path: root/macros/texsis/styles
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/texsis/styles
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/texsis/styles')
20 files changed, 2852 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/AIP.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/AIP.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0ae6313fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/AIP.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% file: AIP.txs TeXsis version 2.14
+% $Revision: 15.0 $ : $Date: 91/07/09 19:23:39 $ : $Author: myers $
+% AIP -- TeXsis style file for American Institute of Physics proceedings
+\emsg{\@comment\ AIP: American Institute of Physics Proceedings Layout}
+\def\AIPproceedings{% AIP proceedings format
+ \auxswitchtrue % save tags and labels in .aux file
+ \refswitchtrue % save references in .ref file
+ \hsize=146mm % width of text
+ \vsize=222mm % length of text
+ \texsis % Initialize TeXsis
+ \def\Tbf{\fourteenpoint\bf}% % 14pt bold title
+ \def\tbf{\twelvepoint\bf}% % 12pt bold section head
+ \def\titlepage{% % title page for \AIPproceedings
+ \bgroup% % begin \titlepage group
+ \let\endmode=\relax % \endmode will end a field
+ \pageno=1}% %
+ \def\endtitlepage{% % end title page for \AIPproceedings
+ \endmode % end any open field
+ \egroup% % end \titlepage group
+ \medskip}% %
+ \def\abstract{% % abstract for \AIPproceedings
+ \endmode % end previous field
+ \bgroup %
+ \vskip\baselineskip % one blank line
+ \centerline{ABSTRACT}% % "ABSTRACT", centered
+ \vskip\baselineskip % another blank line
+ \let\endmode=\endabstract % to end \abstract
+ \noindent}% %
+ \def\endabstract{% % end abstract for \AIPproceedings
+ \medskip\egroup}% %
+ \def\disclaimer##1{\relax}% % disable \disclaimer
+ \def\toappear##1{\relax}% % disable \toappear
+ \def\submitted##1{\relax}% % disable \submitted
+ \twelvepoint % roughly Elite type
+ \parindent=5em % roughly 5 spaces
+ \autoparens % auto-sizing of parens
+ \quoteon % automatic begin/end quotes
+ \nopagenumbers % don't print page numbers
+ \singlespaced\whitespaced % 1.25 percent spacing
+ }
+%>>> EOF AIP.txs <<<
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/BostonU.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/BostonU.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f499cdde5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/BostonU.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+% file: TXSsite.tex TeXsis version 2.13
+% Universtiy of Texas at Austin, 12 October, 1989 -- Eric Myers
+% - modified from the BU site info, and there are still things to be fixed...
+% The definitions below are for site dependent information
+% for such things as name of organization, Preprint code numbers,
+% letterhead, etc...
+\message{Site dependent info.}
+%% \def\TeXsisLib{TEXSIS_LIB:} % VMS TeXsis Library
+%% \def\TXSpatches{TEXSIS_LIB:TXSpatch.tex} % VMS patches
+%% \def\TeXsisLib{/usr/local/lib/tex/} % UNIX TeXsis library
+%% \def\TXSpatches{/usr/local/lib/tex/TXSpatch.tex} % UNIX patches
+% \ORGANIZATION is the name of the issuing organization, which appears at
+% the top of the title page, or on a Memo.
+% You can change it before you call \titlepage.
+\def\ORGANIZATION{{\bf University of Texas at Austin}}
+% \@DOCcode is the document code that appears in the upper right
+% part of the title page of a \preprint. It starts out at its default
+% value, and is changed by calling \pubcode{<code>} before you call
+% \titlepage.
+%%%\def\@DOCcode{UT-PHY\hbox to 1.5cm{\hss}}
+% \banner produces a banner across the top of the title page for
+% a \preprint. Customize this however you like.
+\def\banner{\vskip 0pt %
+ \line{{\ninepoint\@PUBdate \hfil %
+ \hfil \@DOCcode}}% %
+ \vskip 1.0cm %
+} %
+\def\@PUBdate{\uppercase{\today}} % default is today
+% \UTletterhead{<phone number>} is UT letterhead facimile.
+ \begingroup % make these these things local
+ \parskip=0pt \parindent=0pt
+ \vbox to 0pt{%
+ \leftline{\tenpoint DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS}%
+ \vskip 10pt
+ \leftline{\twelvepoint THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN}%
+ \vskip 10pt
+ \hrule\hss}
+ \vskip 10pt
+ \leftline{\nineit Center for Relativity $\cdot$
+ Austin, Texas 78712-1081 $\cdot$
+ (512)471-\ifx#1\relax\relax 1103 \else #1 \fi}%
+ \vskip 10pt
+ \line{\hfill\today}% % today's date
+ \vskip 10pt plus 1fil
+ \endgroup}
+% \letterhead{phone} is for copying onto letterhead. Just puts on date
+% and phone number.
+\def\letterhead#1{% letterhead for copying onto BU stationary
+ \begingroup % anchor, make these things local
+ \parskip=0pt \parindent=0pt %
+ \hbox{\ }%
+ \vskip 1.3cm % skip to below phone numbers
+ \ifx#1\relax\relax\else % if #1 exists, use as phone #
+ {\tenit (512) 471-{#1}}%
+ \vskip 10pt
+ \fi
+ \line{\hfill\today}% % today's date
+ \vskip 10pt plus 1fil
+ \endgroup}
+% Mailing Lables: you may have to change these depending on your
+% printer and the kind of lables you use.
+\lblHsize=7.32cm % width of standard label
+\lblVsize=2.54cm % height of standard label
+\fullHsize=8.5in % hsize for page
+\fullVsize=11.0in % vsize for page
+% \thesis gives proper format for BU theses
+ \texsis % initialize TeXsis
+ \contentsswitchtrue % *do* print table of contents
+ \hoffset=0.5in % for binding margin 1.5in
+ \hsize=6.0in % gives 1in right margin
+ \voffset=0.4in % makes 1.5in top margin
+ \vsize=8.5in % makes 1.0in bottom margin
+ \headline={{\hss\HeadText\hss}}% % headline is just text
+ \def\HeadText{\relax}% % but starts out empty
+ \footline={{\hss\FootText\hss}}% % footline is also centered text,
+ \def\FootText{{\ \tenrm\folio\ }}% % with ``page # ''
+ \def\Tbf{\sixteenpoint\bf}% % Chapter Titles in 16pt bold
+ \def\tbf{\twelvepoint\bf}% % Section titles in 12pt bold
+ \twelvepoint % 12pt type for most of doc
+ \doublespaced % double spacing
+ \easyparenson % auto-sizing of parens
+ \quoteon % auto quote matching
+ \def\titlepage{%
+ \pageno=-1 % start on page i for title
+ \def\FootText{{\tenrm\ \folio\ }}% -- page # --
+ \def\HeadText{\relax}% % no numbers on title page
+ } %
+ \def\abstract{% % as usual but no "ABSTRACT" title
+ \bigskip\bigskip\medskip % skip down some
+ \begingroup\doublespaced\narrower\narrower
+ }
+ \def\endtitlepage{\vfil\eject % end title page
+ \def\HeadText{{\tenrm \ \folio\ }}% % page numbers at top
+ \def\FootText{\relax}% % nothing at bottom
+ \doublespaced\pageno=1
+ }
+}% end of \BUthesis
+\def\thesis{\BUthesis} % \thesis is BU thesis format
+% >>> EOF TXSsite.tex <<<
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/CVformat.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/CVformat.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7835d129c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/CVformat.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+% file: CVformat.txs TeXsis 2.15
+% CVformat.txs -- macros for producing a Curriculum Vitae and
+% publication list. Modify these as you like or
+% add to it.
+% Eric Myers, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 7 November, 1985
+\emsg{\@comment CVformat: Curriculum Vitae macros}%
+\def\CVformat{% CVformat: Curriculum Vitae macros
+ \hsize=6.0 true in
+ \nopagenumbers
+ \auxswitchfalse
+ \quoteon % turn on easyquotes
+ \twelvepoint
+ \parindent=2.5cm
+ \raggedright\tolerance=800 % ragged right with looser tolerance
+ \def\NAME{}%
+ \def\endmode{\relax}%
+% headline placement and spacing:
+ \ifx\empty\NAME\else
+ \headline={\ifnum\pageno>1
+ {\twelvepoint\sl Curriculum Vitae of \NAME\hfil Page \folio}%
+ \else \hfil\fi}\fi
+ \headlineoffset=0.5cm
+ }
+% \item, \EXitem, \pubitem
+ \begingroup
+ \def\endmode{\endgroup}%
+ \tolerance=2000
+ \bigskip\goodbreak
+ \item{\bf #1}\smallskip
+ \let\itm=\EXitem
+ }
+\def\textindent#1{\indent\llap{\hbox to \parindent{#1\hss}}\ignorespaces}
+% \EXitem{note} puts the note in the left margin in \tenpoint,
+% and you can break the line with \n
+ \item{\def\n{\hss\egroup\hbox to \hangindent\bgroup}%
+ \hbox to 0pt{%
+ \vtop to 0pt{\tenpoint\rm
+ \hbox to \hangindent\bgroup#1\hss\egroup\vss}%
+ }}}
+% \Publications begins list of publications
+ \pageno=1
+ \ifx\empty\NAME\else
+ \headline={{\twelvepoint\sl Publications of \NAME\hfil Page \folio}}\fi
+ \headlineoffset=0.5cm
+ \parindent=1.0cm
+ \raggedright \tolerance=2200
+ \item{\bf PUBLICATIONS:}
+ \smallskip
+ \let\itm=\pubitem
+ }
+% \pubitem is \itm for publications list
+% \pubitem is like \item, but it automatically gives the item a number
+\newcount\pubnum \pubnum=0
+ \advance\pubnum by 1
+ \item{\the\pubnum.}}
+% \nl skips to a new line in the reference text
+% \undertext underscores any text
+% \booktitle is used in the reference text to cause the title of a book
+% to be printed in italics.
+\def\booktitle#1{{\sl #1}}
+ \pageno=1
+ \ifx\empty\NAME\else
+ \headline={{\twelvepoint\sl References for \NAME\hfil}}\fi
+ \headlineoffset=0.5cm
+ \item{\bf REFERENCES:}
+ \smallskip}
+%>>> EOF CVformat.txs <<<
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/Elsevier.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/Elsevier.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80f0dab19b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/Elsevier.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+% file: Elsevier.txs TeXsis version 2.14
+% $Revision: 15.0 $ : $Date: 91/07/09 19:24:09 $ : $Author: myers $
+% Elsevier -- TeXsis style file for North-Holland Physics Publishers
+% \NorthHolland North Holland proceedings format,
+% single column, left justified titles
+% \NorthHollandTwo North Holland double column proceedings
+% format, left justified titles
+\emsg{\@comment\ Elsevier: North-Holland/Elsevier style}%
+% \NorthHolland -- North-Holland/Elsevier Proceedings Layout.
+% Single column with left justified title, author, and abstract, small
+% \parindent, intented subsections.
+% Note that \author treats the first line as the author's name and
+% the following lines as addresses. You can can extend the author line
+% to more than one line by ending the lines with \
+\def\NorthHolland{% North-Holland/Elsevier Proceedings
+ \auxswitchtrue % save tags and labels in .aux file
+ \refswitchtrue % save references in .ref file
+ \texsis % initialize
+ \def\Tbf{\twelvepoint\rm}% % Title typestyle
+ \def\tbf{\twelvepoint\rm}% % section head typestyle
+ \twelvepoint% % 12 pt type
+ \parindent=0.65cm% % small indent
+ \hsize=16.8cm% % width
+ \vsize=25.0cm% % height
+ \nopagenumbers% % don't print page numbers
+ \showsectIDtrue% % show section numbers
+ \parskip=0pt plus0pt minus0pt\relax% % no stretch!
+ \advance\voffset by-0.5in\relax% % fit page
+ \raggedbottom% % since no stretch
+ \let\@@@disclaimer=\disclaimer% % save it
+ \def\disclaimer{% % in 12 pt
+ \let\tenrm=\twelverm% %
+ \@@@disclaimer}% %
+ \def\titlepage{% % for \NorthHolland
+ \bgroup % begin title page
+ \let\endmode=\relax % define end
+ \pageno=1% % start on 1
+ \vbox{\vskip1.2cm}}% % whitespace at top
+ \def\endtitlepage{% % for \NorthHolland
+ \endmode % end titlepage
+ \egroup% % end group
+ \doublespaced}% % double space below
+ \def\title{% % for \NorthHolland
+ \endmode % end previous field
+ \bgroup\narrower% % margins
+ \let\endmode=\endtitle % set up ending
+ \mark{Title Page\NX\else Title Page}% mark page so no \HeadLine
+ \flushleft% % left justified with line breaks
+ \hyphenpenalty=10000% % no hyphens
+ \exhyphenpenalty=10000% % no hyphens
+ \singlespaced}% % single spaced
+ \def\endtitle{% % for \NorthHolland
+ \endflushleft% % end flush left and group
+ \vskip\normalbaselineskip% % skip a line
+ \egroup}% % end title group
+ \def\author{% % for \NorthHolland
+ \endmode % end previous field
+ \bgroup\narrower% % margins
+ \let\endmode=\endauthor % set up ending
+ \flushleft% % flush left
+ \@NHgetauthor}% % get author
+ \def\endauthor{% % for \NorthHolland
+ \vskip\normalbaselineskip% % skip line - another in \abstract
+ \endflushleft% % end flush left
+ \egroup}% % end author group
+ \def\abstract{% % for \NorthHolland
+ \endmode % end previous field
+ \vskip\normalbaselineskip % skip second line
+ \bgroup\narrower% % margins
+ \let\endmode=\endabstract % set up ending
+ \noindent}% % no indent
+ \def\endabstract{% % for \NorthHolland
+ \vskip0pt% % force vertical mode
+ \egroup}% % end abstract group
+ \let\section=\@NHsection% % for \NorthHolland
+ \let\subsection\@NHsubsection% % for \NorthHolland
+}% % end \NorthHolland
+% \@NHgetauthor is like \getauthor but left justifies and skips
+% 1 line after author's name.
+ \gdef\@NHgetauthor#1
+ #2
+ {#1\vskip0pt\noindent{#2}% % author line
+ \vskip1\normalbaselineskip}% % blank line
+% \section for \NorthHolland
+\def\@NHsection#1{% % N.Holland section
+ \everysection% % user customization
+ \vskip 2\normalbaselineskip\goodbreak% % make some space
+ \global\advance\sectionnum by \@ne % increment section counter
+ \global\subsectionnum=\z@% % reset subsection counter
+ \edef\ttt{\@chaptID\the\sectionnum}% % For use by \label
+ \s@ction% % checkenv, etc..
+ \vbox{% % heading in \vbox
+ \begingroup\raggedright % group for \tbf
+ \ifshowsectID % show section number?
+ \global\edef\@sectID{\the\sectionnum.}% yes: define section ID
+ \r@set% % and reset counters
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\noindent\@chaptID\@sectID\space}% find width
+ \hangindent=\wd0\hangafter=1% % hanging indent after 1st line
+ \noindent{\tbf{\@chaptID\@sectID\space}}% and print sect ID
+ \else\gdef\@sectID{}% % no: section ID is null
+ \noindent % just print section title
+ \fi % end \ifshowsectID
+ {\tbf{#1}}\relax % Print title ragged in \tbf
+ \endgroup % end \tbf
+ \nobreak\medskip}% % skip down some
+ \begingroup % group for \contents, etc.
+ \def\label##1{}\def\goodbreak{}% % disable \label & \goodbreak
+ \def\n{\ }\def\nl{\ }% % turn off \n
+ \def\mib{}% % turn off \mib
+ \emsg{Section \ttt.\space #1}% % announce in .LIS and
+ \ifnum\chapternum=0% % no chapter number, so
+ \global\edef\HeadText{{\tenit #1}}\fi % make running head the title
+ \addTOC{\ttt.}{\ #1}{1}% % add to table of contents
+ \def\sectiontitle{#1}% % for \aftersection
+ \endgroup% % end \contents group
+ \nobreak% % no break
+ \aftersection\nobreak}% % user can customize
+% \subsection for \NorthHolland, with indented nonbold titles and
+% fixes for standard version.
+\def\@NHsubsection#1{% % N.Holland sub-section
+ \everysubsection% % user customization
+ \vskip\baselineskip\goodbreak% % break
+ \checkquote% % make sure no open quotes
+ \global\advance\subsectionnum by\@ne% % increment counter
+ \edef\ttt{\@chaptID\@sectID\the\subsectionnum.}% for \label
+ \vbox{% % heading in \vbox
+ \begingroup\raggedright% % Print title ragged, indent
+ \ifshowsectID% % showing section numbers?
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\noindent\ttt\space}% % find width
+ \hangindent=\wd0\hangafter=1\relax% % hanging indent after 1st line
+ \ttt\space% % show subsection number
+ \fi #1\relax% % print the title
+ \endgroup% % end \bf
+ \nobreak\medskip% % skip down some
+ \nobreak\vskip-\parskip}% % cancel first \parskip
+ \begingroup% % group for \contents, etc.
+ \def\label##1{}\def\goodbreak{}% % disable \label & \goodbreak
+ \def\n{\ }\def\nl{\ }% % turn off \n
+ \def\mib{}% % turn off \mib
+ \emsg{\ttt\space #1}% % announce in .LIS and
+ \addTOC{\ttt}{\ #1}{2}% % add to table of contents
+ \def\subsectiontitle{#1}% % for \aftersection to use
+ \endgroup% % end \contents group
+ \nobreak% % no page break
+ \aftersubsection}% % room to customize
+% \NorthHollandTwo - North-Holland/Elsevier proceedings layout in
+% double column format with titles left justified, eleven point type, etc.,
+% for camera-ready copy. Constructed following directions in ``Instructions
+% for the Preparation and Typing of Camera Ready Contributions'' by Mary
+% Carpenter, Elsevier Publishers.
+\def\NorthHollandTwo{% North-Holland/Elsevier proceedings 2-column layout
+ \auxswitchtrue % save tags and labels in .aux file
+ \refswitchtrue % save references in .ref file
+ \texsis % initialize
+ \def\Tbf{\elevenpoint\bf}% % Title typestyle
+ \def\tbf{\elevenpoint\it}% % section head typestyle
+ \setdoublecolumns{21.3cm}{27.1cm}{10.0cm}%
+ \parindent=0.6cm %
+ \advance\voffset by -2.2cm \relax % as close to the top as possible
+ \advance\hoffset by -2.3cm \relax % as close to the left as possible
+ \emsg{ }
+ \emsg{The \NX\NorthHollandTwo document layout you have selected is}%
+ \emsg{too large to fit on one 8.5 x 11.0 page. You should either}%
+ \emsg{print the output on an oversized printer or offset the output}%
+ \emsg{horizontally to get one column at a time. }%
+ \emsg{Please enter the horizontal OFFSET TO THE LEFT (with units!):}%
+ \read-1 to \tmp % read from terminal (use UNITS!)
+ \if\tmp\par \relax\else % if blank line, ignore
+ \advance \hoffset by -\tmp\relax % else move \hoffset left
+ \fi
+ \def\titlepage{% % for \NorthHollandTwo
+ \pageno=1 %
+ \hbox{\ }% % anchor to top of page
+ \bgroup %
+ \let\endmode=\relax % \endmode will end a field
+ \vskip 0.3cm % whitespace on title page
+ \narrower\parindent=0pt}% %
+ \def\endtitlepage{% % for \NorthHollandTwo
+ \endmode % end any open field
+ \smallskip %
+ \egroup}% %
+ \def\title{% % for \NorthHollandTwo
+ \endmode % end previous field, if any
+ \mark{Title Page\NX\else Title Page}% % so \HeadLine doesn't print
+ \bgroup % begin title group
+ \flushleft % left justified
+ \let\endmode=\endtitle %
+ \Tbf\widenspacing}% % \Tbf is Title boldface
+ \def\endtitle{% % for \NorthHollandTwo
+ \endflushleft %
+ \egroup% % end title group
+ \bigskip}% %
+ \let\getauthor=\LATauthor % see definition below
+ \def\endauthor{\par\egroup\medskip}% %
+ \def\and{\smallskip{and}\smallskip}% %
+ \def\abstract{% % for \NorthHollandTwo
+ \endmode % end any open field
+ \bigskip %
+ \bgroup %
+ \let\endmode=\endabstract %
+ \singlespaced\noindent}% %
+ \def\endabstract{% % for \NorthHollandTwo
+ \medskip\egroup\bigskip}% %
+ \elevenpoint % eleven point type size
+ \parindent=0.6cm % paragraph indent
+ \autoparens % auto-sizing of parens
+ \quoteon % automatic begin/end quotes
+ \nopagenumbers % don't print page numbers
+ \singlespaced\whitespaced % 1.25 percent spacing
+} % end of \NorthHollandTwo
+% \NorthHollandTwo replacement for \getauthor left justifies
+ \gdef\LATauthor#1
+ #2
+ {#1\bigskip\noindent{\bf #2}\medskip}%
+%>>> EOF Elsevier.txs <<<
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/Exam.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/Exam.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01d36435ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/Exam.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+% file: Exam.txs (TeXsis version 2.16)
+% $Revision: 16.0 $ : $Date: 1992/08/08 22:20:36 $ : $Author: myers$
+% Just a few macros to make it easier to type up examinations and
+% homework problems. Example:
+% \texsis
+% \def\CourseName{Physics 231 -- Mathematical Methods}
+% \def\Semester{Fall 1993}\def\ExamTitle{Test 2}
+% \input Exam.txs
+% \noindent
+% Work all problems, or as many as you can do, and record all answers
+% below. \n
+% To insure that you get proper partial credit for incomplete answers show
+% all your work either here or on another piece of paper.
+% \medskip\noindent
+% 100 Points.
+% \Questions
+% \Q
+% Determine whether each infinite series below is convergent or divergent
+% using the \hbox{Malcom~X} method (i.e., by any means necessary!).
+% Be sure to give your reasons.
+% \Choices
+% \Q $S = \sum_{n=1}^\infty {2^n \over (n-1)!}$
+% \Q $S = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \left( 1 - {1\over n^2} \right)$
+% \Q $S = \sum_{n=3}^\infty {2n-3\over (n-1)(n-2)} $
+% \endChoices
+% ...
+% \endQuestions
+% \bye
+% Note: these are just supposed to help you make up an exam, but not
+% define the format used. Change these as you like or make up your own,
+% but I hope they help give you a starting point.
+% Eric Myers, <> 20 September 1994
+% Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
+\newskip\Qskip \Qskip=\medskipamount
+\footline={\hss-- \folio\ --\hss}
+ \enumNumOutline
+ \enumerate
+ \advance\leftskip by -\EnvLeftskip
+ \everymath={\displaystyle}
+ \def\endmode{\relax}
+ \def\Q{\endmode\def\endmode{\relax}%
+ \medbreak\filbreak
+ \vskip\Qskip
+ \itm}}
+ \line{\hss\ExamTitle\hss}
+ \bigskip\bigskip
+ \line{%
+ \vbox{\hbox{\CourseName}%
+ \hbox{\ }%
+ \hbox{\Semester}%
+ }%
+ \hss
+ \vbox{\hbox{Name:\quad\theBlank{5cm}}%
+ \hbox{\ }%
+ \hbox{Date:\quad\theBlank{4cm}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+\vskip 1cm
+%>>> EOF Exam.txs <<<
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/IEEE.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/IEEE.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d90fa8674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/IEEE.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+% file: IEEE.txs TeXsis version 2.16
+% $Revision: 15.1 $ : $Date: 1993/07/26 23:15:19 $ : $Author: myers $
+% IEEE -- TeXsis style file for IEEE conference proceedings
+% Special thanks to T.C. Pierce <> of the
+% Engineering Department, University of Warwick, for improvements.
+\emsg{\@comment\ IEEE conference proceedings layouts}
+% Parameters and macros common to all IEEE documents:
+\def\Eq#1{(\use{Eq.#1})}% % equation are just (number)
+\bigskipamount=0.3cm plus 4pt minus 4pt
+\def\@refitem#1#2{\message{[#1]} % #2 looks past ^^M for next arg
+ \refskip\noindent\hskip-\refindent % indent, but write number
+ \hbox to \refindent {\hss [#1]\quad}% % unindented
+ #2}
+% IEEE Proceedings Layout:
+\def\IEEEproceedings{% IEEE proceedings format
+ \auxswitchtrue % save tags and labels in .aux file
+ \refswitchtrue % save references in .ref file
+ \texsis % Initialize TeXsis
+ \setdoublecolumns{9.5in}{12.875in}{4.625in}% IEEE page size
+ \def\Tbf{\fourteenpoint\bf}% % 14pt bold title
+ \def\tbf{\twelvepoint\bf}% % 12pt bold section head
+ \let\titlepage=\@IEEEtp % new \titlepage macro
+ \let\endtitlepage=\@IEEEetp % new \endtitlepage macro
+ \let\abstract=\@IEEEabs % new \abstract macro
+ \twelvepoint % roughly Elite type
+ \autoparens % auto-sizing of parens
+ \quoteon % automatic begin/end quotes
+ \nopagenumbers % don't print page numbers
+ \singlespaced\whitespaced % 1.25 percent spacing
+\def\@IEEEtp{% \titlepage for IEEE layouts
+ \bgroup % begin titlepage group
+ \let\endmode=\relax % \endmode will end a field
+ \pageno=1} % start on page 1
+\def\@IEEEetp{% \endtitlepage for IEEE layouts
+ \endmode % end any open field
+ \egroup % end titlepage group
+ \bigskip\bigskip} % don't skip page
+\def\@IEEEabs{% \abstract for IEEE layouts
+ \endmode % end previous field
+ \bgroup %
+ \vskip\baselineskip % one blank line
+ \centerline{ABSTRACT}% % "ABSTRACT", centered
+ \vskip\baselineskip % another blank line
+ \leftskip=1in\rightskip=1in % narrower abstract
+ \let\endmode=\endabstract % to end \abstract
+ \noindent} % do not indent abstract
+ %
+% \IEEEreduced makes an IEEE document 75% full size in 9pt type
+% for 8.5in x 11in paper:
+\def\IEEEreduced{% IEEE document reduced 75% of full size
+ \auxswitchtrue % save tags and labels in .aux file
+ \refswitchtrue % save references in .ref file
+ \def\Tbf{\fourteenpoint\bf}% % 14pt bold title
+ \def\tbf{\ninepoint\bf}% % 9pt bold section head
+ \RomanTablestrue % roman numeral table numbers
+ \texsis % Initialize TeXsis
+ \sectionskip=0.4cm plus 1pt minus 1pt % Adjust section skips
+ \subsectionskip=0.3cm plus 1pt minus 1pt
+ \sectionminspace=0.1\vsize %
+ \parindent=0.2cm
+ \def\refskip{\vskip 0pt}% % no skip between references
+ \setdoublecolumns{7.125in}{22.9cm}{3.46875in}% 75% size
+ \advance\hoffset by -.3325in % for above size
+ \advance\voffset by -.318125in % for above size
+ \let\titlepage=\@IEEEtp % new \titlepage macro
+ \let\endtitlepage=\@IEEEetp % new \endtitlepage macro
+ \let\abstract=\@IEEEabs % new \abstract macro
+ \tenpoint %
+ \nopagenumbers %
+ \autoparens % auto-sizing of parens
+ \quoteon % automatic begin/end quotes
+% \singlespaced % normal spacing
+ }
+%>>> EOF IEEE.txs <<<
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/LAT96.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/LAT96.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d495aecb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/LAT96.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+%% file: LAT96.txs TeXsis 2.17/beta
+% TeXsis macros for Lattice '96 Proceedings
+% (To be included in Elsevier.txs at some point -EAM 96/7/29)
+\hsize=16cm \vsize=21.0cm
+% If run under mtexsis then double column macros are not loaded,
+% so load them explicitly.
+\ifx\widebottominsert\undefined \input TXSdcol.tex \fi
+\parskip=0pt \parindent=1.5em
+\subsectionskip=\baselineskip % skip one line
+\medskipamount= 3pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
+\def\footnoterule{\kern-3\p@ % 5 cm footnoterule
+ \hrule width 5 true cm \kern 2.6\p@} % the \hrule is .4pt high
+% Fonts:
+\def\vol#1{{\bf #1}}
+\def\tbf#1{{\bf \uppercase{#1}}}
+% References:
+% Title Page:
+ \null\vskip-\baselineskip % Start right at the top
+ \widebottominsert \vskip -\baselineskip % extra space at bottom
+ \vbox to 0.8cm{%
+ \ifx\CopyrightLine\empty\else
+ \hbox to 5cm{\hrulefill}\line{\hfill}%
+ \noindent\CopyrightLine\fi
+ \vss}\endinsert % of first page only
+ \bgroup\def\endmode{\relax}}
+\def\title{\endmode\vskip 0pt
+ \mark{Title Page\NX\else Title Page}%% mark page so no \HeadLine
+ \bgroup\def\endmode{\endtitle}%
+ \parindent=0pt\raggedright\Tbf}
+\def\author{\endmode\bgroup\def\endmode{\endauthor}% % will end \author
+ \parskip=0pt\parindent=0pt\singlespaced %
+ \obeylines\def\\{\par}% % break at line breaks, or at \\
+ \@getauthor} % next line = author's name
+ #2
+ {#1\bigskip\def\n{\egroup\leftline\bgroup\bf}%%
+ \leftline{\bf #2}%%
+ \medskip\unobeylines\raggedright}%%
+ \vskip\baselineskip}
+ \doublecolumns}
+%%EOF LAT96.txs
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/ORstate.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/ORstate.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65c857a312
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/ORstate.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+% Macros For Writing a Graduate Thesis at
+% Oregon State University
+% by Kurt Stump <>
+% 2 March 2000
+% Usage:
+% This macro makes a thesis whose format complies with the graduate
+% school at Oregon State University as of 01-2000. This macro
+% requires the use and calling of TeXsis TeX macro for Physicists.
+% Your must add an \Input OrstThesis to Texsis.tex
+% The Usage is as follows:
+% \OrstThesis initializes the macro
+% \student{Your Name}
+% \Professor{Major Professor}
+% \Thesistitle{Thesis Title}
+% \Degree{Your Degree}
+% \DefenseDate{Date of your defense}
+% \Major{Your major}
+% **Required**
+% \thesisabstract
+% Type the abstract of your thesis
+% \endthesisabstract
+% **Optional**
+% \acknowledgement
+% Type your acknowledgement
+% \endacknowledgement
+% **Optional**
+% \preface
+% Type your preface
+% \endpreface
+% **Really Required**
+% \Thesisbody
+% Type the body of your thesis
+% \endThesisbody
+% **Make your bibliography (only after you have made a reference)**
+% \Thesisbiblio
+% **Make an Index if you want (see TeXsis Manual about makeindex)
+% \ThesisIndex
+% **Make a List of Figures
+% \Thesisfigs
+% **Make a Table of Contents
+% \ThesisTOC
+% ** Your Done!!
+% \bye
+% @(#) $Id: ORstate.txs,v 1.2 2000/03/02 19:17:06 myers Exp $
+\message{Oregon State University Thesis Macros}
+% Set Document Parameters
+ \texsis % initialize TeXsis basics
+ \hoffset=.5in % for binding margin 1.5in
+ \hsize=6.0in % gives 1.00in right margin
+ \voffset=.6875in % makes 1.00in top margin
+ \vsize=9.0in % makes 1.00in bottom margin
+ \RunningHeadsfalse % OSU does not want running heads
+ \input epsf.tex % So you don't have to email Eric again
+ \superrefsfalse % make reference indexes appear in []
+ \ContentsSwitchtrue % be sure to make a Table of Contents
+ \def\Tbf{\sixteenpoint\bf}% % Chapter Titles in 16pt bold
+ \def\tbf{\twelvepoint\bf}% % Section titles in 12pt bold
+ \twelvepoint % 12pt type for the text
+ \autoparens % auto-sizing of parentheses ON
+ \quoteon % auto quote matching ON
+ \catcode`@=11 % @ is a letter
+% A better way of underlining words
+% Get Student's name
+ {\@getstudent}}
+ {\gdef\Studentname{#1}}
+% Get Professor's name
+ {\@getProfessor}}
+ {\gdef\Prof{#1}}
+% Get Defense Date
+ {\@getDefenseDate}}
+ {\gdef\DDate{#1}}
+% Get Major
+ {\@getMajor}}
+ {\gdef\@Major{#1}}
+% Get Thesis Title
+ {\@getThesistitle}}
+ {\gdef\@Thesistitle{#1}}
+% Get Degree
+ {\@getDegree}}
+ {\gdef\@Degree{#1}}
+% Make Thesis Abstract Page
+\def\thesisabstract{% % abstract for thesis
+ \bigskip\medskip % skip down some
+ \headline{\relax}% % no number on abstract page
+ \doublespaced % abstract has double spacing
+ \pageno=-1
+ {\bigskip
+ \centerline {\bf\sixteenpoint{AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF}}%
+ \bigskip
+ \twelvepoint
+ \noindent\undertext{\Studentname} for the degree of
+ \undertext{\@Degree} in \undertext{\@Major}%
+presented on
+\noindent\undertext{\DDate}. Title: \undertext{\@Thesistitle}.
+\noindent Abstract approved: \theBlank{8cm} \vskip .015cm
+\addTOC{0}{List of Figures}{i} }
+%Preliminaries makes title page and approval Page
+% Print out title page
+{\vskip 5cm \center { \sixteenpoint{\@Thesistitle}} \vskip 3cm
+ by
+\vskip 1.5cm \Studentname \vskip 3cm A Thesis Submitted
+ to
+\vskip .75cm Oregon State University \vskip 1cm In Partial
+Fulfillment of \vskip .75cm the Degree of \vskip 1cm \@Degree
+% Now make Approval Page
+\vskip 4cm\noindent \undertext{\@Degree} thesis of
+\undertext{\Studentname} presented on \undertext{\DDate}. \vskip
+ \noindent Approved:
+ \vskip 2cm
+ \theBlank{12cm}
+ \vskip .015cm
+ Major Professor, Representing \@Major
+ \vskip 2cm
+ \theBlank{12cm}
+\vskip .015cm
+ Chair of Department of \@Major
+\vskip 2cm
+ \theBlank{12cm}
+\vskip .015cm Dean of Graduate School
+\vskip 2cm
+\noindent I understand that my thesis will become part of the
+permanent collection of Oregon State University Libraries. My
+signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon
+\vskip 1cm \theBlank{12cm}\vskip.015cm\hskip 3cm \Studentname,
+%Make Acknowledgement Page
+ \def\acknowledgement{% % begin acknowledgement page
+ \def\FootText{\relax}
+ \bigskip
+ \vskip 2cm
+ \noindent{\sixteenpoint\bf{Acknowledgement}}
+ \bigskip\medskip
+ }
+ \def\endacknowledgement{ % end acknowledgement page for \book
+ \vfil\eject} % end page
+ \def\preface{ % begin preface page
+ \def\FootText{\relax}
+ \bigskip
+ \noindent{\sixteenpoint\bf{Preface}}
+ \bigskip\medskip\doublespaced
+ }
+ \def\endpreface{% % end preface page
+ \vfil\eject} % end page
+%Make thesis main body
+ \def\Thesisbody{% % begin Thesisbody
+ \def\FootText{\relax}
+ \showchaptIDtrue\pageno=1
+ \headline={\ifnum\pageno=1\headlineoffset=1.5pt \centerline{\@Thesistitle}\hfil \else\hfil\folio\fi}
+ \doublespaced
+ }
+ \def\endThesisbody{ % end acknowledgement page for \book
+ \vfil\eject} % end page
+% Make Bibliography
+\def\Thesisbiblio{ %
+ \def\FootText{\relax}
+ \vfill\supereject
+ \noindent\nosechead{\sixteenpoint\bf{Bibliography}}
+ \addTOC{0}{Bibliography}{\folio}
+ \bigskip
+ \elevenpoint
+ \ListReferences
+ \twelvepoint
+ }
+ %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Make Index
+ \singlespaced \vfill\supereject
+ \noindent\nosechead{\sixteenpoint\bf{Index}}
+ \addTOC{0}{Index}{\folio}
+ \bigskip
+ \SetDoubleColumns{0.5\hsize} \doublecolumns \tenpoint
+ \input texsis.ind
+ \enddoublecolumns}
+% Make List of Figures
+ \vfill\supereject \pageno=-1
+ \noindent\nosechead{\sixteenpoint\bf{List of Figures}}
+ \bigskip
+ \ListFigures}
+% Make Table of Contnets
+ \vfill\supereject \headline{\relax}
+ \nosechead{\sixteenpoint\bf{Contents}}
+ \Contents}
+%<<<<<<<<< End of OrstThesis>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
+% Macro from Paul Renard (LLNL) for Big Letters
+% Define two cute macros for highlighting the initial character in
+% a paragraph (as in Sci. Amer.) By making the first letter in
+% a paragraph the argument to \twolinelite, then you get that first
+% letter enlarged to a height of 2 text-lines. \threelinelite makes
+% that letter even larger---3-lines worth!. (The font for the large
+% character is a scaled font---you may be able to see rasterization.)
+% You may want to make sure that at least three lines of text appear
+% along with the highlight, else just use a normal paragraph.
+% Here's how they work:
+% First, set the highlight into a box 'capbox'. This provides
+% the height of a normal letter, and the height of the box laid
+% in as the highlight---so it is the right height relative to the first
+% line of the paragraph. The full height of the highlight, wlh,
+% is
+% wlh = baselinskip + height of normal cap letter (2-line lite)
+% = 2*baselineskip + height of normal cap (3-line lite)
+% where baselineskip comes from any of the fontfamilies defined above.
+% wlh doesn't account for the usual depth applied to a font, so we
+% get the proper scaling by doing
+% font at wlh/a , where 'a' is the percent height (gleened
+% from the TFM files!)
+% This gets font scaled properly so baselines line up, and top of
+% highlight lines up top of any normal capital letters.
+% TeX can't divide by floats, so I multiply by a reciprical.
+% 'cmr10' was used originally, scaled to whatever height necessary
+% from the current font family. On PostScript printers, with ArborTex,
+% 'psmncsr' or 'psmtimr' works well, and doesn't have the rasterization.
+% (DVIPS can lay in 'psmncsr', but PREVIEW can't---I use a fontsubstitution
+% via to get an approximation)
+% 1.46344 = 1./.68332 (which TFtoPL reports as usual height of all CAPS in 'psmncsr'
+% 1.42146 = 1./.7035 (which TFtoPL reports as usual height of all CAPS in 'PS-NewCenturySchlbk-Roman'
+% 1.36986 = 1./.73 (which TFtoPL reports as usual height of all CAPS in 'cmr10'
+ \setbox\capbox=\hbox{A}
+ \wlh=\baselineskip
+ \advance\wlh by\ht\capbox
+ \font\twolinelitefont=cmr10 at 1.46344\wlh % Using cmr10 for highlight
+ \setbox\litebox=\hbox{\twolinelitefont #1}\noindent
+ \def\A{A}\def\L{L}\wla=\hsize\wll=\wd\litebox\advance\wla by-\wll
+ \if #1\A
+ \parshape=3 \wll \wla \wll \wla 0pt \hsize
+ \hskip -\wll\vbox to\ht\capbox{\box\litebox\vss}\kern -.2\wll
+ \else\if #1\L
+ \parshape=3 \wll \wla \wll \wla 0pt \hsize
+ \hskip -\wll\vbox to\ht\capbox{\box\litebox\vss}\kern -.4\wll
+ \else
+ \parshape=3 \wll \wla \wll \wla 0pt \hsize
+ \hskip -\wll\vbox to\ht\capbox{\box\litebox\vss}\kern 0pt
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \setbox\capbox=\hbox{#1}
+ \wlh= 2.\baselineskip
+ \advance\wlh by\ht\capbox
+ \font\threelinelitefont=cmr10 at 1.46344\wlh % Using cmr10 for highlight
+ \setbox\litebox=\hbox{\threelinelitefont #1}\noindent
+ \def\A{A}\def\L{L}\wla=\hsize\wlb=\hsize\wll=\wd\litebox\advance\wlb by-\wll
+ \if #1\A
+ \advance\wla by-.85\wll
+ \parshape=4 \wll \wlb .85\wll \wla \wll \wlb 0pt \hsize
+ \hskip -\wll\vbox to\ht\capbox{\box\litebox\vss}\kern -.3\wll
+ \else\if #1\L
+ \parshape=4 \wll \wlb \wll \wlb \wll \wlb 0pt \hsize
+ \hskip -\wll\vbox to\ht\capbox{\box\litebox\vss}\kern -.4\wll
+ \else
+ \parshape=4 \wll \wlb \wll \wlb \wll \wlb 0pt \hsize
+ \hskip -\wll\vbox to\ht\capbox{\box\litebox\vss}\kern 0pt
+ \fi
+ \fi
+%%EOF ORstate.txs %%
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/PhysRev.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/PhysRev.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b5d55c56a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/PhysRev.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+%% file: PhysRev.txs (TeXsis version 2.16)
+% $Revision: 0.11 $ : $Date: 1995/01/06 17:21:04 $ : $Author: myers $
+% PhysRev.txs - Physical Review Style for TeXsis
+% The following document formats are defined in this style file.
+% \PhysRev - Formats papers as they would appear in
+% Physical Review A, B, C, D, or E
+% \PhysRevLett - Formats papers as they would appear in
+% Physical Review Letters
+% \PhysRevManuscript - Formats papers for _Submission_ to Physical
+% Review or Physical Reveiw Letters
+% The Volume/Series/Issue and page number can be set by seting the
+% following AFTER you have invoked \PhysRev or \PhysRevLett:
+% \def\Series{D} % or A, B, C, E
+% \let\Volno=32
+% \let\Issueno=10
+% \let\Pageno=2736
+% This is a good attempt to replicate the style of the Physical Review,
+% but there may still be some subltle differences. We would appreciate
+% suggestions or comments via e-mail to
+\ATunlock % use @ as a letter
+\emsg{\@comment\ PhysRev: Physical Review journal style}%
+% HEADLINES and FOOTLINES for all Physical Review layouts
+\newcount\Volno \Volno=0
+\newcount\Pageno \Pageno=1 % page number to start on
+% some extra fonts for headline and footline
+\def\VolumeBanner#1#2#3#4{% define the title page header
+ \ifx\relax#1\relax\else\def\Series{#1}\fi % #1 = A... or L
+ \ifx\relax#2\relax\else\Volno=#2\fi % #2 = volume
+ \ifx\relax#3\relax\else\Issueno=#3\fi % #3 = issue
+ \ifx\relax#4\relax\else\Pageno=#4\fi % #4 = page
+ \ifx\Series{L}% % Letters
+ \def\@VolumeBanner{\largeheadfont %
+ \rlap{Volume \the\Volno, Number \the\Issueno}% %
+ \hss \today}% %
+ \else % Phys Rev
+ \def\@VolumeBanner{\rlap{PHYSICAL REVIEW #1}% %
+ \hss VOLUME \the\Volno, NUMBER \the\Issueno %
+ \hss \llap{\the\Pageno}}% %
+ \fi}
+ \vrule height12pt depth2ptwidth\z@}}$}
+\def\TitleBanner#1{\def\@TitleBanner{#1}}% for right hand (odd) pages
+\def\AuthorBanner#1{\def\@AuthorBanner{#1}}% for left hand (even) pages
+\VolumeBanner{}{}{}{}\TitleBanner{}\AuthorBanner{}% defaults are empty
+% REFERENCES: some differences from Plain TeXsis
+\superrefsfalse % Physical Review's new style now
+% How to list the references at the end
+\let\@stdListRefs=\ListReferences % save standard TeXsis definition
+\def\ListReferences{% PhysRev version of \ListReferences
+ \enddoublecolumns % balance columns so far
+ \dimen@=\pagegoal % get total page size
+ \advance\dimen@ by -\pagetotal % get page space remaining
+ \ifdim\dimen@>0pt\ifdim\dimen@< 1cm\relax % not enough to look good?
+ \vfil\break %
+ \else %
+ \bigskip %
+ \line{\hfill \hbox to 20.5pc{\hrulefill}\hfill}%
+ \bigskip %
+ \fi\fi
+ \doublecolumns % back to double columns for list
+ \@stdListRefs}
+% How to display reference numbers in the list at the end
+\def\@refitem#1#2{% #2 eats the ^^M
+ \vskip 0pt\vfil\penalty-1\vfilneg % favour breaks here, weakly
+ \ifsuperrefs % old style superscript references?
+ \message{#1.}% %
+ \hangindent1em\hangafter 1 ${}^{#1}$#2 %
+ \else % new [bracket] reference style
+ \message{[#1]}% %
+ \refskip\noindent\hskip-\refindent % indent, but write number
+ \hbox to \refindent {\hss [#1]\quad}% unindented
+ #2\relax %
+ \fi}
+\def\refskip{\vskip0pt plus 2pt}% only a little stretch between refs
+% How to display reference numbers (citations) in the text
+\def\citemark#1{% citation style for Physical Review
+ \ifsuperrefs % Old style superscript references?
+ $\relax{}^{\hbox{$\scriptstyle #1\refterminator$}}$\relax % regular size
+ \else {}~[{#1}]\relax % [reference number]
+ \fi}%
+\def\Ref#1{Ref.~[\use{Ref.#1}]} % citations in text are ``Ref. [xx]''
+% \PhysRev and \PhysRevLett layouts
+\def\PhysRev{% Physical Review two column layout
+ \auxswitchtrue % save tags and labels in .aux file
+ \refswitchtrue % save references in .ref file
+ \tenpoint % roughly Elite type
+ \parindent=1.5em % indent about 2 characters
+ \parskip=0.5\smallskipamount % not much skip betwen paragraphs
+ \baselineskip=12pt plus 0.5pt % a little extra stretch for 2 columns
+ \hsize=42.5pc \vsize=55\baselineskip %
+%% \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height8.5pt depth3.5pt width\z@}%
+ \SetDoubleColumns{20.5pc}% %
+ \ifx\LFins\undefined\else % These may not be defined in mTeXsis
+ \skip\LFins=1cm \skip\RFins=1cm\fi % space above column footnotes
+ \skip\footins=0.5cm % space above wide footnotes
+ \advance\hoffset by -.3in \advance\voffset by -.3in % for this size
+ \footlineoffset=12pt
+ \showchaptIDfalse % no chapter number in equation numbers
+ \showsectIDfalse % no section number in equation numbers
+ \def\SectionStyle##1{\uppercase % section numbers in upper case
+ \expandafter{\romannumeral ##1}}% % roman numerals
+ \def\SubsectionStyle##1{\LetterN{##1}}% subsections are UC letters
+ \def\SubsubsectionStyle##1{##1}% % subsubsections are numbered
+ \sectionskip=\bigskipamount % space before section
+ \subsectionskip=\bigskipamount % space before subsection
+ \RomanTablestrue % roman numerals for table numbers
+ \def\Tbf{\twelvepoint\bf}% % 12pt bold title
+ \def\tbf{\tenpoint\bf}% % 10pt bold section head
+ \autoparens % auto-sizing of parens
+ \quoteon % automatic begin/end quotes
+ \pageno=\Pageno % start page numbering on \Pageno
+ \headline={% headline for Physical Review A, B, C, D, E...
+ \ifnum\pageno=\Pageno % First page header
+ {\largeheadfont \@VolumeBanner}% %
+ \else\ifodd\pageno % right (odd) page header
+ {\rlap{\@Volume}% %
+ \hss \largeheadfont \@TitleBanner %
+ \hss \llap{\folio}}% %
+ \else % left (even) page header
+ {\rlap{\folio}% %
+ \hss \largeheadfont \@AuthorBanner %
+ \hss \llap{\@Volume}}\fi\fi}% %
+ \footline={% copyright claim at bottom of first page
+ \ifnum\pageno=\Pageno %
+ {\tenrm \hbox to\colwidth{\hfill{\@Volume}}\hss %
+ \hbox to\colwidth{\folio \hfill %
+ \copyright\ \the\year\ The American Physical Society}}%
+ \fi
+ \def\refFormat{\ninepoint} % reference text is in slightly smaller type
+}% end \PhysRev
+% The layout of Physical Review Letters is slightly different,
+% mostly in how the headlines and footlines are treated, and the
+% references
+ \PhysRev % same as Physical Review, with following changes
+ \def\Series{L}% % Assume Phys. Rev. Lett.
+ \null\vskip 0.1cm %
+ \footlineoffset=24pt %
+ \headline={\hbox{\vbox{\hbox to \pagewidth{\largeheadfont %
+ Volume \the\Volno, Number \the\Issueno \hss %
+ \vskip 0.32cm\hrule}}}%
+ \footline={% copyright claim at bottom of first page
+ \ifnum\pageno=\Pageno %
+ {\tenrm \ifodd\pageno\else\rlap{\folio}\fi %
+ \hss{\copyright\ \the\year\ The American Physical Society}\hss
+ \ifodd\pageno\llap{\folio}\fi}%
+ \else
+ \ifodd\pageno % right (odd) page header
+ {\hss \folio}%
+ \else % left (even) page header
+ {\folio \hss}%
+ \fi\fi}
+ \gdef\ListReferences{% PhysRevLett version of \ListReferences
+ \dimen@=\pagegoal % get total page size
+ \advance\dimen@ by -\pagetotal % get page space remaining
+ \ifdim\dimen@>0pt\ifdim\dimen@< 1cm\relax % not enough to look good?
+ \vfil\break %
+ \else %
+ \bigskip %
+ \line{\hfill \hbox to 6pc{\hrulefill}\hfill}%
+ \bigskip %
+ \fi\fi
+ \@stdListRefs}%
+}% end \PhysRevLett
+% TITLE material -- modified for Physical Review layout
+\def\titlepage{\pageno=\Pageno % start on page \Pageno
+ \begingroup %
+ \singlespaced} %
+\def\endtitlepage{\bigskip\endgroup % some skip and glue
+ \vskip 0pt %
+ \doublecolumns} % start doing double columns
+\def\author{% first line after as author's name, following lines are address
+ \endmode\begingroup % end any previous mode
+ \let\endmode=\endauthor % \endmode will end \author
+ \begingroup\obeylines % to see author's name
+ \PRgetauthor} % next line = author's name
+ #2
+ {#1\bigskip
+ \centerline{\elevenpoint #2}% first line is author's name
+ \endgroup % end \obeylines for lookahead
+ \raggedcenter % fill as you can
+ \def\\{\discretionary{}{}{,}}% % , unless line breaks
+ \def\n{\penalty10000}% % \n would like to break
+ \ninepoint\it % rest is affiliation
+}} %
+\def\endauthor{\vskip 0pt\endraggedcenter\endgroup\smallskip}
+ \centerline{(Received \@PUBdate)} % the date from \pubdate
+ \vskip\baselineskip % another blank line
+ \begingroup %
+ \leftskip=1in \rightskip=1in % narrower abstract margins
+ \ninepoint} % 9 pt type for the text
+% SECTION LEVELS: Modified from \section in TXSsects.tex:
+\def\section#1{% create a new section of a document
+ \vskip\sectionskip % make some space
+ \goodbreak\pagecheck\sectionminspace % new page if needed
+ \global\advance\sectionnum by \@ne % increment section counter
+ \global\subsectionnum=\z@ % reset subsections
+ \global\subsubsectionnum=\z@ % reset subsubsections
+% Section ID:
+ \edef\lab@l{\@chaptID\SectionStyle{\the\sectionnum}}% For \label
+ \ifshowsectID % show section number?
+ \global\edef\@sectID{\SectionStyle{\the\sectionnum}.}% save for later
+ \global\edef\@fullID{\lab@l.\space\space}% % what we will use here
+ \r@set % and reset counters
+ \else\gdef\@fullID{}\fi % otherwise section ID is empty
+ \everysection % user customization here
+% Print the Section title:
+ \ifx\tbf\undefined\def\tbf{\bf}\fi % default \tbf is \bf
+ \vbox{% % keep heading in \vbox
+ \center % centered for Phys Rev
+ {\tbf \lab@l.\ \ #1}% %
+ \endcenter %
+ \vskip-\baselineskip % undo it
+ \vskip\sectionskip\relax}% % same skip above and below
+ \nobreak % no break after title
+% Table of Contents and Running Headlines:
+ \begingroup % group for \contents, etc.
+ \def\label##1{}% % disable \label
+ \global\edef\SectionTitle{#1}% % or nothing
+ \def\n{}\def\nl{}\def\mib{}% % turn off \n, etc
+ \ifnum\chapternum=0\setHeadline{#1}\fi % no chapt. number -> set headine
+ \emsg{Section \@fullID #1}% % announce in log file
+ \def\@quote{\string\@quote\relax}% % in case of \quoteon
+ \addTOC{1}{\NX\TOCsID{\lab@l.}#1}{\folio}% % Table of Contents entry
+ \endgroup % end group
+ \s@ction % checkenv, etc..
+ \aftersection} % user can customize
+% Modified from \subsection in TXSsects.tex
+\def\subsection#1{% % create a subsection of a document
+ \vskip\subsectionskip % make some space
+ \goodbreak\pagecheck\sectionminspace % new page if needed
+ \global\advance\subsectionnum by \@ne % increment counter
+ \global\subsubsectionnum=\z@ % reset subsubsection
+% Subsection ID:
+ \edef\lab@l{\@chaptID\@sectID\SubsectionStyle{\the\subsectionnum}}%
+ \ifshowsectID % show section number?
+ \global\edef\@fullID{\lab@l.\space}% % yes: define it
+ \else\gdef\@fullID{}\fi % otherwise it's empty
+ \everysubsection % user can customize
+% Print the subsection title
+ \vbox{% % heading in \vbox
+ \center % centered for Phys Rev
+ {\tbf \lab@l.\ \ #1}% %
+ \endcenter %
+ \vskip-\baselineskip % undo it
+ \vskip\subsectionskip\relax}% % same skip above and below
+ \nobreak %
+ \begingroup % group for \contents, etc.
+ \def\label##1{}% % disable \label
+ \global\edef\SubsectionTitle{#1}% % or nothing
+ \def\n{}\def\nl{}\def\mib{}% % disable \n, etc
+ \emsg{\@fullID #1}% % announce in log file
+ \def\@quote{\string\@quote\relax}% % in case of \quoteon
+ \addTOC{2}{\NX\TOCsID{\lab@l.}#1}{\folio}% % Table of Contents entry
+ \endgroup % end \contents group
+ \s@ction % end of section
+ \aftersubsection} % room to customize
+% Modified from \subsubsection in TXSsects.tex
+\def\subsubsection#1{% % create a subsubsection of a document
+ \vskip\subsectionskip % make some space
+ \goodbreak\pagecheck\sectionminspace % new page if needed
+ \global\advance\subsubsectionnum by \@ne % increment counter
+% Sub-subsection ID:
+ \edef\lab@l{\SubsubsectionStyle{\the\subsubsectionnum}}% just the number
+ \ifshowsectID % show section number?
+ \global\edef\@fullID{\lab@l.\space\space}% % yes: define it
+ \else\gdef\@fullID{}\fi % else it's empty
+ \everysubsubsection % user can customize here
+% Print the sub-subsection title
+ \vbox{% % heading in \vbox
+ \center % centered for Phys Rev
+ {\bf \lab@l.\ \ #1}% %
+ \endcenter %
+ \vskip-\baselineskip % undo it
+ \vskip\subsectionskip\relax}% % same skip above and below
+ \nobreak %
+ \begingroup % group for \contents, etc.
+ \def\label##1{}% % disable \label
+ \global\edef\SubsectionTitle{#1}% % or nothing
+ \def\n{}\def\nl{}\def\mib{}% % turn off \n, etc
+ \emsg{\@fullID #1}% % announce in log file
+ \def\@quote{\string\@quote\relax}% % in case of \quoteon
+ \addTOC{3}{\NX\TOCsID{\lab@l.}#1}{\folio}% % Table of Contents entry
+ \endgroup % end group
+ \s@ction % end of section
+ \aftersubsection} % room to customize
+% \PhysRevManuscript is a layout similar to \preprint, but printed
+% in \TrueDoubleSpacing and with other things set the way Physical
+% Review wants them for submitted manuscripts.
+\def\PhysRevManuscript{% layout for manuscripts to be submitted to journals
+ \preprint % start with preprint form
+ \showchaptIDfalse % no chapter number in equations
+ \showsectIDfalse % no section number in equations
+ \def\SectionStyle##1{\uppercase % section numbers in upper case
+ \expandafter{\romannumeral ##1}}% roman numerals
+ \def\SubsectionStyle##1{\LetterN{##1}}% subsections are UC letters
+ \def\SubsubsectionStyle##1{##1}% % subsubsections are numbered
+ \RomanTablestrue % roman numerals for table numbers
+ \TablesLast % tables at the end
+ \FiguresLast % figures at the end
+ \offparens % no automatic paren sizing
+ \superrefsfalse % PR has abandoned superscripts
+ \def\Tbf{\twelvepoint\bf}% % 12pt bold title
+ \def\tbf{\twelvepoint\bf}% % 12pt bold section head
+ \parindent=1em % indent about 2 characters
+ \parskip=\smallskipamount % not much space between paragraphs
+ \def\everysection{\vfill\eject}% % start new section on new page
+ \gdef\captionspacing{\TrueDoubleSpacing}%
+ \TrueDoubleSpacing %
+ }
+% Once the Phys. Rev. style file is loaded \Manuscript is specific to
+% Physical Review:
+%>>> EOF PhysRev.txs <<<
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/Tablebod.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/Tablebod.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6bebf965cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/Tablebod.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+%% Tablebod.txs (TeXsis version 2.16)
+% $Revision: 16.0 $ : $Date: 1994/11/11 19:37:06 $ : $Author: myers $
+% Old-style Figure macros - This file is a part of TeXsis
+% (C) copyright 1991 by Eric Myers and Frank Paige.
+% The following macros make simple ruled tables with automatic spacing,
+% i.e. no vertical struts are needed. Taken from TechRpt with modifications as
+% in TeXsis 2.11. These are included for backward compatability
+% and will eventually be phased out.
+% \Tablebody actually begins the table body, with the \halign template.
+% #1 is number of columns. \Tableskipsize is set by \singlespaced,
+% \doublespaced, etc. in TXSmacs.
+\catcode`@=11 % make @ a letter for this file
+\def\Tablebody#1{% % #1 = no. columns
+ \hbox to \hsize\bgroup % start hbox for table
+ \hss $$ \vbox\bgroup % centered displaymath
+ \offinterlineskip % No interline glue
+ \def\tablerule{\noalign{\hrule}} % simple rule
+ \def\T@bleskip{\Tableskip{#1}{\Tableskipsize}} % nice skip
+ \def\T@blerule{\T@bleskip\tablerule\T@bleskip} % nice rule
+ \def\Cr{\cr\T@bleskip} % \cr and nice skip
+ \def\CR{\cr\T@blerule} % \cr and nice rule
+ \def\CRCR{\cr\T@bleskip\tablerule % \cr and nice double
+ \Tableskip{#1}{1pt}\tablerule\T@bleskip} % rule
+ \def~{\phantom{0}} % ~ is digit-width space
+ \halign\bgroup % start \halign
+ \vrule## % do leftmost vrule
+ &&\quad\hfil##\hfil\quad\strut % repeat for each column
+ &\vrule##\crcr % vrule on the right
+ \tablerule % hrule at top of table
+ \T@bleskip} % add some space
+\def\tablebody{\Tablebody} % synonym
+% \endTablebody closes \Tablebody.
+\def\endTablebody{ %
+ \bottomrule % put rule at bottom
+ \crcr\egroup % close the \halign
+ \egroup $$ % close vbox, math
+ \hss\egroup} % close the hbox
+\def\endtablebody{\endTablebody} % synonym
+% \Tablebodyleft is just like \Tablebody except that the columns are
+% set flush left.
+\def\Tablebodyleft#1{% % #1 = no. columns
+ \hbox to \hsize\bgroup % start hbox for table
+ \hss $$ \vbox\bgroup % centered displaymath
+ \offinterlineskip % No interline glue
+ \def\tablerule{\noalign{\hrule}} % simple rule
+ \def\T@bleskip{\Tableskip{#1}{\Tableskipsize}} % nice skip
+ \def\T@blerule{\T@bleskip\tablerule\T@bleskip} % nice rule
+ \def\Cr{\cr\T@bleskip} % \cr and nice skip
+ \def\CR{\cr\T@blerule} % \cr and nice rule
+ \def\CRCR{\cr\T@bleskip\tablerule % \cr and nice double
+ \Tableskip{#1}{1pt}\tablerule\T@bleskip} % rule
+ \def~{\phantom{0}} % ~ is digit-width space
+ \halign\bgroup % start \halign
+ \vrule## % do leftmost vrule
+ &&\quad##\hfil\quad\strut % repeat for each column
+ &\vrule##\crcr % vrule on the right
+ \tablerule % hrule at top of table
+ \T@bleskip} % add some space
+% \Tableskip#1#2 produces a vertical skip with rules of height #2 for
+% a table with #1 columns.
+% \tablerule produces just a rule.
+% \Tablerule#1#2 produces a rule with a skip of dimen #2 on each side
+% for a table with #1 columns.
+\def\Tableskip#1#2{height #2 \global\mscount#1%
+ \gloop\ifnum\mscount>\z@ \Tsk@p\repeat\cr}
+% \bottomrule is a horizontal rule across the table. It is turned off
+% by \nobottomrule (locally to the \halign)
+%>>> EOF Tablebod.txs <<<
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/Tablebody.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/Tablebody.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6dd5ff8ed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/Tablebody.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+% file: Tablebody.txs (TeXsis)
+% Note - Tablebody.txs has been replaced by Tablebod.txs
+% The name has been changed so that the file can exist on a PC (sigh!)
+\input Tablebod.txs
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/UTthesis.tex b/macros/texsis/styles/UTthesis.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d009e0514c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/UTthesis.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+% file: UTthesis.tex (TeXsis version 2.17)
+% $Revision: 1.2 $ : $Date: 1996/04/22 16:51:10 $ : $Author: myers $
+% \UTthesis complies with the UT Graduate School requirements for
+% a thesis, including putting the page number up in the text on the
+% first page of a chapter. To do this we create a new insert, called
+% \folioins, and redefine part of Plain TeX's \output routines
+% to include this insert. Then we also put a \mark on the page
+% to suppress the page numbering in the headline. I know it's
+% complicated, but it does what UT wants. -EAM
+\newinsert\folioins % insert for page numbers
+\skip\folioins=1cm % size of page number insert
+\count\folioins=1000 % magnification factor (1 to 1)
+\dimen\folioins=8in % maximum insert per page
+ \texsis % initialize TeXsis basics
+ \hoffset=0.50in % for binding margin 1.5in
+ \hsize=5.75in % gives 1.25in right margin
+ \voffset=0.4in % makes 1.5in top margin
+ \vsize=8.25in % makes 1.25in bottom margin
+ \headlineoffset=-1.5pt % move page numbers DOWN from normal
+ \RunningHeadsfalse % UT does not want running heads
+ \ContentsSwitchtrue % be sure to make a Table of Contents
+ \def\Tbf{\sixteenpoint\bf}% % Chapter Titles in 16pt bold
+ \def\tbf{\twelvepoint\bf}% % Section titles in 12pt bold
+ \twelvepoint % 12pt type for the text
+ \doublespaced % double spacing
+ \autoparens % auto-sizing of parens ON
+ \quoteon % auto quote matching ON
+ \def\titlepage{% % \book title page
+ \begingroup % any changes local
+ \pageno=-1 % start on page i
+ \let\endmode=\relax % \endmode will end a field
+ \def\FootText{\relax}}% % no number on title page
+ \def\endtitlepage{% % end title page for \book
+ \endmode % end any open field
+ \vfil\eject % end title page
+ \endgroup % close group from \titlepage
+ \pageno=1}% % reset page number to 1
+ \def\abstract{% % no "ABSTRACT" title
+ \bigskip\bigskip\medskip % skip down some
+ \bgroup\doublespaced\narrower\narrower
+ }
+% -- \chapter puts the page number in a \folioins insert
+ \@Mark{\ChapterTitle}% mark on the page inhibits page # headline
+ \insert\folioins{\insertfolio}\fi} % insert below text
+% to get the page number up in the text area on the first page
+% of refereces do \SpecialPage\ListReferences
+\def\@insertfolio{\line{\hfill-- \folio\ --\hfill}%
+ \gdef\insertfolio{\relax}} % THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!
+\def\insertfolio{\@insertfolio} % turn it ON for starters
+% -- only display page number in headline if positive, footline if negative
+\def\PageNumber{\ifnum\pageno<0\else \folio \fi}
+\def\FootLine{\ifnum\pageno<0 \line{\hss -- \folio\ -- \hss}\fi}
+\footline={\FootLine} %
+% -- re-define \pagecontents from plain to get \folioins if not void
+ \ifvoid\topins\else\unvbox\topins\fi
+ \dimen@=\dp\@cclv \unvbox\@cclv % open up \box255
+ \ifvoid\footins\else % footnote info is present
+ \vskip\skip\footins
+ \footnoterule
+ \unvbox\footins\fi
+ \ifvoid\folioins\else % page number insert is present
+ \vskip\skip\folioins
+ \unvbox\folioins\fi
+ \gdef\insertfolio{\@insertfolio} % re-enable for next page
+ \ifr@ggedbottom \kern-\dimen@ \vfil \fi}
+% -- Note: to get the page number raised into the text area for the
+% front pages (roman numeral / negative numbers) you
+% will have to say \FrontPages to change the page layout.
+% Remember, front pages are actually printed AFTER the document.
+\def\FrontPages{\headline={}% % no headlines
+ \advance\vsize by -\skip\folioins
+ \advance\vsize by -10pt
+ \footline={\line{\hss -- \folio\ -- \hss}}} % page number at bottom
+}% end of \UTthesis
+%>>> EOF UTthesis.tex <<<
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/WorldSci.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/WorldSci.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..615127ab39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/WorldSci.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+%% file: WorldSci.txs (TeXsis version 2.16)
+% $Revision: 16.0 $ : $Date: 1994/05/12 19:47:25 $ : $Author: myers $
+% WorldSci -- TeXsis style file for World-Scientific Publishers
+% Thanks to Vladimir Alexiev <> at the University
+% of Alberta for suggesting many improvements. This fixes WorldSci.txs
+% to conform more closely to current publisher's guidelines. (3 May 1994)
+\emsg{\@comment\ WorldSci: World-Scientific proceedings layouts}
+% \WorldScientific conforms to the layout instructions given by
+% World Scientific Publishing Co., but see their instructions for futher
+% details. One thing to keep in mind, they prefer headings of major
+% sections in CAPITAL LETTERS.
+\def\WorldScientific{% Document layout for World Scientific Proceedings
+ \hsize=150mm % horizontal page size
+ \vsize=220mm % vertical page size
+ \paper % everything is like \paper, except...
+ \showchaptIDfalse\showsectIDfalse % consecutively number equations
+ \nopagenumbers % turn off page numbering
+% Title is 14 pt bold centered
+ \def\Tbf{\fourteenpoint\bf}% % title is 14pt bold
+ \def\Title{% % World Sci title
+ \endmode % end any previous field
+ \vbox{\vskip1cm}% % skip down 1cm
+ \bgroup % open \title group
+ \let\endmode=\endTitle % will end \title
+ \center\Tbf}% % centered, title boldface
+ \let\title=\Title % synonym
+ \let\@@endTitle=\endTitle % save it
+ \def\endTitle{\@@endTitle % old stuff
+ \vskip-\bigskipamount % but with less skip
+ \vskip\medskipamount}% %
+% Author is 12 pt bold centered, but address is 10 pt italic
+ \let\@getauthor=\@getauthWS %
+% Abstract is indented, 10 pt
+ \def\abstract{% % for \WorldScientific
+ \endmode % end previous field
+ \bgroup % begin abstract group
+ \let\endmode=\endabstract %
+ \singlespaced\whitespaced% %
+ \leftskip=1.5cm\rightskip=1.5cm%
+ \vskip\baselineskip %
+ \centerline{ABSTRACT}% %
+ \smallskip% %
+ \tenpoint}% %
+% Captions should be 10 pt
+ \let\@ldcaption=\caption % save it
+ \def\caption##1{% % and redefine
+ \tenpoint\@ldcaption{##1}}% % using 10 pt default
+% Sections...
+ \let\chapter=\section % no chapters
+ \sectionminspace=3\baselineskip % fit more on a page
+ \sectionskip=0.7cm % ditto
+ \subsectionskip=0.5cm % ditto
+ \def\tbf{\fourteenpoint\bf} % section heading is 14 pt bold
+% Although figures and tables do not bear the section number,
+% sections themselves should be numbered
+ \def\everysection{% % for every section: small reset
+ \global\edef\@fullID{\the\sectionnum.\space\space}%
+ \global\subsectionnum=\z@ % reset section counters...
+ \global\subsubsectionnum=\z@}% % ...but not equations, etc
+ \def\everysubsection{% % executed for every subsection
+ \global\edef\@fullID{\the\sectionnum.\the\subsectionnum.\space\space}%
+ \global\subsubsectionnum=\z@ % reset
+ \let\@bf=\bf \let\bf=\it}% % subsections are italic not bold
+ \def\everysubsubsection{ % executed for every subsubsection
+ \global\edef\@fullID{\the\sectionnum.%
+ \the\subsectionnum.\the\subsubsectionnum.\space\space}%
+ \let\@bf=\bf \let\bf=\it}% % subsections are italic not bold
+ \def\aftersection{% % after \section
+ \vskip-4pt\nobreak}% % reduce skip
+ \def\aftersubsection{% % after \sub(sub)section
+ \vskip-4pt% % reduce skip
+ \nobreak % don't allow break
+ \let\bf=\@bf} % unalias \bf
+% make figure, table, equation numbers not include the section number
+ \let\@LabelParse=\LabelParse
+ \def\LabelParse{\def\@sectID{}\@LabelParse}
+% Footnotes should be 9 pt. Use \Footnote
+ \def\FootFont{\ninepoint}% % like it says
+% References
+ \def\refFormat{% % reference format
+ \def\refskip{\vskip0pt plus 2pt}% % no skip but some stretch
+ \tenpoint}% % and 10pt
+% \@getauthor for World Scientific
+ #2
+ {#1\bigskip\def\n{\egroup\centerline\bgroup\bf}% %
+ \centerline{\bf #2}% % first line is author's name,
+ \medskip\center% % next lines are affiliation/address
+ \tenpoint\it}% % 10 pt italic
+%>>> EOF WorldSci.txs <<<
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/nuclproc.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/nuclproc.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6451c8e00d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/nuclproc.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+% file: nuclproc.txs TeXsis version 2.15
+% $Revision: 15.1 $ : $Date: 92/06/30 14:31:53 $ : $Author: myers $
+% TeXsis - Nuclear Physics Proceedings : This file is a part ot TeXsis
+% (C) Copyright 1992 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
+% \nuclproc is a double column format with titles in upper case and left
+% justified, twelve point type, etc., for camera-ready copy.
+% Constructed following directions in ``Instructions for the Preparation
+% and Typing of Camera Ready Contributions'' by Mary Carpenter, Elsevier
+% Publishers.
+\def\nuclproc{% Nuclear Physics Proceedings style
+ \texsis % initialize
+ \emsg{\@comment\ nuclproc: Nuclear Physics Proceedings style}%
+ \setdoublecolumns{19.3cm}{26cm}{9cm}%
+ \advance\voffset by -1.2cm \relax % as close to the top as possible
+ \advance\hoffset by -1.4cm \relax % as close to the left as possible
+ \auxswitchtrue % save tags and labels in .aux file
+ \refswitchtrue % save references in .ref file
+ \def\Tbf{\fourteenpoint\fourteenss\uppercase}% Title typestyle (takes args!)
+ \def\tbf{\twelvepoint\it\uppercase}% % section head typestyle
+ \twelvepoint % twelve point type size
+ \twelvess % but SANS SERIF font
+ \parindent=0.6cm % paragraph indent
+ \autoparens % auto-sizing of parens
+ \quoteon % automatic begin/end quotes
+ \nopagenumbers % don't print page numbers
+ \singlespaced\whitespaced % 1.25 percent spacing
+ \def\titlepage{% % for \nuclproc
+ \hbox{\ }% % anchor to top of page
+ \vskip 0.50cm % whitespace above title
+ \begingroup % title material in group
+ \let\endmode=\relax % \endmode will end a field
+ \narrower\parindent=0pt}% %
+ \def\endtitlepage{% % for \nuclproc
+ \endmode % end any open field
+ \smallskip %
+ \endgroup % end title material
+ \doublecolumns % text is in double columns
+ \singlespaced\whitespaced} % 1.25 percent spacing
+ \def\title{% begin title for \nuclproc
+ \endmode % end previous field, if any
+ \mark{Title Page\NX\else Title Page}% % so \HeadLine doesn't print
+ \bgroup % begin title group
+ \def\endmode{\endtitle}% % how to end this mode
+ \widenspacing % a little wider spacing
+ \flushleft % left justified
+ \Tbf{}% %
+ }
+ \def\endtitle{% end the title for \nuclproc
+ \endflushleft %
+ \egroup % end title group
+ \bigskip}% %
+ \def\author{% name of author for \nuclproc
+ \endmode % end any previous field
+ \bgroup\narrower % margins
+ \let\endmode=\endauthor % set up ending
+ \flushleft % flush left
+ \NHgetauthor}% % get author's name from next line
+ \def\endauthor{% end \author for \nuclproc
+ \endflushleft % end flush left
+ \vskip\normalbaselineskip % skip one line
+ \egroup}% % end author group
+ \def\and{\smallskip{and}\smallskip}% %
+ \def\abstract{% % for \nuclproc
+ \endmode % end any open field
+ \bigskip % skip down some
+ \bgroup % mode is local
+ \let\endmode=\endabstract % how to end this mode
+ \singlespaced\noindent}% %
+ \def\endabstract{% end \abstract for \nuclproc
+ \medskip\egroup\bigskip}% %
+% \NHgetauthor is like \getauthor but left justifies and skips
+% one line after author's name.
+ \gdef\NHgetauthor#1
+ #2
+ {#1\vskip0pt\noindent{ #2}% % author line
+ \def\\{\discretionary{}{}{,}}% % , unless line breaks
+ \def\n{\break}%
+ \vskip\normalbaselineskip % blank line
+ \singlespaced}%
+ \enddoublecolumns
+ \leftcolrule
+ \def\endlongequation{\@endlongequation}}
+ \rightcolrule % with the rule at top of right column
+ \doublecolumns} % then back to double column mode
+%>>> EOF nuclproc.txs <<<
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/paradox.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/paradox.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c60c94ad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/paradox.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+%% file: paradox.txs (TeXsis version 2.17)
+% $Revision: 1.3 $ : $Date: 1996/12/20 18:17:30 $ : Author: T.C. Pearce
+% Engineering Department, University of Derby. (
+% These macros have been created for the interpretation of literature
+% database info from Borland Paradox 3.5. It is intended for use under
+% TeXsis 2.17 where a reference has the following form. However, they may
+% be used for any database that can be persuaded to output fields in the
+% following format
+% \referencelist % } Standard Texsis Reference
+% % ..................
+% \reference{Tag Identifier for reference} % } format
+% % Begin reference text or in the case of these macros assign fields to
+% % appropriate macros definitions
+% \Authors .....\EndAuthors % List all authors in following format
+% % Pearce T.C., Burrows W.S., , for all authors
+% % ** Entry must end with , ,
+% % use of \etaltrue will omit all but the first
+% % author. Defaults to false i.e. all authors
+% % listed
+% \ReferenceType.....\EndReferenceType
+% % States desired type of reference
+% % Two forms :
+% % Journal - Gives Author, Journal, Year,
+% % Volume, Part*, Pages
+% % (English style journal citations)
+% % Book - Gives Author [et al] in BookTitle,
+% % Volume*, Part*, Host Editors*,
+% % Pages in Book, Place of
+% % Publication*, Publishers*,
+% % Year.
+% % (English style article-in-book citations)
+% % * Optional inclusions. Essential fields will
+% % cause WARNINGS during compilation and ????
+% % under reference if absent !
+% % Must be specified precisely as Journal or Book
+% \Title.....\EndTitle % Title of Article in Journal or Book
+% % Normally suppressed unless \AddTitles is called
+% % in which case it is inserted in with
+% % the reference after the author
+% \JournalBook....\EndJournalBook
+% % Name of Journal or Book Title
+% \Place....\EndPlace % Place of publication (Only does anything for
+% % Books)
+% \Publisher.....\EndPublisher
+% % Publishing organisation (Only does anything for
+% % Books)
+% \Year....\EndYear % Year of publication
+% \Volume...\EndYear % Volume Number
+% \Part...\EndPart % Part Number
+% \Pages....\EndPages % Pages Numbers
+% \HostAuthor....\EndHostAuthor
+% % Host Editors (Only does anything for Books)
+% \CompileReference % Command to format this reference
+% \endreference
+% % ................
+% \endreferencelist
+% Example of a straightforward journal reference :
+% \reference{Abe,Automated}\Authors Abe H., Yoshimura T., ,\EndAuthors
+% \ReferenceType Journal\EndReferenceType\Title Automated odor-sensing system
+% based on plural semiconductor gas sensors and computerized pattern recognition
+% techniques\EndTitle
+% \JournalBook Analytica Chimica Acta\EndJournalBook\Part \EndPart
+% \Publisher [NOT NEEDED]\EndPublisher\Year 1987\EndYear\Volume
+% 194\EndVolume\Place [NOT NEEDED]\EndPlace
+% \Pages 1-9\EndPages\HostAuthor [NOT NEEDED]\EndHostAuthor
+% \CompileReference\endreference
+% Example of article in a book reference :
+% \reference{Eric,Sensory ne}\Authors Erickson R.P., ,\EndAuthors
+% \ReferenceType Book\EndReferenceType\Title Sensory neural patterns and
+% gustation\EndTitle
+% \JournalBook Olfaction \& Taste\EndJournalBook\Part \EndPart
+% \Publisher Pergamon Press\EndPublisher\Year 1963\EndYear
+% \Volume \EndVolume\Place New York\EndPlace
+% \Pages 205-213\EndPages\HostAuthor Zotterman, Y. (ed.)\EndHostAuthor
+% \CompileReference\endreference
+% NOTE - CALLS TO these macros should be made even if fields are empty!
+% This is in accordance with Paradox and most other databases.
+% (C) Copyright 1997 by T.C. Pearce, all rights reserved.
+\message{[Paradox --> Texsis 2.17 Translation Macros T.C.P. 18.12.96]}
+\def\etal{{\it et al.}}
+ \def\FFirstAuthor{#1}\def\OOtherAuthors{#2}\FFirstAuthor}
+ \else\Journalfalse\fi}
+ \else\CCompileBook\fi}
+ \TTestSingleAuthor\ifetal{\ifSingleAuthor\space \else\space\etal, \fi}%
+ \else{\ifSingleAuthor\space \else , \OOtherAuthors\space\fi}\fi
+ \ifTitles\TTitle ,\space \fi
+ \ifx\JJournalBook\empty\relax\message{[WARNING - No Journal for reference]}%
+ \else{\it\JJournalBook, }\fi
+ \ifx\YYear\empty\relax\message{[WARNING - No Year for reference]}%
+ \else\YYear. \fi
+ \ifx\VVolume\empty\relax\message{[WARNING - No Volume for reference]}%
+ \else{\bf\VVolume}\fi
+ \ifx\PPart\empty{\ifx\VVolume\empty\relax \else . \fi}\else (\PPart). \fi
+ \ifx\PPages\empty\message{[WARNING - No Page numbers for reference]}%
+ \else\PPages\fi}
+ \TTestSingleAuthor\ifetal{\ifSingleAuthor\space\else\space\etal , \fi}%
+ \else{\ifSingleAuthor\space \else , \OOtherAuthors\space\fi}\fi
+ \ifTitles{\ifx\TTitle\empty\else\TTitle ,\space\fi}\fi
+ \ifx\JJournalBook\empty{\message{[WARNING - No Book Name for reference]}}%
+ \else{\ifx\TTitle\empty\relax \else in \fi\booktitle{\JJournalBook}}\fi
+ \ifx\VVolume\empty\relax\else , Vol.\VVolume\fi
+ \ifx\PPart\empty . \else (\PPart). \fi
+ \ifx\HHostAuthor\empty\relax\else\HHostAuthor, \fi
+ \ifx\PPages\empty{\ifx\TTitle\empty\relax\else ????.
+ \message{[WARNING - No Page numbers for reference]}\fi}%
+ \else p.\PPages. \fi
+ \ifx\Place\empty\relax \else\PPlace\begingroup\ifx\Publisher\empty
+ \else: \fi\endgroup\fi
+ \ifx\PPublisher\empty\relax \else\PPublisher, \fi
+ \ifx\YYear\empty\relax\message{[WARNING - No Year for reference]}%
+ \else\stripblanks\YYear\endlist\tok\fi}
+ \else\SingleAuthorfalse\fi}
+%>>> EOF paradox.txs <<<
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/printfont.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/printfont.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cef598668c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/printfont.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+%% file: printfont.txs TeXsis version 2.16
+% $Revision: 16.0 $ : $Date: 1992/08/08 22:20:36 $ : $Author: myers$
+% \printfont{<name><description>} prints a table showing font
+% <name>. <description> should be something like "Roman"
+\setbox0\hbox{\tenrm\char'175 \tt0} \sidedimen=\ht0 \divide\sidedimen2
+\def\oddrule#1{\multispan{18}\leaders\hrule\hfill&\omit\hbox to 40pt{\hfill
+ \smash{\lower\sidedimen\hbox{\tenrm\char'175 \tt#1x}}%
+ \hfill}\cr}
+ &&\omit&\cr}
+\def\hvi{\hskip6pt plus 1fill\relax}
+% \printfont#1 prints a table of font #1.
+% (this should get moved to a style file or something)
+ \begingroup
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \charcount\z@
+ \def\f@nt{#1} % font name
+ \font\F@nt=\f@nt % use this font in table
+ \halign to\hsize{\hbox to40pt{\hfill##\hfill}&
+ \vrule##\tabskip\centering
+ &\hvi\F@nt##\hvi
+ &\vrule##&\hvi\F@nt##\hvi&\vrule##&\hvi\F@nt##\hvi&\vrule##&\hvi\F@nt##\hvi
+ &\vrule##&\hvi\F@nt##\hvi&\vrule##&\hvi\F@nt##\hvi&\vrule##&\hvi\F@nt##\hvi
+ &\vrule##&\hvi\F@nt##\hvi&\vrule##\tabskip0pt&##\cr
+ \omit&height12pt&\gloop\it'\number\charcount&height12pt&\ifnum\charcount<7
+ \global\advance\charcount1 \repeat\cr
+ \extra\noalign{\hrule}\extra\noalign{\global\charcount\z@}
+ \it'00x&&
+ \gloop\char\charcount&&\ifnum\charcount<7 \global\advance\charcount1
+ \repeat\cr
+ \extra\oddrule0\extra\noalign{\global\advance\charcount1 }
+ \it'01x&&
+ \gloop\char\charcount&&\ifnum\charcount<15 \global\advance\charcount1
+ \repeat\cr
+ \extra\noalign{\hrule}\extra\noalign{\global\advance\charcount1 }
+ \it'02x&&
+ \gloop\char\charcount&&\ifnum\charcount<23 \global\advance\charcount1
+ \repeat\cr
+ \extra\oddrule1\extra\noalign{\global\advance\charcount1 }
+ \it'03x&&
+ \gloop\char\charcount&&\ifnum\charcount<31 \global\advance\charcount1
+ \repeat\cr
+ \extra\noalign{\hrule}\extra\noalign{\global\advance\charcount1 }
+ \it'04x&&
+ \gloop\char\charcount&&\ifnum\charcount<39 \global\advance\charcount1
+ \repeat\cr
+ \extra\oddrule2\extra\noalign{\global\advance\charcount1 }
+ \it'05x&&
+ \gloop\char\charcount&&\ifnum\charcount<47 \global\advance\charcount1
+ \repeat\cr
+ \extra\noalign{\hrule}\extra\noalign{\global\advance\charcount1 }
+ \it'06x&&
+ \gloop\char\charcount&&\ifnum\charcount<55 \global\advance\charcount1
+ \repeat\cr
+ \extra\oddrule3\extra\noalign{\global\advance\charcount1 }
+ \it'07x&&
+ \gloop\char\charcount&&\ifnum\charcount<63 \global\advance\charcount1
+ \repeat\cr
+ \extra\noalign{\hrule}\extra\noalign{\global\advance\charcount1 }
+ \it'10x&&
+ \gloop\char\charcount&&\ifnum\charcount<71 \global\advance\charcount1
+ \repeat\cr
+ \extra\oddrule4\extra\noalign{\global\advance\charcount1 }
+ \it'11x&&
+ \gloop\char\charcount&&\ifnum\charcount<79 \global\advance\charcount1
+ \repeat\cr
+ \extra\noalign{\hrule}\extra\noalign{\global\advance\charcount1 }
+ \it'12x&&
+ \gloop\char\charcount&&\ifnum\charcount<87 \global\advance\charcount1
+ \repeat\cr
+ \extra\oddrule5\extra\noalign{\global\advance\charcount1 }
+ \it'13x&&
+ \gloop\char\charcount&&\ifnum\charcount<95 \global\advance\charcount1
+ \repeat\cr
+ \extra\noalign{\hrule}\extra\noalign{\global\advance\charcount1 }
+ \it'14x&&
+ \gloop\char\charcount&&\ifnum\charcount<103 \global\advance\charcount1
+ \repeat\cr
+ \extra\oddrule6\extra\noalign{\global\advance\charcount1 }
+ \it'15x&&
+ \gloop\char\charcount&&\ifnum\charcount<111 \global\advance\charcount1
+ \repeat\cr
+ \extra\noalign{\hrule}\extra\noalign{\global\advance\charcount1 }
+ \it'16x&&
+ \gloop\char\charcount&&\ifnum\charcount<119 \global\advance\charcount1
+ \repeat\cr
+ \extra\oddrule7\extra\noalign{\global\advance\charcount1 }
+ \it'17x&&
+ \gloop\char\charcount&&\ifnum\charcount<127 \global\advance\charcount1
+ \repeat\cr
+ \extra\noalign{\hrule}\extra\noalign{\global\advance\charcount1 }
+ \omit&height12pt depth 4pt&
+ \rm\char'175 \tt8&&\rm\char'175 \tt9&&\rm\char'175 \tt A&&
+ \rm\char'175 \tt B&&\rm\char'175 \tt C&&\rm\char'175 \tt D&&
+ \rm\char'175 \tt E&&\rm\char'175 \tt F&\cr}
+ \endgroup}
+ \nobreak\bigskip\nobreak
+ \centerline{\TeX\ Font #1: #2}%
+ \vfill\eject}
+%>>> EOF printfont.txs <<<
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/spine.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/spine.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ef89bd426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/spine.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+%% file: spine.txs (TeXsis version 2.17)
+% $Revision: 1.1 $ : $Date: 1996/12/06 16:40:37 $ : $Author: myers $
+% spine.txs - labels for the spine of a 3-Ring binder
+% This file is a part of TeXsis.
+% (C) copyright 1996 by Eric Myers and Frank Paige.
+% \spine{text} makes a boxed label for the spine of a 3 ring binder
+% This is printed in \Landscape mode, 24pt type, and with a ruled box
+% around it. The box will be at least 15cm long, but will extend
+% if the text requires more space. Instructions for installing the
+% label in the spine of a binder are printed, but if more than one
+% label is created the instructions are only printed once.
+%% \headline={\LandscapeSpecial}% % and force it every page
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\twentyfourpoint\bf\quad #1\quad}%
+ \dimen0=\wd0 %
+ \ifdim\wd0<15cm \dimen0=15cm\fi % Minimum size 15cm
+ \vskip 1cm plus 2cm %
+ \tightboxit{\vbox to 1in{\vfill %
+ \hbox to \dimen0{\hfil\box0\hfil}% %
+ \vfill}}% %
+ \vskip 1cm plus 2cm} %
+\def\spineSetup{% once-only setup for \spine
+ \LandscapeSpecial % Landscape mode
+ \vbox{\hsize=15cm %
+ \bigskip\bigskip %
+ \tenpoint\parskip=\smallskipamount %
+ \noindent %
+ How to install the spine label on a binder:
+ \item{1.}
+ Cut out the label around the outside of the
+ bounding ruled box. Leave extra paper
+ (about 1.5cm or so) on the RIGHT side.
+ \item{2.}
+ Obtain a long thin plastic ruler or similar object which can
+ slide down the pocket on the binder spine.
+ \item{3.}
+ Put the label along the ruler, face up, and fold the extra tab
+ of paper on the right of the label over the end of the ruler.
+ \item{4.}
+ Slide the ruler, with the label on it, down the spine of the
+ binder. When the label is in place remove the ruler. The label
+ will remain.
+ \bigskip\bigskip
+ \gdef\spineSetup{\relax} % only show once!
+ }}
+%>>> EOF spine.txs <<<
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/thesis.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/thesis.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..603187b44e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/thesis.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+% file: thesis.txs (TeXsis version 2.17)
+% $Revision: 1.4 $ : $Date: 1996/12/18 02:00:18 $ : $Author: myers $
+% \thesis Thesis format, including title page, table
+% of contents, binding margins, etc.
+% The original version of \thesis was based on the Yale Graduate
+% school standards, but of course every place is different.
+% Therefore we have here \YaleThesis and \UTthesis as two variations.
+% You can start with either one and modify it to suit your needs, or
+% start from scratch and create your own.
+% If you write a \thesis macro for your institution and want to share
+% it with others, please e-mail it to
+% and we will put it on the ftp server.
+\ATunlock % make sure @ is a letter here
+% \UTthesis complies with the UT Graduate School requirements for
+% a thesis, including putting the page number up in the text on the
+% first page of a chapter. To do this we create a new insert, called
+% \folioins, and redefine part of Plain TeX's \output routines
+% to include this insert. Then we also put a \mark on the page
+% to suppress the page numbering in the headline. I know it's
+% complicated, but it does what UT wants. -EAM
+\newinsert\folioins % insert for page numbers
+\skip\folioins=1cm % size of page number insert
+\count\folioins=1000 % magnification factor (1 to 1)
+\dimen\folioins=8in % maximum insert per page
+ \emsg{[Thesis format for University of Texas at Austin, 1989]}%
+ \texsis % initialize TeXsis basics
+ \hoffset=0.55in % for binding margin 1.5in
+ \hsize=5.65in % gives 1.25in right margin
+ \voffset=0.55in % makes 1.5in top margin
+ \vsize=8.2in % makes 1.25in bottom margin
+ \headlineoffset=-1.5pt % move page numbers DOWN from normal
+ \RunningHeadsfalse % UT does not want running heads
+ \ContentsSwitchtrue % be sure to make a Table of Contents
+ \def\Tbf{\sixteenpoint\bf}% % Chapter Titles in 16pt bold
+ \def\tbf{\twelvepoint\bf}% % Section titles in 12pt bold
+ \twelvepoint % 12pt type for the text
+ \doublespaced % double spacing
+ \autoparens % auto-sizing of parens ON
+ \quoteon % auto quote matching ON
+ \def\titlepage{% % \book title page
+ \begingroup % any changes local
+ \pageno=-1 % start on page i
+ \let\endmode=\relax % \endmode will end a field
+ \def\FootText{\relax}}% % no number on title page
+ \def\endtitlepage{% % end title page for \book
+ \endmode % end any open field
+ \vfil\eject % end title page
+ \endgroup % close group from \titlepage
+ \pageno=1}% % reset page number to 1
+ \def\abstract{% % no "ABSTRACT" title
+ \bigskip\bigskip\medskip % skip down some
+ \bgroup\doublespaced\narrower\narrower
+ }
+% -- \chapter puts the page number in a \folioins insert
+ \@Mark{\ChapterTitle}% mark on the page inhibits page # headline
+ \insert\folioins{\insertfolio}\fi} % insert below text
+% to get the page number up in the text area on the first page
+% of refereces do \SpecialPage\ListReferences
+\def\@insertfolio{\line{\hfill-- \folio\ --\hfill}%
+ \gdef\insertfolio{\relax}} % THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!
+\def\insertfolio{\@insertfolio} % turn it ON for starters
+% -- only display page number in headline if positive, footline if negative
+\def\PageNumber{\ifnum\pageno<0\else \folio \fi}
+\def\FootLine{\ifnum\pageno<0 \line{\hss -- \folio\ -- \hss}\fi}
+\footline={\FootLine} %
+% -- re-define \pagecontents from plain to get \folioins if not void
+ \ifvoid\topins\else\unvbox\topins\fi
+ \dimen@=\dp\@cclv \unvbox\@cclv % open up \box255
+ \ifvoid\footins\else % footnote info is present
+ \vskip\skip\footins
+ \footnoterule
+ \unvbox\footins\fi
+ \ifvoid\folioins\else % page number insert is present
+ \vskip\skip\folioins
+ \unvbox\folioins\fi
+ \gdef\insertfolio{\@insertfolio} % re-enable for next page
+ \ifr@ggedbottom \kern-\dimen@ \vfil \fi}
+% -- Note: to get the page number raised into the text area for the
+% front pages (roman numeral / negative numbers) you
+% will have to say \FrontPages to change the page layout.
+% Remember, front pages are actually printed AFTER the document.
+\def\FrontPages{\headline={}% % no headlines
+ \advance\vsize by -\skip\folioins
+ \advance\vsize by -10pt
+ \footline={\line{\hss -- \folio\ -- \hss}}} % page number at bottom
+}% end of \UTthesis
+% \YaleThesis defines a format acceptable for the Yale Graduate School
+% (at the time I wrote my thesis, in 1984, so be careful! -EAM).
+\def\YaleThesis{% document layout for a Thesis or Dissertation
+ \emsg{[Thesis format for Yale Graduate School, 1984]}%
+ \texsis % initialize TeXsis basics
+ \ContentsSwitchtrue % contents page ON
+ \refswitchtrue % save references
+ \auxswitchtrue % .AUX file for forward references
+ \hsize=6.0in % gives 1in right margin
+ \hoffset=0.5in % for binding margin 1.5in
+ \voffset=0.25in % move text down a bit
+ \headlineoffset=0.20in % move headline up (Yale Grad school)
+ \RunningHeadstrue % running headlines
+ \def\titlepage{% % \thesis title page
+ \bgroup % open \titlepage group
+ \pageno=-1 % start on page i
+ \let\endmode=\relax % \endmode will end a field
+ \def\FootText{\relax}}% % no number on title page
+ \def\endtitlepage{% % \thesis end title page
+ \endmode % end any open field
+ \vfil\eject % end title page
+ \egroup% % close \titlepage group
+ \pageno=1}% % reset page number
+ \def\abstract{% % \thesis abstract
+ \endmode % end previous field
+ \bigskip\bigskip\medskip % skip down some
+ \bgroup % abstract has same spacing
+ \let\endmode=\endabstract % to end \abstract
+ \narrower\narrower}% %
+ \def\endabstract{% % \thesis end abstract
+ \medskip\egroup\bigskip}% %
+ \def\FootText{--\ \tenrm\folio\ --}% % for 1st page of chapter
+ \def\Tbf{\sixteenpoint\bf}% % Chapter Titles in 16pt bold
+ \def\tbf{\twelvepoint\bf}% % Section titles in 12pt bold
+ \elevenpoint % 11pt type for most of doc
+ \doublespaced % double spacing
+ \autoparens % auto-sizing of parens
+ \quoteon % auto quote matching
+ \def\FrontPages{\relax}% % no such thing at Yale
+ } %
+\ATlock % @ goes back to \other
+%>>> EOF thesis.txs <<<
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/twin.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/twin.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d99abd1d67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/twin.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+%% file: twin.txs (TeXsis version 2.16)
+% $Revision: 16.0 $ : $Date: 1993/07/26 22:59:46 $ : $Author: myers $
+% TWINOUT -- two pages side by side on one piece of paper
+% \twinout redefines TeX's \output routine to put two pages side-by-side
+% on one piece of paper, in landscape format. By default the height/width
+% ratio of \vsize to \hsize is preserved, unless this would make the
+% two pages overlap. In that case the new \hsize is adjusted to give
+% a "reasonable" gutter between the two pages. (For example, the first
+% method works for A4 paper, but fails for U.S. letter size, so then the
+% second method is used.)
+% In some cases the defaults will not give you what you want.
+% If you don't like the way that \twinout sets the sizes of the pages
+% you can adjust them to your liking AFTER you have invoked \twinout.
+% \hsize is the width of an individual page, \vsize is the height of
+% either page, and \twinhsize is the width of both pages across the
+% length of the paper (the default is the \vsize in effect before you
+% invoked \twinout). The \hoffset and \voffset can also be adjusted.
+% The default is to set \hoffset=-0.10in, which is a reasonable place to
+% start; \voffset is unchanged.
+% Typestyles are NOT changed, you have to do that yourself.
+% An example showing both page size and typestyle selection is:
+% \twinout
+% \twinhsize=9in \vsize=6.95in \hsize=4.36in \hoffset=-0.5in
+% \tenpoint
+% These macros are patterned after similar macros in Harvmac by
+% Paul Ginsparg, as well as the plain.tex \output routines, but this
+% is a total rewrite by Eric Myers <>.
+% Dependencies: \LandscapeSpecial should be defined in TXSsite.tex, but
+% you can make your own definition before twin.txs is read in, or you
+% can do without it and give dvips the "-t landscape" flag. Other than
+% worrying about that, this can be used by itself with plain.tex.
+% This file is a part of TeXsis, a TeX macro package for Physicists
+% (C) copyright 1993 by Eric Myers and Frank Paige
+\message{- two pages on one}
+\catcode`@=11 % @ is a letter here to hide the inner workings
+\newbox\@leftpage % box to hold left page while building right page
+\newdimen\twinhsize % width of both pages together across the page
+% \LandscapeSpecial is the \special command that puts your laser printer
+% in "landscape" mode, i.e. printing sideways. If it is not already
+% defined (in TeXsis this is done in TXSsite.tex) then the default
+% is for Tom Rokicki's dvips.
+\ifx\undefined\LandscapeSpecial % is there no definition? then use
+ \def\LandscapeSpecial{\special{papersize=11in,8.5in}}% dvips version
+% \twinout just sets up the column flag (to start in Left column),
+% sets the new \hsize and \vsize and changes \output.
+\def\twinout{% change \output to get two pages on one
+ \global\let\@LR=L % begin in left column
+ \twinsize % set paper size to default
+ \output={\twinoutput}} % redefine \output
+% \twinsize sets the page size for twin page output from the
+% current settings of \vsize and \hsize, preserving their ratio.
+% If h and v are the original horizontal and vertical sizes then the
+% width of a new page is w = h*(h/v). [Since TeX stores dimensions
+% in scaled points (65536sp=1pt) we have to be careful to rescale
+% from sp to pt to avoid arithmetic overflow.] If the columns would
+% overlap then a smaller \hsize is chosen such that there is a
+% reasonable gutter between the two pages.
+\def\twinsize{% set page sizes for twin page output
+ \twinhsize=\vsize % two pages across one rotated page
+ \vsize=\hsize % height of page is width of paper
+ \hoffset=-0.1in % also adjust offset a bit
+% now compute default \hsize from \hsize/\vsize ratio
+ \divide\hsize by 65536 % convert sp to pt for calculations
+ \multiply\hsize by \hsize % h^2 in points
+ \dimen@=\twinhsize \divide \dimen@ by 65536 % v in pt from sp
+ \divide\hsize by \dimen@ % w = h * (h/v)
+ \multiply\hsize by 65536 % convert pt back to sp
+% also compute candidate \hsize based on \twinhsize with a reasonable gutter
+ \dimen@=-\vsize \divide\dimen@ by 13 % gutter width computed from height
+ \advance\dimen@ by \twinhsize % width of page minus gutter
+ \divide\dimen@ by 2 % divide by 2 to get column width
+ \ifdim\dimen@<\hsize \hsize=\dimen@\fi} % choose smaller \hsize
+% \twinoutput builds the page as plain.tex does, but with a modified
+% \shipout to collect the left page first, then put both pages out together
+\def\twinoutput{% modified version of \plainoutput for two-on-one printing
+ \twinshipout{\vbox{\makeheadline\pagebody\makefootline}}%
+ \advancepageno
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-\@MM \else\dosupereject\fi}
+% \twinshipout takes a \vbox, as \shipout does, but for the left page
+% it saves it temporarily. When the right page is given it puts the two
+% side by side and ships them out together.
+\def\twinshipout#1{% modified version of \shipout for two-on-one printing
+ \if L\@LR % left page?
+ \global\setbox\@leftpage=#1 % save the box for left page
+ \message{[\the\pageno]}% % fake [page number] in log
+ \global\let\@LR=R % set flag for next (right) page
+ \else % right page?
+ \shipout\vbox{\LandscapeSpecial % force landscape on every page
+ \hbox to \twinhsize{\box\@leftpage\hfil{#1}}}% 2 pages side by side
+ \global\let\@LR=L % set flag back to left page
+ \fi}
+\catcode`@=12 % @ is no longer a letter
+% >>> EOF twinout.txs <<<
diff --git a/macros/texsis/styles/umich.txs b/macros/texsis/styles/umich.txs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e174e4a419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/texsis/styles/umich.txs
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+%% file: umich.txs (TeXsis version 2.18)
+% @(#) $ID: Revision: 1.0 Date: 2000/03/10 Author: myers $
+% This is a collection of TeXsis macros customized for use at the
+% University of Michigan. Basically it is the TXSsite.tex file for U-M.
+% There is at present no definition of \thesis that meets the
+% requirements of the Rackham Graduate School, but we hope to add one
+% soon. If someone writes one, please send it to us!
+% Change name to your own institution or site here:
+\message{University of Michigan Physics Department}
+% @(#) Last Updated: -EAM 10Mar2000
+\ATunlock % make @ a letter here
+% \ORGANIZATION is the name of the issuing organization, which appears
+% at the top of the title page, or on a \Memo. You can also change it
+% before you call \titlepage. \banner is called by \preprint when it
+% makes the title page.
+\def\ORGANIZATION{{\def\LC##1{{\fourteenpoint\bf ##1}}%
+ \twelvepoint\bf \LC{T}HE \LC{U}NIVERSITY OF \LC{M}ICHIGAN}}
+\def\banner{\vskip 0pt %
+ \line{\hfill \hbox{\vbox{\baselineskip=\normalbaselineskip
+ \hbox{\hfil \@DOCcode}\hbox{\hfil \@PUBdate}}}}%
+ \vskip 1.0cm}%
+% \@DOCcode is the document code that appears in the upper right
+% part of the title page of a \preprint. It starts out at its default
+% value, and is changed by calling \pubcode{<code>} before you call
+% \titlepage. If you don't use anything you'll get \TeXsis.
+% Similarly, \@PUBdate is the publication date, set by \pubdate.
+% \letterhead{phone} is for copying onto letterhead stationary.
+% It just puts on the date and a phone number (if given).
+\def\letterhead#1{% letterhead for copying onto stationary
+ \def\PhoneNumber{#1}%
+ \emsg{Positioning date/phone for University of Michigan letterhead.}%
+ \begingroup % this header stuff is local
+ \parskip=0pt \parindent=0pt %
+ \null\vskip 0.6in % skip down to date line
+ \line{\hfill \hbox to 5in{\tensl \today\hfill}}% Today's Date
+ \line{\tenss \hfill (734)
+ \ifx\PhoneNumber\empty 764-4437\else \PhoneNumber\fi}%
+ \ifx\Email\undefined\else\line{\hfill \tt \Email}\fi
+ \vskip 10pt plus 1fil
+ \endgroup}
+% \UMletterhead{phone} is a facsimile of the University of Michigan
+% stationary. If \Email is defined it is included under the phone number.
+\def\UMletterhead#1{% Facsimile of UM letterhead
+ \def\PhoneNumber{#1}%
+ \begingroup % make these these things local
+ \null\vskip -27pt % masthead up a bit to match real thing
+ \UMmasthead % UM seal and name
+ \line{\hfill \hbox to 5in{\tensl \today\hfill}}% Today's Date
+ \line{\tenss \hfill (734)
+ \ifx\PhoneNumber\empty 764-4437\else \PhoneNumber\fi}%
+ \ifx\Email\undefined\else\line{\hfill \tt \Email}\fi
+ \vskip 10pt plus 1fil
+ \endgroup}
+\def\UMmasthead{\line{\llap{\UMseal\hskip -35pt}\hfill
+ \hbox{\vbox{\hsize=13.99cm \def\LC##1{{\twentyfourpoint\bf ##1}}%
+ \line{\hfill \twentypoint\bf \LC{T}HE \LC{U}NIVERSITY OF \LC{M}ICHIGAN}%
+ \vskip 0.85cm
+ \line{\tenss DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS \hfill 2477 Randall Laboratory}%
+ \line{\tenss \hfill Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1120}%
+ }}}}%
+% \UMmemo uses UMmasthead for a memorandum.
+\def\UMmemo{% letterhead for copying onto stationary
+ \MemoFormat
+%% \hoffset=0.5in \hsize=6.0in
+ \centerline{\vbox to 0pt{\vss
+ \hbox{\twelvess M E M O R A N D U M}%
+ \vskip 24pt}}%
+ \UMmasthead
+ \ifx\Email\undefined\else\line{\hfill \tt \Email}\fi
+ \ifx\@today\today\relax\else\emsg{Memo is dated \today}\fi
+ \vskip 0.5cm}%
+% \UMfaxmemo is for a memo using UM fax-imilie letterhead
+% to be sent via fax machine. It leaves a blank for the total
+% pages in the fax.
+\def\FaxNumber{(734) 763-2213} % Particle Theory group Fax
+\def\PhoneNumber{763-9698} % Particle Theory group phone
+\def\UMfaxmemo{% memorandum on UM letterhead facsimile
+ \MemoFormat
+ \hoffset=0.25in \hsize=6.0in
+ \centerline{\vbox to 0pt{\vss
+ \hbox{\twelvess\quad F A X\qquad M E M O R A N D U M}%
+ \vskip 24pt}}%
+ \UMmasthead
+ \ifx\@today\today\relax\else\emsg{Fax Memo is dated \today}\fi
+ \vskip 0.35cm
+ {\let\tenrm=\tenss \faxline}
+ \line{\tenss \hfill Telephone: (734)
+ \ifx\PhoneNumber\undefined 764-4437\else \PhoneNumber \fi}%
+ \ifx\Email\undefined\else\line{\hfill \tt \Email}\fi
+ \vskip 0.5cm}%
+% \LandscapeSpecial turns on landscape mode on the laser printer.
+% How this is done is very site dependent. Uncomment the version
+% that works for you, or insert your own if these don't work.
+%%% 1) This is how dv2ips does it, and you need to have
+%%% accesable to the filter program
+% 2) This is how dvips (Rokicki's version 5.484) does it:
+% Rokicki's dvips will do manual feed if you use 'dvips -m'
+\def\manualfeed{\emsg{\@comment MANUAL FEED MODE SELECTED!}%
+ \special{@manualfeed}}
+% Envelope position for HP LaserJet 4 printer "monojet"
+% (all the way to the left - change to match your own printer)
+ %% \emsg{Envelope offset for NeXT printer (centered).}%
+ %% \EnvlVoffset=1.25in % This is for NeXT printers
+ \emsg{Envelope offset for HP printer (all the way to the left).}%
+ \EnvlVoffset=3.4in
+% Mailing Labels: you may have to change these depending on your
+% printer and the kind of labels you use.
+% This is for the standard 3 across the page labels, either size
+\fullHsize=8.5in % hsize for page
+\fullVsize=11.1in % vsize for page
+\lblHsize=7.15cm % width of standard label
+\lblVoffset=-1.2cm % shift down this much
+\lblHoffset=-1.8cm % shift over this much
+\def\bigLabels{% size for big labels (1.5" x 2.75", 21 per page)
+ \lblVsize=1.5in
+ \lblVoffset=-1.2cm
+ \fullVsize=11.0in}
+\def\smallLabels{% size for small labels (1.0" x 2.75", 33 per page)
+ \lblVsize=1.0in
+ \lblVoffset=-0.875in
+ \fullVsize=11.15in}
+\bigLabels % <- default (more general)
+% ---------
+% >>> EOF umich.txs <<<