path: root/macros/texsis/dcol
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authorNorbert Preining <>2024-01-31 03:01:01 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2024-01-31 03:01:01 +0000
commit79e1bbc1ad6b308aa2074540b2afd43b6a72ce03 (patch)
tree32074e03eec88cf72e5973ddff176a0534c77dff /macros/texsis/dcol
parent084f5d8435744b7ea7ef487ec111a7bfd100ed62 (diff)
CTAN sync 202401310301
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-The files in this subdirectory are the double column macros from TeXsis.
-They can be used by themselves with Plain TeX. Just say
- \input TXSdcol.tex
-at the begining of your job. Then use \SetDoublecolumns{column-width}
-to set up the output routine for double column printing. You must say
-\doublecolumns to enter double column mode, and \enddoublecolumns to go
-back to single column mode.
-Further info is given in the comments in the file TXSdcol.tex
-More complete instructions for using these macros are in TXSdcol.doc,
-which is just the relevant section of the TeXsis manual. You probably
-can't process it unless you already have TeXsis working, so I've put DVI
-and PS copies of it here too.
-Eric Myers <> 26 December 1997
diff --git a/macros/texsis/dcol/TXSdcol.doc b/macros/texsis/dcol/TXSdcol.doc
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- %% file: TXSdcol.doc (TeXsis version 2.16)
-% $Revision: 17.2 $ : $Date: 1997/12/15 01:13:43 $ : $Author: paige $
-% TeXsis Manual - Double Column Typesetting
-% This file is a part of TeXsis, a TeX macro package for Physicists
-% (C) Copyright 1989, 1992, 1993 by Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige
-\ifx\undefined\bs \texsis\input TXSdocM.doc\input Manual.aux\draft\fi
-\section{Double Column Output \label{sect.dcol}}
- Typesetting text in more than one column on a single page is more
-involved than typesetting text in a single page-wide column, but this
-extra effort can be rewarded with a document which looks much more
-professional and which can be easier to read (provided that the
-resolution of your printer is up to it). Many publishers of
-``\idx{camera-ready}'' conference proceedings require double
-column\index{double columns} \index{multiple columns|see{double
-columns}} typesetting, and the {\sl \idx{Physical Review}} and other APS
-and AIP journals are typeset in double columns. In order to make it
-easy for authors to prepare manuscripts either for such camera-ready
-conference proceedings or for submission to {\sl Physical Review}, we
-have included some powerful double column typesetting macros in \TeXsis.
-These macros can automatically balance columns which do not fill an
-entire page, and there are also provisions for equations which must be
-extended across both columns because they are too wide for a single
-column. Figures and tables (or other such ``floating'' insertions) can
-be put either in a single column or across both columns. The same is
-true for footnotes. By changing a single instruction in the manuscript
-file it is also possible to take a document which has been prepared for
-double columns and to print it in single column mode. The converse is
-not true --- typesetting text in double columns with automatic column
-balancing is a nontrivial task. While the macros generally behave as
-intended, more attention to the layout of the document is required, and
-even then the macros will sometimes fail without some extra guidance.
-It is not possible to divide three lines into two balanced columns! In
-such cases you must rearrange text or the placement of figures and
-tables, or explicitly select column or page breaks elsewhere in the
-document, in order to give \TeXsis\ some extra guidance on how best to
-format the page.
- In order to use the double column formatting macros you must first
-specify the size of the columns with the command
-\CS{SetDoubleColumns}\arg{c-width}. The width and height of the full
-page are taken from the current settings of \cs{hsize} and \cs{vsize},
-while the width of each column is \meta{c-width}. This re-defines
-\TeX's \cs{output} routine, so it should be called shortly after you say
-\cs{texsis}, before any output is actually produced, and it should only
-be called if double column output is to be produced.
- \CS{SetDoubleColumns} only sets the column dimensions and
-prepares the \cs{output} routine for double column output at some point
-in the future --- it does not actually put you in double column mode.
-Text will still be set in a single page-wide column until you say
-\CS{doublecolumns}. After you say \CS{doublecolumns} text will be set
-in double columns until you say \CS{enddoublecolumns}. This will cause
-the text collected so far to be put into two ``balanced'' columns of the
-same height. You can, if you desire, return to double column mode at
-any later time by saying \CS{doublecolumns} again, and you can switch
-back and forth as much as you like. However, keep in mind that
-frequently switching between single and double columns will make it very
-difficult for \TeXsis\ to choose good points to break columns and pages,
-and you may get an error message warning you that a column cannot be
-A simple example of the use of these double column commands is the
-{\bf BISMUTH} (Ger.\ {\it Weisse Masse}, white mass; later
-{\it Wismuth} and {\it Bisemutum}, Bi; at.~wt. 308.981;
-at.~no. 83; m.p. 271.3$^\circ$C; b.p. 1560 $\pm$ 5$^\circ$C;
-sp.~gr. 9.747 (20$^\circ$); valence 3 or~5. In early times
-bismuth was confused with tin and lead. Claude Geoffroy the
-Younger showed it to be distinct from lead . . .
- . . . . . . .
-. . . High purity bismuth metal costs about \$4/lb.
-Here the column size is chosen to be slightly less than half of the
-\cs{hsize} (0.47 times the \cs{hsize}) to allow some space (called the
-``gutter'') between the two columns. The result is the
-\booktitle{Handbook of Chemistry and Physics}, 56th Edition,
-(CRC Press, Cleveland, Ohio, 1974), pg. B-9
-% set up double column mode:
-\doublecolumns\tenpoint\baselineskip=12pt plus 1pt \relax
-{\bf BISMUTH} (Ger.\ {\it Weisse Masse}, white mass; later {\it Wismuth}
-and {\it Bisemutum}, Bi; at.~wt. 308.981; at.~no. 83; m.p.
-271.3$^\circ$C; b.p. 1560 $\pm$ 5$^\circ$C; sp.~gr. 9.747 (20$^\circ$);
-valence 3 or~5. In early times bismuth was confused with tin and lead.
-Claude Geoffroy\index{Geoffroy, Claude} the Younger showed it to be
-distinct from lead in 1753. It is a white, crystalline, brittle metal
-with a pinkish tinge. It occurs native. The most important ores are
-{\it bismuthinite} or {\it bismuth glance} (Bi$_2$S$_3$) and {\it
-bismite} (Bi$_2$O$_3$). Peru, Japan, Mexico, Bolivia, and Canada are
-major \idx{bismuth} producers. Much of the bismuth produced in the U.S. is
-obtained as a by-product in refining lead, copper, tin, silver, and
-gold ores. Bismuth is the most diamagnetic of all metals, and the
-thermal conductivity is lower than any metal, except mercury. It has a
-high electrical resistance, and has the highest \idx{Hall effect} of any
-metal (i.e., greatest increase in electrical resistance when placed in
-a magnetic field). ``Bismanol'' is a permanent magnet of high coercive
-force, made of MnBi, by the U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory. Bismuth
-expands 3.32\% on solidification. This property makes bismuth alloys
-particularly suited to the making of sharp castings of objects subject
-to damage by high temperatures. With other metals, such as tin,
-\idx{cadmium}, etc., bismuth forms low-melting alloys which are extensively
-used for safety devices used in \idx{fire detection} and extinguishing
-systems. Bismuth is used in producing malleable irons and is finding use
-as a catalyst for making acrylic fibers. When bismuth is heated in air
-it burns with a blue flame forming yellow fumes of the oxide. The metal
-is also used as a \idx{thermocouple} material (has highest negativity
-known), and has found application as a carrier for U$^{235}$ or
-U$^{238}$ fuel in \idx{atomic reactors}. Its soluble salts are
-characterized by forming insoluble basic salts on the addition of water,
-a property sometimes used in detection work. Bismuth oxychloride is
-used extensively in cosmetics. Bismuth subnitrate and subcarbonate are
-used in medicine. High purity bismuth metal costs about \$4/lb.
- The \cs{IEEE}, \cs{PhysRev}, and \cs{NorthHollandTwo} document formats
-described in \Sect{fmts} also use these double column macros.
- Any document prepared for double column output using the macros just
-described can also be printed in the simpler single column mode very
-easily, simply by leaving out the \CS{SetDoubleColumns}. Without the
-initialization provided by \CS{SetDoubleColumns} the \cs{doublecolumns}
-and \cs{enddoublecolumns} commands do nothing (they are, in fact, the
-same as saying \cs{relax}). However, if you restore the
-\CS{SetDoubleColumns} command, or invoke one of the specialized document
-styles which use double column output (like \cs{PhysRev}) they will come
-back to life and perform as required.
- In double column mode displayed equations that fit within a
-single column are typed within the usual |$$|\ttdots|$$|. If an equation
-is too long then it may have to be printed across both columns. This is
-easily done by saying \CS{longequation} before the |$$| which begins the
-equation and \CS{endlongequation} after the |$$| which ends the
-equation, like so:\index{double columns!long equations}%
- = [({2Z \over n a_0})^3 {(n-l-1)! \over 2n(n+l)!} ]^{1 \over 2}
- \, (\rho)^l \, e^{-\rho / 2} \, \,
- L_{n-l-1}^{2l+1} (\rho) \,\, Y_l^m(\theta,\phi)
-The command \CS{longequation} invokes \cs{enddoublecolumns} to end
-double column mode and balance the partial double columns, and it will
-also draw a ruled line across the bottom of the left column. After the
-equation has been completed \CS{endlongequation} invokes
-\cs{doublecolumns} to go back to double column mode, and it also draws a
-rule across the top of the right column.
- The purpose of these ruled lines is to guide the reader's eye from the
-incomplete left column to the right column above the equation, and to
-the top of the incomplete right column from the left column below the
-long equation. The default style of these rules is the same as is used
-by {\sl Physical Review}. The rules are drawn by macros called
-\CS{leftcolrule} and \CS{rightcolrule}, and these can be changed either
-by you or by a style file. For
-example, if you don't want these rules you can turn them off simply
-by redefining these macros to be \cs{relax}:
- \def\leftcolrule{\relax}
- \def\rightcolrule{\relax}
-As with the other double column macros, \CS{longequation} and
-\CS{endlongequation} do nothing if they are invoked when double column
-mode has not been initialized with \CS{SetDoubleColumns}, to make it
-easy to print the document in single column mode.
- Keep in mind that when dealing with long equations which span both
-columns, switching frequently between single and double columns will
-almost certainly cause trouble in balancing the double columns. Also
-note that each separate piece of double-column material forms its own
-group, so any definitions made inside that group will be forgotten
-outside it. To avoid this problem put all definitions at the beginning of the
-paper, before double column mode is begun. Alternatively, make your
-definitions global by using \cs{gdef} rather than \cs{def}.
- Figures, tables, or other floating insertions can be inserted
-within a single column using the usual insertion commands of \TeX\ and
-\TeXsis:\index{double columns!insertions} \cs{topinsert}, \cs{midinsert},
-\cs{pageinsert}, \cs{bottominsert}, or \cs{heavyinsert}, all of which
-are terminated as usual by \cs{endinsert}. A \cs{midinsert} or
-\cs{heavyinsert} will appear in the column where it is called for,
-unless it won't fit, in which case it migrates to the next {\sl
-column} (rather than all the way to the next page). You can force an
-insertion into a particular column by placing {\sl within} the
-insertion either \CS{forceleft} or \CS{forceright}. Since insertions
-which have been forced into the left or right columns are handled
-separately, an insertion which fails to fit on a page is moved to the
-same column of the next page and not just to the next column. This means
-that if there are several figures per page, then the figures can
-easily appear in the wrong order. Also, a \cs{topinsert} which follows
-a wide equation on a page will be placed after the equation, not at
-the top of the page. Such problems can easily be corrected by moving
-the insertion to a better place in the manuscript file.
-Besides putting insertions in one column or the other, it is also
-sometimes desirable to be able to put an insertion across the full width
-of the page. These ``wide'' insertions can be made with ``wide''
-versions of some of the the insertions already mentioned:
-\CS{widetopinsert}, \CS{widepageinsert} and \CS{widebottominsert}
-(there is no such thing as |\widemidinsert| or |\wideheavyinsert|). These
-wide insertions behave just like their more conventional counterparts
-when in single column mode.
- The standard \TeXsis\ macros for table and figure insertions
-described in \Sect{tbls} use \cs{topinsert} and cousins, and so make
-insertions within a single column in double column format.
-There are also macros to make two-column wide tables and figures:
-\index{double columns!figures and tables}%
-Insert a two-column wide table, with the tag \meta{label\/}, at the top of the
-current page.
-Insert a two-column wide figure, with the tag \meta{label\/}, at the top of the
-current page.
-A synonym for |\widefigure|.
-Insert a two-column wide, full-page table, with the tag \meta{label\/}.
-Insert a two-column wide, full-page figure, with the tag \meta{label\/}.
-These also behave correctly in single column document formats.
-Here is a summary of the commands which can be used to set-up and
-control double column mode:
-Set up the double column format, using the current \cs{hsize} and
-\cs{vsize} for the total size of the page and \meta{c-width} for the
-column width.
-Begin double column mode.
-Force a \idx{column break}, much like \cs{newpage} forces a page break.
-End double column mode, making balanced double columns,
-Begins a ``long'' equation which cannot fit within one column
-and therefore must stretch across both columns. This balances the
-columns, putting a \CS{leftcolrule} below the left column, and then
-enters single column mode.
-Ends a long equation, returning to double column mode and
-putting a \CS{rightcolrule} above the right column of the text following.
-%>>> EOF TXSdcol.doc <<<
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-2702 y Fa(235)2645 2732 y Fg(or)g(U)2807 2702 y Fa(238)2936
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-2832 y(soluble)j(salts)g(are)f(c)n(haracterized)g(b)n(y)h(forming)g
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-f(w)n(ater,)f(a)h(prop)r(ert)n(y)2067 3031 y(sometimes)35
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-b(o)n(xy-)2067 3131 y(c)n(hloride)29 b(is)h(used)g(extensiv)n(ely)f(in)
-h(cosmetics.)43 b(Bism)n(uth)2067 3230 y(subnitrate)27
-3330 y(High)h(purit)n(y)f(bism)n(uth)h(metal)g(costs)e(ab)r(out)i
-($4/lb.)166 3552 y Fm(The)41 b Fj(\\IEEE)p Fm(,)h Fj(\\PhysRev)p
-Fm(,)i(and)d Fj(\\NorthHollandTwo)46 b Fm(do)s(cumen)m(t)41
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-4409 y(the)37 b(same)f(as)h(sa)m(ying)g Fj(\\relax)p
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-y Fj(\\PhysRev)p Fm(\))35 b(they)f(will)e(come)g(bac)m(k)i(to)f(life)g
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-b(This)40 b(is)f(easily)f(done)i(b)m(y)f(sa)m(ying)f
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-m(e)f(so:)0 5516 y Fh(Preliminary)39 b(Draft)1098 b(-)43
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-Fm(\).)46 b(These)27 b(wide)f(insertions)g(b)s(eha)m(v)m(e)g(just)g
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-897 y(putting)g(a)g Fj(\\rightcolrule)k Fm(ab)s(o)m(v)m(e)c(the)h(righ)
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diff --git a/macros/texsis/dcol/TXSdcol.tex b/macros/texsis/dcol/TXSdcol.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 75627df2b9..0000000000
--- a/macros/texsis/dcol/TXSdcol.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,664 +0,0 @@
-%% file: TXSdcol.tex (TeXsis version 2.17)
-% $Revision: 17.2 $ : $Date: 1997/07/07 17:07:16 $ : $Author: myers $
-% Double Column Output Routines:
-% These macros let you create double column output, with balancing
-% of partially filled columns, and with top, bottom, and footnote
-% insertions in the columns or across the width of the page.
-% To set up for double column output on a page of a given <width> and
-% <height> and with columns of width <c-width> put the following at the
-% beginning of your document:
-% \hsize=<width> \vsize=<height>
-% \SetDoubleColumns{<c-width>}
-% Note that this re-defines TeX's \output routine. It does not actually
-% put you in double column mode. To do that, say \doublecolumns. To
-% switch back to single column output say \enddoublecolumns (or the
-% synonym \singlecolumn). Partially filled columns will be balanced
-% to the best of TeX's abilities.
-% The usual insertions of TeX and TeXsis (\topinsert, \midinsert,
-% \pageinsert, \heavyinsert and \bottominsert) put insertions into the
-% current column. To force an insertion into a particular column, say
-% \forceleft or \forceright INSIDE the insertion material.
-% Wide insertions across the width of both columns can be made with
-% \widetopinsert, \widepageinsert, or \widebottominsert.
-% Long equations which need to span both columns should be enclosed
-% between \longequation (before the first "$$") and \endlongequation
-% (after trailing "$$"). Rules to guide the eye are put at the bottom
-% of the left column above the equation and above the right column below
-% the equation (as is done in Physical Review). You can change this.
-% Footnotes created with \footnote or \vfootnote will be placed at the
-% bottom of the current column. You can place a footnote across the
-% bottom of both columns with \widefootnote or \widevfootnote.
-% You can always force a skip to the next column with \newcolumn.
-% To skip to a completely new page use \vfill\eject, as usual.
-% In single column mode all of these macros either behave as their
-% single-column counterparts or do nothing, as appropriate, so that
-% your document comes out looking right in single column mode.
-% WARNING! Formatting double column documents is inherently more
-% difficult than regular typesetting. Here are some helpful hints:
-% (1) Since double columns are narrow, the normal TeX spacing produces
-% many overfull \hbox's. To avoid this, the interword skip \spaceskip is
-% changed to \doublecolskip=.3333em plus .3333em minus .1em
-% More uniform spacing can be obtained by changing \doublecolskip.
-% (2) The value of \vbadness and \hbadness are doubled in double
-% column mode, but you may want to increase them further to avoid
-% complaints of overfull boxes. But don't increase these too much.
-% (3) To balance columns it is essential to have some stretch in the
-% column. Using \parskip=\smallskipamount helps, or try adding a little
-% stretch to the \baselineskip with: \advance\baselineskip by 0pt plus 0.5pt
-% This version of these macros is a complete re-write of the TeXsis
-% double column macros previous to version 2.16. Some of the methods
-% used here are adapted from The TeXBook, pg 417, and The TUGboat, Vol
-% 6, pg 29. See the file TXSdcol.doc for further documentation.
-% Dependencies: none -- this file can be used as it is with plain.tex,
-% This file is a part ot TeXsis, a set of TeX macros for Physicists
-% (C) copyright 1994 by Eric Myers and Frank Paige.
-\message{- Double column format.}
-\catcode`@=11 % make @ a letter for this file
-\newdimen\colwidth % width of column
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-\newif\if@wid % flag: this is a wide insert
-\newif\if@bot % flag: this is a bottom insert
-\def\@LET{\global\let} % we'll use this a lot
-% Until you say \SetDoubleColumns, the instructions \doublecolumns,
-% \enddoublecolumns, \leftcolrule and \rightcolrule and so on are
-% simply \relax. This is so you can put these in a document which
-% uses double columns, but then print it with one of the single
-% column formats without them getting in the way, or vice versa.
-\colwidth=\hsize % default column width is \hsize
-\def\doublecolumns{\relax} \def\enddoublecolumns{\relax}
-\def\leftcolrule{\relax} \def\rightcolrule{\relax}
-\def\longequation{\relax} \def\endlongequation{\relax}
-\def\wideequation{\relax} \def\endwideequation{\relax}
-\def\newcolumn{\relax} \def\widetopinsert{\topinsert}
-\let\widefootnote=\footnote \let\widevfootnote=\vfootnote
-% Save Plain definitions of inserts so we can restore them later
-\let\@plaintopinsert=\topinsert \let\@plainmidinsert=\midinsert
-\let\@plainvfootnote=\vfootnote \let\@plainfootnote=\footnote
-% \SetDoubleColumns<column-width> sets things up for double column mode
-% with columns of the given width, using the current settings for \vsize
-% and \hsize.
-\def\SetDoubleColumns#1{% set up double column mode
- \global\colwidth=#1\relax % column width
- \pagewidth=\hsize \pageheight=\vsize % page sizes
- \@bigColHeight=\vsize % total height = \vsize
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- \dimen\SWins=\pageheight \dimen\SEins=\pageheight % max bottom insert
- \output={\@nepageout{\pagecontents}}% % new \output, single columns
- \let\doublecolumns=\@doublecolumns % enable \doublecolumns
- \let\rightcolrule=\@rightcolrule % enable rule
- \let\leftcolrule=\@leftcolrule %
- \let\longequation=\@longequation % enable wide eqns.
- \let\wideEquation=\@longequation %
-% \setdoublecolumns<page-width><page-height><column-width> is included
-% for backward compatability with TeXsis 2.15 and earlier.
- \emsg{> Please use \string\SetDoubleColumns\ instead}%
- \global\hsize=#1\global\vsize=#2\relax
- \SetDoubleColumns{#3}}
-% \@doublecolumns starts double column output. It redefines \endinsert
-% to handle double column insertions and \widetopinsert and \widepageinsert
-% to do them. The inserts are made global so that they get to \output
-% from inside groups.
-\def\@doublecolumns{% begin double column formatting
- \begingroup % keep changes local
- \def\enddoublecolumns{\@enddoublecolumns}% % enable \enddoublecolumns
- \def\doublecolumns{\relax}% % in case twice
- \def\endmode{\@enddoublecolumns}% % implicit end, if needed
- \let\newcolumn=\@newcolumn %
- \output={\global\setbox\partialpage=\vbox{% % save page so far,
- \ifvoid\topins\else\unvbox\topins % including top inserts
- \bigskip\fi % with some space between
- \unvbox255 % main page
- }}\eject % in \partialpage
- \output={\@doublecolumnout}% % set to 2 column output
- \@saveVsize=\vsize % save old \vsize
- \hsize=\colwidth \vsize=\@bigColHeight % set width to column width,
- \advance\vsize by -2\ht\partialpage % height to 2*page minus
- \advance\vsize by -2\dp\partialpage % what's already there
- \global\s@veskip=\spaceskip % save old interword glue
- \global\spaceskip=\doublecolskip % stretch for small cols.
- \global\displaywidth=\colwidth % equations have \colwidth
- \global\hyphenpenalty=0 % hyphens are OK
- \multiply\vbadness by 2 \multiply\hbadness by 2 % be more tolerant
- \clubpenalty=150 % club line penalty
- \widowpenalty=150 % widow line penalty
-% Set macros to their double column dopplegangers
- \@LET\topinsert=\@doubletopinsert
- \@LET\bottominsert=\@doublebottominsert
- \@LET\pageinsert=\@doublefullinsert
- \@LET\midinsert=\@doublemidinsert
- \@LET\heavyinsert=\@doubleheavyinsert
- \@LET\endinsert=\@enddoubleinsert
- \@LET\widetopinsert=\@widetopinsert
- \@LET\widepageinsert=\@widepageinsert
- \@LET\widebottominsert=\@widebottominsert
- \@LET\vfootnote=\@doubleVfootnote % \footnote uses this one
- \@LET\widefootnote=\@widefootnote
- \@LET\widevfootnote=\@wideVfootnote
-% \@enddoublecolumns ends double column output and balances the columns.
-% This also allows for double width equations. The grouping insures that
-% \endinsert is reset to the Plain version.
-\def\@enddoublecolumns{% end double column mode, go back to single column
- \global\output={\@balancecolumns}\eject % balance & output so far
- \global\output={\@nepageout{\pagecontents}}% % back to single column output
- \global\vsize=\@saveVsize % reset vsize
- \endgroup % end 2 col. group
- \pagegoal=\vsize % reset overall goal size
- \spaceskip=\s@veskip % reset interword glue...
- \hyphenpenalty=50 \displaywidth=\hsize
- \def\endmode{\relax}% % reset \endmode
-% Reset macros to single column version:
- \@LET\topinsert=\@plaintopinsert
- \@LET\midinsert=\@plainmidinsert
- \@LET\pageinsert=\@plainpageinsert
- \@LET\endinsert=\@plainendinsert
- \@LET\bottominsert=\@bottominsert
- \@LET\heavyinsert=\@heavyinsert
- \@LET\vfootnote=\@plainvfootnote
- \@LET\widetopinsert=\@plaintopinsert
- \@LET\widepageinsert=\@plainpageinsert
- \@LET\widefootnote=\@plainfootnote
- \@LET\widebottominsert=\@plainbottominsert
- \@LET\widevfootnote=\@plainvfootnote
-}% end of \@enddoublecolumns
-\def\begindoublecolumns{\doublecolumns} % synonym
-\def\singlecolumn{\enddoublecolumns} % synonym
-% How to skip to a new column. If we are in the left column, fill it
-% up to force a skip to the right. If in the right column, skip to the
-% next page.
-\def\@newcolumn{% skip to next column, left or right
- \vskip\z@ % force vertical mode
- \ifdim\pagetotal<\pageheight % left column?
- \dimen@=\pageheight \advance\dimen@ by -\pagetotal % room left in left
- \vskip\dimen@\goodbreak % fill up to end of left col
- \else \vfill\eject \fi} % else skip to next page
-% Since there can now be insertions at the top and bottom of both
-% the left and right columns, they will be labeled by compass points.
-\newinsert\NWins \skip\NWins=0pt \newinsert\SWins \skip\SWins=0pt
-\newinsert\NEins \skip\NEins=0pt \newinsert\SEins \skip\SEins=0pt
-% There are also insertions for footnotes at the bottom of either column
-\newinsert\LFins \count\LFins=1000 \dimen\LFins=5cm \skip\LFins=\bigskipamount
-\newinsert\RFins \count\RFins=1000 \dimen\RFins=5cm \skip\RFins=\bigskipamount
-% \@enddoubleinsert is a modified version of \endinsert which
-% decides whether to put an insertion in the left or the right column.
-% \endinsert is let equal this in \doublecolumns mode.
-\def\@enddoubleinsert{% end an \insert in double column mode
- \egroup % finish the \vbox\z@
-% Decide whether in left or right column:
- \ifdim\pagetotal<\pageheight\leftc@lumntrue % left if page total < 1 col
- \else \leftc@lumnfalse\fi % right otherwise
- \ifx L\LRf@rce \leftc@lumntrue \fi % or forced left
- \ifx R\LRf@rce \leftc@lumnfalse \fi % or forced right
-% If midinsert requested, decide whether there is room...
- \if@mid % midinsert selected
- \dimen@=\ht\z@ \advance\dimen@ by \dp\z@ % dimen0 = height + depth
- \advance\dimen@ by \baselineskip % + baselineskip
- \advance\dimen@ by \pagetotal % + page total
- \ifleftc@lumn % if in left column
- \ifdim\dimen@>\pageheight % \pageheight = 1 col height
- \@midfalse\p@gefalse\fi % top insert
- \else % in right column
- \ifdim\dimen@>\@bigColHeight % \@bigColHeight = 2 col height
- \@midfalse\p@gefalse\fi\fi % top insert
- \fi % end if@mid
-% If room for midinsert, do it; otherwise make insert in same column.
- \if@mid \bigskip\box\z@\bigbreak % fits: just do it
- \else % otherwise: where to put it?
- \if@wid % wide insert
- \if@bot\let\@whichins=\botins % bottom?
- \else\let\@whichins=\topins\fi % or top?
- \else % not wide, so...
- \if@bot % bottom?
- \ifleftc@lumn\let\@whichins=\SWins % bottom left is SW
- \else \let\@whichins=\SEins\fi % bottom right is SE
- \else % top?
- \ifleftc@lumn\let\@whichins=\NWins % top left is NW
- \else \let\@whichins=\NEins\fi % top right is NE
- \fi %
- \fi % end of \if@wid
- \C@lumnInsert\@whichins % do the insertion
- \fi % end \if@mid
- \endgroup % end the insertion group
- \global\let\LRf@rce=X % reset forcing flag
-% \C@lumnInsert{<insert#>} makes an appropriate insertion of the
-% material into the named insert. It also inserts a \bigskip after or
-% before the inserted box, just like the Plain \endinsert. Note that
-% all the skips for these inserts are 0pt.
-\def\C@lumnInsert#1{% make an insertion into insertion #1
- \if@wid\count#1=2000\relax % wide inserts count x 2
- \else\count#1=1000\fi % otherwise x 1
- \insert#1{% % make the insertion
- \penalty100 \splitmaxdepth=\maxdimen %
-%% \topskip=\z@skip \splittopskip=\z@skip %
- \floatingpenalty=\z@ % no penalty for floating
- \if@wid\hsize=\pagewidth\fi % full width
- \ifp@ge \dimen@=\dp\z@ % dimen0 = depth
- \vbox to\pageheight{\unvbox\z@ \kern-\dimen@}% full page = \pageheight
- \else % not full page
- \ifx#1\botins\bigskip\fi % skip before bottom insert
- \ifx#1\SWins\bigskip\fi % skip before bottom insert
- \ifx#1\SEins\bigskip\fi % skip before bottom insert
- \box\z@\nobreak % now add box0
- \ifx#1\topins\bigskip\fi % space below top insert
- \ifx#1\NWins\bigskip\fi % space below top insert
- \ifx#1\NEins\bigskip\fi % space below top insert
- \fi % end of \ifp@ge
- }% % end of insert
-% \wideXXXinsert make floating insertions across both columns. They
-% use the same insert as the normal (single column) insert of the same
-% name because it goes in the same place.
-\def\@widetopinsert{% make a full width (wide) insertion at top of page
- \@midfalse\p@gefalse\@widtrue\@botfalse
- \@ins \hsize=\pagewidth}
-\def\@widepageinsert{% full width, full length (i.e. full page) insertion
- \@midfalse\p@getrue\@widtrue\@botfalse % wide page insert
- \@ins \hsize=\pagewidth}
-\def\@widebottominsert{% full width insertion at bottom of page
- \@midfalse\p@gefalse\@widtrue\@bottrue % wide page insert
- \@ins \hsize=\pagewidth}
-% \@doubleXXXinsert is like \XXXinsert in Plain but also sets
-% \@widfalse to prevent wide inserts.
-% \forceleft and \forceright force left and right insertions independent
-% of the current column position.
-\def\forceleft{\global\let\LRf@rce=L} % force left insert
-\def\forceright{\global\let\LRf@rce=R} % force right insert
-\let\LRf@rce=X % default is no force
-% FOOTNOTES: wide footnotes go across the bottom of both columns,
-% while the others just go in the left or right column. The names
-% begin with @ because these are only enabled in double column mode.
-\def\@widefootnote#1{% footnote across a double column page
- \let\@sf=\empty % parameter #2 (the text) is read later
- \ifhmode\edef\@sf{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}\/\fi
- #1\@sf\@wideVfootnote{#1}}
- \hsize=\pagewidth % as wide as a page
- \interlinepenalty=\interfootnotelinepenalty
- \splittopskip=\ht\strutbox % top baseline for broken footnotes
- \splitmaxdepth=\dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty=\@MM
- \leftskip=\z@skip \rightskip=\z@skip \spaceskip=\z@skip \xspaceskip=\z@skip
- \textindent{#1}\footstrut\futurelet\next\fo@t}
-\def\@doubleVfootnote#1{% double column footnote in left or right column
- \ifdim\pagetotal<\pageheight\relax %
- \def\next{\@dblVfootnote\LFins{#1}}%
- \else\def\next{\@dblVfootnote\RFins{#1}}%
- \fi\next}
-\def\@dblVfootnote#1#2{% footnote insert in whichever column named by #1
- \insert#1\bgroup % begin insert
- \interlinepenalty\interfootnotelinepenalty %
- \splittopskip=\ht\strutbox % top baseline for broken footnotes
- \splitmaxdepth=\dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty\@MM %
- \leftskip=\z@skip \rightskip=\z@skip %
- \spaceskip=\z@skip \xspaceskip=\z@skip %
- \textindent{#2}\footstrut\futurelet\next\fo@t}
-% OUTPUT ROUTINES for double columns:
-% \@nepageout ships out a single page with running headlines
-% and footlines added. Can be used with single or double columns,
-% depending on what you put as the argument.
-\def\@nepageout#1{% % output one page
- \shipout\vbox{% % output a box
- \offinterlineskip % no interline spacing!
- \wideheadline % make wide headline
- \vbox to \pageheight{\boxmaxdepth=\maxdepth %
- #1\relax}% % box containing #1
- \widefootline}% % make wide footline
- \advancepageno}% % increment page number
-% The following are like \makeheadline and \makefootline in Plain
-% except that they use \hbox to\pagewidth instead of \line.
-\def\wideheadline{% \makeheadline for double column mode
- \vbox to\z@{\vskip-22.5\p@ % skip up some
- \ifx\undefined\headlineoffset\else\vskip-\headlineoffset\fi
- \hbox to \pagewidth{\vbox to 8.5\p@{}\the\headline}% content in \headline
- \vss}%
- \nointerlineskip}%
-\def\widefootline{% \makefootline for double column mode
- \baselineskip=24\p@ % space down
- \ifx\undefined\footlineoffset\else\vskip\footlineoffset\fi
- \hbox to \pagewidth{\the\footline}}% % content in \footline
-% \@doublecolumnout splits the page into two columns, including any
-% insertions which have accumulated.
-\def\@doublecolumnout{% output routine for double column mode
-% get height of columns in \dimen@
- \dimen@=\pageheight % start with total space
- \advance\dimen@ by -\ht\partialpage % subtract used height
- \advance\dimen@ by -\dp\partialpage % ... and deptn
- \ifvoid\topins\else % subtract top inserts
- \advance\dimen@ by -\ht\topins %
- \advance\dimen@ by -\dp\topins %
- \advance\dimen@ by -\bigskipamount % including skip
- \advance\dimen@ by -\splittopskip\fi % and extra at top of cols.
- \ifvoid\botins\else % subtract any bottom inserts
- \advance\dimen@ by -\ht\botins %
- \advance\dimen@ by -\dp\botins %
- \advance\dimen@ by -\bigskipamount\fi % including skip
- \ifvoid\footins\else % subtract full width footnotes
- \advance\dimen@ by -\ht\footins %
- \advance\dimen@ by -\dp\footins %
- \advance\dimen@ by -\skip\footins\fi % including skip
- \@saveSplitmax=\splitmaxdepth \splitmaxdepth=\colmaxdepth
- \splittopskip=\topskip
-% construct left and right columns, with inserts inserted, and force
-% them to the desired size \dimen@
- \ifdim\dimen@>\baselineskip % if room for at least 1 line
- \MakeColumn{1}{255}{\dimen@}{\NWins}{\LFins}{\SWins}%
- \MakeColumn{2}{255}{\dimen@}{\NEins}{\RFins}{\SEins}%
- \setbox1=\vbox to \dimen@{\unvbox1}% % reset to same size
- \setbox2=\vbox to \dimen@{\unvbox2}% % reset to same size
- \else % ... else no room
- \setbox1=\vbox{}\setbox2=\vbox{}% % so just empty columns
- \fi % end if room for columns
- \@nepageout{\@pagesofar\@pagebottom}% % ship out double column page
- \global\vsize=\@bigColHeight %
- \unvbox255 \penalty\outputpenalty % put remaining text back
- \splitmaxdepth=\@saveSplitmax} % reset \splitmaxdepth
-% \MakeColumn{outbox}{inbox}{size}{topinsert}{footinsert}{bottominsert}
-% creates a column of text of the given length, with the topinsert added
-% at the top, and the footnote and bottominsert added at the bottom
-% of the column (in that order). The result is put in outbox, while
-% what is left over remains in inbox.
-\def\MakeColumn#1#2#3#4#5#6{% make a column with top and bottom inserts
-% start the column with the topinsert (#4) and the main text (#2)
- \setbox3=\vbox{\ifvoid#4\else\unvbox#4\vskip\skip#4\fi \unvbox#2}%
-% also collect column footnotes (#5) and bottom inserts (#6)
- \setbox4=\vbox{\ifvoid#5\else\vskip\skip#5\footnoterule\unvbox#5\fi%
- \ifvoid#6\else\vskip\skip#6\unvbox#6\fi}%
-% split off just right amount from top stuff to make output column
- \dimen@ii=#3\relax
- \advance\dimen@ii by -\ht4 \advance\dimen@ii by -\dp4\relax
- \setbox#1=\vsplit3 to \dimen@ii
-% put the top and bottom together; put remainder from split back in input
- \setbox#1=\vbox{\unvbox#1\unvbox4}%
- \setbox#2=\vbox{\unvbox3}%
-% \@pagesofar adds double column material to the page. The left column
-% is in box 1, and the right column is in box 2
-\def\@pagesofar{% add stuff to top of page collected so far
- \ifvoid\topins\else\unvbox\topins % wide top inserts, if any?
- \vskip\skip\topins\fi % some space below them
- \unvbox\partialpage % partial page from past?
- \wd1=\hsize \wd2=\hsize % set column sizes
- \hbox to \pagewidth{\box1\hfill\box2}}% % combine 2 column boxes
-% \@pagebottom puts the (wide) bottom and footnote inserts in place,
-% if there are any.
-\def\@pagebottom{% add inserts to bottom of a page
- \ifvoid\botins\else\bigskip\unvbox\botins\fi % wide bottom inserts, if any
- \ifvoid\footins\else % wide footnotes, if any
- \vskip\skip\footins\footnoterule % skip and rule above them
- \unvbox\footins\fi} % then the footnotes
-% \@balancecolumns is the output routine for balancing 2 columns.
-% (Based loosely on \balancecolumns from The TeXbook, pg 417)
-\def\@balancecolumns{% balance partial double columns page
-% get target column height from sum of text and all inserts
- \setbox255=\vbox{\unvbox255}% reset glue
- \dimen@=\ht255 \advance\dimen@ by \dp255 % main text
- \@addsize\dimen@\NWins \@addsize\dimen@\NEins % top inserts
- \@addsize\dimen@\LFins \@addsize\dimen@\RFins % column footnotes
- \@addsize\dimen@\SWins \@addsize\dimen@\SEins % bottom inserts
- \divide \dimen@ by 2 % and divide by 2
- \@saveSplitmax=\splitmaxdepth %
- \splitmaxdepth=\colmaxdepth %
- \splittopskip=\topskip % top skip for splits
-% Loop over possible splits of text into left and right columns.
-% Always use copies of boxes to avoid destroying contents.
- \advance\dimen@ by -.5\baselineskip % and a smidgeon LESS
- {\vbadness=20000 \loop % suppress errors
- \setbox0=\copy255 %
- \setbox5=\copy\NWins \setbox6=\copy\LFins\setbox7=\copy\SWins
- \setbox8=\copy\NEins \setbox9=\copy\RFins \setbox10=\copy\SEins
- \MakeColumn{1}{0}{\dimen@}{5}{6}{7}% % first column fixed height
- \MakeColumn{2}{0}{\pageheight}{8}{9}{10}% % second big enuf for all
- \ifdim\ht2>\ht1
- \global\advance\dimen@ by 1pt
- \repeat}% % increment and try again
-% End loop over possible splits.
- \MakeColumn{1}{255}{\dimen@}{\NWins}{\LFins}{\SWins}%
- \MakeColumn{2}{255}{\pageheight}{\NEins}{\RFins}{\SEins}%
- \dimen@=\ht1 \ifdim\ht2>\ht1 \dimen@=\ht2 \fi % larger of two
- \setbox1=\vbox to \dimen@{\unvbox1}% % reset to same size
- \setbox2=\vbox to \dimen@{\unvbox2}% % reset to same size
- \splitmaxdepth=\@saveSplitmax % restore \splitmaxdepth
- \output={\@balancingerror}% % prepare for error
- \@pagesofar} % put columns on page
-\def\@addsize#1#2{% add size of box/insert #2 to counter #1
- \ifvoid#2\else\advance#1 by \skip#2\relax % unless void, add skip,
- \advance#1 by \ht#2 \advance#1 by \dp#2\relax % and height and depth
- \fi}
-% If the balanced columns fill the page then \output will be called
-% again, and this error message will be displayed.
-@balancecolumns: I couldn't figure out how to balance the^^M
-two columns. Maybe you can re-arange some text to make ^^M
-the job easier. Try typing i\string\vfill to see the page anyway.}
-\def\@balancingerror{% error, columns not balanced before page finished
- \newlinechar=`\^^M % ^^M is line break
- \errhelp=\@balncErrormsg % longer help message
- \errmessage{Page cannot be balanced}% % error message
- \@nepageout{\unvbox255}}% % do something anyway
-% \@leftcolrule and \@rightcolrule put rules across left and right
-% columns for spanned equations
-\def\@leftcolrule{% Rule across bottom of left column
- \vskip 2pt\nointerlineskip % some whitespace first
- \hbox to \pagewidth{% % left column
- \vbox to 6pt{\vfil \hrule width\colwidth height\rulewd}%
- \hbox{\vrule height 6pt width\rulewd}\hfill}%
- \smallskip\nobreak}
-\def\@rightcolrule{% rule across top of a right column after balancing
- \vskip\baselineskip\nointerlineskip
- \hbox to \pagewidth{\hfill % stretch across to right column
- \hbox{\vrule height 6pt width\rulewd}%
- \vbox to 6pt{\hrule width\colwidth height\rulewd \vfil}}%
- \vskip 2pt}
- \enddoublecolumns % balance what we have
- \@leftcolrule % rule below to separage
- \def\endlongequation{\@endlongequation}} % enable
- \@rightcolrule % with the rule at top of right column
- \doublecolumns} % then back to double column mode
-\def\longequation{\relax} % default for single column
-\def\endlongequation{\relax} % does nothing
-% Plain.tex compatibility:
-% If these macros are called from plain TeX \botins won't be defined, so
-% just fake it.
-\ifx\undefined\botins \let\botins=\topins \fi
-% These definitions are copied from TXSinit.tex so that TXSdcol.tex
-% can be used with Plain and bottom inserts in columns will work. The
-% \if@bot is just ignored by the Plain \endinsert.
-\def\pagecontents{% constructs page contents, including bottom inserts
- \ifvoid\topins\else\unvbox\topins % top inserts, if any
- \vskip\skip\topins\fi % and some space below
- \dimen@=\dp\@cclv \unvbox\@cclv % main page contents from \box255
- \ifvoid\botins\else\bigskip % bottom inserts? space above
- \unvbox\botins\fi % and then insert the text
- \ifvoid\footins\else % footnote inserts, if present
- \vskip\skip\footins % skip above
- \footnoterule % put the rule above footnotes
- \unvbox\footins\fi % then the footnotes
- \ifr@ggedbottom \kern-\dimen@ \vfil \fi}
-\catcode`@=12 % @ back to a letter
-% >>> EOF TXSdcol.tex <<<