path: root/macros/physe/physe.doc
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/physe/physe.doc
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/physe/physe.doc')
1 files changed, 2582 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/physe/physe.doc b/macros/physe/physe.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4709e695c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/physe/physe.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,2582 @@
+%Changes by lde
+% changed .texindex extension to .index
+% set IBMfalse
+%FORMAT physe % use PHYSE format
+%*** this is file PMANUAL as of 07.03.86 ***
+% \input themac
+%*** this is file THEMAC as of 11.02.86 ***
+% \input mppmac % get MPP macros
+%*** this is file MPPMAC as of 17.03.86 ***
+\input physupdt % get updates and corrections to PHYS-TeX
+\def\wlog#1{} % suppress allocation messages
+%*** additional macros for MPP ***
+%*** (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik und Astrophysik) ***
+%*** (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut fuer Physik) ***
+\def\mppaddresstext{Postfach 40 12 12, D-8000 M\"unchen 40\else
+ P.O.Box 40 12 12, Munich (Fed.~Rep.~Germany)}
+ {Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Physik und Astrophysik%
+ \\-- Werner-Heisenberg-Institut f\"ur Physik --%
+ \\\case@language\mppaddresstext}}
+%*** mpp letterhead ***
+\font\fourtenbf=\font@sel ssbx10 scaled \magstep2 % for letterhead
+\font\sixtenbf=\font@sel ssbx10 at 16.587 pt % for letterhead
+ % (LasergrafiX)
+\font\seventenbf=\font@sel ssbx10 scaled \magstep3 % for letterhead
+ % (Canon)
+\def\letterC{\endpage \vglue-19mm\centerline{\seventenbf
+ \mppae@text}\l@tt@r} % for output on canon
+\def\letterL{\endpage \vglue-26mm\centerline{\sixtenbf
+ \mppae@text}\l@tt@r} % for output on lasergrafix
+\let\letter=\letterL % default is lasergrafix
+ \skippagenum T\skipheadline T\skipfootline T%
+ \centerline{\strut#1}\vskip.5cm%
+ \line{\vtop to5cm{\lftline{\strut}\vfil
+ \let\\\cr \halign{\strut##\hfil\cr#3\cr}\vfil}%
+ \hss\vtop to5cm{\def\lftline##1{\hbox to 5cm{##1\hfil}}%
+ \lftline{\strut}\eightrm \setbaselineskip=12pt \vfil
+ \lftline{F\"OHRINGER RING 6}\lftline{\tenrm D-8000 M\"UNCHEN 40}%
+ \lftline{\case@language{TELEFON\else PHONE}: (089) 31 893
+ \if!#2!\else - #2 \case@language{oder\else or} \fi-1}%
+ \lftline{TELEX: 52 15 61 9 mppa d}%
+ \lftline{POSTFACH 40 12 12}\vfil}}%
+ \vskip1cm\rtline{\thedate}\vskip 1cm plus 1cm minus.5cm}
+\def\wlog{\immediate\write\m@ne} % restore PLAIN's definition
+\catcode`\@=12 % @ signs are no longer letters
+%*** end of file MPPMAC ***
+\def\wlog#1{} % suppress allocation messages
+\outer\def\pthnum#1{\mppnum{PTh #1}}
+\def\wlog{\immediate\write\m@ne} % restore PLAIN's definition
+\catcode`\@=12 % @ signs are no longer letters
+%*** additional physics journals ***
+\def\AP{\journal{Ann.\ \Phys}}
+\def\CMP{\journal{Commun.\ \Math\Phys}}
+\def\JMP{\journal{J.\ \Math\Phys}}
+\def\PRep{\journal{\Phys Rep.\ }}
+\def\RMP{\journal{\Rev Mod.\ \Phys}}
+\def\TMF{\journal{Teor.\ Mat.\ Fiz.\ }}
+%*** end of file THEMAC ***
+% \input pmanmac
+%*** this is file PMANMAC as of 06.03.86 ***
+%\IBMtrue % print the character ^ as `neg' (as on IBM terminals)
+\IBMfalse % print the character ^ as `hat' (as in the TeXbook)
+\hyphenchar\twelvett=-1 \hyphenchar\tentt=-1
+\hyphenchar\eighttt=-1 % prevent hyphenation inside verbatim
+\dimen\margin=\maxdimen % no limit on the number of marginal notes
+\count\margin=0 \skip\margin=0pt % marginal notes take up no space
+\def\skip@userexit{\setbox\z@\box\@cclv \setbox\z@\box\margin}
+\def\ship@userexit{\ifvbox\margin \nointerlineskip
+ \rlap{\hskip\hsize \hskip6pt\vbox to\z@{\kern4\p@ \box\margin \vss
+ }}\fi \unvbox\@cclv}
+\newif\ifmultic@lumn \newcount\numc@lumn \newdimen\c@lumnwidth
+\newbox\partialp@ge \newdimen\p@gewidth \newdimen\p@geheight
+\outer\def\singlecolumn{\ifmultic@lumn \singlec@lumn \bigskip \fi}
+\outer\def\multicolumn{\ifmultic@lumn \singlec@lumn \fi \multic@lumn}
+ \endgroup \pagegoal\vsize}
+\def\multic@lumn{\begingroup \multic@lumntrue
+ \afterassignment\multic@l@mn \numc@lumn=}
+ \vbox{\unvbox\@cclv\bigskip}}\eject
+ \p@gewidth\hsize \p@geheight\vsize \advance\hsize12\p@
+ \divide\hsize\numc@lumn \advance\hsize-12\p@ \c@lumnwidth\hsize
+ \multiply\vsize\numc@lumn \advance\vsize12\p@
+ \let\skipuserexit\skipsofar \let\shipuserexit\shipsofar
+ \output{\multic@lumnout}}
+\def\multic@lumnout{\splittopskip\topskip \splitmaxdepth\maxdepth
+ \dimen@\p@geheight \advance\dimen@-\ht\partialp@ge
+ \setbox\tw@\hbox{\count@\@ne \loop \setbox\z@\vsplit\@cclv to\dimen@
+ \wd\z@\c@lumnwidth \box\z@ \hfil \advance\count@\@ne
+ \ifnum\count@<\numc@lumn \repeat}%
+ \setbox\f@ur\vsplit\@cclv to\dimen@
+ \bgroup \hsize\p@gewidth \vsize\p@geheight \physoutput \egroup
+ \unvbox\@cclv \penalty\outputpenalty}
+ \hbox to\p@gewidth{\unhbox\tw@ \wd\f@ur\c@lumnwidth \box\f@ur}}
+ \dimen@-\topskip \advance\dimen@\baselineskip
+ \advance\dimen@-\numc@lumn\dimen@
+ \advance\dimen@\ht\z@ \divide\dimen@\numc@lumn
+ {\vbadness\@M \loop \global\setbox\thr@@\copy\z@
+ \global\setbox\@ne\hbox{\count@\@ne \loop
+ \setbox\z@\vsplit\thr@@ to\dimen@
+ \setbox\z@\vbox to\dimen@{\unvbox\z@}\wd\z@\c@lumnwidth \box\z@
+ \hfil \advance\count@\@ne \ifnum\count@<\numc@lumn \repeat}%
+ \ifdim\ht\thr@@>\dimen@ \global\advance\dimen@\p@ \repeat}%
+ \setbox\tw@\box\@ne \setbox\f@ur\vbox to\dimen@{\unvbox\thr@@}%
+ \shipsofar}
+\def\AmSTeX{$\cal A\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\cal M$}\kern-.125em
+ S$-\TeX}
+\def\bull{\vrule height .9ex width.8ex depth -.1ex } % square bullet
+\def\dn{\leavevmode\hbox{\tt\char'14}} % downward arrow
+\def\up{\leavevmode\hbox{\tt\char'13}} % upward arrow
+\def\|{\leavevmode\hbox{\tt\char`\|}} % vertical line
+\def\vspace{\leavevmode\hbox{\tt\char`\ }} % visible space
+\def\pt{\,{\rm pt}} % units of points
+\def\<#1>{\leavevmode\hbox{$\langle$#1\/$\rangle$}} % syntactic quantity
+\def\oct#1{\hbox{\rm\'{}\kern-.2em\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % octal constant
+\def\hex#1{\hbox{\rm\H{}\tt#1}} % hexadecimal constant
+ \hbox{\vphantom{\tt/}\thinspace{\tt#1}\thinspace}}%
+ \kern1pt\hrule}\vrule}\thinspace} % control sequence token
+ {\catcode`\^^M=5$$#1\halign\bgroup\indent##\hfil&&\qquad##\hfil\cr}}
+ \gdef\ttverbatim{\begingroup \catcode`\\\@ther \catcode`\{\@ther
+ \catcode`\}\@ther \catcode`\$\@ther \catcode`\&\@ther
+ \catcode`\#\@ther \catcode`\%\@ther \catcode`\~\@ther
+ \catcode`\_\@ther \catcode`\`\active
+ \ifIBM \catcode`\^\active \let^\tt@neg \else \catcode`\^\@ther \fi
+ \obeyspaces \obeylines \tt}}
+{\catcode`\`=\active \gdef`{\relax\lq}}
+\def\tt@neg{\hbox to.5em{\hss\the\scriptfont2:\hss}}
+{\obeyspaces\gdef {\ }} % \obeyspaces now gives \ , not \space
+\outer\def\begintt{\strut \begingroup
+ \abovedisplayskip\parskip \abovedisplayshortskip\abovedisplayskip
+ \belowdisplayskip\parskip \belowdisplayshortskip\belowdisplayskip
+ $$\let\par=\endgraf \ttverbatim \parskip0pt
+ \catcode`\|=0 \rightskip=-5pc \tt@finish}
+ \let\par=\cr \ttverbatim \catcode`\|=0
+ \ifhmode \strut \expandafter\vadjust\fi \bgroup \ttlines@finish}
+{\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=\@ther % | is temporary escape character
+ |obeylines % end of line is active
+ |gdef|tt@finish#1^^M#2\endtt{#1|vbox{|strut#2}|endgroup %
+ $$|endgroup |ignorespaces} %
+ |gdef|ttlines@finish#1^^M#2\endttlines{#1|halign %
+ {|hbox{|strut|quad *|quad##|hfil}|crcr#2|crcr}|egroup %
+ |ifhmode |lb |fi |endgroup |endgroup |ignorespaces}}
+ \gdef|{\ttverbatim\ttglue\let^^M=\ \let|=\endgroup}
+ \gdef\utt|{\setbox\z@\hbox\bgroup|\aftergroup\utt@end}
+\def\ttglue{\spaceskip=.5em plus.25em minus.15em}
+ \parskip\z@ \hrule\kern1pt\nobreak \obeylines \everypar{\strut}}
+\immediate\openout\inx=\jobname.index % file for index remainders
+\def\marginstyle{\eightrm % marginal notes are in 8pt
+ \vrule height9pt depth3pt width0pt } % a strut for \insert\margin
+\def\specialhat{\ifmmode \expandafter^\else \expandafter\beginxref\fi}
+\def\beginxrefswitch{\ifx\n@xt\specialhat \expandafter\silentxref\else
+ \silentfalse \expandafter\xref\fi}
+\catcode`\^=\active \let ^=\specialhat
+\begingroup \lccode`\*=`\\ \lowercase{\gdef\bslash{*}} \endgroup
+\def\xref{\futurelet\n@xt\xrefswitch} % branch on the next character
+ \else \begingroup \ifx\n@xt\<\aftergroup\anglexref
+ \else\aftergroup\normalxref \fi\fi \endgroup}
+\def\vxref|{\ttverbatim \futurelet\n@xt\vxrefswitch}
+{\lccode`\~=`\` \lccode`\?=`\^ \lccode`\+=`\\ \lowercase{
+ \gdef\vxref@switch#1#2@#3\@{\if\bslash\noexpand\n@xt
+ \def\xreftype{2}\def\text{\bslash#2}% code 2, |\arg|
+ \else\def\xreftype{1}\def\text{#1#2}\fi % code 1, |arg|
+ \bgroup \def^{?}\def~{`}\let\bslash\empty % for write
+ \makexref}
+ \gdef\normalxref#1{\def\xreftype{0}\def\text{#1}%
+ \bgroup \def\tt{+tt}\def\^{+?}% for write
+ \makexref}
+\def\anglexref\<#1>{\def\xreftype{3}\def\text{\<#1>}% code 3, \<arg>
+ \bgroup \def\text{#1}% for write
+ \makexref}
+\proofmodefalse % for camera-ready copy
+%\proofmodetrue % this should be false when making camera-ready copy
+\def\makexref{\ifproofmode \insert\margin{\hbox{\marginstyle\text}}%
+ \xdef\writeit{\write\inx{\text\space!\xreftype\space
+ \noexpand\number\pageno.}}\writeit
+ \else\ifhmode\kern0pt \fi\fi
+ \ifsilent \egroup \endgroup \ignorespaces \else
+ \egroup \text \endgroup \fi}
+ \he@d{\strut\case@language\indextext}%
+ \toc{\case@language\indextext}{\unskip}}
+\def\indextext{Stichwortverzeichnis\else Index}
+ \ifeof\test@read \message{* file pmanual.index missing *}\else
+ \closein\test@read \expandafter\make@index\fi}
+\def\make@index{\beginindex \input pmanual.index \endindex }
+\let\endindex=\endgroup \let\sub=\indent
+\def\beginindex{\begingroup \maxdepth\maxdimen
+ \def\par{\endgraf \futurelet\n@xt\inxentry}\obeylines
+ \everypar{\hangindent\tw@\parindent}\exhyphenpenalty\@M
+ \parindent1em\raggedright}
+\def\inxentry{\ifx\n@xt\endindex \else \noindent \fi}
+\catcode`\@=12 % @ signs are no longer letters
+%*** end of file PMANMAC ***
+%\IBMtrue % print the character ^ as `neg' (as on IBM terminals)
+ \IBMfalse % print the character ^ as `hat' (as in the TeXbook)
+ \space\the\toks2}}
+\def\secsssuserexit{\expandafter\myuserexit\the\toks0 }
+\def\myuserexit#1.{\wlog{#1: \the\toks2}\toks0{#1}}
+%\pagesel{39}{99} % print selected pages only
+\chapters \chappage
+\pageall \toppagenum
+\lheadtext={The PHYS-{\TeX} Manual}
+\rheadtext={P. Breitenlohner, A. Kabelschacht and R.J. Drofnats}
+\lfoottext={\thetime} \rfoottext={\thedate}
+\equleft \equsect \equshort
+\footpar \footbot \let\footstyle=\tenpoint
+% \input pmantitp % title page
+%*** this is file PMANTITP as of 07.03.86 ***
+\submit{Journal ???}
+\mppnum{PTh xx/86}
+\topright{Version 1.0}
+\pubdate{March 1986}
+\title{The PHYS-{\TeX} Manual}
+\titcon{How to use the {\TeX} formats PHYSE and PHYS
+*{This output is produced from the file PMANUAL TEX.
+Here you could add things like the phrase: Talk given at {\dots} or
+\author{P. Breitenlohner\\A. Kabelschacht}
+\autcon{R.J. Drofnats}
+\address{Dept.~of Farm Ecology, The University of St.~Anford\\%
+P.O.Box 1009, Haga Alto, CA 94321 (USA)}
+\abstract{This manual describes how to use the {\TeX} formats PHYSE
+and PHYS to write physics papers.
+These formats contain MACROS which will automatically number
+chapters, sections, \dots, appendices, pages, footnotes, equations,
+figures, references and tables.
+In addition lists of all figure captions, table captions, references
+as well as a table of contents can be generated.}
+\centerline{\it This page intentionally left blank}
+%*** end of file PMANTITP ***
+\startpage1 % leave room for toc on pages iii and iv
+% \input pmanintr % introduction
+%*** this is file PMANINTR as of 08.03.86 ***
+The {\TeX} formats PHYSE and PHYS are extensions of the PLAIN format
+and should simplify the writing of physics papers.
+They differ from eachother by the use of english
+or german hyphenation patterns ^^{hyphenation, german and english}
+and by having ^|\english| or ^|\german| as default.
+Practically all features of PLAIN-{\TeX} as described in the
+\TeX book \RF{\texbook}{{\it The \TeX book}, Donald E.~Knuth,
+Addison-Wesley, 1984.}\quref{\texbook} can be used without any change.
+The only exception is that PLAIN's ^|\item| has been renamed
+to ^|\plainitem|.
+The PHYSE and PHYS formats have been developed at the
+Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Physik, M\"unchen, and are derived from
+the macros for physics papers used at SLAC\null.
+These formats exist as dump files which can be
+invoked in the same way as PLAINE or PLAIN\null.
+Your input should start with the command |\input|~^|physupdt|
+(compare appendix B for details).
+\ifIBM % print this paragraph if ^ is represented as `neg'
+The character for superscripts (^{{\tt\char`\^}} in the
+{\TeX}book) is printed as ^|^| in this manual, in the same way as it
+appears on IBM terminals.\fi
+%*** end of file PMANINTR ***
+% \input pmanfont % fonts, text sizes, styles and headings
+%*** this is file PMANFONT as of 06.03.86 ***
+\chap{Fonts, Text Sizes, Styles and Headings}
+\sect{Text Sizes and Spacing}
+You can produce text in various ^{sizes}.
+If you use the command ^|\twelvepoint| (which is the default) at the
+begin of your input file, everything will be \LARGE{\bf large}
+i.e.\ normal text and equations will be in 12\pt, subscripts
+and superscripts in 10{\pt} and sub-subscripts etc.\ in 8{\pt} size.
+If you use ^|\tenpoint| you get \MEDIUM{\bf medium} size
+(10\pt, 8{\pt} and 6\pt) and if you use ^|\eightpoint| you get
+\SMALL{\bf small} size (8\pt, 6{\pt} and 5\pt).
+Independently you can specify ^^{spacing} ^|\singlespace|,
+^|\doublespace| (the default) or ^|\triplespace| to obtain narrow,
+medium or wide space between consecutive lines of text
+(^|\baselineskip|); other spacing parameters are set accordingly.
+Each time you select a size or spacing the ^|\strut| is suitably
+The combination |\twelvepoint\triplespace| should about satisfy
+{\it Phys.~Rev.}'s requirements.
+You can use |\medium{text}| or |\MEDIUM{text}| to get `text' in
+{\bf medium} size.
+The difference is that ^|\medium| puts `text' into
+one or several separate paragraphs whereas ^|\MEDIUM| puts `text'
+into the middle of the current paragraph.
+The commands ^|\large|, ^|\LARGE|, ^|\small| and ^|\SMALL|
+can be used in exactly the same way.
+Finally we add a displayed equation:
+$$\smallint_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx = {\sqrt{\pi}\over 2}\qquad\qquad
+\smallprod_{i=1}^n e^{x_i}=e^{\smallsum_{i=1}^n x_i}\eqn$$
+to see the size of superscripts and super-superscripts.
+\medium{\singlespace This paragraph in {\bf medium} size starts with
+|\medium{\singlespace This|\dots\space
+and uses |\LARGE| and |\SMALL| to get a \LARGE{large} and a
+\SMALL{small} word in the middle.
+Now we add a very long sentence so that we can see the effect of
+the large word on the interline spacing (if any).
+Again we add a displayed equation:
+$$\smallint_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx = {\sqrt{\pi}\over 2}\qquad\qquad
+\smallprod_{i=1}^n e^{x_i}=e^{\smallsum_{i=1}^n x_i}\eqn$$
+to see the size of superscripts and super-superscripts.}
+\small{\singlespace This paragraph in {\bf small} size starts with
+|\small{\singlespace This|\dots\space
+and, after the first line which is entirely in small type,
+uses |\LARGE| and |\MEDIUM| to get a \LARGE{large} and a
+\MEDIUM{medium} word in the middle.
+Again we add a very long sentence in order to see the effect
+of the large and the medium word on the interline spacing.
+Again we add a displayed equation:
+$$\smallint_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx = {\sqrt{\pi}\over 2}\qquad\qquad
+\smallprod_{i=1}^n e^{x_i}=e^{\smallsum_{i=1}^n x_i}\eqn$$
+to see the size of superscripts and super-superscripts.}
+For each size there are several `^{fonts}' available, i.e.\ sets of
+characters of different shape.
+Normally text is typed in `roman' and equations are typed in
+`math italic'.
+You can choose among:\lb
+^|\rm| for {\rm roman}\lb
+|$|\dots|$| (or |\mit| inside equations) for $math\; italic$\lb
+^|\cal| for $\cal CALIGRAPHIC$ (inside equations and for capitals
+^|\it| for {\it text italic}\lb
+^|\sl| for {\sl slanted}\lb
+^|\bf| for {\bf bold}\lb
+^|\tt| for {\tt typewriter}\lb
+^|\caps| for {\caps Large and Small Capitals}\lb
+but not all fonts are available in all sizes.
+\sect{Styles} ^^{styles}
+There are macros which determine how various things are printed
+(e.g.\ page numbers, headings, titles and so on).
+The are listed below and can be changed as necessary.
+%*** the following lines are copied from PHYSTEXT ***
+\let\pagestyle=\twelverm % page numbers
+\let\titlestyle=\bf % title of paper, chapters, appendices
+\let\sectstyle=\caps % section titles
+\let\headstyle=\UPPERCASE % headlines for list of figure capts. etc
+\let\captionstyle=\it % figure and table captions
+\let\figstyle=\empty % list of figure captions
+\def\figbreak{\goodbreak \vskip\refbetweenskip}
+\let\tabstyle=\empty % list of table captions
+\let\refstyle=\empty % list of references
+\def\refbreak{\filbreak \vskip\refbetweenskip}
+\let\tocstyle=\empty % table of contents
+\let\footstyle=\empty % (list of) footnotes
+\let\stmttitlestyle=\bf % mathematical statements
+The command |\UPPERCASE| translates it's argument to uppercase
+(as does |\uppercase|) but all macros in the argument are
+expanded before the translation.
+The definition is
+^^{headings}The text of most headings is defined by macros which
+are listed below (\<german text>|\else|\<english text>),
+and which can be easily changed.
+%*** the following lines are copied from PHYSTEXT ***
+\def\submittextone{Zur Ver\"offentlichung in\else Submitted to}
+\def\submittexttwo{ eingereicht\else}
+\def\abstracthead{Zusammenfassung\else Abstract}
+\def\ackhead{Danksagung\else Acknowledgements}
+\def\appendixhead{Anhang\else Appendix}
+\def\eqabbr{Gl\else eq}
+\def\eqsabbr{Gln\else eqs}
+\def\figpref{Abb\else Fig}
+\def\fighead{Abbildungen\else Figure captions}
+\def\figabbr{Bild\nodot\else Fig}
+\def\tabpref{Tab\else Tab}
+\def\tabhead{Tabellen\else Table captions}
+\def\refpref{Lit\else Ref}
+\def\refhead{Literaturverzeichnis\else References}
+\def\refabbr{???\else Ref}
+\def\refsabbr{????\else Refs}
+\def\tocpref{Inh\else Toc}
+\def\tochead{Inhaltsverzeichnis\else Table of contents}
+\def\footpref{Anm\else Foot}
+\def\foothead{Anmerkungen\else Footnotes}
+\def\prfhead{Beweis\else Proof}
+%*** end of file PMANFONT ***
+% \input pmanpage % page numbers
+%*** this is file PMANPAGE as of 07.03.86 ***
+\chap{Page Numbers, Head- and Footlines}
+\sect{Page Numbers}
+^^{page numbers}
+If you use ^|\pageall| (default) the pages are numbered throughout
+the paper, starting with `1' for the ^{title page}.
+If you use ^|\pagechap| the title page is page~0 and the pages are
+numbered separately for each chapter, appendix, the figure captions,
+the table captions, the list of references, the table of contents
+and (if applicable) the footnotes, with the number of the chapter or
+similar as prefix.
+The page number of the title page will never be printed and with
+|\pagechap| the same is true for the first page of figure captions,
+table captions etc.
+You can use\lb
+^|\toppagenum| to get page numbers on top of each page,\lb
+^|\botpagenum| (default) to get page numbers at the bottom of each page
+^|\nopagenum| to supress the printing of page numbers.
+\sect{Head- and Footlines}
+Independently from the page numbers there may be running head- and
+You can specify specify a left head line text with
+^|\lheadtext||={|\dots|}| and similarly a right head line text
+(^|\rheadtext|) and a ^|\cheadtext| as well as foot line texts
+(^|\lfoottext|, ^|\rfoottext| and ^|\cfoottext|).
+All these texts are initially empty.
+If you choose the option ^|\centhead| (default) the headline
+will contain the |\lheadtext| in the left corner, the |\rheadtext|
+in the right corner and a page number or blank in the center.
+With the option ^|\righthead| the |\rheadtext| is centered,
+the ^|\cheadtext| in the left corner and a page number will be in
+the right corner; with the option ^|\lefthead| you get the same
+with left and right exchanged.
+With the option ^|\althead| you get alternatingly the result from
+|\righthead| on the odd numbered (right) pages and from |\lefthead|
+on the even numbered (left) pages.
+The options ^|\centfoot| (default), ^|\rightfoot|, ^|\leftfoot| and
+^|\altfoot| will do the same for the footlines.
+You can use the command ^|\skippagenum||=T| to suppress the printing
+of a page number on the current page.
+Similarly ^|\skipheadline||=T| and ^|\skipfootline||=T| will suppress
+the printing of the entire headline and footline.
+All three commands are used automatically on the title page and all
+three switches are automatically reset to `|F|' when a new page is
+You should, however, be careful where to put these commands because
+{\TeX} may have different ideas about what is the current page than
+you do (see chapter~15: How {\TeX} Makes Lines into Pages in the
+{\TeX}book for details).
+\sect{Portrait and Landscape Format}
+{\TeX} usually produces output in `portrait' format (|\vsize| is larger
+than |\hsize|).
+Some times you may want to use `landscape' format, i.e.\ for large
+You can use the commands ^|\portrait| (default) and ^|\landscape| to
+switch between portrait and landscape format.
+If such a switch occurs any partial page accumulated so far will be
+terminated and then the values for |\hsize| and |\vsize| will be
+interchanged and adjusted for the presence of head- and footlines.
+It is, therefore, \underbar{not} possible to use a |\pageinsert| in
+landscape format while processing a page in portrait format.
+\subsec{Warning:}Some output devices may not be able to handle
+landscape format properly or they may not be able to handle a
+mixture of both formats.
+%*** end of file PMANPAGE ***
+% \input pmantitl % the title page
+%*** this is file PMANTITL as of 07.03.86 ***
+\chap{The Title Page}
+There are several macros to facilitate the production of a ^{title
+These macros provide vertical spacing which should normally give a
+reasonable layout.
+You should use ^|\titlepage| (default) or ^|\notitlepage| if the title
+of the paper, the name(s) and address(es) of author(s) and possibly
+the abstract do or don't appear on a separate page which is
+terminated with |\endpage|.
+You can use ^|\topleft| and ^|\topright| as often as needed to
+collect information to appear on the top left and top right corners
+of the title page.
+This information is stored in boxes and is printed with the (first)
+use of ^|\title|.
+The command ^|\submit||{...}| uses topleft to produce the two
+lines `Submitted~to' and `\dots' in the top left corner,\lb
+^|\mppnum||{...}| is equivalent to |\topright{MPI--PAE/...}|,
+\lb and ^|\pubdate| is a synonym for |\topright|.
+You can use ^|\title||{...}| to print (the first line of) the title
+of the paper and ^|\titcon||{...}| for continuation lines.
+The command ^|\author||{...}| will print one or more lines with
+authors, ^|\\| indicates the start of a new line,
+^|\autcon||{...}| will print `and' or `und' and more authors.
+You can use the commands |\author|, |\autcon| and
+|\address| as often as required.
+Any of the above macros may use ^|\foot| or ^|\footnote|,
+but you should surround the footnote with
+|{|^|\rm|~|...}|, otherwise the footnote will be printed in the
+current font.
+The command ^|\address||{...}| prints the address of the
+institution with one or more lines which are again separated by ^|\\|.
+The command ^|\mppaddress| prints the address of the
+Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Physik.
+The command ^|\abstract||{...}| prints the english heading
+`^{Abstract}' or the german one `^{Zusammenfassung}' and the text of
+the abstract which may consist of several paragraphs.
+Finally we want to mention one command which does not belong to the
+title page: ^|\ack| prints the heading `^{Acknowledgements}' or
+The title page of this manual is produced by the following
+sequence of commands:
+%*** the following lines are copied from PMANTITP ***
+\submit{Journal ???}
+\mppnum{PTh xx/86}
+\topright{Version 1.0}
+\pubdate{March 1986}
+\title{The PHYS-{\TeX} Manual}
+\titcon{How to use the {\TeX} formats PHYSE and PHYS
+*{This output is produced from the file PMANUAL TEX.
+Here you could add things like the phrase: Talk given at {\dots} or
+\author{P. Breitenlohner\\A. Kabelschacht}
+\autcon{R.J. Drofnats}
+\address{Dept.~of Farm Ecology, The University of St.~Anford\\%
+P.O.Box 1009, Haga Alto, CA 94321 (USA)}
+\abstract{This manual describes ...
+.... can be generated.}
+%*** end of file PMANTITL ***
+% \input pmanchap % structuring the text
+%*** this is file PMANCHAP as of 10.03.86 ***
+\chap{Structuring the Text}
+\sect{Chapters and Sections}
+You can use ^|\chap| to start a new ^{chapter} and ^|\appendix|
+to start a new ^{appendix}.
+Chapters and appendices will be numbered automatically, starting with
+`1' resp.\ `A'\null.
+Chapters and appendices can appear in any order but this may be of
+little use unless you choose the option ^|\pagechap|.
+The text before the first chapter or appendix is treated as chapter~0.
+At the begin of your input you should use the command ^|\chapters|
+(default) or ^|\nochapters| if your paper does or does not contain
+If you choose |\chapters| the chapter number will appear as
+prefix in section numbers and possibly (depending on other options)
+in page numbers, equation numbers, etc.
+If you choose |\nochapters| this prefix will be omitted.
+In this case you can not use |\chap| to start a new chapter.
+You can use ^|\arabicchapnum| (default) or ^|\romanchapnum| to get
+arabic chapter numbers or (uppercase) roman numerals resp., both in
+the chapter titles and in the prefix of e.g.\ ^{equation numbers}.
+Whithin a chapter, but not within an appendix, you may use
+^|\sect| to start a ^{section}.
+They will again be numbered, starting with `1', and the text before
+the first section within a chapter will be treated as section~0.
+You can use ^|\chappage| or ^|\nochappage| (default) to indicate that
+each chapter and appendix should or should not start on a new page.
+{\TeX} will try not to begin a chapter or section to low at a page,
+it will rather leave blank space and start with the chapter or
+section title on a new page.
+This mechanism is governed by the parameters\lb
+^|\chapstretch| (default `2.5 cm'),\lb
+^|\chappenalty| (default `-800'),\lb
+^|\sectstretch| (default `2 cm') and\lb
+^|\sectpenalty| (default `-400')\lb
+and has the additional advantage that a minor change in the
+text will quite often lead to identical page breaks after a few
+pages which have changed.
+Depending on the choice of other options ^|\chap|, ^|\sect| and
+^|\appendix| may influence the numbering of pages, equations,
+figures and tables.
+Within a section or an appendix you can use ^|\secs| to start a
+numbered subsection and so on down to ^^|\secss| ^|\secsss| for
+All four commands used to generate numbered (sub-)sections will
+generate the (sub-)section numbers automatically.
+You can, however, specify your own numbers by using e.g.\lb
+In addition you can use ^|\subsec| to generate an unnumbered
+You can use |\subsec| everywhere in your text, in appendices as well
+as in chapters.
+\subsec{Examples:}The present chapter was started with the commands\lb
+|\chap{Structuring the Text}|\lb
+|\sect{Chapters and sections}|\lb
+If you need a continuation line for the chapter title use\lb
+|\titcon{continuation of the title}|\lb
+as often as needed.
+The titles for (sub-)sections will automatically occupy as many
+lines as needed.
+The unnumbered subsection with these examples starts with\lb
+|\subsec{Examples:}The|\dots\foot{The lack of space between `|}|'
+and `|The|' in this and similar constructions is significant!}\lb
+If you want to start an appendix
+you can either use |\appendix| for an appendix without a title
+or |\appendix{Title}| for an appendix with a title.
+In the former case the text of the appendix must not start with
+an explicit or implicit
+`|{|' (you could e.g.\ start the text of the appendix with |\relax|
+which instructs {\TeX} to `do nothing').
+You can use ^|\app||{|\dots|}| to start an unnumbered appendix.
+This command will just print the heading `Appendix \dots' (using
+^|\headstyle|) but will not influence the numbering of equations
+or similar.
+\sect{Items and Points} ^^{item}^^{point}
+There is another quite different way to structure the text.
+You may want to list several important points and either number them
+or mark them by a symbol.
+There are three levels to do that: ^|\item|s are indented 2.5 em,
+^|\sitem|s (subitems) are indented 4.5 em and
+^|\ssitems|s (sub-subitems) are indented 6.5 em (an `em' is the width
+of a `quad' in the current font).
+Each item, sitem or ssitem ends with the end of
+the paragraph (^|\par| or a ^{blank line}).
+\item{x}This item was started with |\item{x}This|\dots\lb
+You could also use\lb
+^|\bullitem|~|This|\dots or ^|\staritem|~|This|\dots or
+to get an item marked by `$\bullet$', `$\ast$' or `---' instead of the
+Similarly there are ^|\sbullitem|, ^|\sstaritem| and ^|\sdashitem| for
+sitems as well as ^|\ssbullitem|, ^|\ssstaritem| and ^|\ssdashitem|
+for ssitems.
+\sitem{y}This sitem was started with |\sitem{y}This|\dots\lb
+and this works just the same way for ssitems:
+\ssitem{z}This is a sub-subitem.
+\itemcon We now want to continue the item with a new paragraph and in
+order to do so we had to start the present paragraph with
+For sitem use the analogous command ^|\sitemcon| and for
+ssitem you can use ^|\ssitemcon|.
+A ^{point} is an item which is numbered automatically and similarly
+for an spoint and an sspoint.
+\pointbegin This is the first point of a list and was therefore
+started with\lb
+in order to initialize the numbering.
+\point This is the next point which was started with the command\lb
+You can add another paragraph to a point by using either
+^|\pointcon| or ^|\itemcon|.
+The commands ^|\spointbegin|, ^|\spoint| and ^|\spointcon|
+are used to generate spoint,
+the commands ^|\sspointbegin|, ^|\sspoint| and ^|\sspointcon|
+are used to generate sspoints,
+they work in exactly the same way but differ in the numbering
+and in the amount of indentation.
+\spointbegin The first spoint of a list
+\spoint The second spoint of the list
+\sspointbegin The first sspoint of a list
+\sspoint The second sspoint of the list
+\noindent An spoint may but need not appear within a point.
+In order to have no paragraph indentation, this paragraph was started
+with ^|\noindent| which is a good idea after a list of
+items or points.
+In fact ((sub-)sub)items, ((sub-)sub)points etc.\ are just special
+cases of a more general construction ^|\varitem| with the syntax\lb
+where the optional \<box~specification> can be either\lb
+^|to|~\<dimension> or ^|spread|~\<dimension>\lb
+ just as for any |\hbox|.
+The \<item~label> will be put into an |\hbox| using the
+\<box~specification> (if any) and the rest of
+the paragraph will be indented by the width of this |\hbox|.
+An |\item| (or |\point|) is a |\varitem| with the \<box~specification>
+|to|~|2.5em|, |\sitem| uses |to|~|4.5em| and |\ssitem| uses
+You can start a new paragraph but keep the indentation with
+either one of the commands ^|\hvskip|\<glue> or ^|\parvskip|\<glue>,
+e.g.\ with |\hvskip\parskip| if you want the normal spacing between
+These two commands are almost identical, the difference will
+matter to {\TeX}perts only.
+If you use the command ^|\bpargroup| inside a paragraph or item all
+subsequent local definitions (e.g.\ changes of fonts or spacing)
+will be effective only until the next ^|\par| or ^{blank line}.
+\sect{Code Names}
+Very often you will use numbers for equations, figures, tables,
+references, chapters, sections and so on which are generated
+automatically by {\TeX}.
+If you want to refer later on to these numbers you can choose a
+^{code name} for e.g.\ an equation number and refer to this code
+This has the advantage that the value assigned to such a code name
+changes automatically if the equation number changes due to some
+modifications of your manuscript.
+These code names are ordinary {\TeX} control sequence names and
+you should be careful not to use any code name which is the name
+of a {\TeX} command (either a primitive command such as |\input| or a
+command defined in the PLAIN format such as |\line| or a
+command defined in PHYS such as |\eqtag|).
+Contrary to the usual {\TeX} rules such code names may contain
+not only (upper and lower case) letters but digits and apostrophes
+as well.
+If you use this possibility such code names must not occur except
+as argument to an appropriate command (e.g.\ ^|\quote| or ^|\queq| or
+Most of the commands which define code names will be discussed in
+subsequent chapters of this manual.
+At this point we just want to mention two of them.
+The command ^|\label|\<code~name> will, in most cases, define the code
+name such that its value is the (full) number of the most recent
+chapter, appendix, (sub-)section or (sub-)point.
+If we use, at this point, the command |\label\here| \label\here
+then `|\quote{\here}|' will yield `\quote{\here}' because this is
+\def\next#1.#2.{section~#2 in chapter~#1}%
+\expandafter\next\here. and no subsection or (sub-)point was used
+in this section.
+The command ^|\pagelabel|\<code~name> will define the code name such
+that it yields the page number of the current page.
+This is, however, a somewhat delayed action.
+The code name will not be properly defined until after {\TeX} has
+decided where to finish the current page.
+Any use of the code name before that point must be considered as a
+^{forward reference}.
+%*** end of file PMANCHAP ***
+% \input pmanequ % equations
+%*** this is file PMANEQU as of 10.03.86 ***
+\sect{Equation Numbers}
+You should use ^|\eqtag| instead of PLAIN's ^|\eqno| or ^|\leqno| to
+generate ^{equation numbers}.
+Similarly you should use ^|\eqaligntag| instead of PLAIN's
+^|\eqalignno| or ^|\leqalignno|.
+The commands ^|\equleft| or ^|\equright| (default) will then
+automatically put all equation numbers to the left or right of the
+There is a third option ^|\equnone| which inhibits the printing of
+all equation numbers.
+This may be useful to prepare slides with equations.
+You may choose to have your equations numbered automatically
+by {\TeX}; to do so use the following equation number macros.
+You can use ^|\equall|, ^|\equchap| (default) or
+^|\equsect| to indicate that the equations should be
+numbered throughout the paper, separately for each
+chapter and appendix or separately for each section and appendix.
+In case you choose |\equchap| or |\equsect| the numbers
+will have an appropriate prefix.
+Whenever you want to generate an equation number you can use
+^|\eq|, e.g.\ in |\eqaligntag{|\dots|&\eq\cr|\dots|}| or
+Sometimes you may want to generate equation numbers e.g.\ \queq{5},
+\queq{5a}, \queq{5b}, \dots, \queq{6}.
+To do so you may use |\eq|, ^|\subeqbegin|, ^|\subeq|, \dots, |\eq|.
+If you want to generate instead the equation numbers \queq{5},
+\queq{6a}, \queq{6b}, \dots, \queq{7} you should use |\eq|, ^|\eqadv|
+(\underbar{adv}ance the \underbar{eq}uation number by 1),
+|\subeqbegin|, |\subeq|, \dots, |\eq|.
+If you want to refer to the number of an equation in the text
+you should use\lb
+^|\EQ|\<code~name> instead of |\eq|,\lb
+^|\EQADV|\<code~name> instead of |\eqadv|,\lb
+^|\SUBEQBEGIN|\<code~name> instead of |\subeqbegin| and\lb
+^|\SUBEQ|\<code~name> instead of |\subeq|.\lb
+The \<code~name> will then be defined to
+represent the equation number (|\EQ| and |\EQADV|)
+or the suffix, e.g.\ $a$ or $b$ (|\SUBEQBEGIN| and |\SUBEQ|).\lb
+Assuming you have chosen the option |\eqsect|, the $5^{\rm th}$
+equation of section~2 in chapter~3 will get the tag
+The \<code~name> will then evaluate to `5' in section~2
+of chapter~3, to `2.5' in all other sections of chapter~3,
+and to `3.2.5' outside of chapter~3.
+You may always enforce the short form `5' by using
+^|\shorttag|\<code~name> or the long form `3.2.5' by using
+You may refer to one or more equations by using ^|\queq|
+(\underbar{qu}ote \underbar{eq}uation), e.g.\lb
+|\queq{|\<code~name>|}| might evaluate to `\queq{3.2.5}',\lb
+|\queq{|\<code~name>|,\fulltag|\<code~name>|}| to
+`\queq{3.2.5,4.1.7}' and\lb
+|\queq{|\<code~name>|-\shorttag|\<code~name>|}| to `\queq{3.2.5-7}'.\lb
+The command |\queq| puts the equation numbers into an
+|\hbox|, therefore there will never be a line break between them.
+There are in fact two options available:
+If you specify |\equshort| (default) then |\queq{|\dots|}|
+will give you abbreviated equation numbers as described above and
+demonstrated in the examples below.
+If you specify |\equfull| then |\queq{|\dots|}| will give
+you the full equation numbers.
+In either case an explicit |\fulltag| or |\shorttag| in the
+argument of |\queq| takes precedence over these options.
+Sometimes you will want to not only quote the equation
+number(s) but to have `eq.\vspace' or `eqs.\vspace' or the
+german equivalent in front of the equation number(s).
+The commands ^|\qeq||{|\dots|}| and ^|\qeqs||{|\dots|}| will just do
+that for you.
+Assume you have used the command \dots|\EQ\eqname|\dots
+to generate the equation number `\queq{3.2.5}'.
+Somewhat later in the text you might want to use the number
+`\queq{3.2.5'}' for a modified version of that equation.
+For this purpose you can use the command |\eqapp\eqname '|
+(\underbar{app}end to \underbar{eq}uation number).
+You can use the abbreviations\lb
+^|\eqn| instead of |\eqtag\eq|,\lb
+^|\EQN| instead of |\eqtag\EQ|,\lb
+^|\subeqnbegin| instead of |\eqtag\subeqbegin|,\lb
+^|\SUBEQNBEGIN| instead of |\eqtag\SUBEQBEGIN|,\lb
+^|\subeqn| instead of |\eqtag\subeq|,\lb
+^|\SUBEQN| instead of|\eqtag\SUBEQ| and\lb
+^|\eqnapp| instead of |\eqtag\eqapp|.
+\subsec{Examples:}We will now use
+$$a=b+c-d\qquad\hbox{this is equation `Eq1'}\EQN\Eq1$$
+to produce:
+$$a=b+c-d\qquad\hbox{this is equation `Eq1'}\EQN\Eq1$$
+and use `|\qeq{\Eq1}|' to refer to equation `|\Eq1|' as
+\sect{More Examples:}
+Being in a new section we can again use `|\qeq{\Eq1}|' to refer
+to equation `|\Eq1|' as `\qeq{\Eq1}', but the result is
+The input
+\dots|$${\cal A}=7\EQN\eqa$$|
+\dots|$${\cal A}=-7\eqnapp\eqa '$$|\dots
+|\qeqs{\eqb\eqba,\eqa '}|\dots
+\dots$${\cal A}=7\EQN\eqa$$
+\dots$${\cal A}=-7\eqnapp\eqa '$$\dots
+Eqs.~\queq{\fulltag\eqa-\shorttag\eqb} \dots
+\qeqs{\eqb\eqba,\eqa '} \dots
+%*** end of file PMANEQU ***
+% \input pmanfgtb % figures and tables
+%*** this is file PMANFGTB as of 10.03.86 ***
+\chap{Figures and Tables}
+\sect{Storage Management} ^^{storage management}
+The text of ^{figure captions}, ^{table captions}, ^{references},
+the ^{table of contents} and (possibly) ^{footnotes} are collected
+during the execution and stored for later printing.
+If you specify the command ^|\storebox|, ^|\storelist| (default)
+or ^|\storefile| these texts will be stored in boxes,
+as lists of macro definitions or on external files (sysut1--sysut7).
+Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages.
+\pointbegin |\storebox|: This is the fastest method but it also uses
+the largest amount of storage because all macros are expanded before
+the text is stored.
+Moreover the command |\save| will not be able to write these texts
+to an external file for later |\restore|.
+\point |\storelist|: This method is slightly slower but needs less
+storage (macros are not expanded until the texts are finally printed).
+\point |\storefile|: This is the slowest method but it avoids all
+storage problem because the texts are stored on external files and are
+reread only when they are printed.
+\sect{Figure Captions}
+The following figure caption macros allow you to automatically
+number the figures, collect a list of ^{figure captions}
+and print this list.
+If you use ^|\figall| (default) the figures are numbered
+throughout the paper,
+if you use ^|\figchap| they are numbered separately for
+each chapter and appendix, with the number of the chapter or
+the letter of the appendix as prefix,
+if you use ^|\figsect| they are numbered separately for
+each section and appendix, with the the chapter and section number or
+the letter of the appendix as prefix.
+If you use ^|\figpage| (default) the list of figure captions
+(if any) will be printed on one or several separate pages.
+If you use ^|\nofigpage| the list will appear on separate
+pages only if you choose ^|\pagechap|.
+If you use ^|\fig||{|\<caption>|}| a number will be assigned to the
+figure and the \<caption> will be saved for the list of figure
+If you want to assign your own label to a figure, i.e.\ just
+want to save the figure caption for later printing, use
+The label must not contain any explicit braces (|{| or |}|).
+It must contain the entire number for the figure (including
+any chapter number as prefix) and could e.g.\ be a figure
+number defined previously (with |\FIG|) with a suffix (a, b, \dots).
+You can save a figure caption for the list of captions and at the
+same time generate the description of the figure in the text.
+Just use ^|\ffig| instead of |\fig|.
+If you want to refer to a figure in the text you should use\lb
+^|\FIG|\<code~name> instead of |\fig| or\lb
+^|\FFIG|\<code~name> instead of |\ffig|.\lb
+You can then refer to figures e.g.\ by
+or |\qufig{|\<code~name>|-|\<code~name>|}|\lb
+which might evaluate to
+\begingroup % for local def's
+ \def\name{5}
+ `\qufig{\name}',
+ \def\name{3.1} \def\namea{4.2} \german
+ `\qufig{\name,\namea}' or
+ \def\name{9} \def\namea{11} \english
+ `\qufig{\name-\namea}'.
+\endgroup % for local def's
+The command ^|\figadd||{...}| can be used to add an ordinary
+paragraph of text to the list of figure captions.
+Such paragraphs can occur before the first caption, between captions
+or after the last caption.
+You can use ^|\figout| to print a list of all
+figure captions collected so far (if any).
+This will at the same time empty the list.
+If you want a separate list of figure captions for each chapter
+just use the command |\figout| at the end of each chapter.
+The command ^|\figkill| discards all figure captions collected so far;
+this may be helpful to avoid storage problems.
+\sect{Figures and Plots} ^^{figures}
+The command ^|\frame||{|\<width>|}{|\<heigth>|}{|\<depth>|}| produces
+an |\hbox| containing a box of the given dimensions which is empty
+except for rules just inside the box boundaries.
+Both \<width> and \<height>+\<depth> must be positive but either
+or \<depth> could be negative.
+Note, however, that the surrounding box (as any |\hbox|) will have
+nonnegative height and depth!
+In the following we will illustrate how such a frame box or any other
+box (e.g.\ a |\table|), possibly together with a description, can be
+placed in the text or as an insertion.
+First we want to demonstrate how frame boxes will appear in
+the middle of a line:
+e.g.\ |\frame{1cm}{1cm}{-.5cm}| \frame{1cm}{1cm}{-.5cm} or
+|\frame{2cm}{-1mm}{6mm}| \frame{2cm}{-1mm}{6mm} or
+|\frame{1cm}{5mm}{5mm}| \frame{1cm}{5mm}{5mm} and so on.
+\def\marginbox#1{\par\begingroup \count255=#1\relax
+ \dimen0=\ht\count255 \advance\dimen0\dp\count255
+ \dimen2\dimen0 \advance\dimen2\parskip
+ \skip0=0pt plus\dimen2 \vskip\skip0 \penalty-110 \vskip-\skip0
+ \strut \vadjust{\kern-\dp\strutbox \vtop to\dp\strutbox
+ {\kern-\ht\strutbox \baselineskip\dp\strutbox
+ \rtline{\copy\count255}\vss\null}}%
+ \dimen2.5em\advance\dimen2\wd\count255
+ \count255=0 \loop \ifdim\dimen0>0pt\advance\count255-1
+ \advance\dimen0-\baselineskip \repeat
+ \edef\next{\endgroup \hangafter\the\count255
+ \hangindent-\the\dimen2}\next}
+\setbox0\frame{3cm}{3cm}{0cm} ^^|\marginbox|
+\marginbox{0}At the begin of a paragraph you can leave room
+for a box on the right side by using ^|\hangindent| and ^|\hangafter|.
+In the present example the values for these commands have been
+computed from the dimensions of the box.
+In addition we made sure that there will be no page break
+between the first lines of the paragraph with the hanging
+This paragraph was started with the commands
+\marginbox{0}At the begin ...
+and the macro definition
+\def\marginbox#1{\par\begingroup \count255=#1\relax
+ \dimen0=\ht\count255 \advance\dimen0\dp\count255
+ \dimen2\dimen0 \advance\dimen2\parskip
+ \skip0=0pt plus\dimen2 \vskip\skip0 \penalty-110 \vskip-\skip0
+ \strut \vadjust{\kern-\dp\strutbox \vtop to\dp\strutbox
+ {\kern-\ht\strutbox \baselineskip\dp\strutbox
+ \rtline{\copy\count255}\vss\null}}%
+ \dimen2.5em\advance\dimen2\wd\count255
+ \count255=0 \loop \ifdim\dimen0>0pt\advance\count255-1
+ \advance\dimen0-\baselineskip \repeat
+ \edef\next{\endgroup \hangafter\the\count255
+ \hangindent-\the\dimen2}\next}
+\noindent With slight modifications in the definition of
+|\marginbox| the paragraph could start without the usual paragraph
+indentation (|\noindent|) or the hanging indentation could be on the
+left side (|\hangindent>0|).
+ \dimen0\ht\count255 \advance\dimen0-\ht\strutbox
+ \lower\dimen0\copy\count255
+ \dimen0\ht\count255 \advance\dimen0\dp\count255
+ \advance\dimen0\lineskip
+ \vadjust{\nobreak \vskip-\dimen0}\allowbreak
+ \dimen0\hsize \advance\dimen0-\leftskip
+ \advance\dimen0-\rightskip \advance\dimen0-\wd\count255
+ \dimen4\ht\count255 \dimen6\dp\count255 \dimen8\wd\count255
+ \setbox0\null \ht0\dimen4 \dp0\dimen6 \wd0\dimen8
+ \advance\dimen6-\dp\strutbox
+ \count255=0 \dimen2=0pt \loop \advance\count255 1
+ \ifdim\dimen2<\dimen0
+ \advance\dimen2 .25em\repeat \divide\dimen0\count255
+ \loop\ifnum\count255>0 \advance\count255-1 \vadjust{}\kern\dimen0
+ \allowbreak \repeat
+ \raise\dimen6\box0 \endgroup}
+\setbox0\hbox{$\mat{a&b\cr c&d\cr}$}
+\setbox2\frame{2cm}{15mm}{0pt} ^^|\stepbox|
+Finally, as the most complicated example to place boxes in a paragraph,
+we have a matrix \stepbox{0} and a framebox \stepbox{2} placed such
+that their top matches the text to their left and their bottom
+matches the text to their right.
+\edef\next{\the\prevgraf}The method used to achieve this effect is
+somewhat devious and not entirely satisfactory, but it is the best we
+could think of.
+The previous paragraph actually consists of {\next} lines and there is
+a slight chance that there is an undesirable page break.
+We have used the commands
+\setbox0\hbox{$\mat{a&b\cr c&d\cr}$}
+.... matrix \stepbox{0} and a framebox \stepbox{2} placed ...
+together with the macro definition
+ \dimen0\ht\count255 \advance\dimen0-\ht\strutbox
+ \lower\dimen0\copy\count255
+ \dimen0\ht\count255 \advance\dimen0\dp\count255
+ \advance\dimen0\lineskip
+ \vadjust{\nobreak \vskip-\dimen0}\allowbreak
+ \dimen0\hsize \advance\dimen0-\leftskip
+ \advance\dimen0-\rightskip \advance\dimen0-\wd\count255
+ \dimen4\ht\count255 \dimen6\dp\count255 \dimen8\wd\count255
+ \setbox0\null \ht0\dimen4 \dp0\dimen6 \wd0\dimen8
+ \advance\dimen6-\dp\strutbox
+ \count255=0 \dimen2=0pt \loop \advance\count255 1
+ \ifdim\dimen2<\dimen0
+ \advance\dimen2 .25em\repeat \divide\dimen0\count255
+ \loop\ifnum\count255>0 \advance\count255-1 \vadjust{}\kern\dimen0
+ \allowbreak \repeat
+ \raise\dimen6\box0 \endgroup}
+On our installation there exists the possibility to combine {\TeX}
+with ^{plots}.
+If you specify the option ^|\graphics| the command\lb
+produces an invisible plot box and uses ^|\special| commands in order to
+transfer the \<plot specification> together with the coordinates to the
+Lateron when the DVI-file is prepared for printing on a suitable device
+a plot from a (GKS) plot metafile will be inserted.
+If you specify the option ^|\nographics| (default) the command
+will produce a frame box of exactly the same dimensions as the plot box
+and write a note to the LOG-file.
+\midinsert \advance\leftskip by 2.5 cm
+\advance\rightskip by 2.5 cm
+\FFIG\figr1{Demonstration of how to leave 5 cm of blank space for
+a figure and to generate a figure caption} \endinsert
+\subsec{Example:}Immediately before this unnumbered subsection
+we have used the commands
+\midinsert \advance\leftskip by 2.5 cm
+\advance\rightskip by 2.5 cm
+\FFIG\figr1{Demonstration of how to leave 5 cm of blank space for
+a figure and to generate a figure caption} \endinsert
+to leave blank space for a figure and generate the caption.
+We can now refer to this figure as `\qufig{\figr1}' by using
+the command `|\qufig{\figr1}|'.
+Another set of commands reserves blank space for pictures
+and allows for a more elaborate description below them, but
+will not produce entries for the list of figure captions.
+If you want such entries you have to combine these commands
+with |\fig| or |\FIG|.
+The command\lb
+|\pict{|\<dimension>|}| or ^|\pict|^\<label>|{|\<dimension>|}|\lb
+will reserve a blank space of vertical dimension
+\<dimension> for a picture, followed by a description
+(actually a ^|\varitem|).
+If the \<label> is omitted {\TeX} will assign a figure number,
+otherwise the \<label> will be used.
+You can use ^|\PICT|\<code~name> instead of |\pict| if you want
+to refer to the figure number lateron.
+The description may start with a part relevant for the whole
+This may be followed by one or several commands
+^|\spict||{|^\<slabel>|}| and the description of some part of
+the picture labelled \<slabel>.
+The entire description will terminate with the next ^|\par|
+or ^{blank line}.
+You may, however, use ^|\parvskip||\parskip| to divide the description
+itself into several paragraphs.
+\pageinsert\singlespace\centerline{An inserted page\strut}\hrule
+\strut First we give an example where |\PICT| is used without
+a \<label> (automatic numbering).
+The sequence of commands
+\PICT\figr2{1cm} First we have a description for the whole
+picture. The descriptions for its parts could, of course, be
+\spict{(a)} This is the description for part (a) if the picture.
+It is indented somewhat more to leave room for the sub-label.
+\spict{(b)} Here is the description for another part.
+\PICT\figr2{1cm} First we have a description for the whole
+picture. The descriptions for its parts could, of course, be
+\spict{(a)} This is the description for part (a) if the picture.
+It is indented somewhat more to leave room for the sub-label.
+\spict{(b)} Here is the description for another part.
+\noindent Note that we have not produced an entry in the list of
+figure captions for the \qufig{\figr2} above.
+In the next example we use |\FIG| to produce such an entry and then
+|\pict| with a \<label> to generate the description.
+Moreover we use |\parvskip\parskip| to start a new paragraph
+inside the description.
+\FIG\figr3{A picture with description for its two
+parts (a) and (b)}
+\pict\figr3{12mm}\spict{(a)} Here the description for the first
+part starts without any description common to all parts.
+\parvskip\parskip We can start a new paragraph without
+\parvskip\parskip\indent or with indentation.
+\spict{(b)} Description for the second part.\par
+\noindent We can now refer to the whole figure as \qufig{\figr3}
+or just to the second part as \qufig{\figr3}b and so on.
+\FIG\figr3{A picture with description for its two
+parts (a) and (b)}
+\pict\figr3{12mm}\spict{(a)} Here the description for the first
+part starts without any description common to all parts.
+\parvskip\parskip We can start a new paragraph without
+\parvskip\parskip\indent or with indentation.
+\spict{(b)} Description for the second part.\par
+\noindent We can now refer to the whole figure as \qufig{\figr3}
+or just to the second part as \qufig{\figr3}b and so on\strut.
+Here we have used the commands
+\pageinsert\singlespace\centerline{An inserted page\strut}\hrule
+\strut First we give ...
+.... and so on\strut.
+to demonstrate, on a separate page, how these commands work and how
+they can be combined with the other figure caption macros.
+\sect{Table Captions and Tables} ^^{table captions}
+The table options ^|\taball|, ^|\tabchap|, ^|\tabsect|,
+^|\tabpage|, ^|\notabpage| and the table caption macros
+^|\tab|, ^|\ttab|, ^|\TAB|, ^|\TTAB|,
+^|\qutab|, ^|\tabadd|, ^|\tabout| and ^|\tabkill|
+are the exact analogue of those for figures.
+The {\TeX}book \quref{\texbook} explains in detail the use of
+^|\halign| to align table entries.
+This is in fact rather simple as long as you do not want vertical
+For tables with vertical rules you may consult the examples on pages
+247 (Chapter 22: Alignment) and 392 (Appendix D: Dirty Tricks).
+Based on the example on page 247 there is a macro ^|\table|
+for ^{tables} with vertical rules.
+The syntax for |\table| is identical to that for |\halign|:\lb
+|\table|^\<box specification>|{|^\<alignment material>|}|.\lb
+There are, however, a few restrictions.
+\pointbegin The ^\<preamble> must terminate with ^|\cr|,
+not with ^|\crcr|.
+Immediately after the |{| which precedes the preamble, after an |&|
+which terminates a template in the preamble (but not after a second
+|&| which indicates that the remainder of the preamble shall be
+repeated if necessary) and immediately after the |\cr| which
+terminates the preamble you can specify ^|\vrule| to indicate a vertical
+rule at this point.
+\point Immediately after the preamble (after the |\cr| or |\vrule|)
+you may specify ^|\hrule| or ^|\noalign||{...}|.
+If you use |\noalign| the vertical rules will, in general, be
+\point The preamble may contain ^|\span| (expand) as usual but this
+macro expansion must not produce any |&|, |\vrule| or |\cr|.
+\point The rest of the ^\<alignment material> may contain
+^|\omit|, ^|\span| and ^|\multispan| as usual but all |&|'s
+and |\cr|'s must be explicit.
+\point |\table| uses the \<glue> parameter ^|\htabskip| and the
+\<dimension> parameter ^|\vtabskip| for extra space between the
+aligned material and the position where rules are or could be.
+The default values are `1em plus 2em minus .5 em' (for 12pt roman)
+and `2.5pt' respectively.
+\point Inside a table you can use
+|\ml{...\nl...}| to produce table entries which consist
+of several lines.
+The ^|\ml| (multi line mode) could be part of the preamble,
+each ^|\nl| (new line) starts a new line.
+\midinsert \hbox{\hskip1cm\vtop{\hrule height0pt\table to5.5cm{
+ \vrule\hfil#&\vrule#\hfil\cr \vrule \hrule
+ This is a&\ml{simple\nl table}\cr \hrule
+ A normal&row\cr \hrule \noalign{\vskip1pt}\hrule
+ \multispan2\hfil Three rows which span\hfil\cr
+ \multispan2\hfil two columns and are\hfil\cr
+ \multispan2\hfil centered\hfil\cr \hrule}}\hskip.5cm%
+ \vtop{\hsize7cm\hrule height0pt\raggedright
+ \TTAB\tabl1{Example of a rather simple table which
+ is extended to 5.5 cm. The description appears as
+ a 7 cm wide paragraph to the right of the table.}}}
+\midinsert \advance\leftskip by 2 cm
+\advance\rightskip by 2 cm
+\TTAB\tabl2\tabl1 a{E. Cartan's list of classical and
+exceptional simple Lie algebras.}
+\centerline{\table to 11cm{
+ $#$\hfil&\vrule&\hfil$#$\hfil&\vrule
+ \hfil$#$\hfil&\vrule$#$\hfil\cr\hrule
+ $Lie Algebra$&\rm Rank&\rm Dimension&%
+ \ml{corresponding\nl classical group
+ \nl(compact real form)}\cr\hrule
+ A_n\quad(n\ge1)&n&n(n+2)&SU(n+1)\cr
+ B_n\quad(n\ge2)&n&n(2n+1)&SO(2n+1)\cr
+ C_n\quad(n\ge3)&n&n(2n+1)&USp(2n)\cr
+ D_n\quad(n\ge4)&n&n(2n-1)&SO(2n)\cr \hrule
+ G_2&2&14\cr F_4&4&52\cr E_6&6&78\cr
+ E_7&7&133\cr E_8&8&248\cr }}\endinsert
+\subsec{Examples:}The two tables \qutab{\tabl1} and \qutab{\tabl2}
+are produced with the following sequence of commands:
+|\midinsert \hbox{\hskip1cm\vtop{\hrule height0pt\table to5.5cm{|
+| \vrule\hfil#&\vrule#\hfil\cr \vrule \hrule|
+| This is a&\ml{simple\nl table}\cr \hrule|
+| A normal&row\cr \hrule \noalign{\vskip1pt}\hrule|
+| \multispan2\hfil Three rows which span\hfil\cr|
+| \multispan2\hfil two columns and are\hfil\cr|
+| \multispan2\hfil centered\hfil\cr \hrule}}\hskip.5cm%|
+| \vtop{\hsize7cm\hrule height0pt\raggedright|
+| \TTAB\tabl1{Example of a rather simple table which|
+| is extended to 5.5 cm. The description appears as|
+| a 7 cm wide paragraph to the right of the table.}}}|
+|\midinsert \advance\leftskip by 2 cm|
+|\advance\rightskip by 2 cm|
+|\TTAB\tabl2\tabl1 a{E. Cartan's list of classical and|
+|exceptional simple Lie algebras.}|
+|\centerline{\table to 11cm{|
+| $#$\hfil&\vrule&\hfil$#$\hfil&\vrule|
+| \hfil$#$\hfil&\vrule$#$\hfil\cr\hrule|
+| $Lie Algebra$&\rm Rank&\rm Dimension&%|
+| \ml{corresponding\nl classical group|
+| \nl(compact real form)}\cr\hrule|
+| A_n\quad(n\ge1)&n&n(n+2)&SU(n+1)\cr|
+| B_n\quad(n\ge2)&n&n(2n+1)&SO(2n+1)\cr|
+| C_n\quad(n\ge3)&n&n(2n+1)&USp(2n)\cr|
+| D_n\quad(n\ge4)&n&n(2n-1)&SO(2n)\cr \hrule|
+| G_2&2&14\cr F_4&4&52\cr E_6&6&78\cr|
+| E_7&7&133\cr E_8&8&248\cr }}\endinsert|
+%*** end of file PMANFGTB ***
+% \input pmanref % references
+%*** this is file PMANREF as of 11.03.86 ***
+There are two basic way to quote ^{references} in an article or book.
+One possibility is to assign a number to each reference when it
+is used for the first time and to list them all, ordered by numbers,
+in the list of references.
+The other possibility is to quote references by the name of the
+author(s) and possibly a date and list them all in alphabetic order.
+Most of this chapter deals with the first of these
+possibilities (numeric references). ^^{references, numeric}
+Only one section later on will describe how to use references by name.
+^^{references, by name}
+The reference macros have to serve several purposes: they must
+\pointbegin save the reference text,
+\point assign numbers to the references,
+\point put quotations to references in the text and
+\point print a list of all references.
+\par\noindent There is a variety of reference macros which perform
+one or several of these tasks.
+\sect{Form of References}
+The command ^|\quref| is very similar to the command ^|\queq|
+for equations, it quotes all the references in its argument.
+You may specify ^|\refsup| (default) if quotations to references
+should normally appear as superscripts
+(\qurefsup like this \quref{\texbook})
+or ^|\refsqb| if they or should be enclosed in square brackets
+(\qurefsqb like this \quref{\texbook}).
+These options will also affect the form of the list of references
+and they cannot be changed once the first reference is used.
+You can however specify ^|\qurefsup| (default with |\refsup|),
+^|\qurefsqb| (default with |\refsqb|) or ^|\qurefnum|
+if at some place you want to deviate from your usual style of
+Unlike most other specifications described in this manual they are
+local to the group (e.g.\ |{...}|) within which they occur.
+The input:\lb
+|the conjecture by {\qurefsup M\"uller \quref{a}} and {\qurefsqb|\lb
+|Schulz \quref{b}} was proven in {\qurefnum Ref.~\quref{I}}.|\lb
+the conjecture by {\qurefsup M\"uller \quref{a}} and {\qurefsqb
+Schulz \quref{b}} was proven in {\qurefnum Ref.~\quref{I}}.
+The commands ^|\qref| and ^|\qrefs| are similar to ^|\qeq| and ^|\qeqs|,
+i.e. |\qref{...}| is a shorthand for\lb
+|{\qurefnum Ref.~\quref{...}}| (or its german equivalent).
+The commands ^|\refpage|, ^|\norefpage|, ^|\refadd|, ^|\refout| and
+^|\refkill| have exactly the same function
+as the corresponding ones for figures and tables.
+\sect{Predefined References} ^^{references, predefined}
+You may wish to define some or all references at the begin of your
+The command ^|\RF|\<code~name>|{|\<text>|}| will save \<text>
+but will not assign a number to the reference.
+A number will be assigned when the first quotation of this reference
+appears in the text.
+References defined with |\RF| can therefore appear in any order.
+Those never quoted will not appear in the list of references.
+If you use the commnand ^|\RFlist| (default) predefined references will
+be stored as macro definitions,
+if you use ^|\RFfile| they will be stored on an external file.
+You can use the command ^|\RFext|~\<filename>{\vspace} to indicate that
+all your |\RF|'s are contained in an external file.
+This method is somewhat more efficient than |\RFfile| because there
+is no need to copy all |\RF|'s to an auxiliary file.
+\subsec{Note:}Clearly |\RFlist| is faster than |\RFfile| and |\RFext|
+but also needs more storage to keep the text of all references.
+|\RFfile| or |\RFext| should only be used if necessary, because the
+method is not very efficient.
+It may happen that the (auxiliary or external) file containing the
+|\RF|'s has to be read several times in order to retrieve the text
+of all references.
+The maximal number of predefined references kept in storage is given
+by the counter ^|\RFmax| with the default value 50.
+If the reference texts are very long it may be necessary to reduce this
+value, if the texts are rather short and there are more than 50
+predefined references the value of |\RFmax| could be increased.
+\subsec{Warning:}Alternating definition and (first) use of predefined
+references should be avoided under all circumstances, if |\RFfile| has
+been specified.
+\subsec{Examples:}We may use the commands
+\lb|\RF\AUThor{A.U. Thor, \dots}|
+\lb|\RF\Drof{R.J. Drofnats, \dots;\lb|
+\lb| A. Kabelschacht, \dots}|\lb
+\RF\AUThor{A.U. Thor, \dots}
+\RF\Drof{R.J. Drofnats, \dots;\lb
+ A. Kabelschacht, \dots}
+to predefine two references, the second one with two articles.
+Lateron we use the input\lb
+|\dots\space this hypothesis \quref{\Drof} has recently been|\lb
+|proven \quref{\AUThor} \dots|\lb
+to obtain:\lb
+\dots\space this hypothesis \quref{\Drof} has recently been
+proven \quref{\AUThor} \dots
+A certain difficulty arises if all references are predefined and you
+want (e.g.\ in the introduction) to refer to several of them as
+e.g.\ `\quref{1-4}', because you have to use all of them in order to
+assign numbers but you do not want all these numbers in your output.
+The solution is\lb
+The command ^|\use| puts its argument into an hbox and throws this
+hbox away, which may be useful for other purposes as well.
+\subsec{Examples:}The input
+\RF\uuu{uuu} \RF\vvv{vvv}
+\RF\www{www} \RF\xxx{xxx}
+\dots\space \quref{\uuu\use{\vvv\www}-\xxx} \dots
+\RF\uuu{uuu} \RF\vvv{vvv}
+\RF\www{www} \RF\xxx{xxx}
+\dots\space \quref{\uuu\use{\vvv\www}-\xxx} \dots
+\sect{Single References}
+You can use ^|\ref||{|\<text>|}| to define a reference which is used
+just once.
+This command saves \<text>, assigns a number and quotes this reference.
+\lb You can use ^|\REF|\<code~name>|{|\<text>|}| to define a reference
+which is used several times.
+This command saves the \<text> and assigns a number.
+It will, however, generate no quotation to this reference.
+To obtain such a quotation use ^|\refend| (which always refers
+to the reference number which was assigned last) or
+\subsec{Examples:}The input\lb
+|\dots\space \ref{aaa} \dots\space \REF\bbb{bbb}\refend\space\dots|\lb
+yields:\foot{Observe the effects in the list of references}\lb
+\dots\space \ref{aaa} \dots\space \REF\bbb{bbb}\refend\space\dots
+\sect{Multiple References} ^^{references, multiple}
+In order to generate multiple references you can, of course, use
+|\quref| with sufficiently complicated arguments.
+If you want, however, to introduce a number of new references and
+refer to all of them you can use the sequence of commands:
+\lb^|\refs||{|\<text>|}| or ^|\REFS|\<code~name>|{|\<text>|}|
+\lb^|\refscon||{|\<text>|}| or ^|\REFSCON|\<code~name>|{|\<text>|}|
+\lb|\refscon{|\<text>|}| or |\REFSCON|\<code~name>|{|\<text>|}|
+\lb If you omit the |\refsend| the quotation
+to these references will be omitted.
+If you wish, you can in fact use |\refsend| several times.
+\subsec{Examples:}The input
+\dots\space \REFS\ccc{ccc} \refscon{This is a ... indented.}
+\REFSCON\eee{eee} \refsend\space\dots
+\dots\space \REFS\ccc{ccc} \refscon{This is a very long reference which
+will certainly need more than one line; the second line will be
+\REFSCON\eee{eee} \refsend\space\dots
+\sect{References by Name} ^^{references, by name}
+The command ^|\refnam| indicates that you want references by
+In this case all references must be predefined (|\RF|) and their order
+is important.
+All those used at least once will be printed in the list of references
+in exactly the same order.
+Because it is much harder to standardize quotations for references by
+name the command |\quref| will not produce any visible output.
+It will just remember which references have been used.
+The commands |\qref|, |\qrefs| and all commands for single or multiple
+references cannot be used together with |\refnam|.
+\sect{Multiple Lists of References}
+It is quite possible to have a separate list of references after
+each chapter.
+You just have to use |\refout| (probably with the option |\norefpage|)
+at the end of each chapter.
+The command ^|\refout| will not only print a list of references
+but will in addition reset the reference counter to zero and forget
+all code names used for single and multiple references.
+All the code names for predefined references will, however, still be
+defined and available for future use in a later chapter.
+\sect{Macros for Physics Journals}
+In order to facilitate the writing of references and to conserve
+storage there are macros for frequently used ^{physics journals}.
+You can choose between the options ^|\yearpage| (default) or
+^|\pageyear| if references generated by these macros should have
+the form `\yearpage \journal{journal}volume(year)page*'
+or `\pageyear \journal{journal}volume(year)page*'.\yearpage
+The printing of the journal name and volume is determined by
+^|\journalstyle| and ^|\volumestyle| with the default definitions
+\lb|\def\journalstyle{\sl}| (slanted) and
+\lb|\def\volumestyle{\bf}| (boldface);\lb
+ other useful possibilities are
+\lb|\def\volumestyle{\underbar}| (underlined) or
+\lb|\def\volumestyle{}| (roman).
+The basic macros are\lb
+^|\journal||{|\<journal name>|}|\<volume>|(|\<year>|)|\<page(s)>|*|\lb
+for journals with ordinary volume numbers,\lb
+^|\journalp||{|\<journal name>|}|\<letter>\<volume>|(|\<year>|)|%
+for journals where a letter precedes the volume numbers
+(e.g.\ \Nucl\Phys) and\lb
+^|\journalf||{|\<journal name>|}|\<letter>\<volume>|(|\<year>|)|%
+for journals where a letter follows the volume numbers
+(e.g.\ \Phys\Lett).
+The following macros for frequently used physics journals are defined
+in terms of these basic macros:
+%*** the following lines are copied from PHYSJRNL ***
+where macros for frequently used abbreviations
+(e.g.\ `|\Phys|' for `\Phys')
+are used in order to conserve storage space.
+\subsec{Examples:}The following list displays the use of some of these
+macros together with the resulting output.
+|\PRL(1984)*, to appear|&\PRL(1984)*, to appear\cr
+|\NPB()* (to appear)|&\NPB()* (to appear)\cr
+%*** end of file PMANREF ***
+% \input pmanfoot % footnotes and insertionss
+%*** this is file PMANFOOT as of 11.03.86 ***
+\chap{Footnotes and Insertions}
+\sect{Footnotes} ^^{footnotes}
+You can use the command ^|\footbot| (default) or ^|\footend|
+if `footnotes' should appear at the bottom of the page (as footnotes
+like this\foot{A footnote at the bottom of the page})
+or should be printed separately at the end in the same way as
+figure captions, table captions and references (as required
+by some journals) like this\footend\foot{A footnote at the end
+of the paper}\footbot.
+In the later case you can use the commands ^|\footpage|,
+^|\nofootpage|, ^|\footadd|, ^|\footout| and ^|\footkill|
+which have exactly the same function as the corresponding ones for
+figures, tables and references.
+To generate footnotes you can use either\lb
+^|\footnote||{|\<symbol>|}{|\<text>|}|\foot{The lack of space between
+`|}|' and `|{|' in this and similar constructions is significant!}
+or ^|\foot||{|\<text>|}|.\lb
+The difference is that with |\footnote| you choose your own
+symbol, whereas footnotes produced with |\foot| are automatically
+numbered and the (superscripted) number is used as symbol.
+You can choose between ^|\footsqb| (default) and ^|\footpar|
+to get these numbers enclosed in square brackets or followed by
+a parenthesis.
+The text of footnotes (only those at the bottom of the page) will
+start with the command ^|\footstyle| with the default definition\lb
+If you want your footnotes printed in 10pt you should replace this
+by e.g.\lb
+\subsec{Examples:}We will first use \foot{This is a short footnote}\lb
+|\foot{This is a short footnote}|\lb
+\footnote{*}{This is a footnote. In order to see the difference
+in spacing within and between footnotes we make it long}\lb
+\dots| long}|\lb
+and finally \foot{This is another short footnote}\lb
+|\foot{This is another short footnote}|\lb
+to generate three footnotes.
+With the option |\footbot| footnotes are insertions which should
+eventually migrate to \TeX's main vertical list (compare the
+\TeX book \quref{\texbook}).
+They will, however, not do so, i.e.\ are lost, if they are hidden
+inside nested boxes, e.g.\ in a table.
+In such a case you can split the function of\lb
+|\foot{|\<text>|}| resp.\ |\footnote{|\<symbol>|}{|\<text>|}| into\lb
+^|\hfoot| resp.\ ^|\hfootnote{|\<symbol>|}| which will produce the
+reference to the footnote as well as save the symbol in the (global)
+variable ^|\footid| and\lb
+^|\vfootnote||\footid{|\<text>|}| somewhat later on the same page which
+will produce the footnote insertion, such that the insertion can
+migrate to the main vertical list.
+\subsec{Examples:}The input ^^|\boxit|
+\boxit{A lost footnote\foot{A lost footnote}}\quad
+\boxit{Two footnotes\hfoot \glet\footxx=\footid \space inside
+ a box\hfootnote{$^*$}}
+\vfootnote\footxx{First footnote from inside a box}
+\vfootnote\footid{Second footnote from inside a box}
+\boxit{A lost footnote\foot{A lost footnote}}\quad
+\boxit{Two footnotes\hfoot \glet\footxx=\footid \space inside
+ a box\hfootnote{$^*$}}
+\vfootnote\footxx{First footnote from inside a box}
+\vfootnote\footid{Second footnote from inside a box}
+You can use PLAIN's commands ^|\midinsert|, ^|\topinsert| and
+^|\pageinsert| together with ^|\endinsert| to produce ^{insertions}
+(e.g.\ tables or blank space for figures).
+%*** end of file PMANFOOT ***
+% \input pmantoc % table of contents
+%*** this is file PMANTOC as of 06.03.86 ***
+\chap{Table of Contents}
+During the processing of your manuscript you {\TeX} can collect
+information for a ^{table of contents} which can be printed at the end.
+It is, however, no problem to manipulate page numbers in such a way
+that the table of contents appears e.g.\ on pages 1 and 2 and the
+text starts on page 3.
+The commands ^|\tocpage|,
+^|\notocpage|, ^|\tocadd|, ^|\tocout| and ^|\tockill|
+which have exactly the same function as the corresponding ones for
+figures, tables and references.
+You can specify an entry for the table of contents with the command\lb
+and the page number will be automatically appended to the \<text>.
+You can also use the possibility to generate entries automatically.
+\bullitem If you choose the option ^|\tocnone| (default) there will
+be no automatic entries for the table of contents.
+\bullitem With the option ^|\tocchap| one entry will be
+automatically generated for each chapter (with the chapter
+number as \<label> and the chapter title as \<text>) and for each
+\bullitem With the option ^|\tocsect| there will be in addition
+one entry for each section (as in this manual).
+\bullitem With the option ^|\tocsecs| there will be in addition
+one entry for each subsection.
+\bullitem With the option ^|\tocsecss| there will be in addition
+one entry for each sub-subsection.
+\bullitem With the option ^|\tocsecsss| there will be in addition
+one entry for each sub-sub-subsection.
+\noindent You can combine these automatic entries with additional ones
+specified by ^|\toc| and ^|\tocadd|.
+The input
+\tocadd{Note that most of this table of contents has been produced
+ automatically with the option `tocsect'.
+ Only this paragraph and the immediately following entry
+ have been produced explicitely.}
+\toc{Demonstration}{how to generate (explicitely) an entry for the
+ table of contents. Very long entries will be split into several
+ lines with apropriate indentation on both sides}
+\tocadd{Note that most of this table of contents has been produced
+ automatically with the option `tocsect'.
+ Only this paragraph and the immediately following entry
+ have been produced explicitely.}
+\toc{Demonstration}{how to generate (explicitely) an entry for the
+ table of contents. Very long entries will be split into several
+ lines with apropriate indentation on both sides}
+does not produce any visible output at this point.
+The effect can, however, been seen in the table of contents.
+%*** end of file PMANTOC ***
+% \input pmantext % some macros for text
+%*** this is file PMANTEXT as of 06.03.86 ***
+\chap{Some Macros for Text}
+The command ^|\thetime| yields the time in the form `hh:mm'
+(e.g.\ \thetime), ^|\themonth| yields the current month in words
+(e.g.\ \themonth\ or \german\themonth),
+^|\date| yields todays date in the form `' (e.g.\ \date) and
+^|\thedate| yields todays date in long form such as `\thedate' or
+You can use ^|\ctrline|, ^|\lftline| or ^|\rtline| to produce a
+centered, left-justified or right-justified line of text.
+These commands are almost identical to PLAIN's ^|\centerline|,
+^|\leftline| and ^|\rightline| but they use |\hfil| instead
+of |\hss|.
+The use of |\hfil| does not allow the line to stick out on one
+or both sides but it does allow to cancel the |\hfil| by an
+|\hfilneg| or to override it by an |\hfill|.
+The definition of ^|\loop| has been modified in order to allow
+the construction\lb
+|\loop ... \if... ... \else ... \repeat| in addition to\lb
+|\loop ... \if... ... \repeat|.
+PLAIN's commands `^|\{|', `^|\}|', `^|\,|', `^|\>| and `^|\;|'
+have been modified and can be used in horizontal mode
+as well as in math mode.
+Moreover you can use ^|\Mit||{...}| to produce `math italic' and
+^|\Cal||{...}| to produce `caligraphic' text.
+Both commands can be used inside and outside math mode and |\Cal|
+will automatically translate its argument to upper case.
+Any input between ^|\comment| end ^|\endcomment| will be ignored,
+i.e.\ treated as comment.
+Note, however, that |\endcomment| must appear as the first
+(nonblank) token of an input line.
+The command ^|\boxit||{...}| puts its argument into a box.
+The commands ^|\topsmash| and ^|\botsmash| are similar to ^|\smash|
+but only the part above or below the baseline is `smashed'.
+\subsec{Examples:}The input
+\line{\boxit{\boxit{\;$a\over b$\;}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\vphantom{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\hphantom{\;$a\over b$\;}}}}
+\line{\boxit{\boxit{\rlap{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\topsmash{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\phantom{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\botsmash{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\smash{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\llap{\;$a\over b$\;}}}}
+\line{\boxit{\boxit{\;$a\over b$\;}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\vphantom{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\hphantom{\;$a\over b$\;}}}}
+\line{\boxit{\boxit{\rlap{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\topsmash{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\phantom{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\botsmash{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\smash{\;$a\over b$\;}}}\hfill
+ \boxit{\boxit{\llap{\;$a\over b$\;}}}}
+The command ^|\lb| is equivalent to |\hfil\break| and can be used to
+force a line break.\lb
+The command ^|\endpage| is equivalent to |\par\vfil\eject| and can be
+used to force a page break.\lb
+If you use ^|\superendpage| instead of |\endpage| all pending footnotes
+and insertions will be printed before the new page is started.
+The command ^|\use| has already been mentioned, it puts its argument
+into an |\hbox| (with macro expansion as usual) and discards this
+The command ^|\eat| equally discards its argument but without any macro
+The command ^|\glet| is an abbreviation for |\global\let| and is used
+primarily to conserve space used for macros.
+%*** end of file PMANTEXT ***
+% \input pmanmath % mathematical expressions
+%*** this is file PMANMATH as of 06.03.86 ***
+\chap{Mathematical Expressions}
+Let us once again use `|\qeq{\Eq1}|' to refer to equation
+`|\Eq1|' defined earlier:
+this time the result is `\qeq{\Eq1}'.
+PLAIN's macros ^|\matrix|, ^|\pmatrix| and ^|\bordermatrix|
+have been modified as follows:
+If you use the commands ^|\matc| (default), ^|\matl| or ^|\matr|
+matrix elements will be centered (as in PLAIN), left justified
+or right justified respectively.
+Moreover you can use ^|\mat| as an abbreviation for ^|\pmatrix|.
+\subsec{Examples:}The sequence of commands
+The macros ^|\smallsum| and ^|\smallprod| give small summation
+and product signs similar to PLAIN's ^|\smallint|.
+These symbols are reduced in size if they appear in sub- or
+There are additional `^{math accents}' and there are also the
+corresponding symbols which can be used as superscripts.
+The complete list is:\lb
+^|\dot| and ^|\dotsymbol| for one dot,\lb
+^|\dotii| (or ^|\ddot|) and ^|\dotiisymbol| for two dots,\lb
+^|\dotiii| and ^|\dotiiisymbol| for three dots,\lb
+^|\dotiv| and ^|\dotivsymbol| for four dots,\lb
+^|\vec| and ^|\vecsymbol| for an arrow,\lb
+^|\bar| and ^|\barsymbol| for a bar,\lb
+^|\tilde| and ^|\tildesymbol| for a tilde and\lb
+^|\hat| and ^|\hatsymbol| for a hat.
+\subsec{Examples:}The input:
+$\dot x=\dotii x=\dotiii x=\dotiv x=
+\vec x=\bar x=\tilde x=\hat x$ or
+ABC^\dotiiisymbol=ABC^\dotivsymbol$ or
+$\dot x=\dotii x=\dotiii x=\dotiv x=
+\vec x=\bar x=\tilde x=\hat x$ or
+ABC^\dotiiisymbol=ABC^\dotivsymbol$ or
+\sect{Mathematical Statements}
+You may want to use macros to typeset ^{mathematical statements}
+such as definitions, theorems, propositions, {\dots} and
+The problem is that different people have different ideas
+how to name these statements.
+Moreover one author prefers to number each class of
+statements independently whereas another one would like them
+all to share one sequence of numbers.
+Therefore you must use the command ^|\defstmt|
+(\underbar{def}ine \underbar{st}ate\underbar{m}en\underbar{t})
+to define macros for theorems etc.\ yourself according to
+your preferences.
+The syntax is\lb
+|\defstmt{|\<macro>|}{|\<name>|}{|\<numbering>|} |.\lb
+The command |\defstmt{Thm}{Theorem}{|\<numbering>|}| will
+define a macro ^|\Thm| which can be used to state `Theorem's.
+Any such `Theorem' starts with |\Thm|, followed by optional
+text and by `:\vspace', and extends until the next statement or
+^|\par| or ^{blank line} is encountered.
+You may, however, use ^|\endgraf| to start a new paragraph
+within a statement.
+While you are inside such a statement the command
+^|\label| will define a \<code~name> such that it represents
+the number assigned to the statement.
+The command ^|\Prf| can be used to generate a proof.
+The only difference is that proofs have no numbers and that
+they may appear in a different font.
+The last argument \<numbering> of |\defstmt| determines how
+this class of statements shall be numbered and must be one
+of the following:
+\bullitem `|aa|', `|ca|', `|cc|', `|sa|', `|sc|' or `|ss|'
+where the first letter indicates whether the statements
+shall be numbered throughout the whole paper (a),
+per chapter (c) or per section (s).
+The second letter indicates whether
+these numbers shall be unique throughout the whole paper
+(a), through each chapter, i.e.\ chapter numbers as prefix are
+omitted, (c) or through each section, i.e.\ chapter and
+section numbers are omitted, (s).
+That means that the numbering options `|aa|', `|cc|' and
+`|ss|' will yield numbers which look alike but which are
+reset differently.
+\bullitem `|=|' immediately followed by \<macro> of another
+class of statements with which the new class shall share the
+\par\noindent Since the names of these statements are
+supplied by the user there is no need to provide for
+automatic switching between english and german text.
+The following example demonstrates some of the possibilities.
+The input:
+|\Def: \label\Df1 This is definition~\quote{\Df1}.|
+|\Thm (very important)\label\Tm1 : Assume $X$ has the properties|
+| \spointbegin $X$ is {\dots} and|
+| \spoint $X$ is \dots|
+|\endgraf\noindent Then \dots|
+|\par Before we prove Theorem~\quote{\Tm1} we need|
+|\Lem: \label\Lm1 This is a Lemma.|
+|\Prf: According to Definition \quote{\Df1} all $X$ \dots|
+|\Prf \rm of Theorem~\quote{\Tm1}:|
+|Using Lemma~\quote{\Lm1} we can \dots|
+\Def: \label\Df1 This is definition~\quote{\Df1}.
+\Thm (very important)\label\Tm1 : Assume $X$ has the properties
+ \spointbegin $X$ is {\dots} and
+ \spoint $X$ is \dots
+\endgraf\noindent Then \dots
+\par Before we prove Theorem~\quote{\Tm1} we need
+\Lem: \label\Lm1 This is a Lemma.
+\Prf: According to Definition \quote{\Df1} all $X$ \dots
+\Prf \rm of Theorem~\quote{\Tm1}:
+Using Lemma~\quote{\Lm1} we can \dots
+%*** end of file PMANMATH ***
+% \input pmansel % selective printing and start macros
+%*** this is file PMANSEL as of 10.03.86 ***
+\chap{Selective Printing and Start Macros}
+\sect{Selective Printing}
+Sometimes you want to print just one or a few pages of a long paper,
+e.g.\ because there have been some minor changes.\lb
+The command ^|\pagesel||{|\<first>|}{|\<last>|}| will suppress the
+printing of all pages with page numbers not in the range `first--last'.
+You can use |\pagesel| more than once, but you should consider
+that \TeX's page breaking mechanism is somewhat delayed.
+Note, however, that |\pagesel| does not save any computing time.
+Paragraphs will be broken into lines and lines will be assembled into
+pages as usual.
+\sect{Start Macros}
+If you prepare a long paper you will usually want to process
+smaller parts of it, one at a time.
+This is always somewhat difficult but the following `start macros'
+should help you:\lb
+^|\startpage|\<number> for ^|\pageall| or\lb
+^|\startpage|\<prefix>|.|\<number> for ^|\pagechap| sets the number
+of the first page (as displayed on the LOG file),\lb
+^|\startchap|\<number> sets the number for the next chapter,\lb
+^|\startsect|\<number> sets the number for the next section,\lb
+^|\startappendix||`|\<character> sets the character for the
+next appendix,\lb
+^|\startequ|\<number> sets the number for the next equation,\lb
+^|\startfig|\<number> sets the number for the next figure,\lb
+^|\starttab|\<number> sets the number for the next table,\lb
+^|\startref|\<number> sets the number for the next reference and\lb
+^|\startfoot|\<number> sets the number for the next footnote.
+These start macros initialize various count registers, but you may
+still have to initialize other internal variables (e.g.\ the prefix
+for equation numbers) which is normally done by ^|\chap|, ^|\sect| or
+In order to do so use
+\pointbegin ^|\sectinit| if you want to \underbar{continue} a section
+within chapter~0,
+\point ^|\chapinit| if you want to \underbar{continue} any chapter
+except chapter~0, or
+\point ^|\appinit| if you want to \underbar{continue} an appendix.
+\sect{Save and Restore}
+If you want to process only one part of your manuscript but at the
+same time want to refer to equations, figures, tables and references
+defined in earlier parts you should use ^|\save|~\<filename>\vspace.
+{\TeX} maintains a list of all \<code~name>'s defined so far
+(except the names of references defined by ^|\RF| which have not yet
+been used).
+In order to save storage space you can use the commands\lb
+^|\kill|\<code~name> or |\kill{|\<code~name>|...|\<code~name>|}|\lb
+to delete \<code~name>'s which are no longer needed;
+they are removed from the list and the corresponding definitions
+are discarded.
+The command |\save| writes a sequence of commands to an external file
+(with file type ^{TEXSAVE}) which can be used to restore all
+First there is a sequence of commands specifying options,
+followed by start macros with appropriate arguments and macros which
+restore the definitions of all \<code~name>'s on the list.
+Note, however, that the counts for subequations,
+((sub-)sub-)subsections and ((sub-)sub)points will
+neither be saved nor restored.
+To set up a job which starts at the point of the ^|\save|
+command you should
+\pointbegin respecify all private macro definitions
+\point repeat all definitions of references by ^|\RF|
+\point use the command ^|\restore|~\<filename>\vspace
+\foot{Sometimes it will be necessary to increase the page numer by
+The command |\startpage| should be followed by the page number of
+that page on which the text immediately following the |\save|
+command appears.}
+\point start whith the input right after the |\save| command.
+\par\noindent Finally if the text immediately after the |\save|
+command (e.g.\ a new chapter) doesn't start on a new page
+\point either start with the command ^|\vglue| (not |\vskip|)
+followed by the right dimension (e.g.\ `5.3cm') or
+insert commands to enforce a line and page break at the desired
+^|\vadjust||{\endpage}\lb| for a page break in the middle of a paragraph
+^|\endpage| for a page break between paragraphs.
+\sect{Forward References}
+Usualy you can refer to a \<code~name> only after it has been defined
+and a value is assigned to it (^{backward reference}s).
+If you want to refer to something which is defined at a later point in
+the manuscript (^{forward reference}) you can use the command
+^|\crossrestore|~\<filename>{\vspace} (restore information for cross
+references) just before the begin of the actual text of the
+manuscript and the commands |\superendpage| and |\save| (with the
+same \<filename>)
+immediately before the command |\bye|.
+If you process your manuscript for the first time you will get
+an error message that the file for |\crossrestore| is missing and a
+%*** user exits *** % called before
+lot of \<code~name>'s will be undefined.
+The next time, when the file for |\crossrestore| is present, all these
+names will be defined in exactly the same way they were defined at
+the end of the previous run.
+There should be no more undefined \<code~name>'s unless they are
+misspelled or are defined nowhere in the manuscript.
+Clearly these definitions may not be accurate if you have meanwhile
+modified the manuscript; in this case forward references will not be
+accurate in the this run but backward references will allways be
+\sect{User Exits}
+There are a few ^{user exits} which can be used for special
+All user exits are named ^|\...userexit| and any argument(s) are
+contained in the token list register ^|\toks0|, ^|\toks2|, |...|~.
+The following list contains all user exits presently defined together
+with their default definition:
+%*** the following lines are copied from PHYSTEXT ***
+%*** user exits *** % called before
+\def\skipuserexit{\setbox0\box255 } % page is not printed
+\def\shipuserexit{\unvbox255 } % page is printed
+\def\chapuserexit{\sectuserexit} % chapter title
+\def\appuserexit{\chapuserexit} % appendix title
+\def\sectuserexit{\secsuserexit} % section title
+\def\secsuserexit{\secssuserexit} % subsection title
+\def\secssuserexit{\secsssuserexit} % subsubsection title
+\let\secsssuserexit=\relax % subsubsubsection title
+They are all called immediately before the title of the chapter,
+appendix, section, {\dots} is printed.
+At this point |\toks0| contains (macros which will expand to) the
+number and |\toks2| contains the actual title.
+For an appendix |\toks0| will in addition contain the word `Appendix'
+or `Anhang' and |\toks2| may contain just `|\unskip|' if the appendix
+has no title.
+The following two examples show some details.
+Assume you want to remove the final dot in the (sub-)section
+In order to do that you have to define |\secsssuserexit|
+which will automatically be used for all higher exits up to
+|\sectuserexit| and you must make sure that this macro is not used
+for chapters and sections:
+\def\secsssuserexit{\expandafter\myuserexit\the\toks0 }
+Let us now consider a more complicated example.
+Suppose you want to start each chapter and appendix on a new
+page with two title lines in a huge font with 5mm extra space
+between them and 20mm extra space below and above.
+The first line shall contain the chapter or appendix number
+and the second line the actual title.
+Moreover the titles shall appear in the headline and a horizontal rule
+should be placed below the headline.
+You could, of course, write your own chapter and appendix
+macros for this purpose, taking care of things like resetting
+section numbers, possibly equation numbers ond so on.
+This might, however, cause incompatibilities with future
+changes of the PHYS macro package.
+It is, therefore, strongly recommended to use the appropriate
+user exits |\chapuserexit| and |\appuserexit| for this
+Below we give a sequence of commands which does all the required
+In order to understand them you have to know that immediately after
+the user exits the title line is printed with the command\lb
+|\ctrline{\titlestyle{\the\toks0\ \the\toks2}}|.\lb
+The use of |\mark|'s is not quite necessary in a situation where
+each chapter and appendix starts on a new page.
+The code around the marks is, however, necessary if there are titles
+with footnotes.
+\font\huge=ambx10 scaled\magstep3 % a huge font
+\toppagenum\chappage\althead \chapstretch=5cm
+\let\physskipheadline=\skipheadline % preserve old definition
+\def\skipheadline#1{\glet\skipheadrule#1% skip head line rule
+ \physskipheadline#1} % if headline is skipped
+\lheadtext={\firstmark} \rheadtext={\botmark}
+\let\physmakeheadline=\makeheadline % preserve old definition
+\def\makeheadline{\physmakeheadline % define new headline
+ \if F\skipheadrule \vbox to0mm{\vskip-8 mm\hrule
+ width \hsize \vss}\fi \nointerlineskip}
+\skipheadline=F % initialize \skipheadrule
+\def\titlestyle{\vadjust{\nobreak \vskip 5mm}\huge}
+\def\chapuserexit{\vglue 20mm%
+ \expandafter\ifx\expandafter\unskip\the\toks2 \toks4=\toks0
+ \else
+ \toks4={\unskip\egroup\egroup\ctrline\bgroup\titlestyle\bgroup}%
+ \edef\next{\the\toks4 \the\toks2}\toks4=\toks2
+ \toks2=\expandafter{\next}\fi
+ \bgroup\def\footnote{\expandafter\eat\eat}%
+ \let\hfootnote=\footnote % allow footnotes
+ \let\foot=\eat \let\hfoot=\eat % in title
+ \mark\expandafter{\the\toks4}\egroup
+ \toks2=\expandafter{\the\toks2\vadjust{\vskip 15mm}}}
+\indent\bpargroup The two exits |\skipuserexit| and |\shipuserexit|
+are called by the output routine |\physoutput| when a page is skipped
+(due to |\pagesel|) or is prepared for printing.
+The index of this manual is printed in three columns by using these
+two exits without any change in |\physoutput|.
+%*** end of file PMANSEL ***
+% \input pmanack % acknowledgements
+%*** this is file PMANACK as of 06.03.86 ***
+The authors have profited from many discussion with E. Belau,
+G. Raffelt and W. Wiedenmann.
+The present |\table| macro was originally designed by R. Schilling
+and many improvements at various places are due to discussions with him.
+Many macros descibed in this paper originate from macros for physics
+papers written at SLAC\null,
+some of them have been inspired by \AmSTeX.
+%*** end of file PMANACK ***
+% \input pmanopts % list of all options
+%*** this is file PMANOPTS as of 06.03.86 ***
+\appendix{List of all Options} ^^{options, list of all}
+This appendix lists all the options you can use with the
+PHYSE or PHYS formats.
+The default option is underlined unless otherwise indicated.
+The commands |\english| (default for PHYSE) or |\german| (default
+for PHYS) indicate that certain headings should be in english or
+german language (e.g.\ `Abstract' or `Zusammenfassung').
+You should choose \utt|\titlepage| or |\notitlepage| if the title of
+the paper etc.\ do or don't appear on a separate page which is
+terminated with |\endpage|.
+You can choose \utt|\botpagenum|, |\toppagenum| or |\nopagenum|
+to get page numbers printed at the bottom of each page,
+at the top of each page or to get no page numbers.
+In any case there will be no page number on the title page.
+You can choose \utt|\pageall| or |\pagechap| to get
+pages numbered throughout the paper or numbered separately for each
+chapter and appendix.
+The commands \utt|\portrait| and |\landscape| will switch between
+portrait and landscape format.
+In the later case the page numbers will have
+the number of the chapter or the letter of the appendix as prefix.
+\utt|\figpage| and |\nofigpage| indicate that the
+figure captions (if any) should or should not appear on one or
+several separate pages.
+The use of |\pagechap| forces them on separate pages in any case.
+The analogous commands \utt|\tabpage|, |\notabpage|,
+\utt|\refpage|, |\norefpage| and \utt|\footpage|, |\nofootpage|
+do exactly the same for the table captions, the list of references
+and (if applicable) the list of footnotes.
+You should use \utt|\chapters| or |\nochapters| if your
+paper does or does not contain chapters.
+Depending on other options this may influence the numbering of pages,
+equations, \dots\ .
+You should use \utt|\arabicchapnum| or |\romanchapnum| if you want
+the chapter numbers printed as arabic numbers or as (uppercase)
+roman numerals.
+You should use |\chappage| or \utt|\nochappage| if each chapter
+and appendix should or should not start on a new page.
+You can choose among |\equall|, \utt|\equchap| and
+|\equsect| if the equations should be numbered throughout the
+paper, for each chapter and appendix or for each section and appendix.
+Use |\equleft|, \utt|\equright|, or |\equnone| if the equation numbers
+should appear on the left side of the page, on the right side of
+the page, or should not be printed at all.
+You can choose |\equfull| or \utt|\equshort|
+to indicate that |\queq| should
+quote equation numbers in full or in abbreviated form (unless there is
+an explicit |\fulltag| or |\shorttag|).
+Use |\storebox|, \utt|\storelist| or |\storefile| if the
+figure captions, table captions, references and (possibly) footnotes
+shall be stored in boxes, as lists of macro definitions or on
+external files.
+Use \utt|\figall|, |\figchap| or |\figsect| if the figures should
+be numbered throughout the paper, for each chapter and appendix or
+for each section and appendix.
+Use \utt|\taball|, |\tabchap| or |\tabsect| if the tables should
+be numbered throughout the paper, for each chapter and appendix or
+for each section and appendix.
+Use \utt|\refsup| or |\refsqb| if quotations to references
+should appear as superscripts or enclosed in square brackets.
+Use \utt|\yearpage| or |\pageyear| if references generated
+by the macros for physics journals should appear in the form
+`journal {\bf volume} (year) page' or
+`journal {\bf volume}, page (year)'.
+Use \utt|\footbot| or |\footend| if `footnotes' should appear at
+the bottom of the page or at the end of the paper.
+Use \utt|\footsqb| or |\footpar| if you want footnote
+numbers enclosed in square brackets or followed by a parenthesis.
+This applies only to footnote numbers generated by |\foot|,
+not to the symbols which are given to |\footnote| as argument.
+%*** end of file PMANOPTS ***
+% \input pmanupdt % updates and corrections ...
+%*** this is file PMANUPDT as of 06.03.86 ***
+\appendix{Updates and Corrections to PHYS/PHYSE}
+\titcon{and Macro Libraries}
+\secs{Updates and Corrections to PHYS/PHYSE}
+The file PHYSUPDT TEX will contain ^{updates and corrections} of
+errors which are not yet implemented in the PHYS/PHYSE format.
+Therefore your {\TeX} input should start with the command
+|\input physupdt| in order to get all known errors corrected.
+In most cases you will, however, use a macro library and
+it is most convenient to put this command into the macro library.
+\secs{Private and Public Macro Libraries}
+It is recommended to organize ^{macro libraries} in a hierarchical
+\dashitem one public macro library which contains macros useful for
+all users at a computer or an institute.
+This library should start with the command |\input|~^|physupdt|.
+\dashitem one semi-public macro library for each larger group
+of users which should start with a command that reads the
+public macro library.
+\dashitem one private macro library for one user (or for several
+users working closely together) which should start with an
+|\input| command for the appropriate semi-public library.
+\secs{Macro Libraries at MPP}
+At present we use the following public and semi-public macro
+\secss{The File MPPMAC} ^^|mppmac|
+This library starts with |\input|~|physupdt| and contains macros
+which should be useful for everybody at the Max-Plack-Institut f\"ur
+^|\mppnum| to generate an MPP preprint or report number and\lb
+^|\mppaddress| to generate the MPP address on the title page\lb
+are described elsewhere in this manual and are needed in order
+to produce a copy of this manual from the {\TeX} source.
+In addition there is a command\lb
+which will produce an MPP letter head with your \<name> and
+\<phone> and the \<address> of the recipient.
+As usual different lines in this address are separated by |\\|.
+There are actually two such commands, |\letterL| for output
+on a LasergrafiX and |\letterC| for output on a Canon laser printer,
+because none of the large fonts is available for both devices.
+|\letter| is just a synonym for |\letterL|.
+\secss{The File CELMAC} ^^|celmac|
+This library starts with |\input|~|mppmac| and contains additional
+macros useful for the CELLO group at MPP\null.
+If you use this library the following additional macros are defined:\lb
+^|\Znull|, ^|\Wplus|, ^|\Wminus|, ^|\Wpm|, etc..
+\secss{The File THEMAC} ^^|themac|
+This library starts with |\input|~|mppmac| and contains additional
+macros useful for the THEORY group at MPP\null.
+If you use this library the following additional macros are defined:\lb
+^|\pthnum||{|\dots|}| instead of |\mppnum{PTh |\dots|}| and\lb
+^|\pthdate| instead of and |\pubdate|.
+The following additional macros for physics journals are defined in
+this file:
+%*** the following lines are copied from THEMAC ***
+\def\AP{\journal{Ann.\ \Phys}}
+\def\CMP{\journal{Commun.\ \Math\Phys}}
+\def\JMP{\journal{J.\ \Math\Phys}}
+\def\PRep{\journal{\Phys Rep.\ }}
+\def\RMP{\journal{\Rev Mod.\ \Phys}}
+\def\TMF{\journal{Teor.\ Mat.\ Fiz.\ }}
+%*** end of file PMANUPDT ***
+% \input pmanmacs % macro expansions, arguments, ...
+%*** this is file PMANMAC as of 06.03.86 ***
+\appendix{Macro Expansions, Arguments and Category Codes}
+In this appendix we have to treat some sublteties which may become
+important to someone designing somewhat more complicated macros.
+Most users should skip this appendix, at least when reading this
+manual for the first time.
+It was said earlier that code names may consist of letters,
+digits and apostrophes whereas usually {\TeX}'s control word
+names consist of letters only.
+The way this can be done is by temporarily declaring the
+digits and the apostrophe to be letters while the code name
+is read.
+Since {\TeX} decides which characters are letters when they
+are first read from the input file it is important that
+e.g.\ the argument `|\Author81|' of |\quref{\Author81}| is
+read by the macro |\quref| which temporarily causes the
+digits |8| and |1| to behave as letters.
+Things will clearly go wrong if you use something like\lb
+because then `|\Author81|' is read as part of |\xxx|'s
+argument as control word `|\Author|' (probably undefined)
+followed by the digits `|81|'.
+(Compare Chapter~7: How {\TeX} Reads What You Type,
+Chapter~20: Definitions (also called Macros), and
+Appendix~D: Dirty Tricks of the {\TeX}book\quref{\texbook}
+for more details.)
+Consider the macro definition |\def\line{\hbox to\hsize}|.
+After expanding and processing the macro |\line|, which has
+no argument, {\TeX} continues to read input characters and
+expand macros and expects to find a left brace (either an
+explicit one (|{|) or an implicit one (|\bgroup|)) which
+starts a new level of grouping.
+{\TeX} continues to read and expand input until eventually a matching
+right brace is found at which point the horizontal list
+built so far is put into an |\hbox| of width |\hsize|.
+The input commands\lb
+|\line{abc}| or |\line\bgroup abc\egroup| or\lb
+|\def\xx{{abc}}\line\xx| or even things like\lb
+|\line{abc\egroup| or |\def\xxx{\bgroup abc}\line\xxx}|\lb
+would all give the same result.
+The commands\lb
+|\def\zzz{\egroup\line\bgroup}\line{abc\zzz def}|\lb
+would even produce two lines.
+The input\lb
+would, however, be wrong and would lead to an error message.
+Things are quite different with PLAIN's macro definition\lb
+because (with this definition) |\leftline| has one argument.
+After reading the macro |\leftline| {\TeX} reads its
+argument (without any macro expansion) and will subsequently
+substitute this argument whenever there is a |#1| in the
+replacement text.
+Braces around a complex argument must be explicit and do not
+provide a new level of grouping.
+The input commands\lb
+|\leftline{abc}| or |\def\yy{abc}\leftline\yy|\lb
+would, therefore, give the same result.
+The input\lb
+|\leftline\bgroup abc\egroup|\lb
+would, however, be wrong (the argument would be `|\bgroup|')
+and would produce a quite different result.
+We are here mostly concerned with code names.
+The construction\lb
+works fine because |\Author81| will be read after expanding
+the macro |\quref| as usual.
+The construction\lb
+(with PLAIN's definition of |\leftline|) would however fail,
+because |\Author81| is read ahead of time as part of the
+argument for |\leftline|.
+It is exactly for this reason that the macros ^|\leftline|,
+^|\rightline|, ^|\centerline|, ^|\rlap| and ^|\llap| have been
+redefined in PHYS such that the above construction does what
+it is assumed to do.
+The original definitions, which are slightly faster, are
+still available under the names ^|\plainleftline|,
+^|\plainrightline|, ^|\plaincenterline|, ^|\plainrlap| and
+%*** end of file PMANMAC ***
+% \input pmanold % compatibility with the older version (0.95) ...
+%*** this is file PMANOLD as of 06.03.86 ***
+\appendix{Compatibility with the older Version (0.95) of PHYS}
+The present version 1.0 of the PHYS/PHYSE format is not entirely
+compatible with the previous one (0.95).
+The main incompatibilities are:
+\pointbegin the option ^|\equold| is no longer supported
+\point the ^|\table| macro
+You can, however, still use the old (0.8) form of equation numbers
+if you use the command |\input|~^|equold| instead of the option
+The new |\table| macro is based on the example on page 247
+(Chapter~22: Alignment) of the {\TeX}book \quref{\texbook}
+whereas the old macro was based on the example on page 392
+(Appendix~D: Dirty Tricks).
+The new macro is more flexible but sometimes you may want
+to still use the old one.
+In order to do so you can use the command |\input|~^|oldtabl|
+to read the old macro definition.
+Once this is done you can use ^|\oldtable| (default after
+|\input|~|oldtabl|) or ^|\newtable| to indicate that |\table| shall
+be the old or the new table macro.
+The syntax of the old |\table| macro is\lb
+with the following restrictions:
+\pointbegin The alignment preamble must terminate with |\cr|,
+not with |\crcr|, and the table must contain at least one row
+of aligned items.
+\point The last row of the table must contain the maximal number of
+columns (you can add empty entries if necessary)
+\point Every row of the table should contain a |\strut|
+to ensure the correct vertical spacing.
+It is in fact advisable to have a strut in each table entry in order
+to avoid `underfull hbox'es.
+\point The alignment material should not contain |\noalign|.
+All horizontal rules should be produced with |\tabrule|
+right after the corresponding |\cr|.
+\point The vertical rules are put into the middle of the tabskip glue
+and the parts of the tabskip glue to the left of the leftmost rule
+and to the right of the rightmost rule are cut off.
+If the initial tabskip is zero (default) |\table| inserts its own
+value (24.4pt plus 24pt minus 12pt, .4pt are for the width of the
+You can modify the value of tabskip in the alignment preamble,
+but you should know exactly what you are doing.
+Irrespective of your modifications |\table| will use the same
+tabskip value after the last column as before the first column.
+\point If you want to omit a vertical rule use |\omitrule| in the
+alignment preamble, either immediately after the `|{|' or
+immediately before an `|&|' or the `|\cr|'.
+%*** end of file PMANOLD ***
+\nofigpage\figout % print figure captions on same page
+\notabpage\tabout % print table captions on same page
+\norefpage\refout % print references on same page
+\nofootpage\footout % print footnotes on same page (\footbot)
+\startindex %make the index
+\tocpage\tocout % print table of contents on new page
+\bye % end of the TEX job
+%*** end of file PMANUAL ***