path: root/macros/plain/contrib/treetex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/plain/contrib/treetex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/plain/contrib/treetex')
8 files changed, 4874 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/classes.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/classes.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9dbc98bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/classes.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+%%% Complete binary trees %%%
+% The macro \b@nary{<number>} expands to the description of a complete
+% binary tree with <number> many internal nodes, where each level is filled with
+% the maximal number of internal nodes, and the last level of internal nodes
+% is filled from left to right.
+\newcount\b@nno % number of nodes
+\newcount\b@nlv % number of complete levels
+\newcount\b@ndl % number of nodes on incomplete level
+\def\ld(#1,#2,#3){% #1, #2, and #3 must be counter registers.
+ % #1 is the input, #1 must be >= 1.
+ % \ld makes the following assignments:
+ % #2:=|_log_2(#1)_|, #3:=2^#2.
+ % The contents of #1 is destroyed during the computation.
+ #2=0 #3=1
+ \loop\ifnum #1>\@ne\relax
+ \divide #1 by\tw@ % this is integer division
+ \advance #2 by\@ne
+ \multiply #3 by\tw@
+ \repeat}
+\def\b@nary#1{% draws a complete binary tree with #1 internal nodes,
+ % a complete binary tree with N internal nodes has
+ % lv:=|_log_2(N+1)_| many
+ % complete level of binary nodes and dl:=N-2^{lv}+1 many internal
+ % nodes on an incomplete level.
+ \b@nno=#1\relax\advance\b@nno by \@ne
+ \ld(\b@nno,\b@nlv,\b@ndl)%
+ \b@ndl=-\b@ndl\advance\b@ndl by #1\advance\b@ndl by\@ne
+ \b@n}
+ \ifnum\b@nlv>\@ne
+ \advance\b@nlv by-\@ne
+ \b@n
+ \b@n
+ \advance\b@nlv by\@ne
+ \node{}
+ \else\ifnum\b@ndl>\@ne
+ \advance\b@ndl by-\tw@
+ \node{\le@f\external}\node{\le@f\external}\node{}%
+ \node{\le@f\external}\node{\le@f\external}\node{}%
+ \node{}%
+ \else\ifnum\b@ndl=\@ne
+ \advance\b@ndl by-\@ne
+ \node{\le@f\external}\node{\le@f\external}\node{}%
+ \node{\le@f\external}%
+ \node{}%
+ \else\node{\le@f\external}\node{\le@f\external}\node{}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ \no{1}\circleleaves
+ #1%
+ \b@nary{\no@}}
+%%% Fibonacci trees %%%
+% \f@b expands to the description of a Fibonacci tree
+% of height \f@bht.
+\def\f@b{% draws a Fibonacci tree of depth #1
+ \ifnum\f@bht>1
+ \advance\f@bht by-\@ne\f@b\advance\f@bht by\@ne
+ \advance\f@bht by-\tw@\f@b\advance\f@bht by\tw@
+ \ifunn@des\node{\unary}
+ \fi
+ \node{\lefttop}
+ \else\ifnum\f@bht=1
+ \node{\external\le@f}
+ \node{\external\le@f}
+ \node{}
+ \else\node{\external\le@f}
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+ \hght{0}\unn@desfalse\circleleaves
+ #1%
+ \f@b}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/epodd.bbl b/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/epodd.bbl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d07cfe5fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/epodd.bbl
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+R.~A. Baeza-Yates.
+\newblock On embedding a binary tree on a hypercube.
+\newblock Submitted for publication, November 1988.
+R.~J. Beach.
+\newblock {\em Setting Tables and Illustrations with Style}.
+\newblock PhD thesis, University of Waterloo, 1985.
+A.~Br{\"u}ggemann-Klein, P.~Dolland, and A.~Heinz.
+\newblock How to please authors and publishers: A versatile document
+ preparation system at {K}arlsruhe.
+\newblock In J.~D\'esarm\'enien, editor, {\em {\TeX{}} for Scientific
+ Documentation}, pages 8--31, Strasbourg, France, June 1986.
+\newblock Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science~236.
+A.~Br{\"u}ggemann-Klein and D.~Wood.
+\newblock Drawing trees nicely with {\TeX}.
+\newblock In M.~Clark, editor, {\em Proceedings of the Third European
+ \TeX{}-Conference}, Exeter, England, July 1988.
+\newblock To appear.
+\newblock A note on the height of binary search trees.
+\newblock {\em Journal of the ACM}, 33(3):489--498, July 1986.
+Ph. Flajolet and A.~Odlyzko.
+\newblock The average height of binary trees and other simple trees.
+\newblock {\em Journal of Computer and System Sciences}, 25:171--213, 1982.
+R.~Furuta, J.~Scofield, and A.~Shaw.
+\newblock Document formatting systems: Surveys, concepts, issues.
+\newblock {\em Computing Surveys}, 14(3):417--472, 1982.
+Ch.~F. Goldfarb.
+\newblock A generalized approach to document markup.
+\newblock {\em SIGPLAN Notices of the ACM}, 16(6):68--73, June 1981.
+R.~Klein and D.~Wood.
+\newblock On binary trees.
+\newblock In G.~Ritter, editor, {\em Proceedings of the 11th World Computer
+ Congress}, San Francisco, USA, 1989.
+\newblock To appear.
+D.~E. Knuth.
+\newblock {\em Fundamental Algorithms}, volume~1 of {\em The Art of Computer
+ Programming}.
+\newblock Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1973.
+D.~E. Knuth.
+\newblock {\em The {\TeX{}}book}, volume~A of {\em Computers \& Typesetting}.
+\newblock Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1986.
+\newblock {\em {\LaTeX}, User's Guide \& Reference Manual}.
+\newblock Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1986.
+Th. Ottmann and P.~Widmayer.
+\newblock {\em Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen}.
+\newblock Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim, 1989.
+\newblock To appear.
+V.~Quint, I.~Vatton, and H.~Bedor.
+\newblock Grif: An interactive environment for {\TeX{}}.
+\newblock In J.~D\'esarm\'enien, editor, {\em {\TeX{}} for Scientific
+ Documentation}, pages 145--158, Strasbourg, France, June 1986.
+\newblock Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science~236.
+B.~K. Reid.
+\newblock {\em Scribe: A Document Specification Language and its Compiler}.
+\newblock PhD thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, 1980.
+E.~M. Reingold and J.~S. Tilford.
+\newblock Tidier drawings of tree.
+\newblock {\em IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, 7(2):223--228, March
+ 1981.
+K.~J. Supowit and E.~M. Reingold.
+\newblock The complexity of drawing trees nicely.
+\newblock {\em Acta Informatica}, 18(4):377--392, 1983.
+Ch. Wetherell and A.~Shannon.
+\newblock Tidy drawings of trees.
+\newblock {\em IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, 5(5):514--520,
+ September 1979.
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/epodd.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/epodd.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2f6b36f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/epodd.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1189 @@
+% This is epodd.tex, the description of the treetex macro package as it will
+% appear in EP-ODD in summer 89. It is in some aspects more general
+% than tree_doc.tex and corrects an error in the computation of
+% the number of registers used by treetex. The user interface of
+% treetex is explained in more detail in tree_doc.tex.
+\def\addcontentsline#1#2#3{\relax}% Some captions are too long for some
+ % TeX installations (buffer size too small)
+\newenvironment{lemma}{\begingroup\samepage\begin{lemmma}\ }{\end{lemmma}%
+ \endgroup}
+\newenvironment{proof}{\begin{prooof}\rm\ \nopagebreak}{\end{prooof}}
+\renewcommand{\theprooof}{} % makes shure that prooof doesn't get numbers
+ {\vspace{1\baselineskip}\end{figure}}
+\newlength{\figspace} % space between figures in a single
+\setlength{\figspace}{30pt} % Figure environment
+\newcommand{\var}[1]{{\it #1\/}} % use it for names of variables
+\newcommand{\emph}[1]{{\em #1\/}} % use it for emphazided text
+ % (This notion sticks to the
+ % applicative style of markup.)
+\renewcommand{\O}{{\rm O}} % O-notation, also for math mode
+\newcommand{\T}{{\cal T}} % the set T in math mode
+\input treetex
+% \def\Tree#1\end#2{\end{Tree}} % Trees are not processed
+% \let\endTree\relax %
+ \vtop{\settowidth{\hsize}{#1}%
+ \setlength{\leftskip}{0pt plus 1fill}%
+ \setlength{\baselineskip}{#2}#3}}
+\newlength{\hd} % hidden digit
+\newcommand{\ds}{\hspace{\hd}} % digit space
+\hyphenation{post-or-der sym-bol Karls-ruhe bool-ean}
+\title{Drawing Trees Nicely with \TeX\thanks{This work was supported by
+ a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
+ Grant~A-5692, a Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grant~Sto167/1-1,
+ and a grant from the Information Technology Research Centre.
+ It was begun during the first author's stay with
+ the Data Structuring Group in Waterloo.}}
+\author{Anne Br\"uggemann-Klein\thanks{Institut f\"ur Informatik,
+ Universit\"at Freiburg, Rheinstr.~10--12, 7800~Freiburg,
+ West~Germany}\ \and Derick Wood\thanks{Data
+ Structuring Group, Department of Computer Science, University of
+ Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L~3G1, Canada}}
+We present a new solution to the tree drawing problem that
+integrates an excellent tree drawing algorithm into one of the best text
+processing systems available. More precisely, we present a \TeX{} macro package
+called \TreeTeX{} that produces drawings of trees from a purely logical
+description. Our approach has three advantages: Labels
+for nodes can be handled in a reasonable way; porting
+\TreeTeX{} to any site running \TeX{} is a trivial operation; and
+modularity in the description of a tree and \TeX{}'s macro capabilities
+allow for libraries of subtrees and tree classes.
+In addition, \TreeTeX{} has an option that produces
+drawings that make the
+\emph{structure} of the trees more obvious to the human eye,
+even though they may not be as aesthetically pleasing.
+The problem of successfully integrating pictures and text in a
+document processing environment is tantalizing and difficult.
+Although there are systems available that allow such integration, they
+fall short in many ways, usually in document quality. Furthermore,
+most authors using document preparation systems are neither book
+designers nor graphic artists. Just as modern document preparation
+systems do not expect an author to be a book designer, so we would
+prefer that they do not expect an author to be a graphic artist. The
+second author, Wood, needed to draw many trees in a series of papers
+on trees and in a projected book on trees. This problem enabled us
+to tackle the integration issue for one subarea of graphics, namely,
+tree drawing. We had the decided advantage that there already existed good
+algorithms to draw trees {\em without any author intervention}.
+Previous experience of the integration of pictures and text had been
+uninspiring; the systems expected the author to prepare each picture
+in total. For example, a tree could be built up from smaller
+subtrees but the relative placement of them was left to the author.
+This situation continues to hold today with the drawing facilities
+available on most personal computers, and, because of this, the
+resulting figures still appear to be ``hand-drawn.'' Additionally,
+they are of inferior quality when compared with the quality of
+the surrounding text.
+In this paper we present an entirely new solution that integrates
+a tree drawing algorithm into one of the best text processing
+systems available. More precisely, we describe \TreeTeX{}, a
+\TeX{} macro package that produces an aesthetically pleasing
+drawing of a tree from a purely logical description.
+We made two fundamental design
+decisions that heavily influenced the method of implementation.
+First, we wanted to allow an author to label the nodes of a tree.
+This decision means that the tree drawing package must be able to
+typeset labels exactly as they would be typeset by the typesetting
+program. There are two reasons for this. Text should be typeset
+consistently, wherever it appears in a document, and the tree
+drawing program needs to know the dimensions of the typeset labels.
+Second, we wanted to ensure that the program could be ported
+easily to other installations and sites, so that other, putative
+users would be able to use it easily.
+Indeed, \TreeTeX{} has been used successfully to typeset trees in
+\cite{BaezaTrees}, \cite{KWIFIP}, and \cite{OAPD}.
+By basing our package on \TeX{}, which for more subjective
+reasons we preferred over other typesetting systems such as
+troff, we could ensure wide interest
+in the package. By implementing it as a \TeX{} macro package
+instead of a preprocessor
+we made porting trivial and, furthermore, this also ensured
+consistency of typeset text within a document.
+The down side of this decision is that we had to program with
+\TeX{} macros, not an experience to be recommended, and we had to live
+with the inherent register limitations of \TeX{}.
+This paper consists of a further nine sections. In Sections~2, 3 and~4,
+we discuss the aesthetics of tree drawing and the algorithm of
+Reingold and Tilford~\cite{TidierTrees}. In Sections~5, 6, and~7, we
+describe our method of incorporating tree drawing into \TeX{}. Then,
+in the last three short sections, we consider the expected number of
+registers \TeX{} needs to draw a tree, the user interface (and three
+\TreeTeX{} examples), and discussion of, among other things, the
+performance of \TreeTeX{}.
+\section{Aesthetical criteria for drawing trees}
+In this paper, we are dealing with ordered
+trees in the sense of~\cite{ACP}, specifically binary and unary-binary
+trees. A {\em binary tree\/} is a finite set of nodes that either
+is empty, or consists of a root and two disjoint binary trees called
+the left and right subtrees of the root. A {\em unary-binary tree\/} is
+a finite set of nodes that either is empty, or consists of a root and
+two disjoint unary-binary trees, or consists of a root and one
+nonempty unary-binary tree. An {\em extended binary tree\/} is a binary tree
+in which each node has either two nonempty subtrees or two
+empty subtrees.
+There are some basic agreements on how such trees should be drawn, reflecting
+the top-down and left-right ordering of nodes in a tree.
+In \cite{TidierTrees} and \cite{TidyTrees} these basic agreements were
+formalized as the following axioms.
+\item[1.] Trees impose a distance on the nodes; no node
+ should be closer to the root than any of its
+ ancestors.
+\item[2.] Nodes on the same level should lie on a straight
+ line, and the straight lines defining the levels should be
+ parallel.
+\item[3.] The relative order of nodes on any level should be the same
+ as in the level order traversal of the tree.
+These axioms guarantee that trees are drawn as planar graphs: edges do
+not intersect except at nodes. Two further axioms improve the aesthetical
+appearance of trees.
+\item[4.] In a unary-binary tree, each left child should be positioned
+ to the left of its parent, each
+ right child to the right of its parent, and each unary child
+ should be positioned below its parent.
+\item[5.] A parent should be centered over its children.
+An additional axiom deals with the problem of tree drawings becoming too wide
+and therefore exceeding the physical limit of the output medium:
+\item[6.] Tree drawings should occupy as little width as possible without
+ violating the other axioms.
+In \cite{TidyTrees}, Wetherell and Shannon introduce two algorithms for
+tree drawings, the first of which fulfills axioms~1--5, and the second
+1--6. However, as Reingold and Tilford in \cite{TidierTrees}
+point out, there is a lack of symmetry in the algorithms of
+Wetherell and Shannon which may lead to unpleasant results;
+therefore, Reingold and Tilford introduce a new structured
+\item[7.] A subtree of a given tree should be
+ drawn the same way regardless of where it occurs in the tree.
+Axiom~7 allows the same tree to be drawn differently only when it occurs as
+a subtree in different trees.
+Reingold and Tilford give an algorithm which fulfills axioms~1--5
+and~7. Although
+this algorithm doesn't fulfill axiom~6,
+the aesthetical improvements are well worth the additional space.
+\fig{algorithms} illustrates the benefits of axiom~7, and \fig{narrowtrees}
+shows that the algorithm of Reingold and Tilford violates axiom~6.
+\caption{The left tree is drawn by the algorithm of Wetherell and Shannon,
+and the tidier right one is drawn by the algorithm of Reingold and Tilford.}
+\caption{The left tree is drawn by the algorithm of Reingold and Tilford, but
+the right tree shows that narrower drawings fulfilling all aesthetic axioms
+are possible.}
+\section{The algorithm of Reingold and Tilford}
+The algorithm of Reingold and Tilford (hereafter called ``the RT~algorithm'')
+takes a modular approach to the
+positioning of nodes. The relative positions of the nodes in a subtree
+are calculated independently of the rest of the tree. After the
+relative positions of two subtrees have been calculated, they can be
+joined as siblings in a larger tree by placing them as close
+together as possible and centering the parent node above them.
+Incidentally, this modular approach is the reason that the
+algorithm fails to fulfill axiom~6; see~\cite{Complexity}.
+Two sibling subtrees are placed as close together as possible,
+during a postorder traversal, as follows.
+Imagine that the two subtrees of a binary node
+have been drawn and cut out of paper along
+their contours. Then, starting with the two subtrees superimposed at their
+roots, move them apart until a minimal agreed upon distance
+between the trees is obtained at each level. This can be done gradually.
+Initially, their roots are separated by some agreed upon minimum
+distance; then, at the next level, they are pushed
+apart until the minimum separation is established there.
+This process is continued at successively lower levels until the
+last level of the shorter subtree is reached. At some levels no movement may be
+necessary, but at no level are the two subtrees moved closer
+together. When the process is complete, the position of the
+subtrees is fixed relative to their parent, which is centered over them.
+Assured that the subtrees will never be placed closer together,
+the postorder traversal is continued.
+A nontrivial implementation of
+this algorithm has been obtained by Reingold and Tilford in~\cite{TidierTrees}
+that runs in time $\O(N)$, where $N$ is the number of
+nodes of the tree to be drawn.
+Their crucial idea is to keep track of the contour of the subtrees
+by special pointers, called threads, such that whenever
+two subtrees are joined, only the
+top part of the trees down to the lowest level of the
+smaller tree need to be taken into account.
+The nodes are positioned on a fixed grid and are
+considered to have zero width; labeling is not provided.
+Although the algorithm only draws binary trees, it is easily
+extended to multiway trees.
+\section{Improving human perception of trees}
+It is common understanding in book design that aesthetics and readability
+don't necessarily coincide, and---as Lamport (\cite{LaTeX}) puts it---%
+``documents are meant to be read, not hung in museums.''
+Therefore, readability is more important than aesthetics.
+When it comes to tree drawings, readability means that the structure of
+a tree must be easily recognizable. This criterion is not always met
+by the RT~algorithm. As an example, there are trees whose structure is
+different even though they have the same number
+of nodes on each level. The RT~algorithm might assign identical positions to
+these nodes making it very hard to perceive the structural differences.
+Hence, we have modified the RT~algorithm such that additional white space
+is inserted between subtrees of
+\emph{significant} nodes. Here a binary node
+is called significant if the minimum distance
+between its two subtrees is achieved \emph{below} their root level.
+Setting the amount of additional white space to zero retains the original RT~%
+placement. The effect of having nonzero additional white space between
+the subtrees of significant
+nodes is illustrated in \fig{addspace}.
+Another feature we have added to the RT~algorithms is the possibility to draw
+an unextended binary tree with the same placement of nodes as its
+associated extended version;
+this makes the structure of a tree more prominent; see \fig{extended}.
+We define the \emph{associated extended version}
+of a binary tree to be the binary tree obtained by replacing each empty subtree
+having a nonempty sibling with a subtree consisting of one node.
+\e\il\e\e\i\i\il % the left subtree
+\e\ir\il % the right subtree
+\e\il\il\il % the left subtree
+\e\e\i\e\i\il % the right subtree
+\e\il\e\e\i\node{\type{dot}\lft{$\longrightarrow$}}\il % the left subtree
+\e\ir\il % the right subtree
+\e\il\il\il % the left subtree
+\e\e\i\e\i\il % the right subtree
+\caption{The nodes of the first two trees are placed in the same positions
+by the RT~algorithm, although the structure of the two trees is different.
+The alternative drawings highlight the structural differences
+of the trees by adding additional white space between the subtrees of
+($\longrightarrow$) significant nodes.}
+\caption{As in the previous figure, the nodes of the first two trees
+are placed in the same position by the RT algorithm,
+although their structure is different. The modified
+RT~algorithms highlights the structural differences of the trees by
+drawing them like their identical extended
+version (given in the third row), but suppressing the additional nodes.}
+\section{Trees in a document preparation environment}
+Drawings of trees do not usually appear by themselves,
+but are included in some text
+that is itself typeset by a text processing system. Therefore, a typical
+scenario is a pipe of three stages. First, we have a tree drawing
+program that calculates the positioning of the nodes of the tree to
+be drawn and outputs a description of the tree drawing in
+some graphics language; this is followed by
+a graphics system that transforms this
+description into an intermediate language that can be interpreted by the output
+device; and, finally, we have the
+text processing system that integrates the output of the
+graphics system into the text.
+This scenario loses its linear structure once nodes have to be labeled, since
+the labeling influences the positioning of the nodes. Labels usually occur
+inside, to the left of, to the right of, or beneath nodes (the latter only for
+external nodes). Their widths should certainly be taken into account
+by the tree drawing algorithm. But the labels have to be typeset first
+to determine their extensions,
+preferably by the typesetting program that
+is used for the regular text, because this ensures uniformity in the textual
+parts of the document and provides the author with the full power of a
+text processing system for composing the labels. Hence, a more complex
+communication scheme than a simple pipe is required.
+Although a system of two processes running simultaneously might be the most
+elegant solution, we wanted a system that is easily portable to
+widely different machines at our sites
+including personal computers with single process
+operating systems.
+Therefore, we decided to use a text processing system
+having programming facilities powerful enough to
+program a tree drawing algorithm and graphics facilities powerful enough
+to draw a tree. One text processing system
+rendering outstanding typographic quality and satisfactory programming
+facilities is \TeX, developed by Knuth at Stanford University;
+The \TeX{} system includes the following programming facilities.
+\item[1.] Datatypes:\\
+ integers~(256), dimensions\footnote{The term \emph{dimension} is used
+ in \TeX\ to describe physical measurements of typographical objects;
+ for example, the length of a word.}~(512),
+ boxes~(256), tokenlists~(256), and
+ boolean variables~(unrestricted).
+\item[2.] Elementary statements:\\
+ $a:=\rm const$, $a:=b$ (all types);\\
+ $a:=a+b$, $a:=a*b$, $a:=a/b$ (integers and dimensions); and\\
+ horizontal and vertical nesting of boxes.
+\item[3.] Control constructs:\\
+ if-then-else statements testing relations between integers,
+ dimensions, boxes, or boolean variables.
+\item[4.] Modularization constructs:\\
+ macros with up to 9~parameters (can be viewed as procedures without
+ the concept of local variables).
+Although the programming
+facilities of \TeX{} hardly exceed the abilities of a Turing machine,
+they are sufficient to
+handle small programs. How about the graphics facilities?
+Although \TeX{} has no built-in graphics facilities, it
+allows the placement of characters in arbitrary positions on
+the page. Therefore, complex pictures can be synthesized from elementary
+picture elements treated as characters. Lamport has included such
+a picture drawing environment in his macro package \LaTeX, using
+quarter circles of different sizes and line segments (with and without
+arrow heads) of different slopes as basic elements; see~\cite{LaTeX}.
+These elements are sufficient for drawing trees.
+This survey of \TeX's capabilities implies that \TeX{} may be a suitable
+text processing system to implement a tree drawing algorithm directly.
+We base our algorithm on the RT~algorithm, because this algorithm
+gives, aesthetically, the most pleasing results. In the first version
+presented here, we
+restrict ourselves to unary-binary trees, although our method is
+applicable to arbitrary multiway trees. But to take advantage
+of the text processing environment, we expand the algorithm to allow
+labeled nodes.
+In contrast to previous tree drawing programs, we feel no necessity to
+position the nodes of a tree on a fixed grid. While this may be
+reasonable for a plotter with a coarse resolution, it is certainly not
+necessary for \TeX, a system that is capable of handling
+arbitrary dimensions
+and producing device \emph{independent} output.
+\section{A representation method for \TeX{}trees}
+The first problem to be solved in implementing our tree drawing algorithm
+is how to choose a good internal representation
+for trees. A straightforward adaptation
+of the implementation by Reingold and Tilford requires, for each node,
+at least:
+\item two pointers to the children of the node,
+\item two dimensions for the offset to the left and the right child (these
+ may be different once there are labels of different widths to the
+ left and right of the nodes),
+\item two dimensions for the $x$- and $y$-coordinates of the final
+ position of the nodes,
+\item three or four labels, and
+\item one token to store the geometric shape (circle, square, framed text, etc.)
+ of the node.
+Because these data are used frequently in calculations, they should be
+stored in registers (that's what variables are called in \TeX)
+rather than being recomputed, to obtain
+reasonably fast performance. This gives a total of $10N$ registers for
+a tree with $N$ nodes, which quickly exceeds
+\TeX's limited supply of registers. Therefore, we present a
+modified algorithm hand-tailored to the abilities of \TeX{}.
+We start with the following observation.
+Suppose a unary-binary tree is built bottom-up, using a postorder
+traversal. This can be done by repeating the following three steps in
+an order determined by the tree to be built.
+\item Create a new subtree consisting of one external node.
+\item Create a new subtree by appending the two subtrees last created
+ to a new binary node; see \fig{Construct}.
+\item Create a new subtree by appending the subtree created last as a left,
+ right, or unary subtree of a new node; see \fig{Construct}.
+(A pointer to) each subtree that has been
+created in steps 1--3 is pushed onto a stack, and
+steps 2 and 3 remove two trees or one tree, respectively,
+from the stack before the push
+operation is carried out. The tree to be built is
+the tree remaining on the stack.
+\quad or\quad
+\quad or\quad
+\caption{Construction steps 2 and 3}
+This tree traversal is performed twice in the RT~algorithm.
+During the first pass,
+at each execution of steps 2 or~3, the relative positions of the
+subtree(s) and of the new node are computed.
+A closer examination of the RT~algorithm reveals that information about the
+subtree's coordinates is not needed during this pass; the contour information
+alone is sufficient. Complete information is only needed in the second
+traversal, when the tree is really drawn. This is where we can use
+a special feature of \TeX{} that allows us to save registers.
+Unlike Pascal, \TeX{} has the capability of
+storing a drawing in a single box register that can be positioned freely in
+later drawings. This means that in our implementation the two passes
+of the original RT~algorithm can be woven into a single pass,
+storing the contour and drawing of each subtree on the stack.
+Although the latter is a complex object, it takes only one of
+\TeX's precious registers.
+\section{The internal representation}
+Given a tree, the corresponding \TeX{}tree is a box containing
+the ``drawing'' of the tree, together with some additional
+information about the contour of the tree.
+The reference point of a \TeX{}tree-box is always in the root of the
+tree. The height, depth, and width of the box of a \TeX{}tree are
+of no importance in this context.
+The additional information about the contour of the tree is stored in some
+registers for numbers and dimensions and
+is needed in order to put subtrees together to form a larger tree.
+An array \var{loff} of dimensions contains for each
+level of the tree the horizontal offset between the
+left end of the leftmost node at the current level and the
+left end of the leftmost node at the next level.
+The horizontal offset between the root
+and the leftmost node of the whole tree is hold in \var{lmoff}, and
+the horizontal offset between the root and the leftmost node at
+the bottom level of the tree is hold in \var{lboff}.
+Finally, \var{ltop} holds the distance between the reference point
+of the tree and the leftmost end of the root.
+We use
+\var{roff}, \var{rmoff}, \var{rboff}, and \var{rtop}
+as the corresponding variables for ``left'' replaced by ``right.'' Finally,
+\var{height} holds the height of the tree, and \var{type} holds the
+geometric shape of the root of the tree. \fig{TeXtree} shows an example
+\TeX{}tree, that is a tree drawing and the corresponding additional information.
+ \node{\type{dot}\rightonly\rght{\unskip\vrule height.8pt width5pt depth0pt}}%
+ \i % A
+ -10pt\\10pt\\10pt\\\var{loff}}%
+ 15pt\\5pt\\-10pt\\\var{roff}}%
+height:~3, type:~dot, ltop:~2pt, rtop:~2pt, lmoff:~-10pt, rmoff:~20pt, lboff:~10pt,
+\caption{A \TeX{}tree consists of the drawing of the tree and the additional
+information. The width of the dots is 4pt, the minimal separation between
+adjacent nodes is 16pt, making for a distance of 20pt center to center.
+The length of the small rule labeling
+one of the nodes is 5pt. The column left (right)
+of the tree drawing is the array \var{loff} (\var{roff}),
+describing the left (right) contour of the tree. At each level,
+the dimension given is the horizontal
+offset between the border at the current and
+at the next level. The offset between
+the left border of the root node and the leftmost node at level~1 is -10pt,
+the offset between the right border of the root node and the rightmost node at
+level~1 is 15pt, etc.}
+Given two \TeX{}trees \var{A} and \var{B},
+how can a new \TeX{}tree \var{C} be built that
+consists of a new root and has \var{A} and \var{B} as subtrees?
+An example is given in \fig{AddInfo}.
+First we determine which tree is higher; this is
+\var{B} in the example.
+Then we have to compute the minimal distance
+between the roots of \var{A} and \var{B}, such that at all levels
+of the trees there is free space of at least \var{minsep} between
+the trees when they are drawn side by side.
+For this purpose we keep track of two values, \var{totsep} and
+\var{currsep}. The variables \var{totsep} and \var{currsep}
+hold the total distance between the roots and the distance
+between the rightmost node of \var{A} and the leftmost node
+of \var{B} at the current level. To calculate
+\var{totsep} and \var{currsep}, we start at level 0 and
+visit each level of the trees until we reach the bottommost level
+of the smaller tree; this is \var{A} in our example.
+ \node{\type{dot}\rightonly\rght{\unskip\vrule height.8pt width5pt depth0pt}}%
+ \i % A
+A: \stack{-10pt}{\vd@st}{%
+ -10pt\\10pt\\10pt\\\ \\\var{loff}(\var{A})}%
+ 15pt\\5pt\\-10pt\\\ \\\var{roff}(\var{A})}%
+\e\il\e\i\il\il\ir % B
+B: \stack{-10pt}{\vd@st}{%
+ 10pt\\-10pt\\-10pt\\-10pt\\-10pt\\\ \\\var{loff}(\var{B})}%
+ 10pt\\-10pt\\-10pt\\10pt\\-30pt\\\ \\\var{roff}(\var{B})}%
+ \node{\type{dot}\rightonly\rght{\unskip\vrule height.8pt width5pt depth0pt}}%
+ \i % A
+\e\il\e\i\il\il\ir % B
+\i % C
+C: \stack{-10pt}{\vd@st}{%
+ -20\\-10pt\\%
+ \makebox[0pt][r]{\var{loff}(\var{A})$\smash{\left\{\vrule height\vd@st
+ depth\vd@st width0pt\right.}$ }%
+ 10pt\\10pt\\%
+ \makebox[0pt][r]{$\longrightarrow$ }%
+ 10pt\\%
+ \makebox[0pt][r]{\raisebox{-.5\vd@st}{\var{loff}(\var{B})$\smash
+ {\left\{\vrule height.5\vd@st
+ depth.5\vd@st width0pt\right.}$ }}%
+ \makebox[0pt][r]{-}10pt\\\ \\\var{loff}(\var{C})}%
+ 20pt\\10pt\\-10pt\\-10pt%
+ \makebox[0pt][l]{\raisebox{-.5\vd@st}{
+ $\smash{\left\}\vrule height2.5\vd@st
+ depth2.5\vd@st width0pt\right.}$\var{roff}(\var{B})}}%
+ \\10pt\\-30pt\\\ \\\var{roff}(\var{C})}%
+height&\multic{1}{c|}{3}& \multic{1}{c|}{5}& \multic{1}{c|}{6}\\
+type& \multic{1}{c|}{dot}&\multic{1}{c|}{dot}&\multic{1}{c|}{dot}\\
+ltop& 2pt& 2pt& 2pt\\
+rtop& 2pt& 2pt& 2pt\\
+lmoff& -10pt& -30pt& -30pt\\
+rmoff& 20pt& 10pt& 30pt\\
+lboff& 10pt& -30pt& -10pt\\
+rboff& 10pt& -30pt& -10pt\\
+ \multic{1}{c|}{\var{currsep}}\\
+\caption{The \TeX{}trees \var{A} and~\var{B} are combined to form the
+larger \TeX{}\-tree~\var{C}. The first table gives the additional
+information of the three \TeX{}trees,
+and the second table gives the
+history of the computation for \var{totsep} and \var{currsep}.}
+At level 0, the distance between the roots of \var{A} and \var{B}
+should be at least \var{minsep}. Therefore, we set
+$\var{totsep}:=\var{minsep} + \var{rtop}(\var{A})
++ \var{ltop}(\var{B})$ and $\var{currsep}:=\var{minsep}$.
+Using $\var{roff}(\var{A})$ and $\var{loff}(\var{B})$, we can
+calculate \var{currsep} for the next level.
+If $\var{currsep} < \var{minsep}$, we have to increase \var{totsep} by
+the difference and update \var{currsep}. This process is
+repeated until we reach the lowest level of \var{A}
+at which point \var{totsep} holds the final distance between the
+nodes of \var{A} and \var{B}, as calculated by the RT~algorithm.
+If the root of \var{C} is a significant node, then the additional space,
+which is 0pt by default, is added to \var{totsep}.
+However, the approach of synthesizing
+drawings from simple graphics characters allows only a finite
+number of orientations for the tree edges; therefore, \var{totsep}
+must be increased slightly to fit the next orientation
+Now we are ready to build the box of \TeX{}tree~\var{C}.
+Simply put \var{A} and~\var{B} side by side, with the reference
+points \var{totsep}~units apart, insert a new node
+above them, and connect the parent and children by edges.
+Next, we compute the additional information
+for \var{C}. This can be done by using the additional information
+for \var{A} and~\var{B}.
+Note that most components of $\var{roff}(\var{C})$ and
+$\var{lroff}(\var{C})$ are the same as in the higher tree, which
+is \var{B} in our case.
+So, if we can avoid moving this information around,
+the number of counters we have to access to update the additional information
+for \var{C} is within a small constant of the height of~\var{A}.
+Hence, we can apply the same argument as
+in~\cite{TidierTrees}, which gives
+us a running time of $\O(N)$ for drawing a tree with N nodes.
+We must design the allocation of storage registers for
+the additional information of \TeX{}trees carefully to fulfill the
+following requirement. If a new tree is built from
+two subtrees, the additional information of the new tree
+shares storage with its larger subtree.
+Organizational overhead, that is,
+pointers that keep track of the locations of different parts of additional
+information, must be avoided.
+This means that the additional information
+for one \TeX{}tree should be stored in a sequence
+of consecutive dimension registers
+such that only one pointer for access to the first element
+in this sequence is needed. On the other hand, each parent
+tree is higher and, therefore, needs more storage than its subtrees.
+So we must ensure that there is always enough space in the sequence
+for more information.
+The obvious way to fulfill these requirements is to use a stack and to
+allow only the topmost \TeX{}trees of this stack to be
+combined into a larger tree at any time.
+This leads to the following allocation of registers: A contiguous sequence of
+box registers contains the treeboxes of the subtrees in the stack. A
+contiguous sequence of token registers contains the type information for the
+nodes of the subtrees in the stack. For each subtree in the stack,
+a contiguous sequence of dimension registers contains the contour
+information of the subtree. The ordering of these groups of dimension
+registers reflects the ordering of the subtrees in the
+stack. Finally, a contiguous sequence of counter registers contains
+the height and the address of the first dimension register for
+each subtree in the stack. Four address counters store the addresses
+of the last treebox, type information, height, and address of contour
+information. A sketch of the register organization for a stack of \TeX{}trees
+is provided in \fig{Registers}.
+Dimension registers\\
+\var{lmoff}(1) \var{rmoff}(1) \var{lboff}(1) \var{rboff}(1) \var{ltop}(1)
+ \var{rtop}(1)\\
+\var{loff}($h_1$) \var{roff}($h_1$) \dots\ \var{loff}(1) \var{roff}(1)\\
+\var{lmoff}($n$) \var{rmoff}($n$) \var{lboff}($n$) \var{rboff}($n$)
+ \var{ltop}($n$) \var{rtop}($n$)\\
+\var{loff}($h_n$) \var{roff}($h_n$) \dots\ \var{loff}(1) \var{roff}(1)\\
+Counter registers\\
+\var{lasttreebox} \var{lasttreeheight} \var{lasttreeinfo} \var{lasttreetype}\\
+\var{treeheight}(1) \var{diminfo}(1) \dots\ \var{treeheight}($n$)
+ \var{diminfo}($n$)\\
+Box registers\\
+\var{treebox}(1) \dots\ \var{treebox}($n$)\\
+Token registers\\
+\var{type}(1) \dots\ \var{type}($n$)
+\caption{\var{lasttreebox}, \var{lasttreeheight}, \var{lasttreeinfo},
+\var{lasttreetype} contain pointers to \var{treebox}($n$)
+\var{treeheight}($n$), \var{lmoff}($n$), \var{type}($n$),
+\var{diminfo}($i$) contains a pointer to
+\var{lmoff}($i$). Unused dimension registers are
+allowed between the dimension registers of subsequent trees. The counter
+registers \var{lasttreebox},\ldots,\var{diminfo}($n$) serve as a directory
+mechanism to access the \TeX{}trees on the stack.}
+When a new node is pushed onto the stack, the treebox, type information,
+height, address of contour information, and contour information are
+stored in the next free registers of the appropriate type, and the
+four address counters are updated accordingly.
+When a new tree is formed from the topmost subtrees on the stack,
+the treebox, type information, height, and address of contour information
+of the new tree are sorted in the registers formerly used by the bottommost
+subtree that has occurred in the construction step,
+and the four address registers are
+updated accordingly. This means that this information for the subtrees
+is no longer accessible. The contour information of the new subtree
+is stored in the same registers as the contour information of the larger
+subtree used in the construction, apart from the left and right offset
+of the root to the left and right child, which are stored in the
+following dimension registers. This means that gaps can occur
+between the contour information of subtrees in the
+stack, namely when the right subtree, which is in a higher position in the
+stack, is higher than the left one. To avoid these
+gaps, the user can specify an option \verb.\lefttop. when entering a
+binary node, which makes the topmost tree in the stack the
+left subtree of the node.
+This stack concept also has consequences for the design of the user interface
+that is discussed in Section~\ref{Interface}.
+\section{Space cost analysis}
+Suppose we want to draw a unary-binary tree $T$ of height $h$ having
+$N$ nodes\footnote{The height $h$ and the number of nodes $N$ refer to the
+drawing of the tree. $N$ is the number of circles, squares,~etc., actually
+drawn, and $h$ is the number of levels in the drawing minus 1.}.
+According to our internal representation,
+for each subtree in the stack we need:
+\item one box register to store the box of the \TeX{}tree;
+\item one token register to store the type of the root of the subtree;
+\item $2h^\prime+6$ dimension registers to store the additional
+ information, where $h^\prime$ is the height of the
+ subtree; and
+\item three counter registers to store the register numbers of the
+ box register, the token register, and the first dimension register above.
+Let $T$ be a unary-binary tree of height~$h$ and size~$N$; then:
+\item at any time, there are at most $h+1$ subtrees of $T$ on the
+ stack; and
+\item for each set $\T$ of subtrees of $T$ that are on the stack
+ simultaneously we have
+ $$\sum_{T^\prime\in \T}({\rm ht}(T^\prime)+1) \le N$$
+The lemma implies that our implementation
+uses at most $9h+2N$~registers.
+To compare this with the
+$10N$ registers used in the straightforward implementation,
+an estimation of the average height of a tree with $N$ nodes is
+needed. Several results, depending on the type of trees and of the
+randomization model, are cited in \fig{Stat}, which
+compares the number of registers used in a straightforward
+implementation with the average number of registers used in our
+implementation. This table shows clearly the advantage of our
+&registers&\multicolumn{3}{c|}{average registers}\\
+&forward)&binary trees&trees&search trees\\
+$N$&&($2\sqrt{\pi N}$) \cite{BinaryTrees}&
+ ($\sqrt{3\pi N}$) ~\cite{BinaryTrees}&
+ ($4.311\log N$) \cite{BinarySearchTrees}\\
+\ds10 & \ds100 & 120.89 & 107.37 & 109.34 \\
+\ds20 & \ds200 & 182.68 & 163.56 & 156.23 \\
+\ds30 & \ds300 & 234.75 & 211.33 & 191.96 \\
+\ds40 & \ds400 & 281.78 & 254.75 & 223.12 \\
+\ds50 & \ds500 & 325.60 & 295.37 & 251.78 \\
+\ds60 & \ds600 & 367.13 & 334.02 & 278.86 \\
+\ds70 & \ds700 & 406.93 & 371.17 & 304.84 \\
+\ds80 & \ds800 & 445.36 & 407.13 & 330.02 \\
+\ds90 & \ds900 & 482.67 & 442.12 & 354.59 \\
+100 & 1000 & 519.04 & 476.30 & 378.68 \\
+\caption{The numbers of registers used by a straightforward implementation
+(second column) and by our modified implementation (third to fifth column)
+of the RT~algorithm are
+given for different types of trees and randomization models.
+The formulas in parentheses indicate the average height of the respective
+classes of trees.}
+\section{The user interface}\label{Interface}
+The user interface of \TreeTeX{} has been designed in the spirit of
+the thorough separation of the logical description of document components
+and their layout; see~\cite{DocumentFormatting,GML}. This concept
+ensures both uniformity and flexibility of document layout and frees
+authors from layout problems that have nothing to do with the
+substance of their work. For some powerful implementations and projects
+see \cite{Tables,Karlsruhe,LaTeX,Grif,Scribe}.
+The description of a tree consists of a description of its nodes
+in postorder. Each description of a node, in turn, has to specify
+the outdegree, the geometric shape and the labels of the node.
+Defaults are provided for all specifications,
+thereby allowing the user to omit many definitions
+if the defaults match what he or she wants.
+A separate style command defines layout parameters for tree drawings
+that are valid for all trees of a document.
+Layout parameters include the font to be used for labels, the diameter
+of circle nodes, the vertical distance between two subsequent levels
+of the tree, and the minimal horizontal distance between nodes.
+Standard versions of \TeX{} provide only a limited number of
+font and circle sizes. Hence, the user of the style command must make
+sure that the specified sizes can be realized. This is especially
+cumbersome when everything has to be magnified for later reproduction
+with reduction. But the style variables can be made parametric for
+installations that provide scalable fonts and replace \LaTeX{}'s
+circle- and line-drawing commands with routines that provide arbitrary
+diameters and slopes.
+Three examples of tree descriptions are given in
+A more detailed description of the user interface is
+given in~\cite{Exeter}.
+We hope that, by now, we have convinced the reader of the main advantages
+of \TreeTeX{}: It integrates graphics and text; it is portable to all
+sites running \TeX{};
+and it is easy to use for the author, because it derives the drawing
+of a tree from a purely structural description. But our decision to
+implement \TreeTeX{} as a \TeX{} macro package has also some
+drawbacks, both for the programmer and for the user of the system.
+>From the programmer's point of view, \TeX{}'s macro language is
+a low level programming language. Hence, maintaining and extending
+the package is a more tedious task than it would be if we had used
+a higher level language with better support for modularization.
+>From the author's point of view, \TreeTeX{}'s limitations lie in
+speed, size of trees, and graphical primitives.
+Typesetting all the trees in this article takes about two~minutes on
+a VAX~750, and typesetting a complete binary tree with 63~internal
+and 64~external nodes takes about one~minute on the same machine.
+The size of the trees is limited by three factors, namely,
+the number of registers, the complexity of the nested boxes that
+contain the drawing of a tree, and the limited number of slopes
+that are available for the edges, the latter being the most severe
+problem at present. Hence, the main area of application for
+\TreeTeX{} is modest use such as in textbooks; displaying
+large amounts of statistical data, for example, is out of the question.
+Currently edges and circular nodes are drawn from \LaTeX{}'s set of
+predefined graphical characters. Hence, \TreeTeX{} cannot draw
+arbitrarily wide trees or large circular nodes. We consider
+this restriction, however, to be a temporary one, since a committee inside
+the \TeX{} Users Group is working on standard graphic
+extensions to \TeX{} that will remove these limitations.
+As to further developments of \TreeTeX{}, it would be desirable to
+draw larger classes of trees, for example multiway trees, and to allow
+labels not only for nodes, but also for edges and whole subtrees.
+\caption{This is an example of a tree that includes labels.}
+\caption{This is an example of a tree with framed center labels.}
+\caption{This tree was produced from the same logical description as in
+Figure~\ref{firstex}, but with different style parameters}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/l_pic.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/l_pic.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26e71e5475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/l_pic.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,839 @@
+% All this stuff comes from latex.tex, most of it from the
+% picture environment. No changes!!!
+% It is needed if you want to use TreeTeX together with plain TeX.
+\def\@whiledim#1\do #2{\ifdim #1\relax#2\@iwhiledim{#1\relax#2}\fi}
+\def\@iwhiledim#1{\ifdim #1\let\@nextwhile=\@iwhiledim
+ \else\let\@nextwhile=\@whilenoop\fi\@nextwhile{#1}}
+\def\@ifnextchar#1#2#3{\let\@tempe #1\def\@tempa{#2}\def\@tempb{#3}\futurelet
+ \@tempc\@ifnch}
+\def\@ifnch{\ifx \@tempc \@sptoken \let\@tempd\@xifnch
+ \else \ifx \@tempc \@tempe\let\@tempd\@tempa\else\let\@tempd\@tempb\fi
+ \fi \@tempd}
+% NOTE: the following hacking must precede the definition of \:
+% as math medium space.
+\def\:{\let\@sptoken= } \: % this makes \@sptoken a space token
+\def\:{\@xifnch} \expandafter\def\: {\futurelet\@tempc\@ifnch}
+\def\@ifstar#1#2{\@ifnextchar *{\def\@tempa*{#1}\@tempa}{#2}}
+% ****************************************
+% ****************************************
+% \unitlength = value of dimension argument
+% \@wholewidth = current line width
+% \@halfwidth = half of current line width
+% \@linefnt = font for drawing lines
+% \@circlefnt = font for drawing circles
+% \linethickness{DIM} : Sets the width of horizontal and vertical lines
+% in a picture to DIM. Does not change width of slanted lines
+% or circles. Width of all lines reset by \thinlines and
+% \thicklines
+% \@picht :=L YSIZE * \unitlength
+% box \@picbox :=
+% \hbox to XSIZE * \unitlength
+% {\hskip -XORG * \unitlength
+% \lower YORG * \unitlength
+% \hbox{
+% END
+% \endpicture ==
+% } \hss }
+% heigth of \@picbox := \@picht
+% depth of \@picbox := 0
+% leavevmode
+% \box\@picbox
+% END
+% \put(X, Y){OBJ} ==
+% \@killglue
+% \raise Y * \unitlength \hbox to 0pt { \hskip X * \unitlength
+% OBJ \hss }
+% \ignorespaces
+% END
+% \multiput(X,Y)(DELX,DELY){N}{OBJ} ==
+% \@killglue
+% \@multicnt := N
+% \@xdim := X * \unitlength
+% \@ydim := Y * \unitlength
+% while \@multicnt > 0
+% do \raise \@ydim \hbox to 0pt { \hskip \@xdim
+% OBJ \hss }
+% \@multicnt := \@multicnt - 1
+% \@xdim := \@xdim + DELX * \unitlength
+% \@ydim := \@ydim + DELY * \unitlength
+% od
+% \ignorespaces
+% END
+% \shortstack[POS]{TEXT} : Makes a \vbox containing TEXT stacked as
+% a one-column array, positioned l, r or c as indicated by POS.
+\newdimen\unitlength \unitlength =1pt
+\def\@picture(#1,#2)(#3,#4){\@picht #2\unitlength
+\setbox\@picbox\hbox to #1\unitlength\bgroup
+\hskip -#3\unitlength \lower #4\unitlength \hbox\bgroup}
+\long\def\put(#1,#2)#3{\@killglue\raise#2\unitlength\hbox to \z@{\hskip
+#1\unitlength #3\hss}\ignorespaces}
+\@whilenum \@multicnt > 0\do
+{\raise\@ydim\hbox to \z@{\hskip
+\@xdim #6\hss}\advance\@multicnt \m@ne\advance\@xdim
+#3\unitlength\advance\@ydim #4\unitlength}\ignorespaces}
+\def\@killglue{\unskip\@whiledim \lastskip >\z@\do{\unskip}}
+\def\thinlines{\let\@linefnt\tenln \let\@circlefnt\tencirc
+ \@wholewidth\fontdimen8\tenln \@halfwidth .5\@wholewidth}
+\def\thicklines{\let\@linefnt\tenlnw \let\@circlefnt\tencircw
+ \@wholewidth\fontdimen8\tenlnw \@halfwidth .5\@wholewidth}
+\def\linethickness#1{\@wholewidth #1\relax \@halfwidth .5\@wholewidth}
+\vbox\bgroup\baselineskip-1pt\lineskip 3pt\let\mb@l\hss
+\let\mb@r\hss \expandafter\let\csname mb@#1\endcsname\relax
+\def\@ishortstack#1{\halign{\mb@l ##\unskip\mb@r\cr #1\crcr}\egroup}
+\def\@istackcr[#1]{\cr\noalign{\vskip #1}\ignorespaces}
+% \line(X,Y){LEN} ==
+% \@xarg := X
+% \@yarg := Y
+% \@linelen := LEN * \unitlength
+% if \@xarg = 0
+% then \@vline
+% else if \@yarg = 0
+% then \@hline
+% else \@sline
+% if
+% if
+% END
+% \@sline ==
+% if \@xarg < 0
+% then @negarg := T
+% \@xarg := -\@xarg
+% \@yyarg := -\@yarg
+% else @negarg := F
+% \@yyarg := \@yarg
+% fi
+% \@tempcnta := |\@yyarg|
+% if \@tempcnta > 6
+% then error: 'LATEX ERROR: Illegal \line or \vector argument.'
+% \@tempcnta := 0
+% fi
+% \box\@linechar := \hbox{\@linefnt \@getlinechar(\@xarg,\@yyarg) }
+% if \@yarg > 0 then \@upordown = \raise
+% \@clnht := 0
+% else \@upordown = \lower
+% \@clnht := height of \box\@linechar
+% fi
+% \@clnwd := width of \box\@linechar
+% if @negarg
+% then \hskip - width of \box\@linechar
+% \@tempa == \hskip - 2* width of box \@linechar
+% else \@tempa == \relax
+% fi
+% %% Put out integral number of line segments
+% while \@clnwd < \@linelen
+% do \@upordown \@clnht \copy\@linechar
+% \@tempa
+% \@clnht := \@clnht + ht of \box\@linechar
+% \@clnwd := \@clnwd + width of \box\@linechar
+% od
+% %% Put out last segment
+% \@clnht := \@clnht - height of \box\@linechar
+% \@clnwd := \@clnwd - width of \box\@linechar
+% \@tempdima := \@linelen - \@clnwd
+% \@tempdimb := \@tempdima - width of \box\@linechar
+% if @negarg then \hskip -\@tempdimb
+% else \hskip \@tempdimb
+% fi
+% \@tempdima := 1000 * \@tempdima
+% \@tempcnta := \@tempdima / width of \box\@linechar
+% \@tempdima := (\@tempcnta * ht of \box\@linechar)/1000
+% \@clnht := \@clnht + \@tempdima
+% if \@linelen < width of box\@linechar
+% then \hskip width of box\@linechar
+% else \hbox{\@upordown \@clnht \copy\@linechar}
+% fi
+% END
+% \@hline ==
+% if \@xarg < 0 then \hskip -\@linelen \fi
+% \vrule height \@halfwidth depth \@halfwidth width \@linelen
+% if \@xarg < 0 then \hskip -\@linelen \fi
+% END
+% \@vline == if \@yarg < 0 \@downline else \@upline fi
+% \@getlinechar(X,Y) ==
+% \@tempcnta := 8*X - 9
+% if Y > 0
+% then \@tempcnta := \@tempcnta + Y
+% else \@tempcnta := \@tempcnta - Y + 64
+% fi
+% \char\@tempcnta
+% END
+% \vector(X,Y){LEN} ==
+% \@xarg := X
+% \@yarg := Y
+% \@linelen := LEN * \unitlength
+% if \@xarg = 0
+% then \@vvector
+% else if \@yarg = 0
+% then \@hvector
+% else \@svector
+% if
+% if
+% END
+% \@hvector ==
+% \@hline
+% {\@linefnt if \@xarg < 0 then \@getlarrow(1,0)
+% else \@getrarrow(1,0)
+% fi}
+% END
+% \@vvector == if \@yarg < 0 \@downvector else \@upvector fi
+% \@svector ==
+% \@sline
+% \@tempcnta := |\@yarg|
+% if \@tempcnta < 5
+% then \hskip - width of \box\@linechar
+% \@upordown \@clnht \hbox
+% {\@linefnt
+% if @negarg then \@getlarrow(\@xarg,\@yyarg)
+% else \@getrarrow(\@xarg,\@yyarg)
+% fi }
+% else error: 'LATEX ERROR: Illegal \line or \vector argument.'
+% fi
+% END
+% \@getlarrow(X,Y) ==
+% if Y = 0
+% then \@tempcnta := '33
+% else \@tempcnta := 16 * X - 9
+% \@tempcntb := 2 * Y
+% if \@tempcntb > 0
+% then \@tempcnta := \@tempcnta + \@tempcntb
+% else \@tempcnta := \@tempcnta - \@tempcntb + 64
+% fi
+% fi
+% \char\@tempcnta
+% END
+% \@getrarrow(X,Y) ==
+% \@tempcntb := |Y|
+% case of \@tempcntb
+% 0 : \@tempcnta := '55
+% 1 : if X < 3
+% then \@tempcnta := 24*X - 6
+% else if X = 3
+% then \@tempcnta := 49
+% else \@tempcnta := 58 fi
+% fi
+% 2 : if X < 3
+% then \@tempcnta := 24*X - 3
+% else \@tempcnta := 51 % X must = 3
+% fi
+% 3 : \@tempcnta := 16*X - 2
+% 4 : \@tempcnta := 16*X + 7
+% endcase
+% if Y < 0
+% then \@tempcnta := \@tempcnta + 64
+% fi
+% \char\@tempcnta
+% END
+\def\line(#1,#2)#3{\@xarg #1\relax \@yarg #2\relax
+\ifnum\@xarg =0 \@vline
+ \else \ifnum\@yarg =0 \@hline \else \@sline\fi
+\def\@sline{\ifnum\@xarg< 0 \@negargtrue \@xarg -\@xarg \@yyarg -\@yarg
+ \else \@negargfalse \@yyarg \@yarg \fi
+\ifnum \@yyarg >0 \@tempcnta\@yyarg \else \@tempcnta -\@yyarg \fi
+\ifnum\@tempcnta>6 \@badlinearg\@tempcnta0 \fi
+\ifnum \@yarg >0 \let\@upordown\raise \@clnht\z@
+ \else\let\@upordown\lower \@clnht \ht\@linechar\fi
+\if@negarg \hskip -\wd\@linechar \def\@tempa{\hskip -2\wd\@linechar}\else
+ \let\@tempa\relax \fi
+\@whiledim \@clnwd <\@linelen \do
+ {\@upordown\@clnht\copy\@linechar
+ \@tempa
+ \advance\@clnht \ht\@linechar
+ \advance\@clnwd \wd\@linechar}%
+\advance\@clnht -\ht\@linechar
+\advance\@clnwd -\wd\@linechar
+\@tempdima\@linelen\advance\@tempdima -\@clnwd
+\@tempdimb\@tempdima\advance\@tempdimb -\wd\@linechar
+\if@negarg \hskip -\@tempdimb \else \hskip \@tempdimb \fi
+\multiply\@tempdima \@m
+\@tempcnta \@tempdima \@tempdima \wd\@linechar \divide\@tempcnta \@tempdima
+\@tempdima \ht\@linechar \multiply\@tempdima \@tempcnta
+\divide\@tempdima \@m
+\advance\@clnht \@tempdima
+\ifdim \@linelen <\wd\@linechar
+ \hskip \wd\@linechar
+ \else\@upordown\@clnht\copy\@linechar\fi}
+\def\@hline{\ifnum \@xarg <0 \hskip -\@linelen \fi
+\vrule \@height \@halfwidth \@depth \@halfwidth \@width \@linelen
+\ifnum \@xarg <0 \hskip -\@linelen \fi}
+\def\@getlinechar(#1,#2){\@tempcnta#1\relax\multiply\@tempcnta 8
+\advance\@tempcnta -9 \ifnum #2>0 \advance\@tempcnta #2\relax\else
+\advance\@tempcnta -#2\relax\advance\@tempcnta 64 \fi
+\def\vector(#1,#2)#3{\@xarg #1\relax \@yarg #2\relax
+\ifnum\@xarg =0 \@vvector
+ \else \ifnum\@yarg =0 \@hvector \else \@svector\fi
+\def\@hvector{\@hline\hbox to 0pt{\@linefnt
+\ifnum \@xarg <0 \@getlarrow(1,0)\hss\else
+ \hss\@getrarrow(1,0)\fi}}
+\def\@vvector{\ifnum \@yarg <0 \@downvector \else \@upvector \fi}
+\@tempcnta\@yarg \ifnum\@tempcnta <0 \@tempcnta=-\@tempcnta\fi
+\ifnum\@tempcnta <5
+ \hskip -\wd\@linechar
+ \@upordown\@clnht \hbox{\@linefnt \if@negarg
+ \@getlarrow(\@xarg,\@yyarg) \else \@getrarrow(\@xarg,\@yyarg) \fi}%
+\def\@getlarrow(#1,#2){\ifnum #2 =\z@ \@tempcnta='33\else
+\@tempcnta=#1\relax\multiply\@tempcnta \sixt@@n \advance\@tempcnta
+-9 \@tempcntb=#2\relax\multiply\@tempcntb \tw@
+\ifnum \@tempcntb >0 \advance\@tempcnta \@tempcntb\relax
+\else\advance\@tempcnta -\@tempcntb\advance\@tempcnta 64
+\ifnum\@tempcntb < 0 \@tempcntb=-\@tempcntb\relax\fi
+\ifcase \@tempcntb\relax \@tempcnta='55 \or
+\ifnum #1<3 \@tempcnta=#1\relax\multiply\@tempcnta
+24 \advance\@tempcnta -6 \else \ifnum #1=3 \@tempcnta=49
+\else\@tempcnta=58 \fi\fi\or
+\ifnum #1<3 \@tempcnta=#1\relax\multiply\@tempcnta
+24 \advance\@tempcnta -3 \else \@tempcnta=51\fi\or
+\sixt@@n \advance\@tempcnta -\tw@ \else
+\sixt@@n \advance\@tempcnta 7 \fi\ifnum #2<0 \advance\@tempcnta 64 \fi
+\def\@vline{\ifnum \@yarg <0 \@downline \else \@upline\fi}
+\def\@upline{\hbox to \z@{\hskip -\@halfwidth \vrule \@width \@wholewidth
+ \@height \@linelen \@depth \z@\hss}}
+\def\@downline{\hbox to \z@{\hskip -\@halfwidth \vrule \@width \@wholewidth
+ \@height \z@ \@depth \@linelen \hss}}
+ \@linelen \hbox to\z@{\lower \ht\@tempboxa\box\@tempboxa\hss}}
+\def\@downvector{\@downline\lower \@linelen
+ \hbox to \z@{\@linefnt\char'77\hss}}
+% \dashbox{D}(X,Y) ==
+% leave vertical mode
+% \hbox to 0pt {
+% \baselineskip := 0pt
+% \lineskip := 0pt
+% \@dashdim := X * \unitlength
+% \@dashcnt := \@dashdim + 200 % to prevent roundoff error
+% \@dashdim := D * \unitlength
+% \@dashcnt := \@dashcnt / \@dashdim
+% if \@dashcnt is odd
+% then \@dashdim := 0pt
+% \@dashcnt := (\@dashcnt + 1) / 2
+% else \@dashdim := \@dashdim / 2
+% \@dashcnt := \@dashcnt / 2 - 1
+% \box\@dashbox := \hbox{\vrule height \@halfwidth
+% depth \@halfwidth width \@dashdim}
+% \put(0,0){\copy\@dashbox}
+% \put(0,Y){\copy\@dashbox}
+% \put(X,0){\hskip -\@dashdim\copy\@dashbox}
+% \put(X,Y){\hskip -\@dashdim\box\@dashbox}
+% \@dashdim := 3 * \@dashdim
+% fi
+% \box\@dashbox := \hbox{\vrule height \@halfwidth
+% depth \@halfwidth width D * \unitlength
+% \hskip D * \unitlength}
+% \@tempcnta := 0
+% \put(0,0){\hskip \@dashdim
+% while \@tempcnta < \@dascnt
+% do \copy\@dashbox
+% \@tempcnta := \@tempcnta + 1
+% od
+% }
+% \@tempcnta := 0
+% put(0,Y){\hskip \@dashdim
+% while \@tempcnta < \@dascnt
+% do \copy\@dashbox
+% \@tempcnta := \@tempcnta + 1
+% od
+% }
+% %% vertical dashes
+% \@dashdim := Y * \unitlength
+% \@dashcnt := \@dashdim + 200 % to prevent roundoff error
+% \@dashdim := D * \unitlength
+% \@dashcnt := \@dashcnt / \@dashdim
+% if \@dashcnt is odd
+% then \@dashdim := 0pt
+% \@dashcnt := (\@dashcnt + 1) / 2
+% else \@dashdim := \@dashdim / 2
+% \@dashcnt := \@dashcnt / 2 - 1
+% \box\@dashbox := \hbox{\hskip -\@halfwidth
+% \vrule width \@wholewidth
+% height \@dashdim }
+% \put(0,0){\copy\@dashbox}
+% \put(X,0){\copy\@dashbox}
+% \put(0,Y){\lower\@dashdim\copy\@dashbox}
+% \put(X,Y){\lower\@dashdim\copy\@dashbox}
+% \@dashdim := 3 * \@dashdim
+% fi
+% \box\@dashbox := \hbox{\vrule width \@wholewidth
+% height D * \unitlength }
+% \@tempcnta := 0
+% put(0,0){\hskip -\halfwidth
+% \vbox{while \@tempcnta < \@dashcnt
+% do \vskip D*\unitlength
+% \copy\@dashbox
+% \@tempcnta := \@tempcnta + 1
+% od
+% \vskip \@dashdim
+% } }
+% \@tempcnta := 0
+% put(X,0){\hskip -\halfwidth
+% \vbox{while \@tempcnta < \@dashcnt
+% do \vskip D*\unitlength
+% \copy\@dashbox
+% \@tempcnta := \@tempcnta + 1
+% od
+% \vskip \@dashdim
+% }
+% }
+% \@imakepicbox(X,Y)
+% END
+\def\dashbox#1(#2,#3){\leavevmode\hbox to \z@{\baselineskip \z@%
+\lineskip \z@%
+\@dashcnt=\@dashdim \advance\@dashcnt 200
+\@dashdim=#1\unitlength\divide\@dashcnt \@dashdim
+\advance\@dashcnt \@ne \divide\@dashcnt \tw@
+\else \divide\@dashdim \tw@ \divide\@dashcnt \tw@
+\advance\@dashcnt \m@ne
+\setbox\@dashbox=\hbox{\vrule \@height \@halfwidth \@depth \@halfwidth
+\@width \@dashdim}\put(0,0){\copy\@dashbox}%
+\multiply\@dashdim 3
+\setbox\@dashbox=\hbox{\vrule \@height \@halfwidth \@depth \@halfwidth
+\@width #1\unitlength\hskip #1\unitlength}\@tempcnta=0
+\put(0,0){\hskip\@dashdim \@whilenum \@tempcnta <\@dashcnt
+\do{\copy\@dashbox\advance\@tempcnta \@ne }}\@tempcnta=0
+\put(0,#3){\hskip\@dashdim \@whilenum \@tempcnta <\@dashcnt
+\do{\copy\@dashbox\advance\@tempcnta \@ne }}%
+\@dashcnt=\@dashdim \advance\@dashcnt 200
+\@dashdim=#1\unitlength\divide\@dashcnt \@dashdim
+\ifodd\@dashcnt \@dashdim=\z@%
+\advance\@dashcnt \@ne \divide\@dashcnt \tw@
+\divide\@dashdim \tw@ \divide\@dashcnt \tw@
+\advance\@dashcnt \m@ne
+\setbox\@dashbox\hbox{\hskip -\@halfwidth
+\vrule \@width \@wholewidth
+\@height \@dashdim}\put(0,0){\copy\@dashbox}%
+\multiply\@dashdim 3
+\setbox\@dashbox\hbox{\vrule \@width \@wholewidth
+\@height #1\unitlength}\@tempcnta0
+\put(0,0){\hskip -\@halfwidth \vbox{\@whilenum \@tempcnta < \@dashcnt
+\do{\vskip #1\unitlength\copy\@dashbox\advance\@tempcnta \@ne }%
+\put(#2,0){\hskip -\@halfwidth \vbox{\@whilenum \@tempcnta< \@dashcnt
+\relax\do{\vskip #1\unitlength\copy\@dashbox\advance\@tempcnta \@ne }%
+% \circle{D} : Produces the circle with the diameter as close as
+% possible to D * \unitlength. \put(X,Y){\circle{D}}
+% puts the circle with its center at (X,Y).
+% \oval(X,Y) : Makes an oval as round as possible that fits in the
+% rectangle of width X * \unitlength and height
+% Y * \unitlength. The reference point is the center.
+% \oval(X,Y)[POS] : Save as \oval(X,Y) except it draws only the
+% half or quadrant of the oval indicated by POS.
+% E.G., \oval(X,Y)[t] draws just the top half
+% and \oval(X,Y)[br] draws just the bottom right
+% quadrant. In all cases, the reference point is
+% the same as the unqualified \oval(X,Y) command.
+% \@ovvert {DELTA1} {DELTA2} : Makes a vbox containing either the left side
+% or the right side of the oval being constructed. The baseline
+% will coincide with the outside bottom edge of the oval; the left
+% side of the box will coincide with the left edge of the vertical
+% rule. The width of the box will be \@tempdima.
+% DELTA1 and DELTA2 are added to the character number in \@tempcnta
+% to get the characters for the top and bottom quarter circle pieces.
+% \@ovhorz : Makes an hbox containing the straight rule for either the
+% top or the bottom of the oval being constructed. The baseline
+% will coincide with bottom edge of the rule; the left side of
+% the box will coincide with the left side of the oval.
+% The width of the box will be \@ovxx.
+% \@getcirc {DIAM} : Sets \@tempcnta to the character number
+% of the top-right quarter circle with the largest
+% diameter less than or equal to DIAM.
+% Sets \@tempboxa to an hbox containing that character.
+% Sets \@tempdima to \wd \@tempboxa, which is the distance
+% from the circle's left outside edge to its right
+% inside edge.
+% (These characters are like those described in the
+% TeXbook, pp. 389-90.)
+% \@getcirc {DIAM} ==
+% \@tempcnta := integer coercion of DIAM
+% \@tempcnta := \@tempcnta / integer coercion of 4pt
+% if \@tempcnta > 10
+% then \@tempcnta := 10 fi
+% if \@tempcnta > 0
+% then \@tempcnta := \@tempcnta-1
+% else LaTeX Warning: Oval too small.
+% fi
+% \@tempcnta := 4 * \@tempcnta
+% \@tempboxa := \hbox{\@circlefnt \char \@tempcnta}
+% \@tempdima := \wd \@tempboxa
+% END
+% \@put{X}{Y}{OBJ} ==
+% \raise Y \hbox to 0pt{\hskip X OBJ \hss}
+% END
+% \@oval(X,Y)[POS] ==
+% \begingroup
+% \boxmaxdepth := \maxdimen
+% @ovt := @ovb := @ovl := @ovr := true
+% for all E in POS
+% do @ovE := false od
+% \@ovxx := X * \unitlength
+% \@ovyy := Y * \unitlength
+% \@tempdimb := min(\@ovxx,\@ovyy)
+% \@getcirc{\@tempdimb}
+% \@ovro := \ht \@tempboxa
+% \@ovri := \dp \@tempboxa
+% \@ovdx := \@ovxx - \@tempdima
+% \@ovdx := \@ovdx/2
+% \@ovdy := \@ovyy - \@tempdima
+% \@ovdy := \@ovyy/2
+% \@circlefnt
+% \@tempboxa :=
+% \hbox{
+% if @ovr
+% then \@ovvert{3}{2} \kern -\@tempdima
+% fi
+% if @ovl
+% then \kern \@ovxx \@ovvert{0}{1} \kern -\@tempdima
+% \kern -\@ovxx
+% fi
+% if @ovt
+% then \@ovhorz \kern -\@ovxx
+% fi
+% if @ovb
+% then \raise \@ovyy \@ovhorz
+% fi
+% }
+% \@ovdx := \@ovdx + \@ovro
+% \@ovdy := \@ovdy + \@ovro
+% \ht\@tempboxa := \dp\@tempboxa := 0
+% \@put{-\@ovdx}{-\@ovdy}{\box\@tempboxa}
+% \endgroup
+% END
+% \@ovvert {DELTA1} {DELTA2} ==
+% \vbox to \@ovyy {
+% if @ovb
+% then \@tempcntb := \@tempcnta + DELTA1
+% \kern -\@ovro
+% \hbox { \char \@tempcntb }
+% \nointerlineskip
+% else \kern \@ovri \kern \@ovdy
+% fi
+% \leaders \vrule width \@wholewidth \vfil
+% \nointerlineskip
+% if @ovt
+% then \@tempcntb := \@tempcnta + DELTA2
+% \hbox { \char \@tempcntb }
+% else \kern \@ovdy \kern \@ovro
+% fi
+% }
+% END
+% \@ovhorz ==
+% \hbox to \@ovxx{
+% \kern \@ovro
+% if @ovr
+% then
+% else \kern \@ovdx
+% fi
+% \leaders \hrule height \@wholewidth \hfil
+% if @ovl
+% then
+% else \kern \@ovdx
+% fi
+% \kern \@ovri
+% }
+% END
+% \circle{DIAM} ==
+% \begingroup
+% \boxmaxdepth := maxdimen
+% \@tempdimb := DIAM *\unitlength
+% if \@tempdimb > 15.5pt
+% then \@getcirc{\@tempdimb}
+% \@ovro := \ht \@tempboxa
+% \@tempboxa := \hbox{
+% \@circlefnt
+% \@tempcnta := \@tempcnta + 2
+% \char \@tempcnta
+% \@tempcnta := \@tempcnta - 1
+% \char \@tempcnta
+% \kern -2\@tempdima
+% \@tempcnta := \@tempcnta + 2
+% \raise \@tempdima \hbox { \char \@tempcnta }
+% \raise \@tempdima \box\@tempboxa
+% }
+% \ht\@tempboxa := \dp\@tempboxa := 0
+% \@put{-\@ovro}{-\@ovro}{\@tempboxa}
+% else
+% \@circ{\@tempdimb}{96}
+% fi
+% \endgroup
+% END
+% \circle*{DIAM} == \@dot{DIAM} == \@circ{DIAM*\unitlength}{112}
+% \@circ{DIAM}{CHAR} ==
+% \@tempcnta := integer coercion of (DIAM + .5pt)/1pt.
+% if \@tempcnta > 15 then \@tempcnta := 15 fi
+% if \@tempcnta > 1 then \@tempcnta := \@tempcnta - 1 fi
+% \@tempcnta := \@tempcnta + CHAR
+% \@circlefnt
+% \char \@tempcnta
+% END
+\def\@getcirc#1{\@tempdima #1\relax \@tempcnta\@tempdima
+ \@tempdima 4pt\relax \divide\@tempcnta\@tempdima
+ \ifnum \@tempcnta > 10\relax \@tempcnta 10\relax\fi
+ \ifnum \@tempcnta >\z@ \advance\@tempcnta\m@ne
+ \else \@warning{Oval too small}\fi
+ \multiply\@tempcnta 4\relax
+ \setbox \@tempboxa \hbox{\@circlefnt
+ \char \@tempcnta}\@tempdima \wd \@tempboxa}
+\def\@put#1#2#3{\raise #2\hbox to \z@{\hskip #1#3\hss}}
+\def\@oval(#1,#2)[#3]{\begingroup\boxmaxdepth \maxdimen
+ \@ovttrue \@ovbtrue \@ovltrue \@ovrtrue
+ \@tfor\@tempa :=#3\do{\csname @ov\@tempa false\endcsname}\@ovxx
+ #1\unitlength \@ovyy #2\unitlength
+ \@tempdimb \ifdim \@ovyy >\@ovxx \@ovxx\else \@ovyy \fi
+ \@getcirc \@tempdimb
+ \@ovro \ht\@tempboxa \@ovri \dp\@tempboxa
+ \@ovdx\@ovxx \advance\@ovdx -\@tempdima \divide\@ovdx \tw@
+ \@ovdy\@ovyy \advance\@ovdy -\@tempdima \divide\@ovdy \tw@
+ \@circlefnt \setbox\@tempboxa
+ \hbox{\if@ovr \@ovvert32\kern -\@tempdima \fi
+ \if@ovl \kern \@ovxx \@ovvert01\kern -\@tempdima \kern -\@ovxx \fi
+ \if@ovt \@ovhorz \kern -\@ovxx \fi
+ \if@ovb \raise \@ovyy \@ovhorz \fi}\advance\@ovdx\@ovro
+ \advance\@ovdy\@ovro \ht\@tempboxa\z@ \dp\@tempboxa\z@
+ \@put{-\@ovdx}{-\@ovdy}{\box\@tempboxa}%
+ \endgroup}
+\def\@ovvert#1#2{\vbox to \@ovyy{%
+ \if@ovb \@tempcntb \@tempcnta \advance \@tempcntb by #1\relax
+ \kern -\@ovro \hbox{\char \@tempcntb}\nointerlineskip
+ \else \kern \@ovri \kern \@ovdy \fi
+ \leaders\vrule width \@wholewidth\vfil \nointerlineskip
+ \if@ovt \@tempcntb \@tempcnta \advance \@tempcntb by #2\relax
+ \hbox{\char \@tempcntb}%
+ \else \kern \@ovdy \kern \@ovro \fi}}
+\def\@ovhorz{\hbox to \@ovxx{\kern \@ovro
+ \if@ovr \else \kern \@ovdx \fi
+ \leaders \hrule height \@wholewidth \hfil
+ \if@ovl \else \kern \@ovdx \fi
+ \kern \@ovri}}
+\def\@circle#1{\begingroup \boxmaxdepth \maxdimen \@tempdimb #1\unitlength
+ \ifdim \@tempdimb >15.5pt\relax \@getcirc\@tempdimb
+ \@ovro\ht\@tempboxa
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\@circlefnt
+ \advance\@tempcnta\tw@ \char \@tempcnta
+ \advance\@tempcnta\m@ne \char \@tempcnta \kern -2\@tempdima
+ \advance\@tempcnta\tw@
+ \raise \@tempdima \hbox{\char\@tempcnta}\raise \@tempdima
+ \box\@tempboxa}\ht\@tempboxa\z@ \dp\@tempboxa\z@
+ \@put{-\@ovro}{-\@ovro}{\box\@tempboxa}%
+ \else \@circ\@tempdimb{96}\fi\endgroup}
+\def\@dot#1{\@tempdimb #1\unitlength \@circ\@tempdimb{112}}
+\def\@circ#1#2{\@tempdima #1\relax \advance\@tempdima .5pt\relax
+ \@tempcnta\@tempdima \@tempdima 1pt\relax
+ \divide\@tempcnta\@tempdima
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta > 15\relax \@tempcnta 15\relax \fi
+ \ifnum \@tempcnta >\z@ \advance\@tempcnta\m@ne\fi
+ \advance\@tempcnta #2\relax
+ \@circlefnt \char\@tempcnta}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/readme b/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/readme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..575afc2fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/readme
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+TreeTeX is a public domain macro package for drawing
+trees with TeX. It may be freely distributed, provided
+that the following files are kept together:
+ README epodd.bbl epodd.tex tree_doc.bbl tree_doc.tex
+ classes.tex l_pic.tex treetex.tex
+Copyright is with Anne Brueggemann-Klein and Derick Wood.
+All remarks, bug reports etc. should be directed to
+ Dr. Anne Brueggemann-Klein
+ Institut fuer Informatik
+ Rheinstr. 10--12
+ 7800 Freiburg, West Germany
+ email:
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/tree_doc.bbl b/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/tree_doc.bbl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88c540ee0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/tree_doc.bbl
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+R.~J. Beach.
+\newblock {\it Setting Tables and Illustrations with Style}.
+\newblock PhD thesis, University of Waterloo, 1985.
+A. Br{\"u}ggemann-Klein, P. Dolland, and A. Heinz.
+\newblock How to please authors and publishers: a versatile document
+ preparation system at {K}arlsruhe.
+\newblock In J. D\'esarm\'enien, editor, {\it {\TeX{}} for Scientific
+ Documentation}, Strasbourg, France, June 1986.
+\newblock LNCS~236.
+A. Br{\"u}ggemann-Klein and D. Wood.
+\newblock {\it Tree{\TeX}: Documentation and User Handbook}.
+\newblock Technical Report, University of Waterloo, 1987.
+N.G. de~Bruijn, D. Knuth, and S.O. Rice.
+\newblock The average height of planted plane trees.
+\newblock In R.C. Read, editor, {\it Graph Theory and Computing}, 1972.
+L. Devroye.
+\newblock A note on the height of binary search trees.
+\newblock {\it Journal of the ACM}, 33(3), July 1986.
+Ph. Flajolet and A. Odlyzko.
+\newblock The average height of binary trees and other simple trees.
+\newblock {\it Journal of Computer and System Sciences}, 25, 1982.
+R. Furuta, J. Scofield, and A. Shaw.
+\newblock Document formatting systems: surveys, concepts, issues.
+\newblock {\it Computing Surveys}, 14(3), 1982.
+Ch.~F. Goldfarb.
+\newblock A generalized approach to document markup.
+\newblock {\it SIGPLAN Notices of the ACM}, June 1981.
+D.~E. Knuth.
+\newblock {\it Fundamental Algorithms}.
+\newblock Volume~1 of {\it The Art of Computer Programming}, Addison-Wesley,
+ Reading, Massachusetts, 1973.
+D.~E. Knuth.
+\newblock {\it The {\TeX{}}book}.
+\newblock Volume~A of {\it Computers \& Typesetting}, Addison-Wesley, Reading,
+ Massachusetts, 1986.
+L. Lamport.
+\newblock {\it {\LaTeX}, User's Guide \& Reference Manual}.
+\newblock Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1986.
+Th. Ottmann, H.-W. Six.
+\newblock Eine neue Klasse ausgeglichener Bin\"arb\"aume.
+\newblock {\it Angewandte Informatik}, 9, 1976.
+V. Quint, I. Vatton, and H. Bedor.
+\newblock Grif: an interactive environment for {\TeX{}}.
+\newblock In J. D\'esarm\'enien, editor, {\it {\TeX{}} for Scientific
+ Documentation}, Strasbourg, France, June 1986.
+\newblock LNCS~236.
+B.~K. Reid.
+\newblock {\it Scribe: A Document Specification Language and its Compiler}.
+\newblock PhD thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, 1980.
+E.~M. Reingold and J.~S. Tilford.
+\newblock Tidier drawings of tree.
+\newblock {\it IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, 7(2), March 1981.
+K.~J. Supowit and E.~M. Reingold.
+\newblock The complexity of drawing trees nicely.
+\newblock {\it Acta Informatica}, 18, 1983.
+Ch. Wetherell and A. Shannon.
+\newblock Tidy drawings of trees.
+\newblock {\it IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, 5(5), September
+ 1979.
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/tree_doc.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/tree_doc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8746ff12f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/tree_doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1331 @@
+% This is tree_doc.tex, the documentation for the treetex macro package
+% as it will appear in the conference proceedings of the third European
+% TeX meeting in Exeter, England, 1988.
+\advance\voffset by -2cm
+\def\addcontentsline#1#2#3{\relax}% Some captions are too long for some
+ % TeX installations (buffer size too small)
+\newenvironment{lemma}{\begingroup\samepage\begin{lemmma}\ }{\end{lemmma}%
+ \endgroup}
+\newenvironment{proof}{\begin{prooof}\rm\ \nopagebreak}{\end{prooof}}
+\renewcommand{\theprooof}{} % makes shure that prooof doesn't get numbers
+ {\vspace{1\baselineskip}\end{figure}}
+\newlength{\figspace} % space between figures in a single
+\setlength{\figspace}{30pt} % Figure environment
+\newcommand{\var}[1]{{\it #1\/}} % use it for names of variables
+\newcommand{\emph}[1]{{\em #1\/}} % use it for emphazided text
+ % (This notion sticks to the
+ % applicative style of markup.)
+\renewcommand{\O}{{\rm O}} % O-notation, also for math mode
+\newcommand{\T}{{\cal T}} % the set T in math mode
+\input TreeTeX
+ \vtop{\settowidth{\hsize}{#1}%
+ \setlength{\leftskip}{0pt plus 1fill}%
+ \setlength{\baselineskip}{#2}#3}}
+\newlength{\hd} % hidden digit
+\newcommand{\ds}{\hspace{\hd}} % digit space
+\hyphenation{post-or-der sym-bol Karls-ruhe bool-ean}
+\title{Drawing Trees Nicely with \TeX\thanks{This work was supported by
+ a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
+ Grant~A-5692 and a Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grant~Sto167/1-1.
+ It was started during the first author's stay with
+ the Data Structuring Group in Waterloo.}}
+\author{Anne Br\"uggemann-Klein\thanks{Institut f\"ur Informatik,
+ Universit\"at Freiburg, Rheinstr.~10--12, 7800~Freiburg,
+ West~Germany}\ \and Derick Wood\thanks{Data
+ Structuring Group, Department of Computer Science, University of
+ Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L~3G1, Canada}}
+Various algorithms have been proposed for the difficult problem of
+producing aesthetically pleasing drawings of trees, see~%
+\cite{TidierTrees,TidyTrees} but
+implementations only exist as ``special purpose software'',
+designed for special environments. Therefore,
+many users resort to the
+drawing facilities available on most personal computers, but the
+figures obtained in this way still look ``hand-drawn''; their quality is
+inferior to the quality of the surrounding text that can be realized by
+today's high quality text processing systems.
+In this paper we present an entirely new solution that
+integrates a tree drawing algorithm into one of the best text
+processing systems available. More precisely, we present a \TeX{} macro package
+\TreeTeX{} that produces a drawing of a tree from a purely logical
+description. Our approach has three advantages. First, labels
+for nodes can be handled in a reasonable way. On the one hand, the tree
+drawing algorithm can compute the widths of the labels and take
+them into account for the positioning of the nodes; on the other hand,
+all the textual parts of the document can be treated uniformly. Second,
+\TreeTeX{} can be trivially ported to any site running \TeX{}. Finally,
+modularity in the description of a tree and \TeX{}'s macro capabilities
+allow for libraries of subtrees and tree classes.
+In addition, we have implemented an option that produces
+drawings which make the
+\emph{structure} of the trees more obvious to the human eye,
+even though they may not be as aesthetically pleasing.
+\section{Aesthetical criteria for drawing trees}
+One of the most commonly used data structures in computer science is the tree.
+As many people are using trees in their research or just as illustration
+tools, they are usually struggling with the problem of
+\emph{drawing} trees. We are concerned primarily with ordered
+trees in the sense of~\cite{ACP}, especially binary and unary-binary
+trees. A binary tree is a finite set of nodes which either
+is empty, or consists of a root and two disjoint binary trees called
+the left and right subtrees of the root. A unary-binary tree is
+a finite set of nodes which either is empty, or consists of a root and
+two disjoint unary-binary trees, or consists of a root and one
+nonempty unary-binary tree. An extended binary tree is a binary tree
+in which each node has either two nonempty subtrees or two
+empty subtrees.
+For these trees there
+are some basic agreements on how they should be drawn, reflecting
+the top-down and left-right ordering of nodes in a tree;
+see \cite{TidierTrees} and \cite{TidyTrees}.
+\item[1.] Trees impose a distance on the nodes; no node
+ should be closer to the root than any of its
+ ancestors.
+\item[2.] Nodes of a tree at the same height should lie on a straight
+ line, and the straight lines defining the levels should be
+ parallel.
+\item[3.] The relative order of nodes on any level should be the same
+ as in the level order traversal of the tree.
+These axioms guarantee that trees are drawn as planar graphs: edges do
+not intersect except at nodes. Two further axioms improve the aesthetical
+appearance of trees:
+\item[4.] In a unary-binary tree, each left child should be positioned
+ to the left of its parent, each
+ right child to the right of its parent, and each unary child
+ should be positioned below its parent.
+\item[5.] A parent should be centered over its children.
+An additional axiom deals with the problem of tree drawings becoming too wide
+and therefore exceeding the physical limit of the output medium:
+\item[6.] Tree drawings should occupy as little width as possible without
+ violating the other axioms.
+In \cite{TidyTrees}, Wetherell and Shannon introduce two algorithms for
+tree drawings, the first of which fulfills axioms~1--5, and the second
+1--6. However, as Reingold and Tilford in \cite{TidierTrees}
+point out, there is a lack of symmetry in the algorithms of
+Wetherell and Shannon which may lead to unpleasant results.
+Therefore, Reingold and Tilford introduce a new structured
+\item[7.] A subtree of a given tree should be
+ drawn the same way regardless of where it occurs in the given tree.
+Axiom~7 allows the same tree to be drawn differently when it occurs as
+a subtree in different trees.
+Reingold and Tilford give an algorithm which fulfills axioms~1--5
+and~7. Although
+this algorithm doesn't fulfill axiom~6,
+the aesthetical improvements are well worth the additional space.
+\fig{algorithms} illustrates the benefits of axiom~7, and \fig{narrowtrees}
+shows that the algorithm of Reingold and Tilford violates axiom~6.
+\caption{The left tree is drawn by the algorithm of Wetherell and Shannon,
+and the tidier right one is drawn by the algorithm of Reingold and Tilford.}
+\caption{The left tree is drawn by the algorithm of Reingold and Tildford, but
+the right tree shows that narrower drawings fulfilling all aesthetic axioms
+are possible.}
+\section{The algorithm of Reingold and Tilford}
+The algorithm of Reingold and Tilford (hereafter called ``the RT~algorithm'')
+takes a modular approach to the
+positioning of nodes: The relative positions of the nodes in a subtree
+are calculated independently from the rest of the tree. After the
+relative positions of two subtrees have been calculated, they can be
+joined as siblings in a larger tree by placing them as close
+together as possible and centering the parent node above them.
+Incidentally, the modularity principle is the reason that the
+algorithm fails to fulfill axiom~6; see~\cite{Complexity}.
+Two sibling subtrees are placed as close together as possible,
+during a postorder traversal, as follows. At each node \var{T},
+imagine that its two subtrees have been drawn and cut out of paper along
+their contours. Then, starting with the two subtrees superimposed at their
+roots, move them apart until a minimal agreed upon distance
+between the trees is obtained at each level. This can be done gradually:
+Initially, their roots are separated by some agreed upon minimum
+distance. Then, at the next lower level,
+they are pushed
+apart until the minimum separation is established there.
+This process is continued at successively lower levels until the
+bottom of the shorter subtree is reached. At some levels no movement may be
+necessary; but at no level are the two subtrees moved closer
+together. When the process is complete, the position of the
+subtrees is fixed relative to their parent, which is centered over them.
+Assured that the subtrees will never be placed closer together,
+the postorder traversal is continued.
+A nontrivial implementation of
+this algorithm has been obtained by Reingold and Tilford that runs
+in time $\O(N)$, where $N$ is the number of
+nodes of the tree to be drawn.
+Their crucial idea is to keep track of the contour of the subtrees
+by special pointers, called threads, such that whenever
+two subtrees are joined, only the
+top part of the trees down to the lowest level of the
+smaller tree need to be taken into account.
+The RT algorithm is given in \cite{TidierTrees}.
+The nodes are positioned on a fixed grid and are
+considered to have zero width. No labelling is provided. The algorithm only
+draws binary trees, but is easily extendable to multiway trees.
+\section{Improving human perception of trees}
+It is common understanding in book design that aesthetics and readability
+don't necessarily coincide, and---as Lamport (\cite{LaTeX}) puts it---%
+books are meant to be read, not to be hung on walls. Therefore, readability is
+more important than aesthetics.
+When it comes to tree drawings, readability means that the structure of
+a tree must be easily recognizable. This criterion is not always met
+by the RT~algorithm. As an example, there are trees whose structure is very
+different, the only common thing being the fact that they have the same number
+of nodes at each level. The RT~algorithm might assign identical positions to
+these nodes making it very hard to perceive the different structures.
+Hence, we have modified the RT~algorithm such that additional white space
+is inserted between subtrees of
+\emph{significant} nodes. Here a binary node
+is called significant if the minimum distance
+between its two subtrees is taken \emph{below} their root level.
+Setting the amount of additional white space to zero retains the original RT~%
+placement. The effect of having nonzero additional white space between
+the subtrees of significant
+nodes is illustrated in \fig{addspace} .
+Another feature we have added to the RT~algorithms is the possibility to draw
+an unextended binary tree with the same placement of nodes as its
+associated extended version. We define the \emph{associated extended version}
+of a binary tree to be the binary tree obtained by replacing each empty subtree
+having a nonempty sibling with a subtree consisting of one node. This feature
+also makes the structure of a tree more prominent; see \fig{extended}.
+\e\il\e\e\i\i\il % the left subtree
+\e\ir\il % the right subtree
+\e\il\il\il % the left subtree
+\e\e\i\e\i\il % the right subtree
+\e\il\e\e\i\node{\type{dot}\lft{$\longrightarrow$}}\il % the left subtree
+\e\ir\il % the right subtree
+\e\il\il\il % the left subtree
+\e\e\i\e\i\il % the right subtree
+\caption{The first two trees get the same placement of their nodes
+by the RT~algorithm, although the structure of the two trees is very different.
+The alternative drawings highlight the structure of the trees by adding
+additional white space between the subtrees of
+($\longrightarrow$) significant nodes.}
+\caption{In the first two drawings, the RT~algorithm assigns the same placement
+to the nodes of two trees although their structure is very different. The modified
+RT~algorithms highlights the structure of the trees by optionally
+drawing them like their extended
+counterpart, which is given in the second row.}
+\section{Trees in a document preparation environment}
+Drawings of trees usually don't come alone, but are included in some text
+which is itself typeset by a text processing system. Therefore, a typical
+scenario is a pipe of three stages. First comes the tree drawing
+program which calculates the positioning of the nodes of the tree to
+be drawn and outputs a description of the tree drawing in
+some graphics language; next comes a graphics system which transforms this
+description into an intermediate language which can be interpreted by the output
+device; and finally comes the
+text processing system which integrates the output of the
+graphics system into the text.
+This scenario loses its linear structure once nodes have to be labelled, since
+the labelling influences the positioning of the nodes. Labels usually occur
+inside, to the left of, to the right of, or beneath nodes (the latter only for
+external nodes), and their extensions certainly should be taken into account
+by the tree drawing algorithm. But the labels have to be typeset first
+in order to determine their extensions,
+preferably by the typesetting program that
+is used for the regular text, because this method makes for the uniformity in the textual
+parts of the document and provides the author with the full power of the
+text processing system for composing the labels. Hence, a more complex
+communication scheme than a simple pipe is required.
+Although a system of two processes running simultaneously might be the most
+elegant solution, we wanted a system that is easily portable to
+a large range of hardware at our sites
+including personal computers with single process
+operating systems.
+Therefore, we thought of using a text processing system
+having programming facilities powerful enough to program a tree drawing algorithm
+and graphics facilities powerful enough
+to draw a tree. One text processing system
+rendering outstanding typographic quality and good enough programming
+facilities is \TeX, developed by Knuth at Stanford University;
+The \TeX{} system includes the following programming facilities:
+\item[1.] datatypes:\\
+ integers~(256), dimensions\footnote{The term \emph{dimension} is used
+ in \TeX\ to describe physical measurements of typographical objects,
+ like the length of a word.}~(512), boxes~(256), tokenlists~(256), boolean
+ variables~(unrestricted)
+\item[2.] elementary statements:\\
+ $a:=\rm const$, $a:=b$ (all types);\\
+ $a:=a+b$, $a:=a*b$, $a:=a/b$ (integers and dimensions);\\
+ horizontal and vertical nesting of boxes
+\item[3.] control constructs:\\
+ if-then-else statements testing relations between integers,
+ dimensions, boxes, or boolean variables
+\item[4.] modularization constructs:\\
+ macros with up to 9~parameters (can be viewed as procedures without
+ the concept of local variables).
+Although the programming
+facilities of \TeX{} hardly exceed the abilities of a Turing machine,
+they are sufficient to
+handle relatively small programs. How about the graphics facilities?
+Although \TeX{} has no built-in graphics facilities, it
+allows the placement of characters in arbitrary positions on
+the page. Therefore, complex pictures can be synthesized from elementary
+picture elements treated as characters. Lamport has included such
+a picture drawing environment in his macro package \LaTeX, using
+quarter circles of different sizes and line segments (with and without
+arrow heads) of different slopes as basic elements; see~\cite{LaTeX}.
+These elements are sufficient for drawing trees.
+This survey of \TeX's capabilities implies that \TeX{} may be a suitable
+text processing system to implement a tree drawing algorithm directly.
+We are basing our algorithm on the RT~algorithm, because this algorithm
+gives the aesthetically most pleasing results. In the first version
+presented here, we
+restrict ourselves to unary-binary trees, although our method is
+applicable to arbitrary multiway trees. But in order to take advantage
+of the text processing environment, we expand the algorithm to allow
+labelled nodes.
+In contrast to previous tree drawing programs, we feel no necessity to
+position the nodes of a tree on a fixed grid. While this may be
+reasonable for a plotter with a coarse resolution, it is certainly not
+necessary for \TeX, a system that is capable of handling
+arbitrary dimensions
+and produces device \emph{independent} output.
+\section{A representation method for \TeX{}trees}
+The first problem to be solved in implementing our tree drawing algorithm
+is how to choose a good internal representation
+for trees. A straightforward adaptation
+of the implementation by Reingold and Tilford requires, for each node,
+at least the following fields:
+\item two pointers to the children of the node
+\item two dimensions for the offset to the left and the right child (these
+ may be different once there are labels of different widths to the
+ left and right of the nodes)
+\item two dimensions for the $x$- and $y$-coordinates of the final
+ position of the nodes
+\item three or four labels
+\item one token to store the geometric shape (circle, square, framed text etc.)
+ of the node.
+Because these data are used very frequently in calculations, they should be
+stored in registers (that's what variables are called in \TeX),
+rather than being recomputed, in order to obtain
+reasonably fast performance. This gives a total of $10N$ registers for
+a tree with $N$ nodes, which would exceed
+\TeX's limited supply of registers. Therefore, we present a
+modified algorithm hand-tailored to the abilities of \TeX{}.
+We start with the following observation.
+Suppose a unary-binary tree is constructed bottom-up, in a postorder
+traversal. This is done by iterating the following three steps in
+an order determined by the tree to be constructed.
+\item Create a new subtree consisting of one external node.
+\item Create a new subtree by appending the two subtrees created last
+ to a new binary node; see \fig{Construct}.
+\item Create a new subtree by appending the subtree created last as a left,
+ right, or unary subtree of a new node; see \fig{Construct}.
+(A pointer to) each subtree that has been
+created in steps 1--3 is pushed onto a stack, and
+steps 2 and 3 remove two trees or one, respectively,
+from the stack before the push
+operation is carried out. Finally, the tree to be constructed will
+be the remaining tree on the
+\quad or\quad
+\quad or\quad
+\caption{Construction steps 2 and 3}
+This tree traversal is performed twice in the RT~algorithm.
+During the first pass,
+at each execution of step 2 or step 3, the relative positions of the
+subtree(s) and of the new node are computed.
+A closer examination of the RT~algorithm reveals that information about the
+subtree's coordinates is not needed during this pass; the contour information
+alone would be sufficient. Complete information is only needed in the second
+traversal, when the tree is actually drawn. Here a special feature of
+\TeX{} comes in that allows us to save registers.
+Unlike Pascal, \TeX{} provides the capability of
+storing a drawing in a single box register that can be positioned freely in
+later drawings. This means that in our implementation the two passes
+of the original RT~algorithm can be intertwined into a single pass,
+storing for each subtree on the stack its contour and its drawing.
+Although the latter is a complex object, it takes only one of
+\TeX's precious registers.
+\section{The internal representation}
+Given a tree, the corresponding \TeX{}tree is a box containing
+the ``drawing'' of the tree, together with some additional
+information about the contour of the tree.
+The reference point of a \TeX{}tree-box is always in the root of the
+tree. The height, depth, and width of the box of a \TeX{}tree are
+of no importance in this context.
+The additional information about the contour of the tree is stored in some
+registers for numbers and dimensions and
+is needed in order to put subtrees together to form a larger tree.
+\var{loff} is an array of dimensions which contains for each
+level of the tree the horizontal offset between the
+left end of the
+leftmost node at the current level and the
+left end of the leftmost node at
+the next level.
+\var{lmoff} holds the horizontal offset between the root
+and the leftmost node of the whole tree. \var{lboff} holds the
+horizontal offset between the root and the leftmost node at
+the bottom level of the tree.
+Finally, \var{ltop} holds the distance between the reference point
+of the tree and the leftmost end of the root.
+The same is true for
+\var{roff}, \var{rmoff}, \var{rboff}, and \var{rtop}; just replace
+``left'' by ``right''. Finally,
+\var{height} holds the height of the tree, and \var{type} holds the
+geometric shape of the root of the tree. \fig{TeXtree} shows an example \TeX{}tree,
+i.e. a tree drawing and the corresponding additional information.
+ \node{\type{dot}\rightonly\rght{\unskip\vrule height.8pt width5pt depth0pt}}%
+ \i % A
+ -10pt\\10pt\\10pt\\\var{loff}}%
+ 15pt\\5pt\\-10pt\\\var{roff}}%
+height:~3, type:~dot, ltop:~2pt, rtop:~2pt, lmoff:~-10pt, rmoff:~20pt, lboff:~10pt,
+\caption{A \TeX{}tree consists of the drawing of the tree and the
+additional information. The width of the dots is 4pt, the minimal separation between
+adjacent nodes is 16pt, making for a distance of 20pt center to center.
+The length of the small rule labelling one of the nodes is 5pt. The column left (right)
+of the tree drawing is the array \var{loff} (\var{roff}),
+describing the left (right) contour of the tree. At each level,
+the dimension given is the horizontal
+offset between the border at the current and at the next level. The offset between
+the left border of the root node and the leftmost node at level~1 is -10pt,
+the offset between the right border of the root node and the rightmost node at
+level~1 is 15pt, etc.}
+Given two \TeX{}trees \var{A} and \var{B},
+how can a new \TeX{}tree \var{C} be built that
+consists of a new root and has \var{A} and \var{B} as subtrees?
+An example is given in \fig{AddInfo}.
+ \node{\type{dot}\rightonly\rght{\unskip\vrule height.8pt width5pt depth0pt}}%
+ \i % A
+A: \stack{-10pt}{\vd@st}{%
+ -10pt\\10pt\\10pt\\\ \\\var{loff}(\var{A})}%
+ 15pt\\5pt\\-10pt\\\ \\\var{roff}(\var{A})}%
+\e\il\e\i\il\il\ir % B
+B: \stack{-10pt}{\vd@st}{%
+ 10pt\\-10pt\\-10pt\\-10pt\\-10pt\\\ \\\var{loff}(\var{B})}%
+ 10pt\\-10pt\\-10pt\\10pt\\-30pt\\\ \\\var{roff}(\var{B})}%
+ \node{\type{dot}\rightonly\rght{\unskip\vrule height.8pt width5pt depth0pt}}%
+ \i % A
+\e\il\e\i\il\il\ir % B
+\i % C
+C: \stack{-10pt}{\vd@st}{%
+ -20\\-10pt\\%
+ \makebox[0pt][r]{\var{loff}(\var{A})$\smash{\left\{\vrule height\vd@st
+ depth\vd@st width0pt\right.}$ }%
+ 10pt\\10pt\\%
+ \makebox[0pt][r]{$\longrightarrow$ }%
+ 10pt\\%
+ \makebox[0pt][r]{\raisebox{-.5\vd@st}{\var{loff}(\var{B})$\smash
+ {\left\{\vrule height.5\vd@st
+ depth.5\vd@st width0pt\right.}$ }}%
+ \makebox[0pt][r]{-}10pt\\\ \\\var{loff}(\var{C})}%
+ 20pt\\10pt\\-10pt\\-10pt%
+ \makebox[0pt][l]{\raisebox{-.5\vd@st}{
+ $\smash{\left\}\vrule height2.5\vd@st
+ depth2.5\vd@st width0pt\right.}$\var{roff}(\var{B})}}%
+ \\10pt\\-30pt\\\ \\\var{roff}(\var{C})}%
+height&\multic{1}{c|}{3}& \multic{1}{c|}{5}& \multic{1}{c|}{6}\\
+type& \multic{1}{c|}{dot}&\multic{1}{c|}{dot}&\multic{1}{c|}{dot}\\
+ltop& 2pt& 2pt& 2pt\\
+rtop& 2pt& 2pt& 2pt\\
+lmoff& -10pt& -30pt& -30pt\\
+rmoff& 20pt& 10pt& 30pt\\
+lboff& 10pt& -30pt& -10pt\\
+rboff& 10pt& -30pt& -10pt\\
+ \multic{1}{c|}{\var{currsep}}\\
+\caption{The \TeX{}trees \var{A} and~\var{B} are combined to form the
+larger \TeX{}\-tree~\var{C}. The small table gives the
+history of computation for \var{totsep} and \var{currsep}.}
+First we determine which tree is higher; this is
+\var{B} in the example.
+Then we have to compute the minimal distance
+between the roots of \var{A} and \var{B}, such that at all levels
+of the trees there is free space of at least \var{minsep} between
+the trees when they are drawn side by side.
+For this purpose we keep track of two values, \var{totsep} and
+\var{currsep}. The variables \var{totsep} and \var{currsep}
+hold the total distance between the roots and the distance
+between the rightmost node of \var{A} and the leftmost node
+of \var{B} at the current level. In order to calculate
+\var{totsep} and \var{currsep}, we start at level 0 and
+visit each level of the trees until we reach the bottom level
+of the smaller tree; this is \var{A} in our example.
+At level 0, the distance between the roots of \var{A} and \var{B}
+should be at least \var{minsep}. Therefore, we set
+$\var{totsep}:=\var{minsep} + \var{rtop}(\var{A})
++ \var{ltop}(\var{B})$ and $\var{currsep}:=\var{minsep}$.
+Using $\var{roff}(\var{A})$ and $\var{loff}(\var{B})$, we can
+proceed to calculate \var{currsep} for the next level.
+If $\var{currsep} < \var{minsep}$, we have to increase \var{totsep} by
+the difference and update \var{currsep}. This process is
+iterated until we reach the lowest level of \var{A}.
+Then \var{totsep} holds the final distance between the
+nodes of \var{A} and \var{B}, as calculated by the RT~algorithm.
+If the root of \var{C} is a significant node, then the additional space ,
+which is 0pt by default, is added to \var{totsep}.
+However, the approach of synthesizing
+drawings from simple graphics characters allows only a finite
+number of orientations for the tree edges; therefore, \var{totsep}
+must be increased slightly to fit the next orientation
+Now we are ready to construct the box of \TeX{}tree~\var{C}.
+Simply put \var{A} and~\var{B} side by side, with the reference
+points \var{totsep}~units apart, insert a new node
+above them, and connect the parent and children by edges.
+Next, we update the additional information
+for \var{C}. This can be done by using the additional information
+for \var{A} and~\var{B}.
+Note that most components of $\var{roff}(\var{C})$ and
+$\var{lroff}(\var{C})$ are the same as in the higher tree, which
+is \var{B} in our case.
+So, if we can avoid moving this information around, we only have
+to access $\var{height}(\var{A}) + \var{const}$ many counters in
+order to update the additional information for \var{C}.
+This implies that we can apply the same argument as
+in~\cite{TidierTrees}, which gives
+us a running time of $\O(N)$ for drawing a tree with N nodes.
+Therefore, we must carefully design the storage allocation for
+the additional information of \TeX{}trees in order to fulfill the
+following requirements:
+If a new tree is built from
+two subtrees, the additional information of the new tree should
+share storage with its larger subtree.
+Organizational overhead, that is,
+pointers which keep track of the locations of different parts of additional
+information, must be avoided.
+This means that all the additional information
+for one \TeX{}tree should be stored in a row of consecutive dimension registers
+such that only one pointer granting access to the first element
+in this row is needed.
+On the other hand, each parent
+tree is higher and therefore needs more storage than its subtrees.
+So we must ensure that there is always enough space in the row
+for more information.
+The obvious way to fulfill these requirements is to use a stack and to
+allow only the topmost \TeX{}trees of this stack to be
+combined into a larger tree at any time.
+This leads to the following register allocation: A subsequent number of
+box registers contains the treeboxes of the subtrees in the stack. A
+subsequent number of token registers contains the type information for the
+nodes of the subtrees in the stack. For each subtree in the stack,
+a subsequent number of dimension registers contains the contour
+information of the subtree. The ordering of these groups of dimension
+registers reflects the ordering of the subtrees in the
+stack. Finally, a subsequent number of counter registers contains
+the height and the address of the first dimension register for
+each subtree in the stack. Four address counters store the addresses
+of the last treebox, type information, height, and address of contour
+information. A sketch of the register organization for a stack of \TeX{}trees
+is provided in \fig{Registers}.
+Dimension registers\\
+\var{lmoff}(1) \var{rmoff}(1) \var{lboff}(1) \var{rboff}(1) \var{ltop}(1)
+ \var{rtop}(1)\\
+\var{loff}($h_1$) \var{roff}($h_1$) \dots\ \var{loff}(1) \var{roff}(1)\\
+\var{lmoff}($n$) \var{rmoff}($n$) \var{lboff}($n$) \var{rboff}($n$)
+ \var{ltop}($n$) \var{rtop}($n$)\\
+\var{loff}($h_n$) \var{roff}($h_n$) \dots\ \var{loff}(1) \var{roff}(1)\\
+\ \\
+Counter registers\\
+\var{lasttreebox} \var{lasttreeheight} \var{lasttreeinfo} \var{lasttreetype}\\
+\var{treeheight}(1) \var{diminfo}(1) \dots\ \var{treeheight}($n$)
+ \var{diminfo}($n$)\\
+\ \\
+Box registers\\
+\var{treebox}(1) \dots\ \var{treebox}($n$)\\
+\ \\
+Token registers\\
+\var{type}(1) \dots\ \var{type}($n$)
+\caption{\var{lasttreebox}, \var{lasttreeheight}, \var{lasttreeinfo},
+\var{lasttreetype} contain pointers to \var{treebox}($n$)
+\var{treeheight}($n$), \var{lmoff}($n$), \var{type}($n$),
+\var{diminfo}($i$) contains a pointer to
+\var{lmoff}($i$). Unused dimension registers are
+allowed between the dimension registers of subsequent trees. The counter
+registers \var{lasttreebox},\ldots,\var{diminfo}($n$) serve as a directory
+mechanism to access the \TeX{}trees on the stack.}
+When a new node is pushed onto the stack, the treebox, type information,
+height, address of contour information, and contour information are
+stored in the next free registers of the appropriate type, and the
+four address counters are updated accordingly.
+When a new tree is formed from the topmost subtrees on the stack,
+the treebox, type information, height, and address of contour information
+of the new tree are sorted in the registers formerly used by the bottommost
+subtree that has occured in the construction step, and the four address registers are
+updated accordingly. This means that these informations for the subtrees
+are no longer accessible. The contour information of the new subtree
+is stored in the same registers as the contour information of the larger
+subtree used in the construction, apart from the left and right offset
+of the root to the left and right child, which are stored in the
+following dimension registers. That means that gaps can occur
+between the contour information of subsequent subtrees in the
+stack, namely when the right subtree, which is on a higher position on the
+stack, is higher than the left one. In order to avoid these
+gaps, the user can specify an option \verb.\lefttop. when entering a
+binary node, which makes the topmost tree in the stack the
+left subtree of the node.
+This stack concept also has consequences for the design of the user interface
+that is discussed in Section~\ref{Interface}.
+\section{Space cost analysis}
+Suppose we want to draw a unary-binary tree $T$ of height $h$ having
+$N$ nodes\footnote{The height $h$ and the number of nodes $N$ refer to the
+drawing of the tree. $N$ is the number of circles, squares etc.~actually
+drawn, and $h$ is the number of levels in the drawing minus 1.}.
+According to our internal representation,
+for each subtree in the stack we need
+\item one box register to store the box of the \TeX{}tree.
+\item one token register to store the type of the root of the subtree.
+\item $2h^\prime+6$ dimension registers to store the additional
+ information, where $h^\prime$ is the height of the
+ subtree.
+\item three counter registers to store the register numbers of the
+ box register, the token register, and the first dimension register above.
+The following lemma relates to $h$ and $N$ the number
+of subtrees of $T$ which are on the
+stack simultaneously and their heights.
+\item At any time, there are at most $h+1$ subtrees of $T$ on the
+ stack.
+\item For each set $\T$ of subtrees of $T$ which are on the stack
+ simultaneously we have
+ $$\sum_{T^\prime\in \T}({\rm ht}(T^\prime)+1)
+ \le\min(N,{(h+1)(h+2)\over2}).$$
+\item By induction on $h$.\label{stackdepth}
+\item The trees in $\T$ are pairwise disjoint, and each tree of
+ height $h^\prime$ has at least $h^\prime+1$ nodes. This implies
+ $$\sum_{T^\prime\in \T}({\rm ht}(T^\prime)+1)
+ \le N.$$
+ The second part is shown by induction on $h$.
+ The basis $h=0$ is clear.
+ Assume the assumption holds for all trees of height less than
+ $h$. If $\T$
+ contains only subtrees of either the left or the right subtree
+ of $T$, we have
+ $$\sum_{T^\prime\in \T}({\rm ht}(T^\prime)+1)\le
+ {h(h+1)\over2}\le{(h+1)(h+2)\over2}.$$
+ Otherwise, $\T$ contains the left or the right subtree $T_s$ of
+ $T$. Then all elements of $\T-\{T_s\}$ belong to the other
+ subtree. This implies
+ \begin{eqnarray*}
+ \sum_{T^\prime\in \T}({\rm ht}(T^\prime)+1)&\le&
+ {\rm ht}(T_s)+1
+ +\sum_{T^\prime\in \T-\{T_s\}}({\rm ht}(T^\prime)+1)\\
+ &\le& h+{h(h+1)\over2}\le{(h+1)(h+2)\over2}.\proofend
+ \end{eqnarray*}
+Therefore, our implementation uses at most $9h+2\min(N,(h+1)(h+2)/2)$
+registers. In order to compare this with the
+$10N$ registers used in the straightforward implementation,
+an estimation of the average height of a tree with $N$ nodes is
+needed. Several results, depending on the type of trees and of the
+randomization model, are cited in \fig{Stat}, which
+compares the number of registers used in a straightforward
+implementation with the average number of registers used in our
+implementation. This table shows clearly the advantage of our
+&registers&\multicolumn{3}{c|}{average registers}\\
+&forward)&binary trees&trees&
+ search trees\\
+&&($\sqrt{\pi n}$) \cite{AverageHeight}&
+ ($\sqrt{3\pi n}$) ~\cite{BinaryTrees}&
+ ($4.311\log n$) \cite{BinarySearchTrees}\\
+\ds8& \ds80& \ds61.12& \ds94.15& \ds51.04\\
+\ds9& \ds90& \ds65.86& 100.89& \ds55.02\\
+ 10& 100& \ds70.44& 107.37& \ds58.80\\
+ 11& 110& \ds74.91& 113.64& \ds62.41\\
+ 12& 120& \ds79.26& 119.71& \ds65.87\\
+ 20& 200& 111.34& 163.56& \ds90.48\\
+ 30& 300& 147.37& 211.33& 117.31\\
+ 40& 400& 180.89& 254.75& 132.58\\
+ 50& 500& 212.80& 295.37& 143.54\\
+\caption{The numbers of registers used by a straightforward implementation
+(second column) and by our modified implementation (third to fifth column)
+of the RT~algorithm are
+given for different types of trees and randomization models.
+The formula in parentheses indicates the average height of the respective class
+of trees, as depending on the number of nodes.}
+\section{The user interface}\label{Interface}
+\subsection{General design considerations}
+The user interface of \TreeTeX{} has been designed in the spirit of
+the thorough separation of the logical description of document components
+and their layout; see~\cite{DocumentFormatting,GML}. This concept
+ensures both uniformity and flexibility of document layout and frees
+authors from layout problems which have nothing to do with the
+substance of their work. For some powerful implementations and projects
+see \cite{Tables,Karlsruhe,LaTeX,Grif,Scribe}.
+In this context, the description of a tree is given in a purely
+logical form, and layout variations are defined by a separate style
+command which is valid for all trees of a document.
+A second design principle is to provide defaults for all specifications,
+thereby allowing the user to omit many definitions
+if the defaults match what he or she wants.
+The node descriptions of a tree must be entered in postorder.
+This fits the internal representation
+of \TeX{}trees best. Although this is a natural method of describing a
+tree, a user might prefer more flexible description methods.
+However, note that instances of well defined tree classes can be described
+easily by \TeX{} macros. In section~\ref{ExampleClasses}. we give examples of macros
+for complete binary trees and Fibonacci trees.
+\TreeTeX{} uses the picture making macros of \LaTeX. If \TreeTeX{} is used with
+any other macro package or format, the picture macros of
+\LaTeX{} are included automatically.
+\subsection{The description of a tree}
+The description of a tree is started by the command \verb.\beginTree.
+and closed by \verb.\endTree. (or \verb.\begin{Tree}. and
+\verb.\end{Tree}. in \LaTeX). The description can be
+started in any mode; it defines a box and two dimensions. The
+box is stored in the box register \verb.\TeXTree. and contains the
+drawing of the tree. The box has zero height and width, and its depth
+is the height of the drawing. The reference point is in the
+center of the node of the tree. The dimensions are stored in the
+registers \verb.\leftdist. and \verb.\rightdist. and describe
+the distance between the reference point and the left and
+right margin of the drawing. These data can be used to position the
+drawing of the tree.
+Note that the \TreeTeX{} macros don't contribute anything to the current
+page but only store their results in the registers
+\verb.\TeXTree., \verb.\leftdist., and \verb.\rightdist.. It is the
+user's job to put the drawing onto the page, using the
+commands \verb.\copy. or \verb.\box. (or \verb.\usebox. in \LaTeX).
+Each matching pair of \verb.\beginTree. and \verb.\endTree. must
+contain the description for only \emph{one} tree.
+Descriptions of trees cannot be nested and
+new registers cannot be allocated inside
+a matching pair of \verb.\beginTree. and \verb.\endTree..
+As already stated, each tree description defines the nodes of the tree in
+postorder, that is, a tree description is a particular sequence of node
+A node description, in turn, consists of the macro \verb.\node.,
+followed by a list of node options, included in braces. The list
+of node options may be empty. The node options describe the labels,
+the geometric shape (type), and the outdegree of the node. Default values are
+provided for all options which are not explicitly specified.
+The following node options are available:
+\item[1.] \verb.\lft{<label>}., \verb.\rght{<label>}.,
+ \verb.\cntr{<label>}.,\\\verb.\bnth{<label>}.:\\
+ These options describe the labels which are put to the left of, to the
+ right of, in the
+ center of, or beneath the node (the latter only makes sense for
+ external nodes). The arguments of these macros are processed in
+ internal horizontal mode (LR-mode in \LaTeX), but can consist of
+ arbitrary nested boxes for more sophisticated labels. For each of
+ these options, the default is an empty label.
+\item[2.] \verb.\external., \verb.\unary.,
+ \verb.\leftonly., \verb.\rightonly.:\\
+ These options describe the outdegree
+ of the node.
+ The default is binary (no outdegree option is specified).
+\item[3.] \verb.\type{<type>}.:\\
+ This option describes the type or geometric shape of the node.
+ \verb.<type>. can have the values \verb.square.,
+ \, \verb.text., or \verb.frame..
+ The default value is \ (no type is specified). A node of type
+ \verb.square. has a fixed width, while a node of type \verb.frame. has its
+ width determined by the center label. A node of type \verb.text. has no frame
+ around its center label. The center label can have arbitrary width.
+\item[3.] \verb.\leftthick., \verb.\rightthick.:
+ These options change the thickness of the left or right outgoing edge of
+ a binary node. Defaults are thin edges (neither option is specified).
+\item[4.] \verb.\lefttop.:\\
+ The node option \verb.\lefttop. in a binary node makes the
+ last entered subtree the left child of the node (the right child is the
+ default). This option helps to cut down on the number of dimension registers
+ used during the construction of a tree. As a rule of thumb,
+ this option is recommended when the left subtree has a smaller
+ height than the right subtree, that is,
+ in this case the right subtree should
+ be entered before the left one and their parent should be assigned the option
+ \verb.\lefttop..
+\subsection{Macros for classes of trees}
+Tree descriptions can be produced by macros. This is especially useful
+for trees which belong to a larger class of trees and which can be specified
+by some simple parameters. A small library of such
+macros is provided in the file \verb!TreeClasses.tex!.
+\item[1.] \verb.\treesymbol{<node options>}.:\\
+ This macro produces a triangular tree symbol which can be included in
+ a tree description instead of an external node. Labels for these
+ tree symbols are described as for ordinary nodes. In addition, the
+ options \verb.\lvls{<number>}. and \verb.\slnt{<number>}.
+ are provided. \verb.\lvls. defines the number of levels in the
+ tree over which the triangle extends, and \verb.\slnt. gives
+ the slant of the sides of the triangle, ranging from 1~(minimal)
+ to 24~(maximal). On the other hand,
+ \verb.\treesymbol. does not expand to a tree description, because
+ a tree symbol cannot be built from subtrees, and, on the other hand,
+ it is not a node, because it is allowed to extend over several tree
+ levels and therefore has a longer contour than an ordinary node.
+\item[2.] \verb.\binary{<bin specification>}.:\\
+ This macro truly expands to a tree description. It produces
+ a complete binary tree, that is, an extended binary tree,
+ where, for a given $h$, all external nodes appear at level $h$
+ or $h-1$, and all external nodes at level $h$ lie left of those at
+ level $h-1$. \verb.<bin specification>. consists of the
+ following options:
+ \verb.\no{<number>}. defines the number of internal nodes,
+ with \verb.<number>. greater than 0, and
+ \verb.\squareleaves. produces leaves of type
+ \verb.square.. Defaults are \verb.\no{1}. and
+ leaves of type \
+\item[3.] \verb.fibonacci{<fib specification>}.:\\
+ This macro produces a Fibonacci tree.
+ \verb.<fib specification>. allows for the three options
+ \verb.\hght{<number>}., \verb.\unarynodes.,
+ and \verb.\squareleaves..
+ Normally, a Fibonacci tree of height $h+2$ is a binary tree
+ with Fibonacci trees of height $h$ and $h+1$ as left and
+ right subtrees. The option \verb.\unarynodes. means that the
+ Fibonacci tree is augmented by unary nodes such that each
+ two subtree siblings have the same height. These are examples
+ of what has been called brother-trees in the literature;
+ see~\cite{Brother}. Defaults are
+ \verb.\hght{0}., the unaugmented version of a Fibonacci tree,
+ and external nodes of type \
+\subsection{Style options for trees}
+The \TreeTeX{} package includes a style command
+\verb.\Treestyle{<style option>}., where \verb.<style option>.
+contains all the parameter settings the user might want
+to change.
+Normally, the command \verb.\Treestyle. appears only once at the beginning
+of the document and the style options are valid for all trees of the
+The changes in the style options are global. A \verb.\Treestyle. command
+changes only the specified style options; non-specified options retain
+the last specified value or the default value, respectively. The following
+style options are available:
+\item[1.] \verb.\treefonts{<font options>}.:\\
+ \sloppy
+ \verb.\treefonts. is invoked by \verb.\beginTree., and it simply executes
+ whatever is specified in \verb.<font options>.. Defaults are
+ \verb.\treefonts{\tenrm}. (or \verb.\treefonts{\normalsize\rm}. in
+ \LaTeX).
+\item[2.] \verb.\nodesize{<size>}.:\\
+ \verb.\nodesize. defines the size of the nodes. \verb.<size>. is a
+ dimension and specifies the diameter of circle nodes. The
+ width of square nodes is adjusted accordingly to be slightly
+ smaller than the diameter of circle nodes in order to
+ balance their appearance. Furthermore,
+ \verb.\nodesize. adjusts the amount of space by which the
+ baseline of the labels is placed beneath the center of the node.
+ The default value of \verb.\nodesize. suits the default of
+ \verb.\treefonts. (taking into account the size option
+ of \LaTeX's document style).
+\item[3.] \verb.\vdist{<dimen>}., \verb.\minsep{<dimen>}.,
+ \verb.\addsep{<dimen>}.:\\
+ \sloppy
+ \verb.vdist. specifies the vertical distance between two
+ subsequent levels of the tree. Default is \verb.\vdist{60pt}..
+ \verb.\minsep. specifies the minimal horizontal distance between two
+ adjacent nodes. Default is \verb.\minsep{20pt}..
+ \verb.\addsep. specifies the additional amount of horizontal space
+ by which two subtree siblings are pushed apart farther than
+ calculated by the RT~algorithm,
+ if the level at which they are closest is beneath
+ their root level. Default is \verb.\addsep{0pt}.
+\item[4.] \verb.\extended., \verb.\nonextended.:\\
+ With the option \verb.\extended. in effect, the nodes of a binary
+ tree are placed in exactly the same way as they would be in the
+ associated extended version of the tree (the missing nodes are
+ assumed to have no labels). The default is \verb.\nonextended.,
+ that is the usual layout.
+Some examples of tree descriptions
+are given in the next figures.
+A detailed description of the
+\TreeTeX{} macros is given in~\cite{TreeTeX}.
+\caption{This is an example of a tree that includes labels.}
+\caption{This is an example of a tree with framed center labels.}
+\caption{This is an example of a complete binary tree.}
+\caption{This is an example of a Fibonacci tree.}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/treetex.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/treetex.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a3ae04f26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/treetex/treetex.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1187 @@
+% This is file treetex.tex of TreeTeX, Version 2.1 (May 23, 1989).
+% For changes search for "vs. 2.1".
+% TreeTeX is a public domain macro package for drawing
+% trees with TeX. It may be freely distributed, provided
+% that the following files are kept together:
+% classes.tex, l_pic.tex, readme, tree_doc.aux, tree_doc.bbl
+% tree_doc.dvi, tree_doc.tex, treetex.tex
+% Copyright is with Anne Brueggemann-Klein and Derick Wood.
+% Print tree_doc.dvi to get more information about TreeTeX.
+% All remarks, bug reports etc. should be directed to
+% Dr. Anne Brueggemann-Klein
+% Institut fuer Informatik
+% Rheinstr. 10--12
+% 7800 Freiburg, West Germany
+% email:
+%%% Only for testing, delete later %%%
+\tracingonline=2 %
+% \showboxbreadth=100 % Only for testing
+% \showboxdepth=100 %
+ \g\cnta\count\l@stdiminfo
+ \g\cntb\cnta
+ \g\advance\cntb 5
+ \g\advance\cntb \count\l@sttreeheight
+ \g\advance\cntb \count\l@sttreeheight
+ \ifnum\count\l@sttreeheight=-1\relax
+ \g\advance\cntb by 2
+ \immediate\write16{Tree contour for dummy node:}
+ \else\immediate\write16{Tree contour:}%
+ \fi
+ \for\cntc:=\cnta\to\cntb\do\immediate\write16{\the\dimen\cntc}\od}
+%%% TeX vs. LaTeX %%%
+\def\lplain{lplain} % Set \LaTeXtrue if TreeTeX is
+\newif\ifLaTeX % used together with LaTeX,
+\ifx\fmtname\lplain\LaTeXtrue % otherwise set \LaTeXfalse
+ \else\LaTeXfalse\fi % (LaTeX defines \fmtname=={lplain}).
+\immediate\write16{This is TreeTeX, Version 2.1, for use with \ifLaTeX LaTeX%
+ \else plain TeX\fi.}
+\ifLaTeX \let\lineseg\line % latex_picture is part of latex.tex,
+ \else \let\@line\line % so you don't need it if you use
+ \input l_pic % TreeTeX together with LaTeX. LaTeX
+ \let\lineseg\line % has the command \line for geometric
+ \let\line\@line % lines, and plain TeX has the same
+ \fi % command for lines of text. Because
+ % both versions of \line play an
+ % important role in the respective
+ % macro packages, we introduce a new
+ % command \lineseg in TreeTeX for the
+ % geometric lines, and \line will have
+ % the LaTeX-meaning if TreeTeX is used
+ % with LaTeX, and the plain \TeX
+ % meaning otherwise.
+%%% General programming environment %%%
+% The command \newcount is redefined such that it can be used
+% inside a definition (i.e. it is no longer an \outer-command).
+% Implementing a for-loop (first argument must be a counter).
+% Usage: \for<counter>:=<start value>\to<stop value>\do<operations>\od
+% Semantics: the same as a PASCAL for-loop
+% Precautions: Don't change the counter-value inside the loop!
+% for-loops cannot be nested (nor can the \loop-commands!).
+ \def\f@rcount{#1}\def\upp@rlimit{#3}\def\b@dy{#4}\f@rcount=#2\relax\dof@r}
+ \else\b@dy\advance\f@rcount\@ne\let\n@xt\dof@r\fi
+ \n@xt}
+% \ex repeats a sequence of commands a predetermined number of times.
+% Usage: \ex<number>\times<operations>\xe
+% Semantics: <operations> is executed as often as <number> says
+% Precautions: \ex commands cannot be nested.
+ \@xcount1 \t@mes#1\def\b@dy{#2}\do@x}
+ \else\b@dy\advance\@xcount\@ne\let\n@xt\do@x\fi
+ \n@xt}
+% \rect@ngle produces a rectangle with horizontal edge length #1, vertical
+% edge length #2 and line thickness #3. The reference point is in the center of
+% the rectangle. The width is 0pt.
+\def\rect@ngle#1#2#3{\hbox to 0pt{%
+ \thickn@ss#3%
+ \g\@nner#2\g\advance\@nner-\thickn@ss
+ \g\divide\@nner\tw@
+ \g\@uter#2\g\advance\@uter\thickn@ss
+ \g\divide\@uter\tw@
+ \hskip 0pt minus .5fil%
+ \vrule height\@uter depth\@nner width\thickn@ss
+ \vrule height\@uter depth-\@nner width#1%
+ \hskip 0pt minus 1fil%
+ \vrule height-\@nner depth\@uter width#1%
+ \vrule height\@nner depth\@uter width\thickn@ss
+ \hskip 0pt minus .5fil%
+ }% \hbox
+ }% \def
+% \s@ries takes two arguments. The first one is a name, say XXX, and
+% the second is a series of arguments, devided by two slashs (//).
+% \s@ries assigns this last series of arguments one after another to the
+% control sequences \XXXi, \XXXii, and so on. Furthermore, a control
+% sequence \XXX is defined, which takes a number k as its argument and
+% expands to \XXXk', where k' is the roman numeral equivalent to k.
+ \g\t@mpcnta1
+ \gdef\t@mp{#1}%
+ \@ssign#2/\l@st % \l@st is a sentinal element
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname#1\endcsname##1{%
+ \csname#1\romannumeral##1\endcsname}%
+ }
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\t@mp\romannumeral\t@mpcnta\endcsname{#1}%
+ \g\advance\t@mpcnta\@ne
+ \ifx#2\l@st
+ \g\let\n@xt\relax
+ \else\g\let\n@xt\@ssign
+ \fi
+ \n@xt}
+%%% Allocation of internal registers %%%
+\newif\ifr@ghthigher % true iff the right subtree is higher than the left one
+\newcount\l@sttreebox % These four counter allocations have been copied
+\newcount\l@sttreeheight % to this position from the \Tree command
+\newcount\l@stdiminfo % (vs. 2.1). Previously each tree allocated its own
+\newcount\l@sttreetype % counters, using up counters for nothing.
+%%% Slope handling for the edges %%%
+% The picture environment of LaTeX gives us a choice of 24 positive
+% slopes for lines (i.e. edges of trees in this context),
+% including vertical ones. The slope of a line is
+% given by an x- and an y-value, see L. Lamport, LaTeX, pp. 105f for
+% further details. x/y can have the following values (decreasing amount
+% of slope): 0/1 1/6 1/5 1/4 1/3 2/5 1/2 3/5 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 1/1 6/5 5/4
+% 4/3 3/2 5/3 2/1 5/2 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1.
+% The x-values are allocated to \xv@li, \xv@lii,..., \xv@lxxiv, and
+% they can conveniently be accessed by the command \xv@l{<number>}.
+% The same holds for the y-values.
+ 5//4//3//5//2//5//3//4//5//6}
+ 4//3//2//3//1//2//1//1//1//1}
+% \hv@ldef calculates \hv@li, \hv@lii,..., \hv@lxxiv for a given dimen
+% \vd@st according to the following picture:
+% /-|
+% / |
+% / |
+% / |
+% / |\vd@st
+% / |
+% / |
+% / -| |
+% / |\yv@l|
+% / _| _|
+% |___|
+% \xv@l
+% |_________|
+% .5\hv@l
+% \hv@li,..., \hv@lxxiv are initialized in \beginTree, when the
+% actual value for \vd@st is known (\vd@st will depend on the point size of
+% the picture). As before, these values can conveniently be accessed by the
+% command \hv@l{<number>}.
+ \for\t@mpcnta:=1\to24%
+ \do\g\t@mpdima\vd@st\g\multiply\t@mpdima by\xv@l{\t@mpcnta}%
+ \g\divide\t@mpdima by\yv@l{\t@mpcnta}\g\multiply\t@mpdima by 2
+ \expandafter\gxdef\csname hv@l\romannumeral\t@mpcnta\endcsname{%
+ \the\t@mpdima}%
+ \od}
+\def\hv@l#1{\csname hv@l\romannumeral#1\endcsname}
+%%% Naming trees %%%
+% A TeXtree is stored in TeX's internal registers in the following way:
+% A TeXtree of height h has associated to itself the following internal
+% TeX registers: a box, holding the graphical appearance of the tree,
+% a consecutive number of 6+2h internal dimen registers, holding the
+% additional information about the contour of the tree, a counter
+% holding the height h of the tree, a counter holding the first
+% position of the additional information registers, and a toks register
+% holding the type of the node (circle, square, dot, triangle, text, or frame).
+% The height and position
+% of additional information are stored in consecutive order for
+% consecutive trees. The same is true for the boxes and toks.
+% Four key numbers, the register numbers (addresses)
+% for the height, diminfo, box, and type
+% of a tree, enable you to access all information which is stored about the
+% tree. For the last tree on the stack, the four key numbers are stored in the
+% counters \l@sttreeheight, \l@stdiminfo, \l@sttreebox, and \l@sttreetype,
+% the key numbers for the next tree are \l@sttreeheight-2, \l@stdiminfo-2,
+% \l@sttreebox-1, and \l@sttreetype-1, and so on.
+% The macro \n@metree gives names to some registers associated with the tree.
+% The tree to be named is specified by its four key numbers. \n@metree takes
+% five arguments, namely the keynumbers for height, info, box and type of the
+% tree, and the name to be given to the tree. If the tree gets the name XXX and
+% the key numbers are h, i, b, and t, the commands on the left side of the
+% following list get the meaning on the right side.
+% \XXXht <--- \count h
+% \XXXinfo <--- \count i
+% \XXXbox <--- b
+% \XXXtype <--- \toks t
+% \XXXlmoff <--- \dimen f where f is the address stored
+% in \count i
+% \XXXrmoff <--- \dimen (f+1)
+% \XXXlboff <--- \dimen (f+2)
+% \XXXrboff <--- \dimen (f+3)
+% \XXXltop <--- \dimen (f+4)
+% \XXXrtop <--- \dimen (f+5)
+% \XXXloff <--- \dimen (f+4+2g) where g is the height stored in
+% \count h, i.e. \dimen (f+4+2g)
+% holds loff(1) of the tree, if g>0
+% \XXXroff <--- \dimen (f+5+2g)
+% The macro \pr@vioustree sets \l@sttreeheight, \l@stdiminfo,
+% \l@sttreebox and \l@sttreetype to the key numbers of the previous tree
+% and gives the name `l@st' to this tree.
+% The macro \@ddname which has two names n1 and n2 as arguments, gives
+% the tree with name n1 the additional name n2.
+% The macro \n@mel@st gives the name `l@st' to the tree with the
+% key numbers \l@sttreeheight, \l@stdiminfo, \l@sttreebox and \l@sttreetype.
+% The macro \n@xttree sets \l@sttreebox, \l@sttreeheight, \l@stdiminfo,
+% \count\l@stdiminfo, and \l@sttreetype to the next free position.
+% The macro \@ppenddummy pushs a dummy onto the stack and names it `l@st'.
+% The dummy has height -1, its box is the empty box, its type is circle,
+% and all dimensions are 0pt.
+% \p@s#1#2#3 sets counter #1 to position #2 of tree #3. #1 must be a counter,
+% #3 must be a name for the tree. If the tree has the name XXX, \XXXinfo
+% must be a number holding the first position of the dimen-parameters of
+% the tree and \XXXht must hold the height of the tree.
+% #2 must be one of the following control sequences indicating the
+% desired position: \lmoff, \rmoff, \lboff, \rboff, \ltop, \rtop, \loff, or
+% \roff. \loff and \roff give the left resp. right offset of the *top*
+% level of the tree.
+ \g#1\csname#3info\endcsname
+ \gxdef\t@mp{\csname#3ht\endcsname}%
+ \ifnum\t@mp<0 \gxdef\t@mp{0}\fi
+ #2{#1}%
+ }
+\chardef\@lmoff0 \chardef\@rmoff1 \chardef\@ltop4 \chardef\@rtop5
+\chardef\@lboff2 \chardef\@rboff3 \chardef\@loff4 \chardef\@roff5
+\def\lmoff#1{\g\advance#1 by\@lmoff}
+\def\rmoff#1{\g\advance#1 by\@rmoff}
+\def\lboff#1{\g\advance#1 by\@lboff}
+\def\rboff#1{\g\advance#1 by\@rboff}
+\def\ltop#1{\g\advance#1 by\@ltop}
+\def\rtop#1{\g\advance#1 by\@rtop}
+\def\loff#1{\g\advance#1 by\@loff\g\advance#1 by\t@mp
+ \g\advance#1 by\t@mp\relax}
+\def\roff#1{\g\advance#1 by\@roff\g\advance#1 by\t@mp
+ \g\advance#1 by\t@mp\relax}
+% \n@meinfo#1 defines for an argument XXX (name of a tree) \XXXlmoff,
+% \XXXrmoff, ... as lmoff(XXX), rmoff(XXX),... .
+% The following arguments will be used: l@ft, r@ght, l@st,
+% m@n, and m@x.
+ \n@me@nfo{#1}{lmoff}\n@me@nfo{#1}{rmoff}%
+ \n@me@nfo{#1}{lboff}\n@me@nfo{#1}{rboff}%
+ \n@me@nfo{#1}{ltop}\n@me@nfo{#1}{rtop}%
+ \n@me@nfo{#1}{loff}\n@me@nfo{#1}{roff}%
+ }
+ \p@s\t@mpcnta{\csname#2\endcsname}{#1}%
+ \expandafter\gxdef\csname#1#2\endcsname{\dimen\the\t@mpcnta}}
+ \expandafter\gxdef\csname#5ht\endcsname{\count\the#1}%
+ \expandafter\gxdef\csname#5info\endcsname{\count\the#2}%
+ \expandafter\gxdef\csname#5box\endcsname{\the#3}%
+ \expandafter\gxdef\csname#5type\endcsname{\toks\the#4}%
+ \n@meinfo{#5}%
+ }
+\chardef\@cntoff3 \chardef\@boxoff1 \chardef\@dimoff2 \chardef\@typeoff1
+ \g\advance\l@sttreeheight by-\@cntoff
+ \g\advance\l@stdiminfo by-\@cntoff
+ \g\advance\l@sttreetype by-\@cntoff
+ \g\advance\l@sttreebox by-\@boxoff
+ \n@mel@st
+ }
+ \expandafter\gxdef\csname#2ht\endcsname{\csname#1ht\endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\gxdef\csname#2info\endcsname{\csname#1info\endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\gxdef\csname#2type\endcsname{\csname#1type\endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\gxdef\csname#2box\endcsname{\csname#1box\endcsname}%
+ \n@meinfo{#2}%
+ }
+ \p@s\t@mpcnta\loff{l@st}\g\advance\t@mpcnta by\@dimoff
+ \g\advance\l@sttreeheight by\@cntoff
+ \g\advance\l@stdiminfo by\@cntoff
+ \g\advance\l@sttreetype by\@cntoff
+ \g\advance\l@sttreebox by\@boxoff
+ \g\count\l@stdiminfo\t@mpcnta
+ }
+\def\@ppenddummy{% pushs a dummy onto the stack and names it `l@st'
+ % The dummy has height -1, its box is the empty box, the type
+ % is circle, and all dimensions are 0pt.
+ \n@xttree \g\count\l@sttreeheight-\@ne\n@mel@st
+ \l@sttype{circle}%
+ \g\setbox\l@stbox\copy\voidb@x
+ \g\l@stlmoff=0pt\g\l@strmoff=0pt\g\l@stlboff=0pt\g\l@strboff=0pt%
+ \g\l@stltop=0pt\g\l@strtop=0pt\g\l@stloff=0pt\g\l@stroff=0pt%
+ }
+\def\g@tchildren{% enables us to talk about the left and the right child
+ % (names l@ft resp. r@ght) and the smaller and the larger
+ % child (names m@n resp. m@x)
+ \ifl@fttop\@ddname{l@st}{l@ft}%
+ \pr@vioustree
+ \@ddname{l@st}{r@ght}%
+ \else\@ddname{l@st}{r@ght}%
+ \pr@vioustree
+ \@ddname{l@st}{l@ft}%
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\r@ghtht>\l@ftht\relax
+ \r@ghthighertrue
+ \@ddname{r@ght}{m@x}%
+ \@ddname{l@ft}{m@n}%
+ \else\r@ghthigherfalse
+ \@ddname{l@ft}{m@x}%
+ \@ddname{r@ght}{m@n}%
+ \fi
+ }
+ \n@metree\l@sttreeheight\l@stdiminfo\l@sttreebox\l@sttreetype{l@st}}
+%%% Initialization of the tree environment %%%
+ \begingroup
+ \unitlength 1pt%
+ \divide\unitlength by 65536
+ \l@sttreebox\count14
+ \l@sttreeheight\count10
+ \advance\l@sttreeheight by \@ne
+ \count\l@sttreeheight=-1
+ \l@stdiminfo\l@sttreeheight
+ \advance\l@stdiminfo by \@ne
+ \count\l@stdiminfo\count11
+ \advance\count\l@stdiminfo by -5
+ \l@sttreetype\l@stdiminfo
+ \advance\l@sttreetype by\@ne
+ \count\l@sttreetype\count15
+ \n@mel@st\ignorespaces
+ }
+ \g\leftdist-\l@stlmoff\g\advance\leftdist by \l@stltop
+ \g\rightdist\l@strmoff\g\advance\rightdist by\l@strtop
+ \g\setbox\TeXTree\box\l@stbox\endgroup\ignorespaces}
+%%% Specification of nodes %%%
+% A node is defined by the command \node{<specifications>}.
+% <specifications> defines the labels, graphical appearence and the order
+% of the node and the thickness of the edges.
+% Labels are defined by the commands \lft, \rght, \cntr,
+% and \bnth. The specification of empty labels may be omitted.
+% The graphical appearence is defined by the command \type{<type>}.
+% <type> can have the values `circle', `square', `dot',
+% `triangle', 'text', or 'frame'. The thickness of the edges is defined by
+% \leftthick and \rightthick that give thick edges instead of the
+% normal thin ones. Furthermore,
+% the order of the node is given by the following commands:
+% \external (if the node is an external node), \leftonly (if the node has a
+% left successor only), \rightonly (analogous), \unary (if the node is an
+% unary one), and \lefttop (the
+% node which has been defined before this one, is supposed to be the left
+% successor instead of the right one).
+% Default: two children, no labels, type circle, thin edges,
+% left child has been entered first.
+ \@wholewidth\fontdimen8\tenlnw\@halfwidth.5\@wholewidth}
+\def\lft#1{\g\setbox\leftb@x\hbox{#1\ }}
+\def\rght#1{\g\setbox\rightb@x\hbox{\ #1}}
+\def\bnth#1{\g\setbox\beneathb@x\hbox to0pt{\hss\strut#1\hss}}
+ \g\setbox\centerb@@x\copy\csname#1b@x\endcsname
+ \g\centerdim@n\csname#1w@dth\endcsname
+ \typ@{#1}%
+ \g\halfcenterdim@n=.5\centerdim@n}
+\def\ext@nded{\g\ext@ndedfalse} % This definition must precede
+ % \input TreeTeX.sty (outdated now!)
+ %%% Initialization (node type and labels), defaults and actual values
+ \g\setbox\leftb@x\copy\voidb@x
+ \g\setbox\rightb@x\copy\voidb@x
+ \g\setbox\centerb@x\copy\voidb@x
+ \g\setbox\beneathb@x\copy\voidb@x
+ \type{circle}%
+ \g\l@fttopfalse\g\l@ftonlyfalse\g\l@ftedgetrue
+ \g\r@ghtonlyfalse\g\r@ghtedgetrue\g\@xtfalse\ext@nded\n@dummy
+ \g\let\l@ftthick\relax\g\let\r@ghtthick\relax
+ #1%
+ \@pdcenter
+ \d@mmy
+ \n@de
+ \ignorespaces
+ }
+\def\@pdcenter{\csname\the\typ@ @cntr\endcsname}
+ \g\centerdim@n\wd\centerb@x
+ \g\halfcenterdim@n.5\centerdim@n}
+ \g\setbox\centerb@x\hbox{\ \unhcopy\centerb@x\ }
+ \g\centerdim@n\wd\centerb@x
+ % \g\advance\centerdim@n\fontdimen2\font
+ \g\halfcenterdim@n.5\centerdim@n
+ \g\setbox\centerb@@x\rect@ngle{\centerdim@n}{\squarew@dth}{.4pt}}
+ \@ppenddummy
+ \g\l@strtop-\halfmins@p
+ \@ppenddummy
+ \g\l@stltop-\halfmins@p
+ }
+\def\l@ftdummy{% cf. \g@tposition
+ \@ppenddummy
+ \g\l@stltop=\dummyhalfcenterdim@n
+ \g\l@strtop=\dummyhalfcenterdim@n
+ }
+\def\r@ghtdummy{% cf. \g@tposition
+ \lefttop
+ \@ppenddummy
+ \g\l@stltop=\dummyhalfcenterdim@n
+ \g\l@strtop=\dummyhalfcenterdim@n
+ }
+ \g\t@mpdima\l@strtop\relax
+ \@ppenddummy
+ \g\l@stltop-\mins@p\g\advance\l@stltop by-\t@mpdima
+ \g\l@strtop=\t@mpdima
+ }
+ \g@tposition % naming children and calculating \sl@pe and \tots@p
+ \g@tlt@p\g@trt@p % calculating \lt@p and \rt@p
+ \g@tlm@ff\g@trm@ff % calculating \lm@ff and \rm@ff
+ \g@tlb@ff\g@trb@ff % calculating \lb@ff and \rb@ff
+ \@pdlroff % updating loff and roff for all levels but the top one
+ \@pdloffl\@pdroffl % updating loff(1) and roff(1) of the parent tree
+ \@pddim % updating ltop, rtop, lmoff, rmoff, lboff, and rboff
+ \@pdinfo\@pdht % updating diminfo and treeheight
+ \@pdbox % updating treebox
+ \@pdtype % updating type
+ \n@mel@st % giving the name `l@st' to the new tree
+ \ignorespaces
+ }
+\def\g@tposition{% naming children and calculating \sl@pe, \tots@p, and node offsets
+ \g@tchildren\c@lcsep\c@lcslope\c@lcoffsets
+ \ifext@nded\relax
+ \else\ifl@ftonly\g\r@ghtrtop=-\tots@p
+ \g\advance\r@ghtrtop by\l@ftrtop
+ \fi
+ \ifr@ghtonly\g\l@ftltop=-\tots@p
+ \g\advance\l@ftltop by\r@ghtltop
+ \fi
+ \fi % cf. \l@ftdummy and \r@ghtdummy
+ }
+\def\@pdinfo{% updating diminfo
+ \g\l@stinfo=\m@xinfo\relax
+ }
+\def\@pdht{% updating treeheight
+ \g\l@stht=\m@xht
+ \g\advance\l@stht by\@ne
+ }
+\def\@pdtype{% updating type
+ \g\l@sttype\typ@
+ }
+\def\g@tlt@p{% calculating \lt@p
+ \g\lt@p\wd\leftb@x\g\advance\lt@p by\halfcenterdim@n
+ }
+\def\g@trt@p{% calculating \rt@p
+ \g\rt@p\wd\rightb@x\g\advance\rt@p by\halfcenterdim@n
+ }
+\def\g@tlm@ff{% calculating \lm@ff
+ % \lm@ff:=lmoff(left tree)-ltop(left tree)
+ % -.5\tots@p+\lt@p
+ \g\lm@ff\l@ftlmoff
+ \g\advance\lm@ff by-\l@ftltop
+ \g\advance\lm@ff by-\halftots@p
+ \g\advance\lm@ff by\lt@p\relax
+ % if ht(left tree) < ht(right tree)
+ % \t@mpdima:=lmoff(right tree)-ltop(right tree)+.5\tots@p+\lt@p
+ % \lm@ff:=min(\lm@ff,\t@mpdima) fi
+ \ifnum\l@ftht<\r@ghtht\relax
+ \g\t@mpdima\r@ghtlmoff
+ \g\advance\t@mpdima by-\r@ghtltop
+ \g\advance\t@mpdima by\halftots@p
+ \g\advance\t@mpdima by\lt@p\relax
+ \ifdim\t@mpdima<\lm@ff\relax
+ \g\lm@ff\t@mpdima
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % \lm@ff:=min(\lm@ff,0pt)
+ \ifdim0pt<\lm@ff\relax
+ \g\lm@ff=0pt%
+ \fi
+ }
+\def\g@trm@ff{% calculating \rm@ff
+ % analog to lm@ff
+ % \rm@ff:=rmoff(right tree)+rtop(right tree)
+ % +.5\tots@p-\rt@p
+ \g\rm@ff\r@ghtrmoff
+ \g\advance\rm@ff by\r@ghtrtop
+ \g\advance\rm@ff by\halftots@p
+ \g\advance\rm@ff by-\rt@p\relax
+ % \t@mpdima:=rmoff(left tree)+rtop(left tree)-.5\tots@p-\rt@p
+ \ifnum\r@ghtht<\l@ftht\relax
+ \g\t@mpdima\l@ftrmoff
+ \g\advance\t@mpdima by\l@ftrtop
+ \g\advance\t@mpdima by-\halftots@p
+ \g\advance\t@mpdima by-\rt@p\relax
+ \ifdim\t@mpdima>\rm@ff\relax
+ \g\rm@ff\t@mpdima
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % \rm@ff:=max(\rm@ff,0pt)
+ \ifdim0pt>\rm@ff\relax
+ \g\rm@ff=0pt
+ \fi
+ }
+\def\g@tlb@ff{% calculating \lb@ff
+ % \lb@ff:=lboff(right tree)-ltop(right tree)+.5\tots@p+\lt@p
+ % resp.:=lboff(left tree)-ltop(left tree)
+ % -.5\tots@p+\lt@p
+ \if@xt\g\lb@ff0pt%
+ \else\ifnum\l@ftht<\r@ghtht\relax
+ \g\lb@ff\r@ghtlboff
+ \g\advance\lb@ff by-\r@ghtltop
+ \g\advance\lb@ff by\halftots@p
+ \g\advance\lb@ff by\lt@p\relax
+ \else\g\lb@ff\l@ftlboff
+ \g\advance\lb@ff by-\l@ftltop
+ \g\advance\lb@ff by-\halftots@p
+ \g\advance\lb@ff by\lt@p\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }
+\def\g@trb@ff{% calculating \rb@ff
+ % \rb@ff:=rboff(left tree)+rtop(left tree)-.5\tots@p-\rt@p
+ % resp.:=rboff(right tree)+rtop(right tree)
+ % +.5\tots@p-\rt@p
+ \if@xt\g\rb@ff0pt%
+ \else\ifnum\r@ghtht<\l@ftht\relax
+ \g\rb@ff\l@ftrboff
+ \g\advance\rb@ff by\l@ftrtop
+ \advance\rb@ff by-\halftots@p
+ \g\advance\rb@ff by-\rt@p\relax
+ \else\g\rb@ff\r@ghtrboff
+ \g\advance\rb@ff by\r@ghtrtop
+ \g\advance\rb@ff by\halftots@p
+ \g\advance\rb@ff by-\rt@p\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }
+\def\@pdlroff{% updating loff and roff for all levels but the top one
+ % if right tree higher \t@mpdima:=-ltop(right tree)
+ % \t@mpdimb:=lboff(left tree)-ltop(left tree)
+ % % \t@mpdimb holds the offset between the node
+ % % and the left edge of the bottom of the left tree
+ % else \t@mpdima:=rtop(left tree)
+ % \t@mpdimb:=lboff(right tree)+rtop(right tree)
+ % % substitute left by right
+ % fi
+ \ifr@ghthigher\g\t@mpdima-\r@ghtltop\relax
+ \g\t@mpdimb\l@ftlboff
+ \g\advance\t@mpdimb by-\l@ftltop\relax
+ \else\g\t@mpdima\l@ftrtop\relax
+ \g\t@mpdimb\r@ghtlboff
+ \g\advance\t@mpdimb by\r@ghtrtop\relax
+ \fi
+ \ifr@ghthigher\p@s\t@mpcnta\loff{m@n}% pointer to loff(1) of smaller tree
+ \p@s\t@mpcntb\loff{m@x}% pointer to loff(1) of larger tree
+ \else\p@s\t@mpcnta\roff{m@n}% pointer to roff(1) of smaller tree
+ \p@s\t@mpcntb\roff{m@x}% pointer to roff(1) of larger tree
+ \fi % if the right tree is the higher one you have to shift
+ % the left profile of the smaller tree, otherwise the
+ % right one
+ % For every level, \t@mpdima contains the offset between the node of the
+ % higher tree and the inner edge of the next level. Furthermore, if the
+ % right tree is the higher one, the left profile of the left tree becomes
+ % the upper part of the left profile of the parent tree, otherwise
+ % substitute `left' by `right.'
+ \ex\m@nht\times
+ \g\advance\t@mpdima by\dimen\t@mpcntb
+ \g\dimen\t@mpcntb\dimen\t@mpcnta
+ \g\advance\t@mpcnta by-\@dimoff
+ \g\advance\t@mpcntb by-\@dimoff\relax
+ \xe
+ % The link between the last outer level of the smaller tree and the next
+ % level of the higher one:
+ % \dimen\t@mpcntb:=\dimen\t@mpcntb+\t@mpdima+\tots@p-\t@mpdimb
+ % if left tree is smaller than right tree
+ % resp.\dimen\t@mpcntb+\t@mpdima-\tots@p-\t@mpdimb
+ % if right tree is smaller than left tree
+ \ifnum\m@xht=\m@nht\relax
+ \else\g\advance\dimen\t@mpcntb by\t@mpdima
+ \ifnum\l@ftht<\r@ghtht\relax
+ \g\advance\dimen\t@mpcntb by\tots@p
+ \else\g\advance\dimen\t@mpcntb by-\tots@p
+ \fi
+ \g\advance\dimen\t@mpcntb by-\t@mpdimb
+ \fi
+ }
+\def\@pdloffl{% updating loff(1) of parent tree
+ % loff(1) of parent tree:=+\lt@p-.5\tots@p-ltop(left tree)
+ \p@s\t@mpcnta\loff{m@x}%
+ \g\advance\t@mpcnta by \@dimoff\relax % pointer to loff(0) of parent tree
+ \g\dimen\t@mpcnta\lt@p
+ \g\advance\dimen\t@mpcnta by-\halftots@p
+ \g\advance\dimen\t@mpcnta by-\l@ftltop\relax
+ }
+\def\@pdroffl{% updating roff(1) of parent tree
+ % roff(l) of parent tree:=-\rt@p+.5\tots@p+rtop(right tree)
+ \p@s\t@mpcnta\roff{m@x}%
+ \g\advance\t@mpcnta by \@dimoff\relax % pointer to roff(0) of parent tree
+ \g\dimen\t@mpcnta-\rt@p
+ \g\advance\dimen\t@mpcnta by\halftots@p
+ \g\advance\dimen\t@mpcnta by\r@ghtrtop\relax
+ }
+\def\@pddim{% updating ltop, rtop, lmoff, rmoff, lboff, and rboff
+ \g\m@xlmoff=\lm@ff\g\m@xrmoff=\rm@ff
+ \g\m@xlboff=\lb@ff\g\m@xrboff=\rb@ff
+ \g\m@xltop=\lt@p\g\m@xrtop=\rt@p
+ }
+\def\@pdbox{% pushing the nodebox on the stack: updating treebox
+ \g\@xarg\xv@l\sl@pe\g\@yarg\yv@l\sl@pe
+ \ifnum\sl@pe=1 % vertical edge
+ \g\t@mpdima\vd@st
+ \g\advance\t@mpdima by-\y@ff\typ@
+ \g\advance\t@mpdima by-\y@ff\l@fttype
+ \g\@larg\t@mpdima % \@larg is a number register!
+ \g\t@mpdima\vd@st
+ \g\advance\t@mpdima by-\y@ff\typ@
+ \g\advance\t@mpdima by-\y@ff\r@ghttype
+ \g\@rarg\t@mpdima % \@rarg is a number register!
+ \else\g\t@mpdima\halftots@p
+ \g\advance\t@mpdima by-\x@ff\typ@
+ \g\advance\t@mpdima by-\x@ff\l@fttype
+ \g\@larg\t@mpdima % \@larg is a number register!
+ \g\t@mpdima\halftots@p
+ \g\advance\t@mpdima by-\x@ff\typ@
+ \g\advance\t@mpdima by-\x@ff\r@ghttype
+ \g\@rarg\t@mpdima % \@rarg is a number register!
+ \fi
+ \g\setbox\l@sttreebox\hbox{%
+ \ifvoid\leftb@x\relax
+ \else\hskip-\halfcenterdim@n\hskip-\wd\leftb@x
+ \unhcopy\leftb@x\hskip\halfcenterdim@n
+ \fi
+ \ifvoid\centerb@x\relax
+ \else\g\t@mpdima-.5\wd\centerb@x\hskip\t@mpdima
+ \unhbox\centerb@x\hskip\t@mpdima
+ \fi
+ \ifvoid\rightb@x\relax
+ \else\g\t@mpdima-\wd\rightb@x\hskip\halfcenterdim@n
+ \unhbox\rightb@x\hskip\t@mpdima\hskip-\halfcenterdim@n
+ \fi
+ \raise\based@st\copy\centerb@@x
+ \if@xt\relax
+ \lower\s@ze pt\hbox to0pt{\hss\unhbox\beneathb@x\hss}%
+ \else\hskip-\halftots@p
+ \lower\vd@st\box\l@ftbox
+ \ifl@ftedge\drawl@ftedge\else\hskip\halftots@p\fi
+ \ifr@ghtedge\drawr@ghtedge\else\hskip\halftots@p\fi
+ \lower\vd@st\box\r@ghtbox
+ \hskip-\halftots@p
+ \fi
+ }% of hbox
+ }
+ \hskip\x@ff\l@fttype
+ \g\t@mpdimc\y@ff\l@fttype\g\advance\t@mpdimc by\based@st
+ \g\advance\t@mpdimc-\vd@st
+ \raise\t@mpdimc
+ \hbox{\l@ftthick\lineseg(\@xarg,\@yarg){\@larg}}%
+ \hskip\x@ff\typ@
+ }
+ \hskip\x@ff\typ@
+ \g\t@mpdimc\vd@st
+ \g\advance\t@mpdimc by \based@st
+ \g\advance\t@mpdimc by -\y@ff\typ@\relax
+ \g\advance\t@mpdimc by- \vd@st
+ \raise\t@mpdimc
+ \hbox{\r@ghtthick\lineseg(\@xarg,-\@yarg){\@rarg}}%
+ \hskip\x@ff\r@ghttype
+ }
+ \csname\the#1x@ff\endcsname\sl@pe
+ }
+ \csname\the#1y@ff\endcsname\sl@pe
+ }
+%%% Calculating the separation of subtrees %%%
+% \c@lcslope will calculate the required slope of the edges
+% when the nodes are to be \vd@st apart vertically
+% and at least \tots@p apart horizontally. This slope is returned by
+% the value of the counter \sl@pe (a number between 1 and 23).
+% Furthermore, \tots@p is updated in order to fit to this slope.
+ \g\sl@pe1
+ \loop
+ \ifdim\hv@l\sl@pe < \tots@p
+ \g\advance\sl@pe by1
+ \repeat
+ \g\tots@p\hv@l\sl@pe
+ \g\halftots@p.5\tots@p}
+ %%% \tots@p:=\mins@p + rtop(left tree) + ltop(right tree)
+ %%% \currs@p:=\mins@p
+ \g\tots@p\mins@p
+ \g\advance\tots@p by\l@ftrtop
+ \g\advance\tots@p by\r@ghtltop\relax
+ \g\currs@p\mins@p
+ %%% \t@mpcnta:= pointer to roff(0) of left tree
+ %%% \t@mpcntb:= pointer to loff(0) of right tree
+ \p@s\t@mpcnta\roff{l@ft}%
+ \p@s\t@mpcntb\loff{r@ght}%
+ %%% Calculate \currs@p and update \tots@p for each level of the
+ %%% smaller tree
+ %%% If at any level the subtrees are as close or closer than at
+ %%% the level of their roots, they will be moved apart by the additional
+ %%% amount of \adds@p
+ \g\adds@pfalse
+ \g\t@mpcntc\m@nht
+ \ex\t@mpcntc\times
+ \g\advance\currs@p by-\dimen\t@mpcnta
+ \g\advance\currs@p by \dimen\t@mpcntb
+ \ifdim\mins@p<\currs@p
+ \else\g\adds@ptrue
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\currs@p<\mins@p
+ \g\advance\tots@p by\mins@p
+ \g\advance\tots@p by -\currs@p
+ \g\currs@p\mins@p
+ \fi
+ \g\advance\t@mpcnta by -\@dimoff
+ \g\advance\t@mpcntb by -\@dimoff
+ \xe
+ \ifadds@p\g\advance\tots@p by\adds@p\fi}
+%%% Predefined trees %%%
+% \tri@ngle produces a triangle which covers \l@vels many level of a tree.
+% The slope of the edges is given by \sl@pe, the reference point of the
+% triangle is in the top, the width is 0pt.
+ \vtop{\g\@xarg\xv@l\sl@pe \g\@yarg\yv@l\sl@pe
+ \g\t@mpdimc\l@vels\vd@st
+ \g\advance\t@mpdimc by .5\squarew@dth
+ \g\multiply\t@mpdimc\xv@l\sl@pe
+ \g\divide\t@mpdimc\yv@l\sl@pe
+ \g\@larg\t@mpdimc
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \vskip0pt% Force the reference point to the top
+ \hbox to0pt{\hss\lineseg(\@xarg,\@yarg){\@larg}%
+ \hskip\t@mpdimc\rlap{\lineseg(-\@xarg,\@yarg){\@larg}}%
+ \hss}%
+ \setbox\t@mpboxa
+ \hbox to0pt{\hss\vrule height.2pt depth.2pt width2\t@mpdimc\hss}%
+ \t@mpdimc-.5\squarew@dth\advance\t@mpdimc\based@st
+ \ht\t@mpboxa0pt\dp\t@mpboxa\t@mpdimc\copy\t@mpboxa
+ }%
+ }
+ \g\setbox\leftb@x\copy\voidb@x
+ \g\setbox\rightb@x\copy\voidb@x
+ \g\setbox\centerb@x\copy\voidb@x
+ \g\setbox\beneathb@x\copy\voidb@x
+ \lvls{1}\slnt{3}%
+ #1%
+ \g\centerdim@n\trianglew@dth
+ \g\halfcenterdim@n.5\trianglew@dth
+ \n@xttree
+ \g\count\l@sttreeheight\l@vels% \g\advance\count\l@sttreeheight by\tw@
+ \g\toks\l@sttreetype{triangle}%
+ \n@mel@st
+ \g\hd@st\hv@l\sl@pe \g\divide\hd@st by\tw@
+ \g\l@stltop=\halfcenterdim@n\g\advance\l@stltop by\wd\leftb@x
+ \g\l@strtop=\halfcenterdim@n\g\advance\l@strtop by\wd\rightb@x
+ \g\l@stlboff=-\hd@st \g\multiply\l@stlboff by\l@vels
+ \g\advance\l@stlboff by\wd\leftb@x
+ \g\l@strboff=\hd@st \g\multiply\l@strboff by\l@vels
+ \g\advance\l@strboff by-\wd\rightb@x
+ \g\l@stlmoff=\l@stlboff\relax
+ \ifdim\l@stlmoff>0pt\relax\g\l@stlmoff=0pt\fi
+ \g\l@strmoff=\l@strboff
+ \ifdim\l@strmoff<0pt\relax\g\l@strmoff=0pt\fi
+ \g\t@mpcnta\l@stinfo\g\advance\t@mpcnta by6% preliminary
+ \ex\l@vels\times
+ \g\dimen\t@mpcnta-\hd@st\g\advance\t@mpcnta by\@ne
+ \g\dimen\t@mpcnta\hd@st\g\advance\t@mpcnta by\@ne
+ \xe
+ \g\advance\t@mpcnta by-\tw@
+ \g\advance\dimen\t@mpcnta by\wd\leftb@x
+ \g\advance\t@mpcnta by\@ne
+ \g\advance\dimen\t@mpcnta by-\wd\rightb@x
+ \g\setbox\l@stbox\vtop % to\l@vels\vd@st
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \g\setbox\t@mpboxa
+ \hbox{\hskip-\halfcenterdim@n\hskip-\wd\leftb@x\unhbox\leftb@x
+ \hskip\halfcenterdim@n
+ \raise\based@st\tri@ngle
+ \hskip\halfcenterdim@n\t@mpdima-\wd\rightb@x
+ \unhbox\rightb@x\hskip\t@mpdima\hskip-\halfcenterdim@n}
+ \g\ht\t@mpboxa=0pt\box\t@mpboxa
+ \setbox\centerb@x\hbox to0pt{\hss\unhbox\centerb@x\hss}%
+ \ht\centerb@x0pt\dp\centerb@x0pt\box\centerb@x
+ \vskip\s@ze pt
+ \ht\beneathb@x0pt\box\beneathb@x
+ \vskip-\dp\beneathb@x\vskip-\ht\beneathb@x}%
+ \ignorespaces
+ }
+%%% Node sizes %%%
+% The algorithm (macros \@pdbox, \drawl@ftedge, \drawr@ghtedge) accesses the
+% horizontal and vertical offset fo any node type XXX (circle, square,
+% dot, triangle, text, and frame) via the macros \XXXx@ff resp. \XXXy@ff.
+% These two macros take the slope of the outgoing edges
+% of the current node as their argument. Though horizontal offsets can
+% be calculated from the vertical offsets and vice versa, there is no
+% room to do so in the \XXXx@ff or \YYYy@ff macros, because these macros
+% have to expand to a dimension!
+% Let k be a <number>. Actually k will be the slope of the outgoing
+% edges of the current node.
+% There are three methods how, e.g., \XXXx@ff can be defined , depending
+% on the node type and the x- or y-orientation.
+% First, \XXXx@ff can be defined to expand to \XXXx@ffk', k' beeing
+% the roman numeral representation of the value of k, that in turn
+% expands to the appropriate dimension (example: \circley@ff).
+% In this case, \XXXx@ffi,...,\XXXx@ffiv are predefined by a \s@ries
+% command.
+% Second, \XXXx@ff can be defined to expand to a fixed dimension,
+% independent of its argument (example: \dotx@ff).
+% Third, the value of \XXXx@ff can be defined by the macro
+% \c@lcoffsets, when the slope k is already known. In this case,
+% the computation of \XXXx@ff makes use of the actual value
+% of k and possibly other offsets that are already predefined by method I
+% (examples: \circlex@ff, \squarex@ff).
+\def\norm@ff{% everything set up for 10pt node size
+ 0.47434pt//0.46424pt//0.44721pt//0.42875pt//%
+ 0.41603pt//0.40000pt//0.39043pt//0.38411pt//%
+ 0.35355pt//0.32009pt//0.31235pt//0.30000pt//%
+ 0.27735pt//0.25725pt//0.22361pt//0.18570pt//%
+ 0.15811pt//0.12127pt//0.09806pt//0.08220pt}%
+ }
+ % \circlex@ff uses predefined \circley@ffi, \circley@ffii etc.
+ \ifnum\sl@pe=\@ne\relax
+ \xdef\circlex@ff##1{0pt}%
+ \else\g\t@mpcnta26 % number of slopes + 2
+ \g\advance\t@mpcnta-\sl@pe
+ \xdef\circlex@ff##1{\circley@ff\t@mpcnta}%
+ \fi
+ % \squarex@ff and \squarey@ff are computed directly from \sl@pe and \squarew@dth
+ \ifnum\sl@pe<13\relax % incoming edge meets upper border of a square node
+ % (slope 13 corresponds to 45 degrees)
+ \g\t@mpdima.5\squarew@dth
+ \xdef\squarey@ff##1{\the\t@mpdima}%
+ \g\multiply\t@mpdima\xv@l\sl@pe
+ \g\divide\t@mpdima\yv@l\sl@pe
+ \xdef\squarex@ff##1{\the\t@mpdima}%
+ \else\g\t@mpdima.5\squarew@dth
+ \xdef\squarex@ff##1{\the\t@mpdima}%
+ \g\multiply\t@mpdima\yv@l\sl@pe
+ \g\divide\t@mpdima\xv@l\sl@pe
+ \xdef\squarey@ff##1{\the\t@mpdima}%
+ \fi
+ % \texty@ff is .5\squarew@dth, \textx@ff is adjusted accordingly
+ \g\t@mpdima.5\squarew@dth
+ \xdef\texty@ff##1{\the\t@mpdima}%
+ \g\multiply\t@mpdima\xv@l\sl@pe
+ \g\divide\t@mpdima\yv@l\sl@pe
+ \xdef\textx@ff##1{\the\t@mpdima}%
+ \let\framex@ff\textx@ff
+ \let\framey@ff\texty@ff
+ }
+ \for\t@mpcntc:=1\to24
+ \do\g\t@mpdimc=\csname#1\romannumeral\t@mpcntc\endcsname\relax
+ \g\multiply\t@mpdimc by\s@ze
+ \expandafter\gxdef\csname#1\romannumeral\t@mpcntc\endcsname
+ {\the\t@mpdimc}%
+ \od}
+ \begingroup
+ \unitlength 1pt%
+ \divide\unitlength by 65536
+ \g\based@st\s@ze pt\g\divide\based@st by 10 % \based@st is 10 % of
+ % circle diameter
+ \g\dummyhalfcenterdim@n=\s@ze pt\g\divide\dummyhalfcenterdim@n by\tw@
+ \g\circlew@dth=\s@ze pt%
+ \g\t@mpcntc\s@ze\g\multiply\t@mpcntc by 65536
+ \g\setbox\circleb@x\hbox to0pt{\circle{\t@mpcntc}\hss}%
+ \upds@ze{circley@ff}%
+ \g\squarew@dth.9pt\g\multiply\squarew@dth by\s@ze
+ \g\setbox\squareb@x\rect@ngle{\squarew@dth}{\squarew@dth}{.4pt}%
+ \g\dotw@dth=\s@ze pt\g\divide\dotw@dth by 5
+ \ifdim\dotw@dth < 1pt\relax
+ \g\dotw@dth1pt\relax
+ \fi
+ \g\t@mpcntc\dotw@dth
+ \g\setbox\dotb@x\hbox to 0pt{\circle*{\t@mpcntc}\hss}%
+ \g\trianglew@dth=\s@ze pt\g\multiply\trianglew@dth by \tw@
+ \g\divide\trianglew@dth by 3
+ \g\textw@dth=0pt%
+ \g\setbox\textb@x\copy\voidb@x
+ \g\framew@dth0pt%
+ \g\setbox\frameb@x\copy\voidb@x
+ \hv@ldef
+ \endgroup
+ }
+%%% Changing the style %%%
+ \g\divide\s@ze by 65536\relax} % conversion from dimension to number
+\input classes
+ \ifLaTeX\treefonts{\normalsize\rm}%
+ \else\treefonts{\tenrm}%
+ \fi
+ \vdist{60pt}%
+ \minsep{20pt}%
+ \addsep{0pt}%
+ \nodesize{20pt}%
+ }