path: root/macros/plain/contrib/samples/artic.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/plain/contrib/samples/artic.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/plain/contrib/samples/artic.tex')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/samples/artic.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/samples/artic.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c12a04d713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/samples/artic.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+\input artic0.tex
+\centerline{Author One and Author Two}
+\bigskip\centerline{Lyman Laboratory of Physics}
+\centerline{Harvard University}\centerline{Cambridge, MA 02138}
+\vskip .3in
+This sample is produced by the file `artic.tex' in the directory
+ and is intended to exhibit the conventions used in the file
+`artic0.tex' also in directory , as inputted above. The
+vskips, etc., on this title page have been chosen to give a reasonable
+looking HUTP style preprint in either full-sized or reduced format
+(selected by typing b or $\ell$ in response to the big/little query from
+the macro). Note that the `HUTP' and `Date' macros must be used
+together to choose fonts and horizontal size appropriately, suppress
+first page number, etc.\ (but they may both be safely omitted in `big'
+format for applications without title page). One may most easily start a new
+paper by making a copy of this sample and then replacing the dummy
+text with something potentially more interesting. It is useful to read
+pp.~1--54, 127--201 of Knuth's {\bigit Texbook}.
+Sections are begun using the macro `newsec' as above.
+References are done using the macro `ref' as follows\ref
+\Ii{John Q. Physicist, Phys. Rev. D20 (1980) 1234}
+\ref\Iii{Author One and Author Two, Nucl. Phys. B52 (1975) 439}.
+The labels on the references\Ii\ and\Iii\ (which include the brackets)
+can then be used to refer back to
+them. Here is how to put two papers in one reference\ref
+\IAG{L. Alvarez-Gaum\'e and P. Ginsparg, ``The Structure of
+Gauge and Gravitational Anomalies,'' Harvard preprint HUTP-84/A016,
+to appear in Ann. Phys.\semi
+L. Alvarez-Gaum\'e and P. Ginsparg, Nucl. Phys. B243 (1984) 449}.
+Note the use of the macro `semi' to separate them (the macro `nref'
+can be used to suppress the immediate appearance of the
+bracketed reference number in the text if desired\ref
+\rSP{Seminal Paper}
+\nref\rMIF{Moderately Interesting Follow-ups}
+-\ref\rCUR{Completely Useless Ripoffs}). The references are listed
+together with their labels in the file refs.tmp.
+Footnotes are done using the macro `foot'.\foot{like this} They also get
+automatically numbered\foot{consecutively} throughout the paper.
+To do equations we use the macro `eqn'
+\eqn\eIi{R^a{}_b=d\om ab+\om ac\wedge\om cb}
+\eqn\eIii{\om a{{b,\mu}}\equiv e^a{}_\nu\grad\mu e_b{}^\nu=
+-e_b{}^\nu\grad\mu e^a{}_\nu.}
+The equations are then referred to (see \eIi\ or \eIii) using the
+label (which includes the parentheses). A list of the equation numbers
+together with their corresponding labels is created in the file eqns.tmp.
+To specify equation numbers in aligned equations and/or equations
+specified with a's, b's, etc., just tag the equation numbers first
+using the macro `eqnn' or `eqna' and then use `eqalignno'
+$$\eqalignno{\left(\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2}\right)^2\,dx
+&={\rm something}&\eIIi a\cr
+&={\rm something\ else}\cr
+&=\pi&\eIIi b\cr
+We can then easily refer back to $\eIIii$ or $\eIIi{a}$ or even
+$\eIIi{a,b}$ (eqna defines a label which takes an argument
+$\{a,b,\ldots\}$ when used to refer back; it could be used instead of
+eqnn if one remembers to type $\{\}$ after the label when referring
+back) or set up a new equation referring to none of them:
+To call Tex on a source file filename.tex, issue the command
+$$\hbox{\$ tex filename}$$
+which creates a file filename.dvi (and also a filename.lis file).
+When satisfied, issue the command
+$$\hbox{\$ qmstex filename}$$
+to create a file filename.bit for the qms lasergrafix printer.
+Finally, to get the printout, issue
+$$\hbox{\$ las8 filename}$$
+which sends filename.bit to the printer. Before logging off, it is
+probably preferable to get rid of the .dvi, .bit, and .lis files.
+To list the references, use the macro `listrefs' as below.\foot{exactly once
+at the end of the paper}\ We conclude with some sample figure captions
+using the macro `fig'.% and a last gratuitous reference\ref
+%\IIi{A. Redlich, Phys. Rev. Lett. 52 (1984) 18\semi
+%A. Niemi and G. Semenoff, any paper\semi
+%R. Jackoff, ``Re-Cycles of Geometry in Physics,'' in {\it Asymptotic
+%Reams of Physicists}, ed. A. Goof et al. (Cambridge, MA, MIT Press,
+\vskip 1in\centerline{{\bf Acknowledgements}}
+This work was supported in part by various colleagues. We also thank
+NSF contract PHY-82-15249 for discussions.
+\centerline{{\bf Figure Captions}}\parindent=40pt\bigskip
+\fig{1.1}{Since figures are usually the last thing done, I haven't bothered
+to set up a macro to insert the section number automatically.}
+\fig{1.2}{I also haven't had `fig' automatically insert the final period,
+as does `ref'.}
+\fig{2.1}{`fig' does, however, automatically type a colon and line up the
+text properly.}