path: root/macros/luatex/latex/selnolig/selnolig-english-hyphex.sty
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/luatex/latex/selnolig/selnolig-english-hyphex.sty
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/latex/selnolig/selnolig-english-hyphex.sty')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/latex/selnolig/selnolig-english-hyphex.sty b/macros/luatex/latex/selnolig/selnolig-english-hyphex.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92a1f504c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/latex/selnolig/selnolig-english-hyphex.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+% !TeX root = selnolig.tex
+% !TEX TS-program = lualatex
+% This entire package is placed under the
+% terms of the LaTeX Project Public License,
+% version 1.3 or later
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+% It has the status "maintained".
+% Author: Mico Loretan
+% (loretan dot mico at gmail dot com)
+\hyphenation{re-roof re-roof-ing
+ be-dwarf be-dwarf-ing be-gulf be-gulf-ing feoff en-feoff in-feoff
+ re-staff re-stuff
+ dam-sel dam-sel-fish dam-sel-fly dam-sel-flies
+ dis-tel-fink but-ter-fin-ger
+ man-tel-shelf man-tel-shelf-ful man-tel-shelf-fuls
+ dwarf-ish elf-ish oaf-ish serf-ish un-self-ish wolf-ish draff-ish
+ gi-raff-ish raff-ish
+ dwarf-ish-ness elf-ish-ness oaf-ish-ness serf-ish-ness un-self-ish-ness
+ wolf-ish-ness
+ beef-i-est comf-i-est goof-i-est gulf-i-est leaf-i-est surf-i-est
+ turf-i-est
+ goof-i-ness
+ cuff-less turf-less
+ calf-like dwarf-like elf-like gulf-like hoof-like leaf-like roof-like
+ serf-like sheaf-like shelf-like surf-like turf-like waif-like wolf-like
+ cliff-like
+ half-life half-lives shelf-life shelf-lives half-line half-lines
+ roof-line roof-lines roof-tree roof-trees
+ leaf-let leaf-lets leaf-leted leaf-let-ing leaf-let-ting leaf-let-ted
+ leaf-le-teer pdf-latex
+ baff-ing chaff-ing coiff-ing daff-ing en-feoff-ing in-feoff-ing
+ feoff-ing gaff-ing piaff-ing quaff-ing re-staff-ing re-stuff-ing
+ sclaff-ing over-staff-ing un-der-staff-ing staff-ing waff-ing yaff-ing
+ buff-i-est chaff-i-est chuff-i-est cliff-i-est daff-i-est fluff-i-est
+ gruff-i-est huff-i-est iff-i-est miff-i-est puff-i-est scruff-i-est
+ sniff-i-est snuff-i-est spiff-i-est stuff-i-est
+ daff-i-ness fluff-i-ness gruff-i-ness huff-i-ness iff-i-ness puff-i-ness
+ scruff-i-ness sniff-i-ness snuff-i-ness spiff-i-ness stuff-i-ness
+ baff-ies biff-ies jiff-ies taff-ies toff-ies waff-ies
+ Pfaff-ian Wolff-ian Wulff-ian
+ scoff-law scoff-laws cuff-link cuff-links off-load off-loads
+ off-load-ing
+ off-line ruff-like
+ chaf-finch chaf-finches wolf-fish
+ fif-ties fif-ti-eth fif-ti-eths fif-ty-ish
+ half-tone half-tones roof-top roof-tops
+ bat-house boat-house cat-house proph-et-hood rat-hole
+ boat-hook meat-hook pot-hook
+ foot-hold root-hold ant-hill foot-hill goat-herd neat-herd
+ boat-houses cat-houses rat-holes boat-hooks meat-hooks pot-hooks
+ foot-holds root-holds ant-hills foot-hills goat-herds neat-herds
+ apart-heid anti-apart-heid dust-heap dust-heaps
+ night-hawk night-hawks pot-hunt post-hu-mous wart-hog wart-hogs
+ watt-hour watt-hours kilo-watt-hour kilo-watt-hours
+ pot-hold-ers
+ pains-taker pains-tak-ing dogs-tail cross-talk gas-tight
+ off-key
+ blog-o-sphere arc-tan-gent co-arc-ta-tion ant-arc-tica ant-arc-tic
+ busi-ness-per-son con-gress-per-son crafts-per-son drafts-per-son
+ news-per-son spokes-per-son
+ dis-pir-its dis-pir-it-ing dis-pir-it-ed-ness
+ dis-pa-rate dis-pa-rate-ness dis-par-ag-ing
+ dis-pel-ling dis-pen-sa-ries dis-pen-sa-to-ries dis-pens-ers
+ dis-pers-ers dis-pers-ible dis-pit-eous dis-play-able
+ dis-pos-ers dis-plum-ing
+ dis-put-able dis-put-ably dis-put-ant dis-put-ants
+ mono-dis-perse non-dis-pers-ive
+ in-dis-put-able in-dis-put-ably in-dis-put-able-ness
+ un-dis-put-able wolf-hound
+ trans-pa-ci-fic ca-tas-tro-phe
+ tran-spond tran-spon-der co-respond trans-pla-cen-tal
+ leaf-hop-per leaf-hop-pers
+ al-a-bas-ter anti-pasto sea-strand sto-chas-tic
+ dis-trib-ute dis-trib-uted
+ be-thank be-thorn be-thought be-thump fire-thorn
+ flame-thrower none-the-less re-thread white-throat
+ nine-ti-eth nine-ti-eths Beet-hoven breth-ren
+ le-thal le-thar-gic meth-a-done non-eth-i-cal
+ cath-o-lic ca-thol-i-cism
+ name-tag name-tags re-table re-tab-les time-table
+ re-tie re-teach re-tile re-tint re-ti-tle
+ bud-get-ary di-et-ary pro-pri-e-tary
+ cov-et-able de-plet-able get-able in-ter-pret-able
+ mar-ket-able pock-et-able veg-e-ta-ble
+ cen-trip-e-tal pet-al skel-e-tal so-ci-e-tal
+ tris-kai-deka-pho-bia raths-kel-ler
+ mis-keep mis-kept mis-know
+ greens-keep-ers grounds-keep-ers
+ an-i-mal-like jew-el-like drive-train
+ in-tra-spe-cies
+ trans-pierce de-tick blue-tick
+ for-tune-tell-ing for-tune-tell-ers
+ pre-term pre-test pre-ti-tling
+ en-tire-ties sure-ties scho-las-tic scho-las-tics
+ mega-star meta-sta-ble
+ ca-thar-sis cath-e-ter mar-a-thon
+ tri-ath-lon tri-ath-lete eth-ane
+ an-ti-sag an-ti-slip in-fra-struc-ture me-tath-e-sis
+ mega-spore mega-spores tetra-spore tetra-spores
+ safe-ties ar-che-type ar-che-typ-al
+ or-tho-don-tist or-tho-don-tia
+ cliff-hang-ers cliff-jump cliff-jump-ers
+ pre-eth-i-cal teeth-ridge teeth-ridges
+ free-think-ers rijst-tafel
+ re-treat-ant re-treat-ants re-treat-ers
+ re-trourse retro re-trorse re-try re-try-ing
+ ret-ro-act ret-ro-acts ret-ro-ac-ted ret-ro-ac-ting
+ ret-ro-ac-tion ret-ro-ac-tions
+ ret-ro-ac-tive ret-ro-ac-tively
+ ret-ro-ac-ti-vi-ties ret-ro-ac-ti-vity
+ ret-ro-cede ret-ro-ceded ret-ro-cedes ret-ro-ced-ing
+ ret-ro-ces-sion ret-ro-ces-sions
+ ret-ro-dict ret-ro-dicts ret-ro-dicted ret-ro-dict-ing
+ ret-ro-dic-tion ret-ro-dic-tions ret-ro-dic-tive
+ ret-ro-fire ret-ro-fired ret-ro-fires ret-ro-fir-ing
+ ret-ro-fit ret-ro-fits ret-ro-fit-ted ret-ro-fit-ting
+ ret-ro-flec-tion ret-ro-flec-tions
+ ret-ro-flex ret-ro-flex-ion ret-ro-flex-ions
+ ret-ro-gra-da-tion ret-ro-gra-da-tions
+ ret-ro-grade ret-ro-graded
+ ret-ro-gress ret-ro-gress-ion ret-ro-gress-ions
+ ret-ro-gress-ive ret-ro-gress-ively
+ ret-ro-pack ret-ro-packs
+ ret-ro-pe-ri-ton-eal ret-ro-pe-ri-ton-e-ally
+ ret-ro-re-flec-tion ret-ro-re-flec-tions ret-ro-re-flec-tive
+ ret-ro-re-flec-tor ret-ro-re-flec-tors
+ ret-ro-rocket ret-ro-rockets
+ ret-ro-spect ret-ro-spects ret-ro-spected ret-ro-specting
+ ret-ro-spection ret-ro-spections
+ ret-ro-spective ret-ro-spectively ret-ro-spectives
+ ret-ro-version ret-ro-versions
+ ret-ro-viral ret-ro-virus ret-ro-viruses
+ re-twist re-twists re-twisted re-twist-ing
+ fore-tell-ers fore-tell-ing
+ pre-tele-vi-sion pre-the-ater
+ re-team re-teamed re-team-ing re-teams
+ re-tear re-tears re-tear-ing
+ re-test re-tests re-test-ing re-tests
+ re-tic-u-lo-en-do-the-lial re-tic-u-lum
+ re-tie re-ties re-tied
+ re-tighten re-tight-ened re-tight-en-ing re-tight-ens
+ re-tiled re-tiles re-til-ing
+ ret-ina ret-i-nae ret-i-nas ret-i-nal ret-i-nal
+ ret-ina-cula ret-ina-cu-lum ret-i-form
+ cats-kills peeks-kill gott-hard det-ri-ment
+ che-tah
+ \hyphenation{beef-i-er cliff-i-er comf-i-er goof-i-er gulf-i-er
+ leaf-i-er surf-i-er turf-i-er
+ dwarf-ish-ly elf-ish-ly oaf-ish-ly serf-ish-ly un-self-ish-ly
+ wolf-ish-ly wolf-fish-ly
+ fif-ty
+ buff-i-er chaff-i-er chuff-i-er daff-i-er fluff-i-er gruff-i-er
+ huff-i-er iff-i-er miff-i-er puff-i-er scruff-i-er sniff-i-er
+ snuff-i-er spiff-i-er stuff-i-er
+ elf-in
+ sniff-i-ly snuff-i-ly spiff-i-ly stuff-i-ly
+ beef-i-ly goof-i-ly
+ cuff-less-ly
+ aloof-ly brief-ly chief-ly lief-ly
+ bluff-ly gruff-ly ruff-ly snuff-ly stiff-ly
+ draff-ish-ly gi-raff-ish-ly raff-ish-ly daff-i-ly fluff-i-ly
+ gruff-i-ly huff-i-ly puff-i-ly scruff-i-ly
+ pot-hold-er post-hu-mous-ly
+ off-hand-ed off-load-ed
+ rath-er slath-er
+ trans-per-son-al sphe-ric-i-ty cis-plat-in
+ dis-pir-it dis-pir-it-ed dis-pir-it-ed-ly dis-pir-it-ed-ness-es
+ dis-pa-rate-ly dis-par-ag-ing-ly dis-pa-rate-ness-es
+ dis-pen-sa-ry dis-pen-sa-to-ry dis-pens-er un-dis-put-ed
+ in-tra-spe-cif-ic in-fra-spe-cif-ic
+ cliff-hang-er cliff-jump-er
+ pleth-o-ra meth-od
+ greens-keep-er grounds-keep-er for-tune-tell-er
+ in-tra-tho-rac-ic aro-ma-ther-a-py
+ ar-che-typ-al free-think-er
+ in-fra-spe-cif-ic in-tra-spe-cif-ic}
+ \hyphenation{beef-ier comf-ier goof-ier gulf-ier leaf-ier surf-ier
+ turf-ier
+ dwarf-ishly elf-ishly oaf-ishly serf-ishly un-self-ishly
+ wolfish-ly wolf-fishly
+ buff-ier chaff-ier chuff-ier cliff-ier daff-ier fluff-ier gruff-ier
+ huff-ier iff-ier miff-ier puff-ier scruff-ier sniff-ier snuff-ier
+ spiff-ier
+ stuff-ier sniff-ily snuff-ily spiff-ily stuff-ily
+ beef-ily goof-ily
+ cuff-lessly
+ draff-ishly gi-raff-ishly raff-ishly daff-ily fluff-ily gruff-ily
+ huff-ily puff-ily scruff-ily
+ pot-holder post-hu-mously
+ off-handed off-loaded
+ trans-per-sonal sphe-ric-ity cis-platin
+ dis-pirit dis-pir-ited dis-pir-it-edly dis-pir-it-ed-nesses
+ dis-pa-rately dis-par-ag-ingly dis-pa-rate-nesses
+ dis-pen-sary dis-pen-sa-tory dis-penser un-dis-puted
+ in-tra-spe-cific in-fra-spe-cific
+ pleth-ora
+ greens-keeper grounds-keeper for-tune-teller
+ in-tra-tho-racic aro-ma-ther-apy
+ ar-che-typal cliff-hanger cliff-jumper
+ free-thinker}