path: root/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/core/functionexpression.lua
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authorNorbert Preining <>2022-11-06 03:01:22 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2022-11-06 03:01:22 +0000
commit0a7c9b85de9aeaffafa0cf8944fa81ffe9652d09 (patch)
treea8a932b3f786cf3601808c4e352b3b6b07731742 /macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/core/functionexpression.lua
parent5a47812f51f3d10a580db0c74aa20d73f5ed2ae4 (diff)
CTAN sync 202211060301
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/core/functionexpression.lua')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/core/functionexpression.lua b/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/core/functionexpression.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc94790b81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/core/functionexpression.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+--- @class FunctionExpression
+--- Represents a generic function that takes zero or more expressions as inputs.
+--- @field name SymbolExpression
+--- @field expressions table<number, Expression>
+--- @field orders table<number, Integer>
+--- @field variables table<number,SymbolExpression>
+--- @alias Function FunctionExpression
+FunctionExpression = {}
+__FunctionExpression = {}
+-- Instance functionality --
+--- Creates a new function expression with the given operation.
+--- @param name string|SymbolExpression
+--- @param expressions table<number, Expression>
+--- @param derivatives table<number,Integer>
+--- @return FunctionExpression
+function FunctionExpression:new(name, expressions, derivatives)
+ local o = {}
+ local __o = Copy(__ExpressionOperations)
+ if type(name) == "table" and name:type() == SymbolExpression then
+ name = name.symbol
+ end
+ if TrigExpression.NAMES[name] and #expressions == 1 then
+ return TrigExpression(name, expressions[1])
+ end
+ -- TODO: Symbol Checking For Constructing derivatives like this
+ --if string.sub(name, #name, #name) == "'" and #expressions == 1 then
+ -- return DerivativeExpression(FunctionExpression(string.sub(name, 1, #name - 1), expressions), SymbolExpression("x"), true)
+ --end
+ = name
+ o.expressions = Copy(expressions)
+ o.variables = Copy(expressions)
+ for _,expression in ipairs(o.variables) do
+ if not expression:isatomic() then
+ o.variables = {}
+ if #o.expressions < 4 then
+ local defaultvars = {SymbolExpression('x'),SymbolExpression('y'),SymbolExpression('z')}
+ for i=1,#o.expressions do
+ o.variables[i] = defaultvars[i]
+ end
+ else
+ for i=1,#o.expressions do
+ o.variables[i] = SymbolExpression('x_'..tostring(i))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if derivatives then
+ o.derivatives = Copy(derivatives)
+ else
+ o.derivatives = {}
+ for i=1,#o.variables do
+ o.derivatives[i] =
+ end
+ end
+ __o.__index = FunctionExpression
+ __o.__tostring = function(a)
+ local total =
+ for _,integer in ipairs(a.derivatives) do
+ total = total + integer
+ end
+ if total == then
+ local out = .. '('
+ for index, expression in ipairs(a.expressions) do
+ out = out .. tostring(expression)
+ if a.expressions[index + 1] then
+ out = out .. ', '
+ end
+ end
+ return out .. ')'
+ else
+ local out = 'd'
+ if total > then
+ out = out ..'^' .. tostring(total)
+ end
+ out = out .. .. '/'
+ for index,integer in ipairs(a.derivatives) do
+ if integer > then
+ out = out .. 'd' .. tostring(a.variables[index])
+ if integer > then
+ out = out .. '^' .. tostring(integer)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ out = out .. '('
+ for index, expression in ipairs(a.expressions) do
+ out = out .. tostring(expression)
+ if a.expressions[index + 1] then
+ out = out .. ', '
+ end
+ end
+ return out .. ')'
+ end
+ end
+ __o.__eq = function(a, b)
+ -- if b:type() == TrigExpression then
+ -- return a == b:tofunction()
+ -- end
+ if b:type() ~= FunctionExpression then
+ return false
+ end
+ if #a.expressions ~= #b.expressions then
+ return false
+ end
+ for index, _ in ipairs(a.expressions) do
+ if a.expressions[index] ~= b.expressions[index] then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ for index,_ in ipairs(a.derivatives) do
+ if a.derivatives[index] ~= b.derivatives[index] then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return ==
+ end
+ o = setmetatable(o, __o)
+ return o
+--- @return FunctionExpression
+function FunctionExpression:evaluate()
+ local results = {}
+ for index, expression in ipairs(self:subexpressions()) do
+ results[index] = expression:evaluate()
+ end
+ local result = FunctionExpression(, results, self.derivatives)
+ result.variables = self.variables
+ return result
+--- @return FunctionExpression
+function FunctionExpression:autosimplify()
+ -- Since the function is completely generic, we can't really do anything execpt autosimplify subexpressions.
+ local results = {}
+ for index, expression in ipairs(self:subexpressions()) do
+ results[index] = expression:autosimplify()
+ end
+ local result = FunctionExpression(, results, self.derivatives)
+ result.variables = self.variables
+ return result
+--- @return table<number, Expression>
+function FunctionExpression:subexpressions()
+ return self.expressions
+--- @param subexpressions table<number, Expression>
+--- @return FunctionExpression
+function FunctionExpression:setsubexpressions(subexpressions)
+ local result = FunctionExpression(, subexpressions, self.derivatives)
+ result.variables = self.variables
+ return result
+--- @param other Expression
+--- @return boolean
+function FunctionExpression:order(other)
+ if other:isatomic() then
+ return false
+ end
+ -- CASC Autosimplfication has some symbols appearing before functions, but that looks bad to me, so all symbols appear before products now.
+ -- if other:type() == SymbolExpression then
+ -- return SymbolExpression(
+ -- end
+ if other:type() == BinaryOperation then
+ if other.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD or other.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL then
+ return BinaryOperation(other.operation, {self}):order(other)
+ end
+ if other.operation == BinaryOperation.POW then
+ return (self^
+ end
+ end
+ if other:type() == SqrtExpression then
+ return self:order(other:topower())
+ end
+ -- TODO: Make Logarithm and AbsExpression inherit from function expression to reduce code duplication
+ if other:type() == Logarithm then
+ return self:order(FunctionExpression("log", {other.base, other.expression}))
+ end
+ if other:type() ~= FunctionExpression and other:type() ~= TrigExpression then
+ return true
+ end
+ if ~= then
+ return SymbolExpression(
+ end
+ local k = 1
+ while self:subexpressions()[k] and other:subexpressions()[k] do
+ if self:subexpressions()[k] ~= other:subexpressions()[k] then
+ return self:subexpressions()[k]:order(other:subexpressions()[k])
+ end
+ k = k + 1
+ end
+ return #self.expressions < #other.expressions
+--- @return string
+function FunctionExpression:tolatex()
+ local out = tostring(
+ if self:type() == TrigExpression then
+ out = "\\" .. out
+ end
+ if self:type() ~= TrigExpression and>1 then
+ --if out:sub(2,2) ~= "'" then
+ --local fp = out:find("'")
+ --if fp then
+ -- out = '\\operatorname{' .. out:sub(1,fp-1) .. '}' .. out:sub(fp,-1)
+ --else
+ out = '\\operatorname{' .. out .. '}'
+ --end
+ --end
+ end
+ local total =
+ for _,integer in ipairs(self.derivatives) do
+ total = total + integer
+ end
+ if #self.expressions == 1 then
+ if total == then
+ goto continue
+ else
+ if total < Integer(5) then
+ while total > do
+ out = out .. "'"
+ total = total -
+ end
+ else
+ out = out .. '^{(' .. total:tolatex() .. ')}'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if #self.expressions > 1 then
+ if total == then
+ goto continue
+ else
+ if total < Integer(4) then
+ out = out .. '_{'
+ for index,integer in ipairs(self.derivatives) do
+ local i = integer:asnumber()
+ while i > 0 do
+ out = out .. self.variables[index]:tolatex()
+ i = i - 1
+ end
+ end
+ out = out .. '}'
+ else
+ out = '\\frac{\\partial^{' .. total:tolatex() .. '}' .. out .. '}{'
+ for index, integer in ipairs(self.derivatives) do
+ if integer > then
+ out = out .. '\\partial ' .. self.variables[index]:tolatex()
+ if integer ~= then
+ out = out .. '^{' .. integer:tolatex() .. '}'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ out = out .. '}'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ::continue::
+ out = out ..'\\mathopen{}' .. '\\left('
+ for index, expression in ipairs(self:subexpressions()) do
+ out = out .. expression:tolatex()
+ if self:subexpressions()[index + 1] then
+ out = out .. ', '
+ end
+ end
+ return out .. '\\right)'
+-- Inheritance --
+__FunctionExpression.__index = CompoundExpression
+__FunctionExpression.__call =
+FunctionExpression = setmetatable(FunctionExpression, __FunctionExpression) \ No newline at end of file