path: root/obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/lgraph
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/lgraph
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/lgraph')
2 files changed, 489 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/lgraph/lgraph.p b/obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/lgraph/lgraph.p
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2029add6f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/lgraph/lgraph.p
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+(* This program simulates a graph environment for LaTeX. Using a list of *)
+(* parameters, it generates LaTeX commands to produce a complete graph. *)
+(* see the latexgraph.doc file for detailed documentation. *)
+(* author:Sunil Podar, podar@sbcs.csnet, ...!{allegra,philabs}!sbcs!podar *)
+(* Please quote the following date when sending bug reports. *)
+(* last update: Feb 2, 1987 (fixed bugs: wasn't doings things right when *)
+(* (0,0) was not on the graph. Also removed the printing of *)
+(* a few of the margin commands from preamble. *)
+(* last update: Oct 5, 1986 *)
+program main (input,output);
+const delim = '@'; (* Latex never uses @ except for \@ for a little *)
+ (* space before a sentence-ending period *)
+ maxchar = 'F';(* maximum types of characters permitted for plotchar*)
+ (* A..F i.e. 6 distinct chars permitted *)
+type wholeline = packed array[1..80] of char;
+ tenchar = packed array[1..10] of char;
+ ninechar = packed array[1..9] of char;
+ twochar = packed array[1..2] of char;
+ plotstufftype = record
+ chardef : wholeline;
+ charname : wholeline
+ end;
+ plotstuff : array['A'..maxchar] of plotstufftype;
+ error1,itsreal :boolean;
+ picwd,picht,pos,Xdeltabar,
+ Ydeltabar,i,Xlegloc,Ylegloc,Xdeltanum,Ydeltanum : integer;
+ Xaxisstrg,Yaxisstrg,capstring,blank80,labelname,fontname : wholeline;
+ legendloc,captiontwo,prepost : twochar;
+ string,blank10,captiontype,fignumber : tenchar;
+ plotchar,c : char;
+ string9 : ninechar;
+ Xscalegraph,Yscalegraph : integer;
+ XGorig,YGorig,XP1orig,YP1orig,XP2orig,YP2orig : integer;
+ Xscalereal,Yscalereal,xreality, yreality, xgraph, ygraph,
+ unitlngth,textwd,Xorignum,Yorignum,deln,num : real;
+procedure strreadline(var commandstr: wholeline);
+var charac:char;
+ i : integer;
+ endoffile, endofline:boolean;
+ i:=1;
+ endoffile :=false;
+ endofline:=false;
+ commandstr:=blank80;
+ repeat
+ read(charac);
+ if (i < 80) then commandstr[i] := charac; (* 80th char remains @ *)
+ i := i+1;
+ if eof then endoffile :=true
+ else if eoln then endofline :=true
+ until (endoffile or endofline);
+ if (i <= 80) then commandstr[i] := delim;
+ if not endoffile then readln
+end; (*strreadline*)
+procedure strreadword(var string: tenchar; var string9: ninechar);
+var charac:char;
+ i : integer;
+ i:=1;
+ string:=blank10;
+ read(charac);
+ repeat
+ string[i] := charac;
+ read(charac);
+ i := i+1
+ until ((charac = '/') or (charac = ' ') or (i > 10) or eoln);
+ (* so I'm reading the / without assigning it to string, neat *)
+ if (eoln and (i <=10)) then string[i]:= charac;
+ (* a kluge, to capture the last charac when using this procedure to *)
+ (* read the argument. normally I use it only for parameters. *)
+ for i:= 1 to 9 do string9[i] := string[i]
+end; (*strreadword*)
+procedure strwrite(str: wholeline);
+var i : integer;
+i := 1;
+while (str[i] <> delim) do
+ begin
+ write(str[i]); i := i+1
+ end
+procedure legendread;
+var i : integer;
+ temp : twochar;
+ temp := ' ';
+ legendloc := ' '; i := 0;
+ if (not eoln) then
+ repeat
+ i := i+1; read(legendloc[i]);
+ until (eoln) or (i >= 2) or (legendloc[i] = '/');
+ if (not eoln) then if (legendloc[i] <> '/') then read(temp[1]);
+ if (temp[1] = '/') or (legendloc[i] = '/')
+ then readln(Xlegloc,Ylegloc)
+ else readln
+end; (* legendread *)
+(* in the following procedures, the boolean var XorY: true => X & false => Y*)
+procedure putbars(XorY:boolean; Xpos, Ypos, deltabar, distance: integer);
+var times: integer;
+ times := distance div abs(deltabar);
+ if times > 0 then
+ if XorY (* X *)
+ then writeln('\multiput(',Xpos:1,',',Ypos:1,')(',
+ deltabar:1,',0){',times:1,'}{\line(0,1){2}}')
+ else writeln('\multiput(',Xpos:1,',',Ypos:1,')(0,',
+ deltabar:1,'){',times:1,'}{\line(1,0){2}}');
+end; (* putbars *)
+(* see a note about putnumbers in the main program. *)
+(* because we may have real numbers, we can't use a counter *)
+(* in conjunction with a \multiput statement. *)
+procedure putnumbers(XorY:boolean; fixedpos, initpos:integer;
+ initnum, deln:real; deltanum:integer; limit:real);
+var pos: integer;
+ num: real;
+ num:=initnum; pos:= initpos;
+ if (abs(num) - round(abs(num) - 0.5)) > 0 then itsreal := true;
+ while abs(pos) < abs(limit) do
+ begin
+ if XorY then (* X *)
+ write('\put(',pos:1,',',fixedpos:1,'){\makebox(0,0)[t]{')
+ else write('\put(',fixedpos:1,',',pos:1,'){\makebox(0,0)[r]{');
+ if itsreal then writeln(num:1:2,'}}')
+ else writeln(trunc(num):1,'}}');
+ pos := pos + deltanum;
+ num := num + deln
+ end;
+end; (* putnumbers *)
+begin(* main *)
+ (*----------------------------------*)
+ (* Initializations & default values *)
+ (*----------------------------------*)
+ error1 := false;
+ itsreal:=false;
+ for i := 1 to 10 do blank10[i] := ' ';
+ for i := 1 to 79 do blank80[i] := ' '; blank80[80] := delim;
+ captiontype := blank10; captiontype := 'no '; (*default 'no' *)
+ fignumber := blank10;
+ fontname := blank80; (* just playing it safe *)
+ fontname := '{normalsize}'; fontname[13] := delim;
+ labelname := blank80; labelname[1] := 'n'; (* default 'no' *)
+ prepost := 'no';
+ unitlngth := 1.0;
+ picwd := 100; picht := 100; XP1orig := 0; YP1orig := 0;
+ legendloc := 'no';
+ Xscalegraph := 10; Xscalereal := 10;
+ Yscalegraph := 10; Yscalereal := 10;
+ Xdeltabar := 5; Xdeltanum := 10;
+ Ydeltabar := 5; Ydeltanum := 10;
+ Xorignum := 0;
+ Yorignum := 0;
+ for c := 'A' to maxchar do
+ begin
+ plotstuff[c].chardef[1] := 'n'; (* default value is 'no' *)
+ plotstuff[c].charname := blank80;
+ plotstuff[c].charname[1] := c;
+ plotstuff[c].charname[2] := delim
+ end;
+ Xlegloc := -999999;
+ Ylegloc := -999999;
+ strreadword(string, string9);
+ while string <> '%%%%%%%%%%' do
+ begin
+ if string = '%pre&post?' then readln(prepost[1])
+ else if string = '%unitlngth' then readln(unitlngth)
+ else if string = '%font-name' then strreadline(fontname)
+ else if string = '%picdimens' then readln(picwd,picht,XP1orig,YP1orig)
+ else if string = '%??caption' then begin
+ strreadword(captiontype, string9);
+ readln
+ end
+ else if string = '%fignumber' then begin
+ strreadword(fignumber, string9);
+ readln
+ end
+ else if string = '%Xaxisstrg' then strreadline(Xaxisstrg)
+ else if string = '%Yaxisstrg' then strreadline(Yaxisstrg)
+ else if string = '%capstring' then strreadline(capstring)
+ else if string = '%labelname' then strreadline(labelname)
+ else if string = '%legendloc' then legendread
+ else if string = '%Xdeltab:n' then readln(Xdeltabar,Xdeltanum)
+ else if string = '%Xoriginum' then readln(Xorignum)
+ else if string = '%Ydeltab:n' then readln(Ydeltabar,Ydeltanum)
+ else if string = '%Yoriginum' then readln(Yorignum)
+ else if string = '%Xratiog:r' then readln(Xscalegraph,Xscalereal)
+ else if string = '%Yratiog:r' then readln(Yscalegraph,Yscalereal)
+ else if string9 = '%plotchar' then
+ strreadline(plotstuff[string[10]].chardef)
+ else if string9 = '%plotname' then
+ strreadline(plotstuff[string[10]].charname)
+ else begin
+ readln;writeln;
+ writeln('**********************************************');
+ writeln('error: unknown string: "',string,'"');
+ writeln('**********************************************');
+ error1:=true
+ end;
+ string := blank10;
+ strreadword(string, string9)
+ end; (* while *)
+ readln; (* this readln is to finish reading the %%%%%.. line*)
+ if not error1 then
+ begin
+ textwd := picwd*unitlngth + 15.0; (* in mm *)
+ if (textwd < 170) then textwd := 170;
+ if textwd >240
+ then begin
+ writeln('% *****************************************************');
+ writeln('% max-possible-picwd is about 240mm which will have ');
+ writeln('% to be in Landscape. You''ll have to reduce scales.');
+ writeln('% *****************************************************')
+ end
+ else if textwd > 170 then
+ begin
+ writeln('% *****************************************************');
+ writeln('% *****************************************************')
+ end;
+ if prepost[1] = 'y' then
+ begin
+ writeln('\documentstyle{article}');
+ writeln('\setlength{\textwidth}{',textwd:1:2,'mm}');
+ writeln('\pagestyle{empty} % => no page number ');
+ writeln('\begin{document}');
+ writeln;
+ end; (* end prepost *)
+ write('\newcommand{\xaxis}{'); strwrite(Xaxisstrg);
+ writeln('} % the literal for X-axis');
+ write('\newcommand{\yaxis}{'); strwrite(Yaxisstrg);
+ writeln('} % the literal for Y-axis');
+ c := 'A';
+ while (plotstuff[c].chardef[1] <> 'n') and (c <= maxchar) do
+ begin
+ write('\newcommand{\pchar',c,'}');
+ strwrite(plotstuff[c].chardef); writeln;
+ c := chr(ord(c) + 1)
+ end;
+ writeln;
+ write('\begin'); strwrite(fontname); writeln; (* fontname contains braces*)
+ writeln('\begin{figure}[p] %you might want different options here');
+ (* XGorig & YGorig refer to the origin of the graph. *)
+ (* XP1orig & YP1orig refer to the bottom-left origin of the picture box.*)
+ (* XP2orig & YP2orig refer to the bottom-right corner of the picture box.*)
+ (* see if (0,0) is on the graph or not *)
+ XGorig := 0; YGorig := 0;
+ if XP1orig >= 0 then XGorig := XP1orig
+ else if (picwd + XP1orig) < 0 then XGorig := XP1orig + picwd;
+ if YP1orig >= 0 then YGorig := YP1orig
+ else if (picht + YP1orig) < 0 then YGorig := YP1orig + picht;
+ XP2orig := picwd + XP1orig;
+ YP2orig := picht + YP1orig;
+ writeln('\unitlength = ',unitlngth:1:2,'mm');
+ writeln('\begin{center}');
+ writeln('\begin{picture}(',(picwd+10):1,',',(picht+10):1,')(',
+ (XP1orig-5):1,',',(YP1orig-5):1,')');
+ (* need a box of +10 on both axes to account for -10 origins & to *)
+ (* get proper centering *)
+ writeln('\thicklines');
+ (* plot the horizontal axis *)
+ if (XP2orig - XGorig) > 0 then
+ begin
+ writeln('\put(',XGorig:1,',',YGorig:1,'){\vector(1,0){',
+ abs(XP2orig-XGorig):1,'}}');
+ writeln('\put(',(XP2orig+2):1,',',YGorig:1,'){\makebox(0,0)[l]{X}}')
+ end;
+ if (XGorig - XP1orig) > 0 then
+ begin
+ writeln('\put(',XGorig:1,',',YGorig:1,'){\vector(-1,0){',
+ abs(XGorig-XP1orig):1,'}}');
+ writeln('\put(',(XP1orig-2):1,',',YGorig:1,
+ '){\makebox(0,0)[r]{X}}')
+ end;
+ (* plot the vertical axis *)
+ if (YP2orig - YGorig) > 0 then
+ begin
+ writeln('\put(',XGorig:1,',',YGorig:1,'){\vector(0,1){',
+ abs(YP2orig-YGorig):1,'}}');
+ writeln('\put(',XGorig:1,',',(YP2orig+2):1,'){\makebox(0,0)[b]{Y}}')
+ end;
+ if (YGorig - YP1orig) > 0 then
+ begin
+ writeln('\put(',XGorig:1,',',YGorig:1,'){\vector(0,-1){',
+ abs(YGorig-YP1orig):1,'}}');
+ writeln('\put(',XGorig:1,',',(YP1orig-2):1,
+ '){\makebox(0,0)[t]{Y}}')
+ end;
+ writeln('\thinlines');
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ (*the following put numbers & bars along X-axis and Y-axis *)
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ putbars(true,XGorig,(YGorig-1),Xdeltabar,abs(XP2orig-XGorig));
+ putbars(true,XGorig,(YGorig-1),-Xdeltabar,abs(XGorig-XP1orig));
+ putbars(false,(XGorig-1),YGorig,Ydeltabar,abs(YP2orig-YGorig));
+ putbars(false,(XGorig-1),YGorig,-Ydeltabar,abs(YGorig-YP1orig));
+(* Before invoking putnumbers, we must explicitly check if it needs to
+ be invoked at all. This is because in the procedure putnumbers I use
+ absolute values as the stopping condition for while loop.
+ We use absolute values in the procedure so as to handle plotting
+ numbers on both the positive and negative halves of the axes.
+ deln below represents the delta graph units corresponding to X|Ydeltanum.
+ writeln('% Add a line similar to next one if number at origin desired.');
+ deln := (Xscalereal*Xdeltanum) / Xscalegraph;
+ pos := XGorig + Xdeltanum; num:=Xorignum + deln;
+ if pos < XP2orig then
+ putnumbers(true,(YGorig-2),pos,num,deln,Xdeltanum,XP2orig);
+ pos := XGorig - Xdeltanum; num:=Xorignum - deln;
+ if pos > XP1orig then
+ putnumbers(true,(YGorig-2),pos,num,-deln,-Xdeltanum,XP1orig);
+ deln := ( Yscalereal*Ydeltanum) / Yscalegraph;
+ pos := YGorig + Ydeltanum; num:=Yorignum + deln;
+ if pos < YP2orig then
+ putnumbers(false,(XGorig-2),pos,num,deln,Ydeltanum,YP2orig);
+ pos := YGorig - Ydeltanum; num:=Yorignum - deln;
+ if pos > YP1orig then
+ putnumbers(false,(XGorig-2),pos,num,-deln,-Ydeltanum,YP1orig);
+ (***********************)
+ (* put the legend box *)
+ (***********************)
+ if (legendloc <> 'no') then
+ begin (* and if it is then obviously do nothing *)
+ if (Xlegloc = -999999) and (Ylegloc = -999999) then
+ begin (* implies explicit coordinates not specified *)
+ (* if they are then they are set in legendread *)
+ Xlegloc := picwd div 2; (* default is center *)
+ Ylegloc := picht div 2; (* default is center *)
+ if (legendloc[1] = 't') or (legendloc[2] = 't')
+ then if YP2orig > 0 then Ylegloc := picht else Ylegloc := picht-10;
+ if (legendloc[1] = 'b') or (legendloc[2] = 'b')
+ then if YP1orig >= 0 then Ylegloc := 10 else Ylegloc := 0;
+ if (legendloc[1] = 'l') or (legendloc[2] = 'l')
+ then if XP1orig >= 0 then Xlegloc := 10 else Xlegloc := 0;
+ if (legendloc[1] = 'r') or (legendloc[2] = 'r')
+ then if XP2orig > 0 then Xlegloc := picwd else Xlegloc := picwd-10;
+ Xlegloc := Xlegloc + XP1orig;
+ Ylegloc := Ylegloc + YP1orig
+ end;
+ write('\put(',Xlegloc:1,',',Ylegloc:1,'){\makebox(0,0)');
+ i:= 1; write('[');
+ while (i <= 2) do
+ begin
+ if (legendloc[i] <> ' ') and (legendloc[i] <> '/') then
+ write(legendloc[i]);
+ i:=i+1
+ end;
+ write(']');
+ writeln('{\fbox{\shortstack[l]{');
+ c:='A';
+ while (plotstuff[c].chardef[1] <> 'n') and (c <= maxchar) do
+ begin
+ write(' {\makebox(4,2)[lb]{\put(2,1){\pchar',c,'}}}: ');
+ strwrite(plotstuff[c].charname); writeln('\\');
+ c := chr(ord(c) + 1)
+ end;
+ writeln(' {\makebox(4,4)[b]{X}}: \xaxis \\');
+ writeln(' {\makebox(4,2)[b]{Y}}: \yaxis');
+ writeln(' }}}}')
+ end; (* not 'no' of legendloc*)
+ (* put the caption if explicit *)
+ captiontwo[1]:=capstring[1];
+ captiontwo[2]:=capstring[2];
+ if captiontype[1] = 'e' then (* "e"xplicit, anything else other than *)
+ (* "L" for LaTeX => no *)
+ if captiontwo = 'YX' then
+ begin
+ writeln('% if the caption line is longer than the graphwidth, comment');
+ writeln('% out the second line and use first one. you might have to');
+ writeln('% fiddle with the width of parbox in the second stmt.');
+ write('%\put(',XP1orig:1,',',(YP1orig-18):1,
+ '){\makebox(',picwd:1,',0)[tl]{');
+ writeln('Figure ',fignumber,'$\!$: \parbox[t]{',(textwd-32):1:1,'mm}{%');
+ write('\put(',XP1orig:1,',',(YP1orig-18):1,
+ '){\makebox(',picwd:1,',0)[t]{');
+ writeln('Figure ',fignumber,'$\!$: {%');
+ writeln('%\yaxis\ vs.\ \xaxis}}}')
+ end
+ else (* means explicit string is specified *)
+ begin
+ write('%\put(',XP1orig:1,',',(YP1orig-18):1,
+ '){\makebox(',picwd:1,',0)[tl]{');
+ writeln('Figure ',fignumber,'$\!$: \parbox[t]{',(textwd-32):1:1,'mm}{%');
+ write('\put(',XP1orig:1,',',(YP1orig-18):1,
+ '){\makebox(',picwd:1,',0)[t]{');
+ writeln('Figure ',fignumber,'$\!$: {%');
+ strwrite(capstring); writeln;
+ writeln('}}}');
+ end;
+ writeln('% beginning of data');
+ while not eof do
+ begin
+ readln(plotchar,xreality,yreality);
+ xgraph := (xreality*Xscalegraph)/Xscalereal;
+ ygraph := (yreality*Yscalegraph)/Yscalereal;
+ writeln('\put(',xgraph:1:5,',',ygraph:1:5,'){\pchar',plotchar,'}')
+ end;
+ writeln('% end of data');
+ writeln('\end{picture}');
+ writeln('\end{center}');
+ (* put the LaTeX \caption if so specified *)
+ if captiontype[1] = 'L' then (* "L"aTeX . if it is not = 'L' or 'e'*)
+ (* then interpreted as 'no' *)
+ begin
+ writeln('% if the caption line is longer than the graphwidth,use a');
+ writeln('% \parbox[t]{}{.......} like statement for the argument');
+ writeln('% with suitable args for parbox to get things centered.');
+ if captiontwo = 'YX'
+ then begin
+ writeln('% You might want to add a [] to \caption below.');
+ writeln('\caption{\protect\normalsize \yaxis\ vs.\ \xaxis }')
+ end
+ else begin
+ writeln('\caption{\protect\normalsize ');
+ strwrite(capstring); writeln;
+ writeln('}')
+ end;
+ if labelname[1] = '{' then (* anything else => 'no' *)
+ begin
+ write('\label'); strwrite(labelname); writeln
+ (* labelname contains the braces *)
+ end
+ end;
+ writeln('\end{figure}');
+ writeln; (* a blank line is supposedly needed before \end fontname *)
+ (* so says the latex manual *)
+ write('\end'); strwrite(fontname); writeln; (* fontname contains braces *)
+ writeln;
+ if prepost[1] = 'y' then
+ writeln('\end{document}');
+ end (* not error1 *)
diff --git a/obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/lgraph/lgraph.skel b/obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/lgraph/lgraph.skel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23e1fb1b20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/lgraph/lgraph.skel
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+%unitlngth 1.0
+%picdimens 140 120 -70 -60
+%Xaxisstrg/Number of Hops.
+%Yaxisstrg/\%age of Hops
+%capstring/Half-Length of Symmetric Intervals as \%-age of Lifetime means
+%Xratiog:r 10 10
+%Xdeltab:n 5 10
+%Xoriginum 0
+%Yratiog:r 10 10
+%Ydeltab:n 5 10
+%Yoriginum 0
+%plotnameA/Message Switching
+%plotnameB/Circuit Switching
+A 20 20
+A 20 -20
+A -20 20
+A -20 -20
+B 30 10
+B 30 -10
+B -30 10
+B -30 -10