path: root/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/types.lua
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authorNorbert Preining <>2021-09-20 03:02:23 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-09-20 03:02:23 +0000
commitc9fcf97bc045a9d020980c33b6c7c1ee5aedef99 (patch)
treebf74a43623e081cad4b72a752730aeff86b7c5cf /macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/types.lua
parent996c9b239bde82dc3ef3e5b69cd525e87fdb61a8 (diff)
CTAN sync 202109200302
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/types.lua')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/types.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/types.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35b0ccb54a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/types.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+---- Dealing with Detailed Type Information
+-- Dependencies `pl.utils`
+-- @module pl.types
+local utils = require 'pl.utils'
+local math_ceil = math.ceil
+local assert_arg = utils.assert_arg
+local types = {}
+--- is the object either a function or a callable object?.
+-- @param obj Object to check.
+function types.is_callable (obj)
+ return type(obj) == 'function' or getmetatable(obj) and getmetatable(obj).__call and true
+--- is the object of the specified type?.
+-- If the type is a string, then use type, otherwise compare with metatable.
+-- NOTE: this function is imported from `utils.is_type`.
+-- @param obj An object to check
+-- @param tp The expected type
+-- @function is_type
+-- @see utils.is_type
+types.is_type = utils.is_type
+local fileMT = getmetatable(io.stdout)
+--- a string representation of a type.
+-- For tables and userdata with metatables, we assume that the metatable has a `_name`
+-- field. If the field is not present it will return 'unknown table' or
+-- 'unknown userdata'.
+-- Lua file objects return the type 'file'.
+-- @param obj an object
+-- @return a string like 'number', 'table', 'file' or 'List'
+function types.type (obj)
+ local t = type(obj)
+ if t == 'table' or t == 'userdata' then
+ local mt = getmetatable(obj)
+ if mt == fileMT then
+ return 'file'
+ elseif mt == nil then
+ return t
+ else
+ -- TODO: the "unknown" is weird, it should just return the type
+ return mt._name or "unknown "..t
+ end
+ else
+ return t
+ end
+--- is this number an integer?
+-- @param x a number
+-- @raise error if x is not a number
+-- @return boolean
+function types.is_integer (x)
+ return math_ceil(x)==x
+--- Check if the object is "empty".
+-- An object is considered empty if it is:
+-- - `nil`
+-- - a table without any items (key-value pairs or indexes)
+-- - a string with no content ("")
+-- - not a nil/table/string
+-- @param o The object to check if it is empty.
+-- @param ignore_spaces If the object is a string and this is true the string is
+-- considered empty if it only contains spaces.
+-- @return `true` if the object is empty, otherwise a falsy value.
+function types.is_empty(o, ignore_spaces)
+ if o == nil then
+ return true
+ elseif type(o) == "table" then
+ return next(o) == nil
+ elseif type(o) == "string" then
+ return o == "" or (not not ignore_spaces and (not not o:find("^%s+$")))
+ else
+ return true
+ end
+local function check_meta (val)
+ if type(val) == 'table' then return true end
+ return getmetatable(val)
+--- is an object 'array-like'?
+-- An object is array like if:
+-- - it is a table, or
+-- - it has a metatable with `__len` and `__index` methods
+-- NOTE: since `__len` is 5.2+, on 5.1 is usually returns `false` for userdata
+-- @param val any value.
+-- @return `true` if the object is array-like, otherwise a falsy value.
+function types.is_indexable (val)
+ local mt = check_meta(val)
+ if mt == true then return true end
+ return mt and mt.__len and mt.__index and true
+--- can an object be iterated over with `pairs`?
+-- An object is iterable if:
+-- - it is a table, or
+-- - it has a metatable with a `__pairs` meta method
+-- NOTE: since `__pairs` is 5.2+, on 5.1 is usually returns `false` for userdata
+-- @param val any value.
+-- @return `true` if the object is iterable, otherwise a falsy value.
+function types.is_iterable (val)
+ local mt = check_meta(val)
+ if mt == true then return true end
+ return mt and mt.__pairs and true
+--- can an object accept new key/pair values?
+-- An object is iterable if:
+-- - it is a table, or
+-- - it has a metatable with a `__newindex` meta method
+-- @param val any value.
+-- @return `true` if the object is writeable, otherwise a falsy value.
+function types.is_writeable (val)
+ local mt = check_meta(val)
+ if mt == true then return true end
+ return mt and mt.__newindex and true
+-- Strings that should evaluate to true. -- TODO: add on/off ???
+local trues = { yes=true, y=true, ["true"]=true, t=true, ["1"]=true }
+-- Conditions types should evaluate to true.
+local true_types = {
+ boolean=function(o, true_strs, check_objs) return o end,
+ string=function(o, true_strs, check_objs)
+ o = o:lower()
+ if trues[o] then
+ return true
+ end
+ -- Check alternative user provided strings.
+ for _,v in ipairs(true_strs or {}) do
+ if type(v) == "string" and o == v:lower() then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end,
+ number=function(o, true_strs, check_objs) return o ~= 0 end,
+ table=function(o, true_strs, check_objs) if check_objs and next(o) ~= nil then return true end return false end
+--- Convert to a boolean value.
+-- True values are:
+-- * boolean: true.
+-- * string: 'yes', 'y', 'true', 't', '1' or additional strings specified by `true_strs`.
+-- * number: Any non-zero value.
+-- * table: Is not empty and `check_objs` is true.
+-- * everything else: Is not `nil` and `check_objs` is true.
+-- @param o The object to evaluate.
+-- @param[opt] true_strs optional Additional strings that when matched should evaluate to true. Comparison is case insensitive.
+-- This should be a List of strings. E.g. "ja" to support German.
+-- @param[opt] check_objs True if objects should be evaluated.
+-- @return true if the input evaluates to true, otherwise false.
+function types.to_bool(o, true_strs, check_objs)
+ local true_func
+ if true_strs then
+ assert_arg(2, true_strs, "table")
+ end
+ true_func = true_types[type(o)]
+ if true_func then
+ return true_func(o, true_strs, check_objs)
+ elseif check_objs and o ~= nil then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+return types