+ 1 :byte1 := ordx[chrt];
+ 2 :byte2 := ordx[chrt];
+ 3 :begin
+ byte3 := ordx[chrt];
+ writeout(outrec,4);
+ end;
+ otherwise error(99,fatal);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if length(fontname) > 8
+ then begin
+ error(27,notreallyfatal);
+ fontname := substr(fontname,1,8);
+ end;
+ writeln('*** Font Name = ',fontname);
+ outrec.fourbytes.byte0 := length(fontname);
+ for inx := 2 to 20 do begin
+ iny := inx mod 4;
+ if iny = 0 then iny := 4;
+ iny := iny - 1;
+ if inx-1 <= length(fontname)
+ then readstr(substr(fontname,inx-1,1),chrt)
+ else chrt := chrx['00'X];
+ with outrec.fourbytes do case iny of
+ 0 :byte0 := ordx[chrt];
+ 1 :byte1 := ordx[chrt];
+ 2 :byte2 := ordx[chrt];
+ 3 :begin
+ byte3 := ordx[chrt];
+ writeout(outrec,4);
+ end;
+ otherwise error(99,fatal);
+ end;
+ end;
+ := 0;
+ writeout(outrec,6); {no Parc face byte now}
+ @<Write out FINFO part of font file@>
+ @<write out widths@>
+ @<write out heights@>
+ @<write out depths@>
+ @<write out itcorrs@>
+ @<write out ligature/kern programs@>
+ @<write out extension chars@>
+ @<write params@>
+ writeln('End of font file preprocessor');
+ @<Write out FINFO part of font file@>=
+ for inx := 0 to num_entries-1 do writeout(outstuff[inx],5);
+ @<write out widths@>=
+ if dump then writeln('*** Widths');
+ for inx := 0 to trunc(width[-1]) do begin
+ := scaleout(width[inx]);
+ writeout(outrec,2);
+ end;
+ @<write out heights@>=
+ if dump then writeln('*** Heights');
+ for inx := 0 to trunc(height[-1]) do begin
+ := scaleout(height[inx]);
+ writeout(outrec,2);
+ end;
+ @<write out depths@>=
+ if dump then writeln('*** Depths');
+ for inx := 0 to trunc(depth[-1]) do begin
+ := scaleout(depth[inx]);
+ writeout(outrec,2);
+ end;
+ @<write out itcorrs@>=
+ if dump then writeln('*** itcorrs');
+ for inx := 0 to trunc(itcorr[-1]) do begin
+ := scaleout(itcorr[inx]);
+ writeout(outrec,2);
+ end;
+ @<write out ligature/kern programs@>=
+ if dump then writeln('*** Lig/Kern programs');
+ for inx := 0 to numligs + numkerns + 1 do
+ writeout(ligout[inx],4);
+ {write out kern values as fixes}
+ if dump then writeln('*** Kern values');
+ for inx := 0 to trunc(kernout[-1]) do begin
+ := scaleout(kernout[inx]);
+ writeout(outrec,2);
+ end;
+ @<write out extension chars@>=
+ if dump then writeln('*** Extension chars');
+ for inx := 0 to numext do
+ with ext[inx], outrec.fourbytes do begin
+ byte0 := top;
+ byte1 := mid;
+ byte2 := bot;
+ byte3 := ext;
+ writeout(outrec,4);
+ end; {with..begin}
+ @<write params@>=
+ if dump then writeln('*** Params');
+ for pp := slant to bgopsp5 do
+ if pp in paramset[standard]+paramset[fontype]
+ then begin
+ if dump then begin
+ printparam(pp);
+ write(': ');
+ end;
+ := scaleout(params[pp]);
+ writeout(outrec,2);
+ end; {then..begin}
+@* INDEX.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/reblock.pascal b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/reblock.pascal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28c7dd6e8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/reblock.pascal
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ PROGRAM reblock(input,output);
+ outstring :STRING(1024);
+ instring :STRING(8);
+ fontname :STRING(8);
+ filetype :STRING(8);
+ parmstring :STRING(20);
+ i, fill :integer;
+ parmstring := TRIM(parms);
+ i := index(parmstring,' ');
+ fontname := SUBSTR(parmstring,1,i-1);
+ filetype := SUBSTR(parmstring,i+1);
+ RESET(input,'NAME='||fontname||'.PR'||filetype||'.A');
+ REWRITE(output,'NAME='||fontname||'.'||filetype||
+ '.A,LRECL=1024,RECFM=F');
+ outstring := '';
+ READLN(input,instring);
+ outstring := outstring || instring;
+ IF LENGTH(outstring) >= 1024 THEN BEGIN
+ WRITELN(output,outstring);
+ outstring := '';
+ END;
+ READLN(input,instring);
+ END;
+ IF LENGTH(outstring) > 0 THEN BEGIN
+ IF LENGTH(outstring) < 1024 THEN
+ outstring := outstring || '00'xc;
+ UNTIL LENGTH(outstring) >= 1024;
+ WRITELN(output,outstring);
+ END;
+ END.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/tex8600.cmschan b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/tex8600.cmschan
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd3acaba08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/tex8600.cmschan
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+% No change file needed generally
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/tex8600.outchan b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/tex8600.outchan
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2182cc794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/tex8600.outchan
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+%test version
+%out version 1
+@p program tex8600(sysprint,addrline,setfile,cgfonts,infofile);
+@p program tex8600(sysprint,addrline,setfile,cgfonts);
+@<Global Variables@>@/
+@!com_table :packed array[0..18] of string(7);@/
+ com_table[0] := 'HDR'; {Header Record}@/
+ com_table[1] := 'CHWIDTH';{Character Width}@/
+ com_table[2] := 'RT'; {Reverse Type}@/
+ com_table[3] := 'PS'; {Point Size}@/
+ com_table[4] := 'SS'; {Set Size}@/
+ com_table[5] := 'VMF'; {Vertical Move Forward}@/
+ com_table[6] := 'VMR'; {Vertical Move Reverse}@/
+ com_table[7] := 'RW'; {Rule Width}@/
+ com_table[8] := 'RD'; {Rule Depth}@/
+ com_table[9] := 'IR'; {Insert Rule}@/
+ com_table[10] := 'SL'; {Slant Mode}@/
+ com_table[11] := 'RTWT'; {Reverse Type Window Top}@/
+ com_table[12] := 'RTWB'; {Reverse Type Window Bottom}@/
+ com_table[13] := 'AU'; {Auxiliary Character Set}@/
+ com_table[14] := 'F'; {Change Fonts}@/
+ com_table[15] := 'HMR'; {Horizontal Move Right}@/
+ com_table[16] := 'HML'; {Horizontal Move Left}@/
+ com_table[17] := 'TTS'; {8600 character, in decimal}@/
+ com_table[18] := 'MAXCMD';@/
+%include pasclib(asciicvt)@/
+@<Global Variables@>@/
+@!com_table :packed array[0..18] of string(7);@/
+@!ordx : packed array['00'xc..'FF'xc] of '00'x..'7f'x;@/
+@!chrx : packed array['00'x..'7F'x] of '00'xc..'FF'xc;@/
+ com_table[0] := 'HDR'; {Header Record}@/
+ com_table[1] := 'CHWIDTH';{Character Width}@/
+ com_table[2] := 'RT'; {Reverse Type}@/
+ com_table[3] := 'PS'; {Point Size}@/
+ com_table[4] := 'SS'; {Set Size}@/
+ com_table[5] := 'VMF'; {Vertical Move Forward}@/
+ com_table[6] := 'VMR'; {Vertical Move Reverse}@/
+ com_table[7] := 'RW'; {Rule Width}@/
+ com_table[8] := 'RD'; {Rule Depth}@/
+ com_table[9] := 'IR'; {Insert Rule}@/
+ com_table[10] := 'SL'; {Slant Mode}@/
+ com_table[11] := 'RTWT'; {Reverse Type Window Top}@/
+ com_table[12] := 'RTWB'; {Reverse Type Window Bottom}@/
+ com_table[13] := 'AU'; {Auxiliary Character Set}@/
+ com_table[14] := 'F'; {Change Fonts}@/
+ com_table[15] := 'HMR'; {Horizontal Move Right}@/
+ com_table[16] := 'HML'; {Horizontal Move Left}@/
+ com_table[17] := 'TTS'; {8600 character, in decimal}@/
+ com_table[18] := 'MAXCMD';@/
+{ EBCDIC char to ASCII integer } { ASCII INTEGER to EBCDIC char }
+ordx['00'xc]:='00'x; { NUL NUL } chrx['00'x]:='00'xc; { NUL NUL }
+ordx['01'xc]:='01'x; { SOH SOH } chrx['01'x]:='01'xc; { SOH SOH }
+ordx['02'xc]:='02'x; { STX STX } chrx['02'x]:='02'xc; { STX STX }
+ordx['03'xc]:='03'x; { ETX ETX } chrx['03'x]:='03'xc; { ETX ETX }
+ordx['04'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['04'x]:='37'xc; { EOT EOT }
+ordx['05'xc]:='09'x; { HT HT } chrx['05'x]:='2D'xc; { ENQ ENQ }
+ordx['06'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['06'x]:='2E'xc; { ACK ACK }
+ordx['07'xc]:='7F'x; { DEL DEL } chrx['07'x]:='2F'xc; { BEL BEL }
+ordx['08'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['08'x]:='16'xc; { BS BS }
+ordx['09'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['09'x]:='05'xc; { HT HT }
+ordx['0A'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['0A'x]:='25'xc; { LF LF }
+ordx['0B'xc]:='0B'x; { VT VT } chrx['0B'x]:='0B'xc; { VT VT }
+ordx['0C'xc]:='0C'x; { FF FF } chrx['0C'x]:='0C'xc; { FF FF }
+ordx['0D'xc]:='0D'x; { CR CR } chrx['0D'x]:='0D'xc; { CR CR }
+ordx['0E'xc]:='0E'x; { SO SO } chrx['0E'x]:='0E'xc; { SO SO }
+ordx['0F'xc]:='0F'x; { SI SI } chrx['0F'x]:='0F'xc; { SI SI }
+ordx['10'xc]:='10'x; { DLE DLE } chrx['10'x]:='10'xc; { DLE DLE }
+ordx['11'xc]:='11'x; { DC1 DC1 } chrx['11'x]:='11'xc; { DC1 DC1 }
+ordx['12'xc]:='12'x; { DC2 DC2 } chrx['12'x]:='12'xc; { DC2 DC2 }
+ordx['13'xc]:='13'x; { TM DC3 } chrx['13'x]:='13'xc; { DC3 TM }
+ordx['14'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['14'x]:='3C'xc; { DC4 DC4 }
+ordx['15'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['15'x]:='3D'xc; { NAK NAK }
+ordx['16'xc]:='08'x; { BS BS } chrx['16'x]:='32'xc; { SYN SYN }
+ordx['17'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['17'x]:='26'xc; { ETB ETB }
+ordx['18'xc]:='18'x; { CAN CAN } chrx['18'x]:='18'xc; { CAN CAN }
+ordx['19'xc]:='19'x; { EM EM } chrx['19'x]:='19'xc; { EM EM }
+ordx['1A'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['1A'x]:='3F'xc; { SUB SUB }
+ordx['1B'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['1B'x]:='27'xc; { ESC ESC }
+ordx['1C'xc]:='1C'x; { IFS FS } chrx['1C'x]:='1C'xc; { FS IFS }
+ordx['1D'xc]:='1D'x; { IGS GS } chrx['1D'x]:='1D'xc; { GS IGS }
+ordx['1E'xc]:='1E'x; { IRS RS } chrx['1E'x]:='1E'xc; { RS IRS }
+ordx['1F'xc]:='1F'x; { IUS US } chrx['1F'x]:='1F'xc; { US IUS }
+ordx['20'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['20'x]:='40'xc; { SP SP }
+ordx['21'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['21'x]:='5A'xc; { ! ! }
+ordx['22'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['22'x]:='7F'xc; { " " }
+ordx['23'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['23'x]:='7B'xc; { # # }
+ordx['24'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['24'x]:='5B'xc; { $ $ }
+ordx['25'xc]:='0A'x; { LF LF } chrx['25'x]:='6C'xc; { % % }
+ordx['26'xc]:='17'x; { ETB ETB } chrx['26'x]:='50'xc; { & & }
+ordx['27'xc]:='1B'x; { ESC ESC } chrx['27'x]:='7D'xc; { ' ' }
+ordx['28'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['28'x]:='4D'xc; { ( ( }
+ordx['29'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['29'x]:='5D'xc; { ) ) }
+ordx['2A'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['2A'x]:='5C'xc; { * * }
+ordx['2B'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['2B'x]:='4E'xc; { + + }
+ordx['2C'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['2C'x]:='6B'xc; { , , }
+ordx['2D'xc]:='05'x; { ENQ ENQ } chrx['2D'x]:='60'xc; { - - }
+ordx['2E'xc]:='06'x; { ACK ACK } chrx['2E'x]:='4B'xc; { . . }
+ordx['2F'xc]:='07'x; { BEL BEL } chrx['2F'x]:='61'xc; { / / }
+ordx['30'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['30'x]:='F0'xc; { 0 0 }
+ordx['31'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['31'x]:='F1'xc; { 1 1 }
+ordx['32'xc]:='16'x; { SYN SYN } chrx['32'x]:='F2'xc; { 2 2 }
+ordx['33'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['33'x]:='F3'xc; { 3 3 }
+ordx['34'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['34'x]:='F4'xc; { 4 4 }
+ordx['35'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['35'x]:='F5'xc; { 5 5 }
+ordx['36'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['36'x]:='F6'xc; { 6 6 }
+ordx['37'xc]:='04'x; { EOT EOT } chrx['37'x]:='F7'xc; { 7 7 }
+ordx['38'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['38'x]:='F8'xc; { 8 8 }
+ordx['39'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['39'x]:='F9'xc; { 9 9 }
+ordx['3A'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['3A'x]:='7A'xc; { : : }
+ordx['3B'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['3B'x]:='5E'xc; { ; ; }
+ordx['3C'xc]:='14'x; { DC4 DC4 } chrx['3C'x]:='4C'xc; { < < }
+ordx['3D'xc]:='15'x; { NAK NAK } chrx['3D'x]:='7E'xc; { = = }
+ordx['3E'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['3E'x]:='6E'xc; { > > }
+ordx['3F'xc]:='1A'x; { SUB SUB } chrx['3F'x]:='6F'xc; { ? ? }
+ordx['40'xc]:='20'x; { SP SP } chrx['40'x]:='7C'xc; { @@ @@ }
+ordx['41'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['41'x]:='C1'xc; { A A }
+ordx['42'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['42'x]:='C2'xc; { B B }
+ordx['43'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['43'x]:='C3'xc; { C C }
+ordx['44'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['44'x]:='C4'xc; { D D }
+ordx['45'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['45'x]:='C5'xc; { E E }
+ordx['46'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['46'x]:='C6'xc; { F F }
+ordx['47'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['47'x]:='C7'xc; { G G }
+ordx['48'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['48'x]:='C8'xc; { H H }
+ordx['49'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['49'x]:='C9'xc; { I I }
+ordx['4A'xc]:='5E'x; { ã ã } chrx['4A'x]:='D1'xc; { J J }
+ordx['4B'xc]:='2E'x; { . . } chrx['4B'x]:='D2'xc; { K K }
+ordx['4C'xc]:='3C'x; { < < } chrx['4C'x]:='D3'xc; { L L }
+ordx['4D'xc]:='28'x; { ( ( } chrx['4D'x]:='D4'xc; { M M }
+ordx['4E'xc]:='2B'x; { + + } chrx['4E'x]:='D5'xc; { N N }
+ordx['4F'xc]:='7C'x; { | | } chrx['4F'x]:='D6'xc; { O O }
+ordx['50'xc]:='26'x; { & & } chrx['50'x]:='D7'xc; { P P }
+ordx['51'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['51'x]:='D8'xc; { Q Q }
+ordx['52'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['52'x]:='D9'xc; { R R }
+ordx['53'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['53'x]:='E2'xc; { S S }
+ordx['54'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['54'x]:='E3'xc; { T T }
+ordx['55'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['55'x]:='E4'xc; { U U }
+ordx['56'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['56'x]:='E5'xc; { V V }
+ordx['57'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['57'x]:='E6'xc; { W W }
+ordx['58'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['58'x]:='E7'xc; { X X }
+ordx['59'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['59'x]:='E8'xc; { Y Y }
+ordx['5A'xc]:='21'x; { ! ! } chrx['5A'x]:='E9'xc; { Z Z }
+ordx['5B'xc]:='24'x; { $ $ } chrx['5B'x]:='AD'xc; { [ [ }
+ordx['5C'xc]:='2A'x; { * * } chrx['5C'x]:='E0'xc; { \ \ }
+ordx['5D'xc]:='29'x; { ) ) } chrx['5D'x]:='BD'xc; { ] ] }
+ordx['5E'xc]:='3B'x; { ; ; } chrx['5E'x]:='4A'xc; { ã ã }
+ordx['5F'xc]:='7E'x; { ^ ^ } chrx['5F'x]:='6D'xc; { _ _ }
+ordx['60'xc]:='2D'x; { - - } chrx['60'x]:='79'xc; { ` ` }
+ordx['61'xc]:='2F'x; { / / } chrx['61'x]:='81'xc; { a a }
+ordx['62'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['62'x]:='82'xc; { b b }
+ordx['63'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['63'x]:='83'xc; { c c }
+ordx['64'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['64'x]:='84'xc; { d d }
+ordx['65'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['65'x]:='85'xc; { e e }
+ordx['66'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['66'x]:='86'xc; { f f }
+ordx['67'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['67'x]:='87'xc; { g g }
+ordx['68'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['68'x]:='88'xc; { h h }
+ordx['69'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['69'x]:='89'xc; { i i }
+ordx['6A'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['6A'x]:='91'xc; { j j }
+ordx['6B'xc]:='2C'x; { , , } chrx['6B'x]:='92'xc; { k k }
+ordx['6C'xc]:='25'x; { % % } chrx['6C'x]:='93'xc; { l l }
+ordx['6D'xc]:='5F'x; { _ _ } chrx['6D'x]:='94'xc; { m m }
+ordx['6E'xc]:='3E'x; { > > } chrx['6E'x]:='95'xc; { n n }
+ordx['6F'xc]:='3F'x; { ? ? } chrx['6F'x]:='96'xc; { o o }
+ordx['70'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['70'x]:='97'xc; { p p }
+ordx['71'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['71'x]:='98'xc; { q q }
+ordx['72'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['72'x]:='99'xc; { r r }
+ordx['73'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['73'x]:='A2'xc; { s s }
+ordx['74'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['74'x]:='A3'xc; { t t }
+ordx['75'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['75'x]:='A4'xc; { u u }
+ordx['76'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['76'x]:='A5'xc; { v v }
+ordx['77'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['77'x]:='A6'xc; { w w }
+ordx['78'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL } chrx['78'x]:='A7'xc; { x x }
+ordx['79'xc]:='60'x; { ` ` } chrx['79'x]:='A8'xc; { y y }
+ordx['7A'xc]:='3A'x; { : : } chrx['7A'x]:='A9'xc; { z z }
+ordx['7B'xc]:='23'x; { # # } chrx['7B'x]:='C0'xc; { lcurly }
+ordx['7C'xc]:='40'x; { @@ @@ } chrx['7C'x]:='4F'xc; { | | }
+ordx['7D'xc]:='27'x; { ' ' } chrx['7D'x]:='D0'xc; { rcurly }
+ordx['7E'xc]:='3D'x; { = = } chrx['7E'x]:='9C'xc; { tilde }
+ordx['7F'xc]:='22'x; { " " } chrx['7F'x]:='07'xc; { DEL DEL }
+ordx['80'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['81'xc]:='61'x; { a a }
+ordx['82'xc]:='62'x; { b b }
+ordx['83'xc]:='63'x; { c c }
+ordx['84'xc]:='64'x; { d d }
+ordx['85'xc]:='65'x; { e e }
+ordx['86'xc]:='66'x; { f f }
+ordx['87'xc]:='67'x; { g g }
+ordx['88'xc]:='68'x; { h h }
+ordx['89'xc]:='69'x; { i i }
+ordx['8A'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['8B'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['8C'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['8D'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['8E'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['8F'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['90'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['91'xc]:='6A'x; { j j }
+ordx['92'xc]:='6B'x; { k k }
+ordx['93'xc]:='6C'x; { l l }
+ordx['94'xc]:='6D'x; { m m }
+ordx['95'xc]:='6E'x; { n n }
+ordx['96'xc]:='6F'x; { o o }
+ordx['97'xc]:='70'x; { p p }
+ordx['98'xc]:='71'x; { q q }
+ordx['99'xc]:='72'x; { r r }
+ordx['9A'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['9B'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['9C'xc]:='7E'x; { tilde }
+ordx['9D'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['9E'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['9F'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['A0'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['A1'xc]:='1A'x; { ... SUB }
+ordx['A2'xc]:='73'x; { s s }
+ordx['A3'xc]:='74'x; { t t }
+ordx['A4'xc]:='75'x; { u u }
+ordx['A5'xc]:='76'x; { v v }
+ordx['A6'xc]:='77'x; { w w }
+ordx['A7'xc]:='78'x; { x x }
+ordx['A8'xc]:='79'x; { y y }
+ordx['A9'xc]:='7A'x; { z z }
+ordx['AA'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['AB'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['AC'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['AD'xc]:='5B'x; { [ [ }
+ordx['AE'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['AF'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B0'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B1'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B2'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B3'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B4'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B5'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B6'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B7'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B8'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['B9'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['BA'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['BB'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['BC'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['BD'xc]:='5D'x; { ] ] }
+ordx['BE'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['BF'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['C0'xc]:='7B'x; { lcurly }
+ordx['C1'xc]:='41'x; { A A }
+ordx['C2'xc]:='42'x; { B B }
+ordx['C3'xc]:='43'x; { C C }
+ordx['C4'xc]:='44'x; { D D }
+ordx['C5'xc]:='45'x; { E E }
+ordx['C6'xc]:='46'x; { F F }
+ordx['C7'xc]:='47'x; { G G }
+ordx['C8'xc]:='48'x; { H H }
+ordx['C9'xc]:='49'x; { I I }
+ordx['CA'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['CB'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['CC'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['CD'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['CE'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['CF'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['D0'xc]:='7D'x; { rcurly }
+ordx['D1'xc]:='4A'x; { J J }
+ordx['D2'xc]:='4B'x; { K K }
+ordx['D3'xc]:='4C'x; { L L }
+ordx['D4'xc]:='4D'x; { M M }
+ordx['D5'xc]:='4E'x; { N N }
+ordx['D6'xc]:='4F'x; { O O }
+ordx['D7'xc]:='50'x; { P P }
+ordx['D8'xc]:='51'x; { Q Q }
+ordx['D9'xc]:='52'x; { R R }
+ordx['DA'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['DB'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['DC'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['DD'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['DE'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['DF'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['E0'xc]:='5C'x; { \ \ }
+ordx['E1'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['E2'xc]:='53'x; { S S }
+ordx['E3'xc]:='54'x; { T T }
+ordx['E4'xc]:='55'x; { U U }
+ordx['E5'xc]:='56'x; { V V }
+ordx['E6'xc]:='57'x; { W W }
+ordx['E7'xc]:='58'x; { X X }
+ordx['E8'xc]:='59'x; { Y Y }
+ordx['E9'xc]:='5A'x; { Z Z }
+ordx['EA'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['EB'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['EC'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['ED'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['EE'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['EF'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['F0'xc]:='30'x; { 0 0 }
+ordx['F1'xc]:='31'x; { 1 1 }
+ordx['F2'xc]:='32'x; { 2 2 }
+ordx['F3'xc]:='33'x; { 3 3 }
+ordx['F4'xc]:='34'x; { 4 4 }
+ordx['F5'xc]:='35'x; { 5 5 }
+ordx['F6'xc]:='36'x; { 6 6 }
+ordx['F7'xc]:='37'x; { 7 7 }
+ordx['F8'xc]:='38'x; { 8 8 }
+ordx['F9'xc]:='39'x; { 9 9 }
+ordx['FA'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['FB'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['FC'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['FD'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['FE'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+ordx['FF'xc]:='00'x; { ... NUL }
+@! maxbuffer = 1029;@/
+@! maxbuffer = 1024;@/
+@p procedure writeheader; {only needed when using Datum 5095}
+ hdrec :string(5);
+ if doingpages = true
+ then begin
+ hdrec := strconv(headernum);
+ write(setfile,hdrec);
+ bufferlen := 5;
+ end; {then..begin}
+ end; {writeheader}
+@p procedure writeheader; {only needed when using Datum 5095}
+ if doingpages = true
+ then
+ bufferlen := 0;
+ end; {writeheader}
+@<write number of...@>=
+ writecommand(11,155*SPsPerPt); {155pt indent}
+ writecommand(25,320); {Bold}
+ write8600rec('50616765731e'xc); {'Pages '}
+ write8600rec('536574231e1e'xc); {'Set: '}
+ writecommand(25,330); {Bold Italic}
+ pages_conv := strconv(pages_set);
+ for inx := 1 to 5
+ do write8600rec(str(chr(ordx
+ [pages_conv[inx]])));
+ writecommand(11,265*SPsPerPt); {get ready for Tape \#}
+@<write tape numb...@>=
+ writecommand(25,320); {Bold}
+ write8600rec('546170651e'xc); {'Tape '}
+ writecommand(20,2); {aux. char. set}
+ write8600rec('72'xc); {'\#'}
+ writecommand(20,1); {pri. char. set}
+ write8600rec('231e1e1e1e'xc); {': '}
+ postam_found := true;
+ writecommand(25,330); {bold italic}
+@<write number of...@>=
+ writecommand(11,155*SPsPerPt); {155pt indent}
+ writecommand(25,320); {Bold}
+ write8600rec('50616765731e'xc); {'Pages '}
+ write8600rec('536574231e1e'xc); {'Set: '}
+ writecommand(25,330); {Bold Italic}
+ pages_conv := strconv(pages_set);
+ for inx := 1 to 5
+ do write8600rec(str(chr(ordx
+ [pages_conv[inx]])));
+@<write tape numb...@>=
+ postam_found := true;
+|setaccountbox| procedure. It also writes the information to another file
+called the |infofile|.
+@<Global Constants@>=
+@! notfatal = false;@/
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!addrline : text;
+@!infofile : text;
+@^system dependencies@>
+|setaccountbox| procedure.
+@<Global Constants@>=
+@! notfatal = false;@/
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!addrline : text;
+@^system dependencies@>
+@<parse info...@>=
+ rewrite(infofile,'NAME=' ccat filename ccat '.INFOFILE.*');
+ while length(resource_info) > 0 do begin
+ inx := index(resource_info,':');
+ if inx < 1
+ then begin
+ errstr := resource_info;
+ error(28,notfatal,0);
+ end
+ else begin
+ str1 := substr(resource_info,1,inx-1);
+ resource_info := ltrim(substr(resource_info,inx+1));
+ inx := index(resource_info,':');
+ if inx = 0
+ then begin
+ str2 := resource_info;
+ resource_info := '';
+ end
+ else begin
+ int := inx - 1; {no sense starting at a colon:}
+ tempbool := false;
+ repeat
+ if substr(resource_info,int,1) = ' '
+ then tempbool := true
+ else int := int - 1;
+ until tempbool; {which means we found a blank}
+ str2 := trim(substr(resource_info,1,int-1));
+ resource_info := substr(resource_info,int+1);
+ end;
+ str1 := allcaps(ltrim(trim(str1)));
+ str2 := allcaps(ltrim(trim(str2)));
+ if str1 = 'NAME' then
+ infoname := str2
+ else if str1 = 'PHONE' then
+ infophone := str2
+ else if str1 = 'PROCEDURE_NUMBER'
+ then infoprocedure := str2
+ else if str1 = 'BUDGET_PROJECT'
+ then infobudget := str2
+ else if str1 = 'PICKUP' then
+ infodelivery := str2
+ else if str1 = 'CAMPUS_ZIP' then
+ infozip := str2
+ else if str1 = 'BIN' then
+ infobin := str2
+ else if str1 = 'ID' then
+ infoid := str2
+ else begin
+ errstr := resource_info;
+ error(28,notfatal,0);
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+@<send info...@>=
+ setaccountbox(infoname,infophone,infodelivery,infozip,
+ infobin,infoid);
+ writeln(infofile,infoname);
+ writeln(infofile,infophone);
+ writeln(infofile,infoprocedure);
+ writeln(infofile,infobudget);
+ writeln(infofile,infodelivery);
+ writeln(infofile,infozip);
+ writeln(infofile,infoid);
+ writeln(infofile,infobin);
+ writeln(infofile,job_length);
+ writeln(infofile,pages_set);
+ writeln(infofile,minimum_width);
+ writeln(infofile,real_filename);
+@<parse info...@>=
+ while length(resource_info) > 0 do begin
+ inx := index(resource_info,':');
+ if inx < 1
+ then begin
+ errstr := resource_info;
+ error(28,notfatal,0);
+ end
+ else begin
+ str1 := substr(resource_info,1,inx-1);
+ resource_info := ltrim(substr(resource_info,inx+1));
+ inx := index(resource_info,':');
+ if inx = 0
+ then begin
+ str2 := resource_info;
+ resource_info := '';
+ end
+ else begin
+ int := inx - 1; {no sense starting at a colon:}
+ tempbool := false;
+ repeat
+ if substr(resource_info,int,1) = ' '
+ then tempbool := true
+ else int := int - 1;
+ until tempbool; {which means we found a blank}
+ str2 := trim(substr(resource_info,1,int-1));
+ resource_info := substr(resource_info,int+1);
+ end;
+ str1 := allcaps(ltrim(trim(str1)));
+ str2 := allcaps(ltrim(trim(str2)));
+ if str1 = 'NAME' then
+ infoname := str2
+ else if str1 = 'PHONE' then
+ infophone := str2
+ else if str1 = 'PROCEDURE_NUMBER'
+ then infoprocedure := str2
+ else if str1 = 'BUDGET_PROJECT'
+ then infobudget := str2
+ else if str1 = 'PICKUP' then
+ infodelivery := str2
+ else if str1 = 'CAMPUS_ZIP' then
+ infozip := str2
+ else if str1 = 'BIN' then
+ infobin := str2
+ else if str1 = 'ID' then
+ infoid := str2
+ else begin
+ errstr := resource_info;
+ error(28,notfatal,0);
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+@<send info...@>=
+ setaccountbox(infoname,infophone,infodelivery,infozip,
+ infobin,infoid);
+@<set final...@>=
+ job_length := round(galley_length/72.0);
+ pages_set := num_of_pages;
+ job_type := 'TeX';
+@<set final...@>=
+ job_length := round(galley_length/72.0);
+ pages_set := num_of_pages;
+ job_type := 'TeX';
+ writecommand(11,0); {quad left}
+ writecommand(9,100*SPsPerPt); {VMF past box}
+ writecommand(1,0.0); {End of take}
+ reset(input,'NAME=' ccat filename ccat '.' ccat filetype ccat '.*');
+ writeln('******* tex8600 Version ',version:2,' Level ',
+ level:3,' *******');
+ rewrite(setfile,'LRECL=1029,RECFM=F,NAME=' ccat filename ccat
+ reset(input,'NAME=' ccat filename ccat '.' ccat filetype ccat '.*');
+ writeln('******* tex8600 Version ',version:2,' Level ',
+ level:3,' *******');
+ rewrite(setfile,'LRECL=1024,RECFM=F,NAME=' ccat filename ccat
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/tex8600.web b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/tex8600.web
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b99589a5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/compugraphics_8600/tex8600.web
@@ -0,0 +1,3034 @@
+ \def\titlepage{T}
+ \centerline{{\twelvept The \TeX 8600 Driver}}
+ \vskip15pt
+ \centerline{Version 2.2, June 1988}
+ \hbox{\vbox{\hsize\the\hsize This work is
+ protected as an unpublished work under U.S. copyright laws.
+ Copyright $\copyright$ 1986 by WSUCSC. All rights Reserved.}}
+ \vskip18pt
+ \hbox{\vbox{\hsize\the\hsize This software is furnished under a
+ license for
+ use only on a single computer system and may be copied only
+ with the inclusion of the above copyright notice.
+ This software, or any other copies
+ thereof, may not be provided or otherwise made available to any
+ other person except for use on such system and to one who agrees to
+ these license terms. Title to and ownership of the software shall
+ at all times remain in WSUCSC.}}
+ \vfill}
+@* Introduction.
+This program takes a \TeX\ DVI file and converts it into CG 8600
+Universal Slave Mode commands. Five bytes have been added to each
+record. These five bytes are stripped off by the Datum 5095 tape
+drive as it passes the file onto the 8600.
+The \TeX 8600 program is written in WEB. You will need the TANGLE
+and WEAVE programs to make changes. The WEB code was written
+originally for IBM Pascal/VS on VM/CMS.
+If you have a CG font that is not one of the ones on the \TeX 8600
+distribution tape, you need to modify the SAMPLE.FONTINFO file for
+that font and process it through FONTTEX.
+@ Following are a few macros and definitions used throughout program:
+@d incr(#) == # := # + 1
+@d decr(#) == # := # - 1
+@d do_nothing == begin; end
+@d ccat==@=||@>
+@f static == var
+@f value == var
+@ The beginning of the program.
+@p program tex8600(dumpout,sysprint,addrline,setfile,cgfonts,infofile);
+@<Global Constants@>@/
+@<Global Types@>@/
+@<Global Variables@>@/
+@!com_table :packed array[0..18] of string(7);@/
+ com_table[0] := 'HDR'; {Header Record}@/
+ com_table[1] := 'CHWIDTH';{Character Width}@/
+ com_table[2] := 'RT'; {Reverse Type}@/
+ com_table[3] := 'PS'; {Point Size}@/
+ com_table[4] := 'SS'; {Set Size}@/
+ com_table[5] := 'VMF'; {Vertical Move Forward}@/
+ com_table[6] := 'VMR'; {Vertical Move Reverse}@/
+ com_table[7] := 'RW'; {Rule Width}@/
+ com_table[8] := 'RD'; {Rule Depth}@/
+ com_table[9] := 'IR'; {Insert Rule}@/
+ com_table[10] := 'SL'; {Slant Mode}@/
+ com_table[11] := 'RTWT'; {Reverse Type Window Top}@/
+ com_table[12] := 'RTWB'; {Reverse Type Window Bottom}@/
+ com_table[13] := 'AU'; {Auxiliary Character Set}@/
+ com_table[14] := 'F'; {Change Fonts}@/
+ com_table[15] := 'HMR'; {Horizontal Move Right}@/
+ com_table[16] := 'HML'; {Horizontal Move Left}@/
+ com_table[17] := 'TTS'; {8600 character, in decimal}@/
+ com_table[18] := 'MAXCMD';@/
+@<CMS Includes@>
+@ This is a collection of arrays for converting ASCII to EBCDIC.
+@<CMS Includes@>=
+@{This is a very long comment. It is designed to force a break@}
+%include pasclib(asciicvt);
+@ This is a collection of arrays for converting ASCII to EBCDIC.
+@<CMS Includes@>=
+@{This is a very long comment. It is designed to force a break@}
+%include cms;
+@{This is a very long comment. It is designed to force a break@}
+@* Beginning section.
+This section includes some basic functions for reading the DVI file
+as well as a couple of procedures, like error and allcaps. Nothing
+tricky or noteworthy in these.
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!count : integer;
+@!fileend :boolean;
+@ The function for reading a byte of information from the DVI file.
+@p function getbyte:integer;
+var c :integer;
+ byte :char;
+ read(byte);
+ getbyte := ord(byte);
+ c := count mod pv_dvi_lrecl;
+ if (c=(pv_dvi_lrecl-1)) and not (eof(input))
+ then get(input)
+ else if (c=(pv_dvi_lrecl-1)) and eof(input)
+ then fileend:=true;
+ end;
+@ This is necessary because tangle doesn't let us get away with
+using RETCODE by itself in more than one spot.
+@p procedure setretcode(rc:integer);
+begin retcode(rc); end;
+@ This converts the byte to an integer, for further evaluation by
+the program.
+@p function readinteger(length :integer):integer;
+ inx :integer;
+ int :integer;
+ if (length<1) or (length>4)
+ then begin;
+ trace(output);
+ halt;
+ end;
+ int:=0;
+ for inx := 1 to length do begin
+ int := int * 256 + getbyte;
+ {check for cvt to negative...}
+ if (inx = 1) and (length > 1) and (int >= 128)
+ then int := int - 256;
+ incr(count);
+ end;
+ readinteger := int;
+ end; {readinteger}
+@ This function receives an integer value and converts it to its
+hex value and returns that value as a string.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@p function hex(int :integer) :string(2);
+ i :integer;
+ j :integer;
+ stri :string(2);
+ hexarray :array[0..15] of string(1);
+ hexarray[0] := '0';
+ hexarray[1] := '1';
+ hexarray[2] := '2';@/
+ hexarray[3] := '3';
+ hexarray[4] := '4';
+ hexarray[5] := '5';@/
+ hexarray[6] := '6';
+ hexarray[7] := '7';
+ hexarray[8] := '8';@/
+ hexarray[9] := '9';
+ hexarray[10] := 'A';
+ hexarray[11] := 'B';@/
+ hexarray[12] := 'C';
+ hexarray[13] := 'D';
+ hexarray[14] := 'E';
+ hexarray[15] := 'F';
+ stri := '';
+ i := int;
+ if i >= 16
+ then begin
+ j := i div 16;
+ stri := hexarray[j];
+ i := i - (j * 16);
+ end
+ else stri := '0';
+ stri := stri ccat hexarray[i];@/
+ hex := stri;
+ end;
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@! savecount :integer;
+@^system dependencies@>
+@! filename :string(8);
+@^system dependencies@>
+@! errstr :string(256);
+@ The error procedure. When a byte is read that does not jive with
+what the program was expecting, it goes to this procedure with a
+return code of some kind and an appropriate message is printed to user.
+@p procedure error(number :integer;
+ critical:boolean;
+ intval :integer);
+ case number of
+ 1 :writeln('Error in file ',filename,', no header record');
+ 2 :writeln('Error in file ',filename,', the highest 8600 ',
+ 'command has a value of ',ord(MAXCMD):3,' but ',
+ intval,' was read instead');
+ 3 :writeln('Expected a font command and got "',
+ com_table[intval],'" instead');
+ 4 :writeln('Expected a character width definition and got "',
+ com_table[intval],'" instead in file ',filename);
+ 5 :writeln('File ',filename,' is out of order for character ',
+ intval:3,' (',chrx[intval],')');
+ 6 :writeln('Error in file ',filename,', the value of byte ',
+ intval,' is >= 218 and <= 255 at byte ',savecount);
+ 7 :writeln('Expected a Slantmode command and got ',
+ com_table[intval],' instead');
+ 10 :writeln('No address information given');
+ 28 :writeln('Unidentified input option "',errstr,'"');
+ otherwise writeln('Unidentified error ',number);
+ end; {case}
+ if critical then begin
+ writeln('TeX8600 run aborted; See your consultant');
+ trace(output);
+ halt;
+ end;
+ writeln('Tape will not be sent to operator');
+ setretcode(32);
+ end; {error}
+@ Finally, a function that will convert whatever is passed to it into
+all capital letters. It translates lower case letters into upper case
+letters. All other characters outside of the range
+a$<$=character$<$=z are returned as their original value.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@p function allcaps(instring :string(40)) :string(40);
+ i :integer;
+ character :char;
+ buildit :string(40);
+ chtable :packed array['81'xc..'e9'xc] of char;@/
+ chtable['81'xc] := 'A';
+ chtable['82'xc] := 'B';
+ chtable['83'xc] := 'C';
+ chtable['84'xc] := 'D';@/
+ chtable['85'xc] := 'E';
+ chtable['86'xc] := 'F';
+ chtable['87'xc] := 'G';
+ chtable['88'xc] := 'H';@/
+ chtable['89'xc] := 'I';
+ chtable['91'xc] := 'J';
+ chtable['92'xc] := 'K';
+ chtable['93'xc] := 'L';@/
+ chtable['94'xc] := 'M';
+ chtable['95'xc] := 'N';
+ chtable['96'xc] := 'O';
+ chtable['97'xc] := 'P';@/
+ chtable['98'xc] := 'Q';
+ chtable['99'xc] := 'R';
+ chtable['a2'xc] := 'S';
+ chtable['a3'xc] := 'T';@/
+ chtable['a4'xc] := 'U';
+ chtable['a5'xc] := 'V';
+ chtable['a6'xc] := 'W';@/
+ chtable['a7'xc] := 'X';
+ chtable['a8'xc] := 'Y';
+ chtable['a9'xc] := 'Z';
+ buildit := '';
+ for i := 1 to length(instring) do begin
+ readstr(substr(instring,i,1),character);
+ if character in ['a'..'z']
+ then buildit := buildit ccat str(chtable[character])
+ else buildit := buildit ccat str(character);
+ end;
+ allcaps := buildit;
+ end;
+@* Font Related Procedures.
+This first font procedure reads the font matrix information for the
+current font from an outside file called cginfo defined as cgfonts.
+@<Global Constants@>=
+@! maxfunctions = 15;@/
+@! maxChar=127;@/
+@! fatal = true;@/
+@! fontsperrun = 76;@/
+@! maxFont=256;@/
+@<Global Types@>=
+@! oneoftwo = packed 1..2;
+@! storerec = packed record
+ comcode :packed -128..127;
+ case oneoftwo of
+ 1 :(argument :integer);
+ 2 :(real_argument :shortreal);
+ end;
+@! charrec = packed record
+ num :-1..maxfunctions;
+ charwidth :shortreal;
+ comarray :packed array[0..maxfunctions] of storerec;
+ end;
+@! driverrec = record
+ cmd :integer;
+ case oneoftwo of
+ 1 :(param :shortreal);
+ 2 :(code :integer);
+ end;
+@! font_def = packed record
+ pointsize : 0..255;
+ designsize : 0..255;
+ fontindex : 0..255;
+ end;
+@^system dependencies@>
+@! fontrec = record
+ fontno8600 : 0..2550;
+ name : string(8);
+ a8600chars : packed array[0..maxChar] of charrec;
+ end;
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!currfont : -1..maxFont;
+@!a8600fontrec : packed array[1..fontsperrun] of fontrec;
+@!fontcode : driverrec;
+@^system dependencies@>
+@!fontname : string(8);
+@!dumpin : boolean;
+@!fontenviron : packed array[-1..maxFont] of font_def;
+@ A new font is being used so it must have its font metrics read; this
+procedure does just that.
+@p procedure readfontinfo(fontnum,a8600index:integer);
+ auxiliary :boolean;
+ cgfonts :file of driverrec;
+ changefont :boolean;
+ charmult :shortreal;
+ i,j,rc,
+ numcommands :integer;
+ @<open cginfo file@>
+ @<read beginning info@>
+ @<read character info@>
+ @<close cginfo file@>
+@ First open the cginfo file
+ @<open cginfo file@>=
+ fontenviron[fontnum].fontindex := a8600index;
+ a8600fontrec[a8600index].name:= fontname;
+ cms('ESTATE 'ccat fontname ccat ' CGINFO *',rc);
+ if rc = 0
+ then reset(cgfonts,'NAME=' ccat fontname ccat '.CGINFO.*')
+ else begin
+ reset(cgfonts,'NAME=ETR.CGINFO.*');
+ writeln('Error!! Font ',fontname,' is not on the 8600');
+ writeln('You will not be able to continue');
+ setretcode(8);
+ end;
+@ Now read the first few records that give overall font info.
+ @<read beginning info@>=
+ fontcode := cgfonts@@;{Read the first record of the file}
+ get(cgfonts);@/
+ with fontcode do begin
+ if cmd <> ord(HDR) then error(1,fatal,0);
+ if code <> ord(MAXCMD) then error(2,fatal,code);
+ end; {with..begin}
+ fontcode := cgfonts@@; {read the second record of the file}
+ get(cgfonts);@/
+ with fontcode do begin
+ if cmd <> ord(F) then error(3,fatal,cmd); {Must be font cmnd}
+ a8600fontrec[a8600index].fontno8600 := code;
+ end; {with..begin}
+ fontcode := cgfonts@@;
+ get(cgfonts);
+ with fontcode do begin
+ if cmd <> ord(CHWIDTH) then error(4,fatal,cmd); {charac mult}
+ charmult := param;
+ end; {with..begin}
+ {Each character (maxChar) has one header record (HDR)
+ and one character width record. The number of records
+ for each character that follows the width record is
+ contained as "code" in the header record. Each
+ character will have at least one record.}
+ fontcode := cgfonts@@; {slantmode option no longer used}
+ get(cgfonts);
+ with fontcode do begin
+ if cmd <> ord(SL) then error(7,fatal,cmd);
+ end;
+ if dumpin
+ then with a8600fontrec[fontenviron[fontnum].fontindex]
+ do begin
+ writeln(dumpout,
+ ' The character width multiplier for ',
+ filename,' is ',charmult:5:2);
+ writeln(dumpout,
+ ' The 8600 font number is ',fontno8600:3);
+ end;
+@ The individual character heights, depths, widths and positions
+come next.
+ @<read character info@>=
+ for i := 0 to maxChar do begin
+ with a8600fontrec[a8600index].a8600chars[i]
+do begin
+ fontcode := cgfonts@@;
+ get(cgfonts);
+ with fontcode do begin
+ if cmd <> ord(HDR) then error(5,fatal,i);
+ numcommands := code; {number for this character}
+ end; {with..begin}
+ num := -1;
+ @<read character width@>
+ auxiliary := false;
+ changefont := false;
+ for j := 0 to numcommands do begin
+ @<read next command@>
+ end;
+ if auxiliary then begin
+ @<Auxiliary change@>
+ end;
+ if changefont then begin
+ @<Font change@>
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+@ Font is all read and safely tucked into appropriate places to
+be used later, so close the door and shut off the lights on the
+way out.
+ @<close cginfo file@>=
+ close(cgfonts);
+ @<read character width@>=
+ fontcode := cgfonts@@; {read the character width}
+ get(cgfonts);
+ with fontcode do begin
+ if cmd <> ord(CHWIDTH) then error(5,fatal,i);
+ charwidth := param * charmult;
+ end; {with..begin}
+ @<read next command@>=
+ fontcode := cgfonts@@;
+ get(cgfonts);
+ num := num + 1; {increment number of commands}
+ with fontcode, comarray[num] do begin
+ if ((cmd >= 5) and (cmd <= 8)) or
+ (cmd = 11) or (cmd = 12) or (cmd = 16)
+ then real_argument := param
+ else argument := code;
+ case cmd of
+ 2 :comcode := 3; {reverse type}
+ 3 :comcode := 7; {Point Size Change}
+ 4 :comcode := 8; {Set Size Change}
+ 5 :comcode := 9; {Vertical Move Forward}
+ 6 :comcode := 10; {Vertical Move Reverse}
+ 7 :comcode := 12; {Rule Width}
+ 8 :comcode := 13; {Rule Depth}
+ 9 :comcode := 14; {Insert Rule}
+ 10 :comcode := 15; {Slant Mode}
+ 11 :comcode := 16; {Reverse Window Top}
+ 12 :comcode := 17; {Reverse Window Bot}
+ 13 :begin
+ @<Change to Auxiliary Characters@>
+ end;
+ 14 :begin
+ @<Change Font@>
+ end;
+ 15 :comcode := 27; {Horiz. Move Right}
+ 16 :comcode := 28; {Horiz. Move Left}
+ 17 :comcode := -1; {Decimal Char Code}
+ otherwise begin
+ @<Invalid Command Number@>
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ @<Auxiliary change@>=
+ num := num + 1;
+ with comarray[num] do begin
+ comcode := 20;
+ argument := 1;
+ end;
+ @<Font change@>=
+ num := num + 1;
+ with comarray[num] do begin
+ comcode := 25;
+ argument := -1; {for quick ID in font changes}
+ end;
+ @<Change to Auxiliary Characters@>=
+ comcode := 20;
+ if auxiliary
+ then begin
+ argument := 1;
+ auxiliary := false;
+ end
+ else begin
+ argument := 2;
+ auxiliary := true;
+ end;
+ @<Change Font@>=
+ comcode := 25;
+ if code <> fontnum
+ then changefont := true;
+ argument := code * 10;
+ @<Invalid Command Number@>=
+ writeln('Invalid 8600 Command Number ', cmd);
+ error(5,fatal,cmd);
+@ This procedure checks to see if the current font has been
+ previously defined. If it has, it returns to the main program,
+ if it hasn't, |readfontinfo| is called.
+@p procedure checkfont;
+ i :integer;
+ in_count :integer;
+ in_count := 0;
+@<check fonts@>
+ end;
+@ Each time a font is encountered in the DVI file, one is added to
+the |in_count|. The following section checks to see if the |curr_font|
+has ever been used before in this file. If it has, nothing is done and
+it returns to main program. If it is a new file, it continues on in
+procedure to read the new font metrics.
+@<check fonts@>=
+ incr(in_count);
+ for i := 1 to in_count do begin
+ if a8600fontrec[i].name = fontname
+ then begin
+ fontenviron[currfont].fontindex := i;
+ return;
+ end;
+ end;
+@ This procedure reads the DVI file to get all pertinent information
+for the |MAIN| program.
+@<Global Constants@>=
+@! SPsPerPt = 65536;@/
+@! pc_dvi_lrecl=1024;
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!checksumtest : integer;
+@!pv_dvi_lrecl :integer;
+@p procedure fontinfo;
+ fnlength : integer;
+ temp : integer;
+ temp2 : integer;
+ inx : integer;
+ with fontenviron[currfont] do begin
+ checksumtest := readinteger(4);{check sum}
+ temp := readinteger(4);{scale}
+ temp2:= readinteger(4);{design size}
+ pointsize := temp2 * (temp div temp2) div SPsPerPt;
+ designsize := temp2 div SPsPerPt;
+ end; {WITH..begin}
+ temp := readinteger(1);{font name area}
+ fnlength := readinteger(1);{file length}
+ fnlength := fnlength + temp;
+ fontname := '';
+ for inx := 1 to fnlength do begin
+ temp := readinteger(1);
+ fontname := fontname ccat allcaps(str(chrx[temp]));
+ end;
+ checkfont;
+@* Tape-writing functions and procedures.
+These next few functions and procedures prepare or write information
+to a tape file
+@ This function converts an integer to a string or something like that
+@^system dependencies@>
+@p function strconv(intnum : integer): string(5);
+ hdrec :string(5);
+ j :integer;
+ k10 :integer;
+ temphdr :integer;
+ hdrec := '';
+ k10 := 10000;
+ temphdr := intnum;
+ repeat
+ if temphdr >= k10 then begin
+ j := temphdr div k10;
+ hdrec := hdrec ccat str(chr(j + ord('0')));
+ temphdr := temphdr - (j * k10);
+ end;
+ k10 := k10 div 10;
+ until k10 = 1;
+ hdrec := hdrec ccat str(chr(temphdr + ord('0')));
+ if length(hdrec) < 5
+ then hdrec := substr('00000',1,5-length(hdrec)) ccat hdrec;
+ strconv := hdrec;
+ end;
+@ This procedure is to add the 5 bytes at the beginning
+ of each record that will be read by the 5095 tape
+ drive. It should be noted that these 5 bytes are
+ discarded by the 5095 before it sends the rest of the record to the 8600.
+@<Global Constants@>=
+@! maxbuffer = 1029;@/
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!doingpages : boolean;
+@!setfile : text;
+@!dumpout : text;
+@!bufferlen : 0..maxbuffer;
+@!headernum : integer;
+@p procedure writeheader; {only needed when using Datum 5095}
+ hdrec :string(5);
+ if doingpages = true
+ then begin
+ hdrec := strconv(headernum);
+ write(setfile,hdrec);
+ bufferlen := 5;
+ end; {then..begin}
+ end; {writeheader}
+@<Global Constants@>=
+@! allzeros = '00'xc;@/
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!postam_found : boolean;
+@ This procedure is used to write the tape file for the 5095
+drive on the 8600
+@p @^system dependencies@>
+procedure write8600rec(codes :string(17));
+ i :integer;
+ codesize :integer;
+ codesize := length(codes);
+ if doingpages=true
+ then begin
+ if bufferlen + codesize < maxbuffer
+ then begin
+ @<record length less than maximum@>
+ end {then..begin}
+ else if bufferlen + codesize = maxbuffer
+ then begin
+ @<record length equal to maximum@>
+ end {then..begin}
+ else begin
+ @<record length greater than maximum@>
+ end; {else..begin}
+ end; {then..begin}
+ end; {write8600rec}
+ @<record length less than maximum@>=
+ write(setfile,codes);
+ bufferlen := bufferlen + codesize;
+ if postam_found then begin
+ while bufferlen < maxbuffer do begin
+ write(setfile,allzeros);
+ codesize := length(allzeros);
+ bufferlen := bufferlen + codesize;
+ end; {while..begin}
+ end; {then..begin}
+ @<record length equal to maximum@>=
+ writeln(setfile,codes);
+ if not postam_found then writeheader;
+ @<record length greater than maximum@>=
+ i := maxbuffer - bufferlen;
+ writeln(setfile,substr(codes,1,i));
+ writeheader;
+ write(setfile,substr(codes,i+1,codesize-i));
+ bufferlen := bufferlen + codesize - i;
+ if postam_found then begin
+ while bufferlen < maxbuffer do begin
+ write(setfile,allzeros);
+ codesize := length(allzeros);
+ bufferlen := bufferlen + codesize;
+ end; {while..begin}
+ end; {then..begin}
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!print_hmove : boolean;
+@ This function,
+given amount in scale points, converts it to floating-point
+points and print it.
+@p function getpts(amt :integer) :real;
+ temp :real;
+ temp := float(amt) / SPsPerPt;
+ if dumpin and print_hmove then write(dumpout,temp:4:1,' pts.');
+ getpts := temp;
+ end;
+@* Main tape-writing procedures.
+These next few procedures are the main ones for writing information
+to the tape file.
+@<Global Constants@>=
+@! high1 = '8000'@&x;@/
+@! SPsPer8th = 8192;@/
+@! SPsPer18th = 3640.8888;@/
+@<Global Type...@>=
+@! valrec = packed record case oneoftwo of
+ 1 :(hexcode :char;
+ argument :packed -32768..32767);
+ 2 :(byte1 :packed 0..255;
+ byte2 :packed 0..255;
+ byte3 :packed 0..255)
+ end;
+@! stackrec = packed record
+ H :integer;
+ V :integer;
+ W :integer;
+ X :integer;
+ Y :integer;
+ Z :integer;
+ end;
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!stack : packed array[1..50] of stackrec;
+@!stacktop : integer;
+@!outrec : valrec;
+@!in_reverse_type : boolean;
+@!in_slant_mode : boolean;
+@ This procedure is called to format the output record
+ in a 1 or 3 byte word to be added to the 8600 output
+ record buffer. Each command used by the slave mode
+ is represented here by their appropriate code number
+ assigned by Compugraphics. The code "-1" was not
+ assigned by them. It was assigned to denote the use
+ of a character in the current font.
+@p @^system dependencies@>
+procedure writecommand(codenum :integer;
+ inargument :real);
+ temp :string(3);
+ realtemp :real;
+ with outrec do begin
+ case codenum of
+ -2 :@<long character form@>@/
+ -1 :@<individual character code@>@/
+ 0 :@<start of take@>@/
+ 1 :@<end of take@>@/
+ 2 :@<change reverse type@>@/
+ 7 :@<change point size@>@/
+ 8 :@<change set size@>@/
+ 9 :@<forward vertical move@>@/
+ 10 :@<reverse vertical move@>@/
+ 11 :@<absolute horizontal positioning@>@/
+ 12 :@<rule width@>@/
+ 13 :@<rule depth@>@/
+ 14 :@<insert rule@>@/
+ 15 :@<slant mode@>@/
+ 16 :@<reverse type window top@>@/
+ 17 :@<reverse type window bottom@>@/
+ 20 :@<change auxiliary character set@>@/
+ 25 :@<change fonts@>@/
+ 27 :@<right horizontal move@>@/
+ 28 :@<left horizontal move@>@/
+ otherwise @<all other cases@>
+ end; {case}
+ byte2 := byte2 + '10000000'B;
+ temp := str(chr(byte1)) ccat
+ str(chr(byte2)) ccat str(chr(byte3));
+ write8600rec(temp);
+ end; {with..begin}
+ end; {writecommand}
+@<long character...@>=
+ begin
+ hexcode := chr(trunc(inargument)+high1);
+ argument := round(getpts(stack[stacktop].H) * 18);
+ temp := str(chr(byte1)) ccat str(chr(byte2));
+ temp := temp ccat str(chr(byte3));
+ write8600rec(temp);
+ return;
+ end;
+@<individual character code@>=
+ begin
+ {change inargument into a one character
+ string (hex) value}
+ argument := trunc(inargument);
+ write8600rec(str(chr(byte3)));
+ return;
+ end;
+@<start of take@>=
+ begin
+ hexcode := '80'xc;
+ argument := trunc(inargument);
+ end;
+@<end of take@>=
+ begin
+ hexcode := '81'xc;
+ argument := trunc(inargument);
+ end;
+@<change reverse type@>=
+ begin
+ if not in_reverse_type and (inargument = 0)
+ then return; {8600 warning if you try to
+ turn it off when its already off}
+ if inargument = 0
+ then in_reverse_type := false
+ else in_reverse_type := true;
+ if in_reverse_type then begin
+ realtemp := {76\% of the current leading}
+ (fontenviron[currfont].pointsize + 2)*0.76;
+ writecommand(16,realtemp); {window top}
+ realtemp := {30\% of the current leading}
+ (fontenviron[currfont].pointsize + 2)*0.30;
+ writecommand(17,realtemp); {window bottom}
+ end; {then..begin}
+ hexcode := '83'xc;
+ argument := trunc(inargument);
+ end;
+@<change point size@>=
+ begin
+ hexcode := '87'xc;
+ argument := round(inargument*2) * 4; {in eighths}
+ end;
+@<change set size@>=
+ begin
+ hexcode := '88'xc;
+ argument := round((fontenviron[currfont].pointsize*
+ (inargument/100.0)) * 2) * 4; {in eighths}
+ end;
+@<forward vertical move@>=
+ begin
+ if inargument = 0 then return; {0 invalid on 8600}
+ hexcode := '89'xc;
+ {in sixteenths}
+ argument := round(inargument / SPsPer8th) * 2;
+ end;
+@<reverse vertical move@>=
+ begin
+ if inargument = 0 then return; {0 invalid on 8600}
+ hexcode := '8a'xc;
+ {in sixteenths}
+ argument := round(inargument / SPsPer8th) * 2;
+ end;
+@<absolute horizontal positioning@>=
+ begin
+ hexcode := '8b'xc;
+ {eighteenths}
+ if inargument < -72.27 then begin
+ if dumpin then writeln(dumpout,
+ ' HP less than zero');
+ inargument := 0;
+ end;
+ argument := round(inargument / SPsPer18th);
+ end;
+@<rule width@>=
+ begin
+ if inargument = 0 then return; {0 invalid on 8600}
+ hexcode := '8c'xc;
+ argument := round(inargument * 18);
+ end;
+@<rule depth@>=
+ begin
+ if inargument = 0 then return; {0 invalid on 8600}
+ hexcode := '8d'xc;
+ argument := round(inargument * 8) * 2;
+ end;
+@<insert rule@>=
+ begin
+ hexcode := '8e'xc;
+ if inargument < 0 then begin
+ if dumpin then writeln(dumpout,
+ ' IR less than zero');
+ inargument := 0;
+ end;
+ argument := round(inargument / SPsPer18th);
+ end;
+@<slant mode@>=
+ begin
+ hexcode := '8f'xc;
+ argument := trunc(inargument);
+ if argument = 0
+ then in_slant_mode := false
+ else in_slant_mode := true;
+ end;
+@<reverse type window top@>=
+ begin
+ hexcode := '90'xc;
+ argument := round(inargument*8) * 2; {in sixteenths}
+ end;
+@<reverse type window bottom@>=
+ begin
+ hexcode := '91'xc;
+ argument := round(inargument*8) * 2; {in sixteenths}
+ end;
+@<change auxiliary character set@>=
+ begin
+ hexcode := '94'xc;
+ argument := trunc(inargument);
+ end;
+@<change fonts@>=
+ begin
+ hexcode := '99'xc;
+ argument := trunc(inargument);
+ end;
+@<right horizontal move@>=
+ begin
+ if inargument = 0 then return; {if no move}
+ hexcode := '9b'xc;
+ {eighteenths}
+ argument := round(inargument / SPsPer18th);
+ end;
+@<left horizontal move@>=
+ begin
+ if inargument = 0 then return; {if no move}
+ hexcode := '9c'xc;
+ {eighteenths}
+ argument := round(inargument / SPsPer18th);
+ end;
+@<all other cases@>=
+ begin
+ writeln('Invalid 8600 command code = ',codenum);
+ error(5,fatal,codenum);
+ end; {otherwise}
+@* Billing and identification information procedures.
+@ The first procedure is the one that writes out all the resource-type
+information. It first checks to see if the character it is about to
+write out is one of several special characters, if it is the hex code
+is changed.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@p procedure writeinfo(info:string(30));
+ var
+ inx : integer;
+ begin
+ for inx := 1 to length(info)
+ do begin
+ if info[inx] = ' '
+ then write8600rec('1F'xc)
+ else if info[inx] = '('
+ then write8600rec('3A'xc)
+ else if info[inx] = ')'
+ then write8600rec('3B'xc)
+ else if info[inx] = '*'
+ then write8600rec('5C'xc)
+ else if info[inx] = '_'
+ then begin
+ writecommand(20,2); {aux. char. set}
+ write8600rec('50'xc);
+ writecommand(20,1); {back to primary}
+ end {then..begin}
+ else write8600rec(str(chr(ordx[info[inx]])));
+ end; {do..begin}
+ end; {writeinfo}
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@^system dependencies@>
+@!job_len_conv : string(5);
+@!job_length : integer;
+@^system dependencies@>
+@!parmvalue : string(80);
+@^system dependencies@>
+@!pages_conv : string(5);
+@!pages_set : integer;
+@!galley_length : real;
+@^system dependencies@>
+@!real_filename : string(8);
+@ The following procedure writes the information within the accounting
+box at the end of each job.
+@p @^system dependencies@>
+ procedure setaccountbox (infoname :string(30);
+ infophone :string(14);
+ infodelivery :string(8);
+ infozip :string(10);
+ infobin :string(8);
+ infoid :string(22));
+ var
+ inx :integer;
+ begin
+ @<set constant values@>@/
+ @<draw accounting box@>@/
+ @<write name in box@>@/
+ @<write phone number in box@>@/
+ @<write delivery method in box@>@/
+ @<write zipcode in box@>@/
+ @<write center bin in box@>@/
+ @<write user id in box@>@/
+ @<write job length in box@>@/
+ @<write file name in box@>@/
+ @<write number of pages set, in box@>@/
+ @<write tape number in box@>@/
+ galley_length := galley_length + 140;
+ end; {setaccountbox}
+@<set constant...@>=
+ different_setsize := false;
+ in_slant_mode := false;
+ in_reverse_type := false;
+@<draw account...@>=
+ writecommand(12,410); {rule width in points}
+ writecommand(13,8); {rule depth in points}
+ writecommand(14,0); {set top rule}
+ writecommand(12,8); {rule width in points}
+ writecommand(13,84); {rule depth in points}
+ writecommand(14,402*SPsPerPt); {set left rule}
+ writecommand(14,0); {set right rule}
+ writecommand(9,83.8*SPsPerPt); {VMF to bottom in pts}
+ writecommand(12,410); {rule width in points}
+ writecommand(13,8); {rule depth in points}
+ writecommand(14,0); {set bottom rule}
+ writecommand(11,32*SPsPerPt); {32pt indent}
+ writecommand(10,56*SPsPerPt); {Move back up}
+ writecommand(25,320); {define bold font}
+ writecommand(7,11); {11pt size}
+@<write name...@>=
+ write8600rec('4e616d65231e'xc); {'Name: '}
+ writecommand(25,330); {change to Bold Ital}
+ writeinfo(infoname);
+ writecommand(11,265*SPsPerPt); {265pt Indent}
+ writecommand(25,320); {Bold}
+@<write phone...@>=
+ write8600rec('50686f6e65231e'xc); {'Phone: '}
+ writecommand(25,330); {Bold Italic}
+ writeinfo(infophone);
+@<write delivery meth...@>=
+ writecommand(11,50*SPsPerPt); {50pt indent}
+ writecommand(9,16*SPsPerPt); {VMF 16pt}
+ writecommand(25,320); {Bold}
+ write8600rec('44656c6976657279231e'xc); {'Delivery: '}
+ writecommand(25,330); {Bold Italic}
+ writeinfo(infodelivery);
+@<write zipcode...@>=
+ if infozip <> 'NA'
+ then begin
+ writecommand(11,190*SPsPerPt); {190pt indent}
+ writecommand(25,320); {Bold}
+ write8600rec('5a6970636f6465231e'xc); {'Zipcode: '}
+ writecommand(25,330); {Bold Italic}
+ writeinfo(infozip);
+ end;
+@<write center...@>=
+ if infobin <> 'NA'
+ then begin
+ writecommand(11,284*SPsPerPt); {284pt indent}
+ writecommand(25,320); {Bold}
+ write8600rec('42696e231e'xc); {'Bin: '}
+ writecommand(25,330); {Bold Italic}
+ writeinfo(infobin);
+ end; {then..begin}
+@<write user id...@>=
+ writecommand(9,14*SPsPerPt); {VMF 14pt}
+ if infoid <> 'NA'
+ then begin
+ writecommand(11,30*SPsPerPt); {30pt indent}
+ writecommand(25,320); {Bold}
+ write8600rec('4944231e'xc); {'ID: '}
+ writecommand(25,330); {Bold Italic}
+ writeinfo(infoid);
+ end; {then..begin}
+@<write job length...@>=
+ writecommand(11,250*SPsPerPt); {indent for job length}
+ writecommand(25,320); {BOLD}
+ write8600rec('4a6f621e'xc); {'Job '}
+ write8600rec('4c656e677468231e'xc); {'Length: '}
+ writecommand(25,330); {Bold Italic}
+ job_len_conv := strconv(job_length);
+ for inx := 1 to 5
+ do write8600rec(str(chr
+ (ordx[job_len_conv[inx]])));
+ write8600rec('1e696e63686573'xc); {' inches'}
+ writecommand(11,20*SPsPerPt); {get ready for DSN}
+@<write file name...@>=
+ writecommand(9,16*SPsPerPt); {VMF 16pt}
+ writecommand(25,320); {Bold}
+ write8600rec('46696c656e616d65231f'xc); {'Filename: '}
+ writecommand(25,330); {Bold Italic}
+ parmvalue := real_filename;
+ writeinfo(parmvalue);
+@<write number of...@>=
+ writecommand(11,155*SPsPerPt); {155pt indent}
+ writecommand(25,320); {Bold}
+ write8600rec('50616765731e'xc); {'Pages '}
+ write8600rec('536574231e1e'xc); {'Set: '}
+ writecommand(25,330); {Bold Italic}
+ pages_conv := strconv(pages_set);
+ for inx := 1 to 5
+ do write8600rec(str(chr(ordx
+ [pages_conv[inx]])));
+ writecommand(11,265*SPsPerPt); {get ready for Tape \#}
+@<write tape numb...@>=
+ writecommand(25,320); {Bold}
+ write8600rec('546170651e'xc); {'Tape '}
+ writecommand(20,2); {aux. char. set}
+ write8600rec('72'xc); {'\#'}
+ writecommand(20,1); {pri. char. set}
+ write8600rec('231e1e1e1e'xc); {': '}
+ postam_found := true;
+ writecommand(25,330); {bold italic}
+@ The information procedure reads the billing information from an outside
+file called the |addrfile|, and sends that information to the
+|setaccountbox| procedure. It also writes the information to another file
+called the |infofile|.
+@<Global Constants@>=
+@! notfatal = false;@/
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!addrline : text;
+@!infofile : text;
+@^system dependencies@>
+@!resource_info : string(256);
+@^system dependencies@>
+@!str1 : string(256);
+@^system dependencies@>
+@!str2 : string(256);
+@!minimum_width : integer;@/
+@p @^system dependencies@>
+procedure information;
+ var
+ int :integer;
+ inx :integer;
+ infoname :string(30);
+ infophone :string(14);
+ infodelivery :string(10);
+ infozip :string(10);
+ infobin :string(8);
+ infoid :string(22);
+ infoprocedure :string(4);
+ infobudget :string(20);
+ tempbool :boolean;
+ begin
+ @<set initial values for strings@>
+ @<open address file and read and close@>@/
+ @<parse info from address file@>
+ @<send info to accounting procedure and write infofile@>
+ end; {information}
+@<set initial values...@>=
+ infozip := 'NA';
+ infoid := 'NA';
+ infobin := 'NA';
+ infoprocedure := 'NA';
+ infobudget := 'NA';
+@<open address...@>=
+ termin(addrline);
+ readln(addrline,resource_info);
+ close(addrline);
+@<parse info...@>=
+ rewrite(infofile,'NAME=' ccat filename ccat '.INFOFILE.*');
+ while length(resource_info) > 0 do begin
+ inx := index(resource_info,':');
+ if inx < 1
+ then begin
+ errstr := resource_info;
+ error(28,notfatal,0);
+ end
+ else begin
+ str1 := substr(resource_info,1,inx-1);
+ resource_info := ltrim(substr(resource_info,inx+1));
+ inx := index(resource_info,':');
+ if inx = 0
+ then begin
+ str2 := resource_info;
+ resource_info := '';
+ end
+ else begin
+ int := inx - 1; {no sense starting at a colon:}
+ tempbool := false;
+ repeat
+ if substr(resource_info,int,1) = ' '
+ then tempbool := true
+ else int := int - 1;
+ until tempbool; {which means we found a blank}
+ str2 := trim(substr(resource_info,1,int-1));
+ resource_info := substr(resource_info,int+1);
+ end;
+ str1 := allcaps(ltrim(trim(str1)));
+ str2 := allcaps(ltrim(trim(str2)));
+ if str1 = 'NAME' then
+ infoname := str2
+ else if str1 = 'PHONE' then
+ infophone := str2
+ else if str1 = 'PROCEDURE_NUMBER'
+ then infoprocedure := str2
+ else if str1 = 'BUDGET_PROJECT'
+ then infobudget := str2
+ else if str1 = 'PICKUP' then
+ infodelivery := str2
+ else if str1 = 'CAMPUS_ZIP' then
+ infozip := str2
+ else if str1 = 'BIN' then
+ infobin := str2
+ else if str1 = 'ID' then
+ infoid := str2
+ else begin
+ errstr := resource_info;
+ error(28,notfatal,0);
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+@<send info...@>=
+ setaccountbox(infoname,infophone,infodelivery,infozip,
+ infobin,infoid);
+ writeln(infofile,infoname);
+ writeln(infofile,infophone);
+ writeln(infofile,infoprocedure);
+ writeln(infofile,infobudget);
+ writeln(infofile,infodelivery);
+ writeln(infofile,infozip);
+ writeln(infofile,infoid);
+ writeln(infofile,infobin);
+ writeln(infofile,job_length);
+ writeln(infofile,pages_set);
+ writeln(infofile,minimum_width);
+ writeln(infofile,real_filename);
+@* End of File procedures.
+At the end of the \TeX DVI file is a postamble command, when that
+command is encountered |readpostamble| and |post_amble| are called.
+@ The second procedure called but first listed is the |post_amble|
+procedure, it calls the |information| procedure and writes the job
+length and number of pages to the terminal.
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!num_of_pages : integer;
+@^system dependencies@>
+@!job_type : string(6);
+@p procedure post_amble;
+ begin
+ @<prepare and write information info@>
+ @<give job length to user on terminal@>@/
+ @<set final values for galleylength, etc.@>
+ end; {Postamble}
+@<prepare and write...@>=
+ if dumpin then writeln(dumpout,
+ 'PST -- post-amble: End of Run');
+ doingpages := true;
+ writecommand(11,0); {Move to left col.}
+ writecommand(9,30.0*SPsPerPt); {VMF 30 pts}
+ information;
+@<give job length...@>=
+ writeln;
+ writeln('Total length of run = ',
+ galley_length:9:1,' pts.');
+ writeln(' = ',
+ galley_length/72.0:9:1,' inches.');
+ writeln(' = ',
+ num_of_pages:9,' pages.');
+@<set final...@>=
+ job_length := round(galley_length/72.0);
+ pages_set := num_of_pages;
+ job_type := 'TeX';
+@ This second procedure is called first and reads the final job
+information for the file. Things like job length, widest page,
+tallest page are set and the information sent to |post_amble|.
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!byte : integer;@/
+@!width : real;@/
+@!even_page_margin : real;@/
+@!odd_page_margin : real;@/
+@!totalpg : integer;@/
+@p procedure readpostamble;
+ int :integer;@/
+ inx :integer;@/
+ job_length := round(galley_length / 72.0);@/
+ pages_set := num_of_pages;@/
+ for inx := 1 to 3 do byte := readinteger(4);
+ byte := readinteger(4); {Get magnification}@/
+ if dumpin
+ then writeln(dumpout,
+ '** Font magnification = ',byte/1000.0:3:1);
+ writeln;
+ writeln('Tallest page is ',readinteger(4)/SPsPerPt/72.0:2:1,
+ ' inches.');
+ width := readinteger(4) / SPsPerPt / 72.27;
+ width := max(width,put_width,even_page_margin/72.27,
+ odd_page_margin/72.27);
+ writeln('Widest page is ',width:2:1,' inches.');@/
+ width := width + 0.31; {5/16" on the left that cannot be used.}
+ if width < 8.0 then int := 8
+ else int := 12;
+ minimum_width := int;
+ writeln('The smallest paper you can use is ',int:2,'"');
+ totalpg := 9999;
+ post_amble;
+ if galley_length = 0 then begin
+ writeln('Error!! No pages set. ');
+ setretcode(12);
+ end;
+ end; {readpostamble}
+@* Conversion Functions.
+The following two functions will convert strings to integers
+(|whole_value|) or to real numbers (|decimal_value|).
+@^system dependencies@>
+@p function whole_value(str1 :string(10)) :integer;
+ inx, inz : integer;@/
+ divisor : real;@/
+ number : real;@/
+ number := 0;
+ inx := index(str1,'-');
+ if inx > 0
+ then begin
+ divisor := (-1 * 0.1);
+ str1 := substr(str1,2);
+ end {then..begin}
+ else divisor := 0.1;
+ for inz := 0 to (length(str1)-1) do begin
+ divisor := divisor * 10.0;
+ number := number + ((ordx[str1[length(str1) - inz]] -
+ ordx['0']) * divisor);
+ end;
+ whole_value := round(number);
+end; {|whole_value|}
+@^system dependencies@>
+@p function decimal_value(str2 :string(40)): real;
+ inx, inz : integer;
+ divisor : real;
+ str3 : string(30);
+ number : real;
+ number := 0.0;
+ inx := index(str2, '.');@/
+ @<value with decimal, but nothing to right@>
+ @<value with decimal, and something to right@>@/
+ @<value without decimal@>
+ decimal_value := number;
+ end; {|decimal_value|}
+@<value with decimal, but...@>=
+ if inx = length(str2) then begin {read left side of decimal}
+ str2 := substr(str2,1,inx-1);
+ end
+@<value with decimal, and...@>=
+ else begin
+ if inx > 0 then begin
+ str3 := substr(str2,inx+1);
+ divisor := 1.0;
+ for inz := inx+1 to length(str3) do begin
+ divisor := divisor * 0.1;
+ number := number +
+ (ordx[str3[inz]] - ordx['0'] * divisor);
+ end;
+ if inx = 1 then return;
+ str2 := substr(str2,1,inx-1);
+ end;
+ end;
+@<value without...@>=
+ divisor := 0.1;
+ for inz := 0 to (length(str2)-1) do begin
+ divisor := divisor * 10.0;
+ number := number + ((ordx[str2[length(str2) - inz]] -
+ ordx['0']) * divisor);
+ end;
+@* Parm-reading procedure.
+This procedure reads and parses the parameters entered with the
+call to this program; it is expecting the following form of some
+\centerline{\tt tex8600 fn ft (1stpg \#ofpgs) realfn lrecl}
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@^system dependencies@>
+@!filetype : string(8);
+@!firstpg : integer;
+@p @^system dependencies@>
+procedure readparms;
+ namepage : string(256);
+ temp : integer;
+ temp2 : integer;
+ temp3 : integer;
+ str1 : string(10);
+ lrecl : string(8);
+ namepage := ltrim(trim(parms));
+ @<file name and real filename@>
+ @<file type not supplied@>
+ @<file type supplied@>
+ end; {readparms}
+ @<file name and real filename@>=
+ temp := index(namepage,' ');
+ temp2 := index(namepage,')');
+ if temp2 > 0
+ then @<parse real name and lrecl@>
+ else error(10,fatal,0);
+ filename := substr(namepage,1,temp-1);
+ @<parse real name and lrecl@>=
+ begin
+ temp3 := index(substr(namepage,temp2+2),' ');
+ if temp3 = 0
+ then begin
+ real_filename := substr(namepage,temp2 + 2);
+ lrecl := '';
+ end
+ else begin
+ real_filename := substr(namepage,temp2 + 2,temp3-1);
+ lrecl := substr(namepage,temp2+2+temp3);
+ end;
+ if lrecl = ''
+ then pv_dvi_lrecl := pc_dvi_lrecl
+ else readstr(lrecl,pv_dvi_lrecl);
+ end
+ @<file type not...@>=
+ namepage := substr(namepage,temp+1,(temp2-temp));
+ temp := index(namepage,'(');
+ if temp = 1
+ then begin
+ filetype := 'DVI';
+ if length(namepage) > 1
+ then begin
+ namepage := substr(namepage,temp+2);
+ temp := index(namepage,' ');
+ if temp > 0
+ then begin
+ str1 := substr(namepage,1,temp-1);
+ firstpg := whole_value(str1);
+ str1 := substr(namepage,temp+1);
+ if length(str1) > 0 then
+ totalpg := whole_value(str1);
+ end {then..begin}
+ else begin
+ str1 := substr(namepage,1);
+ firstpg := whole_value(str1);
+ end {ELSE..begin}
+ end {then..begin}
+ end {then..begin}
+ @<file type supplied...@>=
+ else begin
+ filetype := substr(namepage,1,temp-2);
+ namepage := ltrim(substr(namepage,temp+1));
+ temp := index(namepage,')');
+ if temp > 1
+ then begin
+ temp2 := index(namepage,' ');
+ str1 := substr(namepage,1,temp2-1);
+ if str1='*'
+ then firstpg := -99999
+ else firstpg := whole_value(str1);
+ str1 := substr(namepage,temp2+1,(temp-temp2)-2);
+ if str1='*'
+ then totalpg := 99999
+ else totalpg := whole_value(str1);
+ end; {then..begin}
+ end; {ELSE..begin}
+@* Print Position Procedures.
+The next three procedures are called whenever there is to be a
+vertical or horizontal move of any kind.
+@<Global Type...@>=
+@!movetype = (horiz,vert);
+@ This procedure will print the horizontal or vertical
+ distance that the 8600 is to move the paper.
+@p procedure figuredir(typ :movetype;
+ amt :integer);
+ temp :real;
+ if dumpin and print_hmove then begin
+ writeln(dumpout);
+ write(dumpout,' *** move ');
+ end;
+ @<horizontal move@>
+ @<move right@>
+ @<move left@>
+ @<vertical move@>
+ @<move down@>
+ @<move up@>
+ if dumpin and print_hmove
+ then temp := getpts(abs(amt));
+ end; {FigureDir}
+@<horizontal move@>=
+ if typ = horiz
+ then if amt >= 0
+@<move right@>=
+ then begin
+ if dumpin and print_hmove then write(dumpout,'right ');
+ writecommand(11,stack[stacktop].H);
+ end
+@<move left@>=
+ else begin
+ if dumpin and print_hmove then write(dumpout,'left ');
+ writecommand(11,stack[stacktop].H);
+ end
+ @<vertical move@>=
+ else if amt >= 0
+ @<move down@>=
+ then begin
+ if dumpin then write(dumpout,'down ');
+ writecommand(9,amt);
+ end
+ @<move up@>=
+ else begin
+ if dumpin then write(dumpout,'up ');
+ writecommand(10,abs(amt));
+ end;
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!hmove_pending : boolean;
+@!hmove_amt : integer;
+@!vmove_pending : boolean;
+@!vmove_amt : integer;
+@!length_of_take : real;
+@ This procedure is invoked in the main program each
+ time something is actually to be set (such as a
+ character). If there is a vertical or horizontal
+ move pending, they will be set here, before continuing
+ on to the next set command (such as set character).
+@p procedure checkmoves;
+ tempbool :boolean;
+ if hmove_pending then begin
+ figuredir(horiz,hmove_amt);
+ hmove_amt := 0;
+ hmove_pending := false;
+ print_hmove := true;
+ end; {then..begin}
+ if vmove_pending then begin
+ figuredir(vert,vmove_amt);
+ tempbool := dumpin;
+ dumpin := false;
+ if doingpages=true
+ then begin
+ galley_length := galley_length + getpts(vmove_amt);
+ length_of_take := length_of_take + getpts(vmove_amt);
+ end;
+ dumpin := tempbool;
+ vmove_amt := 0;
+ vmove_pending := false;
+ end; {then..begin}
+ end; {checkmoves}
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!font8600 : 0..2550;
+@!ptsize : 0..255;
+@!different_setsize : boolean;
+@!setsize : 0..255;
+@ This procedure sets the page environment to be that of ``font"
+@p procedure establish_font_parameters(font :integer);
+ @<new font name@>
+ @<new font size@>
+ @<new set size@>
+end; {|establish_font_parameters|}
+@<new font name@>=
+ with a8600fontrec[fontenviron[font].fontindex]
+ do begin
+ if (fontno8600 <> font8600) and (fontno8600 <> 0)
+ then begin
+ writecommand(25,float(fontno8600));
+ font8600 := fontno8600;
+ end; {then..begin}
+ end; {WITH..begin}
+@<new font size@>=
+ if fontenviron[font].pointsize <> ptsize
+ then begin
+ ptsize := fontenviron[font].pointsize;
+ writecommand(7,float(ptsize));
+ end; {then..begin}
+@<new set size@>=
+ if different_setsize
+ then writecommand(8,float(setsize));
+@* ``Special'' Procedures.
+The next few procedures enable the 8600 to do ``special'' things
+like setting line footnotes, or slant type, or expanded type, etc.
+@<Global Constants@>=
+@! maxNote = 100;@/
+@ This procedure establishes the line number reference in
+|footnote_line_array| with the line number in which a line note was
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!foot_area_ref : 0..255;
+@!footnote_line_array : packed array[0..maxNote] of 0..255;
+@!foot_line_ref : 0..255;
+@!line_note_pending : boolean;
+@!line_ref_pend_seq : 0..255;
+@!counting_lines : boolean;
+@!number_of_lines : integer;
+@p procedure line_footnote_reference;
+ if not counting_lines then begin
+ incr(foot_area_ref);
+ line_note_pending := true;
+ line_ref_pend_seq := 1;
+ end
+ else begin
+ incr(foot_line_ref);
+ footnote_line_array[foot_line_ref] := number_of_lines + 1;
+ end;
+ end; {|line_footnote_reference|}
+@<Global Constants@>=
+@! linefont = 256;@/
+@! linenumfont = 76;@/
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@^system dependencies@>
+@!special : string(40);
+@!line_interval : 0..255;
+@!margin_note : boolean;
+@!numbering_lines : boolean;
+@!printing_numbers : boolean;
+@!pop_level : integer;
+@ This procedure reads and interprets all the \\special commands
+entered in the \TeX\ file. Its primary purpose is for reading the
+the instructions pertaining to linenotes.
+@p @^system dependencies@>
+procedure readspecials;
+ int : integer;
+ inx : integer;
+ temp : string(40);
+ temp2 : string(40);
+ temp3 : string(40);
+ temp4 : string(40);
+ @<read special command@>
+ if temp = 'EVEN_PAGE_MARGIN'
+ then begin
+ temp := (substr(temp2, 1, length(temp2)-2));
+ even_page_margin := decimal_value(temp);
+ end
+ else if temp = 'ODD_PAGE_MARGIN'
+ then begin
+ temp := (substr(temp2, 1, length(temp2)-2));
+ odd_page_margin := decimal_value(temp);
+ end
+ else if temp = 'LINE_NUMBER_FONT'
+ @<linenumber font@>
+ else if temp = 'POP_LEVEL'
+ then pop_level := whole_value(temp2)
+ else if temp = 'LINE_INTERVAL'
+ then line_interval := whole_value(temp2)
+ else if temp = 'NUMBERING_LINES'
+ then begin
+ @<boolean value@>
+ then numbering_lines := true
+ else numbering_lines := false;
+ end {then..begin}
+ else if temp = 'COUNTING_LINES'
+ then begin
+ @<boolean value@>
+ then counting_lines := true
+ else counting_lines := false;
+ end {then..begin}
+ else if (temp = 'MARGINNOTE')
+ then margin_note := true
+ else if temp = 'PRINTING_NUMBERS'
+ then begin
+ @<boolean value@>
+ then printing_numbers := true
+ else printing_numbers := false;
+ end {then..begin}
+ else if temp = 'LINE_FOOTNOTE_REFERENCE'
+ then line_footnote_reference;
+ end; {then..begin}
+ end; {ReadSpecials}
+@ This gives default values for even and odd page margins that
+will be reset if the user specified them in his file. It also reads
+the special command.
+@<read special command@>=
+ int := index(special, '=');
+ if int > 0
+ then begin
+ temp := trim(ltrim(substr(special, 1, int-1)));
+ temp2 := substr(special, int+1);
+@ If the special command is a Line Number Font, the command must
+be further broken down to find the point size, as well as the name.
+ @<linenumber font@>=
+ then begin
+ int := index(temp2, ' ');
+ if int > 0
+ then begin
+ @<point size given@>
+ end
+ else begin
+ @<no point size given@>
+ end;
+ fontname := allcaps(temp3);
+ readfontinfo(linefont,linenumfont);
+ end
+@ A point size is given and that size must be sent along with the
+name to the |readfontinfo| procedure.
+@<point size given...@>=
+ temp3 := trim(ltrim(substr(temp2, 1, int-1)));
+ temp4 := substr(temp2, int+1);
+ with fontenviron[linefont] do begin
+ inx := whole_value(temp4);
+ pointsize := inx;
+ designsize := inx;
+ end;
+@ No point size is given, so the default point size will be used
+@<no point size...@>=
+ temp3 := trim(ltrim(substr(temp2, 1, int-1)));
+ inx := 10;
+ with fontenviron[linefont] do begin
+ pointsize := inx;
+ designsize := inx;
+ end;
+@ The boolean value module is used when the response to the
+special command is true or false.
+@<boolean value@>=
+ temp2 := allcaps(ltrim(trim(temp2)));
+ if temp2 = 'TRUE'
+@ This procedure is used in conjunction with the 0 font and
+ handles the special functions codes like slant,
+ reverse type, set size, etc.
+@p procedure call_specials_routine(funcname :integer);
+ inx :integer;
+ num :integer;
+ if dumpin then writeln(dumpout,'Function [',funcname:3,'] ');
+ if funcname = 10
+ then counting_lines := true
+ else if funcname = 11
+ then counting_lines := false
+ else if funcname = 12
+ then printing_numbers := true
+ else if funcname = 13
+ then printing_numbers := false
+ else if funcname = 14
+ then line_footnote_reference;
+ if (funcname=14) or (funcname=13) or (funcname=12) or
+ (funcname=11) or (funcname=10) then return;
+ with stack[stacktop],
+ a8600fontrec[fontenviron[currfont].fontindex],
+ fontenviron[currfont] do begin
+ with a8600chars[funcname] do begin
+ for inx := 0 to num
+ do with comarray[inx]
+ do writecommand(comcode,float(argument));
+ end; {DO..begin}
+ end; {DO..begin}
+ end; {|call_specials_routine|}
+@* Set the characters procedures.
+The first procedure is called from the second one if a line
+number is to be printed.
+The second procedure actually sets an individual character.
+First it checks
+to make sure the character is a real one and not from the zero or
+specials' font, then
+it checks to see if a move needs to be made before the character is
+printed. It makes the move and then
+checks to see if a line number is to be printed; if it does, it prints
+the line number, if it doesn't it sets the character.
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!points : real;
+@!we_add_the_character_width : boolean;
+@ When \TeX\ formats the footnotes entered with a linenote reference
+command, it simply inserts two zeros for the linenumber. This procedure
+replaces those two zeros with the line number in which the linenote
+reference was called.
+@p procedure setline_footnote_ref(font :integer);
+ temp :integer;
+ inx :integer;
+ tempreal :real;
+ return_ps :boolean;
+ return_ss :boolean;
+@<determine correct line number@>
+@<print line number@>
+@<reset line number values@>
+end; {|setline_footnote_ref|}
+@<determine correct line number@>=
+ if line_ref_pend_seq = 1
+ then temp := footnote_line_array[foot_area_ref] div 10
+ else temp := footnote_line_array[foot_area_ref] mod 10;
+ with fontenviron[font], stack[stacktop] do
+ H := H + round(pointsize *
+ a8600fontrec[fontindex].a8600chars[48].charwidth
+ * SPsPerPt);
+ if (line_ref_pend_seq = 1) and (temp = 0) then begin
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ line_ref_pend_seq := 2;
+ return;
+ end;
+@<print line number@>=
+ with stack[stacktop], a8600fontrec[fontenviron[font].fontindex],
+ fontenviron[font] do begin
+ with a8600chars[48 + temp] do begin
+ @<set character commands@>
+ end; {WITH..begin}
+ end; {WITH..begin}
+@<reset line number values@>=
+ if line_ref_pend_seq = 1 then begin
+ line_ref_pend_seq := 2;
+ return; end
+ else begin
+ line_ref_pend_seq := 0;
+ line_note_pending := false;
+ return; end;
+ if line_note_pending
+ then begin
+ line_note_pending := false;
+ return;
+ end;
+@ The |setcharacter| procedure is the main procedure for setting
+any and all characters, except the |line_footnote| references.
+@p procedure setcharacter(character :integer;
+ font :integer);
+ inx :integer;
+ tempreal :real;
+ temppt :integer;
+ tempbool :boolean;
+ return_ps :boolean;
+ return_ss :boolean;
+ @<specials font or dumpin@>
+ checkmoves;
+ @<linenote-footnote@>
+ @<debug info@>
+ @<begin character@>
+ end; {setcharacter}
+@<specials font or dumpin@>=
+if font8600 = 0 then begin
+ call_specials_routine(character);
+ return;
+ end; {then..begin}
+if dumpin and (hmove_pending or vmove_pending)
+ then tempbool := true
+ else tempbool := false;
+ if line_note_pending and (character = 48)
+ then begin
+ setline_footnote_ref(font);
+ return;
+ end;
+@<debug info@>=
+ if dumpin and tempbool then writeln(dumpout);
+ if dumpin
+ then if (character >= 32) and (character < 127)
+ then write(dumpout,chrx[character])
+ else write(dumpout,'?<',character:3,'>');
+@<begin character@>=
+ return_ps := false;
+ return_ss := false;
+ with stack[stacktop], a8600fontrec[fontenviron[font].fontindex],
+ fontenviron[font] do begin
+ with a8600chars[character] do begin
+ if different_setsize
+ then temppt := trunc(float(setsize) /
+ 100.0 * pointsize)
+ else temppt := pointsize;
+ if we_add_the_character_width
+ then H := H + round(temppt * charwidth * SPsPerPt);
+ @<set character commands@>
+ end; {WITH..begin}
+ end; {WITH..begin}
+@<set character commands@>=
+for inx := 0 to num do
+ with comarray[inx] do
+ if (comcode = 25) and (argument = -1)
+ then writecommand(25,fontno8600)
+ {Some commands need to be scaled by
+ the set size factor}
+ else if (comcode=9) or (comcode=10) or
+ (comcode = 27) or (comcode = 28)
+ then begin
+ points := float(pointsize) *
+ SPsPerPt * real_argument;
+ writecommand(comcode,points);
+ end {then..begin}
+ else if (comcode = 12) or (comcode = 13)
+ then begin
+ points :=float(pointsize) * real_argument;
+ writecommand(comcode,points);
+ end {then..begin}
+ else if comcode = 14
+ then begin
+ tempreal := SPsPerPt * (getpts(H) +
+ (real_argument * pointsize));
+ if we_add_the_character_width
+ then tempreal := tempreal -
+ round(pointsize*charwidth*SPsPerPt);
+ writecommand(14,tempreal);
+ end
+ else if comcode = 7
+ then begin
+ writecommand(7,pointsize+float(argument));
+ return_ps := true;
+ end
+ else if comcode = 8
+ then begin
+ writecommand(8,designsize+float(argument));
+ return_ss := true;
+ end
+ else writecommand(comcode,float(argument));
+ if return_ss then writecommand(8,designsize);
+ if return_ps then writecommand(7,pointsize);
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!size : integer;
+@ This next procedure sets the line number if that option is used.
+It will print the line number according to
+|odd_page_margin| or |even_page_margin|. The number will
+ be set in the |line_number_font|. The line numbers
+ will print every five lines by default or according to
+|line_interval|, and begin at 1 on each page.
+@p procedure print_line_number;
+ j :integer;
+ incr(number_of_lines);
+ if not printing_numbers then return;
+ if (number_of_lines <> ((number_of_lines div
+ line_interval) * line_interval))
+ then return; {If this is not a line number divisible by
+ |line_interval|}
+ size := headernum div 2;
+ size := size * 2;
+ if even_page_margin = 0 then
+ even_page_margin := 50.8;
+ if odd_page_margin = 0 then
+ odd_page_margin := 407.7;
+ if size = headernum
+ then writecommand(11,even_page_margin*SPsPerPt) {H position}
+ else writecommand(11,odd_page_margin*SPsPerPt); {H position}
+ establish_font_parameters(linefont);
+ size := number_of_lines;
+ if dumpin then begin
+ writeln;
+ write(dumpout,'*** set line number ');
+ end;
+ we_add_the_character_width := false;
+ if size >= 10
+ then begin
+ j := size div 10;
+ setcharacter(j+48,linefont); {set 1st digit}
+ size := size -(j * 10);
+ end
+ else with
+ do {set nothing, but move the width of a "0"}
+ writecommand(27, fontenviron[linefont].pointsize *
+ charwidth * SPsPerPt);
+ setcharacter(size+48,linefont); {+48 for ASCII code}
+ we_add_the_character_width := true;
+ if dumpin then writeln(dumpout);
+ establish_font_parameters(currfont); {return to active font}
+ end; {|print_line_number|}
+@* Initialization procedures.
+These next few procedures, get the whole thing started by assigning
+values to all necessary items.
+@<Global Constants@>=
+@! version = 2;@/
+@! level = 7;@/
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!takenum : integer;
+@!currpage : integer;
+@!prevpage : integer;
+@p @^system dependencies@>
+procedure initialize8600;
+ @<page-setting values@>
+ @<setting output/input values@>
+ @<line-numbering font values@>@/
+ @<page and font values@>
+ @<line numbering values@>
+ @<miscellaneous values@>
+ end; {initialize8600}
+ @<page-setting values@>=
+ firstpg := -99999;
+ totalpg := 99999;
+ doingpages := false;
+ @<setting output/input values@>=
+ termout(output);
+ readparms;
+ reset(input,'NAME=' ccat filename ccat '.' ccat filetype ccat '.*');
+ writeln('******* tex8600 Version ',version:2,' Level ',
+ level:3,' *******');
+ rewrite(setfile,'LRECL=1029,RECFM=F,NAME=' ccat filename ccat
+ @<line-numbering font values@>=
+ with fontenviron[-1] do begin
+ pointsize := 10;
+ designsize := 1;
+ fontindex := 0;
+ end; {WITH..begin}
+@<page and font values@>=
+ currfont := -1;
+ currpage := 0;
+ prevpage := -99999;
+ ptsize := 0;
+ setsize := 100;
+@<line numbering values@>=
+ counting_lines := false;
+ margin_note := false;
+ numbering_lines := false;
+ printing_numbers := false;
+ line_note_pending := false;
+ line_ref_pend_seq := 0;
+ even_page_margin := 0.0;
+ odd_page_margin := 0.0;
+ line_interval := 5;
+ pop_level := 3;
+ bufferlen := 0;
+@<miscellaneous values@>=
+ takenum := -1;
+ num_of_pages := 0;
+ length_of_take := 0;
+ dumpin := false;
+@ This procedure initializes values that pertain to the overall run.
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!last_command : 0..255;
+@!outputpending : boolean;
+@!page_counter : integer;
+@!second_to_last_cmnd : 0..255;
+@p procedure init_run;
+ initialize8600;
+ @<debugging statements@>
+ count := 0;
+ fileend := false;
+ galley_length := 0;
+ hmove_amt := 0;
+ hmove_pending := false;
+ last_command := 0;
+ outputpending := false;
+ page_counter := 0;
+ postam_found := false;
+ put_width := 0.0;
+ print_hmove := true;
+ second_to_last_cmnd := 0;
+ stacktop := 1; {initialize stack}
+ vmove_amt := 0;
+ vmove_pending := false;
+ we_add_the_character_width := true;
+ @<initialize job's main record--stack@>
+ end; {|init_run|}
+ @<debugging statements@>=
+ if dumpin then begin
+ writeln(dumpout);
+ writeln(dumpout);
+ writeln(dumpout,'********************************************');
+ writeln(dumpout,'byte:code meaning');
+ writeln(dumpout);
+ end;
+@<initialize job's main record--stack@>=
+ with stack[stacktop] do begin
+ H := 0;
+ V := 0;
+ W := 0;
+ X := 0;
+ Y := 0;
+ Z := 0;
+ end; {WITH loop}
+@* Rule-setting Procedures.
+The |setrule| procedure is called when the horizontal position
+is to be advanced. |putrule| is called when the horizontal position
+is not to be advanced.
+@ This procedure sets a rule.
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!ruleht : integer;
+@!rulewidth : integer;
+@!height : real;
+@!fudge : real;
+@p procedure drawrule;
+ checkmoves;
+ points := getpts(ruleht);
+ height := points * SPsPerPt;
+ if points <> 0 then begin
+ writecommand(13,points);
+ points := getpts(rulewidth);
+ writecommand(12,points);
+ if points <> 0 then begin
+ writecommand(10,height); {Move back the rule height}
+ writecommand(14,stack[stacktop].H); {set it}
+ writecommand(9,height); {move down after setting}
+ writecommand(11,stack[stacktop].H); {set it}
+ end; {then...begin}
+ end;{then..begin}
+@ Rule and increase the value of H (horizontal position).
+@p procedure setrule;
+ drawrule;
+ hmove_amt := rulewidth;
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ stack[stacktop].H := stack[stacktop].H + rulewidth;
+end; {setrule}
+@ Rule and do not increase the value of H (horizontal position).
+@p procedure putrule;
+ drawrule;
+end; {putrule}
+@* Page procedures.
+The |doendofpage| procedure is called at the end of each page and the
+|dobeginningofpage| procedure at the beginning of each page.
+@ This procedure is entirely for the user's information. It prints
+out to the terminal the number of pages set in the job. If there are
+are more than 8 page numbers a carriage return is thrown.
+@p procedure doendofpage;
+ incr(page_counter);
+ if page_counter >= 8 then begin
+ writeln;
+ page_counter := 0;
+ end;
+ if doingpages=true
+ then begin
+ decr(totalpg);
+ if totalpg = 0
+ then begin
+ writeln('<',currpage:1,'> ');
+ return;
+ end {then..begin}
+ else write('<',currpage:1,'> ');
+ end;
+ end;
+@ This procedure does all of the 8600 initialization
+ for the start of each new page.
+@<Global Constants@>=
+@! indent=' ';@/
+@! nullstring = '00000000000000000000'xc;@/
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!int : integer;
+@!newtake : boolean;
+@p procedure dobeginningofpage;
+inx :integer;
+ @<general initializations@>
+ @<read first page number@>
+ @<determine if current page is to be set@>
+ @<read counters@>
+ if doingpages=true
+ then begin
+ if (currpage = firstpg) or (int = -1)
+ or (length_of_take >= 5184)
+ then begin
+ @<first page or 6 feet in film canister@>
+ end {then..begin}
+ else begin
+ @<any other page@>
+ end; {ELSE..begin}
+ with fontenviron[currfont] do begin
+ if int = -1 then begin
+ @<first page font environment@>
+ end
+ else begin
+ @<all other pages font environment@>
+ @<print end of page rule@>
+ end; {ELSE..begin}
+ end;{WITH..begin}
+ incr(num_of_pages);
+ end; {then..begin}
+end; {DoBeginningOfPage}
+@<general initializations@>=
+ foot_line_ref := 0;
+ foot_area_ref := 0;
+ number_of_lines := 0;
+ newtake := false;
+ with stack[stacktop] do begin
+ H := 4718592;
+ V := 0; {start 1" over and 1" down}
+vmove_amt := 4718592;
+vmove_pending := true;
+hmove_pending := true;
+ end; {WITH ... do begin}
+@<read first page number@>=
+ int := readinteger(4);
+ if dumpin then writeln(dumpout,'BOP -- Beginning Of Page ',int);
+ headernum := int;
+ prevpage := currpage;
+ currpage := int;
+@<determine if current...@>=
+if (firstpg = -99999)
+ then
+ doingpages := true;
+if not doingpages
+ if ((firstpg >= 0) and (firstpg <= currpage))
+ or ((firstpg < 0) and (firstpg >= currpage))
+ then
+ doingpages := true;
+if (totalpg < 1)
+ then
+ doingpages := false;
+@<read counters@>=
+ for inx := 1 to 9 do begin
+ int := readinteger(4);
+ if dumpin then writeln(dumpout,'Counter ',inx:1,' = ',int);
+ end; {FOR ... do begin}
+ int := readinteger(4);
+ if dumpin
+ then writeln(dumpout,indent,'previous page pointer = ',int);
+@<first page or 6 feet in film canister@>=
+ incr(takenum);
+ length_of_take := 0;
+ if (int = -1) or (currpage = firstpg) {On first page}
+ then writeheader
+ else begin
+ inx := headernum;
+ headernum := 88888;
+ repeat {pad end of record with hex FF}
+ write8600rec(allzeros);
+ until bufferlen <= 5;
+ headernum := inx;
+ writecommand(1,0.0); {End of Take}
+ repeat {pad record with '00'xc}
+ write8600rec(allzeros);
+ until bufferlen <= 5;
+ end;
+ write8600rec(nullstring); {10 hex zeros}
+ writecommand(0,takenum); {Start of Take}
+ newtake := true;
+@<any other page@>=
+ repeat {pad end of record with hex FF}
+ write8600rec(allzeros);
+ until bufferlen <= 5;
+@<first page font environment@>=
+ different_setsize := false;
+ in_slant_mode := false;
+ in_reverse_type := false;
+@<all other pages font environment@>=
+ writecommand(25,font8600);
+ writecommand(7,pointsize);
+ if different_setsize
+ then writecommand(8,float(setsize));
+ if in_slant_mode
+ then writecommand(15,48);
+ if in_reverse_type
+ then writecommand(3,1);
+@<print end of page rule@>=
+ writecommand(11,0); {Move to left col.}
+ writecommand(9,12.0*SPsPerPt); {VMF 12 pts}
+ writecommand(12,30.0); {set width of rule}
+ writecommand(13,1.5); {set depth of rule}
+ writecommand(14,0); {page separator}
+ writecommand(11,0); {quad left}
+ writecommand(9,12.0*SPsPerPt); {VMF 12 pts}
+ galley_length := galley_length + 24;
+@<Global Variables@>=
+@!tempstack : stackrec;
+@!inx : integer;
+@!temp : integer;
+@!temp2 : integer;
+@!put_width : real;
+@!realtemp : real;
+@p begin {MAIN}
+ {=== Initialize ===}
+ init_run;
+ while not postam_found do begin
+ savecount := count; {don't change it in readinteger}
+ byte := readinteger(1); {1-byte code}
+ if printing_numbers
+ then if ((byte > 128) and (byte < 218)) then begin
+ second_to_last_cmnd := last_command;
+ last_command := byte;
+ end; {then..begin}
+ if byte < 128 then begin {This is a character}
+ outputpending := true;
+ setcharacter(byte,currfont);
+ end {then..begin}
+ else if (byte>=250) and (byte<=255)
+ then error(6,fatal,byte)
+ else case byte of
+ 128: @<set horizontal character1@>@/
+ 129: @<set horizontal character2@>@/
+ 130: @<set horizontal character3@>@/
+ 131: @<set horizontal character4@>@/
+ 132: @<set a rule@>@/
+ 133: @<put horizontal character1@>@/
+ 134: @<put horizontal character2@>@/
+ 135: @<put horizontal character3@>@/
+ 136: @<put horizontal character4@>@/
+ 137: @<put a rule@>@/
+ 138: do_nothing; {NOP}
+ 139: dobeginningofpage;{BOP}
+ 140: doendofpage; {EOP}
+ 141: @<push@>@/
+ 142: @<pop@>@/
+ 143: @<right1 move@>@/
+ 144: @<right2 move@>@/
+ 145: @<right3 move@>@/
+ 146: @<right4 move@>@/
+ 147: @<``W'' horizontal move@>@/
+ 148..151: @<``W''1-4 horizontal move@>@/
+ 152: @<``X'' horizontal move@>@/
+ 153..156: @<``X''1-4 horizontal move@>@/
+ 157..160: @<down1@>@/
+ 161: @<``Y'' vertical move@>@/
+ 162..165:@<``Y''1-4 vertical move@>@/
+ 166: @<``Z'' vertical move@>@/
+ 167..170: @<``Z''1-4 vertical move@>@/
+ 171..234: @<set font@>@/
+ 235: @<font1 set@>@/
+ 236: @<font2 set@>@/
+ 237: @<font3 set@>@/
+ 238: @<font4 set@>@/
+ 239: @<nop1@>@/
+ 240: @<nop2@>@/
+ 241: @<nop3@>@/
+ 242: @<nop4@>@/
+ 243: @<font1 def $0<k<64$@>@/
+ 244: @<font2 def $0<k<65536$@>@/
+ 245: @<font3 def $0<k<2^{24}$@>@/
+ 246: @<font4 def $-2^{31}<k<2{30}$@>@/
+ 247: @<preamble@>@/
+ 248: readpostamble; {Post-amble}@/
+ 249: do_nothing; {Post-post-amble}
+ otherwise writeln('oops...forgot about ',byte:12);
+ end;{CASE}
+ end;{while}
+@<set horizontal character1@>=
+ begin
+ int := readinteger(1);
+ we_add_the_character_width := true;
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ setcharacter(int,currfont);
+ end;
+@<set horizontal character2@>=
+ int := readinteger(2);
+ we_add_the_character_width := true;
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ setcharacter(int,currfont);
+ end;
+ @<set horizontal character3@>=
+ begin
+ int := readinteger(3);
+ we_add_the_character_width := true;
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ setcharacter(int,currfont);
+ end;
+@<set horizontal character4@>=
+ int := readinteger(4);
+ we_add_the_character_width := true;
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ setcharacter(int,currfont);
+ end;
+@<set a rule@>=
+ ruleht := readinteger(4);
+ rulewidth := readinteger(4);
+ setrule;
+ end;
+@<put horizontal character1@>=
+ int := readinteger(1);
+ we_add_the_character_width := false;
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ setcharacter(int,currfont);
+ we_add_the_character_width := true;
+ end;
+@<put horizontal character2@>=
+ int := readinteger(2);
+ we_add_the_character_width := false;
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ setcharacter(int,currfont);
+ we_add_the_character_width := true;
+ end;
+@<put horizontal character3@>=
+ int := readinteger(3);
+ we_add_the_character_width := false;
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ setcharacter(int,currfont);
+ we_add_the_character_width := true;
+ end;
+@<put horizontal character4@>=
+begin {Put Horizontal Character}
+ int := readinteger(4);
+ we_add_the_character_width := false;
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ setcharacter(int,currfont);
+ we_add_the_character_width := true;
+ end;
+@<put a rule@>=
+ ruleht := readinteger(4);
+ rulewidth := readinteger(4);
+ realtemp := rulewidth / SPsPerPt / 72.27;
+ putrule;
+ end;
+ tempstack := stack[stacktop];
+ stacktop := stacktop + 1;
+ stack[stacktop] := tempstack;
+ with stack[stacktop] do begin
+ end; {WITH..begin}
+ end;
+ tempstack := stack[stacktop];
+ inx := stacktop;
+ stacktop := stacktop - 1;
+ with stack[stacktop] do begin
+ hmove_pending := false;
+ hmove_amt := 0;
+ print_hmove := true;
+ vmove_amt := vmove_amt + V - tempstack.V;
+ vmove_pending := true;
+ if margin_note and counting_lines
+ then margin_note := false
+ else if numbering_lines and counting_lines
+ and (inx = pop_level)
+ then print_line_number;
+ writecommand(11,H); {HPOS to left margin}
+ end; {WITH .. do begin}
+with tempstack do begin
+if put_width = 12.0 then
+ else if H / SPsPerPt > 554 then
+ put_width := 12.0;
+ end;
+ end; {POP}
+@<right1 move@>=
+ int := readinteger(1);
+ with stack[stacktop] do begin
+ hmove_amt := hmove_amt + int;
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ h := h + int;
+ end; {DO..begin}
+ end;
+@<right2 move@>=
+ int := readinteger(2);
+ with stack[stacktop] do begin
+ hmove_amt := hmove_amt + int;
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ h := h + int;
+ end; {DO..begin}
+ end;
+@<right3 move@>=
+ int := readinteger(3);
+ with stack[stacktop] do begin
+ hmove_amt := hmove_amt + int;
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ h := h + int;
+ end; {DO..begin}
+ end;
+@<right4 move@>=
+ int := readinteger(4);
+ with stack[stacktop] do begin
+ hmove_amt := hmove_amt + int;
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ h := h + int;
+ end; {DO..begin}
+ end;
+@<``W'' horizontal move@>=
+ with stack[stacktop] do begin
+ hmove_amt := hmove_amt + W;
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ H := H + W;
+ end; {WITH..begin}
+ end; {"W" amount change}
+@<``W''1-4 horizontal move@>=
+ begin
+ size := 4 + (byte - 151);
+ int := readinteger(size);
+ points := getpts(int);
+ hmove_amt := hmove_amt + int;
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ with stack[stacktop] do begin
+ W := int; {int is in scalepts}
+ H := H + W;
+ end; {WITH..begin}
+ end; {"W" change}
+@<``X'' horizontal move@>=
+ with stack[stacktop] do begin
+ hmove_amt := hmove_amt + X;
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ H := H + X;
+ end; {WITH..begin}
+ end; {"X" amount move}
+@<``X''1-4 horizontal move@>=
+ begin
+ size := 4 + (byte - 156);
+ int := readinteger(size);
+ points := getpts(int);
+ hmove_amt := hmove_amt + int;
+ hmove_pending := true;
+ with stack[stacktop] do begin
+ X := int; ; {saveamt.}
+ H := H + X; {record the move}
+ end; {WITH..begin}
+ end; {"X" amount change}
+ size := 4 + (byte - 160);
+ int := readinteger(size);
+ points := getpts(int);
+ with stack[stacktop] do begin
+ vmove_amt := vmove_amt + int;
+ vmove_pending := true;
+ V := V + int;
+ end; {WITH..begin}
+ end; {"Down" amount move}
+@<``Y'' vertical move@>=
+ with stack[stacktop] do begin
+ vmove_amt := vmove_amt + Y;
+ vmove_pending := true;
+ V := V + Y;
+ end; {WITH..begin}
+ end; {"Y" amount move}
+@<``Y''1-4 vertical move@>=
+ begin
+ size := 4 + (byte - 165);
+ int := readinteger(size);
+ points := getpts(int);
+ vmove_amt := vmove_amt + int;
+ vmove_pending := true;
+ with stack[stacktop] do begin
+ Y := int; {save amt.}
+ V := V + Y;
+ end; {WITH..DO begin}
+ end; {"Y" amount move}
+@<``Z'' vertical move@>=
+ with stack[stacktop] do begin
+ vmove_amt := vmove_amt + Z;
+ vmove_pending := true;
+ V := V + Z;
+ end; {WITH..begin}
+ end; {"Z" amount move}
+@<``Z''1-4 vertical move@>=
+ begin
+ size := 4 + (byte - 170);
+ int := readinteger(size);
+ points := getpts(int);
+ vmove_amt := vmove_amt + int;
+ vmove_pending := true;
+ with stack[stacktop] do begin
+ Z := int; {save amt.}
+ V := V + Z;
+ end; {WITH..begin}
+ end; {"Z" amount move}
+@<set font@>=
+ begin
+ currfont := byte - 171;
+ establish_font_parameters(currfont);
+ end;
+@<font1 set@>=
+ currfont := readinteger(1);
+ establish_font_parameters(currfont);
+ end;
+@<font2 set@>=
+ currfont := readinteger(2);
+ establish_font_parameters(currfont);
+ end;
+@<font3 set@>=
+ currfont := readinteger(3);
+{ |establish_font_parameters(currfont);|}
+ end;
+@<font4 set@>=
+ currfont := readinteger(4);
+ { |establish_font_parameters(currfont);|}
+ end;
+ int := readinteger(1);
+ special := '';
+ for inx := 1 to int do begin
+ temp := readinteger(1);
+ special := special ccat allcaps(str(chrx[temp]));
+ end; {DO..begin}
+ readspecials;
+ end;
+ int := readinteger(2);
+ special := '';
+ for inx := 1 to int do begin
+ temp := readinteger(1);
+ special := special ccat allcaps(str(chrx[temp]));
+ end; {DO..begin}
+ readspecials;
+ end;
+ int := readinteger(3);
+ special := '';
+ for inx := 1 to int do begin
+ temp := readinteger(1);
+ special := special ccat allcaps(str(chrx[temp]));
+ end; {DO..begin}
+ readspecials;
+ end;
+ int := readinteger(4);
+ special := '';
+ for inx := 1 to int do begin
+ temp := readinteger(1);
+ special := special ccat allcaps(str(chrx[temp]));
+ end; {DO..begin}
+ readspecials;
+ end;
+@<font1 def...@>=
+ currfont := readinteger(1);
+ fontinfo;
+ end;
+@<font2 def...@>=
+ currfont := readinteger(2);
+ fontinfo;
+ end;
+@<font3 def...@>=
+ currfont := readinteger(3);
+ fontinfo;
+@<font4 def...@>=
+ currfont := readinteger(4);
+ fontinfo;
+ end;
+ int := readinteger(1);
+ int := readinteger(4);
+ temp := readinteger(4);
+ temp2 := readinteger(4);
+ temp := readinteger(1);
+ for int := 1 to temp do
+ inx := readinteger(1);
+ end;
+@* INDEX.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/docs/readme.tex b/obsolete/macros/text1/docs/readme.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90677f14b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/docs/readme.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+% tb27textone.tex
+\input tugboat.sty
+\def\text#1{{\it\TeX T1}}
+\title * {\bi\TeX T1} Goes Public Domain *
+\author * Dean Guenther *
+\address * Computer Service Center \\
+ Washington State University \\
+ Computer Science Building \\
+ Pullman, WA 99164 *
+\netaddress[\network{Bitnet}] *GUENTHER@WSUVM1*
+\text1 is a macro package for use with \plain{} and has been
+available for purchase for several years. Beginning in January 1990,
+\text1\ went into the \TeX\ public domain collection of macros.
+In 1983, a decision was made at Washington State University
+to put time into creating a set of macros to be used with \TeX.
+This macro set was to provide many of the functions found in \LaTeX:
+multiple columns, table of contents, indexing\footnote{$^*$}{The
+three different index styles illustrated in Appendix A in
+\TUB~{\bf1}(1) can all be achieved with \text1's index.}, chapters, lists,
+boxes, margin notes, etc. Yet there were to be two important differences:
+\item The {\tt PLAIN.TEX} commands would be able to be used in
+\item Modifying the \text1\ formats would be considerably easier than
+modifying \LaTeX\ styles.
+The resulting set of macros met the above criteria. One important
+exception was that no attempt was made to give \text1\ a picture
+environment such as was in \LaTeX. The documentation you may
+purchase for \text1\
+consists of a 300 page Reference Manual and a 100 page Users Guide.
+\head * Changing the Formats *
+As an example of how easy it is to modify the \text1\ formats, if the
+user wants to increase the bottom margin from 6 to 7 picas, they
+can simply specify:
+Or if you wanted your running head to contain the chapter title
+left-justified and the page number right-justified on odd pages, and
+the chapter title right-justified and the page number left-justified
+on even pages, you could say:
+ \oddpages{\line{\lft{\chaptertitle}
+ \rt{\pagenumber}}}
+ \evenpages{\line{\lft{\pagenumber}
+ \rt{\chaptertitle}}}
+ }
+For one last example, it is often desirable to change the text embedded
+within macros. For example, by default if you say:
+you would get ``Chapter 1'' at the top of the next page in bold, with
+``Introduction'' centered below that. If you were using \text1\ in
+Germany, you would probably prefer ``Kapitel'' instead of
+``Chapter'', so you could change the chapter's format to say:
+ \titleformat{\newpage
+ \centerline{%
+ \bf Kapitel \chapternumber}
+ \centerline{\bf\chaptertitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}
+ }
+ \incontents{yes}}
+Then in your text you would specify the introduction (first
+chapter) as:
+\head * Additional Products *
+Other products that came out of this pro\-ject and are now going into
+the public domain are a typesetter driver for the Compugraphics 8600
+and additional fonts.
+\subhead * Typesetter Driver *
+The Compugraphics driver is written in \WEB. It has the ability to
+add line numbering to the DVI output as it is printed on the 8600.
+The program does include some Pascal statements unique to IBM's
+Pascal/VS, so a change file would be necessary for any operating
+system other than IBM's VM/CMS.
+\subhead * Additional Fonts *
+Extra fonts were created from the base Computer Modern. These were
+Computer Modern at 11, 12, 14, 18, 24 and 36 point sizes. I do not
+know yet if I can call these Computer Modern, but I have asked
+Professor Knuth for permission to do so.
+In addition to the larger Computer Modern fonts, we also created an
+International Phonetic Alphabet in 9, 10, 11 and 12 point sizes. The
+IPA font is illustrated at the end of this article.
+\head * How to get {\bi\text1} *
+You can get any of the above \text1\ products on diskette or by
+anonymous FTP. Also, I will be distributing \text1\ to the various
+site coordinators who can determine whether to place it on their
+To obtain \text1\ on diskette from Jon Radel, send a note to
+Jon Radel \\
+P.O. Box 2276 \\
+Reston, VA \\
+and ask for \text1 (4 disks). To cover postage and other expenses,
+if you are in North America, please enclose \$1.50/disk if you send
+blank disks or \$5.00/disk if you don't; if you are anywhere else in
+the world, enclose \$2.00/disk if you send blank disks or \$6.00/disk
+if you don't. $\mu$\TeX\ and \PCTeX\ use different directories, so
+specify which of these two you are using. If you are using neither of
+these, then just specify \PCTeX. You should also specify whether you
+want |pk| (3 disks) or |gf| (5 disks) font files for the additional fonts
+(these do not include the IPA fonts).
+You may also request \text1\ for a Macintosh from Jon (1 disk).
+It is set up to run with \TeXtures.
+To order the IPA fonts from Jon, request the WSU IPA font. This
+consists of two diskettes: 1)~the IPA source files and Users Guide,
+and 2)~|pk| or |gf| files.
+To get \text1\ by anonymous FTP, you can connect to
+Log on as
+|anonymous|, and change to the
+|/pub/tex/text1| directory. You will see ten subdirectories which you can GET
+files from:
+\item |BLOCKS|: this directory contains all of the default formats (or
+building ``blocks'' such as the |chapterformat|, |runningheadformat|, etc.)
+\item |CMS_HELP_FILES|: these are some of the help files used on the
+CMS system at WSU. Some sites have taken these files and used them in creating
+help files on a PC or on a \VAX.
+\item |COMPUGRAPHICS_8600|: this is the Compugraphics 8600 phototypesetter
+driver program, and its various utilities. Not very much documentation here,
+so venture further on your own.
+\item |FONTS|: This is the source for the additional Computer Modern
+fonts generated, such as 11, 14, 18, 24 and 36pt sizes.
+\item |MACINTOSH|: this contains the index sorting facility used with
+\text1. It is written for Turbo Pascal. (The executable binary can
+be obtained from Jon Radel if you do not have Turbo Pascal yourself.)
+\item |MACROS|: this contains the \text1 macros. The file |TEXT1.TEX| is used
+with Ini\TeX{} to create a new |fmt|.
+\item |MODELS|: contains various simple models such as letter, resume,
+etc. It also contains a model (|MERGETXT|) which can be used as a
+model for merge letters. For example, you could tell Dbase III to
+create an address list, merge it with a standard letter, and using
+the model print a
+copy for each person.
+\item |TEXIX|: the sorted index program used with \text1. Presently
+the only systems this is running on is CMS and Macintosh. |TEXIX| for
+\VAX{} and PC systems is in the works.
+\item |VAX_VMS|: when ready, this will have the sorted index for VMS
+\item |WSUIPA|: This contains the source for the International
+Phonetic Alphabet, as well as the |tfm| and |300pk| files.
+\head * {\bi\text1} Documentation *
+The documentation for \text1\ is not free. Pre\-sent\-ly, the
+documentation must be ordered through:
+\text1\ Distribution\\
+Computing Service Center \\
+Washington State University \\
+Pullman, WA. 99164-1220
+The cost is \$35 for the Reference Manual and \$25 for the Users
+Guide. (Add \$5 postage if outside of the U.S.) The manuals are not
+yet available through the \TeX\ Users Group, but I hope to have them
+there as soon as I find a publisher.
+If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email note on Bitnet
+at {\tt GUENTHER@WSUVM1} or to {\tt GUENTHER@WSUVM1.WSU.EDU} on
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/docs/ b/obsolete/macros/text1/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2631c303b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/docs/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/cmr36.dump b/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/cmr36.dump
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..502e15375f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/cmr36.dump
@@ -0,0 +1,902 @@
+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
+File ID (473,1,0) End of file block 41 / Allocated 42
+Virtual block number 1 (00000001), 512 (0200) bytes
+ 04008BDE E5990000 40027475 7074756F 20322E31 204B506F 74464711 59F70200 ..÷Y.GFtoPK 1.2 output.@...åÞ... 000000
+ D494E2D6 92E2D890 E2DA27CE 5DE2B267 FC685B64 86AD0A41 F680AE26 0400AE26 &®..&®.öA.­.d[hüg²â]Î'Úâ.Øâ.Öâ.Ô 000020
+ 48CA9347 BF4C69C4 3C59F4CD 9444CE93 43FF4C29 F44C1905 3D19148D F9D296E2 â.Òù...=..Lô)L.C.ÎD.ÍôY<ÄiL¿G.ÊH 000040
+ 49C39495 344C4959 C4939454 4C3949C5 9492653C 29497F4C 0959C893 90F4C994 .Éô..ÈY.L.I)<e..ÅI9LT..ÄYIL4..ÃI 000060
+ C43BC949 DF4BB949 BE939AF4 BF9499F4 4B8959C0 9398144C 7949C194 96253C69 i<%..ÁIyL...ÀY.Kô..¿ô..¾I¹KßIÉ;Ä 000080
+ 94A4453B 494A5F4B 295AB693 A2F4B794 A1843B09 4A9F4BF9 49BA939E F4BB949D ..»ô..ºIùK.J.;.¡.·ô¢.¶Z)K_JI;E¤. 0000A0
+ BF4AD94A AC93ACF4 AD94ABD4 4AA95AAE 93AAF44A 994AAF94 A8058B2B 2E6BFBB3 ³ûk.+..¨.¯J.Jôª.®Z©JÔ«.­ô¬.¬JÙJ¿ 0000C0
+ 94B5344A 495BA493 B4F4A594 B2653A29 4B7F4A19 4BA893B0 F4A994AF A43AE94A Jé:¤¯.©ô°.¨K.J.K):e².¥ô´.¤[IJ4µ. 0000E0
+ C9ABA3A2 E4909BAE 999796B3 949B94B5 919E93B6 F849696B A094B625 3A694BA3 £Ki:%¶..kiIø¶...µ...³...®..䢣«É 000100
+ C0DED010 00ED1DDD 3DED3D03 D532700D 03DA2DE0 9D0265FB 66515E4B 160A420D .B..K^Qfûe..à-Ú..p2Õ.=í=Ý.í..ÐÞÀ 000120
+ D018C0D7 8C017C0D 7D018CCD 17C0D96C 01ACCD15 C0DAD014 C0DBD013 C0DCD012 .ÐÜÀ.ÐÛÀ.ÐÚÀ.ͬ.lÙÀ.Í..}.|..×À.Ð 000140
+ 8D016CCD 19C0D5D0 19C05FCD 1AC0D4D0 1AC0E8D5 AC01FCD5 D019C06F CD19C0D6 ÖÀ.ÍoÀ.ÐÕü.¬ÕèÀ.ÐÔÀ.Í_À.ÐÕÀ.Íl.. 000160
+ DFFCCD10 C0DE2B01 CCCD13C0 DB4C01AC CD15C0D9 6C01FCD8 7C017CCD 18C06F0D .oÀ.Í|.|Øü.lÙÀ.ͬ.LÛÀ.ÍÌ.+ÞÀ.Íüß 000180
+ 6B01CCAD 15C0DD3B 01FCBD11 C01100DD CD143002 18F00115 20021200 CDCD11B0 °.ÍÍ... ..ð..0.ÍÝ..À.½ü.;ÝÀ.­Ì.k 0001A0
+ C02FCD1D C03FCD1C C04FCD1B C05FCD1A C0D69C01 7CBD19C0 D88B019C BD17C0DA ÚÀ.½...ØÀ.½|..ÖÀ.Í_À.ÍOÀ.Í?À.Í/À 0001C0
+ 1AC03F0D BD012C0D CD012C1E 0DDD012C 1ECD1EC0 D0D01EC0 E8D1EC01 FCD1D01D .ÐÑü.ìÑèÀ.ÐÐÀ.Í.,.Ý..,.Í.,.½.?À. 0001E0
+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
+File ID (473,1,0) End of file block 41 / Allocated 42
+Virtual block number 2 (00000002), 512 (0200) bytes
+ 3D1D01D0 D8D213C0 D8D115C0 D7D116C0 D6D117C0 D6D018C0 D5D019C0 0200D4D0 ÐÔ..À.ÐÕÀ.ÐÖÀ.ÑÖÀ.Ñ×À.ÑØÀ.ÒØÐ..= 000000
+ 2BB1A2BE 66F96851 60A7490A 43FE90B0 CD02D730 403D03D2 35007D03 4CDD3D7D }=ÝL.}.5Ò.=@0×.Í°.þC.I§`Qhùf¾¢±+ 000020
+ 57B2A3AB 96E63ADA 6AA0975A EA5AA309 8A0A4BA5 B8B2744A 4B3BAAB0 B6C3BA9A .ºÃ¶°ª;KJt²¸¥K...£ZêZ..jÚ:æ.«£²W 000040
+ 3A2A3A0C 4A3A1A1C 4A4AFA1B 5A9A51BC A2A629A5 2B7A8A54 B7A2A967 552BAA7A zª+Ug©¢·T.z+¥)¦¢¼Q.Z.úJJ..:J.:*: 000060
+ F5F71C6A E71C7A8F CCA1F8A9 1C9AA90C 0A0A8A1C 0A0A7A1C 1A1A5A1C 2A2A4A0C .J**.Z...z.......©..©ø¡Ì.z.çj.÷õ 000080
+ EADAA2AF 3D1A4FD5 A341D5A2 224ED4A3 52D3A223 5ED2A264 D1A264D1 A165D0A2 ¢Ðe¡Ñd¢Ñd¢Ò^#¢ÓR£ÔN"¢ÕA£ÕO.=¯¢Úê 0000A0
+ D1A26F24 1D6A242D 4A342D4A 442D3AE2 443D2A54 2DFADBA2 DBA3E2DB A2BF3D5A Z=¿¢Ûâ£Û¢Ûú-T*=Dâ:-DJ-4J-$j.$o¢Ñ 0000C0
+ 541C8A5A C6A1A784 1C5A4ACA A1A4B40C 3A4ACCA1 A2D41CFA A0F41CFA 49D0A147 G¡ÐIú.ô.ú.Ô¢¡ÌJ:.´¤¡ÊJZ..§¡ÆZ..T 0000E0
+ 6BAEA4BA 263B7A5B B6A2B585 2B3A5BBB A2B0E42B EA5ABFA2 AC251CBA 4AC4A0AA ª.ÄJº.%¬¢¿Zê+ä°¢»[:+.µ¢¶[z;&º¤®k 000100
+ 16900265 FB665966 E2E00A44 FAC8302B 7ABDFA1C AB5C6B9C 3B9CA1A8 BF985ACA ÊZ.¿¨¡.;.k\«.ú½z+0ÈúD.àâfYfûe... 000120
+ 6C012C01 D014C014 002D015C 01D11000 6D01D3DB D3154003 DD32F00D 0312D002 .Ð...ð2Ý.@.ÓÛÓ.m..Ñ.\.-..À.Ð.,.l 000140
+ 1FC0DAEB 01BCAD1E C0DCDA01 CCBD1CC0 DDBB01EC BD1AC0DF 9B010C01 7C011C01 ...|....ßÀ.½ì.»ÝÀ.½Ì.ÚÜÀ.­¼.ëÚÀ. 000160
+ C04FCD23 C0D53B02 FCD62B02 FCD72A02 7CBD21C0 D81A028C BD20C0D9 0A02ACAD ­¬..ÙÀ ½...ØÀ!½|.*×ü.+Öü.;ÕÀ#ÍOÀ 000180
+ 6C020C4D 0E6D022C EDD16C02 4C1E0D5D 022CCD25 C0E3D35B 023CCD24 C04FBD24 $½OÀ$Í<.[ÓãÀ%Í,.]..L.lÑí,.m.M..l 0001A0
+ BD22C05F BD23C04F CD23C0D4 4B02FCD3 4C023CBD 25C02FCD 25C0E2D1 D025C0D1 ÑÀ%ÐÑâÀ%Í/À%½<.LÓü.KÔÀ#ÍOÀ#½_À"½ 0001C0
+ BD1BC0DC CB01BCBD 1DC0DAEB 01ACAD1F C0D9FB01 8CBD20C0 7FBD21C0 D72A026C l.*×À!½.À ½..ûÙÀ.­¬.ëÚÀ.½¼.ËÜÀ.½ 0001E0
+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
+File ID (473,1,0) End of file block 41 / Allocated 42
+Virtual block number 3 (00000003), 512 (0200) bytes
+ D312100D 01D01200 3D012C01 5C011C01 6C010C01 8B01FCBD 19C00200 DEAB01DC Ü.«Þ..À.½ü.....l...\.,.=..Ð....Ó 000000
+ 03D703E3 65FB6651 5B00B109 45CAC860 01292001 2DF00D03 DD32B04D 03D9D4DB ÛÔÙ.M°2Ý..ð-. ).`ÈÊE.±.[Qfûeã.×. 000020
+ 7D1FC0D6 E701FCD6 D8016C9D 1CC0D6AB 016C0D8D 016C2D6D 01D0D5D7 10303DED í=0.×ÕÐ.m-l...l.«ÖÀ..l.ØÖü.çÖÀ.} 000040
+ D3744DDC 3C4E4DD6 C4CDD434 024C4E5D 22C0E2D5 2402FCD5 1502FCD5 06022C5E ^,..Õü..Õü.$ÕâÀ"]NL.4ÔÍÄÖMN<ÜMtÓ 000060
+ CD1BC0D4 BC011C40 BE014CCD 1B90D7BC 0188CD1B 60DAFC1B 50DB2CBE 01C4CDE3 ãÍÄ.¾,ÛP.üÚ`.Í..¼×..ÍL.¾@..¼ÔÀ.Í 000080
+ 26C0E4D1 944DDC0C 4DDAC4CD E31B40DC 3CBE01B5 CDE21B60 DAFC1B80 D8BC0179 y.¼Ø..üÚ`.â͵.¾<Ü@.ãÍÄÚM.ÜM.ÑäÀ& 0000A0
+ 013C8D20 C03F7D21 C0D32602 FCD33502 2C2E5D24 C0E3D254 022C1E5D 25C01F4D M.À%].,.TÒãÀ$].,.5Óü.&ÓÀ!}?À .<. 0000C0
+ 8B98F503 E3040494 0D01D3D1 D416003D 1D9D014C CD1BC0D4 CB014C9D 1EC0D4F8 øÔÀ..L.ËÔÀ.ÍL...=..ÔÑÓ.....ã.õ.. 0000E0
+ C92B6A1A AA2B6A2A 9A2B6A5A 6A3B5A9A 1A6B3AEA 4DDDE365 FB664B57 B44B0946 F.K´WKfûeãÝMê:k..Z;jZj+.*j+ª.j+É 000100
+ A4252C2A 5E4AC2A2 5F5AC1A2 E2A5062C FAA5F72B 6A6ABFA2 A6E72B6A 8ABDA2A6 ¦¢½.j+禢¿jj+÷¥ú,.¥â¢ÁZ_¢ÂJ^*,%¤ 000120
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+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
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+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
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+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
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+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
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+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
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+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
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+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
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+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
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+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
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+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
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+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
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+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
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+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
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+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
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+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
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+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
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+ F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 öööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööö 0001C0
+ F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 öööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööö 0001E0
+Dump of file DISK11:[ANONYMOUS.TEXT1.FONTS]CMR36.300PK;1 on 27-MAR-1991 10:21:13.78
+File ID (473,1,0) End of file block 41 / Allocated 42
+Virtual block number 41 (00000029), 512 (0200) bytes
+ F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 öööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööö 000000
+ F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 öööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööö 000020
+ 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000FFFF F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 F6F6F6F6 öööööööööööööööö................ 000040
+ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................................ 000060
+ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................................ 000080
+ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................................ 0000A0
+ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................................ 0000C0
+ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................................ 0000E0
+ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................................ 000100
+ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................................ 000120
+ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................................ 000140
+ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................................ 000160
+ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................................ 000180
+ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................................ 0001A0
+ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................................ 0001C0
+ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................................ 0001E0
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/dt.240pk b/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/dt.240pk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9bafe234a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/dt.240pk
Binary files differ
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/dt.300pk b/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/dt.300pk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..137d069175
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/dt.300pk
Binary files differ
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/ b/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54722d595d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+% halftone font with 65 levels of gray, characters "0" (white) to "p" (black)
+pair p[]; % the pixels in order (first p0 becomes black, then p1, etc.)
+pair d[]; d[0]=(0,0); d[1]=(1,1); d[2]=(0,1); d[3]=(1,0); % dither control
+def wrap(expr z)=(xpart z mod 8,ypart z mod 8) enddef;
+for i=0 upto 3: for j=0 upto 3: for k=0 upto 3:
+ p[16i+4j+k]=wrap(4d[k]+2d[j]+d[i]+(2,2)); endfor endfor endfor
+w#:=8/pt; % that's 8 pixels
+font_quad:=w#; designsize:=8w#;
+picture prevchar; prevchar=nullpicture; % pixels blackened so far
+for i=0 upto 64:
+ beginchar(i+ASCII"0",w#,w#,0); currentpicture:=prevchar;
+ if i>0: addto currentpicture also unitpixel shifted p[i-1]; fi
+ prevchar:=currentpicture; endchar;
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/dt.readme b/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/dt.readme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef9efd8f5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/dt.readme
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+DT is a font suggested by Don Knuth and illustrated in TUGboat V8N2. It contains
+65 levels of gray from white to black.
+To create a new version of font dt, you must run MF on the file If,
+for example, you want a different resolution than 300dpi, you could copy to, modify the pixels_per_inch to reflect 240dpi, and then
+run MF on dt240. When done, rename the 240gf and tfm files to be dt instead of
+dt240 (or waits).
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/dt.tfm b/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/dt.tfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4179f63cc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/dt.tfm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/ b/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27521240d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+% halftone font dithered
+font_coding_scheme:="TEX TEXT";
+if (pixels_per_inch<>240) or (mag<>1):
+ errmessage "Sorry, this font is only for resolution 240";
+ errmessage "Abort the run now or you'll clobber the TFM file";
+ forever: endfor
+else: input dt fi
+if fontmaking>0: font_family font_identifier_;
+ coding_scheme font_coding_scheme_; fi
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/ b/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed44f467b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/fonts/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+% halftone font dithered
+font_coding_scheme:="TEX TEXT";
+if (pixels_per_inch<>300) or (mag<>1):
+ errmessage "Sorry, this font is only for resolution 300";
+ errmessage "Abort the run now or you'll clobber the TFM file";
+ forever: endfor
+else: input dt fi
+if fontmaking>0: font_family font_identifier_;
+ coding_scheme font_coding_scheme_; fi
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macintosh/texix.macinfo b/obsolete/macros/text1/macintosh/texix.macinfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2de62e24e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macintosh/texix.macinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+To create a new application on the Macintosh for the TEXT1 sorted index, you
+must TANGLE the TEXIX.WEB file (found in the directory TEXIX) with the
+TEXIX.TURBOMAC changes file. Then compile the program with Turbo Pascal on your
+Macintosh. It requires Turbo Pascal and Turbo Toolbox to compile.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macintosh/texix.turbomac b/obsolete/macros/text1/macintosh/texix.turbomac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e6ecaaa49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macintosh/texix.turbomac
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+% Version 1.0; Dean Guenther; 4/1/86
+% Version 1.1; Dean Guenther; 12/87
+% Version 1.2; Dean Guenther; 6/28/88
+These are the changes necessary to use TEXIX with Turbo mac pascal.
+@x line 6
+ \centerline{{\twelvept For IBM VM/CMS Pascal/VS}}
+ \centerline{{\twelvept For Macintosh Turbo Pascal}}
+@x line 68
+\def\PASCAL{{\sc PASCAL/VS}}
+\def\PASCAL{{\sc Macintosh Turbo Pascal}}
+@x line 87
+@ The @^TEXIX@>
+program is written entirely in WEB, except for an external
+procedure, {\it plsort}, which is written in @^PL/1@> PL/1.
+This was necessary since
+\PASCAL\ cannot call
+Syncsort @^SYNCSORT@>
+to do an internal sort, and PL/1 can.
+@ The @^TEXIX@>
+program is written entirely in WEB, except for an internal
+sort which uses the TURBO Pascal DataBase Toolbox sort.
+This was necessary since
+\PASCAL\ cannot itself do a sort.
+@x line 107
+segment texix;
+procedure texix(ix:char); external;
+procedure texix;
+program texix;
+@{$U Sort@}
+uses sane, MemTypes, QuickDraw, OSIntf, Sort, toolintf; @/
+@{It is required to convert all @@ into a shift-6 \^ {} before
+compiling this with turbo pascal@} @{ There is one exception,
+the line at the bottom that calls the Sort routine should retain
+the at signs.@}
+@x line 119
+@<Global Var...@>=
+@!ix_file :text;
+@<Global Var...@>=
+@!ix_file :text;
+@x line 123
+@ The {\it sort\_file} is used for the internal sort only. The \text1\ user
+never has access to it.
+@<Global Var...@>=
+@!sort_file :file of sort_type;
+@ The {\it sort\_file} used with Pascal/VS is not needed in \PASCAL.
+@x line 136
+@d dosubstr == substr
+@d doindex == index
+@d dosubstr == copy
+@d doindex == getindex
+@x line 142
+@d getout == return
+@d messages == sysprint
+@d getout == exit
+@d messages == output
+@x line 147
+@d max_field = 300
+@d max_levels = 3
+@d max_lrecl = 2048
+@d max_field = 255
+@d max_levels = 3
+@d max_lrecl = 255
+@x line 147
+in_record := dosubstr(in_record,1 + #)
+in_record := dosubstr(in_record,1 + #,length(in_record))
+@x line 160
+@d string_type(#) == string(#)
+@d string_type(#) == string[#]
+@x line 206
+@ This is arbitrary, but
+there should never be more than 8 indicies.
+@d s_file_number == '9'
+@ The variable {\it s\_file\_number} is not used in \PASCAL\ and
+is omitted here.
+@x line 253
+ ccat := x ccat_temp y;
+ ccat := concat(x,y);
+@x line 277
+@p procedure reset_file(file_number:char);
+if file_number = '9' then reset(sort_file,
+else reset(ix_file,
+@p procedure reset_file(file_number:char);
+if ioresult <> 0 then
+' -- Cannot find file ',ccat('TEXT1$$.IX',file_number));
+function getindex(x:string_pass;y:string_pass):integer;
+ getindex := pos(y,x);
+ end;
+function trim(object:string_pass):string_pass;
+var i:integer;
+ decr(i);
+ until (object[i] <> ' ') or (i=1);
+if (object[i] = ' ') and (i=1)
+then new_string:=''
+else new_string:=copy(object,1,i);
+@x line 292
+@p procedure file_rewrite(file_number:char);
+if file_number = '9'
+@p procedure file_rewrite(file_number:char);
+@x line 343
+@ @<Global Types@>=
+@ @<Global Types@>=
+@!CursorList = array[iBeamCursor..watchCursor] of CursHandle;
+@x line 444
+@ The {\it get\_numeric}
+function will take a packed array of length max\_pn\_alpha and convert
+that array (which is really the page number) into an integer.
+@p function get_numeric(x_string:string_type(max_pn_alpha)):integer;
+var @!i:integer;
+@ This function is needed to put the string to be converted by
+get\_numeric into the upper right portion of the string to be
+@p function shift_right(in_string:string_pass):decstr;
+var i,j:integer; temp:pn_alpha_type;
+ j:=0;
+ repeat incr(j); {find the first blank}
+ until (in_string[j] = ' ') or (in_string[j] = '') or
+ (j >= length(in_string));
+ for i:= 1 to sizeof(temp)-1 do temp[i]:=' ';
+ for i:=1 to j do temp[sizeof(temp)-j+i]:=in_string[i];
+ shift_right:=temp;
+ end;
+@ The {\it get\_numeric}
+function will take a packed array of length max\_pn\_alpha and convert
+that array (which is really the page number) into an integer.
+@p function get_numeric(x_string:string_pass):integer;
+var @!i:integer;
+@x line 459
+@p procedure strvalue(x:integer; var results:pass_pn_alpha);
+@p procedure strvalue(X:integer; var results:pass_pn_alpha);
+var temp:decstr;
+ y:extended;
+ f:decform;
+ i,qq:integer;
+ := fixeddecimal;
+ f.digits:=0;
+ y:=num2extended(x);
+ for i := 1 to decstrlen do temp[i] := ' ';
+ num2str(f,y,temp);
+ i:=1;
+ results:=temp;
+ end;
+@x line 470
+@p function strconv(x:pn_alpha_type):string_type(max_pn_alpha);
+var i:integer;
+temp:='';i := 1;
+with sort_record do begin
+if x[i] <> ' ' then
+temp := ccat(temp,str(x[i]));
+until (i > max_pn_alpha) or (x[i] = ' ');
+@p function strconv(x:pn_alpha_type):pass_pn_alpha;
+var i:integer;
+temp:='';i := 1;
+with sort_record do begin
+if x[i] <> ' ' then
+temp := ccat(temp,x[i]);
+until (i > max_pn_alpha) or (x[i] = ' ');
+@x line 626
+@ The {\it plsort} procedure is written in PL/1 to call the CMS sort program
+Syncsort. This was necessary since you cannot call Syncsort from PASCAL/VS.
+The fields to be sorted are defined internally in the {\it plsort}
+program. This should be the same as the three sort fields in {\it sort\_type}.
+@:plsort@> @^PL/1@>
+@p procedure plsort(var sort_rc:integer); fortran;
+@ The {\it LessRec} function is used by Turbo Pascal Database Toolbox's
+Sort routine. It returns true if record ``x'' is less than record ``y''.
+The record {\it sort\_type} is used for comparison.
+@p function LessRec(var x,y :sort_type):boolean;
+var Lower :boolean;
+begin Lower := (x.sort_part[1].field_level < y.sort_part[1].field_level);
+if not Lower then begin {x $\ge$ y}
+Lower := (x.sort_part[1].field_level = y.sort_part[1].field_level);
+if Lower then begin {x = y}
+Lower := (x.sort_part[2].field_level < y.sort_part[2].field_level);
+if not Lower then begin {x $\ge$ y}
+Lower := (x.sort_part[2].field_level = y.sort_part[2].field_level);
+if Lower then begin {x = y}
+Lower := (x.sort_part[3].field_level < y.sort_part[3].field_level);
+if not Lower then begin {x $\ge$ y}
+Lower := (x.sort_part[3].field_level = y.sort_part[3].field_level);
+if Lower then begin {x = y}
+Lower := (x.abs_page_number < y.abs_page_number);
+if not Lower then begin {x $\ge$ y}
+Lower := (x.abs_page_number = y.abs_page_number);
+if Lower then begin {x = y}
+Lower := (x.page_number < y.page_number);
+if not Lower then begin {x $\ge$ y}
+Lower := (x.page_number = y.page_number);
+if Lower then {x = y}
+Lower := (x.record_type < y.record_type);
+end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end;
+LessRec := Lower;
+@x line 643
+@ This function converts to all uppercase.
+Notice that this is an EBCIDIC conversion, not an ASCII conversion
+to uppercase.
+@p function upper_case(x:char):char;
+var temp:char;
+ if (ord(x)>=129)and(ord(x)<=169) then
+ temp:=chr(ord(x)+64)
+ else temp:=x;
+@ This function converts to all uppercase.
+Notice that this is an ASCII conversion, not an EBCDIC conversion
+to uppercase.
+@p function upper_case(x:char):char;
+var temp:char;
+ if ord(x) >= "a" then
+ temp:=chr(ord(x)-@'40)
+ else temp:=x;
+@x line 719
+@<Get Default Index Values@>
+writeln(messages,'Reading in the input now...');
+total_recs := 0;
+@<Get Default Index Values@>
+@x line 722
+@<Read Next Record@>@/
+@<Read Next Record@>@/
+@x line 728
+writeln(messages,'done reading the records. Starting to sort......');
+clock_time := tickcount;
+@x line 738
+if dosubstr(in_record,doindex(in_record,'=')+1) = 'no'
+if dosubstr(in_record,doindex(in_record,'=')+1,length(in_record))
+ = 'no'
+@x line 744
+if dosubstr(in_record,doindex(in_record,'=')+1) = 'no'
+if dosubstr(in_record,doindex(in_record,'=')+1,length(in_record))
+ = 'no'
+@x line 867
+@ Ok, the record has been processed, so write it to the output file.
+@<Write Sort Record@>=
+@ Ok, the record has been processed, so write it to the output file
+using the procedure defined to Turbo Pascal's Database Toolbox.
+@<Write Sort Record@>=
+@x line 890
+The page number for a blind entry will always be 999999999.
+@<Do Blind Entry@>=
+begin remove_characters(6);{Throw away the `\$\{\$\}be'}@/
+i := doindex(in_record,'{$}');
+remove_characters(3);{Throw away the `\{\$\}'}
+sort_record.page_number := 999999999;
+The page number for a blind entry will always be 9999.
+@<Do Blind Entry@>=
+begin remove_characters(6);{Throw away the `\$\{\$\}be'}@/
+i := doindex(in_record,'{$}');
+remove_characters(3);{Throw away the `\{\$\}'}
+sort_record.page_number := 9999;
+@x line 976
+str_blind_entry := ccat(str_blind_entry,str(field_level[i]));
+str_blind_entry := ccat(str_blind_entry,field_level[i]);
+@x line 996
+@ If the {\it page\_string[1]} is less than zero, its alphabetic and
+roman numeral processing is necessary.
+@<Do Sorted Non Blind Entry@>=
+with sort_record do begin
+if ord(page_string[1]) < ord('0')
+@ If the {\it page\_string[1]} is greater
+ than nine, its alphabetic and
+roman numeral processing is necessary.
+@<Do Sorted Non Blind Entry@>=
+with sort_record do begin
+if ord(page_string[1]) > ord('9')
+@x line 1103
+then curr_str_page:=dosubstr(curr_str_page,2)
+then curr_str_page:=dosubstr(curr_str_page,2,length(curr_str_page))
+@x line 1182
+str_build := dosubstr(str_build,i+1);
+@<Get the Current Print Type of this Page Number@>;@/
+if ord(curr_str_page[1]) < ord('0') {Then its alphabetic}
+str_build := dosubstr(str_build,i+1,length(str_build));
+@<Get the Current Print Type of this Page Number@>;@/
+if ord(curr_str_page[1]) > ord('9') {Then its alphabetic}
+@x line 1195
+str_build := dosubstr(str_build,i+1);
+str_build := dosubstr(str_build,i+1,length(str_build));
+@x line 1311
+while not eof(sort_file) do begin
+clock_time := tickcount - clock_time;write(^G);
+writeln(messages,'It took ',clock_time/60.0:1:4,' seconds to sort ',
+total_recs:6,' records.');
+writeln(messages,'Now building the file to be formated with TEXT1...');
+while not SortEOS do begin
+@x line 1524
+@* Main Program.
+Ok, here is the main program. First we initialize (all\_blanks); then
+set the ix\_file for input and the sort\_file for output; read all of the
+entries, processing each one; close the files; sort; read the sorted file
+in and build the entries, writing them back to the ix\_file to be read in
+by the index markup. WHEW!!
+begin @<Initialize Main@>@/
+file_rewrite(s_file_number); {Should always be file 9}@/
+@<Sort the Index@>@/
+@* Main Program.
+Ok, here is the main program. First we initialize (all\_blanks); then
+prompt to determine which index to use (1, 2, or 3).
+Next call Turbo Pascal's sort routine. And thats it.
+ WHEW!!
+begin @<Initialize Main@>@/
+write('Which index are you processing (1, 2, or 3)? ');@/
+if (ix <> '1') and (ix <> '2') and (ix <> '3') then begin
+'You can only process indexes 1, 2, or 3. Start again.');
+halt; end;
+writeln(messages,'Loading the sort routine....');
+for m := iBeamCursor to watchCursor do begin
+curslist[m] := getcursor(m);
+@<Sort the Index@>@/
+close(ix_file); {ix_file now has the index to be run through \TeX}
+write(messages,'Press any key to continue ');readln;
+@x line 1548
+@ As mentioned earlier, {\it plsort} is an external PL/1 subroutine
+which is used to call Syncsort to sort the file.
+The sort fields are as follows:
+@ As mentioned earlier, {\it TurboSort} is a Turbo Toolbox Database
+ subroutine
+which is used to sort the index file.
+The sort fields are as follows:
+@x line 1562
+@x line 1564
+@ @<Sort the Index@>=
+if sort_rc = 0
+ then writeln(messages,'Index Successfully Completed')
+ else writeln(messages,'Index Failed');
+@ @<Sort the Index@>=
+sort_rc := TurboSort(sizeof(sort_type),@@read_all_entries,
+@@LessRec, @@build_sorted_index);
+if sort_rc = 0
+ then writeln(messages,'Index Successfully Completed')
+ else writeln(messages,'Index Failed');
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macintosh/texix_macintosh.readme b/obsolete/macros/text1/macintosh/texix_macintosh.readme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..255c6f6d19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macintosh/texix_macintosh.readme
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+You may unbinhex the file TEXT1_INDEX_SORT.BIN and run that application on a
+Macintosh (at least up to system 7).
+To create a new application on the Macintosh for the TEXT1 sorted index, you
+must TANGLE the TEXIX.WEB file (found in the directory TEXIX) with the
+TEXIX.TURBOMAC changes file. Then compile the program with Turbo Pascal on your
+Macintosh. It requires Turbo Pascal and Turbo Toolbox to compile.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macintosh/text1_index_sort.bin b/obsolete/macros/text1/macintosh/text1_index_sort.bin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f15a1e7624
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macintosh/text1_index_sort.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cgfonts.lclist b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cgfonts.lclist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6558013c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cgfonts.lclist
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm10.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm10.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa431de13e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm10.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsx\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsx\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsx\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsx\endcsname=12pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\tenrm \textfont1=\teni
+ \textfont2=\tensy \textfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\itfam=\tenit
+ \textfont\ttfam=\tentt \textfont\bffam=\tenbf
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cmXcc
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsx\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm108m.texmath b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm108m.texmath
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2410c5b3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm108m.texmath
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\font\cmVIIIrm=cmr8 \font\cmVIIImi=cmmi8
+\font\cmVIIIsy=cmsy8 \font\cmVIIIex=cmex10
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\tenrm \scriptfont1=\teni
+ \scriptfont2=\tensy \scriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\tenbf
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\cmVIIIrm \scriptscriptfont1=\cmVIIImi
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\cmVIIIsy \scriptscriptfont3=\cmVIIIex
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\cmVIIIbd}%
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm109m.texmath
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\font\cmIXrm=cmr9 \font\cmIXmi=cmmi9
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+\font\cmXIrm=cmr11 \font\cmXIit=cmti11
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+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxi\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxi\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxi\endcsname=13pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXIrm \textfont1=\cmXImi
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+ \textfont\ttfam=\cmXItt \textfont\bffam=\cmXIbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cmXIcc
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CM11. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmXIbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxi\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm1110m.texmath b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm1110m.texmath
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
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+ \scriptfont\bffam=\cmXIbd
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+\font\cmXIItt=cmtt12 \font\cmXIIsy=cmsy12
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+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxii\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxii\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxii\endcsname=14pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXIIrm \textfont1=\cmXIImi
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+ \textfont\ttfam=\cmXIItt \textfont\bffam=\cmXIIbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cmXIIcc
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm1210m.texmath
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm1211m.texmath
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm14.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
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+\font\cmXIVtt=cmtt14 \font\cmXIVsy=cmsy14
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+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiv\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiv\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiv\endcsname=16pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXIVrm \textfont1=\cmXIVmi
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+ \textfont\ccfam=\cmXIVcc
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiv\noexpand\endcsname}}%
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm1412m.texmath
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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+\font\cmXIIrm=cmr12 \font\cmXIImi=cmmi12
+\font\cmXIIsy=cmsy12 \font\cmXIIex=cmex12
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm18.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
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+\font\cmXVIIIrm=cmr18 \font\cmXVIIIit=cmti18
+\font\cmXVIIIbd=cmbx18 \font\cmXVIIImi=cmmi18
+\font\cmXVIIItt=cmtt18 \font\cmXVIIIsy=cmsy18
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+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviii\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviii\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviii\endcsname=20pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXVIIIrm \textfont1=\cmXVIIImi
+ \textfont2=\cmXVIIIsy \textfont3=\cmXVIIIex
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+ \textfont\ttfam=\cmXVIIItt \textfont\bffam=\cmXVIIIbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cmXVIIIcc
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviii\noexpand\endcsname}}%
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3c34b0f02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm1814m.texmath
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+\font\cmXVIIIsy=cmsy18 \font\cmXVIIIex=cmex18
+\font\cmXIVrm=cmr14 \font\cmXIVmi=cmmi14
+\font\cmXIVsy=cmsy14 \font\cmXIVex=cmex14
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\cmXVIIIrm \scriptfont1=\cmXVIIImi
+ \scriptfont2=\cmXVIIIsy \scriptfont3=\cmXVIIIex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\cmXVIIIbd
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\cmXIVrm \scriptscriptfont1=\cmXIVmi
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\cmXIVsy \scriptscriptfont3=\cmXIVex
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\cmXIVbd}%
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83dc4387be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm24.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\font\cmXXIVcc=cmcsc24 \font\cmXXIVex=cmex24
+\font\cmXXIVrm=cmr24 \font\cmXXIVit=cmti24
+\font\cmXXIVbd=cmbx24 \font\cmXXIVmi=cmmi24
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxiv\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxiv\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxiv\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxiv\endcsname=26pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXXIVrm \textfont1=\cmXXIVmi
+ \textfont2=\cmXXIVsy \textfont3=\cmXXIVex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXXIVit
+ \textfont\ttfam=\cmXXIVtt \textfont\bffam=\cmXXIVbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cmXXIVcc
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxiv\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm2418m.texmath b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm2418m.texmath
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm2418m.texmath
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+\font\cmXXIVsy=cmsy24 \font\cmXXIVex=cmex24
+\font\cmXVIIIrm=cmr18 \font\cmXVIIImi=cmmi18
+\font\cmXVIIIsy=cmsy18 \font\cmXVIIIex=cmex18
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\cmXXIVrm \scriptfont1=\cmXXIVmi
+ \scriptfont2=\cmXXIVsy \scriptfont3=\cmXXIVex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\cmXXIVbd
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm36.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\font\cmXXXVIrm=cmr36 \font\cmXXXVIit=cmti36
+\font\cmXXXVIbd=cmbx36 \font\cmXXXVImi=cmmi36
+\font\cmXXXVItt=cmtt36 \font\cmXXXVIsy=cmsy36
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxxvi\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxxvi\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxxvi\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxxvi\endcsname=38pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXXXVIrm \textfont1=\cmXXXVImi
+ \textfont2=\cmXXXVIsy \textfont3=\cmXXXVIex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXXXVIit
+ \textfont\ttfam=\cmXXXVItt \textfont\bffam=\cmXXXVIbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cmXXXVIcc
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxxvi\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm5.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm5.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3cdb0205e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm5.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsv\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsv\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsv\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsv\endcsname=8pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\fiverm\textfont1=\fivei
+ \textfont2=\fivesy\textfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\bffam=\fivebf
+\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold font in CM5. Will print bold extended font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\Vbderrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No italic font in CM5. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\Viterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CM5. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\Vtterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CM5. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\Vbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CM5. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\Vccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsv\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm6.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm6.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a3a735d8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm6.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+\font\cmVIbd=cmbx6 \font\cmVImi=cmmi6
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvi\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvi\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvi\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvi\endcsname=8pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmVIrm \textfont1=\cmVImi
+ \textfont2=\tensy \textfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmVIbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No italic font in CM6. Will print roman font.}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVIiterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CM6. Will print roman font.}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVIbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CM6. Will print roman font.}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVIccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CM6. Will print roman font.}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVItterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvi\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm65m.texmath b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm65m.texmath
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1c44223de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm65m.texmath
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\font\cmVIsy=cmsy6 \font\cmVIex=cmex10
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\cmVIrm \scriptfont1=\cmVImi
+ \scriptfont2=\cmVIsy \scriptfont3=\cmVIex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\cmVIbd
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm7.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm7.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..894bff8b2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm7.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvii\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvii\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvii\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvii\endcsname=9pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\sevenrm \textfont1=\seveni
+ \textfont2=\sevensy \textfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmVIIit
+ \textfont\bffam=\sevenbf
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CM7. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\VIItterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CM7. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\VIIbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CM7. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\VIIccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvii\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm75m.texmath b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm75m.texmath
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2acd4dc1f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm75m.texmath
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\sevenrm \scriptfont1=\seveni
+ \scriptfont2=\sevensy \scriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm76m.texmath b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm76m.texmath
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..796813490d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm76m.texmath
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\font\cmVIrm=cmr6 \font\cmVImi=cmmi6
+\font\cmVIsy=cmsy6 \font\cmVIex=cmex10
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\sevenrm \scriptfont1=\seveni
+ \scriptfont2=\sevensy \scriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\cmVIrm \scriptscriptfont1=\cmVImi
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\cmVIsy \scriptscriptfont3=\cmVIex
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\cmVIbd}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm8.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm8.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea69af7705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm8.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+\font\cmVIIIrm=cmr8 \font\cmVIIIit=cmti8
+\font\cmVIIIbd=cmbx8 \font\cmVIIImi=cmmi8
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviii\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviii\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviii\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviii\endcsname=10pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmVIIIrm \textfont1=\cmVIIImi
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+ \textfont\itfam=\cmVIIIit
+ \textfont\ttfam=\cmVIIItt \textfont\bffam=\cmVIIIbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cmVIIIcc
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CM8. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVIIIbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviii\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm86m.texmath b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm86m.texmath
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9acea1b047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm86m.texmath
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+\font\cmVIIIrm=cmr8 \font\cmVIIImi=cmmi8
+\font\cmVIIIsy=cmsy8 \font\cmVIIIex=cmex10
+\font\cmVIrm=cmr6 \font\cmVImi=cmmi6
+\font\cmVIsy=cmsy6 \font\cmVIex=cmex10
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\cmVIIIrm \scriptfont1=\cmVIIImi
+ \scriptfont2=\cmVIIIsy \scriptfont3=\cmVIIIex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\cmVIIIbd
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\cmVIrm \scriptscriptfont1=\cmVImi
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\cmVIsy \scriptscriptfont3=\cmVIex
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\cmVIbd}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm87m.texmath b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm87m.texmath
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bc523025d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm87m.texmath
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\font\cmVIIIsy=cmsy8 \font\cmVIIIex=cmex10
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diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm9.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm9.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8602cb2d64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm9.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+\font\cmIXrm=cmr9 \font\cmIXit=cmti9
+\font\cmIXbd=cmbx9 \font\cmIXmi=cmmi9
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+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsix\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsix\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsix\endcsname=11pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmIXrm \textfont1=\cmIXmi
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+ \textfont\itfam=\cmIXit
+ \textfont\ttfam=\cmIXtt \textfont\bffam=\cmIXbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cmIXcc
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CM9. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmIXbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsix\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm97m.texmath b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm97m.texmath
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..612ddf3587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm97m.texmath
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\font\cmIXsy=cmsy9 \font\cmIXex=cmex10
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\cmIXrm \scriptfont1=\cmIXmi
+ \scriptfont2=\cmIXsy \scriptfont3=\cmIXex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\cmIXbd
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\sevenrm \scriptscriptfont1=\seveni
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diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm98m.texmath b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm98m.texmath
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cm98m.texmath
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+\font\cmIXsy=cmsy9 \font\cmIXex=cmex10
+\font\cmVIIIrm=cmr8 \font\cmVIIImi=cmmi8
+\font\cmVIIIsy=cmsy8 \font\cmVIIIex=cmex10
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\cmIXrm \scriptfont1=\cmIXmi
+ \scriptfont2=\cmIXsy \scriptfont3=\cmIXex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\cmIXbd
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\cmVIIIrm \scriptscriptfont1=\cmVIIImi
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\cmVIIIsy \scriptscriptfont3=\cmVIIIex
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\cmVIIIbd}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan10.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan10.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cedf00fe5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan10.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\font\cmXssrm=cmss10 \font\cmXssit=cmssi10
+\font\cmXssbd=cmssbx10 \font\cmXssmi=cmmi10
+\font\cmXsssy=cmsy10 \font\cmXssex=cmex10
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxss\endcsname=12pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXssrm \textfont1=\cmXssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmXsssy \textfont3=\cmXssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXssit
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmXssbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN10. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\Xssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN10. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\Xsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN10. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\Xssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan11.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan11.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5da60857e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan11.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\font\cmXIssrm=cmss11 \font\cmXIssit=cmssi11
+\font\cmXIssbd=cmssbx11 \font\cmXIssmi=cmmi11
+\font\cmXIsssy=cmsy11 \font\cmXIssex=cmex11
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiss\endcsname=13pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXIssrm \textfont1=\cmXIssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmXIsssy \textfont3=\cmXIssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXIssit
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmXIssbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN11. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN11. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN11. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan12.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan12.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..234dd3cbba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan12.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\font\cmXIIssrm=cmss12 \font\cmXIIssit=cmssi12
+\font\cmXIIssbd=cmssbx12 \font\cmXIIssmi=cmmi12
+\font\cmXIIsssy=cmsy12 \font\cmXIIssex=cmex12
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiiss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiiss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiiss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiiss\endcsname=14pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXIIssrm \textfont1=\cmXIIssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmXIIsssy \textfont3=\cmXIIssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXIIssit
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmXIIssbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN12. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIIssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN12. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIIsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN12. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIIssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiiss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan14.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan14.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23d2eb54a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan14.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\font\cmXIVssrm=cmss14 \font\cmXIVssit=cmssi14
+\font\cmXIVssbd=cmssbx14 \font\cmXIVssmi=cmmi14
+\font\cmXIVsssy=cmsy14 \font\cmXIVssex=cmex14
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxivss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxivss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxivss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxivss\endcsname=16pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXIVssrm \textfont1=\cmXIVssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmXIVsssy \textfont3=\cmXIVssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXIVssit
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmXIVssbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN14. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIVssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN14. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIVsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN14. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIVssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxivss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan18.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan18.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1a581291e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan18.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\font\cmXVIIIssrm=cmss18 \font\cmXVIIIssit=cmssi18
+\font\cmXVIIIssbd=cmssbx18 \font\cmXVIIIssmi=cmmi18
+\font\cmXVIIIsssy=cmsy18 \font\cmXVIIIssex=cmex18
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviiiss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviiiss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviiiss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviiiss\endcsname=20pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXVIIIssrm \textfont1=\cmXVIIIssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmXVIIIsssy \textfont3=\cmXVIIIssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXVIIIssit
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmXVIIIssbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN18. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XVIIIssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN18. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XVIIIsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN18. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XVIIIssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviiiss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan24.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan24.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d035cc6ecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan24.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\font\cmXXIVssrm=cmss24 \font\cmXXIVssit=cmssi24
+\font\cmXXIVssbd=cmssbx24 \font\cmXXIVssmi=cmmi24
+\font\cmXXIVsssy=cmsy24 \font\cmXXIVssex=cmex24
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\endcsname=26pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXXIVssrm \textfont1=\cmXXIVssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmXXIVsssy \textfont3=\cmXXIVssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXXIVssit
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmXXIVssbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN24. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XXIVssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN24. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XXIVsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN24. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XXIVssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan36.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan36.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a64c94a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan36.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\font\cmXXXVIssrm=cmss36 \font\cmXXXVIssit=cmssi36
+\font\cmXXXVIssbd=cmssbx36 \font\cmXXXVIssmi=cmmi36
+\font\cmXXXVIsssy=cmsy36 \font\cmXXXVIssex=cmex24
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\endcsname=38pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXXXVIssrm \textfont1=\cmXXXVIssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmXXXVIsssy \textfont3=\cmXXXVIssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXXXVIssit
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmXXXVIssbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN36. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XXXVIssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN36. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XXXVIsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN36. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XXXVIssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan8.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan8.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..710177059f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan8.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+\font\cmVIIIssrm=cmss8 \font\cmVIIIssmi=cmmi8
+\font\cmVIIIsssy=cmsy8 \font\cmVIIIssex=cmex10
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviiiss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviiiss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviiiss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviiiss\endcsname=10pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmVIIIssrm \textfont1=\cmVIIIssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmVIIIsssy \textfont3=\cmVIIIssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmVIIIssit
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold font in CMSAN8. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVIIIssbderrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN8. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVIIIssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN8. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVIIIsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN8. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVIIIssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviiiss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan9.textext b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan9.textext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7309c82d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/cmsan9.textext
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\font\cmIXssrm=cmss9 \font\cmIXssit=cmssi9
+\font\cmIXssbd=cmssbx9 \font\cmIXssmi=cmmi9
+\font\cmIXsssy=cmsy9 \font\cmIXssex=cmex10
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsixss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsixss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsixss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsixss\endcsname=11pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmIXssrm \textfont1=\cmIXssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmIXsssy \textfont3=\cmIXssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmIXssit
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmIXssbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN9. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\IXssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN9. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\IXsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN9. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\IXssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsixss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/fixcol.tex b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/fixcol.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02f3402583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/fixcol.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+% Harvey 1/29/86
+\catcode`*=11 \catcode`@=11
+\global\let\newcolumn=\np % new column in fixed mode is the
+\global\let\nc=\np % same as newpage in single column
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+ \pagecontents\vfill}}% redefine from plain.tex to add vfil
+ % prevents underfull vbox in last column
+\gdef\flexibleformat{\write16{<TEXT1> Warning! You can't change to%
+ flexible format while in fixed format. }}%
+\gdef\full*pgw{\hbox to \the\*txtw}% Output box to full pagewidth
+\gdef\*colbox{\leftline{\pagebody}}% TeXbook definition
+\gdef\*page{% MAKEPAGE, *mkpg, ships out the complete page body
+ \*badj % check for binding offset
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+ \vbox{\*pgmat % page template
+ \makefootline}
+ \notitlepage
+ \else\shipout\vbox{ % normal page with head and footlines
+ \makeheadline %
+ \*pgmat % page template
+ \makefootline}
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\*pcount>0 \*blkpg\fi % call for empty page, BLANK PAGE MACRO
+ \advancepageno}% END, makepage routine
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+ \if*dbl\e*fixtwc\fi % end any active double columns
+ \if*tpl \par\vfill\eject \fi % new page prevents mixed multicolumn format
+ % vfil eject prevents mixing formats
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+ \global\let\lr=R % switch to second column
+ \else % print page and reset column indicator
+ \*page % format actual double column page
+ \global\let\lr=L % switch to first column
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000 % do nothing if no insert material
+ \else\dosupereject\fi % flush any held over material
+ }% End, normal fixed mode two column output routine
+ \def\*pgmat{% PAGEMAT, formats columns and rules
+ \D=\the\*twcgut \D=.5\D % split gutter width in half
+ \full*pgw{\box\*lftcol % print left column
+ \hskip\D\vrule width\the\*clrw\hskip\D % gutter and rule
+ \*colbox\hfil} % print right column and fill
+ }% END, pagemat
+ \def\newpage{\par\supereject % fills remainder of page with white
+ \if R\lr \null\vfill\eject\fi}% space and goes to next page
+ \let\np=\newpage
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+ \brokenpenalty=0 % setting these penalties to zero prevents
+ \clubpenalty=0 % strange page breaks that might otherwise
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+ \let\lr=L % set switch to left (L) % begin with left
+ \output={\*multout} % fixed format output rou tine
+ \global\*plainfalse % plainoutput indicator false
+ \global\*dbltrue}% END FIXED TWO COLUMN FORMAT---set-up
+\gdef\e*fixtwc{\par\supereject % END FIXED TWO COLUMN FORMAT, called
+ \if R\lr \null\vfill\eject\fi % from onecolumn
+ \endgroup % two column fixed formatting ends
+ \global\*dblfalse % fixed double column indicator false
+ \global\*plaintrue}% plainoutput indicator true
+\gdef\*fixthc{% BEGIN THREE COLUMNS FIXED FORMAT---set-up
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+ \if*tpl\e*fixthc\fi % end any active triple columns
+ \if*dbl \par\vfill\eject\fi % new page prevents mixed multicolumn formatting
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+ \else\if M\lr % if middle column indicator is true
+ \global\setbox\*midcol=\*colbox
+ \global\let\lr=R % switch column indicator to right
+ \else
+ \*page % make the page
+ \global\let\lr=L % reset column indicator to left
+ \fi\fi %
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000 % no held over material
+ \else\dosupereject\fi}% eject held over insertions
+ \def\*pgmat{% PAGEMAT, *pgmat, the page template routine
+ \D=\the\*thcgut \D=.5\D % half gutter width on each side of rule
+ \full*pgw{\box\*lftcol % print leftcolumn
+ \hskip\D\vrule width\the\*clrw\hskip\D % rule and gut.
+ \box\*midcol % print middle column
+ \if*norule \hskip2\D % supress rule on empty page call
+ \else % else set rules normally
+ \hskip\D\vrule width\the\*clrw\hskip\D\fi % rule and gut.
+ \*colbox\hfil} % print right column and fil
+ \global\*norulefalse
+ }% END, Pagemat
+ \def\newpage{\par\supereject
+ \if M\lr \null\vfill\eject
+ \null\vfill\eject\global\*noruletrue\fi % supress column rules
+ \if R\lr \null\vfill\eject\global\*noruletrue\fi}
+ \let\np=\newpage
+ \begingroup % BEGIN THREE COLUMNS, fixed method
+ \widowpenalty=0
+ \clubpenalty=0
+ \brokenpenalty=0
+ \hyphenpenalty=0
+ \exhyphenpenalty=0
+ \tolerance=9400
+ \hbadness=9400
+ \hsize=\the\*thcw % column width = three column width tokens
+ \let\lr=L % set column switch to left column
+ \output={\*multout} % fixed format output routine
+ \global\*plainfalse % plainoutput indicator false
+ \global\*tpltrue} % end 3 col fixed format
+\global\let\thc=\*fixthc % reset abbreviation for (thc)
+\gdef\e*fixthc{\par\supereject % end 3 columns fixed mode
+ \if M\lr \null\vfill\eject \null\vfill\eject\fi % called from
+ \if R\lr \null\vfill\eject\fi % onecolumn
+ \endgroup % three column fixed formatting indicator f
+ \global\*tplfalse % end triple column indicator
+ \global\*plaintrue}% plainoutput indicator true
+ \*fixout
+ }% end fixed format output routine
+\gdef\onecolumn{\if*dbl\e*fixtwc\fi % end double column formatting
+ \if*tpl\e*fixthc\fi % end triple column formatting
+ \global\output={\*mkpg} % set single column output
+ }% end multiple column formatting
+\catcode`*=12 \catcode`@=3
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/flexcol.tex b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/flexcol.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..441066c681
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/flexcol.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+% This work is protected as an unpublished work under
+% U.S. copyright laws.
+% Copyright 1987, by Washington State University.
+% All rights reserved.
+% Last updated on 7/1/89
+\global\output{\flex*ut{\unvbox255}} % FLEXCOL normal output routine
+\gdef\flex*ut#1{% FLEXIBLE OUTPUT, flex*ut
+ \boxmaxdepth=\maxdepth
+ \shipout\vbox{
+ \offinterlineskip % butt boxes together
+ \if*title % Do nothing if this is a title page
+ \else\makeheadline\fi % makeheadline redefined in TEXT1
+ \vbox to\*txth{ % page height equals single column text height
+ \ifvoid\topins % no top insert present
+ \else\unvbox\topins\fi % place top insert before main text
+ #1 % insert the main information
+ \ifvoid\footins % no foot insert present
+ \else\vskip\skip\footins % skip to footnote position
+ \footnoterule % print footnote rule
+ \unvbox\footins\fi % place foot insert after main text and rule
+ \makefootline} % end vbox to *txth
+ } % end vbox with running heads, if any
+ \if*title\notitlepage\fi % reset vsize for a normal page
+ \if\*pcount>0\*blkpg\fi % call for empty page macro, TEXT1
+ \*ncfalse
+ \advancepageno} % End flex*ut, flexible output macro
+\gdef\*adjp#1{% ADJUST PAGE MACRO, height of inserts lost during output call, this macro
+ \global\advance#1 by-\topskip % restores these values to the output routines
+ \ifvoid\topins % compensate for topskip
+ \else % if no insert present do nothing else
+ \global\advance#1 by-\ht\topins % routine restores those values
+ \global\advance#1 by-\dp\topins % to the new output routines.
+ \global\advance#1 by-\skip\topins
+ \global\advance#1 by\dp\strutbox % fine tune split
+ \fi
+ \ifvoid\footins % do nothing if no footinsert present
+ \else % else compensate for skips when footins present
+ \global\advance#1 by-\ht\footins %
+ \global\advance#1 by-\dp\footins %
+ \global\advance#1 by-\skip\footins %
+ \global\advance#1 by\dp\strutbox % fine tune split
+ \fi}% END *adjp, adjust page macro
+% \*balctest is called whenever leaving 2 or 3 column formatting
+\gdef\*balctest{% TEST REMAINING TEXT DEPTH text for more than one page of remaining text
+ \setbox0=\vbox{\unvbox255} % height box255 always=vsize
+ \dimen9=\ht0 % find height of material in box255
+ \advance\dimen9 by\topskip % account for top of page topskip
+ \if*dbl \advance\dimen9 by\splittopskip % second column splittopskip
+ \else\advance\dimen9 by2\splittopskip % second and third columns
+ \fi % end accounting for topskips for splitting routines
+ \setbox255=\vbox{\unvbox0}
+ \ifdim\dimen9>\vsize % too much material for one page
+ \if*dbl\expandafter\global\output={\*balc}\*twcout %
+ \else\expandafter\global\output={\*balc}\*thcout %
+ \fi % use normal output before using balance columns routine
+ \else % less than one full page of text remaining
+ \*balc % use balance columns routine
+ \fi}% END, *balctest, test for output routine to balance columns
+\gdef\*flextwc{\par% BEGIN FLEX METHOD OF TWO COLUMNS
+ \goodbreak
+ \if*dbl\e*flextwc\fi % end any active two column format
+ \if*tpl\e*flexthc\else % if previous material in threecolumns call
+ \vskip\the\*mskb\fi % end threecolumns, else skipbefore.
+ \def\*balc{% BALANCECOLUMNS, TWO COLUMNS---beginning
+ \*badj % check for binding adjust
+ \splittopskip=\topskip % splittopskip equals topskip
+ \setbox0=\vbox{\unvbox255} % release unbalanced page material
+ \dimen0=\ht0 % prepare to find equal height dimension
+ \divide\dimen0 by2 % split dimension for two columns
+ \advance\dimen0 by-\baselineskip % back up one line
+ \ifdim\dimen0<\baselineskip % check split depth
+ \dimen0=\topskip % account for the topskip
+ \advance\dimen0 by\baselineskip % account for one line
+ \fi
+ {\vbadness=10000 % prevents underfull box message during loop
+ \loop \global\setbox3=\copy0 % routine.
+ \global\setbox1=\vsplit3 to\dimen0 %
+ \ifdim\ht3>\dimen0 % if column longer...
+ \global\advance\dimen0 by1pt %
+ \repeat} % end balancing loop
+ \setbox0=\vbox to\dimen0{\unvbox1} %
+ \setbox2=\vbox to\dimen0{\dimen2=\dp3 %
+ \unvbox3 \kern-\dimen2 \vfill} %
+ \ifvoid2 \setbox2=\vbox to\dimen0{\null\vfill}\fi %
+ \*pgsofar % format text accummulated so far
+ \global\output={\*dbl-error} % error message if balance fails
+ \dimen@=\*txth % return vsize to single page size
+ \*adjp\dimen@ % adjust vsize for any remaining inserts
+ \global\vsize=\dimen@ % adjusted vsize
+ }% END, *balc, balancecolumns macro, twocolumns
+ \def\*pgsofar{% PAGESOFAR, format for two columns
+ \unvbox\*ppage % boxes two column material
+ \D=\the\*twcgut \D=.5\D % half gutter skip on either side of rule
+ \wd0=\hsize \wd2=\hsize % set text box width securely
+ \hbox to\*txtw{\box0\hskip\D\vrule width\the\*clrw
+ \hskip\D\box2\hfil} % set boxes and rules
+ }% END, *pgsofar, pagesofar output macro
+ \def\*twcout{% TWO COLUMN OUTPUT, normal output routine
+ \splittopskip=\topskip
+ \splitmaxdepth=\maxdepth
+ \*badj % check for binding adjust
+ \dimen@=\vsize % total text depth for two column out routine
+ \divide\dimen@ by2 % set splitting dimension
+ \*adjp\dimen@ % adjust page size for inserts
+ \setbox0=\vsplit255 to\dimen@ % split boxes to proper height
+ \setbox2=\vsplit255 to\dimen@
+ \flex*ut\*pgsofar % output current page
+ \unvbox255 % release extra text material gathered
+ \*bigch=2\*txth % allow vsize changes from cpt*vsize
+ \global\vsize=\*bigch % reset vsize to two column format
+ \penalty\outputpenalty}% END *twcout, two columns output routine
+% Harvey 12/06/85
+% This method will fail if a topinsert or footinsert is added to
+% the page after the new column call. The box and glue are set
+% at the newcolumn call accounting for inserts active then only
+ \def\newcolumn{\par % NEWCOLUMN, Flexible method, two columns
+ \D=.5\vsize % depth of one column
+ \ifdim\pagetotal>\D % determine which column is current
+ \D=\pagegoal % second column, depth > .5\vsize
+ \advance\D by-\pagetotal
+ \advance\D by-\topskip % account for topskip of 1st column
+ \advance\D by-\splittopskip % splittopskip of 2d column
+ \advance\D by-\dp\strutbox % account for character depth
+ \else % first column, depth equals half the vsize
+ \advance\D by-\pagetotal % subtract current page depth
+ \advance\D by-\topskip % subtract topskip form page depth
+ \advance\D by-\dp\strutbox % account for character depth
+ \fi
+ \vbox to\D{\vfill} % blank box to fill column
+ \*nctrue
+ \goodbreak}% END, newcolumn macro for two columns
+ \let\nc=\newcolumn % set two column definition of newcolumn
+ \begingroup % BEGIN TWOCOLUMNS---set-up
+ \global\*dbltrue % double columns active
+ \brokenpenalty=0 % If these penalties are set to zero the text
+ \clubpenalty=0 % will be formatted properly. If the are in force
+ \widowpenalty=0 % uneven columns may result. The penalties will be
+ \hyphenpenalty=0 % honored in either page or vsplit modes.
+ \exhyphenpenalty=0
+ \tolerance=6400 % raise tolerance for short column material
+ \hbadness=6400 % warning message given at 6400
+ \*bigch=2\*txth % initialize two column page height
+ \dimen@=\*txth % set dimen@ to current page height
+ \advance\dimen@ by-\pagetotal % subtract current page depth
+ \*adjp\dimen@ % adjust page depth for inserts
+ \vsize=2\dimen@ % set vsize equal to twice the remaining depth
+ \output={\global\setbox\*ppage=\vbox{\unvbox255}}\eject
+ \output={\*twcout} % output partial page and set output
+ \hsize=\the\*twcw % to twocolumnout, set new hsize for column
+ \topskip=12pt plus4pt % glue for vsplitting mechanism
+ }% END, *flextwc, flexible two column---set-up
+ \if*nc \vfill\eject\fi % When we've done a \nc dump the page before balancing
+ \output={\*balctest}\eject % test for too much text for balancing
+ \global\output={\flex*ut{\unvbox255}} % output page
+ \global\*dblfalse % change two column indicator to false
+ \global\vsize=\*txth % reset page size to single column height
+ \global\hsize=\*txtw % reset page width to single column width
+ \dimen@=\vsize % prepare to include current inserts
+ \*adjp\dimen@ % adjust for topskip and inserts
+ \global\pagegoal=\dimen@ % adjust pagegoal for current inserts
+ \penalty-500
+ \vskip\the\*mska
+ }% END e*flextwc, TWO COLUMNS termination routine
+ \goodbreak
+ \if*tpl\e*flexthc\fi % end any active triple columns
+ \if*dbl\e*flextwc\else % if previous material is in twocolumns, end
+ \vskip\the\*mskb\fi % twocolumns, else skipbefore
+ \def\*balc{% BALANCECOLUMNS, THREECOLUMNS---beginning
+ \*badj % check for binding adjust
+ \splittopskip=\topskip % split dimension for 3col
+ \setbox0=\vbox{\unvbox255}
+ \dimen0=\ht0 % prepare to find equal height dimension
+ \divide\dimen0 by3 % split dimension for each column
+ \advance\dimen0 by-\baselineskip % back-up one baselineskip
+ \ifdim\dimen0<\baselineskip % check split depth
+ \dimen0=\topskip % account for the topskip
+ \advance\dimen0 by\baselineskip % account for one line
+ \fi
+ {\vbadness=10000
+ \loop \global\setbox5=\copy0 % begin vsplit loop for balancing
+ \global\setbox3=\vsplit5 to\dimen0
+ \global\setbox4=\vsplit5 to\dimen0
+ \ifdim\ht5>\dimen0 \global\advance\dimen0 by1pt
+ \repeat} % end balancing loop
+ \setbox0=\vbox to\dimen0{\unvbox3} % first column
+ \setbox1=\vbox to\dimen0{\unvbox4} % second column
+ \ifvoid1 \setbox1=\vbox to\dimen0{\line{\hfil}\vfill}\fi
+ \setbox2=\vbox to\dimen0{\dimen2=\dp5\unvbox5\kern-\dimen2 \vfill}
+ \ifvoid2 \setbox2=\vbox to\dimen0{\line{\hfil}\vfill}\fi
+ \*pgsofar
+ \global\output={\*tpl-error} % error message if loop fails
+ \vsize=\*txth % reset page size to single column
+ \dimen@=\vsize % return vsize to single page vsize
+ \*adjp\dimen@ % adjust for topskip and inserts
+ \global\vsize=\dimen@ % new vsize accounts for current inserts
+ }% END, *balc, balance columns, threecolumns
+ \def\*pgsofar{\unvbox\*ppage % boxes three column material
+ \D=\the\*thcgut \D=.5\D % half gutter for each side of rule
+ \wd0=\hsize \wd1=\hsize \wd2=\hsize % set text box width securely
+ \hbox to\*txtw{\box0\hskip\D\vrule width\the\*clrw
+ \hskip\D\box1\hskip\D\vrule width\the\*clrw
+ \hskip\D\box2\hfil} % set boxes and rules
+ }% End *pgsofar, page-so-far macro
+ \def\*thcout{% THREE COLUMNS OUT, normal output routine for threecolumns
+ \splittopskip=\topskip
+ \splitmaxdepth=\maxdepth
+ \*badj % check for binding adjust
+ \dimen@=\vsize % total text depth for three column out routine
+ \divide\dimen@ by3 % set splitting dimension
+ \*adjp\dimen@ % adjust for topskip and inserts
+ \setbox0=\vsplit255 to\dimen@ % split boxes to proper height
+ \setbox1=\vsplit255 to\dimen@ %
+ \setbox2=\vsplit255 to\dimen@ %
+ \flex*ut\*pgsofar % send material to output routine
+ \unvbox255 % release any extra material gathered
+ \*bigch=3\*txth % allow vsize changes from cpt*vsize
+ \global\vsize=\*bigch % reset vsize for three column format
+ \penalty\outputpenalty}% END *thcout, normal output penalty set
+% Harvey 12/19/85
+% This routine has no way to compensate for inserts following the
+% new column call and will produce an overfull vbox message while
+% output active. It may also produce and underfull vbox message
+% if there is no stretchable glue in the column.
+ \def\newcolumn{\par % new column, three columns
+ \ifdim\pagetotal>.66666\vsize % you are in the third column
+ \D=\pagegoal % work from pagegoal for third column
+ \advance\D by-\topskip % account for topskip in 1st column
+ \advance\D by-2\splittopskip % splittopskip in columns 2 and 3
+ \advance\D by-\pagetotal % subtract current pagetotal
+ \advance\D by-\dp\strutbox % account for character depth
+ \else\ifdim\pagetotal>.3\vsize % you are in the second column
+ \D=.66666\vsize % column goal is 2/3 vsize
+ \advance\D by-\topskip % account topskip in 1st column
+ \advance\D by-\splittopskip % splittopskip in column 2
+ \advance\D by-\pagetotal % compensate for text
+ \advance\D by-\dp\strutbox % account for character depth
+ \else % you are in the first column
+ \D=.33333\vsize % goal is 1/3 vsize in first column
+ \advance\D by-\topskip % account for splittopskip
+ \advance\D by-\pagetotal % compensate for text
+ \advance\D by-\dp\strutbox % account for character depth
+ \fi\fi % end column determination and fil
+ \vbox to\D{\vfill}
+ \*nctrue
+ \goodbreak}% END, newcolumn for three columns
+ \let\nc=\newcolumn % set new column definition to three columns
+ \global\*tpltrue % set three column indicator on
+ \brokenpenalty=0 % These penalties should be zero in multicolumn
+ \clubpenalty=0 % modes that use the vsplit method of paging,
+ \widowpenalty=0 % the paging methods would honor the penalties.
+ \hyphenpenalty=0 % is erratic columns.
+ \exhyphenpenalty=0 %
+ \tolerance=9600 % raise tolerance for short columns
+ \hbadness=9600 % warnings issued at badness of 9600
+ \*bigch=3\*txth % initialize three column height
+ \dimen@=\*txth % set dimen@ to current page height
+ \advance\dimen@ by-\pagetotal % subtract current page depth
+ \*adjp\dimen@ % adjust page for topskip and inserts
+ \vsize=3\dimen@ % set vsize to 3 times remaining single column depth
+ \output={\global\setbox\*ppage=\vbox{\unvbox255}}\eject
+ \output={\*thcout} % output partial page and set output
+ \hsize=\the\*thcw % to threecolumnout, set new hsize for column
+ \topskip=12pt plus4pt % glue for the vsplitting mechanism
+ }% END *flexthc, three columns set-up
+ \if*nc \vfill\eject\fi % When we've done a \nc dump the page before balancing
+ \output={\*balctest}\eject % balance remaining three column material
+ \global\output={\flex*ut{\unvbox255}} % shipout page
+ \global\*tplfalse % end three column indicator
+ \global\vsize=\*txth % reset vsize to single column height
+ \global\hsize=\*txtw % reset hsize to single column width
+ \dimen@=\vsize % prepare to include current inserts
+ \*adjp\dimen@ % adjust for topskip and inserts
+ \global\pagegoal=\dimen@ % reset pagegoal to include inserts
+ \penalty-500
+ \vskip\the\*mska}% END E*flexthc, three columns termination macro
+\gdef\onecolumn{\if*dbl\e*flextwc\fi % end double column formatting
+ \if*tpl\e*flexthc\fi
+ \global\output={\*mkpg}
+ }% end triple column formatting
+ \errmessage{ Double columns can't be balanced on page \the\pageno . %
+ Please type h for help. }%
+ \flex*ut{\unvbox255}}
+ \errmessage{ Triple columns can't be balanced on page \the\pageno . %
+ Please type h for help. }%
+ \flex*ut{\unvbox255}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/text1.tex b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/text1.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd2fc1bdbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/text1.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+\input plain.tex
+\input txt1v409.tex
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/txt1v409.tex b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/txt1v409.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afc9acb6c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/macros/txt1v409.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,3536 @@
+% This work is protected as an unpublished work under
+% U.S. copyright laws.
+% Copyright 1987, by Washington State University.
+% All rights reserved.
+% Last updated on 7/24/95 (drg)
+\everyjob{\immediate\write16{TEXT1 Version 4.09}
+ \titlepage\spn{1}
+% The following variables are used for allowing conditional compilation
+% of special code depending on which version of TeX you are using.
+% See these special notes in the next paragarph
+\catcode`* = 11
+\catcode`@ = 11
+\newif\if*MAC \*MACfalse % This is not a Macintosh
+\newif\if*CMS \*CMSfalse % This is not on CMS
+\newif\if*PC \*PCfalse % This is not a PC
+\newif\if*CG \*CGfalse % This is not a Compugraphics 8600 typesetter
+% Note that non CMS versions must be modified. Here are the changes
+% necessary for the IBM PC/DOS version of TEXT1, Macintosh version,
+% and other non-CMS versions.
+% 1. The filetype (extension) can only be 3 characters at the most
+% for the PC/DOS version.
+% This requires the following changes:
+% toc1 => tc1
+% toc2 => tc2
+% toc3 => tc3
+% endnotes => end
+% textext => txt
+% texmath => mth
+% texmodel => mdl
+% 2. The Compugraphics dependent stuff in \selectspecificfont must
+% be omitted for all but CMS versions.
+% 3. The routines \nonIBM and \IBM should be set to null for all but CMS
+% versions
+% 4. The Macintosh/Textures version uses a special \include
+% Some temporary variables to be used throughout
+% \T \U \V \W are used throughout TEXT1 as temp definitions
+% \I \J \K \M \X \Y \Z are temporary too, be careful if you use these
+% ragged rightindent on bq troublesome.
+% titleleadskip works only with titlepage command in text.
+% for doublecolumns, change hsize and line--refer to ccndbl
+% for multiple right and centerline--refer to aztex
+% IBM/NONIBM character definitions, added by Dean 7/11/86
+% Use this macro when not printing with IBM standard distribution fonts
+\newif\if*IBM \*IBMfalse
+\def\nonIBM{\if*IBM \*IBMfalse%
+ \def\aa{\accent23a}%
+ \def\AA{\leavevmode\setbox0\hbox{h}\dimen@\ht0\advance\dimen@-1ex%
+ \rlap{\raise.67\dimen@\hbox{\char'27}}A}%
+ \def\c##1{\setbox\z@\hbox{##1}\ifdim\ht\z@=1ex\accent24 ##1%
+ \else{\ooalign{\hidewidth\char24\hidewidth\crcr\unhbox\z@}}\fi}%
+ \def\`##1{{\accent18 ##1}}%
+ \def\'##1{{\accent19 ##1}}%
+ \def\^##1{{\accent94 ##1}}\let\^^D=\|%
+ \def\~##1{{\accent"7E ##1}}%
+ \def\"##1{{\accent"7F ##1}}%
+ \chardef\i="10 % dummy dotless lowercase i
+ \def\dag{\mathhexbox279}%
+ \def\ddag{\mathhexbox27A}%
+ \def\S{\mathhexbox278}%
+ \def\P{\mathhexbox27B}%
+ \let\}=\rbrace%
+ \let\{=\lbrace%
+ \def\cents{\hbox{\rm\rlap/c}}\fi}% end non-IBM
+% Use this macro when printing with the IBM standard distribution fonts
+ \chardef\aa="8A % a overcircle
+ \chardef\AA="8B % A overcircle
+ \chardef\c="18 % cedilla
+ \chardef\`="12 % grave
+ \chardef\'="13 % acute
+ \chardef\^="5E % circumflex
+ \chardef\~="7E % tilde
+ \chardef\"="7F % umlaut
+ \chardef\i="69 % dummy dotless lowercase i
+ \chardef\S="DC % section number sign
+ \chardef\P="DD % paragraph sign or pilcrow
+ \chardef\dag="DE % dagger or obelisk
+ \chardef\ddag="DF % double dagger or diesis
+ \chardef\{="AE % left brace
+ \chardef\}="AF % right brace
+ \chardef\cents="CD}% end IBM
+% Redefined from PLAIN.TEX to omit the at sign "@"
+% @ symbol will be read as begin and end math mode otherwise
+\message{redefining some plain commands, }
+\newdimen\zZ \zZ=0pt % can be used both for 0pt and 0
+\def~{\penalty\zMz\ } % tie
+\def\nobreak{\penalty \zMz}
+\def\allowbreak{\penalty \zZ}
+% Redefined from PLAIN.TEX to \unskip last skip if in h mode
+\message{redefining some plain commands, }
+ \else\unskip\unskip\unskip\unskip\fi}
+% Redefined from PLAIN.TEX to 12 point topskip
+\def\raggedbottom{\topskip 12\p@ plus60\p@ \r@ggedbottomtrue}%
+\def\normalbottom{\topskip 12\p@ \r@ggedbottomfalse}%
+% Redefined from PLAIN.TEX to omit extraneous skips and such surprises.
+\def\endinsert{\egroup % finish the \vbox
+ \if@mid \dimen@\ht\z@ \advance\dimen@\dp\z@
+ \advance\dimen@12\p@ \advance\dimen@\pagetotal
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\pagegoal\@midfalse\p@gefalse\fi\fi
+ \if@mid \box\z@\goodbreak
+ \else\insert\topins{\penalty100 % floating insertion
+ \splittopskip\z@skip
+ \splitmaxdepth\maxdimen \floatingpenalty\z@
+ \ifp@ge \dimen@\dp\z@
+ \vbox to\vsize{\unvbox\z@\kern-\dimen@}% depth is zero
+ \else \box\z@\nobreak\fi}\fi\endgroup}
+% Redefined from PLAIN.TEX to take mode into account
+% Redefined from PLAIN.TEX to take present font size into account
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height 1.8ex depth .6ex width 0pt}%
+ \ifmmode\copy\strutbox\else\unhcopy\strutbox\fi}%
+% Starting TEXT1 Definitions
+% Use this one for Textures
+ \def\include#1{\special {picture #1}}%
+ \else
+ \def\include#1{\special {IPS #1}}% added by gap 1/27/87
+\def\text#1{{\it\TeX T1}}% added by drg 9/26/86
+\def\bf{\bd}% added by jkw 6/30/86
+\def\cents{\hbox{\rm\rlap/c}}% added by jkw 6/30/86
+\def\fraction#1/#2 {% added by jkw 7/8/86
+ \leavevmode\kern.1em \raise.6ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #1}\kern-.1em
+ /\kern-.15em\lower.25ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #2}}
+\message{bibliography, }
+% Bibliography
+\newtoks\bi*f \bi*f={\goodbreak\vs{1\bl}\hp\nin} % init bibentry
+\newtoks\bi*t \bi*t={\dumpinsertseject\cl{\bd\bibtitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}}% init bibliography title format
+\newtoks\bi*r \bi*r={width 3em height .6ex depth -.5ex}
+\newcount\bi*n \bi*n=0 % counter for numbered bibliography
+\newif\if*TC*bib \*TC*bibtrue
+\long\def\bibliographyformat#1{{% definition of bibliographic format
+ \def\incontents##1{\global\*TC*bibtrue
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{yes}%
+ \edef\V{no}%
+ \ifx \T\U % Already true
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\*TC*bibfalse
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, argument to
+ incontents in bibliographyformat is not "yes" or "no".
+ "yes" will be assumed}
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \long\def\everybibentry##1{\global\bi*f={##1}}%
+% Remove this some day
+ \let\bibentryformat=\everybibentry%
+ \long\def\titleformat##1{\global\bi*t={##1}}% replacement format for bibliography title
+ \def\sameauthorrulesize##1{\global\bi*r={##1}}%
+ #1}}%
+\def\bibliography#1{% calls bibtitle format and passes title
+ \global\bi*n=0 % set bib counter to zero each call
+ \global\def\bibtitle{#1} % collect title tokens
+ \par
+ \bgroup
+ \let\toclinebreak=\space
+ \let\toclbr=\space
+ \the\bi*t
+ \egroup
+ \D=\lastskip
+ \removelastskip
+ \if*TC*bib \putincontents1{\the\*btf}\fi % call bib title format
+ \ignorespaces
+ \vs{\D}
+}% end bibliography markup
+\def\bibentry{\par\global\advance\bi*n by1\the\bi*f}%
+\let\bie=\bibentry % abbreviation for \bibentry
+\message{misc, }
+\def\leader{\leaders\hbox to 8pt{\hss.\hss}\hfill}%
+ January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
+ July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
+ \space\number\day,\space\number\year}%
+\def\tilde{\relax\ifmmode\mathaccent"707E % relax added to trigger math
+ \else{\sy\char'030}\fi}% mode in tabs 1/27/87
+\def\_{\leavevmode \kern.06em \vbox{\hrule width.3em}}%
+\def\}{\relax\ifmmode \rbrace % relax added to trigger math mode in tabs
+ \else $\rbrace$\fi}%
+\def\{{\relax\ifmmode \lbrace % relax added to trigger math mode in tabs
+ \else $\lbrace$\fi}%
+\def\\{\relax\ifmmode \delimiter"26E30F % relax added to trigger math
+ \else $\delimiter"26E30F$\fi}% mode in tabs
+\def\~#1{{\relax\ifmmode\mathaccent"707E % relax added to trigger math
+ \else \accent"7E #1\fi}}% mode in tabs
+% baselineskip = interlineskip
+ \baseline=#1%
+ \*isk=#1\relax}%
+\message{selectfontset, }
+\newfam\bifam \newfam\ccfam
+% The \selectfontset macros are by JKW
+ \*sfslbl={.txt}
+ \else
+ \*sfslbl={.textext}
+ \edef\T{default}%
+ \edef\U{#3}%
+ \ifx\U\T \bAseSkip=0pt
+ \else \bAseSkip=#3\fi
+ \input #1\the\*sfslbl }%
+ \*smslbl={.mth}
+ \else
+ \*smslbl={.texmath}
+\def\selectmathset#1#2{\maTHtok={#2}\input #1\the\*smslbl}%
+\selectmathset{cm97m}{mathdefault} %
+% SELECT SPECIFIC FONT, jkw 8/26/86
+ \nmtok={#1\romannumeral #2}
+ \def\T{\uppercase{#1 }}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname I\the\nmtok\endcsname{\isk{\the\nUMtok}}
+ \openin\ckfnt=cgfonts.lclist
+ \loop\read\ckfnt to \W
+ \edef\U{\uppercase{\W}}%
+ \ifx\U\T
+ \expandafter\font\csname F\the\nmtok%
+ \endcsname=#1 at #2 pt \notcfendfalse
+ \else\ifeof\ckfnt
+ \expandafter\font\csname F\the\nmtok%
+ \endcsname=#1#2 \notcfendfalse
+ \else\notcfendtrue\fi\fi
+ \ifnotcfend \repeat
+ \closein\ckfnt
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname\the\naMEtok\endcsname ##1;{%
+ \noexpand\csname F\the\naMEtok
+ \noexpand\romannumeral\noexpand ##1\noexpand\endcsname
+ \noexpand\csname I\the\naMEtok
+ \noexpand\romannumeral\noexpand ##1\noexpand\endcsname}}%
+ \nmtok={#1\romannumeral #2}
+ \def\T{\uppercase{#1 }}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname I\the\nmtok\endcsname{\isk{\the\nUMtok}}
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname\the\naMEtok\endcsname ##1;{%
+ \noexpand\csname F\the\naMEtok
+ \noexpand\romannumeral\noexpand ##1\noexpand\endcsname
+ \noexpand\csname I\the\naMEtok
+ \noexpand\romannumeral\noexpand ##1\noexpand\endcsname}}%
+\skewchar\teni='177 \skewchar\seveni='177 \skewchar\fivei='177
+\skewchar\tensy='60 \skewchar\sevensy='60 \skewchar\fivesy='60
+\setbox0=\hbox{\tenex B} \p@renwd=\wd0 % width of the big left (
+\message{monospace, }
+\newif\if*msp \*mspfalse
+ \global\*msptrue % changed to global 6/27/86 bth
+ \sfs{monofont}{defaultmono}{default}
+ \defaultmono
+ \gdef\underscore##1{{\italicfont ##1}}%
+ \global\let\us=\underscore
+ \special{fonts=10cpi}
+ \raggedbottom
+ \global\paragraphskip{0pt}
+ \global\paragraphindent{36pt}
+ \gdef\tilde{\ifmmode\mathaccent"707E%
+ \else \char'176{}\fi}%
+ \gdef\_{\char'137{}}%
+ \gdef\}{\ifmmode \rbrace
+ \else \char'175{}\fi}%
+ \gdef\{{\ifmmode \lbrace
+ \else\char'173{}\fi}%
+ \gdef\\{\ifmmode \delimiter"26E30F%
+ \else\char'134{}\fi}%
+ \gdef\neg{\char'136{}}%
+ \gdef\ellipsis##1{{\def\U{\message{<TEXT1> Error! Only 3 or 4 are valid for ellipsis. Command ignored.}}
+ \ifcase ##1\U\or\U\or\U%
+ \or .~.~.
+ \or .~.~.~.
+ \else\U\fi}}%
+ \tableofcontentsformat{% added 1/26/87 Guenther
+ \toctitle{\centerline{\bd Table of Contents}
+ \vs{1\bl}}
+ \figuretoctitle{\newpage
+ \centerline{\bd List of Figures}
+ \line{Figure \rt{Page}}}
+ \tabletoctitle{\newpage
+ \centerline{\bd List of Tables}
+ \line{Table \rt{Page}}}
+ }% end table of contents format
+ \global\let\el=\ellipsis
+ \asisformat{\skipbefore{1\bl}\everyasis{\leftindent{0pt}}\skipafter{1\bl}}
+ \blockquoteformat{\skipbefore{1\bl}\everyblockquote{\rm\leftindent{36pt}\rightindent{36pt}}\skipafter{1\bl}}
+ \figureformat{\titleformat{\bqb\bd\hp Figure \figurenumber. \figuretitle \bqe}}
+ \tableformat{\titleformat{\vs{\bl}\cl{\bd Table \tablenumber}
+ \cl{\rm\tabletitle}\vs{\bl}}}
+ \endnoteformat{\skipbefore{0\bl}\notereferencefont{\rm}\everyendnote{\rm\lin{0pt}}}
+ \footnoteformat{\textreferenceposition{down}\textreferencefont{\rm}\textreferencestyle{(1)}
+ \notereferencefont{\rm}\everyfootnote{\rm\pin{.5in}\psk{.5in}\lin{0pt}\rin{0pt}}}
+ \partformat{\titleformat{\dumpinsertseject\titlepage
+ \hrule height0pt depth0pt \vfil
+ \cl{\bd Part \partnumber}\cl{\bd\parttitle}\np
+ \scn{0}\ssan{0}\ssbn{0}\sscn{0}\ssdn{0}
+ \sfn{0}\stn{0}\sfnn{0}\senn{0}}}% end part format
+ \indexformat1{\everyindex{\rm}}
+ \indexformat2{\everyindex{\rm}}
+ \indexformat3{\everyindex{\rm}}
+ \chapterformat{\titleformat{\dumpinsertseject\cl{\bd Chapter \chapternumber}\cl{\bd\chaptertitle}\vs{1\bl}
+ \ssan{0}\ssbn{0}\sscn{0}\ssdn{0}}}% end chapter format
+ \prefaceformat{\titleformat{\dumpinsertseject\cl{\bd\prefacetitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}\ssan{0}\ssbn{0}\sscn{0}\ssdn{0}}}% end preface format
+ \appendixformat{\titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
+ \cl{\bd Appendix \appendixnumber}\cl{\bd\appendixtitle}\vs{1\bl}
+ \scn{0}\ssan{0}\ssbn{0}\sscn{0}\ssdn{0}\sfn{0}\stn{0}}}% end appendix format
+ \subheadaformat{\titleformat{\removelastskip\goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
+ \bd\nin\subheadatitle\par\nobreak\vs{1\bl}\nobreak
+ \ssbn{0}\sscn{0}\ssdn{0}}}% end subheadaformat markup
+ \subheadbformat{\titleformat{\removelastskip\goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
+ \it\nin\subheadbtitle\par\nobreak\vs{1\bl}\nobreak
+ \sscn{0}\ssdn{0}}}% end subheadbformat markup
+ \subheadcformat{\titleformat{\removelastskip\goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
+ \nin\subheadctitle\par\nobreak\vs{1\bl}\nobreak\ssdn{0}}}% end subheadc format markup
+ \subheaddformat{\titleformat{\goodbreak{\it \subheaddtitle.}}}% end subheadd markup
+ \runningheadformat{\bothpages{\line{\rm\lft{}\ctr{}\rt{\pagenumber}}
+ \vs{1\bl}}}% end runningheadformat markup
+}% END monospace markup definition
+ \def\monospace{\message{<TEXT1> monospace fonts are not available. Use
+ typewritter fonts instead.}}
+\def\sl{\message{<TEXT1> Warning! The slanted font is not in font sets. Only tensl is used.}\tensl}%
+\message{more misc, }
+% Ellipsis command 10/22/85
+\def\ellipsis#1{{\def\U{\message{<TEXT1> Error! Only 3 or 4 are valid for ellipsis. Command ignored.}}
+ \ifcase #1\U\or\U\or\U%
+ \or \ifmmode\mathinner{\ldotp\ldotp\ldotp}
+ \else$\mathinner{\ldotp\ldotp\ldotp}$\fi
+ \or \ifmmode\mathinner{\ldotp\ldotp\ldotp\ldotp}
+ \else\removelastskip$\ldotp\ldotp\ldotp\ldotp$\fi
+ \else\U\fi}}%
+% dumpinsertseject is plain.tex \dosupereject with and \else added
+\def\dumpinsertseject{\ifnum\insertpenalties>\z@ % something is being held over
+ \line{}\kern-\topskip\nobreak\vfill\supereject
+ \else \newpage
+ \fi}% END dumpinsertseject markup definition
+\message{page format, }
+% Pageformat command
+\newdimen\pg*l \pg*l=11in % page length
+\newdimen\pg*t \pg*t=0in % top margin set for 1in origin
+\newdimen\pg*b \pg*b=2in % bottom margin set for 1in origin
+\newdimen\pg*w \pg*w=8.5in % page width
+\newdimen\pg*r \pg*r=2in % right margin set for 1in,
+\newdimen\*lmar \*lmar=0.2in % left margin set for 1in
+% Note: TEX origin at 1in,1in
+\newif\if*cropmarks \*cropmarksfalse
+\newdimen\pg*a \pg*a=0in
+\hsize=6.3in \hoffset=0.2in
+\vsize=9in \voffset=0in
+ \def\pagelength##1{\global\pg*l=##1
+ \cpt*vs}%
+ \def\topmargin##1{\global\pg*t=##1
+ \global\advance\pg*t by- 1in % set margin 1in,1in
+ \cpt*vs}%
+ \def\bottommargin##1{\global\pg*b=##1
+ \global\advance\pg*b by 1in % set margin 1in,1in
+ \cpt*vs}%
+ \def\pagewidth##1{\global\pg*w=##1\cpt*hs}%
+ \def\rightmargin##1{\global\pg*r=##1
+ \global\advance\pg*r by 1in % set margin 1in,1in
+ \cpt*hs}%
+ \def\leftmargin##1{\global\*lmar=##1
+ \global\advance\*lmar by -1in % set margin 1in,1in
+ \cpt*hs}%
+ \def\bindingadjust##1{\global\pg*a=##1\cpt*hs}%
+ \def\galleywidth##1{\global\pg*w=##1
+ \global\advance\pg*w by\*lmar
+ \global\advance\pg*w by\pg*r \cpt*hs}%
+ \def\cropmarks##1{\global\*cropmarksfalse
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{yes}%
+ \edef\V{no}%
+ \ifx \T\U \global\*cropmarkstrue
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\*cropmarksfalse
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, argument to cropmarks in
+ pageformat is not "yes" or "no". "no" will be assumed}
+ \*cropmarksfalse
+ \fi\fi}%
+ #1}}% End pageformat markup definition
+% set page text size, compute hsize
+ \global\hoffset=\*lmar
+ \global\hsize=\pg*w % added global 11/11/86 bth
+ \global\advance\hsize by-\pg*r % ""
+ \global\advance\hsize by-\*lmar % ""
+ \global\*txtw=\hsize}% added for multi column routines
+% set page text size, vsize
+ \global\voffset=\pg*t
+ \global\vsize=\pg*l
+ \global\advance\vsize by-\pg*t
+ \global\advance\vsize by-\pg*b
+ \if*title \global\advance \voffset by \tp*sk % lines from titlepage
+ \global\advance \vsize by -\tp*sk % from titlepage
+ \fi
+ \global\*txth=\vsize}% added for multi column routines
+% left center right
+\def\ctr#1{\hfill #1\hfill}
+\def\rt#1{\hfill #1}
+\message{running heads, }
+% Page numbers
+\def\pagenumber{\ifnum \pageno<0 \romannumeral-\pageno
+ \else \number\pageno\fi}%
+\def\rule{\vskip 1\baselineskip\hrule}%
+% Running heads
+\newtoks\rh*r \rh*r={\line{\twelvept\rt{\pagenumber}}\vs{\bl}}
+\newtoks\rh*l \rh*l={\line{\twelvept\rt{\pagenumber}}\vs{\bl}}
+\newtoks\rf*r \rf*r={}
+\newtoks\rf*l \rf*l={}
+ \def\*ttitle##1{\setbox\A=\vbox{##1}%
+ \D=\ht\A
+ \advance\D by -1in
+ \ifdim \D>\pg*t
+ \global\pg*t=\D
+ \global\advance\pg*t by 12pt
+ \advance\D by 1in
+ \message{<TEXT1> Warning, the top margin you
+ have specified is less than the
+ running top title. The top margin will
+ be changed to \the\D}
+ \cpt*vs
+ \fi
+ \if*tempif \global\rh*l={\hrule width\hsize
+ height0pt depth0pt ##1}
+ \else \global\rh*r={\hrule width\hsize
+ height0pt depth0pt ##1}\fi
+ }% end *ttitle definition
+ \def\evenpages##1{\*tempiftrue\*ttitle{##1}}%
+ \def\oddpages##1{\*tempiffalse\*ttitle{##1}}%
+ \def\bothpages##1{\*tempiftrue\*ttitle{##1}
+ \*tempiffalse\*ttitle{##1}}%
+ \relax
+ #1
+ }}% END runningheadformat markup definition
+\let \rhf = \runningheadformat
+ \def\*btitle##1{\setbox\A=\vbox{##1}%
+ \D=\ht\A
+ \advance\D by 1in
+ \ifdim \D>\pg*b
+ \global\pg*b=\D
+ \global\advance\pg*b by 12pt
+ \advance\D by -1in
+ \message{<TEXT1> Warning, the bottom margin
+ you have specified is less than height of the
+ running bottom title.
+ The bottom margin will be
+ changed to \the\D}
+ \cpt*vs
+ \fi
+ \if*tempif \global\rf*l={##1}
+ \else \global\rf*r={##1}\fi
+ }% end of bottomline
+ \def\evenpages##1{\*tempiftrue\*btitle{##1}}%
+ \def\oddpages##1{\*tempiffalse\*btitle{##1}}%
+ \def\bothpages##1{\*tempiftrue\*btitle{##1}
+ \*tempiffalse\*btitle{##1}}%
+ \relax
+ #1}}% END runningfootformat markup definition
+\let \rff = \runningfootformat
+\newdimen\tp*sk \tp*sk=1in
+\newtoks\tp*fl \tp*fl={}
+ \def\titleleadskip##1{\global\tp*sk=##1}%
+ \def\titlefootline##1{\global\tp*fl={##1}}%
+ \relax
+ #1
+ \titlepage}} %end of titlepageformat
+\let \tpf = \titlepageformat
+ \cpt*vs}%
+ \cpt*vs}%
+\message{output, }
+% Output changed to permit binding adjust
+ \plainoutput
+ \if*title \notitlepage\fi
+ \ifnum\*pcount>0 \*blkpg\fi}% insert blank page
+ \makeheadline
+ \pagebody
+ \makefootline}}}
+ \advancepageno
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-\@MM
+ \else\dosupereject\fi}
+ \if*cropmarks
+ \D=\wd\A
+ \advance\D by 15pt
+ \vbox{\hsize=\the\D
+ \offinterlineskip\psk{0pt}\pin{0pt}
+ \hbox to \D{\vrule width 5pt height .1pt depth 0pt
+ \hfill
+ \vrule width 5pt height .1pt depth 0pt}
+ \hbox to \D{\vrule height 5pt width .1pt depth 0pt
+ \hfill
+ \vrule height 5pt width .1pt depth 0pt}
+ \vs{\the\pg*t}
+ \vs{3pt}
+ \hbox to \D{\hfill\box\A\hfill}
+ \vs{3pt}
+ \hbox to \D{\vrule width .1pt height 5pt depth 0pt
+ \hfill
+ \vrule width .1pt height 5pt depth 0pt}
+ \hbox to \D{\vrule width 5pt height .1pt depth 0pt
+ \hfill
+ \vrule width 5pt height .1pt depth 0pt}}
+ \else \box\A\fi}
+\def\makeheadline{% headline set for multiple and single column modes
+ \if*title% Do nothing if its a title page
+ \else \setbox\A=\vbox{\hsize=\the\*txtw % hsize added to allow
+ \ifodd\pageno\the\rh*r % headline to print the
+ \else\the\rh*l\fi} % full width in multi
+ \vbox to 0pt{\vskip-\ht\A\box\A\vss} % column mode
+ \fi} % This could replace the TEXT1@@ definition
+ \if*cropmarks \vbox{\hsize=\the\*txtw\the\tp*fl\vss}
+ \else\vbox to 0pt{\hsize=\the\*txtw\the\tp*fl\vss}\fi
+ \else\if*cropmarks \vbox{\hsize=\the\*txtw\ifodd\pageno\the\rf*r
+ \else\the\rf*l\fi\vss}
+ \else\vbox to 0pt{\hsize=\the\*txtw\ifodd\pageno\the\rf*r
+ \else\the\rf*l\fi\vss}\fi % hsize added for multi column mode
+ \fi} % This could replace the TEXT1@@ definition
+\def\*badj{\ifdim\pg*a=\z@ % do nothing if binding adjust absent
+ \else
+ \ifodd\pageno % Binding adjust markup (revised 2/03/87
+ \global\hoffset=\*lmar % offset equals left margin value
+ \global\advance\hoffset by\pg*a % plus binding adjust
+ \else
+ \global\hoffset=\*lmar % offset equals left margin value
+ \global\advance\hoffset by-\pg*a % plus binding adjust
+ \fi\fi}% end binding adjust markup
+\message{more misc, }
+% linebreak
+% Horizontal skip
+% skip down
+\def\verticalspace#1{\vskip #1\relax}%
+ \hbox{\vbox{\vskip #1\relax}}}%
+% raggedright (as TeX basic)
+\newdimen\r*sk \r*sk=0pt % dimension to save right skip
+\def\rightragged{\par \r*sk=\rightskip \*rrtrue
+ \if*msp \rightskip=\r*sk plus10em
+ \spaceskip=1em \xspaceskip=1em
+ \else \rightskip=\r*sk plus2em\relax
+ \spaceskip=.3333em \xspaceskip=.5em
+ \fi}
+% leftragged
+\newdimen\l*sk \l*sk=0pt % dimension to save left skip
+\def\leftragged{\par %
+ \l*sk=\leftskip
+ \spaceskip=.35em
+ \xspaceskip=.55em
+ \parfillskip=0pt
+ \leftskip=\l*sk plus2em\relax}
+\newif\if*rr \*rrfalse
+ \rightskip=\r*sk
+ \*rrfalse
+ \leftskip=\l*sk
+ \spaceskip=0pt \xspaceskip=0pt
+ \parfillskip=0pt plus1fil\relax}
+% spacing
+% paragraph
+% noindent
+% hanging paragraph macro
+\newdimen\*hin \*hin=24pt
+ \hangindent=\*hin
+ \hangafter=1
+ \noindent}
+\newif\if*mnr \*mnrfalse % left/right margin note indicator
+\newtoks\e*mn \e*mn={\tenpt\rr} % every margin note tokens
+\newtoks\*mnw \*mnw={54pt} % margin note width tokens
+\newtoks\*mngut \*mngut={6pt} % margin note gutter tokens
+\message{margin note, }
+% Margin Note markup
+\def\marginnoteformat#1{% MARGINAL NOTE FORMAT
+ \def\position##1{% "left" or "right" margin note check
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{left}%
+ \edef\V{right}%
+ \ifx \T\U \global\*mnrfalse % left margin notes true
+ \else\ifx \T\V \global\*mnrtrue % right margin notes true
+ \else\global\*mnrfalse % default, improper entry
+ \write16{<TEXT1> You must specify "left" or "right" in %
+ the marginnoteformat markup. Left is the default.}%
+ \fi\fi}% end margin note check
+ \def\notewidth##1{\global\*mnw={##1}}% note width variable
+ \def\notegutter##1{\global\*mngut={##1}}% gutter width variable
+ \def\everymarginnote##1{\global\e*mn={##1}}% token variable
+ #1}% insert arguments, END marginnoteformat
+\let\mnf=\marginnoteformat % set marginnoteformat abbreviation
+\long\def\marginnote#1{% BEGIN MARGIN NOTE MACRO
+ \if*CG
+ \special{MARGINNOTE=true} % added 6/30/87 jkw for 8600 line numbering
+ \fi
+ \ifvmode\leavevmode\fi % can't use vadjust in vertical mode
+ \bgroup % begin margin note routine
+ \def\rightragged{\r*sk=\rightskip \*rrtrue
+ \if*msp \rightskip=\r*sk plus10em %
+ \spaceskip=1em \xspaceskip=1em %
+ \else \advance\rightskip by 0pt plus1fil\relax %
+ \spaceskip=.35em \xspaceskip=.55em %
+ \fi}% par removed from TEXT1 version %
+ \let\rr=\rightragged %
+ \tolerance=6000 % increase line-breaking tolerance
+ \hbadness=6000 % increase warning tolerance
+ \strut % sets line depth for vadjust
+ \D=\dp\strutbox % capture depth of current line
+ \the\e*mn % every margin note tokens
+ \strut % sets strut to margin note font
+ \parskip=0pt % cancel any paragraph skip
+ \if*mnr % right margin notes true
+ \vadjust{ % make whats'it in text
+ \rlap{\smash{ % rightlap, make note depth zero
+ \hskip\hsize % skip to right margin
+ \hskip\the\*mngut % make gutter
+ \vtop{\hsize=\the\*mnw % set reference point, new hsize
+ \kern-\D % kern depth of current text line
+ \kern-\ht\strutbox % kern height of margin note text
+ \nin#1}}}}% % input margin note text
+ \else % left margin notes true
+ \vadjust{ % make whats'it in text
+ \llap{\smash{ % leftlap, make note depth zero
+ \vtop{\hsize=\the\*mnw % gather vertical material with
+ \kern-\D % kern depth of current text line
+ \kern-\ht\strutbox % kern height of margin note text
+ \nin#1}% reference point at the top
+ \hskip\the\*mngut}}}% make margin note gutter
+ \fi %
+ \egroup % end margin notes routine
+ \ignorespaces}% END margin note macro
+\message{labels, }
+% labeled definition macro
+\newdimen\la*w \la*w=1in % Label width
+\newtoks\la*g \la*g={1em} % Label gutter
+\newtoks\la*s \la*s={1\bl} % Skip before label
+\newtoks\la*f \la*f={\rm} % Label font
+ \setbox\A=\vtop{\hsize=\la*w
+ \leftskip=0pt
+ \rightskip=0pt plus2em
+ \tolerance=1600
+ \noindent
+ \the\la*f
+ #1}%
+ \hangindent=\la*w
+ \advance \hangindent by \the\la*g
+ \hangafter=1
+ \noindent
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\rlap{\box\A}}\ht0=0pt\dp0=0pt\box0%
+ \hskip\la*w
+ \hskip\the\la*g
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \def\labelwidth##1{\global\la*w=##1}%
+ \def\gutter##1{\global\la*g={##1}}%
+ \def\everylabel##1{\global\la*f={##1}}%
+ #1}}% End labelformat
+\message{indents, }
+% leftindent
+ \*zerofalse
+ \*okfalse
+ \e*p#1\end%
+ \if*zero \leftskip 0pt \fi
+ \advance \leftskip by #1
+ \l*sk=\leftskip % l*sk used in justify reset
+ }%
+ \*zerofalse \*okfalse
+ \e*p#1\end%
+ \if*zero \rightskip 0pt \fi
+ \advance \rightskip by #1
+ \if*rr\rr\fi
+ \r*sk=\rightskip}% r*sk used in justify reset
+% \e*p will determine if the parm value passed to \leftindent
+% or \rightindent is to be relative to the previous indent, which means a
+% "+" or "-" will appear in front of the indent value. If no "+" or "-",
+% then the indent is to be absolute from the original left margin.
+\def\e*p#1{\ifx #1\end \let \next = \relax% e*p => Evaluate Parameter
+ \else \if*ok \let \next = \e*p
+ \else \global\*oktrue
+ \ifx #1+ \let \next = \e*p
+ \else \ifx #1- \let \next = \e*p
+ \else \*zerotrue
+ \let \next = \e*p
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi \next}
+\message{block quotes, }
+% Blockquote
+\newskip\bq*sb \bq*sb = 6pt % Default skip before
+\newskip\bq*sa \bq*sa = 6pt % Default skip after
+\newtoks\bq*f \bq*f={\tenpt\leftindent{24pt}\rightindent{24pt}}
+ \def\everyblockquote##1{\global\bq*f={##1}}%
+ \def\skipbefore##1{\global\bq*sb=##1\relax}%
+ \def\skipafter##1{\global\bq*sa=##1\relax}%
+ #1}} %end of blockquoteformat
+ \the\bq*f }
+\message{footnotes, }
+% Footnote
+% The "tfn" prefixed values are for the reference in the text of
+% the document.
+\newif\if*tfn*dnum \*tfn*dnumfalse %"1." style
+\newif\if*tfn*unum \*tfn*unumtrue %"1" style
+\newif\if*tfn*pnum \*tfn*pnumfalse %"(1)" style
+\newif\if*tfn*dlet \*tfn*dletfalse % "a." style
+\newif\if*tfn*ulet \*tfn*uletfalse % "a" style
+\newif\if*tfn*plet \*tfn*pletfalse % "(a)" style
+\newif\if*tfn*rbe \*tfn*rbefalse % reference after word
+\newif\if*tfnupchar \*tfnupchartrue %
+\newtoks\*tfn*rfont \*tfn*rfont={\tenpt\rm}
+% The "nfn" prefixed values are for the reference as it is formatted
+% at the bottom of the page.
+\newif\if*nfn*dnum \*nfn*dnumtrue %"1." style
+\newif\if*nfn*unum \*nfn*unumfalse %"1" style
+\newif\if*nfn*pnum \*nfn*pnumfalse %"(1)" style
+\newif\if*nfn*dlet \*nfn*dletfalse % "a." style
+\newif\if*nfn*ulet \*nfn*uletfalse % "a" style
+\newif\if*nfn*plet \*nfn*pletfalse % "(1)" style
+\newif\if*nfnupchar \*nfnupcharfalse % reference is not superscript
+\newtoks\*nfn*rfont \*nfn*rfont={\tenpt\rm}
+\newtoks\*nfng \*nfng={1em}
+\newif\if*fn*llap \*fn*llaptrue
+\newdimen\fn*div \fn*div=2in
+\newskip\fn*sadiv \fn*sadiv=2.6pt %default skip after divider
+\newskip\fn*sbdiv \fn*sbdiv=6pt %default skip before divider
+\def\footnotenumber{{\if*tfn*dnum \the\fn*num % "1." style
+ \else\if*tfn*unum \the\fn*num % "1" style
+ \else\if*tfn*pnum \the\fn*num % "(1)" style
+ \else\l*alphatrue \a*c{\fn*num} % "a.", "a", and "(a)"
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \removelastskip}}
+\skip\footins=15pt plus 3pt minus 2pt
+ \def\everyfootnote##1{\global\fn*f{##1}}%
+ \def\textreferencestyle##1{%
+ \global\*tfn*dnumfalse
+ \global\*tfn*unumfalse
+ \global\*tfn*pnumfalse
+ \global\*tfn*dletfalse
+ \global\*tfn*uletfalse
+ \global\*tfn*pletfalse
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{(1)}%
+ \edef\V{1}%
+ \edef\Y{1.}%
+ \edef\W{(a)}%
+ \edef\X{a}%
+ \edef\Z{a.}%
+ \ifx\T\U \global\*tfn*pnumtrue
+ \else\ifx\T\V \global\*tfn*unumtrue
+ \else\ifx\T\Y \global\*tfn*dnumtrue
+ \else\ifx\T\W \global\*tfn*plettrue
+ \else\ifx\T\X \global\*tfn*ulettrue
+ \else\ifx\T\Z \global\*tfn*dlettrue
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Error! textreferencestyle ##1
+ is not a valid style. Statement ignored.}
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}% end reference style
+ \def\textreferencefont##1{\global\*tfn*rfont{##1}}%
+ \def\textreferenceplacement##1{\global\*tfn*rbefalse
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{before}%
+ \edef\V{after}%
+ \ifx\T\U \global\*tfn*rbetrue
+ \else\ifx\T\V \global\*tfn*rbefalse
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Error! textreferenceplacement ##1
+ is invalid. Statement ignored.}
+ \fi\fi}
+ \def\textreferenceposition##1{\global\*tfnupcharfalse
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{up}%
+ \edef\V{down}%
+ \ifx\T\U \global\*tfnupchartrue
+ \else\ifx\T\V \global\*tfnupcharfalse
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Error! textreferenceposition ##1
+ has an invalid parameter. Statement ignored.}
+ \fi\fi}
+ \def\notereferencestyle##1{
+ \global\*nfn*dnumfalse
+ \global\*nfn*unumfalse
+ \global\*nfn*pnumfalse
+ \global\*nfn*dletfalse
+ \global\*nfn*uletfalse
+ \global\*nfn*pletfalse
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{(1)}%
+ \edef\V{1}%
+ \edef\Y{1.}%
+ \edef\W{(a)}%
+ \edef\X{a}%
+ \edef\Z{a.}%
+ \ifx\T\Y \global\*nfn*dnumtrue
+ \else\ifx\T\U \global\*nfn*pnumtrue
+ \else\ifx\T\V \global\*nfn*unumtrue
+ \else\ifx\T\W \global\*nfn*plettrue
+ \else\ifx\T\X \global\*nfn*ulettrue
+ \else\ifx\T\Z \global\*nfn*dlettrue
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Error! notereferencestyle ##1
+ is not a valid style. Statement ignored.}
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}% end reference style
+ \def\notereferencefont##1{\global\*nfn*rfont{##1}}%
+ \def\notereferenceposition##1{\global\*nfnupcharfalse
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{up}%
+ \edef\V{down}%
+ \ifx\T\U \global\*nfnupchartrue
+ \else\ifx\T\V \global\*nfnupcharfalse
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Error! notereferenceposition ##1
+ has an invalid parameter. Statement ignored.}
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \def\skipbeforedivider##1{\global\fn*sbdiv=##1\relax}%
+ \def\footnotedivider##1{\global\fn*div=##1\relax}%
+ \def\notereferencegutter##1{\global\*nfng={##1}}%
+ \def\skipafterdivider##1{\global\fn*sadiv=##1\relax}%
+ #1
+ \relax
+ \skip\footins=0pt plus 3pt minus 2pt
+ \global\advance\skip\footins by \fn*sbdiv\relax%
+ \global\advance\skip\footins by \fn*sadiv\relax%
+}} % end of footnoteformat
+\def\autofootnote{\global\advance\fn*num by 1
+ \l*alphatrue
+ \xdef\I{%
+ \if*tfn*unum \the\fn*num%
+ \else \if*tfn*ulet \a*c{\the\fn*num}%
+ \else \if*tfn*plet (\a*c{\the\fn*num})%
+ \else \if*tfn*pnum (\the\fn*num)%
+ \else \if*tfn*dlet \a*c{\the\fn*num}.%
+ \else \if*tfn*dnum \the\fn*num.%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}%
+ \def\K{%
+ \if*nfn*unum \the\fn*num%
+ \else \if*nfn*ulet \a*c{\the\fn*num}%
+ \else \if*nfn*plet (\a*c{\the\fn*num})%
+ \else \if*nfn*pnum (\the\fn*num)%
+ \else \if*nfn*dlet \a*c{\the\fn*num}.%
+ \else \if*nfn*dnum \the\fn*num.%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}%
+ \let\@sf=\empty
+ \ifhmode\edef\@sf{\spacefactor=\the\spacefactor}\fi
+ \def\J{{\the\*tfn*rfont
+ \if*tfnupchar \raise.7ex\hbox{\the\*tfn*rfont\I}%
+ \else {\I}\fi}}%
+ \if*tfn*rbe \@sf\J\ignorespaces%
+ \else\unskip\unskip\unskip\unskip\J\@sf\fi
+ \def\M{{\the\*nfn*rfont
+ \if*nfnupchar \raise.7ex\hbox{\K}%
+ \else {\K}\fi}}%
+ \vfootnote{\M}}
+% vfootnote redefined to include fn*f features
+% The addition of hsize=txtw in vfootnote for flexibleformat allows the
+% footnote to print across the full text width at the page bottom.
+% Footstrut redefined to baselineskip for consistent spacing in footnote
+\def\footnoterule{\vskip-\fn*sadiv\hrule width\fn*div\vskip\fn*sadiv\relax}
+% redefined from PLAIN TEX to baselineskip. PLAIN TEX
+% used the height of a ten point strutbox
+\def\vfootnote#1{% Vfootnote revised 11/6/86
+ \insert\footins\bgroup
+ \if*fix % if fixed mode do nothing to footnote
+ \else\hsize=\*txtw\fi % else print footnote across full width of page
+ \interlinepenalty\interfootnotelinepenalty
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height 1.8ex depth .6ex width 0pt}%
+ \splittopskip\ht\strutbox % top baseline for broken footnotes
+ \splitmaxdepth\dp\strutbox
+ \floatingpenalty\@MM
+ \leftskip\z@skip
+ \rightskip\z@skip
+ \spaceskip\z@skip
+ \xspaceskip\z@skip
+ \the\fn*f
+ \def\T{\parindent}% For some odd and unknown reason this def is needed
+ \ifdim\the\parindent>0pt \global\*fn*llaptrue
+ \else \ifdim\the\leftskip>0pt \global\*fn*llaptrue
+ \else \global\*fn*llapfalse\fi\fi
+ \leavevmode
+ \if*fn*llap \hbox to 0pt{\hss{#1\hskip\the\*nfng}}%
+ \else \hbox{#1\hskip\the\*nfng}\fi%
+ \ignorespaces
+ \footstrut\futurelet\next\fo@t}% END vfootnote markup definition
+\def\footstrut{\vbox to\baselineskip{}}
+\message{endnotes, }
+% Endnote
+% The "ten" prefixed values are for the reference in the text of
+% the document.
+\newif\if*ten*num \*ten*numtrue % "[1]", "1" and "(1)" styles
+\newif\if*ten*let \*ten*letfalse % "a" and "(a)" styles
+\newif\if*ten*paren \*ten*parenfalse % "(1)" and "(a)" styles
+\newif\if*ten*sb \*ten*sbtrue % "[1]" style
+\newif\if*tenupchar \*tenupcharfalse % reference is not superscripted by
+\newtoks\*tenrfont \*tenrfont={\tenpt\rm}
+% The "nen" prefixed values are for the reference as it is formatted
+% at the end of a chapter or the end of the document.
+\newif\if*nen*num \*nen*numtrue % "[1]", "1", "1." and "(1)" styles
+\newif\if*nen*let \*nen*letfalse % "a" and "(a)" styles
+\newif\if*nenll*per \*nenll*pertrue % "1." style
+\newif\if*nen*paren \*nen*parenfalse % "(1)" and "(a)" styles
+\newif\if*nen*sb \*nen*sbfalse % "[1]" style
+\newif\if*nenupchar \*nenupcharfalse % reference isn't superscripted
+\newtoks\*nenrfont \*nenrfont={\tenpt\rm}
+\newdimen\*neng \*neng=1em
+\newskip\en*s \en*s=4pt
+\def\endnotenumber{{\if*ten*num \the\en*n % all numeric styles
+ \else\l*alphatrue \a*c{\en*n} % all alpha styles
+ \fi
+ \removelastskip}}
+ {\def\everyendnote##1{\global\*enpar{##1}}%
+ \def\textreferencestyle##1{%
+ \global\*ten*numfalse
+ \global\*ten*letfalse
+ \global\*ten*parenfalse
+ \global\*ten*sbfalse
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{[1]}%
+ \edef\V{(1)}%
+ \edef\W{1}%
+ \edef\X{(a)}%
+ \edef\Y{a}%
+ \ifx\T\U \global\*ten*numtrue \global\*ten*sbtrue % st
+ \else\ifx\T\V \global\*ten*numtrue \global\*ten*parentrue % st
+ \else\ifx\T\W \global\*ten*numtrue % st
+ \else\ifx\T\X \global\*ten*lettrue \global\*ten*parentrue % st
+ \else\ifx\T\Y \global\*ten*lettrue % st
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Error! textreferencestyle ##1
+ is not a valid style. Statement ignored.}
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}% end reference style
+ \def\textreferencefont##1{\global\*tenrfont{##1}}%
+ \def\textreferenceposition##1{\global\*tenupcharfalse
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{up}%
+ \edef\V{down}%
+ \ifx\T\U \global\*tenupchartrue
+ \else\ifx\T\V \global\*tenupcharfalse
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Error! textreferenceposition ##1
+ has an invalid parameter. Statement ignored.}
+ \fi\fi}
+ \def\notereferencestyle##1{
+ \global\*nen*numfalse
+ \global\*nen*letfalse
+ \global\*nen*parenfalse
+ \global\*nenll*perfalse
+ \global\*nen*sbfalse
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{[1]}%
+ \edef\V{(1)}%
+ \edef\W{1}%
+ \edef\X{(a)}%
+ \edef\Y{a}%
+ \edef\Z{1.}%
+ \ifx\T\Z \global\*nen*numtrue \global\*nenll*pertrue % style
+ \else\ifx\T\U \global\*nen*numtrue \global\*nen*sbtrue % st
+ \else\ifx\T\V \global\*nen*numtrue \global\*nen*parentrue % st
+ \else\ifx\T\W \global\*nen*numtrue % st
+ \else\ifx\T\X \global\*nen*lettrue \global\*nen*parentrue % st
+ \else\ifx\T\Y \global\*nen*lettrue % st
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Error! notereferencestyle ##1
+ is not a valid style. Statement ignored.}
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}% end reference style
+ \def\notereferencefont##1{\global\*nenrfont{##1}}%
+ \def\notereferenceposition##1{\global\*nenupcharfalse
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{up}%
+ \edef\V{down}%
+ \ifx\T\U \global\*nenupchartrue
+ \else\ifx\T\V \global\*nenupcharfalse
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Error! notereferenceposition ##1
+ has an invalid parameter. Statement ignored.}
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \def\notereferencegutter##1{\global\*neng=##1}%
+ \def\skipbefore##1{\global\en*s=##1}%
+ \relax
+ #1}} % end of footnoteformat
+ You may continue if you wish, but I'd be surprised
+ if your job^^J
+ finished without any errors when you print the endnotes. }
+\def\err@#1{\errmessage{TEXT1 error: #1}}
+ \catcode`@=11
+ \errmessage{Results are unpredictable
+ when you use autoendnote with asisbegin.
+ Type h for more help}}%
+\def\autoendnote{\global\advance\en*n by 1
+ \if*aib \*aenerr \fi
+ \l*alphatrue
+ \edef\I{%
+ \if*ten*paren (\unskip\fi
+ \if*ten*sb [\unskip\fi
+ \if*ten*num \the\en*n\fi
+ \if*ten*let \a*c{\the\en*n}\fi
+ \if*ten*paren \unskip)\fi
+ \if*ten*sb \unskip]\fi}%
+ \let\@sf=\empty
+ \ifhmode \edef\@sf{\spacefactor=\the\spacefactor}%
+ \else \let\@sf=\empty\fi
+ \unskip\unskip
+ \if*tenupchar \raise.7ex\hbox{\the\*tenrfont\I}\@sf%
+ \else {\the\*tenrfont\I}\@sf\fi%
+ \edef\J{%
+ \if*nen*paren (\unskip\fi
+ \if*nen*sb [\unskip\fi
+ \if*nen*num \the\en*n\fi
+ \if*nen*let \a*c{\the\en*n}\fi
+ \if*nenll*per \unskip.\fi
+ \if*nen*paren \unskip)\fi
+ \if*nen*sb \unskip]\fi}%
+ \en*o
+ \immediate\write\en*f{\par%
+ \the\*enpar%
+ \noexpand\ENP{\the\*nenrfont\J}}%
+ \en*w}
+ \if*nenupchar \raise.7ex\hbox{\the\*nenrfont#1}%
+ \else {\the\*nenrfont#1}\fi}}%
+\def\en*i#1{\hbox to 0pt{\hss{#1}\hskip\*neng}\ignorespaces}
+ \*endlbl={text1xx.end}
+ \else
+ \*endlbl={text1xx.endnotes}
+ \immediate\write\en*f{\the\*enpar}%
+ \edef\T{\par\vskip\the\en*s\relax}%
+ \immediate\write\en*f{\T}%
+ \global\def\en*o{}%
+ }
+ \def\underscore{\noexpand\us}\let\us=\underscore%
+ \def\bd{\noexpand\bd}\def\cc{\noexpand\cc}\def\tt{\noexpand\tt}%
+ \def\c{\noexpand\c}\def\L{\noexpand\L}\def\AA{\noexpand\AA}%
+ \def\d{\noexpand\d}\def\O{\noexpand\O}\def\t{\noexpand\t}%
+ \def\b{\noexpand\b}%
+ \immediate\write\en*f{#1}}%
+}% end definition of en*w
+ \begingroup%
+ \input text1xx.endnotes%
+ \par%
+ \endgroup%
+ \global\def\en*o{\immediate\openout\en*f=text1xx.endnotes%
+ \immediate\write\en*f{\the\*enpar}%
+ \edef\T{\par\vskip\the\en*s\relax}%
+ \immediate\write\en*f{\T}%
+ \global\def\en*o{}}%
+ \setendnotenumber{0}}%
+\let \pen=\printendnotes
+\message{set command, }
+ \edef\T{\the\*ap*num}%
+ \E=\*ap*st%
+ \else\ifx#2\chapternumber
+ \edef\T{\the\*ch*num}%
+ \E=\*ch*st%
+ \else\ifx#2\endnotenumber
+ \edef\T{\the\en*n}%
+ \if*ten*num \E=1% % all numeric styles
+ \else\l*alphatrue \E=2% % all alpha styles
+ \fi%
+ \else\ifx#2\figurenumber
+ \edef\T{\the\fi*n}%
+ \E=1%
+ \else\ifx#2\footnotenumber
+ \edef\T{\the\fn*num}%
+ \if*tfn*dnum \E=1% % "1." style
+ \else\if*tfn*unum \E=1% % "1" style
+ \else\if*tfn*pnum \E=1% % "(1)" style
+ \else\l*alphatrue \E=2% % "a.", "a", and "(a)"
+ \fi\fi\fi%
+ \else\ifx#2\partnumber
+ \edef\T{\the\*pt*num}%
+ \E=\*pt*st%
+ \else\ifx#2\pagenumber
+ \ifnum \pageno<0 \edef\T{\romannumeral-\pageno}%
+ \else \edef\T{\number\pageno}\fi%
+ \E=1%
+ \else\ifx#2\subheadanumber
+ \edef\T{\the\*sa*num}%
+ \E=\sa*st%
+ \else\ifx#2\subheadbnumber
+ \edef\T{\the\*sb*num}%
+ \E=\sb*st%
+ \else\ifx#2\subheadcnumber
+ \edef\T{\the\*sc*num}%
+ \E=\sc*st%
+ \else\ifx#2\subheaddnumber
+ \edef\T{\the\*sd*num}%
+ \E=\sd*st%
+ \else\ifx#2\tablenumber
+ \edef\T{\the\ta*n}%
+ \E=1%
+ \else\message{<TEXT1> Error! You've entered a number I know nothing
+ about. I'm going to ignore it and try to proceed.}%
+ \E=0%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi%
+\null % So, why is this needed??
+\ifcase\E % NOP
+ \or % set to a digit or lower case roman
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname#1\endcsname{\T}%
+ \or % set to a letter (upper or lower)
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname#1\endcsname{{\a*c{\T}}}%
+ \or % set to an uppercase roman numeral
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname#1\endcsname{%
+ \uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\T}}%
+ \fi}%
+\message{centering, }
+% CENTERLINE Rev. 9/6/88 drg
+% Centerline with single and multiple line capabilities
+\def\centerline#1{\par % Begin centerline markup
+ \*afn*clfalse
+ \B={}
+ \N=0
+ \bgroup
+ \parindent=\z@ \relax % zero indent
+ \parfillskip=0pt plus1fil \relax % infinite stretch
+ \everypar{\null\hskip0pt plus1fil\relax} % add infinite glue
+ \def\linebreak{\hskip0pt plus1fil\relax\break
+ \null\hskip0pt plus1fil\relax}%
+ \let\lbr=\linebreak
+ \let\toclinebreak=\space
+ \let\toclbr=\space
+ \justify
+ \let\*vfn=\vfootnote
+ \let\*afn=\autofootnote
+ \def\vfootnote##1##2{\edef\T{\the\B\noexpand\vfootnote{##1}{##2}}
+ \global\B=\expandafter{\T}}
+ \def\autofootnote{\global\*afn*cltrue
+ \global\advance\N by 1 % count the notes done
+ \*afn}
+ \let\afn=\autofootnote
+ \let\*fn=\footnote
+ \def\footnote##1{\global\*afn*cltrue \*fn{##1}}
+ \setbox\A=\vbox{#1\par % added to make skip with multiple lines
+ \global\C=\baselineskip
+ \setbox0=\hbox{(}
+ \global\advance\C by-\ht0}% end vbox
+ \global\advance\fn*num by -\N %subtract the number of notes done
+ \let\autofootnote=\*afn \let\afn=\autofootnote
+ \let\footnote=\*fn
+ \let\vfootnote=\*vfn
+ \ifdim\ht\A>\baselineskip \else \C=\z@ \fi
+ \line{\hss\vbox{\vskip\C#1\par}\hss}% print centered lines
+ \egroup
+ \if*afn*cl % then there were footnotes in the \cl
+ \the\B
+ \fi
+ }% End centerline markup
+\newif\if*ctrl % centerline indicator
+ \begingroup\pin{0pt}\psk{0pt}\leftskip=0pt plus1fil
+ \parfillskip=0pt \rightskip=0pt plus1fil\obeylines\ignorespaces}%
+% rightline par added to PLAIN TEX macro
+% right align multiple lines
+ \leftskip=0pt plus1fil\obeylines}%
+\message{asis, }
+% As is or format off
+\newskip\*aisb \*aisb = 6pt % Default skip before
+\newskip\*aisa \*aisa = 6pt % Default skip after
+\newtoks\*aif \*aif={\leftindent{0in}}
+\newif\if*aib \*aibfalse % centerline indicator
+ \def\everyasis##1{\global\*aif{##1}}%
+ \def\skipbefore##1{\global\*aisb=##1\relax}%
+ \def\skipafter##1{\global\*aisa=##1\relax}%
+ \relax
+ #1}} % end of asisformat
+% As is or format off
+ \begingroup
+ \let\*afn=\autofootnote % save definition of autofootnote
+ \def\leftindent##1{%
+ \*zerofalse \*okfalse
+ \e*p##1\end%
+ \if*zero \leftskip 0pt \fi
+ \advance \leftskip by ##1}%
+ \let\lin=\leftindent
+ \def\autofootnote{\endgroup % end asis format
+ \futurelet\next\ck*chr}% pick next character, then check the pick
+ \let\afn=\autofootnote % reset abbreviation for autofootnote
+ \def\ck*chr{\ifcat\bgroup % if left brace
+ \noexpand\next % do nothing
+ \let\next\gather % next equals gather
+ \else % no brace present
+ \let\next\re*group\fi % stop if no brace encountered
+ \next}%
+ \def\gather{\*afn % call normal autofootnote
+ \bgroup % furnish left brace, read group
+ \aftergroup\re*group % reset asis format
+ \let\next}% eat curly brace in text
+ % group ends at text right curly brace
+ \def\re*group{\*asisb}% restore asis group
+ \def\*asisb{\begingroup
+ \def\singlespace{\baselineskip=\*isk}%
+ \let\ssp=\singlespace
+ \def\doublespace{\baselineskip=2\*isk}%
+ \let\dsp=\doublespace
+ \def\par{\leavevmode\endgraf}%
+ \parskip0pt\parindent0pt
+ \the\*aif
+ \setupverbatim}\*asisb}
+ {\obeyspaces\gdef {\ }}
+{\catcode`\ =\active\gdef\@vobeyspaces{\catcode`\ \active\let \@xobeysp}}
+\def\@xobeysp{\leavevmode\penalty10000\ }
+ \obeyspaces }
+\message{box macros, }
+% Start of boxes
+% Draw boxes
+\newdimen\db*m \db*m=3pt % drawbox mat size
+\newdimen\db*s \db*s=.4pt % drawbox rule size
+\newdimen\db*sh \db*sh=0pt % drawbox shadow size
+\newdimen\db*om \db*om=0pt % drawbox outer mat size
+\newdimen\db*os \db*os=0pt % drawbox outer rule size
+\newcount\db*ps \db*ps=0 % drawbox percent of screen
+ \def\boxmat##1{\global\db*m=##1\relax}%
+ \def\boxrule##1{\global\db*s=##1\relax}%
+ \def\boxshadow##1{\global\db*sh=##1\relax}%
+ \def\outerboxmat##1{\global\db*om=##1\relax}%
+ \def\outerboxrule##1{\global\db*os=##1\relax}%
+ \def\screen##1{\ifnum##1>64
+ \message{<TEXT1> Error. Screen can only be 0 through 64}
+ \global\db*ps=0
+ \else\ifnum##1<0
+ \message{<TEXT1> Error. Screen can only be 0 through 64}
+ \global\db*ps=0
+ \else \global\db*ps=##1\relax\fi\fi}%
+ #1}} % end of drawboxformat
+ \message{<TEXT1> Warning: Use drawboxformat instead of drawboxrulesize}}
+ \message{<TEXT1> Warning: Use drawboxformat instead of drawboxmat}}
+% Paragraph boxes
+\newdimen\pb*m \pb*m=3pt % paragraphbox mat size
+\newdimen\pb*s \pb*s=.4pt % paragraphbox rule size
+\newdimen\pb*sh \pb*sh=0pt % paragraphbox shadow size
+\newdimen\pb*om \pb*om=0pt % paragraphbox outer mat size
+\newdimen\pb*os \pb*os=0pt % paragraphbox outer rule size
+\newcount\pb*ps \pb*ps=0 % paragraphbox percent of screen
+ \*box{\pb*m}{\pb*s}{\pb*sh}{\pb*om}{\pb*os}{\pb*ps}{\vbox{%
+ \advance \hsize by -2\pb*m%
+ \advance \hsize by -2\pb*s%
+ \advance \hsize by -2\pb*om%
+ \advance \hsize by -2\pb*os%
+ \hrule width \hsize height 0pt depth 0pt%
+ #1}}}}
+ \def\boxmat##1{\global\pb*m=##1\relax}%
+ \def\boxrule##1{\global\pb*s=##1\relax}%
+ \def\boxshadow##1{\global\pb*sh=##1\relax}%
+ \def\outerboxmat##1{\global\pb*om=##1\relax}%
+ \def\outerboxrule##1{\global\pb*os=##1\relax}%
+ \def\screen##1{\ifnum##1>64
+ \message{<TEXT1> Error. Screen can only be 0 through 64}
+ \global\pb*ps=0
+ \else\ifnum##1<0
+ \message{<TEXT1> Error. Screen can only be 0 through 64}
+ \global\pb*ps=0
+ \else \global\pb*ps=##1\relax\fi\fi}%
+ #1}} % end of paragraphboxformat
+% parameter list for *box:
+% #1 = boxmat size #5 = outer boxrule
+% #2 = boxrule size #6 = screen percent
+% #3 = box shadow size #7 = value to be boxed
+% #4 = outer boxmat
+% Uncoment these 2 lines if using the boxes outside of TEXT1
+% \newbox\A
+% \newdimen\D
+% \newcount\E
+\ifdim #5>0pt % only if doing a "framed" box
+ \setbox\A=\vbox{\*box{#1}{#2}{#3}{0pt}{0pt}{#6}{#7}}%
+ \*box{#4}{#5}{#3}{0pt}{0pt}{#6}{\box\A}%
+ \else%
+ \setbox\A=\vbox{\hrule height#2 % draw left side
+ \hbox{\vrule width#2\hskip#1 % draw the top
+ \vbox{\vskip#1
+ \hbox{#7}
+ \vskip#1}\hskip#1\vrule width#2} % draw the bottom
+ \hrule height#2} % draw the right side
+ \ifdim #3=0pt \*scr{#6}{\box\A} % print if not a shadow
+ \else \D=\ht\A
+ \advance \D by -#3
+ \vbox{\hbox{\vrule width #3 height \D depth 0pt
+ \*scr{#6}{\copy\A}}
+ \hrule width \wd\A height #3 depth 0pt}
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% #1 = Screen percent
+% #2 = box to be printed
+\def\*scr#1#2{\ifnum#1=0 #2
+ \else \setbox\A=\vbox{#2}
+ \D=\ht\A
+ \advance \D by \dp\A
+ \E=#1%
+ \advance \E by 48%
+ \hbox{\vbox{\vbox to \D{\leaders
+ \hbox to \wd\A{\leaders\hbox{\dtscr\char\E}\hfill}
+ \vfill}
+ \vskip -\D
+ \box\A}}
+ \fi
+% End of boxes
+\message{more misc, }
+% page skip
+\def\newpage{\vfil\break}% changed from vfill to vfil 11/4/86 bth
+% emptypage
+\def\emptypage{\global\advance\*pcount by1}% produces empty pages
+\def\*blkpg{ % BLANK PAGE MACRO, produces the empty page
+ \loop % checks the number of empty pages
+ \*badj % check for binding adjust
+ \shipout\vbox{\*setcrops{\vbox{
+ \makeheadline % shipout page with headline
+ \vbox to\*txth{\vfil} % and fooline only
+ \makefootline}}}
+ \global\advance\*pcount by\m@ne % decrement empty page counter
+ \advancepageno % advance the page number
+ \ifnum\*pcount>0 % check for empty pages
+ \repeat}% END, empty page macro
+\message{enumeration macros, }
+% List Level Macros
+\newcount\ll*n % Current list level number
+\newcount\ll*stb % list style start
+\newcount\ll*cs % list*enum*value*start
+\newcount\ll*cmps % list compare start
+\newcount\ll*lc % Last level called
+\*toklimit = 188 % Positions 224-253 are used for the 30 table column justification
+ % Positions 199-223 are used for the 25 different list level styles
+ % Tokens below 199 are available for \newtoks use.
+ % Token 190 is the build token
+ % 191-197 is the list level formats, level 1-7
+ % 198 is the bullet format
+\*countlimit = 236 % Counters 244-250 are the styles for the 7 list levels
+ % Counters 237-243 are the enum counters for the 7 list levels
+ % Counters below 237 are available for \newcount use.
+\ll*stb = 244 % Counters 244-250 correspond to the 7 list level styles,
+ % value is index into tokens 199-223
+\ll*cs = 237 % Counters 237-243 correspond to the 7 list level enum values.
+\ll*cmps = 199 % Where to start in the \toks values for the 25 different list level styles
+\ll*cmpe = 223 % Where to stop in the \toks values for the 25 different list level styles
+\count244 = 1 % style "1."
+\count245 = 4 % style "a."
+\count246 = 7 % style "i."
+\count247 = 2 % style "1)"
+\count248 = 5 % style "a)"
+\count249 = 8 % style "i)"
+\count250 = 3 % style "(1)"
+\newskip\ll*sb \ll*sb = 0pt % Default is no \vskip
+\newskip\ll*sa \ll*sa = 0pt % Default is no \vskip
+\toks191={\rm\leftindent{.5in}\gutter{1em}} % level 1 indent is 5 characters initially
+\toks192={\rm\leftindent{.8in}\gutter{1em}} % level 2 indent
+\toks193={\rm\leftindent{1.1in}\gutter{1em}} % level 3 indent
+\toks194={\rm\leftindent{1.4in}\gutter{1em}} % level 4 indent
+\toks195={\rm\leftindent{1.7in}\gutter{1em}} % level 5 indent
+\toks196={\rm\leftindent{2in}\gutter{1em}} % level 6 indent
+\toks197={\rm\leftindent{2.3in}\gutter{1em}} % level 7 indent
+\toks198={\rm\leftindent{+.5in}\gutter{1em}} % bullets
+ % The 25 different List level styles:
+\toks199 = {1.} % Style 1
+\toks200 = {1)} % 2
+\toks201 = {(1)} % 3
+\toks202 = {a.} % 4
+\toks203 = {a)} % 5
+\toks204 = {(a)} % 6
+\toks205 = {i.} % 7
+\toks206 = {i)} % 8
+\toks207 = {(i)} % 9
+\toks208 = {I.} % 10
+\toks209 = {I)} % 11
+\toks210 = {(I)} % 12
+\toks211 = {A.} % 13
+\toks212 = {A)} % 14
+\toks213 = {(A)} % 15
+\toks214 = {1]} % 16
+\toks215 = {[1]} % 17
+\toks216 = {a]} % 18
+\toks217 = {[a]} % 19
+\toks218 = {i]} % 20
+\toks219 = {[i]} % 21
+\toks220 = {I]} % 22
+\toks221 = {[I]} % 23
+\toks222 = {A]} % 24
+\toks223 = {[A]} % 25
+\newif\if*check % True unless done parsing \listformat
+% Macros for producing enumerated list levels.
+ \def\liststyle##1{\par\N = 1
+ \toks190 = {}
+ \Z##1\end}%
+ \def\Z##1{\ifx ##1\end \Y
+ \let \next = \relax
+ \else \ifnum \N > 7
+ \message{<TEXT1> Error! Too many list levels specified, 7 is max.
+ Statement ignored.}
+ \let \next = \Z
+ \else \ifx ##1, \Y
+ \advance \N by 1
+ \toks190 = {}
+ \let \next = \Z
+ \else \toks190 = \expandafter{\the\toks190 ##1}
+ \let \next = \Z
+ \fi\fi\fi\next}%
+ \def\Y{\*tempiffalse
+ \*checktrue
+ \E = \ll*cmps
+ \loop \ifnum \E > \ll*cmpe
+ \*checkfalse
+ \*tempiftrue
+ \else \edef\T{\the\toks190}%
+ \edef\U{\the\toks\E}%
+ \ifx\T\U
+ \*checkfalse
+ \F = \ll*stb
+ \advance \F by -1
+ \advance \F by \N
+ \count\F = \E
+ \advance \count\F by -\ll*cmps
+ \global\advance \count\F by 1
+ \fi\fi
+ \if*check% Then
+ \advance \E by 1
+ \repeat
+ \if*tempif \message{<TEXT1> Error! \the\toks190 is an invalid list
+ level style. It will be ignored}
+ \fi}%
+ \def\skipbefore##1{\global\ll*sb = ##1\relax}%
+ \def\skipafter##1{\global\ll*sa = ##1\relax}%
+ \def\everylistlevel##1##2{\ifcase ##1
+ \or \global\toks191 = {##2}
+ \or \global\toks192 = {##2}
+ \or \global\toks193 = {##2}
+ \or \global\toks194 = {##2}
+ \or \global\toks195 = {##2}
+ \or \global\toks196 = {##2}
+ \or \global\toks197 = {##2}
+ \fi}%
+ \def\everybullet##1{\global\toks198 = {##1}}%
+ \relax
+ #1
+ \endgroup}}
+\let \lif = \listformat
+ \ll*nilfalse
+ \begingroup
+ \global\ll*lc = 0
+ \ll*ini1
+ }
+ \endgroup
+ \ll*niltrue
+ \ifll*nil \message{<TEXT1> Warning, listbegin was not
+ specified. The left margin indent will be set to zero.}
+ \else \if*dbl \else \if*tpl
+ % If in multiple columns, don't end the group. Do so otherwise
+ \else \endgroup
+ \begingroup
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \*tempiftrue % Usually not quite so pessimistic
+ \ifcat 1#1 \ifnum #1 < 8 \*tempiffalse % OK if \listlevel1-\listlevel7
+ \fi\fi
+ \if*tempif \message{<TEXT1> Warning, invalid list level "#1",
+ listlevel1 will be used instead.}
+ \listlevel1
+ \else \E = #1
+ \global\ll*n = \E
+ \advance \E by 1
+ \ll*ini\E
+ \par
+ \ll*fmt
+ \noindent
+ \txt*in{\ll*p{#1}}
+ \fi
+\let \lil = \listlevel
+\def\txt*in#1{\hbox to 0pt{\hss{#1}\hskip\*gut}\ignorespaces}
+ \ifcase \the\ll*n
+ \or \the\toks191
+ \or \the\toks192
+ \or \the\toks193
+ \or \the\toks194
+ \or \the\toks195
+ \or \the\toks196
+ \or \the\toks197
+ \fi}
+\def\listresume{% rev. 7/6/87
+ \if*start*bul\global\advance\ll*n by 1\global\*start*bulfalse\fi
+ % account for bulleted list ffems
+ \ifnum \ll*n < 2 \lin{0pt}
+ \global\ll*n = 1
+ \else \global\advance \ll*n by -1
+ \ll*fmt
+ \fi
+ \noindent\ignorespaces}
+% Evaluate Style
+ \global\ll*lpfalse
+ \global\ll*rpfalse
+ \global\*lsqbfalse
+ \global\*rsqbfalse
+ \global\ll*perfalse
+ \global\ll*digfalse
+ \global\l*alphafalse
+ \global\*u*alphafalse
+ \global\*l*romanfalse
+ \global\*u*romanfalse
+ \ifcase \count\F
+ \or \global\ll*digtrue \global\ll*pertrue % Style 1
+ \or \global\ll*digtrue \global\ll*rptrue % 2
+ \or \global\ll*digtrue \global\ll*rptrue \global\ll*lptrue % 3
+ \or \global\l*alphatrue \global\ll*pertrue % 4
+ \or \global\l*alphatrue \global\ll*rptrue % 5
+ \or \global\l*alphatrue \global\ll*rptrue \global\ll*lptrue % 6
+ \or \global\*l*romantrue \global\ll*pertrue % 7
+ \or \global\*l*romantrue \global\ll*rptrue % 8
+ \or \global\*l*romantrue \global\ll*rptrue \global\ll*lptrue % 9
+ \or \global\*u*romantrue \global\ll*pertrue % 10
+ \or \global\*u*romantrue \global\ll*rptrue % 11
+ \or \global\*u*romantrue \global\ll*rptrue \global\ll*lptrue % 12
+ \or \global\*u*alphatrue \global\ll*pertrue % 13
+ \or \global\*u*alphatrue \global\ll*rptrue % 14
+ \or \global\*u*alphatrue \global\ll*rptrue \global\ll*lptrue % 15
+ \or \global\ll*digtrue \global\*rsqbtrue % 16
+ \or \global\ll*digtrue \global\*rsqbtrue \global\*lsqbtrue % 17
+ \or \global\l*alphatrue \global\*rsqbtrue % 18
+ \or \global\l*alphatrue \global\*rsqbtrue \global\*lsqbtrue % 19
+ \or \global\*l*romantrue \global\*rsqbtrue % 20
+ \or \global\*l*romantrue \global\*rsqbtrue \global\*lsqbtrue % 21
+ \or \global\*u*romantrue \global\*rsqbtrue % 22
+ \or \global\*u*romantrue \global\*rsqbtrue \global\*lsqbtrue % 23
+ \or \global\*u*alphatrue \global\*rsqbtrue % 24
+ \or \global\*u*alphatrue \global\*rsqbtrue \global\*lsqbtrue % 25
+ \fi}
+ \ifnum #1 < 7 \N = #1
+ \advance \N by -1
+ \loop \ifnum \N < 7 % Loop max of 7 times
+ \E = \N
+ \advance \E by \ll*cs
+ \global\count\E = 0
+ \advance \N by 1
+ \repeat
+ \fi} % else don't initialize when \lil7
+ \E = #1
+ \advance \E by \ll*cs
+ \advance \E by -1 % \E is the listlevel value counter
+ \F = \E
+ \advance \F by 7
+ \global\advance \count\E by 1 % Increment the list level counter
+ %
+ % If this level is same as previous level, no need to re-evaluate
+ % the style to be used.
+ %
+ \ifnum \ll*lc = #1
+ \else \e*s
+ \global\ll*lc = #1
+ \fi
+ %
+ % Print the prefix punctuation
+ %
+ \ifll*lp (\unskip % Styles 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
+ \else \if*lsqb [\unskip % Styles 17, 19, 21, 23, 25
+ \fi\fi
+ %
+ % Print the listlevel value, i.e. "1", "a", "A", "I", or "i".
+ %
+ \ifll*dig % Then its a style using digits
+ \number\count\E % Print the number
+ \unskip % To get rid of any following extra spaces
+ \else \ifl*alpha % Then its a style with lower case letters
+ \a*c{\count\E} % Print the lower case letters
+ \unskip % To get rid of any following extra spaces
+ \else \if*u*alpha % Then its a style with upper case letters
+ \a*c{\count\E} % Print uppercase alpha
+ \unskip % To get rid of any following extra spaces
+ \else \if*l*roman % Then its a style with lower case roman numerals
+ \romannumeral\count\E % Print the lower case roman numeral
+ \unskip % To get rid of any following extra spaces
+ \else \if*u*roman % Print upper case roman numeral
+ \uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\count\E}
+ \unskip % To get rid of any following extra spaces
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Error! Something is awry in the listlevel style. Call a consultant.}
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ %
+ % Print the suffix punctuation
+ %
+ \ifll*per .\unskip % Styles 1, 4, 7, 10, 13
+ \else \ifll*rp )\unskip % Styles 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15
+ \else \if*rsqb ]\unskip % Styles 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ %
+ % This macro will convert an integer into a letter. In Appendix F of the
+ % TeXbook you will see that octal character '141 is the small letter "a".
+ % Octal 141=Decimal 97, Therefore, add 96 to value of listlevel counter.
+ % For example, 1="a", 2="b", etc. The macro will also change 27="aa", 28="ab", etc.
+ %
+ \ifnum #1 < 27 \G = #1% % Then its a single letter a-z
+ \advance \G by 96% % See the font table in App. F
+ \ifl*alpha% % Then its a lower case style
+ \char\G% % Print the character a-z
+ \else \advance \G by -32%
+ \char\G% % Print the character A-Z
+ \fi%
+ \else \G = #1% % else its "AA" or greater
+ \divide \G by 26% % This holds the first character
+ \Q = #1% % Get ready to compute second letter
+ \R = #1%
+ \divide \R by 26%
+ \multiply \R by 26%
+ \ifnum #1 = \R%
+ \advance \G by -1%
+ \Q = 26%
+ \else \advance \Q by -\R%
+ \fi%
+ \a*c{\G}% % Get the first character a-z
+ \unskip%
+ \a*c{\Q}% % Get the second letter
+ \fi} % End of \a*c
+% for setting the list level number other than sequential
+ \advance \E by -1
+ \advance \E by \ll*cs
+ \global\count\E = #2}}
+% Bullets
+\def\bullet{% bullet defined for both math and text modes, rev. 6/25/87
+ \ifmmode \*bullet % math mode bullet
+ \else % text or list bullet
+ \ifll*nil % no list in progress, text bullet
+ \leftskip = 0pt
+ {\if*msp{*}\else\sy\char"0F\fi}
+ \else % list in progress, list bullet
+ \the\toks198
+ \if*start*bul \lin{\*bul*dim}
+ \else \*bul*dim = \leftskip
+ \*start*bultrue \fi % end starting bullet
+ \par\noindent
+ \txt*in{{\if*msp{*}\else\sy\char"0F\fi}}
+ \fi % end list in progress check
+ \fi % end math mode bullet check
+}% end bullet
+\let \bul=\bullet
+% The \gutter macro is actually used for several macros, \bul, \lil, etc.
+\message{end of enumeration macros, }
+\message{TOC, }
+% Macros for doing Table of Contents, Heads, Subheads, Tables, and Figures
+\newtoks\*TCt \*TCt={\cl{\twelvept\bd Table of Contents}\vs{1\bl}}
+\newtoks\*ptf \*ptf={\vs{1\bl}\cl{Part \partnumber}\cl{\parttitle}%
+ \vs{1\bl}\nin Part \partnumber \leader \pagenumber}
+\newtoks\*ctf \*ctf={\hangingchapternumber \chaptertitle \leader \pagenumber}
+\newtoks\*atf \*atf={\hangingappendixnumber \appendixtitle \leader \pagenumber}
+\newtoks\*prtf \*prtf={\nin \prefacetitle \leader \pagenumber}
+\newtoks\*satf \*satf={\leftindent{.5in}\nin \subheadatitle \leader \pagenumber}
+\newtoks\*sbtf \*sbtf={\leftindent{1in}\nin \subheadbtitle \leader \pagenumber}
+\newtoks\*sctf \*sctf={\leftindent{1.5in}\nin \subheadctitle \leader \pagenumber}
+\newtoks\*sdtf \*sdtf={\leftindent{2in}\nin \subheaddtitle \leader \pagenumber}
+\newtoks\*btf \*btf={\nin\bibtitle \leader \pagenumber}
+\newtoks\*ftf \*ftf={\hangingnumber{\figurenumber.} \figuretitle \leader \pagenumber}
+\newtoks\*ftt \*ftt={\newpage\cl{\twelvept\bd List of Figures}\line{Figure\hfill Page}}
+\newtoks\*ttf \*ttf={\hangingnumber{\tablenumber.} \tabletitle\leader \pagenumber}
+\newtoks\*ttt \*ttt={\newpage\cl{\twelvept\bd List of Tables}\line{Table\hfill Page}}
+\newtoks\*figt \*figt={\bqb\tenpt\bd\hp Figure \figurenumber. \rm\figuretitle \bqe}
+\newtoks\*tabt \*tabt={\vs{\bl}\cl{\twelvept\bd Table \tablenumber}%
+ \cl{\twelvept\tabletitle}\vs{\bl}}
+\newtoks\*partt \*partt={\dumpinsertseject\titlepage
+ \hrule height 0pt depth 0pt\vfil
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd Part \partnumber}
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd\parttitle}
+ \vs{.5\tp*sk}
+ \np
+ \scn{0}\ssan{0}\ssbn{0}\sscn{0}\ssdn{0}
+ \sfn{0}\stn{0}\sfnn{0}\senn{0}
+ }%
+\newtoks\*chapt \*chapt={\dumpinsertseject
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber}%
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd\chaptertitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}
+ \ssan{0}\ssbn{0}\sscn{0}\ssdn{0}
+ }
+\newtoks\*appt \*appt={\dumpinsertseject %
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd Appendix \appendixnumber}
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd\appendixtitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}
+ \scn{0}\ssan{0}\ssbn{0}\sscn{0}
+ \ssdn{0}\sfn{0}\stn{0}
+ }
+\newtoks\*pret \*pret={\dumpinsertseject %
+ \cl{\twelvept\bd\prefacetitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}
+ \ssan{0}\ssbn{0}\sscn{0}\ssdn{0}
+ }%
+\newtoks\*subat \*subat={\removelastskip\goodbreak
+ \vs{2\bl}
+ \nin\twelvept\bd\subheadatitle\par\nobreak
+ \vs{1\bl}\nobreak
+ \ssbn{0}\sscn{0}\ssdn{0}
+ }
+\newtoks\*subbt \*subbt={\removelastskip\goodbreak
+ \vs{2\bl}
+ \nin\twelvept\it\subheadbtitle\par\nobreak
+ \vs{1\bl}\nobreak
+ \sscn{0}\ssdn{0}
+ }
+\newtoks\*subct \*subct={\removelastskip\goodbreak
+ \vs{2\bl}
+ \nin\twelvept\subheadctitle\par\nobreak
+ \vs{1\bl}\nobreak
+ \ssdn{0}
+ }
+\newtoks\*subdt \*subdt={\goodbreak\twelvept\it\subheaddtitle.}
+\newif\if*cont*chap \*cont*chapfalse
+\newif\if*TC*fig \*TC*figtrue
+\newif\if*TC*tab \*TC*tabtrue
+\newif\if*TC*prt \*TC*prttrue
+\newif\if*TC*chp \*TC*chptrue
+\newif\if*TC*app \*TC*apptrue
+\newif\if*TC*pre \*TC*pretrue
+\newif\if*TC*sha \*TC*shatrue
+\newif\if*TC*shb \*TC*shbtrue
+\newif\if*TC*shc \*TC*shcfalse
+\newif\if*TC*shd \*TC*shdfalse
+\newif\if*TCaopen \*TCaopenfalse
+\newif\if*TCbopen \*TCbopenfalse
+\newif\if*TCcopen \*TCcopenfalse
+\newdimen\*ch*hi \*ch*hi=.25in
+\newdimen\*ap*hi \*ap*hi=.25in
+\newdimen\fi*hi \fi*hi=.25in
+\newdimen\ta*hi \ta*hi=.25in
+\newcount\fi*n \fi*n=0
+\newcount\ta*n \ta*n=0
+\newcount\*pt*num \*pt*num=0
+\newcount\*pt*st \*pt*st=1
+\newcount\*ch*num \*ch*num=0
+\newcount\*ch*st \*ch*st=1
+\newcount\*ap*num \*ap*num=0
+\newcount\*ap*st \*ap*st=2
+\newcount\*sa*num \*sa*num=0
+\newcount\sa*st \sa*st=1
+\newcount\*sb*num \*sb*num=0
+\newcount\sb*st \sb*st=1
+\newcount\*sc*num \*sc*num=0
+\newcount\sc*st \sc*st=1
+\newcount\*sd*num \*sd*num=0
+\newcount\sd*st \sd*st=1
+% putincontents last modified 12/6/91
+ \*toclbla={text1xx.tc1}
+ \*toclblb={text1xx.tc2}
+ \*toclblc={text1xx.tc3}
+ \*toclbla={text1xx.toc1}
+ \*toclblb={text1xx.toc2}
+ \*toclblc={text1xx.toc3}
+\long\def\putincontents#1#2{\begingroup\ifcase #1 % Putincontents markup
+ \message{<TEXT1> Warning, request for Contents entry other than
+ 1, 2, or 3. Contents 1 will be assumed.}
+ \putincontents1{#2}
+ \or \if*TCaopen % Do nothing if open, else open it
+ \else \immediate\openout\TC*fa=\the\*toclbla
+ \immediate\write\TC*fa{\the\*TCt}%
+ \global\*TCaopentrue
+ \fi
+ \*defnoexpands
+ \edef\T{\leftskip=0pt #2}%
+ \edef\next{\write\TC*fa{\T\par}}%
+ \next\relax
+ \or \if*TCbopen % Do nothing if open, else open it
+ \else \immediate\openout\TC*fb=\the\*toclblb
+ \immediate\write\TC*fb{\the\*ftt}%
+ \global\*TCbopentrue\fi
+ \*defnoexpands
+ \edef\T{#2}%
+ \edef\next{\write\TC*fb{\T\par}}%
+ \next\relax
+ \or \if*TCcopen % Do nothing if open, else open it
+ \else \immediate\openout\TC*fc=\the\*toclblc
+ \immediate\write\TC*fc{\the\*ttt}%
+ \global\*TCcopentrue\fi
+ \*defnoexpands
+ \edef\T{#2}%
+ \edef\next{\write\TC*fc{\T\par}}%
+ \next\relax
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, request for Contents entry other than
+ 1, 2, or 3. Contents 1 will be assumed.}
+ \putincontents1{#2}
+ \fi\endgroup}% End putincontents markup
+ \def\AA{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand%
+ \noexpand\noexpand\AA}%
+ \def\aa{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand%
+ \noexpand\noexpand\aa}%
+ \def\appendixnumber{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\san{\the\*ap*num}%
+ \noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\appendixnumber}%
+ \def\autoendnote##1{}%
+ \let\aen=\autoendnote%
+ \def\autofootnote##1{}%
+ \let\afn=\autofootnote%
+ \def\bullet{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\bullet}%
+ \let\bul=\bullet%
+ \def\centerline##1{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand%
+ \noexpand\noexpand\centerline{##1}}%
+ \let\cl=\centerline%
+ \def\chapternumber{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\scn{\the\*ch*num}%
+ \noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\chapternumber}%
+ \def\dag{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand%
+ \noexpand\noexpand\dag}%
+ \def\ddag{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand%
+ \noexpand\noexpand\ddag}%
+ \def\eightteenpt{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\eightteenpt}%
+ \def\fourteenpt{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\fourteenpt}%
+ \def\hangingappendixnumber{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand%
+ \hangingappendixnumber{\the\*ap*num}}%
+ \def\hangingchapternumber{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand%
+ \hangingchapternumber{\the\*ch*num}}%
+ \def\hangingindent##1{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand%
+ \hangingindent{##1}}%
+ \let\hin=\hangingparagraph%
+ \def\hangingnumber##1{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\HFN{##1}}%
+ \def\hangingparagraph{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\hangingparagraph}%
+ \let\hp=\hangingparagraph%
+ \def\justify{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\justify}%
+ \let\ju=\justify%
+ \def\leavevmode{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\leavevmode}%
+ \def\leftindent##1{\leftskip=##1}%
+ \let\lin=\leftindent%
+ \let\linebreak=\space%
+ \let\lbr=\space%
+ \def\neg{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\neg}%
+ \def\notintoc##1{}%
+ \def\pagenumber{\noexpand\pagenumber}%
+ \def\pn{\noexpand\pagenumber}%
+ \def\par{\endgraf}%
+ \def\paragraph{\endgraf}%
+ \def\partnumber{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\sptn{\the\*pt*num}%
+ \noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\partnumber}%
+ \def\subheadanumber{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\ssan{\the\*sa*num}%
+ \noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\subheadanumber}%
+ \def\subheadbnumber{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\ssbn{\the\*sb*num}%
+ \noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\subheadbnumber}%
+ \def\subheadcnumber{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\sscn{\the\*sc*num}%
+ \noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\subheadcnumber}%
+ \def\subheaddnumber{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\ssdn{\the\*sd*num}%
+ \noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\subheaddnumber}%
+ \def\tenpt{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\tenpt}%
+ \def\tilde{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\tilde}%
+ \def\toclinebreak{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\toclinebreak}%
+ \def\toclbr{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\toclinebreak}%
+ \def\twelvept{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\twelvept}%
+ \def\underscore##1{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand%
+ \noexpand\noexpand\underscore{##1}}%
+ \let\us=\underscore%
+ \def\\{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand%
+ \noexpand\noexpand\\}%
+ \def\{{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand%
+ \noexpand\noexpand\{}%
+ \def\}{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand%
+ \noexpand\noexpand\}}%
+ \def\_{\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand\noexpand%
+ \noexpand\noexpand\_}%
+ \def\continuechapter##1{\global\*cont*chapfalse
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{yes}%
+ \edef\V{no}%
+ \ifx \T\U \global\*cont*chaptrue
+ \else \ifx \T\V % Not continue chapter
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, argument to
+ continuechapter is not "yes" or "no".
+ "no" will be assumed}
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \def\toctitle##1{\global\*TCt={##1}}%
+ \def\parttocformat##1{\global\*ptf={##1}}%
+ \def\chaptertocformat##1{\global\*ctf={##1}}%
+ \def\hangingchapterindent##1{\global\*ch*hi=##1}%
+ \def\appendixtocformat##1{\global\*atf={##1}}%
+ \def\hangingappendixindent##1{\global\*ap*hi=##1}%
+ \def\prefacetocformat##1{\global\*prtf={##1}}%
+ \def\subheadatocformat##1{\global\*satf={##1}}%
+ \def\subheadbtocformat##1{\global\*sbtf={##1}}%
+ \def\subheadctocformat##1{\global\*sctf={##1}}%
+ \def\subheaddtocformat##1{\global\*sdtf={##1}}%
+ \def\bibliographytocformat##1{\global\*btf={##1}}%
+ \def\figuretoctitle##1{\global\*ftt={##1}}%
+ \def\figuretocformat##1{\global\*ftf={##1}}%
+ \def\hangingfigureindent##1{\global\fi*hi=##1}%
+ \def\tabletoctitle##1{\global\*ttt={##1}}%
+ \def\tabletocformat##1{\global\*ttf={##1}}%
+ \def\hangingtableindent##1{\global\ta*hi=##1}%
+ #1}}
+% tableofcontents last modified on 12/6/91
+ \edef\T{}\edef\U{#1}\ifx\T\U\E=-3\else\E=#1\fi
+ \dumpinsertseject
+ \setpagenumber{\E}
+ \immediate\closeout\TC*fa
+ \begingroup
+ \def\noexpand{}
+ \def\centerline##1{\par % Begin centerline markup
+ \bgroup
+ \parindent=0pt \relax % zero indent
+ \parfillskip=0pt plus1fil \relax
+ \everypar{\null\hskip0pt plus1fil\relax} % add infinite glue
+ \def\linebreak{\hskip0pt plus1fil\relax\break
+ \null\hskip0pt plus1fil\relax}%
+ \let\toclinebreak=\linebreak % linebreak is a space in text1xx.
+ \let\toclbr=\linebreak % toc1, toclbr available in toc
+ \justify
+ \setbox\A=\vbox{##1\par % figure skip for multiple centerline
+ \global\C=\baselineskip
+ \setbox0=\hbox{(}
+ \global\advance\C by-\ht0}% end vbox
+ \line{\hss\vbox{\vskip\C##1\par}\hss} %
+ \egroup
+ }% End centerline markup
+ \let\cl=\centerline
+ \justify
+ \parfillskip=0pt
+ \rightskip=0pt plus 5em
+ \input \the\*toclbla
+ \endgraf
+ \leftskip=0pt
+ \if*TCbopen % True only if figures were used.
+ \immediate\closeout\TC*fb
+ \input \the\*toclblb
+ \fi
+ \if*TCcopen % True only if tables were used.
+ \immediate\closeout\TC*fc
+ \input \the\*toclblc
+ \fi
+ \endgroup}
+\message{part, }
+ \def\numberingstyle##1{\global\*pt*st=1
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{1}%
+ \edef\V{A}%
+ \edef\W{I}%
+ \ifx \T\U % then style=1, the default
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\*pt*st=2
+ \else \ifx \T\W \global\*pt*st=3
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, numbering style
+ in the partformat command is
+ invalid. Style 1 will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi\fi}%
+ \long\def\titleformat##1{\global\*partt={##1}}%
+ \def\incontents##1{\global\*TC*prttrue
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{yes}%
+ \edef\V{no}%
+ \ifx \T\U % Already true
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\*TC*prtfalse
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, argument to
+ incontents in partformat is not "yes" or "no".
+ "yes" will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi}%
+ #1}}
+\def\part#1{\par % Part revised 11/5/86
+ \global\def\parttitle{#1}%
+ \global\advance \*pt*num by 1
+ \bgroup
+ \let\toclinebreak=\space % prevent linebreak in title
+ \let\toclbr=\space % break in contents only
+ \the\*partt % This prints the title in the text
+ \egroup
+ \par
+ \D=\lastskip
+ \removelastskip
+ \if*TC*prt \putincontents1{\the\*ptf}\fi
+ \ignorespaces
+ \vs{\D}
+}% END
+\def\partnumber{{\ifcase \*pt*st
+ \or \the\*pt*num
+ \or \l*alphafalse
+ \a*c{\*pt*num}
+ \or \uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\the\*pt*num}
+ \fi}}
+% \spn is setpagenumber
+\message{chapter, }
+ \def\numberingstyle##1{\global\*ch*st=1
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{1}%
+ \edef\V{A}%
+ \edef\W{I}%
+ \ifx \T\U % then style=1, the default
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\*ch*st=2
+ \else \ifx \T\W \global\*ch*st=3
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, numbering style
+ in the chapterformat command is
+ invalid. Style 1 will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi\fi}%
+ \long\def\titleformat##1{\global\*chapt={##1}}%
+ \def\incontents##1{\global\*TC*chptrue%
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{yes}%
+ \edef\V{no}%
+ \ifx \T\U % Already true
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\*TC*chpfalse
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, argument to
+ incontents in chapterformat is not "yes" or "no".
+ "yes" will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi}%
+ #1}}
+ \global\def\chaptertitle{#1}%
+ \global\advance \*ch*num by 1
+ \bgroup
+ \let\toclinebreak=\space
+ \let\toclbr=\space
+ \the\*chapt % prints the title in the text
+ \egroup
+ \D=\lastskip
+ \removelastskip
+ \if*TC*chp \putincontents1{\the\*ctf}\fi
+ \ignorespaces
+ \vs{\D}
+}% END chapter markup definition
+\def\chapternumber{{\ifcase \*ch*st
+ \or \the\*ch*num
+ \or \l*alphafalse
+ \a*c{\*ch*num}
+ \or \uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\the\*ch*num}
+ \fi
+ \removelastskip}}
+ \label{\hskip\*ch*hi\llap{\chapternumber.}}}
+ \def\numberingstyle##1{\global\*ap*st=2
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{1}%
+ \edef\V{A}%
+ \edef\W{I}%
+ \ifx \T\U \global\*ap*st=1
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\*ap*st=2
+ \else \ifx \T\W \global\*ap*st=3
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, numbering style
+ in the appendixformat command is
+ invalid. Style 2 will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi\fi}%
+ \long\def\titleformat##1{\global\*appt={##1}}%
+ \def\incontents##1{\global\*TC*apptrue
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{yes}%
+ \edef\V{no}%
+ \ifx \T\U % Already true
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\*TC*appfalse
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, argument to
+ incontents in appendixformat is not "yes" or "no".
+ "yes" will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi}%
+ #1}}
+\def\appendix#1{% Appendix revised 11/3/86 (added toclinebreak)
+ \global\def\appendixtitle{#1}%
+ \global\advance \*ap*num by 1
+ \par
+ \bgroup
+ \let\toclinebreak=\space
+ \let\toclbr=\space
+ \the\*appt % prints the appendix title
+ \egroup
+ \D=\lastskip
+ \removelastskip
+ \if*TC*app \putincontents1{\the\*atf}\fi
+ \ignorespaces
+ \vs{\D}
+}% END appendix markup definition
+\def\appendixnumber{{\ifcase \*ap*st
+ \or \the\*ap*num
+ \or \l*alphafalse
+ \a*c{\*ap*num}
+ \or \uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\the\*ap*num}
+ \fi
+ \removelastskip}}
+ \label{\hskip\*ap*hi\llap{\appendixnumber.}}}
+ \long\def\titleformat##1{\global\*pret={##1}}%
+ \def\incontents##1{\global\*TC*pretrue
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{yes}%
+ \edef\V{no}%
+ \ifx \T\U % Already true
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\*TC*prefalse
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, argument to
+ incontents in prefaceformat is not "yes" or "no".
+ "yes" will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi}%
+ #1}}
+\def\preface#1{% Preface revised 11/3/86 (added toclinebreak)
+ \global\def\prefacetitle{#1}%
+ \par
+ \bgroup
+ \let\toclinebreak=\space
+ \let\toclbr=\space
+ \the\*pret % prints the title in the text
+ \egroup
+ \D=\lastskip
+ \removelastskip
+ \if*TC*pre \putincontents1{\the\*prtf}\fi
+ \ignorespaces
+ \vs{\D}
+}% END preface markup definition
+ \def\numberingstyle##1{\global\sa*st=1
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{1}%
+ \edef\V{A}%
+ \edef\W{I}%
+ \ifx \T\U % then style=1, the default
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\sa*st=2
+ \else \ifx \T\W \global\sa*st=3
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, numbering style
+ in the subheadaformat command is
+ invalid. Style 1 will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi\fi}%
+ \long\def\titleformat##1{\global\*subat={##1}}%
+ \def\incontents##1{\global\*TC*shatrue
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{yes}%
+ \edef\V{no}%
+ \ifx \T\U % Already true
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\*TC*shafalse
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, argument to
+ incontents in subheadaformat is not "yes" or "no".
+ "yes" will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi}%
+ #1}}
+ \global\def\subheadatitle{#1}%
+ \global\advance \*sa*num by 1
+ \par
+ \bgroup
+ \let\toclinebreak=\space
+ \let\toclbr=\space
+ \the\*subat % prints the title in the text
+ \egroup
+ \ifvmode \D=\lastskip \removelastskip
+ \else \D=0pt\fi
+ \if*TC*sha \putincontents1{\the\*satf}\fi
+ \ifdim\D>0pt\vs{\D}\else\ignorespaces\fi%
+}% END subheada markup definition
+\def\subheadanumber{{\ifcase \sa*st
+ \or \the\*sa*num
+ \or \l*alphafalse
+ \a*c{\*sa*num}
+ \or \uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\the\*sa*num}
+ \fi
+ \removelastskip}}
+ \def\numberingstyle##1{\global\sb*st=1
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{1}%
+ \edef\V{A}%
+ \edef\W{I}%
+ \ifx \T\U % then style=1, the default
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\sb*st=2
+ \else \ifx \T\W \global\sb*st=3
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, numbering style
+ in the subheadbformat command is
+ invalid. Style 1 will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi\fi}%
+ \long\def\titleformat##1{\global\*subbt={##1}}%
+ \def\incontents##1{\global\*TC*shbtrue
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{yes}%
+ \edef\V{no}%
+ \ifx \T\U % Already true
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\*TC*shbfalse
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, argument to
+ incontents in subheadbformat is not "yes" or "no".
+ "yes" will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi}%
+ #1}}
+ \global\def\subheadbtitle{#1}%
+ \global\advance \*sb*num by 1
+ \par
+ \bgroup
+ \let\toclinebreak=\space
+ \let\toclbr=\space
+ \the\*subbt % This prints the title in the text
+ \egroup
+ \ifvmode \D=\lastskip \removelastskip
+ \else \D=0pt\fi
+ \if*TC*shb \putincontents1{\the\*sbtf}\fi
+ \ignorespaces
+ \ifdim\D>0pt\vs{\D}\else\ignorespaces\fi
+}% END subheadb markup definition
+\def\subheadbnumber{{\ifcase \sb*st
+ \or \the\*sb*num
+ \or \l*alphafalse
+ \a*c{\*sb*num}
+ \or \uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\the\*sb*num}
+ \fi
+ \removelastskip}}
+ \def\numberingstyle##1{\global\sc*st=1
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{1}%
+ \edef\V{A}%
+ \edef\W{I}%
+ \ifx \T\U % then style=1, the default
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\sc*st=2
+ \else \ifx \T\W \global\sc*st=3
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, numbering style
+ in the subheadcformat command is
+ invalid. Style 1 will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi\fi}%
+ \long\def\titleformat##1{\global\*subct={##1}}
+ \def\incontents##1{\global\*TC*shcfalse
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{yes}%
+ \edef\V{no}%
+ \ifx \T\U \global\*TC*shctrue
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\*TC*shcfalse
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, argument to
+ incontents in subheadcformat is not "yes" or "no".
+ "no" will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi}%
+ #1}}
+ \global\def\subheadctitle{#1}%
+ \global\advance \*sc*num by 1
+ \par
+ \bgroup
+ \let\toclinebreak=\space
+ \let\toclbr=\space
+ \the\*subct % prints the title in the text
+ \egroup
+ \ifvmode \D=\lastskip \removelastskip
+ \else \D=0pt\fi
+ \if*TC*shc \putincontents1{\the\*sctf}\fi
+ \ignorespaces
+ \ifdim\D>0pt\vs{\D}\else\ignorespaces\fi
+}% END subheadc markup
+\def\subheadcnumber{{\ifcase \sc*st
+ \or \the\*sc*num
+ \or \l*alphafalse
+ \a*c{\*sc*num}
+ \or \uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\the\*sc*num}
+ \fi
+ \removelastskip}}
+ \def\numberingstyle##1{\global\sd*st=1
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{1}%
+ \edef\V{A}%
+ \edef\W{I}%
+ \ifx \T\U % then style=1, the default
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\sd*st=2
+ \else \ifx \T\W \global\sd*st=3
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, numbering style
+ in the subheaddformat command is
+ invalid. Style 1 will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi\fi}%
+ \long\def\titleformat##1{\global\*subdt={##1}}%
+ \def\incontents##1{\global\*TC*shdfalse
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{yes}%
+ \edef\V{no}%
+ \ifx \T\U \global\*TC*shdtrue
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\*TC*shdfalse
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, argument to
+ incontents in subheaddformat is not "yes" or "no".
+ "no" will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi}%
+ #1}}
+ \global\def\subheaddtitle{#1}%
+ \global\advance \*sd*num by 1
+ \par
+ \bgroup
+ \let\toclinebreak=\space
+ \let\toclbr=\space
+ \the\*subdt % This prints the title in the text
+ \egroup
+ \ifvmode \D=\lastskip \removelastskip
+ \else \D=0pt\fi
+ \if*TC*shd \putincontents1{\the\*sdtf}\fi
+ \ignorespaces
+ \ifdim\D>0pt\vs{\D}\else\ignorespaces\fi
+}% END subheadd markup definition
+\def\subheaddnumber{{\ifcase \sd*st
+ \or \the\*sd*num
+ \or \l*alphafalse
+ \a*c{\*sd*num}
+ \or \uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\the\*sd*num}
+ \fi
+ \removelastskip}}
+% FIGURE MARKUP, bth 8/25/86
+% Figure altered to allow alignments and other text markups within the
+% arguments of figure and allow the immediate print feature (nofloat).
+% Footnoting and multiple columns allowed in nofloat format only.
+% Floating figures use top insert which uses a vbox that cancels any
+% footnoting or multiple column setting. When \fullpage or \halfpage
+% are used they must be the only argument in position one.
+% Figureformat revised on 4/5/88, drg
+\catcode`* = 11
+\catcode`@ = 11
+\newif\if*fp \*fpfalse % fullpage, used in figure
+\newif\if*hp \*hpfalse % halfpage, " "
+\newcount\fi*pos \fi*pos=1 % 1=\float,2=\nofloat,3=\midfloat,4=\keep
+\newtoks\fi*sb \fi*sb={1\bl}
+\newtoks\fi*sa \fi*sa={1\bl}
+ \def\skipbefore##1{\global\fi*sb={##1}}%
+ \def\position{% printing position of figure, floating or nonfloating
+ \def\nofloat{\global\fi*pos=2} % prints immediate
+ \def\keep{\global\fi*pos=4} % prints immediate, but on same pg
+ \def\midfloat{\global\fi*pos=3}% uses midinsert
+ \def\float{\global\fi*pos=1}} % uses topinsert, the default
+ \long\def\titleformat##1{\global\*figt={##1}}%
+ \def\incontents##1{\global\*TC*figtrue
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{yes}%
+ \edef\V{no}%
+ \ifx \T\U % Already true
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\*TC*figfalse
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, argument to
+ incontents in figureformat is not "yes" or "no".
+ "yes" will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \def\skipafter##1{\global\fi*sa={##1}}%
+ #1}}% End figure format markup
+\newif\if*tpreset % titlepage reset for figure markup
+\*tpresetfalse % no reset necessary
+% Figure revised on 10/4/89, drg
+\def\*fga{\ifcat\bgroup\noexpand\next \let\next\*fgb
+ \else\let\next\*fgc\fi \next}
+\long\def\*fge#1#2{\par % Begin figure markup definition
+ \gdef\figuretitle{#2}%
+ \global\advance \fi*n by 1 % figure number
+ \begingroup % trap null setting for lets
+ \let\fullpage=\null % make fullpage non-printable
+ \let\halfpage=\null % make halfpage non-printable
+ \let\toclinebreak=\space % prevent break in title
+ \let\toclbr=\space % prevent break in title
+% for value of \fi*pos: 1=\float,2=\nofloat,3=\midfloat,4=\keep
+ \ifcase\fi*pos
+ \if*fp % full page topinsert figure
+ \if*title\*tpresettrue\notitlepage\fi % account for titlepage
+ \topinsert % floating figures are topinserts
+ \if*TC*fig \putincontents2{\the\*ftf}\fi
+ \vbox to\vsize{\vrule width0pt\relax
+ \vfil#1\the\*figt}
+ \endinsert
+ \if*tpreset\titlepage\*tpresetfalse\fi % reset titlepage
+ \else\if*hp % half page topinsert figure
+ \topinsert
+ \if*TC*fig \putincontents2{\the\*ftf}\fi
+ \vbox to.5\vsize{\vrule width0pt \relax
+ \vskip\the\fi*sb\relax
+ \vfil#1\the\*figt
+ \vskip\the\fi*sa\relax}
+ \endinsert
+ \else % variable size floating figure
+ \topinsert
+ \if*TC*fig \putincontents2{\the\*ftf}\fi
+ \vskip\the\fi*sb\relax
+ #1\the\*figt
+ \vskip\the\fi*sa\relax
+ \endinsert
+ \fi\fi % end float full and half page check
+ \np % figure won't fit on current page
+ \if*TC*fig \putincontents2{\the\*ftf}\fi % send to contents
+ \vrule width0pt \relax % prevent fil from going away
+ \vfill\the\*figt % fill to figure title
+ \break % insures break at end of insert
+ \else
+ \dimen\D=.5\vsize % depth check for half page figure
+ \advance\dimen\D by\topskip % add topskip to .5 vsize
+ \ifdim\pagetotal>\dimen\D\np\fi % won't fit on current page
+ \vbox to.49\vsize{\vrule width0pt % keep skip
+ \vfil\relax % skip all but title height to
+ #1\the\*figt % print figure title
+ \vskip\the\fi*sa\relax} % print half page figure title
+ \if*TC*fig \putincontents2{\the\*ftf}\fi
+ \vrule width0pt \relax % prevent skip from going away
+ \vskip\the\fi*sb\relax
+ #1\the\*figt
+ \vskip\the\fi*sa\relax
+ \if*TC*fig \putincontents2{\the\*ftf}\fi
+ \fi% End of check at half page
+ \fi % End of check at full page
+ \if*fp % full page midinsert figure
+ \if*title\*tpresettrue\notitlepage\fi % account for titlepage
+ \topinsert % use topinsert for full page only
+ \if*TC*fig \putincontents2{\the\*ftf}\fi
+ \vbox to\vsize{\vrule width0pt\relax
+ \vfil#1\the\*figt}
+ \endinsert
+ \if*tpreset\titlepage\*tpresetfalse\fi % reset titlepage
+ \else\if*hp % half page midinsert figure
+ \midinsert
+ \if*TC*fig \putincontents2{\the\*ftf}\fi
+ \vbox to.5\vsize{\vrule width0pt \relax
+ \vskip\the\fi*sb\relax
+ \vfil#1\the\*figt
+ \vskip\the\fi*sa\relax}
+ \endinsert
+ \else % variable size floating figure
+ \midinsert
+ \if*TC*fig \putincontents2{\the\*ftf}\fi
+ \vskip\the\fi*sb\relax
+ #1\the\*figt
+ \vskip\the\fi*sa\relax
+ \endinsert
+ \fi\fi % end float full and half page check
+ \np % figure won't fit on current page
+ \if*TC*fig \putincontents2{\the\*ftf}\fi % send to contents
+ \vrule width0pt \relax % prevent fil from going away
+ \vfill\the\*figt % fill to figure title
+ \break % insures break at end of insert
+ \else
+ \dimen\D=.5\vsize % depth check for half page figure
+ \advance\dimen\D by\topskip % add topskip to .5 vsize
+ \ifdim\pagetotal>\dimen\D\np\fi % won't fit on current page
+ \vbox to.49\vsize{\vrule width0pt % keep skip
+ \vfil\relax % skip all but title height to
+ #1\the\*figt % print figure title
+ \vskip\the\fi*sa\relax} % print half page figure title
+ \if*TC*fig \putincontents2{\the\*ftf}\fi
+ \vrule width0pt \relax % prevent skip from going away
+ \vskip\the\fi*sb\relax
+ \vbox{#1\the\*figt
+ \vskip\the\fi*sa\relax}
+ \if*TC*fig \putincontents2{\the\*ftf}\fi
+ \fi% End of check at half page
+ \fi % End of check at full page
+ \fi % End of case statement
+ \endgroup % end trap for null settings
+ \global\*fpfalse % reset full page
+ \global\*hpfalse % reset half page
+}% End figure markup
+\let\fig=\figure % abbreviation for figure markup
+\def\fullpage{\global\*fptrue}% used in figure markup
+\def\halfpage{\global\*hptrue}% used in figure markup
+% Redefined from PLAIN TEX
+\def\midinsert{% redefine from plain tex
+ \@midtrue
+ \if*fix % don't change meaning in fixed mode
+ \else % change midinsert to topinsert in flex mode
+ \if*dbl\global\@midfalse\fi % leave old meaning in single column mode
+ \if*tpl\global\@midfalse\fi %
+ \fi\@ins} %
+ \if*fix % do nothing in fixed mode
+ \else\ift*p\hsize=\*txtw\fi\fi % ift*p hsize of insert set
+ \setbox0=\vbox\bgroup} % insert set to full page width
+% Tables
+ \long\def\titleformat##1{\global\*tabt={##1}}%
+ \def\incontents##1{\global\*TC*tabtrue
+ \edef\T{##1}%
+ \edef\U{yes}%
+ \edef\V{no}%
+ \ifx \T\U % Already true
+ \else \ifx \T\V \global\*TC*tabfalse
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Warning, argument to
+ incontents in tableformat is not "yes" or "no".
+ "yes" will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi}%
+ #1}}
+\def\tabletitle#1{{% Tabletitle revised 11/3/86 (added toclinebreak)
+ \def\tabletitle{#1}%
+ \global\advance \ta*n by 1
+ \par
+ \bgroup
+ \let\toclinebreak=\space
+ \let\toclbr=\space
+ \the\*tabt % prints the title in the text
+ \egroup
+ \par
+ \D=\lastskip
+ \removelastskip
+ \if*TC*tab \putincontents3{\the\*ttf}\fi
+ \ignorespaces
+ \vs{\D}
+}}% END tabletitle markup definition
+\message{8600 macros,}
+% Macros specific for the 8600 (JKW) revision 11/25/86
+\def\evenpagemargin#1{{\setbox0=\hbox{\global\evenmar=#1 pt}}
+ \special{even_page_margin=\the\evenmar}}%
+\def\oddpagemargin#1{{\setbox0=\hbox{\global\oddmar=#1 pt}}
+ \special{odd_page_margin=\the\oddmar}}%
+ \special{line_number_font=\the\B}}%
+ \special{pop_level=\the\B}}%
+ \special{line_interval=\the\B}}%
+\message{ more misc,}
+% To be able to use PLAIN.TEX math code
+ \catcode`\$=3\relax
+ \catcode`@=12\relax}
+ \catcode`\$=12\relax
+ \catcode`@=3\par}
+\message{multiple columns,}
+\outer\def\bye{\par\onecolumn\vfill\supereject\end} % redefined from PLAIN.TEX
+% to close multiple column routines
+% Brian Harvey 1/20/85
+% Macros to be imbedded into TEXT1 to drive the multiple column
+% routines FLEXCOL and FIXCOL.
+\newbox\*lftcol % left column box, fixed column mode, TeXbook name
+\newbox\*midcol % center column, fixed column mode, TeXbook name
+\newbox\*ppage % page accummulated before multicolumn, partialpage, flex
+\newcount\*pcount % counter for empty page macro, keeps track of the
+\*pcount=0 % number of empty page calls
+\newdimen\*bigch % Twc=2vise, Thc=3vsize---bigcolumnheight
+\newdimen\*txtw % textwidth, stores full hsize for multicolumn mode
+\let\galleywidth=\*txtw % create galleywidth = text width
+\newdimen\*txth % textheight, stores page height for multicolumn mode
+\*txtw=\hsize % initialize full page text width for multicolumn mode
+\*txth=\vsize % initialize full text height for multicolumn mode
+\newif\ift*p % ift*p required to check for midinsert in flex mode
+\newif\if*dbl % double column indicator
+\*dblfalse % set double column format indicator false
+\newif\if*tpl % triple column indicator
+\*tplfalse % set triple column format indicator false
+\newif\if*fix % format indicator (fixed if true, otherwise flexible)
+\newif\if*norule % used to suppress rules in output routines
+\newif\if*plain % check for plain.tex, plainoutput
+\*plaintrue % set plain format indicator true
+\newtoks\*twcw % width for twocolumns
+\newtoks\*thcw % width for threecolumns
+\newtoks\*twcgut % gutter for twocolumns
+\newtoks\*thcgut % gutter for threecolumns
+\newtoks\*clrw % rule width between multiple columns
+\newtoks\*mskb % skip before multicolumn format
+\newtoks\*mska % skip after multicolumn format
+\*twcw={.48\*txtw} % initialize column and gutter default widths
+\*clrw={0.0pt} % initialize between column rule width
+\*mskb={6pt plus 3pt minus 2pt} % initialize skips before and after multiple columns:
+\*mska={6pt plus 3pt minus 2pt} % used in multiple column flex mode only
+\def\fixedformat{\global\*fixtrue} % calls fixed format file
+\global\*fixfalse % sets up flex format
+\def\multicolumnformat#1{% format macro for both fixed and flexible, texblock is multicol
+ \def\twocolumnwidth##1{\global\*twcw={##1}}%
+ \def\threecolumnwidth##1{\global\*thcw={##1}}%
+ \def\twocolumngutter##1{\global\*twcgut={##1}}%
+ \def\threecolumngutter##1{\global\*thcgut={##1}}%
+ \def\columnrulewidth##1{\global\*clrw={##1}}%
+ \def\skipbefore##1{\global\*mskb={##1}}% flex mode only
+ \def\skipafter##1{\global\*mska={##1}}% flex mode only
+ #1\*txtwck}% END, multicol format
+\def\*txtwck{% check column width and gutters against hsize
+ \dimen@=\the\*twcw
+ \dimen@=2\dimen@
+ \dimen1=\the\*twcgut
+ \advance\dimen@ by\dimen1
+ \ifdim\dimen@ > \*txtw % if greater than current pagewidth
+ \dimen1=\dimen@
+ \advance\dimen1 by-\*txtw
+ \advance\dimen@ by -\*txtw
+ \ifdim\dimen@ > 1pt % only warn if over 1pt
+ \immediate\write16{%
+ <TEXT1> Warning! The column and gutter widths specified%
+ for two columns are wider than the current pagewidth by%
+ \the\dimen1 . }
+ \fi
+ \else\ifdim\dimen@ < \*txtw % if less than current pagewidth
+ \dimen1=\*txtw
+ \advance\dimen1 by-\dimen@
+ \advance\dimen@ by -\*txtw
+ \multiply\dimen@ by -1
+ \ifdim\dimen@ > 1pt % Only warn if over 1pt difference
+ \immediate\write16{%
+ <TEXT1> Warning! The column and gutter widths specified%
+ for two columns are shorter than the current pagewidth by%
+ \the\dimen1 . }
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi
+ \dimen@=\the\*thcw % width of each column, three columns
+ \dimen@=3\dimen@ % three columns
+ \dimen1=\the\*thcgut % width of the gutters
+ \dimen1=2\dimen1 % two gutters in three columns
+ \advance\dimen@ by\dimen1 % add columns and gutters together
+ \ifdim\dimen@ > \*txtw % if greater than current pagewidth
+ \dimen1=\dimen@
+ \advance\dimen1 by-\*txtw
+ \advance\dimen@ by -\*txtw
+ \ifdim\dimen@ > 1pt % only warn if over 1pt
+ \immediate\write16{%
+ <TEXT1> Warning! The column and gutter widths specified%
+ for three columns are wider than the current pagewidth by%
+ \the\dimen1 . }
+ \fi
+ \else\ifdim\dimen@ < \*txtw % if less than current pagewidth
+ \dimen1=\*txtw
+ \advance\dimen1 by-\dimen@
+ \advance\dimen@ by -\*txtw
+ \multiply\dimen@ by -1
+ \ifdim\dimen@ > 1pt % Only warn if over 1pt difference
+ \immediate\write16{%
+ <TEXT1> Warning! The column and gutter widths specified%
+ for three columns are shorter than the current pagewidth by%
+ \the\dimen1 . }
+ \fi
+ \fi\fi
+ } % END, widthcheck
+\newif\if*start*mc \*start*mcfalse
+\def\twocolumns{% TWOCOLUMNS set-up macro
+ \if*fix \input fixcol % input fixed format file
+ \immediate\write-16{% write to log file only
+ <TEXT1> Fixed format for multiple columns in effect. }
+ \gdef\twocolumns{\*fixtwc}% redefine twocolumns, fixed mode
+ \gdef\threecolumns{\*fixthc}% redefine threecolumns, fixed mode
+ \else \input flexcol % input flex format file
+ \immediate\write-16{% write to log file only
+ <TEXT1> Flexible format for multiple columns in effect. }
+ \gdef\twocolumns{\*flextwc}% redefine twocolumns, flex mode
+ \gdef\threecolumns{\*flexthc}\fi% redefine threecolumns, flex mode
+ \twocolumns
+ \global\let\twc=\twocolumns % to current meaning of twocolumns
+ \global\let\thc=\threecolumns % to current meaning of threecolumns
+}% END twocolumns markup
+\def\threecolumns{% THREECOLUMNS set-up macro
+ \*start*mctrue
+ \if*fix \input fixcol % input fixed format file
+ \immediate\write-16{% write to log file only
+ <TEXT1> Fixed format for multiple columns active. }
+ \gdef\twocolumns{\*fixtwc}% redefine twocolumns, fixed mode
+ \gdef\threecolumns{\*fixthc}% redefine threecolumns, fixed mode
+ \else \input flexcol % input flex format file
+ \immediate\write-16{% write to log file only
+ <TEXT1> Flexible format for multiple columns active. }
+ \gdef\twocolumns{\*flextwc}% redefine twocolumns, flex mode
+ \gdef\threecolumns{\*flexthc}\fi% redefine threecolumns, flex mode
+ \threecolumns
+ \global\let\twc=\twocolumns % to current meaning of twocolumns
+ \global\let\thc=\threecolumns % to current meaning of threecolumns
+}% End threecolumns markup
+\let\onecolumn=\null % Empty definition for single format
+\newif\if*nc \*ncfalse % true if \nc was used in mult cols
+\newhelp\balerrhelp{onecolumn The best approach to solve this problem
+ is to shorten the text by a line. You could also add or delete a
+ paragraph or change the column size. }%
+\message{index macros,}
+% Here are the macros necessary for doing an index
+\newtoks\*ixarc \*ixarc={case=no} % IndeX A Respect Case
+\newcount\*ixpn % Page number type: 0,2,4,6, or 9
+\newtoks\*ixast \*ixast={style=3} % IndeX A STyle
+\newtoks\*ixald \*ixald={leadering=no} % IndeX A LeaDering
+\newtoks\*ixabr \*ixabr={\vs{1\bl}} % IndeX A BReak
+\newtoks\*ixasea \*ixasea={1em} % IndeX A SubEntry 1
+\newtoks\*ixaseb \*ixaseb={2em} % IndeX A SubEntry 2
+\newtoks\*ixaev \*ixaev={\tenpt} % Index A every time
+\newtoks\*ixahp \*ixahp={1.5em} % Index A hang indent
+\newtoks\*ixbrc \*ixbrc={case=no} % IndeX B Respect Case
+\newtoks\*ixbst \*ixbst={style=3} % IndeX B STyle
+\newtoks\*ixbld \*ixbld={leadering=no} % IndeX B LeaDering
+\newtoks\*ixbbr \*ixbbr={\vs{1\bl}} % IndeX B BReak
+\newtoks\*ixbsea \*ixbsea={1em} % IndeX B SubEntry 1
+\newtoks\*ixbseb \*ixbseb={2em} % IndeX B SubEntry 2
+\newtoks\*ixbev \*ixbev={\tenpt} % Index B every time
+\newtoks\*ixbhp \*ixbhp={1.5em} % Index B hang indent
+\newtoks\*ixcrc \*ixcrc={case=no} % IndeX C Respect Case
+\newtoks\*ixcst \*ixcst={style=3} % IndeX C STyle
+\newtoks\*ixcld \*ixcld={leadering=no} % IndeX C LeaDering
+\newtoks\*ixcbr \*ixcbr={\rule\vs{1\bl}} % IndeX C BReak
+\newtoks\*ixcsea \*ixcsea={1em} % IndeX C SubEntry 1
+\newtoks\*ixcseb \*ixcseb={2em} % IndeX C SubEntry 2
+\newtoks\*ixcev \*ixcev={\tenpt} % Index C every time
+\newtoks\*ixchp \*ixchp={1.5em} % Index C hang indent
+\newcount\*ixlvl \*ixlvl=1 % IndeX LeVeL
+\long\def\indexformat#1#2{{\ifnum #1>3 \message{<TEXT1> Error! Only three indices
+ allowed. Level 1 will be used.}
+ \*ixlvl=1
+ \else \*ixlvl=#1\fi
+ \def\respectcase##1{\edef\T{yes}
+ \edef\U{no}
+ \edef\V{##1}
+ \ifx \T\V \B={case=yes}
+ \else \B={case=no}
+ \ifx \U\V % Already set
+ \else\message{<TEXT1> Error!! Case respect not "yes"
+ or "no" in indexformat. "no" will be used.}
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifcase \*ixlvl \or \global\*ixarc=\B
+ \or \global\*ixbrc=\B
+ \or \global\*ixcrc=\B
+ \fi}
+ \def\style##1{\edef\T{paragraph}
+ \edef\U{dash}
+ \edef\V{indent}
+ \edef\W{##1}
+ \ifx \T\W \B={style=1} % paragraph style
+ \else \ifx \U\W \B={style=2} % dash style
+ \else \B={style=3} % indented style
+ \ifx \V\W % Already done
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Error!! Style invalid in indexformat.
+ "indented" will be used.}
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \ifcase \*ixlvl \or \global\*ixast=\B
+ \or \global\*ixbst=\B
+ \or \global\*ixcst=\B
+ \fi}
+ \def\leadering##1{\edef\T{yes}
+ \edef\U{no}
+ \edef\V{##1}
+ \ifx\T\V \B={leadering=yes}
+ \else \B={leadering=no}
+ \ifx\U\V
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Error!! Only "yes" and "no" can
+ be used in the indexformat. "no" will be assumed.}
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifcase \*ixlvl \or \global\*ixald=\B
+ \or \global\*ixbld=\B
+ \or \global\*ixcld=\B
+ \fi
+ }
+ \long\def\everyletterbreak##1{\ifcase \*ixlvl \or \global\*ixabr={##1}
+ \or \global\*ixbbr={##1}
+ \or \global\*ixcbr={##1}
+ \fi}
+ \def\everyindex##1{\ifcase \*ixlvl \or \global\*ixaev={##1}
+ \or \global\*ixbev={##1}
+ \or \global\*ixcev={##1}
+ \fi}
+ \def\everyhang##1{\ifcase \*ixlvl \or \global\*ixahp={##1}
+ \or \global\*ixbhp={##1}
+ \or \global\*ixchp={##1}
+ \fi}
+ \def\indentsubentry##1##2{\R = ##1
+ \ifnum ##1<1 \message{<TEXT1> Error!! Subentry level number in indexformat
+ may only be 1 or 2. 1 will be used.}
+ \R = 1
+ \else \ifnum ##1>2 \message{<TEXT1> Error!! Subentry level number in indexformat
+ may only be 1 or 2. 1 will be used.}
+ \R = 1
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifcase \R \or \ifcase \*ixlvl \or \global\*ixasea={##2}
+ \or \global\*ixbsea={##2}
+ \or \global\*ixcsea={##2}
+ \fi
+ \or \ifcase \*ixlvl \or \global\*ixaseb={##2}
+ \or \global\*ixbseb={##2}
+ \or \global\*ixcseb={##2}
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ #2}}
+\newwrite\*ixfilea % IndeX FILE A
+\newwrite\*ixfileb % IndeX FILE B
+\newwrite\*ixfilec % IndeX FILE C
+\newif\if*ixaopen \*ixaopenfalse % IndeX file A OPEN?
+\newif\if*ixbopen \*ixbopenfalse % IndeX file B OPEN?
+\newif\if*ixcopen \*ixcopenfalse % IndeX file C OPEN?
+\def\*openixfile#1{\ifcase #1 \or
+ \immediate\openout\*ixfilea=text1xx.ix1%
+ \global\*ixaopentrue
+ \immediate\write\*ixfilea{\the\*ixarc}%
+ \immediate\write\*ixfilea{\the\*ixast}%
+ \immediate\write\*ixfilea{\the\*ixald}%
+ \or \immediate\openout\*ixfileb=text1xx.ix2%
+ \global\*ixbopentrue
+ \immediate\write\*ixfileb{\the\*ixbrc}%
+ \immediate\write\*ixfileb{\the\*ixbst}%
+ \immediate\write\*ixfileb{\the\*ixbld}%
+ \or \immediate\openout\*ixfilec=text1xx.ix3%
+ \global\*ixcopentrue
+ \immediate\write\*ixfilec{\the\*ixcrc}%
+ \immediate\write\*ixfilec{\the\*ixcst}%
+ \immediate\write\*ixfilec{\the\*ixcld}%
+ \fi}
+\global\def\index#1#2{{\global\*ixpn = 2
+ \def\subentry##1##2{${$}se##1##2{$}}%
+ \def\bdpn{\global\*ixpn = 0}%
+ \def\uspn{\global\*ixpn = 4}%
+ \def\itpn{\global\*ixpn = 6}%
+ \def\blindentry##1{\global\*ixpn = 9}%
+ \def\sortas##1{${$}sa##1{$}}%
+ \def\dagger{ \noexpand\dagger}%
+ \def\ddagger{ \noexpand\ddagger}%
+ \def\\{\noexpand\\}%
+ \def\{{\noexpand\{}%
+ \def\}{\noexpand\}}%
+ \def\_{\noexpand\_}%
+ \def\@{\noexpand\@}%
+ \def\S{\noexpand\S}%
+ \def\P{\noexpand\P}%
+ \def\L{\noexpand\L}%
+ \def\AA{\noexpand\AA}%
+ \def\neg{\noexpand\neg}%
+ \def\tilde{\noexpand\tilde}%
+ \def\vbar{\noexpand\vbar}%
+ \def\roman{\noexpand\rm}\let\rm=\roman%
+ \def\bold{\noexpand\bd}\let\bd=\bold%
+ \def\italic{\noexpand\it}\let\it=\italic%
+ \def\typewriter{\noexpand\tt}\let\tt=\typewriter%
+ \def\caps{\noexpand\cc}\let\cc=\caps%
+ \def\mathitalic{\noexpand\mi}\let\mi=\mathitalic%
+ \def\symbol{\noexpand\sy}\let\sy=\symbol%
+ \def\extension{\noexpand\ex}\let\ex=\extension%
+ \def\bolditalic{\noexpand\bi}\let\bi=\bolditalic%
+ \setbox0=\vbox{\hsize=100in#2}%
+ \def\bdpn{}%
+ \def\uspn{}%
+ \def\itpn{}%
+ \def\blindentry##1{${$}be##1{$}}%
+ \*ixlvl = #1
+ \ifcase #1 \message{<TEXT1> Error!! You can only have index level 1, 2, or 3.
+ Index level 1 will be used.}
+ \*ixlvl = 1
+ \or\or\or% % These levels are ok
+ \else \message{<TEXT1> Error!! You can only have index level 1, 2, or 3.
+ Index level 1 will be used.}
+ \*ixlvl = 1
+ \fi%
+ \edef\*ixtoken{#2}%
+ \edef\temp{\*ixtoken}%
+ \ifcase \*ixlvl \or\if*ixaopen\else\*openixfile1\fi% Open the file if not done yet
+ \immediate\write\*ixfilea{{\the\*ixpn}{\the\pageno}{\pagenumber}\*ixtoken}%
+ \or \if*ixbopen \else \*openixfile2 \fi % Open the file if not done yet
+ \immediate\write\*ixfileb{{\the\*ixpn}{\the\pageno}{\pagenumber}\*ixtoken}%
+ \or \if*ixcopen \else \*openixfile3 \fi % Open the file if not done yet
+ \immediate\write\*ixfilec{{\the\*ixpn}{\the\pageno}{\pagenumber}\*ixtoken}%
+ \fi}\ignorespaces}
+}% End math cat code change
+ \ifcase #1 \or \the\*ixabr
+ \or \the\*ixbbr
+ \or \the\*ixcbr
+ \fi}
+\def\everyindex#1{\ifcase \*ixlvl \or \the\*ixaev
+ \or \the\*ixbev
+ \or \the\*ixcev
+ \fi}
+ \ifcase #2 \or \ifcase #1 \or \hs{\the\*ixasea}
+ \or \hs{\the\*ixbsea}
+ \or \hs{\the\*ixcsea}
+ \fi
+ \or \ifcase #1 \or \hs{\the\*ixaseb}
+ \or \hs{\the\*ixbseb}
+ \or \hs{\the\*ixcseb}
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+\def\printindex#1{%\*ix#1 used only when printindex is a hardcoded command
+ \ifcase #1 \or \input text1xx.ix1
+ \or \input text1xx.ix2
+ \or \input text1xx.ix3
+ \fi}
+\message{wrap it up...}
+% and set default values
+\parindent=24pt \parskip=0pt plus 3pt minus 0pt
+\catcode`* = 12
+% The END
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/models/letter.texinput b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/letter.texinput
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cac048afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/letter.texinput
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+% LETTER FORMAT FILE bth 4/1/87
+\raggedbottom % text height may vary from page to page
+ \let\titlefont=\defaultmono
+ \let\twelvept=\defaultmono
+ \let\tenpt=\defaultmono
+ \let\rm=\defaultmono
+ \fi % monospace check
+\newtoks\departmentname % department name for letterhead
+\newtoks\campuszip % zip code for letterhead
+\newtoks\campusphone % phone number for letterhead
+\newtoks\date % date token list
+\def\STOP{\endgroup\par}% ends obeylines grouping
+ \obeylines}%
+ \setbox0=\hbox{Copies:\quad}\parindent=\wd0 \nin Copies:\quad}%
+\def\ENCLOSURES#1{\par Enclosures:\quad #1}% sets enclosures text line
+\def\ENDLETTER{\par\endgroup}% stop any obeylines grouping
+% Default for the title (first) page
+ \titlefootline{}
+}% end title page format
+ \if*msp
+ \cl{\titlefont Washington State University}
+ \vs{\bl}\hrule\vs{\bl}
+ \cl{\the\departmentname}
+ \cl{Pullman, Washington\ \the\campuszip}
+ \cl{\the\campusphone}
+ \vs{1\bl} % number of blank lines inserted
+ \nin\the\date %
+ \else
+ \cl{\titlefont Washington State University}
+ \vs{4pt}\hrule\vs{6pt}
+ \cl{\twelvept \the\departmentname}
+ \cl{\tenpt Pullman, Washington\ \the\campuszip}
+ \cl{\tenpt \the\campusphone}
+ \vs{1\bl} % number of blank lines inserted
+ \nin\the\date %
+ \fi
+}}% end letterhead markup
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/models/letter.texmodel b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/letter.texmodel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0983cee198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/letter.texmodel
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+% LETTER MARKUP (style, full block) APRIL 1, 1986
+% To print on monospace printers (line printers, daisy-wheel printers)
+%\monospace % delete the "%" symbol at the beginning of this line
+\paragraphskip{12pt} % distance between paragraphs
+\paragraphindent{0pt} % first line word indent
+\sfs{cm18}{titlefont}{24pt}% large font selected for letterhead
+\input letter.texinput % places the format file into your text file
+% Type the name of your department, the campus zip code,
+% the campus telephone number, and date (if not today's
+% date) between the curly braces of the samples shown
+% below. This information will be added to the letterhead.
+\departmentname{name of your department or organization}
+\campusphone{(509) 335-????}
+% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+\letterhead %
+\vs{2\bl} %
+\BEGINADDRESS % . . . . insert address below this line . . . . . . . . .
+\SALUTATION % . . . replace the salutation on the next line . . . . . . .
+Dear ????
+% . . . . . . insert the text of the letter below this line . . . . . . .
+% . . . . . . . . . . . . and above this line . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+\CLOSING % . . . . replace closing line, if desired . . . . . . . . . . .
+Sincerely yours,
+% . . . . . . . . . replace signature line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+John Doe
+% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+% Use \ENCLOSURES markup for an enclosure number, %
+% for example: \ENCLOSURES{3} %
+% Use \COPIES markup for a copy list, %
+% for example: \COPIES first name %
+% second name %
+% third name, etc. %
+% . . . . . . . enter enclosures and copies below this line . . . . . . .
+\ENDLETTER %------------- and above this line ---------------------------
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/models/memo.texinput b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/memo.texinput
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbf6aa632e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/memo.texinput
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+% dlw 8/15/86
+\if*msp \let\titlefont=\defaultmono
+ \let\twelvept=\defaultmono
+ \let\tenpt=\defaultmono
+ \let\rm=\defaultmono
+ \fi % change all fonts to defaultmono for the monospace option
+\newtoks\*lfthead \*lfthead = { }
+\newtoks\*ctrhead \*ctrhead = { }
+\newtoks\*rthead \*rthead = { }
+% Default for the title (first) page
+ \titlefootline{}
+\def\memopageheadingformat#1{% setup for memo running head
+ \def\*left##1{\global\*lfthead={##1}}%
+ \def\*center##1{\global\*ctrhead={##1}}%
+ \def\*right##1{\global\*rthead={##1}}%
+#1}% end memoheading format
+ \line{\hbox to.33333\hsize{\the\*lfthead\hss}\hfil
+ \hbox to.33333\hsize{\hss\the\*ctrhead\hss}\hfil
+ \hbox to.33333\hsize{\hss\the\*rthead}}
+ \vs{28pt}} % 28pt = .4in
+}% end runningheadformat
+\def\TEXT{\endgroup\if*msp\defaultmono\ssp\else\twelvept\fi %
+ \vs{\bl}\hrule\vs{2\bl}}%
+\cl{{\titlefont M E M O R A N D U M}}
+ \else\par\vs{.4in}\isk{18pt}\fi
+\def\TO{\nin To:\par\vs{-\bl}}%
+\def\FROM{\if*msp\vs{\bl}\fi\nin From:\par\vs{-\bl}}%
+\def\DATE#1{\if*msp\vs{\bl}\fi\nin Date:\par\vs{-\bl}#1}%
+\def\SUBJECT{\if*msp\vs{\bl}\fi\nin Subject:\par\vs{-\bl}}%
+\def\COPIES{\global\*copiestrue\vs{\bl}\nin Copies:\par\vs{-\bl} %
+ \begingroup\obeylines\singlespace %
+ \parskip=0pt\parindent=60pt}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/models/memo.texmodel b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/memo.texmodel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e16ff97be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/memo.texmodel
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+% August 15, 1986
+% To print on monospace printers delete the % symbol before \monospace
+\sfs{cm18}{titlefont}{24pt}% Font selected for heading
+\input memo.texinput % Loads memorandum format file
+\MEMO % Prints memorandum heading
+%--------Enter the text after each markup on the following lines---------
+%------------------multiple line entries may be used---------------------
+\DATE {\today}
+\TEXT %----- Insert the memo below this line-----------------------------
+%--------------For a list of copies use the \COPIES: markup-------------
+% for example: \COPIES first name
+% second name
+% third name, etc.
+%------------enter the copies markup and names below this line-----------
+\ENDMEMO % ----------------and before this line--------------------------
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/models/mergelet.texmodel b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/mergelet.texmodel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de4e4fa4b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/mergelet.texmodel
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+% Sample Letter for Merge File Model
+% TEXT1 Letterhead description, change to suit your letter
+\centerline{{\titlefont Washington State University}}
+\centerline{{\twelvept\bd Academic Computing Service}}
+\centerline{{\tenpt Pullman, Washington 99164-1220\lbr 509/335-0411}}
+\vs{1\bl} % number of blank lines inserted
+\noemptyspace\title\ \firstname\ \lastname
+\city, \state\ \zipcode
+Dear \firstname:
+This letter is a sample for the merge file facility of \text1. Ten
+data fields were created with DBASE~III on a PC and transferred to
+CMS. The fields were delimited with double quotations marks
+({\tt "}) and a comma placed between data fields by DBASE. Any data
+base program that allows data fields to be delimited with quotation
+marks could be used. A data file may also be created
+directly on CMS by entering the data in the following manner:\lbr
+\hs{2in}{\tt "}field one{\tt "},{\tt "}field two{\tt "},\ellipsis3,{\tt
+"}last field{\tt "}\lbr
+or written as \lbr
+\hs{2in}{\tt "}field one{\tt ""}field two{\tt "\ellipsis3\ "}last
+field{\tt "}\lbr
+the commas between data fields are optional.
+Quotation marks must be placed on either side of each field
+(delimit the field) and the {\it each data field must come in the same
+sequence as the data names specified in the {\tt \\fieldnames} markup}.
+{\bd No \it field may be omitted}, however, a field may be empty
+({\it i.e.}, {\tt "}first field{\tt ","","}third field{\tt "}
+\ellipsis3 ).
+The data markup (field names immediately preceded by a {\tt \\} )
+may be used to place text anywhere in the letter, but
+each field should be followed by a control space markup (\\ \ , a
+backslash followed by a blank space) or \text1
+will drop the space after the field. For example, the \\firstname\\
+\\lastname and \\amount markup have been used to add the
+recipients name and a dollar amount in the following line.
+\cl{The \firstname\ \lastname\ account has been charged \amount\ for
+printing services.}
+The {\tt \\noemptyspace} markup may be used to prevent a blank line
+if an address line is empty. Place the data field markup between the
+{\tt \\noemptyspace} markup and the linebreak ({\tt \\lbr}) markup
+({\it i.e.}, {\tt \\noemptyspace\\company\\lbr} would prevent a blank
+line if the company data field were empty). The {\tt\\noemptyspace}
+markup prevents an extra space after an empty data field. Place
+it in the following manner: {\tt \\noemptyspace\\title\\
+\\firstname\\ \\lastname\\lbr} The {\tt \\noemptyspace} markup will
+remove the following control space ({\tt \\ }) or control line break
+({\tt \\lbr}) if the specified data field
+is empty.
+Sincerely yours,
+John Doe
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/models/mergelst.texmodel b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/mergelst.texmodel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d15914892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/mergelst.texmodel
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+% Sample data base Merge File address list, created with dBASE III
+% data field names are as follows:
+% title, firstname, lastname, company, address,
+% city, state, zipcode, phone, amount
+% All data fields must be present for each entry, although the data
+% field itself may be empty (i.e., "" is an empty or null data field).
+"Ms.","Claire","Buckman","ABC Distributing Director","8307 Santa Anita
+"Mr.","Rick","Lisbonn","Vice-President for Marketing","1550 Keystone
+"Dr.","Hank","Bicksby","Research Institute, Manager","4101 Peonia
+"","Lena","Garnett","","520 S. 8th St.","Reno","NV","89504",
+"Mrs.","Lisa","Kafmanan","Sales Support Staff Manager","1960 Lindley
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/models/mergetxt.texinput b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/mergetxt.texinput
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a25e9617e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/mergetxt.texinput
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+% Merge File Model Macro Definition File
+\newcount\*first \*first=0 % first token field
+\newcount\*index \*index=0 % field index
+\newcount\*lastentry \*lastentry=0 % last token filed
+\newcount\*letternumber \*letternumber=0 % letter number from start
+\newcount\LblsUp \LblsUp=1 % number of labels per line
+\newcount\LblsAcross \LblsAcross=0 % counter for labels accross
+\newdimen\LblMat \LblMat=0pt % left and right label margins
+\newdimen\LblHt \LblHt=0in % vertical label size
+\newdimen\LblWd \LblWd=0in % horozontal label size
+\newif\if*check \*checkfalse % datacheck for manual entry
+\newif\if*lbfopen \*lbfopenfalse % check for open label file
+\newtoks\*csnametoks \*csnametoks={} % tokens for field names
+\newtoks\*maillblfmt \*maillblfmt={} % label sheet format code
+\newtoks\*addrlbl \*addrlbl={} % address label tokens
+\newwrite\*labels % create label filee
+% Datacheck forces a print letter after each set of fields
+ \global\*index=\*first % reset index
+ \if*check
+ \global\advance\*letternumber by1
+ \immediate\write16{Letter number \the\*letternumber.
+ First Data Field: (\the\toks\*first) . . .
+ Last Data Field: (\the\toks\*lastentry ). }
+ \fi % write to log file for data check
+ \*prnletter % print current data
+ \fi
+} % end of @ definition
+% Take user defined names to build control sequences
+ \global\advance\count15 by 1 % new token register
+ \global\*first=\count15 % first new token register
+ \parsenames#1\end}% end fieldnames markup
+% Separate name fields into individual entries
+ \createfield
+ \let\next=\relax
+ \global\*lastentry=\count15
+ \global\*index=\*first
+ \*csnametoks={}
+ \else
+ \ifx#1,
+ \createfield
+ \global\advance\count15 by 1
+ \*csnametoks={}
+ \let\next=\parsenames
+ \else \*csnametoks=\expandafter{\the\*csnametoks#1}
+ \let\next=\parsenames
+ \fi\fi
+ \next}% end parsenames markup
+% CREATEFIELD create control sequence names from name field entries
+ {\noexpand\the\toks\the\count15 }}% end createfield markup
+% DEFINE " as name of merge command
+\def"#1"{% set quote marks as active macro and delimiter
+ \ifnum\*index=0 \global\*index=\*first\fi
+ \global\toks\*index={#1} % gather argument in token variable
+ \ifnum\*index<\*lastentry % continue gathering process
+ \gdef,{\gdef,{\char'54{}}}% % drop , in data but not in text
+ \global\advance\*index by1 % index by 1
+ \ignorespaces % eliminate spurious spaces
+ \else % end process
+ \global\*index=0
+ \if*check
+ \global\advance\*letternumber by1
+ \immediate\write16{Letter number \the\*letternumber.
+ First Data Field: (\the\toks\*first) . . .
+ Last Data Field: (\the\toks\*lastentry ). }
+ \fi % write to log file for data check
+ \*prnletter % print current data
+ \fi}% end define " as macro name
+% Merge letter text file merged for each data record
+\def\*prnletter{% Print the letter text with current name/address fields
+ \catcode`"=12\catcode`@=3 % set " and @ to normal catcodes
+ \newpage % start new page for each letter
+ \setpagenumber{1} % reset page number
+ \inputletter % new page then get letter text file
+ \*savelabels{\*setlabel} % save address label information
+ \catcode`"=\active\catcode`@=\active % reset catcodes for markup defs
+ \relax}% end prnletter markup
+% Give filename for letter text
+\def\documentfilename#1{\gdef\inputletter{\input #1 }}%
+% Give maillist data filename
+\def\datafilename#1{\input #1 }%
+% Print no empty lines with the line break markup
+ \ifx\V\W% do nothing if empty argument
+ \else #1#2\fi% if not empty replace argument with the line break
+}% end no emptyspace
+\let\nes=\noemptyspace % set abbreviation
+% SAVELABELS ships information for labels to the label file
+\def\*savelabels#1{% Write Mail Label Information to TEXT1$$.LABEL
+ \if*lbfopen % do nothing if file TEXT1$$.LABEL already open
+ \else \immediate\openout\*labels=text1$$.label % open TEXT1$$.LABEL
+ \immediate\write\*labels{\the\*maillblfmt} % write format
+ \global\*lbfopentrue\fi % set open flag
+ \global\advance\LblsAcross by1 % set label postion pointer
+ \ifnum\LblsAcross>\LblsUp \global\LblsAcross=1 \fi
+ \edef\T{% create labels
+ \ifnum\LblsAcross=1 \setbox\FirstUp=\fi % left label
+ \ifnum\LblsAcross=2 \setbox\SecondUp=\fi% center label
+ \ifnum\LblsAcross=3 \setbox\ThirdUp=\fi % right label
+ \vtop to\LblHt{\hsize=\LblWd \leftskip=\LblMat \rightskip=\LblMat
+ \parindent=0pt #1\par\vfil} % make label to label size and width
+ \ifnum\LblsAcross=\LblsUp % print labels
+ \ifcase\LblsUp% case 0, no labels specified
+ \or\setbox\SecondUp=\null \setbox\ThirdUp=\null % one label
+ \or \setbox\ThirdUp=\null % two labels
+ \fi% end case % three label default
+ \line{\box\FirstUp\box\SecondUp\box\ThirdUp\hfil}
+ \fi}% end definition of T
+ \immediate\write\*labels{\T} % write information to file
+}% end save labels definition
+% Flushlabels prints any unprinted labels remaining in the markup
+\def\*flushlabels{% print any remaining boxed labels
+ \ifcase\LblsUp % case ), no labels specified
+ \or \setbox\SecondUp=\null \setbox\ThirdUp=\null % one label
+ \or \setbox\ThirdUp=\null % two labels
+ \fi% end case % three label default
+ \immediate\write\*labels{\line{\box\FirstUp\box\SecondUp\box\ThirdUp
+ \hfil}}%
+}% end flush any remaining labels
+% Print the label file TEXT1$$.LABEL
+\def\printlabels{\newpage % end last letter
+ \*flushlabels % print any remaining labels
+ \immediate\closeout\*labels % close data file
+ \setpagenumber{99} % labels begin on page 99
+ \input text1$$.label % input the address label data file
+}% end print mailing labels
+% Set format for the mailing labels
+\def\maillabelformat#1{% Sets dimensions and margins of each label
+ \def\labelsetup##1{\global\*maillblfmt={##1}}%
+ \def\numberoflabelsperline##1{\global\LblsUp=##1}%
+ \def\labelheight##1{\global\LblHt=##1}%
+ \def\labelwidth##1{\global\LblWd=##1}%
+ \def\labelmat##1{\global\LblMat=##1}%
+ #1}% end mail label format
+\let\mlfmt=\maillabelformat % set abbreviation
+% Set defaults for the mailing labels
+% Maillabelformat sets the page and label information for mailing labels
+\maillabelformat{\labelsetup{% Sets page and margin settings
+ \raggedbottom
+ \parskip=0pt plus0pt minus0pt
+ \runningheadformat{\bothpages{\line{}}}
+ \pageformat{\topmargin{1in}
+ \bottommargin{0pt}
+ \leftmargin{0pt}
+ \rightmargin{0pt}}% end page format
+ }% end labelsetup
+ \numberoflabelsperline{3}% three labels max
+ \labelheight{1in}
+ \labelwidth{2.75in}
+ \labelmat{.25in}
+}% end mail label format
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/models/mergetxt.texmodel b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/mergetxt.texmodel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2a6f50724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/mergetxt.texmodel
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+% MERGE LETTER MODEL, merges address list with letter
+\input mergetxt.texinput % READ TEXT1 merge file format instructions
+% Select special fonts and setting markup used
+% in the merge process here:
+\selectfontset{cm18}{titlefont}{default} % special letter heading font
+\titlepageformat{\titleleadskip{0in}} % no initial skip for letters
+% Run TEXT1 against a file on your disk that includes
+% this model. A set of five sample letters will be printed. The
+% sample letter describes the mail merge setup. Once you have
+% run the model and read the letter, make the necessary
+% modifications to your file. Set the address field names of
+% your address file in the "\fieldnames{name, name, ...}"
+% markup with the data field names of your data base file.
+% Create the "shell letter," your letter, which includes the
+% address field names of your data file, preceded by a "\",
+% i.e., \namea, \nameb, etc. You need use only those data
+% fields necessary in the document and address label, but all
+% fields in your data base file must be given in the field
+% names markup. Specify the name of your letter file
+% "shell letter" with the "\documentfilename{fn.ft}" markup;
+% specify the address data file with the "\addressfile{...}"
+% markup; and then PRINT the file containing your letter merge
+% model to merge the address file with the shell letter and
+% print the label sheet.
+% NOTE: If you create an address file by hand remove the percent sign
+% before the datacheck MARKUP. The number of the letter from the
+% beginning of the merge file data base and the first and last
+% data fields will be listed on the screen and in the log file
+% when data check is active. This will aid you in finding any
+% errors in your data file.
+%\datacheck % SET DATACHECK by removing the "%" symbol
+% Give all data field names in sequence of occurrence
+% (address list names)
+% Format: \fieldnames{name1, name2, name3, ..., namelast}
+\fieldnames{title, firstname, lastname, company, address, city,
+ state, zipcode, phone, amount}
+% Give file name for document text (letter file that includes
+% the field names for the replaceable text in the document)
+% Format: \documentfilename{filename.filetype}
+% If you want to modify the address label format, then the
+% \addresslabelformat markup MUST come prior to the
+% \datafilename markup.
+% Format: \addresslabelformat{all fields and markup to create label}
+\addresslabelformat{\noindent\title\ \firstname\ \lastname\lbr
+ \company\lbr
+ \address\lbr
+ \city, \state\quad\zipcode}
+% Now specify where the address data file is located with
+% the \datafilename markup.
+% Format: \datafilename{filename.filetype}
+% You may use the "\maillabelformat{}" markup to change
+% the default label format markup. The default label format
+% prints three inch-high labels across the page which can be
+% copied onto a label sheet with an appropriate copy machine.
+% The \maillabelformat{} markup must be placed BEFORE the
+% \printlabels markup to change the system defaults.
+% Select the font setto be used in printing the labels.
+\tenpt % prints labels with computer modern ten point
+\printlabels % print address label sheet for Xerox label sheet
+% Labels will be printed beginning on page 99.
+% If you have an empty data field occurs in the data being
+% processed within the \addresslabelformat, the field will
+% be printed as a blank space or as a blank line if the
+% field is by itself on the line.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/models/paper.texinput b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/paper.texinput
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0baec1743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/paper.texinput
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+% Student Paper Layout -- Monospace
+ \frenchspacing\singlespace}
+ \frenchspacing\singlespace\hp\nin}
+ \titleformat{\np\cl{\us\bibtitle}
+ \vs{\bl}
+ }
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/models/paper.texmodel b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/paper.texmodel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5e7907d75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/paper.texmodel
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+% Student Paper Layout
+% Last updated on = 10/16/86
+\input paper.texinput % get paper format
+% Cover Page
+ \vsk{1in plus 2fil minus 1in} % space at top of page
+ \centerlinesbegin % all lines centered on cover page
+ \frenchspacing % no double spaces after periods on cover page
+%%%% insert title (using one or more lines) between dashed lines
+\vs{2in} % space between title and author
+%%%% insert author(s) (using one or more lines) between dashed lines
+\vs{2in} % space between author and course
+%%%% insert course (using one or more lines) between dashed lines
+\vs{.5in} % space between course and date
+%%%% Date follows; \today = current date or type over with desired date
+ \centerlinesend
+ \vs{2in plus 1 fil minus 1in} %space at bottom of page
+ \newpage %end of title page
+ \setpagenumber{1}\titlepage %no page number on first page of text
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/models/resume.texinput b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/resume.texinput
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5370817b18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/resume.texinput
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ \pagewidth{8.5in} % 792pt = 11in; 612pt = 8.5in
+ \topmargin{1in}
+ \bottommargin{1.2in} % 58pt = .8in; 72pt = 1in
+ \leftmargin{1.2in}
+ \rightmargin{1in} % 86pt = 1.2in
+ \bindingadjust{0pt}
+ \titlefootline{}
+\paragraphskip{1\bl} \paragraphindent{0pt}
+ \lft{\headname}\ctr{{\it Curriculum Vitae}}
+ \rt{\bd\pagenumber}} \vs{\bl}}
+ }
+ \vs{\bl}\line{\lft{}\ctr{}\rt{\today}}}
+ }
+% Defaults for the \label markup
+ \labelwidth{72pt}
+ \gutter{28pt}
+ \everylabel{\defaultmono\bd}
+ }
+ \pagewidth{612pt} % 792pt = 11in; 612pt = 8.5in
+ \topmargin{68pt}
+ \bottommargin{52pt} % 58pt = .8in; 72pt = 1in
+ \leftmargin{72pt}
+ \rightmargin{74pt} % 86pt = 1.2in
+ \titlefootline{}
+\paragraphskip{6pt} \paragraphindent{0pt}
+ \line{\lft{\headname}\ctr{\it Curriculum Vitae}
+ \rt{\bd\pagenumber}} \vs{\bl}}
+ }
+ \vs{\bl}\line{\lft{}\ctr{}\rt{\today}}}
+ }
+% Defaults for the \label markup
+ \labelwidth{72pt}
+ \gutter{28pt}
+ \everylabel{\bd}
+ }
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/models/resume.texmodel b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/resume.texmodel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54588fefed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/resume.texmodel
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+% Functional style; titled, justified resume
+%********************* ***RESUME TEXMODEL*** **************************
+%* This TEXMODEL shows a sample resume. To get a copy of this sample, *
+%* simply run this file through TeX as it is. *
+%* When entering your own resume be sure to replace or delete all *
+%* sample text. DO NOT use this model on a printer that only can *
+%* print with \monospace. *
+\input resume.texinput
+\cl{\bd RESUME}
+\name{Orville T. Game}
+\cl{\it 9987 NE Oak St., Arbor Bay, CK 58924}
+Seeking position with manufacturing firm which will provide
+oportunity for advancement into personel-related position.
+\it Doctor of Hagiology, \rm Medical subterfuge\rt{1983.}\lbr
+Beasley College of Performing Arts, Pullman, CA
+\label{ }Completed courses in economic manipulation,
+John\-ny Carson analysis, and unpadded scrimmage.
+Special courses in radar sabotage, misspelling, and
+stream of consciousness reporting of news.
+Completed graduate courses in anthropology, anthrometry, anthrosophy,
+anthromorphism, and camp counselling.
+Committee: Michael Farnberger, Casper Weinberger, Bill Cheeseburger,
+and Warren Burgher.
+GPA: 1.75. 40\%\ financed by drug sales; 60\%\ by gambling.
+\label{}\it Master of Arts, \rm Philosophy\rt{1983.}\lbr
+University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
+\label{}Completed courses in philosophy, filo-making, fillerupedness,
+filling station technology, and filler.
+Completed graduate courses in philosophy, philology,
+philo\-lo\-gram\-matry, phylogeny, filliness, and phil\-i\-stines.
+Special Committee: Phil Marquette, Phillip Petroleum, Philo Bellows,
+and Phyllus Diller.
+GPA: 0.63. 50\%\ financed by bribes, 50\%\ by unpaid loans.
+\label{Related Experience}
+\it Consultant, \rm Computing Service Center\rt{1985-}\lbr
+Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-1220
+\label{}Direct acquisition of antique typesetting machinery and old
+metal sculptings for garden area.
+In charge of coffee for management.
+Qualified to exterminate bugs in really awkward and tiresome
+Training to collect and recycle aluminum cans for distribution
+to East coast distilleries.
+\label{Other Experience}
+\it Research Associate-Biowarfare, \rm Mars Institute\rt{1984-}\lbr
+P.O. Box 9, Pullman, WA 99163
+\label{}Participate in studies on neutralizing liberal demo\-crats with
+nuclear warheads (low radiation, high neutron count).
+Analyze patterns of ideological disarray for potential weakness.
+Write articles on normative aspects of unethical behavior.
+Keep memoirs of same for distribution to publishers.
+ Special award for boot-licking, 1982.
+Outstanding Stand Out, 1983.
+ Drama Club, 1980--82; Alpha Kappa Kappa Fraternity
+\label{References} On request.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/models/thesis.texinput b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/thesis.texinput
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dfd40e5c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/thesis.texinput
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+% WSU graduate school thesis requirements.
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+% Default values for the \chapter markup
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+% Default values for the \subheada markup
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+% Default values for the \subheadb markup
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+}% end subheadbformat markup
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+ \everyasis{\rm\ssp\leftindent{36pt}}
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+% Default values for the \subheada markup
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+% Default values for the \subheadb markup
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+}% end subheadbformat markup
+ \everyasis{\tenpt\ssp\leftindent{36pt}}
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+ \textreferencestyle{[1]}
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+ \everyendnote{\rm\pin{12pt}\psk{6pt}\lin{0pt}}
+ {{$\copyright$}}\fi}
+ \ifnum\P>50 \P=50
+ \message{Number of signature lines will be limited to 50}\fi
+ \advance\P by-1
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+ \advance\P by-1\repeat
+ }%
+ \toctitle{\ssp\centerline{\bd Table of Contents}
+ \vs{\bl}}}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/models/thesis.texmodel b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/thesis.texmodel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59fc7c241f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/models/thesis.texmodel
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+% WSU Graduate School Thesis Requirements
+% Last updated on = 6/15/87
+%********************* ***THESIS TEXMODEL*** **************************
+%* This TEXMODEL shows some sections of a sample thesis. For a printout *
+%* of a sample thesis, simply run this file through TeX as it is. *
+%* When entering your own thesis, be sure to replace or delete all *
+%* sample text. If you are printing your thesis on a monospaced printer,*
+%* the \monospace command must be activated by removing the percent *
+%* sign preceding it. *
+% ***TITLE PAGE***
+\input thesis.texinput
+\justify \singlespace
+A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of
+the requirements for the degree of
+Department of Anthropology
+December 1986
+\copyrt Copyright by GEORG MACQUET, 1986
+All Rights Reserved
+\copyrt Copyright by GEORG MACQUET, 1986
+All Rights Reserved
+\nin To the Faculty of Washington State University:
+The members of the Committee appointed to examine the thesis of
+GEORG MACQUET find it satisfactory and recommend that it be
+%* The \signatures command draws the number of lines specified *
+%* in the first parameter for the committee members' signatures. *
+%* The first parameter may be any number, but if it is larger *
+%* than 5, spacing must be changed to make it fit on one page. *
+%* The second parameter of the \signatures command will be *
+%* centered as a title under the first line. *
+I would like to thank Clarke Moustakos and Helen Burdeman
+for their help in advising me to study Anthropology at ...
+\putincontents1{\nin Abstract\leader\pagenumber}
+by Georg Macquet, M.A.
+Washington State University
+December 1986
+\noindent Chairperson: V.~L.~Nabokov
+Aesthetic phenomena can be defined from an anthropological perspective.
+Anthropology is empirical; therefore, aesthetic phenomena must also be
+defined empirically to be identified by the techniques of...
+%********************** MAIN TEXT OF THESIS *************************
+%* This ends the preliminary pages of the thesis and begins the main *
+%* text. The remaining sections of the thesis may be entered using any *
+%* or all standard TeXT1 markup commands, including \autofootnote, *
+%* \bibliography, \autoendnote, \subheada, etc. For more information *
+%* on the standard TeXT1 markup commands see the "TeXT1 Users Guide *
+%* (S-522)," or the "TeXT1 Reference Manual (S-523)." *
+The original perspective of anthropology can contribute to a comprehension of
+art. Observational criteria are needed to identify aesthetic phenomena
+uniquely, and anthropology \el3
+\sha{Art as Product}
+In the past, the arts have been studied primarily as products in anthropology.
+But the product must be created by human beings who behave in certain ways. In
+Merriam's words:
+\bqb Through the humanistic elements of his culture, man seems to be making
+pointed commentary on how he lives; his social life in itself seems to bring
+about conditions under which he is unable to restrain himself from commenting
+upon himself\el3
+\sha{Styles of Representation}
+Representations are images that refer to the visual appearance of a thing.
+Gombrich's theory\afn{wherin a representation is not a symbol} is not
+appropriate in this context. Indeed, A.P. Meriam (1971)\aen{This is the only
+edition with the full analysis of semantic theories applied to oriental
+cultures.} states that\el3
+\cl{\bd Notes}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/blocks/appendix.blk b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/blocks/appendix.blk
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+ % from the \selectfontset and \defaultmono\rm markups below.
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+% \defaultmono\rm
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+% Set format for mail labels with the MERGE LETTER MODEL
+% Maillabelformat sets the page and label information for mailing labels
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+% Default values for the \marginnote markup
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+% Default multiple column formats
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+% Default paragraph specifications for monospace fonts
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+% Default paragraph specifications for proportional fonts
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+ % paragraphs. Plus and minus refer to space
+ % that may be added or subtracted from the
+ % initial setting (0pt) to make the lines
+ % even at the bottom of the page.
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+% Default values for the \preface markup
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+% Default values for the running head title
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+% Default values for the \subheada markup
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+% Default values for the \subheadb markup
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+% Default values for the \subheadc markup
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+% Default values for the \subheadd markup
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+ {\twelvept\it \subheaddtitle.}
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+% Default \tabletitle when using \monospace
+ \cl{\bd Table \tablenumber}
+ \cl{\rm\tabletitle}
+ \vs{\bl}
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+% Default values for the \tabletitle markup
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+ \cl{\twelvept\tabletitle}
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+% Default values for the Talaris fonts
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+% Default for the title (first) page
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Binary files differ
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+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CM11. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmXIbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxi\noexpand\endcsname}}%
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--- /dev/null
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+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXVIIIit
+ \textfont\ttfam=\cmXVIIItt \textfont\bffam=\cmXVIIIbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cmXVIIIcc
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviii\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm1814m.mth b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm1814m.mth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3c34b0f02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm1814m.mth
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+\font\cmXVIIIsy=cmsy18 \font\cmXVIIIex=cmex18
+\font\cmXIVrm=cmr14 \font\cmXIVmi=cmmi14
+\font\cmXIVsy=cmsy14 \font\cmXIVex=cmex14
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\cmXVIIIrm \scriptfont1=\cmXVIIImi
+ \scriptfont2=\cmXVIIIsy \scriptfont3=\cmXVIIIex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\cmXVIIIbd
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\cmXIVrm \scriptscriptfont1=\cmXIVmi
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\cmXIVsy \scriptscriptfont3=\cmXIVex
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\cmXIVbd}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm24.txt b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm24.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83dc4387be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm24.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\font\cmXXIVcc=cmcsc24 \font\cmXXIVex=cmex24
+\font\cmXXIVrm=cmr24 \font\cmXXIVit=cmti24
+\font\cmXXIVbd=cmbx24 \font\cmXXIVmi=cmmi24
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxiv\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxiv\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxiv\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxiv\endcsname=26pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXXIVrm \textfont1=\cmXXIVmi
+ \textfont2=\cmXXIVsy \textfont3=\cmXXIVex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXXIVit
+ \textfont\ttfam=\cmXXIVtt \textfont\bffam=\cmXXIVbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cmXXIVcc
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxiv\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm2418m.mth b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm2418m.mth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41222e47d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm2418m.mth
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+\font\cmXXIVsy=cmsy24 \font\cmXXIVex=cmex24
+\font\cmXVIIIrm=cmr18 \font\cmXVIIImi=cmmi18
+\font\cmXVIIIsy=cmsy18 \font\cmXVIIIex=cmex18
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\cmXXIVrm \scriptfont1=\cmXXIVmi
+ \scriptfont2=\cmXXIVsy \scriptfont3=\cmXXIVex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\cmXXIVbd
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\cmXVIIIrm \scriptscriptfont1=\cmXVIIImi
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\cmXVIIIsy \scriptscriptfont3=\cmXVIIIex
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\cmXVIIIbd}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm36.txt b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm36.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a6f9ce578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm36.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\font\cmXXXVIrm=cmr36 \font\cmXXXVIit=cmti36
+\font\cmXXXVIbd=cmbx36 \font\cmXXXVImi=cmmi36
+\font\cmXXXVItt=cmtt36 \font\cmXXXVIsy=cmsy36
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxxvi\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxxvi\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxxvi\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxxvi\endcsname=38pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXXXVIrm \textfont1=\cmXXXVImi
+ \textfont2=\cmXXXVIsy \textfont3=\cmXXXVIex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXXXVIit
+ \textfont\ttfam=\cmXXXVItt \textfont\bffam=\cmXXXVIbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cmXXXVIcc
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxxvi\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm5.txt b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm5.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3cdb0205e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm5.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsv\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsv\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsv\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsv\endcsname=8pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\fiverm\textfont1=\fivei
+ \textfont2=\fivesy\textfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\bffam=\fivebf
+\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold font in CM5. Will print bold extended font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\Vbderrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No italic font in CM5. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\Viterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CM5. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\Vtterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CM5. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\Vbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CM5. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\Vccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsv\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm6.txt b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm6.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a3a735d8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm6.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+\font\cmVIbd=cmbx6 \font\cmVImi=cmmi6
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvi\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvi\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvi\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvi\endcsname=8pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmVIrm \textfont1=\cmVImi
+ \textfont2=\tensy \textfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmVIbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No italic font in CM6. Will print roman font.}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVIiterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CM6. Will print roman font.}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVIbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CM6. Will print roman font.}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVIccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CM6. Will print roman font.}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVItterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvi\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm65m.mth b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm65m.mth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1c44223de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm65m.mth
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\font\cmVIsy=cmsy6 \font\cmVIex=cmex10
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\cmVIrm \scriptfont1=\cmVImi
+ \scriptfont2=\cmVIsy \scriptfont3=\cmVIex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\cmVIbd
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm7.txt b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm7.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..894bff8b2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm7.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvii\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvii\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvii\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvii\endcsname=9pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\sevenrm \textfont1=\seveni
+ \textfont2=\sevensy \textfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmVIIit
+ \textfont\bffam=\sevenbf
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CM7. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\VIItterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CM7. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\VIIbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CM7. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\VIIccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsvii\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm75m.mth b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm75m.mth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2acd4dc1f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm75m.mth
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\sevenrm \scriptfont1=\seveni
+ \scriptfont2=\sevensy \scriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm76m.mth b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm76m.mth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..796813490d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm76m.mth
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\font\cmVIrm=cmr6 \font\cmVImi=cmmi6
+\font\cmVIsy=cmsy6 \font\cmVIex=cmex10
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\sevenrm \scriptfont1=\seveni
+ \scriptfont2=\sevensy \scriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\cmVIrm \scriptscriptfont1=\cmVImi
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\cmVIsy \scriptscriptfont3=\cmVIex
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\cmVIbd}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm8.txt b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm8.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea69af7705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm8.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+\font\cmVIIIrm=cmr8 \font\cmVIIIit=cmti8
+\font\cmVIIIbd=cmbx8 \font\cmVIIImi=cmmi8
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviii\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviii\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviii\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviii\endcsname=10pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmVIIIrm \textfont1=\cmVIIImi
+ \textfont2=\tensy \textfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmVIIIit
+ \textfont\ttfam=\cmVIIItt \textfont\bffam=\cmVIIIbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cmVIIIcc
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CM8. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVIIIbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviii\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm86m.mth b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm86m.mth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9acea1b047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm86m.mth
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+\font\cmVIIIrm=cmr8 \font\cmVIIImi=cmmi8
+\font\cmVIIIsy=cmsy8 \font\cmVIIIex=cmex10
+\font\cmVIrm=cmr6 \font\cmVImi=cmmi6
+\font\cmVIsy=cmsy6 \font\cmVIex=cmex10
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\cmVIIIrm \scriptfont1=\cmVIIImi
+ \scriptfont2=\cmVIIIsy \scriptfont3=\cmVIIIex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\cmVIIIbd
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\cmVIrm \scriptscriptfont1=\cmVImi
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\cmVIsy \scriptscriptfont3=\cmVIex
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\cmVIbd}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm87m.mth b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm87m.mth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bc523025d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm87m.mth
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\font\cmVIIIsy=cmsy8 \font\cmVIIIex=cmex10
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\cmVIIIrm \scriptfont1=\cmVIIImi
+ \scriptfont2=\cmVIIIsy \scriptfont3=\cmVIIIex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\cmVIIIbd
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\sevenrm \scriptscriptfont1=\seveni
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\sevensy \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm9.txt b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm9.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8602cb2d64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm9.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+\font\cmIXrm=cmr9 \font\cmIXit=cmti9
+\font\cmIXbd=cmbx9 \font\cmIXmi=cmmi9
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsix\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsix\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsix\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsix\endcsname=11pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmIXrm \textfont1=\cmIXmi
+ \textfont2=\tensy \textfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmIXit
+ \textfont\ttfam=\cmIXtt \textfont\bffam=\cmIXbd
+ \textfont\ccfam=\cmIXcc
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CM9. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmIXbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsix\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm97m.mth b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm97m.mth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..612ddf3587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm97m.mth
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\font\cmIXsy=cmsy9 \font\cmIXex=cmex10
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\cmIXrm \scriptfont1=\cmIXmi
+ \scriptfont2=\cmIXsy \scriptfont3=\cmIXex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\cmIXbd
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\sevenrm \scriptscriptfont1=\seveni
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\sevensy \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm98m.mth b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm98m.mth
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78e30ed089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cm98m.mth
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+\font\cmIXsy=cmsy9 \font\cmIXex=cmex10
+\font\cmVIIIrm=cmr8 \font\cmVIIImi=cmmi8
+\font\cmVIIIsy=cmsy8 \font\cmVIIIex=cmex10
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\the\maTHtok\endcsname{%
+ \scriptfont0=\cmIXrm \scriptfont1=\cmIXmi
+ \scriptfont2=\cmIXsy \scriptfont3=\cmIXex
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\cmIXbd
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\cmVIIIrm \scriptscriptfont1=\cmVIIImi
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\cmVIIIsy \scriptscriptfont3=\cmVIIIex
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\cmVIIIbd}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan10.txt b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan10.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cedf00fe5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan10.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\font\cmXssrm=cmss10 \font\cmXssit=cmssi10
+\font\cmXssbd=cmssbx10 \font\cmXssmi=cmmi10
+\font\cmXsssy=cmsy10 \font\cmXssex=cmex10
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxss\endcsname=12pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXssrm \textfont1=\cmXssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmXsssy \textfont3=\cmXssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXssit
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmXssbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN10. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\Xssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN10. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\Xsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN10. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\Xssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan11.txt b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan11.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5da60857e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan11.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\font\cmXIssrm=cmss11 \font\cmXIssit=cmssi11
+\font\cmXIssbd=cmssbx11 \font\cmXIssmi=cmmi11
+\font\cmXIsssy=cmsy11 \font\cmXIssex=cmex11
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiss\endcsname=13pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXIssrm \textfont1=\cmXIssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmXIsssy \textfont3=\cmXIssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXIssit
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmXIssbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN11. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN11. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN11. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan12.txt b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan12.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..234dd3cbba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan12.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\font\cmXIIssrm=cmss12 \font\cmXIIssit=cmssi12
+\font\cmXIIssbd=cmssbx12 \font\cmXIIssmi=cmmi12
+\font\cmXIIsssy=cmsy12 \font\cmXIIssex=cmex12
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiiss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiiss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiiss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiiss\endcsname=14pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXIIssrm \textfont1=\cmXIIssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmXIIsssy \textfont3=\cmXIIssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXIIssit
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmXIIssbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN12. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIIssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN12. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIIsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN12. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIIssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxiiss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan14.txt b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan14.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23d2eb54a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan14.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\font\cmXIVssrm=cmss14 \font\cmXIVssit=cmssi14
+\font\cmXIVssbd=cmssbx14 \font\cmXIVssmi=cmmi14
+\font\cmXIVsssy=cmsy14 \font\cmXIVssex=cmex14
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxivss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxivss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxivss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxivss\endcsname=16pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXIVssrm \textfont1=\cmXIVssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmXIVsssy \textfont3=\cmXIVssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXIVssit
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmXIVssbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN14. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIVssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN14. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIVsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN14. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XIVssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxivss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan18.txt b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan18.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1a581291e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan18.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\font\cmXVIIIssrm=cmss18 \font\cmXVIIIssit=cmssi18
+\font\cmXVIIIssbd=cmssbx18 \font\cmXVIIIssmi=cmmi18
+\font\cmXVIIIsssy=cmsy18 \font\cmXVIIIssex=cmex18
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviiiss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviiiss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviiiss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviiiss\endcsname=20pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXVIIIssrm \textfont1=\cmXVIIIssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmXVIIIsssy \textfont3=\cmXVIIIssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXVIIIssit
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmXVIIIssbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN18. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XVIIIssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN18. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XVIIIsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN18. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XVIIIssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxviiiss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan24.txt b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan24.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d035cc6ecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan24.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\font\cmXXIVssrm=cmss24 \font\cmXXIVssit=cmssi24
+\font\cmXXIVssbd=cmssbx24 \font\cmXXIVssmi=cmmi24
+\font\cmXXIVsssy=cmsy24 \font\cmXXIVssex=cmex24
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\endcsname=26pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXXIVssrm \textfont1=\cmXXIVssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmXXIVsssy \textfont3=\cmXXIVssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXXIVssit
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmXXIVssbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN24. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XXIVssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN24. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XXIVsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN24. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XXIVssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan36.txt b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan36.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a64c94a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan36.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\font\cmXXXVIssrm=cmss36 \font\cmXXXVIssit=cmssi36
+\font\cmXXXVIssbd=cmssbx36 \font\cmXXXVIssmi=cmmi36
+\font\cmXXXVIsssy=cmsy36 \font\cmXXXVIssex=cmex24
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\endcsname=38pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmXXXVIssrm \textfont1=\cmXXXVIssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmXXXVIsssy \textfont3=\cmXXXVIssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmXXXVIssit
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmXXXVIssbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN36. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XXXVIssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN36. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XXXVIsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN36. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\XXXVIssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsxxivss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan8.txt b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan8.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..710177059f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan8.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+\font\cmVIIIssrm=cmss8 \font\cmVIIIssmi=cmmi8
+\font\cmVIIIsssy=cmsy8 \font\cmVIIIssex=cmex10
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviiiss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviiiss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviiiss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviiiss\endcsname=10pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmVIIIssrm \textfont1=\cmVIIIssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmVIIIsssy \textfont3=\cmVIIIssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmVIIIssit
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold font in CMSAN8. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVIIIssbderrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN8. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVIIIssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN8. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVIIIsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN8. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\cmVIIIssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsviiiss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan9.txt b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan9.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7309c82d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/misc/cmsan9.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\font\cmIXssrm=cmss9 \font\cmIXssit=cmssi9
+\font\cmIXssbd=cmssbx9 \font\cmIXssmi=cmmi9
+\font\cmIXsssy=cmsy9 \font\cmIXssex=cmex10
+\expandafter\newdimen\csname\the\naMEtok ilsixss\endcsname
+\global\csname\the\naMEtok ilsixss\endcsname=\bAseSkip
+\ifdim\csname\the\naMEtok ilsixss\endcsname=0pt
+\csname\the\naMEtok ilsixss\endcsname=11pt\fi%
+ \textfont0=\cmIXssrm \textfont1=\cmIXssmi
+ \textfont2=\cmIXsssy \textfont3=\cmIXssex
+ \textfont\itfam=\cmIXssit
+ \textfont\bffam=\cmIXssbd
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\it\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No bold italic font in CMSAN9. Will print italic font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\IXssbierrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No typewriter font in CMSAN9. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\IXsstterrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\else\noexpand\rm\noexpand\message{<TEXT1> Warning. %
+No small caps font in CMSAN9. Will print roman font .}%
+\noexpand\global\noexpand\IXssccerrtrue \noexpand\fi}%
+\noexpand\csname\the\naMEtok ilsixss\noexpand\endcsname}}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/letter.inp b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/letter.inp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cac048afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/letter.inp
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+% LETTER FORMAT FILE bth 4/1/87
+\raggedbottom % text height may vary from page to page
+ \let\titlefont=\defaultmono
+ \let\twelvept=\defaultmono
+ \let\tenpt=\defaultmono
+ \let\rm=\defaultmono
+ \fi % monospace check
+\newtoks\departmentname % department name for letterhead
+\newtoks\campuszip % zip code for letterhead
+\newtoks\campusphone % phone number for letterhead
+\newtoks\date % date token list
+\def\STOP{\endgroup\par}% ends obeylines grouping
+ \obeylines}%
+ \setbox0=\hbox{Copies:\quad}\parindent=\wd0 \nin Copies:\quad}%
+\def\ENCLOSURES#1{\par Enclosures:\quad #1}% sets enclosures text line
+\def\ENDLETTER{\par\endgroup}% stop any obeylines grouping
+% Default for the title (first) page
+ \titlefootline{}
+}% end title page format
+ \if*msp
+ \cl{\titlefont Washington State University}
+ \vs{\bl}\hrule\vs{\bl}
+ \cl{\the\departmentname}
+ \cl{Pullman, Washington\ \the\campuszip}
+ \cl{\the\campusphone}
+ \vs{1\bl} % number of blank lines inserted
+ \nin\the\date %
+ \else
+ \cl{\titlefont Washington State University}
+ \vs{4pt}\hrule\vs{6pt}
+ \cl{\twelvept \the\departmentname}
+ \cl{\tenpt Pullman, Washington\ \the\campuszip}
+ \cl{\tenpt \the\campusphone}
+ \vs{1\bl} % number of blank lines inserted
+ \nin\the\date %
+ \fi
+}}% end letterhead markup
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/letter.mdl b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/letter.mdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..432fffbdfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/letter.mdl
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+% LETTER MARKUP (style, full block) APRIL 1, 1986
+% To print on monospace printers (line printers, daisy-wheel printers)
+%\monospace % delete the "%" symbol at the beginning of this line
+\paragraphskip{12pt} % distance between paragraphs
+\paragraphindent{0pt} % first line word indent
+\sfs{cm18}{titlefont}{24pt}% large font selected for letterhead
+\input letter.inp % places the format file into your text file
+% Type the name of your department, the campus zip code,
+% the campus telephone number, and date (if not today's
+% date) between the curly braces of the samples shown
+% below. This information will be added to the letterhead.
+\departmentname{name of your department or organization}
+\campusphone{(509) 335-????}
+% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+\letterhead %
+\vs{2\bl} %
+\BEGINADDRESS % . . . . insert address below this line . . . . . . . . .
+\SALUTATION % . . . replace the salutation on the next line . . . . . . .
+Dear ????
+% . . . . . . insert the text of the letter below this line . . . . . . .
+% . . . . . . . . . . . . and above this line . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+\CLOSING % . . . . replace closing line, if desired . . . . . . . . . . .
+Sincerely yours,
+% . . . . . . . . . replace signature line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+John Doe
+% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
+% Use \ENCLOSURES markup for an enclosure number, %
+% for example: \ENCLOSURES{3} %
+% Use \COPIES markup for a copy list, %
+% for example: \COPIES first name %
+% second name %
+% third name, etc. %
+% . . . . . . . enter enclosures and copies below this line . . . . . . .
+\ENDLETTER %------------- and above this line ---------------------------
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/memo.inp b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/memo.inp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbf6aa632e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/memo.inp
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+% dlw 8/15/86
+\if*msp \let\titlefont=\defaultmono
+ \let\twelvept=\defaultmono
+ \let\tenpt=\defaultmono
+ \let\rm=\defaultmono
+ \fi % change all fonts to defaultmono for the monospace option
+\newtoks\*lfthead \*lfthead = { }
+\newtoks\*ctrhead \*ctrhead = { }
+\newtoks\*rthead \*rthead = { }
+% Default for the title (first) page
+ \titlefootline{}
+\def\memopageheadingformat#1{% setup for memo running head
+ \def\*left##1{\global\*lfthead={##1}}%
+ \def\*center##1{\global\*ctrhead={##1}}%
+ \def\*right##1{\global\*rthead={##1}}%
+#1}% end memoheading format
+ \line{\hbox to.33333\hsize{\the\*lfthead\hss}\hfil
+ \hbox to.33333\hsize{\hss\the\*ctrhead\hss}\hfil
+ \hbox to.33333\hsize{\hss\the\*rthead}}
+ \vs{28pt}} % 28pt = .4in
+}% end runningheadformat
+\def\TEXT{\endgroup\if*msp\defaultmono\ssp\else\twelvept\fi %
+ \vs{\bl}\hrule\vs{2\bl}}%
+\cl{{\titlefont M E M O R A N D U M}}
+ \else\par\vs{.4in}\isk{18pt}\fi
+\def\TO{\nin To:\par\vs{-\bl}}%
+\def\FROM{\if*msp\vs{\bl}\fi\nin From:\par\vs{-\bl}}%
+\def\DATE#1{\if*msp\vs{\bl}\fi\nin Date:\par\vs{-\bl}#1}%
+\def\SUBJECT{\if*msp\vs{\bl}\fi\nin Subject:\par\vs{-\bl}}%
+\def\COPIES{\global\*copiestrue\vs{\bl}\nin Copies:\par\vs{-\bl} %
+ \begingroup\obeylines\singlespace %
+ \parskip=0pt\parindent=60pt}%
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/memo.mdl b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/memo.mdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42d03e93be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/memo.mdl
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+% August 15, 1986
+% To print on monospace printers delete the % symbol before \monospace
+\sfs{cm18}{titlefont}{24pt}% Font selected for heading
+\input memo.inp % Loads memorandum format file
+\MEMO % Prints memorandum heading
+%--------Enter the text after each markup on the following lines---------
+%------------------multiple line entries may be used---------------------
+\DATE {\today}
+\TEXT %----- Insert the memo below this line-----------------------------
+%--------------For a list of copies use the \COPIES: markup-------------
+% for example: \COPIES first name
+% second name
+% third name, etc.
+%------------enter the copies markup and names below this line-----------
+\ENDMEMO % ----------------and before this line--------------------------
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/mergelet.mdl b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/mergelet.mdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de4e4fa4b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/mergelet.mdl
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+% Sample Letter for Merge File Model
+% TEXT1 Letterhead description, change to suit your letter
+\centerline{{\titlefont Washington State University}}
+\centerline{{\twelvept\bd Academic Computing Service}}
+\centerline{{\tenpt Pullman, Washington 99164-1220\lbr 509/335-0411}}
+\vs{1\bl} % number of blank lines inserted
+\noemptyspace\title\ \firstname\ \lastname
+\city, \state\ \zipcode
+Dear \firstname:
+This letter is a sample for the merge file facility of \text1. Ten
+data fields were created with DBASE~III on a PC and transferred to
+CMS. The fields were delimited with double quotations marks
+({\tt "}) and a comma placed between data fields by DBASE. Any data
+base program that allows data fields to be delimited with quotation
+marks could be used. A data file may also be created
+directly on CMS by entering the data in the following manner:\lbr
+\hs{2in}{\tt "}field one{\tt "},{\tt "}field two{\tt "},\ellipsis3,{\tt
+"}last field{\tt "}\lbr
+or written as \lbr
+\hs{2in}{\tt "}field one{\tt ""}field two{\tt "\ellipsis3\ "}last
+field{\tt "}\lbr
+the commas between data fields are optional.
+Quotation marks must be placed on either side of each field
+(delimit the field) and the {\it each data field must come in the same
+sequence as the data names specified in the {\tt \\fieldnames} markup}.
+{\bd No \it field may be omitted}, however, a field may be empty
+({\it i.e.}, {\tt "}first field{\tt ","","}third field{\tt "}
+\ellipsis3 ).
+The data markup (field names immediately preceded by a {\tt \\} )
+may be used to place text anywhere in the letter, but
+each field should be followed by a control space markup (\\ \ , a
+backslash followed by a blank space) or \text1
+will drop the space after the field. For example, the \\firstname\\
+\\lastname and \\amount markup have been used to add the
+recipients name and a dollar amount in the following line.
+\cl{The \firstname\ \lastname\ account has been charged \amount\ for
+printing services.}
+The {\tt \\noemptyspace} markup may be used to prevent a blank line
+if an address line is empty. Place the data field markup between the
+{\tt \\noemptyspace} markup and the linebreak ({\tt \\lbr}) markup
+({\it i.e.}, {\tt \\noemptyspace\\company\\lbr} would prevent a blank
+line if the company data field were empty). The {\tt\\noemptyspace}
+markup prevents an extra space after an empty data field. Place
+it in the following manner: {\tt \\noemptyspace\\title\\
+\\firstname\\ \\lastname\\lbr} The {\tt \\noemptyspace} markup will
+remove the following control space ({\tt \\ }) or control line break
+({\tt \\lbr}) if the specified data field
+is empty.
+Sincerely yours,
+John Doe
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/mergelst.mdl b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/mergelst.mdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d15914892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/mergelst.mdl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+% Sample data base Merge File address list, created with dBASE III
+% data field names are as follows:
+% title, firstname, lastname, company, address,
+% city, state, zipcode, phone, amount
+% All data fields must be present for each entry, although the data
+% field itself may be empty (i.e., "" is an empty or null data field).
+"Ms.","Claire","Buckman","ABC Distributing Director","8307 Santa Anita
+"Mr.","Rick","Lisbonn","Vice-President for Marketing","1550 Keystone
+"Dr.","Hank","Bicksby","Research Institute, Manager","4101 Peonia
+"","Lena","Garnett","","520 S. 8th St.","Reno","NV","89504",
+"Mrs.","Lisa","Kafmanan","Sales Support Staff Manager","1960 Lindley
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/mergetxt.inp b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/mergetxt.inp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a25e9617e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/mergetxt.inp
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+% Merge File Model Macro Definition File
+\newcount\*first \*first=0 % first token field
+\newcount\*index \*index=0 % field index
+\newcount\*lastentry \*lastentry=0 % last token filed
+\newcount\*letternumber \*letternumber=0 % letter number from start
+\newcount\LblsUp \LblsUp=1 % number of labels per line
+\newcount\LblsAcross \LblsAcross=0 % counter for labels accross
+\newdimen\LblMat \LblMat=0pt % left and right label margins
+\newdimen\LblHt \LblHt=0in % vertical label size
+\newdimen\LblWd \LblWd=0in % horozontal label size
+\newif\if*check \*checkfalse % datacheck for manual entry
+\newif\if*lbfopen \*lbfopenfalse % check for open label file
+\newtoks\*csnametoks \*csnametoks={} % tokens for field names
+\newtoks\*maillblfmt \*maillblfmt={} % label sheet format code
+\newtoks\*addrlbl \*addrlbl={} % address label tokens
+\newwrite\*labels % create label filee
+% Datacheck forces a print letter after each set of fields
+ \global\*index=\*first % reset index
+ \if*check
+ \global\advance\*letternumber by1
+ \immediate\write16{Letter number \the\*letternumber.
+ First Data Field: (\the\toks\*first) . . .
+ Last Data Field: (\the\toks\*lastentry ). }
+ \fi % write to log file for data check
+ \*prnletter % print current data
+ \fi
+} % end of @ definition
+% Take user defined names to build control sequences
+ \global\advance\count15 by 1 % new token register
+ \global\*first=\count15 % first new token register
+ \parsenames#1\end}% end fieldnames markup
+% Separate name fields into individual entries
+ \createfield
+ \let\next=\relax
+ \global\*lastentry=\count15
+ \global\*index=\*first
+ \*csnametoks={}
+ \else
+ \ifx#1,
+ \createfield
+ \global\advance\count15 by 1
+ \*csnametoks={}
+ \let\next=\parsenames
+ \else \*csnametoks=\expandafter{\the\*csnametoks#1}
+ \let\next=\parsenames
+ \fi\fi
+ \next}% end parsenames markup
+% CREATEFIELD create control sequence names from name field entries
+ {\noexpand\the\toks\the\count15 }}% end createfield markup
+% DEFINE " as name of merge command
+\def"#1"{% set quote marks as active macro and delimiter
+ \ifnum\*index=0 \global\*index=\*first\fi
+ \global\toks\*index={#1} % gather argument in token variable
+ \ifnum\*index<\*lastentry % continue gathering process
+ \gdef,{\gdef,{\char'54{}}}% % drop , in data but not in text
+ \global\advance\*index by1 % index by 1
+ \ignorespaces % eliminate spurious spaces
+ \else % end process
+ \global\*index=0
+ \if*check
+ \global\advance\*letternumber by1
+ \immediate\write16{Letter number \the\*letternumber.
+ First Data Field: (\the\toks\*first) . . .
+ Last Data Field: (\the\toks\*lastentry ). }
+ \fi % write to log file for data check
+ \*prnletter % print current data
+ \fi}% end define " as macro name
+% Merge letter text file merged for each data record
+\def\*prnletter{% Print the letter text with current name/address fields
+ \catcode`"=12\catcode`@=3 % set " and @ to normal catcodes
+ \newpage % start new page for each letter
+ \setpagenumber{1} % reset page number
+ \inputletter % new page then get letter text file
+ \*savelabels{\*setlabel} % save address label information
+ \catcode`"=\active\catcode`@=\active % reset catcodes for markup defs
+ \relax}% end prnletter markup
+% Give filename for letter text
+\def\documentfilename#1{\gdef\inputletter{\input #1 }}%
+% Give maillist data filename
+\def\datafilename#1{\input #1 }%
+% Print no empty lines with the line break markup
+ \ifx\V\W% do nothing if empty argument
+ \else #1#2\fi% if not empty replace argument with the line break
+}% end no emptyspace
+\let\nes=\noemptyspace % set abbreviation
+% SAVELABELS ships information for labels to the label file
+\def\*savelabels#1{% Write Mail Label Information to TEXT1$$.LABEL
+ \if*lbfopen % do nothing if file TEXT1$$.LABEL already open
+ \else \immediate\openout\*labels=text1$$.label % open TEXT1$$.LABEL
+ \immediate\write\*labels{\the\*maillblfmt} % write format
+ \global\*lbfopentrue\fi % set open flag
+ \global\advance\LblsAcross by1 % set label postion pointer
+ \ifnum\LblsAcross>\LblsUp \global\LblsAcross=1 \fi
+ \edef\T{% create labels
+ \ifnum\LblsAcross=1 \setbox\FirstUp=\fi % left label
+ \ifnum\LblsAcross=2 \setbox\SecondUp=\fi% center label
+ \ifnum\LblsAcross=3 \setbox\ThirdUp=\fi % right label
+ \vtop to\LblHt{\hsize=\LblWd \leftskip=\LblMat \rightskip=\LblMat
+ \parindent=0pt #1\par\vfil} % make label to label size and width
+ \ifnum\LblsAcross=\LblsUp % print labels
+ \ifcase\LblsUp% case 0, no labels specified
+ \or\setbox\SecondUp=\null \setbox\ThirdUp=\null % one label
+ \or \setbox\ThirdUp=\null % two labels
+ \fi% end case % three label default
+ \line{\box\FirstUp\box\SecondUp\box\ThirdUp\hfil}
+ \fi}% end definition of T
+ \immediate\write\*labels{\T} % write information to file
+}% end save labels definition
+% Flushlabels prints any unprinted labels remaining in the markup
+\def\*flushlabels{% print any remaining boxed labels
+ \ifcase\LblsUp % case ), no labels specified
+ \or \setbox\SecondUp=\null \setbox\ThirdUp=\null % one label
+ \or \setbox\ThirdUp=\null % two labels
+ \fi% end case % three label default
+ \immediate\write\*labels{\line{\box\FirstUp\box\SecondUp\box\ThirdUp
+ \hfil}}%
+}% end flush any remaining labels
+% Print the label file TEXT1$$.LABEL
+\def\printlabels{\newpage % end last letter
+ \*flushlabels % print any remaining labels
+ \immediate\closeout\*labels % close data file
+ \setpagenumber{99} % labels begin on page 99
+ \input text1$$.label % input the address label data file
+}% end print mailing labels
+% Set format for the mailing labels
+\def\maillabelformat#1{% Sets dimensions and margins of each label
+ \def\labelsetup##1{\global\*maillblfmt={##1}}%
+ \def\numberoflabelsperline##1{\global\LblsUp=##1}%
+ \def\labelheight##1{\global\LblHt=##1}%
+ \def\labelwidth##1{\global\LblWd=##1}%
+ \def\labelmat##1{\global\LblMat=##1}%
+ #1}% end mail label format
+\let\mlfmt=\maillabelformat % set abbreviation
+% Set defaults for the mailing labels
+% Maillabelformat sets the page and label information for mailing labels
+\maillabelformat{\labelsetup{% Sets page and margin settings
+ \raggedbottom
+ \parskip=0pt plus0pt minus0pt
+ \runningheadformat{\bothpages{\line{}}}
+ \pageformat{\topmargin{1in}
+ \bottommargin{0pt}
+ \leftmargin{0pt}
+ \rightmargin{0pt}}% end page format
+ }% end labelsetup
+ \numberoflabelsperline{3}% three labels max
+ \labelheight{1in}
+ \labelwidth{2.75in}
+ \labelmat{.25in}
+}% end mail label format
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/mergetxt.mdl b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/mergetxt.mdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b5c9ac534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/mergetxt.mdl
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+% MERGE LETTER MODEL, merges address list with letter
+\input mergetxt.inp % READ TEXT1 merge file format instructions
+% Select special fonts and setting markup used
+% in the merge process here:
+\selectfontset{cm18}{titlefont}{default} % special letter heading font
+\titlepageformat{\titleleadskip{0in}} % no initial skip for letters
+% Run TEXT1 against a file on your disk that includes
+% this model. A set of five sample letters will be printed. The
+% sample letter describes the mail merge setup. Once you have
+% run the model and read the letter, make the necessary
+% modifications to your file. Set the address field names of
+% your address file in the "\fieldnames{name, name, ...}"
+% markup with the data field names of your data base file.
+% Create the "shell letter," your letter, which includes the
+% address field names of your data file, preceded by a "\",
+% i.e., \namea, \nameb, etc. You need use only those data
+% fields necessary in the document and address label, but all
+% fields in your data base file must be given in the field
+% names markup. Specify the name of your letter file
+% "shell letter" with the "\documentfilename{fn.ft}" markup;
+% specify the address data file with the "\addressfile{...}"
+% markup; and then PRINT the file containing your letter merge
+% model to merge the address file with the shell letter and
+% print the label sheet.
+% NOTE: If you create an address file by hand remove the percent sign
+% before the datacheck MARKUP. The number of the letter from the
+% beginning of the merge file data base and the first and last
+% data fields will be listed on the screen and in the log file
+% when data check is active. This will aid you in finding any
+% errors in your data file.
+%\datacheck % SET DATACHECK by removing the "%" symbol
+% Give all data field names in sequence of occurrence
+% (address list names)
+% Format: \fieldnames{name1, name2, name3, ..., namelast}
+\fieldnames{title, firstname, lastname, company, address, city,
+ state, zipcode, phone, amount}
+% Give file name for document text (letter file that includes
+% the field names for the replaceable text in the document)
+% Format: \documentfilename{filename.filetype}
+% If you want to modify the address label format, then the
+% \addresslabelformat markup MUST come prior to the
+% \datafilename markup.
+% Format: \addresslabelformat{all fields and markup to create label}
+\addresslabelformat{\noindent\title\ \firstname\ \lastname\lbr
+ \company\lbr
+ \address\lbr
+ \city, \state\quad\zipcode}
+% Now specify where the address data file is located with
+% the \datafilename markup.
+% Format: \datafilename{filename.filetype}
+% You may use the "\maillabelformat{}" markup to change
+% the default label format markup. The default label format
+% prints three inch-high labels across the page which can be
+% copied onto a label sheet with an appropriate copy machine.
+% The \maillabelformat{} markup must be placed BEFORE the
+% \printlabels markup to change the system defaults.
+% Select the font setto be used in printing the labels.
+\tenpt % prints labels with computer modern ten point
+\printlabels % print address label sheet for Xerox label sheet
+% Labels will be printed beginning on page 99.
+% If you have an empty data field occurs in the data being
+% processed within the \addresslabelformat, the field will
+% be printed as a blank space or as a blank line if the
+% field is by itself on the line.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/paper.inp b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/paper.inp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0baec1743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/paper.inp
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+% Student Paper Layout -- Monospace
+ \frenchspacing\singlespace}
+ \frenchspacing\singlespace\hp\nin}
+ \titleformat{\np\cl{\us\bibtitle}
+ \vs{\bl}
+ }
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/paper.mdl b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/paper.mdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ebf653335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/paper.mdl
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+% Student Paper Layout
+% Last updated on = 10/16/86
+\input paper.inp % get paper format
+% Cover Page
+ \vsk{1in plus 2fil minus 1in} % space at top of page
+ \centerlinesbegin % all lines centered on cover page
+ \frenchspacing % no double spaces after periods on cover page
+%%%% insert title (using one or more lines) between dashed lines
+\vs{2in} % space between title and author
+%%%% insert author(s) (using one or more lines) between dashed lines
+\vs{2in} % space between author and course
+%%%% insert course (using one or more lines) between dashed lines
+\vs{.5in} % space between course and date
+%%%% Date follows; \today = current date or type over with desired date
+ \centerlinesend
+ \vs{2in plus 1 fil minus 1in} %space at bottom of page
+ \newpage %end of title page
+ \setpagenumber{1}\titlepage %no page number on first page of text
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/resume.inp b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/resume.inp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5370817b18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/resume.inp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ \pagewidth{8.5in} % 792pt = 11in; 612pt = 8.5in
+ \topmargin{1in}
+ \bottommargin{1.2in} % 58pt = .8in; 72pt = 1in
+ \leftmargin{1.2in}
+ \rightmargin{1in} % 86pt = 1.2in
+ \bindingadjust{0pt}
+ \titlefootline{}
+\paragraphskip{1\bl} \paragraphindent{0pt}
+ \lft{\headname}\ctr{{\it Curriculum Vitae}}
+ \rt{\bd\pagenumber}} \vs{\bl}}
+ }
+ \vs{\bl}\line{\lft{}\ctr{}\rt{\today}}}
+ }
+% Defaults for the \label markup
+ \labelwidth{72pt}
+ \gutter{28pt}
+ \everylabel{\defaultmono\bd}
+ }
+ \pagewidth{612pt} % 792pt = 11in; 612pt = 8.5in
+ \topmargin{68pt}
+ \bottommargin{52pt} % 58pt = .8in; 72pt = 1in
+ \leftmargin{72pt}
+ \rightmargin{74pt} % 86pt = 1.2in
+ \titlefootline{}
+\paragraphskip{6pt} \paragraphindent{0pt}
+ \line{\lft{\headname}\ctr{\it Curriculum Vitae}
+ \rt{\bd\pagenumber}} \vs{\bl}}
+ }
+ \vs{\bl}\line{\lft{}\ctr{}\rt{\today}}}
+ }
+% Defaults for the \label markup
+ \labelwidth{72pt}
+ \gutter{28pt}
+ \everylabel{\bd}
+ }
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/resume.mdl b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/resume.mdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce5e0e1bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/resume.mdl
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+% Functional style; titled, justified resume
+%********************* ***RESUME TEXMODEL*** **************************
+%* This TEXMODEL shows a sample resume. To get a copy of this sample, *
+%* simply run this file through TeX as it is. *
+%* When entering your own resume be sure to replace or delete all *
+%* sample text. DO NOT use this model on a printer that only can *
+%* print with \monospace. *
+\input resume.inp
+\cl{\bd RESUME}
+\name{Orville T. Game}
+\cl{\it 9987 NE Oak St., Arbor Bay, CK 58924}
+Seeking position with manufacturing firm which will provide
+oportunity for advancement into personel-related position.
+\it Doctor of Hagiology, \rm Medical subterfuge\rt{1983.}\lbr
+Beasley College of Performing Arts, Pullman, CA
+\label{ }Completed courses in economic manipulation,
+John\-ny Carson analysis, and unpadded scrimmage.
+Special courses in radar sabotage, misspelling, and
+stream of consciousness reporting of news.
+Completed graduate courses in anthropology, anthrometry, anthrosophy,
+anthromorphism, and camp counselling.
+Committee: Michael Farnberger, Casper Weinberger, Bill Cheeseburger,
+and Warren Burgher.
+GPA: 1.75. 40\%\ financed by drug sales; 60\%\ by gambling.
+\label{}\it Master of Arts, \rm Philosophy\rt{1983.}\lbr
+University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
+\label{}Completed courses in philosophy, filo-making, fillerupedness,
+filling station technology, and filler.
+Completed graduate courses in philosophy, philology,
+philo\-lo\-gram\-matry, phylogeny, filliness, and phil\-i\-stines.
+Special Committee: Phil Marquette, Phillip Petroleum, Philo Bellows,
+and Phyllus Diller.
+GPA: 0.63. 50\%\ financed by bribes, 50\%\ by unpaid loans.
+\label{Related Experience}
+\it Consultant, \rm Computing Service Center\rt{1985-}\lbr
+Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-1220
+\label{}Direct acquisition of antique typesetting machinery and old
+metal sculptings for garden area.
+In charge of coffee for management.
+Qualified to exterminate bugs in really awkward and tiresome
+Training to collect and recycle aluminum cans for distribution
+to East coast distilleries.
+\label{Other Experience}
+\it Research Associate-Biowarfare, \rm Mars Institute\rt{1984-}\lbr
+P.O. Box 9, Pullman, WA 99163
+\label{}Participate in studies on neutralizing liberal demo\-crats with
+nuclear warheads (low radiation, high neutron count).
+Analyze patterns of ideological disarray for potential weakness.
+Write articles on normative aspects of unethical behavior.
+Keep memoirs of same for distribution to publishers.
+ Special award for boot-licking, 1982.
+Outstanding Stand Out, 1983.
+ Drama Club, 1980--82; Alpha Kappa Kappa Fraternity
+\label{References} On request.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/thesis.inp b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/thesis.inp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dfd40e5c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/thesis.inp
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+% WSU graduate school thesis requirements.
+\paragraphskip{12pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}
+ \pagewidth{8.5in}
+ \topmargin{1.2in}
+ \bottommargin{1.2in}
+ \leftmargin{1.2in}
+ \rightmargin{1in}
+ \bindingadjust{0in}
+ \titlefootline{}
+% Default values for the \chapter markup
+ \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
+ \centerline{\bd Chapter \chapternumber}
+ \centerline{\bd\chaptertitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}
+ \setsubheadanumber{0}
+ \setsubheadbnumber{0}
+ \setsubheadcnumber{0}
+ \setsubheaddnumber{0}
+ }% end titleformat
+ \incontents{yes}
+}% end chapter format
+% Default values for the \subheada markup
+ \titleformat{\removelastskip\goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
+ \twelvept\bd\nin\subheadatitle\par\nobreak
+ \setsubheadbnumber{0}
+ \setsubheadcnumber{0}
+ \setsubheaddnumber{0}
+ }% end titleformat
+ \incontents{yes}
+}% end subheadaformat markup
+% Default values for the \subheadb markup
+ \titleformat{\removelastskip\goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
+ \twelvept\it\nin\subheadbtitle\par\nobreak
+ \setsubheadcnumber{0}
+ \setsubheaddnumber{0}
+ }% end titleformat
+ \incontents{yes}
+}% end subheadbformat markup
+% Default values for the \preface markup
+ \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
+ \centerline{\bd\prefacetitle}
+ \vs{1\bl}
+ \setsubheadanumber{0}
+ \setsubheadbnumber{0}
+ \setsubheadcnumber{0}
+ \setsubheaddnumber{0}
+ }% end titleformat
+ \incontents{yes}
+ \everyasis{\rm\ssp\leftindent{36pt}}
+ \skipafter{0pt}}
+ \everyblockquote{\rm\ssp\pin{.3in}\psk{12pt}
+ \leftindent{36pt} \rightindent{36pt}}
+ \skipafter{0pt}}
+ \pagewidth{8.5in}
+ \topmargin{1.2in}
+ \bottommargin{1in}
+ \leftmargin{1.3in}
+ \rightmargin{1in}
+ \bindingadjust{0in}
+ \titlefootline{}
+% Default values for the \subheada markup
+ \titleformat{\removelastskip\goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
+ \twelvept\bd\nin\subheadatitle\par\nobreak
+ \setsubheadbnumber{0}
+ \setsubheadcnumber{0}
+ \setsubheaddnumber{0}
+ }% end titleformat
+ \incontents{yes}
+}% end subheadaformat markup
+% Default values for the \subheadb markup
+ \titleformat{\removelastskip\goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
+ \twelvept\it\nin\subheadbtitle\par\nobreak
+ \setsubheadcnumber{0}
+ \setsubheaddnumber{0}
+ }% end titleformat
+ \incontents{yes}
+}% end subheadbformat markup
+ \everyasis{\tenpt\ssp\leftindent{36pt}}
+ \skipafter{0pt}}
+ \everyblockquote{\rm\ssp\pin{24pt}\psk{6pt}
+ \leftindent{36pt} \rightindent{36pt}}
+ \skipafter{0pt}}
+\footnoteformat{\footnotedivider{144pt} % 144pt = 2in
+ \skipafterdivider{2.6pt}
+ \textreferenceposition{up}
+ \textreferenceplacement{after}
+ \textreferencefont{\tenpt}
+ \textreferencestyle{1}
+ \notereferenceposition{down}
+ \notereferencefont{\tenpt}
+ \notereferencestyle{1.}
+ \notereferencegutter{1em}
+ \everyfootnote{\tenpt\ssp\pin{12pt}\psk{6pt}\lin{6pt}}
+ \textreferenceposition{down}
+ \textreferencefont{\rm}
+ \textreferencestyle{[1]}
+ \notereferenceposition{down}
+ \notereferencefont{\rm}
+ \notereferencestyle{1.}
+ \notereferencegutter{1em} % 1em = 12pt in a 12pt font
+ \everyendnote{\rm\pin{12pt}\psk{6pt}\lin{0pt}}
+ {{$\copyright$}}\fi}
+ \ifnum\P>50 \P=50
+ \message{Number of signature lines will be limited to 50}\fi
+ \advance\P by-1
+ \hbox{\hs{3in}\vrule width3in height.4pt}
+ \hbox{\hs{3in}\hbox to 3in{\hfill #2 \hfill}}
+ \vs{36pt}
+ \loop\ifnum\P>0
+ \hbox{\hs{3in}\vrule width 3in height.4pt}
+ \vs{48pt}
+ \advance\P by-1\repeat
+ }%
+ \toctitle{\ssp\centerline{\bd Table of Contents}
+ \vs{\bl}}}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/thesis.mdl b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/thesis.mdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbfde6b140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/models/thesis.mdl
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+% WSU Graduate School Thesis Requirements
+% Last updated on = 6/15/87
+%********************* ***THESIS TEXMODEL*** **************************
+%* This TEXMODEL shows some sections of a sample thesis. For a printout *
+%* of a sample thesis, simply run this file through TeX as it is. *
+%* When entering your own thesis, be sure to replace or delete all *
+%* sample text. If you are printing your thesis on a monospaced printer,*
+%* the \monospace command must be activated by removing the percent *
+%* sign preceding it. *
+% ***TITLE PAGE***
+\input thesis.inp
+\justify \singlespace
+A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of
+the requirements for the degree of
+Department of Anthropology
+December 1986
+\copyrt Copyright by GEORG MACQUET, 1986
+All Rights Reserved
+\copyrt Copyright by GEORG MACQUET, 1986
+All Rights Reserved
+\nin To the Faculty of Washington State University:
+The members of the Committee appointed to examine the thesis of
+GEORG MACQUET find it satisfactory and recommend that it be
+%* The \signatures command draws the number of lines specified *
+%* in the first parameter for the committee members' signatures. *
+%* The first parameter may be any number, but if it is larger *
+%* than 5, spacing must be changed to make it fit on one page. *
+%* The second parameter of the \signatures command will be *
+%* centered as a title under the first line. *
+I would like to thank Clarke Moustakos and Helen Burdeman
+for their help in advising me to study Anthropology at ...
+\putincontents1{\nin Abstract\leader\pagenumber}
+by Georg Macquet, M.A.
+Washington State University
+December 1986
+\noindent Chairperson: V.~L.~Nabokov
+Aesthetic phenomena can be defined from an anthropological perspective.
+Anthropology is empirical; therefore, aesthetic phenomena must also be
+defined empirically to be identified by the techniques of...
+%********************** MAIN TEXT OF THESIS *************************
+%* This ends the preliminary pages of the thesis and begins the main *
+%* text. The remaining sections of the thesis may be entered using any *
+%* or all standard TeXT1 markup commands, including \autofootnote, *
+%* \bibliography, \autoendnote, \subheada, etc. For more information *
+%* on the standard TeXT1 markup commands see the "TeXT1 Users Guide *
+%* (S-522)," or the "TeXT1 Reference Manual (S-523)." *
+The original perspective of anthropology can contribute to a comprehension of
+art. Observational criteria are needed to identify aesthetic phenomena
+uniquely, and anthropology \el3
+\sha{Art as Product}
+In the past, the arts have been studied primarily as products in anthropology.
+But the product must be created by human beings who behave in certain ways. In
+Merriam's words:
+\bqb Through the humanistic elements of his culture, man seems to be making
+pointed commentary on how he lives; his social life in itself seems to bring
+about conditions under which he is unable to restrain himself from commenting
+upon himself\el3
+\sha{Styles of Representation}
+Representations are images that refer to the visual appearance of a thing.
+Gombrich's theory\afn{wherin a representation is not a symbol} is not
+appropriate in this context. Indeed, A.P. Meriam (1971)\aen{This is the only
+edition with the full analysis of semantic theories applied to oriental
+cultures.} states that\el3
+\cl{\bd Notes}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/readme.tex b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/readme.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53922654ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/pc/readme.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+The files in this directory are specifically for PCs. In the [.fonts] directory
+are the fonts not included with standard TeX but which are used in TEXT1. Down
+load these PK files in binary.
+ cd [anonymous.text1.pc.fonts]
+ bin
+ mget *.pk
+You will also need to get the TFM files in the [anonymous.text1.fonts]
+directory to go with these PK files.
+ cd [anonymous.text1.fonts]
+ bin
+ mget *.tfm
+In addition to the fonts, you will need to get the TEX files in the
+[anonymous.text1.macros] directory.
+ cd [anonymous.text1.macros]
+ mget *.tex
+These should be placed in the TeX input path on your PC.
+And then modify the TXT1*.TEX file so that near the top of the file it says
+"true" that this is for a PC.
+Next get the font sets
+ cd [anonymous.text1.pc.misc]
+ mget *.*
+they go in your TeX input path on the PC.
+Finally, you may optionally retrieve the models and blocks for a PC:
+ cd [anonymous.text1.pc.models]
+ mget *.*
+ cd [anonymous.text1.pc.blocks]
+ mget *.*
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/plsort.pliopt b/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/plsort.pliopt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b644a4206c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/plsort.pliopt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ ' SORT FIELDS=(38,256,CH,A,293,44,CH,A,342,256,CH,A,'||
+ '597,44,CH,A,646,256,CH,A,901,44,CH,A,10,4,BI,D,6,4,BI,A)',
+ ' RECORD TYPE=V,LENGTH=(1857) ',
+ 95000,TEMP);
+ END;
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/texix.cmschan b/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/texix.cmschan
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c767000c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/texix.cmschan
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+% Version 1.0; Dean Guenther; 4/1/86
+% Version 1.1; Dean Guenther; 12/87
+% Version 1.2; Dean Guenther; 6/28/88
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/texix.cmsinfo b/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/texix.cmsinfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72b6ab4e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/texix.cmsinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+TEXIX.WEB is the TEXT1 sorted index program. The TXT1V293.CMSCHAN can be used
+to create a TXT1V293 MODULE on CMS which has the sorted index program imbedded
+into TEX itself as an extended primative. PLSORT must be compiled to get a CMS
+TEXT files, and TEXIX WEB must be compiled with TEXIX CMSCHAN to get its TEXT
+file before compiling and linking TXT1V293 with TEX (version 2.93).
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/texix.readme b/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/texix.readme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2f9e3a8ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/texix.readme
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+TEXIX is a program which is used in conjunction with TEXT1 macros to create a
+sorted index for TeX. In the text1.texix directory is the TEXIX source, along
+with a changes file for CMS. If you are using VMS, look in the text1.vax_vms
+directory for the VMS version. There is a Mac version in text1.macintosh.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/texix.web b/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/texix.web
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbf577633e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/texix.web
@@ -0,0 +1,1577 @@
+% Version 1.3 makes it easier to create other changes files (6/89)
+ \def\titlepage{T}
+ \centerline{{\twelvept The \TeX IX Index Program}}
+ \centerline{{\twelvept For IBM VM/CMS Pascal/VS}}
+ \vskip15pt
+ \centerline{Version 1.3, June 1989}
+ \hbox{\vbox{\hsize\the\hsize This work is
+ protected as an unpublished work under U.S. copyright laws.
+ Copyright $\copyright$ 1988 by WSUCSC. All rights Reserved.}}
+ \vskip18pt
+ \hbox{\vbox{\hsize\the\hsize This software is furnished under a
+ license for
+ use only on a single computer system and may be copied only
+ with the inclusion of the above copyright notice.
+ This software, or any other copies
+ thereof, may not be provided or otherwise made available to any
+ other person except for use on such system and to one who agrees to
+ these license terms. Title to and ownership of the software shall
+ at all times remain in WSUCSC.}}
+ \vfill}
+\def\_{\leavevmode \kern.06em \vbox{\hrule width.3em}}%
+\def\}{\ifmmode \rbrace
+ \else $\rbrace$\fi}%
+\def\{{\ifmmode \lbrace
+ \else $\lbrace$\fi}%
+ \leftskip 0pt
+ \advance \leftskip by #1
+ }%
+\def\vs#1{\vskip #1\relax}
+% labeled definition macro
+\newdimen\la*w \la*w=1in % Label width
+\newtoks\la*g \la*g={1em} % Label gutter
+\newtoks\la*s \la*s={12pt} % Skip before label
+\newtoks\la*f \la*f={\rm} % Label font
+ \setbox\tempbox=\vtop{\hsize=\la*w
+ \leftskip=0pt
+ \rightskip=0pt plus2em
+ \tolerance=1600
+ \noindent
+ \the\la*f
+ #1}%
+ \hangindent=\la*w
+ \advance \hangindent by \the\la*g
+ \hangafter=1
+ \noindent
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\rlap{\box\tempbox}}\ht0=0pt\dp0=0pt\box0%
+ \hskip\la*w
+ \hskip\the\la*g
+ \ignorespaces}
+\def\PASCAL{{\sc PASCAL/VS}}
+\def\text#1{{\it \TeX T#1}}
+% Version 1.0; Dean Guenther; 4/1/86
+@* Introduction.
+This procedure was created to give \text1\ the ability to produce a sorted
+index in the same one pass, instead of creating the index, sorting it, and
+printing the index out in three separate steps.
+To accomplish this feat, a new control sequence, \bs{}sortindex, was added to
+the basic \TeX\ program which gives the \text1\ user up to three sorted
+index files per run. The format of this new control sequence is
+\par{\tt\indent\bs{}sortindex\it n}
+\nin where {\it n} is the index file number: 1, 2, or 3.
+@ The @^TEXIX@>
+program is written entirely in WEB, except for an external
+procedure, {\it plsort}, which is written in @^PL/1@> PL/1.
+This was necessary since
+\PASCAL\ cannot call
+Syncsort @^SYNCSORT@>
+to do an internal sort, and PL/1 can.
+Also, it should be pointed out early that I made use of \PASCAL'
+nifty string handling capability, in particular, the |string|,
+|index| and |substr| functions. If needed, these should not be too
+difficult to translate into another \PASCAL\
+compiler (famous last words).
+segment texix;
+procedure texix(ix:char); external;
+procedure texix;
+const @<Global Constants@>
+type @<Global Types@>
+var @! m,k,i,j :integer;@/
+@<Global Variables@>
+@ The file {\it ix\_file}
+is the file opened for output in the \text1\ session
+itself. It will be closed in TEXIX, opened for input, closed again, and
+finally opened for output where the final sorted index file will be
+written to, complete with all \text1\ markup necessary for printing
+the index.
+@<Global Var...@>=
+@!ix_file :text;
+@ The {\it sort\_file} is used for the internal sort only. The \text1\ user
+never has access to it.
+@<Global Var...@>=
+@!sort_file :file of sort_type;
+@* Macros and definitions.
+Here are some macros and definitions used throughout.
+@d incr(#) == # := # + 1
+@d decr(#) == # := # - 1
+@d othercases == otherwise
+@d endcases == end;
+@d dosubstr == substr
+@d doindex == index
+@f othercases == else
+@f endcases == end
+@d getout == return
+@d messages == sysprint
+@d max_field = 300
+@d max_levels = 3
+@d max_lrecl = 2048
+@d remove_characters(#) == if length(in_record) > # then
+in_record := dosubstr(in_record,1 + #)
+else in_record := ''
+@d do_nothing == begin end
+@d do_sort_as == begin remove_characters(6);
+i := doindex(in_record,'{$}');
+@d check_case == begin
+if not respect_case then for j:= 1 to
+sort_part[i].field_lngth do sort_part[i].field_level[j] :=
+upper_case(sort_part[i].field_level[j]); end
+@d string_type(#) == string(#)
+@d ccat_temp == @t\hs{2em}@>@=||@>@t\hs{2em}@>
+@d add_comma(#) == # := ccat(#,',')
+@d add_cmma_blnk(#) == # := ccat(#,', ')
+@d do_when_bold == begin
+if length(bold_string) > 0 then add_comma(bold_string);
+ccat(ccat(ccat(bold_string,'{\bd '),curr_str_page),'}');
+@d do_when_underscore == begin
+if length(us_string) > 0 then add_comma(us_string);
+@d do_when_italic == begin
+if length(rm_string) > 0 then add_comma(rm_string);
+ccat(ccat(ccat(rm_string,'{\it '),curr_str_page),'}');
+@d do_when_roman == begin
+if length(rm_string) > 0 then add_comma(rm_string);
+@d do_write(#)==write(#)
+@d do_lnwrite(#)==writeln(#)
+@ This is arbitrary, but
+there should never be more than 8 indicies.
+@d s_file_number == '9'
+@ This is used to print the subentry1 header if there are no page
+numbers under its subentry and there are under subentry2.
+@d id2_missing_check==
+if sort_record.sort_part[3].field_lngth=0
+then do_nothing else begin
+@ This is used to print the primary header if there are no page
+numbers under the primary header, and there are page numbers under
+either subentry1 or subentry2.
+@d id1_missing_check==if sort_record.sort_part[2].field_lngth = 0
+then begin curr_level:=1;
+if sort_record.sort_part[3].field_lngth = 0
+then do_nothing else begin
+else begin curr_level:=1;
+@ This is a little macro used to access {\it write\_header}.
+@d write_prev_header==
+begin case curr_level of
+1: write_header(prev_ln1,prev_pn1);
+2: write_header(prev_ln2,prev_pn2);
+3: write_header(prev_ln3,prev_pn3);
+othercases do_nothing
+@ The function ccat will concatenate two strings together.
+@^System dependent code@>
+@p function ccat(x,y:string_pass):string_pass;
+ ccat := x ccat_temp y;
+@* Opening and Closing the files.
+This is all very dependent on \PASCAL.
+@ The {\it reset\_file} procedure is used to open all files.
+One time this is done when first entering TEXIX.
+Note that the file name is ``{\tt IX\it n}'' where ``{\it n}'' is
+1--3. This can easily be extended to 4--8 by chaning the \bs{}index
+markup in TEXT1@@.
+The other time the open is done is when opening the sort file, after it
+has already been sorted.
+This is system dependent. The following will work for \PASCAL.
+@^System dependent code@>
+@p procedure reset_file(file_number:char);
+if file_number = '9' then reset(sort_file,
+else reset(ix_file,
+The {\it sort\_file} is opened for output to write the sort records to.
+The {\it ix\_file} is opened for output after the sort records have
+been sorted and processed again.
+This is system dependent. The following will work for \PASCAL.
+@^System dependent code@>
+@p procedure file_rewrite(file_number:char);
+if file_number = '9'
+@* The Sort Record Description. The record type called
+{\it sort\_type} is the record written to the {\it sort\_file}.
+If consists of the following:
+\la{\bf Bytes}
+A one byte {\it record\_type} (0={\bf bold page number};
+2= roman page number (the default); 4=\us{underscored} \us{page}
+6={\it italic page number}; 9=blind entry).
+The integer page number. If the page
+number is in the preface part of the document, then the page number will
+be negative.
+Used in sorting decending. That means that -1 will be at the top.
+If the page number is plus to begin with, then this is set to zero
+for sorting, so it will be at the bottom of the list.
+\la{10-29} This is the same as page number, unless the page number is
+negative, in which case this field is a roman numeral.
+The sort field. There are three arrays in this field. Each array
+consists of a 4 byte length, followed by the {\it field\_array} which is
+the length of the sort entry or subentry.
+It is these fields which will get sorted by @^Syncsort@> Syncsort.
+If there was a {\it sort\_as}
+used for a sort entry or subentry, that value passed in the {\it sort\_as}
+is placed here.
+The print field.
+The description is the same as the sort field.
+This is the way the index entry will print, but not necessarily how
+it will sort.
+@ @<Global Constants@>=
+@ @<Global Types@>=
+@!pn_type=packed array[1..max_pnum] of char;
+@!pn_alpha_type=packed array[1..max_pn_alpha] of char;
+@!field_array = packed array[1..max_field] of char;
+@!field_type = packed record@|
+@!field_lngth :integer;
+@!field_level :field_array;
+@!sort_type = packed record@/
+@!record_type :char;
+@!page_number :integer;
+@!abs_page_number :integer;
+@!page_string :pn_alpha_type;
+@!sort_part :packed array[1..3] of field_type;
+@!print :packed array[1..3] of field_type;
+@* Subroutines. For many of the following subroutines, the following
+global variable, {\it current\_level} is needed to indicate what
+index level we are presently processing.
+0 = the primary index; 1 = subentry 1, and
+2 = subentry 2.
+{\it on\_a\_roll} is `true' if we have a series of consecutive page
+numbers going. `false' otherwise.
+In other places, {\it print\_style}=1 for the paragraph style; it is
+2 for the dash style; and it is 3 for the indent style.
+@<Global Var...@>=
+@!curr_level :integer;
+@ The {\it write\_header} procedure will write out the primary and
+subentry level titles from {\it sort\_record.print}.
+@p procedure write_header(print_length:integer;print_field:field_array);
+var i:integer;
+case curr_level of
+1: begin
+ do_write(ix_file,'\goodbreak\hp ');
+ for i:=1 to print_length do do_write(ix_file,print_field[i]);
+ case print_style of
+ '1':begin
+ do_write(ix_file,', ');
+ end;
+ '2','3':begin
+ if id1_is_missing or dot_leadering
+ then do_lnwrite(ix_file,' ')
+ else do_lnwrite(ix_file,', ');
+ end;
+ othercases do_nothing
+ endcases; end;
+2: begin case print_style of
+ '1':do_nothing;
+ '2':begin
+ do_write(ix_file,'\indentsubentry',ix,'1---');
+ end;
+ '3':begin
+ do_write(ix_file,'\indentsubentry',ix,'1');
+ end;
+ othercases do_nothing
+ endcases;
+ for i:=1 to print_length do do_write(ix_file,print_field[i]);
+ if (print_style <> '1') or id2_is_missing or dot_leadering
+ then do_lnwrite(ix_file,' ')
+ else do_lnwrite(ix_file,', ');
+ end;
+3: begin case print_style of
+ '1':do_nothing;
+ '2':begin
+ do_write(ix_file,'\indentsubentry',ix,'2---');
+ end;
+ '3':begin
+ do_write(ix_file,'\indentsubentry',ix,'2');
+ end;
+ othercases do_nothing
+ endcases;
+ for i:=1 to print_length do do_write(ix_file,print_field[i]);
+ if dot_leadering
+ then do_lnwrite(ix_file,' ')
+ else do_lnwrite(ix_file,', ');
+ end;
+othercases do_nothing
+@ The {\it numeric} function will take a packed array of length
+max\_pnum and convert
+that array (which is really the page number) into an integer.
+@p function numeric(simple_array:pn_type):integer;
+var @!i,j_mult,pn:integer;
+begin pn := 0;
+i := max_pnum;j_mult:=1;
+if i = 1 then if simple_array[1] = '-'
+then pn := -1 * pn
+else pn := pn + ((ord(simple_array[1])-ord('0')) * j_mult)
+else pn := pn + ((ord(simple_array[i])-ord('0')) * j_mult);
+j_mult := j_mult * 10;
+until i < 1;
+@ The {\it get\_numeric}
+function will take a packed array of length max\_pn\_alpha and convert
+that array (which is really the page number) into an integer.
+@p function get_numeric(x_string:string_type(max_pn_alpha)):integer;
+var @!i:integer;
+@ The {\it strvalue} function takes an integer and converts it into
+a string.
+@^System dependent code@>
+@p procedure strvalue(x:integer; var results:pass_pn_alpha);
+@ The {\it strconv} function takes an array and converts it into
+a string.
+@p function strconv(x:pn_alpha_type):string_type(max_pn_alpha);
+var i:integer;
+temp:='';i := 1;
+with sort_record do begin
+if x[i] <> ' ' then
+temp := ccat(temp,str(x[i]));
+until (i > max_pn_alpha) or (x[i] = ' ');
+@ The procedure {\it write\_print\_chars} will write the number of
+characters indicated
+in the parm field to the appropriate print field. There are three levels of
+print fields. Level 0 is the primary index, level 1 is the subentry 1 index,
+and level 2 is the subentry 2 index. After writing the number of characters
+to the print field, that number of characters is removed from the input record.
+You might notice that this procedure is very similar to the
+procedure. The only difference in the two is that this procedure deals
+with how the index is
+to be printed after sorting. The former deals with how the
+index is to be sorted.
+Also, this procedure is called by {\it write\_sort\_chars}.
+@^System dependent code@>
+@p procedure write_print_chars(number_of_characters:integer);
+var m:integer;
+begin with sort_record.print[curr_level+1] do
+for m := 1 to number_of_characters do begin
+field_level[field_lngth] := in_record[m];
+@ The procedure {\it write\_sort\_chars}
+will write the number of characters indicated
+in the parm field to the appropriate sort field. There are three levels of
+sort fields. Level 0 is the primary index, level 1 is the subentry 1 index,
+and level 2 is the subentry 2 index. After writing the characters to
+the sort fields, they will be removed from the input string.
+@^System dependent code@>
+@p procedure write_sort_chars(number_of_characters:integer);
+var m:integer;
+begin with sort_record.sort_part[curr_level+1] do
+for m := 1 to number_of_characters do begin
+field_level[field_lngth] := in_record[m];
+This procedure processes subentries within the \bs{}index command. For example,
+the phrase ``Mt. St. Helens'' would be processed here for the entry created
+by the markup:
+{\tt\bs{}index\{volcanos\bs{}subentry1\{Mt. St. Helens\}\}}\par}
+\nin Note
+that there are two levels of subentries, \bs{}subentry1 and \bs{}subentry2.
+You can
+use \bs{}sortas within a \bs{}subentry. But you cannot use \bs{}subentry2 within
+\bs{}subentry1 and vise versa. If you think it should be permitted, don't.
+Also, \bs{}blindentry is not permitted within \bs{}subentry.
+(I can't be flexible {\bf everywhere}.)
+@ First save the current level, then set the current level to the
+subentry level. Process until the subentry is completely digested.
+@^System dependent code@>
+@p procedure process_subentry(@!entry_level:integer);
+var temp_level :integer;
+digest :boolean;
+begin remove_characters(1);{Throw away the `1' or `2'}@/
+temp_level := curr_level;
+curr_level := entry_level;
+digest := true;
+@<Digest Subentry@>
+until not digest;
+curr_level := temp_level;
+@ If the next character is a dollar sign, then we {\bf might} have a \bs{}sortas
+If the next character is a left curly brace, then check to see if we've
+reached the end of this subentry. If the character is not `\$' or `\{',
+then write the character to the print file.
+@<Digest Subentry@>=
+if in_record[1] = '$'
+then @<Check for Sortas@>
+else if in_record[1] = '{'
+then @<Check for Subentry End@>
+else write_print_chars(1);
+@ If the next two characters are `\$\}' then we are are the end of
+the subentry.
+@<Check for Subentry End@>=
+if (in_record[2] = '$') and (in_record[3] = '}')
+then begin
+digest := false;
+else write_print_chars(1);
+@ If the next three are `\{\$\}' then we {\it might} have a sortas.
+and check the next two
+characters to see if they
+are `{\tt sa}'. If so, we {\bf do} have a sortas.
+Otherwise write those 6 characters out. In any case, if we don't have
+a `\{\$\}' to begin with, then write the first character out
+(which was a
+`\$' if you remember from earlier.)
+@<Check for Sortas@>=
+if (in_record[2] = '{') and
+(in_record[3] = '$') and (in_record[4] = '}')
+then begin
+if (in_record[5] = 's') and (in_record[6] = 'a')
+then do_sort_as
+else write_print_chars(6);
+else write_print_chars(1)
+The {\it equal\_arrays}
+function returns a true if the two arrays being passed are
+identical. False if not.
+@p function equal_arrays(fieldy:field_array;fieldz:field_array):boolean;
+var i :integer;
+still_checking :boolean;
+begin i := 1;
+still_checking := true;
+if fieldy[i] <> fieldz[i] {if arrays not equal}
+then still_checking := false
+else incr(i);
+until (i>max_field) or not still_checking;
+equal_arrays := still_checking;
+@ The {\it plsort} procedure is written in PL/1 to call the CMS sort program
+Syncsort. This was necessary since you cannot call Syncsort from PASCAL/VS.
+The fields to be sorted are defined internally in the {\it plsort}
+program. This should be the same as the three sort fields in {\it sort\_type}.
+@:plsort@> @^PL/1@>
+@p procedure plsort(var sort_rc:integer); fortran;
+@ This function converts to all uppercase.
+Notice that this is an EBCIDIC conversion, not an ASCII conversion
+to uppercase.
+@p function upper_case(x:char):char;
+var temp:char;
+ if (ord(x)>=129)and(ord(x)<=169) then
+ temp:=chr(ord(x)+64)
+ else temp:=x;
+@* Read Each Index Entry.
+Each line in the {\it ix\_file} is a separate index entry generated with the
+\bs{\it index markup}. This markup has the format
+\par{\tt\bs{}index\it n\tt\{\it entry\rm/\it markup\tt\}}
+\nin where ``{\it entry}''
+is the textual material of the primary index. The
+``{\it markup}'' may be one of the following submarkup
+which may {\bf only}
+appear within the \bs{\it index markup}. Never outside of it.
+\item{1.} {\tt\bs{}subentry{\it n\/}}: where {\it n} is ``1'' or ``2'',
+denoting the subentry level.
+You would use this submarkup in the following fashion:
+\par{\lin{+.5in}\tt\bs{}index1\{\rm entry
+\bs\rm subentry1\tt\{\it submarkup\tt\}\}\par}
+\indent where {\it submarkup} here can only be \bs{\it sortas}.
+\item{2.}{\tt\bs{}sortas}: This markup is used to indicate text for either the
+primary sort level, or one of the two subentry sort levels that is to be
+sorted, but not printed in the resulting index. For example, someone may
+want ``10 Downing Street''
+to sort as ``ten Downing Street''. This would be accomplished by entering
+``{\tt\bs{}index1\{10 Downing Street\bs{}sortas\{ten Downing Street\}\}}''.
+You can also use \bs{\it sortas} within the \bs{\it subentry} submarkup.
+{\tt\bs{}itpn}: This markup indicates this index number
+is to be printed in italics in the sorted index.
+To use it, enter:
+\par{\lin{+.5in}\tt\bs{}index1\{\rm entry \tt
+\item{4.} {\tt\bs{}bdpn}: This markup indicates this
+index number is to be
+printed in bold in the sorted index.
+To use it, enter:
+\par{\lin{+.5in}\tt\bs{}index1\{\rm entry \tt
+\item{5.} {\tt\bs{}uspn}: This markup indicates
+this index number is to
+be underscored in the sorted index.
+To use it, enter:
+\par{\lin{+.5in}\tt\bs{}index1\{\rm entry \tt
+\item{6.} {\tt\bs{}blindentry}: This markup indicates this index is to be
+a blind entry or ``cross reference''. It may appear inside of a
+standard entry or subentry. There is no page number associated with
+this submarkup.
+@ @<Global Var...@>=
+@!respect_case :boolean;
+@!dot_leadering :boolean;
+@!sort_record :sort_type;
+@!in_record :string_type(max_lrecl);
+@^System dependent code@>
+@ This procedure will read the {\it ix\_file} in until all index requests
+have been read.
+@p procedure read_all_entries;
+var @!i,j,k:integer;
+@<Get Default Index Values@>
+while not eof(ix_file) do begin
+@<Initialize Sort Records@>@/
+@<Read Next Record@>@/
+@<Move Sort Type to Sort Record@>@/
+@<Move Page Number to Sort Record@>@/
+@<Digest the Input Record@>@/
+@<Fill in Sort Fields@>@/
+@<Write Sort Record@>@/
+@ The first index default variable passed is ``case=". A ``yes" value will
+respect the case in an index sort field. ``no" (the default) will convert
+everything to uppercase before sorting.
+The second index default ``style=" will be one of ``1", ``2'', or ``3''
+depending on whether the style is ``paragraph'', ``dash'', or ``indented''
+(which is the default).
+The third default read in here is the ``leadering=". A ``yes'' here will give
+dot leadering. Guess what ``no'' does.
+Dot leadering in the paragraph style ({\it print\_style}=1). If that
+has been requested, change {\it dot\_leadering} to false.
+@<Get Default Index Values@>=
+if dosubstr(in_record,doindex(in_record,'=')+1) = 'no'
+then respect_case := false
+else respect_case := true;
+if dosubstr(in_record,doindex(in_record,'=')+1) = 'no'
+then dot_leadering := false
+else dot_leadering := true;@/
+if dot_leadering and (print_style = '1')
+then begin writeln(messages,
+'<TEXT1> Error! Dot leadering not permitted with the paragraph style.');
+writeln(messages,' Dot leadering will be disabled.');
+dot_leadering := false;
+@ The {\it all\_blanks} variable is filled with all blanks. Other arrays
+of the same dimension of {\it all\_blanks} can be set to blank themselves
+by saying $array\leftarrow all\_blanks$.
+@<Global Var...@>=
+@ @<Initialize Sort Records@>=
+with sort_record do
+for i := 1 to max_levels do begin
+sort_part[i].field_level:= all_blanks;
+sort_part[i].field_lngth := 0;
+print[i].field_level:= all_blanks;
+print[i].field_lngth := 0;
+curr_level := 0;
+@ Read the next index request to be processed.
+Get rid of trailing blanks.
+@<Read Next Record@>=
+@ The {\it sort\_type} is always in column 2. Column 1, 3 and 4 will always
+be curly braces. (`\{{\it s}\}\{' where ``{\it s}'' is the sort type.)
+After moving the {\it sort\_type} to the sort record, then
+delete the {\it sort\_type} and the three curly braces.
+@<Move Sort Type to Sort Record@>=
+sort_record.record_type := in_record[2];
+@ The end of the page number is the next right curly brace (`\}').
+Move all of the digits from the input record to the sort record,
+starting with the last digit and going forward. If a minus sign (`-')
+is in
+the page number (preface material), then put a minus sign in
+byte one of the sort record's page number.
+@<Global Var...@>=
+@ Find and move the page number to the sort record. If it is negative,
+then its a roman numeral. In that case, move the page number to the
+{\it abs\_page\_number} to be sorted descending, as negative numbers
+should be. If its not negative, then move zero to {\it abs\_page\_number}
+so it will move to the bottom of that sort field.
+After it is moved, delete the appropriate number of characters to
+finish digesting the entry.
+@<Move Page Number to Sort Record@>=
+k := doindex(in_record,'}'); {find the end of the page number}
+i := k - 1;
+for j := 1 to max_pnum do in_page_number[j] := '0';
+j := max_pnum;
+if in_record[i] = '-'
+then begin
+in_page_number[1] := '-';
+i := 0;
+else begin
+in_page_number[j] := in_record[i];
+until i <= 0;
+if sort_record.page_number < 0
+then sort_record.abs_page_number:=abs(sort_record.page_number)
+else sort_record.abs_page_number:=0;
+k := doindex(in_record,'}'); {find the end of the page number string}
+for i := 1 to max_pn_alpha do sort_record.page_string[i] := ' ';
+for i := 1 to k-1 do
+sort_record.page_string[i] := in_record[i];
+@^System dependent code@>
+@ Process the rest of the input record. Each time you see a dollar sign,
+there could be a submarkup coming, so examine the next three characters.
+@<Digest the Input Record@>=
+if (in_record[1] = '$') and (length(in_record) >= 4)
+then @<Examine Next 3 Chars@>
+else write_print_chars(1);
+until length(in_record) < 1;
+@ Once the index request has been digested, each sort field is checked
+to see if it is blank. If so, then {\it sort\_as} was not used, so copy the
+{\it print} field to the {\it sort} field.
+@<Fill in Sort Fields@>=
+with sort_record do begin
+for i := 1 to max_levels do
+if sort_part[i].field_lngth=0
+then begin
+sort_part[i].field_level := print[i].field_level;
+sort_part[i].field_lngth := print[i].field_lngth;
+check_case; end
+else check_case;
+@^System dependent code@>
+@ Ok, the record has been processed, so write it to the output file.
+@<Write Sort Record@>=
+@ Ok, a dollar sign signals the beginning of some sort of action code if the
+next three characters are `\{\$\}'. So lets look at them and see.
+@<Examine Next 3 Chars@>=
+begin if (in_record[2] = '{') and
+(in_record[3] = '$') and (in_record[4] = '}')
+then @<Examine Next 2 Chars@>
+else write_print_chars(1);{Well then, the dollar sign must be part of the index}
+@ If a {\it blindentry} (`{\tt be}') or {\it subentry} (`{\tt se}'),
+then perform the appropriate sections.
+@<Examine Next 2 Chars@>=
+begin if (in_record[5] = 'b') and (in_record[6] = 'e')
+then @<Do Blind Entry@>
+else if (in_record[5] = 's') and (in_record[6] = 'e')
+then @<Do Sub Entries@>
+else if (in_record[5] = 's') and (in_record[6] = 'a')
+then do_sort_as
+else write_print_chars(6);{Might as well write all 6 characters examined}
+@ Everything up to the next `\{\$\}' is the blind entry.
+The page number for a blind entry will always be 999999999.
+@<Do Blind Entry@>=
+begin remove_characters(6);{Throw away the `\$\{\$\}be'}@/
+i := doindex(in_record,'{$}');
+remove_characters(3);{Throw away the `\{\$\}'}
+sort_record.page_number := 999999999;
+@ Process the subentry, depending on whether or not it is
+{\it subentry}1 or {\it subentry}2. If not, ignore the whole thing.
+@<Do Sub Entries@>=
+begin remove_characters(6); {Throw away the `\$\{\$\}se'}
+if in_record[1] = '1'
+then process_subentry(1)
+else if in_record[1] = '2'
+then process_subentry(2)
+else write_print_chars(1);{Perhaps someone entered \bs{}subentry3??}
+@* Write Formated Index. This section of code takes the sorted index
+entries, merges them together, and writes them back out to the index file
+to be read in by \bs{}printindex in the user's program. This section consists
+of three procedures for accomplishing this feat: {\it add\_page\_number},
+{\it digest\_the\_line}, and {\it read\_sorted\_records}.
+{\it numeric} is a function to convert the character string page number into
+an integer.
+@^System dependent code@>
+@ The procedure {\it add\_page\_number} is used to add the page number of the
+current sorted record to the {\it string\_bold} if a
+\bs{\it bdpn}, or to
+the {\it string\_underscore} if a \bs{\it uspn},
+or otherwise to
+the {\it str\_build}.
+@p procedure add_page_number;
+var i:integer;
+@ @<Global Var...@>=
+@ First check to see if we have a new page number. If so, then add the page
+number to the string. Otherwise, only add the page number if the sort type
+is new and is not equal to ``6'' (italic).
+with sort_record do if prev_page_number = page_number
+then if (prev_record_type = record_type) and (record_type <> '9')
+ then getout
+else if record_type = '6' then getout;
+@<Add Page Number to the String@>
+@ {\it str\_build} is used to accumulate all of the page numbers.
+{\it str\_blind\_entry} is used to accumulate the blind entry information
+(typically there should be no more than one, but allowance is made for more.)
+@<Global Var...@>=
+{come on, who's going to have one that long?}
+@ This module will take the page number of the current sorted index
+record and add it to the build string, unless the record type is
+9, which is a blind entry, in which case it is added to the blind entry
+string. Note that if the record type is 0 (bold), 4 (underscore) or
+6 (italic), then the page number is prefaced with ``B'', ``U'' or
+``I'' respectively. This identifies that the page number is to be
+emphasized when the build string is processed through the
+{\it digest\_the\_line} procedure.
+@<Add Page Number to the String@>=
+if sort_record.record_type = '9' then @<Do Sorted Blind Entry@>
+else begin @<Do Sorted Non Blind Entry@>
+prev_page_number := sort_record.page_number;@/
+prev_pg_string := strconv(sort_record.page_string);@/
+prev_record_type := sort_record.record_type;
+@ @<Do Sorted Blind Entry@>=
+with sort_record.print[3] do begin
+if length(str_blind_entry) > 0 then add_cmma_blnk(str_blind_entry);
+for i := 1 to field_lngth do
+str_blind_entry := ccat(str_blind_entry,str(field_level[i]));
+@ If the {\it page\_string[1]} is less than zero, its alphabetic and
+roman numeral processing is necessary.
+@<Do Sorted Non Blind Entry@>=
+with sort_record do begin
+if ord(page_string[1]) < ord('0')
+then @<Add Roman Page Number@>
+else @<Add Arabic Page Number@>;
+@ @<Add Roman Page Number@>=
+if length(str_build) >= 1
+then str_build:=ccat(',',str_build);
+str_build := ccat(ccat(ccat(strconv(page_string),
+if record_type = '0'
+then str_build := ccat('B',str_build)
+else if record_type = '4'
+then str_build := ccat('U',str_build)
+else if record_type = '6'
+then str_build := ccat('I',str_build)
+@ @<Add Arabic Page Number@>=
+if length(str_build) >= 1
+then add_comma(str_build);
+if record_type = '0'
+then str_build := ccat(str_build,'B')
+else if record_type = '4'
+then str_build := ccat(str_build,'U')
+else if record_type = '6'
+then str_build := ccat(str_build,'I');
+str_build := ccat(str_build,strconv(page_string));
+@ {\it output\_string} is used to collect all of the page numbers
+before writing them back out to the index file;
+{\it bold\_string} collects the bold page numbers;
+{\it us\_string} collects the underscored page numbers;
+{\it rm\_string} collects everything not bold or underscored.
+As you might expect, {\it italic\_last\_page} is true when the last
+page number of a `roll' is to be italic.
+@<Global Var...@>=
+@^System dependent code@>
+@ {\it finish\_the\_process} is a procedure that is used to
+first check to see if we are {\it on\_a\_roll}, which means we are formatting
+something like pages 1-3.
+After doing that, if there were any bold page numbers, they are concatenated
+to the front of the {\it output\_string}; underscored page numbers (if any)
+are concatenated to the end of the {\it output\_string}.
+@p procedure finish_the_process;
+@<Concatenate Bold Pages to Output@>;@/
+@<Concatenate Roman Pages to Output@>;@/
+@<Concatenate Underscored Pages to Output@>;
+@ If there were any bold page numbers, then add them to the {\it
+@<Concatenate Bold...@>=
+if length(bold_string) > 0 then begin
+if length(output_string) > 0 then add_cmma_blnk(output_string);
+output_string := ccat(output_string,bold_string);
+@ If we were on a roll (a consecutive series of page numbers) then finish
+the roll. Then if there were any roman or italic page numbers, add them to
+the {\it output\_string}.
+@<Concatenate Roman...@>=
+if on_a_roll then if italic_last_page
+then rm_string :=
+ccat(ccat(ccat(rm_string,'{\it '),trim(prev_pg_string)),'}')
+else rm_string := ccat(rm_string,prev_pg_string);
+if length(rm_string) > 0 then begin if length(output_string) > 0
+then add_cmma_blnk(output_string);
+output_string := ccat(output_string,rm_string);
+@ If there were any underscored page numbers, add them to the {\it
+output\_string} here.
+@<Concatenate Under...@>=
+if length(us_string) > 0 then begin if length(output_string) > 0
+then add_cmma_blnk(output_string);
+output_string := ccat(output_string,us_string);
+@ The procedure {\it start\_digesting} will initialize a few variables,
+then add the {\it current\_page} to the appropriate list.
+@p procedure start_digesting;
+begin @<Initialize Some Global Variables@>;@/
+prev_pg_string := curr_str_page;@/
+@<Do Appropriate Highlighting@>;
+@ @<Initialize Some Global Variables@>=
+italic_last_page := false;
+bold_string := ''; us_string :=''; rm_string:='';
+@ @<Get the Current Print Type of this Page Number@>=
+print_type:= curr_str_page[1];
+if (print_type='B') or (print_type='I') or (print_type='U')
+then curr_str_page:=dosubstr(curr_str_page,2)
+else print_type := ' '
+@ @<Do Appropriate Highlighting@>=
+if print_type = 'B' then do_when_bold
+else if print_type = 'I' then do_when_italic
+else if print_type = 'U' then do_when_underscore
+else do_when_roman
+@^System dependent code@>
+@ The procedure {\it digest\_the\_line} will take the full {\it str\_build}
+and add the dashes when there is a run of page numbers (i.e. ``{\tt 1,2,3}'' bec
+``1-3''); add the bold page numbers in front of the string (i.e.
+``{\tt 1,2,B3,3,4}''
+prints as ``{\bf 3},1-4''. Note that page 3 had to appear twice
+``{\tt B3,3}''. If it had only appeard as a bold page number and not the
+default, ``{\tt 1,2,B3,4}'', you would get ``1-2,{\bf 3},4'');
+add the underscored
+page numbers to the end of the string (similar to bold page numbers,
+``1,2,U3,3,4'' prints as ``1-4,\us{3}''); and print in italics when
+@p procedure digest_the_line;
+@<Process Each Page Number@>;@/
+@<Write the Line Out@>;
+@ @<Global Var...@>=
+@!starting_to_process :boolean;
+@!curr_str_page :string_type(max_pn_alpha);
+@!curr_num_page :integer;
+@ Initialize the variables, then read each page number until the whole
+string is digested, then finish off the page number string before returning.
+If {\it str\_build} is null, then we are doing a blind entry with no
+page numbers associated. In that case, initialize the highlighting
+@<Process Each Page Number@>=
+output_string := '';
+starting_to_process := true;
+if length(str_build) > 0
+then repeat @<Digesting Each Page Number@>
+ until length(str_build) < 1
+else if starting_to_process then begin
+@<Initialize Some Global Variables@>;
+@ First get the next page number. Then if we are starting, initialize
+everything. If we have already started, then check to see if we have a
+consecutive page number sequence (i.e. pages 1,2,3,4 etc.) which is called
+a `roll'.
+@<Digesting Each Page Number@>=
+@<Get Next Page Number@>;@/
+if starting_to_process
+then start_digesting
+else @<Check for a Roll@>;
+@ @<Get Next Page Number@>=
+i := doindex(str_build,',');
+if i < 1 then begin curr_str_page:=str_build; str_build:='';end
+else begin
+str_build := dosubstr(str_build,i+1);
+@<Get the Current Print Type of this Page Number@>;@/
+if ord(curr_str_page[1]) < ord('0') {Then its alphabetic}
+then @<Get Numeric for Roman Page Number@>
+else curr_num_page:=get_numeric(curr_str_page);
+@ @<Get Numeric for Roman Page Number@>=
+i := doindex(str_build,',');
+if i < 1 then begin temp_roman:=str_build; str_build:='';end
+else begin
+str_build := dosubstr(str_build,i+1);
+@ If we are on a roll, then the previous page number will be one less than
+the current page number. If this is not the case, then {\it
+and {\it start\_digesting} all over again.
+@<Check for a Roll@>=
+if ((prev_page_number = curr_num_page) and (print_type <> ' ')) or
+ ((prev_page_number>=0) and (prev_page_number = curr_num_page - 1)) or
+ ((prev_page_number<0) and (prev_page_number = curr_num_page + 1))
+then begin
+@<Got a Roll Going@>
+else begin finish_the_process; start_digesting; end
+@ Ok, so we're on a roll, right? If the {\it print\_type} is ``B'' (bold) or
+``U'' (underscored) then do those and return. Otherwise, check to se if we
+were previously {\it on\_a\_roll}. If we weren't, then add the hyphen to the
+starting page number. In either case, move the {\it current\_page} to the
+{\it prev\_pg\_string}. Lastly, if the page number is italic, then set
+{\it italic\_last\_page} to true, in case it ends up being the last page in
+the string.
+@<Got a Roll Going@>=
+if print_type = 'B' then do_when_bold
+else if print_type = 'U' then do_when_underscore
+else begin if not on_a_roll then begin on_a_roll := true;
+rm_string:=ccat(rm_string,'--'); end;
+if print_type = 'I' then italic_last_page := true
+else italic_last_page := false;
+@ Before the page numbers are actually written, we need to write out
+the ID depending on which level we are formatting. Level 1 is the
+primary level, level 2 is the subentry1, and level 3 is subentry2.
+Then, we need to do a couple of things depending on whether there is
+dot leadering going on or not.
+Finally, write the output string to the formatted index file.
+@<Write the Line Out@>=
+if dot_leadering then begin @<Do Dot Leadering@> end
+else begin @<Do not do Dot Leadering@> end;
+@ If there is dot leadering, then add the blind entry first, before adding
+the leadering.
+@<Do Dot Leadering@>=
+if length(str_blind_entry) > 0
+then begin
+if length(output_string) > 0 then add_cmma_blnk(output_string);
+output_string := ccat(output_string,str_blind_entry);
+output_string := ccat(ccat('\leader{}',output_string),'\par');
+@ @<Global Var...@>=
+@ If there is not dot leadering, then the blind entry goes at the end of the
+page, except for
+the paragraph style ({\it print\_style}=1). Also, if the paragraph style,
+then do not add the {\tt \bs{}par} at the end. Instead, add a comma
+if there is a new level 1 entry.
+@<Do not do Dot Leadering@>=
+if (print_style <> '1') and (length(str_blind_entry) > 0)@/
+then begin
+if length(output_string) > 0 then add_cmma_blnk(output_string);
+output_string := ccat(output_string,str_blind_entry);
+if print_style = '1'
+then if new_level_1 and ((length(str_blind_entry)=0) or no_page_numbers)
+then do_nothing
+else add_cmma_blnk(output_string)
+else output_string := ccat(output_string,'\par');
+@ The {\it build\_sorted\_index} procedure is the driving force behind
+formatting the index. The basic process is to read all of the sorted records in
+and create a record called {\it str\_build}. There will be one of these for
+each primary and subentry level index. After doing the {\it str\_build},
+this record is then read through again to add the {\it\TeX T1} markup
+necessary to
+print out the sorted index line.
+@p procedure build_sorted_index;
+var @!first_time_through:boolean;
+@ @<Global Var...@>=
+@!prev_ln1:integer;{the length of pn1}
+@!prev_ln2:integer;{the length of pn2}
+@!prev_ln3:integer;{the length of pn3}
+@ The first thing we need to do is read the next sorted record. If this is the
+first time ever through this procedure, then do some quick initializing. Then,
+once we come to a new ID, we should write out the previous index page numbers,
+etc. If the ID has not changed from the previous record, then add the page
+number given here on the sorted record to the {\it str\_build}.
+@p begin first_time_through:=true;
+while not eof(sort_file) do begin
+if first_time_through then begin @<Do First Time Inits@> end;
+if not equal_arrays(prev_sr1,sort_record.sort_part[1].field_level)
+then begin
+@<Start a New Level 1@> end
+else if not equal_arrays(prev_sr2,sort_record.sort_part[2].field_level)
+then begin
+@<Start a New Level 2@> end
+else if not equal_arrays(prev_sr3,sort_record.sort_part[3].field_level)
+and (sort_record.record_type <> '9')
+then begin
+@<Start a New Level 3@> end
+else add_page_number;
+@<Digest and Print Level 1@>
+@ First write out the {\it \bs{}everyindex} record at the beginning
+of the index file.
+@<Do First Time Inits@>=
+@ These initializations only get done at the beginning of the
+first sort record.
+@<Do First Time Inits@>=
+with sort_record do begin
+@ If this is not a blind entry, then check to see if sort records for
+the first level id are missing. If they are, then the id name itself
+will be printed in {\it id1\_missing\_check}.
+@<Do First Time Inits@>=
+if sort_record.record_type <> '9'
+then id1_missing_check;
+@ Only alpha (a--z and A--Z) and numeric (0--9) characters get an
+{\it \bs{}everyletterbreak}. Punctuation, for example, will not get
+an {\it \bs{}everyletterbreak}.
+@<Do First Time Inits@>=
+with sort_record.sort_part[1] do begin
+if ((field_level[1]>='a') and (field_level[1]<='i')) or @/
+((field_level[1]>='j') and (field_level[1]<='r')) or @/
+((field_level[1]>='s') and (field_level[1]<='z')) or @/
+((field_level[1]>='A') and (field_level[1]<='I')) or @/
+((field_level[1]>='J') and (field_level[1]<='R')) or @/
+((field_level[1]>='S') and (field_level[1]<='Z')) or @/
+((field_level[1]>='0') and (field_level[1]<='9'))
+ then
+ else
+First we need to {\it digest\_the\_line} which is the current index's
+entry. {\it digest\_the\_line} will write out the formatted index unless
+we are in the paragraph
+style of formatted index
+({\it print\_style}=1). If we are in the paragraph style,
+then we need to write out any {\it str\_blind\_entry} pending.
+@<Digest and Print Level 1@>=
+if print_style = '1' then
+@ We have just found the start of a new primary index level.
+First we need to process the previous index's
+If there is a blind entry, and it is style `1', then add it now.
+Next, if we are at a letter break (i.e., going from the sorted ``A''
+primary index letters to the ``B''s) then write the ``{\tt
+\bs{}everyletterbreak}'' to the formatted index file.
+@<Start a New Level 1@>=
+@<Digest and Print Level 1@>
+with sort_record.sort_part[1] do begin
+if (field_level[1] <> prev_sr1[1])
+then if
+(((field_level[1]>='a') and (field_level[1]<='i')) or @/
+((field_level[1]>='j') and (field_level[1]<='r')) or @/
+((field_level[1]>='s') and (field_level[1]<='z')) or @/
+((field_level[1]>='A') and (field_level[1]<='I')) or @/
+((field_level[1]>='J') and (field_level[1]<='R')) or @/
+((field_level[1]>='S') and (field_level[1]<='Z')) or @/
+((field_level[1]>='0') and (field_level[1]<='9'))) @/
+then do_lnwrite(ix_file,'\everyletterbreak{',ix,'}{',field_level[1],'}')
+ else
+@ The next thing to be done when starting a new primary index is to
+check the subentries. If they exist, then you can assume that this
+primary level index has no page numbers associated with it. The macro
+{\it id1\_missing\_check} accomplishes this.
+@<Start a New Level 1@>=
+if sort_record.record_type <> '9'
+then id1_missing_check;
+@ The complicated stuff is done. So now we can actually do some simple
+initializations to get this new level 1 (primary level) sort rolling.
+@<Start a New Level 1@>=
+with sort_record do begin
+@ We have just found the start of a new subentry1 index level.
+These modules are similar to {\it Start a New Level 1}, but not as
+detailed since it is dealing with fewer levels.
+First we need to {\it digest\_the\_line} which is the previous index's
+entry. {\it digest\_the\_line} will write out the formatted index unless
+we are in the paragraph
+style of formatted index
+({\it print\_style}=1).
+@<Start a New Level 2@>=
+@ The next thing to be done when starting a new subentry1 index is to
+check the subentry2. If it exists, then you can assume that this
+subentry index has no page numbers associated with it.
+This is done in {\it id2\_missing\_check}.
+@<Start a New Level 2@>=
+@ The complicated stuff is done. So now we can actually do some simple
+initializations to get this new level 2 (subentry2 level) sort rolling.
+@<Start a New Level 2@>=
+if print_style <> '1' then str_blind_entry:='';
+with sort_record do begin
+@ We have just found the start of a new subentry2 index level.
+These modules are similar to {\it Start a New Level 2}, but not as
+detailed since it is dealing with the lowest level.
+First we need to {\it digest\_the\_line} which is the previous index's
+entry. {\it digest\_the\_line} will write out the formatted index unless
+we are in the paragraph
+style of formatted index
+({\it print\_style}=1).
+@<Start a New Level 3@>=
+@ Do some
+initializations to get this new level 3 (subentry2) sort rolling.
+@<Start a New Level 3@>=
+if print_style <> '1' then str_blind_entry:='';
+with sort_record do begin
+@* Main Program.
+Ok, here is the main program. First we initialize (all\_blanks); then
+set the ix\_file for input and the sort\_file for output; read all of the
+entries, processing each one; close the files; sort; read the sorted file
+in and build the entries, writing them back to the ix\_file to be read in
+by the index markup. WHEW!!
+begin @<Initialize Main@>@/
+file_rewrite(s_file_number); {Should always be file 9}@/
+@<Sort the Index@>@/
+@ @<Initialize Main@>=
+for i := 1 to max_field do all_blanks[i] := ' ';
+@ As mentioned earlier, {\it plsort} is an external PL/1 subroutine
+which is used to call Syncsort to sort the file.
+The sort fields are as follows:
+\bf Starting Column&\bf Length&\bf Field Description&\bf Order\cr
+@<Global Var...@>=
+@ @<Sort the Index@>=
+if sort_rc = 0
+ then writeln(messages,'Index Successfully Completed')
+ else writeln(messages,'Index Failed');
+@* Index.
+All modules in which an identifier is
+used are listed with that identifier, except that reserved words are
+indexed only when they appear in format definitions, and the appearances
+of identifiers in module names are not indexed. Underlined entries
+correspond to where the identifier was declared. Error messages, control
+sequences put into the output, and a few
+other things like ``Syncsort'' are indexed here too.
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/txt1v293.cmschan b/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/txt1v293.cmschan
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f6bbe5a16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/texix/txt1v293.cmschan
@@ -0,0 +1,2000 @@
+TEX.CMS-CHAN - WEB change file for TeX 2.0 for VM/CMS and Pascal/VS.
+Copyright (C) 1984 by David Fuchs. All rights are reserved.
+External references: TERMATTN, ATTN202, USESTACK. Assembled
+ text decks of these routines must be linked into module.
+Changes to this file since 1.0 version (at SLAC):
+ Added increased mem size params etc from VMS-CHAN,
+ XEDIT hook, change ".log" to ".texlog". 11 Feb 84
+ Fixed filemode specifier so you can "\input". 9 Mar 84
+ Update line number references from TeX 1.0 to TeX 1.1. 20 Mar 84
+ Increase |buf_size| parameter from 500 to 1024. 24 Apr 84
+ Add CMS hook to send string to CMS using "\write15". 24 Apr 84
+ Various small changes in comments in TeX. 12 Jul 84
+ Change |pool_name| from "TEX.POOL" to "TEX.POOL.*". 21 Aug 84
+ File mode "*" added to |prompt_file_name| on input. 23 Aug 84
+ Allow tab and formfeed characters in input. 23 Aug 84
+ Increase |pool_size| to 40000. 23 Aug 84
+ ONERROR message deleted. 23 Aug 84
+ DVI block size changed to 1024. 24 Aug 84
+ SLAC character translates (hex): 4F->4A, 6A->4F, A1->5F. 27 Sep 84
+ Add SLAC routines for logging use data. 27 Sep 84
+ Update for TeX 1.4. 24 Feb 86
+ Remove |ready_already| as per Klaus Thull's recommendation. 24 Feb 86
+ Increase |hash_size| to 3000. 26 Feb 86
+ Update for TeX 2.0. 10 Mar 86
+ Add Chris Thompson's changes for large arrays, |use_stack|,
+ and do simple array asignments for |do_all_six|. 25 Mar 86
+ Add code in |close_files_and_terminate| to explicitly close
+ all input files. Avoids Pascal/VS loop in AMPXIO. 6 May 86
+ Allow |mem| array to start at negative index. 8 May 86
+ Increase |pool_size| to 50000. 9 May 86
+ Move |ret_code| from |end_of_TEX:| to |final_end:| and make
+ |history|:=|fatal_error_stop| if |bad_fmt|. 15 May 86
+ Remove SLAC-specific routines and character translates
+ to conform to TeX Project (hex): 5F->A1, 4A->5F. 4 Jun 86
+ Change |tfm_file| reading routine to read multiple 1024-byte
+ records. All TeX/MF data files are now RECFM F LRECL 1024. 2 Jul 86
+ Changes for TEXT1 by Dean Guenther 20 Aug 86
+ Banner now reflects TEXT1 at WEB line 148
+ DVI size changes to 2048 (4096) WEB line 345
+ Variable tfm_buf_size added at WEB line 345
+ (init'd at 1024)
+ tfm_buf_size replaces len_byte_block in system dependent
+ procedure fget in WEB code at line 23949
+ Square brackets around the page numbers changed to
+ angle brackets at WEB line 12302
+ Module's name changed to TXT1V2M0 at WEB line 212
+ buf_size changed from 1024 to 2048
+ Changes by Dean Guenther 20 Dec 86
+ Changes added to make \printindex a TeX primative. Refer to Web
+ lines 23602-23725 below.
+ Module's name changed to TXT1V2M1 at WEB line 212
+ Changes by Brian Harvey
+ Module's name is changed to TXT1V212 at WEB line 212
+ Banner line changed "TEXT1 (TEX 2.1)" 16 June 87
+ Changes by Dean Guenther
+ Installed fixes for TeX 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 & 2.7 25 Nov 87
+ Module is named TXT1V271 for TeX 2.7, mod 1
+ Installed fixes for TeX 2.8 & 2.9 11 Jan 88
+ Installed fixes for TeX 2.91, 2.92, & 2.93 2 Sep 88
+ Now using 1k dvi files instead of 2k
+ Module is named TXT1V293 for TeX 2.93
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 34
+@x limbo
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 60
+@x limbo
+\let\maybe=\iffalse % to TeX only the changed sections after WEAV'ing
+\def\title{\TeX\ changes for VM/CMS}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 148
+@d banner=='This is TeX, Version 2.93' {printed when \TeX\ starts}
+The VM/CMS port of \TeX\ is a combination of efforts of many people.
+\.{WEB} change files for preliminary versions of \TeX\ were brought to
+the \TeX\ Users Group meeting in August 1983 and
+given to David Fuchs, of Stanford
+University Computer Science Department, who combined them into a
+definitive version on the VM system at Stanford Linear Accelerator
+Center. The original change files were supplied by Roger Chaffee of
+SLAC (now at Metaphor), Craig Platt of the University of Manitoba, and
+Peter M.~Sih of IBM Palo Alto Scientific Center. Bernd Schulze of the
+University of Bonn contributed his experience from bringing up a
+preliminary \TeX\ under CMS and has since sent many
+further improvements including the Metafont change file used in this
+implementation and other CMS change files.
+Other CMS change files and suggestions were made by Klaus Thull.
+All of this work was based on preliminary
+work adapting \TeX\ to MVS by Eagle Berns and Susan Plass of Stanford
+University. Peter Sih has donated countless hours of his expertise
+and contributed the device support for the IBM 4250 and APA6670 (and
+3800 model 3) printers. Many valuable revisions and additions to this
+work were made by Robert J.~Creasy.
+Alan Spragens at SLAC coordinated
+communication among the CMS sites and made some enhancements to the
+implementation while revising the CMS change file for \TeX\ versions
+1.1 and 2.0. Significant improvements were contributed for version
+2.0 by Chris Thompson of the University of Cambridge; they are
+described in the ``System-dependent Changes'' section.
+@d banner=='TEXT1 (TEX 2.93)'
+ {printed when \TeX\ starts}
+@d term_in==tty_in
+@d term_out==tty_out
+@d string_length==len @& gth {IBM length function}
+@d string_index ==ind @& ex {IBM index function}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 212
+program TEX; {all file names are defined dynamically}
+program TXT1V293; {all file names are defined dynamically}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 218
+procedure initialize; {this procedure gets things started properly}
+@<Large array variables@>@/
+@<VM/CMS procedures@>@/
+procedure initialize; {this procedure gets things started properly}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 261
+@d debug==@{ {change this to `$\\{debug}\equiv\null$' when debugging}
+@d gubed==@t@>@} {change this to `$\\{gubed}\equiv\null$' when debugging}
+@d debug==@{ {change this to `$\\{debug}\equiv\null$' when debugging}
+@d gubed==@t@>@} {change this to `$\\{gubed}\equiv\null$' when debugging}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 266
+@d stat==@{ {change this to `$\\{stat}\equiv\null$' when gathering
+ usage statistics}
+@d tats==@t@>@} {change this to `$\\{tats}\equiv\null$' when gathering
+ usage statistics}
+@d stat==
+@d tats==
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 281
+@d init== {change this to `$\\{init}\equiv\.{@@\{}$' in the production version}
+@d tini== {change this to `$\\{tini}\equiv\.{@@\}}$' in the production version}
+@y virtex: init==@{ tini==@} initex: init== tini==
+@d init==@{
+@d tini==@}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 333
+@d othercases == others: {default for cases not listed explicitly}
+@d othercases == otherwise {default for cases not listed explicitly}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 345
+@!mem_max=30000; {greatest index in \TeX's internal |mem| array;
+ must be strictly less than |max_halfword|;
+ must be equal to |mem_top| in \.{INITEX}, otherwise |>=mem_top|}
+@!mem_min=0; {smallest index in \TeX's internal |mem| array;
+ must be |min_halfword| or more;
+ must be equal to |mem_bot| in \.{INITEX}, otherwise |<=mem_bot|}
+@!buf_size=500; {maximum number of characters simultaneously present in
+ current lines of open files and in control sequences between
+ \.{\\csname} and \.{\\endcsname}; must not exceed |max_halfword|}
+@!error_line=72; {width of context lines on terminal error messages}
+@!half_error_line=42; {width of first lines of contexts in terminal
+ error messages; should be between 30 and |error_line-15|}
+@!max_print_line=79; {width of longest text lines output; should be at least 60}
+@!stack_size=200; {maximum number of simultaneous input sources}
+@!max_in_open=6; {maximum number of input files and error insertions that
+ can be going on simultaneously}
+@!font_max=75; {maximum internal font number; must not exceed |max_quarterword|
+ and must be at most |font_base+256|}
+@!font_mem_size=20000; {number of words of |font_info| for all fonts}
+@!param_size=60; {maximum number of simultaneous macro parameters}
+@!nest_size=40; {maximum number of semantic levels simultaneously active}
+@!max_strings=3000; {maximum number of strings; must not exceed |max_halfword|}
+@!string_vacancies=8000; {the minimum number of characters that should be
+ available for the user's control sequences and font names,
+ after \TeX's own error messages are stored}
+@!pool_size=32000; {maximum number of characters in strings, including all
+ error messages and help texts, and the names of all fonts and
+ control sequences; must exceed |string_vacancies| by the total
+ length of \TeX's own strings, which is currently about 23000}
+@!save_size=600; {space for saving values outside of current group; must be
+ at most |max_halfword|}
+@!trie_size=8000; {space for hyphenation patterns; should be larger for
+ \.{INITEX} than it is in production versions of \TeX}
+@!dvi_buf_size=800; {size of the output buffer; must be a multiple of 8}
+@!file_name_size=40; {file names shouldn't be longer than this}
+@!pool_name='TeXformats:TEX.POOL ';
+ {string of length |file_name_size|; tells where the string pool appears}
+@!mem_max=32766; {greatest index in \TeX's internal |mem| array;
+ must be strictly less than |max_halfword|;
+ must be equal to |mem_top| in \.{INITEX}, otherwise |>=mem_top|}
+@!mem_min=-32768; {smallest index in \TeX's internal |mem| array;
+ must be |min_halfword| or more;
+ must be equal to |mem_bot| in \.{INITEX}, otherwise |<=mem_bot|}
+@!buf_size=2048; {maximum number of characters simultaneously present in
+ current lines of open files and in control sequences between
+ \.{\\csname} and \.{\\endcsname}; must not exceed |max_halfword|}
+@!error_line=79; {width of context lines on terminal error messages}
+@!half_error_line=50; {width of first lines of contexts in terminal
+ error messages; should be between 30 and |error_line-15|}
+@!max_print_line=79; {width of longest text lines output; should be at least 60}
+@!stack_size=200; {maximum number of simultaneous input sources}
+@!max_in_open=6; {maximum number of input files and error insertions that
+ can be going on simultaneously}
+@!font_max=120; {maximum internal font number; must not exceed |max_quarterword|
+ and must be at most |font_base+256|}
+@!font_mem_size=30000; {number of words of |font_info| for all fonts}
+@!param_size=60; {maximum number of simultaneous macro parameters}
+@!nest_size=40; {maximum number of semantic levels simultaneously active}
+@!max_strings=5000; {maximum number of strings; must not exceed |max_halfword|}
+@!string_vacancies=26000; {the minimum number of characters that should be
+ available for the user's control sequences and font names,
+ after \TeX's own error messages are stored}
+@!pool_size=50000; {maximum number of characters in strings, including all
+ error messages and help texts, and the names of all fonts and
+ control sequences; must exceed |string_vacancies| by the total
+ length of \TeX's own strings, which is currently about 23000}
+@!save_size=600; {space for saving values outside of current group; must be
+ at most |max_halfword|}
+@!trie_size=8000; {space for hyphenation patterns; should be larger for
+ \.{INITEX} than it is in production versions of \TeX}
+@!dvi_buf_size=2048; {size of the output buffer; must be a multiple of 8}
+@!len_byte_block=1024; {must be half of |dvi_buf_size|}
+@!len_word_block=256; {format file buffer length}
+@!file_name_size=40; {file names shouldn't be longer than this}
+@!pool_name='TEX.POOl.* ';
+ {string of length |file_name_size|; tells where the string pool appears}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 395
+@d mem_bot=0 {smallest index in the |mem| array dumped by \.{INITEX};
+ must not be less than |mem_min|}
+@d mem_top==30000 {largest index in the |mem| array dumped by \.{INITEX};
+ must be substantially larger than |mem_bot|
+ and not greater than |mem_max|}
+@d font_base=0 {smallest internal font number; must not be less
+ than |min_quarterword|}
+@d hash_size=2100 {maximum number of control sequences; it should be at most
+ about |(mem_max-mem_min)/10|, but 2100 is already quite generous}
+@d hash_prime=1777 {a prime number equal to about 85\% of |hash_size|}
+@d hyph_size=307 {another prime; the number of \.{\\hyphenation} exceptions}
+@^system dependencies@>
+@d mem_bot==-32768 {smallest index in the |mem| array dumped by \.{INITEX};
+ must not be less than |mem_min|}
+@d mem_top==32766 {largest index in the |mem| array dumped by \.{INITEX};
+ must be substantially larger than |mem_bot|
+ and not greater than |mem_max|}
+@d font_base=0 {smallest internal font number; must not be less
+ than |min_quarterword|}
+@d hash_size=3000 {maximum number of control sequences; it should be at most
+ about |(mem_max-mem_min)/10|, but 2100 is already quite generous}
+@d hash_prime=2549 {a prime number equal to about 85\% of |hash_size|}
+@d hyph_size=307 {another prime; the number of \.{\\hyphenation} exceptions}
+@^system dependencies@>
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 503
+@!ASCII_code=0..127; {seven-bit numbers}
+@!ASCII_code=packed 0..127; {seven-bit numbers}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 533
+@d last_text_char=127 {ordinal number of the largest element of |text_char|}
+@d last_text_char=255 {ordinal number of the largest element of |text_char|}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 689
+@x [2] System-dependent character set changes:
+@^character set dependencies@>
+@^system dependencies@>
+@<Set init...@>=
+for i:=1 to @'37 do xchr[i]:=' ';
+For \pvs\ we allow |form_feed| and |tab| characters in input.
+@^character set dependencies@>
+@^system dependencies@>
+@d form_feed=@'14
+@d tab=@'05
+@<Set initial values...@>=
+for i:=1 to @'37 do xchr[i]:=' ';
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 737
+for us to specify simple operations on word files before they are defined.
+@!eight_bits=0..255; {unsigned one-byte quantity}
+@!alpha_file=packed file of text_char; {files that contain textual data}
+@!byte_file=packed file of eight_bits; {files that contain binary data}
+for us to specify simple operations on word files before they are defined.
+@d alpha_file==@= TEXT@>
+@d ccat==@=||@>
+@!eight_bits=packed 0..255; {unsigned one-byte quantity}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 790
+begin reset(f,name_of_file,'/O'); a_open_in:=reset_OK(f);
+begin okstatus; reset(f,'NAME='ccat@, trim(str(name_of_file)));
+ a_open_in:=status;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 795
+begin rewrite(f,name_of_file,'/O'); a_open_out:=rewrite_OK(f);
+var buf_string:string(4);
+begin okstatus;
+rewrite(f,'NAME='ccat@, trim(str(name_of_file))
+ccat ',LRECL=' ccat buf_string);
+ a_open_out:=status;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 800
+begin reset(f,name_of_file,'/O'); b_open_in:=reset_OK(f);
+begin okstatus; reset(f,'NAME='ccat@, trim(str(name_of_file) ccat'.*'));
+ b_open_in:=status;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 805
+begin rewrite(f,name_of_file,'/O'); b_open_out:=rewrite_OK(f);
+begin okstatus; rewrite(f,'NAME='ccat@, trim(str(name_of_file)));
+ b_open_out:=status;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 810
+begin reset(f,name_of_file,'/O'); w_open_in:=reset_OK(f);
+begin okstatus; reset(f,'NAME='ccat@, trim(str(name_of_file) ccat'.*'));
+ w_open_in:=status;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 815
+begin rewrite(f,name_of_file,'/O'); w_open_out:=rewrite_OK(f);
+begin okstatus; rewrite(f,'NAME='ccat@, trim(str(name_of_file)));
+ w_open_out:=status;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 855
+@!buffer:array[0..buf_size] of ASCII_code; {lines of characters being read}
+@d LA_buffer==
+@!buffer:array[0..buf_size] of ASCII_code; {lines of characters being read}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 901
+@p function input_ln(var f:alpha_file;@!bypass_eoln:boolean):boolean;
+ {inputs the next line or returns |false|}
+var last_nonblank:0..buf_size; {|last| with trailing blanks removed}
+begin if bypass_eoln then if not eof(f) then get(f);
+ {input the first character of the line into |f^|}
+last:=first; {cf.\ Matthew 19\thinspace:\thinspace30}
+if eof(f) then input_ln:=false
+else begin last_nonblank:=first;
+ while not eoln(f) do
+ begin if last>=max_buf_stack then
+ begin max_buf_stack:=last+1;
+ if max_buf_stack=buf_size then
+ overflow("buffer size",buf_size);
+@:TeX capacity exceeded buffer size}{\quad buffer size@>
+ end;
+ buffer[last]:=xord[f^]; get(f); incr(last);
+ if buffer[last-1]<>" " then last_nonblank:=last;
+ end;
+ last:=last_nonblank; input_ln:=true;
+ end;
+@p function input_ln(var f:alpha_file;@!bypass_eoln:boolean):boolean;
+ {inputs the next line or returns |false|}
+var last_nonblank:0..buf_size; {|last| with trailing blanks removed}
+begin if bypass_eoln then if not eof(f) then get(f);
+ {input the first character of the line into |f^|}
+last:=first; {cf.\ Matthew 19\thinspace:\thinspace30}
+if eof(f) then input_ln:=false
+else begin last_nonblank:=first;
+ while not eoln(f) do
+ begin if last>=max_buf_stack then
+ begin max_buf_stack:=last+1;
+ if max_buf_stack=buf_size then
+ overflow("buffer size",buf_size);
+@:TeX capacity exceeded buffer size}{\quad buffer size@>
+ end;
+ buffer[last]:=xord[f@@]; get(f); incr(last); {@@ is \pvs\ pointer notation}
+ if buffer[last-1]<>" " then last_nonblank:=last;
+ end;
+ last:=last_nonblank; input_ln:=true;
+ end;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 933
+@ Here is how to open the terminal files
+in \ph. The `\.{/I}' switch suppresses the first |get|.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@d t_open_in==reset(term_in,'TTY:','/O/I') {open the terminal for text input}
+@d t_open_out==rewrite(term_out,'TTY:','/O') {open the terminal for text output}
+@ Here is how to open the terminal files
+in \pvs. There is no need to do a |reset| or |rewrite| or suppress
+the first |get| as with \ph.
+@d t_open_in==@= TERMIN@>(term_in) {open the terminal for text input}
+@d t_open_out==@= TERMOUT@>(term_out); {open the terminal for text output}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 949
+some instruction to the operating system. The following macros show how
+these operations can be specified in \ph:
+@^system dependencies@>
+@d update_terminal == break(term_out) {empty the terminal output buffer}
+@d clear_terminal == break_in(term_in,true) {clear the terminal input buffer}
+@d wake_up_terminal == do_nothing {cancel the user's cancellation of output}
+some instructions to the operating system. The following macros were
+used to specify these operations in \ph\ but have been made into
+``no-ops'' for \pvs.
+@d update_terminal == do_nothing
+@d clear_terminal == do_nothing
+@d wake_up_terminal == do_nothing
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 1011
+@p function init_terminal:boolean; {gets the terminal input started}
+label exit;
+begin t_open_in;
+loop@+begin wake_up_terminal; write(term_out,'**'); update_terminal;
+@p function init_terminal:boolean; {gets the terminal input started}
+label exit;
+var i,j,k: integer;
+ l: string(256);
+begin t_open_in;
+ l:=parms;
+ if l<>'' then begin
+ i:=@=LENGTH@>(l);
+ j:=min(i,buf_size-first); {this much will fit}
+ if j>0 then for k:=0 to j-1 do buffer[first+k]:=xord[l[k+1]];
+ last:=first+j;
+ max_buf_stack:=max(max_buf_stack,last);
+ loc:=first;
+ init_terminal:=true;
+ return
+ end;
+loop@+begin wake_up_terminal; write_ln(term_out,'**'); update_terminal;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 1072
+@ @<Glob...@>=
+@!str_pool:packed array[pool_pointer] of ASCII_code; {the characters}
+@!str_start : array[str_number] of pool_pointer; {the starting pointers}
+@ @d LA_string==
+@!str_pool:packed array[pool_pointer] of ASCII_code; {the characters}
+@!str_start : array[str_number] of pool_pointer; {the starting pointers}
+The following change is to use \write15 to send stuff to CMS
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 1373
+@ To end a line of text output, we call |print_ln|.
+@<Basic print...@>=
+procedure print_ln; {prints an end-of-line}
+begin case selector of
+term_and_log: begin wterm_cr; wlog_cr;
+ term_offset:=0; file_offset:=0;
+ end;
+log_only: begin wlog_cr; file_offset:=0;
+ end;
+term_only: begin wterm_cr; term_offset:=0;
+ end;
+no_print,pseudo,new_string: do_nothing;
+othercases write_ln(write_file[selector])
+end; {|tally| is not affected}
+@ To end a line of text output, we call |print_ln|.
+In CMS \TeX\ we also use |print_ln| to send a message
+to the operating system using the \.{\\write15} stream.
+@<Basic print...@>=
+procedure print_ln; {prints an end-of-line}
+var i:integer;
+begin case selector of
+term_and_log: begin wterm_cr; wlog_cr;
+ term_offset:=0; file_offset:=0;
+ end;
+log_only: begin wlog_cr; file_offset:=0;
+ end;
+term_only: begin wterm_cr; term_offset:=0;
+ end;
+no_print,pseudo,new_string: do_nothing;
+15: begin cms(trim(str(cms_buf)), irc); {send \.{\\write15} to CMS}
+ for i:=1 to cms_ptr do cms_buf[i]:=' ';
+ cms_ptr:=1; end;
+othercases write_ln(write_file[selector])
+end; {|tally| is not affected}
+The following change is to use \write15 to send stuff to CMS
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 1394
+@<Basic printing...@>=
+procedure print_char(@!s:ASCII_code); {prints a single character}
+label exit;
+begin if @<Character |s| is the current new-line character@> then
+ if selector<pseudo then
+ begin print_ln; return;
+ end;
+case selector of
+term_and_log: begin wterm(xchr[s]); wlog(xchr[s]);
+ incr(term_offset); incr(file_offset);
+ if term_offset=max_print_line then
+ begin wterm_cr; term_offset:=0;
+ end;
+ if file_offset=max_print_line then
+ begin wlog_cr; file_offset:=0;
+ end;
+ end;
+log_only: begin wlog(xchr[s]); incr(file_offset);
+ if file_offset=max_print_line then print_ln;
+ end;
+term_only: begin wterm(xchr[s]); incr(term_offset);
+ if term_offset=max_print_line then print_ln;
+ end;
+no_print: do_nothing;
+pseudo: if tally<trick_count then trick_buf[tally mod error_line]:=s;
+new_string: begin if pool_ptr<pool_size then append_char(s);
+ end; {we drop characters if the string space is full}
+othercases write(write_file[selector],xchr[s])
+@<Basic printing...@>=
+procedure print_char(@!s:ASCII_code); {prints a single character}
+label exit;
+begin if @<Character |s| is the current new-line character@> then
+ if selector<pseudo then
+ begin print_ln; return;
+ end;
+case selector of
+term_and_log: begin wterm(xchr[s]); wlog(xchr[s]);
+ incr(term_offset); incr(file_offset);
+ if term_offset=max_print_line then
+ begin wterm_cr; term_offset:=0;
+ end;
+ if file_offset=max_print_line then
+ begin wlog_cr; file_offset:=0;
+ end;
+ end;
+log_only: begin wlog(xchr[s]); incr(file_offset);
+ if file_offset=max_print_line then print_ln;
+ end;
+term_only: begin wterm(xchr[s]); incr(term_offset);
+ if term_offset=max_print_line then print_ln;
+ end;
+no_print: do_nothing;
+pseudo: if tally<trick_count then trick_buf[tally mod error_line]:=s;
+new_string: begin if pool_ptr<pool_size then append_char(s);
+ end; {we drop characters if the string space is full}
+15: begin cms_buf[cms_ptr]:=xchr[s]; incr(cms_ptr); end;
+othercases write(write_file[selector],xchr[s])
+The following change is to use \write15 to send stuff to CMS
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 1623
+if not input_ln(term_in,true) then fatal_error("End of file on the terminal!");
+if not input_ln(term_in,true) then fatal_error("End of file on the terminal!");
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 1814
+wizardry, so the present implementation simply types out what file should be
+edited and the relevant line number.
+@^system dependencies@>
+There is a secret `\.D' option available when the debugging routines have
+not been commented out.
+@<Interpret code |c| and |return| if done@>=
+case c of
+"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9": if deletions_allowed then
+ @<Delete |c-"0"| tokens and |goto continue|@>;
+@t\4\4@>@;@+@!debug "D": begin debug_help; goto continue;@+end;@+gubed@/
+"E": if base_ptr>0 then
+ begin print_nl("You want to edit file ");
+@.You want to edit file x@>
+ print(input_stack[base_ptr].name_field);
+ print(" at line "); print_int(line);
+ interaction:=scroll_mode; jump_out;
+ end;
+"H": @<Print the help information and |goto continue|@>;
+"I":@<Introduce new material from the terminal and |return|@>;
+"Q","R","S":@<Change the interaction level and |return|@>;
+"X":begin interaction:=scroll_mode; jump_out;
+ end;
+othercases do_nothing
+@<Print the menu of available options@>
+wizardry, so the standard implementation simply types out what file should be
+edited and the relevant line number.
+The CMS implementation uses an external assembly routine |attn202| to
+invoke XEDIT with ``:|line|'' in the
+program stack.
+@^system dependencies@>
+There is a secret `\.D' option available when the debugging routines have
+not been commented out.
+@<Interpret code |c| and |return| if done@>=
+case c of
+"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9": if deletions_allowed then
+ @<Delete |c-"0"| tokens and |goto continue|@>;
+@t\4\4@>@;@+@!debug "D": begin debug_help; goto continue;@+end;@+gubed@/
+"E": if base_ptr>0 then
+ begin print_nl("You want to edit file ");
+@.You want to edit file x@>
+ print(input_stack[base_ptr].name_field);
+ print(" at line "); print_int(line);
+ inp_line:='XEDIT ';
+ s1:=selector;
+ tally:=0; selector:=pseudo;
+ print(input_stack[base_ptr].name_field);
+ for s2:=0 to tally-1 do inp_line[s2+7]:=xchr[trick_buf[s2]];
+ s2:=string_index(inp_line,'.'); if s2>0 then inp_line[s2]:=' ';
+ s2:=string_index(inp_line,'.'); if s2>0 then inp_line[s2]:=' ';
+ attn202('FIFO ',inp_line);
+ tally:=0; inp_line:=' ';
+ print_int(line);
+ inp_line[1]:=':';
+ for s2:=0 to tally-1 do inp_line[s2+2]:=xchr[trick_buf[s2]];
+ attn202('FIFO ',inp_line);
+ ret_code(12);
+ selector:=s1;
+ interaction:=scroll_mode; jump_out;
+ end;
+"H": @<Print the help information and |goto continue|@>;
+"I":@<Introduce new material from the terminal and |return|@>;
+"Q","R","S":@<Change the interaction level and |return|@>;
+"X":begin interaction:=scroll_mode; jump_out;
+ end;
+othercases do_nothing
+@<Print the menu of available options@>
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 2030
+interrupt:=0; OK_to_interrupt:=true;
+interrupt:=0; OK_to_interrupt:=true;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 2277
+@!glue_ratio=real; {one-word representation of a glue expansion factor}
+@!glue_ratio=shortreal; {are there any other reals in the program?}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 2330
+@d min_quarterword=0 {smallest allowable value in a |quarterword|}
+@d max_quarterword=255 {largest allowable value in a |quarterword|}
+@d min_halfword==0 {smallest allowable value in a |halfword|}
+@d max_halfword==65535 {largest allowable value in a |halfword|}
+@d min_quarterword=0 {smallest allowable value in a |quarterword|}
+@d max_quarterword=255 {largest allowable value in a |quarterword|}
+@d min_halfword==-32768 {smallest allowable value in a |halfword|}
+@d max_halfword==32767 {largest allowable value in a |halfword|}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 2363
+@d qi(#)==#+min_quarterword
+ {to put an |eight_bits| item into a quarterword}
+@d qo(#)==#-min_quarterword
+ {to take an |eight_bits| item out of a quarterword}
+@d hi(#)==#+min_halfword
+ {to put a sixteen-bit item into a halfword}
+@d ho(#)==#-min_halfword
+ {to take a sixteen-bit item from a halfword}
+@d qi(#)==#
+ {to put an |eight_bits| item into a quarterword}
+@d qo(#)==#
+ {to take an |eight_bits| item out of a quarterword}
+@d hi(#)==#+min_halfword
+ {to put a sixteen-bit item into a halfword}
+@d ho(#)==#-min_halfword
+ {to take a sixteen-bit item from a halfword}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 2378
+@!quarterword = min_quarterword..max_quarterword; {1/4 of a word}
+@!halfword=min_halfword..max_halfword; {1/2 of a word}
+@!two_choices = 1..2; {used when there are two variants in a record}
+@!four_choices = 1..4; {used when there are four variants in a record}
+@!quarterword = packed min_quarterword..max_quarterword; {1/4 of a word}
+@!halfword=packed min_halfword..max_halfword; {1/2 of a word}
+@!two_choices=packed 1..2; {used when there are two variants in a record}
+@!four_choices=packed 1..4; {when there are four variants in a record}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 2401
+@!word_file = file of memory_word;
+@!word_block = packed array [0..len_word_block-1] of memory_word;
+@!word_file = packed file of word_block;
+@!byte_block = packed array [0..len_byte_block-1] of quarterword;
+@!byte_file = packed file of byte_block;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 2466
+deallocating them after their use.
+@!mem : array[mem_min..mem_max] of memory_word; {the big dynamic storage area}
+deallocating them after their use.
+For \pvs\ we have declared the big |mem| array in the ``large array
+variables'' module. It is defined here in terms of a macro expanded
+near the end of the program. All such ``large array'' macros begin
+with ``|LA_|.''
+@d LA_mem==
+@!mem : array[mem_min..mem_max] of memory_word; {the big dynamic storage area}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 3268
+been included. (You may want to decrease the size of |mem| while you
+are debugging.)
+@!debug @!free: packed array [mem_min..mem_max] of boolean; {free cells}
+@t\hskip1em@>@!was_free: packed array [mem_min..mem_max] of boolean;
+ {previously free cells}
+@t\hskip1em@>@!was_mem_end,@!was_lo_max,@!was_hi_min: pointer;
+been included. (You may want to decrease the size of |mem| while you
+are debugging.)
+@d LA_mem_debug==
+@!free: packed array [mem_min..mem_max] of boolean; {free cells}
+@!was_free: packed array [mem_min..mem_max] of boolean;
+ {previously free cells}
+@!debug @!was_mem_end,@!was_lo_max,@!was_hi_min: pointer;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 3653
+ if abs(mem[p+glue_offset].int)<@'4000000 then print("?.?")
+ if false then print("?.?") {no need to check value in 370 architecture}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 4218
+@!nest:array[0..nest_size] of list_state_record;
+@d LA_nest==
+@!nest:array[0..nest_size] of list_state_record;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 5085
+is needed. The program here simply specifies July 4, 1776, at noon; but
+users probably want a better approximation to the truth.
+@p procedure fix_date_and_time;
+begin time:=12*60; {minutes since midnight}
+day:=4; {fourth day of the month}
+month:=7; {seventh month of the year}
+year:=1776; {Anno Domini}
+is needed. The standard program
+here simply specified July 4, 1776, at noon; but
+we want a better approximation to the truth.
+@p procedure fix_date_and_time;
+var date,tod:alfa; hour, minute:integer;
+begin datetime(date,tod);
+year:=year+1900;{Bug next century}
+readstr(str(tod),hour:3,minute); time:=hour*60+minute;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 5289
+called |xeq_level|.
+@!eqtb:array[active_base..eqtb_size] of memory_word;
+@!xeq_level:array[int_base..eqtb_size] of quarterword;
+called |xeq_level|.
+@d LA_eqtb==
+@!eqtb:array[active_base..eqtb_size] of memory_word;
+@!xeq_level:array[int_base..eqtb_size] of quarterword;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 5336
+@d hash_is_full == (hash_used=hash_base) {test if all positions are occupied}
+@d font_id_text(#) == text(font_id_base+#) {a frozen font identifier's name}
+@!hash: array[hash_base..undefined_control_sequence-1] of two_halves;
+ {the hash table}
+@d hash_is_full == (hash_used=hash_base) {test if all positions are occupied}
+@d font_id_text(#) == text(font_id_base+#) {a frozen font identifier's name}
+@d LA_hash==
+@!hash: array[hash_base..undefined_control_sequence-1] of two_halves;
+ {the hash table}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 5721
+@ @<Glob...@>=
+@!save_stack : array[0..save_size] of memory_word;
+@ @d LA_save_stack==
+@!save_stack : array[0..save_size] of memory_word;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 6277
+@ @<Glob...@>=
+@!input_stack : array[0..stack_size] of in_state_record;
+@ @d LA_input_stack==
+@!input_stack : array[0..stack_size] of in_state_record;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 6543
+rate from the others.
+@!param_stack:array [0..param_size] of pointer;
+ {token list pointers for parameters}
+rate from the others.
+@d LA_param_stack==
+@!param_stack:array [0..param_size] of pointer;
+ {token list pointers for parameters}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 9736
+@d TEX_area=="TeXinputs:"
+@d TEX_font_area=="TeXfonts:"
+@d TEX_area==".*"
+@d TEX_font_area==""
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 9751
+@p function more_name(@!c:ASCII_code):boolean;
+begin if c=" " then more_name:=false
+else begin if (c=">")or(c=":") then
+ begin area_delimiter:=pool_ptr; ext_delimiter:=0;
+ end
+ else if (c=".")and(ext_delimiter=0) then ext_delimiter:=pool_ptr;
+ str_room(1); append_char(c); {contribute |c| to the current string}
+ more_name:=true;
+ end;
+@p function more_name(@!c:ASCII_code):boolean;
+var ret:boolean;
+if c=" " then ret:=false
+else begin ret:=true;
+ if (c=".")then if ext_delimiter=0 then ext_delimiter:=pool_ptr
+ else if area_delimiter=0 then area_delimiter:=pool_ptr
+ else ret:=false;
+ if ret then begin {contribute |c| to the current string}
+ str_room(1); append_char(c); end;
+ end;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 9769
+if area_delimiter=0 then cur_area:=""
+else begin cur_area:=str_ptr; incr(str_ptr);
+ str_start[str_ptr]:=area_delimiter+1;
+ end;
+if ext_delimiter=0 then
+ begin cur_ext:=""; cur_name:=make_string;
+ end
+else begin cur_name:=str_ptr; incr(str_ptr);
+ str_start[str_ptr]:=ext_delimiter; cur_ext:=make_string;
+ end;
+if ext_delimiter=0 then begin cur_area:=""; cur_ext:="";
+ cur_name:=make_string; end
+else begin cur_name:=str_ptr; incr(str_ptr);
+ str_start[str_ptr]:=ext_delimiter;
+ if area_delimiter=0 then
+ begin cur_area:=""; cur_ext:=make_string;
+ end
+ else begin cur_ext:=str_ptr; incr(str_ptr);
+ str_start[str_ptr]:=area_delimiter; cur_area:=make_string;
+ end;
+ end;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 9788
+begin print(a); print(n); print(e);
+begin print(n); print(e); print(a);
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 9800
+@p procedure pack_file_name(@!n,@!a,@!e:str_number);
+@p procedure pack_file_name(@!a,@!e,@!n:str_number);
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 9818
+@d format_default_length=20 {length of the |TEX_format_default| string}
+@d format_area_length=11 {length of its area part}
+@d format_default_length=9 {length of the |TEX_format_default| string}
+@d format_area_length=0 {length of its area part}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 9826
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 9998
+clear_terminal; prompt_input(": "); @<Scan file name in the buffer@>;
+if cur_ext="" then cur_ext:=e;
+clear_terminal; prompt_input(": "); @<Scan file name in the buffer@>;
+if cur_ext="" then cur_ext:=e;
+if (s="input file name") and (cur_area="") then cur_area:=TEX_area;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 10034
+@p procedure open_log_file;
+var old_setting:0..max_selector; {previous |selector| setting}
+@!k:0..buf_size; {index into |months| and |buffer|}
+@!l:0..buf_size; {end of first input line}
+@!months:packed array [1..36] of char; {abbreviations of month names}
+begin old_setting:=selector;
+if job_name=0 then job_name:="texput";
+while not a_open_out(log_file) do @<Try to get a different log file name@>;
+@p procedure open_log_file;
+var old_setting:0..max_selector; {previous |selector| setting}
+@!k:0..buf_size; {index into |months| and |buffer|}
+@!l:0..buf_size; {end of first input line}
+@!months:packed array [1..36] of char; {abbreviations of month names}
+begin old_setting:=selector;
+if job_name=0 then job_name:="texput";
+while not a_open_out(log_file) do @<Try to get a different log file name@>;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 10089
+@p procedure start_input; {\TeX\ will \.{\\input} something}
+label done;
+begin scan_file_name; {set |cur_name| to desired file name}
+if cur_ext="" then cur_ext:=".tex";
+loop@+ begin begin_file_reading; {set up |cur_file| and new level of input}
+ if a_open_in(cur_file) then goto done;
+ if cur_area="" then
+ begin pack_file_name(cur_name,TEX_area,cur_ext);
+ if a_open_in(cur_file) then goto done;
+ end;
+ end_file_reading; {remove the level that didn't work}
+ prompt_file_name("input file name",".tex");
+ end;
+done: name:=a_make_name_string(cur_file);
+if job_name=0 then
+ begin job_name:=cur_name; open_log_file;
+@p procedure start_input; {\TeX\ will \.{\\input} something}
+label done;
+begin scan_file_name; {set |cur_name| to desired file name}
+if cur_ext="" then cur_ext:=".tex";
+if cur_area="" then cur_area:=TEX_area;
+loop@+ begin begin_file_reading; {set up |cur_file| and new level of input}
+ if a_open_in(cur_file) then goto done;
+ end_file_reading; {remove the level that didn't work}
+ prompt_file_name("input file name",".tex");
+ end;
+done: name:=a_make_name_string(cur_file);
+if job_name=0 then
+ begin job_name:=cur_name; open_log_file;
+|flush_string| removed--spoils XEDIT invocation
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 10110
+print_char("("); print(name); update_terminal; state:=new_line;
+if name=str_ptr-1 then {we can conserve string pool space now}
+ begin flush_string; name:=cur_name;
+ end;
+@<Read the first line of the new file@>;
+print_char("("); print(name); update_terminal; state:=new_line;
+@<Read the first line of the new file@>;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 10399
+@ Here now is the (rather formidable) array of font arrays.
+@!font_info:array[0..font_mem_size] of memory_word;
+ {the big collection of font data}
+@!fmem_ptr:0..font_mem_size; {first unused word of |font_info|}
+@!font_ptr:internal_font_number; {largest internal font number in use}
+@!font_check:array[internal_font_number] of four_quarters; {check sum}
+@!font_size:array[internal_font_number] of scaled; {``at'' size}
+@!font_dsize:array[internal_font_number] of scaled; {``design'' size}
+@!font_params:array[internal_font_number] of halfword; {how many font
+ parameters are present}
+@!font_name:array[internal_font_number] of str_number; {name of the font}
+@!font_area:array[internal_font_number] of str_number; {area of the font}
+@!font_bc:array[internal_font_number] of eight_bits;
+ {beginning (smallest) character code}
+@!font_ec:array[internal_font_number] of eight_bits;
+ {ending (largest) character code}
+@!font_glue:array[internal_font_number] of pointer;
+ {glue specification for interword space, |null| if not allocated}
+@!font_used:array[internal_font_number] of boolean;
+ {has a character from this font actually appeared in the output?}
+@!hyphen_char:array[internal_font_number] of integer;
+ {current \.{\\hyphenchar} values}
+@!skew_char:array[internal_font_number] of integer;
+ {current \.{\\skewchar} values}
+@ Here now is the (rather formidable) array of font arrays.
+@d LA_font1==
+@!font_info:array[0..font_mem_size] of memory_word;
+ {the big collection of font data}
+@!font_check:array[internal_font_number] of four_quarters; {check sum}
+@!font_size:array[internal_font_number] of scaled; {``at'' size}
+@!font_dsize:array[internal_font_number] of scaled; {``design'' size}
+@!font_params:array[internal_font_number] of halfword; {how many font
+ parameters are present}
+@!font_name:array[internal_font_number] of str_number; {name of the font}
+@!font_area:array[internal_font_number] of str_number; {area of the font}
+@!font_bc:array[internal_font_number] of eight_bits;
+ {beginning (smallest) character code}
+@!font_ec:array[internal_font_number] of eight_bits;
+ {ending (largest) character code}
+@!font_glue:array[internal_font_number] of pointer;
+ {glue specification for interword space, |null| if not allocated}
+@!font_used:array[internal_font_number] of boolean;
+ {has a character from this font actually appeared in the output?}
+@!hyphen_char:array[internal_font_number] of integer;
+ {current \.{\\hyphenchar} values}
+@!skew_char:array[internal_font_number] of integer;
+ {current \.{\\skewchar} values}
+@!fmem_ptr:0..font_mem_size; {first unused word of |font_info|}
+@!font_ptr:internal_font_number; {largest internal font number in use}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 10435
+@d LA_font2==
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 10639
+@ @<Open |tfm_file| for input@>=
+@ @<Open |tfm_file| for input@>=
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 10654
+@d fget==get(tfm_file)
+@d fbyte==tfm_file^
+@ In CMS we know that \.{TFM} files have a logical record length of
+1024 bytes, so we do one |get(tfm_file)| per CMS record. Then, since
+|tfm_file| is a |byte_file| which is a |file of byte_block| which are
+arrays of 1024 bytes, we refer to each byte in the record while it is
+in the file buffer, avoiding the need to |get(tfm_file)| for each byte.
+Note that |fget| procedure is defined at the end of the program.
+@d fbyte==tfm_file@@[tfm_count] {@@ is \pvs\ pointer notation}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 11527
+@ Some systems may find it more efficient to make |dvi_buf| a |packed|
+array, since output of four bytes at once may be facilitated.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@ We play a trick with variant records so that we can fill up the
+|dvi_buf| array byte by byte, but write it out in one swell foop.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@d dvi_buf==d_buffer.b {buffer for \.{DVI} output}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 11531
+@!dvi_buf:array[dvi_index] of eight_bits; {buffer for \.{DVI} output}
+@!d_buffer: packed record
+ case boolean of
+ false:(b:packed array [dvi_index] of eight_bits);
+ true: (l:byte_block; r:byte_block);
+ end;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 11547
+@ The actual output of |dvi_buf[a..b]| to |dvi_file| is performed by calling
+|write_dvi(a,b)|. For best results, this procedure should be optimized to
+run as fast as possible on each particular system, since it is part of
+\TeX's inner loop. It is safe to assume that |a| and |b+1| will both be
+multiples of 4 when |write_dvi(a,b)| is called; therefore it is possible on
+many machines to use efficient methods to pack four bytes per word and to
+output an array of words with one system call.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@^inner loop@>
+@p procedure write_dvi(@!a,@!b:dvi_index);
+var k:dvi_index;
+begin for k:=a to b do write(dvi_file,dvi_buf[k]);
+@ The actual output of |dvi_buf[a..b]| to |dvi_file| is performed by calling
+|write| on the other variant of the |dvi_buf| record. Thus, we had
+better be sure things line up properly.
+many machines to use efficient methods to pack four bytes per word and to
+output an array of words with one system call.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@^inner loop@>
+@<Check the ``const...@>=
+if dvi_buf_size<>2*len_byte_block then bad:=223;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 11572
+ begin write_dvi(0,half_buf-1); dvi_limit:=half_buf;
+ begin write(dvi_file,d_buffer.l); dvi_limit:=half_buf;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 11575
+else begin write_dvi(half_buf,dvi_buf_size-1); dvi_limit:=dvi_buf_size;
+else begin write(dvi_file,d_buffer.r); dvi_limit:=dvi_buf_size;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 11584
+if dvi_limit=half_buf then write_dvi(half_buf,dvi_buf_size-1);
+if dvi_ptr>0 then write_dvi(0,dvi_ptr-1)
+if dvi_limit=half_buf then write(dvi_file,d_buffer.r);
+for k:=dvi_ptr to dvi_buf_size do dvi_buf[k]:=223; {bug is |k| ok?}
+if dvi_ptr>0 then write(dvi_file,d_buffer.l);
+if dvi_ptr>half_buf then write(dvi_file,d_buffer.r);
+TeX 1.1 WEB source line 12302
+print_char("["); j:=9;
+while (count(j)=0)and(j>0) do decr(j);
+for k:=0 to j do
+ begin print_int(count(k));
+ if k<j then print_char(".");
+ end;
+if tracing_output>0 then
+ begin print_char("]");
+ begin_diagnostic; show_box(p); end_diagnostic(true);
+ end;
+@<Ship box |p| out@>;
+if tracing_output<=0 then print_char("]");
+print_char("<"); j:=9;
+while (count(j)=0)and(j>0) do decr(j);
+for k:=0 to j do
+ begin print_int(count(k));
+ if k<j then print_char(".");
+ end;
+if tracing_output>0 then
+ begin print_char(">");
+ begin_diagnostic; show_box(p); end_diagnostic(true);
+ end;
+@<Ship box |p| out@>;
+if tracing_output<=0 then print_char(">");
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 15720
+@d delta_node=2 {|type| field in a delta node}
+@d delta_node=2 {|type| field in a delta node}
+@!delta_array=array[1..6] of scaled;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 15735
+@d do_all_six(#)==#(1);#(2);#(3);#(4);#(5);#(6)
+@!active_width:array[1..6] of scaled;
+ {distance from first active node to~|cur_p|}
+@!cur_active_width:array[1..6] of scaled; {distance from current active node}
+@!background:array[1..6] of scaled; {length of an ``empty'' line}
+@!break_width:array[1..6] of scaled; {length being computed after current break}
+In standard \TeX\ the |do_all_six| macro is sometimes used just to copy one
+of these arrays to another. In this version, that uses \pvs, these have been
+converted to simple array assignments. This not only produces faster code,
+it decreases the size of the generated procedure: which is important, for
+|try_break| is very nearly too large for \pvs.
+@d do_all_six(#)==#(1);#(2);#(3);#(4);#(5);#(6)
+@!active_width:delta_array; {distance from first active node to~|cur_p|}
+@!cur_active_width:delta_array; {distance from current active node}
+@!background:delta_array; {length of an ``empty'' line}
+@!break_width:delta_array; {length being computed after current break}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 15874
+@<Other local variables for |try_break|@>@;
+@<Other local variables for |try_break|@>@;
+procedure print_new_break; begin
+@<Print a symbolic description of the new break node@>
+procedure print_feasible_break; begin
+ @<Print a symbolic description of this feasible break@>;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 15877
+cur_active_width:=active_width; {\pvs\ for |do_all_six(copy_to_cur_active)|}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 16020
+begin no_break_yet:=false; do_all_six(set_break_width_to_background);
+begin no_break_yet:=false; break_width:=background;
+ {\pvs\ for |do_all_six(set_break_width_to_background)|}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 16122
+ begin do_all_six(store_break_width);
+ begin active_width:=break_width; {\pvs\ for |do_all_six(store_break_width)|}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 16158
+ @<Print a symbolic description of the new break node@>;
+ print_new_break;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 16343
+ @<Print a symbolic description of this feasible break@>;
+ print_feasible_break;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 16448
+ do_all_six(copy_to_cur_active);
+ cur_active_width:=active_width; {\pvs\ for |do_all_six(copy_to_cur_active)|}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 16523
+active_width:=background; {\pvs\ for |do_all_six(store_background)|}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 17394
+@!trie_pointer=0..trie_size; {an index into |trie|}
+@!trie_pointer=packed 0..trie_size; {an index into |trie|}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 17398
+@d trie_op(#)==trie[#].b0 {program for hyphenation at this trie location}
+@d trie_op(#)==trie[#].b0 {program for hyphenation at this trie location}
+@d LA_trie==
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 17457
+@!hyph_pointer=0..hyph_size; {an index into the ordered hash table}
+@ @<Glob...@>=
+@!hyph_word:array[hyph_pointer] of str_number; {exception words}
+@!hyph_list:array[hyph_pointer] of pointer; {list of hyphen positions}
+@!hyph_pointer=packed 0..hyph_size; {an index into the ordered hash table}
+@ @d LA_hyph==
+@!hyph_word:array[hyph_pointer] of str_number; {exception words}
+@!hyph_list:array[hyph_pointer] of pointer; {list of hyphen positions}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 17665
+@d trie_op_hash_size=quarterword_diff+quarterword_diff {double}
+@!init@! trie_op_hash:array[0..trie_op_hash_size] of quarterword;
+ {trie op codes for triples}
+@t\hskip1em@>@!trie_op_ptr:quarterword; {highest |trie_op| assigned}
+@d trie_op_hash_size=quarterword_diff+quarterword_diff {double}
+@d LA_trie_init1==
+@! trie_op_hash:array[0..trie_op_hash_size] of quarterword;
+ {trie op codes for triples}
+@!trie_op_ptr:quarterword; {highest |trie_op| assigned}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 17717
+@d trie_root==trie_l[0] {root of the linked trie}
+@!init @!trie_c:packed array[trie_pointer] of ASCII_code; {characters to match}
+@t\hskip1em@>@!trie_o:packed array[trie_pointer] of quarterword;
+ {operations to perform}
+@t\hskip1em@>@!trie_l:packed array[trie_pointer] of trie_pointer;
+ {left subtrie links}
+@t\hskip1em@>@!trie_r:packed array[trie_pointer] of trie_pointer;
+ {right subtrie links}
+@t\hskip1em@>@!trie_ptr:trie_pointer; {the number of nodes in the trie}
+@d trie_root==trie_l[0] {root of the linked trie}
+@d LA_trie_init2==
+@!trie_c:packed array[trie_pointer] of ASCII_code; {characters to match}
+@t\hskip1em@>@!trie_o:packed array[trie_pointer] of quarterword;
+ {operations to perform}
+@t\hskip1em@>@!trie_l:packed array[trie_pointer] of trie_pointer;
+ {left subtrie links}
+@t\hskip1em@>@!trie_r:packed array[trie_pointer] of trie_pointer;
+ {right subtrie links}
+@!init @!trie_ptr:trie_pointer; {the number of nodes in the trie}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 17734
+initialized to zero.
+@!init @!trie_hash:packed array[trie_pointer] of trie_pointer;
+tini {to identify equivalent subtries}
+initialized to zero.
+@d LA_trie_init3==
+@!trie_hash:packed array[trie_pointer] of trie_pointer;
+ {to identify equivalent subtries}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 17809
+@d trie_back(#)==trie[#].lh {backward links in |trie| holes}
+@!init@!trie_taken:packed array[trie_pointer] of boolean;
+ {does a family start here?}
+@d trie_back(#)==trie[#].lh {backward links in |trie| holes}
+@d LA_trie_init4==
+@!trie_taken:packed array[trie_pointer] of boolean;
+ {does a family start here?}
+@!init @!trie_min:trie_pointer;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 22573
+ if cur_ext="" then cur_ext:=".tex";
+ if cur_ext="" then cur_ext:=".tex";
+ if cur_area="" then cur_area:=TEX_area;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 22865
+bad_fmt: wake_up_terminal;
+ wterm_ln('(Fatal format file error; I''m stymied)');
+@.Fatal format file error@>
+bad_fmt: wake_up_terminal;
+ wterm_ln('(Fatal format file error; I''m stymied)');
+@.Fatal format file error@>
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 22885
+@d dump_wd(#)==begin fmt_file^:=#; put(fmt_file);@+end
+@d dump_int(#)==begin fmt_file^.int:=#; put(fmt_file);@+end
+@d dump_hh(#)==begin fmt_file^.hh:=#; put(fmt_file);@+end
+@d dump_qqqq(#)==begin fmt_file^.qqqq:=#; put(fmt_file);@+end
+@d fmt_word==fmt_file@@[fmt_count]
+@d dump_wd(#)==begin fmt_word:=#; put_fmt;@+end
+@d dump_int(#)==begin; put_fmt;@+end
+@d dump_hh(#)==begin fmt_word.hh:=#; put_fmt;@+end
+@d dump_qqqq(#)==begin fmt_word.qqqq:=#; put_fmt;@+end
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 22897
+@d undump_wd(#)==begin get(fmt_file); #:=fmt_file^;@+end
+@d undump_int(#)==begin get(fmt_file); #:=fmt_file^.int;@+end
+@d undump_hh(#)==begin get(fmt_file); #:=fmt_file^.hh;@+end
+@d undump_qqqq(#)==begin get(fmt_file); #:=fmt_file^.qqqq;@+end
+@d undump_wd(#)==begin get_fmt; #:=fmt_word;@+end
+@d undump_int(#)==begin get_fmt;;@+end
+@d undump_hh(#)==begin get_fmt; #:=fmt_word.hh;@+end
+@d undump_qqqq(#)==begin get_fmt; #:=fmt_word.qqqq;@+end
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 22912
+@<Dump constants for consistency check@>=
+@<Dump constants for consistency check@>=
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 22927
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 23224
+dump_int(interaction); dump_int(format_ident); dump_int(69069);
+dump_int(interaction); dump_int(format_ident); dump_int(69069);
+while fmt_count<>0 do dump_int(0); {flush out the buffer}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 23309
+The initial test involving |ready_already| should be deleted if the
+\PASCAL\ runtime system is smart enough to detect such a ``mistake.''
+@^system dependencies@>
+@p begin @!{|start_here|}
+history:=fatal_error_stop; {in case we quit during initialization}
+t_open_out; {open the terminal for output}
+if ready_already=314159 then goto start_of_TEX;
+The initial test involving |ready_already| has been deleted here
+since the
+CMS storage management is not smart enough to clean up properly.
+We also declare the procedure |use_stack| which is explained in
+its definition.
+@^system dependencies@>
+@p @<Declare the procedure |use_stack|@> @;
+begin @!{|start_here|}
+history:=fatal_error_stop; {in case we quit during initialization}
+t_open_out; {open the terminal for output}
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 23319
+ begin wterm_ln('Ouch---my internal constants have been clobbered!',
+ '---case ',bad:1);
+ begin wterm_ln('Ouch---my internal constants have been clobbered!',
+ '---case ',bad:1);
+ ret_code(100+bad);
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 23328
+start_of_TEX: @<Initialize the output routines@>;
+@<Get the first line of input and prepare to start@>;
+init_str_ptr:=str_ptr; init_pool_ptr:=pool_ptr;@/
+history:=spotless; {ready to go!}
+main_control; {come to life}
+final_cleanup; {prepare for death}
+end_of_TEX: close_files_and_terminate;
+final_end: ready_already:=0;
+do_nothing; {remove |ready_already:=314159;|}
+start_of_TEX: @<Initialize the output routines@>;
+@<Get the first line of input and prepare to start@>;
+init_str_ptr:=str_ptr; init_pool_ptr:=pool_ptr;@/
+history:=spotless; {ready to go!}
+main_control; {come to life}
+final_cleanup; {prepare for death}
+end_of_TEX: close_files_and_terminate;
+final_end: ret_code(history*4);
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 23348
+but that can't cause infinite recursion.
+procedure close_files_and_terminate;
+var k:integer; {all-purpose index}
+begin @<Finish the extensions@>;
+@!stat if tracing_stats>0 then @<Output statistics about this job@>;@;@+tats@/
+wake_up_terminal; @<Finish the \.{DVI} file@>;
+if job_name>0 then
+ begin wlog_cr; a_close(log_file); selector:=selector-2;
+but that can't cause infinite recursion.
+For \pvs\ we explicitly close all text input files, which standard
+\TeX\ leaves open, because \pvs\ sometimes(!) cannot manage
+to close them
+after a |jump_out| from an inner-level input file containing a
+\TeX\ error.
+It is (currently) okay to close files that are not open in \pvs.
+procedure close_files_and_terminate;
+var k:integer; {all-purpose index}
+begin @<Finish the extensions@>;
+@!stat if tracing_stats>0 then @<Output statistics about this job@>;@;@+tats@/
+wake_up_terminal; @<Finish the \.{DVI} file@>;
+if job_name>0 then
+ begin wlog_cr; a_close(log_file);
+ for k:=1 to max_in_open do a_close(input_file[k]); {close input files}
+ selector:=selector-2;
+Web line 23602, add index code
+@d special_node=3 {|subtype| in whatsits that represent \.{\\special} things}
+@d special_node=3 {|subtype| in whatsits that represent \.{\\special} things}
+@d ix_print_node=5
+{|subtype| in whatsits that represent \.{\\printindex} things}
+The following change is to use \write15 to send stuff to CMS
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 23619
+@ @<Set init...@>=
+for k:=0 to 17 do write_open[k]:=false;
+@ @<Set init...@>=
+for k:=0 to 17 do write_open[k]:=false;
+write_open[15]:=true; {hack open \.{\\write15} stream for sending
+ messages to CMS}
+cms_ptr:=1; {initialize |cms_buf| pointer and array}
+for k:=1 to buf_size do cms_buf[k]:=' ';
+Web line 23635, index code
+@!@:special_}{\.{\\special} primitive@>
+@!@:special_}{\.{\\special} primitive@>
+@!@:printindex_}{\.{\\printindex} primitive@>
+Web line 23651, index code
+ special_node:print_esc("special");
+ special_node:print_esc("special");
+ ix_print_node:print_esc("printindex");
+Web line 23671, index code
+special_node:@<Implement \.{\\special}@>;
+special_node:@<Implement \.{\\special}@>;
+ix_print_node:@<Implement \.{\\printindex}@>;
+Web line 23725, index code
+@<Implement \.{\\special}@>=
+begin new_whatsit(special_node,write_node_size); write_stream(tail):=null;
+p:=scan_toks(false,true); write_tokens(tail):=def_ref;
+@<Implement \.{\\special}@>=
+begin new_whatsit(special_node,write_node_size); write_stream(tail):=null;
+p:=scan_toks(false,true); write_tokens(tail):=def_ref;
+@ This is an extension to call TEXIX, the index building and sorting
+@<Implement \.{\\printindex}@>=
+begin scan_int;
+if (cur_val<1) or (cur_val>3)
+then begin
+print_err("Invalid index number");
+help2("Since I expected to read a number between 1 and 3,")
+("I changed this one to 1.");
+@ The next procedure calls the Pascal/VS module TEXIX to build the
+sorted index. TEXIX calls
+the PL/1 procedure PLSORT, which calls the CASORT procedure to sort
+the index file.
+@<Declare procedures needed in |do_ext...@>=
+procedure texix(@!ix:char); external;
+TeX 2.0 WEB source line 23949
+This section should be replaced, if necessary, by changes to the program
+that are necessary to make \TeX\ work at a particular installation.
+It is usually best to design your change file so that all changes to
+previous sections preserve the section numbering; then everybody's version
+will be consistent with the published program. More extensive changes,
+which introduce new sections, can be inserted here; then only the index
+itself will get a new section number.
+@^system dependencies@>
+The following sections, as recommended, contain the changes necessary to
+make \TeX\ work under \pvs\ and CMS.
+@ The following two sections of code and comment are from Chris Thompson
+of Cambridge University Computing Service:
+One of the unfortunate features of the \pvs\ compiler (and, indeed, of
+all known \PASCAL\ compilers for the IBM/370 architecture) is that variables
+in a stack frame are allocated strictly in the order they were declared.
+If the stack frame is more than 4096 bytes long, access to the later variables
+is less efficient, as \pvs\ must generate code to add a suitable multiple
+of 4096 to the base register for the stack frame. If many different multiples
+of 4096 are involved, the situation is correspondingly worse.
+Unfortunately, this effect is particularly acute for programs like \TeX.
+The order of the global variable declarations in the program generated by
+\.{TANGLE} is the order they actually occur in the source of \TeX. This order
+is oriented towards a structured exposition of the program. In particular,
+arrays (some of them rather large) and simple variables are mixed up; thus
+some of the most heavily used global variables in \TeX\ not only are not
+assigned addresses in the first 4096 bytes of the global stack frame, but
+even occur in many different 4096-byte sections of that frame, causing
+\pvs\ to have to assign many registers to point at them.
+There are many possible ways in which this situation could be improved.
+In this version of \TeX\ the declarations of the largest arrays have been
+removed from the module ``Global variables'' and added to a new one called
+``Large array variables'' which is inserted at the end of the declarations.
+The object is to make the space allocated to the variables left in the first
+module no more than 4096 bytes. Many of the smaller arrays have been left in
+the first module; after all, they too can gain from being directly addressable.
+As the individual sections of ``Global variables'' often contain declarations
+of both simple and array variables, the latter have been converted to
+\.{TANGLE} macros which are expanded here, rather than building up
+``Large array variables'' on the way.
+This would also enable us to change the order of
+these arrays on the global stack frame if desired.
+@<Large array...@>=
+ LA_buffer @; LA_string @;
+ LA_mem @; debug LA_mem_debug gubed @;
+ LA_nest @; LA_eqtb @; LA_hash @; LA_save_stack @;
+ LA_input_stack @; LA_param_stack @;
+ LA_font1 @; LA_font2 @;
+ LA_trie @; LA_hyph @;
+ init LA_trie_init1 @; LA_trie_init2 @; LA_trie_init3 @; LA_trie_init4 tini
+@ Another unfortunate feature of the \pvs\ compiler (this time unique to it)
+is the way it manages the \PASCAL\ stack. Rather than allocating the whole
+stack area at once, it uses \.{GETMAIN} system calls to obtain chunks of store
+for it on demand. If stack overflow is detected on a routine call (i.e., the
+current chunk is not big enough; which, in particular, always happens when
+the main program is called from the runtime system) then a new chunk is made
+current. This is taken from a chain of spare chunks if any of them is big
+enough; if not, a new chunk is obtained, of size
+$$\lceil\max(\hbox{new stack frame}, d)\rceil\quad\hbox{Kbytes}$$
+where $d$ is specified by a runtime option, defaulting to 12\thinspace Kbytes.
+A special dummy procedure is
+placed between the caller and callee. When the callee returns, this procedure
+switches back to the old chunk, placing the new one on the spare list.
+Now, consider the case of \TeX. Most of the stack frames are not much larger
+than the \pvs\ minimum of 144 bytes, because they do not contain arrays;
+on the other hand, the global stack frame is enormous. The chunk obtained
+by \pvs\ for the main program will have between 0~and 1\thinspace Kbytes
+left after the global stack frame itself---and exactly how much will be
+quite impossible to keep control of as \TeX\ is altered. This is not
+enough for very many nested routine calls, and \TeX\ will soon use it up
+and obtain a new chunk of 12\thinspace Kbytes; this will suffice for
+nearly all \TeX\ applications (and if it didn't, we could change the
+runtime option).
+Some routines will have their stack frames very near the end of the
+first chunk. On every routine call they make, a switch will have to be
+made to the second chunk, and on each return to them a switch back again.
+Although this part of the \pvs\ runtime system is written in assembler,
+this is still a heavy overhead. If the routine involved is one that calls
+many other routines (the worst case may be |main_control|) then this will
+observably degrade the whole performance of \TeX. Experiments have shown
+variations due to this cause in the CPU time used by \TeX\ of 10\% in
+normal applications, and more than that in special cases.
+The possible solutions here range from altering the algorithm in \pvs\ to
+use a chunk size of
+$$\lceil\hbox{new stack frame} + d\rceil\quad\hbox{Kbytes}$$
+(which would work quite well for \TeX) to arranging to always specify a
+runtime system \.{STACK=d} option comfortably larger than the global
+stack frame (but then one could hardly hope ever to get another chunk
+if the first one {\sl did} run out). The solution adopted in this version
+of \TeX\ is to use an assembler routine |use_stack| which arranges that
+its caller's stack frame will subsequently be judged by \pvs\ to be as
+high as possible in the current chunk---to do this it has to know more
+than is good for it about the internals of \pvs, of course!
+Ideally, this routine would be used as follows. The main program would
+consist of a call of |use_stack|, followed by a call of
+ \\{do\_everything\_else};
+then only one call-return pair gets the overhead. This is awkward for \TeX,
+though, because of the labels in the main program, especially |end_of_TEX|.
+Almost as good is to insert a call of |use_stack| near the beginning of the
+existing main program, and this is what we do here. It works because the
+main program doesn't actually call many other routines, and has no loops---we
+can hope it will stay that way!
+@<Declare the procedure |use_stack|@>=
+procedure use_stack; external;
+@ Extra type needed for CMS message
+@!cms_buf_type=packed array[1..buf_size] of char;
+@ Here are extra global variables for VM/CMS routines
+@!status: boolean; {did the last |reset| or |rewrite| succeed?}
+@ @<VM/CMS...@>=
+procedure term_attn(var interrupt: integer); fortran;
+procedure cms(const s:string; var rc:integer); external;
+procedure attn202(const lifofifo:alfa; const cmd:string); external;
+procedure okstatus; begin status:=true; end;
+@/@\@=%INCLUDE ONERROR;@>@\
+procedure onerror; begin
+if @= FERROR @> in [41,48] then begin
+ status:=false;
+ @= FACTION@>:=[@=XDECERR@>]; end;
+if @= FERROR@>=30 then interrupt:=1;
+procedure fget; begin {no check done for eof}
+ incr(tfm_count);
+ if tfm_count=tfm_buf_size then
+ begin get(tfm_file); tfm_count:=0;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure put_fmt; begin
+ incr(fmt_count);
+ if fmt_count=len_word_block then
+ begin put(fmt_file); fmt_count:=0;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure get_fmt; begin
+ incr(fmt_count);
+ if fmt_count=len_word_block then begin
+ get(fmt_file); fmt_count:=0;
+ end;
+ end;
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/vax_vms/ b/obsolete/macros/text1/vax_vms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d62df0c372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/vax_vms/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+$! used to create a new TEXIX executable
+$ set noverify
+$ set on
+$ pascal vmssort
+$ tangle texix
+$ pascal texix
+$ link texix,vmssort
+$ set noverify
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/vax_vms/sortcall.pen b/obsolete/macros/text1/vax_vms/sortcall.pen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af41cfbe0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/vax_vms/sortcall.pen
Binary files differ
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/vax_vms/ b/obsolete/macros/text1/vax_vms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20168b7fe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/vax_vms/
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+@x line 6
+ \centerline{{\twelvept For IBM VM/CMS Pascal/VS}}
+ \centerline{{\twelvept For Vax Pascal}}
+@x line 107
+segment texix;
+procedure texix(ix:char); external;
+procedure texix;
+program texix(input,output);
+@x line 142
+@d getout == return
+@d messages == sysprint
+@d getout == goto return
+@d messages == output
+@x line 146
+@d max_lrecl = 2048
+@d max_lrecl = 255
+@x line 147
+in_record := dosubstr(in_record,1 + #)
+in_record := dosubstr(in_record,1 + #,length(in_record)-(#))
+@x line 176
+@d do_when_bold == begin
+if length(bold_string) > 0 then add_comma(bold_string);
+ccat(ccat(ccat(bold_string,'{\bd '),curr_str_page),'}');
+@d do_when_underscore == begin
+if length(us_string) > 0 then add_comma(us_string);
+@d do_when_italic == begin
+if length(rm_string) > 0 then add_comma(rm_string);
+ccat(ccat(ccat(rm_string,'{\it '),curr_str_page),'}');
+@d do_when_bold == begin
+if length(bold_string) > 0 then add_comma(bold_string);
+bold_string:=ccat(bold_string,'{\bd ');
+@d do_when_underscore == begin
+if length(us_string) > 0 then add_comma(us_string);
+@d do_when_italic == begin
+if length(rm_string) > 0 then add_comma(rm_string);
+rm_string:=ccat(rm_string,'{\it ');
+@x line 253
+ ccat := x ccat_temp y;
+ ccat := x + y;
+@x line 271
+@^System dependent code@>
+@p procedure reset_file(file_number:char);
+if file_number = '9' then reset(sort_file,
+else reset(ix_file,
+@^System dependent code@>
+@p procedure reset_file(file_number:char);
+if file_number = '9' then begin open(sort_file,
+'TEXT1$$.OUTSORT',history:=readonly); reset(sort_file); end
+else begin open(ix_file,ccat('TEXT1$$.IX',file_number),history:=readonly);
+reset(ix_file); end;
+function trim(object:string_pass):string_pass;
+var i:integer;
+ decr(i);
+ until (object[i] <> ' ') or (i=1);
+if (object[i] = ' ') and (i=1)
+then new_string:=''
+else new_string:=dosubstr(object,1,i);
+@x line 288
+begin open(sort_file,'TEXT1$$.INSORT');
+rewrite(sort_file); end
+rewrite(ix_file); end;
+@x line 444
+@ The {\it get\_numeric}
+function will take a packed array of length max\_pn\_alpha and convert
+that array (which is really the page number) into an integer.
+@p function get_numeric(x_string:string_type(max_pn_alpha)):integer;
+var @!i:integer;
+@ The {\it get\_numeric}
+function will take a packed array of length max\_pn\_alpha and convert
+that array (which is really the page number) into an integer.
+@p function get_numeric(x_string:string_pass):integer;
+var @!i:integer;
+@x line 459
+@p procedure strvalue(x:integer; var results:pass_pn_alpha);
+@p function ltrim(triml_in_string:string_pass):pn_type;
+var i,j:integer;
+for i:=1 to length(triml_in_string) do begin
+if triml_in_string[i] <> ' ' then begin
+ incr(j);
+ triml_out_string[j]:=triml_in_string[i];
+ end;
+procedure strvalue(x:integer; var results:pn_type);
+ writev(temp,x);
+ results:=trim(ltrim(temp));
+ end;
+@x line 470
+@p function strconv(x:pn_alpha_type):string_type(max_pn_alpha);
+var i:integer;
+temp:='';i := 1;
+with sort_record do begin
+if x[i] <> ' ' then
+temp := ccat(temp,str(x[i]));
+until (i > max_pn_alpha) or (x[i] = ' ');
+@p function strconv(x:pn_alpha_type):pass_pn_alpha;
+var i:integer;
+temp:='';i := 1;
+with sort_record do begin
+if x[i] <> ' ' then
+temp := ccat(temp,x[i]);
+until (i > max_pn_alpha) or (x[i] = ' ');
+@x line 626
+@ The {\it plsort} procedure is written in PL/1 to call the CMS sort program
+Syncsort. This was necessary since you cannot call Syncsort from PASCAL/VS.
+The fields to be sorted are defined internally in the {\it plsort}
+program. This should be the same as the three sort fields in {\it sort\_type}.
+@:plsort@> @^PL/1@>
+@p procedure plsort(var sort_rc:integer); fortran;
+@ The {\it vmssort} procedure calls a VMS sort program.
+You can use your favorite program here.
+The three sort fields in {\it sort\_type} are to be sorted.
+@x line 643
+@ This function converts to all uppercase.
+Notice that this is an EBCIDIC conversion, not an ASCII conversion
+to uppercase.
+@p function upper_case(x:char):char;
+var temp:char;
+ if (ord(x)>=129)and(ord(x)<=169) then
+ temp:=chr(ord(x)+64)
+ else temp:=x;
+@ This function converts to all uppercase.
+Notice that this is an ASCII conversion, not an EBCDIC conversion
+to uppercase.
+@p function upper_case(x:char):char;
+var temp:char;
+ if ord(x) >= "a" then
+ temp:=chr(ord(x)-@'40)
+ else temp:=x;
+@x line 710
+@x line 738
+if dosubstr(in_record,doindex(in_record,'=')+1) = 'no'
+if dosubstr(in_record,doindex(in_record,'=')+1,length(in_record)
+-doindex(in_record,'=')) = 'no'
+@x line 744
+if dosubstr(in_record,doindex(in_record,'=')+1) = 'no'
+if dosubstr(in_record,doindex(in_record,'=')+1,length(in_record)
+-doindex(in_record,'=')) = 'no'
+@x line 862
+@<Write Sort Record@>=
+@<Write Sort Record@>=
+@x line 890
+The page number for a blind entry will always be 999999999.
+@<Do Blind Entry@>=
+begin remove_characters(6);{Throw away the `\$\{\$\}be'}@/
+i := doindex(in_record,'{$}');
+remove_characters(3);{Throw away the `\{\$\}'}
+sort_record.page_number := 999999999;
+The page number for a blind entry will always be 9999.
+@<Do Blind Entry@>=
+begin remove_characters(6);{Throw away the `\$\{\$\}be'}@/
+i := doindex(in_record,'{$}');
+remove_characters(3);{Throw away the `\{\$\}'}
+sort_record.page_number := 9999;
+@x line 937
+@p procedure add_page_number;
+var i:integer;
+@p procedure add_page_number;
+var i:integer;
+label return;
+@x line 955
+@<Add Page Number to the String@>
+@<Add Page Number to the String@>
+@x line 963
+@x line 976
+str_blind_entry := ccat(str_blind_entry,str(field_level[i]));
+str_blind_entry := ccat(str_blind_entry,field_level[i]);
+@x line 996
+@ If the {\it page\_string[1]} is less than zero, its alphabetic and
+roman numeral processing is necessary.
+@<Do Sorted Non Blind Entry@>=
+with sort_record do begin
+if ord(page_string[1]) < ord('0')
+@ If the {\it page\_string[1]} is greater
+ than nine, its alphabetic and
+roman numeral processing is necessary.
+@<Do Sorted Non Blind Entry@>=
+with sort_record do begin
+if ord(page_string[1]) > ord('9')
+@x line 1006
+str_build := ccat(ccat(ccat(strconv(page_string),
+@x line 1103
+then curr_str_page:=dosubstr(curr_str_page,2)
+then curr_str_page:=dosubstr(curr_str_page,2,length(curr_str_page)-1)
+@x line 1179
+if i < 1 then begin curr_str_page:=str_build; str_build:='';end
+else begin
+str_build := dosubstr(str_build,i+1);
+@<Get the Current Print Type of this Page Number@>;@/
+if ord(curr_str_page[1]) < ord('0') {Then its alphabetic}
+if i < 1 then begin curr_str_page:=str_build;
+else begin
+str_build := dosubstr(str_build,i+1,length(str_build)-i);
+@<Get the Current Print Type of this Page Number@>;@/
+if ord(curr_str_page[1]) > ord('9')
+@x line 1192
+if i < 1 then begin temp_roman:=str_build; str_build:='';end
+else begin
+str_build := dosubstr(str_build,i+1);
+if i < 1 then begin temp_roman:=str_build;
+else begin
+str_build := dosubstr(str_build,i+1,length(str_build)-i);
+@x line 1254
+output_string := ccat(ccat('\leader{}',output_string),'\par');
+@x line 1305
+@x line 1524
+@* Main Program.
+Ok, here is the main program. First we initialize (all\_blanks); then
+set the ix\_file for input and the sort\_file for output; read all of the
+entries, processing each one; close the files; sort; read the sorted file
+in and build the entries, writing them back to the ix\_file to be read in
+by the index markup. WHEW!!
+begin @<Initialize Main@>@/
+file_rewrite(s_file_number); {Should always be file 9}@/
+@<Sort the Index@>@/
+@* Main Program.
+Ok, here is the main program. First we initialize (all\_blanks); then
+prompt to determine which index to use (1, 2, or 3).
+Next call VMS' sort routine. And thats it.
+ WHEW!!
+begin @<Initialize Main@>@/
+write('Which index are you processing (1, 2, or 3)? ');@/
+if (ix <> '1') and (ix <> '2') and (ix <> '3') then begin
+'You can only process indexes 1, 2, or 3. Start again.');
+halt; end;
+writeln(messages,'Starting the sort routine....');
+@<Sort the Index@>@/
+close(ix_file); {ix\_file now has the index to be run through \TeX}
+@x line 1558
+@x line 1565
+if sort_rc = 0
+ then writeln(messages,'Index Successfully Completed')
+ else writeln(messages,'Index Failed');
+if odd(sort_rc)
+ then writeln(messages,'Index Successfully Completed')
+ else writeln(messages,'Index Failed');
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/vax_vms/texix_vms.readme b/obsolete/macros/text1/vax_vms/texix_vms.readme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1bc62ad50d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/vax_vms/texix_vms.readme
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+To create a new application on VMS for the TEXT1 sorted index, you
+must TANGLE the TEXIX.WEB file (found in the directory TEXIX) with the
+TEXIX.CH changes file in this directory. Then compile the program with Pascal.
+You must also compile VMSSORT with Pascal.
+This is all done for you with the COMPILE_TEXIX.COM procedure.
+The resulting TEXIX.EXE can be run by saying:
+It will ask for index level 1, 2, or 3. Usually "1" is used, which corresponds
+to the index file TEXT1$$.IX1 which was created by running TEXT1 on your TEX
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/text1/vax_vms/vmssort.pas b/obsolete/macros/text1/vax_vms/vmssort.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..064cef2593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/text1/vax_vms/vmssort.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+module vmssort(output);
+procedure vmssort(var sort_rc:integer);
+label RETURN;
+ max_pn_alpha=20;
+ max_field = 300;
+ SS$_NORMAL = 1;
+ DSC$K_DTYPE_L = 8; (* Longword Integer. 32-bit signed *)
+ DSC$K_DTYPE_T = 14; (* Character-coded text. A single 8-bit character *)
+ sor$gk_record = 1;
+ word_integer = [word] 0..65535;
+ byte_integer = [byte] 0..255;
+ pn_alpha_type=packed array[1..max_pn_alpha] of char;
+ field_array = packed array[1..max_field] of char;
+ field_type = packed record
+ field_lngth :integer;
+ field_level :field_array;
+ end;
+ sort_type = packed record
+ record_type :char;
+ page_number :integer;
+ abs_page_number :integer;
+ page_string :pn_alpha_type;
+ sort_part :packed array[1..3] of field_type;
+ print :packed array[1..3] of field_type;
+ end;
+ sort_stat: integer;
+ key_info:array[1..21] of word_integer
+ := (5,DSC$K_DTYPE_T,0,33,300,
+ DSC$K_DTYPE_T,0,337,300,
+ DSC$K_DTYPE_T,0,641,300,
+ DSC$K_DTYPE_L,1,5,4,
+ DSC$K_DTYPE_L,0,1,4);
+ vmssort_type:byte_integer := sor$gk_record;
+function sor$pass_files(
+ in_file: [class_s] packed array [l..u:integer] of char;
+ out_file: [class_s] packed array [a..b:integer] of char)
+ : integer; extern;
+function sor$begin_sort(
+ %REF key_data: array [l..u:integer] of word_integer;
+ long_rec: word_integer := %IMMED 0;
+ options: integer := %IMMED 0;
+ in_file_size: integer := %IMMED 0;
+ user_compare: integer := %IMMED 0;
+ user_equal: integer := %IMMED 0;
+ s_type: byte_integer;
+ work_files: byte_integer := %IMMED 0;
+ context : integer := %IMMED 0): integer; extern;
+function sor$sort_merge: integer; extern;
+function sor$end_sort: integer; extern;
+ sort_stat:=sor$pass_files(in_file:='TEXT1$$.INSORT',
+ out_file:='TEXT1$$.OUTSORT');
+ if not odd(sort_stat) then goto RETURN;
+ sort_stat:=sor$begin_sort(key_data:=key_info,
+ s_type:=vmssort_type);
+ if not odd(sort_stat) then goto RETURN;
+ sort_stat:=sor$sort_merge;
+ if not odd(sort_stat) then goto RETURN;
+ sort_stat:=sor$end_sort;
+ sort_rc:=sort_stat;
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/ytex/ybase.mac b/obsolete/macros/ytex/ybase.mac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d105e34999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/ytex/ybase.mac
@@ -0,0 +1,914 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1985, 1986 Daniel C. Brotsky. All rights reserved.
+% Base macros for yTeX. See the file YTEX.MAC for details.
+% ^L-page contents
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+% 1 %% Helpful TeX82 macros built on Plain-AlmostCM TeX
+% 2 %% handy hacks
+% 3 %% more handy hacks
+% 4 %% date and time
+% 5 %% combinators
+% 6 %% special chars
+% 7 %% spacing
+% 8 %% runners
+% 9 %% glosses
+% 10 %% inserts
+% 11 %% output
+% 12 %% page glue
+% 13 %% paragraphs
+% 14 %% textual displays
+% 15 %% tables
+% 16 %% titles
+% 17 %% special pages
+% 18 %% auxiliary files
+% 19 %% initialization
+ \message{handy hacks,}
+% some more scratch registers
+% quick names for character codes
+% define variations on \vbox and \hbox
+% turn interlineskip off and on
+\def\offinterlineskip {%
+ \ifdim \lineskiplimit<\maxdimen
+ \edef\oninterlineskip{\baselineskip=\the\baselineskip
+ \lineskip=\the\lineskip \lineskiplimit=\the\lineskiplimit\relax}%
+ \fi
+ \baselineskip-1000\p@ \lineskip\z@ \lineskiplimit\maxdimen}
+% write token lists to the terminal
+\def\toksmessage #{%
+ \afterassignment\t@ksmessage
+ \toks@=}
+\def\t@ksmessage {\message{\the\toks@}}
+% set/add to a token list or a macro
+\def\etoks #1{\let\et@ks=#1\afterassignment\eto@s\et@ks}
+\def\eto@s {\edef\next{\the\et@ks}\edef\next{\next}\et@ks=\expandafter{\next}}
+\def\addtotoks #1{%
+ \let\addtot@ks=#1%
+ \afterassignment\addt@toks \toks@}
+\def\addt@toks {%
+ \edef\next{\the\addtot@ks\the\toks@}%
+ \addtot@ks=\expandafter{\next}}
+\def\addtodef #1#2{%
+ \toks@=\expandafter{#1#2}\edef#1{\the\toks@}}
+\def\pushtodef #1#2{%
+ \toks@=\expandafter{#1}\toks@i={#2}\edef#1{\the\toks@i\the\toks@}}
+% strip the \ and letters from the front of a csname, leave result in \next
+{\catcode`\|=\@scape |catcode`\\=|@ther
+ |gdef|stripn@me #1#2{%
+ {|def|gobble \#1##1\{##1}%
+ |global|edef|next{|expandafter|gobble|string#2\}}}}
+% get the arg of a paired delimiter pair (arg is \endXXX)
+% N.B. Use this only within a local group: it clobbers itself
+\def\get@rg #1{\def\get@rg ##1#1{\toks@={##1}#1}}
+% get confirmation
+\def\yesornop #1{%
+ \immediate\write\sixt@@n{}%
+ \loop
+ \message{#1 (yes or no) }%
+ {\catcode`\^^M=14\relax \global\read\m@ne to\next}
+ \ifx\next\@yes \global\yestrue
+ \else\ifx\next\@no \global\yesfalse
+ \else\let\next\yesornop \fi\fi
+ \ifx\next\yesornop \repeat}
+\def\askuser #1#2{%
+ \immediate\write\sixt@@n{}%
+ \message{#2}%
+ {\catcode`\^^M=14\relax \global\read\m@ne to#1}}
+\def\askuserline #1#2{%
+ \immediate\write\sixt@@n{}%
+ \immediate\write\sixt@@n{#2}%
+ {\catcode`\^^M=14\relax \global\read\m@ne to#1}}
+% \input manipulations
+\def\maybeinput #1 {%
+ \yesornop {Input file #1?}%
+ \ifyes \input #1 \fi}
+\def\@input #1#2{%
+ \openin\tfil@=#1 %
+ \ifeof\tfil@ #2\else \closein\tfil@ \input #1 \fi}
+\def\@input@ #1#2{%
+ \openin\tfil@=#1 %
+ \ifeof\tfil@
+ \closein\tfil@\openin\tfil@=\ytexlibrary #1 %
+ \ifeof\tfil@ #2\else \closein\tfil@ \input \ytexlibrary #1 \fi
+ \else \closein\tfil@ \input #1 \fi}
+% set a skip parameter with explicit dimen, glue, and factor
+\def\setskip {\afterassignment\setski@\let\next=}
+\def\setski@ \dimen{\afterassignment\setsk@p\dimen@}
+\def\setsk@p \glue{\afterassignment\s@tskip\skip@}
+\def\s@tskip \factor{\dimen@i=\skip@\advance\skip@ by-\dimen@i
+ \afterassignment\s@tsk@p\multiply\skip@ by}
+\def\s@tsk@p {\divide\skip@ by\@m\advance\skip@ by\dimen@ \next=\skip@}
+% skip the stretch amount of glue but not the dimen amount
+\def\vstretch {\afterassignment\vstr@tch\skip@=}
+\def\vstr@tch {\dimen@=\skip@ \advance\skip@ by-\dimen@ \vskip\skip@}
+% manipulate special chars
+\def\addspecial #1{\addtodef\dospecials{\do#1}}
+\def\specials@ther {%
+ \relax\iffalse{\fi % gross hackery for tables
+ \def\do##1{\catcode`##1=\@ther}\dospecials
+ \iffalse}\fi\relax}
+% make active space and CR be the arg
+% get a token which is \ifx-equal to active space
+ \gdef\activelines #1{\catcode`\^^M=\@ctive \let^^M=#1\relax}%
+} % end of def group
+ \gdef\activespaces#1{\obeyspaces\let =#1\relax\let\sp@ce= \relax}%
+} % end of def group
+ \message{date and time,}
+\newcount\hour \newcount\minute
+\def\st@rttime {%
+ \hour=\the\time \minute=\the\time
+ \divide\hour by 60 \multiply\hour by 60%
+ \advance\minute by -\hour \divide\hour by 60%
+ \edef\daytime{\number\hour:\ifnum \minute<10 0\fi\number\minute}%
+ \edef\monthname {\ifcase\month \or
+ January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
+ July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi}%
+ \edef\monthshortname {\ifcase\month \or
+ Jan\or Feb\or Mar\or Apr\or May\or Jun\or
+ Jul\or Aug\or Sep\or Oct\or Nov\or Dec\fi}%
+ {\def\gobble ##1##2##3##4{##3##4}%
+ \global\edef\shortyear{\expandafter\gobble\number\year}}%
+ \edef\date{\monthname~\number\day,~\number\year}%
+ \edef\shortdate{\number\day~\monthshortname~\number\shortyear}%
+ \edef\slashdate{\number\month/\number\day/\number\shortyear}}
+ \message{combinators,}
+% spreads
+{\let\newdimen=\relax % allow next def
+\gdef\newspread #1\setup #2\endnew{%
+ \stripn@me{}#1%
+ \expandafter\newdimen\csname \next width\endcsname
+ \toks@={\hbox to}\toks@i={\bgroup #2\spre@d}%
+ \edef#1##{\the\toks@\expandafter\noexpand\csname \next width\endcsname
+ \the\toks@i}}
+} % end of def group
+\def\spre@d #1{%
+ \setbox\z@=\hbox{#1\Hss}%
+ \futurelet\next\spr@ad}
+\def\spr@ad {%
+ \ifcat \bgroup\noexpand\next
+ \hbox to\z@{\hss\unhbox\z@\hss}\hfil
+ \let\next=\spr@@d
+ \else
+ \hbox to\z@{\hss\unhbox\z@}%
+ \let\next=\egroup
+ \fi \next}
+\def\spr@@d #1{%
+ \setbox\z@=\hbox{#1}%
+ \futurelet\next\spr@ad}
+% text wrappers
+\def\newtextwrap #1\box #2\setup #3%
+ \before #4\after #5%
+ \begin #6\end #7\endnew{%
+ \stripn@me{}#1%
+ \toks@={#4\begingroup #3\relax #2}%
+ \edef#1{%
+ \the\toks@ \expandafter\noexpand\csname read@\next\endcsname}%
+ \toks@={\bgroup #6}\toks@i={#7\egroup\endgroup #5}%
+ \long
+ \expandafter\edef\csname read@\next\endcsname ##1{%
+ \the\toks@ ##1\the\toks@i}}
+ \message{special chars,}
+% ` needs can be directed backquote
+\def\bqm@cro {\char"12\relax}
+\def\makebbqaccent {\let\`=\agr@ve}
+\def\makebbqquote {\let\`=\bqm@cro}
+ \gdef\makebqspecial {\catcode"60=\active\relax \let`=\bqm@cro}
+ \gdef\makebqnormal {\catcode"60=\@ther \chardef`="60\relax}
+} % end of def group
+% & and # need to be `ordinary' characters for lisp
+\def\makeandother {\catcode`\&=\@ther}
+\def\makeandalign {\catcode`\&=4\relax}
+\def\makesharpother {\catcode`\#=\@ther}
+\def\makesharpparam {\catcode`\#=6\relax}
+% < and > can be angle brackets in text
+\let\@@lt=< \let\@@gt=>
+{\catcode`\<=\@ctive \catcode`\>=\@ctive \relax
+ \gdef\makelgtbrackets{%
+ \catcode`\<=\@ctive \catcode`\>=\@ctive\relax
+ \def<{\ifmmode\@@lt\else$\m@th\langle$\fi}%
+ \def>{\ifmmode\@@gt\else$\m@th\rangle$\fi}%
+ \sl@shifylgt}}
+\def\sl@shifylgt {%
+ \def\<{\ifmmode\@@lt\else$\m@th\@@lt$\fi}%
+ \def\>{\ifmmode\@@gt\else$\m@th\@@gt$\fi}}
+\def\makelgtother {%
+ \catcode`\<=\@ther\catcode`\>=\@ther
+ \def\<{\relax \ifmmode \langle \else $\langle$\fi}
+ \def\>{\relax \ifmmode \rangle \else $\rangle$\fi}}
+ \message{spacing,}
+% vertical glue
+\def\vgluefil {\vglue \z@ plus1fil\relax}
+\def\vgluefill {\vglue \z@ plus1fill\relax}
+\def\Vss {\vskip \z@ plus1fill minus1fill\relax}
+\def\VSS {\vskip \z@ plus1filll minus1filll\relax}
+% horizontal glue
+\def\hfilll {\hskip \z@ plus1filll\relax}
+\def\hfilllneg {\hskip \z@ plus-1filll\relax}
+\def\Hss {\hskip \z@ plus1fill minus1fill\relax}
+\def\HSS {\hskip \z@ plus1filll minus1filll\relax}
+% glue amounts
+\newskip\fillskip \fillskip=\z@ plus1fill
+\newskip\filskip \filskip=\z@ plus1fil
+\newskip\zeroskip \zeroskip=\z@
+\newskip\emskip \emskip=1em
+% page glue
+\def\filpage {\par\vfil\eject}
+\def\superfilpage {\par\vfil\supereject}
+% paragraph glue
+\def\linebreak {\ifhmode\nobreak\hskip\z@ plus1fil\break\fi}
+% require minimum vertical space
+\def\minskip {\afterassignment\m@nskip\skip@}
+\def\m@nskip {%
+ \ifdim \lastskip<\skip@
+ \nobreak \vskip-\lastskip \vskip\skip@ \fi}
+\def\minbreak {\afterassignment\m@nbreak\count@}
+\def\m@nbreak {\afterassignment\m@nbre@k\skip@}
+\def\m@nbre@k {%
+ \ifdim \lastskip<\skip@
+ \nobreak \vskip-\lastskip \penalty\count@ \vskip\skip@ \fi}
+\def\dobreak {\afterassignment\d@break\count@}
+\def\d@break {\afterassignment\d@bre@k\skip@}
+\def\d@bre@k {\penalty\count@ \vskip\skip@}
+ \message{runners,}
+% control of runners
+\def\res@trunners {\res@theaders \res@tfooters}
+\def\noheaders {\global\headersfalse}
+\def\nofooters {\global\footersfalse}
+\def\norunners {\noheaders \nofooters}
+\def\yesheaders {\global\headerstrue}
+\def\yesfooters {\global\footerstrue}
+\def\yesrunners {\yesheaders \yesfooters}
+\def\offheaders {\noheaders \let\res@theaders=\noheaders}
+\def\offfooters {\nofooters \let\res@tfooters=\nofooters}
+\def\offrunners {\offheaders \offfooters}
+\def\onheaders {\yesheaders \let\res@theaders=\yesheaders}
+\def\onfooters {\yesfooters \let\res@tfooters=\yesfooters}
+\def\onrunners {\onheaders \onfooters}
+% preserve marks in a stable place
+% contents of headers and footers
+ \message{glosses,}
+% control of glosses
+\def\res@tglosses {\res@ttopgloss \res@tbottomgloss}
+\def\notopgloss {\global\topglossfalse}
+\def\nobottomgloss {\global\bottomglossfalse}
+\def\noglosses {\notopgloss \nobottomgloss}
+\def\yestopgloss {\global\topglosstrue}
+\def\yesbottomgloss {\global\bottomglosstrue}
+\def\yesglosses {\yestopgloss \yesbottomgloss}
+\def\offtopgloss {\notopgloss \let\res@ttopgloss=\notopgloss}
+\def\offbottomgloss {\nobottomgloss \let\res@tbottomgloss=\nobottomgloss}
+\def\offglosses {\offtopgloss \offbottomgloss}
+\def\ontopgloss {\yestopgloss \let\res@ttopgloss=\yestopgloss}
+\def\onbottomgloss {\yesbottomgloss \let\res@tbottomgloss=\yesbottomgloss}
+\def\onglosses {\ontopgloss \onbottomgloss}
+% contents of glosses
+ \message{inserts,}
+% storage for the inserts
+\countdef\topmag=\topfloat \topmag=1000
+\dimendef\topmax=\topfloat \topmax=\maxdimen
+\newtoks\topsep \topsep={}
+\countdef\botmag=\botfloat \botmag=1000
+\dimendef\botmax=\botfloat \botmax=\maxdimen
+\newtoks\botsep \botsep={}
+% inserts which always float
+\def\newfloat #1\type #2\floatsetup #3\setup #4%
+ \floatabove #5\floatbelow #6%
+ \begin #7\end #8\endnew {%
+ \stripn@me{}#1%
+ \toks@={\insert#2\bgroup #3\relax #5\relax #4\relax #7}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname begin\next\endcsname {%
+ \the\toks@}%
+ \toks@={#8\relax #6\egroup}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname end\next\endcsname {%
+ \the\toks@}%
+ \long
+ \edef#1##1{\expandafter\noexpand\csname begin\next\endcsname
+ ##1\expandafter\noexpand\csname end\next\endcsname}}
+\def\newpagefloat #1\type #2\floatsetup #3\setup #4%
+ \above #5\below #6%
+ \begin #7\end #8\endnew {%
+ \stripn@me{}#1%
+ \toks@={#4\setbox\z@=\vbox\bgroup #7}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname begin\next\endcsname {%
+ \begingroup \the\toks@}%
+ \toks@={#8\egroup
+ \insert#2{#3\relax
+ \dimen@=\dp\z@
+ \vbox to\vsize{#5\unvbox\z@#6\kern-\dimen@}}}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname end\next\endcsname {%
+ \the\toks@ \endgroup}%
+ \long
+ \edef#1##1{\expandafter\noexpand\csname begin\next\endcsname
+ ##1\expandafter\noexpand\csname end\next\endcsname}}
+% inserts which sometimes float
+\def\newfitfloat #1\type {%
+ \stripn@me{}#1%
+ \edef#1##1{\expandafter\noexpand\csname begin\next\endcsname
+ ##1\expandafter\noexpand\csname end\next\endcsname}%
+ \newfitfl@at}
+\def\newfitfl@at #1\floatsetup #2\setup #3%
+ \floatabove #4\floatbelow #5%
+ \above #6\below #7%
+ \begin #8\end #9\endnew {%
+ \toks@={\setbox\z@=\vbox\bgroup #3\relax #8}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname begin\next\endcsname {%
+ \the\toks@}%
+ \toks@={#9\egroup
+ \dimen@=\ht\z@ \advance\dimen@\dp\z@
+ \advance\dimen@\baselineskip \advance\dimen@\pagetotal
+ \ifdim \dimen@>\pagegoal
+ \insert#1{#2\relax #4\unvbox\z@#5}%
+ \else
+ #6\unvbox\z@#7\relax
+ \fi}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname end\next\endcsname {%
+ \the\toks@}}
+ \message{output,}
+% output routine parameters
+% output routine
+\def\ytexoutput {%
+ \iftrimpages \trimp@ge\fi
+ \shipout\vbox to9truein{% center box on 8.5x11 page (DVI starts at 1,1)
+ \vss
+ \hbox to6.5truein{%
+ \hss
+ \vbox{%
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \iftopgloss
+ \vbox to\z@{\vss\line{\the\topgloss}\vskip\topglossdrop}\fi
+ \ifheaders\makeheadline\fi
+ \pagebody
+ \iffooters\makefootline\fi
+ \ifbottomgloss
+ \vbox to\z@{\vskip\bottomglossdrop\line{\the\bottomgloss}\vss}\fi
+ }% end of contents \vbox
+ \hss}% end of centering \hbox
+ \vss}% end of centering \vbox
+ \advancepageno
+ \res@trunners
+ \res@tglosses
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-\@MM \else\dosupereject\fi}
+\def\makeheadline {%
+ \vbox to\z@{%
+ \vss
+ \iftwosided
+ \ifodd\pageno \line{\the\rectoheader}%
+ \else \line{\the\versoheader}\fi
+ \else
+ \line{\the\rectoheader}\fi
+ \vskip \headerdrop}}
+\def\makefootline {%
+ \vbox to\z@{%
+ \vskip \footerdrop
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \iftwosided
+ \ifodd\pageno \line{\the\rectofooter}%
+ \else \line{\the\versofooter}\fi
+ \else
+ \line{\the\rectofooter}\fi
+ \vss}}
+\def\pagebody {%
+ \vbox to\vsize{\boxmaxdepth\maxdimen \pagecontents}}
+\def\pagecontents {%
+ \dimen@i=\ht\@cclv \advance\dimen@i\dp\@cclv
+ \ifvoid\topfloat\else
+ \dimen@=\ht\topfloat \advance\dimen@\dp\topfloat
+ \unvbox\topfloat
+ \ifdim \dimen@>\z@ \ifdim\dimen@i>\z@ \the\topsep\fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \dimen@ii=\dp\@cclv \unvbox\@cclv
+ \ifvoid\botfloat\else
+ \dimen@=\ht\botfloat \advance\dimen@\dp\botfloat
+ \ifdim \dimen@>\z@ \ifdim\dimen@i>\z@ \the\botsep\fi\fi
+ \unvbox\botfloat
+ \fi
+ \ifr@ggedbottom \kern-\dimen@ii \vfil \fi}
+ \message{page glue,}
+ \catcode`\.=12\relax
+ \catcode`\p=12\relax
+ \catcode`\t=12\relax
+ \gdef\nullgl@e{0.0pt}
+} %end of catcode group
+\def\ifnullskip {%
+ \edef\next{\the\lastskip}%
+ \ifx\next\nullgl@e}
+\def\trimp@ge {%
+ \setbox0=\vbox{\unvbox\@cclv
+ \loop \ts@false
+ \ifnum\lastpenalty=\z@ \else\unpenalty \ts@true \fi
+ \ifnullskip \else\unskip \ts@true \fi
+ \ifts@ \repeat}
+ \setbox\@cclv=\box0}
+% hack to make \break, \allowbreak, and friends work
+\def\break {\penalty\z@\penalty-\@M}
+\def\allowbreak {\penalty-\@ne}
+\def\supereject {\par\penalty\z@\penalty-\@MM}
+ \message{paragraphs,}
+% force no indent on next par
+\def\rem@veindent {\everypar={\setbox0=\lastbox\everypar={}}}
+% neutral paragraphing groups
+\def\beginpgroup {\begingroup \everypar={}}
+\def\endpgroup {\endgraf \endgroup}
+\def\bpgroup {\bgroup \everypar={}}
+\def\epgroup {\endgraf \egroup}
+\def\newpar #1\argtext #2\setup #3\vestindent #4\starter #5\endnew {%
+ \def\next{#4}%
+ \ifx\next\empty \def#1#2{#3\relax#5}
+ \else \def#1#2{#3\relax \hangindent #4\hangafter \@ne #5}\fi}
+% turn indentation off and on
+\def\offindent {%
+ \ifdim \parindent>\z@ \edef\onindent{\parindent=\the\parindent}\fi
+ \parindent=\z@}
+% create new element with associated skips and penalties
+{\let\newskip=\relax \let\newcount=\relax % allow next def
+\gdef\newelement #1\setup #2\above #3\below #4\begin #5\end #6\endnew{%
+ \stripn@me{}#1%
+ \expandafter\newskip\csname above\next skip\endcsname
+ \expandafter\newskip\csname below\next skip\endcsname
+ \expandafter\newcount\csname pre\next penalty\endcsname
+ \expandafter\newcount\csname post\next penalty\endcsname
+ \toks@={\endgraf #3\begingroup #2\relax #5}%
+ \expandafter\edef \csname begin\next \endcsname {%
+ \the\toks@}%
+ \toks@={#6\endgroup #4}%
+ \expandafter\edef \csname end\next \endcsname {%
+ \the\toks@}%
+ \long
+ \edef#1##1{\expandafter\noexpand\csname begin\next\endcsname
+ ##1\expandafter\noexpand\csname end\next\endcsname}}
+} % end of def group
+ \message{textual displays,}
+% nofill
+\def\setupnofill {%
+ \parskip=\z@
+ \def\par{\endgraf}% empty lines not preserved
+ \obeylines
+ \activespaces\ }
+% textual displays
+{\obeylines % defs using ^^M
+\gdef\newtext #1\display #2\setup #3\begin #4\end #5\endnew{%
+ \stripn@me{}#1%
+ \toks@={$$#2\halign\bgroup ##\cr \noalign\bpgroup #3%
+ \begingroup \obeylines}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname begin\next \endcsname {%
+ \the\toks@ \expandafter\noexpand\csname re@d\next \endcsname}%
+ \toks@={\endgroup #4}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname re@d\next \endcsname ##1^^M{%
+ \the\toks@##1}%
+ \toks@={#5\epgroup\egroup$$}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname end\next \endcsname {%
+ \the\toks@}}%
+} % end of def group
+% verbatim material (mostly from TeXbook)
+\def\setupverbatim {%
+ \specials@ther
+ \setupnofill}
+\def\newverbatim #1\begincs #2\readcs #3\endcsname #4%
+ \display #5\setup #6\begin #7\end #8\endnew{%
+ \toks@={$$#5\halign\bgroup ##\hfil\cr
+ \noalign\bpgroup \setupverbatim #6#3}%
+ \edef#2{\the\toks@}%
+ \makev@rbatim{#3}{#4}{#7}{#8}}
+{\obeylines \catcode`\|=\@scape \catcode`\\=\@ther %
+ |long%
+ |gdef|makev@rbatim#1#2#3#4{%
+ |toks@={#3}|toks@i={#4|epgroup|egroup$$}%
+ |edef#1##1^^M##2\#2{|the|toks@##1##2|the|toks@i}}}
+ \message{tables,}
+% preamble specification analysis
+\def\esp@cl {\esp@cl} % null spec list marker
+% table dimensions and tabskip glue
+\def\tablewidth {\afterassignment\t@blewidth\dimen@}
+\def\t@blewidth {%
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\z@ \edef\next{to\the\dimen@}\else
+ \ifdim\dimen@<\z@ \edef\next{expand\the\dimen@}\else
+ \edef\next{}\fi\fi
+ \tablespec=\expandafter{\next}}
+\newdimen\padheight % height of padding around lines
+\newdimen\hbarheight % height of horizontal lines
+\newdimen\dhbarheight % height of "double" horizontal lines
+\newdimen\vbarwidth % width of normal vertical bars
+\newdimen\dvbarwidth % width of "double" vertical bars
+\def\makepre@mblepart #1{%
+ \padp@rt={\omit\vrule width\z@ height\padheight depth\z@ \relax#1}%
+ \if l\noexpand\sp@@ \prep@rt={##\hfil\strut#1}\else
+ \if L\noexpand\sp@@ \prep@rt={$\the\tablestyle ##$\hfil\strut#1}\else
+ \if c\noexpand\sp@@ \prep@rt={\hfil##\hfil\strut#1}\else
+ \if C\noexpand\sp@@ \prep@rt={\hfil$\the\tablestyle ##$\hfil\strut#1}\else
+ \if r\noexpand\sp@@ \prep@rt={\hfil##\strut#1}\else
+ \if R\noexpand\sp@@ \prep@rt={\hfil$\the\tablestyle ##$\strut#1}\else
+ \if |\noexpand\sp@@ \prep@rt={\vrule width\vbarwidth###1}%
+ \padp@rt={height\padheight#1}\else
+ \if "\noexpand\sp@@ \prep@rt={\vrule width\dvbarwidth###1}%
+ \padp@rt={height\padheight#1}\else
+ \if &\noexpand\sp@@ \prep@rt={&}\padp@rt={&}\else
+ \ifx \sp@@\tabskip \prep@rt=\expandafter{\the\sp@c}\padp@rt={}%
+ \else \prep@rt=\expandafter{\the\sp@c#1}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+\def\makepre@mble {%
+ \sp@cl=\expandafter{\the\sp@cl\esp@cl}% avoid {arg} at end of \sp@cl
+ \pre@mble={\tabskip\intabskip}\pad@mble={}%
+ \def\breaksp@c##1##2\@nd{\sp@c={##1}\sp@cl={##2}}%
+ \def\firstsp@c{\futurelet\sp@@\f@rstspec}\def\f@rstspec##1\@nd{}%
+ \loop
+ \expandafter\breaksp@c\the\sp@cl\@nd
+ \expandafter\firstsp@c\the\sp@c\@nd
+ \edef\next{\the\sp@cl}%
+ \ifx \next\esp@cl \moresp@cfalse \makepre@mblepart{}%
+ \else \moresp@ctrue \makepre@mblepart&\fi
+ \addtotoks\pre@mble\prep@rt
+ \addtotoks\pad@mble\padp@rt
+ \ifmoresp@c \repeat
+ \pre@mble=\expandafter{\the\pre@mble\tabskip\posttabskip\cr}%
+ \pad@mble=\expandafter{\the\pad@mble\cr}}
+\def\checkpre@mble {%
+ \edef\next{\the\sp@cl}%
+ \ifx\next\empty
+ \errhelp={Just continue and I'll use left-justified columns.}%
+ \errmessage{Empty table preamble.}%
+ \sp@cl={&l}\fi}
+\def\newtable #1\leftdelim #2\rightdelim #3%
+ \before #4\after #5%
+ \begin #6\end #7\endnew{% create a table macro
+ \stripn@me{}#1%
+ \toks@={\begingroup}\toks@i={\checkpre@mble \setuph@lign
+ #4\offinterlineskip
+ \halign\the\tablespec \bgroup\span\the\pre@mble #6}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname begin\next \endcsname #2##1#3{%
+ \the\toks@ \sp@cl={##1}\the\toks@i}%
+ \toks@={#7\crcr\egroup#5\endgroup}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname end\next \endcsname {%
+ \the\toks@}%
+ \long
+ \edef#1#2##1#3##2{%
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname begin\next\endcsname #2##1#3%
+ ##2\expandafter\noexpand\csname end\next\endcsname}}
+\def\setuph@lign {%
+ \makepre@mble
+ \let\explicitcr=\relax
+ \def\implicitcr{\let\par=\crcr\obeylines}%
+ \let\\=\crcr
+ \def\inline{\noalign{\hrule height\hbarheight}}%
+ \def\dinline{\noalign{\hrule height\dhbarheight}}%
+ \edef\topline{\noexpand\inline\the\pad@mble}%
+ \edef\midline{\the\pad@mble\noexpand\inline\the\pad@mble}%
+ \edef\botline{\the\pad@mble\noexpand\inline}%
+ \edef\dtopline{\noexpand\dinline\the\pad@mble}%
+ \edef\dmidline{\the\pad@mble\noexpand\dinline\the\pad@mble}%
+ \edef\dbotline{\the\pad@mble\noexpand\dinline}%
+ \def\padline {\noalign\bgroup\global\dimen@=\padheight
+ \afterassignment\padlin@\global\padheight=}%
+ \def\padlin@ {\global\edef\next{\the\pad@mble
+ \noalign{\global\padheight=\the\dimen@}}\egroup \next}%
+ \tabskip\pretabskip}
+ \message{titles,}
+\def\ts@ttings {%
+ \spaceskip=.3333em \xspaceskip=.5em
+ \pretolerance=9999 \tolerance=9999 \hbadness=9999
+ \hyphenpenalty=10000 \exhyphenpenalty=10000
+ \def\linebreak{\ifhmode\break\fi}%
+ \let\cr=\linebreak \let\crcr=\linebreak \def\\{\linebreak\ignorespaces}%
+ \offindent}
+\def\titleleft #1#2{%
+ \leftskip=\z@ \rightskip=\z@ plus.25\hsize
+ \advance\leftskip by#1\advance\rightskip by#2%
+ \parfillskip=\z@ plus1fil
+ \ts@ttings}
+\def\titlecenter #1#2{%
+ \leftskip=\z@ plus.125\hsize \rightskip=\leftskip
+ \advance\leftskip by#1\advance\rightskip by#2%
+ \parfillskip=\z@
+ \ts@ttings}
+\def\titleright #1#2{%
+ \leftskip=\z@ plus.25\hsize \rightskip=\z@
+ \advance\leftskip by#1\advance\rightskip by#2%
+ \parfillskip=\z@
+ \ts@ttings}
+\def\newtitle #1\box #2\shape #3%
+ \font #4\setup #5\begin #6\end #7\endnew{%
+ \stripn@me{}#1%
+ \toks@={#2\bgroup #4\relax #3\relax #5\relax #6}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname begin\next\endcsname {%
+ \the\toks@}%
+ \toks@={#7\endgraf\egroup}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname end\next\endcsname {%
+ \the\toks@}%
+ \long
+ \edef#1##1{\expandafter\noexpand\csname begin\next\endcsname
+ ##1\expandafter\noexpand\csname end\next\endcsname}}
+ \message{special pages,}
+% get to a recto page
+\def\rectoeject {\par
+ \filpage
+ \iftwosided
+ \ifodd\pageno
+ \else \ymessage{{Force recto}}\norunners\null\vfil\eject \fi\fi
+ \norunners}
+\def\rectosupereject {\par
+ \superfilpage
+ \iftwosided
+ \ifodd\pageno
+ \else \ymessage{{Force recto}}\norunners\null\vfil\eject \fi\fi
+ \norunners}
+% special pages
+\def\newpage #1\setup #2\glue #3\begin #4\end #5\endnew{%
+ \stripn@me{}#1%
+ \toks@={\rectoeject \beginpgroup #2\relax \hrule width\z@\relax #3 #4}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname begin\next \endcsname {%
+ \the\toks@}%
+ \toks@={#5\relax #3\endpgroup\eject}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname end\next \endcsname {%
+ \the\toks@}%
+ \long
+ \edef#1##1{\expandafter\noexpand\csname begin\next\endcsname
+ ##1\expandafter\noexpand\csname end\next\endcsname}}
+\def\newsuperpage #1\setup #2\glue #3\begin #4\end #5\endnew{%
+ \stripn@me{}#1%
+ \toks@={\rectosupereject \beginpgroup #2\relax \hrule width\z@\relax #3 #4}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname begin\next \endcsname {%
+ \the\toks@}%
+ \toks@={#5\relax #3\endpgroup\eject}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname end\next \endcsname {%
+ \the\toks@}%
+ \long
+ \edef#1##1{\expandafter\noexpand\csname begin\next\endcsname
+ ##1\expandafter\noexpand\csname end\next\endcsname}}
+ \message {auxiliary files,}
+\def\@uxfiles {}
+\def\add@uxfile #1{\addtodef\@uxfiles{\do@ux#1}}
+\def\map@uxfiles #1{\let\do@ux=#1\@uxfiles}
+\def\forgetauxfiles {\def\@uxfiles{}}
+\def\perjob {perjob}
+{\let\newwrite=\relax % allow next def
+\gdef\newaux #1\filename #2\extension #3\endnew{%
+ \stripn@me{}#1%
+ \edef#1{#3}%
+ \expandafter\newwrite\csname \next @ut\endcsname
+ \expandafter\let\csname write\next \endcsname=\bad@uxwrite
+ \expandafter\edef\csname begin\next \endcsname{%
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname input\next \endcsname
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname open\next \endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname end\next \endcsname{%
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname close\next \endcsname}%
+ \ifx #2\perjob
+ \add@uxfile #1%
+ \expandafter\def\csname input\next \endcsname{\input@ux#1\jobname}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname open\next \endcsname{\open@ux#1\jobname}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname close\next \endcsname{\close@ux#1}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\def\csname input\next \endcsname{\input@ux#1{#2}}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname open\next \endcsname{\open@ux#1{#2}}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname close\next \endcsname{\close@ux#1}%
+ \fi}
+} % end of def group
+\def\bad@uxwrite #1{%
+ \ifauxfiles
+ \errhelp={I will write to your log file instead.}%
+ \errmessage{Writing on an unopened auxiliary file.}%
+ \write\m@ne{#1}%
+ \fi}
+\def\input@ux #1#2{%
+ \ifauxfiles \@input{#2.#1}{\ywarning{{No file #2.#1}}}\fi}
+\def\open@ux #1#2{%
+ \stripn@me{}#1%
+ \ifauxfiles
+ \immediate\expandafter\openout\csname \next @ut\endcsname=#2.#1 %
+ \expandafter\edef\csname write\next \endcsname {%
+ \write \expandafter\noexpand\csname \next @ut\endcsname}%
+ \immediate\csname write\next \endcsname{\relax}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\edef\csname write\next \endcsname {%
+ \write\m@ne}%
+ \fi}
+\def\close@ux #1{%
+ \stripn@me{}#1%
+ \ifauxfiles \immediate\expandafter\closeout\csname \next @ut\endcsname \fi
+ \expandafter\let\csname write\next \endcsname=\bad@uxwrite}
+\def\input@uxfile #1{\input@ux#1\jobname}
+\def\input@uxfiles {\map@uxfiles\input@uxfile}
+\def\open@uxfile #1{\open@ux#1\jobname}
+\def\open@uxfiles {\map@uxfiles\open@uxfile}
+\def\close@uxfiles {\map@uxfiles\close@ux}
+\def\beginjob {\input@uxfiles \open@uxfiles}
+\def\endjob {\superfilpage \close@uxfiles \end}
+ \message{initialization,}
+% page layout
+% tables
+% auxiliary files
+% special chars
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/ytex/yfonts.mac b/obsolete/macros/ytex/yfonts.mac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..499fbb6e9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/ytex/yfonts.mac
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1985, 1986 Daniel C. Brotsky. All rights reserved.
+% Font macros for yTeX. See the file YTEX.MAC for details.
+% ^L-page contents
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+% 1 %% Font macros for YTEX
+% 2 %% typesize
+% 3 %% usersize
+% 4 %% initialization
+ \message{typesize,}
+\def\typesize {\afterassignment\typ@size\dimen@}
+\def\typ@siz@ {%
+ \let\typ@size=\siz@rr
+ \ymessage{{\string\typesize=\the\dimen@}}
+ \ifdim 10\p@=\dimen@ \tenp@int \csname usersizeten\endcsname
+ \else \ifdim 11\p@=\dimen@ \elevenp@int \csname usersizeeleven\endcsname
+ \else \ifdim 12\p@=\dimen@ \twelvep@int \csname usersizetwelve\endcsname
+ \else \let\typ@size=\typ@siz@
+ \errhelp={Insert `\string\typesize=<dimen>'
+ where <dimen> is 10pt, 11pt, or 12pt.}%
+ \errmessage{Unrecognized size (\the\dimen@) in \string\typesize.
+ Try again.}\fi\fi\fi}
+\def\siz@rr {%
+ \errhelp={Just continue and I'll ignore the size switch.}%
+ \errmessage{You can't change sizes in the middle of a document.}%
+ \relax}
+\def\fixsiz@ {%
+ \ifx\typ@size\siz@rr
+ \else \global\let\typ@size=\siz@rr \global\let\fixsiz@=\relax
+ \errhelp={Too late now. Just continue and I'll assume you want }%
+ \addtotoks\errhelp\expandafter{\the\typesiz@.}%
+ \errmessage{You never gave a \string\typesize\space command.}%
+ \fi}
+\def\tenp@int {%
+ \typesiz@=10pt
+ \s@tten \mag=\magstep\z@}
+\def\elevenp@int {%
+ \typesiz@=11pt
+ \ifmagscaling
+ \s@tten \ifexactsizes \mag=1100 \else \mag=\magstephalf \fi
+ \else
+ \s@televen \mag=\magstep\z@
+ \fi}
+\def\twelvep@int {%
+ \typesiz@=12pt
+ \ifmagscaling
+ \s@tten \ifexactsizes \mag=1200 \else \mag=\magstep\@ne \fi
+ \else
+ \s@ttwelve \mag=\magstep\z@
+ \fi}
+\def\s@tten {%
+ \let\regsize=\tenpoint
+ \let\smlsize=\ninepoint
+ \let\smllsize=\eightpoint
+ \let\smlllsize=\eightpoint
+ \let\bigsize=\twelvepoint
+ \let\biggsize=\fourteenpoint
+ \let\bigggsize=\eighteenpoint
+ \regsize}
+\def\s@televen {%
+ \let\regsize=\elevenpoint
+ \let\smlsize=\tenpoint
+ \let\smllsize=\ninepoint
+ \let\smlllsize=\eightpoint
+ \let\bigsize=\twelvepoint
+ \let\biggsize=\fourteenpoint
+ \let\bigggsize=\eighteenpoint
+ \regsize}
+\def\s@ttwelve {%
+ \let\regsize=\twelvepoint
+ \let\smlsize=\tenpoint
+ \let\smllsize=\ninepoint
+ \let\smlllsize=\eightpoint
+ \let\bigsize=\fourteenpoint
+ \let\biggsize=\eighteenpoint
+ \let\bigggsize=\eighteenpoint
+ \regsize}
+ \message{usersize,}
+% new def of \setnormalspa@cing that leaves displayskips alone
+\def\setnormalsp@cing{% SIDE EFFECT is to go into \rm
+ \rm % set the em properly
+ \normalbaselineskip=\the\baselinefactor em%
+ \normalbaselines}
+% user hook to \setnormalsp@cing
+\def\setnormalbaselines {\setnormalsp@cing}
+ \lineskip\normallineskip
+ \baselineskip\normalbaselineskip
+ \lineskiplimit\normallineskiplimit
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height .7\baselineskip
+ depth .3\baselineskip width\z@}}
+\def\usereighteenpointmacro {%
+ \let\smllrm=\twelverm
+ \let\smlrm=\fourteenrm\let\smlit=\fourteenit
+ \let\smlbf=\fourteenbf\let\smltt=\fourteentt}
+\def\userfourteenpointmacro {%
+ \let\smllrm=\tenrm
+ \let\smlrm=\twelverm\let\smlit=\twelveit
+ \let\smlbf=\twelvebf\let\smltt=\twelvett}
+\def\usertwelvepointmacro {%
+ \let\smllrm=\ninerm
+ \let\smlrm=\tenrm\let\smlit=\tenit
+ \let\smlbf=\tenbf\let\smltt=\eleventt}
+\def\userelevenpointmacro {%
+ \let\smllrm=\eightrm
+ \let\smlrm=\tenrm\let\smlit=\tenit
+ \let\smlbf=\tenbf\let\smltt=\tentt}
+\def\usertenpointmacro {%
+ \let\smllrm=\eightrm
+ \let\smlrm=\ninerm\let\smlit=\nineit
+ \let\smlbf=\ninebf\let\smltt=\ninett}
+\def\userninepointmacro {%
+ \let\smllrm=\sevenrm
+ \let\smlrm=\eightrm\let\smlit=\eightit
+ \let\smlbf=\eightbf\let\smltt=\eighttt}
+\def\usereightpointmacro {%
+ \let\smllrm=\sevenrm
+ \let\smlrm=\eightrm\let\smlit=\eightit
+ \let\smlbf=\eightbf\let\smltt=\eighttt}
+ \message{initialization,}
+% parameters
+% default type size
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/ytex/ylog.mac b/obsolete/macros/ytex/ylog.mac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0ad664368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/ytex/ylog.mac
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1985, 1986 Daniel C. Brotsky. All rights reserved.
+% Log of changes to the yTeX macros. See the file YTEX.MAC for details.
+% This header declares the yTeX version.
+\def\fmtversion {2.0}
+RELEASE 0.93 -- 30 Jan 85
+30 Jan 85
+-put call to \titlesection in \section
+-add \secdef and \secref
+-make floating figures the default
+-add \figureskip, \captionskip
+-add full page stationary figures
+-add full page section figures
+-change \figuresize to \captionsize
+-check after floating figure if \vpar indicated by glue
+RELEASE 0.94 -- 30 Jan 85
+31 Jan 85
+-define \figure and friends via def to allow changing underlying
+-add \futurearg
+-enclose \readarg actions in a group to allow nesting
+-add raggedcenter
+-change \title, \author, and friends to be paragraphs
+-broke \chapter into \@chapter,\@ch@pter, same with \section
+4 Feb 85
+-encapsulate big \before@rgs in \footnote and \table in
+-adjust \hbadness and \leftskip/\rightskip in \raggedcenter to
+force maximum full lines and no underfull box messages.
+-add \verb and friends
+-put extra braces in \chapter and \section \toksmessage
+-make \verb do obeyspaces
+-change \\ to \!
+-change \inverbatim to do an \afterassignment
+-add \let\par=\endgraf to \verbatim
+-add \addtodef and \addspecial
+-change various macros to use \addtotoks and \addtodef when
+-interchange handy hacks and reading args
+-add specials hacking: \otherspecials and friends
+-insert \newverbatim, def \beginverb using \newverbatim
+-add \verbindent
+-add various parameter settings to init, remove them elsewhere
+-add \activespaces, use it instead of \obeyspaces
+RELEASE 0.95 -- 4 Feb 85
+5 Feb 85
+-add \chaptereject, define \pchapter and \@pchapter using it
+-rename \@otherspecials to \specials@ther
+-change verbatim around, add textual displays
+-get rid of \begin and \end, put begin in macro names
+-fix spread to use \futurearg
+RELEASE 0.96 -- 5 Feb 85
+6 Feb 85
+-add \st@rttime def and add call to \everyjob
+-fix \header to do \raggedright and \cr
+7 Feb 85
+-define captions using \captionindent
+-make \beginpartp@ge use \chaptereject
+-define \tabfil, \tabzero, and \tabem as glue specs
+-default is \makelgtother
+-make \setarg \long to allow \pars in args, add \let\futurearg=\relax
+-make \heading do a medskip
+-reduce spacing around displays
+-change \shortdate to use \shortyear
+-define \setnormalsp@cing to fix display skips
+8 Feb 85
+-reduce displayskips a bit more
+-change setnormalspacing to leave displayskip alone
+and do correct baseline spacing
+-change log file to just record version number
+-conditionalize 11 and 12pt defs for Helvetica and TimesRoman
+11 Feb 85
+-change \newtext and \newverb to use \vcenter instead of \vbox
+RELEASE 0.97 -- 11 Feb 85
+13 Feb 85
+-change \chaptereject to use \superfilpage
+-change \newtext to read pre-^^M stuff as defns arg
+-change textual displays to know about \displaywidth and
+-add and use \begin/end/b/e/pgroup
+RELEASE 0.98 -- 13 Feb 85
+28 Feb 85
+-make \beginnofill call \setupnofill
+4 Mar 85
+-fix footnote not to use \beginpgroup and \endpgroup
+RELEASE 0.99 -- 5 Mar 85
+8 Mar 85
+-add \newelement, define \begin and \endbullets using it
+3 Apr 85
+-remodularize into MACROS, BASE, FONTS, USER
+PRE-RELEASE 0.00 -- 3 Apr 85
+4 Apr 85
+-add \nextpar, define \vpar using it
+-reorganize handy hacks
+-add \stripn@me
+-fix \newelement, \vstretch
+-add \setskip
+8 Apr 85
+-add \newmathtext, define \underline and \overline using it
+-start consistency work
+17 Apr 85
+-finish first pass of consistency work
+-add \eqdef and \eqref a la Eric Grimson
+-add \leftindent and \rightindent to titles, make them use
+\everypar to allow multiple paragraphs
+-put def of \output routine into USER
+PRE-RELEASE 0.01 -- 17 Apr 85
+18 Apr 85
+-fix table padding lines, add \padheight
+-fix tables and title so they have \begin/\end and argument forms
+-fix \unindent
+-fix chapters, sections, and headings to do \nointerlineskip
+before title
+-let titles be \long
+-put \endgrafs in titles
+RELEASE 0.1 -- 18 Apr 85
+19 Apr 85
+-add \endgraf to \newelement
+-fix def of \author in \titlepagedefs
+-start to remove \readarg and friends because they break normal
+-fix \tablewidth to do correct assignment
+-start renaming of keyword args
+-add \Hss and friends
+22 Apr 85
+-finish removal of \readarg
+-finish renaming of keyword args
+-fix \vpar to take \global prefixes, remove \nextpar
+-fix \padline timing bug
+-change the \ytex macro
+RELEASE 0.2 -- 22 Apr 85
+23 Apr 85
+-add \ucsy and \ucsybox
+-change default typesize to 10pt
+-put \lastskip check in \newelement
+25 Apr 85
+-change \linespread back to \spread
+-put open braces of defs on same line as \endcsname
+-go to \newpar
+-change \vpar to \unindent in base, restore in user
+-fix footnotes not to interfere with \textindent
+29 Apr 85
+-fix problems related to \vpar rename (TLP, TERZOP)
+RELEASE 0.3 -- 29 Apr 85
+30 Apr 85
+-go to \newfloat scheme
+-add page layout parameters
+-rename \t* to \title*
+-add \t* as user macros
+-add \ignore as user macro
+1 May 85
+-fix error in def of \newfitfloat which clobbered \topfloat (WELG)
+-fix spelling bug in \floatingfigures
+-fix \if bug in \spre@d
+-add % where necessary in \obeylines def groups
+-fix \ytexoutput to use \botfloat instead of \footins
+-add boxes to all figure defs
+-spell \expandafter correctly in \siz@rr
+-make output unbox \topfloat instead of \topins
+-add an \unindent to a non-floated fitfloat figure
+-remove unpaired version created by \newtext
+RELEASE 0.4 -- 1 May 85
+2 May 85
+-got to \halign\noalign scheme to allow interline spacing in
+\newtext and \newverb
+-change \program to \lisp; use \newtext instead of \newelement
+-add \lisplines
+-fix \begintext and friends to use \displayindent
+-change \quote to advance leftskip instead of setting it
+-fix full page figures to use \vbox to \vsize with bottom glue to
+avoid depth problems
+RELEASE 0.5 -- 2 May 85
+3 May 85
+-integrate WELG suggestion about thick horizontal and vertical
+6 May 85
+-change all macro parameters to toks parameters
+-change \newelement to have \above and \below
+-add \minskip, \minbreak, and \dobreak
+-fix \newelement defs in USER
+7 May 85
+-discipline \vpar with \ifvpar and \everypar empty test
+-add \etoks
+-change \fixedhead, \runninghead, \copyrightholder to use toks
+-add \displaytable
+-add \footnotetext
+-add \newtoks for the fonts
+-move \rectocenterheader et al to USER
+-define chapter et al with \newelement
+-change \versoeject et al to \rectoeject
+-set \floatabovefigureskip to \z@skip
+-move \verb to USER
+-fix \newelement to edef the standard name
+-add \get@rg, use it in \chapter et al
+RELEASE 0.6 -- 7 May 85
+9 May 85
+-change all \new defs to use \edef with toks to allow
+consistent macro definition
+-add \yesindent synonym for consistency
+-rename \undindent to \rem@veindent
+-add \long in front of all the standard forms that need it
+-move 2 columns to USER
+-move \raggedcenter to USER
+-move indexes to USER
+-move \everyjob to MACROS
+10 May 85
+-fix parameter problems from all \news using \edefs
+-change meanings of L,C,R in tables, add & and \tablestyle
+RELEASE 0.7 -- 10 May 85
+13 May 85
+-add \esp@cl to fix trailing {} in alignment preambles
+-fix empty preamble error recovery
+-set \clubpenalty=900 and \windowpenalty=900 in USER
+-set \parskip to 1pt plus2pt minus1pt
+-make \vpartrue by default
+-add \endgraf in \caption
+-set captionindent to 2em explicitly
+-fix quotes not to \offindent too early.
+RELEASE 0.71 -- 13 May 85
+14 May 85
+-fix \newtable to do \offinterlineskip after \before material
+-put \vpar instead of \unvpar below \bullets
+-add \yesinterlineskip
+-fix \pad@mble entry for non-rule columns to be a strut
+\padheight high
+-add \iffigureline, \figurelineskip, etc. to figures
+-put depth struts in last lines of captions
+RELEASE 0.72 -- 14 May 85
+16 May 85
+-rename Bigg to biggg and \Sml to \smlll
+-change \figurelineskip to \figurelinedrop
+-break out \title, \author, etc.
+-change \acknowledgements to \bottomtext
+-rationalize \footnote, \vfootnote, and \footmatter
+RELEASE 0.8 -- 16 May 85
+21 May 85
+-change \linebreak to have \ifhmode
+-change \cr in titles to have \ifhmode
+22 May 85
+-change \activespaces to take arg
+-add \activelines
+-add \nfootnote
+-add \footdef and \footref
+-set strut in \normalbaselines, \normallineskip in \se@tnormalspacing
+-add \ifcenterheadings
+-add \singlespace and \doublespace
+RELEASE 0.9 -- 22 May 85
+23 May 85
+-add \hss to \atpar
+RELEASE 0.91 -- 23 May 85
+24 May 85
+-remove \newmathwrap, \underline, and \overline
+-add \before and \after to \newtextwrap
+-remove \!
+28 May 85
+-fix misspelling of \beginpr@gram in BASE
+-add \setnormalbaselines, fix \singlespace and \doublespace
+-rename programs to lisp
+-make several fixes in \l@sp
+RELEASE 1.0 -- 28 May 85
+5 June 85
+-make \\ be \crcr in tables
+-put "Part title" message in braces
+-fix \specials@ther so it works in tables
+RELEASE 1.01 -- 5 June 85
+12 June 85
+-only insert \topsep or \botsep if insertion has height+depth
+greater than 0.
+RELEASE 1.02 -- 12 June 85
+13 June 85
+-change \newpage and \newsuperpage to put all material in a
+-define \titlepage and \partpage using \newelement
+-add \math
+-only insert \topsep or \botsep if page has height+depth
+-take addition of "page" to name out of \newpage et al
+RELEASE 1.03 -- 13 June 85
+14 June 85
+-change \ytex def to be correct in boldface and italics by not
+using math mode.
+RELEASE 1.04 -- 14 June 85
+19 Mar 85
+-don't allow breaks between floating figures and trailing
+-put prefigure floatpenalty and prefigure floatskip together in
+the before section of figures
+-leave indent on in captions, start them with \vpar
+-leave indent on in footnotes
+RELEASE 1.05 -- 19 June 85
+5 Aug 85
+-add \figurebox
+RELEASE 1.06 -- 5 Aug 85
+6 Aug 85
+-reset \parfillskip=\filskip in footnotes to allow footnotes in
+-add \setup parameter to \newpar
+-add \partagsep parameter, use it in \ftp and \atp
+-add \vtp
+-put \m@th in bullet paragraph starter
+RELEASE 1.07 -- 6 Aug 85
+7 Aug 85
+-reset \parfillskip=\filskip in figures
+-add paired delimiters \stationaryfigure et al
+-remove \figurebox
+-change \newpar to allow use of argument text
+RELEASE 1.08 -- 7 Aug 85
+26 Aug 85
+-change tagged pars to use \partagbox to avoid conflict with
+RELEASE 1.09 -- 26 Aug 85
+11-12 Oct 85
+-fix two columns to integrate TUGboat fixes
+-allow figures and footnotes in two column; these are one column
+-add \figuresetuphook et al
+RELEASE 1.1 -- 12 Oct 85
+14 Oct 85
+-add \doublecolumn
+RELEASE 1.11 -- 14 Oct 85
+-make fixes to \doublecolumn
+-add \pageeject
+RELEASE 1.12 -- 14 Oct 85
+15 Oct 85
+-further fixes in \twocolumntext and \doublecolumn
+-allow @ in names by default in ytex.fixes
+RELEASE 1.13 -- 15 Oct 85
+-fix absolutely glaring, obcvious bug in \doublecolumn
+RELEASE 1.14 -- 15 Oct 85
+-fix yet another glaring, obvious bug in \doublecolumn
+RELEASE 1.15 -- 15 Oct 85
+-fix bug in \pageeject (forgotten \vfil)
+RELEASE 1.16 -- 15 Oct 85
+29 Oct 85
+-fix \supereject in two-column mode
+RELEASE 1.17 -- 29 Oct 85
+30 Oct 85
+-fix closure lossage in \@input
+-add \filen@me to init, set it equal to \jobname
+-add \yesornop, \askuser
+-change \input to define \filen@me
+-add auxiliary files to NEW
+1 Nov 85
+-add conditional input to new
+-change \input, \@input, \@input@ to use \inputfil@
+-add \maybeinput
+5 Nov 85
+-add immediate write of \relax to open of aux files
+-change \inputfil@ to save state without a \begingroup
+6 Nov 85
+-move lisp programs from base to user
+-put auxiliary files into base
+-put citations, labels, and conditional input into user
+-add \ifyinfo and \ifydebug, conditionalize \messages
+3-5 Dec 85
+-remove filen@me stuff
+-make aux files only perjob or explicit
+-remove conditional input of lists of files
+-add \bibitem
+RELEASE 1.18 -- 5 Dec 85
+5 Dec 85
+-use \setupbibliography scheme
+-add missing \fi in \maybeinput
+RELEASE 1.19 -- 5 Dec 85
+13 Dec 85
+-fix citation writing to protect citations in toklists
+-rename ytex.log to ytex.record
+-replace texinputs: with \ytexlibrary
+-removed periods in messages
+-add \ywarning, \ifywarn
+-convert citation and label messages to warnings
+-convert missing file messages to warnings
+RELEASE 1.20 -- 13 Dec 85 (Friday!)
+-go to site changes in SITE file.
+-use YPLAIN by default instead of PLAIN-CM.
+RELEASE 1.21 -- 29 Dec 85
+-rename files: MACROS to YTEX, FONTS to YFONTS, BASE to YBASE,
+RELEASE 1.90 -- 14 Apr 86
+-add \ifexactsizes, allowing site changes.
+-make the first letter of yTeX a Y (traditional upsilon) instead
+of TeX's version (a medieval upsilon).
+RELEASE 2.0 -- 9 Jun 86
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/ytex/ysite.mac b/obsolete/macros/ytex/ysite.mac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d718e05036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/ytex/ysite.mac
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1985, 1986 Daniel C. Brotsky. All rights reserved.
+% Site modifications for the yTeX macros. See the file YTEX.MAC for details.
+%% MIT-OZ (Twenex) changes
+% magnification scaling is according to TeX 1.2-based scheme
+% where to look up yTeX library files
+\def\ytexlibrary {texinputs:}
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/ytex/ytex-cm.tex b/obsolete/macros/ytex/ytex-cm.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50be52d74a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/ytex/ytex-cm.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+% preload an INITEX with YTEX
+\input plain-cm
+\def\fmtname {YTEX-CM}
+\input ytex.mac
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/ytex/ b/obsolete/macros/ytex/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59559beab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/ytex/
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+% -*- TeX -*-
+% for yTeX
+% Michael A. Gennert
+% These macros generate IEEE style papers. They break each page into
+% 4 pieces, except for the first page, which is broken into 5. This
+% allows a paper to be created with the minimum amount of pasting onto
+% pages. The text of all pages is broken into quadrants, where each
+% quadrant is 4.25 inches wide by 5.75 inches long. Two quadrants are
+% pasted together to make a column and two columns pasted together to
+% make a page. The top two quadrants of the first page are shorter,
+% allowing space for the title piece. There are no headers nor
+% footers. Twocolumn mode may not be used (it is superfluous).
+% Glosses are not allowed. A typical paper looks like:
+% \input <michaelg.tex>
+% \begintitlepage
+% \cauthor{Michael A. Gennert}
+% \caffiliation{Artificial Intelligence Laboratory\cr
+% Massachusetts Institute of Technology\cr
+% Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139\cr}
+% \endtitlepage
+% \section{Abstract}
+% This paper introduces a new macro package called yTeX.IEEE, for the
+% yTeX text formatter. And so on.
+% \section{1. Introduction} ...
+% There are new entries for the titlepage, \affiliation and
+% \caffiliation, that behave exactly like \author and \cauthor, except
+% that their font is \affiliationfont, defaulting to \regsize\rm.
+% \section underlines and centers the section title and numbers it.
+% \subsection underlines and places flush left. \subsubsection
+% underlines, indents, and then runs the text in. Each has its own
+% font, defaulting to \regsize\bf.
+% Footnotes cannot be used in the title page. They disappear if you try.
+% The \draft macro does not put the words draft anywhere now, since it
+% used to use glosses, which are disabled. But, it does give a rule
+% at the edge of overfull boxes, helpful for pointing out lines that
+% are too long.
+% The \ref macro makes references easier. Sample usage is
+% \ref{1} M.A. Gennert, ``yTeX.IEEE: A New Macro Package,''
+% While yTeX is running, it prints the page numbers on the screen as
+% they are shipped out. Here, we use a convention for page numbers.
+% The title page is page 0. Other pages are of the form pq, where p
+% is the manuscript page (which of course never gets shipped out at
+% all), and q is the quadrant, from 1 to 4. Thus, the normal sequence
+% of page numbers on the screen will be [0], [1.1], ... [1.4], [2.1] ...
+\makeatletter % allow @ in macro names
+\offrunners % no runners at all
+% quadrants
+% Title page hacks. Titles cannot have footnotes. If you can make title
+% footnotes appear at the bottom of the first column of text, let me
+% know how you did it. Title should be 1.875 inches high and normal width.
+% main title pages %%% vsize 1.875 truein?
+ \setup \output={\ytextitlepageoutput}
+ \above
+ \below
+ \begin \begintitlingpage \hsize=6.5truein \vsize=8truein \ymessage{{Title page}}
+ \end \endgraf \endtitlingpage \global\vsize=8.625truein
+ \endnew
+% title pages for sub-parts of a book, etc.
+ \setup \ymessage{{No part titles allowed in IEEE format}}
+ \above
+ \below
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+% add spacing around elements of title
+ \box \vbottom
+ \shape \titleleft{\z@}{\z@}%
+ \font \the\titlefont
+ \setup
+ \begin
+ \end \vskip .20truein plus .25truein minus .10truein
+ \endnew
+ \box \vbottom
+ \shape \titlecenter{\z@}{\z@}%
+ \font \the\titlefont
+ \setup
+ \begin
+ \end \vskip .20truein plus .25truein minus .10truein
+ \endnew
+ \box \vbottom
+ \shape \titleleft{\z@}{\z@}%
+ \font \the\authorfont
+ \setup
+ \begin \vskip .15truein plus .25truein minus .5truein
+ \end \vskip .15truein plus .25truein minus .5truein
+ \endnew
+ \box \vbottom
+ \shape \titlecenter{\z@}{\z@}%
+ \font \the\authorfont
+ \setup
+ \begin \vskip .15truein plus .25truein minus .5truein
+ \end \vskip .15truein plus .25truein minus .5truein
+ \endnew
+% affiliation
+ \box \vbottom
+ \shape \titleleft{\z@}{\z@}%
+ \font \the\affiliation
+ \setup
+ \begin \vskip .15truein plus .25truein minus .5truein
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \box \vbottom
+ \shape \titlecenter{\z@}{\z@}%
+ \font \the\affiliationfont
+ \setup
+ \begin \vskip .15truein plus .25truein minus .5truein
+ \end
+ \endnew
+% fonts
+% title page output routine
+\def\ytextitlepageoutput {\pageno=0 %
+ \shipout\vbox{%
+ \hbox to6.5truein{%
+ \hss
+ \vbox to1.875truein{%
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \unvbox\@cclv
+ }% end of contents \vbox
+ \hss}% end of centering \hbox
+ }% end of centering \vbox
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-\@MM \else\dosupereject\fi
+ \global\output={\ytexoutput}}
+% normal(?) output routine
+\def\ytexoutput {%
+ \iftrimpages \trimp@ge\fi
+ \setbox\@cclv=\vbox{\pagecontents}
+ \setbox\z@=\vsplit\@cclv to 5.7truein
+ \shipout\addpageno{\box\z@}
+ \advancequadrant
+ \shipout\addpageno{\box\@cclv}
+ \advancequadrant
+ \ifnum\quadrant=1\global\vsize=11.4truein\fi
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-\@MM \else\dosupereject\fi}
+% fancy quadrant increment scheme
+ \global\advance\quadrant by 1
+ \ifnum\quadrant>4 \global\advance\quadrant by -4 \global\advance\pageno by 1\fi}
+% add page number to bottom of output sheet
+ \vbox to 9truein{%
+ \hbox to 6.5truein{#1\hss}
+ \vskip 0pt plus 1filll
+ \hbox to 6.5truein{\hss\number\pageno .\number\quadrant}}}
+% sections, subsections, subsubsections
+ \box \vbottom
+ \shape \titlecenter{\z@}{\z@}
+ \font \the\sectionfont
+ \setup
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \setup \get@rg\endsection \sectionsetup
+ \above \minbreak \presectionpenalty \abovesectionskip
+ \below \dobreak \postsectionpenalty \belowsectionskip \vpar
+ \begin \get@rg
+ \end \ymessage{{Section: \the\toks@}}%
+ \sectiontitle{\underbar{\the\toks@}}%
+ \endnew
+\setskip\abovesectionskip \dimen 9pt \glue \parskip \factor 3000
+\setskip\belowsectionskip \dimen 3pt \glue \parskip \factor 2000
+ \box \vbottom
+ \shape \titleleft{\z@}{\z@}
+ \font \the\subsectionfont
+ \setup
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \setup \get@rg\endsubsection
+ \above \minbreak \presectionpenalty \abovesectionskip
+ \below \dobreak \postsectionpenalty \belowsectionskip \vpar
+ \begin \get@rg
+ \end \ymessage{{Subsection: \the\toks@}}%
+ \subsectiontitle{\underbar{\the\toks@}}%
+ \endnew
+ \minbreak \presectionpenalty \abovesectionskip
+ \underbar{{\the\subsubsectionfont #1}} \noindent}
+% subsection and subsubsection fonts
+% references are adjoint tagged paragraphs
+% skip .5 inch after the abstract
+\def\abstractskip{\vskip .5truein}
+% first paragraph after a heading not flush left
+% footnotes have a rule along their entire length
+ \hrule width \hsize \kern 2.6pt}
+% set page size
+% set proper spacing
+% disallow @ elsewhere
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/ytex/ytex.mac b/obsolete/macros/ytex/ytex.mac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fb03e0982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/ytex/ytex.mac
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1985, 1986 Daniel C. Brotsky. All rights reserved.
+% The yTeX macros. Written and maintained by DCB@MIT-AI.ARPA
+% Questions, suggestions, bug reports by net mail to BUG-YTEX@MIT-AI.ARPA
+\ifx \fmtname\completelyundefinedcontrolsequence
+ \input yplain.mac \fi % load a Plain format if needed
+\message{[Loading the YTEX macros:}
+% ^L-page contents
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+% 1 %% YTEX macros
+% 2 %% setup
+% 3 %% Load the library
+% 4 %% Load the fonts
+% 5 %% Load the user level
+% 6 %% miscellany
+% 7 %% initialization
+ %% setup
+% @ used in macros
+\def\makeatletter {\catcode`\@=11\relax}
+\def\makeatother {\catcode`\@=12\relax}
+% conditional message output
+\def\ymessage #1{\ifyinfo \message{#1}\fi}
+\def\ywarning #1{\ifywarn \message{#1}\fi}
+\def\ybuginfo #1{\ifydebug \message{#1}\fi}
+% preserve def of \input
+ %% Load the library
+\@@input ybase.mac
+ %% Load the fonts
+\@@input yfonts.mac
+ %% Load the user level
+\@@input yuser.mac
+ %% miscellany
+% library location
+\def\ytexlibrary {}
+% name of this TeX
+\def\yTeX {\leavevmode\lower.5ex\hbox{Y}\kern-.1667em\TeX}
+\def\ytex {\yTeX}
+ %% initialization
+% format name, version, and site modifications
+\ifx \fmtname\completelyundefinedcontrolsequence
+ \def\fmtname{yTeX}\fi
+\@@input ylog.mac
+\@@input ysite.mac
+% read fixes and augmentations to these macros
+ \ymessage{{YTEX version \fmtversion}}%
+ \st@rttime
+ \makeatletter
+ \@input{\ytexlibrary yfix.mac}{\ymessage{{No fixes}}}%
+ \makeatother
+ \@input@{ymath}{}%
+ \@input@{ylocal}{}%
+ }
+% no user @ in macro names, print messages only
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/ytex/ytex.mail b/obsolete/macros/ytex/ytex.mail
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0cd755071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/ytex/ytex.mail
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ 3-Jun-86 12:20:41-EDT,1879;000000000000
+Mail-From: DCB created at 3-Jun-86 12:20:27
+Date: 3 Jun 1986 12:20 EDT (Tue)
+Message-ID: <DCB.12211894578.BABYL@MIT-OZ>
+From: Daniel Brotsky <DCB@OZ.AI.MIT.EDU>
+To: info-ytex@OZ.AI.MIT.EDU
+Subject: New yTeX release: version 2.0
+cc: dcb@OZ.AI.MIT.EDU
+I have just released version 2.0. There are only cosmetic
+differences between this version and the last version. These
+o The file YTEX.LOCAL is renamed to YLOCAL.TEX
+o The file YTEX.MATH is renamed to YMATH.TEX
+o The file YTEX.USAGE is renamed to YUSAGE.TEX
+o All the yTeX source files have moved from TEXLOCAL:
+ to KS:<TEX.YTEX>.
+The new version is due to a slight restructuring of the source
+files. In particular, there have been the following name
+In addition, there is a new file YSITE.MAC which contains
+settings and definitions appropriate to the yTeX installation at
+a particular site.
+These changes were made to make yTeX easier to transport to
+installations where, for example, file names can only have six
+characters in the name and three characters in the extension. In
+addition, the sources no longer refer to logical names such as
+TEXINPUTS:; instead, they use a prepended string \ytexlibrary
+which is defined in the YSITE file. (On OZ the definition in the
+YSITE file for \ytexlibrary is TEXINPUTS: so the behavior of yTeX
+on OZ should not change.)
+Note that the YUSAGE documentation file has not been updated to
+relect these name changes. If anyone feels like doing this, they
+should feel free.
+If you maintain yTeX at another site, you should import the new
+version immediately.
+This will be the last change I make in yTeX for quite a while.
+ dan
+ 3-Jun-86 12:35:14-EDT,658;000000000000
+Mail-From: DCB created at 3-Jun-86 12:34:44
+Date: 3 Jun 1986 12:34 EDT (Tue)
+Message-ID: <DCB.12211897177.BABYL@MIT-OZ>
+From: Daniel Brotsky <DCB@OZ.AI.MIT.EDU>
+To: info-ytex@OZ.AI.MIT.EDU
+Subject: yTeX 2.0 documentation fixed.
+cc: dcb@OZ.AI.MIT.EDU
+OK, OK, I updated the documentation file to show the new file
+names. If I really get motivated, I will even add stuff to the
+documentation about all the wonderful new features that went in
+months ago, like \twocolumntext and \doublecolumn and \maybeinput
+and cross references and bibliographies and \yesornop. Better
+yet, maybe someone else will get inspired and do it for me!
+ dan
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/ytex/yusage.lst b/obsolete/macros/ytex/yusage.lst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..013d744756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/ytex/yusage.lst
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+This is TeX, MIT-OZ Version 1.5 (preloaded format=ytex-am 86.6.9) 20 NOV 1986 23:37
+(KANSAS:<TEX.YTEX>YUSAGE.TEX.5 {YTEX version 2.0} {No fixes}
+ {Main title} [0] {Section: What is \ytex ?}
+{Section: About This Document} [1]
+{Section: Some Notation and Conventions I Use Throughout}
+Overfull \vbox (2.30855pt too high) has occurred while \output is active
+\vbox(528.0+3.60753)x336.0, glue set - 1.0
+.\glue(\topskip) 3.05556
+.\hbox(6.94444+2.15277)x336.0, glue set - 0.42229
+..\tenrm I
+..\tenrm f
+..\glue 3.33333 plus 1.66666 minus 1.1111
+..\tenrm y
+.\penalty 900
+.\glue(\baselineskip) 3.90282
+.\hbox(6.94444+1.94444)x336.0, glue set - 0.00592
+..\tenrm t
+..\tenrm u
+..\tenrm r
+..\tenrm n
+..\glue 3.33333 plus 1.66666 minus 1.1111
+[2] {Section: Format of a \ytex \ Input File} [3]
+{Section: How To Invoke \ytex } {Section: Where are the Sources}
+{Section: The \ytex \ View of Documents} [4]
+{Section: The Five Kinds of \ytex \ Commands} [5]
+{Section: More About Delimiter Commands} [6] [7]
+{Section: More About Switches} {Section: A List of the \ytex \ User Macros}
+{Heading: Titling Pages} [8] {Heading: Chapters and Sections} [9]
+{Heading: Page Layout} [10] {Heading: Paragraphs} [11] [12]
+{Heading: Fonts and Sizes} [13] {Heading: Figures} [14] [15] [16]
+{Heading: Tables} [17] [18] {Heading: Footnotes} {Heading: Textual Displays}
+[19] [20] [21] {Heading: Two-Column Text}
+{Heading: Formatting Small Pieces of Text} [22] {Heading: The Date}
+{Heading: Miscellany} [23] {Section: For Wizards Only} {Heading: Page Glosses}
+{Heading: Size Changing} [24] {Heading: Setup Hooks}
+{Heading: More About Tables} [25] {Section: A List of Many \ytex \ Commands}
+{Heading: The Commands} [26] [27] [28] {Heading: Parameters} [29] [30]
+{Heading: Switches} [31]
+Output written on KANSAS:<TEX.YTEX>YUSAGE.DVI.1 (32 pages, 86408 bytes).
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/ytex/yusage.tex b/obsolete/macros/ytex/yusage.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..202435fffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/ytex/yusage.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1772 @@
+% for yTeX
+\runninghead={How to Use \ytex}
+% small caps font
+% easy indexing of macros described
+\let\+=\relax % commands
+\let\==\relax % parameters
+\let\:=\relax % switches
+% easy verbatim stuff
+\def\"{\hbox{\tt "}}
+\catcode`\"=\active \let"=\verbq
+% macro descriptions
+ \setup \unvpar
+ \advance\parskip by2pt plus1pt
+ \leftskip=\parindent
+ \clubpenalty=10000
+ \def\*{\noindent \hskip-\leftskip\ignorespaces}%
+ \def\\{\linebreak\ignorespaces}%
+ \def\##1{{\tt \char`\{}#1{\tt \char`\}}}%
+ \above \minbreak \pregabpenalty \abovegabskip
+ \below \dobreak \postgabpenalty \belowgabskip \vpar
+ \begin
+ \end \endgraf
+ \endnew
+% names for TeXs
+\def\Plain{{\rm Plain}}
+\def\lisp{L{\smllrm ISP}}
+ \begintitlepage
+\tcenter{\sc The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory\\ Massachusetts
+Institute of Technology}
+\vskip 1pc
+\spread {Working Paper 273}{May 1985}
+\spread {}{Revised, June 1986}
+\vskip 6pc
+\ctitle {How to Use \ytex}
+\vskip 3pc
+\cauthor {Daniel Brotsky\\ June 9, 1986}
+\vskip 3pc
+\ytex---pronounced {\it why}-\tex\ or {\it oops}-\tex---is a
+\tex\ macro package. \ytex\ provides both an easy-to-use
+interface for \tex\ novices and a powerful macro-creation library
+for \tex\ programmers. It is this two-tier structure that makes
+\ytex\ more useful to a diverse \tex\ user community than other
+macro packages such as \plain\ or \latex.
+This paper contains \ytex\ instructions intended for novice
+users. It summarizes the facilities provided in \ytex\ and
+concludes with a table of useful commands.
+The version of \ytex\ documented here is release \fmtversion.
+Work on \ytex\ was supported by a desire to avoid doing real
+work, like research.
+A.I. Laboratory Working Papers are produced for internal
+circulation, and may contain information that is, for example,
+too preliminary or too detailed for formal publication. It is
+not intended that they should be considered papers to which
+reference can be made in the literature.
+ \section {What is \ytex?}
+\ytex---usually pronounced {\it why}-\tex\ but see below---is a
+\tex\ macro package. \ytex\ evolved from the author's experience
+with other \tex\ macro packages, primarily \tbase, \plain,
+\latex, and the \sy{PHW} book macros. This experience showed
+that, on the one hand, packages as complete as \latex\ or \tbase\
+tend to be inflexible while, on the other hand, packages as
+flexible as \plain\ tend to be incomplete. \ytex\ ties both
+hands together by aiming for inflexibility and incompleteness
+Like most \tex-related programs and macro packages, \ytex\ has a
+``cute'' name that attempts a dual-language pun in English and
+pseudo-Greek.\footnote*{The result is about as weak the premise
+suggests.} The letter preceding the \tex\ in \ytex\ is not just a
+`Y' but also an {\it upsilon}---the Greek antecedent for the
+English letters `u' and `y'.\footnote\dag{Experienced \TeX\ math
+hackers may know that \TeX\ makes a version of capital upsilon
+available as $\Upsilon$, and they may wonder why the name \yTeX\
+is not spelled as \lower.5ex\hbox{$\Upsilon$}\kern-.1667em\TeX.
+That's because \TeX's version of $\Upsilon$ is not a Greek
+version (one of which really looked like `Y'---trust the Romans
+to be accurate in their borrowing) but actually the Uncial
+version popular among middle-ages religious circles. Hey, what
+can I say? Trust \TeX\ to be medieval whenever possible.} Thus
+you may pronounce \ytex\ as the expected {\it why}-\tex, the
+erudite {\it upsilon}-\tex, or the shorter {\it oops}-\tex. But
+when you spell it to the computer, you have to spell it
+ \section {About This Document}
+This document contains basic instructions for using \ytex. It
+describes the things you can do using the user interface that
+\ytex\ always provides. It does {\it not} explain how to use the
+\ytex\ library facilities to add to and replace parts of that
+interface. Readers who are interested in such matters should
+look at the \ytex\ sources.
+If you are a complete \tex\ beginner you may find this document
+hard to follow. In fact, almost everyone will find parts of the
+presentation hard to follow. My advice to those who are confused
+is to not worry about it: most of the time you will be confused
+because you are reading about a feature you have no use for and
+thus no experience with. If you need to use something and don't
+understand what is said about it here, just try the examples I
+give in one of your manuscripts and see if you can figure it out
+from there. If that doesn't work, try finding someone who does
+use the feature and ask them. As a last resort, try finding a
+\tex\ wizard and asking them.
+If you wish a quick summary of most of the \ytex\ commands, you
+should turn to the tables of commands, parameters, and switches
+at the very end of this document.
+ \section {Some Notation and Conventions I Use Throughout}
+In what follows, I try to use notation and conventions very
+similar to those Knuth uses in the \tex book. For
+convenience,\footnote*{(and also for those many of us who find
+the \tex book completely confusing)} I summarize most of
+the conventions here.
+\bpar Text set in "typewriter" type is suitable for \ytex\ input.
+\bpar Commands---also called {\it control sequences} or {\it
+macros}---all start with a backslash. {\it Alphabetic commands}
+such as "\section" and "\it" have one or more letters after their
+backslash, while {\it non-alphabetic commands} such as "\'" and
+"\&" have a single non-letter after their backslash. When you
+use an alphabetic command, you must have a space or other
+non-letter right after the command name (as in "{\it italics}"),
+and any spaces after the command are ignored by \tex. When you
+use a non-alphabetic command, you can have anything at all after
+the command name (as in the Spanish "m\'agico"), and spaces you
+put there are {\it not} ignored by \tex.
+\bpar Commands sometimes need {\it arguments}, such as the stuff
+typed in braces in
+\section {This is the Argument.}
+Most commands which use arguments---a process also called {\it
+taking} or {\it reading} arguments---expect their arguments to be
+enclosed in braces (as they were in this example). But there are
+other ways of specifying arguments, and these are detailed in
+what follows.
+\bpar \ytex\ and \tex\ both have the notion of {\it parameters}
+which have {\it values}. For example, the value of the "\hsize"
+parameter is used as the normal length of lines in paragraphs.
+To set a parameter, you give the name of the parameter, an
+optional `"="' sign, and then the desired new value for the
+parameter. For example, to set the normal line length to 5
+inches, you could say either of the following things:
+\hsize 5in
+\bpar There are several kinds of parameters: <integer> parameters
+hold integers (such as 3 or $-1$), <dimen> parameters hold
+distances (such as "2in" or "5pt"), <glue> parameters hold
+variable distances (such as "6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt"), and <toks>
+parameters hold token lists (such as
+"{\bigsize\bf}").\footnote\dag{There are also <muglue>
+parameters, but only math wizards worry about those.} The
+different kinds of parameters are used for different purposes;
+for example, the "\hsize" parameter mentioned above is a <dimen>
+because line length is a distance, and the "\pageno" parameter
+that holds the current page number is---as expected---an
+<integer> parameter. But no matter what their type, you assign
+values to parameters in the manner described above.
+\bpar If you ever want to examine the value of a parameter---for
+example, if you want to know what it is so you can change it
+appropriately---you can get \ytex\ to show you the value by
+putting "\showthe" in front of the parameter name. For example,
+if you said "\showthe\parindent" in your input file, \ytex\ would print
+... \showthe\parindent
+on your terminal screen when it processes your input. It would
+then pause and wait for you to type a carriage return before
+ \section {Format of a \ytex\ Input File}
+\ytex\ input is just normal \tex\ input.\footnote*{Of course,
+this means \tex82! \tbase\ input, for example, will not work in
+\ytex.} It is customary, however, to start \ytex\ input files
+with a comment indicating that \ytex\ is expected to process the
+file. For example, the manuscript file for this document starts
+with the line
+% for yTeX
+so anyone who looks at the file will realize this.
+The first command in every \ytex\ manuscript should be a
+\="\typesize"\= command specifying the desired type size for the
+text of the document. For example, after the comment shown
+above, the manuscript for this document has the line
+As you can see, a "\typesize" command looks like a command for
+setting one of \tex's <dimen> parameters, such as "\parindent".
+However, the dimension that follows the equal sign must be one
+of 10pt, 11pt, or 12pt, since these are the only sizes that
+\ytex\ supports for normal text.
+If you forget to put a "\typesize" command at the beginning of
+your manuscript, \ytex\ will complain with the error message
+! You never gave a \typesize command.
+Don't panic; just type a carriage return and \ytex\ will use
+10~point type. But you should add a "\typesize" command before
+you run the file again.
+You can't give more than one "\typesize" command in a single
+manuscript. This is because \ytex\ implements your desired size
+by magnifying a 10pt document by the right amount, and \tex\ does
+not like to change magnification in the middle of a run. This
+may seem like a drawback, but it's really a feature, because it
+means that the line and page breaks will not change if you run a
+manuscript through \ytex\ a second time using a different
+typesize! So you can proof your document in one size and run it
+off in a different size without worrying about formatting
+ \section {How To Invoke \ytex}
+To invoke \ytex\ on \sy{OZ} you give the command \sy{YTEX} to the
+\sy{EXEC}.\footnote*{The commands \sy{YTEXHE} and \sy{YTEXTR}
+also exist for those who prefer the Helvetica or Times Roman font
+families.} \ytex\ starts up by printing a release number and
+reading in any recent fixes to itself. It then looks for two
+files called \sy{YMATH.TEX} and \sy{YLOCAL.TEX} in your
+connected directory (and on \sy{TEXINPUTS:} if they are not
+found locally). You can customize your \ytex\ by putting
+appropriate commands in these two files.
+The \sy{YMATH.TEX} files are intended for favorite mathematics
+macros while the \sy{YLOCAL.TEX} macros are for macros or
+parameter settings of any kind. Of course, all kinds of \tex\
+commands can be put in either of these files, but keep the
+following in mind: separating math macros from others can make
+the job of merging different authors' manuscripts a lot easier.
+ \section {Where are the Sources}
+The source for \ytex\ lives in the directory \sy{KS:<TEX.YTEX>}
+on \sy{OZ} and is split primarily among the files \sy{YTEX.MAC},
+\sy{YBASE.MAC}, \sy{YFONTS.MAC}, and \sy{YUSER.MAC}. The file
+\sy{YLOG.MAC} contains a log of essentially all the changes made
+to \ytex\ since its early stages; the first few lines of this
+file declare the current version number. The file \sy{YSITE.MAC}
+contains definitions and parameter settings (``site changes'')
+appropriate to the local installation. The file \sy{YUSAGE.TEX}
+contains the source for this document.
+The file \sy{KS:<TEX.YTEX>YFIX.MAC} is where \ytex\ looks for
+revisions made to the macros since the last version was dumped.
+Finally, an archive of correspondence about \ytex\ can be found
+in the file \sy{KS:<TEX.YTEX>YTEX.MAIL} on \sy{OZ}.
+ \section {The \ytex\ View of Documents}
+\ytex\ believes that documents are made up of chunks of text
+called {\it elements} which are laid out on pages. For example,
+each paragraph is an element, as is each chapter or section
+heading, each figure, each footnote, and so on. Many of the
+\ytex\ commands you will use most often serve to tell \ytex\
+which text belongs to which element. For example, the command
+"\footnote" tells \ytex\ that its argument is a footnote
+As \ytex\ encounters elements of various types in its input, it
+first tries to format the content of each element in the desired
+way. For example, when it finishes reading the contents of a
+paragraph, it first tries to break the contents into lines
+according to the rules currently in effect for paragraph
+elements. When \ytex\ finishes reading the text of a table, it
+tries to format that text according to the current rules for
+table elements.
+Once \ytex\ accumulates enough elements to fit on a page, it
+tries to lay those elements out on a page according to the layout
+rules that apply to each element. For example, header elements
+appear as a single line alone at the very top of a page, while
+footnote elements appear tacked onto the bottoms of pages.
+Page layout is the hardest part of \ytex's job. This is because
+the rules for laying out various elements may come into conflict.
+For example, the rules for figures elements that appear in text
+may say that the figure should be separated from the surrounding
+text by one pica.\footnote*{There are six picas to the inch.}
+But a figure may be placed just before a section heading, and the
+rules for section heading elements may say that they should be
+preceded by two picas. In cases like this, \ytex\ does the best
+it can, but it may not do exactly what you want. So if you are
+very picky about the page layout of a particular document, you
+may have to tell \ytex\ exactly what you want at each place a
+conflict like this arises. But don't worry: usually only people
+who are publishing books need to be this picky.
+ \section {The Five Kinds of \ytex\ Commands}
+There are five kinds of \ytex\ commands:
+\bpar {\it Delimiters\/} are commands that demarcate the text of
+particular elements: they do what is commonly known as
+``typemarking.'' For example, "\section" and "\footnote" are
+both delimiters. All delimiters read arguments (in ways
+explained below); it is the contents of these arguments that
+become the contents of the elements they delimit.
+\bpar {\it Parameters\/} are commands that affect the formatting
+and layout rules for particular elements. For example, "\hsize"
+and "\parskip" are parameters that affect the width and layout of
+paragraphs and pages. Parameters don't take arguments; instead,
+they have values which can be assigned in the manner described
+\bpar {\it Switches\/} are commands like parameters that affect
+the formatting and layout of particular elements. For example,
+"\noindent" and "\offheaders" are switches. Switches come in two
+kinds---on/off switches and true/false switches---which are
+described in detail later. Switches never take arguments.
+\bpar {\it Abbreviations\/} are commands that expand into common
+sequences of low-level \tex\ commands. For example, "\padline"
+and "\linebreak" are abbreviations. Some abbreviations have
+arguments, and some don't. Any abbreviations that take arguments
+take them in braces in the normal \tex\ way.
+\bpar {\it Descriptors\/} are commands that create new element
+types with particular formatting and layout rules. For example,
+the commands "\newfloat" and "\newtitle" are descriptors that
+are used to create elements which float to the top of pages or
+which title things. Descriptors take very complex arguments.
+Normally, you use only delimiters, parameters, switches, and
+abbreviations in your manuscripts. Descriptors are for
+compulsive \tex\ hackers who feel the need for new element types,
+or for wizards who are preparing documents with special
+requirements (such as this manual).
+ \section {More About Delimiter Commands}
+Delimiters come in three kinds:
+\bpar {\it Standard\/} delimiters---such as "\section", "\footnote",
+or "\spread"---take their arguments in the standard \tex\ way:
+the arguments are enclosed in braces and appear immediately after
+the command. For example, this is how you give two arguments
+to the "\spread" command:
+\spread {First argument}{Second argument}
+\bpar {\it Paired\/} delimiters---such as
+"\begintext"/\allowbreak"\endtext" and
+"\beginabstract"/\allowbreak"\endabstract"---surround their
+argument. For example, this is how you delimit the text of an
+This is a very short abstract
+used only for expository purposes.
+I wish all my abstracts were this simple.
+\bpar {\it Paragraph\/} delimiters---such as "\bpar" and
+"\ftpar"---are kind of a cross between standard and paired
+delimiters. Their most important argument---the text of the
+paragraph---is delimited by the paragraph delimiter in front and
+the command "\par" (or a blank line) in back. But they may have
+additional arguments (such as tag text) which are given in braces
+immediately following the paragraph delimiter. For example, this
+paragraph starts with
+\bpar {\it Paragraph\/} delimiters---
+and ends with a blank line. But it would look exactly the same
+if it had started with
+\ftpar{$\bullet$} {\it Paragraph\/} delimiters---
+Most paired delimiters are also available in a standard form.
+For example, you can use the command "\abstract" instead of
+"\beginabstract" and "\endabstract", in which case you would
+enclose the text of the abstract in braces and place it right
+after the command.\footnote*{The only paired delimiters that are
+not available in standard form are those in which the delimited
+text is in ``nofill'' mode, such as "\beginverbatim" and
+"\endverbatim". This has to do with subtle differences between
+the effect of the two forms, differences that you needn't care
+about and which can confuse even \tex\ wizards.} As you may have
+guessed from the example, you get the standard form of paired
+delimiters by removing the "begin" and "end" prefixes.
+Each argument to a standard or paired delimiter is a local group;
+that is, font and other parameter changes inside the element do
+not have any effects outside. So if you want the text of your
+abstract to be in italics, you can just say
+\it This abstract is in italics.
+instead of the (also correct but) tedious
+{\it This abstract is in italics.}
+Similarly, you can just say
+\section {\it An Italic Section Header}
+instead of
+\section {{\it An Italic Section Header}}
+ \section {More About Switches}
+Switches come in two kinds:
+\bpar {\it On/off} switches are usually used to control whether
+things such as headers and footers appear on a page.
+For example, whether headers appear or not is controlled by the
+two commands "\onheaders" and "\offheaders". These two commands
+together are said to control the "\headers" switch.
+\vpar All on/off switches have variations in a {\it yes/no} form.
+For example, the commands "\yesheaders" and "\noheaders" are like
+"\onheaders" and "\offheaders", except that they {\it only}
+control headers on the current page, not on future pages as well.
+The point of having both on/off and yes/no versions of switches
+can be seen from the following: If you want none of the pages of
+a letter numbered, you would put "\offfooters" at the beginning of
+the letter. But if you want numbers on the bottoms of all pages
+except the first, you would put "\nofooters" at the beginning.
+The effect of "\nofooters" is to turn off the "\footers" switch
+for the first page {\it only}.
+\bpar {\it True/false} switches are mostly used by wizards, so I
+won't say much about them here. They are much like off/on
+switches except that they have a different form. For example,
+the "\vpar" switch controls whether the first paragraph after a
+section heading is left-flush or not; the "\vpar" switch is
+turned on with "\vpartrue" and turned off with "\vparfalse". You
+can see the effects of saying "\vpartrue" in this document.
+ \section {A List of the \ytex\ User Macros}
+This section contains descriptions of the most useful \ytex\
+macros. The listing is broken down by subject area; for example,
+all the commands relevant to footnotes can be found in one place,
+and all the commands relevant to sectioning in another. The next
+section gives an alphabetized list of all the commands.
+In the following descriptions, only the "begin" half of paired
+delimiters is mentioned. All the paired delimiters are available
+in standard forms unless the description mentions otherwise.
+Also, only the "on" form of on/off switches is mentioned. Of
+course, the "off", "yes", and "no" forms are also available.
+ \heading {Titling Pages}
+\ytex\ provides two kinds of titling pages: {\it part pages}
+which are delimited by \+"\beginpartpage"\+ and {\it title pages}
+which are delimited by \+"\begintitlepage"\+. The only
+difference between the two is that title pages are always
+numbered 0 while part pages have whatever number they would
+normally be assigned. The contents of titling pages are centered
+by default, and titling pages have no runners unless you ask for
+The following commands are useful both on titling pages and
+\*\+"\begintitle"\+ and \+"\beginctitle"\+\\set their arg as
+titles. "\begintitle" gives a left-flush ragged-right paragraph
+and "\beginctitle" gives a ragged-center paragraph. Inside of
+titles, the commands \+"\\"\+, \+"\cr"\+, and \+"\crcr"\+ force
+line breaks.
+\*\+"\beginauthor"\+ and \+"\begincauthor"\+\\are like
+"\begintitle" and "\beginctitle" but use \="\authorfont"\=
+(default "\regsize\rm") instead of \="\titlefont"\= (default
+\*\+"\beginabstract"\+\\delimits abstract text which is set in
+\="\abstractfont"\= (default "\smlsize\rm") and indented from
+both margins by "\abstractindent" (default "0pt").
+The following command is available only on titling pages:
+\*\+"\beginbottomtext"\+\\delimits text which is set at the
+bottom of the page in \="\bottomtextfont"\= (default
+"\smllsize\rm"). If you use this command, the text of the page
+will no longer be centered. Instead, the delimited material
+appears at the bottom of the page and material above it will
+start at the top of the page.
+ \heading {Chapters and Sections}
+These macros produce titles at the top of chapters, sections, and
+so on. Titles are normally set as left-flush, ragged-right
+paragraphs. Inside of titles, the commands \+"\\"\+, \+"\cr"\+,
+and \+"\crcr"\+ force line breaks.
+\*\+"\beginchapter"\+ <title> "\endchapter"\\starts a new
+chapter. The <title> is set in the \="\chapterfont"\= (default
+"\bigsize\bf") as a left-flush ragged-right paragraph. The title
+is preceded by \="\prechapterpenalty"\= and
+\="\abovechapterskip"\= and followed by \="\postchapterpenalty"\=
+and \="\belowchapterskip"\=. Most people prefer the standard
+form "\chapter"~\#{<title>}.
+\*\+"\beginpchapter"\+\\is like "\beginchapter" but it forces the
+title to the top of a new page and turns off runners for that
+page. In two-sided matter, it forces the title to the top of a
+recto page.
+\*\+"\beginsection"\+\\is like "\beginchapter" but uses smaller
+font and spacing. Neither chapters nor sections do any automatic
+numbering for you. But there are no-op commands \+"\secdef"\+
+and \+"\secref"\+ which, like their figure and table cousins, can
+be used to help keep track of numbering. There are commands
+\+"\beginsubsection"\+ and \+"\beginsubsubsection"\+ but they are
+just aliases for "\section".
+\*\+"\beginheading"\+\\is like "\beginsection" but with smaller
+font and spacing.
+The true/false switch \:"\centerheadingstrue"\: controls whether
+chapter, section, and other titles are set as left-flush or
+centered ragged-margin paragraphs. The default is
+"\centerheadingsfalse"; that is, headings are left-flush as
+mentioned above.
+ \heading {Page Layout}
+Pages have headers and footers, jointly called runners. When
+they are turned on, runners are single lines that appear
+separated from the main text by the distances \="\headerdrop"\=
+and \="\footerdrop"\=.\footnote*{These dimensions are not
+measured baseline-to-baseline; rather, they are the appearing
+space between the runners and the text.} By default, headers are
+turned on and footers are turned off.
+\*\:"\onrunners"\:, \:"\onheaders"\:, and \:"\onfooters"\:\\are
+switches that turn the various runners on. Recall that the
+effects of these commands are permanent; the effects of their
+yes/no counterparts are confined to the current page.
+There are actually two versions of headers and footers---one for
+recto (right-hand or odd-numbered) pages and one for verso
+(left-hand or even-numbered) pages. By default, all pages are
+considered to be recto pages, but you can use the switch
+\:"\twosidedtrue"\: to get two-sided output and "\twosidedfalse"
+to go back to one-sided.
+The contents of headers and footers are the values of the <toks>
+parameters \="\versoleftheader"\=, \="\rectoleftheader"\=, and so
+on. By default, the \="\rectorightheader"\=, the
+"\versoleftheader", and both center footers contain a boldface
+page number (called a {\it folio}); these come out in roman
+numerals if they are negative. (The page number is the parameter
+\="\pageno"\= which you can set.) Also by default, the
+"\rectoleftheader" is the "\firstmark".
+For example, if you want your pages numbered at the bottom, you
+could say
+\offheaders % turn off the header lines
+\onfooters % turn on the footer lines
+because the footers contain page numbers by default. If you want
+each page to have a title and a page number, you can say
+\rectoleftheader={The Title of My Paper}
+Since this is done so often, there is a synonym
+\="\runninghead"\= for "\rectoleftheader" that lets you say
+\runninghead={The Title of My Paper}
+The default font for runners is kept in the <toks> parameter
+\="\runnerfont"\=, which starts out as "\smlsize\rm".
+ \heading {Paragraphs}
+Each paragraph is an element to \ytex. Paragraphs are considered
+to consist of a crown (the first line) and a vest (all the other
+lines). By default, the crown is indented "\parindent" and the
+vest is not. But there are a variety of paragraph delimiters
+that give you paragraph elements that are formatted differently.
+(Recall that paragraph delimiters start paragraphs that are
+ended by "\par" or a blank line.)
+\*\+"\ivpar"\+\\delimits an {\it inverted} paragraph: the crown
+is not indented but the vest is.
+\*\+"\ipar"\+\\delimits an {\it indented} paragraph: both crown
+and vest are indented.
+\*\+"\ftpar"\+ \#{<tag text>}\\delimits a {\it flush-tagged}
+paragraph: both crown and vest are indented and the first
+argument (in braces) to "\ftpar" is set flush on the left margin
+of the crown. For example,
+\ftpar {1.} First line ...\linebreak second line ...\par
+produces a paragraph that looks like this:
+\ftpar{1.}First line \dots\linebreak{}second line \dots
+\*\+"\atpar"\+ \#{<tag text>}\\delimits an {\it adjoint-tagged}
+paragraph: both crown and vest are indented and the first
+argument (in braces) to "\atpar" is set so its right edge is
+\="\partagsep"\= away from the left edge of the crown line.
+(This is like the \plain\ \tex\ "\item" command.) For example,
+\atpar {a)} First line ...\linebreak second line ...\par
+produces a paragraph that looks like this:
+\atpar{a)}First line \dots\linebreak{}second line \dots
+\*\+"\vtpar"\+ \#{<tag text>}\\delimits a {\it variably-tagged}
+paragraph: the crown, vest, and tag are set just like an
+adjoint-tagged paragraph but the width of the indent is not the
+"\parindent" but instead is the width of the tag text. For
+\vtpar {Keywords:} This ...\linebreak and that ...\par
+produces a paragraph that looks like this:
+\vtpar{Keywords:}This \dots\linebreak{}and that \dots
+\*\+"\bpar"\+\\delimits a {\it bullet} paragraph: a flush-tagged
+paragraph whose tag is a bullet symbol.
+If bullet paragraphs appear next to each other, it is good
+practice to put a \+"\beginbullets"\+ before the first one and an
+\+"\endbullets"\+ after the last one. This will add a little
+space before and after so as to visually cluster the paragraphs.
+If you interpose math or a figure or a title between paragraphs,
+it is standard typesetting practice not to indent the paragraph
+immediately following the interposed element. For example,
+the paragraphs which immediately follow section titles
+in this document are not indented, nor are those which follow
+figures or textual displays.
+To follow this practice in your own documents, you could
+use "\noindent" to start the paragraphs which follow interposed
+elements. But \ytex\ does this for you automatically. The
+command \+"\vpar"\+ effectively forces the next paragraph to
+start with "\noindent", and all \ytex\ commands which interpose
+material between paragraphs---such as "\section"---end with
+"\vpar". Thus you will not have to use "\noindent" after
+figures and so on.
+If for some reason you want a particular paragraph that follows
+interposed text to be indented normally, just give the command
+\+"\unvpar"\+ in front of that paragraph. "\unvpar" cancels the
+effect of "\vpar" and allows the paragraph to be indented.
+\*\:"\vpartrue"\: and "\vparfalse"\\allow and disallow the
+effects of "\vpar". If you don't want the first paragraphs of
+sections and so on to be left-flush, say "\vparfalse".
+\*\+"\linebreak"\+\\ends the current line of a paragraph, filling
+out to the right hand margin with blank space.
+\*\:"\onindent"\:\\turns the default indentation of crown lines
+on. If you want your paragraphs to normally have no indentation,
+say "\offindent". But keep in mind that this will break commands
+like "\bpar" which rely on indentation.
+\*\+"\beginquote"\+\\delimits a quote. Quotes are set in the
+\="\quotefont"\= (default "\smlsize\rm") with the left and right
+margins narrowed by "\parindent". Inside of quotes paragraph
+indentation is turned off (with "\offindent").
+ \heading {Fonts and Sizes}
+To change type face in a document, you use the normal \tex\
+commands "\it", "\bf", "\tt", "\sl", and "\rm". To change to
+increasingly bigger sizes of type, you can use the commands
+\+"\bigsize"\+, \+"\biggsize"\+, and \+"\bigggsize"\+. For
+increasingly smaller sizes, you can use \+"\smlsize"\+,
+\+"\smllsize"\+, and \+"\smlllsize"\+. You can switch to the
+regular size with \+"\regsize"\+. The size-changing commands all
+switch to the roman face.
+There are commands \+"\smlrm"\+, \+"\smllrm"\+, and \+"\smltt"\+
+which are like face-changing commands in that the baseline
+spacing does not change, but the ``typeface'' they switch to are
+actually smaller sizes of the indicated face. For example, to
+get the effect of what printers call ``small caps'', you can use
+the "\smllrm" face. To get \lisp, you would say
+If you ever want to set material in the font selected by a font
+parameter such as "\titlefont", you can select that font by
+saying "\the" in front of the parameter name. For example, to
+set three words in the "\captionfont", I could say
+Here are {\the\captionfont three small words}.
+which gives me
+Here are {\the\captionfont{}three small words}.
+The command \+"\singlespace"\+ causes lines to be single spaced,
+and the command \+"\doublespace"\+ causes lines to be double
+spaced. Single spaced lines are the default. These commands
+affect all text, including footnotes and captions, so that if you
+use "\doublespace" you might want to add a "\singlespace" command
+to the font parameters for footnotes, captions, and so on. If
+you don't like the exact spacing values used by "\singlespace" or
+"\doublespace", read what it says below about line spacing for
+wizards and define your own versions of these commands.
+ \heading {Figures}
+You can ask \yTeX\ to lay out your figures in one of four ways:
+{\it stationary}, which means that figures are boxes that appear
+where they are defined; {\it section}, which are like stationary
+except that they are followed by "\vfil" glue which makes them
+suitable for putting all in one section with no intervening text;
+{\it top}, which means all figures float to the top of a page; or
+{\it floating}, which means they appear where they are defined
+unless they can't fit on the page there in which case they float
+to the top of the next page they fit on. The current layout
+discipline (default {\it floating}) can be set with
+\+"\stationaryfigures"\+, \+"\sectionfigures"\+,
+\+"\topfigures"\+, and \+"\floatingfigures"\+.
+\*\+"\figdef"\+ and \+"\figref"\+\\are no-ops which are useful
+for keeping track of figure numbers.
+\*\+"\beginfigure"\+\\delimits a figure definition. You get a
+figure layed out according to the current discipline. Each
+figure is enclosed in a "\vbox" so you don't have to worry about
+\begingroup \figurelinetrue
+\noindent This figure was defined with
+\noindent This figure was defined with ...
+ ...
+Figure~\figdef{1}. A figure which is ...
+... it will float.
+and this was the result.
+Figure~\figdef{1}. A figure which is also an example of how to
+prepare a figure. This figure will appear where it was defined
+unless it can't fit on that page, in which case it will
+\*\+"\beginpagefigure"\+\\delimits a full-page figure definition.
+These figures go on pages by themselves.
+\noindent This full-page figure was defined with
+\noindent This full-page figure was defined with ...
+ ...
+Figure~\figdef{2}. A figure which is ...
+... it will float.
+and this was the result.
+Figure~\figdef{2}. A figure which is also an example of how to
+prepare a figure. This figure will appear where it was defined
+unless it can't fit on that page, in which case it will float.
+\*\+"\beginstationaryfigure"\+\\gives a stationary figure no
+matter what the current layout discipline is. The paired
+delimiter "\beginstationarypagefigure" gives a full-page
+stationary figure, and there are similar explicit commands
+provided for all four of the layout disciplines.
+\*\+"\begincaption"\+\\is defined only within figures and
+delimits captions, which are set as unindented paragraphs in
+\="\captionfont"\= with margins narrowed by \="\captionindent"\=.
+Captions are preceded by \="\abovecaptionskip"\=.
+For examples, see figures~\figref{1} and~\figref{2}, which I
+referred to here by saying
+... see figures~\figref{1} and~\figref{2}, ...
+Note, in particular, that figure~\figref{1} is bracketed by
+horizontal lines. \ytex\ will put out such lines if you say
+\:"\figurelinetrue"\: at the front of your document; the default
+is \:"\figurelinefalse"\: (no lines). (The lines themselves are
+put \="\figurelinedrop"\= away from the body of the figure.)
+The easiest way to leave space for a paste-in figure is to define
+a figure whose body consists of a vertical skip command, as in
+\vskip 2 true in
+This will be a 2 inch high pasted in figure.
+Note that the amount to skip was given in {\tt true} inches, not
+just inches. This is because typesizes larger than ten point are
+implemented by magnifying the entire document: if the dimension
+had been given as "2in" and the typesize were given as "11pt",
+\yTeX\ would leave 2.2 inches of space instead of 2. The use of
+"true" in the dimension specification prevents \yTeX\ from
+magnifying the space it leaves for the paste-in
+material.\footnote*{Keep in mind that specifying sizes in true
+dimensions may cause the page breaks to change when the type
+size changes. If you are proofing in a larger typesize and you
+want page breaks to remain consistent, you should specify
+paste-in sizes {\it without} the "true" specification, basing the
+declared size on the magnification which will be used in {\it
+final} output. Then don't worry about the fact that the spaces
+in the proof version are a little large.}
+There is a <toks> parameter \="\topsep"\= whose contents are
+inserted between the floating figures and text on any page where
+floating figures appear. By default, "\topsep" is empty, so only
+the normal below-figure space appears between floating figures
+and text. If you want more space, you can say, for example,
+ \heading {Tables}
+Tables are delimited with \+"\begintable"\+ and "\endtable".
+Right after the "\begintable" command you must have a {\it
+preamble specification} enclosed in brackets ("[" and "]"), such
+as in
+\begintable [l"r|lc]
+Item&& Price&& User& Use\cr
+Widgets&& \$2.50&& D. Brotsky& \TeX\ work\cr
+Grommets&&\$2500.50&& The Pentagon& none\cr
+which produces table~\tabref{1}.
+ \centerline {%
+ \begintable [l"r|lc]
+ \topline
+ Item&& Price&& User& Use\cr
+ \dmidline
+ Widgets&& \$2.50&& D. Brotsky& \TeX\ work\cr
+ \midline
+ Grommets&&\$2500.50&& The Pentagon& none\cr
+ \botline
+ \endtable}}
+Table~\tabdef{1}. This table is produced by the example in the
+text. Well, actually, this table is {\it almost} produced by
+that example; in fact, this one has also been centered on the
+page by putting the entire text of that example into the argument
+of "\centerline".
+Inside of a preamble specification, each character stands for one
+column in the table. The meanings of the characters are:
+\begindisplaytable [cl]
+"l"& left-aligned column\cr
+"L"& left-aligned math column\cr
+"c"& center-aligned column\cr
+"C"& center-aligned math column\cr
+"r"& right-aligned column\cr
+"R"& right-aligned math column\cr
+"|"& single-thickness vertical line\cr
+ \"& double-thickness vertical line\cr
+"&"& repeat specification marker\cr
+Math columns are just like their non-math counterparts except
+that the entries are set in math mode in \="\tablestyle"\=
+(default "\displaystyle"). The "&" specification allows you to
+take advantage of \tex's automatic iteration of column
+specifications: if you have more entries in a line than you have
+columns in the preamble, the preamble columns will repeat from
+wherever the "&" was specified.
+The thickness of a "|" line is the <dimen> parameter
+\="\vbarwidth"\= (default ".4pt") and the thickness of a \" line
+is the <dimen> parameter \="\dvbarwidth"\= (default "1pt"). Keep
+in mind that "|" and \" columns must be delimited by "&" like
+other columns. It's just that normally the contents of these
+columns are empty, so you end up with "&&" in the rows of your
+Inside tables the command "\\" ends rows like "\cr". In
+addition, you get access to a variety of useful commands:
+\*\+"\inline"\+\\puts a horizontal line in the table. Better to
+use are \+"\topline"\+, \+"\midline"\+, and \+"\botline"\+ (which
+you normally use at the top, middle, and bottom of the table)
+because they put padding around the line which looks good.
+\*\+"\dinline"\+, \+"\dtopline"\+, \+"\dmidline"\+, and
+\+"\dbotline"\+\\are the double-width counterparts of the
+commands mentioned above. "\inline"-type lines have thickness
+\="\hbarheight"\=, and "\dinline"-type lines have thickness
+\*\+"\padline"\+ <dimen>\\puts <dimen> extra space between lines
+of the table with the nice feature that vertical bars specified
+in the preamble extend right through the extra space. The
+<dimen> is not an argument: don't put it in braces.
+In addition, you get \+"\tabdef"\+ and \+"\tabref"\+ which, like
+"\figdef" and "\figref", are no-ops useful for keeping track of
+table numbers. Also, there are the following table-affecting
+\*\="\pretabskip"\=, \="\intabskip"\=, and
+\="\posttabskip"\=\\are the glue parameters that "\tabskip" glue
+is set to before the first column, between columns, and after the
+last column of a table. Defaults are "\hfil" glue for
+"\pretabskip" and "\posttabskip", "1em" glue for "\intabskip".
+\*\="\tablewidth"\=\\is settable like a <dimen>, and setting it
+has strong side effects. If you set it positive, all lines in
+tables are set to that width. If you set it to zero, tables have
+their natural width. If you set it negative, tables are expanded
+by the negative of what you set it to. The default is "0pt";
+that is, tables have their natural size.
+Finally, in addition to the "\begintable" command which puts a
+box around its table, there is \+"\beginopentable"\+ which does
+not put a box and there is \+"\begindisplaytable"\+ which centers
+the whole table in a "$$"-style display.
+ \heading {Footnotes}
+\ytex\ gives you a footnote mechanism essentially equivalent to
+\plain's, but footnotes are output as adjoint-tagged paragraphs
+in the \="\footnotefont"\= with an indent of
+\*\+"\footnote"\+\#{<tag>}\#{<footnote text>}\\puts <tag> where
+you call "\footnote" and also gives you a footnote marked with
+<tag>. You use "\footnote" inside paragraphs.
+\*\+"\nfootnote"\+\#{<tag>}\#{<footnote text>}\\is like
+"\footenote" but the <tag> must be a number. The tag is set as a
+\*\+"\vfootnote"\+\#{<tag>}\#{<footnote text>}\\is like
+"\footnote" but it doesn't put the tag where you call it, only on
+the footnote text itself. You use "\vfootnote" between
+\*\+"\beginfootmatter"\+\\gives you a footnote with no marker and
+with no left margin indentation where the marker would go. I'm
+not sure why you would want this.
+The no-ops \+"\footdef"\+ and \+"\footref"\+ are provided to help
+keep track of footnote numbering. There is a <toks> parameter
+\="\botsep"\= whose contents are inserted between the text and
+footnotes on any page where footnotes appear. By default,
+"\botsep" puts in some space and a short line. If you just want
+space, you can say, for example,
+ \heading {Textual Displays}
+These macros give you "$$"-like displays containing text and
+other useful textual blocks. There are no standard forms for any
+of the "begin" and "end" paired delimiters that produce textual
+\*\+"\beginnofill"\+\\delimits text that is not made into filled
+lines, but output in lines as it appears in the input.
+Indentation is turned off.
+\*\+"\begintext"\+\\gives you a "$$"-like display containing the
+nofill material it delimits. The displayed lines have width
+"\displaywidth" and are indented "\parindent" from the normal
+"\displayindent" of the display.
+\*\+"\begintextlines"\+\\is like "\begintext" but the displayed
+lines are the full "\hsize" wide and the normal "\displayindent"
+is ignored.
+\hangindent 2\parindent \hangafter0
+\noindent For example, this is a paragraph which has both its
+crown and vest indented twice the normal paragraph indentation.
+If, inside this paragraph, we produce a display with
+Here is the first line of the display
+Here is the second.
+then the result appears to have a left margin even with the
+indentation of the paragraph, as in:
+Here is the first line of the display
+Here is the second.
+(Each line of the display is indented "\parindent" from the
+margin because each line starts a paragraph.) But if we specify
+the text of the display using the following commands:
+Here is the first line of the display
+Here is the second.
+then the display ignores the indentation of the paragraph,
+producing the following:
+Here is the first line of the display
+Here is the second.
+\*\+"\begincode"\+ and \+"\begincodelines"\+\\are like
+"\begintext" and "\begintextlines" but the material is set in the
+typewriter font.
+\*\+"\verb"\+\\is used as
+and gives you <text> verbatim in the typewriter font. All \tex\
+special characters (such as "\" and "&") are treated as normal
+\*\+"\beginverb"\+ and \+"\beginverblines"\+\\are like
+"\begincode" and "\begincodelines" except the intervening text is
+taken verbatim.
+ \begincs \beginmyverb
+ \readcs \readmyv@rb
+ \endcsname endmyverb%
+ \display
+ \setup \hsize=\displaywidth \advance\leftskip\displayindent \tt
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+For example
+\noindent This is some \verbatim \text.
+\centerline {Note that commands are ignored.}
+\noindent This is some \verbatim \text.
+\centerline {Note that commands are ignored.}
+\*\+"\beginlisp"\+ and \+"\beginlisplines"\+\\delimit \lisp\
+programs. Programs are printed in the \="\lispfont"\= (default
+"\regsize\tt") in nofill mode; the \tex\ control characters (such
+as "#") often found in \lisp\ code are turned off; and comments
+are printed in roman. Programs are boxed to prevent breaks; the
+sequence ";\pbrk"\+ at the start of a line makes that line an
+escape into surrounding vertical mode: you can put in breaks and
+glue. If you just specify \+"\pbrk"\+ after the semicolon, with
+nothing else on the line, you get a space suitable for insertion
+between function definitions.
+For example, this input
+;;Good Old Factorial
+(defun fact (n)
+ (cond ((zerop n) 1) ;base case
+ (t (* n (fact (1- n)))))) ;recursive case
+(defun myfact (n)
+ (cond ((> n 0) (fact n)) ;OK if pos
+ (t (- (fact (- n)))))) ;invert if neg
+;\pbrk \medskip
+(fact -5) ;sample usage
+ -125
+produces this output
+;;Good Old Factorial
+(defun fact (n)
+ (cond ((zerop n) 1) ;base case
+ (t (* n (fact (1- n)))))) ;recursive case
+(defun myfact (n)
+ (cond ((> n 0) (fact n)) ;OK if pos
+ (t (- (fact (- n)))))) ;invert if neg
+;\pbrk \medskip
+(fact -5) ;sample usage
+ -125
+ \heading {Two-Column Text}
+The paired delimiter \+"\begintwocolumntext"\+ sets its argument
+material in two columns, with the columns separated by
+\="\columnskip"\=. Top figures and footnotes in this material
+are still set in a single column extending the full width of the
+page. Note that you can not use the floating figure style in
+two-column text because there is no way of knowing in advance
+whether figure material set in this style should be one- or
+two-columns wide. Also, full-page stationary or section figures
+are liable not to work.
+The paired delimiter \+"\begindoublecolumn"\+ sets its argument
+material two columns per page, just as if the "\hsize" had been
+narrowed and the results pasted up. Thus, every page becomes a
+single column, and commands like "\eject" refer to columns, not
+pages. The command \+"\pageeject"\+ will force a true page
+break. {\it Warning}: The "\begindoublecolumn" command will
+throw away everything on the current page, so it is only safe to
+use at the start of a fresh page.
+ \heading {Formatting Small Pieces of Text}
+These commands produce little chunks of text in useful shapes, or
+combine small blocks of text in handy ways.
+\*\+"\spread"\+\\takes two or more arguments and spreads them out
+evenly spaced on a line. For example, the input
+\spread{Piece1}{Piece2}{}{Piece4 (3 was empty)}
+\spread{Piece1}{Piece2}{}{Piece4 (3 was empty)}
+Each piece of text except the leftmost and rightmost are centered
+on their appropriate position. Notice that the empty argument
+took up a position even though it didn't put anything in that
+\*\+"\begintleft"\+, \+"\begintcenter"\+, and
+\+"\begintright"\+\\set their arguments as left-flush, centered,
+and right-flush titles in the current font. Titles are allowed
+to contain more than one paragraph. Inside of titles, the
+commands \+"\\"\+, \+"\cr"\+, and \+"\crcr"\+ force line breaks.
+\*\+"\sy"\+ and \+"\sybox"\+\\set their arguments in a slightly
+smaller typewriter font. They differ only in that "\sybox" also
+puts the argument in an hbox so it can't be broken across lines.
+\*\+"\ucsy"\+ and \+"\ucsybox"\+\\are relatives of "\sy" and
+"\sybox" that put their arguments in upper case.
+\*\+"\ignore"\+\\does just that to its single argument.
+\*\+"\filpage"\+\\fills up the rest of the page with white space
+and does a page break.
+ \heading {The Date}
+\*\="\hour"\= and \="\minute"\=\\are <number> parameters that
+hold the time \ytex\ started in 24-hour format. \+"\daytime"\+
+outputs this in the form \sybox{15:35}.
+\*\+"\monthname"\+ and \+"\monthshortname"\+\\output the name of
+the current month; "\monthshortname" is three letters long.
+\*\+"\shortyear"\+\\names the current year without the first two
+digits, as in 86.
+\*\+"\date"\+, \+"\shortdate"\+, and \+"\slashdate"\+\\output the
+current date as in June~9,~1986; 9~Jun~86; and 6/9/86.
+For example, you can get output like
+Today is day 14 of Aug ({\it{}i.e.} August), %
+and the time is 14:34.
+by saying
+Today is day \number\day\ of \monthshortname
+({\it i.e.} \monthname), and the time is \daytime.
+ \heading {Miscellany}
+\*\+"\ytex"\+, "\yTeX", "\YTEX", "\YTeX", and \+"\oopstex"\+\\all
+give the \ytex\ symbol.
+\*\+"\draft"\+\\adds a line to the bottom of each page that looks
+like this:
+This command also sets the "\overfullrule" to "5pt" instead of
+the default "0pt" and prints the message "{Draft}" on your
+terminal screen.
+Here are the default values of a few parameters not yet
+\hsize=28pc \vsize=44pc
+\abovedisplayskip=3pt plus1pt minus2pt
+\belowdisplayskip=3pt plus1pt minus2pt
+\abovedisplayshortskip=0pt plus1pt
+\belowdisplayshortskip=2pt plus1pt minus1pt
+\parskip=0pt plus1pt
+The default "\typesize" is ten point. Keep in mind that, if you
+make the "\typesize" "11pt" or "12pt", the "\hsize" and "\vsize"
+will be magnified by $1.1$ or $1.2$, so you probably won't need
+to change them. If you have a definite measurement you want used
+for the margins independent of what magnification gets used,
+specify it in ``true'' units (as in "\hsize=6 true in"). The
+output routine will always try to center your output on the
+output page; you can use "\hoffset" and "\voffset" to shift it
+off center any desired amount.
+ \section {For Wizards Only}
+Here are some features that inexperienced \tex nicians should
+probably avoid. Once again they are grouped by topic: some of
+the topics also appeared above.
+ \heading {Page Glosses}
+Pages can have {\it glosses} which are special lines that appear
+above the header and below the footer. The <toks> parameters
+\="\topgloss"\= and \="\bottomgloss"\= contain the contents of
+the glosses. You turn glosses off and on just like runners, but
+both glosses default off. The top gloss defaultly contains a
+copyright message like the following:
+\copyrightholder={by the author}%
+while the bottom gloss is defaultly empty. The words ``by the
+author'' are the value of the <toks> parameter
+\*\:"\showcopyrighttrue"\: and "\showcopyrightfalse"\\allow and
+disallow the showing of the top gloss. To actually get the top
+gloss to show on a particular page, you also have to say
+\+"\copyrightpage"\+ somewhere on that page.
+The "\draft" macro described above uses the bottom gloss.
+ \heading {Size Changing}
+There are also explicit size-selection commands such as
+"\twelevepoint", but these pay no attention to the "\typesize",
+so their use is not advised.
+The baseline spacing is set whenever a size change command is
+given by saying
+\normalbaselineskip=\the\baselinefactor em%
+Thus, the value of the <toks> parameter \="\baselinefactor"\=
+(default "{1.3}") can be used to vary the baseline spacing. Note
+that changes in "\baselinefactor" will not take effect until you
+give a size-changing command or say \+"\setnormalbaselines"\+.
+For example, these are the default definitions for "\singlespace"
+and "\doublespace":
+ \heading {Setup Hooks}
+A variety of the default user-level macros---such as figures,
+captions, footnotes, etc.---provide for user-defined set-up
+hooks. For example, every figure macro calls the macro
+"\setupfigure", which in turn calls a macro "\setupfigurehook"
+which the user is free to define. Check the source code for
+details as to which of these hooks exist.
+ \heading {More About Tables}
+There is an escape mechanism whereby arbitrary alignment
+specifications can be put into the preamble of a table. A column
+is normally specified by a letter, but arbitrary material
+enclosed within balanced braces may be used to specify a column
+instead. For example, the preamble specification
+[l{\hfil $\displaystyle #$}c]
+produces the following preamble
+#\hfil & \hfil $\displaystyle #$& \hfil #\hfil
+The material within matching braces can only specify one column
+in the preamble: you must use more than one set of braces to
+specify more than one column. There is no limit on the number of
+columns that can be specified in this way. When a column is
+specified in this way, the entry produced for that column by
+"\padline" will contain an "\omit" so as to produce white space.
+Thus, if the specified material contains a "\vrule"
+specification, that rule will not extend through padding.
+If the material in braces starts with a "\tabskip" specification,
+\ytex\ assumes that it contains only that specification, and it
+merely embeds the specification in the preamble instead of making
+it a column specification. For example, the specification
+[l{\tabskip=2em }lr]
+produces the preamble
+#\hfil & \tabskip=2em #\hfil& \hfil #%
+This mechanism can be used to vary the between-column skip within
+a line. Keep in mind, however, that the "\posttabskip" will
+override such specifications after the last column.
+The interline glue is normally turned off in tables, and struts
+are used to keep the line spacing correct. If all of the
+preamble specifications in a table are given with the "{}" escape
+mechanism instead of \ytex's abbreviations, you should put struts
+in at least one of the columns to force correct line spacing.
+If you specify \hbox{"height" <dimen>} as the contents of a "|"
+or \" column, that will override the natural height of the
+"\vrule". This is the mechanism used by "\padline".
+ \section {A List of Many \ytex\ Commands}
+Here is a list of all the commands, parameters, and switches
+described hereto. It is not a complete list of all the \ytex\
+commands, but it gets most of the useful ones.
+ \heading {The Commands}
+The {\bf type} given in this table is one of {\bf SD} for
+standard delimiter, {\bf PD} for paired delimiter, {\bf Par} for
+paragraph delimiter, and {\bf A} for abbreviation. If a paired
+delimiter has a standard form, it appears in this table in that
+form. Paired delimiters which do not have standard forms ({\it
+i.e.}, those which delimit nofill text) appear in their "begin"
+form alphabetized under "begin".
+ \def\crs{\cr\noalign{\vskip 0pt plus.2pt}}
+ \intabskip=.5em
+ \beginopentable [lcl]%
+ \bf Command& \bf Type& \bf Summary\cr
+ \midline
+ "\\"& A& breaks lines in titles, ends rows in tables\crs
+ "\abstract"& PD& abstract text\crs
+ "\atpar"& Par& adjoint-tagged paragraph\crs
+ "\author"& PD& author's name(s)\crs
+ "\begincode"& PD& typewriter font textual display\crs
+ "\begincodelines"& PD& unindented typewriter font textual display\crs
+ "\beginlisp"& PD& \lisp\ program display\crs
+ "\beginlisplines"& PD& unindented \lisp\ program display\crs
+ "\beginnofill"& PD& unboxed unfilled text\crs
+ "\begintext"& PD& unfilled textual display\crs
+ "\begintextlines"& PD& unindented unfilled textual display\crs
+ "\beginverb"& PD& typewriter font verbatim display\crs
+ "\beginverblines"& PD& unindented typewriter font verbatim display\crs
+ "\bigsize"& A& switch to a larger size of type\crs
+ "\biggsize"& A& switch to an even larger size\crs
+ "\bigggsize"& A& switch to an even larger size still\crs
+ "\botline"& A& horizontal line for bottom of tables\crs
+ "\bottomtext"& PD& text for bottom of title page\crs
+ "\bpar"& Par& bullet paragraph\crs
+ "\bullets"& PD& group of bullet paragraphs\crs
+ "\caption"& PD& caption (figures only)\crs
+ "\cauthor"& PD& centered author's name\crs
+ "\chapter"& PD& chapter title\crs
+ "\copyrightpage"& A& allow copyright message\crs
+ "\cr"& A& breaks lines in titles, ends rows in tables\crs
+ "\crcr"& A& breaks lines in titles, ends rows in tables\crs
+ "\ctitle"& PD& centered title\crs
+ "\date"& A& date as June 9, 1986\crs
+ "\daytime"& A& time of day in 24 hour format\crs
+ "\dbotline"& A& double width line for bottom of table\crs
+ "\dinline"& A& double width unpadded table line\crs
+ "\displaytable"& PD& table display\crs
+ "\dmidline"& A& double width line for middle of table\crs
+ "\doublecolumn"& PD& double-column mode\crs
+ "\doublespace"& A& double space text\crs
+ "\draft"& A& put draft mark on all pages\crs
+ "\dtopline"& A& double width line for top of table\crs
+ "\figdef"& A& no-op for managing figure numbers\crs
+ "\figref"& A& no-op for managing figure numbers\crs
+ "\figure"& PD& figure in current style\crs
+ "\figurebox"& PD& stationary boxed figure\crs
+ "\filpage"& A& end current page with white space\crs
+ "\floatingfigures"& A& figure style is {\it floating}\crs
+ "\floatingfigure"& PD& define floating figure\crs
+ "\floatingpagefigure"&PD& define floating full-page figure\crs
+ "\footdef"& A& no-op for managing footnote numbers\crs
+ "\footref"& A& no-op for managing footnote numbers\crs
+ "\footnote"& SD& specify footnote while in paragraph\crs
+ "\footmatter"& PD& specify footnote text with no marker\crs
+ "\ftpar"& Par& flush-tagged paragraph\crs
+ "\heading"& PD& left-flush heading\crs
+ "\ignore"& A& ignore argument\crs
+ "\inline"& A& unpadded horizontal line in table\crs
+ "\ipar"& Par& indented paragraph\crs
+ "\ivpar"& Par& inverted paragraph\crs
+ "\linebreak"& A& force line break in paragraph\crs
+ "\midline"& A& horizontal line for middle of table\crs
+ "\monthname"& A& full name of current month\crs
+ "\monthshortname"& A& first three letters of current month\crs
+ "\nfootnote"& SD& specify numbered footnote in paragraph\crs
+ "\oopstex"& A& the \ytex\ symbol\crs
+ "\opentable"& PD& unboxed table\crs
+ "\padline"& A& put padding in table\crs
+ "\pageeject"& A& force a page break in double-column mode\crs
+ "\pagefigure"& PD& full page figure in desired style\crs
+ "\partpage"& PD& titling page with usual page number\crs
+ "\pbrk"& A& escape to vertical mode in \lisp\ programs\crs
+ "\pchapter"& PD& chapter title on new page\crs
+ "\quote"& PD& quotation text\crs
+ "\regsize"& A& switch to the regular size of type\crs
+ "\secdef"& A& no-op for managing section numbers\crs
+ "\secref"& A& no-op for managing section numbers\crs
+ "\section"& PD& section title\crs
+ "\sectionfigures"& A& figure style is {\it section}\crs
+ "\sectionfigure"& PD& define section figure\crs
+ "\sectionpagefigure"&PD& define section full-page figure\crs
+ "\setnormalbaselines"&A& use "\baselinefactor" to set baselines\crs
+ "\shortdate"& A& date as in 9 Jun 86\crs
+ "\shortyear"& A& last two digits of current year\crs
+ "\singlespace"& A& single space text\crs
+ "\slashdate"& A& date as in 6/9/86\crs
+ "\smlsize"& A& switch to a smaller size of type\crs
+ "\smllsize"& A& switch to an even smaller size\crs
+ "\smlllsize"& A& switch to an even smaller size still\crs
+ "\spread"& SD& spread args evenly on line\crs
+ "\stationaryfigures"& A& figure style is {\it stationary}\crs
+ "\stationaryfigure"& PD& define stationary figure\crs
+ "\stationarypagefigure"&PD& define stationary full-page figure\crs
+ "\subsection"& PD& synonym for "\section"\crs
+ "\subsubsection"& PD& synonym for "\section"\crs
+ "\sy"& SD& set arg in smaller typewriter font\crs
+ "\sybox"& SD& hboxed "\sy"\crs
+ "\tabdef"& A& no-op for managing table numbers\crs
+ "\table"& PD& vboxed table\crs
+ "\tabref"& A& no-op for managing table numbers\crs
+ "\tcenter"& PD& centered title\crs
+ "\title"& PD& title\crs
+ "\titlepage"& PD& titling page with page number 0\crs
+ "\tleft"& PD& left-flush title\crs
+ "\topfigures"& A& figure style is {\it top}\crs
+ "\topfigure"& PD& define top figure\crs
+ "\toppagefigure"& PD& define top full-page figure\crs
+ "\topline"& A& horizontal line for top of table\crs
+ "\tright"& PD& right-flush title\crs
+ "\twocolumntext"& PD& two-column text\crs
+ "\ucsy"& SD& uppercase "\sy"\crs
+ "\ucsybox"& SD& uppercase "\sybox"\crs
+ "\unvpar"& A& allow indentation on next paragraph\crs
+ "\verb"& A& verbatim text\crs
+ "\vfootnote"& PD& specify footnote text in vertical mode\crs
+ "\vpar"& A& disallow indentation on next paragraph\crs
+ "\vtpar"& Par& variably-tagged paragraph\crs
+ "\ytex"& A& the \ytex\ symbol\cr
+ \endopentable
+ \heading {Parameters}
+The {\bf type} given in this table is one of {\bf I} for
+<integer>, {\bf D} for <dimen>, {\bf G} for <glue>, and {\bf
+T} for <toks>.
+ \def\crs{\cr\noalign{\vskip 0pt plus.2pt}}
+ \intabskip=.5em
+ \beginopentable [lcl]%
+ \bf Parameter& \bf Type& \bf Default\cr
+ \midline
+ "\abovecaptionskip"& G& "\medskipamount"\crs
+ "\abovechapterskip"& G& "18pt", stretch is 3 times the "\parskip"'s\crs
+ "\abstractfont"& T& "{\smlsize\rm}"\crs
+ "\abstractindent"& D& "0pt"\crs
+ "\authorfont"& T& "{\regsize\rm}"\crs
+ "\baselinefactor"& T& "{1.3}"\crs
+ "\belowchapterskip"& G& "9pt", stretch is 3 times the "\parskip"'s\crs
+ "\bottomgloss"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\bottomtextfont"& T& "{\smllsize\rm}"\crs
+ "\botsep"& T& "{\vskip\bigskipamount \footnoterule}"\crs
+ "\captionindent"& D& "\parindent"\crs
+ "\captionfont"& T& "{\smlsize\rm}"\crs
+ "\chapterfont"& T& "{\bigsize\bf}"\crs
+ "\columnskip"& D& "2pc"\crs
+ "\copyrightholder"& T& "{by the author}"\crs
+ "\dhbarheight"& D& "1pt"\crs
+ "\dvbarwidth"& D& "1pt"\crs
+ "\figurelinedrop"& D& "4pt"\crs
+ "\footerdrop"& D& "1.25pc"\crs
+ "\footnotefont"& T& "{\smlsize\rm}"\crs
+ "\footnotemarkerwidth"&D& "10pt"\crs
+ "\hbarheight"& D& "0.4pt"\crs
+ "\headerdrop"& D& "1.25pc"\crs
+ "\hour"& I& starting hour of job\crs
+ "\intabskip"& G& "1em"\crs
+ "\lispfont"& T& "{\smlsize\tt}"\crs
+ "\minute"& I& starting minute of job\crs
+ "\pageno"& I& current page number\crs
+ "\partagsep"& D& separation between tag and crown line\crs
+ "\postchapterpenalty"& I& "10000"\crs
+ "\posttabskip"& G& "0pt plus 1fil"\crs
+ "\prechapterpenalty"& I& "-500"\crs
+ "\pretabskip"& G& "0pt plus 1fil"\crs
+ "\quotefont"& T& "{\smlsize\rm}"\crs
+ "\rectoleftheader"& T& "{\firstmark}"\crs
+ "\rectocenterheader"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\rectorightheader"& T& "{\bf folio}"\crs
+ "\rectoleftfooter"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\rectocenterfooter"& T& "{\bf folio}"\crs
+ "\rectorightfooter"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\runnerfont"& T& "{\smlsize\rm}"\crs
+ "\runninghead"& T& <synonym for "\rectoleftheader">\crs
+ "\tablewidth"& D& "0pt" (settable only)\crs
+ "\tablestyle"& T& {"\displaystyle"}\crs
+ "\titlefont"& T& "{\bigsize\bf}"\crs
+ "\topgloss"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\topsep"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\typesize"& D& 10pt (settable only)\crs
+ "\vbarwidth"& D& "0.4pt"\crs
+ "\versoleftheader"& T& "{\bf folio}"\crs
+ "\versocenterheader"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\versorightheader"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\versoleftfooter"& T& <empty>\crs
+ "\versocenterfooter"& T& "{\bf folio}"\crs
+ "\versorightfooter"& T& <empty>\cr
+ \endopentable
+ \heading {Switches}
+The {\bf type} given in this table is one of {\bf O} for on/off
+and {\bf T} for true/false.
+ \def\crs{\cr\noalign{\vskip 0pt plus.2pt}}
+ \intabskip=.5em
+ \beginopentable [lcl]%
+ \bf Switch& \bf Type& \bf Default\cr
+ \midline
+ "\centerheadings"& T& false\crs
+ "\figureline"& T& false\crs
+ "\footers"& O& off\crs
+ "\headers"& O& on\crs
+ "\indent"& O& on\crs
+ "\runners"& O& on\crs
+ "\showcopyright"& T& false\crs
+ "\twosided"& T& false\crs
+ "\vpar"& T& true\cr
+ \endopentable
+ \bye
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/ytex/yuser.mac b/obsolete/macros/ytex/yuser.mac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..960b8aee07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/ytex/yuser.mac
@@ -0,0 +1,1351 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1985, 1986 Daniel C. Brotsky. All rights reserved.
+% User interface for yTeX. See the file YTEX.MAC for details.
+% ^L-page contents
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+% 1 %% User interface to YTEX macros
+% 2 %% combinators
+% 3 %% runners
+% 4 %% glosses
+% 5 %% paragraphs
+% 6 %% textual displays
+% 7 %% lisp programs
+% 8 %% footnotes
+% 9 %% figures
+% 10 %% tables
+% 11 %% equations
+% 12 %% chapters and sections
+% 13 %% special pages
+% 14 %% 2 columns
+% 15 %% indexes
+% 16 %% citations
+% 17 %% labels
+% 18 %% initialization
+ \message{combinators,}
+% verbatim word
+\def\verb {% <token>#1<token>
+ \begingroup\tt\specials@ther\activespaces\ \v@rb}
+\def\v@rb #1{%
+ \def\next##1#1{##1\endgroup}\next}
+% spread to the current hsize
+ \setup
+ \endnew
+\let\@@spreadwidth=\spreadwidth \let\spreadwidth=\hsize
+% left-adjusted, center-adjusted, and right-adjusted titles
+ \box \vopen
+ \shape \titleleft{\z@}{\z@}%
+ \font
+ \setup
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \box \vopen
+ \shape \titlecenter{\z@}{\z@}%
+ \font
+ \setup
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \box \vopen
+ \shape \titleright{\z@}{\z@}%
+ \font
+ \setup
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+% symbols
+ \box \hopen
+ \setup \smltt
+ \before
+ \after
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \box \hbox
+ \setup \smltt
+ \before
+ \after
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \box \hopen
+ \setup \smltt
+ \before
+ \after
+ \begin \uppercase\bgroup
+ \end \egroup
+ \endnew
+ \box \hbox
+ \setup \smltt
+ \before
+ \after
+ \begin \uppercase\bgroup
+ \end \egroup
+ \endnew
+\def\ignore #{%
+ \begingroup
+ \def\do ##1{\catcode`##1=12\relax}%
+ \dospecials % turn off all special chars
+ \catcode`\\=0\relax % need to see commands as single tokens
+ \catcode`\{=1\catcode`\}=2\relax % need to recognize balanced braces
+ \catcode`\%=14\relax % need to ignore comments
+ \let\par=\relax
+ \ignorereader}
+\def\ignorereader #1{%
+ \endgroup}
+ \message{runners,}
+% contents of headers and footers
+ \line{\hbox to\z@{\the\rectoleftheader\hss}\hfil
+ \hbox to\z@{\hss\the\rectocenterheader\hss}\hfil
+ \hbox to\z@{\hss\the\rectorightheader}}}
+ \line{\hbox to\z@{\the\versoleftheader\hss}\hfil
+ \hbox to\z@{\hss\the\versocenterheader\hss}\hfil
+ \hbox to\z@{\hss\the\versorightheader}}}
+ \line{\hbox to\z@{\the\rectoleftfooter\hss}\hfil
+ \hbox to\z@{\hss\the\rectocenterfooter\hss}\hfil
+ \hbox to\z@{\hss\the\rectorightfooter}}}
+ \line{\hbox to\z@{\the\versoleftfooter\hss}\hfil
+ \hbox to\z@{\hss\the\versocenterfooter\hss}\hfil
+ \hbox to\z@{\hss\the\versorightfooter}}}
+% convenient runner settings: args are toklists
+ \message{glosses,}
+% top gloss: copyright
+\def\copyrightpage {\ifshowcopyright\yestopgloss\fi}
+\copyrightholder={by the author}
+ Copyright $\m@th\copyright$ \number\year~\the\copyrightholder\hfil
+ \shortdate \enspace[\daytime]}
+% drafts
+\def\draft {%
+ \ymessage{{Draft}}
+ \overfullrule=5\p@
+ \bottomgloss={\regsize\bf
+ DRAFT $\bullet$ DRAFT $\bullet$ DRAFT\hfil
+ \date \enspace [\daytime]}
+ \bottomglosstrue}
+ \message{paragraphs,}
+% disciplined \rem@veindent
+\def\vpar {%
+ \ifvpar \edef\next{\the\everypar}\ifx\next\empty \rem@veindent \fi\fi}
+\def\unvpar {\everypar={}}
+% various paragraph shapes
+ \argtext
+ \setup
+ \vestindent \parindent
+ \starter \noindent
+ \endnew
+ \argtext
+ \setup
+ \vestindent \parindent
+ \starter \indent
+ \endnew
+ \argtext #1%
+ \setup \setbox\partagbox=\hbox{#1}%
+ \ifdim \wd\partagbox<\parindent
+ \setbox\partagbox=\hbox to\parindent{\unhbox\partagbox \hfil}%
+ \else
+ \setbox\partagbox=\hbox{\unhbox\partagbox \hskip\partagsep}\fi
+ \vestindent \parindent
+ \starter \noindent \box\partagbox \ignorespaces
+ \endnew
+ \argtext #1%
+ \setup
+ \vestindent \parindent
+ \starter \noindent \hbox to\parindent {\hss #1\hskip\partagsep}\ignorespaces
+ \endnew
+ \argtext #1%
+ \setup \setbox\partagbox=\hbox{#1\hskip\partagsep}%
+ \vestindent 1\wd\partagbox
+ \starter \noindent \box\partagbox \ignorespaces
+ \endnew
+% bullet paragraphs and lists thereof
+ \argtext
+ \setup
+ \vestindent \parindent
+ \starter \noindent \hbox to\parindent {$\m@th\bullet$\hfil}\ignorespaces
+ \endnew
+ \setup \unvpar
+ \above \minbreak \prebulletspenalty \abovebulletsskip
+ \below \dobreak \postbulletspenalty \belowbulletsskip \vpar
+ \begin
+ \end \endgraf
+ \endnew
+\setskip\abovebulletsskip \dimen 2pt \glue \parskip \factor 500
+\setskip\belowbulletsskip \dimen 2pt \glue \parskip \factor 500
+% quotes
+ \setup \advance\leftskip\parindent \advance\rightskip\parindent
+ \unvpar \the\quotefont \offindent
+ \above \vskip\baselineskip \nobreak % compensate for smaller baseline
+ \begingroup \the\quotefont \vskip-\baselineskip \endgroup
+ \below \vpar
+ \begin
+ \end \endgraf
+ \endnew
+% ragged center (mostly from the TeXbook)
+\def\raggedcenter {%
+ \leftskip=\z@ plus2em \rightskip=\leftskip
+ \spaceskip=.3333em \xspaceskip=.5em \parfillskip=\z@
+ \pretolerance=9999 \tolerance=9999 \hbadness=9999
+ \hyphenpenalty=9999 \exhyphenpenalty=9999
+ \offindent}
+% ragged left
+\def\raggedleft {%
+ \leftskip=\z@ plus2em \rightskip=\z@skip
+ \spaceskip=.3333em \xspaceskip=.5em \parfillskip=\z@
+ \pretolerance=9999 \tolerance=9999 \hbadness=9999
+ \hyphenpenalty=9999 \exhyphenpenalty=9999
+ \offindent}
+ \message{textual displays,}
+% nofill
+ \setup \offindent \setupnofill
+ \above \vskip\parskip % compensate for loss of \parskip
+ \below \vpar
+ \begin
+ \end \endgraf
+ \endnew
+ \display
+ \setup \hsize=\displaywidth \advance\leftskip\displayindent \setupnofill
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \display \displaywidth=\hsize \displayindent=\z@
+ \setup \setupnofill
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \display
+ \setup \hsize=\displaywidth \advance\leftskip\displayindent \tt \setupnofill
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \display \displaywidth=\hsize \displayindent=\z@
+ \setup \tt \setupnofill
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+% verbatim material
+\def\beginverbatim {%
+ \par
+ \beginpgroup
+ \vskip\parskip
+ \setupverbatim
+ \re@dverbatim}
+{\obeylines \catcode`\|=\@scape \catcode`\\=\@ther %
+ |gdef|re@dverbatim#1^^M#2\endverbatim{#1#2|endgroup}}
+ \begincs \beginverb
+ \readcs \readv@rb
+ \endcsname endverb%
+ \display
+ \setup \hsize=\displaywidth \advance\leftskip\displayindent \tt
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \begincs \beginverblines
+ \readcs \readv@rblines
+ \endcsname endverblines%
+ \display \displaywidth=\hsize \displayindent=\z@
+ \setup \tt
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \message{lisp programs,}
+% make semis active a la \obeylines
+ \gdef\obeysemis {\catcode`\;=\@ctive\relax \let;=\lispsemi}}
+% \beginl@sp <body> \endl@sp
+\def\beginl@sp {%
+ \beginpgroup
+ % semis start comments unless immediately followed by \pbrk
+ \def\lispsemi{\futurelet\next\l@spsemi}%
+ \def\l@spsemi{\ifx\next\pbrk \let\next=\relax
+ \else \let\next=\l@spcomment\fi
+ \next}%
+ \obeysemis
+ % spaces made active so they start paragraphs
+ % and so multiple spaces aren't collapsed to one.
+ \activespaces\ %
+ % nofill via every line a par, if spaces start next line
+ % we do a \noindent to make sure a par gets started.
+ % in addition, turn off interline skip and use struts
+ % to insure baseline spacing
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \parskip=\z@skip
+ \def\par{\ifhmode \nobreak\strut \fi \endgraf}
+ \obeylines
+ % compensate for loss of baseline spacing
+ \skip@=\dp\strutbox \advance\skip@ -\prevdepth
+ \ifdim \skip@>\z@ \vskip\skip@ \nobreak \fi
+ % make ',` do the right thing; make &, #, <> harmless
+ \makebqspecial
+ \makeandother
+ \makesharpother
+ \makelgtother
+ \vbox\bgroup}
+\def\endl@sp {%
+ \egroup
+ \endpgroup}
+{\obeylines % for defs that happen where ^^M is active
+% each program is a box, preventing page splits, but we
+% make the \pbrk macro work a la \noalign whose arg is
+% the entire rest of the line.
+\gdef\pbrk #1^^M{%
+ \egroup%
+ \def\next{#1}%
+ \ifx\empty\next%
+ \smallskip
+ \else \begingroup \activespaces\space \next\endgroup\fi%
+ \vbox\bgroup%
+ ^^M} % end with a CR since arg did
+% semicolons start program comments which end with the end
+% of the line. These comments are in roman, in an \hbox to
+% avoid line breaking, <> become angle brackets,
+% and ; becomes harmless
+\gdef\l@spcomment {%
+ \begingroup%
+ \def\lispsemi{;\kern\p@}\obeysemis % this works even if ; already read
+ \def^^M{\egroup\endgroup^^M}% end with ^^M since line does
+ \leavevmode\hbox\bgroup \rm \strut;\kern\p@}%
+} % end of def group
+ \display
+ \setup \hsize=\displaywidth \advance\leftskip\displayindent
+ \the\lispfont
+ \begin \beginl@sp
+ \end \endl@sp
+ \endnew
+ \display \displaywidth=\hsize \displayindent=\z@
+ \setup \the\lispfont
+ \begin \beginl@sp
+ \end \endl@sp
+ \endnew
+ \message{footnotes,}
+ \type \botfloat
+ \floatsetup \setupfootnotefloat
+ \setup \setupfootnote
+ \floatabove
+ \floatbelow
+ \begin \startfootnote
+ \end \strut\endgraf
+ \endnew
+\def\setupfootnotefloat {%
+ \splittopskip=\ht\strutbox % top baseline for broken footnotes
+ \splitmaxdepth=\dp\strutbox
+ \floatingpenalty=\@M
+ \setupfootnotefloathook}
+\def\setupfootnotefloathook {}
+\def\setupfootnote {%
+ \interlinepenalty=\interfootnotelinepenalty
+ \leftskip=\footnotemarkerwidth
+ \parfillskip=\filskip
+ \rightskip=\z@skip
+ \spaceskip=\z@skip
+ \xspaceskip=\z@skip
+ \the\footnotefont
+ \setupfootnotehook}
+\def\setupfootnotehook {}
+% footnote markers
+\def\footstrut {\vbox to\splittopskip{}}
+\def\startfootnote #1{%
+ \noindent \llap{#1}\footstrut}
+% hmode footnote invocation
+\def\footnote #1{\let\@sf\empty
+ \ifhmode\edef\@sf{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}\/\fi
+ #1\@sf\beginfootn@te{#1}\futurelet\next\fo@t}
+\def\@foot {\endfootn@te}
+% numbered hmode footnote
+\def\nfootnote #1{\footnote{$\m@th^{#1}$}}
+% vmode footnote invocation
+\def\vfootnote #1{\beginfootn@te{#1}\futurelet\next\fo@t}
+% general footnote invocation
+ \type \botfloat
+ \floatsetup \setupfootnotefloat \leftskip=\z@skip
+ \setup \setupfootnote
+ \floatabove
+ \floatbelow
+ \begin \noindent \footstrut
+ \end \strut\endgraf
+ \endnew
+ \message{figures,}
+% lines above and below figures
+\def\figl@nabove {%
+ \iffigureline \hrule \vskip\figurelinedrop\relax \fi}
+\def\figl@nbelow {%
+ \iffigureline \nobreak \vskip\figurelinedrop \hrule\relax \fi}
+% figure environment definitions
+\def\setupcaption {%
+ \leftskip=\captionindent
+ \rightskip=\captionindent
+ \the\captionfont
+ \parskip=\z@skip
+ \everypar={}%
+ \vpar
+ \setupcaptionhook}
+\def\setupcaptionhook {}
+ \setup \setupcaption
+ \above \dobreak \prec@ptionpenalty \abovec@ptionskip
+ \below \dobreak \postc@ptionpenalty \belowc@ptionskip
+ \begin
+ \end \ifhmode \vrule width\z@ height\z@ depth\dp\strutbox \fi \endgraf
+ \endnew
+\def\setupfigure {%
+ \let\begincaption=\beginc@ption
+ \let\endcaption=\endc@ption
+ \let\caption=\c@ption
+ \leftskip=\z@skip
+ \rightskip=\z@skip
+ \spaceskip=\z@skip
+ \xspaceskip=\z@skip
+ \parfillskip=\filskip
+ \everypar={}%
+ \setupfigurehook}
+\def\setupfigurehook {}
+% figure type indicators
+% stationary figures
+ \setup \stationaryfigur@true \setupfigure
+ \above \minbreak \prestationaryfigurepenalty \abovestationaryfigureskip
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \below \dobreak \poststationaryfigurepenalty \belowstationaryfigureskip
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \begin \vbox\bgroup \figl@nabove
+ \end \figl@nbelow \egroup
+ \endnew
+ \setup \stationaryfigur@true \setupfigure
+ \glue
+ \begin \vbox to\vsize\bgroup \figl@nabove
+ \end \figl@nbelow \vskip \z@ plus\@M\p@ \egroup
+ \endnew
+\def\stationaryfigures {%
+ \let\figure=\stationaryfigure
+ \let\pagefigure=\stationarypagefigure
+ \let\beginfigure=\beginstationaryfigure
+ \let\endfigure=\endstationaryfigure
+ \let\beginpagefigure=\beginstationarypagefigure
+ \let\endpagefigure=\endstationarypagefigure
+ \let\abovefigureskip=\abovestationaryfigureskip
+ \let\belowfigureskip=\belowstationaryfigureskip
+ \let\prefigurepenalty=\prestationaryfigurepenalty
+ \let\postfigurepenalty=\poststationaryfigurepenalty}
+% section figures
+ \setup \sectionfigur@true \setupfigure
+ \above \dobreak \presectionfigurepenalty \abovesectionfigureskip
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \below \dobreak \postsectionfigurepenalty \belowsectionfigureskip
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \begin \vbox\bgroup \figl@nabove
+ \end \figl@nbelow \egroup
+ \endnew
+ \setup \sectionfigur@true \setupfigure
+ \glue
+ \begin \vbox to\vsize\bgroup \figl@nabove
+ \end \figl@nbelow \vskip \z@ plus\@M\p@ \egroup
+ \endnew
+\def\sectionfigures {%
+ \let\figure=\sectionfigure
+ \let\pagefigure=\sectionpagefigure
+ \let\beginfigure=\beginsectionfigure
+ \let\endfigure=\endsectionfigure
+ \let\beginpagefigure=\beginsectionpagefigure
+ \let\endpagefigure=\endsectionpagefigure
+ \let\abovefigureskip=\abovesectionfigureskip
+ \let\belowfigureskip=\belowsectionfigureskip
+ \let\prefigurepenalty=\presectionfigurepenalty
+ \let\postfigurepenalty=\postsectionfigurepenalty}
+% floating top figures
+\newskip\abovetopfigureskip \abovetopfigureskip=\z@skip
+\newskip\belowtopfigureskip \belowtopfigureskip=\bigskipamount
+\newcount\pretopfigurepenalty \pretopfigurepenalty=100
+\newcount\posttopfigurepenalty \posttopfigurepenalty=\z@
+ \type \topfloat
+ \floatsetup \floatingpenalty\posttopfigurepenalty
+ \splitmaxdepth\maxdimen \splittopskip\z@skip
+ \setup \topfigur@true \setupfigure
+ \floatabove \penalty\pretopfigurepenalty \vskip\abovetopfigureskip
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \floatbelow \nobreak \vskip\belowtopfigureskip
+ \begin \vbox\bgroup \figl@nabove
+ \end \figl@nbelow \egroup
+ \endnew
+ \type \topfloat
+ \floatsetup \penalty\pretopfigurepenalty
+ \floatingpenalty\posttopfigurepenalty
+ \splitmaxdepth\maxdimen \splittopskip\z@skip
+ \setup \topfigur@true \setupfigure
+ \above
+ \below
+ \begin \vbox to\vsize\bgroup \figl@nabove
+ \end \figl@nbelow \vskip \z@ plus\@M\p@ \egroup
+ \endnew
+\gdef\topfigures {%
+ \let\figure=\topfigure
+ \let\pagefigure=\toppagefigure
+ \let\beginfigure=\begintopfigure
+ \let\endfigure=\endtopfigure
+ \let\beginpagefigure=\begintoppagefigure
+ \let\endpagefigure=\endtoppagefigure
+ \let\abovefigureskip=\abovetopfigureskip
+ \let\belowfigureskip=\belowtopfigureskip
+ \let\prefigurepenalty=\pretopfigurepenalty
+ \let\postfigurepenalty=\posttopfigurepenalty}
+% inline/floating figures
+\newskip\abovefloatingfigureskip \abovefloatingfigureskip=\bigskipamount
+\newskip\belowfloatingfigureskip \belowfloatingfigureskip=\bigskipamount
+\newcount\prefloatingfigurepenalty \prefloatingfigurepenalty=\z@
+\newcount\postfloatingfigurepenalty \postfloatingfigurepenalty=-200
+ \type \topfloat
+ \floatsetup \floatingpenalty\floatpostfloatingfigurepenalty
+ \splitmaxdepth\maxdimen \splittopskip\z@skip
+ \setup \floatingfigur@true \setupfigure
+ \floatabove \penalty\floatprefloatingfigurepenalty
+ \vskip\floatabovefloatingfigureskip
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \floatbelow \nobreak \vskip\floatbelowfloatingfigureskip
+ \above \penalty\prefloatingfigurepenalty
+ \vskip\abovefloatingfigureskip
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \below \penalty\postfloatingfigurepenalty
+ \vskip\belowfloatingfigureskip
+ \nointerlineskip \vpar
+ \begin \vbox\bgroup \figl@nabove
+ \end \figl@nbelow \egroup
+ \endnew
+ \type \topfloat
+ \floatsetup \penalty\floatprefloatingfigurepenalty
+ \floatingpenalty\floatpostfloatingfigurepenalty
+ \splitmaxdepth\maxdimen \splittopskip\z@skip
+ \setup \floatingfigur@true \setupfigure
+ \above
+ \below
+ \begin \vbox to\vsize\bgroup \figl@nabove
+ \end \figl@nbelow \vskip \z@ plus\@M\p@ \egroup
+ \endnew
+\gdef\floatingfigures {%
+ \let\figure=\floatingfigure
+ \let\pagefigure=\floatingpagefigure
+ \let\beginfigure=\beginfloatingfigure
+ \let\endfigure=\endfloatingfigure
+ \let\beginpagefigure=\beginfloatingpagefigure
+ \let\endpagefigure=\endfloatingpagefigure
+ \let\abovefigureskip=\abovefloatingfigureskip
+ \let\belowfigureskip=\belowfloatingfigureskip
+ \let\prefigurepenalty=\prefloatingfigurepenalty
+ \let\postfigurepenalty=\postfloatingfigurepenalty}
+ \message{tables,}
+ \leftdelim [%
+ \rightdelim ]%
+ \before \vbox\bgroup
+ \after \egroup
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \leftdelim [%
+ \rightdelim ]%
+ \before \vtop\bgroup
+ \after \egroup
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \leftdelim [%
+ \rightdelim ]%
+ \before \vcenter\bgroup
+ \after \egroup
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \leftdelim [%
+ \rightdelim ]%
+ \before
+ \after
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \leftdelim [%
+ \rightdelim ]%
+ \before \tablewidth=\hsize$$
+ \after $$
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \message{equations,}
+% equation numbering
+% synonyms for $$
+\def\beginmath {$$}
+\def\endmath {$$}
+\def\math #1{$$#1$$}
+ \message{chapters and sections,}
+% are section, etc. headings centered or left-flush
+% chapters
+ \box \vopen
+ \shape \ifcenterheadings \titlecenter{\z@}{\z@}\else
+ \titleleft{\z@}{\z@}\fi
+ \font \the\chapterfont
+ \setup \interlinepenalty=\@M
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+\def\chaptersetup {%
+ \chaptersetuphook}
+\def\chaptersetuphook {}
+ \setup \get@rg\endchapter \chaptersetup
+ \above \minbreak \prechapterpenalty \abovechapterskip
+ \below \dobreak \postchapterpenalty \belowchapterskip \vpar
+ \begin \get@rg
+ \end \ymessage{{Chapter: \the\toks@}}\chaptertitle{\the\toks@}%
+ \endnew
+\setskip\abovechapterskip \dimen 36pt \glue \parskip \factor 3000
+\setskip\belowchapterskip \dimen 18pt \glue \parskip \factor 2000
+ \setup \get@rg\endpchapter \chaptersetup
+ \above \rectosupereject
+ \below \dobreak \postchapterpenalty \belowchapterskip \vpar
+ \begin \get@rg
+ \end \ymessage{{Chapter: \the\toks@}}\chaptertitle{\the\toks@}%
+ \endnew
+% starts sections.
+ \box \vbottom
+ \shape \ifcenterheadings \titlecenter{\z@}{\z@}\else
+ \titleleft{\z@}{\z@}\fi
+ \font \the\sectionfont
+ \setup
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+\def\sectionsetup {%
+ \sectionsetuphook}
+\def\sectionsetuphook {}
+ \setup \get@rg\endsection \sectionsetup
+ \above \minbreak \presectionpenalty \abovesectionskip
+ \below \dobreak \postsectionpenalty \belowsectionskip \vpar
+ \begin \get@rg
+ \end \ymessage{{Section: \the\toks@}}\sectiontitle{\the\toks@}%
+ \endnew
+\setskip\abovesectionskip \dimen 18pt \glue \parskip \factor 3000
+\setskip\belowsectionskip \dimen 9pt \glue \parskip \factor 2000
+% simple heading
+ \box \vbottom
+ \shape \ifcenterheadings \titlecenter{\z@}{\z@}\else
+ \titleleft{\z@}{\z@}\fi
+ \font \the\headingfont
+ \setup
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+\def\headingsetup {%
+ \headingsetuphook}
+\def\headingsetuphook {}
+ \setup \get@rg\endheading \headingsetup
+ \above \minbreak \preheadingpenalty \aboveheadingskip
+ \below \dobreak \postheadingpenalty \belowheadingskip \vpar
+ \begin \get@rg
+ \end \ymessage{{Heading: \the\toks@}}\headingtitle{\the\toks@}%
+ \endnew
+\setskip\aboveheadingskip \dimen 9pt \glue \parskip \factor 1000
+\setskip\belowheadingskip \dimen 4pt \glue \parskip \factor 1000
+ \message{special pages,}
+% titling pages
+ \setup \norunners \copyrightpage
+ \glue \vfil
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+% main title pages
+ \setup \titlepagedefs
+ \above
+ \below
+ \begin \begintitlingpage \global\pageno=\z@ \ymessage{{Main title}}
+ \end \endgraf \endtitlingpage \global\pageno=\@ne
+ \endnew
+% title pages for sub-parts of a book, etc.
+ \setup \titlepagedefs
+ \above
+ \below
+ \begin \begintitlingpage \ymessage{{Part title}}
+ \end \endgraf \endtitlingpage
+ \endnew
+% titles and abstracts
+ \box \vbottom
+ \shape \titleleft{\z@}{\z@}%
+ \font \the\titlefont
+ \setup
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \box \vbottom
+ \shape \titlecenter{\z@}{\z@}%
+ \font \the\titlefont
+ \setup
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \box \vbottom
+ \shape \titleleft{\z@}{\z@}%
+ \font \the\authorfont
+ \setup
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \box \vbottom
+ \shape \titlecenter{\z@}{\z@}%
+ \font \the\authorfont
+ \setup
+ \begin
+ \end
+ \endnew
+ \setup \the\abstractfont \parindent=2em%
+ \leftskip=\abstractindent \rightskip=\abstractindent
+ \above \minbreak \preabstractpenalty \aboveabstractskip
+ \below \dobreak \postabstractpenalty \belowabstractskip
+ \begin
+ \end \endgraf
+ \endnew
+\def\titlepagedefs {%
+ \newelement\bottomtext
+ \setup \the\bottomtextfont \offindent
+ \above \bigskip \vfill
+ \below
+ \begin
+ \end \endgraf
+ \endnew}
+ \message{2 columns,}
+% N.B. this stuff mostly adapted from the TeXbook
+% parameters
+\def\setuptwocolumn {%
+ \trimpagesfalse
+ \onec@lfigfoot
+ \def\columneject{\vfil\penalty200}%
+ \baselinefactor={1.2}\setnormalbaselines
+ \spaceskip=.3333em plus .3333em minus .1666em
+ \xspaceskip=.3333em plus .6666em minus .0833em
+ \advance\parskip by 0pt plus 2pt
+ \setuptwocolumnhook}
+\def\setuptwocolumnhook {}
+% make figures and footnotes be one column
+\def\onec@lfigfoot {%
+ \topmag=2000%
+ \botmag=2000%
+ \addtodef\setupfigurehook{%
+ \iffloatingfigur@
+ \errhelp={I will assume it doesn't float.}%
+ \errmessage{You can't use a floating figure in two-column text.}%
+ \fi
+ \iftopfigur@ \hsize=\onec@lhsize \fi
+ \vsize=\onec@lvsize}%
+ \addtodef\setupfootnotehook{\hsize=\onec@lhsize}}
+\def\begintwocolumntext {%
+ \begingroup
+ \onec@lhsize=\hsize
+ \onec@lvsize=\vsize
+ \onec@loutput=\output
+ \output={\global\setbox\partialp@ge=\vbox{\unvbox\@cclv}}%
+ \let\dosupereject=\twoc@lsupereject
+ \eject
+ \output={\twoc@lout}%
+ \hsize=.5\hsize \advance\hsize by-.5\columnskip
+ \vsize=2\vsize \advance\vsize by2pc\relax
+ \twoc@lvsize=\vsize
+ \advance\vsize by-2\ht\partialp@ge
+ \setuptwocolumn}
+\def\endtwocolumntext {%
+ \output={\balancec@ls}%
+ \eject
+ \global\output=\onec@loutput
+ \global\vsize=\onec@lvsize
+ \endgroup
+ \pagegoal=\vsize}
+\def\twocolumntext #1{\begintwocolumntext #1\endtwocolumntext}
+\def\twoc@lout {%
+ \dimen@=\onec@lvsize \advance\dimen@ by-\ht\partialp@ge
+ \advance\dimen@ by-\ht\topfloat \advance\dimen@ by-\dp\topfloat
+ \advance\dimen@ by-\ht\botfloat \advance\dimen@ by-\dp\botfloat
+ \ifdim \dimen@>\baselineskip
+ \dimen@i=\ht\@cclv \advance\dimen@i\dp\@cclv
+ \ifdim \dimen@i>\z@
+ \splittopskip=\topskip \splitmaxdepth=\maxdimen
+ \setbox\z@=\vsplit\@cclv to\dimen@
+ \setbox\@ne=\vsplit\@cclv to\dimen@
+ \else
+ \setbox\z@=\box\voidb@x
+ \setbox\@ne=\box\voidb@x
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \setbox\z@=\box\voidb@x
+ \setbox\@ne=\box\voidb@x
+ \fi
+ \def\line{\hbox to\onec@lhsize}%
+ \let\pagebody=\twoc@lpagebody
+ \ytexoutput
+ \global\vsize=\twoc@lvsize
+ \unvbox\@cclv
+ \penalty\outputpenalty}
+\def\twoc@lsupereject {%
+ \ifnum\insertpenalties>\z@ % something is being held over
+ \hbox{}\kern-\topskip\nobreak\vskip 0pt plus.5\vsize\penalty-200%
+ \hbox{}\kern-\topskip\nobreak\vskip 0pt plus.5\vsize\supereject\fi}
+\def\twoc@lpagebody {%
+ \vbox{\twoc@lpagecontents}}
+\def\twoc@lpagecontents {%
+ \dimen@i=\ht\partialp@ge \advance\dimen@i\ht\z@
+ \ifvoid\topfloat\else
+ \dimen@=\ht\topfloat \advance\dimen@\dp\topfloat
+ \unvbox\topfloat
+ \ifdim \dimen@>\z@ \ifdim\dimen@i>\z@ \the\topsep\fi\fi
+ \fi
+ \unvbox\partialp@ge
+ \wd\z@=\hsize \wd\@ne=\hsize
+ \hbox to\onec@lhsize{\box\z@\hfil\box\@ne}
+ \ifvoid\botfloat\else
+ \dimen@=\ht\botfloat \advance\dimen@\dp\botfloat
+ \ifdim \dimen@>\z@ \ifdim\dimen@i>\z@ \the\botsep\fi\fi
+ \unvbox\botfloat
+ \fi}
+\def\balancec@ls {%
+ \setbox\z@=\vbox{\unvbox\@cclv}%
+ \dimen@=\ht\z@ \advance\dimen@ by\topskip \advance\dimen@ by-\baselineskip
+ \divide\dimen@ by2 \splittopskip=\topskip \splitmaxdepth=\maxdimen
+ {\vbadness=10000
+ \loop \global\setbox\tw@=\copy\z@ \global\setbox\@ne=\vsplit\tw@ to\dimen@
+ \ifdim\ht\tw@>\dimen@ \global\advance\dimen@ by\p@ \repeat}
+ \setbox\z@=\vbox to\dimen@{\unvbox\@ne}%
+ \setbox\@ne=\vbox to\dimen@{\unvbox\tw@}%
+ \global\output={\balancing@rror}
+ \unvbox\partialp@ge
+ \wd\z@=\hsize \wd\@ne=\hsize
+ \hbox to\onec@lhsize{\box\z@\hfil\box\@ne}}
+\def\balancing@rror {%
+ \errhelp={Please change the page into one that works.}%
+ \errmessage{Page can't be balanced.}%
+ \def\line{\hbox to\onec@lhsize}%
+ \def\pagebody{\vbox{\unvbox\@cclv}}%
+ \ytexoutput}
+% complete double columns
+\def\setupdoublecolumn {%
+ \trimpagesfalse
+ \def\pageeject{%
+ \filpage\iffirstc@l \else \line{}\filpage \fi}%
+ \baselinefactor={1.2}\setnormalbaselines
+ \spaceskip=.3333em plus .3333em minus .1666em
+ \xspaceskip=.3333em plus .6666em minus .0833em
+ \advance\parskip by 0pt plus 2pt
+ \setupdoublecolumnhook}
+\def\setupdoublecolumnhook {}
+\def\begindoublecolumn {%
+ \begingroup
+ \onec@lhsize=\hsize
+ \output={\box\@cclv=\voidb@x}%
+ \eject
+ \output={\doublec@lout}%
+ \global\firstc@ltrue
+ \hsize=.5\hsize \advance\hsize by-.5\columnskip
+ \setupdoublecolumn}
+\def\enddoublecolumn {%
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+ \message{indexes,}
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+ \message {citations,}
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+ \fi
+ \expandafter\ifx \csname @cr-#1\endcsname \relax
+ \expandafter\def\csname @cr-#1\endcsname{??}%
+ \ywarning{{Citation #1 undefined}}%
+ \fi}
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+ \c@te{#1}%
+ \csname @cr-#1\endcsname}
+\def\explicitcite #1#2{%
+ \c@te{#1}%
+ #2}
+\def\citation #1{\relax}
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+ \@input{\jobname.bbl}{\ywarning{{No file \jobname.bbl}}}%
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+ \@input{#2.bbl}{\ywarning{{No file #2.bbl}}}}
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+ \expandafter\ifx \csname @lr-#1\endcsname \relax
+ \expandafter\def\csname @lr-#1\endcsname{??}%
+ \ywarning{{Reference #1 undefined}}%
+ \else
+ \csname @lr-#1\endcsname
+ \fi}
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+ \expandafter\ifx \csname @lrp-#1\endcsname \relax
+ \expandafter\def\csname @lrp-#1\endcsname{??}%
+ \ywarning{{Page reference #1 undefined}}%
+ \else
+ \csname @lrp-#1\endcsname
+ \fi}
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+ \edef\next{#2}%
+ \expandafter\ifx \csname @lr-#1\endcsname \relax
+ \ywarning{{Label #1 defined as \next}}%
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\let\csname @lr-#1\endcsname=\next
+ \writel@bel{\string\deflabel{#1}{\csname @lr-#1\endcsname}{\the\pageno}}}
+\def\deflabel #1#2#3{%
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+ \message{initialization,}
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