path: root/macros/text1/cms_help_files
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2024-01-31 03:01:01 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2024-01-31 03:01:01 +0000
commit79e1bbc1ad6b308aa2074540b2afd43b6a72ce03 (patch)
tree32074e03eec88cf72e5973ddff176a0534c77dff /macros/text1/cms_help_files
parent084f5d8435744b7ea7ef487ec111a7bfd100ed62 (diff)
CTAN sync 202401310301
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/text1/cms_help_files')
277 files changed, 0 insertions, 11688 deletions
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1--footn.help4--f b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1--footn.help4--f
deleted file mode 100644
index fc45137071..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1--footn.help4--f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \footnotestyle COMMAND |
-The \footnotestyle command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set the numbering style for the
-footnotes. The format for the \footnotestyle command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \footnotestyle{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is one of four possible values:
- 1 which gives numbered footnotes 1, 2, 3, etc.
- (1) which gives numbered footnotes included in parentheses (1), (2)
- a which gives lettered footnotes a, b, c, etc.
- (a) which gives lettered footnotes enclosed in parentheses (a), (b)
-The \footnotestyle default is \footnotestyle{(1)}
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1--verti.helpvert b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1--verti.helpvert
deleted file mode 100644
index 872fadaa4f..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1--verti.helpvert
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \verticalspace (\vs) COMMAND |
-The \verticalspace (\vs) command will leave the specified amount of space or
-the specified number of blank lines in the text. This command will also force
-the following text into a new paragraph. The format for the \verticalspace
-(\vs) command is:
- \verticalspace{x}
-Where "x" is the number of blank lines or space you wish to leave. For
- \verticalspace{4\bl}
-will leave four blank lines, and
- \verticalspace{2in}
-will leave two inches of blank space.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/10noter.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/10noter.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index a67f3982ae..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/10noter.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \notereferencefont COMMAND |
-The \notereferencefont command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine the font in which the
-footnote reference numbers in the text of the notes are printed. The format
-for the \notereferencefont command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \notereferencefont{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is some font designations such as \bf, \it, \littlefont, etc.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/11noter.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/11noter.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b39bf09ae..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/11noter.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \notereferencestyle COMMAND |
-The \notereferencestyle command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine the style in which the
-footnote reference numbers within the notes are printed. There are six
-possible note numbering styles:
- \notereferencestyle{1} for numbered footnotes "1, 2, 3, ..."
- \notereferencestyle{1.} for numbered footnotes "1., 2., 3., ..."
- \notereferencestyle{(1)} for numbered footnotes "(1), (2), (3), ..."
- \notereferencestyle{a} for lettered footnotes "a, b, c, ..."
- \notereferencestyle{a.} for lettered footnotes "a., b., c., ..."
- \notereferencestyle{(a)} for lettered footnotes "(a), (b), (c), ..."
-The format for the \notereferencestyle command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \notereferencestyle{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is one of the six valid style designations given above. The default
-is \notereferencestyle{1}.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/12noter.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/12noter.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index c74fb65186..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/12noter.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \notereferencegutter COMMAND |
-The \notereferencegutter command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine the amount of space between
-the footnote reference number and the text of the footnotes. The format for
-the \notereferencegutter command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \notereferencegutter{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is any number and valid TeX measurement (in, pc, pts, etc.).
-\notereferencegutter{1em} is the default and will give one emspace between the
-footnote reference numbers and the text of the notes.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1block.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1block.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index e0c19a24b8..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1block.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \blockquotebegin (\bqb) COMMAND |
-The \blockquotebegin (\bqb) command will begin a new paragraph and indent the
-following text the amount of the current paragraph indentation on both the left
-and right margins. If the current paragraph indentation value is zero, the
-indentation for the block quote will be one-half inch. The format for the
-\blockquotebegin (\bqb) command is:
- \blockquotebegin
- tttttt
- tttttt
- tttttt
- \blockquoteend
-Where the "tttttt" designates the text included as the block quote. The
-\blockquotebegin (\bqb) command is always used in conjunction with the
-\blockquoteend (\bqe) command.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1every.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1every.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index af55b6bbd7..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1every.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \everyfootnote COMMAND |
-The \everyfootnote command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set options for the paragraph format
-within the footnote. The format for the \fortmatfootnote command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \everyfootnote{options
- }}
-Where "options" is one or more of the following.
- \paragraphindent \paragraphskip \leftindent
- \rightindent \rightragged \interlineskip
- \singlespace \doublespace font changes
- \justify
-For more information on any of these options see the help screen under the
-markup menu for that particular command.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1everye.helpendn b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1everye.helpendn
deleted file mode 100644
index de87d7cf5d..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1everye.helpendn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \everyendnote COMMAND |
-The \everyendnote command is always used in conjunction with the \endnoteformat
-(\enf) command, and will set options for the paragraph format within the
-endnote. The format for the \everyendnote command is:
- \endnoteformat{
- \everyendnote{options
- }}
-Where "options" is one or more of the following.
- \paragraphindent \paragraphskip \leftindent
- \rightindent \rightragged \interlineskip
- \singlespace \doublespace font changes
- \justify
-For more information on any of these options see the help screen under the
-markup menu for that particular command.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1everyf.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1everyf.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index ecd02acc90..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1everyf.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \everyfootnote COMMAND |
-The \everyfootnote command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set options for the paragraph format
-within the footnote. The format for the \everyfootnote command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \everyfootnote{options
- }}
-Where "options" is one or more of the following.
- \paragraphindent \paragraphskip \leftindent
- \rightindent \rightragged \interlineskip
- \singlespace \doublespace font changes
- \justify
-For more information on any of these options see the help screen under the
-markup menu for that particular command.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1numbe.helpsubh b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1numbe.helpsubh
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ba197b3e8..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1numbe.helpsubh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \numberingstyle COMMAND |
-The \numberingstyle command is always used in conjunction with the
-\subheadbformat command and will set the style of numbering for the subheadb
-titles. The format for the \numberingstyle command is:
- \subheadbformat{\numberingstyle{xxx}
- }
-where "xxx" is A, 1, or I. The default \numberingstyle for subheadb is
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1number.helpsubh b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1number.helpsubh
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f2fe89806..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/1number.helpsubh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \numberingstyle COMMAND |
-The \numberingstyle command is always used in conjunction with the
-\subheadaformat command and will set the style of numbering for the subheada
-titles. The format for the \numberingstyle command is:
- \subheadaformat{\numberingstyle{xxx}
- }
-where "xxx" is A, 1, or I. The default \numberingstyle for subheada is
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2--footn.help4--f b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2--footn.help4--f
deleted file mode 100644
index 24d6dbb6ca..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2--footn.help4--f
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \footnotereferencefont COMMAND |
-The \footnotereferencefont command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnotereferenceformat command, and establishes what font will be used to set
-the footnote reference numbers. The format for the \footnotereferencefont
-command is:
- \footnotereferenceformat{
- \footnotereferencefont{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is a valid font style (\sf, \bf, \it, etc.). The default footnote
-reference font is the standardface font.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2--verti.helpvert b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2--verti.helpvert
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b10e91285..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2--verti.helpvert
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \verticalspacekeep (\vsk) COMMAND |
-The \verticalspacekeep (\vsk) command will leave vertical space at the
-beginning of a page or for a figure, plate, table, or any other reason when you
-need to have the entire space specified kept intact. If the specified space
-will not fit on the current page, it will be printed at the top of the
-following page and the remaining current page will remain blank, causing you to
-receive an underfull vbox warning. The \verticalspacekeep (\vsk) format is:
- \verticalspacekeep{xx}
-Where "xx" is the amount of vertical space expressed in any valid TeX
-measurement (pt, pc, in, etc.) or in number of lines to be left for the figure.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2block.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2block.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e72dd23cf..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2block.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \blockquoteend (\bqe) COMMAND |
-The \blockquoteend (\bqe) command ends a block quote and starts a new
-paragraph. The format for the \blockquoteend (\bqe) command is:
- \blockquotebegin
- tttttt
- tttttt
- tttttt
- \blockquoteend
-Where the "tttttt" designates the text included as the block quote. The
-\blockquoteend (\bqe) command is always used in conjunction with the
-\blockquotebegin (\bqb) command.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2footn.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2footn.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index f20d126e79..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2footn.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \footnotedivider COMMAND |
-The \footnotedivider command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set the length for the line that
-divides the page text from the beginning of the footnote text. The format for
-the \footnotedivider command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \footnotedivider{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is any valid TeX measurement (pt, pc, in, etc.). For example,
- \footnoteformat{
- \footnotedivider{1.5in}
- }
-would make the horizontal rule before the footnote text to be one and one-half
-inches long.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2footno.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2footno.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index f20d126e79..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2footno.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \footnotedivider COMMAND |
-The \footnotedivider command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set the length for the line that
-divides the page text from the beginning of the footnote text. The format for
-the \footnotedivider command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \footnotedivider{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is any valid TeX measurement (pt, pc, in, etc.). For example,
- \footnoteformat{
- \footnotedivider{1.5in}
- }
-would make the horizontal rule before the footnote text to be one and one-half
-inches long.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2skipbe.helpendn b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2skipbe.helpendn
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f7d5f5372..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2skipbe.helpendn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \skipbefore COMMAND |
-The \skipbefore command is always used in conjunction with the \endnoteformat
-(\enf) command, and will set the amount of vertical space before the endnotes
-are printed. The format for the \skipbefore command is:
- \endnoteformat{
- \skipbefore{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is expressed in \baselines or any valid TeX measurement (pt, pc, in,
-etc.). For example,
- \endnoteformat{
- \skipbefore{1.5in}
- }
-would put one and one-half inches of vertical space before the beginning of the
-endnote text.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2title.helpsubh b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2title.helpsubh
deleted file mode 100644
index 98cab4d1b5..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/2title.helpsubh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \titleformat COMMAND |
-The \titleformat command is always used in conjunction with the \subheadbformat
-command and will set options for the subheadb titles. The format for the
-\titleformat command is:
- \subheadbformat{\titleformat{
- \vsk{24pt}
- {\it \subheadbtitle}
- \vs{12pt}}
- }
-This is the default for \titleformat. Each \subheadb command will space down 24
-points, print the \subheadbtitle in italics and space down 12 points to resume
-with the text.
-For more information on the \subheadbtitle command, see the help screen under
-the markup menu for that particular command.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3befor.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3befor.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index 98eb00954f..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3befor.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \beforefootnoteskip COMMAND |
-The \beforefootnoteskip command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set the amount of vertical space
-between the page text and the footnote divider. The format for the
-\beforefootnoteskip command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \beforefootnoteskip{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is any valid TeX measurement (pt, pc, in, etc.). For example,
- \footnoteformat{
- \beforefootnoteskip{1.5in}
- }
-would put one and one-half inches of vertical space between the page text and
-the footnote dividing rule.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3block.helpmenu b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3block.helpmenu
deleted file mode 100644
index b8517f05b6..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3block.helpmenu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-A file may be selected for viewing by placing the cursor under any character
-of the file wanted and pressing the PF 1 key. A MENU file is indicated when
-a name is preceded by an asterisk (*). If you are using a terminal that
-doesn't have a CURSOR or PF KEYS then you MUST TYPE in the COMPLETE HELP
-COMMAND with operands and options. For a description of the operands and
-options type HELP HELP.
-skipafter (space after block quotes)
-skipbefore (space before block quotes)
-blockquoteparagraphformat (establishing paragraph options
- within block quotes)
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3every.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3every.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a2445ec78..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3every.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \everyblockquote COMMAND |
-The \everyblockquote command is always used in conjunction with the
-\blockquoteformat (\bqf) command, and will set options for the paragraph format
-within the blockquote. The format for the \everyblockquote command is:
- \blockquoteformat{
- \everyblockquote{options
- }}
-Where "options" is one or more of the following.
- \paragraphindent \paragraphskip \interlineskip
- \justify \rightragged font changes
- \singlespace \doublespace \leftindent
- \rightindent
-For more information on any of these options see the help screen under the
-markup menu for that particular command.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3incon.helpsubh b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3incon.helpsubh
deleted file mode 100644
index e58c80f034..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3incon.helpsubh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \incontents COMMAND |
-The \incontents command is always used in conjunction with the \subheadbformat
-command and will determine whether subheadb titles are included in the Table of
-Contents. The format for the \incontents command is:
- \subheadbformat{
- \incontents{yes}
- }
-By default, the subheadb titles will not be included in the Table of Contents.
-If you want the subheadb titles included in the Table of Contents, enter
-\incontents{yes} within the \subheadbformat command.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3incont.helpsubh b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3incont.helpsubh
deleted file mode 100644
index b5f4b3d717..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3incont.helpsubh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \incontents COMMAND |
-The \incontents command is always used in conjunction with the \subheadaformat
-command and will determine whether subheada titles are included in the Table of
-Contents. The format for the \incontents command is:
- \subheadaformat{
- \incontents{yes}
- }
-By default, the subheada titles will be included in the Table of Contents. If
-you do not want the subheada titles included in the Table of Contents, enter
-\incontents{no} within the \subheadaformat command.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3skipb.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3skipb.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index bc6ebaf65d..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3skipb.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \skipbeforedivider COMMAND |
-The \skipbeforedivider command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set the amount of vertical space
-between the page text and the footnote divider. The format for the
-\skipbeforedivider command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \skipbeforedivider{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is expressed in \baselines or any valid TeX measurement (pt, pc, in,
-etc.). For example,
- \footnoteformat{
- \skipbeforedivider{1.5in}
- }
-would put one and one-half inches of vertical space between the page text and
-the footnote dividing rule.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3skipbe.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3skipbe.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index bc6ebaf65d..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3skipbe.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \skipbeforedivider COMMAND |
-The \skipbeforedivider command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set the amount of vertical space
-between the page text and the footnote divider. The format for the
-\skipbeforedivider command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \skipbeforedivider{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is expressed in \baselines or any valid TeX measurement (pt, pc, in,
-etc.). For example,
- \footnoteformat{
- \skipbeforedivider{1.5in}
- }
-would put one and one-half inches of vertical space between the page text and
-the footnote dividing rule.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3textre.helpendn b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3textre.helpendn
deleted file mode 100644
index 2649fb0153..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/3textre.helpendn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \textreferenceposition COMMAND |
-The \textreferenceposition command is always used in conjunction with the
-\endnoteformat (\enf) command, and will determine whether the endnote reference
-number within the text is a superscript number or not. The format for the
-\textreferenceposition command is:
- \endnoteformat{
- \textreferenceposition{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is either "up" or "down". \textreferenceposition{up} will give
-superscript numbers for the endnote reference numbers within the text.
-\textreferenceposition{down} will give print the endnote reference numbers
-within the text on the baseline.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4footn.helpmenu b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4footn.helpmenu
deleted file mode 100644
index e0ab64ea02..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4footn.helpmenu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-A file may be selected for viewing by placing the cursor under any character
-of the file wanted and pressing the PF 1 key. A MENU file is indicated when
-a name is preceded by an asterisk (*). If you are using a terminal that
-doesn't have a CURSOR or PF KEYS then you MUST TYPE in the COMPLETE HELP
-COMMAND with operands and options. For a description of the operands and
-options type HELP HELP.
-1--footnotestyle (the numbering style of the footnotes)
-2--footnotereferencefont (the font used to set footnote
- reference numbers)
-3--precede (positioning of the footnote reference number before word)
-4--follow (positioning the footnote reference number after the word)
-5--superscript (superscript footnote reference numbers)
-6--notsuperscript (footnote reference numbers not superscript)
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4refer.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4refer.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index 08e7cd3e11..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4refer.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \referenceposition COMMAND |
-The \referenceposition command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine whether the footnote
-reference number is a superscript number or not. The format for the
-\referenceposition command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \referenceposition{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is either "up" or "down". \referenceposition{up} will give
-superscript numbers for the footnote reference numbers.
-\referenceposition{down} will give regular-sized footnote reference numbers.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4skipaf.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4skipaf.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index ba168c90f2..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4skipaf.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \skipafterdivider COMMAND |
-The \skipafterdivider command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will set the amount of vertical space
-between the footnote divider and the beginning of the text of the first
-footnote. The format for the \skipafterdivider command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \skipafterdivider{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is expressed in \baselines or any valid TeX measurement (pt, pc, in,
-etc.). For example,
- \footnoteformat{
- \skipafterdivider{5pt}
- }
-would put five points of vertical space between the the footnote dividing rule
-and the text of the first footnote.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4skipb.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4skipb.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index c1430e9b33..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4skipb.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \skipbefore COMMAND |
-The \skipbefore command is always used in conjunction with the
-\blockquoteformat (\bqf) command, and will set the amount of vertical space
-that is to be skipped before the blockquote begins. The format for the
-\skipbefore command is:
- \blockquoteformat{
- \skipbefore{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is the amount of space desired, expressed in number of lines or any
-legal TeX measurement (pt, pc, in, etc.). The amount of space indicated in the
-\skipbefore command will be added to the current paragraph skip before
-beginning the first paragraph of the blockquote.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4textre.helpendn b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4textre.helpendn
deleted file mode 100644
index f80277833c..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/4textre.helpendn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \textreferencefont COMMAND |
-The \textreferencefont command is always used in conjunction with the
-\endnoteformat (\enf) command, and will determine the font in which the endnote
-reference numbers in the text are printed. The format for the
-\textreferencefont command is:
- \endnoteformat{
- \textreferencefont{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is some font designations such as \bf, \it, \littlefont, etc.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5refer.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5refer.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f70c16e4e..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5refer.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \referenceplacement COMMAND |
-The \referenceplacement command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine whether the footnote
-reference number is placed before or after the footnote reference word. The
-format for the \referenceplacement command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \referenceplacement{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is either "before" or "after". \referenceplacement{after} will
-place the footnote reference number after the word. \referenceplacement{before}
-will place the footnote reference number before the word referenced.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5skipa.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5skipa.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a4794e3a1..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5skipa.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \skipafter COMMAND |
-The \skipafter command is always used in conjunction with the \blockquoteformat
-(\bqf) command, and will set the amount of vertical space that is to be skipped
-after the last paragraph of the blockquote ends. The format for the \skipafter
-command is:
- \blockquoteformat{
- \skipafter{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is the amount of space desired, expressed in number of lines or any
-legal TeX measurement (pt, pc, in, etc.). The amount of space indicated in the
-\skipafter command will be added to the current paragraph skip after ending the
-last paragraph of the blockquote and before beginning the next paragraph of the
-regular text.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5textre.helpendn b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5textre.helpendn
deleted file mode 100644
index 96e3aab143..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5textre.helpendn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \textreferencestyle COMMAND |
-The \textreferencestyle command is always used in conjunction with the
-\endnoteformat (\enf) command, and will determine the style in which the
-endnote reference numbers within the text are printed. There are six possible
-text numbering styles:
- \textreferencestyle{1} for numbered endnotes "1, 2, 3, ..."
- \textreferencestyle{[1]} for numbered endnotes "[1], [2], ..."
- \textreferencestyle{(1)} for numbered endnotes "(1), (2), (3), ..."
- \textreferencestyle{a} for lettered endnotes "a, b, c, ..."
- \textreferencestyle{[a]} for lettered endnotes "[a], [b] ..."
- \textreferencestyle{(a)} for lettered endnotes "(a), (b), (c), ..."
-The format for the \textreferencestyle command is:
- \endnoteformat{
- \textreferencestyle{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is one of the six valid style designations given above. The default
-is \textreferencestyle{[1]}.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5textre.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5textre.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index 518c8f518d..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/5textre.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \textreferenceposition COMMAND |
-The \textreferenceposition command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine whether the footnote
-reference number within the text is a superscript number or not. The format
-for the \textreferenceposition command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \textreferenceposition{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is either "up" or "down". \textreferenceposition{up} will give
-superscript numbers for the footnote reference numbers within the text.
-\textreferenceposition{down} will give print the footnote reference numbers
-within the text on the baseline.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6notere.helpendn b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6notere.helpendn
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c6002625d..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6notere.helpendn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \notereferenceposition COMMAND |
-The \notereferenceposition command is always used in conjunction with the
-\endnoteformat (\enf) command, and will determine whether the endnote reference
-number within the text of the endnotes is a superscript number or not. The
-format for the \notereferenceposition command is:
- \endnoteformat{
- \notereferenceposition{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is either "up" or "down". \notereferenceposition{up} will give
-superscript numbers for the endnote reference numbers in the notes.
-\notereferenceposition{down} will give print the endnote reference numbers in
-the notes on the baseline.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6refer.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6refer.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index 55dda0ef13..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6refer.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \referencefont COMMAND |
-The \referencefont command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine the font in which the
-footnote reference numbers are printed. The format for the \referencefont
-command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \referencefont{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is some font designations such as \bf, \it, \littlefont, etc.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6textre.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6textre.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index 79eb463bae..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/6textre.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \textreferenceplacement COMMAND |
-The \textreferenceplacement command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine whether the footnote
-reference number within the text is placed before or after the footnote
-reference word. The format for the \textreferenceplacement command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \textreferenceplacement{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is either "before" or "after". \textreferenceplacement{after} will
-place the footnote reference number after the word in the text.
-\textreferenceplacement{before} will place the footnote reference number before
-the referenced word in the text.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7notere.helpendn b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7notere.helpendn
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b29d46327..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7notere.helpendn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \notereferencefont COMMAND |
-The \notereferencefont command is always used in conjunction with the
-\endnoteformat (\enf) command, and will determine the font in which the endnote
-reference numbers in the text of the notes are printed. The format for the
-\notereferencefont command is:
- \endnoteformat{
- \notereferencefont{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is some font designations such as \bf, \it, \littlefont, etc.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7refer.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7refer.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index a3d8622991..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7refer.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \referencestyle COMMAND |
-The \referencestyle command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine the style in which the
-footnote reference numbers are printed. There are four possible numbering
- \referencestyle{1} for numbered footnotes "1, 2, 3, ..."
- \referencestyle{(1)} for numbered footnotes "(1), (2), (3), ..."
- \referencestyle{a} for lettered footnotes "a, b, c, ..."
- \referencestyle{(a)} for lettered footnotes "(a), (b), (c), ..."
-The format for the \referencestyle command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \referencestyle{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is one of the four valid style designations given above. The
-default is \referencestyle{(1)}.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7textre.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7textre.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index b827caaa77..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/7textre.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \textreferencefont COMMAND |
-The \textreferencefont command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine the font in which the
-footnote reference numbers in the text are printed. The format for the
-\textreferencefont command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \textreferencefont{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is some font designations such as \bf, \it, \littlefont, etc.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/8notere.helpendn b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/8notere.helpendn
deleted file mode 100644
index 0728adcc36..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/8notere.helpendn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \notereferencestyle COMMAND |
-The \notereferencestyle command is always used in conjunction with the
-\endnoteformat (\enf) command, and will determine the style in which the
-endnote reference numbers within the notes are printed. There are six possible
-note numbering styles:
- \notereferencestyle{1} for numbered endnotes "1, 2, 3, ..."
- \notereferencestyle{[1]} for numbered endnotes "[1], [2] ..."
- \notereferencestyle{(1)} for numbered endnotes "(1), (2), (3), ..."
- \notereferencestyle{a} for lettered endnotes "a, b, c, ..."
- \notereferencestyle{[a]} for lettered endnotes "[a], [b] ..."
- \notereferencestyle{(a)} for lettered endnotes "(a), (b), (c), ..."
-The format for the \notereferencestyle command is:
- \endnoteformat{
- \notereferencestyle{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is one of the six valid style designations given above. The default
-is \notereferencestyle{1}.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/8textre.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/8textre.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cef5c7d45..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/8textre.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \textreferencestyle COMMAND |
-The \textreferencestyle command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine the style in which the
-footnote reference numbers within the text are printed. There are six possible
-text numbering styles:
- \textreferencestyle{1} for numbered footnotes "1, 2, 3, ..."
- \textreferencestyle{1.} for numbered footnotes "1., 2., 3., ..."
- \textreferencestyle{(1)} for numbered footnotes "(1), (2), (3), ..."
- \textreferencestyle{a} for lettered footnotes "a, b, c, ..."
- \textreferencestyle{a.} for lettered footnotes "a., b., c., ..."
- \textreferencestyle{(a)} for lettered footnotes "(a), (b), (c), ..."
-The format for the \textreferencestyle command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \textreferencestyle{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is one of the six valid style designations given above. The default
-is \textreferencestyle{1}.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/9notere.helpendn b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/9notere.helpendn
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c9007ef54..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/9notere.helpendn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \notereferencegutter COMMAND |
-The \notereferencegutter command is always used in conjunction with the
-\endnoteformat (\enf) command, and will determine the amount of space between
-the endnote reference number and the text of the endnotes. The format for the
-\notereferencegutter command is:
- \endnoteformat{
- \notereferencegutter{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is any number and valid TeX measurement (in, pc, pts, etc.).
-\notereferencegutter{1em} is the default and will give one emspace between the
-endnote reference numbers and the text of the notes.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/9notere.helpfoot b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/9notere.helpfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index beddf74b27..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/9notere.helpfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \notereferenceposition COMMAND |
-The \notereferenceposition command is always used in conjunction with the
-\footnoteformat (\fnf) command, and will determine whether the footnote
-reference number within the text of the footnotes is a superscript number or
-not. The format for the \notereferenceposition command is:
- \footnoteformat{
- \notereferenceposition{xx}
- }
-Where "xx" is either "up" or "down". \notereferenceposition{up} will give
-superscript numbers for the footnote reference numbers in the notes.
-\notereferenceposition{down} will give print the footnote reference numbers in
-the notes on the baseline.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aen.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aen.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 00b597ddac..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aen.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-| autoendnote |
-Abbreviation: ã|\aenã%
-Parameters: ã|textã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \autoendnote markup adds notes to the end of a document or the end
-of a chapter. It has one parameter, the text of the endnote, which it
-places in working storage to be printed when called by \printendnotes. An
-endnote reference number is placed in the text where the markup occurred.
-By default this reference number is surrounded by square brackets. The
-endnote number will be automatically incremented by one for each use of
- ã|Example:ã%
-There is a well-marked division of
-labor.\autoendnote{Such as it is. Things could be
-different in the geological world, but they are not.}
-Details of organization have evolved by an
-optimization . . .
-| |
-| There is a well-marked division of labor.[1] Details of organization |
-| have evolved by an optimization . . . |
-| |
-The endnote printed following the next \printendnotes markup would look
-| |
-| 1. Such as it is. Things could be different in the geological world, but |
-| they are not. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-You cannot use \autoendnote within \settabs, \vbox, \hbox, \asisbegin,
-\drawbox, \paragraphbox, \label, \part, \chapter, \centerline, \halign,
-\rightlinesbegin, or \centerlinesbegin.
- The endnote number is reset to 1 at the beginning of each part. To
-reset the endnote number outside of a \part, use the \setendnotenumber
- Use the \endnoteformat markup to change the \autoendnote style.
- There are occasions when you need to include a very long endnote. If
-the endnote exceeds 2,048 characters in length, you will need to split the
-note into two parts as follows. First, at the beginning of your document
-you will need to include a special definition for a new markup. You may
-give it any name you choose. For this example, we'll define a markup called
-\continue. Enter these three lines at the top of the document:
-Next, break the endnote into paragraphs of not more than 2,048 characters
-each. In the source below, the sentence beginning "First paragraph" is
-the first paragraph with not more than 2,048 characters, and the second
-paragraph beginning "Second paragraph" is the last paragraph of the endnote.
-line containt the note.\autoendnote{First paragraph
-of a very long endnote . . . }
-\continue{Second paragraph of the long endnote,
-which will print in the \printendnotes after
-the first paragraph}
-Sentence following the word "note."
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/afn.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/afn.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e764aa0b7..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/afn.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-| autofootnote |
-Abbreviation: ã|\afnã%
-Parameters: ã|textã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \autofootnote markup adds footnotes to a page. The footnote can be
-placed anywhere within text, without interrupting formatting. When the
-document is formatted, the place of the footnote is marked with a number.
-The text of the note is put at the bottom of the page. The footnote number
-will be automatically incremented by one for each use of \autofootnote.
- ã|Example:ã%
-communicate most important things --- hunger, alarm,
-rank, and sexual desire --- among themselves by
-means of nonsyntactical signals.\autofootnote{such
-as crashing together} Individuals are aware of
-members and nonmembers of their group.
-| |
-| communicate most important things --- hunger, alarm, rank, and sexual |
-| desire --- among themselves by means of nonsyntactical signals.(1) |
-| Individuals are aware of members and nonmembers of their group. |
-| |
-The footnote would print as follows at the bottom of the page:
-| 1. such as crashing together |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The text of the note must be enclosed with curly braces, otherwise following
-text will be taken as footnote text, until all available space for footnotes
-is exhausted.
- You cannot use \autofootnote within \settabs, \vbox, \hbox,
-\drawbox, \paragraphbox, \label, \part, \chapter, \centerline, \halign,
-\rightlinesbegin, or \centerlinesbegin.
- The footnote number is reset to 1 at the beginning of each part. To
-reset the footnote number outside of a \part, use the \setfootnotenumber
- To change the footnote style, use the \footnoteformat markup.
- When using \monospace, the footnote in the text of the document is
-surrounded by parenthesis, instead of superscripted. The previous \auto-
-footnote sample output would print as:
-| |
-| communicate most important things --- hunger, alarm, rank, and sexual |
-| desire --- among themselves by means of nonsyntactical signals.(1) |
-| Individuals are aware of members and nonmembers of their group. |
-| |
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aib.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aib.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index dc70ed9c37..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aib.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-| asisbegin |
-Abbreviation: ã|\aibã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \asisbegin markup forces the following text into an unformatted block.
-Each line is printed as it was entered. Line breaks and interword spacing
-are honored. TEXT1 markup within an "as is" sequence is limited to
-\verticalspace, \verticalspacekeep, \autofootnote, and font changes.
- ã|Example:ã%
-\centerline{Elements of the Spheres}
-Element Anthrosphere Lithosphere
-Oxygen 62.10 60.60
-Hydrogen 01.10 00.10
-Sodium 00.001 00.400
-| |
-| Elements of the Spheres |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| Element Anthrosphere Lithosphere |
-| Oxygen 62.10 60.60 |
-| Hydrogen 01.10 00.10 |
-| Sodium 00.001 00.400 |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The columns will only line up if you are using \monospace or \typewriter.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you use accents while in \asisbegin, you must surround the accented
-letter with curly braces.
-lowest common denominator.
-\centerline{\bd Outline}
-The Morality of Rock in the Fossil Record
- Elementary Concepts: Toasting the \c{C}rust
- Principles of Population Geology
-| lowest common denominator. |
-| |
-| |
-| Outline |
-| |
-| The Morality of Rock in the Fossil Record |
-| Elementary Concepts: Toasting the Crust |
-| Principles of Population Geology |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-With the monospaced font you can use the "as is" sequence to have TEXT1
-obey precisely your text placement, including space between words. With
-proportionally spaced fonts only the lead blanks would line up; blanks
-"inside" the text would be different widths (depending on the width of
-previous characters).
- Font changes within an \asisbegin may change the horizontal spacing.
- Every \asisbegin must have a matching \asisend.
- You cannot use \asisbegin within any of the following markup: \appen-
-dix, \autofootnote, \bibliography, \centerline, \chapter, \drawbox, \figure,
-\footnote, \item, \label, \marginnote, \paragraphbox, \part, \preface,
-\rightline, \runningheadformat, \runningfootformat, \subheada, \subheadb,
-\subheadc, \subheadd, or \tabletitle.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aie.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aie.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fd9d98509..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aie.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-| asisend |
-Abbreviation: ã|\aieã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \asisend markup ends an "as is" series.
- ã|Example:ã%
- This fortress built by Nature for herself
- Against infection and the hand of war,
- (Richard II)
-| |
-| This fortress built by Nature for herself |
-| Against infection and the hand of war, |
-| (Richard II) |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Each \asisend must have a matching \asisbegin. Omitting the ending \asisend
-will produce the following error message:
-(\end occurred inside a group at level 2)
-Output written on TEXT1$$.dvi (1 page, 436 bytes).
-Transcript written on TEXT1$$.texlog.
-See \asisformat to modify the defaults for \asisbegin and
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aif.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aif.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 17657f596f..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/aif.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-| asisformat |
-Abbreviation: ã|\aifã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\skipbefore, \everyasis, \skipafterã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \asisformat markup allows you to modify the "as is" block. The "as is"
-markup skips 1 blank line (a baseline) before and after the series. There
-is no indentation from the left.
-\skipbefore indicates how much space is to be skipped before printing a
-block. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips. The default skip
-is 6pt. If you are using \monospace, the default skip is 1\bl.
-\everyasis{Nested Markup} determines how the 'as is' text is printed. This
-submarkup is only valid within the asisformat markup. Spacing and font
-changes are allowed, but not justification, right indentation, or other
-paragraph information.
-\skipafter indicates how much space is to be skipped after printing a
-block. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips. The default skip
-is 6pt. If you are using \monospace, the default skip is 1\bl.
- ã|Example:ã%
-In this example, the "as is" text is to be indented 7 picas from the left
-margin, the text is to be printed in ten point typewriter, and 4 points
-skipped before and after.
- \everyasis{\leftindent{7pc}\tenpt\tt}
- \skipafter{4pt}}
-Consider my favorite breakfast recipe:
-\cl{\bd Muckles}
-3 eggs beaten
-1 cp cream
-1 cp flour
-1/4t baking powder
-1 T sugar
-pinch of salt
-bacon (optional)
-Heat butter or bacon in frying pan.
-Pour all of
-the batter into the pan. Cook approximately
-10 minutes at 375 degrees. Cut into pieces
-and serve hot with plenty of syrup.
-| |
-| Consider my favorite breakfast recipe: |
-| Muckles |
-| |
-| 3 eggs beaten |
-| 1 cp cream |
-| 1 cp flour |
-| 1/4t baking powder |
-| 1 T sugar |
-| pinch of salt |
-| bacon (optional) |
-| |
-| Heat butter or bacon in frying pan. Pour all of the batter into the |
-| pan. Cook approximately 10 minutes at 375 degrees. Cut into pieces and |
-| serve hot with plenty of syrup. |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \asisformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both are
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/anumbe.helpsubh b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/anumbe.helpsubh
deleted file mode 100644
index 7acf33349e..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/anumbe.helpsubh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \numberingstyle COMMAND |
-The \numberingstyle command is always used in conjunction with the
-\subheadcformat command and will set the style of numbering for the subheadc
-titles. The format for the \numberingstyle command is:
- \subheadcformat{\numberingstyle{xxx}
- }
-where "xxx" is A, 1, or I. The default \numberingstyle for subheadc is
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/anumber.helpsubh b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/anumber.helpsubh
deleted file mode 100644
index d1e541a8c8..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/anumber.helpsubh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \numberingstyle COMMAND |
-The \numberingstyle command is always used in conjunction with the
-\subheaddformat command and will set the style of numbering for the subheadd
-titles. The format for the \numberingstyle command is:
- \subheaddformat{\numberingstyle{xxx}
- }
-where "xxx" is A, 1, or I. The default \numberingstyle for subheadd is
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/apf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/apf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index cad86ce1cc..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/apf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-| appendixformat |
-Abbreviation: ã|\apfã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontentsã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \appendixformat markup allows you to modify the default markup that
-controls the appearance of the appendix title. The submarkup is described.
-\numberingstyle allows you to change the style from capital letters, the
-default, to Arabic numerals (1) or roman numerals (I).
- ã|Example:ã%
-If this were the fourth appendix, it would print as:
-| |
-| Appendix IV |
-| Glossary |
-| |
-\titleformat{Nested Markup} controls the appearance of the appendix title
-banner. You may use markup such as \newpage, \verticalspace, and \center-
-line within \titleformat as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within
-or outside of \appendixformat:
- * \appendixnumberprints the most recent appendix number.
- * \appendixtitleprints the most recent appendix title.
-\incontents determines whether the appendix title is to be included in the
-contents. The default can be changed to no to inhibit the appendix title
-from being included in the contents. See the second example below.
- ã|Example:ã%
-In this example, the appendix starts a new page, the number and title are
-centered in bold, and one line is skipped afterwards.
- \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
- \cl{\bd \appendixnumber. \appendixtitle}
- \vs{1\bl}
- }
- \incontents{yes}
- }
-This would print the fourth appendix as:
-| |
-| 4. Glossary |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-In this example, the appendix starts a new page (instead of using
-\dumpinsertseject, skips down the page 2 inches, centers the title in
-italics, and skips one line. The title is not put in contents.
- \titleformat{\newpage
- \vsk{2in}
- \cl{\it \appendixtitle}
- \vs{1\bl}}
- \incontents{no} }
-This would print the fourth appendix as:
-| |
-| Glossary |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \appendixformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both
-are used.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/app.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/app.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index a190f27416..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/app.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-| appendix |
-Abbreviation: ã|\appã%
-Parameters: ã|titleã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \appendix markup starts a new page, centers the title in bold and
-adds the title text to the table of contents. Appendices are lettered
-consecutively. This markup can be used as often as necessary.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Instead, let humanity strive to make good places,
-"eutopias," on earth, peacefully and in good spirit.
-\appendix{Calculations from "Nuclear Winter"}
-| |
-| Appendix A |
-| Calculations from "Nuclear Winter" |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Refer to the \appendixformat markup if you need to change the appendix
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/appendix.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/appendix.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index a72ac7f09e..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/appendix.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|APPENDIXã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/appendix.helpmenu b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/appendix.helpmenu
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e5ea240db..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/appendix.helpmenu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-| appendixformat |
- \titleformatÅ\dumpinsertseject
- \centerlineÅ\twelvept\bold
- Appendix \appendixnumberÌ
- \centerlineÅ\twelvept\bold\appendixtitleÌ
- \vsÅ 1\blÌ
- \setchapternumberÅ 0Ì
- \setsubheadanumberÅ 0Ì
- \setsubheadbnumberÅ 0Ì
- \setsubheadcnumberÅ 0Ì
- \setsubheaddnumberÅ 0Ì
- \setfigurenumberÅ 0Ì
- \settablenumberÅ 0Ì
- Ì
- \incontentsÅ yesÌ
-Abbreviation: ã|\apfã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontentsã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \appendixformat markup allows you to modify the default markup that
-controls the appearance of the appendix title. The submarkup is described.
-\numberingstyle allows you to change the style from capital letters, the
-default, to Arabic numerals (1) or roman numerals (I).
- ã|Example:ã%
-\appendixformatÅ \numberingstyleÅ IÌÌ
-\appendixÅ GlossaryÌ
-If this were the fourth appendix, it would print as:
-| |
-| Appendix IV |
-| Glossary |
-| |
-\titleformatÅNested MarkupÌ controls the appearance of the appendix title
-banner. You may use markup such as \newpage, \verticalspace, and \center-
-line within \titleformat as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within
-or outside of \appendixformat:
- * \appendixnumberprints the most recent appendix number.
- * \appendixtitleprints the most recent appendix title.
-\incontents determines whether the appendix title is to be included in the
-contents. The default can be changed to no to inhibit the appendix title
-from being included in the contents. See the second example below.
- ã|Example:ã%
-In this example, the appendix starts a new page, the number and title are
-centered in bold, and one line is skipped afterwards.
-\appendixformatÅ \numberingstyleÅ 1Ì
- \titleformatÅ \dumpinsertseject
- \clÅ \bd \appendixnumber. \appendixtitleÌ
- \vsÅ 1\blÌ
- Ì
- \incontentsÅ yesÌ
- Ì
-\appÅ GlossaryÌ
-This would print the fourth appendix as:
-| |
-| 4. Glossary |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-In this example, the appendix starts a new page (instead of using
-\dumpinsertseject, skips down the page 2 inches, centers the title in
-italics, and skips one line. The title is not put in contents.
- \titleformatÅ \newpage
- \vskÅ 2inÌ
- \clÅ \it \appendixtitleÌ
- \vsÅ 1\blÌÌ
- \incontentsÅ noÌ Ì
-\appÅ GlossaryÌ
-This would print the fourth appendix as:
-| |
-| Glossary |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \appendixformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both
-are used.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/asism.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/asism.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index cf6437cf5f..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/asism.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|ASIS-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the \asisformat
-and if you are using \monospace.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/asisp.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/asisp.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c3aeeea9b..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/asisp.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|ASIS-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the \asisformat
-and if you areã|notã%using \monospace.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bd.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bd.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 2522f00c01..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bd.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-| bold |
-Abbreviation: ã|\bdã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \bold markup sets the typeface to wide strokes, giving a heavy
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example changes "Parallels" bold. It is changed back with the \roman
-lowest common denominator.
-\bold\nin Parallels. \roman Consider for a
-moment rocks and deer . . .
-| |
-| lowest common denominator. |
-| Parallels. Consider for a moment rocks and deer . . . |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-The effects of the \bold markup can also be limited by curly braces.
-lowest common denominator.
-\nin{\bd Parallels}. Consider for a
-moment rocks and deer . . .
-| |
-| lowest common denominator. |
-| Parallels. Consider for a moment rocks and deer . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Note in the last example the period follows the right curly brace (}.).
-This is necessary to enable the extra spacing which normally follows
- Bold is often used for display titles or special emphasis.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bi.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bi.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 277feefcba..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bi.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-| bolditalic |
-Abbreviation: ã|\biã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \bolditalic markup sets the typeface to wide strokes and an italic
-slant, giving a heavy impression.
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example changes "Parallels" to bold italic. It is changed back with
-the \roman markup.
-lowest common denominator.
-\bolditalic\nin Parallels. \roman Consider for a
-moment rocks and deer . . .
-| |
-| lowest common denominator. |
-| Parallels. Consider for a moment rocks and deer . . . |
-| --------- |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-All font sets have \bolditalic defined as a valid type face. Not all font
-sets, however, have bolditalic available. Those font sets that do not
-have bolditalic will give the following warning message when you try to use
-\bolditalic or \bi:
-<TEXT1> Warning. No bold italic font in CM12. Will print italic font .)
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bib.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bib.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index c827c2717e..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bib.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-| bibliography |
-Abbreviation: ã|\bibã%
-Parameters: ã|titleã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \bibliography markup starts the bibliography on a new page, centers and
-prints the title in bold face, and enters the title in contents.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. {\it Mechanical Processes
-in the Human Geomechanism}. Winston: Geomedical
-Publications, International.
-Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's
-Stone." {\it Mining Truth}. 11:455--601.
-| |
-| References |
-| |
-| Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human Geomechanism. |
-| Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
-| |
-| Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's Stone." Mining Truth. |
-| 11:455--601. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-If you need to print your bibliography with a format different than the
-one illustrated above, refer to the discussion of the \bibliographyformat
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibentry.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibentry.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index a7106a2db9..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibentry.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \bibentry Markup |
-Description: The \bibentry markup is used to separate each entry in a
-bibliography with a vertical skip; an entry is in the form of a hanging
- \bibliography{Bibliography}
- ã|\bibentryã%
- Illite, Ivan. 1911. ''Pickingthe Philosopher's
- Stone.'' {\it Mining Truth}.11:455--601.
- ã|\bibentryã%
- \sameauthor
- 1978. ''Pet rocks astherapy tools.''
- {\it Geopsychology Today}. 10:71--78.
- ã|\bibentryã%
- Salt, Jean-Paul. 1958. {\itGravel and Nothingness:
- An Existential Theory}. Dayton:Gabbro Press.
- \par
-| |
-| Bibliography |
-| |
-| Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's Stone." Mining |
-| Truth. 11:455--601. |
-| 1978. "Pet rocks as therapy tools." Geopsychology Today. |
-| 10:71--78. |
-| |
-| Salt, Jean-Paul. 1958. Gravel and Nothingness: An Existential |
-| Theory. Dayton: Gabbro Press. |
-| |
-ã|Notes:ã%The series is ended with a \par markup. Without the \par an
- error results.
- You may use the \sameauthor markup to indicate that the author of one
- quotation is the same as the previous author.
- To disable the double spacing which normally follows punctuation, use
- the \frenchspacing markup. The example illustrated for the
- \bibliography markup was done using \frenchspacing.
- If you need to print yourbibliography with a format different than
- the one illustrated above, refer to the discussion of the
- \bibliographyformat markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibliog.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibliog.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index d8d0303319..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibliog.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|BIBLIOGã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibliogr.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibliogr.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 40eff62e82..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bibliogr.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-| \bibliography{title} |
-Description: The \bibliography markup starts the bibliography on a new
-page, centers and prints the title in bold face, and enters the title
-in the table of contents.
- Example:
- ã|\bibliography{ã%Referencesã|}ã%
- \frenchspacing
- \bibentry
- Grabens, Gruss M. 1970.{\it Mechanical Processes
- in the Human Geomechanism}.Winston: Geomedical
- Publications, International.
- \bibentry
- Illite, Ivan. 1911. ''Pickingthe Philosopher's
- Stone.'' {\it Mining Truth}.11:455--601.
- \par
-| References |
-| |
-| Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human |
-| Geomechanism. Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
-| |
-| Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's Stone." Mining |
-ã|Notes:ã%If you need to print your bibliography with a format different than
- the one illustrated above, refer to the discussion of the
- \bibliographyformat markup.
-| |
-| \bibliographyformat{\incontents{yes} |
-| \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject |
-| \cl{\twelvept\bd \bibtitle} |
-| \vs{\bl}} |
-| \everybibentry{\vs \bl}\goodbreak\hp\nin} |
-| \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex |
-| depth-.5ex}} |
-Parameters: submarkup
-Submarkup: \incontents, \titleformat, \everybibentry, \sameauthorrulesize
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bie.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bie.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index cda2435221..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bie.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-| bibentry |
-Abbreviation: ã|\bieã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \bibentry markup is used to separate each entry in a bibliography with a
-vertical skip; an entry is in the form of a hanging paragraph.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's
-Stone." {\it Mining Truth}. 11:455--601.
-1978. "Pet rocks as therapy tools."
-{\it Geopsychology Today}. 10:71--78.
-Salt, Jean-Paul. 1958. {\it Gravel and Nothingness:
-An Existential Theory}. Dayton: Gabbro Press.
-| |
-| Bibliography |
-| |
-| Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's Stone." Mining Truth. |
-| 11:455--601. |
-| |
-| ....1978. "Pet rocks as therapy tools." Geopsychology Today. 10:71--78. |
-| |
-| Salt, Jean-Paul. 1958. Gravel and Nothingness: An Existential Theory. |
-| Dayton: Gabbro Press. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The series is ended with a \par markup. Without the \par an error results.
- You may use the \sameauthor markup to indicate that the author of one
-citation is the same as the previous author.
- To disable the double spacing which normally follows punctuation, use
-the \frenchspacing markup. The example illustrated for the \bibliography
-markup was done using \frenchspacing.
- If you need to print your bibliography with a format different than the
-one illustrated above, refer to the discussion of the \bibliographyformat
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bif.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bif.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cbb983d68..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bif.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-| bibliographyformat |
-Abbreviation: ã|\bifã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\incontents, \titleformat, \everybibentry,
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \bibliographyformat markup controls the style of the entire
-bibliography. The following submarkup is only valid within \bif.
-\incontents by default adds the title text to the contents. The default is
-yes; to keep the title from appearing enter "no":
-\titleformat{Nested Markup} controls the format of the bibliography title.
-The default skips to a new page, centers the title in bold, and skips one
-line. You may use markup such as \newpage, \verticalspace, and \centerline
-within \titleformat as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within or
-outside of \bibliographyformat:
- * \bibtitleprints the title entered with the \bibliography markup.
-\everybibentry{Nested Markup} controls the format of each bibliographic
-entry. The default permits breaking between entries and creates a hanging
-paragraph for the entry. You may use markup such as \verticalspace,
-\hangingparagraph, \item, \goodbreak, \noindent, \label, \leftindent within
-\everybibentry as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within or outside
-of \bibliographyformat:
- * \bibnumberprints the current \bibentry number.
-\sameauthorrulesize sets the height, width, and depth of a horizontal line
-used to indicate a repeat of an author's name.
- ã|Example:ã%
-The following markup produces entries similar to the default but numbered.
-A period and a tie (tilde, for a connecting space) join the number to the
- \titleformat{\np
- \cl{\bd \bibtitle}
- \vs{\bl}
- }
- \everybibentry{\goodbreak\hp\nin\bibnumber.~}
- \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex depth-.5ex}
-Then when you use \bibentry, you would get:
-| |
-| 1. Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human |
-| Geomechanism. Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
-| 2. Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's Stone." Mining Truth. |
-| 11:455--601. |
-| 3. Moraine, Esker. 1978. "Pet rocks as therapy tools." Geopsychology |
-| Today. 10:71--78. |
-| 4. Salt, Jean-Paul. 1958. Gravel and Nothingness: An Existential |
-| Theory. Dayton: Gabbro Press. |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example also numbers entries, but it uses labels instead of hanging
-paragraphs. The \labelformat is changed under \titleformat to accommodate
-numbers. This layout is useful for bibliographies that use identifiers in
-place of numbers.
- \titleformat{\np\vsk{1in}
- \cl{\bd \bibtitle}
- \vs{\bl}
- \labelformat{\labelwidth{22pt}}}
- \everybibentry{\goodbreak\label{\bibnumber}}
- \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex depth-.5ex}}
-Then when you use \bibliography, you would get:
-| |
-| References |
-| |
-| 1. Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human |
-| Geomechanism. Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
-| |
-| 2. Salt, Jean-Paul. 1958. Gravel and Nothingness: An Existential |
-| Theory. Dayton: Gabbro Press. |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-You can specify in the \everybibentry markup that the bibentry number is to
-be surrounded by parenthesis or square brackets.
- \everybibentry{\goodbreak\label{(\bibnumber)}}
-| |
-| References |
-| |
-| (1) Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human |
-| Geomechanism. Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
-| |
-| (2) Salt, Jean-Paul. 1958. Gravel and Nothingness: An Existential |
-| Theory. Dayton: Gabbro Press. |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-You could also use \label to indicate citations that carry an alphanumeric
-label by omitting the parameter to \label in the \everybibentry markup.
-\bibliographyformat{\titleformat{\np\cl{\bd \bibtitle}
- \vs{\bl}
- \labelformat{\labelwidth{50pt}}}
- \everybibentry{\goodbreak\label}
- \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex depth-.5ex}}
-Then use the \bibentry markup as though it had a parameter:
-\bibentry {Grabe70}
-Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. {\it Mechanical Processes
-in the Human Geomechanism}. Winston: Geomedical
-Publications, International.
-Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's
-Stone." {\it Mining Truth}. 11:455--601.
-Moraine, Esker. 1978. "Pet rocks as therapy tools."
-{\it Geopsychology Today}. 10:71--78.
-and the citations will look like:
-| |
-| Citations |
-| |
-| Grabe70 Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human |
-| Geomechanism. Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
-| |
-| Illit11 Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's Stone." Mining |
-| Truth. 11:455--601. |
-| |
-| Morai78 Moraine, Esker. 1978. "Pet rocks as therapy tools." |
-| Geopsychology Today. 10:71--78. |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-Another popular style groups all of an author's citations together. This
-can be accomplished in a similar manner as previously defined. The
-difference being that the \rt markup is used.
- \cl{\bd \bibtitle}
- \vs{\bl}
- \labelformat{\labelwidth{50pt}}}
- \everybibentry{\goodbreak\label}
- \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex depth-.5ex}}
-\nin OSBORNE, J.S.
-{\it Introduction to Aesthetic Anthropology}. Boston, Ma:
-Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.
-A survey of tribal masks used by Brazilian tribes.
-Pages 160--169 in {\it Cultural Anthropology}.
-M. Zateh and F. Grange, eds. New York: Harper and Row.
-\nin OTTEN, C.M.
-{\it Anthropology and Art: Readings in Cross Cultural
-Aesthetics}. Garden City, N.Y.:
-The Natural History Press.
-and the citations will look like:
-| |
-| Citations |
-| |
-| OSBORNE, J.S. |
-| |
-| 1971. Introduction to Aesthetic Anthropology. Boston, Ma: Addison-Wesley |
-| Pub. Co. |
-| |
-| 1978. A survey of tribal masks used by Brazilian tribes. Pages 160--169 |
-| in Cultural Anthropology. M. Zateh and F. Grange, eds. New York: |
-| Harper and Row. |
-| OTTEN, C.M. |
-| |
-| 1971. Anthropology and Art: Readings in Cross Cultural Aesthetics. |
-| Garden City, N.Y.: The Natural History Press. |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-This final style makes use of an \everybibentry similar to the default. In
-this example, the paragraph and hanging indents are set to different values
-(by default they are equal). The other difference is that \noindent is
-\bibliographyformat{\titleformat{\np\cl{\bd \bibtitle}
- \vs{\bl}
- \psk{\bl}\pin{10pt}\hin{20pt}}
- \everybibentry{\par\goodbreak\hp\indent}
- \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex depth-.5ex}}
-\vs{\bl} \nin Asher67
-Asherson, G. L., and S. H. Stone. 1967.\linebreak
-Dessensitization {\it in vitro}. {\it Immunology}.
-13:469. {\it Cultural Anthropology}. M. Zateh and
-F. Grange, eds. New York: Harper and Row.
-\nin Cinad68
-Cinader, B., editor. 1968.\lbr
-Regulation of the Antibody Response. Charles C. Thomas,
-Publisher, Springfield, Ill.
-and the citations will look like:
-| |
-| Bibliography |
-| |
-| Asher67 |
-| Asherson, G. L., and S. H. Stone. 1967. |
-| Dessensitization in vitro. Immunology. 13:469. Cultural Anthropology. |
-| M. Zateh and F. Grange, eds. New York: Harper and Row. |
-| |
-| Cinad68 |
-| Cinader, B., editor. 1968. |
-| Regulation of the Antibody Response. Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, |
-| Springfield, Ill. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \bibliographyformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if
-both are used.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bothpage.helpmenu b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bothpage.helpmenu
deleted file mode 100644
index d635af3511..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bothpage.helpmenu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
- Menu for BOTHPAGES Commands -- TEXT1
-A file may be selected for viewing by placing the cursor under any character
-of the file wanted and pressing the PF 1 key. A MENU file is indicated when
-a name is preceded by an asterisk (*). If you are using a terminal that
-doesn't have a CURSOR or PF KEYS then you MUST TYPE in the COMPLETE HELP
-COMMAND with operands and options. For a description of the operands and
-options type HELP HELP.
-runningheadformat (running top title options)
-runningfootformat (running bottom title options)
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomma.helppage b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomma.helppage
deleted file mode 100644
index d9ee022c0d..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomma.helppage
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \bottommargin (\bma) COMMAND |
-The \bottommargin (\bma) command will set the distance from the bottom of the
-page to the last line of the text. This command has the format:
- \bottommargin{uu}
-where "uu" is any unit of TeX measurement (pt, pc, in, etc.) or number of
-lines. The default bottom margin is one inch, or \bottommargin{1IN}. This
-command may only appear at the beginning of the TeX input file before any
-actual text is entered.
-In order to change the bottom margin from the default of one inch to one-half
-inch, you would enter:
- \bma{.5in}
-Which would give you one-half inch between the last line of text on the page
-and the bottom of the page.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpboth b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpboth
deleted file mode 100644
index ae217363f6..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpboth
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \bottomtitle COMMAND |
-The \bottomtitle command sets what will appear at the bottom of each page after
-the title page. The \bottomtitle command is always used in conjunction with the
-\runningtitleformat and \bothpages (\bp), \evenpages (\ep), or \oddpages (\op)
-commands. This command has the format:
- \bothpages{
- \bottomtitle{\line{\lft{llll}\ctr{cccc}\rt{rrrr}}
- }}
-where "llll" is the information to be printed to the far left of the
-bottomtitle line; "cccc" is the information to be printed in the center; and
-"rrrr" is the information to be printed to the far right of the bottomtitle
-line. For example:
- \runningtitleformat{\bothpages{
- \bottomtitle\line{\lft{Joe Smith}\ctr{June 3, 1984}\rt{\pagenumber}}
- }}
-will space down to leave the amount specified on the \bottommargin command and
-put "Joe Smith" at the bottom far left, with "June 3, 1984" centered and the
-current page number on the bottom far right of the first line of the
-bottomtitle. The running bottomtitle of page 5 would look like this:
-Joe Smith June 3, 1984 5
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpeven b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpeven
deleted file mode 100644
index a8c4432f10..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpeven
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \bottomtitle COMMAND |
-The \bottomtitle command sets what will appear at the bottom of each page after
-the title page. The \bottomtitle command is always used in conjunction with the
-\runningtitleformat and \bothpages (\bp), \evenpages (\ep), or \oddpages (\op)
-commands. This command has the format:
- \evenpages{
- \bottomtitle{\line{\lft{llll}\ctr{cccc}\rt{rrrr}}
- }}
-where "llll" is the information to be printed to the far left of the
-bottomtitle line; "cccc" is the information to be printed in the center; and
-"rrrr" is the information to be printed to the far right of the bottomtitle
-line on all even pages. For example:
- \runningtitleformat{\evenpages{
- \bottomtitle\line{\lft{Joe Smith}\ctr{June 3, 1984}\rt{\pagenumber}}
- }}
-will space down to leave the amount specified on the \bottommargin command and
-put "Joe Smith" at the bottom far left, with "June 3, 1984" centered and the
-current page number on the bottom far right of the first line of the
-bottomtitle. The running bottomtitle of page 4 would look like this:
-Joe Smith June 3, 1984 4
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpoddp b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpoddp
deleted file mode 100644
index 949dd41432..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bottomti.helpoddp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \bottomtitle COMMAND |
-The \bottomtitle command sets what will appear at the bottom of each page after
-the title page. The \bottomtitle command is always used in conjunction with the
-\runningtitleformat and \bothpages (\bp), \evenpages (\ep), or \oddpages (\op)
-commands. This command has the format:
- \oddpages{
- \bottomtitle{\line{\lft{llll}\ctr{cccc}\rt{rrrr}}
- }}
-where "llll" is the information to be printed to the far left of the
-bottomtitle line; "cccc" is the information to be printed in the center; and
-"rrrr" is the information to be printed to the far right of the bottomtitle
-line on all odd pages. For example:
- \runningtitleformat{\oddpages{
- \bottomtitle\line{\lft{Joe Smith}\ctr{June 3, 1984}\rt{\pagenumber}}
- }}
-will space down to leave the amount specified on the \bottommargin command and
-put "Joe Smith" at the bottom far left, with "June 3, 1984" centered and the
-current page number on the bottom far right of the first line of the
-bottomtitle. The running bottomtitle of page 5 would look like this:
-Joe Smith June 3, 1984 5
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqb.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqb.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index afd01a8162..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqb.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-| blockquotebegin |
-Abbreviation: ã|\bqbã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \blockquotebegin markup ends a paragraph and forces the following text
-into a quote format, indicated by a change in the size of type to 10pt, 6
-points of spacing before and after the quote, and margin indentations of 24
- ã|Example:ã%
-Salt (1958) names the process:
-This loss of fluids and cooling is known as aging.
-Most metamorphosis occurs in ocean trenches, but it
-can also occur in forms in trenchcoats.
-The lithosphere---dermosphere in humans---wrinkles
-over time.
-The process is one-way, as rehydration will not
-unwrinkle the surface.
-As far as general surface alteration, only the
-time scale differs between the human . . .
-| |
-| Salt (1958) names the process: |
-| |
-| This loss of fluids and cooling is known as aging. Most |
-| metamorphosis occurs in ocean trenches, but it can also occur in |
-| forms in trenchcoats. |
-| The lithosphere---dermosphere in humans---wrinkles over |
-| time. The process is one-way, as rehydration will not unwrinkle |
-| the surface. |
-| |
-| As far as general surface alteration, only the time scale differs |
-| between the human . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Every \blockquotebegin must have a matching \blockquoteend. If the quote is
-not ended with \blockquoteend, all following text is formatted as a block
-quote, and a warning message appears at the end of formatting which says:
-(\end occurred inside a group at level 1)
-Output written on TEXT1$$.dvi (1 page, 436 bytes).
-Transcript written on TEXT1$$.texlog.
- The defaults for \blockquotebegin differ when you are using \monospace.
-With \monospace, there is no font change, one line is skipped before and
-after the block quote, and the left and right indentations are both 1 2
- Refer to the \blockquoteformat for instructions on how to change the
-block quote style.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqe.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqe.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index c10fddc23b..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqe.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-| blockquoteend |
-Abbreviation: ã|\bqeã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \blockquoteend markup ends the quote and returns text to the normal
-margins and sizes. Text following is formatted as a new paragraph.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Salt (1958) names the process:
-This loss of fluids and cooling is known as aging.
-Most metamorphosis occurs in ocean trenches, but it
-can also occur in forms in trenchcoats.
-The lithosphere --- dermosphere in humans ---
-wrinkles over time.
-The process is one-way, as rehydration will not
-unwrinkle the surface.
-As far as general surface alteration, only the
-time scale differs between the human . . .
-| |
-| Salt (1958) names the process: |
-| |
-| This loss of fluids and cooling is known as aging. Most |
-| metamorphosis occurs in ocean trenches, but it can also occur in |
-| forms in trenchcoats. |
-| The lithosphere --- dermosphere in humans --- wrinkles over |
-| time. The process is one-way, as rehydration will not unwrinkle |
-| the surface. |
-| |
-| As far as general surface alteration, only the time scale differs |
-| between the human . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index fdae8155cc..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bqf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-| blockquoteformat |
-Abbreviation: ã|\bqfã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\skipbefore, \everyblockquote, \skipafterã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \blockquoteformat markup controls the formatting of block quotes. The
-following submarkup are effective only within block quotes.
-\skipbefore indicates how much space is to be skipped before printing a
-block. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips.
-\everyblockquote{Nested Markup} determines how the text of the quote is
-formatted. You can specify justification or raggedness, single or double
-spacing, left or right indentation, paragraph spacing and indentation, and
-any font change needed within block quotes. You may use any markup such as
-\tenpt, \interlineskip, \leftindent or \rightindent within \everyblockquote.
-\skipafter indicates how much space is to be skipped after printing a
-block. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips.
- ã|Example:ã%
-The indentation has been changed in this sample. The text for the block
-quote is to be printed right ragged in 9 point Computer Modern. Paragraphs
-within the block quote, and only within, have a 1 pica paragraph indent and
-zero paragraph skip. The skips before and after the quotation have been set
-to zero.
- \everyblockquote{\pin{1pc}\psk{0pt}\ninepoint
- \leftindent{1pc}\rightindent{1pc}\rr}
- \skipafter{0pt}}
-The example illustrated for \blockquotebegin would then begin:
-| |
-| Salt (1958) names the process: |
-| |
-| This loss of fluids and cooling is known as aging. Most metamorphosis |
-| occurs in ocean trenches, but it can also occur in forms in |
-| trenchcoats. |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-This sample is printed with a small interlineskip, normal paragraph values
-and zero indentation. The text is in 9 point italics with an interlineskip
-of 9.5 points.
- \everyblockquote{\ssp\ninept\it\isk{9.5pt}
- \leftindent{0pt}\rightindent{0pt}}
- \skipafter{0pt}}
-| |
-| Salt (1958) names the process: |
-| |
-| This loss of fluids and cooling is known as aging. Most metamorphosis |
-| occurs in ocean trenches, but it can also occur in forms in trenchcoats. |
-| |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \blockquoteformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both
-are used.
- The defaults for \blockquoteformat when using \monospace are different.
-The space before and after is one blank line (1\bl), the left and right
-indents are 36 points ( 1 2 inch), and the text is in the roman font since
-you cannot print \tenpt with \monospace.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bquotem.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bquotem.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 605bacc116..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bquotem.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|BQUOTE-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
-\blockquoteformat and if you are using \monospace.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bquotep.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bquotep.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 879bbe76b8..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bquotep.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|BQUOTE-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
-\blockquoteformat and if you areã|notã%using \monospace.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/break.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/break.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 96925e779d..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/break.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-| break |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-If you want to force TEXT1 to break between lines at a certain point in the
-middle of a paragraph use the markup \break.
- ã|Example:ã%
-To everything there is a season, and a time
-to every purpose under the
-heaven: A time to be born, and a time to
-pluck up {\it that which is}\break
-planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal;
-a time to break down, and
-a time to build up; A time to weep,
-and a time to laugh;
-| |
-| To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under |
-| the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to pluck up that which is |
-| planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a |
-| time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-To avoid having the white space between the words as is illustrated in the
-third line in the above example, use the \linebreak markup.
- For more on the \break markup, refer to The TEXbook.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/btitle.helpsubh b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/btitle.helpsubh
deleted file mode 100644
index b4b0c741fd..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/btitle.helpsubh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \titleformat COMMAND |
-The \titleformat command is always used in conjunction with the \subheadcformat
-command and will set options for the subheadc titles. The format for the
-\titleformat command is:
- \subheadcformat{\titleformat{
- \vsk{24pt}
- {\subheadctitle}
- \vs{12pt}}
- }
-This is the default for \titleformat. Each \subheadc command will space down 24
-points, print the \subheadctitle and space down 12 points to resume with the
-For more information on the \subheadctitle command, see the help screen under
-the markup menu for that particular command.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/btitlef.helpsubh b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/btitlef.helpsubh
deleted file mode 100644
index f51b183132..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/btitlef.helpsubh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \titleformat COMMAND |
-The \titleformat command is always used in conjunction with the \subheaddformat
-command and will set options for the subheadd titles. The format for the
-\titleformat command is:
- \subheaddformat{\titleformat{
- {\it \subheaddtitle:}
- }
-This is the default for \titleformat. Each \subheadd command will start a new
-paragraph, print the \subheaddtitle in italics followed by a colon and then
-resume with the text.
-For more information on the \subheaddtitle command, see the help screen under
-the markup menu for that particular command.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bul.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bul.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 03d57913d3..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/bul.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-| bullet |
-Abbreviation: ã|\bulã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \bullet markup produces a raised centered dot as an identifier for an
-item in a list.
- ã|Example:ã%
-the following necessary trace elements:
-\bul Copper
-\bul Manganese
-\bul Selenium
-\bul Zinc
-\nin The mineral content of the body . . .
-| |
-| the following necessary trace elements: |
-| * Copper |
-| * Manganese |
-| * Selenium |
-| * Zinc |
-| The mineral content of the body . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-A list of bullets must be placed within the \listbegin and \listend markup.
-The bullets are indented 5 characters, like the first level of an ordered
-list. Bullets may also be used in outline lists where they are indented
-5 characters from the previous level by default. Refer to the \listformat
-markup to change the amount of indentation.
- When in math mode, the \bullet markup is used in the same fashion as
-described in The TEXbook.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cc.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cc.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 29255b1074..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cc.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-| caps |
-Abbreviation: ã|\ccã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \caps markup sets the typeface to "caps/small caps".
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example changes "Parallels" to caps/small caps. It is changed back
-with the \roman markup.
-lowest common denominator.
-\nin\caps Parallels. \roman Consider for a
-moment rocks and deer . . .
-| |
-| lowest common denominator. |
-| Parallels. Consider for a moment rocks and deer . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Caps/small caps are often used for display titles or special emphasis. It
-should not be used for the body of text. Not all font sets have small
-caps available. Those font sets that do not have small caps will give the
-following warning message when you try to use \caps or \cc:
-<TEXT1> Warning. No small caps font in CMSAN8. Will print roman font .)
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cents.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cents.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index ac5118d383..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cents.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-| cents |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-This markup is used to print a cent sign.
- ã|Example:ã%
-This machine takes 35\cents\ instead of 25\cents.
-| |
-| This machine takes 35c instead of 25c. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \cents markup must be followed either by a backslash-space, or by a
-tilde (~).
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chap.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chap.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 51aba6b4c6..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chap.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-| chapter |
-Abbreviation: ã|\chapã%
-Parameters: ã|titleã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \chapter markup starts a new page, centers the title in bold face,
-and enters it in the table of contents. The text of a title is the only
- ã|Example:ã%
-Anything less is more realistic.
-Nationalism is directly related to war.
-Lord Acton observed that nationalism aims solely . . .
-| |
-| Chapter 1 |
-| Nationalism |
-| Nationalism is directly related to war. Lord Acton observed that |
-| nationalism aims solely . . . |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you want to force TEXT1 to split a long chapter title at a place of your
-choosing, use \linebreak.
-\chapter{Subject Index\linebreak
-| |
-| Chapter 1 |
-| Subject Index |
-| and |
-| Concordance |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Refer to \chapterformat on the next page to change the chapter style.
- Each time you use \chapter it resets the subhead numbers to zero.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chapter.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chapter.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index e801d05132..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chapter.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|CHAPTERã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index c20cd7f815..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-| chapterformat |
- \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
- \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber}
- \cl{\twelvept\bd \chaptertitle}
- \vs{1\bl}
- \setsubheadanumber{0}
- \setsubheadbnumber{0}
- \setsubheadcnumber{0}
- \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
- \incontents{yes}}
-Abbreviation: ã|\chfã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontentsã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \chapterformat markup allows you to modify the defaults that controls
-the appearance of the chapter title. The submarkup is described.
-\numberingstyle allows you to change the style from Arabic numerals, the
-default, to letters {A} or roman numerals {I}.
-\titleformat{Nested Markup} controls the appearance of the chapter title
-banner. You may use markup such as \newpage, \verticalspace, and \center-
-line within \titleformat as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within
-or outside of \chapterformat:
- * \chapternumberprints the most recent chapter number.
- * \chaptertitleprints the most recent chapter title.
-\incontents places the chapter title in contents (if one is printed).
-Printing can be suppressed by changing to "no."
- ã|Example:ã%
-When you enter,
-you get the default chapter style which looks like:
-| |
-| Chapter 1 |
-| Introduction |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-In the following example this default style has been modified such that each
-chapter starts on a new page, the title is centered in bold (no chapter
-number printed), and one line is skipped after the chapter title.
- \titleformat{\newpage
- \cl{\bd \chaptertitle}
- \vs{1\bl}}
- \incontents{yes}}
-Then each time you specify \chapter you will get:
-| |
-| Introduction |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-In this sample, each chapter title is prefaced by the chapter number. As
-before, the title is centered in bold, and one line is skipped before text.
- \titleformat{\newpage
- \cl{\bd\chapternumber.~\chaptertitle}
- \vs{1\bl}}
- \incontents{yes}}
-| |
-| 1. Introduction |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \chapterformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both are
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chrono.changes b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chrono.changes
deleted file mode 100644
index 55451d7c10..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/chrono.changes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-1) removed filemana.helpmark
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1f487912fe..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cincon.helpsubh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \incontents COMMAND |
-The \incontents command is always used in conjunction with the \subheadcformat
-command and will determine whether subheadc titles are included in the Table of
-Contents. The format for the \incontents command is:
- \subheadcformat{
- \incontents{yes}
- }
-By default, the subheadc titles will not be included in the Table of Contents.
-If you want the subheadc titles included in the Table of Contents, enter
-\incontents{yes} within the \subheadcformat command.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cincont.helpsubh b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cincont.helpsubh
deleted file mode 100644
index b6061267cc..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cincont.helpsubh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \incontents COMMAND |
-The \incontents command is always used in conjunction with the \subheaddformat
-command and will determine whether subheadd titles are included in the Table of
-Contents. The format for the \incontents command is:
- \subheaddformat{
- \incontents{no}
- }
-By default, the subheadd titles will not be included in the Table of Contents.
-If you want the subheadd titles included in the Table of Contents, enter
-\incontents{yes} within the \subheaddformat command.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cl.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cl.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 67836f2dfe..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cl.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-| centerline |
-Abbreviation: ã|\clã%
-Parameters: ã|textã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \centerline markup ends the previous paragraph and places equal blank
-spaces on both sides of a word or phrase on a single line. This markup is
-useful for titles and emphasis. The only parameter for this markup is the
-text to be centered.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Minerals and Human Behavior}
-\centerline{by Achilles Chert}
-"Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert . . .
-| |
-| Minerals and Human Behavior |
-| |
-| by Achilles Chert |
-| |
-| |
-| "Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-You may use \linebreak within \centerline.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/clb.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/clb.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index e4216ca42c..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/clb.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-| centerlinesbegin |
-Abbreviation: ã|\clbã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \centerlinesbegin markup ends the previous paragraph and starts a series
-of centered lines. This markup is useful for titles and emphasis. There
-are no parameters.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Minerals and Human Behavior
-Achilles Chert
-"Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert . . .
-| |
-| Minerals and Human Behavior |
-| |
-| |
-| Achilles Chert |
-| |
-| |
-| "Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Each \centerlinesbegin must be followed by a matching \centerlinesend.
- You can also use \centerlinesbegin before a \drawbox or \paragraphbox,
-but not within either markup.
- You cannot use \centerlinesbegin within any of the following markup:
-\appendix, \autofootnote, \bibliography, \centerline, \chapter, \drawbox,
-\figure, \footnote, \item, \label, \marginnote, \paragraphbox, \part,
-\preface, \rightline, \runningheadformat, \runningfootformat, \subheada,
-\subheadb, \subheadc, \subheadd, or \tabletitle.
- ã|Example:ã%
-\paragraphbox{John H. Whalley
-{\it publishing vice president}
-John B. Dykeman
-{\it associate publisher}}
-| |
-| John H. Whalley |
-| publishing vice president |
-| |
-| John B. Dykeman |
-| associate publisher |
-| |
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cle.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cle.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index bd7f8b0633..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/cle.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-| centerlinesend |
-Abbreviation: ã|\cleã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \centerlinesend markup ends a series of centered lines and returns to a
-paragraph mode. There are no parameters.
- ã|Example:ã%
-The prerequisites to operate this hardware are:
-6085 Professional Computer System
-ViewPoint Software
-VP Document Editor Software
-Signed Software License Agreement
-| |
-| The prerequisites to operate this hardware are: |
-| |
-| |
-| 6085 Professional Computer System |
-| ViewPoint Software |
-| VP Document Editor Software |
-| Signed Software License Agreement |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/contents.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/contents.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c9c11c617..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/contents.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|CONTENTSã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/coul.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/coul.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dc940202f..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/coul.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-| countinglines |
-Abbreviation: ã|\coulã%
-Parameters: ã|statusã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-This markup is used to start counting lines for line numbering in the margin
-of a document. Status is true or false.
- ã|Example:ã%
-To start line numbering you enter
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Line numbering is only available on the phototypesetter. This markup is
-ignored for all other printers.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/db.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/db.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cd7e700ae..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/db.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-| drawbox |
-Abbreviation: ã|\dbã%
-Parameters: ã|textã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-A box is a grouping of rules into a square or rectangle. You can draw a box
-with the \drawbox markup. The parameter for this markup is the material to
-be put inside the box. Any grouping less than a paragraph can be boxed,
-including letters, sentences, figures, or tables.
- ã|Example:ã%
-To draw a box around an "a", you would enter:
-Draw a box around \drawbox{a}
-| |
-| ..... |
-| Draw a box around . . |
-| ..... |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you want to draw an empty 1 inch square (plus the box "rule size" and
-"mat size") you could enter,
-\db{\vrule width 0pt height 1in
-\vrule width 1in height 0pt depth 0pt}
- ..............
- . .
- . .
- . .
- . .
- . .
- . .
-which prints: ..............
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Do not use this markup with \monospace or around \settabs or \halign.
- Paragraphs cannot be boxed with \drawbox unless each one is put in a
-vertical box (see \vbox). Use the \paragraphbox markup instead.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dbm.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dbm.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 46df8d2cf9..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dbm.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-| drawboxmat |
-Abbreviation: ã|\dbmã%
-Parameters: ã|unit of measureã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \drawboxmat markup determines the amount of space between the rule and
-the text. This is the area that has been shaded in the illustration at the
-bottom of the page. This space is used with the \drawbox and \paragraphbox
-markup. The default is 3 points.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Draw a box around \drawbox{a}
-| |
-| ......... |
-| . . |
-| . a . |
-| . . |
-| Draw a box around ......... |
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dbrs.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dbrs.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 88a1713cba..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dbrs.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-| drawboxrulesize |
-Abbreviation: ã|\dbrsã%
-Parameters: ã|unit of measureã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \drawboxrulesize markup determines the thickness of the rule that makes
-up the box itself. The default is .4 point. This rule thickness is used by
-both \drawbox and \paragraphbox.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Draw a box around \drawbox{a}
-| |
-| ..... |
-| . a . |
-| Draw a box around ..... |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/die.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/die.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 9278cca2bd..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/die.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-| dumpinsertseject |
-Abbreviation: ã|\dieã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-This markup is used to dump (print) all accumulated figures and tables
-(inserts) entered with \figure, \topinsert or \midinsert. After printing
-the figures and other inserts, a new page is started. If no inserts had
-been accumulated, a new page is still started. This markup appears in many
-of the format markup, such as \chapterformat.
- ã|Example:ã%
- \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
- \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber}
- \cl{\twelvept\bd \chaptertitle}
- \vs{1\bl}
- \setsubheadanumber{0}
- \setsubheadbnumber{0}
- \setsubheadcnumber{0}
- \setsubheaddnumber{0}
- }
- \incontents{yes}
- }
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \topinsert and \midinsert markup are discussed in The TEXbook.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dsp.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dsp.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index f9f2cbc586..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/dsp.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-| doublespace |
-Abbreviation: ã|\dspã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The doublespace markup leaves alternate line spaces blank. This markup
-causes a break in text. There are no parameters. Double spacing will be in
-effect until changed with a \singlespace markup.
- ã|Example:ã%
-All things considered, Camus has derived
-a solid conglomerate of grail theories
-for us.
-Let me close with another penetrating insight from
-Camus: The rock should be left at the bottom,
-because of the inevitability of entropic direction.
-| |
-| |
-| All things considered, Camus has derived a solid conglomerate of grail |
-| theories for us. |
-| |
-| Let me close with another penetrating insight from Camus: The rock |
-| |
-| should be left at the bottom, because of the inevitability of entropic |
-| |
-| direction. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/el.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/el.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 349690ca9b..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/el.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-| ellipsis |
-Abbreviation: ã|\elã%
-Parameters: ã|nã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-Ellipsis points indicate any omission of a word, line, or paragraph from
-a quoted passage. Three points are used when the omission occurs with a
-sentence or fragment. Four points are used when the omission is a whole
-sentence or more, including whole paragraphs.
- In using the \ellipsis markup, n may be "3" or "4". The \ellipsis3
-markup inserts three points, surrounded by appropriate spacing. ( . . .
-) The \ellipsis4 markup inserts four points, immediately after a sentence,
-with space after the last point. ( . . . . )
- ã|Example:ã%
-The following quote has been shortened with ellipses.
-names the process:
-This loss of fluids is known as aging\ellipsis4
-The lithosphere\ellipsis3 wrinkles over time.
-The process is one-way, as rehydration will not
-unwrinkle the surface.
-As far as general surface alteration, only the . . .
-| |
-| names the process: |
-| |
-| This loss of fluids is known as aging . . . . The |
-| lithosphere . . . wrinkles over time. The process is |
-| one-way, as rehydration will not unwrinkle the surface. |
-| |
-| As far as general surface alteration, only the . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-No additional space is required around the ellipsis markup, since space is
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 4faefbc558..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-| endnoteformat |
- \textreferenceposition{down}
- \textreferencefont{\rm}
- \textreferencestyle{[1]}
- \notereferenceposition{down}
- \notereferencefont{\tenpt}
- \notereferencestyle{1.}
- \notereferencegutter{1em}
- \everyendnote{\tenpt\pin{0pt}\lin{1.2em}}}
-Abbreviation: ã|\enfã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\skipbefore, \textreferenceposition,
-\textreferencefont, \textreferencestyle, \notereferenceposition, \noterefer-
-encefont, \notereferencestyle, \notereferencegutter, \everyendnoteã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \endnoteformat markup allows you to modify the shape and presentation of
-endnotes generated with \autoendnote.
-\skipbefore indicates how much space is to be skipped before printing a
-block. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips.
-\textreferenceposition determines if the endnote reference number is
-superscripted or not. By default, the reference is not superscripted. If
-you want the endnote reference number to be superscripted, then change the
-parameter to "up".
-\textreferencefont lets you change the face or size. By default the
-endnote reference number is always printed in the standard font.
-\textreferencestyle determines the numbering style at the end of a chapter
-or the end of the document (wherever the \printendnotes appears). There are
-five possible values:
- 1. "1" for numbered endnotes
- 2. "(1)" for numbered endnotes with parentheses
- 3. "[1]" for numbered endnotes with square brackets
- 4. "a" for lettered endnotes
- 5. "(a)" for lettered endnotes with parentheses
-The default is Arabic numerals in square brackets.
-\notereferenceposition determines if the endnote reference number is
-superscripted or not when it is printed at the end of a chapter or the end
-of a document. By default, the reference is not superscripted. If you want
-the endnote reference number to be superscripted, then change the parameter
-to "up".
-\notereferencefont lets you change the face or size. By default the
-endnote reference number printed at the end of a chapter (or end of a
-document, wherever \printendnotes occurs) is always printed in the standard
-\notereferencestyle determines the numbering style. There are five
-possible values:
- 1. "1." for numbered endnotes
- 2. "(1)" for numbered endnotes with parentheses
- 3. "[1]" for numbered endnotes with square brackets
- 4. "a" for lettered endnotes
- 5. "(a)" for lettered endnotes with parentheses
-The default is numbered endnotes.
-\notereferencegutter specifies the amount of space between the endnote
-number and the endnote text. The gutter is illustrated here as the shaded
-portion between "1." and "The first step":
-| |
-| ... |
-| 1....The first step . . . |
-| |
-\everyendnote lets you modify the shape of the notes. You can change the
-type face, the paragraph parameters, and the right and left indentation.
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example shows an endnote style with a superscripted endnote number; the
-body of the endnote in a 9 point Computer Modern set; the endnote at the end
-of the document (or chapter) indented half an inch from the left and half an
-inch from the right of the rest of the body of the text; the endnote body
-right ragged; and the text of the document right justified and in 10 point
-Computer Modern. The endnote "text" reference at the end of the chapter
-will retain the default style ("1." not superscripted).
- Note that 9 point was specified within both the "notereferencefont" and
-"everyendnote" markups. The "notereferencefont" determines the font that
-the endnote reference number is to be printed in. The "everyendnote" markup
-determines the font that the endnote text is to print in at the end of the
-document or end of chapter, wherever the next \printendnotes markup appears.
- \textreferenceposition{up}
- \textreferencefont{\ninepoint\rm}
- \textreferencestyle{1}
- \notereferenceposition{down}
- \notereferencefont{\ninepoint\rm}
- \notereferencestyle{1.}
- \everyendnote{\rightragged
- \pin{0pt}\psk{12pt}\ninepoint
- \leftindent{.5in}\rightindent{.5in}}
- }
-| . . automatically sets an interline skip 2 points greater |
-than the font size.\autoendnote{This extra space is
-referred to as leading.} The default font size is . . .
-The endnote in the document would look like:
-| |
-| . . . automatically sets an interline skip 2 points greater than the |
-| font size. The default font size is . . . |
-| |
-The endnote printed after the \printendnotes markup would look like:
-| |
-| 1. This extra space is referred to as leading. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \endnoteformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both are
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enotem.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enotem.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 8afb34d2bf..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enotem.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|ENOTE-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
-\endnoteformat and if you are using \monospace.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enotep.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enotep.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c37af8a98..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/enotep.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|ENOTE-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
-\endnoteformat and if you areã|noteã%using \monospace.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ep.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ep.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dae99a110..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ep.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-| emptypage |
-Abbreviation: ã|\epã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \emptypage markup advances the page count, leaving an "empty" page,
-which can be placed with custom figures or diagrams. There is no break in
-text. There are no parameters for this markup.
- ã|Example:ã%
-To float an empty page, enter the sequence:
-same proportions (Figure 2, on the following page).
-This suggests parallels in evolution.
-Generally speaking, there are three
-possible solutions . . .
- ã|Example:ã%
-To have an empty page print immediately between the sentence ending "page)."
-and the one beginning "This suggests . . . " you would enter follow the
-\emptypage with a \newpage:
-same proportions (Figure 2, on the following page).
-This suggests parallels in evolution.
-Generally speaking, there are three
-possible solutions . . .
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Unlike \newpage, if you enter two \emptypage markup in a row, you will get
-two empty pages when the page is ejected.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/epm.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/epm.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e9165e6a9..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/epm.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-| evenpagemargin |
-Abbreviation: ã|\epmã%
-Parameters: ã|measurementã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-This markup is used to indicate where a document's line numbering is to be
-printed on even pages. The default is 50.8 points from the left edge on
-even pages.
- ã|Example:ã%
-To indicate that you want line numbering to start at 1 inch from the left
-edge you would enter at the beginning of your document:
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Line numbering is only available on the phototypesetter. This markup is
-ignored for all other printers.
- Valid values for \evenpagemargin are 0 to 2 to the 32d power points,
-practical values are 5-860 points.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ex.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ex.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index e56dd2f3e7..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ex.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-| extension |
-Abbreviation: ã|\exã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \extension markup sets the face to the Computer Modern Math Extension
-face. Refer to The TEXbook, Appendix F, for a complete list of the
-characters available in the Extension face.
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example uses \extension to print an "O dot":
-Put a {\extension\char'113} next to . . .
-| |
-| Put a K next to . . . |
-| |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-For more on the use of the \char markup, refer to The TEXbook.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fif.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fif.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 049452e975..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fif.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-| figureformat |
- \position{\float}
- \titleformat{\bqb\hp\tenpt
- \bd Figure \figurenumber.
- \rm\figuretitle \bqe}
- \incontents{yes}
- \skipafter{1\bl}
- }
-Abbreviation: ã|\fifã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\skipbefore, \position, \titleformat,
-\incontents, \skipafterã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \figureformat markup allows you to modify the defaults that control the
-appearance of the figure. The submarkup is described.
-ã|\skipbeforeã% indicates how much space is to be skipped before printing a
-figure block. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips.
-ã|\positionã% By default, text is floated around a figure and the figure
-printed at the top of the next page if not enough room remains on the
-current page to print the figure. If you do not want text to float around
-the figure, and you want the figure to print exactly where you place it, use
-ã|\titleformat{Nested Markup}ã% controls the appearance of the figure title.
-You may use markup such as \blockquotebegin, \hangingparagraph, \vertical-
-space, and \centerline within \titleformat as Nested Markup. Other markup
-you may use within or outside of \figureformat:
- * \figurenumberprints the most recent figure number.
- * \figuretitleprints the most recent figure title.
-ã|\skipafterã% indicates how much space is to be skipped after printing the
-figure title. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips.
-ã|\incontentsã% places the figure title in contents (if one is printed).
-Printing can be suppressed by changing to "no."
- ã|Example:ã%
-The amount of space skipped before and after has been reduced to 6 points
-(half a line with 12 point interline space), the figure number is placed in
-\label and the figure title is printed in italics.
- \titleformat{\label{\bd Figure \figurenumber.}
- \it\figuretitle}
- \skipafter{6pt}
- \incontents{yes}
- }
-July 23&July 27&July 31&August 5&August 9\cr
-32&67&44&47&18\cr}{Size data of a Yellow
-Transparent fruit during the period of July 23 to August 9,
-1977. (fruit No. IV@_b@)}
-| |
-| |
-| July 23 July 27 July 31 August 5 August 9 |
-| 32 67 44 47 18 |
-| |
-| Figure 1. Size data of a Yellow Transparent fruit during the period of |
-| July 23 to August 9, 1977. (fruit No. IV[b]) |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \figureformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both are
-used. If you are using \monospace, the only difference in defaults is
-that the figure title is printed in the roman \monospace font instead of
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fig.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fig.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index be6fe909ea..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fig.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-| figure |
-Abbreviation: ã|\figã%
-Parameters: ã|first parameter = markup
- second parameter = the figure titleã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-A figure is a representation or illustration. The \figure markup can leave
-space for a figure, number it, print the figure title, and ensure that the
-title gets placed in the contents. The figure markup has two parameters:
-markup and the title of the figure.
- The "markup" can be a \verticalspace markup, \fullpage, \halfpage, or
-text such as a table, etc. The "title" is the title of the figure which
-will print at the bottom of the figure and in the table of contents.
- If you want a figure on an entire page, enter \fullpage as the first
-parameter. If you want a figure to fill half of the page, enter \halfpage
-as the first parameter.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you want to use \asisbegin, it must go outside of the figure and the
-title cannot be more than one line long.
- clay
- Human
- pressure
- parent rock
- temperature
-}{Origin of the Stone Species}
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| clay |
-| Human |
-| pressure |
-| parent rock |
-| temperature |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| Figure 1. Origin of the Stone Species |
-| |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-This figure leaves half an inch of space above the title, "Size data of a
-| . . ". |
-the same proportions.
-\db{\figure{\vs{.5in}}{Size data of a Yellow
-Transparent fruit during the period of July 23 to August 9,
-1977. (fruit No. IV@_b@)}
-This suggests parallels . . . }
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| Figure 2. Size data of a Yellow Transparent fruit during the |
-| period of July 23 to August 9, 1977. (fruit No. IV[b]) |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-This figure leaves an entire empty page for the figure. The title would
-print at the bottom of the figure.
-the same proportions.
-\figure{\fullpage}{Origins of the Human Species}
-This suggests parallels . . .
- ã|Example:ã%
-This figure leaves a half page empth for the figure. The title would print
-at the bottom of the figure.
-the same proportions.
-\figure{\halfpage}{Origins of the Human Species}
-This suggests parallels . . .
- ã|Notes:ã%
-By default, text "floated" is text that is moved in front of a figure. The
-figure is moved to the top of the current page if there is room left. If
-not enough room remains, then the figure is printed at the top of the next
-page. To disable this floating process, refer to the \figureformat markup.
- For both \halfpage and \fullpage, the figure title is included in
-determining how much space to leave.
- By default, each new \part will start numbering figures over again at 1.
-Use \setfigurenumber to reset the figurenumber outside of parts.
- When figures are using the default "float" method of placing figures,
-you cannot use \twocolumns or \threecolumns in parameter 1. If you
-are using the \nofloat option specified in \figureformat you may use the
-multiple column specifications.
- Use the \figureformat markup to modify the figure style.
- You can not use \settabs within \figure.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/figurem.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/figurem.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index c9c8c14c17..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/figurem.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|FIGURE-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
-\figureformat and if you are using \monospace.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/figurep.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/figurep.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index b8785b18b1..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/figurep.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|FIGURE-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
-\figureformat and if you areã|notã%using \monospace.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fixf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fixf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 15063d06b6..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fixf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-| fixedformat |
-Abbreviation: ã|\fixfã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-TEXT1 offers two multiple column formats that have different text handling
-capabilities. The normal (default) style is called "flexibleformat". This
-is described with \twocolumns and \threecolumns markup. There is an
-optional style you can use called "fixedformat." The flexible format can be
-changed to the fixed format by inserting the markup \fixedformat before the
-first two or three column markup appears.
- The Fixed format makes each column act as if it were a single page.
-Inserts and footnotes will appear in each column just as they would in the
-single column format. Only the running head and running foot will print
-across the full width of the page.
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Since each column is handled like a normal single column page, the columns
-may not be balanced. A short right hand column will remain short when
-formatting is completed.
- The Fixed format cannot be used to format combinations of single,
-double, and triple columns on the same page. The two column and three
-column markup can be used in conjunction with one another, but not on the
-same page. If both format markup appear on the same page, TEXT1 will fill
-the bottom of the current column on the current page with white space and
-change to the new format on the following page.
- Once the fixed format has been specified, it will remain in force for
-the remainder of the document. The Fixed format cannot be changed to the
-Flexible format again within the same document.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index a1d3bd0491..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-| footnoteformat |
- \skipafterdivider{2.6pt}
- \footnotedivider{144pt}
- \textreferenceposition{up}
- \textreferenceplacement{after}
- \textreferencefont{\tenpt}
- \textreferencestyle{1}
- \notereferenceposition{down}
- \notereferencefont{\tenpt}
- \notereferencestyle{1.}
- \notereferencegutter{1em}
- \everyfootnote{\tenpt\pin{20pt}
- \lin{0pt}}
- }
-Abbreviation: ã|\fnfã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\skipbeforedivider, \skipafterdivider,
-\footnotedivider, \textreferenceposition,
-\textreferenceplacement, \textreferencefont,
-\textreferencestyle, \textreferencegutter,
-\everyfootnote, \notereferenceposition,
-\notereferencefont, \notereferencestyle,
- ã|Description:ã%
-To change the footnote style and any of the other footnote formatting
-options of the \autofootnote markup, use the \footnoteformat markup. The
-default footnote format is:
-ã|\skipbeforedividerã% determines the distance between the last line of text
-on a page and the footnote divider rule which is printed just before the
-footnotes. The default for this markup is 12 points.
-ã|\skipafterdividerã% determines the distance between the footnote divider rule
-and the first footnote. The default for this markup is 2.5 points.
-ã|\footnotedividerã% determines the length of a short rule that separates the
-footnotes from text. The default value is 144 points (2 inches).
-ã|\textreferencepositionã% determines if the footnote reference number is a
-superscript or not. By default, the reference is superscripted (up). If
-you want the footnote reference number to be on the baseline, change the
-parameter to "down". The default for \monospace is "down". Do not change
-it to "up" for \monospace.
-\textreferenceplacement determines if the footnote reference number
-precedes or follows the word being noted. By default, the reference
-will follow the noted word. If you want the footnote reference number to be
-placed before the word being noted, then change the parameter to "before".
-ã|\textreferencefontã% lets you determine how to print the footnote number.
-The default is the roman face at 10 point. For \monospace, the default is
-the roman typewriter printer face.
-ã|\textreferencestyleã% determines the numbering style. There are four
-possible values:
- 1. "1" for numbered superscripted footnotes
- 2. "(1)" for numbered footnotes surrounded with parentheses
- 3. "a" for lettered footnotes
- 4. "(a)" for lettered footnotes surrounded with parentheses
-The default is \textreferencestyle{1} for composing printers. Typewriter
-printers using \monospace have a default of \textreferencestyle{(1)}.
-ã|\notereferencepositionã% determines whether the footnote reference number in
-the note is a superscript or not. By default, the reference is on the
-baseline. If you want the footnote reference number to be superscripted,
-change the parameter to "up". Do note specify "up" for typewriter printers
-using \monospace.
-ã|\notereferencefontã% lets you determine what font to print the footnote
-number in. The default is standard face at 10 point. For \monospace, the
-default is the roman typewriter printer face.
-ã|\notereferencestyleã% determines the numbering style for the notes. There
-are four possible values:
- 1. "1" for numbered superscripted footnotes
- 2. "(1)" for numbered footnotes surrounded with parentheses
- 3. "a" for lettered footnotes
- 4. "(a)" for lettered footnotes surrounded with parentheses
-The default is \textreferencestyle{1.}.
-\notereferencegutter sets the distance between the footnote number and the
-first word of text of the note. The gutter is illustrated here as the
-shaded portion between "1." and "The first step":
-| |
-| .... |
-| 1....The first step . . . |
-| .... |
-| |
-The default is one em space, \notereferencegutter{1em}.
-\everyfootnote{Nested Markup} sets the style for everyfootnote. You can
-change the type face, the paragraph parameters, and the right and left
-indentation. The default text size is 10 point; each note is in paragraph
-format, with an indent of 20 points. Typewriter printers which must use
-\monospace may not change to another font set.
- ã|Example:ã%
-The following example uses a footnote style that prints a superscripted
-footnote number in the text and the note, the body of the footnote in
-nine-point Computer Modern set, the footnote at the bottom of the page
-indented 36 points from the left and 36 points from the right of the rest of
-the body of the text of the document, the footnote body right ragged, and
-the text of the document right justified and in 10 point Computer Modern.
-The \footnoteformat block is modified thus:
- \footnotedivider{144pt}
- \textreferencefont{\ninepoint\rm}
- \notereferenceposition{up}
- \notereferencefont{\ninepoint\rm}
- \everyfootnote{\rightragged\pin{0pt}
- \psk{12pt}\ninepoint
- \leftindent{36pt}\rightindent{36pt}}}
-Note that \ninepoint was specified within both the \textreferencefont and
-\everyfootnote markups. The \textreferencefont determines the font that the
-footnote reference number is to be printed in. The \everyfootnote markup
-determines the font that the footnote text is to print in at the bottom
-of the page. Most often the fonts specified in \textreferencefont and
-\everyfootnote are the same font.
- ã|Notes:ã%
-This markup modifies the style of the \autofootnote markup, not the
-\footnote markup.
- The \footnoteformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if
-both are used.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnotem.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnotem.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index caeff296f7..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnotem.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|FNOTE-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
-\footnoteformat and if you are using \monospace. This affects
-how \autofootnote prints, not how \footnote prints.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnotep.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnotep.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index c0997c3c8f..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fnotep.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|FNOTE-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
-\footnoteformat and if you areã|notã%using \monospace. This affects
-how \autofootnote prints, not how \footnote prints.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/font.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/font.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d6b584379..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/font.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-| font |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|user markup name and font nameã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \font markup can be used to allow you to make use of a specific font
-available on your printer. You should always consult the font catalog for
-the fonts available on your printer. The name given in the font catalog
-goes where font name is with the \font markup. The user markup name you
-must provide. It should be a unique name.
- ã|Example:ã%
-To use the fourteen point Sonoran Roman, you can assign it to the markup
-name \bigfont by entering,
-\font \bigfont = sonr14
-\bigfont Palouse Region:
-and you will get:
-| |
-| Palouse Region: |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-To use the ten point Computer Modern Sanserif Demibold Condensed you can
-assign it to a markup name \demifont by entering,
-\font \demifont = cmssdc10
-\demifont Palouse Region:
-you will get:
-| |
-| Palouse Region: |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \font markup does not change the interline skip. A font established
-with \selectspecificfont does.
- This markup is described further in The TEXbook.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fontm.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fontm.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 16ef399cb3..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fontm.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|FONT-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to change the default
-\monospace font. You usually shoudn't have to do this.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fontp.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fontp.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index c39de10783..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/fontp.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|FONT-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to change the default
-proportional space font. You might want to do this if you want to have
-a FONT-P TEXBLOCK on your own disk to be included for each job.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/footnote.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/footnote.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index b9135f7c0b..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/footnote.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-| footnote |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|first parameter = reference mark
- second parameter = footnote textã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \footnote markup can be used to create marked footnotes. There are two
-parameters; the first is the reference mark, and the second is the text of
-the note itself. Each parameter is surrounded with curly braces ({}). If
-more than one reference mark is used on the same page, they should appear in
-the prescribed order:
- * asterisk (*)
- * dagger (\dagger)
- * double dagger (\ddagger)
- * section sign (\S)
-Refer to the example in the TEXT1 Users' Guide or Reference Manual for
-real sample output. These characters are not available at your terminal.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Using the above prescribed order, the second footnote on a page would be
-entered with \footnote as:
-by Achilles Chert\footnote{\dagger}{pH.d., Litmus Sci.
-The author is with the School of Pyroclastic
-Philosophy at the University of Piedmont.}.
-\nin "Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert
-Camus, a novelist who lionized the labors of
-Sisyphus in moving the igneous concretion up the
-declivitous landmass.
-In the document, the text would print as:
-| |
-| by Achilles Chert . |
-| "Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert Camus, a novelist who |
-| lionized the labors of Sisyphus in moving the igneous concretion up the |
-| declivitous landmass. |
-| |
-At the bottom of the page the footnote would print as:
-| |
-| pH.d., Litmus Sci. The author is with the School of Pyroclastic |
-| Philosophy at the University of Piedmont. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \footnoteformat has no effect on \footnote. \footnoteformat is used to
-change the style of the \autofootnote markup.
- You cannot use \footnote within \settabs, \vbox, \hbox,
-\drawbox, \paragraphbox, \label, \part, \chapter, \centerline, \halign,
-\rightlinesbegin, or \centerlinesbegin.
- Refer to the The TEXbook for more on the \footnote markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/frac.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/frac.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index e46eaba641..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/frac.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-| fraction |
-Abbreviation: ã|\fracã%
-Parameters: ã|numerator/denominatorã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \fraction markup is another method of specifying a fraction. If you
-enter "@1\over2@" you get " 1 2 ". Entering "1/2" will give you "1/2". To
-get "1/" you specify "\fraction1/2 ~".
- ã|Example:ã%
-Consider my favorite breakfast recipe:
-\tabskip 3em plus 2em minus 2em
-\multispan2\ctr{\bd Muckles}\cr
-3 eggs&beaten\cr
-1 cp&cream\cr
-1 cp&flour\cr
-\fraction1/4 t&baking powder\cr
-1 T&sugar\cr
-\multispan2\lft{pinch of salt}\cr
-\multispan2\lft{bacon (optional)}\cr}
-Heat butter or bacon in frying pan.
-Pour all of
-the batter into the pan. Cook @ approximately @
-10 minutes at 375@^\circ@. Cut into pieces
-and serve hot with plenty of syrup.
-| |
-| Muckles |
-| 3 eggs beaten |
-| 1 cp cream |
-| 1 cp flour |
-| 14 t baking powder |
-| 1 T sugar |
-| pinch of salt |
-| bacon (optional) |
-| Heat butter or bacon in frying pan. Pour all of the batter into the |
-| pan. Cook approximately 10 minutes at 375 degrees. Cut into pieces and |
-| serve hot with plenty of syrup. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-There must be a space following the fraction as you enter it. In the above
-example there had to be a space before the "t&baking powder\cr".
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/frenchsp.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/frenchsp.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index fe55209b7e..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/frenchsp.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-| frenchspacing |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-By default, TEXT1 will double space after hard punctuation, unless the
-letter prior to the punctuation is a capital letter. To make all
-interword spacing the same, regardless of punctuation, you can enter
-the \frenchspacing markup. This will turn off the extra spacing
-following punctuation for the rest of a document or until TEXT1 sees a
-\nonfrenchspacing markup.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Consider this bibliographic entry:
-Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. {\it Mechanical Processes
-in the Human Geomechanism}. Winston: Geomedical
-Publications, International.
-Without \frenchspacing it might print as:
-| |
-| Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human Geomechanism. |
-| Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
-| |
-If you had specified \frenchspacing,
-Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. {\it Mechanical Processes
-in the Human Geomechanism}. Winston: Geomedical
-Publications, International.
-it would print as:
-| |
-| Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human Geomechanism. |
-| Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/goodbrea.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/goodbrea.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index d5c020dfa7..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/goodbrea.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-| goodbreak |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \goodbreak markup indicates a good place for page or line breaks. TEXT1
-will then break there only if necessary. This markup must be preceded by a
-\par or vertical skip for a page break.
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example will break the page before the last paragraph beginning "The
-comparison may seem", if it comes close to the bottom of the page.
-\nin{\bd Parallels.}
-Consider for a moment rocks and deer.
-Both form cooperative groups that furnish the
-landscape . . .
-The fruits of cooperation depend on conditions of
-the environment.
-The comparison may seem facile, but from deliberate
-oversimplification . . .
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/halign.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/halign.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index f3f45f42ea..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/halign.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-| halign |
-\halign{ preamble\cr
- tabular text\cr}
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|preamble, tabular text, submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\lft, \ctr, \rt, \cr, \noalign, \tabskip,
-\omit, \multispan, \phantom, && (column repeat)ã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \halign markup is a way of making tables without tabbing. A preamble,
-or sample line, is included immediately after \halign to act as a template
-for the text in each column. Each successive column in a row begins with an
-ampersand (&). Column descriptions may contain horizontal spaces, indents,
-quads, and horizontal fills. Each column description must have a pound
-sign (hash mark, #) which acts as a reference variable, so that text can be
- The halign is read in its entirety. Every column is treated as a box
-whose width is equal to the largest entry.
- Besides horizontal mode markup such as \indent, you can use the
-following submarkup in the \halign.
-\lft in the preamble will left justify each entry in a column.
-\ctr in the preamble will center each entry in a column.
-\rt in the preamble will right justify each entry in a column.
-\cr marks the end of the preamble, and the end of each row.
-\noalign is used outside of the preamble. It allows you to enter vertical
-mode text into a table. You must not end a \noalign with a \cr. For
-example, if you wanted to skip a blank line between two row entries, you
-would use \noalign{\vs{\bl}}:
-\tabskip puts an equal amount of space (glue) between columns. A
-specification of
-\tabskip 20pt plus 15pt minus 10pt
-indicates that the each column is set 20 points apart. If after the initial
-try it is determined that the table is still narrower than the width of the
-page, up to an additional 15 points of space is put between columns to try
-and get the table to spread across the entire page. If after the initial
-try of 20 points between each column it is determined that the table is
-too wide to fit on the page, up to 10 points is subtracted from the space
-between each column to try and get the table to fit on the page.
-\omit can be used to disable to preamble specification for that column
-and row. \omit only works for one column of one row. For example, if a
-was specified, then to center a header over a column, you could enter
-\omit\ctr{Header 1}&\omit\ctr{Header 2}\cr
-\multispan is used to permit spanning of several columns. For example, if
-you had a preamble of
-and you wanted to center a title over the second and third columns, you
-would enter:
-first column&\multispan2\ctr{Spanned title}\cr
-\phantom is used in decimal alignment. For example,
-would print the partial table:
-| |
-| 00.1234 12.231 |
-| 72.8 1.2 |
-| |
-&& is used to indicate that the following column preamble is to be repeated
-for each of the remaining of columns. For example, if you wanted the first
-column centered, the second column left justified, and the next five columns
-right justified, you could enter
- \rt{#}&\rt{#}&\rt{#}\cr
-Using the column repeat indicator (&&) you can simplify this to
-This specification then says that columns 3, 4, etc. all use the same
-preamble, "\rt{#}".
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example illustrates \omit, \qquad and \tabskip.
-\tabskip .5in plus .4in minus .3in
-5000 MT&500\cr
-10000 MT&845--1050\cr }
-| |
-| |
-| ..........5000.MT.......500............ |
-| 10000 MT 845--1050 |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example makes use of \multispan, \indent,
-\horizontalspace, \noalign and column repeat (&&).
-\tabletitle{Surface Land Temperature (degrees C)\lbr
-Changes after Exchanges}
- &&\hs{1em}\rt{#}\cr
-Case&\multispan4\ctr{Post Detonations (Days)}\cr
-| |
-| Table 1 |
-| Surface Land Temperature (degrees C) |
-| Changes after Exchanges |
-| |
-| |
-| Case Post Detonations (Days) |
-| Megatonnage 20 100 200 300 |
-| |
-| 1000 -22 8 7 13 |
-| 3000 9 6 8 10 |
-| 5000 -7 -26 -20 -11 |
-| 10000 -24 -45 -26 -9 |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-\halign takes less computer time than \settabs because it is a basic
-TEX command. The advantages to \halign over \settabs are:
- * maximum column widths are calculated automatically; you must measure
- the longest entry with \settabs.
- * templates are more versatile than \settabs; repeatable information can
- be included in the preamble.
- * greater flexibility.
- Refer to The TEXbook for more about \halign, \cr, \noalign, \tabskip,
-\phantom, \omit, \multispan, or && (column repeat).
- You can use \autofootnote, \autoendnote, and \footnote inside of an
-\halign, so long as they are not also inside an \hbox or \vbox.
- Refer to the description of \leader for an example of using \halign with
-dot leadering.
- See \strut for row alignment.
- Do not put a \cr on the same line as \noalign.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hbox.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hbox.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 552ad9c2b4..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hbox.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-| hbox |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|horizontal mode textã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \hbox is a TEX markup which, among several uses, can be used to keep a
-word together, preventing hyphenations. For example,
-would prohibit hyphenation of "low-cut". It can also be used in math mode
-to switch to the roman font. For example,
-@x^{34}+\hbox{lower order terms}@
-prints as:
-| |
-| x[34]+lower order terms |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-You cannot use \autoendnote, \autofootnote, or \footnote within an \hbox.
- You can also specify an \hbox to take up a certain size. For example,
-\hbox to 1in{}
-would create a box one inch wide. Refer to the discussion of \leader for
-more on this option of \hbox.
- For more on this markup refer to The TEXbook.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hin.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hin.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 227b7b8040..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hin.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-| hangingindent |
-Abbreviation: ã|\hinã%
-Parameters: ã|units of measureã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \hangingindent markup sets the amount of space each line in a hanging
-paragraph is indented after the first. The parameter must be a numerical
-value with valid units of measure.
- ã|Example:ã%
-The first and second hanging paragraph use a hanging indent of 18 points.
-The third paragraph uses a hanging indent of 38 points.
-BASE. Can mean 'bedrock' in geological terms;
-or 'gross' as a description of human behavior.
-CLEAVAGE. Refers to the tendency to split along faults;
-or to the position of the female bosom in a low-cut
-DOMEHEAD. Is material pushing through a formation;
-or an informal epithet for hairless academics.
-| |
-| BASE. Can mean 'bedrock' in geological terms; or 'gross' as a description |
-| of human behavior. |
-| |
-| CLEAVAGE. Refers to the tendency to split along faults; or to the position |
-| of the female bosom in a low-cut dress. |
-| |
-| DOMEHEAD. Is material pushing through a formation; or an informal epithet |
-| for hairless academics. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The hanging indent will remain in effect until changed with another
-\hangingindent markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hof.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hof.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 54d1467d37..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hof.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-| hyphenoff |
-Abbreviation: ã|\hofã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-By default, TEXT1 will do hyphenation if necessary to achieve nice line
-breaks. The \hyphenoff markup can be used to disable hyphenation. It will
-remain this way until a \hyphenon is encountered.
- ã|Example:ã%
-By default, hyphenation begins this example,
-Direct Access Storage Device (DASD) is a term for long
-term file and program storage devices. A more common
-term for the same thing is {\it disk}, since the
-actual storage components look like platters or disks.
-The CP Directory entry for each user indicates what
-virtual disks his machine will include. Each disk
-is known by its {\it virtual address}. In general,
-users will have one 191 virtual disk.
-will print as:
-| |
-| Direct Access Storage De- |
-| vice (DASD) is a term for long |
-| term file and program storage |
-| devices. A more common term |
-| for the same thing is disk, |
-| since the actual storage com- |
-| ponents look like platters or |
-| disks. |
-| The CP Directory entry |
-| for each user indicates what |
-| virtual disks his machine will |
-| include. Each disk is known |
-| by its virtual address. In |
-| general, users will have one |
-| 191 virtual disk. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Compare this output to that of the \hyphenon markup on the next page.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hon.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hon.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index b2513733f8..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hon.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-| hyphenon |
-Abbreviation: ã|\honã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-By default, TEXT1 will do hyphenation if necessary to achieve nice line
-breaks. The \hyphenoff markup can be used to disable hyphenation. It will
-remain this way until a \hyphenon is encountered.
- ã|Example:ã%
-First print a paragraph without hyphenation and then turn hyphenation on.
-Direct Access Storage Device (DASD) is a term for long
-term file and program storage devices. A more common
-term for the same thing is {\it disk}, since the
-actual storage components look like platters or disks.
-The CP Directory entry for each user indicates what
-virtual disks his machine will include. Each disk
-is known by its {\it virtual address}. In general,
-users will have one 191 virtual disk.
-will print as:
-| |
-| Direct Access Storage |
-| Device (DASD) is a term for |
-| long term file and program |
-| storage devices. A more |
-| common term for the same thing |
-| is disk, since the actual |
-| storage components look like |
-| platters or disks. |
-| The CP Directory entry for |
-| each user indicates what vir- |
-| tual disks his machine will |
-| include. Each disk is known |
-| by its virtual address. In |
-| general, users will have one |
-| 191 virtual disk. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Compare this output with the example for \hyphenoff on the previous page.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hp.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hp.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index b4137ea344..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hp.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-| hangingparagraph |
-Abbreviation: ã|\hpã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \hangingparagraph markup creates hanging paragraphs, which are the
-reverse of normal paragraphs. In a normal paragraph, the first line is
-indented but following lines are full measure wide; in a hanging paragraph
-the first line is a full measure and the runover lines are indented.
-Hanging paragraphs are used for lists, glossaries, and bibliographies. The
-\hangingparagraph markup is placed before each item in the text; a \par
-finishes the series.
- ã|Example:ã%
-BASE. Can mean 'bedrock' in geological terms;
-or 'gross' as a description of human behavior.
-CLEAVAGE. Refers to the tendency to split along faults;
-or to the position of the female bosom in a low-cut
-DOMEHEAD. Is material pushing through a formation;
-or an informal epithet for hairless academics.
-| |
-| BASE. Can mean 'bedrock' in geological terms; or 'gross' as a description |
-| of human behavior. |
-| CLEAVAGE. Refers to the tendency to split along faults; or to the position |
-| of the female bosom in a low-cut dress. |
-| |
-| DOMEHEAD. Is material pushing through a formation; or an informal epithet |
-| for hairless academics. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The default indentation for \hangingparagraph is 24 points. Use the
-\hangingindent markup to change this indentation.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hrule.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hrule.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ba7e489ed..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hrule.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-| hrule |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|dimensionã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \hrule markup draws a horizontal rule across the width of the page. It
-is a native TEX markup, and the usage is different in that the parameter is
-not surrounded with curly braces. If you do not supply a dimension, TEXT1
-will print the rule across the entire width of the text. By default, the
-rule drawn has a thickness (height) of .4pt.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted to draw a three inch rule across the page, followed later with
-a rule across the entire width of the page and ending with a thicker rule
-across the width of the page you could specify:
-\nin Basic Techniques
-\hrule width 3in
-Editing a File
-The Column Pointer
-\hrule height 2pt
-You would get:
-| |
-| |
-| ........................................................................... |
-| ........................................................................... |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Refer to The TEXbook for more on \hrule and how to use the "depth" parameter
-with the "height" and "width" parameters.
- Use \rule instead of \hrule if you are using \monospace.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hs.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hs.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e75ab6b32..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hs.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-| horizontalspace |
-Abbreviation: ã|\hsã%
-Parameters: ã|units of measureã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The amount of blank space in a line can be varied by the \horizontalspace
-markup. This markup works only within the current line; no space will be
-carried over if too little remains at the end of the line.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Our barbecues are brick. Our poetry is concrete:
-\horizontalspace{84pt}pillow tectonics
-\hs{48pt}during sleep
-\hs{18pt}pillows come together
-\hs{24pt}and move apart
-\hs{18pt}like continental plates
-\hs{36pt}mountain ranges
-\hs{18pt}rise and fall
-\hs{18pt}rise and fall
-\nin Like Gypsum Lee Ooze, art mimics geology.
-| |
-| Our barbecues are brick. Our poetry is concrete: |
-| |
-| pillow tectonics during sleep pillows come |
-| together and move apart like continental plates |
-| mountain ranges rise and fall oceans rise and fall |
-| |
-| Like Gypsum Lee Ooze, art mimics geology. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-\horizontalspace can be used in \settabs and \halign.
- If you are using \monospace, then the units of measure should be
-specified in tenths of an inch or in em's.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hsize.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hsize.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eaca127ef..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/hsize.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-| hsize |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|dimensionã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \hsize markup is a native TEX markup that can be used to change the
-width of the text on the printed page. This markup does not use delimeters.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you were entering text in a \vbox and you wanted it printed in a 3 inch
-column instead of the default column width you could specify "\hsize=3in".
-For example,
-Forms for reader's comments are provided at the back
-of this publication. You can help us continue to improve
-the quality of our documentation, and we welcome all
-comments and suggestions.
-Forms for reader's comments are provided at the back
-of this publication. You can help us continue to improve
-the quality of our documentation, and we welcome all
-comments and suggestions.}
-will print as:
-| |
-| Forms for reader's comments are provided at the back of this |
-| publication. You can help us continue to improve the quality of |
-| our documentation, and we welcome all comments and suggestions. |
-| |
-| Forms for reader's |
-| comments are provided at the |
-| back of this publication. |
-| You can help us continue to |
-| improve the quality of our |
-| documentation, and we welcome |
-| all comments and suggestions. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/incl.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/incl.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b2f58acbf..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/incl.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-| include |
-Abbreviation: ã|\inclã%
-Parameters: ã|page segment nameã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \include markup will include external page segment files, into a TEXT1
-document. Page segments come from graphics generating programs such as
-those produced by GDDM, SAS and MEGACALC. Refer to the GDDM Page Segment
-Generation for the IBM 3820 User Note, U-419, for details on how to create a
-page segment.
- The format for the \include markup is:
- Where fn is the filename of the file to be included into the text
-document. It must have a filetype of "PSEG3820". You must leave space
-after the page segment to prevent the image from overprinting the following
-text of the document.
- ã|Example:ã%
-A file called "GRAPH1 PSEG3820 A" contains a SAS/GRAPH image. It is 2 1 2
-inches high, so you would enter:
-. . . in the graph illustrated below:
-Notice the values on the Y axis, they . . .
-In the document you would get:
-| |
-| . . . in the graph illustrated below: |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| Notice the values on the Y axis, they . . . |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-Sometimes you may want to center the graph on the page. To do this you
-would subtract the width of the graph from the galleywidth(1) and divide the
-difference by 2; then you would do a horizontal skip of that amount (after
-entering \null. For the above graph, the galleywidth is 25 picas, the width
-of the "graph1" is 19 picas, so the indent is to be 3 picas ( 25pc-19pc
-2=3pc ):
-| . . in the graph illustrated below: |
-Notice the values on the Y axis, they . . .
- 1. galleywidth=page width - left margin - right margin
-In the document you would get the same graph as above, centered on the page.
-Refer to the example below:
-| |
-| . . . in the graph illustrated below: |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| Notice the values on the Y axis, they . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/indent.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/indent.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 42c0fbb071..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/indent.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-| indent |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \indent markup creates an empty box of horizontal space whose width is
-the current value of \paragraphindent. This markup is useful in tabular
- ã|Example:ã%
-\tabletitle{Flea Deaths (in millions)}
-5000 MT&500\cr
-10000 MT&845--1050\cr }
-These statistics are fairly conclusive. Note,
-however, that inconsistencies occurred at . . .
-| |
-| Table 1 |
-| Flea Deaths (in millions) |
-| |
-| Case Blast |
-| 5000 MT 500 |
-| 10000 MT 845--1050 |
-| ........................................................................... |
-| These statistics are fairly conclusive. Note, however, that |
-| inconsistencies occurred at . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/index.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/index.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d262cedb2..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/index.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|INDEXã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/input.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/input.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ab3365aa4..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/input.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-| input |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|filenameã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \input markup indicates a file to be included in the source. The
-parameter, a CMS file name with a filetype of TEX, follows \input and a
-separator space; no curly braces are used.
- Usually the \input markup is used in a "driver" file, which calls parts,
-chapters, etc. to create (or drive) the entire document, such as a thesis.
-At the top of such a driver file is where you would put modifications to
-default format blocks, additional font specifications, and your own markup
- ã|Example:ã%
-In this example, the file is to have a filename of "DRIVER". It calls all of
-the various parts of a 2 chapter document. When formatting, specify DRIVER
-as the filename.
- \titleformat{\newpage
- \cl{\bd \chaptertitle}
- \vs{1\bl}}
- \incontents{yes}}
-\input preface
-\input abstract
-\input chapter1
-\input chapter2
-\input bibliog
-\input append-a
-\input append-b
-\input index
- ã|Notes:ã%
-If you want to input a file with a filetype other than TEX, you can do so by
-adding the filetype after the filename and placing a period between the two.
-For example, to input a filename of DATA and a filetype of LISTING, enter
-\input data.listing
- Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/isk.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/isk.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 56ed4190d9..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/isk.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-| interlineskip |
-Abbreviation: ã|\iskã%
-Parameters: ã|unit of measureã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The spacing between lines (from one baseline to the next, not "single" or
-"double spacing") can be changed using the \interlineskip markup. TEXT1
-automatically sets an interline skip usually 2 points greater than the font
-size when you use \selectfontset.(1) The default font size is 12 points and
-the default interline skip is 14 points. This may be particularly helpful
-when using some of the smaller fonts. In general, the shorter the line or
-smaller the type, less interline skip is needed.
- ã|Example:ã%
- 1. Extra space is referred to as leading, pronounced leding (from the
-days when lead was used).
-The definition of Sociogeology is the study of the
-geological basis of all social behavior.
-It explains human behavior by empirical description
-of the attributes of mineral composition.
-It is most successful when it provides detailed
-description of particulate phenomena and first-order
-correlations with features . . .
-| |
-| The definition of Sociogeology is the study of the geological basis of |
-| all social behavior. It explains human behavior by empirical description |
-| of the attributes of mineral composition. |
-| It is most successful when it provides detailed description of |
-| particulate phenomena and first-order correlations with features . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-\singlespace and \doublespace are dependent on the current setting of
-\interlineskip. For example, the \doublespace leading when \interline-
-skip{12pt} is 24pt.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/it.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/it.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 4055cb1bbc..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/it.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-| italic |
-Abbreviation: ã|\itã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \italic markup sets an Italianate typeface, used for showing emphasis,
-conveying a message, attracting attention, or even creating a mood. Italic
-type is also good for contrast, and it is also hard to read over large
-areas. For printers that do not have italics, underscoring will be used
- ã|Example:ã%
-\italic Japan \roman in Southeast Asia (previously in
-China, now in the Philippines,
-| |
-| earlier; Japan in Southeast Asia (previously in China, now in the |
-| ----- |
-| Philippines, |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-members communicate important things---{\it
-hunger, alarm, rank, and sexual desire}---among
-themselves by means of nonsyntactical signals.
-| |
-| members communicate important things---hunger, alarm, rank, and sexual |
-| ------ ----- ---- --- ------ |
-| desire---among themselves by means of nonsyntactical signals. |
-| ------ |
-| |
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/italicfa.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/italicfa.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c0ecd3117..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/italicfa.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \italicface (\it) MARKUP |
-The \italicface (\it) markup will switch to the italic face text font and print
-the text following the markup in italics. If the printer does not have an
-italic font, a warning will issued and an underscore font will be substituted.
-The format for the \italicface markup is:
- \italicface ttttt
-Everything from the \italicface markup to the next font change will be printed
-in italics. If only a word or two are to be printed in italics enclose the
-italic face markup and the text that is to be printed in italics within a set
-of braces.
- {\italicface ttttt}
-After printing the specified text in italics, TEXT1 will automatically switch
-back to the standard face, or Roman font.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/item.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/item.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index abd96b000b..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/item.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-| item |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|identifierã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \item markup creates unique indented items. The parameters for this
-markup is an identifier, such as an Arabic number or letter, supplied by
-you. This offers more flexibility.
- ã|Example:ã%
-militarily for thousands of years.
-Reasons for this continued behavior include:
-\item{*} the rapaciousness of society
-(as shown by the accumulation of wealth and the
-indifference to the poor and nonaggressive)
-\item{**} the acceptance of war
-\item{***} the economic advantages of large-scale
-operations (as shown in industrial applications)
-The cultures of industrial nations are based on
-unethical . . .
-| |
-| militarily for thousands of years. Reasons for this continued behavior |
-| include: |
-| * the rapaciousness of society (as shown by the accumulation of wealth |
-| and the indifference to the poor and nonaggressive) |
-| ** the acceptance of war |
-| *** the economic advantages of large-scale operations (as shown in |
-| industrial applications) |
-| The cultures of industrial nations are based on unethical . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The indentation for \item is determined by the current setting of paragraph
-indent. Each \item forms a hanging paragraph after the identifier. There
-is no extra space between items.
- Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ix.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ix.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index cb92f5efea..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ix.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-| index |
-Abbreviation: ã|\ixã%
-Parameters: ã|title textã%
-Submarkup: ã|\subentry, \blindentry, \uspn, \bdpn, \itpnã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \index markup builds index entries which can be sorted and printed at
-the end of a document. The \index markup has the format
-where "n" is the index number (1, 2, or 3), and "entry" is the index
-entry. The page number you are on when the \index markup is inserted will
-be printed with the "entry". You must use the \printindex markup to sort
-and print the index. It comes at the end of the document. Refer to the
-documentation of \printindex for details on this markup.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Consider this index example:
-The files you create and change have a filemode of A.
-This means that they are all kept in a collection of
-files called your A-disk. The FILELIST command
-displays a list of all
-the files on your A-disk.
-In the document, the following would print where the index markup occurred,
-| |
-| The files you create and change have a filemode of A. This means |
-| that they are all kept in a collection of files called your A-disk. The |
-| FILELIST command displays a list of all the files on your A-disk. |
-If this occurred on page 32, the entry in the index printed with
-\printindex1 would print as illustrated on the next page.
-| A-disk, 32 |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-You cannot use \index within a \settabs or \halign.
-ã|Lower Level or Sub entriesã%
- If you want to record a subentry to a main index entry you use the
-\subentry markup within the \index markup.
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \subentry markup is only valid when used within \index.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you had a main entry called "reader list" and you wanted sub entries for
-"receiving a file" and "replacing a file" you could enter the \index markup
-as illustrated here:
-\sha{Receiving a File}
-To receive a file, move the cursor to the line that
-describes the file you want to receive.
-\index1{reader list \subentry1{receiving a file}}
-Then press PF9. A notice will appear on that line
-telling you that the file has been received, . . .
-\sha{Replacing or Renaming a File}
-What happens if the file in your reader has the same file
-label as one you already have on your disk?
-There are two ways to handle this.
-If you want the file in your reader to replace the file
-\index1{reader list \subentry1{replacing a file}}
-on your disk, type the command "receive / (replace".
-If you want to keep the file on your disk, then rename
-the file in your reader with the command "receive / newname
-\index1{reader list\subentry1{renaming a file}}
-newtype" where "newname" is the new file name and
-"newtype" is the new filetype.
-This would produce the following paragraph in a document:
-| |
-| Receiving a File |
-| To receive a file, move the cursor to the line that describes the file |
-| you want to receive. Then press PF9. A notice will appear on that line |
-| telling you that the file has been received, ... |
-| |
-| Replacing or Renaming a File |
-| What happens if the file in your reader has the same file label as one |
-| you already have on your disk? There are two ways to handle this. |
-| 1. If you want the file in your reader to replace the file on your disk, |
-| type the command "receive / (replace". |
-| 2. If you want to keep the file on your disk, then rename the file |
-| in your reader with the command "receive / newname newtype" where |
-| "newname" is the new file name and "newtype" is the new filetype. |
-| |
-If list level #2 printed at the top of page 33, the index entries would look
-| |
-| reader list |
-| receiving a file, 32 |
-| renaming a file, 33 |
-| replacing a file, 32 |
-| |
-ã|Excluding Text from the Sortã%
- There are occasions when you will want text to print in an indexed item,
-but you do not want that text to be a part of the sorting process. For
-example, you may want to index the title "Consumer Guides" including the
-quotes, but you want it sorted with the C's and not sorted with the double
-quote marks. Also, you probably would want to sort \par with the p's, and
-not with the backslashes. Both can be accomplished using the \sortasmarkup
-which can only be used within the \index markup.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Using the input,
-Please get a copy of the article "Consumer Guides" and
-\index1{"Consumer Guides"\sortas{Consumer Guides}}
-refer to the illustration on page 5.
-Be sure to index the paragraph command "\\par"
-somewhere in the document.
-you would get the following two paragraphs in your document.
-| |
-| Please get a copy of the article "Consumer Guide References" and refer |
-| to the illustration on page 5. |
-| |
-| Be sure to index the paragraph command "\par" somewhere in the |
-| document. |
-| |
-The index entries would print like:
-| |
-| "Consumer Guides", 45 |
-| contour Maps, 23 |
-| |
-| \par, 45 |
-| Paragraphs, long, 16 |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-Prepositions in a subentry may not be part of the sort, but are to be
-printed in the index. For example, to get the index to look like,
-| |
-| vacations |
-| on boats, 32 |
-| at the Olympian, 21 |
-| |
-you would use the \index, \subentry, and \sortas commands illustrated on the
-next page.
-Some people spend their vacations at older
-hotels like the Olympian.
-\index1{vacations \subentry1{at the
-Another popular vacation is travelling the
-Pacific in a boat.
- boats\sortas{boats}}}
- ã|Example:ã%
-As another example, "10 Downing Street" is typically sorted with the T's
-and not prior to the 2's. This can also be accomplished using the \sortas
-markup. For example, the Prime Minister's address mentioned earlier would
-be entered as:
-Taxi, please take me to 10 Downing Street.
-\index1{10 Downing Street\sortas{ten Downing Street}}
-ã|Highlighted Page Numbersã%
- For those applications which require some of the page numbers to be
-printed in bold, some in italics, and others underscored, there are three
-markup available to do this. They are \boldpagenumber, \italicpagenumber,
-and \underscorepagenumber. They are all used within the \index markup, and
-indicate to TEXT1 that a page number other than the standard page number is
-to be used.
- We recommend that important references be noted in bold (\boldpage-
-number). Fleeting references be printed with italics (\italicpagenumber).
-And primary references be indicated by being underscored (\underscorepage-
-number). Of course, you are free to use these three markup as you see
- The bold page number will always come prior to a standard face reference
-to the same page.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you had an \boldpagenumber on page 43 and \index's on pages 42--44 for
-\index1{peace} % Located on page 42
-\index1{peace} % Located on page 43
-\index1{peace\bdpn} % Located on page 43
-\index1{peace} % Located on page 44
-the index printed with \printindex would look like:
-| peace 43, 42--44 |
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you have an underscored page number and it falls in the same range as a
-standard face entry, the underscored entry would follow the standard face
-entry. For example, if you had a \underscorepagenumber on page 66 and
-\index's on pages 66--72 for "nationalism",
-\index1{nationalism\uspn} % On page 66
-\index1{nationalism} % On page 66
-\index1{nationalism} % On page 67
-\index1{nationalism} % On page 72
-the index sequence would print like:
-| Quick Programming Language 66--72, 66 |
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you have an index reference in italics and it falls in the same range as
-a standard face entry, the italics entry will not be printed. For example,
-if you had an italics entry using \italicpagenumber on pages 45 and 56, and
-you had standard face entries on pages 54--60 for "In Search of Excellence",
-the printed index would look like:
-| |
-| In Search of Excellence 45, 54--60 |
-| |
-ã|Cross Referencesã%
- Often it is desirable to have a cross reference to another index entry.
-You can do this using the \blindentry markup within the \index markup. You
-cannot use both \blindentry and \subentry within the same \index markup.
-The \blindentry markup has the format,
-\blindentry{blind entry}
-where "blind entry" is the text you want associated with that index entry.
- ã|Example:ã%
-For example, to get an index entry to print like
-| |
-| |
-| Flow of control, see Control Structures |
-you would enter
-\index1{Flow of control\blindentry{see Control
- ã|Example:ã%
-It is also possible to have a blind entry printed with an index entry, and
-still have it indexed with page numbers. For example, if you were to enter
-\index1{Label\blindentry{({\it see also} Case Label)}}
-on page 78 you would get an index entry printed as:
-| Label, 78, (see also Case Label) |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-If you have page numbers and a blind entry, then the blind entry will follow
-the last page number as illustrated here.
-ã|Multiple Indexesã%
- You can have multiple indexes by changing the "1" in \index1 to "2" or
-"3". For example,
-\index1{entry in first index}
-\index2{entry in second index}
-\index3{entry in third index}
-will generate one entry in each of three indexes. See \printindex for
-instructions on how to print out each of the three indexes.
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index a57b8f352b..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ixf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-| indexformat |
-Abbreviation: ã|\ixfã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\respectcase, \style, \leadering, \everyhang,
-\everyletterbreak, \indentsubentry, \everyindexã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The defaults listed above for each markup applies initially to each of
-the three indexes. One or more indexes' defaults can all be changed
-by modifying the \indexformat markup. The complete description of the
-\indexformat markup and its related submarkup is:
-where n is the index (1, 2, or 3) and format is the submarkup.
-ã|respectcaseã% ignores the case of an index entry. This markup can only be
-used within the \indexformat markup. If you wanted case respected and have
-the lower case letters sorted before the upper case entries (i.e., "boat"
-sorted before "Bed") then enter
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Respecting case applies to all letters. If \respectcase{yes} has been
-specified, then "boat" and "cat" will both be sorted before "Bed". The
-default value is \respectcase{no} for each of the 3 indexes.
-ã|styleã% regulates the general index format. \style{indent}, the default,
-indents each index entry. This style looks like:
-| |
-| Constantinople, 12, See also Istanbul |
-| alien rule of, 20 |
-| Arab invasion of, 19, 31 |
-| Crusades and, 22, 57 |
-| Ottoman conquest of, 29--31 |
-| |
- There are two other styles to choose from: "paragraph" and "dash". The
-style "paragraph" is a run-on hanging paragraph. You get it by specifying:
-With this style, the above index would look like:
-| |
-| Constantinople, 12, alien rule |
-| of, 20, Arab invasion of, 19, |
-| 31, Crusades and, 22, 57, |
-| Ottoman conquest of, 29--31, See |
-| also Istanbul |
-| |
-Note that with this style, the blind entry from the \blindentry submarkup
-comes after the subentry, instead of after the main entry as was done for
-the "indent" style.
- The third style is "dash", an em-dash style. You get it by specifying
-It is very similar to the default "indent" style, except subentries are
-prefaced with an em dash following the initial indent of space.
-| |
-| Constantinople, 12, See also Istanbul |
-| ---alien rule of, 20 |
-| ---Arab invasion of, 19, 31 |
-| ---Crusades and, 22, 57 |
-| ---Ottoman conquest of, 29--31 |
-| |
-ã|leaderingã% turns on/off dot leadering. The default is "off". You
-can change this default only within the \indexformat markup. To have dot
-leadering, enter:
-If you are using \style{indent} and \leadering{yes} you get:
-| |
-| Constantinople, See also |
-| Istanbul ... . ... ... . ....12 |
-| alien rule of ... . ... 20 |
-| Arab invasion of . . .19, 31 |
-| Crusades and .... . .22, 57 |
-| Ottoman conquest of .29--31 |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Do not use dot leadering with \style{paragraph}.
-ã|everyletterbreakã% is what will be printed between each letter break,
-(i.e. between "A" and "B"). By default, one blank line is skipped when
-starting a new letter (at each letter break). The \everyletterbreak markup
-can only appear within the \indexformat markup.
- ã|Example:ã%
-You could modify the default to place a rule and skip between breaks:
- \hrule width 2in
- \vs{\bl}}}
- This would look something like:
-| |
-| ..................... |
-| alpha, 62 |
-| America, 38 |
-| Austria, 55 |
-| ..................... |
-| |
-| Bach, 98 |
-| Bethlehem, 87 |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-Something else you can do with indexes is to make use of the "\nextletter"
-submarkup, which gives you the next uppercase character about to be listed
-in the sorted index list. For example, between "apple" and "boat" the
-value of "\nextletter" would be "B". One application would be to print the
-"\nextletter" in a large type. This could be accomplished by changing the
-default for "\everyletterbreak" to:
- \noindent{\twelvepoint\bd\nextletter}\par}}
-The resulting index would look like:
-| |
-| |
-| A |
-| alpha, 62 |
-| America, 38 |
-| Austria, 55 |
-| |
-| B |
-| Bach, 98 |
-| Bethlehem, 87 |
- ã|Example:ã%
-Another variation of the above would be to draw a box around the next
-letter. You could do this by adding \drawbox to \everyletterbreak:
- \drawbox{\bd\nextletter}\par}}
-and you will get an index that prints as illustrated on the next page.
-| |
-| ..... |
-| ..... |
-| alpha, 62 |
-| America, 38 |
-| Austria, 55 |
-| |
-| ..... |
-| ..... |
-| Bach, 98 |
-| Bethlehem, 87 |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The "\nextletter" is always an uppercase letter.
- Only letters, not numbers or special characters such as the backslash
-(\) are used as \nextletter.
-ã|indentsubentryã% There are two levels of subentries available. The amount
-of distance they are indented when you are using the "indent" or "dash"
-styles is controlled by the \indentsubentry submarkup. If you are using
-the "paragraph" style for the index, the \indentsubentry is ignored. The
-definition of this markup is,
-where n is the subentry level, 1 or 2, and amt is the amount to be indented.
-The default indent for these two subentry levels is:
- \indentsubentry2{2em}}
- If, for example, you were using the "indented" style and wanted each
-subentry level indented two em's from the previous level, you would enter,
- \indentsubentry2{4em}}
-which would print the index illustrated earlier as:
-| |
-| Constantinople, 12, See also Istanbul |
-| alien rule of, 20 |
-| Arab invasion of, 19, 31 |
-| Crusades and, 22, 57 |
-| Ottoman conquest of, 29--31 |
-| |
-ã|everyhangã% controls the hanging indent for the primary index level and
-each of the two subentry levels. If you had an index entry with many page
-| |
-| Write state- |
-| ment, 26, |
-| 34--38, 70, |
-| 86, |
-| 103, 191, |
-| 202, 203-- |
-| 204, 281 |
-| |
-The hangingindent would be 1.5em by default.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted to increase that value to 3em, you would enter,
-and you would get:
-| |
-| Write state- |
-| ment, 26, |
-| 34--38, |
-| 70, 86, |
-| 103, 191, |
-| 202, 203-- |
-| 204, 281 |
-| |
-ã|everyindexã% is a list of one or more commands to be executed before
-printing the sorted index. By default, \tenpt is the value of \everyindex.
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The default type style used with \monospace is \roman instead of \tenpt.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ju.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ju.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 48b4541b3d..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ju.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-| justify |
-Abbreviation: ã|\juã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \justify markup makes each line exactly the same length and aligns
-both left and right margins vertically. TEXT1 automatically sets pages
-with full justification by default. The \justify markup is used to reset
-justification after using \rightragged or \leftragged.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Setting: Continuation of the narrative of Nehemiah
-(c. 420 {\caps b.c.}).
-Supplies information on an important epoch in ancient
-Jewish history---the return to Judea after seventy
-years of captivity in Babylon.
-Consists of two parts separated by several years:
-Chapters 1 to 6, the return of the first caravan under
-leadership of Zerubbabel; chapters 7 to 10, an
-expedition, sixty years later, conducted by Ezra.
-| |
-| Setting: Continuation of the narrative of Nehemiah (c. 420 b.c.). |
-| Supplies information on an important epoch in ancient Jewish history---the |
-| return to Judea after seventy years of captivity in Babylon. |
-| Consists of two parts separated by several years: Chapters 1 to 6, |
-| the return of the first caravan under leadership of Zerubbabel; chapters 7 |
-| to 10, an expedition, sixty years later, conducted by Ezra. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-When you specify \justify, text will be justified until TEXT1 sees a
-\rightragged or \leftragged.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/la.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/la.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index fce94d1349..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/la.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-| label |
-Abbreviation: ã|\laã%
-Parameters: ã|textã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \label markup creates labelled paragraphs. Labels will appear to the
-left of the paragraph described, in a 72 point (one inch) zone. A label is
-similar to a hanging paragraph, except that the first line is aligned with
-the indented portion and the label is separated by a gutter of 1 em space.
-The skip between labels is one blank line. To begin a new paragraph at the
-same indentation as the previous label, enter "\label{}" with no entry in
-the parameter field of the \label.
- ã|Example:ã%
-origin of rock provides clues.
-\label{Sedimentary} rock is recemented from
-particles of older rock that has been broken down
-by physical and chemical weathering.
-rock is igneous or sedimentary that has been
-altered by temperature and pressure.
-Human cells act in a manner like sedimentary rock.
-| |
-| origin of rock provides clues. |
-| Sedimentaryrock is recemented from particles of older rock that has been |
-| broken down by physical and chemical weathering. |
-| |
-| Metamorphicrock is igneous or sedimentary that has been altered by |
-| temperature and pressure. |
-| Human cells act in a manner like sedimentary rock. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The label indent and the gutter width can be modified with the \labelformat
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/label.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/label.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 362b463298..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/label.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|LABELã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
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deleted file mode 100644
index 748b10c7c7..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/laf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-| labelformat |
- \labelwidth{72pt}
- \gutter{1em}
- \everylabel{\rm}
- }
-Abbreviation: ã|\lafã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\skipbefore, \labelwidth, \gutter,
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \labelformat markup controls the appearance of labelled paragraphs.
-\skipbefore indicates how much space is to be skipped before printing a
-block. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips.
-\labelwidth sets the amount of space to contain the label to the left of
-the paragraph. The shaded portion illustrated here is the "label width"
-| |
-| SCALE, |
-| nmin, nmax fornhalfwordxdata.)nteSince pixeledifferences5can(rangeabetween |
-| -255 and +255 (-511 and . . . |
-| |
-The default label width is 72 points (one inch). To change to a label width
-of 1 2 inch you would enter,
-\gutter keeps a small amount of space between the label and the paragraph.
-The shaded portion illustrated on the next page is the "label gutter" area.
-| |
-| SCALE, |
-| nmin, nmax fornhalfwordxdata.)nteSince pixeledifferences5can(rangeabetween |
-| -255 and +255 (-511 and . . . |
-| |
-The default amount is 1 em space. To change to a label gutter of 5 points
-you would enter,
-\everylabel determines the type face and size of the label itself. The
-default is roman face and right ragged.
- ã|Example:ã%
-The sample markup reduces the skipbefore amount, increases the labelwidth
-(to suit a larger format), and changes the font for labels to 9 point bold.
-Note the use of displayed math mode.
- \labelwidth{108pt}
- \gutter{1em}
- \everylabel{\ninepoint\bd}}
-specifies that both input datasets are halfword
-(maximum 511 DN) (default is byte data).
-\la{ADD} specifies that the sum of the two input
-datasets is to be computed (default is the
-computation of the difference image).
-\la{SCALE, nmin, nmax}
-nmin and nmax are integers between -255 and 510
-(-511 and 1022 for halfword data.) Since . . .
-If N(I,J) is less than nmin, the OUTPUT=0.\lbr
-If N(I,J) is greater than nmax, the OUTPUT=K.\lbr
-If N(I,J) is between or equal to nmin and nmax then
-@@OUTPUT = K*{N(I,J)-nmin\over nmax-nmin}@@
-where N(I,J) = IN1(I,J) - IN2(I,J) or if "ADD" has
-been specified, N(I,J) = IN1(I,J) + IN2(I,J)
-and K = 255 (511 for halfword data).
-\la{TRANS\lbr sl1, ss1, sl2, ss2}sl1 and ss1 are
-line and sample
-coordinates for a point in IN1, and sl2 and ss2 are the
-corresponding coordinates for the point in IN2. If HALF
-has been specified, ss1 and ss2 refer to {\it bytes}
-(not sample) in IN1 and In2, respectively.
-| |
-| HALF specifies that both input datasets are halfword (maximum |
-| 511 DN) (default is byte data). |
-| ADD specifies that the sum of the two input datasets is to |
-| be computed (default is the computation of the difference |
-| image). |
-| |
-| SCALE, nmin, |
-| nmax 1022 for halfword data.)rsSincewe.n.-.55 and 510 (-511 and |
-| If N(I,J) is less than nmin, the OUTPUT=0. |
-| If N(I,J) is greater than nmax, the OUTPUT=K. |
-| If N(I,J) is between or equal to nmin and nmax then |
-| OUTPUT = K*N(I,J)-nmin nmax-nmin where N(I,J) = IN1(I,J) - |
-| IN2(I,J) or if "ADD" has been specified, N(I,J) = IN1(I,J) |
-| + IN2(I,J) and K = 255 (511 for halfword data). |
-| |
-| TRANS |
-| sl1, ss1, sl2,IN1, and sl2 and ss2 are the corresponding coordinates for |
-| ss2 the pointsinaIN2.inIfaHALFahasebeenrspecified,rss1pandtss2 |
-| refer to bytes (not sample) in IN1 and In2, respectively. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lbr.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lbr.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 4982e67f9c..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lbr.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-| linebreak |
-Abbreviation: ã|\lbrã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \linebreak markup causes a line to finish without interrupting a
-paragraph. Occasionally it is necessary to break a line in a precise place
-within a paragraph, as opposed to letting TEXT1 decide where to break the
-line. This markup does not end a paragraph, it simply starts the following
-text of the paragraph on a new line instead of concatenating it to the end
-of the previous line.
- ã|Example:ã%
-This article is an outline of the codification of
-Sociogeology into a branch of evolutionary geology.
-The subject has an aggregate of self-sufficient
-concepts that with such disciplines as cosmetology
-and astrology. Figure 1 shows a
-schema borrowed from my previous book,\linebreak
-{\it The Intact Societies: Vestals and Volcanoes},\lbr
-which suggests how the amalgam can be achieved.
-Geologists have always been intrigued by comparisons
-between societies of rocks and those of vertebrates,
-between two kingdoms.
-| |
-| This article is an outline of the codification of Sociogeology into |
-| a branch of evolutionary geology. The subject has an aggregate of |
-| self-sufficient concepts that with such disciplines as cosmetology and |
-| astrology. Figure 1 shows a schema borrowed from my previous book, |
-| The Intact Societies: Vestals and Volcanoes, |
-| which suggests how the amalgam can be achieved. Geologists have always |
-| been intrigued by comparisons between societies of rocks and those of |
-| vertebrates, between two kingdoms. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-See \break for the difference between these two markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/leader.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/leader.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index e34179520b..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/leader.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-| leader |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \leader markup is most often used in the \tableofcontentsformat in
-conjunction with a page number. It produces dot leadering. You can also
-use \leader in an \halign.
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example using leaders also illustrates the use of \indent in \halign.
-The average annual costs of owning buildings in terms of
-{\it taxes, insurance, maintenance,} and
-{\it depreciation} are:
-\halign{\indent\indent\hbox to 13pc {#\leader}&
- \rt{#}\ \%\cr
-Maintenance repairs&2.00\cr
-\indent\bd Total&8.00\cr}
-Will print:
-| |
-| The average annual costs of owning buildings in terms of taxes, |
-| insurance, maintenance, and depreciation are: |
-| Taxes . .... .. .....1.00 % |
-| Insurance ... . ... ..75 % |
-| Maintenance repairs . 2.00 % |
-| Depreciation. . . ... 4.00 % |
-| Miscellaneous. . .... .25 % |
-| Total ... . ... 8.00 % |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Notice in the last line the the ampersand (&) acted as a font delimiter for
-the \bd which printed "Total".
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/letter.helpmode b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/letter.helpmode
deleted file mode 100644
index 754e174b0c..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/letter.helpmode
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Models |
-Theã|LETTERã%model is a general letter model. It is a template. You may modify
-it, but it is recommended you check with the Information Center first.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lib.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lib.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 251f2203c3..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lib.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-| listbegin |
-Abbreviation: ã|\libã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \listbegin markup starts a series of items set off with numbers,
-letters, or bullets (raised dots). The \listbegin markup ends the previous
- ã|Example:ã%
-Some nations have historically dominated others.
-\bul United States in Latin America (and the Pacific)
-\bul Europe in Africa (especially England, France,
-Germany, the Netherlands---perhaps Portugal and Spain)
-\bul Japan in Southeast Asia (earlier in China, now
-in the Philippines, Borneo, and others)
-\bul Russia in Eastern Europe (and attempts in South
-America and the Caribbean)
-\bul China in Tibet (and most lately in Southeast
-Asia---Campuchea, and Vietnam)
-Countries have tried to dominate each other . . .
-| |
-| Some nations have historically dominated others. |
-| * United States in Latin America (and the Pacific) |
-| * Europe in Africa (especially England, France, Germany, the |
-| Netherlands---perhaps Portugal and Spain) |
-| * Japan in Southeast Asia (earlier in China, now in the Philippines, |
-| Borneo, and others) |
-| * Russia in Eastern Europe (and attempts in South America and the |
-| Caribbean) |
-| * China in Tibet (and most lately in Southeast Asia---Campuchea, and |
-| Vietnam) |
-| Countries have tried to dominate each other . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lie.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lie.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bc295573f..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lie.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-| listend |
-Abbreviation: ã|\lieã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \listend markup finishes a series of items set off with numbers,
-letters, or bullets (raised dots). The \listend returns text to paragraph
- ã|Example:ã%
-Reasons for this continued behavior include:
-\lil1 armaments (in the form of tanks, bombers, weapons
-and troop carriers, and personnel vehicles)
-\lil1 military forces (the troops and support personnel
-necessary to impose policy by force)
-The cultures of industrial nations are based on . . .
-| |
-| Reasons for this continued behavior include: |
-| 1. armaments (in the form of tanks, bombers, weapons and troop carriers, |
-| and personnel vehicles) |
-| 2. military forces (the troops and support personnel necessary to impose |
-| policy by force) |
-| The cultures of industrial nations are based on . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lif.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lif.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index ed5b99e21a..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lif.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-| listformat |
- \liststyle{1.,a.,i.,1),a),i),(1)}
- \everylistlevel1{\rm\lin{36pt}\gutter{1em}}
- \everylistlevel2{\rm\lin{58pt}\gutter{1em}}
- \everylistlevel3{\rm\lin{79pt}\gutter{1em}}
- \everylistlevel4{\rm\lin{101pt}\gutter{1em}}
- \everylistlevel5{\rm\lin{122pt}\gutter{1em}}
- \everylistlevel6{\rm\lin{144pt}\gutter{1em}}
- \everylistlevel7{\rm\lin{166pt}\gutter{1em}}
- \everybullet{\rm\lin{+36pt}\gutter{1em}}
- \skipafter{0\bl}}
-Abbreviation: ã|\lifã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\skipbefore, \everylistleveln, \everybullet,
-\skipafter, \liststyleã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \listformat markup permits changes to the TEXT1 ordered list style, list
-indentation, or other formatting of an outline list.
-ã|\skipbeforeã% indicates how much space is to be skipped before printing a
-list. This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips.
-ã|\liststyleã% sets the order of identifiers for the seven levels of a list.
-Up to seven list styles may be entered in the \liststyle markup, each
-separated by commas. The complete collection of possible list level styles
- "1.", "a.", "A.", "i.", "I.", "1)", "a)", "A)", "i)", "I)",
- "(1)", "(a)", "(A)", "(i)", "(I)", "1]", "a]", "A]", "i]", "I]",
- "[1]", "[a]", "[A]", "[i]", "[I]"
- ã|Example:ã%
-Note that every listlevel does not have to be changed or entered.
- \liststyle{1.,a),(1)}}
-If your terminal does not have square brackets, you can use the \leftsquare-
-bracket and \rightsquarebracket markup within the \liststyle markup. For
- \liststyle{\lsb1.\rsb, a.}
-ã|\everylistleveln{Nested Markup}ã% The "n" indicates the list level number,
-from 1 to 7. Each of the seven list levels has its own \everylistlevel
-markup. The default indentation increases for each level down. You may use
-Nested Markup such as font changes, \leftindent, \rightindent, and \gutter.
- * \leftindent is the distance from the left margin to the start of the
-text of the item. The left indent is the shaded portion illustrated below:
-| |
-| a. The "computer on a chip" has made it possible to extend automation |
-| to the office place. |
-| |
- * \gutter is the distance between the list level indicator and the text of
-the item. The gutter is the shaded portion illustrated below:
-| |
-| a. The "computer on a chip" has made it possible to extend automation |
-| to the office place. |
-| |
-ã|\everybullet{Nested Markup}ã% Bullets can be used by themselves in a list
-or after any level. If you wanted to change this default to have a right
-ragged bullet with 36-point left and right indents, you would specify:
- \everybullet{\rightragged\lin{36pt}\rin{36pt}}
- \skipafter{0pt}}
-ã|\skipafterã% indicates how much space is to be skipped after printing a list.
-This amount is in addition to any paragraph skips.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Assuming you wanted the text to be right justified and double spaced in a 10
-point Computer Modern font and the list levels to be right ragged and single
-spaced in a 9 point Computer Modern font, the \listformat could be entered
-as illustrated on the next page.
- \liststyle{1.,a.,i.,1),a),i),(1)}
- \everylistlevel1{\rr\ninept\pin{.5in}\lin{24pt}}
- \everylistlevel2{\rr\ninept\pin{.5in}\lin{.8in}}
- \everylistlevel3{\rr\ninept\pin{.5in}\lin{1.1in}}
- \everylistlevel4{\rr\ninept\pin{.5in}\lin{1.4in}}
- \everylistlevel5{\rr\ninept\pin{.5in}\lin{1.7in}}
- \everylistlevel6{\rr\ninept\pin{.5in}\lin{2.0in}}
- \everylistlevel7{\rr\ninept\pin{.5in}\lin{2.3in}}
- \skipafter{0pt}}
-. . . bridge specifications: |
-\lib\lil1 Falsework under all spans shall be completely
-released before forms are constructed and concrete is
-placed in rail bases and traffic and pedestrian barriers.
-\lil1 In order to determine the condition of column concrete,
-forms shall always be removed from columns before releasing
-supports from beneath beams and girders.
-| |
-| . . . bridge specifications: |
-| 1. Falsework under all spans shall be completely released before forms |
-| are constructed and concrete is placed in rail bases and traffic and |
-| pedestrian barriers. |
-| 2. In order to determine the condition of column concrete, forms shall |
-| always be removed from columns before releasing supports from beneath |
-| beams and girders. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lil.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lil.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 101297f484..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lil.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-| listlevel |
-Abbreviation: ã|\lilnã%
-Parameters: ã|n, 1 to 7ã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-TEXT1 provides seven levels of list enumeration. The levels in a list are
-each designated with a \listlevel markup; each level is differentiated with
-a list level number n, 1 to 7. To specify an outline list, start with the
-\listbegin markup followed by \listlevel, and ending with a \listend. Each
-\listlevel will indent an absolute amount from the left margin. The default
-indentation for level 1 is 36 points ( 1/2 inch); level 2 is 58 points; and
-each level increases.
- ã|Example:ã%
-\lil1 Humans vs. rocks.
-\lil2 Rocks are food source for humans.
-\lil3 Igneous
-\lil3 Metamorphic
-\lil2 Humans are food source for rocks.
-\lil1 Rocks vs. humans.
-\nin Only more research can dig up facts for solving . . .
-| |
-| 1. Humans vs. rocks. |
-| a. Rocks are food source for humans. |
-| i. Igneous |
-| ii. Metamorphic |
-| b. Humans are food source for rocks. |
-| 2. Rocks vs. humans. |
-| Only more research can dig up facts for solving . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Each \listlevel must have a beginning \listbegin and an ending \listend.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lin.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lin.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index df27e80960..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lin.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-| leftindent |
-Abbreviation: ã|\linã%
-Parameters: ã|unit of measureã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \lin markup indents text from the left margin. The value may be
-relative, e.g., {+.5in}, which adds (or subtracts) the amount from the
-current left margin or current indent (if one is in effect). The default
-for left indent is zero. The indentation remains until another \leftindent
-overrides it. This markup causes a break in text.
- ã|Example:ã%
-from Camus: The rock should be left at the bottom,
-because of the inevitability of entropic direction.
-What I have read doesn't make any sense. How can
-minerals influence human social behavior, any more
-than gravity? This theory is 'on the rocks.'
-\rightline{Clay Gneiss}
-| |
-| |
-| from Camus: The rock should be left at the bottom, because of the |
-| inevitability of entropic direction. |
-| What I have read doesn't make any sense. How can minerals |
-| influence human social behavior, any more than gravity? This |
-| theory is 'on the rocks.' |
-| Clay Gneiss |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-You can also use grouping to limit the effects of the \leftindent. If you
-do, be sure that the last paragraph to be indented is followed by a \par.
-The above illustration could also have been accomplished with grouping as
-illustrated on the next page.
-from Camus: The rock should be left at the bottom,
-because of the inevitability of entropic direction.
-What I have read doesn't make any sense. How can
-minerals influence human social behavior, any more
-than gravity? This theory is 'on the rocks.'
-\rightline{Clay Gneiss}
-| |
-| from Camus: The rock should be left at the bottom, because of the |
-| inevitability of entropic direction. |
-| |
-| What I have read doesn't make any sense. How can minerals |
-| influence human social behavior, any more than gravity? This |
-| theory is 'on the rocks.' |
-| Clay Gneiss |
-| |
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/line.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/line.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index e10d568d60..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/line.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-| line |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \line markup is used most often in the \runningheadformat and \running-
-footformat running title markup.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted to left justify "Chapter 1" and right justify "page 2" (where
-"2" is actually the page number, \pagenumber), enter:
- \line{\lft{Chapter 1}\rt{page \pagenumber}}}}
-| |
-| Chapter 1 page 1 |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-A construct such as,
- \line{\lft{page \pn}\ctr{\today}
- \rt{PNW Waterfalls}}}}
-will not print the date centered on the page:
-| |
-| page 2 January 13, 1987 PNW Waterfalls |
-| |
-To accomplish this, you should print the left and right justified text with
-\line, then space backwards one line (\verticalspace{-\bl}), then center the
-\rhf{\bothpages{\line{\lft{page \pn}
- \rt{PNW Waterfalls}}}
- \vs{-\bl}
- \line{\ctr{\today}}
-| |
-| page 3 January 13, 1987 PNW Waterfalls |
-| |
- Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lint.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lint.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 1394439251..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lint.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-| lineinterval |
-Abbreviation: ã|\lintã%
-Parameters: ã|intervalã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-When \printingnumbers{yes} and \countinglines{yes} have both been specified,
-this markup is used to specify when a line number is to be printed for line
-numbering in the margin of a document. It need only be specified once at
-the top of a document. The default is every fifth line counted will be
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted every tenth line counted to be numbered, you would specify:
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Line numbering is only available on the phototypesetter. This markup is
-ignored for all other printers.
- You may specify an interval from 0-255. Practically speaking, you
-should specify an interval from 1-150.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lir.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lir.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index a872714bb7..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lir.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-| listresume |
-Abbreviation: ã|\lirã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-\listresume is used to end a lower listlevel and return to the next higher
-listlevel without starting a new point.
- ã|Example:ã%
-\lil1 All fixed time controllers shall be equipped with
-indicating switches and wiring to provide local control
-of the following functions:
-\lil2 Transfer from automatic to manual operation,
-\lil2 Transfer from normal operation to flashing,
-Combined master and intersection controllers shall have
-indicating switches for functions (b) and (c), above,
-for interconnected system.
-Combined master and intersection controllers shall also
-have provisions for time switch control.
-\lil1 All fixed-time controllers shall be . . .
-| |
-| 1. All fixed time controllers shall be equipped with indicating switches |
-| and wiring to provide local control of the following functions: |
-| a. Transfer from automatic to manual operation, |
-| b. Transfer from normal operation to flashing, |
-| Combined master and intersection controllers shall have indicating |
-| switches for functions (b) and (c), above, for interconnected system. |
-| Combined master and intersection controllers shall also have |
-| provisions for time switch control. |
-| 2. All fixed-time controllers shall be . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lists.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lists.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c6016c1d8..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lists.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|LISTSã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lnf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lnf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 26007a09dd..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lnf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-| linenumberfont |
-Abbreviation: ã|\lnfã%
-Parameters: ã|fontã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-When \printingnumbers{yes} and \countinglines{yes} have both been specified,
-this markup is used to specify what font the line number is to be printed in
-the margin of a document. It need only be specified once at the top of a
-document. The default is font "etsc 8", which is English Times Small Caps
-at 8 point.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted to use Plantin Roman, you would specify:
-\linenumberfont{plr 10}
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Line numbering is only available on the phototypesetter. This markup is
-ignored for all other printers.
- See the Font Catalog to determine what fonts to use.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lr.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lr.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index bab03a2243..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/lr.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-| leftragged |
-Abbreviation: ã|\lrã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \leftragged markup leaves the left margin uneven after formatting. This
-markup is used only with unusual text, for instance, introductory quotes for
- ã|Example:ã%
-The comparison may seem facile, but from deliberate
-oversimplification comes complex obfuscation and general
-Behavioral research will lead in this direction, as the
-general theory of Sociogeology predicts the features of
-social organization from knowledge of population
-parameters and behavioral constraints imposed by
-the mineral constitution of the species.
-Humans exhibit metamorphic behavior over time or at high
-temperatures, fever, for instance.
-Metamorphic crystallization involves low temperatures;
-| |
-| Thecomparison mayseemfacile, butfrom deliberateoversimplificationcomes |
-| complex obfuscationandgeneral theoretification.Behavioral researchwilllead |
-| inthis direction,asthe generaltheoryof Sociogeologypredicts thefeaturesof |
-| social organizationfromknowledge ofpopulation parametersandbehavioral |
-| constraints imposedbythe mineralconstitution ofthespecies. |
-| Humansexhibit metamorphicbehaviorover timeor athightemperatures, |
-| fever,forinstance. Metamorphiccrystallization involveslowtemperatures; |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Use \justify to turn the justification back on again.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/markup.helpmenu b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/markup.helpmenu
deleted file mode 100644
index 29c37a2849..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/markup.helpmenu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-| Summary of TEXT1 Markup |
- Help may be selected for the following markup by placing the cursor
-under any of the first eight characters of the desired markup abbreviation
-followed bypressing the PF1 key.
-Abbreviation Markup Name Function
-app \appendix{} designate appendix
-apf \appendixformat{} modify appendix style
-aib \asisbegin start 'as is' text
-aie \asisend end 'as is' text
-aif \asisformat{} modify 'as is' style
-aen \autoendnote{} save endnote
-afn \autofootnote{} add footnote
-bie \bibentry start entry
-bib \bibliography{} designate bibliography
-bif \bibliographyformat{} modify bibliography style
-bqb \blockquotebegin start block quote
-bqe \blockquoteend end block quote
-bqf \blockquoteformat{} modify block quote style
-bd \bold call bold font
-bi \bolditalic call bolditalic font
-break \break force line and page breaks
-bul \bullet start bullet
-cc \caps call caps/small caps font
-cl \centerline{} center one line
-clb \centerlinesbegin begin centering, 'as is'
-cle \centerlinesend end centering
-cents \cents cent sign
-chap \chapter{} designate chapter
-chf \chapterformat{} modify chapter style
-coul \countinglines{} start counting lines
-dsp \doublespace start alternate blank lines
-db \drawbox{} draw a box around text
-dbrs \drawboxrulesize{} thickness of a box's rule
-dbm \drawboxmat{} white space around a box
-die \dumpinsertseject dump and print inserts
-el \ellipsis{} 3 or 4 dot ellipsis
-ep \emptypage print an empty page
-enf \endnoteformat{} modify endnote style
-epm \evenpagemargin used in line numbering
-ex \extension call the extension font
-fig \figure{}{} create a figure
-fif \figureformat{} modify figures
-fixf \fixedformat multiple column format style
-font \font font definition
-footnote \footnote{}{} add footnote
-fnf \footnoteformat{} modify footnote style
-frac \fraction print a fraction
-frenchspacing \frenchspacing spacing for bibliographies
-goodbreak \goodbreak indicate likely page break
-halign \halign table building
-hin \hangingindent set hanging paragraph indent
-hp \hangingparagraph start hanging paragraph
-hbox \hbox TEX horizontal box
-hs \horizontalspace{} add horizontal space
-hrule \hrule draw a horizontal rule
-hsize \hsize set the galleywidth
-hof \hyphenoff turn off hyphenation
-hon \hyphenon turn on hyphenation
-incl \include add an external graphic
-indent \indent add horizontal space
-ix \index add item to index
-ixf \indexformat specify the index format
-input \input input another file
-isk \interlineskip{} set interline skip
-it \italic specify italic font
-item \item unordered lists
-ju \justify align margins
-la \label start a label
-laf \labelformat modify label style
-leader \leader dot leadering
-lin \leftindent{} indent left margin
-lr \leftragged unaligned left margin
-line \line left justify a line
-lbr \linebreak cause unfilled line break
-lint \lineinterval line numbering
-lnf \linenumberfont line numbering
-lib \listbegin start list
-lie \listend end list
-lif \listformat{} modify list style
-lil \listlevel{} start new list level (1-7)
-lir \listresume resume at previous list level
-mn \marginnote print a note in the margin
-mnf \marginnoteformat modify margin note style
-mathdefault \mathdefault establish math fonts
-mi \mathitalic call math italic font
-msp \monospace typewriter printer setup
-mcf \multicolumnformat modify multiple column defaults
-nc \newcolumn start a new column
-np \newpage start a new page
-nobreak \nobreak discourage page break
-nin \noindent suppress paragraph indent
-nonfrenchspacing \nonfrenchspacing turn off french spacing
-ntp \notitlepage suppress title page
-numl \numberinglines line numbering
-opm \oddpagemargin line numbering
-oc \onecolumn one column formatting
-pf \pageformat page size and margins
-pn \pagenumber print page number
-par \paragraph end paragraph
-pb \paragraphbox box a paragraph
-pin \paragraphindent{} set paragraph indentation
-printind \printindex print the document index
-psk \paragraphskip{} set space between paragraphs
-part \part{} designate major heading
-paf \partformat{} modify part style
-plaintexmathon \plaintexmathon use PLAIN.TEX's $
-ppl \poplevel line numbering
-pre \preface{} designate preliminary pages
-prf \prefaceformat{} modify preface style
-pen \printendnotes print accumulated endnotes
-prin \printingnumbers{} line numbering
-pic \putincontents1{} add to the table of contents
-quad \quad add an 'em' of space
-qquad \qquad add two 'em's of space
-raggedbottom \raggedbottom don't align page bottoms
-rin \rightindent{} indent right margin
-rl \rightline{} right justify line
-rlb \rightlinesbegin begin right alignment, 'as is'
-rle \rightlinesend end right alignment, 'as is'
-rr \rightragged unaligned right margin
-rm \roman specify roman font
-rule \rule create horizontal line
-rff \runningfootformat{} specify running foot format
-rhf \runningheadformat{} specify running head format
-sau \sameauthor previous author, bibliography
-sfs \selectfontset{}{}{} specify font set
-sms \selectmathset{}{} specify math set
-ssf \selectspecificfont{}{}{} specify specific font
-san \setappendixnumber{} reset appendix number
-scn \setchapternumber{} reset chapter number
-senn \setendnotenumber{} reset endnote number
-sfn \setfigurenumber{} reset figure number
-sffn \setfootnotenumber{} reset footnote number
-spn \setpagenumber{} reset page number
-sptn \setpartnumber{} reset part number
-ssan \setsubheadanumber{} reset subheada number
-ssbn \setsubheadbnumber{} reset subheadb number
-sscn \setsubheadcnumber{} reset subheadc number
-ssdn \setsubheaddnumber{} reset subheadd number
-stn \settablenumber{} reset table number
-settabs \settabs tables
-ssp \singlespace start single spacing
-strut \strut tables
-sha \subheada{} designate first subheading
-shaf \subheadaformat{} modify first subheading style
-shb \subheadb{} designate second subheading
-shbf \subheadbformat{} modify second subheading style
-shc \subheadc{} designate third subheading
-shcf \subheadcformat{} modify third subheading style
-shd \subheadd{} designate fourth subheading
-shdf \subheaddformat{} modify fourth subheading style
-sy \symbol call the symbol font
-taf \tableformat{} modify table title style
-toc \tableofcontents{} print table of contents
-tocf \tableofcontentsformat{} modify table of contents style
-tat \tabletitle{} print a table title
-tenpt \tenpt call 10pt font set
-text1 \text1 print "TEXT1"
-thc \threecolumns print text in 3 columns
-tp \titlepage designate title page
-tpf \titlepageformat{} modify title page style
-toclbr \toclinebreak cause a line break in the contents
-today \today print current date
-twelvept \twelvept call 12pt font set
-twc \twocolumns print text in 2 columns
-tt \typewriter call typewriter font
-us \underscore{} underline word(s)
-vbox \vbox TEX vertical box
-vs \verticalspace{} leave vertical space
-vsk \verticalspacekeep{} leave vertical space
-vrule \vrule draw a vertical rule
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/marnote.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/marnote.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 13e28e3ece..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/marnote.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|MARNOTEã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mathdefa.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mathdefa.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fe869f6a3..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mathdefa.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-| mathdefault |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-By default, TEXT1 establishes a 9 point font for math mode superscripts,
-and a 7 point font for math mode supersuperscripts. This is the value of
-\mathdefault. You can establish other math mode font combinations than 9/7
-by using the \selectmathset markup.
- ã|Example:ã%
-You can establish a larger math set called \bigmath which can be used for
-display math and you can switch back to \mathdefault for the text math.
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mcf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mcf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index f24f22ac48..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mcf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-| multicolumnformat |
- \twocolumnwidth{.48\galleywidth}
- \threecolumnwidth{.31\galleywidth}
- \twocolumngutter{.04\galleywidth}
- \threecolumngutter{.035\galleywidth}
- \columnrulewidth{0.0pt}
- \skipbefore{6pt plus3pt minus2pt}
- \skipafter{6pt plus3pt minus2pt}
- }
-Abbreviation: ã|\mcfã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\twocolumnwidth, \threecolumnwidth,
-\twocolumngutter, \threecolumngutter, \columnrulewidth,
-\skipbefore, \skipafterã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The column and gutter widths can be changed by modifying the
-\multicolumnformat markup. Column widths are specified in a percentage
-of the \galleywidth, the width of the text area on the page as specified
-in the \pageformat markup. If the default "flexibleformat" is being used
-a skip before and a skip after the multiple column format may also be
-specified. These skips are ignored if you are using \fixedformat.
-ã|\twocolumnwidthã% is the width of each column when you specify \twocolumns.
-Each column will be exactly the same width. This width is the shaded area
-illustrated below:
-| |
-| Greek man- from the fourth |
-| uscripts of the to the ninth |
-| Bible fall into centuries, be- |
-| 3 groups (1) Pa- ginning with the |
-| pyri, covering Codex Vaticanus |
-| the period from and the Codex |
-| the third cen- Sinaiticus; (3) |
-| tury b.c. to Vellum minis- |
-| the fourth cen- cules, from the |
-| tury a.d. (2) ninth century |
-| Vellum uncials-- to the inven- |
-| -a form of ma- tion of print- |
-| juscule (large ing, there are |
-| letter)--- well over 4,000 |
-| of various dates manuscripts. |
-| |
-ã|\threecolumnwidthã% is the width of each column when you specify
-\threecolumns. Each column will be exactly the same width. This
-width is the shaded area illustrated below:
-| |
-| Greek manu- (2) Vellum icanus and |
-| scripts of uncials- the Codex |
-| the Bible --a form Sinaiticus; |
-| fall into of majus- (3) Vel- |
-| 3 groups: cule (large lum minis- |
-| (1) Papyri, letter)-- cules, from |
-| covering -of various the ninth |
-| the period dates from century to |
-| from the the fourth the inven- |
-| third cen- to the tion |
-| tury b.c. ninth cen- of print- |
-| to the turies, be- ing, there |
-| fourth cen- ginning are over |
-| tury a.d. with the 4,000 manu- |
-| Codex Vat- scripts. |
-| |
-ã|\twocolumngutterã% is the distance between each column when you specify
-\twocolumns. The gutter is the shaded area illustrated below:
-| |
-| Greek man- from the fourth |
-| uscripts of the to the ninth |
-| Bible fall into centuries, be- |
-| 3 groups (1) Pa- ginning with the |
-| pyri, covering Codex Vaticanus |
-| the period from and the Codex |
-| the third cen- Sinaiticus; (3) |
-| tury b.c. to Vellum minis- |
-| the fourth cen- cules, from the |
-| tury a.d. (2) ninth century |
-| Vellum uncials-- to the inven- |
-| -a form of ma- tion of print- |
-| juscule (large ing, there are |
-| letter)--- well over 4,000 |
-| of various dates manuscripts. |
-| |
-ã|\threecolumngutterã% is the distance between each column when you specify
-\threecolumns. Each gutter will be exactly the same width. The gutter is
-the shaded area illustrated on the next page:
-| |
-| Greek manu- (2) Vellum icanus and |
-| scripts of uncials- the Codex |
-| the Bible --a form Sinaiticus; |
-| fall into of majus- (3) Vel- |
-| 3 groups: cule (large lum minis- |
-| (1) Papyri, letter)-- cules, from |
-| covering -of various the ninth |
-| the period dates from century to |
-| from the the fourth the inven- |
-| third cen- to the tion |
-| tury b.c. ninth cen- of print- |
-| to the turies, be- ing, there |
-| fourth cen- ginning are over |
-| tury a.d. with the 4,000 manu- |
-| Codex Vat- scripts. |
-| |
-ã|\columnrulewidthã% when set to a non zero value will print a rule between
-each column.
-ã|\skipbeforeã% is the distance between the one column text and the multiple
-column text when you are using the flexible method of setting multiple
-columns. The skip is ignored if you are using \fixedformat.
-ã|\skipafterã% is the distance between the multiple column text and the one
-column text when you are using the flexible method of setting multiple
-columns. The skip is ignored if you are using \fixedformat.
- ã|Example:ã%
-You can also specify the column widths in units of measure, instead of a
-percentage of the \galleywidth.
- \multicolumnformat{
- \twocolumnwidth{10pc}
- \twocolumngutter{3pc}
- \columnrulewidth{.25pt}
- \skipbefore{6pt plus3pt minus2pt}
- \skipafter{6pt plus3pt minus2pt}}
- \twocolumns
- Greek manuscripts of the Bible fall into 3 groups
- (1) {\it Papyri}, covering the period from the third century
- {\caps b.c} to the fourth century {\caps a.d}.
- (2) {\it Vellum uncials}---a form of majuscule (large
- letter)---of various dates from the fourth to the ninth
- centuries, beginning with the {\it Codex Vaticanus} and
- the {\it Codex Sinaiticus};
- (3) {\it Vellum miniscules}, from the ninth century to
- the invention of printing, there are well over
- 4,000 manuscripts.
- \onecolumn
-| |
-| Greek manu- . from the fourth |
-| scripts of the . to the ninth |
-| Bible fall into . centuries, be- |
-| 3 groups (1) Pa- . ginning with the |
-| pyri, covering . Codex Vaticanus |
-| the period from . and the Codex |
-| the third cen- . Sinaiticus; (3) |
-| tury b.c. to . Vellum minis- |
-| the fourth cen- . cules, from the |
-| tury a.d. (2) . ninth century |
-| Vellum uncials-- . to the inven- |
-| -a form of ma- . tion of print- |
-| juscule (large . ing, there are |
-| letter)--- . well over 4,000 |
-| of various dates . manuscripts. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The rule between the columns will not print as long as the column rule width
-is zero.
- The skip before and skip after are ignored in the optional fixed column
-method. The fixed column format (\fixedformat) always fills the remainder
-of the current page with white space and changes to the new format on the
-following page. Columns may not be balanced in \fixedformat.
- The \newcolumn markup while in the flexible format estimates the
-remaining space on the page at the time it is entered. If a footnote
-or other insert is placed on the same page after the newcolumn markup the
-length of the blank column cannot be estimated properly. In this case,
-TEXT1 will issue a warning,
-overfull \vbox 12pt while \output active
-You can compensate for the footnote or insert by subtracting twice the
-amount of the overfull box in two columns or three times this amount in
-triple columns immediately before the newcolumn markup. For example, if the
-box is overfull by 12 points and you are in two columns, enter,
-\advance\vsize by-24pt
-or in three columns before a \newcolumn enter,
-\advance\vsize by-36pt
-This reduces the height of the current page enough to allow space for the
-insert. The height of each column must be reduced by the amount of the
-overfull box warning, or twice the amount for two columns and three times
-the amount for three columns. See The TEXbook for more on \advance.
- If the newcolumn markup appears on the final page of the document it
-may cause the balance columns routine to fail because one column is the
-full height of the page. Do not change to \fixedformat after entering
- Certain line breaking penalties have been altered in the multiple column
-formats. These penalties, in combination or separately, may cause a short
-column if there are not a sufficient number of places specified to add extra
-space, "glue."
- Single Column Penalties
-\brokenpenalty=100 \clubpenalty=150
-\exhyphenpenalty=50 \hyphenpenalty=50
-\widowpenalty=150 \hbadness=1000
- Two Columns Penalties
-\brokenpenalty=0 \clubpenalty=0
-\exhyphenpenalty=0 \hyphenpenalty=0
-\widowpenalty=0 \hbadness=6400
- Three Columns Penalties
-\brokenpenalty=0 \clubpenalty=0
-\exhyphenpenalty=0 \hyphenpenalty=0
-\widowpenalty=0 \hbadness=9600
-The penalties may be reinstated in the multiple column formats by entering
-each markup with a new value in the text stream immediately after the first
-call for the double or triple column markup. Refer to The TEXbook for a
-discussion of the above penalties.
- When formatting multiple column text and other large formatting tasks,
-the user may run into trouble by calling for so many format changes that
-the available memory space is overrun. If this happens reduce the number
-of markup used on the page that fails to format. The numbers enclosed in
-angle brackets < 1 > < 2 > < 3 > show how many pages have been completed and
-are printed on the terminal screen as each page is completed. If the macro
-memory was exceeded when < 3 > was the last number in the sequence you would
-know that the memory was exceeded while formatting page four. Your file
-will not print with this error condition.
- To find the point in your document that exceeded the memory use the
-markup \bye at different places in your file. This markup stops text
-processing. At the point \bye doesn't prevent the error condition you know
-that you have passed page 4 where the error occurred. You may then examine
-the markup before the \bye for possible elimination or find other markup
-that will format properly without overrunning the memory. See The TEXbook
-for more on \bye.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/memo.helpmode b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/memo.helpmode
deleted file mode 100644
index e6362b8139..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/memo.helpmode
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Models |
-Theã|MEMOã%model is a general memo model. It is a template. You may modify it,
-but it is recommended you check with the Information Center first.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mi.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mi.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e38e59993..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mi.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-| mathitalic |
-Abbreviation: ã|\miã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \mathitalic markup is a font change much the same as \roman or
-\italic. The behavior of the math italic font is quite different from the
-italic. For example, the sequence "This lengthy succession" will print
-as "This lengthy succession" with \italic and "This lengthy succession with
-\mathitalic. This markup is usually used in math mode.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Control sequences with {\it several
-arguments} require even more {\mi precautions
-than control sequences with one argument.}
-| |
-| Control sequences with several arguments require even more precautions |
-| than control sequences with one argument. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-\mathitalic does not honor interword spacing (the space between words) in a
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mn.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mn.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 238c713a5d..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mn.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-| marginnote |
-Abbreviation: ã|\mnã%
-Parameters: ã|note textã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-Margin notes can be added to either the left or right side of a page with
-the \marginnote markup. As the name indicates, margin notes are outside the
-defined margin. They are produced, by default, right ragged in a 10 point
-Computer Modern font in the left margin with a width of 60 points and a
-gutter of 12 points.
- ã|Example:ã%
-. . . a General Systems Theory of geological change. |
-No theory, however, has unified diverse sciences of . . .
-| |
-| . . . a General Systems Theory of geological change. No theory, |
-| however, has unified diverse sciences of . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Avoid using \marginnote with \monospace.
- Refer to the description of the \marginnoteformat markup to find out how
-to change the \marginnote defaults.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mnf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mnf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index c6bc4061c5..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/mnf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-| marginnoteformat |
- \notewidth{54pt}}
- \notegutter{6pt}
- \everymarginnote{\tenpt\rr}}
-Abbreviation: ã|\mnfã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\position, \notewidth, \notegutter,
- ã|Description:ã%
-The defaults for the \marginnote markup can be modified with
-ã|\positionã% by default places the margin note in the margin. You can have it
-placed in the right margin by specifying:
-ã|\notewidthã% is the width of the area in the margin used for printing the
-margin note.
-ã|\notegutterã% is the width of the area between the margin note and the left
-margin of the text.
-ã|\everymarginnote{Nested Markup}ã% can be vertical mode markup such as \right-
-ragged, \leftragged, \justify, and font changes.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Change the margin notes so they print in the right margin in a 7 point font
-with a margin note width of 46 points.
- \notewidth{46pt}}
- \notegutter{1em}
- \everymarginnote{\sevenpt\rm} }
-This chapter explains the fundamental steps in preparing
-a file containing ordinary English text. Numerous
-exercises have been interspersed throughout the
-\marginnote{Well, there {\it will} be lots of exercises
-eventually.} text, to clarify certain points,
-or just to provide practice.
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/msp.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/msp.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 854d444579..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/msp.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-| monospace |
-Abbreviation: ã|\mspã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-Typestyles may be monospaced, where all letters are the same width, or
-proportionally spaced, where letters are different widths. Typewriter
-printers have only monospaced typestyles; Composing printers have both
-styles available. The default typestyle for TEXT1 is Computer Modern, a
-proportionally spaced typestyle for composing printers. It is not available
-on typewriter printers.
- The \monospace markup calls the monospaced font and adjusts many TEXT1
-block defaults to fit within the limitations of monospace. For example,
-the amount of space before and after a block quote is increased to whole
-baseline skips, instead of half (monospace only deals with whole lines).
-References for footnotes are placed on the baseline instead of superscripted
-(which is not available in monospace).
- If you specify \italic and you are using \monospace, you will get
-underscores instead of italics, since most typewriter printers do not have
- ã|Example:ã%
-As long as human institutions were large and brittle,
-war was an effective way of disassembling them.
-The intellectual rationalization for the continual
-preparation for war is the old Roman adage:
-{\it If you want peace, prepare for war.}
-| |
-| As long as human institutions were large and brittle, war was an |
-| effective way of disassembling them. The intellectual rationalization for |
-| the continual preparation for war is the old Roman adage: If you want |
-| peace, prepare for war. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Specify the \monospace markup only once. It should be the first markup in
-your file.
- The markup the \monospace modifies, and their new defaults are as
- * The font for the table of contents will print with \roman.
- * \raggedbottom is "on" instead of \normalbottom.
- * \paragraphskip is set to "0pt".
- * \paragraphindent is set to "36pt".
- * The \skipbefore and \skipafter for \asisformat is set to "1\bl" instead
- of 6 points.
- * The \skipbefore and \skipafter for \blockquoteformat is set to "1\bl"
- instead of 6 points; the text is indented 36 points instead of 24
- points; the text is printed in monospace roman instead of 10 point
- Computer Modern roman.
- * Figure titles are printed monospace bold instead of 10 point Computer
- Modern bold.
- * Table titles are printed in monospace bold instead of Computer Modern
- 12 point bold.
- * Endnotes are printed with no extra space, except paragraph skip,
- between notes instead of 4 points as is the non \monospace default; The
- note is printed in monospace roman instead of Computer Modern 10 point;
- The text of the note is not indented, instead of the default 1.2em
- indentation.
- * Autofootnotes are printed down instead of superscripted; Their style is
- "(1)" instead of "1" in monospace roman instead of Computer Modern 10
- point; At the bottom of the page the note carries a paragraph indent of
- 20 points instead of .5in.
- * Heading markup, such as \part, \chapter, \subheada, etc. are printed
- in monospace instead of Computer Modern 12 point.
- * The running head is defined to use monospace instead of Computer Modern
- 12 point.
-If you want to change any of the defaults for the above mentioned markup,
-they must come after the \monospace markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/multicol.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/multicol.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 88473bcd09..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/multicol.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|MULTICOLã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
-\multicolumnformat for 2 or 3 columns.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nc.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nc.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index c8463b8ade..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nc.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-| newcolumn |
-Abbreviation: ã|\ncã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-When using \twocolumns or \threecolumns, there may be times when an author
-wants to force TEXT1 to break a column at a point other than at the bottom
-of a page. This can be done by entering the \newcolumn markup. Any
-column in the double or triple column formats can be broken by inserting the
-\newcolumn (\nc) markup.
- ã|Example:ã%
-This was accomplished by entering the \newcolumn markup between the desired
-list entries while in \twocolumns
-Ehrlich, P. et al. 1984. {\it Cold and the Dark}.
-New York: W.~Norton.
-Osborn, E. 1962. (personal message).
-Roszak, T. 1972. {\it Where the Wasteland Ends}.
-New York: Harper & Row.
-| |
-| Ehrlich, P. et Roszak, T. 1972. |
-| al. 1984. Where |
-| Cold and the the Wasteland |
-| Dark. New Ends. New |
-| York: York: Harper |
-| W. Norton. & Row. |
-| Osborn, E. 1962. |
-| (personal |
-| message). |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-This markup has the same effect as \newpage if you are in a printing in one
-column instead of multiple columns.
- If you are in multiple columns and you want to go to the next page, use
-\newpage instead of \newcolumn.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nin.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nin.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 52e0ac3f16..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nin.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-| noindent |
-Abbreviation: ã|\ninã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-Paragraph indentation can be suspended for the following paragraph by
-placing a \noindent markup at the beginning of the first line. A paragraph
-following a block quote or following a title is often not indented.
- ã|Example:ã%
-\lil1 the economic advantages of large-scale operations
-(as shown in industrial applications)
-\listlevel2 armaments (in the form of tanks, bombers,
-weapons and troop carriers, and personnel vehicles)
-\listlevel2 military forces (the troops and support
-personnel necessary to impose policy by force)
-The cultures of industrial nations are based on
-accumulations of materials.
-Questions about defining . . .
-| |
-| 1. the economic advantages of large-scale operations (as shown in |
-| industrial applications) |
-| a. armaments (in the form of tanks, bombers, weapons and troop |
-| carriers, and personnel vehicles) |
-| b. military forces (the troops and support personnel necessary to |
-| impose policy by force) |
-| The cultures of industrial nations are based on accumulations of |
-| materials. |
-| Questions about defining . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nobreak.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nobreak.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 078a6418fc..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nobreak.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-| nobreak |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-You can discourage TEXT1 from breaking a page at a certain point by using
-\nobreak. It should be preceded either by a \verticalspace or a \paragraph.
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example tells TEXT1 to keep the title "Leached Samples" on the same
-page as "Table 6 gives . . . ".
-\cl{\bd Leached Samples}
-Table 6 gives the compositions of the leached
-samples as reported by x-ray fluorescence analysis
-(XRF). Using silica content as an internal standard,
-the relative amounts of each element removed can be
-calculated. These too are shown in Table 6.
-| |
-| Leached Sample |
-| |
-| Table 6 gives the compositions of the leached samples as reported by |
-| x-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF). Using silica content as an internal |
-| standard, the relative amounts of each element removed can be calculated. |
-| These too are shown in Table 6. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nonfrenc.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nonfrenc.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 73157c7f9f..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/nonfrenc.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-| nonfrenchspacing |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-By default, TEXT1 will double space after punctuation, unless the letter
-prior to the punctuation is a capital letter. To make all interword spacing
-the same, regardless of punctuation, you can enter the \frenchspacing
-markup. This will turn off the extra spacing following punctuation for the
-rest of a document or until TEXT1 sees a \nonfrenchspacing markup.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you had specified \nonfrenchspacing to turn off french spacing,
-Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. {\it Mechanical Processes
-in the Human Geomechanism}. Winston: Geomedical
-Publications, International.
-it might print as:
-| |
-| Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human Geomechanism. |
-| Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
-| |
-Compare this to the same bibliography entry printed with \frenchspacing:
-| |
-| Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. Mechanical Processes in the Human Geomechanism. |
-| Winston: Geomedical Publications, International. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/np.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/np.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index ee4040fd74..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/np.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-| newpage |
-Abbreviation: ã|\npã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \newpage markup stops formatting the current page, leaving the remainder
-blank (footnotes or bottom titles will print as expected), and starts a new
-page with the text following the markup.
- ã|Example:ã%
-The following example would print "Bibliography" at the top of the next
-The rock should be left at the bottom, because of
-the inevitability of entropic direction.
-\centerline{\bd Bibliography}
-Grabens, G. 1970. {\it Mechanical Processes in
-the Human Geomechanism}. Winston: Geomedical
-Publications International.
-Illite, I. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's
-Stone." {\it Mining Truth}. 11:455--601.
- ã|Notes:ã%
-If you are in \twocolumns and you specify \newpage while in the first
-column, the second column will be left blank. If you are in \threecolumns
-and you specify \newpage while in the first column, the second and third
-columns will be left blank.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ntp.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ntp.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a6c62959f..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ntp.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-| notitlepage |
-Abbreviation: ã|\ntpã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-By default, you always get a title page as the first page of your document.
-If you want running titles on the first page, put the \notitlepage markup at
-the top of the source. Then the first line of the \runningheadformat will
-be the first line to appear at the top of the first and subsequent pages.
- ã|Example:ã%
-J.R. Bays
-P.O. Box 2021 CS
-Pullman, WA 99163
-\centerline{\bd Nuclear Utopia}
-Nuclear war is unthinkable.
-Limited disarmament is unworkable.
-Environmental degradation is unconscionable.
-| |
-| January 13, 1987 |
-| |
-| J.R. Bays |
-| P.O. Box 2021 CS |
-| Pullman, WA 99163 |
-| |
-| |
-| Nuclear Utopia |
-| |
-| |
-| Nuclear war is unthinkable. Limited disarmament is unworkable. |
-| Environmental degradation is unconscionable. |
-| |
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/numl.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/numl.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index a71e31704a..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/numl.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-| numberinglines |
-Abbreviation: ã|\numlã%
-Parameters: ã|statusã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-This markup is used to start numbering lines for line numbering in the
-margin of a document. Status is true or false.
- ã|Example:ã%
-To start line numbering you enter
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Line numbering is only available on the phototypesetter. This markup is
-ignored for all other printers.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/oc.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/oc.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b3e8cdf0b..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/oc.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-| onecolumn |
-Abbreviation: ã|\ocã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-If you have specified \twocolumns or \threecolumns, single column text can
-be formatted again by entering the \onecolumn markup. For example, if an
-author wants to change from a single column to two columns he enters the
-\twocolumns markup where the two column text begins and \onecolumn or \oc
-markup where the single column text begins again.
- ã|Example:ã%
-The \twocolumns markup places the bullets in two columns. And \onecolumn
-returns text to a single column.
-\bul {\it Russia} in Eastern Europe (and in
-South America and the Caribbean)
-\bul {\it China} in Tibet (and most lately in Southeast
-Asia---Campuchea, and Vietnam)
-Countries have tried to dominate each other
-economically and militarily for thousands of years.
-Reasons for this continued behavior include . . .
-| |
-| * Russia in * China in Ti- |
-| Eastern Eu- bet (and |
-| rope (and in most lately |
-| South Amer- in South- |
-| ica and the east Asia--- |
-| Caribbean) Campuchea, |
-| and Vietnam) |
-| |
-| Countries have tried to dominate each other economically and militarily |
-| for thousands of years. Reasons for this continued behavior include |
-| . . . |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-\onecolumn has no effect if you are already in one column.
- If you are in \fixedformat, \onecolumn will do a \newpage before
-starting one column formatting.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/opm.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/opm.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 657fa0e915..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/opm.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-| oddpagemargin |
-Abbreviation: ã|\opmã%
-Parameters: ã|measurementã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-This markup is used to indicate where a document's line numbering is to be
-printed on odd numbered pages. The default is 407.7 points from the left
-edge of the paper on odd pages.
- ã|Example:ã%
-To indicate that you want line numbering to start at 1 inch from the left
-edge, you would enter at the beginning of your document:
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Line numbering is only available on the phototypesetter. This markup is
-ignored for all other printers.
- Valid values for \oddpagemargin are 0 to 2 to the power of 32 points,
-practical values are 5 to 860 points.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/paf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/paf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 851a5e290e..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/paf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-| partformat |
- \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject\titlepage
- \hrule height 0pt depth 0pt
- \vfil
- \centerline{\twelvept\bd
- Part \partnumber}
- \centerline{\twelvept\bd \parttitle}
- \setchapternumber{0}
- \setsubheadanumber{0}
- \setsubheadbnumber{0}
- \setsubheadcnumber{0}
- \setsubheaddnumber{0}
- \setfootnotenumber{0}
- \setendnotenumber{0}
- \setfigurenumber{0}
- \settablenumber{0}
- }
- \incontents{yes}
- }
-Abbreviation: ã|\pafã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontentsã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \partformat markup allows you to modify the defaults that control the
-appearance of the part title. Following are the submarkup descriptions.
-ã|numberingstyleã% allows you to change the style from Arabic numerals, the
-default (1), to capital letters (A) or roman numerals (I). If you wanted
-your parts in roman numerals, you would specify:
-ã|titleformatã% controls the appearance of the part title banner. You may
-use markup such as \newpage, \dumpinsertseject \verticalspace, and \center-
-line within \titleformat as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within
-or outside of \partformat:
- ã|partnumber.ã% prints the most recent part number.
- ã|parttitle.ã% prints the most recent part title.
- ã|hrule height 0pt depth 0pt.ã% is used to create a half title page
-along with \vfil.
-ã|incontentsã% places the part title in contents (if one is printed).
-Printing can be suppressed by changing to "no."
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example does not create a half title page. Instead the part starts a
-new page, centers the title bold, and one line is skipped afterwards before
-printing the text of the part.
- \cl{\bd \parttitle}
- \vs{1\bl}
- }}
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \partformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both are
-used. See The TEXbook for more on \vfil.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pagem.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pagem.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e08994304..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pagem.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|PAGE-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
-\pageformat, page dimensions and margins for this \monospace job.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pagep.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pagep.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b17e6276d..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pagep.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|PAGE-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
-\pageformat, page dimensions and margins for thisã|nonã%\monospace job.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/paper.helpmode b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/paper.helpmode
deleted file mode 100644
index 51c7b221ef..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/paper.helpmode
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Models |
-Theã|PAPERã%model is a general paper model. It is a template. You may modify
-it, but it is recommended you check with the Information Center first.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/par.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/par.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a4a9c500f..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/par.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-| paragraph |
-Abbreviation: ã|\parã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-A paragraph is a composition consisting of a group of sentences dealing with
-a single topic. A paragraph is commonly indicated by beginning on a new
-line and indenting the first line.
- The TEXT1 program is paragraph-oriented, that is, it reads an entire
-paragraph before breaking it into lines. Because TEXT1 reads by paragraphs,
-the \paragraph markup comes at the end of a paragraph, instead of the
-beginning. Thus, to end a paragraph, enter the \paragraph markup (or a
-blank line) on the last line of text or on a line by itself, which makes it
-easier to spot paragraphs in the source.
- ã|Example:ã%
-This sample shows the relation of text to markup.
-I raised it in order to characterize the
-essence of Sociogeology. Will Durant recognized that
-civilization existed by consent of geology---subject
-to change without notice.
-The definition of Sociogeology is the study of the
-geological basis of all social behavior.
-It explains human behavior by empirical description
-of the attributes of mineral composition.
-It is most successful when it provides detailed
-description of particulate phenomena and first-order
-correlations with features of the physical
-One of its primary functions is to reformulate the
-shaky foundations of social sciences in a way that
-draws them into a modern synthesis with the hard
-This article is an outline of the codification of
-Sociogeology into a branch of evolutionary geology.
-The subject has an aggregate of self-sufficient . . .
-| |
-| I raised it in order to characterize the essence of Sociogeology. Will |
-| Durant recognized that civilization existed by consent of geology--- |
-| subject to change without notice. |
-| The definition of Sociogeology is the study of the geological basis of |
-| all social behavior. It explains human behavior by empirical description |
-| of the attributes of mineral composition. It is most successful when |
-| it provides detailed description of particulate phenomena and first-order |
-| correlations with features of the physical environment. |
-| |
-| One of its primary functions is to reformulate the shaky foundations of |
-| social sciences in a way that draws them into a modern synthesis with the |
-| hard sciences. |
-| This article is an outline of the codification of Sociogeology into |
-| a branch of evolutionary geology. The subject has an aggregate of |
-| self-sufficient . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-A blank line also ends a paragraph. For this reason, blank lines may be
-used in place of \paragraph markup.
- Paragraphs are not permitted in math mode; they cause errors. Blank
-lines will also cause errors in math mode.
- The distance between paragraphs is determined by the \par-
-agraphskip markup. The default value for \paragraphskip is
-"0 points plus 3 points minus 0 points". The "plus/minus" specification
-allows up to 3 additional points to be added between paragraphs to get the
-bottom of each page to line up properly is you are using \normalbottom.
- The indent at the beginning of each paragraph is determined by the
-\paragraphindent markup. The default value for indentation is 24 points.
- For a complete discussion of how paragraphs are read in and formatted,
-refer to The TEXbook.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/parm.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/parm.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4164a4a16a..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/parm.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|PAR-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to modify
-\paragraphindent, \paragraphskip, \justify, or \hypenon.
-The defaults given are for \monospace jobs.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/parp.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/parp.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index d3d2f1de79..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/parp.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|PAR-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to modify
-\paragraphindent, \paragraphskip, \justify, or \hypenon.
-The defaults given areã|notã%for \monospace jobs.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/part.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/part.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 771ae0c672..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/part.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|PARTã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/part.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/part.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index eee751234e..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/part.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-| part |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|titleã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \part markup starts a new page, centers the title in 12 point Computer
-Modern bold, and enters the title in the table of contents. Furthermore,
-the \part markup places the part title in the center of a blank page (called
-a half-title page). Parts are numbered. Each heading markup can be used as
-often as necessary.
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example would print the title "Human Sciences" on a half title page,
-then skip to a new page where it begins the paragraph "Humanity is still
- . . ."
-in order.
-\part{Human Sciences}
-Humanity is still the measure of . . .
- ã|Notes:ã%
-To change how a part looks, use the \partformat markup.
- If you are using \monospace, the part title is printed in monospace bold
-instead of Computer Modern 12 point bold.
- Each time you enter \part, the chapter number and subhead numbers are
-reset to zero.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pb.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pb.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 629dae4e29..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pb.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-| paragraphbox |
-Abbreviation: ã|\pbã%
-Parameters: ã|textã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-Whole paragraphs can be put into a \drawbox if you use \vbox with the
-\drawbox. The resulting box will extend into the left and right margins by
-the sum of the \drawboxmat and \drawboxrulesize. If you use \paragraphbox{
-| . . } instead of \drawbox{\vbox{ . . . }}, the paragraph size is reduced |
-such that the box will fit within the current margins.
- ã|Example:ã%
-This illustrates the difference between a paragraph boxed with \paragraphbox
-and \drawbox.
- \paragraphbox{{\it The Journal of Nonrepeating
- Results} is published by the Center for Unpleasant
- Phenomena, at Palouse, Washington. The copyrights for
- articles are assigned to and held by the authors.}
- \drawbox{\vbox{The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena
- is the research arm of Giga Geologicals, Inc. No apologies
- are tendered for the nonverifiability of experiments.
- The opinions of the authors do not reflect company policy.}}
-| |.
-| ........................................................................... |.
-| . The Journal of Nonrepeating Results is published by the Center |.
-| . for Unpleasant Phenomena, at Palouse, Washington. The copyrights for |.
-| . articles are assigned to and held by the authors. |.
-| ........................................................................... |.
-| . The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena is the research arm of Gig |.
-| . Geologicals, Inc. No apologies are tendered for the nonverifiability o |.
-| . experiments. The opinions of the authors do not reflect company policy. |.
-| ........................................................................... |.
-| |.
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Do not use this markup if you are using \monospace.
- Do not use \paragraphbox around more than one page of formatted
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pen.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pen.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c2523f3cd..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pen.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-| printendnotes |
-Abbreviation: ã|\penã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-To print the endnotes accumulated with the \autoendnote markup, use the
-\printendnotes markup.
- ã|Example:ã%
-To start a new page, center a title (such as "Notes"), and dump the
-endnotes, enter:
-There is a well-marked division of
-labor.\autoendnote{Such as it is. Things could be
-different in the geological world, but they are not.}
-Details of organization have evolved by an
-optimization process. . . .
-\cl{\bd Notes}
-| |
-| Notes |
-| |
-| 1. Such as it is. Things could be different in the geological world, but |
-| they are not. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \printendnotes markup does not print the title "Note". It may be used
-more than once in a paper; for example, you may want to print all endnotes
-within a chapter at the end of the chapter rather than at the end of the
-entire paper. The \printendnotes markup prints all endnotes accumulated up
-to that point.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index a49a225f25..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-| pageformat |
- \pagewidth{8.5in}
- \topmargin{1in}
- \bottommargin{1in}
- \leftmargin{1.2in}
- \rightmargin{1in}
- \bindingadjust{0pt}
- }
-Abbreviation: ã|\pfã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\pagelength, \pagewidth, \topmargin,
-\bottommargin, \leftmargin, \rightmargin, \bindingadjust,
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \pageformat markup specifies the page size and margins. The dimensions
-and margins for the pages of a document are set with page formatting markup.
-These submarkup are valid only within the \pageformat markup. Its seven
-submarkup are described below.
-ã|pagelengthã% specifies the length of the page to be used. The default
-page length, 11 inches is maximum for most printers.
-ã|pagewidthã% specifies the width of the page to be used. The default
-page width, 8.5 inches, is maximum for most printers. The \pagewidth
-and \rightmargin submarkup may optionally be replaced with the \galleywidth
-ã|topmarginã% sets the distance from the top of the paper to the first line
-of text, excluding the top title(s). The default value is 1 inch.
-ã|bottommarginã% sets the distance from the bottom of the paper to the last
-line of the text, excluding the bottom title(s). The default value is 1
-ã|leftmarginã% sets the distance from the left edge of the page to the left
-edge of the text. The default value is 1.2 inches.
-ã|rightmarginã% sets the distance from the right edge of the page to the
-right edge of the text. The default value is 1 inch. The \pagewidth
-and \rightmargin submarkup may optionally be replaced with the \galleywidth
-ã|bindingadjustã% is used to offset left and right margins, which is useful
-for duplex printing (on both sides). The value given the \bindingadjust
-submarkup will increase the left margin on odd pages and decrease the left
-margin on even pages. The page text width is not shortened, only the
-margin. The default value is {0pt}.
-ã|galleywidthã% may be substituted for \pagewidth and \rightmargin to
-determine the width of the text. The \galleywidth has the same dimension
-as \hsize. You cannot use \galleywidth in the same fashion, however, as
- ã|Example:ã%
-This custom source has 90 point (1 1/4inch) left and right margins.
- \rightmargin{90pt}}
- ã|Example:ã%
-This custom source sets up a 9 inch by 6 inch page size. The margins have
-been decreased accordingly. A binding adjust value has been added.
- \topmargin{.5in}
- \bottommargin{.5in}
- \leftmargin{.6in}
- \galleywidth{4.9in}
- \bindingadjust{.2in}
- }
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Do note include \pagewidth and \rightmargin in the \pageformat markup if you
-use the \galleywidth submarkup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pic.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pic.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index c387a6fc35..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pic.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-| putincontents |
-Abbreviation: ã|\picnã%
-Parameters: ã|text and markupã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-Major headings and the first two levels of subheadings are automatically
-placed in a table of contents (if one is called). Any heading, text, or
-markup can be put in the table of contents using the \putincontents markup
-(abbreviated \pic).
- This markup has one parameter, but that parameter can be either markup
-to manipulate the table of contents itself or the text, usually a heading,
-to be put in the contents. Note that in the example the page number and dot
-leadering to separate it from the text were both included.
- There are three levels of contents: the first (\pic1) puts text and/or
-markup into the primary table of contents; \pic2 puts text and/or markup
-into the list of figures; \pic3 puts text and/or markup into the list of
- Refer to the example on the next page.
- ã|Example:ã%
-To create an Abstract that conforms to the Washington State University
-graduate school's thesis requirements and print the abstract title in the
-table of contents, enter:
-\rm by Ray Elmer Brown, Ph.D.
-Washington State University, 1979
-\nin Chairman: Lloyd B. Johnson
-The text of the abstract follows at this point . . .
-\pic2{LIST OF FIGURES\leader vi}
-\pic3{LIST OF TABLES\leader viii}
-(Note, single spacing will return to double spacing after the
-\centerlinesend markup, since it acts as a delimiter with
-The abstract would print as:
-| |
-| iv |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| by Ray Elmer Brown, Ph.D. |
-| Washington State University, 1979 |
-| |
-| Chairman: Lloyd B. Johnson |
-| |
-| The text of the abstract follows at this point . . . |
-| |
-The table of contents generated would contain:
-| |
-| ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS... . ... ... . ...... . ... ... . ...... . ... iii |
-| ABSTRACT. . . .... . . ...... . . .... . . ...... . . .... . . .....iv |
-| List of Figures ... . ... ... . ...... . ... ... . ...... . ... .vi |
-| List of Tables .... . .. .. .. . ...... . .. .. .. . ...... . .. . viii |
-| Introduction .. ... . ...... . ... ... . ...... . ... ... . ..... 1 |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Notice in the sample source file illustrated on the previous page that the
-List of Figure's and List of Table's page numbers were manually put into the
-\putincontents markup. This is the only way to have these placed into the
-table of contents.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pin.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pin.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index cb2aca4f66..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pin.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-| paragraphindent |
-Abbreviation: ã|\pinã%
-Parameters: ã|indentã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-Throughout an entire document, paragraphs have 24 points indentation on the
-first line of each paragraph. This value may be changed by modifying the
-default with \paragraphindent. All following paragraphs will then exhibit
-the new indent.
- ã|Example:ã%
-The first paragraph indent has been set to 14 points for comparison with the
-second paragraph which has a \paragraphindent of 24 points.
-{\it The Journal of Nonrepeating
-Results} is published by the Center for Unpleasant
-Phenomena, at Palouse, Washington. The copyrights for
-articles are assigned to and held by the authors.
-The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena is the research arm
-of Giga Geologicals, Inc.
-No apologies are tendered for the nonverifiability of
-experiments. The opinions of the authors do not reflect
-company policy.
-| |
-| The Journal of Nonrepeating Results is published by the Center for |
-| Unpleasant Phenomena, at Palouse, Washington. The copyrights for articles |
-| are assigned to and held by the authors. |
-| The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena is the research arm of Giga |
-| Geologicals, Inc. No apologies are tendered for the nonverifiability of |
-| experiments. The opinions of the authors do not reflect company policy. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-If you are using \monospace, it is best to define the indent in tenths of an
-inch or in em's.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/plaintex.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/plaintex.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 9115410ad1..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/plaintex.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-| plaintexmathon |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-This markup can be used to make the dollar sign ($) the valid math mode
-indicator as is used in PLAIN TEX instead of the TEXT1 math mode indicator,
-the at sign (@).
- ã|Example:ã%
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Do not use this markup with \monospace.
- If used, it should be specified at the top of your document. You will
-need to use the TEX \catcode markup to change back to using the at sign as
-the math mode indicator:
-For more on the \catcode markup, refer to The TEXbook.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pn.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pn.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cba3d9d1e..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pn.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-| pagenumber |
-Abbreviation: ã|\pnã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \pagenumber markup merely places the current page number wherever the
-markup appears.
- ã|Example:ã%
-In running heads, \pagenumber numbers the pages.
- \lft{Southern Bays}\rt{page \pagenumber}}
- \vs{2pt}
- \hrule
- \vs{1\bl}
- }
- }
-The running head would look like:
-| |
-| Southern Bays 1 |
-| ........................................................................... |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you want no page numbers, then enter the following:
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ppl.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ppl.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 8260c9d69e..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ppl.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-| poplevel |
-Abbreviation: ã|\pplã%
-Parameters: ã|levelã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-This markup is used in counting lines for line numbering in the margin of a
-document. The level number is TEX's stacking level number. The default is
-pop level 7.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you must change to a different pop level, 9 for example, enter:
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Line numbering is only available on the phototypesetter. This markup is
-ignored for all other printers.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pre.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pre.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e44bb2dbd..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/pre.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-| preface |
-Abbreviation: ã|\preã%
-Parameters: ã|titleã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-Each preface starts a new page, centers the title in bold, and enters it in
-the table of contents (if one is printed). The preface is not numbered.
-Each heading markup can be used as often as necessary.
- ã|Example:ã%
-I am grateful for the assistance and financial support
-of the Grand Foundation for . . .
-| |
-| Acknowledgments |
-| |
-| I am grateful for the assistance and financial support of the Grand |
-| Foundation for . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-You can modify the default style for a preface with the \prefaceformat
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/preface.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/preface.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fd4f9faf6..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/preface.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|PREFACEã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/prf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/prf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index c0f4cde759..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/prf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-| prefaceformat |
- \cl{\twelvept\bd \prefacetitle}
- \vs{1\bl}}
- \incontents{yes}
- }
-Abbreviation: ã|\prfã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\titleformat, \incontentsã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \prefaceformat markup allows you to modify the defaults that control the
-appearance of the preface title. There are two submarkup:
-ã|titleformatã% controls the appearance of the part title banner. You
-may use markup such as \newpage, \verticalspace, and \centerline within
-\titleformat as Nested Markup. You may also use:
- ã|prefacetitle.ã% prints the most recent preface title.
-ã|incontentsã% places the preface title in contents (if one is printed).
-Printing can be suppressed by changing to "no."
- ã|Example:ã%
-In this example, the preface starts a new page, the title is centered in
-bold, and one line is skipped afterwards. No preface is put in contents.
- \cl{\bd \prefacetitle}
- \vs{1\bl}
- }
- \incontents{no}
- }
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \prefaceformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both are
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/prin.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/prin.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 50b159f13f..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/prin.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-| printingnumbers |
-Abbreviation: ã|\prinã%
-Parameters: ã|statusã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-This markup is used to start the printing of line numbering in the margin of
-a document. Status is true or false.
- ã|Example:ã%
-To enable line numbers to be printed, enter:
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Line numbering is only available on the phototypesetter. This markup is
-ignored for all other printers.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/printend.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/printend.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index f149a6007e..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/printend.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \printendnotes (\pen) COMMAND |
-The \printendnotes (\pen) command will space down the amount specified in the
-\endnoteformat{\skipbefore}} and print all accumulated endnotes. The
-\printendnotes (\pen) format is:
- \printendnotes
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/printind.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/printind.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f796827af..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/printind.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-| printindex |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|index numberã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \printindex markup sorts and prints the index entries generated with the
-\index markup. The \printindex markup would usually come at the end of a
-document before the table of contents. This markup has the format
-where N is the index number: 1, 2 or 3. By default, the index is
-printed using the indent style of index in ten point Computer Modern. It
-is recommended that you print the index in two columns (\twocolumns). For
-a complete list of the defaults and how to modify them, refer to the
-\indexformat markup.
- ã|Example:ã%
-The following illustrates how to place an index at the end of a document,
-after the last appendix, and before the table of contents. Assume the table
-of contents is to begin on page "iv".
-\appendix{Sample Data}
-Using the \preface markup will start a new page with the title
-"Index" at the top of the page. Then \twocolumns will begin two column
-formatting (typical for indexes). Next \printindex1 will sort index "1" and
-print the sorted index according to the defaults set by the \indexformat
-markup. After printing the last of the index, \onecolumn will switch back
-to single column mode before printing the table of contents.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Sometimes multiple indexes are required. If you had used \index1 and
-\index2, then you would use \printindex1 and \printindex2 to print them out:
-\index1item in first index
-\index2item in second index
-\preface{Index One}
-\preface{Index Two}
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/psk.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/psk.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a665edd5e..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/psk.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-| paragraphskip |
-Abbreviation: ã|\pskã%
-Parameters: ã|units of measureã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-This markup causes all following paragraphs to be separated by the new
-distance. The \paragraphskip is expressed using valid units of measurement
-in TEXT1. The default value is 0 points.
- ã|Example:ã%
-The first two paragraphs used a paragraph skip of 10 points. The third one
-used a skip of 20 points.
-{\it The Journal of Nonrepeating
-Results} is published by the Center for Unpleasant
-Phenomena, at Palouse, Washington. The copyrights for
-articles are assigned to and held by the authors.
-The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena is the research arm
-of Giga Geologicals, Inc.
-No apologies are tendered for the nonverifiability of
-experiments. The opinions of the authors do not reflect
-company policy.
-| |
-| The Journal of Nonrepeating Results is published by the Center for |
-| Unpleasant Phenomena, at Palouse, Washington. The copyrights for articles |
-| are assigned to and held by the authors. |
-| |
-| The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena is the research arm of Giga |
-| Geologicals, Inc. |
-| |
-| |
-| No apologies are tendered for the nonverifiability of experiments. |
-| The opinions of the authors do not reflect company policy. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The "plus3pt" after the setting of "0pt" means that up to 3 points
-additional space may be added before each paragraph, if this space is needed
-to fill out a page when using \normalbottom. If the \paragraphskip is set
-to "minus1pt", it implies that up to 1 point may be subtracted before each
-paragraphs if needed to fill out a page when using \normalbottom. Since the
-leading is usually only 2 points more than the size of the type, the "minus"
-value should not be more than 1 point.
- If you are using \monospace, it is best to specify the units in blank
-lines. For example,
-There are 6 \bl in an inch with \monospace.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/qquad.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/qquad.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 31d6772c21..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/qquad.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-| qquad |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \qquad markup leaves two quads of space. It is two em spaces in the
-current type size. It can be used in text, "as is," or math mode.
- ã|Example:ã%
-\tat{Surface Land Temperature (degrees C)\lbr
-Changes after Nuclear Exchanges}
-| |
-| Table 1 |
-| Surface Land Temperature (degrees C) |
-| Changes after Nuclear Exchanges |
-| |
-| |
-| 1000 -22 8 7 13 |
-| 3000 9 6 8 10 |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-\qquad=\horizontalspace{2em}=\quad\quad. In \twelvept, \qquad approximately
-24 points; in \tenpt, \qquad approximately 20 points.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/quad.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/quad.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index ffd0b320b0..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/quad.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-| quad |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-A printer's quad of space used to be a blank square of type, 1 em high and
-1 em wide, equivalent in size to a capital "M." A TEXT1 quad is a unit of
-horizontal space. It is one em space in the current type size. The \quad
-markup can be used in text, "as is," and math mode.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Consider the input for this table:
-\tat{Surface Land Temperature (degrees C)\lbr
-Changes after Nuclear Exchanges}
-| |
-| Table 1 |
-| Surface Land Temperature (degrees C) |
-| Changes after Nuclear Exchanges |
-| |
-| 1000 -22 8 7 13 |
-| 3000 9 6 8 10 |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-\quad=\horizontalspace{1em}. In \twelvept, \quad approximately 12 points;
-in \tenpt, \quad approximately 10 points.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/raggedbo.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/raggedbo.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index ab947ecb1e..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/raggedbo.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-| raggedbottom |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-By default, TEXT1 tries to make the top and bottom of each page of text line
-up. If you are not concerned with having the bottom of each page line up,
-you can enter \raggedbottom. If you have specified \raggedbottom and you
-want to go back to the default, enter \normalbottom.
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/resume.helpmode b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/resume.helpmode
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ffcb945d8..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/resume.helpmode
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Models |
-Theã|RESUMEã%model is a general resume model. It is a template. You may modify
-it, but it is recommended you check with the Information Center first.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rff.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rff.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 22999b573a..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rff.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-| runningheadformat |
- \bothpages{\vs{1\bl}
- \line{\twelvept\rm\lft{}
- \ctr{}\rt{}}}
- }
-Abbreviation: ã|\rffã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\bothpages, \evenpages, \oddpagesã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \runningfootformat markup provides running titles at the bottom of all
-pages except the title page. The default running bottom title for TEXT1 is
-\bothpages is used to place the same running foot at the bottom of both the
-even and odd pages. The \line markup defines a single title line. Within
-it, you may center, left align, or right align text, using the submarkup
-\ctr, \lft, or \rt. Besides \line, you may also use markup such as \hrule
-and \verticalspace.
-\evenpages is used to place the same running foot at the bottom of each
-even page. The \line markup defines a single title line. Within it,
-you may center, left align, or right align text, using the submarkup \ctr,
-\lft, or \rt. Besides \line, you may also use markup such as \hrule and
-\oddpages is used to place the same running foot at the bottom of each
-odd page. The \line markup defines a single title line. Within it, you
-may center, left align, or right align text, using the submarkup \ctr,
-\lft, or \rt. Besides \line, you may also use markup such as \hrule and
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example prints the date and author's initials at the bottom of each
- \bothpages{\vs{18pt}
- \line{\rm\lft{\today}\ctr{}\rt{JNP}}
- }
- }
-which produces a running foot as illustrated on the next page.
-| |
-| January 13, 1987 JNP |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example illustrates the use of odd and even page layout with two lines.
-The page number alternates sides so that it appears on the outside of the
-page. The title appears above the subtitle on even pages. The author's
-name appears above the journal name on odd pages.
- \evenpages{\line{\lft{\pagenumber}
- \rt{Sociogeology}}
- \vs{2pt}}
- \line{\rt{A New Science}}
- \vs{\bl}}
- \oddpages{\line{\lft{A. Chert}
- \rt{\pagenumber}}
- \vs{2pt}}
- \line{\lft{SPP---UP}}
- \vs{\bl}}
- }
-which produces on even page numbers a running foot that looks like:
-| |
-| 22 Sociogeology |
-| A New Science |
-| |
-and produces on odd page numbers a running foot that looks like:
-| |
-| A. Chert 11 |
-| SPP---UP |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-An empty \lft, \ctr, or \rt may be omitted as was done in the above example.
- A construct such as,
- \line{\lft{page \pn}\ctr{\today}
- \rt{PNW Waterfalls}}}}
-will not print the date centered on the page:
-| |
-| page 7 January 13, 1987 PNW Waterfalls |
-| |
-To accomplish this, you should print the left and right justified text with
-\line, then space backwards one line (\verticalspace{-\bl}), then center the
-\rff{\bothpages{\line{\lft{page \pn}
- \rt{PNW Waterfalls}}}
- \vs{-\bl}
- \line{\ctr{\today}}}
-| |
-| page 8 January 13, 1987 PNW Waterfalls |
-| |
- The \runningfootformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if
-both are used.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rhf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rhf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 28f4ce697f..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rhf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-| runningheadformat |
-Abbreviation: ã|\rhfã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\bothpages, \evenpages, \oddpagesã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \runningheadformat markup provides running titles at the top of all
-pages except the title page. The default running top title for TEXT1 is a
-right justified page number.
-ã|bothpagesã% is used to place the same running head at the top of both the
-even and odd pages. The \line markup defines a single title line. Within
-it, you may center, left align, or right align text, using the submarkup
-\ctr, \lft, or \rt. Besides \line, you may also use markup such as \hrule
-and \verticalspace.
-ã|evenpagesã% is used to place the same running head at the top of each
-even page. The \line markup defines a single title line. Within it,
-you may center, left align, or right align text, using the submarkup \ctr,
-\lft, or \rt. Besides \line, you may also use markup such as \hrule and
-ã|oddpagesã% is used to place the same running head at the top of each
-odd page. The \line markup defines a single title line. Within it, you
-may center, left align, or right align text, using the submarkup \ctr,
-\lft, or \rt. Besides \line, you may also use markup such as \hrule and
- ã|Example:ã%
-To customize running titles, you modify the \runningheadformat for the top
-titles and the \runningfootformat for bottom titles. In this example,
-"Sociogeology" and a page number are placed at the top of every page.
- \line{\lft{Sociogeology}\ctr{}\rt{\pn}}
- \vs{2pt}
- \hrule
- \verticalspace{18pt}
- }
-| |
-| Sociogeology 1 |
-| ........................................................................... |
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example alternates the author's name and page number at the top of even
-and odd pages. It complements the last example on the previous page.
- \line{\lft{Chert}}}
- \oddpages{\vs{\bl}
- \line{\rt{\pagenumber}}}
- }
-Even pages will look like:
-| |
-| Chert |
-| |
-Odd pages will look like:
-| |
-| 4 |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-An empty \lft, \ctr, or \rt may be omitted as was done in the above example.
- A construct such as,
- \line{\lft{page \pn}\ctr{\today}
- \rt{PNW Waterfalls}}}}
-will not print the date centered on the page:
-| |
-| page 6 February 5, 1987 PNW Waterfalls |
-| |
-To accomplish this, you should print the left and right justified text with
-\line, then space backwards one line (\verticalspace{-\bl}), then center the
-\rhf{\bothpages{\line{\lft{page \pn}
- \rt{PNW Waterfalls}}}
- \vs{-\bl}
- \line{\ctr{\today}}}
-| |
-| page 7 February 5, 1987 PNW Waterfalls |
-| |
- The \runningheadformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if
-both are used.
- If you want no page numbers, then enter the following:
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rin.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rin.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index bed41f21f2..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rin.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-| rightindent |
-Abbreviation: ã|\rinã%
-Parameters: ã|units of measurementã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \rightindent markup adds (or subtracts) the amount from the current
-right margin (default is zero). The indentation remains until another
-\rightindent overrides it. This markup causes a break in text.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Humans also require trace amounts of manganese,
-zinc, selenium, and copper, appearing in suitable
-{\bd Figure 2}.
-Physiognomic similarities between the earth and
-human beings.
-Most elemental abundances are the same in the
-lithosphere and the anthrosphere.
-| |
-| Humans also require trace amounts of manganese, zinc, selenium, and |
-| copper, appearing in suitable proportions. |
-| |
-| Figure 2. Physiognomic similarities between |
-| the earth and human beings. |
-| |
-| Most elemental abundances are the same in the lithosphere and the |
-| anthrosphere. |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-The previous example could have used grouping as illustrated below and the
-same output would have been generated. If you do grouping, be sure there is
-a \paragraph markup before the closing right curly brace of the group.
-Humans also require trace amounts of manganese,
-zinc, selenium, and copper, appearing in suitable
-{\bd Figure 2}.
-Physiognomic similarities between the earth and
-human beings.
-Most elemental abundances are the same in the
-lithosphere and the anthrosphere.
-| |
-| Humans also require trace amounts of manganese, zinc, selenium, and |
-| copper, appearing in suitable proportions. |
-| |
-| Figure 2. Physiognomic similarities between |
-| the earth and human beings. |
-| |
-| Most elemental abundances are the same in the lithosphere and the |
-| anthrosphere. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rl.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rl.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 92e51079b0..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rl.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-| rightline |
-Abbreviation: ã|\rlã%
-Parameters: ã|text to be right justifiedã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \rightline markup right justifies individual lines. This markup ends
-the previous paragraph. The only parameter for this markup is text.
- ã|Example:ã%
-yet some of the reviews of "Sociogeology" have
-been mixed, especially from academics.
-\rightline{This theory is 'on the rocks.'}
-\rl{\it Clay Gneiss}
-| |
-| yet some of the reviews of "Sociogeology" have been mixed, especially from |
-| academics. |
-| This theory is 'on the rocks.' |
-| Clay Gneiss |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rlb.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rlb.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d714ff65a..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rlb.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-| rightlinesbegin |
-Abbreviation: ã|\rlbã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \rightlinesbegin markup begins right justifying all following lines.
-Vertical spacing and font changes are the only markup permitted after it.
-There are no parameters or markup options. End a \rightlinesbegin with a
-matching \rightlinesend.
- ã|Example:ã%
-This theory is 'on the rocks.'
-{\it Clay Gneiss}
-| |
-| This theory is 'on the rocks.' |
-| Clay Gneiss |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Each \rightlinesbegin must be followed by a matching \rightlinesend.
- You cannot use \rightlinesbegin within any of the following markup:
-\appendim, \autofootnote, \bibliography, \centerline, \chapter, \drawbox,
-\figure, \footnote, \item, \label, \marginnote, \paragraphbox, \part,
-\preface, \rightline, \runningheadformat, \runningfootformat, \subheada,
-\subheadb, \subheadc, \subheadd, or \tabletitle.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rle.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rle.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c4ec76858..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rle.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-| rightlinesend |
-Abbreviation: ã|\rleã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \rightlinesend markup ends lines that are being right justified with
-\rightlinesbegin. This markup causes a paragraph break.
- ã|Example:ã%
-This theory is 'on the rocks.'
-{\it Clay Gneiss}
-| |
-| This theory is 'on the rocks.' |
-| Clay Gneiss |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Each \rightlinesbegin must be followed by a matching \rightlinesend.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rm.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rm.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index de8ed390f8..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rm.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-| roman |
-Abbreviation: ã|\rmã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-Roman is a medium-weight type good for reading. It is the default face for
-TEXT1. It is usually specified as the default font at the beginning of a
-paper, so that it will be in effect for most of the paper. Roman can also
-be used to terminate the use of a special typeface, such as italic or bold.
- ã|Example:ã%
-\italic now! \roman It is important to realize
-\it the facts!
-| |
-| now! It is important to realize the facts! |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example is the same as the one above, except that grouping was used to
-change from the roman font back to italics.
-\italic now! {\roman It is important to realize}
-the facts!
-| |
-| now! It is important to realize the facts! |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rr.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rr.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index af80dc37cf..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rr.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-| rightragged |
-Abbreviation: ã|\rrã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \rightragged markup turns off right justification. If you only want
-to right justify a certain section of the document, then you would use a
-combination of the \justify and \rightragged markup.
- ã|Example:ã%
-The comparison may seem facile, but from deliberate
-oversimplification comes complex obfuscation and
-general theoretification.
-Behavioral research will lead in this direction, as
-the general theory of Sociogeology predicts the . . .
-Humans exhibit metamorphic behavior over time or at high
-temperatures, fever, for instance.
-Metamorphic crystallization involves low . . .
-| |
-| The comparison may seem facile, but from deliberate oversimplification |
-| comes complex obfuscation and general theoretification. Behavioral |
-| research will lead in this direction, as the general theory of |
-| Sociogeology predicts the . . . |
-| Humans exhibit metamorphic behavior over time or at high temperatures, |
-| fever, for instance. Metamorphic crystallization involves low . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The default values for space skips is listed below. When you are using
-\monospace you get the values in the right column.
- Composing Printers Typewriter Printers
- \rightskip plus 1fil plus 10em
- \spaceskip .35em 1em
- \xspaceskip .55em 1em
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rule.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rule.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 71a72ad0a7..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/rule.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-| rule |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \rule markup skips a blank line and draws a horizontal line (rule).
-Rules are used to separate material, such as tables or sections. No extra
-vertical space is skipped after the rule, so you may need to add some with
- ã|Example:ã%
-\tabletitle{Elements of the Spheres}
-\tabskip 3em plus 3em minus 1em
-\nin Most elemental abundances are the same in the . . .
-| |
-| |
-| Table 1 |
-| Elements of the Spheres |
-| |
-| ........................................................................... |
-| |
-| Element Anthrosphere Lithosphere |
-| Oxygen 62.1 60.6 |
-| Hydrogen 1.1 0.1 |
-| Aluminum 0.22 11.54 |
-| ........................................................................... |
-| Most elemental abundances are the same in the . . . |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-If you want a rule of a different height, depth, or width than illustrated
-with \rule and if you are not using \monospace, then use \hrule.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/runfoot.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/runfoot.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 259d368dcb..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/runfoot.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|RUNFOOTã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
-\runningfootformat which is carried at the bottom of every page
-except the title page.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/runhead.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/runhead.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dd2248ba3..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/runhead.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|RUNHEADã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
-\runningheadformat which is carried at the top of every page
-except the title page.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/san.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/san.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 05b9299a2c..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/san.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-| setappendixnumber |
-Abbreviation: ã|\sanã%
-Parameters: ã|previous appendix numberã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The appendix number will be automatically incremented by one for each
-use of \appendix. The appendix number can be reset by inserting the
-\setappendixnumber markup before the next occurrence of \appendix.
- ã|Example:ã%
-By default, the first appendix is number 1. If you want to start with
-appendix 5, you would enter:
-\appendix{Title of the fifth appendix}
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The number specified in the \setappendixnumber parameter is the previous
-appendix number, not the next appendix number.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sau.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sau.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 24ce71ea8b..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sau.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-| sameauthor |
-Abbreviation: ã|\sauã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \sameauthor markup allows you to substitute a standard rule for an
-author's name for multiple references in a bibliography. The default rule
-is 3 em spaces wide; the default width may be changed in \bibliographyformat
- ã|Example:ã%
-\bibliography{References Cited}
-Roszak, T. 1972. {\it Where the Wasteland Ends}.
-New York: Harper \& Row.
-Weldon, S. 1971. {\it Waging Peace}.
-Wilmington: M. \&\ R. Wolfe, Limited.
-\sameauthor 1983. {\it The Metaindustry: War and
-Economic Development}.
-Los Angeles: Thompson Books.
-| |
-| References Cited |
-| |
-| Roszak, T. 1972. Where the Wasteland Ends. New York: Harper & Row. |
-| |
-| Weldon, S. 1971. Waging Peace. Wilmington: M. & R. Wolfe, Limited. |
-| |
-| ....1983. The Metaindustry: War and Economic Development. Los Angeles: |
-| Thompson Books. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/scn.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/scn.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 08b572cb2d..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/scn.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-| setchapternumber |
-Abbreviation: ã|\scnã%
-Parameters: ã|previous chapter numberã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The chapter number will be automatically incremented by one for each use of
-\chapter. The chapter number can be reset by inserting the \setchapternum-
-ber markup before the next occurrence of \chapter.
- ã|Example:ã%
-By default, the first chapter is number 1. If you want to start with
-chapter 5, you would enter:
-\chapter{Title of the fifth chapter}
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The number specified in the \setchapternumber parameter is the previous
-chapter number, not the next chapter number.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/senn.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/senn.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index b032b8a8d9..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/senn.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-| setendnotenumber |
-Abbreviation: ã|\sennã%
-Parameters: ã|previous endnote numberã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The endnote number will be automatically incremented by one for each
-use of \autoendnote. The endnote number can be reset by adding the
-\setendnotenumber markup before the next occurrence of an \autoendnote.
- ã|Example:ã%
-By default, endnote numbers are reset in parts. If you also want them reset
-in chapters, you could modify the \chapterformat by adding \setendnotenumber
-to the \titleformat:
- \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
- \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber}
- \cl{\twelvept\bd \chaptertitle}
- \vs{1\bl}
- \setendnotenumber{0}
- \setsubheadanumber{0}
- \setsubheadbnumber{0}
- \setsubheadcnumber{0}
- \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
- \incontents{yes}}
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The number specified in the \setendnotenumber parameter is the previous
-endnote number, not the next endnote number. If you want the next
-\autoendnote to be endnote 90, then specify
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/settabs.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/settabs.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 53b535a5e6..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/settabs.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-| settabs |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|number of columnsã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The body of the table is created with the \settabs n \columns markup, which
-establishes a number (n) of equal-size tabular columns (\columns).
- Each new column after the first is indicated with the TEXT1 tab
-character (&). Each row is started with the \+ markup and ended with the
-\cr markup (which is an abbreviation for carriage return on typewriters).
- The ampersand (&) is like the TAB key on many typewriters; it tells
-TEXT1 to advance to the next tab position, where there is a tab at the right
-edge of each column. But & is not exactly like a mechanical typewriter
-TAB, because it first backs up to the beginning of the current column
-before advancing to the next. In this way you can always tell what column
-you are tabbing to, by counting the number of &s; that is handy, because
-variable-width type otherwise makes it difficult to know whether you have
-passed a tab position.
- The ampersands are different from tabs in another way, too: TEXT1
-ignores spaces after &, hence you can conveniently finish a column by typing
-& at the end of a line in your input file, without worrying that an extra
-blank space will be introduced there. Incidentally, TEXT1 also ignores
-spaces after \+, so that the first column is treated like the others.
- You can say \cr before you have specified a complete set of columns, if
-the remaining columns are blank. The last \cr ends the settabs. No other
-ending is necessary; normal text may follow.
- ã|Example:ã%
-can be seen, the pool of common words is prodigious.
-\tabletitle{Etymological Clues}
-\settabs 3 \columns
-\+\it Term&\it Geological&\it Social Reference\cr
-\+boss&small rock&supervisor\cr
-\+domehead&pushing through&intellectual\cr
-\+fossil&turned to stone&age\cr
-\+creep&move slowly&person\cr
-\+streak&move quickly&naked\cr
-\+ejecta&very quickly&mating\cr
-\+sublimate&change to gas&dream\cr
-| |
-| can be seen, the pool of common words is prodigious. |
-| |
-| Table 1 |
-| Etymological Clues |
-| |
-| Term Geological Social Reference |
-| boss small rock supervisor |
-| domehead pushing through intellectual |
-| fossil turned to stone age |
-| creep move slowly person |
-| streak move quickly naked |
-| ejecta very quickly mating |
-| sublimate change to gas dream |
-| trench sediments mouth |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-You may not want all of the columns to be the same size, so there is another
-way to set them, by typing "\+sample line\cr" immediately after \settabs.
-In this case tabs are placed at the positions of the &s in the sample line,
-but the sample line itself does not appear in the output. Look through
-the table and determine the biggest entry in each column; the sample line
-is then constructed by typing the widest entry in the first column, then
-the widest in each subsequent column, omitting the last column. Be sure to
-include some extra space (\horizontalspace{}) between columns in the sample
-line, so that the columns won't touch each other.
-can be seen, the pool of common words is prodigious.
-\tabletitle{Etymological Clues}
- &material pushing through
- \hs{10pt}&Intellectual\cr
-\+&\it Term&\it Geological&\it Social Reference\cr
-\+&trench&subducted sediments&mouth\cr
-\+&dike&material holding back&female\cr
-\+&domehead&material pushing through&intellectual\cr
-\+&fossil&life turned to stone&age\cr
-\+&cleavage&the tendency to split&bosom\cr
-| |
-| can be seen, the pool of common words is prodigious. |
-| |
-| Table 2 |
-| Etymological Clues |
-| |
-| Term Geological Social Reference |
-| trench subducted sediments mouth |
-| dike material holding back female |
-| domehead material pushing through intellectual |
-| fossil life turned to stone age |
-| cleavage the tendency to split bosom |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you want to put something right justified (flush right) in its column,
-just type \rt{text} where text is the text to be right justified; Be sure
-to type & after it, so that TEX will be sure to move the information all
-the way until it touches the next tab. Similarly, if you want to center
-something in its column, type \ctr{text} where text is the text to be
-centered. Notice also the use of \phantom in decimal alignment.
- \centerline{\bd Table 1}
- \centerline{Etymological Clues}
- \settabs \+\hs{20pts}&Aluminum\quad&Anthrosphere&
- \hs{20pt}&Lithosphere\quad\cr
- \+&\lft{Element}&\rt{Anthrosphere}&
- &\rt{Lithosphere}&\cr
- \+&Sodium&\rt{0.001\phantom{0}}&&\rt{0.4\phantom{000}}\cr
- \+&Silicon&\rt{.0001}&&\rt{20.2\phantom{000}}\cr
- \+&Aluminum&\rt{0.22\phantom{00}}&&
- \rt{11.54\phantom{00}}\cr
- \+&Carbon&\rt{19.1001}&&\rt{0.0202}\cr
- \+&Nitrogen&\rt{3.2205}&&\rt{.0208}\cr
-| |
-| Table 1 |
-| Etymological Clues |
-| Element Anthrosphere Lithosphere |
-| Sodium 0.001 0.4 |
-| Silicon .0001 20.2 |
-| Aluminum 0.22 11.54 |
-| Carbon 19.1001 0.0202 |
-| Nitrogen 3.2205 .0208 |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Tab positions are remembered, until they are reset with another \settabs,
-regardless of text and other markup following.
- The operation of tabs addresses one line at a time; this allows multiple
-page tables.
- You cannot use \figure, \drawbox or \paragraphbox around a \settabs.
- Refer to The TEXbook for more on \phantom.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfn.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfn.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c3ef81afc..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfn.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-| setfigurenumber |
-Abbreviation: ã|\sfnã%
-Parameters: ã|previous figure numberã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The figure number will be automatically incremented by one for each use of
-\figure. The figure number can be reset by adding the \setfigurenumber
-markup before the next occurrence of \figure.
- ã|Example:ã%
-By default, figure numbers are reset in parts. If you also want them reset
-in chapters, you could modify the \chapterformat by adding \setfigurenumber
-to the \titleformat:
- \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
- \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber}
- \cl{\twelvept\bd \chaptertitle}
- \vs{1\bl}
- \setfigurenumber{0}
- \setsubheadanumber{0}
- \setsubheadbnumber{0}
- \setsubheadcnumber{0}
- \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
- \incontents{yes}}
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The number specified in the \setfigurenumber parameter is the previous
-figure number, not the next figure number. If you want the next \figure to
-be Figure 90, then specify
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfnn.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfnn.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 369f764e65..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfnn.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-| setfootnotenumber |
-Abbreviation: ã|\sfnnã%
-Parameters: ã|previous footnote numberã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The footnote number will be automatically incremented by one for each
-use of \autofootnote. The footnote number can be reset by adding the
-\setfootnotenumber markup before the next occurrence of an autofootnote.
- ã|Example:ã%
-By default, footnote numbers are reset in parts. If you also want
-them reset in chapters, you could modify the \chapterformat by adding
-\setfootnotenumber to the \titleformat:
- \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
- \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber}
- \cl{\twelvept\bd \chaptertitle}
- \vs{1\bl}
- \setfootnotenumber{0}
- \setsubheadanumber{0}
- \setsubheadbnumber{0}
- \setsubheadcnumber{0}
- \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
- \incontents{yes}}
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The number specified in the \setfootnotenumber parameter is the previous
-footnote number, not the next footnote number. If you want the next
-\autofootnote to be footnote 90, then specify
- The \setfootnotenumber markup has no effect on the \footnote markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfs.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfs.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 241c41268b..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sfs.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-| selectfontset |
-Abbreviation: ã|\sfsã%
-Parameters: ã|catalog name, user's reference, leadingã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-For a typical document, you will need both a font set and a math set.
-The default font set selections consist of two sets for composing printers:
-\twelvept for the 12 point size Computer Modern serif typestyle; and \tenpt
-for the 10 point Computer Modern serif typestyle. Typically, the \select-
-fontset markup is placed in the front of your document. The format of this
-markup is
-\selectfontset{catalog name}{user's reference name}{leading between lines}
-where catalog name is the system name for that font set. (Complete lists
-of the catalog names can be found by going to the TEXT1 help menu, or by
-looking in the Font Catalogs.) The user's reference is a name of your own
-devising. This name, when prefaced with a backslash will give you access to
-that font set. The leading is the interlineskip specification.
- Users of typewriter printers use different \selectfontset markup, which
-offers "standard", "underscore" (for italic), and "bold" monospaced faces.
-These are the only fonts available to such printers.
- Each font set includes the following nine faces, each of which is called
-by adding a backslash in front of the name, or using the abbreviation:
-\roman (\rm), \bold (\bd), \italic (\it), \typewriter (\tt), \caps (\cc),
-\mathitalic (\mi), \symbol (\sy), \extension (\ex), and \bolditalic (\bi).
-Not all font sets have all nine faces available. If a particular face is
-not available, a warning message will be printed.
- ã|Example:ã%
-After entering the \selectfontset,
-each time \eleven is specified, you would be using the Computer Modern font
-set at a 11 point size (cm11). The third parameter ("default") indicates
-that TEXT1 will use the default value for \interlineskip, in this case 13
-points. Then, whenever you switch to bold (\bd) you would get Computer
-Modern bold at a 11 point size. If you were to specify \it you would get
-Computer Modern italic at 11 points.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Consider this example for switching from 9 point to a 8 point size.
-The \eightpoint is set with \interlineskip{9pt} instead of the default
-\interlineskip{10pt}, leaving less space between lines.
-\centerline{\ninepoint\bd Sociogeology}
-\centerline{\it by Achilles Chert}
-"Does the absurd dictate death?" asks Albert Camus,
-| |
-| Sociogeology |
-| |
-| by Achilles Chert |
-| |
-| "Does the absurd dictate death?" asks Albert Camus, |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Again, not all font sets have all nine faces available. If a particular
-face is not available, a warning message will be printed.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sha.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sha.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c5bb98f47..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sha.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-| subheada |
-Abbreviation: ã|\shaã%
-Parameters: ã|titleã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \subheada markup creates a first level subheading, which skips two
-baselines, prints the title in bold type, then skips one more baseline. It
-does not begin a new page. Its title is placed in the table of contents
- ã|Example:ã%
-more realistic.
-\subheada{Nationalism and War}
-Nationalism is directly related to war.
-Lord Acton observed that . . .
-which prints:
-| |
-| |
-| more realistic. |
-| |
-| |
-| Nationalism and War |
-| |
-| Nationalism is directly related to war. Lord Acton observed that |
-| . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Use \subheadaformat to change any of the above mentioned defaults.
- TEXT1 will encourage page breaking before a \subheada. It discourages
-page breaking between the \subheada and the first line of the following
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shaf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shaf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cf2d51cd9..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shaf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-| subheadaformat |
- \titleformat{\removelastskip
- \goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
- \twelvept
- \bd\nin\subheadatitle
- \par\nobreak
- \vs{1\bl}\nobreak
- \setsubheadbnumber{0}
- \setsubheadcnumber{0}
- \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
- \incontents{yes}
- }
-Abbreviation: ã|\shafã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontentsã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \subheadaformat markup lets you change the appearance of the subheading
-title. There are three submarkup that control how the \subheada is to
-ã|\numberingstyleã% by default is 1 which will print the subhead number in
-Arabic numbers. Other possibilities are "A" and "I". By default, subhead
-numbers are not printed, even though the \subheadanumber is incremented.
-ã|\titleformat{Nested Markup}ã% is used to describe how the subhead title is
-to be printed. You may use markup such as \newpage, \removelastskip,
-\goodbreak, \nobreak, \verticalspace, and \centerline within \titleformat
-as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within or outside of
- * \subheadanumberprints the most recent subheada number.
- * \subheadatitleprints the most recent subheada title.
-ã|\incontentsã% places the subheada title by default in the contents (if one is
-printed). Printing in the table of contents can be suppressed by changing
-to "no":
- ã|Example:ã%
-Some applications require the subheads to be numbered. For \subheada to
-include a number like "" where "pp" is the part number, "cc" is
-the chapter number, and "aa" is the subheada number, you would modify the
- \titleformat{\removelastskip\goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
- \bd\partnumber.\chapternumber-\subheadanumber
- \quad\subheadatitle\par
- \nobreak\vs{1\bl}\nobreak}
- \incontents{yes}
-more realistic.
-\subheada{Nationalism and War}
-Nationalism is directly related to war.
-Lord Acton observed that . . .
-The second subheada in the third chapter of the first part would print as:
-| |
-| more realistic. |
-| |
-| |
-| 1.3-2 Nationalism and War |
-| |
-| Nationalism is directly related to war. Lord Acton observed that |
-| . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \subheadaformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both
-are used.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shb.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shb.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c4e302561..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shb.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-| subheadb |
-Abbreviation: ã|\shbã%
-Parameters: ã|titleã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \subheadb markup creates a second level subheading, which skips two
-baselines, prints the title in italics, then skips one more baseline. It
-does not begin a new page. Its title is placed in the table of contents
- ã|Example:ã%
-more realistic.
-\subheadb{Nationalism and War}
-Nationalism is directly related to war.
-Lord Acton observed that . . .
-which prints:
-| |
-| more realistic. |
-| |
-| |
-| Nationalism and War |
-| |
-| Nationalism is directly related to war. Lord Acton observed that |
-| . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Use \subheadbformat to change any of the above mentioned defaults.
- TEXT1 will encourage page breaking before a \subheadb. It discourages
-page breaking between the \subheadb and the first line of the following
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shbf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shbf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c0e27505b..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shbf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-| subheadbformat |
- \titleformat{\removelastskip
- \goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
- \twelvept
- \it\nin\subheadbtitle
- \par\nobreak
- \vs{1\bl}\nobreak
- \setsubheadcnumber{0}
- \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
- \incontents{yes}
- }
-Abbreviation: ã|\shbfã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontentsã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \subheadbformat markup lets you change the appearance of the subheading
-title. There are three submarkup that control how the \subheadb is to
-ã|\numberingstyleã% by default is 1 which will print the subhead number in
-Arabic numbers. Other possibilities are "A" and "I". By default, subhead
-numbers are not printed, even though the \subheadbnumber is incremented.
-ã|\titleformat{Nested Markup}ã is used to describe how the subhead title is
-to be printed. You may use markup such as \newpage, \removelastskip,
-\goodbreak, \nobreak, \verticalspace, and \centerline within \titleformat
-as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within or outside of
- * \subheadbnumberprints the most recent subheadb number.
- * \subheadbtitleprints the most recent subheadb title.
-ã|\incontentsã% places the subheadb title by default in the contents (if one is
-printed). Printing in the table of contents can be suppressed by changing
-to "no":
- ã|Example:ã%
-Some applications require the subheads to be numbered. If you wanted
-\subheadb to include a number like "" where "pp" is the part
-number, "cc" is the chapter number, "aa" is the subheada number, and "bb" is
-the subheadb number, you would modify the \subheadbformat:
- \subheadbformat{\numberingstyle{1}
- \titleformat{\removelastskip\goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
- \italic
- \partnumber.\chapternumber.\subheadanumber.\subheadbnumber
- \quad\subheadbtitle\par
- \nobreak\vs{1\bl}\nobreak}
- \incontents{yes}
- }
- more realistic.
- \subheadb{Nationalism and War}
- Nationalism is directly related to war.
- Lord Acton observed that . . .
-The first subheadb in the second subheada of the third chapter of the first
-part would print as:
-| |
-| more realistic. |
-| |
-| |
-| Nationalism and War |
-| |
-| Nationalism is directly related to war. Lord Acton observed that |
-| . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \subheadbformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both
-are used.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shc.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shc.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 19133b8456..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shc.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-| subheadc |
-Abbreviation: ã|\shcã%
-Parameters: ã|titleã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \subheadc markup creates a third level subheading, which skips two
-baselines, prints the title in roman type, then skips one more baseline. It
-does not begin a new page. Its title is not placed in the table of contents
- ã|Example:ã%
-more realistic.
-\subheadc{Nationalism and War}
-Nationalism is directly related to war.
-Lord Acton observed that . . .
-which prints:
-| |
-| more realistic. |
-| |
-| |
-| Nationalism and War |
-| |
-| Nationalism is directly related to war. Lord Acton observed that |
-| . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Use \subheadcformat to change any of the above mentioned defaults.
- TEXT1 will encourage page breaking before a \subheadc. It discourages
-page breaking between the \subheadc and the first line of the following
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shcf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shcf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index bb7cbe0822..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shcf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-| subheadcformat |
- \titleformat{\removelastskip
- \goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
- \twelvept
- \rm\nin\subheadctitle
- \par\nobreak
- \vs{1\bl}\nobreak
- \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
- \incontents{no}
- }
-Abbreviation: ã|\shcfã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontentsã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \subheadcformat markup lets you change the appearance of the subheading
-title. There are three submarkup that control how the \subheadc is to
-ã|\numberingstyleã% by default is 1 which will print the subhead number in
-Arabic numbers. Other possibilities are "A" and "I". By default, subhead
-numbers are not printed, even though the \subheadcnumber is incremented.
-ã|\titleformat{Nested Markup}ã% is used to describe how the \subheadc title
-is to be printed. You may use markup such as \newpage, \removelastskip,
-\goodbreak, \nobreak, \verticalspace, and \centerline within \titleformat
-as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within or outside of
- * \subheadcnumberprints the most recent subheadc number.
- * \subheadctitleprints the most recent subheadc title.
-ã|\incontentsã% places the subheadc title in the contents (if one is printed).
-By default, the title is not placed in the contents. Printing in the table
-of contents can be included by changing to "yes":
- ã|Example:ã%
-Some applications require the subheads to be numbered. If you wanted
-\subheadc to include a number like "Section cc:" where "cc" is a bold
-subheadc number, you could modify the \subheadcformat:
- \titleformat{\removelastskip\goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
- \nin\bd Section \subheadcnumber:
- \quad\subheadctitle\par
- \nobreak\vs{1\bl}\nobreak}
- \incontents{no}
-more realistic.
-\subheadc{Nationalism and War}
-Nationalism is directly related to war.
-Lord Acton observed that . . .
-The third subheadc would print as:
-| |
-| more realistic. |
-| |
-| |
-| Section 3: Nationalism and War |
-| |
-| Nationalism is directly related to war. Lord Acton observed that |
-| . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \subheadcformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both
-are used.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shd.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shd.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index fa6cb2feaa..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shd.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-| subheadd |
-Abbreviation: ã|\shdã%
-Parameters: ã|titleã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \subheadd markup creates a fourth level subheading, which skips to a new
-paragraph, prints the title in italics followed by a period, then continues
-the paragraph. It does not begin a new page. Its title is not placed in
-the table of contents automatically.
- ã|Example:ã%
-more realistic.
-\subheadd{Nationalism and War}
-Nationalism is directly related to war.
-Lord Acton observed that . . .
-which prints:
-| |
-| more realistic. |
-| Nationalism and War. Nationalism is directly related to war. Lord |
-| Acton observed that . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Use \subheaddformat to change any of the above mentioned defaults.
- TEXT1 will encourage page breaking before a \subheadd.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shdf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shdf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 39b552a430..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/shdf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-| subheaddformat |
- \titleformat{\goodbreak
- {\twelvept
- \it\subheaddtitle.}
- \incontents{no}
- }
-Abbreviation: ã|\shdfã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontentsã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \subheaddformat markup lets you change the appearance of the subheading
-title. There are three submarkup that control how the \subheadd is to
-ã|\numberingstyleã% by default is 1 which will print the subhead number in
-Arabic numbers. Other possibilities are "A" and "I". By default, subhead
-numbers are not printed, even though the \subheaddnumber is incremented.
-ã|\titleformat{Nested Markup}ã% is used to describe how the subhead title is
-to be printed. You may use markup such as \newpage, \removelastskip,
-\goodbreak, \nobreak, \verticalspace, and \centerline within \titleformat
-as Nested Markup. Other markup you may use within or outside of
- * \subheaddnumberprints the most recent subheadd number.
- * \subheaddtitleprints the most recent subheadd title.
-ã|\incontentsã% places the subheadd title in the contents (if one is printed).
-By default, the title is not placed in the contents. Printing in the table
-of contents can be included by changing to "yes":
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted a subhead to place the title in a lable, you would modify the
- \titleformat{\removelastskip\goodbreak\vs{2\bl}
- \label{\subheaddtitle}
- }
- \incontents{no}
-more realistic.
-\subheadd{Nationalism and War}
-Nationalism is directly related to war.
-Lord Acton observed that the increase in nationalism
-significantly increases a country's ability to
-protect itself . . .
-The fourth subheadd would print as:
-| |
-| more realistic. |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| Nationalism |
-| and War thatonthesmincreaseeinlynationalism significantlyctincreasesea |
-| country's ability to protect itself . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \subheaddformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both
-are used.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sms.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sms.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 63213a1656..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sms.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-| selectmathset |
-Abbreviation: ã|\smsã%
-Parameters: ã|catalog name, user's referenceã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \selectmathset markup loads type for use by math mode. Superscripted
-footnotes, and mathematical equations, require the TEXT1 math mode. For
-composing printers, the default for the primary (script) math set that is
-used to set super or subscripts is a 9 point Computer Modern, the secondary
-(script-script) math set which is used to set super-super or sub-subscripts
-is 7 point Computer Modern. TEXT1 typewriter printers do not support math
-mode. The format of this markup is
-\selectmathset{catalog name}{user's reference name}
-where catalog name is the system name for that math set. (Complete lists
-of the catalog names can be found by going to the TEXT1 help menu, or by
-looking in the Font Catalogs.) The design of this name is such that the
-first digit(s) is the primary (script) size, the second digit(s) is the
-secondary (script-script) size. The user's reference is a name of your own
-devising. This name, when prefaced with a backslash will give you access to
-that math set.
- Typically, the \selectmathset markup is placed in the front of your
-document with your \selectfontset markup.
- ã|Example:ã%
-This math mode example uses a primary 14 point math font, instead of the
-default, and a secondary math font of 12 point.
-Human intelligence became possible when
-@@C_{14}\to C_{1.4 \bullet 10^6}@@
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Typically, the \selectmathset markup is placed in the front of your document
-with your \selectfontset markup.
- TEXT1 typewriter printers do not support math mode.
- Only the super and subscripts are affected by the math mode fonts
-selected with the \selectmathset markup.
- See The TEXbook for more on math mode.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/special.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/special.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 48597c9326..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/special.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Special Characters |
-In TeX there are 10 keyboard characters which have special meaning. They are:
- \ (backslash) } (right curly brace) { (left curly brace)
- @ (at sign) # (pound sign) _ (underscore)
- & (ampersand) % (percent sign) ~ (tilde) | (vertical bar)
-If you need any of these characters as part of your text you must precede all
-but the tilde and vertical bar with a \ (backslash) or TeX will interpret them
-as a TeX command. To print a tilde you must enter \tilde and for a vertical bar
-enter \vbar.
-For example, the following input:
- Mom sent Tommy to the store and told him to buy 5\# potatoes, a
- half gallon of 2\% milk and two packages of M\&Ms.
-would result in:
-Mom sent Tommy to the store and told him to buy 5# potatoes, a half gallon of
-2% milk and two packages of M&Ms.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/spn.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/spn.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 8377cd9a4a..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/spn.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-| setpagenumber |
-Abbreviation: ã|\spnã%
-Parameters: ã|previous page numberã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \setpagenumber markup resets the page number of a paper. The first page
-of a document, commonly referred to as the title page, is treated as page
-number "1". You can begin the document with a page number other than 1, or
-renumber sections of the document.
- The \setpagenumber markup can be specified anywhere in your document.
-It changes the number of the current page. This can be particularly useful
-if you are printing your document one part or chapter at a time.
- To get pages in lower case roman numerals, for lead pages, enter a
-negative number, for instance \setpagenumber{-1}.
- ã|Example:ã%
-To set the page number so that the sentence beginning "Furthermore . . . "
-is on page 11, enter
-as shown in this series of figures.
-% insert four full-page figures
-Furthermore, there are too many physical
-similarities between human forms and earth forms
-to dismiss. Indeed, they are made of the same . . .
- You could also have placed the \setpagenumber markup after the \newpage
-and changed the number from 10 to 11:
-as shown in this series of figures.
-% insert four full-page figures
-Furthermore, there are too many physical
-similarities between human forms and earth forms
-to dismiss. Indeed, they are made of the same . . .
- ã|Notes:ã%
-To get pages in lower case roman numerals, for lead pages, enter a negative
-number, for instance \setpagenumber{-1}.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sptn.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sptn.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index fb40c3ae20..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sptn.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-| setpartnumber |
-Abbreviation: ã|\sptnã%
-Parameters: ã|previous part numberã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The part number will be automatically incremented by one for each use of
-\part. The part number can be reset by inserting the \setpartnumber markup
-before the next occurrence of \part.
- ã|Example:ã%
-By default, the first part is number 1. If you want to start with part 5,
-you would enter:
-\part{Title of the fifth part}
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The number specified in the \setpartnumber parameter is the previous part
-number, not the next part number.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssan.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssan.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b4085cc82..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssan.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-| setsubheadanumber |
-Abbreviation: ã|\ssanã%
-Parameters: ã|previous subheada numberã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The subheada number will be automatically incremented by one for each
-use of \subheada. The subheada number can be reset by inserting the
-\setsubheadanumber markup before the next occurrence of \subheada.
- ã|Example:ã%
-By default, the first subheada is number 1. If you want to start with
-number 5, you would enter:
-\subheada{Title of the fifth subheada}
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The number specified in the \setsubheadanumber parameter is the previous
-subheada number, not the next subheada number.
- The subheada number is reset to zero when you enter \part, \chapter or
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssbn.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssbn.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index df728a0689..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssbn.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-| setsubheadbnumber |
-Abbreviation: ã|\ssbnã%
-Parameters: ã|previous subheadb numberã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The subheadb number will be automatically incremented by one for each
-use of \subheadb. The subheadb number can be reset by inserting the
-\setsubheadbnumber markup before the next occurrence of \subheadb.
- ã|Example:ã%
-By default, the first subheadb is number 1. If you want to start with
-number 5, you would enter:
-\subheadb{Title of the fifth subheadb}
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The number specified in the \setsubheadbnumber parameter is the previous
-subheadb number, not the next subheadb number.
- The subheadb number is reset to zero when you enter \part, \chapter,
-\subheada, or \appendix.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sscn.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sscn.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index c6db33d4e0..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sscn.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-| setsubheadcnumber |
-Abbreviation: ã|\sscnã%
-Parameters: ã|previous subheadc numberã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The subheadc number will be automatically incremented by one for each
-use of \subheadc. The subheadc number can be reset by inserting the
-\setsubheadcnumber markup before the next occurrence of \subheadc.
- ã|Example:ã%
-By default, the first subheadc is number 1. If you want to start with
-number 5, you would enter:
-\subheadc{Title of the fifth subheadc}
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The number specified in the \setsubheadcnumber parameter is the previous
-subheadc number, not the next subheadc number.
- The subheadc number is reset to zero when you enter \part, \chapter,
-\subheada, \subheadb, or \appendix.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssdn.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssdn.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index b93175860c..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssdn.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-| setsubheaddnumber |
-Abbreviation: ã|\ssdnã%
-Parameters: ã|previous subheadd numberã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The subheadd number will be automatically incremented by one for each
-use of \subheadd. The subheadd number can be reset by inserting the
-\setsubheaddnumber markup before the next occurrence of \subheadd.
- ã|Example:ã%
-By default, the first subheadd is number 1. If you want to start with
-number 5, you would enter:
-\subheadd{Title of the fifth subheadd}
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The number specified in the \setsubheaddnumber parameter is the previous
-subheadd number, not the next subheadd number.
- The subheadd number is reset to zero when you enter \part, \chapter,
-\subheada, \subheadb, \subheadc, or \appendix.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d7173e845..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-| selectspecificfont |
-Abbreviation: ã|\ssfã%
-Parameters: ã|catalog name, font size, leadingã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \selectspecificfont markup permits you to include fonts that are not
-members of sets or families, and have an \interlineskip associated with it.
-The format of this markup is,
-\selectspecificfont{catalog name}{font size}{leading}
-where catalog name is the system name for that font without the font size
-specification. (Complete lists of the catalog names can be found by going
-to the TEXT1 help menu, or by looking in the Font Catalogs.) The font
-size is the size in points of that face. The leading is the interlineskip
-specification. You cannot use "default" for the leading as you can with
- To access a specific font made available with \selectspecificfont, you
-enter a backslash, followed by the catalog name, followed by the font size,
-and ending with a semicolon.
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example makes the Computer Modern Slanted font at 12 points available
-for use. After specifying,
-you would then enter "\cmsl12;" to use this font. For example,
-\cl{\cmsl12; Nuclear Utopia}
-Nuclear war is unthinkable.
-| |
-| Nuclear Utopia |
-| Nuclear war is unthinkable. |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Each font specified with \selectspecificfont must be followed by a
- You cannot use "default" for the leading as you can with \selectfontset.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssp.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssp.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index bb69c58d75..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/ssp.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-| singlespace |
-Abbreviation: ã|\sspã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-Single spacing is the default for TEXT1. The \singlespace markup can
-be used to return to single spacing if the spacing has been changed
-double spacing with \doublespace. The markup \singlespace markup has no
-parameters, and causes an end-of-paragraph, forcing the following text into
-a new paragraph.
- ã|Example:ã%
-The cultures of industrial nations are based on
-unethical accumulations of materials.
-This inequality is maintained by power, not
-Power politics makes problems that cannot be solved
-except by war.
-Questions about defining the best nation or the best
-religion lead to organized . . .
-| |
-| The cultures of industrial nations are based on unethical |
-| |
-| accumulations of materials. This inequality is maintained by power, |
-| |
-| not persuasion. |
-| Power politics makes problems that cannot be solved except by war. |
-| Questions about defining the best nation or the best religion lead to |
-| organized . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The interline skip value used with \singlespace and \doublespace is set with
-the \interlineskip markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/stn.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/stn.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 94fe79e895..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/stn.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-| settablenumber |
-Abbreviation: ã|\stnã%
-Parameters: ã|previous table numberã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The table number will be automatically incremented by one for each use of
-\tabletitle. The table number can be reset by adding the \settablenumber
-markup before the next occurrence of \tabletitle.
- ã|Example:ã%
-By default, table numbers are reset in parts. If you also want them reset
-in chapters, you could modify the \chapterformat by adding \settablenumber
-to the \titleformat:
- \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
- \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber}
- \cl{\twelvept\bd \chaptertitle}
- \vs{1\bl}
- \settablenumber{0}
- \setsubheadanumber{0}
- \setsubheadbnumber{0}
- \setsubheadcnumber{0}
- \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
- \incontents{yes} }
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The number specified in the \settablenumber parameter is the previous table
-number, not the next table number. If you want the next \tabletitle to be
-Table 90, then specify
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/strut.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/strut.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 582344ae8a..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/strut.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-| strut |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-There are times when it is necessary to have the baselineskip between two
-lines be the same, especially if you are building a table that uses rules
-between columns. The \strut markup can be used in an \halign to maintain
-consistent distance between lines of a table. The \strut markup has no
-parameters. Its height is 1.8 times the height of an "x" in the current
-point size. Its depth is .6 times the height of an "x" in the current point
- ã|Example:ã%
-Consider this table created without the use of \strut,
-\tabletitle{Comparison of the composition of goat's
-milk and that of two common breeds of dairy cows}
- \hs{3pt}\ctr{#}\hs{3pt}\vrule\cr
-&&\bd Total&&&\cr
-\bd Source of milk&\bd Water&\bd Solids&
- \bd Fat&\bd Protein&\bd Lactose\cr
-\noalign{\hrule height 1pt}
-which prints as:
-| |
-| Table 1 |
-| Comparison of the composition of goat's milk and that of two common breeds |
-| of dairy cows |
-| ...................................................... |
-| ....................................................... |
-| ....................................................... |
-| .Jersey...........85.31%..14.69%5.18%..3.86%...4.94%... |
-| ...................................................... |
-Now add \strut to the \halign preamble,
- \hs{3pt}\ctr{#}\hs{3pt}\vrule\cr
-and notice the uniform distance between lines:
-| |
-| Table 2 |
-| Comparison of the composition of goat's milk and that of two common breeds |
-| of dairy cows |
-| ...................................................... |
-| . . Total . . . . |
-| ....................................................... |
-| Goats 82.02%11.98% 3.50% 3.13% 4.55% |
-| ..Holstein-Friesia87.50%..12.50%3.55%..3.42%...4.86%.. |
-| ....................................................... |
-| ....................................................... |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The size of the strut changes as the interline skip changes. \twelvept will
-have a longer \strut than will \tenpt.
- See The TEXbook for more on \offinterlineskip.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheada.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheada.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index e7e95f9a4d..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheada.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|SUBHEADAã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadb.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadb.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 9504d6e77b..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadb.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|SUBHEADBã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadc.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadc.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d092ec196..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadc.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|SUBHEADCã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadd.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadd.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 92786990ed..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/subheadd.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|SUBHEADDã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sy.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sy.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cd81220f6..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/sy.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-| symbol |
-Abbreviation: ã|\syã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \symbol markup sets the face to the Computer Modern Math Symbol face.
-Refer to The TEXbook, Appendix F, for a complete list of the characters
-available in the Symbol face.
- ã|Example:ã%
-This example uses \symbol to print a diagonal arrow:
-Put a {\symbol\char'45} next to . . .
-| |
-| Put a \ next to . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-For more on the use of the \char markup, refer to The TEXbook.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tablem.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tablem.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 81d335148d..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tablem.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|TABLE-Mã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
-\tableformat. This is to be used when you are using \monospace.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tablep.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tablep.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index 292d726559..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tablep.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|TABLE-Pã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
-\tableformat. This is to be used when you areã|notã%using \monospace.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/taf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/taf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index afa15b556b..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/taf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-| tableformat |
-Abbreviation: ã|\tafã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\titleformat, \incontentsã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \tableformat markup allows you to modify the defaults that control the
-appearance of the table title.
-ã|titleformat{Nested Markup}ã% controls the appearance of the table title.
-You may use markup such as \blockquotebegin, \hangingparagraph, \vertical-
-space, and \centerline within \titleformat as Nested Markup. Other markup
-you may use within or outside of \tableformat:
- ã|tablenumber.ã% prints the most recent table number.
- ã|tabletitle.ã% prints the most recent table title.
-ã|incontentsã% places the table title in contents (if one is printed).
-Printing can be suppressed by changing to "no."
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted a table title to print in a hanging paragraph style, and you
-didn't want the table title put in the table of contents, enter:
- \titleformat{\bqb\hp\bd Table \tablenumber.
- \rm\tabletitle\bqe}
- \incontents{yes}
- }
-\tabletitle{Size data of a Yellow
-Transparent fruit during the period of July 23 to August 9,
-1977. (fruit No. IV@_b@)}
-July 23&July 27&July 31&August 5&August 9\cr
-| |
-| |
-| Table 1. Size data of a Yellow Transparent fruit during the |
-| period of July 23 to August 9, 1977. (fruit No. IV[b]) |
-| |
-| July 23 July 27 July 31 August 5 August 9 |
-| 32 67 44 47 18 |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \tableformat markup must come after the \monospace markup, if both are
-used. If you are using \monospace, the only difference in defaults is that
-the table title is printed in the \monospace font instead of \twelvept.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/talaris.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/talaris.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index b6d310e084..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/talaris.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|TALARISã%block is to be selected if you want to change the default
-proportional space fonts and you are using a Talaris.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tat.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tat.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index d5f13ab97a..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tat.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-| tabletitle |
-Abbreviation: ã|\tatã%
-Parameters: ã|title textã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-A table is a presentation of information in columns. The \tabletitle markup
-centers the title and puts that title in the table of contents. The
-\tabletitle markup does not print the actual table, you must use \halign or
-\settabs to accomplish that.
- ã|Example:ã%
-\tabletitle{Monthly Salaries in Public Libraries\lbr
-for 1981}
-&&\ctr{\bd Library Aide}&\ctr{\bd Page}\cr
-\omit\ctr{\bd City/Town}&\ctr{\bd Librarian}&
- \ctr{\bd and Clerical}&\ctr{\bd and}\cr
-\omit\ctr{\bd Libraries}&\ctr{\bd (a)(b)}&
- \ctr{\bd Assistant}&\ctr{\bd Bookbinder}\cr
-Burlington&1158&5.89 hr&3.35/3.50 hr\cr
-Castle Rock&300&3.35 hr&---\cr
-Cle Elum&3.50 hr&---&---\cr
-Colville&5.68 hr&5.00 hr&---\cr
-which prints the table illustrated on the following page.
-| |
-| Table 1 |
-| Monthly Salaries in Public Libraries |
-| for 1981 |
-| Library Aide Page |
-| City/Town Librarian and Clerical and |
-| Libraries (a)(b) Assistant Bookbinder |
-| Brewster 190 --- --- |
-| Burlington 1158 5.89 hr 3.35/3.50 hr |
-| Castle Rock 300 3.35 hr --- |
-| Cathlamet 225 --- --- |
-| Chewelah 290 --- --- |
-| Cle Elum 3.50 hr --- --- |
-| Colville 5.68 hr 5.00 hr --- |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-\tabletitle only prints the table title in the text and places the title
-in the table of contents. Use \halign or \settabs to construct the table
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tenpt.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tenpt.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ee2d7e6b9..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tenpt.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-| tenpt |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-There are two default \selectfontsets established when you format a TEXT1
-file: \twelvept for the 12 point size Computer Modern serif typestyle; and
-\tenpt for the 10 point Computer Modern serif typestyle.
- The font set includes the following nine faces, each of which is called
-by adding a backslash in front of the name, or using the abbreviation:
-\roman (\rm), \bold (\bd), \italic (\it), \typewriter (\tt), \caps (\cc),
-\mathitalic (\mi), \symbol (\sy), \extension (\ex), and \bolditalic (\bi).
- ã|Example:ã%
-Consider this example for switching from 12 point to a 10 point size.
-\centerline{\twelvept\bd Sociogeology}
-\centerline{\it by Achilles Chert}
-"Does the absurd dictate death?" asks Albert Camus,
-| |
-| Sociogeology |
-| by Achilles Chert |
-| "Does the absurd dictate death?" asks Albert Camus, |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-There are some markup, such as \figure, \blockquotebegin, \autoendnote, and
-\autofootnote which use \tenpt in formatting. If you decide you want to use
-another 10 point font set (like Plantin) instead of Computer Modern as the
-default, you must give that set the same name, "tenpt":
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/text1.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/text1.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index cfb0983202..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/text1.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-| text1 |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-You can print the name of the TEXT1 system by entering the markup \text1.
- ã|Example:ã%
-\appendix{\text1\ Markup}
-Following is the list of markup for \text1.
-will print an appendix that looks like:
-| |
-| 2 |
-| |
-| Appendix A |
-| TEXT1 Markup |
-| Following is the list of markup for TEXT1. |
-| |
-| appendix |
-| asisbegin |
-| asisend |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-You must follow \text1 with a required space (either a tilde ~ or with
-a backslash-space, if you want a space following \text1 as indicated in
-the example above in the \appendix markup. If you do not need a space
-following, such as at the end of the sentence illustrated in the second line
-of the example above beginning "Following is . . . ", then omit the space.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/thc.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/thc.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index dc34bb186e..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/thc.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-| threecolumns |
-Abbreviation: ã|\thcã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \threecolumns markup formats text in three identical width columns.
-Column widths, gutters and margins are calculated automatically. The
-default column width is 31% of the galleywidth (hsize). The default gutter
-between each column is 3.5% of the galleywidth.
- The Flexible format (the default) allows the user to use single column,
-two column, and three column text interchangeably on the current page by
-entering one of the markup choices at the desired point in the text. The
-flexible format will balance the text columns whenever the number of columns
- For example, if the author changes the multiple column format by
-typing a different markup TEXT1 will automatically balance the columns it
-is currently processing and change to a new number of columns. These
-instructions can be inserted at any point on the page.
- The author may want to handle tables and other large blocks of text by
-returning to a single column for the table by typing \onecolumn immediately
-before the table and returning to two or three column formatting immediately
-after the table.
- All running head, running foot, and inserts are printed across the
-full single column width that prints across the top of the current page.
-Footnotes will be printed across the full width at the bottom of the page.
- ã|Example:ã%
-\nin Hebrew is called a Semitic language because it has
-its roots in Shem, one of the sons of Noah.
-Viewing Jerusalem as its center, it is related to the
-northern, rougher Aramaic, and to the southern, more
-polished Arabic. It has a freshness, simplicity and
-power that few modern languages possess. Bounds of the
-ancient Semitic tongue were approximately the
-Mediterranean Sea on the west, the Euphrates and Tigris
-Rivers on the easy, the mountains
-of Armenia on the north,
-and the coast of Arabia on the south. Consider the first
-character, N . . .
-| |
-| Hebrew is rougher approximately. |
-| called Aramaic, the Mediter- |
-| a Semitic and to the ranean Sea |
-| language southern, on the west, |
-| because more pol- the Euphrates. |
-| it has its ished Ara- and Tigris |
-| roots in bic. It Rivers on |
-| Shem, one has a the easy, |
-| of the sons freshness, sim- the mountains. |
-| of Noah. plicity and of Armenia |
-| Viewing power that on the north,. |
-| Jerusalem few modern and the coast. |
-| as its cen- languages pos Arabia on |
-| ter, it is sess. Bounds the south. |
-| related to of the an- Consider the |
-| the north- cient Semitic first char- |
-| ern, tongue were acter, N |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-To change the column width or the gutter width, use the \multicolumnformat
- You cannot specify \threecolumns inside of \vbox, \drawbox,
-\paragraphbox, or a floating \figure (non floating figures, \nofloat,
-are ok).
- If you want footnotes and figures to print in one column instead of
-across both columns, use the \fixedformat markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/thesis.helpmode b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/thesis.helpmode
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d43b13234..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/thesis.helpmode
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Models |
-Theã|THESISã%model is a thesis model set up to abide by all of the WSU
-graduate school's rules. It is a template. You may modify it, but
-it is recommended you check with the Information Center first.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/titlepg.helpbloc b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/titlepg.helpbloc
deleted file mode 100644
index dd15e332b0..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/titlepg.helpbloc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 Select Formatting Blocks |
-Theã|TITLEPGã%block is to be selected if you want to modify the
-\titlepageformat for changing the way a title page is printed.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/toc.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/toc.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index dd9d895ec7..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/toc.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-| tableofcontents |
-Abbreviation: ã|\tocã%
-Parameters: ã|page numberã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \tableofcontents markup prints the table of contents, beginning with
-the designated page. A roman numeral page number is specified by entering
-a negative page number. This markup must always appear at the end of a
- By default, parts, chapters, appendices and subheading levels "A" and
-"B" are included in the table of contents. The order of printing in the
-table of contents is always
- 1. table of contents
- 2. list of figures
- 3. list of tables
- The list of figures will print only if a \figure markup was used. The
-list of tables will print only if a \tabletitle markup was used.
- ã|Example:ã%
-To print the table of contents beginning on page 32 enter:
-of utmost importance.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted the table of contents to begin on roman numeral page three
-("iii"), you would enter a minus three.
-New York: Halstead Press.
- ã|Notes:ã%
-This markup must always appear at the end of a document.
- Multiple line titles may be broken in the table of contents by using
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tocf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tocf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index f178e50e3c..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tocf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-| tableofcontentsformat |
-Abbreviation: ã|\tocfã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã| \toctitle, \prefacetocformat, \parttocformat,
-\continuechapter, \chaptertocformat,
-\hangingchapterindent, \appendixtocformat,
-\hangingappendixindent, \subheadatocformat,
-\subheadbtocformat, \subheadctocformat,
-\subheaddtocformat, \bibliographytocformat,
-\figuretoctitle, \figuretocformat,
-\hangingfigureindent, \tabletoctitle,
-\tabletocformat, \hangingtableindentã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The table of contents prints with the titles "Table of Contents", "List of
-Figures", and "List of Tables" centered in bold letters and each beginning
-on a new page. If you want to change these defaults you use the \table-
-ofcontentsformat markup. This markup also changes the way part, chapter,
-subhead, appendix, bibliography, preface, figure and table titles print in
-table of contents.
-ã|toctitleã% regulates how the table of contents title is to be printed. By
-default it is a centered bold title "Table of Contents". Use \toctitle to
-change this default.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted the title of the table of contents to print "Contents" you
-would enter:
- \toctitle{\cl{\it Contents}}}
-ã|prefacetocformatã% determines how titles entered on the \preface markup
-are to print in the table of contents. By default, they are simply printed
-with a \noindent.
-| |
-| Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted the preface title to print in italics as illustrated on the
-next page, you would enter:
- \prefacetitle\leader\pn}}
-| |
-| Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 |
-| |
-ã|parttocformatã% determines how titles entered on the \part markup are to
-print in the table of contents. By default, part titles skip one line,
-center the part number, center the part title, skip another line, then print
-"Part" followed by the part number again, followed by leader and the page
-| |
-| Part 1 |
-| Mechanics |
-| |
-| Part 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted parts to print in a hanging paragraph style, enter:
-| |
-| Videodiscs in today's modern office --- Timely |
-| TV Tutors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 |
-ã|continuechapterã% if specified as "yes" will print "Chapter" at the top of
-each page under the header. The default is "no".
-ã|chaptertocformat{Nested Markup}ã% determines how a chapter title is to be
-printed in the table of contents. By default, the chapter number and title
-are printed in a hanging number style. For example, if you entered,
-\chapter{The Nineteenth Century and after\lbr
-best-sellers\toclbr and steady-sellers}
-you would get in the table of contents:
-| |
-| 1. The Nineteenth Century and after best-sellers |
-| and steady-sellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 |
-Note that the line break from \lbr only occurs in the text, not in the
-table of contents. Use \toclbr to create a line break which is to occur
-in the table of contents. To change the amount of indent, use the
-\hangingchapterindent. You may use markup such as \newpage, \chaptertitle,
-\chapternumber, \verticalspace, and \centerline within \chaptertocformat as
-Nested Markup. You may also use \hangingchapternumber, which prints the
-chapter number in a similar fashion as \item.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted chapter titles to print in a hanging paragraph style, without
-an associated chapter number, you would enter:
-| |
-| The Nineteenth Century and after best-sellers |
-| and steady-sellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 |
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you want the title "Chapter" to appear left justified in the table of
-contents above the first chapter number, prior to the first chapter you
-would enter the following \putincontents markup:
-\putincontents1{\nin Chapter}
-\chapter{First Chapter}
-Text of the first chapter . . .
-which prints in the table of contents as:
-| |
-| Chapter |
-| 1. First Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 |
-ã|hangingchapterindentã% controls the amount of indent before printing the
-chapter title when you print using \hangingchapternumber.
-ã|appendixtocformat{Nested Markup}ã% determines how an appendix title is to
-be printed in the table of contents. By default, the appendix number and
-title are printed in a hanging number style. For example, if you entered,
-\appendix{The Nineteenth Century and after\lbr
-best-sellers\toclbr and steady-sellers}
-you would get in the table of contents:
-| |
-| A. The Nineteenth Century and after best-sellers |
-| and steady-sellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 |
-Note that the line break from \lbr only occurs in the text, not in
-the table of contents. Use \toclbr to create a line break which
-is to occur in the table of contents. To change the amount of
-indent, use the \hangingappendixindent. You may use markup such as
-\newpage, \appendixtitle, \appendixnumber, \verticalspace, and \center-
-line within \appendixtocformat as Nested Markup. You may also use
-\hangingappendixnumber, which prints the chapter number in a similar fashion
-as \item.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted appendix titles to print in a hanging paragraph style, without
-an associated appendix number, you would enter:
-| |
-| The Nineteenth Century and after best-sellers |
-| and steady-sellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 |
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you want the title "Appendix" to appear left justified in the table of
-contents above the first appendix number, prior to the first appendix you
-would enter the following \putincontents markup:
-\putincontents1{\nin Appendix}
-\appendix{First Appendix}
-Text of the first appendix . . .
-| |
-| Appendix |
-| A. First Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 |
-ã|hangingappendixindentã% controls the amount of indent before printing the
-appendix title when you print using \hangingappendixnumber.
-ã|subheadatocformatã% by default prints all titles entered with \subheada to
-be block indented 1/2 inch from the left margin. Use \subheadatocformat to
-change this default.
-| |
-| Chapter |
-| 1. Document Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 |
-| Micro-to-Mainframe Links: They don't quite |
-| make it yet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 |
- ã|Example:ã%
-To have subheada titles indented 1/4inch and printed with a hangingindent,
- \hp\subheadatitle \leader \pagenumber}}
-| |
-| Chapter |
-| 1. Document Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 |
-| Micro-to-Mainframe Links: They don't quite make |
-| it yet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 |
-| |
-ã|subheadbtocformatã% by default prints all titles entered with \subheadb to
-be block indented 1 inch from the left margin. Use \subheadbtocformat to
-change the default illustrated here:
-| |
-| Chapter |
-| 1. Document Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 |
-| Micro-to-Mainframe Links: They don't |
-| quite make it yet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 |
- ã|Example:ã%
-To have subheadb titles indented /4 inch and printed with a hangingindent
-prefaced with "" where cc is the chapter number, aa is the subheada
-number and bb is the subheadb number, enter:
- \tocf{\subheadbtocformat{\leftindent{.25in}
- \hp\chapternumber.\subheadanumber.\subheadbnumber
- \quad\subheadbtitle \leader \pagenumber}}
- The first \subheadb in the second \subheada of the first chapter would
-print in the table of contents as:
-| |
-| Chapter |
-| 1. Document Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 |
-| 1.2.1 Micro-to-Mainframe Links: They |
-| don't quite make it yet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 |
-ã|subheadctocformatã% by default prints all titles entered with \subheadc to
-be block indented 11/2inch from the left margin. Use \subheadctocformat to
-change this default.
-| |
-| |
-| Chapter |
-| 1. Document Exchange .. . ...... . .. .. .. . ...... . .. .. .. . .....15 |
-| Micro-to-Mainframe Links: They |
-| don't quite make it yet .... . . ..... . . ..... . . ....15 |
- ã|Example:ã%
-To have subheadc titles indented 3/4inch and printed in italics, enter:
- \nin\italic
- \subheadctitle \leader \pagenumber}}
-| |
-| Chapter |
-| 1. Document Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 |
-| Micro-to-Mainframe Links: They don't |
-| quite make it yet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 |
-ã|subheaddtocformatã% by default prints all titles entered with \subheadd to
-be block indented 2 inches from the left margin. Use \subheaddtocformat to
-change this default.
-| |
-| Chapter |
-| 1. Document Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 |
-| Micro-to-Mainframe Links: |
-| They don't quite make |
-| it yet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 |
- ã|Example:ã%
-To have subheadd titles indented 2 inches, printed with a hangingindent in a
-10 point Computer Modern italic font, and no page number, enter:
- \hp\tenpt\italic
- \subheaddtitle}}
-| |
-| Chapter |
-| 1. Document Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 |
-| Micro-to-Mainframe Links: |
-| They don't quite make it yet |
-ã|bibliographytocformatã% determines how titles entered on the \bibliography
-markup are to print in the table of contents. By default, they are simply
-printed with a \noindent like prefaces. Use \bibliographytocformat to
-change this default.
-| |
-| Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted the preface title to print in bold, you would enter:
- \bibtitle\leader\pn}}
-| |
-| ã|Bibliographyã%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 |
-| |
-ã|figuretoctitleã% determines how the list of figures is to print. By
-default, it will start a new page, center the title "List of Figures", and
-then print a header above the first figure, which in the example below had
-the title "Hot times . . . " and printed on page 43:
-| |
-| 21 |
-| List of Figures |
-| Figure Page |
-| 1. Hot times in the land of the midnight sun . . . . . . . . . . . 43 |
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted the list of figures to print the title "Illustrations" instead
-of "List of Figures" after skipping to a new page, enter
- \cl{\bd Illustrations}
- \line{Figure\rt{Page}}}}
-| |
-| Illustrations |
-| Figure Page |
-| 1. Hot times in the land of the midnight sun ... . ... ... . .....43 |
-ã|figuretocformat{Nested Markup}ã% determines how a figure title is to be
-printed in the table of contents. By default, the figure number and title
-are printed in a hanging number style. For example, if you entered:
-\figure{\halfpage}{The Nineteenth Century
-and after best-sellers\toclbr and steady-sellers}
-the figure title would print in the contents as:
-| |
-| 1. The Nineteenth Century and after best-sellers |
-| and steady-sellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 |
-| |
- To change the amount of indent, use the \hangingfigureindent. You may
-use markup such as \figuretitle and \figurenumber, within \figuretocformat
-as Nested Markup. You may also use \hangingnumber{\figurenumber} which
-prints the figure number in a similar fashion as \item.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted figure titles to print in a hanging paragraph style prefaced
-with the figure number, you would enter:
- \figurenumber\quad\figuretitle\leader\pn}}
-| |
-| 1 The Nineteenth Century and after best-sellers |
-| and steady-sellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 |
-ã|hangingfigureindentã% controls the amount of indent before printing the
-figure title when you print using:
-ã|tabletoctitleã% determines how the list of tables is to print. By
-default, it will start a new page, center the title "List of Tables ", and
-then print a header above the first table, which in the example below had
-the title "Hot times . . . " and printed on page 55:
-| |
-| List of Tables |
-| Table Page |
-| 1. Hot times in the land of the midnight sun . . . . . . . . . . . 55 |
-| |
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted the list of tables to print the title "Tables" after skipping
-to a new page, enter
- \cl{\bd Tables}
- \line{Table\rt{Page}}}}
-| |
-| Tables |
-| Table Page |
-| 1. Hot times in the land of the midnight sun . . . . . . . . . . . 55 |
-| |
-ã|tabletocformat{Nested Markup}ã% determines how a table title is to be
-printed in the table of contents. By default, the table number and title
-are printed in a hanging number style. For example, if you entered:
-\tabletitle{The Nineteenth Century
-and after best-sellers\toclbr and steady-sellers}
-the table title would print as:
-| |
-| 1. The Nineteenth Century and after best-sellers |
-| and steady-sellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 |
-| |
- To change the amount of indent, use the \hangingtableindent. You may
-use markup such as \tabletitle and \tablenumber, within \tabletocformat as
-Nested Markup. You may also use \hangingnumber{\tablenumber}, which prints
-the table number in a similar fashion as \item.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you wanted table titles to print in a hanging paragraph style prefaced
-with "" where cc is the chapter number and tt is the table number, you
-would enter,
- \quad\tabletitle\leader\pn}}
-and the first table of the second chapter would print in the contents as:
-| |
-| 2.1 The Nineteenth Century and after best-sellers |
-| and steady-sellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 |
-ã|hangingtableindentã% controls the amount of indent before printing the
-table title when you print using:
- ã|Notes:ã%
-The \tableofcontentsformat markup should always appear at the top of a
-document, but after \monospace, if both are used.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/toclbr.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/toclbr.helpmark
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index b7503bd102..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/toclbr.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-| toclinebreak |
-Abbreviation: ã|\toclbrã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \toclinebreak markup causes a line to finish without interrupting a
-paragraph in the table of contents. Occasionally it is necessary to break
-a line in a precise place within a paragraph, as opposed to letting TEXT1
-decide where to break the line. This markup does not end a paragraph, it
-simply starts the following text of the paragraph on a new line in the table
-of contents instead of concatenating it to the end of the previous line.
- ã|Example:ã%
-\chapter{More facts about Datapoint
-information\toclbr processing\linebreak
- and office
-automation products,\lbr\toclbr
-systems, and software}
-will print the chapter title on three lines in the text of the document:
-| |
-| More facts about Datapoint information processing |
-| and office automation products, |
-| systems, and software |
-and on three lines in the table of contents:
-| |
-| 1. More facts about Datapoint information |
-| processing and office automation products, |
-| systems, and software . . . .... . . ...... . . .... . . ...... . . 32 |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/today.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/today.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d9a1bd87c..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/today.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-| today |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \today markup prints the current date in a standard format, "month day,
- ã|Example:ã%
-John R. Bays
-Philosophy 484
-| |
-| John R. Bays |
-| Philosophy 484 |
-| January 15, 1987 |
-| |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topline1.helpeven b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topline1.helpeven
deleted file mode 100644
index a839ce01d1..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topline1.helpeven
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@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \topline1-5 COMMANDS |
-The \topline1-5 commands set what will appear at the top of each page after the
-title page. The \topline1-5 command is always used in conjunction with the
-\bothpages (\bp), \evenpages (\ep), or \oddpages (\op) command. This command
-has the format:
- \evenpages{
- \toplineX{llll}{cccc}{rrrr}
- }
-where "X" may be 1-5 and refers to the toptitle line number; "llll" is the
-information to be printed left justified; "cccc" is the information to be
-printed centered; and "rrrr" is the information to be printed right justified.
-For example:
- \evenpages{
- \topline1{Joe Smith}{June 3, 1984}{\pagenumber}
- \topline2{\rule}{}{}
- }
-will space down the amount specified on the \topmargin command and put "Joe
-Smith" at the top far left, with "June 3, 1984" centered and the current page
-number on the top far right of the first line of each even page. On the second
-line of each even page will be a horizontal line across the width of the text.
-The running toptitle of page 4 would look like this:
-Joe Smith June 3, 1984 4
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topline1.helpoddp b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topline1.helpoddp
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topline1.helpoddp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \topline1-5 COMMANDS |
-The \topline1-5 commands set what will appear at the top of each page after the
-title page. The \topline1-5 command is always used in conjunction with the
-\bothpages (\bp), \evenpages (\ep), or \oddpages (\op) command. This command
-has the format:
- \oddpages{
- \toplineX{llll}{cccc}{rrrr}
- }
-where "X" may be 1-5 and refers to the toptitle line number; "llll" is the
-information to be printed left justified; "cccc" is the information to be
-printed centered; and "rrrr" is the information to be printed right justified.
-For example:
- \oddpages{
- \topline1{Joe Smith}{June 3, 1984}{\pagenumber}
- \topline2{\rule}{}{}
- }
-will space down the amount specified on the \topmargin command and put "Joe
-Smith" at the top far left, with "June 3, 1984" centered and the current page
-number on the top far right of the first line of each odd page. On the second
-line of each odd page will be a horizontal line across the width of the text.
-The running toptitle of page 5 would look like this:
-Joe Smith June 3, 1984 5
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topmargi.helppage b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topmargi.helppage
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/topmargi.helppage
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \topmargin (\tma) COMMAND |
-The \topmargin (\tma) command will set the distance from the top of the page to
-the top of the running top title text. This command has the format:
- \topmargin{uu}
-where "uu" is the unit of measurement in number of lines or in any valid TeX
-measurement (pt, pc, in, etc.). The default top margin is one inch, or
-\topmargin{1IN}. This command may only appear at the beginning of the TeX input
-file before any actual text is entered.
-In order to change the top margin from the default of one inch to one-half
-inch, you would enter:
- \tma{.5in}
-Which would give you one-half inch between the top of the page to the top of
-the running top title.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tp.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tp.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index b0e3f5dc3d..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tp.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-| titlepage |
-Abbreviation: ã|\tpã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-By convention, a title page is a display page, differing from body pages.
-It usually has sinkage (extra vertical space before the title), a centered
-title (in bold or larger type), and a blind folio (where the page is
-numbered but the number is not printed). It may also have special text in
-the footing.
- By default, the first page of any paper is a title page in TEXT1,
-although it can be suppressed by \notitlepage. Furthermore, title pages can
-be added anywhere in a paper using \titlepage. Since the title page usually
-receives different treatment from body pages, there is separate markup for
-it. By default, the title page adds 1 inch to the top margin and does not
-print a running foot line at the bottom of the page.
- The next page after a title page in TEXT1 is always assumed to be a
- ã|Example:ã%
-Some applications have more than one page in the document which are not
-to carry a running top title. For example, if you want a chapter to
-always print without a running top title, you could add \titlepage to the
-\chapterformat markup:
- \titleformat{\dumpinsertseject
- \titlepage
- \cl{\twelvept\bd Chapter \chapternumber}
- \cl{\twelvept\bd \chaptertitle}
- \vs{1\bl}
- \setsubheadanumber{0}
- \setsubheadbnumber{0}
- \setsubheadcnumber{0}
- \setsubheaddnumber{0}}
- \incontents{yes}}
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Use the \titlepageformat to change the defaults on the title page.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tpf.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tpf.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tpf.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-| titlepageformat |
- \titlefootline{}
- }
-Abbreviation: ã|\tpfã%
-Parameters: ã|submarkupã%
-Submarkup: ã|\titleleadskip, \titlefootlineã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-By convention, a title page is a display page, differing from body pages.
-It usually has sinkage (extra vertical space before the title), a centered
-title (in bold or larger type), and a blind folio (where the page is
-numbered but the number is not printed). It may also have special text in
-the footing. The \titlepageformat markup changes the heading and footing of
-a titlepage.
-ã|titleleadskipã% is the amount of space to be left at the top of title
-pages, in addition to the top margin. By default, there is a 1 inch lead
-skip and a 1 inch top margin, making for a 2 inch white space at the top of
-each title page.
-ã|titlefootlineã% is the footing at the bottom of a title page. Similar
-in function to the running foot, its difference is that you do not specify
-\bothpage, \evenpage, or \oddpage with \titlefootline.
- ã|Example:ã%
-If you want to add 3 inches to the top margin, and print "Bays" at the
-bottom of the page with the page number, enter:
- \titlefootline{\line{\lft{Bays}\rt{\pn}}}
- }
-which prints a footing at the bottom of the page like:
-| |
-| Bays 3 |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tt.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tt.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/tt.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-| typewriter |
-Abbreviation: ã|\ttã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-Typewriter is a medium-weight uniformly spaced type face. You get this face
-when you enter \typewriter. Each character has the same width. It is handy
-in \asisbegin blocks.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Using the typewriter font,
-And yet not cloy thy lips 1
- with loath'd satiety, 2
-But rather famish them 3
- amid their plenty, 4
-you get the line number on the right to line up:
-| |
-| And yet not cloy thy lips 1 |
-| with loath'd satiety, 2 |
-| But rather famish them 3 |
-| amid their plenty, 4 |
-| |
-Without \typewriter you get:
-| |
-| And yet not cloy thy lips 1 |
-| with loath'd satiety, 2 |
-| But rather famish them 3 |
-| amid their plenty, 4 |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/twc.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/twc.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index eac46c836c..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/twc.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-| twocolumns |
-Abbreviation: ã|\twcã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \twocolumns markup formats text in two columns with identical width.
-The column widths and gutter are calculated automatically within the
-specified margins. The default width of both columns is 48% of the
-galleywidth. The default gutter width is 4% of the galleywidth.
- The Flexible format allows the user to use single column, two column,
-and three column text interchangeably on the current page by entering one of
-the markup choices at the desired point in the text. The flexible format
-will balance the text columns whenever the number of columns changes.
- For example, if the author changes the multiple column format by
-typing a different markup TEXT1 will automatically balance the columns it
-is currently processing and change to a new number of columns. These
-instructions can be inserted at any point on the page.
- The author may want to handle tables and other large blocks of text by
-returning to a single column for the table by typing \onecolumn immediately
-before the table and returning to two or three column formatting immediately
-after the table.
- All running head, running foot, and inserts are printed across the
-full single column width that prints across the top of the current page.
-Footnotes will be printed across the full width at the bottom of the page.
- ã|Example:ã%
-\nin Hebrew is called a Semitic language because it has
-its roots in Shem, one of the sons of Noah.
-Viewing Jerusalem as its center, it is related to the
-northern, rougher Aramaic, and to the southern, more
-polished Arabic. It has a freshness, simplicity and
-power that few modern languages possess. Bounds of the
-ancient Semitic tongue were approximately the
-Mediterranean Sea on the west, the Euphrates and Tigris
-Rivers on the easy,
-the mountains of Armenia on the north,
-and the coast of Arabia on the south. Consider the first
-character, N . . .
-| |
-| Hebrew is called languages pos- |
-| a Semitic lan- sess. Bounds |
-| guage because it of the ancient |
-| has its roots Semitic tongue |
-| in Shem, one were approxi- |
-| of the sons of mately the Medi- |
-| Noah. View- terranean Sea on |
-| ing Jerusalem as the west, the |
-| its center, it Euphrates and |
-| is related to Tigris Rivers on |
-| the northern, the easy, the |
-| rougher Aramaic, mountains of Ar- |
-| and to the menia on the |
-| southern, more north, and the |
-| polished Arabic. coast of Ara- |
-| It has a fresh- bia on the |
-| ness, simplic- south. Consider |
-| ity and power the first char- |
-| that few modern acter, N . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-To change the column width or the gutter width, use the \multicolumnformat
- You cannot specify \twocolumns inside of \vbox, \drawbox, \paragraphbox,
-or a floating \figure (non floating figures, \nofloat, are ok).
- If you want footnotes and figures to print in one column instead of
-across both columns, use the \fixedformat markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/twelvept.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/twelvept.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a4cfcfd53..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/twelvept.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-| twelvept |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|noneã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-There are two default \selectfontsets established when you format a TEXT1
-file: \twelvept for the 12 point size Computer Modern serif typestyle; and
-\tenpt for the 10 point Computer Modern serif typestyle.
- The font set includes the following nine faces, each of which is called
-by adding a backslash in front of the name, or using the abbreviation:
-\roman (\rm), \bold (\bd), \italic (\it), \typewriter (\tt), \caps (\cc),
-\mathitalic (\mi), \symbol (\sy), \extension (\ex), and \bolditalic (\bi).
- ã|Example:ã%
-Consider this example for switching from 12 point to a 10 point size.
-\centerline{\twelvept\bd Sociogeology}
-\centerline{\it by Achilles Chert}
-"Does the absurd dictate death?" asks Albert Camus,
-| |
-| Sociogeology |
-| by Achilles Chert |
-| "Does the absurd dictate death?" asks Albert Camus, |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-There are some markup, such as \tableformat, \runningheadformat, \run-
-ningfootformat, \chapterformat, \partformat and the other heading markup.
-If you want to use another 12 point font set (like Plantin) as the
-default instead of Computer Modern, you must give that set the same name,
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/us.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/us.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 29e63f08f1..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/us.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-| underscore |
-Abbreviation: ã|\usã%
-Parameters: ã|textã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-Underscoring, drawing a line under words or sentences, is also used for
-emphasis and to indicate book titles.
- ã|Example:ã%
-Figure 1 shows a schema borrowed from my previous
-book, \us{The} \us{Intact} \us{Societies:}
-\us{Vestals} \us{and} \us{Volcanos}
-\us{in} \us{the} \us{South Pacific}, which suggests . . .
-| |
-| Figure 1 shows a schema borrowed from my previous book, The Intact |
-| Societies: Vestals and Volcanos in the South Pacific, which suggests |
-| . . . |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-In proportional spacing, the \underscore markup has the occasional
-disadvantage of preventing hyphenation and line breaking, which can result
-in awkward or impossible interword spacing and line breaks. To remedy this,
-put each word to be underscored inside of its own \underscore markup as
-illustrated above.
- Do not use \underscore in math mode; use \underline instead.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vbox.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vbox.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 981ddf97ae..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vbox.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-| vbox |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|box materialã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \vbox markup has many uses. One use is to be able to put multiple lines
-into a \drawbox markup.
- ã|Example:ã%
-\drawbox{\vbox{The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena
-is the research arm of Giga Geologicals,
-Inc. No apologies
-are tendered for the nonverifiability of experiments.
-The opinions of the authors do not reflect
-company policy.}}
-| |
-| ........................................................................... |
-| . The Center for Unpleasant Phenomena is the research arm of Gig . |
-| . Geologicals, Inc. No apologies are tendered for the nonverifiability of . |
-| . experiments. The opinions of the authors do not reflect company policy. . |
-| ........................................................................... |
-| |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Refer to The TEXbook for more on this markup.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vertical.helpvert b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vertical.helpvert
deleted file mode 100644
index 872fadaa4f..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vertical.helpvert
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \verticalspace (\vs) COMMAND |
-The \verticalspace (\vs) command will leave the specified amount of space or
-the specified number of blank lines in the text. This command will also force
-the following text into a new paragraph. The format for the \verticalspace
-(\vs) command is:
- \verticalspace{x}
-Where "x" is the number of blank lines or space you wish to leave. For
- \verticalspace{4\bl}
-will leave four blank lines, and
- \verticalspace{2in}
-will leave two inches of blank space.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vrule.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vrule.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 60e469f102..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vrule.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-| vrule |
-Abbreviation: ã|noneã%
-Parameters: ã|dimensionã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \vrule markup draws a vertical rule. It is a native TEX markup, and
-the usage is different in that the parameter is not surrounded with curly
-braces. If you do not supply a dimension, TEXT1 will print the rule with
-a height of the highest character in that line and the depth of the deepest
-character in that line. By default, the rule drawn has a thickness (width)
-of .4pt.
- ã|Notes:ã%
-Refer to The TEXbook for more on \vrule and how to use the "depth" parameter
-with the "height" and "width" parameters.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vs.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vs.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index fb1a1cc8f6..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vs.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-| verticalspace |
-Abbreviation: ã|\vsã%
-Parameters: ã|units of measureã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \verticalspace markup creates blank lines (or space) on a page. This
-markup causes a break in text and leaves a specified amount of space within
-a page. Any following text starts a new paragraph. The total amount of
-white space left is the units of measure (dimension) in the \verticalspace,
-plus the current paragraph skip value. This markup is followed by a
-parameter, which can be entered in whole blank lines, inches, points, or
-other valid units of measure.
- ã|Example:ã%
-{\bd Minerals and Human Behavior}
-"Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert
-Camus, a novelist who lionized the labors of . . .
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| Minerals and Human Behavior |
-| |
-| "Does the Absurd dictate death?" asks Albert Camus, a novelist who |
-| lionized the labors of . . . |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-You can tell TEXT1 you want a variable amount of white space between lines
-by entering something line:
-\verticalspace{10pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}
-which tells TEXT1 you want 10 points of white space in addition to the
-paragraph skip. If TEXT1 cannot balance text to the bottom of the page
-when \normalbottom is in effect (which is the default), then the above
-specification allows TEXT1 to add up to 2 points of white space or subtract
-up to 1 point of white space from the 10 points of white space.
- If you enter a \verticalspace markup at the top of a page it will be
-ignored. Putting a \verticalspace at the bottom of a page is risky, also,
-if the amount of space left on the page is less than the amount asked for.
-The difference will not be carried over to the following page; it will be
-lost. Both difficulties can be resolved by using a required space markup,
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vsk.helpmark b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vsk.helpmark
deleted file mode 100644
index 12befa9880..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/vsk.helpmark
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-| verticalspacekeep |
-Abbreviation: ã|\vskã%
-Parameters: ã|units of measureã%
- ã|Description:ã%
-The \verticalspacekeep markup leaves a required amount of space, for a
-figure, plate, or table. The space will always be kept together on
-the current page or printed at the top of the next page if not enough
-space remains on the current page. Text that follows a \verticalspacekeep
-will not be used to fill in the current page if the required space is
-moved to the following page. The amount of white space left is the
-\verticalspacekeep dimension plus the current paragraph skip value.
- ã|Example:ã%
-{\bd Sociogeology}
-{\it Minerals and Human Behavior}
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| |
-| Sociogeology Minerals and Human Behavior |
- ã|Notes:ã%
-\verticalspacekeep is the best way to have white space left at the top of a
-page. \verticalspace will not leave white space at the top of a page.
diff --git a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/width.helppage b/macros/text1/cms_help_files/width.helppage
deleted file mode 100644
index ec89a93efc..0000000000
--- a/macros/text1/cms_help_files/width.helppage
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-| TEXT1 \width COMMAND |
-The \width command specifies the width of the page that will be used for
-printing the file. The format is:
- \width{uu}
-where "uu" is the unit of measurement in any valid TeX measurement (pt, pc, in,
-etc.) or number of 10-pitch characters. The default page width is 8.5 inches,
-or \width{8.5IN}. This command may only appear at the beginning of the TeX
-input file before any actual text is entered.