path: root/macros/plain/contrib/cascover/manual.doc
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/plain/contrib/cascover/manual.doc
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/plain/contrib/cascover/manual.doc')
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/cascover/manual.doc b/macros/plain/contrib/cascover/manual.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5e8f4e9b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/cascover/manual.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ Introduction
+This is the manual of a macropackage I wrote for printing the covers for
+cassettes. It's quite flexible and quite easy to learn. I tried to keep
+this manual short, so it won't cost you that much to print it. -- Stijn
+ General form of a tape-file
+\input <size-file>.cas
+\input cascover
+\language <language>*
+ \begincontents
+ \beginside <Side>: <Title> - <Author> (<Dolby>)
+ \\<Title> - <Author>, <Time>*
+ ...
+ \title <Title> - <Author>*
+ \\<Title> - <Author>, <Time>*
+ ...
+ \endside
+ \beginside <Side>: <Title> - <Author> (<Dolby>)
+ ...
+ \endside
+ \endcontents
+ \beginfront
+ \fronttitle <Title> - <Author>*
+ ...
+ \endfront
+ \beginflap
+ ...
+ \endflap
+ ...
+The lines marked * can be omitted. All <words> can be omitted, but
+sometimes have to be replaced by {}, see below.
+ Comment and empty frames
+The frames are: \beginside...\endside, \beginfront...\endfront and
+\beginflap...\endflap. In each of these frames you can put normal comment,
+because each frame is like a miniscule page. If you put a \title or \\
+after comment, you have to put a \par (empty line) between them. If you
+want a frame to be empty, you have to put \empty between \begin and \end.
+ About formatted input macros
+In the figure above you see a lot of things like
+ `\title <Title> - <Author>'.
+This means you have to type `\title', <space>, some words, ` - ', another
+word (one) and a <space> (which is usually a return). You could type, for
+ \title Pork soda - Primus
+If the last part of a line like this contains a space (i.e., if `Primus'
+were `Mucky Pup'), you'd have to put it between braces, so it would look
+like this:
+ \title Pork soda - {Mucky Pup}
+If the first part (Pork soda) happens to contain the exact text it should
+be followed by (` - ' in this example), you have to put it between braces
+too (so TeX won't see the first ` - '):
+ \title {Pork - soda} - {Mucky Pup}
+If something goes wrong here, you'll get some error message like `missing
+argument,' `use of ... doesn't match it's definition' or `runaway argument.'
+If some part is enclosed by <space>s, you have to replace it by an empty
+group ({}), because two <space>s in a row is just the same as one <space>.
+Have a look at page 202 of *the TeXbook* and the example files to find out
+more about this.
+ Size and dimension of the cover
+the margins and the size of it. You can create a library of .cas files, in
+which you define different sizes for tape covers. They define the heights of
+the contents, front and flap. You can also change the margins, but you need
+pretty small margins to fit everything on the cover. Have a look at
+normal.cas and small.cas.
+ Changing the font
+You can change the current fontsize with the commands \small, \normalsize
+and \large, which work as in LaTeX. You can change the fontstyle with the
+commands \rm, \it and \em. You can switch to condensed form using \cond.
+This only works for the normal-sized roman font, as this is the only one
+which sometimes needs to be condensed. Condensed text looks ugly, but will
+make sure long titles and author-names can be used. The macros don't
+switch to condensed text automaticly, because some people might rather
+abbrieviate long titles and names.
+If you want to change the definition of the fonts, you only need to change
+the file cascfont.tex. To get the font called cmrcd7, just copy the file to, edit and change the lines
+ font_identifier:="CMR"; font_size 7pt#;
+ u#:=15.5/36pt#; % unit width
+ font_identifier:="CMRCD"; font_size 7pt#;
+ u#:=.75 * 15.5/36pt#; % unit width
+ Suggestions and extensions
+Use an \empty front so you can draw a logo. Use the flap to enter
+information like the type of tape used. I made a macro, so I can type
+\SA90 to get {\large TDK SA90\qquad}.
+ More about the macro's
+All the frames mentioned above create a \parbox as in LaTeX. You can type
+normal text in them, as demonstrated in example 2. The commands
+\begintape, \endcontents, \endfront and \endflap create a horizontal line.
+This means you don't have to put them in the order used above. You could
+make a tapecover with a double frame to put the songs on, by simply
+repeating the contents part. \ No newline at end of file