path: root/macros/xetex/latex/langsci/langsci-optional.sty
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/xetex/latex/langsci/langsci-optional.sty
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/xetex/latex/langsci/langsci-optional.sty')
1 files changed, 441 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/xetex/latex/langsci/langsci-optional.sty b/macros/xetex/latex/langsci/langsci-optional.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a835d260af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/xetex/latex/langsci/langsci-optional.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+%% File: langsci-optional.sty
+%% Author: Language Science Press (
+%% Date: Date: 2019-03-31 13:12 UTC
+%% Purpose: This file contains useful, but not essential,
+%% macros for books using langscibook.cls
+%% Language: LaTeX
+%% Licence:
+% Heiko Oberdiek
+ \begingroup
+ \sbox0{\ignorespaces#1\unskip}%
+ \leavevmode
+ \ifdim\wd0>\linewidth
+ \hbox to\linewidth{%
+ \hss\resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{\copy0 }\hss
+ }%
+ \else
+ \copy0 %
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \begingroup
+ \sbox0{\ignorespaces#1\unskip}%
+ \leavevmode
+ \ifdim\wd0>\linewidth
+ \hbox to\linewidth{%
+ \hss\resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{\copy0 }\hss
+ }%
+ \else
+ \centerline{\copy0 }%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+% Helps to fit verbatim onto one line:
+ {\SaveVerbatim{rlwv}}
+ {\endSaveVerbatim
+ \sbox0{\BUseVerbatim{rlwv}}
+ \begingroup\center % don't add indentation
+ \ifdim\wd0>\linewidth
+ \resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{\copy0}%
+ \else
+ \copy0
+ \fi
+ \endcenter\endgroup}
+% verbatim with RTL text
+\is{package!{\scshape #1}}%
+\is{package!{\scshape #1}|fn{*}}%
+% breaks the index
+\index{#1@{\ttfamily $\backslash$#1}}%
+\is{{#1@\ttfamily $\backslash$#1}|fn{*}}%
+ \DescribeMacro{#2}\centerline{\cmd{#1}}}
+% \mex considered evil, as we need explicit reference to examples in XML
+% % The following allows for a quick reference to following or preceeding examples (\mex{1}) or
+% % (\mex{0}) but also (\mex{-1})
+% % taken from covington.sty (check)
+% \newcounter{lsptempcnt}
+% \newcommand{\mex}[1]{\setcounter{lsptempcnt}{\value{equation}}%
+% \addtocounter{lsptempcnt}{#1}%
+% \arabic{lsptempcnt}}%
+ \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{#1}
+%add intonation bars over morphemes or words
+%add rising or falling intonation
+ \parbox{.1mm}{\begin{picture}(0,0)%
+ \put(0,#1){\line(#2,-1){#3}}%
+ \end{picture}%
+ }%
+%% rotated table headers
+% create lengths
+%width is the width of the parbox
+%height is the buffer space used to vertically stretch the headere
+ \begin{rotate}{33}~ %nbsp shifts the content away from the line underneath
+ \parbox{\rotwidth}{\raggedright #2}
+ \end{rotate}%
+ \rule{0pt}{\rotheight} %add zero width rule to get the right table height
+% example metadata
+\newcommand{\langinfo}[3]{{\upshape #1\il{#1}~(%
+\newcommand{\langinfoverb}[3]{{\upshape #1~(% langinfo without index marker
+% integrate see also in multiple indexes
+\def\igobble#1 {}
+\newcommand{\ilsa}[2]{\il{#1@\igobble | langsciseealso{#2}}}
+\newcommand{\issa}[2]{\is{#1@\igobble | langsciseealso{#2}}}
+\newcommand{\iasa}[2]{\ia{#1@\igobble | langsciseealso{#2}}}
+ {\tabularx{#1\textwidth}}
+ {\endtabularx}
+\newcommand{\citetv}[1]{\citeauthor{#1} (\citeyear*{#1} [this volume])}
+\newcommand{\citepv}[1]{(\citealt{#1} [this volume])}
+% Vowel chart tikz commands
+ \node at (1.5,0) (a) {a};
+ \node at (0,3) (i) {i};
+ \node at (3,3) (u) {u};
+ \node at (0.5,1.5) (e) {e};
+ \node at (2.5,1.5) (o) {o};
+ \node at (1.5,0) (a) {a};
+ \node at (0,3) (i) {i};
+ \node at (3,3) (u) {u};
+ \node at (0.25,2) (e) {e};
+ \node at (2.75,2) (o) {o};
+ \node at (0.75,1) (E) {ε};
+ \node at (2.25,1) (O) {ɔ};
+%no hyphenation left alingned
+%no hyphenation right aligned
+%no hyphenation centered
+%no hyphenation fixed width
+%no hyphenation centered fixed width
+%no hyphenation right aligned fixed width
+% Underlining in gb4e-example Environments. Usual underlining commands that span multiple words do not work, because gb4e would parse it as one word.
+% Example: \underline{My example phrase} should become \ulp{My}{~~~~~} \ulp{example}{~~~~~} \ule{phrase}
+% Note: The 2nd Argument of the \ulp command is filled in by experience - if you are not familiar with the command, you should experiment a bit. Usually, five tildes are enough, but be sure to check the outcome.
+% \ule is meant to be the last word in a phrase that is underlined. Therefore, \ule does not have an extra length.
+\newcommand{\ulp}[2]{%#1: stuff to underline, #2: extra length to skip the whitespace between to components
+ \settowidth{\LSPTmp}{#1}%
+ % several boxes are need to assure that words with ascending and descending letters are underlined at the same
+ % level, leading to the impression of a continuous stroke
+ \parbox[t]{\LSPTmp}{ %restrict first box to the length of first argument
+ \settowidth{\fulllength}{\parbox{\LSPTmp}{~}\parbox{#2mm}{~}} %inner box is larger than outerbox, so underlining will extend beyond length of outer box
+ % align parbox to bottom
+ % | mbox to prevent hyphenation
+ \uline{\parbox[b]{\fulllength}{\mbox{#1}}}
+ }
+\newcommand{\ule}[1]{%#1: stuff to underline, no extra length
+ \ulp{#1}{0}
+ }
+% vertical alignment of numbered example
+ \ea
+ \parbox[t]{.8\textwidth}{
+ \vspace{#1}
+ #2
+ }
+ \z
+ \ex
+ \parbox[t]{.8\textwidth}{
+ \vspace{#1}
+ #2
+ }
+%fix \verb error in biblatex
+\newcommand{\rephrase}[2]{{\color{yellow!30!black}#2}\todo{replaced `#1'}}
+\newcommand{\missref}[2][]{\todo[#1]{missing reference #2}}
+ {\list{}{\leftmargin=#1\rightmargin=0pt}\item[]}%
+ {\endlist}
+\newcommand{\phonrule}[3]{#1 $\to$ #2 / #3}
+%connect two elements with lines
+ \tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
+ \draw[-,thick] (#1) -- (#2) node {}; %
+ }
+ \let\eachwordone=\upshape
+ \exfont{\upshape}
+ \let\eachwordone=\itshape
+ \exfont{\itshape}
+\newenvironment{modquote}[1][6mm]% slightly less indented quote for hyphenation issues
+ {\list{}{\leftmargin=#1\rightmargin=0mm}\item[]}%
+ {\endlist}
+%%%% Experimental feature for pointing out moving things. %%%%
+%%%% Buggy? Write to: %%%%
+\NewDocumentCommand\ConnectTail{m O{\thelsConnectTempGroup}}{%read: mandatory arg #1, optional argument #2 with the current group counter as its default value.
+ \edef\lsConnectTempPosition{#2}%\edef expands the argument, which means reading the current value of the counter.
+ {\tikz[remember picture,
+ anchor=base, baseline,
+ inner xsep=0pt,
+ inner ysep=-.5ex]\node (ConnectTempTail\lsConnectTempPosition) {\strut{}#1};}%\strut for baseline
+\NewDocumentCommand\ConnectHead{s O{1ex} m O{\thelsConnectTempGroup}}{%read: star #1, optional argument (distance of arrow from text= std. one x-height), mand. arg. (node text), optional argument #2, the group specifier
+ \edef\lsConnectTempPosition{#4}%
+ \stepcounter{lsConnectTempGroup}%We have a match, let's update the group counter
+ {\tikz[remember picture,
+ anchor=base, baseline,
+ inner xsep=0pt,
+ inner ysep=-.5ex] \node (ConnectTempHead\lsConnectTempPosition) {\strut{}#3};%
+ \tikz[remember picture] \draw[% we have a tail and a head, let's bring them together
+ \IfBooleanTF#1{{Triangle[]}-}{-{Triangle[]}},% Check if the starred version is used. The starred version is right->left, the normal version left->right
+ overlay] (ConnectTempTail\lsConnectTempPosition.south) -- ++(0,-#2) -| (ConnectTempHead\lsConnectTempPosition.south);
+ }%
+%%%% Extras for use in (some) edited volumes %%%%
+% for chapters without abstract
+% for papers that have appendices, a replacement for \appendix.
+% Usage: \begin{paperappendix} \section{Title} ... \end{paperappendix
+% Will result in "Appendix A: Title"
+ \let\oldthesection\thesection%
+ \let\oldsectionformat\sectionformat%
+ \setcounter{paperappendixsection}{0}%
+ \def\thesection{\Alph{paperappendixsection}}%
+ \def\sectionformat{\stepcounter{paperappendixsection}\appendixname\ \thesection:\enskip}%
+ }{%
+ \let\thesection\oldthesection%
+ \let\sectionformat\oldsectionformat}
+%%%% %%%%%
+%%%% PLOTS %%%%%
+%%%% %%%%%
+% \newcommand{\barplot}[4]{%
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \begin{axis}[
+% xlabel={#1},
+% ylabel={#2},
+% axis lines*=left,
+% width = \textwidth,
+% height = .3\textheight,
+% nodes near coords,
+% xtick=data,
+% x tick label style={},
+% ymin=0,
+% symbolic x coords={#3},
+% ]
+% \addplot+[ybar,lsRichGreen!80!black,fill=lsRichGreen] plot coordinates {
+% #4
+% };
+% \end{axis}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% }
+% \usepackage{pgfmath,pgfplotstable}
+% \newcommand{\langsciplot}[2]{%% experimental
+% \pgfplotstablegetcolsof{#1.csv}
+% \pgfmathsetmacro{\langscicsvlength}{\pgfplotsretval-1}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}[trim axis right,trim axis left]
+% \begin{axis}[
+% #2,
+% xtick=data,
+% axis lines*=left,
+% nodes near coords,
+% ymin=0,
+% width=\textwidth]
+% \foreach \i in {0,...,\langscicsvlength} {
+% \addplot[
+% /pgf/number format/read comma as period
+% ] table [x index={0},y index={\i}] {#1.csv};
+% }
+% \end{axis}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% }
+\newcommand{\LSfrac}[1]{{\addfontfeature{Fractions=On}#1}}% Use the fraction glyphs shipped with Libertine. The argument is n/m, where n and m are integers
+% Provide a raised tie bar for diphthongs and affricates with ascenders