path: root/macros/plain/contrib/misc
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/plain/contrib/misc
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/plain/contrib/misc')
91 files changed, 11234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/2columns.mac b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/2columns.mac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f36486164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/2columns.mac
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+% This is the two column output format from Chapter 23 of the TeXbook.
+\fullhsize=7.5in \hsize=3.6in
+\def\fullline{\hbox to \fullhsize}
+ \vbox to 0pt{\vskip-22.5pt
+ \fullline{\vbox to8.5pt{}\the\headline}\vss}
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \baselineskip=2\normalbaselineskip
+ \fullline{\the\footline}
+\let\lr=L \newbox\leftcolumn
+\output={\if L\lr
+ \global\setbox\leftcolumn=\columnbox \global\let\lr=R
+ \else \doubleformat \global\let\lr=L\fi
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000 \else\dosupereject\fi}
+ \fullline{\box\leftcolumn\hfil\vrule\hfil\columnbox}
+ \makefootline}
+ \advancepageno}
+ \vfill\supereject
+ \if R\lr \null\vfill\eject\fi
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/2side.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/2side.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b5e6d80ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/2side.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+% This is a 2-side format for TeX. Simply
+% \input 2side
+% \gutter{5pt}
+% You want to have set your hsize, vsize, hoffset, and voffset
+% (and magnification) *before* inputting this file.
+% You can also say `\top{...}' and the `...' will be placed at
+% the top of the page, and the columns will be reduced
+% proportionally. This is useful for the title of the document,
+% and any comments you might want to put later in the document.
+% Note that if you put this command after the first half of the
+% page has been `shipped', it will be postponed until the next
+% page.
+\def\gutter#1{\global\advance\hsize by-#1 \global\divide\hsize by 2}%
+\def\makefootline{\baselineskip24pt\hbox to\fullsize{\the\footline}}%
+\let\lr=L \newbox\leftcolumn
+\output={\if L\lr
+ \global\setbox\leftcolumn=\columnbox \global\let\lr=R
+ \else\global\let\lr=L\doubleformat\global\fi
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000\else\dosupereject\fi
+ \global\let\ntop=\relax}%
+ \hbox to\fullsize{\box\leftcolumn\hfil\columnbox}%
+ \makefootline}%
+ \global\vsize=\realvsize\ntop
+ \advancepageno}%
+\def\top#1{\if L\lr\message{Setting...}
+ {\hsize=\fullsize\global\setbox\topbox=\vbox{#1}%
+ \global\vsize=\realvsize
+ \global\advance\vsize by-\ht\topbox
+ \global\advance\vsize by-\baselineskip}%
+ \else\global\def\ntop{\top{#1}}\message{Saving...}%
+ \fi}%
+\def\bye{\vfill\eject\if R\lr\null\vfill\eject\fi\end}%
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/alexmisc.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/alexmisc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eaecaec187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/alexmisc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+% some small miscellaneous macros
+%capital roman numerals
+%half in textstyle (smaller --- sometimes looks better)
+%a couple of useful abbreviations
+\def\ie{i.\thinspace e.}
+\def\eg{e.\thinspace g.}
+%slant fractions (slightly offset and smaller a/b)
+%usage \slfrac{numerator}/{denominator}
+\def\slfrac#1/#2{\leavevmode\kern.1em\raise.5ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #1}
+\kern-.1em/\kern-.15em\lower.25ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #2}}
+% makes real and complex number-set symbols with vertical bars
+\def\Reals{{\hbox{$\mathpalette{}{I\kern-.2em R}$}}}
+ \vrule depth 0ex height 1.4ex width .05em\kern.41em}$}}}
+%poor man's bold (The TeXbook, p. 386)
+ \kern-.025em\copy0\kern-\wd0
+ \kern.05em\copy0\kern-\wd0
+ \kern-.025em\raise.0433em\box0}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/appelt-chess.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/appelt-chess.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4efd561f56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/appelt-chess.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+%--------------------- Cut here ----------------------------------
+%---------------------- General ----------------------------------
+\font\sym =cmsy10
+\font\bsym =cmsy10 scaled \magstep1
+\font\bbrm =cmr10 scaled \magstep2
+\font\bbss =cmss10 scaled \magstep2
+\font\ssbf =cmssbx10
+\font\bssbf =cmssbx10 scaled \magstep1
+\font\bbssbf =cmssbx10 scaled \magstep2
+\font\bbbf =cmbx10 scaled \magstep2
+\font\bbbbsym=cmsy10 scaled \magstep4
+\font\bsymbf =cmbsy10 scaled \magstep1
+\font\symbf =cmbsy10
+\newbox\boxone \newdimen\dimenone
+\newbox\boxtwo \newdimen\dimentwo
+\newskip\headskipamount \headskipamount=-8pt
+\newskip\footskipamount \footskipamount=-5pt
+% 1 dot = 15787.6224 sp bei 300 dots/inch
+\newdimen\lowerpiece \lowerpiece=47363sp
+\newdimen\fieldwidth \fieldwidth=1326160sp % 84 dots bei 300 dpi
+\newdimen\fieldheight \fieldheight=994620sp % 63 dots
+\newdimen\fielddepth \fielddepth=\fieldwidth % Rest
+ \advance\fielddepth by -\fieldheight
+\newdimen\framewidth \framewidth=252602sp % 16 dots
+ \catcode`\8=11 \catcode`\2=11 \catcode`\3=11 \catcode`\4=11
+ \catcode`\5=11 \catcode`\6=11 \catcode`\7=11 \catcode`\1=11}
+%---------------------- Pieces -----------------------------------
+\def\setpiece#1{\lower\lowerpiece\hbox to \fieldwidth{\hfill#1\hfill}}
+ \setbox\boxone=\hbox{#1}\setbox\boxtwo=\hbox{#2}%
+ \dimenone=\wd\boxone \dimentwo=\wd\boxtwo
+ \dimenthree=-\dimenone
+ \advance\dimenone by -\dimentwo \divide\dimenone by 2
+ \advance\dimenthree by \dimenone
+ \unhbox\boxone\kern\dimenthree\unhbox\boxtwo}
+ \kern-.025em\copy0\kern-\wd0
+ \kern .05em\copy0\kern-\wd0
+ \kern-0.025em\raise .0433em\box0 }
+\def\WB{\together{\kern 0pt\hbox{\bbbbsym\char14 }}%
+ {\kern -1pt\hbox{\vrule height 1.4pt depth 0pt width 8pt}}}
+\def\SB{\together{\kern 0pt\hbox{\bbbbsym\char15 }}%
+ {\kern -1pt\hbox{\vrule height 1.4pt depth 0pt width 8pt}}}
+\edef\WS{\setbox0=\hbox{\bsym\char120 }\raise\dp0\hbox{\unhbox0 }}
+\edef\SS{\setbox0=\hbox{\pmb{\bsymbf\char120 }}%
+ \together{\raise\dp0\hbox{\unhbox0 }}%
+ {\raise3pt\hbox{\pmb{\symbf\char15 }}}}
+\edef\WT{{\bbrm\char5 }}
+\edef\ST{\together{\kern-1pt\hbox{\bbbf\char5 }}%
+ {\vrule height 9.5pt width 6pt depth 0pt}}
+\edef\WK{\together{\symbf\char117 }%
+ {\together{\raise 4pt\hbox{\sym\char121 }}%
+ {\vrule width 5pt depth0pt height 0.4pt}}}
+\edef\SK{\together{\vrule width 6pt depth 0pt height 6pt}%
+ {\raise 5pt \hbox{\symbf\char121 }}}
+\edef\WL{{\bbss\char3 }}
+\edef\SL{\together{\bbssbf\char3 }%
+ {\together{\bssbf\char3 }{\together{\vrule height 5pt width 5pt
+ depth 0pt}{\ssbf\char3 }}}}
+\edef\SD{\together{\together{\pmb{\symbf\char52 }}%
+ {\together{\pmb{\ninesym\char52 }}%
+ {\together{\pmb{\eightsym\char52 }}{\symbf\char15 }}}}%
+ {\kern 1pt\hbox{\raise 6pt\hbox{\symbf\char15 }}}}
+\edef\WD{\together{\symbf\char52 }%
+ {\kern 0pt\hbox{\raise 6pt\hbox{\symbf\char14 }}}}
+%---------------------- Board ------------------------------------
+\def\fieldstrut{\vrule height \fieldheight depth \fielddepth width 0pt}
+ \ifx\next\empty\blackfieldfalse
+ \else\blackfieldtrue\fi
+ \ifblackfield\edef\next{#2}%
+ \ifx\next\empty\vrule\fieldstrut\hbox to \fieldwidth
+ {\hfill\emptyblackfield\hfill}%
+ \else\vrule\fieldstrut\blackborder\setpiece{#2}\fi
+ \else\vrule\fieldstrut\setpiece{#2}\fi}
+\def\nfield#1{\vrule height 0pt depth 0pt\fieldstrut\hbox to \fieldwidth
+ {\hfil\rm#1\hfil}}
+\def\linenumber#1{\hbox to 0pt{\rm \kern -10pt #1\hss}}
+ \else\let\next=\relax\fi\next}
+% This is for a character width of 1.4454pt
+\numberofchars=14 \numberofborderchars=4
+% This is for a character width of 0.9636pt
+%\numberofchars=21 \numberofborderchars=5
+\advance\numberofgapchars by -\numberofborderchars
+\advance\numberofgapchars by -\numberofborderchars
+\def\emptyblackfield{\vbox to \fieldheight{\gray
+ \offinterlineskip\parindent=0pt
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\char1 }\hsize=\wd0 \multiply \hsize by \numberofchars\relax
+ \linecount=0
+ \loop\advance\linecount by 1 \colcount=0
+ \innerloop\advance\colcount by 1 \char1
+ \ifnum\colcount<\numberofchars\relax\innerrepeat
+ \ifnum\linecount<\numberofchars\relax\break\repeat
+ \vss}}
+\def\blackborder{\hbox to 0pt{\vbox to \fieldheight{\gray
+ \offinterlineskip\parindent=0pt
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\char1 }\hsize=\wd0 \multiply \hsize by \numberofchars\relax
+ \linecount=0
+ \count0=\numberofchars \advance\count0 by -\numberofborderchars
+ \loop\advance\linecount by 1 \colcount=0
+ \innerloop\advance\colcount by 1 \char1
+ \ifnum\colcount<\numberofchars\relax\innerrepeat
+ \ifnum\linecount<\numberofborderchars\relax\break\repeat
+ \break
+ \loop\advance\linecount by 1 \colcount=0
+ \innerloop\advance\colcount by 1 \char1
+ \ifnum\colcount<\numberofborderchars\relax\innerrepeat
+ \hfill\colcount=0
+ \innerloop\advance\colcount by 1 \char1
+ \ifnum\colcount<\numberofborderchars\relax\innerrepeat
+ \ifnum\linecount<\count0\relax\break\repeat
+ \break
+ \loop\advance\linecount by 1 \colcount=0
+ \innerloop\advance\colcount by 1 \char1
+ \ifnum\colcount<\numberofchars\relax\innerrepeat
+ \ifnum\linecount<\numberofchars\relax\break\repeat
+ \vss}\hss}}
+ \gdef\showboard{\par\centerline{Board after
+ \ifx\colour\whitecolour Black's \else White's \fi
+ \number\movenumber.\ move}\vskip \headskipamount
+ $$\vbox{\offinterlineskip
+ \halign{\linenumber{##}&\vrule\field##.&\field##.&\field##.&\field##.&
+ \field##.&\field##.&\field##.&\field##.\vrule\vrule\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}\noalign{\hrule}
+ 8& .\@a8&*.\@b8& .\@c8&*.\@d8& .\@e8&*.\@f8& .\@g8&*.\@h8\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}
+ 7&*.\@a7& .\@b7&*.\@c7& .\@d7&*.\@e7& .\@f7&*.\@g7& .\@h7\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}
+ 6& .\@a6&*.\@b6& .\@c6&*.\@d6& .\@e6&*.\@f6& .\@g6&*.\@h6\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}
+ 5&*.\@a5& .\@b5&*.\@c5& .\@d5&*.\@e5& .\@f5&*.\@g5& .\@h5\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}
+ 4& .\@a4&*.\@b4& .\@c4&*.\@d4& .\@e4&*.\@f4& .\@g4&*.\@h4\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}
+ 3&*.\@a3& .\@b3&*.\@c3& .\@d3&*.\@e3& .\@f3&*.\@g3& .\@h3\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}
+ 2& .\@a2&*.\@b2& .\@c2&*.\@d2& .\@e2&*.\@f2& .\@g2&*.\@h2\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}
+ 1&*.\@a1& .\@b1&*.\@c1& .\@d1&*.\@e1& .\@f1&*.\@g1& .\@h1\cr
+ \noalign{\hrule}\noalign{\hrule}
+ }\vskip \footskipamount
+ \halign{\linenumber{##}&\nfield{##}&\nfield{##}&\nfield{##}&\nfield{##}&
+ \nfield{##}&\nfield{##}&\nfield{##}&\nfield{##}\cr
+ &a&b&c&d&e&f&g&h\cr}
+ }$$\par}
+ \gdef\setupboard{\def\colour{W}\movenumber=0
+ \gdef\@a8{\ST}\gdef\@b8{\SS}\gdef\@c8{\SL}\gdef\@d8{\SD}%
+ \gdef\@e8{\SK}\gdef\@f8{\SL}\gdef\@g8{\SS}\gdef\@h8{\ST}%
+ \gdef\@a7{\SB}\gdef\@b7{\SB}\gdef\@c7{\SB}\gdef\@d7{\SB}%
+ \gdef\@e7{\SB}\gdef\@f7{\SB}\gdef\@g7{\SB}\gdef\@h7{\SB}%
+ \gdef\@a6{\void}\gdef\@b6{\void}\gdef\@c6{\void}\gdef\@d6{\void}%
+ \gdef\@e6{\void}\gdef\@f6{\void}\gdef\@g6{\void}\gdef\@h6{\void}%
+ \gdef\@a5{\void}\gdef\@b5{\void}\gdef\@c5{\void}\gdef\@d5{\void}%
+ \gdef\@e5{\void}\gdef\@f5{\void}\gdef\@g5{\void}\gdef\@h5{\void}%
+ \gdef\@a4{\void}\gdef\@b4{\void}\gdef\@c4{\void}\gdef\@d4{\void}%
+ \gdef\@e4{\void}\gdef\@f4{\void}\gdef\@g4{\void}\gdef\@h4{\void}%
+ \gdef\@a3{\void}\gdef\@b3{\void}\gdef\@c3{\void}\gdef\@d3{\void}%
+ \gdef\@e3{\void}\gdef\@f3{\void}\gdef\@g3{\void}\gdef\@h3{\void}%
+ \gdef\@a2{\WB}\gdef\@b2{\WB}\gdef\@c2{\WB}\gdef\@d2{\WB}%
+ \gdef\@e2{\WB}\gdef\@f2{\WB}\gdef\@g2{\WB}\gdef\@h2{\WB}%
+ \gdef\@a1{\WT}\gdef\@b1{\WS}\gdef\@c1{\WL}\gdef\@d1{\WD}%
+ \gdef\@e1{\WK}\gdef\@f1{\WL}\gdef\@g1{\WS}\gdef\@h1{\WT}}
+%---------------------- Moves ------------------------------------
+\def\move#1#2#3#4#5#6 {% Syntax: [KDTLS ][a-h][1-8][-x][a-h][1-8]
+ % Man beachte, dass der erste Parameter fehlen kann, d.h., dies muss
+ % erst ermittelt werden mit hilfe des dritten.
+ \if#3-\@move B#1#2#3#4#5%
+ \else\if#3x\@move B#1#2#3#4#5%
+ \else\@move #1#2#3#4#5#6\fi\fi
+ \ifx\colour\whitecolour\def\colour{S}\advance\movenumber by 1
+ \else\def\colour{W}\fi
+ }
+\def\@move#1#2#3#4#5#6{% Syntax: [KDTLSB][a-h][1-8][-x][a-h][1-8]
+ \expandafter\def\csname @#2#3\endcsname{\void}%
+ \ifx\colour\whitecolour
+ \expandafter\def\csname @#5#6\endcsname{\csname W#1\endcsname}%
+ \else\expandafter\def\csname @#5#6\endcsname{\csname S#1\endcsname}\fi}
+%---------------------- End of Macro Definitions -----------------
+ \move e2-e4 \move c7-c6
+ \move d2-d4 \move d7-d5
+ \move Sb1-d2 \move d5xe4
+ \move Sd2xe4 \move Sb8-d7
+ \move Sg1-f3
+ \showboard
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/automagic.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/automagic.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75d047cb53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/automagic.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+% for automagic equation numbering
+\def\nexteqnum{{\count9=\LastEqNum\advance\count9 by1
+ \BuildEqBox{\count9}}}
+\def\neweqnum{\global\advance\LastEqNum by1 \lasteqnum}
+% for automagic section numbering
+\def\SP{ }
+% Start a new section. First argument is depth (1 to 9 please!), second
+% is caption. \esection is a section that has nothing above it and
+% shouldn't get a \goodbreak\bigskip.
+\def\SECTBAD{\errmessage{Section depths should be between 1 and 9}}
+ \sectiondepth=#1
+ \ifcase\sectiondepth\SectBad\or\sectA\or\sectB\or\sectC\or
+ \sectD\or\sectE\or\sectF\or\sectG\or\sectH\or\sectI\else
+ \advance\count\sectiondepth by1
+ \loop\advance\sectiondepth by1 % zero all lower levels
+ \ifnum\sectiondepth<10\count\sectiondepth=0\repeat
+ \sectiondepth=1
+ \setbox\sectnum=\hbox{\number\count1}%
+ \global\def\Sectnum{\number\count1}%
+ \loop\ifnum\sectiondepth<#1 % Glue together each level
+ \advance\sectiondepth by1
+ \ifnum0=\count\sectiondepth % force to 1
+ \set\count\sectiondepth=1
+ \fi
+ \setbox\sectnum=\hbox
+ {\unhbox\sectnum.\number\count\sectiondepth}%
+ \global\edef\Sectnum{\Sectnum.\number\count\sectiondepth}%
+ \repeat
+ \message{\Sectnum. #2}%
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\bf\copy\sectnum.\hskip1em#2}%
+ \def\text{\Sectnum.\SP!#2}%
+ \tocentry{#1}{\text}{\box0\hfil}
+ \ignorespaces
+% unnumbered section
+ \message{#1}%
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\bf#1}%
+ \def\text{\SP!#1}%
+ \tocentry{0}{\text}{\box0\hfil}%
+ \ignorespaces
+% print arg 3 as a line, put arg 2 into the table of contents with
+% a "level" of arg 1
+% takes care of putting box0 out as a line, and putting it into the
+% table of contents if required
+ \line{#3}% stuff to appear in the text
+ \nobreak\smallskip\nobreak % now in vert mode
+ \iftoc{\let\the=0 % make it unexpandable
+ \xdef\ixout{\write\inx{\Z#1\SP!#2!\SP\the\pageno.}}\ixout
+ }\fi
+ \font\titlefont=amssbx10 scaled\magstep2
+ \def\LeadFill{\leaders\hbox to .75em{\hss.\hss}\hfill}
+ \def\Z##1!##2!##3!##4.{
+ \Siz=##1\count1=\Siz
+ \advance\Siz by 1 \multiply\Siz by \count1
+ \divide\Siz by 2 \advance\Siz by -1
+ \dimen0=1em\multiply\dimen0 by \Siz
+ \Siz=##1\advance\Siz by 1
+ \dimen1=1em\multiply\dimen1 by \Siz
+ \line{\hskip\dimen0\hbox to\dimen1{##2\hfil}{##3}\LeadFill\hbox{##4}}
+ }
+ \centerline{\titlefont Table of Contents}\vskip .75in
+ \global\count0=-1
+ \input \jobname.toc
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/autotoc.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/autotoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b2f8ce6e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/autotoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+% Automatically generate a Table Of Contents (TOC) while the
+% document is being processed by PLAIN TeX
+% Use \tocref{ texta }{ textb } to insert TOC entries. `texta'
+% will be typeset in the TOC and at the current location,
+% for example `\centerline{\tocref{Chapter 1}{}}' inserts
+% `Chapter 1' at the current location in your document
+% centered, and enters it in the TOC (not centered).
+% `textb' is a prefix text/TeX commands to precede `texta'
+% in the TOC only (it will not appear in the current loc-
+% ation of your document -- {{`textb'`texta'}.....\folio}).
+% Use \tocline to add info only intended for the TOC (no page number or
+% dotfill is used for tocline entries).
+% Use \tocgen to force the last TOC page to be printed (last command
+% before \end?)
+% To specialize, look at the below comments in the right
+% Uses variable names
+% tocnew, tocopage, tocbox, tocsize, tocstrut, tocref,
+% tocbanner, tocsuffix, tocline, tocstart, tocont, tocgen
+\def\tocstrut{{\vrule height8.5pt depth3.5pt width0pt}} % TOC baselineskip -1pt
+\def\tocref#1#2{\tocbanner#1 % Where `texta' is duplicated
+ \global\setbox\tocbox=\vbox{
+ \box\tocbox\vbox{
+ \line{\tocstrut{#2#1}~\dotfill~\folio} % Where the TOC line is made
+ }}\tocsuffix}
+ \global\setbox\tocbox=\vbox{
+ \box\tocbox\vbox{
+ \line{\tocstrut{#1}}
+ }}\tocsuffix}
+ \ifnum\tocnew=3\tocont\fi}
+ \global\tocnew=3\fi}
+% Do not change tocsize = 1.0 (TeX may go into an infinite loop)
+\def\tocstart{\global\tocsize=.95\vsize % TOC page >95% full, print it
+ \global\setbox\tocbox=\vbox{
+ \centerline{\tocstrut\bf Table Of Contents} % TOC page 1 banner line 1
+ \line{\tocstrut\hfil} % TOC page 1 banner line 2 blank line
+ }\global\tocnew=2}
+ \centerline{\tocstrut Table Of Contents (Continued)} % TOC page <> 1 banner
+ }\global\tocnew=2}
+ \message{No TOC entries found.}\else
+ \tocopage=\pageno\pageno=0\message{(TOC}
+ \shipout\box\tocbox\message{)}
+ \pageno=\tocopage\global\tocnew=1\fi}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/bellmac.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/bellmac.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea5f26f38b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/bellmac.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+% Ed Bell
+% \title AutoLetter: A \TeX\ form letter procedure.
+% \\Edwin V. Bell, II\cr
+% Department of Physics and Astronomy
+% University of Kansas
+% \endx
+% \pagexref{bell}
+% The inquiry from John Lee (\TUB, October 1986) concerning form letters was
+% particularly interesting to me as I had recently completed such a procedure
+% at the request of our office staff. The procedure (called AutoLetter) is
+% a ``plain'' \TeX\ procedure which requires two files, one containing a
+% delimited listing of names and addresses, the other a generic form letter.
+% Each entry in the address file is followed by a line containing a single
+% asterisk. The last entry must also be followed by this line, which in turn
+% {\it must} be followed by the end-of-file mark. Each individual entry consists
+% of six lines for the addressee's title, name, etc., followed by as many
+% address lines as desired. The lines for the addressee's name are:
+% \item{(1)}Title (Prof., Mr., Ms., etc.)
+% \item{(2)}First name/initial
+% \item{(3)}Name to be used as a familiar form of address.
+% \item{(4)}Middle name(s)/initial(s)
+% \item{(5)}Last/family name
+% \item{(6)}Additional name information (Jr., II, Esq., etc.)
+% \noindent
+% These lines are then used to reconstruct the persons name for various forms
+% of address(including for the address block) and to address the person formally
+% (Sir, Madam, Sir or Madam), familiarly (by item (3) above or, if (3) is
+% blank, by first name), or by title and last name. If any of these lines
+% are left blank, AutoLetter doesn't mind, but if the entry is irrelevant
+% or absent from the persons name, {\it it must still be left blank}. An example
+% of an address entry might be:
+% \begintt
+% Mr.
+% Edwin
+% Ed
+% V.
+% Bell
+% II
+% Department of Physics \& Astronomy
+% University of Kansas
+% Lawrence, KS\ \ \ 66045
+% *
+% \endtt
+% The letter file is quite simple and used macros that are the same as or
+% slight variations of those listed in Appendix E of {\sl The \TeX book}.
+% AutoLetter takes care of the placement of the date and address block (and
+% could as well the letterhead, although I have not yet implemented that here
+% as yet), so the letter file might appear as:
+% \begintt
+% \letterbody
+% Dear \person--
+% ...text...
+% \closing
+% Sincerely,
+% ...
+% \annotations...
+% \ps...
+% \endletter
+% \endtt
+% AutoLetter consists of two files, on the \TeX\ procedure itself, the other
+% containing the letter-formatting macros (and local macros, if desired).
+% The AutoLetter procedure looks like:
+% \begintt
+% \input letter_format
+\message{| AutoLetter Version 1.1 -- 9 October 1986 |}
+\message{Enter name of file containing the addresses:}
+\read-1 to\addfile
+\message{Enter name of file containing the body of the letter:}
+\read-1 to\letfile
+% Now read in an entry containing the person to whom to send the letter
+\read\addressfile to\text \let\title=\text
+ \read\addressfile to\text \let\firstname=\text
+ \read\addressfile to\text \let\nickname=\text
+ \read\addressfile to\text \let\middlename=\text
+ \read\addressfile to\text \let\lastname=\text
+ \read\addressfile to\text
+ \ifx\text\blank\def\jr{}\else\def\jr{, \text}\fi
+ \endlinechar='015
+ \message{Now processing letter to \addressee.}
+ \getaddress
+ \doletter
+ \endlinechar=-1
+ \read\addressfile to\text \let\title=\text
+ \ifeof\addressfile\endfalse\else\endtrue\fi
+ \ifend
+% \endtt
+% \noindent
+% Our local letter-formatting macros are:
+% \begintt
+% \input whatever local macro package you wish here
+% \twelvept % 12-point size is so much easier to read
+% \hsize=6.5truein
+% \vsize=8.0truein
+% \hoffset=1.0truein
+% \voffset=1.5truein
+% \raggedbottom
+% \interlinepenalty=1000
+% \parindent=0pt
+% \parskip=0pt
+% \nopagenumbers
+% Define some stuff so that the headlines will come out the way
+% we want them to be.
+% \newbox\headbox
+% \headline={\ifnum\pageno>1
+% {\twelverm
+% \global\setbox\headbox=\vbox\bgroup%
+% \leftline{\addressee}
+% \leftline{\today}
+% \leftline{Page \folio}\egroup}\copy\headbox
+% \else\hfil\fi}
+% \def\makeheadline{\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-70.6pt
+% \line{\vbox to30.6pt{}\the\headline}\vss}
+% \nointerlineskip}
+% \newif\ifend
+% Macros for reading in the address from the file.
+% \def\blank{}
+% \def\endletter{\endmode\vfill\eject\pageno=1}
+% \newdimen\longindentation \longindentation=10truecm
+% \newbox\theaddress
+% \newif\ifast
+% \def\aster{* }
+% \def\getaddress{{\global\setbox\theaddress=\vbox\bgroup\raggedright%
+% \hsize=\longindentation
+% \everypar{\hangindent2em}
+% \line{\vbox to10.2pt{}\addressee\hss}\egroup%
+% {\loop{\read\addressfile to\text
+% \ifx\text\aster\astfalse\else\asttrue\fi
+% \ifast\global\setbox\theaddress=\vbox\bgroup\unvbox\theaddress
+% \line{\vbox to 10.2pt{}\text\hss}\egroup}\repeat}}}
+% Macros for formatting the letter.
+% \def\letterbody{\beginparmode}
+% \def\closing{\beginlinemode\getclosing}
+% {\obeylines\gdef\getclosing #1
+% #2
+% {#1\nobreak\bigskip \leftskip=\longindentation #2
+% \nobreak\bigskip\bigskip\bigskip\bigskip % space for signature
+% \def
+% {\endgraf\nobreak}}}
+% \def\annotations{\beginlinemode\def\par{\endgraf\nobreak}\obeylines\par}
+% \def\ps{\beginparmode\nobreak
+% \interlinepenalty5000\def\par{\endgraf\penalty5000}
+% P.cS.\ }
+% \def\address{\beginlinemode \copy\theaddress \endgroup}
+% \def\doletter{{\leftskip=\longindentation%
+% \rm\today\bigskip\address\bigskip}
+% \input \letfile}
+% Macros for setting up forms of salutation.
+% \def\mr{Mr.}
+% \def\ms{Ms.}
+% \def\mrs{Mrs.}
+% \def\miss{Miss}
+% \def\addressee{\ifx\blank\title\else\title\space\fi%
+% \firstname\space\ifx\blank\middlename\else\middlename\space\fi%
+% \lastname\jr}
+% \def\person{\ifx\blank\title Sir or Madam\else\title\space\lastname\fi}
+% \def\familiar{\ifx\blank\nickname \firstname\else\nickname\fi}
+% \def\formal{\ifx\mr\title Sir\else{\ifx\ms\title Madam\else%
+% {\ifx\mrs\title Madam\else{\ifx\miss\title Madam\else{\person}\fi}%
+% \fi}\fi}\fi}
+% \endtt
+% The AutoLetter procedure prompts the user for the names of the address and
+% letter files and then goes to work. A similar procedure (called {\smc Labels})
+% can also be used with the address file to produce 33 labels/page (3 columns
+% of 11 labels). This enables us to produce form letters with or without labels
+% or to maintain mailing lists without requiring letters (for abstract mailings,
+% for example).
+%If anyone is interested in having these procedures, drop me a line. If response
+% is high, I would be more than willing to provide them to the \TeX\ community
+% at large. Mail may be sent to:
+% \leftline{Bitnet: Bell@UKANVAX}
+% \leftline{SPAN: KUPHSX::Bell}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/bfsymb.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/bfsymb.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fbd828f81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/bfsymb.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+%% bfsymb.tex, written by Uwe M\"unch
+%% e-mail:
+% This macro package provides the command
+% \boldsymbol{...}
+% to typeset parts of a math formula (e.g. a greek sign (\alpha)) in the
+% bold cmmib10-font for the plain tex format. It's not for use under
+% any other format, because it will not work (I think).
+% The 10pt-font cmmib10 is hard-coded, so that you get the design size
+% 10 pt. Magnification with \magnification=???? will work, but this macro
+% will not provide good results, if you want to use it with (e.g.) cmr17...
+% For the latex format the command \boldsymbol is provided in the amstex
+% package (written by the AMS, not me), with similar functionality, but
+% much stronger font selection (NFSS2).
+\font\bfsymbscript=cmmib10 at 7pt
+\font\bfsymbscriptscript=cmmib10 at 5 pt
+ {\hbox{$\displaystyle\textfont1=\bfsymbtext\scriptfont1=%
+ \bfsymbscript\scriptscriptfont1=\bfsymbscriptscript #1$}}%
+ {\hbox{$\textstyle\textfont1=\bfsymbtext\scriptfont1=%
+ \bfsymbscript\scriptscriptfont1=\bfsymbscriptscript #1$}}%
+ {\hbox{$\scriptstyle\scriptfont1=\bfsymbscript%
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\bfsymbscriptscript #1$}}%
+ {\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle%
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\bfsymbscriptscript {#1}$}}}}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/bibplain.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/bibplain.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49f9284f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/bibplain.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+% Pseudo-BIB.TEX
+% These commands are examples of how to use BibTeX with plain TeX.
+% Syntax is similar to LaTeX, but can be changed to suit the user.
+% Example:
+% .... Blah, blah \citer(Keyword) blah, blah....
+% \bibliography{gunk} %<-- the *.BIB file
+% \bibliographystyle{plain} %<-- the *.BST file (style)
+% \citer Puts nothing in the text, it only enters something in the *.AUX
+% file (which is now generated). This allows citing of entries in the
+% bibliography, but not the text.
+% Anthony J. Ferro
+% Physics Dept. -- Astronomy Group
+% Arizona State University
+% Tempe, AZ 85287
+ \write1{\string\relax}\fi %
+ \write1{\string\citation{#1}}} % Put your favorite method of citing here!
+ \ifeof2
+ \message{No \jobname.BBL file. }
+ \write1{\string\bibdata{#1}}
+ \closein2
+ \else
+ { %important, lets \end be redefined TEMPORARILY
+ \def\begin##1##2{\references}
+ \def\bibitem##1{}
+ \def\newblock{}
+ \def\end##1{\endreferences}
+ \input\jobname.bbl
+ }
+ \write1{\string\bibdata{#1}}
+ \closein2
+ \fi }
+\def\references{\bf This is the beginning of MY REFERENCES}
+\def\endreferences{\bf This is the end of MY REFERENCES}
+%%%-------------------- Un-Rip here ---------------------------------
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/border.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/border.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6821339ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/border.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+% border.tex
+% Author: James A. Brister
+% Mon Jan 28 19:43:19 1991
+% Macros to put black borders around a page in PLAIN TeX. The border is
+% laid over the top of the page as it would normally be. Changes to
+% \hoffset and \voffset do not affect where the border goes.
+% To turn borders on use the command \borderson, to turn them off use
+% \bordersoff.
+% Interesting dimensions are:
+% \borderindent the distance from the outside edge of the border to
+% the paper edge. Default is 10 pts
+% \borderwidth the width of the border. Default is 5pt
+% \borderspace the (minimum) space between the inside edge of the
+% border and the outside edge of the box containing
+% all the page material. Default is 10pt. Not really
+% useful in this context though, because it implies the
+% internal box will be shifted, but the size
+% of the internal box is adjusted to allow for this
+% dimension. The macro that uses it (boxit) is
+% useful, and borderspace can really be set to
+% anything inside a group .e.g.
+% {\borderwidth=5pt
+% \borderspace=5pt
+% \boxit{\hbox{fubar}}}
+% won't (ok, shouldn't) affect the output routine.
+% \paperheight the height of the paper, default is 11 inches
+% \paperwidth the width of the paper, default is 8.5 inches
+% NOTE: If you change these dimensions you can get
+% overfull box errors. To avoid this adjust \vsize, \hsize, \hoffset, and
+% \voffset accordingly.
+ \newdimen\borderspace \borderspace=10pt
+\newdimen\borderwidth \borderwidth=5pt
+\newdimen\borderindent \borderindent=10pt
+\newdimen\paperheight \paperheight=11in
+\newdimen\paperwidth \paperwidth=8.5in
+ \newdimen\bigboxheight % height of final box inside border
+\newdimen\bigboxwidth % width of same box
+\newdimen\leftsidekern % distance between inside of border and left of page box
+\newdimen\topsidekern % distance between inside of border and top of pagebox
+\newdimen\boxadjust % distance from paper edge to inside edge of border space.
+ %
+% put a border around a box. Taken from the TeX book. Border width is
+% defined by \borderwidth. Distance out from box is \borderspace.
+% This macro can be called in a page like so:
+% {\borderwidth=5pt \borderspace=5pt \boxit{\hbox{fubar}}}
+ \def\boxit#1{\vbox{\hrule height \borderwidth depth 0pt
+ \hbox{\vrule width \borderwidth\kern\borderspace
+\vbox{\kern\borderspace#1\kern\borderspace}\kern\borderspace \vrule width
+\borderwidth}\hrule height \borderwidth depth 0pt}}
+ %
+% Wrap up the page in a border and ship it out.
+ \def\borderoutput{
+ \setbox255=\vbox{\makeheadline
+ \pagebody
+ \makefootline}%
+ \setbox255=\vbox{\makebigbox{\box255}}
+ \begingroup
+ \hoffset= -1in \advance\hoffset by \borderindent
+ \voffset= -1in \advance\voffset by \borderindent
+ \shipout\boxit{\box255}
+ \endgroup
+ \advancepageno
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000\else\dosupereject\fi}
+ %
+% make a big box to hold the page, that's big enough to wrap the border
+% around.
+ \def\makebigbox#1{%
+ \boxadjust=\borderindent
+ \advance\boxadjust by \borderwidth
+ \advance\boxadjust by \borderspace
+ \bigboxheight=\paperheight
+ \bigboxwidth=\paperwidth
+ \advance\bigboxheight by -\boxadjust
+ \advance\bigboxheight by -\boxadjust
+ \advance\bigboxwidth by -\boxadjust
+ \advance\bigboxwidth by -\boxadjust
+ \leftsidekern=\hoffset \advance\leftsidekern by 1in
+ \advance\leftsidekern by -\boxadjust
+ \topsidekern=\voffset \advance\topsidekern by 1in
+ \advance\topsidekern by -\boxadjust
+ \hbox to \bigboxwidth{\kern\leftsidekern
+ \vbox to \bigboxheight{\kern\topsidekern#1\vfil}
+ \hfil}}
+ \def\borderson{\output={\borderoutput}}
+\def\bordersoff{\output={\plainoutput}} % reset to TeX's standard output
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/boxit.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/boxit.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57956219c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/boxit.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+% Use \boxit{ text } to surround text / paragraphs / anything in a
+% box. For example, typing \boxit{the} would produce
+% +---+
+% |the|
+% +---+
+% (you may want to use \strut inside the argument if the
+% boxit is on a line by itself).
+ \kern1pt\hbox{\kern1pt\vbox{#1}\kern1pt}}\kern1pt\hrule}\vrule}}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/btable.sty b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/btable.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a11bdb7a05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/btable.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+%From: ( Andrew )
+%Newsgroups: comp.text.tex,aus.tex
+%Subject: large table macros for TeX - btable.sty
+%Message-ID: <>
+%Date: 6 Jul 90 05:25:46 GMT
+%Sender: (news)
+%Organization: Mathematics, University of Sydney
+%Lines: 123
+%Xref: jarthur comp.text.tex:1959
+%Replies-To: comp.text.tex
+%Several people have expressed an interest in the table macros which
+%I purported to have. They appear below. They do *not* work in LaTeX;
+%however after looking at the supertab macros for LaTeX (which several
+%people told me about), I think that I could modifify them to work
+%with LaTeX. Any one who wishes to convert them feel free as I won't
+%have the time to do this until the end of August.
+%The basic macros were written primarily by Bob Howlett
+%(, with me watching and making the odd
+%suggestion and modification. Consequently I have called the macros
+%the "btable.sty" macros. All credit should go to Bob.
+%The macros were written to typeset large character tables and
+%consequently everything is put into math mode. To take them out of
+%math mode the definitions of \tableline and \nextbit need to be
+%changed in the obvious way (ie. remove the "$"s).
+%The reason why I wanted these macros was that TeX and LaTeX both
+%spat the dummy and gave a memory overflow when I asked them to
+%do my tables by conventional methods. I also tried using the
+%tabular environment in LaTeX; butm for reasons which I can't
+%comprehend (or through ill-use?), there seems to be a limit of
+%approximately 15 columns in this evironment - I needed up to
+%31 columns. Given this limit, the supertab environment written for LaTeX
+%has the same restriction (it uses the tabular environment), and
+%so it would be worthwhile to convert these macros to LaTeX (they
+%don't work in LaTeX at the moment because \plainoutput is not
+%defined in LaTeX).
+%These macros do not appear to have any memory restrictions: I ran
+%what turned out to be 22 pages of 31 column tables through TeX in
+%one hit without any complaints. As such they meet my specifications -
+%I hope that they also met yours.
+%Andrew Mathas.
+% - smile at a stranger today and help make the world a better
+% place; while you're, at it, why not hug a friend!
+%% Written by Bob Howlett with modifications by Andrew Mathas 1990.
+%%% Table Format:
+%% All entries are formatted in math mode. A horizontal line
+%% is placed under the table header, and a vertical line
+%% separates the first and second columns. The first column
+%% is left justified and all other columns are right justified.
+%% Any row can have an arbitrary number of columns. The macros were
+%% designed for TeXing character tables.
+%%% Table Syntax:
+% - table begun with \starttable
+% - columns separated by &
+% - each row ended by &!
+% - last row of table ended by &* and followed by \endtable
+% - table header specified by \tableheader ...&!
+% - if a blank line is wanted in the table put !\gap at the
+% end of the row
+% - to force a page break put !\pagegap at end of row
+% - pages are broken naturally if \pagegap is not used, and the
+% table header is put at the top of the following page.
+%%% Column spacing
+% - nameskip: width of the title column
+% - colSkip: width of the columns
+% - colsep: separation between columns
+% - firstcol: extra space to the left of the first column (in my
+% character tables the the first column (as distinct from the
+% left-most column which "labels" each row), contains the
+% degrees of the characters which are often very large numbers
+% and so I needed more space: eg. psi | xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx ...).
+%%% Known bug
+% If the row ends with ...& &! then the next row may be
+% added to the end of this row. This can be avoided
+% by typing ...&\relax&! instead.
+%% Useful note:
+% set \hsize=\wd0 to make the page width equal the table width
+%% Written by Bob Howlett with modifications by Andrew Mathas 1990.
+\def\normalspacing{height8.5pt depth3.5pt}
+\def\moreheight{height9.5pt depth4.5pt\let\spacing\normalspacing}
+\def\muchmoreheight{height15pt depth4.5pt\let\spacing\normalspacing}
+ \tableline#1*}%
+ \global\def\TableHeader{\copy0\hrule width\wd0\let\spacing\moreheight}}
+ \parskip=0pt\parindent=0pt%
+ \output={\plainoutput\TableHeader}
+ \TableHeader\startnewline}
+ \ifx\pagegaptrue\next\vfill\eject\tableline\message{XXX}\pagegapfalse
+ \else\message{CCC}\tableline\fi}
+ \rlap{$#1$}\nameskip\colsep\vrule\spacing\firstcol\nextbit}
+ \else\nextbit#1\relax\fi\fi}
+%A small example: larger examples available upon request
+\tableheader C_1&C_2&C_3&!
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/capparmode.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/capparmode.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7fb62043a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/capparmode.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+% Copyright (c) 1986 David J. Braunegg. All rights reserved.
+% Distribution of this file is unrestricted provided that this notice
+% is not removed.
+%%% Macros to typeset paragraphs with the first letter of the paragraph in
+%%% a large font with the first few lines of the paragraph indented to
+%%% make room for this first large letter
+\font\big=cmr10 scaled\magstep5
+%%% This macro gets you into capparmode mode. Get back out with \endcapparmode
+ \parindent=0pt
+ \everypar={\futurelet\cap\bigcap}}
+\def\bigcap{\setbox0=\vbox to 1.5ex{\hbox{\big\cap}}%
+ \dimen0=\wd0%
+ \advance\dimen0 by 0.5em
+ \hangindent=\dimen0%
+ \hangafter=-2%
+ \hbox to0pt{\hskip-\hangindent\box0}%
+ \let\discard=}
+ \everypar={}}
+%%% This macro causes the next paragraph only to be set in capparmode.
+ \futurelet\cap\bigcap}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/cassette.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/cassette.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56ae700781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/cassette.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+% cassette.tex (C) Copyright 1991 by David Strip.
+% Permission is granted for non-commercial use.
+% Please send corrections, refinements, etc to
+% Flames to \dev\null
+% These macros are designed to lay out a label for a standard
+% phillips audio cassette box. See the pictorial layout below.
+% In general you will begin with a \artist command. This command
+% takes a single argument and prints it in large boldface on the
+% spine of the cassette. Within this argument the \\ command will
+% create spacing between words. The total blank space on the line
+% is divided equally between the left margin, the right margin, and
+% each occurance of \\. The most typical use of \\ is to separate the
+% names of different artists appearing on the tape. The \artist command
+% does not need to be repeated if several labels are being made with
+% the same artist.
+% The next command is the \title command. This is very similar to the
+% \artist command. It takes a single argument, which is printed on the
+% cassette spine. The \\ command and spacing are the same as in the
+% title command.
+% Commands \sideA and \sideB are nearly indentical. They layout the
+% left and right columns, repectively of the face of the cassette.
+% (These columns are twice the length of the cassette box face, and are
+% intended to be folded in half. These commands also take a single arguement
+% which is then formatted as a paragraph in the appropriate column. The
+% paragraph formatting has reverse indenting - the first line starts at the
+% margin, subsequent lines are indented. In these commands you can use \\ to
+% end lines (e.g., song titles).
+% For the daring, the arguments to the commands can contain any TeX code
+% (within reason). A few useful tricks for the uninitiated: You can call
+% \centerline{...} to center some text. You can use {\bf ...} to put text in
+% bold face. \blankline (defined in this file, will leave a blank line.
+% (See the example.)
+% The \NR and \noNR switches turn on or off the dolby logo on the spine.
+% The \CD command within a \sideA or \sideB command will center the
+% compact audio disk logo at the point that the command occurs.
+% After you have filled in these fields, you actually cause the casette
+% label to be processed with the \cassette-label command, which takes
+% no arguements.
+% _______________________________________________
+% | |
+% | |
+% |_______________________________________________|
+% | \artist |
+% | \title |
+% |_______________________________________________|
+% | | |
+% | \sideA | \sideB |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% | | |
+% |______________________|________________________|
+% Example
+% \artist{Dylan\\Kooper, Bloomfield, Stills}
+% \title{Highway 61 Revisited\\Super Session}
+% \sideA{
+% Like A Rolling Stone\\
+% Tombstone Blues\\
+% It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry\\
+% From a Buick 6\\
+% Queen Jane Approximately\\
+% Highway 61 Revisited\\
+% Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues\\
+% Desolation Row\\
+% \CD} %original was on CD
+% \sideB{
+% Ballad of a Thin Man\\
+% \blankline %leave a blank line
+% \centerline{\bf Bloomfield and Kooper} %center and bold for subhead
+% Albert's Shuffle\\
+% Stop\\
+% Man's Temptation\\
+% His Holy Modal Majesty\\
+% \blankline
+% \centerline{\bf Stills and Kooper}
+% It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry\\
+% Season of the Witch\\
+% \CD}
+% \cassette-label %Print the label
+%FONTS Substitute freely to get what you want. These are Nini Billawala's
+% pandora family, which lends a slightly informal touch.
+\font\ftnbf=pnb10 scaled \magstep2
+%These are two specialty fonts. I hope that you can find them.
+\tolerance=10000 %Allow very sloppy line breaking.
+%setup the indentation the way I want it.
+\def\\{\par\hangindent 2em \hangafter 1}
+%Now grab a few boxes to build the stuff in
+\newbox\ART \newbox\TITLE \newbox\ASIDE \newbox\BSIDE \newbox\NRmark
+\def\sideA#1{\setbox\ASIDE=\vbox to 4.98in{\hsize 1.875in \raggedright
+\vskip \baselineskip \\ \rm #1\vfil}}
+\def\sideB#1{\setbox\BSIDE=\vbox to 4.98in{\hsize 1.875in \raggedright
+\vskip \baselineskip \\ \rm #1\vfil}}
+\setbox\ART=\vbox {\def\\{\hfil}\hsize 4.0in \ftnbf \hfil #1\hfil}}
+\def\title#1{\setbox\TITLE=\vbox {
+ \def\\{\hfil}
+ \hsize 4.0in \hfil \rm #1 \hfil}}
+%These next two may very likely need some munging with, since there obviously
+%no such thing as a standard font for the logos. In each case there is a
+%single letter right after the font change command that specifies the mapping
+%of the character in the font. Change that if you need.
+\def\NR{\setbox\NRmark=\vbox {\hbox to 4in {\hfil \dolby E\hskip 2pt} \vskip 2pt}}
+\def\noNR{\setbox\NRmark=\vbox to 10pt{}}
+\def\CD{\vfill\centerline{{\cdlogo C}}\vskip 1pc}
+%Noise reduction logo is enabled by default.
+%My driver does not do landscape, so I can only do one label per page.
+%If you can do landscape, you might want to remove this centerline, and
+%adjust the page size parameters to do two-up. I just cut a sheet of
+%paper in half and print one at a time.
+ \vrule height6.0in width.01in
+ \vbox to 6.0in{\vfil %this seems to be necessary to pick
+ \hrule width4in height.01in % for round-off in the decimals.
+ \vskip .49in
+ \hrule width4.0in height.01in
+ \vbox to .49in {\vfil
+ \copy\ART %artist name
+ \vfil
+ \box\TITLE %album titles
+ \vfil
+ \vskip -\ht\NRmark
+ \box\NRmark
+ }
+ \hrule width4.0in height.01in
+ \hbox to 4.0in{
+ \hskip .06in
+ \box\ASIDE %side A
+ \hfil
+ \vrule height4.98in width.01in
+ \hfil
+ \box\BSIDE %side B
+ \hskip .06in
+ }
+ \hrule width4.0in height.01in
+ }\vrule height 6.0in width.01in
+ }
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/comment.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/comment.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8606bfad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/comment.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+% Comment.tex
+% Macro to allow block comments in TeX
+% Usage: Text between \begincomment and \endcomment is ignored; i.e.
+% text
+% \begincomment
+% this text is ignored
+% \endcomment
+% more text
+% Notes: Do NOT nest.
+% The \endcomment MUST appear at the end of a line.
+% TeX processes each line of ignored text, so the macro
+% is not particularly fast. Use sparingly. The main use
+% is to cause TeX to pass over small blocks of text.
+% J.C. Alexander, May, 1986
+ \edef\S@velbraccatcode{\the\catcode`\{}
+ \edef\S@verbraccatcode{\the\catcode`\}}
+ \edef\S@venumsgcatcode{\the\catcode`\#}
+ \edef\S@veperctcatcode{\the\catcode`\%}
+ \catcode`\\=12 \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12 \catcode`\#=12
+ \catcode`\%=12\relax}
+ \catcode`\{=\S@velbraccatcode
+ \catcode`\}=\S@verbraccatcode
+ \catcode`\#=\S@venumsgcatcode
+ \catcode`\%=\S@veperctcatcode
+ \relax}
+\def\begincomment{\newcodes@\endlinechar=10 \comment@}
+ \fi\next}}}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/cropmrks.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/cropmrks.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3d065775b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/cropmrks.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+%%% Usage:
+%%% \input cropmarks
+%%% \topcropmark = <dimen> [plus <dimen>] [minus <dimen>]
+%%% \bottomcropmark = <dimen> [plus <dimen>] [minus <dimen>]
+%%% \leftcropmark = <dimen> [plus <dimen>] [minus <dimen>]
+%%% \rightcropmark = <dimen> [plus <dimen>] [minus <dimen>]
+%%% \lrcropmarkstrue ;;; iff you want alternating left and right cropmarks only
+%%% \rvcropmarkstrue ;;; iff you want recto and verso specified independently
+%%% (in which case the first four variables are two-valued
+%%% as \recto<var> and \verso<var>).
+%%% Square brackets indicate optional items, and the <dimen>s are
+%%% respectively (and all measured w.r.t. the origin, which is the
+%%% top left corner of the notional, rather than physical page; the
+%%% exact origin will need to be determined by inspection)
+%%% The distance to the centre of the cross;
+%%% The distance which the cross extends beyond the page limits;
+%%% The distance which the cross extends within the page limits.
+%%% Any or all can be zero <unit>s. For conventional (exo-) cropmarks, the
+%%% `plus' component indicates the length of the mark, and the `minus' component
+%%% should be omitted or zero. For inverted (endo-) cropmarks, the `plus'
+%%% component should be omitted or zero, and the `minus' component indicates the
+%%% length of the mark. If `plus' or `minus' components are negative, this
+%%% has the effect of a `white cropmark' extending in the reverse direction
+%%% for the specified distance; this may be used to achieve non-touching marks.
+%%% The first and only mandatory component may be also negative, to cope with
+%%% pathological origins.
+%%% A test which will allow us to be read regardless of the \catcode of `@'
+\newif \ifatletter
+\ifcat @A\atlettertrue \else \catcode `\@ = 11 \atletterfalse \fi
+\ifx \c@tcodeminus \undefined
+\else \message {Warning: previous meaning of \string \c@tcodeminus \space lost}
+\edef \c@tcodeminus {\the \catcode `\-}
+\catcode `\- = 12
+\message {CROPMARKS.TEX V1.5 Copyright (C) 14-JUL-1994 14:52:34 Philip Taylor}
+%%% Miscellaneous variables
+\newif \iflrcropmarks \lrcropmarksfalse
+\newif \ifrvcropmarks \rvcropmarksfalse
+\newdimen \cropmarkwidth \cropmarkwidth = 0.4 pt
+\newdimen \t@pshift
+\newdimen \b@ttomshift
+\newdimen \l@ftshift
+\newskip \topcropmark
+\newskip \leftcropmark
+\newskip \rightcropmark
+\newskip \bottomcropmark
+\newskip \rectotopcropmark
+\newskip \rectoleftcropmark
+\newskip \rectorightcropmark
+\newskip \rectobottomcropmark
+\newskip \versotopcropmark
+\newskip \versoleftcropmark
+\newskip \versorightcropmark
+\newskip \versobottomcropmark
+\newskip \m@rkskip
+\newskip \m@rkplus
+\newskip \m@rkminus
+\newbox \p@gebox
+\newbox \cr@pmarkbox
+\newbox \topcr@pmarkbox
+\newbox \bottomcr@pmarkbox
+%%% Extraordinary arcanery, to parse <skip>s into <dimen>s; any better ways ?
+\catcode `\P = 12 \catcode `\L = 12 \catcode `\U = 12 \catcode `\S = 12
+\catcode `\M = 12 \catcode `\I = 12 \catcode `\N = 12 \catcode `\T = 12
+\globaldefs = 1
+\def \p@rseskip #1%
+ {\expandafter \p@rs@skip \the #1 PLUS 0.0PT MINUS 0.0PT \@ndparse #1 }
+\def \p@rs@skip #1 PLUS #2 MINUS #3\@ndparse #4
+ {%
+ \m@rkskip = #1%
+ \m@rkplus = #2%
+ \m@rkminus = #3%
+ \ifdim \m@rkminus = 0.0 pt
+ \expandafter \p@rs@sk@p \the \m@rkskip MINUS 0.0PT \@ndparse
+ \fi
+ }%
+\def \p@rs@sk@p #1MINUS #2\@ndparse {\m@rkskip = #1 \m@rkminus = #2 }
+%%% Take control of \shipout, to force it to add cropmarks
+\let \ship@ut = \shipout
+\def \shipout {\futurelet \b@x \whichb@x}
+\def \whichb@x
+ {%
+ \ifx \b@x \vbox
+ \def \n@xt {\setbox \p@gebox = }%
+ \afterassignment \Shipout
+ \else \ifx \b@x \hbox
+ \def \n@xt {\setbox \p@gebox = }%
+ \afterassignment \Shipout
+ \else \ifx \b@x \box
+ \def \n@xt {\setbox \p@gebox = }%
+ \afterassignment \Ship@ut
+ \else \ifx \b@x \copy
+ \def \n@xt {\setbox \p@gebox = }%
+ \afterassignment \Ship@ut
+ \else
+ \def \n@xt {\ship@ut}%
+ \message {Sorry, can't understand
+ what follows \shipout}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \n@xt
+ }
+\def \Shipout {\aftergroup \Ship@ut}
+\def \Ship@ut
+ {%
+ \ifrvcropmarks
+ \ifodd \pageno
+ \topcropmark = \rectotopcropmark
+ \bottomcropmark = \rectobottomcropmark
+ \leftcropmark = \rectoleftcropmark
+ \rightcropmark = \rectorightcropmark
+ \else
+ \topcropmark = \versotopcropmark
+ \bottomcropmark = \versobottomcropmark
+ \leftcropmark = \versoleftcropmark
+ \rightcropmark = \versorightcropmark
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \hoffset = \leftcropmark
+ \setbox \topcr@pmarkbox =
+ \hbox \bgroup
+ \p@rseskip \leftcropmark
+ \iflrcropmarks
+ \ifodd \count 0
+ \let \next = \phantom
+ \else
+ \let \next = \relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let \next = \relax
+ \fi
+ \next {\ifdim \m@rkminus < 0 pt
+ \begingroup
+ \advance \m@rkplus by \m@rkminus
+ \vrule height \cropmarkwidth
+ depth 0 pt width \m@rkplus
+ \kern -\m@rkminus
+ \endgroup
+ \else
+ \vrule height \cropmarkwidth
+ depth 0 pt width \m@rkplus
+ \fi
+ \begingroup
+ \p@rseskip \topcropmark
+ \vrule height \m@rkplus
+ depth \m@rkminus
+ width \cropmarkwidth
+ \endgroup
+ \ifdim \m@rkplus < 0 pt
+ \begingroup
+ \advance \m@rkminus by \m@rkplus
+ \rlap {\kern -\m@rkplus
+ \vrule height \cropmarkwidth
+ depth 0 pt width \m@rkminus}%
+ \endgroup
+ \else
+ \rlap {\vrule height \cropmarkwidth
+ depth 0 pt width \m@rkminus}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \hskip \m@rkskip
+ \p@rseskip \rightcropmark
+ \hskip \m@rkskip
+ \iflrcropmarks
+ \ifodd \count 0
+ \let \next = \relax
+ \else
+ \let \next = \phantom
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let \next = \relax
+ \fi
+ \next {\ifdim \m@rkplus < 0 pt
+ \begingroup
+ \advance \m@rkminus by \m@rkplus
+ \llap {\vrule height \cropmarkwidth
+ depth 0 pt width \m@rkminus
+ \kern -\m@rkplus
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \else
+ \llap {\vrule height \cropmarkwidth
+ depth 0 pt width \m@rkminus
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \begingroup
+ \p@rseskip \topcropmark
+ \vrule height \m@rkplus
+ depth \m@rkminus
+ width \cropmarkwidth
+ \endgroup
+ \ifdim \m@rkminus < 0 pt
+ \begingroup
+ \advance \m@rkplus by \m@rkminus
+ \kern -\m@rkminus
+ \vrule height \cropmarkwidth
+ depth 0 pt width \m@rkplus
+ \endgroup
+ \else
+ \vrule height \cropmarkwidth
+ depth 0 pt width \m@rkplus
+ \fi
+ }%%%%%%%% end of parameter to \next
+ \egroup%%%%%%%% end of \bgroup ... \egroup to \setbox ...
+ \ht \topcr@pmarkbox = 0 pt
+ \dp \topcr@pmarkbox = 0 pt
+ \wd \topcr@pmarkbox = \wd \p@gebox
+ \setbox \bottomcr@pmarkbox =
+ \hbox \bgroup
+ \p@rseskip \leftcropmark
+ \iflrcropmarks
+ \ifodd \count 0
+ \let \next = \phantom
+ \else
+ \let \next = \relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let \next = \relax
+ \fi
+ \next {\ifdim \m@rkminus < 0 pt
+ \begingroup
+ \advance \m@rkplus by \m@rkminus
+ \vrule height \cropmarkwidth
+ depth 0 pt width \m@rkplus
+ \kern -\m@rkminus
+ \endgroup
+ \else
+ \vrule height \cropmarkwidth
+ depth 0 pt width \m@rkplus
+ \fi
+ \begingroup
+ \p@rseskip \bottomcropmark
+ \vrule height \m@rkminus
+ depth \m@rkplus
+ width \cropmarkwidth
+ \endgroup
+ \ifdim \m@rkplus < 0 pt
+ \begingroup
+ \advance \m@rkminus by \m@rkplus
+ \rlap {\kern -\m@rkplus
+ \vrule height \cropmarkwidth
+ depth 0 pt width \m@rkminus}%
+ \endgroup
+ \else
+ \rlap {\vrule height \cropmarkwidth
+ depth 0 pt width \m@rkminus}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \hskip \m@rkskip
+ \p@rseskip \rightcropmark
+ \hskip \m@rkskip
+ \iflrcropmarks
+ \ifodd \count 0
+ \let \next = \relax
+ \else
+ \let \next = \phantom
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \let \next = \relax
+ \fi
+ \next {\ifdim \m@rkplus < 0 pt
+ \begingroup
+ \advance \m@rkminus by \m@rkplus
+ \llap {\vrule height \cropmarkwidth
+ depth 0 pt width \m@rkminus
+ \kern -\m@rkplus
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \else
+ \llap {\vrule height \cropmarkwidth
+ depth 0 pt width \m@rkminus
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \begingroup
+ \p@rseskip \bottomcropmark
+ \vrule height \m@rkminus
+ depth \m@rkplus
+ width \cropmarkwidth
+ \endgroup
+ \ifdim \m@rkminus < 0 pt
+ \begingroup
+ \advance \m@rkplus by \m@rkminus
+ \kern -\m@rkminus
+ \vrule height \cropmarkwidth
+ depth 0 pt width \m@rkplus
+ \endgroup
+ \else
+ \vrule height \cropmarkwidth
+ depth 0 pt width \m@rkplus
+ \fi
+ }%%%%%%%% end of parameter to \next
+ \egroup%%%%%%%% end of \bgroup ... \egroup to \setbox ...
+ \ht \bottomcr@pmarkbox = 0 pt
+ \dp \bottomcr@pmarkbox = 0 pt
+ \wd \bottomcr@pmarkbox = \wd \p@gebox
+ \setbox \cr@pmarkbox = \vbox
+ \bgroup
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \p@rseskip \leftcropmark \l@ftshift = \m@rkskip
+ \advance \l@ftshift by \m@rkplus
+ \advance \l@ftshift by \cropmarkwidth
+ \p@rseskip \topcropmark \t@pshift = \m@rkskip
+ \p@rseskip \bottomcropmark \b@ttomshift = \m@rkskip
+ \vskip -\t@pshift
+ \moveleft \l@ftshift \box \topcr@pmarkbox
+ \vskip +\t@pshift
+ \vskip +\b@ttomshift
+ \moveleft \l@ftshift \box \bottomcr@pmarkbox
+ \vskip -\b@ttomshift
+ \egroup
+ \setbox \p@gebox = \vbox
+ {\offinterlineskip
+ \box \cr@pmarkbox
+ \box \p@gebox}%
+ \ship@ut \box \p@gebox
+ }
+%%% Restore \catcode of `-' & `@'
+\catcode `\- = \c@tcodeminus
+\let \c@tcodeminus = \undefined
+\ifatletter \else \catcode `\@ = 12 \fi
+%%% All done
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/declare.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/declare.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b97e704bdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/declare.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+% File: TeX Inputs declare.tex
+% Author: J E Pittman
+% Date: September 29, 1988
+% Revision 01-Jun-1990
+% Changed count19 to count20 to conform to TeX 3.0
+% - Neil Burleson (NABTEXM@TAMVENUS)
+% These macros provide a method of locally allocating registers
+% without interference with previously allocated registers. The
+% method is the same as on pages 346--347 of the \TeX book, however,
+% the declare macros are intended for local use only. It is a logical
+% error to use a new macro between a declare macro and the end of the
+% appropriate enclosing group.
+\def\declarecount {\allocate0\countdef}%
+\def\declaredimen {\allocate1\dimendef}%
+\def\declareskip {\allocate2\skipdef}%
+\def\declarebox {\allocate4\chardef}%
+\def\declaretoks {\allocate5\toksdef}%
+ \advance\count1#1 by 1
+ \ifnum\count1#1<\count20
+ \else
+ \errmessage{No room for \string#3!}%
+ \fi
+ #2#3=\count1#1
+ }%
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/defstring.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/defstring.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25feae9ead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/defstring.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+% -*- Mode: TeX -*-
+\ifx\thisfileis\anUndefinedMacro\input maybeload \fi
+\thisfileis{<eb.tex.texlocal>defstring} % abort loading if we're already loaded
+\input redefine
+% This file defines the top-level construction
+% \defstring\foo "this is a string with \$% special characters"
+% which defines the control sequence \foo so that it expands into
+% a "{" begin-group symbol, a sequence of plain characters as given
+% by the string, and a "}" end-group symbol. \foo will then be
+% suitable for \expandafter\index\foo within a footnote, and similar
+% uses.
+% \defstring won't work right inside \footnote or any other
+% construction that reads its argument before \defstring gets
+% to expand, because it works by changing reader syntax.
+ \let\do\@makeother \dospecials \defstring@read}
+ \@defstringdef}\@tempa}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/dmhgener.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/dmhgener.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3415713881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/dmhgener.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+% Automatic numberer: \EQ for regular equations, \EQQ for several
+% numbered equations in \eqalign sequence.
+% Format of the equation label is (c.e), right justified,
+% where 'c' is the chapter number \Chapno
+% and 'e' the equation number \Eqno. You should set \Chapno at the
+% beginning of the file.
+\def \EQ {\global\advance\Eqno by 1\eqno{(\number\Chapno .\number\Eqno)}}
+\def \EQQ {\global\advance\Eqno by 1 &{ (\number\Chapno.\number\Eqno)}}
+% Examples:
+% $$ x = 3 + i \EQ$$
+% $$ \eqalign {x & = 30 \EQQ \cr
+% y & = 50 \EQQ \cr} $$
+% Retrieval of an equation number: save it in a box.
+% After display mode, say "\key `number' `space'". Then to retrieve
+% the words "Eq. c.e" do "\copy `number'" or "\box `number'" if you
+% only need to remember it once. The dummy `number' can be any number
+% from 0 to 150, it is not the same as \Eqno. YOU must remember how
+% you keyed a particular equation. The key remains the same, even if
+% you change the order of the equations.
+\def \key #1 {\setbox#1=\hbox{Eq. \number\Chapno .\number\Eqno}}
+% Example: $$ x = y + z \EQ$$ \key71
+% \par As seen above in \copy71, this is a very blah, ...
+% Make a numbered page that is blank except for "Figure c.f" at the bottom.
+\def \figpage {\par \null \vfill \par \centerline {Figure \number \Chapno
+ \global \advance \Figpgno by1.\number\Figpgno}\eject}
+% Refer to a new figure in the text for the first time.
+\def \Fig {\global \advance \Figno by1 Figure~\number
+ \Chapno .\number\Figno}
+% The figure caption always follows \FIG.
+\def \FIG {\par \noindent \global \advance \FIGNO by1 {\bf FIG. \number
+ \Chapno .\number \FIGNO}: }
+% Refer to more than one figure in the text for the first time.
+% ... as seen in Figures 5.3-6 ...
+% (I am not sure this works.)
+\def \Figs #1{{\advance\Figno by1 Figures \number\Chapno
+ .\number\Figno}$-$ \global\advance\Figno by#1\number\Figno}
+% Start each single table out with \Table.
+\def \Table {\global \advance \Tablno by1\par \noindent
+ {\bf Table \number\Chapno-\number\Tablno}: }
+% Tables a, b, c: There is a separate macro for the first one,
+% \Tablea. For all subsequent tables use \Tableb. It uses the
+% same table number as the previous table.
+\def \Tablea {\global \advance \Tablno by1\par \noindent
+ {\bf Table \number\Chapno-\number\Tablno a}: }
+\def \Tableb #1:{\par \noindent
+ {\bf Table \number\Chapno-\number\Tablno #1}: }
+% Refer to a table for the first time in the text. \TABLE
+% ... Table c--n ...
+\def \TABLE {\global \advance \Tablno by1Table~\number \Chapno --\number
+ \Tablno}
+% Use \skiptable to skip over a sideways table, but keep numbering correct.
+% It also leaves a single blank, numbered page.
+\def \skiptable {\global \advance \Tablno by1\null \eject}
+% Make two lines across, slightly separated.
+\def \linet {\smallskip \hrule \nobreak \smallskip \hrule \smallskip}
+% To start a new chapter: \Chapno should be set at zero for the first
+% chapter, one for chapter 2, etc. because \Chap increments \Chapno.
+% It also initializes the figure, table, and reference counters.
+\def \Chap #1{\global \Eqno=0\global \rno=0
+ \global \Figno=0
+ \global \FIGNO=0
+ \global \Figpgno=0
+ \global \Tablno=0
+ \global \advance \Chapno by1\null \vskip 1in
+ \global \Tablno=0\global \Figno=0\global \rno=0
+ \line {\bf CHAPTER \number \Chapno \hfil}
+ \bigskip
+ \line {\bf #1\hfil} \vskip2pc}
+% Follow \sect with the section label and title. These macros are NOT
+% automatic numberers.
+\def \sect #1{\vskip20pt \par\noindent{\bf #1}\vskip10pt\nobreak\par\nobreak}
+\def \subsect #1{\vskip10pt \par\noindent{\bf #1}\vskip10pt\nobreak\par\nobreak}
+% \genref
+% General references - for cases that don't fit into the special macros
+% defined below, there is always this one.
+% Note the format of the argument list. This is very important. The argument
+% comes after a left parenthesis, and before a right parenthesis that is
+% immediately followed by a blank space. A right parenthesis followed by
+% a carriage return will not do.
+\def \genref (#1) {{\global\advance\rno by1{}$^{\number\rno}$
+ \advance\rno by 150\global \setbox\number\rno =\vtop
+ {\advance\rno by -150\item{\number\rno. }{\rm #1}.}}}
+% \ref
+% Regular references. (Multiple authors; one journal; volume; page; year)
+\def \ref (#1;#2;#3;#4;#5) {\genref ({{\rm #1}, {\sl #2}, {\bf #3},
+{\rm #4 (#5)}}) }
+% book references - underlines the title
+% \refb (author; title; publisher; city(optionally, state); year; misc)
+% The title is in math mode so one has to put the spaces between words
+% in with "\ " or smaller ones with "\,"
+\def \refb (#1;#2;#3;#4;#5;#6) {{\global\advance\rno by1{}$^{\number\rno}$
+ \advance\rno by 150\global \setbox\number\rno =\vtop
+ {\advance\rno by -150\item{\number\rno. }{\rm #1},
+ $\underline{\rm #2}$, (#3, #4, #5) \rm #6.}}}
+% In a book references - underlined
+% This is for when the person quoted only wrote a part of a book.
+\def \refi (#1;#2;#3;#4;#5;#6;#7;#8) {{\global\advance\rno by1{}$^{\number\rno}$
+ \advance\rno by 150\global \setbox\number\rno =\vtop
+ {\advance\rno by -150\item{\number\rno. }{\rm #1, in:}
+ $\underline{\rm #2}$, Vol. #3, ed. #4 (#5, #6, #7), #8.}}}
+% in a book references - italicized. It is easier to italicize than underline,
+% especially when the title is very long.
+\def \refit(#1;#2;#3;#4;#5;#6;#7;#8){{\global\advance\rno by1{}$^{\number\rno}$
+ \advance\rno by 150\global \setbox\number\rno =\vtop
+ {\advance\rno by -150\item{\number\rno. }{\rm #1, in:}
+ {\it #2}, Vol. #3, ed. #4 (#5, #6, #7), #8.}}}
+% comma references - When two papers are referenced at the same time, this
+% will put a comma before the second number in the superscript.
+\def \refc (#1;#2;#3;#4;#5) {{\global\advance\rno by1$\! \!^{,\number\rno}$
+ \advance\rno by 150\global \setbox\number\rno =\vtop
+ {\advance\rno by -150\item{\number\rno. }{\rm #1}, {\sl
+ #2}, {\bf #3}, {\rm #4 (#5)}.}}}
+% Several references, a, b, c. Use with \genref.
+% Example (using _ to point out the required space bars):
+% "\genref (\refabc (a)(author1;journal1;vol1;page1;year1)_;_
+% \refabc (b)(author2;journal2;vol2;page2;year2)_)_"
+% It is good to put the semicolon in between reference (a) and (b).
+% This can't be part of the macro because then the reference would
+% end with a semicolon.
+\def \refabc (#1)(#2;#3;#4;#5;#6) {{\rm #1) #2}, {\sl #3}, {\bf #4},
+ {\rm #5 (#6)}}
+% 2 part Multi-referencer
+% Refer to a group of papers in the text, with a hyphen in between,
+% as in 18-22. \multiref does not store the references at the end.
+% One needs to use \genrefnoi, in general, or \refbox, for simple
+% cases, for that.
+\def\multiref #1{{\advance \rno by1{}$^{\number \rno
+ -{\advance \rno by#1\number\rno}}$}}
+% \refbox
+% This will put a reference in the list at the end without having
+% to refer to it in the text. This is useful if you have references in
+% tables.
+\def \refbox (#1;#2;#3;#4;#5) {\genrefnoi ({{\rm #1}, {\sl #2}, {\bf #3},
+ {\rm #4 (#5)}}) }
+% \genrefnoi does not put a superscript in the text. This is useful if
+% you need references in the list, but you refer to them in some outside
+% part, such as a table.
+\def\genrefnoi (#1) {{\global \advance \rno by 1 \advance \rno by
+ 150\global \setbox \number \rno=\vtop {\advance
+ \rno by -150\item {\number \rno. }{\rm #1}.}}}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/doublecol.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/doublecol.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef05057bda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/doublecol.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+% Generic double column output.
+% Modified from a routine written by Donald Knuth (The TeXBook, App. E)
+% The user may modify the following to his tastes:
+% \pagewidth vertical length of page.
+% \pageheight horizontal width of page.
+% \colwidth column width
+% \separator macro to generate column separator. Default is nothing.
+% \rulesep sets it to \vrule. \norulesep doesn't.
+% \makepage default is what is contained in plain.
+\catcode`@=11 % from plain.tex
+% Create and initialize new dimensions.
+\newdimen\pagewidth \newdimen\pageheight \newdimen\colwidth
+\pagewidth=\hsize \pageheight=\vsize \colwidth=3.2truein
+% This routine is used by \output ; this is different from
+% the one found in App. E.
+ \vbox to \pageheight {\makepage{#1}%
+ \boxmaxdepth=\maxdepth}}
+ \advancepageno}
+ #1 % Page contents
+ \makefootline}
+ \output={\global\setbox\partialpage=\vbox{\unvbox255\bigskip}}\eject
+ \output={\doublecolumnout} \hsize=\colwidth \vsize=2\pageheight}
+ \endgroup \pagegoal=\vsize}
+\def\doublecolumnout{\splittopskip=\topskip \splitmaxdepth=\maxdepth
+ \dimen@=\pageheight \advance\dimen@ by-\ht\partialpage
+ \setbox0=\vsplit255 to\dimen@ \setbox2=\vsplit255 to\dimen@
+ \onepageout\pagesofar
+ \unvbox255 \penalty\outputpenalty}
+ \wd0=\hsize \wd2=\hsize \hbox to\pagewidth{\box0\hfil\separator\hfil\box2}}
+\def\balancecolumns{\setbox0=\vbox{\unvbox255} \dimen@=\ht0
+ \advance\dimen@ by\topskip \advance\dimen@ by-\baselineskip
+ \divide\dimen@ by2 \splittopskip=\topskip
+ {\vbadness=10000 \loop \global\setbox3=\copy0
+ \global\setbox1=\vsplit3 to\dimen@
+ \ifdim\ht3>\dimen@ \global\advance\dimen@ by1pt \repeat}
+ \setbox0=\vbox to\dimen@{\unvbox1}
+ \setbox2=\vbox to\dimen@{\dimen2=\dp3 \unvbox3\kern-\dimen2 \vfil}
+ \pagesofar}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/epsf.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/epsf.tex
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..e3f1076b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/epsf.tex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../../../generic/epsf/epsf.tex \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/figplace.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/figplace.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7036fc181
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/figplace.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+%Date: Tue, 25 Oct 88 14:11:06 +0100
+%From: Joost Zalmstra <mcvax!!jjaz@uunet.UU.NET>
+%Subject: Re:Page Make-up Challenge
+%Maybe the following set of macros can contribute to the solution of
+%the problem posed by David Rogers in TeXhax #86. It implements a floating
+%insertion with the following properties:
+% - Every insertion must be put in a \vbox. Customised macros can then
+% be used to place the white space for the figure and the figure caption
+% in this box.
+% - The order in which these \vbox-es are inserted is maintained.
+% - No more than two boxes are placed on one page: the first on the top
+% and the second on the bottom of the page.
+%The proposed macro \figplace should create a \vbox with the correct layout
+%of the figure and then call \addfigure to put it in the insertionlist:
+%% here call macros to place figure and caption
+%Note that the space separating the figure from the text should not
+%be included in the \vbox. The skipregister \figureskip is used for this
+%The macros are written in plain TeX, in fact the output routine given
+%here is an extension of the plain output routine (TeX-book page 364).
+%The basic idea is that figures that won't fit on the current page
+%are kept on a list (the \box \figlist). This list is checked after
+%a \shipout and if not empty a maximum of two \vboxes is inserted
+%(using plains \topins) for the next page. As the insertions are \vboxes
+%it is easy to split the insertion and put one at the top and one at
+%the bottom of the page.
+%Two further refinements should be mentioned here.
+%1) If the figures on a page take so much room that less than a specified
+%amount of space (given in dimen register \minpagesize) is left for
+%the text, this text is shifted through to the next page.
+%2) By inserting a \vbox with height \vsize (created by \vbox to \vsize..)
+%a page insert is created. No extra \figureskip will be include in this case.
+%I have tested these macros with real input (16 pages with on the first
+%page the insertion of several figures) and it seems to work on the moment.
+%However, I'm not a TeX guru and I would expect that these macros can be
+%improved. One of the problems left is te fact that \addfigures must
+%be called in horizontal mode ( \vadjust won't work). I would therefore
+%apreciate comments, both on the macros as they stand and on how this
+%contributes to the Challenge.
+%Joost Zalmstra.
+\newcount\figuresonpage \figuresonpage=0
+\newcount\figuresonlist \figuresonlist=0
+\newskip\figureskip \figureskip=1.2 pc plus 1 pc
+\newdimen\minpagesize \minpagesize=5 pc
+\def\addfigure#1{% add figure in box #1 to the document
+ \ifnum\figuresonpage>1 % allready two figures on this page
+ \addtolist{#1}% % so save for later
+ \else
+ \ifnum\figuresonlist>0 % figlist is not empty
+ \addtolist{#1} % so save for later
+ \else % no figures left over, so try to fit this one
+ \dimen0=\ht#1
+ \ifdim\dimen0<\vsize% not a pagesize figure
+ \advance\dimen0 by \dp#1 % size of the box
+ \advance\dimen0 by \figureskip % extra space below or above
+ \fi
+ \advance\dimen0 by \pagetotal
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\pagegoal % no space on this page
+ \addtolist{#1} % so save for later
+ \else
+ \advance\dimen0 by \figuresizeonpage
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\dimen\topins % exceding maximum insertion size
+ \addtolist{#1} % so save for later
+ \else
+ \figureinsert{#1} % insert the figure
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+\def\addtolist#1{% add box #1 to figlist
+ \global\setbox\figlist=\vbox{%
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \box#1
+ \unvbox\figlist}
+ \global\advance\figuresonlist by 1
+\def\figureinsert#1{% insert figure on this page
+ \ifdim\ht#1<\vsize
+ \insert\topins{\vbox{%
+ \ifnum\figuresonpage=0
+ \unvbox#1\vskip\figureskip % skip below the figure
+ \else
+ \vskip\figureskip\unvbox#1 % skip above the figure
+ \fi
+ }}
+ \else
+ \pageinsert
+ \unvbox#1
+ \endinsert
+ \fi
+ \global\advance\figuresonpage by 1
+ \global\advance\figuresizeonpage by \ht#1
+ \global\advance\figuresizeonpage by \dp#1
+ \global\advance\figuresizeonpage by \figureskip
+\def\checkfiglist{% see if there is a figure in the list that will
+ % fit on the next page
+ \ifnum\figuresonlist>0
+ \global\setbox\figlist=\vbox{%
+ \unvbox\figlist
+ \setbox0=\lastbox
+ \global\advance\dimen0\ht0
+ \ifdim\ht0<\vsize
+ \global\advance\dimen0 by \dp0
+ \global\advance\dimen0 by \figureskip
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\vsize
+ \vbox{\box0} % no room ; replace the figure
+ \else
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\dimen\topins
+ \vbox{\box0}
+ \else
+ \global\advance\figuresonlist by -1
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \global\setbox0=\box0
+ }
+ \else
+ {\setbox1=\box0 % make box0 void
+ \global\setbox0=\box0}
+ \fi
+% Borrowing the macros from plain TeX
+ \advancepageno
+ \global\figuresonpage=0
+ \dimen0=0pt
+ \global\figuresizeonpage = 0pt
+ \checkfiglist % check if there is figure waiting and return it in box 0
+ \ifvoid0 % nothing left
+ \else
+ \figureinsert0% insert this figure
+ \checkfiglist % check for a second figure
+ \ifvoid0\else
+ \figureinsert0
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifvoid255\else\unvbox255\penalty\outputpenalty\fi % unused page back on list
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-\@MM \else\dosupereject\fi}
+ \ifnum\figuresonpage>0 % check for insertion of figures
+ \unvbox\topins % place the figure(s) on top
+ \ifnum\figuresonpage=2
+ \setbox0=\lastbox % remove the second figure
+ \fi
+ \setbox1=\lastbox
+ \unvbox1
+ \fi
+% Check box 255
+ \pagesize=\ht255
+ \advance\pagesize by \dp255 % determine size of box 255
+ \ifdim\pagesize>\minpagesize
+ \dimen@=\dp255 \unvbox255 % the real page contents
+ \else
+ \message{tekstsize = \the\ht255, \the\dp255}
+ \ifdim\ht255=0pt % box is empty
+ \else
+ \vfil % to small so leave for next page
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\figuresonpage=2
+ \box0 % the second figure
+ \fi
+ \ifvoid\footins\else % footnote info is present
+ \vskip\skip\footins
+ \footnoterule
+ \unvbox\footins\fi
+ \ifr@ggedbottom \kern-\dimen@ \vfil \fi}
+\catcode`@=12 % at signs no longer letters
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fixpdfmag.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fixpdfmag.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04e25b7a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fixpdfmag.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+% fixpdfmag.tex
+% Author: Javier Bezos, 2007
+% This is Public Domain. You are free to use, copy, modify,
+% distribute or whatever you want without restrictions. It is
+% unsupported, so please, do not contact the author, just
+% modify the file.
+% Unfortunately, pdftex has changed recently its behaviour and
+% now the page size is affected by \magnification, usually not a
+% wanted effect. It has been proposed to modify Plain TeX when
+% used with pdftex, by making a few changes in the pdftex.ini
+% file, but many people do not know or simply do not want to
+% modify Plain TeX or a custom made format. This file provides
+% an alternative which requires to modify the documents, as
+% the following example illustrates:
+% \magnification3000
+% \input fixpdfmag % <- after \magnification
+% Hello
+% \bye
+% If you are using a custom page size, it is preserved,
+% as it just converts pt units to truept ones.
+ \begingroup
+ \catcode`\@=11
+ \global\pdfpageheight\expandafter\getf@ctor\the\pdfpageheight truept
+ \global\pdfpagewidth\expandafter\getf@ctor\the\pdfpagewidth truept
+ \global\pdfhorigin\expandafter\getf@ctor\the\pdfhorigin truept
+ \global\pdfvorigin\expandafter\getf@ctor\the\pdfvorigin truept
+ \endgroup
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fnote.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fnote.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6591cfc1e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fnote.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+%%% fnote.tex ----------------cut here------------------------------------------
+ \interlinepenalty\interfootnotelinepenalty
+ \splittopskip\ht\strutbox % top baseline for broken footnotes
+ \baselineskip=\normalbaselineskip % necessary for single space
+ % footnotes with double space
+ % text
+ \splitmaxdepth\dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty\@MM
+ \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \spaceskip\z@skip \xspaceskip\z@skip
+ \textindent{#1}\footstrut\futurelet\next\fo@t}% Change \textindent for
+ % different footnote styles
+ \footnum=0
+ \footnote\fn@m}
+\def\advancefootnum{\advance\footnum by 1}
+%%%---------------------Cut here------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fnpara.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fnpara.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..735671e4d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fnpara.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+% FNPARA.TEX based on D. E. Knuth's "Dirty Tricks" macros from pages
+% 398--400 of The TeXbook.
+% Dominik Wujastyk, September 15, 1988.
+% Set the footnote text font here:
+% Set the font for the footnote numbers at the bottom of the page here
+% Set any text to follow each footnote here:
+% Switch off above endnote text, for comparison:
+% Normal @-character macro lock:
+% Initialize counters:
+% Clever code for \getfactor (The TeXbook, p.375):
+,\catcode`p=12 \catcode`t=12 \gdef\\#1pt,#1--
+% Set space to follow footnote text:
+\newskip\footglue \footglue=1em plus.3em minus.3em
+% Set leading of footnotes:
+\newdimen\footnotebaselineskip \footnotebaselineskip=10pt
+% Calculate \fudgefactor (ratio of \baselineskip to \hsize):
+\dimen0=\footnotebaselineskip \multiply\dimen0 by 1024
+\divide \dimen0 by \hsize \multiply\dimen0 by 64
+\xdef\fudgefactor,\expandafter\getfactor\the\dimen0 -
+% Redefine footnotes to be automatically numbered:
+\def\footnote,\global\advance\footno by 1
+ \let\@sf=\empty%
+ \ifhmode\edef\@sf,\spacefactor=\the\spacefactor-\/\fi%
+ \footnotesize \setbox0=\hbox,%
+ ,\footnumberfont \the\footno\penalty10000\hskip.5em-#1%
+ \dp0=0pt \ht0=\fudgefactor\wd0 \box0--
+% Assume \plainoutput routine, but change \pagecontents:
+ \dimen@=\dp\@cclv \unvbox\@cclv % open up \box255
+ \ifvoid\footins\else % footnote info is present
+ \vskip\skip\footins
+ \footnoterule
+ \global\setbox1=\vbox,\makefootnoteparagraph-\unvbox1\fi
+ \ifr@ggedbottom \kern-\dimen@ \vfil \fi-
+ \hrule width 2truein \kern 2.6\p@- % the \hrule is .4pt high
+% Box manipulation code from The TeXbook, p.399:
+\def\makefootnoteparagraph,\unvbox\footins \makehboxofhboxes
+ \setbox0=\hbox,\unhbox0 \removehboxes-
+ \baselineskip=\footnotebaselineskip\noindent\unhbox0\par -
+ \loop\setbox2=\lastbox
+ \ifhbox2 \setbox0=\hbox,\box2\unhbox0-\repeat-
+ \ifhbox0,\removehboxes-\unhbox0 \fi-
+% Reimpose @-lock.
+%Sample text:
+\vsize 6in
+\voffset 2in
+\hsize 4in
+\hoffset 1in
+The entire set of footnotes could be combined into a single paragraph, with
+generous spacing between the individual items. For example, the ten footnotes
+we have been considering might appear as follows:\footnote,First footnote.-
+And some more.\footnote,Second footnote. (Every once in a~while a long
+ footnote might occur, just to make things difficult.)-
+And some more.
+And some more.\footnote,Third footnote.-$N,$\footnote,Fourth footnote.-
+And some more.
+And some more.\footnote,Fifth footnote.
+ (This is incredibly boring, but it's just an
+And some more.
+And some more.
+And some more.\footnote,And another.-$N,$\footnote,Ho
+footnote.-$N,$\footnote,Oodles of them.-
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fontbl.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fontbl.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8582a6b0e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fontbl.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+% The essential parts of this macro appeared in {\it TUGboat, Volume 3, No. 1}
+% in the note: "DISPLAY OF A FONT IN TABLE FORM." by Roger L. Beeman.
+% This version was rewritten by Pierre A. MacKay to take advantage of
+% the new features of \TeX82. It is now interactive, and prompts the
+% user for a font name. If the font is a text font, a sample paragraph
+% is set, which is justified to three times the lower-case alphabet length
+% if that will fit in the overall \hsize. (If the font is a fixed-width
+% font such as "amtt", the sample is set with a ragged right margin.)
+% The sample is leaded 20% over the stated point-size, so that a
+% 10-point font is set 10 on 12. The length of both upper and lower
+% case alphabets is given, along with the height and depth of the
+% lower case alphabet and the height of the upper case alphabet. These
+% last dimensions can be very useful for calculating the size of
+% close-fitting boxes and struts.
+% Non-text fonts are displayed in table form only.
+% If you have \TeX\ running with "plain.tex" loaded,
+% you can start this macro by typing "tex fontbl" and you will be prompted
+% for the rest
+\baselineskip 0pt \lineskip 0pt
+\vsize 8.5truein
+\bighand=\time\divide\bighand by 60
+\littlehand=\bighand\multiply\littlehand by -60
+\advance\littlehand by\time
+\def\makedateline{\line{{\sl \fontname scaled \\magstep\step\hfil
+ \the\bighand:\ifnum\littlehand<10{0}\fi
+ \the\littlehand\ - \the\month/\the\day/\the\year}}}
+\output{\shipout\vbox{\hrule width1em\vskip 1ex
+\hrule width1em}\global\advance\count0 by 1}
+\setbox 9\hbox{\sl 0}
+\def\spike{\hbox to 0pt{\vbox to 1\ht9{}}}
+\def\cell#1{\hbox to \vu{\hfill\char'#1\hfill}\vrule}
+\def\label#1{\vbox to 1\ht8{\vfill
+ \hbox to 35pt{\hfill\sl '#10\hskip1em}\vfill}\vrule}
+\def\seprow{\def\m{\hskip \vu{}\vrule height 2pt}\hbox{\m\m\m\m\m\m\m\m}}
+\def\cellrow#1{\setbox 8\vbox{\seprow\hbox{\spike\ignorespaces
+ \cell{#10}\cell{#11}\cell{#12}\cell{#13}\ignorespaces
+ \cell{#14}\cell{#15}\cell{#16}\cell{#17}\ignorespaces
+ \hfill}\seprow\hrule}\hbox{\label{#1}\box8}}
+\def\lcol#1{\hbox to \vu{\hfill{\sl #1}\hfill}\hskip .4pt}
+ \chw{#11}
+ \chw{#12}
+ \chw{#13}
+ \chw{#14}
+ \chw{#15}
+ \chw{#16}
+ \chw{#17}}}
+ \colw{#11}
+ \colw{#12}
+ \colw{#13}
+ \colw{#14}
+ \colw{#15}
+ \colw{#16}
+ \colw{#17}}}
+\def\getw{\setbox 0\vbox{\setw0\setw1\hbox to 1\wd9{}
+ \hbox to 1em{}}\vu=1.625\wd0}
+\def\table#1{\font\tablefont=#1 scaled \scale
+\hbox to 6in{\hfil\ignorespaces
+\vbox{\ifdim\fontdimen2\tablefont>0pt \hbox{\hskip35pt \fontname \hfil} \fi
+ \vskip10pt
+ \hbox{\hskip35pt\lcol0\lcol1\lcol2\lcol3\lcol4\lcol5\lcol6\lcol7}
+ \vskip 4 pt
+ \hbox{\hskip35pt\vbox{\hrule width 8\vu}\vbox{\hrule width 3.6pt}}
+ \cellrow{00}\cellrow{01}\cellrow{02}\cellrow{03}
+ \cellrow{04}\cellrow{05}\cellrow{06}\cellrow{07}
+ \cellrow{10}\cellrow{11}\cellrow{12}\cellrow{13}
+ \cellrow{14}\cellrow{15}\cellrow{16}\cellrow{17}}\ignorespaces
+\def\tblraggedright{\rightskip0pt plus5em}
+\global\def\fin{END }
+\global\def\lcfin{end }
+\global\def\halfstep{half }
+\baselineskip 0pt \lineskip 0pt
+\message{Type a valid font name, or type END to quit :}
+\read16 to\fontname
+\ifx \fin\test \relax
+\else \message{Scaled to what magstep? (half, or 0..5):}
+\read16 to\step
+\ifx \halfstep\step \global\def\scale{1095 } \else
+ \global\def\scale{\ifcase\step 1000\or
+ 1200\or 1440\or 1728\or 2074\or 2488\fi\relax}
+ \fi
+\message{Graphing font \fontname}
+ \table{\fontname}
+\rightskip 0pt % So that one ragged right font doesn't affect all
+% following fonts
+\vskip 1em
+ \setbox8=\hbox{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}
+ \global\dimen8=1\wd8\global\dimen7=.5\hsize
+ \global\dimen5=1\ht8\global\dimen4=1\dp8\global\dimen3=1\ht7
+ \edef\length{\the\dimen8}
+ \global\dimen6=\dimen8\global\multiply\dimen6 by 3
+ \ifdim\dimen6>\hsize \global\dimen6=\hsize \fi
+ \ifdim\fontdimen3\tablefont=0pt \tblraggedright
+ \global\advance\dimen6 by -40pt \fi
+ \vskip 1em
+ \noindent
+ \ifdim\dimen8<\dimen6
+ \line{\unhbox8\hfil }
+ \vskip 1ex \fi
+ \centerline{{\rm Alphabet length \length. Quad is \the\fontdimen6\tablefont}}
+ \vskip .25em
+ \centerline{{\rm Lower case height is \the\dimen5 ; depth is \the\dimen4}}
+ \vskip 1em
+ \global\dimen8=1\wd7 \edef\length{\the\dimen8}
+ \noindent
+ \ifdim\dimen8<\dimen6
+ \line{\unhbox7 \hfil}
+ \vskip 1ex \fi
+ \centerline{{\rm Alphabet length \length ; height \the\dimen3}}
+ \vskip 1em \vfil
+ \vbox{\hsize \dimen6
+ \baselineskip 1.2em
+ \parskip .15em
+ \lineskip .2em
+The design of low-resolution typefaces is complicated by the need
+to achieve two different and rather incompatible ends. A font which is
+exclusively intended for Office Automation equipment should be designed
+to make the very best use of that environment. Its proportions, balance,
+shading and letter-spacing can and indeed must be fitted to exact
+pixel-bound\-aries, whe\-ther or not the refinements of anti-aliasing are
+A low-resolution font which was created primarily as the proof-copy
+imitation of an associated high-resolu\-tion font will never be quite
+so precisely matched to its environment. Its contours will necessarily be
+determined by exact pixel-boundaries, but often not in the way we might
+prefer. It need not be sloppy, but it can never be so well tuned as
+a font of the first variety. It is a poor Platonic reflection of an
+idea that cannot be fully known except in the dazzling light
+of high-resolution typesetting. The vast majority of fonts produced
+with METAFONT belong to this second variety. A low-resolution
+METAFONT character should be judged for what it is, and not for what
+it has never claimed to be.
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fontchart.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fontchart.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d598631118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fontchart.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+% fontchart.tex
+% make a (fairly large) font chart
+% 1990-01-06 ???
+% First version?
+% 2001-07-18 Werner Lemberg <>
+% Suppress boundary ligatures.
+\message{@Name of the font to chart = }
+\read-1 to \fontname
+\font\f=\fontname at .75in
+% Here's the best way I know to discover character height and depth
+% when they are possibly negative.
+\fontdimen5\f=-10000pt % a new (rather small) xheight
+\newdimen\h \newdimen\d % will be set to the character's height, depth
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\noboundary\accent#1\char#1\noboundary}\advance\h\ht0 \advance\h-10000pt
+ \setbox0=\null \wd0=-10000pt % in case the character has a charlist!
+ \setbox0=\hbox{$\mathaccent#1{\box0}$}%
+ \d=\ht0 \advance\d-10000pt \advance\d-\h}
+% (By the way, my previous best was this:
+% \textfont15=\f % use family "F
+% \fontdimen8\tenex=0pt % set defaultrulethickness zero
+% \setbox1=\null \ht1=-10000pt \setbox2=\null \dp3=-10000pt
+% \newdimen\d \newdimen\h \newcount\n
+% \n=#1 \advance\n"F00
+% \setbox0=\hbox{$\radical\n{\copy1}$}
+% \d=\dp0 \advance\d-5000pt \advance\d\d %\showthe\d
+% \setbox0=\hbox{$\radical\n{\copy2}$}
+% \h=\ht0 \advance\h-5000pt \advance\h-.5\d
+% \ifdim\h>0pt \h=.5\h \fi
+% ....very tricky! But it works only when height+depth is positive.)
+ \hbox{\noboundary\\0\noboundary}%
+ \hbox{\noboundary\\1\noboundary}%
+ \hbox{\noboundary\\2\noboundary}%
+ \hbox{\noboundary\\3\noboundary}%
+ \hbox{\noboundary\\4\noboundary}%
+ \hbox{\noboundary\\5\noboundary}%
+ \hbox{\noboundary\\6\noboundary}%
+ \hbox{\noboundary\\7\noboundary}%
+ \global\chardef\p=\lastpenalty}} % p=1 if none there
+\newdimen\w \w=.75in
+\headline={\vtop{\hbox{\tt\fontname\unskip, page \folio\hfil}
+ \kern-.75in\unitsdigits}\hss}
+\def\unitsdigits{\hbox{\kern.3in \tt
+ \hbox to\w{\ \ 0\hss}%
+ \hbox to\w{\ \ 1\hss}%
+ \hbox to\w{\ \ 2\hss}%
+ \hbox to\w{\ \ 3\hss}%
+ \hbox to\w{\ \ 4\hss}%
+ \hbox to\w{\ \ 5\hss}%
+ \hbox to\w{\ \ 6\hss}%
+ \hbox to\w{\ \ 7\hss}}}
+\ifnum\p=0\hbox{\hbox to.3in{\tt#1#2\hfil}%
+ \mod#1#20\mod#1#21\mod#1#22\mod#1#23\mod#1#24\mod#1#25\mod#1#26\mod#1#27%
+ \hbox to.3in{\tt\hfil#1#2}}\fi}
+\newdimen\pixel \pixel=.00333333in
+\def\mod#1#2#3{\chardef\c='#1#2#3 \htdp\c
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\penalty1\noboundary\c\noboundary\global\chardef\p=\lastpenalty}%
+ \ifnum\p=1 \hbox to\w{}\else
+ \setbox2=\hbox{\noboundary\c\noboundary\/}%
+ \hbox to\w{\kern-\pixel \vrule width\pixel height\h depth\d
+ \copy\leftbox\copy0\copy\rightbox
+ \vrule width\pixel height\h depth\d \kern-\pixel \kern-\wd0
+ \raise\h\vbox{\hrule height\pixel width\wd0}\kern-\wd0
+ \lower\d\vbox{\hrule height0pt depth\pixel width\wd0}\kern-\wd0
+ \ifdim\wd2>\wd0 \kern\wd2\raise\h\copy\icbox \fi
+ \hss}\fi}
+\newbox\leftbox % marking the baseline at the left
+\setbox\leftbox=\hbox{\kern-\pixel\vrule width\pixel height4pt
+ \vrule height0pt depth\pixel width4pt \kern-4pt}
+\newbox\rightbox % marking the baseline at the right
+\setbox\rightbox=\hbox{\kern-4pt\vrule height0pt depth\pixel width4pt
+ \vrule width\pixel height4pt \kern-\pixel}
+\newbox\icbox % the mark of an italic correction
+\setbox\icbox=\hbox{\kern-4pt\vrule height\pixel width4pt depth0pt
+ \vrule width\pixel depth4pt}
+\row00 \row01 \row02 \row03 \row04 \row05 \row06 \row07
+\row10 \row11 \row12 \row13 \row14 \row15 \row16 \row17
+\row20 \row21 \row22 \row23 \row24 \row25 \row26 \row27
+\row30 \row31 \row32 \row33 \row34 \row35 \row36 \row37
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fortran.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fortran.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93aa198de9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/fortran.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+%%%---Cut Here--------------------------------------------------------
+%%% File: Fortran.TeX
+% This is a file of commands for printing out programs using TeX
+% -- see DIRTY TRICKS in TeXbook
+% This version is designed to print source code at 9 point
+% fitting an 80 column line into a 6 true inch width with
+% 8 point line numbers before each line.
+% It handles TAB (^I) characters almost the same as DEC
+% usage:
+% \input fortran % put this early in the file
+% \listing{file.ext} % use dev:[dir] if you wish
+% B.H. Toby 8/86
+\font\Alisttt=cmtt9 at 9 truept
+\font\Alistrm=cmr8 at 8 truept
+\def\uncatcodespecials{\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 }\dospecials}
+\def\listing#1{\par\begingroup\setupverbatim\input#1 \endgroup}
+ \Alisttt\baselineskip= 8.5truept\lineskip=1truept
+ \lineskiplimit=1truept\topskip=0pt
+ \lineno=0
+ \def\par{\leavevmode\egroup\box0\endgraf}
+ \obeylines \uncatcodespecials \obeyspaces
+ \catcode`\`=\active \catcode`\^^I=\active
+ \everypar{\advance\lineno by1
+ \llap{\Alistrm\the\lineno\ \ }\startbox}}
+\newdimen\w \setbox0=\hbox{\Alisttt\space} \w=8\wd0
+ \gdef^^I{\leavevmode\egroup
+ \dimen0=\wd0
+ \divide\dimen0 by\w
+ \multiply\dimen0 by\w
+ \advance\dimen0 by\w
+ \wd0=\dimen0 \box0 \startbox}}
+{\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }
+{\catcode`\`=\active \gdef`{\relax\lq}}
+%%%---Cut Here--------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/gkpmac.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/gkpmac.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cdcd7b9c08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/gkpmac.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,859 @@
+\tracingpages=1 % TEMPORARY!
+% Macros for `Concrete Mathematics'
+% Fonts for regular text
+\font\textrm=ccr10 % roman
+\font\textit=ccti10 % italic (emphasis)
+\font\textsl=ccsl10 % slanted (titles)
+\font\textbf=cmbx10 % bold
+\font\textcsc=cccsc10 % caps and small caps
+\font\oldsty=ccmi10 % equation numbers
+% Fonts for regular math
+% I'm setting \fontdimen2 to zero because AMS forgot to do it;
+% they may have fixed the problem in the meantime, but no harm is done
+ \font\mathsubtext=ccr7
+ \font\mathsubsubtext=ccr5
+\font\mathlet=eurm10 \fontdimen2\mathlet=0pt
+ \font\mathsublet=eurm7 \fontdimen2\mathsublet=0pt
+ \font\mathsubsublet=eurm5 \fontdimen2\mathsubsublet=0pt
+ \skewchar\mathlet='177 \skewchar\mathsublet='177 \skewchar\mathsubsublet='177
+ \font\mathsubsym=cmsy7
+ \font\mathsubsubsym=cmsy5
+ \skewchar\mathsym='60 \skewchar\mathsubsym='60 \skewchar\mathsubsubsym='60
+ \font\mathsubext=cmex10
+ \font\mathsubsubext=cmex10
+ \font\mathsubscr=euxm7 \fontdimen2\mathsubscr=0pt
+ \font\mathsubsubscr=euxm5 \fontdimen2\mathsubsubscr=0pt
+ \skewchar\mathscr='60 \skewchar\mathsubscr='60 \skewchar\mathsubsubscr='60
+ \font\mathsubfr=eufm7 \fontdimen2\mathsubfr=0pt
+ \font\mathsubsubfr=eufm5 \fontdimen2\mathsubsubfr=0pt
+\font\eulerbf=eurb10 \fontdimen2\eulerbf=0pt % not hooked in to these macros
+% Fonts for graffiti
+ \fontdimen3\gtext=0pt \fontdimen4\gtext=0pt % no stretch or shrink
+ \font\gmathsubtext=ccr6
+ \font\gmathsubsubtext=ccr5
+\font\gmathlet=eurm10 scaled 900 \fontdimen2\gmathlet=0pt
+ \font\gmathsublet=eurm7 scaled 857 \fontdimen2\gmathsublet=0pt
+ \font\gmathsubsublet=eurm5 \fontdimen2\gmathsubsublet=0pt
+ \skewchar\gmathlet='177 \skewchar\gmathsublet='177
+ \skewchar\gmathsubsublet='177
+ \font\gmathsubsym=cmsy6
+ \font\gmathsubsubsym=cmsy5
+ \skewchar\gmathsym='60 \skewchar\gmathsubsym='60 \skewchar\gmathsubsubsym='60
+ \font\gmathsubext=cmex9
+ \font\gmathsubsubext=cmex9
+\font\gmathscr=euxm10 scaled 900 \fontdimen2\gmathscr=0pt
+ \font\gmathsubscr=euxm7 scaled 857 \fontdimen2\gmathsubscr=0pt
+ \font\gmathsubsubscr=euxm5 \fontdimen2\gmathsubsubscr=0pt
+ \skewchar\gmathscr='60 \skewchar\gmathsubscr='60 \skewchar\gmathsubsubscr='60
+\font\gmathfr=eufm10 scaled 900 \fontdimen2\gmathfr=0pt
+ \font\gmathsubfr=eufm7 scaled 857 \fontdimen2\gmathsubfr=0pt
+ \font\gmathsubsubfr=eufm5 \fontdimen2\gmathsubsubfr=0pt
+\font\gmatheuex=euex9 \fontdimen2\gmatheuex=0pt
+% Fonts for headings, etc.
+\font\chapfont=cmbxcd10 scaled 8000
+\font\title=cmbx10 scaled \magstep5
+\font\subtitle=cmbx10 scaled 1315 % that's magstep 1.5
+\font\gtfont=cmmi9 % for the \t accent
+\font\ninesl=ccsl9 % used in the index only
+% Normal text conventions
+\catcode`@=11 % borrow the private macros of PLAIN (with care)
+\def\wlog#1{} % don't put allocation info into the log
+\def\textindent#1{\noindent\hbox to\parindent{\bf#1\hfil}\ignorespaces}
+\def\exitem{\hangindent2\parindent \textindent}
+ \scriptfont0=\mathsubtext
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\mathsubsubtext
+\textfont1=\mathlet \let\tfont=\teni
+ \scriptfont1=\mathsublet
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\mathsubsublet
+ \scriptfont2=\mathsubsym
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\mathsubsubsym
+ \scriptfont3=\mathsubext
+ \scriptscriptfont3=\mathsubsubext
+\def\it{\fam\itfam\textit} % \it is family 4, defined in PLAIN
+\newfam\scrfam \ifnum\scrfam=8\relax\else\error\fi % family 8, script
+ \scriptfont\scrfam=\mathsubscr
+ \scriptscriptfont\scrfam=\mathsubsubscr
+\def\scr{\fam8 }
+\newfam\frfam % family 9, fraktur
+ \scriptfont\frfam=\mathsubfr
+ \scriptscriptfont\frfam=\mathsubsubfr
+\def\frak{\fam9 }
+\newfam\euexfam % family 10, substitions for euler symbols
+\newfam\eqfam % family 11, cmr equal signs for Relbar (!)
+\font\teneq=cmr10 \textfont\eqfam=\teneq
+% I'm not using Relbar except in 9&10pt, so this family is very incomplete...
+\mathchardef\braceld="A7A \mathchardef\bracerd="A7B
+\mathchardef\bracelu="A7C \mathchardef\braceru="A7D
+\mathchardef\leftrightarrow="3A24 \mathcode`\^^W="3A24
+\mathchardef\leftarrow="3A20 \let\gets=\leftarrow \mathcode`\^^X="3A20
+\mathchardef\rightarrow="3A21 \let\to=\rightarrow \mathcode`\^^Y="3A21
+\def\uparrow{\delimiter"3A22378 } \mathcode`\^^K="3A22
+\def\downarrow{\delimiter"3A23379 } \mathcode`\^^A="3A23
+\def\updownarrow{\delimiter"3A6C33F }
+\def\Uparrow{\delimiter"3A2A37E }
+\def\Downarrow{\delimiter"3A2B37F }
+\def\Updownarrow{\delimiter"3A6D377 }
+\scriptfont\euexfam=\mathsubsym % this is OK since I don't use all characters
+% of euex in subscripts/superscripts; otherwise I'd have to make euex7 and euex6
+\scriptscriptfont\euexfam=\mathsubsym % only for \mathchoice, not really chosen
+\mathcode`(="4928 \delcode`(="928300
+\mathcode`)="5929 \delcode`)="929301
+\mathcode`[="495B \delcode`[="95B302
+\mathcode`]="595D \delcode`]="95D303
+\mathchardef\Relbar="3B3D % we need the old = to match \Arrows
+\let\varsigma=\sigma \let\varrho=\rho % Euler doesn't have these
+\def\rbrace{\delimiter"5867A09 } \let\}=\rbrace
+\def\lbrace{\delimiter"4866A08 } \let\{=\lbrace
+%\mathchardef\equiv="3811 \let\cong=\equiv % lowres bars weren't spaced right
+\mathchardef\leq="3814 \let\le=\leq
+\mathchardef\geq="3815 \let\ge=\geq
+\def\vert{\delimiter"86A30C }
+\def\backslash{\delimiter"86E30F }
+\setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height9pt depth4pt width\z@}%
+\newbox\bigstrutbox \newbox\biggstrutbox
+\setbox\bigstrutbox=\hbox{\vrule height11pt depth4pt width\z@}%
+\setbox\biggstrutbox=\hbox{\vrule height17pt depth10pt width\z@}%
+\newmuskip\normalthick \normalthick=5mu plus 5mu
+\newmuskip\normalmedmu \normalmedmu=\medmuskip
+\newmuskip\displaythick \displaythick=10mu minus 3mu
+\abovedisplayskip=8pt plus 3pt minus 2pt % there's 2pt more (opened up)
+\belowdisplayskip=10pt plus 3pt minus 2pt
+% displays not centered; all have capability of \eqalign
+ {\catcode`\^^M=5$$%
+ \advance\displayindent\parindent\advance\displaywidth-\parindent%
+ \openup2pt #1\halign\bgroup\span\preamble\cr}}
+\jot=\z@ % we do our own opening up
+\def\tablepreamble{\bigstrut\hfil$##$\hfil\ &\vrule##&&\quad\hfil$##$\hfil}
+\def\xbox{\qquad\hbox} % for third column of explanation
+\def\eqno{\global\advance\eqcount 1 \global\everycr{\makeeqno\thiseq}}
+ \advance\displaywidth\displayindent
+ \setbox0=\hbox to\displaywidth{\hfil#1}%
+ \backup=\prevdepth \advance\backup\ht0
+ \setbox0=\vbox{\kern-\backup\box0}\ht0=\z@ \dp0=\z@
+ \setbox0=\vbox{\box0}\unvbox0}} % that puts equation number on prev line!
+\newskip\chaptopspace \chaptopspace=1in minus 5pt
+\def\beginchapter#1 #2 \par{ % we should be at top of a page
+ \titletrue \eqcount=0
+ \ifodd\pageno
+ \rightline{\chapfont#1\kern-.05em}
+ \vskip\chaptopspace
+ \rightline{\title#2}
+ \moveleft7pc % this applies to the \vbox after the \fi
+ \else % left-hand page
+ \leftline{\kern-.05em\chapfont#1}
+ \vskip\chaptopspace
+ \leftline{\title#2} \fi
+ \vbox{\hrule width 35pc}
+ \def\chapno{#1} \edef\chaptitle{#2}
+ \mark{#1\enspace #2}
+ \smallskip\noindent}
+\def\beginsection#1 #2 \par{ % should not be first in the chapter
+ \backup=\lastskip % but should come on first or second page of chapter
+ \mark{#1\enspace #2} % because the mark gives running head on right page
+ \nobreak\vskip-\backup\penalty-200
+ {\subtitle\baselineskip=34pt
+ \noindent\hbox to2\parindent{#1\hfil}\uppercase{\kern-.05em#2}\par}
+ \nobreak\vskip5pt\noindent\hbox to2\parindent{}}
+\def\beginexercises{\backup=\lastskip \excount=0
+ \mark{\chapno\enspace Exercises}
+ \nobreak\vskip-\backup\penalty-200
+ {\subtitle\baselineskip=34pt\noindent Exercises\par}\nobreak}
+\gdef\table#1\tabref|#2|{\hrule height1pt width\hsize \kern2pt
+ \noindent\strut{\bf Table |#2|\enspace}#1\par
+ \hrule height.5pt width\hsize\tabref|#2|}}
+\def\medbr{\ifnum\lastpenalty>9999 \medskip \else\medbreak\fi}
+ {\subsubtitle\noindent#1\par}\nobreak}
+ \advance\excount 1 \item{\number\excount}}
+\def\qback{\kern-.15em} % between , or . and ''
+\def\Hint:{{\it Hint:\/}}
+\let\macron=\= % we will use \= for congruence relation
+% Here's a definition that was corrected in plain.tex version 3.14159;
+% I'm keeping the old version here, because I had already been compensating
+% for its deficiencies in script and scriptscript styles; without this
+% buggy version, it would be hard for me to match the old pages precisely
+ \mathbin{\rm mod}\penalty900\mkern5mu\mskip-\medmuskip}
+% Graffiti macros
+\newread\grfi \openin\grfi=\jobname.grf
+%\newwrite\grfo \immediate\openout\grfo=\jobname.grf % let's hope no conflict
+%% Hmmm...; that doesn't work on Unix.
+%% Here's my first solution, a kludge where I alternated between .grf and .gr
+%\newif\ifgrf \newwrite\grfo \newwrite\grfempty
+%\ifeof\grfi \grffalse
+%\else\read\grfi to\grfitest \ifeof\grfi \grffalse \else \grftrue \fi\fi
+%\ifgrf\else \openin\grfi=\
+% \ifeof\grfi\else\read\grfi to\grfitest \fi\fi
+%\immediate\openout\grfo=\\ifgrf\else f\fi
+%\immediate\write\grfo{} % an empty line will start a nonempty file (Unix only)
+%% and then at the end I said
+% \immediate\openout\grfempty=\\ifgrf f\fi % clear the input file
+%% That solution worked with the following original macros
+% \global\read\grfi to\next}\expandafter\testgrf\meaning\next\testgrf}
+%\expandafter\def\expandafter\testgrf\meaning\empty#1 #2\testgrf{%
+% \setup#2!!!!!$\ifx\thisone\thatone\if#1R\Rtrue\else\Rfalse\fi\else\Rguess\fi}
+%% Anyway, here's my second approach to Unix: (order n^2 algorithm)
+\def\\{{\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=\other}\dospecials \endlinechar=-1 \let\eol=0
+ \gdef\grfmem{}
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\gbbl\meaning\empty{}
+ \def\appgrf{\read\grfi to\g
+ \ifx\g\empty\else\xdef\grfmem{\grfmem\expandafter\gbbl\meaning\g\eol}\fi}
+ \def\next{\ifeof\grfi\let\next\relax\else\appgrf\fi\next}\next}}
+\\ % now \grfmem is "L aaaaa\eol R bbbbb\eol ... R zzzzz\eol".
+\def\testnextgrf#1 #2\eol#3\\{\gdef\grfmem{#3}\setup#2!!!!!$%
+ \ifx\thisone\thatone\if#1R\Rtrue\else\Rfalse\fi\else\Rguess\fi}
+\newwrite\grfo \immediate\openout\grfo=\jobname.grf % no conflict now
+\def\graffiti{% set up graffiti style
+ \hsize=6pc
+ \baselineskip=10pt \lineskip=0pt \lineskiplimit=0pt
+ \parindent=0pt
+ \mathsurround=1pt
+ \textfont0=\gmathtext
+ \scriptfont0=\gmathsubtext
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\gmathsubsubtext
+ \textfont1=\gmathlet \let\tfont=\gtfont
+ \scriptfont1=\gmathsublet
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\gmathsubsublet
+ \textfont2=\gmathsym
+ \scriptfont2=\gmathsubsym
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\gmathsubsubsym
+ \textfont3=\gmathext
+ \scriptfont3=\gmathsubext
+ \scriptscriptfont3=\gmathsubsubext
+ \scriptfont\scrfam=\gmathsubscr
+ \scriptscriptfont\scrfam=\gmathsubsubscr
+ \scriptfont\frfam=\gmathsubfr
+ \scriptscriptfont\frfam=\gmathsubsubfr
+\scriptfont\euexfam=\gmathsubsym % OK since I don't use all chars in this size
+ \def\rm{\fam\z@\gtext}%
+ \let\oldsty=\goldstyle
+ \let\big=\ninebig
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height7.25pt depth2.75pt width\z@}%
+ \gtext
+ \rightskip=\z@ plus2em % ragged right
+ \tolerance=2000
+ \hyphenpenalty=300
+ \exhyphenpenalty=300
+ \doublehyphendemerits=100000
+ \finalhyphendemerits=\doublehyphendemerits
+ }
+ \left#1\vbox to7.25pt{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+\def\grafctr{\hbox to4.5pc{\hfil##\hfil}}
+\newif\ifR % does this entry go on a right-hand page?
+ \ifx\grfmem\empty\Rguess\else\expandafter\testnextgrf\grfmem\\\fi
+% pre-Unix, that line was \ifeof\grfi\Rguess\else\testnextgrf\fi
+ \setbox0=\vtop{\graffiti#1%
+ \write\m@ne\ifR{\Rcheck}\else{\Lcheck}\fi}% log file records successes
+ \ifvmode\kern-\prevdepth\kern-\ht0\dp0=\z@\nointerlineskip\bgroup
+ \else\dp0=\dp\strutbox\strut\vadjust{\kern-\dp\strutbox\kern-\ht0\fi
+ \ifR\moveleft7\else\moveright29\fi pc\box0}}
+ \write\grfo{\LorR #1#2#3#4#5}\def\thisone{#1#2#3#4#5}}
+\def\LorR{\ifodd\pageno R \else L \fi}
+\def\Lcheck{\ifodd\pageno Bad guess!\fi}
+\def\Rcheck{\ifodd\pageno\else Bad guess!\fi}
+% Page layout
+\newif\ifpreprint \preprinttrue % should be false when making the final copy
+\newdimen\pageheight \pageheight=\vsize
+\newdimen\totheight \totheight=49.5pc
+\newdimen\folioht \setbox0=\hbox{\foliofont0} \folioht=\ht0
+\def\leftheadline{\hbox to35pc{\vbox to 10pt{}% strut to position the baseline
+ \llap{\kern-2pc\iftitle\leftcorner\else\foliofont\folio\fi\hfil}%
+ \iftitle\hfil\copyrite\else\runhead\uppercase\expandafter{\chaptitle}\hfil\fi}}
+\def\rightheadline{\hbox to35pc{\iftitle\copyrite\fi\hfil
+ \vbox to 10pt{}% strut to position the baseline
+ \runhead\uppercase\expandafter{\topmark}%
+ \rlap{\hfil\iftitle\rightcorner\else\foliofont\folio\fi\kern-2pc}}}
+\def\leftcorner{\vrule\vbox to\folioht{\hrule width9pt\vfil}}
+\def\rightcorner{\vbox to\folioht{\hrule width9pt\vfil}\vrule}
+\def\copyrite{\ifpreprint{\textfont2=\sevensy\sevenrm\copyright\ 1988
+ Addison-Wesley Publishing Company; all rights reserved}\fi}
+\def\onepageout#1{\escapechar=-1 % for writing \tabrefs
+ \shipout\vbox to\totheight{ % here we define one page of output
+ \offinterlineskip % butt the boxes together
+ \vbox to 2pc{ % this part goes on top of the regular pages
+ \ifodd\pageno \rightheadline\else\leftheadline\fi
+ \vfill} % this completes the \vbox to 2pc
+ \ifodd\pageno\moveright7pc\fi #1
+ \vfill
+ \iftitle \global\titlefalse % reset the titlepage switch
+ \ifodd\pageno \hbox to35pc{\hfil\foliofont\folio}
+ \else\hbox{\foliofont\folio}\fi\fi
+ \ifpreprint\ifinxmode\makeinxfooter\fi\fi
+ }
+ \advancepageno}
+\def\hours{\count0=\time \divide\count0 by60 % find the o'clock
+ \multiply\count0 by40 \advance\count0\time % convert to hhmm
+ \advance\count0 10000 \expandafter\gobbleone\number\count0\relax}
+\setbox\inxfootbanner=\rlap{\hbox to 6.5in{\hrulefill\sevenrm\quad
+ Author's page proof produced by \TeX\ at
+ \hours\space on \ifcase\month\or
+ January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
+ July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
+ \space\number\day}}
+\def\makeinxfooter{\vbox to0pt{\kern10pt\copy\inxfootbanner\kern4pt
+ \rlap{\vbadness=\maxdimen \inxcolumns}\vss}}
+\def\contribcol{\setbox0=\vsplit\inxbox to54pt
+ \vtop{\unvbox0}\kern20pt \inxcolumns}
+\def\inxstyle{\vrule height6pt depth2pt width\z@ \sevenrm}
+% Cross references
+% \ref{value}|name| gives value to |name|
+% \eqref|name| gives \eqcount to |name|
+% \exref|name| gives \excount to |name|
+% \tabref|name| gives appropriate page number to |name|
+% \refin foo inputs references from job foo (other than this job)
+% \showmissestrue if you want to see missing references
+\def\inref#1 #{\expandafter\def\csname\vertical#1\endcsname}
+\newcount\defcount % number of old definitions not yet repeated
+\newcount\changecount % number of new definitions that are changed
+\newcount\miscount % number of unknown references
+\def\refin#1 {\openin\tempin=#1.ref
+ \ifeof\tempin\closein\tempin
+ \else\closein\tempin \let|\inref \input#1.ref \let|\crossref \fi}
+ \def\def{\global\advance\defcount1 \gdef}\expandafter\refin\| }
+\newwrite\refo \immediate\openout\refo=\jobname.ref
+\def\dordef#1{\ifx#1\temp \global\advance\defcount-1
+ \else\global\advance\changecount1 \global\let#1\temp\fi
+ {\escapechar=-1\immediate\write\refo{\noexpand#1{\temp}}}}
+\def\pageref#1{\ifx#1\relax\else\global\advance\defcount-1 \fi
+ \write\refo{\noexpand#1{\number\pageno}}%
+ \write\m@ne{\ifx#1\relax New Pageref!\else
+ \ifnum#1=\pageno\else Changed Pageref!\fi\fi}}
+ \ifshowmisses\showmiss#1\fi\global\advance\miscount1 ??\else #1\fi}
+ \message{***** WARNING: Undefined reference #1\string|! *****}}}
+\def\cite#1.{\ifinxmode\write\bnx{[#1] \number\pageno.}\fi#1}
+\gdef\newcite#1.{\ifinxmode\write\bnx{[#1'] \number\pageno.}\fi#1$'@$}}
+ \ifnum\miscount>0
+ \message{(\the\miscount\space undefined references were present)}\fi
+ \ifnum\changecount>0
+ \message{(\the\changecount\space new references written on \jobname.ref)}\fi
+ \ifnum\defcount>0
+ \message{(\the\defcount\space old references dropped from \jobname.ref)}\fi
+ \par\vfill\supereject
+ \end}
+% Exercises
+ \immediate\write\ans{}
+ \immediate\write\ans{\string\ansno\chapno.\the\excount:}
+ \copytoblankline}
+\def\setupcopy{\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=\other}\dospecials \obeylines}
+{\obeylines \gdef\copyans#1
+ {\def\next{#1}%
+ \ifx\next\empty\let\next=\endgroup %
+ \else\immediate\write\ans{\next} \let\next=\copyans\fi\next}}
+ \noindent\hbox to\parindent{\bf #1\hfil}\ignorespaces}
+% Pictures (a subset of \LaTeX's conventions)
+\newskip\hsssglue \hsssglue=0pt plus 1fill minus 1fill \def\hsss{\hskip\hsssglue}
+\newdimen\unitlength \newdimen\linethickness
+\newdimen\@picheight \newdimen\@xdim \newdimen\@ydim \newdimen\@len \newdimen\@save
+\newcount\@multicount \newcount\@xarg \newcount\@yarg
+\newbox\@picbox \newbox\@mpbox
+\font\tenln=line10 \font\tenlnw=linew10
+\font\tencirc=lcircle10 \font\tencircw=lcirclew10
+\font\smallln=linew10 scaled 483 % that's magstep-4
+\def\thinlines{\let\linefont=\tenln \let\circlefont=\tencirc
+ \linethickness=\fontdimen8\linefont}
+\def\thicklines{\let\linefont=\tenlnw \let\circlefont=\tencircw
+ \linethickness=\fontdimen8\linefont}
+\def\beginpicture(#1,#2)(#3,#4){\@picheight=#2\unitlength \let\line=\@line
+ \setbox\@picbox=\hbox to#1\unitlength\bgroup
+ \kern-#3\unitlength \lower#4\unitlength\hbox\bgroup\ignorespaces}
+ \ht\@picbox=\@picheight \dp\@picbox=\z@
+ \leavevmode\box\@picbox}
+\def\put(#1,#2)#3{\raise#2\unitlength\rlap{\kern#1\unitlength #3}\ignorespaces}
+ \@xdim=#1\unitlength \@ydim=#2\unitlength \setbox\@mpbox=\hbox{#6}%
+ \loop\ifnum\@multicount>0
+ \raise\@ydim\rlap{\kern\@xdim \unhcopy\@mpbox}%
+ \advance\@xdim#3\unitlength \advance\@ydim#4\unitlength
+ \advance\@multicount\m@ne \repeat\ignorespaces}
+\def\makebox(#1,#2)#3{\setbox\@picbox=\hbox to#1\unitlength{\hss#3\hss}%
+ \@ydim=\ht\@picbox \advance\@ydim-\dp\@picbox
+ \ht\@picbox=#2\unitlength \dp\@picbox=\z@
+ \leavevmode\lower.5\@ydim\box\@picbox}
+\def\@line(#1,#2)#3{\@xarg=#1 \@yarg=#2 \@len=#3\unitlength \leavevmode
+ \ifnum\@xarg<0 \reverseline \else \negfalse \@ydim=\z@\fi
+ \ifnum\@xarg=0 \@vline
+ \else\ifnum\@yarg=0 \@hline \else\@sline\fi\fi
+ \ifneg\kern-\@len\else\@save=\@ydim\fi}
+\def\reverseline{\negtrue \kern-\@len \@xarg=-\@xarg
+ \@ydim=\@len \multiply\@ydim\@yarg \divide\@ydim\@xarg \@yarg=-\@yarg}
+\def\@hline{\vrule height.5\linethickness depth.5\linethickness width\@len}
+\def\@vline{\kern-.5\linethickness\vrule width\linethickness
+ \ifnum\@yarg<0 height\z@ depth\else depth\z@ height\fi\@len
+ \kern-.5\linethickness}
+\def\@sline{\setbox\@picbox=\hbox{\linefont \count@=\@xarg \multiply\count@ 8
+ \ifnum\@yarg>0 \advance\count@\@yarg \advance\count@-9
+ \else \advance\count@-\@yarg \advance\count@ 55 \fi \char\count@}%
+ \ifnum\@yarg<0 \@picheight=-\ht\@picbox \advance\@ydim\@picheight
+ \else \@picheight=\ht\@picbox \fi
+ \@xdim=\wd\@picbox \@save=\@ydim
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+ \advance\@xdim\wd\@picbox \advance\@ydim\@picheight \repeat
+ \advance\@xdim-\@len \kern-\@xdim
+ \multiply\@xdim\@yarg \divide\@xdim\@xarg \advance\@ydim-\@xdim
+ \raise\@ydim\box\@picbox}
+ \ifnum\@xarg=0 \@vvector \else\ifnum\@yarg=0 \@hvector \else\@svector\fi\fi}
+ \smash{\llap{\linefont\char45}}\fi} % we have to smash because of font bug
+\def\@vvector{\ifnum\@yarg<0 \raise-\@len\rlap{\linefont\char63}%
+ \else\setbox\@picbox=\rlap{\linefont\char54}\advance\@len-\ht\@picbox
+ \raise\@len\box\@picbox\fi}
+\def\@svector{\setbox\@picbox=\hbox to\z@{\linefont
+ \ifnum\@yarg<0 \count@=55 \@yarg=-\@yarg \else\count@=-9 \fi
+ \ifneg\multiply\@xarg16 \multiply\@yarg2
+ \else\hss % \llap
+ \ifnum\@xarg>2 \multiply\@xarg9 \multiply\@yarg2 \advance\count@29
+ \else\ifnum\@yarg>2 \multiply\@xarg16 \multiply\@yarg9 \advance\count@-20
+ \else\multiply\@xarg24 \multiply\@yarg3 \fi\fi\fi
+ \advance\count@\@xarg \advance\count@\@yarg \char\count@
+ \ifneg\hss\fi}% \rlap
+ \raise\@save\box\@picbox}
+\def\disk#1{\@len=#1\unitlength \count@='160 \@diskcirc}
+\def\circle#1{\@len=#1\unitlength \count@='140 \@diskcirc}
+ \leavevmode \ifdim\@len>15.499\@xdim \@bigdc \else \@smalldc\fi}
+\def\@bigdc{\ifnum\count@<'160 \@bigcirc
+ \else \@len=15\@xdim \@diskcirc\fi}
+ \loop\ifdim\@xdim<\@len \advance\count@\@ne \advance\@xdim\wd\@picbox\repeat
+ \hbox{\circlefont\char\count@}}}
+ \setbox\@picbox=\hbox{\char\count@}\@xdim=\wd\@picbox
+ \ifdim\@len>2.5\@xdim \@len=2.5\@xdim\fi
+ \advance\@len-.125\wd\@picbox
+ \loop\ifdim\@xdim<\@len \advance\count@ 4 \advance\@xdim.25\wd\@picbox\repeat
+ \@ydim=.5\@xdim \advance\@ydim.5\linethickness
+ \setbox\@picbox=\vbox{\hbox{\char\count@\advance\count@-3\char\count@}%
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \hbox{\advance\count@\m@ne\char\count@\advance\count@\m@ne\char\count@}}%
+ \kern-\@ydim\lower\@ydim\box\@picbox}}
+\newif\ifovaltl \newif\ifovaltr \newif\ifovalbl \newif\ifovalbr
+\ovaltltrue \ovaltrtrue \ovalbltrue \ovalbrtrue
+\def\oval(#1,#2){\@xdim=#1\unitlength \@ydim=#2\unitlength
+ {\circlefont \setbox\@picbox=\hbox{\char0}
+ \ifdim\@xdim<\wd\@picbox \@xdim=\wd\@picbox\fi
+ \ifdim\@ydim<\wd\@picbox \@ydim=\wd\@picbox\fi
+ \@save=\@xdim \ifdim\@ydim<\@save \@save=\@ydim \fi
+ \count@=39
+ \loop \setbox\@picbox=\hbox{\char\count@}\ifdim\@save<\wd\@picbox
+ \advance\count@-4 \repeat
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height\ht\@picbox depth\dp\@picbox width\z@
+ \kern\wd\@picbox}%
+ \@save=.5\wd\@picbox \advance\@save-.5\linethickness
+ \setbox0=\hbox to\@xdim{\ifovaltl\char\count@\else\strut\fi
+ \kern-\@save\leaders\hrule height\ifovaltl\linethickness\else\z@\fi\hfil
+ \leaders\hrule height\ifovaltr\linethickness\else\z@\fi\hfil\kern\@save
+ \ifovaltr\advance\count@-3\char\count@\else\strut\fi\kern-\wd\@picbox}%
+ \advance\count@\m@ne
+ \setbox2=\hbox to\@xdim{\ifovalbl\char\count@\else\strut\fi
+ \kern-\@save\leaders\hrule height\ifovalbl\linethickness\else\z@\fi\hfil
+ \leaders\hrule height\ifovalbr\linethickness\else\z@\fi\hfil\kern\@save
+ \ifovalbr\advance\count@\m@ne\char\count@\else\strut\fi\kern-\wd\@picbox}%
+ \@save=\@ydim \advance\@save-\wd\@picbox \divide\@save 2
+ \setbox\@picbox=\vbox{\box0\nointerlineskip
+ \hbox to\@xdim{\vrule height\@save width\ifovaltl\linethickness\else\z@\fi
+ \hfil\ifovaltr\vrule width\linethickness\kern-\linethickness\fi}%
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \hbox to\@xdim{\vrule height\@save width\ifovalbl\linethickness\else\z@\fi
+ \hfil\ifovalbr\vrule width\linethickness\kern-\linethickness\fi}%
+ \nointerlineskip\box2}%
+ \@save=.5\@ydim \advance\@save.5\linethickness \leavevmode
+ \kern-.5\@xdim \kern-.5\linethickness \lower\@save\box\@picbox}}
+% Squines (quadratic splines)
+% example of use: to plot f(x) between x0 and x1, you can say
+% \put(0,0){\squine(x0,xm,x1,y0,ym,y1)}, where y0=f(x0), y1=f(x1)
+% xm=(y0-y1+s1x1-s0x0)/(s1-s0), ym=(s0(s1x1-y1)-s1(s0x0-y0))/(s1-s0),
+% s0=f'(x0), and s1=f'(x1).
+\newdimen\@xi \newdimen\@xii \newdimen\@xiii \newdimen\@xiv
+\newdimen\@xpt \newdimen\@xoldpt
+\newdimen\@yi \newdimen\@yii \newdimen\@yiii \newdimen\@yiv
+\newdimen\@ypt \newdimen\@yoldpt
+\def\squine(#1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6){\setbox\@picbox\hbox{\tencirc q}%
+ \global\@xoldpt=#1\unitlength \global\@yoldpt=#4\unitlength \kern\@xoldpt
+ \@xi=\@xoldpt \@xii=#2\unitlength \@xiii=#3\unitlength
+ \@yi=\@yoldpt \@yii=#5\unitlength \@yiii=#6\unitlength
+ \squinerec
+ \@xpt=#3\unitlength \@ypt=#6\unitlength \@addpoint
+ \raise\@ypt\copy\@picbox}
+\def\squinerec{\farfalse \testnear\@xi\@xiii \testnear\@yi\@yiii
+ \iffar \decast \fi}
+ \ifdim\@save<\z@ \@save=-\@save\fi \ifdim\@save>\p@ \fartrue \fi}
+\def\decast{\@xpt=\@xi \advance\@xpt\@xii \divide\@xpt2
+ \advance\@xii\@xiii \divide\@xii2
+ \@xiv=\@xpt \advance\@xiv\@xii \divide\@xiv2
+ \@ypt=\@yi \advance\@ypt\@yii \divide\@ypt2
+ \advance\@yii\@yiii \divide\@yii2
+ \@yiv=\@ypt \advance\@yiv\@yii \divide\@yiv2
+ \begingroup\@xii=\@xpt \@xiii=\@xiv
+ \@yii=\@ypt \@yiii=\@yiv \squinerec\endgroup
+ \@xpt=\@xiv \@ypt=\@yiv \@addpoint
+ \@xi=\@xiv \@yi=\@yiv \squinerec}
+ \global\advance\@xoldpt-\@xpt \wd\@picbox=-\@xoldpt
+ \raise\@yoldpt\copy\@picbox \global\@xoldpt=\@xpt \global\@yoldpt=\@ypt}
+% Math operators
+\newmuskip\lessfortimes \lessfortimes=-2mu minus -2mu
+ \halign{\strut\hfil##\hfil\cr#1\cr#2\cr}}}
+ \ifx\next\risingsign\expandafter\rising\else^{\underline{#1}}\fi}
+ \vcenter{\hbox to\wd0{$\hss\scriptscriptstyle/\hss$}}\kern-\wd0
+ \vcenter{\hbox to\wd0{$\hss\kern.5pt\scriptscriptstyle/\hss$}}\kern-\wd0
+ \box0\relax}
+\def\spec{\mathop{\rm Spec}}
+\def\rp{\mathchar"323F } % relatively prime
+\def\lcm{\mathop{\rm lcm}}
+\def\And{\quad{\rm and}\quad}
+\def\?{\hbox{!`}} % subfactorial
+ \hbox{$\displaystyle\biggl({#1\atop#2}\Big\vert\,{#3}\!\biggr)$}}%
+ {\bigl({#1\atop#2}\vert\mskip2mu#3\bigr)}%
+ {}{}} % used only in D and T styles
+%\def\hypk_#1{\mathop{F{}}_{#1}\nolimits\hyper} % confl with mFn convention
+ \hbox{$\displaystyle\biggl({#2\atop#3}\Big\vert\,{#4}\!\biggr)$}%
+ \lower\fontdimen11\mathsym\hbox{$\scriptstyle\!#1$}}%
+ {\bigl({#2\atop#3}\vert\mskip2mu#4\bigr)\lower\fontdimen12\mathsym
+ \hbox{$\scriptstyle\!#1$}}%
+ {}{}} % used only in D and T styles
+ {\bigl(\!{#1\choose#2}\!\bigr)}{}{}} % only D and T styles
+\def\hypstrut{\vphantom{_1\_^k}} % if there's another denominator with \_^k
+\def\deg{\mathop{\rm deg}}
+\def\Bscr{{\scr B}}
+\def\Escr{{\scr E}}
+\def\Fscr{{\scr F}}
+\def\Pscr{{\scr P}}
+\def\Sscr{{\scr S}}
+\def\adj{\relbar\joinrel\relbar} % adjacent in a graph
+\let\<=\langle \let \>=\rangle
+\def\Pr{\mathop{\rm Pr}\nolimits}
+\def\Mean{\mathop{\rm Mean}\nolimits}
+\def\Var{\mathop{\rm Var}\nolimits}
+\def\between{\big\vert\hbox{\vphantom)}} % \between_a^b
+{\catcode`\'=\active \gdef'{^\bgroup\mskip2mu\prim@s}} % more space before '
+ {\bigl<\!{#1\euler#2}\!\bigr>}{}{}}
+\newbox\phihatbox \newbox\scrphihatbox
+\setbox\phihatbox=\hbox{$\phi$} \ht\phihatbox=1ex
+ \ht\scrphihatbox=\fontdimen5\mathsublet
+ {\copy\scrphihatbox}{{\hat\phi}}}
+\def\mathsize#1{\hbox to\wd\mathsizebox{\displaymath#1$\hss}}
+\setbox\sqrtstrutbox=\hbox{\vrule height10.5pt width\z@}
+\newbox\Sqbox % for sum of squares
+\setbox\Sqbox=\vbox{\tenrm\hrule height.6pt\kern-.6pt
+ \hbox to1.5ex{\vrule height1.5ex width.6pt\hss\vrule width.6pt}\kern-.6pt
+ \hrule height.3pt depth.3pt}
+% primitive index macros
+% "stuff for index" will go into a file for sorting and into normal text
+% "!stuff for index" will go into the file only
+\def\hexcode{"} \catcode`\"=\active
+\newwrite\inx \newwrite\bnx
+ \else\silentfalse\let\next=\xref\fi \next}
+ \ifsilent\ignorespaces\else#1\fi}
+ \vbox{\unvbox\inxbox\allowbreak\hbox{\inxstyle\text}}%
+ \xdef\writeit{\write\inx{\text\space!\space
+ \noexpand\number\pageno.}}\writeit}
+% Final considerations
+\catcode`\@=\active \def@{\mskip1mu\relax}
+\hyphenation{logical Mac-Mahon hyper-geo-metric hyper-geo-met-rics Ber-noulli}
+\preprintfalse % WE ARE MAKING THE REAL BOOK!
+\ifinxmode\immediate\openout\inx=\jobname.inx \fi % file for index reminders
+\ifinxmode\immediate\openout\bnx=\jobname.bnx \fi % file for bib reminders
+% To make the book:
+% First TeX BIB, to get BIB.REF correct. (Must have \cite entries.)
+% Then make BNX file from individual *.BNX files including BIB.BNX.
+% Then reTeX BIB.
+% *.INX files are raw data only. Index and Contents are prepared by hand.
+% To produce only a subset of pages, put the page numbers on separate
+% lines in a file called pages.tex, ended by 999
+% WARNING: This will screw up the .grf file! Save it, then restore it.
+% WARNING: This may screw up the .ref file (if there are \tabrefs). Ditto.
+\newread\pages \newcount\nxtpg \openin\pages=pages
+ {\endlinechar=-1\read\pages to\next
+ \ifx\next\empty % in this case we should have eof now
+ \else\global\nxtpg=\next\fi}\fi}
+\ifeof\pages\else\message{OK, I'll ship only the requested pages!}
+ \getnxtpg\fi
+ \else\ifnum\pageno=\nxtpg\getnxtpg\let\next=\Shipout
+ \else\let\next=\Tosspage\fi\fi \next}
+\newbox\garbage \def\Tosspage{\deadcycles=0\setbox\garbage=}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/headlinerule.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/headlinerule.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e2fc1d029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/headlinerule.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+%%%---Cut Here-------------------------------------------------------------
+\def\makeheadline{\vbox to0pt{\vskip-22.6pt
+ \line{\vbox to8.5pt{}\vphantom{pqj}\the\headline}
+ \vskip1pt
+ \hrule
+ \vss}
+ \nointerlineskip}
+%%%---Cut Here-------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/label.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/label.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e21962e0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/label.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+% Either:
+% \address 3
+% then enter three addresses, blank lines between them, or
+% \faddress foo.tex
+% where foo.tex contains a bunch of labels, with blank lines between them.
+% Make sure to use \done to exit, rather than \bye.
+\font\huge=cmbx12 scaled\magstep 4
+\font\notsohuge=cmbx10 scaled\magstep3
+\font\bigtt=cmtt10 scaled 1200
+\font\lbls=cmbx10 scaled\magstephalf
+\font\hugelogo=logobf10 scaled\magstep 5
+\def\hugeMF{{\hugelogo METAFONT}}
+ \immediate\write0{<\number\labcount> Total Labels}}
+\def\dotimes #1 #2{\n=#1
+ \loop
+ #2
+ \advance\n by -1
+ \ifnum\n>0\repeat}
+\def\ship#1{\if L\LMR
+ \global\setbox\leftbox=#1 \global\let\LMR=M
+ \else\if M\LMR
+ \global\setbox\midbox=#1 \global\let\LMR=R
+ \else
+ \line{\box\leftbox\hss\box\midbox\hss #1} \global\let\LMR=L
+ \fi\fi
+ \global\advance\labcount by1}
+\def\emptybox{\vbox to \vlsize{\hsize=\hlsize\vfill\centerline{\strut}}}
+\def\done{\if M\LMR \ship\emptybox\ship\emptybox
+ \else\if R\LMR \ship\emptybox
+ \fi\fi\vfill\eject\end}
+ \loop
+ \read0 to\add
+ \ifx\add\blankline
+ \global\contfalse
+ \else
+ \global\conttrue
+ \fi
+ \ifcont
+ \setbox\addbox=\hbox{\add}
+ \ifdim\maxadsize<\wd\addbox
+ \message{Line too wide!}
+ \else
+ \box\addbox
+ \fi
+ \repeat}}
+\def\address #1 {\dotimes #1
+ {\ship{\vbox to \vlsize{\hsize=\hlsize
+ \oninterlineskip
+ \lbls
+ \vss\hbox to\hlsize{\hss
+ \makeadd
+ \hss}\vss}}}
+ \prompt}
+ \loop
+ \read\filein to\add
+ \ifx\add\blankline
+ \global\contfalse
+ \else
+ \global\conttrue
+ \fi
+ \ifcont
+ \setbox\addbox=\hbox{\add}
+ \ifdim\maxadsize<\wd\addbox
+ \message{\add: }
+ \message{Line too wide!}
+ \else
+ \box\addbox
+ \fi
+ \repeat}}
+ \loop
+ \ship{\vbox to \vlsize{\hsize=\hlsize
+ \oninterlineskip
+ \lbls
+ \vss\hbox to\hlsize{\hss\fakeadd\hss}
+ \vss}}
+ \ifeof\filein
+ \stillokayfalse
+ \else
+ \stillokaytrue
+ \fi
+ \ifstillokay
+ \repeat
+ \closein\filein}
+\def\faddress #1 {
+ \openin\filein=#1
+ \ifeof\filein
+ \message{#1: File not found}
+ \else
+ \dofadds
+ \fi
+ \prompt}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/labeldefs.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/labeldefs.tex
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..53776e5522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/labeldefs.tex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+threecol.tex \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/labelmac3.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/labelmac3.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17c68a7a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/labelmac3.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+%% Posted by (R. Bharat Rao)
+%% to comp.text.tex on 11 Oct 91 03:16:48 GMT
+%% To use ...
+%% \input labelmac3
+%% \address{
+%% address 1
+%% }
+%% .... (repeat 29 more times)
+% This is set up to use Avery 5160 labels for laser printers.
+% The label size is 1 inch by 2 and five eights inches.
+\fullhsize=8.20in \hsize=2.625in
+\def\fullline{\hbox to\fullhsize}
+\let\lr=L \newbox\leftcolumn \newbox\midcolumn
+\output{\if L\lr
+ \global\setbox\leftcolumn=\columnbox \global\let\lr=M
+ \else\if M\lr
+ \global\setbox\midcolumn=\columnbox \global\let\lr=R
+ \else \tripleformat \global\let\lr=L\fi\fi
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000 \else\dosupereject\fi}
+ \fullline{\box\leftcolumn\hfil\box\midcolumn\hfil\columnbox}
+ \makefootline}
+ \advancepageno}
+\def\makeheadline{\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-22.5pt
+ \fullline{\vbox to8.5pt{}\the\headline}\vss}\nointerlineskip}
+\def\makefootline{\baselineskip=24pt \fullline{\the\footline}}
+ \if L\lr \else\null\vfill\eject\fi
+ \if L\lr \else\null\vfill\eject\fi
+ \end}
+ \vbox to 71.90pt{\ifcentyorn\vss\fi \box0 \vss}}
+%\obeylines\gdef\address#1{\setbox0\vbox{#1} \vbox to 71.90pt{ \box0 \vss}}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/letter.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/letter.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..531a8b520d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/letter.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+% This macro file is for business letters
+ January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
+ July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
+ \space\number\day, \number\year}
+\def\narrower{\advance\leftskip by 20pt \advance\rightskip by 20pt }
+\hsize=6.25truein \voffset=24pt \advance\vsize by-\voffset
+\parindent=0pt \parskip=0pt
+ \tenrm To \addressee\hfil\today\hfil Page \folio
+ \else\hfil\fi}
+ \begingroup\obeylines\def\endmode{\par\endgroup}}
+ \begingroup\parskip=\medskipamount \def\endmode{\par\endgroup}}
+\def\endletter{\endmode\vfill\supereject \pageno=1 }
+\newdimen\longindentation \longindentation=4truein
+ #2
+ {\gdef\addressee{#2\unskip}%
+ \global\setbox\theaddress=\vbox\bgroup\raggedright%
+ \hsize=\longindentation \everypar{\hangindent2em}#2
+ \def\endmode{\egroup\endgroup \copy\theaddress \bigskip}}}
+{\obeylines\gdef\getclosing #1
+ #2
+ {\nobreak\bigskip \leftskip=\longindentation #2
+ \nobreak\bigskip\bigskip\bigskip % space for signature
+ \def
+ {\endgraf\nobreak}}}
+ \interlinepenalty5000\def\par{\endgraf\penalty5000}}
+ \interlinepenalty5000\def\par{\endgraf\penalty5000}}
+\def\up#1{\leavevmode \raise.16ex\hbox{#1}}
+\font\smallheadfont=cmr8 at 8truept
+\font\largeheadfont=cmbx10 at 14.4truept
+\font\logofont=stan70 at 70truept
+\def\stanfordseal{\vbox{\kern-3truept\hbox{\logofont A}\kern-3truept}}
+\def\csdreturn{Computer Science Department\par \stanfordreturn}
+\def\stanfordreturn{Stanford University\par
+ Stanford, CA 94305\kern.5pt-21\kern-.5pt40 USA\par}
+\def\letterhead{\pageno=1 \univletterhead
+ {\leftskip=\longindentation
+ {\baselineskip9truept\smallheadfont\sendingaddress}
+ \bigskip\bigskip\rm\today\bigskip}}
+ \line{\hbox to 60truept{\hrulefill
+ \hphantom{\stanfordseal\kern-#1truept}%
+ \hrulefill}\hrulefill}\nointerlineskip}
+ \specrule{11}\vskip8truept
+ \hbox{\hbox to\longindentation{\smash{\hbox to60truept{\hfil\kern2.5truept
+ \lower10truept\stanfordseal\hfil}}%
+ \largeheadfont STANFORD UNIVERSITY\hfil}%
+ \smallheadfont STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305\kern.5pt-21\kern-.5pt40}
+ \vskip6truept\specrule{17}\vskip13truept }
+ \def\sendingaddress{DONALD E. KNUTH\par
+ Professor Emeritus of The Art of\par
+ \qquad Computer Programming\par
+ Department of Computer Science\par
+ Telephone \up[415\up]\thinspace 723-4367\par}
+ \def\returnaddress{Prof.~D. E. Knuth\par \csdreturn}
+ \letterhead}
+ \everypar{\hangindent70truept}\startmemo}
+\def\bigmemoto{\beginlinemode\parindent=60pt % use this for magstep>1!
+ \everypar{\hangindent70pt}\startmemo}
+\def\textin#1{\noindent\hbox to\parindent{#1\hss}\ignorespaces}
+{\obeylines\gdef\startmemo #1
+ {\gdef\addressee{#1}%
+ \global\pageno=1 \vglue-34pt\specrule{11}\vskip8truept
+ \leftline{\smash{\hbox to60truept{\hfil\kern2.5truept
+ \lower10truept\stanfordseal\hfil}}%
+ \largeheadfont Stanford Computer Science Department %
+ \rm\today}%
+ \vskip6truept\specrule{20}\bigskip\bigskip\bigskip%
+ \textin{Memo to:}#1
+ \def\endmode{\par\endgroup\bigskip}}
+ \gdef\from #1
+ {\smallskip\textin{From:}#1
+ }
+ \gdef\subject #1
+ {\smallskip\textin{Subject:}#1
+ }
+ \vbox{\hrule \kern6truept
+ \hbox{\kern6truept\stanfordseal\kern3pt
+ \vbox{\smallheadfont\baselineskip9truept\hsize=2truein\returnaddress}
+ \kern6truept}\kern6truept\hrule}\vrule}
+ \kern.1truein
+ \hbox{\vrule
+ \vbox{\hrule \kern12truept
+ \hbox{\kern12truept\copy\theaddress
+ \kern12truept}\kern12truept\hrule}\vrule}
+ \pageno=0\vfill\eject}
+ #1}\kern-.1em/\kern-.15em\lower.25ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #2}}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/lettermac.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/lettermac.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f7be9fe91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/lettermac.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+% lettermac.tex
+% J. Daniel Smith
+% 8 November 1989
+% Simple macros for writing letters
+% Last Updated:
+% JDS 23 May 90
+% don't indent paragraphs
+\newdimen\oldparindent \oldparindent=\parindent
+% don't do so much complaining
+\tolerance=10000 \hbadness=9999 \vbadness=9999
+% make \narrower work correctly with \parindent
+\def\narrower{\advance\leftskip by\oldparindent
+ \advance\rightskip by\oldparindent}
+% leave a blank line between paragraphs
+\parskip=10pt plus 1pt minus 0.5pt
+% page breaks between paragraphs when possible
+% skip over a bit on the page
+% of course, we don't want page numbers
+% turn off hyphenation
+% get the name of the address file from the user
+ \newlinechar=`@ \def\\{@}
+ \message{@#1}
+ \message{@Enter the name of the address file: }
+ \endlinechar=-1
+ \read-1 to\AddressFileName
+ \global\edef\InputAddressFileName{\AddressFileName.adr}
+ \endgroup
+ \obeyspaces % keep spaces in address
+ % Make it easier to type '#' and '&' in addresses
+ \catcode`\#=12\catcode`\&=12
+ \input\InputAddressFileName
+ \catcode`\#=6\catcode`\&=4
+ \let\getaddress\relax}
+% address at top of letter
+ \setaddress{\hbox{\bf * ADDRESS *}}
+ \frenchspacing\Xaddress}
+ \par\let\address\relax}
+% Various items that might be used throughout the letter. Defaults
+% are set to something obnoxious so that if they are used without
+% being set it will be obvious
+ \settitle{\hbox{\bf * TITLE *}}
+ \setfirstname{\hbox{\bf * FIRSTNAME *}}
+ \setlastname{\hbox{\bf * LASTNAME *}}
+ \setcompany{\hbox{\bf * COMPANY *}}
+% addressee
+\def\addressee{Dear \Xtitle\ \Xlastname,\par}
+% attn for envelopes
+\def\attn#1{\gdef\Xattn{Attn: #1}}
+% \gdef\attn{\par\vfill\line\bgroup\hbox{Attn: \Xattn}\hfil}}
+\let\Xattn=\relax % don't do anything unless its \attn is used
+% ZIP code. For compatability with envelope macros.
+% closings
+\def\signature#1#2{\vskip\parskip{\vbox{\info{#1,}\vskip.35true in\info{#2}}
+ \let\signature\relax}}
+% cc:
+ {\rm cc: }\everypar={\phantom{\rm cc: }}#1}
+ \let\cc\relax}
+% RE:
+ {\rm RE: }\everypar={\phantom{\rm RE: }}#1}
+ \let\re\relax}
+% The date at the top of the letter
+% If a date is not set, then the current date is used.
+ January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
+ July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
+ \space\number\year}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/list.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/list.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1daeba2bbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/list.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+% Makes a listing of one or more files
+% Typical usage:
+% tex list *.c \\end
+\def\grabfile#1 {\setbox0=\lastbox\endgraf\doit{#1}}
+\font\filenamefont= cmtt8 scaled\magstep3
+\font\headlinefont= cmr8
+\font\listingfont= cmtex10
+\font\eoffont= cmti8
+ January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
+ July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
+ \space\number\day, \number\year}
+\newcount\m \newcount\n
+\n=\time \divide\n 60 \m=-\n \multiply\m 60 \advance\m \time
+\def\twodigits#1{\ifnum #1<10 0\fi \number#1}
+\message{@\today\space at \hours}
+\def\doit#1{\message{@Listing #1@}
+ \begingroup \everypar{} \frenchspacing
+ \headline{\filenamefont#1\quad\headlinefont \today\ at \hours
+ \hfill Page \folio}
+ \def\do##1{\catcode`##1=\other}\dospecials
+ \catcode127=\other \catcode9=\other \catcode12=\other
+ \parindent 0pt \parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil minus 1in
+ \everypar{\hangindent 1in} \rightskip=0pt plus 2in
+ \def\par{\ifvmode\penalty-500\medskip\else\endgraf\fi}
+ \listingfont \obeylines \obeyspaces \global\pageno=1
+ \input #1 {\eoffont(end of\/ file)}\endgraf\vfill\eject\endgroup}
+{\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }
+\catcode`\_=\other % allow _ in file names
+% A tab (^^I) prints as lowercase gamma.
+% Character ^^M could be made visible, with a bit of work;
+% at present, it's indistinguishable from newline (^^J).
+% You can get up to 103 characters on a line without an overfull box.
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/listing.mac b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/listing.mac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6be5e4ab04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/listing.mac
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+\input 17Point.TeX
+\input 14Point.TeX
+\input 12Point.TeX
+% This is a file of commands for printing out programs using TeX
+% -- see DIRTY TRICKS in TeXbook
+% This version is designed to print source code at 9 point
+% fitting an 80 column line into a 6 true inch width with
+% 8 point line numbers before each line.
+% It handles TAB (^I) characters almost the same as DEC
+% usage:
+% \input fortran % put this early in the file
+% \listing{file.ext} % use dev:[dir] if you wish
+% B.H. Toby 8/86
+\font\Alisttt=cmtt9 at 9 truept
+\font\Alistrm=cmr8 at 8 truept
+\font\fourteentt=cmtt10 at 14.4 truept
+\font\titlefont=cmbx12 scaled 1440
+\def\uncatcodespecials{\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 }\dospecials}
+\def\listing#1{\mark{\currentsection \noexpand\else #1}
+ \penalty-200\vskip18pt plus4pt minus6pt
+ \leftline{\fourteentt #1}
+ \mark{#1\noexpand\else #1} \def\currentsection{#1}
+ \nobreak\smallskip
+ \par\begingroup\setupverbatim\input#1 \endgroup}
+ \Alisttt\baselineskip= 8.5truept\lineskip=1truept
+ \lineskiplimit=1truept\topskip=0pt
+ \lineno=0
+ \def\par{\leavevmode\egroup\box0\endgraf}
+ \obeylines \uncatcodespecials \obeyspaces
+ \catcode`\`=\active \catcode`\^^I=\active
+ \everypar{\startbox}}
+\newdimen\w \setbox0=\hbox{\Alisttt\space} \w=8\wd0
+ \gdef^^I{\leavevmode\egroup
+ \dimen0=\wd0
+ \divide\dimen0 by\w
+ \multiply\dimen0 by\w
+ \advance\dimen0 by\w
+ \wd0=\dimen0 \box0 \startbox}}
+{\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }
+{\catcode`\`=\active \gdef`{\relax\lq}}
+\def\header#1{\vfill\eject\null\medskip\centerline{\fourteenpoint\bf #1}\bigskip
+ \message{\noexpand#1}\def\part{#1}\partpageno=\count0}
+ \ifodd\pageno{\bf\part}\hss{\tt\iftrue\botmark\fi}
+ \else{\tt\expandafter\iffalse\topmark\fi}\hss{\bf\part}\fi\fi}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/listmac.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/listmac.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43a1c31674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/listmac.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+% -*- Mode: TeX; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package: LISTEX; -*-
+%% macros for the LISTEX system by DCB
+% setup
+ % fonts
+\def\LTnormalfont {\rm}
+\def\LTcommentfont {\it}
+\def\LTpuncfont {\tt}
+\def\LTcodefont {\rm}
+\def\LTcodepuncfont {\tt}
+\def\LTslantedcode {%
+ \font\sltt=cmsltt10
+ \def\LTcodefont{\sl}%
+ \def\LTcodepuncfont{\sltt}}
+\def\LTboldcode {%
+ \def\LTcodefont{\bf}%
+ \def\LTcodepuncfont{\tt}}
+\def\LTtypewritercode {%
+ \def\LTcodefont{\tt}}
+ % delimiters
+\newdimen\LTparenkern \LTparenkern=.1pt
+\newdimen\LTcommentkern \LTcommentkern=1pt
+\newdimen\LTspacewidth \LTspacewidth=.45em
+\def\LTchr {\LTpuncfont\char}
+\def\LTsetpwidth {\setbox\z@=\hbox{\LTop/}\LTpwidth=\wd\z@}
+\newdimen\LTpwidth \LTsetpwidth
+ % indentations
+\def\LTpi/{\kern\LTpwidth} % increment for plus1
+\def\LTpii/{\kern 2\LTspacewidth} % increment for plus2
+\def\LTpiv/{\kern 4\LTspacewidth} % increment for plus4
+\def\LTks #1{\kern #1\LTspacewidth} % kern a number of space widths
+ % boxes
+\def\LTsb {\setbox\LTbox=\hbox} % start a box
+\def\LTdb/{\box\LTbox} % dump out a box
+\def\LTbb {\LTboxw=\wd\LTbox % output a box and backspace over it
+ \box\LTbox
+ \kern-\LTboxw}
+ % markers
+\def\LTsm #1{\xdef#1{\the\wd\LTbox}% % set a mark register
+ \box\LTbox}
+\def\LTkr #1{\kern #1\relax} % kern a register
+\def\LTkm {\LTbb\LTkr} % kern to a marked position
+ % modules
+% output modules in boxes?
+% keep track of position in file: top, after module, before module
+\newif\iffirstmodule \firstmoduletrue
+% incrementally number modules
+% normal modules
+ \iffirstmodule \firstmodulefalse
+ \else \LTfilbreak \bigskip \fi
+ \advance\modulecount\@ne
+ \LTmarkmodule
+ \ifLTboxmodules \vbox\bgroup \else \begingroup \fi
+ \LTmoduledefs
+ \noindent {\bf \number\modulecount.}\enspace \ignorespaces}
+ \endgraf
+ \ifLTboxmodules \egroup \else \endgroup \fi
+ \moduletrue}
+\def\LTmarkmodule {}
+\def\LTmoduledefs {%
+ \LTmodulehook
+ \LTsetpwidth}
+\def\LTmodulehook {}
+% star modules
+\def\LTbeginstarmodule #1{%
+ \iffirstmodule \firstmodulefalse
+ \else \vfil \eject \fi
+ \advance\modulecount\@ne
+ \LTmarkstarmodule{#1}%
+ \ifLTboxmodules \vbox\bgroup \else \begingroup \fi
+ \LTmoduledefs
+ \noindent {\bf \number\modulecount. \ignorespaces #1\par}
+ \nobreak \smallskip \noindent \ignorespaces}
+\def\LTmarkstarmodule {\message{*\number\modulecount}\mark}
+% spacing and layout
+\def\LTfilbreak {\vfil\penalty-200\vfilneg}
+\def\LTfilnobreak {\vfil\penalty9999\vfilneg}
+\interlinepenalty=10000 % forbid breaks in paragraphs
+% code in module text
+\def\LTbcode/{\begingroup \let\LTpuncfont=\LTcodepuncfont
+ \LTcodedefs \LTcodefont \LTsetpwidth}
+ % code
+ \iffirstmodule \beginmodule \endmodule \fi
+ \ifmodule \modulefalse \LTfilnobreak \bigskip
+ \else \LTfilnobreak \medskip \fi
+ \vbox\bgroup \LTcodedefs \LTnormalfont \LTsetpwidth}
+ \egroup}
+\def\LTcodedefs {%
+ \spaceskip=\LTspacewidth
+ \xspaceskip=\LTspacewidth
+ \LTcodehook}
+\def\LTcodehook {}
+% module text in code
+\def\LTcommentdefs {\spaceskip=\z@ \xspaceskip=\z@ \LTcommentfont \LTsetpwidth}
+\def\LTbcom/{\begingroup \LTcommentdefs {\rm;\kern\LTcommentkern}}
+ % miscellany
+ \def\lisp {Lisp}
+ \let\LISP=\lisp
+ \let\Lisp=\lisp
+\def\listex {Lis\kern-.1667em\TeX}
+ % cleanup
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/llist.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/llist.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f107169e24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/llist.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+% Makes a landscape listing of one or more files
+% Typical usage:
+% tex llist *.c \\end
+\def\grabfile#1 {\setbox0=\lastbox\endgraf\doit{#1}}
+\font\filenamefont= cmtt8 scaled\magstep3
+\font\headlinefont= cmr8
+\font\listingfont= cmtex8
+\font\eoffont= cmti8
+ January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
+ July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
+ \space\number\day, \number\year}
+\newcount\m \newcount\n
+\n=\time \divide\n 60 \m=-\n \multiply\m 60 \advance\m \time
+\def\twodigits#1{\ifnum #1<10 0\fi \number#1}
+\message{@\today\space at \hours}
+\medskipamount=4pt minus 1pt
+\def\doit#1{\message{@Listing #1@}
+ \begingroup \everypar{} \frenchspacing
+ \headline{\ifright \headlinefont \hfill Page \folio
+ \else\filenamefont#1\quad\headlinefont \today\ at \hours\hfill \fi}
+ \def\do##1{\catcode`##1=\other}\dospecials
+ \catcode127=\other \catcode9=\other \catcode12=\other
+ \parindent 0pt \parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil minus .8in
+ \everypar{\hangindent 1in} \rightskip=0pt plus 2in
+ \def\par{\ifvmode\penalty-50\medskip\else\endgraf\fi}
+ \listingfont \obeylines \obeyspaces \global\pageno=1
+ \input #1 {\eoffont(end of\/ file)}\endgraf\vfill\eject
+ \ifright\null\vfill\eject\fi\endgroup}
+{\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }
+\catcode`\_=\other % allow _ in file names
+ \shipout\hbox{\hbox to5.5in{\box\lefthalf\hss}%
+ \vbox{\makeheadline\pagebody\makefootline}}
+ \advancepageno\global\rightfalse
+ \else\global\setbox\lefthalf\vbox{\makeheadline\pagebody\makefootline}
+ \global\righttrue\fi}
+% A tab (^^I) prints as lowercase gamma.
+% Character ^^M could be made visible, with a bit of work;
+% at present, it's indistinguishable from newline (^^J).
+% You can get up to 91 characters on a line without an overfull box.
+% (But lines with more than 84 characters will be clipped, if they
+% appear on a righthand halfpage.)
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/longtocline.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/longtocline.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22766763e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/longtocline.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+%%%------------- tear neatly -------------------------------------%%%%
+\def\leaderfill{\kern0.5em\leaders\hbox to 0.5em{\hss.\hss}\hfill\kern
+0.5em}% right out of the 'bible'
+\newcount\nmbroflines \newbox\scratch \newbox\rule \newdimen\myindent
+%caution! \myindent needs to be set first, say e.g.
+\myindent=1.5true cm
+\setbox\scratch=\vbox{{\advance\hsize by-\myindent
+\advance\hsize by-3true cm\noindent#2\par}% to prevent blanks
+\global\nmbroflines=\prevgraf}% 'you never know'
+\unvbox\scratch \setbox\rule=\lastbox
+\advance\nmbroflines by-1\repeat
+{\par\advance\hsize by-3true cm\hangindent\myindent
+\noindent\hbox to\myindent{#1\hss}#2\par}%
+% usage:
+\line{\hbox to\myindent{1.0\hfil}Normal Heading\leaderfill 66}
+\hugeheader{1.1}{Abnormal heading of a chapter about giant holes all
+over Australia caused by elephants interbreeded with local kangaroos}%
+%%%------------- cut along this line ----------------------------%%%%%
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/lwebmac.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/lwebmac.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23cf864ff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/lwebmac.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+% macros for the LWEB system by DCB -*- Mode: TeX; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package: LWEB -*-
+% setup
+ % fonts
+\def\LWnormalfont {\rm}
+\def\LWcommentfont {\it}
+\def\LWpuncfont {\tt}
+\def\LWcodefont {\rm}
+\def\LWcodepuncfont {\tt}
+\def\slantedcode {%
+ \font\sltt=amsltt10
+ \def\LWcodefont{\sl}%
+ \def\LWcodepuncfont{\sltt}}
+\def\boldcode {%
+ \def\LWcodefont{\bf}%
+ \def\LWcodepuncfont{\tt}}
+ % delimiters
+\newdimen\LWparenkern \LWparenkern=.1pt
+\newdimen\LWcommentkern \LWcommentkern=1pt
+\newdimen\LWspacewidth \LWspacewidth=.45em
+\def\LWchr {\LWpuncfont\char}
+\def\LWsetpwidth {\setbox\z@=\hbox{\LWop/}\LWpwidth=\wd\z@}
+\newdimen\LWpwidth \LWsetpwidth
+ % indentations
+\def\LWpi/{\kern\LWpwidth} % increment for plus1
+\def\LWpii/{\kern 2\LWspacewidth} % increment for plus2
+\def\LWpiv/{\kern 4\LWspacewidth} % increment for plus4
+\def\LWks #1{\kern #1\LWspacewidth} % kern a number of space widths
+ % boxes
+\def\LWsb {\setbox\LWbox=\hbox} % start a box
+\def\LWdb/{\box\LWbox} % dump out a box
+\def\LWbb {\LWboxw=\wd\LWbox % output a box and backspace over it
+ \box\LWbox
+ \kern-\LWboxw}
+ % markers
+\def\LWsm #1{\xdef#1{\the\wd\LWbox}% % set a mark register
+ \box\LWbox}
+\def\LWkr #1{\kern #1\relax} % kern a register
+\def\LWkm {\LWbb\LWkr} % kern to a marked position
+ % modules
+% keep track of position in file: top, after module, before module
+\newif\iffirstmodule \firstmoduletrue
+% incrementally number modules
+% normal modules
+ \iffirstmodule \firstmodulefalse
+ \else \LWfilbreak \bigskip \fi
+ \advance\modulecount\@ne
+ \LWmarkmodule
+ \begingroup \LWmoduledefs
+ \noindent {\bf \number\modulecount.}\enspace \ignorespaces}
+ \endgraf
+ \endgroup
+ \moduletrue}
+\def\LWmarkmodule {}
+\def\LWmoduledefs {\def\par{\endgraf\nobreak}\LWsetpwidth}
+% star modules
+\def\LWbeginstarmodule #1{%
+ \iffirstmodule \firstmodulefalse
+ \else \vfil \eject \fi
+ \advance\modulecount\@ne
+ \LWmarkstarmodule{#1}%
+ \begingroup \LWmoduledefs
+ \noindent {\bf \number\modulecount. \ignorespaces #1\par}
+ \nobreak \smallskip \noindent \ignorespaces}
+\def\LWmarkstarmodule {\message{*\number\modulecount}\mark}
+% spacing and layout
+\def\LWfilbreak {\vfil\penalty-200\vfilneg}
+\def\LWfilnobreak {\vfil\penalty9999\vfilneg}
+\interlinepenalty=10000 % forbid page breaks in modules
+% code in module text
+\def\LWbcode/{\begingroup \LWcodefont \LWcodedefs \let\LWpuncfont=\LWcodepuncfont}
+ % code
+ \iffirstmodule \beginmodule \endmodule \fi
+ \ifmodule \modulefalse \LWfilnobreak \bigskip
+ \else \LWfilnobreak \medskip \fi
+ \vbox\bgroup \LWnormalfont \LWcodedefs}
+ \egroup}
+\def\LWcodedefs {%
+ \spaceskip=\LWspacewidth
+ \xspaceskip=\LWspacewidth
+ \LWsetpwidth}
+% module text in code
+\def\LWcommentdefs {\spaceskip=\z@ \xspaceskip=\z@ \LWcommentfont \LWsetpwidth}
+\def\LWbcom/{\begingroup \LWcommentdefs {\rm;\kern\LWcommentkern}}
+ % miscellany
+ \def\lisp {Lisp}
+ \let\LISP=\lisp
+ \let\Lisp=\lisp
+\def\lweb {LWEB}
+ % cleanup
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/maybeload.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/maybeload.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c8a088de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/maybeload.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+% A small macro for Tex82 or Latex. You can prevent a file of
+% macros from being loaded twice by putting
+% \input maybeload
+% \thisfileis{<dirname>filename}
+% in the macro file. -- eb@oz 6/27/86
+\global\def\thisfileis#1{\if T\csname #1=loaded\endcsname \endinput
+ \else \global\expandafter\def\csname #1=loaded\endcsname{T}\fi}
+% If you like, you can conditionalize the \input maybeload with the
+% incantation
+% \ifx\thisfileis\anUndefinedMacro\input maybeload \fi
+% instead of just \input maybeload.
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/memo.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/memo.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcdcc622f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/memo.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+% Memo -- Generate a memo banner
+% Use \memodept{ text } to define the department text.
+% Use \memocirc{ text } to define the to field.
+% Use \memodate{ text } to define the date the memo will be sent (default is
+% the current date that TeX processes the file).
+% Use \memofrom{ text } to define the from field.
+% Use \memophone{ text } to define the phone number of the sender.
+% Use \memomail{ text } to define the mail code of the sender.
+% Use \memosubj{ text } to define the subject of the memo.
+% Use \memohdr to print the memo banner once the fields above have been defined
+\def\today{\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or
+ May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or
+ December\fi\space\number\day, \number\year}
+\def\memotwobx#1#2{\line{{To}\hskip 10pt #1\hfill{Date}\hskip 10pt #2}}
+\def\memothrbx#1#2#3{\line{{From}\hskip 10pt #1\hfill\hfill\hfill
+ {Extension}\hskip 10pt #2\hfill{Mail Code}\hskip 10pt #3}}
+\def\memoltbx#1{\line{{Subject}\hskip 10pt #1\hfill}}
+\def\memoya{Chemistry} \def\memoyb{You}
+\def\memoyc{\today} \def\memoyd{Me}
+\def\memoye{6532} \def\memoyf{Misc.}
+\font\fiverm=ambx5 % Change to CMBX5 if you use new TeX 2.0
+\def\memohdr{\centerline{\fiverm interoffice memorandum}\par
+ \null\par
+ \centerline{\bf CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY} % Change this line
+ \centerline{\bf {\memoya}}
+ \null\par
+ \memotwobx{\memoyb}{\memoyc}
+ \memothrbx{\memoyd}{\memoye}{\memoyg}
+ \memoltbx{\memoyf}
+ \vskip 10pt}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/mhack.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/mhack.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f0546a19d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/mhack.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+%% Save file as: MHACK.TEX Source: FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET
+%% Original author: Norman Walsh <>
+%% Original source: Posted to by
+%% RAY BROHINSKY <> on Fri, 27 Sep 1991 16:29 EDT
+%Here are two solutions for marginal hacks. \ihack is based upon
+%the marginal hacks notes in the book and requires the section that
+%redefines \pagecontents. It has the defect that marginal hacks
+%start at the top of the page rather than where you put them in the
+%\vhack doesn't use inserts and has the advantage that you don't
+%need to redefine part of the output routine (\pagecontents) but if
+%you put several hacks very close to each other, they may overlap.%
+%Let me know what you think. If you have try to integrate them into
+%your notes and you have trouble, just let me know.
+% mhack.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\count\margin=0 \skip\margin=0pt
+\advance\marginhackshift by .1in
+\def\vhack#1{\vadjust{\vbox to 0pt{%
+ \marginhacknudge=.1in%
+ \vskip-8.5pt% move it back up the page
+ \hskip6.2in\rlap{%
+ \marginhackpara{#1}}\vss}}}
+% this is a modified version of \para that I got
+% from ... somewhere
+\long\def\marginhackpara#1{% %
+ \hskip\marginhacknudge %
+ \vtop{\leftskip=0pt\rightskip=0pt % Make width ok
+ \hsize=\marginhackwidth %
+ \marginhackfont % select font
+ \parindent=0pt %
+ \baselineskip=6pt %
+ \everypar={} %
+ \lineskip=1pt %
+ \lineskiplimit=1pt %
+ \raggedright %
+ \hbadness=10000 % I don't care about underfull boxes
+ \tolerance=10000 % I don't care about overfull ones
+ \noindent % don't indent
+ \vrule width0pt height8.5pt % line up top of hack and text
+ #1\relax % add the text
+ \vrule width 0pt depth 7pt}% % pad bottom of box
+% Include the marginal hacks in the plain output routine
+% (only needed for \ihack)
+ \ifvoid\margin\else %
+ \rlap{\kern\marginhackshift\vbox to 0pt{\box\margin\vss}}\fi
+ \dimen@=\dp\@cclv \unvbox\@cclv % open up \box255
+ \ifvoid\footins\else % footnote info is present
+ \vskip\skip\footins
+ \footnoterule
+ \unvbox\footins\fi
+ \ifr@ggedbottom \kern-\dimen@ \vfil \fi}
+\catcode`@=12 % at signs are no longer letters
+Here is some text followed by more text and more text and more text and
+more text and more text and more text and more text and more text and
+more text and more text and more text and more text and more text and
+more text and more text and more text and more text and more text and
+more text and more text and more text and more text and more text and
+more text and more text and more text and more text and more text and
+more text and more text and more text and more text and more text and
+more text and more text and more text and more text and more text and
+more text and more text and more text and more text and more text and
+more text and more text and VHACK\vhack{this is a vhack, it starts
+here and goes on for several lines} more text and more text and
+more text and more text and more text and more text and more text and
+more VHACK\vhack{this is another vhack, which collides}
+and more text and more text and more text and more text and
+more text and more IHACK\ihack{this is an ihack, it starts at the top}
+and more text and more text and more
+IHACK\ihack{this is a second ihack, but it doesn't collide}
+and more text and more text and more text and more text and more text and
+more text and more text and more text and more text and more text and
+more text and more text and more text and more text and more text and
+more text and more text and more text and more text and more text and
+more text and more text and more text and more text and more text.
+% end of mhack.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/model.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/model.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d983917210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/model.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+%%%%%% example of use:
+% \input model
+% \totalpages=5 % if you want the total number of pages to appear in the heading
+% \centerline{title}
+% \centerline{authors names}
+% \endoftitle
+% rest of paper
+% \endofpaper\end
+\newdimen\fullhsize \fullhsize=42truepc
+\newdimen\fullvsize \fullvsize=52truepc
+\newdimen\colhsize \colhsize=20truepc
+\newdimen\topvsize \topvsize=10truepc % this number can be changed
+\newif\iftitlepage \titlepagetrue
+\newbox\leftcolumn \newbox\rightcolumn \newbox\topcolumn
+\newcount\totalpages \totalpages=0 % specify this if you want page numbers
+ \if T\column
+ \global\shortvsize=\fullvsize
+ \global\advance\shortvsize by -\topvsize
+ \global\hsize\colhsize \global\vsize\shortvsize
+ \global\setbox\topcolumn=\columnbox
+ \global\let\column=L
+ \else \if L\column
+ \global\setbox\leftcolumn=\columnbox
+ \global\let\column=R
+ \else \shipout\vbox to \fullvsize{\pagenumberbox
+ \box\topcolumn
+ \vss
+ \hbox to \fullhsize{\box\leftcolumn
+ \hfill\columnbox}}
+ \advancepageno
+ \global\let\column=L
+ \global\titlepagefalse
+ \global\vsize=\fullvsize
+ \fi
+ \fi
+\else \if L\column
+ \global\setbox\leftcolumn=\columnbox
+ \global\let\column=R
+ \else \shipout\vbox to \fullvsize{\pagenumberbox
+ \hbox to\fullhsize{\box\leftcolumn
+ \hfill\columnbox}}
+ \advancepageno
+ \global\let\column=L
+ \fi
+ \vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox to \fullhsize{\hfil\tenrm
+ Page \folio\ifnum\totalpages>0\ of \number\totalpages.\fi\hfil}
+ \vskip1pc}}
+\vsize=\topvsize \hsize=\fullhsize
+\def\endofpaper{\par\vfill\supereject\if R\column \null\vfill\eject\fi}
+% 8 point footnotes
+\catcode`@=11 % allow at signs in following entry
+ \eightpoint
+ \interlinepenalty\interfootnotelinepenalty
+ \splittopskip\ht\strutbox % top baseline for broken footnotes
+ \splitmaxdepth\dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty\@MM
+ \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \spaceskip\z@skip \xspaceskip\z@skip
+ \textindent{#1}\footstrut\futurelet\next\fo@t}
+\catcode`@=12 % at signs are no longer letters
+\setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height7pt depth2pt width0pt}%
+% \unnumberedfootnote{...text...} gives an unnumbered footnote
+% \footnote{symbol/number}{...text...} gives a labelled footnote
+% \acmpermission puts the ACM permission text in a unnumbered footnote
+\def\acmpermission{\unnumberedfootnote{Permission to copy without fee all or
+ part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made
+ or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice
+ and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is
+ given that copying is by permission of the Association of Computing
+ Machinery.
+To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or
+ specific permission.}}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/mrecog.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/mrecog.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15fca10eb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/mrecog.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+%%%%% mrecog.tex %%%%% mrecog.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Mathmode control-sequence recognition for TeX/LaTeX
+% Version 0.1 (Beta test version)
+% Last revised: June 26, 1990
+% Author: Robert H. Wentworth (
+% (C) Copyright 1990 Robert H. Wentworth
+% Description:
+% When this file is included in a TeX or LaTeX file,
+% (via \input or as a *.sty file) "command sequence recognition"
+% is activated for all text appearing in math mode.
+% What this means is that any consecutive sequence of two or more
+% letters delimited by nonletters will be checked to see if it is
+% the name of a currently-defined control sequence, and if it is
+% then the sequence of letters will be replaced by the corresponding
+% control sequence. The intent is to render equations more
+% readable by eliminating the need for explicit escape characters
+% (usually backslashes).
+% Examples:
+% The following samples expand as if backslashes were inserted
+% in appropriate spots:
+% It is obvious that
+% $$ f(x) = (a times b)
+% int_0^{infty} g(x) cos(pi log phi)\,d phi $$
+% Note that ``theta'' is not recognized but $theta$ is.
+% \def\cis(#1){cos(#1) + i{}sin(#1)}
+% $$e^{i theta} = cis(theta) qquad \hbox{for $theta$ real}$$
+% Details:
+% Command sequences with explicit escapes (backslashes) will
+% continue to be recognized in the normal way.
+% Single letters are not recognized as command sequences; to type
+% a command sequence whose name is a single letter an explicit
+% escape (backslash) should be used (e.g., $\j$ yields a j without
+% a dot, but $j$ does not).
+% Whitespace (spaces, tabs, returns) may delimit letter-sequences.
+% Thus if a sequence of letters which should be interpreted literally
+% is in danger of being recognized as a control sequence, this can
+% be avoided by inserting a space (or {}) into the sequence
+% (e.g., $div$ yields a division sign, but $d i v$ or $di{}v$ does not).
+% If the count variable \tracingrecognition is set to a positive number
+% then information regarding what command sequences have been
+% recognized will be printed to the terminal and the log file.
+% This is useful for debugging.
+% There should be no effect outside mathmode (unless a symbolic
+% name is used which conflicts with names used in this file;
+% an attempt has been made to minimize the likelihood of this.)
+% Active letters cannot be used without conflicting with the
+% workings of this file, and whitespace must be defined in the
+% usual way within mathmode.
+% Recognition can be turned off/on by either of two mechanisms:
+% \dorecognition=0 \dorecognition=1
+% This turns recognition off/on very quickly,
+% but some processing overhead continues to
+% be present even when recognition is off;
+% some complicated mathmode macros which object to
+% the use of active letters might be interfered
+% with even when recognition is off.
+% This mechanisim affects only the current
+% group unless a \global assignment is used.
+% \deactivatemathletters \activatemathletters
+% These require somewhat more processing to
+% turn recognition off or on, but when
+% recognition is off mathmode is more
+% nearly in its native state, so that even
+% most complicated mathmode macros should
+% function properly. This mechanism has
+% global effects.
+% Recognition is initially on.
+% Recognition is recursive. Thus text generated by macros inside
+% mathmode will itself be scanned for recognizable control sequence
+% names.
+% The use of the recognition feature will slow down the processing
+% of equations somewhat, but the additional computations done are
+% linear in the amount of mathmode letter-text scanned, and the
+% memory used is more-or-less constant, so pathological slowdowns
+% or memory overflows are not expected.
+% Known limitations:
+% Command sequences whose names are followed by spaces which
+% precede arguments or syntactically significant tokens will
+% not work properly unless explicitly escaped. Typically
+% these macros are not part of the natural flow of the
+% equation anyway, so the use of explicit escapes (backslashes)
+% is not particularly objectionable.
+% (This was a design tradeoff. These could have been made to
+% work, but with the unpleasant side-effect that the sequence
+% \def\cat{dog}\def\dogflea{mouse} $cat flea$ would expand
+% to $mouse$; i.e., the space would only act as a delimiter
+% during the first evaluation.)
+% Examples: use $\hbox to 1in{...}$ rather than $hbox to 1in{...}$;
+% or use $hskip1in etc.$ or $\hskip 1in etc.$ rather than
+% $hskip 1in etc.$.
+% The recursive nature of the recognition can cause problems
+% unless one is careful to prevent them. For example,
+% \def\dog{{\it dog}} $dog$ causes an infinite recursion.
+% Special macros are defined in this file that can be used
+% to prevent such recursion in simple macros:
+% \norecogwithin{\dog} will turn off recognition within future
+% expansions of \dog; note that \dog expands in a group, and
+% hence some side-effects will only be local; macro should only
+% be used for macros without arguments.
+% \norecogafter{\it} will turn off recognition prior to any
+% subsequent expansion of \it; note that recognition will
+% continue to stay off until local group containing \it
+% ends or \dorecognition=1 occurs. Recognition is turned
+% off only when \it occurs in mathmode.
+% To prevent infinite recursion in common command sequences like
+% \sin, \cos, etc., this file declares \norecogafter{\rm}.
+% This redefines \rm (in a relatively minor way). The original
+% definition of \rm can be restored using \let\rm=\originalrm.
+% In general recursive recognition is awkward to make practical
+% use of. (Recursive evaluation is a side-effect of the implementation
+% and isn't a priori desirable.) There are various hazards having to do
+% with differences between the state of letters and spaces under various
+% circumstances. In a typical problem, the sequence
+% \def\dog#1{sin #1} $dog{theta}$
+% expands to $sintheta$ rather than $\sin\theta$ because the space in
+% the definition of \dog is an ordinary space which does not serve as
+% a recognition-delimiter. Moving the definition inside mathmode
+% doesn't work either, because the letters of space gets scanned as
+% an ordinary space. (Spaces are modified only when they are first
+% scanned as a token following a letter-sequence which is a
+% candidate for recognition.) The example works for \dog defined by
+% \def\dog#1{sin{}#1} or \def\dog{\sin#1}.
+% Improvements/comments:
+% The author would appreciate hearing about any positive or negative
+% experiences people may experience in using this feature, and also
+% about any improvements others may make.
+% allow private names using @ in such a way that prior state can be restored.
+% this should permit file to be used either as a *.sty file or as a simple
+% \input file.
+\ifcat @a
+ \atsignwasalettertrue
+ \atsignwasaletterfalse
+ \catcode`\@=11
+% change mathcodes to activate letters in mathmode
+% set up command to permit deactivation
+% set up definitions for active uppercase characters
+% set up definitions for active uppercase characters
+\let\CATCODE=\catcode \let\GDEF=\gdef \def\DOLETT@R{\noexpand\dolett@r}
+\def\MATHCHAR{\mathchar} \let\ACTIVE=\active
+\let\XDEF=\xdef \let\DEF=\def
+% allocate registers and initialize
+% set up spaces so that if \mak@spacesordin@ry is declared the next whitespace
+% character (space, tab, return) will be an ordinary nonletter character.
+% effect is undone by \restor@regularspaces
+\catcode`\ =12\catcode`\^^I=12\catcode`\^^M=12\relax}
+\def\restor@regularspaces{\catcode`\ =10\catcode`\^^I=10\catcode`\^^M=5\relax}
+% macro to process a letter in mathmode: save forms of letter on
+% appropriate token lists, and take appropriate action if letter
+% is the first or last in a word
+ \ifodd\readyneww@rd\beginmathw@rd\fi
+ \edef\worddef##1{##1={\the\cod@toks#2}}\worddef\cod@toks
+ \edef\worddef##1{##1={\the\lett@rtoks\noexpand#1}}\worddef\lett@rtoks
+ \advance\charsinw@rd by 1
+ \let\enddolett@r=\rec@gnitionenddolett@r
+ \else
+ \def\enddolett@r{#2}\fi
+ \enddolett@r}
+% macro to decide whether or not next token is special case:
+% if open-brace or close-brace follows, simply terminate word;
+% otherwise do more extensive processing which involves
+% slightly more "destructive" processing on the next token (in that it
+% becomes a macro argument).
+ \simpl@endw@rd\else
+ \ifx\n@xttok@n\egroup
+ \simpl@endw@rd\else
+ \def\fin@l@cs{\ch@ckn@xtargum@nt}\fi
+ \fi
+ \fin@l@cs}
+% macro to terminate word without messing with subsequent tokens
+% macro to see if next token is a letter; if not, terminates word
+ \endmathw@rd\fi
+ \trailing@cs#1}
+% macro to do initialization needed at the beggining of a new word
+ \charsinw@rd=0
+ \cod@toks={}\lett@rtoks={}\mak@spacesordin@ry}
+% macro to do appropriate processing at the end of a word
+ \readyneww@rd=1
+ % ready to start new word (new word could be generated by control sequence)
+ \ifnum\charsinw@rd=1
+ \the\cod@toks % don't recognize single letters as control sequences
+ \else
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname\the\lett@rtoks\endcsname\relax
+ \the\cod@toks
+ \else \expandafter\def\expandafter\trailing@cs\expandafter
+ {\csname\the\lett@rtoks\endcsname}\ifnum
+ \tracingrecognition>0
+ \immediate\write16{{Recognized math sequence: \expandafter
+ \string\csname\the\lett@rtoks\endcsname}}\fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% macros to block excessive recognition
+% redefine macro to turn off recognition, then expand
+% redefine argumentless macro to turn off recognition only while it expands
+% expansion is done within a group (so side-effects are only local unless
+% explicitly global)
+% set up \rm so that it disables subsequent recognition
+% attempt to restore prior catcode for @
+ % hide private names
+ \catcode`@=12
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/mssymb.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/mssymb.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79bd496853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/mssymb.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+% ***** MSSYMB.TeX ***** 31 Mar 88
+% This file contains the definitions for the symbols in the two
+% "extra symbols" fonts created at the American Math. Society.
+\textfont\msxfam=\tenmsx \scriptfont\msxfam=\sevenmsx
+ \scriptscriptfont\msxfam=\fivemsx
+\textfont\msyfam=\tenmsy \scriptfont\msyfam=\sevenmsy
+ \scriptscriptfont\msyfam=\fivemsy
+\def\hexnumber@#1{\ifcase#1 0\or1\or2\or3\or4\or5\or6\or7\or8\or9\or
+ A\or B\or C\or D\or E\or F\fi }
+% The following 13 lines establish the use of the Euler Fraktur font.
+% To use this font, remove % from beginning of these lines.
+% \def\next{\Err@{Use \string\frak\space only in math mode}}\fi\next}
+% \def\next{\Err@{Use \string\goth\space only in math mode}}\fi\next}
+% End definition of Euler Fraktur font.
+\def\ulcorner{\delimiter"4\msx@70\msx@70 }
+\def\urcorner{\delimiter"5\msx@71\msx@71 }
+\def\llcorner{\delimiter"4\msx@78\msx@78 }
+\def\lrcorner{\delimiter"5\msx@79\msx@79 }
+\def\yen{\mathhexbox\msx@55 }
+\def\checkmark{\mathhexbox\msx@58 }
+\def\circledR{\mathhexbox\msx@72 }
+\def\maltese{\mathhexbox\msx@7A }
+% Use the next 4 lines with AMS-TeX:
+% \def\next{\Err@{Use \string\Bbb\space only in math mode}}\fi\next}
+% Use the next 4 lines if NOT using AMS-TeX:
+ \def\next{\errmessage{Use \string\Bbb\space only in math mode}}\fi\next}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/multihead.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/multihead.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93697be5b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/multihead.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+%%%--------------Cut along perforation--------------------------------
+% Macro for multiple line header.
+% To use:
+% \multihead{...}
+% If the header has more than one line, separate the lines with \\
+ \the\multihead\crcr}}}
+%%%--------------Tear neatly------------------------------------------
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/newinsert.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/newinsert.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb37c41c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/newinsert.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+%%% ====================================================================
+%%% @TeX-file{
+%%% author = "Walter D. Neumann",
+%%% version = "1.2",
+%%% date = "22 July 1992",
+%%% time = "15:57:20 EDT",
+%%% filename = "newinsert.tex",
+%%% address = "Department of Mathematics
+%%% Ohio State University
+%%% Columbus, OH 43201
+%%% USA",
+%%% email = " (Internet)",
+%%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
+%%% keywords = "plain TeX, AMS-TeX, inserts, figures",
+%%% supported = "yes",
+%%% abstract = "Bug fixes to plain TeX macros \midinsert and
+%%% \topinsert",
+%%% }
+%%% ====================================================================
+% Include with "\input newinsert.tex" to fix following problems
+% with plain TeX's handling of \midinsert and \topinsert:
+% 1. An insert that falls at the top of the page is too high: its
+% top is at top-of-page rather than top-of-ink.
+% 2. Plain uses \bigskip for space around inserts and assumes \bigskip
+% is 12pt plus stretch, so \midinsert misbehaves if \bigskipamount
+% is changed. This space should be an independent quantity.
+% 3. Consecutive midinserts that did not float are spaced twice
+% as far apart as consecutive topinserts or floated midinserts.
+% 4. Midinserts can get out of order (see Exercise 15.5 of TeXbook).
+% 5. A midinsert can incorrectly convert to a topinsert if TeX is
+% reading ahead (see top of page 116 of TeXbook).
+% 6. \removelastskip fails after a floated insert. This is relevant for
+% an insertion before any construction (such as a proclamation in
+% plain TeX) that does an explicit or implicit \removelastskip.
+% 7. The routine to split an insertion in the program TeX fails if
+% the insertion would fit on the current page after subtracting
+% Remaining problem: With the default values of 10pt and 12pt for
+% \topskip and \baselineskip, TeX puts 2pt less space between a
+% topinsert or floated midinsert and following text than between a
+% middle insertion and following text. To avoid this without rewriting
+% the plain output routine use:
+% \topskip=\baselineskip
+% Plain.tex puts \bigskipamount of space before and after inserts. As
+% described above, this should be an independent parameter with no shrink.
+% We provide \insertskipamount for this purpose (default 6pt plus 2pt;
+% this makes \insertskip behave like an unshrinkable \medskip).
+% In addition, \inserthardskipamount of glue is added at the top of EVERY
+% insert; it remains even at top of page (default 6pt; it should be at
+% least \topskipamount-(text height)).
+% These defaults give good balance for figure insertions of the form:
+% \midinsert
+% [Commands to include a graphics file]
+% \insertskip \centerline{Figure Title}
+% \endinsert.
+% Note use of \insertskip instead of \medskip to avoid shrink.
+\chardef\newinsCatAt\the\catcode `\@
+\catcode `\@=11
+%%%%%%%%%%%% Corrected insert macros for plain.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% New skipamounts:
+\insertskipamount 6pt plus2pt % Redefine as desired, but with no
+\inserthardskipamount 6pt % shrink (see above).
+% Save and restore \lastskip:
+% Larry Siebenmann's test for split topinserts:
+\newcount\SplitTest% will be set to -1 if a topinsert has split
+ \insert\topins{\floatingpenalty1}%
+ \advance\SplitTest-\insertpenalties}
+% From here on we modify definitions in plain.tex.
+% Redefine \midinsert to convert to \topinsert if a topinsert has been
+% split, to prevent midinserts getting out of order (cf. TeXbook Exercise
+% 15.5). As in plain.tex, a \midinsert still converts to a \topinsert
+% (which then splits) if the insert is too big for current page.
+% Was: \def\midinsert{\@midtrue\@ins}
+ \SaveLastSkip\penalty-150\SetSplitTest\RestoreLastSkip
+ \ifnum\SplitTest=-1
+ \@midfalse\else\@midtrue\fi\@ins}
+% Redefine \@ins to add \inserthardskipamount of glue above.
+% Was: \def\@ins{\par\begingroup\setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup}
+ \vglue\inserthardskipamount}
+% Changes to \endinsert of plain.tex 3.0:
+% - Use \insertskipamount instead of \bigskipamount throughout.
+% - Use larger of previous skip and insertskip before middle insert.
+% - Add \nointerlineskip to avoid unwanted extra 1pt skip.
+% - Save and restore lastskip when an insert floats.
+\def\endinsert{\egroup % finish the \vbox
+ \if@mid \dimen@\ht\z@ \advance\dimen@\dp\z@
+ \advance\dimen@\insertskipamount% was 12pt (wn)
+ \advance\dimen@\pagetotal\advance\dimen@-\pageshrink
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\pagegoal\@midfalse\p@gefalse\fi\fi
+% Next 3 lines replace: \if@mid \bigskip\box\z@\bigbreak (wn)
+ \if@mid%
+ \ifdim\lastskip<\insertskipamount\removelastskip\insertskip\fi
+ \nointerlineskip\box\z@\penalty-200\insertskip
+ \else%
+ \SaveLastSkip% added (wn)
+ \insert\topins{\penalty100 % floating insertion
+ \splittopskip\z@skip
+ \splitmaxdepth\maxdimen \floatingpenalty\z@
+ \ifp@ge \dimen@\dp\z@
+ \vbox to\vsize{\unvbox\z@\kern-\dimen@}% depth is zero
+ \else \box\z@\nobreak\insertskip\fi}% was \bigskip\fi (wn)
+ \RestoreLastSkip% added (wn)
+ \fi\endgroup}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Done correcting insert macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\catcode `\@=\newinsCatAt
+%% end newinsert.tex
+%% Revision history:
+%% Version 1.2, 21 July 1992: midinserts still occasionally converted
+%% wrongly to topinsert if Tex is scanning ahead. Added \penalty-150
+%% to fix this.
+% Changed \medskipamount to 6pt plus2pt to avoid shrink in inserts.
+%% Version 1.1, 02 April 1990: used L.Siebenmann's split test
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/nofill.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/nofill.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38ec3b0d0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/nofill.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+% macros for no-fill, built on Plain
+\catcode`\@=11\relax % allow @ in macro names
+% a simple no-fill, used as
+% \nofill
+% Here is some no-fill text.
+% This line starts with three spaces.
+% This is the last line. It has embedded spaces which will appear.
+% \endnofill
+% You might want to switch to a fixed-width font when you use
+% these macros.
+\def\nofill {%
+ \begingroup
+ % spaces made active so they can be tested for at start of lines
+ % and so multiple spaces aren't collapsed to one.
+ \obeyspaces
+ % nofill via every line a par; if spaces start next line
+ % we do a \noindent to make sure a par gets started.
+ \parskip=\z@
+ \parindent=\z@
+ \let\p@r=\par
+ \def\par{\p@r \ifspacenext{\noindent}{}}%
+ \obeylines}
+\def\endnofill {%
+ \p@r % in case user forgot last carriage return
+ \endgroup}
+% \ifspacenext is used as:
+% \ifspacenext {<true tokens>}{<false tokens>}
+% It executes the true tokens if
+% the next character is an active space, the false tokens
+% otherwise. The same technique can be used to check for any
+% character, not just active space.
+% You can NOT nest uses of \ifspacenext!
+% get a token which is \ifx-equal to active space, so we can test
+% for it
+{\obeyspaces\global\let\sp@ce= \relax}
+\def\ifspacenext #1#2{%
+ \def\truet@ks{#1}%
+ \def\falset@ks{#2}%
+ \futurelet\next\ifsp@cenext}
+\def\ifsp@cenext {%
+ \ifx\next\sp@ce \truet@ks \else \falset@ks \fi}
+\catcode`\@=12\relax % make @ inaccessible again
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/oubraces.sty b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/oubraces.sty
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..25aa2015ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/oubraces.sty
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../../../latex/contrib/oubraces/oubraces.sty \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/outline.sty b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/outline.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77c82f0779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/outline.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+% outline.sty -- Outline Style
+% Hal R. Varian
+% September, 1987
+% Reads structured files generated by PC-OUTLINE and formats them
+% in TeX. Before using you must use a global search and replace command
+% to change all strings of ".HEAD" to "\HEAD". Then load outline.sty
+% and TeX the outline file.
+% Notes
+% 1. To generate the outline, choose "Send to structured file" from the
+% device menu in the print routine of PC-OUTLINE.
+% 2. The title must be indicated manually using \title. It is usually
+% indicated by a .HEAD 1
+% 3. Sometimes the structured file ends with a spurious .HEAD 1 which should
+% be removed.
+%for title
+\def\title#1{\centerline{\bf #1}\medskip}
+%use \count11 thru \count18 for counters for levels 1 thru 8
+%create registers for levels, etc.
+%\Indentation measures the amount of indentation
+%skip between level 1 headings
+\def\AdjustSpace{\vskip -.5pc}
+\def\HEAD #1 {%
+\advance\CurrentCounter by 10 %level 1 is assigned to register 11, etc.
+\ifnum\CurrentLevel>\LastLevel %if sublevel,
+ \count\CurrentCounter=1 %reset \CurrentCounter,
+ \else\advance\count\CurrentCounter by 1\fi %otherwise, increment
+\filbreak %helps prevent entries from being split between pages
+\CharCode=\number\count\CurrentCounter %for lettered levels
+\let\NumCode=\CharCode %for numbered levels
+\relax\or %there is no level zero
+ \AdjustSpace\advance\CharCode by 64
+\Item\char\CharCode.\space\or %level 1: A.
+\Item\llap{\number\NumCode.\space}\or %level 2: 1.
+ \advance\CharCode by 96
+\Item\llap{\char\CharCode)\space}\or %level 3: a)
+\Item\llap{\number\NumCode)\space}\or %level 4: 1)
+ \advance\CharCode by 96
+\Item\llap{\char\CharCode$>$\space}\or %level 5: a>
+\Item\llap{\number\NumCode$>$\space}\or %level 6: 1>
+ \advance\CharCode by 96
+\Item\llap{\char\CharCode:\space}\or %level 7: a:
+\Item\llap{\number\NumCode:\space}\fi} %level 8: 1:
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/paragraphs.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/paragraphs.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c618c54cfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/paragraphs.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+% some of the old Tbase paragraphing macros (built on Plain TeX)
+% These macros demonstrate common uses for the
+% \hangindent, \hangafter, \indent, \noindent, \everypar,
+% \lastbox, and \the commands.
+\catcode`\@=11\relax % make @ a letter for use in macro names
+% N.B. These macros do not set a ``paragraphing mode,'' as
+% they used to in Tbase; they apply only to the immediately
+% following paragraph.
+% The right way to use one of the macros is, e.g.,
+% \ivp This is an inverted paragraph...
+% and so on, and so on...
+\def\ivp {% inverted paragraph, all but 1st line indented
+ \hangindent \parindent
+ \hangafter \@ne
+ \noindent}
+\def\ip {% indented paragraph, all lines indented
+ \hangindent \parindent
+ \hangafter \@ne
+ \indent}
+\def\ftp #1{% flush-tagged paragraph, like \ip but with tag on left margin
+ \hangindent \parindent
+ \hangafter \@ne
+ \noindent \hbox to\parindent{#1\hfil}\ignorespaces}
+\def\atp #1{% adjoint-tagged par, like \ftp but tag is next to first line
+ \hangindent \parindent
+ \hangafter \@ne
+ \indent \llap{#1\enspace}\ignorespaces}
+\def\bpar {% bullet-tagged paragraph
+ \ftp{$\bullet$}}
+% vest paragraphs:
+% After an interruption in the running text (such as a section
+% title or in-line illustration), it is customary not to indent
+% the first line of the next paragraph. The macro \vp arranges
+% for this to be the case by making sure that \unindent gets
+% called as soon as the paragraph starts. \unindent simply
+% removes the \indent box that TeX automatically puts at the
+% start of every paragraph (except those which start with
+% \noindent).
+\def\unindent {%
+ \setbox0=\lastbox} % get the indent box and discard it
+\def\vp {%
+ \everypar{\unindent\everypar{}}}
+% the \heading macro puts out a bold-faced unindented heading,
+% and then calls \vp to insure that the next paragraph does not
+% start with an indentation.
+% No break is allowed between the heading and the paragraph.
+\def\heading #1{%
+ \vskip 1ex
+ {\bf\noindent #1\par}
+ \nobreak
+ \vskip.5ex
+ \vp}
+% These next two macros are a convenient way of turning
+% indentation off and then on again. The macro \fp
+% sets \parindent to 0, but not before defining the macro \pp so
+% that it restores \parindent to what it was. The \edef command
+% in conjunction with the \the command actually put the
+% value of \parindent into the text of the \pp command.
+% Do \fp\show\pp to see what this means.
+\def\fp {\edef\pp{\parindent=\the\parindent}\parindent=\z@}
+% make @ back into a non-letter
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/phoncard.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/phoncard.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d9b2fa365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/phoncard.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+% Copyright 1990, Daniel R. Greening. Copying is permitted for any
+% non-commercial purpose as long as this copyright and the
+% documentation are retained on copies and derivative works. No
+% warrantee is expressed or implied, and the author makes no claims
+% about the usefulness, applicability, or correctness of the program.
+% Greening Phonelist TeX Format.
+% This thing is pretty cool, if I do say so myself. I've used it for
+% several years. It formats phone numbers into a 9x9 block that looks
+% like the picture that follows. The picture is simplified. There is
+% enough room for decent sized names, long phone numbers (with area
+% or country-codes and extensions), and addresses with 9-digit
+% zipcodes. Print out the phone list example included and you'll
+% see.
+% ------------------+------------------+------------------
+% | sally W 784-7861 | dan W 784-7861 | zeke W 784-7861 |
+% | H 271-2629 | H 271-2629 | H 271-2629 |
+% | 12 Foster Ct | 12 Foster Ct | 12 Foster Ct |
+% | New York,NY 10 | New York,NY 10 | Topeka,KS 1054 |
+% | georgeW 444-adff | | clem W 444-adff |
+% | schoolW 277-2222 | KANSAS | jethroW 277-2222 |
+% | abe W 331-3333 | | abigaiH 331-3333 |
+% | ron W 231-2341 | jeb W 231-2341 | emmy W 231-2341 |
+% | | | |
+% ------------------+------------------+------------------
+% | MICHIGAN | dan W 784-7861 | |
+% | dan H 463-5788 | H 271-2629 | WASHINGTON |
+% | 5582 Golfridge | 12 Foster Ct | |
+% | Alma, MI,48801 | Lansing,MI 432 | nancy W 234-2223 |
+% | W 623-3330 | georgeW 444-adff | georgeW 444-adff |
+% | schoolW 277-2222 | schoolW 277-2222 | schoolW 277-2222 |
+% | abe W 331-3333 | abe W 331-3333 | abe W 331-3333 |
+% | ron W 231-2341 | ron W 231-2341 | ron W 231-2341 |
+% | | | |
+% ------------------+------------------+------------------
+% | jeff W 784-7861 | W 784-7861 | jack W 784-7861 |
+% | H 271-2629 | H 271-2629 | H 271-2629 |
+% | 12 Foster Ct | 12 Foster Ct | 12 Foster Ct |
+% | New York,NY 10 | New York,NY 10 | New York,NY 10 |
+% | georgeW 444-adff | georgeW 444-adff | georgeW 444-adff |
+% | schoolW 277-2222 | schoolW 277-2222 | schoolW 277-2222 |
+% | abe W 331-3333 | abe W 331-3333 | abe W 331-3333 |
+% | ron W 231-2341 | ron W 231-2341 | ron W 231-2341 |
+% | | | |
+% ------------------+------------------+------------------
+% I typically take the output and cut it along the horizontal dividing
+% lines, then staple the thing together on the left. If you fold it
+% in half, it fits in a pocket or a largish wallet. If you want to
+% stick it in a smaller wallet (and you are patient), you can tape the
+% horizontal strips end-to-end and fan-fold it. It then occupies the
+% space of a credit-card.
+% Precede lines that contain a country, state or province header with
+% ``$''. This is an example header for the sovereign state of California:
+% Lines which contain a phone number work like this:
+% person-name ; cat ; phone-number
+% The ``cat'' is typically a one or two letter abbreviation, as in
+% ``W'' for work, ``H'' for home, ``FX'' for FAX, ``P'' for parents,
+% etc. The phone-number field defined in this macro package is large
+% enough to accommodate the number ``999-999-9999x9999''. Here is an
+% example:
+% Alan Turing ; W ; 213-825-2266
+% ; H ; 914-784-7861
+% Finally, you indicate an address with the prefix ``>''. This simply
+% indents the text which follows by one \quad. Here's a bigger
+% example:
+% Alan Turing ; W ; 213-825-2266
+% > UCLA Computer Science Dept.
+% > Los Angeles, CA 90024-1647
+% ; H ; 914-784-7861
+% > 1243 Blenheim Lane
+% > Los Angeles, CA 90025
+% Blank lines essentially mean nothing when the occur between these
+% three constructs.
+% If you want to include formatted paragraphs, you can do so, but you
+% must terminate them with ``\par'' or with a blank line.
+% Enjoy. If you make any interesting modifications, let me know.
+% Dan Greening /
+% The following produces 3 column, 3 row output.
+\newdimen\hboxsize\global\hboxsize=\hsize\advance\hboxsize by 0.5in
+\newdimen\vboxsize\global\vboxsize=\vsize\advance\vboxsize by 0.5in
+\def\fullhbox{\hbox to\fullhsize}
+\def\fullvbox{\vbox to\fullvsize}
+\newcount\colcount \global\colcount=11
+\newcount\rowcount \global\rowcount=5
+\baselineskip=6 pt plus 1pt
+\parindent 0pt
+% Define argument to accept ^^M as a terminator for a macro (such as
+% ;, $, and >.
+\def\parsearg #1{\let\next=#1\begingroup\obeylines\futurelet\temp\parseargx}
+\ifx \obeyedspace\temp \aftergroup\parseargdiscardspace \else%
+\aftergroup \parseargline %
+\fi \endgroup}
+{\obeyspaces %
+\gdef\parseargdiscardspace {\begingroup\obeylines\futurelet\temp\parseargx}}
+\gdef\obeyedspace{\ }
+\def\parseargline{\begingroup \obeylines \parsearglinex}
+{\obeylines %
+\gdef\parsearglinex #1^^M{\endgroup \next {#1}}}
+\def\initcolbox#1 {\global\setbox#1=\vbox to\vboxsize{\hrule\vss\hbox %
+to\hboxsize{\vrule height\vboxsize\hfil\vrule height\vboxsize}\vss\hrule}}
+\def\initcolboxes{ \initcolbox11 \initcolbox12 \initcolbox13 \initcolbox14
+ \initcolbox15 \initcolbox16 \initcolbox17
+ \initcolbox18 \initcolbox19 }
+ \fullvbox{\box12\vss\box15\vss\box18}\hss
+ \fullvbox{\box13\vss\box16\vss\box19}}}
+ \global\setbox\colcount=\vbox to \vboxsize
+ {\hrule width\hboxsize\vss\hbox to \hboxsize
+ {\vrule height\vboxsize\hss\columnbox\hss\vrule height\vboxsize}
+ \vss\hrule width\hboxsize}
+% Current column is now saved.
+ \message{(\the\colcount)}
+ \ifnum\colcount=19
+ \global\colcount=11
+ \outputpage
+ \advancepageno
+ \initcolboxes
+ \else
+ \global\advance\colcount by 1
+ \fi
+% For the very end.
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-100000 \else
+ \supereject\outputpage\fi
+\def\columnbox{\vbox to\vboxsize{\vfill\hbox{\vbox to\vsize{\unvbox255\vfill}}\vfill}}
+% Here we define ``$'' ``>'' and ``;'' as active macro
+% characters. They serve as separators for fields in our phone list.
+ \newdimen\widthb
+ \global\setbox0=\hbox{WE}
+ \widthb=\wd0
+ \newdimen\widthc
+ \global\setbox0=\hbox{999-999-9999x9999}
+ \widthc=\wd0
+ \catcode`\;=11
+ \gdef\phonelineyyy #1;#2;#3\finish{
+ \catcode`\;=\active\hfill
+ \hbox to\widthb{\hfil\ignorespaces #1\hfil}
+ \hbox to 0.05in{\hfil}
+ \hbox to\widthc{\ignorespaces #2\hfil}
+ \par}
+ \gdef\phoneline #1{\catcode`\;=11\phonelineyyy #1;;;\finish}
+\def\addressline#1{\hbox to\hsize{\quad\ignorespaces #1\hfil}\par}
+\def\arealine#1{\vbox to 1pt{\vfil}\hbox to\hsize{\hfil{\bf\ignorespaces #1}\hfil}\vbox to 1pt{\vfil}}
+Daniel R. Greening ; W ; 213-825-2266
+ ; H ; 213-829-7726
+> 3436 Boelter Hall
+> Los Angeles, CA 90024-1596
+ISI ; W ; 213-822-1511
+Avalon Ventures ; W ; 415-960-1879
+Sierra Club ; W ; 415-776-2211
+UC Student Assn ; W ; 916-447-8272
+Rep. Barney Frank ; W ; 202-225-5931
+NGLTF ; W ; 202-332-6483
+House of Reps ; W ; 202-225-3121
+National Park Service ; W ; 202-343-4747
+US Student Assn ; W ; 202-775-8943
+Georgia Inst. Tech. ; W ; 404-894-2300
+Bruce D. Shriver ; W ; 318-231-5811
+> Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Computer
+> U. of Southwestern Louisiana
+> Drawer 42730
+> Lafayette, LA 70504-2730
+Ober Travel ; W ; 301-496-6676
+Appalachian Mt.Club ; ; 617-523-0636
+ATHENA ; W ; 617-253-1300
+Kluwer Acad. Pub.; W ; 617-871-6600
+MIT LCS ; W ; 617-253-5851
+REI ; W ; 617-944-5103
+> 279 SalemSt.
+> Boston,MA
+> (exit 40 off Rt128)
+AMC Hut Reservations ; ; 603-466-2727
+Warren Rudman ; W ; 603-666-7591
+LANL ; W ; 505-667-5061
+LANL Library ; W ; 505-667-4175
+> 8am-4.30pm m-f
+LANL CNLS ; W ; 505-667-1444
+Santa Fe Institute ; W ; 505-984-8800
+> 1120 Canyon Road
+> Santa Fe, NM 87501
+AAA ; W ; 212-586-1166
+AAA autoTripMaps ; W ; 914-997-7744
+ACM ; W ; 212-869-7440
+B\&H Photo ; W ; 212-807-7474
+Bee Line ; W ; 682-2020
+> 14 N
+Bee Line/lost+found ; W ; 376-6361
+Carey Bus ; W ; 212-286-9766
+> lost/found 718-632-0529
+Conran's Habitat ; W ; 914-683-5858
+> I 287 E to exit 5. take 2nd left
+Cornell University ; W ; 607-255-2000
+Daniel R. Greening ; W ; 914-784-7861
+ ; H ; 914-271-2629
+> IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
+> P.O.Box 704
+> Yorktown Heights, NY 10598-0704
+IBM Hawthorne ; W ; 914-784-7000
+ ; FX; 914-784-7455
+> 30 Saw Mill River Road
+> Hawthorne, NY 10532
+> mail:
+> P.O.Box 704
+> Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
+Kayson Jeep ; W ; 914-271-5105
+ ; FX; 914-271-5581
+NYNEX ; W ; 914-964-6500
+Oliva Car Service ; W ; 914-769-8881
+Ossining Pub Lib ; W ; 914-941-2416
+> 9a n to 133 millwood.
+> bear right. thru underpass
+> 53 Croton Avenue.
+> m-th9.30-9
+> f,sa9.30-5.30,su1-5
+REI ; W ; 914-632-9222
+> 500 Main St.
+> New Rochelle, NY
+French Consulate ; W ; 212-606-3600
+Hertz ; W ; x23789
+ ; W ; 914-948-3024
+MetroNorth Commuter ; ; 800-522-5624
+New York Tax Board ; W ; 800-462-8100
+ ; W ; 518-438-1073
+New York Times ; W ; 800-631-2500
+NYU Info ; W ; 212-998-4636
+NYU Bookstore ; W ; 212-998-4656
+NYU Book orders ; W ; 212-998-4678
+Oscar Wilde Books ; W ; 212-255-8097
+Sailing Info ; W ; 914-271-6868
+Courtsports ; W ; 914-592-3005
+MCNC ; W ; 919-248-1800
+> 3021 Cornwallis Road
+> P.O. Box 12889
+> Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2889
+> The Ohio Supercomputer Center
+> 1224 Kinnear Road
+> Columbus, OH 43212-1154
+SEMATECH ; W ; 512-356-3500
+> 2706 MontopolisDr.
+> Austin,TX 78741
+Lake Chelan Nat.Rec. ; W ; 509-682-4711
+% Local Variables
+% tab-width:25
+% End
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/pi.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/pi.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac7f060134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/pi.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+% file pi.tex version 0.993
+% **** Compute Pi in TeX! ****
+% Author: D. Roegel (
+% Version 0.96: 22 July 1996
+% First release
+% Version 0.97: 22 July 1996
+% Modified by J. Gelinas (
+% Added one term to get correct last digits
+% Added a second optional argument:
+% 100 prints decimals 0..100
+% -2 100 prints only decimals 100..101
+% Print exact number of decimals
+% Version 0.98: 23 July 1996
+% Modified by D. Roegel, so that the input -3 1 gives 141
+% and not 3.141. Also, some unnecessary braces inside \loop...\repeat
+% were removed. \ShowResult shortened by introduction of \NextDigit.
+% Version 0.99: 23 July 1996
+% Modified by D. Roegel.
+% Improvements following suggestions by J. Gelinas (
+% Bug corrected, which made some digits false (\fontdimen\firstpos\xb=0pt
+% added in \updatefirstpos).
+% \N replaced by \count2 in \ShowResult, this enabling calls
+% such as \ShowResult{1/\the\N...}{...}.
+% Version 0.991: 23 July 1996
+% Modified by D. Roegel.
+% Two \UpdateFirstPos were removed.
+% Version 0.992: 24 July 1996
+% Modified by D. Roegel, following several simplifications suggested
+% by J. Gelinas (
+% \Multiply removed, \Add and \Sub merged.
+% \ComputeArcTan shortened.
+% Version 0.993: 24 July 1996
+% Modified by D. Roegel, following several simplifications suggested
+% by J. Gelinas (
+% \ComputeArcTan1/n computes now completely arctan(1/n).
+% This programs uses the formula by John Machin:
+% Pi=16*arctan(1/5)-4*arctan(1/239)
+% For arctan(x), we use the development
+% arctan(x)=\sum_{i=0}^\infty [{x^{2i+1}\over 2i+1} - {x^{2i+3}\over 2i+3}]
+% One array (\xc) is used to store the partial sum up to {x^{2i+1}\over 2i+1}.
+% A second array (\xa) us used to store the value of x^{2i+1}.
+% A third array (\xb) is used to store {x^{2i+1}\over 2i+1}.
+% The result is put in the array \xr.
+% The implementation of arrays uses a trick shown by Tom Rokicki
+% in his game of life program (life.tex).
+% The number of digits you can compute depends on your implementation
+% of TeX. I had no trouble computing 5000 digits.
+% The last digit can be wrong. And if it is a 0 or a 9, this decimal
+% and previous ones can be wrong too. However, the absolute error is
+% no greater than one unit of the last digit.
+% If you want to know more about Pi, check the file sci.math.faq.
+% See also
+% and
+\message{^^J***** Computation of Pi with John Machin's formula *****}
+\message{^^J** i.e.: pi=16*arctan(1/5)-4*arctan(1/239)}
+\message{^^JHow many decimals of pi do you want ? }
+ \multiply\n-1
+ \message{^^JFirst decimal to output ? }
+ \read16to\firstdigit
+ \advance\n1
+ \def\firstdigit{0}
+% \index is now the index for the last slot in the arrays
+% slot 1 -> integer digits
+% slot 2 -> digits 1 to 4
+% slot 3 -> digits 5 to 8
+% ...
+% slot \index -> digits (\index-2) * 4 +1 to (\index-1) * 4
+\font\xa=cmr10 at 11truept % array for current values of (1/5)^{2n+1}
+ % and (1/239)^{2n+1}
+\fontdimen\lastplusone\xa=0sp % this creates room
+\font\xb=cmr10 at 13truept % array for current values of (1/5)^{2n+1}/(2n+1)
+ % and (1/239)^{2n+1}/(2n+1)
+\fontdimen\lastplusone\xb=0sp % this creates room
+\font\xc=cmr10 at 15truept % array for current sums of arctan(1/5)
+ % and arctan(1/239)
+\fontdimen\lastplusone\xc=0sp % this creates room
+\font\xr=cmr10 at 17truept % array for the result
+\fontdimen\lastplusone\xr=0sp % this creates room
+% (we have each time allocated one more slot than strictly necessary;
+% this avoids a test on \lastplusone in \updatefirstpos)
+% \xa, \xb, \xc and \xr are now equal to 0
+% Some variables (some of them are not strictly necessary, and might be
+% replaced by \count's):
+\newcount\dv % will hold dividers
+\newcount\firstpos % first non empty slot
+\newcount\I % scratch register for loops
+\newdimen\carry % for carry (in additions) and borrows (in subtractions)
+\newdimen\x % a scratch variable
+\newcount\N % counts the terms
+\newif\ifcont % flag used to find when an operation on bignums is not done
+\newcount\Sdv % value of one digit (used in \ShowResult)
+\newcount\dir % toggle for alternating sums
+% Initialization of working arrays
+ {
+ \I=1
+ \loop
+ \fontdimen\I\xa=0sp
+ \fontdimen\I\xb=0sp
+ \fontdimen\I\xc=0sp
+ \advance\I1
+ \ifnum\I<\lastplusone
+ \repeat
+ }
+ }
+% Initialization of the result
+ \fontdimen\I\xr=0sp
+ \advance\I1
+ \ifnum\I<\lastplusone
+% divide array #1 by #2 beginning at slot \firstpos and up to \index;
+% result is in array #3
+% Maximum carry is 9999, so we need to be able to store 99999999.
+% \dimen's can hold up to +/- 2,147,483,647 sp and
+% \count's up to +/- 2,147,483,647, so it fits.
+ \carry0sp
+ \I\firstpos
+ {
+ \loop
+ \x=\fontdimen\I#1
+ \multiply\carry\base
+ \advance\x\carry
+ \carry\x
+ \divide\x#2
+ \fontdimen\I#3=\x
+ \multiply\x#2
+ \advance\carry-\x
+ \advance\I1
+ \ifnum\I<\lastplusone
+ \repeat
+ }
+ }
+% Add or Subtract #2 to #3, depending on #1. array #2 is not modified.
+ \carry0sp
+ \I\index
+ {
+ \loop
+ \x=\fontdimen\I#3
+ \advance\x by #1\fontdimen\I#2
+ \advance\x by #1\carry
+ \fontdimen\I#3=\x
+ \carry\x
+ \divide\carry\base
+ \multiply\carry\base
+ \advance\x-\carry
+ \divide\carry\base
+ \ifdim\x<0sp
+ \advance\x\basesp
+ \advance\carry1sp
+ \fi
+ \fontdimen\I#3=\x
+ \advance\I-1
+ \ifnum\I<\firstpos \ifnum\carry=0 \contfalse
+ \else \conttrue \fi
+ \else \conttrue
+ \fi
+ \ifcont
+ \repeat
+ }
+ }
+% Multiply array #1 by #2. Result is in #1.
+% This macro is not used in this program, and only remains
+% here for didactic and historical reasons.
+ \carry0sp
+ \I\index
+ \loop
+ \x=\fontdimen\I#1
+ \multiply\x by #2
+ \advance\x by \carry
+ \fontdimen\I#1=\x
+ \carry\x
+ \divide\carry\base
+ \multiply\carry\base
+ \advance\x-\carry
+ \fontdimen\I#1=\x
+ \divide\carry\base
+ \advance\I-1
+ \ifnum\I<\firstpos \ifnum\carry=0 \contfalse
+ \else \conttrue \fi
+ \else \conttrue
+ \fi
+ \ifcont
+ \repeat
+ }
+% update value of \firstpos; in the worst case, \firstpos
+% gets increased by 2.
+ \ifdim\fontdimen\firstpos\xa=0sp
+ \ifnum\firstpos<\lastplusone
+ \fontdimen\firstpos\xb=0sp
+ \advance\firstpos1
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }
+% Compute arctan(1/#1). Arrays \xa and \xb are used. Result is in \xc.
+ \firstpos1
+ \InitializeArrays
+ % initialize \xa with 1:
+ \fontdimen1\xa=1sp
+ \Divide\xa{#1}into\xa
+ % now, \xa contains 1/#1
+ \Add1\xa to\xb
+ % \xb contains 1/#1
+ \firstpos=2
+ \dv=#1
+ \multiply\dv\dv
+ \N1
+ \dir-1
+ \message{^^JI am now computing the following sum: arctan(1/#1)=1/#1}
+ \Add1\xb to\xc % first term
+ \loop
+ \Divide\xa\dv into\xa
+ \UpdateFirstPos
+ \ifnum\firstpos<\lastplusone
+ \advance\N2
+ \Divide\xa\N into\xb
+ \ifnum\dir>0
+ \message{+1/\the\N*1/#1^\the\N}
+ \else
+ \message{-1/\the\N*1/#1^\the\N}
+ \fi
+ \Add\dir\xb to\xc
+ \multiply\dir-1
+ \repeat
+ }
+% Extract the next digit from \count1
+ \ifnum\count2<\lastdigit
+ \Sdv\count1
+ \divide\Sdv#1
+ \advance\count2 1
+ \ifnum\count2>\firstdigit
+ \edef\res{\res\number\Sdv}
+ \fi
+ \multiply\Sdv#1
+ \advance\count1-\Sdv
+ \fi
+ }
+% Display the result; the digits are scanned one at a time,
+% and those between \firstdigit and \lastdigit are extracted
+% and saved in \res.
+ \count0=2
+ \count2=1
+ \advance\lastdigit1
+ \def\res{}
+ \loop
+ \count1=\fontdimen\count0#2
+ \NextDigit{1000}
+ \NextDigit{100}
+ \NextDigit{10}
+ \NextDigit{1}
+ \advance\count0by 1
+ \ifnum\count2<\lastdigit
+ \repeat
+ \advance\lastdigit-1 % for correct display in next line
+ \message{^^J#1\res}
+ }
+\message{^^JI multiply it by 4...}
+\Add1\xc to\xc % alternative method is to write \Multiply\xc4
+ % or to change \ComputeArcTan so that the initial value is 4
+\Add1\xc to\xc
+% add 4*arctan(1/5) to \xr
+\Add1\xc to\xr
+\message{^^JI subtract arctan(1/239) to 4*arctan(1/5)...}
+\Add{-1}\xc to\xr
+\message{^^JAnd finally, I multiply it by 4 giving:}
+\Add1\xr to\xr
+\Add1\xr to\xr
+ \ShowResult{pi[0 .. \number\lastdigit]=3.}\xr
+ \ShowResult{pi[\firstdigit.. \number\lastdigit]=}\xr
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/placeins.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/placeins.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11ed486e7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/placeins.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+% P L A C E I N S . T E X ver 2.0 Mar 3, 1995
+% Insertions that keep their place.
+% Copyright 1995 Donald Arseneau <>
+% These macros may be freely used, transmitted, reproduced, or modified
+% provided that this notice is left intact.
+% This TeX file provides various mechanisms (for plain TeX and close
+% relatives) to let insertions (footnotes, topins, pageins, etc.) float
+% within their appropriate section, but to prevent them from intruding
+% into the following section, even when sections do not normally begin
+% a new page. (If your sections normally begin a new page, just use
+% \supereject to flush out insertions.)
+% Different combinations of insertions can be controlled with different
+% commands:
+% \par\penalty-20029
+% If there are any insertions that will not fit on the current page,
+% a \supereject is performed and the following text will continue at
+% the top of a page after all insertions. If all insertions do fit
+% on the current page, then the following text will continue
+% immediately on this page.
+% \par\penalty-20030
+% Like above, except that if there are any footnotes at all on the
+% current page, the section must begin on the next page. (This is so
+% no footnote text from section 1 will appear beneath the beginning
+% of section 2.)
+% \par\penalty-10029
+% If any insertions cannot fit on the current page, eject them, and
+% then allow the following section to begin immediately on the same
+% page as the last insert. If all insertions do fit on the current
+% page, then the following text will continue immediately on this
+% page.
+% \barrier{\eject}{\topins}
+% If there are any pageinserts or topinserts that do not fit on the
+% current page, eject them, and then allow the following section to
+% begin immediately on the same page as the last insert. Split
+% footnotes or other insertions are allowed to intrude into the next
+% section.
+% \barrier{\supereject}{\topins}
+% Like the \barrier command above, but if any inserts are ejected
+% the following section will begin at the top of a new page (like
+% \supereject).
+% \barrier{...}{\footins}
+% *** NOT ALLOWED *** You will get spurious space and footnote-rules
+% at the bottom of pages!
+% \barrier{...}{\margins}
+% If you define other insertion classes, such as marginal notes, you
+% can use \barrier for them too. But only if \skip\margins=0pt.
+% You must also add any new insertion classes to the definition of
+% \placerestoreoutput
+% How to use: First, \input this file (of course!). Then, at the beginning
+% of a new section, or at any boundary that insertions should not cross, put
+% one of the commands listed above. Presumably, you will actually put these
+% commands at the start of your own \section or \startsection macro; that is
+% why they are non mnemonic!
+% There is a slight chance that a footnote may be separated from its reference
+% in the text after \penalty-xxxxx when there are no split insertions. (LaTeX
+% has the same possibility at every float!)
+ \ifdim\skip#2>\z@{\newlinechar10\errhelp{\barrier#2may produce some spurious
+ extra material on the page, ^^J but I will try anyway.}\errmessage{Bad use
+ of \string\barrier}}%
+ \fi
+ \skip@\lastskip \edef\next{\the\skip@}\ifx\next\zero@skip\else\vskip-\skip@\fi
+ \penalty\z@ % update page parameters
+ \fam-\insertpenalties
+ \insert#2{\floatingpenalty\@ne}%
+ \ifx\next\zero@skip\else\vskip\skip@\fi
+ \advance\fam\insertpenalties % 0: no held; 1: held over
+ \expandafter\endgroup
+ \ifnum\fam=\@ne % then do eject
+% \message{There are held-over \string#2 inserts; performing \string#1. }%
+ \ifdim\pagetotal<\topskip \leftline{}\kern-\topskip\fi % avoid empty list
+ {\dimen@\pagetotal \advance\dimen@\pagedepth
+ \ifdim\dimen@<\pagegoal\vfill\fi}%
+ #1\@barrier{#1}{#2}\else
+% \message{There are no held-over \string#2 inserts. \space}%
+\ifnum\outputpenalty=-20030\relax % eject if any footnotes
+ \ifvoid\footins\else
+ \fam\insertpenalties \advance\fam\@ne \insertpenalties\fam
+ \fi \outputpenalty=-20029\relax
+\ifnum\outputpenalty=-20029\relax % Check for `supereject' flag
+ \ifnum\insertpenalties>\z@ % something is being held over, must get it out
+% \message{Forcing insertions on their own pages. \space}%
+ \ifvoid\footins \r@ggedbottomtrue \else \advance\skip\footins 0ptplus1fil\fi
+ \noplaceoutput % performs \supereject
+ \else % must rejoin seamlessly:
+ \placerestoreoutput
+ \fi
+\else % check for other flag...
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty=-10028 % in the middle of ejecting
+ \ifnum\insertpenalties=\z@ \global\setbox\@cclv\vbox{}\fi
+ \outputpenalty=-10029
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty=-10029\relax % section start
+ \ifnum\insertpenalties>\z@ % something is being held over, must get it out
+% \message{Forcing insertions. \space}%
+ \ifvoid\footins \r@ggedbottomtrue \else \advance\skip\footins 0ptplus1fil\fi
+ \noplaceoutput % performs \eject, perhaps repeatedly:
+ \leftline{}\kern-\topskip \penalty-10028\relax % (like \dosupereject)
+ \else % must rejoin seamlessly:
+ \placerestoreoutput
+ \fi
+ \else % just a regular page break
+ \noplaceoutput
+ \fi
+% there is a slim chance that footnotes may lose their place.
+ \ifvoid\footins\else\insert\footins{\unvbox\footins}\fi
+ \ifvoid\topins\else\insert\topins{\unvbox\topins}\fi
+% If you have other floating insertion classes, do the same here.
+ \unvbox\@cclv
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/plain-cm.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/plain-cm.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f6d9ed75f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/plain-cm.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+% This is a MODIFIED and EXTENDED version of the Plain format described
+% in the TeXbook. It's modularized so that Plain is read in first
+% (to allow easy inclusion of new versions) and then appropriate macros
+% are modified here.
+% N.B.: A version number is defined at the very end of this file;
+% please change that number whenever the file is modified!
+% Modified 17 Jul 86 by RAY
+% to use CM instead of AM fonts. The new twelve point fonts
+% replace their magnified ten point counterparts. A version
+% of plain without preloaded fonts is not needed for the CM
+% format and we no longer update the AM, TR, or HE formats.
+% Modified 26 Aug 85 by DCB
+% to first read in Plain and then make modifications. Actually,
+% we have to make a version of Plain that has no preloaded fonts
+% or the fonts loaded here won't fit, but this is a lot easier
+% than integrating massive changes.
+% Modified 14 Dec 84 by BKPH
+% to have magnified math extension fonts (for 10, 11, 12, 14, & 18 pt)
+% and to allow \big et al to work in sizes other than ten point.
+% All changes are in definitions of \font\tenex, \font\elevenex etc.
+% and \def\eightpoint, \def\ninepoint, \def\tenpoint etc.
+% Created 6 Mar 84 by DCB
+% to have point sizes 8,9,10,11,12,14,16,18 (e.g., \ninepoint)
+% to define the \pointsize, \user###point (e.g., \userninepoint)
+% and \setnormalsp@cing macros
+% All the changes except these header lines and the last
+% 5 lines of the file are in the FONTS and MORE FONTS sections.
+\input plain
+% We make @ signs act like letters, temporarily, to avoid conflict
+% between user names and internal control sequences of plain format.
+\message{Loading the plain-augmented-CM format: different fonts,}
+% roman text
+\font\eighteenrm=cmr10 scaled\magstep3 % 17.28 pt
+\font\fourteenrm=cmr10 scaled\magstep2 % 14.4 pt
+%\font\twelverm=cmr10 scaled\magstep1 % 12 pt
+\font\twelverm=cmr12 % 12 pt
+\font\elevenrm=cmr10 scaled\magstephalf % 11 pt (almost)
+% math italic
+\font\eighteeni=cmmi10 scaled\magstep3 % 17.28 pt
+\font\fourteeni=cmmi10 scaled\magstep2 % 14.4 pt
+%\font\twelvei=cmmi10 scaled\magstep1 % 12 pt
+\font\twelvei=cmmi12 % 12 pt
+\font\eleveni=cmmi10 scaled\magstephalf % 11 pt (almost)
+% math symbols
+\font\eighteensy=cmsy10 scaled\magstep3 % 17.28 pt
+\font\fourteensy=cmsy10 scaled\magstep2 % 14.4 pt
+\font\twelvesy=cmsy10 scaled\magstep1 % 12 pt (no cmsy12)
+\font\elevensy=cmsy10 scaled\magstephalf % 11 pt (almost)
+% math extension
+\font\eighteenex=cmex10 scaled\magstep3 % 17.28 pt
+\font\fourteenex=cmex10 scaled\magstep2 % 14.4 pt
+\font\twelveex=cmex10 scaled\magstep1 % 12 pt (no cmex12)
+\font\elevenex=cmex10 scaled\magstephalf % 11 pt (almost)
+%% NOTE: cmex comes only in ten point size, but magnified 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
+% boldface extended
+\font\eighteenbf=cmbx10 scaled\magstep3 % 17.28 pt
+\font\fourteenbf=cmbx10 scaled\magstep2 % 14.4 pt
+%\font\twelvebf=cmbx10 scaled\magstep1 % 12 pt
+\font\twelvebf=cmbx12 % 12 pt
+\font\elevenbf=cmbx10 scaled\magstephalf % 11 pt (almost)
+% typewriter
+\font\eighteentt=cmtt10 scaled\magstep3 % 17.28 pt
+\font\fourteentt=cmtt10 scaled\magstep2 % 14.4 pt
+%\font\twelvett=cmtt10 scaled \magstep1 % 12pt
+\font\twelvett=cmtt12 % 12pt
+\font\eleventt=cmtt10 scaled \magstephalf % 11pt (almost)
+\font\preloaded=cmsltt10 % slanted typewriter
+% slanted roman
+\font\eighteensl=cmsl10 scaled\magstep3 % 17.28 pt
+\font\fourteensl=cmsl10 scaled\magstep2 % 14.4 pt
+%\font\twelvesl=cmsl10 scaled \magstep1 % 12pt
+\font\twelvesl=cmsl12 % 12pt
+\font\elevensl=cmsl10 scaled \magstephalf % 11pt (almost)
+% text italic
+\font\eighteenit=cmti10 scaled\magstep3 % 17.28 pt
+\font\fourteenit=cmti10 scaled\magstep2 % 14.4 pt
+%\font\twelveit=cmti10 scaled \magstep1 % 12pt
+\font\twelveit=cmti12 % 12pt
+\font\elevenit=cmti10 scaled \magstephalf % 11pt (almost)
+\message{more different fonts,}
+\font\preloaded=cmmib10 % bold math italic
+\font\preloaded=cmbsy10 % bold math symbols
+%\font\preloaded=manfnt % METAFONT logo and dragon curve and special symbols
+% Additional \preloaded fonts can be specified here.
+% (And those that were \preloaded above can be eliminated.)
+\let\preloaded=\undefined % preloaded fonts must be declared anew later.
+\skewchar\eighteeni='177 \skewchar\fourteeni='177 \skewchar\twelvei='177
+\skewchar\eleveni='177 \skewchar\teni='177 \skewchar\ninei='177
+\skewchar\eighti='177 \skewchar\seveni='177 \skewchar\sixi='177
+\skewchar\eighteensy='60 \skewchar\fourteensy='60 \skewchar\twelvesy='60
+\skewchar\elevensy='60 \skewchar\tensy='60 \skewchar\ninesy='60
+\skewchar\eightsy='60 \skewchar\sevensy='60 \skewchar\sixsy='60
+ \textfont0=\eighteenrm \scriptfont0=\twelverm \scriptscriptfont0=\ninerm
+ \def\rm{\fam\z@\eighteenrm}%
+ \textfont1=\eighteeni \scriptfont1=\twelvei \scriptscriptfont1=\ninei
+ \def\mit{\fam\@ne}\def\oldstyle{\fam\@ne\eighteeni}%
+ \textfont2=\eighteensy \scriptfont2=\twelvesy \scriptscriptfont2=\ninesy
+ \def\cal{\fam\tw@}%
+ \textfont3=\eighteenex \scriptfont3=\eighteenex \scriptscriptfont3=\eighteenex%NEW
+ \textfont\itfam=\eighteenit
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\eighteenit}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\eighteensl
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\eighteensl}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\eighteenbf \scriptfont\bffam=\twelvebf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\ninebf
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\eighteenbf}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\eighteentt
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\eighteentt}%
+ \def\big##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to15.3\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\Big##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to20.7\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\bigg##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to26.1\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\Bigg##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to31.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \setnormalsp@cing
+ \usereighteenpointmacro
+ }
+ \message{You have asked for 16pt, but you are getting 14pt fonts.
+ There are no 16pt CM fonts in the local font library.}%
+ \fourteenpoint \let\pointsize=\sixteenpoint
+ \usersixteenpointmacro
+ }
+ \textfont0=\fourteenrm \scriptfont0=\tenrm \scriptscriptfont0=\sevenrm
+ \def\rm{\fam\z@\fourteenrm}%
+ \textfont1=\fourteeni \scriptfont1=\teni \scriptscriptfont1=\seveni
+ \def\mit{\fam\@ne}\def\oldstyle{\fam\@ne\fourteeni}%
+ \textfont2=\fourteensy \scriptfont2=\tensy \scriptscriptfont2=\sevensy
+ \def\cal{\fam\tw@}%
+ \textfont3=\fourteenex \scriptfont3=\fourteenex \scriptscriptfont3=\fourteenex%NEW
+ \textfont\itfam=\fourteenit
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\fourteenit}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\fourteensl
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\fourteensl}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\fourteenbf \scriptfont\bffam=\tenbf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\sixbf
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\fourteenbf}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\fourteentt
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\fourteentt}%
+ \def\big##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to11.9\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\Big##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to16.1\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\bigg##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to20.3\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\Bigg##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to24.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \setnormalsp@cing
+ \userfourteenpointmacro
+ }
+ \textfont0=\twelverm \scriptfont0=\ninerm \scriptscriptfont0=\sixrm
+ \def\rm{\fam\z@\twelverm}%
+ \textfont1=\twelvei \scriptfont1=\ninei \scriptscriptfont1=\sixi
+ \def\mit{\fam\@ne}\def\oldstyle{\fam\@ne\twelvei}%
+ \textfont2=\twelvesy \scriptfont2=\ninesy \scriptscriptfont2=\sixsy
+ \def\cal{\fam\tw@}%
+ \textfont3=\twelveex \scriptfont3=\twelveex \scriptscriptfont3=\twelveex%NEW
+ \textfont\itfam=\twelveit
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\twelveit}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\twelvesl
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\twelvesl}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\twelvebf \scriptfont\bffam=\ninebf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\sixbf
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\twelvebf}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\twelvett
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\twelvett}%
+ \def\big##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to10.2\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\Big##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to13.8\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\bigg##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to17.4\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\Bigg##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to21\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \setnormalsp@cing
+ \usertwelvepointmacro
+ }
+ \textfont0=\elevenrm \scriptfont0=\eightrm \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
+ \def\rm{\fam\z@\elevenrm}%
+ \textfont1=\eleveni \scriptfont1=\eighti \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \def\mit{\fam\@ne}\def\oldstyle{\fam\@ne\eleveni}%
+ \textfont2=\elevensy \scriptfont2=\eightsy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
+ \def\cal{\fam\tw@}%
+ \textfont3=\elevenex \scriptfont3=\elevenex \scriptscriptfont3=\elevenex%NEW
+ \textfont\itfam=\elevenit
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\elevenit}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\elevensl
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\elevensl}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\elevenbf \scriptfont\bffam=\eightbf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\elevenbf}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\eleventt
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\eleventt}%
+ \def\big##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to9.3\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\Big##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to12.6\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\bigg##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to16\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\Bigg##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to19.2\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \setnormalsp@cing
+ \userelevenpointmacro
+ }
+ \textfont0=\tenrm \scriptfont0=\sevenrm \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
+ \def\rm{\fam\z@\tenrm}%
+ \textfont1=\teni \scriptfont1=\seveni \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \def\mit{\fam\@ne}\def\oldstyle{\fam\@ne\teni}%
+ \textfont2=\tensy \scriptfont2=\sevensy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
+ \def\cal{\fam\tw@}%
+ \textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\tenex \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\itfam=\tenit
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\tenit}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\tensl
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\tensl}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\tenbf \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\tenbf}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\tentt
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\tentt}%
+ \def\big##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to8.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\Big##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to11.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\bigg##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to14.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\Bigg##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to17.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \setnormalsp@cing
+ \usertenpointmacro
+ }
+ \textfont0=\ninerm \scriptfont0=\sevenrm \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
+ \def\rm{\fam\z@\ninerm}%
+ \textfont1=\ninei \scriptfont1=\seveni \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \def\mit{\fam\@ne}\def\oldstyle{\fam\@ne\ninei}%
+ \textfont2=\ninesy \scriptfont2=\sevensy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
+ \def\cal{\fam\tw@}%
+ \textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\tenex \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\itfam=\nineit
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\nineit}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\ninesl
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\ninesl}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\ninebf \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\ninebf}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\ninett
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\ninett}%
+ \def\big##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to8.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\Big##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to11.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\bigg##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to14.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\Bigg##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to17.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \setnormalsp@cing
+ \userninepointmacro
+ }
+ \textfont0=\eightrm \scriptfont0=\sixrm \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
+ \def\rm{\fam\z@\eightrm}%
+ \textfont1=\eighti \scriptfont1=\sixi \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \def\mit{\fam\@ne}\def\oldstyle{\fam\@ne\eighti}%
+ \textfont2=\eightsy \scriptfont2=\sixsy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
+ \def\cal{\fam\tw@}%
+ \textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\tenex \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \textfont\itfam=\eightit
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam\eightit}%
+ \textfont\slfam=\eightsl
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam\eightsl}%
+ \textfont\bffam=\eightbf \scriptfont\bffam=\sixbf
+ \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam\eightbf}%
+ \textfont\ttfam=\eighttt
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\eighttt}%
+ \def\big##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to8.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\Big##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to11.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\bigg##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to14.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \def\Bigg##1{{\hbox{$\left##1\vbox to17.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}}%NEW
+ \setnormalsp@cing
+ \usereightpointmacro
+ }
+%% NOTE: had to stick 10 point definitions of \big in 8, 9, and 10 point.
+\newtoks\baselinefactor \baselinefactor={1.2}
+\def\setnormalbaselines {%
+ \normalbaselineskip=\the\baselinefactor em\relax
+% \normallineskip=\p@ % these don't change with point size
+% \normallineskiplimit=0\p@
+ }
+\def\setnormalsp@cing{% SIDE EFFECT is to go into \rm
+ \rm % set the em properly
+ \setnormalbaselines
+ \normalbaselines
+ \abovedisplayskip=1.2em plus .3em minus .9em%
+ \abovedisplayshortskip=0em plus .3em%
+ \belowdisplayskip=1.2em plus .3em minus .9em%
+ \belowdisplayshortskip=.7em plus .3em minus .4em%
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height .7\baselineskip
+ depth .3\baselineskip width\z@}%
+ }
+\message{format id.}
+\catcode`@=12 % at signs are no longer letters
+\edef\fmtname{\fmtname-augmented} % include Plain name
+\edef\fmtversion{\fmtversion-CM861707} % include Plain version
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/plotting.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/plotting.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab3c59d0ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/plotting.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+% plotting.tex - TeX Plotting Macros
+% author: Laurence G. Yaffe ( 1987
+\setbox0 = \hbox{$0$}%
+\newdimen \digitheight \digitheight = \ht0
+\newdimen \titlespacing \titlespacing = 1.5 ex
+\newdimen \labelspacing \labelspacing = 0.9 ex
+\newdimen \labelwidth \labelwidth = 0.0 pt
+\newdimen \ticklength \ticklength = 0.7 em
+\newdimen \plotheight \plotheight = 5.0 in
+\newdimen \plotwidth \plotwidth = 5.0 in
+\newdimen \linewidth \linewidth = 0.241 pt
+\newskip \padding \padding = 0pt plus 1fil
+\newbox \xAxis
+\newbox \XAxis
+\newbox \yAxis
+\newbox \YAxis
+\newbox \PlotData
+\newbox \PlotBox
+\def\ratio #1:#2% adjust padding for log scale plotting
+ {%
+ \count255 = #1#2
+ \ifnum \count255=11 \global\padding = 0pt plus 1.00000 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=12 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.30103 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=23 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.17609 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=34 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.12494 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=45 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.09691 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=56 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.07918 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=67 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.06695 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=78 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.05799 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=89 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.05115 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=91 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.04576 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=13 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.47712 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=14 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.60206 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=24 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.30103 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=25 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.39794 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=26 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.47712 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=36 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.30103 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=46 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.17609 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=61 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.22185 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=51 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.30103 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=41 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.39794 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=31 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.52288 fil \else
+ \ifnum \count255=21 \global\padding = 0pt plus 0.69897 fil \else
+ \global\padding = 0pt
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ }%
+\def\centered #1{\vbox to 0pt {\vss \hbox to 0pt {\hss #1\hss}\vss}}%
+\def\dash #1%
+ {%
+ \vbox {\hrule height 0.5 \linewidth depth 0.5 \linewidth width #1}%
+ }%
+\def\yaxis #1#2%
+ {%
+ \global\setbox \yAxis = \hbox
+ {%
+ \def \temp {#1}%
+ \ifx \temp\empty \else
+ \vbox to \plotheight {\vss \hbox {#1}\vss}%
+ \kern 0.7 \titlespacing
+ \fi
+ \def \temp {#2}%
+ \ifx \temp\empty \else
+ \labelwidth = 0pt
+ \setbox1=\box0\ytic #2,\cr,%
+ \ifnum \labelwidth = 0 \kern -\labelspacing \fi
+ \hbox to \labelwidth {\hfil}\box0%
+ \fi
+ \hbox to 0pt
+ {\hss \vrule height \plotheight depth 0pt width \linewidth \hss}%
+ }%
+ }%
+\def\ytic #1,%
+ {%
+ \def \temp {#1}%
+ \def \quit {\cr}%
+ \ifx \temp\quit
+ \let\next=\relax
+ \setbox0 = \vbox to \plotheight {\unvbox0 \unskip}%
+ \else
+ \let\next=\ytic \skip0 = \padding
+ \setbox1 = \hbox {\tenpoint $#1$}%
+ \ifnum \labelwidth < \wd1
+ \labelwidth = \wd1
+ \fi
+ \setbox1 = \hbox
+ {%
+ \smash
+ {%
+ \ifnum \wd1 = 0
+ \kern \labelspacing
+ \hbox to 0pt {\dash {0.67 \ticklength}\hss}%
+ \else
+ \lower 0.42 \digitheight \hbox to 0pt {\hss \unhbox1}%
+ \kern \labelspacing
+ \hbox to 0pt {\dash \ticklength \hss}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }%
+ \setbox0 = \vbox to \plotheight {\box1 \vskip \skip0 \unvbox0}%
+ \fi
+ \next
+ }%
+\def\Yaxis #1#2%
+ {%
+ \global\setbox \YAxis = \hbox
+ {%
+ \hbox to 0pt
+ {\hss \vrule height \plotheight depth 0pt width \linewidth \hss}%
+ \def \temp {#2}%
+ \ifx \temp\empty \else \setbox1=\box0 \Ytic #2,\cr,\box0 \fi
+ \def \temp {#1}%
+ \ifx \temp\empty \else
+ \kern 0.7 \titlespacing
+ \vbox to \plotheight {\vss \hbox {#1}\vss}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }%
+\def\Ytic #1,%
+ {%
+ \def \temp {#1}%
+ \def \quit {\cr}%
+ \ifx \temp\quit
+ \let\next=\relax
+ \setbox0 = \vbox to \plotheight {\unvbox0 \unskip}%
+ \else
+ \let\next=\Ytic \skip0=\padding
+ \setbox1 = \hbox {\tenpoint $#1$}%
+ \setbox1 = \hbox
+ {%
+ \smash
+ {%
+ \ifnum \wd1=0
+ \hbox to 0pt {\hss \dash {0.67 \ticklength}}%
+ \else
+ \hbox to 0pt {\hss \dash \ticklength}%
+ \kern \labelspacing
+ \lower 0.42 \digitheight \box1%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }%
+ \setbox0 = \vbox to \plotheight {\box1 \vskip \skip0 \unvbox0}%
+ \fi
+ \next
+ }%
+\def\xaxis #1#2%
+ {%
+ \global\setbox \xAxis = \vtop
+ {%
+ \smash {\dash \plotwidth}%
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \def \temp {#2}%
+ \ifx \temp\empty \else \hbox to \plotwidth {\xtic #2,\cr,}\fi
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \def \temp {#1}%
+ \ifx \temp\empty \else
+ \kern 0.7 \titlespacing
+ \hbox to \plotwidth {\hss #1\hss}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }%
+\def\xtic #1,%
+ {%
+ \def \temp {#1}%
+ \def \quit {\cr}%
+ \ifx \temp\quit
+ \let\next=\unskip
+ \else
+ \let\next=\xtic
+ \vtop
+ {%
+ \setbox1 = \hbox to 0pt {\hss \tenpoint $#1$\hss}%
+ \ifnum \ht1=0
+ \smash
+ {\hbox to 0pt
+ {\hss \vrule height 0.67 \ticklength width \linewidth \hss}%
+ }%
+ \else
+ \smash
+ {\hbox to 0pt
+ {\hss \vrule height \ticklength width \linewidth \hss}%
+ }%
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \kern \labelspacing
+ \box1%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \hskip \padding
+ \fi
+ \next
+ }%
+\def\Xaxis #1#2%
+ {%
+ \global\setbox \XAxis = \vbox
+ {%
+ \def \temp {#1}%
+ \ifx \temp\empty \else
+ \hbox to \plotwidth {\hss #1\hss}%
+ \kern \titlespacing
+ \fi
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \def \temp {#2}%
+ \ifx \temp\empty \else \hbox to \plotwidth {\Xtic #2,\cr,}\fi
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \smash {\dash \plotwidth}%
+ }%
+ }%
+\def\Xtic #1,%
+ {%
+ \def \temp {#1}%
+ \def \quit {\cr}%
+ \ifx \temp\quit
+ \let\next=\unskip
+ \else
+ \let\next=\Xtic
+ \vbox
+ {%
+ \setbox1 = \hbox to 0pt {\hss \tenpoint $#1$\hss}%
+ \ifnum \ht1=0
+ \smash
+ {\hbox to 0pt
+ {\hss \vrule depth 0.67 \ticklength width \linewidth \hss}%
+ }%
+ \else
+ \box1%
+ \kern \labelspacing
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \smash
+ {\hbox to 0pt
+ {\hss \vrule depth \ticklength width \linewidth \hss}%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \hskip \padding
+ \fi
+ \next
+ }%
+\def\plotbox (#1,#2)%
+ {%
+ \global\setbox \PlotData = \hbox to 0pt
+ {%
+ \unhbox \PlotData
+ \rlap {\kern #1\plotwidth \raise #2\plotheight \copy\PlotBox}%
+ }%
+ }%
+\def\plottext (#1,#2)#3%
+ {%
+ \setbox \PlotBox = \hbox {#3}%
+ \plotbox (#1,#2)%
+ }%
+\def\plotpoint (#1,#2)%
+ {%
+ \setbox \PlotBox = \centered.%
+ \plotbox (#1,#2)%
+ }%
+\def\plotsymbol (#1,#2)#3%
+ {%
+ \setbox \PlotBox = \centered {#3}%
+ \plotbox (#1,#2)%
+ }%
+\def\xrange #1]{\def\XRange {#1]}}%
+\def\yrange #1]{\def\YRange {#1]}}%
+\def\makeplot #1#2#3%
+ {%
+ \plotwidth = #1 \plotheight = #2
+ \setbox \xAxis = \hbox to \plotwidth {\hfil}%
+ \setbox \XAxis = \hbox to \plotwidth {\hfil}%
+ \setbox \yAxis = \vbox to \plotheight {\vfil}%
+ \setbox \YAxis = \vbox to \plotheight {\vfil}%
+ \setbox \PlotData = \hbox {}%
+ {#3}%
+ \hbox
+ {%
+ \box \yAxis
+ \box \PlotData
+ \vbox
+ {%
+ \box \XAxis
+ \nointerlineskip \kern \plotheight \nointerlineskip
+ \box \xAxis
+ }%
+ \box \YAxis
+ }%
+ }%
+\def\psfile #1% --- deferred input of postscript file ---
+ {%
+ \global\setbox \PlotData = \hbox to 0pt
+ {%
+ \unhbox \PlotData \special {psfile=#1}%
+ }%
+ }%
+\def\addPS #1% --- immediate input of postscript commands ---
+ {%
+ \global\setbox \PlotData = \hbox to 0pt
+ {%
+ \unhbox \PlotData \special {"#1}%
+ }%
+ }%
+\def\plotdatafile #1#2% --- deferred input of data file ---
+ {%
+ \global\setbox \PlotData = \hbox to 0pt
+ {%
+ \unhbox \PlotData
+ \special
+ {%
+ datafile="#1"
+ dash="[#2]"
+ xrange="\XRange"
+ yrange="\YRange"
+ hsize=\the\plotwidth\space
+ vsize=\the\plotheight\space
+ linewidth=\the\linewidth
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+\def\plotdata #1#2% --- immediate input of data points ---
+ {%
+ \global\setbox \PlotData = \hbox to 0pt
+ {%
+ \unhbox \PlotData
+ \special
+ {%
+ datalist="#1"
+ dash="[#2]"
+ xrange="\XRange"
+ yrange="\YRange"
+ hsize=\the\plotwidth\space
+ vsize=\the\plotheight\space
+ linewidth=\the\linewidth
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+% Trivial Plotting Example
+%\makeplot {5 in}{4.5 in}%
+% {%
+% \linewidth = 0.3 pt
+% \Xaxis {Title}{}
+% \Yaxis {\kern -5pt $Y$}{,2,4,6,8,10}
+% \yaxis {$y$}{0.0,,0.2,,0.4,,0.6,,0.8,,1.0}
+% \xaxis {$x$}{10^0 \ratio 1:2,\ratio 2:3,\ratio 3:4,\ratio 4:5,\ratio 5:6,
+% \ratio 6:7,\ratio 7:8,\ratio 8:9,\ratio 9:1,
+% 10^1 \ratio 1:2,\ratio 2:3,\ratio 3:4,\ratio 4:5,\ratio 5:6,
+% \ratio 6:7,\ratio 7:8,\ratio 8:9,\ratio 9:1,
+% 10^2 \ratio 1:1}
+% \plotsymbol (.9,.9)a
+% \plottext (.2,.4){some text}
+% \plottext (.25,.7){more text}
+% }%
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/rcs.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/rcs.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da6e55769d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/rcs.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+%% \thedate
+%% \therevision
+%% These contain the date and revision of this paper, set by the
+%% following revision control commands. Default to the current date and
+%% to nothing.
+%% \RCSdate$...$
+%% \RCSrevision$...$
+%% Modify the date and revision of the paper as given by the RCS
+%% variables Date and Revision (not inserted above because then RCS
+%% would interfere with this comment). Use before \Draft.
+%% \Draft
+%% \ifdraft...\else...\fi
+%% \Draft prepends ``Draft'' to \therevision and sets \drafttrue.
+\edef\today{\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or
+ May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or
+ December\fi\space\number\day, \number\year}
+ \def\next@{%
+ \ifx\next$\let\nextii@=\eat@\else\let\nextii@=\RCSdate@\fi\nextii@}%
+ \futurelet\next\next@}
+\def\RCSdate@: #1/#2/#3 #4 ${\xdef\thedate{%
+ \ifcase#2\or January\or February\or March\or April\or
+ May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or
+ December\fi\space\ignorespaces#3, \ifnum#1<100\relax19\fi#1}}
+ \def\next@{%
+ \ifx\next$\let\nextii@=\eat@\else\let\nextii@=\RCSrevision@\fi\nextii@}%
+ \futurelet\next\next@}
+\def\RCSrevision@: #1 ${\xdef\therevision{[#1]}}
+\def\Draft{\xdef\therevision{Draft \therevision}\drafttrue}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/redefine.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/redefine.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b24b024e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/redefine.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+% -*- Mode: TeX -*-
+\ifx\thisfileis\anUndefinedMacro\input maybeload \fi
+\thisfileis{<eb.tex.texlocal>redefine} % abort loading if we're already loaded
+% The LaTex macros in this file provide redefinition warnings.
+% Also, the LaTex \newcommand facility is changed so that using
+% \newcommand to redefine a function produces only a warning
+% message, not an error.
+% A control sequence equivalent to \relax is considered
+% undefined, as in LaTex.
+% However, allocation commands such as \newtoks are changed so
+% that no redefinition takes place if their arguments are already
+% defined.
+\def\@warnredef#1{\typeout{WARNING: The `#1' control sequence is being redefined.}}
+\def\@warnnoredef#1{\typeout{WARNING: Aborting redefinition of the `#1' control sequence.}}
+\def\@ifcsundefined#1#2#3{\ifx #1\anUndefinedMacro
+ \def\@@temp{#2}\else\ifx #1\relax\def\@@temp{#2}\else
+ \def\@@temp{#3}\fi\fi\@@temp}
+% Change LaTex behavior.
+% Define \redefcheck{\ctlseq} that just checks the sequence
+% and ignores it.
+% \redefabort{\oneargdefiner}{\ctlseq} puts out \oneargdefiner\ctlseq,
+% except that if \ctlseq is already defined, it just gobbles both
+% of them.
+% Define \newdef = \def with \redefcheck, and similarly for \gdef and \let.
+% Add redefinition checking to \newif.
+% \newif is declared as \outer, so we need to delay the definition
+% of \latexnewif until we've scanned the definition of the new
+% \newif.
+% Now for the allocation commands, which I'm setting up to skip the
+% redefinition if their target control sequences are already defined.
+% These are also declared \outer, but the above \@tempa trick won't work
+% here; it's necessary to use another level of macros.
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/reference.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/reference.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..965b31577f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/reference.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+% Version 2.1
+% 6/27/86
+% Written by: B.A. Leland (XHEMIA:BAL)
+% Calif Inst of Technology
+% Recognizes only ascending sequential footnote numbers, prints
+% everything else as read in the list
+% Required defs:
+% dash : defined as $^{-}$
+% checkref#1 : to determine if the reference has yet been
+% cited --- calls quickcnt
+% note#1 : initializes flags, counters, calls refext
+% refext#1 : does all the work, calls checkref, then prints
+% the footnote numbers. If newref=true write the
+% reference to the output file with its footnote
+% number, and redefine the def of the reference to
+% equal the current footnote number. If the
+% references are anything but ascending sequential
+% numbers, print the numbers separated by commas.
+% quickcnt#1 : based on Knuth's length macro (TeXbook, p.219)
+% counts the no. of non-blank characters in the
+% reference. If > or = 4, set the newref flag to
+% true.
+% Required misc:
+% counters
+% ftnum: previous footnote number of a newly cited ref
+% prev: previous PRINTED footnote number
+% flags
+% dsh : true = enable dash printing for no. ranges
+% newref : true = a reference that has not been cited
+%\immediate\openout1=reflist % open the ouput file 'reflist.tex'
+%\newcount\ftnum % footnote number counter
+%\newcount\prev % previous footnote number
+%\newif\ifdsh % dsh=true: enable "dash" printing for ranges of #s
+%\def\dash{$^{-}$} % a dash for ranges of numbers
+%\dshtrue % toggle dsh flag to enable range printing
+%\prev=0 % initialize prev counter
+%\count0=0 % initialize cycle counter
+%\refext#1\end}} % call refext with list of references as argument
+%\ifx#1\end % \end is appended at end of reference list
+% \ifdsh % dsh=true do nothing
+% \else $^{\number\prev}$\fi\let\next=\relax % finish the range, quit
+%\else\checkref#1 % see if the reference has been cited previously
+% \ifnewref\global\advance\ftnum by1 % new reference,
+% % inc ftnum counter
+% \immediate\write1{\noexpand\item{$^{\the\ftnum}$}#1}
+% \xdef#1{\the\ftnum} % write the reference to the output file,
+% % and redefine the reference to be
+% % the current footnote number
+% \fi
+% \ifnum\count0=0 $^{#1}$ % first cycle, print the first no.
+% \else \ifnum\prev=#1 % duplicate reference, ignore
+% \else\advance\prev by1 % increment the prev counter
+% \ifnum\prev=#1 % if true, sequence is sequential
+% \ifdsh % if dsh enabled,
+% \dash % print a dash for the range
+% \dshfalse % and disable the dsh flag
+% \fi
+% \else\ifdsh $^{,\,#1}$ % if dsh enabled, print ", #"
+% \else % a dash was printed previously
+% \advance\prev by-1 % restore prev counter
+% $^{\number\prev ,\,#1}$ % finish the range, and
+% % print the new (non-sequential) no.
+% \dshtrue % toggle the dsh flag
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \fi
+% \prev=#1 % save current footnote number in prev counter
+% \advance\count0 by1 % increment cycle counter
+% \let\next=\refext % recursive call
+%\newif\ifnewref % newref=true: 1st occurance of a given reference
+%\global\newreffalse % toggle the newref flag
+%\qckcntr=0 % initialize cycle "register"
+%\expandafter\quickcnt#1\end % expand the passed reference appending \end
+%\ifx#1\end \let\next=\relax % relax and quit
+%\else\advance\qckcntr by1 % increment cycle register
+% \ifnum\qckcntr<4 % <4 cycles means nothing, so do nothing
+% \else\global\newreftrue % >= 4 means the reference has not been
+% % previously cited, toggle the newref flag
+% \fi
+% \let\next=\quickcnt % recursive call
+\immediate\openout1=reflist % open the ouput file 'reflist.tex'
+\newcount\ftnum % footnote number counter
+\newcount\prev % previous footnote number
+\newif\ifdsh % dsh=true: enable dash printing
+\def\note#1{{\dshtrue \prev=0 \count0=0 \refext#1\end}}
+\ifdsh\else $^{\number\prev}$\fi\let\next=\relax
+\else\checkref#1\ifnewref\global\advance\ftnum by1 \immediate
+\ifnum\count0=0 $^{#1}$\else \ifnum\prev=#1 \else
+\advance\prev by1 \ifnum\prev=#1 \ifdsh \dash\dshfalse\fi\else
+\ifdsh $^{,\,#1}$\else
+\advance\prev by-1 $^{\number\prev ,\,#1}$\dshtrue \fi\fi\fi\fi
+\prev=#1 \advance\count0 by1 \let\next=\refext\fi \next}
+\newif\ifnewref % newref=true: 1st occurance of a given reference
+\expandafter\quickcnt#1\end \relax}}
+\def\quickcnt#1{\ifx#1\end \let\next=\relax
+\else\advance\qckcntr by1 \ifnum\qckcntr<4 \else\global\newreftrue\fi
+\let\next=\quickcnt\fi \next}
+% S A M P L E U S A G E
+% \def\a{this is reference a}
+% \def\aaa{aaaaa}
+% \def\b{this is reference b which has \reff }
+% \def\c{this is reference c which has \reff }
+% \def\d{this is reference d which has \reff }
+% \def\e{this is reference e which has \reff }
+% \def\g{this is reference e which has \reff }
+% \def\reff{reference f}
+% {\rm
+% \ftnum=9
+% This is the example\note{\a} of
+% a\note{\b} paragraph
+% which contains footnotes that will ultimately end up on
+% a reference page.
+% This is the
+% second\note{\a} which
+% is supposed to be the same as the first reference.
+% If we continue, we\note{\c\b} should get another
+% one\note{\d} and\note{\a} so\note{\e} on.
+% If one needs to recall a couple of references\note{\aaa} one
+% uses a the same macro\note{\a\b\c\d\e} as before.
+% It is supposed to handle\note{\a\b\d\e} most any situation
+% up to and almost including\note{\e\d\c\b\a} except
+% this\note{\b\a\d\e} or this.\note{\a\b\c\d\d} One
+% must be cautioned that this has not been fully tested as yet..........
+% \vskip0.5truein
+% \immediate\closeout1
+% \vfill\eject
+% \baselineskip=14pt
+% \parindent=0pt
+% \parskip=0.1truein
+% \input reflist.tex
+% }
+% \vfill\end
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/resume.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/resume.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31f7d4645d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/resume.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+%%% RESUME Library Created by KMP@MC -- Feb/Mar 1980
+%%% Converted for TEX from TEX80 by PARKER@OZ and MARC@OZ -- June 1985
+%%% Extended with NEWSECTION by MARKUS@OZ and PARKER@OZ -- Jan 1986
+%%% Please notify PARKER@OZ of any changes to this file.
+%%% This is a library for creating cookbook resumes. Everything is here.
+%%% All you add are the lies about yourself.
+%%% For a sample usage, see the file TEXLOCAL:RESUME-SAMPLE.TEX
+%%% See the file TEXLOCAL:RESUME.CONVERSION for information on
+%%% converting your old TeX resume to run under the new system.
+%%% Note: Currently you must run TeX using this package by doing:
+%%% @TEXTR <resume filename>
+%%% If things go wrong using this file, here are some common problems.
+%%% If all else fails, send me (PARKER@OZ) mail and maybe we can fix it.
+%%% Debugging help:
+%%% ******THIS IS CRITICAL*******
+%%% -- look at arglist, esp. for twocol, split, and newsection. If there is a
+%%% space between the args (such as #1 and #2), then there must be
+%%% one in the source.
+%%% -- if you get black vertical bars on your output, that means that
+%%% a line was overfull. Often the reason for this is the
+%%% width of the page (pagewidth) is not big enough to contain
+%%% both the section label and the value you specified for
+%%% textwidth. Adjust these numbers and all should work.
+%%% Be sure that if you have a big label name, you use twoline
+%%% to split it to two lines.
+%%% -- if you get a vertical overfull box problem and you have a one-line
+%%% objective, you will need to put \vskip .125in
+%%% in the format section at the end of your resume just after the
+%%% line \objective and just before the next one. You may still
+%%% get a warning from TeX about this box, but you will not have
+%%% any crowding on your output.
+%%% A possibly easier way of doing this is to make your objective
+%%% look like this:
+%%% \defsection{\objective}{\twoline {Employment}{Objective}}
+%%% {\text {This is my short objective.}
+%%% \text { }}
+%%% This blank text box will fake TeX into giving you the space you
+%%% need AND you won't get any warnings.
+%%% -- If you get font problems, try using the defaults and running
+%%% TeX using TEXTR, which uses the Times Roman font family.
+%%% System implementor's message.
+\message{Please read the file TEXLOCAL:RESUME.TEX if you have problems.}
+\message{Note: Currently there are bugs w.r.t. output to QMS.}
+%%% Define system parameters
+\rm % Roman character set default type face
+\hsize=36pc % Page width = 36 picas ( 6 in )
+\vsize=45pc % Page height = 45 picas ( 7-1/2 in )
+\nopagenumbers % Flush page nos.
+\parindent=0pt % Flush indenting of paragraphs.
+ % Can be turned on locally if psyched to use it.
+%% Used in old TeX, but not needed here.
+%% \output{\page} % Just output page with no special headings, etc
+%% For now, at least as best I can tell from the point macros in TEXTR,
+%% small capitals aren't going to work, so just make them do something safe.
+\def\sc #1{\rm #1}
+%%% Define macros used internally
+\newdimen\rwid %% Width of the right box (text) is 28pc ( 4-2/3 in )
+%%% These commands may be used to enter a given typeface.
+%%% \roman{... stuff to put in roman ...}
+%%% \bold{... stuff to put in bold ...}
+%%% \italic{... stuff to put in italic ...}
+\def\roman#1{{\rm #1}}
+\def\bold#1{{\bf #1}}
+\def\italic#1{{\it #1}}
+%%% These macros are provided for users who wish to change the various
+%%% width and height parameters used by this package.
+%%% \textwidth size
+%%% \pagewidth size
+%%% \pagelength size
+\def\textwidth #1{\rwid=#1}
+\def\pagewidth #1{\hsize#1}
+\def\pagelength #1{\vsize#1}
+%%% Added by PARKER 6/85 to facilitate columnarizing of courses.
+%%% Usage: \twocol{Foo Chemistry}{Bar Mathematics}
+\def\twocol#1#2{\hbox to \rwid{\ourtextfont\hbox to 13.5pc{#1\hfill}
+ \hfill\hbox to 13.5pc{#2\hfill}}}
+%%% Commands for setting fonts. 'fontcmd' refers to a normal TeX font
+%%% affecting command such as \bf or \tenpoint.
+%%% The font of text defined with \defname
+%%% \defnamefont{fontcmd} sets the font to be used for your name
+%%% \namefont changes to that font
+%%% For varying the font of text in a \defsection
+%%% \defheaderfont{fontcmd} sets the font to be used for section headers
+%%% \headerfont changes to that font
+%%% For varying the font of text in a \defaddress
+%%% \defaddressfont{fontcmd} sets the font to be used in the address
+%%% \addressfont changes to that font
+%%% For varying the font of text in a \split
+%%% \deflsplitfont{fontcmd} sets the font to be used on the left of a split
+%%% \rsplitfont changes to that font
+%%% \defrsplitfont{fontcmd} sets the font to be used on the right of a split
+%%% \lsplitfont changes to that font
+%%% For varying the font of text in a \text
+%%% \defourtextfont{fontcmd} is the font to be used in the main text area
+%%% \ourtextfont changes to that font
+\def\namefont{\twelvepoint\bf} % used to be HV14B
+\def\headerfont{\twelvepoint\bf} % used to be HV12B
+\def\ourtextfont{\tenpoint\rm} % was 9pt, but was losing...RP 6/30/85 17:58:20
+%%% \skip -- inserts a gap between lines
+%%% \space -- inserts whitespace between horizontal text blocks
+\def\skip{\par\vskip 6pt}
+%%% \defname{yournamegoeshere}
+%%% You must declare the name to go at the top of the form using this
+%%% macro.
+\def\defname#1{\gdef\name{\hbox to \hsize{\namefont\hfill #1\hfill}\par
+ \vskip 8pt}}
+%%% \defaddress{\macroname}{addressname}{...specs...}
+%%% specs may include
+%%% \street{...street address...} %% Required
+%%% \apt{apartment or room info} %% Optional
+%%% \city{cityname, statename} %% Required
+%%% \zip{02139} %% Optional
+%%% \phone{(617) 253-6765} %% Optional
+%%% This defines an address box. They must appear in the specified order.
+%%% If required specs are not given, results may be unpredictable.
+%%% Any number of addressses may be defined---if you think they'll fit.
+%%% The format for how they get laid out is specified in the \format
+%%% command farther down.
+ \gdef#1{{\def\stext{} \def\ctext{} \def\ztext{} \def\atext{}
+ \def\qtext{\hbox{ }} \def\ptext{\hbox{ }}
+ \def\street####1{\def\stext{####1}}
+ \def\apt####1{\def\atext{\hbox{####1} \def\qtext{}}}
+ \def\city####1{\def\ctext{####1}}
+ \def\zip####1{\def\ztext{####1}}
+ \def\phone####1{\def\ptext{####1}}
+ #3
+ \addressfont\vbox{\hbox{\bf #2 Address} %%% used to have $\!$
+ %%
+ %% These next two lines used to be in the
+ %% other order [street then apt] but, as
+ %% pointed out by SR.WILSON@SPEECH, the
+ %% US Postal Service recommend an ordering
+ %% of information based on specificness.
+ %% If this change upsets you, simply
+ %% copy this \def into the beginning
+ %% of your resume file (after the \input)
+ %% and reverse them there. --RP 4/86
+ \atext
+ \hbox{\stext}
+ \hbox{\ctext\quad \ztext}
+ \hbox{\ptext}
+ \qtext}}}}
+%%% \defsection{macroname}{sectionname}
+%%% {main text of section}
+%%% This macro allows you to define a macro named macroname which can be
+%%% called later and which will produce a box which looks like
+%%% sectionname ... text ........
+%%% ... more text ...
+%%% ... etc .........
+%%% The text of section must be constructed in turn by the use of either
+%%% of two special operators.
+%%% \text{...} means that the text in the box is to be set as a
+%%% normal paragraph
+%%% \split{...} {...} means that the two boxes are to be set on a single
+%%% line separated by whitespace. The first box is in
+%%% 9pt bold by default, the second is 8pt roman.
+%%% A sample section definition looks like:
+%%% \defsection{\education} {Education}
+%%% {\split{Massachusetts Institute of Technology} {Cambridge, MA}
+%%% \text {Got a Bachelor of Science in Humanities. Didn't learn much.}
+%%% \space
+%%% \split{Foo High School} {NoWhere, USA}
+%%% \text {I didn't really graduate from high school. I just kinda
+%%% gave up after a while and took up kollidge.}}
+\def\defsection#1#2 #3
+ {\gdef#1{\headerfont
+ \setbox1=\hbox{\hsize \rwid\vbox{#3\par\vskip 10pt}}
+ \hbox to \hsize{\vbox to 1\ht1{\hbox{#2}\vfil}
+ \hfil
+ \box1}}}
+%%% NEWSECTION -- allows you to produce output with year labels, for instance,
+%%% to the right of each of your jobs. An alternative to putting the
+%%% year information inside the job description.
+%%% This NEWSECTION by Markus Toth (MARKUS@OZ).
+%%% Example of what the source code should look like:
+%%% {\skip
+%%% \seclayer{\twoline {1985 to} {Present}}
+%%% {\split{Company A, Inc.} {Nowhere, MA}
+%%% \text {As director of food consumption....}}
+%%% \skip
+%%% \seclayer{\twoline {1982 to} {1985}}
+%%% {\split{Company B, Ltd.} {Somewhere, MA}
+%%% \text {Associate Research Scientist. ....}}
+%%% \vskip 0pt}} %% THIS MUST BE HERE
+%%% And here is the output produced by that:
+%%% Experience
+%%% 1985 to Company A, Inc Nowhere, MA
+%%% Present As director of food consumption...
+%%% 1982 to Company B, Ltd. Somewhere, MA
+%%% 1985 Associate Research Scientist. ....
+%%% Note that the \vskip 0pt at the end of \defnewsection is CRITICAL.
+%%% Yes, this is a bug, and no we aren't going to fix it now.
+%%% And, yes, you are welcome to fix it iff you know how.
+\def\defnewsection#1#2 #3
+ {\gdef#1{\headerfont
+ \hbox to \hsize{#2 \hfil}
+ #3}}
+%%% SECLAYER -- each layer (i.e. each job) needs to be in one of these.
+%%% Note that it uses LABELFONT for the labels. You can define labelfont
+%%% with \deflabelfont{\tenpoint\bf} or whatever.
+\def\seclayer#1 #2
+ {\labelfont
+ \setbox1=\hbox{\hsize \rwid\vbox{#2\par\vskip 10pt}}
+ \hbox to \hsize{\vbox to 1\ht1{\hbox{#1}\vfil}
+ \hfil
+ \box1}}
+%%% \oneline{text} - a no-op
+%%% \twoline{text}{text} - creates a two-line box
+%%% \threeline{text}{text}{text} - creates a three-line box
+%%% These are for trivially creating one, two, or three line boxes for the
+%%% label field in the main body.
+%%% \format{addresslist}
+%%% {bodylist}
+%%% This is what defines how things get laid out. Just list out your
+%%% address names (separate them with a \space) and your section names
+%%% in the order you want them to appear. eg,
+%%% \format{\home\space\work\space\permanent}
+%%% {\objective\skip\education\skip\background}
+%%% This will define a \copy and that will make it get output. You may
+%%% change fonts, etc, between doing \copy's and the changes will affect
+%%% subsequent \copy commands. You'll need to supply your own \bye at
+%%% the end of the file.
+\def\format #1 #2{
+ \count0=0
+ \gdef\copy{\global\advance\count0 by 1
+ {\def\split####1 ####2{\hbox to\rwid{\lsplitfont ####1\hfill\rsplitfont ####2}}
+ \def\text####1{\hbox {\hsize \rwid \vbox{\ourtextfont ####1}}}
+ \hbox{$ $}\par\vfill\name\vfill\hbox to \hsize{#1}\par\vfill
+ #2\par\vfill\eject}}}
+%% \def\format #1 #2{
+%% \setcount0 0
+%% \gdef\copy{\advcount0
+%% {\def\split####1 ####2{\hbox to \rwid{\lsplitfont ####1\hfill\rsplitfont ####2}}
+%% \def\text####1{\hbox par \rwid{\textfont ####1}}
+%% \hbox{$ $}\par\vfill\name\vfill\hbox to size {#1}\par\vfill
+%% #2\par\vfill\eject}}}
+% Local Modes:
+% MM AutoTeX Mode:1,m.mTex Mode"e m(m.m Load Library)TeX'w
+% Mode:AutoTeX
+% Comment Column:40
+% Comment Start:%
+% Atom Word Mode:0
+% Auto Fill Mode:0
+% End:
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/rightfig.mac b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/rightfig.mac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25fa72efb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/rightfig.mac
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+\edef\oldoutput{\the\output} % copy old output routine
+\output={\the\outputpretest \ifoutput \oldoutput \fi}
+\outputpretest={\outputtrue}% default "outputpretest" routine
+% Define an alternate "outputpretest" routine --------------------------------
+\newif\iftryingfig \tryingfigfalse
+\newif\ifdoingfig \doingfigfalse
+\newif\ifpageafterfig \pageafterfigfalse
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty=-10001
+ \setbox\pagebox=\vbox{\unvbox255}%
+ \global\pageht=\ht\pagebox
+ \outputfalse
+ \unvbox\pagebox
+ \else
+ \outputtrue
+ \ifdoingfig
+ \pageafterfigtrue
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% Define the "tryfig" macro for testing figure placement ---------------------
+\newdimen\htdone \htdone=0pt
+\everypar={\tryfig \oldeverypar}
+\def\tryfig{% "\global" is used in case user does any grouping
+ \iftryingfig
+ {\everypar={\relax}\setbox0=\lastbox
+ \parindent=\wd0 \parskip=0pt \par
+ \penalty-10001 \leavevmode}%
+ \dimen0=\vsize \advance\dimen0 by -\pageht
+ \advance\dimen0 by -2\baselineskip
+ \ifdim\dimen0>\ht\figbox
+ \dimen0=0.3\baselineskip \vrule depth \dimen0 width 0pt
+ \vadjust{\kern -\dimen0 \vtop to \dimen0{\baselineskip=\dimen0
+ \vss \vbox to 1ex{\hbox to \hsize{%
+ \hss \copy\figbox}\vss}\null}}%
+ \global\tryingfigfalse
+ \global\doingfigtrue
+ \global\startpageht=\pageht
+ \global\htdone=0pt
+ \dohang
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdoingfig
+ {\everypar={\relax}\setbox0=\lastbox
+ \parindent=\wd0 \parskip=0pt \par
+ \penalty-10001 \leavevmode}%
+ \global\htdone=\pageht
+ \global\advance\htdone by -\startpageht
+ \ifpageafterfig
+ \global\doingfigfalse
+ \else
+ \ifdim\htdone<\ht\figbox
+ \dohang
+ \else
+ \global\doingfigfalse
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \global\outputpretest={\outputtrue}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% Define macro to activate the figure insertion macros -----------------------
+ \outputpretest={\dofigtest}
+ \tryingfigtrue \doingfigfalse \pageafterfigfalse
+% Define macro to calculate and set hanging indent values --------------------
+\newdimen\figgutter % gap between text and figure
+ \dimen0=\ht\figbox \advance\dimen0 by -\htdone
+ \advance\dimen0 by 1.49\baselineskip \hangcount=\dimen0
+ \divide\hangcount by \baselineskip
+ \dimen0=\wd\figbox \advance\dimen0 by \figgutter
+ \global\hangafter=-\hangcount \global\hangindent=-\dimen0
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/rotate.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/rotate.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27891ee95e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/rotate.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+% These macros allow you to rotate or flip a \TeX\ box. Very useful for
+% sideways tables or upsidedown answers.
+% To use, create a box containing the information you want to rotate.
+% (An hbox or vbox will do.) Now call \rotr\boxnum to rotate the
+% material and create a new box with the appropriate (flipped) dimensions.
+% \rotr rotates right, \rotl rotates left, \rotu turns upside down, and
+% \rotf flips. These boxes may contain other rotated boxes.
+\def\vspec#1{\special{ps:#1}}% passes #1 verbatim to the output
+\def\rotstart#1{\vspec{gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate
+ #1 neg exch neg exch translate}}% #1 can be any origin-fixing transformation
+\def\rotfinish{\vspec{currentpoint grestore moveto}}% gets back in synch
+% First, the rotation right. The reference point of the rotated box
+% is the lower right corner of the original box.
+\def\rotr#1{\rotdimen=\ht#1\advance\rotdimen by\dp#1%
+ \hbox to\rotdimen{\hskip\ht#1\vbox to\wd#1{\rotstart{90 rotate}%
+ \box#1\vss}\hss}\rotfinish}
+% Next, the rotation left. The reference point of the rotated box
+% is the upper left corner of the original box.
+\def\rotl#1{\rotdimen=\ht#1\advance\rotdimen by\dp#1%
+ \hbox to\rotdimen{\vbox to\wd#1{\vskip\wd#1\rotstart{270 rotate}%
+ \box#1\vss}\hss}\rotfinish}%
+% Upside down is simple. The reference point of the rotated box
+% is the upper right corner of the original box. (The box's height
+% should be the current font's xheight, \fontdimen5\font,
+% if you want that xheight to be at the baseline after rotation.)
+\def\rotu#1{\rotdimen=\ht#1\advance\rotdimen by\dp#1%
+ \hbox to\wd#1{\hskip\wd#1\vbox to\rotdimen{\vskip\rotdimen
+ \rotstart{-1 dup scale}\box#1\vss}\hss}\rotfinish}%
+% And flipped end for end is pretty ysae too. We retain the baseline.
+\def\rotf#1{\hbox to\wd#1{\hskip\wd#1\rotstart{-1 1 scale}%
+ \box#1\hss}\rotfinish}%
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/scmac.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/scmac.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1b641465a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/scmac.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+%% scmac.tex
+%% TeX macros for typesetting scripts version 2.00
+%% Copyright (C) 1989 by Na Choon Piaw
+%% This file may be freely used, distributed, and modified provided
+%% credit is given to the original author. You can even try to sell it,
+%% assuming someone's willing to pay for this, of course.
+%% This is a major rewrite --- hence, no change update is given.
+%% For more information see the user's documentation.
+%% tell user what version
+\immediate\write16{Loading scmac version 2.00 Beta release ...}
+%% fonts --- Use Computer Modern. Substitute these with local
+%% equivalents if no Computer Modern.
+\font\bigtenrm=cmr10 scaled\magstep2 %% big font for title
+\font\rm=cmr10 %% standard roman text
+\font\bf=cmbx10 %% for bold
+\font\sl=cmsl10 %% slanted text
+\font\it=cmti10 %% italics
+%% variable declarations
+\FootNoteStyle=1 %% "true" footnotes
+%% preamble handling
+\def\heading#1{\global\headline={\bf #1 \hfil Page \folio}}
+\def\translator#1{\edef\transl{\noindent\it Translation by #1.\hfil}}
+\def\others#1{\edef\oth{\noindent\it #1.\hfil}}
+%% open auxilary file.
+%% Environments
+ \Title
+ \cpmessage
+ \transl
+ \oth
+ %% Open output file for footnotes
+ %% Can your wordprocessor do this?
+ \relax
+ %% read in from aux file.
+ \bigskip
+ \filbreak
+ \line{\bf Footnotes\hfil}
+ \openin 1 = \jobname.aux
+ \readfootnotes
+%% songs
+%% recursive TeX macro! Can WordPerfect do this?
+\ifeof 1
+ \relax
+ \read 1 to \temp
+ \ifeof 1
+ \relax
+ \else
+ \item{[\temp]}
+ \read 1 to \temp
+ \temp
+ \readfootnotes
+ \fi
+%% describe and desc are unchanged.
+\def\describe#1{\sl #1 \medskip\goodbreak}
+\def\desc#1{\it (#1\/)\rm}
+%% footnoting
+%% footnotes at bottom of page
+ \footnote{$^{\the\fnotecnt}$}{\rm #1}
+%% new-style typeinto aux file for readback
+%% remember to change the \hskip value for different fonts!
+ $^{\the\fnotecnt}$ \hskip -0.15in
+ \immediate\write\auxfile{\the\fnotecnt}
+ \immediate\write\auxfile{#1}
+\global\advance\fnotecnt by 1
+%% unavoidable processing
+ %% old style: version 1.xx
+ \gdef\say#1#2{
+ \centerline{\bf #1}
+ {
+ \parindent=1in
+ \rm\narrower\raggedright\noindent
+ #2
+ \par
+ }
+ \bigskip\goodbreak
+ }
+ %% version 2.xx
+ \gdef\say#1:#2\par{
+ \centerline{\bf #1}
+ {
+ \parindent=1in
+ \rm\narrower\raggedright\noindent
+ #2
+ \par
+ }
+ \bigskip\goodbreak
+ }
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/scmac202.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/scmac202.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf838a320e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/scmac202.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+%% scmac.tex
+%% TeX macros for typesetting scripts version 2.02
+%% Copyright (C) 1989 by Na Choon Piaw
+%% This file may be freely used, distributed, and modified provided
+%% credit is given to the original author. You can even try to sell it,
+%% assuming someone's willing to pay for this, of course.
+%% \begin documentation
+%% 2.02 Alpha
+%% There never was a 2.00 release.
+%% Changes from the documentation are found here:
+%% Syntax change:
+%% From the beginning of the file we have:
+%% \input scmac.tex
+%% \Style=
+%% \FootNoteStyle=
+%% For the \Style, you may choose from:
+%% \OldStyle (pre 2.00)
+%% \NewStyle (post 2.00)
+%% \OldStyle is fully compatible with version 1.xx
+%% \NewStyle is fully compatible with version 2.00
+%% For \FootNoteStyle, you may choose from:
+%% \EndNotes (Put footnotes at the end)
+%% \FootNotes (Put footnotes at the bottom)
+%% Note that these are now the ONLY supported ways of specifying styles.
+%% If you put in numbers directly, they might work in this version, but
+%% if I change the macros in anyway in the next, they will no longer
+%% work.
+%% \end documentation
+%% macros proper
+%% tell user what version
+\message{Loading scmac version 2.01 Alpha ...}
+%% fonts --- Use Computer Modern. Substitute these with local
+%% equivalents if no Computer Modern.
+\font\bigtenrm=cmr10 scaled\magstep2 %% big font for title
+\font\rm=cmr10 %% standard roman text
+\font\bf=cmbx10 %% for bold
+\font\sl=cmsl10 %% slanted text
+\font\it=cmti10 %% italics
+%% variable declarations
+\FootNoteStyle=\FootNotes %% "true" footnotes
+%% preamble handling
+\def\heading#1{\global\headline={\bf #1 \hfil Page \folio}}
+\def\translator#1{\edef\transl{\noindent\it Translation by #1.\hfil}}
+\def\others#1{\edef\oth{\noindent\it #1.\hfil}}
+%% open auxilary file.
+\message{output files.}
+%% little patch to let me do the \let in side \beginscript
+%% now, when i rewrite this, i'd better use @s in them just like
+%% in plain.tex
+ \centerline{\bf \noexpand#1}
+ {
+ \parindent=1in
+ \rm\narrower\raggedright\noindent
+ \noexpand#2
+ \par
+ }
+ \bigskip\goodbreak
+ }
+ \centerline{\bf #1}
+ {
+ \parindent=1in
+ \rm\narrower\raggedright\noindent
+ \noexpand
+ \hskip -1em\relax #2
+ %% horizontal skip to combat the speech-offset
+ %% problem. Remove it if the problem
+ %% disappears.
+ \par
+ }
+ \bigskip\goodbreak
+ }
+%% global \say --- in standard old style --- to warn people that
+%% the \style is not set
+\def\say#1#2{\message{! scmac Fatal Error: You must start the script with \string\beginscript and
+end it with \string\endscript!} \end}
+% Environments
+ \Title
+ \cpmessage
+ \transl
+ \oth
+%% Remember to recode in case format after I get the TeXbook back from
+%% Case. (Yech! Just realized the horrible pun)
+ \ifnum\Style=\OldStyle
+ %% old style: version 1.xx
+ \let\say=\Styleone
+ \let\errcheck=\relax
+ \else
+ \ifnum\Style=\NewStyle
+ %% version 2.xx
+ \let\say=\Styletwo
+ \let\errcheck=\relax
+ \else
+ \message{!Scmac Fatal Error: Style \the\Style is not supported!}
+ \let\errcheck=\end
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \errcheck
+ \relax
+ \ifnum\FootNoteStyle=\EndNotes
+ %% read in from aux file.
+ \bigskip
+ \filbreak
+ \line{\bf Footnotes\hfil}
+ \openin\auxrfile = \jobname.aux
+ \readfootnotes
+ \else
+ \message{scmac Warning: \the\FootNoteStyle is not supported}
+ \fi
+%% songs
+%% recursive TeX macro! Can WordPerfect do this?
+\ifeof 1
+ \relax
+ \read \auxrfile to \temp
+ \ifeof \auxrfile
+ \relax
+ \else
+ \item{[\temp]}
+ \read \auxrfile to \temp
+ \temp
+ \readfootnotes
+ \fi
+%% describe and desc are unchanged.
+\def\describe#1{\sl #1 \medskip\goodbreak}
+\def\desc#1{\it (#1\/)\rm}
+%% footnoting
+%% footnotes at bottom of page
+ \footnote{$^{\the\fnotecnt}$}{\rm #1}
+%% new-style typeinto aux file for readback
+%% remember to change the \hskip value for different fonts!
+ $^{\the\fnotecnt}$ \hskip -0.15in
+ \immediate\write\auxfile{\the\fnotecnt}
+ \immediate\write\auxfile{#1}
+\global\advance\fnotecnt by 1
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/scorecard.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/scorecard.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a8f560605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/scorecard.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+% Scorecard.tex v 1.1
+% prints a baseball scorecard for one team;
+% also prints summary statistics boxes (Pitcher's stats, Offense,
+% Defense, and Pitching miscellanea, a Notes section, and a line score).
+% This is currently intended to make a blank scorecard with which
+% to score a baseball game, and additional space to record information
+% with which to submit a Box Score with the information required by
+% newspapers, league offices, etc.
+% Margins are set for landscape printing, be sure to DVI it with
+% the appropriate qualifiers.
+% Shortly (ha ha) to come: scorecard.sty to allow full typesetting of
+% a baseball game. If anyone is actually writing a book/article that
+% could benefit from this, please let me know, as it may give me incentive
+% to finish.
+% Dedicated to my wife who thinks the rules are the best part of baseball.
+% Matthew Wall 4/89 revised 4/28/89 - looks much better, added space
+% to keep defensive stats
+% WALL@BRANDEIS.Bitnet -or-
+% c/o Research and Academic Computing, Brandeis University,
+% Waltham, MA, 02254
+% (c) 1989
+% Free for the world to enjoy. Let no one gain commercial benefit
+% from this, lest ye be pushed into the pits of hell and the courts.
+% May be freely modified and copied; please send neat changes/suggestions
+% to me in the email.
+% God Bless the Designated Hitter;
+% To Lucifer with Astroturf;
+% Domes for the needy;
+% Smog for the undeserving;
+% May baseball return to Washington, D.C.
+ \setlength{\textwidth}{10.48in}
+ \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-.95in}
+ \setlength{\evensidemargin}{-.95in}
+ \setlength{\textheight}{7.7in}
+ \setlength{\topmargin}{-.95in}
+\noindent ~~~~Date: ~\hrulefill~
+ At: ~\hrulefill~
+ Team: ~\hrulefill~
+ Vs: ~\hrulefill~\\
+ Start time: ~\hrulefill~
+ End time: ~\hrulefill~
+ Attendance: ~\hrulefill~
+ Temperature: ~\hrulefill~\\
+\begin{tabular}{||l|c||c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c||c|c|c|c||c|c|c||} \hline \hline
+Player~~~~~& {\normalsize Pos}&~1~ & ~2~ & ~3~ & ~4~ & ~5~ & ~6~ & ~7~ & ~8~ &
+ ~9~ & ~10 & AB & ~H~ & ~R~ & BI
+ & P & A & E \\ \hline
+{\tt\small - - - - - - - - - - - } & {\tt\small - - }
+& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+{\tt\small - - - - - - - - - - - } & {\tt\small - - }
+& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+{\tt\small - - - - - - - - - - - } & {\tt\small - - }
+& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+{\tt\small - - - - - - - - - - - } & {\tt\small - - }
+& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+{\tt\small - - - - - - - - - - - } & {\tt\small - - }
+& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+{\tt\small - - - - - - - - - - - } & {\tt\small - - }
+& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+{\tt\small - - - - - - - - - - - } & {\tt\small - - }
+& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+{\tt\small - - - - - - - - - - - } & {\tt\small - - }
+& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+{\tt\small - - - - - - - - - - - } & {\tt\small - - }
+& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+{\tt\small - - - - - - - - - - - } & {\tt\small - - }
+& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline
+{\tt\small - - - - - - - - - - - } & {\tt\small - - }
+& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline \hline
+Totals &{\normalsize H/R} & / & / & / & / & / & / & / & / & / & / & & & &
+& & & \\ \hline \hline
+\end{tabular} \\
+% WP, LP, 2B, 3B, HR, SB, SF, S, HBP, BB, E, SO, WP, ER, R, H, IP,DP, PB, B, PO?
+ {\bf Notes:} \\
+\noindent ~~~~Date: ~\hrulefill~
+ At: ~\hrulefill~
+ Team: ~\hrulefill~
+ Vs: ~\hrulefill~ \\
+\begin{tabular}{||l|r|r|r|r|r|r||r} \cline{1- 7} \cline{1- 7}
+Pitcher~~~~~ & IP & ~H~ & ~R~ & ER & BB & SO &~~~{\bf\normalsize
+ Notes:} \\ \cline{1- 7}
+ & & & & & & & \\ \cline{1- 7}
+ & & & & & & & \\ \cline{1- 7}
+ & & & & & & & \\ \cline{1- 7}
+ & & & & & & & \\ \cline{1- 7}
+ & & & & & & & \\ \cline{1- 7} \cline{2- 7}
+Totals & & & & & & & \\ \cline{1- 7} \cline{2- 7}
+\end{tabular} \\
+% I apologize for all the unbreakable spaces to follow. \fill commands
+% and tabular were just a bit too even to be useful, though they do look
+% better.
+{\bf Offense} \\
+\noindent 2B:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\
+\noindent BB:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ SB:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CS:
+\noindent SF:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ S:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ HBP:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ LOB:~~~~~~~~
+} \\
+{\bf Defense} \\
+\noindent PB:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+\noindent DP:~~~~~~~~~~~~
+} \\
+{\bf Pitching} \\
+IW:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\
+Win/Loss: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+Save: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+\begin{tabular}{||l||r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r||r|r|r|r||} \hline\hline
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~&~ &~ &~ &~ &~ &~ &~ &~ &~ &~ &~ &~ &~ \\ \hline
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~&~ &~ &~ &~ &~ &~ &~ &~ &~ &~ &~ &~ &~ \\ \hline\hline
+\end{tabular} \\
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/selectp.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/selectp.tex
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..a1595df5d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/selectp.tex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../../../latex/contrib/selectp/selectp.sty \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/setstrut.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/setstrut.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6be78688d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/setstrut.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+% SETSTRUT.TEX Automatic strut computation
+% by Stephan v.\ Bechtolsheim 1987
+% Save the current value of \baselineskip here for strut handling
+% \setstrut
+% =========
+% Compute \strut as a \vrule of
+% width: 0
+% height: 70% of the current value of \baselinekip
+% depth: the remaining 30% of \baselineskip.
+\def\setstrut {%
+ \strutskip = \baselineskip
+ \ifdim\baselineskip < 0pt
+ \errhelp = {You probably called \string\offinterlineskip
+ before \string\setstrut}
+ \errmessage{\string\setstrut: negative
+ \string\baselineskip (\the\baselineskip)}%
+ \fi
+% \strut
+% ======
+% The strut
+\def\strut {%
+ \vrule height 0.7\strutskip
+ depth 0.3\strutskip
+ width 0pt
+% \higherstrut
+% ============
+% Generate a strut, which is higher by #1 than the usual strut.
+% The depth is the depth of \strut.
+% #1: dimension, by which the strut is made higher
+\def\higherstrut #1{%
+ {%
+ \dimen0 = 0.7\strutskip
+ \advance\dimen0 by #1%
+ \vrule height \dimen0 depth 0.3\strutskip width 0pt
+ }%
+% \deeperstrut
+% ============
+% Generate a strut, which is deeper by #1 than the usual strut.
+% the height is the height of \strut.
+% #1: dimension, by wghich the strut is made deeper.
+\def\deeperstrut #1{%
+ {%
+ \dimen0 = 0.3\strutskip
+ \advance\dimen0 by #1%
+ \vrule height 0.7\strutskip depth \dimen0 width 0pt
+ }%
+% Initialize in case the user forgets to set up a strut
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/settosize.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/settosize.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c75cc2ff7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/settosize.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+%%% I need to be able to specify the width for text. I would like to
+%%% use the largest size (subject to a user specified maximum and
+%%% minimum). If the constraints mean that I cannot fill the width
+%%% then the text should be centered at the largest specified size.
+%%% Phil Taylor January 1993
+\catcode `\@ = 11
+\newcount \r@mainder
+\newcount \m@gstepcount
+\newcount \m@gsteplimit
+\newcount \m@gstepvalue
+\newdimen \m@gstepdimen
+\def \magsteps {\afterassignment \m@gsteps \m@gsteplimit = }
+\def \m@gsteps
+ {\let \@r = \or
+ \def \or {\noexpand \or}%
+ \m@gstepdimen = 0.166667 \maxdimen
+ \m@gstepvalue = 1000
+ \m@gstepcount = 0
+ \def \magstep {}%
+ \loop
+ \ifnum \m@gstepcount < \m@gsteplimit
+ \advance \m@gstepcount by 1
+ \ifnum \m@gstepvalue > \m@gstepdimen
+ \advance \m@gstepcount by -1
+ \message {Sorry --- integer overflow would occur if
+ I went any further; stopped at
+ \the \m@gstepcount.}
+ \m@gsteplimit = \m@gstepcount
+ \else
+ \multiply \m@gstepvalue by 12
+ \multiply \r@mainder by 12
+ \divide \r@mainder by 10
+ \advance \m@gstepvalue by \r@mainder
+ \r@mainder = \m@gstepvalue
+ \divide \m@gstepvalue by 10
+ \multiply \m@gstepvalue by 10
+ \advance \r@mainder by -\m@gstepvalue
+ \divide \m@gstepvalue by 10
+ \ifnum \r@mainder < 5
+ \edef \magstep {\magstep \or \the \m@gstepvalue}%
+ \else
+ \advance \m@gstepvalue by 1
+ \edef \magstep {\magstep \or \the \m@gstepvalue}%
+ \advance \m@gstepvalue by -1
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \repeat
+ \edef \magstep ##1%
+ {\noexpand \ifcase ##1
+ 1000\magstep
+ \noexpand \else 0%
+ \noexpand \message
+ {Sorry --- \string \magstep \space ##1
+ is not in range 0 .. \the \m@gsteplimit}%
+ \noexpand \fi
+ \noexpand \relax
+ }%
+ \let \or = \@r
+ }
+\catcode `\@ = 12
+\magsteps 63
+\newcount \loopcount
+\newdimen \thewidth
+\def \set #1 \in #2 \to %%% see example at end
+ {\def \thetext {#1}%
+ \def \thefont {#2 }%
+ \afterassignment \settowidth
+ \thewidth =
+ }
+\def \settowidth
+ {\loopcount = 0
+ \loop
+ \message {Trying \noexpand \magstep \the \loopcount...}%
+ \setbox 0 = \hbox
+ {\font \tempfont = \thefont scaled \magstep \loopcount
+ \tempfont \thetext
+ }%
+ \ifdim \wd 0 < \thewidth
+ \advance \loopcount by 1
+ \repeat
+ \advance \loopcount by -1
+ \message {The calculated font is \thefont \space
+ scaled \noexpand \magstep \the \loopcount}%
+ \hbox to \thewidth {\font \tempfont = \thefont scaled \magstep \loopcount
+ \hss \tempfont \thetext \hss}%
+ }
+\set Now is the time for \in cmr10 \to 50 cm
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/split.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/split.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11d5708376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/split.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+% Macro: \xsplit
+% By: Eric Skinner <ERS2F@UOTTAWA>
+% Function: Takes two pieces of text, and boxes them side by side.
+% Column widths and inter-column gap are set by user.
+% Parameters:
+% #1: Width of first column, including unit specification
+% #2: Width of space between columns, including units
+% #3: Width of second column, including units
+% ** Warning: Don't exceed page dimensions!
+% #4: First column text.
+% #5: Second column text.
+% Registers: \box1,\box2
+ \setbox1=\vbox{\hsize= #1 #4} % First column
+ \setbox2=\vbox{\hsize= #3 #5} % Second column
+ % If the boxes are output side by side at this point, they
+ % will be aligned at the bottom instead of the top.
+ \ifdim\ht2>\ht1 % Column two is longer than column one
+ % Fill bottom of column one with glue
+ \setbox1=\vbox to \ht2{\hsize= #1 #4 \vfill}
+ \else
+ \ifdim\ht1>\ht2 % Column one is longer than column two
+ % Fill bottom of column two with glue
+ \setbox2=\vbox to \ht1{\hsize= #3 #5 \vfill}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \hbox{\box1\hskip#2\box2}}}
+%%%------Cut some more------------------------------------------------
+% Macro: \split
+% By: Eric Skinner <ERS2F@UOTTAWA>
+% Function: Takes two pieces of text, and boxes them side by side.
+% Column widths are set by user. Inter-column gap is
+% automatically adjusted to make the first column flush
+% with the left margin, and the second flush with the right.
+% Parameters:
+% #1: Width of first column, including unit specification
+% #2: Width of second column, including units
+% ** Sum of #1 and #2 should not exceed current \hsize!
+% #3: First column text. Don't do anything REALLY weird.
+% #4: Second column text.
+% Registers: \dimen1
+ \dimen1=\hsize
+ \advance\dimen1 by -#1
+ \advance\dimen1 by -#2
+ \xsplit{#1}{\dimen1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/tabledoc.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/tabledoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ff9fe6deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/tabledoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+% file: tabledoc.tex
+% :: $Header: /usr2/myers/texsis/RCS/tabledoc.tex,v 1.1 90/05/24 13:39:32 myers Rel $
+% +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+% | |
+% | This file contains documentation for the macro set TABLES.TEX. |
+% | |
+% | To make a copy, say "TEX1 TABLEDOC". |
+% | |
+% | |
+% | Ray F. Cowan, 22-February-85. |
+% | |
+% | Princeton University |
+% | |
+% | |
+% | Major Revision History: |
+% | ----------------------- |
+% | |
+% | 22-Oct-85 RFC Temporary fixes for \& added. |
+% | |
+% | 27-Feb-86 RFC Removed call to PHYZZX macro package. |
+% | Fixes for \& no longer needed and were removed. |
+% | |
+% +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+% Note to myself: add info on \tablelet
+% put \tstrut in table
+% \vctr
+% \ifhmode test in centeredtables
+% \header
+% \spreadwidth
+% new def of \tstrut
+% put spaces around entries
+% last revision ( 2 places )
+% notes on use of spaces
+%%%\input TABLES.TEX
+\input ruled.tex % use E. Myers' ruled table macros instead
+% +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+% | |
+% | Definitions of font families and spacing parameters. |
+% | |
+% +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+\catcode`\@=11% Enable use of `@' in macro names.
+\font\fourteenrm=cmr10 scaled\magstep2
+\font\twelverm=cmr10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\twelvebf=cmbx10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\twelvei=cmmi10 scaled\magstep1 \skewchar\twelvei='177
+\font\twelvesy=cmsy10 scaled\magstep1 \skewchar\twelvesy='60
+\font\twelveex=cmex10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\twelvesl=cmsl10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\twelveit=cmti10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\twelvett=cmtt10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\twelvecp=cmcsc10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\ninerm=cmr9 \font\sixrm=cmr6
+\font\ninebf=cmbx9 \font\sixbf=cmbx6
+\font\ninei=cmmi9 \skewchar\ninei='177
+\font\ninesy=cmsy9 \skewchar\ninesy='60
+\font\sixi=cmmi6 \skewchar\sixi='177
+\font\sixsy=cmsy6 \skewchar\sixsy='60
+\newcount\f@ntkey \f@ntkey=0
+\def\samef@nt{\relax \ifcase\f@ntkey \rm \or\oldstyle \or\or
+ \or\it \or\sl \or\bf \or\tt \or\caps \fi }
+ \textfont0=\twelverm \scriptfont0=\ninerm
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\sixrm
+ \def\rm{\fam0 \twelverm \f@ntkey=0 }\relax
+ \textfont1=\twelvei \scriptfont1=\ninei
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\sixi
+ \def\oldstyle{\fam1 \twelvei\f@ntkey=1 }\relax
+ \textfont2=\twelvesy \scriptfont2=\ninesy
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\sixsy
+ \textfont3=\twelveex \scriptfont3=\twelveex
+ \scriptscriptfont3=\twelveex
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam \twelveit \f@ntkey=4 }\textfont\itfam=\twelveit
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam \twelvesl \f@ntkey=5 }\textfont\slfam=\twelvesl
+ \scriptfont\slfam=\ninesl
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam \twelvebf \f@ntkey=6 }\textfont\bffam=\twelvebf
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\ninebf \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\sixbf
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam \twelvett \f@ntkey=7 }\textfont\ttfam=\twelvett
+ \h@big=10.2\p@{}
+ \h@Big=13.8\p@{}
+ \h@bigg=17.4\p@{}
+ \h@Bigg=21.0\p@{}
+ \def\caps{\fam\cpfam \twelvecp \f@ntkey=8 }\textfont\cpfam=\twelvecp
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height 10pt depth 4pt width\z@}
+ \samef@nt}
+ \textfont0=\tenrm \scriptfont0=\sevenrm
+ \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
+ \def\rm{\fam0 \tenrm \f@ntkey=0 }\relax
+ \textfont1=\teni \scriptfont1=\seveni
+ \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
+ \def\oldstyle{\fam1 \teni \f@ntkey=1 }\relax
+ \textfont2=\tensy \scriptfont2=\sevensy
+ \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
+ \textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\tenex
+ \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
+ \def\it{\fam\itfam \tenit \f@ntkey=4 }\textfont\itfam=\tenit
+ \def\sl{\fam\slfam \tensl \f@ntkey=5 }\textfont\slfam=\tensl
+ \def\bf{\fam\bffam \tenbf \f@ntkey=6 }\textfont\bffam=\tenbf
+ \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf \scriptscriptfont\bffam=\fivebf
+ \def\tt{\fam\ttfam \tentt \f@ntkey=7 }\textfont\ttfam=\tentt
+ \def\caps{\fam\cpfam \tencp \f@ntkey=8 }\textfont\cpfam=\tencp
+ \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height 8.5pt depth 3.5pt width\z@}
+ \samef@nt}
+\newdimen\h@big \h@big=8.5\p@
+\newdimen\h@Big \h@Big=11.5\p@
+\newdimen\h@bigg \h@bigg=14.5\p@
+\newdimen\h@Bigg \h@Bigg=17.5\p@
+\def\big#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to\h@big{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+\def\Big#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to\h@Big{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+\def\bigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to\h@bigg{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+\def\Bigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to\h@Bigg{}\right.\n@space$}}}
+\normalbaselineskip = 20pt plus 0.2pt minus 0.1pt
+\normallineskip = 1.5pt plus 0.1pt minus 0.1pt
+\normallineskiplimit = 1.5pt
+\normaldisplayskip = 20pt plus 5pt minus 10pt
+\normaldispshortskip = 6pt plus 5pt
+\normalparskip = 6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt
+\skipregister = 5pt plus 2pt minus 1.5pt
+\newif\ifsingl@ \newif\ifdoubl@
+\newif\iftwelv@ \twelv@true
+ \iftwelv@ \ifsingl@\subspaces@t3:4;\else\subspaces@t1:1;\fi%
+ \else \ifsingl@\subspaces@t3:5;\else\subspaces@t4:5;\fi \fi%
+ \ifdoubl@ \multiply\baselineskip by 5%
+ \divide\baselineskip by 4 \fi \unskip}
+ \baselineskip = \normalbaselineskip
+ \multiply\baselineskip by #1 \divide\baselineskip by #2
+ \lineskip = \normallineskip
+ \multiply\lineskip by #1 \divide\lineskip by #2
+ \lineskiplimit = \normallineskiplimit
+ \multiply\lineskiplimit by #1 \divide\lineskiplimit by #2
+ \parskip = \normalparskip
+ \multiply\parskip by #1 \divide\parskip by #2
+ \abovedisplayskip = \normaldisplayskip
+ \multiply\abovedisplayskip by #1 \divide\abovedisplayskip by #2
+ \belowdisplayskip = \abovedisplayskip
+ \abovedisplayshortskip = \normaldispshortskip
+ \multiply\abovedisplayshortskip by #1
+ \divide\abovedisplayshortskip by #2
+ \belowdisplayshortskip = \abovedisplayshortskip
+ \advance\belowdisplayshortskip by \belowdisplayskip
+ \divide\belowdisplayshortskip by 2
+ \smallskipamount = \skipregister
+ \multiply\smallskipamount by #1 \divide\smallskipamount by #2
+ \medskipamount = \smallskipamount \multiply\medskipamount by 2
+ \bigskipamount = \smallskipamount \multiply\bigskipamount by 4 }
+\def\normalbaselines{ \baselineskip=\normalbaselineskip
+ \lineskip=\normallineskip \lineskiplimit=\normallineskip
+ \iftwelv@\else \multiply\baselineskip by 4 \divide\baselineskip by 5
+ \multiply\lineskiplimit by 4 \divide\lineskiplimit by 5
+ \multiply\lineskip by 4 \divide\lineskip by 5 \fi }
+\Twelvepoint % That's the default
+% Next, I define output routines, footnotes & related stuff.
+ \ifvoid\topins\else\unvbox\topins\vskip\skip\topins\fi
+ \dimen@ = \dp255 \unvbox255
+ \ifvoid\footins\else\vskip\skip\footins\footrule\unvbox\footins\fi
+ \ifr@ggedbottom \kern-\dimen@ \vfil \fi }
+\def\makeheadline{\vbox to 0pt{ \skip@=\topskip
+ \advance\skip@ by -12pt \advance\skip@ by -2\normalbaselineskip
+ \vskip\skip@ \line{\vbox to 12pt{}\the\headline} \vss
+ }\nointerlineskip}
+\def\makefootline{\baselineskip = 1.5\normalbaselineskip
+ \line{\the\footline}}
+% +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+% | |
+% | Footnote definitions. |
+% | |
+% +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ \vbox to 0pt{\vskip -0.25\baselineskip \hrule width 0.35\hsize \vss}
+ \prevdepth=\dimen@ }
+\def\vfootnote#1{\insert\footins\bgroup \the\foottokens
+ \interlinepenalty=\interfootnotelinepenalty \floatingpenalty=20000
+ \splittopskip=\ht\strutbox \boxmaxdepth=\dp\strutbox
+ \leftskip=\footindent \rightskip=\z@skip
+ \parindent=0.5\footindent \parfillskip=0pt plus 1fil
+ \spaceskip=\z@skip \xspaceskip=\z@skip
+ \Textindent{$ #1 $}\footstrut\futurelet\next\fo@t}
+\newcount\lastf@@t \lastf@@t=-1
+\newcount\footsymbolcount \footsymbolcount=0
+\def\footsymbolgen{\relax \ifPhysRev \iffrontpage \NPsymbolgen\else
+ \PRsymbolgen\fi \else \NPsymbolgen\fi
+ \global\lastf@@t=\pageno \footsymbol }
+\def\NPsymbolgen{\ifnum\footsymbolcount<0 \global\footsymbolcount=0\fi
+ {\iffrontpage \else \advance\lastf@@t by 1 \fi
+ \ifnum\lastf@@t<\pageno \global\footsymbolcount=0
+ \else \global\advance\footsymbolcount by 1 \fi }
+ \ifcase\footsymbolcount \fd@f\star\or \fd@f\dagger\or \fd@f\ast\or
+ \fd@f\ddagger\or \fd@f\natural\or \fd@f\diamond\or \fd@f\bullet\or
+ \fd@f\nabla\else \fd@f\dagger\global\footsymbolcount=0 \fi }
+\def\PRsymbolgen{\ifnum\footsymbolcount>0 \global\footsymbolcount=0\fi
+ \global\advance\footsymbolcount by -1
+ \xdef\footsymbol{\sharp\number-\footsymbolcount} }
+\def\space@ver#1{\let\@sf=\empty \ifmmode #1\else \ifhmode
+ \edef\@sf{\spacefactor=\the\spacefactor}\unskip${}#1$\relax\fi\fi}
+\def\attach#1{\space@ver{\strut:{\mkern 2mu #1} }\@sf\ }
+\def\alphabetic#1{\count255='140 \advance\count255 by #1\char\count255}
+\def\Alphabetic#1{\count255='100 \advance\count255 by #1\char\count255}
+\def\Roman#1{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral #1}}
+\def\roman#1{\romannumeral #1}
+\def\Number#1{\number #1}
+\def\GENITEM#1;#2{\par \hangafter=0 \hangindent=#1
+ \Textindent{$ #2 $}\ignorespaces}
+\outer\def\newitem#1=#2;{\gdef#1{\GENITEM #2;}}
+\newdimen\itemsize \itemsize=30pt
+\newitem\sitem=1.75\itemsize; \let\subitem=\sitem
+\newitem\ssitem=2.5\itemsize; \let\subsubitem\ssitem
+ \count255=\escapechar \escapechar=-1
+ \alloc@0\list\countdef\insc@unt\listcount \listcount=0
+ \edef#1{\par
+ \countdef\listcount=\the\allocationnumber
+ \advance\listcount by 1
+ \hangafter=0 \hangindent=#4
+ \Textindent{\the\toks0{\listcount}\the\toks1}}
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
+ \edef\c@t#1{begin}{\par
+ \countdef\listcount=\the\allocationnumber \listcount=1
+ \hangafter=0 \hangindent=#4
+ \Textindent{\the\toks0{\listcount}\the\toks1}}
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter
+ \edef\c@t#1{con}{\par \hangafter=0 \hangindent=#4 \noindent}
+ \escapechar=\count255}
+\let\spoint=\subpoint \let\sspoint=\subsubpoint
+\let\spointbegin=\subpointbegin \let\sspointbegin=\subsubpointbegin
+\let\spointcon=\subpointcon \let\sspointcon=\subsubpointcon
+\catcode`\@=12% Return `@' to normal use.
+% +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+% | |
+% | Verbatim listing macros. |
+% | |
+% +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ \def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 }%
+ \dospecials%
+ \tt%
+ \def\par{\leavevmode\endgraf}%
+ \catcode`\`=13%
+ \obeylines%
+ \uncatcodespecials%
+ \obeyspaces%
+{\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }% Let active space=control space.
+{\catcode`\`=13\gdef`{\relax\lq}}% Fix for Spanish punctuation in \tt.
+ \relax%
+ \ifverbatimmode %
+ \endgroup%
+ \verbatimmodefalse%
+ \begingroup%
+ \else%
+ \verbatimmodetrue%
+ \begingroup%
+ \setupverbatim%
+ \parindent=1in% Set the indentation of verbatim lines.
+ \parskip=0pt% Don't put so much space between the lines.
+ \begingroup\aftergroup\relax% This makes \relax the first token
+% scanned after the |; prevents
+% premature association of catcodes.
+ \fi%
+}% Return | to its normal use.
+{\catcode`\|=0 \catcode`\\=12 % | is temporary escape character
+ |obeylines|gdef|doverbatim^^M#1\endverbatimlisting{#1|endgroup}}
+% Macro for verbatim listing of a file.
+ \par%
+ \begingroup%
+ \parskip0pt%
+ \parindent0pt%
+ \setupverbatim%
+ \input#1 %
+ \endgroup%
+ \setbox0=\hbox to 1.5in{\hfil\it Table~#1.\quad}%
+ \par\hangindent1.5in\hangafter1%
+ \noindent\box0 #2%
+ P%
+ \kern-.30em\lower.70ex\hbox{s}%
+ \kern-.08em\lower.0 ex\hbox{i}%
+ \kern-.05em\lower.0 ex\hbox{z}%
+ \kern-.17em\lower.5 ex\hbox{z}%
+ \kern-.09em\lower.2 ex\hbox{l}%
+ }%
+\rlap{\tensl[From file {\tensltt TABLEDOC.TEX}]}%
+\hfil\it\number\count0\hfil\llap{\tensl[Last revision 27--Feb--86]}%
+\headline={\ifnum\count0=1 \hfil\else\vbox{\baselineskip0pt
+ \line{\tenit Page~\number\count0\hfil Making Tables with Macros}
+ \line{\leaders\hrule\hfill}}\fi}
+{\thicksize=0.8pt\def\tstrut{\vrule width0pt height18pt depth7pt}
+\quad\fourteenrm Making Tables with Macros\quad\endtable}
+\vskip 0.4in
+\centerline{Ray F.~Cowan}
+\vskip 0.1in
+\centerline{22 February 1985}
+\vskip 0.3in
+Tables have traditionally been difficult to make using \TeX---especially
+ruled tables. The file |TABLES.TEX| contains macros designed
+to prepare both ruled and unruled tables with considerably less effort.
+Note that |TABLES.TEX| can be
+used with any macro set;
+it does not depend upon prior loading of |PHYZZX|
+or \Psizzl, for example.
+One of the main advantages of this macro set is
+that you no longer need to
+design a
+preamble for the table; the macros will scan your table entries and
+construct a suitable preamble for you.
+To access the macros, say \hbox{`|\input TABLES|'} in your \TeX\
+file, somewhere before the first time you use them.
+The macros available are listed in Table~1 and Table~2.
+\sl Macro name\hfill | \sl Description \hfill \crthick
+ \tt\\begintable\hfill | \para{Indicates the start of a new table.} \cr
+ \tt\\endtable\hfill | \para{Ends the current table. Must be used
+ in place of the last {\tt\\cr}.}\cr
+ \tt\\cr \hfill | \para{Ends the current row, and starts the next
+ one. The completed row will be
+ separated from the next with a thin
+ horizontal rule.} \cr
+ \tt\\crthick\hfill | \para{Similar to {\tt\\cr}, but the rows will be
+ separated with a thick horizontal rule.}\cr
+\tt\\crnorule \rm or \tt \\nr \hfill | \para{Similar
+to {\tt\\cr}, but the rows will not
+ be separated by any rule.}\cr
+ \vtop{\noindent\hsize=1.4in\tt\vbar\qquad \rm (vertical bar)\hfil\break
+ or \tt\\vb} \hfill
+ | \para{Separates one column from the next, and
+ puts a vertical rule between them.} \cr
+ \tt\&\ \rm or\tt\ \\novb \hfill
+ | \para{Same as {\tt\vbar}, but does not put in the
+ vertical rule between the columns.}\cr
+ \tt \\\vbar \hfill | \para{Same as {\tt\vbar}, but puts in a
+ thick vertical rule.}
+\Table{1}{Description of simple table macros.}
+The general idea is that you start your table with the command
+|\begintable|, type your entries in one row at a time, then finish
+with the command |\endtable|.
+To specify a row, enter the individual entries into your \TeX\ file,
+separating each column entry with a {\tt \vbar}, an {\tt \&}, or
+a {\tt \\\vbar}. A {\tt \vbar} will separate the adjoining columns
+with a thin vertical rule, an {\tt \&} will leave out the vertical rule,
+a {\tt \\\vbar} will separate the columns with a thick vertical rule.
+To end one row and start another, use either a |\cr|, a |\crnorule|, or
+a |\crthick|. A |\cr| separates the rows with a thin
+horizontal rule; a |\crnorule| leaves out the horizontal
+rule, while |\crthick| inserts a thick horizontal rule.
+Then end the last row with an |\endtable|.
+Each row of the table must contain exactly the same number of columns,
+otherwise unpredictable things will happen. Again, the {\it last row}
+ must {\it not} end
+with |\cr|$\ldots\,$, but
+{\it must} end with an |\endtable|. If you put a |\cr|
+and an |\endtable| both on the last row, you won't like what happens.
+\sl Macro name\hfill | \sl Description \hfill \crthick
+ \tt\\thicksize={\it dimen} \hfill | \para{This
+ dimension specifies the thickness
+ of the thick rules in the table. The default size
+ is 1.5 points.} \cr
+ \tt\\thinsize={\it dimen} \hfill | \para{This dimension specifies the
+ thickness of thin rules in the table. The default
+ size is 0.8 points.} \cr
+ \tt\\tablewidth={\it dimen} \hfill | \para{Specifies how wide to make
+ the next table. If not specified, the table is made to
+ its natural width. This value is reset following
+ the construction of each table.} \cr
+ \tt\\multispan\{$n$\}\hfill | \para{Makes
+ the next entry span the next $n$
+ columns, where $n$ is an integer, $n>0$.
+ See other notes on {\tt\\multispan} below.}\cr
+ \tt\\omit \hfill | \para{This \TeX\ primitive causes the normal
+ template for its entry to be omitted, allowing the
+ user to do something else with this entry.} \cr
+ \tt\\para\{{\it text}\}\ \hfill | \para{Formats {\it text} into
+ a neat little paragraph like this one. The width of
+ the paragraph produced is determined by the dimension
+ {\tt \\parasize}. The default is 4 inches. } \cr
+ \tt\\parasize={\it dimen} \hfill | \para{Sets the width of paragraphs
+ produced with the {\tt\\para} macro. } \cr
+ \tt\\ctr\{\#\} \hfill | \para{Used in the standard template, this
+ macro centers its argument in the column. The
+ user can redefine it for special effects.
+ The default definition is
+ \par \tt \\def\\ctr\#1\{\\hfil\\\ \#1\\\ \\hfil\} } \cr
+ \tt\\vctr\{\#\}\hfill | \para{Centers an entry vertically. The
+ vertical center of the entry is placed on
+ the baseline of the row containing it. The
+ intended use is to center an entry between
+ two rows.} \cr
+ \tt\\centeredtables\hfill | \para{Turns table centering on. Each table
+ will be centered
+ left-to-right on the page. This is the
+ default.} \cr
+ \tt\\noncenteredtables\hfill | \para{Turns table centering off. Each
+ table is returned as an {\tt\\hbox}, and it
+ is up to the user to place it as desired.}
+\smallskip\rightline{\it continued$\ldots$}
+\topinsert\leftline{\it continued$\ldots$}\smallskip
+\sl Macro name\hfill | \sl Description \hfill \crthick
+\tt\\tableinfotrue\hfill | \para{Turns on the diagnostic message telling
+ you how many rows and colums were found in the
+ table. This is the default.} \cr
+\tt\\tableinfofalse\hfill\ | \para{Turns off the diagnostic messages
+ concerning rows and columns.}
+\Table{2}{Description of extended table macros.}
+entry will be centered in its column (unless you use |\omit|, a \TeX\
+primitive, or |\multispan|. See notes below).
+The table will be centered in an |\hbox| of width the |\hsize|, unless
+you have turned table centering off (see the commands |\centeredtables|
+and |\noncenteredtables|).
+Each time a new table is encountered, a message similar to
+`|[Nrows=|$xx$|, Ncols=|$yy$|]|' is
+printed on your terminal, where $xx$ is the number of rows
+and $yy$ the number of columns discovered in your table. If you think
+they are incorrect, you may have left out some {\tt\|}'s or
+{\tt\&}'s or {\tt\\cr}'s.
+This diagnostic feature can be disabled by saying |\tableinfofalse|
+(and restarted by saying |\tableinfotrue|).
+\leftline{\it An example}
+ A simple 3-row, 2-column table with a header spanning two
+ columns could be specified as (see notes 3 and 4
+ below on
+ the use of |\multispan|\foot{Note to experienced \TeX\ %
+ users: these macros locally (within the {\tt \\begintable}$\,\ldots%
+\,${\tt \\endtable} grouping) redefine {\tt \\multispan} to take as its %
+argument %
+the number of user entries $n$ to be spanned, and not the total number %
+of columns including rules, which would be $2n-1$.}):
+ \begintable
+ \multispan{2}\tstrut\hfil The Top Line\hfil\crthick
+ Entry 1 | Entry 2 \cr
+ Entry 3 | Entry 4 \endtable
+These commands produce Table~3.
+ \begintable
+ \multispan{2}\tstrut\hfil The Top Line\hfil\crthick
+ Entry 1 | Entry 2 \cr
+ Entry 3 | Entry 4 \endtable
+\Table{3}{A sample table.}
+\leftline{\it An example of non-centered tables}
+Two or more tables can be placed side-by-side by using the
+|\noncenteredtables| command. Consider the two tables here:
+Item ABC | Item DEF \cr
+Item GHI | Item JKL \endtable
+Data 111 | Data 222 \cr
+Data 333 | Data 444 \cr
+Data 555 | Data 666 \endtable
+} % This `}' ends the \line we started above.
+\Table{4}{Two non-centered tables aligned side-by-side.}
+These were produced by saying:
+ \noncenteredtables
+ \line{
+ \begintable
+ Item ABC | Item DEF \cr
+ Item GHI | Item JKL \endtable
+ \hfil
+ \begintable
+ Data 111 | Data 222 \cr
+ Data 333 | Data 444 \cr
+ Data 555 | Data 666 \endtable
+ } % This `}' ends the \line we started above.
+Notice that tables of unequal height are aligned at the bottom.
+\leftline{$\underline{\hbox{\bf Usage notes:}}$}
+ Vertical spacing is done with a strut, called |\tstrut|, which is
+ initially defined as 3.1ex high and 1.2ex deep.
+ If you don't like the way it looks, you can redefine |\tstrut| to
+ your own
+ liking:|
+\def\tstrut{\vrule height |$hh$| depth |$dd$| width 0pt}
+|\pointcon where you
+ specify your desired height $hh$ and depth $dd$.
+\point You can control the thickness of the thin and thick rules
+ through the use of |\thicksize| and |\thinsize|. You can even
+ turn off the rules entirely by saying |
+|\pointcon for example.
+ \point If you use a |\multispan|
+ or an |\omit| in the first column of a row, you will
+ lose the effect of the |\tstrut| within that row and
+ must specify it yourself. See
+ the example above.
+ \point Use of |\multispan| and |\omit| will
+ cause the default centering of
+ the entry to be lost; if you want it centered, put an |\hfil| on
+ each side of the entry, as in the example above.
+ \point To override the default centering action, include an |\hfill| on
+ the left or right as desired; the |\hfill| will
+ override the default
+ |\hfil|.
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/tables.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/tables.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7fea87806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/tables.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+% Copyright Michael J. Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications (1985,1986)
+% All rights reserved.
+%======= Additional active Characters ===========
+% ======== THESE ARE USED IN THE TABLE MACROS =========
+\message{<< Additional Active Characters >>}
+\catcode`\|= \active
+\def|{\ifmmode \vert\else \char`\|\fi} % effectively undoes activeness
+\catcode`\"=\active \def"{\char`\"}
+% update \dospecials
+\toks@{\do \"}%
+\toks@@ =\expandafter{\dospecials}\xdef\dospecials{\the\toks@@\the\toks@}
+\toks@{\do \|}%
+\toks@@ =\expandafter{\dospecials}\xdef\dospecials{\the\toks@@\the\toks@}
+%=== these are redefined inside the table macros =====
+%============= Table making macros ============
+% the basic format is
+% \begintable
+% <special definitions for this table>
+% \begintableformat
+% format as in halign except it needs ## instead of #
+% in tableformat, " means strut column
+% spacing controlled by \left, \center, \right
+% can use \math or \displaymath in conjuction with spacing
+% \endtableformat
+% \br{<struts>} .... | .... | .... " ..... | .... \er{<stuff>} (rows)
+% \- (horizontal rules)
+% ....etc
+% \endtable
+% each row has format
+% \br{<..>} <item> | <item} " .... | <item> \er{<..>}
+% \br, \er mean beginning of row, end of row
+% in table | means rule, " means no rule in strut column
+% \: is standard strut, | is standard vrule
+% \tablespread {to <dimen>} width of table
+% \tr=width of rules (default .4pt)
+% \midtabglue sets glue in table (default 0pt plus 1fill)
+% also can set explicit hrules and vrules
+% tokens (e.g. \tablespread, \tr, \midtabglue, etc.) can be set in \everytable
+% these macros require that | and " be active during the entire
+% document to work correctly. ... although some definitions specifically
+% set them active
+\newcount\a@lignstate \a@lignstate=0 %0 -- between lines after \cr
+ %1 -- beginning of line in \bl
+ %2 -- midline
+ %3 -- endline in \el
+\def\hssf{\hskip 0pt plus 1fill minus 1fill}
+\def\n@ewaligndefs{\def\center##1{\hssf ##1\hssf\null}
+ \def\left##1{##1\hssf\null}
+ \def\right##1{\hssf ##1\null}}
+\trulesize = .4pt
+\def\zerocenteredbox#1{\ifmmode \ifinner \setbox2 =\hbox{$#1$}\else
+ \setbox2 =\hbox{$\displaystyle#1$}\fi
+ \else \setbox2 =\hbox{#1}\fi
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\vcenter{\box2}$}}\ht0=0pt\dp0 =0pt\box0}
+%this macro creates a strut with the that is higher by #2 and deeper than #3
+% than the natural size of #1 ... the sizes may be negative
+ \advance \dimen0 by #2 \dimen2 = \dp4
+ \advance \dimen2 by #3
+ \vrule width 0pt height \dimen0 depth \dimen2}
+%general math form
+\def\math#1{\relax $\relax#1\relax$}
+\def\displaymath #1{\relax$\displaystyle #1\relax$}
+\newskip\midtabglue \midtabglue = 0pt plus 1fill
+\newtoks\everytable \everytable = {\relax}
+{\catcode`\|=\active \catcode`\" = \active
+ \gdef\begintable{\vbox\bgroup \tcs=.5em % uses font in force when entering
+ \catcode`\|=\active
+ \catcode`\"=\active
+ \def\:{\relax \vrule height 2.5ex depth .9ex width 0pt}
+ \def\-{\ifcase\a@lignstate \fulltablerule{\tr}
+ \else
+ \thrule{\tr}\fi}
+ \let\t@xx =\relax % for premature expansions
+ \everycr={\noalign{\global\a@lignstate=0}}
+ \def\fulltablerule##1{\noalign{\hrule height
+ ##1}}
+ \def\thrule##1{\omit\leaders\hrule height ##1\hfill}
+ \def\center{\hskip\tcs\hss ########\hss\hskip\tcs}
+ \def\left{\hskip\tcs ########\hss\hskip\tcs}
+ \def\right{\hskip\tcs\hss ########\hskip\tcs}
+ \def\sprule{\tvrule{2.5\tr}}
+ \def|{\ifcase\a@lignstate \def\t@xx{\tvrule{\tr}}\or
+ \def\t@xx{\tvrule{\tr}}\or
+ \def\t@xx{\unskip&\tvrule{\tr}&}\else
+ \def\t@xx{\tvrule{\tr}}\fi\t@xx}
+ \def\|{\ifcase\a@lignstate \def\t@xx{\sprule}\or
+ \def\t@xx{\sprule}\or
+ \def\t@xx{\unskip&\sprule&}\else
+ \def\t@xx{\sprule}\fi\t@xx}
+ \def"{&########&} % for table format
+ \def\br##1{\global\a@lignstate=1 ##1\unskip\global\a@lignstate=2&}
+ \def\er##1{\global\a@lignstate=3\unskip&##1\unskip
+ \global\a@lignstate=0\cr}
+ \def\tvrule##1{\hss\vrule width ##1\hss}
+ \def~{\penalty\@M \hphantom{0}}
+% % changes ~ to be phantom of width .5em
+ \tablespread = {}
+ \the\everytable
+ }
+ \gdef\begintableformat #1\endtableformat{\offinterlineskip \tabskip = 0pt
+ \edef\t@blform{####\tabskip =\midtabglue &#1&####\tabskip=0pt\cr}
+% % adds rules front and back
+ \n@ewaligndefs
+ \def"{\ifcase\a@lignstate \def\t@xx{\relax}\or
+ \def\t@xx{\relax}\or
+ \def\t@xx{\unskip&&}\else
+ \def\t@xx{\relax}\fi\t@xx}
+ \edef\h@align{\halign \the\tablespread}
+ \h@align\bgroup\span\t@blform}
+ }% " and | are always active in INRSTEX
+\def\use#1{\omit\mscount=#1 \advance\mscount by -1\multiply\mscount by2
+ \loop\ifnum\mscount>1 \sp@n\repeat
+ \ifnum\mscount>0 \span \else \relax \fi}
+\let\om = \omit
+\def\sa#1{\setbox0=\hbox{#1}\hbox to \wd0{}}
+{\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }
+{\catcode`\!=0 \catcode`\\=12
+\input table
+\centerline{\bf Table}
+The following illustrate the procedure for using the {\it INRStable\/}
+macros. See {\it The TUGboat}, vol.~7, no.~2, June, 1986, pp.~106--109.
+The characters {\tt "} and {\tt |} are active throughout the document,
+but this does not affect their use, except that following spaces are
+ignored. From the macro:
+%============= Table making macros ============
+% the basic format is
+% \begintable
+% <special definitions for this table>
+% \begintableformat
+% format as in halign except it needs ## instead of #
+% in tableformat, " means strut column
+% spacing controlled by \left, \center, \right
+% can use \math or \displaymath in conjuction with spacing
+% \endtableformat
+% \br{<struts>} .... | .... | .... " ..... | .... \er{<stuff>} (rows)
+% \- (horizontal rules)
+% ....etc
+% \endtable
+% each row has format
+% \br{<..>} <item> | <item} " .... | <item> \er{<..>}
+% \br, \er mean beginning of row, end of row
+% in table | means rule, " means no rule in strut column
+% \: is standard strut, | is standard vrule
+% \tablespread {to <dimen>} width of table
+% \tr=width of rules (default .4pt)
+% \midtabglue sets glue in table (default 0pt plus 1fill)
+% also can set explicit hrules and vrules
+% tokens (e.g. \tablespread, \tr, \midtabglue, etc.) can be set in \everytable
+\centerline{ % see The TeXbook, p. 247
+\center " \center " \center % 3 centered columns, separated by struts
+\br{} \sa{Dividend} "\sa{Dividend} "\sa{Dividend} \er{} %optional sample row
+ %\sa means sample column (for width)
+\- % horizontal rule
+\br{\:|} \use{3} AT\&T Common Stock \er{|} %\use{3} means use 3 columns
+\br{\:|} Year | Price | Dividend \er{|}
+\br{\:|} 1971 | 41--54 | \$2.60 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~2 | 41--54 | ~2.70 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~3 | 46--55 | ~2.87 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~4 | 40--53 | ~3.24 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~5 | 45--52 | ~3.40 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~6 | 41--54 | ~~.95\rlap* \er{|}
+\br{\:}\use{3} \left{* (first quarter only)}
+\endtable }
+\input table
+\centerline{ % see The TeXbook, p. 247
+\center " \center " \center % 3 centered columns, separated by struts
+\br{} \sa{Dividend} "\sa{Dividend} "\sa{Dividend} \er{} %optional sample row
+ %\sa means sample column (for width)
+\- % horizontal rule
+\br{\:|} \use{3} AT\&T Common Stock \er{|} %\use{3} means use 3 columns
+\br{\:|} Year | Price | Dividend \er{|}
+\br{\:|} 1971 | 41--54 | \$2.60 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~2 | 41--54 | ~2.70 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~3 | 46--55 | ~2.87 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~4 | 40--53 | ~3.24 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~5 | 45--52 | ~3.40 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} ~~~6 | 41--54 | ~~.95\rlap* \er{|}
+\br{\:}\use{3} \left{* (first quarter only)}
+\endtable }
+\def\sprule{\tvrule{5\tr}} % special rule defines \|
+ % \tr = .4pt
+\begintableformat&\center\endtableformat % repeating columns
+\br{\:|} \use{6} XYZABC \er{|\mst{\:}{3pt}{3pt}\rlap{\it ** i}}
+ % \mst{<token>}{<dimen1>}{<dimen2>} means modified strut derived from token
+ % with dimen1 extra height and dimen2 extra depth
+\br{\:|} \use{3} XYZ | \use{3} ABC \er{|\mst{\:}{2pt}{2pt}}
+\fulltablerule{5\tr} %explicit horizontal rule
+ %can also use \use\tvrule{<dimen>} for partial rules
+\br{\:|} X | Y | Z \| A | B | C \er{|}
+\br{\:|} 372.466 | 493.7 " 45 \| 124 | 489 | 280 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} 372.40~ | 493.7 | 45 \| 124 | 489 | 280 \er{|}
+\br{|} " " \| \use{3}\- \er{|}
+\br{\:|} 372.~~~ | 493.7 | 45 \| 124 | 489 | 280 \er{|\rlap{ \it ** ii}}
+\br{\:|} \use{2} | 832 \| abc | 774 |$\int$\er{|\mst{$\int$}{0pt}
+\br{|} \use{2}\zb{XY/A} |\use{4}\- \er{|}
+ % \zb{<item>} means zero centered box (with no height or depth)
+\br{\:|} \use{2} |qrr \| aaa | 799 | \er{|\rlap{ \it ** iii}}
+\def\sprule{\tvrule{5\tr}} % special rule defines \|
+ % \tr = .4pt
+\begintableformat&\center\endtableformat % repeating columns
+\br{\:|} \use{6} XYZABC \er{|\mst{\:}{3pt}{3pt}\rlap{\it ** i}}
+ % \mst{<token>}{<dimen1>}{<dimen2>} means modified strut derived from token
+ % with dimen1 extra height and dimen2 extra depth
+\br{\:|} \use{3} XYZ | \use{3} ABC \er{|\mst{\:}{2pt}{2pt}}
+\fulltablerule{5\tr} %explicit horizontal rule
+ %can also use \use\tvrule{<dimen>} for partial rules
+\br{\:|} X | Y | Z \| A | B | C \er{|}
+\br{\:|} 372.466 | 493.7 " 45 \| 124 | 489 | 280 \er{|}
+\br{\:|} 372.40~ | 493.7 | 45 \| 124 | 489 | 280 \er{|}
+\br{|} " " \| \use{3}\- \er{|}
+\br{\:|} 372.~~~ | 493.7 | 45 \| 124 | 489 | 280 \er{|\rlap{ \it ** ii}}
+\br{\:|} \use{2} | 832 \| abc | 774 |$\int$\er{|\mst{$\int$}{0pt}
+\br{|} \use{2}\zb{XY/A} |\use{4}\- \er{|}
+ % \zb{<item>} means zero centered box (with no height or depth)
+\br{\:|} \use{2} |qrr \| aaa | 799 | \er{|\rlap{ \it ** iii}}
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index 0000000000..4b0c230819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/tb0tree.tex
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+% tb11eppstein.tex
+\Title Trees in \TeX
+\\David Eppstein
+% This paper was published in TUGboat 6#1, March 1985.
+% David Eppstein's address (as of 15 June 1988) is
+% Computer Science Department
+% Columbia University
+% New York, NY 10027
+% First the tree macro definitions.
+\input trees
+% Now the paper itself
+{\obeyspaces\gdef {\ifvmode\indent\fi\space}}
+{\catcode `|=0 \catcode`\\=12 |gdef|vbarg#1\endvb{#1|endgroup|medskip}}
+\def\vb{\medskip \begingroup \verb \obeylines \obeyspaces \tt \vbarg}
+\def\verb{\let\do\makeother \dospecials}
+% \centerline{\bf Trees in \TeX}
+% \centerline{David Eppstein; February 6, 1985}
+\beginsection Introduction
+There are many possible uses for trees in typeset text. The following
+taxonomy illustrates some of them.
+ Tree
+ Uses
+ \subtree
+ Computer
+ Science
+ \subtree
+ Data
+ Structures
+ \leaf{Search Tree}
+ \leaf{Priority Queue}
+ \endsubtree
+ \subtree
+ Parsing
+ \leaf{Parse Tree}
+ \leaf{Symbol Table}
+ \endsubtree
+ \subtree
+ Structured
+ Programming
+ \endsubtree
+ \endsubtree
+ \subtree
+ Genealogy
+ \leaf{Ancestors}
+ \leaf{Descendants}
+ \endsubtree
+ \subtree
+ Taxonomies
+ \leaf{Tree Uses}
+ \endsubtree
+Unfortunately \TeX\ provides no easy way to typeset such trees.
+One possible method is given in exercise 22.14 of the \TeX book: using
+\TeX's alignment primitives by hand. This method becomes very clumsy as the
+trees grow, however. A more general technique is to write a set of tree
+construction macros; that is the approach taken in this paper. The
+taxonomy above was typeset with the following input:
+ Tree
+ Uses
+ \subtree
+ Computer
+ Science
+ \subtree
+ Data
+ Structures
+ \leaf{Search Tree}
+ \leaf{Priority Queue}
+ \endsubtree
+ ...
+ \endsubtree
+ ...
+It turns out that \TeX's alignment primitives are not very well suited to
+automatic generation of trees. The left edges of the trees at each
+level can easily be made to line up, but it is difficult to center
+lines of text for the root of a tree in vertical relation to its subtrees.
+Instead, the macros described here construct trees from boxes and
+glue, doing the alignment themselves. This is not quite as simple as
+it sounds---it would be incorrect to set subtrees independently of
+each other, because then the edges would not line up. For instance,
+in the taxonomy above, the text ``Search Tree'' should line up
+with ``Parse Tree''. A one-pass algorithm would set the former
+somewhat to the right of the latter.
+To solve this problem, the macros described here set a tree using
+three passes. First, a data structure is built up from the tree
+definition. Second, that data structure is used to calculate the
+width of each level of the tree, so that the subtrees can be aligned with each
+other. Finally, the data structure and the calculated list of widths
+are used to set the system of boxes, glue, and rules that make up the tree.
+\beginsection Pass 1: Internal storage of the tree structure
+There are several possible ways to store the structure defined by the
+tree macros. Since we want to remember already-set text (the words at
+the roots of each tree of subtree) we will use a nested structure of boxes.
+Each subtree is stored in an *\hbox*, so that pieces of it can be pulled
+off easily using *\lastbox* and *\unskip*. To distinguish it from
+another subtree, the text at the root of a subtree is stored in a *\vbox*.
+To make this clearer, let us return to our original taxonomy.
+We shall ignore for the moment
+the details inside the text *\vbox*es, and the glue between boxes.
+After the first pass, the tree as a whole would look like the
+following set of boxes:
+\hbox{\vbox{Tree Uses}
+ \hbox{\vbox{Computer Science}
+ \hbox{\vbox{Data Structures}
+ \hbox{\vbox{Search Tree}}
+ \hbox{\vbox{Priority Queue}}}
+ ...}
+ ...}
+Now we can begin defining the tree macros. We start defining a tree
+with the *\tree* macro; this merely sets up the assignment of the
+boxed tree structure into a box called *\treebox*. Starting a subtree
+is similar, but there is no assignment; also, if it is the first
+*\subtree* of its tree or subtree, we must stop making the *\vbox*
+containing the root text. A leaf is merely a subtree without any
+\def\subtree{\ettext \boxtree}
+Finishing a subtree merely involves first making sure the root text is
+complete, and second
+completing the box that was started in the expansion of *\subtree*.
+Finishing a whole tree involves both of those steps, but then after the
+box is completed the remaining two passes must be run.
+\def\endsubtree{\ettext \egroup}
+\def\endtree{\endsubtree \settreesizes \typesettree}
+Now all that remains to be defined of the first pass is the construction
+of the *\vbox* containing the root text. The difficulty here is
+convincing \TeX\ to make the *\vbox* only as wide as the widest line
+of text, rather than the width of the entire page. One solution is to
+put the text in an *\halign*, with *\crcr* implicit at the end of each line.
+The *\iftreetext* test is used to tell whether we are still inside the
+*\halign* and *\vbox*, so that *\ettext* can tell whether it should do
+anything. It is globally false, but within the *\vbox* it gets set to true.
+\newif\iftreetext\treetextfalse % Whether still aligning text
+\def\boxtree{\hbox\bgroup % Start outer box of tree or subtree
+ \baselineskip 2.5ex % Narrow line spacing slightly
+ \tabskip 0pt % No spurious glue in alignment
+ \vbox\bgroup % Start inner text \vbox
+ \treetexttrue % Remember for \ettext
+ \let\par\crcr \obeylines % New line breaks without explicit \cr
+ \halign\bgroup##\hfil\cr} % Start alignment with simple template
+\def\ettext{\iftreetext % Are we still in inner text \vbox?
+ \crcr\egroup \egroup \fi} % Yes, end alignment and box
+\beginsection Pass 2: Calculation of widths at each level
+Here we calculate a list of the dimensions of each level of the tree;
+that is, the widths of the widest *\vbox* at each level.
+To do this, we need to be able to maintain lists of things. Since these
+are dimensions rather than boxes of text it will be most convenient to
+use macros like the ones given on page 378 of the \TeX book. However,
+it turns out that we need to set our lists both locally to some
+grouping and also globally. Therefore, we will use a stripped down
+version of those list macros that can handle the *\global* flag.
+To implement this feature, we have to lose some others; the chief losses
+are that the contents of the lists will be macro-expanded by various of
+the list manipulation macros, and that we can't use redefinitions of *\\*
+to perform some operation on the whole list.
+To initialize a control sequence to the empty list, we do *\let\csname\nil*.
+Then to add an element to the start of the list we do *\cons{tokens}\csname*,
+and to remove that element we do *\cdr\csname*. Both *\cons* and *\cdr*
+can be prefixed with *\global*. The first element on the list can be
+expanded into the token stream by doing *\car\csname*. There is no
+error checking, so giving *\car* or *\cdr* the empty list will cause
+mysterious errors later on. Because of the macro expansion performed
+by *\cons* and *\cdr*, the token used to separate list elements
+expands to itself, and unlike the \TeX book macros cannot be redefined
+to do anything useful.
+\def\cons#1#2{\edef#2{\xmark #1#2}} % Add something to start of list.
+\def\car#1{\expandafter\docar#1\docar} % Take first element of list
+\def\docar\xmark#1\xmark#2\docar{#1} % ignoring rest in expansion.
+\def\cdr#1{\expandafter\docdr#1\docdr#1}% Similarly, drop first element.
+\def\docdr\xmark#1\xmark#2\docdr#3{\def#3{\xmark #2}}
+\def\xmark{\noexpand\xmark} % List separator expands to self.
+\def\nil{\xmark} % Empty list is just a separator.
+We calculate the level widths by calling *\setsizes* on the tree; it
+will in turn call itself recursively for each of its subtrees. The
+tree being sized will be in *\box0*, which is used as scratch in this
+macro, and the list of widths already found for this level and below
+will be in *\treesizes* (initially *\nil*). When the macro exits,
+*\treesizes* will be updated with the widths found in the various
+levels of the given tree or subtree. A new *\dimen*, *\treewidth*, is
+used within the macro to remember the previous maximum width at the
+level of the tree's root.
+\def\settreesizes{\setbox0=\copy\treebox \global\let\treesizes\nil \setsizes}
+\newdimen\treewidth % Width of this part of the tree.
+\def\setsizes{\setbox0=\hbox\bgroup % Get a horiz list as a workspace.
+ \unhbox0\unskip % Take tree, unpack it into horiz list.
+ \inittreewidth % Get old width at this level.
+ \sizesubtrees % Recurse through all subtrees.
+ \sizelevel % Now set width from remaining \vbox.
+ \egroup} % All done, finish our \hbox.
+The first thing *\setsizes* does is to find out what the previous
+maximum at this level was, and store it in *\treewidth*. If
+*\treesizes* is *\nil*, we haven't seen anything this deep in the tree
+before, so the previous size is zero. Otherwise, it is *\car\treesizes*,
+and we also do *\cdr\treesizes* to prepare for later recursive calls
+to *\setsizes*.
+\def\inittreewidth{\ifx\treesizes\nil % If this is the first at this level
+ \treewidth=0pt % ..then we have no previous max width.
+ \else \treewidth=\car\treesizes % Otherwise take old max level width
+ \global\cdr\treesizes % ..and advance level width storage
+ \fi} % preparation for next level.
+At this point, we have a horizontal list (the *\hbox* in *\setsizes*)
+containing the *\vbox* for the text at the root of this subtree,
+followed by the *\hbox*es for all of its sub-subtrees. We loop pulling boxes
+from the end of the list with *\lastbox* until we find the text *\vbox*,
+calling *\setsizes* recursively for each *\hbox* we come across.
+\def\sizesubtrees{\loop % For each box in horiz list (subtree)
+ \setbox0=\lastbox \unskip % ..pull it off list and flush glue.
+ \ifhbox0 \setsizes % If hbox, it's a subtree - recurse
+ \repeat} % ..and loop; end loop on tree text.
+Now all that remains to do in this call to *\setsizes* is to update
+*\treewidth* if the text box, which can be found in *\box0*, is wider
+than the previous maximum. Then we add the (possibly updated) value
+of *\treewidth* as a text string back onto the head of *\treesizes*.
+\def\sizelevel{\ifdim\treewidth<\wd0 % If greater than previous maximum
+ \treewidth=\wd0 \fi % Then set max to new high
+ \global\cons{\the\treewidth}\treesizes}% In either case, put back on list
+\beginsection Pass 3: Typesetting the tree
+We are now ready to begin actual construction of the tree. This is
+done by calling *\maketree*, which like *\setsizes* calls itself
+recursively for all subtrees. It adds an *\hbox* containing the given
+subtree (which it finds in *\treebox*) to the current horizontal list;
+thus the outer call to *\maketree* sends the whole tree into \TeX's
+output stream.
+\newdimen\treeheight % Height of this part of the tree.
+\newif\ifleaf % Tree has no subtrees (is a leaf).
+\newif\ifbotsub % Bottom subtree of parent.
+\newif\iftopsub % Top subtree of parent.
+\def\typesettree{\medskip \maketree \medskip} % Make whole tree with spacing.
+\def\maketree{\hbox{\treewidth=\car\treesizes % Get width at this level.
+ \cdr\treesizes % Set up width list for recursion.
+ \makesubtreebox\unskip % Set \treebox to text, make subtrees.
+ \ifleaf \makeleaf % No subtrees, add glue.
+ \else \makeparent \fi}} % Have subtrees, stick them at right.
+After *\maketree* sets *\treewidth* from *\treesizes*, it calls
+*\makesubtreebox*. This opens up the horizontal list describing this
+level of the tree, and checks whether it has subtrees. If not,
+*\ifleaf* is set to true; otherwise it is set to false, and *\box0*
+is set to contain a *\vbox* of them with their connecting rules,
+except for the horizontal rule leading from the tree text to the
+subtrees. In any case *\treebox* is set to the *\vbox* containing the
+tree text.
+{\catcode`@=11 % Be able to use \voidb@x.
+\gdef\makesubtreebox{\unhbox\treebox % Open up tree or subtree.
+ \unskip\global\setbox\treebox\lastbox % Pick up very last box.
+ \ifvbox\treebox % If we're already at the \vbox
+ \global\leaftrue \let\next\relax % ..then this is a leaf.
+ \else \botsubtrue % Otherwise, we have subtrees.
+ \setbox0\box\voidb@x % Init stack of processed subs
+ \botsubtrue \let\next\makesubtree % ..and call \maketree on them.
+ \fi \next}} % Finish up for whichever it was.
+If this tree or subtree itself has subtrees, we need to put them and
+their connections in *\box0* for *\makesubtreebox*. We come here with
+the bottom subtree in *\treebox*, the remaining list of subtrees in
+the current horizontal list, and the already processed subtrees
+stacked in *\box0*. The *\ifbotsub* test will be true for the first
+call, that is, the bottom subtree. Here we process the subtree in
+*\treebox*. If this is the top subtree, we return; otherwise we tail
+recurse to process the remaining subtrees. We use *\box1* as
+another scratch variable; this is safe because the *\hbox* in *\maketree*
+puts us inside a group, and also because we are not changing the output list.
+\penalty-200 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% added for TUGboat
+\def\makesubtree{\setbox1\maketree % Call \maketree on this subtree.
+ \unskip\global\setbox\treebox\lastbox % Pick up box before it.
+ \treeheight=\ht1 % Get height of subtree we made
+ \advance\treeheight 2ex % Add some room around the edges
+ \ifhbox\treebox \topsubfalse % If picked up box is a \vbox,
+ \else \topsubtrue \fi % ..this is the top, otherwise not.
+ \addsubtreebox % Stack subtree with the rest.
+ \iftopsub \global\leaffalse % If top, remember not a leaf
+ \let\next\relax \else % ..(after recursion), set return.
+ \botsubfalse \let\next\makesubtree % Otherwise, we have more subtrees.
+ \fi \next} % Do tail recursion or return.
+Each subtree in the list is processed and stacked in *\box0*; this is
+done by *\addsubtreebox*, which calls *\subtreebox* to add connecting
+rules to the subtree in *\box1*, and appends to that the old contents
+of *\box0*. The vertical connecting rules in the tree are made with
+tall narrow *\hrule*s rather than a more simple calls to *\vrule*,
+because they are made inside a *\vbox*.
+\def\subtreebox{\hbox\bgroup % Start \hbox of tree and lines
+ \vbox to \treeheight\bgroup % Start \vbox for vertical rules.
+ \ifbotsub \iftopsub \vfil % If both bottom and top subtree
+ \hrule width 0.4pt % ..vertical rule is just a dot.
+ \else \treehalfrule \fi \vfil % Bottom gets half-height rule.
+ \else \iftopsub \vfil \treehalfrule % Top gets half-height the other way.
+ \else \hrule width 0.4pt height \treeheight \fi\fi % Middle, full height.
+ \egroup % Finish vertical rule \vbox.
+ \treectrbox{\hrule width 1em}\hskip 0.2em\treectrbox{\box1}\egroup}
+The last line of the definition of *\subtreebox* calls *\treectrbox*
+twice: once for the horizontal connecting rule, and once for the
+subtree box itself. This macro centers its argument in a *\vbox* the
+height of this subtree and surrounding space. We also define here
+*\treehalfrule*, the macro called to make an *\hrule* half the height
+of the subtree (with half the height of the horizontal connection
+added to make the corners come out square).
+\def\treectrbox#1{\vbox to \treeheight{\vfil #1\vfil}}
+\def\treehalfrule{\dimen0=\treeheight % Get total height.
+ \divide\dimen0 2\advance\dimen0 0.2pt % Divide by two, add half horiz height.
+ \hrule width 0.4pt height \dimen0} % Make a vertical rule that high.
+That completes *\makesubtree*. If this subtree has no sub-subtrees
+under it, *\maketree* will now run *\makeleaf*; this merely adds the
+tree text to the *\hbox* opened in *\maketree*. Otherwise we call
+*\makeparent* to attach the sub-subtrees and connecting rules to the
+text at the root of the subtree.
+\def\makeleaf{\box\treebox} % Add leaf box to horiz list.
+\def\makeparent{\ifdim\ht\treebox>\ht0 % If text is higher than subtrees
+ \treeheight=\ht\treebox % ..use that height.
+ \else \treeheight=\ht0 \fi % Otherwise use height of subtrees.
+ \advance\treewidth-\wd\treebox % Take remainder of level width
+ \advance\treewidth 1em % ..after accounting for text and glue.
+ \treectrbox{\box\treebox}\hskip 0.2em % Add text, space before connection.
+ \treectrbox{\hrule width \treewidth}\treectrbox{\box0}} % Add \hrule, subs.
+% restore * to type ordinary
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new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..193031bb7c
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../../../texinfo/latest/texinfo.tex \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa979d4b70
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@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+% texpictex.tex -- The following macros over-ride certain definitions in the
+% PiCTeX macro package. The net effect is that line-drawing is done using
+% the \special's used by texpic (tpic). Several DVI printers understand
+% and handle these specials.
+% Currently, only straight lines are translated. Recently, I added a
+% clipping routine to clip to the bounding box.
+% If people extend this to included elliptic circles and quadratics,
+% please forward the extensions to me (quads are used in the \arrow
+% macro, making them very slow).
+% Dirk Grunwald
+% Univ. of Illinois
+% The units that texpic deals in. You should define it this way instead
+% of simply saying ``0.001in'' because the difference in resolution
+% actually makes a big difference
+\divide\!tpu by 1000
+%% \!maptpus -- map a PiCTeX dimension to a TeXPiC dimension
+%% using the \!tpu conversion factor.
+%% uses: dimen0
+\def\!maptpus#1#2 {\dimen0=#1\divide \dimen0 by \!tpu #2=\dimen0}
+% ** \setplotsymbol ({PLOTSYMBOL} [ ] < , >)
+% ** Save PLOTSYMBOL away in an hbox for use with curve plotting routines
+% ** See Subsection 5.2 of the manual.
+ \!setputobject{#1}{#2}
+ \setbox\!plotsymbol=\box\!putobject%
+ \!plotsymbolxshift=\!xshift
+ \!plotsymbolyshift=\!yshift
+% Additions: compute size of dot, convert to TPUs and issue a pensize
+ \!dimenB=\wd\!plotsymbol
+ \!dimenC=\ht\!plotsymbol
+ \advance\!dimenC by \dp\!plotsymbol
+ \ifdim\!dimenB<\!dimenC \!dimenF=\!dimenC \else \!dimenF=\!dimenB\fi
+ \!maptpus{\!dimenF}{\!countC}
+ \special{pn \the\!countC}
+ \ignorespaces}
+\setplotsymbol({\fiverm .})% ** initialize plotsymbol
+% ** The following routine is used to draw a "solid" line between (xS,yS)
+% ** and (xE,yE). Points are spaced nearly every \plotsymbolspacing length
+% ** along the line.
+% Note: this is a replacement for PicTeX \!linearsolid.
+% If line clipping is enabled, the line to be drawn is
+% clipped using \!clipline. If there's anything left
+% to draw after clipping, it's drawn. If clipping is off,
+% the line is simply drawn. In either case, line drawing
+% is done by \!texpicline.
+ \let\!nextLinearAct=\!texpicline
+ \expandafter\ifx \!initinboundscheck \relax
+ \else \!clipline \if!InBounds \else \let\!nextLinearAct=\relax \fi \fi%
+ \!nextLinearAct%
+% Texpic has increasing origin in the upper left corner, while
+% pictex has origin in bottom left corner. Ergo, we flip the signs
+% for y-coordinates.
+\advance\!xS by -\!xorigin
+\advance\!xE by -\!xorigin
+\advance\!yS by -\!yorigin
+\advance\!yE by -\!yorigin
+\!maptpus{\!xS}{\!countC} \!maptpus{\!yS}{\!countD} \!countD=-\!countD%
+\special{pa \the\!countC \space \the\!countD}%
+\!maptpus{\!xE}{\!countC} \!maptpus{\!yE}{\!countD} \!countD=-\!countD%
+\special{pa \the\!countC \space \the\!countD}\special{fp}%
+% Code to support line clipping
+% Line clipping routine. Clips to bounding box specified
+% by (!checkleft, !checkbot) and (!checkright, !checktop).
+% Note that this box is only defined if \initboundscheckon
+% has been called.
+% The clipping algorithm was published in ACM TOG Vol 3 No 1
+% by people at Berkeley, but I've forgotten the complete reference.
+% This was translated from a version I wrote in C.
+% After calling \!cliplines, !InBounds tells you if the line contains
+% any points within the clipping window.
+% \!clipt -- this corresponds to the routine by the same name
+% in the published algorithm.
+% Dimens used are descibed below. All are grouped and know that
+% PiCTeX doesn't use dimen0..9. Variable names are taken from
+% the TOG article. The junk on the r.h.s. is indenting information
+% Globals: dimen8 corresponds to t0
+% dimen9 corresponds to t1
+% clipt dimen0 corresponds to p
+% dimen1 corresponds to q
+% dimen2 corresponds to r
+% !fastclip Uses bounding boxes
+% !clipline passes dimen3 to clipt as p
+% passes dimen4 to clipt as q
+% uses dimen0, dimen2
+ \dimen0=#1 \relax \dimen1=#2 \relax
+ \ifdim \dimen0 < \!zpt% >0
+ \!divide{\dimen1}{\dimen0}{\dimen2}%
+ \ifdim \dimen2 > \dimen9% >1
+ \global\!InBoundsfalse
+ \else% =1
+ \ifdim \dimen2 > \dimen8 \dimen8=\dimen2 \fi
+ \fi% <1
+ \else \ifdim \dimen0 > \!zpt% =0>1
+ \!divide{\dimen1}{\dimen0}{\dimen2}%
+ \ifdim \dimen2 < \dimen8% >2
+ \global\!InBoundsfalse
+ \else% =2
+ \ifdim \dimen2 < \dimen9 \dimen9=\dimen2 \fi
+ \fi% <2
+ \else% =1
+ \ifdim \dimen1 < \!zpt \global\!InBoundsfalse \fi
+ \fi% <1
+ \fi% <0
+% fastclipcheck
+ \ifdim #1<\!checkleft \global\!InBoundsfalse \else
+ \ifdim #1>\!checkright \global\!InBoundsfalse \else
+ \ifdim #2<\!checkbot \global\!InBoundsfalse \else
+ \ifdim #2>\!checktop \global\!InBoundsfalse \else
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% clipline - clip a line to the current bounding box.
+% assumes line is in (!xS, !yS) and extends to (!xE,!yE) and that
+% \!xdiff and \!ydiff has been set up. This is normally done
+% in \!lstart.
+% \!clipline first checks to see if the start & end points are
+% conainted in the clipping box. If the simple compare works,
+% then no clipping is done, else \!doclip is called to
+% do the actually clipping computations.
+ \!!initinboundscheck
+ \!InBoundstrue
+ \!fastclip{\!xS}{\!yS}%
+ \!fastclip{\!xE}{\!yE}%
+ \if!InBounds\else\!doclip\fi}
+ \global\!InBoundstrue%
+ \dimen8=0pt
+ \dimen9=1pt
+ %
+ \dimen3=-\!xdiff
+ \dimen4=\!xS \advance\dimen4 by -\!checkleft% fromX-minX
+ \!clipt{\dimen3}{\dimen4}%
+ \if!InBounds% 0
+ \dimen3=\!xdiff
+ \dimen4=\!checkright \advance\dimen4 by -\!xS% maxX - fromX
+ \!clipt{\dimen3}{\dimen4}%
+ \if!InBounds% 1
+ \dimen3=-\!ydiff
+ \dimen4=\!yS \advance\dimen4 by -\!checkbot% fromY-minY
+ \!clipt{\dimen3}{\dimen4}%
+ \if!InBounds% 2
+ \dimen3=\!ydiff
+ \dimen4=\!checktop \advance\dimen4 by -\!yS% maxY-fromY
+ \!clipt{\dimen3}{\dimen4}%
+ \if!InBounds% 3
+ \dimen0=1pt
+% The following \if's truncate the line based on the solution
+% to the parametric solution to the bounding box.
+% Note that we don't have a \!multiply, the equivilent to \!divide.
+% The code below compute X * Y as (x / ( 1/ Y)), which is far
+% from optimal.
+ \ifdim\dimen9 < \dimen0% 4
+ \!divide{\dimen0}{\dimen9}{\dimen2}%
+ \dimen3=\!xdiff \!divide{\dimen3}{\dimen2}{\dimen4}%
+ \global\!xE=\dimen4 \global\advance\!xE by \!xS
+ \dimen3=\!ydiff \!divide{\dimen3}{\dimen2}{\dimen4}%
+ \global\!yE=\dimen4 \global\advance\!yE by \!yS
+ \fi% 4
+ \ifdim\dimen8 > \!zpt% 4
+ \!divide{\dimen0}{\dimen8}{\dimen2}%
+ \dimen3=\!xdiff \!divide{\dimen3}{\dimen2}{\dimen4}%
+ \global\advance\!xS by \dimen4
+ \dimen3=\!ydiff \!divide{\dimen3}{\dimen2}{\dimen4}%
+ \global\advance\!yS by \dimen4
+ \fi% 4
+ \fi% 3
+ \fi% 2
+ \fi% 1
+ \fi% 0
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/thirteen.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/thirteen.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..034723dc4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/thirteen.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+ \parindent=0pt
+ \font\big=cmb10 scaled\magstep3
+ \centerline{\big FRIDAY THE THIRTEEN}
+ \normalbaselineskip=12pt
+ \noindent
+ \newcount\dw % Gets day of the week
+ \newcount\leap % Leap year fingaler
+ \newcount\m % Temp register
+ \newcount\y % Another temp register
+ \newcount\a
+ \newcount\b
+ \newcount\x
+ \newcount\jd
+ \newcount\aantal
+ \newcount\kalmaand
+ \newcount\alfa
+ \newcount\eindjaar
+ \newcount\tempjaar
+ \newcount\firstyear
+ \newcount\lastyear
+ \newcount\c
+ \newcount\d
+ \newcount\e
+ \newcount\f
+ \newcount\z
+ \newcount\jda
+ \newcount\jdb
+ \newcount\difference
+ \newcount\jaar
+ \newcount\maand
+ \newcount\dag
+ \newcount\jr
+ \newcount\mnd
+ \newcount\dg
+\message{date 1: }
+\message{date 2: }
+\advance\jdb by-\jda
+\multiply\difference by -1
+\message{date 1: }
+\message{day difference :}
+\read16 to\difference
+\advance\jd by\difference
+\hbox{\number\jr\ \number\mnd\ \number\dg}\hfill\break
+%\read16 to\maand
+%\read16 to\dag
+%\hbox{\number\jaar\ \number\maand\ \number\dag}\hfill\break
+\global\advance\eindjaar by15
+ \y=\jaar
+ \m=\maand
+ \y=\jaar \advance\y by-1
+ \m=\maand \advance\m by12
+\divide\a by100
+\advance\b by-\a
+\divide\x by4
+\advance\b by\x
+\multiply\jd by36525
+\divide\jd by100
+\advance\x by1
+\multiply\x by306001
+\divide\x by10000
+\advance\jd by\x
+\advance\jd by\dag
+\advance\jd by1720995
+\advance\jd by\b
+\advance\x by 1
+\dw=\x \divide\x by 7 \multiply\x by 7 \advance\dw by -\x
+ \a=\z
+ \alfa=\z
+ \multiply\alfa by100
+ \advance\alfa by-186721625
+ \divide\alfa by3652425
+ \a=\z
+ \advance\a by1
+ \advance\a by\alfa
+ \divide\alfa by4
+ \advance\a by-\alfa
+\advance\b by1524
+\multiply\c by100
+\advance\c by-12210
+\divide\c by36525
+\multiply\d by36525
+\divide\d by100
+\advance\e by-\d
+\multiply\e by10000
+\divide\e by306001
+\advance\x by-\d
+\multiply\x by306001
+\divide\x by10000
+\advance\dg by-\x
+\advance\mnd by-1
+ \advance\mnd by-12
+\advance\jr by-4715
+ \advance\jr by-1
+\read16 to \z
+ \dayofweek
+ \ifnum\dg=13
+ \ifnum\dw=5
+ \hbox{\number\jr\ \number\dg\ \number\mnd}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \advance\z by1
+ \jd=\z
+ \juldat
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/threecol.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/threecol.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc8dde3523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/threecol.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+% Definitions to produce threecolumn output in TeX from
+% the TeXbook.
+ % this is threecolumn for a newsletter. All of the pages have
+ % an 8 inch form size, the first page is offset 1.5 inches from
+ % the top, the rest are offset one inch from the top. The first
+ % page has an extra-high, two line headline.
+\fullhsize=8.5in \hsize=2.8in
+\def\fullline{\hbox to\fullhsize}
+ {\shipout\vbox
+ {\fullline{\box\leftcolumn\hfil\box\midcolumn\hfil\columnbox}
+ }
+ \advancepageno
+ }
+\output={\if L\lr
+ \global\setbox\leftcolumn=\columnbox \global\let\lr=M
+ \else\if M\lr
+ \global\setbox\midcolumn=\columnbox \global\let\lr=R
+ \else \tripleformat \global\let\lr=L\fi\fi
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000 \else\dosupereject\fi}
+\font\bigrm=CMSS10 at 10pt
+\def\label#1{\vbox to .98in{\vfill #1}}
+\def\zip#1{\line{\hfill #1\hfill}}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/toc.mac b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/toc.mac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1b1db7f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/toc.mac
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+% TOC
+% This macro can be used for Table Of Contents portion of a paper
+% or book. To use this macro package, put the line
+% \input toc
+% at the top of your file. The following are the symbols that may be
+% used with this macro:
+% \tocindent{ SIZE }
+% This is used to indent the table of contents
+% entries by "SIZE". "SIZE" is something like
+% `50pt', `1.0truein' or something similar.
+% (default=0pt)
+% \tochead{ HEAD }
+% This is essentially the same as the definition
+% `\leftline'. The table of cantents headers are
+% not indented by `\tocindent'.
+% \tocline{ SECTION }{ PAGE }
+% This is the standard table of contents line
+% containing a section and page number separated
+% with either dots or a line. This entry is in-
+% dented by `\tocindent'.
+% \filldot
+% This will make the filling between the `\tocline'
+% section and page be `\dotfill'. (default)
+% \filline
+% This will make the filling between the `\tocline'
+% section and page be `\hrulefil' (a solid horizon-
+% tal line).
+\def\xyztocind{\hskip 0pt}
+\def\tocindent#1{\def\xyztocind{\hskip #1}}
+\def\tocline#1#2{\hbox to \hsize{\xyztocind #1\ \xyztocfil\ #2}}
+\def\tochead#1{\hbox to \hsize{#1\hfill}}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/toc.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/toc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab1c665fd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/toc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+%%%--- Cut here -----------------------------------------------------------
+%%% File toc.tex
+% Automatically generate a Table Of Contents (TOC) while the
+% document is being processed by PLAIN TeX
+% Use \tocref{ texta }{ textb } to insert TOC entries. `texta'
+% will be typeset in the TOC and at the current location,
+% for example `\centerline{\tocref{Chapter 1}{}}' inserts
+% `Chapter 1' at the current location in your document
+% centered, and enters it in the TOC (not centered).
+% `textb' is a prefix text/TeX commands to precede `texta'
+% in the TOC only (it will not appear in the current loc-
+% ation of your document -- {{`textb'`texta'}.....\folio}).
+% Use \tocline to add info only intended for the TOC (no page number or
+% dotfill is used for tocline entries).
+% Use \tocgen to force the last TOC page to be printed (last command
+% before \end?)
+% To specialize, look at the below comments in the right
+% Uses variable names
+% tocnew, tocopage, tocbox, tocsize, tocstrut, tocref,
+% tocbanner, tocsuffix, tocline, tocstart, tocont, tocgen
+% Created by Dan Zirin. Copyright (c) 1987 Zar Limited.
+% Permission given for inclusion in TeXMaG.
+\def\tocstrut{{\vrule height8.5pt depth3.5pt width0pt}} % TOC baselineskip -1pt
+\def\tocref#1#2{\tocbanner#1 % Where `texta' is duplicated
+ \global\setbox\tocbox=\vbox{
+ \box\tocbox\vbox{
+ \line{\tocstrut{#2#1}~\dotfill~\folio} % Where the TOC line is made
+ }}\tocsuffix}
+ \global\setbox\tocbox=\vbox{
+ \box\tocbox\vbox{
+ \line{\tocstrut{#1}}
+ }}\tocsuffix}
+ \ifnum\tocnew=3\tocont\fi}
+ \global\tocnew=3\fi}
+% Do not change tocsize = 1.0 (TeX may go into an infinite loop)
+\def\tocstart{\global\tocsize=.95\vsize % TOC page >95% full, print it
+ \global\setbox\tocbox=\vbox{
+ \centerline{\tocstrut\bf Table Of Contents} % TOC page 1 banner line 1
+ \line{\tocstrut\hfil} % TOC page 1 banner line 2 blank line
+ }\global\tocnew=2}
+ \centerline{\tocstrut Table Of Contents (Continued)} % TOC page <> 1 banner
+ }\global\tocnew=2}
+ \message{No TOC entries found.}\else
+ \tocopage=\pageno\pageno=0\message{(TOC}
+ \shipout\box\tocbox\message{)}
+ \pageno=\tocopage\global\tocnew=1\fi}
+%%%--- Cut here -----------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/ulem.sty b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/ulem.sty
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..fb341fbf56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/ulem.sty
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../../../latex/contrib/ulem/ulem.sty \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/unouter.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/unouter.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b640aaf1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/unouter.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+% unouter.tex - remove the concept of \outer from plain TeX
+% By Eamonn McManus Nov 88. This file is not copyrighted.
+% This macro removes the outerness of the control sequence \csname#1\endcsname
+% by copying it to \csname un*#1\endcsname and then defining
+% \csname#1\endcsname to be a macro that expands to that. For example,
+% after \unouter{proclaim}, we have: \proclaim=macro:->\un*proclaim .
+% and \un*proclaim=\outer macro:->[original definition of \proclaim] .
+% It would be nice if we could avoid this extra level, but I know of no way
+% of doing that short of writing the \meaning to a file and reading that in
+% again (yeuch).
+\def\unouter#1{\toks0=\expandafter{\csname un*#1\endcsname}%
+ \edef\next{\let\the\toks0=}\expandafter\next\csname#1\endcsname
+ \expandafter\edef\csname#1\endcsname{\the\toks0}}
+% In the case where the macro has no parameter text, we can unouter it
+% directly by putting its expansion into a token list and redefining it
+% in terms of that expansion.
+ \toks0=\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname#1\endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname#1\endcsname{\the\toks0}}
+% ^^L is defined as \outer\par
+% Change everything else defined as \outer.
+\simpunouter{newcount} \simpunouter{newdimen} \simpunouter{newskip}
+\simpunouter{newmuskip} \simpunouter{newbox} \simpunouter{newtoks}
+\simpunouter{newread} \simpunouter{newwrite} \simpunouter{newfam}
+\simpunouter{+} \simpunouter{bye}
+\unouter{newhelp} \unouter{newif} \unouter{beginsection} \unouter{proclaim}
+% \unouter no longer needed, and remove the offending primitive!
+\let\unouter=\undefined \let\simpunouter=\undefined \let\outer=\relax
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/varindent.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/varindent.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..117eb00c0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/varindent.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+%From: Donald Arseneau <ASND@TRIUMFCL.BITNET>
+%Subject: Variable indentation puzzle
+%The puzzle in TeXmag V4N1 about making indentation match the length of
+%the line above is interesting because there are (at least) two very different
+%approaches. One is to set every paragraph in a \vbox in order to measure the
+%width of its last line. I hope someone sends in a solution using that method
+%because I chose the method suggested by the question: "(as per what is done
+%with displayed equations)."
+% The width of the line above a displayed equation
+%is given with the parameter \predisplaysize, so it would seem trivial to use
+%a displayed equation to measure the line width. However, there are some
+%details to keep things interesting: The vertical spacing must be the same
+%as for an ordinary paragraph, including the \parskip; Likewise for the
+%penalties; The depths must be preserved, especially if a pagebreak occurs;
+%If the indentation gets too wide something must be done to prevent a bad
+%linebreak. The unboxing method has this last problem too, but there it may
+%be possible to reset the final line to the full textwidth. Here I use
+%ordinary indentation when the line gets too long. The advantage the display
+%method has over reboxing is that there are things that cannot be pulled
+%of a vertical list, so reboxing won't always work.
+\newdimen \normalparindent
+\newdimen \longlinelen
+\newdimen \gscratch % used globally
+% useful little macro: gives absolute value of a number or a dimension (if in
+% a dimension register). Note that this makes use of TeX's confusing habit of
+% expanding \if's within a number
+\def\abs#1{\ifnum#1<0 -\fi#1}
+% \usevarindent turns on variable indentation. Use grouping to turn it off.
+% (It would be easy to convert this to a LaTeX environment.)
+% It is necessary to say \usevarindent before ending the paragraph
+% above the first variable indentation.
+% don't try indenting to within 2\parindent of the right margin
+ \normalparindent=\parindent
+ \longlinelen=\hsize \advance\longlinelen-2\normalparindent
+ \displaywidowpenalty=\widowpenalty
+ \let\par=\varindent}
+% \varindent is used to end each paragraph during variable indentation.
+\def\varindent{\ifhmode\ifinner\else $$ % test for unrestricted horizontal mode
+ \lineskiplimit=-999pt % so we get a baselineskip that we can cancel with:
+ \abovedisplayskip=-\baselineskip \abovedisplayshortskip=-\baselineskip
+ \belowdisplayskip=0pt \belowdisplayshortskip=0pt
+ \halign{##\cr\noalign{\global\gscratch=\prevdepth}% get depth of line above
+ \hbox{\vrule width0pt depth \gscratch }\cr}% preserve its depth
+% now get the width of the last line of the paragraph that just ended,
+% If it is too long just use normal indentation:
+ \ifdim\abs\predisplaysize>\longlinelen \global\gscratch=\normalparindent
+% otherwise, use the width of the line above (\predisplaysize-2em):
+ \else\global\gscratch=\predisplaysize \global\advance\gscratch -2em\fi
+\fi\fi \endgraf}% Plain TeX sets \endgraf=\par; use \@@par in LaTeX
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/verbatim.mac b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/verbatim.mac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0c5d1ce6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/verbatim.mac
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+% ttbar.tex
+% Lifted from TUGBOT.STY.
+% Support verbatim listing of TeX source, as defined in TeXbook, p. 421;
+% lifted from MANMAC.TEX, and modified slightly for narrower columns.
+\def\ttverbatim{\begingroup \catcode`\\=\other
+ \catcode`\{=\other \catcode`\}=\other \catcode`\$=\other
+ \catcode`\&=\other \catcode`\#=\other \catcode`\%=\other
+ \catcode`\~=\other \catcode`\_=\other \catcode`\^=\other
+ \catcode`\"=\other
+ \obeyspaces \obeylines \tt}
+{\tenpoint\tt \global\ttglue=.5em plus .25em minus .15em}
+% this should be installed in each font
+% From David Eppstein's ``Trees'' paper (6#1), preserve initial spaces.
+{\obeyspaces\gdef {\ifvmode\indent\fi\space}}
+\newif\ifttVertChar \ttVertCharfalse
+{\catcode`\|=\active \gdef\VertChar{\def|{\char"7C }}}
+%\outer\def\begintt{$$\let\par=\endgraf \ttverbatim \parskip=\z@
+\outer\def\begintt{$$\def\par{\leavevmode\null\endgraf}\ttverbatim \parskip=\z@
+ \ifttVertChar \VertChar \global\ttVertCharfalse \else \catcode`\|=0 \fi
+ \catcode`\|=0 \rightskip=-\ttrightskip \ttfinish}
+{\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=\other % | is temporary escape character
+ |obeylines % end of line is active
+ |gdef|ttfinish#1^^M#2\endtt{#1|vbox{#2}|endgroup$$}}
+% Other non-tt elements that may be embedded within \begintt...\endtt .
+\def\SP{{\tt\char"20 }} % "visible" space
+%{\obeylines \gdef|{\ttverbatim \spaceskip\ttglue \let^^M=\ \let|=\endgroup}}
+{\obeylines \gdef\activatettbar{\global\catcode`\|=\active %
+ \gdef|{\ttverbatim \spaceskip\ttglue \xspaceskip\ttglue %
+ \let^^M=\ \let|=\endgroup}}}
+% The active | (which here implements verbatim mode) is redefined in
+% such headers as TABLES.TeX and must be able to be reinstated.
+% \activatettbar been tested with TABLES.TeX, and the two uses are
+% mutually operable (TUGboat 7#2, "Tables in INRSTeX").
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/verbatim.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/verbatim.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4b0b0fe7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/verbatim.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+% -*- Mode: TeX -*-
+\ifx\thisfileis\anUndefinedMacro\input maybeload \fi
+\thisfileis{<eb.tex.texlocal>verbatim} % abort loading if we're already loaded
+\input redefine
+% This file provides a way of defining new verbatim environments, which is
+% otherwise difficult. The '\newverbatimenvironment' declaration is just like
+% the '\newenvironment' declaration except that the stuff in between \begin{foo}
+% and \end{foo} is read with the special syntax of verbatim mode.
+% First, dispatch depending on whether there is an optional argument.
+ [{\@new@v@env{#1}}{\@new@v@env{#1}[0]}}
+% In the definition of \@new@v@env, the easy part (definition of \endFOO) comes
+% first. The definition of \FOOVERBATIM is harder, and finally \FOO is defined
+% to have \verb@syntax\FOOVERBATIM at the end of its expansion.
+\def\@new@v@env#1[#2]#3#4{\expandafter\def\csname end#1\endcsname{#4}\relax
+ \expandafter\def@verbatim\csname #1VERBATIM\endcsname{#1}{##1\end{#1}}\relax
+ \expandafter\newcommand\csname #1\endcsname
+ [#2]{#3\verb@syntax\csname #1VERBATIM\endcsname}}
+% Define verbatim syntax.
+% Finally, an auxiliary function to define a macro whose argument is delimited
+% by \end{foo} in special syntax, \def@verbatim{\CS}{foo}{...body...}.
+\begingroup \catcode `|=0 \catcode `[= 1
+\catcode`]=2 \catcode `\{=12 \catcode `\}=12
+\catcode`\\=12 |gdef|def@verbatim#1#2#3[|def#1##1\end{#2}[#3]]
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/verbtim2.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/verbtim2.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1265fce8f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/verbtim2.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+% From: Tim Morgan <morgan@uci-icsa>
+% Produce verbatim listings of various sorts
+\def\uncatcodespecials{\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 } \dospecials}
+ \par \tt \spaceskip=0pt % Make sure we get fixed tt spacing
+ \obeylines\uncatcodespecials\obeyspaces\verbatimdefs
+% This macro turns on verbatim mode until ?endverbatim is seen.
+\def\verbatim{\begingroup \setupverbatim
+ \parskip=0pt plus .05\baselineskip \parindent=0pt
+ \catcode`\ =13 \catcode`\^^M=13 \catcode`\?=0
+ \verbatimgobble}
+{\catcode`\^^M=13{\catcode`\ =13\gdef\verbatimdefs{\def^^M{\ \par}\let =\ }}
+ \gdef\verbatimgobble#1^^M{}}
+% This defines ?endverbatim to end the group which begins with \verbatim
+% Input a file in verbatim mode. Sometimes useful for including
+% real-life examples into a paper.
+ \parskip=0pt plus .05\baselineskip \parindent=0pt
+ \input#1 \endgroup
+% This is the same as the above, but it adds line numbers to each
+% line of the file printed.
+ \parskip=0pt plus .05\baselineskip \parindent=20pt
+ \everypar{\advance\lineno by 1 \llap{\the\lineno\ \ }}\input#1
+ \endgroup
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/web9pt.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/web9pt.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f00df7b744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/web9pt.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+\input 9point.tex
+\let\sc=\sevenrm \let\mainfont=\ninerm
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/webmacss.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/webmacss.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3596a10394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/webmacss.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+%%%-This is the unkindest cut here of all----------------------------
+% This is WEBMACss.TEX in text format, as of Aug 27, 1987.
+% modification to standard macros for WEB listings (in addition to
+% Prints Pascal text in sans-serif type.
+% To use, include the line \input WEBMACss.TeX in the ``limbo''
+% section of your WEB program
+\font\pit=cmss10 % type for identifiers
+\font\pbf=cmssbx10 % type for reserved words.
+\def\\#1{\hbox{\pit#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers
+%\def\|#1{\hbox{$#1$}} % one-letter identifiers look a bit better this way
+\let\|=\\ % We aren't using \mit anymore.
+\def\&#1{\hbox{\pbf#1\/}} % boldface type for reserved words
+%%%-Julius Caeser never really said that-----------------------------
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/weirdtitle.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/weirdtitle.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1573361d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/weirdtitle.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+%%%----------Remove and admire----------------------------------------
+ \def\weirdtitle#1{%
+ \setbox0=\vbox{\noindent #1}%
+ \setbox1=\vbox{%
+ \unvbox0
+ \setbox2=\lastbox
+ \line{\hfill\unhbox2 \hfill}%
+ }%
+ \unvbox1
+ }%
+%%%---------Neat, isn't it?-------------------------------------------
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/wochtag.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/wochtag.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c2d610320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/wochtag.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+% Wochentag zu einem Datum ermitteln %
+% von Andreas Schrell %
+% Windhoevel 2 %
+% 5600 Wuppertal 2 %
+% Tel. 0202/666889 %
+% E-Mail: ma107 at dhafeu11.bitnet %
+% Version 1.0 vom 9.10.1991 %
+% %
+% Aufruf: %
+% \Wochentag %
+\gdef\Wochentag #1.#2.#3.{\@tag=#1\@monat=#2\@jahr=#3
+\ifnum\@jahr<100\advance\@jahr by 1900\else\fi
+\ifnum\@monat<3 % if monat<3
+ \advance\@monat by 10 % monat:=monat+10
+ \advance\@jahr by -1 % jahr:=jahr-1
+\else % else
+ \advance\@monat by -2 % monat:=monat-2
+\fi % fi
+\@ja=\@jahr\divide\@ja by 100 % ja:=jahr/100
+\@jb=-\@ja\multiply\@jb by 100
+\advance \@jb by \@jahr % jb:=jahr-ja*100
+\@ha=\@monat\multiply\@ha by 13
+\advance\@ha by -1 % ha:=13*monat-1
+\divide\@ha by 5 % ha:=ha/5
+\@hb=\@jb\divide\@hb by 4 % hb:=jb/4
+\@hc=\@ja\divide\@hc by 4 % hc:=ja/4
+\@b=\@ha\advance\@b by \@hb
+\advance\@b by \@hc % b:=ha+hb+hc
+\@f=\@b\advance\@f by \@jb
+\advance\@f by \@tag % f:=b+jb+tag
+\multiply \@ja by 2
+\advance\@f by -\@ja % f:=f-2*ja
+\divide\@ha by 7
+\multiply\@ha by 7
+\advance\@f by -\@ha % f:= f mod 7
+\ifcase\@f Sonntag\or Montag\or Dienstag\or Mittwoch\or Donnerstag\or
+ Freitag\or Samstag\else ????????\fi}
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/misc/xii.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/xii.tex
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000..5452572ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/misc/xii.tex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../xii/xii.tex \ No newline at end of file