path: root/macros/plain/contrib/TypeSpec/TypeSp09.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/plain/contrib/TypeSpec/TypeSp09.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/plain/contrib/TypeSpec/TypeSp09.tex')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/plain/contrib/TypeSpec/TypeSp09.tex b/macros/plain/contrib/TypeSpec/TypeSp09.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dadab51935
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+++ b/macros/plain/contrib/TypeSpec/TypeSp09.tex
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+%%% Stephen Moye %%% %%% Brown University %%% Graphic Services \newdimen\leading \newdimen\ascheight \newdimen\xheight \newdimen\adjust \newdimen\sampletextwd \newdimen\gutter \newdimen\dist \newdimen\dspsize \newdimen\dspsizeincr \newdimen\depth \newdimen\mainleading \newcount\scratch \newcount\divisor \newcount\spconv \newcount\divisor \newcount\scratch \newcount\sscratch \newcount\intgp \newcount\fracp \newcount\dsplineno \newcount\xascrnum \newtoks\texttoks \newtoks\dspfont %%% \vbadness10000 %%% \def\setleading{% \setbox0=\hbox{Ilpgy}% \setbox1=\hbox{x}% \xheight=\ht1 \ascheight=\ht0 \depth=\dp0 \leading=\ht0 \advance\leading \depth \leading=1.25\leading \dimen0=\ascheight \divide\dimen0 by 2\relax \advance\dimen0-\xheight %%% Account for large x-height \ifdim\dimen0<0pt \else \advance\leading-\dimen0\fi %%% Account for missing descenders -- smallcaps for instance \ifdim\depth<.1\ascheight \advance \leading .4\ascheight\fi} %%% Calculates ratio of x-height to ascender height \def\calcxaratio#1{% \dimen0=\the\fontdimen5#1 \xascrnum=\dimen0% \divisor=\number\ascheight \multiply\xascrnum by 100\relax \divide\xascrnum by\ascheight} %%% Type factor = ([Type size] * [# of characters in a sample])/(linear length of sample) %%% Based on {\it Brown's Index}, Bruce Brown, Greenwood Publishing, Great Britain 1983 \def\typefact#1{% \dist=10pt \font\facttext=#1 at\dist \spconv=\number\dist \multiply\spconv by 12 \multiply\spconv by 204 \setbox1=\hbox{\facttext\freqabc}% \divisor=\number\wd1 \divide\divisor by 100 \divide\spconv by \divisor \scratch=\spconv \divide\scratch100 \divisor=\scratch \multiply \scratch100 \advance\spconv-\scratch \hbox{\number\divisor.\ifnum\spconv<10 0\the\spconv \else \the\spconv\fi}} %%% Convert from TeX's bulky 4-decimal point measurements to 1 \def\prettypt#1{\dist=#1% \multiply\dist10% \scratch=\number\dist \divide\scratch65536% \intgp=\scratch \divide\intgp10% \sscratch=\intgp \multiply\sscratch10 \advance\scratch-\sscratch \fracp=\scratch \hbox{\the\intgp.\the\fracp}pt} \def\displaytype#1{% \font\bigtype=#1 at 24pt \font\medtype=#1 at 18pt \font\normtype=#1 at 14pt \font\smalltype=#1 at 12pt \font\tinytype=#1 at 10pt \font\tinytinytype=#1 at 8pt} \texttoks={\emergencystretch2em Brick quiz whangs jumpy veldt fox. Nymphs vex, beg quick fjord waltz. Quick wafting zephyrs vex bold Jim. West quickly gave Bert handsome prizes for six juicy plums. Freight to me sixty dozen quart jars and twelve black pans. My help squeezed back in again and joined the weavers after six. Turgid saxophones blew over Mick's jazzy quiff. Five wine experts jokingly quizzed sample chablis. My grandfather picks up quartz and valuable onyx jewels. Mix Zapf with Veljovic and get quirky Beziers. All questions asked by five watch experts amazed the judge. Back in June we delivered oxygen equipment of the same size. We have just quoted on nine dozen boxes of grey lamp wicks. A large fawn jumped quickly over white zinc boxes. The exodus of jazzy pigeons is craved by squeamish walkers.} \def\freqabc{zjqx% kkvv% bbbbppppyyyywwwwgggg% mmmmmmffffffccccccuuuuuu% lllllllldddddddd% hhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssss% ooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnn% aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttt% eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee}% 204 chars %%% #1 - Font TeX name; #2 - number of lines in sample %%% #3 - Printed name of font \def\textbox#1#2#3{#1%\setleading%% \setbox0=\vtop{% \hbadness10000\hsize\sampletextwd\the\texttoks}% \setbox1=\vsplit0 to #2\baselineskip \vtop{\hsize\sampletextwd\centerline{\strut#1[#3]}\smallskip\unvbox1\relax% %%% Comment-out the following line if you don't want/need numbers in the sample text 1\hfill2\hfill3\hfill4\hfill5\hfill6\hfill7\hfill8\hfill9\hfill0\hfill\&\null\par% }} \def\setupmargnote{% \tinytinytype \setleading \baselineskip=\leading \vskip\baselineskip} %%% 1-type size; 2-Number of lines; %%% 3-TeX type name 1; 4-Printed type name 1; %%% 5-TeX type name 2; 6-Printed type name 2 \def\lineoftwo#1#2#3#4#5#6{% \begingroup \font\typeone=#3 at #1% %% Set up baselineskip for the two samples %% and the info for the margin notes for the %% sample on the left: \typeone\setleading \calcxaratio{\typeone} \baselineskip=\leading \mainleading=\leading \font\typetwo=#5 at #1% \line{% \llap{\vtop{\setupmargnote% \halign{\hfill##\cr#1\cr \prettypt{\the\mainleading}\cr \typefact{#3}\cr 0.\the\xascrnum\cr}}\enskip}\hss% \textbox{\typeone}{#2}{#4}% \hskip\gutter %% Setup the info for the margin note describing %% the sample on the right \typetwo \setleading \calcxaratio{\typetwo} \textbox{\typetwo}{#2}{#6}% \hss \rlap{\enskip\vtop{\setupmargnote% \halign{##\hfil\cr#1\cr \prettypt{\the\mainleading}\cr \typefact{#5}\cr 0.\the\xascrnum\cr}}}% }\endgroup} \def\lineofone#1#2#3#4{% \begingroup \font\typeone=#3 at #1 \typeone \setleading \calcxaratio{\typeone} \baselineskip=\leading \line{\hss%% \hbox{\textbox{\typeone}{#2}{#4}% \hss \rlap{\enskip\vtop{\setupmargnote% \halign{##\hfil\cr #1\cr \prettypt{\the\mainleading}\cr \typefact{#3}\cr 0.\the\xascrnum\cr}}}}% \hss}\endgroup} \def\comment#1{% \bigskip \hrule \smallskip \line{\hfill\vbox{\hyphenpenalty10000 \emergencystretch1em% \leftskip0pt plus 4em \rightskip0pt \parfillskip0pt \tinytinytype\setleading\hsize.75\sampletextwd\noindent#1}}} %%% Calculates the largest display typesize to fit \hsize %%% First typeset it very small (.1pt) and measure its width %%% then scale it to get it to fit to \hsize \def\dabc{AGQMstaefgpy1234?!\&} \def\makedisplay#1{% \dspfont={#1} \font\dsp=\the\dspfont\space at .1pt \setbox0=\hbox{\dsp \dabc}% \dspsize=\hsize \scratch=\dspsize \multiply\scratch10 \divisor=\wd0 \divide\scratch by \divisor \dspsize=\scratch pt \divide\dspsize by 100 %%% Calculates the increment such that smallest display size is 12pt \dspsizeincr=\dspsize \advance\dspsizeincr by -12pt \divide\dspsizeincr by 6 \dsplineno7 %%% Make the display \bgroup \loop\font\dsp=\the\dspfont\space at \dspsize \dsp \baselineskip1em \hbox to\hsize{\dabc\hfill\hss\rlap{\tinytinytype\enskip\prettypt{\the\dspsize}}}% \vskip.075in\relax \ifnum\dsplineno>1 \global\advance\dsplineno by-1\relax \advance\dspsize by -\dspsizeincr \font\dsp=\the\dspfont\space at \dspsize\repeat \egroup} %%% %%% Example %%% %%% Setup \parindent0pt \nopagenumbers \hsize6in \hoffset.25in \gutter1pc \sampletextwd2.85in \displaytype{Helvetica} %%% %%% The Page %%% \leftline{\medtype BodoniClassic} \smallskip \hrule \bigskip %%% Display Type \makedisplay{BodoniClassic-Roman} \bigskip \hrule \bigskip \lineoftwo{10pt}{9}{BodoniClassic-Roman}{Bodoni Classic}{BodoniClassic-Italic}{Bodoni Classic Italic} \bigskip \lineoftwo{10pt}{9}{BodoniClassic-Bold}{BodoniClassic bold}{BodoniClassic-BoldItalic}{BodoniClassic BoldItalic} \comment{BodoniClassic, drawn by Bruce Rogers; italic by Frederick Warde} %%% %%% The End %%% \bye \ No newline at end of file